The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 04, 1879, Image 2
Centra Reporter. TRED-KCBTZ EDITOR CKNTRK HALL, Pn., Sept, 4,1870. DKMOCRITIC \OWIX.4 UOSS. VOW -TATK ritKWSI KKW. DAN IXL Ot HARK, of Allogliovy. IVPORTA ST \'OTKRS. The next election in Pennsylvania will be held on Tuesday, the 4th of No veml>er. Voters most be assessed two months preceding the election, that ,on os be fore Thursday, September 4th. Voters must have paid a state or county tax one month preceding the election, that is, on or before Saturday. October 4th. Members of Democratic state, county, and city committees should see to it that every voter of our party has complied with the law. Failure to pay tax in season deprives the voter of the privilege of suffrage. An elector can swear in his vote, though In* be not assessed, but the neglect may cause him much trouble. DF.MOCKATIC*PKLKIiATE KLEC TION. Tbe Democratic voters of Centre county will meet st the regular place of holding the general election for the district, en Saturday, 13th of September, IST t, to elect delegates lo the Democratic Coun ty Convention. The election will open at 2 o'clock, p. in., and close at 6 o'clock, p. m. The delegates chosen at the above time will meet in the Court house, at Belle fonte, on TUESDAY, the 16th day of SEPTEMBER, at 2 o clock, P- to nominate a candidate for Jt'Kt Commis siossa, and transact such other busine*. as may be regularly brought before it. The number of delegates to which sucl district is entitled under the present ap portionment, is as follows : )N W IHnril township Bellefonto *S W 2 Ueward Jff W I Huston Howard boro l| Liberty Milesburg " lj Marion l'hilipsb rg" JjMiles I'monville " 1. Ration Benner towmship SH'csn Hoggs 11 1 otter n th Burnside " 1 " i Curtin " I i Rush College " 'iUvnowshoe " Ferguson " old Spring I " " now 1 Taylor Gregg " 5] Union t haltmoor. " 1 Walker " I } Haines " 4 Worth " 1 There has been more shot gun policy north, oflate. than south—yet there is no radical how! yet. Go in boy's, and bellow, until you're hoarse. The Cherokee Indians have elected Bushy Head as chief. W'e wonder whether sap-head, block head or mush-head won't feel down iu the mouth about itnow ? The shot-gun policy is fast taking root among the loyal shriekers north of Mas son Dixon's line. One of the loyal organs says a musket should be at eve ry voting place to shoot democrats. The L■ 'm Gaz<t': didn't go into a howl over the Conkling affair or the Kalloch shooting—the sho. gun policy wasn't south this time. NYhenever a negro or carpet-bagger down south gets a black eye on account of some impu dence, the (rozeiu and sheets of the satm politics, make weeks of ado about it. Mr. H. Frvsinger has sold the Lewis town Trur Democrat and will take charge of a democratic paper in Chester, Fa. Sorry to hare Mr. F. leave this part of the state, bun paper always was a favor ite with us. May the greatest success attend him. Mr. IX L. Sollenberger of Sunbury is the successor of Mr. Frvsing er, who will continue the paper demo cratic as heretofore. Success to him also. Sunday last was the last day of sum mer, according to the almanac, but Monday seemed to have no regard for the almanac, and old Sol kept pouring down his rays as fiercely as ever, bathing us in a sweltering beat, as if to remind us that summer was not all played out yet and a lively remnant still on hand. The latest from Grant is that he goes it with an "if." He is not a candidate for president, still, if it should happen that the republican party should need him, he will accept. We never knew Grant to refuse any thing except a bull pup upon which the express charges were not paid. Last week we furnished the evidence taken before the Wallace committee of the way in which honest men and sol diers of the war are denied their rotes in Rhode Islandbecause they are poor. This week we give only a little of the evidence that shows how voters are bull dozed in righteous Massachusetts. I>et all honest and candid men read and re fleet over these damnable outrages. Richmond, Va., August 28.—Nelson Lewis, colored, died to-day from injuries received yesterday at the hands of Will iam Goodman, colored. Both were dray men and a difficulty originated in a Squabble for right of way. If Goodman had been a white man the whole northern radical pack of howlers would have had columns of de nunciation over a new southern outrage. But in this instance it was nigger that killed nigger and nothing need be said. According to a London paper the Great Eastern is to be turned into a great meat-shop. The owners have at last determined to convert the great ship into a meat-carrying trade, between London and Texas. The requisite alter ations, which include new boilers, will involve an expenditure of about £IOO,OOO hut as the vessel can carry 2,000 head of cattle or 30,000 sheep the speculation should prove remunerative. A Savannah negro had a narrow es cape last Monday. He was in bis coffin, having died, as his friends thought, two days before, and the preacher was talk ing away about life on the other side of Jordan, when the corpse sat up, stared around him and deliberately crawled out. The irregular proceeding caused the congregation, preacher, relatives and all to make for the street, with the man in grave clothes after theui. Getting over their fright the colored people shook hands with the restored man, who had been only in a trance. This reminds us of the dead corps of the democratic party that the republi cans so often attempted to bury, it al ways gets up out of its coffin and scares the whole radical tribe into fits and makes them scatter in all directions. That democratic party won't die. D. iSithewson, of Nemaha Co., Kansas, , says ® the Perfected Butter Color, of Vt.: j'Ye have used other preparations but none so good, Our neighbors who neglect to color, sell for a few cents less." Testimonials like this are worth some thing. Howl as nuicli in* thcv will about the south, let the radical oratoni and orfana 1 1 remember that all the mean acta that j t hare been a disgrace to our country r hare been committed by prominent i leaders of the radical party. Kalloch i was a prominent New England preacher 1 and Kansas ahrieker, and all the while he was committing adulterous acts. lleecher as a leading Kansas howler and pious preaclu v, and amidst it all he was making illicit love with another man's w ifo. Theodore Tillon was a favorite radica; lecturer and slanderer of the democratic party, and he too w;.s all the time hav ing unlawful intimacy with other won men. Next we haveOonkting and stpragne, moguls of the radical party, with tluir disgraceful atlaii in which a woman was concerned, and in which the shot-gun jHilicy -.o much cackled against by those saints came in for a prominent part. We imght add to this L*t, but it stitll ces t> tiring those which are fresh in the i memory of all, in order to shew the I character and virtue of those who are continually magnifying others sins and extolling their own virtues, lah ♦ ♦ The tirst steps in the riot damages or legislative bribery cases were taken at Harrtslmrg on Judge IVaraon charg ed the grand jury in the matter m a manner that proves he desires the truth to come out. He instructed them to find true hills in all the cases of corrupt s >- llcitation of members of the Legislature if the testimony submitted to them should correspond with that heard by the Committee of the Legislature. The indictments presented for the considera tion of the tiraml Jury refer to oulv those persons outside the legislature who are alleged to have offered money for votes for the bill appropriating SL -000,000 to indemnify owners of property destroyed in the Tittsburg riots, but the Judge also instructed them to proceed against any members implicated in cor rupt solicitation, so that all the guilty may be placet! on an equal footing. A committee at the last session of the Leg islature found Representatives Bamber ger, I'etroff and George T. Smith guilty of attempted bribery, but the House re fused to expel them, the necessary two thirds vote not Seing obtained for ex pulsion. These men, with probably three other members, will likely be add , ed to the list of defendants in the riot bribery cases. About twenty members of the Legislature have Wen subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury, all of i whom, accordingto their testimony in May last, had been offered money to vote for the Riot Claims bill. The Com monwealth w ill demand the production of te leg rain.i bearing on the bribery business passing between the principal lobbyists, : n order that they may be us ed as evidence. A refusal on the part of the Western Union company is appre hended. The cases will no doubt be postponed for trial at a special term in October. HERI'IC CLE A RRl>. The trial of l'eter llerdic at !'• llefonte last week, foi obtaining fsOOO from Win. F. Reynolds & Co., under false pretense, was taken up, Wednesday noon, and lasted until Friday evening when the jury, aft . Wing out some four hours, > ame in with a verdict of not guilty, hut Mr. .llerdic to pay the costs. This case attracted considerable interest not only in our county, bnt in the state, from the well known let laracter of the defendant who rendered himself very prominent by his large speculations and business enterprises. The charge was that Mr. Herdic ob tained s*>. ) from the banking house of \Vm. F. Reynolds Co. upon securities that he represented as first liens upon real estate in Wiihamsport, which the bank allege did not prove to be so. Some twenty witnesses were present from Williamsport, on Mr. Herdic's side. The counsel on the part of the com monwealth were district attorney Fort ney, Gen. Reaver and A. O. Furst. Mr. Herdic's counsel were W. R. Mann of Philadelphia, J. L. Spongier, and Ed. Rlanchard and Hon. C. T. Alexander. The case throughout was ably conduc ted on the part of the commonwealth, but as ably defended on the part of the counsel of the defendant. The court house was crowded during the entire trial. The verdict of the jury was as above stated, in favor of Mr. Herdic hut he was mulcted* in the costs. The evidence, we are told, which was the turning point in favor 01 the accused was that Reynolds & Co. could have made themselves safe with their securities if they had made efforts in that direction at the proper time, and that they neg lected the opportunity. r The evidence in the Herdic case was closed at 10 a. m.on Friday, the last wit ness being the defendant himself. Coun sel for the prosecution objected to his testimony, but the Court overruled the objection, and he was called upon the .-land. The substance of his testimony was a denial of intention to cheat the prosecutor. Colonel Mann made the closing speech on the part of the defend ant and General Beaver for the Com monwealth. Judge Orvis then charged the jury, and they retired at 5 o'clock. On the part of the commonwealth the the case Jwas o|>ened by Mr. Fort ney, and on the part of the defence by Mr. ."-pangier. HPELING REFORM. A society was formed several years ago to produce a reform in speling—a thing much neded. This society has among its members profesors and eminent -colars, boose the absurd maner in wirh meny words in the English language aie speled, ret lering it dificult foraforener to become acquainted with it and requir ing at leest to yers of time that is wasted by our children in lerning to master the roundabout way of speling so meny of the words. If ever the REPORTER gets within fifty miles of this .Society for Re form in Speling, we wil go the fifty and join it. Some may oppose this reform, and one argument tha use is that the words would look so od. That mile be true; but it is equely true that to men woncc used to it, say 30 yers after the reform was established, the words as now speled wud lok both absurd as wel as lafable, and scolars and lerned men wud wonder wi we of this generation wer so bad in our speling and putletersin words that did not spel any thing at all and tok . yers of the time of the boys and girls to master the absurdities insted of going at it in its simplicity and taking the comon sense \va. I Althosome may laf at the EXPORTER for favering this reform, and doing away with the jawbreaking sistem in speling, we wil undertake to thro many words before them that fu can spel. Won #e wud give the "qu" another the "tisic" and still another a "fisic" until we had them all on ther baks with reconisans forfited. Many eminent freologists favcr tiiis reform in speling; filologists join in; the catalog of members of this society wil kep on incresing until tha ad to ther program the endorsement of all posesed j of comon sens. I Wo gen it wil ho slo of adoption but ma we not lok upon it ' sure to com 1 Wer it not for aom krotnhcty notions ntiout sticking to the old wit this reform in s|>eling wer easy to bring about. Ihit j the society wil get to the deoo some time. Ar we not for reform in other things? Is it enuf to adopt the comon ions manner in everything cb and act the fill in speliug? Nh, ma the silent letters never again clove to the ruf of our mouth if we can ■ e it' The tony wa not given us t> he plngi d with those useU-s tramps in words, the silent leter The bed is made t> ake in tlier stud> and many a felow thinks he is hi lernod became he Ct.n place together a lot of letters and sav they *[>••! that wen no child ot eomnv>n n- can. for the ufeof him, comprehend that tha spel any thing. In conclusion, we -av. mtieh of < m spvling dos not rpel at all, and only serves to thro the pti| '. into a 1 ami give one jaw brakei s. run Kiunr ic si i la orr. MR. JUSTICE Mi 1.1.1 R ADMITS THAT 11! YOTI 1' AGAIN* T Till FACT*. Says Tildcn Got t)ver 8,000 Majority in Ixiui-iatra. Kock Island, August Among the national celebrities who are here i- Li.- , tice Samuel F. Miller of the lulled S' a - tes Supreme t'ourt and a member ol tin 1 ght to Seven Flectoral oninii.—ion which installed R. I">. Hayes in the ■ l'mudency. On every test questiou be • fore the Commission Justice Miller \ot t ed with the Republicans, refusing to go lichtml the returns, in the cases of Lou isiana and Florida, and supporting eve ' ry other measure of the Republican ma . jorilv for reversing the verdict of the , people and depriving Mr. Tilden of the seat to which he had been chosen. In ' person, Judge Miller is a stout, powor ' fully built man, with swarthy couute . nance, strongly marked features, and . the careles- dress and free, otl-haud manners of a prosperous Western farm er or merchant. He B|>e.iks las mind 1 clearly and with emphasis. On Friday morning, August 10, the . Judge made one of a party of fi ur on the balcony of the Ocean \ w Hotel 1 Mr. Walter V Haldetuan of Louisville, ■ Mr. William G. McHenry, formerly pro prietor of the St. Louis/' , and a correspondent of the N w lio ' ad been previously introduced to Judge Miller as * such 1, making up the group, which was - afterward joined by Judge lllodgt tt of , the United States District Court of Chi cago. The conversation turned upon Mr. Tilden's canvass for the Presidency. " and Judge Miller expressed his tiehet t that Mr. Tilden krn-w more about the j cipher dispatches than he had yet ad . milted, lie also said that Mr. Tilden, while now making political capital by antagonising Tammany llatl, had form i erly worked with that organisation, and j had been intimately associated with it a- ChairmJti of the Democratic State Com mittee when the great fraud.- of I s - 1 were perpetrated, lie then said: "i have met Mr. ITUlenonly 011,0 m the last sixteen years. That was at Sara toga last summer, when he occupied a cottage near tny place of residence, ami passed me frequently. 1 thought of speaking to him once or twice, hut did uot know how he might take it in view of my position toward his ciaim- :n th< matter of the Electoral Tribunal. 1 think that he unquestionably tried to buy that elector in Oregon—that tin s.■-,000 which was transferred by tele graph for that purpose came out of lu.- pocket. 1 think also that money was raised, with his know ledge, for the pur pose of buying one of the Returning Hoards, and that only his characteristic hesitation prevented his using that method of securing the Hoard. on the other may be said of him that he honestly thought himself elected and entitled to the votes of the two Southern States whichlke tribunal decided against him. He was elected in I.ouisiaua — that is, he got eight or ten thousand more actual votes there than Hares. In the event of his success next year 1 think he will make a good 1 resident. He is a man of great ability, unwearied pertinacity and extraordinary courage. He cannot be bullied by the p hticiai - or office seekers. He has made an ex cellent Governor of New York, and has shown administrative and executive powers of a high order. He is old and rich, and has no temptation to abuse the powers of his office, while he has every inducement to give the country a good administration, once which will enure to his fame and obliterate in a measure the scandals which have attached to his name." "What do you think of the result- f the extra session?' was asked. "I think that both parties made mis takes, and that the Republicans would have done better had they given up the army at the polls, and in fact conceded everything except the supervisors' law. On that they could have made an excel lent fight without giving their oppo nents the chance of raising the cry against military interference with elec tions. The disgrace of the grand back down, however, rented with the Demo crats. Thurman in the Senate and i w ing in the House could have prevented the extra session easily, had they mind ed to, and the responsibility for it in a good measure rested with them. It had injured Thurman greatly and considera bly diminished whatever chances he might have had for the Presidency." Concerning Secretary Sherman b can vass and the efforts he is said to be mak ing to obtain the Republican nomination H the Judge said : "It does not follow because a man is Secretary of the Treasury and makes use of the great power and patronege of s his office, that he is necessarily going to B succeed in the race for the nomination. . Two former Secretaries, James Guthrie and Salmon P. Chase, in turn did what Mr. Sherman is notv charged with do ' ing, and yet they signally failed when j the time came." ' JUDGE PEARSON'S CHARGE 1 TO THE GRAND JURY OF DA ITII COUNTY ON LEGISLATIVE CORRUPTION. • IIE DEFINES THKCRIME OF COR RUPT SOLICITATION, ' And Calls for the Indictment of the Bribed Legislators. At Harrisburg, on Monday, at theopen ing of tha August term of Court, thoC'uurt room was crowded, whenJudgo Pearson charged the Grand Jury. After defining all grads of crinio the Judge finally reached that of corrupt solicitation, and the nioß intense ulenco prevailed as he charged the jury on this crime. The ref erenoe to legislators attempting to bribe fellow members is regarded a rofcrring to Kumhcrger, l'etroff ar.d Sinitb. The following are Judge Pearson's re-marks relative to f-orrupt solicitations : I will now call your attention, gentle men, loan offense probably of rather dif ferent character from of most of those, and one which has not often come before the public here, and it is one of those offenses that is, if committed, highly injurious to society, dargorous to public morals and dangerous to the general administration of the government of the country, and that is solicitation to receivo bribes, solicitation, as alleged, to members of the Legislature to receive bribes, offers to them of a kind which is forbidden by the law, and 1 will call your attention to the law on the sub ject. I speak of it, gentlemen, as n crime which strikes almost at the foundation* of society, because if, instead of having fair, honest, proper legislation, according t the best discretion arid judgment of the legislators, we are to have them bought over to vote for measures or soto against measures which the public requires, or which are injurious to the public either the one or the other, then I sn,y it is dun gerous to society at large, and wo should most carefully guard against anything of that kind. 1 will, in the first place, call your attention to the Constitution of the Commonwealth on that subject. It is net merely a person soliciting, but the person agreeing to receive, or actually receiving, that ought to be held up to public scorn and contempt by being indicted- in the j criminal court, 1 |Hare the Judge <|u..ted the pr. visions I the Constitution relative to corrupt - .1 ici tation.) , You will observe, g< lit ui< ti, that thi Constitution therefore make* the t>rovi* on l.olh agsinvt members ><t tho Legisla ture who shall receive or k tor, o be willing to re. eive, or agree to rocciv<•. n"v offer, In the form ot monev, cilice, er in my other way a person going to a mem her of the I.ogislature ami saving, "Y> . vote !.-r stieh n bill," or "\ t.. against such a bill ami I vv ill pro. lire you s leh at. oflK, ' it would l o bribery w thin tLis act of \- embly. Any |.error. . lic.tirn th • to bed. i e I- guilty of a lugh critm. guilty > f the attempt to bribe I'ho . tier ot money c>r anytiiii g of value > i it made the criino a this case. I .iepctore, pers. us have no busim -* to be tampering with the Leg-.- a'.ufc, tampering with the members, or saying, "Ifyou vv ,'.! consent! to v. te for s ich a b Iy. u can r < -v e so much mom v it c r illegal,! and forbidden by the t'.-mulution itelt The sYct et Assembly is perhaps equally .vj licit •. t!. is suk ec!, drf.ning vvhat the pun -hinetit shall t m.-re part, ularly.j theug' the (,'onstitut, m dvelari what the 'init l as welt as the act of V-senibly. [Judge P. arscn hero read the act ul \pr.i , at I, defining the . "for -o of i -r* rupt so!.. u ; mem! rt uftho A-em hly J An open a.Klrtrs, any persua-ion, any coaxing, . c the like . r that, vvculd not e me v. t' r> the r. t, .1 the in. n v office - . tiered, the moment any article u! value i otlercd, the moment any proinL. ot advantage i: r!ered, it brings it witiiir: the statute. In order, then, to make out the fie .sect urged here, yen hav. only to t inquire Was there an oiler or endeavor, to influence at.y itiembor of the Legisla turo by or | ;..-m:str,g them it. ney, promising them nuythlngof valu prom* isiiig them acv advantage, any office, ai v advantage of any k.nd Was that don. Its , it would be a.i attempt to solicit them to do wn at is illegal, and i- an al* lemp.t t<>, an uniuvcful !. citatum I hoy M-ed not accept it They may say they would not accept it, that they would ' scora to take it, yet i: doesn't make it any le-- I'ficuse on the of tho person oiler , icg they art guilty, and all that t aecev sary to t.e proved is the simple fait that , they- ,-itcd a member of the Legis alure lo vote in a ; -.rticular >v ui.Jer a prom* 1 ise i: procuring money for them or ofi'er i"g to g'V. tl .-in m :.<y, tc! .ng tl . m i where t '.v c uid got money, or that ti ey : could have n. ney by d. .;.g so end -o, that they e- ..Id roci;ve such et.J >u. h erticlos 1 —that is all there is nr.. -sary t-. be .-stab | ush. d, to be proved t>. your saUsfactioii. in t order to make out tb.s otTeiu. Ti.-.s i . not a new otlencc, geullemen, hi Pea::>yl* , vaiua. Former laws - the ect of IS i -de* ' scribe it very much in the same wy, very ' much in th. -midword- of ih* Constitu tion, very much <n substance a* in the a.f >f 1 ?* 1 It ha- long bcun prohibited in , Pennsylvania, ar.d yet l > the scabJai of our Stall -1 hepe it .s ta'.re, 1 h. pv it Is > only seal, .a! to the scandal of our State it ha* bee: urg.d and said h.-' ir< . and hundrt-ds i f times, that -uch arid su. .. a . bill was procured by bribery Ildemeato J our State; it brings us into contempt . other countries , brings us into contempt w ;h . ur -islcr Staiv- .causes Us : • be be* ' littled al :*• ad, t be b. lit'.e .at .. .u . in jur - the legislative b -dy w Ith the. a.m..- . nity. Tho very susp.cion that they take . bribe- .s a:, it jury t • them, an ri.jury t * society in geaerai, I . ci-ui l they are le i to ' distrust the laws that such a Legislature ' pa-*. - and to .I sr. gard them entirely I Thcref. :•it i a high OlTes se agamst s ety, and i nc that shou. i su most carefully I guarded against by courts and juries, ; ..n- I UheJ inflexibly und without a: y Leit . 1 lion, if persons arc guilty of it, and the 1 only s.mpie fact for you t have* I ed before you is that any person whales ( | t-r soli. :.* a: v men ir the Leg fixture lo acce; I a bribe, or tell them how they . could make money, or t t:.-r to g vc then. ! money, or anything of that kind t rv ting in a parti, ular war, voting for or against a partii uiar bill Tb.s constitute * the ef ( It may be pos.-.b!e, in ri.o course . of your examination of this charge against ! persons for solu iling member* of the Leg i.-laturu lo accept uicney, that .1 i: ay Come out that it doeeri I st>p at soli, itatioti J alone, but that a member accepted or agrcctt to a..epl the money. If so, ai though r.o indictment may be sent before you, yet if in tho examination of witnesses before you in the .;uetti.n of this bribery it come- out that any member of the Leg islature did a ptor agree to accept any gift of mo nay or valuable thing, . lSc or anything of the kind, if ;t comes out that they did agree to do so, you make a pre* sentmentof it; you present them t the court, and say such and such wilncises tes tified before us that such members of the Legislature, naming ih.-tn, were guilty a, cepting, or agree : g to accept, these bribe - which were ©fioreci to them, and, il such is tho cur. dire ', the District Attor ney to -end indictments before you, < r if ' tbey Jon t do that at once, t., at least have the person charged arrest, d and brought up before a magistrate for a preliminary examination, and then an indictment wou.a be -cnt before the j.cxt Grut.U Jury . so that neither the perrons who are charg ed in the-a indictments, nor the member* of the Legis aturo themselves, it they agree to accept meaty, .an get clear, it you perform your duties But if any mem ber did not agree ;e lake it, you are make a presentment of him , bu. it is only when the one oiler* or the > th< r agree* P lake—either the one or tho other—they are both guilty of the crime—that you will find a true bill, or make a presentment. As 1 understand from the form f thi* -laietucnl there is no one charged wuh re ceiving the money, that is, no member ol the Legislature charged with receiving money. As 1 said belore, you cannot avi upon newspaper reports, y.-u have no right to act upon resolutions of the Legis lature , you act upon the evidence produc-j cd before you, and that alone, und it that 1 makes out a case of either bribery or ro-! ceivmg a bribe, either giving or receiving a bribe against th. person who is charged, find a true bill It il is against others who are not charged, make a prcMnltncnl ot , them to the District Attorney, so p at the . matter be properly ar.d fully investigated ' in court, so that we may g. al the bottom of these things. Sometime > committees o. I ', of the Legislature examine subject.*. | i They have not the same power tbit the'' Courts have in compelling thu attendance and testimony ol witnesses a* we have the power to do ; sometimes they are not very noxious to lind out what has been done, -vmetirnea they arc not very willing to ex pos# whether they have bean guilty ot re cciving bribe., they don't want to tell anything that takes placo, but we want to lind out evcryth.tig about it; we want to get to tin; truth ot the matter, and Ret to the bottom of it, and see who is guilty nr;<l who is not guilty, or whether any person is guilty, or whether it is a more general slander. As 1 said belore, you act upon the evidence and upon that alone, and not upon anything that you have ever read in the newspnpers about what took place in the Legislature last winter. Do not he in fluenced in the least by that I)o not be influenced in the least by any public [opinion. Do not be influenced in the least by politics or by anything else than the evidence which is produced before you. Ifthe Commonwealth cannot now produce witnesses* before you to establish tho facts, you ignore tho hills If tho Common wealth does produce witnesses to establish the facts, find them without tho least re gard to whom it will strike, without the legist regard to the character of the per sons who have been guilty of planning anything of that kind or of soliciting olh i r to commit what was wrong. On Saturday there were 3K cases of yol low fever ul Memphis, KK ADIIOW ItIOHTKOI''STIIKY AltK IN MAS.*. A (111 '.SKITS! InliiuidaUun—Manufacturer*' 1.,11u* cuco. I lie Hon Kli Thayer. Democratic can n'*7> ' r '.""gfeM, i" ls?p against Rico lie tl-icw had spoken in the hail owned bv Vaiu'haug corporation, in thai town, slid I . Nt Diere to speak ; they refused to alow me to speak tlitre, and 1 spoke in a arn, i .a liall had hes used for minstrel ' li.• . I Mr oD„. r puhlio Uses. "J ur * u A i iheetc lion , lis. Mr M. Arthur, superintendent ot • u'.'-haug <el puruiioft, was -eleetnian 1 ftH the uttiiuiit of tbo mi* i he\ voted; I hast, and Knox, other em I'lyi-of the , orporsllon. sto.J hv tlie in l -aw the volt,- and controlled the etlll'l %< S a- they voted , Voters had to psss j ,p betw<,u rows of corporation men t> vote. ' r: ' Kennedy Wm ai live as a Iti.i i r lima In ls.'s _ occupied „ tenement! .>uo owned by the Mancliaug corpora |tion son mid nana* worked in the mill on! I iedai of meeting hold by Kli Thayer, I 1 g..'. n.,lice to vaeate mv house within twoi weeks , 1 saw t ha-e, I lie acont he said he !id it by order ot Mi M. Arthur I said 1, w..utd stay and Vote . lie said I should go' .nt 1 ran! 1 would not, and I fought !..r! * ' ' " and did rtav t re and vol •.1 ! •*r Puller; the fait of my notice to | leave became public, and bul'ld. sed and, ml undated every Hulls r man there the h..u. - are UWIK ,by the Maticbsug cor S ration; < hase votes men there wbo have no vol, - , the men are hauled to the polls t'V tl.t loams of the , orpoi ation, and (.'have received lb. m there slid saw they had Republican ticket- aud voted them. Mc Vrlhur would look al the In kets as they were put in I ebox; I objected to II anil ie si pped it My son was discharged tr.'lii 'he mill !our .lav- afler 1 gut my no lice to to go out o! the house ; he and tnv neici all lel\. They lived with me, 1 eit t he t wn and live m Connecticut now. I ii -er \\ . l'uiman, l'rohibitory Re pubnean Live in Sutton , WHS at election V v ember, l!.h; linse, e i.ploveol Mancliaug corporation, say he had earned ■lis |..unt , !i settee Was idled with 111.n y whoa the voters w. re watched as thev went up to vote, Mi Art her, employe oi c rporat m. Was chie! selectman in charge jot ! allot box , men vv. re brought from the tnill* and voted, and taken back in same ; wagons. John t' I'arker: Sj* voters of the Manchaug carp ration hauled to (.oils in li.eir wng. >.ii and taken back in the same alter they Voted , raw t ha.e lake tickets out of the hand* ot rnill-bands and girs theru another, and said ; "Carry that in." 1 tie >.. ito .am u ped!er and a Ke; übli- CM!;. Henry J Whiten . At election of 1K77 ■ w Knox take tick, is out of thu hands ot -evcral of the employes of the corporation ai d give them others , tore im>r up be l !:. ru Iheti). Cbsse told mc he could , . ntrol the Uiea *■ d W uld, but be would .ol 1 re sli out of the ni. n emph.yed bv •ill. rp ration ;v • w ago • of the : -late and its elections. I i 'r;nk Kenneday re fxaniimxl; Was at Mamhaug and i.eard a conversation' '.elw.eiil l a-.,, m. i-age t, and Stevens, barber ; Stevens said he wa* going to vote r Butler ,1 I.arc -a.d be thought It Was ,nv I lc hi- intere-l to do so; afterward I rd MeVens -r.v l wa .< I r ght he war •• r Talh.,l, and Would Cid $1" f .r hi- Vote alter the election . the money had come to '. wn the night Long, Republican vaiidi* late for Lieutenant govern, r, had ."ine llier. . he saidlke ballots w. uld be mark *ie ! and they could tell how each man I, vo!,-d , 1. A. l'orliain, Dardner, Worcester > .'.tv A mar. named Newell, fr. tii llos ton, boarded with tue frvia July until af* . '.er e.ection ; three or four ilays before ; > eclion, in November, t 1 ", he came in I with A Roll i f llxtik Rilh*, . ! ... IJielil uu: and ss.d he lad got U.< Ui .1 w: at t iisin I'.al batik ,he eflcrcd me f I<| ol it if I would v. to for Talbot, or j 1 would t t v to . i am a Llcnio.rat and • was he . 1 refused to take thu money . an i vote I for Butler. Kemp \ . Lyndc proved dismissal a :nmn from employment by n overseer of - ii Gardner, for votirg for Butler. 1 .IK FLYMoI'TH CASK. Native-Rom Citiiens Kt. recti to He c me Naturalize J. Thetnss K. Shumwav Lit" in Ply mouth . a decision of the selectmen was made t;.al >• ung men born ot f.>r<- gn | a* retits within the ute could be registered , thi* made difficulty, and prevented many registering; this d ision was made ten day s before election, atni was reversed on Monday evening, about 10 o clock, before i ■ <. lion, but 100 late to all. w people to register and vote ; know < ! two who got registered, but heard of a do. < n excluded i ■ of them got naturalized , his name is Morrison. Thi- is his naturalisation pa per. it reads that he was hern in Maisa ■husetts. Doe of luese mn born within two rods of Plymouth Rink. Four select men Republicans and one an Abbott l)em , rat J. bn D'Connell went to pay- Lis poll lax. N . Hon, chairman of the beard, old me he had the opinions of two law yers on this point. 1 told him i was not' -atisCi ! this opinion. Got opinion l jfrout .'.erk of court in IL-ston r.versmg this. No act,on taken until Monday I night, befora election. Polled lluu vote's! :n the town \\ . ii Nc.s. n : Davis L. Lord gave an opinion that persons born witliin the sUte, lot alien parent were i d entitled to regis tration until naturalised . in IS* Mr. llcaly of Boston, city solicitor and clerk of our county, coincided with the cither opinion ; General Butler gave his opinion! against this; the attorney-general did not [ give his opinion, although asked ; we de cided that they entitled to register, and made it pubiic either on . s aturdv or Monday afternoon before election ; we iheld they must be naturalized before thev w. re registered , 1 am chairman of seicT : men. Within Three Mile* of Fiymotrth Rock. Andrew Carr Bom will n twa miles of Plymouth Kci k; my father, was an alien. i>rn in Ireland; they refose.l to regt-Usr iue because I wa- rod naturalised and my | father wa* not, I went several times am: t nallv found thev had registered mc or, Monday before election. Alexander Morrison: B rn in Sand wich, Barnstable county. Ma s . my fath er born in Ireland, wanted t.> be register ed; the -electmen refused to register me! because 1 was not naturalize 1; Hodge ad vised me to get naturalued. I did so in the court, this is my paper C XITKD STATKS OF AM R UIC A, ) C MMO>W I *l.lll <>K M *-*< HI -1.1 11, , Plymouth Cm vit, u, I To all people to whom th<--c present hall come, greeting. Know ye. That at a • iperior court, fie gun and iioiden at Plymouth on the fourth Monday in October, in the y ar of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy eight, Alexander Morrison of Plymouth, in th- county of Plymouth and •tat" of Ma-vachusclt*. born in the town of Sandwich, in the county of Rarnstablc, Massachusetts, having produced tho evi dence and taken and -übscrihed tho oath n juired by law-, Was admitted to become a citizen of the sai 1 I'nited States accord-] ing to the acta of Congress in such inses! k Ie and provided. In testimony whereof 1 havo hereunto set my hand and affixed tho sea! of said court, at Plymouth, in said county, this lirst day of November, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy eight. Signedi WILLIAM II WHITMAN, Clerk (Heal.) 1 wn> sworn nnd so were my witnesses, after that I went to thoselectmen and they racist ore I me, and I veto.l for Butler F. \V. Bobbins: Selectmen at Plymouth refused to register tho young men, and 1 think near a dozen of them lost their votes who wore born in tho state because of this refusal to register them LcmuM Ifradford. Selectman at Ply mouth: llodge removed to Boston with his family in October last, came back when his name was off and was allowed to vote; he was and is in the Boston custom liousi. men born in the slate of foreign parentage were refused registration be cause not nnturalixed. In General. McCarty: Supervisor in Ward 12, Boston, carefully examined the lists giv en him by chief supervisor, and found but three names to check as doubtful. These names did not present themselves on elec-i tioti day. 400 in the precinct. Kildiill'and Daily: In employ of gov ernment on new post office building in Boston last October; were known as But ler men; were discharged before election day; think 'or voting for Butler; both sol diors. O'Connor: Discharged in Cambridge port on evening of olection day for voting for Butler. Plympton, Worcester: All the hoard of registration in Worcester last year were Republicans; rejected Democrats frem reg istering beca: -e presented by the Demo cratic cent mil N*e; they presented Ibomsel res through the Republican committee ind were registered; the effect of tho ru mors about the manufactures' meeting jeld in Worcester in October, was to •ause the employes to bo silent and do- ( dine to act with tbo Republican party. IMVOKCK AMONG HPIRITB. Tin' Lntfut Absurd Proceding Among Weelern HpiritualiaU. (From the Si. Louis Globo-Dcmocrat.) F.lizabeth llargus, aged 43 years, died in ihiadty on June A, IH7H, and Christian I* II argue, aged 4H years, died on Feb. lit* lash Al tbo residence of Mr. K. 11.1 Springer, on North Sixth street, Inst even ing, the departed cetiple wore divorced i* spirit life The spirit of Mrs Kllen Fitz gerald, formerly of Taylorwick, recently slated through a medium Diet tlm divorce would leke piece on the'.'uh of July, com mencing et 9 I*. M., by worldly time. Mr llameii, the brother of Mr*, llargue, we* Informed in regard to the coming event. At first ho pooh-poohed the *tory, jbul finelly contented to go end *eo the medium In answer to e coinrnunlcelion | addressed to his dead sister, Mr. llenn-n received the tollowihg reply : Dear Brother Whet you have heerd is, ten true, Christian end I. thou*! iwe l ived each other in your world lor "Vtt twenty-four years, cannot g<<t atony together in our spirit form 1 don't like I on as J used to, end I cannot like him I do not know why, end that is the reas< n 1 want to he separated from him You know how he used |u slay out nights el home; well, he remains away frem rue for ng periods, end when he returns says he has been fishing In the golden lakes, of resting in the roseate bowers where the male spirits sit and sip the distillations t tlm amaranth or the dews of the nighi hlooming cereus 1 cannot live with him, and therefore we must separate. The reply to another communication was as follow l)oar Brother: Spirits who have been married during (heir earth life remain married unices divorced by the proper court- Wo have laws, Courts, justices, Ac , in the spirit land, just as you have in your world, and the processes are the same, oftentimes tedious, vspenally when | publicly tried, but speedy and satisfactory wneti obtained without publicity You know that I left the world of substance ■line months before he did, and althougu 1 i ould have obtained a suitable divorce du ring hi? absence Iroro the spirit land, 1 re maii.rd true to turn and waited until he ar rived here. Lven then 1 tried to love him. hut tould not and (aunot. 1 will always 1. k upon him as u tr.end, however, and will not ask that he attend lo my waau a fur the divorce has been granted al though 1 might make bim do so, accord ing to law, if I liked. Your loving siter i Lizzie Ilargue. A communication was then addressed to the husband, and elicited the following reply ; Brother-in-law Kd. : I regret to tell you that ail you bave said is true. Lizzie does not tare for me any more, and has given her affections lo a young Virginian they call George Washington, vbs, tbey Say, bad a great name in your world. Was li ng ton is mairird already, Laving been married when in the if est. and remained u. He wa* burn ever so long ago tyour lime . but hit great name and fine appear ance has won Lizzie s affections, at il has ither spirit women's, and she says be is .. r t :. iy true affinity, and she adores bin.. She is always making little statues of him and wreathing him wuh Dowers. 1 have jplaced my plea in the hand* of the court, ar.d the me will be trlrd July JC, at 'J P. M ty .ur time ! ; try and be there. This it a dug fitful place, and everybody love* ■ very body else, except Lizzie, who w ill not love me. Brother Kd., I wish you v. uld come I spirit land , you might Leal the sorrow* of my aching heart, and reason with Lizzie to love me again. C. P Uargue. Last ovenirfg al the appointed hour lour v i.ilors pr eroded t. the rear of the ba- a parlor, where four chairs were placed in an arch af proper intervals. They look their place*. Then the medium brought < ul his cabinet lib* usual medium's clu*> eti and placed il just a little back of the .me running across the folding doors be tween the front and back parlors. The gas was turned down lo a reasonab.e darkness Mr. Walters entered hi* cabi •nci, and during the minute that followed there was intense silence. Suddenly a i heel of faint hght fell between the spec leU>r and the cabinet It was like the sheen a half-moon tend* out at its rising. This grew brighter and brighter, until the tw i gas jets were dimmed, and at length, the scene seemed to be one ol dusty danc-' r.g sunlight. A temi-circle of thin, misty, J w . lie clouds rove from the fl -or, apparent ly. and let themselves down from the > eiiing, and then through the intervening . lrcular space was at last seen the heaven iy 'ighl so much longed for, and upon who h so murk discredit has been thrown. > tseated high upon a threne of resplendent, light was the Judge none other than King Henry VIII. with all the insignia ■ fbi royally about him. A desk in from was for a i lerk. A long tabic ranged be fore this tor the counsel, and desk* al cith er side ibJicaled the presence of marshal em! deputy marshals, while two row* o! chairs to the right of the King's throac tned rtserTod for jurors. A golden railing partitioned off one part of the spirit scene from the rest. A clerk made his appearance, then the marshals, and then the counsel, all in worldly attire. The plaintiff and defend ant were each in deep black. On* witness ra heard, and then the Judge gave judgment for MM Hargue, the plaintiff. The trial just took one minute and a half by the watch. Corporal John II Hyland, of the engi neers at Willett's Point, who was recent ly sued for a breach of promise of marriage died suddenly on Thursday of heart di sease. We will bet a half pint of pea nuts there wa# a good deal ot heart diseas# with t .e oth*r party too. of Dauphin county havo found true bills against Kemble, Crawford and Salter, l'etroff and others arc indicted. The cases were postponed for trial to Nov. 17. The official report on tbo recant tire at Irkutsk, which destroyed about 200 homes (how that sixty lives were lost, tho creator number of the victims being children. IM PO RTA NT TO 11U NTE RS. Now that the hunting season has fairly opened, the following informa tion, compiled from the game laws, :will he found to be of interest. In order to avoid trouble, gunners should cut, this out for ready reference during 'theshooting season . Squirrels—September 1 to January 1 Rabbits—October 15 to January 1. Wild duck and geese—September 1 to May 15. Wild turkeys —October 15 to Jan uary 1. Upland or grass plover—July 15 to January 1. Ruflled"grouse, pheasant or pinna ted grouse —October 1 to January I, Woodcock—July 4 to January 1 (juail or Virginia partridge—Octo ber 15 to January 1. Deer—October 1 to December 1(5. It is unlawful to shoot at any time [anighthawk, whippoorwill, sparrow, thrush, martin, lark, finch, chimney sww I low, barn swallow, woodpecker, dicker, robin, oriole, red or cardinal bird, cedar bird, tauager, cat bird, blue bird, or any insectivorous bird under a penalty ot five dollars each, or to destroy their eggs or nests under j a jienalty of ten dollars for each ol ] fense. A trap, net, snare, or torch* j light cannot he used in taking wild < turkeys, ruffed grouse, pheasant, par- j tridge or woodcock, or rail or reed bird or piunatcd grouse under a penj j altv often dollars for each offense. At Murrajraville, Westmoreland county, on last Friday, Raphael Hood* grass, a young lady of nineteen, wa* ao overwhelmed with fright at the peiil of |her JifTfant brother atrnd dling a plank over iho mouth of a; well that alio fell to the ground and i 1 expired almost instantly. Files ! Files! Files! Do you know what it is to sutler with Files? If you do, you know what is one of tho worst torments of the human frame. The most |serfwct cure ever known is Kid* nev Wort. It curca constipation, and then its tonic eetiou restores health to the diseased bowels, and prevents recurrence of the disease. Try it without delay. New Orleans. August 28. —Of six eases of yellow fever reported yesters day from the ouarantiue station board the bark lilack Friuee from Havana, three died last night. Dr. C'arring* ton reports the others doing well. l)t.r> CiTizass GOSE, — Mr. George Kepbart, iu bis IfHtb year, died on the :sid ins!., in Taylor township, Centre Co., where be bud resided ai*out fifty years. At the time of his death be 1 v.ns unmarried, lived by himself, and r was eceenlrie in habits. On the 18th B inst. Mr. Thomas MeKean died at 1 /.ton, Wnlki r township, Centre Co., in " his 78tb year lie was a grandson of ! Thomas MeKean, a signer of the Dee iaratiuti of lude|M-ndeucc aud second ' Governor of Pennsylvania. i, Columbus, 0., August 2ti. —A roan enured H. S. Kickley's Hank at noon ii lo*day, ami while iu cot) vernation n with the proprietor, who was alone iu r the bank, a eoiifedera'e entered by a i, rear window and carried off 15,0H) u> ii currency and $15,000 in registered r bouds. The theft was not discovered ii until some time aftereards We 'lo not believe in medicine fori 1 children, but we do believe in lJr. HullS Hitby Syrup, and m-eerl that bo I family should be without it. The Democrat! of Clinton county, at their convention held on Thursday !at. placed the following ticket in nomination: Georgn W. Blntcher, for l'rothouotarv, Jan. W. Clark, for! Uegi-ter and Recorder; John 8. Ma ' der, for Coroner, and A. C. Cat ham ,1 • ' Jury Commi*i< tier. W. A. himp* son, of Lock iiavtn, was made cLair man of the County Commit tee. The act of 1820 "against horse rac ing" has been so amended as not to apply to agricultural societies offering premiums for tr.als of speed in hordes walking, trotting or pacing. In compliance with a complaint that was almost general. of parties wantonly destroying the forests of Pennsylvania, the Legislature passed an act making it a misdemeanor for any person or persons who shall "wan tonly set on fire any woodlands, bar ren or moors," punishable by a tiue not exceeding S3OO, and to undergo au imprisonment not exceeding twelve , months. l"jon the conviction of any such person the county commissioners shall pay the prosecution ibe sum of , Sdu. to he repaid bv the defendant iu , to the hands of the sheriff, for the us ? of the county. . . ;i Gen ll>H-d died of yellow feve* at New Orleans. • / IKN nth COf NTT. u : V.. Ths Comrn >nwealth ef Penn'a, the Sheriff of said county. Greeting Elisabeth Thomas trake you sure at presenting her claim :Uen we command you that you summons D. A. Arfer, CharlesT. Barrett and Lilde Barrett. May Barren and Eddie Barrett, oeir* of S*rh Thomas, intermarried with Dr. J. M. Barrett, deceased, the last three hariar t r their Guardian S 11. Yocum, late < f your reuntr, yeoman, so that ibey be and appear before our Judge., at BeUefor.te. at our County Court of Com mon Plea*. there to be held the day pre ceding ibe last day of Aug. Term, Beit, lo show wherefore, whereas they the said Elisabeth Thcuia- and the aforesaid I) A After. Charles T Barrett, Ltllie Barrett. May Barrett, and Eddie Barrett, heirs of Sarah Thomas, intermarried with I)r. J M Barrett, do ea-.oi, the last three bar ing for tiiegr Guardian S I! Yocum, to gether and undivided do bold all that cer tain messuage, tenement, and tract of lam: 1 situate in Benner twp.. Centre 00., Penn'a. bounded and described as follewt, to wit:' Beginning at corner of land* of lsaai Haunt and Win. !* Fisher, thence along the land of said \N m. P. Fisher, South • -41 West gll T-10 perches to stones, thenci '.'7 l East along land set out lo Amanda | Alexander I'd perches to stones, tbenc< ; North' H Ke'l 'Jul 7-10 porchis, thence (North 271 West I'JI perches to place of beginning, containing l'.H acres and i perches, strict measure, with the appur tenances; Itie same D. A After, Charles T Barrett. I.illie Barrett. Mav Barrett and Eddie Barrett heirs of Sarah! Tboma*. intermarrie 1 with Dr. .1 M Bar rett, deceased, the last three baring for I their Guardian S. 11 Yocum, partishion ■thereof, between them t> be made ac cording to the laws and the , ustoms ct this commonwealth in such > are made a'.d pro vided do gainsay and the same to be done, do not permit very unjustly and the same law and customs, ia- it is said. Jtr J and have you then and there the names of those summoncrs and this writ. * Witness the MOB. C. A. Mayor, Presi dent Judge of our said Court, at Bolle fontc, this t>th day of Julv. lHT*.'. J. 0. IIAKPEK, Prothj. 21 Camphor M >lk cures headache and neu ralgia. Camphor Milk cures rheumatism and lame back. Camphor Milk cures cuts, bruises and burns. Camphor M ilk r its 2u ct.; !i bottles J1 Sold by J. I>. Murray, Centre Hall. E. F. Kunkd'e Hitter Wiue of Iron. A sure cure for dyspepsia or indijres lion, weak stomach, general debility, di.* sea-es of the nervou.- system, constipation, acidity ol the stomach and tor all ca.-e* re quiring a tonic. Kverv bottle guaranteed or the money refundtwl. Price. D.Ot'per bottle, or six bottle for Ask for K F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron and lake no other. If your druggist hat it not, send to the proprietor, £ F. Kur.kel, lli? N". Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Advice free ; enclose three-cent stamp. WORMS. WORMS WORMS. I E. F Kunkel'a Worm Syrup never fails lo destroy Pin, Sent, and Stomach Worm*. l)r. Kunkrl. the only success ful physician who removes Tape Worm in two hours, alive with head, and no fee un til removed. Common sense leaches if Tape Worm* be removed all other worms can be readily destrovrd. Advice at of lice and store, free. The doctor can tell ! whether or not the patient has worms. , Tbou-ands are dying daily, with worms, land d ■ not know it. Fits, spasms, cramps, choking and suffocation, sallow complex ; ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and pain in the stomach, restless at night, I grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, cough, fever, itching nt the seal, head ache. foul breath, the patient grows pale and thin, tickling and irritation in the an us,—all these svniptoms, and more, MM from worms k. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr up never fails to remove them. Priot #1 It) per bottle, or six bottles for s."> i*\ s For Tape Worm, writo and consult the Doctor ) For all others, buy of vour drug gist the Worm Syrup and if ho baa it not send to Dr. K F Kunkel. 'dV.t N. .Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by mail, froe ; send three-cent stamp, lTjullt I)o You Feel Bad? I iuiiuM, Pepraaaad In Spirit. CliUl|, bare you XwidMbr. PAIS In the Shoulder* or buck. lMirloo**. Uoilml Tnofur, I - tor nnd Ague, and out of sort federally? Nature I* telling you I hat your Liver 1* lailltig to do it* work and th iswcrwtton* of the system are li#lng thrown back Into tbo blood . dangerous re • tilt* will follow unless you Act promptly. Take .Sol l*r*' Uvyr Pill* A! oner These Pill* Aro A standard rotntdy have been long in oaa ud aro highly recom mended. -SA** Ur. Oakley, of Detroit, M>B. "Sal ler*'Liver Pill* Aro Admirably calculated for bllltou* climate* " Andrew S*rer, of .loliet, 111* . say* A friend raeemtnonded thaoao of your Liver Pill*, and after using two bote* of them 1 WA* ent Iraly cured ot a severe attack of liver complaint.** For tale t>y all Druggist* Priced cant* R, h. SKLLKRS A t'O . Prop'ra, Pittsburg Pa. A Search Warrant ' allow* an officer te go through your house from collar to garret, and l.tndey't li 1 xul Searcher i* warranted to go through your system from top to t<e and drive out all I1.hh1 dteaaes Its cure* are wonderful and strutted to t>y doctor*, preachers and people Scrofula, Mercurial Disease*. Kryaipelaa. Tetter, \ T D car* In the l.ungs or on the Skin, Boil*. Pimple*. Ac., we warrant it to cure It U jarlv Vegetable Com pound and Powerful Tonic. For sale by all Druggist*. See that ottr name Uuu the bottom of the wrapper. Aug. 7. R V Sellers A Co.. rrop'rs, Pittsburgh, ra. lrny > if ur by J . !>• Muxray, CcuUv UAII. a* . COME. WD SEE THE BIG SHOW! THE LARGEST AND REST SE-j LECTED STOCK EVER OF- ! FKRED IN CENTRE HALL, AT \Y o I l "s Stand. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT In Hocked with full lines of DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WIJITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS, PARA SOLR. UMBRELLAS, FANCY (GOODS, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, ETC., ETC. GROCERV DEPARTMENT | With full lines of Choicest T*U, Byrupa, Dried Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugar*, Cof fee#, Pure Spice#, St' 1 Pork Proei -lona. Wooden. Willow, Queen* andj Gluawara, Fiab, Salt and everything: u.ually found in a firat-cluaa Grocery.' HARDWARE, CARPETS AND l OIL CLOTHS alwaya on hand. You need not go from home lo buy good* low. At Wolfa Maud in the Bank building, youfnd bargain* good: a* eUewhere, and au aewortraeUt e<jual | to any in the county. NATIONAL HOTEL CORTLAN IT ST.. Near Broadway, NEll YORK. HoTCHKiKBi.It POND, Proprietora. OS TllE EL'ROPRAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unaurpasaed for cheapneee and eacellence of service. ]loomi>socte to I'.' per day. (3 to $lO per week. Con \enient to all ft-rne# and city railroads. N'**w I'm rut tu re. New Mariagi j airnt, -3 jau 1 v BELLEFONTE : MUSIC STORE. ! f Pianos! Pianos! i ORGANS! AND \ MUSICAL INSThUMENTS. t ALL THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. RKPAUING AND TUNING DONE IN THE BEST MANNER. PIANOS. CHICK ERING, STEIN WAY, ARION, WATERS. O O II U ANN. ESTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON A HAMLIN. . BAKUAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS" JOciaU ItOWCUOod PiHIION, Oulj Ml.lo. Stop Organ*. 2 Full Met of Rood, Prior M 270, On I j IK Stop Organ*. 3 Full Met of liccdM, Price N5lO, Ottl) N75. | Thi* Organ ha* the "Grand Organ Knee Swell.") Second •hand Organa foi $35. Second-hand Piano* for SSO. VIOLINS. AND ACCORD EONS, 82.00 and upwards. Piano and Organ Instructor*. Cos era and SIOOU. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC $30.00 New WHITE $25.00. New ST. JOHN 825.00. New Improved SINGER 822 50. New Improved HOWE 822.50. Second hand Machines as low as $5. AGENTS FOR K BUTTERICK ACO S PK RKECT FITTIN G PATTERNS. Orders by solicited and prompt ly filled. No Agents employed, The buyeres get the Agents profit. We buy our Pianos, Qrgaus and Machines for Cash,aud will give customers the ad vantage. BUNNELL & AIKENB. Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. feb27 J. ZELLER & SON. DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockerhofi" Row, Bellefonte Penn'a. Drillers in l>riig,( liciuimlH. Pcrfhiucry. Faiu ) Loot!* Ac,, Ac. Pur* Wines and Liquors for medic purposes always kept. luaySl 7. G. GUTKLIUB, Dentist, Millheim. Offers his prtJosuona 1 servicesto the public, lis Is t>r*prtl so perform allopcrati -<• la tap <lent*l pro* ie Is now fully prsptrad to titrtci teeth sbsolatly without pala. mfS-73 ronN BLAIR LINN! l Attorney-at-Law, Office on Allegheny St.. Bellefonte. Pa. 27 feb tf CANCER REMOVED WITHOUT Knife, and, in most cases, without pain. Apply to C. P. W. Fischer, M. D , Itoalsburp. Centra county. Pa 24jully DU .1 W. RlfoNK~Dentist, can be found at hi* office and residence on North fide of High Street, three door. Last ofAilegheny, iieLel'oute, Pa. J 27 fob U "A 1 C. BINGES' NEW STORK j ou can find nj] kind* of Ufoeiriti ud Canned Fruit* rhri.rr tnn any where el*e. He *Jo bun on bund nod in comtnni -1 y receiving Notion*, Candiee. j n great variety, and Tobacco* of the beet grade*. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. He deal* in FLOI'R, BRAN, STONE nnd EARTHEN CROCKS. Ac.. Ac. and take* all kind* of Country Produce in oiolMng*. CALL AND 01VK III M A TRIAL. C. DINtiKN. ,1 Caotre Ball. DR. OBBKHbLfZRR'B LINIMINf" ( ANFIIOIt MII.K. ' it no* Ilia!,lf reMBoAd and tilaaalrelf awd far HUtumtiltm, I „..i-<l Frt, Affaire, Pain*. Hare., Ua. Htlli#t. ; •,tint. Mr II It it.. ataafoal .-lu. in turlus i alt, Otllt. ttpreina tod • .lUaa la r boitet li tcU qnlrt If as* tare If It al awr* M,tkaa Bad , rtlitiH UiaMlß iuiola. lire laure antclan sad Id* ( triiißf asrtat. Tfaa aaaaf will Its Paul Uafk h. u> •a* awl aatianad allii lu s**rto. Kir* Ik caata. * hottiat for*l . I PrMin! OB If bf la*l Otwtboitrer. M. D, Boldbf J. U M .rtaj.Centre Mail. Tlicl'h(i>nii I'ecloral. II aa pr.iiMl na.ll In fa* pM olUrlf adapted I* aid par* ■ma. MmaausptlMM tad cuiidrea. If braalw a cold. Iltlapaareuub It aula aiirectoratlaa If **•• la alaai itlial li great tretail, |, l.rlaa- mat It satjaada mar. oaraa Urea a ß f afire* aredi, laa. Thou aaadaof u muaaa of S-.aafera r*aaflaata ban .red I lot fa*rt |,ttl tad Imilf la KM reluf gre.a | to ) rurat vllrrlad I'rlrt U mil at I Mill lor *l. I'rejjtrtd 1,, tare lilarfealuor, M D bald bf 4. U. Murraj, I Voire Ball. otkMAV horse AXD cow POWPKK. I f.**" * Uc >JW d la mmd aaadiUoa li aid* I MwMmaadMdailailM It aaln f.i auclnui I mUk 111 utiua tl t bun* will do mora work aad cow I alt* more milk aad a* la boUot tpinlt aad candtUo ■ il alt" Imw arwlir? fa-re li litaad lacreatm ibt qaaa tii|, II la taada far lli C#rl liWrboiUar al •iitmlUr k ■.! las V Telrdrlreaf. PbUt it It sold . ,| - I"t •. 1.1,' a i li rou Mr poaad. fat J . D Mar : - : w ~,.;|v ire/. M,n. tuAr;.ij ¥ L SpAN'GLER, Attorney -at-Law. ft • Con. u It* Horn in Englith and German. Office in Fur*t'* new building " JKIiHY MILLER BARBER AViiliAimriKEMß—in the bas* ' hank building. All work done n (a-bionabie *tyl. 1 July t i Illumine our Cnwh Frice* of Boots nnd Nhorw.—We ire rolling out the good* lively, became we charge | lea* for ibent than *a ever known- We jkcepuptbe quality and keep down the price*. We are bound to *ell off this tre mendoui stock, and lrut in the low price* to do the bu*iae. We will offer you Men'* fine calf boot* at f> £0 Men'* kip boon *1 200 . Women* kip show at—loo Children , school shoe* al 75 Men'* wool lined gum boot* at ... 250 Boy*' wool-lined gum boot* at 1 90 ■ Men'* wooi-liaod nuckia overshoes... 1 40 ', Men'* wool-lined Alatka overahoe*... 'A ; Men * plain gum GC Lumbermen * rum*, wild bee! I 2£ IWoj-ien'* wool-lined Alaska over j _ kiioa* mii ' Women'* plain gum over*hoe*. m „„ S5 Mi*.e' plain gum orerboc* 50 Children'* plain gum Tbe above rubber good* are al! Irsl clan and are warranted, and will be sold j for rA Only. E. GF.AU AM A SON. Dec 5 Bellefonta. Pa. V KGKTNEY Attorney at Law Bellefohte, Fa. Office over Key Isolde bank ltmay v CJ.ET GOOD BREAD. T By calling at tbe new and exten sive bakery eslabiitbmcnt of JOSEPH CEDARS. (Successor to J. H. Sand*,) Oppocite the Iron Front on Allegheny street where he lursishe* every day Fre*b Bread, Cake* of all kind*, I'iea, etc., etc., Candie*, Spice*. Nuta, Frail*. ; Anything and everything belonging u the business Having had rear* of expet rience in the buiineca, be Matter* him.el i"hat be can guarantee aatialaction to all who may favor him with their patronage *> ug tf JOSEPH CEDARS. *"m BW i k t k A MONTH guaranteed, k 1 1 f BSI2 a dav at homemade by iffi /4III| he ittdu.triou*. Capital ' • ■■ 111 >o- required :we will *tart alalllllyfu. *cn, women, boy* 'I vl IV land girl* make money fu, r ter at werk for u* than at anything else. The work i* light and ploatam. and tuch at anjone can go right at. Those who are wie who *c thi* no tice will tend us their addreace* al once and tee for themtelve*. Costly Outft and term* free. Now it the time. Thote al ready al work are laving up large sums of money. Addrea. TRL E A CO., Augui- Man f. 26 jun J PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division. SrXXEI TIXE TABLE. O. *nd after St'XDAY. * IS!*, tks irelet aa lire CbiiadU>tila A l.rre Kaitroad Otrlaloa will raa a MM* WESTWRD. KHIK MAlLlaarva ChiladalptiU 11 tie m " llamabur* tltam "* " Mneiacdua _ _ - Wiuiamaport : : l->ck Hare. , w ;2 ** Krntri lltWam * arraign* "S?" MAOARA KX.lmwaPblU " ttanrWbnre 1 *• a m - - MoafaaOaa 1. p S arrat Willremtport impm I/H-k 11 ' .ij t. m t"AST LlXClitTMrbiUUlpbU !!4AKt - - igj: arr al W liliamaiior* ! 3* p m ** 1 art II v*a kkvnm KASTWARD. p I ACIKIC 11. Ititn lack Mtrra (*t a m " J -raa* Mun II a m " Willlamtport TUam *• " liaatandoa Vkkam art at Hirrtklmrf 11 u. m . " ViSadalptla xsapm lAi l.XirtTM Kes( <* la Oft a m : •'. us.r w tUuuikiK rl It 4V a km Moctaixftoa | ft a aa ** airat Harrtffi urx 4 1(1 a m ** Fhllidvllltlla IMp e. RRIK MAIL laartra Kaoovu BSC* m - Lock I lava* r JfUHaayyorl 1! Malik - Moaunditn 12117™ arr al lUmbor* 44 a tu - Philadelphia :551m FA LINK 1-*T<*a illia;r;vorl arr at Harrrtsbara u. _ arr al FhiiadtdpbtA T4oa t Far cariUrtiß botwrrn l'biladah>b!a and Wfll- Uamwport oa Xkafara K*. Wtd, Kri# Ki. Vwi. Phila drlpkla L.preu Fa*l. and I.f ti Km B d Suadar ti h*;l RWplaacaraaa 11 elphl trmla If M A. BAI.UVIN. flaaeralSatreriataodeat Ifewi.-b'r,;, Cutre <t Spruce Creek RR WESTWARD. i as t-* 4 * K A.M. r.M. j> *f Lewisburg. 7.17, oburn 9.25 Vrr. at Spring Mills .9.50 EASTWARD. 3 16 S4Vlt A.M A.M. r.M •pnng Mill* 10.10 'oburn ... 10.35 Lewisburg. 6.85 12.45 5.45 Vrr. at Montandon 050 1.00 6.00 Ibid 2connectat Montandon with Krie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and brie K. R. Nos. 3 and 4 with Day Express.cast and Niagara Express west. No*. 5 arid i' with Fast Line west. , . JA JA A WEEK in your own town, I f|lff and no capital risked You • *I. I can give the business a trial l||l| without expenso. The best op . will I portunity ever offered for "fill I those willing to work. You ' should try nothing else until you see for yourself wlmt you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time ot only your spare time to the business, aad make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men Send for special private terms and partic ulars. which we mail free $5 Outfit free. Don't complain ot bard times while you have such a chance. Address H. HAL LETT & CO., Portland. Maine. /7fl TIiIsCOLI.AK iw Milker free to Farmers vb wy ict as Agents. Cuk ■4 this out ar.d al\ dress-with stamp Name thi* paper. 3m.