OR. CLARK ^OHNSON'£n& INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP Utraln, "i W. 3J Si.. \t* VorkCtiy, or JKR-KY ITT. If sl" m lh f z + w/i 1 ** 0 a WJ ,i A ' :• sr Sf §4] * - V* f, 4 S" -*3 BKiHWHkk 5 f | ITRXOKVAKKI . The 2:E: Heaodv K-cwn to lian ! tlr i'!*ik JehRMW hai.ug xra.M-Ult-1 tum-elf * I M" K.lwtn K*Mmn. n tcapedcai.tOr *■ >\t> I.'WnkMirUlU. lh< iii.-tirme m*n of Ihr . .1*: ho. i >l. w pivr*. ilo lead hi aid in ihe I. .. i;. of Ihe nomie 'il remedy of that iril-: I' ■ ,<*i!.-r of V I heme imilr ta il • Mr- i .1. . - it DOB, ot Wuhiiit: ii < . t.-w . *n sierai i of *h,w wfrrisf, <- -re i iroiol ta the V IWt ie-1 of IV . ! I lie fstl, . nI. , h me o nulri > e. I> ' . >l*. , ttel bat Utile *■ .of Mr KA.liaan'r \jvc.-nr,-. a..! I (~eu Tit. ' are, how. >er ens i-hcl tn m-u *. ! wt .i.M ail Had -• vaaawi Klaa \e*r i -* ' a ! Apache*." of ahu-h nram will N- tnxle hen-sfler BufHce cto ..., I 'il for eeveml > -r- M K.tman. a hoc ■ p ... ion>)f -1 to ,■■ ih. r ihe ro. i, t • h. rh- v..i heme- ahich WaluuueU n :s *- Blade, at:.! i- *E:It prepared lo pro *de Ihe *oic cieteH*'. f.-r Ihe .;,-ce-ful imrv du.-tion of tl medicine t*. :he or d. aad *-i;r*- pub ' - that she remedc ihe *rv.e ao* M v hen AA .tkiEH-.j,.* cou:j- .d h.tu to luake il. c # lfj% % Wak;\3ietkla.''t:.t Medicine' Man NotSur.g ha# !■<-'. • d to th- v••# and •Olhsss); h* been Shke: .■• r 1::- > -t tj-.-.l doubl t Kj:T PiamtKof t'.. Bi.oon. .! Ktxaot •h>- --Tt* a*er nam la nun Tklt S. ru;. poe.---—<• *ned pn>j*rtlrr. It art* upon ll.e l.iier, Il arl* upon lire Koine)*. II regulate, the Hon el*. Il puriac* the llluod. It qutrlM Ihe Vrrr#US)*lrm. Il promoie. Utsnlioa. Il Auurtihrv Mreiulhrn. Hiid lm|e. uralr*. II rarrlo* ofl'the old bloodund make* Aril . II open* Ihe pore, of the .kin, and lttdii. t . Ilenllh) Prrplrallon. Is •. in* the here . . .r; tali. r ;>.• •;n t iSTi rial. - .■r\jfsga,Kr - -::'e .**. *t.- *1) manner .#Ar:i d'.we- *ml inJer -i niunor- T:-; .r!-'-ic-.-m; red ia ii-mannf*. :ure, ." * lean K- iyk n b> th. delicate tun. . or I V -a,'. 1 taf. *.')• rrjwrnl ui w Jbi r - I 1 ti-z iz Isiiaa Ccst^ne. ; a rnt Coa*N. lira :u. A real . snwof 300 - t - • :tate::i> s.t of the horr.h e facia 1 ; • • '. i . i—arre of a he!plei . I-rturr* and ultimate : .- -M> i.• "H-mbera For sale ■ r. Price 11 00. r.ia-jere. br;-fl carrated, u • d i r at- rni.c of charjre. ■ l cor -• tntlT at th# .o and eoeng the materl • .compnrd. the ale - up.*. lir Jobhsoß. . ahd is known aa Dr. Ciirk Johnson's AN BLOOD PURIFIER. Frit Lxrge Bcctlas SI.OO Fiim of Sen!! Bo: tigs 50 ai# of pcraona who : h iir I. of Dr. Clark Johaaoa'i • :. - •*d " rap, in jour own Tietniry. Testimom&l* of Caret. i.f. INDIAN UU T> STRUT THE RIGHT MEDICINE. ITnr-Ttrtn;si, \ug. 25. 1878. ' 1 "A? - • —! w • - ; ,e! *jth Kidney Dis and I.iverCom or.'. I tried rventhinc "dell I too m.o}]{ . , r ; ~ l.jt | did rln i:'; c n • :ntil I got* .Rbceiil hrj, .4 yri it ice liei: , whveb entirely rtireil "*'• Mu. RxVDALL, I'AbPIi'ATIuN Of THE HEART AXi rr I.una -. Mrirch 3. IS7' 1 > -ar 5.7-—H it. a ..| -- >.inate for month wch 1 Hit iny i h-. iei 'encu.l Pslpitniiou '' 1 .-!*••! lion ol other dia . ] ot** ineff •.Ir, I •- rnril I tioaght wine "' " ' I-iti'iu I - ' • t whiah rel eved inailntii'di ite'.y. f n:ri i ! n iM-rte-t hi i]th. I'. ■'IA.TK LEW:-. KNTIRELV CURED. Flii -in KUH, P.. Augnat 25, 1-7-. . ; —' v '".tSli> ' with I.ting l'.-ru-e n I mfkrrod from otbei ■'ciplnima— .im- li 't I con. : ii..* .!••. ( . ray io*to nny p",?"'.'" ' '''n-toreil cli * time, ■mt found no "•! ni'ii! ! •■,.■!; n * 1 , . wwr Indianlllorvl J- Per V hieh b'-lt me . : luf of nil |in A. Cam." I.IVKR AND KIDN COMPLAINT. AsWIJ i'a.. I-'eh. 10. 1870. Dear -"r—l ii.-c. •I < u-ng your liulian L .*e Syrnp|:ii mjr fettiiiv fo Liver and Kid ii .■ C.unplaji.t withl Iwlinvr it lin )s tjna!. bt'WAiti.GtLBEJCT. DV-I'Kl'-I V AND :" "DIGESTION. bvni.kP.v, -.' 1, Jan. 1, 1879. fSir:—Tour tn f • lent Indian Ii >.e! -vrup 1 ;; v< j'-rlwt ti-lction - ■ 1 Iff ilysj -j •- i il Indigent ion. THEOD. HAWK. ): IMi.DT TDK LIVEK AND KIDNEY DISEASE. EIIM;tox, Feh. 2, 1879. Dear Sir:—l can, from my ex|eHencc t to r< uiiifitd yir: —l wis troubled with Chill-; had li-. H every -lay lor -ix ironths; Iwui two ■ :• attending me win-i V,r agent persuad • I i. ' in try your Indian HI-shl Syrup, and I i i> ty I never had u chill idler taking tne . ose. I cheeriully roc 'uitnend it to all. I.izziE WINK. Jil ART DISEASE AND LIVER COM PLAIN I . MIDDLEBVKUH, Snyder Co., Pa Dear Sir:—l liave been troubled with Heart J)i-I u.-e and Liver Coiuplui it, and I Itad spent l great deal of money lor medical aid without j -reiving any lienetit, until 1 procured some of your Indian Blood Syrup lroin your agent, E. BufHngtou. I can now testily lroin my < A | erienee as to the great value ol it in such eii-eases HEXRV ZEMCHAN. FOR THK FAIR NKX. Inahlon Knnrlfi, Yellow stockings sue reproduced from the day* "I Shakespeare, who says in " Twelfth Night" He will eome t her in yellow stockings. and 'tis n eolor she abhors." These stockings are so radiant in hue that they an' cailod old gold eolor, and are made of the finest spun silk, ami, that they tnav not he >Ollll too eoinnion. are \\ costly. Some of these gOld-colotvd stockings an l marvelously clocked and eiiiltroidenal with Marguerites. Fashion just now gives to the feet extraordinary import ance Equally eostly are cicgnitt silk -t licntoclockiug. Fine soft I,isle-thread -ti* kinx- copy rleh Roman rihbt in in broad stripes of violet, blue yellow and green; .'mother style, light in np|s>ni.tnvc as a eohvveb, is in pale oelieale colors. sUeh as sca-grtvn. a light tint of blue, rose, lettuce and drab. The clouded ch> ve stockings show all tbe ehangiitg delleate Is-anty of tuollter-ol pi all. and others come in bright plaids to uiateh the bandanna trimmings of dresses. It is a matter of importanoe that the color* of the plaid in the stockiny* should prxs ci-ely uiateh those of tin' dress. For the display of this dainty hosiery the shoemakers of fashionable establish ments make street shoes with from >tx to nine -traps rum 'tig straight across the foot and ankle, titled by button-, on the |Kit. Another aprico arranges the strap- i n triplets elusteied together on the top of the foot, and at the instep under a bow and buckle. These are made of black French kid. silk or satin f>>; common wear. Ihe laiot and shoe generally is cut on the Spanish last to present a finely -arched ln*U'i. Notwithstanding the introduction of paniers. nanier basques, double o\er skirts and other odd conceit*. the polo naise is still much worn, and is. in fact, a garment that ranks among the iiuli-- peiisables. The '.at.st polonaise shows what is called familiar.y the "curtain drapery" style, it opens from the belt in front and is gra . fu.iy draped away to the sidi s, where it has several carelessly laid folds about the hips a simple re ;u, tion of the obso.rte Marguerite I'oionalse. A charming effect is added by quantities of satin ribtmn set on in long-looped bows and ends, (in nadines made up in this style are trimmed with a profusion of lata-. Black Breton i- prv t< rtred, according to the present fancy, but black Spanish and uum) lm ale aso used. A jet beading is sparingly set on as a heading. Many skirts worn with lli. se polonaisesare made perfectly plain, of rteh satin or velvet; others aiv trimm.sl in front with a multitude of Bounces or narrow rtld. Stout pcr soiis have the rutlles placed on in pyra mid shape, but others do not object to U'iug ruffled across from one side to the other. Some exceedingly tine and pretty French bareges for young ladies are shown in polonaises and overskirts. -l.irmi in various places. such as the waist, the liaek across the shoulder*. !>• ow the waist and the sleeves. On the deiieatelv-tinted liarege dresses a great deal of Breton lace is placed, and also light-netted fly fringe made of floss silk. 1 'retty cream-colored, dove-gray, water gr.s:i and ' fftbll organdies are now selling for ten cents a yard, and when trimmed abundantly with Breton l e v and satin ribl*'ti compare very fa vorably with the costliest dress*s •!' the season. Fashion having cautiously in troduced the rather incongruous effect of strongly contrasting eo.ors in one dress, .which meets w,..i favor, now promises the most harlequin disorder. Ureal latitude is permitted. :uid it will b ■ tlie effort of artistes to produce a har monious whole. Autumn bonnets and d css.s will lie as 111 an v hued as the dy ing leaves, and. it is to IM* hoped, will be as picturesque. There are dismal prophe cies of the poke lionnet. and the demand for feathers and stuffed birds is unprecc dent.d. A fan is a universal appendage to a lady's dross, and i- now considered in dispensable for its utility, and as a gra-' tul assistant to expressive action in conversation. In accord with the present passion for all things Orient*!, some of the most elegant fans are made of the eyes of the peacock feathers set in medallions, surrounding a center of humming hirds' heads gleaming with iridescent tlame. (Hhers are of the tuns* gorguous feathers of parrots and F.alt lonian roruu-oorou. An exquisite fan of cream-colored satin set on sticks of carved ivory, tine as a cobweb, is dec orate! with brilliant flowers and leaves, made of the breast feathers ot humming birds, so arranged as not to interfere with the furling of the fan. Another of alternate cream, white and brown ostrich feathers has a stuffed bird set on above the handle, of tawny brown and opal tint*. On gray satin a - -ene in unils r shows a group of eupids -wing ing from a bending branch, whii a graceful little maiden, who is gleaning after the harvest, iscauti >usly appr .ach ing in inn.>.fill wonder. Kaohof these charming fans is a study in itself, being the work of the finest French artists. Some fans have painted in delicate relief on silvery, cream, peach-blossom or water-green satin grounds, rare and beautiful flowers, a graceful passion flower drifting across the surface, or the honeysuckle with interlaced chains, and <• mntless graceful lines and curves. On some are seen solemn cranes aiul the broad leaves and pink, white and yellow lilies of Egypt. Simpler fans are made of soft Persian silk. embodying all changing rainlx.w and peacock tints: otliers ara in Wattcau oilori, radiant blue and delicate rose-eolor. surmount"! by the same colors in fluffy marabou fathers, and mounted in opolescent carved -ticks of |>earl. Sometimes tlie fan is of brocade silk, maile to order of part of a favorite dre-s. The sticks are either light olive ordeliciously-perfumed violet wood, finely carved by hand. Some of the richest fans, intended only tor full Hres- and evening toilettes, are mounted in satin, and are embroidered in imitation of Byzantine relief work with the needle. Black kid anil silk fans are decorated with an initial, a crest or monogram; these are generally set on -ticks of tortoise-shell.— \>w York Tri btUK. .1 iHlTlritlf Task Mmlf I J . Tlie "home and society" department of Sri/our contains a paper on "dotnes ti nursing" by a trained nuw. from which we quote this pmctieal piece of advice: Nothing is more easy to an cxperi eueisf nurse or more difficult to an in • •xperienecd one than to change the Is-d linen vvitlr a person in bed. Every thing that wii' be required must IK* at li uid. properly aired, before beginning. Move tlie patient :ts far as possible to one -id. ..f tin lied, and remove all hut one pillow. Untuck the lower sheet and -lust and push them toward the mi. cofthe tied. Have a sheet ready fo d. He was rich. He kept this from In r a secret. She guessed it, hoAAc-cr. IL was of the " I>l lie b!id* of these 1 niti-1 States. His noble ancestors couldn't make a good living in F.urope so ihey eanie to America. Their noble fiotisi was founded in a -mall giois-rv store Augustus wanted t> get a pretty w lie w lio would tuarry liiui for liintsci! alone. He got awtully t-ded. But lie never found this out until some years after then marriage, and this discovery has nothing to do with our romance, I IIAPTI U HI. I'h, XtrfhfH/ They met, Nninbv piutihy Nainby painby. S.jUsh, gusli. s[>,e Namlo painby, muubv pambx, gu-h. mu-li. squsli. Nam by painby Nauiby pambx. Nainby paiut'V. iiiuah. gu-h. squsli. > HAPriK IV Site threw the other-fellow overUuux! At first the poor pareitl-s did not like lie disguised rich -uilor. because tbey thought be might be a |>oor pn-t, painter or writer She knew better, ami t>ld the tdd folks to mind their business That night lie slipped on Iter Iwsuti fill lie. k a -tring ot iwarl- worth $.sW " i am a man.' said he, " remem ber that.' tHAITEK v. .1/ .r> Stujhny. Nainby pambv N tmby pantby Namby painby \aiuby painby T IIAPTI K X I. Th, ir SttfuHints. "You know more of tlie world than I. Augustus," said she. " leL nie, ar> tiiere many ptstple in the world? " Not many." said he. "Where do tin people in the world live?" she asked, confidingly. " In winter on Filth avenue; In sum mer at Newport, l-ong Brunch. Snrn toga and a few in Europe." said lie. • And are those all?" vaid slie. " All," said he, softly. "Tell me," said she. in her silver tones, " how much must one he worth to he a gent lenian or lady. "At present not !i*ss tfian in old times one might g<> in society tor sioo,ood, but price- rule higher now. In fact, mere millionaires ae< but jut tolerated in gixnl society.' said he. He sliiqad on her finger a #1 000 dia mond ring. " BeinemiHT, ! am but a poor man." said lie. " I care not." -aid she. "i ou are g-MMI and noble, and those are qualilb - better tfian wealtli.'' I'HAITL.K VII SttitfirQ. Natuby pambv. Namby luxm by Namby paml>y. S'aiuby pambv. ( HAITI.K VIII. Thi Kn-Uiag Ch,iptcr. They were married. IL gave the \ ii lag- minister a "S-Jix* W'siding fe< . " We go now," said he "to meet lm IKRT old mother and sisters. Our hone is hutnhie but clean. Twa.s serubbsl yesterday for the tir-t tine in years." The pair came to New York Ail IM gant carriage re eivsl tliem at the dc;*t Thev drove up to tlie brown stone frou! on Fifth avenue. It was all as she had expvted. " l>eai< st Augustus," -aid sin . " how could you dtss ive me thiLs?" The re-t. More gold watches. *riv Saratoga trunks full of dn -- -. Fix • entirely new switches. Faiuiiv dia monds. Butler at the door. Fr 1 or* (fraphic. Women and (ianibleni. It is an old story that women often try tle ir luck on Wall street- Tie . shouldn't, of course, but they do. And. as a rule, they fare just as other inno cents do—come out shorn. The new style of gambling down there, the kind carried on in what the regular brokers call " bucket shop-." is the favorite with the fair s-x. It looks so like a sure tiling that they are very easily caught ty it. A "bucket shop" is a place where you can speculate on a margin n low as five dollars. There's a pool of twenty or thirty, all unknown to each other, perhaps, and tlie broker operates for all and divides the profit, if there i any. pro rata. His own commission i i the only sure thing in the scheme. A woman who gave *tuo to one of tin bucket-shop men some time ago, to make a fortune for her, yanked him into court the other day to give an account of hi stewardship. When she called for the fortune, lie presented a sheet of paper covered all over with figures, and the only thing she could make out was that her money was all gone and s|n- was in the broker's debt. Her tirt impulse was to murder him with a five dollar sun umbrella, but she restrained herself, as women always do in such cases, and got a lawyer to collar him instead. That looks very much like jumping from tie frying-pan into the fire, but she said she was hound to get satisfoction. even if it cost her another *. r >ou. The oddest ease of female stock gambling I know of is that of an up-town woman, who jer suaded a broker of her acquaintance to buy her 1<8) shares of Lake Shore on a five J*T cent, margin. That is. sle- gave him to carry the stock with. He advised her to let it alone, but she in sisted and he bought the stock. Instead of going up the internal thing went down, and was finally sold at a 10-s of *TKI. And what do you suppose the broker did ? Why, lie went and handed the woman back her *.'oo and stood the whole loss himself. That's the sort of broke! I should like to patronize, but perhaps he wouldn't fie so off-handed with me as fie was with a handsome and decidedly stylish woman, young enough to have mischief in her eyes —Y> w York Corrispotulence Detroit Free I'r■ o. An liiferesflng I'lnul. The Victoria Begin, or the (Jueen Lily, is now developing at tlie l'ark conserva tory. This piant is remarkable for the great size which it attains. No other specimen of this plant is known to exist in the Unit's! States, and thi- is tin- first attempt to propagate thi- species of water-lily in California. A number of its great leaves have reached tle ir full size, the iarge-t l ing alxiut seven feet in diameter. Although a nice adjust ment of the temperature of the water and air is necessary to oring the lily to per fection, yet. even under the most favor able conditions which could lw produced artificially, the blossom often fails to make its appearance. On this account the stages of growth which precede and accompany flowering have been watched with keen interest by amateur botanists for the flight'-st indication of blossoming. In the midst of these hopes and fears a colossal hud, about the size of a small head of cabbage, made its appearance under the water a day or two ago, and is growing rapidly. The exact time of its attaining maturity is not known, but it will probably IM- in full bloom in three or four days. The flower opens only at night, and begins to unfold its petals about nine o'clock in the evening, to re main in bloom until sunrise. Toe I'ark commissioners announce that when the flower is in full bloom the park will be kept open in the evening, and that por tion of the conservatory containing the lily will be illuminated, and ample facil ities provided for t he examination of this colossal flower. Two leaves of the Queen Lily will be placed on exhibition at the Mechanic's Fait, and will require for their transportation a frame eight feet wide and sixteen feet long.— Sin Fran cisco Chronicle. The weather was getting cool and the empress told Peter that lie had bettor get an additional grate while lie was down town, but with his usual forget fulness lie came home without it, when his wife remarked, reproachfully: " Peter, the grate." and the cognomen stuck to him ever after. — Oriswotd. AFTER 1.0.HT TKEANI Ux.. The Vessel t'wwtnlMtnlMa 8tlllln bnllsrl In 4 el it and Jewels Ihsl YVenl In the Del lem i( Hie I'aiilbeaii i Fflurls lu Itecuver the Treasure. lii |rl6. when Spain wiw exerting nil Iter powera t<> suppri *v the n volution in V.mvuela.ethe 1.000 ton line of hntt le *hij> San I'eilrn Aleniital'W wiu ills pat. hi d irom tlie mother eoitntry Iwl'ii ivllli atniuuiiitiott ot xvai anil treasure to pav tliearnix in Yeiieguela and I lie navy ini the Spanish mailt She hiul on Uuti .1, a* proxen liv tie ie>-oril* preserxni in tlie Statenivhixe* in M olti.i. 'J.ot*>,t*io in goiil eoin pack' !a/tttg putu h, tin tlaities eommunieat itijf xv ith tk Ikutcl ul brau.ix It i* -atil the drv WimhlX-II Vessel xxa.* |HViii|j| ntl xelopial, ami the (ire oon ht-canie un eottltollahle lllitil it reai'hed the imwer tnavwy.itie, when a terrible e\p .mion tmik pia. e, shattering to liagun nts the all. r hall ol the Vt **el, -. uttering far and wide over tin* water* the wealth of hrr treasure hold, and aerili> ilig tio" ,ixc* ot Tiki out of I,ouo men All tin foregoing is a matter of history estab lished hx undouhteit authority; tliat t< m.lining to In- -Utvxi i* a matter of know .cdgi to living witnesses In l-til a eonipiuty in Haltimore utnlet'tixik to ri - - eov't 'in-"tr a.ut t They worked three month* on tin- xx reck of tin- forward half of the vessel, and rivvivenal aixiut two thoUMutddollars in eoin; the<*iit found thet'e XX Ui only scattered silver dollar* Stuck into the wixid work hv tlie ftuce ot the explosion. Owing to the slow progress in recov. ring any of tli • treat* ure, many eoneerued in the expedition Ixs-atue (ii*sati*tied with the way by which tli> - xvre. kxx i* worked- Thottias it Folingsby, one of tlte dixit*, ad YUtloed A theory to the sllp< riuUlideltl that tin* forxe of the i xpiostOU hail thrown .i most ex irx thing on the xiflsel alt ; other diver* lotneidial with Ititu in his opinion After changing 'he loe tion of the aehoitner from which thex worked a dix ing-ln-i, to the p ace iioli e.atiai hv Kolitigshy, they iUixwlol after -ix months' work in r-coveriiig ala>ut si;uxi ixxi it, siix et coin. However, much more wa* recovered, as the divers se en ted atmut thetiiselxes large -urns of money. They also found jewes, ol which tln v retidensi no account tin. man in particular piektal up a diamond cross which wa- -uhsisjuently wild iu N'cvx York for f13.1t00 Several ul the divers tinaily stole the longboat ami tied to l.atiuaxra; thet worv, however, pur suisl and arresUal. but a- they had coun ter-claim* tor percentage, ami the mana ger of the expedition XX a* quite uu|topU ..iT. the affair xx as eompn>luise-t and they were set tree, the expedition returning to Baltimore to r-tit and set out the *-•- ond ttm< . Owing, again, to difficulties lietwi-en the *ui-rinten pieion of pretendiol distru-t and dei-ep tion in the matter of royalty were token adx ant.age ot to annul tiie grant. An tx|Mdition from l*nvidenec took sotllt stto.iasi. hut xx as lu-iievet! to tie dis hones'.ly managed and brought up in a row. Another small expedition got t-,000. Several attempts ha\• In • n made eittce hy incompetent and ineffi cient expeditions, all of which have got money, hut owing to various citvutn* sianeets have only been mcosurahly *uc is-ssfui. having la-en stooped hy itusm pvtenev or avaricious dishonesty. The latest wa* one nt out by a well known New York capitalist in taTh. It failed, however, through the intx>tnp v tenex of the captain The grant for al by Mr. i<*- lingshv. the dixer lieforc tm-ntiomsl a directlng the movement in IMb. which ieii to the recovery of §;i'.ot*. Tile ground to I** Worked i- aliout two and a hall miles from short*, in an almost innd iockiil rotwbtead; the water is from tift x to sixty fwt deep; the Imtlom i( Mtiii, fourt's nto thirty in< he> deep. At lw>t!i ends of tlie roadstead there is very deep water, preventing, therefore, nnv ae-u --mul.ition of sand in the roadstead. 'I lie eurrent is never more than two knots, which renders it an easy tnntt i to '7.rk at the wreck the whole year. It is pro posed to dredge the entire Ixtttom for a suflieient radius to tak" ui' everything throxvj! out hy the explosion. Dredges taking twenty-four square t** t at each dip have l>ei n trii'd and Work well. Ex pert* contend that the iron chtsts con taining the gold have afforded a solid break by the fori' of the < xplosion, and have consequently h .-n thrown far off. while the silver hurlisi from the burs ted boxes came down in a shower within a narrow* radius, which accounts for tin* fact that only silver has been recovered. The last expedition—under ('apt. I'ost. of the brig tiypsy—>* '> compelled to re turn to the I nited States, as all em ployed suffered from the heat and had drinking xvater taken aboard at the island of Margarita, so that work was impossible, and it may be io escaped any Hint -s. Hog Versus Badger. A highly exciting badger match took piact near Shenandoah, Si-huyikiii Co.. rectitiv.-aysUie Remliiig (I'a.) tAgit. The match xvas laffween l'avid Donnel ly"* bull terrier " Dan " and a baigi*r owned by Charles Mi*t\*indish. Tin-dog had to pull the badger out of an empty barrel to win. The dog weighed twenty one )MiUllils. but tin- badger tipped the scale nt seventeen, Thematcli took place in a stable, and xxns xvitnessiai liy atiout forty persons. McCandish arrived with his badger in a h.*tg. ami a few minute later Donnolly xvith liis dog. Threi* men were selected judge*, and the rules were explained to them. According to the ar rangements made Doniieliy wagered that his dog would draw* the luidger out til the barrel in less than an hour. Don nelly xvas to handle his dog and McCan dis til he badger; but neithiT ol the ani mals were to be touched when they w en together. The dog was looked on it* a certain winner. The luidger xvasa weak and insignificant-looking little animal, hut its eyes gleamed viciously, and it long glistening teeth snapped when it wa* taken out ol th<- hag and placed on the ground. Tin- badger, after eyeing the crowd, Wiiddled complacently into a barrel that was fastened on its side in one corner ot t lie stable. The badger w*:ts imported and is six years old. It has fought sixt'S'li battles and been " drawn " four times in thiseountry :uid twice in England. When the dog xx*as unchained, it ap proached the barrel .-mil sniffed it suspi ciously. but the badger's teeth snapped defiantly, nnd in a second ** Dun M inid entered and they were at it. The badg er's tough hide and heavy coat of hair protected it greatly, and as it Used its teeth and braced itself tirtuly against tin- Hide of tin barrel, " Dons" efforts to draw it outdid not meet with much suc cess. After twenty-two minutes' des perate fighting the dog's teetli slipped end it fell outside the barrel. Before it could reenter Donnelly seized the dog and attended to a number of ugly wounds on itabee. At tin* Mme time MeCnndlih wa* paying similar attentions to the badger. Time being called again the dog bolted into the barrel like a shot, ami after a hr'et struggle got the badger almost to ita mouth, ll llir liiaf*oal I t* kk llliff llll< |ll|{ kk (M> IIMMIIImI til u |4-l tl* ftnk I Ml li% pi, \ti \ 4tk, l*M*!tlrr I tiilrr, ll Alt tlltlfl, Iktli 94 It'll tl>i \ M'tkliltßl llltkl IkY* ilk*"*! Itllfl'l millflTriiiK i \t-iUk inliitg ill* l ! WM nlt> tlttiifi'it>ii*i) Al Ht imiiiHi, l*k . n Um'4u||%t S l l III' IM* WlkllH IrH Wlltl * < '*k|6%M> )kllli|Hwf llkd ll *'k rtlk.i %% U JHUHl'lln'oi 0 *%• | riiilmlikiiiinH * ell#I•* • l Iwt Jtiltii ! |iJa> loiiidil, i lilt I rtlgutrer I ll* l , lk . I ItOiH' I \ kif liiri fuorat nt < liiiiifl'f t Wk I'mk. Ilaitlnl i *i• i , nUiiwUHii the In*' lor all rm-vUvr gCi.OUO, n wliu-h Kiu j ttii'l llujttdul nMe iiiiiHUlteetl l m|it , nti*i ItUJi'll (ll4k)i|Mlfll tti'ltl *M ttHtldfl %• IIWI4 it gUinl timt Kutka lki%t #oM b) lu# u*Uef, Mr I'tMtkliit, U S*w yiifi.tMiU, ikit kiimli) nt #tttit M. i ouklln i alkil Ilk* l wrfe llifti rijieJletl fl*iu ill** ; Ut* k lkr Hoi fulfllltim thru onf|ueiil ih# Nlk Itoai lof llrnlth )imj j WttinUiU t* '* numlkrr i I . tut# ilt k*''i* |Hiltry >n m*huo# j t ttiiiim v l iitmlllt lii llir- UtM'1,,,.111 (if okicrhotiMk JUO (iiit'kl *il iOU hetu ! were fttQiMl ertwll (i|eUir A li4Mflloit!l|knt4 l k'hi*liT S|ti|i|t* n Ik-iturtt.d Inimlett, Me ,mm *** ii lltiik ij itfl-tti I'litiiiu UUiul Mir in IkilUal lor lUluiiiorr. Mini il ii||iumhl hu ill tki# iweiil |;i*w%l %%ii 111 oltuuiutt! id Cnj'UUll fiwlge lltttlllHl, Imt (i%% iitT til ihr ih tinftiiei, *ho ti> t VS t Uoxbury, Mtu- ami tiiorc * i%• I KMeti^vt% Mih UruiiHii W ililem liifhuiti#, Htel Ml lielinell, Mikilir, lirpliew Ol ihr IkMH.ftti liio |*9l%on titoiin-1 nbeve, Iftere %* ro •ntiiMii* and a f •tewenl tin the U*#l whooatu . Al llio State* t oii\ruliou <>l fh* No* York Uro* iiha k imrlv hold uf I tun, Haiti* M i|*f Juhli Id iVieUiijf were uoiwianlt lor tfluYoiU'U aiwl ijaiifiiMif (io%ortMir tiirly f> atvUumli*tk 1 he* otimr tiomiiintliMi# arir N* rrtiu\ ol Malt'. !' Mrt nun t oiUf tniiier, John A. Htaamtoaf 'ftaaaurer, Juiiiui A intu- kUoiuo> it*iHrai, VN i i|fiii Iho I'UU rtii ahk|4< 1 *!riiulil hat til*- %■ Uotiai btnl eurrrtK*) #hal! l>* withdrawn and lha! al) (lie ttMMiry llmt !• iwoi by Ihe w toalHli gold, •ilvri or ehali matlvt by th* grnaial go\ rmuieiot, and Im iimm)' a full U i3a lehiler for *%)) d*bt and tfu**#. jnildh- and l*tt% ai". ik'- eulouie o| wih Ii motiry to Iwafiotil >*o |rr t.'kjiiA. oi nultkKtil lo Uteri ail *t* rr 1 lituieuu'itu of trada; t)u%! iii twuhlwiitNl vol tttue HJ the euitriM'% #)im!) ) increwumd IriHn Utno i> time ju iirrt nan aah tl** iiH*fowr ot llir twiNill-■. art*! | *1 llio ctHUilf) . wo a* tot lUAitaAa) lor !h* dollar a" nearly a* jH4witil® a iniilv*i!ii j'tirt |*rt*el , that al) uph iMiirat >4 |a|*tr iuoit-> aiiall la* u#6 dto t'itiitfei (he iutmost tajiariiig iW'l l th* nation, to J.rofnolo nranle-kl putdn- iti|n\ muoiite and t |v#> currriit *%|*rnr# that Ike inirjdue luoto y ih'h tn ike *4 Ike lialioft imii lie ua*l Uit HiMt l dr' f; Hint the* UatioiiAl g*% rr lili.niit )lAii IMUMf tU UHife uttritwl'bmnui: l>iigtTn# tui t that ail till tai< hug burnt# >)u)l !*• [ai l and ÜBl*d at oaee tliat |olai mo utn bank* eiiaii tr hahr't. tliat !avatioit of eiiail l*r that aakirira 4 J .blaj dfteer* br ir ducwal; tliat reijl4e slulDlua lr (iiileoial to thr n1 that taliir in> t** tuily and |ti#ti% uoinjiwiiwafod. that t*jtiti)>le ri il railrua*! furm Hie) tiwti6|B>ttatKtu I# twleblahoii; that the latgifdaUirr a law gi\ mp to iuwfign|puf# *a mstatr Uir ymr altr* aJe, tlat iaa I* rr.arteal to |e* vrut bind >iw , that tho Mule j*rion mtntrarl B\trili la that ta* |*o)tU<-ai MMMHiiruik Ir pannittoal tn tut* jafty on oau- | iti'iHie* lor Dlt'ier in oflkekOitier*, tital tb vaU# ul intenat lie rotliikHTgi; lhal teU# ltM* lor iat*r dona ule t -e j ii tiltMM'e *l ai) itthrr rUlma. that no inrr |- ibik Un.U la* \*todt4 ctrtMirttiuni; tliat a tar lit lw o*tal u#lw< *li* b ehali | MinM Amer< *u itidutr> i7 jay mm I i#r month *h oarh ai) ii S iii KnmeiMti me) prunong IN m# Kwirit*> Die crlitrniiuii •! live h volulm in hol'la ol Ni HtHHti ana tiiiit*it-l at i iiisif N. \ with great riitku*uim. I*h* (piYeroorv *i New i oik, IVnusy Ivanm and New Haiti]- ■lure, an I a uuiiil* i •! |ixiunnt army oill orr*. were j-tc#-oi. A monniuervt wiw un kriltMl am! :tti a Mr*-".# Aeiivrm) by hfm rnl SbrrttUln Ihr xbi> ' Jr omiitaipi lertiuiiat#xl with a di#|kbiy 1 tUeeork* and a twepwu. tr*rgr \\ WHjloyfd in the New \ .ok county clerk's nfiv-e. saa ilrxiincl m , rvs. ii.-v of bi* w it an.t -.ter • i.nw cel<4iml i'4J In* lotty-MwonJ birtli '*> al 1 tliitiK-b, N J A nuwUMOl t*> lbs intunitry nl ticiieml Cu*ln was unxrilcilal ttl I'oinl. (tmwxl \. T. Banks deliver.-! the oratem a-.,! John Mcl'nlliHigh, ihc iiclor. m it.-l "t u*tcr' I Charge." During the first right months ol Ihta > oar 76,(409 rmignuxla arr.xe.lnl Ihr jxirt ol New York—an rifiw i 4 22.6 M over Die rorrrs |Hili.itng in* 'Utli* lnt > car A wild lexan ti-'r escaped Imin a l'igtiler hmiM' in New York ainl rrvmldl a panic on F.tih avenue by charging ami .tt. *• at teriug iwaleatrinn* an.t will- I. iu evcty ilim tK'ii. lie/ore hi l wa* *int liie brute t.**-.l fixe men un,l ope woman, and inftur*' n child and two |h>lk-i un n. An oii'lt'ilul livxt in lunrk-inausinp la* lawn ■Hxrloklniwl at the ! oluknl -i lirile ihoige, .-*1 K'ul. N J Mr A <• I!" 'int,. *. eil t nirlj ■ acvtiu . •ii-.- ulive J- 1! *-i*xr* ut 9*l yard*.au.i made 15.9 jminl* elandi-umely in onler to i—< ape hi* creilllora, I'll llmt he went Diem on hoanns*. llmt hi* dob4a ore small, ami h" • Ixxild have beetl able to inert hi* ol'ligwlion* ha.! not hia property Ixwn atlachi*) t>y impa tient • rislitor*. thai hi* eat ate ia xaluatile enough to |my nil rrmhtor*and lar.ve a anrnlua. and if not lie will go to work ami |y ail he owes, and that he retire* Irom pntihc life, de climiig to reinmii in a service in which hi* motix ** an- trmtoce.! and vb-w * mcwepre aciited. Western and Southern SUtrs. -amiiel II I'emhtelon and IV idiam Botiert*. whit" returning Irom toxllwtin. 111., to their home* near Wnlpole. were wax laid and a**a* .mated ll is sup|>oa4il tlu-v wen- iiMir>len*l by prison* with whom they had a lawsuit. Henry Stuart and Uiiliuiii Klliott were hange>t it Fort Smith. Atk , lor nmnterw com nnttisl iu the Indian Territory. Stuart wa* iilxun oin-a. vteenth Choctaw blw*l, and iilxmt t weiilv-nilin Jiwni old. V\ le-u he wa* nine len In* parem* moved to Hurtlord. t'onn., and 'm uttelided .. inclioal diqwrluiwiit ol 1 ale ollege. A. .wenty-lwo year* .4 age he wa* a Riirgiwin on the steamer* between New Y'orL and the l*oiinu am. Cwlilnnna. Inter he traveled extensively ,ti Sonlli America and hiirop'-. !i> 117 *' be married in Km,-us. and *>> on alter ri-utrm*' to the Nation to lit e. Ilia crime w.H ta'ilig acccaaory to t'te inunler of Dr. Jiiiiew, ol Caildo, whom he accuacl ol rnnaiiig hia nrrc*. Mr inlixalucing liquor in Die. Nation. Kllioti was ol fine qqwamnee, but ol conimonplare iiiatovy lie u-n* birti in I lino 111 IS|,, and tr*-eix I'd a limited oduotitioli. Several month* ago lie ill tiled n! Muscogee xnd t.a.k Hp hia reaideiice in the house ola diarepiitable woman, where, in February, he miirden d in ixtiff bbxxl a man natni*! Brown, .luring n drunken raintmiil siuurl wnsenp lurtal m Missouri; Kllioii in the wixxl* while ■uleep, near the scene of bi* crime. the t'onlederate army, i* detel in hi* lorty ninth year. Undid in N* itrlennsot xi'll"*- levor, hi* 'tenth aiiccwshug that ol his wile by only a lew days. A D*iilwist(l>akota) dispatch aaya I oh.iie.l N. A. Mile* has arrived at Fort Kogh with hia oominanil, con*i*Uiig l seven companies ol the Filth Itilantrx. Itn brought with him nearly 1,000 hnlt-brccff*, who have las-n lur nishing actua and ainmunilion to Indian* la*- tween Die Yellow-stone and the boundary line. He has cleared the • ountry "I all roving Imiitla and driven Sitting Bull's followers aero** the American In "*, lafidea bruaking up the illicit tratni in arm* iunl aniiiiunittoii latwtrn the hull-bred* and hostile Indian*. Thaaainpaign has I ts'ti xcry anceeaslul, considuring the small loss to Colonel Mile* The famous Whitehall gold mine on the narrow-gauge nulls He I near I idciicksiiiirg, \'a., lormerly owned hv < 'omtnodnre Slia-kloti. ha* la-en iMin-hasnd hx It ision <*apitaJiet*. nnd operation* will he resumed in ' tetolwr Some years ago this mine yielded yU't,lK)fl in si'X-en months. Die miners in tic-Cumberland (MU.) region Htrnrk lieeause of the reltmal ol the r news paper proprietor who ahot Kalloch, working, men's eamlidate lor mayor, has I men admitted to liail in the sum of §26,000. During a heavy storm ut New I 'rlcins ami vicinity, the orange crop waa tiailly dnmnged and several coal Ismts were sunk The dam- age done will reach #IOO,OOO. flflleial returns oltbe Kentucky election give (•ox rnior Blackburn a maturity l 4.1,017 and Din test 111 tlici Htute ticket ailwalal smaller nis|nritte* I'll" Ureenlwek candidate Inr I.overnor (xilln.l 11,964 aula* I Kill boys, whose ages tanged Inini U> In thirteen yeaiw, were ri n over by a fratghl Irani near Ht fauna I'hey wara loitering uUitil tin- Dank a linn a aailcb engine moved dnaii suddenly and naught Uiaiu all. Ilnnry I'atli had faith lege cut on, nnr altove, I tin nlb"r below Die knee. John (incite! bial IxHli leg* lx Ina tlie k linns Kit'hnrd KK|l| bad bulb lifi latdly mangled, but not eoliiuly amputated, and Henry lirtitfadd bail hi* light leg crushed. I'ulbainl line tail were tatally injured Dudley lliuiki'll, a young man employed In a lan urtk oat ban Kiaiananu, eitleital the • igai •turn ul lituuga N.huii, a well known l-al politician, and asked himtn u lim l an uflriiali •latcliii'lil iiindt' at a |>itlilti- meeting Din pre ikm* "inning Rebwart* rrlu*ed t<> retract, a li"l"il|xin Haskell drrw a |ii*tid and shot bilti dnad. 1 fa- Republicans ul Minimal'lll at Dint Slain IXIIII rlltmil Hi.SI. I'aul, laninullialrxt tjiivaltnn I'ltUliuiy nil a plalloim abu b Imartily pixuae* tlir Admiiualialiiin ami it* fluanria) policy, lalll(* Dm riiartiarnl <4 law* regulating Die ..ill MI i nr. demand* retieiu-hmeiil In nu tlnnal and Slate government*. i>|.|m*n* monop olies, eti A lieai y hurricane in ami alamt Morgan I tly, la , did gimt damage, sinking tan oteaiuei* and |orly-fIV4 ixml laiata, blowing down a euumb, eehooi house, aawmill and ttlbei bull.bug*, destroy tug much nt Die *ngai . ana and Iruit i rx>p and uauaing an estimated j.Willinili luaa til #200,W0 From Waabuiylon XX aabingtiin di*|*tchre In tlia New Iml |ia|arita aa*ert that tieuerwi tiralil 1* to become president ul a ■ ' lOVe lU New York, to lie upd m |*y meul tor litreigu gold and guid lair* now la-mg received by Kuro)ivwn at*m er, ui jayment ot laUaneea dae Una country, l bt* i* the iargr*t aitioutil ptubwbly vvnr re •iUirtal tor that |mr|ae. 'Hie Intarnal Iteveiiue Itureaii ha* |ire)*re.'. a tlateiiieiit xbowmg tliat lite number i< gal lon* id *|ttribi tirudueed during Die flecwl y*r ot JHJ9 wa* aguiwt 0b.10.i.0-'bj in ll'S. allow nig ail mcreaae (or ltC'J ot 15,7W - 664 gnlhm* J'be debt statement issued akows the de* Cicase ol debt Ult August 111 be (46,6/7,6116.W0 Idle tolii'W lug is the J rtmsury statement t'aab in the l'reaaury *343,*5**1,5/1 44' (odd certiltcates . 16,1/0,700 00 stiver rertittiales ... 3,/til,li6o Ob < tirrencv certiheates 36.176,0 ml 00 Iteitimliiig cemOcate* 4,50ti,6i0 On 1* gal tetl lem outlntiding 346.6b1.01ti 01 Ktm-tlonal currency outatatid. ing 15,76/ 004 90 lb® |*tytueiits ln>ni tlie treasury by war rant* during Die mimlb ot Augut. IS7V, wele a* lollowra i>n account ol ci vt! and 111#*- i-eilaneou* /1b,733 ttll tb> account of war 3,019,774 4a t •! acvi'unt ol navv 1,111,773 til nwijial o| tlie | übln let* i* tb I" tilted State*. i lie lotai uuiidmr ot *tandanl ailver duiiais coined during tlie mouth ol Augu*t wa* /,757.050, mahtng an aggregate of 40,237.050 conn- 1 to Se}*euiter 1. L"|i to Sej-teuiljer 1 tlie receipt* ol retundmg certihcate* lor cum I'jsion into tour Jmr cent, bond* iggrrgatc §35,706,000. l ire total i*un* ol the lour |>rr cent, loan by the 1 reaui> linpartment u|> to septeuilwr 1 annmut to M740.7515.3iA1, leaving 726.700 not yet disposed ot Foryign Nrwv So Kowiand Hill, ongituttov nl the cbwp (xwliige Ttetn, 1* ilemi in bu eighty -Atlb iw so Kow laud *u the son of a acbiad maater at ittrtiimgbain, l.ng ami, whoie be via born in 1795. Hi* project for a uniform penny |awtage system liecatne a law ihi the S7lh ot August. 1*39. and he was given a temi*invry ulflcr to enable him to miry out the law In 1*1! a sutwcnption lor a testi monial to him rwaclrs*! the amount ot ffil 000 He u kiiigbtnl in IM3I. abd given a |l --uiiinciitary grant id #IOO.OOO, the ort Albert gold niolal id the Society - ot Arts, and the dig fee ot I>. t 1. from highly Kiigltah lanurr* who are di-*atittisl won the agticidtuml pnagiecfs in KnglaLi haie milled Inei laiarpool lor Teva* I'w.i Iwnd* id iti'iirgrat* have made ibeir ap; i inucr in duleieul |ait< id I üba. an 1 ail the lump* aviulaiiie bnve lawn *ent ugan.it them. Ihc *weibh *tr*mie* Nonlenakjcdd ha* beeti !ot on the ooa*t ot Ja|aui. Ibe onicer* and crew Were aan-i ibe Nofdi'U*k|iil'l W li'.toil out lot the evpreaa purjaiae ol going to the a**i*tit I.* eot Die Nirdcn*k|old Arctic cv j.c till.ui. and eailixi Ironi .M net.. Sweden, on the 3d ot June for the Arctic region*, well i*jtiippi*l lor a voyage ot two year* llcr commander had iiitron* to lollow the . ,ure ut I'mlewor Nordetukinld'a etploimg *lnp Vega, trom which no tiding* have ben rweived fill more than a year, and it loand to aid her crew, iml il'diwM to take her place. The ledi f>rhalrs (Madrid nr*rjxi[>er) re~ rotnnieiida that S|wun ahould tree all the lave* in her ib'peaideiicuia. and to *ul>*Utute a neveu year*'|xuii*i id slavery. Mr. {.iineman, the la*t of the original |iart tier* in the eminent Arm ot Kngliah publixher* t dead. A (ieneva (Switcerhuad) corrwapondent re port* that n CHrruvite containing a pa'ty ol Amencun Umrista, driving trotn Martigny to l unmountv, w ovcrtumeit A iaily named Mrv Wright, id New York. IU into a gorge ami t the National tiaird l)r. lleniiaa to a|>ro 110 effort to atnni|- out the dianaae if poaailile. Should the fever continue to apr-rad. \ow Orlaana will lie ahut in under the ruleenl the IN ainl. very muohaa Memphia now ia It will not be practicable to empty Sew Orlinna. or to ratnhltahcd campa. a* waa done at Mom phia; hut there ia much reaaon to hope that the diaeaae may be more perleotly oontodlial hv aanilary meaaurea in the former city than in lint latter." \ Memphia diapatch to the New York //• rul'l Ml i a: " tip to date 87il onae* of lever have officially lieen reported to the Hoard of Health—4s4 whit and 420 colored. The total number ot deatha foot lip —whitea. IK3; colored. 50. The per centum of deutha anions the whitea aa compured with the colored ia atnrlling—.while bnt twelve per cent, ot the lilac It* have died over lort.v per cent, of the whnea have paid the death penalty. Sonic phyaiciaiia in the beginning ol the epidemic were ol the opinion that the present tyjie ol lever waa not NO malignant aa tliat ot laat year. The rtgurea nhove w ill not now jnatily Miirh concluaiona. When it ia taken into oon aideration that the apreud of fever Itna heea gradual tliia aeaaon and that all the benevolent fiMtociationa have heen better prepared to nurae tha aick and give tham proper atteulion, th death Kt4< w alanning 1 her* Is also another notroewhlc (nature oonnoolwd with Die pramil epidemic. Many who |md un scathed through the dreadful sreuaa of I*7* hum Imnn prostrated, and again itialanec* am ntimetsaia <4 |mrana who liava Immmi •Un ken In |ircfio rcuiohrs urn Insittrnlly I X,* er.t.hs to cope * ith it This is mora j tart iru holy the esse when a tauitletK-y to it is inherited. It should tie combated betore it tiacomiw chronic, i When the first twinge* an tell, twourse should tie Iml to llostetter'* Htouiai h Hitb r, a depurctit which etpels trout the kluul thorn irritating prim-tplo* which, Irr contact, cause it'Ttuiniualton and (win in the tnuw-lw* ate! iiMiita. I'tasoiiiHis tttslkini* which are nsu- ( ally ailmiuistered for this disnaae, but which, in a *!icht ovantose, tnai terminate it by de ktroytng lite Itsell, shmild he aiotded, am. , this aide and more effertivc medicine useti j itiHtm.! I*l lose disorder* of the bowel* I ! ali•: uitch ami liver which ln*joently aceofit- j I ) any rheumatic and gouty ailmenta an inr*- j riably removed by Uos sxellsM botanic cor recti vw. A II 111! la M CO It luiluf it. ftp honest worktngmen ul the country many ot whom bate large and inrrtwuuu; < liutalirw to support, have beea Ibe chief uj- I lerer* (ixmi the great financial preseurw nndei which we have labored lor the last lew year* j l>tii oiiahed w age* have not Iwen altetidtxl by a corre(rti
  • etwint j Dial mrxlirin**. r>im|Viunl persons who have aoerit hundreds ol 1 dollar* in vainly seeking relirg from private 1 practitioners, and all at a very alight eiprewli ture. thli one American I'alnnet or J*arlor itrgan maker ha* iter sliceterb-1 ia bearing off Die highest ln-nota at any wotl.l * i xpoahion. where tnev ivune in cowpiflWna with tlie hvt kuropmn maker*, and this t tlie Mason A ll. mini Organ to. who have taken first tried* . or Inghest honor* at ex wry such exinbittou lot twelve year*, ending with the l*ari t ihitntHii. thi year, w bete they were awarded the bigbiwt gold Inodal. I'o develop healthy and harutoniou* action . among the organ* id secretion, digestion and , evacuation, take llr. MoCt * 5 egelable Ijvet IMla. which heatlhlully attmulal the liver, give tone and regularity to the liver, counter act a tendeney to mattiveniwa and purify the • .|4 Wirmv -S" t H*d I b'h# 1 JJ white mate 11l 4 1 It 'its fltatc. ~, ■■ ■ 4t 4 4t -1 so hewed Klat* TO TO Horn rtigrsited WaUwn Mixed 41t,i4 4H s atbsrn YsUow 4*)4# 9*% I I Vat* — W hite Htri W <4 if Mixed W'e*rern (T 4 *tx. M*y KcUil grxdes. TO i 4 *0 -it-as -t/rnn Kve. per cwt. 40 ,4 48 Bote—Mste, t..*• *• petr-'leam— Ornds., 04',44 Hi, Dairy .. IS W 1 Weslerii Creamery "f .4 18 Pinorr 18 41 ITV, Cheese — Htale rwlory 0> <4 loh ; flktm ot # wv Western rsrtcrv. OtH 4 flflh IVots— stale and IVnn*ylvmnta 18 # 181, rHii.inci rnu. Vtour— l-enn. choice and fancy 8 8* # 80 Wheat -I suit. Red 1 '* 4 14 Amber .1 10 4 1 10 Hye— State. 8* ,4 ' (Vrn -Mate Yellow 47 <4 41 ft- -t -bed Wtntes 1 01 41 1 01 Ourt*-New Western 40 <4 40 OaM ''lie Sd ,4 d tlarley — Two Kowsd Rlale 08 <4 T8 anarroa. tleef—^ Cattle, live weight 04\,*fl 04h Olieep 04 q# 06 V, j Klour — ulavmilk and Minn. Pat.... dOO i 4 lOn , orn— Mt,*l atnl Yellow .. 10 i 4 81 "t Kxtr* White 40 <4 48 i Rye —State 7 (4 TO vviaxl.- W aahod. Com long h Belalue.. 80 (4 4" rnwMhed. " '• . 3d 5I mmillTOK (Mi**.) OiTTt-X MAAXXT. Ilc-f—(hiltlr.tlve weight 08V, ,4 04', '*'!. ep . '3H4 d*V i. , Ranker* 38 Walt St.. N. Y wp a f\ —Choicest 111 the World—lmporters' price* |bft V lxirgi'it Coiupaay in America —Maple I LMwl I'lrir Please* eiervman Trade cole tlnuilli IncreaMng—Ageut" w*ni"d Amwhrre-Re*lof indu'-euieiit* — Don't wa*te time -Send for (hrculr KuHT WKLba.43 VeneySt.. N. V. P. O. Box Uflt. _ A MONTH-Aeitt*Wtntwl-88hM vxStlicl'tni: article* In the world, one lample fre* J fAd'lre*JA Y KHONSON. Petrolt. Mich M|M PAY,— with Stencil Outnt* What coat- 4 Mil, et. *ell* rapidly for ."Vll cU Catalogue fre# Dlßvk Sfimii.li'iir nnillkl Habit A Skin lltieuei. II I §slll |M saodicurvl. 1.. we*t Price* Do not f, Ul lUiTI t.. * t* Dr. r. i. Marxh.QnUmy Mtch POCK KY DICTIONIBTjIOJISoiftSittS nr. Fonts'* Health Monthly, oo* ywr.ROc. Mcxmai Hiu. Pxs. Co 19E.aithBt..KwTorh, i Upham's Freckle, Tan and Pimple BANISHER. A few applications of Ifclf preparation will remoro fTeekleo, tan, annburn, pimple* or blotehfta on the Owe, and render tb rom pleilon rlear and fair. For often lag and beantirylag the skla It has ao equal. I'rlre M eta. Heat by mall, pout paid, for 7ft rU. Addrew John F. Henry, Curran & Co, GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bursta. For Ten Cents: One hundred page Pamphlet with Lilts of News paper* end Advertising Rstss. For Ten OoHart: Four lines inserted one week ht Three Hundred end Fifty Newspapers. 10 Spruce St., N.Y. Ma a— ha I. IMorwcMtMl* rclu U tw<-lc to Mil *1" U- b',i ecu iw Iti.t to tm*tii.r Hr m> I- #ll .Ob t. .w-t—[ic-t ua. Mb u> Ult in. u;.r t tit he to til t tcrbrltr a# uti)—l to uatabc. mfttocui. • t The to— ■< Tarraat's Heltxrr Aperieat mrourrr -r.u.ril-. .ub . nD—titoetot '—uultrl frtu OcAP—I mii ii lit ah nai w.in*. / \ / Nt "*v%L \ / Ay ill Tlmuiat, VL \ THOUASX \ \\ \ p° x. I \ 'VV TOWERS. /&' \ urricEß. SiAr J! V HOl'tEt. A / \ / tor J went, of Holt*, t—el us Labor Clualltoa— L sru.li -. ta|-r let. Itototl. FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Abbrr— THE jtl'X. X. Y Ctiy. THIS ruim-aotoM IMbUabW IMS PENSIONS. ■cm l*to. TbHtolb ot ftßlbHtb Mb bo* egoaabk hm e b.t# I, *l* JUibATt* tor bulb fbabbbb AdU'c— v'.tb Ulip (cKORCI r_ LIBOI, r o Dntrn AM. _ W*bltoOT—, B.* PAGtHTS WANTtD 108 Tttl ICTORIAr. HISTORY™WORL3 It coot- • ■ OT3 fine hmar**! Mijrvtt*i as : 1004- -• b.iuPV CI 11!U pfeClto. -pit .. the- IP1M e-ttfi.li Htotorr uf W* *' r j ' " a "'' " "*' i * •* xetob far cxc—ltu-n tc -let tib tc-ma W Arc-tola. M n-r tohc II -C Y—be' Uia *B; cb- er but. abilreu, Ktfiiu.t I*, -ucfeti-c. l rtit -V pM-. r* MnLLER j JH- COD-UYEK Oil It iwrfMlr pure lYimnunow ll* bond by the htsb mi ntKlicM auUf-nl*- m tit* worid. tt*. N I. actor. IH3 Burt Atr-et. Kew Toll. ■ |a r ; rwte ntw KLASTIC truss It., to,! ill li bc-14 aeec-Cy he —,-A —* * lU—la-e— --uw. II to —c . jd '" —I -y—- ,l O""** Fggiestoo Trim Co., Chicago, lit, tfftlTWlin i (Ntr— I no B'abb-r ut HUNT%!i^r?s D rMPIIV' .ct, CUM. 4 l> - ••**>' '"■ K 'II--- lklbc-r *i.b ; ,-T O , Tt> Hto-cl • Hcmrby. Bnb fo Mtiiphlet t. M K Cl-Alfc > P■ ii cnce.a-L maam warrib a COHii rT r v in - i \ FLIXIH 1.1 HII i OitWBT d^LgSS^WS M f „A tot •—ltd. toi toUto" f / M- ry -".li * \tmljl Lr r— - ►,^itca*i, t|iKvamiiM..uiirwtM). . AUKHTS vt \ \ I . I bUH "BACK /rant tkf MVt'TM / HKI.lt." 1!t one who fc*> been Utere 1 "Kimrnnd Fntl mfthe nol NTACHK.' By Uie Burllnrton Hawkeve humor tot. " Hamitnthn am a P. .4. *b F. i." By Ji-nh Allen", wife The three brtohtnrt -r.b hecrt-HUlnr liooke out. Arenth rou Iran atU the— b.e>A* la everywhere. K—t term* S'.rA.Kl.ir Acency. AMERICAN Pl'MLlßlllKU Ci> llArtforb. Ct. ChYcuc. CI __________ ' o.SK Buin-a to AKKA.MMI* a perfe.-t cur* for *ll ktnbe * PII.KB Two to four tmttle* tn the wor< cure of I.KPKttSY. aCMOPI'LA. SAIT HIIKI'M. RHKCMATiaM, 11 IUN KTS. OY SPKPSIA AXA XCKK. CATARRH -if! *l. .ltoee..f the SKIN" *nb BC(RD. Entirely Vere- UC o. Internal and external n Mi-urv retnnie.l tu all cam* ft fail ure; mine for 3U year*. Hold every where. Send for pemj'hlct ,1 a hotCe. H. D. I UWLK, Hoalan.O L0.0.V UDXSVVi of p. I'flSnillfil LaO THimiXmUlm] X.of H. ■ if lU' all other I mad. to leder b. W.f- I.llley *k C—_ OUnmhm. I (be. enb /tor Price lAmtm. Military an* riretnen'a Oooba. B-nnara aria | IA I HOtU'l.A 1 I.A ! Aiiento IVanlrd j to take HMera for the Urgent Tartl llwuae tu Amrrlra. Prt ea defy competition AMM.rtaient of over Hal Style.. Comic, I nioue. Itr-ulifui. Agent.' Dutfit ID lent. Any muart 11-')' orlllrl can make Due to Five Imllare t-r Week. Ail-lrea- wtth a J-i-ent .tamp, WK) Mi>l Til CARH CO.. Box MM, Weymooth. Ma—. ®TRrTR IM MIAHTTI ' IS® AOQAA A tear. How to Make it. Mew AanU iBatlUU ItoMa. 001 A YOMJK. 8. Loeta. Hj. Lay the Axe to the Root it yon won Id destroy Un ran ker! rut worm. For any exter* ual |NttUf sons wound or Umo nrn* of man or toast, nw only MEXICAN MCHTANtt LINI MENT. It penetrate* ail mus cle and fltwh to the very bone, expelling all Inflammation, ho renew* and pain, and healing the diweawed part aa no other Liniment ever did or ean. 80 fiaith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and ho will you mj when you have tried the 44 Mustang." THE TEMPLE!! The Tempi* it for Singh* CtasseSa The Temple it for Convontieen. The Temple it for Choir*. St.OO per Smmb. Stag 1* etpy a.- t far u< Ik* HIIH m—cbl WW* * *BH W* le le IHWf hwt swdwj • book •* una m* *r wo r—■ 1 wMrti act Ui kuuuM OuUaaa I— M wwiim worth* M— m >— Md C-IMlll— t) pa CM. #Mil ■■ OLIVER DITSO* A CO., BMUB. C. H. DITMI * CO.. MM m mm* -toy, Maw Ia j. a niTbos a 00.. _ mliriliui n rUM >.lblbbb I Hm) IwmmM THMIA IKBTIU aune Un • MbiMrt TbMa a. Leading Markets Of the World w ib" a a. rutaar or towa OVER 80.000 MM. miad Ul km . mm m I'M i I MlHl h ■ ad Mb Unb N<— •rbMlor fliHI 11||. TrtiflUSt. m int&u St.Biisia ttiis SAPONIFIED Wmi—nn U U*. Old IUIImMI. (MMHnM La* FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. t-MMi dbrb aba ft* makmt Bart •oft Mb Toiler ><■( nui. bly. rr n rvLi wbbt ajt xraj&vra. The MUM M flood.* wttb itow*toii*b) (baabMi Lye. at.ccb to Mi. V-.kl with Mil Mb IWb Mb —w s* r Moxtr. jjrp cr f SAPONIFIER Ha PI AY fWB PpkMfliuii Half MaaaTg €♦., PgILAPELPWkA. • EXODUS 3,000,000 ACRES M t imfli ha MM fhßHi RED RIVER VALLEY OF THE WORTH, Otoli— Hi, I—MMMb—MWWA D. A. MoW IN LAY. LanO Otw'a •a . m. a m. Ay a fbanha TEAS!-™-- TW Tory bwb food, htrbrt from the tm porteri si Batt tbt ami cow. W (tea £SL VTnx od Xenrw Berci. ALL lIPMSS CHABOB FAuX Mow u:mKia t The Great American Tea (ompaay, Bl ub S3 Vm, Alml. Haw Ik. r .n b*a-'. _ Mntte'a Food h* WK- lb* * UHlßnn FOR twelve ykabs. *■*.; •t Pawn IW7. Tib... i-C3. Smw. UOT; Paniaa raii in. Pum. IbX uri ** 8wM * Kdu. MOT. Otoly A aVM(iuf awarded hi*bt baa on at aaptarb. SoW for r.Ui or luaa nLcran ub Or. r.r> pry— —nl Am MAS IN HAMLIN OfclA 00., Ho. toß. XW T<*k or Cblcato rainhbiii :. ®' CMwot r*T nt^o Trn ... cry K—C.n W.Hc k— IM. t—• Ic-* w— r— mC KsJS^a luc.ii—ur—. —• • •>*—*—■ nu i-cwc- U—M— I—.Hll*. -Cblc -If* cn jut, ii iu ■■ 1"n ' - - a— mc u c— | * . Wiccc <—C Cc r-crCul —• —-h,n jo>eo.ici—cjfci ——c. ■bXHai, no i\i ■ —— mm i ■ I. t. WKKHI.Y M>sl'.lKn. T - ;iiunii. in- sdrrtb inc-nl*. It . ,-vrc- YMUi> pl*r Willi li"'if -i-.o'r aij ti.ee- ictur- - I'HUK. OIK A Y KAKi Spr ii Tri * no*. slvlT : Picnb SflirSPtSb Sj, flo- Pc-tiki-.. v . -i . t* . i --.-I* -caii - but bmi timer .rtlc-lr* t - cllc-t-.'ir-c Aiic'c ir p lb 'tc . ibl. Simi- r i i-pic-c frc- to *uy iVna with *!' li-ftinualka n r.i hi.v xkcakyhkk, . is Ami Slrrrl. >r V"ih. uf ,!•> !-r moil b b MMM. or .th-w . |U(, com mi.- uo, to —II our ■> ub woaborful U>r-ic-.L * lb c 1-1 Cncbini .tnb cctod S3U Arrr ( ui> rive- to afl-c-u ti-iu- M tnii-r- t. iildrm H. H.riMPBBLL, BlooniiiiKtcio. Noiirw Co., lud. 3 WlSSes'^^^S 10,000 tor n jw kLf f V.aJLAEh K1 HREA 1 INK riIWHSK. Hed. lUuc. • Bhkk < S jisckskct fot . ctA.; nil tiuule by the addition of water oniy. tine ztxr i,-.:' * VOUNC MEN -i<. b.*. c I moatb. Ivrry mdutr euaruleab . P-ytn. Ut n— tori Abbre— K- vjntilie. Mu-srr. Jrut-hvio. WW AUMMbMSSMibr dW* tuf KIDDER 8 PBTIUES.. . rwaaWBBMW' 1 -ru-.iowii lit -w t"-.-t X" 111 js. ill l prr b.y th..in. A-lbraa with tumii. tVOUIi MAbl/TY STARVING . . u —aa litnuiil a Will Si blwu i t1fttnSlfll)ll ro: ' IIUI " reljr rnuutlt. lt.- i- - I #IV lUtpiwww , Addri*. BAJTftB A <.. VUiiiterifc 17 WL SI.. X. Y _ tuuu YA-t K mii"xi- •iK.louvuta- UalT.t r r 4 4* Abbr— P. ■> ViI'WKHY. Anim.l- *--- 'iimmm' ~A MoDtA ul • xjwi.*--. >wi.o—d t-j Aat.it. 4 4 outfit fr JAW A CO.. AUSCII*. •£