The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 21, 1879, Image 3

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Centre Hall,Pa, Th'rsil. Aug. 21, 79.
-wTrnva.- f'2per year, when paid in : $'2.W when tint paid in adrnnre.
Advertisements ;21W* per tine for three in
.<r- and brentsyrr line for every rub*
sequent in.rr<{on Advertisements by thr
year at a liberal discount.
Subscribers out tide the csunty should re
■'nt. us 10 fie, nmiwilt of one yea-'s post*
ge, instead o/lHVf* a* formerly when paid
by themselves.
. V hsmbrrs ran always telt hoir their fl,*
irats stand at the Kei- rter ofic ly eon
*' ting Ihe lahlrs on their papery, 1< the
' it rends "John Roe 1 jan "If>" \t mens;*
that John is indebted for subscription from
the l.f of January, lSh, and that •< i>
time .he was paying the printer.
• vtiiHu.i V* ot O t
• vrn Mmilul( M> Q44*lly "'il ,
u. v uoor>4T.fcSV w K a o.
<li ■> VoKT UOIMIK. No. KC. r. A. Mraot o
v n.lj,* i-rfntn* on or hoforoesch full oon tnln
Mknnl.< llall. M
llritu. sr. Soot J. J AK > KT.
■ i.m v. *.lr, * rof 11. w*l *''
IUIl.VntroH:lont!i Stnr,l on or hoforo full
9 V V ororj Iv> **'• > n * T j •'**• 4
Ko\lor M1or UWSMW R*ON*. VKI.
Thorp will bo no service* in tho
Presbyterian church in Centre ll*., on
Sabbath thelM Arip. IPT9.
T. A. Roiussox, Paster.
Rot. J. R Miller will fill the puN
pit for Rpt Ficher, during hi* ahsenea,
** follow*: At Centre Hall, Sabbath
moraine. Slit, and in thalioop same day,
afternoon In tho Vnian church Sabbath
2.30 p. m., Sept 7. and in the morning in
George's valley church.
ROT R. odcr will preach in George* raN
ley. Sabbath. Aug CI, in the evening, in !
place of ROT. Fischer.
Nice Peaches and sweet potatoes
at the popular grocery of Sechlor A Co
The annual pie-nic of tho granger*
ail) bo hold on the mountain, scar Centre
Hall. Sept IS.
Wo are informed that the Soldiers
Reunion will be hold on the mountain,
near Centre Hall.
The Centre Hat! Uar.d went to Belle*
fonte the other day to serenade their eld
neighbor and prweat popular Sheriff,
John Spar.gler The Sheriff gave them a
handsome reception
All fine groceries, canned good*.
pickets, sauce*, oil*, crangos, lemons,
crarhorrii,, Ac .at Sechler's. and strictly
pure spic,-- They handle no impure or
adulterated good* of any kind We free
ly and cheertuily testily to this as a fact
and from our own experience -
Jerome Spigolmeyer has sold hi*
More at Kehersburg to Jasper Brumgard
Mr S. has some notion of going west
Success to him, he is a clerer fellow.
The slickest painting done on aay
rigs in this county, is new found upon the
buggies and carriage* turned out at Jno
T. Lee's Centre Hall coach shop*.
Rer- S. L Stiver, of St. Louis, is
spending a vacation at the home of hi* pa
rents near Fetters Mills lie paid us a
visit. wo are pleased to seo him looking o
ne"! and to learn that he itaads well as a
minister s n St L uis. Hois an able young
A few days ago a gentleman from
Bald Eag'e valley married a lady belong
ing to Pennsvalley and who is deaf and
dumb This fellow is safe against curtain
lectures, and no doubt a longing for a qui*
et matrimonial life induced him to be thus
singularly joined. Socrates married Xan
tippe who was famous as the greatest scold
of her day. and be gave as his reason that
if he could get along with such a wifo he
was certain he could get along with any
ether. Men will be queer too.
They give it up and now knock un*
der, all the dealers in rcadv made cloth-
ing, that Newman sells cheaper than they
can. Well, the people knew this long ago
and felt the good effects in their pocket
books, by money saved at Newman's.
Newman is King C:>'.hier and will re
main K ng too. You always buy cheaper
clot ing at the Eagle Clothing Hall than
From a letter written by Wm M.
Waiter, of Edwardfburg, Michigan, te G.
W Kroll, now on a visit to Pennsvalley.
we -am of a fatal accident to a son of
Aaron Luckenbacb. The letter says:
John Luckenbach. a son of Aaron's was
running in from bis day's wark on the
railroad, on the 1 inst . behind a train,
bavirg his hand car fast to th train; as
they approached the station in trying to
unfasten the car from the train. John fell
!'"*ween the train and ca'. the latter pa=-
irg over his head. He died in about half
an hour after the accident. This is the
sec. r.d on ot Mr Luckenbach's killed on
tbe railroad—one having been killed in
Perry co.. Fa., several years ago
i^ueensware of tbe best quality and
in great variety, at Sechler's They car
ry a full line and are able to supply all
trade. They sell in set* or a single piece
•f any desired shape or pattern ; also yel
lew and Rockingham ware, all sizes and
•tapes, and prices greatly reduced.
Mr. Daniel Hess, of Linden Hall,
favored us with a call in our sanctum half
an bour the other day, we arc pleased to
say. The convcrsatien was railroad pure
and simple, ar.d between us we did naked
justice to tbe fellows whe thus far failed to
do our people justice. k\ e have of .ate
been a little irdignar.t over the cruel dis
appointments in railroad matters, but we
found cur friend Hess botb indignant and
disgusted, muchly so.
As announced in the Reporter last
week the Pennsylvania railroad company
hare taken charge of the Bellefonte and
Snow Shoe railroad, the stock of which i
principally owned in Philadelphia. The
read i* twentytw# miles long. The pos
session oftliis line will give the Pennsyl
vania railroad facilities for the control of
the bituminous coal tonnage which it has
not heretofore enjoyed, and is therefore
regarded by the officers of the company
as an important acquisition.
Now let's see whether our road will be
extended from Spring Mills a' promised
The Centre Hall post-office banks
show a larger account of REPORTERS by
mail than ever before. Advertisers should
rote that it is one of the best advertising
♦ mediums in the central part of the state,
with a steadily increasing circulation.
Send you older to Jno. T. Lee if
you want a good buggy, rpring or other
kind of wagon. He turns out some of the
best in the county.
Mr A. Alexander, of Millheim, we
regret to learn, is again seriously ill.
can be removed by rubbing with Cam
phor Milk. It cost only 25 eta. per bottle.
J. I). Murray, Centre Mali. < *ug -
Go to your store or druggist and get
a bottle of Prank I*. Green's coinoound
syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the
best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup,
asthma, or early stage of consumption.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call atten
tion to her samples of trimmings ot ni
kinds : also, samples of new styles 5
goods. Cutting and fitting done to order
and old dresses cleaned and done over "r
her. Gentlemen's shirts, cuffs and collars
made to order, and warranted to fit. nas
also just received a new stock of feprmg
styles, fashion plates, patterns, etc Can
aud see. 1& nlB tf
Phamix Pectoral will cure your coujjli-
Pbcpnix Pectoral cures hoarseness OUICK >.
Phcenix Pectoral ta6tos good and brings
rest. , „ _
Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 els ; 0 bottles w
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hull
A new double thread shuttle sewing
machine, works by hand or treadle, for
sale or trade at this office. Warrant
Letter Heads, Business Cards,
Envelopes, Bill Heads, Circulars,
Posters and all kinds of Job Work
done for one-fourth less than any
where else in the county, at this office.
Young Ladies and Gents should
read advertisement of W. Fox, in our ad
vertising columns.
—-Read Guggenheimer's new adv't.
——Tha locality that haratofor# had the
draadful namoaf Pol# Cat City, will bo
kaown at auch nonioro—it will honceforth
Vo called by the mora mu*lcal titla af
Ploarant Run,
Howard Barnes has purchased tha
stajjo lino from Hellefonte to Milroy.
The Republican says the caso of tho
commonwealth and Mr. Reynolds vs.
Potor ITordic to bo triod before Quarter
Session* court of this county, commencing
on tho fourth Monday of this month prom*
!*•* to bo an Interesting oao B#natir C.
T. Alexander, Kdmnnd Rlanohard and J
L. Spanker, Krjwill ho th# counsel
for Mr. Hordir. and Mr Reynold* and
tho commonwealth hao secured tho ser*
ricea of District Attorney Fortnoy, Oon.
James A Heaver and A O. Fnrst, Esq.
When all these leral li*hts *at together
there will doubtless bo oaso animated ar
gninit on both side*.
Stoneware In all sire*, shapes, and
sty!e., a stock of thousands of gallons on
hand ; tho best ware mad# in tho I'nited
States. Merchants supplied at eery close
prices, at Sechler's, yrocers, fruiters, and
contectioncrs, in the Push Hon*# block,
tho most complete grocery store in • this
We regret to be oblij> d this week
:o record the death ot little Kr. ra Brisbin
Brown, yonnjost sen ot Col. W. W
Brown and wifh, at Oedrors, Lincoln coun*
y, Kana, on Wednesday. the SOlh of
luly The Colonel and his help were
-tartirg te the stack with a load of wheat,
when part of it fell off and frightened the
horse#, which started to run Little Ksra,
who had ehtaiacd permission from hi*
father to ride and drive while they wore
'eading. WAS thrown to thegrounJ. >ne af
the wheel# strikirg his head, A* we under-
Und it, killinjc him instantly Thi* dear
little bov wa# born on tie 13th day of
May. ISti'J. and was consequently 10 years
old on the 13th of last May.
Mr. Harvey Brooks, of Hoggs township, ,
s young married man, living above the S.
y Intersection, was hilled on Tuesday last
by being throw n from a load of hay or
i a is, hi? head a'.rikicg stone.— H'afrA
•>ian. '
Pto-Xic.— A sabbath school p;cnicwas ■
held last Saturday in Zion grove, raar ]
Tusseyville. The preparations were on a
grand scale, hut the rainy weather some
what interfered with the pleasures of the
occasion, yet the friends of the Sunday ,
school cause were not scared, and turned 1
out largely, and the diffcrnt schools invi- *
tod gathered in Zion a church. The Zion c
school formed in double file in front the t
church, with a massive arch at the head of 1
the column, which spread about 6 ft , with
10 ft. circumference, and 12 ia hight. ]
trimmed with evergreen and flowers, with c
the word "Welcome" in large golden let- J
ters on a blue background The arch was
borne by two ladies There were other b
decorated banners ar.d mettoes. The Pine- n
g- ve S. S then formed in line, headed by £
the Cornet band, followed by Rev's Furst, k
Fischer, Rceder, and Be as, and marched P
toward Zion S. S which divided, and
while the column pw-sed through under n
the arch, the Z. U. 8. S. sang a welcome -
greeting. Arrived on the ground. Mr S.
M. Swartr delivered an aJJress of Wei- *
ecme, then a hymn, with paryer by Kev.
Fischer. Adjourned to 1 p. m. to partake h
of the abundance of geed thirg< so amply j
provided by the ladies. At 1 the meeting ,
was again called to order. Music by the i
band, singing by P. G S 8 , followed by h
an address by Rev. Furst on the duties n
and responsibilities of church members, u
Rev. Boas then followed in an appeal to a
the auiience for a collection for the band. (
during which the band treated the audi
ence to some choice music. Rev. Fischer
next spoke upon the theme of doing good K
in order to get good ourselves, followed
by Rev Roeder in showing what God is j
continually doing fer us Music by the
band and schools was frequent through-
out. The band, although decreased in q
numbers, yet has shown an increase in u
skill, under the management of its present a
leader. Prof Wm. Reiber. Ajourned. all e
having passed off to the utmoit satislac- •
Letters of administration on the estate !
oi Michael Hettinger, late of Gregg twp , '
dee'd. having been granted to the under
signed. all person- knowing themselves to |
bo indebted to -aid decedent are requested *
to make immediate payment, and persons
having claims against the estate will pre- ?
ser.t tl eta authenticated f-r settlement. J
21 aug 6t Administrators. ,
Letters testamentry on the estate of ;
Joseph Bi'ner. late of Potter tewnship, j
deceased, baviag been granted to the un- j
deriigisel. all persons iodebted to said es
tate are required to make immediate pav- |
meat, and tho.e having elaime against the
same to present them, duly authenticated
bv law. for settlement.
21 aug tit Executors.
CAPTION. Notice is hereby given
that I hnve purrhased the nrticles
below at constable sale, Aug lti, * the
property of Michael Confer, and will leave
the same in bis possession at my pleasure:
1 black horse, cow, heifer, 3 hogs ; one
herse wagon, cultivator, corn-srrmper. two
horse wagon, plow' harrow, hay-ladders,
1 ton hay, cutting box and horse gears,
sled, old iron, vinegar potatoes, barrel,
house furniture, kettles, tubs, Ac.
21 aug 3t. DAVID CONFER.
CAUTION —Notice is hereby given
tbat the undersigned have purchased
the personal property of Wm. Galbraith,
at Sheriff's sale, and tbat the same will be
left in his possession at our pleasure. All
persona are hereby cautioned against
meddling with the same in nv manner,
viz : Truck wagon, horse, harness, car
riage, grind stone, J dor., chairs, stove,
sink, stand, table, clock, sewing machine.
. pair bedsteads, together with all the de
fendaat's personal property
> 21 aug 3t P D. NEFF.
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias,
issued out of the Court of Common
Plea# of Centre County, and to me direct
ed, there will be exposed at public sale at
the Court House, in Bellefonte, on
Saturday, Aiiguat 23 A. P. 1879,
, at one o'clock P. M , the following des
cribed real estate of tho defendant, to
1 wit:
All the right, t'tle and inter-st in and
f to all that certain building situate on a lot
r or piece of ground in the township of
Walker, Centre county and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded on tho north by public
road leading through Nittanv Valley, on
0 the east by land of J. M Garbrick and
Daniel L<>sb, and on the southwest by
lands of Daniel Lash; the said building is
a two story frame dwelling house, built in
the shape of the letter L. fronting qn the
' public road, 3ti feet by .14 feet 6 inches,
facing the east; the width e! the front ex
t tending south being 15 feet, and the front
j extending to the west being 20 feet and the
respective lengths in the angle formed by 1
the building being 21 feet facing the south
and 74 feet facing the west. Seized, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property
of Dr. P. S. Fisher.
TKRMH, CASH NO deed will be ac
-1 knowlcdged till the purchase rnaney is
„ paid in full. JOHN HPANGLEK,
f aug. It, Sheriff.
I SALE.—The undersigned •far at
private sale, a tract of land situated in the
Loop, in Potter twp.. containing
uiore or less, Fifty acres of which are
cleared, and the balance well timbered
There arc on the premises a good FRAM E
HOUSE, a Log Barn, a SPRING OK
ORCHARDS and an exeollent SITE
FOR SAW MILL with good water pow
100 er 200 acres, with improvements will
be sold separate >1 desired The balance
wii* be sold in timber lots of 20, 30, or 50
acres, or the whole tract will be sold to
gether at a low price and on easy terms.
For further information address,
A-S KaaL.'K, Lcwistown. Pa.,
or A. A Kous, McALeyy's Fort, Pa
}4 tug tf
understated offers s small library. composed of about
fwrtySve volumes, for sale cheap. The books aonsiat
of Histories. Travels. Lives of Distinguished Men,
Descriptive Narrations. fiction, etc Will also sell
CASK ood WRITING DESK Tliis !>• (food oppor
tnity for a younc man wbo wishes s smalt but good
library. Addr-36. for description and list of books.
WJb X, ttiUUMh tiwtrt tttdi fa.
NllFlili rs NALES.
p Rv virtue of sundry writ* of Fieri Knri
h as, Levari Facias end Vendition! Kxpnn*
if as iasue.l out of llio Court of Common
Pleas of Centre county end to me direct*
od, there will be expound to public *!.< at
i Court House in Hellefonte, on Saturday.
August A. If IST'.', at I< rliu'k, P. M .
the rollewing described Heel Estate of the
e Defendants, to wit:
No 1. All that certain tract or piece ol
r lend -ituste in M adivnhurg, Centre
count v. Penn'a . end marked in the gen
r eral plan ot said tow na* lot N >. 12, bound
• ed on the East bv High street, on the
South by lot of Samuel Shader, on the,
Wont by *n alloy end on the North by let 1
of John Limbert, containing in br. n.lth •
along said High alrecC I 'feet, and in depth
I to -aid alley IMf feel it being the premise#
. which Daniel Ki-hrl amiStrth bit wife hr
indenture bearing even date herewith;'
' grunted and confirmed unto the -aid K
• G. H-cknian, In* heir and e- gn. tin ro
• on erected a two story frame house, stable
and other outbuilding* Seiti d, taken In
execution, and to bo told as tin properly
of H. It Uovkmati.
No JL All lhut certain let or piece el,
gtvund situate in the borough of Hello- ■
lento. Centre county. Pfim a. and descriL
i ed at follows On the North bv land o: 1
John r Harris, n tho East by lands oi
A, it Curtii .on the South bv an nil. r,
and en the West b% lot of Janus llal. ?, 1
fronting on .-aid atb v about 70 tout, ex ,
tending back about 'AV feet to lands ofi l
John P. Harris, thereon erected two,"
story double frame In o-e, -'.abb and oth
er outbuildings. Seized, taken ia execu
tion and to be sold as tho property of Pat- t
riek Kellev.
No J. Ail those two certain leu -■ r,
nic-suages of ground,iK'unded and describ- j
ed as follow* Kirat beginning at lit- f
North side of the lot known as the par- I
sonage lot ot the German Kefortued and"
Lutheran church, thence along the line ot t
Si ring street North 2 > teet, thence Ka-t '
•_H.) feet to an alley, thence South along '■
-aid allev At feet to lot of taid parsonage, a
thence West the line of parsonage lot 'A*
feet to the place ot beginning, more fully 1
described in Deed Book, V. page Ml,
thereon erected a two story frame dwell- '•
i: g house and other outbuilding*
See.oiu Hogir.ning at the North side
of the let of 11 D Vuger. then o along
the line of Spring street North V > feet,
thence Kast along lot of Cha- M-t a'.lerty 1
2ft.) feet to an alley, thence al ug said a - a
ley South 'Jo feet to corner ot lot ot 11 l> *
Yoger. thence West along the aid,t
lot 2tX feet to the place ot beginning
Both lots of ground situate in the North-id
ward of Belief citr Centre county, l'cnn a. i -i
No building- Seized, taken in riecu- *
tion. and to be sold a? the property of 11. a
' D. Yuger. P
ALSO, jtl
No. I. All that certain lot or piece el >
land aituate in Patten township. Centre I
county. lViin * b i**l on th* North by b
otbcrlnnJ* of J M. Bush *ri-lwif\ >n thdp
Kast and South bv laud- ! M -c- I'Letup* X
eon, and on the West by lands of Sarah J n
Stevenson, c -staining 24 acres and * per* a
chea more or b>. No bui dng .d, \
taken in execution. and to be sold *> tne Bush.
No. 5 AH that c rta :i tract or p'c-ct.
land situate in Curt.n t wnship. Centre
county, Penn'a. bounded on the North 1
by lands #f Mary Foringer. nice Kast b
by lands of Peter lvobb, and on the South r
by land* ot Mr-, tjuay, and on the Wealilt
by lands ot J. Mann, ceulaining t acres t:
more or le-s. about !*) acres cleared, there- :l
on erected a two story dwelling house, g ti
barn and other outbuilding- ."-ei/ed, ta- it
ken in execution, and to bo m>;J a- the h
property of John Confer. i*
ALSO. tl
No. 0. All that certain messuage tern- .■
merit and tract f land situate ia the town* b
ship of Spring. Centre county, Penri'a,
bounded and described as follow# .• Be*
ginnirg at si* ■ *..-, then- by -and- of Jon- 7*
atban Krise. S. uth - Kast .Vt perches t• t:
■tones, thence North ,V_ , East 2> perches >
to stone#, lh , Ku-t 110 perches to h
Chestnut oak. by land late of Ja I-
Gordon. North o2East t'T parch. - t a
stone# bv a white pine, thene by lai dsof f
-ame. N >rth '-i> . Kast 1' 1 porch.- t a
nine, thence bv land-of same South 52 , 1
West 117 perches t the place of begin t
ning, containing 1W acrea more or less.,l
unimproved. Seised, taken in executi n, g
and :• b sold as the pr r ertv ot \V P (i
Duncan, administrator of Dr. J. 11. Mitch- a
ell. deceased. ,*
No. 7 All that certain lot or piece of e
ground -it-ate in Jack-onvillo, Marlon X
township. Centre county. Per.n'a, hound
ed on tho N rth by lands of Win. Long,
deceu-ed. or. the Fast by lands f Samuel g
•c ley and others, n the South by public l
road, and on the West by lands of Am
Ertley. containing ■"> acres n re or 1. :
Therc-n erected a large frame building 11
used as a dwelling house, frame stable|j
and other outbuildings. Seined, taken in li
execution, and to be sold as tho property ,si
•f D. G Kline.
No. 8. All that certain piece of land l
situate in liaines township, Centre coun- V
ty, Penn'a, beginning at a spruce, thence, c.
along lands of Andrew Kerman. South ti
70j c , West lot i arches t,> a small Hickory ft
Grub, thence along land, c Jacob Mus- ir
ser. South l'.'r . East 231 perch. -t - n.-, b
thence along the mountain. North 671 . -i
East 100 perches '. a pitch I r.c, thence
along land- of Peter Ho-tormsn, North
West 224 purchase to the plac. ->f n
beginning, containing 'AV. acr.-- ar. 1 11. !
porches and allowance, it beii.g the same I
tract of land that Jo n liupp anil his wife t
Mahals, granted to the -aid Situ • lb te b
and Thomas Harper their heirs and as- b
signs, by their deed da ed May 1, X
recorded in the I.reorder - office Belle-1 I
fonte Deed B.Hik I. No. 2. page J" and
the said Simon Kite and Thomas Harper -
by their deed bearing thdalc above ;.-n v
tinned have grant.-d to J G Meyer, tieo. a
C. Meyer. D. S Boyer and J S Stnink i
ev The said J G Meyer party hereto
owns the i undivided part of the above n
described property or tract of land ) *
Thereon erected a two story frame hou-e., I
saw mill, stable ar.d other outbuilding*. (
Seined, taken in ex<*. ution. and to b<> sold t
as the property of J G. Meyer, with no- 1
tice to all Terri Tenant.
No. 9. All that certain tract or pie<-< a
of land situate in Miles township. Centre;
county, Penn a. bouiu'.' d and d. -enbed
as follows, to wit : iu ginning at a stone. '.
thence by land of aid Iti-liei South fsi 1
Ka-t l"i perches to a po-t, North ?•'.s . 1
East 162 10 perche* to •'.ones, thenc- byjf
land of .John W Sboll, North 24 . West s
9Sd perches to post, thence by land of said ;<
Strobecker, South " . Wct 374 perche* f
to stone. South 23°. Kast '0 perchase to i
stone, thence by land of Andrew Immel. t
South 7 , Ea-t 7 perches to stone, and i
thence by land of grantee. North 73 . f
East 41 perches to the place of beginning
Containing 21 acres, 126 perches neat
measure It being the same premises
which C. 11. Str heekcr, hv indenture t
bearing date the loth day of February. A
I). li*7 7 I for the consideration therein !
mentioned did grant and confirm to Dan'l 1
Rishel party hereto and his heirs and n*- !
signs forever. No buildings. Seined, ta- 1
ken in execution, and to bo fold as the I
property of Dan'! Rishe],
No 10 All tho-e certain tracts of land
situate in Gregg ai d Miles townships
Centre county, renn'a, bounded and (le
serined o= follows Beginning at a stone,
thence along land of Ilan'f Hoy and;
Christian Iloutx, North 205 r . West 124-1.)
perch'-- to stone, thence along land of said
flout/, and Peter Klinofelder, North l'
Ka-t *'2 pore lie* t-i a stone, ll .-nee South
1 24°, East 12 3 10 perches to a stone, thence
South 624 r . Wi st 22 perches to a stone,
I thence South 7'-l . West 10 1 lOperchesto
[ the place of beginning, containing 4 a res
f and 62 perches neat measure. Also
One other tract or lot of ground situate
• in Giegg township, adjoining tho above
i mentioned tract of land, beginning at a
I stone along land of David Hoy eiO-, I'.itst
> 61 perchase to a atone, thence North 26".
s West 4 perches and a half to the place ot'
i heginning, containing 20 perchase and al
i lowance Also
(Jae other tract or lot of gr-uind situat"
- in the township of Gregg, aforesaid,
t bounded and described as follows . Be-
B ginning at a corner of George Spades'
r land, thence along same, Soalh 311', Has'
i 62 perchks to n stone, thence along land
i of John Yerick, North 67", East f> 2 10
r perches to a stone, thenco North 3))}
West 62 perches to a stone, thence South
- 77°. West 6 210 perches to the place of
s beginning, containing 2 acres neat meas
ure, thereon erected a one and a half sto
ry log house, stable and other outbuild
. ings. Seized, taken in execution, and to
' bo sold as the property of Samuel Kern.
No. JJ. All that cortlan lot or piece of
ground, situate) in Potter township. Centre
county, I'enn'a, bounded and described as
follows : On the Hovth by of iJr-
Spangler, on the East by lands of Pye
and others, on the South by land* of Mrs.
Spangler, on tho West by lands of Mrs
I rom, containing fiacres more or less,
thereon •reeled u two story log dwelling
house, stable and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution, atid to bo sold
as the property of Josiah Taylor.
No. 12. All that certain lot or pieoo of
ground situate in tho borough of Union
villa, Centre county. Pcnn'a, bounded
and described as follow : Fronting on tho
west on Chestnut street 00 feet, on the
South by lands of B F Widmer, doe'd,
120 feet, on the East by an alley CO feet
and on the North by an alley 120 feet, be
ing designated general plan of said
borough as lot No. 3. being tho same lot
of ground which Benjamin Rich and wife
by deed dated October Brd A D 1861,
[ granted and conveyed to A P. JLlellor,
reference thereto being had will mere ful
ly and at large appear, Therooft erected
'• A on* and half torv ftouie ( dwelling
i* house and other outbuilding*. Seized, la
n kon in Kiri utlon, and|to he sold • the
I s property of George Kastmaa and Martha
' KasUnan hi* wife,
No. 1:1 All tho right, till* *nd interest
' of Ike defendant* ir. And to t Wat certain
tract of land Situate, lying and being in
i! Hall Moan township, I'antra county, Pa .
, hounded and described a* follow*; ll#
.'ginning at a post on tho ridge. them * by
. j land* ol ('krislian Van l'o 1, N rth ISJ ,
, East '.'o par. he- to u post. thcin'o t y laiulj
, .J Dnetel Heck, South Hi , H*l U) pa:-
I oho* to stones, thence by lain! at'O. and 1
I, J. 11. Shain bargi r. South 4-j , West .' I
li perches to a pne, bv land* of
, l.odar. North Hi , W • t per. he* t
r place of beginning, containing 17'J acres'"
i'and per. hi . and allowance, beiiut lb.-. 1
Mint tract of land d< edad bv Isaac Haul- '
man atol ilc. A tail nig >• Siephuus, which '
~ d#< di- o:i r* rd i* R "h i', page 158, In
i Recorder - office of Centr* county, tlu ie
, on en , ted a two story brick house, small /
I tenant bouse, hank barn and ithcr out- I
'buildings. Also
i All tin r ght, title and interest of the I
deter.daut in ami to that certain tract of,'
. lai d situate in Halt ilocn township, I'm-.'
; tre county, Penh a, on the lt„ J I. .g n ■
!. . u . g lan !• ol I'ht.siiaii \an
Po ud others, hounded and described,
a follow- Beginning at a white piue,|!
North . Has! 112 | en-lie* to a pine,, ;
f'tbeiice N< rth 10 , Waal :s pr, has to aj •
, white oak. South 4 • Hit i'J pare he* to '
iI , st, Si uth , • , Host V porches li ;
stone*. South <2 , West 23 porches to a.o
post. South 74 , West 55 porches to a.
birch. South 1 , West ll s perches to a!
black oak. South fib , \\ est t'l perches to •
■i chestnut oak. a small distance to Uc> ti
Kbight's line, thence along said hue e
Southeast course about 51 perches to a '
post, them o North 4 i best perches to >
;a black oak, North id , Kst-l 17 4 perches ll
:o a pine. North fil . East 30 perches to a H
erne:, and North 10 , Kaat 4'.' perches to '
the place of beginning, containing 130,0!
acres and allowance, it haing part of a *
argo truct grauted to Geo \\ ils. a by a
jiatcal dated January l - 17if Also V
All the right, title and interest of the
defendant in au to one third of 1360 acre*
more or ic.- d lar.d situate in Hush low a
'-hip. Centre county, IVnti'a, being the N
an.e tract , : land that wa patented to j4<
:,d in the nanu fJa> h Mctaker, \\ ui. 'r
Denller, Jacob SI. ugh. Philip berman r.
~ud John Ehernian, ee Deed Book M. N
No page 21*', in ll<, order's office of h
Centre county Also
All the right, title to lJ ii intcrtht ol tuc* '•
| defendant ta and to that cerlaiu tract ol K
; land situate ib R.isb township. Centre n
louaty. Penu a. hiiundeJ and described! v
s . follows it being that part of the IV ,
per Tau-ance tract at the maple corner at
the pond adjoieing the 40 a re* of the hi
>aniuel Chestnut tract reserved in the to
Heel from At dnigo Step ens a: J Re- F
be. c;t B Stephens, his wit*, to Thomas;
j.McCaulev and David K Raney. dated
May-7 AD. l> -4. ntaining 15 acre.- u
ruori or In- St eJ. t .en in rn utlon. w
and to b -old a* the property of Thomas <1
W. Gratiui. D"
A LsO. rc
No. II All those two certain Riessuag- it
os tenements and tract* of land situate in 0
tho tillage of C*nlr- lla!'. Potter t wri- a'
ship, Ceatro county, Penn'a, bountied ai i t>
described as follow-. I w.t One thereof, st
bounded on the South by the Brush vahev > ■
road, on the East by the Lutheran church •
lot -in the North by land late of the Con- th
tre'll all Mauut'acturing Compaay. and on i
the West bv land of f- hn N'eff, Jr , con- a'-
taining about one-fourth of an acre, ayd :.f
heir.g the same lot which Haute! U Oher- ■ i
holt *er and wife hv their D>-ed dnt*d No- st,
ri nibi-r •. IS7M. did grant and convey unto '.it
the-aid William Galbraith. there :i ere. t ;m
e.i :i good two tory frame dwellingjth
house, u stable and other outbuilding. Al -a
*o , i '
Tho other thereof beginning at the co
Northwest i >raerof h t of J. ha NetT. Jr.. D
thence hv an out lot of the said Netf. s*
North K"'i flit t a thence i. isl bv 1
land of Thi-ma- Kvai US feet to an al- fr
lev. thence by iid alley >. h • fl J ti
an alley, thence by -aid alley S H ! '•-
feet to the place of beginning. *onuining
54 perches, b ng the same 1 t wh.i-h the tr
Proiident and direct rt of the Centre e-l
llail Manufacturing Cs mi-any by their at
Heed dated t ■> l-th gay I May 18.1. di i K
grant nr I c nvi-v un". • t! • - 1 H i.oani :•
Galbrailb party hereto, l gether with all ti
and singular the building. lat| roveiuents. A
wood*, way*, r-.gbt-. liberties, prtvfMgM ll
No building*. Seir.*J. taken in the **e- ' I
,-utioß. ar d to he sold a* tb-< pr.; er'.y of A
Williau. Galfcralth.
No. 1" . All that certain Sot. r pie. > of It
g-our.d situate in Ferguson towrubip. C<
IV ".re . • P>BB a. bunded and
-onted a* follow*, to wit Beginning at ti
it ue in mid li aS>y betw*' n1 he b-re -
IS .id* r and the said Co.-.d thence North al
East lS!t> 10 porch** to ; corner of H
line of .-amuel McWilliam*. thencoby.K
tatue South S> . East 10 perches to p st. a
thenco by land ot John tsoheon, South ro
• , Wost 12 6-10 perch'-s to post, thence u<
bv lot of Theodore Header, N' rth - , in
Wo*t ll) |>esche to l iac< of b*ginnit.g. jof
oor.'.u nirg 1157 porche* aeat measure,
then on ere, ted a one an i a half story
frame dwelling houie and other outbuild- t*
ings. Oelnd. taken ir. elocution, and to to
be s Id a* the property , : J. M Th mp- .t
wn. . .
ALSO. th
No. 10 A'.! that certain me**ag tcae- th
ment ar. I lot of ground situate in tbe 4.
ior iga of Belle:' r.te. Centre county. Pa l
Bounded and de-crib, da- follows, vir. p.
On the North by I. 'gan -tri <'.. on the Es-t :l
bv lot of Martha SaiiimeU. or. the Soiilhlai
bv an alley and on th* West hv lot ot ~
Mr Lewis, having a fr nt of 40 feet on t ,
11, gun street, an ! extending bac- UK) feet w
■.,> said alley. Thereon erected two- J
.lory frame h< ue and other outbuildings. ,J
S#ir*d, taken in execution, and to be sold 1'
a '.he property of Patrick Gorman. li
A Lf-O. v
No. IS. Ail that certain mesuage tone w
j ment and tract of lar.d, situate in Burn- !
-uie township Centre county. Ponna n
! Bounded and diwrribed as follow-. to w-it l.
On the North bv John !!■ v, on the E*-'. a
hv same.on the \\"e*tby William Stewart.
Tiiereon erected a one kn J a half story 1 g
house, stable and other • utbuildmgs S
j Seized taken in execution and to bo ' >UI h
s* the property of William Askey. I
! No. 19. AH till certain BMHM !
tenement a';d ! 't '•* ground situate in the r
b r ugh of Belief'lite. Centre c-unly. s
Ponn'a. bounded "n the N 'Hh hv Bollc-'r
! fonte Gas C in par. v t. the Ka-t by i
in alley, on the b'. uth bv b li'f Mi- Mc- t
i.ill, and on the \V>*t by Spring street, i
' fronting on said Spring street i/ feet and \
extending hack 'JIKJ teet to ia.d ullev, 1
thoreon erected a two itory frame dwell
ing house, stable and other outbuilding-. <
Seized taken in execution, and to be sold
* the properly of George \\ Talc.
i >o 20 All thai certain messuage
• 'tenement Bnd tract of land situate in -
Walker towr.-hiti. Centre ceun'.v. l'era'a.
i j hounded and di scribed as follows, viz !
l) Beginning at ft atoM in tb tmtn&HMb* i
! lie road ii udi g front Bellefonte t" Huh
■ I ler-burp. thenco al ng land of tho heirs of
George Shaffer deceased. North 4t . W e-t
j"C,S 10 perches to -i stone, theme along
same, South 41 , West 12'■ porches f I
1 stone, thence along land, of Has id Solt
and David Ilarshbergor, North 12 , West
. 1021"> 1" perches to a p< -t, thence by land
formerly ow tiej by David I.utNorth .52 ,
1 West 57 pen lies to a stone, thence by Intid
,iiof Michael Shaffer. South 4"i , Knst 10 2-10|
ilpnrciies to a stone, thence along same'
' North 44". East" -10 perches to ast ine. j
i I thence hy land of M artm Brum;:ard South
r> hi". East 1222-10 perchn* t-> stone, thence,
by same. North 44 , East 13 2-10 perches;
ri to a P"st, thence by land* ef Adam \ oria
s da, South 4h , East 50 2 10 perrhe* to a
stone in tho Centre of the public r >ad
o lead from Bellefonte to Ilublenburg, I
e thence along centre of public road. South;
a 54} , Wont 1030-10 perche- to the place of
it' beginning, containing 102 acres and 5
| perches nost measure, being tho same,
t tract of land wnjj li William Tho* Mc |
- Kean and wife by deed *1 oven oato here
with granted and conveyed to John L.
< Hockey, party hereto, theroon erected ai
I, two story frme house, harik barn arid
other outbuilding*. Seized taken in axo
i* cution, and to bo sold a* the property of
• i W. L. McKean deceased,
0 No. 21. All that certain messuage tene
ment and tract of liidgo land situate in!
h Liberty township. Centre county. P*nn'a.
if hounded and described ar follows: Ho
i- ginning at stone*, thenco North f5 . West
1 perches to sfonen, thenee'by land in war-
I ranteo name of Samuel Custin, South 42}".
,o West 102 perches to stones and lane of
John Thompson, thenco by land of said
Thompson, South 43°, Kail i>3 perches to
if stones, thenco by land of Christian Holler,
■e North ll c , East 103 perche* to the place oi
beginning, containing 40 acres and 57}
*. porche*, no building. Seized taken in ex
elocution and to be mid a- the property of
*. John D GHrdne*.
s No 22 ALSO,
s. All that certain messuago tenement and
ig lot of land situate in the borough of Belle
s. fonte, Centre county, I'enn'a, bounded
d and described as follow* to wit: Begin
ningon the extension of Spring street at
tho corner of lot of dames Clark, thence
or ifortuvest along said Hun fo Ijno of A
i- Stowart, thence along said line in a South
.d ( westerly direction '2d foet, thonco South
-east ana parallel to the James Clark line
IPl aforesaid to the extension of Spring street
j, before mentioned, thenco along * K j ( i
spring street to the place of beginning it
B .| being the Northern part of lot No. 1112 in
idjthe general plot or plan of said borough
otland fronting 20 feet on said Spring street.
f" ( tberoon erected a two story frame house,
''.and o her outbuildings. Seized taken in
•locution and b> bo *old a* the property
of .Ikiuoj mot Catharine Dvlnn.
No. '2ft. All that corUin messuage tens
niont and lot ot ground situatv in borough
of ILllofonts, Centre county, Tunn a. and
lyinjf in M|>r!■ K *lrtii tint! t'ltpfulintt back
to L cul alio*. adjoining lot-' of Georgti
\V. Tate, on too North and of H. and I*.
Keonan, on th* South, and known aa lot
No litT, in th general plan of raid bor-i
ough being the aiue lot ol ground which
Gourgu My era and wit*, by deed dutod
tliofctlidav ot May A 1> ls7u, assigned!
tho sauui to Bridget Mcfiiil, party hereto,
thereon erected u two story irauio dwell
ing lio'.ae mid other outbuilding* Heirud
taken in execution and to bo sold a IL•,
property ot llridgot MrGiIJ,
No '2l All that certain piece or parcel
•■I laud situate in ''prlng township, Contra
county, I'enn'a, bounded and u ascribed |
a* follows beginning at a post, corner of
! lands ol William loiaud and William
Pellei, theneo by the land ot the latter,
North f'.ij , West I 10 peiehes te |-e-t I
thence North -01 West ft7 perctiea to a
I .tot. thenee by aid lauds of the Thomas
Pi-late, Mouth '-l W est K) perchea to a
pest 111 the road, thelico by said road,
, South 40', Kast I'.l lie re he* 1,, a poet,
'thence bv land -if William I'oorman,
North 01' Kast I! peri hes to a post,
thence by lands ot Jacob Uartell, South
, Kast 11 perches tea post, thence by
J lands of William TelanJ, North til . Kast
! perchea to a peal, the piacuof beginning.
oilainilig t aires and 22 percuea neat
measure, no building- Sc.. eg taken in
execution ami to be sold as the property
of Isaac lluupl.
No '25. All that ht or niece of ground
Situate in the borough of llellefoate. Cans
Ire county, I'enn'a, oeunded and describ
ed as follows, to wit On the North by
lot of John llelanev, on the Kast aad
Southeast by an alley or street, and on
the West bv public road leading from
Bellrfonte to ltoopsburg, containing about ,
one fourth of an acre, mere or less, there •
on 0 rooted a two story frame house, stable
and other outbuildings Seised taken in
execution, and to be s.ilj as the property
of Samuel F. Foster.
No. 2d Alt that messuage tenement and
let or piece of ground known as the
North half or end of lot No lift, in the '
general plan ot the borough of Hcllefonte.
:r -nting sixty feet on 1! -ward street, and
running back 100 tool, bounded on the
North by 11 -ward street, ou the West hv
hit of Mrs Sarah lrwia, and on the East
by lot of Mrs. Mary Ann Irwin, being
[tie same lot which Mrs Harriett F
kinline bv lier deed dated Sept , H, IS7I
snd recorded a Deed It >ok, 11 No 2
I age'AM. did grant and convey unto the
said Even, 11 F .slier, party beret 1. there
si, a two storv frame beuse and the ojii
building Seized taken in execution and
n be sold as the property of Even. IJ.
No. 27- All that certain part of the lot
r piece of ground situate on the Norih-i
*rst cern- r of Iltskop 'tre*t and Alie
{Lri-.v -tr< el. :i. the 11 ore igh of Bellefontc,
jegmning and adjoining the old store
-in of William lckhoff, thence on
traight hue North to line, thence along
.'urtii - ine to Allegheny street, thenc*
Jogg AllegheiiT street to the corner of!
Bishsip -treat. thence a 'tig said Bishop!
trcet. West to the place of t eginiiitig. ,
ontaining ot fort and no inch on Bishop
tree!, and £*• leet on Allegheny street be
be same more or leu. It being a part of!
1 certain messuage a:. l lot Of ground situ*
il in the borough aforesaid, containing
irty feet front on Allegheny street and
utending, there, by a line along Bob p
t, Wc-tward liM f- ••'-1 - a po-U then.-* by
ine parallel with Allegheny -trr,-. to the
ntcrv , lion of the l> <t Raised Curtin.
hence by let N in the general t-lan of
aid b -rough, l Allegheny street which
pb J Lingle, High Sheriff of Centre
ui.ty, lid on the i day of April, A
> I'm J bv Deed, foll, grant, Convey and
ell, 11. Broekerbo!! of the aforesaid
lorough. thereon erected a three story
ran. building used as n glory room, and
IB ces Also
All that certain lot or piece of ground j
ilual* mtl 1 bo rough : Be'.'.efunie, Cen
re couuty. I'enn'a. t -unded and describ
<l at tollows, fronting -n Bishop street
b. ;l is) feel U'. l -llrnd.i.g back aie-ff
[nt t,d. f Allegbc y street, about 2®i
-et 1. gn stre. I, on the Kast tv lot of
ies W. Blackford, and on the West bvj
tllegher.v street, there, n > -ecled a large
w • st.-rv stone bull ting, knewn a the!
Bulls 11 >ue. ar.d other outbuildings ■
ii- •
All thai certain lot or piee* of ground I
itualeon lb* corner of AUeghenr and
lishnji street, in the borough •! Hollefor.le,
'•ntre c-'unty. l'ern a. bounded and de
r I a* follows, fronting ci Bishop
tree'., abaut 110 tee! ar ! extending back
1. :git ■ W -t d of Al cgheny s!r<-c:
but 200 f tt• is gan street, and on the
Vast by lot ef Mrs, Jf. ward, and n the
la.l by* Allegheny street, thereon erected!
twe -".ory frame ha i.ling. u,-i as a ware'
ts. in, t gather with smaller buildings.
t*d as tenant houses Seme! taken in
xeculiari ai 1 to be sold as the property
f Kdward Brown
No. 2 s All that certain messuage.,
moment and lot of ground situate in the
w: ship *sf Spring, county a! ("antra, and
late ot l'enna.. bounded and described as
llows, t wit: Beginning at stones on
he . a-t side of the old Lewistown road,
hero-a by lands late of John Irwin north
21" east* H> p- rche. ibenct by lands late
f llenry Vandyke, a. ulh t'lj east V
ierche thence south 42 west 40 perches to
he cast side of said road, thence by the
amo north 45F weal '* isarcbes to the place
.< beginning, c-nuining 21 acres neat
neasuro. being the same lot ol ground
sh-cl John 11 tTer and Sarah h - wife and
la::.- s Ward and Kutb C bta wife by
|cod lat'd the 2<llh dav of July. A. 1>
•MS, He orded in Centre Ceunty l'<-ed
it >k H No 74 granted and r n
, yed to John I! Orvis an.l Carrie 1. hit
aifo Thereon erected a two story frame
lwellirt house, stable and ether outbuild
ngs. Meixed, taken in execution and to
>e gold a* the property efJohn 11 <rvo
ind Carrie E. Orris hu wife.
All that certain lot of ground situate in
4prigg township, Centre county. I'enn 1
imun-led and described as follows, to wit
B-ginning at the s ,u:h corner of a I t
iwned atl 1 occupied by M.-rgagers, now
Mickmc! Psunklei r. the oil L-wist wn
r-a I slhe- c al-ng the line of said lot ca-t
--wardly 40 rods, tbence in a souiherlr do
re<'tio"n 4 r-wls. thence in a wcterly iliroc
Lima 40iwdg to tho *aid Lewistown read,
theece aortherly aiong said read te the
place of beginning containing one aerobe
the tame mine or less. Thereon erected a
II tory traine dwelling homo, small .table
and other out buildings. Seined, taken in
execution, and to b-- sold as the property
of John 11 Orvis and Carrie E. Orvi* hi
All that umlividc t lourth part ef a tract
• f land situated in Potter township. Cen
trc county, l'enaa . bounded on the north
by lands of Jnmes and Jacob Grove,
Samuel Hust in and George Durst, on the
cast by land- of Jumes Grove, on the south
bv land* of Jonathan Haver, and
Woods, on the w- l bv lands of \N illiam
J[anej- an 1 Jame and Jacob Grove, con
taining oon hundred and ninety-two acre*
more or lc-*, and knawn as tho Stump
farm. Thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling heue. bank, barn and other out
buildings. S"ir*d taken in execution
and to be sold a* the property of John 11.
No. 2*.'. All that right, title and inter
est of John M. McKelvey in and to that
certain meaenap® or tract of land situat
ed in Huston township, Centre county,
Pennsylvania, beginning at a atone in
the run, thence by lands of Jos. F.
Williams, south 41* , west 55 perches to
stones, thffnce hy lands of same, south
HO", west 114) perches to post, thence liy
lands of James Ardrv, north 51 , east
5.S 1-10 perches to white oak, thence hy
lands of same, south 25 , east 00 perches
to pine, thence by lands of same south
55°, east 42 perches to post, thenee by
lands of John Wagner, north 00®, east
82 perchea to post, thence hy lands of
Scott Williams, north3o .east J2 perches
to chestnut oak, thence by lands of
same, north 50', east 84 perches to post
thence by lands of same, north 51°, east
IS perches to stones in run, thence up
said run 54 perches to post, thence hy
said lands of Brown ik McKelvey, south
51', west tj perches to post, thence by
lands of same, westerly JO perchea to
post, thenee by lands of same, north
51®, east 8 perchea to run, tliaruio up
said run 02 perches to stones the place
ol beginning, containing 201 acres nett,
be the same more or I— • t^ ere on erect
ed a two storv frame dwelling house
and other outbuildings Seized, taken
I in execution and to he sold as the pro
pCfty of John UcKeivey.
No. 30. All that certain lot or piece
of ground situate in Hoggs township,
Centre county, Penn'a, bounded on the
West by lands of ShcQe, on the North
east by lands of Curt ins, on the South
hy lands of James Zimmerman, on the
haul by the lands of Curtin, containing
two hundred acres more or less, thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling
house, hank barn, and the other out
buildings. Seized taken in execution
and to be sold as the propertu of Law
rence Cnrtin.
Terms Cash. No deed will be ac
knowledged till the purchase monev is
paid in full.
ly' Among the few cr P* of w,l °*
in our county thi* yeer we nolo that ol
( . Christ. Alexander, la I'enn, which will
;h yield 35 bushels to tho acre.
'J If you wish to attad a pic nic the
host placo to gel an outfit It Hechler* gro
. enry, whore tho br*t and freshosl proviso
' l ions are tlwoy* Sept.
I Go to Prank Green'* druglloro In
d the Bush houto block, if you desire pur#
■ end fte*h drug* and medicine*- ho lias
' th* olJest establishment in litis section of
i tho state.
0, Clothing made toordar at Newman t
who ha* the service* of one of the bet
;! Philadelphia taller*—and all work w*ra
ii ranted to fit at price* the loweit.
f Mr Daniel Brumgord, of iteber*-
i burg Inform* u of the death of Joke
. j Buhl, of that place. He died at Lock
llaven on TucaJay, *f dyphtherio, ngo<!
, ]aheutos year*.
4 —G. W. Stover of Peon Iwp., hag
• Uolil hi* ilistillerv tu Mcears Michael
Lamoy, Jouatfutn K reamer, ami
Noah Stover who intend to euyage in
the manufacture of old Rye.
At the Lutheran paraonege. in Belle
I fonte, by Rev S K Furtt .Mr. Samuel
K. Shower*, of Zien, to Mi** Ik . Eckley,
•>f Buffalo Run, Pa
On the 14 in*t, bv Uov. Tho*. A- Rob- 1
in*on, J. U Krumbine and Mm M. J.
Kului. ,
On 14, at Centre Hall, ufa lingering ill
; ne*, of dropsy, Mr. Joseph Bituar, aged
l'7 veara, 2 month* and *1 days.
Mr Bitner wa* one of our old ud most
respected citizens. Hi* funeral on Satur
day Ma* largely attended. He an bora
II Lebanon county and came to i'enn
; valley in 1835, where he resided until hu
: death.
4n the 15tb, in l'enn twp , of Coniump-
I tien, Emma Lizzie. wife f Adam
j Mireckengatl, in her 23th year.
E. F. Kunkel'a Bitter Wine of lroo. J
! Tb |r( dvltfht uf Uto |*util9 fc
fftel, bothlui ol (he btud itMcfef IKSCO oflered Us Uie
- A merit *a rhU h hum qutcklp fauud IU ft)
itU. iLeit g *J fgior at*l heftrti *• k >.
k .suftlet HilUf Wlue uf liv.i, ll Joetftll It prvpul
.'I *ujL:.<Me, uunrrwl sDsf.tili 1 U g U*> (
• BtMtl U) on tk at rel < b of d)bej.ia or ibdl
! f toUoft, ktjussf on liver dUMMMbe, ftoafthm, tiinoui
uvst I'ot.tlipiUoii, It* id It | tf the At •(
.the C*Mtuih hol-loolf lu iljW' IM*(U. isr ait IXUIDS
for I- .C Aftk for K F kuttkif * filllt ef
i Irtsci. Ml) take too ulii> If I #r druffUl has it mux.
BMttsd Us ISfMpltftlet. I Kuulel, S '£* JfiXlit #
! Ninth Ntrwl, I'hliedclj'Ule, I'ft AdtKv ftoft '
j ettclodM throe * ul (duiip.
I It I kuokel • Wuritt hjrup &( (ill* lu dtolroj
i I'ln, ho*l fthd HUtlttftch Vlorrni fit Kunbei.lLe Oft
If tftftOwfui V'Ljft * Vl NNMV99 iftM Moral t* 1 4
I** Lour*, ftllftto wlUs Left*l *<*< l *■ fee until rettiovsed j
vtuttiuti seuae (oft* tiM If Ttlto %% r tu* bft ffttboi ml ft 1* I
.'lhel fttift t-fti* t*to HMsdtlft drtolrxsjed AftUe ft( oi j
Mce aud il'ir* ffr Tho aocUsr cftft 101 l Le(l*or or!
but the ufttiftMil hftft *.rttoft, T':"Uftend ftTtf d|ihf dftl I H
If totlh to ruhft. ftbd d*> ftol kboto It Itu ftLrjßNUft
> ron. ;*•.*. f*sft ttif ftttd ufl*< ti**&. ftftlloto * 'in.t loii'iu. j C
1 tfvioft ft J -and the ejoe etoeillUft ah I |*ftlu In 11.0 ftUsttt j
ath ttoßraeftl til ftftnAtuft of lie lotolL. plckltig j C
| ILe lloe *uftL. fetor. ll* t.itof ft! U e ooftl Left 4 |
fti'he fvsult'lftftlh iLe i-elle t grotoft (aftie ft kid llilft. j
U* ktiutf ftt. 1 irrtlftlioo l ihr taut ftll (ixooo |nij J
!-'*. ftttdmnift. fiXfte frotts • >nti* K I K.uhbel't j
Worn fftimp never falU U- rom*e I hem Prtto II t> j
itorboUU. or U bmiUft far Afcn (Titr Tftt Worm j
•mo ft fed (obsull Ite IbxL'f J Tor ftll oUtoh, l-ttf - f J
vonr drufflftl the Wiarm Hrruis fthd if h hftft II aul.)
eon-lulu T T kutifte*. a** Nx*rti* Ninth hi ThiU
dolu.Mft I'ft Ad'Uto l' mftll. frtoto. ftoud ihroo <en( {
>uar, UJ1!
SpriD}; Mills Market.
Wheal No 1 $1 00
Wheal No 2 t*3c a
Kve, 45c o
Corn, ear*, per bu. new, ,40c h
Oats, 25c. i (
Buckwheat. 75c.
Clover*eed, *K) to $4 ,A4
Chop, twrton, §
Plator, gr.'und per ton, J 10.00
Flour, per bbl 94.50 ' „
Barley Wc ! n
Butter. 12c.
Tallow. 6c.
Lard. fir. if
Ham. 10c. | &
Shoulder*. 6c. | a
Clean Side*, tk,
Rag*. 2c. j
Egg* per d"i . 10c.
Tut. washed wool? 30c, | r
C'-al, Katail By Car. Grow. ,
Egg. • ssl* l -4 s*'
Stove. $5 25 $4 75
Cheunut. $5 II $4 s*i
l'ea, $ 123 $3 OU : j
I 11 ' toetodlßf X> tollil ftfft. biftst \i
• 11. . - ' I
r. r . (• torn t;.all • ootitoci j'tdrft f,
Ivl J r futurw LuftLfttod **r •!#. •!!,
Yourself i * XL * f nft4*
Addiftsft* W. h'X, |.-i' t ttiUMtvlUto.X Y.jj
Al 21. Ha*
/ i<H KTTkoc LAMAnoN
Wt ••*. Ih Moa Oh*rl* A U.f. frmUmul ,ot , (
lb# V art flonnoft I*U)M.tB IL sAfJt Jtodlclftl IH#
• rir I , .ntlsllng uf lb* osmfttioft f i onlre i He Loo ftad |
loftft old ftod lb* Hon*rftldo hftm'l I raek, ftad U.
ll.m* fftMo J v4a iHftooft AfttoocUttod JudftweltJ Cettr !
' roasts. hftftlftC t oftm* Aftlo Ite
Ut dftJ of %• A l ir*. lo mo dlnwrlMf for hnldtnft
ft mh of tfftf • t d Tormlctor gnf tlftftpral Jftll IWI*
on ftft l UuftfAtor hftH fTft of Übto Poftoo *ir 4-Lftft •* Confi,
Ind iwr? of PUu In BtolWfoatto . fr f
Iho cvufttf of l or.lro and to oft lb 4
M , Ifty of Auft bolnft IL 2MB dftj <bj Aft#M4 IPtB. J
ftndU>ronlinn to toooka. j
Ni.-llt 9 li t&ftrtofofto baral 10tfttoft i® th# < oroftn?. Ja
tlfttoft of tLft hwAA.iv Alderman And mfttftMtoa of If .
ftfttd •-fnptj t ( l fttilre. Ihal Iho te (hen and there In , |
their (n*<f*er wn • ■ *'■ ' a -of • r no of J
aatd dftj rnttjfc their record*
ii .nft. Afbii their en r>9l*w.i raitm. ft* do thlr.r j
whUh to ibelr oftf* ft|* pertftlOftU> te done. SMI th<*ne j ,
■ bofttv bound In ftov**#ntftftnoftft to pronecolto ifißist,
(be prtn**nerft Ihftl ftte ->r fthftl) he In tlie Jail ? entgto j
J county Lr Utoft aad them to prxvecale ftftftinftl them
a* ah all l*e iuat
(itrea under my hand, at llelSefotote (he 1*. dftj of
K .g In the eftt of onr l*"\ aftd In U I4K
• ear of Independence of the I'nltfd^UHft
JOHN M'AJitsLER. fthertff
Registers notice The foii..
, ing account* have been examined
and |iftted by ine and rem*:n 6'ed of rec
ord in thi* office tr the inspection of
hesr*. legatee*, creditor*, and all other*
>n any way intere ted and will he present
' ed to the Orphan's C irt ..f Centre coun
ty, on Wednesday, th# 27th day of Au
gust. A I) . IVJ. for confirmation and al
lowance .
1 The account of Nathan J Mitchell
avardian of S*rh B . M*rv Alice and
William 1' Mitchell, minor children of
! John F Mitchell, late of H 'ward town
r 'hip. deceaed.
I I 2 The account ef Klia* Turner, guar
' dian of Marion 4' McD-vitt. " u r chil i
of William M Divilt. late of Worth town
hip deceased I
3 The first and final account of John 1
' Kos*. guardian of Will -in Jones, minor
I Child of Richard Jonas, late of 1" rgu-in
* township, deceased.
' 4. The final account of David Keller.
II surviving executor of Ac , of Philip She
' neberger, lat of Harris township, de
5 The account of L W. Munson, guar
dian of Klmira Porter, now Cole, a minor
' .child of Geo. W Porter, late of the bor
"|l |gb ftf l'hilipsburg. dece-".i
"i fi The account of W 11. Corman. exe
'• l cutor of dfce., of Catharine Long, late of
'' Mile* township, deceased
! 'i 7. The account of John Diehl, guardian
""'of Westlay F.tian, miner child of Win
" I Elian, (lata of Co. A. 4.5 th Regiment I'a
V Vol's . deceased.
' 8 The account of Frederick & .John,
•'ishank, adr.tini'ira.ur of Ac.. <f Christian i
' f Shank, lata ot Liberty township, deceas j
1 cd. a* filed hy Frederick Shank, one ol
I' the administrator*.
'.i The account of John Hoff. r, guardi
an of Sophia Baney. minor child of Isaac |
Baney. late of Spring township, deceased.
r 'j 10 Tho account of Adam Vonada, cxec
i) utor of Ac., ol Solomon Rabenold, late oi I
l-i Walker township, deceased,
i', 11. Tho Crst partial a-cuur.l uf Dor*
n Sunman, Aaron (*an and Henry Leb
man, executor* of Ac , of Abraham Suss
man. late of the borough of Bellefonte,
I deceased.
12 Tho account of Jacob Sankey, one
y „f the executors of John Sankey, late of
, l'enn township. deceaed.
y 13. The account of Adam Hoy. acting
"• | administrator of Ac., of John T. Hoover,
li into of the N>r > gh , f, ducea*-
y ad.
11. The account of John Curtin. iruslee,
loielllbe real estate of Henry Hartiharl,
late of Uoggs township, deceased.
15. The final aceount of Her.ekiah Uov
executor of Ac,, of John Hov. (mi late of
Hellefonte borough, deceased.
10. The account of A. Alexander, guard
i*n of Anna V. Ala*anuer, now A M
Collloj. minor cl.ifd ftf lame* Alexahder
late of Potter township, decoased.
H Tbe account of George 1 Kornian
administrator of Ac., of A*:or, Kattunn,
luto of Whlker towofhin, deowued.
la The account of Mary WinklcHleek,
Hdmir.i*tralrix of As., of Philip Lsitxcl)
lute Of UinM ilecea-ed.
i;i. l he final account of Baniuel 11 Sto
ver, acting executor of A , wf Jacob K
S over, late of Haines township, deceased
'JO The account of George Sparring and
Mary A. Strunk. admlniilratj,- of Ac., of
Benjamin Strunk, Ulo of Howard boro.,
'JI The account of Jacob Dunkle, ad
ministrator of Ac., of David Dunkle, late
of Walker township, deceased.
*22 Th* supplement and Una) acoount of
Goorgo Poiora, administrator of Ac , of
Samuel Pcterg, Into of Potter township,
523. Tho account of Wm II Fry & Re
becca C Laurimore, administ.ators of Sse
of Hugh Laurimore, late of Ferguson
township, deceased.
24. The final account of Joel Fling, Jr
executor of Ac., of Joel Fling, Sr., late of
Mile* township, deceased,
545. The first partial account of Jane
Love and (} SI Boal. administrators of
l&c . of W. \y. Love, lute of Porter town
ship. decea.-i'j.
81 jul U Urk Utpiuu' t Uourt.
11 All R Y K. HICKS,
(Succoasor to T. A. Hicks & Bro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c'., Ac,
toy Alao liiiw ilic iikciit ) of 111** Hon Hi lt**ii*l Chill***! I'low forllilx fomily"W
Great Chance for
Goods al Cost.
iu order to close out the Goods in
Gugp-nhewuer'e Brunch Store nt Gem
tre Hull, the entire stock will be
giving a great chance for Bargains
The Stock cousbU of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which will be sold at the
Lowest Prices.
We have an immense slock and well
aasoiled in every line. We have
at lowest prices,
all must be sold, as the store is to be
Auction! Auction!
1 here will be Auction at the above i
store every . Tuesday and Thursday
evening, and Saturday nfternoon —
commencing with Saturday, Aug. '23.
at hitestablishment .t Centre ila.ll, keep
or. hand, and for tale, at the most reatona
ble rale*.
A Spring WagonS,
and vehicle* of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made o! the ]
betl naoned material, and by the mot .
skilled and com|>eient workmen. Uodie*
for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., ~f the 1
most improved pattern! maJe to order, i
alto Gearing of all kindi made to order. '
All kind! of repairing done promptly and
at lh. lowest possible rate.
I'enon! w ar.ung anything in bis line are
requested to call and examine hit work,
lh will £nd it not to be excelled for dur
I ilitv and wear, may o tf. I
BIMt BROCKEKBorr. J. D. flit'OKHT.
President. Gacbier
(Late Miiliken, Hoover A Co.)
( Receive Deposits,
And Allow Interest, . j
Discount Notes, I
Buy and Sell ,
Government Securities, Gold A (
.plOGßif Coupons.
ForksT House!
| The Korkt lloute, at Cohurn elation, i
j new and ccnmodiou*, and ii kept in bet"
j manner. lt< J.I .l ! .<ard < • :.! to nom
in lb. county Stabling for 30 horse*.
lAs a summer res rt it will be found all
that could be desired, right in the heart ol
| good fishing and hunting grounds, and
surrounded 1-y the most romantic scenerv
tnov y
New Pianos 5125
Each, and all style*, including GRAND.
\KK and UPRIGHT all strictly
rfrsf-rfoss, sold at the lowest net cash
wholesale factory price., direct to the pur
-1 chaser Then- Pianos made one of the £n
est displays at the Centennial Exhibition I
and were unanimously recommended for
ihelttoiaeT 110-oas—over 12.0U0 in use
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co.
factor? established over 36 years, ihe
Square Grands contain Mathushek's new
patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
greatest improvement in the history of IV
iti'i making The Uprights are the finest
in America, Pianos sent --n trial. Don't
fail Pi write for Illustrated and Descrip
tive Cvtal gue of AS pages mailed free
.15 sept ly 21 Ea-t 15th Street, N. V.
llf PORTA N f( > fRA V ELERS.
Has been recently thoroughly renovated
and repaired, and under lhmanagement
■ of the New Proprietor. Mr GKORGB
HOP PES, formerly of W'tnfport, is first
• class in all It* appointments
• Are offered to those in attendance at court
and other* remaining in t >wn for a few
dav* at a time.
f The largest and most superbly Designed
Hotel in C entral Pennsylvania,
i All modern conveniences Go try the
Bush bouse.
. Baug GBO HOPPBS. Propr.
| (Jn UaUM-llcns. sod Orvli.n.' C..uil i r.rlic-
Mr h. cnn.ullsd in l.rrm.D >ul Kngllst li(S- 'J
■ liinaw'i balldlaa. m>; , :',,f
HORSE •■*' ! . m fs of curr. ,r|
IIUIS0bD 11 him* Ink* H trrsl. ,11 dIMM.
|hu3Snn* iMielim nh.orln. potl|..n. ...iim-rt 1.,
•|Wa>w.. . i.M. ..I .tow,. ' l 111 I ISn. ...
I esrh N4 • .io Mbaaqt of QIIKU h„„,
• luAiiiuaUon llr Wn. Halt I H.w |H.U.M
!hoV*Uil 1 p.ltl fs sinl flii f u r which Ido not lik*u
I r." ''*• Crrol.i M.nt. ..|.d
IB J kcn<l*ll.M l KaoNbargh f*U7Yt lrojij
cistiii: ini.i,,
Msworsitpara e.e
t Saddles. Harness, Cfiiurs. Whips
Flyers. kud alto Icep, o Q hand Cotton
Nets, etc Prices low as any where else.
All kinds of repairing done. Th bct
-lock always kept on hand. AH w— ■ WMr
Harness, Saddles. Ac
Th.cni'.sratCßwt. drtnnlßd lo DNI lh. ponalar
d*m*ndfrle*r price. nwrcrtfuO, calls lh. ntwn
tloo of (ho f>ubttc to bltock of
now at theotd 'TTbioivit naiin Ills f n *
*' I - i l 1 i.t .1 S*Wilo. lUrniMM (Vj
H u . •. <J evwnr deeoripUaa d quality fM
n f* t vr)thln| < ' * "iMplctc g ftm -* * n< *
tnont, ho uvw oflwra • i t.rl* wh*-' ~,•*** ootoblioh
it I Mil A!'!'*':*'* V K A"U.., r
A fl 111 l? i a day in your
% I kill I Women do iu well as
.1 | all || | ""' n Many make more
? | 111 111 iban the amount stated !
above. No one can tail
to make money fust Any one can do the
work You can ruake from 00 cts. to $2
an hour by devoting your evenings and
"pare timo to tho businoss. It costs noth
ing to try the business. Nothing like it
<iir money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honorable.
Reader, if you want to know all about the
best paying business beforo tho public,
send us your address and we will send you
full particulars and private terms free.
Samples worth $3 also free You can
thon make up yeur mind for yourself.
Portland, Maine.
/tfc C\ .000 A YEAR for honewt, Intelligent Liuldqm
V I men or ajrente. New haglnoen ; light work
/ Addf >u Cd-Ol
10 july 4c..
=HAItD:WA lt E!=
' ii ■ i #
We would especially call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
.jar Our Swk being entirely Now. We ofler apodal Bargain* le"fc
Spring Mills 0. K!
at I. J. Grenoble* Store !
ha* the goods. Largest Aock I
Prices Lower than
And cow extend* a cordial invitation t
hi* friend*, patron*, and public general
Alao a Complete Assortment 01
Ready Made Clothing for men *n< j|
boy. Suit* as low aa to be bad in tb< j
Imported and Domestic
Full linn* at
For Ladies, Genta, Boya, Misses an<>!
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes
And lbs mort complete assortment of
NOTI 0 N s
n Central Pennsylvania. and i-rice* lb*
willcompel vou in aelf defence to buy •
hm Also Fi*h, Salt. ate. 18"*
A full line of Howe Sewing
and Needles for all kinds of machine* "
Also deal* in all kind* .of Grain. Mar
ket price paid for the *ame. A epecialt*
m (X) A L by tbe car load
.las, Harris $ Co .j
P A I N T S,
TitK liA LL
Furniture Rooms! * RBFMHIXE,
re*|tectfullj inform* the citizen* of Centri |
county, that lie ha* bought out the oloi
.land l J O. Ileiainger, and ba* reduce,
the price* He ha* coct'.anlly on banc
and mak.-s to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
Hi* slock of ready made Furniture i.
argcand warrantini of good workman-i
hip. and i* all mndc under hi* immediau
upervuion, aad i offered at rate* cheaper
ban elsewhere.
I all and ee hi* slock before purchasin*
Hardware Store.
A new. complete Hardware Store ha
iwen opened by the undersigned in Cei
ire Hall, when be is prepared to ell ,1
kind* ol Building and House Furaishin
Hardware, Nail*. Ac,
\V C hh "J" Tenr on Saw -
C.otam Racka. a full a**ort
msatof mlau and Mir tor ~U I. Piclu
Frames, Spoke*, F t ..10,.5. .nd Hub*, table!
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks
Lock*. Hinge*. Screw*, Sath Springs I
Horse shoe*. Nail*, Norway Rod*. Gil*,'
ea S'.ut, Carpeuwr Tool*, I'Hint, Varn-i
i*ho. ,
Pieiure* framed in the fin*ityle
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice.
Reuieuiber, all good* offered cheap
er than elsewhere.
JOHN F POTTER, Attorney-at
C..ll*ctlor I'romptl, mad* and pecta
ia(t*atloo lT*n to; ho** harlnc lar.d* or proixrt* lor
al* will draw op and hT* acknowl*di*d l>**d
Murtca***. So. OSc* In lh* diamond, north aid* of
th* ooart hem,*. Rallafnnt- oflltietl
RECEIVE DEPOSITS and allow Inter!
est: Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell UovernmeniSeeuritiet,
Gold and Coupons.
Pre't. • Cashier
Manhood : How Lost, How Restored !
Jut pubttahftd. * now edition of Dr OolnrvkUV
l'lt*brai4d K**y on the* radlonl euro t without modi
cin) oi Spi rmatokkhou or Seminl Weakness, In
raluntArjr -imilnal lanum. lmiotn/. Montnl and
rhyaical Incapacitjr. Inoadimenta U> Marria. 9U\ ;
alto. UuniumpUon Kpilepwy and t"IU, Induced by
Mlf Indulirenceuf sexual extravagance Ac.,
a sealed envelope , only ix cents.
The celebrated author. In this admirable Ksuy .
clearly demonstratea, from a thirty year*' •ucceaaful
practice. 'ha I the alarming coneequencea of eelf
akmae may be radically cured without tbe danjeeyoua
uie of Internal medicine or the application of the
knife. pointlnj out a mode of cure et once simple,
certain and effectual, by mean* of which every suffer
er, no matter what hi* condition may be, may cure
himself cheaply, privately, and radically.
This lecture should be in the bauds of every youth
and every man in the land
Sent under seal. In a plain envelope, to any addreee.
post paid, on receipt of six cents or two pottage
Address the publisher*.
41 Ann St., New I'ork; V. 0. Box, 4580
The Only Known Remedy
and the KIDNEYS.
7m* c • actum git** it t comierpA
potter to cvrc all dmam.
Why are we Sick ?
litrau* K eBofC them great rrpatu to bm
MM degytd or tbrpid, m.dpouomm I.'mart
arc therefore farced into the. Uaad thai ihomli
be erjuUed atum3g.
bg caucinj free, actiut, of them urgama ami
j rw—riiy their ttrengtk ami power to thram
| t'f duram.
am Why Kin* Button paint ul arkeat ■■
W hjr W UhmM wIUi Pill, ul < 1
Vk| KittklMrl otrr <b4n4 Atony* I
Wky (din cmon Ac>!<!:<* ui rinyli
* afefcLl
rWKIDMV-UUKT< n>w to OvM.
J; u a Org', tegonc-u ■ • mmO
Omc pmmtmqi will .lr. ti *art* f Mrlhtot
Go not ,<■ itrttjjm. * v*U order a for gam.
WXIL-, aIMUIT.IXS i tz., TrtptMsg. ts'jigm, IV
k i ' ■ w.-rtat,a Hop Bitter* for •>•
•t Mungy*.
Cherry Pectoral
Tat PiMMM of thO
Throat oaff Loaas,
jb *uch u Cottgltf,
wlioo Poi
, Cough, Breathitt*,
imiiin, * ooa*
The repouttoo it has atuiaM, ia
consequence of the m&r.< Uous cure* it
has produced during the last half cen
tury. i a sufficient assurance to the
public that it will continue to realize
the happiest results that can be desired.
In almost c-vtry section of country
there are person?, publicly known, who
hare been restored fboni alarming; and
ercn desperate diseases of the lungs,
by its use. All who have tried it ac
knowledge its superiority; and whera
its virtues arc known, no one hesitates
as to what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. Cukkry Pec-
TORAL always affords instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder va
rieties of bronchial disorder, aa well as
the more formidable diseases of the
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it
is invaluable; for, by its timely use,
multitudes are rescued and restored to
This medicine gains friends at
every trial, as the cures It 1? constantly
producing are too remarkable to be
forgotten. No fhmily should be with
out it, and those who have once used
it never wilL
Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, and Clergymen
often recommend it (Tutu their leu owl*
edge of its effects.
rßxraaxn sy
Or. J. C. AYER it CO., Lowell, Matt.,
Practical and Analytical Chi—lMS
e II ATE US* Orchestrion chimes ORG A*
lilhrawi braaUfhl
. Lt g "?,F t ... *r*M*p, wkl
*l tliua liltart—
I' yallLar .Ji! •-' iw* aad a hatf
iI ISS' , M—i3srJ Orlavra <tf hslto ta>
frffill!? IPPwW "*"* " wrfes ty
Em 3* WATmSchlll*
6AVS la Lalqur Fr.-nrh l'*K a*W MOV—
* ry rftpwt KIKST I'L.Assfs- _ Wl __
\VorUmu*fcir,& llurablllly I unnnmA
. Warrantrd far SIX YYABA
. HluuiUi In-tallan-Di- received. A lJhMai
- 111-e*ant to That km. Mi n uicrj, Ckurckm,
(e.AUEXTS W IXTLD. SpwlalMi—
mrni-io ihr irade.lllaatrated ( ntalngw—
illulled.-Nt'cond-haiid InntrumraMalUv—f
ftlanufui-lurera ffll Dealer*.
r! 40 KAST 14th SiTKJEET, I NIOM
, OQL AUL, NEW YVltli, Bos, 30 T. _j