The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 04, 1879, Image 3

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Co tire HrH.Pa, Th'wd. Sept. 4,
~V-TICTIMH.—?2PER year, when paid in
rlranee ; $2.50 when not paid ih ad ranee.
Adnertiormentn 20efa per iinr for three in
find s eentuper line for every sub
sequent insertion. Advertisements Ay the
year a1 n liberal diseaunt.
Suhserikrrsauiside the county should re
r t as 1(1 rt,wna< of one year's pes/*
roe, in stood n/2LWS anformeriy when paid
!>.f Ihemstbes.
Subscribers ran alienys tell hoir their tie*
rounts fteind at the Reporter ofH<* Av eon
lulling the table* on their papers. It the
/<>' > -ends "John Hoe I ian '7s'' it means
that John is indebted for subscription from
the Ist of January, 1575, and that it is
time he was paying the printer,
\ rllo.i.Uwr.lts.t't.l O .'ie s
*> Na:imta>etenlaa la lheOO.l .Sell'™"
; . c.sirimr.'Si??. w. K. raov. w. u.
o - svisr lomw. Ns. Mr. r * v .
SI Mi l*. Anlng on or b*for ♦. h full moon la Ins
Mnvtnio mil. ...
I I HKHI A. ar*. Sect, J AKNKY. W
Vnonatssl.asvdß. Se, OS P of It. moo's l •
IU Vl'enlro IWU on Iho Slnnl*yon or C-01.-TO rail
..MMNaMtr M Amt OVM* l.> oks sOor. .!* a
Kollor Master. 1 ros A*V> Unos*. te*t
Nice Peaches and sweet potatoes
at the popular grocery of Sec hi or At o.
The annual pie-nic o the Centre
Co Patrons, on Nittnny Ml., near t entre
Hall, Sept. 25.
-w~The annual soldiers reunion a'.
Pleasant Gap. Sept. TV
Clothing made toorderat Newman *•
Who 1 a- tho services of one of the best
Ph ladclphia tailors—and all work,war
ranted to ft at rricos the lowest.
The greenbackers of this county last
week nominated Capt J no. A Hunter for
jurv commissioner If there were never
any worse nominations made the ceuntry
would be fortunate.
Ail kinds of repairing on wgon,
buggies, and carnages, dono t Jno T.
Loo's coach shops in short order, nd new
rigs turned out in host stylo. All orders
by mail given prompt ftttontion.
Mr Daniel Smith l*st week broke
ground fowhis new house t the lower end
of town. The next improvement is ft
stoftin grist mil! by Her. J. K. Miller, o*
Church street. Pi-rhaps the next will be
the depot—but thereby hangs a tale, or
rather a promise only.
Mr. P. P. Long, of Per. Hall hs
a radish, so says Col. Pealer that weigbs
S ,b It must be a whopper; we bet there
is some wind about it—inside we mean.
There were two sudden deaths in
this section, lust week, as will be seen in
our notu i - deaths. Mr. Samuel Koyer
died from a stroke of apoplexy on Friday,
and day following Mrs. Barber, widow,
was found in a helple condition under a
tree, and died shortly thereafter.
Newman is now putting out bis
stock o' summer clothing at a trifle above
cost. This gives a grand opportunity to
get a good suit, at low prices, Go at once
before the stock is sold off, and you wiil
make the be-! bargain of your life No
better assortmcat in the county and the
only p'aee where clothing is being sold off
in order to close out the stock. Go at once
it will pay yeu.
-—Mr. Samuel Farner of this place
who as been employed in the oil regions
tor over a year, arrived home las: week ill
of a fev-r, having been confined to his
bed two weeks before he started for home
H:s condition is still a very serious one.
V\'e are in receipt of a cluster of to
rn a: es from Mrs. Henry Keller that can
not be beat for beauty and fulness The
tomatoes on the cluster are nino in num
ber, large, well formed and ripe, and are
an indication that the mountain farm is
con • g out No. l. Thanks f. r the beauti
ful cluster Weight 4 lbs.
All fine groceries, canned goods,
pick.', sauces, oils, orr.nges. lemons,
cranberries. A .at Seehler's. and strictly
pure pices. They handle no impure or
adult, rated roods of any i ind iVe free
ly an J cheerfully testify to this as a fact
and from our own experience-
On 'ast Saturday a gentleman and
lady, newly married, were driving down
the mountain above this place, when their
horse shied at something and began to
back causing horse, buggy and occupants
to fa!! over the bank some 12 or lo feet
among the rocks. The gentleman was
considerably bruised while his wife sus
tained scarce ar.y injuries; the buggy was
a complete wreck and the horse badly in
jured The rig belonged to Loses' livery.
Dr L'-itzel ofP-nn Hall fortunately hap
pened alorg just as the accident occurred
and rendered all possible assistance to the
unfortunate party. •
Ben. Sroeltzer—our own old Ben
once from Madisonburg—writes us from
Dakota, 111, Aug. 29: Weather very hot
to-day, thermometer 90 in the shade, sum
mer grain was a middling fair crop; our
winter w heat is a full v ield; most those
that sowed fall wheat thrashed GO to S3
bushels to the acre 1 myself had six
acres of Fulse wheat out and got £ls bush
els and £3 lbs., or 3" bushels and 12i lbs.,
to the acre. Our corn crop i very heavy,
more so than we had for the last 13 years.
If prices do not run too low our elate will
come out all right.
Wm. Mills, colored, of Beilefonte,
was on the grand jury last week—the first
in this county. He is rather intelligent
looking and rale handsome too.
Mr, IJoyd Henderson, a native of
Penns valley, is city editor on the Cali
fornia Chronicle, one of whoso proprietors
recently shot Kalloch, the* workingmen's
candidate for Mayor
The Juniata Valley Printers' Asso
ciation will hold their second anaual pic
nic at C'resson, on the Allegbenies, next
Saturday. We have denied ourselves the
pleasures of the occasion, but the KKPOK
TEP. will still be represented by its attaches
and their lady friends to the Dumber of a
dozen or fifteen. We are only sorry ihat
our business is not large enough to employ
a couple dozen hands, so that a corres
ponding number of sweethearts might be
added to the excursion.
Queensware of the best quality and
in great variety, at Secbler's. They car
ry a full line and are able to supply all
trade. Tbey sell in sets or a single piece
of any desired shape or pattern ; also yel
law and Rockingham ware, all sizes and
shapes, and prices greatly reduced.
can be removed by rubbing with Cam
phor Milk It cost only 25 cts. per bottle,
jj. 1) Murray, Centre Hall. 7 aug 4t
The Supreme Court of the State of New
York has decided that J. C. Ayer & Co..
of Lowell, have the sole right to use the
words Cherry Pectoral for a medicine and
has issued an injunction against F. V.
Rushton. ©f New York City, for selling
Rushton's Cherry Pectoral or Cherry Pec
toral ijozenges. or any other use of the
name to deceive the public. Thisdecision
of the high court includes all dealers who
sell any similar articles.—Port Jefferson
(L. 1.) Leader.
Go to your store or druggist and get
a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound
syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the
best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup,
listhma, or early stage of consumption.
Phtenix Pectoral will cure your cough.
Phoenix Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly.
Phoenix Pectoral tastes gocd and brings
Pluenix Pectoral costs 25 cts j 0 bottles sl.
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
.—A new double thread shuttle sewing
machine, works by hand or treadle, for
sale or trade at this office. Warrant
Letter Heads, Business Cards,
Envelopes, Bill Heads, Circulars,
Fosters and all kinds of Job Work
done for one-fourth less than auy
where else in the county, at this office.
Cloudy on Tuesday with rain on
Our friend V. J. LeiUell, formerly
of Gregg, writer us from Crawford county
Ks., Aug V.' •
Wo are having beautiful weather and
our farmers are bury proserin* tlieir
grounds for a large wheat crop. The corn
crop is pretty good, Castor beans, the
I main money crop, are yielding well, but
oats wore very light on account of extreme
ly dry weather in the early season. Times
aie brisker now than they hate been with
in a year, some sickness. Wheat is worth
from T5 to HO cents, Castor beans'.*o to sl,l*'
and corn 80 to :C cts per bushel.
Mr. .1. L. Spangler esq , receives
the following compliment from the Belle
fisnte correspondent of tho Wtlliamsporl
Manner, speaking of the llerdict case .-
The case was x'pened for the defence by
Mr. Spangler, who, though a comparative
ly young member of tho har, hss evident
ly in him tho kind of timber that make*
good lawyers when properly seasoned. In
his exordium he referred to a most unfor
tunate teclarafi.-:i y y Keyn
olds when on the stand that "he had put
, an end to the career ot| Peter Herd-.c, '
and aui ttiat the career of the poor box
who had come into Ccgan House township
" twenty live vears agvi and eomniencest to
carve cut a fortune with the aid only of a
e saving block, ar.d bad succeeded in suiKl
e ing up a magnificent city oftV.lVO inhabi
ants out of a straggling village, and hail
been the life and soul of every enterprise
that had contributed to enrich, not the
I people of Wiliiamtport alone, but of the
, ! entire West Branch valley, could never
be stopped bv Bill Keynolds or any other
man. The applause of the crowd which
broke forth spontaneously at the close of
his speech reminded tuo of that which
greeted the verdict in the Sal lade- Haines
libel case and indicated, like that, w at
the public feeling is here, and wa- a good
augury tor llerdic.
The second Quarterly meeting for
Pennsvalley M. E. circuit will be held at
Sprucetown church next Saturday ar.d
Sabbath, t'.th and 7lh inst. Services on
Friday eve the sth, Quarterly Conference
will meet Sat. 3 p. m. Preaching Satur
day eve and the usual services on Sabbath.
The Presiding Elder will bo present
throughout W. K WUITNRY,
Stoneware in all sixes, shapes, and
styles, a stock of thousands of gallons on
band ; the best ware made in the I'niteJ
States. Merchants'supplied at very close
prices, at Sechler's, grocers, fruiters, and
contectioners, in the Bush House block,
the most complete grecery to.e in tbs
Emanuel Motz is home, at Wood
ward, from South Carolina, where he su
perintends a gold mine, lie has with
him specimens of the precious metal in its
native purity. He will proceed to New
York for the purchase of machinery need
ed in gold mining operations.
Lee's buggies take the rag off the
bush and skip over tho roads like a fairy
through the balmy mists of a vale of roses.
Next we expect Queen Victofia will send ;
to Centre llall for one.
Wo were pleased to have a call from
Col. das Gilliland, of near Washington, I
I). C.,on Wednesday, in company with <
his brother Hon. Sant'l Gilliland. Col i
Gilliland formerly lived in this county I
and took a prominent part in politics hero, j
as well as in alt that concerned the inter
ests of old Centre, in which he wa.- always
recognized as a useful and valuable citi- :
zea. He looks well and hope he may <
cant inue to be for many decades. ;
Centre Hal! has made a raist—a new I
man and a bran now buggy. We do not 1
mean to be Witty in this, but it's an ac- '
tual fact.
The squirrel season commenced en '
Monday, but the little fellows don't seem '
to know it, as they were not out to be hot '
~ —(o to Frank Gre-n's for pure and
fresh drug- and medicines and the finest j
toilet article-—its tho leading plnee in the ,
—Squirrels are ripe now, but the trees |
do not seem to hang very full. (
The corn crop will be one of the •
largest we have yet had in this county. <
CS'T-RT PROCIIDINOS —ln the Court of
Qua rter Sessions :
Sarah Flora, eharged with fornication,
pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay $lO fine
and costs.
George Horner, charged with fornix a-!
lion. pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay $lO i
fine and costs. i
Julia Kline, charged with larceny.
Bill returned ignoramus.
Austin Slope, charged with larceny.
Bill ignored.
John 11. Kline, charged with assault
and battery on the witaess. Defendeijt
not guilty and prosecutor to pay the costs.
Harvey Meese, assault and battery on
Calvin Lawyer. Defendant acquitted, but
costs diviedd between prosecutor and de
George Dunkle, larceny, guilty. Sen
tenced to pay $1 fine, costs of prosecution,
res: re the property stolen if net already
restored, and imprisonment in the Wes
tern Penitentiary far one year, this was
the property stolen from P. Auman.
Philip Iddings, fornication and bastar
dy, pleads guilty and usual sentence.
George Eiscnhutb, assault with intent
to kill. Recognizance forfeited and bench
warrant awarded.
Alexander Delige, charged with keep
ing a gambling house, found guilty. Sen
tenced to pay costs of prosecution, fine of
$lO and three months imprisonment in
county jail.
John Baney, fornication and bastardy,
pleads guilty. Usual sentence.
E:izabeth Pennigton Rnd Catherine
Page, charged with fornication. True
Aaron Durst and Alfred Durst, assault
and battery on John Potter. Defendants
tried and found guilty. They were sen
tenced to nay a tine of $.50 each and cost
of prosecution.
Alfred Lucas, fornication and bastardy.
Defendant tried and found guilty. Usual
Charles Stine, assault and battery on
Calvin Waltz. Defendant not guilty.
Costs equally divided
We, the citizen soldier* of the United
States, residents of Centre county, who
have survived the Various wars in which
we have been engaged, and who have been
honorably discharged from the military
service of the United States, desiring to
perpetuate as far as posaiblo the memory
of our comrades who have fallenin battle,
or have died of diseases or from the effects
of wounds received in the dischargeof du
ty ; to revive and continue the social tics
formed under circumstances so peculiar ;
to preserve for ourjposterity the history of
the various struggles in which we have
been engaged ; and to bo of mutual assist
ance to each other in such witys us may be
proper and right, do hereby associate our
selves together under the name, style and
title of the "Veteran Club ef Centre Coun
ty," and we do hereby severally agree to
be governed by such rules and by-laws us
may from time to time be adopted By a
two-thirds majority of the regularly en
rolled members©! the Club present at any
regular meeting thereof,
In token cfour assent to this formula,
we have hereunto subscribed our names,
together with our rank, company, regi
ment, arm of service, and date of enlist
ment and-discharge respectively.
1. The name of this society, as express
ed in the formula or basis of organization,
shall be "The Veteran Club of Centre
2. The officers of the Club shall be a
President, & Vice-President, a Secretary,
ly and n Tro**urer, who, together with
v additional mambr .from each townahip'
ami borough hall oonMituto th Eteou
tivo Committee. Ki v member* thareoi,
d including tha l're-idcwl or Secretary, shall,
ir constitute quorum, duo notion of ih
n meeting having boon given tha other
They-hail all ha aiaotad an
-10 nuall v at tha regular meeting of that "lub
it an.i ii for any raaaon an alaotion should
- fail to take place shall oontinuo t<> ill'
their respective offii •-# until their #in o< ■
-ors *ro elet toil In oix-o* of vacanc,■ by
death, resignation, or i<lherwio, the l ie
h eutira Oownittaa ihall btrt power t > 111
11 iueh vacancies until the neit regular
>, Tha Club shall have one regular
? meeting in oaoh ami every year, on the
Saturday falling on ar immediately pre
oeding the t-tlt .lav of September. t such
t place in Centre eounty a# may be fix. I bv
the Club or the Kxeeutive Committee
y thereof, and such special meeting# I. r bus
in o-- a taay in the opinion of the I xeeu*
live Commitlae be neco--ar\; 10", .1
- such pevial moot C-to be gtvan bv at
# leaxttwo week- pub ;. at on in two new-1 a
x per* at Centre eounty, roprv-enting di! .r
ent political psrtic
* 4 Kaeli ttieu.ber xha'.l pav Mat U
fee of <i|o- dollar u| in g t'o I lub,
[ ami an annual foe ot fifty rent# in each
. yoar thereafter.
(k The Treasurer shall give bond in the
' >lllll of one thousa' 1 dollar#, *ilh -urctie
to t>o a, proved bv the Executive t'einm t
, tee, for the taithful |terformanv< ettnedu
ties vt hi# office
It Persons u>t ebgib'e to regular
• membership may, in t! 0 discretion > ! the
t'lub. bo o Voted' honorary members by a
two-thirds vole of the member* present at
any regular meeting ot the Club
The Near York republican state con
vention met ott Wednesday, this week,
to nominate for governor ami other
atate officer*. A stormy time is predict
ed between the Conk ling and Hayes
The California election took place on
Wednesday of this week.
lien, llood who died of yellow fever
in New Orleans on Saturday leaves 11
children, some of them are also down
with the fever. His seven year old,
daughter is improving. His son, aged
eight, was taken with fever on Sunday.'
Alice Williams, agi I three years, died
of yellow fever on Monday morning.
A curious puase of yellow fever is de
veloped 111 the fact that to give upslllt >pe
of recovery and become frightened, i# t>
invite death. Medicine and attentio;
seem to have no effect upon a patient >:■■
this character, no matter how mild the
type ot the disease may be. ltut the man
or woman who determine* to live, to t.ght
to the last, and who is not frightened at
black vomit or other bad symptoms, gen
erally pulls through, as it is expressed
here. The mind has co little to do with
yellow fever, it being peculiarly a disease
oftho nervou# system.
Among the new eases reported by the
Howards Vo-dav is Willie Woodward, 'A'
years of age. lie was suddenly attacked
last night while out on the blutt with com
panions, !,ng:ng an aria from "Pinafore.
He was taken ick at the stomach. A high
fever set iti immediately, at i he tiad to be
carried h 'ine in a back, being unable u
walk. So sudden an attack i# unusual,
but it shows the p*wrr of the disease in sti
infected city.
Two curiouscase> came under the bser
ration of your correspondent. I'r It L>
Saunders, one of our leading physician-,
visited a patient one night, a bov sgei If
years, and found him standing up in bed
back in a corner of the room, cursing 1.-
mother, sister and nurse, and .-pittins
black vomit ovsr them as it gushed fron
hit stomach. Holding him in bed bi
fores, morphine *a- injected under lb.
knee up. In a few minutes he was sound
asleep and no*- is c invalesccnt, retnetn
bering nothing of the incident reiaVv,
above Another patient, while th-owi: >
up black vomit, wa- carried >ut it.t > tin
back yard in a rain storm by his drunker
father, and kept there half an hour. Tin
father was arrested by the physician. The
boy is up and doing well Another per
son who had a light attack, aad had phy
-icians and nurses and attention of every
character, died.
Mrs Sprague Clandestinely Leave-
Now York, September 1. —A special
Narnngmnsett Pier, K. 1., states that Mr,.
ex-Governor Sprague left ber home in
Canonchet on Saturday, taking with her
her three daughters, and adds: This
latest step not only revives the scandal,
but presents some new phase* of it and
freshly kindles public interest as to what
the outcome of the whole natter will be.
Mrs Sprague went awy, it is understood,
without her husband's consent and des
pite not only hi# but, as it would seem,
other and more potent opposition It was
stated soon after the unhappy lady's re
turn to her home that she was immediate
ly placed under espionage. Though thi
was denied by various of the per
sons most interested, the belief has been
geireral here that the statement *'# tru>-
and that the surveillance was maintained
up to the time of Mrs. Sprague's depart
ure It is stated that every movement of
Mrs Spragua since the seandal became
public, with the notable exception of this
unexpected departure, lias been made un- i
der the d irection and at the dictation of
Senator Conkhng. It is believed here tha.
within a day or two ex-Gov. Sprague will
make a lull and explicit statement of In
side of tbe case.
A special to the Sun states that Mr-
Sprague left the Canonchet man-ion be
cause • fill treatment and violence on the
part of he husband, and that she made;
her esc*pe only by eluding the vigilance
of her h utband, who endeavored to pre
vent it, and even made an unsuccessful at
tempt Vo find her .n one of the trains. It
is surmised that she ! •#'on a steam
yacht. Gv. Sprague's son remains xxith
On fhe evening of July 12, the Maxim
electric light was put 111 operation on
the of the Grand Union Hotel,
! Saratoga Springs, N. Y., with a viw to'
teat th-a extent of its illuminating po w- '
er. An open parabolic reflector was us
ed—n< > lenses- and care was taken by ,
Mr. M axim to set the points of the car
bons a little at one aide of each other, '
and tt • adjust them to the exact focus of;
the re (lector. When this was fairly ac- 1
comp ashed the bgiit was turned toward ,
a spot in Hullnton Spa, New York, 7A -,
mill* distant, where, by previous ar
rangement, a group of several hundred '
persons were assembled to witness flu
experiment N powerful was the light, I
so accurate the focusing and alignment, ,
that the designated place in Ballaton was (
i'tstantly illuminated, so that ordinary
uriut could he read, the time seen on '
watches, etc. The night was clear, still, !
and dark. The experiment was made at I
o'clock I'. M. This is believed to be <
the greatest distance at winch iilumina- .
tion of equal degree has been accom
plished. We are indebted to Air. 11. >S. I
Maxim for the above particulars.—S. A m 1
Marvelous stories are told of the curi
ous memory of It. P. Hicks, a Rochester
youth, associated with a not less curious
faculty for distinguishing sounds. He
spent his earlier years in Buffalo, N. Y.,
where be became known to railway men
for his singular knowledge of locomo
tive beliß and numbers.
A short time ago he removed to Ro
chester, where he is employed at a dis
tance from the railway so great that lie
rarely hears a passing train. Yet he is
able to give the numbers of nearly three
hundred locomotives on hearing their
bells. The engines that run in the night
he names with unerring accuracy, as his
house is situated near the track and the
bells are heard very plainly. Railroad
n moil state that thin iatheonly caeooftlic
l>'kind they ever know. *>ll and exneri
i-)onocd engineers, switchmen, and those
w hose w > • i k t>i i IK<* tlieni w it hi i the hoar •
' lng of a largo •iiiiiihor of engine holla,
'' any that at the most thoy fan loam to
! know only avon fo\\ o<.in|aio l to tho
grout nuinbor Mr Milkman naino road
j ity. almost withuiit thought, lie oan
; not only give the number* of several
. hundrod, but in eases where locomotive*
r hnvo boon romodolod and loiimiibrred,
■ ho euo give the old nntnlior n wroll a#
1 the now ono. lie wva there aro si* In*
r motive* familiar to him the holla of
which are keyed in pairs. t hose six lo
eoaiotive-% aro the only one*, to hi*
knowledge, tu tho old eta— whifh have
the same kev. The now looomotivon,
that is, those the number* of which aro
ahouo .'*lo, aro all keveil nearly alike.
The Rochester lhonocrrt and t'hmni
<le relates that not long ugn an old
• w toh engine, isod in the \uidiit I'.utla
h, wu" sent to Rochester tor some S|>e
11aI nurtHwe. As it JIHMIWI Moan street
Mr. llioks heard the holl and remarked
that the engine was of a certain number
and thai he had not heard its hell for
-ix year*. A hoarder in the house,anx
ious tti 10-t the rase, ran to the trark and
foil nil that Mr. links was oorroil. Not
long siuee the young man went to >-\ra
case on business. He heard an engine
,coining intt of the round house, and re
tn.itkid to a friend that he know tho
IMS 1 1, although he had tint heard It ill
five \oai-. When the engine came into
MOW the number given w us found to l e
1 hts faculty, it Is said, has been test
ed huudrods of ttuics, and a mistake is
rarely made.
Starvation and mi-cry still prevail
in Cashmere, India. Atlair- in east
irn Bengal are a'-o causing much
The cholera i- iucioa-iog at Cabut,
Afghanistan. l'he number ol deaths
ii the ri . iiiu nts which lately returned
from Herat is variously estimated at
1 100 u> Sfls.
A dull, heavy paiu in tl* sides,
-lecpiue--, want of energy, no c utiuii*
itv of thought or labor, these ail indi
cate disease of the I.iver, and should
be removed by the use of Dr. Hull's
Baltimore Pills, which will surely ao
cotupiish the object sought.
The body l'ouud iu Perry county
and jir> nounced by the Coroner's jury
to be that of Samuel K. Albright, the
tdurdcrer, is supposed to he that of
.-ome one else. Ihe body, wheu
found, was clad in Albright - clothes
which was a sharp trick of the uiur
dery rto keep. ut of the clutches of the
Loudou, August —Au official
account of the recant fire at Irkutsk,
which destroyed about 200 houses,
shows that sixty lives were lost, the
greater number of whom were chili
Two colored drayuien met in the
street in Kichiuuiid, Va., Wednesday,
and quarrelled over the right ot way
One of the men, Nelson Lewis, under
look to tarry hi- point with a dray
-kid, but the other mau, Williaa
Lioodtnnn, overruled the argunreui
with his own skid aud t-ent convictiot
lo his antagonist s braiu through hii
skull, Lewis died Thursday.
Patrick Smith, u demented ship
carpenter, of New burg, N. V„ win
has been missing over nine week* am
was supposed to he dead, was found
Wednesdav, hiding in the woods uea
his home, ile was emaciated am
unable to walk and had lived since hi
disappearance bu birch hark am
roots and slept oti the ground. IIi:
dementia was causod by injuries re
ceivcd while at work.
Kidiuy-Wort is a drycomp undo:
wonderful efficacy in all disease# u
the Kidneys and bowels.
Ct r Tuts Vi i AND f* A v l. Ir. — A
correspondent wrius to au exchangt
as follows about the flower of a well
known plant .*
"1 have discovered u remedy fot
consumption. It has cured a number
of casts after they had commenced
bleeding at the lungs and the hectic
flush was already on the cheek. Af
ter trying this remedy t my own sat
isfaction, I have thought philanthropy
required that I should let it hekuown
to the world. It is common ruullen,
steeped strongly and sweetened with
coffee sugar, and freely drank.
Young or old plant,- are good, dried
in the shade and kept in clean bag*
The medicine must be continued from
three lo six months, according to the
nature of the disea-e. it i* very gmd
for the b ood vessels uWo. It strength
ens ami build.- up the system instead
of taking away the strength. It
makes good blood and take- inflama
tion away from the lungs."
It is the wish of the writer that ev
ery periodical in the l/nited States,
Canada and Europe should publish
this recipe for the benefit of the hu
man family. Lay this up and keep
it in the house ready for use.
Edison still continues to astonish
the scientific world with his discover
ies. Ilis electro-chemical telephone,
• xhibited before the Science Associa
tion in New York on Saturday, is im
mensely in advunce of the instrument,
wholly mechanical, which for a year
has been repeating all it heard in a
way that terrified owners of guilty
i consciences. The new instrument
makes its utterance distinctly heard
throughout a large room, and the in
ventor enlarges upon its positive val
ue to distant singers, lecturers, Ac.
Hut think of its value to the manngei
of n political campaign! He can
reach every primary or other meeting
that may he held on a single night ;
and, better yet, the instrument can tell
entirely diflercut stories at the same
time. Nothing since the tissue paper
ballot has promised such a radical
change in political methods.
Kits. —The Superoe Court of this state
lias recently decided a case of interes
to Koad Commissoncrs and Supervis
ors. The case was appealed from the
{Common l'leas ofScluiylhill county.
| The plaintiff brought suit to recover
damages for the deuth of her husband,
the same having being caused, a* al
leged, through negligence of defend
ant* in not providing a safe mad. The
evidence was that where the accident
i occurred the road wos barely of sutrio
ient width to allow two vehicles to pass
A wagon wits standing on one sole of
the road and on the other the end of
a log protruded, utid in attempting to
drive between the two the husband ol
the plaintiff struck the end of the log
aud was thrown out and killed. In
the Court below a verdict was render
' cd against the township, which was
appealed to the Supreme Court on the
ground thai, an the supervisors hud let
the road out for repairs to the lowest
bidder, who had given bonds to fulfil
bis contract, that fact relieved the
supervisors from responsibility, the
r bond having stipulated to save the
• township from all accidents. The
• court, however, decided ugaiust this
• view of the case and held the township
liable on rhe general principle that if
a jury believe a road to be unsafe for
-i travel, let the cause be wliat it may,
-Jit is evidence of negligence and the
JJ. township is responsible.— Ex.
[| AVilkesbarre, Aug., U7, 1871).
H Tbe populace of Mill Hollow, u suburb-
L'Jan mining village of this city, was thrown
I into excitement to-dsy by alarming sub-
liq torrnnoan sound*. For some month* p*t
t j. Ilia tanant* of onio vl the houses have
Ko boon ronociuui of parll by reason ef sign*
it- of a raving in ol Ilia surfnco. Last night
"• at about alar on o'clock the surface of tho
ground in Ilia roar of tho dwelling* of the
|. \lc -r*. Morgan, William* A \N cigar be.
in g*n to ink. At about three o'clock tbl|
ill morning ma twoacre* of tho gardens and ,
en iiuriorlc* belonging l tho aforesaid, wan'.
'■■ l n about eight fact, ( racking Ilia lioiln j
""' and alarming tho coiuntuaity to nucli an
,flc\toiit a to driv all la the vicinity Iron , 1
i. their I. ine*. The ground around the, 1
Is sunken pit for acre* is cracked, and it i*'
0 heliaved that the entire eurtace of the land'
utlderiuinrd must go down, destroying
many private nnd public building*. The „
I. <ii-ater w*s owing to the fact that the vein t
1 ol coal worked it but protected by a rider
of rock and tlate
I'UNTIMi Ilil.K- liV I'll h It I) A I)- 1
Ij c
r 'I lie following very im|>urtanl law past.
r ad both bran, tin of the Legislature at the ■
• preterit imiiuh : t
Si ' i ion I. I hat any pcrtoit liable ta '
I r.adtav who shnd tram plant to the stile •
• a! a public highway, oil hi* own premises,
n any tiuit. thado or lorest tree* of tuitahli -
. siae. shall he all, wed hy the Supervisorial
, r-i 1., where road* run through or adjoint
, cultivated field*, an abatement of hi* road J
t tat, one dollar for every h-ur tree*Mtout, ,
but ho row ol elm* •Ita 11 he nearer thai
1 seventy feel, no row of maple* or other r
tore.l liee* nearer than titty feel, except
Ucust, Which may he set thirty feet apart
" and no allewaliee, a* helore mentioned
! liall he made unless *ueh trees shall hav<
J been rt out the year previous to the do- u
■ juiand tor such abatement, and are living
gaud are w.ll protected frotu animal* ai a
the time of uch demand. I
I 'to Any trie* tiaiitplanled to Ike f
si le ol th.' publii highway a* aforesaid, in *
ihu place ol trees which have died, thai l
ho allow <-d for iu the tame mariner and oi. (
tie *ame condition* as in the prev luu* *ec>
' lion.
i .""■a, 1. No person ihall he allowed an
abatement of his highway tat as atoiotaid
mere than ene ,j larter of his annual high
**V lat, and hu one shall receive an
abatement of tat tor tree* planted pn-vi
' OUS to Hie pa-Sage el this act.
s i 1 Any per* n who >tiall tut down,
kill or injure any living tree planted a- ,
latoretaid, s a l pav to the supervisor i! .
jr. ad* a* afore-aid, hlty cent* for each and .
iv.-ry tree cut dowa, killed or removed,
and la be collected as other tales arc DOW '
colli 11 4.
Jt KT AM> TRIAL LlSf.—The following "
i* a complete lut of the Grand and Trev
ere Jurors and Trial Lit for August r
t' -urt, common(:• g il-r,dy, Aug ,*1 I'
itti rtt ft toM-stc. up * rtt. p
lay lor K Newman
Worth—W M Kinney
He ( : nto 1. A "-iraub, C Strickland, '
II > M Ginly, 11 Graham I
' Bom—slat 1.1 ling*. J Krider d
Miieahurg K LShirk, T Mile* t
Pbilipsburg 11 11 ilrw lt Jk! alley t
I Mile*—Milnon lineal
' Walker 1' Walter, K Zimmerman, Mr, k
. J esse Swartr If
lienner Wm Scar*, n, J H.-!.tirrs->n, M
lienner .
Marion-N H Vearick 1
Howard A W Gardner, i) 11 I'ieU.her
I Hogg*—J Confer •
j Pena-T P Mu.ser, J B o Barr
I 1' n ion— W'm MeK wen
Gregg W:u Korman, kl h:..>fker. V *
I Peeler 1
j Ilainaa—M Mpigalmyer. JnoStTer
Fargaaea waSUdou, J Weaver
Spring Jno Kearny ,
j Ilarri* —It Condo jJ
. Showshoe— 1) ltnule *
S 11 M use* v C 1) Keller, el a!
JUT: UM of, v * Jo*. |,b >i.irk '
Judah W hilce. nib v* Geo W llouvcr A '
I Co I
K Muilioilan v* Ge K 11 ak
1. W tla'e et al. v • Th Hum Je, et a". .
.1 11 Shugorl v* .1 II M,,ren, etal
, /. I. Hoover v W P Ar.:, w!. | was in i
'.erpleded, A,
llred'cy l ■ : it s • H Merriu;iti t 1
I al
W M I.yon eta v* Jacob Vnl Pool et
' Tl' tie.singer, ue of, v Rubt Taylor 'J
I 11 I or. v. 1, CAS C K KC ■
Gee Tn I linger . t al v* Wil!:*m Halt"
el al
W Uter Morn* t at vs William H It e; '
John 1 Thompson t* Sam I C"hrit et a! *
i Tho Merriman n John T Fowler
.1 hn W urtt vs Jacob Wagner
J T Fowler A Co. use of, vs Geo Shar-lj
: rar el ui If
| A C Geary v* Samuel Krvder
j Centre County vs I'hdipsburg boro
K C llet.der- in v- Merchants A M<- •
Ichanics Insurance Co
ii T Walker el ux vs Jno M Scmmer-i
j vdie
1> G Meek et al vs Wm Riddle et al |
Mifflin County Nat. Bank ts Je>e rr.!
j derwood's Kx'rs et al
.'■•hn T Hoover s Heirs vs Linn A Mo
Centre County vs Hust m Township !
Henry Itr vkerhoff v Louis Haas
John l> Gardne* vs Wm Singer A Co
Isaac Thomas vs Lot St ration
Henry H 'ter v s Jonathan Kreairer
Mary llelf vs BASM RK Co
(T VI T I(N.— All
J cautioned against shooting squir
. in the wo !• i-:i*t c the bus. lings ei
;the undersigned, in Potter township ]
-l-irtsinen are requested to hesul this n<-j
tice. .!*■ g WMlllbfli
i t sept, .th
Pennsylvania College.
oKTTiiat'au risK's.
Full corps of Professor*. Course of study I
of the highest grade Location attractive,
healthful A tni ral Libraries contain over
•Ji'.OU' volumes. Two Heading It • mswith
flrst-class periodical* Kxpenses for tui
-1 lion, room-rent, fuel and washing. J'-i.
Boarding from f2 to $d per week. Send
for a cislai' gue to
l'n r. P M. lit ILK,
tug'JA Sec v of Faculty.
Letters of administration on the estate
ol Michael Hettinger, late ot Gregg twp ,
> dee'd, having been granted to the under
llgßMi all iierson. knowing themselves to
! be indebted to said decedent are requested
, t" make immediate payment, and persons
having claim- against the eute wjj] pre
l sent them authenticated for settlement
21 aug 6t Administrator*.
17 XEC 1 TOtt S Nt TiFi Ck.-
Letters testamentry on tbo astata of
Joseph Bilnor. late of Potter township,
deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigoei, all persons indebted to said es
tate are raquired to make immediate pay
ment. and thorn having claim* against the
-nine to present them, duly authenticated
hy law, for settlement
'2l Rug tit Executors.
(~1 A 1 1 D i-N.—Notice i* hereby given
y that I have purchased the articles
below at constable *ale. Aug 10. a- the
property ot M ichael Confer, and will leave
the same in his possession at my pleasure
1 black horse, cow, heifer, J hogs, one
horse wagon, cultivator, corn-scraper, two
horse wagon, plow' harrow, hay-ladders.
I ton bay, cutting box and horse gears,
-led, old iron, vinegar potatoes, barrel,
b u-e furniture, keltles tubs, ,te
21 u|t 3t. DAVIDCONFRR
C 1 AD lit IN —Notice is hereby given
/ that the undersigned have pun li*i d
the per-onal property of Win Galbraith,
at Sheriff - sale, and that the same will be
left in his possession at our pleasure. AH
person* are hereby cautioned against
meddling with the same in utiv manner,
viz : I ruck wagon, horse, harness, car
riage, grind s'one, J do* chairs, stove,
sink, stand, table, clock, sewing machine,
pair bedsteads, together with all the de
fendant's personal property
■-'I A'lg 3t 1* D. NKKF
14. SALS, ibt afutartftjn il)
private -ale, a tract of land situated in tin-
Loop, in Potter I wp., containing
mors or less, bifty acres of which arc
cleared, and the balance well timbered
I here are on the premises a good FRAM K
HOUSE, a Log itarn. SPRING <F
U w, iVvVr'?; Kn,J "" excellent SITE
rOK SAW MILL with irood water pow
i or.
lOOer 'JtXf acres, with improvement* will
be sold separate t( desired The balance
will be sold in timber lots of 20, 31), or f>o
acres, or the whole tract will bo sold to
gether at n low price and on easy terms.
I'or further information address,
A-S. KKRLIN, Lewistown, l'a,,
or A. A. KKRLIN, McA levy's Fort. l'a.
_ 14 aug tf
nndur.lgDflil ufl.r. A , u u libnrj , cntni<MM*d of about
IA. yolußfi, for tain chflaji. Tho isooki constat
of ''lrooU, LW ofDUtinjuUhl Men,
IMKrlpiUo N.rrAilon, Kletlea. etc Will also li
()ANR and W KITING DK.NK Vhl. I. a good oppor
unity foratoMn* man who withe* * *m*Tl hut irootl
library. Aildrct*, for description end list of book*.
WM, 1. KXUUAD, CllUl tUU, I
~ . I —* •
it * Tlio M<lrid (i,irrt i I'nittrial *ay*: "i
** lollor from Tangier announce# the ileal!
n * of n brother of tho Kmporior of Morocc
,l by poltoniog,
J'°, The London Sletuinrtti Pari* rorre*
purulent *BV that experiments
Kduoti telephone, between two point* fif
'J ty mile* dldent, wore medejrettardey will
highly entieiw lory mulls.
(lulls on the shoulders of draughl
i horse# may be cured by dinolving sii
| jdracbrni of iodine in half a pint of ttl
( Icolio! uiul applying twice n day.
Philadelphia, Neptemker 1 Wheat l
dull and rather lower Rod $1 UH(i%l "*4
' muhnr, l("li(,l l Corn yellow 47 M, is- .
II Mat* at #3" I ill'.
Chicago, September 1. Wheat aetiv<
. hut luw. r, No. I Chicago #priug, iC'H'J-b
i urn 11340 lor tath. (let* li<• y.-1 i lot
I'hiladelphia. September I.—(battle
Market alow, prime, T'„- ; g , I fJt, UHJI
um, f> ' 0111111011 4e. Sheep dull; prime,
„ t. , good, 4c, medium ic Lamb# dull
. crinirt, i.e. trued ilc, medium V. cuiuuiui
• " tic Hog. Market low, |rmo o|
good, Mc, toe lluiu, &|e.
i On'.suit, by Kev I>. W Wolf, Mr.
1. • Urenobla and Miaa l'Bole Krum
riiie, both el spring Mill*.
(In 33 Aug . at Mocaaain, Kdirigham,
uounly. 11l , Mra, Anna Kreamer, wife o!
Saui'l Kreamer, formerly of liainea lap ,
ig< 107 eara, 3 month# and 13 day*. The
decern and ara* attiuled with cancer over
■ ! or yeara, end during the laat twe years
was lli a helpteaa condition, but bora all
nor suffering:, with patience arid true
Christian fortitude.
Mother, our deal mother, ia no more;
t nudd suffering, ahe patiatitly bore,
f-weeliy in Jesus aba tell asleep,
Left a hope that w need net weep.
Vrs, lunged to go home and be at rest.
To dwell with Je*us in the home of the
S, K
At lllairsburg. Hamilton Co., lowa,
Aug . If, I>. 1 wife of Kev C II (iramiy
laughter of Joe K and Hebe, ca Weber of
Kebersburg, Centre county Pa., aged 33
yeara !> mnntha and 11 day*.
Mm was taken very unexpectedly with
cholera morbus in its moat violent form,
aud from Itio tsrst to the last all medu mes I
proved of no avail, ah# suffered et< eatiTe ' ,
!ly 4 days, when lb* messenger of death
relieved her; the Wat perfectly submitted!
and died peacefully, leaving the brat as-'
jturanre that all was well. The funcrall
was witnessed by a largec> ncourae of peo
pie Site was buried in the lilallsburg
cemetery. X.
(in Sunday morning at Potters! l
M ils, Mra Isabella. wiJow of Jaiuesh
llarber, aged 77 yeara 7 months and 'JU
Jays Dei cased wa.knd to the orchard in
the morning and had pirted up seme ap
ples, soon alter found under a tree, and
was onl yable to say the bad a pair, in her
bead and fell over, and expired cn the
following morning.
On ult in Potter twp , Mr. Samuel
ltoyer, aged 07 yeara, 1 month and e days'
Mr. Itoyer* death aai rather rudder,
and touted by apoplexy- lie was a man
respected for 1. ■ uprightness in all things j
sind and charitable. 11.* funeral at the j*
L >ot church on Sabbath wa* ona of the h
largest bold there. (
At L ck Haven, on the 1* inat Mr. l
Jihn Itule of n-ar Kebartburg Agedj
she at 7 t years.
E. F. Kunkel'a Bitter Wine of Iron. j*
tt 9 glAgl > TM ilil deUgfet (if tliA pm&fUf Ul'
t tbiai o( th* ||4 hu rttt Uweeu olrM U*a i I
Aii>*f • at* (-twil'io aiikb t*AA at* qui. All fontid IU j
Itb. IhoP diwsi f** And ha*ri •• K * 1/
h -..ilv* niUaf Wtbdof IS'ft It J-aA All It lt\ns J
, Ih A* fltM ttl*rAi Ml lf<iua It i g uar j r
anla#() U tu a tlx# a rat aa tl (!fj #i i* or lttdi |
4 #* u kkvla#! ol ltA*r (lIAOA*V •'•knre. henou* "
cae . nbtl|*AHoe utility of tha C At 'set- J
• r g#t I*tea* I* l. •'(, • •'tia# .fa Mlia*
A Ah f > it. I K JUti# • hittf Wttse rfi"
It . a ! Ut* h > olhA' If (* drug*tt baa M bid 1
[ iMprtrUK. K r Ktud). Ia ED XoftfeS.
Ntntb Mfwl t'hiladiipiHi I*A. Ad* oa 11p
r)M >o IbfA# ilht btlttj-.
K ! k utslv VI urfti s r n*|i &* fails t .lasatruj
!*;r. . a:.d lllKttAAib "or *.AA l kuukdUM*cA
}u rti'ci t'UfM Who !}• H HI It
(„ Lour a all'* <(!> haad AJxd ftofat VttUt rvAut*4 !■
n >c ..*• lax ha* if i aVt otta* b* ta*tia*ad Alt i
m . ' i a < *' ' %**.•• at >! •
<1 ■. tit *otmi a&l ('" A*t htio it I ita. aisaatti*,
crmw-i'* "M ail aaffi* at ..a. iiibt earn olal.txj
i trclA* a* aodtbrrr- •• riling atnl tr. thr tom \
irh latUcA At *i gbt. g sd*i*g of tbA tAAtb. pitkium I
at tba nr*A i 'a*at tirblAg at lit# a**at. l.rai j
arhA. fcml btalb. tLA |aUAt |r- ti |#alA ad
U n :.| and IrfitattaA tt liA *aa all tbAr *ytbi> I
Ishc* an t troir >ma f< *om I I k uah; a
Woftxt •>! Ui' tar* Af fait* to t*tiOA t b frtw II (t
MUnfftt flw if TAJA Wongj
• I.ieihilr tt' it t a Ikwt T lOf All oil.Aia. t c*f j (
truggdat lha W(tng i4 f b# !#AA II *•€.)
•Atv4 l > Iff I- f* E4A f b St.. PhtUlA
dalfrhn. |'a Ad* '• * tttall. frAA . aabd tht-aa cent
Umf. EJUt J
-• ♦ ♦
Spring Nliila Market.
Wheat Not }1 CO r
Wheal No 'J Idc ,
Rye. 44c j|
Corn, sirs' t>or bu. new, .'.Jc
Onl, 34c I
Buckwheat. T sc. 11
C iversc I. al'**t 5l 50
Chop, per ton, 4'JI.OU. j
Piaster. grounJ t e-ton, SIO.OO
Flour, per bbl fI.M
Barley 'oc
Butler, 13c. i.
Tallow, (ic. ,
Lard, (V. j i
Ham. Kk
: Shoulder*, fic.
Clean Side-, Ac. i 1
; Raj. 3c. \<
Kk'g per do* , t(V>. <
Tut) washed w.-ol'ltOc, I"
Coal. Retail By Car. Gro**. jt
Kgg, f.M*) $4 s(> il
Stove. 34 $1 To
Chestnut. s•*> <H $1 .VI
Pea. $134 $3 00 ' I
III* |aa ga It) arndlr.g 4rt
l ll*lal , f #> A d J.alf )4U Attl fACAIMr
r.s,. t fir- - ••( t t'letnra o! I
■VI p rlf. wttb I
Vourself bAtß< ao ' 4at< f marrtaga
Addrcft*- FOX. Boi 7i FttitAlflll*. N Y ,
Aug 1. Sm *
For tho*c who ltavc an abun.lant!
supply of ice thin may not he a mat-!]
ter of ruuch moment; but fur pootj,
feo|lc, w ho may rarely use ice axcept
in sickucsc, and to whom the '
is not insignificant, the following hints
may be useful; Cut a piece of flannel ■
about nine iucbts sptiare, ami secure '
it by a ligature round the muuth ofan ]
ordinary tumbler, so as to leave a cup
shaped depression of Hanuel within
| the tumbler to about half its depth.
In the flauuel cup so constructed 1
pieces of ice may be preserved many!
hours; all the longer it a piece of flan
nel from four to five inches square be
i used as a loose cover to the ice-cup I
'Cheap llanncl, with comparatively;
jopen meshes, is preferable, as the wai j
erfcaiily drains through it, and the:
, ie# is thus kept dry. When good
flauuel with close texture is employ
ed, u small hole must be made iu the
. bottom of the flannel cuo; otherwise!
it holds the water and facilitates the
■ melting ot the ice, which is, neverthe
| less, preserved much longer than in!
the naked cup or tumbler, iu a tum
bler containing a llaunei cup, made;
) as above described, of cheap, open]
! flannel, al 30 els. a \ard, it took ten
7 hours and ten minutes to dissolve two]
1 ounces of ice, whereas inn naked CUP!
1 under the same conditions, all the icei
I was gone in less than three hours.
House-keepers should pu. chase a
supply of uimnoiiia to use in house
cleauitiß' The husband has every*
tiling: to lighten his labors. Now sup*
posti his wife bad her bottle of atutuo*
ma to use. shu lakes u basin of water
and a clean cloth, puts on a few drops
of tlie lluid, and wipes off all the dirt,
it is worth more than a half day's
bard labor ami does uot hurt tbe paint
either. She could put a tew drops in
tier dishwater, and see how easily the
dishes could be cleaned ; a few drops
on a sponge would clean all the win
dows in thositting room,making them
shine like crystal. It would take
the stains oil teaspoons too, and a ta
lilespoouful in the mop-pai! would do
more toward washing up the kitchen
lloor thuu ten pounds of elbow grease
applied to the mop handle. A house
wife has just as much right to make
her work easy and expeditious as her
I husband has. If she does not do it,
[ tbe fault i- her owu in a great incus
uro. —Farm and Fireside.
' - - ■■ ■ ■ ■ I ,1 ■■ IJ
(Successor loT. A H ; cki A E o.)
Hardware. Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c..
.t (his ,(i. Hgfucy of Hie Womb Ucud t.'bill(-l Flow for I bin ronntji.'l^l
Chance for
(■oods at Cost,
Iu order to close out tlie Goods in
Guggenheitner', Branch Hiorc at Gen*
Ire 11 call, the entire stock will be
K' v iug * great chance for Bargain,
The Slock consist* of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which will be sold at the
Lowest Prices.
We have an immense stock and well
aaeoited in every line. We have
hat lowest prices,
all must be sold, as the store is to be
'Auction! Auction!
lhere w ill be Auction at the above
Utore every evening, and halurdav
lalternoon—commencing with Satur
day, Aug. 23.
IHI Ml Kit AY,
t hise-tabli.hment ai Centre Hall, keep
on iianj, and for tale, at the most reason a
He rater.
A Spring WagonS,
and vehicles of every description made to
j rder, and warranted to he made ot the
best seaaor.ed material, and by the most
I 'tilled and competent workmen, Bodies
I lor buggset and spring-wagons Jk<-., of the
most improved patterns made to order,
| alto Gearing of all kinds made to order
i All kinds of repairing done promptly and
at the lowest puatibic rales.
Persons wanting anything in his line are
'eijucsted in all and t iamine his work,
(s will tnd it nut to be eacelled for dur
t iltlvand wear. may 3 if.
u*>av Mtu KKUiorr. j r>. MII UKST.
President. Cashier
Late Miliiken, Hoover A Co.)
Receive Deposit,,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell
Government Securities, Gold A
aplOGKf _____ Coupons.
Forks House!
The Forks iiouse, at lot-urn station, is
new and commodious, and is kept in best
manner. Bed and hoard second to none
in the county. Mabhng (or IJO horses.
As a summer resort it will be found all
that r uld he de-ired, right in the heart ol
good fishing ai d hunting grounds, and
'urroun Jed i'v the most romantic scenery.
Inot y
New Pianos $125
Each, and aiWtytes inrlu.l ng GRAND,
j>Ql ABE and t PLIGHT r.ll strictly
■ r,rt-elaMs. sold at the lowest net crab
wholesale factory prices, di.ocl loth, pur*
II baer These Pianos made one of the £n
lost displays at the Centennial Exhibition
i :.nd were unanimously rceottimended for
i the lltonE*r Honors—over 12,000 in use
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing C >.
J -Factory estahasked ovrrJHS years. Ihe
(Square Grands contain Malhu-bek't new
palent Duplet Overstrung Scale, the
greatest improvement in the history of Pi
ano making. The Upright* are the finest
m America. Pianos sent on trial Don't
fail to write for Illustrated and Descrip
til e Catalogue of 4* pages -mailed free
j 6 sept ly 21 Kast 16th Street, N. Y.
Has been recently thoroughly renovated
Tinil retiaired, and under tne management
iof the New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE
HOPPBS, formerly of W'msport, is first
claw in all Its appointments
Are offered to those in atlendanc. at court
and others remaining in town for a few
davs at a time.
The largest and most superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern conveniences. Go try the
Bush house
Smug GEO. HOPPKS. Propr.
X V lernr t l.aa stl.lUfonl*. SparUlsttvnllna
|lo F-ollM'Hona. n.l OrpbM' court pv< oc#.
May bw cnnu!i*d In (ifiuiu n<l Kugluh OAc* lo
(iiratia'i bolldtnf, tnrS* 74 if
— —_—
l2' . • -it In *ln;i> or curry ncy f-r a
jhaA&ttn rn#ra*lnga hwlnc |lU<nu *Mumcd |,j
lelrk berswi. e isbleof doewi a laivft mlUdloaof **l
D f\,; .r* . w lb an ongravtng at- win* UwHh .■!
| egfh year . an.l * largo anvn' l of elisor valuable* horu*
Information Hf Wn Hall Mt I hnvp h-<-.;tfht
book* thai 1 paid ami lilt' for whkdi I (to not hko aw
wrla* I d.) trs S< : ! t.r a clr. wlar agwntw w *nt*d
'H J Kendall. Ml> . 1 noahurih tali*. \ t Imyly
, j Msaovxi tritl or
' Saddles. Harness. Bridles Collars. Whip*
' Flyacts. and Rl> keeps on hand Cotton
•j Nets, etc Prices low as any where else
I VII kind* of repairing done. The best
-lock always kept on hand. All work war
'ranted. A -hare of the public palronag
i j kindly solicited llapr. I) v
rj v I 1111 s.'• to ?2M a day in your
|l I ,^llll own locality. No risk
R | |l II | Women do a< well as
.a I ill 111 men Many make more
' T HIIIII than the amount stated
above. Ni
to make money fa't Any one can do th >
work on can make from .VI cts. to f'J
i- an hour by devoting your evenings and
, spare time to ihe business. It coats noth
ing to try the business. Nothing like it
for money making ever offered before,
is Business plea-ant and strictly honorable
l( Header, if you want to know all about the
> N best paying business before the pubiie,
send us your address ami we will send you
it lull particulars and private tenns free.
D Samples worth $5 also free You can
then make up your tnind for yourself.
•!> Portland, Maine.
/tk (A - I *® * VKAK for )iooe*t. Intolllgont ha.lur*.
V §"'*? N-w buolnoo* ; light work
2Y ( O-OZEBATIVi A,l NOV, M*.llK>u,
VjyWli'it. 1U July 4m.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call atten
tion to her samples of trimmings of all
kinds ; also, samples of new styles dry
goods. Cutting and fitting done to order,
and old dresses cleaned and done over by
her. Gentlemen's shirts, cuffs and collars
niado to order, and warranted to fit. Has
also just received a new stock of Spring
stylos, fashion plates, patterns, etc Cvll
and see. 15 nia tf
~ ~ •
M II li
E It E
We would especially call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
!.***Gur .Stock being entirely New. We offer special liatgaini
Spring Mills O. K !|
at I. J. Greooble'eStore!
has the goods. Largest clock !
Prices Lower than
And cow extends a cordial invitrtion t<
his friends, patrons, and public general
Aleo a Complete Assortment oil
Ready Made Clothing for men and 1
boys. Suits as low as to be had in tbe
Imported and Domestic *
Full lines of
For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes,
And lbs most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and prices lbs
willconiuel you in self defence to buy o j
bm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18®< j
A full line of Howe Sewing Maehiner
and Needles for all kinds of machine*
Also dealt in all kinds tof Grain. Mar-;
. Let price p.Vd lor the same. A specially
I in CPA L by the car load. j
Jas. Harris A* Co.
P A 1 N T S,
Furniture Rooms!
respectfully informs the citizens of Centre
county, that he has bought out the old
stand ol J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
the price*. He ba* constantly on hand
and make- to order
TABLES, Ac . Ac.
Hit slock of ready made Furniture it
arge and warranted of good workman
hip. and is all made under his immediate
uperviaion, and it offered at rates cheaper
ban elsewhere.
Call and see his stock before purchasing
elsewhere. feb
Hardware Store.
A new. complete Hardware Stora has
been opened by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall, where he is prepared to sell ail
kinds ol Building and House Furnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular anff ilatid Saws. Tennon Saws
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plato Pictur.
Frame*. Spottea, Felloes, and Hubs, übh
, Cutlery. Shovels, Spade* and Fork
f Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Spring
Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods Oil '
I Tea Belit. Carpenter Tools, "l'aint, Van !
1 ishes.
Pictures framed in the finest style
Anything not on hand, ordered UDOD
shortest notice.
we- Remember, all goods offered cheap
er than elsewhere. v
1 OHN F. l'Ol 1 ER, Attorney-at
.' 4t OolUcflont promptly mad# and arvas-t.
W V *?lf''sr°„ h "" 5 ,C ,o,
„ 'J! \ r *" "P n< t hav arkni><r|*il><| tlrr.l
"".■STLIT.H.,UY', N „:. H * JUMUUD '
R ECKI \ K D E POSITS and allow I nter*
est; Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell OovornmentSecuritie*;
~, Hold and Coupons.
W* Woir WM. B. MIHOLK,
P ™* * Cashier
Manhood ; How Lost, How Restored !
Just puhli%h(Hl. A now vHltuon of Dr CaWrwir
i rlrhrntcd Ktuiy ~nt ti rodicol eum iwlihllimSii
iiractlce iliaL tha -% ■ •uiny yours sticcoMfu!
SStfS Swai'Sr lo *J r '? aPPlleat'oo of the
f B as~
AdSrr*. tho pttbllahrrs,
lOoct y : P ' 0> Box> 46 * 6 -
N That Acts at tie Same Time on I
■ end tho KIDNEYB. M
ID Tfc > irroat organ* !* lb* Xetarai eiraae W
K ■
ri i immm ctagpsa ■
II 1 draicfbl aicmoi*re ks>li iln VV
P BUiuistaim, Bradarhe, f l *. I
IS aul Pilot rIM- B
<> ( MapleUU. Cravrt. lluktn,
U MlantlilW 1 rla,
COf J triar ; cr Übrajaatit II
|U Faia, lf arbr*.
ft to (Jrr. ;o[J lv 4D> the 1 iood is polaoaad M
11 with Iba I anon Uai o.jcid bra bees ■
if aapafM nsUiisJr- Wl
H wV.\ rrwcrrttb* n *. ;:r%l action are! all thaw H
■ 4nav) :M ii' \ J be ii—Hl —l U
[ f VrkstlM I
U wflfaS4i->rn v!.,ttMK-l*r. Taaeltaad fl
■ basiti. w:v. cat* i • fa :•* ror bean II
n Wiywißfehsprfr 1W 11 ■< rfw ■
n "'vvt* Uf MHi iltnMa ft* . Il|i<a D
U Wi> it aa fcwfalMeaaar il
I Kit-vvT Worr wi'l eat*roo- Tryapaek-M
H tgr si • tt a4 bs Sain <-d
PI Iluattrg "ssi aad U
[1 Iwpelw s>lh ill ,urbf MUM, I
U rental oi*r so spirit, Wtaf prepared
H ' Tnur /etaji* rw. Ms ■
H rB*!r ■:?<.
rt ua liop liiOrrs for al
by J D. Murray.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For ail th purposes of s Family I'hraie,
and for curingCoattveaaaa, Jaundiea,
Jndir*aUoo, F'oui coach, Breath,
Headacba, Frysipoias. Kheuin*-
I ism, trupUoai and Skis DiaMMk,
| BUiouaneaa, Dropay. Tumors.
Worms. Neuralgia; as s Due
ner Fill. for pun/yin* the Blood,
Jw An- the moat
/* fiK| effcctnal tn
are si 111 the most thorough and search*
jug cathartic tr -diclco ttiat can bo
1 employed: cleansing the stomach and
| bowels, and even the Wood. In small
1 doses of one |>ill a day, they utmnlitt
the digestive organs and promote vig
< orous health.
Aim's liu.s have been known for
more than a quarter of a century, and
have obtalued a worki-wldc reputation
for their t irtuea. They correct dis
eased action In the several assimila
tive organs of the body, and are so
composed that obstructions within
their range can rarely withstand or
evade th< in. Not only do they euro
the every-day complaints of every
body , but also formidable and <langer
! ous diseases that have baffled the best
of human skill. While tbey produce
, powerful effects, they are. at the same
time, the safest and best physic for
children. By their aperient action
they gripe much less than the common
purgatives, and never give |win when
the bowels an- not Inflamed. The#
reach the vital fountains of the blood,
and strengthen the system by freeing
It from the elements of weakness.
Adapted to all ages and condition*
In all climates, containing neither
. calomel nor any deleterious drug,
these Pills may be takeu with safrty
by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre
serves them ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take: while being
purely vegetable, no harm can aria*
from their use in any quantity
ntrnun bt
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Matt„
Practical and Analytical ( htmlip.
sou? uy ill caruoon Evisrwan*
WATERS' Orchestrion chimes ORG AH
_ I the MM tUMllnl
t /BaSM c taw vie aJ prrftet
■SafotulTiafd s I uif rvrr made.
StmMter ll hn " ''** celebrated
(•nrrrt* slop. U*
-iif ch u <i fine ImitaHua
• Iwo and a ha'f
(telavca of bells tn*
II aed l> perfect lai*
Iff g P Bion, wlik .'Aeroeda,
r; 'i ''H A I Lor eUrcl J aafV
'V WtTKRS' CLtib
* <>,s OMt'HKSiTKa
- I t- ANS, in I nlqur FYearh C tre
. ry rfuprci C LAN I *,
f \VrUmitnhip,A llurnblllt* I nearpaaaad.
WaiTntrd for SIX A KAKS.
■ I'KICES KXTKK.MEI.Y I.OW for eaalu
. iMonihly lu-iallßirnle received. A Liberal
IHnrouiit to TKi kfrs, Mtnuters,Churohm.Sehaillk
, dcAIiLVrstVANTLU, Specialiadacao
- rarni, 10 Ibe irtidc.lllaatrated l ataloaaM
Mailrd.Serond-haad Iolron niatCreaS
llaranina. IIOKAI'Jf WATERS & SUMS,
Manufuelnrern aid -Dealer*,