TIIE CENTRE REPORTER. Ceaire IlaU.PtiTVnd Sept. 18. 79. pVTkrmi.— s'2per year. tr*cn paid in ir/rauMtlM wVn not paid '*• advance. Adrertiscments "JOcts per line far three in xrrtionx, unit ft eentsper line for every tub* sequent insertion. Advertisement* by the year at a liberal discount. Subscribers outside the county should re mit us 10 ct, amount of one year's post* aye, instead of'Xtet* as formerly irhen paid by themselves. Subscribers can always tell bote their ac* "ounts stand at the Reporter office by con suiting the tables on their papers. It the table rends ".lohn Koe I jati '"ft" it means that John is indebted for subscription from the Is# of January, 187 ft, and that it is time he icas paying the printer. LOCAL items. LODGE MEETINGS ' \ T* It *l.l. lrflH, Re &. I O efO F . wests *V. ! \ StnrOi . v.nlnc In Ih* 0.1-I t ''* l' II.S. i!>v>nH*KT.tSiv'r. Vt- R- "■ G. • V.o IViftT Re N'T. F A. M., meets >• V e,intn on rb*tM*M per M.. 100,000 feet from Sam'l Ilarter, and 100,000 from another party. There were light frosts in some lo calities of this county last week. No barm done, however. J R. Norris ba* returned and will remain a short lime in Spring Mill*. Cotno soon and have your photographs made. —Dr. J. B Krider, formerly of Mill heim, now practicing bis profession at Bu- Cyrus Crawford Co , Ohio, ia company with bis family is visiting friends in this county. The Dr. looks well, has grown quite corpulent. Evidently Ohio fare must agree with him. Next Saturday, 20, the Sabbath j school at the George's Valley church will hold a pic-aic in Sam' 1 Ilarter's wood*, oppoeitp the church. The church at the same time will he lurnished with a new and larger hell than the present one, which will he taker, down and sold to the highe-t bidder. Addresses will be de iv ed by Rev Fischer and others. Over every public road in this and adjoining counties can be seen running wagons and buggies, of first class make put up at Lee's Centre Hall shops. Commissioner Gregg has left at the REPORTER "ffice a sample of Georgia pine with which the floors in our county prison are now being laid. Tbis flooring is li inches thick, and will no douht last until Gabriel sounds bis trump—if that event is not too far distant We think the Com missioners should not have gone quite so far south for stuff; they might have stop ped in Delaware and brought up one of its whipping posts, a few months trial of it would have left little use for floors in the cells. Centre County Fair Oct, Ist, 2nd and Zed. The Centre county Agricultural So ciety will have the largest and best fair this fall that has ever been held on its grounds. Frank Cnamberiin, Esq., is untiri-g in his efforts to make the amuse ment department, of which he is Superin tendent, the most attractive feature of tbo exhibition. Seven acres of land in Mercer coun ty yielded 150 bushels of wheat, 6ays an exchange, Now what's that ? the Huston farm, one of the best in Pennsvallev, this year from 66 acres brought 200 bushels wheat, and anether farm took 71 bushels wheat off of 35 acres, and we culd cite dozen other farms at the same rate this year— but such failures are an exception in this one of best wheat growing Tallies in the state. Queen 6 ware of the best quality and in great variety, at Sechler's. They car ry a full line and are able to supply all trade. They sell in sets oj- a single piece of any desired shape or pattern ; also yel low and Rockingham ware, all sizes and shapes, and prices greatly reduced. PIMPLES AXD BLOTCHES on the face can be removed by rubbing with Cam phor Milk. It cost only 25 cts. per bottle. J. 1) Murray, Centre Ball. < aug 4t Go to your store or druggist and get a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup, asthma, or early stage of consumption. Phoenix Pectoral will cure your cough- Phoenix Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings Phmuix Pectoral costs 25 cts; 6 bottles sl. Sold by J. D Murray, Centre Hall. Wm. Beck, Piano Tuner, Bellefonte. Cb*rg reasonable. tf Lttwranmo C*VTM A TVMKI KAU.- no* P. The Tyrone Herald *f last week says: Public interest in the completion of thi* important branch railroad it being renewed again, end we have information to the effect that vigorous effort* are now being made to have the line flnihed and put in running condition from Ihit place to Pennsylvania Furnace, a dittance of about sixteen mil* S. 0. Stewart, eneof the Director*, ha* been giving the matter hi* unremitting attention at thi* end of the road, and ha* encouraging proipectt that hi* efforts will be successful. Thi* road, should haTe been completed long ago. but for reaten* not necessary to mention, work w.i* suspended, and the money invested in grading and bridge* has, ot course, re mained dead *tock. The incalculable benefit of the road, when finished, should be an urgent incentive toward its comple tion. The development of the iron or* in the district through which the road passes and the ore beds beyond Pennsylvania Furnace, hut within reach of the new line will establish a profitable freight business, without any other trade Several banks belonging to Messrs. Lyon, Shorb A Co., ar.it others owned by Shoenberger in com mon with Lyon, Shorb A Co., are alreaJy opened, and only aw ait an outlet by rail, when their product* will flow iato market. These ores arc of the hematite variety, rich in quality, and extensive in the range of thoir deposits. The iron busines* Is re viving, and now i just the time to develop the immense ore deposits of the rich hematite belt that crops out in thi* locali ty. ■—The new township road, from Aa ronebutf to a point on tho MiUheim aad Coburn Turnpike, commonly known as Swarts's Saw Mill, is now open for the public. It will be remembered that this road caused a good deal of trouble to tho frieeds and eppoer. Throe setts of view i era run the route, at as many different I times. Almost endless testimony was tak en and presented to Court. Nothing in tact was undone which could in the re motest wey harm or benefit the project. Now since it is open to "the public" we hope the convenience it affords, may am ply repay those interested on either side, for any trouble they may have gone to. A fanatical woman, professing Aventiet beliefs, has been trying to prey upon the common sense of the people in the lower end of the valley. But they would cot he gulled any. So she left tho country thinking Pennsvalley a poor place for speaking her heresies. Frank Chamberlin Biq., is to Lata the tunnv department and ho ii working hard and' success is sure. All fine groceries, canned goods, pickets, sauces, oils, oranges, lemons, cranberries. Ac , atSechler's, and strictly pure spkes- They handle no impure or adulterated goods of any kind. \\ e free ly and cheerfully testify to this as a fact and from our own experience- 1 advise all people t v buy their shoes at Louis Doll's, it is the cheapest place of ail. Numerous entries are being daily made for the fair in the various classes. Let all the people encourage it by their presence, and thus promote the interests of our county. -i —There is one place of attraction that should not he missed during fair week, and that it the famous grocery of Seebler A Co. It it a show worth seeing, and you can supply yourselves with the best gro ceries in the world. They are fitting up for the oceasion, and the store will be a handsome sight to look at. During fair week don't forget the great and cheap Clothing Hall of New man. There's where you buy cheapest A capital substitute for scarecrows. "Take half a pint of tar and put it Into three quarts of boiling water, with one peck of seed corn, stir the whole rapidly, and then dry off the corn with plaster or sand, so that the kernels will not be stuck together by the tar. It is then ready for use." The crows do not like tar, and do not pull up the corn. Let every body attend the fair on the Ist, '2nd and 3rd days of October. The Supt of the Amusement Dept. is working like a beaver to make the fair pleasant and entertaining. C. Dinges was to the city last week laying in a stock of goods- Look out for cheap groceries. The cheapest place for boots and shoes in Bellefonte is at Louis Doli's. We are under obligations to the Snyder Co. Agr. Society for a compli mentary to their annual fair, at Sehns grove, Oct. 9—ll. For good, fresh city groceries go to C. Dinges. A large stock of groceries, confec tioneries, and notions has just arrived at C. Dinges grocery. Mr. John Poorman, of B ggs. died on Monday night, last, in his 90 > ear He wa> no doubt the oldest man in that sec tien of the county. Public Sale at the Loop church, of lumber, blinds and window sash with glass on Friday, Sept. 26 at 1 p. m. Our townsman D. F. Luee, bro't a basket of apples to this office o< last year's crop; they are hard and still well-preser ved. The apples are rustics and green pipins. Dan mutt know the secret of keeping apples over time. The best shoes I ever had were bought at Louis Doll's shoe store Belle font# e Bellefonte was visited with another sudden death on Monday night, Mr, Jno. D Lieb. who was generally known in this county, having died of apoplexy. Mr L.ieb complained of beir.g ill a few days before, but it was cot supposed there wis any thing serious nbout his case. Ue will be buried with the Odd Fellows ceremo nies on Thursday. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair, Uenew er has for many years occupied an honor able place in the toilet of American wo- , men. and has also attained popularity in foreign countries. This is because it does i perform what It promises. Its warmest , friends are those who have used it longest and those what sound its praise the louuest are those who from actual experience and personal trial have demonstrated that by its use gray hair is restored to its natural color and dry. harsh, and wiry hair is made soft and lustrous, a thing of beauty and a matter of joy and pride to the wearer.— Sub-Sr>Uer and Democrat, Corinth, Mi>. A large stock of boots and shees is to be sold at the lowest cash price, at Louis Doll's boot and shoe store, Helle fonle. Hon Philip Ruhl, a prominent cillaen of Union county, died on the lOtb, aged 'JO years. SPRING MILLS. Wm. Allison and brother are putting up a large brick kiln at their sawmill. J. D. Long is preparing lumber for a grain house and to enlarge nis business in general at thedepot. Wm. A. Kerlin is doing a big business attbemill.be wants more light and to get it washed all the windows. Mr. Peter Philips is doing quite a busi ness with his plaining mill. Why don't you advertise Pete you thereby would get double the amount to do. C D. F. HOTEL BLOWN UP. Supposed to be the Work of Persons Opposed to Selling Liquor. Columbus, Ohio, September 16,—The Corbin hotel, occupied by Henry Corbin, at Westerville, tbis county, was blown up last&iight by gunpowder, and although the building was occupied by a number of people no one but Corbin was injured and ho not fatally It is not known who placed the powder in the building, but Corbin asserts that it was done by tome of the villagers and is the outcome of bis refussal to cease selling liquor in the vil lage four years ago. The building be oc cupied as a saloon was demolished by gunpowder and Corbin left town, only rs I turning a short time ago, but all attempts to arrest the guilty parties proved failures The damage to the hotel and a number of * adjoining buildings will be about S6OO. The citizens of Westerville insist that while they favored resorting to the strong est measures to prevent liquor selling m their town they never fayor such ixiea 6uxors tw those reported l&st bight. - THE VOICE OK OLD CENTRE. n DEMOCRATIC CO. CONVENTION 'S The democratic county convention met 11 *1 Hellelonte, on Tuesday afternoon, and * was called to order by chairman Fortnev. ' The coiiTenlion organised by electing Ihe * following officer* : Chairman—Chester Munson, of Philips-, f burg r lln motion of Jno 11. Kelfsnvder , Vice Presidents Win A- Kerlin, of ' Gregg, anil Geo. I). Denly, of Kergusen ' On motion of Mr M'Cain, at Mileahurg, ! Secretaries T K Itible, of Milesburg, I. K Shaffer, of Watker, and J. li Reif any dor, of Ponn, • The following delegate* answered te their name*. Hellefonte, M ■ W It Oalbrailh, K, ' Power*. S W C M H'wer, I. House). \V. ff SA M cjmstian. Howard horo 11 llrickly. Milesburg T K Hible Philipsburg J N Casanova, f' Munsoti , P M Holt. , I'nionville |lr C Cambridge ltenuer K tllenn, A liarbrick. F Iteeier. Hoggs H Curtin, J A M l.ain, 1' Ad am*. Hurntide O HolL Curtiti M Leathers College Mtu I Uilliland, I> H Grove. Ferguson old- ti D Panly, It Miller, Rti Brett Now O M Sheet*. Gregg W. I'ealer, J B Heckuian, M L Kishef Wm Kerlin. llalfmoon —C Linn Ha>ne* C B Stover, VTm I. Bright, Mich Fiedler. Harri*—Henrv Potter, J no Meyers. Howard—M Confer, lv Leather*. Huston —P Irvin. Liberty— W 11 Gardner Marion—l< Kverhart, Geo Loder. Miles—Judge Frank, 0 B Haines, v> B Sbafer, Juo Kmrick, A K Wolf, l'atton—Pr J M Bush. Penn-D A Musser, I'll Stover, 11 K Puck, H Swart*. J H Keifsnyder Potter south—Kohl Lee, Ja* Kunklo, ' ,Wm From, Wan Jordan. Potter, north—J no Shannon, Jno. At* i r.sv, Jacob Wagner, jr. Bush H M't an. J l)clan Snowshoe—J l I tie, S A Nolan Spring—ll Rothrock, Jno Hoy, Ah Steme, 0 K Barrett. Taylor—ll Blowers. I'fiion—Jno H Stover. Walker —L E Shaffer. Harry Vonadw, • John Brown, P Kane. Worth—J G Jones. The following resolution was offered by t C. M Bower, esq., Resolved, That the chair appoint a coin mittee of seven on resolutions, to which 4 all resolutions shall he referred without | debate r Adoptad.— The char appointed. I. M , Bower, D A. Musser, M L. Kisbel, Jaa. i < M C'ain. G. B. Hair es, G 11 Barrett and < John Shannon. r Nominations for Jury Commissioner, i G. L Peters, Union. a W 111. Marks. Boggs ; | Geo Korman. Gregg. John Shanuon. Potter. L; And Lesch, Walker. C. S- Carr. Perry Condo, Mar on The balloting resulted a fellow- , Ist. "JnJ. 3rd. 4th. j 1 " Peter* 11 9 7 4 Marks 6 4 5 Korman LI 13 I'd Shannon Hi '-'4 ST 3S Leach 4 4 i Carr It 14 14 13 i Condo 9 7 !0 13 Mr. Shannon"* nomination, en motion of 1 Hon. S. Giliiland, was .then made unanl* c aaous. Nomination) for Coroner ware then made as follows : Dr. Joseph Adams, Miietburg. Dr P. S. Fi*ber. Walker A letter of declination was read from Pr. Fischer, whereupen Dr. Adams was nominated by acclamation. For Chairman of Co Committee. J. L i Spaogier, Esq., of Bellefonte, was elected by acclamation. Mr. Spangler being called for was re ceived by hearty appiaus# and thanked the convention for the trust confided in him, promising to do his duty and make an earnest campaign ; bo pointed out the importance of the work betore tha democ racy, and urgad dcmocaals to prepare for the great work In 1880, and insure the elec tion of a democratic president by union and harmony in the democratic^ ranks. , J. N. Cassanovaand Fred'k Kurtz wore elected by acclamation a* representative delegates to state convention. Senatorial Conferees wore then chosen by acclamation, viz: J. C. Harper, Jas. A M Clain, Geo. B. Barrett. The committee on resolution* submitted their report, which was unanimously adopted. For want of time we postpone : their publication until next week. The resolutions endorse the democratic plat form ; endorse the nomination of Barr : de nounce the treasury ring ; denounce the presidential ileal, and pronounce in favor of Tildea's re-nomination. enddrse the Sreat services ;of Senator Wallace; en orse the course of our member* at Harris burg, Senator Alexander and representa tives Gephart and Murray; declare that Gev, Curtin was fai'y elected to congress and endorse his contest for the *eat,- re commends democratic papers to the liber al support of the party and wider circula tion for the diaseminalion of the truth. Senator Alexander was called lor and addressed the convention. Congratulated the body upon its good and harmonious work, and its full attendance, sympathized with esq. Shannon in bis nomination to so "lucrative an office as jury commissioner and explained the importance ot the of fice He urged democrats to get ready for the great campaign of 1680. ilis remarks were greeted with applause. The convention was one of the most har monious ever held in the c*uty. Adj'd. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The Sunday School Cenvention, for the northern part of Juniatta district Evan-, gelical church, was held ia the Evangeli cal church at Millhcim, commencingSepl 9th and continued until the 11th The, convection was opened on Tuesday even-' ir.g with an address by Rev E. Kohr, the P. E. of the district. His subject was. I "The relaticn the Sabbath School sustains to the church and to the world " The ad- j dress was interesting and instructive. The following ministerial brethren were in at-; tendance, viz: E Kobr, L M. Pines, 8. j Smith. P. C Weidemeyer, N- Young. W.I H Stover, E. James, E. P. Leonard, C. j F Deininger. W U. Harlman; W. P. Thomas, S. L Shortess, C F. (iepbart and E. Stambach of the Evangelical church, and Kev. John Tomlinson of the Lutheran church, alse a number of lay delegate* from the different schools of the district The sessions were well attended especially during tho afternoon and even ings Wednesday evening Sept. 10 li was set apart for a general children'* meeting, which was well attended by old and young as much so as 10 fill the hou.e to its ut most. The following ministers addressed the children in a very instructive manner, avoiding all silly and inappropriate re marks, which are so often made use of at such places, and are altogether uncalled for. The Ist address was delivered by- Rev, L M. Pines, followed by Revs. N Y'our.g, W. P. Thomas,' John Tomlinson, P. C. Weidemeyer, W. H. Htover and 8. Smith. The entire convention was fraught with interest. The essays and spcechea were all plain, and to the point. The music was furnished by the merr.bs*s of the Evangelical 8 S. of Millbeiui, under the direction of Kev. W. 11 Hartman, with Miss Uatlie I*. Lanicb presiding at the organ, who hat won for herself, the respect and esteem of all who were pres ent, and especially of ber entire school in which she moves as one having no ene mies. Much praise belongs to Mr. W. H Hartman, a* well as to the ladies and gen- tlemen of the achool and all others that assisted in singing. The music was grand, considering that but very little time was bad to practice. "May your troubles ouly be little ones, and may you always have Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup bandy," said an old batcbelor to a newly-married couple. . The steamship Navigator which sailed from Montreal, Wednesday, took 70.000 bushels of wheat for Bor deaux, France. Dairymen arc delighted with prices realized for their merchandise, when' they use the Perfected Butter Color, the invention of Wells, Richardson it Co., Burlington, Vt. An eminent agriculturist says :"I prefer to make butter in winter, as properly colored it brings a kigu prWt/' Nil HUMAN H ATI'S. Some of lite Fine Point* of Slippery John's Financial Munugeiuont. [Special to Cincinnati Enquirer ] wiu> U>T ml WON Br ' Tho press tbroagkouttho country r*l*ed h univtrssl howl ever the suggestion the I I'resideal Uratit should throw government gold into the market for sale and break down the combination between J'itk.j Gould A Co., to beer United State* our*, rency in lha celebrated 11 lack h riday trantactioa*; but Secretary Sherman con* featca, In hi* talk to tho lloard of Trade in Cincinnal, thai he ha* lell for 3 month* ftO.OM.tlUlof United Ntate* faur par cent bond* in the po**eion of a hank in whi< h he wo stockholder at ona time, for tho a • artad rea.oli that tho farmer* ueeded the tuonev there for there bond* to get their i crop* to market, and to call in the money due the Government might produce a stringency in the money market. One i dark feature in thi* Sherman transaction it that, while thaee bond* are still in tlie po*e*ioti i'l the I nitod Mlatos authorities ' and before thev were paid for. atiJ which they wore, to all interna and purpose#, the . property of tbe I nitod Slates, S)*.IO,tM.KI worth of ceupotis were clipped off aud 1 j used by ome one. I Ki-SupervUing Architect oi the l^re**-! 1 lury,lury, A it Mu'dott, lurnishet the follow - ( ing statement !v# lb* completion o! | ' tbe New York postofflee, the 1 reasuey I lepartinent adv. rtsed the sale of the tarn . poary building at the Di* Island granite < quarry in Maiae, whii'h ha.l been erected j tor the temgorary use of the (ioyernment ouiploptu engaged in getting out granite ' The sale took place, and the Dn lsiand , | liranite Company purchased the building.., with a lotot tools ttbe word tools having been interpolated in tbe advertisement by a dishonest clerk in the Supervising Arch- i itect's office just before tbe Ml•). Ihe | I value of the building wa nominal. Ihe appraised value of the tool* VM EaIJIUO. I Supervising Arahltaot Mullett refused to I deliver the tool*, and they were never do- | litered. A long tune after the sale of thi* Gevornmeal property for Jl.ortJ the compan v obtained a contract to furnish granite for the Philadelphia 1 oitoffice. , and they effected a sale of the Identica. jproperty they had purchased !or (l.ofi.i of 'the Treasury Department _back to tbe I Treasury Department for sll.,i*JO, and , I the pay aieul of the last amaunl was made ( by the Postmaster at Philadelphia on the order of the Supervising Architect of the I Treasury, the Postmaster being the dt- i bursing agent of the appropriation to build the Philadelphia P. stotfice When the Postmaster's raceipu were forwarded to the Treasury Department for settlement, they were placed in Major Dickinson'* hand* for elimination. He d.scvvsred i ihe fraud and refused to allow tno item of $117,1*10. which was held up. When Sec ' relary Sherman took charge of the treasu ry, and suit had been ordered by Prasi !dent Gyant's Comptroller, for the recov ery of the tueney. Sherman refuted to car ry'out the order , but on death of Comp troller Taylor. Dickin*-n wa* removed, and after his removal hi* successor, ap pointed by John Nherman, allowed the enormous price paid for the farmer!J con klemned Government property. A RIVER ARGOSY. Specimen of tt Towboal Fargo from St. Louis to New Orleans. iNew Orieao* Picayune.) The lati down trip of the tow-boat Port End*, give* an illustration of the capacity , of lha Mi*.i*Mppi nver for handling the surplus product* of the West. The cargo of the fleet was a* follewi: 03,178 bushel* wheat in bulk. 1,095 ack wh.eat. iy.TI sacks corn 3D.000 bushels corn in bulk. 5.291 barrels flour. \ tj 384 sack* oat*. 1.079 sack* bran 4.0U1 barrel* meal and grit*. Gtf.WW feet of lumber. 1,000 bundle* cotton tiee. 3,550 hoxe* soap. 1,550 bundle* broom handles. 2.f>75 iron plate* UV. buie* bacon. 12 casks bacon gf- barrel* pork. 287 tierce* larJ. 115 bale* hay. 313 package* white lead. 405 sack* salt. S barrel* oil. barrels Tiaegar. 233 psckage* iron. 0 hogshead* tobacco. €OO barrel* limo. 2 barges ice. The dead weight of the mercbaudiie enumerated ab ,i ve is about 6,000 ton*, and we presume there is about 100 tons of ice : in each barge, making the total cargo j 8.000 ton*. To move thi* by rail would require bOO car*. r forty average freight train*, which would lover seme seven miles of track , The total grain in bulk and ack ■ amount* to 100.040 buhe!, weighing 4,85 |loa The capacity of this tow was there fore about a quarter of a million buihs * if grain. When '.be improvement* aow contemplated thai! have been made be tw een bero and Hi Louis, it will be prac ticable to bring down tow# of half a mil ! lion bushels of grsin at once. The Siberian exile*, when released from prison aud the mine*, have had | to choose between starvation or steal ing the means of subsistence ; being deprived of all civil rights, they were not allowed to adopt any honest call ing. Such has been the situation ofj .Siberian exiles for centuries. Under the circumstances it was natural that luring the warm seasons the Siberian forests should be filled with crim nal vagrant", who resorted to 'begging, stealing, robbing, and mur der, in order to keep soul aud bodv to gether. Both the economical and the moral interests ofSiberia suffered from ithese evils, and the Government has*' often been petitioned to remedy them It had been found that, in order to keep all (be exiles in prison, it would be necessary to erect a large addition-j a) number of prisons, costing not Its thau fifty millions of roubles. The Government could not spare such a , sum of money, aud so the Czar recent ly promulgated an order allowing the' exiles to pursue different occupations,; upon the recommendation and under! the surveillance of the local authori-. i ties. The political exiles, however, 1 ,'are denied this right of honestly mak t'ing a living. ,| A country cotemporary wants to exchange with sonic paper that doesn't I I tell its readers when a resident dies! 1 that "he was an old and respected citizen, whose death is regretted by the entire community ; and his demise will leave a vacancy which can never, be filled. It makes the people who 1 are left behind feel that they are a | paltry act of villians, whose deaths! , will he annonnced by the ringin(| of; r hells, the booming of guns, ami a gen eral "Whoop up, boys! Old Jones 1 t lias kicked the bucket!" A wntorspout Inundated the valley of ' Glattbach, Switzerland, sweeping away never*! mill* and tioue. King Met** of Victoria Nyanr.a, Africs, , 11■** liberated the slaves in hi* dominion*, numbering half* millien. Snhrille Morales, * highly esteemed ac tress in I'aris was murdered by her lover, who afterward committed suicide. • e A fine of not over five hundred dol ii lars and imprisonment for not over 1 d year is the punishment in this Slate for carryirg concealed fire-arms, slung-shot, liandy-biily, dirk-knife, r razor or any other deadly weapon. Letter Heads, Business Cards lEuvelopes, Bill Heads, Circulars, ! Posters and all kinds of Job Work for one fourth less than any i I where else in the county, at this office. A new double thread shuttlu sewing (machine works by hand or treadle, for Iff or trade at this office. Warrant-! IMPORTANT TO WIDOWS AND I CHILDRENOF DECEASED SOLDII.US AND HAIL OKS. Tho following from tho Washing ton Tribune in worth* tho attention of the witlow* ami chililrcn of ilt-craa til soldiers ami sailors : It ha* been derided that under the ioperalinn* of the nrream of penaiou law, limitations which, under the old Ipension laws, ran against widows who ictuarticd without itaviug applied for a pension within !i*o years from the death of the soldier, and children, and brothi rs and sislora of a deceased sol dier who were under sixteen years of ago at the time of the Utter s death, hut who neglected to tile an applica tion for pensions before they attained the age of tweuty-out years, have bean swept away, so that now the late wi dow ot a soldier who died In the ser vice, or, after discharge, of a disabili ty which originated while in the ser- Ivice and in tiie line of duty, is enti tled to n pension from the date ol her remarriage, provided she has not re ceived the same. Also, children whoi have been debarred a pension under the old pension laws by reason of the youngest bating attained the age of twenty-one yours without huviug made an application, should now ap ply ; also brothers and sisters who were under sixteen years of age at the date of the soldier's death aud depend ent upon him for support (the soldier having left neither widow, minor child nor children surviving him, and the mother aud lather having died bo fore the brothers aud sisters attained the age of sixteen years , now have a valid claim. The classas above re lerred to numbers tens of thousands, and this good news will be cbeeriug indeed to them, especially as it comes so unexpectedly upuu the heels of the disallowanca of their claims, or infor mation that they had no title to pen sion. Ono new ( lot, or ill bottim for |>U Aih t\>ut drj||lit f# I hvtktli httir Win* .*( Im* and Uks * 'U#r. tf ho Lm it net, send lai ii lulski, i I Übl*i 23# PI * .11 M I't.t.O r. ..! I*4 AJ it rwc eutiaai- t: iv-er.( slUbp WoKMtf. WOK MS. If > Ktaicl a VI or# hrup actor f*U t* 4##Ut< 't ; !*•*!. *t 4 HUmiaAll Vf.ru.* Dr hunb.,t:.s ot I ui fal tan tboftAon Tnj* W etrtn I mo bottfik a'it with bead And saw lot a*Ul rtcit( -■nuAob or:.no toacho* tf Ti-e Mumi bo lAttti ttd A Ihot •cr* CAM to rvn-dtJi ilr.U jel Alike at v r tail Hurt fmo Tho 3-* u* can toll wixotbor ot tho fallout ta*A MM, 1 ho##**lit art dy.a* dm > with tutnu, *S4 4i> Al l ibot 11. lit*, mymmxu ramit anl • Uoi nnll tr 'X '. > !'• , r , a l*A Adiko I UiA.. froo , Utttcaa '****. 54J 1| Dim. On '.*7 Aug . in Hayes ci;r. K.. Mr oeaph II Mots, formerly ot Haines iwp. g*l '.4 years At Woodward Aug XUt. Mrs. Klira etb Harper, aged 71 years, n r.th an< 3 days The deceased was for £fty year* a con r.et.t m .-ruber of the church, and died ai be bad lived. ■ AHItIKD. At the home of M its K. M Kim. sistai f the lata Dr. M Kim.) in Frerp. rl. 111 n Aug.. by Kev John Lifter-. Dr. Wm I. Stiver, of Rock Grove, and Miss R E f cNitt, of Freeport. S'OTICK Ail persons are hereby t au tioned rot to enter on tba lands ol lie undersigned for the purpose of gather ig Chestnuts, as such persons will K, •ait with ic -ing : iaw wttb--.it further otice. JACOB DINOKA S'OTICK ~ Individuals receiving ex press packages at Spring Milli lation, residing in Lc. ire Hall, can gel Scir eipreas, the same day it arrives at pring Mills, by cal'tng at C D.nget lore and setting fr the same, as all ex re** after this date will be unladed hare. JACOB DINGES. •ntre Mat!, Sept IS. IST?. VDMINISTRATOR rt NOTICE.- Letters of admmistrati a on the estate ftiamuel Royer, late of Potter township, •c'd, having bus:, granted u. the under ignad. all persons knowing themselves to e indebted to said decedent are requested ii make in.mcdiata paymert, and personi avsr.g claims against the estal- will pre entthem authenticated for settlement J SO. K ROVER. CATM. ROTKR. -sept f>l Administrator* D ACTIO 9 —Sportsmen ore heroby i-autionovi against bunting in lbs nclosed woods of the undersigni-d. Sept. 18, Jwo. R. Lit pi A UTlOjT^-'The ander* gr.ed reby [y warns all persons not to buy any ol tiree bond*, each of fllW. given to Jacob lessig by me, as 1 did not receive value or same. JOHNKKSIGLE. lseptdt CAUTION.— All persons are hereby rauti ncd against shixiting njuir el- in tho w d- enl <>! tho bmldirg- ni he undersigned, in Potter township. porUmen arc requested to heed this no ice. .1*- II WAD.-KK, JR. Sept. 3t. UK AL KSTA'I K~AT PRIVATE I —The undersigned after at irivate sale, a tract of land situated in the .*>op, in Potter twp., containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, rioro or less. Fifty acres of which are ieared, and the balance well timbered rhere are on the premises a good FR A M K IOCSK. aI, g llarn a SPRING OK SEVER FAILING WATER THREE IROHARDS and an excellent SITE "OR SAW MILL with g.Kd water pe*- ir. HSler 3(XI acres, with improvement* will to s >ld separate <1 desired The balance will bo sold in timber lots of "JO. 80, or fiO icriw, or the whole tract will be sold P>- [ether at a low price and on easy trms. For further information address, A 8 K KIU. is. Lewistown. Pa , ir A. A KKMI.IS. McAlovy'A Fort. Pa It aug tf For tho coming Fall and Winter T II A I) E WE ARE FULLY FREPAKED. Now is the Time! Select Tour Goods F II O M FRESH, NEW STOCK. JENTS' FRENCH CALF HOOTS AND GAITERS MADE TO ORDER A LARGE STOCK OF Sole Leather, Call-Skins, Kips, ETC., E'IC., At Bottom Prices. E. GRAHAM & SON. Deed Rellofoute, Pa- I) The Manchester Guardian says i is estimated that thirty thuu-aud per son, arc still out of work In Glasgow Th iron trade only is doing well The building trades are in the worst K |( condition, and it will be necessary ( again to make provision to assist tin unemployed during the coming win ter. e ii St Petersburg, September 10.—A il telegram from tho Governor of Kmul ii eniki of the IKb, announcea a great r tire in the towu of Yiarauia, 100 utile* i- from Smolensk!. Two hundred t houses and the prison, were burning. Assistance ha- been sent from Smoi fjooski. The greenback ers of Uiim hutetU, | nominated bea llutler fur governor with , Wendell Philip, fur lieutenant gevernor. , At the title fair there it a hatching me . i-hiue all the time turning out little chick , ens It attract, gtem attention London, bept. 14 It i* reported thai . Huleiinan Pasha, the prominent Turkish generator the Ituuo-Turkish war, died , yesterday at Bagdad. Hpring Mills Market. Wheat Net $1 (Si ' Wheat No 2 96c Kye, 46c. Corn, ears, perbu. new, .40c Oats. 25c. 11' ckv/ eat, 75c. Clo ersced, $4 00 t.. f 4 60 Chop, per ton, f'JO.UO. blaster, ground per ton, f 10.00 flour, perbbl $4.50 barley 50e butter, 12c. Tallow. tic. Lard, oc. Ham, 12c. Shoulders, 6c. Clean Hides, 6c. i Hag,, 2c. Egg, per dos., 12c. Tub washed wool 30c, , Coal. Hetail by Car, Grots, Egg. SSUU $4 50 I Stove, $6 26 }I 76 Chestnut, $6 00 50 Pea. >4 25 $3 00 CARD. ! ii I. (rtiggenb aimer would announce, that being about tot briug to Bt'llcfouie tho LARGEST j and BEST ASSORTED STOCK , OF CLOTHING eTor brought to t Centre countv, that he will open out for i ABOUT 3 WEEKS A BRN ACII STORE j In Centre Hall, ON THE 15th OF OCTOBER. Any jwrsons that intend purchasing , 1 Clothing would do well to wait until then and 1 examine his ilock. IBeplst DRESS M AKING MR- SMITH, drea, maker, Cretre llall, desire* U> tall atten tion U> her sample, of trimming, of ab kinds; also, sample* of new ,ty!c# dry good,. Cutting and tiling d"ne to order, and old dresses cleaned ar.J dune over by ber Gentlemen', hirt, cufG and collar, made to order, and warranted to fit. itas; alao just received a new stock of Spring stylus, fashion plate, pattern,, etc Cab and see. 15 ma If Pennsylvania College. o*TTirii pi**'* full corps of Professors Course uf study |of tho highest grade I. can- c attractive. I heelthfu A mcral. libraries c slain ovet , 20.000 Tolumes. Two Heading Rooms wilt, first-class periodicals Expense. for tui ,lion, room-rent, fuel and washing, SB2. i Hoarding from $2 to s■'• per week. Send i for a catalogue t Poor P. M. BIICLX, laug29 JSec'y ©f faculty. < a lMI NISTRATOH'S N< TICK.— A Letters of administrsti n on the eitab j ot M ichael Hettinger, late ot Gregg iwp I dee'd, having been granted t > the under signed. all person- knowing themselves t be indebted to said decedent are requested | to make immadiate payment, and person, j having claim* again,! the estai- will pre- 1 ,e:il it.em authenticated for settlement AMELIA HETTINGER. M L UIHIiEL. 21 aug Cl Administrators. jgXKCUTUH H NOTICE Lsltars tesUmentry on tho eUU ot Joseph bitner, late of Poller tewn*hip. j deceased, having been granted to the un dersigaei. all person* mdable*! I" said e, j tale aro required to make immediate pay meat. and those having claim, against tn| sain* to prcsanl them, duly authenticated] l by law, for settlement. JACOB BITNER, J. G. HAN KEY, i 21_augCt Executors. ) A C. DINGES' NEW STORK i You can And all kinds of Groceries and i Canned Fruits cheaper than any where else. ' He also has ou ham) and is constant ly receiving Notions, Candies, in > ! great variety, and Tobaccos of the best grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS, j He deals in FLOUR. BRAN. STONEi . and EARTHEN CROCKS, Ac, Ac. j and take* all Ltiui* of Country Produce in exchange. CALL ANI) GIVE HIM ATRIAL. C. DINGER, Centre Hall. .1 ERE V MIjILER llakhkh akd Haihiirkmk in the ba. ment of the bank building. Ail work donej n fashionable tylc. 1 July J. ZELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, No. (5 Brockerhofl' Row, Rellefontel I'enn'a. UrnlfrN tn I'l rftinicrj, Fiiuc)lKI>S GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS, PARA SOLR, UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTH AND SHOES, ETC., ETC, G It O C K It Y DEPARTMENT With full lines of Choicer! Teas, Syrups, Dried Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof fees,' Pure Spice*, St.'* Pork Provi sions. Wooden. Willow, Queens and Glar-wate, Fish, Salt and everything usuallv found in a fir*t-class Grocery. 1 HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS always on band. You need not go from home to buy 'goods low. At Wolfs stand in the Bank building, you find bargains good AS elsewhere, aud an a- orfmeut equal ' to any in the county. | BELLEFONTE. MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos!! ORGANS! I AND \ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEET j' MUSIC. RKPAKING AND TUNING DONE < IN TUB BEST MANNER. - i i JkbSIBSk I 1 PIANOS. CHICK EKING. STEIN WAY, ARION, WATERS, j O R li ANN. ESTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON A* HAMLIN. BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS' TOclnte Itoaownoil Pianos, Owl) Hl5O. U Slop Organ-. 2 Full Met of Iterd-, Price N2TO, Out) $33. 13 Slop Organ*. 3 Full Not or Reed-. Price sll®, Only *73. | This Organ lias the "Grand Organ Knee Swell.") Mcconl-hnii ACCORD EONS, $'2.00 and upwards. Piano wnd Organ Instructor*, (mer- and Nlool*. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC $30.00 | New WHI IE $25.00. New ST. JOHN $25.00. | New Improved SINGER $22.50. " INcw I mproved 110 W E $22.60. Second band Machine* as low as $5. ; AGENTS FOR K BUTTgRICK A COS j PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. Order* by mail solicited aud prompt ly filled. No Agents employed, The buyere6 * get tho Agents profit. Wo buy our I Pianos, organs and Machines for * Cash, and will give customers the ad " vautagc. BUNNELL & AI KENS, r. Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. feb27 lafllllhlh \Y EAR. or . I ; I wfl Wss to S2O a day in your i.jl % I LI II I WaU' " do a- well ns w|>l|||| men MHIIV make more , * ® | 111111 l than the amount sWted - eaa !-il i>t to make money last Any <>n eun do the " work \ou can make from 50 els to $2 lr an hour by devoting your evening* and spare time to the business. It cost* noth ing to try tho business. Nothing like it ' for money making ever offered before * business pleasant and strictly honorable Header, if you want to know all about the best paying business before tho public, send us your address and we will send you ' n full particulars and private terms free. e - .Samples worth $-6 al-o free You can ,ISI then muke un iuur mind I>r yourself. r " Address GEGKG E SfINiSON & 00, Portland, Maine, lIA It l> WAIt EE WILSONJ'FARLANECO. • HKW SBICES. H H R tea Oil WTO V EM HEATEHN ftAJIGE# V E EKE h ■ Ha We woold eipecUlly call aUeMion to the V Highland tjueen Cook Stove, -AND THE wom2 MIA?I m rrove. A*~Our Stock boing entirely New. Wo otlor pocUi J<** HARDWARE, OILS md PAINTS.•** WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. HILSO.V, JTFARLAXE d (Xh lll'M-lS BLOCK, BKLLEFONTE. PEKN'A. Spring Mills O. K! NEW ROOM I NEW GOODS I at I. J. Grenoble's Store! SPRING MILLS, use the good*. Largest clock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Ixjwer than Ever, And cow oxter,d* * cordial invitation U hi* friend*, patrons, wed public general ly. A leu a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clothing for men and buy*. Suita ac low aa to be had in the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full line* of MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hoaierv, Gloves, Boots and Sboea, ; HATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the mod complete assortment of NOTIONS 0 Central Pennsylvania. and priee* tb wiUcompe! you in *elf defence to buy o bm . Alo Fish, Salt, etc. 18** A full line of Huwe Hewing Machine* and Needle* for all kinds ot machine* Al*o deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar ket price paid (or the tame. A specially in (X>A L by the car load. Jas. Harris *Sf I V>. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IRO^NTNAILS, P A 1 N T S, OILVETC., J AS. HARRIS A !X). Bel efoale OBNTRB HALL Furniture Rooms! F7.HA KKrMRIXE, respectfully Inform* the citixens of Centre county, that be ha* bought out the old eland ol J. O. Deininger, and ba* reduced tbc price*. He ha* constantly on band and makes to order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, SINKS, WASH STANDS. CORNER CUI BOARDS, TABLES. Ac., Ac. lli* stock of ready made l'urniture i* • urge ami warranted of good workman hip, and is all made under bis immediate "upsrvision, and is offered at rs to* cheaper han elsewhere. Call and see bit stock before } eltewh'.re. fot> CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGEIi. A new, complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undersigned in Cent tre Hall, where he it prepared to mil al l kinds ol Building and House Furnishing! Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon iSaws, Webb Saws, Clothes Rack*, a full aa *ort nientofGlas* and Mirror l'lsl# Pic ture Frame*, Spoke*. Felloes, and Hub*, la ble Cutlery, Shovel*. Spade* and ForA*, ! Lock*, Ilinge*. Screw*, Sash Spring, Horse-Shoes. Nail*, Norway Itodt.On* I Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Yarn iho*. Picture* framed in the finestityle Anything not on hand, ordered upon! shortest notice. J*#-Remember, all ffootts offered cheap er than elsewhere. JOHN F. POTTER, Attempt law. t'Uectlons promt.) I; mads an.t •* W •llMUoo FIVIB 10l IIOM hftTtai; tudi or prop#ru fo T will draw p nd h*t. acknowledged Deads, Mortcagaa. Ac Otnca In tha diamond. north nld of —H Mm.BwMwt—lw oe-tfc SFtf | PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO • CENTRE HALL, PA KECEIV E DEPOSITS and allowlt iter est: Discount Notes; BUT HOC Sell GovernmentSeouritiei, Gold and Coupons. WM. WOLF. Wx B.Misoi i, ' Praa't. Cashier Manhood ; How Lost, How Restoi ed ! 1 -■ **."?* P. ut >M*lwt. aww edition of Dr. Culrwn .all's I (Motivated Kaaey on (he radical can (without mc.ll ' v'lu * A or , l Waakwn •. In ™lunUiry > --emlnal 10w... Impoteucy. Menu I and I hy-tral Incapacity. Ini.M .limanU t Merrier* . etc al.OssspHoa. Kpilep-y anrt Kite. Ind joed by I wlf lwlulftlicpof Nliuil UtrtfigAßC* Ac., i mi'' }**.' ® • saalad •nvulope , only tlx cr ,ts Th# oalebratad author. in this admtrabl Kaaay I clnnrhr dpmonitritas, fpnm x thirty year*' lacroMlul' practice, that tho alarming oonaaqnaao* a of self- Sll^h£^7t2!Sii l 4 roaf * d wlthoat th danweroas knife Sll Iclna or Ulo applloal lon of the .iluiJrlftl ? f mode of cure at o ace aimple, certain, and effectuai, by maani of which • jvary sun a*,-i? rwftU* If - ttaft *s - c*rm mm Stum !•' '♦*< -• iTMte > • ■ mt I !..*• wfl t (r.w- f *. ' AmnlnmL uni ■** *+m £ mwuti t -*■• I# awl* |>ar la > Itl ttw t PftewtfA *>? $ -i**. *s" J*ro VilTr.wctfV at... .#< . -s#A Iktl Franklin MU 1 tUiuurr. Fd fy ui gp*. i i ... ink *-". ... t .' *.la r .. rs. ■HhHSbVMH i.i Tlikli dr*iM'T ,f ( acn-r. Tumuri I l>wfc IHBRSHH ■**?• rtUaool tin' nwot kniio t* i. THIS MCW v ' r.rsg fat £Bife **• (A fe a IftWii. '*ta* 4 u mil , ta— l! Mft ala V r 1 * C ■■ ' ' IM&. Ji.i " ' ' u *'* fcpgleslcn Tr> *" ML 1111 * fSin— in BfT|' rr^t UVER a KiDK£V DnC*T 13E8, COWST?PATC and PSLEBJ B. 2. n. CLAEC. 4!. ' -"• ' • ">*"*■ -P >• v ratt'BU .bm dllMl tkm. likoanrodms? ' ' j .-*.wlTltßft ■IHknMTBtWW*' E. it. Mrrro.x.of n " i'.^T lrl|c*UUr- -iM'v l- I ••*• . T at ulrwrr fcrw<'w'-r. e-.A ' '*• jcxlm* rkißcnu.3.f i •- *. *k. ■ "Ittoaftrtrrkaatftl'"- J l ' nftrtttOn •■* 1 * iijlrtrtf dft. HCHiABO*. of Scrl • / '"tllSlM acr wc-y Srmi c rta| * im Ll.or wltHw f° o fc '" ' IT HAS \ t JfXf rTß*J ACT?STITEUArn.U4)TI U .N-K'.BIBTB attbep-vmstwc. . _ WHtkawnU.*:.]!' ■ flke#M w> . A ajaor. tknt S i ,-U '.■..•••■ t.'.'lT •• "ZJZ. a |M — ftaftrrntr fktc'.lww udhrtasM Nlß| aw and 4lam. a Ir , M (111 lafccw.ll la ar ttrnf Jrr- if. uaaK * B*T.WOItT. Illiiii' <• wad. M Oa* jar*ir "i" mstf '* tj.art' Box It at Ifcr P^nfc". KitlnoT-Worl *nd Hoj- Hittcrt for tan >tJ 1' Murray THIS standard article is compound* 3d with the greatest e: e. Its effects are as v, nderful and a satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or fu.led hair to ito youthful color. It removes all eruption", itching and dandruff. It gives if liead ft cooling, soothing sensation of greai comfort, and the eealp by iu usft becomes white and clean. _ By its tonic properties it restored the capillar}' glands to tlieir noratt vigor, preventing baldness, and msfc® i'ug the hair grow thick and strong. ,A.s a dressing, nothing has be found so effectual oi desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Vssayef of Massachusetts, eavs, "The con* stitucnt a are pure, and carefully lccted for cxcelfent quality ; and 1 consider it the BEST Tuei .vnATldg for its intended purposes." Price, Oao Dollar, Buolriag2i©*m , & FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may 1* relied ou to change the color of th beard from gray or any other undesia able shade, to brown or black, at dift cretion. It is easily applied, being ia one preparation, and quickly and at fectually produces a permanent colo% which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL tu CO.# NASHUA, N.E. ( ifeJpttiffi* •-(!*