The Seeds of the World. The harvest of the small grains of the country is completed and safely in st;u k. Better weather as a whole could not 1m desired. It has lieen dry and Our predietion of last spring that, with seasonable weather the wheat crop of the country would he unprecedented, ha* been more than \er itic 1. Our best wheat yield in the past years has been about 3tW.otW.thW bushels. This season it wi , undoubtedly reaeb ttW.tWo.oth> bushel-, and may go to 195.- OtW.thW. Two-tiftlis of this product we ean send out of tin country and still have an ample rc-erve for our home uses, l/t us now see what the require ments abroad will probably he. We have heretofore stated that England will probably require l'Jt>.thW,(hhi bushels and France ltW.thW.thh> bushels. It is row that the Mediterranean count riis <>t In r than France will need S.S.OtW.OOO and l>< nmark. Norw ay and Sweden a total ot 900.000.000 bushels. Late French statements csti mate European requirements at '>.thh>.- hectoliters, or 3Tt thW.thh> bushels. Russia produces 900 iHH> tHHi bushels, and consumes at home l.'W.thW.thW of this amount. leaving a aurphu for ax port of .W.thht.thW bushels ; India fs.thW iHH>. Aus tria 90,thW,000, and Hungary s.thw.thw. Thus we have 110.000.000 bushels to supply the deficiency of 9H0.000.000 bushels, leaving tor the Fnito! State 170.thW.0tW. It is thrtvforc pretty certain that our surplus ol ltW.thW.thh> busliel will find a read\ market and at fair prices Alexander IViuiar. a very con servative authority, estimates the world's crop as follow s, the tigurcs re p resenting millions □ If Ifj II COINTR*. ;* • J \L & f A I'mtetl ~..., s#o sss. ...... H# Fmaco i-ni av Ski * ....... .* • \.:.vh s Its IS Klalj • l § M ... M ll# tl Vut < 1 Ku.giledi ...... 4 * • lit* t'iVry 4 M Koumatit* 4 *k ..... . ...... .s ...... ...... ■*'W ...... .4 HriiUi.t, ..... .... S \ BtntdA. #> Canada. ......... . V flit t . la . I , KgSPI I\*rt u. al * 5 3k . 5 S-rv A 4 4 ...... lVm-.ark ? Stnl.u n.l | .. . S% r*r t *uv!.... .1 } - Ail iHiirsw 9 .• * :sj l>4 > us r:\ "While I hate ev, ry reason to regani this .as a oorm-tex -o.ition >f the world's crop and future wheat movement at lh< prvsmt moment. it is to be remembered that tlw harvest i- not over yet. that from some countries the telegraphic ad vices have been rather meager, and that both the requirem. Nt- ;uid surplus or deficit ot a couture depend much unon the rye anil other gram crops, which, though they are h rein considered ar. not shown in the table. For th rea-ons the detai.- may have to me what modified. But the general result can, I think, he depended upon for sub stantial correct!* s- That is. the w heat deficit will, during the harvest year l7'.i N>. amount to over 9tW.tHW.tHV> bushels —sav 99j.tHH>.iX>0 l.usln Is—and that tlie United States will be called upon to supply tw o-t.jints of it. or av I9j.OtW.fHW to i;w,iViWHH> bushels; Ku— -ia. 50.CHW.tW0 Eouuiania, 90- tHW.tHW bushels; an i Canada, Austria and India. S..iXX)" Tliu- it will be - en even front the most con set vati\. view, and taken at a time when the win it crop of the Initial Strifes !:ad mat >• '• denloped it-elf. that an extniorcinary deficit must ettSUe. Sini-e that .itu tie I'nited States has. with favoring w- atlicr. very much in creased her -Upf >— d yield, while land and France and -oiue other Euro j an countries un-.e-. i stres- of weather very severely r du> '1 the contemplated vie.d. Eng.and must also buy more largely this se.-L-. ti than heretofore of Indian corn to eke out !. r bad bay and root erup. The carrying out of thi va-t quantity of grain must bring bark gold or its equivalent, it will have the effect to cause bu-in. -s of every kiml to spring up, and thus again, a is al ways the case. we have the fact Verifies! that upon agriculture as the foundation rests the prosperity of a nation.—/Vuiru fanMe r. What Reporters l)o. One d*y. writes a New York corres pondent there w:v a gn at loss to o*>e >n<- of tiiem stoppeii >: moment to say in a hatty way that if the hankers would cut into the cheeks tlie amount for whi-h rarh check wa drawn a raised ch k would b< an ini jx>-si:> e thing. The managing editor overheard the remark. •* Mr. Diank." he said. " wh- n you get through write a letter to the editor ol tin- Saa giving that idea." It was done, and the letter wa printed next morning mtnining the sug gestion that the amount of each cheek should be cut into i: :o pn-vent any al teration. A few nights afterward a spruce young man eame in. and scatter ing around some blink Invks with nura l>ers cut through tie m. as is now com mon. said: •" I am much obligeil for that idea: it's going to be worth 810,000 to Jin*." Tie* reporter who originated it i s'.iil laboring by the week. You now and then hear of ai a- around Printing house - )oare ot the vn uable tilings that reporters have done. There is. however, too mueh work and life crowded into their twenty-four hours to give them much time to tell about what tliey have done. The past to li: :u is as the w:it-r --that have run by. They are interested only in what they liare got to do to-day, >r what they have got to do to-morrow. When leisure days come tlu-v do not tind themselves in H mood to revive th<* past. Si it is Lard to get :it what these agile gentlemen havedone that should !• fixed into history. Nearly very man of prom inence has a story of some extraordinary obligation he rests under to some new paper man: but h would be indeed a man worthy of prominence who could av that he had fulfilled such :ui obliga tion. An Extraordinary Ca". Some twenty-three miles distant from Kingstown, Ind., in a German settle ment. there is a young woman, some twenty-one years of age. daughter of Casper Schmidt, who is to ail appear ances .juite dead. It iving lieen in that state for nearly twelve months past. She awakens, however, once every twenty four hours, precisely at ten o'clock at night, and will converse with tlu* family and others for about twenty minutes, when she will again relapse into the comatose state, and remain so until ten o'eioek the following night, at which hour she revives to the minute, throw ing out her arms and folding her hands together, and raising up her shoulders until the spectators imagine that her bones are cracking. She remains in that laborious state for the space of ten minutes; when she comes to a perfect poss< -sion of her faculties. A singular feature of the ease is. the young lady recollects well if any prom ises have been marie her the previous Tiigbt, and will lie v< ry frct'ui for a time if they are not fulfilled: but if the things are brought her she makes use of none of them, as she eats and drinks little, or nothing at all. She could never be per suaded to attempt to eat any food but three times during thirtv->two davs, and then put the three together she did not eat any more than a child a year old would take. conversing a few minutes this remarkable young lady will suddenly clasp her hands together, throw her arms into the same manner a when awakening, and willreturn into the same somnolent s' tie as liefore until ten o'clock the following night. A gentleman sends to the Pittsburgh Cir,llif rrial GnrrUc from Unionfrown a snake story, which is believed to he re liable. The following is the substance of it: The gentleman and a friend were p sing along the road and saw a small .yellow bird on a fence, which a black snake was charming and had within a few feet-of his mouth. They drove the si ike off and passed on. Returning again, the snake was discovered at his •i d trick, iup this time was killed. S range to sm the bird would not leave, }?ntwithstanMiig mai y attempts were made to indßr it to do so. It hovered • iver tiie dcJPrrptilc nd finally lit upon his head; am not until the snake was hidden from Sight did the little songster jiy away. * " Wliat"s2oo did in Wall street." o. J ockport Union. FARM. RAKDKN AND HOI SF.HOI.D. (.'rthmsl mill llmitoi Xlr. It is better to top-dress an old pnstun well set with grass than plow it up and resoixl it. Plant a few fruit trees of every vai'lety every \ear and your orvhard will never be all old. Dig the early crop of potatoes as soon as the vines die down. Burn the vines. a> they may contain the potato-tot fungus. The host purpose to which coal aslie can be applied in town or country ts in making garden walks. It well laid dot*n no weeds or grass w ill grow, and by use thev Ixeoiue as solid and luot e durable than bricks. Let no one pick fruit who has no thought for the life of the tree and tlie s .i-oiis that iitv to follow. We hai ■ sivh ovehards that lx>k*'d after k ing M if a hail-storm had \ isitnl it. tl.e limbs were -o torn and broken. Tin -uecess of a fruit grow er depends upon solid reputation for bote -t> 1 -t i very pai kage be an presi nted and like every other of its grade will in stnv th > i-oufidence of the tHiiumission meri bant-. tlie esteem .d the coiisunieis.. a ready sale ot the fruit and an inward satisfaction. Farmers that have a -upplv of old fence rail- will tind them tu-t the tiling to pla.-e next their tomato plant- to kis p the fruit off the ground P aia- tlie short pieces crivssw ise and the ong ones on top (lengthWisi 1 i.. ti side the plants, and you have tie .leap, -t, it not tie In st. -upport of tin kind to !• found The t'hinese are -aid to pn serve grap - for a vety coiisideiwbii by eutting a circular pna-e out of a rip. pumpkin or gourd, making anapeiiur. large enough ti> admit the hand. The interior i- tlien thoroughly e'.eatnal out, th • ri}e grap. - arc piaiaxl inside and the eovir ivplaeeil and pnss-eil in firmly The whole i- tin li kept in a coo' p!a. e. New v.-irictic-of plants and trees tuny lw propagated by budding, which is, in t n't. a kind of grafting. Some trees do not take gral't> kindly, the stone truit particularli so. and i!u-< are usua \ buddetl. To bud a tree a slit is mailc in be bark in the desired p'.nce of the -li.ape ola r. \ diriutuit of new bud isitlt l"ri*m a tree, the bark and a thin -li ot the underwood lieing taken at the axi ef a leaf, where a new bud is found. I'b piiee of lxark cut off with the bud i ".rinmied ti> fit tlie upper cut of the 1' . xa.-tly and t> lie smoothly under tb otlu r part of the bark, which i 100-, ned by l>eing rai-tsi with a I'ltint. -iiiiMdli in -trunietit. The bud with the sliii id of bark is slipped under tin 100-ened bark ot the -tix k, wliieh i U>und by a tigutv - Iramlige of! bark i>r linen. Flint is all. The hark-unite and the ill s' rted bud grows and lx-xn" - atta bed to tlie woiil of the stiwk. ju-t as with a graft.—AlxrAtiMve. Ilritllh It tills. For people with -kin di-ea— - a car- Udic bath -liould be U-eil. Always take a hath in aw nrtii*riM>tti md in tepid w at- r. unle-i i articulariy robu-t. Twenty minutes in the stuoke of wool will take the }>ain out of the wor-t wound. :uul i*'[Kat-il once or twi.f, it wi. a iv th>* wor-t ea-e of intlaiiiiua tion arising from a wound we ever-aw. I'he prime conditions of health in a bou- depend ti) on clean line—. pure air md uujioiluttd water, the prompt and thorough removal of all refuse, and the • rf. t exclusion of all foul matter- ai i ing outside the house. A ni dieal exchange .-a - that lift ean b sustaininl bv the fol.ow: g wh n nothing else can betaken : Mak< a stivng eup of laiff-e, add boiling milk a- u-tial, ciuy sweetening rather more; tike an e_-g. b.-at yolk and white together thor oughly: boil the coffer■. milk and -ugnr togetlier. and p>ur it over tlie l*-aten egg in the eup you are going to -erve it in.— Bt ston Jjttmiil of ChtmiMry. When a ting- r )>riek- a- though then was a thorn in it. and throb- intolerably when held downward. and y< t there i no external sign ot misidiief. the proba bilities are that a felon i- in prospect, -n\ - an exidiangi-. ur.. -oiue of the -pitia marrow of a bei-t . reature. Take a j>ive. sav aUuit two inches in length, and. having cut it oj- n lengthwise, w raj. it around the atbs ted finger, covering, of course, with cloth. In ah w liour changi' the piece of marrow for a fre-h one. and continue to k.-e]> tlie linger so en until all pain lias ami there i- no discomfort w lien the marrow i- retuoTixl. The finger will h* k strangely white and porous, but the cure is complete. This remedy ought to 1- come professional. It is va-tly better than the surgeon's knife, and more ertV . t tual. Truiprnitur* In t'nltl*allon. At tlie late meeting of tin- Michigan Porno logical Society at Muskegon. Mr. S. B. Prick, in his aikbi of woh one, in his remarks on temperature ami reason of failure in the cultivation of fruits ami tender veg'tables plantiHt in the lioiiie -tead garden, in alluding to the capacity of different kinds of matter to receive and retain the heat of the sun after night fall -aid: A- a rule thn-c sub-tanei - that are the slowest to receive heat are tlie s'iowe-t to part with it. Earth and water, the two kind- of matter we hvv. most to do with, are good illustrations: tin former receives r ariily tie- heat of tie sun :t- soon as he appears, but part witli this le-at rapidiv as soon as lie dis ap)iears. Water is the n-verae. slow to o-.-.-iveand to part with heat, requiring thirty times as much heal to raise it up to tin -ante temperature. <) u r buildings, whether of wimml or brick, bold the heat r- .ived during the day much longer thin the bare earth, and thus intlmne. to prevent fro-t in tin ir bulks. An il ii-tration of this fact came under tnyob - rent ion at the time of a damaging frost early in May of 187s. that destroyed most of the apples, grajics and berries, and all of the peaches, plums and elier r:< - in all flat open exoosures near here, while all of these fruits were a complete -ueecs- in an imlosu-e of eight to twclvi r..d on which were two two-story and two smaller buildings, with a well-filled woodshed. Theinflueneeofthese wooden -truetur.-s to retain heat extended to a di-tance of seventy-five fist, as I ad ample evidence. Tin- same thing* hap t ned in a much less dgr> con the morn ing of May 7th. inst. Tim success of gnijM-s wni todepi-nd on the amount of summer heat thev receive. Isabellas that sodom and Catawba* that never ripen lmre in open field have come to perfection two year* in succession, trained two feet distant from the build ing* above mentioned. A Tame Humming Bird. Some time ago a lady living at Cin cinnati heard a bird called as if in pain, in the yard outside the door, and U|M>H investigation found a young humming bird in tbetaionsofthe family < a!. Sim promptly rescued the tiny fellow and found it to be a little hurt, though enough to warrant her taking an interest its eonvaieseenee. She took it into the house and kept it tilltlmnext day, wleai. on taking it to the}door to let it go. tTm bird flew up into a tree and refused to go farther away, finally returning to her hand. Charim d with the confidence displayed by the pn-ttv creature, tlm lady tk it fully in charge, and sitiee tlmn has fed and cared for it a* for any other fathered pet. The bird is of a beautiful russet gold in rolor. seems to know it* benefactress, and ha* charm ingly coquettish ways. It permits its ini-trcs# to handle it without exhibiting fear, and seem* to enjoy being stroked and petted. When it gets hungry it makes a plaintive call, and is then fed from a fresh petunia, into whose depths have been sprinkleo sugar, moistened with water in imitation of tlie honey that i\ the natural food of the bird of freedom. Tlie bird enjoys its meals with gusto, and calls for aliout twenty of them daily. It is very seldom that one of tlmse rtaintv birds is eauglit. and still mor" rarely is one kept alive, to say nothing of becoming a pet, as is the ease with the one spoken of. A Million Dollar* I'nder Water. Some parties in San Francisco, who have been working up the matter for some time past, have discovered tlm wreck oftlie steamer Brother Jonathan, which foundered off Point St. (ieorge, near Crescent City, in July. 1805. Sh> lies iri an upright ]>o*ition in about tw-ntv-two fathoms of water, about liftv fathom* from the submerged rock on which slm is supposed to have struck. There was about $1,000,000 in Treasury notes and bullion in her safe, and the finders are fitting out an expedition for the recovery. The treasure belonged to tlie government, whose claim is held to have lapsed on the expiration of ten I years after tlie loss. The (•enrgt* Bold Belt. The "'Cold IM'II," of which (he most productive portion lbs at this point, con-Ist -of a strip of land running sonic- i wlial inegul:v.> imarls dim uorthea-t ami southwest across tlie northern end i of the State. !( averages about ten miles ill width, asd has been traced 9(H> , mile- in length, parallel with the Blue j Ridge. White, l.uuipkln and llabcr ' sham counties embrace the richest de posit*. so far a now kttoun. but the limitaof mining are gradiia !v widening 1 File present i ol gold In re has Imn II known front the earliest time- Chero kee Indians Were the occupants of th territory when white sett.eiiient fli-t la gan, and tliey were at ell-tometl to -itktlm gold lor uriiailieiita, pltrjMisi-. and to tlispo-e of it In bait' to less foi innate tribe- I'.videm e-ot their mining -till remain, but are insignificant Ihe methods adopted l>\ tin til-t white set tiers, ami in vogue until recent Mai-, were very rude, consisting merely ot washing out tlm gravel ot tlm In its ol the streams by running it through sluice ls>vi s ami sibitii I-gets into a " gum rock t," which was nothing but a spilt ami hollowed out log a dorcti or so l< • t in angtii While tie wilier front tlw sluice-YHIX pa-sed through tilts trough from ■ lid to i int. the linker was ki pt in I constant motion, and the Imav > g>>!d. )M - iinittci| ti> sink to tlm bottom ibiom h the constantU agilatcil siit, was eauglit bv t rails veise cleats, w it It or without tlm aid of mercury. It t- said that tlm first piece of gold ever taken in the I nitial State* belonged to tbl* depoeil, ami w as picked up ill IT'.s.i bv ('oiirnil Riaal. a l>\ who lived ill Cabanas county, North Carolina It was as .cge as a smooth' iiig-iron, but w is -o'al to a -ilvi ismith tor $3 99. Afterward much larger lumps were found one weiglosl twinty-c. lit pounds, ace' riling to tradition Fhi* excited MI much attention that cxpiot i tion vv as Is gun. and the gold traced southwanl, until the Ixirder- of the Clierokee territory in North, rn Georgia were ri aelmd, ami pns|mtftoni •>, gaii ti> emroaeb U|n>n tlm reservation Pro test* from tin Indiansnatura v follow,.!, and tiisirgia sent a large police ton e to keep back th- inviuler*. but it wasol little avail Fhe rush to the mines was lliuell like the stani)M'de to the l'.'U'itie ivKist in !>lt ami recka -s, dissipiatetl tuen from all quarters ot the isiuntry tl.H' in, prow ~sl about the woods, s> t u)> li>g huts and slianty groceries on a 1 the streams, and pnid no resjx-ct to tlm rights of the Indian, or any one else un able to defend then Even United State* were poweries- ti kisq tlm .in. ■ less hordes west of tlm I'liestatis-. and here as elsewhere the discovery of gold was the end of Indian possession and a original simplicity ami charm Tin -e itavs arc known as the period ot "the intrusion" —one or two dates troin which the mountain tuen reckon a . events; the other being "the bite war Finding that no protection of the Indi ans bv, )M>li.a' measures was feasible, the S:at. ia 1830 adopted the Indian*, ttni torv ami all. and constiiutetl the region a county called Cherokta'. out ->f which several small counties have since been made. Tlmn the mineral lands were di vided up into lorty a. ri lots, and )ut up at lottery by the State. Ote 01 tie - lot-, oil tlm Yahoo.a river - No. 1.00-' now a >1 the Hand Company - property, had almwly htssinie e< lebratisl It was within tlm reservation, but tin n us.-d to iTiS'p across to it a! nicbt. ami earrv horn* a nmal-bag full of dirt, out of which tin y would pan from twenty to forty dollar- tlm i. vt day. Fbe instant it was ascertained that an old farmer down in the central part of tin Stati bad drawn this pri/. . slm w.l specie . tors >■ t off" po-t haste to buy it from him. It siM>ti came to !• found here, as . where, that go >1 was m>t to be )>ieked llji in twenty- ght-poumi lumps . very day. nor did every bushel of -oil pan out i double eagle. Fbe wortlih . i/y ami dissolute majority of tin ! nvaders graduaoV drifteil away, whi.. only tin small uiini rity of n< w conn i •. whose ae -ession W:c- ol real \ a.lie to ti. community, stayed. Flic |n.. y panned out. and tlm cum nt of events carried the dross away At pr si nt the mines nr. larg. ly owin I by corporation*.or by private capitali-t --wlio are not r- -iileiit- ot tlm district. Only two of the isviiipann-. however, are r< resented in tin N- w York Mining B >.ml, if I aiu rightlv infornual It was found that as tlie gold oii uriv.l n> i:her in extensive placer-, like tllo-.' of ( a itor nia, nor in indestructible quartz lode-, the methods of mining in vogue cls.w h.: ' would not answer hen* if the b< -t result were to b- oblainisl. 'Flic inventive geniu- and pnwtieal knowledge of tho-o inten-ted w .-re then fon -t to work :>> devisi* tlm best means ot timet ing the ea-e. and it was sjHsslily founil that tlm talisman which alone would open tlm riclies of tlm hills to human u-e wa water. So far a- this mere fact is con cerned. it could Itarvßv b' ealbsl a "dis covery;" but the utilization of th<- idea, and the practical nmtluxi* by wbieli tlm enormous power of tbi- natural agent lias b en )>ut under the miner's control, are the work of <'olonel Hand, to whom, more than to any one else. m> doubt, be longs the mailt of the splendid develop luent of this industry during late year-, and tlm glowing prospect* it now holds out. — Ernest Inqcrsol'., in H trpcr'a rin". ll,l • A Reminiscence of Niagara. I remenib r when ! W:l but a boy that a man g>>t into the rap'ub hen*, having bis'ii carried down in a b>at. which was broki n to pieces. He had the giMwi fortune to b' - attempt'sl. but they a failed. Thousands of dollar* were f.-risl to anybody who would r.--. ue bim The desperate situation f the man had been telegraphed over the country, and every train brought crowds of pa-sen gers hither to witness it with their own eyes. He was encouraged by shout* from the banks, but whether lie .- iuld understand anything said is doubtful. Tlm world is said to be sympathetic. It is. or appears to b*. unsympathetic, because tlie oojeet for which sympathy is asked is abstract. When it is tangi ■ file, visible, all is changed. There was • an exemplification. This poor wretch could be seen. He was an ordinary, un educated man: but be was a man. and the brotherhood and sisterhood f the raee went out to him in pity and intense eagerness to rescue him. H omen of fashion, hliisr club men. selti-h world lings grew pale as they watched the un happy wretch, so vivid was their sym pathy. Many persons sat U)i all night Imiking aero*.* the seething, roaring waters at tie small dark figure still clinging to tie rock. The morning came; renewed effort* were made, but tlmv all mb-- carried. Tlie crowd had inerea*el: it wasimniense Everybody was excited. Tears wi-re In the woman's eyes; the pallor gleamed through the rouge f some of their cheek*. Can't something be done? Must the poor tellow perish before our fa< e-? Is there no way to rescue him? Sueli questions were in cessantly asked; but. alas! no reply could b- given. The man had good murage •and great strength. He elunc to the rock yritli tlm desperation of a dying soul. To lose his liold was to be dashed over the cata ract. Apparatus and contrivance* arrived from Buffalo. New experiments ami new failures. Hoarse shouts still rang across the rapids to hold on. t<> be of gcod heart. Tlie stoutest heart that ever throbbed could not gripe that rock forever. H was wonderful how lm had endured. A fre.-b idea bail come to the minds of half a down mechanic*. Tliey were lalioring to throw out a hawser; every muscle was strained; every eye was bent upon their work. Suddenly the man slipped away. He wa*exhausted; lie threw up his arm*; he dashed toward the cataract. A low groan as from one breath quaked through the throng; the thousands shivered with terror. A black object lor a moment longer in the water*, and then disappeared forever. Then was an agony of relief. No one moved ; i no one spoke for a while. All looked in • the direction wlmre the figure bad been swallowed up. Itwustlr enchantment of terror; it was thoehill of tragedy dis tinctly wrought which froze every one for fhe moment to the spot. The olil resident —lie has lived here forty years—says that on an average about six persons are carried over the falls every year, and that four out of the six are wholly or partly intoxicated mid lose theiriiives by carelessness or reckless -1 ness in rowing above the rapids, going , beyond the line of danger. But for liquor, not more than two lives, he says, would be lost annually.— Niagara Fulls I Letter to the fit Louis Globe-Democrat. I SUMMARY OF NEWS Eastern an*! Nhddlt States tliUu-c Iwiriniouitl* was Iwngwl at Allsoiy, N \ tin tnviiuiotsi >.| lal hot nil" liuislsuli a spinsici titty pill- old. 11l her lathe" s house on ln lain* tie*** to! '' last April flu- ino lic ol the milt "lei was lotit.ei), am! tlie linn l.ict otitniinst foil! .lotlau. ami I*-i* '"lit* AIIOI taking an attectilig leave *it til" hi I lit i ainl mothrt lal I intoiillle WHS imnviVnt to tin acwlfol.t ami 111 toisw er l<> the qucsli.Mi whctiiei he tia.t alt* thing to suv tic rootlet in a lcol"lr vol* I ask to t-o forgiven hv nil. a I lm* < toigt\ en llu nit sen! nit I In* e t sa* to IIIV , Olltc-sols " I'lieu tnr tmlids ali.l leg* wees lie I (lie l>lack Cap win put nor Ins lica.t, llu riqu was cut and tlie ...ii.tciiinct man *> protliHiuceil ttea.l 111 twr l*c iiutittte, the \,,i \oik •itnte t on* olilion >1 tlie Faniiei* \ll inl", e uici at K.s-lu -te lo*.lu lion* wc.ea.loplisl leeou liicii.ling lin met . ami maiiuta. Uirei to make advisoi* iiolinnalioiis 1.. i luciiitwi* .>1 the t Vgls. .line in ra. tt . o.ilili ol the State; tliat llie Athiuioe would stea.l lastt\ tntsM to t'l n*; the rlll*ad ol the stale to a pro| ,<■ repon*iUlity to the putilii ci<- I tie tail, c then a Ij.i "lln.l to lli.-e! at lJ.s-liesloi on thr lout ill wrtk in Xiigust. tSMt tieotge VSiihaui and Man* iuellt tia.t u •wmulling match liolli llie Hatlciy, in Net* folk ill. lo tone, Island i lie ihslultCr swam to lite two mo "s atamt tttilteeu tildes and was made i tool hour* and twenty nun nt us, lucidl coining in ahead t lie > ot House nl Kebolsrth, lcl . tins t*.cn dcstt-l* <-t I* ftl- -ist* persona w. ill lie llotiac al llie llUic, but all .-..aped one womal out* Iwinj; allglilly u i ilvd lit* giio*;* I. si ait ilieir ts*ggagc VV Iml to do w ilti the . its gnit-ace is a uiat ti : 1 ...tlirrirH the oltt. i;.,s ut New V oi V deal llie tciitsc IS taken down tile lm\ on scows and duuqied ovcitwiard; ainlncil) pajs-r tins crontr t quite an excitement by showing tliat the linrlair ehautticl* are rapidly titled up by Ibe city sweeping*. • lliatf n. tune it wi.l la* itiqs -s.lie tor veasels to enter the bay (he swimming match al \ew|sirt. I( I net wen * apiwin Paul Huytou. the Vuicii.-nii and -plain Xlatiliew VV . 1 .'lleti . i.mii plon, wan w, li hy the torinri i*le cotidittiais ol the inalrh weie tliat tioylou slmuld make twenty-Hie ci his rubliel -ill while VV . kwaiu twenty tnilr■* uua*ist*u lloyton laid mn-ic 101 l ulut VV ohb a little tlioio than nglil mile* wlieil itio iuttoi was sr./ml Willi viol*lll cramps and had to la- taken Irom tin water, lioyiott *-otitimie*l on bis couiae, an ", covered the twenty-n*<- miles in nineteen hour* and tlutly lour minute*, winning llu 1 rue ot Jil.tKHI 1 tie contest was witm-stsl hy a large crow d llie Hon John I' I'm Py.k, who rejuo m- It.t New .IriM., iu the I nit*--'. --Ial-- ,at.- Irom IS.•'.* to Ivu, dust tlie olhtu day at Vlounl 11.'.,, N J . aged sixty-die. At I*ou*iwii, P* . Samuel VVdlauer, u tiu inls-r el Itu- town council, was kilte.l, and J..1U1 It -it.nan. Ptice \Vi..auci, VViiailou lie., and a man liainci Hover wrio .tang, luusty incired to tin- tai.icg ol an nroti wtiuh wa* Is-uig rt-mo* OL in order to make sou i I-J a is nt itu- hial luriiaco ot the PotUlowtt lr*Mi I ompau, I'lsui cotni '- uni ot Henry llci-gli i-reacleiit ol 1 tie New Vork Sriuly tor Itio l"l olilion f i'rueilv t> Xnittml*. a limn muu.-l Nest- U hn* been senleneod to ten ,tay* lutpiisoitiiieni I, |"Uimtt:iig til* horse to lntc to dentil. Iwo tiain* coihdotl near waiaiuaiica N V . amt the engine ol one train <-ra*ncd iul." the nlow.-l the other, turning ,l bothou-nde up ilown a ,ciy tugb embankuit-nl, wilh t.c brwkriuan, Itenry t'liurstiine, *f lo*i.e*4 a tieeon llie | After warning a nuui - I ol w ell-kit>w ii laid i li:,ittc!i-ls t* 1 t-a, l- tlie tow n the crowd ih-pcred. Hunk Ake, * Colored man twenty y*v*r**-. t was tall g dat Austin l-\ i.-r as-aulUng a iiltle gut. Ihe culprit sin."kei S cigar'-B t|.c and dvuied lu guilt lieorge Jolms-lii, a I'hu-ago milk seller w.,> struck by lightning and killed while watering milk. I'he (iovernor ol t. rgu* offer* a re want ot pi.**-,' J. tlie ot llu y-tatc on fraudulent land gnti.ii many --1 wlia-h ln* teen -id in New t.i.k an-l i-Uiet Kaatrr* cit;c. A fire nl Farmer City, ill destroyed twen ty-lour bmi.lings and btirnr-1 .M" . has , aii.|H-l with pit) "'*• "t the cotiq a iv money Follt-e Pi-rgeanl Jai-ot'\"hl. Nt lolrl* I Iht". allcsUM Ibws PauUlMry. who has ~u*-t . various }-,-*titnt*aries tor burglary mid othrr crunre. on tlie charge of being a suaptcious |u>r*ou The next day SauUbury printed a ennl ntmsiiig N< hi and leflia-ling on his . im ac er uii'l qualification* iw ,u 'ftV.-,-r. Not . called iqwun pHuishiiry and "lemamlrd a relrac lion, which ts-uig re!.:-,-f, N-dii sh*t Pan - uiy twice and then iiot himself Ihitli men died in a short time. Nhl !—, rils- la* l.avi i>een a brave ami cfik-ient ofi.ctr. At twelve o'eloek limmi. a lew davsago, a man enterel > > Hs-kiy tmna in * ..nimbus, tihio, and U'gan a con* ersolion witti tin- pro- I i .cu-r. who was lb*- only psrsn in the p.are. concerning m gotiations h't -< me t —,i. t VV hi., the two ariv tiiu# engng**l a otilcdctii - gained entrance to the Hi tic by .ni, wusl, .* and ciimisl off p. 1.01)0 incunei. vant pi > ' in ri-gisleri 1 Is,tut-. llie thciV :vs not d.s covcrcsl until *uiie time ajterwatd From Washmglon. The ititroau of Kdncation ami Hie Smitb sonmn Institute Irnve receive.l special in vitation* to lorward article* tor exhibition -it ttie tney and Mi-i'sHirtie rij,si!i."tc I Iturcanof I ducat cm has alroaay jurpare.l a: i ahipped the articles forming its contributions. They consist mainly ol ofttcialdocutnent* *h*>w ing the romlilioii ol education in the I nite 1 ilstm, as repn-senle-i by tlis- ti-|arls q tin* Inrenn ami ol Slates and ritns. t..g"-ttn-r with a small collection *d public library catalogue* and other cduentioial ldcmliiie, ei<- The exhibit forw nr>ll i in shot t a c >py on a small sintle ot that whb-h attmcteit '• much atten tion at Farm last year. The August returns ot the Ib-jwrttnenl ol Agriculture show tliat the general average .it the eonditiott of corn on Augnat 1 wm 9.'1, the -ame us in July; at thr name time las! year It wo* "> The New hngltn d and Vliddli all allow •* high average In Virginia an I the Smith Atlnntie State* the drtaight nil short the rurly-planted com, hut the late plant*-il was in a c< unlit ion to be la"iiefllst l.y rains gem-nilly r*.|Mrl*sl nt ot ri-turn-. IsniiauuiH show* poorlv. nn.l I'e\a mnki* ttie worst recool ol any Stale. Ki-ntoeky . i ihio ami Indiana rvqwirt an avemge condition, ami tlie Stiil-s w t ol the Mississippi all report extraordinary growths. I'he c,.inlition ol the |Mrtntorrop i 97 against S.H in .Inly. I'he New Knglitml s-tixt**• show n stationary condition at !"H; tlie Middle --tales rise from 9 > to 10' J. the .--outh Atlantic Mat*-* tall troin 'HI to SS. the Ititl! State* are stationary at ltd. tli" "southern inland State* tail Irom M to SI, the Mate* north ol the < ihio show a very mat ked improvement, rising Iro-n 74 to 9-1; wi st ol the V|is-i--ij pi tlii-r'- is a decline Ironi 101 lo 9S, while on the F.i' ifi-- slope there is a slight appreciation from 100 to 101 In the northern pnrt ol the Atlantic slope, almve Maryland, the condition ol growth nppinrs li have tieen very fnvorahle. I'he suininci ol 1579 hn* not i*".ii favorable t< the hay crop. I'he drought • t dune ami July, wluch was so detrimental to thr oilier crops, ulso seriously shortened th"*. Timothy hay i* aimve the nvrnigi in only ••ight i|ate*. In the N-w Ktigland and Middle sintiu. it is short. In the Mni< * lionleringon the Ohio river the same cause (drought) tin* te lured the product mate-tally since 1 S~H. In the Northwestern States the returns aic lavor nhlr. while in Kansas Htid Missouri they are very loyv. The I'ai-ific state* show very high averages. At the ilnte of the returns rain* w ere generally re|*>rted, and the pr*>*pcct lor the tall posture* were grant. Foreign News. An address to Lieutenant < iircy, ol the ex pedition in which the French I'rince Imperial lost hi* lite in South Alr>.-n, dcclnring Hint Im hn* lieen unwarrantnhly censured, received 3,000 signalures in Plymouth, Ktigland. The lailure of the iimi/.e crop in Hulgnria will entnil B largely increase*! consumption ol - heal. Stntislics ol the crop* in Itus-ir* show U.lil lite yield ot wheat in 1H79. n .-.ilnpiircl wit y* 1 7H, is the same; th \ieltl*if rye mid out * i* larger, and that ot tmrley and |a>tnloce ■mailer. Another heavy storm in Etiglam! th" seyere-t since 1872—lin <-au""l many river t'i overflow uud "lone immense ditmuge to crojs*. At Ode***, Russin. Ave Nihilist* have been •riilenrrd to death, one woman to exile in Siberia ami twenty -t w.> other prisoner* to ten yrurs' fo-tuil servitude. Advice* from the sent ol the South Ameri can war nre to the cfli"ct that the t'hiliou transport Himnc, Imviug on leairil n cavalry regiment ol 210 men nral valuable munitions e*t mated to !>e worth R1.'100,000, litis been eaptuMsl l>y the Fcruviati men-of-war liuascar ami llnion. Horrloniix, France, lias hud a Are which burned dwn flite'ii buildings and Owtised an estimate"! to** "I s!0(t 000. Lieutenant Catey, the English officer who wa* with the French Prince Imperial when he was killed, and in whose case the finding* ol the court inurUil iu South Urn;.* have been quashed, hn* been released Irom arrest. l ate advice* lrotn South Africa state that a successlul Zulu rai . tor Sew V otk hartarr, t* rapidly llJ'ptlHll lltlig i ouipletiou at I'uiib tn ,; i cut *h....ting contest ill Versailles t'. .. tlie Hist ill tee prill" weie won to Mdtoti I mtow, an Auielnan uiaiksinau. M' Stsiti, the well known I nghati auiinrtity on tig 11 ult in til mallets declines that tli* yield id grain tin.- \ rsi will I*. our thiol ti*ss titan itu nveiage ninoiintilig to a loss ol Jt t IHSI OUU to the cultivator*, and that over In IKltt,- IIHI quarter* Ol when! will I*. required Irtan ntwiwl t tie deftcn nc> in ths |**tati> crop w ill cause a loss to cult I*ato Is ol s'.VIW tMiii, ant tto. dcftcleiley In tH-nu*. peas uu.t rye a loss ol 5r I,ouo I homo* Taudey, a largw lauded | ir**prioter Ol AI til nt \ Ol M* nil. Ireland, was shot dead IS I lit 1y , as lie was elite ling his own tiitail I ) >;iii|iilchil IrxrtJi ilia MIDI pllifilH'iM illi ItiriitU li t ttiilitiita u (Aitl tJml lit* (it ixHiinlU | |-t*rc| Mtt> tiling iltl lfHi ol the jjHVriiiiUl'ltt loivfli, ait.l lital he Ili iiily twl'viflfl lit a* rVtulilU I"o- ItH AiHUi t'l iht- by a it-t li"H o|iiitioti ciiii(t by the iht bal liinl ht* would itl or hi'ci if* rrMiimthili l) nii> |iol ibo Uwlul j{\ • oriiitifiit Flip Nituhbi* hu Y r I♦Mwum, l(ti#*m 1 Imsp litkp tbfhe piPPlltiuDl thai ha\ lakrii filtu r lor (uitUcill uffwiew U ICuaMUI in ttiMiut a ywif \ lion IVior Jiolfi. A NaahYiUo (1 fun ) •h.wjKkU h Mr. biollirr ui-itiw of 111© inl© ICtor Ii t. AilU. o! Mflltjhib. YY i|t • tlitml of >©lhW ItYf! Nt MirlhyviU© •ovoml *&*, soitiwrt.l th© liiktMiP by Alli)tiiiiK i ill©*, aiiti *li 1 *il I alSahoiun, * t*m y. <*y ciily unit • It* in f laj'ht il t* (li© s lnlf ol Ihttllh tl! th© s\ lit) 'ttt|li*i •! h) j rtl.t-11l Wplf i*l *# |niij;, mil©® tliii*iit, btK*mn© alartin"!. n'A intiiiy i 4 thrill l ain© xo NoJbvill© u Ih© Ural train. \Vh©u lb*ytl wa atlwrkwti by Ur I-y rt tli© tulhiHll it© ptucffi hittt in an i >btr I btNla© Y% it It tttlrihlniila l* t'uie loT bills, but b© mithi to th© N©a \ rk |©i|©m giv© lb© lollowm ©*Hiilitioi t*t nihil! * ill lb© *( t ifkrit ©il> : Tb© ©|*otl <4 ill© liuwltb Hoard ©how© Ibirty-fimr ri©w ojnr - ta rnty a hit© •nl fourtiYpu i ii© ilontha liUlt*©roil JMrYrli wbit© *ftd Oil© cnlortYl, I ruiti ©f"|#awnukr©& it w tml i a©©m lb© l©V©r © to aitioii|; ihr h hit - On© tlin *.' i" *■ rUiti- umit> cmr arr i*rouHiur©d to b© bitwkhon© f©v©r or btUou* IrYrf. tin* i"k hY tiij; I*©©!: nbl© t |{*' nt (4 b, I wttlilti a a ©rk No ibwitif mor© than t*Yti htintlti-*! 4 Niirb taN.* h* r tsvurr©•! I'liyw fintt* hn y © I*'©!! in (AM Jjrttot tout© rrjartiu|* their t-YMo y* yeJIoYY fever on th© !it;htrl p> ui|>u>m Hi© f©©r j r©Y ailing iinuiif r|. i©*l |*©r©oti ► | iiHrt;)iv hirk'Yii and Ul iHt I©Y ©r, ftii yy hn h thrv rwvr raj-itilv hYriythii'4 i Yjuirt lit• yy Ih© ©hit© iniliUr> t oti|*a!>Y outiitMrrstig r.i v Ytniij tnttt, Mrtn- I'htt Kr*t mv, air arnttii ant! ar© driihui; !ih Ili©v ©ill do guard or any th©r duly ©utt© irooj •> I'tirir f©ii! two! yrilow wdk © .'is K HI f©l ctdtir in Ihr center. lb© txii©d winpuniYW, M-i ieilnii tt;ard an! /otmvr#. ai© diii|| llttfhl *© Y |C© n tb>* (MiUcO | aluioat ©©word ©l* ©j't lor the MHTYiartrso! life- !•>**• t*r. uurat-Y,>l |r>mßt*. 11*- ard Y iitf, men {trt ? trUf tf s l*t*Y jadic©. flletiieu and D©YAj*aj*f rrjatirr are nil th© |eu| S© xmi Mr on tii© xtin-t Ucii fditwliv MflhP ©Mnati or rbih! r.itt.r* th© ittfwt to remind u* d thr |OVt. '■ it ©Y y*ii that ©tuan Yr child i act ll nmlrsl Many )ut |NT©>II* t tfitinn© to 0* to ra!ti|w lit© ctdotwd ja-s|lr >©l rwtnoin lt tbp(*it> iht ©hit© military ©oui|aiiy, or IpUDf©) I© pffitwt hi© and will b© ♦ 11• i. 1 v t #t\ Mali" UrY ft.. tbr M 1 *to ItMNanrf* is th© YtitmitM lutein!©! fifty ritifrn'* dti'duty day and mgbl, pmtwtilif |tYi(*fiyid wu|>i.nna |a !*• ©hit© and tsd rr*l liH rtntiairm and Uirnisr* © hen Airwl by th© |©tail wdi barxfiY 1© ©to* ..rtr ! t. ia.i, 1 ©y ©llt© ©i©t"ut©! tl ton mi An addMuMini miic© Ihc© i at Ut ti)'pn© tnrpndmiiitt and roldiwry !> *b© Mtolrtl h> thr jaln ©if |tnul a 1 ©nt ll*ui th s; IM.II;. * U-!.C!| th© bour* run©at night and }tmr in tb© tnoniini; Tbi ufdn ©*• iaumi to stiMirx Y* roblfti©* am! im cntlianatn. ■' jr©val©nt 4 late. A runiii 1-liiYor of jrrUo© ko r aa> • • Mctnnl r* :r©wjwmirnt, i® in ih© |©cu!tar fact that to |A up ail hup© i*l T© CHl very ami bmiiu# lri|fht©n©si, !• t# mvil© | death Modioli© an ! attention aerto U IUYY r no iliTt i|M*n a }ai tie ut *l lli® character, in umltrr ho© mild tb© ivpe ci lht ds-etYo© may lie 1! it th© man or w tnui who dctcninn©* t • )itop Utn®, |j©n©rllr pitll* tliruuftb, a* it i® ri I ifs©) h©r©. 'l'll© mind lia* !*<• iitti© lo d ■ yysHj >©How b irf, it {•©iti#; j Yvuiuul}* a diwfYaa© ni tl© n©rvou yat©m. 1 YY. ruriou* . '© recently catn© und©r th© oWfYati m of a Memphi* wrwpomi©tit lit. 1 > 1. >i%uml n%. on© id th© Irwditsf pb> ®ician®. \ i® m i a pat ©nt rriiii: itliinu <4 *b© itn-i l ©nt relatrnl ataiv© Another j©fwot, while thru wins tin black voruit, ©a® curtwd out iiitf* th© >nrd m a rain ©tortn by Ih© drunken latin r. and kept tber© hall an hour Ih© lather ©u arrrtoUvl by th© phyMcinn. Th© Uy ia up and doing well. Another peiwon wh htd a alight Attack, and had phY®ician and n tn*w ami attention of ©v©r>" cIMMWCtrr, dmd. At a conl©r©nc© b©tw©eti th© Hon. John Jo . nkiiw !• m .-t ni ren: ivrt l th© Memphis colored eiitiA-hm. t ajtf e l thai th©tc©fonh Ih© place* ol worship would h* k©jt cltsei. I Candidal!cf>r Mu?orSh*t b; an Editor. Tin- -iiv <>f S:n Francisco lia* never before wiln>s*eii "Ui ll Scenes i.| excite 111 *'llt :s those wilt* Ii fmloW! i*i tic shoot ing of U v. I. S. K&llt* It. wm kingmtui's e:imlid:ite for mayor, hy Charles I Young, senior pr*t>rietr ■>) the San Francis,-o < hronflf, one ol the leading papers on the I'acitie slope. The cir- | cunist nee leading t> the sluHrting. as given by the Associated Press dispatch" >. .ire as follows There w ere three candi dates ill the til-Id for mayor of San Fran risen. Rev. Mr. Kail k-Ii was nominated hy the workiniirtnn of the city; Mr. Flint was the Hepuhlican nominee, and David Farquharson was put forward as the standard-lwarer of the Anti-Mono|M> cni rg' ti' tillv -ttpisirtix! !>> In- <'hroniric. ILv f 'lirtfi*— rtfi'i v l. 11. DP YoUllg. After Knlloi'li was noniinateti t'lißrin- Dc A'cuing, in a ajiewli nt 11 State t >n vpntioti of the Anti-Mnnopolißtß. an notin'-pv! that lie would compel KaUra-li to withdraw from the conU*t. Sul*<-- quentlv ID' notified Kalioeh 'hat Huh lie witluir. w be would rake up his record in the i-oluuti)" of the Chmnirlr. t Mr. Kalloch sent hack word for lit nt to go tthead; tliat lie eould tell worse tiling* about tlie |)> Youngs than anything they could bring again*! hira. On the next AV' itnesdnv the Chrawh came out with a long article reviewing Kalloch'* carm-r :x* a minister in Huston (wlicre thirty vars ago he wa* principal in a trial sim ilar to the lleeclicr ciuve. iittt as in that case the jury failed to agn e) and in Kan sas. dwelling particu'ariy on lii* t< porti-d amours, and ttlso denouncing lii< jsiliti cal and htisini *s record. Thurxday'B and Friday's I'hronvlr contained similar and more elaborated article*, and dragged in the name of Kalloch'* lather, now dead, recounting sundry alli-ged immornliti'-s on his part. Kalloch had advertised a mass meeting at Metropolitan Temple Friday, at which it was given out lie w "till"' n-nd aeopy of an article published *onie five yeais ago by li. F. Napthaly. formerly a reporter oti tlie Chronicle, in a little paper called the Sun. This arti cle was an attack upon tlie personal and family record of the De Young* of the mo*t pronounced character, ami led to an attempt on their part to kill Napthaly which failed. Tlie De Young* sent Kai loclt word tliat if lie read that article they would slioot iiim on sight. Friday night an immense audience gatliered nt the Metropolitan Temple, and the street outside was parked with a crowd numbering thousands. Mr. Kalloch ad dressed the indoor meeting, scathing the De Youngs mercilessly and reflecting on their personal record and family antece dent* in the most direet#iiianner After adjourning Die meeting in the hail ID w , He reached the liis.r, snii siu a!.out to look in to M • woo it was thai wished to speak with him In an instant Mr. De Young leveled a revolver and shot him in the It It breast. Mr Kalloch recognised his assailant. He Slaggereti its though about to fall. Recovering lumself, lie started to run down the street, and I>* Young tired a second shot Irom the open window of the troupe. The bullet struck Mr. kalioch in the thigh. Mr l>e Young then ordered the driver to drive ha< k to the < 'hronuU ollice. l ie* reports of the pistol, however at trncted the attention of the work in:.* men They surged alaiut the carriage ami threw the horse Upon his haum le s. They unule an attempt to seize the ooett paiit of the carriage, but he confronted litem with iv kevl revolver aJli held lln lU at hav \ police officer ap|M-areil, hut In-fore he ivAifd make an arrest the roUpc was overt urneil D>- Young leafed to the pav. incut, hrandishing hi* revol ver I lie officer *1 l/'"*l lll'll. file Work - ingiin-n made a rush and trampled IM>III officer and prisoner under foot, lie Young was s< v erely handled. The offi cer wa* covered with III*nt frnt Sacrament**, and eould not be r. a, he*i by a telegram In this dilemma le n. Mi'*'iul) assume*! the responsibility of < ailing out the mil itia As the crowd In cari.e nmo threat ening he le., graph**! t*i tlie Nen Ury of M'ar asking for 'r the use of the mil it i, S.vrrlary McCrnry sent a iispatch authorising the com mander of llieaTs* nai tit ikliidi to issU<* the cartridges t< tin State authoritus* In an hour the street* were placarded with IM*T*"T*. eailing a meeting of the W orkingmen at the sand lots at V p. U M< intime a cr- -at crowd H -iegt-D tie; TWIGJ) offi' E and threat '-n-d to sack it. Mieha* . VO'ing. I> rtn*-r of Charle*. IwValue frightened, and Sought safetv in the FMILICE station ll* was placed in the , 11 with his brother. A strong cordon of poli*-E was detailed to protisl the office of the i'hroniele. TEN thousand w orkingmen "NIE ided at tin* SAN! lot* and demandi-d V*-ng< TNEE Upon ill*' A**:tiint of their . andidate. A dispatch was 'IT L |I. tos K'-arney. wio, was -v!l*'*nt at A al lejo. an*! lie arriv, i by Ivo.xt before sun down. Severn! thousand w*,rkingni< n R.ST iv IS! him a! the boat The working nu n's military companion, to tlie num ber of IFIO men. with rifl'* and fixed h-tvoncts. wre *n hand as an escort. With Kearn V at tlu ir head.thr pro- OT SSION moved up Market street for tin saiul lots, tilling the street* for several blocks, and making THE AIR ring w ith , LUS-rs for K< arney and cries of " llang lie Young " Kearney realized the situation fully, and addressed hint** if to tin* task of quieting the passion* of his followers lie reminded thetu tliat in t**n days the el rclion would put the whole ma chinery of the city government in tlu-ir "hands, and that without fail the proprietors of the i'nmnirjr wottl*! then meet their dv* rt* : that any pr< sent attempt at viol, ne.- would lie met by the revolvers of the police and rifle* and Hat ling gun* of tip military, and that the game was not worth the shedding of the blood ot one honest man He abjured them by their r< gar*! for tluir reputation throughout the country. Hie '>•* of which were upon them, to d* no violence. !>ut dis p. r- juictiy to their bom***. Never wa* Ki-arn- v's boundless influence over his followers exhibited to ls-tter advantage. Although the vast crowd were fairly howling for the blood of the LB- Young*, thev V itly t<> hi* advice, and when he di*mis**sl tlieni they surged away in various directions, evidently PIT pared to follow HIS advkx to TLW let ter Mr. Kalloch'* condition was criti cal in the extreme on the day after the shooting, and the physician* were un able to give A decided opinion on hi* case. _______ Words of Wisdom. It IS more honorable to acknowledge our FAULTS than boast of our merit*. It's hiiMian nature to love to make experiment* at the expense of others. A'ott should consider your adversary as all*cut when his s.-nses are departed. Those girts are pvt r the most acceptn hle which the giver has made precious. The first step to sc. f-knowledge is self-distrust. N<>r can we attain to any knowledge except by a like process. Some men are wit ii their character much a* they an- with their money; (h< less they have the more careful they have to l>c. Tear are t*i lie looked at not as proof of very deep sorrow, hut a* a gracious rciie'f to the killing Intensity ol such grief. The sun. tlint mantle* the mountain* kissed hv the clouds and the morning* sun. and speckles* a* the iilv'* inmost leaf, is not more pure than a pun woman. No man ran stilt himself up. or seek applause on friends in high place*, or loud praise. If lie belong* to the tront lie will get there in time. Mid will remain there vv lien lie does arrive. The gentle mind i like a ealra and peaceful stream that reflect* overv ob ject in its just proportion. The violent spirit, like troubled waters, renders hack image* of things distorted and broken. One had better sail laddly in almost any direction than drift without any di reetion at a'l. tine had bolter sail in the Uiaddi st storm that everinnihle*! the s, a of life than l*e on the B'-a and Drift with any chance wind that CIKMISCS to blow. Happiness is a frail plant which sel dom tiv.s long on earth. It springs up when it will; often in quiet, shady nook* Mid eornei-s. but seldom in *-ultivate*i gardens. It often blooms where one would least expect it and then sudd* niy and unexpectedly dies. I/ harrowed by ex perience and made ntellow a* a plowed ticld by furrows that have torn it op; let it lie made charitable by the sins of others, by a sense ol its own sins, and you have'a face that w ill wear as many change* ol expression as the wind and weather. _______ Immense pumping machines were or- i dered hy the Hungarian government of! Kngiislt Amis for the rebuilding of Szo ge.tin, at IUI expense of over 11500 nut); j nut this money proves to have been en tirely wasted. It has l.ecomc evident, j ays the Srrgtni A'rp a, that Szeged in can l,< rendered dry only by the falling of the river that caused the inundation. For the money these enormous pumps, cost the hanks' of the river might have liia-n fortified, and tutiire overflows to that extent guarded against. i From Romance to Reality. A Dakota letter to the Madison. (Wis.) Journnl ha* the following "In com ing up the road I finessed a scene which to a " States man " eouid not hut have a melancholy, though romantic aspect. There was a bridal couple aboard the tmin. He was a pleasant, inlelli genl-aptM'arlng young man. with evi dence ol a farm training and a fair i-du cathitl. She WM a* fair as " Maud Mtil ler." the *lay th* "Judge "met Iter In the fahh-d 11*1*1, of *vldently fir suj>erhr 'raining t*i her sturdy consort, site wit* one of the loveliest aud bright*-*! and gayest brunettes on*' ntay meet in years ol long extended jaunts. Kb" had a handtiox evidently oontaiLlng her *um mcr hat; a guitar carefully w rapped in an emhroi*iT'd hag. of a workmanship so exquisite a*to surely have Is-cn her *iwn; a mu*ic roll, a hawl-strap itteasing two or three of the latest novels, and all the mis wlhnieuus satcheU and bundle* with which the average young lady posse***-* hcrseli on a pilgrimage to the **-a shore •>r on a tour to Aunt Ttelsey's among the rami hills " The hrakenian h>arely eallisi ' Fourteenth Siding.* Titer*- was not a huilditig in sight save the one rootiexj *i* hy t*'ti *hfuity barmroon of the w it. hlnatt. and tin eye lost itself trying to fathom tin- dreary beyond. This was the slopping pis*<-for the bride and her groom lie was taking her to hi* new lioinu, flrty miles hack on the plain*; but there was no one to meet them a* expected, ami the lbn-ad-iikr trail *li nppe:rci over the horizon, five uiih-s away, with no *ign of greeting team. It seem*-*! like a dark revelation to tlie I* or girl; it was the first lest of devo tion to her huhnml, amt a severe one. t n lieing lifted down from the ear steps, she gazed around in the utmost disinav ; tliell. Willi a quick, t* M-eehing glum e into the young man's lace, down whi< h sympathetic tears wer# streaming, de spite hi* evidently bmve resolutions, the lurid** of the plan* sank into hi* arm* ami sobbed aloud. The scene t * ol grain. 115 s< if-binding n-ap*-r* i-ut l -'oki acres a day. Iu threwbing twenty si-.'iiii t br. slier* are employed. The yield this year is conn-where lw-twivn twenty tuid twenty-live htulieis per nmv Fifteen car of grain are ship|>e* interest* and oast to* ote and lilfi'leoce a* th* atdr r I'M*rev's I elide . M,*loai IhMOi'Wy and i*laaiit Pu-gatii. I'rilet*. lawiaui-r these remr-t.e* iiave injme Ilieir pracia-e. i n course, ho natu iu hi* rtglii sense* will nay a ph> *iruu> (si IX) tor a cou* ■ lotion a l'ttle ol Utter*, a lew |s>wder aud a prrwtn bottle ol IH Piervr- - 1.01.1 en Mnljcai Diacoverv and a tiotttc ,t tu* I'inuwiit Purgative Pellet*, bull cosling bul ii. will arx-.nnpii-h the same remit, vix ricanse the itvet aud We nl a drastic purgative, ale! it* |swer of s-sitnq{ digestaun nullifie* tli.s. irritating condition* rt the mucou* meiatnan, id thr *t"Hiuach aud tnlestinal cax.ial which pro duce fit*! diarrhea, and eventually dysentery Ihr mcleine is. moreover, an agreeable our and eminently pure auu wh'iiewoiue. Appelitc abd tranquil nightly slumber are both prve traded by it As|tCXTKSl>si> f'.ii i i ai.irt. —Kerb yra find* "Hrown'* Hrotacbial Troche*" in B* w localitic* iu varjous parts (4 the world. For relivvvng coughs, colds and throat disease. the Ttorbe* bare la-en proved reliable. 25 cents a box. 62 Wiu ST , Nrw YUM. Aug 12. 1879 N..w offered at $1 60 |"-r share Final in stailiueul of wot king raj itavl stock of theCbey - enne, one t4 the largest Hlack Hill* gold mine* In the ttreat Hell. 910 per slnue net in sight Full rejsiri* on ap|ilKwUoß. K. C. SIDNL A t. O , Financial Agents. Judge for Xoursell. Hy sending thirty-five cents, with age height color of ey *- and hair, you will taw* t-y re turn mail a oonect pnotograph 4 your future liuslna 1 or wile, with name and date t4 mar range. Address \V. Fox, P. O. Drawer 31, Fultonvillc, N. Malignant and I'.tle indeed t* lira J stayed and lira destructive virus ex trailed from the citx-ulati.m with No.vill's Hloo.l and Live) Sfrup, a |*4enl vegetable detergent which era tw-alos all skin diseases, leaving no v*i*Ug" ot them behind, White swelling, nalt rheum, tetter, aloa-iswes, liver complaint, and aru|i tion* <4 every description are invariably con querx-d by it. Iruggi-l sell it The famous Xloson and tianihn t'olanet Or gan*. which are certainly the twist ol titese luslnimeuts in the world, are now sold lot |iayuient by intallments, bringing them with in reach <4 those who call make only small |nvvnient at a Inne. Anv agent for their sale will give |vrticnlara. C. w V. -k * few week, slot* w* put up si th, iirsn.l Cralra'. fr ths a-si 1.80. SSI we jr. a*y with UxiUi it •* Ui best *n.| rt.rjpesl is New Tsvk. *' l it. trlel stsJUl *ll ut Uis Ms Vrk flute's and think th. i,ran RN®Y) ... <4.\ Flour—Fi. s(.!©. fo©4 i© fancy... 4 (o v 4 5 b W#TOT©rn. IRTHXL to fanry 4 #4 WbfDi No. 1 H©I. ■ .to 49 (4 49 (Htn—Wbtt© Kit©. 97 ll 4! M \©4 w Yt©rr v 4 Yfc lUr—H' tr'l em \rm 4ft <4 Dfi Wrw 11004 Rt*. pcwl ftO y4 40 Hop* -mate. I*:* 1-7 >4 t* Pork Xtese 575 u 7 I*wirol©iiai—Orad* 06 #4 ob\ H©flii©*l—o*,* Wool BUT© 4IIJ ivnti. XX 97 <4 94 liUltJ * Mt OFTOTU' TY lft .4 IT TO Dninr 14 <4 16 U FYTRNI "RXATTJ©RY. .... 14 T 4 IT Factory V IUIFFTO- 9TDIR Fwftoryi*4 4 T<6\ HI ura ©7 (4 YVitolrrti Factory .. 'ft\ —.Slat© ARID IV'IMAJ Irani*. ••••• 14 4 14 Y? muMtirt^ Flour IVriD. hnk to f§ y ft ftft <4 ft Wbra! -ftM, Il©tl 1 1 99|g Y 1 AY 4 1 fl |lrs_stat© . ... ft 9t4 00 ■ MMM 4-Vg 4 49 " n-w V ■ . W 4 Itnltrr -OIWIIIDI tltfl IT 4 I s (DiMto© -Nrw York FNCU>ry 09\ tMiifUin i'ru'l©,.. oft tdiCi Kittuid, 04'# rmut. HOUR—OLTY OronL, NI. IHJ RIN. 67* T4 ft Tft • Y H 1 WinJ#r 1 < • '4 1 I'* v ,* YY *at©r? 4li|i4 41 \ < >*t® —Mdtr <4 99 Wl#y-To-HowM Sti4 6ft (4 7ft •on-row. |v4 -4UU)f, lUWil|l' **4 4 Price ,VS liKHHitR MiHiHK. Pr.-irieter i. -t r - X It ■' 'I !■ *d hruggwa SOU 'THING NEW! N Ses a, im of Ratten*t Ave■ loii'lm -eily send to reiiu ler Baavp.' ite F. I v vsis. Ponßcld, lowa. I I ISt mwi*~ *MW-er>!kne ssr.mle frt-'. (PClxlU vxireu jv \ KiIIINSON. Detroit. Mich. •VIA Ftl, wtti At'-nc). liutai* WH| coats 4 U lla -is -ells rapt-tly fe: IMt rt*. C*l*"vue ?r • P I U A M Srascts. t t'J u'ssh'n fit.. Rerton •**-■ jfijjwsw** A VKA K *n-l exjv-ii-es tes*enia notflt Bre syd 4 4 A VK kKKY Aucut* Mj n (SHHRVTU *' An Open Secret. Thti fart In well uiideralood (hat the MKXICAN MI'S TANU LINIMENT i* by far the beat external known for mail or beaal. The reaaon why become* an "open aerret n wlieu we explain that "MUHUIIJ?" penntratea akin, fleali and muacle to the ver) lame, removing all diaeaae and aoreneaa. No other lini ment doea th la, hence none other la ao largely uaed or doea auch world* of good. HHHBHHHI Any >r ohmtilr I* read mmmir ml mm ablllad la wr.oa • platla. era*err from Ibr Or.aa aal .air ibr port tbr .lag, bal all Ibr albrr pari*. br Ibr arc a) lbs SELF-ORGANIST. Ik lib Ibla ar* lavraftoa. raaily allarbr* la Iba b-bo*rd of aar ilrgaa. a lllllr ba. ar lrl. baaala) a laar, raa rlar aa wall aa a irarbrr. Adaptrd la Faailllra, baala. aa* l.odr Hrrii.... tilrra far Ctrralar aa* Trrm. THE SEL7-C&SA2TCS? HTO 00., Mratflobaro, Tu I i.H I M> - I ..lit <> I it I 1111. Mr AM VIRCINIA CRAHAM, THE SPY OF THE GRAND ARMY r it A bar IUUI. Tti* ftitid blsftitrk*J on :. taßrming tsA'.itMirj sult!oi t < M-inwti ' Ii" br Lfttl tf ai.J UL-m* vf JMm . Prk . rfMU. w t ***! ft* 4 • .'fair* I f *t feafttM - ': A. CO., 4 tihiru *•?■*■ h<*MKm ctnnm uiyUUiVi;'aa-' : js ft/ M* kms Iw/r.f •* If I* irfrnrm mt" ■* *tf A mm • J i'f. J f JE. * rr*t o*gmcalma, •! ft btftft. ftuid fc WMTKb ><>h "MAI h ,r,m thr Mill TH of Hill..' I f ior wtf. hp* '*n the:* • "Ww .Nil /Ml/ mf thr IfMf 17 1(1/1 . Ij Ua Hurinwtoa aawam • f*. I MM* P. I " R) f aa A lire', a J< ft. IL'tr I,n*fcul Mid fr.l-ar.llb. 1.41 -all ItHI faa t.u art llm bunk. lb ' tnufcr, tied trraa r ibiiiuii IMIIIIUIJ- iun. lf> ,m • t - ~b I**,.la rrr* .wmnlrj bdhaal boa ,rt .1 anr ,cn l, So! J for or n.U awla luo ■utn utuiWß u' ialV b.„Jr.r rlrn Mm I. ! fl . lt'-t 11. D. I UWI.K, IkMtON. M i AutNis WANTED FOR THE PICTORIAL 1 HISTORYo'iHWORLD !t tt7*i r. t -turka r . rum*# m isim 1 V* utua past*, ftti.. . flic newt I. - X ..f U' * .-;u iV. Jfti. :t e* ;i et cli li M • 4- . ttirti e&4 ntr* Vrroi* to Jk> . t:U. ftii. *• w ;M. > Jft. • .T. ftilt • • V A■' I"- eft. Al !* tu I'ftl -L ' '' * ■' " WESLtYAN ACADEMY, tVII.KII t IIA 11. l*". 1 I . ' : - .. • . 1.- i . . w 8. kmtl ftma .IV 13 *<•*► i j*m v j j lfW w *eci :ti ttw ftSfi a .1 ■*;• ou'io >f Mii t*. t<:ctle* itti lUmf . r. • , I.- : , r v ' ti w.• * ► T. • JU' t ' %€V* the H -jtcf Yilfl M v! -3T a* u i hr*. r. uh4a, MUuntki*, tsd Fftc t.tma *4 Itut * I l • ftttKtnc lh aiiret tft Uic Srml hx r;fvrjue! Ati t'* liie I ftii, :p* . X (Mt \Mf. HI.VIN I I I I/ iMi If. lllot|>h. Ni. 1 . t the A A H VI k K. In the (kXfMfW Ldr tbkm A WfTi Hiii'Xl a:... bUif Mil. emuuf? Icr Jtrrat) li . !,t* end a rrr* ()•>' C*tr.merri* aad V4 • h ' * .est yaat Tr *v it u w*t#r. famt fta < and oa*efa kiipfniftot,. So iiMthi la Nh *%•• Kndow n .tiru I • rrti i*. •! crtit t U. • lpr ft I I carta tor Vi for I year. tIAO. (t •b*Mf ee; t fee a elf' CiUon t" Use PTRe tpe,. PlttlF J T ICDVAHns D P ra Trr tnu .41. POURED f Rfch. A, ttf.:".Stl* nr,, xcr ,r1 K. " ntT f Ht..Kpllrpi ar I.l!lnir-ti k.MI mmwtrd 1 'IKI mm PLRWA.KKtTn HUN " A fr. bMitl. ' <4 nt IIBIX* rwMl mpmoar mod a ralbMr. I*. meat to b6]r BKr J| J| U M-biltb. Mr tM r. O. MM* l>* K.t,. 1-t.C Pr.r st-arl Srw Tof. WAkl.* LM. w S " I'A H!- I \ I'll-ITIIIi. .. '' . ■ riJUItUJI XIP iX ASAX :M ftte v ik fmimtt mm. Ml 4 U w*■ Wr a.mnwntwwk i camcttleEH Ar / ■ i 'A i . M* • #, / A.knif.e YMrKlinikiiaittßria f . .rJSFi'vA i let ney Yll fl fr* ** U Hb'l) r i.-i fwat , Ifr, i r nat at Mr 1 IhrtMUbl oort let pan trmr Vtrl to Cob A..1 U mrJ \ATf Pcjrr,. ill BLPKKSM C'HAIUiKS PAID Kr. Irflw FXU The Wreat Amerira* Tea Caaipeav. 31 ami M Vooey Wreet. Raw York. r ill Rtu 4533. _ I MILITARY I and Rand rnifnrme -•fßerre* H .• \ i AT. f . Mllef dk CO.. H ( alumina*. Arwil/ar rw* L*sii. Cp. B.l.. tbirH- | TDTTOT -.V.::'.';"" I n II a% I 1 IIUU A | l * h aufieitila. Hriabt'e w or llaaaal'ft llrmrdv x ■ lie- *. i'T T*otio. and a -1 11 111 II B*lt*ft A V/ l(rmril) rritumi;ee and i*e- Haa M .Ij- i t . A' - -.J * • M t< in .H- ; I health v i' • rr-.j t•fne n* limit'* lii nant) . Semi tor juiM'! •I to M M ¥ I'I.AKIiK.PhH KiM^LL —IB Do tnd • t et,r cht ireti u w-ak and punv. mbffi Hi !*•-' V>hl l ian 1 HA tat >uch a MitaU coaL WtHit- Hlt'll A on *he ► M il i; V C t Ml tent. •) (F I li .1 wr will M-iul • hi. I till U.( 1.1 f "in A.jCu>t. Ifll ! JenuA'v iHNi the i tcer t the U r gest an t-ot Utorv a'i Kimllf Paper pubhehed in the Went, ani fciit.nA be in eve s bnuM-holii. Sample iVptes I REE A ldre-a l 111: LKIKiKR, hlr*o. Hl* aaMatrsEW;® We aril! [*t Atf- t * >*iartr *J f Io. r.ttri > etrr.-y . „n of *'. - ~V>. - il(N>, - f.MMI. Offici.l RrPfirt. .Nt t'-rrUiAT* Ait 1 PtVTTKH WI.JIIT * <-n . t! ;H t> ,11 St. K.T ~ Tr.rrn It uicnn . <2&f£sSM'3L Tt't il's ('entennial Turbine Wafer Wheel I. thr ILr.t !•■ Ihr iVflrl* I Th.-w r* f.cts which .*t hr -llh.tAtitl.trfl. Ih> no! h- htitnhn.rrfl lilt" jwrtnc htr Circul.r. m J lltltl. 1.1 >■,- t.v |r .l|*c- r.f , V V. * a i. rinnn ' si .huhk jum Slu tOo Uull' ,,rtlln, " ,, " vrrv ltiH'k Mtit "I" nc rx,.[*lim.E crcrvtlltß Addrnw it AXT ICR * CO. B.i.lrrs 1? W.i! St.. XT nm ia aa * thin num.... nm, f | Wll IIM fAiifli. a— I lowest Prl, w. Is. not fall unum t w I). I K Mi- Q1! f . t! r. cryn TO K - *-• kkh *. <... p.. a \e nl II a mo. lor best A.cufT HtwinrM. ,u tl*! if World. Kxprfiiive Outfit Krre. IliiTV TO 4. ET artlsDc wrltt n Tlalttr. Car,:, free. Pullparticula .A*. Addrraa 11. R. HAS'KS. lUtf>n. P.. S33ooLi!*ii."."i^srJ-£s.-sr POND'S EXTRACT. TM m*AT rnnuji Tain Dettrojer and Hpeelfle for Infiafld mation Mil HenarrkafM. | HUM airita. xei KooUmw pmaanJ 11>in nam eurwd mi nwar sMa of Mma diatcwi In. f-ixxiulatnu mUw katrbfl. t nirPlaatwrw in.aiiuitilw la tlMaw aiMMHW. Humhawo, rata in tbn lUf kor Hida, Ac P.aA'a btn* M ccnta. for uac when ol C t'WMfiR I. mnrwnlwM la • groat help Mi fw liriia. laltuwMtonr cam**. HI IIIIIHH tiiDV Hirwdtaafrom Uw Luaf* Sua# a. h. Soma, or fr-xw way cawm. la apwwdily ctnilinUc* aa* ab'PpoiL Owr Xwaal SyrlwM (AS -ntal wn t lahaUra (tO cawtai ar. [KMI wlfla U> anwUW internal btomUna. DIPIHERIt ACDHOIETHROtT. UorlhwKilrMl IxouipUy. ll ia w aura cur Iwlay * *anar (CIA. fiTtUBH. TV Eairart UtV oalr foe tUi.ftiaMaa.i .AJlalla.l.Ac t>r 'UUrr* f art," upertaJljr u-i-rMI U nam* mriom raarw, coSlalna all tt- i.utr.u.. .[uwiiUa. of Uw Eitract; our Rwaal hfria.a * lo.alwOiia f..r uaa la CMwrrtial xff-ctk■•*. Is n'W" an* n.f ijwnaira fur ff' an* oiiouawtw caama ua our " Calarvfc tar.." I'ILI.H, BLIX9 BLKKMMar ITfHI#S. Ittatba KSS.*Si?wr s:,Ka ia „I gn-al aarclea wharw Uaa lwoil . 1* incaa- tfolanl auatLE y aach IjotUc rHlMfltaaofwU arhoo* >wcomarwl .nw Powd'. Mlracl. W hi. lettera froa. buodrWfl. who order it dally. * fb*r pry**"* for wwUU wV U tloda. ttalasf. *erw Tbraet, lafl.ta.fl 1 oaajla. Minpta hd rhrtmle Ijjg a bwa. I atarrb .for which If n at tu btolaa, raaf*d Mian f >a-*a. Mm .ailM, ate tkappm4 Haaia. I—a.aadiadmaA all luwoarr of bkiu Vtmaam* PAKVLRk. stork llrwr Wr. aad Uaarr SUnahotd* wl—wya harw rt l-MUa* r.t7 aad aUawOcMT of dm FiMtna of tha ksuiiat aa adafdrd for wwfr ua* in ua datamta afifaUaaUoo to at a* Wtuiaarrw. wa har* prw|Mnd • |*wpwrwtloo far vr^.in, r. only, whk.a aooiwin. all Ibr Afwnftb of th. En ran for wwphowuoa to wnlmwlw, in a chaaprr forwt Prior, par EjwMtfrEltl s AHYEXTEACT. t AO. CAI'TIOH. PwwA'r K.trart, U aotd o*ly Is hottiaa. aschand la hW wrappcra. Wk Uaa S CXTRAtT. hbwrato tbacfaa* llka.mwidl.kalk. Ko oo# eaa aUI * aanpt la our own uaUo. aa abcM draenbad. * *mu rwiunuM or poao'a arrawcr oo auuto WITH ra. re. wt amb warr iisjcM rur ia rua uiw' KA MMa. PDIIU*KXTBtI T .Tr.,tmo..4S H. 'oflr rruu !..• .I.irk t Mr* - w9 P'WlJfrtrc - M PU.or - • LI. awli. M j I ah. i.r .wUk M* Twtlnwwap li'k'.f t * oi.iiu.Ml - M R.dlnrfn p.rr * Am, of iiw i cm i' If *i.l etrrimtm tram .' .bo. (.no, ia lot. f.l b oixtb.## rar-ptt* "—f ar T. O in Bfnm Srm r.arwtki >m kittwi or m Piaro uiimi bet Putt *a Amiomii r POND'S EXTRACT CO.. IH Hurray Htrrrt, Matr Yartk. buid i>r t-atir'i THE TEMPLE!! The Tempie it lor Singing c:.itMA De Temple ia (or Conaenliwi*. The Temole ia (or Choirs. 19.00 per 4azen. Mn*l* caffy * I.oft. At Ufkuw* Wbro ami, Mubm. choc .aodrtxno. m got!) norm, ay twM; wuwd* b b tow i—• for u> da-ttu th. comimt B>iu **■. •' vi u. wirfla to tbou wotlu. *> ftc • —4 a< —fu ft Inrrl ftft tiilo ut.r W U Fcnia* *%< WHS, W thft art of ■MMUIfuo CulW*. totmciw tM wri. I'll. r! Hana i' Mortar two th- r,..i lit to jwa* tbr apa. W aaart uxryUO'* t^oA. Th* lanU'f O.WWW •#— m .awat:'.' aut baa nwirm arw laar* I ,c proctuw wiucb pal... ii IMA —-f ex trad orr uu wWr t*A AhaufUon. of tMI barton MaOe. lb. farai of Mrwt cal Taw*. Mf Aaueaw 9 -. a orp aaAwb f th. koaa. mat raadar. it a *,•: iA.t— <4 CUu Moot Tbi muruu tilM. mm Aanaomm U auapi a* la Mw ■ltiatMU w>lf tkw .a rv*:il wort lot MaMad burtaum wad CMo.ewthXf. IpcWM pw paMiw, l >t.OO. OLIVEK DITSOa ft |., Boston. - C. n. DITMIX a. to.. Ml brwilwar, Haw Twrau A. K. niTkOS ft CO.. H9 CbMtaal MtraaX, HulMUyklw. QAPONIFIEP b th. Old Bll.k>. (..rrnlru: td 1— al FOR FAMILY SOAP TAXING. DbwrtS'-r, vrrapoiak *ok car lor mA'rr ffw* •oft aw' Ivdrrt AjopwoUrbHr- IT v> rcLL XKjutrr aim graft ar*. tbc Mwihri 0 -.f4oc Will, |ow Mi tuo . -.-wlad Lya, wki.t i w:a.tKa|pd ailA o : t aoc -aaMhaau ami aaxxr. amb bci rat SAPONIFIER ■ ADbBT TUB I'enteii Ivaai.i Noll Mnaarir phila l New v / A'/ Aid Tkavtat TV \ \ \ KCLOCKS> \ \ TOWE*S, /f I \ I'FPICKS, / Vygw J? Ti SMITH CO. tint IW.kltok.,ll Mont Hun -o.roll THCI urtrrnilium bar. a Maadard Tain, a a tb. Leading Markets Of the World l*orrwkr. nofiaat a. tar rIHOT IX TOKU OVER 80,000 Mod. and lw aw. *• tv~fxa.rtHwtai.tsy .10 Wurt and e pnatpaul t< uy oddiY-, MMtll lenuary lot, IkMI. FOR HALF A DOLLAR Adunoo T.IB mm. K.T. m ttop mr ■ A PIIQL TL A\ to *■!! to fauiillt-,. hotels. mnL IE.HVI.ti. coiiKumo-s; larye rt .took in Uie to i fioaur an 1 trrma the heat. ChfUtiirr .torekeepeo diou.d call or write lUK WEI LS TKA t'OMPAVt A" I putoli St.. N V. P. O fifio PIN NKT l>lt I'IOAAKT,:|ttdN>Uk '• 4 fir. Pofilr'. llroll h Monthly, f. e "far. st Mnu. ~ U.i.f'. fl. y.nwc- <♦ K.-W .-V £b*TT a b',i.ia foifl - JM / 4 Oatettrma. Rwaw A Co.. Aaocota. Maraa.