An rnniaiutgeahle Prisoner. A correspondent of the Imndon 7Ywc., writing from (ieneva, Switzerland, tells about a prisoner in jail at Yaud, who six*ins to be an unusually "hard case:" The name of the prisoner is Christian Wys, and he appears to have hivn an evil-doer front his youth upward. Though stilwunder forty, he l>cgati his career of awn raon than twenty years ago. being sentencd in IHSB |o a term of imprisonment for a rtthltoiy eonunittisi at Very, lit lt*3 he was ixtndcmned to eight years' solitary eonlinement for robbery with violence and a murderous attack on tiie gendarme hy whom he • was lturing this imprison ment he made a ferocious onslaught on I a ttnapki y wjlb a chisel, of which lie had surreptiuotiMv po— --id hiivstdf, and nearly kiiUsl the man. No sootier was WjlftVlMWd from prison than he re sumed his evil courses. Two years then-after he was brought before a crim inal court at I'ayirne on a charge ol breaking into the house of the pastor ol Heastideits, whom In half strangled and left for dead, and, though he ns-oveivd for a time, lie did actually die not ,ong afterward of the ittjurii - intln tixi.n hint by his assaiiaut. For this ofti u*a Uv was sentenced in 1a73 t,i thirteen years' solitary continenutu Heiotv tin year was out he attaoke,! another turnVi this time with a knife, and though the ivKir man was iiurt to death he survived his wounds a few wn-ks. a circumstance w hieli, indicating a- i! did a )a*—ihitity of ultimate nsxivery. imlueed the mog strate by whom th< munieivr **:.- tried to take an indulgent view of the ease and add only l*vo years to his sentence. After tins event, ami see ing that Wyss. w ho is not only a crea ture of ferocious teiuner, hut of great strength and almost Itetvulean prop,r tions. eontinuisi to threaten Lis jaiitrs, and made severa' att> nipt- to escape, the authorities re—cveti to provide him with a prison of his own. A -eparate eel I *f soiid masonry was. therefore, built lot hint, light was adiuttU"*! hy a single, heavily l*arnsl whitlow, and the door was of such strength a-.—vtuingly todel v the prisoner's utmost efforts to break out. In this ihatr vv - arranged a siusll wieket, through which W y-- was fed like a wild IK'lV—t. for no one ever enter*-!, higcvll, where he IMU itte*i day and night heavily lr**ned. Bu( one day when a guardian ol the prison ** a- wnveving io Wvtw hi- matutinal -upplv of food he perceived that the doorlmdla-en tanqwr si witli. An alarm was forthwith given, and investigation made. It -eemtsi that the prisoner had managed, nobody could tell how, to break a piece of iron from one of the bars of hi- ** indow. This, by dint of hard work—using tin- Door of hi oell as a wlieiston*-—lie had ingeniously shaped intent sort of chisel, with which he had- t*rss! l*ack one 6f the IK* lts ot his doefc and would, doubtless. had he not l>ia>Bhyutid out in time, have torved them :*U and regnine*! his !"ree*lotu. It nsjuiritlnhuo-t a regiment of g*'ndartnes to six ur AV j -- and carry hint to another cell, tlnfe to be kept chained to the floor tmtil Ids own den should le once more ready to receive and. a- his custodians hop*', to retain hint. If, l-forc his time be out. U'y— should c*nuuit any more muni" ija, it is very lik iy, in the pre-ent temper of the A'audois people, that he will be hanged. Where Clocks and Watches aro Alade. This. Utole, says a French paper, is considtsnd one ol the liighest rank in ail the branches of manufacture as being at the same time an art and an industry. The neCtesity of an accurate knowledge *>f the exact time has be*-ome so great in thest days of railroads and rapid sen royage* ilia: th -• in-:ruiu- nls liavtf be come almost indispen-abie to every one, and, consequently, the trade has g ratly inerea-ctl ni :ate \ • ar-. Some very curi ous facts ixinne-tix! with the husims-s are worth* f notice—for instance, the deli cate mifciiH'tits of to. minute instru ment- known as uli- w ate IKS are exe cuted hy'tlie rur e; . . ation of Savoy and the Rrvm-b n . swi- Jura with a dexterity quite a-!oioshing The de velopment of production in this branch of manufacture has b en very great, and the statmtice of the trade in general wil iat t*' without inter* -t for the reader. Franee Wands at the head of the list. She prdfluoes chronometers, watehes, tinn'-pie*v-. eicn-k-, annually to the value of:? 13.000.000: tle-ii conn-* Switzerland, with wmcln--. SI'd.OOO.tW: America, in watehes and DtiU'h clix-ks, $6,400,000; England; chronometi-rs and watches, $3.-J00.0tH: Austria, time-pieces. ?4,0C0,- 000: Germany, in titue-ptias-s and a few thousands of watt he-. 95.000.000. These flgun sgivi atota - .b y •.*-• r910.- 000.000 for the whoieciix k-inakingtrade of the world. The amount a.—utiles the greater importam-e when tiie fact is re marked that, differing from nearly ail other business?*-, the raw matAial enters so slightly the prime cxi-t. tiie prin cipal expenditure )■ in_' ahnost i xclu sively in >.*ti>or. The approximate nutn l-r <>f arti.Mt-s produ -Hi i- as follows: F"r:in''e. about 1,000,000 piece- annually ; Germany turns out more, some 2.000.- 000. hut they are of a much inferior average price. The -am- may be said of the American manufacture, which proviibs MMMH ICSWrMt vt-tr witli 700.- 000or000,000objects. A-fara-watch - an- concerned, Mvit/i-i iaial In ads the ii-t with an annua! production of 1,500,000: France follows with 500.000; the Tniti-t Stat-- pn'.u -•-* from 300.000 to 350.000. ami England some 2l.000. but these are of very superior quality. Tlte enormous total is watch? * :unl 4,000.- i 000 time-piece* a:v annually dispersed to < the four quarter* of th- globe. Nature in India. There is nothing in India that is so , constant a surprise as nature. Your I ey?w are accustomed to your own flowers and form* of forests and garden growth* —the oak, tiie ash, tin sycamore, the mol?Mit d.aisv. the wholesome, virtuous clover that blossom* over meadows and valley. You look In vain for the old . forms that were so pleasant to you in ' childhood—that WIT- always friend* when the world grew dark and sorrow swept over your yming and trembling ■ life. The trees are new. You have heard of them in p I out it ;u* ;i curry, but the spices i du<-edit into such ! a condition that it might have passed j lor radish or celery. As a tree it is royal and green and rich Here we see , the tamarind, under v hieh you are for bidden to pitch your tents because of . the unwholesome exhalations. Here is the pipel and the Japanese acacia; the banana, with its hospitable leaves ; bam ' boo*, the ortwige anil Ihe lemon; cactus , until you are weary of cactus; a very world of ferns, and the rose in endle-s [ profusion. Animal life has a freedom that is unusqai to our rapacious eyes— J accustomed as we are to iook upon every thing that-God has made as something ! for man to kill. Here the religion of . the natives* which tiirowsover all ani mal nature n>teeti?n. has its influence. As you stroll over the walk* of an Indian garden or jook out upon an Indian lorest you see animal lift' in all forms. Tlte monkey is more common than . squirrels af home, and over your table as you gather about it the birds of prey ' assemble and circle around and around , until your meal is done and it comes ' their turn tb take your place.— Calcutta Letter. -:4 m mmm Nelson's t'oflln. ( The ronmntic sugg'*stion that earth i should be brought over from Franco to i m ike a glare for the late Prince Im- t perial has jiarnllel in the iife , of Admiral Nelson. Wlen the famous i French L'Orient—tlie scene j of young Uasabianc:i's heroic death — t blew up at the battle of the Nile, a large . piece of lier foremast fell into the rigging I of the Swiftsurc, an English frigate, r Tin- hitter's commander, Capt. Benja- t min Hallowell, one of Nelson's warmest • fri? mis, at once ordered the ship's car- I penter to make the fragment into a j coffin, which he presented to the admint 1 r with a lettag expressing his hope that r " the day iqgght be far distant when the : trophy of KNelson'- greatest victory ' should he }& last resting-place." Net- t son was grimly pleased with this char- i act-eristic gi% which In* immediately in- i stalled in a ftorncr of iiis private cabin, 1 and, in compliance with his own re- ! • peated request, his body was actually t placed in it after his death at Trafalgar, j I NFW ( I KK FOR IM'F.MI'FItAAt F. < Mi, r c of th Hi-mrdv In WrattHinl, t The Aberdeen /tWrntng Rxprrtf says lhiringtlie last few months a course of 11 est incut, having for it- olpivt the i ure 1 of intemperance, lias bun carried on in 1 Aberdeen with appan ntly most sueee— - ful results. Sonte of our readers may retuemlter that about tin iM-gittning ol J the present year a paragraph apiwanil in I OUT columns narrating th, extraordinary snoots* which attended the eflort.- Ola . Chicago physician to euro drunkards of their era* ing for spirituous liquors, !>* , the n-e of :t medieitie prepareii from the r-d lVruvian Iwrk. Among the per-on ( whose attention was atliacted l\ the I story were -i \ oral geiitlemen of inflii I etnv ip Ahenleen, to wlnmi it is cum*' . t*> give the supjio-iai remedy a praeti. a! trial. These genlleuten brought the ter under the notice of l*i Stewart, ol [ the lle*thix*t llydrophatie F.-tabii-h- J no nt, at the same time unking the tno I po-a! which had sugge-tid its,'if to tfieh I miinl.-. namely, that a patient -ueh a- I would make the ease, so to -peak, a test one, should he put through a course ot to. itnient at llixithcot I'hey wof*' gi iti | lied to find Pr. Stew art quite a- much in ! t> cc-tcd m the matter as tin * theni-cK > - were, and ready to Ix-at a -hare in tin c\p use of tiie experiment, for -in h it \* i- Without I**.-- id time tin work was commenced, and litt!- diflieully wa i xpetienctsl in finding a -tiitahle patient to op r t't upon. A man |M>*se—ed ol n*t mean share of ac oniplislmteiit-. and *•; it tin* prime o! life, who for year had IM-I a the slave of Imhits that were sutvly dragging hint to ruiu. who, in if od, 'our iit*ntls ago. pre- -nti-d the an tvaraiti-e ola pltv-ieal and tuetita! wna k, was. it tny ixand IM*. a fitting sllhieet ; in (mint f fact, it was sp,vialh with a * iew to tlte reformation of one whose deplor able condition made him an object of pity io all that -aw luiti wandering . about our stri-'ts, that the |ir*qMx-ai fir-1 tek loini. The inebriate was eonvevnl to 11 rat hoot nlmut four months ago, ami at otn- out undgr the treatment, which mi* Ih' her** di'-cntn-i. I'he reined *i - *id ti* have l***ett di-v-ovi ri—i hy a Pr. p'l'nger, of t'liieago, and the sole in gradient u-ial in its preparation i- the ix-i lVruvian hatk (' i'i.Ac. i n. rit. • known among druggist- t- "quill hark, fouti the fact that it is obtained flout t w ig--ibout the-ireof a quill, fhe bark i- ri-iuecd to powder, and snake,l in diluted alcohol, after which it- bulk i le—,-n,si bv one-half being -trained or et A, orat,at off. t>n the first and -■ ond day- the medicine (which, in y* pre pared - ate, Imars tiie technical name of Ksir* n (AaeAonir ita r / t >utiiuin 1 i a.lministeml to the patient inthe prop>r tion of a teaspoon fin every three hours, tliet Digue being occasionally ntoi-temai in tb ■ intervals betwi-'it the dose- dn the thtrxi day tlte dose i- reduced to a b ill -poonfuC a quarter -poonfti tttd -ub- :iKtitly to five, ten and five drop-. The treatment i* continued, on an aver age. for eight davs—in t xtrenn* ox- ■-. for thirty davs. L.ike the well-known pre paration derived fhmt tiie - cue source— qninin*—the F-rtmctum Cn. nt few do the intense craving for drink became --. and gradually disappeared; while in p'a. cofit there was manifested a no • },*- nfttrki-t aversion to the alcohol, which shortly grew into p isiti* •-disgust. The treatment wa- eon: u- ■! for thr>v month- after the iaps,' ot wliieh pn ii-l th patient returned to Ati-rde. •.. with i-o.i-r in hi* elieeks that for years had IK en ab-ent, and such health and vigor in his movements a- itiuld not fail to carrv conviction regarxling the r- -ult of the work. The on,vdecrepit and maud lin drunkard has l>.vn furni-ln-l with employment: physically tie- man ba ll . n retrieval from utter ruin. Kmlmidened hy the sue,-. which at tendeti their efforts in this instam . It r . Stew art and his friends had another pi t'ent subjected to the effect- *>| the nn-iti cine at lleatheot. In thi- ea-e it wa- a com no Trial man, whosi- deplorable de sire for pirituou- liquor- was fa-t ruin ing him and destroying the happiness of his family. The ease was not so hop-- je-sly had as the previous one, yet it eaiied for reme*iv it ever one did. The man was brought to lleatheot one ci.-tv. d.-od e.runk, and when the tir-t craving had p i--d. the -ante av.-r-ion to -pirit a- *va- displaye*i in the other ea-e re siiiti-d. His wife, in a letter, while <\- pri'-sing in the most earne-t manner tin tiojK> that the efforts for her husband'-j reformation would l' rewarded with sueee--. despaimi of the result, knowin from ,'X|K-ri,*nee. as -h- said, tliat tin u.ihappv man would find -otne mean- of iurnishlng liini-elf with -timuiants of some -hap", whether whisky. !i|oral. opium or chloroform, in a ever. the patient was allow,-! to vi-it th, city daiiv for the purpose ol attending to his dut 'S. returning to lleatheot at .night He is now an altered matt, ha n<> longing for strong drink, and ha:*s ti.e very -ight of it. Yet another ea-- A voung man. whose hnhiis thr,*atened to involve him inthe moral and physiea. d'sfi-uction which in the jimaxiing i-a- - wa- a.l but reached, was sent up to I>lV siile, and. after undergoing a fortnight's treatment at the hand- of I>r. Stewart, return,* ! to town freed front the ineuhus which had IMH-II ruining him. These are the in-;nttc's which, up to the present time, have been noted hy l>r. Stewart, and in all, it will be observed, the result has IM-II -uccesa—complete and untni.-- takahlr success. 11 would te rash, however, to view th< cures as complete yet. Time will have to -how whether tiie effects of the ntetli cine are la-ting, and meanwhile the case must IM- regard,it as evidencing only a temporary cure. Viewed in the iatter iiglit. however.the results are, we think, sufficiently interesting to warrant our git ing publicity to them. A Case of Suspended Animation. Einil Rausch. of Williamsburg. X. Y., who lias been suff-ring for some time frmn heart disease, -at down to his dinner .table one day recently, seemingly 1 in hi- usual health. After partaking ' heartily of the viands placed before hint lie rose fron the table, but was taken ' with what he thought a fainting tit. and said he felt sick; then, throwing Up his ' hands, he fell on the floor. Tin* family, thoroughly startled, though they had long le, n expecting such an occurrence, liu-tcned to his relief and bore him to a soft, where after two or three efforts to articulate both respiration and pulsa- ' tion apparently ceased. The latnily j phy-ieian was-,-nt for, but Ix'ing absent, word was left for him to rail immediate 1> on his return. JKeanwhile no sign- , ot iif< were visible in Mr. Hauseii, and the family ed for breath, ami in a few moments • ireulation that had been temporarily suspended resumed its course, and, though weak, Mr. ' Bnusch Itecame oni-e more a man among the living. The familv rejoiced at the , recovery, overwhelmed him with atten tion, and evra the undertaker felt pleas urn in the unusual termination to hi* services and joined in the congratula- j ; lions. He quickly hastened the removal ot lit* paraphernalia, the last thing to takedown beingthe badge of crape from the door, which for two hours hod lx-en ' suspended there. How to Hwim. The editor of the London Truth, after ohwTving that probably not one in twenty of lite persons who indulge in ■mating on a holiday can swim, proceeds to tt il his readers how lo acouire tliis ftceomplishment. Nothing, lie savs, is more easy. When the air is out of a body it* owner sinks: when the air is in the IWMIV its owner floats. I/ot any one slowly draw in his breath as lie draws ( back his legs and pushes forward his ; [ arms, retain it while he is preparing for j the stroke wliieh is to propel him. and slowly allow it to go through his lips as his arms are passed hack from before his head to his nines and his legs are stretch, •! out. The action of the stroke should not be quite horizontal, but should be : made on a slight incline downward. The real reason why people hike weeks lo 1 urn how to swim is because swim- < miter professors either do not know ordo i not choose to teach the philosophy of * breathing so as to render the body buoy- 1 ant I would engage to make onyjone a 1 tolerable swimmer in an hour, unless he i be a congenital idiot. • \ . Tho DpntniHlon of Aiiu-rii'iin Forests. Of a desolation which is recorded far hack of the day* ol Unman or oven i Grecian glory. **c read thai " a limn **a* f famous according a* In' had up '* av * upon tin" tlii~k Im - lu llu' <1:\- i when American forrsl* wow* considered • practically liuiit!'*-. >ur fathers wort' i I>ii'tmi t.-1111011- for lifting tip axes upon '1 tli<' thick tree*. :itul tin' resultant ili ii it tiott is even now upon ti-, lilti' tin- riul v i-titti'- upon s.uu-on I I.i- ii< -mil tiott conies upon u- in many I'ortu-. iuoi ol I which arc. in foot, rapidl* and t*rril> 1 y i i-uuiul.'ith■' lli-ro I- :t I- intitul stream 1 ol water. for t*\'tinpl"', which Wa- - great element ot wealth l-' tin region i' tlirotigli which it flowed it might not only ban continued to In- -o, hut to lint e 1 gaiiuxl in u-ofulntw.- instead ol IN ing I dead or -ur'l\ ttml -\v iftlv t-.t—ing aw a* Tlii- iwahwHii lltthi hoUow* on tfw I III,!- WI till Wl't'i till' spring* **lti.'i grew into rivulet- to li-. ii it linvi IMX N stripped ol tin' niol-iiuv ivoiioiui/'.iiu i verdure tvitli tvltii'll tin't'r* >tor < lotln-l - thrni, and -o flu* -pt'ing- mt dry,and th t rills no longer murmur tin it once gl.til t -ottgs ol litltor it- tint hastened liotvn • tin t alley- to turn tin nit win. - -t - mechanical iiulu-trv In thi\on*ntt< r - of - - -ult. I'hnt thi-tlrying ut> of the-Hi !tut t i- attributable not only chleflv to ilrlot f o-ting, hut almost -olcly to it, common I -i lim \t hii-h ill fuel, tin' v. fy o—t in ■ • of Lull hi-1 itinl phi!o-oph\ itttt-l ntitk ' plain to c\ ft—l tltfiu tvonoiuii .vl >, - it should IK* gen tie ami IrvqUt nt, not . violent itml at long interval* lntilii i gent foro-t i ngituvring wouhi require that such portion ol hi. - be clothed with a mantle of gncn trees iv- by il- I' cooling intlui n e it would more In t quinth -o contract the aerial -potigc as 1 to give U- -liowi i - at -liort ill* I It I t ill- Tlli- i- tile eit-e ill lolYSt- I t> otheil, Ite.tUl ifui Britain. I'he re i verse is true in tin tippetl Sjiaiii. who-e people have IM-COIHC N- pro verbial lor their hatn-d of Uw- a- ttu-ii country hiv- for -n-n.ily of-oil ami *l<--p im' stream- l'heiv, ami oil eastward a., through the Orient, i relent..-—.y brilliant -k* ami an appaiiiu. ah-eu< e of i vt-nlurewill teach otic a.- nothing cai how Iteautiful are cloud- that weep, _aml, in it-proper time, how delicious i drizzling ruin) tlay. I'he tlefon -t< u ' | Ka-ti ru huul- are a- fainoU- for a-on ot hlimling -tonti-, ami valley- torn by terril'.e tom tit-. a tin y are lor the r v* r-c. Tin t w ill -iKtn linti their . ouutei - part in all thc-e character!-lie* in Amen, a, uni<— we roll— oUl>< Ive- with a will to understand and to master the evils. Forests protnote aire ants avail able for our previous luanufaeturing in ter*-ts. also, hy furnishing \.i-t uml :i iutv-i innumerable beds ol fallen 1. av< - and of nit*—-, which act on the mrtfi like a huge meriting -|Miitgv, to check the -udden ru.-h of the rain-tail into the valley- and down into the stream- Yerv rapidl in rtveiit year- arc tuourii ful instance- multiply ing in which the— manufacturing stream- are teaii.-foruietl by fre-het- from -pirn- of bit--ing-—to give homes and food ami clothing :* thousands who live in the hamlets, hy turning the ma. him rv whi h in ,p --tio ui hy their laltor to help thciuselves —t*> demon- of destruction. Forests a,<> promote sueti steatlim -- of rtow ol th • stream- a- to rake them sources of national wi altli in giving employment to -hi. .si laltttr. hy preventing tin- rapid • evaporation of moisture. I'roh.thiy more than half the water that tails on a tleforesletl region in a tiry season i wlii-ked off hy evaporation ju-t at tin time when it isni"-: mssietl to strengthen the depleted mi i-streaius. The steam engine to he of any practical use o u motive power, must have its action con trolled by the t'Oltser* atlve itilluettiv tI the Italance-wheei. Otherwise its wins-.- would whir! at one time with a tury which woulti re-uit oniy in dt-truction. ami then they wouid move ttni skiwly to be of service. Thas the forest, hy in crvosing the frequency of gentle rain-, ami — decreasing the voiume ami lit length of interva - m tween showers, also ly regulating their ttn sudden pluitg' into the stream-, i- the great regulator provided by nature for their control in the - rviee of man. All ov- available our once magnificent and almost uumberhs-s hydraulic powers. Trusting to what -'s-nted a oertniutvof employment for th'meivi - and their fauii,i'>. thousands of -k:.letl lalmri r- have in many nis. - conlidingly made their homes at a point whir*' the i stream -'etuisi ahundantly powerful and permanent. Then. :v* the sunuit'i enme and went, the river seenusl t> -i< ken. and grow more and more ft- Sl. till there would he a w*s k or two each year in which the spindles and the loom wouid be silent. \s tinn went on these jtetiiMlsof idlrnes have lengthened into months, in wliieh the labor struggle for bread and clothing, for mean- to pay for the humble little home, or debts incurred in sicknes--. was compelletl to he -u*- pended. The eausi-of all tlii- was that the soun is of the river's iife had IM • n destroyed or injured by the ignornma*. cupidity, or re. kli sn>- f mi-n who " lilted up the :t*e on the thick tree- " fur up the im untains. when-tiie mill -t rerun*bad their birth. —U. If./Wi 11, in //• rp. r's Sf xga:ine. A Stranger'- >o-e. Some of those chaps who wear their elbows down thin leaning on saloon counters have an artificial ftv with a tine threaif attached to the hack, and sometimes these toys can la* luutdleil to tiie amusement of a small < rowd. When an unknown man yi-sterday fell asleep in a saloon on Mi'-higan avenue, the young man with an artiticia! (Iv was there. IletiMik position-Iwhind his vic tim. who was King laek on his chair, and presently the fly alighted oil til"' stranger's no-e, walked up the bridge and down, and -etthal for a moment on the tip end. The sleeper never moved 1 a finger. The fly went over tin- old ' mute, drove into the corner of the left ' eye. galloped over to the right, and eatne down to the grand stand on the dead 1 run. Hut tin- -leejier slept on. It la-gnti to appear that lie was u--d to flies, and so the game was changed. By stieking ' a pin through one of these toy* you can 1 make quite a Itee of it. the pin being the ' -tingi-r. 1 \\ lien the "lee" descended on the stranger's nose. everylMwly expected to see a sudden start, hut it did not come. After a jab at the tip end the "bee" crawled along up. waiting for develop- 1 lnents and getting in an occasional -ting. ' hut not even a sigh escaped the sleeper. ' The young man with the insect was get ting tired when the strangi-r lazily openeil his ■ yes. slowly rose from hi- chair, and coollv remarked: " Now, then, if you have got through ' fooling with my nose, I'il fool with 1 yours for a while!" It i-n't likely that particular young man w ill ever dangle artificial flies any ' more. He was doubled up, straighten* d 1 out. choked, mopped and slammed so ' thoroughly that his appetite will run to chiekeri-hroth and arnica for someday- ' to come. When the cyclone hail pa-- d ' the stranger said to the white-faced crowd on the la-neb : "flentlemen. it any more of you see anything peculiar alwut my no-e, please e.-iil around and 4gt me know!"— />• trail Free Pre nr. Words of Wisdom. Life i* too short to nurse one's misery. Hurry them across the lowland, that you may linger longer on the mountain Uljs. ilie keenest abuse of our enemies will not hurt us so much in the estimation of the discerning a the injudicious praise of our friends. The chief art in learning is to attempt hut little at a time. The widest i xcur- i sions of the mind are made hy short flights, frequently repeated. Opportunity is the flower of time, and as the stalk may remain when the flower is cut off, so time may remain with u wUen opportunity is gone forever. Abstemiousness and frugality are the , best banker". They sow a handsome interest snaidv i desert* of tin 1 Cistern Ni lHiln " nlgli I onto tirtii'ii M tir." * I nolo Joli would , i \pr> -it II .aim*to tip 1 oii-*t n mere 1 lm>, oiit in hi* independent, sturdy sort 1 ot WHY I in* 1* rl* j| li—l with lot tunc, not 1 iu iiUi'tHi*dlilh 11* Some, p*t hap, as nil 1 lii*Mto*ol (oil simply resulted in hi* > ownership of .* ti Alii, mid hi* wresting ii htird livelihood from in i—tnuit dsil) ! ll*ll' III* 1* 1* n* 'loin —1 11* tin t 111 ilo '1 in, ind that trait w .* hi* pride h> 1 h i' II tin- old houu ." w 11 dow 11 in \ i*r 1 moni." 1* hi* *iint. ll nd In* i* *tnh • Iwillilv n tin lit on tlwt |Killt, idlliply I Mating that became aw tv Ihi-hiim' "In hankered after a lift* on ill* plAin*." Whnti ti'i tin ino'li. In h. ti.iiid no i ihiili tofitui 11 to hi* till thpi.ii i*. ih *piti* ! tin* fwt, Itow know n, that it wa*auin*t 111 Mil loll* 0111-, altd that IM I V collllort i and p!eaurethat wealth could command wit* hi* it Io would n-. . i>t it, Sunday morning Mr. H •' I\• 1, • v.'ii.*in of Horace. .o'liitd in I'uiiloi front \er . iiiont, charged witli A special nii**lon. 11 •• -ought out hi* relative, and ati -1 nouitccd to him (hat In had hum **mt '>v Koran '* father to pt* r*Unh* lii* l>\ now a hi'ioiliil man lo l onn h.u kto hi* lioiui Hi* p.Oi-nt wa* w ailing, l ager U> w i ll ouii* liiui. and praying lit* am might .1*!1 ti to In* ili ad inn* Not only tlii*. hut all hi* riches —a cool f'.'.' u t* at hi* *oii * command, upon Id* arrival *ll H- latti r inducement would havi* lm*n sutlhimt tor an ordinary mortal, hut it did not influence Horace . .1 particle. On the • ontrar) In w*m ob durate, flatly reftiMil to gu. and despite llj* cousin's cut I * it a *. w hi. h la*ti d tioiu tin* time tin* train arrived Sunday night until it departed yesterday morning, lie persisted in In* determination ami Kadi ill* ambassador good-bye at tin* train, -till lu 111 in hi* 11 Milvn. IK* raiiu* hack to town, curried hi* hor* am! fed theiu, greased hi* wagon*, and in n. failing in with *ome of Id* friend*,re lain! tin* in-, eidi-llt to theiu in a Inatler-of*la !W a\ concluding with tin* remark that "he owned that team, didn't o*l much money, ami he reckoned he could make a living independent of any body." 11. win met with a *torm of remonstrances, arguments and advit*. Thi* j*di. y on tin* part of hi* oh! contrail*** utaggernl him. ll*thought h was doing tin- right thing, hut when they r* numerated to him how uutiiial lit* nuntui t. how 1 i u 1 in* w i* acting in w ithholiiing from hi* aged father tin* comfort that In* *Oll * prc*m e would he 10 hi* 1 ..*i declining year*. Horn••■ w. akrncd lie eouhl not >talul tin* Uplaidill.- of l l* associate*, and n a consequence Fureka lo**-* a good liti/. n. Hi* cousin wa* telegraphed to at .' i, and instructed to await Horace * annii Y i-stenl iy In* sold hi* learn, paid up every cent that In owed, ami tin.* morning depart d for Klko, where In* will join hi* relative and procenl on hi* journey eastward. May good luck attend hitn. lh li t* furnished us with a novel item, ami one that witi In* hard to match, riiink of It V rani urn found in tin—.-dcgenera*ed day *—an centric individual tliat ha* to In* • onved and driven into tin- p..*M-**ion of f.'SO,- 000.— Hurtkii v .Vi t*. > /.older To Hake Ire-Cream. On* quart of milk, flic \olk* of four eg.—, on* ira*. *| ..ntti. <•{ flour *lirrt-d to a Milooth pa*te ill a llttie of the milk, and oiu* pound of sugar; scald until thick, taking care not to • 1 it burn When (old, add one quart of whipped TO-ant and the lieaten it hit< * of four eggs ; flav or to *uit the taste, and it is ready to In* fntara. To make tiiM-renm nhviv anil quickly, :t *uit.ahle apparatu* i* jndispensah'e. If on* ha* no freeaT, a tin |>aii with a clo*ely fitting rover can i* made tuna •war. S, : the pai! in a lawket—a large jwacli Ki*ket i* gootl; pa k .lU.II quan tities of coarse salt and finely tiroken ice aiMund the (mil. nearly up to lll* rim; jwur the prepared cream into the pail, taking care not to get any *a t into it; cover the whole with flannel and leave for twenty minute*, that the m ain may chill. Kr<*w hi turning the pail linlf way round and letck. and every few mi nut * ofMii the jvii. and stir thecr*niu . for thi* purpose u*e a smooth stick. M ork fa*! wlii the pa* 1* op. 11 :** tie air tliat readies the cream delays the Ipi'/ing proc **. Hare a damp naf>kin at hand to wipe the -a.t fnan the fnio r every title* that it is opined. It may l* m* >***ary to r*ni w the Ice and tall while shaking, a* the freezing uiiv ure must 1* kepi close to I lie sides of the pail. When tie* cr*a;a I one-*soiid, cover again with flannel, and if conve nient. let it stand for iui hour before serving. liurttl .Y< c Yorl, r. To Those wlie Write. Write tin proper name* p'.ainiv. Never wrangle or dispute in print with anvliody. fie brief in tatetnent*: sparing in com uii-nt*. Writ* with ink; nM*r with p<*ncil. unli> unaroidaliie. Don't attempt tine writing; it is m w * that is wanted, not style. Short items and lots of them are w hat ; . IM the editor and rwdtf. * lie point'il; to work. Finishing there, they go further north, and *0 keep on until Minnesota i* iniehed, reusing work only when the great field* of wheat on the lied river and Dakota plain* are nit. Other limn get in tip ir wagons and drive north. TIP-SC, in hundreds of ve hicles, ran be *'*< 11 going north. They have I*ut the erop of Ti \a.*. The crop of Sniitlp rii Kansas has Ken saved hv them. Tin* farmers of Nebraska hsik toward the southern horizon for tip* white-to]i|H*d wagons to roll into sight They will soon he among the hills of the Dakota plains. These men are the l>e*t of liarvi *t hands. Hut some of them have very imperfect idea* of the of personal property, and are especially loose in moral* in regard to horses. Hurled by Lightning. From the village of Teruniseh. Michi gan. are received the particulars of one oft lie most peril li.* r freak* of lightning lately recorded. The village sexton, John O't 'onnell, was engaged in digging a grave when one of the recent thunder storm* came over. There was a blind ing (lash of lightning accompanied by an instantaneous report, as it sccne-if. directly in the grave, and Mr. O'C'onnell found fiiniself prostratiii in the bottom of the grave, which was nearly com pleted . The whole aurfaoe and sides ot the grave were plowed up, and lie liim self was half buried in loose earth. lie tried t ICuthoaJ Company ittHi Ivii'l llufUlo, N V., |i<}l in with m terribli oiuli, killing tiim nam mid mote or le* *cri oti*ly injuring olvvmi other*. An *tplo*ton m tin.oil twmid fit niinrnfi Iht'M tunning tut the Hudson I*• twccu Now York AIM! \lhany, deiuoliaht* l lii on *tntc room* tilled tin* muni aaloott will mnoke uint brought (lin otil tI thru birth* in u HtnU'ol Kimi e tenement lin mil Ration *ho w f< l ihti etplo*utft ( base bevi I CUUcd |l\ u IhII Willi JMlWilof, htough till Uii| by u pitctiger, who ant CMpttir** unit |trmoil Ui Ua wtdl known wtitdlcr. i'llm Im-1ic ui ittlt-il in s itt itititt |i n tt| lho otiiiiili | ln committing mi* thai Miiiiollinoa Iwriltitu nt h* lnaiir tho ot'onti t tea titer MOM-I ninti \ in Nes \ ori* having mi bormt ddb Ku**iaii Mention il i* who isuiiilkml out on tiio wtmrf ait nigh and It. licvt *ta\ Matted lot the Wast it. tin* premature Miiliwiiili u( a hlaot in . !%. ■*i >at Huntington, t*u .Mu iito l Kyan, •uli (-•iiilnii'Uii %l-rjh iCmtcomtt an ! A \V k lit wete tnMaatly killed i otf.iit nihil- o li* i 101 l i otlt and 4*i tin ui t* lit tut it catifccd uinong tho Helta w in uti.i (tbuo No \ oik 11) tho |itthlu* d< Litatiou of Mi Aualiu I'm bin, Julit nl il I ht* Maiihatlm Ueoch I 4iiu|mU>, ol Coucy hlnu.l, that be dc not want ans l*rw4ltc* to |lnitiU the toil* I'WH.vk. hotel ot iiiirmitt. Use declaralini which lm t'lmlwl mull u tir went written h Mi I oiitiii ItHliself, nu tkm am lolUtW* •• >\ ito liol like llio Jew* a a i las* ilioio at outo w oil l*-hn\ml jtoople among litem, bu '• u rule they nmko thnuselse* ofteu&ise b thr knot of peopV mho pritieij*aily leuliuiti* out nwil utui howl, ami I uitt **ti*nr*t w klkhiM tie ' clit-t off without than with thoi . i!oin I'muuiietit Hebrew* *1 Now Yorl vehement!) tictiMiint o Mr. Coihiu'* action uii)untiiinl rati Fhm National liank t4 Hutler, l\i , ha luilts*l Iho total liabilities are an tho aM t mr tule*i lt Ito iriil to pu\ tj ilwjMaittint, uixt to roiuiluirao nlout jflA.OUu ci tho £JO.OUO of capital *n* k Iho lVlili)UiiiUA Republican* Humiliate* >utliu 1 Bullet lui s tto I i m>nrw al tiioi convention tit lUrulmi|{ 1 tie plalioru xjopled dt%Ultv at* *• itii|-ifU *hlo httollilly I th tepeul tl Iho national law* w huh pioUv tho put it s of tho ballot bol aiitairt tho iWiiWul, i in favor d •• f|&. l aymrtil tf tilt iiMituaai loht in c*nn M an-t u •* a |'i\j'or i urn* roticn inahlo in omu," on iotai vSh hi |M>ko tor I W4> hKit a iVm.rtfui, Mo , on tiio stiu toauiion *! i **tk h .\-hs> atnl tiio i(o|tuhln an Otmut iai jtolicy itaiuol i Ikon, lk*{uibliinii nomiiioo I n iiov t inor. J tone lltaino ami Hon. ihotimn it I Coo* I aim* AMd>nl tho m->otin^ i'lily 6.0U0 |t-naui wore jnvwont at tin rii-x itn xj the three U>< >->ntn .. 100 Natiftuti i oui|*ofaiU'o I uun at Ucai IW f, N,l Iho cowan; itklnr? o inaiii !-> >li> Aiaiy i utiiM(|-, of Muiu^n ii Now Vi'ta iC I'llhllcan < ottltlliKOd luw imuol a tNaii lor tho Mato l ••uvoiittoti, t li* hrltl at s hoj tfiiilmi .1. i/H'ii IVtot i r*loriito>or mnk )io! Now Y* Jftllin I*. I ulior, wlh Actml a roJotw. Iho vnli wic* tho mailt <| a W4u;*r tumlo with Lytttor |*iltrr ( wh* arris ot tn x (iu KiVtK'taW >oi w ilii a * hwl!irrv* which ho 4 v iaiuir(i tn have ttuiniio*t tu*niA# thr ('ofitmrtit ftotn Ailouis N I Iho two mon *urtwi frotu Sn Krai* < tno on Uiotr no vol t*ur ri u|a>ii it) Frwnk For teilo. a luiisi wttrktnan. lal tW(*- ami itwUali)' klllol. i'hrn l'ortcllo with tho rcw-kits£ kmlo in hl han ami .l in**nthi al >itig jittw >u |tf bo wine rejrwii'iy an*unJ t Ito wril Null rtuoif to *ofi hr wan !*■ kol u|< lit a *lark eri! ilioro lluakr. tf s inlenl him, whon Hart oil the ontmlS *4 hi* al'*j jmil Hi the I'liyto uc. • too Koi thl* act Hainrtt Uken frvon hi* roil am! "iwiktiwl with an in*!rutnent I MQ4 Mdl MMUMI UM svl while lo*.ni; takon frst lit* coil to thr tiooti an i nnal hititwll w ah a heavv halraner ko*|rr l*.hti II t*-d Al* te*ii|'trd to tltret lianHt, *ho tt *od tho hatnnor t* ihnw at htm, when the r *b<*t tno nmtirl tho heart with hi* fs-s-.j --vet, him in*lanliy ll*e *hMtmj; or. r4itr*>t ii the |.rowtw atiwait 200 otn ict who had t*er f*rtned into hue j*rej*rwlory t uuin hei t dinner. liunnfS the lew minute* pmf t the (lnn| ol the lata! *h4. tho eQQVioti blllln tni.ks ax I mwdkMl aefti*'! li-i*hn and (#ood and tho defiant joi** ner ihe men were £n*)iif{ very turiwiient and dioortlorly until Keej*er tiv-d fifed U|w*n llamrtl. whon they 101 l back l*f a moment \* they fti*hel t :wx\i ■rsrmi keejwr* drew their re%*|ve* Aiu! tmuriiel the pruw*tier* lrsin the plar V eorsmer • jury dwiiinl the khootuif{ )*i*tiflahio Jennie H >nnth and ( ofrrl l> llonnett. the Jrrwy l it)' tnurdefer* t*f the f•itner* !iul*uul. I'olaottuin Nmtth has* b< n gmtifel• tirv triil t*y the airt i hr* tun and Apjwai*. t hiddu*tkew |la*Jry drlif. the opitilou id the emtrt, the judgment lielow. 'IV vote *teal twelve t three iu Uvur l A m W tnal. oiw nH v otiiig Much t' btJtldtn|r* lvatiw karii* C ity and I'otrolia. two town* in the tul dmtrwt ot Hutler county, and *itiiateil >n a narrow valley wlitclt lUiir rtoek flw*. wrio tiio serr *t ulTorrr* \ ia>;e wave of water, between five and *n loot deep, *we|*t down n karu* i ity Ifoueu* wot*- iu k*i| uj lism lheir lo'iiukifi*n and *a.rne*{ tl a* tl they *rr i'hi| The jieople living in the Immiwo wore token ly *uqriw*. and thv *eene erne a Inarfliliy jitem* ©ne Women were find rmuninn for aid, *nd ehiidren, with their htaite* pn*f*-Uiijs from the WIHIIOWN. tiilel !!•• Air with new l ahum and pray i* lor a*it aimo. Ibst*. tall*, and u lew !••• were htnliiv procured tv th* re*deiita of th* portion* it the town, and one hv one the help* le** |MM*|de were nwuel frum their j*enl. Owing to the chtwp rhamrtor of the IHMIMW and building* the ha* in tvam* * ity i* mt o • r *k16.000 oi §"2O.tW From l\urn l ity Ihe wafer ruwhe I thn nigh the Valley, laying wate lis nn*. iirrymg oflthe gram which wn* land ing in the held* and fearrng away atich oat* building* a* were along the Umk thi rmrlt* ing IVtmlia the wave went through the i niter l the low n. ami over fifty buino**aml dwell ing Ihwi**** were *wept awny. l*h Parket and Kiirn* t ity ami Butler railroad* •ufleml u |ia* o| 10,000, all their trr*tle* la-ing dittimgid and the tmek* wiiahed nway hr mile* 'IV *c ite preaenfed during the nih of the water* wn* ii terrible *?• Mother* with Inlm* in their arm* and halt-grown children clinging to then akiri* w ere *e-n on |H>reli-lo|w, tlieir |mle and luiggurd lace* plainly telling tneir tear*, ss bile men were aeen combating hrasely lor lift* in the inmhly torrent* I'he h** nt IV troliu i* alxnit SIOO,OOO. Several |er*aper from Meinphi* aav* 4 '*i*hroiighout all ef laat night ami to-day stately *t renin* ot people luis e tcen moving by every *treet, avenue and railway trout tho impending lever affliction now threat ening the pliigiie-Atrickeiicity. It i* Ktuteil .hat 2.000 depaMed by the I>otn*viHe rnd alone, the r Imggnge pilinl in high Iter* • 'ending timil Main t *tret on the company * platform. To-day vehicle* id every imagina ble deaeription have the highway*, i-ar tying pissple, Iniggnge, hon*ehobl <• fleet* and camp i*|uipnge to the country. Within forty eight hour* the only remaining inhabitant* will l>e |wis ert> -ftricken people unable lor hick <•1 menu* to leave, iiegnie* and white men occupying place* which ini|eratire!y* demand their preiM-nce. The poor unable to go awav ontuuintM'r tho*e who remained lat year. It will M nii|Ma*tble to reCr. A dull, dreary ami lone*oinc time i* in proapect lor nil who remain. Many hii*ijo ** I otiHcn clofed la*t night, and will not na>| ten until cold weather ael* in." Another SletnphiM diapiib'h of the *atne ended. ami nearly all pcraotM rt liuuiii* have qnittcal the city with their tn mi I tea. The hauling daily |aipera an nounced that during the epidemic they svould fiuhliah halt-ahetfla—the yellow lever dreea 4>l aet year. Mrn. Kliinchnrt and her daughter, Mi** Heriker, were drowned in the Sangamon river, at Diwatur, 111 The young liuiv wn* to have been married, hut her aflhtticoi! Imlcd to nn)H*!tr, and in it tit ot dexpernUon *he Mtnited lor the ri\*r, followed ly Iter mother. She plunged in, and ne Mm. Khineharf wn* at tempting to wtvc her l>oth wore drowned. < Klier* of the bridal I" 1 rmwly till* ■MIDI* tut C A .|>|.rmi* •tabl.ii.n umH . ffmy ....I ut a >li.|lM mirml rwilly u .#l.i. • '"*• •>"■ I llonisliy, ""'''""l Ali'xumlii t.'hiUU, I'W ww I.' l- liwt WM i„. •tanUjr aillwl by u .hot lr (n , tl „ '"V," 1 " "/.•'V 1 !" ! , " r "" ,, r- " t . i lull)' by hu v h'liiii. |w„ U>Um in lb* l . Hm-miiieuU*. t ..I , hlu| W| „ ul ittijcmiftly, blowing tbr flic, damaging to the p%U 000. A il*|Hl* 11 Iroill ly (§u j ( ill Mile* lit** !nl a livel |||§ |t • tuiii tin Milk ( ieek linn l (i Imtiini® Iwei e killed and litter wijiliri* W^j I he strange *>gbt Uw)cr itditiuliiin i* white man t d it* the police court I UlrtiUK* other !> im|Mrl • til* iHNIIIMt) 111 H wllil H|u|| g,., urttm i Joint IMinuvMiit who u*ault. It i wu mni, lav imrn living lor •t w J #lll ill g***®! atyin |||Ma reinUUM deii*e| |4 M(| c-lutc iHt (belli by tlltiil lliotiior. M| |J S they became imbued with the tadirl UliiPl Vina ft||i|iijiilrtUti|t Ui ,Mat j ua*, and I hoy thin dcici mined U|*nt Nulling up tlut • loot* mul*• )( |( liimim, the two odder under® dle*l tkr^^ I I tffgfttqi U | I ■•HMtu'i-l Mt'.ri l^ f J . , I cilia III* d 111 nliotiii-l I ... 1 a;I to hW ( toW ill t* l'll ltlll'tl 111 h.'Nilli! All tii lei ato<;*-Vt t. CI |,tt 111 tMi l ium, tt ' li* \ t iU* hn\< Ins U fall u.W> tuue * lllt \ury 111 th® • -* •! 4 olmu l Hufoi J trial at On en tun, K> , lot (ltd luuritci ui >. 1 I hlUotl, til tor U tug out eighteen liuun, tr ill a\ n it**-* 111 guilty 1.2 luulder Hi Uh* t 'twjjiw, mill fixed 111* punishment Ml iltipl i t iiteul lor lilt?. I I in- Ml** 11'*, •; tl ■ •Mi* < -mi J tin- u!• jt •. a iti inn wiiiiv itrt lnn I lor hnl.t luoii* > , lio tt)riM* ol h.ofXl |*ot fttloo A ilmjmtch lntftii I rt i'ork, MimtmtM, imyi Jo*4{>h lMUitwrt, it to ft Ik HO to u ililrrjiflft lu m imil, hint hi* to lit? nii't lout chiiibeh %*r? kiiioit t*> tbt* suHi t Inio* wit writ* rpturuitift with hiui Ihuii itu I di.kUHl caiit|* tot-rr mUo kiliw), Mini tr lillit l*ill to it* lakrii cm J >ll vet. \! m Horto* ra. c iti I. lor u |.u*>c o] eo 000—jTi, IfioID go to tlld to 1 unci aii't tlMtrrl (O tbr toro-r lUrua .triottli i llotM-lu]. tUftllU| the thtcr hml* ill '1 IT|, • 1 Mini 2 \h. • ri-ri lietftewnilio iiunutr fm . tkivi iiuir o| Ohio, * m* rottltiitot on m rhtorjfr trf ttnuh kihiU|* Mia Mary 1 if*umou, lout draii ali i tinuGKrxi hi* laaly the trtw!M. \ train on thr Kai'ittioie aftti Hi*< nnliuj !Ulit| (kf cMito into a rtiu b h.iigtne-rr Jhiiin Alftt 1 iff lU*II llwl tor tr Ha ttlltJ* kill**! 'hi thr nuih' iii** ;* Itwif* on tbr North wt*irrt nultnel, tohilr iai into U auk* vt*n. 11l , utrui k h co** m thr trt**k miml *u* thnrton .ft mjul h nrknl Kour turn wen . kiltnl umtuntly, and another Motkuuui a* j lalalty mjurral From Washington. 1 he t;rto ..*\j it* K Lntioti to liir fire i |) lii(i|t ol htm fuel jjuhe tttlo eflerl. Heretolutto all Htei mmrtu nmtly biMiii|cwl were |t toaixlewl to tJirir dean nation, ami iht' amount due wiu cxdiwled ol Ihr }rf *on UJ • h*Hn ttir it!rr torlr :*4 1f: t itdel thr aew Imto |*attuftlrr arr U |*la< c ifrnn Irttrr* not lull) }*fe]4ud lite *tatli|> *r t-idlUunal tatii|* ito ku*iwb ilu* "]ftaU|e I tue ftlainfM, Mini to ftend to tbr ulttce Wkt i t he irttrr i* t* be deihiTed a htU l*r tbr •lUioiitit o| *l*lll} H ailftineHl Ihr ]d biU* return* tbr in to 1..J fMMtliuMtrr, Mli-i tbr atnounl tfuin the mMUVflff ol ti*r irttrr. A Waahiugtmi ihna!eh mm> * tbr eiernln r • amiQUtlM *4 the Nafruial lbuid *4 ■ia* rwfutwtad >auitat> in*|>ertur t iuit, *l Jarktt, , to mwirl at oner to inifm t •hr totoim on th,- litirul tbr muay* north lr*n* Nrto Ofivn> wtm h Miltrfwl tn>Ui •ri to lr *tr .to t >*imi acii a* tiienaiU, rlr . an*! to r lKtniur cairluily to !e-U*rr any *u 1.. si hi* (*Mv hair oTtirred tbi* khhkhi Hr : furtbn itmtiui lml U> kref* tbr taaaxl Advtar! m nut- ati) out break ti rpjHitled tti the notlb *n fan *4 the 4 tori *4 thr Itdrm I <4 Ntatiwtic* at #U!r* that dnnng dune, IvTSh } i etbignuiU aitivod at thr pott i 4 New Vnrk, dunn£ Junr. tbr tiumber to** ' ihr all'%ai (4 U IN-lefwbuig. IbiMiii, i r tl*r f**t Imo ynan. be* tmdwwd hi* irt||ft)fttMii, ami it ho* tn :i Mtre|>lrd by ! hr . lie i'rtotoimt ha* dflftigoalnd thyiy-arvrn ymmg vtne hw fliamitiAtluA foe a|>|*Hntmrtt ** Mftxmd licHitrnant* in tbr army to (til e&iit* iiij* varanrifwi Thr frwudml ha* *| -intrl '"harie# !* Joiur* lu*tkM> *4 tbr Saiimiir t*urt c 4 tbr t *4 < oUmtina. s> J iare 1 Juatic*' Hum- I hfey*. iatrly dtreaw.! M' Jatt retaa naltvr oj uhiii, l*at ha* no** in! in t!r Iliptrirt fur the lot nitrrsi > ear* ihirl ol iiuirwii id tot*t *tar* Nitnmo rrjwvrt* that thr miuoa <4 thr r\j*rt* ol dmnmticmen l iiftihlue durmfl tbr flirwi jrwu* enr *:;n > •. - 1 and s*l-.U.'i.T'.'d fe*|>n tirrly. 'lhr %alur* of thr iu|wrt 4 man lamtiat during thr ymnendw! .lufir .TO. JJCH 11*9. were ** flk>to* J. 4 iT.CkSI 532 I*l IS7V and f44u,?92,14l in 1879 Hir iftlue u| thr rxrafla *t ninrhaiidjwr Imtu tbr I nitrd Stair* dunng tbr ttarai you jn*t rnilni enwalrl thr value id thr import® *1 mrirhandter by thr attni f f.fH ♦> a* aa:* u *t an etrrMi 4 rt)*rta met nnjmfi* • I meix lioniito- *hiri* g tir f-m-rting yr*ir aim Hinting •< t)"2*7,M4 2U. Ihr iiijn *t.l eifntrt* of coin and ImUhm dut rig thr bi*l ti* al ymr wen a* follow* KifWHl*, '/Wi.tHt . j!i|wrt*. 9*20.29*1.if*0; an eirr** of eipwl* tatallv burped. The Nova Sootian diij> St lU*rn:ir*t* ha* tan-n tout *(T thr coawl ol Hollnnd. Ihr captain, pihtt and five men wore drowne!. A firr at Ni|ni-Novgorod de*trored thr tairiiar ami many hourr® ami ®hof<* While the flame® wrre raging an e* pi onion 01S out ml in one ot tlir *hopw, killing I wonty-one |xr*>n Meaara. Price. llonted A Co., Ilritiah army agent® and tneiciuuit®, o| I >mdon. have tailed |<*r g'1,000,000. A duel with award* lia* ju*t lieen lotight ta t wmm ta 11 Pan* etlilor®, one ol whom wm wounded in Ihr aUtninrn. I.ite rr|*ort® from tir *•**! of war in South Alnr.i any® that King t*#4ywa>o'® prv>*i>erl*are gloomy. I hie ot the king'* krani* htime*! by Lord 4 'helm*for*i wna the /.ulu luiar *f o|Hra tiona. Light Zulu rhirl® with ther follower* have went an intimation to the |lritih camp that thry would urnui • ingot twelve legiment* aggregating 20.000 men, ®iivrottnded thr Hntih trooj*®, who loiiiiiml into a hollow mpiare. The Zulu* etinrg'*'! the mpiare on all lour of it* wide®. Aflet the Zulu* were broken hy tle Hritiah fire tbe\ were puraueil hy the rivalry and utterly touteil. bin! 4 "helmafortl Imrned and den trove I ail the inilitai v kraal* ami returned to hi* * amp filename evening. The llritinh force ean*and 1,000 native®, with twelve cannon and two tint ling- The Zulu lone amounted to 1.000; the llrilmh lon® ten killed ami fifty-three wounded. The nntuinl content for the Klclio *hiel*l at \\ iiiitihvloii, tlii* year, ha® reunited in tin* *nc eca* o| tlie Scoftjfth team, who acoml I.AOA to 1,401 lor Ireland and 1.48*2 for Ktigiaml. At a im-etmg in John Bright pre *idcd, and inn *|ieech intimated that the Kng litoli rule in India wit- a fiiilure. Hi® apttovh excite*! much hoatile comment. A ti*|uit*d Irom Oldham, Knglaml. nay® the cotton trade outl*H>k wan never more gloomy. A rigid cenwondiip of tlie nreaa tin® leen e.Htabliahod in Ku*in; the ismtrol ot printing hu* been trun*ler iwhl Irom the civil t< the mi litary authonlie®, mikl* only ®uch piihlieafion* ; a- are naiueit by tie* government are allowed to appear. Of American print® the New York (I* mid ami a Muentillc iiiagaxiue are tlie onl; one® pei mined to la* eimitate*l. The Kmprea® Kugcnie lut writtnn tc ijiiceu \ 1 V u-toria twitting '• no pxmaltv Im 111 |hhi lieutenant < wrwy, who ssmmpMMMl • llr I'nirr Imperial and wbn ran away whnti ihr Zulu amlaterode • dißrloee*! Hi. Ninrfun Patty -VriM aniiouiiciw the t resignation of Hull John WoWl, I •<*t States M, 1.1.i. i in Kt.glnnd, account * *•••••"" . u i.av.ii.iini. Mi WUli hax recently !"*< " I ! In..tin-, mul i.l<•' Ftrii About Uraia. \Vlirnt W tin prim- of uralim. It con tniii* not only aUarth tunl utlwr cotwlitu . 1.1- MNantOM to nil (train*. Ml lrp' per oi-ttl. of gl utnn —U plartic principle ,of grain. So it yitldc a largi-r amount "I uouruhinent than many otli.-r of tin .-.•mtla. Animalu that live on rnin ooiupowd largely of aUreh are not well nourinhiil; •!. not thrive well and lone on ttUtri-h alone, hut do live and flourinh where gluten i* oontixliiod in eotinidera -1.1. quantity They do la tter mill when they .an foliar final a mixture of all tin non.tituenU of the grain*. Thee eou ntituenU *it in all, hut not in the saiio proportiona. Maine -onulna mon-oil: ] wheat more gluten. Roiutt grain* eon- j tain I.imparllively little oil or gluu-ii Oatmeal is obtained by kiln-drying th oat* and removing the outer akin. It* flur i* i Fiali wln*:U rtoUl. It* l (ante i peculiar and not nlwaya liked. The Scotch oaliii'-ai in voarw-r than tin Kngiish and I* more highly value.l. liar lev i* very little In making bread Karl liarley i* the grain deprived of it* |itt*k, rounded and polUhed by attrition, i'nt.-nt hariey i* pearl harley ground to tin *tate of dour. Harley contain* hut very little gluten in a free mate. It* plaeti. manner is albumenand ejtM-in. It -aiitiot la- made into light bread, hut a In. a-i i- form* 11 of it by mixing win at lour with harl.-y meal. .It U !<•*• digea \ibU\ tCM palatable and lee* nutrition* ban wheal, n bread. Barlev water, so isrful a* a nutritive and demulcent triii t in -e kiii --. l- prepared from p*:u i iari v. Harley, under the influence ot i af tilth ami moi'ture. germ mat'*, am! in growth of the sprout* lieing checked v . vpoßiiig the grain to heal in a kiin is a 1 led mall. It contains diastase, that -nverts the star.-h into dextrine and tgar. The mail, infuped in hot water, rids sweet wort, rub In sugar, and j ed lor making beer. Hyt in fonu •ii, wlmt resembles wheat. The.-.-liter i •lareby and the grain contains aonte j ten, and so may lie made into light j td. It i* the "staple food of siui* j •ions of the .-anil in which wheal j * not grow. It has nearly the nutti- s l A value of wheat. lu brown oolor | Va. id taste render it of much let.* *•, Its relaxing effect Ufa.ii tiie foa! *"-S renders it* u*< ful in constipation, i *' l exisls in many varieties. Popcorn ha*e faa-uliar .juality. on e*p*suri- to 1 *ir< heat, of turning inside out. All theyrj,. |j rtl< deprived of its hull and hnii or . oarsely ground, are known 'o> h^ n y.oamp, or grits, which is hoiked and k B like rice. It contains hut little jfhiUjHlmy is not fitted for bread, un ,<-ss i, u h-at or rye. The brown br< a.t t i„. Kastcrn States is a mixture f.wh, niai/.e and rye meal. It o>n tatns xrp,* percentage of starrh and n i mall c of plastic, fatty and mineral natter,,j M , l( . ~u i m nutritious article of diet v (t obtain a sufficient amount of nutrsm a very large quantity must la- .-ate. Starch, eaten with plastic j article*-, milk, meat and (iiiew —pro- i unites gT th and strength. It is easily j digested A j* a proper aliment in dis order* ofp intestines, especially in di arrln n Rice flour of the j shops is ually so much adulterated ; that for tlj.i,-k ir well rice, if needed j in theloraf flour, should b- ground at j home. Hng rice is so apt to remove j what littl*iati. matter it contains j that ateank* the best way of cook- ] ing it.— i'rtif t} mjHoatu In the stoma.- a ,i t,els may announce the existence ..Ito* .lyiqaaaua in the Cist or an .ilatna-tKOi in r i or the apprxmch ul cia>!Tiuc ni |,i m j„, i or aim|>le diarrhea i.ii<\ Inner . nl, ra a a only inn —ry in i pursue the use <4tn, siaadaid cartuinauvr i ami an!i-dcsf>ef4ii n edk-itte to <>!*ain entire ! ami ficnuaneat lej Nothing in the com |- iii.ii. flavor i*,e Iti'ter* is tn the slight est degree <4Heeoihle. Mcitcal men pro. tannine it eminentJ) ur a, HUM VS.,aid tote. V\ ene the •jiMd to the ho!lot. and w. nuen w ere aihsd to *.4e, every w.,imui .11 the land who has tsj Ir. Pierre's Favorite Pres. ript urn would V* ,t to tie an unfailing ] mine !y hi the r Pierre has mcety) hundreds ul grateful testimoniaU .4 its nutve power. low a Ctrl. ,ai Marrh 4. 187 R. Itr H I*. Pirrrr. lit ix his For mauhionth* 1 xras a great ■ulteier. Phyainans oq,j aflortl me no re hot. In my .impair I Cjiuenced the nee c 4 Favorite Pr-ri Jd and liver *viup. a jsnenl vcactahle 0.-rgent which eradicates all skin diseases soiug no vestige <4 them behind. White sweilit, salt rbeutn. letter.a>a-.wiw. liver complain*nd eruptions • 4 every dew t-qitain are nivarwjy conquered if it. Druggists sell it. A rxtrnui Kvxnir.—" Hixni Ilron chial "l>ocbe," tor cougtis. col da d bronchial :i(tectums, stand first in public laor and con- . fi.lenre. this result has town acq-led by a teat <4 many year* Twentv-flve centa bos. Itealers will, <4 course, often revynroend an otgau a* lost liccause they have i|<> sell, or can make more on it. Rut it has too demon strate*! at all w.irld'a exhibitions tr twelve v ears tlixt those made by the Mason HanUin < >rgan t'o. exi-el all others. I'Hh* The teMirated " MXTV iiuuvs' Wood Tag Plug Ttmttm Tax hnmx Thucoo Ooxi-ist New York. Boston and Chiagn- Ttie Mandrlaaohn Piano Cm, No. ItlKaat l.Vh .-street, N. Y-, "ell Piano# at Ffctory 1Y Write lor a cataliyfue. For pins. etc.. use C. tiilbert 'a t'orti Stnch. I's„■ l lni'. Its* *w I—l N'svv rtv'SS-o THE MARKET*. ■raw vnaa. llscf ewttts— Met. Nsilvss. 11V*wt... trv,h \ ; Cft'Tes K-at* Mttk .♦ 0V ' asrti mm ox', a tf. la ml* # 4 #S Hugs— l-tvc "* -4 X.OO ! Ivtrwlsom Crude (18 |4I State and Psnn. XX. Sq4 XI ; r •ta . r-cniery IXtX 1M Pstry I* *X t* Western <'rsamery......... II uX l*h r.ctory Cl. .4 tot, (*i eese State r.<-tory 04 >4 01 .4 OX If Western Var-torT 4 4 Kgg*—State and tVnneylrauta IX 4 UX pntt.ariat.rsia. Flour tvnn. ebotoe and fancy .... * XV <4 X XO Wheat l*enn. U*d It" <4 11* Arnlwr 11* 41 11 Kyw—Stats Xoqi4 l 8 >4 * TS Wheat lie,| W.titer 1 11 14 I U (Vvrti New Western ...... 41 |4 41 <4 08 Flour Iseoiialn an ! Mfnn. Fat.. 8 (to 1* *< 0 Com Mixed and Tltlow 48ts<4 48 "at- Kxtrs White 45 <4 48 Itye State tw<4 88 i\o* lambs (18V4 08 II ■— mv a (4y Muson a II urn lln ( ahinct Orfrans Bemnoatrated iwst t.y HHiBKST HUKCKS AT ALL WHHI.D S KXFItStTIONS FOR TWKt.VK VK VKS. vta. at PARK. I*B7. VI*A, 1*78; SASTIAOU, 1878. l-gitacat rniA. 1*78; PARIS I*7*. and URASO Swimu (into Mxnai I*7*. Only Amrriean Organ* ever awarded hlgheat hn or* at any Aitrh. Sold for cash or installments lixr* TKATmn CaTAioaea* and ('lrrn'ar* with new atrlee and sent free. MASON A HAMLIN OROAN CO Boatoa. New Tort or Chicago. SIAI. einnn llivrate.l In W ad St St.s'k* make O!l!10 O I UUU fortunes evcrymonth. Book sen free explaining evrnrthlnc Address BAXTKK A CO.. Ranker*. 17 Wall St.. N V AFXin 10 *. U. HH'II 4 tXh.!* t" ciu VrMII I" !! 8c: .1 ItnatnrM ui ui tfbllll t< d. txpeim ■•• tat Free M ...A WtNTII AirrutaVVantril ItMheat *V.BTII , - , -l!l |1 tt r *M'**• In tl.e world, one sample frea Address JA V It HON SO N. Detroit. Mh n nnillßJ Habit (It Shin Diseases. Thon (IHlllln ltunotfa) Ul HJIVI to write Dr. F. K Msroh.Qntncy. Mteh PgCHKT I*l4 IKI.N AIXV. :M>,, si* Ir. Foote's Health Ifoiithly, onsyevr, nth MORSAT lliu Poa. Be.. I'M K. XXtk XV,New Tork Tin sun dimi co rtr IMoblUhMl Head ■ •■■*'■•' THEIR IKRTRCMRKTM b* • lundard Taloa • j DM Leading Market* Of the World! gearyetiorr r<>*iiti*d aa lb* TIMWKf IK TtIHR OVER 80,000 KMi> •>< i" K WW weutauur lu " W.rfk aMbpWMI PrVwa MW Earn! far * fata agMB TrtmontSt.opp.WajtUamSUßnstii, lUf^j EXODUS T* !*• bMt l* 4*. U la* tw •"**??_ 3,000,000 ACREB Motel, (a UM fHM KID aiVIR VALtIY OFTMN lOfTK Oe l*M •*. tee yrwe *e nr fa-rp*-'-* ettb fall lafwaAMe mafia* Dmb, AtwW * killiilUlHKlu lor tvruU of Pol tab. rat.up L*>r, Ckullwe MnhUlu and f M(MT Cflltin I Ij: , rv m a*u it SMNUMI **-B#d'Bf. 1. t. A4IKWTW WiJITW WK "BACK FROM the MOUTH OF HFLL Mr aa* who baa ten that*! "RISE and FALL o the MOUSTACHt Ms lt>* ttartiaptua Birtrjr baaaorlM. Samantha as a P. A. and P. I. R, Juatah Aben'r elf* T%* lbf* tft.ii *u.l tot-a*!l!n* baek* *eb Apaem fo iai |l t look* tt eir'reberr Itert terw I rtra* ASdrewr LOR Airat < AMKHICAK PtHUUIW ft. . Hartford. CA; Cbmap*.l" _ __ f AO I AHEAD I tAv)!*"™" 1 "' TU* WT tel pood* dKaet from (Mr Importer* *t It be OMUL, net Hert teat. n tdteead Co CM Apt aj .r. Iter**. ALL uruu CllDlßrll' Kre terror PREE. The tireml American Tea < mpaa SI and 11 Vrwy Mr.rt. Ire t*rk. r . k isaa. I HONE BtiTTI.E WARRAXTKD A pert act. are tar a', knrta of PILES Two to fine 'a-tttaa la fbr wort wo a 1 tnuT vKitrii.A SALT bhw matikk < EUiXESS IVXPKI"XIA.CAS;CR*. j CATARRH and all diaraaa* of UJ SAIX *1.4 m .Ktl. St or' rrtaTted !B*; .arcanf fL arr. none fat > >e*te bold retry rteir. DM.C for pamphlet- tl Hotba. M. P. rowix. ■*—*■■ THE WEEKLY SDH. ' A lairr, rubi-pare paper f M wood mltatt rt! 1 !<• M-f.*, |t jAMi-i i ail? ma'tAi led. FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Addfe* THE I'S. K T 00 I W&MT MASONIC II for latdfra. Chapter*. . • tiiandrrira. maxmfar-t- Vlw. o. Krad /or frit* Li***. Mntic* fawplMUaifcnwASpMtelty- MilfUr, o.i*y. TMte MkUMM IMk PENSIONS. MrwlteW. Tb iawa et Katetem atel h*g aaWtted. Paawri.el*s! B<,E WaKaite#, . ft CURED FREE. i 1 A>mf*.'U'uA OB'A.olted Krteadr ftr J 11 11..1 irllrite, ar alllnla Maat uamalt.i te M"l I fb WORLI) It c.vnt.lll. art So* bwtn'ka- loer tel I***' .... ,i,.bh c atan p*<*. o-t tr K *d coa-^rt. II rt.4r .4 ka W.a-14 rvrr msl. tehc It a*'t •••**■ Drte! f - rpn inwm PM-. an!,itr* Vnm t. Acrbtaa< w u< it ar , tartn than an? otttrr tw*. Adilne*. Piauaaiaa < >■ PbLadrpbta. P M ULER COD-UVER Oil l* r*fnU* pure PttteOMPcad thr htet_ hr tfy htK .at 3 auUi rrtttea tji th ereld. t"vro htettaa award at I*l .>rld> KnatltlbW, and at llteia. IWA hSdbyW aa* VWtff ft 1I n <>f M* i.rr tharr^^a.te* IN THE Bz&igzs •A* *** Ad of ,. t . , A> , (• .mpla nU ________ MeMf.Kctt.rdr tlffTAf ¥1 Ut Utteaiprtan*. Ml 11 111 It .iraut' IV trracc! !>w- JJ ll I I 111| lotea. Pain te the Back. SM* ff UUJUU 14-.U' aad a liirraac. of Utc K.ttte.v Rwddrr and LrmaiT _ Phrainai.. pcc . Hutel'i Mrntcdj . Srnl !r Jateiptilct te M M K CLARKE.. Providcw*. IL I. i AIM AM HI.HI.AIIi iKteTITVTK ( :m. lUodolph. .11. ** "" V'L* JLJteJL K H n the •< |Vh f I star. IIAO. Ctu- ml f:< - ■ n tiallrtM M Ui* Pnpctpa ■ rK"f J T KIIWAHKX.I' I' I'al Trnn prnr Ate —I. IMBHIiE t. tb* a net rvllabi* food ia to* wort*. 11 pfodac** " m - * hrata tactb. A . an t In *nr way I** wrvr. aad drr*!M tb* crow ia .wild _ j ..■aa at aa m db Acmta * anted revry wb*rc DtIDC TFflv t. > '"'>*• botei*. rU!Tb I CMWltnd art, „ mnatef*. late ~l tl, .. IK tb* '• of writ* lUK t Kt mt i-nMI' AXI WI ft t.a W X 1 f.O „~,M AwiVn caarmeaV •". ta J?l our na Agents Wanted. frnd a tel., mar It and IJvor l'a,l n imnncct.rn w"tbu It tunc, Pted, "ban in any otbr ! n 1 do ft * "V of chant* ID tetnrac rsswf to thr eick Mt,.,.. st, iv.atpA Scihl ftr terms te Aetata. f.KO liVTi A* ft'tKlTb CO. 1. Km-rhntetu. IA |t| KB. liar " Pannw *iaah trcmc j dr L'Eadoat" it warrmtei hutn w an.l ,uarantrrd t,- remove and p-rv-nt Wrtrilaaand *tv to the r..n£Kc I Atn * rrmr-tahle pu"ltr an-1 ,n*tcr.thrrt-y laadtelte fr '- '' "*'■ "*if" terkur tufß ri., 1 (..• thm. taiuitb*' ■ H' ritlt for SI. Addreat t CRAVBH A CO.. -A anr. M*w York CH LPSA>*M CHOLERA SYRI'P (V_ 1), ft.lrv. ntarrlica nn.l umni*r CutnplaloU of n, l—n Prtt. !MX .itoKtlK MiHtKK. Proprtrtof. I,ml Fail. X H Ho'd by All Itrutiitat*. I ami Ik Ww . y "r ,r 'r" ~T slosd 1 • : i SIOO Pdip-Mirn.! ° txn.lal Iteporlkati.i Circular* frrc lA''fe T. POTTKK WDIBTAUO..Haiik*r*. S5 Wall M..K.T . tnv VnTT AXI Itj HOT Uetwtel Xriv;;n Atlt aUU IVMIIIV Hi any form! Lecture iite'll receipt ttauip Mr,!,-In* watrante.l to *Hecl L\\c.l cart in '.r wvWf. fsstpsUl.J. state mcnt of cast. Aiidraa V. O. !lt>\ Beatoo. SlaflML J YOUNG MEN ■ m.'Ulli Kverr pratnatr ruarant.-cl a parWMltbte tl.wi. A.l.lrru R. Valentin*. M*n*sct. Janeavtll*. W | ipame -ia——Hi VUIW rrlk t*rrn \ KIDDFR S PABTI MAPLEWOOD INSTITUTE PtttMaSf! 'Vaaa lomtlon unrlvaie L CoHesUt* ami collece preparatory oon'arr Rvr. C. V. Spear and R. K. A very. Principal* Mte mm aa a ami WOHI'JI Wanted. Will r*r- Tlfl ftte l%| antee W.I err month Write at one*. I*l ItelMl vt P. WIIITCHKR A CO..Ctoctnnatl.a Cw Xnlrliorc Prnrionr now .late from dtch*r*e. tX-30iaierS. Apple at one*. C L.SPKItKo*StO. Wathinkton. l> C. Xro* the ptper yon raw thl* In. H|A PAT. With Stencil 1 "lifts What coWt Klm l 't* rei.a rapidly for IWt eta Calalopu* fteo PlUs M Srarraa MM Wa-h n Ht.. Boaton.Maai BOOK FREE! Woman Ad.lrwttb lump. MKKICAI. HISPKNSATURT. Battle Cr*kJlJch. A YKAH and ripenreo KntlltPri* i 4 Addreta P <> ViCKKßV.Anpoata.Mate* S33oo!JPSi.massCi£i: I Pi's M. Pi's EM. Ml INFLAMMATIONS and HEMORRHAGES. WOTEAak for FOKDS EXTRACT, Oonnlao aold auly ■ ®*r Uttlw! TAKE HO OTHER KHKt'MATiaM- Im mo tmrtnrm-i r.rti .ua forma who ttiii.y *WI log entirely cured by uatng PwndPa mtr MMt'ttAlMtA. All B'urt.l" Ik-. i, tnm*.-h or b ""t*".viTVt',7l,l ruiwi by the fre* uw of *. JSo Qllwr ii>ljctw> lU £. HENOIIHHAbKI. I'W rttltrr ptlTtuU sot • i*araace of B M GRUV.WIG*;'G TESSWSMUSRS -J --■TKll* 1 Jp hp* sad uain H to utirl altod, sad atouuld be tort la wary family, ready for ua* l> M cff lb* Mia to vtucA dwy paaallarlf *wi ootabiy fnUoM J1 I* I "™*. £ EESSA ISSJUCT. K—. al. a tea r*. Um,. Our Tollsi fcuoaforlsßhto*. And Twtlst Cruaaa for UtohssilMptoiJ order M daily b. Uwdr Enrai jwarttro for aw* ll* mm* d alJI;*" s*- 5 *- lmsl, a*.* Ttoinal. Isf.otd , aui|S. sad rtoruoir UUrrtloaa. Ca. ■srrto. for wtakcto M to a Ctolto Mala*, tolas, at lnw*l. ffnaqnflu—, Hc .l torM Mawto.. rosw, aad wdead ail maaarr of skia diwasso.— TOViHKKKt. too block pry II so caa afford to bo oakum tL It to If alllto Leading Ltoery *•**; mki 1,. Mi ls aad Bna llureemre la No* Tar* CKy. It hae no wj.iiu f bMtsM. Harass* or (sddto toaOaaa, Miff a***, a*rsl*to*, Bw.lltn*.. * "•*. Lsro.iloai, Moodllaa. Pa*—ototo. (otto, UUrrko., CtOlla,,(••. ajt Its ma. of Ktm * wtd*. and tko wtof lt affords to mn prmnfa that It * tanlaahtofcs PSTft' , yord sa orll ss in ***ry y-bcw koas*. Lrt it b* trtoCl onus, aad yon will UTrt br * Itbout It . . FOR VKTKKIItIT raff- J-Hn- sportol pmamti n for aa oo axk la uffcrwd at tbo *™#* t >oSitß CtLL. Ptockaff* Krtro.l Tbis to ao #o* buard IrakMllP JMRIM- It t* timjftfvd wnb ftli rmt* il °C our trtictol rornw torul by ra|**a oa raetotpt f pnoa. siwr-isL rorrsatTioo* or roa> • rrmarr ooff- wtra ros rraasr *u aorr aaucsra runstt ros i tirfis aocwia. POSD* EXTRACT .. !** .|i tßayd SLT!( ToM Cromn I > j ( aisirh On* 2 ItotoUlrww .. .. 6* Watorr 5 Uutoait* ...- sr- ißhstor*. - Poad'* Kstrsrf, is told only la I ton Ira, rtM-l onl t tooff wrapfprs. waklks .onto, f*>ST>"S EI THAI T. •*• u m (tor ylass It sa*rrM d la balk. Jlo oar eaaaoH It rxorpt m oar own toonb* as thuw ''■ itmnl. Sc Pstt Ttjrr wmt Bkstaa* ffRI I'ssrsas-isops. St*T FREE o Arnacsamr To POND'S EXTRACT CO., IB Murray Strwot. Mow Totk. HOLD BY ALL KBCOGIfITS. k * to'Cßto Ml The Voice of Worship, FOR rRftIRM, rOSTKTTIOIt AR ■IXkiIXU.(HOOIA. ||y 1... <>. Emrrwuti. Tba w—ito *w bonk to amrty ihmacb tb* )**— • will to IS msi oiatotoilT. fal! *Ql.tipa to °' f . <** Bvas Taws ito sottoaa f*pb<*Ak*^wfr* ft" AfflAi afk-2 i'tdMß* kCIUItttC A1 • fWMI *->iMr*ng-mcl.i'o. QKktbrio*. Ftp* ;b ■ t< Hm W Ahu*m Prw pSi tw i*i*. UtocMtoysrM.ysatoaras PINAFORE. bußiifiri i " toitobr. Clmfl— "tots. lAMI so.: a. A res! J fu-tto .**- Aay km* aaliPd for maU yrtc*. OI.IVKK IITSU> A Ct., Batltm. C, M. ItlTPO* a CO.. Ml Brssdwmi. Stw York. J. R. >ITMI A CO.. M Cbrotaat trrto, fhltodrlyhto. An Open Secret. The fact is well understood that the MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT is by far the best axtental known for man or beast. The reason why becomes an "open secret" when we explain that "Mustang" penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the very bone, remoTine all disease and soreness. No other lini ment does this, hence none other is so larpeiv used or does such worlds of good. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HP* / / Ayf Aid liauta. St. VIJa \ /#IETHTHOS*S V ( \ \\ \ ba A, I \ TOWERS. X# / \ vSh OFFICES, X^ v / Hi \ HIIUSES. Xtb / \ / I. (to* Old Keltobl* Coaa.lrd Lyk FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Dtrartlons r.un|nyin* ad <*" '<* mUiog Hard Soft tod Toll*! So.p quirk ly. IT 13 FULL WKIVBT AMD STHMMUTM. Tb, Market to flooded with do-called) Com-entmted which to adnllerated with ealt and reain. aad uwT .Mtoww. rM MOMMT Al „ > MV j THt SAPONIFIER BLADE BT THE PeaasjlTanta Salt luiff C*. PHII.ADKI.rHIA Atyffi Month and cip-n.r. uarmuto-1 to A.-t,u ©DA Ootat free. Sa.- A Co.. ACOCT. M.-.K, OaMllty,Ac c C Mo-tori Jeiaey City, W.'J