The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 10, 1879, Image 4

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i.olnu in (hr Canute) .
One of the first requisite* in a child's
summer out fit for the country is-a pair
of strong, broad-noled shoes tit for
climbing and running, and not likely to
le ruined by contact with the wet grass
in the morning. Tlnx shoes should not
l*- too coarsely or mtiniaiiv made, though
e\cn a cheap and vommoii-looking shoe
is better than one. however fine, which
binds too tightly over the Instep, or
cramps the toes while it blisters the
heels. Few mothers remember how
very much a child's comfort, Itanpines
and gmid temper depend on the wav.
sensilde or otherwise, in which the litth
hvt atv dres*l. It is not tor nothing
that the adage, as easy as an old -hi*-.
has passed into the proverbial litera
ture of the world. The miseries of
new shoes have l*vn felt by most of us.
So acute an ifh*t?tA er as .1 ohb Brown, ol
Kdinburgh. r iMwk> tin; cuu oft hi in
i-oniprohensille mv>teric* of eiviilration
is the way in wlueh nrople consent to
torture their fivt. No lit tlo grow ing jiat
should ever 1* inca-iii In a ivvi-ring ti*>
big or too -mall. The should not
tlap about like the shrunken pod of a pea,
nor should it pros- like a cage, nor yet
he ti*> short, and -o force the nail of the
larger tm- to grow into the flesh, causing
excruciating tunun-, from which only
heroic treatment will deliver the victim.
Provided whh thick and ei'mfort.thle
shoes for out-door wctu-,and soft slip
pers for tho-c hour- of theafteinoon and
evening witieh shall hp - vttt in the
hotisi'. the nexl thing in order i- to think
of the dress. Thin flannel from head to
foot will ojualize the temperature of tin
laxly, and pn-xent many <in attn.-k of
erauip and sudden cold Sonic mother*
think that a woolen texture m x: the
-kin must of n<vessi: v make a child too
warm in the hot July and August
weather. This is a mistake, l.inenand
cotton are apt to become clammy and
chill, especially win n -alurate-d with
pet-piration. and flanne' i- th.-retoro
safer, as well as more agreiwble in every
way. To those whose nerve- dislike the
contact of pure w ,*!, the sort merino
fabrics, which h ivo ai int<-rmixture of
cotton, aro not objectionable. The gar
ments worn above the 11.-uittic should l*-
few. liwi-e. and simply made LittU
giri- i-spivialiy ar<- -utVcror- from tin
kre thetr mammas ha\ i of stving them
yrwei'fully ano rharmfnuly attin-1. Tin
temptation to set off their flower-like
faces :unl dainty slia; - in rol- -of fairy
like tint-and filmy thickness; to adorn
them with laces ami -A*he-, embroidery
:unl ruffling, i- indeed -trong. IVlieat*-
women, fa-tidiou- and is fined, spend
their own pm-ious -tisngtli in stitching
and sewing, that their darling- may re
semble the ro-'s and the 1 lie*, may glit
ter on the primienade like iry moths or
\cl\ct buttirrtii-. nd flash ikwi tin
parterro like animatixi rainbow l'hen
the bcautifUl babies, when thus i iins
twkingiy dn>-xi. an- told not to-oil or
ti-ar their finery, and so being ean--worn
and cumberiai. they mi-s the In--, good
the country ha- to give them.
Plenty of strong calico or cambric
iln-s-e-. brown holland or white apron-,
light, clo-clv-wovensun-lta'-w hich will
shade the eyi-s. aiid then treedom to
roam here and thereon exp dilion-alter
berriiss. flower* or - a-shelLs. long de
lightful mornings in the fragrant barn,
odorous of -wet-smelling hav, gr:uid
tramp- across the country with -ome
hody who knows how to lead without
wearying, and drives over the hills by
moonlight, and the fortunate children
who thu* g>> to tin country shall find in
the days mid nights a wonderful elixir
and tonic. They will learn better ics
eons than the text-book* ( in impart, a
they iisti-n to tlte babble of the brook, or
-iv the fi-h ,i:tp up in tin silvery stream.
They will gfbw tat! and plump and rosy,
and shake ) thtw artificial i-obwcbs
which sivieH tn town contriviN to weave
even over Ute gentleness and fro-hne— of
its boysauflgrrb —/'a: jr.
Fathlou .loirs.
Bonnets ara worn very high.
Deep over-kirts are still in
_ Some of ah-- new are oval in out
line. and -tp at the belt.
The net#est lioots for dancing are
made of satin, with high heels.
Tiie side guro* of -inn- overskirts ar
laid in i
The p>lk: has-;ue. as it is made this
year, is thKpgMkshioned chatelaine
A varietwof belts are coming into
vogue, linen and of other mate
I.usterless bbv- tnrquoisc is thought
to be exceedingly becoming to fair com
plexions. •
laundry pin-iushions, with a laundry
list printed on the under side, are the
latest invi
Englisli W>ui< u w -ar and like the little
bonnets madt' of clusters of flowers lying
on black lace.
Ik-, ues 'X ;sai.vJ-*rial catirely difli*rent
from that m£ Uw -*rt aromatic by the
French dr®hxak*crs.
Mftmin" jtC ll traveling dn ;uid -<-a
*ide cr.stuK-- become more and more
masculine ft bp;-earnnee.
Summer colors are rery gay, and the
streets loofrfs tlipugh a tlnck of butter
flies wen? B' tting them.
It is that the heavy braids
and tuft- wiH omo in again a* soon as
puffed ski A- really become fashionable.
Buntinglalmiwnls are shown for sum
mer wear They nrr finished with two
or three plßflngs at tlie bottom, and are
sometimeApimtued with bias band- of
satin. • j
Tlie svrkpl ironing an 1 washing the
new goods is not to use
starch, or Jo use as little as possible con
sidering of early e<iuca
Basquesa>f diff-rent material from
the skirt will, it i said. be fashionable
in the außtauu and even now brocade
waists arc prom with plain skirts.
The isin basques of lnt season
are made flwiinii ibb- by the addition of
a sash, whichfiin sewed into the -ide
-earn just help* the waist, and tied in
the back about half-way down the -kirt.
The ends art? finished eitlier with fringe
or luce.
The Shoplifter's Story.
A strange narrative earn" to light in
New York vaeeutiy. which well illus
trates the d:o*k and bright side of the
great metropolis. A young and hand
somely dressed lady made a complaint to
the police that a otfaun woman was an
noying and trying to blackmail her.
The party p 1-ored to be " Mag" Morgan,
a notorious sh-yiiftcF. who surprised the
authorities by doolaring that the com
plainant was her daughter, and pro
duced letter- fpnm the Lady to prove her
assertion. Tlie young lady after a time
said that she tjjd uof really know whether
the woman wa%lua mother or not, as she
had lives! with her aunt since she was
thirteen month? of age. Her father left
her mother Tfrgyaisc she was a li:id wo
man, and slubliad no positive knowl
edge that the*"Mug" was, or was not.
her parent. Shg raid that she had mar
ried aretiredgintleiuan and did not wish
to be annoyed or slandered lurthcr.
"Mag" prodfli*6d letters written by her
(claimed to Te) daughter, commencing
"dear mothtM#nil of which, with one
exception, wav claimed to lie forgeries.
The shopliftn- began to erv, and prom
ised to go away and to try and live a
lietter life. Tins so affected the young
lady that she, too, went. Superintendent
AValling alioWvd the shoplifter to go. and
the outcast fuw society and the offender
against tlie i ws of the land departed, it
is hoped on t he way to a purer and lietter
Wejdou's Victory.
About fivw thousand persons wit
nessed the of the international
pedestrian <*mt--st in lxtndon for Sir
John Astleyj 1 hampioit-hip belt, won
from OTie.iey in New York by Rowell
last March. Weston also won his bet of
.*2,500 to BSDO With Sir John Astlcy.
wliieh was that he would make 550
miles—the best score on record.
Weston's last mile was made in eleven
minutes and twenty-one seconds, and he
appeared then tp la? still in good con
dition. He gut SSMKH) h<- liis share of tlie
gate money, Which amounted altogether
to 513,000. JWi following comparison
shows the jhff&enc< between the per
formance nfjjhe two leading contestants
in London in April and June;
• SflMe, > Jaw, ism.
ti*uv n. UVdfoa. Hr rn
Ist (lav TO3 HU4 12a 120
2.1 (lav sBl 102| f7 101
3d day 86 85 03 01
4tli dav 7* P(> 77 40
sth day 53 77 83 51
Bth day. 64 621 "7 36
# 460 4431 540 443
Milking Shingle* in a ryprca* Swamp.
The following extract, allowing how
shingle* are DIMC in a Delaware cyprtvs
swamp. is from an article by Howard
Pyle in Harper's Motfivine: A wc
plunged deeper into the swamp the trees
Ineroaaed in ire. lion 1 anil there a
lilaek |VH>I of water lay gleaming sullen
ly. hitting, as it were, among a thick
growth of rank ferns ami venomous
looking (lowem. Vine-cmeroil cy presses
rose high alofi, the inevitable streamers
of gray moss hanging motionlessly pen
dent. The noise of the shingle-cutter*
soundi-d ever more clearly, like the rap
ping of a gigantic woodpecker "tap
tap, tap: tap. lap. tap" as tliev chop
pod out the shingles, the sound ot' the
voice* of tlte invisible workmen and an
occasional hurst of laughter echoing
invstcriously in tlic gloomy and other
wise unbroken solitude; and so wr came
upon the shingle center.
Tiie workmen had just excavated a
log. ttie butt or root part within a few
inches of the surface of the ground, the
stem at the fart her end some two or thro
feet In-low. At about twenty hvt dis
tonoe front the liutt a young man was
busy sawing through the .og. Ilio'lio ks
were hollow, his feature* angular, a gen
eral cadaverous look lH'tokening I'llills
and te \er. I'he saw had a handleonly at
one end. lik. the instrument used for
cutting ice. The sharp end struck deep
ly into the ground at every movement,
but was not dulled, because of tie entire
freedom from grit of the soil, coniposed
as it is of iiiva\eit Iwirk utd vegetation.
We watched with interest, taking i
sketch in the meantime, until the log
was sawed tlirough. It now made a
sect ion about tws uty fivt long and oom
parativelv easy to handle. The gang,
cumposod of half a dosen hands, now set
to work to raise it from it* ro*titg-piaoe, ,
with ti>ng levers of stout saplings, 11.0
process accompanied witli many grunts
and oaths It was a picturesque sight
the men in their list and blue shirts
straining and tugging at the giant log
that lay in its long, grave-liki cavity.
At length it starts at one end with a
sucking noise as it leave* its oozy lied, is
gradually raised to the surface, and is
finally roiled bodily i>ut of it- excava
tion to the fresh air. a here it lies like
some newly disinterred antediluvian
iutnster, huge. black and slimy.
" A purty good log," says one of the
men, as he draws the sleeve of liis ml
shirt across his -wi-at-la-aded brow.
When the log is tints finally rai-tsi it is i
sawed into section* each about two fivt
in length; these are then split down to
the requisite thickness for shingle-. I'hc
logs are first discovered by means of a
sharp iron stake, which is thrust into
the ground wherever a slight mound
like elevation betokens the probable
presence of a log or logs beneath. It the
point of the strikes the hard sur
face of wood instead ol sinking easily
into the morass, the soil is cleared away,
and a square foot of the stump ex postal.
The practiced eye of the shingle man
can tell at once whether the log i- useful,
the requisites for use Iwing straight
grain throughout, with no knots, sound
ness and no decay. It a sound, goml
log. it is then uncovered, sawed through
and raised.
When the log was completely raised,
our guide resumed his work, splitting
the sawed stations into shingles Tak
ing ascat on one of the dry • st of the fallen
logs, he took a large " chunk " upright
I set ween his knees He used a tin -ail
knife-blade, with a long wooden handle,
which he placed on the log, driving it
into the wood with n heavy hard-wood
mallet such as is used by sculptors and
stone-carver*. At a little distance from
him a shaggy-looking fellow with ami
shirt and patched trowsers w- sitting
at a shingle horse, shaving the -t> it
slabs of wooii smooth and taps-ring ite
side him lay a pile of clean. crisp-look
ing shavings, emitting that odor peculiar
towell-seasoned cypress. The horse Uxal
is the ordinary tamper's horse, and need*
no special d- ription. From this point
the shingles an* carried to the road side,
to la- handy for transportation.
Testing an Antidote.
The Nashville (Tenn.) American of a
recent date savs: A curious exhibition
was given in 1 >r. Duncan Kve's re:tr of
fice yesterday morning. l>r. H Shaek
lett and XI. G. Collins, of I 'ontn-ville.
appeared then- with th understanding
that Collins was to permit a rattlesnake
to bite him and then cure himself by 11
concoction manufactured out of the
mosses which grow on white oak and
hickory nut trees. This moss had been
put in three and a half pints of water,
they said, and boiled down ton half pint.
The physicians chose a rattlesnake in '
preference to a copperhead and a cotton
mouth snake, by cither of which Collins
proposed to make the tost. He WAS bit-
tin on tin* wri.-t bv tin- rattlesnake. and
tln> wound bled. ilt- at once nppiital tlie
remedy to tin- wound and took it inter
nally. His pulse bad beat at eighty-four;
temperature, ninety-nine. At the end of |
fifteen minutes from the bite the pulse
had risen to ninety-one ami the tempera
ture to 1014 degrees; fifteen minutes
more his pulse was ninety-three and the
temperature 100: in one hour from the
time of the bite the pulse tieat nt ninety,
while the temperature marked ninety
eight and one-half. At this point of the
proceeding-Collins suffered with nause
ated stomach, and remarket! that he had
tried the same experiment with a rattle
snake at IVntrevillc last Monday; that
the two experiments had his<n too close
together, and they wotiid not catch him
making experiments without a greater
lapse ol time lietween them. The snake
thai hit Collins was then teased until it
struck a dog. which ilieil from the bite
one hour and thirty-five minutes after. ;
Collins claims to liave got his antidote
from the Blackfeet and Cherokee Indians
when a youth.
The Biike of Argyll.
The Duke of Argyll now visiting
America is the eighth duke of that title.
He was liornat Ardingeaplecastle. Dum
bartonshire. in 1683, ana succeeded his ,
father in 1*46. Before his father's death,
and while he was Maraoisof Lulu, lie
took an active part in tlie controversy ir. I
the Presbyterian church, and did some i
literary work, publishing, among other l
thing-. "A 1/ntcr to the Peers front %j
Peer's Son," a letter to the Rev. Thomas
Chalmers, D. P.. on the present position
of church affairs in Scot land, and an essay
'•ntitLsl "Presbytery Examined." He
has been a freauent speaker in the House
of Peers. He Itas filled enough oftices to
tuni iut American politician green with
(•nvy. In I*sl he was chancellor of the
University of St. Andrew's, in ISYg lord
privy ~ in the cabinet of tlie Earl of
Aberdeen, in 1854 he held the Kame office
under lord Palmer-ton. in Is.Vi he was
postmaster general, in 1858 lord privy
seal again, in 1860 postmaster genera
again, li8<I lord privy seal again. He has
been rector of theUniviTsity of fllasgow,
president of the Royal Society of Edin
lurg, and secretary of state for India.
Among his •other oftices are those of
hereditary master of the (jucen's house
hold in Scotland, chancellor of the I'ni
versitv of St. Andrews, trust's- of the
British Museum and hereditary slurifl
and lord lieutenant of Argyllshire. Still,
with aTI these honors, he walks and eats
and has hands and feet just like othei
'men. In later years he has published
"The Reign of Law," " Primeval Man "
and a num!er of other works.
4n Knormous Condor.
In the course of the day I had an op- j
portunity of shooting a condor; it was
so satiated with its repast on the carcass i
of a dead horse as to suffer me to ap- ,
proaeli within pistol sltot before it ex
tended its wings to take flight, which to
me was the signal to tire; and having'
loaded with an ample charge of pellets,
my aim proved effectual and fatal, j
\\ hat a formidable monster did I behold
in the ravine beneath me, screaming and
flapping in the last convulsive struggles
of life! It may be difficult to believe
that the most gigantic animal that in
habits the earth or the ocean can Is
equaled bv a tenant of air; and thrse
persons wlto have never seen a larger
bird than our mountain eagle will
probably read with astonishment of a
species of that same bird, in the
southern hemisphere, being so large and
sti uig as to seize an ox with its talons,
and to lift it into the air. whence it tets
it fall to the ground in order to kill and
prey upon the carcass. But this aston
ishment must in a great measure subside
when the dimensions of the bird are
taken into consideration, and which, in
credible as they may appear, I now in
sert verbatim, from a note taken down
with tr.y own band. "When the wings
were spread tliey measured sixteen 1
paces (fortv feet) 111 extent, front point!
to point, tlie feathers are eight paces j
. (twenty feet) in length: and the quill 1
part two pahns (eight inches) in circum
ference. It is said to have power suf
licient to carry off a live rhinoceros " j
Tevw'v's Trnvih t'n Pent.
Things that are Misnamed.
The I'ldiadrlnhia Troth Joorttol pro
faces a list of misnomer* applied to arti
cle* well known in trade ty saying;
Wliy should trade not have * .Johnson
in* a Webster to classify and correct the
mass of iiu-otisisteneii s that go to make
up its notinnelatnr. ' e not only tax
our twain* to Invent ' fantastic' names
fin every n, M iWbrie, varied perhaps
only byn thread or a shade from what
our grandparents wore a century ago,
tint there are in use positive misnomers
for many staple article* •>! nicr> h.-uidise.
rtie followingimperfect list, culled from
sounv* ready at liand will give a faint
idea ot litem
id (sour). Il| |''|"(l 111 I 111 lllistry til a
clan* of tMidie* to which sonnies- i- only
accidental, and by >lO means a universal
eharaeteristie Thus rock, >ry -tal
quart*, tlint. etc . are chemical acids,
though no pnrtich id aridity t<-
Black lead diH-s not ixmtnin a -untie
partii ie ot had, 1* mg , omiwnasl of ear
lain and Iron.
Brazilian grass diss not come from
Hraxil, or even grow there, nor is it
grass at ail. It consist* of strips ola palm
leal (dkusirn 1 /* urvmiiiO and i- im
ported chiefly from t übs
Burgundy pitch is not pit' h. tioi i- it
manufaeturist in or exporti d from ltur
guiutv The Ix-st is an -inott- -uhstjun •
Cropanil from i ommon frankincense mid
touglil from llatuburg; hut by far the
greater quantify is a mixture of tv-in
and palm oil.
China, a* a nun> foi porcelain, .iv-s
risi* to the contradictory < vpr- s-i.uis,
British china, Dutch chiun. Chelsea
china, eu\, ok-- wooden milestones,iron
tutjestoiies, brass -hiK -hortts. iron pen-,
steel pen-.
Cuttle bone i- not bom- at all. but a
structure of pure chalk, unit utilsdiwl
loosely in tin -uh-tanci of certain e\-
tinet specie* of cuttle fish it 1- en
elo-. d in a utcuibnuns us -.iw itliin tire
body I f the fish, and drop- out w hen the
-ae is opened. hut it ha.- no connection
whalerer w itli the -ae or tie- cut! 1- n-h
Galvanized iron i- <•< galvanit*l It
i- -iniplv ironenatisi with <in> ; and this
is done by dipping it in a zinc bath con
taining muriatic acid.
German -iiv r i- trot silver at all. nor
was the metallic alloy eallnl by that
name inventis! by a German, but has
Us n in u>e in t'hiua. time out ui muni.
ilotiey soap con to it i* no honey, nori
honey anyway employed in it- manu
facture. It is a mixture of palm oil soap
and olive oil soap, each one part, with
three part- of curd -oap, or yellow soap,
Jaivan lacquer contains no lac at all,
hut t- made from a kind of nut tree
called aruteardiact-.-e!
Kid gkives an- not made front kid
-kins, but of lamb or -beep -kin-. At
present many of them are made of rut
Meerschaum is not petrified " sea
foaui," a- it.- name implies, but i- a com
position of silica, nurgitesia ami water
Mo-aii gold lias no onite-tioit with
Mam or the metal gold. It is in il.oy
ofeopi-r and ziue. used in the ancient
musivum or te—ellatisi work
Mother of p.-ar. i- tie inn- r la\. r of
several ->rts of slieii-. It i- not the
mother of pearl, :vs its name indi< ales,
hut in some cases the matrix of the
Pen means a feather 11— at in ;* • t. a
wing). A stK 1 pen ismitaiery ihoioe
Prussian blue di - not cotue from
Prussia, but i- tic precipitate of tie salt
of protoxide of iron with prus-iate of
Salad oil i- not oil for salad, but oil
for cleaning snllades, i. helmets.
--ait is not salt at ill. and ha- ■ng bts-u
exeludtai Irtmi theclassofbodie*denomi
nated "salts."
Sea.ipg w ax i- not wax at ail. nor lic -
it contain a -ingle partick- of wax. It i
tnadeof -hellae, N'.nie. turpentine and
einnaltar. Cinnabar- gi\ ' - it a d-• p. roi
color, and tin- turpentine retniei* the
■shellac soft and li -- brittle.
Sj" rm oil pwyll tucans ••-(s-d oil."
(I.atin. sp-riiui, -ct-i). from the notion
that it was vpt nitwtli (the sjwnn or melt
of*n whale). The -ja-rm whale i tin
whale whii-h givi - the "" seed oil." which
is taken chiefly, bu' not w holly, from
the head.
WlialeUme i- not U>n- at all, nor dwe
lt posse— any of the propertie* of !*••.
It i- a substance attachu! to the upper
jaw of the whale, ami *erv *- to -train
tin 1 water which tin- creature taki-s up
in large mouthfuLs.
The Health of ((ties.
The following tabulated statement i
compiled from tie* annua, -unun.try
nul i.-le-d by the Registrar < ieneral of
England. It shows the death rat<- and
ponulationot tw-nty-three of the largest
cities of litvat Britain for the year |k7 ■
byitbtiun, jvr 1.000
CiticM. IS7R. living, 1878
lamdon .... 3,577.304 23.5
Liverpool 5T2.6R1 30.4
Birtninghaia 383,117 26 5
Manchester . ('41.514 27 9
llubliu 314.666 29 6
Sheffield 2-V ViJ 25.0
K4int*argh 222.371 22 1
Bristol 296.419 214
HradJord 185.088 22.5
Saltanl l"0.2l 20.6
Nottingham 16.) .76 21 0
Kivemk hi.>7(l tM
lluil 143.139 24 3
Portsmouth 129.461 19,0
Leicester 124.173 20 8
Suudcrhusl 112,459 25 6
I 6dham 107.366 25.8
Brighton 103.923 21 2
Norwich.... 84,620 24 6
Wolverhampton ... 74.240 23 3
Plymouth. 73,599 25.3
Total |<o|eilation 8,373,95 I Av. 21 4
We publish below a table giving the
death rate and populate n in twenty
three cities iii the United States, which
correspond as mar as possible in size
with those given in the English Able
Heaths per
C iti—. Population. 1,000 living
New York 1.046,037 27 87
Philadelphia 825.000 "22.9,'J
Kp-4 . j 'J7>'<(■ n.l
t hicago 420.000 20 41
Baltimore 355,000 20.79
Bos tot 346.000 23.84
San Francisco 300.000 18.89
Cincinnati 280.000 20.39
New Oilcans. 215.000 271.10
t'leveiand 162.000 19.90
Washington .. 160.(5K) *26.40
Bu ditto 150.000 14.29
Ismisvilln 15(1,000 18.50
Pittsburgh 145.000 19 97
Detroit 120.000 16.31
Milwaukee 110.000 18.95
Providence 103.000 14.64
Alhany 95.000 13.78
Richmond 75.000 21.98
Syracuse 00,000 13.60
New Ibiven 60,000 20.43
Charleston 56,540 35.58
Worcester 52,000 21.61
Total population 5.813.407 Av. 20 97
front the alsive tabic we learn that
the average death rate per 1. 000 living is
less in twcnty-Uire. cities of this coun
try than in as ntany in (ircat Britain.
Still, as will be iks-h, the population in
the cities of America is not as dense, ami
in most the Wiitar is more pure
than there. In England!he rule is laid
down that the mortality of a healthy
city should not cxi-ecd 17 per l.ouo. U"n
ti 1 we readi that ii'iiit in both countries
the work of tlie sanitarian must lie re
garded as incomplete. A'cut I hum
Popular Science.
Lamp-wick dipped in hot vinegar be
fore u-ing is said to prevent any offen
sive smell front lamps.
Tortoise-shell and born combs are pre
vented from cracking by being occasion
ally rubbed with oil.
Imitation honey is made of paraffine
comb filled with glucose.
Horn or tortoise-shell tuny lie welded
by pressing tlie parts together between a
hot iron, interposing a wet linen cloth l>c
twecn the iron and the object.
Mexicans subdue fractious horses by
having a hood no arranged as to lie pulled
down over the eyes of the 1 torse aa noon
as lie manifests uneasiness. Several ap
plications subdue the horses perma
If a sponge, after having been used a
week, is then put away to thoroughly
dry, and another used for an equal time,
the soft, flabby and worn-out sponge re
covers its texture. Sponges in this way
outlast three ordinary spongi s.
Recent discoveries of rich deposits of
phosphate of lime in Canada has caused
land near the area of deposit to go up in
price. Lumbering has been nhandotft'd
in some instances to cultivate the new
industry. England and the continent are
large purchasers.
FARM, U Vltltft:*, AM>
tlmllti llliil■.
K.,..* IN ('** or Tnornti Tim
while of nil i gjf i aw id to lie n specific
for li-li hone- sticking in tin 1 throni. It
i* to Im* owtiiUiweii rnw tutd will carry
:hone ilow ii iw>ity n<l rtnilily. There
i* .another fuel touching egg* which It
will I"' well to ri'iui'iulier. When, a*
Mlllli'lill'l by accident, col limit e ntllrii
lllAti' f* AWltlloW ill. the while of one or
two I k'lt* Ink' II W ill llellt I'tllire I lie p|l|*i ill.
Hint change tho elVe. t lo licit of a du*e of
Htl-WI OIMMIM Two OUIli < * of
lutUnin fir; two ounce* of inultoii Inl
low . IWo IIUIIIN K ot IKVWII\, tout two
ottlico* of spirlta ot til! fell!itie Utlint I*
fillllliereit together Hint Well stirred, then
"IXIUUid through a hit of IHUTIM IIIUMMI
into n till hex or W hie Illolllheit botfle
it utii. 111 In io ;>t eh >w Imm the air. t litn
is one ot the IM *Ht oinment* lliat mill IM
ptoi'iintd lor hunta, < racked l> tnd*. run
roiiniK on the litiferi. win! I s pqtlnliy
g*"l for IVolUld* Upon liulan .out initio
A CoNXiMiNt I'uflij; Tnk- on<
otitic. of W tiile IXixill, olie otlliee of mill
lott la':low ami one ounee ol granulated
sugar, nlmniir well together llan
reHitl lialf i yiU'il of fine b'cticlied eolloli,
Illlit ll itll AI'HM' kllile spread the ;tlve,
w tiile licit* ot rr the xlirl.tee ol itie doth;
xfi'i lit il oil et •-It ] X Mill qUitcthilt Winn
cold. hi) a ttlh hie we 111 I hull)' |itt|ier
lightly ot er I tie nil faei Thin will prove
n constant comfort in 1 ittlt wotimtx ttr
:os, iHt.lex ruts or hurna* A hit ■ m
off Mid Mlli k Over the pi lee if a quick
cure, ax it exeliniis the air ami is not
tiulky i i in tin W ay, a-s linger la.s a.Ways
\V IIK Sll ill.t' II \V Itel iI In stomal h
is weak, it s mus.uliir m i ion inipairixl,
iunl .its nert i-s o\ er-s.-nsiti Ve, tail little
haul shouhl l taken into it at a time.
The Ixxxt iliet is skinnnet! niftk. lialf a
pint e wry four hums. Winn milk is
not xvell digested, little water is I'diu.
hineil Willi it. Slleh ft Mat* !U> coll'iv, lea
ami tohneiii mu.xi, of course, lie given
upnh-oiuo iunl at otn e A ooven tgn
anjeje of ilh tio hutti rmllk. In huttn
ttillk the i aatnn of milk isooag\ilate<l ami
hroken u|t* so that ihi sunuaeh is * pored
two steps ol the rvilUuil pIXKS fll l|J di
g stion Vnoltn r ex.-client preparation
ot milk ts koumiss. It contain* a gooa
ileal of i'.urliiic aeiil in all oucs the
pi'tli fit's w oik shoUni lie liuuir wnier
hy n iliet i oiuisting of egg*. milk. ot.iivUy
vegetable*, si. w'nl fruits ami a iitUe hut
t< i, with it ale hre.ul.—J/.dtrttf llerttrd.
Krull Tier#.
I flint tint lime, wikm! <tnl old
iron put around tin* roots of di.lining
fruit tr'x s liave a very beneficial ertoet.
These fertilizer* restore the ires- tii a
healthy ecluiiUoU. iunl s.av glial.) llu>
prove tin- fruit in .quality a. <\ iitiaiitity.
I ni uh the aop.ii ition on a W'imlsap
ami N(w i r Kail; aUiut half a iiusiiei of
mixed lime ami ashes to each. .A.I dug
it in with a hoi some six fix-t around tin
trunk, and nut the old Iron immediately
around tie 1 brute of < ae|i.
Thetrvs's put forth with rem wed vigor,
hliMiunst ahuudnitlly, and yielded a gi>*t
crip of fruit. An excellent wash for
trix's may In- made thus llent an ounee
ot salsmla to redin *a in an iron pot, and
dissolve it in one gallon of water, and
while wanu apply it lo the trunk. Alter
one application the moss and old hark
will drop oil'ami the trunk will lie quite
smooth. The w;ih has highly recuper
ative plopertics, making old trees liear
am w.
1 hare tried soft soap as a Wash with
good ri-sult.s, anil also a ci siting of iinie
in the spring sea-sou, which is line
specific tor old trm-s. Hie qUc-tlon is
often askixl. is it Jw-st to manure tr.s s in
the fall ir spring? 1 have found the
summer Unison to l>e a s'isxl linn ; I
have much faith in mulching, especially
young ins-s, for several s, vnic aftu
tiny arc planted. Apple tm are said
to have two growths during the m-ason—
the secondary grow th lakes plaia- after
inidsuiiuuer. In mr it is that a too dress
ing of good luaiiun". anil alsii coarse
litter, facilitates the late growth, and
dim produces very markixl results in
the haliil ami formation of the tree.
Tilt good efftx-t that mulching ha.* to
young trees i. that it wards off the in
ti-iixe heat of the sun from the tender
roots, and a!o ha* a t> nditwy to hold
moisture. \ giMm 1 top dr s>i!ig of stable
m.irur. in the full. iux>uml young trei,.
with a good many corn cobs east over
the surface of tin - soil, give satisfactory
rrsultj! A'nrtii M<*scmgtr.
Xout t.itilc Tm! Uarnrtl b
If your ena! fiix* i* low. throw on a
tablespoonful of salt, and it will help it
vcry mu h. A little ginger put into
sausage nn-iit improves the flavor. In
icing cakes,dip the knife frequently in
to ixilti water. In In.iiing meat lor soup.
Use eoiii W ill r! ■ ■ xtJTM't Ii Jijia*. II
the meat is wanted fin itself aknte.
plunge in boiling water • oi..*. Tfoti
cti get a bottle or barrel of oil oflT any
i-arpet or woolen stuff by appl vl'g dry
buck wh'-at plentifully ami fifth folk. a grva** sjsil,
or liquid of :uiy kind, ltroil spwk with
out salting. . s -ilt draws the juie> in
iXN.king; it is <(• sirnble to kix'p these in
if possible, t i>ok over a hot lire, liirn
ing fnsjuentiv. scaring on Ixith sides.
I'laee on a platter; salt and pepper to
taste. 11#* "I having a tendency to 1..*
tough can be uifuie very palatable by
stewin_' gently for two hours, with jiep
|MT and salt, taking out almut a pint of
tlie liquor when half done, and letting
tlie rest Imi] into the meat. Hrow u tlie
tinxil in the jHit. After taking Up. make
a gravy oh'ae pint of liquor mvw. A
siuaii pieeiMif i'hnn*al in the pot xviHi
boiling cabbage removes the -lueli.
Clean oil elotil witli milk and water; a
bnish ;uid soap will ruin them. Tum
blers that have had milk in I hem should
never be put HI hot Wider. A sjuxniful
of stewed tomiUiHs- in tlii* gravy ol either
roasted or frbxl meals i* an improvi*-
nient. Tlte skin of a hoiieil egg ia'the
most pfficm ions remedy that can lie ap
plied to a hoi;. I*ixs| it carefully, wet
and apply it to the part affected It
will draw off tlie mailer and relieve the
Soreness in a few hours.
Prtinltiff Pvtrh Trr
thrifty ami fruitful by severe cuitlng
back—cutting the large branches down
to tho very stubs. Not long ago we w-ire
told by a very intelligent and ev|n-ri-
I'luxxl iruit-growertint In* wasonee xery
much surprised by seeing some previous
ly fruitliw* old peach trees hanging fttll
of superior, large fruit, inquiry h-d to
the statement that tln-v \v< r< apparently
worthies* trees, which had been tlie
year before closely trimmisl to get the
outstr.tehing limbs out of the way of
working around tinm with a team, so
that the trix'* presented little more than
a trunk with stubs sticking out a foot or
two. and now bung full of tine fruit.—
F. l" F. M upirinr.
A ballHnt Sen-l Ighl.
It appears that the defence of the
< hilinn corvette Ksmeralda, off Iquiqui.
I'cTU. w as an act of heroism deserving a
conspicuous place in tlie nnnal* of mivnl
warfare. Tlie Olillian vessel, an old
wooden craft of 1,000 tons burden,
tolerably Well armed, wax caught in a
little bay, where • xenpe wa* impossible,
by tin powerful Peruvian ram fhnisear.
llere was a situation where a prudent
commander would have xpccdilv pulled
down hi* flag: but mo-t heroic deeds are
|s rfornietl in dcl'ianee of that discretion
which is said to lie the better part of
valor, ami Captain Thomson, of the
Kxinentkla. determined to light his ship
to the last. lie refused lo surrender,
and opened on his huge antagonist.
The IlunM-ar declined a fair tight, and
running into her adversary, crushed the
Ksmeralda'* wooden walls with a single
blow from her iron rain and sent Iter to
tlie bottom. Captain Thomson, with a
handful of hi* men. climbed on board
the lliUL*car ami were cut down while
bravely fighting on the deck of their
The Chilians who went down at their
gun* or were slaughtered on board the
Peruvian ram were avenged, however.
The same day on which the Kmeralda
was stink, the splendid Peruvian
armored frigate Independeneia ran fast
upon a sunken rock and was abandoned
and fired by her own crew. She bad
separated from the Huascar when the
latter attacked the corvette and had gone
in pursuit of the Chilian dispatch boat
Covad-mga. which, keeping close in
shore, in shallow water, lured the big
ironclad to self-destruction. The net
result of the whole affair, so far a* Chili
is concerned, i* therefore the exchange
of an old wooden craft for the finest and
only really formidable cruising ship in
the Peruvian navy—nle-ut equivalent to
trading a pawn at chess for an adversary's
A parishioner of a Berkshire pastor
was asked what the color of the parson's
eyes was. He didn't really know, "for,"
lie said, "when he prays, his eyes are
shut, and when h* preaches. I generally
shut mine."
Csklrrn and Middle Slalet.
" ' A Ikiilcr x|tlo*i<m lis* im-iirisl si host
1 ! IVvas, ISi , tin- w'Siie of a >iitlllni ••Xploslon !
T lust Vent I lie lollowing to the liat ot < naiiftl
* ' lux hillixl t iunl, kri;lci, Itie ronlrwiUir) |
Moil i -cliHl>i) ei. John Keluui-lt, Kitsl I'.tlin
t ■ n-t un.l i 'luirles Hurt, nge ten. a driver at tlie
s i mine all tlie ImmIIIXI Mine lerHlilv nuiugleil.
, hyiu.xl \\ iUOII lien, age iMnlve, a brother
I ..I ( iutrlift leit, inoilatT) , Iteiijaiiiiii Kuril,
tlie eitginoer, death isx-urie-l shortly lUlrn
j ' Wuiil) Wltliain Nail, I milk lleliidst 'k, \V ilson
11 at log, I OHM go Hand, Kdwuld Ituilla and
I laiilcl lli *. *eiiiMiat) tonal exeitemenl
I J pit - alle-L alxHit I lie mine, va In. II | opetalixl t,Y
Ilie L.clllgh Iron COLU|S>LL> 111,, 1 ten ot the
. -- v | LIMTOA AN* *nftt lent lo throM a |H*rtim ol
, 1 LIE boiler, NI ighmg oyer a toll, a dtetnnce ot
~ ' ItKt > aid"
II \ xui. N-e ( N \ | di"|l,-II *AV X thai Mix*
NINE I llolm.- DNDJTHUM ol .ludg. S \
s I IMA< - OT LIBIT , II) an.t Ahnsl 1 Manlont,
, . OCA .1 PIOLE-FTIR II II Naiiloet, --I t Imago
. j I 4iemty, Men. dioyinml in Onwtlaga lake
V Itiev EIE IOM MG in S buat. and ill TIDING lo
. tiange pla, r. 111. host Mn, , ap.uixl.
; At South Holy 4n, Ma-, . JOHN RtMiilitlrt, II
llt l llmlt, vi hi ha l IjtMtn imi *'rk Mllxt r |a*|
i .hiuMty, s|„i laim ihr* ohililre:;—Antue,
I titliuillft M! AUTY, N )WVITT
< l lII 1> Mil lIHII li ho C-tHilil IA4(
ti|t|Hiri On 111. 110 4'li| hi# va i|t* Ollt OU no r
mild, t4Mk Ihn lit lit* uini to u Iniat
iA#iu mid kilirnl (in io ttith a rvvolvm. U ht-ii
U yi i out•*-i hit ujj ttA| i . ol mid
r h* |nti iu| lu bnv hi*childimi dip u
tin-in tHkMtgUl u|io WMI>( Air i iiiiio.
1 in- xihiuli ltr l>io luurtiertM u< Mr- Hull
I >io Nt h i vok ltb# (ittrti rswAriM by hi dui-
K [ 11 v nn4 erriMi in lkitton. He tiruvod ui
5 WttUlta, wlt.t lwul ht*ttn rui-
- <
on Foil) Mtruuti The tuurdrit<d ,
WMO.rtit • knU'li aod ru£ tttifi IUUAI oil his
' IM tvo i eooitwnitxl tUm be bed been ee-
I 'rtlßUhl ttllhoHt? ol (he OIL ill
*' IM Hull IS LUNIFCF nod (but he LUKL M(i*-R*T
•( ftvcnlnj of tin* nfght HA WHICH Mr* Hull J
> uiuMoohl ( fej V o'CHN K TUTL RRIIMIOTMI in (lie
HOUTMP nhon? he *U TUTI|DA)*ED un(il (N
I t bltrii he Went Ollt U£ni!t. ll*-
u *M*a M Lt-y l*r (ho doui ol (he IUII
(l IkMaso; liQl h< uiuil4 (4> inuike tl fit,
not! MHMttjuriilly he mie>i (he window in (be
j l>v\ei and liis(ei*e| nup M ) (o provide
. lot lnoi#*-ll an wm>\ ititviiu ul uikkiiiglu* OHniir
fWwn (H On IUM (he i;un L*
j l unae one fctiore, nod i( wm t%
I u:ui. lie blew hi* tml, wolkcHi in 141
II Ilin rNMflll ktbl l|)|e>i kl (iw Mtiie l (he brwt, j
•* Mr** Hull AWnkenuij;. itkml " W liu m il *
I* ! " RHhleHur mdiedUie She put bet
) j uH' l tiff' Uut tcfttCiilhl Im !uf ta he Wa> MUknil*
t !mw (A* Uir Ihe nihU-r (hi w her
tmn<M>iwk (hn( >)ir tniultt n( (mirh him, iU ,
| (br tMkiui- tune lttyin|* h • Imm! hfvavily ovrr
j .'HP" ttiuath ll llirti Ktit itultl ol the reltignr
J , battle ttii'i <linhrl ooi|jii utto (lie btct- ol the j
jr VAtrftUAO, tkilft Which lie |At IlltOll
ihe tei nttd iiunlfr n pm i! (he beit hiHuni;
She hm by Uu tone in no w.huositwl rondl
thm, mivl hetiinl her ill the ttuumcr Hi N%iorh
'* 4 he w,ks louto! in (he iuutninj*. Tfie robbery'
•in then r<*ntno(te\i mid the robber nmdr his
ft ixMa,*,.
w A new i Mtiulfflrtl k has luiide
it# 4(ff t#turn - io \\ eeteru New \aiW It iI
' - the ric *•! !*C > Ulnl bwi> tbt itutinwol
y tcr Alib'ii 4Ud I ronuiM-i W vm.nn It i evw- I
culnl oil At ruilnl lUAAlatnui i Hbel
r, whtrh b duoi ihr ffauuuic Hio pminut
it I J*-kA>u is ijuod, Imt the genf-nd wp]iiiuiifc
ir >O( (be note U HUL. IHUIKI-R* pit.TJ- .UITIE it U
T hiiij;rfei OITMIRRTRTL. A QUWLITLLY *L tills
l) vpurlou# ULL"> Mo |DTOEI AL liufhUo, N. V-,
( | mid Inlet several I trie SHOVTRS MRRR
, it |li!|i|Lirk. Ihr iia4< were probnUly Uttiei
Inuai A>oe liiiudiMit a# (he jkmaou
K NLTRKLE! EETE Irnml trxitn T AUAAIM mivl luut in
* the r -ss)ii it A/uantitv of bflU on
i mtmuib 'iiwli w )IA ii were —(W pn-
fft.U j it'lxyi.) ul i>|K-rAti< n (iirie with liitwe
tani PUK(#.
While Wfllinui la-wis W Soyiler
fUAvI Jttilir* Hnrkiut, Uux hliiuli, weie
r ltiMrmi iti (he ctuiierx at W iiiwttit4iW u. I' ,
I* (he |mnlrr t iiain por way and (he uvti|u(
Il ot (lie cat *rfr prwt ipitate*! t (he MUmi, a
!• listai eol oft* yard*. ihe two Dt>(.
I iwWirol arte iMkAliy hil]e*i and li4f k t tvs aam
y soitcHMkiy ttijurwii
I ihr Aral atiotmi \mml lu e on the Hohuylkiil
tl nvrr.! 1' vie!; his* ft*r i fiwr J nieutnl !N
_ ignore W Child*, aam won hy (he IVunnvh
ij. vwuan Hui% wmty pitm , the ( t4uuibw C<4i<T'
. crew iti am! the I'nac* uo t 1-
k .,
t | , mr on the ! jileSltavrrrmilrrau!, containing
p A lunrrai jwrty ol litoui |**roiis. w thrown
(mm !h- ttux k liuax Huflaio. N \ wm! •
turnwd f IA!ul!v injuring O I- ilritt and Mi%
i.daaid Mnrwhai.. and> injuring t-xir
' olhrrx.
A l.ftft ut s'i 000 wax rauaxxl try tlie
ikwnxa n-m hy Arr >g te grain elrvat<>r ami
> fml unall tu . iieg. at Buffalo. N Y
At IMUtwi rgb. I*i . Ilenry Kolb, * new hand
in the nop!*** ol jwiwrtr M Krv A Co., was
•* world Ot Hi *mr ol (be lowwf f auiu ol Uir r
laMishvtutiit as the r)*vat*r v* us
ka othff Mofiinff) w erw on the elevator,
nod when they a Koii)'* iian|tN(Ma |H*i(iDt)
21 tl ey yeiirat lot bill* t (el lttun uudri. *|lie
jj imlxirtunate man huin>l to hmr, lawe\er, am)
t ra a ii inea! to*- 4ttiet unr, weiffjhmu il% ! b(*
imu^HUmh'ssl ot (brer liKMuaand pmmU,rmli
e*l him UiUm l (otw {kmruiff and lufulial httuU*
a klmjelow ma*M
it \Vhff, n loodtUiS New York pmiio
j T Ot**w*ubi !uror. i* dw.l in hi* tHimh war,
ill lh*Nr * fury in lite rwar <*t
' j (lit m nirxrd Mrs. Hail finia 1 a truUct
•0* o*l ixw, the •rll-oiulrMoi muiderrr. and
bo wyt* fommittnl tit the lHnh.
, LLIE SFANVO-RA IO the Kail Itiver (MUSS ) mills
* have ftrurk WIRK. AMI a •errre IRINIFYH he
' fweeti theiu *wd the tiuuiulfrturrrv A fUilirj.
JJ pate.!.
A nvtnt dinjxit. h from Allcntown, N J.,
*n>* "Win A lUak'. th- Prtnerlon xiudiMil
h|MI lard atwtaiarxl mUlxdy Irani twal lor
lniirt.wn ami lnlerlvri .lava prcx mnaly
had takvn mil a few miurn. .d htxwd. hn fix
v .miusl hi. uxal living vrduniarily. Hi dw
>- terminntx-n 111 "larii* tl. .IrwtJi Ma. the rxwult
if Ot a ctioeluaion tlwt ho ld n.g roe-xr,-r troin
g ' piinyjyssx. inapinxi tn.> witli at. inudbgrnt
-ulniry holioi. Ui- Ua* rwtin.iiualie.l taxiing aid
i- l i* Aurii'U. lo iivo. He tia" al no luu* rx ineod
\ Ihe i)ghti-t )iiijx.i X ingtuiily, nor ha* he
j ( snderol any dtsvximlott from hu> long a!>-
j "''
„ i At the "loir conveiili.m t the Maine ltepub
. nat. d for X.oVernor on lire thinl l*.Uol Ihe
. 1 |>UUoriun<lup'.)t praiw liayoaaadllie li.-pub
j lico>< Uieinberx <g C.mgix* lr the Maml taken
r i agninxt tlie I lei .km rale <uid lai or* hand money
" ' and prohibition.
Western and Southern States,
j ! A "inall eonqxiny of Bohailnaii ahnrpmUrxiterx
, ' WW" holding a pirine at I l.i.'ago, m heu an
' nit went i. >n arose Mitli an oulnider, M!h waa
' ii#cii"l from the gnaiml". The man (joctcil
' entlert,xt a crowd, who naaaaltwd the picnic
part)' with a nhoaer ol xiickx and "tonex. The
e alutn XIhm.ICI* then charged Iwyuu.-U on the
g n'xmd ami flrnl M-vcral njllcvx at (heir anaail
n ants. Moun lin,: about a doami men. some
e fatally. The m hole conqsyny ut *iiniqwhixtter>
i- were then arrested hy the police.
V Mr. J. P. Kcynoid". a farmer living nrxir
i- .fonoxlKtro. t.i.. awoke ill tlie middle ol the
|1 night to flml hi houc on flr< Bushing up
~ itaim to a in a Inch uis ilaughlor. agixi
Y Uiirtix-n. and hi. m ile' ilct, of i xleeu yxtr,
•p mnre "lix-ping. lie tried o tnirxl in the door;
hut at that moment the not tell in. and he
hmttil it nn|Hiililc to ixxu'h the cliil.lreti,
ho".-piteonxftcrixiiusrang through the hotum.
" lUi-liing down "lair* Mt Reynolds auocendod
n in saving hi* wile, though inoxt likeJv at the
T fwrittrrm hisow n life, as lie reoeivmlprooahly
- fatal injuries. The unfortunate young la he*
M'ere huriicl to cinders.
A convention <>l Ohio firci-tiSw-kxr- who
M-iUidreM' from the recent Oolambus tiywn
p hack Convention me" nt T'olrslo. Anu nber
1 o| advis-aling the principle ol tho
' (iiwnlsM-k |srt v were re|.rtxl hv ti- nerwi
'. iiiry mid adopt.-<l; a letter from Peter COO|HT
} Wax nsnl. *a> ing the nomination ot (ieiieral
Kwii.gfthe I 1.-uux-mtic nominee lor tiovemor)
'• ough) to Is" suxtainad. and the following reao-
lntion wn* nd*|*#xft "1 n view of the ellra
' onlinary |mliticl situation we deem it mu
'• (Kxlient t't nominate a State ticket at lliistiine."
A party ot unknown iu"n uttuckisl the lioiise
of Samuel Faulkner, at ft'mnklort. Ky.. set cro
ly wound nig ft'iiulkner a* he tan troni the
In a is"*. They then t flic to the dwelling,
w inch wa* committed with it* inmate*—Harry
l!n*-ell. ag<' aeveiite"-ii. who wa* also shot, and
two children ol Faulkner, ago eleven and
Robert Jonc*. a negro wbo mnnlcml a
white man named Kmh lph Katon fit Ibicky
Mount, N. I'., December, 1577, wa* hanged at
John Jury, kecjorr ot'a dinieputahle house at
( urthag", Dhio. "• *hol and killed hy hi* son
during a quarrel.
The (,'alilornia Workingmen'a kmvcnlion,
held in San l'nitiei-"o, ninninnltol Dr. Hugh J.
Ulcnii, one ol the hirgost wheat raisers in the
State, for Governor.
From Washington.
Tlie I'resident *cnt to the .Senate the tollow.
I jug massage, withdrawing Secretary MnCrarv's
nomination to a place Oil the ( ircuit ( ourt
iH'iicli. " DoulX* having *nen a* to the jiro
priety ot appointing in advance of the actual
' vacancy t;> <* cur ><-|>l"-inla-r 1, 1N7!, a person
infill the office ol Judge ol the tirenit Fourl
ot the 1 "nited State* for Ihe ft'.iglith Citvuit, I
hereby withdrew the nomination tor tliat office
ot Geo. W. Mrl'niry, of fowa."
! Tlie legislative appropriation Mil haa been
signed by the President.
At a amen* o( the Demia-rntic Senators im
niedintely alter the I'nsideiil'a veto ot the
judicial appropriation hdl, a was
adopted, by a vote ol 20 to 7, directing tho
enucii* ailviory ootnniitte*, in eonjiiiiotion
with the advisory comimttoe ot the Houae cnu, to prepare a bill for paaange hy Congress
l>etore ixtjimrnuicnt in *uch tenn* a* will
obviate tlii' objection* of the President anil
i secure it* eiuu'tiiient into law. Ihe seven
I vote*against the resolution were east hy Stina
' lor* Cockrell, Jones, Vance, Vest, Walker,
J Wallace anil Wither*.
Information lout l>een received at the Dcpart-
I merit of State, at Wellington, that th priod
lor ixateiving applications f... s|suxi m Ui" In
ternatlonal I yliihitiou al Mcllx.urna lias I asm
nxumded lo Oi'tolier 31, IR7U.
Thn Neiiute f '0111111111.*" on Privilege* and
Tl.. lions lias decide.! lo tiegin the Invostlgn
lioo Into Seualot Ingalls' In hsnxw
lif a five to prneeed to that
Htate next HeJilemlaU, and to prysiecute the
hi llogg-.Mpoflonl inquiry in New iiilmins next
Novetuoer ty a sul*sxuiimittee .it Iti <*-
Senat.H MauUlmry ta fo l>e ehalrmau ol the
haiisaa siih-<xniiiuittee, and .Senator illii Mill
P rot stilly l-e placed al lite Inwt ol the aub-eotn
llltttee lor New Oiilxill"
Tlie Preaidenl v st.xxl tlie judicial appr opria 1
lion lull and signed the uuiiy appropriation i
tail, lu tits message vetoing the iortnev hill
the Pitwnlenl said tile hill was tunned to len
del lite . lr. Uw> ii.oj.eialive during the I
lint (Wat year h> wlthlwudliqi Hie nnceamni
a | qtr. a. rial ion, and tliat lie noil Id IUX ...usent
lo legislaUou whu'h seeks to attain such Mi -
Foreign hew*
Tlie si* .lays' mteriuiliolml . lutnqdmisliip
|xst.s>ti mu notch in Iroiuton lor the sit John i
AsllrJ- twit Mon lu lamdon last year liy Ualiiel !
OTosxry, and taken Isu k to I iigtatid llXmt !
Amrii. a l>y Bowrlt 111 Man 11 iasi was won h>
the American, K. P Weston, who miwle Ihr i
uurivale.l and astonishing wore ol .VKI miles
Ills ixmijieUtors were John I iinia, the Ammi- I
nan, i(aiding and " Blower Blown, ft.ugtlsh |
leprwscntatiito, ilia laltei til* fkvonle '■
as lie laid recently tuade Ai'.' miles in a matr li. I
while M I*l.lll it was thought, would be last in j
tlie race. I imis and Harding gal r .ait in a i
short time, and Brown wa* alieu.t lor seveial i
•lays, tail was Anally |io<! by, who
then maintained and constantly im HSUMSI hi ,
laud. Brown made but id? miles The tesuli 1
ul ttb> match will la- the ictum of the la-It-- j
end,len.ui.. ol the world'* chant|iHUwhq n-
Ameraxi and another stix.ggle tor its
akin io litis country some time next tali.
tjiueii Victoria, Mr, ouqsuiied hy tw.i .X her
children, jsU.I a Msit ot condolence to the el
l.mpres" I ugellie al < hiscltmrst II was
.•ftk 1011 l eiinouie-e.l ul Berlin Itial the t .eriiinii
court w.nil.l go inlo imairumg one week lor r
l.ugemr s sou
1 lie lloual.lsou line steamrl Colilta.t iiplaiu j
Murray , taiuAjp'W ffur McmtnmJ, uo h®f n> ;
up Umi H(. 1 dtwiviP ilrnt kanu k( ("pt
-1 ditu he Aiiti kliOltkMl A litdf 111 tu-f hull, oau*■
iii|{ her (o nk iii (ui ftiiuultv#. llipcre* wrrtr j
HAfUffil by ll icvAiit*r lUmulMtr lilt* OoIIIIA !
luu* a |rQnti (n Uauvl, tho gmitr p*n
t*ini a a Aii^nr.
A 4U|l(rh tnmi < APO TOWN, South Alriot, I
MIV* tb- URl>' ot UIO I*lo I touch L*RITIRO IM
poi ml WILL nrrive in nbout liio DRAT *!
it \\ M Kos ttol<i. Uio ttrllvkiionu
luh nuvnliht, i# ilm<l.
lho lVimuiA (1 ci.iixi Aniorim) rovolt,
tKvkilml by <onoitii Afipurti, h* i-oKntwcvt!
ilio tn*urrir(tmi in Algeria liio
Pranrh guvrnni*ji( ha u io! aiul 4,(JUU ui*
have Iftrn cApturtn!.
Crop report* from ( imikU >hov |ir(M)ifrt*
lor more ()MUI AH rntjt. The tmy wvj
ill bo a* uup|pitvifeii(it one, u<! iihaU, DI
Ati! hHtIN Air Above (br UN lbot CTOjH
ol all kiiuU air
lnu( im MU Averier yiuld Tbe potato luui
MI lar ibr ol iLv jhXMLU bui;>
111 eoiupiiAtire aifb (be lietiaiul 1 hilA)VM s>
• m. tkf >ulUkit tl lurkry, (br Khcwbve <jf
iia* aUimital ui (A%or •! bi* *m (
PriiicA Tewflk 11u> luu* lern brought
About by thr KuropeAti pawvfff, the
||VlU|{ Iwru ml*i ut*l IltI tl h ilncblteti u
clrjH**- (lie KbmliVA tbe> would la* <MUii|*rUe.!
to take th*l ptrp tbfftuKchm, AIM! Turkey
wotibi in timt cum eventually loaeKtO'H- THa
klililil e Wan ticpiMNl UeuUM' he !ioi obulrUj'(-
ral Ihe Adetopl | the |*owet to tti!tui>Hur
fgfy, ■tiftii finals .-
There was a large atlendMice at tlie luaas
celebtwted iu Palo in memory if tlie late
Pnnre lu,penal. The great throng j.rnient
was couqHswxl imwlly .X the ujqwr cloa~*.lhc
wutknig ptxij.le Ixiing ineager.y representixl
M Itouher, gvuxotian ol the late Pnnre Im
perial, sOUfts '/.at thn ws>r >X tlie dead
i ante w.ll to- l'naee Jeroinc, "it he aocejXs
that BCM.HU riwjxmsihility."
A Iterlin dtsjsitrh ways arson is rife in si
PeUxslxirg and iB ever) |Olt iX Buasta. Ihe
town of Sry raa. on the Volga, has tieen nearly
destroyed by Ore. A dumber id persons tiave
town are*Xet at Kiell. St. l'etersliutgMai Mos
cow lor rlan.hvßUOftlv trading in e*ploa,ves.
roiniUMiio.v vi. MI M XI % IN.
Be nat r.
Ml liill •id'lu.fla.l a icxuiuti it, authorising
the t-'otniiuttee on Prix ileges mud 1-1 eel en* to
"il during the neis, to continue ihe inv nsliga
1c >u >X the (*|slffuni-Kellojg( unitcsl; adofXed.
.. .The Senate hit! to provide ultW-r room lor
the National Usu i .X Huxltli and for the
imt.hmlein >X its iej*m ami jajen. and to
aulhoMrr it to erect necessary quaranUiie
buildings and acipiite Utle U* rnaj estate, was
|qi*ril Pit coolrrenre rejrt on the jutli.
cud ri).-uM* hill a> etoj'lal by ."il y to
17 nayw—ft psrti vote At two o'clock r. *
the Pinei lent pro tern announced hi* i_ii4tule
to the army apjtnq'rtsiion Intl. ami at 2 33 r v.
to the juihciai rqriiM* afijuxqinaUon hill.
fttis.ii tht rv-i putt Were sent t." tlio President.
. . I"Ue House aunt resolution atilltoriring tlie
completion iX the H asluuxto . nionumeul was
taken up and passed Adjoarnvxl.
Mr. JWx-k •uhmitteil a concurrent
pro\ nhng for a joint ixunmiltee. conyjsiacrl of
five Sehaliir* and seven KeprnsrXitMlivt*. to re
port at the next session what cltatigvw. 0 any,
ought to tie made in the mode of guarding or
collecting the twenties eithei from ruafom* or
internal talauua,, ot in tlie tnaitageuirni of
tlie various dtxavrtmcnls ai.d bureaus <X the
guvrniioeut, with a view to efficiency ot ser
vice and sxxwwniy in approj.riatwuis <X thft
public money. aial whether changes Irviu |er
uianwat to aiuiuai apt lopiiotioii" would hv ad
isßltgniti.or wX Placed<miheralen-tar ...
Tftir joint rtxrolution providing lor thea<lditMm
al pay <X employees of tolh itouara. a-a* taketi
up Mr lngails moved to mid h. judicial
tall (lately vetoed) a* an aiaerwluient, leaving
the political clauses out; the nuu-ndmeiit wa*
amended U|*iu motion of Mr Wnlhwc by put
ling ihe iHilitical clause# in—ywa, 27, iuy .
lo—and the Senate then ediouroed.
Mr. \X intruducol the following concur
rent rewolution " T"l*sl the complete remime
t.rati.ui <X silver, it* full reatoration a* a matiey
metai. and it* tree rotting" by tlie g>t eminent
ol tha I'mted Slates are deyuaiiibxl alika by the
dictates <X justice and w ie "laleaniau*lri|>."
• tnlervxl to he on the talile and le prime!
Mr. Burnsidc introduced 4 joint resolution de
ctaring tliat the construction <X a "hip canal
m-rons Iha Ixttmina of l>ar,n under hm-ign
Hiispiceß would how an unlrv-ivliy disjaaation
toward the I'luted Xlm. lielerrx*! to llta
t laiiliuttee on Foreign Affair*. ihe joint
nwolufion provutuig extra jwy lor employee*
ol limsris. wa* taken up ami "h*ou<H-l Ad
The report iX the "suilcrrnee coimnittee on
tha letter carrier*' defkuoiwy* lall was st'ij'lel.
l"he principal luodlthxitiou is tlint the appro
printout lor bnlance- due railnwls on account
t* stricken "*u .. Mr. Beck. lr>un the f'oni
miUeeon ft'iuance. rvi""rte<l favoratily on the
tiiint resolution providing for n *|>erial coro
luitlec "X thtxw to iiive*tignte Ihe l>e*t nieun*
<X i-ollecliiig the revenue. P*--od .... Mr. Ve*t
nuke.! tiuaiumou* eottaent to cad up the con
current rnaolution uflrml by lam u th" pre
vious ilav in tnvor <X tlie tree moiictiration ot
ilver. Mr. Chun Ucr ulijnrirsl ..Mi Vance
iwnt to the clerk's dc-V* and Iwl rca-I a letter
a<htre*aeil hv two colorral o*-uicinlier ol the
North Ciui'liiw lxgislatiitv t> M<'a*r. t 'ink
ling. Illiiinc aiul "ither*. saying ' there ncici
.i a black Hutu prevented from voting in
North Carolina on account of race. Mr.
Conkling said the complexion <X the letter
•cetneil more ihMibtful than the oouqdexion of
tbo~e who wrote it. and Mr. Vance replnwl
that he h I lawn authori/"*! to use the letter
hv llnwc who wrote it ... . Hie judicial expenses
lull, just pawed hy the lliwtaa, w-a laid lwlore
the Senate nn-1 rvXerrod to the (Vimmittee on
Appriq>riatiiin*. Adjourned.
lions*. •
Tin- bill prohibiting |iliicul it"-<emrnt* was
oHiiiilrmf. j'b"' pretTHMia quest ion > moveit
on a motion t<" ret" r the bill to the t 'omtmttec
of the Whole, but the Kepnbhcaa* r<-lniini<d
Iront voting, thus inn ing the llousc vt iiliout a
quorum. Dining one ot the roll cull* a me*,
sage woa rercivot from tlie l'lc-nb'tll iuin<nitM--
ing hi* approval ot the legislative trill .. .'ldic
Supplementary Judicial bill, a* enrolled, wa*
igiied tiy the Speaker, mid sent to the Senate
lot the signature iX lit"' pnwnling officer ol tluit
tasly ...Tlie tlffirning hour expired without
any actioa on the Political A**meiil bill,
and It went ovel until the next ■ miming hour.
A reeotiiUon providing lor the final a,l|"iirn
ment "l Congieoe was defeated by a vote >f
Itkl nnv* to hi yews. The following IK-lies rat*
and tiiiwiiliiu'ker* rwe-t in the negative;
Me*rs. Acklcn. Boiick. 14 la Matyr. ft.Utn,
Kvina, ftVlton. Ford. Forsythe. tiitwon, tiil
lettc. Herbert, Juno*, King. Lowe, Mutvh.
Myers, New, I'erwonA, l'liitor, Uichrdon
(S. t ). Stephen*. Stevenson, Thompson, tj'-
800. NN lover ami ) ocutii The S'linl* bill b'r
the la-ni 111 ot tlii' w idow nnd children iX the
late ticiu-nil Shield*, and the incrniMc ot th"
pi-nsicn t Citrolino 3. Wetwter, wu* |"a— cd
Adjourn r*t.
Mr. Atkitut,chairman ol the ('otamittec on
Appropriations, rv|*rt"-d th"- liill mnUing ap
propriation* for certain jmlicinl cvpi-n-c* ol
the government. Didercl to ta< printed nnd
referred to the Committee of he Who e
Mr. Cobb, Iront the sunie co nniitt-', reporte<t
it lall making appropriation# to pay the tee* of
marshal* and their general deputies. Ordered
tola- rinted and rebured to Uw Committee "rf
tlie Whole. ..The mini' rom-e re|*>rt on the
letter-carrier'* bill wiu adopted ... .'lite judi
cial expense* bill came up ie Commit tee ol tlie
Whole and wa* |wv*<*l by u vote ol 'J9 ycui to
f>7 nay *, all the tino-nhnekers preaent exiwpt
Mr. ft'oraythe voting in the affirmative. Ad
Prize ('otiundrttuiH.
Iximlon Truth offers a weekly prize of
ten dollars for the la st epigram, etmun
driun, etc., that may he ai'nt in. Here
tux* specimen prize conundrums ;
Why is a man whoixretvding the most
expensive daily pajmr like that paper
itself? Because lie ia " hehind the
Time*." 1
Why is the Prince of Wales, musing
upon his mother's government, like a
rainbow P Because it's a sun's (son's)
reflection upon a steady rain (reign).
A Sllglilnl lilrl'a llrienge.
Niirtuati Bjienrrr tlolr from
tin Prnnxvlvtuiia Oil ( x>iu|nuiy, lliat i in
jiltiyeil liiin its laaikkeeper, anil flcl to
the Sfiutliwoat. The robbtry wa*
carefully pliMiinxt, txiul lite tlii.Ts inten
tion Wlis til tuke It new lOIIIIC, Belt 1 lloWll
M a phiiitei*, anil marry the Tltusvllle
! girl to whom in- liitl long bmt engaged
Site knew MiialMiUt tliia aehnna, ami wa*
to join llitu aa wain na print icalile. A
lieUx'tiVe wna acnt to wuti ii her, ttliil
wbrnalieaUvrtixl Wratwnrd. aft-r rfk eiv-
Ing a myaterlotix letter, h<- gurxaixl alie
j meant to join Iter lover, lie hiwtow<*t
her on the journey ao t loaejy lltttt alie
hecatii' a ware of liia wntihiiig. At;
i tjulncy. 111.. "li.- iiirc.l n woman ofabout
her own aiee ami sliape to put on hei
j trnvellinf suit, ixiver iter tare with it
y eii and go to < hirago. The detective
I uumu*|mx'I ingly followed the wrong wo
man, while the real one Welti on to Uiect
til" fugitive thief Meanwhile KpfUMSM*
hail laitighl a iiUntntion near (mlvexton,
j Tcxaa. and tli"-ti in love with a neigh
- Isir's dauglit'T lieairing t<> marry her,
j he wrote to tin- Titu"vllle girl at a point
• on lier iiiurnev' that she need notr-onx- to
j htm. Tin- Tltusvllle girl was aa quick
i nt revenge as ale- had hreti al deceiving
the det,*'ti\e. She nt olu e infortuixl the
jxiiiix- w itvr< SjM-uot-r wna uud lie was
j arrested.
Wordx of Wixdottt.
Tln-ro i no dithi-uitv to him wh
| will*.
i An o|vii countenance, Bm t*loae
We live no more of <"Ur time than we
I WJM-tid Well.
N"-v*r uiifwi where you work; care
mora a I <out y out work.
There is nothing so fatal to comfort
aa well it* to decorum, nx futt*.
It is the ix-at proof of tlie \ irtuea of a
; familycireir lo **a happy fireside.
How few fault* are there -n hy u
vy hi. Ii we have not ountclv.-AcommfUcxi.
Ih- not affrotited at aje*t. Ifonetlirow
salt at thee, thou wilt receive n harm
unit-"* lliou hast sore plit'-c*.
Times of general calamity and e.infu
sion have ever lsx-n prtalucdive ol tiie
greatest minds. The purest ore comes
from the hottest furnace—the brightest
flash from tin- darkest cloud.
A Fortune In an Old Trunk.
<(n th<- iKUI Jay of last May Ihuiiel
Corker, of South llexicti, tiled, as it wa*
thought, in rather poor circuinataaoes.
It. H. I'autiu.rn was appointsxl ndutinis
traior of the cstaXe, ami a few days situ .
M. Y. Duneau and J. Stix-le, its np
pr.iiM rs, v isitixl the house of < orker u
invoice the property of tin* deix-aaed.
Afler going over various old notes, etc.,
they were aliout to leave when they saw
l nn old lentiier trunk in the corner, whieli
j tln-v kicked ot""* mor<- out of euriosity
i than with tlie > vpectation of finding any
thing In it. When will wonderi t-uw-P
; In tliat trunk was nearly I'JU.O'JU in old,
rusty gold coin and musty h.tnk not<-s.
The coins and note* nil bear lUI old date,
showing that Corker did not believe in
'hanking his money, hut hoarded it up.
— M<ixcxt (Mo.) l*dtt<r;
F>r. Foote's UtoUli Monthly say- that
in eases of dandruff a preparation of one
ounce of tlie flcur of sulpliur and one
..uart of waii-r will prove eflicacious
The two are put together, repeatediv
agitated at Intervals of a few hours, and
then the water is drained off. The pre
paration ha neither color or smell, and
tin- head sh<uid he sal united with it iv.
ery morning.
I rrsli Sufitillo of V ttaltty
To renew s waning t.<rk n,s> be galbeml
town a *Mirr aoeewsiUe Io all, all"! never
, songlit in vain by any wlsste onslilutson ami
y igor sis not so much >lilapidal<l as to be
wholly jouX repairing. kvidcSM ihpect, cm
vmeing and aaiple, Sndiealea lfostetlei
Munsctl Bitters as a tonic <>! unesauiplwl
efficacy and jH-rieol fxirity, and |"xw*sd g
ptxqwwtiiw tliat .xinstitvite it an iio aluahie n iri
; cxiy for.!y*|"e|Mua.o.)nsti|<Uit>n, lo ercsmijilaint,
> . urinary and uterine weaktuws. the.imalic com
j laint* ftll.l malM ial tevrr. I >eltcale female*
and inflrtu old person* are itivignrate.l ai.d
aolarxxl by it, and the physical |>nistn>tion
which usttally follow* a severe illneaa is in a
i | great degree reunslinl and convalescence ac
'l , .xerwted through its use It onrupM* a lrad
' , "Ml positron among mwlirinal t*j les
fS|"rmlai ion.
• I Since the e mat ion. it is esumatssl that
' 27,000.00n (iOO.(IOO {iUO have lived cm the earth
ljii* sc.'ii divided 1 '! .7 x.t ."■*<, t(, aiiml er <•!
wjuare mil.*, gives 1311 to a square
rod. and (lie to a square liX. Suppose a
sjiuue rod tw divide.! into eleven graves, ewrh
grave xrcwtld omtain 100 jwrson" Hut this is
sjmrulation. and eg no limeftt to the 1,000.000.-
000 |<eo|ile thst now < iiaX. 300.000,000 cX whom
i are invalids, 35,OOO.OUOdyHtgexxrh year. What
I they ni"t want are the tacts cneerning lr.
, PiereeV Family Misiicinea. For years hi*
Uulden M. Iml Ihxc.very has lipea the stand
ant remedy lor lli* cure of all scrotuhais.
throat and lung itixwcs. White lor over a
I quarter if a ceattirv lr Kage's t aUuvh iU'tn
rxty lias Ixx-ti unrivaled as a }<raitive oxirx- (iw
catarrh Tlie tawtiinony of Ukouaan.U <X ladies
' ha* tx*i jpublished. ceriilymg tliat lr. iNeroe'a
Favorite PrearrifXtnti fwiwltively cures thr dts
,*>.* and weaknesses peculiar to women.
For fttll inlonuatam see the Fetqde's < 'otmnon
.Sense Me,!ical Adviser, an iliasinrie.] woik "if
i over (SJOpagea. pride <post-| w-d). |)I.M. (her
I 11)0.000 coluea soi.i Address the author. It.
; V. fierce. M IV. Butt,do. X. V
' Thiare is Pi cienjic an impure circn
latum or wake ftp a dormant liver like Seovill'a
Bl.sst ami IJVM Syriqi. It <h>ea tlie buaincsa
thorowghiy in either case, promoting active
tnlkwis secretion, ixetoritqt to the lite current
the |xirity <t ]>erferf iieolth and txonoving Irani
, the ctilirle disfiguring eruption# and sores.
(Tinrnw rheiimatism Mid gout also vuoettmh to
' t its curst!i-w influence. For the disntsea peru
j tart the gentler m-i it iaaea|utal remedy.
All dniggisls sell it.
Nlx.hß> til!" Col ul(* AMI Cuux.—Few aic
aware nf the importance (X checking a cough,
or "common cold," in its flrst stage; that
which in tlie beginning would yield lo
•• Brown s Bronchial Trachea." if neglected,
often, works upon the longs.
]t each one of several tnakers luul taken the
highest medal at one iX the greet world's e*.
(Hwitions then- would tie room to question
w hktls was !>e*t; hut Mawwi A Hainlin have
token the highest honor* at every such com
jietition tor twelve year*.
The t'cictiratod
" MATCitt-Kas "
Wood Tag Plug
11 * PtotfKrm TbBAOOO fourvT,
New York. Boston, and Chicago.
4>r ler nurvil.
By aendl-'g thirtv-aveosiit*. with af* r -h'XgbL
rotor of cyss and hmr. yon xnli rece e by rs mstl a correct photograph of yi .r fntm*
hushaod or ife. wt'-ii ntrac and dat of mar
riage. Addr< • W. Fox. P. O.
Fn'tonville. N. Y
The Menlelssihn Piano Co., No. 21 ft-a*
13th stri-et, N. Y., sell Pis no* at Factory
prices. Wnte lor n catalogue
A Ift*tor> of thr Kradf-Prlot Plan of
Puhlishlnif l'"iBSlr) Xrwqsnrry.
Ttu- An-108 NVw-psprtt a (I AJinUsinat-imaaiiy
LaXM. "Xtl< - W iyar Xtrcrt. N'W Tart, will pay
flftr 'toilar* for tor brot historr of O" origin, poxrri**
anX prrwnt unportsiKr of tht (,u*tn— of "uppiint
|Wt>tt*hrr* of arwspspcr* with ps'llj prtnlcl *bert*
A! 1 srtl.: ""111 In r. mprl'tsui tskoeoaw Ui" pruprrtv
Of Ihr . .mi"'.' IrclSWl to tw Ul 'lftcr IHi th HI 'tltil
of Auru.i t'oauniinlrsUon* t- >* s "1-msc.i to
K W ririTKK. be rrury
saw TUB*.
Itssf fhlUs-Mct. NsUvro. live wt... 0 A ox>v
Cstro* SUtr M'i* . X ™ .
' 4 l *X
TAMKA "* "4
Hog*—l ITS 1,4 *
OtVy'X "
Flenr—Ex. Stats, (food to (XxOce H ift T
Wiwtsrn, i-ood to fsncjr f no <X • <*•
Wheat So. Itl e1.................. 1 f 1 "X I *'
Wis,ls atstr I I'- siX I I y
Kye -f ' r Jt'v"* **\
Bar! Two H.-wcl S'vt# iX •
Ourn rtutrsdrd Wo-isru MlasX— '• ',<4 *-X ,
Houlh. ro Tallow h I* 1
lists—NN I'll* xtat" SX •* 41
Mitel Wo-leva ST .a S*
lUv—lh-tsll grsdr* S 'X *S
rttr'aw Ixmg Hje. psr cwt 4S .4 •
It."* XiO, new cc|' ( "4 I'i
' pork Mesa hi <4 Si
■ lan" C > Htr*"i . I*. S.t* t".
p.xro.rti'ii—OrU'ts. .......Oft (411 '2 Hefluc*l 0* *
NV.ol - Hisic sn t t'enn. XX SI <4 S6
liuior— stale Orssmory l:t (X I*4
I Wiry IS <4 M
Worteru Orratuoiy 11 >4 1-N>v
Fuctory 07 >4 1
I Ittiosow StUlr Factory IM ><* OONy* 0! (4 OS
Western Fsr'orv I* >4 **
Egg*-State and pannsylvsnia t.t I* I*4
I ran.ynri nil*.
Flour— Pnn. choice amt fsncy ... S .'.N <4 tl S(l
| Wheat Peiiu. ltixl 1 14 * } '*
Aiuher ...IN)MI>
I live—State *° '* *•
' itorn—state Tcllow— 4,1 * 41
Osls Mned h <4 >1
■ Uuttsr—Orestnsrj' Eitra IS <x 1*
rio eso Sew York Factory • '4 '>7
Polrolvwin —Cruda ux <4 llfl llefl I,ed. I*l s
Burr A Lei.
Flour—City Hromid, No. 1 Spring... 53* "4 575
Wheal U*d Winter 1 12 "X 1 M
Corn—New NVmte-u #i <4 4
SO A 40
lisrley Two-lUi">t Stale 55 ,4 75
no* TON.
Beef Cattle—lJv® weight 04 (4 07
Hog.. " 4 4" 4 ,14 4
I Flour- Wisooln au.l Minn. Fst.. 5 m i 4 *so
Corn—Mlxwt u<l Yvllow f'Sirt 4 ®
1 ' 'Wts—V'xtra Wlut* 4 'J "4 4S
Rve—SUte M <4 *
' ' NVool- NN''.t, Combing k ! into inc.. S.X ,4 4ti
Ccwaalied. " " 211 4 30
Hef Cattle—Live wrlgftt <X A,(4 05
■ MI,CI 05 14 05
1 Lu" b* oßJ*d 0
j Hews <*4 1 4
JaokMm'a llrart Hwont Nary Tohnooo |
Bntt4H> Ibtmnr'a MitUuK Hull Ikutlmia Tobacoo
riri.H wna. EOB MAI.IL.
Pwr Mir at lm>, A*l*t. X. 1- a Srsi-rlaa. BIH.BOW la
epclhdi. Tb. plfnt r.,mprtara *a arfn. of land wltb
fat] p- wrf of rlref. ottli IV foot bfud TtroMofP bl*
Mill. >.Po wtUi tnlir xeo- ham dorr bo*., alrodaaralm,
Ar. Tlii Mill t.'Slalna on* 3-lnrb wagtr rptlndor. Kh *.
lUri.ti I FaW auu-blne. roßipld*; lot* o-l"irnl
brattiid eitflnor. two lot. hlmrbra rattm.
roll 111. bonr power boUMi *ad all lb* appilabMi.
fio ronuibt 111. mill,
itu.w s riiip .t fl Wool at AJ R.ratl.ot fntfb
U t" witli th. Mill. W*kb la Mtw on wrapßa*.
Ilwweir bar* otbw lauißrM.
Tb. pinpertp. kuk la tklaahla, will ba told at* fair
prior abd at * lo'<*>o A 1 ! lr>.|Uliln bp mail promptly
i mmtt'l. Addtta.
JIKNKT l>. KKXT.Troaaarar
Usrsirßs. X. ll■* >*?■ '
• A iut oat. Urmt farortta.
# J Weil kid "wo. siviyi guod.
I Vrt, Imaufal .no*.
£ g hnl Mdkf ooilactloa.
j ' Capital Piaao how
J2 ( Brtinaal Waitaaa. Ac.
M lira lif Aidkrwu ipUHi B I art At Mti AHKv
I . owe. lift .lot •ther., mat intarrauac. alaa
I X MdtWr ffurot, <f Bonr. I *ota aatb
"! I Mnml rta.ed Ipw uood laadiac ana *
* | w.i t ..11*1 new., .re! Aa. w ertloe of taaaß
a * faacrnan* (WaVon 10 rta af >lBB HI
£" I M> 8001, that 'r mitilßbal. Tarp ruaHda
a | foi f rfrtekt# IMI Iwßi
Ab) Book Uiai.rd tor ratal! pno*
Ml Rnadwa.KtwTMk.
J. K. lilTMIf A CO.,
'H t krduiil Miart, I'kHad.ljpkla.
la tka Old t ourrntr.lad l.r*'
tMrr- tk to . mpaarMd oatb aaa for maiikf Marl
Auft nt Toi>vt Veikuhkly.
1.,r. wiiJ. r. n io irraied ana ULI and nam.and #Bt
"***" Jti TP MOftMT, APO PUT TP A
Pfu)ltuili IMLL Mimff CM.,
PliU jtHW-PHIA. ]
Ta ib. ban laid., ta Br Md tdnaaa JJB BrJJ
. 3,000,000 ACRE 3
Malalp b. tba fiam
OB Mac Ona. Ma prtoa. aad ram pamaaO.
Puapblat wltb fall MfarmaMm aaallad tiwa. Apptp B
D. A- MoKINLAY. Land Com'r,
B. r. ■■ M H. H'p. Bt. Maul. la.
ta parfmUp para iTxamowad tkr laol bp tlw bb
eat irovt ,i'v a itbonuta In tba wrcld. IHoo bfttMrM
award .1 IB B wld , btira-Omwand hrA
IlliiyWMllhli A
i fr cat. r BTS An* kkdartoa! ancntinc. and IBM©
. ,r ' < " Obb papa and ta ue ai oaaplev
Htthr-t ~f Ist * I' d tt.r mi nhad It aril, at aifbv
Seh: for tj.ettir:i pafra and rvt- tema ta Af tit. and
I wtlii 'lt •• titter that, aar tbef hl lAltni
, \., .1 h tuutx. na.. Pbi'afle'pbia. Fa
Tkla t"lalm-nwa* latiMlibid IBMM.
Raw law. Tboaaonda of Soldlaaand bane aewie*.
Pnum data hat to dMchary. or daatb fMar MdH
Addraa wrtb .tamp.
P O. Drawer BBM, WIABIBBtIH. W. O.
end rsiflcwoßß-oflkwrV ynp< r!,
■ t . H. wtc.. *n* le I t W. # . tMir* A' Ch., ■
HCi i otiehtiiL QfcfeCa St uAfv iVbdf Laml*.
I Fiffiitß i Cay. Beitt. Slirti.
I &■ r% w VI.I.THK T, KI
1 TM rrty hat prrk lirrtl l*B tt "inporter* at Half
. tbe unit! roat Red r> *"l ere- idle red to C!J Arret,
and l.rya Hver-v ALL Kll"Kb> rUABUO PAID
• New urrwi. Fl-KX
Ihp Grfdil VmrrifAX Tea Company.
31 and .13 Vraay atrrrt. Raw York.
P. O. ni 433. Y.
I A pounr. remb.r II rep., and nil dmawa d I
ltt>. Wldwnya. Rlnuder tod I rlaarp Or- 1
lean.. II a.?• Hrwrdp >. rr*.J "Wd* aod |
1 Fry. 1-1 riprrwlr Pa t'ie rbm o.ft ha. B
■fuwrl ftwaak (tmykwtlrWkireered Intk* ■
Ik C atbr. I're, ifrma. XI. ba pawplurt B
I |jr ynot itrv-i.k lire, haw 0. k will ordrt it Mr pa f
MVt9RKM v*-r. I-KPROHT. St*Bor*LA.
W .ll . CATAXKH. and all I ••*•. td At
PmLUbIM Nkl\ an.t ItlAMJll Ruli'r.t Vrr
--t! i -nid rtli 'rial uw
Taflli JR.,P 3S*flr X ■ti •etnmt ia a'.! iter of fail
' me fur earv Sold rrterp
wbara. Sand for pamphlet. II a Iktlir.
it. n. KOWLI:, notion.
W H, f9<w , I. lid , 'lEdllkl ir. Mftl
\flta JV
IMh ' ' *M %rmm
PAW, ei4 Ml ti
Mr' MBWFW WKIA itewfc tiawe or teelHf
mi gk.
[ ' BT.T ' ; p\T\ \h ' ViiCOKftrrt*
m > I il I PkTlt
\ I r • • . Blt- t r-ra-TvSdkßte.
I \LZ WTBSBX BRTIV, *ll Fraadnk), X. 1.
Aa Infal'iV-'r *■! CDeirel'.wl Reardy fc:
P'tta.Kirtlena, ar Kalllncfti knraa
vrarraalt d t.. rfbwt a .te-iy akd
I'l llf iXKRTca-r
*mil " t Ike MMtle' .vf my
11111 nraea wd ape. ifir an 1 a ralaakr
11% T-e*tiee a. at to any anlßrr-
I I II ua lrrir me hi. P. IV. and
p.era ..Id-re.
IV* 11. U. 11l KT. lad Pearl Street. K.w Yart.
Prwtaetional rata n* every meek on Stork ivpthov* of
im. . vi. - ioo. - vvio.
i <R." la ilep-ri. and llrraiara f-ee. Addrtm
T PtITTKK w MHI k Ctt. Itankan 3S Wall St . N T
nMa en Per Kvralac - t • Sill per IMay
lO vd tua'aate- 4 to itblurtrtoua pernio, of
i atth.r "\ .1 lh'"'" "h home* Addrem with .tamp.
Y'rederlek brppi ■ Brlrtireport. CBBB.
rlt*MllTIlt I'lIM tHV.dVJMOWuMitM
lr. t'oote'a lleolth Mittilhly, one year. Mb'
BTOBAT HIM. Pi a <■" • Il K. XHUi St New York
American Newspaper Union Advertising Company Limited.
A OwpMMh :> I tahrd In the Old of Kew Tort (under the profMoua of Chapter U. l-r of lt?M. ' 0
th' P'i-P" f it'"' ' " ' ''til:A • til i for necotlatwna (twren adverttwr. and Ihr *uvia rorpnratleuw kid
*rtn thtviuh I'.l the rowutfy , njaard lu utipptvlnK Dew.paprt* with ahert*.
CAPITAL, - - - $50,000.00.
T7„Adtr'tbrr* * Do have never fully nnJenrtood or comprehended th working, of the rriaarkahl- ""I'm
which ha ;:.*n upwdhhi lb, put ttttem yeara. and under wbVh ao nuuiy hundred), of the Village Kewapap-r
ot the t mt>d Wat", ur now homed. air tuvilrd to tnvaailaat* IU worktopia
In <lma the |iilr I—>l <>' ndvertiaer. the Intniwte merit ot the medium u eolely depended opos. ro .
larse a pnttiou "f the rural population of Ameiiro cannot be reached ao economically and o (juk'kly In IV oil er
tCnanta* Kut. PnWhrt. luir V bcu. Jio II Ratxj.
liIHMCTOKS Kjtwaun W. PoonuL Jhrretorp. Miairm ti P. ko**u.
U mi. > ti. Iluu, rriwaaim. William P. Wtwoa Juttu J Rich.*•"*
Offices: No. 10 Spruce St., New York.
JY large Eight-page Sheet of' Fifty-six broad
Columns, will be 1 sent postpaid, to any address,
t ill el an. 1, 1 HBO.
Addre THE SUN, New York C it v
unrr or nmrjuit*
or BCMAR rusa. or AXIBIU.
Rurni and Bcalda. m "Jul Iklli,
Nllnga and Mil*a. Ck.
( nla Bralwi, krtw Wana.Urak,
Hpimlna * KHrhM. faal Uo), llaaf All,
< ontrarted MatiUi UauMM,
MifflaiaU, Bwlmnjr, raaaMt.,
BarliMhf, Bprwlua, Mralw,
irnal Hiua, JMIIImm,
mJ ail niiml llwim aadetwyhafteraaeMwi.
YorgaMwal aaa In faMllr, AafcUaMl aUMfc T*SI
Sf jyH|
|R " f -
%|* ■ ! n^ 1 — 1 Jl
>/ >• > "- NAL
V\ TO w*.
X raV or pit ks, Vf ./
V T <PXlt< !*. X% /
lint KadnMlakad 1 Mad Bui aaWI I
nuus U(*TIU-K"TS tart a Standard *!■• la au
Leading Markets
Of the World
racufsHbd a* U> rIKMBT IK TO*!
OVER 80,000
Mad* and In aaa. Kaw Dadda riaMiMIT Saa
Wart and Lowaalfnoaa.
trlaMte aOalakwna.
Hrlwanf ad Pan*. Mrtif Labor, OmbUmb
nMWgWASI ■■ ron
"MArii frmtm Ik# BOITM mf
-Bit* boH #Wf n/fMw 16IKTAC**.'
Bp Mm Bar-duck* Hawk, yr taMBirML
"taMaalka rta J*. A. awA J*. '•**
li< duatafc Alias*. wtpa
Ik* thra* brtft Mat and bart-atOmc hoot* MA UiMh
pa MMI thro# koala 11 wanMw Baal MTMM
mi MMrwm tot A warp. AMUUCAK MUBKM
00 . Hartford. Ct: Ckfcaaa. 01
A las*. rKtHae paper ' *M **•* rwlwaoa, l
t aret puatpaw ti> tap addf*. until January lot,
imtm, rax MX. x. T.okt. _
lon A Hamlin (abinet Onraw
rosurs xxpusmoxh rtx rtrxi v* YXk.. •..-
at Fan* l*C Vnaaa I*3: Sawnaao 10. Pantsa*-
rau. 1< Pa*tt.t*?Aa:arsua tk* Maa* .
tasa. tnaip *<"tanaever •a*' ad kirtmiß. -
aaa a • 1 t .Sir on'. <* twaaltamU. lorre
ra.T* Cat. arm and Ofccr.*-. mtt. "**** md
prior., am 'baa. MAJMK t BABUa ÜBUAX
tVat. •• Xw V-t wltlM.
n MM food * tkr worU t or •ar.'wla and !MI '
Mix bp tbe litCr fuiii. WtkiLMCB A 00. t* awap
lata I. _
Law, Claim & Patent Agency.
Karat- ..ha* IM
Attorney, for I'lataaanla. and lalkXai'i af
AmltMau and Y'tareicu Patenta. AVaalalwc
lou. It r. I*l taananllßß Of Penalßß Ckaiau.
a prrlalti. I (uulai atat Mbl Ktptrta.
itldr.t ttßrf of n>. kind In the t'aaatn -
Refer My piißflaa Is XMAlrtoa A r.i
Ranker* t 1108. H. E. Pilar, t an. al
latrnt*. _ __
■ t*ixr rrtra. tiaaa rc*c* wto*. W
f llßidtMMifMalda ■
T ke a IM<U ri-ealw ml nrr lev f
'V•f * a a
a #*lmt ef fiw set e Ua at S
aanmwo, m illc a larfa faaert. mm <-. la at ar M •
■1 rroaderfol ~a Wr nma a*> a* an. Mat a
pfta ba*. A44naa -HKXXAKACW, Mwakall. Mir).
ytttK H tub I rt:Hß<iyMl • Heeelpr far
I At ah In, 1 very Ct. rrr Pe t "a!, t Mood r IteMa
• Ti'>'ae.ooe Ipw'i Kaibal'M. Mm. Wtntiwa * Soothwc
S.vmp. Brand reu.y pt 'v Bo ars'. Brcßrbt.! Ymrkaa
Pen P.TI. Palo Kllirr PabtnMorkk VemlfSfr,
PUrWU Water. ru a'dioxt Preaored tl or Addrear
K MAKTIN It * 4. N< ana. Av.
®Tin nis KIUTTTI
1 .'CIA
AA a Af AAA !nrfN te Wail St. 4l*cfcf MM
$lO to SI
| iddma HA rrxx a Co.. Anim. i ? w.l: At., x T
YOUNG MEN ia-tSfwaas
■ m • •>. rr.-ln.trjraormataad a MJtac vtai
tk. Addrm. AT. rnttnr M.narrr. s*ir laWta
"TW—l m 111 mil I'AtaallH.
.OCA 1 XOTTn- (rrnnnVntrd Mbnl
O0 J J o-Jl'nr arti. e. te u>. r. fU: oor vuo|v. fro*
Addrer. JAT BHOVAOV-Datolt. Ml 1
Apy n T i u. HI ii < tt.
\|*M|| ' '-rot Airtpcf Blam a tk
nm II If iMMt A' Wkln IHmun. Tka-
II Hll I M •*" '• I''"* vv Do set fall
UllwlVlk'amte I- V I Mwah Qatar > Id
niA I* A v.- Willi Kd'U ttutfta What cat. 4
Klladt re!!, rapidly far IMP .u. C.ta'.omr f r*
• DIQs X Smwb lid WnilSl. H.MOO kw
li*" t i '
Ul I I Addrror P. O. tItIKKBY . Aumu.l *—•
(477 a M-'nU> and ripeorrr tnarmster-l to A* aU
• / reiint free Aaaw 1 I V>.. Inmri. M.iva
OuOUU l ***. OUli a ffMMUL a* Udr He