THE CENTRE REPORTER Centre HaH July '24, 79. T4F"TKRMS.~ $2 per year, WAEN paid in idranee; $2.50 when not paid in adranee. Advertisements 2CW per linefor three in ffriiont, and 5 eent*per line for every sub sequent insertion. Advertisement* hp the a liberal discount. Subscribers outside the county should re mit us U) cts, amount of one year's posh age. instead o/'AVfs as formerly when paid by themselves. Subscribers can always tell how their !jt on or hof.'re foil moon * 3 P M an.t ererf two eroh* ft#r, * Keller Ms.tor. UiiStSK RtSOF*. Beet Mr. Michael Shafer, of Nittanv, father of ex-Sheriff Shafer. died on It, aged S8 years. He was highly respected and one of the old residenters of N iltany valley. The Centre County Pomona Grange of the Patrans of Husbandry will meet at Centre Hall on Tuesday the Mh of Au gust, at 10o'clock A M., and will be in session during the day and evening. -—For dried and canned fruits, cured tneats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens ware, stoneware, and hundreds of other things, the best in market, go toSechler's, in the Bush house block. Buy groceries ef C. Diners, Centre Hall. Arcberv goods, of the finest and bast make at Deachners gun shop, Belle font e. Archery i becom ing th * rage an d one of the plea&antest pastimes ot the day, .sad if you want a Vow and arrow go to Dcschner. The semiannual election of officers for the Y M. C. A- of this place, will be held in their Hall, on Monday evening July 28, IST'd Evany member should make it his business to be there en that evening, without fail, to vote for officers for the ensuing six months. By order of the Association. Before yau go te Bellefonte to buy groceries, price goads at G. Dinges' store in Centre Ball, where al! goeds are fresh and sold at Baliefonte prices. The Osceola (Clearfield co.) Reveille says that a large tree which was hurled to the ground by the storm, which was very severe there too. in its descent struck a boy named Walter Carothers, aged about 11 years, and instantly killed him—every bone in his body having baen broken. Another boy who was with him narrowly escaped the same fate. have a first class article to boot, hop right in to Secbler's grocery and get your coffee, sugar, tea. cheese, malasses, ham, beans, rice, soap, or any thing else you want in the line of groceries You never miss it when you go to Sechter's. THE Howsu IRON- WORKS BVRNKB— -1,600 Porxos or MOLTE*- METAL UPSET AND srr FIRE TO THE BVILDIJIOS—TWO MLN BADLY INJCRED.— Many of the im provements and additions to the Howard Iron Works, of which we spoke a few weeks since, as being then in progress, have been completed, and a few days since fires were lighted in the old furnace stack and the new cupola. All was oper ating with great success, and work was being executed with wondeaful dispatch when on Tuesday afternoon last all was brought to a sudden and disastrous ter mination by reason of the burning of the buildings connected with the furnace and foundry. It seems that by some unaccountable ac cident a ladle containing about sixteen hundred pounds of melted iron, which the fcundrymen were about to pour into a mould, fer the purpose of making some of the large castings for the new mill, was upset, and the liquid Iron coming in im mediate contact with the sides of the wooden building, set tbcm on fire instant ly . The entire foundry building was in a moment, and tbe fire commu nicating to tbe bridge and wheel house at tached to the furnace, all the buildings weie in a few moments reduced to ashes When the metal left tbe ladle it instantly spread over the floor of the building, and in its swift course, seriously burned two of the employes. Mr. Butler is most se verely injured. He has two painful burns on bis right side, and both of his feel are sadiy injured, particularly the left foot, the shoe of which was filled with melted iron. Mr. McCartney, the foundryman, also received some severe burns Both men are suffering much, but under the care of l)r. L R. Henszel will receive every attention which kindnes? and skill can prompt By the*active and efficient exertions of employes of the works, and citizens of the place who happened to be near, the coal houses, with their contents, were saved, or the loss would have been much more serious Democrat. Justices ©f the Peace can raw bring iuit for any sum not exceeding three hun dred dollars as heretofore. By addressing or calling at the Howe Sewing Machine office, Milesburg. Pa., you can hare your Howe machine put in good running order, free of charge. William Wilson, of Clearfield county Willed his twelve-year-old sen in" a fit of anger a few days since, by striking biro over the head with a hoe and then jump ing upen the lad's body. Wilson is now in jail, At the coach shops of Jno. T. Lee, Centre Hall, can always be seen samples of his work that compare with any vebi cles brought to this county from else where. The greatest care is always used in the selection of material; all work warranted, and prices low. Get your drugs and medicines at Frank Green's and you have them fresh aDd pure, and from the oldest and most reliable druggist in the county—and there is a great deal in that. Fancy and toilet articles of every kind always on hand. HORSEH, COWS & POULTRY—Feed them well and give them German Horse and Cow Powder to enable them to digest and assimilate what they eat. For sale by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. lOjul 4t The How Sewing Machine. The world renowned sewing machine. Over 100,000 .old in 187". The most perfect machine in the world at the lowest possi ble price. Ifyouarein fayorofany par ticular machine, at least examine the Howe before you pure ease- Highest Med al at Centennial Ex hlbition. What we claim in substance, is that this is an bon est machine, and if put in your family will do any and all wt>rk perfectly.—Will last a lifetime. Terms of sale the most liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, who is the only authorizlllolll, Mr. ('only is Mow last im ' proving from what was in a fair win to out! his Hfe Cancer is ilitlieult to | treat ami low phv-ioiaus umicrtuko lo treat it. Dr. Fisher lias niatlo tlie treatment of cancer a specialty iVr maiiv years, ami to his -kill Mi I'on ly owes the preservation of his lite, IVrsous w ho stiller from cancer should make a note of this. —We have in our oslice a new pat ent adjustable sieve, that 1- a simple ami useful article iu the household and farm. One Sieve will answer for tlour ami all small seeds, being read ily adjustible to uiake tin meshes line or coarse. The sieve i- made alsfi for all kinds of grain You need but see it to appreciate its merit. The Meshes or Holes iu the two Sieves can readily be adjust* 1 |oi all! purposes, for separating rye, cookel,! Ac., from wheat ; for sitltug tloui, timothy and clover -eed, and tor sep-j aramig seeds from berries. lomato<.-, Ac. By once placing grain in tin sieve it gets two sittings bv the time ii leaves the sieve, taking out both cnai-e and liua dirt, toul seeds, Ac.' But two rictYS are lequirmt one for Flour and all Small Seeds, and (lie other lor all kiuds of tlrain. The Trade and Agent will he supplied on reasonable terms. Send for Circular and Price List. Address, Milt, n Sieve Manufacturing Co., Milton, l'a —A child of Mr. Sam'l Barr. of Tyroue,died of dvptheria, at Mr. Sti-: ver s near Ceutre Hill, 011 Monday The family were in this vicinity 011 a visit to friends at the time. ITKMS. —Stover's Fork's House at Coburu is fiuud a good stopping pla. ej by hunters and llsheruieu. D. F Luse is at Aitoona putting up one of his newly invented hydrants. Ihe Centre Hall -oho I house i- having some improving touches added, !> aii term of P. Y. lustituto commence- Moudav. Chas. Kmerick has opened a large school at Plcasaut (.Jap. —We had some hue thunder show ers on Tuesday afti rnoo-i and night, which were refreshing and beneficial —We have enclosed printed slips it* the papers of many who are in ar rears, aud would 1 -teem it as a special l'avor to have them receive proper at tent'ou at this time —it is our hands who need pay. The '"Mountain Uome," will ap pear in our uext. A Southern lady has willed Jeff. Davi* property to amount of |2*>O,-ok out knife, cut off hi:- own kg, bound it up with hi, -ash, drag ged hir*eU alone the ground to his ca noe, and paddled home to hi- wigwam ot. a distant is'.aad- There the car of bis wounds was completed, and he is still! alive. NEWSPAPER LAW, Newspaper law says if a person orders his paper discon tinued be must pay up all arrearagt or the publisher may continue to send at <>n and finally collect tho whole amount, whether the paper is taken lrom the peal office or not. Also action for fraud can be instituted against any person, whether he is responsible in a financial.way or not. who refu-es'to pay - .I'--; ripti n due for r. publication COUNTY COMMITTEE-1879. Beilefonte. North ward—l)./.. Kline Blliltmtl. Wt ward William ii:i l |"'r. Beilefonte. South ward— Aulh >r Brown. Mileaburg—Au-tin .Mct'lain. Unionvillo—A T Leathers. Howard Boro— Howard Brieklcy.* Philiptburg— L C I.ingle. Bcnner —Richard t - nlv. Boggs—Joseph L Nen. Burnside—Oscar Holt. College—M ichael Grave. Curiin—William Mann. Ferguson, old precinct—Albert Hoy. Kerguson. new precinct— O. M. Sheets. Gregg—William A. Kerlin. Hauie*—John 0. Stover. Halfmoon—Elli- I-ytle. Harris—Fergus I*o'.ter. Howard—William Yearick. Huston—Daniel train. Liberty—William H. Gardner. Marion—l 8- Fraine. Miles—Cvrus Brumgard. Button —Agnew Sellers. Penn— F P Musscr. Potter. North precinct—Jno. Shannon. Potter, South pre net —Wm. From. Kush-T. J. Dunkle. Snow Shoe-J. II Holt. Spring—Perry Gentzel. Taylor—Samuel Hoover. Union—John H. Stover. Worth—George R Wiilinmi Walker—Samuel Decker. D. F. FORTNKY, Chairman. The following i- the new apportionment: of delegates to the different boro's and township-: District*. No. vote*. No. del. 1 Beilefonte. N. W 84 2 Beilefonte, S W 11l 2 15 Beilefonte, W W..._ *>2 4 Howard Borough 4'' 5 Milesburg Borough... 30 ff Philiptburg Borough. 141 "• 7 Unionvilie Borough... 32 8 Benner Township IfiO 0 Boggs Towntbif fC3 10 Burnside Town-hip... 11 Curtin Township >'2 12 College Town-hip 74 13 Ferguson—old I<>'l 3 14 Ferguson—new A6 15 GreggTownship 270 5 16 Halt Moon Township. 17 Haines Township 207 18 Harri* Township 121 19 Howard Township..... 00 20 Huston Township 51 21 Liberty Township 57 1 22 Marion Township '-fit 2 23 Miles Township 240 5 24 Patton Township 41 1 25 Peon Township. 2KH 0 26 Potter, North Twp... 173 27 Potter. South Twp..._ 101 4 'JU Hush Township 160 2 29 Snow Shoe Township. 76 2 30 Spring Township 191 4 31 Taylor Township. 18 32 Union Township 09 1 33 WalkerTownshij alht •' 34 Worth Township 70 J 3,827 77 D. P. FORTNBV, Chairman. Phfl;nix Pectoral will cure your cough. Pho.n iz Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly, l'btenix Peciorzl tastes gocd and brings rest Phrenix Pectoral costs 26 els; H bottlessl. Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Ilall. A new double thread shuttle sewing machine, works by hand or treadle, for 1 sale or trade at this office; Warrant ed. . THE DESTRUCTION <>F °UK Fyii liSTS. r Ol :i desolation which U recorded In buck ot'the d -v# of. Roman or oven Urn |\'itn glory, w rend thnt " man *'• I' , i mou* according as lit) had liftt-1 up axe' lupon the thick tre< In thodiij* whw American lot, da were i • uli t .'.I pliuti , i"sl!y limitless,ur latinos were tar too la mou- l>r lifting up x< upon the thick t; ops, and the roi-ullant <■ now upon ti>, like the Philistines upon jSamson. This destruetn n ottie* up, o u in many loruu, mo i iii which ioi, in wet -rapidly ,nil tarribijr cumulative Here i u beautiful stream <>t water, >r example, which uni a great element o! wealth t the region thldUfli wh, b it t' wed. it uiiKbt not on y have continued t i ', but to b.ivi j'atllcd 111 tiseb; i.e.- 11-teiid of being either dead it surely and awtlliy pit,,i UK nw.iv Tint tiumbi • • nu.i- i> • km on tbo bill, w. in worn the -pro , uliiiib grew int. rivulet* t' i. < 1 i. base beeu stripped i : the nubtureoooßoiu - • mg verdure with which the t .oalor , lutbfil tl.pui, *: ii o the spring* ittoilri, ami the riils 1:0 let-gor tiiurntur tbi r , i.i <• gad songs f labor ' they h.vtoiudd wi .the valley* to turn the mill-wheel* ot me ,liatuv'al industry. In tbi* one matter -> -destruction of hydraulic power with whu t Ave bate hi .11 already smilltMl, hundred' |fi null on* i i il. iia. i • annua! dmg< iiit* been tin d i tbe actuiti result tha, j ibis dry ing up of the stream* i attribute blenot only chiefly to deforesting, bui allium solely to it, eommon-sMtiso whiti to, so tact, the very essence . t both faci philosopht roust make plain to ever, mint), isasll IK'J* tie -piiCa- ' f' l "d 1 belli economic ally, it shi*ulii be gentle ami irequcnt, not tioleiu and *1 long it•-r --vols. Intelligent forest engineering wouiu rnjuiro that suih portion ot hi'is be eloth* ed ttitli M nmmleofgreon trei" ae by it eoolinjc iiitluenio it would more treijuetil* | ly *o contrct the Mtrtel spenjii as to uiti K shew, rs at short itiurvalv Tbi* is the case in !ofel-ciolheJ, Ui-aiitiiul Brita: bbe reverse i- true in tree-stripped IspMtn. whose people have become as priterbia lor their litr< it of trees s their i uctry lias for sterility ot toil and slei-piiiß streams. There, and on ea tward ■ through tbe t)r;eiit, a relentlessly brilliant skv and an appalling absence ei verdu'O will trsch oao n oothiiiit *' t !i how beauli'ul are clouds lb*', weep, and, in in proper time, how deiiviou* a arirciing rainy day. These deforested Kr.stern lands arc as tutu ..-for s -asen* of blinding storms. ar.J valley* torn by terrible tor rents, as they are for the reverse, i• ey will toon tind their counterpart in aillbeie charactris. .• iti America, unless we rouse ourselves with a wiil to uadertaad and t>- master the evil*. Torcsts promote streams available fer our precious manu facturing interests, a'.si, by furnishing vast and almost innumerable bed* e! fal len leaves and of moss, which act u t. i earth hko a Lage overlying tponge, to check the tudden rush of the rain tall in to the valleys and down into the stream*. 1 Very rapidly in recent year* are m ur: - ful instances multitdyin.; in which ti.e-el manufacturing stroatn- arc trans form d j by freshet* from spirit* "f ble-iing tu give homes and fa i and clothing t > thousands j who live in tbe hamlets, by turning the! machinery which helj-stluin by the r la bor to help themselves—to den. ns c! de *truetion Forests also promote inch steadiness ol flow of the stream as U n>a j them sources of national wealth in giving I employment to (killed labor, by prevent- . ing the rapid evaporation of m .it.ire.k Probably more than half t' • water that fall* on a deforest* 1 region in a dry *s- -a is wh.-ked iff br evaporation .I -1 ut the liote wheft it is most nee led to strengthen, the depleted mill-streams The *t*aui*i a gino, to he of any prai ate as am v* power, mst have its act; m c •• tro . sd bv tbe c.tnserva'ive influence of the balanc • ' wheel, tuherwise it* wheel* would whirl at one time with a fury which *. uld re c •u t only in de*truetii>n, then they would move toe 1 wly t * of - rvic Thus the'orci - . by in rea-ing the fr paen- ; cy of gentle rain*, and o d ra.'g the volume and tho length of iatervais . - '.men *hwers, a - > by regu.ating tl oir . too sudden plung- into the stream*, is the great regulator provided by nature lor their onlD .n the rvice vl man. Aii ever the manufacturing p rtis .- of cur .untry n.-y • i ir.-ta - . ■ wi. • amount* ot capital hate been invested to develop and m .ue av *.i \1 .couron c in", g niflcent and aim "t n imberle-* hydraulic power*. Trusting to what ®*aie i a cer tainty of employment for ibem-clve* at d their famines, thot.-and* of -Wv j lab >r ers have in many ca- -* coohdingly m. i<* their home* at a i- int where the strt nn me 1 abundantly powerful and perma nent. Then, as the summers cani" and went, the river-eetued tosi ..<-a, ami gr w more and ni *re treble, till there would be a week or two e. h y ar in wh h t • spindle* and the lo uu would be sili-nt. As time went on the*e periods of idleness, have lengthened intoin.mtk in whi h the labor struggle for bread and . lothing, for tueans to pay f r the humb'e little home, or debts incurred in *, was compell ed so be -u-por. it-1, The cause of a'l Ibis was that tbo sources of the river s life hail been destroyed or injured by the igno rance, cupidity, or* of me;, who "lifted up axes on thothick trcis" tar up the mountain*, where tho uiill-streams had their birth.—G. AV Pow cut, in J' -• per'* Mag>: nr far August. TATTLERS AND SLANDERERS Every cominunitv is cursed by the jires cneo of a class ef people who make it their concern t<> attend to everybody's busini > but their own These poopin are the meanest specimen* of humanity Provi dence permits to live. It i known that a large class of persons are disposed to speak ill of other*, and taitiing is n sin of which few can he entirely exempt, but there i- a distinct clas* of tattlers who make tale-bearing tho constant aim of. [their lives. They pry into the private af fairs of every family in the neighborhood; [they know the exact state of enu noigh bvr's feeling toward* another ; they under [stand everybody'* fault*; no blunder or | impropriety iiscape* their vigilant watch fulness. They are particularly posted up lin everything connected with courtship | and matrimony—know who we to marry aiirl can gues* the exact time when it will takii place. They watch every movement of parties suspected o< matrimonial yiten , lion ; if there is the slightest chance to i create a disturbance, excite a jealousy or break up match, they take immediate j advantage of it, and do nil in their power 'to keep in constant vexation. They go I from gentleman to* lady, (rem mother to i daughter, from father to son ; and in the 'ear* of ail they pour black and bitter whispers of blunder and abuse, and nt the same limo pretend to bo the sincere friends of those they talk to. Their black and nauseou* pills of malicious slander are baited with smile* and professions of love. Tattlers nre confined lo no particu lar class f society. They belong to all classes, and ppcrate in all. We have them among the rich nnd among the poor tho "upper ten" and "lower million"— in the church and out of i'. They re people who have no higher mohi ion than to he well informed in regard to other people's business ; to retail scandal to the in ighb >r* and exult in fiendish triumph* over the bruised heart and wounded feel ing? of a victim. Contempt of such grace* le*s creutorcj should know no bounds, and no words can cxpro.. U, infinity. What punishment they deservu we cannot know, hut God knows, and as sure as eternal jus -slice reigns they will receive retribution in , proportion to the magnitude of their of fense against the law of God and the in .torest of injured humanity. - - - ' Ex-feenator Ramsey oi iwiaaefcoU has ..been appointed Sec'y of .War in piuco jofM'Cary, refcigned. A GREAT FIND IN ROME. A writer in the London Athenaeum r say*: North of the UkA in the Farnesia Gar den* we have met with the remain* ef on* ' of the noblest private palace* of (Un time of \ugu*tu The date can he reckoned from the uL ettCU of bricks on the walls, ■jwlilih are of reticulated work, liko the ■ Muro To*to and th- ho i-; ol Geruiauicu*, ■ on tl. l'alatine. I hope the reader will i u ut not my w n Judgnient, hut that of the 'best archaeologist* wh • have seen the pis e, ulul who unaniiuuutly declare that it contain.- the finest and most perfect paintings evti di-COVCled ill the Ruioali world The room wh.h contains the painting- is !;i tel long, V feet wide and B Ifa#t h igti ,It < l mWIUBICaI4M W lib the other | apartments hytw *■ 1 • r-, three feet widi, leaving a paint d eurtaco o: .-.piare ;e*t, e*'b in eh hei; n perfect <>nder of art. Tho stirtac# u hrotu* Coi oii i ilc Near the In. he artist do sigi.snl pictures hung to the Wall, with their folding shutlc -; mw ■ le open, I some half ci sod. ihe p dure, represent dtt'. rciit i. cue*, *.nii as a declamation -chuol, a wedding, a hainpie'., etc. The iicutes are fimr incb* long, but so won* lerlul.y exo ited l Iho eyebrow* are disccmabl*. Tite purity . t design, tbe! lt. ngth and harmony of coloring, and the excellent priSclVatl. il of tho wbolt exceed belle!. In the centra of the walls' there are larger pi lures, b'.l as Vet onlj , •to • uiuoVcred. It rcpran-uu two fe males, one suing and one standing, both looking at a wilgel Inn" Th# fgure.-i are designi*.] in outline wdh darksubtitc color, each spa. a williin the outline being afterward tilled up with the proper tint, fhe winged love i* drawn in outline, and! eft unfinished. Toe i oiling of the room; - fallen in ,Je -o that we Lope to recov - j r almost all its ornamcutatiou. It wasi .•vet ! .b ba*-reliefs in marble stucco,! ... rthy i . tho paroling*. Ibe relief* arc j iv. ry tlat, so that tire uiost prominen'. points stand out not more than three mil-! meter- The artist might have inodcledj .be d iVeient sewne* by breaming oyer the stucco, - light, s • ger.tle and yet so Vi*:di, they arc. Froti the fragiueni* altcady recovered it appear* that the ceiling was! l aim iia', and divided into - puare*. lux- ;l eng. -, etc. The wot perfect scene repre- j, sent* the bordits of* rivet, or a small j pool, with villas, temples, shrine*, bnUl scattered under the shade of palm r *ye am ore trees, aad weeds of various doc rip- i tii . . Their foiiagc is waving gently with the irciio. I'eople are very busy ;' around. S. i.i< arejLshing with the rod*,j -.-tu "bat;.,ig, vut carrying water-jgr* | on the Lead. The fragment* already put < ■ ii iititii:i>. At Mi'.-burg. Juiv li'.b, by Rev. J K. . Shaver, Mr. J* hn W. Gets, of Lent out,;' *r,d M Cat A. Ttcaslcr, of Linden;, 11:. Co June V', leT'-h at Aar.uuburg, by ' Frai.klir: Dutwtlcr, Justice of the I'eacc, Mr K:o' -1 R "e t > Mis- Ain mda Reil- [ b tk of llain- - townbip. At the house of the bride's parent*. R kvi e, on t!e "JUti. in-t , bv Rev F. Auri. I, Mr. Vlvm Shuey n:. 1 Mti# Alice C*. t" ndo, botii of l'leasant tap iii:o. j I In tiregg twp.. on th- 10th ins-.. Mr*.[ M i-- 7. ■' wife of Mr John /.abler,i aged 01 years. **• months and 4 days. t K. F. Kuokcl"* littler Wine id" Imu . t.iv , r ! i:.t I? ®lr* tr ILC *l*; c'.'tif * *- h 9 *X%tif t r fjhd't r itwiiiai AB iM-ai buiapnlltti t**ifitttiti*!* r •kl t. j.. . j ,>rt lixo acfpel i -Cat* *t,d t flettd tt* N ll tliP U**Pf l* •<** - •i(ppKtLpfed ******* tail ai- * U i'*t lL< bL I-a* !•(♦* * 1 hi *ll **!•* •"! Ill#, •- i-Mlf) t Ic tblaM j t ,| |jjti a(Mttio*kl .ttw i ■ .'ifwUsi . j . gbl of (Jt-'O e a .VP fgloW *• Uac g,*fßatow j v:: i . *;.* >• -** > i st. I k iiX*l • s4 **• m> .alar t ? c > & r '** . , tu it a a - .! i> pi <;-n i*. K 1 KaaSel. > Soot. M'! I". A 4*!,* f ' u'lTttMS *\VtKMS. WD It MS. | I koe4*i'*W mSjiVf never Is Us -■ I i- a -. l *• mdG) W ..* •t- : ldtW ll u( 1 • . , . - ' r i ' •< : ' ' " ?•* . | . . ■ • = ! ■■ ■■■'!••'' I ~ •> ,-,!>Mi ~i*si s'lo't.a* • •■- oil*, I'liisaajl - /■.•***:. o*- HOI. ■■- ' •"•'• - -• "'V ' ' 1 C 0... s*M* • " '• 1 I •*• - w ; v wrtlw- r,l "f-rIW'.K I *. v!hcr' <■ ■•.%s of > r At H '" • A '-f ' f "a* V l ' ' Mid ' >l> r I I - N i*L %*titi H ■ I titU p. % Iti--* tf ti*U ftt>w Hfld t eftl MMil MARKETS. Philadelphia July "it —The foreign 1 new* has caused holder* of wheat and corn to adva; c their figure*. Oraiti Wheal i* unsettled and 1 cent , higher Sale*of S.OWi bushel* ; ineluditig new red v>d amber at $1 lSs*l I'M- torn p . .i, h.-'.ter dm and * 1 "uturw* are h ch. . it with sale- .f " not* bushel* spot, inciud- •; trig mixed a* 1V" or I l ' *- r| "*'' at 37M,:p*c . *ud white t SSJra.4oc. Cbic*a<, July Wbwl ■trong.!] higher; No. t Gnicag- -pring. Ht l-r cash ;jt Oil f'*r Augu* G irti at "'d- O'r ' , aah. t ab-dull "iTi' v'iTfc fcr cab. Lye i ( ATTLF. MARK! !' Philadelphii. July "J! Gallic dull; sale*, 'i TOO bead: extra C 'd ■Sib, medium 4{ -, common ! 4c C .. p d : • " - ■ ■•I. ■ g.i. s!< •• Chestnut. SI 2u sdßo Pen. $2 90 "5 /tANCER REMOVED AVITUOI T \_y lvni!, and. in fDOit caes. without ~ain. Apply t>C. P W IN-••her. M D. Boalsburg, Cenlr*county, i'a 24jully, IfPIN N H V A LLETINSTITUTE. j Th" fall S'—iton of thi' school will open on tint 28th of July, next. The healthful hpi] beautiful situation of Centre llsSi.- make this a very d -i abl and plea-ant. j nlaea for student* The cheapne** of hoarding and the very low rate* of tui tion make il the cheapest Propsratorv > S hool in the Stnlo. Boarding call be I t. ! for $2 per week. To those preparing t teach we off : *iii-i :a! mriene,i, an auditor appointed j bv the above Court to report lien* against the real estate of aid decedent, or on the funds realised on the -ale thereof, will meet all patties interested at hi* office in ! Bellefonte, on Tuesday, August 12. I*7'.'. ot 2 p. in., for the purpose of ' is appoint ment. W. F. RKIIEIt. I*_'4jul Auditor. A DMJNLSTRATOR S NOTICE.- L* iters of administration on tho e-late. [of Win M' M inn, late of potter "wp., lie ct-ased, having ben granted to the under-j ■ igned, a!! person* knowing themselves to 'be indebted t** the pt i iiil*"*, and running water at the ! ou.-o and barn, Tho farm 1* in ge -J con dition. Term will be made known on d .v.ale. *. A. J. C. Rt'llLi: I July 17 Executors ! NEWMAN Kins Clothier LAIUJEHT STOCK, IIEST STOCK, STOCK. Spring Suits, 52.40. I'ntlerwear •, 20 c. Hoot*, 51.73. IIHITS 21 CT -, AND EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION. Tlic Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing* Is ahead and bound to keep ahead* NEVER BUY CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEE* NEWMAN. I CMIm X r ll,r CmiHg l„ Deal my PRICES and QUJLITY, AND SHOW AS LA HUE A STOCK Oi CLOTHING AN I HAVE CLOTHING MADE To ORDER BY FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VKRY LOW FRICIE 875.00 for 81.00, 87.00 for 1 cent. | I !*> lk'if* I'riflwfur kj) >Li ol *ll4 ut4 i Mile* 1 oi*. hdwi4 lo f nt* Atuat ntm a> < ami I'l . Lit:!, A44rc. AO. U I LsilO.S-* * Mi. I , i , j WAN TKD I M M EDIA'IK I,Y. , Htvaufca , j ..i ( m<-a i.i laate T*i**r*ii|I 11 p; ' j *l*ll4*!.. MHI liit'AaN A M nil, |j"dM. " UT!, metim,Oaia. /1 i: - ,i; I. I< 11 N1 Y •L' it* in> nwtalth : Fenll a l'u AARON LUCK EN |t At il. Ydmini*- I trntur ef Ac ,ol J iUn K. Miller, late of llarn- tawivtbip, dtc<-a-vd I 'U hereby cited nr i i mmat.ded tabi, Imj. ,r at an Orj-han't Court to be ) -*' dat Be! • 'ir t- in a i !-r the t 'Uttty I ->f Centre on the I earth Mi t. lay of Au* | gnit next, then at d there to .bow caufe why it <• Lett* r- I AdllJ Tint ration grani te 1 unto you on Kstate of raid John E. Miller, ifeared, should u be revoked, j t\ itne--, the lion. C A Mayer, Pre*:- dent of th < said C "urt, a! Bellefonte, the . J da vof dune. A 1 , lb" • ' \VM R UURCIIFIELD, C.O.C. Sheriff** Office. Bellefonte, Pa.. June Jl, 11-:'l 1 -:' JOHN SPA NO LEE, Si ff. | 10Jul 4t TilFfßl tof sTv" V_' rbeCnmu -nw-ahhi Pin:.:.. To HENRY BRAY . Ur. • • t | Ac., of Aaron Partcra),-- daCMUH '. Y u are hereby cited and i muiandrd •.-> bo and aiipear a! an Orphan'* C 'urt, to [be he'd nt Be'-lefoate, in and forth® coun ty i f Centre, on the fourth Monday >f Au gust, next, then and there i.i show i au< why the letter* granted to yi>u on lh< E * t ite of -aid Aarm Parleragc, di **e . vhould not be reei-ktol Witbcv. the U -fiorablo C A Mayer. Pri fident Judg of the said t." irt at Bellefonte. the 24.1. day of Jute. A D , 1879. Wx> E. BCacturtKLD C O. C. Sheriff s tlf'i , 11. .' t .! 2 " . JOHN SrANGLER, S ff. in to make raonyy fa*t At.y - ,u th* wofK Y. I. t OB vi I to $2 an hour by dev '.i ig your evening ar. 1 •pare time to t! il- i- .tu It > •* - • otb ingt.try th* brine N tk g 1... k for raone' ma! g t• :h. I But ne**| * . I - Ren !r . if V.I.S ; the • ■ ■ \ u v ur a , ir - • ay , j full j articularr and pr v . term* fre-. Sample* worth s>•". al-" tre- You est j then make up * - -ur •> * : ' y -ur* •!:. I VMr t.KORGfI -' i S JN .. CO., Portland. Maine. s2l PENNSVALL' Y bAfiKING LD. JCIN IRE H LL, PA. KRCKIV E LKPUSn and *: ■ wlnter; et; Diaroohl N l ; Buy and -,! 1 Government Socuritlee, (v!ti anK i ■' - YVxi NVotr, * Wx. B. lltxats, {•rws't ■' .-ho r Mnnhooii. H ■ L -t, Slo'-* IU ;rcd ! 0 ~,1- ... M,4t*M. r .-t N Il .lt . t" Aik'.c -.Xb mi'iLt;. i . I '9 iU tfsa-* 4 ts ;■** . r.'- klig MMM** I< > ~a 1 '•• v ' "" ' • H-i • j i i 7 ,V*y .-ji *, " #. * ,j, t"I • I * • att.'.Lv'A *- cat# Till. I*. !•*• !v- lid P la" i-.jrj pr 9 ati.l • • w V z o c u •:* I ® • m v f^ BV a ?;■ 8 0 cm a -If : 3 i-i n ■ -"s. • 55 p S -i * .'HpS {i ; 2is a 21' .* tS i; "* •' • X H : • V z i\% •> I M • - - : L, M F* • '.i r H f* "i biffi: ■[l I s '$ g * . 1 w.* 1 - I;*!. B • • r ' #3 to 8 0 • •"% * C * -* x * r ■} : - * -■ . v - *• " : * o J B >a v 1". I a | OS'S *' -~* • r.- -- 3 * t* O ails ~ .-' • - - X| w . ;5- 4 ■ - * O Hir 3 n - f J r r -5? ' IsIS M •' IS. * >z i- \ g , u ~, ' r y 1 I f } r' IV ATERS" Orchestrion rhlmosOKG AN Ktlie moat he a nit fat e. /Attfli a. tnalvle ami perfei-t ■ ju mi"~st■ ■Vj in li ,>ere I bare '{HIE ||Ez3fflJ moil* ivtili'Asrmola, '-iili I ? 'mn.-j'-'iMrt ' v "<> eltecl i'niaa * ■ ' J WlffS lent A elrelrlr*tlie. \ K JO xv \Ti;f-'ri. vki- ONX.OIH lll>Ttt- AIatGNIKBTtt.VKtPKK.t'KNTKNNI.tIi ( 111 ttKa, ( IIAI'RI.. mid ( OTTAt.KOtt *; ASS, tu I'ntuae l- retieli Ciiaea arc a eve ■! rv reapcct Hr>T ( I.AMM. WBTER# r>iftNßß,;v>asK AItKTIIBBRXT.MAnKIrtf Tone, Toie li. .1 Workniaiialilp.ik llurnbtlily I uaurpusaeU. AVerrnalrd tor alv VHAtta, I'Klt'KM RATH t UKI.V I tIW A'' e*h. vjouililv laaiullmrata received. A l.tbernl ' lllnenunt t" 1 tnrhm. Mtniitrn.Ckurckr!,Schools* 1 : .AtiliYTß WANTED. MpeelaltndueeJ* il no nlalo Ike trade.llln-irnleil Caliiloguea iaiTilled.Weeond-banil lualrnmemanM Jrrat tliiruiiii'a, HOttAfK XV XTKItS A -ONS, dluiinfurtiireia aad Oeiilera. I 40" KA(*T I -IU {a'l'HJt-r T, I'MU.N . I MgW.YUKfcr Uv*, JW7. - —-5 . — — . WgHW IIAIIRY K. IIICKS, (Successor lo T. A. Hicks A Bro.) WIIOLKBALK A liKTAIL DKALEH IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c M call and examine hi* work, w . * ' iit • tto be -xi Aled for dur 1 RtlV and wear. may 3 tf. 1 uk> by BKockKkuorr- *. o. airogari PrM:!ent. trashier pENTKE COUNTY BANKING CO. j 1 tLate Miliiken, Hoover & Co.) Receive IVpsil*, And Allow Inti rc*t, Discount Notes, U lluv and Sel!, ; Governap at Securities, Gold A apiOtf Coupon*. Forks House! PERKY STOVER. PROPR. )1 Thu Forks Iloufi', at (. churn nation, i*j nssrand con tiiodinu*. and i* kept in best ' Manner. Bed and board n-eond ;t none! in UtOOUIXtjr. SlatiUng for 30 hor*e.i, A a tumnier re*ort it will be found al! that e >uld be deirej, right in the heart of good f:*hing and bunting ground*, ami mrrounded by the most romantic scenery.: Inov y New Pianos $125 Each, and ail '.yle. including GKANI) Syt'ARK and UPRIGHT all strictly; fi -*!-etass. sold at the lowest net casi ; wholesale faclorv price*, direct lothe pur j chaser. Th< e Fian.- made onof the fn ' e*t display* at the Centennial Exhibition 1 ■ and were unanimously recommended for tho llio'tssT HONOR?.— over 12.U8U in It gularly i- - i- 'rut. d Manuta ♦taring j Factorv cxi-tbiikbed over -6 year*. The! Square (rni i* contain Malhut-hck'* new i patent Duplex Overstru'-g Scale, the greate#! Improvement In the history of Pi-j •no making. The Upright* are thefine-tl in America, Pianoa er.t on trial Don't fail t - write for liiuxtrated and De*crip tive ("-ita'ogiie of IS |>age* —mailed free. MKNDHLssitHN l'l A NO CO.. 6 sept ly 21 Rant l&tb Sustt, N. Y. 1 I.MPtHiI AN TO TRAVELER^ —THE— BUSH HOUSE! SKI utroSTx. ra. t Ha* been reeently thoroughly renovated < and repaired, and under tin-management • ;of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE t IIOI'PES, formerly of YV'mj>ort, i* tirl- : j cla** in *il it* appointment*. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS | Are otfori d to ibo-e in attendance at court [ i.nd oihi r- rem , ning in town for few' .lav* at a time. The largest and mod superbly Designed j Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. [ All He-Jem convenience*. Go try the 1 Rush house. ' t Snug GEO HOPPKS, Propf C. T Ai KX VM>*r. U M. BOWKS; A LEXANDER& BOWER, At < a' K (o'nop l LftW.llftlicfoftt#. Ki^Uklffift^ntlott *ivn |n t'll**'tami OtrhlM' (Vrarl pr**?!!*#.! May I*9con*ttlfi*>t in (ii'imin *otl Knuttah. Offita KAUilku'a httiltUtut, HkjrSli ?4 if I UODQC 3A r#nt it* tatnp or corrn. j *.. * f ilUilOLntt* horn** It aat df*-a*K* I 1100 xtrtgraxinae |*anlliotA* M*utio**. i\ ..!*•#•*. Uritft *:*ll*' tuu of rai-' for tl ngr xf A | DUUi\br. wtlti bu pofntYittg abowinc tvwllt of Dt-h jrpgr. ffiotl nlsitft" amount of otliwr valuabla Iwr*w ' tti format ton lr Wna Mall aax. I have bought (1 liookM th*t I paid s*> ami for which Ido not like a* ; i x*flla I dojimtr* Sottd laricirrtihr , ar**tt 8.4 . Ktndkll,M. l.. I V*',*, V\ ty HENRY BOOZER, CENTRE IIA EE. ri'nr.a nv Saddles, Harness, Bridle*. Collars, Whips, Flyneta. and also keeps on hand Cotton Nets, etc. l'rices low as any whore else. All kind* of repairing done. The A.wl stock always kept on band. All work war rant:;}. A share of the public patronage kindly solicited. llapr. 14 v Harness, Saddles. &c Th.rniiliirsixaod, .J.termiiiMj to meet th. popular liani.tid forlow.r prlcm, rt-apactfully c*M th..ttD ttou ot Ut. puttltu to hUatock ut HADULEKY now ufTiired at thoold lanJ Dajlgned Mpaetltv (ci Ibo ptMiplti and ttl. tituoii. thataraa.t i-rj \u 11" 4 anil .-mipiiiaMi.irt mailt t;l SatUam. Haru*. Uollara Hrt4l-. of every u raoi tji.ioa ana ijaatity; Wbtpa, auh tu lac* (■•ar>U.tnß to i oiii|>!.to a ttrl elan# aUt>li,!i ■uvnt, bu uuw ug.ra a l prtou. whiuh wUloutl ttui tltuu* JACOIi UINOKS Oeutru Hall. ==H AKII WAKE!= WILSON, SUFARLANEtCO. 0 HEW GOODS... JAHIC ORICSS. H H B tea A Jf NTOJEJ4 IUAIIKS HAA4.IK J, E ti t It K * H Wo would especially call attention to tbe Highland Queen Cook Stove, -AND THE WZLGOM2 }JOi)Y£ H2;\TlilU SYtiVS. J£4rout Mtock being entirely New. We offer special Bargain* ia*Ua HARDWARE, OILS and PAINTS.'"•* WE CANNOT RE UNDERSOLD. WIUBON. VFARUSE A CO., HUM Kb' BLOCK. BELLEFONTE, PXH2PA. Spring MillsO. K ! NEW ROOM I NEW GOODS! *i I. J. Grenoble'*Store ! M I'll UNO MILLS, baa tbe gotidv. Largest stock t SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, Ynd now extend* a cordial irivjtttion t hi* fri< ndf, patrons, and public genera ly. • - Also a Complete Assorttnect o [Lady Made Clothing for men an- ; noy. Suit* *1 low as lo be had ia th <-* mofr RlAddc* ftmr hmn II •■Ainf kwbHl Wkr bear —ci IMnw frte C nai ll* ■ mmS Hint VTV b* a. (rarfaJ km— mf *i> mi •■■'■ fl —•art . II Kikxxv-Wovt wsn carrroa. Try a jawfc- M fc al <.<— and ba aaXlaAre itii* 4rp a—oinHr <*iaapaaanf ea* U Oar parkag. —aksa ill ,aartaf ■adlHea, I reataiatag aa Spirit, brtag ptwpasa* |1 la para eater. * I'-ir riruetut u*S petit fur pea. hum ■ •a--* ha-tiffn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla tFor Scroful*, and *ll scrofulous disease*Ery fdpcb*. Rose or St. An thony's Fire, Eruption* and "Eruptive disease* of tbe skin, Ulceration* of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lung*, Pim ples, I'ustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumor*, Tel ■■l Iter, Salt Rheum, Scald llcaJT Ritxjrwonn, Ulcere, Sore*, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones. Side and Hesuf Femakt Weak ness. Sterility, Leucorrhom. arising from internal ulceration, and uterine disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dia caM*. Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion. General Debilify, und for Puri fying' the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combinntion of yosretable aln rat i ves— drake .Yellow lK>ck—with the lodides of l'otaasium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is nit ended to cure. Its ingredient* are eo skilfully combined tliat the full alteratiye effect of each is assured, and whilo it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived 'from its cures, and tbe confidence which prominent physicians all oyer the country repose iu it prove* their I experience of its usefulness. 1 Certilieates attesting it* virtue* have accumulated, and are con stantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is it* superiority to any other medicine known that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. rXBPAREO BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowtll, Miss., Practical and Analytical Chemist*. SOLO lit AIX PBIiUGUX* KVSBVXrMXA".