TIIELT TOPICS. Chicago Ka* a Bald Men's Society. A requisite for membership is a hare spot on top of the head not loss than tour inches in extent. The object of the or ganization i* to discover a cure for bald ness. The president ha*- not a hair on his head, and was elected for that reason No loss than s< veuteen wife boaters were convicted and sent to prison in one day at Rugby, England. Three w omen were also oh-trged with assaulting their husbands. Two of tin so militant matrons were discharged, but the third got her month snug, lust as if she were a man. This lady had borrowed an antique hint from the lighting fcn"le* of New Pallas, and polish,*! off her liege lord with a loaded stocking. The Ogden (I'tali) /V, , nxi> savs that during day (lould's resent try, ui the West a band of desiderate train robin*!** post,*l themselves along the unguarded plains on the line of the Cnion Pacific Railroad with the idea of catching him as ho pnss,d through to Ogden. The robbers promised to take him into the British possessions and then* keep him until he should pax an immense ransom. Could heard of the plot, liberally re warded his informant, and made hi.* escape. Ttie heirs and attorneys representing about ltd lineal defendants of Robert Edwards, xvho owned at one time prx>- i,ert v in Nexv York city, uow valued at h*o.ooo.odo. hav, b.. nit confer, in cin Akron. Ohio. John V Edwards, of Seward. Neh., rvpre>enid fifty of these heirs, and li. \Y. Tngersotl, of Akron, and ('apt. Henry Edxvards, of Kaxvaka, raaatii tM (Msalßing ninety. After a full comparison of facts and xiexxs. a satisfactory conclusion xvas reach,M that the documentary and other pixaxf* at hand were sufticicnt to warrant legal proceedings whenever they cho>*e to in stitute them. One ot the heii** is a washerwoman, named Sherhaudy. who lives in the suburbs of Akron. In order tosecure a curate vital static ties General Walker, Superintendent of the Census, to berah. n next year. (stak ing measures to obtain returns from all the practising physicians and -urgeon in tiie Uahed States numbering >ixtx thousand or seventy tlKUtsand, as to the deaths occurring in their pra'tieeduring the year ending on the Slt of May. lvs>. To each practitioner is sent a book ooo taining twenty blank forms and a pageot explanation. If wore than twenty-tour deaths iveilr within the year in any phy sician's practice one or more additional l*>oks can be had. The blanks call for the place and date of death, the name, sex. race or color, age. with dateof birth, and occupation of the deceased, tlie cause or causes of death, or the sy niptotn where nms*s cannot with ivrtainty be given, and the fait that a ntM-mortcm examination was or was not held. Almost ererv day some strayling is pick up by the"N' w\ork IH lice and inn signed for temporary shelter to the molherlv arms of Matron Webb, at po lice headquarters. And almost as often as a Waif is rescued from the street it is reclaimed by a parent. brother, sisier. relative or friend. So ran i> it that a lost child is not sought for that when it occurs the matron is at loss how to dis pose of the charge. Occasionally a child is found whose anpeuran>a> indicates its descent from wealthy and refined people. In such Instances, while it receives the same carv and attention as other waifs, extra effort i- made to discover those to whom it belongs. Advertisements are put in the papers, and every conceivable method is taken advantage of to expose the fact that a child awaits its natural proteetof*. This flailing the lost one, .ike all others. goes to a charitable insti tution. ♦ Jokes fro® Harper's •• Drawer." This is the view taken of it by an in fan! of St. Joseph, Missouri: l.ittie Freddie > undergoing the disagreeable operation of flaring liis hair oomtwv! by his mother, and he grumbled at the mai -uver. •• Why. FYedJie." said mamma. " vou ought not to make u ha fuss: I don't fuss and eryfhvlicn my hair i< wmliril." "Yes." replied the youthful party, "but your hair ain't hitched to your head." The best lawyers always tell the best storie-. and with none the less zest when at their own expense. Not iong ago Councilor I was before Surrogate Calvin innta-** where the question in volved wmm Pi the uientai condition of the ta-infix. The witness under ex amination. h'iself an aged lailv. had testified to finding Mrs. Seaman failing, childish, agd that wlien she told her something jdie looked as though she didn't pin! At and. Councilof C , cross-examining. tried to -'••ljb ,, r to describe this iook. but she di in't succeed very well in do ing so At last, getting a littie impa tient, he agked : "Wei', liow did -lie look? did -Jielook at you as I am look at vou now, for instance " The vvitutrs.-. very demur* lv. replied ■ " Well, yes* kind of vacant like!" At the of a hot afternoon la-: summer, wfc n the thermometer stood ahont one Hundred dfgiws in the shade, .fudge Tlnunpsnn was walking, in an evidently jaded and wearied condition, fnini the cfur; house to his residence in the vi dagefff Mayyille. I_*iwy< r Smith, who dis tk|d the judge, saw "him com ing, and wilted tor htm. and tlie follow ing conversation occurred :* "You look weary and tired, jndg**. What hare you been doing this hot after noon?" "liook weary and !ir*xl. do I? Well, I think I should, fur I am; and you would, too. if you had been shut up in that hot. stuffy little court-room from om* to half-past five, listening to a long dull argument?" "From one to half-past five! That was a long time. Who made the argu ment ?" " Oh. old Jones." "Well, what was Jones trying to prove?" "As nearly. a I could get at it. that I was an ignoramus, and didn't know anything about the law." " Did you commit him?" " No; commit hiiu for what?" " For being so long aliout it." Starved to Death. A death, which lh<- attending physi cian states was caused by starvation, ind which tiicory the surroundings fully up hold, lias occurred at a twiement house in Lawrence, Mass. Tlic facts, riven by the wife of the deceased, are as follows: J'etcr Igo. aged thirty-!wo. came to Lawrence with his wife and child one year and eight months old in November last. Ico was out of work, and how tin family lived was a mystery. The woman states that she applied to tin- eh-rk .f the overseers of the poor for assistance, hut lie told her he couid not give her aid because she liad no settlement, lie, however, offered to secure the family ad mission to the almshouse, hut bo til re tused the offer. On a recent Tuesday Igo obtained work in tlie dye-house D HOISF.HOI.U Tlx* Tlmrln Vnftrn tnlmaU. S, fat* as the temperature is concerned, the fall of the year is preferable to the summer for laying on fat. There is then little annoyance from insects. Ihe appetite is keener, and the system is not likely to be debilitate,! on account of ex cessive heat. Hut in ail other re spects suiunur is tho best season for fattening animals. tlreen grass is not only the cheapest but the best loo,! for animals whose flesh is used for human food. There i no ex pense for cutting and curing it. or for feeding it out. It is more valuable for f,xd when in a growing state and full of rich, sweet juices than it will ever be again, hoxvever xxellit max la* cunsl. In the nnyioritx of s,'*„,ns a large p,,rtion ot grass is is injured before it i* put in the barn or stack by rain, dew or excessixc drving. The flesh of animals fattened princi pailx on grass is superior to that fiittemai on dry tood. The tat u |MN ,-x,if\ iiistriintted among the harder tissues In other xvotxls. it i> finely marbled, l'.pi eurx's state that it is more tender, juicy and of higher flavor. The lxeef most prixed in til,* London market cities from the mountain ivgionsof Scotland, w ber th* eat lie feed on the rich grasses, hut where no corn and little grain van be laistxl. The lax'f pit*du,s*d in Switaer land and the mountainous portions of Sxvtalen and Norway hasa'.soa x erx ex cetlcnt reputation. It i- under, jui, x. xvell marbled and ot a da.h ate flavor It i- grass-fed lw*cl In the- * regions it is difficult to keep cat! Ie over the xvinter. as Uhl isscare*. They come out in the spring in jHH*r cunditkm, but they are turned into the rich mountain portion* and immiaiiatelv lH*gin to gain. Hy la.! they an- in prime condition for slaugh tering There i* nothing like grass for producing a *ui*,*rkr quaiitx of mutton Kentucky mutton rank- high in the custom market- on account of it* ex, ei icnt flavor and .its marl,i,at appearance. The hvp have the run of rich blue grass jxastuivs that aie oft, n particularly -haded They are ill prime condition Ixefore the I'rxsst kills the gm— The pro ess of fattening i* only finished off by the u—e of corn and oat* In the prairn srvtion* of the \YI crn has always b,s'ii rcgarxhxl as the cheapest if not the b -l fooxl to use for the prxaiui tion of pork Most admit, however, that the flesh of hogs that have fed >n ,a>rn almo-t ex clusively is not as delicious a* that of hogs that have had the range of a lor es! or a pastun -,ssl, >! t<> clover>r blu,*- gras- In the English market the jsu k rai-l the -,>uth is preferred on ava\,unt of its -u --ixerior flavor. Farmers xxho hax cattle and -Inaq, they design to fatten for the full .and xvinter market xviti find no Ixetter time than the pre-ent for affording tlieui an ahundaile*of fiaal. If the pastures do not contain a sufficient amount of grass, it is better to turn theiu into field and allow them to do the xxork performed by a mowing machine. The gra.-- in its present state will do them more g,HI than after it has been cut and cured. Hy alloxving it to la* eaten now much hard labor max !■ sax,al. SUMMt v , u "' a* favorable a time as fall or winter for feeding grain to anima.s designed for market. A ration of corn. oat*, meal or litis,aal cakeonce ea,'h day xx ill do much to improve their wndition. Animal-of all kinds ar*' likely to tire of one kind of food, even if it is that of which they are the most fond. Old grain affords an ex eellent change frx>ni grc-n gra— CAiVtys.i 7Vwi. 1 jtti it• aud €• r*x Grass should be rolled about thr,*' days before it is tuoxvn, am; again directly atterward. Edg, 1 * of bed- and verges should Is* neatly clipped with shears or cut with the edging-iron. Any sulxsidance in newly -made plot- -hould In* at once remedied. In every ens*- where it is nei-easary to lift and relay turf, immediately it is down it -hou'.d Ih> thickly covered with fine, rich soil. The unsightliness of this for a few day will he amply rewarded by the gr.v— h,-ing saved fnun burning, and by it !><•- ivnilng grx-en in a much shorter time than when it is left Ixar-'. as is t,s> often the case; moreover, it till- up any inter stices which may !*• left and act* as a fertilizer. It is also advisable to -*w two bushels of seeds of fine lawn grassqs per a-re at the same time, lightly akiug over the -urfa'-e. It may then be left for a few days, raked over again and thoroughly rolled. Thus treated, a ood lawn may ln> formed even in dry weather. In all small open spaces -nr rounded by buildings, whet** radiation is excessive, water should I*' laid on so as to be available, when r>-iuir>sl. for the purpose of keeping the gra.-* in good condition. A very frequent source of failure in the ease of lawn grasses i- d,*- fective dmin;ig,'. t>n very larg>- open spa*es the grass may Is* kept in good condition by gra/.ing. for which purtxosc sheep are preferable to cattle.— Th< (t'irdrn ( Eny). llraltli 111,,1.. Those liable to sunstroke sliouid take particular pains to k,s*p the head cool. They should wears broad-hriiunnal hat with ample ventilation and on hot day should place a wet handkerchief in tfc crown, often bathing the h>-ad iutd wrist.- in ixld water. Tin- great points are " keep the head cool " and tt-e moderate exertion in the hottest part of the day. People who have nev>-r tri,*l it ,-:ui scarcely realize the comfort obtain-< 1 hy xvx-hing the wrists in cold water when overlteated with work. In haying and harv-st time this should he done everv opportunity, upon hot days, and will -,'rre to keep the 1)1,khI cool and insure a greater degnsi of comfort than is other wise obtainable. Corns are a nuisan, - * on any part < f tie* foot, but are especially so >n tie Uittom. In tliis latter ease relief is af forded by wearing a cardboard sole under the foot with a hole in it where tie* corn rests. Thi* can only be done of course, by people wis, wear 100-e fitting shoes. The .Irinv-Worui. The army-worm differs both in ap pearance and liahits from the cotton worm. The first is a consumer of any grain crop which chance* to iie in the line of its march, while the cotton-worm subsists, as its name indicates, on the foliage of the cotton plant. The army worm is longer lived than the cotton caterpillar and travels faster, it is not. however, so subtle an enemy, and then - fore is l>-s* difficult to overcome. The planter i- often apprised of the advance of the army-worm in time to prepare for its reception. , Probably a* effective an obstacle as any in the path of the army-worm is a ditch of moderate depth having smooth perpendicular sides. Another p<-caution employed is scattering straw or dry sedge grass in the ditch and renewing it as fast a- burned, so as to k'-ep a bed of hot cinders or a line of fire between the field and the advancing pests. As not only cotton field* but ail garden crops that lie in the line of march are devoured, a patrol of plow and spade to k-,-p open the ditch is advised when this i.- at all practicable.— World. Gotham's Growth. 'l'he new city directory contains some S.nttn more names than last year's. This is supposed to represent an increase of about 40.000 in the population. If we keep on at this rate, it won't take u* long to catch up with Paris. In 1*?. xv<- had a total of nearly 1.100.000, Next year - census will probably give a- fully i.'.'.W 000. Counting Brooklyn and Jersey City as part of New York, as they really are, the total population n>xv must In very close on t*< 2,000,000. Th" increase in the city proper was som**what aug mented during the past year by the rapid transit roads. These brought hack a good many families who had gone away on account of the difficulty of get ting up town and down town. The road have none some good in bringing a few of the emigrants back, at all events. They will also do good in keeping others from going away. Hut when this is said their praises are pretty much exhausted. As neighbors, if I may so speak of them, they are downright nuisances. Now that warm weather obliges people to keep their windows open day and night, the horror of living near them is fully realized. I am a whole block away from one of them myself, yet the roar of the trains at night often keep me awake fully an hour. It comes rolling over the roofs of other houses like the roar of the surf in a storm, and overcomes all the noises of the day or night, And as if it were not enough to have four of these nuisances in full blast all the time, we are threat ened with a fifth. Mr. Vanderbilt pro poses to build an elevated road down Fourth avenue from his big depot at Forty-second street. The outcry against it is vigorous and angry, but that won't prevent Vanderbilt from building tlie road if the Common Council gives him permission.— New York Letter. A Homo for l.cpcr*. A Honolulu correspondent writes After tlio scourge of small-pox had ixvcpt oror tho Hawaiian island* omr years ago, at which tiino winpulnorjf vaccination was resorted to, leprosy in creaacd to nui'li an alarming < xtctit that tho government was compelled to take nMMWM ti> irmt iUpmcrM Wlion less extreme measur, 1 * f;n it litmllx divided upon segregation, mul the Uland of Molokoi XX a* M'l,>ct*d fur tho settle rnont 1 eeause of its peculiar natural n>l vantage*- The trade wind* sweep a, r>>— it in such a dlnvtion that nil tho infec tlou* gas,** arecarried out to > > in-t, , fertile ami abundantly -upp'. -1 xxith fre-h xx.Vvr. while al its I>t k i por|M-ti diculnr wnll of txn'k ..!i* > 1 lit fis< s several hundred fi-et. and Hk, a if' tin, unyielding sentix m,. ami freely iisr tin g.n inent* or occupy tho naiiio bed x\ itli a leper of tin* worst lyp . ami thvenfor, • iiionf <>l tho ,aw would DUlitti I taiuiii's, for though hustmnd* ami x*ix.- might immolate them*.x, * t li ot In r t l>- i worn not alloxved I<> lake healthy • hii dron with them However. tinto ha tlono much loxx ard ooitvit > in.," thotu ot tho wisdom of the policy, ami uow op position is rar, ix in, t with farther than in concealing tho " list, nee of iho dis, \s, a* long as pMihle. Wlioti , |M-r-on i> diseox'crvd who has imlii-alions ~t th disease tic* is taken to tho islaml. hut in order that no ono tnay ho holl th<*r> without riWoll ea> ll person > ollimitlod first receives treatment for tho dis, is, s t tearing m-uk- r s, tulilaiteo to it. and in Occasional inslanees pr-on- hax •• lvn cured ami return,si to thoir families, hut Usually the niarvh of the h-< is s. rapid that two or three months make it unmistakable, am! lh<-y are, oinmitt< >1 to tin island for life. The provision* for their eoinlort atv most geurrou*. and those who liaie the IlieiUls I, do so are allow itl to htli i' cot tage* for tin ir own ,* . upation. and tln r, they ltvo with a> muell ws lusioil as it tin y had the world to choose front The government has ta-rhap* erred on the side of mercy in allowing husliands and wives to follow eaeh other, for th, only obvious blot upon the system ot isolation is the addition to the sett.,- uient by hirtlis, numb-ring some yearaas nianx a* titty a mistakeii kindness i! would seem when lie ehild's heritage is ioathsomi' disease and Its are entat.s a still greater tiltaneial hurtleii Upon the government, hut so far as is eonsistent with the hygienic regime established tor their good tlicy r<- a.lowed their own iiahits of life, Ihe -,tt lenient now numbers eight hundred persons, at a-* twool whom are Alllerieails It would Ih- a mistake to attribute to this .villi : . eiass the intense mental or phyi, , suffering which we are wont to imagim eharaeteri/.es the dis fot i uiervilul provision of nature brings with the dis ease an apathy of mind and numhiiess o( body whieh prevents acute suffering 111,i,sal, it is ass. rtid that a pill tUHV i„- thrust inli> any part of the di'-.vs*al iV-sh without causing the slight, -t s,-ii : itioii of pain. Man a Fighting Animal. I),, w hat we will with him. tuan is naturally a lighting animal t hen- is a cut ions autobiography to l-e found in Southern tamk-shops. written by an old hunter who was U>rn alviut a n turv ago. I'he most amusing example i- wher, the old man tells how lie and his „,as oni* trained n me young dogs tc hunt liears. " 1 put on the skin of an old l>< ,r," h says, "and crawled l>„ut on . tours, while Kiishaand .loh drove the pups n They were s, anal at first, but pre- titi\ thewhoiesix attaeketi me furiously, hit my calves, ton* my hair, hung on my ears. "I begun to shout ' Knougli" !>ut 'l.islia tried, ' Don't,dad. don't! It'sth, life of the pups.'" lie adds. " t)f ismrse 1 staved. I had consideration for the dogs." It take* a cood de.a. of training to noi out this instinct Irom tmn who inherit it. Everybody know* the history of tin " fighting tjuak, i> " during tip revolu tionary w nr. Many of tin- staiil son* of staid sir>-s of the same faith, siitj-.s! out of meeting during the last war, to shoulder a musket ftne venerable old Kri*nd in tonnan town. i'a., found that three of hi* - -ll< had gone to thi* conflict against which iii.s creed array,si him. Hie youngest felt that he t,n, must go, but feaml to tell lii* family. He took his gun one day, and Iwgnii to clean it. placing liimself in his father's way. The old gentleman saw him. inl paced slowly up and down. l>ut iid nothing. Presently he approach,al th, young man. " Charle*," he said. d,-iil>< rately, "if tbedevii has made th and just bring it t>, aboil; remove it and strain it three or four times through flan nel: cool it and keep it f>r use in a cov cred jar or pitch, r. An effective i, c-b<>x can l* made by placing one tight Imix within another, leaving a spa, <• of three inches between the sides of the two, to In* filled with pound,*l ehanaxil or sawdust. Each In>x must have a tight lid. and between tin space of the covers a piece of flannel of several fold* should be laid. The outflow of the drippings of tin* lee should he ar ranged at the bottom of the Imix. and it will lie all the better if the pipe that is inserted for this purpose is eurvial or twis'ed a little to kta-p out; the air. A coarse woolen foyer should he placed over the ice, and when tin* quantity i* small it is an excellent plan to fill glass latttle* with water earlv in the morning and keep them well corked and laid upon the ice until needed for drinking. If no ice can he ohta : ned and there i* no cold spring water close at hand, very cold wafer can be obtained by tilling a large earthen jar with it and putting it in the shade in a good current of air ami wrap ping the jar in a very thick woolen cloth (an old coat will answer for an outer wrap) and keeping it constantly vvet. This causes evaporation of heat and cool* the water finely. Peculiar People. .Most people, whatever their condition or raee, are so homogeneous nowaday*, through long exposure to the same in fluence*. that it is enlivening to hear of a people, even though they he savage*, altogether different from the eotntnon. The natives of Hotel-Tobago, an island in the t hina Sea, are curious and pecu liar in most respects. They excited the wonder of a number of American naval officers, who recently visited thcni while surveying a rock east of the South Cape of Formosa. These aboriginals, who are of Malay stock, knew nothing of money, and could not be made to un derstand the object of it* use. They had never tasted tobacco or rum. nor had they any substitutes for these. Never theless, the females liked anything and everything of an ornamental or decora tive character. They admired brass buttons, tin vessels, or anything bright; freely gave goats and pigs for them , and could not get enough for their delecta tion. Any shining object they were eager to obtain, and they would dive for a button or a coin if thrown into the water, and often sciz-e it while it was sinking. They played in their canoes about the ship for hour*, watching for an opportunity to dive for the (to them) precious trifles. The natives are as primitive as they can* be. They wear only hreeeh-clouts; they live on taro and yams; they have no other implements than axes,spears and knives, made of common iron; hut the females'employ shells and the beards of goats for orna ment. A Prolific Kong \> rltor. A Proviilt'iio" iwriwponilont of the !b* on IfrruUL in .* ruUi song* .*%! i>mn-m in ill, - . ountrv who CMII l><- > nlU*' " |r*liti* % .* Tlo > at. (Jcorge Cooper. Arthur \\ Fn-ii. h ul S.iiiiu, 1 X Nltcbull Tli.> g- HI U in. ii , OIII|>OM-,I more thiuion. hail of tin* hin but* which *n *u*g in nearly <>< iv hoiiH. holil, , njov n brief hour >.f poini lni il \ iiiol tin ii *ji v, pin. < to other" Mi Milch. I, th,' It. Hi Hum, r Tiki pie, iwhi, h littv, 1M ,'H pill,|l"he,l hv all the prolllilietlt 1111 l sic publishers iii the country, 11. is thirty two years ohl. is daily fiig.igt >1 in hiisinrss ami only writ,", his song* as a soil of" "1,1, is"U<\" as t oioliel Si cr* w oil Ul s.iv I til t somcol tin-HI hue inaile fortunes for the publisher*. ami gull, thr roiiiol* of the Initial Slat," mil I'ng !aml. *' touch the harp gently, my pr t t\ lauiise," which Mr, Mitchell wrote early in his career, coinetl money in l-jig.ami, w her* the puhlishei s,. .1 holll '.MI I*l,l to lUHVItOO eopies, all,! ill ihi" eoimti \ t( was a its, solllee of profit ami very |>opirar for a long tun- llie OOtU|Hisei , I tow, \ er, * ii. i r ,11 <*, 1 a small sum for it, uist . - aping fortuiu from simplr lack ola proper estimate of his work " S.nJie Kav." ••|'ui.M\ I .it - lie "shoes Away," "When the Whip* iHHirw ill U Ca.ling," ami a number of Sir Mil lie! * sot . , have hail a gr> it sale (hiring the past ten year* lie wrote th, songs in lliria- popular s, html singing Isioks. ' I'lie Fax orile." " the Mocking Bird." ami 'The Wl.ippoorwill,' ol W hi. It thoU-amlsol copies Wel e soil! lie is now so well known to mini,' puhllsh eis Hast ami \\ .si that or,l, i- lor songs pour in upon him all of the time, ami if lie should w rite them night ami ,1 ,v he couhl not beein to supply the ,1, man,l His songs are simple in construction, ami become easily popular. Ihe publisher* either allow a roy ally ~f i!ir,a" pcri< ni. upon the sales i>r buy th, copyright Ih> pri. e UsUalty pail w from ¥1(1 to s.h lor a song, hut p ial contracts an- often mail, Musi. , ami hurl, s .ue perform ei are constantly writing to Mr Mit h el: for songs to Is-written to certain titles which they send, flicse songs are not publish,",l, hut are retain, >1 hv their own ers as part of their stock iii trade, and sang hy them in th, atrh-alperformances I'lie pr,,l> ssion ot song writing is said to IM" a grow ing one in this country. ami a! most anv piece w hi, h has sparkle and snap in it is eagerly taken by the musi publishers. fainting f its. Fainting nso eonuiion with soiu, per son*. particularly women, and the cause of it is so little understood hy non-pro f, ""ional p,siiile, that some know l, ,ig on the subject often prov. s \ iluah.e Kaint ness consist- in a temporary l.iiiiit, <>j the activity of the heart, the not Is'ing properly circulated in conwsjuen, Vithough it dis s not r< i, I, th, h< the sufferer los, " ail el,"aril,-"" of '. :*ioii. and. if not prevented, may fall, the fail not infrequently restoring the normal con ditioti There is no tsmvulsioii. ami though In—more probably sh< -e.n hardly !• ralkwl MMckNMs he i not ">> profoundly unconscious to lw in , apah.e of arousal, as liapp'T." in < pi !e|.sy. There are all degress ot fainlness, front merely f,s-!ing faint ami (Hiking somewhat pact,< jM.sitive and cotuplet swooning. In some , as*** one fain! is no sooner cured than another and an other sueisssl, hour after hour, even day after day. It is scarcely n<", >-"-ary to nay thai n h ■ '.!• ■ How MM MM prompt treatment. The cau< s are vari • ill- Sum," | r-.tl-ar, -••• i-: ) aft, '• d that they *w>on if tin y cut their linger or nee anv one bleed. -Their defect i over-sen-itivetier*■ - and w> ik mu- u .r fihar. lie h- art is < ->, nti , \ a musele. which i- feeble in some, strong in others—f>*hle generally in women ami strong in nun. Whatever w • akens the 1.. art and muscle otnmonlv pro duc.-s faintin ss. f„ul air Is ing an active cauae. Whatever gn atly ft the n r\ ■". SUch a had tn w - sir the sight of tin- disagrc. able or horrih.e. may produce a w IKU: nnd !>* of h!,„ d is anotlu r and a serious incitement Sound lu-alth. natum ,y a oinpan •,1 hy firm nerves ami musch'". i" tin host pr, ventive of fainti.. "". I'he tnajoril". of vigorous men go through ail kinds <>f severe and painful experience* without fainting, wliile delicate ttn-n and many women sw-ihui at trifles. American women, w ho us.sl to faint continua l in crowd*, at had news, at urctirs of dis tr.-ss —now faint comparatively- eldotu; and the l.n t i. aseriln d to their r- in qui"httnnt for the moat part of th habit of lacing, to their ire p-:v"rgnni/,4T.ll had nin:uiy been paid, or w<-re ready for payment oil that date. They w. re distribute,) among tin- several agencies as nearly a practieahle in proportion to the tiura -Ist of pensioners upon the n-spctiv agency ;aUs, as follows lluston, HBO; Ciimindaigtia. 910; t hi, ago. I."-*27; ( <~ iumtius. 1.-.""'; 1 M,"ine. .*si; t in land. rsf'J; Ihtroit. t'sla; Indiaimp. 1,071; Knoxville, ft.-; Isitiisvi . 331 Milwaukee, New \ t,rk. I.uno. Philadelphia. 1.095; Pittsburgh, t'rttt; St. Iui*. -til: Washington, vui 1 r.in ciseo. 90. Upwani of 9.000 ca"-s wen "ttl>d in .June. The Commissioner ol Pensions expi-cts to !*• tthle to |> n v an equal, if not a greater, ntimlier monthly until till are sett led. sixty-thu-' thousand three hundred nhd "> venty 'wo )„ r-.ui" have made claims for arrears, hut. in cluding tin" 13.W0 cases already settled, not more than fS.Otttl or fs.nut persons, who areiilrvady pensioners. hav art ar due them. Many, therefore, who apply are not entitled tbarrenr*. The eoiiiini-sioner e\p,s"t-tliat n, irly all who are entitled to nrrcar- wi.il, paid hv the end of (letolier. Wit Ii re gard to tile order of sett ienient. In -ay that tin" at of daimary > stabli-lntl every pensioner's right at the -ame mo ment. The pensioner wa- required to tuake an application for hi- arrears mainly for tlie puqioseof ennahling tin Pension (Ullce more easily to identify the paper*, but the date of tiling sin h ap plication is not taken into account in fixing the order of settlement. He also states that if the eases Itail been taken up for settlement in the ord< r of tiling the pensioners living in the large citie near Washington would have h> ti first paid, to the ex,"lu-ion of those residing at a distance and in the country, and that sueh an order of settlement would have Inen an umustitiable ,li- rimina tion in favor of the former. It i not praetieahle to observe any order of set tlement. except so far as may Ih- neces sary to secure all equitable dlstrihutioll of the nettled ease* throughout the en tire country. Ilait for Pod. •Fust at this season, say s n recent |, Iter from St. -John. N. K.. we are favored with tin-visits of another ti~h more im portant. to lis hv far than the salnmn. a* it forms the chief bait in carrying on our great cod fishery, on which so many thousands here are dependent. The eaplin are now around our coast and in our hays and harbors in countless myriads. True to tin-day almost, shoal* of these beautiful little fish, about seven or eight inches in length, appear each season, in number* beyond ad calcula tion. Kvery hay. harlsir and creek around a coast not less than 2.000 miles in extent literally swarms with them. They eorne in close on tin l shore in many places where there is a sandy or shingly heaeh, and A fisherman stands on the heaeh with a casting net in hi* hand, and in a short time a glittering pile of these little silvery fish is landed, enough to till half a dozen barrels. They form the finest bait for the capture ol cod. and they are used in enormous quantities for manure by the farmers who come for them with cart* to the heaeh. and mix them with bog and earth. After standing for a year, this becomes a rich fertilizing compost, very stimulating to crops, but leaving little substance in the soil beyond tiie ma terials with which the ealpin were mixed. Young ladies wearing fashionable dresses now may be said to be in clothe* •onfinement.^ —Commercial Bulletin. \ i;\VS SUMMARY. Eatorn and Mlddla State*. Il*rtort I" llurrnlt nint Anli*W It i mII tntto*l Ironi IIOMIOII |or trip MNNUITL th** worM tnvho < IOHLNT < TLI* mmllpftl FTNUT LLUTL PVIT nuolt It It ut Slut m M M< llooiitr, t'' IM 'J| ln t it*|iUi ol holit mit I I*7 btirthnii. I lot iikrlntoti irmniiu ot a mt. m ltij{ pt t'loatot it AttilitAi. tm%* liiuinl At l.ittin ttititttit, N \ VAihlPlbilt'l DP L Apiil 11 All**! ruiHr t)ii>ti|*ti Mttiir 1 (tie iiiiwi pnMnittiil iltwifl *l Now Yolk )m IKWU kilU-t t#v tlio Altithit|s •. I.tutu A It tlTi< Uiti'liflr, ilirrw a Kittgr> ktolr nt a Ht,tlilwr ! Imina wlio Imti Imttii AIIIIO) iitjg him, AITt it ■tniok I'otr! MiUrr, IWH > TVU • 111 IIIP R WTHIUTL (loin M Inoli lift hltwl t tlrnlti 1 lir hit b,t ■! it r IMHIIMI of thr Kmrktit lni* knr lt* tim|mit| • I New aitoatC't At K**k i"nt I 'kt .At.it CM • t,tainifig 40,0*.Kl lulu itl it r, IIA Ivrit ty ftirt I lu* ktodiitn \\ >. ttiti ii 111 if II l.tvpr|HMi{ AI ■ liir t tti Ncn Y*rk iiA\Tii( n iMtniti f7 Mr tini t uitMlly Swuiliiiiiuiiiia 1 IIA I ri\ U, HI I-hiijjp O| tint tew it "wltltiri," UNIT WMIU illlM'l to t (nh Mlttle r*f WilktwleiTr, I*A l'iiArle (Aittiiri nine* M'cri I tiMpponr*tt I**- liAntil tllA WAlft Alt'! ilt hft.liifl \V lliiMltl, u^r l write prttll£ U ill* fkMAlAlit'P, but ttiwi 11mltl Uir \\ ooit ufl m inttifl.- tlltioii AOUIII 1 tbf world htta lwrli ir\i\o*t, Aii til* s'.mliiahlp (tfUt'lul \\ *-rt|ri w ill Mat! iltiu St a \ tuk UiitUtr the •hira*tioii tl i'rmblriil i Irtl k At A*Mi At .'(KI ilutlriila tint rt born wvuml Ait biijjtbft adat bet to n ttniti on thr \ AII V*Y rwtlrcKul rnti t.rt AH wi!ch t I air view, I'II ! broke* IIKIM from fht* cut# AII1 ( oiri A chit thirl) trrt lilt* 1- ftHtuHlvr b .1, a tv.tiipletw mtt k, t the* LMUM? ti tlir eiilf rushing tN'itmlb it the engineer, Hrlkt*r, Attvl tiir fireman, hdwiuxl Noil, MIHI BPHI both llialalitly kilicxl. A r uttioii iJ the m*uibt*ni o| the lh*ha (Atutly hut* Ist u lirht at Nttem, MAM About lour luiutlfoj p*ioiit wereprwacnt • >' lt*i laui malMtty which pu**lrw ih<* pity ait nut* A rutuor that the who w*ic (nkrli u*k bat U- o| y r-llow tfirr IB thai city ia( autiiuter. aiwl that the* don*aa was a - raHUfx| b\ thr* ht*rrtitli>tl ol the* Ui of tlmi • iimw, tkviuitiiial grml r *rit*iiif*ii! atnou); the Intmltt * ul I hoar Hu la to la* liad lrru nlllirWwl Mfetlfrti and Southern State*. in the I mini StftUa ( irrtuf Court at Niii 1 ruiiCiMNi Jti t|jje 1 it*ltl, *! the I filial Mittr* Supteiiie I ottfl, liaa tin blwi what is ktiowii as i lie "Quinie<<'UlUl|| otxbtiaitrr to be itisalnl, ifin. . • fli. t with thr htHirtCMtiith amrttii- Itsrtit lite unliKiuibP jrrtariiitel t Ml tlm t|Uriios oi all ( hituiiiiru ttu|rtwiiial ilk thr con uiy iail tor jetty uflfettcw sbotiUl la* cut (!, nlitl w rvs to pr*\r a slroi|; iirlrilvtit !o (hat riass u4 erituiuals. t'oi hilt:*, a Mrlwuti, was at v .tit AnUiiiui, *lr%a, I u till iiiuntrr aiitl hl> bry of 1* 'bert 1 rutiblr, a )tnuij* latiurr, ill Ju \ 1577 i'orNbla ami h*► brwtkrr wrrr captt.iiwi wifli the murdered man a HI ihrif w!. se thes sot- fitutily r*-ap(urel and taken to IPIAS for trial. The condemned uiaii in. **iste>t to the . kst lliAl he wtu mtioc-ut. A hie at t let eland, Ohio, en luiui s j amt>|* mill on >* ratilon avenue, the \ artHv lion WorVs, the Atlantic and tnwl Wcsstern ilejst. Hust hiu|{ At iittt s + and :•:?•••*• r and a , .antitv ol imtibr leloti;nt|; to different lards. the lusu* IS alswit s\Qo,(*h+ A diifatrli tm*m Itea-lwoxai. ItakoTa l>m. Tory, say's thai three Indians convicted d inurirr an ! iMitrwel to be handed, cou imltei suicide by hrUi£*ii£ iheinseli cs in their Mrs "*nntli * lKrwy of Mism-.s* ppi* who .luwt recv-filly in New Orleans, left a will lr --pieathi*i; b r w if.tie e*(ale loJeffersoti lrjii is, |HV (WUIIP wnbrarei in this includes two laige plantations in the up}*r |iart of (he an ! an \illA at liminoir, in the sreo sot. W i.rre N!: Ihiu* JS now SIP- riunj; Hie yacht Jewniiette Mailed Itotn Nan I nn. *• •onan e* etpeditHMl t lite Norfh I'.tir lbe v ** el has tern llttrxi (Hit by* Jaiue* ittinlon Hetinett. hut is in charge of t tnfad Mutes naval nftWfo the commander Isemu hiet(tenant (ienf|{i \N lie llie -'can nefte will la* a**ctii|iintcd (•• tiie arhcwuier Kanuie A Hydras at oal and provision tender. thi Se|'teml*er 21. l*7v AMliam llaiajeriy*. A >'oi|C larmer. for MUtir years a reade*it *l Johnwin Ccwitlty . Mo . Was liiurderexl in A >ward!y manner At a iriuc nmi Warrens, htiru by one Frank lhi utau who the otiier day pi; mtel his crime uj-on the icnilows. l ite evecntnui hcio* public, at lwt 7.OCW iwraons rrow.!*.! and 1 rweh other aixut the seal fold, w Inch had la* t erected Ul tiie center ol A lovely natural Amphitheater. aUait hail a mile north o! the town lYie prisoner was . inducted to tin seafT*M n A cltw surrounded by A guatd and A fwiisv mwd. and walkcx) tttiA; !**! to the trap, a here he looked with Iwh Here new upon the \ a*x (Imsiif. and With the exception -l a lew wotda to the clrrjfytnen in attendance hmi to say. \! a ipiArter to laelie the trap wus sprung, and in fU'.H*ii mmntes the iasly was cut down nut turned over to Uis rrlutn '* llie ctnue lot w list h 1 Nil i (son sUfTcf iv! dr*fi(h was coin* mittex! while under the influence of liquor, and W:* tiie reanlt of Ati tusuifing pnp**svi trotu the tntmlrmr to b rwtnaV wile. The htndsiml h itwndrsl an apoloisy. and was shot three llttirs b% Ihcinlson, who smldenly IH*- cubic a ietlect ftend. At h lj;:>£tyn. 11l . l>ee Kobinns sled ami instant!) kiliwd bis -is(er. twenty jrram, and then shot himself, influ tuq: fatal wounds Miss HoH/tns * t4 to n man natncwl Hichards. and was to have been martied on She day she was killel Her brother had been t: ■. ji| t< pre\eul the but she re- Inset to break her promise- Kiank Mulbrandon. a Memphis ( ieiin ) •dioemAker. !iel u lew days A£ alter a short bine*-, and n jMtst•mortem evamination. bald by siv leading doctors of the city. re\#mlcw ■ .*•*• ol yellow b'ver will ASSUIIM* an *pi letllic bum lo the people aloe*; the liiig* *| ' the fblTerent route- of UHfrl We say, there rim IM* no tmsibie hio, isdeinl, having passed away suddenly at his home near Chillicothe. in his seventy-lourth year. Ihirn in Edenton, N. C., (iovernor Allen lived at. Lynchburg, Va., in early childhood, and went to Ohio when he wa* sixteen years of age. At 1 twenty-six he wru elected to Congress as a , Jackson Democrat, and in 1837 he became a member of the United States Senate, serving until lni)* In IMH be dnrline*) the Heiuo crntie nomination lor I'residsnt. and in 1873 was elected (ffiVSlilOr n| Ohio lie WAS re liomiiintcxl lot (iovernor in IH|/1, but WAS de tented by H H. liny es, since when he has lived ill ooiapAtwtlv e retiroiiiout. Charleston, N C, has bwii sfHictel hy a ■pnli ol intensely hot weather, the thernioine ter rotichiag 111 degrees in tiie shade, and over n hundred cases of sunstroke aiiteeii of which prov wd falsi hating lieen ivputed in Hide o| forty right hoots. From Hfsshington. A cilcitlitt letter |rim M a%l llie AiitiM*ritis of Snilbetii cities lias leeii sent by ilie National |lmid of llnaltii, evplAimag its Imwef• and duties the lettn *a)s that let nittttei liww Htriugetif tiiAV lie tiie rules made hy v tate <>r local nut hoi Kins for titeir ptotectaon, the Nnlioual Ibmid of ||*altii lavs no |MIW tWH, and (lieu we can e>me in In suppialflituit ilmmi efftuts * t aid and co opetftte —IU (he term* ol (he I*W If is, thrtrfoir. (he dut) of Male and btcai autiaWl ties ( keep the National |(.*atd t>f lt*alth lulls iiaforinedtHi the following ptMnta. nstuely (1) As to to iial l ule* and legulslioit* the > nave adopt** I, (i) a* t * how lal they call can • out tlie ruins und regulations; (3) as to what aid (lies think it is necessary liiat tiie National )mid siiaii furnish, lit ir*ler tb ■ (mifisr Miles and regultttious may im * *. < A statement has been issued by the \S at Department giving the number of menhir* mined tbe ( nioti arms by each Ntaia tiviui April 16, IfMSI, U tiie citMse 7-, Miuuesota, 36,06 i; lows, 76,300; Missouri, 100,111 Keutn* ky. 70,0i6; Hnusas, 00,161, Iriins'siT, j 1 ; Arkansas, H.jHy, Nortii Carolina, 3,166, Ualiloinia, 16,7*6, Nrvals, 1.0H0; onfuu, l,fl(i; Waahitqpon TrrriMW) , •i(l4 Nebraska let ntory. 3.167, C'oiimnio ieinlory, 4 'AU; Dakota Perniorv. 006, New Mexico Territory, 6,661; Alaliaum, 2,676; Klorids. 1 Daiisiaua, 8.'324 Mississippi, il6 Texas, 1.1*66 and (lie Indian Nalioti, i U3O. llie lnaj|s furnished by the Southern Slates Were, with llie eliepUOH of lhtse o! brtiiiiaiui nearly all white. Florida furuislieil two regimeiits ol cavalry , Alaisfliua one white regiiiteut , Mississippi otic battaimu and North i sivdllia two tvguneiils of cavalry - foreign Ntw*. ltei*oris from Port sti Prince, the car ital *4 Haytl, say tiie plan •• is in tlaine* and all buai tie** susjwuded Whole blinks arc in ashes slid tlie ustopi house :s lose 1 111 consequence ol the (evolution Hie hostility *f the nteichants tf Vera Cru*, Mexico, against llie goveruuient on accnmiit f llie pnsArtgc of a Uw forbidding smugghug has culminated in a inuuny td (be garrison there, and the seizure f the war steamer lubertad by |*srt **f liex crew Nine insurgents were silled aud s* vera! Meiicmii war stettinera went in pursuit of the !übertai. w Inch liwl put to sea Two hundred IHIUMW have la-en destroyed by a /lie at Irkutsk Hussia. At ( MIAW A ( anads. a Inn named Naudetle • , .ivti. .r 1 with ht c.i tear-thi sister and !it her in tlie temple with a revolver, death re sult* og trv*tti the wooud. A Dudon dispatx-ii says tliat 1 300 sheep f|xa. Il srir slaughtered at ljisipiol be cause a too* found tlx \ wete mlcx'ted with the |(N4 an I mouth disease. "This discovery, the d:s|mtrli says, will cause tlie I'uitnd Stains to be fw hcduled as all itllecfed ctmniry for sheq The wails ul the litl*to*s at W )d>bn. Niiis* ti-ui. Kustchuk and Varna, HulgaJia, iaveieeii cstroye-l, atid (ie arthwiuks xre left to the • f-e ration *f the wqalher. M De 1 ycssej>, etlgleer f the jiMjftrle! < anal si ns* the Isthmus of ihiivti, thinks it j ! built for >6o,ooo.ik*u. ami that (lie diftl • ull a J! not te K buuiidai c a Vii*s- at tend.ug tbc conatruction f the Stiec canal. •:* td for this cat*al ts U l*e broken on tle first < ! i vt January llie llntish House of I otnmotm lias adopted • luotnm t< establish A dejartuient of sgtjcul tnre alii! comn.r-tee under a |ccial calunet inimster A dispatch Irotn Nt Petersburg re|*rt that dissenters from the ortkodui church, hilhert* •I UI •-**.gfiueil by the state, are t have cntjie rl\ iciuswd ty the French g*v rnment I*pin the ainvaloftbe French Pnnre lin j*c *TAI s ImklV at Portsmouth. Fngland. it was i x!v cd by the Oring u! minute guns The funeral l the late t'rrncb Prince Im perial at t h.selbursf, F.tiglattd. was all '* im pressive display of riwpcri lor the yiMing sol t:cr and 4 c*ndileice f*r his Iwreaved mother. M ijueen N'atorui. the l*rinoi— Ilea* It:- *. Prince an 1 iVinmsa ol M ales, the Duk ui Connaugftit. Kdnburgh and Cambridge, with 4ber distuiguuhnd jrsns, were pranaiiU The pall-bearers were tiie Prince ii aixt hi* two on* VicUruui* Ilirn cwiui- Ihr •im.! " 5, " noil Hirw lnilhfut wrvaul. t'li rn mu • I tb> Kotiiau < Ui,Jtc tho 11,.1 n.pol South war k rc-ri, rl (he c.mtl, wiurh WW* ("irt.r t.jr oIlM"-r ,n .rtillory I*. ihr rßtnlttlTur prp{m' lilt- lur-nil-rr- Dr. vm thrti I.%'un 1 lir lii.hoj. ol Smlb* wutk inli.ued !ti Kiltuun prx-liu-p. MwUiik- I j.Mii, hc m,|; llw Alt Mara ol Jvml-S,.|i. mi.l Ihi-li, Wtilkiiiu araatl'l llio the l.i.h.q. ~~ . n ipt, flu*! thr,"- vaUwyauf nu,.kni >. rwt-h ol UK h n> luliimr lhy U,<- roll , >1 multlo! • Inilil. 111,- now IURI (owl tlir ooflSii. an.l iu> Ihry Irt! Ihr tlw> Uaiding wn* orvaptcd b) Ihr ,i,idrnl*. worhuirn mid .1,-p-ilßliolu. Iroui I niwcr. wijo "aikrd rrt*i rally it:,mud Ihr oolttn, ■lrrwing tlowwr. nnd whuq""~iug prnyrr* At tughl thr coffin Wi tmn-lrrrril to ■ |.lnrr lw-. lr Itr lotub ,4 Napoleon 111 An Alrxandiia (l.gvpl) .li.jwlch rrj*rl l!,nt Ihr (.giplian •t,-iiirr -ain.n.>t ha. t"">,i l.*l at ra Twrnij-thirr natiraa and Iwu I urojKwn. p*rhrl lie, |>r I'almagr. ol thr lironklyn lalwi inM.-lr.haa IkM dmwitig gmal rrowd* lo hi* ->nii,m and Iwltirr- in laiudon and X'icinily I mm lwnity to thirty Ummimui,! j"-r*,:i wrnl 1., h,*,i him lt"-i,itr ai Ihr • >-!*) I'iilacr. S} • drnlialli. lti>- Irani. Irom Oind-.u llnlhrt Ink ing down lintiiciiar lliiong.. Hinged Alter uti AruuitUl. J.I ft Kuudl was hanged at (Vmeoivl. V II lor |.roriirinj{ llie tnardrr, in Itruok flrld. ol Mi-. ".iMtu Ifainon. a onm l lii (jmlt I,mud. Mr nrnwlrd. trir,l and ao ■piittrd. Altrr Ihr lrin! a nnmher ol im-rii diary ttrr l,*.k placr. Ihr vicliiiia Immiik |"-r --anil" wild had Imni wlirr m Ihr raw. I'ri val® drlrrtivra wrrr employed, and at l:,l a boy nntnrd I'harliw V. I ,">k. whownrkrd (r llu/.rll. wn arrrated a" llir incendiary. Hr iintnrdialr'y ronlraard, and rlo aai I liial hr had allot Alia* llaiiaon, and that hr had don, an brraitar lln-wll Ihrentmrd lo kill liini un 1,-a hr did mwtjer Mia* Han anil. Hurrrll waa at oiu-r urrrl,"l apiin. hut thr aiithoritir" wrrr ({rrally pnitxlrd Hiry did not know a hat to do "111 him. Hr had l*rn lrnl onrr and ncqnitlrd. and hr could not. undrr thr I nilrd Stale® I'onatitntion. br irinl upon for Ihr aatnr ollFnre. Altrr a long roiwndnwlion ol thr aul.jm il a* ,irci.lt"! that llurwll iniylil In- In. da* an a<-< naaory. Hir l>rt law. y.-ra in thr Slnlr diffrtnl nlanit Ihi* niatlrr. infl il > drlcrnimrd to "lihiiiit lo ihr hi!ir*l court ihr .juration whntlier Ihr ac.|iiiltnl on Ihrftral flidictliirnl a a lair l a trial on atioihrr indictmrnl a* wri'Mofy. The hill hrnrh dn idral llinl the indiclmral we (piod. a il lia.l already linn drclnrr"! " thai one who Im.l la-en acquitlr"! a" a principal in a Irlonv could IH-convicted a* an a.-.-raaory in the anmr lidony.' llurrcll waa thrielorr lri,l a* .in arc. ory n yrarapv At Ihnl trial lea. lin,"l that lin**rll at Ural olTrrrd him #IOO lo ah.Hil Mi"* llaiiaon, and lir rrlnar.l, but Anally, owinc to Busseir* rnlrtailic* and llinul". he conarntrd lo do *r. Hurrrll wrnl to thn booar with him. amhnt thr lat minute took upon rrlnaod. whni, hr tretificd. Hurrcll Ka.k thr gun and thrralrnrd lo h<"'l (3ak nnlraa hr *h..i Mi"* Hanaon Thru Cook flrrd and ran awnv. I hi (Ilia tratimony Hurrrll waa oonviclrd and arnlcnor.l to Im hnupai leal |-rhniary ( ohm and tkinway. thr drtarlivaa who ar- K lr.| r.mk and p.l Ihr r.mlcaaion Horn him. arm Nrnalnlln lioalon lor a conapirary lo throw a I rmn from Ihr track on the H oat on and Providence nulriarl. On Ihi* charge Ihrv w,T(* convict,ul, and are now in priaou anrt ing lentener. It hill* conflnrd Itn'J Mill that Cook'a ennl'enainn wna talae. ami * ex tnrtel from him by them Oitiwiy made ufll.lnvit to thin, ami l ook Uion tnado an nffl davit tn which he a wore that hi* previoun ntory ol hi** having murdered Miw llannon at BiweaU'a demand nil" oonoooloil by Cohen, i r* are applied; and. * oiidiy, to avoid risk, il i I letter to IM gin the cutting by taking off aiuall piecea al tlie corner* and along the edge*, and IMI reduce the ahapc grad ually to that required, a* if any attempt i* made to cut 111,- j!in** all at on<"-lo the abape aa We abouid cut a piece of card- Ixuird. it will iii oat likely break juat where it i* not wanted. Some kind* of giaaa cut much IMHUT tbaii other*, the aofter |MMM-. I'lie witaor* need not lie at all sharp, aa their action c not anpear to depend on the alate of the edge pre aented to the glaaa When the op-ra tion gra-a on well the glana hreak* away from the *, lanora in aiuall piecea in a straight line with the blades. Tbia meihod of cutting glaita baa often twen of aervice vt ln-n a diamond baa not lieen at band, for cutting oral* and aegmenu, and though the edge* are not ao amootli HJ* might IMT d.wired for aome pur(MMM, vet it will answer in a great many cae. The two hint* given alMite. if atrictiy followed, will always maure niece**. — IFc utlu J < at era lite .1,1, It, Wiorli AHSMILD IM- giteu t"> uervxua, aiMxier, • ltd Jrbdilalel |M-ra<,na —lutignntle 1 Ncln- Ins, oj utie*. *| je-tirn-a, tra comparatively iwlw 'Hie ayatem muat lie IMIIII up with * geiuunr Umlm* in ooter to llie ttx-osety ol rljftti on,l lnuiuihlv by the no vo A roune, aya leiualMatily pure,ied.4 the leathng iu, tgontnl Ifiartetter'a Sluourli liilter* abouhl be re artel to by llsw who suffer lean week nerve* and getn-ral debility. The atomarh, njwaja lU'MW or Irsaa dyspe|,lic in caaea ol her %ouaue"* and Itan ,4 vitality, la toned and re.' itlaled by thi* medicine until Ibe organ nrU with a peer-,"miii akin to tiuit >4 * aioady-goutg pince ,4 tiMrtuunalii. Complete dig eat 101 l and aasiuubilion are, Ihniutfli the mfiuence ,4 the Hitlers, followed by a gait, ,4 vigor and flesh, and the duuspptwritiice ,4 biliousness and inc. gulsiTt) <4 th, bowels, where such eiot.as they usually do. Appetite and sif">|, are then regained Indian llrpl rdalluos. The lair reader shudders when she think" ol (he settler'* w lie walehing. Iron: Ihe d,s,r of her mile hut, tlie ndrrwling l,,ui of her i u tmnd going out lo his daily I*l".r—going out partial", to reiurn not again, lor before nightfall a savage hand may !iae laid hint low Hiuong Ihr pratne grasses. Or it may be a child, a l.righl-e>e,l daughter, is "Hatched away iu su ui,guardat moiuenl. to grace the next war •tance. When we road Ihe hrwrtrending details ,4 these *a\age dey.reilatiuii*, we are apt to ti'anie the g.orrntfienl lor m 4 taking more klnrl proraul HUIS to insure the settler's pro lectn.n Hut wr 'laiiy mad <4 lb® depredation" ..{ that arrh-fWnd, eansunipliaa, wilhsimrvely alhiHighl ,4 llie ternhie innauls it is uiak'ng in human lile. l ens <4 thousands ul IKMUIW are annuatly dnsolami hy coDsutnption to one by Indian outrage lake tbe Indian, consump tion often mines stoalilulr. and n<> danger is apprehended until Ibe virlim suddenly finds hiiusell bo|Mdesal) eusnarod. and death's fatal arrow ends the scene 1 >r. fierce'* iww*ol th Kulnpy*. lUwumatieui. NVwrwgia. Iftandytua and 1 totality, lrout what ever the caiiac, and aW> aillil<*l citarwMw at* qaaediiy and |o nunnenll \ curtd. Sand fur ntriilar* t*i t'. I). l*lawan. M. I)., or F. 11* iioldattittli. Havana. N. V. Jedae tar Itr -coding I hi rt-B>e acuta, with ftgP.haight, onto- of mm and hair. yon will racpiv* by ra "ini oul • eoTivt t an organ wi'.hout aving thnaa. For rough* and tbmat diaordara. uaa • Brown * Bronchial Trorhaa." having proved thair cfHcicney by a teat ot many year*. 1 wwtity-flv* cent* a hot. CHKW Th* CalahTatad •• Man tit-aaa" Wood lag l'.ug Toitcoo. Tua Plow mm Totww Ooarutt, New York. B<*ton and Chicago. The MwtdfllwohnPiano *"*, No. 21 Kaal lith street. N. Y.. aall Ptanua at Factory l'nctw Write lor a catalogue t'huwjarkeoii e Be*t Swee-t Navy lotiarco PAPER blll.l. EllH vtl.K. P. • a* I .* at lati-aalar. 1 H t ft-at-, .aa* lltit. now la oprrmUoa The p ant romp are tan arte* of lan J wlUi ft 1 pmr of roar, wtlti IMwt head. Two-atory ram* Hi ;, eum aitr, aimeiea - lam. alorrboeaa. al.ed*. eraieo, ftc. Tha R II contain. oea 72 nh ■' cylinder. Rhe. Barton ft Pale#' machine. complete; fottf Mo-fk*tcnd heating engine,. lil Utatiia ctlttarn, calender* reel*, one V howe power holler; and all the appliance, for running the Mill. Straw P : rote at k Wood at t: Excellent freight contracO go wtth the Milt, which la now on wrapping. Owner# baa* other baatneaa. The property. which ta valuable, will be aold at a ftr price and *1 * terrain Al! unjoine* by ai: promptly anawered. ftddrna IIKS'KT O. RRNT. Treaeurvr I.ACAtT*X N H . I*7B THE MARKET. saw voaa. llrd Cattle—Med. Native#. Itva art ■ **# MS C.lvea St. to Milk.. OJ '4 •*** EEL: Sg Hoo Idv. V 4 Dtrated ... 44s r.OUr-Kl. Staid'. to fancy.,,. 4 40 *4 S 5 Wcatcrii. jfixxl to fancy..,... 4 4 " 0 Wheal No. 1 Red I •* I JJ White Slate. . . 11* '4 arc. Southern Yellow. 43 i 4 43 Oata—White State "Ad 4* Ml*e*B'4 88 Butter —Creamery Extra..... IS c 4 If Choree New York Factory.... ... (',* 01 1 petroleum—Crude... Ott (A Oft Refined—'Vila BiWTOH. Beef—Cattle, live weight. 04*<4 C4V Sheep 04 14 '• Hog* ..... 04tg(4 Oft Flour —Wiaoouelii nct Minn. r*t... 6 00 <4 8 U0 Coru—Mixed and Yellow 4 (4 4Skgi (lata— Ettra White...... v.. 43 (4 4 Kve-SUte .. 63 14 "ft 1 Wool—Waahed, Oomhiug 4 Delain*. 37 (4 3' Tnwaahcd •• " 3 Ka 3fi BKTOIITOS (M*.) CATTt-R HABKCT Beef —Cattle, live w.iglit '"H lamle ft Sheep 08*# 08 | Hift '4* l 0 MAM'S FRECKLE, TAN AND PIMPLE BANISHER. A few applications of this preparation will re move freckles, tan, sun burn, pimples or blotches on the face, and render the complexion clear and fair. For softening and beautifying the skin it has no equal. Price 50 cts. Bent by mail, postpaid, for 75 cts. Address John F. Henry, Curran & Co, 24 College Place. N. 7. EXODUS la Ui. baM lands. la t bail nllnaa, wrtfc Mas Sa* narkaa* aad aa Ma mm tsraaa, aMu Ma at Panl j a Maauaba hi. < Una fet Paai A Paalßs ' 3,000,000 ACRES Mainly la <*• full RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHS NORTH. CJa wad tea. lav yn mm aad aaa M ,M>. Pn yum am* tall lafaraMa aalM Ixa I a D. A. MoKINLAY, Land Com'r, r. a.a a. a>. m. r M i. aim. CURED FREt. I 1 Aa mfa..'t.i* and sasuwliad Bswady fsi I 11,.l lAlra,, a, > •lUagMckaMa wmrrahlai U> edm a ay U >M eicaa auknt < fdlll " A free baa,la •• of ■! IIIV renowned ape- m. aad a eaiaabla |3b Treat!#* U U, at, eußeret I O .alia a, la rUaM b ■* (Mai SSa 08. ■ Ii tunn Ibd Pearl MnM, Saw Tart Tr AQ| A..KAD w | ai.i. tiitJ riait raa errr baa, (aula 4m,i from Uaa laicnm a, Ma.l , (t>a oauai „t M pat. ran tea t< (Mink I and lama Hutetr ALL gkrRKBA CILALuK* FIW Sj Urmia Kfcgß Tlii' Ureal Amerlraa Tea Caapaaj, St am I tsft Mrtet, Mew Work f U Pki* IJtA I MILITARY || and Baal r,iaa mut ABBA'ihit A inillllan wrlaliw, lot a.; Iluu of HUB lAMBU bI T v. , o- ledtiea >a the mom HnTSRII 'M, of IKPBMSV. M Bl'PI 1A salt mim M nun MATIML a IDS* I a 0,.M-tra:Aji:A.N< ah UP. ill \ii S CAI.I it KB and a-. Ilna, if tbr PIAMpM Mia BaM wary- | aiwfa. Band fed tamjd. rl 11 a holla H. Ik. IOWLK, Banian. •fff >f a ff, Miau tatl ban laiiad la da li/ II A ill Hum a H.a>rd| f| rl LA I sorely do, ■ 11 linala ballla.. aba a-e afllirtrd WIUI pruM. " . Iharaar. K. Iwf . BiaiMe • atiJ I marj I Ha-aa> llaaatl'a Am rfTlTl Wtawll cart, lliat i Bliinn II I Ul> rC Iwoti'ww and ItUßiioaol U1 flLIi *?£ a a* V- hai!4ri awl f rotary t> f ana art rnrad by llaal . H'mrl) . Try Hunt a Htaird,. wf f i.a|d: .lb' M El IAUL r-oeuenra. K t HOMES IN THE WEST! Kirinls I* Lincoln, NekraaAt, Itnaa Saw lark aaad Srw Lajlaad Ik* j Third Tuesday In rarrr Jloulk nnlll Dt o„,ir. I.xanlaa %o M In, M%. f. Tnrulai. Jal, U.'JB. Fair shoot half M* i rein Ili tfeiw a.i SrM-* **• *> AouwlAtKi rusnfr !h i I *f UtplnW award ai 14 in.!'# EIMMMa and alI hna. If* ( >aU l>, ImnMa M .ll.trklrirlln A 1 e.,N Y | AI.LITI WXITLII 1 OH • B 4 1 h from* ffcr MOITH mf HF.1.1,. Bi uaa who hat baas ttm I •Himr and fmll mf flaw MOVHTAI'HK." li, Ua Bar.iaiva 8iw1.,, tanaM. '• Hamanflba mm m P. A. aatatl J*. I." By JanaA Ainn'a artfa. Ft thrwa 1-nrbirai and twabwa: ja baoha oat Airab.' yoa ,as pal Ua. , is rramrtwre. Bad bnat firm A'ldrvwa !>,: Armey. AMKhk'AX FTBUBiICVI. r< Hartford. OL Thkafo. IT. P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORYo^EWORLD It rmitAtft* IT*J flttr kWuncA ♦ Oi*rsi ;n*s and IIMMI "tret diifctdr of Uir Wc .a m? jhji- tfcbest It tel iai akgh; | Srti 1 f. f Bjvs ••ner. |*Affr* ad e-xtrs IrfW to ArtU. tftJ MT I*j 11 M • !lef this a&> oltif-r bo-il A'HTHR. NA-i *A : Pfk 'KUI ■ FT auU pi- ix PA V kIUTITTItIAM nciNCt waiLf V Um4mm*4mw*mmUol IWoilliW ■ V fate t lOr.< IW rfaeelee BH4 pndO iR, W ' to Tm Was Mstot Un asir T MHB tB. Hart a* ..f tba Hn*tl n 11-apu foi ItilKkan. has i a,,a II **• :„! ". lhar'a ,i ao cloaa'T Uaal infant- 1 •' Iwarwd ai l and, raarad a, aairai, npna It 1bmB A Hamlin Cabinet Orran rVm. t.A ata.l bawt by nt AMMliaa O-cana rrrr award ad bicbaat hon unilai< aorh Bold for aar. or nata nanta luna •rtti, i iiiuta, ur Orraiart *:Ui n w atjiaa aad pooaa. a-tit fraa MAO.V A HAMLIN I'ROAN 00. K u n. Naw Var, <* ,'hirafo PI •' Tkr lurikaa. •.IMMI In nar. B V..| C:i trtn*iw4 tn II yaaiw On ertfw.Oaat j •V Ri • ilim, ieai. HJS. ; , fill 'M.y Itlrklnaoaa. - IT" '' I la. • ' rwlrr. - - Mf I H UT , I'rloaalw,. - MAI a, T P.. Ilnaori t <'<• If- h oala.N I | w=Br- Ttrnr BBUITTI SIOSO sioo Proartitiaai rrlnrta rrrry arark on llorl Option# al |ai. - WML - 1100. . A. 'MB, Rri- ta a< iVir'an fraa Ad.traaa T enTTl* wt'iKTl Co.Hankan.•• Wall St..k-* I 5 j Ba will par Afawi. a Nalarr -f dim pM aiuu'-n and , aii.ra a. o, allow a larf* ronmiaaSoa, U a.;I onr aaw and wooUarf .l larrati.na. > aw aU wm. Barn pla hw. Addrwa aULLM AN A ID. katabali. Hick. (■■■MHItoMAMMAMbA- ,1T rnwf icTh n KIODERSPASTIUfS VOUNC MEN I a, ,;th Brrrr rradoal. sua-arta. a parlnf altnn on. A t,lran, R ValanUaa Maswfrr Jatwarlllr. ** j nana , nnn'"""- 1 >" **■' st "*a Jlu IU ylwU u ,~ atplaUUM ararjthtnf Addma, BAITRR * O|T.. Hankrra. IT Wall Bt. X.T To Carriage Painters I I'se SHmaon * Co.S CBiritire Varnlshe*. I ID Rlik airrrl. Itoaloaa. *!•■ VERT I'AIJt KKKR W.IKEIKO. IHRABI.K TAR KINHHL AN It vr.RY BRILLIANT. Chapman's Cholera Syrup ... 11. arol, rt. Iba-rhaa and Sumnw: I'ompialnta of CkiMran P-i,. (Mr UKUKiiK MiaißE. Bropnator. IS,rat I'a 't. N 11. Sold h, nil Dnifflata. A, An |wr Id rnlnf WllnHOprr |la> ®1 IU ipA n,'an trad to in nrtrtoua raraona of !110-r -at at thrir wnkMM. Addraaa with atamp. Frr.lrrlrk Hrpp, . Rrlrtsr|M,rl. Conn. BOOK FREE! U " v -tatup ME MCA I PIBPEN S ATORT. Mattla Craaß.loch ..a/, AIMTTH ItrnltttanlMl Wbnt S.BKII aalltaf artirlratti iba worl L ooa aamplrfraa. t'l-r- JU It Hi i\ Si t \ lVtrolLMlcb nIA !•.*%.—With Mamu t'litsu. What roaU d Uj In eta. arlla rapidly for .VI rt* Cata'.ofOe fra* DIU St Namwraa. 119 Waah-r S< Rnabw Man. HWEin TO r. k. im II A ID., Port.and V|a Mil Main*, for hw*t Aramy Una:naw In Ihr Wnlllf World. Rxprtauvr Onlflt Prrr. nnillil Hnbll dt iikia"¥liilli Thon lIMII PM aandariiryl. low—t Prtiwa. Do not fa) Ul IM IYI to write Dr. K K. Marab. ljuibt y. Mlcb FIH'H FT DICTIIITA HV, .TO.IMIO Wonihaji, l,r. Fnnlr'a llaalth Tlwntklv, na yaar IMk Mnaaat Htit Pra C,,.. HAW K. Bnth Al . Naw York CQQhn*rlAß. Haw la Rata It. ka Apwwa OOOUU —" KW A ritka*. at Uala Ma A -.-i— ■■■■■ -— — ONLY SI.OO. A prrt TlnM>kMW, HmOm-Pm., ud W*TT n.*T* to %£?£!!? to d-ao! Itmt ti arrttrarolr 11 a $K# Chronometer Wtffc, *.•* will fire l * # '"f* iTH* ll •!•• contain* a FIKhT.iUhS CO*TIM. worth ae* U* pfi— wy rw Mrvh4lca, nctee) Tra.-hrr*. Trmllm a.d Fanner*, ll I* t4Ut>onanbl*. ' b T Si uQ rvi. aul*£? and in many ca.a n*>r r,.,aU* Iky*, Ifcint •fill A Huniinf-* ana Wach and _*>* •iutt lIjIIUI. fciUl'll Waft H la u*rd be .. H. r.nor*, frforlpal • Urn barina*owe Mlfi! *?! _***?* tin□ *ll tt> wtMOt* thr..a*haut tht initod Utai*-, and •* toattard to *• I n-keep*r •* la routed. TU* 80LAIM* RAFH WaTC U reared a w-dat at the Machaaua Fair, atJpMJWI w- TW* to no lor. but la mad* on xtenitflc prtorfnloa, and erory aftwwhWA Ufjvk* u rauod. .. . Tb- sOI. Alti.H A f'H WiUH ami iMaIN * o** *• any anr*o* rar SIOO. .AddreM plainly, HUP f/i ANUFACTURINC CO., Boston, Macs, hy ' 1 >hi K. prc-pr Hi LIIT or OIMKAMKA ALWATB I I UABI.K BT I'fflN MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. or iriiK ruas. or abuuis. I Rhtamal lnl, trialrhw, Bamaaad Menials. bar,, and alalia, ailing and Hlfaa, ftpartn, Crnakn, I Cut# and Bralwa, Mcrrw Mam, Ortaka tpralna * nillrhaa, I'aal Hart. Maaf AO, I aalrarlrAMattlaa lanrMN, •MIITJnInAs, iwlanf, Fwlm Horkarhr, Ipralal. Mdmlw, l>nptld,ns, Mnra I'aat, 1 1 rw#t Ultra, MtlMHnaa, . ! and all ratrtsnl damn andawary hurtwandAmd l ot |ftn-nU ua la |amlly,al*Waniid alndb yaid Mb TTtr. Bt'jrr or mix LINIMENTS iMMtr tiiiiirm "nrr^" : ""' r SDIKHER MUSIC BOOKS. ITHE GOSPEL OF JOT! mm. last onL umi farortlr. GOOD NEWS! mow Vail known, always awL SHINING RIVER! Tary haaaMfil aaaaa Si GEMS OF ENGLISH SONGI** a 4 Bam torn* etiIMKM. f < CLUSTER OF GEMS! mm 1 I Cagftal nana Pwaaa s * GEMS OF THE DANCE! £ I MrCHant VaUatßAc. I Llraaaf BO VM,. Rteßßii Ada f . nan f> 7t aad oUwra. wort lakafwoag, aim I_ jwaw, Jkwar w Mte 1 rot, ant (UM,. ■ f Malawi Mwartf. ® ooa4 raadlag; ansa a C mat ail Ow hswa. and Ana srnrMan V bmR 1 i Msrrs. srruaa.' far rsfaraaca IM koala Any MM* waltad far Mali grtaa OLIVER IHTiMIN * CO., BMI*M. c IMb rikllnda I pMkau H t II W* First LaUblhbrd I Mas* Marena.fat 11 TBKTR INBTRI MR.VTS bar* a Standard Tains M a ths Leading Markets Of the World BwrTWberr raoegted aa Ma riXCBT IN TONE OVER 80*000 dad, and In nan. Saw Daaw™ constantly, to Waft and Lowrsl rwa mtr Band fnr a Cbtakwna. Trcßnt SltppWiltla St Itshkitss / *s*x v *" w *"<*• \ / .V/ Aid toMR X A /#SETHTHOi*S>^\ ifCLOCKS> V TOWEKS, ] Vi Tj\ OFFICES, /if r / V J'X HOCSEH. /b / N- / CjAPONIFIER b tks Old Krliable Cnncwntmtndl Lya FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING DlrrrtMna aumtapacyinf wt aw far waktac Hatd Soft and ToCr, Snap wntrklr rr it rvu. wxwmt axp snutxerß. Tha Banrt n Soadad w sn (BP-aslisdi C dxrnanw I.yr. wbk-b Is ads.tPfaU-1 SI aa'l and rats, and aaw AA r/ MOXBT. AAV. Iff TB* Saponireß MADE HT Tim Penaiylvanift Salt Macufg Co.. fHII, 4 fkKl.rWl A ■ r.wJWnnty of Pollak. Baring Labor. Orutlnaw, ißunhtliii and iTwaporaaJ nvqnated Jlulink iiuAHtoFroprtrUrra.Cnntowbits* THE WEEKLY SDN. A large, elchl-pate paprr of A* I road nlaw. wh be sent postpaid W any a.l.lrea, until ianaary Ist UNO, . FOR HALF A DOLLAR. Addreu THB SI N. N T. City. Tbk dafn-Hawa bMMkkad IMB PENSIONS. Haw Law. Thoaaanda of SoldWra and hen eotftladL Peoaiona dale hark to Jbcbaryr or dealb. Thaw tandML Addieaa with atainp. I.FORUK K. LEMON, P. O. Drawer MS. Wnabtnatnn. D. C. g\dT?Mi WARRIR BRO S CORSETS V tt ' Jttm ' .1 M. lal I mil- IXl'O-IT'.oV Bpftir V I.KX IBLEHIT fWNIT 4bnr vrvF %W fclf Mre|J t*. J> it IMPROVED HEALTH CORSET M >r TZWWk. • ■ ' fft >| 14 wt aa 1 B.UkJ. aad oaalaMa aa Tlil/a'/ Prtre tr mall, ktto Xsll( IJr Per rale by alltaadlaf awdaaia \j> WARNER BROS.. ISI ErMdWBV. K.t Rrerrthln* Untbl required iu*vry--laelile. Neotber eduratloti o aatlafail iy. ,'rl:onw:r larpe. rai'tllty leader* tn their iperUlitea. Can'*- atadr romi-'ete. Circa lam Irea. L- L WILI.IAM *■ PreaMen'. 0"eW A YKAK.n l rxpeiu- e '• Mißla. uuu use ™ ill) ' unala. Maine. ffle* am,nth aad eSßrnsr* guarantee 4 1" -aeb #JJd 4 itn.at r-e tnawAfk,. imer. n.,-