The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 17, 1879, Image 3

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Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rtul. July IT, TO
idranee ; $'2.30 irhen net paid in advance.
Advertisement Vkt* per line for three in
scrtion*. ani&eentiper line for every iru A
trg vent insertion. Advertisement s Ay the
vear at a libera! dimmnt.
Subsrribers outside the county should re
mit us \Q d*. amount of one veer's p.uf
age, instead e/'AVfs a* formerly i chcr, paid
Ay Ihrmsrlret.
Subscriber* ran always (ell hoic (heir <!.•
-aunts sfonrf of (he Reverter office Av e i
stilting the lahles on their payer*. Ij the
table. read* "John Roe 1 jan "73" if mean*
that John i* indebted for subscription from
the l*f of January. "iS7S, and (bat it is
time b* was paying the printer.
I SatanlST•Tonlßßln XbeO.Ul
F. A. FVat M*a. Sik-'jt. J. 1 XUXOU'UI. N. O.
Ol.n FOBT I*-rmv. Nl. ssr. F. A M„ mM "
M-niU* rvcnlne oo or Iwforv MCB rati mora in ran
Mmroni.- Utt. . _ , v ,i
XV F. Hi nt-scnra. Sort. J.J. ARMCT. W *i
Cnoii-*- iXiiv, No. OS. Fof M. veartlW;
H all. iVotro Holt on th* SaranUr on orholororau
m.-oo al SIV XI- anil "-n aflor Jaa a
Kollor Mattar l.v.iKaßK Kaoav. Sool.
One of the llublc farms is advertis
ed at public sale in the Reporter.
What hooka and studies do fishes
use that go in schools
—Grasshopper 4 are doing ilamag 'Sen
seme ot the farms in the lower er.d of the
Mrs. Brisbin has puri ased from
Wm. Wolf the Harpster property, in ibis
place, at $723.
Good work, best material, and low
prices, is tho motto at J no. T- Lee s I ou
tre Hall coach shops.
The Lewistown Gssetteman is cruel j
enough to ridicule our skill a a fisher-
roan. Well wo rover fish for chubs,
hence will let the Gazette man flop in his
shallow water as too soft for eel bait.
—lf you warS to sax-e money and 1
have a first class article to boot, hop right
in to Sechler s grocery and get your coffee, t
sugar, tea. cheese, molasses, ham, boa s, e
rice, soap, or any thing else you want !'
in tho lino of groceries. You never r.i:ss *
it xvhen you go to Soohler's.
Every body admirer# tho torub- •
stones, monuments, and all work in mar- 1
ble turned out by Guest A Co., of tho !
Centre Hall Marble Werks. \ou need
no: go to the citj any more Tor a good <.
Job. t
Mr. lloppes, the peasant host of I
the popular Bush house, eur e-iiteria! v
a visit, but much to our regret when
we were absent. Ho is the man above all j
others who knows how to keep a hotel. s,
For dried and c&r.ned fruits, cured s
moats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens- p
ware, stoneware, and hundreds of other
things, the best in market, go toSechler s, fc
in tho Bush house block. p
Bv addressing or calling at the T
nowe dewing Machine office. Milesburg, f,
Pa., you can have your Howe machine
put in good running order, free of charge.
Tho Pine Grove :Babbath School, of
Potter town-hip, will hold a pic-nie on
Saturday, July 'JO- Several other schools
have been invited to participate. AH
friend# of the Sabbath school cause are
We ye informed of a sad ar.d fatal
accident that happened to Mr. Michael
Hettinger, of Gregg township, on last
Tuesday evening. He had hitched two
young horses in a buggy and when in the
neighborhood of Jas. Sweetwood's the bit
of one of the horses broke, and the team
ran ©J, being out of the driver's control.
Mr. Hettinger was thrown from thewagon
sustaining such severe injuries that he died
the fame night.
A fine new bell, from the Buckeye
' works, Cincinnati, has been purchased for
the church at Tu#-yville. The weight of
the bell is SCO, and cost some SoOt. This
church, one of the oldest in the mlley, is
now being remodeled and has a steeple
101 feet high.
On !a*t Tuesday morning a 4 year
old son ef Noah Stover living at the gate
wrest ef Millheim, was run over by a large
wagon that was on its way to the field for
for a load of grain. The whel passed
diagonally across the breast and face of
the lad, with serious effect.
A fierce storm accompanied by rain
and hail, passed over a part of this valley,
coming from a northwest direction. At
John Bitner, 2 miles abov.e this place, about
one half of the reof of the barn wa- blowD
off and lodged upon the wagon shod
which was crushed breaking a spring
wagon belonging to John Sankey. At
Jas. Alexander's, near the Fort some SO
trees were uprooted, and the fences gen
erally scattered. At the Fort the roof of
the bam was slightly moved, the scale
house blown down, and the roof of the
wagon shed blown 'JO rods and lodged in
Mr. Ebrhart's garden. Other smaller
buildings were also blown over at various
places together with fences and t ree# in
the track of the storm. A tree on the
mountain above bero was struck by
lightning and set to burning.
Next, on the place known as tbe Stump
farm, now occupied by Mr. Hersliberger,
the storm demolished a one-story log
building, carrying some of the logs quite
distance. At Farmers Mills a small house
occupied by a family named Spicer was
blown down, and a large barn unroof
How can people dress so well, is a
question so often asked. Tbe answer
always promptly given, is because good
and stylish suits aro now seld at the
Standard Clothing Hall, opposite the
BrockerbofT, so low that any body can af
ford to wear good clothing, and so can
you if you go to Goldman and purchase a
At the coach shops of Jno. T. Lee,
Centre Hall, can always be seen samples
of his work that compare with any vehi
cles brought to this county from else
where. The greatest care is always used
in the selection of material ; all work
warranted, and prices low.
Tbe weather the last few days was
exceedingly warm —en Tuesday afternoon
the thermometer stood 93 in the shade.
Get your drugs and medicines at
Frank Green's and you have tbem fresh
and pure, and frem the oldest and most
reliable druggist in the county—and there
is a great deal in that. Fancy and toilet
articles of every kind always on hand.
well "id give them German Horse and
Cow Powder to enable thern to digest and
assimilate what they eat. For sale by J.
D. Murray, Centre Hall. 10 jul 4t
The Howe Sewing Machine. The
world renowned sewing machine. Over
100,000 sold in 1877. The most perfect
machine in the world at the lowest possi
ble price. If you are in favor of any par
ticular machine, at least examine the
Howe before vou purchase. Highest Med
al at Centennial Exhibition. What we
claim in substance, is that this is an hon
est machine, and if put in your family
will do any and all work perfectly.—Will
la*t a lifetime. Terms of sale the mesl
liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, who is
the only authorized agent in Centre coun
ty. For terms, Ac., enquire of A. C.
Moore, Milesburg, Pa.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call a^ l<!n "
tion to her samples ol trimmings el a
kinds ; also, samples of new styles dry
goods. Cutting and fitting done to order,
and old dresses cleaned and done over
her. Gentlemen's shirts, culls and collars
made to order, and warranted to nt. Has
also just received a new stock ol
styles, fashion plates, patterns, etc. Call
and see. 15 ma tf
What Goldman at the Standard
Clothing Hall can't give you in the line
of Clothing, is not worth having— whether
it be a coat, vest, pants, shirt, underwear,
hat, boots, collars, neckties, or whole
suits for men and boys. Strike for the
Standard, opposite the Brockerhoff and
you get right to headquarters.
! Tho farmer* in this county lievo
finished outline grain. in Pnansvalloy
there will net bo n hnlt crop. On mary
ot the best farms, that never Knew n fa l
uro, there are field* that will not yield the
need, Grain field* dotted with entirely
here spots were very numerous* This it
especially so in the neighborhood of Cen
tre Hall and from this on eatl to Kebcrs
hurjj, with some exception*, also west as
far as Pino Greve. In parts ef llarri*
township, along the north section there is
some good grain.
Down the valley frem hero as (ar'a*
Penn 11*11, there are many more poor
than good fields of wheat. In Hain
tow nship the crops arc bettor, though nl
short on some farms, In George* Valley
from near Tetters Mills and Sprucetewn
en, there is a fair crop ef wheat. In
our neighborhood the only good crop is
* en the farm of BenJ F. Arney, who ex
pects 'A* bushels to the acre,
; In XitUny valley the wheat crop is a
•hade better than in Pennsvalley. On
r the whole the harvest in our county this
1 year will amount to about I ef former
Go to your store or druggist and get
a bottle ef Frank P. Green's compound
syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the
best remedy out f>r a cough, cold, croup,
asthma, or early stage of consumption.
Men further who once
bux" clo'hing of Newman the king Cloth*
ier. He gives you what you at once see i
goed and at low price. He s admitted to
have the largest stock and best assort
ment in the county, and sells so lew as to
please the closest customer. Encourage |
Newman, he is the man who
down the price of Clothing in Centre
oountj— a gentleman every inch.
A meeting of tho Potter township
Veteran Club, will be held at Potters
Bank on Saturday evening, July 2"'.h
1>?o. All soldier- in the Township are in
vited to attend.
Geo. Tibbens, briekmouldor on 11.
Zerby's yards at this place, moulded in
one day ,(M0 brick. That's what we eatl
fast wor'. in tho mud-cake line, and a feat
which b at few moulders can accomplish.
Mr. D. \Y. Holloway formerly ef
Aarot sburg. now in business in Akron
Ohio, ha- been spending a few weeks with
friends in this county.
A ten year old -on of Mr. Klias
Confer af Sugar Valley, while on a visit
to his brother, Mr. Frank Confer, of Mill
hojn, was accidentally thrown from a
wagon, dislocating his left elbow joint.
Mr. Levi Burd's family, from near
Aaronsburg, is afflicted with typhoid
fever Mrs. Burd a daughter, and two
sons are down with the malady. The re
ports for their are favorable.
Don't miss the lecture on ' The
Earth not a Globe" to be delivered at this
place, ia the Y. M. C. A. rooms, en
Thursday evening, July 17. Admission
13 cents.
Correspondence of the Reporter.
Nebraska, interpreted, signifies "wide
flowing water." This is a very apprepri
ate name. It is decidedly a country of
broad rivers. The state is bounded on the
east aud partly on the north by the Mis
souri, "B;g Muddy," a d.stance ot 100
mites. The Platte flow# through the state
nearly in the middle, from west to ea-t, a
distauct of 400 miles. It has an average
width of'J,ooo ft. The Republican flows
in thesouthem part of the state, a dis
tance of £3O mile*. This river has 100 trib
utaries. The Niobrara, which has its
source in Wyoming and empties into the
Missouri near Yankton, Dakota, waters
tbe northern counties of the state a dis
tance of nearly 500 miles. This is one of
the finest rivers beyond the Missouri; it
has t etween 80 and 00 tributaries. Space
will not allow me to describe the Bigand,
Little Blue, Big Sandy, Nemaha, Wood,
Lou p. Cedar and other rivers that tra
ver e portions ef the state. Sufficient has
been said to dispel the once prevalent idea
ths t Nebraska was a dry deficient
in 'unning water. Again, tbe opinion en
tertained by many at pre#ent, —those who
ba ve never been there, and who think ev
er} thiag written concerning Nebraska is
done in the inlet est of speculators,—that
the waters of the state are stagnant, fos
tering malarial diseases, is erroneous as
will be seen by the following fact, viz. :
that the entire open water system of the
state has a fall of 7 ft. per mile. A recent
writer, after many month# of travel has
said, "from the Atlantic te the Rocky
mountains, I do not know of a country
whose water suf >!y is purer or more !
abundant for household use, stack raising. !
or water power, than that of the state of j
Nebraska. There is scarcely an end to .
economic mill sites. Many of the stream* j,
bare rocky beds and are famous as mi!!
streams. There are •WO flour mills in the (
state with 1,000 run of burrs. Every mill j
site represents a neighboring wheat dis- >
trie* of splendid possibilities. The Blue j
and Republican rivers drain a wheat field
that will yet give an annual production of
40 (.00,000 bushels of spring and winter
wheat. Along the B. St M. KR., wheat
production and traffic, already immense,
will take proportions beyond that of tbe
tarnei Genesee Valley in its best days
There Is hardly a limit to the wheat grow
ing caprcity of the state. Its early devel
opment is sure. This, with the fact that
the magnificent water power of 300 streams
is going te waste makes things more and
more exciting. Between theso wheat j
fields and the water power there is a strong
bond of sympathy. The development of
the one will bring outthe other. What a
grand, open field for tho capital and en
terprise of practical mill men."
The population of the state in 1870 was j
113,000. in 1878 over 'IOO,OOO, an increase of
about 175 000 in 8 years, an average of
nearly '22,000 each year, the average, how
ever, for the last two years being far
greater than this. Farming in a new
country is always very imperfectly done,
and yet the yield is very large. Corn
yields from 40 to 75 bu. per acre.
In 1877, Lancaster county yielded 300.-
000 bu. of Spring wheat, in 1878, 700,000
an increase of 400,000 bu. in one yrar.
Gage county, in 1877, yielded 250,000 bu.,
in 1878, 1,000,000 bu.. an increase of 750,-
000 bu. This shows at once that the prai
ries are being rapidly converted into grain
fields. Five times I have been to Ne
braska in three years, and can truly say
that tbe rapidity with which the country
is being settled up is astonishing. Settlers
are arriving every day. Farms, farm
houses, stables, mills, and other outbuild
ings grace the soil where, a year ago, was
the beautiful sward of prairie grass or the
cottonwood lined banks of a stream Cap
ital, combined with brains, enterprise, en
ergy, and pluck, is making of Nebraska
one of tbe most beautiful countries in the
world. Contrasting this country with
those that are rocky and thickly timber
ed, it presents the appearance of a coun
try whose rocks, timber and soil had once
yielded to the pick, ax, and plow, and, af
ter many years of cultivation was aban
doned by man and kept by Nature in
beauty and grandeur for many years. I
refer to the unsettled portion of tho state.
Tbe lover of nature can find an almost
unlimited number of objects upon which
to feast the eye. Flowers, in a wild, un
cultivated slate, painted more exquisitely
than the master work of the most skillful
artist, line the prairies from May to Octo
ber. There is no monotony as in many
ether states. Its broad, beautiful rivers,
with clusters of dense foliage defining the
course of tho streams almost as far as tho
eye can reach. Its vallies, the most beau
tiful in the world. We refer with pride
to Kishacoquillas, Penn's, Cumberland
and other vallies here, but think of a val
ley from 4 to 12 miles wide and 400 in
length, such is the valley of the Platte,
and of the Republican valley, from 2 to 4
miles wide and 300 in length. The soil of
these and other vallies equaled only by
0 the l,oes deposits ef the Rhino and Nile
>' rallies, Baron Kicht Kofen, in his groat
f work en China, says ef tho Loess soil •!
' that country, "it is inexhaustible, the
densest population in the world having
V been sustained on its products for cent )•
* ries without resort to fertilisers." Prof.
" Aughev, of the State University, Lin
" coin,says of this same soil in Nebraska,"it
' can never be exhausted until every hill
* and valley of which it is composed, is en
* tirely worn away," Of the rolling prai
rie, table lands, park* and bluffs, and
oilier matters ef interest to those who do
r sign settling in the west, I will write
* again. Yours,
> M, Alevy * Fort, A A. Kickux.
July 7, lbTff
-1 For the Reporter.
B neurone, IV, July 9, IST'. I
tie old friends of Jlr. J. T. Farner,
formerly ot Sprucetewn, Centre county.
' late of St- Petersburg, Clarion oo , but
1 new of Bradford, Mckean eo., will be
phased to learn that on Wednesday, the
2nd in-t , be deserted the ranks ef the
batchelors ai d joined tbese of the bene
dicts, at which time ho was joined In the
bonds ef matrimony to Miss Jeanie,
daughter of Mr. Samuel Fulmor, of llyde
town, Crawford c>. Friend Farner is to
be congratulated upon his geod f rtune—
which dot ■ not always attend these win (
waito-.I as long as he did—since Miss Ful- ,
met belongs to one of the oldest aad most
highly respected families of the neigh bor-
I od in which she re-ides. T!ie wedding
wa a fine a't.rand the attendant fe-tivi-.l
lie til a most enjoyable character. Mr |l
J. It Fli-her and wife, of Bradford, were "
am eg the invited guests. Mr Farner 1
1 a d his lovely bride spent a few days vis- f
■ among and receiving the congratu- J
lat .Mi-d the ladie-, large number* ofrel- I
a: ves hb 1 friends, and then wont east on C
a bridal lour. When they return they r
will sojourn for awhile as the guests of I
Mr. and Mrs. Flisher at their summer
re-idence, at Chautauqua lake, and then ,
take up their residence in Bradford, where '
Mr. Farner has extensive oil producing
interests. J. "
. . t
A gentleman and his daughter staying '
at X , hexing received an invitation tell
a party a shert distance off, sent to the v
railway station and ordered a 3y to be at 1
their residence at S p. m. th-i next day. v
The following morning at 8 o'clock a fly fi
arrived. When asked his business, the v
driver said he h-id come, according to or- t
dor, at Sp. iu. "Well, what do you sup- e
pose '8 p. in.' means, then?" "Why,
eight punctual, wind," was the reply.
A man asked for admission to a shew r
for half price as he had but one eye.— [C
Kxch. But the manager told him it would si
lake him twice a- long to see tho show as u
it would anybody else, and chirged him o
double. 10
Some of our exchanges aro assert- 11
iii£ that a sprig of pennyroyal upon P
a cabbage head will Jrive off the ~
green worms so destructive to that 11
vegetable. A fexv drops of the es- w
seuce will have the same effect.
"Will it do uo harm ?" This is the
question often asked, and the answer
is, "it can uot," for Dr. Dulls Baby
Syrup is an innocent remedy, warrant
ed to contain neither Opium, Mor
phia, or anythiug injurious' l'rice
23 cents a bottle.
A tine of uoi over five hundred dol
lars and imprisonment for not over 1
year is the punishment in this State
for carryirg concealed fire-arms,
handy-billy, dirk-kuife,
ra/.or or any other deadly weapon.
M. de Les.-eps thinks that the Da
rien Canal can bo constructed for 230,-
000,000 francs, and that the difficuN
ties will not be as formidable as at
New cities are betD£ laid out in tbe
oil region of M'Kean county almost
every week. No less than live were
surveyed in the mouth of June.
The storm last Friday morning did
a large amount of damage in the oil
region*. Several buildings and a large
number of derricks were blown down
at Oil City.
Castoroil, besides beiug an excel
lent dressing for leather, renders it
vermin proot. It should be mixed,
say half and half, with tailow or other
oil. Neither rats, roaches, nor other
vermin will attack leather so prepar
If fiue-cut tobacco b sprinkled un
der the edge of carpets, and under
those places where bureaus, book-cases
and the like make it dark, the moths
will be prevented from laying their
eggs iu them, as it will drive them
CO UN T Y C( ) M M ITT E E—1879
Bellefento, North ward—l). 7.. Kline.
Bellefeute, West ward—William Harper
Bellefante. South ward— Author Brown.
Milesburg—Austin McClaia.
Vnionvillo—A. T. Leathers.
Howard Boro—Howard Brickley.
l'hilipsburg—L. G Linglc.
Bcnner —Richard Conly.
Hogg—Joseph L. Nelf.
Burn-ide—Oscar Holt.
College—Michael Grove.
Curtin—William Mann.
Ferguson, old precinct—Albert Hoy.
Ferguson, new precinct—O. M. Sheets.
Gregg—William A. Kerlin.
Haines—John C. Stover.
Halfmoon—Elli* Lytic.
Harris--Fergus Potter.
Howard—William Vearick.
Huston—Daniel Irwin.
Liberty—William 11. Gardner.
Marion—l. 8- Fraine.
Miles—Cyrus Hrumgard.
Patton—Agnew Sellers.
Penn—F P. Musser.
Potter, North precinct—.lno. Shannon.
Pott' r. South prod net- Win. From.
Rush —T. J. Dunkle.
Snow Shoe -J. H Holt.
Spring—Perry Gintzel.
Taylor—Samu-1 Hoover.
I'riion—John H. Stover.
Worth—George It. Williams.
Walker—Samuel Decker.
D. F. FORTXET, Chairman.
The fallowing it the new apportionment !
of delegates to the different boro's and '
District#. No. vote#. No. del.
1 Bellefonte. N. W f*l 2 V
2 Bellefonte, H W.. ... 114 2 j,
8 Bellefonte. W. W..._ 62 1 1
4 H<>wrd Borough 49 1
6 Milesburg Borough... 8(1 1
4> Philipsburg Borough. 141 8 ,
7 Unionville Borough... 82 . 1
8 Benner Township I'M! 8
9 B.ggs Township 168
10 Burmide Township... 22 1
11 Curtin Township 52 1
12 College Township 74 2
18 Ferguson—eld 180 8
14 Ferguson—new 66 1
16 GreggTownship 270 5
16 Half Moon Township. 89 1
17 Haines Township 207 4
IK Harris Township _ 121 2
19 Howard Township...- K6 2
20 iluston Township 51 1
21 Liberty Township-.... 67 1
22 Marion Township 92 2
28 Miles Township 246 6
24 Button Township 41 1
25 I'enn Township 288 6
26 Potter, North Twp... 178 8
27 Potter, .South Twp 194 4
28 Bush Township 1W) 2
29 Snow Shoe Township. 76 2
80 Spring Township 191 4
31 Taylor Township - 48 1
82 Union Township 69 1
83 Walker Township 202 4
84 Worth Township- 70 1
3,827 77
D. F. FORTNET, Chairman.
Pbcenix Pectoral will cure your cough.
Pha'Bix|l'cctoral cures hoarseness quickly.
Phoenix Pectoral tastos good and brings
Ph<enix Pectoral costs 25 cts ; 6 bottles sl.
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
A new double thread shuttle sewing
machine, works by hand er treadle, for
sale or trade at this otficei Warrant
Coneunipliou in cured no matter
how OTer, or of how long 8laiil
bv tho iiot' Kulney>Wort. An a
cathartic, it in etli'cliv® withoutdebil
ilatiug, carries off all impurities, and
m lit tho name tinio nn uourishing and
healing a* any nrtiole of faod.
A ten dollar bill with the following
words written acres* the face was pass*
cd over the counter of a shop at
lthica, New York,last Monday: "Thin
is the hist of A fortune of 9100,000
left iue bv my uncle, Jasper Gould.
Hewnre of women and wine.
llalutual poor health i*n direct re*
ri-ult of habitual poor attention to
the phisical system* Keep the head
cool, the feet warm, and the bowel,
regular hv the use ot Dr. Hull's llal*
timore Pills, an t sickness can not ajs
proach vou. Price -cents.
Houston lex , July 9.- A lire to*
nij;lt at the corner of Maine and
C'oncrvfs street*, destroyed nearly a
whole square, mostly wooden builds
ings. l/m estimated at >0,000; in
sured for about one-third.
I Nvack, July 9.—The largest ice
house of the Knickbocker iee compa
ny at Richland. was burucJ
this morning. It contained about 50,-
000 tons of ice. The tire is supposed
to have been incendiary.
What other preparations fail to do,
I Hall's Hair Renewer surely accom
plishes. It renews the hair and es
jpeciully restores its color when gray
'and faded. As a dressing it is unsur
passed, making the hair moist, soft,
and glossy. The most economical
preparation ever offered, its effects re
mam a long time, ami those who have
once made a trial of it will never use
anv other.—Advertiser and futon,
Predoiya, N. Y.
Mrs. Mary A. Adams was on Tuess
day convicted at Pottsvilla for cruel
tv to her grand children, a bov and
girl aged eight ami six. years. It wa
the custom of this woman to make
the boy to sleep with his hands on his
back, and on the lloor during cold
weather, and when seriously ill to per
form hard labor. The girl's hands
were blistered by being held over the
fire, her shoes wi re taken off and she
was compelled to stand barefooted in
the snow. Judge Pershing will deliv
er an address to her on the subject.
Coniederate brigadier Key iu the
cabinet, confederate brigadier Mosby
representing Mr. Hayt'govermeut in
China, confederate brigadier Lotigs
stieet holding auother lucrative otlice
under the admiuslration and a do*eu
other confederate brigader* holding
official positions by appointment of the
fraudulent president, while Jobn"Bher
man does all in his power to delay the
I payment of pensious to I'uion solaiers
—this is the feast to which the repub
lican leaders invite republican voters
while shediug crocodile tears over the
"new revolution" begun bv the demo
cratic party. The effrontery of the re
publican managers equals their con- ;
tempt for the intelligence of the voters.
Newburgb, N. V., July 7. —Ou
Saturday some bouts of a njaatondon
were discovered in a swamp on the
fSrm of Huge Kolley in New \\ ind
sor. Excavations were immediately
beguu and still continue. It is
thought the entire skeleton will be
found. It is supjH-md the animal
stood twelve feet high, Bones have
been fouud iu the muck lrom two to
four feet deep and were routine on
blue claw, iu some swale where the fa
mous skeleton rueutioned iu all works
on paleantology, and now iu Boston,
was found in and three miles
distant from that spot.
Ens. —The Supetne Court of this state
ha? recently decided a case of iuteres*
to Koal Commissoneif and Supervis
ors. The case was appealed from the
Common IMeas ol'Schuylhill county.
The plaiutitf brought suit to recover
damages for the death of her husband,
the same having being caused, a* al
leged, through negligence of defend
ants in not providing a safe load. Hie
evidence was that where the accident
occurred the road wos barely of suffic
ient width to allow two vehicles to pans
A wagou was standing on one side of
the road and ou the ollfer the end ol
a log protruded, and in attempting to
drive between the two the husband of
the plaintiff struck the end of the log
and was thrown out and killed. In
i the Court below a verdict was render
ed against the township, which was
appealed to the Supremo Court on the
ground that, as the lupcrvisorsjhad let
the road out for repairs to the lowest
I bidder, who had given bonds to fulfil
his contract, that fact relieved the
supervisors from responsibility, the
bond having stipulated to save the
jtownship from all accidents. Hie
court, however, decided against this
view of the case and held the township
liable on rhe general principle that i!
a jury believe a road to be unsafe for
travel, let the cause be what it may,
it is evidence of negligence and the
township is responsible.—t'.i.
The supreme court has delivered an
! opinion which is of great interest to
hotel keepers aud traveling men. The
rase was that of John C. Porterfield,
of Kmlenton, vs. tho proprietors of (
i the Central hotel, of Pittanurg. Dur
ing the night Porterfield had his
watch, pocketbook and jewelry stolen
from his room. He sued the hotel
proprietors and recovered the value
of the property. The defense claim 1 -
ed they were not responsible because]
the defendant was drunk and did not
know what property he had nor
j whether he had locked his door, and
that the articles—a diamond pin,l
etc. —were not reasonable and proper
lor plaintiff to have about his person
in the hotel. The court said it ad
hered to the opinion of the late .Judge
Williams as to the extent and charac
ter of liability of innkeepers for the
good of their guests. An innkeeper
is bound to pay for goods stolen in his
house from guests, unless stolen by a
servant or companion of the guest. It
is brk duty to provide honest servants
and to exercise an act of vigilance over
all persons coming into h<s house as
guests or otherwise. The judgment of
the lower court is affirmed by the su
premo court.
House-keepers should purchase a
supply of nmmonia to use in house
cleaning* The husband has every
thing to lighten his labors. Now sup
pose his wife had her bottle of ammo
nia to use . she takes a basin of water
and a elean cloth, puts on a few drops
of the fluid, and wipes off all the dirt,
it is worth more than a half day's
hard labor and does not hurt the paint
either. She could put a few drops in
her dishwater, atid see how easily the
dishes could be cleaned ; a few drops
on a sponge would clean all the win
dows in the silting room,making them
shine like crystal. It would take
the stains of! teaspoons too, and a ta
blespoonful in the mop-pail would do
more toward washing up the kitchen
floor than ten pounds of elbow grease
to the mop handle. A house
-1 wife hus just as much right to make
hsr work easy and expeditious as her
husband has. If she does not do it,
ithe fault i- her owu in a great meas
ure. —Farm ami Fireside.
The name, style and title •! the blifer,
Wall* A Hhrlner. Mfg.Co. wei rocontljv
chengcd by order ef tlio court* ef lhl|
county to that of the Central Mfg. Ce. of
Lett Wcdnetday mere teitlmony wn
taken In the Ceineron will cae. The ei
donee of both rldei l now ell In, end the
<-no will next come before Judge Klwell
Thli will not he before cooler weather,
porhai-t in September.
We ere happy to he able to (tale that
Ilea. Jehu Walls is now oa a fair way to
recover, uatwUhllanJuig many rvperU te
tku< oentrary are now in circulation. Ilia
urin i nearly kea.rd and ti■ * ener *',,i>|[ljr jiroceu *an iuued and lliey were]
heal til U good.— Ltu ibbury JuurHut. LriesUd I
mm* NEWMAN, King Clotliier
jy Spring Suit#, 82.40. Underwear , 20t*. Booh , 81.75.
The Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead
1 Challenge ll,eCounty to Ileal my PRICES and
Beuator Gordon's sheep ranch in
Geoigia comprises 40,000 acres. Ne
gro convicts will enclose it with a
stone wall, seven utiles of which has
been completed.
Why suffer louger from the tor
incut of au aching back ? Kidneys
Wort will cure you.
Five Starving Children and a
Irunkeu mother are amoug the re
sults, to one fatnilv, of the 'longhore
nieu's strike, and doubtleas many sim
ilar cast's can be found. Yet aomeN
how the manager* of the strike never
promise anything of this tort, tavs the
N. Y. Herald.
Thirteen hundred aheep from Bo#
ton, which were iufected with the foot
and mouth disease, were slaughtered
ou the 7th at Liverpool. The diseas
ed sheep were shipped from Boston on
June 21 by the steamship Bulgarian.
This discovery will probably cause
tho U'uiteJ Slates to he scheduled us
au infected country for sheep.
Spring Mills Market.
Wheat $1.05
Rye, 46c.
Corn, ears, per bu. new, .40c
Oats, 26c.
Buckwheat, 76c.
Gloveraced, ®s.wi to $-.t.75
t bop, per ton, S2O, tW.
Planter, gr. und Par ton, $16.00
Flour, per bbl S4.CA)
liutter, 9c.
Tallow. 6c.
Lard, 6c.
Ham, lOc.
Shoulders. Gc.
Clean Sid. , 6c.
Rag*, 2c.
Effff* per dax., Sc.
Tub waahed wooß3oc.
Coal, L-Uil. By Car, Gross.
Egg. $166
Stove, SJiU $4
Chestnut, $4 25 $"• B0
Pew, $2 W> $2 76
The valuable la/m uvlcßcing to the es
tate of Peter Ruble, i 1, situate iiear
Tasseyville, >a Potter P>wa*hip. will be
offered at public sal", on TUESDAY,
AUGUST 12, 18T I .*. at ,1 o'clock, oa the
premises. It contain*
ia a biga stale of cultivation, with a two
HAUN and other nu. ...tary outbuildings.
There are al-e
on l'u'isv ninunU.n. There i an eicel
on the premise-, a-. ! running water at the
house ami barn. The farm is in go.tdcea
dilion. Terms will ha made known on
day sale. S. A. J. C. RU BLE,
July 17 Executor*}
—The fall Session of this school will open
on the t>th of July, next. The healthful
and beautiful situation of Centre Hall,
make this a very desimblo and pleasant
place for students. The cheapnos* of
boarding and the very low rate# ef tui
tion make it the cheapest Preparatory
School in the State. Bearding can be had
for $2 per week. To thoe preparing to
teach we offer special advantages.
will coromenceteaching instrumental mu
sic, etc., in Centre Hal! and ricinity. the
first .week in August neat, hoping to get
a good patronage ; and on my part will
guarantee satisfaction. Letters of recom
mendation by known musicians, etc.. will
he presented before commencing, for the
-ati-faclion of all who mar favor me with
pupila MixKUVA-Girr.
10 jnl 2t ______
Lattors of administration on the estate
ofWm M'M inn, late of Potter twp., de
ceased, having been granted to the under
signed, all person# knowing themselves te
be indebted to said decedent are request
ed to make immediate payment, and per
sons having claims against tho estate will
present them authenticated for settle
ment. JAB. C. BOAL,
lQjulfit Admr. de henis non.
Letters pf administration on the estate
of Krskine M' Minn, late of Potter twp.,
!. Imviag been granted to the under
signed. all person# knowing themselves te
be indebted to id decedent are requested
to make immediate payment, and persons
having claim* against the estate will pre
sent them authenticated for settlement.
[lOjulfit A<lmr. de bonis non.
The I'omnionwealth of I'enn a,
trator of. Ac., o( John E. Miller, late of
Harris township, deceased .•
You are horoby cited and commanded
Ito be and appear at an Orphan's Court to
ao held at Belletonle in and for ihe county
of Centre on tho fourth Monday of Au
gust next, then and thero to show cause
why the Letter# <>f Administration grant
ed unto you on Estate of said John E.
; Miller, deceased, should not he revoked.
Wittio*#, the Hon. C. A. Mayer, Presi
dent of the said Court, nt Bollefonte, the
2Jd day of June. A D . IS7'J
I Sheriff"# Office. Bellefonte, Pa.. June
24,157' J. JOHN SPANGLER, Sh'fl.
lOjul 4t
Tho Onmmonwealth of 1 onn u,
To HENRY BRAY, Administrator ol
Ac., of Anron Pttrlnrage. deceased :
You nro hereby citod and comtnandoU
to be and appear at an Orphan's Court, to
ho hold at Bellefonto, in and for the coun
ty of Centre, on tho fourth Monday ef Au
gu*t, next, then and tbora to shew cause
why the letter# granted to you on the Es
tate of said Aaron Partorage, deceased,
should not be revoked.
Witness tho Honorable C. A. Mayer,
President Judge of tho said Court at
Bellefonte. the 24th day ef June, A D.,
1871). Wm. E. Bructifikld. C. t).
Sheriff"* Office, Bellefonto, June 20,'72.
10 jul 4t
UI)IT( ) R' S NoTICK.-
Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed
to hear and pass upon the exception* filed
to the account of .lesto Swartr. and Ilenry
Bartholomew, executor* of Elizabeth Bar
tholomew, deceased, and restate said ac
count and make distribution anions those
legally entitled thereto, will meet the par
tie* interested at tho efiice of Alexander
& Bower, in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, tho
'22 nd day of July, lb7b. ut 10 o'clock, A.
M. li. A. M'KKK,
12jun It Auditor.
Ogden, Utah July 13.-Yelerday el
torneoa ()i-orgn y. I'annoe, Albert Car
rington and lirighnm Young, Jr., execu
tor* of tho eilnle of Hnghnm l'oung, the
let" Mormon prophet, end Join Teylor
1 prenidout of the Atormou church, wen
nrreitrj for contempt of cenrt, end hold
in $f,(iUU beil ca h for trial to-morrow.
The dUtrirt court of Uteh irnto time ego
i appointed e receiver of the ntate of the
!lata Hrigbern Young, on tbe application
'of •no of the heir*, who alleged that the
property we* bolng improperly ditpoted
|of to John Taylor. The receiver claiming
the purlin failed or reftticd to comply
with the order of the court, and MMfi*
The Towanda iron works, which have
been idle for several years, are about to
resume operations.
A monster serpent has been *cen in Con
etub Luke. It hnd a head like a hone and
wore a lecend-hund ulster
-♦ ♦ •
Oa Md u'.L, ut tiie Itaalsburg parson
age, by Rev. \V. it. (rroh, Mr t-uinuel
Page, of Rock Hill, and Miss Pbebe 8.
Gill, of Pleasant Gap
On the Cth inst., by the tame, Mr. Will
iam Klinefelter and Mits Mary Ueichdol,
both of Potter township.
On 3"tli ult . b> llev. W. W. C'riiey,
Cyrus Trego, SI. D., of Chester eo„ l'a,
and Mate J. Fry, of Lewisburg, formerly
of near Aaronsburg.
In Harris twp ,on the CHh inst., Mrs
Barah Kuha. contort of Mr. Alexander
K üba. Aged 45 year*, 7 month* and 15
On the'.Mill >f June, 1870, in Benner
township, Mr. Samuel Kowen, aged G7
year*, 5 month* and - days.
Mary A., wife ef William M. Penning-1
ton, d:< <1 at har hwtue near llublerburg.
Juno t'tli, 137t', aged year*, and 11
Bitter Wiue of Iron
H*9 •< Vr BEI KNS WN to f*tl M tb® rirt of VMUIBMI
AlUrbded ■IHJ Ipftpustaf, to VURUOFI,
Loo uf ittoui JI, 'HFTSULTJ la LRCAUHLGJ. VMKNWA boff
RYJT uf itiftcMAMr. WCA4. BE ROTT* Itttu' .IUF Irowdfu! hear
rot cSoaIL, aighl IVMU, < J foot. woakuoM. din*
doo of HIUU, LAAGUTAF, uaivoroai LOOOIIODO UF td.
wOii, oaburm. a® ApioUU witb dy*}MrtlU
•yaii-u-UA*. but Load® flaaMag uf GO ld j. dry amm of
tis ®Ala pollkd r un'.vtkm* oud oratHlua® oa tbo toe
|ttilfiaff Go bkm) tola la ibo Lock boaviaoa® la
U ' o>o.*i frwQuoat Lio* k oj-'to fly ing iusloro tUo o>o
• tt'l A ®ad Boo of ®tgbl woat of oltwatb'B LC
Kold OIL ta |G b Alio® Of Ola ULHUWO fur ♦* t. Aak
I<>t B I K uakoi ® HtUest Wiaoof IRON nad (oko no
otbov. AU rxsut drug® ui AND if bo boo tt *>,h m®4 %<•
Y JFF.HTV r ) K dhbffl ?i Ni..RTB Klali Ntrwoto
I'BI.OCLRIUBTO. I'®, Adtivo troff. cacioM IHROR COOI
K I Kaakol't Worta Srrop aovor foil® to diotmy
l'i tUoi. on A HUaotaob Wtarta® lr K jtikoi. the
Iji uc<ooofii! i-hyoicion wbo rveaxovo® Toco v* nr. to
.OO boar®. al|v wit!, bogd oad two aalil rvKtwS
®ous® toocbog if Toio Wurtn* bo rotnoowd ®U
oUtO WW I too uOt. bo dwifujod Advice ol * f
ftco oad M.tro. fro® Tbo doct ht oa toll wl.ofhor r
aut tbo pAUrnl Loo oiirtM, T' sooo 'le ow dying dot
ly wit- • -rai, oad do MM kaoo I* fila. opaonte.
crottiu* v .obtng oad t, aoUuw cwj*at|*loau t>.
clrrlo® orooad th# oyoo. oaolUttg and in Ui oUim
och. rvso'.ir• ot aigLt. grirding of the tooth, t'kckla
ot Iko ®ave. roorh forot. ttoblag *t tbo oral !.o*d
®<ho. foul t*roat. 1' o j.atirnl grow® alo and llila.
tifkhug and irritation la tbo ana* all three artxu
tnm®. aadmoro. coaao from worm* k: kunkoi ®
V 4 t-nr. hrrai* aover fail® U rraxooo ibota. Prioo, f| ut.
per bottle, or o!i bottioo f.w |1 (■ for Tapo U .rtt
trtito ®od cogonlt tbo Dojbor tor 11 t*U)en. bujr cl
gnu#*®! H'-tn. m.4 If *.• Laa ll hul.
(rail loDr.*.* K-itikhl XinUl |L FblU
flolubla. V*A. AdfKO b/ tgkli, frog. #bd tLrm coat
•toiai*. ljo|t
The Commoa WMtllh of Pena a,
[Seal.) To Aaron Lvkenbach. you
are hereby cited and com
manded to be and appear at an Orphans
Court to be held at Uellafwnte in and for
the County of Centre en the lourth Men
day ot June next, then and there to (how
caute why the letter* of Administration
granted you on the e-tate ot William
Mi Minn, deceased, should not be revoked.
Notii e <d th .a citation to be given by pub
lication in two nawtpaper* published in
Centre county for four urcive week*.
Witnc--lb# I|R. C. A. Mayor Presi
dent of tbo -aid court *1 Belletonle, the
20th day of M*v A. D. 1*79.
Wm. K. Bi'KcnriKLP.
c. o. c.
t'm ■ llikik A YKAK.or
k® IVI ■■ I J-'i t" fa day in your
ll I 1111 'wn locality. No risk,
m I kl 111 Women do u* well a*
I I. 11 II I men Many make more
• 1 I 111 VI V t an the amount *Utcd
■ above. No one can fail
to make money fait Any one can do the
work. You ian make from fit) cts. to $2
an hour by devoting your evening, and
spare tunc t • tbo business. It cutis noth
ing lotry the business. Nothing like it
for money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honorable.
Reader, if you want to know all abeut the
bi paying b i-ines* l ofuro the public,
tend u* your address ao '. wo will tend you
full particular* and private terms free.
Samples worth s'> also free. You can
then make up vour mind for yourself.
Portland, Maine.
Tho Oommonwoalth at Penn'a
[Seal.] To Aaron Lukenbach, you
aro hereby cited .nd com
manded to be and appear at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Bellefonte in and
for the County of Centre on the fourth
Monday of June next, than and there to
show i*u*o why tho letters Testamentary
granted unto you on tho Estate of K. h.
M. Minn, should not be revoked. Notic#
of thie citation to be given by publication
in two newsi-apers published in Centre
county far four successive weeks.
Witness the Hon. C. A. Mayer, Presi
dent of the said court at Bcllefente, the
20th dav of May. A D. IH7'.-
c. o. c.
A . v ..... * VKAU I.irh Intelltnt l.n.lnea*
t* V I , a*.nt., N.w 1m.t0. light work
V / A.l lr.M Co-Orß&lTtV* A. I N. t. Madl.n.
lOJnljr m
est; Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell OovommentSeourtties,
Gold and Coupon*.
Pres't Cashier
Manliootl: How Lost, How Restored !
Just published, a new editing of Dr Oolrerwsll'S
K®aay on tha rasltcal cnr* m#<l
rln*" of .Hum* ATsHiH<ltk ur Heroin®! W*akt®, In
voluntary Nominal l-a®na. Imi^tamv. NanUl ind
I*h/®tr® 1 lncai®* tjr. ImixsllMSßU !* Msiritfr, ntc.;
®l®o. (lonramptlon. KpUspsy anl Uta, tndurad tf
•alf lndQlM>c*of aemsl aitravafanca Ac..
I'rlMt. In ® MKMISNI anvalop#, >ly li cntt.
fh®®lbralf4 uttovr. In tht® aAmlrabl® KMJ.
larl lain.met rata®, f r><m a UilHy yaar®' aucca®ful
lr®rtUr. that th® tltrmlnff tvwjoaom of ®H
aim®* may bm radically curssd without Die <lan#urm®
uau of Inturnul tnodlclnu or Ihu upplloutLm of th#
linlf#. iMilntln# onl a mod# of cur# at o#c# tltnnl#.
arlaln and #n#ctnal. by means of which mrmrj aufl#r
#r. no mtt#r übut hi® condition mj may cur#
hl'mwlf ohuuply. prlvutulf. and tadlcalb.
Thl® l/SK turu ®h.til I® In Urn hand® af #r#ry junto
and c*#ry man In th land.
Hunt und#r a##l. In a pUIn #nv#lop#. U> anv addrr®®.
I#t paid, on r#c#lj>t of alt c#nt® or two poaUvr
Adaroct th® ).übtUh®ia.
41 Ann St., New York; P. O. Box, 4686.
lOoct y
n ATERS' Orchestrion chimes ORG AN
. 1 <thr moat be.atlf.l
. . in stale and perfrrt
*" ,ul >eeaer inntlr.
( nnrertestap. wht>
WrifßaHllka Ch IJ a Sue Imitation
■EgmH an two a
jW On b s rs 0/balls
IS I ns-si in porferl hot—
I 7 r "off
C'lll.*lK*i fIIAI-KI,, and t'OTTAJK Olt-
WANs*, (n I'ttlgue French Cases are vve
rj respect FIU#T CI.AMN.
WATERS'PIANOS jnnd I'prlaht,
AKKTIUtHBHTMADBttte Tanc, Taurh,
Workmanship,A: Durability Cueurpiteecd.
Wnrrnntcsl for KIX VKAK#.
monthly Installments rccctyeil. A lJberol
lllscount (•' ItarUri. UmtMa%,Cburchn.^ek<Ml,
tfc.AtißWra WASTED. Special Indnrc
mrnts to the trndc.llluotrntesl i'atalogucn
PlullcI.Mccoodhaol InstrumentaalAityat
llarealoa, UOttACK WATKKH A
Alanafaetarrro and Dealero,
41lAB*WW YlßUfelladoT._
II Alllt J k . HICKB,
(Successor to T. A. liicke & Bro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c„ dro,
W Also tills (lie agency ot itic Houili IJi iut I'litllcU IMow for (lit* county.~M
UTKBAU ! 111 It It AII
—r OS
The Spring season of 1879 is now
opening. We have just reoeived
an excellent stock of
Spring and Summer Goods.
which will be sold at the
Lowest Prices.
We have an immense stock and well
assorted in every* line. We have
at lowest prices.
Best Sole Leather '
always cn hand. Give us a call im
at hi establishment at Centre 11*11, keep IJ
on band, and for sale, at tbo motl reasons
ble rate*.
Buggies. Ij
4 Spring WagonS,
and vehicle* of every description made t<-
order, and warranted to be made ol the I
bail **a*one<l mitpria), cd by lh** rnoft ,
• killed *nd competent workmen, llodier
for buggiea and spring-wagon* of the c
most improved patterns made to order,'*
alo Gearing of all kind* made to order.!*
All kind* of repairing Jone promptly and
at tba lowed possible rale*.
Persons w anting anything in hi* line are'
requested to rail ar.a examine hit work,,
tb w ill find it not to be excelled for dur ;
,1 ilitv and wear. meyStf. '1
Hi>av naocKKkuorr. J.S.anCGEKT.
President. Cashier ,
(Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.)
Receive Deposits,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes, h
Buy and Sell j
Government Securities, Gold A a
■ plOCStf Coupon*.
Forks House !
The Fork* lloute, at Coburn station, i
new and commodious, and is kept in bestj
manner. Bed and board second to none
in th* county. Stabling for 30 horse*.
A* a summer retort it will be found all'
that could be desired, right in the heart of i
good fishing and hunting ground*, and
•urrounded by the mo*l romantic scenery,
lnov y
New Pianos $125
Each, and all styles, including GRAND.
SQUARE and UPRIGHT all strictly
fir-f-r/.N*, *old at the lowest net cub
wholesale factory price*, direct tolbe pv-j
chaser. Tliete Pianor ma<lc one o r the fn '
Mt displays at the Centennial Exhibition j
and wore unanimously recommended for
the HionaaT HONOR*— over 12,000 in UM|
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co. s
—Factory established over 36 years. The
Square Grands contain Mathushek't new
patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the i
greatest improvement in the history of Pi-!
*nomaklng. The Uprights are the finest!
in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't,
fail to write for Illustrated and Deserip
tive Catalog le of 4* pages—mailed free. h
ssept ly 21 Ka-i 15th Street, N. Y. '
lias been recently thoroughly renovated i <
and repaired, and under the management
of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE I
IIOPPES, formerly of W import, it first
class in all fit atipoir.tmnnU.
Are offered to those in attendance at court
and others remaining in town for a few
dav* at a time.
The largest and most superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern convenience*. Go try the
Bush house.
C. T. ALEXANDRA. O. M. fiovii*
Law.lWlaWwUe. Sperl.Uitcntloo
fflvwn to rolltclloM. And Orphan®* Court practice.
May !>• connultosKn (fertnnn nnd KnglUk. |
<#*rm*n'® bulldlnt* un* 74 tf.
HORSE" r currency for
llUflOL n w In-rM book It trt-t® ail .liwawa
h®.l6tln# rttgravlnf w ehowtn* poatUon® ®*®umcit by
•l'k her®*® N ta( 1r of .I.HMMI A
Wllllf for t*Ui th. gge „f m
D V/\il\hurao. with an anirravlnir stowing tooth of
uuch >oar . and * UUA ®m-uut of utb#r valuable hoi so
Infortnatlon Dr. Wm (fall nays 1 have bought
tH*ok th®t I |ld f 5 and *h for which ! do not like a*
wall a® Ido your® Send for a circular . agnUa wantinl
B.J. Kendall ,M U , Knoaburgh Falii.Vt Luj o
Saddle*. Harneii, Bridl**, Collar*, Whip*,
Flyneti. and alto keeps on hand Cotton
Nets, etc. Prices low us any where else.
All kind* of repairing done. The bosl
stock always kept on hand. All work war
ranted. A share of the public patronage
kindly solicited. llapr, 14 v
Harness, Saddles, 4c
Theondenlgoed, tU>t,uUr.*d to Ut* populu
(urloyer prices. respectfully oalls tbf *Uau-
Uoo Of lh public to hUsfctck of
now offered at ttl*ald stand. IV . .
the people *od the times, i- . -signedlaepectlly for
end complete IMUH- r'2 ,I.'!'** i"—™ o** 0 ** ssrled
KridliM of . , "ienl of hid*],,, Ham#*,. Oollers
in f*ot evanuo u ,l Utr; Whip. n d
to complete. Mnt cUei e.tubluh.
mrat, h* BOW offer* at price, which Will wit the ltm
JAUOti UINUJUi UaaUaUall. i
—IIA It II \V A It E!—'
0, n H
* K fi
•t K K
* * H
We would especially call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
WsLfi&as niosas heatbjs STSIII.
"fOur Stock being eMirely New. We offer special Bargain*
Spring Mills O. K!
at I. J. Grenoble'# Store !
ha* the goods. Largest stock I
Prices Lower than
I |
And now extend* A cordial invitation to|
hit friends, patrons, and public general- ,
,r \ :
Also a Complete Assortment ol
Ready Made Clothing for men and 1
boy*. Suit# as low as to be bad in the
Imported and Domestic
Full lines of
For Ladies, Genu, Boys, Misses ®nd;
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Sboca, '
And the most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and price* tba '
willcompel YOU in self defence to buy o
hm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18oc '
A full line of Howe Sewing Macbinee i
and Needles for all kinds of machines
Also deals in all kind*2of Grain. Mar
ket price paid (or the same. A specially
in CO A L by the car load.
Jas. Harris Co.!
P A I N T S,
• ® el 'oft>nle.
Furniture Rooms!
respectfully inform* theritixen* of Ccntr*
[county, that he ha bought out the oit:
stand ot J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
tho prices. Ho hi* constantly on hand
and make* to order
Bl T r.BA4IS,
TABLES, Ac., Ac.
His slock of ready-made Furniture is
large and warranted of good workman
ship, and is all made under his immediate
supwvuion, and is offered at rate* cheaper,
than elsewhere.
Call and eo bis stock before purchasing'
"cent r e HALL
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store has
been opened by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall, where ha is prepared to sell all
kinds oi Budding and House Furnishing
Hardware, Natl*. Ae.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, i
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plato Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloe*, and Hubs, table
Cutlery, Shovela, Spade* and Forks
Lock*, Hinges, Screws, Sa*h Snrinc-s
Horse-Shoes. Nails, Norwav Lds Oik
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tuuls, Paint, Vara-
Uhea. *
Pictures famod in the finest style.
Notice 01 h * n<1 ' ° rdered Upon
er^u K X e -™^ r r e '. all K ° oJs offeredcheft P"
TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-aB
! Law. Oollaetton* prumptlr m*d and *p*cl*
aUwatlon to: hu* b*Tln< land* or pro ports tor
•alo. will draw up and har* acknowledged Deed*
' | Mortgaeee. Ac one in the diamond, north aid* of
' UMoourthouM.UolMonW. actSSOVtf.
DU. W — KH.-NE. Dentist, cu be
found at hie U£A and retidtnM
<>R North 'idr of High Street, throe doon
£ut ol Allegheny, Bellefoate, Pa.
27 feb tf
: f-rrtjnurw-isUjr nrM
and PILES}
nr. K. n. CI_VKK. MT B% Vl_ N. -TM
11 ami It aJMWtJoMf wry WJ tmmm wTTJI Tto
>! t< W> itt (tUnl M rtlWial|."
r_ B. HTTdli.fßfUi|f.WlUw
1 ItaMr It la wilt i■! OQ—fc ImNKIW
; <r<l ui f(R krrfw'k. nl all ÜBn> atiaato." |
XELAOI: r '.icraiLA at. taw 'L, N
'ttfeofortcOtwalac- AflwaiUoaa rWpat
..Crrta* towm TOca aa* CaiUTaaaaa It M|W#
ii>< at.* 4
C.S. awiM!!, mt BaMto*. aaya. *Wto> Swto
me* W toar m —Art*ltoaht lalalj —toe*
IT HAS ItlHfl 0
WONDERFUL |jf 111 i
POWER, hhmb
irrtrsr tntnir oxt.T virtra TUT
Bwum It cltaa— IV a kale ajwa
aaa kmaon tM alkrala * ■ .law b BlUbaaMb
JwaHrt. < aalnilM. EUarr aal Irlaary to
i an "*— ■■"'■— aa4 •>< aktak to
wax. oa. 4Wnlrr et cry Ikaartar aal krtac aa ■ natoi
aaaaaaAdlwaae. <
If jaa want take arcll la -pllrafy aamlC. aa* Klto'
in-aOKT. It W a 4ry a mlalb aaaaa— A. —A
Oar lartu* will autk* aix aaarta of iMltrtaa,
Bay H at tkr "'ifta*
Cherry Pectoral
4 For DifMMs of tM
Throat and Lunar,
SUCh u Couah*
Cold*. Whooping
Coast, Bronchi tie,
The it has attained, ia
ronsotiorocv of thc marve llous cnres it
has Proceed during the last half cen
tary, ia a sufficient assurance to the
' public that It will continue to reallx*
the happiest results that can be desired.
In almost every section of country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have been restored from alarming and
even desperate diseases of the lungs,
by Its use. All who have tried it ac
knowledge its superiority; and where
its virtues are known, no one hesitates
as to what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. CHERKT P*C
TOKAL always affords instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder va
rieties of bronchial disorder, as well ss
the more formidable tHirnana of til*
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat and Cheat of Childhood, It
is invaluable; for, by its timely use,
multitudes are rescued and restored to
This medicine gains friends at
1 every trial, as the cures It is constantly
producing arc too remarkable to bo
forgotten. No family should be with
out it, and those who have once used
it never will.
Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, and Clergymen
often recommend It from their knowl
edge of its effects.
Or. 1. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mats.,
Practical and Analytical chaaalita.