■ Tr*-* VhQ Ceatrt Reporttr. FRED KCRTZ EDITOR. Ckntrk Hall, IV, Aug. 7,IS7S*. DEMOCRATIC NOMINA TIONS. for statktukasurk*. DANIEL O BARK, of Allegheny. The Hellefonte Rrpnf'ican has taken the Sherman spasms. Why t4ii® slight of the fraudulent ? A prominent banner in Democratic processions in Ohio is Citizen Foster® "War Record: Calico, seventy-five cents a yard." If any republican statesman desires to have a presidential boom let him con suit Peter llerdick who understands all about the boom business. If Pennsylvania were- called upon to furnish a candidate for the next presi dency, we could present Wm. A. M so lace,"one of the able and clear headed statesmen of the period, whose long pub lic service bears a blameless record. As a Speculation the Philadelphia Centennial F.xhibition was not • success. The parties who lost money wia ask Congress to reimburse them in the sum of a million and a half dollars, which they claim to have subscribed as a loan by the general government. Got. Hoyt, true to hi® friends, has par doned another Mollie Maguire, Dennis F. Canning, of Columbia county, who several years ago was convicted as an accessory to some of the murders com mitted by the gang. He was convicted on two indictments and sentenced seven years' imprisonment on each. • 1f it were n"t for Uncle Sam who would supply John Bull with fresh meat" On 26 ult., from New York five ocean steamers left that port carrying American beef to Kurope. The "lriria cria, which sailed for Bristol, has in cluded in her cargo 210 bullocks; the Bolivia, for Glasgow, 805 quarter® of fresh meat and 205 carcasses of sheep; the Britannic, for Liverpool, 50 tons of fresh meat, the California, for London. 196 head of cattle, stX> quarters of beef and 100 carcasses of sheep, and The Queen, for Liverpool, 150 tons of fresh meat. Marks is the name of the revenue col lector at New Orleans. Marks was one of the fellows connected with the re returning board in its stealing the presi dency for Hayes. Have® then appoint ed Marks revenue oflicer —having given all the other returning boarders office®. Marks entered into a bargain with cer tain dealers in tobacco to leave them slip clear of revenue, he to have his nest well feathered for it. In this way the government has been defrauded out of a large sum of money. Detectives have discovered work, but the fraudu lent administration has not dared to have him prosecuted, because it owes Marks something. Here is the resolution that almost set the republican state convention crazy, and caused a panic like a Wolf among a flock of sheep. Queer that they should have been afraid of something that reads as follows : R/t'jivi-I, That in view of the develop ments of corrupt practices in connection with the "riot bill" in the last House, we emphatically reaffirm that part of the platform adopted by the Republican State Convention at in 1875, and which was read op ted by the Repub lican State Convention at Uarrisburg j n 1876. which demands "honest men in office—men with brains enough to know dishonesty when they see it and cograge enough to tight it wheresoever they find it." There was once an old law in the commonwealth which struck high at low necked dresses, and if enforced at this day, might bring in revenue enough to pay a large portion of the interest on the public debt. A contributor to the Washington Post furnishes that paper with a copy of the act, which we here copy for the benefit of the lady readers of the Reporter: "In the early days of Pennsylvania the law makers took the subject in hand and enacted—"that if any white female, of ten years upward shall appear in any public street, lane, highway, church, court house, tavern, ball room, theatre, or any other place of public resort, with naked shoulders (i. e. low necked dres ses), being able to purchase necessary clothing, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than one, nor more than two hundred dollars." It was, however, graciously provided, that women of questionable character, might go with bare shoulders, as a badge of distinc tion between the chaste and unchaste. How we have degenerated. Deckxct." There is a little ripple in the radical kitchen on acconnt of a little rascality among the faithful. The charges against Chairman Hatton of the Republican State Committee of lowa, of having used campaign funds for his own purpose, have aroused the attention of other local committees and have put them on their inquiry. Mr. Gorbam, who is now accused by the Administration of opposing the Repub licans of California because he failed to receive a bureau office here, testified before the Wallace Committee to the amounts of money sent by the Congres sional Committee last year to th* differ ent States. This led to an investigation of the charges against Hatton. Now it is whispered that other financial irreg ularities against the brethren have been discovered, and that all that has been raised for the advancement of Republi can principles has not gone for that pur pose, but has been used to enrich good Republican chairmen. There is much sadness among the good and mncb swearing among the Chandlers at tbe development. Beading Kailroad wins in the legal fight, in the interPst of the Pennsylvania railroad, to prevent the Beading's con nection with the North Pennsylvania 'road, thereby securing its New xork 'connection. There are now three rail • road lines from Philadelphia to New York, and the fare should come down to a dollar. It is only that figure be tween New York and Boston by Sound steamer, over double the distance. Aaron Smith led a mob that hanged George Moore,at Carlisle, Ind., and was complimented by his comrades for his boldness in that outrage. A few nights afterward, 3 party of fun-loving young men dragged him out of his bed, put% rope around his neck, and told him that his death hour had come. They would have been puzzled to apewer if he had asked them what he had done to dis- E lease them; but, to their astonishment, e confessed numerous thefts, and ab jectly begged for mercy. He is not the popular man that he was before this trial of his qualities. ARREARGES OF PESSIOSB. The commissioner of pensions says that he will be able to dispose of a much i larger amount of business during the present than the last fiscal year. The prospective expenditures of the govern ment and the increase of available means, will from present appearances, enable the secretary of the treasury, to place as occasion may require, a large sum at his disposal for the payment of the arrears of pensions that heretofore have been accumulating. The advan tage which these sums, paid throughout the country, has been to the people, is alluded to by the commissioner as be yond appreciation by the general public. In the rural districts, he is informed by representatives visiting here, the money has generally been put to some useful purpose, such as the improvement of farms or in the purchase gf homes or re lieving them from indebtedness, so that however great the immediate incon venience to ttie treasury has been at times, toe material interests of the country have been much benefited. The money disbursed to penaiouers iu the cities, it seeius from the reports, lias not found such profitable and substantial in vestment. The commissioner ho|>es to be able to dispose of the bulk of the ar rears esses during the present year. THE Rl RXISd BY THECVSI Wf.Y E The correspondent of the Ix>ndon Times sent this vivid account from l'aris on Wednesday May 24, 1871, of the des truction of the palace: Ah ! this morning! Its pale flush of aurora-bloom was darkest, most sombre night for the once proud, now stricken and humiliated city. When the sun rose, what saw he? Not a fair city on that within the last year Sol has looked down more than once. But black clouds floated his ravs —clouds that rose from the Palladium of France, Great Clod ? that men should lie so mad as to strive to make universal ruin because their puny course of factiousness is run ! The tlauies from the Palace of the Tuileries. kindled by damnable pe troleum, insulted the soft light of the morning, and cast lurid rays on grimy, recreant Frenchmen who skulked from their dastardly inceudiaristn to pot at countrymen from behind a barricade. How the place burned! The tlauies revelled in the historical palace, whip ped up the rich furniture, buret out the plate-glass windows, brought down the fantastic roof. It was in the Prince im perial's wing, facing the Tuileries gar dens, where the demon of tire tiret had his disma! sway. By 8 o'clock the whole of this wing was nearly burned out. .As I reached tneend of the Hue Dauphin the red belches of flames were bursting out from the corner of the Tuileries fac ing the private gardens and the Hue de Kivoli; the rooms occupied by the King of Prussia and bis suit on the visit to France the year of the exhibition. There is a furious jet of flame pouring out of ttie window where Bismarck used to sit and smoke. Crash ! Is it au explosion or a fall of flooring that causes this burst of black smoke and ml sparks in our faces? God knows what hell-de vices may be within that burning pile, it were well, surely, to give it a wide berth. And so eastward to the Place du Palais Royal, which is still unsafe by reason of shot and shell from the neigh borhood of the Hotel de Ville. And there is the great archway by which troops were wont to enter into the Place du Carrousel. Is the fire there yet? Just there and no more. Could the archway be cut the Louvre, with its artistic riches, might still be spared But there are none to help. The troops are lounging supinely in the rues, intent —and who shall blame weary, powder grimed men? —on bread and wine. And so the devastator leaps from chimney to chimney, from window to window. He is over the archway now, and I would not give two hours' purchase for all the riches of the Louvre. In the name of modern vandalism, what means that burst of smoke and jet of fire. Alas, for art! the Louvre is on Are independently and so is the Palais Royal and the Ho tel de Ville, where the rump of the Commune are cowering amid their in cendiarism, and the Ministry of Finance and many another public and private building besides, of which more anon. IMPORT AMD EXPORT. FIGURES GLEAKED FROM TIXE RETORT OF THE BUREAU OF STATISTICS. The report of the bureau of statistics giving the imports and exports for the last fiscal year is just published. The bureau adds to this several comparative statements which are extremely inter esting. The total foreign trade of the country, imports and exports, excluding coin and bullion, last year reached f 1,- 156,220,594, which was an increase over the preceding year of $24,313,654. Iu round numbers this increase was made up of $15,500,000 in exports and s.•>>*'- 000 in imports. The exports exceeded ;je imports by $205,000,000, or about $7,000,000 more than last year. It is in structive to compare the last four years with the four years which preceded 1873, inclusive. Between these two pe riods were the years 1874-75, in which the differences nearly balance each other. But comparing 1870-3, with 1576-9. we find an excess of imports in the former of $423,000,000. and excess of exports in the latter of $753,000,000. In the first period, the exports were sl,- 802,000,000; in the latter they reached $2,54-,' i". In tin- first period, the imports were $2.225,000,000, in the latter they were only $1,7'J5,000,000. The total trade in merchandise, in the first peri od, was $4,027,000,000; in the latter it was $4,343,000,000. In the first period we exported of coin and bullion more than we imported, $238,000,000; in the second period the excess was only $65,- 000,000. Our readers will, of course, un derstand that these figures are but an approximate and partial statement of our commercial intercourse with foreign nations; but the results which they show are sufficiently striking. Mr. E. B. Whiting, a well known bookseller in St. Albans. Vt., was cured of the most distressing Piles, in a very short time by the use of Kidney-Wort. He now uses it as a family medicine in all cases of billiousness, liver complaint, and disordered Kidneys. Those habitu ally costive are quickly cured by it. According to tbe Pensacoia Gazette Parisian capitalists propose to cut a ship canal through Florida, from tbe Atlan tic Ocean to tbe Gulf of Mexico. A bill passed tbe Florida Senate, at the last session, incorporating the Florida Ship Canal Company, but went over in the House, along with other unfinished business. The Gaze.te says that tbe Parisian capitalists expect that tbe franchise will be obtained in due season and have explored the conntry with the view of ascertaining the most desirable route. It is claimed that the contem plated canal will lesson the length of voyages from Northern Atlantic ports into tbe Gulf by about one thousand miles. A Guson Picxic. —The sixth annual tri-State picnic of the Patrons of Hus bandry and farmers of Southern Penn sylvania, Western Maryland and West \irginia, will be held at Williams' Grove, near Mechanicsburg.on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, August 27th L'Stti 29U>. From circulars received we judge it 1,6 one lhe largest and most interet" meetings of the kind ever held in that DROWNING OF A CLERGYMAN Cape May, August I.—The first case of drowning this season occurred here to day. Rev. John Graham, D. D., nitce and nephew came down this morning on the excursion train, and shortly before eleven o'clock went in to bathe near Den izot's pier. Mr. Graham was recontly Irom Brighton, England, and was an ex cellent swimmer. He went Out to the end of the pier with his niece, and shortly af terwards a cry for help was heard, and those on the pier saw his niece clinging to the pier and holding up her uncle. A rope was thrown to them, which was of no avail. The bravo girl held on until the life boat arrived Dr Graham was taken on shore and every effort was made to re store him to life ; but it was evident that he was dead before the life boat reached hitn. TllF. PEMOCRA TIC VIA TFORM. The l>emocracy of Pennsylvania In their recent state convention, laid down n plain, broad platform which will do for any honest eitiaen to stand upon. The record of the party in the last few years is consistent with the platform and it* demand for honest government, economy, and free and fair elections. Wo append the platform here, and ask for it the calm consideration of every voter: RrtoUtti, Etftt -That we, ths Demo eratio party of l*enny Ivniita, in Conven tion assembled renew our Town of fidelity to the fundsmental principles proclaimed and practiced by the illustrious men who settled our free institutions and founded the Democratic party to protect and pre serve them. Aireontf—That the just p 'or of the Fed eral Union, the right* of the Slates slid the liberties of the people are vila! parts of one harmonious -ys'.etn, and to save each part in its whole constitutional 'g ,; r is to save the life of the nation TKirJ That Pie Democratic party maintains, as U ever has maintained, that the military are and > light to he in all things subordinate to the civil authorities It denies, as it ever has denied, the right of the Federal administration to keep on foot at the general expanse a standing army to invade the Slates tor political purposes without regard t > fiitulionai restrictions to control the people at the polls, to protect and encourage fraudu lent counts t the votes, or to inaugurate candidates rejected by the majority. Fourth— That the right to a free ballot is the right preservative of all right?, the only ui.'an* of peacefully redressing grievances and reforming abuse*. Ihe presence at the poll* of a regular military force and of a host of hireling etHcial*. claiming the power to arrest and imprison citizen* without warrant or hearing, des troy* all freedom of elections, and up turns the very foundation of self govern ment. We call upon all good citizens to aid u* in preserving our institutions from destruction by these imperial methods of upervi*ingthe right ofsull'rage and .oer cing the popular will, in keeping the way to the ballot box open and free a* it was to our lathers,- in removing the army to a safe distance when the people assemble to express their sovereign pleasure at the poll*, and in securing obedience to their will when legally expressed by their vote*. fifth—That Rutherford B Hayes having been pieced in power against the well known end legally expressed will of the people, is the representative of a con spiracy only, and his claim of the right to surround the ballet boxes with troop* and deputy marshals to intimidate and ob struct the electors and his unprecedented use of the veto to maintain this unconsli tutional and despotic power, are an insult and a menace to the country. StxfA—That the Democratic party as of old favors a constitutional Currency of gold and silver and of paper convertible into coin. Seventh— That we are opposed to the system of subsidies by the General Gov eminent under which, during the period •f Republican ascendancy, political rings and corporations profited at the people's expense, and to any appropriation of the public moneys or the public credit to any abject but the public service. The reforms and economies enforced by the Demo cratic party since its advent to power in the lower House of Congress have saved the people many millions of dollar-, and we believe that a like result would follow its restoration to power in the State of Pennsylvania. Eighth— That the Democratic party, be ing the natural friend of the workingman, and having throughout its history stood between him and oppression, renews its expression of sympathy for honest labor, and its promise of protection to iu rights- Ai'if/i—That we look with alarm and apprehension on the pretensions of great transportation companies to be above the fundamental law of this Commonwealth, which governs all else within our borders, and until tbev accept the Constitution of 1873 in good faith tbey should remain ob jects of the utmost vigilance and jealousy bv both the Legislature and the people. TVnM—That the recent attempt, under the personal direction of the ruling Re publican leaders, to debauch the Legisla ture by wholesale bribery and corruption, and take from the Commonwealth four million dollars for which its liability had cover been ascertained, is a fresh and alarming evidence of the aggressiveness of corporate power in collusion with polit ical rings, and should receive the signal condemnation of the people at the polls. Eleventh—' That the present condition of tho isUte Treasury, a bankiupt genera! fund, and even schools and charities una ble to get the money long since appropri ated te their support, is a sufficient illus tration of the reckless financial misman agement of the Republican party. RAILROAD EXTENSION. A Trunk Liue Projected by the Heading Company. Philadelphia, July 28-—lt is said that the Reading railroad management are projecting the plan of a grand trunk line between the \\ est and East. but the "ffi cials are reticent as to the movement The construction of a branch track betwaen the depot at Harrisburg and Baldwin, with the ostensible object of carrving ore U> tbe iron mills located there, it is claim ed, was but part of the plan, and that the lease of the North I'enn Road gave the project a real impetus by providing an outlet in New York. It is now said the road will extend its lines to Pittsburg, there to connect with the Pittsburg and Lake Erie. The proposed raute is over the Cumberland Valley Rad from Har risburg to Chambersburg. thence to Bed bird, Somerset and the Youghiogheny river, thenca down that stream to Me- Keesport, whre it will cross the Morion gahela river and enter Pittsburg .in the south side Uailraad men are gossippirig much about the proposed enterprise. ANOTHER VIAB7UL STORK. Pittsburg, August I.—Though the ter rible storm which visited this place yes terday evening was very limited in tbe area it covered, it condensed in the small space in immense amount of fury, and did a great deal of damage. A large tank containing 15,000 barrels of oil was burn ed, the railroad track was completely washed out for a distance of three hun dred feel, and out buildings, etc., were completely destroyed. The wife of Den nis M'Carthy was struck by lightning and instantly killed. Tbe damage to property will amount to twenty-five thousand dol lars. Cincinnati, July 30 —A special dispatch from Wooster, Ohio, says a terrific rain storm burst upon that city last evening. Ujcj water coming down in il perfect flood sub-merging whole streets aid rising wuist deep in a number of bouses in the lower part ot the lows. The inmates of some of the bouses were obliged to be removed by means of ladders. The water flooded the gas house to the depth of live feet Cows and smaller animals were carried away The telegraph lines arid railroad tracks cust of the town we'o washed away. Leon Peter f< dermyer reached New York with a wheel barrow which he had trundled from Ban Francisco, having started December 8. Jarncs T. Fuller, who acted as a sort of referee, accompani ed him. Lyman Potter, with whom Fed ermeyer started, is somewhere in Illi nois. There was a violent storm, which took the form of a water-spout, on Saturday in the Canton of Berne. Trains on the rail road between Berne and Lausanne were stopped by masses of earth procipitatod on the track. The crops were much injur ed. The unusual and enormeus quantity of 778,350 bushels of wheat was received in Now York 0n24. A FOOT ACROSS THE CONTINENT.! Two Men and One Wheelbarrow Ar rive Alter Seven Month* From San Francisco. Starting from fan Frntu-iico on tho Bth of December, Leon Peter Fedormeyer set out to trundle n whrp|harri> across the continent to New York and Jame* T. Fuller started with him to see to it that tlx work was dune At ■'■ o'ch ck yesterday morning they struck th* Island of Man hattan byway of the llacomh'* Dam Bridge, and an hour or two later wore busy at breakfast at a I bird street hotel. l'he walk •> the result ola wnger made In San Francisco after the urrival there ot Lyman Potter, who claimed to have made n wheelbarrow trip fr- in Albany. He - giving exhibition walk- there nnd a num ber ot his admirers made up a purse ol f 1,61)0 U> be given to any one who would beat Poller on a return trip to New York. The route was earelully laid down and I'edermeyor started He is a native <>l l.)on>, France, a wiJower and forty-one ) ear* old His lain i tanned almost to blackness and his hair is long, though when he left San Francisco It was closely trimmed Hy trade he was a worker In human hair until hit r>es failed him. He bad just completed in hair an allegorical pit lure of "President Thiers and the iiod tie-- ot Freedom sustaining the prostrate figure of France" after eight months' la bor w hen the challenge appeared He needed out of-door exercise, and confl dent of his health and ability agreed to lake six months of lb He was to pay bl own expenses, hut these we*e slight at the start, ai d as ho w a- desirous of rev biting France, where he has a daughter living he was delighted at the opportunity. Tin . route wa* laid down with great particular- j ity by the makers of the matt h. Fuller i a native of Massachusetts, who for some years hat been in the employ of the pro prietors Of Woodward * Garden, Sari Francisco lie was accepted as a nspon sible "spotter" and convoy to the wheel harrow enthusiast and Potter started with them. A great crowd witnessed the start, carriages accompany lag the men out of San Franpitco for the first few miles. The men kept together (or a month or more, or until they bad reached Halite Mountain, Nev, where Fitter though', he tie-led more re-t than Federnieywr was willing t - give himself and they parted. At l*-t ac- i c un'.s Potter ws .- mt-wbt-re in Illinois i Federmeyer s w t.eolbarrow when I udeii | wilt the kit he carries weigh* 1 ' pounds It is rather small with a solid wheel ami small handles. The trip was full of incidents and curi ous experiences N wddbea-ts wereen cuuntered, but Indian* on more than one occasion, and or.ee the Indians carried their curiosity to the extent of firing a few shots at the pair aud the wheelbarrow. A few shots by Fuller from the sixteen-shot magazine Winchester which he carried scared the red skins off The first fall of snow came down on the pair at Wuine utucca on January 0, ar.d then far the long mountain journey aerv -s the high lands between the Sierras and the Rocky Mountains the n en were ex| --d to con of freezing to death. On one occasion they spent three hours in making a single mile through the heavy snow, but fastened a cutter to tbe wheel and improv ed their rate < f travel. Often with the thermometer at "A> degrees below zero camping out on the open plain was com pulsory, and when wood enough c -utd not be gathered t*> keep up the camp fir-- all night the men walked for lh ,r live-. The average walking lime > twelve hours a days, though sometimes it ran up to twenty hours. A diary was kept and in it are the stamp mark* ot almost every , post office along the line, w.tii notaries seals and ceunty clerk s stamps and signa tures innumerable to fix lime ai-d place There are many signature- of w- men u ibis quaint autograph album, and hits o! good advice and prayers lor the sat ly of the travellers are plentifully sprinkled therein. Some Chinamen also have writ ten their benedictions in tea-che-l charac ter*. A stout volume had been filled bv tho time the party reached Albany on June 17. and a new book wa* started for the Hudson River route. 1 o it every town and village down fr m the Slate Cap iial has subscribed plentifully- The Frenchman remember* Y'onkers with a savage "Sacre Diou ' as the place where "some rascal toro that page out of On book," the first page to wit Tho men lost weight while in the extreme Wi st and for the first few months after tbesUrt but latterly they have gained and k> th de clare that they feci greatly better than when they started. They lived on rations bought along the route, f f adoption by more tliniii one 4>f the 'Nashya' of this Slate." Courlwrigbt, Ont.. July 21.—The house of a farmer named Julius Jock, two miles from here, was bnrned, this morning, and two of his children per mhed. Mr. Jock was also probably fatally burned. William Squires and his wife agreed to simultaneously commit sui cide at Akron, Ohio, in consequence of inability to live happily together There is reason to believe, however, that Mrs. Squires thought she cou d live happily alone, for she took such a light dose ol the laudanum that she quickly recovered, while the husband took a large dose and died. DKTALROP TilK DRKOOR Mttß. IKK NEAR ATLANTA. OE<>K OIA. t he following revolting sisry is t.IJ hy a negro captured near Atlanta, Ga , a* one of the perpetrators of the I Moor murder, n telegraphed from Atlsnta. Ihe detective* looking up the Detour murder heard to-day of a strange negro with plenty of money, near Atlanta, and went alter him, taking bloodhound*. They tracked him and run htm down, catching him In a haymow where hn wn hidden, i Ite dog* lore into the mow and seized hi* b-g A ikort, atumpy negro then crawled Ironi Ihu hay slid •aid, nu are alter the wrong man; I never done it." lie was arretted alter a struggle, end alter a while ' ''Heated in the inol circuintlanliat way that he held the light while the murder waa being Committed, lie tay* lie wa* loating about the Dofuor house when a white man and a negro aakud him to go Willi them. Ho went, they anting that there wa* money in it The white iin went into the house before dsrk and slay i-d there until after dark, when lie cuuie to the door and whittled. They went to him. The pri m r was then *ent to the next house for an a*e, and got it. lie then went into the house, and tbey wert all there together, llr rata they struck s match and lit the lamp, and commenced to teatch the drawer*. I'he white man became impatient) and curting him, told him to hold the light over the bed where tho old folks were ly ing. He dpi so aiid found them in a sound and peaceful sleep. The white man rait 'd tk axe, swung it deaf round, and hen struck it into tho wid man'* hack l'he latter never murmered, but the trump teemed to think one more blow neceuari sti'J strut L another, almost severing the ift-tui from the l> Jy. lie llieri handed the axe to the other negro, who struck in to the neck of the old lady. She moaned • lightly hut never awoke. Only one blow was given tier. The two then returned to their search and succeeded in getting about s6UUitl money, when they left The captured negr > was given a until hre o! the money, when tho others left hiio and he has not seen them since. He describ ed Ibrtu lull)- and gave the route which they took on their departure. The deti-u --live* are pursuing theui and it is thought they will be taken to-night. THE FHIOJITFCL FEVER. l ake* the Pacific C. a-l into Its Fa tal Km brace. Memphis, August 1 Nine new case* ot yellow fever were reported to the board ot health this morning. Four additional eases not included in the above are report ed of persons residing beyond the city limits. Three deaths have occurred since last night. Patients in Quarantine at San Fran ci-cii, San Frar.cisco, August 1 —Tbe ship Templar arrived last evening, sixteen da>* from Itio Janeiro, where she had put in for repairs. On the voyage out from N> * York, while it. Kio, the captain took the ye low fever, but recovered. Nine of the ssstiiun died in port from that disease. A female elephant at tbe Philade! phia Zoological Garden* died Im-t Thursday. A post-mortem examina tion shotted that she bad taketi into hei stomach a large quantity of peb ble-atones, sticks, wad* of paper and peanut bags enclosing dirt, *liioh in digestible substances uud übtedlv caused her death. Farntcr* nil over the country enjoy writing i t the agricultural paper* iu praise of the Perfected Butter Color ol \\ < lis, liicbarilson cY Co., Burling ton, \t, Iht y claim iu superiority over all other coloring' matter, both a* to purity aud reasonable c -(. Kverv tlairvman should use it. A freak of a tornado at Reno, Nev., is tluft described by the Gazette: "Moorman Cutter started out with a half gallon of whiskey to take to hi* sick mother, lie wa* found *<>tne hours afterward lying behind a fence on the hill, lie said that he atopjved around a coruer to fix a eoik in the jug. and while lie waa taking the measure of the orifice of the jug a tre mendous wand came down on him. It aucked the liquor cleau out of the jug. blew it down hiss throat, and turned the jug iiiside out. He could rttnetu her uothiug more." At Shaner's nation, Westmoreland county, during the atornt on Saturday evening, the house in which Mrs. Daily and her six children were sit ting was washed away. When the danger became imminent Mrs. Daily commenced moving her children to safety, ami as she brought the last one to the bank and laid it out in safety she fell back into the raging current and was drowned. What a screamer! is a tribute often paid to a crying baby, but Dr. Hull's Raby Svrup by allevia'ing the pains of the little one soon stops the crying Rufus McGaughey of Munroe 00. Tcnn., while Ht work in a field, left his little son, three years old, under a tree. The boy was carried off by a hear who has culm near by, and all the neighbors are searching for the den. Three perrons were killed and fourteeu Wounded by the bursting of a cannon on board steamer at Wil helms Haven. Why are you billions? lleoausc you have allowed your bowels to be en mo costive, and liver torpid. I'sc Kidney Wort'o produce a free state of the bowels, and it will stimulate Ihe liver to proper action, cleanse* the skin of its yellowness, cures bil lious headache, and cause new life in the blood. One of the best known secte in Rug -ia is that of the "Khlyati," among 'whom men nnrter. A LI MX J KKVNJOS' The Aluinni and present and former Ntintents of Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg, resident in Central Penn'a. held their tlr*t animal meeting at lasw istown, in the l.uth. ctinrch, Kev. J. M Raiiiiensnvder, of the class of *7O, pastor on Wed. Julv 80th. Thirty-five mem ber* were present. ". rhe Committee of arrangements com-ista of Clement Dale, Esq, Prof. J. \ Mines '7O, Adam Hov eaq , 'SO, Kev'* Fischer 'T'J, and Koser '72. During the day a telegram was receiv ed from Mr. Hoy. Mating that it was im poasihlo for him to he prt-setu on ar count of aicknee*. In hia absence Itev'a Baker and Fischer were appointed to open the diarussion on tlie question, "li a college course advianble in training for any other ttian the three Irarned pro !rj.ion*." Short speeches were made by other*, the majority decidedly of the opinion that the affirmative is the cor rect aide of the question. In the evening the church was well tilled with the elite of l-ewistown to hear J. Clinton Hill, esq , '64, of Wm'a port, open the diacuaeiou on the quee lion, "Should our Colleges he open to both seies." , . . The object of these He-union* 1* to foo ter a fraternal feeling among graduates and former and present students. . %. J t nr AM' TMIAI. LIST —The following is a complete list "f the Grind and Trav *rs Juror* and Trial Lilt for August (' urt. commencing Monday, August lii. | I8T9: * AAM> JURORI. Harris— W \V Leech. Hotter— C Biturr, J Gilliland, Jno 800- Zer Halfmoon— J A Hunter. K Lytle. Hoggs— Wtil Marks, S Fletcher \\ alker—lt Holtnes, A Swartz. I'atutn—J Jackson. Spr ng—is Heverlv, \Yin Dawson. Fbiiinsburg— L lias*. Win Blake, J S Gray. limner—Win Tate, S A Marshal. Ballefonts—J li Rhone. Wm Mills. Marion—ll Kush. G B Sitnler. College— G Cronmiller. J Condo. TTAVR.KE JL'ROES—FIRST wi.lt. Huston—J W Swartz Belle*.>r.te—D lthodes. I) K Tale, J Shr m, S ilaupt, J W Furejr, G T Brew. College— K Muster. Harris A J Kreamer, Adam Stover, J T Ron. llsrry Stewart Howard boro—J Iliebl. Gregg—J 1' ileckman. JnoGoodbart. Ha.tmoon 1* \V Burkbart. Burnside— Bowes Ferguson—J Sniffer, J Gates. Milesburg—ll T Krnun. i' Walker—A C M Molten, K Zimmer ' man. Jr. Taylor—Win Merry man. I) Henderson Spring—D Corman. M \\' Kiddie Miles -C Brumgart. S K Faust Fhihpsburg—J Dunkle, J Funk, K Manly Worth—J Y Gray, S Stephen Snowsboe—T Green. W 11 Criitnan Fitter M Condo, Sam 1 Rmcrick, Kd h one Marien—D Harler, KS M Calmonl Fenn- Is Confer Cnionville W Cadwalader Union—Wm Reside* Hush—John Lc-tig. J Dumbo-ton i Hogg,—Henry Musser, H R Curtin Haines—J Bower. Jr TRAS list Jl KOK" -MCOJtD WERK. Taylor—lt Newman Woitb—W M Kinney Bel efonte -L A Straub, C Strickland, D M'Ginly, B Graham Hoggs—Jas Id.itngs. J Krider M ilesburg— K L Shirk. T Miles Fhilipsburg—ll 11 Hewitt J Malley Miles—Simon Hazel Walter—P Walter, K Zimmerman, Sr. I Jesse Swartz Banner— Wni Searson, J Henderson, M Benner Marion—N II Ycarick Howard A VY Gardner, D B Fletcher II .ggs J Confer Fenn—l F M'.;er, Jno Barr Union—Wm McKwen Gregg—Wm Korman.il Knofsker, W Pealer Haines—S Spigehnyer, Jno Stover Ferguson—\V in Shadinan, J Weaver Spring Jno Kearny llarris—R Condo Sbowshoe— D itbule TKtAI LIST —FIRST WEEK. A Sqssnian's Kz'rs vs Isaac Gcggcn i brimer M I) Si'knitter ts Rebecca Gorsucb. .1 F Williams v* S H Williams, et al Ale* ilarpster T- Wm Baumgardner Fred Kuriz t D A Musser A B Herd vs J N CiMno?A W I> Glasgow, use of, vs Nelson Gevrge 0 TRIAL LtST— sr.COM> I(K. •-I S! Musses v C D Keller, el al J II Thomas, use of, vs Joseph Shirk Judah W hiiecomb vs Geo W Heaver A l !Co cj It llulhoilen vs Geo R Iloak E W Hale at ab vs Thos Hurnside, et al .J D Shugert va J It Moran, ctal Z L Hoover vs W !' Ard, who was in n terpb'ded, Ac Bradley Child?, et al vs H Merriman el al • W M Lyon et a! vs Jacob jVal Pool et 'al * C 1 T D Geisingor. use of, vs R.>ht Taylor D 11 Lutx vs L C A S C R K Co J Gee Trillirger et al vs William Ilelt 1 , et al 1 \\ istcr Morris et al vs William Holt et ! -jal r John 1 Thompson *> Sam I Christ et al Thos Merriman vs John T Fowler John Worts vs Jacob Wagner J T Fowler A Co, use ©f, vs Geo Shar . rar el u AC Geary vs Samuel Kr.vder Centre County vs l'hilipsburg boro K C Henderson v Merchants A Me r cbanics' Insurance Co 1 G T Walker el ux vs Jno S Sommer ! wille I; I) G Meek et al vs Wm Riddle et al Mitfiin County Nat. Rank vs Jotso Un , derwtod's Ex'r* et al John T Hoover's Heirs vs Linn A Mc ! Cov Centre County vs Huston Township Henry Rrockerhoffvs Louis Haas John I) Gardner vs Wm Singer ACo 1 Iaac Thomas vs LotSiratton Henry Rooier vs Jonathan K reamer Mary Holt vs R A S S UK Co i For tho Reporter. I CUUtt'oa FAIRS. Among the many plans proposed how to J meet the expenses of Church and Sunday- i school debts, festivals, or church fairs • seem to be tho leading objects. No doubt U the first one, as well as the last, was met e with muck apposition by some people ; ' hut such authority has been laid aside as II erroneous and absurd The object of this article is to uphold the latter, and show [' some of the unsoundness of the limit? to which church fairs or festivals have been carried. Mr. Moody in his opening ad dress in Brooklyn said : "If you want a revival of religion you must put aside all those distracting church fairs " In reply > to a question asked at tho Hippodroui) convention, "Can two excitements exist at the same time in the same town?" he -aid, "Yes, it one is a revival and the oth er a political caucus ; for the politicians will attend to their own busiucss and the 1 Christian* to thelrt; hut if on* U a church i (air. it will kill every hit of religion there it." Again : "Do 1 approve of church j fair*? You shouldn't atk me tucb qua*- 1 lion* if yon don't want strong answer*. 1 | believe tho devil hat a hand In every church fair" Now, to all thato ©harae-j terlstic utteraiico* and a great many more; jln wh'ch the energetic speaker thawed the : 'nviit of these ol those popular nuittniev, I .•hat are the objection* to churi-h fair among thoae wha oppote them ' They are nuranuui ; well founded ami hated Upon i food principle* ; and a few Scripture de claration* will be sufficient to thnw that •in h lair* in their repratenied form*, are , not in accordance with the Law* of Mod Die word "lair,'- lUell meant agrtlhering id buyer* and teller*, with their merchan dise at a slated, regular, or appointed time; and "fetlivtl," ha* a kindred mean ing AII lover* of Mod * truth will admit that the Church of Mod it a house of wor ship and not ter merchandise We read l*a iyi. 7) that it t* a boute of prater forj all people We have two illustrious ex ample* of Christ where he purities the i Temple One in the beginning of his ministry, and another near its clo*e Jnr.i it It 111, Matt mi 12 14, Mark ti. 16 if, Luke ait. 46-47. Upon what aeration, •nd for what purpose, It it clearly staled :i simply, because they made hi* Father'* house a haute ef merchandise. I* it not reasonable to believe if Christ was yet walking l Lit earth in human lor in, he would t pretent at tome ot our church 1 1 leslitalf and cleanse the House of Mod as he did the Temple at Jerusalen T hut the neat tune a new carpet it wanting fur the vestry, new cushions for the pewt, or furn -1 ilure for the parsonage, how It the money obe raised ? It the minuter'• salary it not entirely fortbeetmng at the end of the year, the money to pay the choir not all raoed, the repaiit and improvement* net fully paid for, how it the deficiency going lo be met? Some one interns led will be sure to suggest a fair. W ill the minister j have the couiage to resist, and tay, Better] devote the church'* energies to tavirg then uietses and preach to theui in a grove, or in tbe street If need be, than use for the,' Lord * service money polluted by iu ptui j age through a church fair? Alto, we fear | sgain and again will the tame old scene: be enacted. What it it? A notice w ill be given out Irom the pulpit and immediate i y the working meaahers of the cungrega ' liion, the women especially. wilif.mmencel I* course of begging, to.ling and prepar- 1 jirig, money wbich would go far toward* 1 | f .be required fund will ne spent in wor-> -teds, silks, patterns, arid tbe like. ia4 L time wbich might be protiusbly employ-d i in in i ins ter iii glo the sick, or caring for: , those p- or of whom our Saviour tatt, they { are "always with you,'' will be wasted in| iasbioning these material* into useless ar- j ;it-la*, thus taking the bread out of the, I moulbt of thote wbote legill-nale work It] i is, and who would do it much better than' any novice, white all tbe time there wtlli 'an undercurrent of self gratification tbaij Mjiuebow tbe voluntary workers are ter*-] 1 Ing the L >rd Afler that will come days ' of preparation, putting up tables, nailing up grnena, arranging and tbe like ; door* • ill be opened, draughts tell, r-guiwr meals omitted, and Colds lak<-n prullilsCU j oUsiy. And then the fair. When at thej '.Sower-ttble, the candy-stand, and re- 1 ,iroshmonurooaa delicate young giris will, tie put on ethlbltniD, it, .-prettiest selected and dressed for tbe purpose, their smiles j 1 sold along with their wares There is uiore' or lost gambling in every variety ' "Shares," "fortunetellers," "grab bags,' I "fish ponds," and "post offices " People' j will buy expensive articfht el prices per-! haps far above, perhaps'far below their] , real value; and while gratifying tome, self-desire, congratulate themselves on! ibnr self-denyiiig chanty. or they will make heavy suppers of indigestible VI . ends. breaking el Uod-s physical laws with Pharisaical s*Sf-cutuplacency. And! ibon an ''auction" will close the whole] ■ abd delicate fancy article* which have ab sorbed hour* of precious lime will be in. eked down at a much lower sum than j .-oat, and value time nothing We say all] ibis will be, lor ll bat been again and] 'again And what is the result? Uesides] - colds, weariness, heart-burnings, ruined carpels, and wasted weeks, a few hundred! dollar* more or let* poured in the treasury, 'of the church, a sum which ills reasonable u> believe scarcely equal* the outlay, be cause time is also money. To aii this tome cur answer*, "Yet, but the money would net be given ei , translated into plain .enguage, men will not giv for the work of Mod u ilost tbey have some equivalent. There it no comment to be tuaJe on that remark, except the ever-abounding Scrip ture declarations concerning Mod s love of cheerful giver, ll is not reasonable to be -1 lieve that money can be aught but a curse to tbe Church of Mod wbich is contributed from any motive save thalof his lore. It must be a free-will off-ring. None other are acceptable unto Mod. As an evidence of this, the contribution of the Widow's mile affords an illustrious example. Cnri-t •ays: Tbtt widow gave more than aii they which cast into the treasury, because of her penury. Do we ten tucb men at a {festival, who will give the iast dime they possess without obtaining an equivalent save the Grace ot Mud ? Yet such should be tbe case. Otherwise it cannot be'con sidered as the Work of God. In fact 'church fain are nothing more than human .invention*. There it no Divine law about lit Of course the general imprestion it, 'that iU benefits are intended to promote the cause of Mod. But the question may arise, do thote who attend church fairs have any tucb intentions? The Word u! Mod teaches < Heb iv. ljj tbtl (sod is a discerns: of thought* and intent* of the {heart. We may be justified by tsying that if tucb Contributions are not made ex ipressly as a free-will offering, they will ! not be acceptable unto Mod ; for the Word of God teaches that He ha* no delight in Smpiout feasts, or extravagant living. That festivals are a means of temptation io young people, it a fact thai cannot well be defined. Many suggestions might be made concerning church fair* and their ' result* but the limit* of this article forbid The write: can only tav ; it is not the 1 place for Christian people to assemble, un , let* Mod aay* so. B. F. G. i I Camphor Mlk cure* headache and neu ralgia. Camphor Milk cure* rheumatism and I lame back. Camphor Milk euro* cut*, bruise* and burnt. Camphor M ilk cost* 26 ct.; 6 bottle* sl. ; '-•Id by J I). Murray, Centre Hall. If You Want to be Strong, Healthy, *nd vigorous, taku L F tvunkei's Bitter Wine of Iron No language can convey an adequate idea of of the immediate and 1 almost mirarulnut change produced by taking K F. Kunkri't Bitter Wine of j iron in tbe diseased, debilitated, and {shattered nervou* tytlcm. Whether] broken down by excet*. weak by nature, of impaired by ticknrat. the rel axed and; unstrung organisation it restored lo per-] feci health and vigor. Sold only in $1 Ot* boille*. or six bottles for $6.(0 Ak your ' druggist for E F. Kunkel't Bitter Wine f Iron and take no other If he has it not, tend to proprietor, K F. Kunkel, 26b N. Ninth 81. Philadelphia, I'a, Advice free ; tend three-cent stamp. ( WORMS WORMS WORMS. K. F Kunkel'x Worm Syrup never fail* ji Jestrov Pin, Seat, and Stomach Worms. Dr. Kunkel. the only success ful physician who removes Tape Worm in two hours, alive with head, and no foe un til removed. Common sense teaches if Tape Worm* be rem >ved all other worms can be doslroved. Advice at of-: Cce and store, free. The doctor can tell' whether or not the patient has worms. Thousands are dyiag daily, with worms, and d • not know it. Fits, spasms, cramps] choking and suffocation, sallow complex ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and • pain in the stomach, restless at night, ! grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, I cough, fever, itching at the seat, head ache. foul breath, the patient grows pale •and thin, tickling and irritation in the an j us,—gll thes© symptoms, and m >rc. come i from worms b P. Kunkel's Worm Syr [ up never (ails to remove them. Price. |1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for SS(W. i(For Tape Worm, write and consult the Doctor > For all others, buy of your drug gist the Worm Syrup and if he has it not. send to Dr. K F Kunkel, 258 N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by mail, free ; send three-cent stamp, lTjuUt Do You Keel Bad? l.onauld. Itopronood In Spirit. ChUly. hooo yun Hwiltrhr, Pom in tho bli.>u)darn or bo.k. Dirotnooo. Onalod Tua*u. error onil Actio, onil out of oorU amorally ! Solum totollinc Ira t hot your I.lrrr |t follloc to do tu work ond Uto ooemtjono of utooyntom oro brine thrown bock Inlotho blind . 'tnnoorvuo rn oulto will follow uuloooyou act promptly/Toko Hoi Irro' I irot Pllloal oner Tbooo I'll!, or* a standard roincdy bnro bron lone In uor and oro blahly rtoan niondod Soya Dr. t >oklr)r. of Ilolroit. Mich 'Sol loro' I.lrrr Ptllo oro admirably calculated for bllllout slimntoo " Andrrw Horror, of Jollrl, lllo.,aays A (rlond roooumrndod Ibouoo of your Llrrr Pillo. ond oftrr u-lnc two boiro of tbrm I 111 rntlroly currd of o oororo attack of llvor rumplnlnl." for sole by oU Unionists Prior SkmnU R, K.TSKLLKR.S A UO . Prop'™, PltUhnr* Pa. A Search Warrant ollowa on uficor tr thronyb your bouoo from cnlUr to (arret. ond l.lndeoy'o Blood Scorcher to worronlod to (u through your uyotora from lop to tr on.l drive out nil blood dlornoro Ito cum oro wondorful ond cortltted to by doctoro, prooobrro ond pooplr. Hcmfulo. Mercurial Ufoooono Kryotpoloo. Totter. Vl ooro In tbo I.ungi or on the Skin. Bulla. Pimploa, Ac., wo worront II to onro It Is parolr Yeartable Com pound and raworful Tonic. For nolo by oil Dmoctolo Son tbot our nam* loun tbo bottom of tbo wrapper. Any 7. R. K Sollort A Co.. rrop'ra, Pittsburgh, So . liny y KoroolobyJ .D Murray, Centre Hall. ur 00 Thi-COUHt hiul a Ci>w Milker '"ree toFarmsm w ho W/ 'Ct si Agents. Cut i,j s out #n j „<]. tires* with ttnaip Name this paper. 24 jul 3m. COME AND SEE THE BIG SHOW! i| THE LARGEST AND BEST HE ; LECTED BTOCK EVER OF FEKED IN CENTRE HALL, AT W o 11* * H Stand. DRY GOODS i DEPARTMENT i ; h stocked with full line* of ' DOM KBTICB. DRESS GOODB, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY MADE SUITS, PARA [SOLR. UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATH, G'APB, BOOTS AND SHOES. ETC., ETC. GROCERY DiiPABTHEST With full lines of Choicest Tea*, Syrups, Dried Fruit, Canoed Goods, Sugars, Cof fees,' Pure Spices, St.'*, Pork Provi sions. Wooden. Willow, Queens and Glassware, Fish, Salt and everything usuallv found in a first class Grocery. HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS always on hand. You need not go from home to buy goods low. At Wolfs stand in the Bank building, you find bargains good a* elsewhere, and an assortment equal to any in the county. NATIONAL HOTEL: I 00RTLANDT8T Near Broadway, NEW YORK. HOTCHKiSRA POND, Proprietors. OS 77/ A' EUROPEAN PLAN. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for chaapnaaa , and excellence of service. Kooma 50cta. to per day. $3 to flO per week. Con venient to all ferries and city railroads. New Furniture. New .tinnage meat. 23jsuly ij ■ ■ BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos! *j ORGANS! ;i AND j MUSICAL INSTHUMENTS. I ALL THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. ' RE PA RING AND TUNING DONE if IN THE BEST MANNER i I i i J&L a i PIANOS. : CHICKERING, STEIN WAY, ARION, WATERS. O ORGANS. . ESTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON & HAMLIN. BARGAINS IN 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS' 7 Oclate Kowewood Piano*. Only 81 AO. ft Mop Organ*. 2 Fnll Net of Reed*. Price 8270, Only 899. 13 Mop Orgnua. S Full Net of Heed*. Price 8310, * Only 879. | This Organ liu the ' Grand Organ Kne* Swell.") I Kccoud-hnnd Organ* fot (29. Necond-hand Piano* for (98. VIOLINS, AND ACTORDEOKB,I $2.00 and upwards. Piano and Organ Inatrnetora. Fot era and Nloola. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN* Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC 13000 New WHITE* 125Q0. 'New ST. JOHN 125.00. New Improved SINGER $22 50.1 New Improved HOWE 122.50.' Second haud Machine* as low as $5. ( ——o AGENTS FoK E BUTTERICK Jk CO S PERFECT-PITTING PATTERNS. Orders by mail solicited and prompt ly filled. No Agents employed, The buyeres get the Agents profit. We buy our Pianos, o r E an9 Machines for Cash, and will give customers the ad vantage. BUNNELL A AIKENS. v Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. feb27 J. ZELLER & SON, DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockcrhoff Row, Bellefonti Pcnn'a. Dealer* in l>rnff*,<'liemicalfi. Perfumery, Fain yf*oo A BUDD. Jtaljr at. tw Box £B7, Obetlia, Ohio. A T c. DIN6ES- NlrtY STORE You can findl all kind* af Groceries and Cannad h rulu cheaper than any whara else Fie aWo hat on hand and it conttant- Ij receiving JNotiD, Candica, in great variety, and Tobaccos of the beat grade*. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. He daalt In FLOUR. BRAN, RTONE tad EARTHEN CROCKB, ike., Ac and lake* all kind* of Country Traduce In exchange. CALL AND GIVE HIM A TRIAD C. DJNUKB, , Can ire Hall. d JTSIi ITiholtz k lt'isLi Si m ksT < ANPIIOIt MII.H. fegrafeyijii isriz rss:xx SUag*. BaslUeg*. Npnlat, sis ll >* at Us gresUsi I)*'set* wrlnt t-'wtt, (itlis, |>rslM sat twefuag* la It aato qaScklr aad sarslg It at mmm sooths* tad . rll*iilssUf wu. tea lata* atasclsa sad ths i askta* aarvas. Tba bmm* will ptie hark to sat •* aolaauwud wMb Us aaat*. frUm tt asau I hatwas ta**|. ProMsad oalr br Lal ObasWaMagr.il. D. aol4bvJ.lt Marrsy.Cealra Hall. The Phcralt Perioral. Mas grMvad tualf la bs oscallartr adagtal to aid bar a.oa, coasuaat.liraa aadsbUdroo. II b asks a cold tl snap* a eaagb It atd* atpaetoswuaa. It gfraa la steal W ll gtso. str...,u, It bftaja rati, It -1 t 7 hort (Jborboltssr M O. " l ' bold b* J. b Harrat, Oaatra Hall. okumak naatg ako cow rowosa- K *•!>* stack hasitbs aad ta good oeadltta*. It aUs : mmm mOk aad b* la bouar startts aad Children'* plain gum overshoe*.....— 25 The above rubber good* are all firtt iclaat and are warranted, and will be told ■for cat* only. E. GRAHAM A SON. ; Dec 6 Bellefonte. Pa. BRICK rOR lAll.—First clam brick <>n hand for tale at Zerbe't Centre Hall brie* yard*. These brick are offered to low tbat it will pay person* at a : distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in tbe manufac-. lure of brick they will be kept contianUjr jon band, and fair inducements offered tu> Purchasers. :*ugtf. H.I. 2KKBK- F. FORTNEY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over R#v ItiuMthank lSmav'n^ GET GOOD BREAD, ~ By calling at tbe new and eaten ! tire bakery establishment©f JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sands.) {Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny * street where he furnishes every das Fresh Bread, Cakce of all kinds. Piet, etc., eut. Candies, Spie NuU, . ... . Fruits. I Anything and everything belonging u the businetv Having bad rear* of expe' rience in the business, be Matters himtel ,'.hat be can guarantee satisfaction to all , who may favor him with their patronage. u* tf JOSEPH CEDARS. MONTH guaraaivwi. |A 1 J 111 lsl2 a day at home made by % industrious. Capital I \' U II l3Ssm ■ Lock lUtn • aw " itnoio II Warn i _ nrratXrte Tttpm XIAO AHA EX .!•■< Phlla 7 Si m Harrteborg lOHia " " Moauubs lOpa arret Wllliam-i art iHpa " Ucl llaraa ISS pa FAST UXX laavaa PhlUdalpLia It ** a a " Harriabarg XB* p m * " Mon landau 73S p m arr at W tlliameport TSSpm * " Uvl H van f4Vp at _ FAST WARD. PACIFIC XX. leaves Lock Hawa 140 on " - J areas Sbotr Han " Williams port 7 Si am " Montandca lias arr at llarrlabwrx 11 SS a m " •• Philadelphia Dtps DAY XX. laavaa Raaova Is CS a m ■" " Lock Haven II SO an " " Waitaauport IS SO pa " " Mootaiidoft 1 <7 p aa " arr at Hurrtebnrg 110 pa _" " Philadelphia ISSpa KRIK HAIL leavee Remove S IS p m " ■' Lock Haven Ottpn " WUllanaport Uot|*a MoStandun 1} IS a a arr at Herrisbarg islam ■ " Philadelphia TOO a a FA LINK leave# Willi,maport 181 a m arr at llarrnabarg attain arr at Philadelphia 7*# a m Par ear* will ran betveen Philadelphia and Wll j llamport on Niagara K*. Weat. Krle Ki Ml. Fhlla delpha Kxpreae East.and Day Ki East and Suadsy Ks. East. sleeplagcara oa alf night tralaa. WM. A. B AI.DWIN. General Superintendent Lewisb'rg, Centre & Spruce Creek RR WESTWARD. 1 3 a LBATB A.M. P.M. P.M. , Montandon 700 155 .20 Lewisburg.... 7.15 2.20 035 Arr. attiring .Mills. 8.50 EASTWARD, 2 4 0 lxavk a.m a.m. p.m Spring Mi 115................. 10.10 i C0burn....... 10.85 Lewisburg ...„ 35 1245 5.45 Arr. at Montandon -0 50 1.00 6.00 No* 1 and 2connect at Montandon with Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. Nos. 8 and 4 with Day Express east and i Niagara Express west • Nos 5 and 6 with Fast Line west. /*_ d A AA A WEEK in your own town, I* 11 J | and no capital risked You M | can give the business a trial ■ |i|l without expense. The best op .lll||| portunity ever offered for fjjl VII those willing to work. You n " vr should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pny for every bour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and partic ulars. which we mail free $5 Outfit free. Don't complain ot bard times while you have such a chance. Address fl. HAL LETT & CO., Portland, Maine.