The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 31, 1879, Image 3

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Centre Hali.Pa, Th'rsd. July 31, TP.
••eOr-TEHW*.—s2per year, trAen paid in
tdvance; S2.W irhen not rnid in adrarre.
Advertisements "2fot* per line for three in
sertion*. and f\ cent* per fine for every suA
rrqiient insertion. Advertisement* by the
jeir (it o liberal disronnt.
Snbseriher*outside the ceunty thoula re
mit sis 10 rts, irmownf of one peer •< J • '/
eye, instead of 20cfs a* formerly when pa-.o
by themselrcs. *
Subscriber* ran always tell how their ao
•ounts *tand at the Reporter office Av con
stiltinff the lahle* on their paper*, ft t>e
I able reads "John Koe 1 Jan '75" '■ men-is
t Hflf John is indebted for eiiberrxptxon frenn
the I.f of January , IS'5. and that it is
time he seas pas/tap fAe printer.
l-esrar Uix.l txvtva*.O "'j,;.!, ,™**"
p • rr SMnnU. PTPnlnc In the O.UI * N
F *, FottSO. Sec J. J. b- AUtisl IS, >• I<-
Oi r> Kout Nn IP. F A. M..
MonvUy *r>tlc on or hefv>r# Wkfb #•!! rn
MAbonic Hall. _ i isv vt vr V
O K HMUi RtlsßMt. J, J. AHNKT. w *
T-r.,viarXe, * Vet " nieels si Iheli
Hall.Oentra Hall en the Sainedaj en ,
me-natar M and evert te-n week* flee, .-a a
Ke.ier Matter. Laosaa® Kaoss. Se-'
Head Supt. Meyer's schoo' report
Friday of this week tho tramp law
goes into effect.
The Centre County Pomona Grange
of the Patrons of Husbandry will meet at
Centre Ilall on Tuesday the oth ot Au
gust, at 10 o'clock A. M., and will be in
session during the day and evening.
For dried an . canned fruita, curcu
meat#, coffee, tea, syrup, sugsr, queen
ware, stoneware, and hundreds of other
things, the best in market, go to Sechler'a,
in the Bush house block.
Mrs. Jacob Keichley, aged Sd years
of Centra twp., Snyder county, this year
made a fall band at raking and binding
after a cradle. Can any one of samo g
in our county boast this ?
——The lowest marked goods always
found *t 11 offers store, headquarters tor
farmers, A full stock of dry goods, cloth
ieg, notions, Ac., always on hand.
Misses Georgia M. S. Gurney and
Yella Kreider, of Bucyrus, Ohio, are vis
iting friends in Centre county.
Mr. A. r. Luse, carpenter, has just
finished the erection of a new house for
Wm. Colrer.
Who is it gives you fits and bar
gains * Its Goldman, of the Standard
Clothing Halt.
Mr. Simon Ruble raptured a porcu
pine. a few days ago, near Alfred Hosier
man's, about li miles from here.
A new planing mill !s being erected
at Lieb's lumberyard, Bellefonte, by Jno,
D. Lieb Jt Co.
Do you want a coat, pants, Test,
shirt, hat, necktie, jewelry, just go to head
quarters, Goldman's, opposite the Brock
erhoff, and you will find splendid goods
a: a bargain.
The Lutheran conference meets at
Penn Hall on Tuesday evening, s:h of
The election of officers for tho Y
M. C. A. of this place, was postponed un
til next Monday evening, Aug. 4.
1 got my suit at Goldman's Stand
ard Clothing hall, cries one ; so does an
other, and still another, and another.
Ask these the res s or. why, and they an
swer : Low prices and large assortment
alway found there.
Esq Keifsnyder of Miilheitn, hon
ored our sanctum with a visit, the other
day. He informs as that the Mdlheim
and Coburn Turnpike Co. will open for
to 1 ' this fall—the toll, go and come, will
be about 6 cents.
Friday and Saturday we again had
plentiful showers of rain, and the ground
is now pretty well soaked, with excellent
effect upon corn, potatoes, and vegetation
in general.
■ The people of this county c. aid at
ford to put up a monument to Newman—
he has been their best friend and enabled
them to save more money than any other
half dozen men. He sells the best and
cheapest clothing, and nothing delights
him more than to give you a good bar
The Journal announces that it will
drop the German and appear a* an Eng
lish paper. Tfco German readers in this
county are not numerous, or at least lib
eral enough, to afford support to a paper
in that language.
Mr. D. F. Lose informs us of the
wreck of a freight train on the P. A F..
at Montandon, on Tuesday, caused by a
defective rail.
One of the Aaronsburg Sabbath
schools will have a pic-nic Saturday.
Tbe new turn table at Spring
Mills is completed—the old one was un
TTOUV fishing ends to-day, 31
This office booked 700 of 'em.
Those groceries at Sechler's are tbe
best in market,- they always keep reliable
goods—fresh and wholesome.
Archery goods, of tbe finest and
best make at Deschners gun shop, Belle
fonte. Archery is becoming the rage and
one of the pleassnte-t pastimes of the day,
and if you want a bow and arrow go to
D" you want to save money and
have a first class article to boot, hop right
in to Sechler's grocery and get your coffee,
sugar, tea. cheese, molasses, ham, beans,
rice, soap, or any else you want
in the line of groceries. You never miss
it when you go to Sechler's.
Hon. J. G. Meyers paid our sanc
tum a visit this week accompanied by his
son. Prof. Wm. T., of Clarion county, who
treated us to some ol the finest piano mu
sic that could delight the <!ar. The Prof,
has a lucrative musical patronage in St.
Peter-burg, Pa.
under compliments to Mr P. Dunn for
two very handsome specimens of cannel
coal, taken from the vicinity of Curwens
ville. Mr. Dunn informs us that this coal
is from six to seven feet thick, and very
pure, burning with bright, clear flame,
and leaving a pure white ash. We con
gratulate the owner of the property, which
is very extensive upon his good fortune,
and shall probably bo able to give more
information upon the matter at an early
dat e.—Jloutzdale Kevcs.
Go to your store or druggist and get
a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound
syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the
best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup,
asthma, or early stage of consumption.
Got your drugs and medicines at
Frank Green's and you have 'hem fresh
and pure, and from the oldest and most
reliable druggist in the county—and there
is a great deal in that. Fancy and toilet
articles of every kind always on hand.
well and give them German Horse and
Cow Powder to enable them to digest and
assimilate what they eat. For sale by J
D. Murray, Centre Hall. 10 jul 4t
The Howe Sewing Machine. Tbe
world renowned sewing machine. Over I
100,000 sold in 1877. The most perfect
machine in the world at tbe lowest posi
ble price. If you are in favor of any par
ticular machine, at least examine the
Howe before you purchase. Highest Med
al at Centennial Exhibition. "\\ hat we
claim in substance, is that this is an hon
est machine, and if put in your family
will do any and all work perfectly. TV ill
last a lifetime. Terms of the most
liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, who is
the only authorized agent in Centre coun
ty. For terms, &c., enquire of A. C.
Moore, Mileeburg, Pa.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call atten
tion to her samples of trimmings el all
kinds; also, samples of new sty lea dry
goods. Cutting and fitting doDe to order,
and old dresses cleaned and done over by
her. Gentlemen's shirts, cuffs and collars
made to order, and warranted to fit. Ha*
also just received a new stock of Spring
styles, fashion plates, patterns, etc Call
and sec. 1$ ma tf
You. bet, Judge Hucher caa jerk
out of a fish box. with hook and lino, as
many trout as any man Ihatfollows Ponns
or Po crock.
Four young men fborn the lower
end, spent four days and three nights, af
ter one eel. below Fowler's.
There is great mourning in some
quarters over the death of prince N a polo-,
on, but constant rejoicing among the reg
ular cut'omers of Sechler A Co . because
thfey get the best there which is always the
The orders for buggies and other
vehicles received at Jno. T.'s shops
are evidence that the people have cant
dem oin his work 11# puts out no sham
jobs—they are made of genuine stuff and
lasting, and by the most skilled work-
Tho Kit donated for the new Kvan
gvlieal church, at Ooburn, is located on
she now road about i mile oast of the sta-
The borough of Millheim, in sttle
ment wi.h the township of Bonn, conse
quent upon the erection of said borough.
ha< a balance coming from the school,
sujer-'isor and overseer boards,—so we
are informed.
Right opposite the Bro.-kerhcff
House is where the emporium for cheap
clothing is found Goldmen keeps it
and it is known as the Standard for low
prices, best assortment, and greate-t bsr
gains. Try the Standard Clothing Hall.
Soma of the best sports in this coun
ty gel their rig.- a. Jno. T. Loc s Centre
Hall coach shops, where all work is war
ranted and made of boat materia'.
The I'er.ns k alley Institute, under
Prof. Bitner, opened on Monday with an
encouraging attendance of students.
Old father Wagner, of the Loop.
who *-as been ailing for some time, is able
again to pay our town a visit.
Clothing made to order at New
man's, who has one of the best tailors from
Philadelphia in his employ.
About three o'clock on Thursday after
noon, says the Phllipsbur* the
body of Arthur Heese was found hanging
in his barn, dead. We could only learn
'.hat domestic troubles caused by bis wife,
led to this rash act, as he was in well-to
do circumstances, owning the farm on
which he resided, distant about two miles
trom Clearfield, lie leaves two children
one by a former wife deceased, and the
other of the present marriage.
People seem to buy Clothing at
Newman's even though they do not nerd
them now, just because he sells his goods
so cheap. That's rather sensible too.
Pieuro Pneumonia is prevailing among
the cattle In Lancaster county, and has
caused much alarm.
The first rainfall in two months fell in
Virginia the ether day.
Gen Butler is willing to again run for
governor of Massachusetts.
A twelve year old boy named John
Zuch had both legs cut of! by a train of
cars at Lancaster.
An immense body of iron ore has been
found in South Whitehall, Lehigh coun
Allegheny county ha< on hand the
building of'seven iron bridges which will,
cost $lO,Ol 1.
Inasmuch as it has pleased Almighty '
God to call Michael Hettinger from our
midst, we, the George's Valley Unioe
Sabbath school, express our last tribute ©:
respect to him and family.
AVs feci. That we sustained a loss by
his death ; during the many years he was
with us he filled tne various positions that
were required of him, and at his death he
leaves a class to mourn his loss.
AVso/red, That we sympathize with the i
bereaved tuiily ; the wife has lost an af- j
fectionate husband, the children a loving
father, and the neighborhood a kind j
neighbor, that we direct the bereaved
family to Christ who can sustain them in I
their bereavement.
Committee■< W. B. KRAPE,
A new brick school .house is being
erected near the toll gate in Gregg, neces
sitated by the abolishing of tho independ
ent district. Our friend Col dren we be- j
lievc is the contractor, and knows how to
put up a good job.
J. D. Long is putting out quite a lot of
flvnets this same ?r. He pitiesthe poor :
W. A. Kerlin still keeps making good
flour and plenty of it, he is always on
We can boast of a first class hotel now,
and is kept by George Miller, he will
not suffer any one that is in the habit
of getting a little to much steam on to
loaf about him.
Mr. Jacob Frederick has got his new
house up and under roof.
Plenty fishermen with nets.
We have had quite a wet spell and
from all appearance there will be
an abundance of corn, potatoes and cab
bage. B. C. F.
Comparing the work of the past year
with that of the year before there appears
but little progress. But in our sanguine
expectations of great results we are apt to
forget that education is a plant of slow
growth. Reviewing the history of the
most favored race we ara surprised that so
liuie has been accomplished morally and
intellectually, and it is only by comparing
century with century that we can appre
ciate any striking difference. If, then,
our schools of the present dav be com par
ed with those of fifteen or twenty years
ago there is found abundant cause to re
joice at the great improvement in our sys
tem And it may be confidently predict-
I ed that many of the evils now complained
of will not obstruct the way of educators
thirty years hence. It is probable, also,
that many ef our fine-spun theories of to
day will be brushed away as so many cob
webs in the educational temple of the fu
But few houses were built during the
past year. An excellent building was put
up by tbe board of Spring district and
furnished with patent scats and desks.
The board made a great mistake, however,
in not purchasing sufficient space for a
pfay-ground. The house is situated with
in a few feet of the Bellefonte and M ilet
burg pik. and the pupils have no place for
exercise and play except this pike. This
subject of too limited school grounds is
becomiag monotonous, but directors must
have tbeir attention called to it until the
evil is remedied Like Darius of old, who
had detailed an officer to cry out to him
with a loud voice every night: "Sir, re
memder the Athenians," so it seems nec
essary that some one tbriek into the ears
of our directors at least annually to re
mind them of certain of their duties. In
Miles district fire of the nine schools have
not a square rod of play ground, yet the
district is one of the wealthiest in the
county and abundantly able to purchase
all that is require !. The boards of several
other districts are coming short of their
duty in this respect Good fences should
be put round the lots—a matter too rnu ch
neglected by directors. School grounds
should be planted vaith trees, a work that
enterprising citizens in each sub-district
could perform. The lot of the primary
school at liebersburg was planted with
some twenty trees last spring by several
of the patrons, and it is hoped their good
example will bo followed by others.
In looking over the reports for former
years it is found that there has been a
gradual increase in the average per centum
of attendance- In 1866 the averago per
cent, in this county was 00; in 1879 it was
"8, having increased regularly during tbe
intervening years. But these figures do
not convey a correct idea of actual attend
ance; there are many children of school
age who do net get to school at all; ethers
may attend regularly for but a fraction of
the term and yet receive credit, on the
( booki for 100 per rent. It i solo-in oin
s res many largo scholars in our • hoolt ai
s present; they leave school, with a few ox
ceptlon*. at tho ago of fiftoen or ixtoct
r years. In this respect there scciui to huvi
been retrogression, for In former year* i
largo number or proportion of grown
scholars wore tounil in our • .'ln ,r Then
are ditlerent causes tor too non-alt. lo'.auet
of the larger box an ! giro', tome of the
brighter pupils are sent to higher i ntitu
tiens, toum arc obliged to w. Ik, ntn! it o
lobe feared a Urge number ot absentee
part their time touting. 1 am eonvineeo
f that much of the time pupil devote to thi
' study of grammar i- wa.-U-.l A already
' :a;e.l the majority of <Htf boy tol girll
1 Itave school at about the ag of tii'.ecn <r
' tixteen, and at that .into they huv eom
' nutted a number of definitions and n.'< ol
grammar but have : > t lcarm i to a| ply
• them. It teacher- , u'.d language
i lessons in plaeo of having pupiU study
■ technical grammar and uld it:.t i
constant practice in writing .entenct and
thort comp. silion, I believe pupils would
derive greater benefit. It i g
were substituted fet n! ruse grammar it
would be of mere practical use n ma
jority of our pupd i won a. o course,
not be ia favor ot a- ■ iishiig grammar it
. pupils are far enough advanced to lake
up this study and the probability i- thai
; they will stay at sehoo! long enough toac
; quire a practical knowledge si the subject
let them study by at niea >. It nay be
i proper in this connection to a'nude to the
study of mental arithmetic Certain ot
our teachers have assumed the author.:y
of discarding this branch Th.s, 1 think,
is a mistake, it :> taking us back a ijuarter
of a century—when both pupils and
teachers, though able to'\io th r "sum.
medianica iy and tr be le: artisti
cally ir.'.e a blank 1 - p.- pa u .or ths.;
purpose, knew very little f the principlc
involved in the solution o. a problem
That some teacher# devote too mueh time
t this branch i- admitted, but to drop it
entirely frem our ccurse of study w.u!,!
be productive of stiil greater evil.
Kor seToml years there has b en a
growing sentiment i . favor of cot * tv uni
formity ot text books. Friend- of the
measure claim the follow ;: g as the had
ing advantages:
Books could bo procured at uiuchj
lower rates than under the present sys-'
At present nearly every district b* a
series of books different from those of ai.
the other districts, and a family :: vie.c
across the line of a township or 1 trough i
necessitates tho expense of an -w out-tit t j
books -a heavy burden. This burden fa.
generally on that class least able to berj
it. This fact and the high prices of book
are, in a great measure, the cause of noa-J
attendance and imperfect classification,
for many parents are unabio t buy a tew
seriea of becks every year or two; hence
their children either stay at hauie v reeme
to school with but half the 1 oks needed, i
Iftherewerea uniform serie* of b
there would then be a considerable <:ivk u
financially, and our -ciu , s we..ld be .n;-
provevl in regard to attendance and cls--.-
ficatioa A convention of directors war
called which met at Belief, rto during 1: -
stitute week, December dS;b, lr>7s, und a
plan was agreed on for the selection of a
series of books for th- c -unty. A • ■ -
tion ha- since been ir :•? as.d a nr. • e.i
in the different county paper.
Millheim has been er.c; d into a bor
ough, and the director- f this borough
have now an opportunity '. > grade their
schools in a manner to improve them
greatly. There hould be four grade in
stead of three, and bet' r accoiui.iod.i*. r.s
should be provided.
Tho independent district Farmers 1
Mills) was abolished last year by <i- rco '•
of court. Iliad been in existen - .-inee v
Our Teachers' Institute was held a
usual at Bellefonte, Beginning Dec., '-4
and continuing during the week. The..,
instr ictors were Professors N. Sha- " • r
John 8. Stabr, W. A Buckhout and V\ q
A. Krise. Lecturers, N. C. Sha ffer, f
JohnS. Stahr ar.d Mr Wallace Bruce
We had about the u-.ial numbc- of
teachers ir: attendance, and the i •.ere;-'. '•
manifested on the part of most of the -
mi-tnbers was commendable. lam under
many obligation- to Me--r-. Duncan, Lieb
Hershberger, Newcomer and several t
other-, who labored faithfully for the sue- ,
cess of tho Institute. There are other
who hold the highest grade certifies:- -
aad of whom muih might be exp-vtod 1
but they generally disappoint u. Their
presence would not be discovered were is
not for the vigi.ance of tho roll cier*. A
majority of the teacher- are ir, favor of *
holding the Institute in the smaller town- |
of thecountv, for the rea-.-n that the citi
zens of Bellefonte do not support the
cause very liberally, financially nor
morally, by their presence
Besides the suggestions already made, I t
would agam call the attention of director- .
to certain others ef their dutie- which in."
some districts, are sadly neglected Near
ly all our schools need more apparatus;,'
the teachers cannot w rk to advantage;,
without tools. Out house- are still want* 1 ,
ingin some of the districts. lamat a 1
what plaa to propose to arouse our direc
tors to the importance cf tin- matter—un- i
less it were to sendtbem, when snow- are ,
deepest and days coldesi, to those same '
school* where tbeae conveniences are lack
ing. Visits to schools sh u!d be more fre
quent ; directors want to know what theiri
teachers are doing, and schools are great
ly stimulated by regu.a; m >1 ... ~ \ .-
its. Some directors have an avers,on to
making addresses to schools and for this
reason do not visit. Long speeches nrej
nonessential, a few words to the teacher in
private may accomplish more than labor
ed harangue- to the school. Directors
-jwiuld not hire cheap teachers; they are
tne dearest in the end It i- tho intelli
gence of a community that enhances the
value and insures the safety of its proper-j
ty. Therefore, paying a reasonable salary
so that good teacher- may be secured, is
true economy. We have a number of ex
cellent directors in our county who are
keenly sensible of the grout trust commit
ted into their hands. They pay living
salaries, visit their schools, respect their
teachers and assist them in their work.
They keep themselves well informed in
reference to all the detail- of the • duca*
tional affairs of their districts. If the
teachers get into any difficulty they aro
promptly there to correct it; if anything
is wanting it is immediately supplied.
It is a pleasure to vi-it their school- ; one
seams pi pas-into a different aunaepher# I
the moment he cro-res tho township line.
I do not wish to be personal, yet 1 cannot
forbear commending 111 tbi- connection
the directors of Rentier township for the;
interest manifested in their schools. On
tho othor hand, board- might he named
which take very little interest in their
schools; their schools merely rj-i.-f Ifthc;
/' ttrr ot the law i complied with so that
the State appropriation may be drawn, the
. directors ure satisfied.
Items From Statistical Report.
Grounds of sufficient size 11.
" suitably improved...... - S
■ Number of school house- IK.'
built during the year '■
" unfit for use ..... 16
' " suitable wiit-houses I'd;
1 Number of school- without suitable
> furniture I '
3 " with injurious furniture -47
s Number of schools 217
i " giadaiiaoboola
" graded schools needed........... 17
r " schools well da-silled .18
i "in which books were unit >rin. 2ibj
i " schools in which tbe Bible
8 was read til"
" schools in which the higher
brunches were taught.... 86
1 Number of male teachers 107
i " female teachers 61
d " teachers who have no experi
ence 30
" teachers who have taught
more than fivo years 5)5
r " teachers who have read hooks
t on'teaching 204
Average age of teachers 26-0
is Number of examinations held 25
" provisionalcertifieates issued. 23(1
" applicants rejected..... 3
0 Average of certificates 2
I- Number of visits to schools 243
.j " schools not visited 1
" miles traveled 2,060
re " official letters written 201
>f " district reports copied and
ie sent to the Department.... 31
t; Chicago, July •. . A distressing and
. double > iiciio occurred last
night at llvilo Park, n southern suburb •
1 j the city, iho particular* l which only
• transpired oarlj this morning. I lir' (
i maiden -i !cr>, tti:>. J I- o sbeth, Anna
i I Nma Trowbridge, aped respectively
I '. 10 and 'IB years, F ivo been living !•""
n*i.v year* in gnu . tylo in tlmt town up I
' on it* onue• derived trout tm uiUt" left)
• the u hy lh> ■ r mother.
Uee-nllv tin- r f# 1 r ha* -uceeedi 1 In;
gollit g ino r entire pioperty * > and h* •
• i ;1 tin-in pentiiit .. \V hen they becamei
• tullv *m hi i It! • ft.i'.i of ullair*.' ry vie
, .-ije.' to die t gvthi . *• .1 -\ • i't Bun-lay
*tnl Monti** II preparing' 'death. I he*
nailed up the door* and window#. andthei
" two I idvr > :cn, tt 0 m-*l . ntelul preps
J ration, drxiv *■ spikes on the other ildo 11
. the cnscuu at of tlta folding doors, adjust
|ml - 111* 11 lien,pen t'Stlli) fth*-' ' t hoir nee t. -
sml, kit*Winn Iroin httneitlh llieir feet tin
i bo, piled on ottoman* and chairs, quitl
lv strangled to di'fttli.
li. - volll.pvr >1 tier, N in, Villi l ft
dwarf, remained liieniltE'ic in an lippei
oliainl r, atld tho .gh the deed V* dofti
st ftt'ou, •• u eloi k Mot. In) night, i-ke t:rt
gave wariui gat 9 -i,.iew, and the i ,tio
wore not cut down until midnight. 1'
with the greatest difficulty siie ooul>l he
induced to tell her -tor*, an i he to (1 It '
iu to di>i onnccted and rambling a *va\
that ita accural y in wen tow doubted
She i> nm ,u a viHtc bordering on inani* '
I * In her chamber **'.•* foun . a knife of 1
r.-it. ir sUarpne-> and a slip of paper on i
wfttch was urittei We utust nail up
ithe door " The trio iiave always been re
jg ird, 1 as very erratic, aud a'-hough mob# t
(■ng l .-is been known agumst tl.eir char**
U-:, tilt v IV,• been -..own t<> ha* e I! it> I
ami disturbing midnight ergo-- that sr. ,
, • 'W regarded ft* cviiic:.. o ol 'iiic* aland*
• ing inmnujr.
• ♦ •
iMrlt t \ T AM) It A \ ROTTING IN 1
1. ndon Julv -1879 -Further re |
ports !r , -u V :i 10US part- of England show
i the terrible it'-1 '* of tie sterii whn i
devastating the country At lpiw eh the
roads am i' led to t! . greatest depth ev- |
'erred ected At He ewo ... there art ,
eurlVft of water in the street* and the E
shops are submerged, the p, pie being j*
f. ivijidab ill It I arts. At Trawling jt
ham a great flood provfctls-in fact, tuchl
an one l as rot been hi ewn lor the iast
tiitv * ears. The r ver banks and many A
acres'of gra* and .orn are submerged. >g
l.arge qnantitie* of hay have beer, swept \
awu Ail|rsiiway traffic between lp-
I wich an Yarmouth ha* beer, stopped b*
the floods, two bridges h ,rir.g been carried
lawav t • t< '.-cat lie .vy rain bus fat- '
ilen "at "Berwick- a-Twe ! almost imr-- u
-antl.v for Lur days, and thecons juciicv* j
are > ic- ediugly disastrous to agriculture.
because the uay i> unmade and the wheat ,*
rottti gin the i.clds, Gales c tntinu# to'.,
blow at moat of the wot coast stations j
and the weather is quite swore for '" r j
" (i KN Ell A 1. Ml EES TKOOIh- AN D
! u
D.-adw. J. Dake.a. July - A 1 ort k
Keogb api-cisl .-ays "An engagement;' 1
took place uear tho mouth of B aver!' 1
creek, on the loth instant, between two]' 1
companies cf tr. Vps and Lieutenant
Clark # Indian ut-- f Mia- I
and three hundred hortile Sioux. The ti
*f.. ■ * : tuir It. .an *uts k.Eci atid t
- idler* tmaMi When Mite*'J
main • dutii, w. i vv!,.- twelve miles be-, {
hind, came up, the Indian* were pursued ,
fifteen ns-.le- but made t etr e* ape te Sit- 0
li: g Bull • camp. It is very probable that'
another tight has lak.-n place lei re this.
11. ar W 11, i : C'r w. w eat at -
Terry's Landing, report &*> ledge* of t
Sirux cr, ll • -ide 11 the Misi - . their 1
way to Kvogh to make frier.. ls with thej.
white*. '
Uunl.ngUon, J uij -Aw- ut a•, .arter v
atler three o clock thi* altera' ova prcnia
ture explosion of a .-and blast at a ijuarry .
near the site of the middle ! , nilet.Laty j |
instantly killed three men. 1 lu-y wert-
terribly uiangicd. Jut - Davi# escaped ,
with the loss of hearing. It van # t Jj.l
wu> t*ot rcc rtki u! til i** Ihcctcßinif
having beeu blown Into the dam. j \
The Pennsylvania railroad i running I
palace sleeping cars, the wheels of which ■
are made o! paper.
In tho Bradford .1 distrn t there rr
4,i ci wells which produce daily L'.' ' r
barrels of crude Oil- j,
Edward >. K •-■* , aged TO, pr 'tnir.ent' i
a- a Met: -d. .. io-t $ Uyi: Kt" teat a
tbroe-card-:nontC rbarp; r at 1 ittsfi'-.d. j
Mas*. 1
A little girl at SpringCe.J, Mass., was
so trighu-ned bv a dog which had been set
upon her,d .at she went into convulsions
and died.
The ccrrespon Jcnt ot -he A-1 **t I*. #tfc
telegraphs that the harvest in Hungary it t
an utter failure.
Tliu Kulticv# arc Matiirv'* sluice* '
wnv#, Kiduey-\N ti keeps tbcni
healthy and active. it Law. New paper law
says if * person ord rs b:s paper discon- '
tinued he must pay up all arrearages or
the publisher may continue to send it on,
and finally .ollect tho whole amount, '
whether the paper is taken irom the pest (
office or not. A iso nction for fraud can ;
be instituted against any per"n, whether t
he i- rc.-poii#,hic in a fin ant ml. way t-r :.o, -
who refu#-s*to pay subscription due tor ftp
publication *
! Bellefonte. North wnrd—D. Kline. li
Be! efeate. West ward—William llarpcr.j
Ib-liefonte South ward Author Brown, i
tlib-shurg—Au-: n Met'lain. i
jl'nionviilo—A T. Leathers.
Howard Biro Howard ltrukley.
l'hilipsburg L <i Lirg'.o.
. Uenncr —Richard (' -nlv. <
Hoggs—Joseph L. Nell.
Burn-idc < >• ar Holt.
' College - Mithit! Oroya.
Curtin-- William Mann.
Ferguson, old tirecincl Albert Hoy.
Ferguson, now precinct -<•. M. Sheets.
iOregg— William A. Kerlin.
I Haines John C. Stover.
Halfnioon Elli- Lytic.
1 Harris—Fergus Potter.
Howard—William Y'earick.
llu ton—Punicl irw in.
Liberty—William 11. Gardner.
Marion- I. S. Fraino.
Mile*—Cvru Hnimgard.
I'atton -A3 nr w Sellers.
I'enn i- I*. Mur-or.
I'"er, North precinct—Jno. Shannon.
!*"tter. South pre net —Win. From.
; Rush—T. J. Dtinkle.
; Snow Shoe J. 11 Holt.
Spring Perry G'-nt/.01.
Taylor—Samuel Hoover,
f'nion—John 11. Stover.
Worth George U Williams.
\ Walker Samuel Decker.
I), F. Fortn kt. Chairman.
The following i the new apportionment
•if delegate to the different boro'a and
! township*:
I)i*tri< U. No. votes. No. del. ;
' 1 Bellefonte. N. W M
;-j Bellefonte, S. \S ... 11l -
I Bolleronte, w w ok'
I llowa'd Borough I'
"i Milesburg It,.rough... HU 1
t> l'htli|i*burg Borough. HI
i 7 Uninnville Borough... '
H llenncr Township K>u
'• Hogg" Township 10-1 •'•
- 10 IturnsiJe Township...
' It Curtin Township •'- 1
112 f'ollego Township 7-1
1J l'ergu*on— old - 1 <"•'••
! |4 Ferguson—now fei
.i 16 (ireggTownship '• A
j 16 HhH Moon Township. 1
i 17 Haines Township 'JoT I
' 18 Harris Township 121
| Its Howard Township >*o 2
■ l 2O Huston Township hi I
<2l Liberty 57 1
; 22 Marion Township '.cj
2H Miles Township 2l'< •'
; 24 Patton Township II 1
25 l'onri Township 2HK •!
; 2tl Potter, North Twp... 173 3
27 Potter. South Twp I'M -t
2m Rush Township !<*• 2
■ 29 Snow Shoo Township. 75 2
I 30 Spring Township 101 4
31 Taylor Township 4M 1
" 32 Union Township 00 1
33 Walker Township 202 I
) 34 Worth Township 70 1
4 3,827 77
6 D. F. Fortnky, Chairman.
r Phnsnix Pectoral will euro your cough.
I*. Phoenix|Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly.
~ Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings
E rest.
7. Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 cts ; ti bottles sl.
j I Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
6' A now double thread shuttle sewing
1 machine, works by hand or treadle, for
!eale or trade at ibis olbcc. Warruut
j Atlanta, , July Amo 1 horrible
j'murder wi* committed ncm thiscHy Inft
r'niyli*. An aged "Uple, Jain oh llefoor
nml his wife, wore found in llioir bods (hi*
' ni. rnlng with their throats cut. Thuheads
worn almost severed from their bodini-,
and it alipcarcil that each had boon killed
'„• W' .0., deli*on < iapi.lly and with-
J out awaking them.
11 A lout the middle ■( Junn, n turtle was
'taken in the Hi John's Kiver, Florida,
• with th • Speni-h • -at of etini and thu
Into IT' ' -1k **' l upon hi beck There'
,j v. •- inscribed ii Spanish the run
111i if "Caught i". I7Cby Hernando.
Clonic, in th* St '((l'd-linn, end *n cir
'riod to Malanta-b* Indians; from there'
•oil Great Met v i 1! , "Great Wo-j
• kiva is the nam* by u 1 ich tie Si .f ■hn j
Itiver wat fbnnerlv known The tuiilo
oat put back Into r orivet w.'.h the add 1
od inscription "/-sr. . //. >t,t, Falat-
U, Kl * idn, I*7o. 1
WiisSt Martin, wlioo open steniai h
lurnitl i'd Dt Iteauui'int an opportunity
studyiug lirti tly the proci - - at f
i dikfc-t n, i ttiil lb- nig at Thomas, I
Canada. lie is de-cribtd as 1 ale ai:d
Hearty at the age o( >7, lieugh the orifice
hi iii- ttoii. • It is etill o; en. It wdl be re
• nib- cd t' i'. the M in Iwn the remit
ef a charge ot buckshot accidentally re
ceived, laying ink the MoiuKlh to that
!.<ed ceula be ojectod arid roiuovid at
will by Uio attending physician, whoseob
en atioHs ticjo of e... g: valu. t •
me .u al sole m i It U te>w ~ . e.i c
.hi a. - idi tit occurred
• ♦ •
|! stuat.'b, I>. T., luiy 22, -St*
tin • above lh< Weil P. ml Indian
Agency, on the M., Joseph l.alll
herl, a * odfuan, and faintly w<rubUnuk
c i .xst Monday by Indians. l.auibtol
lus Wile atl'i lour Cli. dfeli Were allied afld
scalped Two other children were * bad'
ly mulda'.ed liia'. luey i annot possibly re
ci ver, arid one Utile git warcsrrn 4 away
capli*e, to be held as a ho-tnge, There
was a horrifying spcctac.o at the pla e o!
A Gentle Remedy. The nctijn ol
Kuluey-Wort ou tho torpid liver, uti- j
!i nltby skin, weak Madder and en*
treble J -totnaeh is gentle and cotisti- ;
tuti ual. It cures acute lumbago and I
ic'c-, and soothes tiie litatrv-ce ol in- i
Cases of twelve years'
standing have been j orfectly cared.
Your jL)ruogi-ts keep it,
llabv Shows -uo the rage every
where," and we understand that the remedy ueed to keep the
iitilti otic- quiet is Dr. Hull's ltat>y
Svru -. It contains no opiate. Price
2o cents.
The 15 -i n Journal t Saturday
publishes a !i;t of twenty-six persons
who ati know n to hare perished iu
the late tornado in that city aud vi
cinity. In addition to these, an un
known tuati i- struck by the lights
niug and killed near the Rockland
house; two b tdivs not indenliiied,
have been washed ashore at Hull, and
several young met are missing from
East Boston aud South Bostou, and it
is probable they were drowned iu the
bay. ! I
Itii row obi aaoad thai tbo -i-Kiie-l
d.-.e 'Egypt ' rri*c lat Nkplw with]
his four wivi , !#( di sal 22S osnkrril
<f • -fc ' ' 1 - -it*- If a El. ;
k resldme* sutßdsntly large Nar>le> hc<
will for Ii h -cm. Meanwhile be
'.rave'- v lh V ) largo case- of baggage. |
Ncgot at ' Lav* bra ectcrd into f
tl j urehs-i- f l 1 -■ Villa J la Haul -•*
Villa (i A ngrl, formerly Iks property of I
M- Mm c Bath BIW rc.uate Oul-lJ-
SaplM, ( th< l'a ■ ipi i':Je of the bay. j'
and would he well suitad t*- OHaMal .;•)
>[•.. The Villa J la HsVte was built ■
by I'riai - 1. .;gi, Vl tc—i.t of A , o'k, !
br. tiier i t Ktrdinand II , but wa> after
>-,fiit rolJ to M d" ' Haute, who in true i
prince v style ! -i!t anat'.er v:ilo in b
grcumls a . kind *f s, In winch
lie eats'twined tbosif who came to vlssi,.
, No '. -at t- *e : velv
ami the e.'f.inj* a* J ga'dcr.s are laid out I
■rUh great tast* The Villa d'Angri.i
Nap' . w aid I--- far I t> -aiall fcr
—li a fou > fct!.o K'u Jivo brings with
> him.
Pkilad.-ipl is. July 2K.—FI 'Jr—fancy |
at $' 7'i, l*i untylrania lo do it Jo '
*> . 1.-a Win! i 'os act ear.d
rat'ier -wer at $1 It 4' iew red and |
amber st $1 l-i Uvea'. UH'tCJc. t'orn
at (lals—at. J stained at 3*"'(.y ;
>7c, at 1 white at *7 ■ Kk
t'hicage, July —Flour ju'.et and
wi *k Wheal ai live, weak a-e lower,
N 1 t'hicago spring " • f-r cash.
Corn ic fer cast. Oats • ' r cash.
Philadelphia. Ju v 1> Cnt'.N dull
sa'e- 'JWhi d. prsu. .'ra a -J. bj';.
f.Jc K-- 1 medium ItUtic, com
• •:
Sheep Market fa r, t *•' bead.
prime 4i tir. a few for eip rt at .V, me
,l ,-n 5. !• a i, > .-mm -n j! •
bs—Market du'.'. tale- I.- lo ad,
p- m 7c. g. d ■ ". no- hum I) . c tn-ner. 1
Sl'c'J each.
llogs—Market fair. aies H 1 bead,
prime' . good l>ic, medium bic.
I r.iiISTER s NOTICE Tt foil- w-
I | ing ac .t t have }•**_ eiamt- • !
an-1 i a -ed br ma and remain tiled of rec
l.rd in this office lr the inspection of
j heirs, legatees, creditors, nr.J s.o others
in anv war iMerest' d a- d i!l be present
ad to "the Orphan's Court of Centre eoun-,
ty. on Wednesday, the '-'7 th da* of Au
gu-t, A I), 1 w;for conCrraat on and al
-lowancc ......
I. The account of NatNm J. Mitcoe.
cnardi i i f Sarali 11 . Marr Alice a- I
I William 1* Mitchell, tumor children o!
I J. tm I*. Mitchell, lata of Howard town
jship. deceased.
: The accoui t i:* Ktias Turner, guar
limn af Marion t" MeHivitl, minor child
Lf William McDivitt, late of Worth town-j
ship deceased
! The first at-d t.nal acc "jnt of John
1 Ross, guardian of William Jone. mino'
'child of Richard Jones, late of Ferguson]
town-hip. deceased.
I. The final account of Havi.ll KeUer,
surviving executor fA- ,of l'kllip She
neberger, lat of Harris township, de
5 The account of L. W. Munion, guar
di.m of Elmirn Porter, now Cole, a minor
! child of Geo W Porter, lata of the bor
ough of Phillpsburg, decea<-d
f. Tltc account of W. 11. Corman. eie 1
cutor of Ac., of Catharine Long, late of
Mile- township, deceased.
7. Then count of John Diehl. guardian i
if We-',ley Etian, mincrt'ild <-f Mir.
Ftian. late of Co. A 4"ith Kegiment P.
; Vol's , JI>CI n-ed.
| S The account of Frederick A Jolin
-hank, administrator of Ac, of ( 'ritian,
.Shank, late of Liberty township, deceas-i
'.-d. a- ! led by Frederick Shank, one ol]
I the administrators
t. The account of John Hoffcr, guardi
- of Sophia Hanev. niiru-r child of l-iin
Han v. late ot Spring townsliip d-cea-cl
111 The account of Adam \ onada. exec
utor of Ac., e! Solomen Rahenold, 'ale
Walker township, deceased.
H. The first partial account of Dora
-iu nun, Aaron (iaris nr. I Henry I. h
man, exc.-utors of Ai .of Abraham Su-i
--man. Ist-- of the borough of Hdllefonle,
12 The account of Jacob Sankoy. one
of the executor of John Sankey, into of
Perm township, deceased.
pi. The account of \iiam H v. acting
admini-trat -r of Vc., of .lolin I H over.
Mate of the borough of Itellefonte, deeeas-
I od.
II The account ef John C iriln. trust
to nll th n-al estate of lleary Itarnhart.
late of It'-gc- township, ileeea-. H
10. The final account of ller.ekiah Hoy
1 exne.utor ol An,, of John Hov, (m) late of
I Rallnfonte borough, deceased.
lii. The nr. -untofA Alexander, guard
ian of Anna M Alexander, (now A M
dottle), minor child of lumen Alexander,
{latent P.-Iter town-hip. decease 1
17 The account of George 1 Wormian
administrator of Ac., of Aaron Korinan,
late of Walker township, deceased
Is The account of Mary Winklebleck,
administratrix el ,Vs , of Philip L"itr.ell,
lute of Ifaini-H township, deceased.
HI. The final account of Samuel 11 Sto
ver, a- Hog executor of A# , •!* Jacob K
Sover, late of Haines township, deceased
1 2(1 The account of George Spurring and
j Marv A. Striuik, adminislratar of Ac., of
I Itenjamin Struck, late ol Howard boro.,
, deceased.
21 The sccount of Jacob Punkl<\ ad
ministrator of Ac., <>l Pavid Punkle, latei
of Walker township. deceived.
22 Th' supplement and final account of
(ieorgo Peters, administrator of Jfcc . of
Samuel Peters, lwto of Potter township,
2d. The account of Wm 11. Fry A lie*
boccaC. Liuirimore, administrators of &c.
af 11 ujjh Laurimoro, Into of Fer((uwi
township, deceased.
24. The final account of Joel Kling, Jr |
executor ot Ac., of Jool lxliug, Sr., latoof;
Miles township, deceased.
25. The lirst partial account of Jane
Love and <> M. Ileal, administrators of
Ac., of W. W. Love, Into of Potter town,
ship, daoaaaed,
aijul to Clerk Orphan's Court.
3 A conflict IIM taken place in the dis*
I f r let Ol between the Bulga
r rian militia and the Insurgents. The
4 Turk# had Urty-live killed and tifteon
, Wounded. The lot* ul thu Ulillt.a Kit
moro serious.
• ■* * .
j July 24. ut Cratte Hall, by Rev. \V K.
i other. Mr. Clarence Uunaaiu# and Miss
Amelia Zollle. both of Spring Mill*, Ta.
On the 24 liv Rev. J. G. H ma) tr,
Mr. Frank I'. "i'>ar,<l • 'range*ille. 111
t<> Mi ..Sarah K. Koto, of Aaronsburg.
_a... iiMeniaaia——a—
On Monday morning, Je'y 2*, in Marl
"t* , t the residence o| her ion Hainil!
)| kleian.le M P. Mr. Jul..
i. v. sr liar maiden name **■
!< ,ov h w horn nftu ral< J at> lb<
property now <i . pied by li< ary San key,
a loiter two. ; u.. baa #i*ny relatives
and irieiid# in i'minvalley to mourn bet
I atli. Funeral i t Lewisburr on W • dues
lay evening 6* ..when sue will •" laid
t>y the nde At hr late husband, J dm
Ah Lander, in a lot provided in tha > en • -
tery of that place Iter disease *• can*
eer of the stomach,
K. F. Kunkei'a Hitter VN me til Iron
t !.•• at lollff >U'tt atli It ImiuotMlhe ipjuitltf
• tot MdlatvtllftNlllt'fl . eltilUM Hi® tntv®U Id ti®®ttbj
• ti .... rb'.r-l.ta* ®U t't tottl ' - 4 taa r|hl t <Hli* WliMkUl
•41 • • • I Mil IM4 UM
|t iiMIM tUm jjm in i '.®®n J.> xMm MW
at relttf t IL® U®fs® iu*('il M 0 f • t# lf#
IUl !• .* 'U ®1 u® from iKJffdrt lieailit
I HtKuniU !• all ®*lk of iifr. t—tlf# to Us® trlrln®*
(t)il kMtlai ittoduia* lacdrmung tii® tlouh<
; ,rhl of (ltd OTg*-9 ' et the dlUttic
S ~,lj | tl ft boll!®®. Of •!■ I"H I®® f-r #{. tftl Ak
til I liuaaei'B aud idklt® ii other. ll yutf *irug
giml ha® II lot. Mttd l* proprietor. h t hutikel.
North Ninth hUwi. Vhit®d®iphia, l'a. Atlnlc®
lire . tlil>M tllfO® C-®*t tltip
WdKMS. \V i• It MS. WORMS.
\ I K.uuk*i' \* *•* krrMp never full* to daali' j
lilt Soft'. ®u.l hl<t®®h v Ul Htl lr k Itilrllba oh
tlll , e!i.l ph)®iiaa wiio r®.nv®a 1 *jk> Wurca its
f *t> hdtlfb ®ll® h*®d ®d * • f® HBltl nWBOWd
• iHUUK'I! Kcuae l®a< feat if 1 Al>® \% .>riu b® removed all
oUittl • •! ttia i ®ti 1® '< *ui| (IcihllUjed Atblee at ot
Ti.-v aud fU#r®, trgm *1!S fWtdf rau tall w
b i tit® |kati®st tuwoftt*. TtotuMdmwdjißi l*i |
l> aoitua, and *t **'. kuow 1! lit® o&ajua
.aium.T h .btua and ®alit r
, a Miad 114® ®>®. ®to't IB tl.® vU'fr.
*t h, r*®il®aa at mabt, grinding f u® t®®tn. |.iekt |
at tit® U"®. outtflt tl* blO(f ■' PSad '
. t U ieHb.the i>Uriii grow* e! nt tlon.
UrUingkßd lrnin • In the o* . I ia '
i>itt;i, attdntir®, coiao vtmat I K Kuua®l ,
M oiut Hyful* ftavor fall* t lh a Prlra*, 4|l taJ
t®r tMtll®. or at a i*ltl® t r f lap® H-rm!
writ® ®tti • ®ult ttt® Doctor I -r ail .tia®i. buy of
. . s , druddlM I'm Vt tiflu him#. •*> tf It® I'M t tot.
®* l< r. I Kuuk®l. \.rth Hihtii M Plilia
iaU.hia I*® A4*l ® t*| mau. fr® wad lM##wtt
*um| . ' ' dW ,
-+-+ • j
Mills Market.
Old Wheal SI CO
New Wheat #I.OO
Kve, 4Sc.
Corn, ear, per bu. new, .40c
on, 'SK .
Buckwheat, "6c.
C'loverteed, $iW) to S i. .6
Chop, per ton, S'A'.t>'.
l'latter, ground per toe, SK'.OU
Flour, per bbl $4.50
Mutter, 10c.
Tallow, Ce.
Lard. 6c. .
Ham, 10c.
Shoulders, 6c.
Clean Sides, 6c.
Kagr. ■
per dot , Bc.
Tub w ashed w 00l 30c.
Coal, Retail. By Car. Cirem.
Kgfc'. *4 05
Stove $6 (.10 $4 65
Chestnut, $4 J5 S 1
I'ea, b0 $2 75
/ y,:i'H.\N - i 'UBTSALB
The valuable tarn 1 'or c ~f t>< the es
tate of IVter Kuble, dt" d., situate near.
Taweyville, in Potter will be
ofle'c' a: pubhc sale, on IT K>IAY
AI'GUSTIi. If?at 1 O'clock, ft the
premises. It contains
ia a liifh state of cultivation, with n l*n>;
'.orv yi: AMK nWKLLINt; IKHXE.
BAIIN and .'.her nv Mrury outbmlJinys.
on Tuvser mountain There is an excel-;
on the premises, at. 1 runt ng water at thei
house r.r. 1 barn. Tee farm is in goodcon-j
liti u Terms v. ill be made Kn.'wn oni
dav saia. 8- A.J.O HDBLE.
1*..: .17 IT-. r
(i \ NCK 1~ KKItOY El W1 1 It'll t
/ Knife, and. in so t ases, without
i ain. Apply t•C. 1" W Fis. her. M 1> .
15 Misburg. Centrerounty, I'a £4jully|
The fall fctesaiou of this schiw.l w ill open'
: the Ifhth of July, n< xl. The healthful
ar .l beautiful situation of Centre Hall,
make this a very Jcsi-al-'u and pleasant
place for stude ,ts. 1 e cht aje > of
boarding and the very low raUt of tui
ti n make it the ch. apest l'rej a rotor v
w.-J, -I in the State. It lardir.g car; he had
fer f'J per week. To th re preparing to
U a, 1. wuutFvr.l a.ivar.uges
H F Bitnkk A. B.
lOjul Zi I'rincipat.
CENTRE COf NTY.-In the matter
f the Estate of John Itaney, la'.eof Miles
township, decnased-
The undersigned, an auditor appointed
1 y the ah >ve Court to rep >n hens against
'.He real estate ot said decedent, or on the
funds realised on the sale the rrof. will
meet all parlie- interest! 1 at his > :Sce in
Betlefonle, on Tuesday, August 12, I*7'.'.
at 2 P. m . for the puri- H<> of 1 i appoint
ment. W. F. REBKR.
■jfiul Auditor.
Letters of adniinistra'.. r on the o;tatf
of Wm M Minn, late of Totter twp.. de
era-' d. having been granted to the undcr
sigr " 1. all per- >nt knowing lheiuelvcs t>
be indebted to said decedent are rnjuest
ej to make immediate payment, and per
son* ha\ing claims aga nl the e-tate will
present them authenticate J for settle
ment. JAS. L BOAL.
10iul Gt Admr. de bonis non.
Letter f administration on the estate
,-f Er-kine M'Minn, late of Totter twp.,
de 1. having been granted to the under
signed. all per- >n knoaing themselves to
|.e indebted to *ani decedent are requevted
t make immediate payment, and persons
having claims against the estate will pre
sent them authenticated for settlement.
lOjul Ct Admr. de bjnis non.
\ ; The Commonwealth of l'enn a.
trator of. Ac., of John E Miller, late of
i Harris township, deceased .•
You are hereby cited and commanded
to be and appear at an Orphan's Court to
tw held at Belle onte in an i for the county]
of Centre OR the fourth Monday of Au
ig .ist next, then and thero to show cauej
why the Letters of Administration grant
ed unto you on Estate of snij John K
Miller, deceased, should wl he revoked.
Witness, the Hon. C \. Mayer, Tresi
dent of the said C urf. at Bellefonte, the
• J dav of June A P . I*.'.)
Slorilh- Office. Ibllefonle, l'a.. June
21. P*7'-h JOHN STANOLF.H, Bh'ff.
10 jul It
J The Coinniiinwealth of I'enr. a.
1 > HENRY BRAY, Admini-trator of
-Ve., of Aaron l'arterage, deceased :
Y"ii are hereby cited and commanded
to lie and appear at an Irphan's Court, to
be held nt Bctlefonte, in and for the conn
tv of Centre, on the fourth Monday "f Au
gust, next, then and there to show cause
, wliv tho letter- grant"'! to you on the Ks
into ol said Aur"n l'arterage, deceased,
should not be revoked.
Witness the Il neralde C. k Mayor
Fr sitlent Judge of the -aid t urt at
Bellefonte. tbn 24th day of June, A P..
|S;'.I. WM. K. Iti M NRIKUI C o. C
SherifTs tMHce, Bellef.inle. June 26.
; 10 Jul It
LVt rml. ttie lion, • '.•rles A Prrfl.lrnl ol
tin. court <f tkmumm In th® U .imiklil
tfict diiiKUUni of tli® s ounitn* of tVrttr®. 4 ltntsn ®til
( i<® It • 1.1. ttntl th® Hottofttbl® Htttti'l Frank, ®ml M
MsO'<r®tsio .lotin l>l*®ti®. A ••(Koltttocl .lttfii®® tn * ®ntr®
oountjr, hnvitiM I®®whl lh®lr trrr®it. kwrlni Ut® tho
Ul <lv of Ati| \ | . |R,y. ts. ii®4iir®.Ml lr hoMlriM
v court of ttyrr ®nf Tortnlnor ®nl tru®r®l .*ll
or ®n<l Uiurt'T "f 111® l*o®.*® t>rpfii*n' i o*}\.
nnd court <>f t'ommoti IM®® In Hs'Uofout® 1 for
tit® 4M>unty of tVntr®. M<t to comm®nc® on tho Uh
M.sni!®> of A tig btttuff UmNMII d*jr of Aufjut iBTV.
®nl to contlnn® too wook®. .
Notl ® • tl®r®furt borrbjrniton to the t oronor,
itls-OA a.f til® IVAC®, Ablns®n ®lld (uOOßittblot sf tW
a-s'.l .ssinty of tVntrr. tb®t bo fbon and thcr® lu
tholr to|®r iri®n®, at 10 o"cb k In tho f#rnHn of
| : Ml,| day. wltn tbotr rooorda, tni4tltlon®, ®*awln
f tt(n. and tb®ii own r®tn®mbratcr. lo do tlir®c tbin®
■ iiu ii fo tl®lr ofßc® ii®TiHißto bo donn. and thuM
whu ®r® tsotind In reooffntxane** i iroa®cut® aaatnwt
i lt'|'fl#on®r® thai ar® or aball btt In Uitt Jail of < ®ntr
. .urn) b® th®n and tbert to proaocuttt agalunt th®m
• a* ahall b® )nt.
„ <• iT®n titidor my hand, at Il®ll®font®, tb® l#t day oj
Aiir in th®i#ar of our lxvrd. and In lb# lul
yoAr of Ind®p®nd®nc® of tn® l T nttol Stat*®,
f dUliff hPA.NtiI.KR. Hharld
S7/i.OO for SI.OO, $5.00 for 1 cent.
I iay Urgo (irlcdifur yi) (UU of Old Copper and
Silver CuinM. Scud 1 ceula at once for mi i'atalotfue
nn.l Price AddroM, A O. W KI.SHONN,
3 july If. Ml. f'leant. Pa.
Warn nteen young men to larn Trlotrkiilij Good
.ttiiati on* iruarantccd For particular., addrote with
juljr IN. 4w Hex 7. Oborlln, Ohio.
DK. J. \V. UIIONK, Dem st, can be
found at his office and residence
on North side of lligh Street, threo doors
East ol Allegheny, Eullefoute, Pa.
27 fob tf
U Alllt T K., HICKS,
(Bucceanor lo T. A. liicka & Bro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &0., &o,
tu' Uo lin (lit* tiKviif) f flic Houlb II'UU ( liillcd Flow for Iblw t-ouDff."fiM
IN I:*I T IT : 111 1TK.411
: II U It K A II !
The Sptiug HOMOU of l#7f< i now
1 Wt have juti received
au excellent stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
wai i will be sold at tiie
Lowest Prices.
N\ e have an immense etock and well
assorted iu every line. We have
at lowest prices. Sole Leather
always ou hand. Give us a call im
at hi*< •tabhuhment at Centre Hall, keep
i'ti band, and for *a!e, at the motl reasona
Me rate*.
St Spring WagonS, *
auu vebici.s of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made oi the
irast rea.ored material, and by the most
•killed and Competent Workmen. llodiet
for 1 uggir and spring-wagon* Ac., of the
most improved | alter n* made to order,
, a'to Clearing of all kind, made to order.
' A kit.j* of repair)! * done promptly and
' at the lowe-l possible rate*.
Person* wanting anything in hi* line are
requested to call ana examine hi* work,
'.h will Cud it not to be excelled for dur
Vilitv and wear. may 8 tf.
BUiIT fc k a fcbUi ft'. J.D.SHFOKIT,
President. Cashier
(Late Hilliken, Hoover A Co.)
Receive DepoaiU,
And Allow Intercut,
Diacount Notes,
BUT and Sell
Government Securities, Gold A I
aplOGKtf Coupon*.
Forks House !
The Fork* House, at Coburn station, is
new and commodious, ard is kept in beet
•nanner. lied and board second to none
in the county. . Subline for 30 horses. 1
AM summer re • rt it will be found all
that c< it J t>. de-ir-d, right in the heart of
good fishing ard hunting grounds, and
• urrour.deJ y the mort romantic scenery.
New Pianos 5125
Each, and all stvle.. including GRAND. 1
SQUARE and UPRIGHT all strictly:
href-class, sold at the lowed net cash I
wholesale factory prices, direct to the pur- ,
chaser. These Piano* made one of the fr
eat display* at the Centennial Exhibition
: and were unanimously recommended for J
the lli'tK*T Hoaoaa—over 12,000 in u*ej ;
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co.
-Factorr established overß6 year*. The
Square Grands contain Mathu-hrk's new
■ patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
greeted improvcmeiy in the history of Pi
ano mating The L plights are the finest
■ in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't
. fail to write for Uludraled and Descrip
' live Catalogue of 4* pages— mailed free.
I[ssept ly 21 East 15th Street, N. Y.
—THE -
imiwiti, PA.
Has been rocentlv .horoughly renovated
l and repaired, and under the management
; of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE
~ HOPPKS, formerly of AV'n sport, is first
class in all its appointments.
Arc offered to those in attendance at court
~ and others remaining in town for a few
[j davs at a time.
The largest and most .-uperbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
; All modern conveniences. Go try the
' Hush house.
h:.uc GEO HOPPKS. Propr.
p C. T AinilMH. C. M. Itvn
, XJL lonm ii Ut.Rlli>foaU.
'pn Id Colloflion*. and On>hin' Uotirl irc!irp.
Maj t>* eonaultod in (Jcrmaa *ud Kn*Ub. (tflet la
I Garm*a' baUdUMt. Mrt?4if
Ll f"l DQ C Hwud - ' In *U:n, or currency foe It
nUIIOLtiON lusrwo b— k It tri'nt- all dt *<>*•>•
- ha* 3& fine pofrvini uliovinc |HlUjna ••*ui**d by
t glek hor**a a tkbb •' I NMHt largr •!!*. f i.t> *.f %*]-
pnn M r "' •'**■ niti <r irlltiif 1 1" *• <>f a
cwti ii. and a larcr* amount of other valuable hnrw*
U Information l>r W® llall tutt* I hivv l>ou<ht
that I paid and fit* for which I do not like aa
wcllaa Ido )mr Sand fira circular: ifmU xnt(t
II J Kendall. M D Kn<wbunh I all*. Vt Imyljr
CENTRE II 41,1,,
M I I'Rtß Or
i Saddles. Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips,
Flyncts. and a!.> keeps on hand Cotton
j Ni'l, "ic Prices low as any where else.
All kind* of repairing done. The best
-took always kept on hand. All work war
ranted. Ashareoftha public patronage
kindly solicited. tlapr. 11 v
Harness. Saddles. &c
Th# nnd*rtffYiiHl, <lt<*rtnln#d lo meet Iha popular
j demand for lower prices. reaper Uullj calls tbeatteu
tlon of Lb* public I" blaatock of
n<w offered at theold aland. Ifoalfnad M ;tocliljr for
j thr pthipie nit th limr, llirUriMt and moat vxrlai
and complete a—ortmmt of Saddle*. Hamcaa. <\lUr*
i lltldlH.of ryrrttrMrlpUoaaad qtullli; Whip* and
Intact even thin# t< complete a find rlaaa caUhliah
i meat, ha now off are at prlowa which will null tbatlmat
JArOHIiIsMiKS (.'antra llall.
7a M f I ik 4 k "' A YKAR.O
jk® I v I■■ I S'i to Sffii rt day your
j A I kill I Women do a* well a
k I. 1111 I men. Many mke mor
t| 111111 l than the amount stated
| r ' " ~ above. No ono can tail
to make money fast Any one can do the
work. You can make from "at els. to
nn hour by devoting your evenings and
spare timo to the business. It costs noth
ing to try the business. Nothing like it
for money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honorable.
Reader, if you want to know all about the
bosl paying business beforo the public,
send us your address and we will send you
full particulars and private terras froe.
Samples worth s."> also free. You can
then make up your mind for yourself.
Portland, Maine.
/r\ .000 A YKAK for lioueat, intelligent buslne**
L 1 men or X< a nfa. NEW LUAIIIMMI . linht won*.
to jut* Sm.
H If U
v e a
N ft h
We would ospaciali; call attention tc the
Highland ({ueen Cook Stove,
vvsiscias mbatims ST&vi.
.Stock being entirely New. We offer special Bargains fa"B*
wilws, mfirlam: A CO.,
Spring Mills O. K !
at I. J. GrenoMe'i Store !
Lu the go-oda. Largest slock I
Prices Lower than
And now extends a cordial laTilatiou to
his friend*, patrons, and public general
Also a Complete Assortment oi
Ready Made Ciolhing for men and
boys. Suite ae low &* to be bad in the
Imported and Domestic
Fuil lines of
For Ladies, Gents, Roy?, Misses and
Hosiery, Glotm, Roote and Shoes,
And the most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and prices tha
willcotnpel vou in self defence to buy o
hm . Also Pish. Salt. etc. IBoc
A full line of Howe Sewing Machines
and Needles for all kinds of machines !
A 'so dealt in all kindiJof Grain. Mar
ket price paid for the same. A specially
in CPA L by the car load. I
Jus. Harris $ Co.
P A 1 N T S,
Bellefonte. j
Furniture Rooms!j
respectfully informs the citizens of Centre'
county, that he bat bought cut the old;
stand o' J. O. Deininger, and has reduceoj
the pr <-es. He has constantly on hand
and makes to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
of ready-made Furniture is
argeand warrantee of good workman-,
.hip, and is all made under his immediate (
upervision, and is oflercd at *alOt cheaper
hen elsewhere.
Call and sec his stock before purchasing
elsewhere. feb 20
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store has
been opened by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall, where ho is prepared to sell all
kinds ot Building and House Furnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Uand Saws, Tennon Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Rfcks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plata Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and llub, 'able;
Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Forks
Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs,
Horse-Shoes, Nails. Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bolls, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn
Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice.
SWRemember, all goods offered cheap
er than elsewhere.
TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-it
* ' li>. Collections promptly mads and spec la.
attention clren U; hose bavins lands orpropert* for
mI. will draw up and have acknowledged Deed*
Mort*a*ea. Jt*\ One* in tha diamond, north wtdeuf
tha oowrt htwm. lUlUfnU> millHHf
RECEIV K DEPOSITS and allowlnter;
est; Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell GovernnientSocurilies,
Gold and Coupons.
WuiWolv, Wm. B. Mi noli,
I Pres't. Cashie>
Manhood: How Loet, How Restored !
, ,lut published, a now edition of Dr. Culrerwell's
Celebrated H*ay on Uio radical cum (Without raedi
I cinoi ol M-kumstohiuiuu or Seminal Weakness, In
. voluntary sointnal Lueses. Impoteocy. Mental and
Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marrtasn. ate.,
. also, ConaumpUon, Kpflepay and f its, induced by
. sell Indulgence of aeaual eatmraaance 4c.,
....Price, in a sealed enrdope. only all cents.
The celebrated author. In this admirable Kaaay
i clearly demonstrates, from a thirty year* - auccueafni
practice, lhat the alarnilua consequences of aelf
' abuse may l>e radically cured without the dangerous
1 use of internal medicine or the application of the
knife; polnllna out a mode of care at onoe simple,
certain, and effectual, by means of which every suffer
-1 tr, no nuatuii whit bis ounditloo miy te, mww cure
himself Cheapl*. privately, sad radically.
fbia lecture should be in the hands of or cry youth
i and every man In the land.
Sunt under weal, in a plain envelop*, to any ad 'reaa.
post paid, on reeeipw ot aix centa or two postage
t| Address the pabUahert,
'• i 41 Ann St., Now York; P. G. Box,
ilQoct y
The Only Enswn Remedy
and the KIDNEYS.
Thu combined actio* ptteo it wonderfri
putter to rttrt aU dittaom.
yam are wc Sick ?
Jtea urn we eUote I'bene great organ* to W
come eiwjj/ed or torpid, aud poto/mom humor*
on tiurcfon forced into 'be Uuod that rhonbi
be crptUed naturally.
mLLiotNHWK, run, toyimr atios.
bp earning free acton of throe organ* ami
mdor>.,g tkeir nnngth and power to thro*
rf pj, iJO
mm vrfcj* mm— pain* —4 vai mm
Why h torwafad with PiiM—4 ( .asUpatl— I
Why frixhu—4 OTTT 4i-orArrr4 KUwyil
Why tiltn arnwi hnltrWi —4 ln,l—
I- u OMh
/I u A). nsfffteMt fyoaaS mm*
Omc ~r>i— wtU atiit at ywlt of lU4Ma
Gotucfwor lerwofUt,** 4L'or*r /kr p—.
wr„:,r., iin-rx'st SC.. Sss&afka
Kidney 'Worthed Hop Bitten for udo
At Hurray's.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
For all the porpoa— of a Family PhHHMj
and for curuMtCotueeaoaa, Jaaanotoo,
lnd——aoa/Foul S - mach, Breath,
Headache, Erysipelas, ffhllfl
bio. Eruptions and Skin Disss—*,
Btliouaaeoa, Dropey, Tumoea.-
Worms, N'-uralma; m a Din
ner I'Ui. fur purifyia* the Blood,
II Are the moot
j|P V are mild, but
liCT effcctua *
are still the most"Thorongb and search
ing c\a" hartlc medicine that can be
employed: cleansing the stomach and
bowels, and even the blood. In small
doers of one pill a day, tbey stimulatn
the digestive orxans and promote vig
orous health. *
Athk's IhLLs hate been known for t
more than a quarter of a century, and
ha\ c obtained a workl-wldc reputation
for their vlrtiKS. They correct dia
eiHtl act. <n In the several assimila
tive cenns of tl e body, and are so
composed that obstructions within
their ns.igu can rarely withstand or
evade them. Not only do they euro
the every-day complaints of every
body, but also formidable and danger
ous diseases that have baffled the best
of human skill. While they prodnco
powerful eAbets, they are. at the sama
time, the safest and best physic for
children. By their aperient action
they gripe much less than the common
purgatives, and never give pain when
the bowels are not Irflamcd. They
reach tne vital fountains of the blood,
and strengthen the system by freeing
It from the elements of weakness.
Adapted to all ages and conditions
lu all climates, containing neither
calomel nor any deleterious drug,
these Pills may be taken with safety
by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre
serves them ever fresh and makes
them pleasant to take; while being
purely vegetable, no harm can arise
from their use lu any quantity
run-junto bt
Or. J. C. AVER it CO., Lowell, Mitt.,
rractl—l and Analytical Cka—lst*.
WATERS' OrchestrionchhnwOßflAJl
tbr maul bra.tifSl
. . iniivlr omd perfect
wbaJHSmioh., in laaerrer
J—MM!#!' ku tv —leh—d
p£t (frw iua, wU
rkuatie IsUtaU—
awl't—'uf a kalf
iful a?SttHflhi pntTM <tf kn t
MM mWIHI aed in voetoe* har
"WONA, obchmt
OIAMtA, in t'nhiwr Frearh Cas— are •
n nwxvi FIRST CUHH- „,.J
\\ orkmnn-htf>,.V IHu-ahUlty l aaaxpassed,
War—Bled for SIX t'KAHS. '
Monthly IwuUßMtt
Dlvounl to IknrJkraJNah—Si Ctmrrkm.S*"i*
etc.AU ESTS WAXTEII, Special ladaoe. the trade.lll— tr*to4 fataly>
Mailed.-n-ond-haod MmMUiaNai
—— fmt futfl a*tt
hqfARK, NEW VUIUAi Beat 346 T.