A Summer Morning's Song. I. Up. deeper' drmmar, up' tor now Thr*'* gold upon the mountain'* brow, Thsre'* light on toresta, lake* and meadow* The dew-drop* *hine on flow'ret ball*; The village clock ot morning tell*. Up. men' ont, cattle' for the dell* And dingle* teem with (hadowa. 11. The very beaat that crop* the flower Hath welcome tor the dawning hour. Aurora amile*—her beckoning* claim thee I jet en—look round' The chirp, the hum. Sing, low and bleat—there * nothing dumb All love, all life' Come, ulumherer*, come The mcaneet thing ahali (haute thee —Harper'i Bo tut Master Johnny's Next Door Neighbor. " It wa* spring the flrst time that 1 eaw b< for her papa and mamma moved in Next door, jn*t a* skating wa* over, and lua. blee about to begin. Por tlie fence ta our hack yard wa* broken and 1 xaw a* I pecpod through the alat There were ' Johnny J unt|>-u|i*' all around hei and I knew it ww spring jut by that " 1 never knew whetlier she w me—for hi> didn't wv.v nothing to ine. But • Ms ' here'* H slut in the fence broke. *tnl the hoy the*, is nexl door can see ' But the next day 1 climbed on our wood *h<*l. a* you know, nuutim* ay* I've • taght. And *he call* out. • Well, peek in' is manners ' and I answered her, • I* parlila " But I wasn't a bit mad, no, papa, and to prove it Uie very next day. When she ran jwst our tence in the morning I happened u> got in hei way, For you know I am • chunked ' and clumsy, m •he says are all hoys ot my sixe. And she nemo upset *ne. she did, pa. and laughed nil twn came in her eyes. "And then we were fiien-b trvuu that moment. tor I knew that she told Kitty Sage. And she wasu't a girl that would flatter, • that she thought 1 was tall for my age.' And I gave her lor apples that evening, and took her to ride on my sled. And—• What am 1 telling you this for *' V'hy papa, my neighbor is dead ' You don't hear one-half 1 am saving—l realiy do think it's too had ' Why. you might have seen crape on her doo knob, and noticed to-d*y I've been sml. And they've got her a eottln ol rosewood. and they say Hjey have dronecst her in white. And I've never once looked through the lence. pa, at nee she died—at eleven last night 'And ma says it's decent and proper, as 1 was her neighbor and iriend. That I should go there to the luneral. and she thinks that you ought to attend; But I am so clumsy ami awkward, I know I shall be iu the way. And suppose they should sj-eak to me. papa. I wouldn't know just what to say. •* 5o I think 1 will get up quite early. I know I sleep late, but I know •• 111 be sale to wake up it our Brulget palls the string that IT tie to my toe. And I'U crawl through the lence and I'll gather the - Johnny Jump-ups ' as they grew Round her fee; the first day that 1 saw her and. papa. I'll give them to vou. " For you're a big man, and you know, pa, . can come and go just where you choose, And you'U take the flowers ia to her. and sure, ly they'll never refuse; But, papa, don't say they're from Johnny. Tbev won't understand, don't you sec. But just lay them down on her bosom, and, papa, shell know they're from me." Bret Hartt. IN LOVE AND IN DEBT. " Who is that. Carrie?" " Dionysius Han-ington. Is he not hanL-onic?" "Handsome! I should think he is. What a partner for tlie Lancers! or to take one sleigh-riding, or down to sup per. or. in fa t. anywhere where a UU -u- UU was a possible contingent." "He is sure to be at the Nevilles' ball to-night. Rerhaps you may be able to test jour opinion on that subject." " If he is tliere, I certainly shall." " Provided you have an opportunity. ' Handsome Dion' is in great request; but then yours is quite a new face, and a debutante is always sure of a certain amount of attention." Carrie'- ton<> was a little piqued, anm Margery, what she was thinking :• out him, and tor menting himselt v th the memory of several good things that he might have said, and did not say. Perhaps that was the reason that he called upon Margery the next day, and the next, and so on indefinitely. In a month the handsome Dionysius was no longer at tlie general service: he was devoted to Miss Heywood. Then peo ple began to talk. Some very good peo- FRED. KURTZ. Kditor mid f'ropriotor. VOLUME \.IL pie, professedly anxious to rentes* na!i clous rumors, propagatotl tltem; and though they declared them to be iueretli hie. still, unfortunately, they ItelievtHl them to he only too true. It is easy to profess indifference to sueh ill-it tiured talk, hut people not lie indifferent to the rrsiut* of i*. lit this ease the rumor* reached Margery's aunt at Hey wood, and *!n sent a piv emptory order for hir niece's return home immediately. At this order Margery was \i ry ero>*. She did not want to go back into tin country, and she did think that, in some way or other. Dion might hate prr\ent*l people's remarks. And his llttie effort to talk the matter over with her only made her more angry ; for her loving, anxious heart was waiting to hear something more sweetly personal than " I cannot imagine, Mi** I ley wood, what pleasure people find in go-Tip." "You eaniuit ?" snapped Margerv " Well. then. Id me tell you that a pleasures art- short-lived exeept that ot watching the mistake- ot our friends, and comparing them with our own vir tues." "Wt ere si all we meet again*" " J am no U\ incr." She was pale and angry, but the tears were in Iter c\<- Niie knew that lie loved iter. \\ hy could he not—whv would lie not— sav *o "Whv?"S!ie ask*l her*c!t tin* qtn-s --tion all'during the next summer. For Dion, having discovered that Mi** ll<-y --wiKwl was with lier invalid aunt in a small village hi the Tennsylvauia moun tains, abatidt-ued at once the delight* ot fashionable imps and drives, and de voted hi wise U to Miss Hey \VHKI and Miss Hey wood's aunt. It was a summer to date from all of life afterward. Such gloria— mornings by the trout streams! Such evenings in the moon-lit hills! Such walks, and talks, and rides! "A voting man so handsome—so verv handsome —a young man so clever end polite, and so respect ful to age," Aunt Hevwuod had never sen. Forty years before, she had had a lover, "who went to sea and never came back again, and she believed Dion to be exactly like him. Te*. *he was certain that if ever she had been mar ried, and had children, aii h< r *>ns would have been ju*l like Dion. The old woman loved liirn. in her way. quite as much a* the voung one. This fair and happy summer at length came to a close. Dion found the imiie* one morning in the midst of trunks an ! toilets. A sudden frost had set iu. and Aunt Hevwood mi—ed the comfort* of her own home. Dion lingered, *i * had a eonfc*- *ioti to make, hesaid.it Mi** Haywood pennilteti it. Miss Heywooii thought he might lnv spoken without li<-r permission. " r>> much courtesy, ux much court-'-y." *he whiswred lier own heart: but she signi fied her assent by a little not do not concern me, unless—uni Heywood in her last hour, which it was thought Margery would dispute. But the rumor died.* and the young heiress apparently settled down to a monotonous life, in which nothing seemed left her hut the " having loved. In the second year a little ripple was made in Heywood by the advent of Harry Igikc. Harry had la-en Dion's great friend, and was probably even then in correspondence with him. Margery had always avoided Harry's uncle hitherto: hut now. with a sweet ness tliat no old man could resist, she in juiri-d after his lealth. his crops, am) whatever other subject seemed of im portance to him. In fact, she ijuite won the old bach elor's heart. It was a great grief to him that he eould not hope Ui wed her for himself; and he halfdisliked his nephew for his chances. But at an v rate he de. termined that such a nice gtrl—and such a rich girl—should not go out of the family; and he soon let Harry know that the prospects of inheriting the Lake estate rested very much upon his mar riage with Margery. " But suppose the young truly will not have me, uncle?" "You are Dot to suppose failure, sir, in anything. You have no rivals lie re— hut me," the old man grumbled, not very pleasantly. Harry was in a dilemma, and lie sat j thinking long over it thai night. Hut he w:i endowed with a nature singu larly honest, and at this juncture it helped him better than intrigue. He simply wrote a little note to Margery, asking permission to see tier nest day at noon, lie received, as he expected, a yordial assent; an I so, putting Dion's last letter iti his pocket, he went almost confidently over to Hey wood Park. It was a very pleasant meeting, hut Harry was determined not to let their conversation drift into generalities. " Miss Heywood," lie said. " I am going to ask from you a very singular favor. I—l want you. In short, I want you to refuse to marry me." Marjrery eould not help a smile at Harry's awkwardness. She readily di vined.that he had something important to say to her. and that he had, in his eagerness to be perfeetly plain about it, begun at the end instead of the begin ning. So she said, "I shall certainly refuse you—when you ask me, Mr. Luke." "Oh, that of course! No fellow like me expects to get a hearing, after poor Dion could not succeed. But the truth is just this: my uncle admires you so much that lie threatens to leave me noth ing unless I marry you." " And you prefer to h disinherited, of course?'' THE CENTRE REPORTER. "No, no.no; hut. Miss Hey wood, 1 am dead in love with the dearest little girl, and 1 am over head and ears in debt also; and if 1 vex uncle, he w ill give me no unmet and don't you see how the thing is?'" " Not exactly Now what am Ito do* I'eil me pi iiniy " Well, 1 sfiail write you a letter tit morrow a real, old - fashioned Sir t'haries tlraiidisoti letter and ask your jH-rmission, etc., etc . to pay tut devoted duty, etc . etc . i,. you \ud I shall -how this letter to uncle, and get hi* suggestions and approbation " Yes; ami then 1 am to- " "To answer it.just in your loftiest style. Mtss lieywotai. 11 vou *y a few words a lilt le down on the Likes, 1 don't mind it at all, and it w ill finish the mat ter Of course I shall he cut up and all that If my poor Dion was here he would find some clever way out ot the scrape; hut 1 can never think of any thing hut just going to headquarter*. :u> I have come to vou." "It is the !*-st way A straight .ir is just as giHsl in love as in geometry." Then tlte affair w i- talked over, and Margery brought a her woman's tact andih i- acy to itsarrangement. Hiing* were planned so as ti> proceed more leisurely: tor the climax, instead ot coming the next day, as llarrv pro posed, was iridetinib v put off Hut Margery thought herself well paid for her complaisance; for in i very short time Harry knew as well as possible the true state of her heart, and m.-uiv a pre eiotis hit of news he brought her eon eerning Divin, and one day he managed to forget a photograph of him and never afterward to remember it* loss >o, with this fr<-sh interest in lite, time did not wm so heavy to poor Margery she had Dion's pi. titled (am, and every now and then a few words ofinfornia tionahout him. or else a long talk with llarry concerning the manifold pcrfee tions of one so d,-ar to both. But though the final -otter was de- Wed a* long as ]H>ssili!e, I neb Like at .ast got impatient. " Harry had spent part ot evi ry day at lb-v wimml for u tir months; if hoy*ami girls did not know their own minds in that time, they never would." So the old gentleman wrote the proposal himself, stated frankly w hat lands and money lie intended to give llarry, and -olicited for the young man the hand of his fair neighbor. The answ-r tiad been eatefully pre par dhy the two young jn-ople. It wa* exquisitely jio.ii hut yet it contrived to hit delicately several (Kiints on which Uncle Lake was very sensitive; and, in fine, it absolutely declined any alliance with liis house. The i-tYeet was letter than they had la red to hope. I tie Like was greatly -fl'ended, and for Margery's sake recalled the very worst of ttie stereotyped fling* it women and women"* way* *o gener ally familiar to bachelor* young and old. "However, he was sorrv for nte, Margery." said Harry, one day. a week afterward, " and he tin* shown it in a way that 1 thoroughly appreciate." " A cheek'" " Ye-, for ten thousand dollars." " Did you pine much, llarry?" "No. 1 could nt manage it: and. do you know, that pleased tin le. lie prai*ed my spirited behavior, and said that was iust the way fie took a *au- T woman's No thirty years ago; and then he gave me tliecln* k, and told me to go to Paris for a season." " And you go. 1 suppose? " "Just as s,v,iti as thed< ar< -t little gin is ready to go with me." "Will you bare enough, after paying your debts?" " 1 -ha'l naturally consider my wife's out fort U'foremv creditors'." "Oh. Harry' Harrv!" " Well. Margery, i never could keep ut of debt and out o! .v. The UP n I trade with and the _ irl I love always have a lien on nte." After Harry left letters were long do \*l. Addr*-- - were lo*t or changed, end w-'* k after week and month after month passed without bringing any word from Dion, about whom he haul romis dto write. In the third -umm-t Vlnrgi-ry was o lonely that -he deter mined to join some friend* in a Ktirop' an trip; f r she was -ure hy tiiis time that Dion had quite forgotten IMT. so -he wander--,! all summer in the -unniest pl.-n* - of the earth, and wa* so .-harmed and happy that she really !•- iev*i In-r love and in-r regret* wen buried dts-jvr than any memory could reach for them. Sip- wa* -i'lirg. one lovely afternoon, en the top of Richmond llil!. \s she sat musing sonic <.IP- -udd--nly *IOMI IM tween her and the sunshine. She look*l up. and instantly put out ip-r two hand* with a jovful cry t> Dion. "Oh. Margery' Margery' Margery' <>h. my own love! my dear fore! my dar ing!" while in a minor tone Margery was sobbing: "Dion! Dion! Dion' You have nearly killi-d me! How could you. Dion? You don't know that you have nearlv broken my heart. Yes, you have. Then there was su-h an explanation to l>e gone through that at ten o'clock that night they had only got as far as their unfortunate parting. And thi -eemed to remind Dion of something, for he said: "Oh. Margerv darling, 1 am afraid I must tell you the same old story. I have worked very hard, and all that, hut 1 am still in debt." "No, you are not. I have something to tell you. also. Aunt 1 ley wood left you all her tnonev provided you claimed 't within five years after her death; if not. it was to la- mine." " It will still !e yours. Margery." "No. 1 do not want Irotli you and the money; I have enough of my own." "Then I shall get out of debt at last." " No. you will not. sir. You owe me the price of three years of my life. You will never be out of mv debt, and you will never be out of iny fove." " I don't want to, sweet Margery! and they who are deep tn love can afford to spend twenty out of an income of nine teen: for you know the old proverb: "There was a couple who loved one an oiher, and they always took what they had. and they never wanted. — Harjtrr't Wt rkly. Making Them till Their Own Hour. Relating his Indian < xnerienees. Colo nel Meadows Taylor tells of his being IM ,et by hundreds of pilgrims and trav elers, crying out against I lie hunnia.s or flour-sellers who not only gave their customers short weight, hut adulterated the flour so abominably with sand, that cakes made of it were utterly uneatable. The colonel determines) to punish the cheats: and this is how he did it. 1 told, says he, some reliable man of my escort togoquietly into the bazaars anil Inch buy flour at a separate shop, Iw ing careful to note whose shop it was. The flour was brought to m. 1 Mart clous Story of A Woman'* Idle. Tin- romantic vicissitudes i the early i life of the I'ounte** Svdange dc Kt tiuei • lias once more !**-omc the ta.k of I'ari*. and tliey ate, it.dn d. so extraordinary that, used a* material* for a novel, tln > ' would spoil tin* Isiok by tin ir lack uf probability (hn* night, many yrat*agu, a lilt.' git i about one year old wa* 4e 1 JMisttial ill the draw eP of tin foundlillg iuwpit i at 111 i-l She Wn* dressed W itii | much finely. and a note atlacheil tu le r 1 skirt* told that her name was Kolange, • and that she would !*■ reclaimed l> her father. The claim was never made, however, and in dm time the child wa* t Iran-I' rtetl to the orphan asylum, 1" be educattai there. As she grew up she i de* i .oped a most extraordinary Im auty, but her intellect apjienrcd to Im- very • weak, ami she stillered Irotti fi*queiit nervou* til -.. When -In was twelvi years old site w a- sent out into the street - to -eil flowers, and her beaut > and > modesty attracted mans peopn * gisni w til, but -lit- gt'i w W• ak< r :tlid W . .ikiT, ami at i-*t sheiliisl \- eoiding lo 1* t'-it'lt custom, she wa* buriiat in an open I casket, aint a* it wa- w inter and the soil ! was frozen, Aa laid into tin grave, ' only covered with a thin layifof-and. - 1 Hiring the night sin- awoke and, push ' ing the sainl away. *h<- crept out from titi*grave Not exactly undvnrtandlng w hat hai' taken place, she *va* not so very much frightened, but in erossittg 11 ginei- between the ts-iue' iri and lie fortification*, she was -Ildtt n.V slopped i>v the outcry. "Vio'irv." and a- -le did not answer, the -cntinel final, and ' she I'e.l to the ground. Brought into the guarl-house. her wound wa* found to be very -light and slit soon recovered. ' but her -ingular history and also le r great tM-aUty had made so deep all il pre—ion on a young lieutenant "I tin gart i*ou t Kramer I that heibterniine,} to (fee her proti'etiU', ami S' llt her to olie it the mo*t fashionable educational • >tato iishnients in l'ari- During the u< vt bvv sears Kramer wa* much to--'*! al>ut by the war. liut w hen in t*t* he returm I to l'ari-. he found Solang' :v ful. grow ti woman, not onlv lH*autiful, hut a ajtit phshisi ami spirited, with no more trace of intellectual weak to *> or nervou- lit- Ile married her, and for 'vet .l i ti - the couple lived happily in l'ari* M in ' while, investigation* were made e-n ■ eerning the girl left in the foundling hospital at Brest, and a* tb-< investi gations were made by tin Swi-.i-h attt ' ba*-ador and in a somewhat orto . ' mantn-r they nttrm-ted *one atrnlioii. 1 Captain Kramer h urii atsiut tli ifl'. 1 ami sent a noti to the amha—rulot". as. 1 month Later on tin* atnb **ador aim in state to bring Madam Krauu : a for ' ntai acknowletlgemen! from her father, ! the former General Bernado •• tin ■ pre-ent King Char.' \l\ "1 Sweih ' t'aptain Kramer ami lti wife vvii.t ins tnediate'.y to St's klioim. they w■ n en ttoblial. anil their son Itas jusl Dow Im* tt ipivoitttdl ilttifAt t" the Swedi-ll lega tion in l'.iri- Hlnts to Letter Writer* Many person*, in writing to relatives, sign their name in sueh a manner a* to , prove of no value in tracing out the writer, should the letter !• um-laimrd. letters containing money are thu- fn - jUenth lost. \ par-at writra to " lear John.*' inclo-'- and sign-, "d"ur , loving mother." John can't IM- found; this ii t'ir is -nit to the lb ad-it tier "flu f. 'petted, :utd. no add re— b< ing given, th onti-nt- go to enrich the . offer- of the department, unle-s, perehanee. John or the lining mother - ltd* to Washington and sueetsals in estab i-hing their iden tity. Person* who forget or else do not consider it nece-- vry to write the name ; the State tm tln ir covt "i- wi I do well to note carefully the following fact*; Then* are in the country twelve Ito-ton-, i went >-five Springfield*, ei-bln-ll Brook vii-, live Ballitui.'ti*-. sixt's'H BuffaiiM--, -• v enteen Burlington*. -• vi nt* it t bar • ! -n-. four Clti< ;igi■-. • iglit ( ineinnali-, ten Cleveland*, nineteen ColumhuM-s. twenty-live Dayton*, five Detroit.*, two indianapolh-'s, til"u*'ti l*w. ,i. eight Nlemphtses. thrv* Milwaukee*, foltrte. tl Kaabvilhwg ti\-• ObmIIM, ri(hl Piti-- i'tirg*. seven Philadelphia*. fourt'*-n Portlaml*. fourteen (Jnim y-.iw- nty-tw-o lli 'liuiond-. fifti* n St. hiui->*. twelve St. Pauls, -even 'Tol'sios. thirty N\" ingtons, thirteen Wilmington*, and twenty-eight Williain*burg*. Vegetable tvort. The ('oionif * light in , deed. — John Burroughs. Justice In Albania. One of the curious facts related of Albanians is their strict adhesion to the 1 hr tali outs. An assassin i* killed by the f. friends or relatives of the victim, and if they cannot find the criminal himself they have a right to kill his father, Iti . Lson and brother or his cousin. A thief - is forced to pay double the value of the , stolen goods to the person robbed, and a ' fine beside* to tlie tribunal of justice. 1 Adultery entails the same punishment as assassination. If the betrothed girl re -1 fuses to keen iter promise the deceived lover may kill a member of her family. A guest is sacred; and a man who vio- I late* the laws of hospitality and kill* or wounds his guest is chased from his , , trilte, and no one is permitted t have I j any communication with his family. | The same dishonor fall* uiion the man I who kills a woman. All liis relatives . , receive the surname of " Woman-slayer." . | The Albanians number about 2,000,000 [ ! souls, and in the portion of their tcrri- I tory claimed by Greece there are 050,000 t | inhabitants. \ i The merchant who employs young ■ ; saleswomen is continually having Iti* I goods miss-represented.— tonki rs SUUrx ! man. TIM KI.Y TOl'll'H. A Ku*i*n paper give* to account of a pi agin uf 1* H*uat& near F.iiat>cthpid, which forced a detachment uf troops on the march ti> retra<< their tep The insect# settled mi thick iill the soldiers' facet, uniforms ami musket* that the commander. ttriveii ti desperation, or dered firing at thou. This was done for half an hour. hut prodm • 1 no effect, ami the Milliter* were obliged tu march hack. I'he swarm covered an area of twenty* t WO square tuii< * I'he Ixtuisville Iburier-Jtmrnal bundles together it* advice to profane men in this wi *e " I'o nil who arvatfiietod willt the habit of proftuiitv, and who are desirous of curing ihwiiselvtn of it. we would stig g'*l that, a# a beginning. they resolve, and rigidly adhere to the resolution, that whenever they feel a diS|toit (on to swear they w ill take no other name in vain o ept that of the Aztec god of war. Iluit /iiupochtli I hat will give their anger a ehiutee to eool ami to disappear before they get to the other end of the word, and they will not thus he guiltv of the sin of a complete oath. And if 11 uit zi liipo.'h tii won't htvak them, then their case* are hopeless." ri. I :de in glass in the I nited State* w ithtn the iast few year* has reached enormou* proportions, I'ittshurgh, I'a., |s the great g'.ivss .enter of the country More than hail "t all the gin** produced is math tie re I'he productions nggre gate io ersT.*.U*' annually, employing a capital, which includes building*. 111a ciiim r\ ami grounds, of nearly, if not litlile, $3,500,tMN). Tiiete are sevenly three factories, containing in all #',w jug* liach year OUtMKM is paid 111 wages to the hands employed, who number some S.y'ts. One can form some little idea of the magnitude of the business by ascer taining tin amount of material consum ed annually. Last year there were con sumed 2.1W5 tons td German clay, 3t"*i ttins of lead. Ski tons of pearl aah, irrc.s of salt, 6,055 tons ot straw, t.tttS cords of wood, t.WS.Tm bushels ot coal, Ttili.'iOtl bushc - of 1 oke, t,2lti tt>ns ot nitrate of soda, 4*,3t0 tons of sand ami 150,000 tire brick. Of the successful pedestrian. K. I*. We-loli. the K-'V. .1 t" Fletcher, of Indiana }Hllis, says that when a child Wi-ston was the cli-anest, *w'.s*test little It . nde IMJT he ever knew. He always it td his Sundav -sebool i. -sm perfectly, and was wi ii trained at home, in I'rovi d< nee. bv his small, slender mother. •But." added .Mr Fletcher. "K. 1* Weston was the most uneasy bright l*iy 1 eva-r saw There was no keeping him s;i . His father was a man restless in his brain, and final.v died insane The it tlnr of K I*. W. was a woman of intclavlual parts, and at her husband's ■ • atb. in order to support Iter family, sin- w roll a number of interesting Immilc lor children. Tlm"c were printed and then, in-tead of l ing published, were ~ iwk'sl about l*rovidi*nceand civ when i tin State uf Rhode Island by Kdwanl t*a\s,,n, who walked fruit) IIOUm Ui house ail over tie- Stale, and thu* early a quired tie habit of walking." s rgeanl John 1" Fin ' v has inve-ti gated the eye .ni s that swept over Kan sas in May. lie traveled ill a wagon and rode altogether five hundred mile*. i-iting thirtv-fivc towns and village*. "• I Martial out in making observations by first finding the center ot the track of the *tortn. and then making i*m-|wind ing oi iM r\at lon on both sides to a • rtain the effort <>f the wind on each. 1 found iM'T a great deal of questioning that tlowe tornadoes w re always heralded by the apfM-aranee of hailstones and ratrt, w liieji only rntlit) when the funnel dis apj-,*n*l I'he funnel, which r***emb.<- a wat*r spout. was generally <*-n an roxehing from the north west and south* w.t. ami has the embodiment of tin air tm nts coining from Isrilt tic oir<* - lions. The northwewt • loud* always re sembled heavy rain-clouds, dhile tlmw i the southwest were a light, tleery color, indicating wind. After their ap 1-aranee the inhabitant* would notice b tween the two, mar the turns, a tcrri- Ide commotion, and In a few moment* this would IM* followed by the funnelex s tiding gradually from the i loud*. It w is this funnel-cloud that always did the damage. The majority of these storm* travel al>out thirty mite* an hour, and while they are on the ground tic ir lorn i gn at enough to destroy ■ \ cry thing within their rem h." The I itptive Balloon at Coney Island. Not the least of the many attraction* of < onev 1- and this summer i Mr King"* captive Iwllmin, "Pioneer, the first ascension of which waa made on the afternoon of July I This Imlloon i not a* large a* the Giffanl captive lw*|. toon at Paris, but is *id to be much more pcrfei t!v fivi fist in diameter and ha* a rapacity of 1 "ift.OtVl cubic feet The material is Irish linen. in two thickn*sw*. The basket, or ear of wit kerwurk. weighs ITfi pounds Altore, the balloon is white, to rt fl's-t the sun's ray*; In-low it i* ornamented with dark n*d and green, to make it a conspicuous object against the sky It is inflated with hydrogen, and in calm air show* <>n the dynamom eter a lifting strain of 1.400 pound*. The gas is made on the spot by Mr. A.O. Granger, by passing steam over hot iron. Wound nltout the drutr of a very large windlass is 1..15 feet of one and n half inch rope, through the center of which runs a telephone wire. An end of this ro|ie is carried through a trench lo the center of the ineJosure. where, after passing around a pulley, it is fas tened to the balloon. The pulley is at tached to the foundation bv a universa oint of iron, so that, in whatever direc tion the balloon may pull, there will le no side strain on the pulley. A good hold on the sand is secured by theue of four stick* of yellow nine, each twelve fet long and twelve inches square. These are planted horizontally nine feel below the surface, and above t Item is a well, ntade of eonerele. Aerna* the top of the well lie two other similar timber*, which are strongly fastened to their fel lows below by long and thick iron bolts. Mr. King savs tbi* foundation will resist a strain of too.ooo pounds, while the ut most strain that wind and as Xur.ited can exert on the connecting rope of the bal loon will not exceed 5J2.000 {wiunds. On its trial trip the balloon ascended three or fiiur liundred fis-t.pnd shortly afterward n second trip of 700 feet was made. At this height the view wMM pro nounced magnificent by the small party making the first ventura. All the oeean approstehes ot New York harbor were at their feet for a radius of thirty miles, and inland they could see the numerous towns and citii* about the bay of New York, along the Sound to Flushing, up the Hiiilsnii river as far as Tarrvtown, and the Orange valley and other part* of New Jersey as tar a* Paterson. Perth Amhny ami leutg Bnuich.— SeirtUifie Amt rimn. Three Things. Three thing* to do—Think, live, art. Three things to cherish —A irtue, good ness and wisdom. Three things to teach—Truth, industry and contentment. Three thing* to govern—Temper, tongue and conduct. Three things to love— Courage, gentle ness and aft'i etion. Three thing* to contend for—Honor, country and Iriends. Three thing* to hate—Cruelty, arro gance and ingratitude. Three things to delight in—Beauty, frankaess and freedom. Three things to admire —Intellect, dig nity an blow n paper. Furs, or any kind of clothing, if carefully sealed in it, moths will never attack them. K\ n I I VI Ft KMTt Kt Pol tstl. —< tin— third spirit* ot wine, one-third of vine gar toid one-third of swot oil —rather more of the ia-t. Shake the Imtl le daily for three weeks; it i* then tit foru*e. I'M- every three OR four months. For dmtng-lafih* and sidelHtards u*-every week . it makes them IM-autifuily bright. To lit Viil ATI A 111. At K t'Hll* 11 AT.— Vdd to one pint mill water ti a-iMitiftil of spirit* of ammonia, use with a soft lot it it or nail brush; when clean rinse with cold water and piat r in sun to dry. i>i< not soak or scrub sufficiently to di— slroy the shape. It W ill ksik as good as new. PMUUOIIM it* Sti a - —The silk should IM- dipped in weak ammonia before Usitij. in oriii-r lo set the eolor v aud aili ih> emhroidi*red or knit in worsted should never IM washed in anything stronger than water. A little ox gall mixed with water will k k or ten days in a shallow d*li of water; the *|>mige will alworb the moisture and the .*'-• >;# begin to sprout before many iiay*. When tin* has lairlv taken place the sponge may is-suspended by a book and ivrd at the top of the window where a littie sun may enter. It will b'tniuf a mass of gn*aj. and Iw kept moi*t by nti ta-iy iutuirrsing it in a latwi of water. Till MH-S| I KI\I.~ I have oleo rvial that a peculiar and rattier common deformity of the chest i* caused bv the bntiil of -u> king the tbuntli in infancy and early chiidliuod. The weight of the arm on the th 'rax of the child during *ieop produe* • depn s*ion of the rits in the line oi*-uptd by the arm wlu-n the thuntli i* phoeil in titi mouth. A* this ! a \iry important efieet of "thumh stirking" never hitln-rto |M>intnl otil. I mink it desirable to pbsce this note on ri cord for the benefit of other ohmrvers. —Dr. I'. Ttti sTWt.vT Got t* Ftsit In cane where gold fish are ken' in vessel* in rooms, etc., they should he k< | t in lhe w a'.i r w jll rsjuirt-to 1- ihanged *• cording t* tip size of o*- •f. "l- lie ■mubrt of Mi k< pt tlwrsln. but it i-> not w-11 to change the water t*> often. A vv| that will hold a laitltmott si- . paii of water, two fih may le 1 ■ ,>l in by changing th*- water once in tint* wi*its, and MI mt in pro portion. It any foiMl i* supplied them it should Is'tt few iTuniti*of tireasf dropped into the water once or t wits- a wi**k. T Itr f tilt M I Its. The habits of the {M-M- of the plum triss art* thus d'-si-nlKil The female Itrellecuts a small er - sTit-sliapial hole in tie -kin of the plum, into which site drop- an egg lite ■ tig MHn hatch'*. and tin grub Istr - straight into tin* fruit Until it reaches the pit and then feeiis around thl. causing ih* plum to drop (rout the tr-e The cwulios apjear ; n spring soon aftrtlie plum tr**-. are .>ut •if bio- m. and the ib-jMciting of their ■ ggs commences as si.n a> the fruit is as largt-tis |M :IS. .mdcntinU's for several wis ks. or until the plums are nearly or ,uite full gr>wn. Smoking the tn*- with tlie fume* of burning tar is sonn tillic* n*sorti*l to for tin pur) HIM ed ittak ing the fruit distasteful to the eurvuilo, liut, to IM- effective, tin fumigation inul )• rein itted otu ■ or tw i> • aws k Sme and jH-rbaps we migbt say many—fruit growers resort to what is tiTimsl tle-jar ring process to save tin ir plums Sin* t> are spread under tin tri**s every morn ing, and the eurculio* shaken off" utawi tliem. and then gatheri-d up and kilieyl. The eurculio, when disturbed, fold* up it- legs and lets j-,, it- bold uponthetli'o, falling to the ground. in*t- ad of attempt ing to fiy; eons*|Uently it I* an easy nuttier to catch tliem by'the jarring pro cess. A few yard* oi common muslin will make a sheet large enough to cover the gn>und under a tree a* far a* the brain-lies extend, and, by leaving one seam open to the center, it may be read ily slipped around the stein But this iarring of the tree* ntul !*• repeated as long a* anv cur ulios are caught, which involve* the expenditure of more time titan most person* are willing togivefor a few plums. Lady Help in the Country. A correspondent of the Baltimore JtiuTtoin tell- this -tory of her visit to a Massachusetts village: As an illustra tion id the social equality that reigns in this region, I may give an incident of my visit. A lady from New York had brought with her the scon* of " I'ina tore." which is las! becoming the rage of Sunderland, a nvent perforinanee of the opera at Amherst having given the longdesinsi opportunity of hearing the famous fompo-ition. 'l'lte domestics in the family of my friend# arc natives, daughters"of farmtTS living on the out skirts. and to the manner Isirn. Of course, they had been taken with the rest of the family tos<** " i'ittafore," and were inf ituated with it. Hearing their mistress try parts of tin* opera after din ner to-dny on the piano, they left their dishc* standing and flew to the parlor, where, standing one i>n each -ide of her. tliey sung, with the cleat voice and very good expression, parts from the rale of " Josephine" and "Buttercup.' but. be coming a little puzzled a* to the correct ness ol their vrsion. one of them went to the foot of the stairs and told the vis itor she wished she would oonie down and tell thorn if tliey sung it right. Of course, the guest obeyed order*, oauie down and su|nrintcniual the perform ance, the lady of the house play ing or chestra and tin* two girls singing with vigor and a certain amount of precision, a* well as expression. When the time canie for tlie " Pina fore" visitor to depart, one of these young ladies said with genuine hearti ness, "GtMHI-hye; I've enjoyed your visit ever so much." Now, this to some may seem like too much of a good tiling, but in Sunderland it seems perfectly natural, right and proper. There is no presumption upon the privileges accorded. Their manners are. after nil, respectful and the work is well done. It is not. of course, easy to get household help, and it could not be had at all except under the condition of iwing treatixl as "one of the family." In fait, it i* not unusual on the occasion ot being invited to afternoon tea to lie re ceived by tlie domestic instead of the mistress, if one has happened to get dressed before the other, and under these circumstances she would feel bound, a* a matter of politeness, to act as enter tainer, and if would he a churlish per son. indeed, who should refuse to be en tertained. TKRMB: $2.00 a Year, in Advance. I.eiuouwde NUd Health. The wholesome condition of the elty is. we lilti e Utile doubt, owing in n con -jilcrable degree to the moderate prices ! this summer of fruit and vegetables, and espeeially to the verjr low price of ii-itioii*. I'hysieian* sppreciaie more and more the lieneflelal euei l* of Utile and li-iimn acid on the human system, ami we have Lewd of one who recommended -is lemons a day. Tlii* number made into leuionade in warm weather would Is- lei) gratifying, and we doubt not very wholesome, and It is therefore to be iMdiced, with s|s*cial appndtion. that gissl ieeii lemonade is oDrml at the eor neraot the str<*-ts at from two cent* to lite tents a glass, according the size. A three-rent glass is alstUl a* much a* tuiyliody waut* to drink liaslily iiipaswing along the ilrutU Limes are preferable to lemons, and they are cheaper in proportion u the amount of acid tiiey contain. Lime iui '-ean tie had at all timet, and it hids fair to supei-Mvte other summer drinks in Britain, The Montreal WUna* siiow* how extensively it is ti*-d there; " Lime juice hid* fair to do the work of a dozen tcmperanoe adrocate*. In Lugland, which is not a very iiot coun try, it i. we are informed, lioth prii ately and through the newspapers, largely su iM-rseding tle uw of alcoholic liuuors. It i* the lirst nully desirable and elegant iion-a.eoiioiic diuner-labk-in-verage thai !• a* yet prepared. A very small quantity of it. sweetened to taste in a tumbler of water, make*a most delight ful summer drink, and except for ihc u>mr, which many do not u*e, a very inexpensive one indised. Tin* lxmdon Jyau >t say* the demand for lime jui<-e is so great that the publican* have to keep it. although they would very much pre fer not to, and m-cu*e it of doing all sorts of mischief to the human frame. How strangely interested they seem sud denly to have become in the weal of the human frame! And it has. we lenrti, equally < slablished it* place on gentle men's lahies, thu*e who have been ac eustomev) to ti*- wine freely consuming it in large quantities. It is popularly credited wilJi being an absolute spt-eili- ' for iin uiuatiotii and gout, aa well aa ftr a variety of cutaneous diseoae* popularly know n under the general name of scurvy Many ehronicAiVy troubled with tin first class of disorders find Uieir gt-aerai ] health unquestionably l-tb-r since they In gjn to tis'tiiis instead of wine. The l.'lncet, while it diw-s not question ttie common opinion of ita virtues, deride* tlie interested objections of the liauor *• ivr*. and ail* is- every laid y to laic is much lime juice as he wants. t'anaia i* a wanner country than England, es |M*-ialy this year, and the sueo* of the lime juice i*. wc lielieve, proportionately great With knowledge we heartily en jo* the iMttCtf* advior." YVhen oatmeal. < Iraliam bread and milk are *ul*titutcd to a larg<- extent for meal. tea. coffee and white bread, and wh.-n lemonade and lime juice take the pfiue of wine and Ixser in tlie family and at tlie dining table, a host of dia-a*e w ih have to go hurrying tiown to the pit w lientv tJie\ come, an>V men and women will not only live much lonjjer, but be much happier.—AYw Tort Hilars*. ( oddling a Mreak of Lightning. An American lady writes: At night my hutdmrtd conies home with a rush, hang* In* hat upon the flo-jr, throws hi* <0 t upon the first chair, send* his l**t* flying in another direction, work* his fi . t into hi* slipper* while unfolding his {taper, reads, eat*, reads again until iM-daiuc, throws his paper down for MUlie one else to pick up. and rushes off to l*d. This is the programme, with ex ri ptioit*. until Katurvlay night. Sunday morning he Indt* bis hraakfast and tears around while getting into hi* " Sunday IM*I "and rusheaoff to church; romes ln.me and IMUS his dinner (never eau), reads a little, sb* ps a little, and away h< g. - ; gain When he tries to keep quiet he i -ur* to make the more noise; it ii< -tart* to go around a muHtn -e. more of " decorative artin five minute* than you -ver dn-axmsi could IM at Oiuplislod in M> short a time. He i* lemjM rate, naturally kind-hearted, a;- W nds strictly to buslne** and pay* hi* b bta like a tnan ; was tint** chatty and dommtie, fond of his family and home, but h> ai.owtsl himself to drift with tbi* ru-hing. nailing habit,until n<>w nothing could break ti up short of break ing It* n< k. Fancy a wife trying to i inldle such a streak of lightning. Tulmage in iAindon. The most remarkable ease of lionizing on naaird. savs the Cleveland l.r*d*r, i* that oft! e Heverend Mr. Talmage, at Iztndon. Tin- fatuous preacher of the Brooklvn Talwrnaele went abroad, a.* he exp'n-sslv explained to Ills congrega tion. for recreation and rest. He had lit-, n worn down by years of labor, and hi* fatigue had Issn "further aggravab-d bv tin* excitement and strain of his re cent trial upon the charge of hetero doxv. But no sooner did the weary minister land in England than appoint ments were made for him to nreach in the largest churches and halls of IxB --don. and *ue|i has been the rage to hear him that even the great Agricultural Hall, when* Weston won his recent pe destrian victory, is totally insufficient to hold the multitudes which throng to do honor to the new wonder. The t hie special to tlie New York flcra'ul tti scribing the scene on a n**ent Sunday - ty*: •'Thousands upon thousands of p *oplo thronged tlie street* leading to tlie hall for ntili-s, almost blockading the passage of vehicles and pedestrians; many people were crushed, and Dr. Tal mage'* carriage was almost demolished by the great crowd, every individual in which was anxious to see tlie distin guished American preacher." So in the matter of sensations, tlie eccentric Brooklyn clergyman will have to he added to the rapidly lengthening list of Americans *lio by their skill and en durance in x*arious specialties have set Ied. Would it not be well to caution the public against this danger? Tennyson has been known to re-write a poem thirty times before being suffi ciently satisfied with it to give it to the printer. NUMBER 30. Original Matter. He was n friend of mine, and used I frequently to drop in and give me advice as to h* I should run my pajwr. lie was a minister, and consequently thought I should devote it a little more to the cause of religion and not quite so iuu< h to politic*. He said it could be made a power for good in the Western land In which we had both cast our fortunes. He was a lover of the original, too, and said he disliked to see reprint, and thought I should write more-lake the time, in fact, to fill the imper right up with good .tuff It seeiued such an easy tiling for him thai one day I ventured to amy: •• Brother, you hid a glorious meeting at the schoolhouse. 1 hear. Kuppose you write it up for tue'" lie didn't seem to act a* though be wanted to. I urged. He flushed a little and stood around awkward like. He had never ln-tvi hon ored with an invitation to write for (he press la-fore. I Mill urged. Then he took off his glove# and his fiat Then 1 gave him a seat at the table, with paper and pencil. He sal down to editorial work. lie w .as always talking about how it should i" done, and now he was at it. ll< started in. I went alsout my work. and. having written up a column or two of matter for tin- paper, left him still writing, while 1 went out to solicit mmt adver tisements. 1 wu gone an hour or two, and when 1 < ante trnck h- was still at it. He waa sweating awfully. Lite tahle and tloor were white with copy paper, and Uie pencil in hi* hand was mu<-h diminished in length. I went to dinner. When I returned ie w as at it yet. 'Hie pencil warn Umrter and lie waa wetter. It waa summer. Tin* hours dragged along into the middle of the afternoon. tiri-at cords stood out on the preacher's heated brow. His eyes were bent on the dacsling white paper before him and his pencil was a stuh. 1 henut to grow frightened. 1 knew 1 had oniy a email weekly paper, and that its fourtceu columns of space (one side was patent inward) would not hold the contents of the Bthle and supplemented messages from heaven besides. At >aat tlie man looked up and timidly advanced with a piece of paper in one hand, and suddenly went back to change a word. Then he came on again, and. like one who had pasmd through a vision, held out a piece of paper and boldly asked: " Will that dor I looked at it There were just seven line* of it. advertising measure. lie was a large man. weighing over 300 pounds then, hut when J met him three weeks later he weighed lea# than 155. lie had been sick The seven-line nine-hour effort was 100 much for him. Neither did he compose for a paper again. It was hard work for him to write, and lie saw be was not cut out for an editor.— Chicago Keening Journal. Visit to rite Zulu king. On the following evening. write* aa English correspondent, I *piin viritwl the king. who had wpoWly invited uw to witness * review of hi# .roo}t, two naiiwU of which. wing to the dust, and lowering his shield as lie passisi the august pn-senee. This ended the re view. and the king was hornc "nark to his amidst the shouts and din of the multitude. Nothing can le imagined more truly savage, yet pkliinMß withal, than the appearance of these Zulu sold lets when arrayed for Imtlle. With kill# formed of the tails of the leopard and other wild animals, their heads adorned with the plumes of the crane and the ostrich, with long stream ers of goat's hair attached to their arms and leg#, and holding in front their huge bucklers of hide, which almost cover their hodics. and almvo which protrude the bristling points of their well-sharn ened assegais, they present a most strik ing aspect, and <>ne not easily forgotten. The costume of the king consisted of a copious kilt formed of leopard's tails and the skins of the green monkey. On his forehead he wore a large hall of closely cut feathers of the blue roller, and round his neck hung a quantity of very large whiteheads. Hi# arm# were nearlyeov ered with bracelet# of brass and gold, while fillets of bead# encircled his body and his legs. In aspect he was dignified, and hi# skin *v of a lighter color than that of most Zulus. " Head and Her Eye* Full of Tear*. In the sad account of the suicide o Mrs. Josephine Col ton. whose journal has been published in the city papers, ami which cave as a reason for the act jealousy and neglect, occur these words of her landlady: ' There site lay, her head on the pillow, and two shot# in her breast and one in her temple. In her right hand was the pistol. Her eyes w ere open and full of tears. I never saw such a thing in a dead person." One of the laws oi nature is that we come into the world tearless and go out of it tear less. When Dickens died tears poured down his cheeks, which was no doubt owing to a sudden expansion of the lachrymal glands. The glands w-w dis eased. perhaps, from ova*-labor. In the case of pr Sirs. Colton, hitter sulfering and almost constant weening must have diseased the glands which pour out serum to wash and juoisten the balls of the eyes. One passage in lier melancholy inurnal makes clear enough her ladylike sensitiveness. It is dated the 15lh of October last: "I walked until I was almost dead, trying to get sonic sewing to do at home. Walking gave me an appetite, the first in weeks: hut I had no money, and I did something that made me feel mean. I went over to Mrs. C 's about supper time to see if she would not n*k nie to stay. She did, and tlie supper tasted good." A woman so keenly alive to honor as to "feel mean" Ix-cause she lingered at a neighbor's in the hope of appeasing iter out being suspetted, would weep from neglect until her *yes even in death would show traces <>f gri. f No more pitiful storv of !ove, disappointment and w tfely sorrow has ever been given to the public.— S'rtc York Mcrctirrj ITEMS OF IITIiEST. A tor dinner-A bungrv mnn The way some farmer* pot up corn U shocking. Huston ha# fifty-four hanks agd 70* policemen. There are 9.900 ragpicksr# la New York city. To adrertiae well to an art. It U the art of money-making. The eleeper repoeee la the lapee of time.—New York ncopU. In New York city t here are 10® whole sale and 4.1*0 retail grocere. The roads and lana In Spain are as bad as they hare hren for centuries. The average yield of wheat In France is about fifteen bushels per acre. According to the Yonker* SuUrtman a lighthouse is a bright outlook. Money is very clothes, said a man who owed his tailor.— Wheeling l*atUr. Chicago claims a population of 537,000 on the basis of the new directory list. It is forbidden in England to take casts of the heads of executed criminals. If poverty is a disgrace, mended stock ngs are a darned shame,—pimjuw. "I say, Biggs, bow's business? Mad anything lately? "Oh, yes; I made an assignment last week!" The amount of money already expended on the bridge lietwecn N w York and Brooklyn exceeds 9 10.500.100. The United State* uses up 1,000,000,000 Kper hag* annually, and several inanu- * •turers report increasing demand*. A gentleman in one of the Western towns is so much imposed to capital pun ishment that lie refuse# to hang his own gate, <>uc tiling that .ontinually remind* a ' -jerson of the value of little things is s t young man's first mustache Saten. timntximM. llsve you ever thought how exroed- I iiigiy kind it is of the average murderer to torgive everybody before he is swung j The evening the young man hasn't money enough to take his girl into an he-cream saloon he send* lier a not# stating he is sick. A 1 title boy -ame to his mother re 's tilly and said: " Mamma. I should thiuk that if 1 was made of dust 1 would get muddy inside when I drink." A story is going the rounds of the press iailed " A son turns up after twenty-five years* absence." We hare seen a son turn up after an hour's alwence, often, and never thought anything of it.— (inmoold. Tlie name " tabby cat " is derived from A tab. a famous street In Bagdad, inhab ited by the manufacturers of silken atufls tailed Atahi. or taffeta, the wavy mark ings of the watered silks resembling pussy's coat. tyuite a number of names hare been taken in response to the advertisement on |age *. Everybody can avail them selves of the opportunity. and have a good dictionary at but little coal. Send in the nnu>*. The twt/sons of the Prince of Wales are now passed midshipmen, and their pay has been increased to thirty-aeven and one-half cents per day. There is no longer any l*r of their suffering tor the necessaries of life. The old gentleman iwoked out of the front window the first warui. moonlit e\ ening. and tlie faint vision oftwo forms down near the sidewalk caused him to remark with a sigh." Ah? they've struck their old gate again." When two women meet at the fence there is no harm as long as lbs talk is loud and the tones firm, out the moment the head iiegins to nod. the voice drops to a murmurs and lb# tones sound hushed and muffled, then you may know that scandal, or some one s character, it made a sweet morsel for the wx-caakm Every good man sits down and weeps.— Ikto'cy. Cn ti>e farm of Air in Tallntan. of Perrv, N. Y. t may he seen an alum spring, a sulphur spring and a peculiar shaped roc*, from the top of which pe culiar shaped stones resembling turnips •an be plucked. The stones vary in si*e from a walnut to a stone five inches in diameter, and each one a perfect shaped surnip. with ridges and topi. They ars a decided curiosity. Science aays that a mosquito ha* 1t.r>00.0M0.931 pores in it* skin. It strikes u that science would be better employed if. instead of counting the pores in a mos quito's skin, it would invent some way to kill a mosquito without slapping yourself in the eye, knocking the stuff ing out of a pillow or two and wrench ing all tlie vileness out of 14.000,000,9111 luid words.— (jmritr-Jounml. Two Arizona miners. Freeman and Hiil recently played a huge hoax upon their Mlow*. They represented that tn :lte country 400 rath* to the north of I'rescoU could be found large quantities of gold. Fifty six men. with 112 ani mala, lianded together and followed tlie two from l'rescott. Water could not be proettied. and the whole party nearly nearlv died from thirst Freeman and Hill final iv aiimitted that the affair was a joke. Tliey were hung in just 10* -cconds. Samuel C'hildert, of I* Cntwse. Wis., has a rat in hi* boot and shoe shop which he has trained to wonderful perfection. The rat comes to hira at his call, no matter how many are present. It has been trained to jump up on Mr.Childers hand, where it eats it* regular meals, it will run about Mr: Chiiders while at work, jumping on his shouUb-rs and head, diving into his pocketsa*familiar ly as s pet kitten When told, it will sit up in the middle of the floor and squeal and perform many more tricks. Troop# Attacked hy Locust#. A deUtchroent of Russian troop#, Itound for General 1 jotereff"# expedition against the Turcoman#, met with a curiou# misadventure near the Georgian town of Elisabethpol. At a few vcrst# from the town the soldiers encountered the wing of an armv of locusts reputed to be twenty miles in length and broad in proportion. The officer in charge did not like to turn hack, repelled by mere insect#, and. pushing on. soon became surrounded bv tiie locust#. These ap jMwx to have mistaken the soldiers for trees, and swarmed by thousands around them, "crawling over their bodies, lodging themselves inside their helmets, penetrating their clothes and their knap sacks, filling the barrels of their rides, and striving to force themselves into the unfortunate men's ears and noses " The commander gave orders for the troops to push on dounlo quick tor Elisabethpol, but the road was so blocked with lo cust# that the soldiers grew fright ened. and, after wavering a few min utes. a regular stampede took piace. Ix-d by a non-commissioned officer of keen vision, who had observed a few huts a short distam* from the road, the troops dashed aero## the fields, "slipping about over the crushed and greasy bodies of the locusts as though they had been on lee." The huts were soon reached, and the officer* rushed inside, but the refuge proved to be of little value, as the premise# wete* al ready in the possession of the enemy. The "peasants told the correspondent of the Ktwkai thai for days they had been besieged by the vermin, the in sect# filling the wells and tainting the water, crowding into the ovens and spoiling the bread, and preventing any fopd being cooked or stored At in tervals the villagers issued from their house# and made onslaught# on the lo custs. killing them hy thousands, and carting tkcui away afterward to the fields for manure. The soldiers were detained prisoners by the insects for forty-eight hours, and on their match to ElisabethpoL, in the rear of the lo cust array, they found every blade of grass and green leaf destroyed and the peasant# reduced to beggary. Far Excellence. The above refers to what Courtney's friends will say when they see the com pletion of his elegant establishment at 35 West Fayette street and 40 Clinton street, to be known as "Courtney Place." The superb manner in which this popular caterer proposes to trans form the place into a perfect pala<-e of pleasure settles the point that it will take the front rank among ot its kind in Central New York. The rooms are ample for all and will contain billiard tables of the latest anil most ap proved makes, modern furniture anti fixtures, the very best imported wines, liquors and cigars, and lunches that will give the most fastidious epicure a clear ease of up and up gout. But as we all remember theola-time lunches at Court ney's, it i# needles# to pursue the subject further, hut wait for the opening wbieh will be duly announced and well at tended. we will guarantee.