TUe Centra Reporter. FRED. XUBTZ EDITOR. Ckntkk Halt,, Ta., July 31. 1879. DEMOCRATIC \OMI\A- TlOXg. roa STATK TRFASt RKR DANIEL O BARK, of Allegheny. John Sherman ia traveling around now to get up a Sherman boom for the presidency. With John in the presi dential chair, and brother Wtn. T. at the head of the army, and the nephew of his uncle, IV>n, as See'y of War or of the Treasury, snrely there ought to be one happy frenndschaft in the land. One positive step in advance has been taken on the Darien canal project, M. de l.ossepss' agent Iras made a deposit of $150,000 in linden to the credit of the Columbian government as a forfeit or guarantee of sincereity in accepting the conceion. The Camerons are mad once more at the fraudulent President and charge him with bad (kith about the secretaryship of war. A recent telegram from Wash ington says : Mr. Hayes is charged with another breach of faith hv the stalwarts. It has become a common story that be has promised an office to some applicant after he has determined that another shall till the vacancy. The charge is re peated now with reference to the Secre taryship of War, and the offended per sons are Don Camero and his friend S. M. Quay, formerly Secretary of State of Pennsylvania. The story goes that Mr. Cameron called on the President and urged that the office be given to a Pennsvlvanian, that great State having no representative in the Cabinet. Mr. Haves rather objected on the ground that the Republicans of that common wealth are constantly engaged in in ternecine feuds, but he said if they could unite on a person he would gladly give the name careful consideration. Al ready, however, he had offered the place to ex-Senator Ramsey, of Minne sota, and Mr. Cameron asked him if he had not. The President evaded the question, however, saying he had asked the gentleman if he would accept the office if tendered, tfl him, but that he had not yet tendered it to anybody. Mr. Cameron thereupon named Mr. Quay, and then followed the announce ment of the acceptance of the nomina tion by* Mr. Ramsey and the rage of the clan Cameron. That familiar old fraud, the Legisla tive Record, still continues to appear at this office, although the legislature ad journed weeks ago. It is a duced sight slower yet than tbe body whose pro ceedings it carries, and the Lord knows it was slow enough to sicken the whole state. Vive la Bergner. The London Standard's correspond ent at Magnibonium, under date of June 30, mentions a skirmish with the Znlua on June 26. Messengers from Cetewayo asked the British not to burn six kraals which they specified. The request was refused. Buller's horse then advanced, when the Zulus fired the kraals them selves. A large Zulu force appeared, but on the guns opening tire they fled. Boiler pursued and cut down twelve of the enemy. A large number of suits hare been brought against this (Allegheny) coun ty within the past week for losses in curred by individuals during the July riots of 1577. These suits have been de layed til! this time in order to allow the Supreme Court to pass upon the ques tion of tbe liability of the State or the county. It having been settled by that tribunal that the county is liable, the lawyers have been rushing in suits by the'hundreds, in order to be within Die reach of the Act of Assembly, which savs that suit must be brought within two years after the loss was incurred. The * most prominent lawyers say that this two year limitation is not con stitutional. The amount of the suits brought thus far is about 1230,000. The total ioa? for which the county is liable is now placed at over $2,700,000, which will seriously embarrass the county to pay. The five border States of Maryland. West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri, that are universally thrown into hotch-potch as part and parcel of the "solid South," and as thor oughly "Rebel," actually supplied the national Government with a larger number of soldiers to fight for the Union and to suppress the rebellion than five New England States. Here are the official figures of the War Depart* ment: Maine ~ - 72,114 Connecticut—. 57.859 New Hampshire.. 36,W0 Vermont-- 35,222 Khodo Island- 28,699 Total 226.063 West Virginia —_ 32,063 Maryland....—.—— 50,316 Kentucky— —..— 99,025 Tennessee..... 31,092 Missouri. —... 109,114 Total 301,610 Soil appears that five "Rebel" States actually sent 301,610 soldiers into the Union Army to suppress the rebellion, or 76,547 more than five New England States. The state of affairs in Memphis is de* plorable. It is reported deserted by the better class of her citizens. Her residences are unoccupied, and but few business houses remain open. Her peo ple are refugees from home, and death larks in every breeze which Bweepe through her streets and alleys. Soon the cry of distress will be heard and then follows the wail of the bereaved, and yet amid all the gloom there are re maining in this doomed city some who gloat over the misery of tbe present. The report says there are nearly two hundred whites, backed by 10,000 color ed meD, who daily stand around, who never try to do anything, who would nqt leave Memphis if they could. These barnacles are but awaiting the time when dire necessity will compel the Howard Association and Citizen's Re lief Committee to begin operations. Their recollection of 1878 still lingers with them, and they are all prepared and ready to partake of a nation's chari* ty. The information that the govern ment has sent supplies has gladdened their hearts. In the near future they see free rations and plenty of them. * By a law passed last winter Justices of the Peace have jurisdiction in civil suits in all claims not over $3OO, instead of $lOO as under the old law. Who would have thought that a reso tion in favor of honesty would BO terri bly'disturb a republican state conven tion? Gen. Butler announces that he will again be a candidate for governor. This will make old Massachusetts lively again and throw the radicals in fear of their Btronghold, for old Ben will give it a lively shaking up. DOUBLE ENDORSE if RET OF THE RJOI-CORRITTION. Every reader of the Reporter hiut fresh [in his memory the corruption that was uncovered in last winter's session of our legislature by C. P. Wolf, in connection with the Pittsburgri'it claims bill. The investigation that followed showed that a number of member* were guilty of corruption, in order to fasten 3 millions upon the taxpayers of the state. lASt week the republican state con tention met at llarrisburg to nominate a candidate for stAte treasurer. All the roosters of the party, Quay, Kemhle Co., whose hands are besmeared with the riot corruption affair, and who at tempted to prevent Mr. Wolf from ex posing the iniquity of the job. were present as managers of the conven tion. Chas. S, Wolf, of Vnion, was also a delegate to the convention, snd offered the following just and proper resolu tion : Kc.Wretf. That in view of the develop men?a of corrupt practices in connection with the "riot bill" in the last House, we emphatically reathrm that f-vrt ot the platform adopted by the Republican State Convention at Lancaster in 1575, and which waa roadoptrd by the Repub lican State Convention at llarrisburg in 1176, which demands "honest men in office—men with brains enough to know dishonesty when they sec it and courage enough to tight it wheresoever thev lind it." The gag WAS nt once ottered by the chairman, l-ow llali, who declared Wolf out of order and determined that the resolution should not even be read, and ordered Wolf to sit down. Hut Wolf said he would not sit down so long as he was right. The Philadelphia rowdies and others who cling to the rooster gang, hooted Wolf. The thing became exciting, and the unfairness of the chairman gained Wolf some frieuds who demanded the reading of the reso* lutiou, and after a heated wrangle it was read, and then buried by the chairman in the dark pockets of the committee not to be heard of again. This was the first act of the republican convention endorsing the corrupt prac tices connected with the riot claims. One of the ring leaders in the corrupt tion was a member from Philadelphia, named Petrcfl" who was expelled from the house a few winters ago for his cor ruption. The investigating committee last winter again found him in that kind of bad work, and offered a resolution to expel him, as he should have been—yea, even literally kicked out of the house with a pair of the thickest soled boots in the state, hamuel Butler, of Chester county, was a member of the house and voted against the expulsion the doubly corrupt Petroff, thus endorsing the riot claims bill and the infamous practices by which Petroff and hi? gang attempt ed to fasten the claims upon the state. This Samuel Butler was then nomina ted by the republicans as their candidate for state treasurer. Here then we have a double endorse ment, by the republicans of Pennsyl vania, of the riot-claims and the cor rupt practices connected therewith. What say you voters and tax-payers? Will you vote for Barr, the democrat, with clean hands, or for Butler, with his sallied paws? THE GAG OS WOLF. The scene in the republican conven tion when Wolf offered his anti-corrup tion resolution is thus described by the Times' special: The resolution went to the secretary, who was about to read it when Hall demanded to see what it was. Hall is the attorney here for Kemble, and will represent that gentleman in tie prosecutions to be brought. When he had looked over the resolution he said it would be referred to the commit tee, and it wasn't necessary to have it read. People began at this point to be come conscious that something was up. Wolfe demanded that his resolution be read. The chairman was immediately in a high state of excitement. That he had made a miserable blunder was ap parent to everybody with an ounce of sense, bat the chairman himself didn't appear to appreciate it. He declined to allow the resolution to be read, and in sisted that Wolfe was out of order. It was clear the excited and unbalanced man in the chair, who was ignoring rules and enforcing a gag law of bis own, sometimes resorted to in ward meetings, was not a match for the little man on the floor, who undoubtedly had a right to introduce a resolution and to have it read. Wolfe held his ground, as he has often done before on similar occasions, and defied the efforts of the Chair. Hall grew more excited each moment, and was assisted in keeping up the disorder by a lot of Philadelphia rounders, who seemed to have the same instructions that Hall had, to choke off Wolfe at all hazards. They stood up in their seats and shouted in whatever way they could make the most noise ;thev helped the chairman to tell Wolfe to sit down ; they threatened to go and sit down on him themselves; they shook tbeir fists at him, and nsed all the various slang of the slums that came to their minds on the instant. It was not a pleasant state of affairs for a supposed deliberative body, but the chairman had brought it about in bis utter ignorance of justice or his refusal to recognize it. As Wolfe bad been previously, by Colonel Hoot en's gag-daw, cut off from any possibili ty of making his speech, the rumpus which Hallbuilded upon his resolution just suited him. It was the only way left in which he could get hiß mouth in to the convention, and probably if he had been going to lay out a line of ac tion for the temporary chairman he would have made the temporary chair man act just as Hall did act. It brought disgrace and final confusion on all who actively opposed Wolfe and the sense of fair play whicb most men have soon showed itself in sympathy *or Wolfe. The Chair decided that the resolution should go to the committee without be ing read, and Wolfe appealed. The Chair refused to recognize this appeal. There isn't the slightest doubt but that the convention would have overwhelm ingly condemned the chairman if the appeal had been put to a vote. The dele gates were getting tired of the arrogance of the chairman and of the vnlgar slang of the Philadelphia rounders, who were his only assistants. The uproar was in creasing. Wolfe held bis ground and Quay became conscious that something must be done to prevent the convention becoming an absolute mob; be was also certain that Hall never could untangle things. Senator Cooper was appealed to, and he began by explaining the rules to the chairman, who objected as well as he knew how to receiving information — which he badly needed—from any source. But Cooper persisted, and had the aid of Barrett, of Lackawanna, and finally got in a motion to have Wolfe's resolution read. This was carried with a cheer, the few Philadelphia rounders only objecting. The rebuke was suffi cient to calm down the chairman. < WOICB'B resolution was then read. 1 tr , I Minister JVelch has resigned. Tbeie were 405 deaths in Philadel phia last week. ] The Ronapartists are imsatislied, ac cording to a Paris despatch of the l/>n- I don Times, which says that the recent Ronapartist caucus which adopted the resolution declaring that Prince Jerome Napoleon has become the head of the Ronaj-arle family evidently settled noth ing. Only fifty-four Ronapartist Sena tors ami Deputies out of 113 wore pres ent, and though the resolution was finally adopted, with only two dissen tients, twenty-two of those present had previously supported an amendment, which was outvoted, declining to pro nounce on questions beyond Jthe jutis diction of the meeting, and affirming their sentiments of fidelity to the Um pire and the principles of order which have always Inspired Its policy. As this amendment conveyed an implied cen sure on the antecedent* of Prince Je rome, the feelings with which he is re garded by a Urge section of the Rona partist party are tolerably apparent. Many of the sixty-one absentees, more over, kept away from the meeting to avoid committing themselves to a re cognition of Prince Jerome. M. l'ao! de Csssagnac. in his journal, the Pays, re proaches Prince Jerome with entertain ing a fear of evile, which deters him from issuing a manifesto. THE DEMOCRATIC I'I.ATFOKM. The Democracy of Pennsylvania in their recent state convention, laid down a plain, broad platform which will do for any honest ritnen to stand upon. The record of the party in the last few years is consistent with the platform aud its demand for honest government, ■ economy, and free and fair elections. We append the platform here, and ask for it the calm consideration of every voter: /frse/rof, Fi-at —That we, the Demo cratic party of Pennsylvania, in Conven tion assembled renew our vow? of fidelity to the fundamental prlnciplea proclaimed and practiced by the illustrious men who settled our free institutions and founded the Democratic party to protect and pre serve them. Sec 'Hti—That tie just power >. f the F !• era! I'nion, the rights of the States and the liberties of the people are vita! parts of one harmonious system, and to save each part :o its whole constitutional vigor is to save the life of the nation Third —That the Democratic party maintains, as it ever has maintained, that the military are and ought to be in all things subordinate to the civil authorities It denies, as it ever has denied, the rght of the Federal administration to keep on foot at the general expense a standing army to invade the States for political purposes without regard to constitutional restrictions to control the people at the polls, to protect and encourage fraudu lent counts ef the voles, or to inaugurate candidates rejected by the majority. Fi. urth— That the right to a free ballot is the right preservative of all rights; the only means of peacefully redressing grievances and reforming abuses. The presence at the polls of a regular military force and of a host of hireling officials, claiming the power to arrest and imprison citizens without warrant or hearing, do-- troys all freedom of elections, and up turns the very foundation of self govern- j ment. We call upon all good citizens to | aid us in preserving our institutions from j destruction by these imperial methods of supervisingthe right of suffrage an 1 coer cing the popular will, in keeping the way to the ballot box open and free as it was to *ur fathers; in removing the army t a safe distance when the people assemble to express their sovereign pleasure at the polls, and in securing obedience to tneir will when legally expressed by their votes. ~F/th—That Rutherford B. liny ex having been placed in power againit tb® well known and legally expreaied will of the people, is the representative of a con spiracy only, and his claim of the right to surround the ballet boxes with troops and deputy marshals to intimidate at.d ob struct the electors and bis unprecedented use of the veto to maintain this unconsti tutional and despotic power, are an insult and a menace to the country. Sirth— That the Democratic party as of old favors a constitutional Currency ol gold and silver and of paper convertible into coin. Seventh— That we are oppeaetl te the lyitetu of subsidise by the General GOT eminent under which, during the period ef Republican aicendancy, political ring? and corporations profited at the people's expense, and to any appropriation of the public moneys or the public credit to any •bject but the public service. The reforms and economies enforced by the Demo- cratic party since its advent to power in the lower Ileuse of Congress hare saved the people many millions of dollars, and we believe that a like result woald follow its restoration to power in the State of Pennsylvania. Eighth— That the Democratic party, be ing the natural friend of the workingman, and having throughout its history stood botweon him and oppression, renews its expression of sympathy for honest labor, and its promise of protection to its rights. Ninth— That we look with alarm and apprehension on the pretensions of great transportation companies to be above tho fundamental law of this Commonwealth, which governs all else within eur borders, and until they accept the Constitution of 1873 in good faith they should remain ob jects of the utmost vigilance and jealousy bv both the Legislature and the people. Tenth— That the recent attempt, under the personal direction of the ruling Re publican leaders, to debauch tbe Legisla ture by wholesale bribery and corruption, and take from the Commonwealth four million dollars for which its liability had never been ascertained, is a* fresh and alarming evidence of the aggressiveness of corporate power in collusion with polit ical rings, and should receive the signal condemnation of the people at the polls. Eleventh— That the present condition of the State Treasury, a bankrupt general fund, and even ichools and charities una ble to get tho money long since appropri ated to their support, is a sufficient illus tration of the reckless financial misman agement of the Republican party. Four murderers were among the radi cal deputy marshals in Cincinnati to help carry the election for that party. Before the investigating committee the following evidence was obtained. Witness continued and stated Gleason was a policeman when the killing occur red, and served on the police force af terward. Michael McDCrmott, another deputy, was charged, while a policeman with killinga man about eight years ago and was on the police force afterward. Knew GuaColcher, another deputy. He was also charged with killing a man many years ago. Witness stated that Gleason killed his man in self defense. A wife who is only fourteen years of age is suing for divorce in a New Jersey court, which is the natural and probably the best result of so early a marriage. Sis evidently got married too soon—her mama may not have known she was out. A report from Fort Ellice says there are 400 Indiana there starving, and their number is being daily added to. A band of 300 are reported within a few days' march of Fort Ellice, unable to proceed further on account of weakness. The Americans lead the world in eve ry thing and especially in fast eating: this has made Dyspepsia our national disease, though now under perfect con trol by the use of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills. ISold everywhere. Price 23 cents. Thirteen new cases of fever at Meras phis on Monday. r i.v.in os Tin: rxonvs. TIIK Ml'Kli AIII.I rim lUIIO\ 111 I<> HK (XIV TIIK KKtIROI-*. | Washington Post.] Senator launar, who returned from Mississippi several days was asked by The IW, Wednesday, about the no gro exodus. Ho said the excitement anions the negroes 011 the subject of emigration had been allayed, but they are kept in a feverish and unsettled con dition by parties inlerc ted in having them leave. Along the Mlsai--ippi river.where the exodus fever raged at first, it has pretty well died out, but in the interior of the State the subject is kept alive, though but few negroes are leaving. "Are iiiii eHurts being made to keep the movement going ." asked The Post. "Yes." replied the Senator, "men go among the negroes and persuade them that they are being abused and rubbed and oiler them inducements to go t<> Kansas." "Wbut motive prompts these men ."Some of them are moved by pure cussedness, hatred of the South, ami others make money out of the negros Km I rod companies having large tract of land for sale are interested in getting negroes to locate u|*n it. Ihe poor de luded negro will never he aide to pay for the land he buys, and these men know it, but the railroad will get the benefit of whatever improvement* he makes on the land. Some of them cheat the negroes out of what little money they have. A matt recently went through llolmes county selling the negroes ftugs with which to stake oil their land in Kansas. This is an old game, but those jKHir negroes were de eeived bv it. lie gut all the money they had and told them to meet him on a certain day at Durwut, on the railroad, and he would hate there a tram to take them to Kansas free of charge. 1 saw u letter from a citizen of Ihirant describ ing the appearance of the town and the scenes on the day named for the free train. The negroes from all the coun try around (locked to the station anil the place was overcrowded with them. They could not be persuaded that they had been deceived, bnt insisted npon waiting for the train. Senator Lamar said that he did not believe that there would be anything! like a general emigration movement | among the negroes, that * >me w >u!! leave here and there, and others vv >u!d; return from the land of promise. "Should the negro population leave' the state, could other labor be procur ed ?" "Ye*. *ir." replied Mr. Lamar, "Mi**.*- sippi would blossom ike arc -e." In order to show how superior white labor would prose to colored, Col. I-amar said he ha, which war M, has cot been maintained and it tor July I-1 03. Figures indicating tho cond.t.on as Compared with the June tguros are at follows: North Carolina. 104, a gain of C. S nth Car -ti- * *l, a 1 of 1J; iioorgia >•", a lo- of T. Florida •, a loss of 4; Alabama 1, no change, Missis sippi 92, a 1 • of T, Lou.- a! a.' alf • <•: 2, Texas 90, a loss f 4. Arkansas P.' a gain of 3, Tennessee 101, a gain ef 7. Corn —The area of corn planted in the wrl le country exceeds that of h.-t year. North Carolina, M • --ij: . Arkan-. ar.d Tennettee sh w the largest gain ir. the.V'Uib. Ohio ar.d India:.a show otm decrease, while Illlnc s shows an increan of 7 per cent, ."tat - west of the M i *- tippi river made the largest gain* a a section. Nebraska. Kansas, I wa and Mis? .iri all ranging fr :n 101 to llh Thcj cord.tion in all the Southern Slates is low on account of drought, in Texas there s not over half a crop. The Northern j States show a fair condition, while th e west of the M:fisi|; i river show a vc'v high average, over 109 Tobacco—The acreage for the whole country stows a decrease in the four States—Connecticut, Ma- xrhusetls, New York and Pennsylvania—in wl.hhthi bulk of seed leaf tobacs • is grown. There is an increase in a* rrago of about thirteen. per cent, as compared with IS> Of th* States producing shipping, manufactur ing ar.d funking tobacco, which consti tutes nine tenths of all the t bicco grown in the I'niled States, North Carolina alone shows an increase in the aren planted. All, others indicate a material decrease from the acreage of last year. The condition ef the whole country it slightly below that e! July Ist, 1579 Maachuetts alone of Slates bordering on the Atlantic show- in creased condition, and Tennessee in the west places her condition at 94, against last year. Spring Wheat— Returns for July give the average condition of spring wheat at 91, against H*'. .July Ist, lh7 s . The North ern New England States rango nearly up to tho average. A few counties in North ern New York average fh>. Texas, the on ly Southern State that produces it to any extent reports but 01. In tho Northwest States, spring wheat ranges from 'Cto 90, but lowa falls to SB. The spring wheat crops o! Kansas is but 08. On tho J'uc fii , coast, most of the California crop is re turned as spring wheat and averages 92 The smali spring wheat crop of Oregon is a full average. The condition of the crop in the Southwmt and Northwest was large ly affected by drought. In some sections the Hessian fly was injurious, la the Northwest local storms were mere or less destructive. Winter Wheat—July return* show an average condition of winter wheat of VI agairt 101 in July, I*7B, The New Eng land States average W. The crop hero was small and lute but promising. The Middle .States average 80. Complaints are made of drought, mildew, Hessian fly and local storms. The South Atlantic States average 95. Growths werj stunted by drought in many northern counties, but further down the coast the condition was greatly improved. This section would be a full average but for injuries in Virginia, bringing the Stale average to 85. Georgia reports 108 with an excellent quality of grain. Commercial authorities report an almost entire cessation of movemont of Northern wheat to Georgia local mill finding materials sufficient in their home growth. The Gulf States 76. The small crops of A labatnu and Mississippi nro in high condition, but the crop of Texas is a third below the average through drought and local storms. The Southern inland States average 98. Tho grain is of re markable fair quality generally. The States north of the Ohio river average 101. The straw is short but the grain is plump and tho heads heavy, which were greatly improved by the late rains. Tbc States west of tho Mississippi average Sib The crop is injured by clinch bugs in southern parts and by storms in the northern po tion. Tho Pacific Stall's average 108. The winter wheut of Oregon averages 11-. We liavo received three copies ol the Philadelphia Weekly Story Paper, of which tho Press of that city say* : The Philadelphia Weekly Story Paper has entered upon its third volume, and promises "to live and prosper." it is n bright little shoot, and furnishes a groat dual of wholesome and entertaining read ing matter for two cents. In these days of free school education, when there are readers of fiction in tho humblest homes, there is certainly u plea for a cheap story paper. In addition to tho serial romances which are running in tho If'ccA/y Story Paper, it contains sprightly editorials, anil a great deal of miscellaneous mutter se lected with taste and discrimination. The office of publication is No. 808 Walnut Street. YELLOW KEY Kit. - Lleven New Cio* nnd Ton Death* in Memphis. Memphis, July Kl< vcit oa* - In ft| n reported to the 1t,.r,l ~f Health to ( | ffl ially re- V.' f u tweulv ' oir hour- Milling v I M. Mr Jml go Ray's name appean I- among the lit, although she li, in*vpi g b. mi rp|oriPii ** having th yellow li ter MMii|ihi Kcftigoe Camp At St. Louis i, ; v' 1 i St. Uab MtnaM tin Antlonal ltpft'.l Pl 11, ftltl, ik„t yellow In .1 r! iii;i ■ • !r, in Mem pi I itro trriv • g in mifh large numbers that the esUbllsh jinontnt ft quarantine Pmp has become p npt-t try 110 N*k- tint! tent* xiiit ration* . lor one thousand parson* f.-r tlnriy .!> be forwarded at once. „ I lipfo Were thirteen new Y. t Mcmphia, July 2S. Ten additional it i'i-en were reported thin afternoon, m\ of whom are colored. Two deaths irom e yellow fever have occurred ; one, h w it ever, beyond tlie city 11uiits. I'he ape ,• eiu! |K>lii etuen engaged in inking the f ccnatta of '.lie eity completed their task tOMlav. Ihe renult allows the population I of Memphis to be 1(1,110; whiten 4 253, 1 colored 11 ,**27, udulla lO.iiol, children '.t of whom >.; i : hare had tin- fever leaving I-, atipi cptilili* to the ditM?a><\ i 1 ailing to secure tram>parUlion to the Alto selected for the establishment of a . camp on the l'aducah railroad, this nf , teriiiKin Col. J. F. Cameron, with u de . tail of 10colored soldiers, took pai-xage . on a train furnished by the Minso-aippi . Tennessee railway and established a . camp about live uniea south of the citv I and a half a mile helow where camp Joo . V\ illiam.v wits "'.abhshed las! vear. lent* w ere taken a ! >ng and by morning ! a detail w.l! have fifty tents ready for occupation. ji MKM I'll IS RKFI'GKES MAYING A UAUTIMK I Nashville, Tean., July 115, IsTt'.—ltefu- I; gi Memphiaa* are hav :g a r ugh little "fit in the interior town*. They are look llfi upon nt carrying aeeds of pest'lence, . sn . the n oini nt one it inp'iftip.9 of any tori of i_ltneu he it pm .lawn at a yellow fever I subject, a council of physicians it held, the general result of which is—"lt it is yellow Jfpverit list not yet developed,' and a , streak of consternation runt through ihe entire community, l'he hou-e oi.upn J •jbythe unfortunate i* shunted, and he , suddenly nnJt himself isolated. The (ear i of yellow fever is to intense in character i that Meaapli in are often peremptorily . and abruptly invili 4 out ■ !' housi • even , I >' c:d fill ! •!>, until 'l:.w the refugee *y i lha'. he : from anvwhere else hut Mem* , ; pbia. | SATURDAY'S STORM. A Di-iitraus Deluge iu the Oil lU-- gious. l it'.aburg, July \ eeterdav a rain sform traveling in a aoutheaalerly direc tion struck the vicinity of Tetrolus und und Kama city and left devastation in iU track. The rain began to fall at ten o'clock in the morning and fell in such torrents that in an hour llcar crock at ;. Karns city to swell, and in a short time overtiowed iu banks. At about l one o'clock there suddenly came a wild ■ rush of water, as if a dam had broken somewhere above flooding the lower s jKvrtion of the town to the depth of live feet, and before people could leave their 1 houses, many buildings were lifted from • their foundations and swept along w,tli ' the llood while w.'UH-n and children i cried piteously for help, lli.rses were at once put into service and swam to :ke assistance of the frightened people uutil one by one they were rescued. W hen the flood struck l'etrolia it p..*.-- ' ed through the central p rtion of the town and carried olf on iu turbulent bosom the lii>*e house, the Coliseum, a large clothing store, a jewelry store, a drugstore and a scgar store with all their contents, together with a di r.eu or 1 fifteen other buwdings. AH the build ' ings moved were piled mountain high • at a sharp bond in the road In-low the town. One half mile further on at , Arvgle station lour large oil tank* |>art ly tilled with oil were broken to pieces against the hillside, and the pipes con nected with them were broken. At Martinsburg three miles distant a mill, mill dam und tome small buildings w ere carried otT. A BRILLIANT VICTORY /.uius Completely Routed in an Kn* gagemcnt July 4th. London. July it}.—ln the II un of Commons t -day, the Govern::., nt an nounced the receipt of n telegram dated Cape Town. July Stb. autiii* that Lord Chelmsford remained in ramp till the af ternoon of July M, awaiting the surren der ot cannon and 1.000 rifle*, captured ' by the Zulu* at linndula. Thee not ar riving he advanced and wai attacked in in the open country by 15.0(iO Zulus, who fled under Ike heavy tire of the Urititl ■ Lord Chelmsford then advanciJ and de , "troyed IT undi. The Zulus lost H >; the British hot 10 killed and K5 wounded. The battle was fought July 4th. The Zulu*, rari ouily estimated from 10,000 to ■Jo.UW)furrounded the EJrilish, who formed a bellow M|u*re. The Zulus charged the . square on all (our -i.le*. After the Zi lu* wore broken by the British lire they were pursued by cavalry and utterly routed. Lord Chelmsford burned and destroyed all the military kraal, nnd returned to his catnp the same eTening. Lord Chelmsford's dispatch further , 'ays: "On the morning of July 4th, my: j force, consisting of General Ncwdigatc's , division and General Wood's column, sg , gregating four theusnnd Europeans and a i thousand natives, with two Ivc cannon and two Gatlings, crossed the I'nvoolosi river, at 6:lo A M. The fore e reached an cs oellcnt position between Euadawngo nr.,l i Ulundl, about 6.80 A. M. The Zulu army i haii been observed leaving its bivouacs about 7.50. The engagement was shortly. ! after begun by mounted men. By t tho. Zulu attack was fully devolopvd. By P.:tO Ith e enemy wavered and the lancsrs, fol- ; j lowed by the remainder of the cavalry nt 'tacksd them, and a general route ensued., I'riswners state that King Cetewnyo wasi personally commanding, and witnessed' the fight from a neighboring kraal-'' 1,500 Zulu* Killed. A correspondent at I'lundi, under date of July 4, says: "It is stated that Cslo wayo, five days ago, t-r.t four liundred head of cattle with peai e messengers to tho British, but they were stopped by on. jof the Zulu regiments, who declared thai i no peace should bo made until they were) beaten. Tho prisoners say that Cetewayoj opposed war. They admit that tho entire Zulu force was present at the battle. The Zulu loss is estimated at l,f00. Tho two guns taken nt Isandulo were found." RCBBIA. An Lxploflion at a Fire Kills '2l Per sons. St. Petersburg, July 21.—The Minister of the Interior has received a tclpgrnn. < Irom tho Governor of Nijni Novrogod staling a lire broke out there on Saturday. Tho lln/.asr and many houses and shoti* were destroyed. While the lire was rug ing, and explosion occurred in ore of tl. shops, killing 21 persons. An experienced dairyman, writing to tho Rural New Yorker, aaya: "If but- [ tor makers would use Perfected Batter 1 Color made by Wells, Richardson & C 0..! I of Burlington, Vt., they would have noli unsaleable butter. It gives u natural ! ( color, and good flavor, without extra I work in milking. Scribner'a Monthly, for August is at hand. It ix n valuable number—many). of it* intercsti: g article* boing finely illus trated. St. Nicholas, for August will keep c drowsyness out of young folks who read it.'i a j entertaining urc its pages- J HOW TO KEEP ICE IN THE HICK KOOM. For tho-r who have an abundant . supply of ico this may not he n mat*' tor of mucli moment; hut for poor! people, who may rarely ure ice except in -icknc.su, nutl to whom tlio expense i not inaiguificant, the following hinU may be lueful: Cut a piece of nunuel about nine inelua •punre, and aceure it by n ligature rouud the mouth of an ordinnry tumbler, no n to leave u cu|* , *luiped depletion ol llnnncl witino the tumbler to about half iu depth, in the flannel cup eo comitructed piece* of iee mnv be preserved many hour-; nil the longer ifa piece of flan nel from four to live iurhca square be used a* a loose cover to the ice-cup. Cheap flannel, with comparatively opeji inc*he* ( i* preferable, n* the wat er easily drains through it, and the ice is thus kept dry. When good flannel with close texture is employ ed, a small hole must be made iu the ImtfMii of the flannel cup; otherwise it h ids the water and facilitates the irm ling of the ice, which is, ueverthe-j !< '*, pr<.served much longer than in b • naked cup or tumbler. In a tum bler c jutainiiig u flanuel cup, made ia above described, of cheap, open 1 dauuel, .i* 20 cts. a _\ard, it took ten i bourn ami ten minutes to dissolve two i jounces of ice, whereas iu a naked cup I under the auic conditions, ail the ice wa* gone iu less than three hours. One death from yellow fever is re ported in New Orleans. li. New 5 ork tie )• jjul tuiu of interest has been redact u from 7 to C per cent <> dy I.adys Hook, for August is just such a number as any lady will be pleas •-d with It is the leading fashion rnaga sine published. Hailstones large us butternuts fell up at Poughkeeptie. Who would live where; the? raise such fruit? Clereland, July 23.—General Doaaldj .\1 Leod, a veteran of the battle of Water du-d at his residence in this city last night, agt-d 100 years, C months anJ 22 days. PRANK LESLIE'S FOFULAB MONTHLY. Tin August number is even more tbar. usually interesting; it is filled with highly entertaining and instructive matter, and many of the article* are replete with valu able itilermalion a, for instance > ghts n Southern China,' by T. W Knox ;'The Lakes of Italy,' bv Ladvj Ha:l he Murphy 'The A rilis of the Med >i, by J It. Norton, and The Metamor phoses of the Sphinx,' which are adrnira- Vy at.d profusely illustrated. 'The Sum-; . r Amusements of the American I'eo 'l 1.0 Race for the Hlu<- Kb**- of the Derby, and Etna aad its Eruption*,' will * ;■ repay the reader. The department f fiction i peculiarly rich this month. A new serial by the author of "Dora Thorne,' entitled "A Golden Dawn.' promises to be . tory of deep and stirring interest Th- re are several short storias by M. T t a'ulor. Annie Themes, Eleanor Kirk, and o! r popular writers ; poems of gen uine merit, sketches, etc., etc., and a care fully M . ted m -cellany. including 11 i>- tory. Science, Travels, Witticisms etc , '*i copying, locelher with handsome . mbellishmenu, 12* ve that justice follow;, the criminal more speedily in Nob. aad Kan., than in New York, where se much is said concerning the crimes of tbe west. Again, to contin ue our compilation. "A dull and stupid man never gels so far west as the Missouri River. He has neither tbe bravery nor ambition to carry htm so far from thei hou >• where he wa born. Only the live, i ourngi us, self-centntanding men and women of the East go to the far West.' The country where they were born is • longer large enough for their ambition and powers, and tliev drift with the tide of empire. The impulse, brain, faith and ambition that have outgrown the circumscribed life of a Pennsylvania bor "Ugh, a Massachusetts work shop, aOreen Mountain farm or a New Y'ork counting room, are attached to these broad Savan nas instinctively. Of all the thousands who go there to live four out of five have • • me excellence of brain, heart or culture to make them worthy of any country. There is a- high an average ot culture in Nebraska as in any agricultural country between the M issouri and tho Atlantic." They arc growing rich. They do away with the unnecessary cost of extravagant utd fashionable living and instead of loan ng their money to the uncertainties of ; •links, business men and corporation, in- 1 rest it in prairie soil, learn to practice j •conorny and grow healthy and wealthy. Anothe. feature of tho country is the smooth roads. No stones, no ruts. The torses' hoofs clatter upon them as though hey were Nicholson pavomont. A min ster, who drives seven miles every Sun lay. says . "But once, since December, uis the road been unlit to drive my horses n a full trot all tho way." A citizen of Lancaster, said : "At any timo during the year I can'draw a'full load without iany danger of (ticking in the mud." Thi aystsm af natural drainage ia complete , A few houra after a hoary rain they plow The wind driei the aurfaco quickly, ye thia aoil prexrvea malature wonderfully I'hare wa very little rain or (now fren •September t March, yet only twoor thre< inches of the aoil waa dry. In another lei tor I will iffvr prlcoa of land and artlclei needed for farming, drawbarka, etc. A. A KKKI.IV. ♦ ♦ Kor the Reporter, TIIE MOUNTAIN HOME. Twaa on a burning summer'# day "Old Sol" hi* fervid raya Shot down with almeat meltiag force, On hill-tops green with maize ; Four jolly ladi had ventured out From kind, paternal roof. To aeek tome cool, tome shady apot From din tad whir! aloof. Kager aa iada are wont to be, ilertea were far 100 alow ; Hut laden down with hat Lola full, To the <|ej>ot they did go ; boon a a the thund'rir.g train drove up, Baggage and ail were checked. And four adventurer* acltlod down To ponder and reflect. I'wai but a fifteen minute# ride, Ihoy landed aafe and aound On one of Centre'# fertile spots, On Fowler'a hallowed ground Tbeaazednot where they now abould g". liut quickly aheuldered up And plodded on with aweating face To iome lone abelt'ring hut. At laat the wvieouie structure 'peared Through tree# and buabea thick ; Ouaided by nature'# sentinels. Tail pine# and winding creek ; With thankful heaila they entered kere, Unpacked and apread a board,. And ne'er enjoyed they repeal more Though served by a lcrd. When aated appetite# rebelled Against tbia regal least. Twaa he teemed ever happier Who labored bard the least ; Hut that posterity might know Where rested weary feet. They called Ibecatnp with one accord, The iialrhelor'i Retreat. Hut 1 will venture here to aay, 1 aaid it then aa now, That scarcely one ia all the four Weuld make a aolemn vow To live in single-Lloasedne,. Through all the year# to come, Uepmed of that rare happmea# Which wive* can biing to home. Net long content toatav within Their newly christened home, i ur quartet'.- wandered ferth o'er rock# A retliett at the foam ; They. dauntleaa, scaled the daring height*, They tcourad all the plain. Nor left they scarce a tingle spot Their feet had not yet gained. While mountains echoed ba< k the strain From heart# both light and free, And birda were started from their neata By ahouta of wildest glee ; et were the speckled finny tribe Itemembered by theae four And, tempted by the treach'roua hook, Were drawn upon the shore. At even when the tun bad set And £th were left alone. Our heroea were quite glad once more Te reach their mountain home ; And et from thicket here end there Hioke forth the whippoorwul Accomp nied by the murmuring* Of tome pure mountain rill. Then with their camp*£ret blazing high Thev gathered round them tbere, While tonga of sweetest melody Ring out on midnight air ; And many were the l.armieta jeata That found expression there. Provoking many a hearty laugh Dispelling ev'ry fear. But tired now and aleepy too Thev sought their lewly couch, And lewly vhi# at low could be 'Twas en the floor I vouch ; Yet choice could net be berbored here, They treetured any place W here they mesquitea might escape And Morpneut embrace. The morning dawned at brgbt and fair Aa mortal well could with. The day brought gueat* unto their door Who doublleaa wanted flah ; The jolly boy# were giad to aee Upon their own clean floor The atateiy. worthy peraonage Of a wakeful editor. If editor# con handle books At well as pen and ink. The press will toon be burdensome And fish become extinct; But hope diet hard for atill we hope The finnlet may outlive The cunning trick# of editors W ilh reedy bait to give. But now the light'ning baskets warn Our noble beroes four, They soon must breek their friendly bend And ge to where there's more ; The one must sway the tutor's rod. Another run a store. > A third must turn the parch cd clod And one mutt fathom lore. I Ae rears en years their courses roll, , And songsters sing their lay;. The heart, the heart must linger still 1 With pleasure on those days ; ' And then and there they fixed the day > No matter where they roam. To visit, all in five year* hence. The dear old mountain home. "DICK." Ratehelor' Retreat. I • , Camphor Mdk cures headache and neu* ralgia. Ca'nph r Milk curei rheumatism and 1' lamcbac! i* Camphor Milk euros cuts, bruises and burns Camphor Milk c ••! 25 ct.; 5 bottles sl. 1 >e!J bv J. I>. Murray. Centre Hall. If You Want to be Strong, Healthy r and vigorous, take K F. Kunkel's Bitter - Wine of Iron. No language can convey an adequate idea of ef the immediate anii ' almost miraculous change produced by ' taking E. F. Uunael s Bitter Wine of i Iron in the diseased, debilitated, and shattered nervous system. Whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, 1 or impaired by sickness, the rel axed and ' unstrung organization ia restored to per i feet health and vigor. Sold enly in f 1.00 . bottle*, or aix bottle# for $5.00. Ask vour druggist for E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine ' of Iron and take no other. If he ha* it I net, send to proprietor, E. F. Kunkel, , N. Ninth St. Philadelphia, Ft. Advice free ; tend three-* cent stamp. ' WOK MS WORMS WORMS. ' E. F. Kunkrl t Worm Syruppever fails' rto destroy Pin, Seat, and Stomach' , Worms. Or. Kunkel, the only success ful physician who removes Tape Worm inl 1 two hours, alive with bead, and no fee un-J • til removed. Common sense teaches if t Tape Worms be removed all other worms' can be readily destroyed. Advice at of* ' fice and store, free. The doctor can tell whether or not the patient has worms. Thousands are dying daily, with vyi.rms, and d > col know il. bits, spasms, cramps, 1 1 choking and suffocation, sallow complex* 1 ion, circles around the eye*, swelling and > pain in the stomach, restless at night, , grinding of the teeth, picking at tho nose, cough, rover, itching at tbo seat, bead* ache, foul breath, the patient grows pale • and tbinetickling and irritation in tho an* , us,—all these symptoms, and more, come ' from worms R. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr up never fails to remove thou.. Price. .11 UU per Lottie, ur six bottles for $5 00, I For Tape Worm, write and consult the I Doctor i For all others, buy of your drug- ( gist the Worm Syrup and if he has it not, , tend to Dr. E. F. Kunkel, "VJ N. Ninth • Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by ' mail, free ; send three-cent stamp, I ITjuHt A PRICELESS JEWEL 1 I| health, toil If SON are with oat It |*>a caa nalthar LE|. IWRWA. but oor atoal IT, but ruu caa obtain 11 by I iiatna bellara' L.lter I'llla Tbar lon* up the ATOMICN and SI-|> LB* Ixmele la (NOD ,-rdar BR rvlirTln* ruaa tlpatlon THER produce a healths action In the Hear, proaiot. dtaoallon and lot PACT ttgor tu the uhola aja lent. I*rl. SS canla. R. K. SKLLKRV A CO . Proprlatora. rttUburgh. ra. j A Grave Robber Caught. TIM most suoroaaful inn robhor of tho d*y is Dr. ] Ltaalftrr R| Milt I Frynipclaa, Jaundice. Fooor ami A*uo and Donor*! Doblllty. Tbo blood Is tba lifo. ami Dr. l.indaoir'a Blood Soarchor is too groat i llfo proaonror. hrJth .1 If 1 Brooks. Patnoo villo.ULlo. *a>a "My son waa affliotod with aorofula of tho worst form, and paonounccd tncurablo byaeror > al physicians llisllfowaa aavod by tho oao of Dr. v Undaoy's ltlood Soarchor " A tumor entwine on my Load waa ooraplotoly cured by tho uao of Dr. Lliidaoj'a Blood Soarchor. S Sartor, rtttsburw. Bolls, rlmploa on thofaco, Salt Hboum, Old Soma, i and all CuUno* eruptions disappear liko maffic | whan tho Blood Soarchor ia usod. Soe that our natno Is on tbo bottom of tho wrapper For aalo by all dru* is aiata U.K Sollom A Co.. Frop'ra, PlttsLurah.Pa Imyy b For sale by J D Murray, Centre Hall. nr TIiIhC'OI.I.AR nd a Cow Milker free toFarmers who p m/ DiTCTrf, ,cl ftS Agents. Cut ,j PATENTEO^^B, |]i s ou i a d- , dress with stoimp Namo thia paper. 24jul3m. J r COME JWD SEE jiTHE BIG SHOW! m Z THE LARGEST AND BEST SE- E. LECTED STOCK EVER OF FERED IN CENTRE HALL, AT W o 1 f*s Stand'. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT IN stocked with full lines of DBMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS, PARA SOLR, UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS ; AND SHOES, ETC., ETC. G It O C E It Y * • DII'AKTMIAT : With full lines of Cboieeet Teas, Syrups, Dried Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof fees,' Pure Spices, BFC.X Pork Provi-' sions. Wooden. Willow, Queens and Glanwarw, Fish, Salt and everything usually found in a first-class Grocery HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS always on hand. You need not go from home to buy goods low. At Wolfs stand in the . ;Bauk building, you find bargains good .as elsewhere, and an assortment equal to any in the county. NATIONAL"HOTEL" OOBTLANDTBT Near Bmadw.v, ' NEW YOKE . iIrtTCHKISS A POND, Proprietors. OS THE EURO ERAS PEAS. Tbe restaurant, cafe and lnnch room attached.. axe unsurpassed for cheapness , and excellence of service. 1 looms 50cU Ito |2 per day, $3 to $lO per week. Con-' K venient to a!! ferries and city railroads, i New Furniture. Sew Manage ment. '23 jan ly j BELLEFONTt ' MUSIC STORE. 0 Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSTHUMENTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEETH MUSIC. I BEPAKIXG AND TUNING DONE ! IN THE BEST MAN NEB j J9R% i i m p WKm ' mZJWB it PIANOS. ' CHICKERING, STEIN WAY, ARION, j WATERS. \ { —•—O J 1 ORGANS. ESTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON & HAMLIN. \ BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS' ' 7 Octave Rosewood Piano*. . Only 9130. ' tt Stop Organ*. 2 Full Ket of . Reed*, Price 9270, Only 955. 13 Stop Organ*, U Full Set of llced*. Price *3lO. Only 973. j I .Tbii Organ has tbe "Grand Organ Knee * Swell.") * f Second-hand Organ* for 183. " 11 Second-hand Pianos for £3O. " ! VIOLINS. AND ACCORDEONS, p $2.00 and upward*, Piano and Organ Iwwiraetorw. fwrer* and Stools. u SPECIAL BARGAINS IN ■ Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC $30.00 „ .jNew WHITE $25.00. New ST. JOHN $25.00. K New Improved SINGER $22.50. New Improved HOWE $22.50. Second hand Machines as low as $5. pj AGENTS FOR K BUTTERICK A CO S D PERFECT-FITTING PATTERNS. Order* by mail solicited aud prompt ly filled,* E] No Agents employed, The buyere* fet the Agents profit. We buy our 'ianos, O R G AUS AIU ' Machines for T Cash, and will give customers the ad vantage. I BUNNELL A AIKENS. * Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. L feb27 J.ZELLER& SON,, DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte A Penn'a. Healer* in Drugw.CTieniicalsi. L Perftimery, Fancy Good* de„ s Ac. C Pure Wine* and Liquors for medic L j purposes al way* kept. may3l J. A HE A LTII AM) HAPPIN ESS- Health and Happtncea are prlc!eaa Wraith to their poeseeaor*. and jrei the J are within the reach ul ererjr one who will uee WRIGHT'S* LIVER PILLS, The only rare cars (or Torpid Ltrar, Onpepaia, Headache, Soar Stomach, Oooittpatlnn, Debility, Kio to*. and oil Blllioo, complaint, and Blood disorder*. None genuine nnleas signed, "Wm Wright, Phils " If poor DruggUt will not rept.lj Mod U conU for on* t> * to Barrtck. Roller A Co. 70 N. 4th St. PhlU.?auvUm G. GUTELIUB, Dentist, Mlllheim. Offer* hi* professions 1 torrlco,to the nubile. Ho I* prepared to perform all operation* ID the dental pre feeelon. Hal* now folly prepared to oxtraot teeth abtolntl* without pain, mjS-Tl JOHN BLAIRXINN; Attorney-at- Law, Office on Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa. 27 feb tf i A T c. DINQES' NKWFTORK YO \7"; D F^L K '?: 1 * * F nd CANNED Fruits ebeatMtr than ny *MM CIM, Ho also has on hand and is COOSUDI- If rtcaving Notions, Candiw in great rariatr, and Tobaccos of the best grades TBV HIS YORK CIGARS. He deals In FLOCK. BRAN, BTONE and KAKTHKN CKOCKB, SZ XC and ultss oU kind* of Ccmntry Produce is exchange, CALL AND GIVKIJIV A TRIAL C. DIKUEN. __ OSSLM Hal 1. DR. oN R K HOXTZK it's LINIIA EW C AMPHOR MILK. U mam hll.l/ reaad*d *ed •<•• *slj aM e t „ Kbnutim. VRAD S-.T. Ashes. Pskej, BJ U|i. **sllin. OTe. It I* el lb* B*'.#*!* C * U " sad svalUas, IS Ii qskckli *ad nnl; It si MM sooths* ut r-lis-M u>. mi# Mate. tbo Uim aiK>H ud tka . liisf •" ilia w| WIU bo "! t.#| ia M . not osu.fi.d vb Ma ofocts. Kwa coats. \ botUaa far (I. POT sen d only bf Lev) TOrhaier. M. D. UAMBY J O. II artajr, Caatra Hall. The Pbtpnlx Perioral. Ilaa A"**AD tlaalf la ba MnUwlf .DAP lad la SLD PAR* •OO*. caaaaaptiraa .ad . blldfoa. II braafca A aaM. -XRAIN: .':RISS;'T*SR'K aaad II SOT faan ,-aat and lestif jl* t*a fallal ciraa a fl na . Awtod Prtra raaU ar I bottle* far $1 Hrrj.arad 1,. OMfkolua H U bold by J. D. MNRRSJR, Caalaa Hall. UXBMAK MUI AW COW POWDER. K art* Mack baaltby and la food aaaSllka. |i 4KS* dtaaallaa and aaalmflaiion. 1> ainkaalat. ataarlaaaad ■■Ok*, aatna t.. bemawiii d- fits mura uilk AND a# la batlar aMriM aad -rraitliian H al kaaya 1-aaJ.O HIM AND Inaraaaaa • "2* bfllTLaal Obarbnluar. ai fait mill. i.a. k <• l ■ Tblrdatraat, PhU* II Uaatd E LLLL' 1 - 2 * J SY et home made by FFI ■II FFITHE induatrsoua. Capital \ 1111 L NW * required ;we will Mart I yall 11 MYOU. Men, woman, boys *J|VLVLV>ND girls make money fas _~T. "J! * L *<>rk for us than at anything also. The work is light and and such as anyone can ro riht at. Those who are wise who see this no tice will snd us their addresses et once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now ia the time. Those AJV - ready at work arc laviag up large *"•■ of money. Address TRUE A (XX. Augus ta, Maine. JT jun y PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia aad Erie Railroad Division. IUKXII TIKE TABLE. mlvit SL'NDA Y, No* M IMS. TH* trmlaa SB U>* rblladstphU A Krte iUUrosd Dlrtolva U1 ru a roflow —— „ WMTWRP EETK MAILISSTOT PHLU4II>HT UMEA - " Hsrrl*Eß IJSSM MOOISCDOS IKTS " WUIUAUPSRT aas *■ - Loekßsrsa M.S RSSSTS II MSB inilkrli ISSDB NIAGARA KV lOT.rtVw* TSSSB *' llssrtiksia ISSSSB lanstssifas I UI P B " srrsl WilUsauporl tatPß _ " LNCK HTA ISSDB raT LINE IMTSS PhlliuUlpbls 11 ST M " Barmbnrc 3 -IS p B - MMISBM srrsl WiUU>aport TUPB l.vi M -•> SSPI KASTWARP. * PACIFIC EX. IWTN Lock Hsrrs SSS SB J aj KI Ka-T aad Kaadai HL ON ,.LL "ULHL tralua. WM. Ai BALDWIN, UWRRTI PR r* Ceutre A Spruce Creek RR .WESTWARD. 1 3 5 1 EAVE A.M. P.M. P.M. Montandon M 00 1-55 620 Coburn. ....9.25 Arr. at Spring Mills 9.50 EASTWARD, 9 4 6 I.EAVE A.M A.M. r.M Spring Mills 10.10 Cobura..„ 10.85 Lewisbnrg .„.-„..6.36 1245 6.45 Arr. at Montandon......_6 50 1.00 6.00 Nos 1 and 2connect at Montandon with Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. Nos. 8 and 4 with Day Express east and Niagara Express west Not- 5 and 6 with Fast Line west. i" M I A/A A WEEK ia your own town, I*l FI I and no capital risked. You M | ■ can give the business a trial M|||L without expense. The best op .l|||| portunity ever offered for V FVVVV those willing to work. You V V XR should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all 'your time OP only your spare time to the business ani make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as MUUH AS MEU. Send for special private terms and partic ulars. which we naaj free. *5 Outfit free. Don't complain ot hard times while you have such a chance. Address H. HAL -4.x. AT A 00., Portland, Maine.