The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 28, 1879, Image 4

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Thr "Uiili jmplr I'nrmi in mid
IIOAT Tlir) are Worked*
A correspondent of the Detroit Posl
writes from Dakota as follows:
The general statislicsof what are com
monly sUjed in this country *' Dal
rymple's farms," as given by Mr. Dai
ry tuple, are as follows: The area of
farm lands under hi* management, M *l
ten-d in large tracts through this part of
the vallev ot the lo .I river ol the Kofth,
is 7.5.000 acres. Son <of tlu-m an* his in
dividual property, but in the m<v-t ot
them he lias a half interest, operating
thciu "on shares" with the ownci*s ol
the soil, who arc chiefly Eastern capital
ists. Thisetn rmousarvaof prairie ..-uuis
Mr. Dalryinple is developing in syslc
raatic fa-bion and under a carefully or
gaiiisrcd husine.-- system. This year lie
has SjO.tkkt acres *• in crop." and i*
"breaking ttp" with the plow
more acres of now uncultivated land tor
next year's sowing. In seeding In u---
from one ami a half to one and tbn
quarters bushels per acre. The ni'-tluxi
of cultivation in tin >• new farms on this
large s.-a'.c max be briefly summarised
thus: Ka.l plowing, the mellowing of
the plowed surfa-'e during the winter,
seeding as soon as the fixst leaves a few
inches of the top of the earth. bxr\ < -t 1n
latter July and early August, threshing
as s<xui as tlie reapini grain has suflieiently
driisi in the shix*k. prompt shipping to
the ca-terti and sealxiard markets. In
the varnuis stage- of e.i niaging the crop
ttie best class of agricultural implements
are Used, and all supplies are procured in
large quantities at central agencies, ami
thus at the lowest p< -sihle m ice*. Mr
Dalrymple giv<s these figures as to tin
work begets out of his stock and ma
chinery :
He has one span of hor-c- or mules to
each eighty am s of .ailtivatixi l:uid. and
one gang plow to every one hundred
acres, lit is this season Using 115
n*ap<*rs, all of them self-binders, and
twenty steam thresliing machines. Tli.-
first sulxiivision of go-at tracts of land
under his control for administrative
purjsisi s is into sections of s.tks! acre-.
>trcr each of which a sup< rintendent ha
control. Each tract of d.OOi) acres i
isiuiptHxi x\ ith complete set- of buildings,
maebinery and stock, and is al-o und a
distinct superintend' nt. The building
include a home for tl. superintendent, a
large boarding hou- tor the men. bams,
granaries, blacksmith shop- and coin
modious machinery l a -. A., of the
structurcs an xx ,1 built, neat in ap
pearam-eand thoroughly equipped For
the stock each subdix i--.ui rai-e- enough
barley and oats, but wheat i- the only
crop marketed.
All the principal operations of wheat
raising—plowing. - ding, reaping,
threshing, etc.—are arricd on by ing
ot men, working un-litr constant -uper
intcndcnce and in >rdance xvitli a
i-areful plan. Orxhmuiiv . ach gang
works successively on trans of a mi.-
squan*. a pn.H-cs.-ion of plows, of - -der-.
ot reapers, etc., as • a* -eason may be.
traversing from day t. day a constantly
diminishing ana, a! v-iys accompanied
by superintendents ind machinery n*-
pairers; by ttii-m c— Work is pushed
on systematically, under coii-tant sup-r
--xisiou and with tie .■ west posih!< ,!e
--;.*y> Tin wages jwM to regular " farm
hands "as per month and lioanl. ex
cept during barv -;. and there nn- about
400 names on Mr. Dtiry tuple's regular
pay-ro - During ; five xv,-ek- of
liarx ,-t the work of Imm to t'sm ad
ditional nitvi is rt ;uin*d, and the uni
form rate for all of I: irx xvagi - i- $-J
per day and board. Tbu- far no diffi
culty has been found in procuring tin
nect--.try help n uinai tor h.-itrc-t
. mong tin* m xv v ti.i r- on -ma.l ttai-t
--of land who liav n : as yet got their
own land- into productive >hape. and
are g ad of the opportunity to earn
mon yat tin ra:-. Working hours
in the busy - m eommentT at six
o'clock and cc vi-r day igl't.
Mr. Dairymp.' - >k- -lioxv the-*
avcrag---. tin *■> -t of the tir-t wheat
crop **n tew land. in. luding allowances
for interest on n. i I,mryand .ik- items,
is sll per acre: lor - *-ond and later
crops TINS COST dimi' >IM -to $* jcr acre.
Of course thi- oxv rate *iu*- to a con
-tdcrah.e extent to the saving effected by
the large scale on wiiich Mr. Dalrympl
is enabled to purchase tood, -uppii* - and
machinery, hut land ;ig*-nt Tow* r stat -
that actual experiment ha- shown that
tarms of a f*-xv bundrtd acr* - can now
IK* cultivated in this country for wheat
at an average annual cost of not over
$lO per acre. .-Üb-r the ian*i has been
broken up. All the present indications
point to a yield of from twenty-three to
twenty-five bu-ln .to tin acre as a safe
estimate of tin- -• u.-*>n'- crop, which xvi.l
IK- of high quality, and can be moved t.>
N"iv York for fifty * -nts a bushel (in
c.uding iake an*l rai. freights, insurance,
commissions, clcvutor charges, etc).
This indi.-ates a market priiT at the
nearest depot of from eighty to ninety
. nts per bushel for the er>.p of ht'.i.
riies figur. -. with an. i*- allowance tor
margins, indicate .hat the Dalrymple
farm- nib ;n lfi~y prmtuce upward of
450.000 fcuslu-ls of h:g!i grade wheat, at
a gross .*o6t of not uvi-r sl7s,oi*t, insur
ing a handsom profit to their owner*
and operators of alout SISS.IXHI.
Operations upon th* -e monster fu ni*
tiii- -cale did imt commence unti.
1575. when two sections w.-re broken up.
and the first wheat crop xva- gathered M-
D<6. ihc r<-u:t of that experiment
have led to the vigorous work if de
veiopmc nt. which has yieideii the
astonishing results just summarized.
Haaging Females in England.
The gallows has b **n l*u*y in England
with female crimina-. and notably, of
1 :•% the reeent execution of a woman ir.
Wards worths prison 'sing the third with
in a year. More then a dozen women
have suffered-death un i*-r (ju>-en Vic
toria. many of th'*m Ix-ing phenomenal
criminals. la April, !**ta. -xv believe.
Sarah Freeman xvas hanged at Taunton
for the poisoning with arsenic of her
mother, brother, hu-band and son. In
April, 1549. Sarah Thomas was banged
at Gloucester, hi it logout tb*- brains
of her mistress, an o d woman of sixtv
one, with a stone. She w.-nt to the gal
lows in an ungovernable fit of rage,
wrestling and biting so desncratelv that
it was with flitßi-uity two stout wardens
could fore* her up tin- ladder, and her
screams of anger and t*rror continued
until he bolt was drawn. On tli- 'il*t
of August, of Git- saui" year. Mary Ann*
fleering was hanged in front of I. w *
jail for having poisoned her hulfnmd
and two sons, so as to get the burial al
iowance from tlie friendly society t>
which they belonged. Two days later
Rebecca Smith -uff-r -d at D- viz- H for
the murder of her baby, aged fou
wi*ek*. Her show of f-rrent piety ha*!
provoked mueli sympathy tor h'-'r. but
after her conviction -be broke down and
confessed that -lie had poisoned her
sex-en other children. Finally, on tie
• 3th of November thr Mannings were
hinged before Jlorseinonger lane iaii.
Mrs. Manning was lianged in hlm-k
satin and a long lace veil. She and her
luisliand shfwzk hauls on the drop.
Dickens wrote of tlie (execution, mem
orable to this day, tint "a sight so in
coneivahly awful as the wickedness and
levity of the immense crowd could be
imagined bv no rami and pr<-sented by
no heathen land under the sun."
A Reversible Cataract.
Rurdette the humorist of the Burling
ton Hawkeye; has been at St. John, N.
IE, and while there visited the falls of
tne St. John, of which he says: The
other day. toward the close of a drive
that was full ol delight, Mr. Hopper
took us over to see tlie graceful suspen
sion bridge that spans the falls of the
St. John. The bridge was all right,
nothing could better combine airy grace
and lasting strength, but the falls!
Amazement apt upon us as we gazed.
They were there. They always are
there They stay tlu-re all the time, I
But somebody had turned them inside
They xvere-firiling ttp stream.
I never saw a lything like it before in
ray life. It 'beats Niagara. Niagara
can only fall down, but the falls of the
S . John fall up, part of the time. 1 nobody scared at the spectacle
xvitli quite so much amazement as our
F '<le.
" Well," he said at length, " there
there they are. They are going the
wrong way. but what you see are the
l.i'ls of the Sf, John.; II the same."
The bay ofacundy is remarkable for
its tidal plittkmienu. and this is one of
them. Vv ItflftiAve v!*ited llie fails, tin
tide was scflffig in strong, and the falls
xvere boilingMUid plunging up the river,
as furiouslyM' though that xvas the way
they always went. But when the tide
goes out, the falls turn and plunge sea
ward, as steadily as Niagara itself?
V SPANISH lit 1.1. I'IHHT.
Thr Unilnl lr 1V
of Imrk4n* Tlr Vriif mi |li
mid lit ll* Tlwnlfr,
,\ letter from Madrid to the N. xx Y< I,
''omtncfVHil r vn- AA. ,on
fo.- to fix-ling* of moral n mi--ne-- in
the mad I'uriosjt \ xx, had boon ciiildliu •
up to >ee tli* bull litcltt. but out' friend*
li.-i d already pur*'h i>ci! tiikit- for tin'
shade. i*til x\>- were "h. .k .1" tor tbo
tic 1t. tbo nalixinal specta. .. of Spain
At ft o' look (ton wbtRM to :i-v rohle.
ritnl gradually 1° form along tho Al - >
Fictile to the grand ainph (tenter Thi
structure is about eighty yards in
diameter. built in tbo Moorish *t\ , ot
architecture. of brick. iron, anil Mono,
sealing ooiufortnbiN Kt.iHUt >i'o IJIIHI
\\ o hnvo witn >-oi oft en tin < \oitonn i i
ami rush of going to rues, but it. \<r
beheld suoh joyous tlisp ix- of madden
ing efiiWils as ivo > ixx that day pr* --ii
rushing, tearing along to tho l'.iros
Afi-ot ,*ud on liorsi I i k. :u • in i i
carts, ami omnibussos, with two, lot .
oio i; it. ami witlt t n hor** s , xlre— .)
i'i variegate ribbons and xtuih •
tin driver* ha.ixxinq am! vice* Idn, \v it It
delight, and tlio anim.i s rutin ng at tin
top ot their -pxxi, api an lit Xas. v■ 11 i
as their dri\ots
Once an i\od and . atod. wo ! in i
wit It admiration tin vast ; itliorin
Withilt the theater ll was MtitMlN
that not less titan twenty thousand -i*.
tators WW MMMd within the building.
Tho ntarshn *. viae n a gay and . 1--, a
uxin's*. ntarebei! a> .> the anna ami
egged permission < t tin n v*r to a low
tho gatUes to proend. tft eottfse. Jt w -
_raeious!\ grant*d. ami JWH imaltoi.
w is at otieo made that tin . x< rx s we
to Oi'tltmene. Tito fat i 1 gat. w:n<.|u! ni
and in rushed tho bull wild with terror
as he beheld the s,.t . and trot I >1 to
the luied.o i>f the anti i witlthe u: ■ re* ;
and stat ing rye he Stood en! .e:< d. tie n
shiH'k his In ad in attiimb . xprx--it _■ ib.
tuost pi rltvt deliams \\ e enjoyed tl.
spectacle xvitli the highest ni-ii. I"!.•
tlieati r was crowd to its utmost, am!
the KfM was x* rx . n ivetiiu. . V \
. ante tin picador- with their lam . s und
tie flag bearer to t i-' the bulb
dashes at the erilllsoii flags as ihrV are ' tauntiiiiiiy ami ilka-nth' \ In- '
fore fa. e. It) tie Spaniard, how -
over, this is hut bxj v. and -■ ■ n li
es s for hlood. Tin picador rides fu.
in front of the hull, w ho with one piling
gores the blimhal liurs .
•• 2 ill i Qs Uh> nu ! oi*-w*l o'er ralnib liv-H- |
Iv torn."
Another pr*-* nts liim>- if. and m w
tignin i> seen tin- dhgnttag • ght re- I
p. :i!ed of hloudv horils goring Mlioth :
victim, urged as long as he has strength 1
lo"stam a ttiindtx! S.i ritiee to the tin \
of the U-ast, until ho tV. s dead upon the
i :i. Soiuoliun sie iiri's # :ii 1..:
the stufliai and padded pieador, when !
the whole mass of sjws titM rise on the '
instant with!. —s * w-.. t xiien: tev <
hero, indeed, is dan iter, as tin* roaring
huii. crashing tho an .. ■ lutu-> ui er '
huree and rUfee. Sti la> d ath Hee th
p: adof,and tho foolish la-a-l -scheat'd '
of Ith prey; tor, beii ring i. on already '
i! ni, he pasv along, n an iislalit t
t>e diverted by the t* and spears ot
his enemies. Que picador heeiwne en
tangled with his fai.itit liorss-. ami n -
ivived a crushing tr- ad from th- l-i; -
h.retog as ho i as- d over him l"h
--panting animal is now plied with si -b 1
arrow -. and when sutlieient.i tnadd- n- •
ti: ry for the espiH'a tsw ord) gi\. n
Tlietnatador wnies f. rward. who isiii"
aliowiai to leave the in tri. but Ultl-t s.-m J
!; -safety in his ski. At mil in ■ 1
gant dre>s he encounters tlio bull. Hi- •
tuaiador poising his -t! it !
dashes at hiut drives botne the trau on
if the aim is unerring he ' fi - '
on h'.s knis-s, t- r an ins-, r- 1
th--n stretehi-s bis • ir r- t!
ground But often th -word fa - lo 1
strike the -pine, and the bull lighting
valiantly drives the matador until - v- *
oral thrust-are made l f't. he is
:-itched. When the sword pa--. - ur -
C.-r the shoulder bade ti \t th. le - '
; iercing betwis n tho rib- into tie
.lines, the II'IKHI flow- ir -ly from ti :
mouth rtf the animal in a gushing tide
tl it vhausts iiitn 11 ar vi- ;ui a- '
f it-il stroke in tli4 spina; mar: -a I'i ,
liirht is over; then eoui- s tlio mui-- to '
drag away the earva--. -. and tho ring is '
-• eared for another engagement !)ur- 1
ingtln- tight six bull- sad sixteenhoni - '
were kiiid. W> U.k i anxiously at
the royal lux from time t< time, hut to 1
hi- enalit A1 ton so did not make his a
pearnnce. Our eympathhs were arousiai '
for the tutor horses only, who were rode
blind lo d hmn tin bnll to bo g'-r'-i, ■
simple li> madden him bv the sight of j
Sunday in Paris.
It is Sunday MM more — a Parisian ,
Sunday—in this gayeSt of eai ita -
50.000 people, to speak within l->ut-' : -.
have all day tlirong. d tin <*haiups ,
Klysis-s. The toy and r. f: >1: nt
iKioths, on either side of tin- long ami
spaeious avenue, drive iu i-ative bus-1 [
m-s; tin* numerous goal and }> -nv
wagon- for eliildn n ar-- in mpstant r - i'
quisition. and one little turn-out consist- .
• ot four well-trr ined Newfoundland ~
ilcgs. . - gantly ham- ---d, attended by
two liv*neil footmen, and driven by a
IK-V of twelve nr thir *n. M-rry y< nng ,'
niissiu drive tln-ir ribbon-decked hoot-s
with -p*-i re!ili. urn: roguish )>•>- i
skip tln-ir tops with < ,ua! -a . t'l-iu
of toy balloons, of i .irious colors and flash high abox ,.f itin
erant venders, and the fountains throw
up sparkling and softly musical -t-
every where, uttering <>w and refreshing
murmurs. .
>i -Hers off duty, -tr • : ng i it.
dot tin* -erne with tic ir various uni- ,
forms, tle-ir shining hi-lmets and abun- ,
ilant gold lace. The crowded roadway. ,
tlirong- il hy a thousand an i more of I
liveritd turn-outs, drawn by high-st p
eing horses, i* a marvel of activity,
making one a most dizzy to gaze up -n i
Ih-ligiitcd bourgeois youths of both --M S
mount wiHxli n lior-e- in the merry-go
rcunds. and enjoy their imaginary rid' at j
a ro>t of a eoupie of -oils; lofty :u-ria
ears, utmn huge revolving wheels, afford
as much delight and more risk to oilers.
:it an e.,uaby moderate charge. Tin* t J
man with his air-gun and his well--ir
rang-al mark is on hand to si-rve nrabi- '
tlous juvenile marksnu-n; tb Itnii-m '
harpist, with a tamborinn and violin
■ onipaniment, gathers a small crowd j
alioiit him; a performing monkey is
• jiially popular as an attraction elo- 1
by : and not far away an acrobat, dree-ed
in ll'-sli-eolored tight-, ii' - upon the ear- ,
P' tisl ground and to— - a lad. dre-si-d in
spangled thin clothes, heavenward from ,
his feet, catching him a- he eotn's down,
and twirling him with hi- i'-gs so rapidly
that the boy becomes invisible,or nearly
->. Such Is a glimpsi- ot the Champs 1
Hlysees on Sunday.—fliri* l.>U. .
How to Detect a Ripe Watermelon.
K'-w people know, from an outside in
spi-ction. how to determine the rip- m --
ami the perfection of a watermelon. ln
i|Uiri'-s are frequently m ule in the lior
ilcultural journals as to the no an- to b
u-i-d to arrive at a reliable rub for --t
--tling this question. AV ill • ir a few day*,
s-iy- a correspondent of the Country ,
fJmum. I have sis-n dir s-tions given h>
reach a correct conclusion on tin* Mib pressing the melon and noting
tbo manner in which it emits i en k
ling sound under the op ration. Th -
results are to be obtain'd afb r some ex
perience in judging of its peculiarity un
der pressure. Considering the va.-i
quantities of this delicious fruit con
sumed at the North, after sbipnuni
from tin* sections where the vine flour- i
i-lu-s. but where the fruit is ninny
picked in an immature state in order to
liear transportation well, it is really a
serious matter to is* able to know cer
tainly when buying a melon, perehanei
on tin* street or at a dealer's stand,
whether one is se<-uring a ripe melon or
not. In nine cases out of ten the chance
is that your melon is only half ripe, and
therefore not a great acquisition for your
Now let me give you and your read
ers an infallible sign by which to know
a full, ripened melon. When the melon
begins to change color inside, and its
seeds to turn black, a small black speck,
scale or blister begins to appear on tb'-
outer cuticle or rind. These arc multi
plied and enlargedlas Hi'- fruit matures.
•V ripe melon xviil show them thickly
sown over th'* iwfiice. A partial de
velopment only indicates half ripened
fruit. A fall crop of blisters reveals it
pcrfeet ripeness. When hundreds of
melons are strewn along the sidewalk,
voti will have to look pretty sharply to
tjnd one that exhibits a satisfactory " >■<-
.-utclieon," to borrow a term fro,n M.
tiiienon. But it is unfailing when found,
:;nd by following this guide you may
walk away with your melon with tie
most entire confidence. The blister is
„ to be seen upon close inspection, |
but is plainly visible when that is given.
1 Lecturer's Reminiscence*.
Anna Dickinson has written a hook
of is niiniscciii ' * of In r lecturing tours,
tailing it "The Uigg<-d Register
Among other amusing -i'iics sb. i. -■
one of the rampant prc-id' nt ola -> i tain
avium association xxb" xvant d her lo
le tin.- him his t.'\X II Sin could not *l<>
it.and tins t her other engagements, ami
sb>- to .1 him so quite plain!) But In
would n*-t I" 1 put "tl lb told her that l>\
taking the thr< < o'dot-k train *bc con d
do it After a hard night's xx*.k atlii' <
o'c'o. kll tin is ii"! i |-.' a-ing |H"sp*s t.
ami sin-diTlln<-tl tin* honor "1 I lie un
der vour xvindoxx at *J.3O sharp," r< pln-d
In*, not xx itbstainling In r *x pi >--< *t *!•
termination. And mnas m pood as lo
xt.n.i It witpourincrnin.but fi- - in
rati.! |i un;od axx ax as though the Iroiil
*i*H'i* ,i tort and lie a battering ram
tVJii c I" xx a- baiigot.- an nntign o.t
faiuilx - -. x oil • am*- into Ah— Di k
iiis.m's room xxitli a bucket of xva
1.1 iu In r hand and *>i • lied the xx union
al>" x e tli man's bead "AA li\ *t" xmi
xx c>ti tin xx ater, Marin -aid M— D 1 I
in-on; " be is xx <-t to tin- skin ah* ulx
But At i i kin xx hit she xx a- a' , :',
and standing the bucket on tin- si. .
emptied tin contents down over tin h
-i if. \ h. 'XX I lltlltt* *1 • x . I:: .
lion more x .g.*rx'U than • 'egant. and Ids
t. ■ were In uo! *pLa*hlng *I*>XXII the
xxaik. "I thought that kitchen fire
xxoUniU' Xcr urn, Maria -aid, i-sb
p:gss* it out of tin liH'tll. "and that tin i
i- i k* t: *- i-< vcr w.'iltd bile, but it did
Ati— Di* kiiisott tell- of one man who
t*>, k a -■ at b) her ill the lal s and ll" !
t.x make her la k bx nix ing her xx ith
, n -tion-. to a . of which she gave mom
-x abie replies lie*aitii ng *iis* *xui'ag< * .
he ilragg'l -oiuw grx a-sx bills and eu
: in x from lii-ni kct md-aid' ** AA
In *xt . .ok iierx-, , you'll tn-Xi r ... tlltv , I
our low n. It - to' -ma But I*l lik.
* hear xx hit x oil .nil *1" when Xom
st. nil's up 1 thought I**l g* t a It' i*
h low-out. but 1 itH-kon xott w.-rent
Isirn yestcrd ix g**t your eve-teeth cut.
There - ado. ar, "that pix you for i
gissi s .uafe talk and all tin lixitis
A! -s Di kin-.-ii t. - some *>t tin *■
vcnturvs -lie has had in keeping In rle
tiu en. ig* iiu-nts thie night -In xx -
drawn a* ms- a rix < r on a - *•! by t* •
llten the ice xx i- t*m thin for hors* s al-.d
i si* igh—in a driv ing -t*rm. I'hejour
a x t'-'k three hour-. s.|„ aitiv-.l at
tin- •• institute, ts-tli chattering, stoma* It
■ha'tcring (no nourishment l*r thirt*-* n
hours). ling* r- -tifl. 1* t ik- xx.m.h u
-logs, xv inter col<l through and through
in " Mi-.- Dukin-.'ii has benrd that
•Olllcbodv ,1 a-k* xl Ml'. Bex- h'-f
ix h* tin r a man would have gone
dir.'Ugh that u* hax . k< nt a ••tur* ••
. i. ant, am! that lie anxx, r* <!. "No
n> nian xvt*u'*t have be.-n -a ha foo.
Atixt he xx as "justified in tin *.a> ing,' -ax
•In-; "only he shoutxi rvtin-mls r ll xl
lie world, iu reason alia- fashion, d
liands ot it woman that -be <!*> txi ixv a
nui'll as a man t< prove that -he can
•qua! him."
Western uswj b Mb Dirkinson'*
1--light, t 'ut tin a* -he met a m in xi hot".
,h di - -rib - as a "horrid littlx -> rul*.
ix ho xx houi%! ot; a ngtliv 1 tl *!i
Pacific - . bis wife lecturing, heman
igitig and an adopted daughter singing,
he wholx* made to " g " by a gift *n
■ rj>ri-. Tx m.-ik* In ri f agreeable.
At--- lb k :--ti -ti.i - m> riling as
ll marxt lou- Montana r* gn-n. " A
wast ly tartintrx "* he criexi. "a beast >
"ttntryl w- did not tak< s34*! in it In
rax ing through this country, if in
gag--, tm radn * n tb **' at with th
Irix-er; if by railroaxl, on iheloeoinotixT
iritli the iT.gtnts-r. ll< r divss fx*r x r*>---
ng the mountain* on hor-'-h i k - *n-i-t
---.! of a -.ft f. It hat. i >o-.* coat, skirt to
hi- kins--. Turkisli trou-ers, xvxKii*n
• t'X-kings and -t*ut -lI>H Thu.array**;,
die IH--tr*sh !n-r horse .ike a man, imt
ix itii-taniHtig the sue* r- **t a duly xx! *x
"in**l their party, ami in an uuxlib.--
ivbi-p* r tx>ld her x-oin;-anion to " ixHik at
hat vulgar ercatun*." Tin* "vulgar
•rraiur**." front h* r >*>tufortabl and -
■tr -'tit. 1,-ok* lat the long skirts ami
xvi-texl b" li. - of tin- other duli* s. an...
hinking of the twelve hours'ride
mount lit -, said to herself, " !s**k at
Sist'iig "ti the p it form a Al -
Dickins.'n has often had hard work t-*
k*s*p from laughing at the manner *>t
li*-r intrixlui tion !>y pompous chnirni' n
if a > - tur>- eonimitti ■ . One pn -idin •
iflict-r in N- xv Eng m*!, in*' ad<-t *1 titr
lin ing In r. oft'er*-d up a pray* r of
twenty ininut' -' duration. In which h
int*rc**lt*d with tin* throne of gra in
Mia- D: kin**in'* inhalf. A AVmtern
■liairmaii.xx ith an ex.* t-.xx' ard v'ongr*
•|M*ke of h*-r reputation as a ie*-tur< r.
"In fact." said lie, " wherever th*-
English language is -pok*-n, when-v* r
the stars and -tri|i**- wave. lier name is
ike hou-- hold words. Li-ten to h-r.
then, and 1 know—v-s, fellow- itiz.-n-.
I know you will listen to le-r. -in * sh ■
tlxvax- address* - fier- Tto the ignorant,
the down tn-dden and the oppress**l ol
*v* ry --olor. clini*- and tongue."
Audi- *H . - are tint- d- seri! i hy Mi--
Dickin-'ti " s-en* :iudi'-n< ■ -ar<- ton
You strike ag-in-t tlu-ni :uid reloound
:ng'-r*al !*v their hardm--. Some at
•ponge — alisorb. and absorb, andah-orb.
tnd give nothing back, till you fi
ts though voti had .njoy*-! six
liours *>f tb>- Turkish bath and then
IKTU put under an exhausted r*eeiver
tnd sotm* ar* like eh impagne, or vigoi
>tt- tea, or clear cognac, or aggr*-—ix •
•off.-e, or whatever it may IM- that tin
in*st qui. kly an*l * nehautingiy stimu
lates your brain and n< rve."
Boy- Who Lenmed to New.
Wlt'-n the late Admiral xvas •>
young midsbiptu.ui b<- was s*-nt <>n a
royag - round tic world in one of King
;.s,rge the Third'- ihipn. He xx .- tlir. e
fear- away, and. a- lie gr- xv verv fa-:,
lie found liiin-* f sailing in tb*- Tax-ill
-e;t*i xx illi hardly a -:it<-li >*f * oth st*>
lii- bai k. His mother, sister of Admirn'
Lord .had taught li*-r little hoy to
- xv. so he got some canvas out of the
*bii>'s -tores. an*l cut out and made him
• • if a nex* -nit of clothes; his mother
xva-very pr.'tid of ile - und xvh IUIPT
ion xva- an nilmiral -lie u<-d to sliow
tlu-m to her grandchildren and tell tbem
the story. Rather more than thirty year*
igo a la<iy went to call on another on>-
rainy atteniooit; th*- liou**- xvas built on
an island in a lake in Ireland. In tli'
Ira wing-room were two little lmys sit
ting on fi Kit-tool*, on** on each side of tli
Sreplu e. Trolmbly tin- visitor lc>"k'<!
istonislpal, for the mother of the little
Isiy- - iid in a low ton*-, " I'i* ase don't
laugh at them; wliaf -l>Auid Ido with
tlu-m on tbi* island n a rainy day ifthev
iv ret<M> proud to *exv ?" On<- of tb<-*
IKIVS xva- a lieutenant in tin* i'rimean
war; lie fought mine the worse IKS-IIU-.-
lie knew bow to use tln-nis-dleas well as
lb- sxvord. when lu-. with hi* tnen, was
I'nr eight" n hours in the lb dan on th.
ini-im-rable l"st!i of June. Tho chaplain
if an lri-h institution had seen, when le
was young, the straits to which tin-
Fr*-n<ji aristo i-atie refugH-- were re
iluee*!, from having to learn how to do
thing* for themselves; and In* g<>t a tailor
lo c-onie into his house and tea>-li hi*
boys how t<i rut <>ut and makeand mend
tln-ir own clothes. One of tlie bo-.- i
tu>x>" an oil g. in rai. but lie new* on hi*
buttons to this very dav: and win n In*
was on service in oneol tlie mali British
station* iu Asia In- not only mended and
patched lii* own elotln-a but tlnie of lii*
brotluT officer*. All tin* nn'tt of hi
regiment knitted their own s->'-ks.—l.ou
*lon c-rttrl Journal.
For Boys to Rememlier.
A c ntlenian advertised for it liov to
a *i-t )iiin in ai* office, and m*arlv fifty
' ■I i int* pr<*s*-nted tln-mm-lvc-. Out of
tin* whole nuuilK-r lie in a short time *e
leeti d on ami li*nii**i*l the rest.
"I should like to know," *aid a friend,
"on what ground you selected tlint Lov.
wh" had not a single rei-ommi-ndation?"
"Yon are mistaken, my friend," was
tin* reply; "In- bad a great many, and
if you care to ii-t* n I will enumerate
a fexv of tln*iii. Ib- wiped his fi-.-t wln*n
he e iiin* in arid closed tin- door after
him, thereby showing that In- is careful.
He instantly gave up his seat to an old
man who is lame, showing that he is
kind and thoughtful. He took off his
cap when he came in, and answered my
question* promptly and respectfully,
showing that be is polite and gentle
manly. II" picked Up the hook that I
had ptirp.-c!y laid on the floor and re
placed it ujion the table, while all tie
rest either stepped over it or shoved it
aside; and le* waited quietly for bis
turn, instead of pushing or crowding,
which evince* an honest and orderly
disposition When I talked with him I
noticed that bis clothes were cleanly
brushed, his hair in nice order, and bis
teeth as whit** as milk, and when itc
wrote bis name I also noticed that bis
fingernails wen- clean, instead of being
tipped with jet like that handsome little
fellow's in the blue jacket. Don't you
term tbo*e things letters of recommenda
tion? 1 do, and I would give more for
wliqt I can tell about a boy by using my
eyes for ten minutes than all the tine let
ters you can bring me,"
t t>underfill Nevada Valley.
Captain Rhodes, ot I sm< ralda count T.
who is In this city, i* owner ol what is
know II as Rhode'* -vol Mut h, hut w hi< h
i*aperlc<t lalr.itoi y of mineral w < ilth
The > alley contains t, lld in res It is
iittite I' vi I, and i* surrounded on a i
sides with high volenti if mountain- It
is situ.ite-1 alxuit fifteen luth - uorilivvesl
of 'olumhu
lii this little \a!!. \ i* a atiflh'iclit
aUliHtlit o( salt to sttppi v nil the tuai lot >
<it tlo I nit<l Stat I not tlie who •
w<u -d \ loot or liv o bei -Ivv the *ui la -
is found a thiol id pure |I k - lit, as
firm and a transparent it* i- ■ Indi-d,
w In li the sand that <i< i- tin sUl'la •
is slrlppeil oil the salt below beats a
Very close resemblance l<> a In <1 of ie-
In inanv places little streams nl w.-it-i
bubble up through tin- IIU4-s of salt, and
very tt< }il< litly <1- < p no<d are lound
whi. lt l.s'k jltst lik< tin- air lioh - in a
tin/en ike rite salt iii ideal the mnrsh
is perl., ' \ pure W hen n trai lof
ground has Ix-cn stri|i)xal of the sttrftu
soi 1 the s tlt water I'tses over the Ix-il of
lock silt to the ilt nth of a loot or two.
I'lien crystals of .t lx-g II to form ot t lie
Sill I n <• of the W Iter, atul as they Infill
Iln'\ sink to tin Imttoui If the salt is
to be tine, l<>i tnlile tlse workun n stir
th--<• ctysttvi* atxiut with shoves us
they -etito tin isittotu. thus breaking
them up For us> in working silvi-r
ore coarse salt Is as good us line, ami the
solid formation may b<- dug tip with
pii ks it iiisa s* it y, hut the io<t-<" > t'\ sta.s
na* more r. nliU hainitisl, MJHI as tnueii
salt ot that kind is lot llted as e ill be di of.
Not on % o. tin re im xhausil- • stores
of sail in tin -ilth vai.ev, but iui'tntise
stores ol borax. I his Ih'l'uX is 111 tin
luiest >|Ua,ity known, and two orthr<<-
eetits | i pound liiorv can bevihtainid
tor it in Europe than for tuiv otln r
lairnx scut to that tuukit. Spleiniiit
*1 - lim its ot tim a, natural < i t-l.i -
of hornx. are tottml in th-* mnrsfi im
bedded in tin- clay mar tin- surface.
Immense <|u.-uttitt' s ,-i sulj-liate ot m i.r
tn -1* (epsotii and suiphate ol soila
tglaulx r silt) lit a pure slate arc
tottml Mitral* ol potass i (su tpeti t1 is
found, but the extent ol till*th'pusitN is
not known.
Coil.n ti |"-ta>h i> fouml in great
abundance, and among the rurious
-leeimetis to be obtniii-il ar- what ar
i-al!el " e<at ton h i .s" (la-tx-aP- ot iilm )
ami tibrotis erysta .m Isu ax \ .so
there is fouud an <buiidam e of an un
known mineral. It i> something ih
-.-ritxal in mine ol tie- Ixtoks, I; thx s
not ap|x-ar in the shape of ery stnl*, y-rt
has a regular form <>f ;t* own, i resent
ing th<- appearance "t brum le sot i-oral.
It is titoUght that tins may new
H'l. \ juuttiti ol it W: . short \ b<-
sent E ist for examination.- Itzy.r.i-t
i i Ye ) / -if --pri
Some Curious Facts.
RSc-di-ig, blistering ami dressing of
oreiiti iry wounils *tii. forms the business
• iteil of Imrhers in Turkey . w ho are
olun thus employed.
i'h- t himk'* p erip< - fr.-sh a long
while by cutting a lu- e in u pumpkin,
i leaning out the int. t ior. putting in tie
ripe grap<-s and replacing the cover.
The largi st nugget of gold . vrr found
was at H iil trat, in Austra ii. in H *
It to iv tai tin'name of " l ie-W otin
nnd weirh' d tl,ltifi oune< - worth aoout
Aft ste.
W' hen v ;t •< ination w J- first intt'slu .-if
in ltosion. in IT-JI. 11. llou*e ot Repre
sentatives passed a bill prohibiting It
Now. under certain condition*, it
made obligatory.
"some of the oil) Tli' bnM mUllltnie- e\
hibit in their w <sxien receptacles s|M .i.
tlielts of gilding, which show that the art
of t-rodueing gold .eaf was known two
orthriN- thousand yours lx-furv the t ht.s
lan era.
t'linv has st it. dtEit an nun- of gold
was beaten into T.'iO av.-. < .■ it four
ting'-rs Sijuare Mvrti.l *; ,; k s of til
gold !<-nt tx ing as thin a> a vapir, and
i.unetiua compares its substance to a
spidet's web.
It i- - iid to be unite the custom In
Ihlhliu for pawnbrok- rs to r--iv- from
washerwomen on pasige - otli. s lielong
ing t< ri-speetab.e laini.i. s whi It tin y
hwe rs . ive<l to lx- washiai 'Ho arti
el s.-u'< uua. y pawmst ,-arly inth'-w.s k.
and reli-nseil in time to lx- s. ut home on
S.iturd, <\
A pa kit of nine hundred pi< .. of
cold-i-eater's skin, '.a-h four inches
-.juare, is worth (W. l'hy tnay i
lx*aten continuously for *■ \ - r.l months
with a twelve-pound hammer w itlu ut
material iniury. The intestine* of .'sto
o\-n are r- jmnal to furnish !**• 1.-iv- s,
that form one packet, or mold, as it i
technically ealkxE
Tie- -it- of \lfr<i the Great's pn. t.
a; VYi ilmore, Eng ind. is I - ing • x< < -
tai with interesting result*. la-tig lim
of wail of more titan otdinary thickness,
but not lai<l witit the n< itn<ss and pre
cision of Roman work, have Ism un
eox eml. Numerous fragments -f Angi<-
•s-x.-ti pottery, ir- ti work an! r<siting
tiles have Ixx tt found.
Mltat an Vfriea-.i Ttavebr va.
Major v Tpa l'into. tin I'.-rtugu- -
tnv> It-r, w Jto has just returnrel from hi*
cxpixiitkm through th<- Afri-ati conti
nent. started from th- I'ortuguese |MH
MMioaa,m tip- ma mmi of Atrioa,
and made hi way in a zigzag to Nat ,
11* d s- rilx-s a tribe ol nativa lie tuet
with n- arth< Zatiils /i with white -kin-,
but with the wixiiy hair and otle r j -
euii:vrit!es of the -south African. In p
tn-n* of the country he enjoyed su< ii \ -
eeihtit sport tliat he was able to kill
game enough for tin support ol his l.Vi
followers, tln reaching Alt el. \ it. .1 pm
t tu Mii -r S. ipa l'into -ii ! 1 ■ w ,s a
tonished to -.a a town in the middl<*of
a vast plain. The houses w- re at -'tin
dis'.uiee from i-neh oth'T and ail bu'lt on
the same tuoih 1. <bi approaching tie
town the traveler found that it was jn
habited by white mitti Throughout*
Major S' rpa l'into appt irs to h:iv - I* • n
well m-civixl hv tlie natives. "One i-f
their kings offer-al him his daughter in
• xchange for his watch, and when tin
traveler explained that lie eould not part
with it his tntuesty ask'-d for hi slnx-s.
The slave tram is in full sw ing. M
met nunnrous files of unfortunate
wretcln-s chatU'-d togeth- r, going in the
direction of Egypt. He.pas--i| through
a portion of Zuluiand a .xutple of days
afu r the death of tin- l'rtnce Imperial.
A Shabby ( mbrelln.
Strange how .-vshnnnxl a man will h
of a shabby unthrella—one of those
s.'ouchy eorpuh-nt affairs, witii tin
hieaeln-d out covering divorced from a
thiril of tin- rib tip*, and a hoe-strin •
clasped around i's waist in lieu of tit
hing vanished elnst'n ! How he will
hide it as far as {Hiss'thlc under his arm.
run it up his coat <1" eve. tuck it away
Iwneath the folds of hi- coat, keep it l><
tween himsetl and the wail. .And when
lie get , in the car how careful In- is to
dispose it in tin* liarke-t possible corner!
And if perchance anybody -pies it out,
liov. utttek is he to head off criticism bx
explaining that it is tin-one In- ke.-ps in
tin- office—o convenient to liave on
tin-re. you know; one that you know
nobody vvill st<al ha' ha' <r may he
In-will go a step further the lying rns.
< al—ami say lie borrowed it. nnd if h"
iliiln't return it "id Grim-haw would
lever forgive him—lta! ia' Rut
wln-n the clouds lower and the rain
drop* begin t<> patter, wh-i o at,
so en vital, so protnl and happy. tic
man with the shabby umbrella. a.s he
-talks along between rows of unpro
tected un n and women, with hisib -pi-. <l
utnbril dripping its li<pti<| liarve-t imli--
criminaicly on llie int and unjust 1
Yerilv, there is nothing in tbi- life
wholly good or wholly bad.— Ronton
The Wheat Export for IS7t>.
It i now clear that tin- I'niU-d State*
will be able to export to Europe ol this
year's vvln-at crop not less than 1tt0.000.-
<IOO husln-I*. ami possibly UUO.UOtiJKHt
bttsln-ls. From careful estimates tin-lat
ter figures are probably nearer the mark.
The European demand last yiar was h>r
1.50.000,(MMI bushels out of a crop aggre
gating 4(Mt.tK*l,ooO huslu'ls. Europe thus
taking nearly hall our product for that
year. The current deficiency in Europe
is estimated nt not lc-.s than tWS.OOO.OtIO
husliels. not including that of France or
Englatnl, which together will probably
want not le-s than 200,000.0(Hl liu-lcls
additional. Taking the continent of Eu
rope as a whole, the most moderate esti
mates place the prospective demand mi
high that it vvill easily absorb our entire
surplus, which limy he safely counted
Upon to exceed somewhat that of last
year. The demand, however, will not
promise high prices, yet with cheap
transportation to the seaboard and across
the Atlantic,our home farmers have rea
j son to expect full sales and good margin*
of profit.— Xew York Graphic.
I astern and Middle States.
l Jt*w i 11, a lw> !#n N .'lira ul), YY n# atttiif*
to (truth hv hoiiiala while an a|| J U hue a(
Iyili I'ttik. N *
.1 R lit iiaot), bIIIIII H cut ul i hiy,
\ \ , tmi li. nl liiiatiioni a£.ttt( a ni'fl, !••
ilia ikuli NUt) Itialiklilty kkilili£ louom'll
l h. HllßtHli ) M||Yilk( Ut|| *| |)|(. AlMttt inWil
ih-ii(a) \ii4H if it MI w#* hold in )li
.i)hii \li.Mi, fl St i. \ rn k, wn iiiierttat |il< *i
hut lot Ut. f-uaiiii.}; Yi-vl, niul it Win Io|vw|
! ' it" I lilt. IIBYI I'ollN t'llt lull ill N) W I oik 111
Mp|t(<i|||iHT, IfI.HU.
t tij ijiiii Mttithiw Wrhb, liip I ii|{llahiiiali
W lit* !* wam twiwa lhA I nullah rhntltMM H* |HM,
U )• jus! ftWMlarittt-tl a j;ml a|tiali' I<YI( lit Una
9Miinin > n£ Iroin .Sat ill) ||o**k lViil
i u* Maiihalt.itl lirnt it, AMI tiiin) |#iit<l, a ill*
irtftt t- ill ITMI i4l*a, in hiuit> Ihe ll
(aiiiM* ui'lnalt) i*w kini an# li(eit nnlwa. a a
title* (*aitMal I lit aWltmit*: aiiliin ItnU a
All ( YOtnatiMi trail! on lla wti\ lltMii I'hll v
• tri|ihu to Aiiaiii.t i 11> t nllitlci mill r Imiglii
I twill lu-nt I IrMtirlttoii Holh Mb l
; tllt'lllWl HI! (ho !• wmtiD l( I% HM | 1111 • I 1 I oil thi-ll
if * < i InIOIO (ho tmiluidli uocuriwt nitti i■
4w| i-t injur) . \\ hru Ur w hkalta hlt*w the*
aitultii liir tm (ho ) itfuifiiHi (rain luh* I lo
vMo .( tho t'lttUa, i tit! al') tho hiaJkruirii.
1 hr* liint . nl# 4.1 tho (mall wrlo fili#hiprally
wUvt Iho I'lwUonua ol nv*al t4 Uipiii
Koto aiimahoxt Iho ootiiic(or, (wo IMWAo*
ittiii, ti vUnil unite* I*.i) mot a iipwiluait, who
Mft*ro lat hti| ujHiit ihr j'Udortuii wrro !-
>lanli> kitlfii, hdiiliioil lieiwertt llo
I fit s | M<) 4-I (ho |M#> ill lll*' I'ttls Wr-Irt
i*li£hti)r hurl.
IIT Itt moiit I t uijile, in Hos-liifi, liwa l-rvit
altitoal t-iMUj'it tol) ilcif ro) l* 1 li> Air, rulat*ill£
- lta t*l nUnit
1 trillion** it rue k ihitt (auk N<. '.Mil, on tlu?
l itltosl I'ljm l.iitn, iijijßWllii I'ntkiM, l*w , Owucml
v W : (in >1 . uliwll. . I am) (*i.
(aiulii£ |H t*UO Ikwftrla o| oil. i In* falik wa#
torn li jdrce*, an i (ho I irnui£ *** l Aowt<.
down (hr ! ii*!-. )., float I it) lti£ A\ r all wtlU i. \
A** <lwi a i l (HMtuiitiUHa(ll)£ li) a tai-k
of tJ,0()0 l*tf!t . ill itil tmittx! |>\ |{ 1.. ISroW ti,
which, tajjHlicr with tho ita.iiitji tut'k ol thts
t J'.jk* l-nie, \%ur* tirolifiyti'l lii*tital
if WW* 1a tliD .UUO.
1 ht* I'lovlilfiMH) flub Dow hi*hla the Ira.l lot
H > 1 - r k->* # . . <'haU!jtkot)t*hkJi lia) i
w laatol it from thr t.. tunr, which haa
Ittn uhro I all aloii£
ilww ra l*<i amoii£ u (tick of Afleru
ah*rj at Nwitk Metiiikg, N J , tiurtmi,
Olu >1 thr ituiuta i btntk£ a rwr that a lw*\ w
iukikiii£ while aik**tJt*t IM\ hrMit. Nt illii-i fl
the in ! *u wiiufiaj) hurt.
t otianirf nhle r iciti iuetit hiift icrunmleii ilt
li (i ll > th* Hi, let K It'll -ill 4J| Jaltu-a i
I*'rye, a wt lj know it luilhrt tuetvhaAt. Mr.
Kr)f a Imhl y wa louit.f in the riiaf of lu
houat with a liuilrl wouitdktl the heart ami
*r\i mi alaha iu ihr nr* k aiivt t*tc<a(. I i*r #ai.
in thr was Ihuib) ojtu. and luwi
e% 4i|etktiy Um tilled of tia iuiu-yai>t (Hiui
content*, aithoti£h wuhp iirtn \ (net c* of a #<|*
Vrr tro will" wet* left U-hiu4 111® inn-hti
and luldn v wrrr evniruU) fKUßUiiitnl
• j 1 : r * ! the ftm* w fu* ft ih (to) r l tlu
1 iriiiiMit |ruile. MJ Fryr Woa alwaat aisl) •
Ave \m. old. KG I ii-ft a wife atid tW<* wit)#
III* Ittliul> was i'tif id low ii at the IHuo id the
tiiurder. Ihr ccntie iti Mtiup tuafitict* rt-artu
!' the NtkUukti in uxler, Mmmihet u Nrw
Nof k aev etwi )utf and (rotu which tlu
IE itit.r ol BU'iy has i.tArf l-i-f B :r|il4\ I
*!( (#roY uti (iiiiYfari).l UtV t altort l>Hi! e
lIN Ml) * iklu ) Is.oud, t'ii# Uru iif*(|U)lt h) fit®,
many tf .*->( £tt*a! tfouhle tu r" rtj ib;
w.t % thi <r !(, atid '* oti! eHiin{rHcat to leave
liivnh td their |*rof*erfy behtbd. Ihe hidri
I 2 x • 4 !) d III I <#itl!C) (itilllilrr, tl
iik! fof New lor? at ' h il an* n
t.n• t*'!uiwti*t t-stwmi mratillmat• txritii
New York tieiao . "viißioi.i; ( ourv U u d
I here were alwHil Ally g<to!a in the hotel at
the tour the ti>kr tail, li.o it# ott
led* i |ro|iefft) i aiKM.t I, white lh* |m
Ihr Nrw \ ilk IhrttOrratir < tutvrti
tioti wU ie hei.l at nu:u*e >'} iniiter 10.
Janicw It Wtlbur, Otrtweer ol the !W*tW
M l.# at Ltairiii r Ma* , tliUI rot.'- SM--.1 !*
t*kit£ by ulni} (Ho lay'ivdla due •
ltt£ (he J aai tifur > oar*
llie •rVrtlly.Jli'ti b(MI ** )*(MI-}4ri|ir "
ji IS s'l 'lit 4! at i'rin .SI 154 Hi *U'
WiMilv i h.t .na tfnif uiiati. id ikriiilul), M * > .
win- ovt * i ,'y : :iu<) ami l#ok the Att j ! ita*
"I I'l • a flftrvlal, . j*. j rifr 4.j to Ahlrd to- .u.rd West Mr . lrh. t tmii
wh* tiiade ?i ttitSt*.
iltt *#in# *f foul* jrTMiß# Wrrr
fi*-ttiv) aitu*it£ tite tutu* ol the (airtie*! hi#t4 at
J#rjli W I*j r\-r, d Ika')ir*(Tr, thr r
id the I; dri. M ilium .Vihituuvlt, thr titan iu
of ihr 00-!N#otn llir Ate t* , ui;
* a Hit Mi iioltri ate) < rniir. e: ) aitU
oi th h e ihr tw#di<na were !xit t* 1 a-o
that hal it not Urn fr { jewelry
and ht* id r. lhu£ found near thrui, the*)
wuld ha%r lecn
iv rf -ill aiul wa* i lrtit jhe*l
|Mtrtly hy ht *<.
rodrtiuryer, the Krwh btnau who rermfiy
w a.kri I**t:t Vkli 1 ntuf;*r< In Sri YdfltVlAl*
diiti£ a )MN'. arrow, lfirl to m**k fit ilea
in ai tla>* in the latter city. A iu ht* walk
wha the continent. be trundle*) a * horltmf
row, hut Bucfwlcxl in uakiii£ only SoT of ihr
600 milew.
Western and SoytHem States
(.Vmjjfta#inR llendrwk 11. IV f.£ht, td lVnn
• yh tuna, 'iiainiuiii nl (bet l**i***i
i omtntflee. ai'iicwml a laryo audietice d
wotkiu£turn at Nan I ninricon (he inhit and
t hilMPwp tjUra! MV, adv * aUh£ the ei|-uiiMMti (4
the C hinriw hy jearrlul
Iha Moi# IUU r, a>t hnn* j iuinter, |uar*
frlr i withht* * ilo mt>i left h<mn Alter
an wWnrr ♦! e\ rnil h\ he triutn* I home,
#!)( and inalanti) kuirl hi* undhet•in-law
and then h*t lu# Wife, itiflirt.-ti£ a mortal
WiMin ! He t c left (he IPum\ Ihil h
|l**t MM 4ifkie. a r>rwd tnan aiat) Y mr
oh), ni
murder t*l J V\ r#lpy V\ ywofl. a white i *roef
wt.h a h*e w sje the condettmeal tuan ba*l l*r* u
klititualr. i*he muriirtnl mat) * wife haa been
* ;Me: . t to a hie ilii|t a*Mtrirftt a an *x< ■
*or> to ber Imaiwii l * murlrr.
A Am at ■*!. Ixeit* ibwiroysd an tlmur
4 •m!a)iiii)£ 160 W(0 bO*hel* of jjram. fhfre i*
tenaiYe • *• f4. ..<•<* ami ♦ •(her ad)oituti£ tvuilil*
BfiT • >! .rn* . FnUu!in£ a totai ii** d
|i ir ••£ a at*?'! ]i£htntn£ atrurk a *UiMe
iir.ii Ih- rnton. Ya., killing tw# ><*un£ turn
ari'l *ctovi#ly iijtihii£ (wo other* who had
taken refuse therein.
At l*|w(a#fl, IhikotA. Captain J. v
Miti'hell, who lately amweul lnin limtMdoti,
\\ \ ottunft. cHnnitt-l ui4 ide bv ah<M4n£. *h
the "time night I, I VVliitbyk.icKwl alitor d
the I >ed w4 M j Pioneer, shot at a eoloml man,
who he claim* bad a*aul(cal hitn. Ihe bollrt
miaoed the ftiornl man, and atrurk 1. N
M..rlan. tntinerly whoieaale £n#cer ( |toa-l*
wrfMal, on thi forehead, tnfticUug a ta.
ta. ix • ;tid.
From WasHinatoo.
1 lu* Prraideni hm nocfplel an m\ itaiioti *f
the ti-ivernorof hiki)*!*** tale |re#ent at tlu*
ii£r ■ iltunil for in No.r* io Sefdemfier 2 >.
William M. Ibti'h. cY-hier of tl>e Ci'iren*'
Nalioiml lluik (i' Wiih:ndt*m, U a det inlter
to the eitent of gtkC,ooo. SiMNrfilali'ina in
atoc'k* i- i ijiputnl I > hav** uaia* i hi* r tin.
Foreign Ncwi.
Mti-r a \'-ir <•! e. . a Uei-uuui e eirl mar
tial li >- -■ ii'e:i--.I V Imi';il B il.h lo impri--
oiinieiil i-i a liirtrrx lor six match*, mni
t.iiMile'iant-l <ij-l'un kltls-r tar one inaiitii
I'hi i were- the i as|ionsit>li' iifflntir* ol ihe wur
stmni'-l K-m-i Wilhean. wtui li .-eik the
tip..., : Knilur*t, mi l tlien-Uj dr-mrne.l ".<lO
Ji aiiiio i" • i tli.-vt vir. Nloughton. Ameri
rM )!iuiter nt -I. I'l '-rslmrg. tin* re-igmsl.
A St. I'etersli'ilg letter stiite* that there ia
.HI t-iiiirmoiM ißcmei' in tli" nuiiits-r <>l Niiiil.
it in Russi'V.
1 > It ing the 1 rogres* ola < atlmlir proression
in Beitfvst, Irt-. i'i'l. serious nut oeeiirml iiiJ
many fx-rsaua were i nj ti re. i,
\i!v iri - Irani Itirx/il state that 1 (,000 di*
tn-.-. ,1 intinliitantn of I'nrn hu-l rer>lte.| in
ronaeipienee <<f the *t<H'|iOge "t Sllpjille" for
on ir n •<. A- c "a* Introil the town might
(hi sneli'-l Ihe militia hml ta-en ealleil out.
The liish t niversitjr liill hn* la-en renit a
thinl time m llm linns' f Common* without
iloi-ion. I tie re-tilt wa* gns-(is| *s iil
i-ln-i-i The home nii'-i ptlhereil nt tlie
CrV -tiil I* sire, Sy.lflibnin, niul pas*e.l remtiu
ti.m* solemnly rentttnniiig llie lu*h right ol
sell-govermnent. anil containing n plrelge not
to vote for any one opposing n native Irish
I-eg'*!" l n ro
Private letter* Imm Alexandria, Kgvpt,
stale thnl one Mirsatn. ■ liroher. ami a tialu
nili/e l Ameiieini citizen, ri-s-nlly nttaelosl
ll.ihan I'nalia, iln- confidential nginil ol Iheex-
Kln-dive Isimiil Pnahn, near tlie Bourse, in
cmiscrpicttrc of n privnto gnidge. Mirznm
• iriK-k li.ilmn I'n-ltii with a cam-. Din latter
ft .-.1, 'in.! Mn nun then -hot him dead. Xln
rion surienileiisl hliosell to the authorities,
and I* now 111 prison. llie United Stale* au
-llniiit M - n 1 Wi -hington linve ti-legniplnst tn
Alcxamhia Unit the prisoner must la> kept in
cuatolr, nml il tl.e Veting Conanl-Oeneral ot
tlicUmt* i Siatea cannot try him, lie must lie
conttiie-l niiid Ihe Consnl-tienenJ shall retina
from a lour months' lurlongli.
Mr. tilailstone, apenking at the opening ol
the art exhibition at Cheater, said that when
America learned to trul entirely to In-i own
splendid natural resoiireea, llie greet genius ol
her people and tlu-ir inarveloua profli ieix-y in
the adaptation ol lalior-aaving appliancea, in
which she was nl the hixid "I thnwoild. she
would la- a forniiilnhle romp'-i.tor ol the Ivng
li*h iiuuiufiict urer.
Tho Kinpnror ol Ausliia h-is acreplrsl the
resignation of Count Ai: lia--_\ nm! hi - Mini*-
trv, and I ount Taaffe* tin- pr<--c"- .ilin<-( r ol
the Interior, has been instrurlcd lo lorm n
new cabinet.
Mr. Ten llrocck'a Ameriean-hrisl (Illy Sara
toga won the ia<-e for the llnini;, nu de Plate at
Kgliam, England.
Over 100 turnilionse* were, destroyed, fitly
persona killed nnd incalculable damage done
'* t i*|• ly 11 irnirtr tlriiitlitiftn in |i"n*
iimi U
I tin itil*l!igttiir# ißiwwilrwß wittutu! tlißt
J Hi 1 ijiwlwi !lif ilif Nl (f4Hlmrc| liMMiiiimii
* tli I" |-b 11 ml itt4l 1 liam (titiii] f"ni t |(**t li^ht
* '> ib* ol llm >mr
11,. 0t whit li tltnirtiYMlSpiitjuvii, (lm mpi*
mi ol ll< <tit 111, Mini
tP7r it 1 w ftily woMirm U to
lilt twoli MI'IW I '| l ifwl klillMl, MtHllllilhl Of
rito Hrimil N4ttnimiiiil> roU.twi
*Yith ll litlliall l*mut*r I 100 union
, t'l til I ttnliml ali i mu nttiik lioftt \ t -t*-i
Jii'iil it oil N Uvt** Mi'tn I.mH Ilia Set in
, lltUi)' Han Y ttllllnl ul J
At W nil- fkn, A (own in Atindmii lu
Out n-iilft of (hi' *ait niiiiiiiK it jjion o! (othrtA,
. 111 04iiir|tioii4*i t| n Y iohrnl IIIOY r iniit of (lift
wni i* wioi of lilt* griMittti, w tow of
libtw nj iil 111 M"vnmi I'lufo* ttit-f the |*w| !r
I flrwl ut j"ti
I i*in a ft|H *iaiiniiwtioii of south Aficaii
ititvat w o tho \U*Utry u( I'lutnll, Ihe Iguti
thill / urioi illwWW liiw fftoueiuwitris thai hm|{
t IV wV" *YWr*t all oil !hw( tmlliw, nn<l th**l
lUVMI (ha*. lh 4.* no i unit 111 o| lh* Wwi hwa Imm<u
I y itluwily Ir a-ho*)
l*i-wiioiil (iinvy ha* |*aiit*iio(| wixly fl)
i Oliimutliwtw 4Tii,nitrti nl tho Kttfiuil |*otial wrl>
(irii**iti in Nt-M aitwiooii.
siwiiioY, ihorij luror, hiiwwiwrUvt fftnti
l.rmnio, Allan, oil Wliolhn WS|M|IIUM to Ihr
Kio r Congo.
llt MO w*!i know IB htiutnll U Vt*! h\ r
!*orii mifpitvl IU si (WivlMitf, wnh
'•ring t oiiorf no*) in nit nl(rui|i| l* h>iiiltalh
lJvbtrimiit lonr.'nl )>irntriiit
AI roufi 11 t.i tt in Y|.tii, iin(<r of tirlrgut* a
lOfirfwrlitihg i.Dghah mint tn W riw^h
lion wo uimiiiitkoowly |naw) ftnnriiig wtii
A 1 itlti*l) l llir I nltoii Slwlra
A iti|iir|| from ( Jown, S,.utij Aft*fr,
irfailtw thai King I <(> wa>o ha a wrltl wo| I
lltat 110 %* ll-t s to •(!( iclttirl, )>tll It-jtli Uoilig
kiUcwt A rojiy wna iwdirmwi i roiioaing him
AwirtY Hint ginn) liralliiriit
A Jirw nihiitful liiw Iwrli furitltv) ill AtiMlm,
with 4 uiil laalt nl ll J hrotl n I'ltmitli-iil 'l
thr I OUth i) wu) Minialrr of ihr iulriitii
A Lotuhm t)njiiU*h all) thwl of HDO.dCR)
•llßir* 4*l Ihr I'ftiioiiui rwiiwi h hrinr ptlt ujhJ*
Ihr litnl kr( lil\ IKKI aliafrs fiw Yr U-ru lahrii.
)>'-|-ilr Hit lutiufr M Io IgwN 4 !'#, lat kioi (>
a I i J.rh Y'n)i*ulr, i tir-larihluro) to | incri .1
with ihr j ro|r*t. lhv l'nl*a Hont tt miy
'* S| tlr id"w|-v has lornv***) |Hii|MfWl lloui
l -jtnrlaJ ir Amrfit aii off*nng to Iwkr
U|* llir p-hnit- *I ihr l'nnama rnnnl ritlrf jfi>
ill • h Yhrio no! nliH*filiol lor in Frwncr
I" ihul i-n-t ale fitin'o ti*g "
llir jA übutl > hiM hy Ihr <)i-struU('li of
vi*|PYi' i 4 • ,iu i* hU ii oi,(Mill. Nowt 'y
I.jIW htiuwNi wrrr Iwriml to tho groutn).
iJuHor ha wi(im im* t) tunHhrr ol ihr tiiwtiv
t*JM**)y rh'la with w hit h hot •IrtrU air la
lidilwr. 1 !r KiriM'b aorhttu *f Ihr
NhlJ l.?tUlr!#' AnMMUallotl lIWY illg MTnlt -l
Itotn Ihr |4ttrnl s iHy, j-uiw-iml through ihr
■irewlf w*tut> it,Cioo iruii|*, miJ raiiic in cn*4-
tisiofi W;!h n iaig* tar!) >4 thr wa iH) iiirmin-ra, oMti]iUM--i |riae:jwi)y *4 Itinh
turn ihr lotiil mo a Mooty iailliw iti whn ii
w rtw Arc) wm) ilidifi rr 4 liobt*
ti*lowik ( tiir Mitao liv of |n**f-r iwillg |*ow |.
irn lo tiarrtrrr. f wo moo wrtc ktilc-i nl* )
tWrKr xtThr?"* li. i r lrr> wvrh
MiMiii *1 Mao v loi -U air *:*u* s wrrr hd< kt - .
htiainrwa Ma# rUtitrly uajrlu)c*ti. win) thr rtV
gov rrtimml wn* lor a tHut- |owt i *-* t* i|uni
Iho t)ilui!tanrr.
John M-H-niy, aw ril-kn*w u Kug*ih
Anul*i : g'rnt, li!t liunl I**l t-ir itm\y
o! JE* ot . i • \\ thr tIIXIO loa fjdiurr w.>
• • • • v | • i.' • - ....*" ;.,
ortk * oi laotnioti- Dm* coli|4!0 | uf {*) I •
hw\o '•)*• has rtitui ly thr infrtil iiortk<*ti <*i
U.c t *! tiro K ♦ in m liir t <urt of 1 lutu*
prry, wt:o ga\r jt; him lor
oy * i 5. 4 000 iaK) in a uii luioughf hy thr i.iio
j hr H.'itah I'AIIi iibrt)' ita* Itrrn |f*r*gurnl
llc (,• trrli ii ij-tMvh bro.g tWiYrmi )>/ io>l
oiiuti -• oti. 1 f;r hidtrij i■ mwjtiiy
: kUio' oj ! •*♦ w t •*** of tho ltn(kh attu* iu
\ r * i imMvUi win) > mih -Vln • .
Antiiiirrrti* * • * 1 irkr i t iititintwii!, many
. f thr |-4- J . .Ig t)iaM,lioil With thr j lew*
.b( g<*Ar|ttin ;*! ah-i *) > lh* irturn
thr lit ( t.yri -llßit N! I* at), w la Ifjhllloi I**
hwvr lorovott*! h>
FsitoU I trrv wrtr k-'->) ami thirly-a \
w• *% ) 1 i > a J 1 .iUul Ml I ratirr.
M i rrtvm. r*lit*r 4 a I.YCMM ( Krano ) ff*"
hi > H-u woutiilnl ut thr h:!-£ in a duel With
a 1 ir ; h wuh-limlrtnant.
nuMi j* a not at Uirgai), IrrUh!, itiwtiy
woft* M rwlliil, atul liio |wtKW wrir
rUUiod atul ao'nr of lUrm h*i uhoijf utjufwi.
)1 ordv of UlvtloiM.
Mi ti may la-L-ngratcful. but tin- human
race* i* tMt mi.
Th- first Mi-p towatd virtue J# to al
■tain front vl<u.
II i, plw-es mil unhappiacda ar<4Uaii
ti< tuiml. n-'l nf piai-c nr jxisitiim.
The love that lots naught but beauty
to keep it tn giaxl i-ouuttion i* hort
Naiure knows no pau*- in pmgr--ss
atol ticv< -.put- at. iut-1 aUgt hc* lor < nn--
to ail inaction.
There i no knowledge in tb-much a*
.bat vshich t* gain<-<! at last, after yrar*
of bafthtl and wotiib-ring inquiry.
Have nothing to d< witli any r an in
a passion. !r nu-n ar* not like inm. to
wrought out w ben hot, or molded
into any gi\< ti form.
Kvi rv peTNoa'# natural w< iglit of af
rti< ti<<n is fr< )U-n!iy made • >r* onhappy
lay tin <tn y. nia'.i.v. tr<-a. lory tir ityus
tic<-of his nt-ighlMir.
'llicrc i* a gr--al den! irf unmapptsi
isiuntrv within us which would haw T ■
lie taken tnt" -tccount in an t-xpuuratiou
of our gust* and Altirni*.
I'ndkabi-itic* an- as various a* th<-
f.-ps-s to 1- ..-en at will in fn-twork or
paper hanging*; every form is tli-n.
from Jupiter to Judy, if you tinly Jtwik
with crmtivc inclination.
If thou canst n>t olg.ain s kindness
w ~ h thou <1- siri-tkt. put n gl face on
it. show no diiM-ontcnt nor surlin<-s: an
hour may come wln-n thy rnqu-*t may
mailily la- gnutbsl.
M,-n and wotnt n mak- sad mi*!ak< s
aliout tin ir avtupton*. taking their vnjruc.
uneasy longings sonn-tinn-* for gi-nius.
siniettm-s for reiigion. and oftener still
for a mighty love.
The presence of a child is a radiant
smile am in dark hours, a holy waning
of happiness, but at .-hi tim<s that -ink
which eontM < ts tt* with tin- far off Eden
n inn<a-n<-<-an<l purity.
Orictitnl I vtratagnncc.
Tie r. ent < MMIUS of tin- Kbrelire and
his family front Egypt has direcosl at
tention t<> the dottiest )t . arriuigi-tncnts i-f
thi* most prodigal of Oriental princes,
who was <!t pord by tin' Su tan of Tur
key at the com maud of England :ui<l
France for attempting to oust the Eng
itsii and French initulwri of the Egyp
tian cabinet. Hi thi Kolanall tru-be
lievers are t<-rmilt<sl to have h>ur wives,
an<l Imnil I'aslta lias availrel himself of
this privile(p- t<> tin- lull extent. Ai
though only thrs- of tin- ladies whom
lie has successively taken to wife, and
who are known as "the lirst." "the
second" and "tin- third" princess, enjoy
local rank, the fourth, tin- mother of
IVinee T-wftk. tin- present viceroy, by
virtue of that circumstance alone is
entitled to consider herself as e<jual to
tin-rest of Ismail's wives ttt tlte posi
tion of tin c royal favorites one mat
iinlge from tin- f.i t that Itw>t \t-nr the
united income of the time prinei-ssis
.-imount<-d to M.SSW.y3Oa year. I'lie value
of tin ir jewelry may la* imttgitted from
the fact that in the recent crisis it was
in contemplation to raise fire million
dollars on this security alone. Iteside*
these ladies there nre others too numer
ous to tin ntion. I he haretn which ac
companied his highness into exile con
sist ed. beside- tbi three princesses (the
mother of IVinee Tewtik remaining
Iw-hind). of sixty wop-n altogether,
including tw-nt\ female slaves. It
tiMik sixty of tlie vieen-gni enrriag's
to convey the party from the palace of
\hdin to tl.e railway station, and t n
men-of-war's boats to embark the fait
travelers at Alexandria. The harem
luggage formed a small pyramid, com
pletely tilling a lighter of ISH tons bur
den. and occupied over two hours in
shipment. Tin- above, however, w-as
lint a small portion of the female Ix-long
ings of the late Khedive, over HOO of
whom remain la-hind in Cairo, and are
maintained hv the present viceroy at a
cost for feeding alone of (15,000 a
At fi o'clock on tin- morning of March
10. in IHSO. the late Prinei- Imperial was
born, just at tip- close of the Crimean
war. The Emperor and Empress nt once
declared themselves gixi-fatlicr and pod
niothi-i- to every child born in France oh
that day. a great amount was distributed
in charities, and two thousand prisoners
received a free pardon. In reply to his
eoiigratillation of the Congress of Paris,
llfit sitting, the Eiti|>eror made this
forelsiding allusion: "'i'ln- unanimous
neeiantations wliieh surround my child's
eradle do not prevent me front reflecting
on tlie destiny of those horn in this
same place and under similar circum
Three rival lovers of Miss Hudson, at
1 ,al;ey Rend, 111., formed a combination
ii ' iinst a fourth and more favored suitor.
I hey seized him as he was going to call
on her. threw him into a pond, and let
him drown.
Elghl Year* it If It n Itnllrf In the llrnin.
Eight jranra ngo. in Roane county,
Clinton Lnuil* riiiilk MI oiirwmitc bin
brother nl n gaming lanfe. They
over thf cards. and drew tln-ir
revolver*, lli* brother " gl the ilrop "
on hi:ti. ttml planted a huHel in tin
center of hi* foreheiul. crushing the skull
j mid lodging in the hpek of lli* hcrwl.
Thm- yearn Inter l<nu<lermilk *n sen
tenced lot h<- (H iiltentlnry in two cases
for larceny, ttml in one rtum for liorno
stealing III* term win twenty-one
years. lie priitol a ir>o<l work'T. nnd
nialntniiied n ouiet dein<-niior. He *|M<ke
only when nihlrcMMti. He answererl the
sick t all nl xiui HIUV n week, always cotn
plaitilt g of the hemim he.>!< riuilk
went to Warden ltii/zurd a few dnvs
ago tnil n*ke<l to he nut into another cell,
stating that he felt that he wanted more
■ air This is the tirst lime he had
spoken to Warden lilt//.aid since the
latter hud him In charge Hi* rwiuest
wn granted. That night in walking
through the eorri<lor* Warden Bliwuuxl
leant loudermilk groaning, atnl sent
for Hr. Gibson The man had become
deliriou*. and had burn butting hi* heat)
lgain-1 the wall* ol tie* cell. He was
I into the hospital and lived
eighteen hour*, but tie was unconscious
mi lie died. Ir Turney and lr. Gib
-on made a pod tn/irlrm examination.
I bey found that llie bah bad penetrated
lite anterior lobe of tlic brain, and rested
ilwut tin center of the middle lohrt. It
II nil ih'- 1 it a pirex- of lame, a*
big a a man'* thumb, from tin- inner
table o! Ili- skull. HoW he had lived,
under tin I'itTUUtaUuicea, was a wiaidet
to tie physicians. < Irdinarily the *b<#t
produced mutant death.
.Vu-vAc.. V ('/. I,H ) A*HR riran.
line red With Fish Scale*.
\ man named John Armor, about
foity yearn of age, applied to lr. J. II
Scarf, at the middle *tati<>n, in Balti
more, foi a permit to be ar-nt to llay.
view. The die-tor. upun examining
Armor, lound loin to lie suffering from
1 vcrv remarkable and rare disease,
known an pMiriaai* or fi*li <-aie dtseax
The case )* fully developed, and is an
exceedingly ititetvoting on<- to medimi
tin n. The nk 111 of tin-arm* hi imperially
well marked, and presents the app4-ai
aiiee of white leprosy.
Armor said lie in f txs-n afflicted wit It
(In diM-aae for w-yciwl tuonili*. and it
bail l' iiiue no annoying tlial lie could
not work, lie bad I wen employed aloii_-
.lion-and on the water nbout the har
imr. YY lien aked if lie suffered iuu< h
Inuu the malady. Armor said "It
itches terribly, apd i . annot rent on ar
• ount of it" Hln torehead ill breaking
out with the disease, and there are indi
cation* of it. spreading to otlnr part* id
tin- Irmly. Tlte affected (>nrt at "covered
witil wllite n.-alen, resembling tile S<nil .
of small tin he* ; the fli-li under the fteale*
in r d, and very much inHaim-d.
This i. said to l- the IH-*1 defined ra>
I-Ver sis-fi \t the Iteilevuc Ho.pita .
New York, there *iu a i-.m- whi<-li was
considered remarkably developed, but
not 111 ar MI much sob* this one of Armor.
Mr. Millain, the eminent English
artit, lias introduced |>rtrait* ol jii*
own children into several of liin ph-turen
lli-oiitly <>n a Sunday hi* youngest ap
pi ami la-fore him in A new and pictur
• .<ju- In <net "Going to church, my
dear i-ied the father " Ye*," tajia.
answered the child, with a touting lip
" I on't you want to*" " No, papa"
" Very well, inline and nit for me, and
l'.i paint you in that pretty Imnnet "
"No, thank \ou. papa; I think I'd
rather go to chuerh." Millais" models
ha* e to nit very ntili.
Innvn.*. It. In nnd HirnrHi,
Itir cavuac 1* lauguol, tn*n II 1* pot Ihr tin
mk-lislc or indirect eoti*re|utirw ig pmiiii
d;r*-r. in tnusxtMe t<. * Jctttlilal ittg telll|rn
line IVnaiM lilt*| it wnrm. inul rlmiale
mr |<erulißrly M>t,j<ct to it. thNuuiniitni ptiyni.
cat 11..1 me. mt to trlivtrie.
!i"U &e it* rlmiw-.crenficn W< • u.en it )•
Mr njwtnid l>> undue reinlatioti <4 ttie tniwein
.. ! '■ d**|*pi.r- ot bile an* nymptom*. A eeii
k r retiosts i. II *tHtrr • Motnorh It.lter* a
•to < gtiieniug nil ahcrktirn mediriM drnir- ;
it..111 tlte ]-. ■<■! and tmnt efflearptua vegept) le
- mice*, w ilia a pule *|ntaluoua lauua.prunouora-;
t> eminent |-t 1 > *.< ant a ttnld and wbolremutr
•liii. ilatil 'Pie Hitter* l.itrttMol <4 Amertcan
lot. i* large!* uaed in tile ter.]<iea. wberetbe
1 lin.ute 1* very 1 rmtuetarr ig deluhlr tnaiarutl
fi-s-era. and tltei\lrr ut U*e I.>cl*, iiver an
<!tgc*f!Ve organa
In lm|Mifl<Ml l.ral rt.ft.l I'aul.
i.e.-logy ba honu* that nature accom■
|<ti*he* Iter jnalwl revolution* in the lartl. *
► uiiiM-e cntorniatnm aioaly. Kvery y tar tlte
n. ri make* ita channel deetmr. the glarmi
woare a tlecjcr gorge in the Alpine rork, ant
tie .cran tile <!enoit* the aand it ha* cruriw
Med from the* U|.rt which it breaks. We
note the ratrth.juid,e and Ibe devastating hur
ricane . hat lhe change* aie an gnmlual man
.ri ioitj I.le-ri<-. them until the channel ha*
Income ovethangieg citff.. or a mountain ht
iii*a| (cared tadore tlie *r> *trreun, or the ncem,
liasgi.rn it* a Florida Thil* it la in dierepe
• Sit attention i* attracted b> *ciitr !i*oaete. a
lev ere, cholera etc . while chronic diaeaee
(■4ten the moat* in rvaitlt), ta-ir.-
■ low >;i their develojmient. are *eldom wSirei
until the. ha.e made an almost inetfaceatd"
impreasnm upon ihc < *trtn IVrsotiabelieving
tl.ciiic!. c ...miaratieelv hcalttgul ate Mi
ll moa the VK-tima f threw- JiwaMi, and only
become aware <4 their ;-rerence when relief i*
i almost imj*ia*iMe. I ica*e id the liver an t
•to'uieh are the commonest o| these chronn
alWt 11s lr I'icfee * t<4-lcn Melnal 1 lo
co, cry ami Pleareint ISirgalive Pellets an
tic. cr-lailtng teuiedit-s tor tiieae <ti*eas*a. 'Hiev
j-r.since a hnaJtlilui secretion <4 the bile, pre -
.rut indignation by regulating the bowel*, and
uti|Kitl a vtgomoa t.ine to the a Hole system.
l- rriblv e.hauing are tlie tiifht sweat*
which accompany emianmjdion. But they, a
well a* the |<aro\v*m* <4 c-.ughttyg. arc invari
ably broken up by l>r Hall's Balaam lor th-
I.ung.. w loch comjner* Ihe deadly tnaliwly. a
well as bronchitis, pneumonia, plettrwy. aath
ti.a. diphtheria at*! all other affections ig the
th>.Mt. lungs and cheat. It save* thmwand*
I real 1 untimely graves and is invaluable in rea
ming children trom the croup wtpagdng cough
and ijmuxy. It is sold by druggists.
Corolla.—A medical preparation in the lortn
■4 * hwenge is he to-el convenient. "Blown'*
Bomehial Tria-lies " ailav irritation which in
.luces coughing, giving relic* in bronrhiti.
lnairscness. intluenni. conutiiptir. and asth
matic complaints. 2.5 cents.
M:uh>n A Hamlin t'alimet tHgans are tur
rushed, for cash, trom S-5| t-nch. upwar.l;
every one bi-ing <4 the same highest excel
I tiewJacks.wi s licet >*iei Navy Tohaceo
saw roan.
IWt itsttle—Vtc-1 Jtativm,Mw wt r*\ia o->,
a O'H- **-.
Un.!< t\-a '
ll,w l ive '"\<4
Flour 4 t state, ewod to fancy.... 4 •' -4 S 7*
w reteru. eemd to tancy t • 4 7
w txa> A > He-*. 1 It 4 1 2-J
White Mate. ... t 17 4 t t*
II vi < ■•' M 4 •'S
tti. ,e rwo K <1 Stale -0 4 ••
(V-r:, Ft r el* .%♦! m Musi IIV-S S 1 y
y oat 4 M
Oata Whtu mate... .. hKf M
v I*l Soiiei.. ...... s a wy
Its; n<i.ui>'a.les 4 a*
s'raa le-i 4 Rve. p- f *wt .. 4 4 4*
Hi sut". new erop 4 4 U
I , k *7* -a 10 o
-1 ' < < * '• 4l IS
p. to l'ii- —Orn-d -My4(i t* HePned—r-<, state *IHI i -t.n. XX.;i3 -4 *f'
I. • - * ClllMff.'i. Id 4 MM
Ii-y 11 .4 l
Weaieru Oienmery.,.. tl 4 tt
F lory 07 4 11
t-heeee —male Factor} S 4 M
Skici* .... 01 4 (VI
WVsorti FaCorv *4l*
r*:t* 9WM sad N*a*ft*MM 1* 4 Ist*
v, , I, N-. 1 s-Hag S 7* 4*7*
Wheat Ik ' Winter t • 4 1 13
s ■ A .-.tern *1 4 *1
S 4 *1
Par.' To Rowed Wale IW 4 7*
F'.-iir- h rn. chol.e 4uit lai-cy.. * SO 4 5 *0
Wheal 11" Kelt... t I" 4 11
Amber. 11* .4 1 I*
live. Stsle *ll*4 *'V
I' ...I Vfat - Yellow *" 4 *1
• Mr—Mil i 37 >*4 3*
1),.t0 1 rr. Fvtia IS .4 1
Oieea. N■ Vo. 1 Factory o*V4 "*
IVlcleiim Crude M 4"* lleUued—-o*l,
tP*-f -ytattle. live a.-iaht. ... 041..4 04 S
Kh.e,- " 4 I*
fir tVi*,xnln and kUnn. Ihit .* 00 4 H 0
St nr.l and V'.-How 4 4 *S, While. it 4 45
Hve-Wate 4 **
W.ol W*nheil. Combing A twUlne. 37 4 3
nroraahed " " 1- 4 MH
ani.iurc* (Haas.) cant.* uannrr
tier- < attic, llva wafg'il
t.amha 5 ,4 05
Mtieru 05V|4 ON
Hon* 1 4 k 4 Ot
Ms .m * Wlir vr s .ill -V'!•vt *5 In
I J A I" * h y.ld-ew.
' s.lh -I I- W.'OI. "At'l.Tl
S I ARVI NO l.tttl' 4 41.. Portland. Maine
e.<cvcvci HIV.-I. J 111 Wii St. Ntocka mk
-otn St 000 fi'rlun.-i- very mv-nth lb.k arrt
iJIU tUvJIWUU freeexplalnlncrverythln*.
Art.lri-W IIK XTKH *Co . Hanker*. I Wall Street.,N \
nntlttf llalill V Skill llllturi. Thou
2 11#I 8 I SM A I ti* - url. I OWPAI Pr f- !>' lii'tfd
UIIU IT! '• *"'• nr. V. Ait*ri*t. Oliln vyi .
_ A . A lMO!TII ARfHtiWßntrd-JlHbrif
► ': worll; viir Mmp.elrt
Al | llrrrt j A v HHONSiIN. Detroit.Mich.
Vll#% V._wt 11. c. 4
r IIZ Ft- unit rtlpliilv I r .M) rU C'aUlori> fr-e.
Dili S M. Srwr*H. lI*J * '*' ' Kt-vton. Manh.
Upßifi TO F. I. ltH 11 A CO. PorUnt;
Mniiie. for brht V-iem-y KuftiufM in th-
UkllF Wt.rld. Outflt Pi re.
A TKA w tc it .\ru>
Cot YowQE.BtLoulik.lli'
4 moaUl *n*i ex|wupii fuxrx:tt-e.: lu *. u.
#s# 4 tmiflt fr® Hixw A 00.. AovirtTAaMiYVß
A lMl lrrn i may . .ti f fmrn a*lfify f IL#
*t•tlito- ti Of ifvftn I4it. uthrtt 111 iurf t*m a fW
d of
Turrttiit'a Sfllirr A|>*rlrnt f
•ftnimilrM aroAfdiiMl I) Will eiMntol
Lie unt. cßMiit iii|Hk*il(iti with !•' I atid he* thfui
our II | * •• <- topfwialiy 'Ubir tm
warm weather. >( iravii (iio •) air fit tt- lia to do lit
wetk t>f tMUfp- IIMI
/ ,<?/IMlft\? A \
/ y/ Sr. bil'Vlk '\
/ A'/ w AtoUla, Cl >S|L \
V X. r.a A. /
\ TOWEII, /? /
\ orricßß, Simr //
\ "N. UuIIBKB. //
laUf MM Im4< t Iho hwl rllpltt. otth MM M
, fct'iou I*4*J On Ok* Wi (d*iUt kiB| kkm % f>4
If i* to**|eJAn a hStou.itdc* by. < i*4w MPmI Arani A*
3,000,000 ACREB
Mualf to U,. Piai uu
to I—aa da. Iw pruue aad aaa. aai an.
PteipltA*w.Uifall lata. 1.1 Baa uaiwdli— I* to
O. A MrKINLAY, Land Com'r,
at. r. to. a *. h >. ai. real. toia^
PrltPfltS ■ u'kV' IT%hi '
■ C 4 101 110 1 hi ATtoaad* • • EZ
| U'pkiifr thr* lit ttiJH *14.) *| U.t • • e#t i u*t |lr ft)
11 h %•-! 4 *HVfe. i •< ! br ••HrlrHtlftf
j tw* vr. >|ncf„p m the x-a^iurm.
"Scientific News," ?HS
venb-'e •♦'! *4 |* |u *1 M ieli lliil) ||
>t Sati.j . 2 *4. petu| w .uvfiiiAkft Mtil
U . M nil. It ra Bo< bMI'- • a. racra.iae* *lk Itotoo
b'tr -T ' 1 < nttiti t*|M. toLt-J la the < • **i|a l
--.1 it tfr rt::. M rf .a ff' |ftii< 'tol.iNi. It gtr, a* •*#!>.
ft ' agar. !ttwii aid ! riu* tr'tti# U. Atfrtilto.fMt '
nr Wlif It M . fantr! fbtii mtkf Ofhtf A .('r M
.NaUiwai ft liiMMMaOu Kt i.*At phla Fto
wR97 '-.ft •-
HA' pit, Jh A> -4 /or I'rtrr I. fit.
' ' ; r l> faai a Spaciatty.
y ktdiUiy. to.—l) aad Ft.eawa'i Gaade.
_ 1 i in rr.iß TH,t Ntw
VjC. MHwiMI fhdH Warn nit todwea to
rag Hißpß, ww* HMA%tHhg twK
rbo Wtu It Im4 MPtteHf ea a to*i * ran.**! fttTdTT
tikte. UII *a. *uaWto to* 4 < k<*p. m Ptokt CumUßn
Eaglektoa Tnu Co., Clucafo, lit.,
Aa ! fa)'l e aai eoeaorUed lUutdr for or l alllaatot kaM,
-•rraalid u> 'lk-1 a iwmi an
vrnn c r.** houi, •• of i
t'i'L .f*.. at.! , a:oi..<
I I A T-raliaa aul do aof aßr*r>
A U " ' " ;t . e r n nt b
a II |3 f'a- - -'••. \ ft
MIST .;/ i*m
(f Ml !\ 111
H1..ti1.11l . Vi, i > t t
l K i l -liuiK r K
is a-
Ud < Ittterm m xic--*i* u-
If - J 'rfoti'.r ::c ta :if fto!
v - " "" 0 a* t. tw t■- -t St vwtf* & d eve •
•tr L etd fuf |1 Hott-r.
11. D. IHWLE. Rotten
If,w IAW. Ttoawato af Vodlari aad ten mOUed
la duttoaiya or daate r-aalwwad
a aa a.U. .lasip.
r li-a-.r 338, Waahlartoa, D. C.
* : im•• • • • , ;* v
v. t |.,ipA;! Im jali'.M U (11 jAUHMri Uf
) |NHI.
A ' fR' X V >
(i|lilRKlK!.%lt IXurtTTTK '-ti
S'- Kanilolph. t. im the Alt.
IKK *' i>*lr Aw i-endow*
" **ii ctift Settiitunj fit bill kv k TV ae :-a
) ! twjk % Ihfvtttmh M * very >tvl*hmc Cittwri •
' IW Ho, > fed Mu*-, |Vp*ttP>* i.l SAS *1 f! rrt.t ntudrnt
*! ypnt. Fu*' atr. tn-*irr. coud f*-
I tolMl I A*efkt Ko4 Übto *■ yew*-* KuV W
, itort !a yiehthtot we w; : rroritre u lefit t Jti ftpfbe
' f • I Term f for I ytnr. I*M. C*t
• . c vi f- n *t \ L*xHl I, fe U.' F*lu .jitt*. FH'tf"
; I |l)h iM It 0. r Tenti ' An.
. ' J WAtlfß BRO S CORttTS
V. " 1 ja"A ■ u. HI. I '. aul *nk ■ ' '
Vft ' 1
Y " I 1.1.X1R1.K IIIPI OU-K7
• • • Mm f witoSt |] Mv
f% • • dUUaHtBf ereWi*
v: r>Hi BKOK.. Ml SrwMway.r.V
Wosioyan Academy.
ft 11, lilt Alt A *t. Nl*
The Fn*! Term of Xhlo)c ! pfi/f tYttofhsHKk# w
br.-Tn % aHMU tot. - ' 1 tittr 13 Week* ,
JtoMift;! -! yIRT * to, ti*e T :! I. Ir. tbe P pat-tot
tot* Ato tem* ( K9M of Rlt1y: iNltiWf 114 K-nN !
:■'4 toVrftowr ant >nt • f Wtotobtli-, ktoNB. Mm >k *r ■
I . 'to a l 'tP A'* 1 '< ' *' .4 HI nerU. Ti
|Vß> nn t . t 9HCI r t.e * et T *tj r of |H?
4 • * he? Tenttn. Wil'to#rTi*r the Maw to lvar I
f ■ • ! UW
Ttir Hn !tvK ti*rdto. !Htutot l ovi nl FtfCilW* o
I Imlbirtieti are to—fit tbe Iflhtl ;u the w l. Iff f
t. r i-A • * STWKI.A
I Pii W 1 *"• TI(K tif i
IV reiy twal fr.-n tee Imfa-nr-a dt H 1
V. r ::M.a . , e.l jit n ■ 1' "' ' ■ t V.I Are* a
aoi TTe Pvrara <l.l UmivH!, iHAM.KSI'a: .
\ w Urvia FPUS
The Urrnl Amirfran Tea Cant pan*.
31 an A3 Veaef -free,. Ira far*
P II ■ < d3:tn.
Mason to Hamlin Cabinet
aa. : 'Hal,'l >i I'T HKIHBST IIONOBS AT AU
tot I • I*7. VitotoKto ICi .StoJTitotto'. 1*75;
rwtto. 1" Ftotut. I-7X tot*' (HLtotot* Svtw*ii (kit Mnr *t.
] ! % ." Ottlt Ame: <n OftotoUß errf tow*r i t t,u : r*t th
! i*rtot%h' o h !k/l fur carli or .tiNUI tbrtiU luce
rum i Attoiato.. n %r>-: (" -■ tt.torv %tth n * rtfltt tot*
} pcev Mtit f-re hf\SN AHAMI AS OIKIAN C<
la perfertiy |W PmooutHs*. 1 Un>l.**i I . a
<M aulhorniea m ihe *. ri.l al • .I- a
ewer.l at rj WarMV f . ua. ai at I .it . 1
IkUbr tHterwl* A , e \
•.* f'K Aram the If Of TH mf I* EL 1..
II) una wrhc ha. lawn there !
•Itine 'l.i.f full nf the rttH STAVHK."
Bf lhifK ;*1 n Hawleye hutu i-t,l
** Sonmnt'.o tie I'. .1, anil I'. I."
Kj J.tetoh Allen's lfe.
i Tbe threto lichts ttr i lert-wl b*okt ont. Arent.
, i u *n vx.\ thi Kto'kn in ' vera where Htit term
ie. .% •!**.• 'neiicy. AMBBtCAK PI BLISBIKW
rhll.lfrn ol ten rieei auij' e i>..u laiimem rather that,
jmi, atl h. w I". Uu, wliett the . klld hat
II p. wei I v.. m. at.- • fit . met In Rvtfe'a F.s.t
-II ri.'' VTV 1 *' or rto Caul*
•Mf I Itif 1K • ne will mail
Til I Cllll II. laKlMat l f'.-m Aucual. lO
] till Januaiv 1— The I>i!k.*t |a the larEeet an I I*,|
an I Fall! Paper nthllteed m the W.-.t a-.
; h.'tii.l ha In ever, h.-uo-f,.. ,| s nn. e t'. p. a FKKK
A.' l ..- Till. I. IH.lvlt. I lika.,l. 111.
We will jukV Atriiid to Stoikf* of |!iE) per tin utb tolkri
•snenneto, or nilow s Ivrje ci>nimit<*n. to tell our new
tond woodrrful tbrentioriß. I*V me,in nA.if ur .rv. Kai
t*le free. AiWfrto bULKMAN4 X)-Mvilttll. MtcK
▼f* A ® -Choicest In the ri.l—lnitHtrters' prices
I Pfl\
I kHIVIV article—Pl en*-* every body Trade rop
il tiiUu. > hi rrtllni-Alftiti wnntrd , reryw here—Best
miner merits- l n't ws*te time—Sand ftrClrvusr.
dOh'T WKI.US 43 Vi'M St.. \ V P O. 11..x 13N7.
$1175 i——:n Si" Pau'.*Anduan SIOO I
Proportional rettnna every wee. ~n Stock Option, of
lao. - hvi, - mm, - t-VMi.
Offlrtal Report* an rttrtilam free. Address
I PulTKil WI.iHT A CO., Haul.era. BS Wall it..NJT
! r V*W / 1 RlHrt'i .ay) ar, te U-aA-. auw^ > 1
- L. kmi t b
B n .it Ivery aradnale rnarmuteed a pay.nii altua
Uoi. A < Taa K.Valtullue. Manager. Jaueavllle. Wi*.
PO.'HET IkICTIOX A tt Y ,30,000 Wurda.ant
Dr. Jroote'a llelth yiontlily, una year BOt
MaaaaT HILL Pra. Co.. AM K. '4-0. Si.. Naw fork.
TUB obbat vwatnuujL
Pain Dfttropr ami Npprtßr fr In Aw
mat ton and HrtnorrkMTfw.
mm bitisb. rkvraiam. Noouwr pim.
imm luuriirt m many mamof lhwde|riw
inc frtiiplaim*• the Ktirarl. cmr fHatorto
InvAiualite m llww. .Iteimdrdi, I'lumluw.- F*ia
In Uw Up-K or Kkte. toe (Wl IxllMt
l (SO mUi for uae wtwn rwnoawi <4
I# •<*>.to • (rant batp la rv
lirtuiK te*AOHMtef)f imbm.
fI|:BIKKHA<iK. litetwJtegfwte tor Lung* Stem
*h, No*, or from dy •*. •
rontmllMl nift atoMa*! Our Bdbal *f rletA
(J wotel ami InkaUr* (W cxmM) an gnat
aula la uimuv tuleroaJ btondlag
prompt!?. tttoaauncun Itetay la <btef-r
ClTi 111111. Tlw Ktlrart totka oalr op-rifle tor
tut. 'timr. Ookl to tlaad, Xe Our " 1 alarm
the Kttract ; oar Siwal -jrtaat to ißfliitkll
fur uw U> Catarrhal aßpriPwa, to toiapto and
In. iimaalra fur oi l andotwtinala caaca an
our talarrh t'ara."
MIM, mi Ml Hl l IMfl. ar Ittotha
g.namu rnmwljf l;/ • urtna: wfeato
MtonwirfeM liap|aii<*! Nt • fund
-■Ateaied faaar far towt uw w a
tit. acautot i nail OK and Pttea Our Motto lit
Im ,4 IK*t wrwa h-ra tin ramoral of
riuUuw in tecum ibbßbb#
IIB4IH COBM.UBT*. No pl./terlaa iwad ba
raited infor ttea ina)orlty 'rf/*ato IIUHto
If the til reel Iw uatal. Full <lirwttunaaoM
pai,y each buOte
I'll t li I ltd < f all nrhooti iwioimaaad aad pra
acrtM fum4- 11 ran . Wa haw Mem from
hundrrd. vrba latter ll dally, in thatr prDrtteu.
fur an.lllaaaof all kinda. (tela.J, ttorc Tfcrwt,
Inflamed*. aiwpte \ad ctofoofr Marc
km*. < atarih tor -U. il II to A tew** I. ItoH
klala., rwalad Real, Mlap af loawu. *aa t Oaftow Haatot. Fkaa, and Katead
all maunrrof Mtw Olaaaaaa
IAUBI KVHioi-ti UrradmaodUmry MaaahooM
alaayabatr It Iwadlag *awy and atraacear
ataUU-a in New York and rlw-hr** always
uw It tpraiaa. Harm— • Bad -aAdla (Ylfan
t alt. -rralakaa, Mflllto* Dll J-ate. ttetlllj
do, an ail ountroUnd by It. tWte arinuai
U uw rip-nan of Uw fcitrarl aa adapted for
aafa uar In iu drlicate apptraiw to CB*l
iiuirn. w harr prrpaml a fmparattea for
uruuiM ui*u utdy. whfcb •>■*
all Uw otrvtoftti uf the Ealmri tarmaflmu&m
Sus ak?wctSslct. s£*6.*"
I trriot.. Paml'i Kslrnct. to aeM only
to buUiea. ctK-l'awto In buto wrapper*. wxb UW
wurda, •Kl.Vll'ti EXTKAfT. Ido-nln Uw jrlaw.
It aaifiria'd In halt. No iter ran wsll to
aßorpi la our own but lira aa aUwa doa-ntwd.
am t*i- i-a*r*aarto*a or rowo'a irrun coo
■um wtru in rt aiaw ati au hucui
rurtUß on uamca' aoCKNB.
hltP * *Tlt t T Mr.. 1 <MI and 11.70.
Tnllrl < rr.m I <Hi j I'.torrfc t nra • Tto
llr.llll k • - - W..IU' W OA 1.b.1.r . aa*Jto Ino
T.ll'i *MM J. i. • too tl M
OiHlMtrnl - - •>< Bfdkalrd Pnprr M
in. ,4 ttpw pfMairaU'W* arTI te awl .wmaii. ffrrt
alwv. arkit a. ...1a < I $* <*,• r—atta ol mumrm
P.O. ardrr.
lyiMiSi. p.artnar tr nwwrr ar oe* Paara
uni tei PBkr. u. irniuwa M
in Wwrrww Mrcrf, .>tr lark
Tbe Temple it for Singing Clattet.
The Temple it for Conventions.
The Temple it for Choirt.
♦.00 par dom-n. Mlbcl ffj SI.OO.
At Oil* araatw. wlwa mate laartwn. chat- toadwitotb.
an awatlr wat>o( up U.* raawa a* U> tea WW teaßa
for war tent uw maatcat aaann. B a ptonw
■ra la ntrodwa Is tlwu wua aa fttat . *! and WM
a tod m uu on* *•* * • Paaaia. wBo aow. k> l*a
art at Maaulloa Catia*. ial aa u* wi; anwraaß Ma
of toaawa. liu.t„* 1 • r uta la 18. lato
pat* Uw apn* •* aut auafOator •',!-
Tba ILrawnUT; C*k ■ *>pto **aaittr. ant tea
■atari i-a or* law* far prarUn. wtuW pcacUta, tofmat.
awr aateM oarr uw atet taraß.
itexluu af raa karfat Hone, n IM lam af toNn-
Oi fun and A*U.rna Baa nr aoruoa af Uw Iwaß.
aad raadw* it a food itomw af tiod Date.
TV- aoawoaa Ulwa aad Barwonuad Soac* add u tea
ntnda* and adr tut. an ru.wai wati far Uaawl
BoawOaa aaa CoauUaaa
OLITER nipini k CO., Boston,
c. it. Dims a co..
Odd Brtaad way . Saw Varto.
|. E. Illtte* ft CO..
um Ctoaatnat Itoraaß. Pkltofalpßto.
An Open
Thn fact it well anderttoo'i
!l K tbe MKXICAN *US
>!i LINIIKXT i* by fur
the trctt external known for
niiiti or beast. Tbe reason
why baronies an ''opet
s>T: et ' when we expL a that
"Misktß** penetrates kin,
*• - i a:u muscle to the , ?T3T
ii ii ', ignoring all disea. e
i"l snren. s-t. So other lint
;i r d ies this, hence none
: \ r Us l;tr?e!y used ot
it - ic'i wo* 'tis of sood.
s m
I. la. Old lUllaht* lawiKlnlMl I.j,
!> <-ti Mwe>i.' < ii* -a aaa far ,l'na Bard
V.B 1 Soap aaktlf.
it it rru. *gt<;sr akv stkksotb..
TV Mark. I a B -WrJ ar.ia C\ ".BUa
u. wbwtk to ads! ar Ik wit and rawa. aad aaa
*" uri *. vyr. trn per rsf
Bti<ic nr yas
P-cafylrsia:a vplt Mußofg: Co.,
i a i < u't
I'lrf! F.;l*hlbhril l Mm! Harrutfall
TIIKIH INSTBI MSXTS Mr. a Stajwlud to a
Leading Markets
Of the World
KrtrTwbore rocognliod as U.e FIXKST IK Tt>M,
OVER 80,000
Mad, and In nar. New Drslfti* coMUnllj He.
W art au4 Lowret Price..
A tr Send for a Catolocue.
Tremont St.. cpp. Waltliam St.. Boston. Mass
l or KvAoty ot Pollek. Baling Labor. |
Vombiilty and Chnp''eMj ncqtmlfd.
rrop/teuiim. Cai Mans.
tomHnHHHßlMnnnMtoi.luu'netiwn. Mir
§777^ iS^VTofS^^