The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 21, 1879, Image 4

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    A Maori Dance.
This extract is front a New Zeauind
letter in the Philatie j-hia l.nlerr: In
the evening the natives fiattst us to a
haka. or dance, in honor of the governor.
It took place in the carved house 1 have
already spoken of. tie weitxl. grotesque
carvings of which added to tin- strange
ness of the scene. There were about a
hundred dancers ranged in live rows,
the front one consisting of about twenty
young women gorgeously in
tight-fitting red or white ealico bodice*
and flaming-colored rugs, worn like
kilts. When the gov ruor . nt.-rvd they
greeted him with the most awful noise,
shouting, yelling, laughing, and in some
diaVxtlieai way imitat ing the noise of Un
healing of tin cans, the harking of dogs
and rapid hand-clapping. The dain-e
lasted about an hour: it was curious
and as a novelty amusing, hut ratln-r
monotonous. Then- was hut little
movement of then teet. It .-oosistvi
chiefly of swaying their Itodies antl anus
about, going down or. their knees, imi
tating rowing and gat! < ring crops,-lap
ping their own iegs and then their
neighbors'. Tho nun th.n toot the
place of the women and went through
very similar performance- The whole
dance was accompanied by noise that
would have put paruh nionium toshann
It sounded like a mixture of beating of
trays, dog fighting, gigantic -noting and
n very full, deep ha— rumbling in the
throat. "At times there -cenied to be a
kind of rhythmic -.>rg. iutor-p.-r-ed
with yells and sliort. -harp cries of
"Hue, hue!" "Ha. ha!" "INtkeka''"
The young women xx inkiti and grinned
and twisted about beyond what xv.-u
--strictly oxtrnx t. but tl >-. - ratal to enjoy
the reallv ltai.l xxork .t the dance nt.v-i
thoroughly. There xx a- always a ohiet
running up and down, dan.-ing and dis
claiming. in the fovgr and. bidding de
fiance to all the world apparently, but
In reality. 1 Ixelieve, tueie x -uggi -ting
that he would like t.> drink hi.-cx <
lenoy's health. Far the most comical
feature of tile dance xva-attaked little
imp who sttsni in to : : of the first roxx,
exactly opposite the -vnitor. and imi
tated playing the fid ...- xxith hi- iittie
thin anus, all the while thrusting ou:
his tongue, rolling his eye- nearlx out of
bis head and making th - most fearful
fa.-cs and contortions V little girl xx 1 .
tried to do the same had not near y tic
same real gvniu- for making herselt hi.l
>us and gixxtesque. At last a lilteral
supply of beer was promisui them, the
donee came to an end. and the governor
departed amid an upr. tr, if possible,
more awful than before.
Something About l'retiel*.
History says that fiftv-two years ago
a man nam.-d Bhwiey baked the first
preuels in Lancaster c. -untv, Penn.. ev.-r
ntaiie in the United States. He rode
througti the country on an old horse and
sold the pre tie Is from a hu-liei Lag. I ( >
to comparatively :i fe.x y. ars ago prt ;-
ic.s were made only in Pennsylvania
and sotrn-',H'rtions of Nexv York State.
They are now becoming very popu ar in
Chicago and other }Hr;ins of the M - -t,
and also in some of tlie cities of the
It takes a very exert liar..! to mold
ten pretieis in a mit t:!<. rt wiy for the
oven, white no one cans to make more
than seven pre tie is a minute, working
ail day. A Pennsylvania firm has just
completed an automatic machine that
turns out pretieis at th * rate of sixty to
one hundred per minuu ready t.wbc
baked. It is nine f. •: long, two teet
wide and eight feet high water or steam
The dough is placed in a funnel-shap. d
cylinder eight incite- in diameter and
sixteen in.-nes mng < n top of the ma
chine, ami it passes half way around a
concave cylinder eight f.vt in diameter
and fifteen inches wide, having a back so
arranged tliat the dough is rolled be
tween theniac.l then drops upon an end-
Je-s apron having -ixt. cn molds, where
the robed dough is sham d by a curious
device int.s pretzels, after which they
drop upon a movable board, which,
as .-oon as Ttli.d with pn-txels. i- re
moved and an empty Itoard substituted.
The machine is a v- ry ingettiou- eon
trivanee a*d include- a feeder, cutt.y,
roller.folder, pre-s. rar.d movablet.uanl.
The pretieis are depo-itcd at uniform
distances upon the board.
Work on the Washington Monument.
The work of strengthening the founda
tion of the Washington National Monu
ment tfor. which a further appropriation
of #64.000 lias been made by Congress) -
iust about one-half completed under the
former appropriation of ?36.000. and xx-i 11
now Ik' pushed with ail The possible dis
patch con-isient with the safety of the
work. There are aln.ut sixty tnen em
ployed under tlie dirt -upervisi,,n of
Mr. J. 11. McLaughlin, who wili be re
membered as having had charge of tic
erection of the Ascension t liurx-h. As
may be suppo—-d. the xvork ->f under
pinning requires cr- -it -ire. Everv day
or two observation- are made to
determine the teast' deflection of tic
shaft. and the r*-uit of ea- ii obserx-ation
is carefully recorded, and from the data
thus obtained the work for the follow
ing day is blocks! out. B< -idt- these
observations, those hv a plumb line
hung front the top of the shaft (about
STO in height) are vis fully noted and
compared xvith the other observations.
Any deflection of the -duiit n<t per.-.*pti
b'e to the naked eye i- tppar. Nt both >y
the instrument and lb p.umb line, and
such deflm'tion is err te.l in tiie suc
ceeding xx-ork. Titus far there liave Iki-h
used 3.500 harnds of < • -tr nt. and bids are
out for 6.800 more t>> !* u-ci in tht
foundation, and so confident are die com
mission that Uiis p:irt of th" work xvi'.l
be completeti this sen-on tliat they have
direc-tcd Col. Casey to put in place
thirty or forty feet of marble Work by
tbe time Congress a-- -rubles next I> -
comber.— Hnsftinyfon Slar.
" Mis* Kax i-ham."
Charles Dickens, as every one know
(savs the London Tru'h), went to real
life for nearly all, if not quite all, his
eharacters. Even the most unlikely of
bis creations—Miss Havi-h.atn, in"(rent
Expectations'"—ltad a prototype in the
flesii. who is still alive, and whose name,
though not in that capacity, was brought
before the public tbe other day in eon
r.ection with a squabble which has agi
tated " soeietv '' in Vefttnor. Iliis is a
certain Miss f)ick. whoiivesat Madeira
Vale, a tract of land covered xvith gar
dens and villas lying I>etween Vent nor
and Bonchurch. It is many jeare since
she was young, and then she" had s ro
mance which did not net with the ap
proval of her mother. The lov*affair
was broken off, hut the young lady *-•-
companied the act of filial !uty by a
declaration that she wouid go to "l-d
and never get up again, and she kept Iter
word. The years have come and gone
and the house has never been swept or
garnished, the garden i- an overgrown
tangle and the eccentric ladv lias spent
twenty years between the sheets.
Charles Dickens, I remember, used to
stop at Ventnor a good deal in tho-.-
tlays, and so unique a:t episode was not
lost upon him.
Swimming Alter an Ocean Steamer.
As the steamer Montana of the Guion
line was leaving her pier in New York a
scene occurred which caused much ex
citement. A sailor appeared three
minutts too late. Tossing his coat to a
comrade, and shouting " I'll have her
yet," he jumped into the river, and
when next seen he was fully one hun
dred feet from the pier and striking out
manfully for the fast-receding steamer.
" He'll never reach her," " He'll go
under soon." were the comments on the
dock. "Bill 'll get her yet; I know
him," answered a comrade. The
st'-amer was well over toward the Jer
sey side, "Bill" in the middle of the
rivpr and all hopes of his getting aboard
that boat were given up by the excited
spectators, when a rowltoat was seen to
approach hjm. • Clambering in and tak
ing the nags he tried to head off the
s'eamer. lie succeeded in getting along
side hut no rope was lowered to him.
lie then plunged again into the water,
and to save life a rope xvas thrown
to him and in a twinkling he was on
d- sk .among his comrades.
It is a fact not generally known in San
Francisco that there is a Chinese marine
ins ranee company in that city which is
doiuga pre jjy good business "in taking
risks on tpiwure shipments from San
Francisco to Hong Ko ig. The institu
tion goes bfthe name of the On Yai In
surance Company oT Hong Kong. The
company's risks last > -ar amounted to
S 1,370.000, atoLthe premiums to $13,000.
The losses foflthe year were#3,3ol. The
company's agflcey in San Francisco is in
the hands of Lai Heng, Lung & Co.
The agents gve a bond in the sum of
#C.OOO to secure the payment of munici
pal taxes in the business.
I.lfr In 1 hm rrtniifir * Vtrllihlf " •*
RussJJTS complicate niUfortunr* arc
possibly unpanilMin) it* the history of
:my counlrx Ju.-t before the latc-t
Turko-Russian war tin I xx retched *nii
lion of tlit* p.nplo in manx of tin' Czar's
provinei- had brought nlout extensive
eruptions. Then :ti\ o triL-- ><t the Can
casusii'ulil not -land tin" I'\ i> > iiuji.tsod
on tln'in in different -hap. - In the llu
-ian army and revolted, Being defeated,
tlioy woiv transported to tin northern
prox inn - of Ku-*ia. I'lii- proved -o
i:t.• tl aoi tin-tirt party offf.fiiHU\i 1 -
one-half died in tin- first I'ln re
am now 770 families. beside*
AOO-incic person*. of the-. I higho-tan ami
I'-r-k rola'U on tln'tr way to exile. and
still more have Ivi-n d*xined to
transportation. The xx tr with Turkey
was n sorted to in tin- hopethat it wouid
rai-e tli. old patriotic -eutiut. nt.- and
turn tit.- minds of disoontent.-d Uu--i.-ut
from their domestic trouble- This no
tion -o\ ed a mistaki . an 1 tin- r> sit.t.s ot
tla- war. so far M Bu—fat fat fWItTWd.
xvctv uttsatisfaolory. Ox ct 2Ooasm linn
p. risln-.i in it. of whom l - are r>
ported to hatfrozen tod ath.and the
at exjxett-.-- amounted t-- l.atO,iiOO.OlXt
r.-u 1 -.e> The Ru—ian N i!. s It-:- haxe
xx ..tolled < aeh step of tin \r enemy the
Kussian tovernuient lints the two
In !t pow.ts I tie R.-xo utioni-t- and
Imp. ria.ists have Is-, n varrxing on
their d.siH-rnte strut .•!>•,ea.-h trying to
deal the death blow t the otln r. In tn>
agricultural country i-ihochiel product
ot tin- field*—the ar in so much as
*i'• das in Russia lite 1 ot ■ .
lure itself often turn against the public
welfare. One y.-nr the crops are de
stroyed l-\ extensive drought: lite n< \t
year by - \e.>>ive ram. by inundations
and by hail. Then au tin every year, be
it teat dry or too rainV. the field- are de
\ astated hv . loud- ot • lists and Lv*.
and !'• swarms .>f v ! >. in n-. irui.'t-
Kor lite last tivc y at- lite uiidti.. and
M-utl m province- the vert granarx ot
Kussia have iteen ottr vast tusi ol do
>:ru. live ii seeis. Tl:e Ru—tan lul on
have a foe yet more terrifying than fam
ine. Epidemic disease- make havoc
every >< ar in many parts of the entptr.
TL fatality last year frvtm the jtiaguc
was *ma ini-outparison with that which
occur* every year frout other <-- he,.r.i
of epidemics. Sev.ral \ arii-tii- of t.-
phoid : t r.esp.s ia \ the-.t-ca .- d hun
ger typhus, and cholera are epidemic in
Klls-i . rite voting generation is de
•troye.l hv diphtheria and -mail-pox to
sueii an extent that it has h, n inn -- try
to . a . tor the aid of tin Red ("ru— -.-ir
ti- sn dealing with them. The ever-re
< urring and extensive tit > of which we
liave Iv heard lo ntu- h from Ku—ia,
should t >•'. la ovei ■ >ki.i Vali-'tc
-lio.v that every y.-ar no llnti ttr
tw. fth p irt of ail the hou-> -~ j Ru-- i
are cot;-timed in flaiue Kus-ia will
doute -- go on hunting, f-r the pre-ent
Ru—ia hut a hug agglomeration ot
e-outhu-'ibie material, with hardly any
tire extinguishing engines, in eon-e
--.jU tiee of the appalling poverty of the
nits.- - of the Car', sub • ets. r h is for
many years Isvn impossible t • enforce
tie- payment of taxes upon anv regti aror
orderly lljllngl The tax eolk - - - -
nri ! • the severest in-a-..r-- again-; d- -
•• p'.- Nt taxpayers. Tl > are flogged
ami itu, ris.-n.-.i, tin ir < att ••. lu>r-. s, pi_-
ai.d poultrv are seized and put up at
aue'eon. and finally th. hous -of the de
linquent I'lie-e are-ome ot
t p.• nts which, for the eotnmon pi-o
at :LSt. make *Ill;-->a a verit lie.-
"sen of trtiubles." — I'hiiad- 'pl.t i l\!<r
\ I'lttshurgti Mm. - i.uek.
N -w-papers now aday s ar< ("ul t stor
ies of the marvelous luck which let- 1 te
la lien people who did not'k for any
thing of the kind to happ -n. Every now
and thou we hear of somebodv having a
r arg'- fortune left to tht'-m hy tin- death of
a distaut relative. a cousin sn California,
ttr-oiu thing of that kind. Not long ago
a young Putsburgher had a singular
pio-eof luck happen to him. One day
tin- voting gentleman in ques.lon vv.-.s
v. rlking i'.own Fifthavenue when lie saw
an old and rather tha repit man slip on a
eros-ing and fall heavily, lie ai.ieti him
to r. gain his footing, and helped him
into a neighboring drug store, where tin'
old man had his I g mended with stick
ing plaster, as he had knocked - -ine of
the -kin oft. The 0.1 I- low set in ii \- ry
g- tteftil for the eourte-y which had l--n
shown 1 iui. and. afti-r asking the nauu
of tin- young man who had iwa-n of s r
viee to him. In- wrote it down in a mem
orandum book, and said, a.- In- shook
hands. " My name i . I am from M is
- p liuset!-. Someday, pi rltap-. youtuav
h :tr front me." Time p i-- d on. and all
r>-oil's-t ion of the occurn nee passed from
the l'itt.shurgher's mind, lie Invame in lmsin.-ss, ami was re
duced to extreme poverty. t>m- day
when he felt extremely down-hearted and
did not know which way to turn for a
livelihood, he financed to pick up a Ho—
ton part-r, aiul. to his intet - astonl-li
ment. lie saw that the ull nt-ut whom In
had. picked Up on Fifth av- lilt* asdeatl.
and hy his will, which waspuhlisln-d in
the paper, the I'ittshurgher - tw that a
fortune of over hid !> -n left hy
the de:td man to found a theological sem
IVords of tVisdom.
The word of an honest man is surer
than the gold of a villain.
We can never die too early for others
wli a we live only for oursi-lv. -.
It is tip" It*--t proof of the virtues of a
family circle to s*a a happy fireside.
lfow few faults are there seen by us
whi.h we have not ourselves committed.
If every year we rooted out one vice
we should soon becxtnie perfect men.
Ingratitude <-a!!s forth reproaches, as
gratitude brings fresh kimlm— -es.
I.eta man overcome anger hv love,
vij hy gii. the greedy by liberality, tin
iar by truth.
lie who would amass virtues, leaving
out tin- guardian virtue humanity, is lik<
n man who leave*a precious dust exposed
to tin- wind.
Might and right do differ frigbtfuily
front hour to itour; hut give them een
turi. - to try it in and tl.ey are Ixtuml to
in- identical.
M'ti • f gricit an<l stirring powers, who
are destined to inohi the age in whit-li
they -ire born, must first mold themselves
upon it.
Em rgy will do everything that can he
done in this world; and no talents, no
circumstances, no opjmrtunities will
make a two-legged animal a man without
Tli'-ri are some b'-m-fits which may be
so eonb-rred as to become the very re
tin-uuent of revenge; anl there are some
evil- which we hail rather bear in sullen
silence than be relieved from at the ex
pense of our pride.
Tricks of London Booksellers.
A seller of old h<M>ks in Ixtnth-'i has
writ! n f..r the I'nll Mill (hi~yU< :i eon
fe-.ion of a few of his sins, which would
gkuhlen the heart of many an American
buyer if the writer gave any evidence of
repentance. " A numl>er ofus." lie says,
" i rowd into an aueticn-nmin, wlmti- a
liiirary is brought to the hammer, and
buy every article. Here all know one
another, and each one bid- for the rest.
There is, therefore, no advance on the
first hid. unless an outsider interfere-,
when we soon run the price up beyond
what lie cares to give. This trick, re
pented as often as necessary, disgusts the
outsiders and secures the whole stock for
ourselves at far less than its real value."
When the auction is over they "retire
to a neighboring tavern and repent it "
among themselves. There the \-olumes
go at fair prices, which allows the buyer
forty per cent, for profit on his private
business. " All being sold, we cast up
the totals of the two sales, subtract the
smaller from the greater, and divide the
r. mainder equally among those present."
This is not all; nor is it the most start
ling confession "One of the Craft "has
to make. "We have a good many ways
of enhancing the value of our warts.
Celebrities of all sorts, who are as ser
vieeahle to us in away about to he
described as those merely literary, are
dying off every day, and their libraries
disposed of. In these cases we look up
front our stock all likely hooks, furnish
them with sham plates and lUtographs
and soon get rid of them at fancy prices.
It is a fact that after Lord Macaulay's
death thousands of volumes which ne
never saw were sold in this way as com
ing trom his library "
A physician having a duel on his
hands requests two of his friends to ar
range with his adversary the hour of the
meeting. " Make it to-morrow," he
says, " hut not in the forenooti, because
I must visit four patients before going
to the ground." " I see," murmurs one
of the seconds, "he wants to get his
hand in."
Hot* thr Zulu* r Hrfrnlnt In fhrlr
Dr. \V. II Ixti-seil sent to the Lm
.l.'lt 7V/. ..-rxiftA the (.'.loxx iltg account of
the bat lit ot I limb
"At six o'clock in the morning the
combined column* <-t Newdlgati MM)
ero—<<l the Whit.-1 nivoiosi. A
the forxa-s gathered on the left Link of
tli,-1 ix. rina. 1 their strength of art til. tx.
,:>xa i\ ind British inlantrv. tin /n it
prcilt- tioit, that the cradle of the nation
in the valley ot the I'ntvolosi would a.->>
be its grave, vvtued ei-rtaitiof lulllll
tuni What lite Zulu sxx outs,
-ci-n gathered along tin -(iin-. xxith ai.
tln-ir f.-litte courage and in-tint t for ta.
lies, elleel in the tace ol th. urnix that
xxith unxxont.-l te'.crity xinl precision
moved .loxx n tin -.op, . .and itt v-si .l
tu-on tin ftiither oik Koppn- Drift,
upon the r git lav iui—ioti road, xxas the
erx's-itig |>olltt.
" A . pass. .1 ov. r and reached th- high
ex. ground L-X.'tt the tlx r s.nne
txx o mil. - .listatu rose tln st.i-pL.xx Ul.-i
, .liiiiwt hills, over xx hi. h, soiu. thirty
X ears agxt. Lite Zulus hunted tin It. ttctt
lloor-, asso,iatal. therefore, in Zulu
mind- xxith vietorv ami xi.tori<>u- pur
-uit. I'o the right lax loxvet thorn
iitv.-rtHl hili-. xxhixh ext.-nd tu th, la
-its .; th. mouth of the Whit. I tuvo
.Oil, Behind and on tin- left stretched
broken country, s, xxith raxiins
out x a . xs, >|o otkl d with mimosas
. .untping ot pl.x. > s into axx kxxod ~>k
ing cover and branching euphorbias,
which give lite countrv ->• striking a
chat act. t i n's on the tight x
gl.H.ntx e'en, xx hi. It. trom the days ol
('haka, the Zulu* have lor tlx- < v.
cut ion ol > rimitial- Just bexond xx. a little stream nearly dry that
winds among the king's tie.-Is here a:,
t- toyai d. tn.-sn. -am! supp'.i. sthe loya.
krttlll xxith xx ater e touno outx . -
lit view of the amphith- itt r, xx In re thre. -!> it tin oarx kr. i - N.m!
wellg t. I .labak totllbi alui I iUl..!i llllt
position xx as ■ \ , .lent for strat. gie pur
p.s. s. . onmiaitding the' ettetux'- ground
in front, and. < xc-pi on the left, xx In t .
the NodwrafA knul, tthoß—lwi
yards distant, afl'ortling the Zulus no
r.t. ying }H>int in their disord.-r. Our
n-ar rtank-, from the nature of the court
try. equally protected front -ur
" Here the army Iralt-'d, awaiting the
impi that was >• -it -urging doxx it the
hi - on our left, takiiyg skillful ad van
t in of tho Nodxx.liga kr.i.a. OB otu r< o.
and emerging front the bush on our right
front. At s3O the mounted irregulars,
under Buiier. were thrown out on tin left and front, keeping the en. my
iu check on th.--.- thin- -id.-s; hut, from
an error, the right, where it wa thought
the "lancers xvoU.,l hive a-ted, xx as at
tir-t unprovided for. litis omis-iou
waa discovered, and the mounted B.e-tt
tos and the native contingent under
Cochrane rapidlv d pl.tye.l in the pr.-t
lie-t manner, and -kirmi-ti.d
toxx arti I'dakaouilM kraal, returning the.
enemy's fin* briskly, and holding them
piuckilv ill eh. .k. I It, Zlliu- XX- Te to"
-trong for such a handful, and the B.t
retiring on the right face, cam
into action with what uiax L .a'.Ud
th, aft horn of th Zulu army.
" Meanwhile,however, the enemy had
-o extended their formation that all
tour sides Were soon engaged '.heZll.U
advanciitg in -kirniishing orxler. xvith
great stendin. s- had unexpectai -iU iiee
I'h iv was no slu'Uting. .-lashing of
shields, it'.r savage >!• mor.-trat-.on, hu'
strictly orderly discipline. Our tin- wa
t.-rritre. and the art: lery pra tin- • x.-e -
lent, but the determined Zulus ait van,
within seventy \ ardson ail tour-id. - L--
f.*re they b< gun to break, as a further
advance xx-a- l ally iutpo--ible. In
ah >ut half an hour from the eoitinren-.
mentof the infantry fire they were .. n
failing back in elo*e ma-- s, Lvoming
rapidiv di-organi/ii under the -torrn
of bullet.- and shelis which prtur- .l upon
them, and the wavering mob broke into flight.
"Tin . it- en- now 100-tt.ii, w. r
among them, and witliin a minute w.-r
--riding through and through, .-uttinr
them down right and left, whilethe guns
eontiniml tearing un tin- flying -
with tln-ir tin-. Within an hour the
whole aftair xvas over.
" The Zulus certainly were from
twelve thousand to thirteen thou- ui.l
strong, including the flower of the army
Seven thousand warrior- w. re . ng igt •
Ifrisoners state tliat they w.-nt int>
action under Cetywavo's own - ye. < >ur
trtK>|s. young and old alike, L haved a.i
mirably; but the firing, eoit-i.l. ring tin
small loss of the Zulus—eight hundred
in all—mu-t have IK vn rather wild. Our
loss was ten killed."
Hideo as Story of a Pair ol Shoes.
For some time j>ai the shoes worn hy
a young medical student i>f this i-ity
have been a -oureeof constant curiosity
and no little comment among hi* friend-
It was .vrtainly -onn-thing unusual that
created this attention, f>>r they xven
n. itln-r juurtleuiarly large n>r j>- uli.xriy
small, nor yet xx re they in either -<■
good ~r bad rej.air to excite mor>-titan a
passing glance. They w r<- -imply a
jetir of ortlinary loxr sluo--. but it wa
tln-ir texture and the strange mat. rial >f
which they w re constru'-t. <1 that mad.
tln-m at once euriou* and remarked.
The leather i-light br>.xvn in .nlr and
-trraketl xvith parallel v.-ining- of a
darker shade, the wftole as soft as -ilk.
Among hi- friends tin- doctor in embryo
makes no secret of the mystery of hi
foot-gear. "They are made front th
-kin of a belle of Cincinnati." he -ay-,
giving the name of one of the leading
famili.-s of that city, and while the hair
of his listeners L-gin to a--ume a ji.-rpen
dicular position, he go< - on to tell how
during his term at college h<- xva one
night sought out hy a resurrectionist fa
mous among the nn-n. who
offered to sell him a subject Ills!
" snatched" from a city cemetery. H..\x
the eorp-e (that of a L'autiful young girl
whose white flesh and the -.stly ring on
h<-r smooth, white hand. her to
Ik* of no poor family) was bought by
s.-veral of the students, and lioxv. when
the body, slashed hy the knife of the <lis
sect.-r. lay Upon the table, he er*-pt in
and cut the skin from the round limbs
Tin- ghastly bundle, -i ur. lv wrapped
and tied, was packet) in an o!I grijtsa'-k
and s.-nt with an explanatory letter t<> a
well known shoemaker in this city. The
skin was tin n tanned and poli-hed. and
finally placed in the hands of a skillful
workman, arid under his niaitij.uhition
transfonued into a jtair of low summer
shoes. The remainder of the tanned -kin
now iies in the shop, and it is said may
readily be produced to verily the story.
The Lttly of the j>oor dead girl, harked
and mutilated, found a nameless grave,
whilethe mound reared itt her memory
in tic- cemetery of the • ity is draped
with flow.-rs and vin- platc-d by loving
hands above the empty <-o(Tln.
The siloes fashionr-d frotn h> r flesh
tread jiur streets everv day. Their story,
in all it- hideous ut)teiq(lMM, i- vouched
for a- strictly and absolutely true, and
certainly furni 'b. s no tn< an 1.-af in the
history <>f tlie disstcling-nstm —Lafny
j ctte (hid.) Couriri.
The King of Solo's Band.
At last accounts a Javanese prince,
the King of Solo, was exoe.-ted in Paris,
lie is spoken of as wealthy and accom
plished. having an annual income of
#o,ooo,ooi> and -jx-nking several lan
guages. King Sol.. Ua. ' .impanicd hy a
full band, wlii.-h is thus described by
1 (Inlignani: Th'- musicians are seated,
after the Oriental Inshion, upon a jtlat
form. attired in the gala of Javan. se
co-tume. The jiu ket is ot hiu>- cloth,
with gilt buttons, the waistcoat white,
while adark-eolorrd handkerchief winds
; round the head, and tig- legs and thigh
are enveloped in the national "sarong."
The instruments are of bamboo, xvith the
exception of an immense copper gong,
which serves as a big drum, a couple of
two-stringed ivory violins, and a harp
strung with copper wire, a sort, of piano
whose keys are struck with hammers in
stead of lingers, and a few wind instru
ments. At a given signal all setupn
i groaning, crying, or humming, as well
without false notes as without melody,
while time is kept by the contortions oi
the dancers, th.- celebrated Soman,
copper-color<d and almond-eyed, with
their jet-black hair bound in knots he
hind tint head, which is ilself adorned
with flowers.
For Small-pox and Scarlet Fever.
A correspondent forwards to the New
York Tribune the following prescription
for small-pox and scarlet fever, which
1 he asserts lias been singularly successful
jin hundreds of eases. It is: Sulphate of
; zinc, one grain; foxglove (digitalis), one
| grain; half a teaspoon of sugar; mix iu
' two tablespoonfuls of water. " When
I thoroughly mixed add four ounces of
i water. Take a spoonful every hour.
1 Either disease xvill disappear in twelve
I hours. For children, small doses ac
i cording to age.
llou# a I rt llttier*
For about thirty year* boit.-s have been
tr. at..l xx ith a. ids. to reduce tin ut* to a
soluble condition, or t>> break tin in down
into a litn powder \\ In it iliu- treated
tbe n.-idue is known it- sunvrnho-nltal.
ot litue. But xx e lioxx speak ol tlll'Ul ill
I heir natural condition, and refer to
method- of preparing tin in for use
Kvcia farmer in tin country can -ax. a
eonsid. t able quantity of Lun-s ol home
production, ami by a little trouble ami
attention can eolle. t n large quantity
from tbe .l xx . lei -ol x tig. s iii 111- xi> in
iix We on. i . iv.- notie.-to tin-Lx- in
a xiliag. ol S,UHI itibabitnnts, that xxe
would nay twelve and one lla!f ..nts a
bustle! for all tin- Lutes brought to a cer
tain xaeaiit lot: a-tin- t- -ult more than
sixty bunh.-L xv ere found ami brought in
wheelbarrow* bask eta, l\x<> bora
who xx ot ke.| together, struck a "limr,
iu an out ot the xx ay p. . e. alu! It'..tit that
and other pi t..- t<- tx.-iitx
toil, bu-lte -. ami xx.-re x -t x rleh xxitb
their three dollar* t>- > tx..l tor tlmn. In
till- XX (X one call often SC. ure It .< a-l a.-
ittueli tKUie a* will n-tuiu lo his land a
large portion. If not the whole, of tin
annual xvn-te ol phosphates. I'o ox. r
eoiuc lhediflicuit y tf making use of tin-in
iu a raw ami imbroK- it state, lit*' Lutes
max lie burned in a iloxx tire, preferably
iu a heapot bru--bxx ikhl. - hip- or similar
r fuse Bx -loxx burning all rik ..t
xx.ste t tout over-beating is avoided
\\ hen but in <1 the boll. - :t ! • < e-i > X ei'U-h
--ed to a fine powder, and then contain all
the -üb-ton.- found in raw Lun-. ex
cepting the nitrogen litis loss. I toxx
ever, cannot be helpxd, and it i- L-tt. r
to submit to it than to ncgh. t to u-< th.
Bx grinding raxx Lutes in powerful
mills they utav !h- retlunal to a tin.-
jh.xx tier, and in thieondition ,ir. known
as ground Lute. I tone dust, hone nitai
ami Lute flour, aecording to the eoar>. -
a.--sot' tiiiem ss to xvhieti they are r. .lueetl.
Thus prepare.! they are nrtieles > >1" gen
eral liter, luoidi-.'. and are kept for -ale
wherever Lute* are to be procured. <-r
the prepared Lou i- in demand. The
raxx, unbroken Lute is worth in the
market aL>ut one .nit a pound, w hen
ground it is -old at prices varying from
one ami one-half to t xx o cents a pound by
the ton. When tin Lute i "raxx. that
i-, ill it- natural and fresh condition, it
contains alt its nitrogen; but when
sicaiurd to extract glue, the nitrogen in
givat part i- removed, and the Lute is
less valuable. On account >1 the dirtt
culiv ot preparing Lme xx ithout the r -
qui-jte tna. ilin. tx. and the elieMpnes- of
the prwpaml article in the market, it i
aiwavs j>referable t. pro. uie tlie ground
Lun- made by reliable manufacturers;
otherw i-e the bom* can b<- eolle. tal ami
prepared by bunting, a- aLtve mention
ed. Bom* are vaiuable to j.ut into the
soil under grapex me- and fruit tn---
t .ustei's .f r.stt- xx t.. grow around and
foil up<>n them for many y> ars, or until
th. \ are entirely u-. il up. They .an L
ht. en xvith heavy hammers, or even L
j.ut in whole—a j>- k to a half hu-liei
- xtterod atmut in th. soil where they
xv i. L' rea> hetl by the rst- .Iwi. riopi
Ayrunllun d.
Black or fl- sli-roiorwl pig- are fi . . -t
ftxun -kin di-t a-e in hot eliioat. - The
choice i- practically Iwtween tic K--- v
and Berk-birt - for ma - xx ith which to
improve th.- native -t.- k of hardy gt üb
lier- of the ro.t-or*di- x:iri.ty. Tliose
XVho have trini the former have Li'U
.l.'iighl'i! at tit-!, but alter a l> xx
b.-gan tt r- . ail xvith lodging the ha t
hams and -liui t>ut solid ami fl ivorou
baiiui of the old race-horse brxsd. 1 !.<■
trouble with the E-—v j.ig- for til. South
i- that they are the • xi-and-s • ej. to
sli-p-and-xx ake-to-e-vt kind, and tie :r
gr.ut-s are. of eour—. ik> Hem I'le
side fat i- superb, and -o i- the leaf lard,
and -o far the hrtsii i- a . that coUai L
tl.*ir'd; but the ham and shoulder* are
too fat for profit, and the ham is not
marbled xxith fat !ih< tie Berkshire
l'le-e (the Berk-) nr.- imi. h ntor.- wider
awake, lc-- • iv eontr.-. • .1, but g.s><!
forager-. Their grtuie- are a xvond.-rfu.
improvement U|hii the original -t.- k.
may lw made very fat, ami v t th. pro
portion between the fat ami lean hams,
-houltler- and -iie j rk or bacon. i
-ut It a- to develop an ' pr'-. rve the c\-
.-climei. - ot the meat. The toon- ar>
large and rich an.l jui. y. with diffus.-d
tat. Berk-hin- art not quite -> easily
fattened win n j>< nn<il and -\ -ten atieailx
fe.l act the E—ex grade, but they wi,l
ttk ntu.'h L-tt- r ear. of tliein*rvt * in
the vx.HMis, and when Jit'ltlf d ttr futlt lltil
f..r fattening, may L' nni-h.-l oft xvith
half the feed the original " land jik -
would require.
With mam northern and w-t stern
*>r.-l.r-. the lis.-- x i- a more ) rotitabl
pig than the Berkshire, because his na
ture I - ods hint to t tk.- iitt • x.-rt i- . -<>
that all lie cats g - to fl.*h and fat.
R. spiiation. xx hi. It. if rapid, reduces fat
grt it v.i- xvith hint mt . r bv
moving almut, and with plenty of foil,
the sole burden ol life i- to digest it.
This br-ni i- pn-emln.-nt among the
bin k br.iijs and exec; tli by nolle as
producers.—,4men in Ayritnlluri*! . tr . tlalt.utf.
If I have made a di-cov> ry. or i:
everybody knew it L fore me. 1 xx i 1 te..
it ait the same. As -oon as the erenm
slioxv- signs of " coming." jw-tir into tin
churn two or tlirts- quart- of water—as
mar i'-. -cold a- it ij> ---ib to get—and
the butter xx-i 11 gather a great ileal
quicker and come hard and firm. I
tried the cold water (i e water) on tin
start, and found it made the cream too
cold and k> nt the hutt.-r from coming
but jxut in at the last end ii is a capital
idea, and xviil save hours of churning in
the eourv of the *—OU. Butter XX i.,
come in tifts-n <>r twenty minute* a- tt
ruie. if the ipam is in the right - ondi
tin and temperature. A cool cellar i
eoo! enough to start the churning, and
is near right as moat farmers can get it
without thermometer* and ice, and cold
well-water xvill lower the temperature
for gathering. The t mjierature of ur
cellar is -ixtv four degm -. and tin- but
ter invariably conn* quick, with the
help <>f the cold xvater. which i* proba
bly two d< gracs colder. Wln-n the
cream stands too long <<n the milk L>-
fore skimming the butter xvill n>t tome
o quickly and it is always noon r. and
-V- b butter xvill not keejt well. 1 hi- is
one reason, and the main one, why there
is so much rancid hutUT. Better churn
oft.-n. r and have gM>d sweet butter, and
-kini oftener also.— Cor. <>f liunil
Trunk Space and the Sexe*.
Mr. Hoxverman anil xvif.- left for the
country yest*n!ay. One rouel t• 11 that
th< ir trunk* were not over half fuil, as
they were pitched into the baggage car
xvifh a era-!i. They began jtacking a xve.-k
ago. When the -tibj.. t was hroaehed
he said he preferred to jtack his ( .xvn
trunks, and In* didn't proj>o*c t> take tx
whole month to .lo it, . itln r. A'.l lie in
tended to take along was an < xtra suit,
and he could throw that in iim-t anyway.
Night before laat he lgan work. It
struck him that he'd better j.ut in an
extra pair of boots as a foundation and
lie flung 'em in the corner- xvith his
clean shirt*. The-birt* didn't seem to
rule xvrx well, and he braced them xvith
two pairs of trousers. Tien he stuffed
hi- Sunday coat pockets with collars and
cuff* and found a pla. e for it. n-ed his
white v. -t- f..r "chinking." and the bal
ance of hi- clothing jti-g fitted in nicely.
" I'll* man who takesnv.-r ten minutes
to pack a trunk is a <lolt!"*nid Mr.
Itoxv. rman, as be slammed down the lid
and turneti the key.
M>- Bow. rnmn has been .at it just
seven days and seven nights, and xv hen
the husband went up stairs at ten o'clock
she sat down before the open trunk xvith
tears in her eyes.
" A*ou see how it is," she explained, as
he ItMik'-.i down ujxin her in awful eon
tempt. " I've got only one part of my
dresses in here, saying nothing of a
thousand other tilings,and even now the
lit! won't shut down. I've got such a
headache 1 must loj> down for n few
She went away to lojt. and Mr. Bower
man sat down and mused:
" Space is space The use of sjtaee is
in knowing how to utilize it."
Removing everything, lie began re
packing. He found that n silk drew
could be rolled to the size of a quart jug.
A freshly starched lawn was mode to
take the place of a pair of slimier*. Iter
brown hunting fitted into the niche she
had reserved for three handkerchief*
and her best bonnet was turned bottom
un in its box and packed full of under
clothing. He sat there viewing suffi
cient empty sjt:u-e to pack in a whole bed
when she returned and said he was the
only real good ln*band in this world,
anil she kissed him on tlie nose as he
turned the key.
"Its simply the difference between
the sexes," was his patronizing rejtly as
be went down stairs to turn on tbe bur
glar alarm.
When tliat wife opened that trunk last
night ! But screams and shrieks
would avail nothing.— Detroit Free Prest.
Efttlsm and Middlft SUUft.
Tim flnllui iiinl plln>w wipl]iii); tuntt'h t*-
tvx rti Jtikm M Mfthoii mill Jiiium* Owpiw, Urtli
4.1 iMft k | lu* • iii N. \ uik, uittl •
Willi tl> tllP iHllllflt, WIIUIWUriHI twu Iflllv u
tu' Ifi Ills o|i|>uueii(
Th# Iniilri ol I III'
ltui Ul4; Its tslrl> kttlvu giln;ot| in l|t |l<aoloil
uittl Altxiiiy 1 Miltvhml itHitwl liciuati* ttl kfiWii-
ImftH, N \ , ri|>|o>iol, oialAUlly ,
turn IliOltliMl MUlllt Miul k tutik Mir)>h)'
I'ltiiuhta Mint Jttliii Mtlulyr#, ntruiu \N il
Hit 11 llottoti, lumiuflii, Uyiinut t
nuti apulitnti I Itr* rii|;iiir * m hut lr*l n (lt
(Mitor l lolly ! -!, lui uui£ lMHi|i|flpljf tVri
Mini ialntiiij' ujmit litu luimluhlr, which *
I to- foiiiriitiHii l tt* AiUfli iflflii lUukrift
AftMlClaUiltl Ml % 'Ml*tO£M Nt , Wttff lMl|(t)'
t'> ilrirjgMlr lioin ull of tlir
t uiiill \ , iii\itMUi*U tiMktiij;
HMtloimt t'unkw, liiftftlf iitiiika, hUI MM%UIH*
titlikft. Mill! I t' Vj I'IUMUi t'4lik, It* I*H* Willi
llic nutrialiUll lit llm lo jjrl irJii'l Ilin
"on'OMVF Mlbt tuvldiuui iM&MIUMt," MUii fl
Ihr olh*r iur|**MKw !** w tin ti it ws uT|piuur*i
>4IU iitVtttitil il llt •• tut4lm ol lilt* iwssso IM
IIOQ 111 thr |ut>lu* tsiiiul U|HIII ihr
lutun*. ( UN itj; | l*n|j* Mini I' ll tlft'in* ol (tank*
Miia " ilkoLh tiniti u iiiouojMrii to*i
liu* |L-jMift *• I itr> tiMVc* 110 |khHhl |rivi
sv* t* %or jt * itvultil UIII 1 Ii \ v% i* til Hour.
I hry lurirly mW lot juvtliHi; <mW llittt lh#>
1(1 My t*r tMMrsl out) MM olllffif (HH}4fHliHlM uU't
t ff*|rrlN Mir tiilnt, in* lio lliot# N**
lKl*y MirlMkr t by lh* I' uiUvt Mutiia, uiul ulw
by lli* SIM.rM Itio .v ir tkH olhrr r-orj*oittli(i*
Mini jr*|*#riy ato unsl in M*I*IIIA4MI to tl
tittU) IntMtlou ui lli 1 *'l*iml ({iM'ffruilMlit
l'llli* ltir> m* (liHlUl\ I mi* it No lli*r #|bh H"
tit uyo)*trt> i i*iji*ftt I iio irjH>r( iuelil#i
M Uilrr Iroiu SmTutnry rt^rvUitl^
tllM lUMtftltil V la!lrlit lilt* (H||VCl|l Kill N*ti ul
|yi|>rta on ' Mt-itt fra t. Alpittliiiri
Mlli'iirti, of MilMntikrti, wmm ir rlr* tril j it
vtriil, M't'i t Ymtutlyv, il Nf* A*(k
It 1l VHP ||oniriil. I hoitiMA llrury, of Mo
t'llr, im<ia ihf ii-sl l lortv lhrtM* i (•* | !>.-
virlitM, Mint tipuij;* I*r, ol NcW \ • 'k. liiu U
the flAufUUI© c*uur.l
Mm mi puiur *4 IVhu\ Ivkhib )imm
iVMit'Mii't lor Ihe on I Ylnber 'J, *1
JftiuO Nril Mil*! iViw Mi thi North
uuitie* Imii I iWftiiul y Muiiit roiiv**'lxi
! the iii it n lei i*l l *ixiie Hpsmt, iirtii >lia
tn.ttklti, I'M a 1 *>7 4 . ttl l*'i thr h-'ii'fc: • "I
\u*tir% 1 iM*-ri , a .-%* >er. **l Mi Kr ii ortility .
t*u . who iiiui*irie*i t% lo m huiu he wm
j y ton Mtlrit(n*ikt*
Thm- workmen m M Nr*% York CMII*I> fnp*
lur> wri# trrii- .> biifitwi Mini iimineroutiv in*
|l !' i I Y Ml* r\J .IMH* !l *4 lild(p*i |M*W •
ftinl * I wliiieh, ll* liir it y U*|^-ltsoiii *4 ihr *••
Im) liwhmrtii wtin* ibey wnr mi w*rk. iiiu
vl| Ittftitin Wi;l haiv the rlttxl ot throwing
ujon tlir oj the eijsUwHOit M*i dt**
osi i>r*' JO. wt No. hi Huivhiy aired,
Nrwr \ik. t > wt.ift ti the iwutiv hi lory **t
itrernfteiii A s*n wm* coiii|>l*triy *io*lruytxl
Mil't tluft*rtl |cl>"lii lit Ihrli tlir*. litis
CMlauitri*|'be m | ruliiiii-it ariiNthuu ai
t'-i time. |mtH'ukii) t*i mi Miif(u*ii*rv roi*
ViiutMNt roulti U arriu*| nt m l* itir 4
*hr fin .V iimrtmi limtir an eikMUutlA
t *tt Whi h rtUi.iir I ovet M \rmi Hi*Hiliit Mtni
l!ir tHvMHri Mi a - liunir M
tiftiti, but (kbit mned liio aipiiiatuii Mini nit*
reuuutie*! a tuvalrsy. it .n t*riirve iat that
tuiir thnl the t!i-Me-lrr imvrhtrn OC. ;fc
•.A** .r-fti ty the \}'itiun 4 r* cbni i l thirty
j a.ip*v*l ftiaith rotninis contn*t with an
ujni lifiht ir heMte*i wuiliier, miul, in view ol
Utd rirottlliaUltifPa omMttiiitii£ Ihll Uttur M'
I'luiiHit, ll I* rtt*<S#rt* i uitti **> l a cniMiiity tiiMt
'r 1* ki i ...\ !frrt liiv liuvi |t ot
MIUP lUMllliri
I ngtk Itr* iitßin. n IToy (N \ ) (miaitef.
truM t** ijuirl m liiftlutiauwc, hrn a tuau
laMiuni JntiiP* * II mlml'lh i hull 111 till* (Jh'iO
wnti a fkM Mft-kJ'Si§m tin iattin atury,
UrenuMii d.r 1 m flitreu no nut c*-
\l I ,i.r% ir*. I'd , tlir Ml'\Htr-0.-i I'ftUjjllllif
! I. to aii t nt'i avuiinl lo cr**m* the *.
r *■: t \ it;.,iij| sinirf a freight Irui.i ll*
HUTsr, I u<*.!•- Istiflin, **ge%i riglilrrli, alnit* i li
Imng hrr hM'k. w iini iir imm tsiok-rf) Mini
bptil g-Jlft fill run *%rr ami
l*r.*.mrna cndu<Nt at ih*k*r . * !*-i*ii,
Nf* Y< a m, ,Ni! r t* I IV"
tro iMf* I** rvffje whm I v li.ukr uj tnnr
UltUila t g • V\ itinn thrvr *ia> •<( Cfti*i IC -
i %-fl|>t>il lr**u t*aliii w liu u they wt*rt hii litg
tn)rr he r\r *4 thr krr|*rrw, I w* *1 W tH*Ui
*mp |tuml drunk ail -1 TTPIp*!
A! thr Vkrtii mrp t)ir grml *-ni r
race br tiir Kninrr a'ak*-* muf wn by the
kmtu* ky tinrw Kalptto ita * 15^—tin* lv)t"4
iMo-tuiie racr rvtt rua in ttn coutiiry with
the wrigtiU U|*
lUftKM|ik I** t poaiiirely known it i*. mcr.
riilv t*efrr\el thai the l*>!y of .\leiiuuirr 1
Mrwart *• t'irii If''tii m Maik • chut
lit Nrw \*ik till tin* r\rulb *4 Uat Nt*veiM
!pr, baa Ueii mfivrml by the pay tin-' I *4
tu m% ) |rwar*l to I lie til A u'i t tntitt r t *-■-t
prNrfrl!) . ptrj :mt*ny i • hrii.g rui.\ ! j - *•*;•.-.!
its lh* ttMMnorml cry j*l nt IU rtle u City,
UUiui liut now com* thr N. w York //<r n
with along Mtatemriit t the rffprt I it thr
khiy " iuia neither tweil iiiWH% iel nr the
crime 11mtif hint to it by a WHnjnnmp
ih Herald jfiitw w i'.at ; irjvnti t hp a tu
"ry of liie neg*tialntv lor the teturti <4 the
heftiy It mm J* Uir robta ra wtlr Irom M*n
trtwi ?*• a New \ rk lawyer, employing hitn
mm a Illicitulit l*elween I .Piiurhpa ami Jintge
iliiUm; limt they MHit the lawyer a package
*MniAitiir*g tiir eoftlti'plate ami kiiota atitw'bflal
to the c.ntn in which the remain* rrtpl when
atolrn. that tuny *hin mle*i |f7k),ooo frtr Ui*
My'i return; tiiat to make term* w ih
Judge I ill ton, negotiation* were ]M'-iicml Wit.i
Mr* wt4j> Waa tinder ihe itnpr* i*n
Stie lawly had leru rwwrml, iini tlual Ml-
Stew ui t * ift-wt* that ihe *tory wa I rue were
aiiayrti ty Jutigv ilutoii * *imnce t Uip
Weilem and Southern SUtei.
tletncsllC IrwgoheS lmv4 b4K*>mc qnite In
quenl of in ihe W e.t ,\1 Mi,!dle*own
Ohio, l fmrlc* linl.ctl. n livery sinhle keeper,
mid kiih-1 Iv* * it*. *ud iinincl ule y :i! - .
ward shot himsell llirough tliehsAl. killing
himseU in 'Aiiflv. Bdllet* wu n ilruuknrd
uiii his w..i lid pelitmneil lor a divorce,
which, migering him. led to the I rsgtsly. On
the dag previous "viiiiue! Nusslnhiiu un old
cit./cn >d t 'ai-e l.intrdcnii etnnily. Mo . cul hi.
mle's Ihnsii mid then cut h.s own thront.
Domestic trouble IS Null to la- the cnusr I'he
>ls|lfh saiil Nusstwuiu would din, while liu
wilt- might rec-iver.
Ut-v. \V. II. 11 Murray has telegraphed
Rest leu.i "vm Fnittci-eo. indigamitly denying
tliwt he wriia seeking to evml his crelitor..
and wssttrting that he was on Ihe I'uetfle sloj-e
ott business.
Idie MnryUnd Hmnvmlip Sl*le('nvenliua
wivs hehl in Baltimore, and resulted in the
nomination of a ticket hen led by William 1
Hamilton Ihr (ktvernor. The platform adopted
praises the course of :lie Dem<s-rnl# m I'on
gir-s* anil cenfturcs that ol ihe Kefmhlieaiis in
its detmls; declares lor payment of ihe deM
u|oti the lsis ol coin exchangeable in all the
market* ol the world, and a.seils thai the
Demo 14! ir parly was deprived by Irand of the
iniita of its victory in 1576.
Thomas K. Beeves, **ui ol Sir Tliomas
Been-., twronel, of Nortolk. England, coin
milled suicide at Denver. Od.. hi mr* He left a letter saying he li td li\e-t i<
mi-*pent life He was twenty-alx years old,
and had la-en aw ay Irom home about a yi-ar.
Tennessia- has held an elix-tion on the propo*
sitiou to eoinpmtnise the Slate ileht at flfti
cent* on the dollar w illi tour per cent, interest.
I'.irlv ties were not regardnl, and the lote
! en.t wi. ligiii. Die proposition was rejected
tiy utsml lo 'KHJ majority.
Jaeob li Mai line a* liange.l ul Sin An
tonio, lev ts. for the murder and rohliery ot
I'eicr Mad 1< 1v 01 Keliriary, IS7S. He aftlrmed
Ins innocence to Ihe last.
The boiler* of the tiiwlsvit Iron Valley blow
upon the Ohio river, a short distance Irom
Wheeling. W. Va . and three persona on Ismril
were kde-il.
The Kentucky Auditor has i*uc! n circular
saving that ill enusi |i>eit eol the depletion ol
the treasury, H.iiiel by a risluetioiijit
j per rent i I the taxes iui|sised on the taxable
property of the State, shrinkage ot values, re
dui-tiiiu ol tare* on railroads, the luihirc ol
slieiilfs and o! her collecting officers to pay their
due- into the treasury.and continued increase
ol expenst • ol the Mlate. he is eompelled Ul
cease auditing ehiiiiis lot the present, mil
until the treasury 1* replenished.
Wilkerson and .lulea, two young men ol
Marshall I'exas, were to have lought 11 duel
near that place with shotguns. .Itiles del not
put 111 nu uppenraiice, but shot hi* rivwl dead
fnim an nuihtish.
A .eniilorial eommiltee, consisting of Sen
ator* Kirkwissl, of Iowa; Dawi-s, ■ ; Massa
cluisett.s; Morgan, ol Alulmtua; ll.uo ~ ol, and rinnib, 01 Kansas, met in
Kansas Cuy. Mo , pursuant to a resolution ol
ihe lust session ol Congress. The committee
i was formed for the pur|**M> ol invest ignting
tlie eeuse nl the Cheyenne raid through Kan
sas during the tali ol IH7S, whieh nwii'ted in
' the killing ol nearly fifty men. women and
children . also to obtain iiilornmtion as low hi
ther left the territory od then reeerviilion, and
d tint outbreak at t.'nmp Robinson after their
second capture ivas the result of cruelti on the
part of tlii oflleei in command. From Kuiiiws
City the committee prts-eeded to IdWl'enee,
Kail , tolaik w iih sei eral ol the raiding t hey
ennes now 111 jail eharged with munler.
I'liey will also go to the l heveni.e agency, or
Kurt Reno, in the Indian Territory to com*
ph-te their labors.
A well di-lined case of ltMn-sy is icported nl
Baltiinore, Md. f by 11 well-known physician.
I'he patient, a lady, aged mrty seven, and the
mother ot lour healthy ohiWren, diwl alter long
and intense sulTering.
There is reported to be • deep feeling 1/
uni-esine-s among the Mormons at Salt Dike
City since the prosecution and mnv ; etion ot
Reynolds, a prominent Mormon, lor polygamy,
and the refusal of the I'resident to pal don
him. It is said that tho Secretary nl Slais will
issue a circular to our representatives abroad
requesting tiieni to inlortn the colonies ol
Mormons that are constantiy being fumed in
Europe for emigration to Utah that the prac
tice ol polygamy in tho Territory will not be
| sllowaft
From Washington.
A Washington dispatch say* Ilia varmas
Republican Mtale sssociat ">ns, which weiedia-
Istuded shortly alter Ilia I'rsaidi-ul's t'lVll .Her
ill" older waa laautsl, are now taking step* to
itsiigaiore. lira lowa State Association liaa
alrei.dy done so. It is tiuderstsssl by the uieui
tiers ot those iimsh isUUIIS that the I'lssudeiit
will uot obfts't to tllell' l eorgaiimulioir
In tlie year 1H73 the I'resldniil withdrew
from settlement two latgt tlsn't* ol land oil
the northeast (sink of the Missouri river, lu
the territory >.| Dakota lira territory thus
withdraw II Ilea np|si*ile the giast Moms losor
sairou, loirtbeast ol Ysuktiiit, Dskola the t Mas to prevent thr wkilr-a Irom pirsa
lug 11 M 1 elnaely upon the Indian Iroiitier. It
lias been lound, however, Iti pterin c that Ihe
es rent 11 e onhsra lelerred to j iev eiited pcei a
aide and iiuitistrbma aetllera Irom taku g up
ocls w>l tittv lira buiita ol tbe precautionary
reaervatniii, but dot uot drier lira more law
b * ( lass ol Iroiitieieiiien Irom making lira
neutral giouiet 1 1, us established a tiasis lor
eiiililual opeiutions Isilli against Indians and
whiles 11 haa been decided, llraivbHe, to
thiviw ojien lira grealei |vit ot thiaiegomto
scttlnmciU, and the I'lesi tcul, bj ciisallie
older, bus iistotssl to the pubfto (torn..ol
s ,',VI JiHi act ns on the uurtbeaaterii hank of
lira Miss.kis Int ri
F jfe.ijn Ki-wS.
At the luirarnl 111 Hamburg "1 a Sis . disl
mrmlirt ol lirat.c 1 man i'atiusiuent namedtiwb,
twdit) tbouaand peisuns loltowesl tlie 110 1
Muter has burst Into the J.udw
mine at lira /abr e collrai ras iu I'russra. Iwo
cmp-os have been rw* ( ■■ 1 ui.J leierr nnue
aie supisisc-1 to he til the pit.
French official reports state that tbe grain in
the south ol Fiance has la-en luuveste 1 >u e
celleiil condition, and llrat in lira north and
w I ! a giant Ul eiagc crop may la- e vpecte I
\ file at t'liateneis, near >1 realnilg, has de
slr-i) rd trait lira low n and rendeirsl two tboua
and pea-nuts holm less.
Keith Johnstone, a doled All lean explorer,
is -lewd, having passed away white at the hea .
ol an exjwsbliou to exploie irake Njassu lu
All u-a.
I lie 1. (change Hank, ot Montreal, Iras sus
pended. Its (in ulution it aUait #too,iHW
A Ma-It id iltspalch sa V s lira carriage in which
King All-iuso was tiding upscl, aud lira king s
arm waa -.qio ktet.
A feailuj hurnewne [st-scd up the Mticlusbe
r.ver, N It. afl 1 v u-iuity, cwrrying away a
m . I .a I destroying e.liti
I tins- people were killtsi and many Iwity in
j 11 red.
A S.s raiist linpiisoiied at tt.iiswx, Hussra.
has colli not lis! suicide in a Ul* Ist shocking
itoutuvi He was lound 111 tits cell sitting ovet
a |ictniieum iauip. the ol his ttngers
was consumed, and ins tsu k up to the urs-k
was hoi rib. i hurried He was removed ui ti r
tui-pilai, wtivle he dlest without utUuuig a
(01 ft
Seimrvo, tlie r>j Mat of Bosnia, one ot tiir
1 ul kish pfOV llu'es tss u| list ll)" A list 1 lull ll -sijis
(let sun P the tieatv ot Her tin, liaa been almost
totally destroyed ll) Ore, over a thousand
li ... * l.av iti, 4-eii .uI ui 1 line add ten the is
and pel sous letidelv.l home toss.
A di|ralc'.i from 1 ape town, S.uth Air,.-a.
sal s o | || e rw|Hirt lltat Kuig 1 etywayo tra'.
olfered to suilender huuaelt 1* not conrtiinesi.
and It seems lobe a p<evident impresaioii here
tllat be will give Inure trouble Sums ol thr
, t-or.-sjaiiidriils iu .South app*t to
Hunk ll |,ossibie that l etywayo may deleat
tt.e i-u.ii' s wlio are to be sent ogmnsl hun, in
vvilic.i ( lent all tbe prestige g oued b) tto
success ot lire British lorroe ul ( luudl would
lie had."
ih. ■ ,j.r - ■•!! of 1:4 I vi irange Bona o!
Monti cat denied a flliaucrut jsetnc, wha'h IS*
..lest ill the Vit.e Mane Bans stopping |.a> • ami a run on Ik* (incite ogm ltank and
thr I IV and Dislia. I Savings tiank Hie Ira
lui.lics li lira \ d!e tills Bank axe utsvtil
S7OO It" the t by and listra-t Savings
Bank's itefsvsite belong almost exclusively to
w.uku.g p*i| ie. and aggregate $ two.ww. It
was *.l. I the instilUlHll Would liav c no e.lfi
cull) in luovtiug all ilnnands iq.m it- tMhcr
Moutreal tiaiiks were also lejorUvd >ll astrak
ug condition.
A l*aris dh*|SMch f*-;~.'ta llrat w arm wnatlier
has r. onpi o. t lira hatv est pros
i in Trance Ito Finn a prvalurrts are
1 lightened at the diviino lb the plu-e ol
t I.'i.'ti whml. i-aused by heavy turporff froui
Aiue: raa,
lira I .it |ieio-*t-l "iermatiy and Austria have
ha I a : ul <• uitt'ili. Tlie 1a 11 | -tl ttu
htiiiiM> Mlltrr am! *% ii buoor i 4
lilt- ffvt nls
I * :v nn*tincft i (tial Mr St< Anirri*
*.*• Miii!rr at lViirliurg. ha* rr**i#;T*oii.
i A M ItUflf thai thrra t*
an **n*i iu**u* u. . **• ia t hv nuu*b(*r **i Nihil*
!*.• 11l K-l*ol
llunt'K t&r jt(igrr* 4 * I'nihniir prr*C*-*i*n
it IU !.*-*!. lifdaiiftl, a mtbhm ricM ux.uim! ai
uuuiy jrn*<*M a rr injiuvtl.
\ ivirm IrxMn Ilrtuui thM 14.CHK> *fr*>
Irr-**"\l ItthftiulftitlU *4 1 all* liul in
thrit rrfrrl A* *1 *ia taMt4 Ukvtunl
W Mii kotl the* tiftiblia liafti in c*u raiir*! tail.
ilir lii.ii I*an<• raily bill baa bara rr-ad a
fluid !:ii*' m th* (4 f aithtui
4* kvam ti 1 i'.f !ratilll Mv%* frr*rf#d With baici
t bvrri*. lb# b**mr nil*ra gatftrrvd ax Uir
* : Si ilrnliiiiti. ai<i r*•>**•!u
tfrma wibmnl) rrfl!rmini: lh* Itmh riiihl nl
- a |4td|pit IWt
to virtt lor any utw at*ai:%* Irtai*
I'liviiir Irtliir* If"n Aleiandi**. Kopl,
!.i!o Ihu! oi*# Mrr tan, ri ' Ti ki-r. n* vl a imtn
riiiml AtttPirAQ cjurrii. MTcnUy attarlnm!
1 h*Uan I'** cotitfdrnliaJ <4 Uir r\-
KimliVf ltiimu Paaha. ocmr !li Boana, in
H*ii* jtuii> • *4 jnuie
•ttlicit 1 lahan i*aaha Willi a < m- IT**
fie i anl Miraam thrn M**4 him k *I- Mi:*
amiu KuritiHieml himafll t* tb* muh*ftoii #
atnl it m* in nrtMiti. 'llir t'ni(Al Ma!** nu
lltoritfr l W hnv frit hnl !•
Al(-%atulna that thr jri*ow niu*l krft in
rut*ly. nti'i if thr Acting OmfluMnnrml •!
thr I nitr*i runnot fry hn, hr uiaial br
r*tifl' < ! uniii lit# *hail
Imiii a lHir inontha' fflrkwfh.
Mi. (iiiyUUf, *j>v*knij{ nt t* o|H*nini: <4
thr art cfhibttiu f Cbcmtflsr* huu that when
Amriirn b .unr ! f truil enfirrly lo her own
hpbiHlid natural n <wrsfl, fh# i;rral grniii* of
hrr j*roj*lr and Ihnr inorvAloui pnfW?irnry in
ihr of labor -raring ap|Wianr<*. in
which *!m a* it tlir head c 4 Ihr worM. abt
wHiiltt Ih* a IntHiHliblt Cdniprtitor t4 Uir Knjt
fttith maiuHM'turrr.
Thr 1 'nptror of Aulri-1 hw icwf U<l thr
r< ;:.• ,4is *it < ount arnl hi* Mini*-
f: . mu-1 i on t iaft*f!r, ihr |rra'nl r of
tlir Intaiior, lui hern imtnictri lo form a
now cahttn _________________
News of The Yellow Fever Epidemir.
Memphis .1 -patches of the Ctli to New \ oik
I .pels ic|voil twenty-two new eases and lour
. .-atlis, and sav further: " Memphis is truly to
! pitiei. "-ho is shut off from tho outside
world, and those rvf her citirens who are here
must remain prisoners in ih.-ir own dwellings
until the hosts ol winter shall come and with
their chilling influence atop the spreading of
the lever, which now threatens to embrace the
entire eitv. The disease in slowly nml sure!)
advancing toward the center of the city, and
when it i- renminbi '. ' thai there nis yel two
an.l luilf months for it to seek new victims,
no wonder thnl even the hntve-t tnsuts tad in
anticipating the luture. No one is allow nl to
brave. These words seem irarsh. but the *ab tv
.•I those eiiu-s to the north of n* derraml* upon
the rigid enlon-enrant of the cruel quarantine
rtguUtian now in force here. Theauthont es
ure oil the alert nml Hre doing everything in
their |svwei to prevent the departure ol the
people An engine brings in and entries out
the mail daily on tbe Memphis and t harleatou
nolrisvd. Nothing lait mail matter is peimit
tral to lw- taken atsvvril. Ibe same strict rrgn
Id.una an- in fold- on til" Louisviiic and
\ ishvllle line, that but thn-e mails
p. r week are received over Ibis route. All
the other line* ol milrnod* have reuse 1 run
lung, and pns-iug st.soin-r* shun thi* port as
il dentil it sell was at lira whntl reuilv to grasp
the flrrt man who eatne W'ithiil reach Dr.
Ro'a-rt Mitchell, ol the N vtionnl lbwvr.l ol
Hetdthi who i* located nl Memphis, rejairis
tlmt ivlsnit one thousand |>psons are in the
camp*, which are on h- ,li ground* an.l ex
|svmml to gissl c<viintrv air. and that provisions
are obtained by two trains, run South
A-id lake on Iswtrd such* ns n.c left
nt eeitnin station* lor the | pb- It il wvrc
not for these they would starve.
Noth withstanding the prevalence ot lever,
the [Hills vi eis. o|H-ned in eight vvnnls in Mem
phis, lor vote.* to cast liailot* in the fllty-niul
tour State debt compromise proposition
Alsvut one thousand votes were polled, and
the pio|Hvition wa* accepted by s lew hundred
inuioritv. The most of the voters were col
ortsl people.
lira Howard Associntjon, ol Memphis, has
nssigmsl twenty-live additional nurses to duly.
Their daily expense* now aggregate nearly
Tlie New Orleans Board Ol Health declares
that the city is entirely lice Horn contagious
diseases and atiggeels that quamnline against
t lifts city l- rcttiov nd.
A Memphis corresjHindent briefly describe*
his experience ns lolfows " I our corro -
incident mid been visiting Mr. W'ehh daily.
Mr. Webb was taken with bilious lever a lew
days ago. It warn changed into ycl ow lever.
When dead he wa* as yellow ns saffron. Vour
nurespondent visited a sii k friend to-day.
While fitting by his bedside the patient sprang
up in delirium ami attempted to get out ol
' bed, and w hen held lie ionght, cursed and at
tempted to bitft. In a ft-w ininules the delir
ium passed nwar. a-id he IHH*hhio rational,
reeogniring his 1 fiends as usual. Had not
yiuit riwrespondent Iwa-n iiresent to have
scire.) nml held hun he would have been out
in the streets in n lew second*. ) ellow fever
patients, like lunatics, otten watch every op
portunity to evade the vviitchhiltiess ol nurses,
ami do* mothing which will pi-odnee death."
The Memphis Board ol Health publishes a le
ver stiitetneiit in which it says: " During the
lust ten ilavs it lios extended lieyond these
limits, where it was hoped it would he con
fined, and coses have Iraeu reported and
deaths have occurred in so many different lo
calities ol tho city that it is now impossible to
i say what portion is not infected. Therefore
ill* lloaid "I Health make* a I..rural declare
i iinn til • nniiil epi.tonne Iha death rata U
•mall in proportion to lha number <4 t aara r
|ttinw|, ami there ara g'*l laaaunaln bra >4
thai it will linl ataaatl, ilil again reaches liia
[traaiint weak • mortality during lha prare
ioiice til Ilia disease A* ta oustraimi y. the
I braid t>l llaallh will aiuvoouea ..m.uvP.y
tlnough the pope.* is thought aala lur
ulsraeli* • In latum,"
A Matnpbla dlapau-h ol the uintb aaya the
total number ttl coses ol yellow layer within
the city lliiiila up to tiate waa 330; tieslha, V 0
In addition their luul Itoau alamt twenty caaaa
t,wl ft t a ileal In of Malltpllla Icjugims located
Wlllnu ait milt a of the city
1 be lata! at i mi ga liaa i aa< be<l f'orilitb, M .*• ,
the mayor ami president ol the llnattl ol
it.-dlh Iraing among tbn first to lie aire ken
ilttwn I lot people to leave lor the
• • <tttli \ , hot the formal* quarautiiiad against
At fit l-ouis llaulth Coinmiaaioliar Francis
baa givm oi.Ui* to the tpiaraiiliita uflteera to
r omint all | maeiigats ttit tftamriy from the
Uliio ntar lit e tl any ol thaui eoiualrom tba
yellow leier districts
l li. New Oi lean* city emmet! haa adopted
a preamble ami laauiuttoßs flat taring tnat
lb. • I* oil a cose ol yellow layer in the ally,
a oil protesting against tba un|u*l quarantines
•slubiiahcd by lire Southern cities arl town*
■mmiitl New I iritaiii, t
...i NaUonal lloaiil ol lleallh liaa reeeiyarl
!hri■ the Ie| aliment ot Mat* tba lullow.
iII,IS duqailrh flolll U mul I* Mutton consul at
Malaltiora* under itateol Hlowuarille, 1 rle
•• ItololiU ttiliMtiinliitn trotn I ampieo, Mi'iunr
r.i) ■ ' U e 1.t.l e a yellow level
or e than New Orleans lia-l Jaal year
I'ioph Ira has flies yoaranliite at Bag-Sail
against I ampicu is atill efficient.' "
Romutne of a Hair.
Tit in romance of a Itttir oofm* from Vi
nma A poor jfirl with Innulifui hair
went to n Irarimr to trail it lie Irietl to
make a rltiM* Bargain, savin* hail Waa
plentiful tliia year, an f he
eutliil Otilv give her eight florins The
little iiiaiileii'# eyes filled with team, ititd
she heaiutlol a moment while threading
Iter linger* through her clieatnul locks
Finally ale- threw heraelf into a ehair
and saul " Then take it quietly." Tin
Burlier was alaiut to >ut off tba triwm•.
when a gent!eman. sitting in one of the
eh airs, interrupted him nml spoke to tin
girl. "My child." said he. "why do
you sell your In-autiful lutir?" "Mi
mother ha In-en nearly live months ill
I e.annot work enot'.'h to upport us
Everything ha* Irasn -old or pawned,
am! there is not a |*-nnv In tbe house."
N'o, no. my child: it that is the case. 1
will huy vour hair ami give you one
hundred' florins for it.'] He gave the
poor girl the note, the sight of whieh
dried her tears, * ml he took up tbe liar*
tier's shears. Taking the locks in his
hand, he ss-lc.U-d the longest hair, eut it
off, and put it carefully in his pocket*
iNHik.thus paying one hundred florins
for a single hair. He took the poor giri's
address, in now- he should want to huy
another at the same rate. This eharita
hie gentleman i mentioned as the head
of a latge industrial estahiishment in
Vienna. •
t I'seful Hat.
In the show wiadow of a trunk store
in Hartford an interesting sight may he
witm < very evening. in an old gray
rat caU hing flies utani the inner surfait
oitheglas- The old fellow trolsarottfd
among the sat liels ami traveling lag'.
ami whenever he sees a fly ujton the
g...Mi or tin- good* he km* for it with a
nimhlenews and dexterity which securo
uniform >ui">*. lli* operations art
often continued while several pen* in
ure watching him irom the sidewalk, of
win sc presence and attention he seems
.juite oblivious In the opposite win
tl >w are spread several sheets of stick)
fly paper, wlp'tv few or many of the in
.Vi. are struggling, who would appar
ently la- easy prey for the voracious and
vein rahle rat, yet he apjmare to under
stand that the sticky paper i suspicious,
and avoids it. attending strictly to busi
ness in his own department.
Sound advice —A locomotive v whist.e
to Wll the people to get off th track.-
Thwr t Wfltl I utolttll.,
'The kitlneys and bladder, sometimes beetwa*
! torpid antl weak trotn unssoertaitiablc causes
When tIISI owtirs, their discharging fuoctjon
.* til neewsitv very imperleetly Jtertornttsi
: -iittl certaiti debris, w Inch is tbe result ol
Uttural Isstily *ts and deeay, dons not ia
n|te as it should. t>ul remains to corrupt tin
blotal and develop |rfHotti: buniois and
langenais a* wall as painful diseases, it i
one id the beneficent efforts rg iltaletlel'
-fttinat b Hitters to gently stimulate the uri
nary organs, and prevent thetn In mi laspin
into a state of inactivity, always provocative
i <4 their inflammatory degeneration and tlr
cwv. How tnurli better, then, u it to Htlt|tt
this mild diuretic as • means <4 inciting them
to action, than to msnr the danger of this dc
-tructsm. To e*|el Irom tlie system wnst.
matter through the bowrls ami kidnsvt. nn>'.
to regulate and ariaise the stomach and hi et.
are among the chid usee of this valuable
Kvenbolv knows tliat so itmg as there is
proud flesh in a sore or wound it will not heal
ilie olattac e is s|s*e<!ilv remove*! and the flesh
n-iittited by Henri's t arlsvlie Salve, the finest
embodiment in cxielenceol thai supreme puri
flrr. carbolic acid. Its emollient ingredients
it.tal.iy it* pungent acid basi*. so that it nevci
rautenrra, stings or aandis the diseaseti
port. Sores and eruptions t4 all kinds atr
ctirel by it. AH druggists st-U it.
o lawk and Ursw hint."
Tins ancient tut '4 advice is well enough tot
•s|*rc ' |teoj>!e, but bow about thowc that an
aiitwdi tsiiat* \V iiat ia to tweome of them *
■sit still, and I*ll tell von Alter tnanv rl[teri
merits evtrmling thnaigh ttumths of pat.cnl
invesligalion and toil, the celrtimled anstyti
<-al chemist, J. O. Allan, has pwrlootod autl
given to tbe world Allan s Anti-Fat. ITms
tar, in sclera! liundml cases, this great rem
taly has tici tir tailed to reduce a corpulent
iiciaon Irom three to six pounds pel week.
It is |>etlertly harmless ami jataitii ely rftkuent.
Sold by dniggista. _
Tuuoir Anrcrtoi* **t Hoihsevkss
All suffering Irom irritation of the throat and
htwrscneas w >ll bo agreeably surprised at the
almost immtalinte relief affonleil by the use ol
•' Brown's Bronchial Troches." 25 cts. a box.
Jittlitr for Vonraelt.
Bjr sending thirty'.fivecents.with age. height,
color ol cyiv* and hair, you will nv-eive by rr
lurn miul a correct photograph 4 i"tur lutun
huslwnd ot wife, with name and ilate ol tmu
riiige. Address W. Fox. P. O. Urawer 31,
■ Futtonville. N. V.
It is ii!!|*t>s*thle to sell the hist article of any
kind a* low a* Ibe |smrcs! can l>e afforded But
the prices t4" Mason A Hamlin Cahinet Organs
are not much more than those of vety inleriot
organs; while the difference in quality, and
especially in durability, i* very great.
Housekeeper* prefer t\ liillicti's Starches
hew luflKtn's iwf. Meet Saw loiweeo
saw voax.
Ilcefils'tv Mtst. Nstivss, live Wt n*s, a 0V
: t'sivrs— uiste Milk uaittd us
a nd us
Unas Uti,d H
t. v 5...... ...... IM 1 ,..* 04^
f>rseset 1*1,4 14 V
r".'ur It SO k.ssl le tsncy 4f* .4 *to
W'twi-m. good to fancy.. I asm
WMwt S 1 Ht-I I 1 il\i
Uhtfr M'stc 1 V .4 1 tl
1 Kvs Stsf.- td CS
iilrts; * twos * I Sists TJ .4 V 0
Ctir, -i'nvravls.! w -It rn Vised 44 t4 hi,
rn Tsdow 4* <4 41
lists —Wbilc eislt 3*4) 40
V.litsl a cstrrn S3 f> S7
! Asy—Xt siadss ss id j>
Mr'. Uutg Hys. jwr ewt 4ft 4 M
! tto.'S —lUmta tsTS . Of id 1*
Porl- ltt—. ■ f >4 * o
Lard ft u.\ stkd ■ ft.ftft
| r'| t' -s oft td'CVN Its ft' "d I""..,
Woe I isis * 1 Psnn. 31 -4
BdtMr—ctsle I'r-stusty 14 id It
liitri 1J td II
Western C. ratncry 11 id Id
Sv' ry 0 .4 11
Sugs—Wats stid 1vun............... IS <d t3t
rim.viri.rin*. latin, choice slid 1ancy..,,.. ft TS <d ft *ft
Wheal—> uo. Km 1...... I V*\td 1 ' ,l
Amber...... 1 li') 4 I b'v,
' ttyi—HU'r ft* A ft<*
1 I-,.1 —mats I'rllow 4* id •
|i.l M icd -W |4 S3
llntlir—i"e-amery eitra....... IS <4 I*
to . York Farter; l3Vid ft*
I" HIT oftr Oround, No. I Siriint. 4ft ft JV
II lit at H*d It lulrr I ftS 4 1 H
■I, S * Western 401,.* 40)f
ft* 14 ftft
flae. ) —"I *(i-riwcil H'aie....... 33 <4 73
nor TO*.
Rr f Oatt' v-Llvr weight 04V'4 1 V
MmWW "I 'd 04*.
I ■in -a <••• orisin ftinl Vtiio.ltat ft 00 4ft 00
fl.ra M\ed and Yr110w..... I'Ntd 4!>
It*..—SLiie fts t4 70
; Wftlll Wsshllll l*i illlilliji 11 D-isitle.. ft (4 ."ft
j Pnwaehed. " " 7ft Id 7ft
smonTOV (MISS) cirrt* xinrr
' llief—Cat Mr, livo wetglil.. 4 "V
Kb-cp .01, 4 04'.
Ismhri OfthiA 0-
Hoes . . "4 * ' <
PlttSeuf. Mtl'
nnrlvaled. (lolleß'ate and co!„-r itre|tarlory
Courses. Kevs.U.V S,s nrsnd 11. K. Avrry. Prtuvlpala
asiin Tit F. I>. Hit II A I'll.. Portland
V W Nil Mriiue, for best Ac ncr liusineis In the
Vkl tU W,.r;.1. Kxpenslve Uaiflt Free.
sci rn A ftlltftlTll —Aire tits Wan teil I :|II besi
Trillsfl'.lit* arttrleats the world: one saniplo free
1 A'M't -s JAV llKiiNftiiN. I>- troll, llah.
■saga im. WtthStenvl itultita What costs*
US la cts. sells rap.dly for tVO el- Catalogne fres
S/B w S. M.ftrSSCSH. I til Wssh'll St.. 8.4U..1. Uses
nnillll HsbllA Skin Itlaeaaea. ThoO
t I Sws 1 I ll sali'lscuri-l. l.otvesl P-Hee. Do not f.
Ul IU IVI to ante Dr.P. K Marsh,Qutncy.Mivft
,3.STsw"iTMonlh aroi expel,se xnsranteed to Acnti
J* , oiitfltrree UaiasCu- Aoaoiia. Matsa I
Titer* are prnhably a m.lorll, of lh
buuiaii ia< Kill.tin* fo m kidney > mfnalnl* They
n.. 11.' una 'ln aim t pr man ahapra. but alwaye
to ih. ,11*11 of ft.patmnt They caa*. indewrftam*
apon, fix • >t>.rw O" of thlrlf rr*r ihowe that ft*
Ur*t friuHjr tot this riM of iliavssts la
Inrranl'n Nfltfi r A|>crlput.
It. proftwifte* are murtc. which ar* -allf adapt* i
101 .nek cine*
stun T ai.i. intfGf.iirr*
> lr.l lalatilt>h<* I Mmf accM*fl!
Ti ki* thaTßi SAhll na> a ttoadar* Tala* la
Leading Markets
Of the World!
•ewrpnnarv '*rcm*e* *• ft# PINUT 111 *
OVER 80,000
Mart. Bad In wee. A.w Ikmdgae cxctmftellp. tm
Work Bad Lowaet Pnoaa
AA* etc* for t OsftfcaC*.
Ttcbmi St.. [pp. ffiltmm St., Icstn.Mm
r If l> *f j oibb, sisflSMf L Lr. < *• (kjJ'JMtm
l>w^a*. Viv.prmuAtmy c.ieos. Ku*
A iirgw, rtc'fl-fn-tc |*%|*f • Jf fMI tifcMSd •> tItUM WfT
I !> -ruf |RkAt|MLivt to any a fw* sssstt! Jasstsari Ist.
Ad-tram TBR M'N. N T Ci|f. {
k m It* JBfa.< xkal .1110 NB*
msgv 11 wo 0.. . ...o.'i. O.M.i.m
/t . .
Wmtjjj p.vm ■>, B*l. It .ft.
YJi* jl I UpP ... an . o Kllm*l. •' •*•
y£jr Vllin IUL. Ul Broaduki. S.J.
TEAS fan,™.
The v.- 1 -tet tv. la direct fn the Irn'leitll Ha.
-A. mo ' k. hut pat "<• 'tr: ~ t- Cuh A*M
Imc a-.e 1 < ■ . AU. ClfkAte ( UAlUimi PAIf
Xrw urn* f ARE
The tirrst Autrrir*fi Tea i ompaar,
31 and 3.H'K| ktrtel. ! Inite.
i t. O Bui Jlt.V
<lS,< r a ikkAVlili >
'WOMI Hiip' s r.iii if AI isi*
• . • A., lever,
.her*, hen* for p.c.|A..vt. (I !-.• tl e.
If. 11. f un LR. HWIOB.
i*l R MaTtßßijfcm... „egW
fa perfrvtl* p:r 1 *r--ftxrtreed tic Imf by tire hph
■at ttte'.iejd a bor.t .- r. Uc world. Ic vcj txtew
~ar : at 111 lA. rldV I i.e. UMkWd at nr.r. BT"
KG ty i'mntnoa U'.n.ftrbtelfllid: v a..N Y
Rnaoil A fTcrenffM fhAltie# ft.-yntim
' aer.Hiawttmt. a,! i t UKillltST HONORS AT AU
TllltUiY 11 PtlhfTViNS PoR r*kl VK rtAKS v .
' >1 Paac- IWT; Yiva. I-TX latUSc. lP PnilAIW.
eat*, lice i-T 1 w 1 iiu !<una leu Unci
; nr* , > cVgajw ever war ie 4 b*
vfatai.i .och V> ". fc." rati, -r tt:U trwot* liter
rear** t aval-writ* ad OlfftHafPwrßßh 'lew vi'le. ane
,t r ■ V S i >iAMI.IN ORGAN Of
F gureo FREE.
Arl.rf, -i . ni anetadle* lhaiff ft*
I i Irt'v, orf alflna te knee*
uarraaUn . eftml ty aa*
VffkM •• k ft re hUI* " of WJ
|II 111 en wpedreo-;, * t av* ual> •
J J[ |j I r.e-nr Zt hr. P \ aad^Rft
Da 8. G. lit KIT. IKS Peer, hfteri. New Tc rk.
tl I ► T.ric I 'MlAjrWrn' .c sol LMW
'* c C v tfrr. JV r*. tad is U Ui.MkJ r (tk|S>t4
R' • •*> 1 f tbr *' * ! ftff HtoMbML I! rli At Slfk!
! scr-t '.i' *|B. fimca pvw soa nt'i trim to AIMIUM
\*n >si !'i C Pt v!c!|4jl IS
- rl! KNil
■ ktttdwlph. %. \ . '• tiic \ 4 n ¥
• k K it! Itnkr Tfl-n A wrw WMKI ••wr^t*
I '! *•'> iw tm#ft Aft ! A yxrj j mrtk!, acf , *rl*i
V V . :• ; •• ' I a'..; IrSJj. ?r. - PttVM !f, m 'SnUi' *misß wrwlfrf. g<v*l fcKci
j n I< H eft. N" (tostb* mSi woan K 4<WP*
' mntisu tit *j wrr v rvrr'TfßßtoicQt t :* c*|vt*r>
: I Trim fwr FUh fr I yrr,iao. CU*
row +■- t f- rwi .rp Atu.n I-. (be p- ioctfaL PKrsF
J T >{> AhtftS. nil Kail Tcrro ■ m Aaif. M.
mi# ClalmHaaM IMahltehe* 1 aaa.
W*w law. Theeaaad* el SeMteei aad haei eeMUaA
Paaaioa. date hack t* dacAarg. ar wtk TWladd.
A4*ram wru Mama
an n_ £*■ *• UtMOB,
r. o. Prawar IS#, Waahlaafta, ft. M.
"HACK ft /Br MOtTH of UtCLL.'
Rj one who IIM t*wo Usrrr J
•/r nn-f run of the mOIMTAtHK.'
If the Itartmctcai Hawkeye ham -lak
" Aii#nnf/:n * f*. .4, ana* P. I."
lly At-ra - *
i The tbree hnrb'.cr cod h#vt *r .'.an Kick, nut A*eat>
! vou can put throe hook, m ever,where. K-*t term
yiven An lrmaror \cmy.AMRRK'AN PIHI.ISHIN'
•J i Hanf, *d. Ci.; Chicacu. C'..
Lo.o r. iiidtVlVTl
P. B nfl S PYiW ■ UkM
rf H. ■■■■■■■lll w.
Krrf Wen. Dm!*., and all tfthef Grteßn I
.1 ! . ft I l.lllrv A ( a.. Ov'aeh., I
Ora* for Pelf, f <af a
I II 111 T
1 fl II I " llnwt'i Krmrft)
• mrr .. .1%, * ikncrs
i mil ii
Kau 'i' U I • • HANI'S Knurit) .
Srii.i for JhwlUJ'' • I to
u M R CI KR* K. Ptxtv Hlcwv. K I.
Dst'trtt* nvthrrw w l!l flu ! Hutgr'a Fimkl ,Mt w list the\
urcft. It givr> bfs th An ! st'i njrth. tn i.ttw. 30c. AA<I
A new I k Jttot t. Privc. t y mxil. S**nl
f. r Nan.j I" l.lMiSt tu' iit* ATautrd.
' y , • • . or lcrw t * P (I rttorKlß k en .
1 < * Ai ♦. Liwi Am R. O. Box RU.
Hngtf.i . Iwulcnrr an! Nhnwl flsf rp tVbtd
1 m. !'.•••• Ilrwt tl ha >\\: m' #\. iit TAIIACS AU 1
Vlm wlit • trwae itig. Mnkrn al> •< Mink tnrgUr-|w^HTf.
!*• ft-r a of purpnAM lJ:lit. durstalA
All I Srllt rupblij . Kvrr> trAveJer wAtifw mr.
I.S!HnL . n "nt t tin tn-lc. Srnt f r ci real AT Acrtitf
u.iM I rveprwherr siKo M YfIH'NQ. B1 *tm\ ItltoolA.
PjiM-nt-rr, ntArrhrm wtnl Sumntrr C, roplf tuts of
Chi:,.rn. PiA ,Mh <;koi. K MOOXUL Proprietor,
i trest l' 4 Ik N. II So'il by all
APT? VniT % sl Ui;CToftknrs Nem>ut
AuL I UU ji,,), tT HI at\ fort i* Lecture fWc
I up ti ri.'Mrtof A'nmp. \t ilicltm SFArrantFit turf! it
ultra rsY w fimr u*rk* pstpal-!. n brsncfu! >t t* •
I nt i ' t-r A.iiln-a p(I II x J*74. hoAton. Ma*.
\Sf Will ps- Ac-i;' ti tkfti wr m.msb and
•iprnsi A, or wlli'W a largo comni.n. *
ad 4 wroutlerfnl inventim. TPwescr-. t we *y.
' pie free. Ad4rea Mil KM AN H'O . Alar half, Mich.
! $1175 SIOO
Pro|c in,<i . rvluri,. even a.-.-k .n Sb-ck Option* uf
SDi. - KM. - SUM*. - SAIN).
Official Rrp-.rt* and C r. nlaD tree. Aildreaa
Tnrrn in wir.nTV! xrv
rt9\ iSH'sasss/'
■ month. Rverv graduate guarantAe,l a paytnK kltJa
tlon. Ad ire-c K Vai.ritlne Manager, Janeavule. Wt.
Pf nI. PinnA'" v " w m ff,i ' " Slock* man-
S|U 10 vIUUU fortune, every month. Boc>kMCt
fre.- explaiulni; everything.
Addrew BAXTKH A 10. flanker., 17 Wall St.. M.Y
JiftklMhlfiaaftH—MftMft— >ure roller lOTmfI
KIDDER'S PflßTlLliß.r^^SS
larievtown Jt' ia.
|2#pwm-" A YKAKand eaueu-.Ui ageul*. Oulflt Pre*
' rH4 4 4 v.'drea* P 11. TUIKKKY l:ii U.Halne.l
H.w M W.h. 11. - *#*
, illal.lUUiwG Mih * lii Mfc, kk bwa,Ma
f AIMTU* RROR. MERRIU. * 00, ruhßftaft
7&H Broadwij, Maw TorS.
The*. MM*a 4—atba OHM. tawm aad Waiw m
ft* nan**, gitin* MM Ol mftraai to ft* tmntm,
lUmmttaie* fith Mmpm mm* Nm4>
ml*. H <Mi
b w MmU.
£?=££ J&S :;r ear S
wrSTU"fw luiirmda, urnSm EainfijM l>*
ImKl> o— IMft ft*
H Uvtwa lo ft* MMMMfW ,
IU >( , HUDK- *rw rt la WW
II aim aM
U W Dak*. utf h* *-<*
The Krl# IMb. -Maw Tart to Ithaca,,
C-TSr. Dunkirk. a*4 laiaa
fall*. na Rn.ftal.wa7 *a* taaaafcaa.
lu,r •!.!*• York cecum) lull way. aa* l fa* aa*
Mm* Mint Railway
•k<H> lia, Howl*. K Tort la Kafta •*■
Vnlbia. >mm Laadoa. aa Piweta****
.JSWSnsrttrts - -ausuams
partaa ft* krvaliiamauaaU ha.
faaaMlrai Mtvar Waala.-llia Tart aoa
WL.u Muaniaia*. a * Y aa* * H *a4 Cvaa. Blew
Tft* Wartl**r Haaarta. H.i ■* la ft* TWa
Moaatata*. Laka Ma.j*n*i##iß, ttaan. M -an lata*
Lata i.tiMlXia. Ike!**. Mnauaal aaa eg* law ark
n* mairl'aal* <aai -Jlia
(ark aa* Phu#4 j*.. u* 0. • • Water
G* MaackGSaak. fcyaafta. Mr nww n aaa fcaara.
tMliwwr la* iladMa Hftwf* -Pfcha/uigai*
•a kruiA Bingkaarloii, OoopwiMowa. Mmj<m apriagx
ftmaL Lak* warns*, lata <~*wmi. I liriiadaai
Miaauiaa aat Mnairaai aa* Qataac
■aaa Tark la rklUftlfhla, Malltuma
mm* Wuklßgtßß
dwalai Tal.a*** ■ a OiflAia af a man—
Oalai< Ma na aw> aa* luaohm 11 mymi
await* aaUa CMk 01 JMO Raft* CMS. fail guv Oft.
Caralaa l alaaMaaa• Tk !>■** of C-taawat*
Qatiaga. w.t* ko. an: rn. f u a i n apumitiaai,
RgkraClaft,kftaaa* wtuta. Ilia.
P U HL.IM 111: lid.
708 Broadway, New York.
An Open
The fiirt to well understood
that the MEXICAN MI.V
TANti LINIMENT to by far
the best externa) known for
mati or beast. The reason
why becomes an "open
secret ** when we explain that
"Mustang" penetrates skin,
flesh and muscle to the xery
(Mine, removing all disease
and soreness. No other llnf
in nit does this, Lence none
other to so largely used or
does such worlds of good.
The Temple is for Singing Passes.
The Temple is for Conventions.
The Temple is tor Choirs.
$9.00 per dozen. Single eepy f 1.00.
At tea MBOA whea aWc teacher* ckair laaArxrlc,
an quwtiy awkna up ftwr u. nd* *• w ihr t* boats
far u- during ft. Ny mvnea! ftftMft 111 p-eaa
an I* ißUtxSot. la Owe- twu.v * fraahitMMaa* aarfal
a hook aa ftS HW t.v W O rmin V- •. bf Urn
act ot Haitu-U*. Uo'tcfr. takra ft* mil *MrrrMt tsU*
ot Mwcai OvcU.' t;. :h r.ccaat tit c te ft* lad
pa*' ftr ac* moat acnptaWf 1.M4.
Tlm Crwau.? Cemnt a u*f s qaast !ty. aa* ha*
nuwoa o*a uaan for jractm. arkucA pracU*. lailnfc
nap titru *rr ftr *kM hoak
AtMßdaim i\t *oa< *ac-n* Moaic. si ft* fom of H*v
oai tua asd UUww ft * a lata* aorum ..I ftr haoA,
aa* mJra n a (wxl UMM of Chare* *■>
Tfcr cuisrca G.m anl Banaorttap* Seen ad* to ft*
•Bract**, aa* mair tha aa rmiirM wort for Sa#K*l
Swewur* aa* OoorroUcaa
lpKa coptn aaCH puKn*. far tI.OO.
C. H. IIITkO.T * CO..
au Broadwm 7. M w Tark.
J. E. BtTSOn *fc CO..
/ *Nf'. \
/ V'/ Srrr \
ft A/ Mti rtakMßk \
\\ TOWERS, /
V '<2rV OFFICES. /A r //
\vx hocsw. y
\ /
la tSa Old RrlSbU rtarrairated I.ra
PtnctloM araMßpaarlii* rack can for taatia* Ha.**
lolt aa* Toll.) Soap qakkl; .
Tb* Ma*k.l M rr.t# (axmila*. Oonrrctrat*
l.rr. Wbkh a adn teraM* trtft aail aa* man. as* ma
m * r ' sjltk mofrrr. asp mct rat
J*\ r'JWJIL BSWtibJWW? tt'(
Saponifies s
I'mntyhMiiis Salt Manor* t 0.,
To th. bapt load*, la ft* "ml cllaala, with ft* hn*
mark*** and oa ft. tx* Irian. °°l Fanl,
Mlmaaapalte A Maoltoba B>. llala 8V Paul A Padko.
3,000,000 4CRES
Matalf la ft* Faaooa
On loa* Uaa. low prica. aad aaap pajai.ala.
PaapAWt wtlh fall lataraatlaa mallad fra*. Applf \
D. A. McKINLAY, Land Com'r,
at. r. a.a a. k>. mi. P**i. ai**.
B* _ . a _ IkENIUNS, TRADI,
PrttAntQ RAHhS, I. A 111 I.K
I Cltvllio CA V K AT* and advicr how
U> arrurr thf in prom|rt!r and at the lewert coat irlrrn t>(
te.H IVA 1,1 tert teiiA,Kdttanofthe*'teclriitlfle
Arwi. 1 No ll> Spni r St , New York, who have had
twenty-four year* - experience In the bualne**.
„ . .... ~ ~ Full of Engraving*
"Scien ific News, r K,^. r
ventor* and reader* of popu'ar wience ei>l- II a
f ear. Sample c pie* and pamphlet to Inventor* aent
The Pail Term of th>* ol* aud popular liutituUon will
be*in Auieu.t *ifti *ud ..mthiue l:t week*. Th#
pavmeut oTaill-% wi.i K-cure Tuition In the Preparatory
and Academic Counte* of Study, u-e.ther with Board
and an average amount of Waihlng, Koom. Heating and
Incidental for the Academic i ear of lit) week*. Th#
1 of ® 111 the Winter Term or of SAT in
' Itier of the other Term*, wti evre the came advan
lace* for One Term of lit week*.
The Building*. Ground*. Situation and Facllltte# of
In'iru. Don are anu-na the nnevt in the world. Send for
infoimation to me Principal, (i. n. STtiRLR.
eat *tock In the country; quality and term* ft. beat
MLRRAT EUU. PRm. o>. 19* K. ••%> gt* NswlJt