THE CKNTtCK KEPORVF.K Centre HAII,P*. ThW-.Tnly 10, 79 n^Tkrw k—S2per yearly A™ P""* ,Jr nnrr". f2.SoieAl nof rout t* i,irtrti*trnrnf 20et* per ftwe/or Ihrrt >*- ertion*. w*t fieen/sper lint for trtrv trqvtni i tserfiow. AJvrrft.scmewf* *V yenT a1 n lihrrnl \-„Uer brrtonltidr Ir cesmfy s'inwM t „it us 10 cM. mwn< ef oac year .* posf „<rr. i.',vW o/*Vft rts/orwcWy pmJ lv thrm*rirf9> ' Sukntrikvr* nhrays ftU hr> *„/.* sfawd off** Rrvorttr e/tire 'Ac Ittbltx on facie ;uj;crs If Iht Itiblt rtnd* "John Hoe 1 jan 7 ft" if swenw.* fW Jo An iiind'hftsl /or assftaeripfiow rr. - {Ae lf of Jnnuttry. tt7ft nwsi fAof if t* (uae Ac vi* pnytn<? fAc prinfee. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEETINGS I **T*vH*M tooon.We.SSS..I O*'° J .meets , ti*i v SMurtar •**!•■ la theX4<l t etto* • HI all v. A. *oa*MAW, beV J. > AUtn>V "• Oi l- KO*T boivta. No IST, r A M w.ndat ."Sling oa erbefasevsch foil aieon laths Ma-sni-- Itatl , , ....-Y w u t* ■ itv*x..Ta.*ect .1 J.AKNKX." w I*ll . .*r> O-w.vov. Se, <* P rf H, ttatl,Centre Halt na the S.inrvtar en er betorw rU niiv*na(4P W and errrr ta-o **• A Krller Jd-.ler. LVOaxan Raos*. Sect, Clothing made to order at New man's by one t-fthe best tailors from Phi. adelphia Our trout score—largest number caught in one day, by " hours fishing FX* The priee of nail* has been advene ed 10 cents per keg AVe are informed of the death of Rev. Lane, some 20 years ago pastor ef the Centre Hall Luth charge. Hi* death was sudden, and happened week be fore last. that will stand wear and show finish, call upon Jno. T. I.ce, at the Centre Hall coach shop*. Some of our farmers are complain-; ing of grasshoppers eating the young | co^n. The easiest thing one could get into at Pleasant Gap. on the 4ih. wa* a fight A cer-vspondeat inform* u* that the Howard Iron worka *r in blast again. Sheriff Spanglar, David J. Meyer, cur landlord, and D Garwan, have each invested in a span of indian ponies. The price of caal has advanced 10 cents per ton. Mr. Daniel Lose -A Farmer s Mills, has been seriously ill for some time. Also Mrs. Michael H*rper of Aaronaburg — The Bush house has a big run—the numerous arrivals prove what we often s atd ef it, that it is a first class place to stop at. J. L SpangJer orated before one ot the literary societies of Dickinson !emi nary, recently The Democrat sv*a'.l who heard the address praise iL # Wny not, for our young friend Jack knows how to do such things Hay- jinking is over—the crop w a light—owing to shortness of clover. Har- J .si is in full b l **'- in ur county, with the rghtest wheat crots on record. Give the Standard Clothing Hall'a call if you want cheap clothing. Gold man has an immense stack on hand, and ha.- again put prices down to suit any one. Headquarters, opposite the Brockerh* -f. Go soon, else you may nms a tip-top bar gain. Oa last Saturday morning the dwe. iags of two widows, Mrs. M'Aliisler and Mrs Dooly, opposite the jail, at Belle fente, were destroyed by fire. The fire originated from the stove-pipe, in one of the houses. The jail and stable were both in imminent danger from the close prox itnUy of the burning hou*es. Tne Pleasant Gap. was one of the iveliest in this section of the state Kneck-downs and drag-out* were the or der of the day. and many who participa te! in the "day we celebrate" sti'l wear the -tar- and stripes consequent upon too much patriotism mixed w:th whisky B'oody faces wre plenty as The "celebration" there w .* *imply a di-g-ace and almost one continuous row, lasting until night - On Sunday evening. 29 ult, the youngest son of Rev W K. AN httney, ot Penn Hall. Pa-, tell from a bench on which he was standing and broke hi* arm. He is under the care of Dr. J. B. Leitzell and is doing as well as can be ex pected. A splendid monument has been erected in the Centre Hall cemetery over tbe grave of M re. J- U. Keller, which is admired b.v ail the many friends of tbe deceased, who are attracted to her final renting piace and kept alive in memory by a fine and artistic piece ot workmanship from tbe * bops of Guest <St Co. Guest & Co., turn out work ia marble equal to any jr. tbe city, and at far less prices. How can peop'e dress so well, is a question so often asked- Tbo answer always promptly given, is because good and styli-h suits are now said at the Standard Cl -thing Hall, opposite the Hrockerbofl". so low that any body can af ford to wear good clothing, and so can you if you go to Goldman and purchase a suit. The 4th was celebrated in the lower end with old time patriotism. At Mitl beim the usual display of fire works wa the prevailing feature. At Aaronsburg there was a departure from the custom of firmer \ ears, in that the coming of the Jtb was heralded by a midnight serenade, given to Aaronsburger'a by a party of tal ented vocalists. followed by the best train from the unrivalled drum corps of that town. Do net forget that C Dirges is sttl doing busines*. and that you can buy gro ceries, Ac , at the very lowest Prices. At the coach ahopsof Jno. T. Lee, Centre Hall, can always be seen ismples of his work that compare with any vehi cles brought to\this county from else where. The greatest care is always used in the selection of material; all work warranted, and grices low. —Gel your d/ug* and medicines at Frank Green'sVnd you bavo them fresb and pure, and ffom the oldest and most reliable druggist in the county—and there is a great deal in tbat Fancy and toilet articles of every kind always on hand. All goods of the season, belonging to the grocery line, will be found fresh and in great abundance, in that furauus establishment in the Bush house block, known asSechlcr's grocery, which is just the best place in this county—and we mean what we say—for any family to get its grocei ies at. Try it, try it, and you will say so too. For dried and canned fruits, cured meats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens ware, stoneware, and hundreds of other thing", the best in market, go toSecbler's. in the Bush bouse block. The Howe Sewing Machine The world renowned sewing machine. Over 100,000 sold in 1877. The most perfect machine in the werld at the lowest possi ble price. If you are in lavorof any par ticular machine, at least examine the Howe before you purchase. Highest Med al at Centennial Exhibition What we claim in substance, is that this is an- hon est machine, and if put in your family will do any and all work perfectly. ill last a lifetime. Terras of sale the mest liberal. For sale by A'C. Moore, who is the only authorized agent in Centre coun ty. For terms, &c., enquire of A. C. Moore, Milesburg, Pa. DRESSMAKING -MRS.SMITH, drew maker, Centre Hall, desires to call alten tion to her samples of trimmings ot all kinds : also, samples of new styles dry needs. Cutting and fitting done to order. and old dresses cleaned and done ° , "' r "J" her. Gentlemen's shirts, cufl's and collars made to order, and warranted to fit. Has also just received a new stock of stvles, fashion plates, patterns, etc. Call aid see. 16 ma " At the Penn'a College exercises, at Gettysburg, last week, the degree of A. M. was conferred upon Rev. John Tom lim*sn, of Aaronsburg. Thin i> the on ly honorary degree conferred, and it will he admitted l y *ll that upon none other I could it hare been bestowed more deserv ingly. HOT. Tomlinson rank* among the foremost minister* of the I,utheran church, for depth of thought, coupled with readi i nes* of speech and that plain couching of language that will always hold a congre gation and leave upon his hearers a bene ficial impression. We congratulate our reverend friend upon the honor which he so deservingly wear*. l'arants having sons or daughter* to educate, always desire to send them to a locality which is not surround)J by bad influences, that is noted fer good health, and wl i re first cla-< academic instruction can be had, at low rates for boarding All these advantages are combined in the Finn's Valley Institute, at Centre Hall, the fall term of which will commence .lit IT 2S. under Frof Bitner, who i* one of the be*t instructors in Central Fenn'a. On last Sunday Mr. Aumau, miller at Farmer's Mills, with his family, went to church, leaving an apprentice at home. On returning frtwn church, Mr Auman | found the door* of the house open, things I inside generadv confused and all drawer ransacked. The apprentice was not <*f, land with him were mi*ing f'.M and a full \ wedding -uit belonging to a brother ot Mr I Auman, The apprentice hailed from Lock Haven. Constable Oolan. i>f Belletonte, was at | once informed eflhe tbrrt. and ptsweeded tv> the Nittany side of Logan's Gap, en Monday morning, where he seon met the fellow on his way to 1.0, k Haven and ar rested hint. All the stolen articles. In cluding the money were recovered. The boy is now in jail at Bo'lefonte, in the Clothing lire that is worth having, you are sure te find it at the Standard Clothing Hall, where the assortment is unsurpassed for variety and low prices. Goldman, of the Standard, remember, is Tli* hot season hastened —all must b<> careful to keep Rood health and save doctor hills. The greatest car<> t<> he ta ken is in your diet. Eat only pure and wholesome food, and don't cram yourself, —purchase only from men whom you know to be strictly honest and who have the reputation of selling nothing that is unwholesome- As the one place sure, above all others, where you can thus sup ply your table and stomach with food that is tit to partake of. we direct our readers to Scchler's grocery—integrity, honesty, fair' dealing, fresh and pure goods and reason able prices, have eslabl.shed for them the best trade in the county. Last week Rev. J. G. Shoemaker returned home from a two weeks visit to Kan-ns. His reports of thd farming and other interests in that part of the west are Cattering in the extreme, but thinks it not the country for bira He thinks a young man with a few hundred dollars will find Kansas a good place to locate. Mr B F. Gratnley writes us, July 2, from Kaneville, 111. : We had bad luck this morning ; Ira tell trorn the hay mow, a distance of 9 feet, and broke bis left leg above the knee—he is 5 year* c iu Farmers are very busy now tending corn and baying ; tne rye is about fit t-> be out'- crops look very promising in old Kane ; apple crop will be short; other fruits are as usual. Weather very nice and warm Newman has won another h-mor, be has again put down the price of sum mer suit# and outstrips all other stores for assortment in men's and hoy's Clothing The King Clothier is altogether one of the most wonderful business men in our coun ty—be has done more real service to our people in the work of selling clothing so a# to enable people te save money than all others put together. \ ou all owe New tnan your patronige for this. Go, buy at least one suit from him. J F. Kreider who has recently vis ited his brother. Dr. J. B. Kreider, of Bu cyrus. Ohio, was so favorably impressed with the delightful scenery of that section •>f country, with its fertility of soil, and bewltbfulnest of climate, after having trav eled over most ail the nothern and west ere slate froui New } ora to Colorado thinks tnere it no state which possesses so abundantly all the requisites to make life happy and pleasant as the Buckeye slate, —and in view o! which ho purposes ts> make a purchase there in case be can get his family reconciled to go. \ ERITAS Il is conceeded by gil that the Howe machine it the most durable machine made. M ADISOSBURQ —Haying is all over and not much hay. Harvesting has begun ; the grain crop is light. The -ft h was celebrated by the boys in town, shooting anvils, tbey did some sound shooting. Peter Yearick is going about visiting sis neighbors again ; his leg is so that he can go out Mr. J. Royer intends putting up his house right alter harvest Corn looks well. Plenty of grasshop pers. about a dozen to every young clover stalk—it beau all, so says A. B. C D. HORSES. COWS A POULTRY—Feed THEM well and give tbem German Horse and Cow P..wder to enable them to digest aad j assimilate what they eat. For sale bv J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. lOjui 4t PERSONAL. Jas Herring, of Altoer.a, was here on a visit to bis old home. Mr. Ellis Hoslerman, long an inva lid. is again able to be around and pays the REPORTER an occasional visit. Rev. Shadow of Columbia county, formerly of Potter township, paid our . sanctum a visit a few days ago. Capt. Austin Curtin, of Milesburg, 1 has put cewn 120UJ tobacco plants. Dr. Rankle, of Philadelphia, is back to bis old borne on a visit. He loeks well, and enjoys a good practice in the city The REPORTER sanctum has been honored with a visit from one of Miles township's old and respected citizens, Mr. Jonathan .Spangler. He bears his age well and is as clear in mind as a man of mid dle age. May he have many days in store vet. Dr. George Arney, of Indiana coun ty, paid our sanctum a visit the other day. The doctor is a gradua e of the REPORTER office, but afterwards gave his attention to medicine, and are glad to learn from him that he finds'his profession remunerative through a goodly share of practice. We were glad to have a call from an old friend, Mr. George Gross, of New Berlin, formerly of Rebersburg. Mr. Gross was at one time an active and use ful member of the democratic paity of this county, and is still true to the ancient faith, and is one of the pillars of democra cy in old Union- Mr. Gross has been a prosperous merchant, arid retired from business. May ho enjoy long life and meet us often. NEWSPAPER LAW.— Newspaper law says if a person orders bis paper discon tinued he must pay up all arrearages or the publisher may continue to send it on and finally collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the post office or not. Also action for fraud can be instituted against any person, whether he is responsible in a financial way or not, who refuses to pay subscription due for a publication A pleasant and cheerful room is essen tial to the health of the baby and the us ual pains and ills of the a young ones soon vanish after the use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Price 26 cents. t THE REBELLION AT CAPK HAY TIEN. Thirty Men Killed. | Cape Haytien, June 24 tin the 20th r General Teotilo Pnrision with his follow* . or*, attacked and occupied the govern > mont hoe oln Cape llaytien City. Thera was fighting all night The gevernment . troops finally drove the rebels out of the I city. Thirty men wore killed and wound ed ami a largo number of arrest* have been made. Parisien escaped. There is . general uneasiness throughout the repub i lie Business is paralysed. The harbor i* crowed with vessels wait* ing for cargoes and produce, which comes in slowly owing to the heavy, rains. • • TRAGIC KNl> >K A DEFAULTING* A1 • MINI- S TR A TOH OF AN KS TATE. Fremont, Mich , July A terrible tragedy took place near here yesterday- Ira Cogswell wn Superintend-nt ot the Greenwood Ocean C onpany and adminis trator of the elate ot Joseph Stebbina* Interested parties were working to have liius removed tr<*m the executorship. Tins , worried him, and a* the settlement which a> to take place on Monday would havo , probably found hi in unprepared, he bad told -.i ue persons that lie would s'xsw llio Judge . I Pro! tt. a trick with a ho'e in it, and tie did lie told In* wile he WHS go ing to kill I .msel!. and tol l her *lo gel ' read.V l>> die. h it -he pleaded that she wa ttnprepared, a'd he excused her lor a !<■ ' minutes while be gathered the Stabbm'sj' esute papers and some money, about $ 1,- ! ( fiOO all ogei tier, the township boohs, Ac. which he pi seed in the st >vo and burned He thru poured kerosene over the prettii* ' se* and set it on fire Ills wife, that he could notbede j terre.l from his terrible work, escaped j from the house, and he followed her and j tried to persuade her to die with hi in, but used no violence She refused to join.j hiui. and then dinging her a pockelbook of her own. stepped back into the house; and locked the door, and was consumed in the bouse. • '* w ' THIRTY-nXK MEN KILLED BY A MINE EXPLOSION SEAKGLAS- i now. London, July '• Thirty-one men were killed by a colliery explosion in the High ' Blantyre pit near Glasgow, at 6 o'clock - this tin rning. F.ur of the victims were burned alive ® Twenty-ene corpses hare been recover ed. fa Glasgow, July 3 —So far 23 bodies „ have been recovered frout the High Blantre pit. THK PROVINCE OF KHOTANJRE* t YttLTb AGAINST THE CHINESE t K M PIKE. London, June —Late advices front Wernoi state that the inhabitants ol the provinceof Khotan er ll.itsi), ene of the 6 four div stor.s of Kasbgara, formerly Chi- ' nee Turkestai lying north of British In* j' dia, just beyond the l'sung-ltng mountains 400 miles east ef the city of Kasbgar and j cOO miles s -ulbeast ot the capital of the ■ spttal of tho Russian province of Kuidje, have revolted against the Chinese empire and have massacred all the Chinese pee* pie living there. V PLANTING TREES BY THK ROAD SIDE. d The following very important law pass* i i b th branches of the Legislature at the C resent session: j® SK- ti >N I. Th if my person liable to 3 roJ Im who sba.l transplant to the siJe c •t a public highway, on his own premises, any !ruit. shade or forest tree* of suitable n -no. shall bo all wed by the Supervisor of ji road*, where road* run ■.hrtiugb or adjoin cultivated 0ld, an abatement of bis road tax, or e dollar for every four trees set out; c but no row of eltns shall be nearer than . seventy feet, no r->w of maples or olbar tort-i liecs nearer than filly feet, except n locust, wn.cli may be set thirty feet apart; <* and no allowance, as before mentioned, I shad be made unless such trees shall have been set out the year previous to the do* 1 uiand tor such abatement, and are Uviag p and are well protected trom animals at j the lliti" of such demand. SEi 2. Any trees Iran splat, ted to the t sidenl the public highway as aforesaid, in the place of trees which have died, shall! be allowed for in the same manner and on u the s uio couditiotis as in the prcv lous sec- lion. , i _ >ec. 3. No person shall be allowed an ( abatement of his Highway lax as afoiesaid s mere than ene quarter ot hi* ahsuai high- j way lax, and ue one shall receive an . abatement ot lax tor tree* planted previ ous to the pa-sage of this act. d SKI 4 Any pers-in who shall cut down, i j kill or injure any living tree plaaied aI aforera J, shall pay to the supervisor of; a road- as afore-aid, ttlty cents for each and I i every tree cut J-<wb, killed or removed.,; and t* be collected as other taxes are now Collected Kidney Complaints of all discription* A are relieved at once, and speedily cured ( by Kidaey-Wort. It seems intended by t nature fer the cure of all diseases of the j kidney* caused by weakness and debility. ( It- great tonic powers are especially di• 1 , reeled to the removal of this class of di- j Yesterday, Clarksburg. Ontario, two children, aged eleven and nine years, sons of Alfred Stoulenburg, took shelter under a tree from a passing storm and a Itmb falling both we.e instantly killed. COUNTY COM MITTKE—IB79 Be 'efoote, North ward—D. Z. Kline HeHeloute, West ward —lt illiam Harper Bellefonte South ward—Author Brown. M ilea burg—Austin McCiain. Unionviiie —A T Leather*. Howard Boro—Howard Brickley. Philipsbur*—L G Lingle. Benner —Richard ('only. Bogg Joseph L. Nclf. Burnside Oscar Unit. College- Michael Grove. Curtin—William Mann. Ferguson, old precinct—Albert Hoy. Ferguson, new pru met—O. M. Sheets. Gregg—William A Kerlin. lLsmes—John C Stover. Ifßltnioon—Kill- Lytic. Harris—Fergus Potter. Howard— William Yearick. Huston—Daniel Irwin. Liberty—William H. Gardner. Marion—l S.Fraino. Miles—Cvrus Brnnigard. I'atton—Agnew Sellers. Penn—F P. Musser. Potter. North precinct—.lno. Shannon. .'otter. South precinct—Wm. From. Rush—T. J. Dunkle. SnowShoe-J. H Holt. Spring—Perry G-nlzel. Taylor—Samuel Hoover. Union—John H. Stover. Worth—George It Williams. Walker—Samuel Deckor. D. F Fortxky, Chairman. The following is the new apportionment of delegates to tho different boro's and townships; Districts. No. votes. No. del. 1 Bellefonte. N. W 84 'J I 2 Bellefonte, S W. li t 3 Bellefonte. W. W..._ 52 4 Howard Borough 49 5 Milesburg Borough... SO 1 0 Philipsburg Borough, 144 5 7 Unionville Borough... 82 8 Benner Townhip 160 5 '.I Bogg-i Township - 163 II 10 Burnside Township... 22 11 Curtin Township 52 1 12 ''ollge Township 74 2 13 Ferguson—old - 169 3 14 Ferguson—new 56 15 GreggTownship 276 5 16 Hall Moon Township 39 1 17 Haines Township 2(17 4 18 Harris Township 121 2 19 Howard Township.— 86 20 Huston Township 51 21 Liberty Townhip 57 1 22 Marion Township 92 2 2:1 Miles Township 246 ft 24 Patton Township 41 I 25 l'enn Township 288 6 26 Potter, North Twp.„ 173 3 27 Potter. South Twp 194 4 28 Rush Township 100 2 29 Snow Shoe Township. 75 2 30 Spring Township 191 4 31 TyU>r Township 48 32 Union Township 09 1 33 Walker Township 202 4 34 Worth Township 70 1 3,827 77 D. P. Fortnkt-, Chairman. Phoenix Poctoral will euro your cough. PhoEßix|Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes gocd and brings rest Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 cts ; 6 bottles sl. Sold by J. 1). Murray, Centre Hall. A new double thread shuttle sewing 1 machine, works by hand or treadle, for sale or trade at ibis office. "Warrant ed. . THE I.OT OF THE HKAVKIt (iUU-j WHO ELOPED WITH AND MARRIED A NEGRO. Pittsburg, June 30. Annie Meorc, the , voung woman of Reaver, this ci untv. ho caused sensation Imi Miy b v eloping • wuli and marrying * negrts. ■ ben round living qulellv with bet "''gro hus band Frank Alexandcr, in tho small down of Salem, Oluo, about ,vcutj-tivo 1 inilei troin hero Her husband i a rather 1% ....od-looking negro, ol pleaa*l address , The girl sayaslto is contented end happy,j and Iho only thing h<< <ui anxious! " about row i hor piano, which her nlhcf i 1 gave kw MUM (Mtl £'• ,M 'l whk It HWll , - at homo, llor father. win' hrolhor in-law ol ov Oh I*4 Justice Agnow. war 1 terribly scandalised by her "(range ivn • Jtit i, nhil hut tincf trMi i!i• tituin vain, i to have Annie arrested and onl to an in , lano a-vHiin 1 For omo tiuio previous te tho elope in. ui Annie ha,l g.voii her Parents a groat , deal ol trouble by Imr reck lass, wayward conduo, hut Doing an only daughter die aa* * polled bv indulgence. She had a uuarrel with her parents on Wednesday! night Mav 14. and early on the following ' morning loft her home and met the negro, I t an apppo'tilnunt which the had made Hie night before. The lw went to Ho Chester about a mile Ironi It. aver, to lb, house ola colored Clergyman, who mar ritHi ;br"4 in tba |u*tiico iwo w lalt men, a hotn they had called in to act a itnoes. The couple thou took ilie next , train back to Heater, where the negrt hired room ,u a house which had Ihre. ,-oemionly. two o! which were already iiTfupttki by families Iho r<rk. i got sent home for her trunk, piano, ai.o some ol tue ortiaiuoiils Irom her room utld this Was the Ur.t IlililiiaWtfU her 111, 111 ,-r had ol the marriage. Ihe mother tried It,, persuade the girl to return to hm home, but she refused Her tatlior, wh> is 1 iiiled Susies Storekeeper in Indiana comity, and is wealthy, was not at hotu* ,t the time. Soon alterward the coupl, disappeared, threats having been openly made by the young men ol Heaver oi larring and fealliermg the negro Anni, is'JU yearn old. She is a brunette, will largo eyes, exceedingly pretty face, alio tine form. Her family is one ol the best i in this part of the Slate. , lowa crop reports are favorable, so ar, [ Illinois In a recent indian fight seven bucks wore killed and one squaw captured. The giant powder magarine at Mobray s I nitroglycerine works, n*r North Adams, I .Mass , exploded killing Jack Pierce and j William Long, who were in the building mixing blasting powder. Au exchange says that banged hair , has gone out of fashion. It is only worn now by girls with warts on their fore heads. IvcjKirti from Bohemia iuJicate that i too much rain threatens destruction of the crops. Advices from South America to the ' 18th report a battle at Calama, re sulting in the capture of that place bv the allied forces. The Chilians lost 1,500 killed. Ou Saturday last at Ottowa, Cauu da, a boy named Vaudetle, aAer quarreling with hi* six vt ar old si*ter, shot her with a revolver. She died, j dames G. Crown and Charles G.j Wobortb, after confessing the murder of Wm. S. Yack. in New Mexico, June 27. were tak-n from jail at IX n* ver ou Saturday and hung. The miners at Shamokin and Grae ber A Shepp'a meu at Locust Gap, struck yesterday for an advance of 10 cents on a wagon. Twelve hundred men and boys are thrown out of em ployment. On the 2t!th of June part of the crew of the Mexican war steamer Liberia,! in the harbor of Vera Crux mutinied and seired the vessel. Offi cer* of the garrison simultaneously at tempted a revolt and nine were killed. The *t> atner went to sea, and is being pursued by the war steamer Indepen deneia and other steamers with hopes that she will be overtaken. The committee for encouraging the use of horseflesh as an article of food have i*ued a return showing that the number of horses, asm* and mules slaughtered iu Paris for consumption in 1878 wa 11,310, or 700 more than it) the previous year. The continues! increai-e iu tho use of horseffeah is. they say, a proof that the prejudice against it is being gradually overcome. IA prize of 1,200f, was awarded bv M. l>ecroix to the founder of the first ishop for the sale of horaefleeh in I>m dou, opened in May last. That ven ture, during the four months it was carried on, did not, however, meet with all the desired success, the chief reason far which was (the committee -ay) that the director was quite ignor ant of the English language. The committee now offer a medal of honor to any English butcher whosliall take up the trade and continue it for three months at least. wrPENN'S VALLEY INSTITUTE —The fall Session of this school will open 1 ,n the 28th of July, next. The healthful and beautiful situation of Centre llall, make thi* a very desirable and pleasant ; place for students The cheapness of boarding and the very low rate* of tui tion make it tbe cheapest Preparatory S-hool in the State Boarding ran be fad ' for $2 per week. To thoae preparing to teach we offer special advantages H. F. BITSER A. B. lOjul 3t Principal. ■rLEMOHI IW Ml •!€'. I will commencetearhing instrumental mu sic, etc.. in Centre Hall and vicinity, the first week in August next, hoping to get i a good patronage ; and on mv part will guarantee satisfaction. Letters of reeom mendatioaby known musicians, etc., will he presented before commencing, for the satisfaction of nil who may favor me with pupils MISERY A GIFT. 10jnl2t j VDMINISTRATORS NOTICE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Wm M'Minn, late of Potter twp., do ceased. having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves te k indebted to sajd decedent are request ed to make immediate payment, and per sons having claims against tbe estate will present them authenticated for settle iment. JAS. C. BOAL, lo|ul f#t Admr. do hanis non. t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Letters of administration on the estate of Krskine M'Minn, late of Potter twp , • dee'd, haviag been granted to the under signed. all persons knowing themselves to he indebted to said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and persons having claims against the estate will pre sent them authenticated for settlement. JAS C. BOAL,. lOjul Ct Admr. de bonis non. fTENTRE COUNTY, **: | \ j The Commonwealth of Penn's. To AARON LUCKKS BACH. Adminis j tralor of. Ac ,<d John K. Miller, late of j Harris township, deceased .• You are horeby cited and commanded to be and appear at an Orphan's Court to he held at Belle onto in and for tbecnua'y of Centre on the fourth Monday of Au gust next, then arid thnro to show cause why the Letters of Administration grant ed unto you on Estate of said Joha E. Miller, deceased, should not he revoked. Willi"-", the Hon. (.' A. Mayer, Presi dent of the said Court, at Hellefonte, the 23d day of June. A I) , 187'J WM. K BURCHFIKLD, C.O C. Sheriffs Office. Blleforile, Pa.. June 24,187!'. JOHN SPANOLKR, Sb'ff. lOjul 4t CENTRE COUNTY, as: The Common wealth of Pann'a, To HENRY BRAT. Administrator of Ac., of Aaron Parterage. deceased : You are hereby cited and commanded to be and appear at an Orphan's Court, to be bold at Bellefonte, in and for the coun ty of Centre, on the fourth Monday OF Au gust, next, then and there to show cause why the letters granted te yen on the Es tate of said Aaron Parterage, deceased, should not be revoked ! Witness tho Honorable C. A. Mayer, .President Judge ef the said Court HT Bellefonte, the 24th day of June, A I)., 1879. WM. E. BURCHFIKLI>. C O. C. Sheriffs Office, Bellefonte, June 20, '79, I JUiiN tiP ANGLER, SU'fl. I lOjul 4t Persons in receipt of it pemion from the United State* liftd bettor not be coiuo a member of any military or ganisation. An exchange *ay: "It may not bo ganerally known that a membership in a military company invalidate* any penman tlio member muy have been entitled to previou* joining Much company. Tbia deci*ion i* founded upon the fact that a man who cau |>ac a nrilitary examination cannot he seriously inoapacitaterl from Barniug a living by work, and theres fore need* not bo u pensioner." Two hundred houses were destroyed i by the at lrkulsh oti the 4th hint. I NEWMAN- Kins: Clothier LA III* EST STOCK, BEST STOCK, CHEAPEST STOCK. ry 7 i Spring Sniffy 82.40. Underwear , 20r. Boot#) 81.75, SHIRTS 26 CTS, AND EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION, The Best Bargains ever Offered'in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to Jkeep ahead .(dSjnlk NEVER BUY CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEn NEWMAN. / Challenge the County to Beat my PItICES and QUALITY* f w AND SHOW AS LA RUE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS 111 AVE. CLOTHING M ADK To ORDER BY FIRST CLASS TAILOItS AT VERY LOW PRICKS The ex-Empress Eugenie it not able to iler|> and ha. nut taken .utlhtenl nournh mcnt She. at.o talk, irrationally and great fear, are entertained that her mind • permanently affected. M IU Emma Sand., of Essex, Vl., who disappeared (ruin home on J una 7, bat been found near White hall, N. Y., an a anal b at in male attire, her hair cut short and hopelessly insane. T* years ago Bessie Harris, of Wolf *ille, N S., secretly married Dr. Albert l)e Welf, but after a time they separated. On Thursday she refused to life with hi a again and Do Welf then fatally shut Mrs C. D. Swet of North Bennington, 3J years old, has obtained a dieorce from brr husband, aged 70, after three years of unhappy married life Dick Hubert* of Dent County killed a rattlesnake with fifteen rattles It con tained fire young rabbits, about one fourth grown, and a full-grown mouse. ~ CUKE FOR DIPHTHERIA. Wo publish the following because the experiment uiay be wifely tries!, ami it is worth trying. Diphtheria ' is becoming a dreadful scourge, am) j the writer of what is lure taui saw the , working of this cure in the hands of an English physician, a! a time when the disea-e was prevalent in an Eng lish town. Speaking of the physi cian's application, the writer says: All lie look with him was powder of sulphur, and a quill, and with ihtsse he cured every case without excep tion. He put a spoonful of the tlour of brimstone in to a wineglass of water and stirred it with his linger instead of a spoon, as the sulphur does not readily amalgamate with water. — When the sulphur was well mixed he gave it as a gargle, and in ten rnin- | utes the patient was out of danger! Urimstoue kills every iqwcie* of tun gus in man, beast or plant in a few minutes. Instead of spitting out the gargle, he recommends the swallow log of it. —In extreme casea in which ( he had been called just in the nick of time, when the fungus was 100 nearly closed to allow the gargle, he blew J the sulphur through a quill into the . throat, aud after the lungus had shrank to allow of it, then the garg ling. lie never lost a patient from diphtheria. If a patient cannot gar gle, take a live coal, put it in ashovel \ and sprinkle a sjioonful or two of j tlour hrirosloue at a time upou it, let the sutferer inhale it, holding the head over it, aud the fungus will die. If plentifully used the whole room may be til lei almest to sutfocatiuo, the pa tient can walk about in it, inhaling the fumes with doors and windows shut. The plau of fumigating a room with sulphur has often cured most I violent attack* of cold in the head ' aud che*t. MARKETS. Philadelphia, July 7 —-Grain —New whest is in fsir demand and o'd crop is ►carco Sale# of 2,500 bushels, including new red and amber, at $1 10(4,1 18. old do at $1 17. and No 2 red. elevator. t $1 ltf Cern at 40'-v44 Oats at and . athtie at 8 - l tic I CHICAGO. ! Chicago, July 7 - Wheat active, firm and higher; No 2 Chicago spring : Wfc for en*b. Corn. No 2 high mixed W.64c ri hid lor cah and July Osts _N- 2 HSfW. JSJr for July. Rje firmer, ."!fop.*l4c for ! cash. Spring Mills Market. Wheal $1.06 Bye, 45c. Corn, ears, per bu. new. ,40c Oats, 25c. j Buckwheat, 750. Cloverseed, $3 I*! to $.7 76 Chop, per ton, $ 'JO. 00. , Plaster, ground per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $4.60 I Butler, 9c. . Tallow, 6c. | ! Lard. fir. . Ham. 10c. # j Shoulders, Gc. Clean Sides, 6c. I Bags, 2c. ■j Eggs per dox., Bc. Tub washed wool,.We, Coal. Keull. By Car. Gross. I Egg, $4 05 $4 20 s | Stove, $5 (¥1 s4fis Chestnut, $4 25 s'* 80 Poa, $2 '.H) $2 75 yaUDITOR'S NOTICE.- The undersigned, an auditor appointed to henr and pass upon the exceptions tiled to the account of Jesse Swart/, and Henry Bartholomew, executors of Elizabeth Bar tholomew, deceased, and restate said ac count and make distribution among those legally entitled thereto, will meet the par ties interested nt the office of Alexander A Bower, in Bellefonte, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of July, 1871*. at 10 o'clock, A. M. 11. A. M RKK, 12jun 4t Auditor. (IKNTItK COUNTY. S S. j Tlio Commonwealth of Penn'a [Seal.] To Anron Lukonbach, yu are hereby cited and com manded lo be and appear at an Orphans' Court to he held at Heliofonto in and lor the County of Centre on the fourth Monday of June next, then and there to -how cause why the letter" Totnmcntarj itranted unto you on the Estate of R h MeMinn, should not he reeked Notice of this citation to bo given by publication in two newspaper* published in Centre county for four successive weeks. Witness the Hon-U. A. Maver, Presi dent of the raid court at tieilefenlo, the IWth dayofM ay. A D. 187'J WM. E. Br Hi IIVI ELD, C O C. ' /S iWU A Y K A K tor honest, ln(lll|tnl bslot a L ■ ruen or agents. New business . light work X / Addreas I't.DrrnkTiM Aoy*. t. Marti*.. lu jaly 4m. I Manhood: How Lost, How Restored ! : .foal published, a now *<lllloll of l>r. Ihilverwella ('fll|jrid Kmyon Ihr rtdlctl euro .without modi cltl*' of hPKRMATORHNtKA or Nominal WeaknS-a. In volohl*ry *emlnal hi****, I mpotmicr. McnUl And ' Phjr'icAl Incapacity, Impedimenta to MtrrUf*. etc ; also, OonturapUon. Kpilepay an" Kile. tnduood by self indulgent of miual extravagance Ac., ..Trice. In A sealed envelope, only sli coat*. The celebrated author. In (hit admirable Keaay, clearly demonstrates, from A thirty years' successful practice. 'hot tho alarming conaeguencea of aelf abuse may be radically eured wlthoat the dangerous use of Internal medicine or tho application of tho knife. pointing out A mode of euro At onoe •Irani*, certain. And effectual. by means of which every suffer or, no mo Iter what bis condition may be, in Ay cere himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Thia Isect ure should be In tho bauds of avory youth and every man in the land Kent under seal. in a plain envelope, to any addreee, post paid, on receipt of all ceuto or two postage •tarn oa A dure** the publlshora, THE CULVEHWELL MEDICAL CO.. 41 Ana at., 21 uw l'orki V, 0. iki, 1680. lOocty n AUoution 'Squires.—Judgo Ross, - of Norriatown, Pa,. baa called the at ■- tention of Justices of the Peace to the t newjvagrant act, kuown a* tbo tramp i law, which wsn approved April loth, r IH7!*, ami goes into effect August Kith, r 187i>. Tbo Judge aaid that, under • hi* rending of the law, Juaticea would i no louger have power to commit as i vagrants, satiny have been doing, but will bo required to commit to jail for trial, leaving the final of the case to tbo Court. There is room enough in a corner olj ovary traveler * writing ilesk to carry tin j tourists' friend—Or. Hull's Halnsaor< 1 Pills. Price 26 rents. I Galls on lira shoulder* of draught hurras may be cured by ditwulring six drachma of iodine iu half a pint of al cohol and applyiug twice a day. A young Woman is raid by the Iy>uduu World to have argued, in the midst of a dinner party discussion of Brighatn Young's death, that the principles of Mormouism ought to be reversed. "Tunes," she said, "are so bad, and fasbious aoexpeusive, that it is absurd for one mau to have four or five witrea ; whereas, if each woman bad four or five husbands, aee how much cheaper it would he for each husband, and how much better wives could drees." Oeoige \V. Fou-t died at the Asylum at Danville, l'a.. on l.uh of June, aged 24 years and 8 days. £ F, Kuukel's Bitter Wiuc of Iron Itss ••! I.MI Saova to tall la lha ear* of ntkuaa aU*<iad llh a|ia|.l..a,a ladkatwMU.a la atarsh-a. 1 *o of mam -n dlflu-ultf Is brtAihini •eaki.r M hut rur ot diMM •*&. #• 'iMts ifMit'liai. dr*dful L t r\M ul 4mth aitft.l MU, <-. id tmml, •nkfiew dint t aa of viaboo. Übfuoi. laaait ude uf the aiitt.uUf atafo-ti ruorwuai Hh 4jrfl>plu irapl- me. b t tuul* oahlb| of Use dryhswi | the akin |Mhilld (Ottfllweace Alsd arttptlutie ofl lis* fee© j'tsrtfiUs|l the bUsd, I>|lK It* the Deck baivlcMt in t'te eyelid* lWk {U fl)lu< Inrf -fw (he e)M • lib eafuiWk at. Ji*w ot elfht efcl uf Hleuit u Ac Sold otaik lu •! lliK-lUeißffU Mile* for Ah tor I. r Kwbksl iHiUer ul Irua and Ukr no .'her kik four lruaa U1 and If h# bas II ik* . Maud l> hwtilieUx k K kuhkrl No Ift* Not th Ninth Nfrwets I'ttlUiell.tU, t*a. Adlo© free, etcluae UsiMMbl WORMS WORMS. WORMS. K I Kaskal'i Warm Strap net*r fall* uo dMtnq I'iß.hMt.and Slontßßh Wormi Dt Kuttk<4,U* I) anr*>©aaftii t'hfUrUn wtku Tfttf Morns In I©u bourn nilse • ith !.d. nod no fee mill rvsutid ußßtotl MMtM l*clMl if Te;© WK ftM U rtWdfMl ©ll otliW trtirtti CA !•• :r !ll daitnqr 1 Advice at of Ira Md ttswv, frwa Th# durtor rn I*ll abpthar or a>l Ihs pattout k *, Thuaaamla are <3> In# dal |$ ©it I a..r. and 4j n 1 kilo© it lIU ei ett *. rrfli|* rheiltti aaJ ufl -edU-'p.. ultoa ctmplfih.#, clrcUov ©rvstttsd the pyaa. end t**'n tLewl.® sch. rcvlleM el tilsht. fh!ii!lit| of the ((©th I'lrltitt* el til© ti.see. cu|h Ir©. ttchlnj et th* oval heed erb, (otii t rwlh.tha |tteni r a |©l* ed Uiln, Itrlllni ami lrrtt*t*<Mi In the etttaa e!l lb©*e ij. t-?• end more. stue from ©.*!• i t kattk*li H or© Hvtap :vef fell# U rvmova them Prtrv. II n I*o* bottle or alt buttle© fu* IlitP (I *r lep* Worm ©rft© end c eeoll th# Ikortot J lof all lhra. tmjr of i.©r drus|:J th* W Hrrup awl if lu baa It hot. eead U iv K V K ak©4 ** North Ninth Hi. PtaU dek|>hte. Pa Adko# by mail, fr©© . pead ihrv* retti atam:'. D"u4t CENTRE ('Ol NTT, S. S The Cuiumoaweaßb of Penn'a, [Seal ] To Aaroa Lukenbacb. you are bar. by cited and com manded U> be and appear at an Orphans Court to be held at Bsl!efnte in and for the County of Centre on the tourth Mon day ot June next, then and there to show cause why the letters of Administration grar.u-d y.u on the estate >! William McM.nn. deceased. shouM not be revoked. Notice ol this citation to be given by pub lication ia two newspapers published in Centre county for four successive weeks Wiinftt the lln. C. A. Mayor I'rwi- Jont f thr d r.'tirt l Bollelonte, the Ailh der of Mar A. 1) 1S7") WH. K Bckcbfiklp. C O C. i Mll ihi kTO AY L A It.or f k • | * ■ll | $6 U) slA> day in your ' ■ I fllll own locality. N> rik. % I 41111 W incn J ' well at %I. 11 II I men Many make more 0 | I 111 II I than the amount alaled •' M™"wp at a bo*.-. No one can tail ■ to make money fail Any one can do the 1 work. You can make from fiO cti. to s'2 an hour by devoting your pveningt an t 1 • pare t>me to the butinoM. It root* nolh- 1 log to try the butinrao Nothing like it for money making ever offered before, Hutineu pleaant and atriclly honorable. Header, if you want to know all about the bntl paying buine# before the public, aend ut your addrct* and we will tend you full particular! and private term free. Samplei worth $o a!o free You can then make up yeur mind for youraelf. Aildrea. GEORGE BTINSON A CO . Portland, Maine. NAt EES' Orchestrion chime* ORG Alt ..UraMlknallfiil a /W&. a inalrle mnd perfect l* tone ever ■•if. tlnHlnntf IlkuiVrrlrkratri t'McrrtoMap, ekh SgSB awt two BMi ■ be If I BrllSMWw Orlavr* of belle t T Wiri HBtll nrd perfect kr • mom Itllbltinrit, |H ■kgpWfl A Ihrlr fftctti ■• AI of <M*CK R'TO. TBS T KB. <K> T ; ** • • i HIMEJ*. CIIAFKI.. ■•* tOTTM.ROK- I.ANH, I altar rrrocb t'wa ar " ee ry rraprct KIK*T CI. AH*. ..* WATERS' PIANOS,"-" vv,".fS; ttarmnlrd for Hit TKAKH. I'IIII KH F.XTH BMKI.Y IOW f<c r..b. Montbl* laatallnt-WM HWWeA A MUrm! t TWfckcra. Mim*lm%Ckmrckm.S€kt**. >■ (UKmWAtTr.D. aapectalloUoce. ~.r nia to the trade.lllit.irtitrU I ■teloauc Malted.tccoed-hand Inairoanrntaart.real Baiyataa IIOUAt B W ATKKH A MINh, Jlaufrtrrra a*J tlcaleias 40 EAST I 4lb HTHKKT. I MWI MJVAUK. >kW VtWk.Uii Tm* standard article Is compound* cd with tlic greatest care. Its effects arc as wonderful ami as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes nil eruptions, itching ' and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great 1 comfort, and the scalp by its use 1 I becomes white and clean. • By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal " vigor, preventing baldness, and mak ! iiig the hair grow thick ami strong. As a dressing, nothing has lsrcn " found so effectual or desirable. ° A. A. Hayes, M.1)., State Assnyer of Massachusetts, says, "The con stituents arc pure, and carcfhlly se • lected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the BEST I'HEPAEATIOM for its intended purposes." Pric*, One Dollar. : Buoklngham's Dy® ] FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may l>c relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir. • able shade, to brown or black, at dia> ; crction. It is easily applied, being in • one preparation, and quickly and ef fectually produces a permanent color, • which will neither rub nor wash off. ManufkOtured by R. P. HALL 4 CO., NASHUA, N.H. Mi l Hi finout*. ut fiMiKt U UtiwlMk ' HARRY K. HICKS, ' (Successor to T. A. Hicka A Bro.) r 1 WIIOLK 8A L E Sc RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass,- Putty, <fcc M Sec. MT Alwo hits Hi,- agency of tlaa* Noulli 11ci.,1 Chilled Flow for this* county.-*# 1 WILL NOT UK UNDERSOLD BY ANY TARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OP GOODS ii tit it in: illicit ill H U R RAH! —roa— CHEAP JOHN, CENTRE HALL. The Spring season of 1879 is now opening. We have just received an excellent stuck of Spring and Summer Goods, which will bo sold at the Lowest Prices. We have an immense stock and well assorted in every line. We have DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES, NOTIONS, GROCERIES. ETC., ETC., at lowest prices. Best Sole Leather always on hand. Give us a call im mediately. I. GUGGENHEIMER A CO. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MURRAY. at hi.establishment t Centre Hall, keep on ban<l, and for rale, at the moatreatona bl. rale.. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring WagonS, PhAiJt AID FANCY, and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made ol the bl seasoned material, and bjr the m<*l .killed and competent workmen. Bodies for baggie, and spring-wagon. Ac., of the most improved pattern, made to order, al><> Gearing of all kind* made to order. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in hi. line are requested to call and examine his work, th will find it not to be excelled for dur \ ilitr and wear. may t tf. liiMT waot-KKuaorr. j.D. micukxt. President. Cashier QENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) Receive Deposits, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold A aplOSgtf Coupons Forks House! i PERKY Stove k. fropr. The Fork. House, at Cburn station, ii •now and commodious, and i kept in be manner. Bed and board second to non< in lbs county. Stabling for SO horse*. Asa summer resort it will be found a! that could be desired, right in the heart ol good fi.hing> and hunting grounds, and surrounded oy the most romantic scenery. ln<v y New Pianos 5125 Each, and all styles, including GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT all strictly rtrsf-<•/**, sold at the lowest net cash wholesale factorv prices, direct to the pur chaser. These Pianos ma<le one of the fin est displays at the Centennial Exhibition and were unanimously recommended foi the H ton EST HONOR*— over 1*2.000 in use Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co —Factory established over 86 years. Thi Square Grands contain Mathusbek's no. patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, lh< greatest improvement in the history of Pi ano making. Tbo Uprights are the fines in America. Pianos sent on trial Don' fail to write for Illustrated and Peserip tivc Catalogue of 48 pages—mailed free MKN DE LSSOH N PI A N( CO., 6septly 21 Bast 16th Street. N. Y. IMPORT AN ro TRAVELER^ -THE— BIJSH HOUSE! BRIXXPOXTK, r*. Uas been recently thoroughly renovate, and repaired, and under the inanagemen of the New Proprietor, Mr. GEOKGI HOPPKS. formerly of W'msport, is first class in all Its ar>pointm<4it*. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offerrd to those In attendance atcour and other* remaining in town for a fe> davs at a time. The largest and mo.t superbly Design* Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. ' All modern conveniences. Go try tb > Bush house. Baug GEO HOPPKS, Propr, 1 C. T AI.KXANPKR. C M. BOWS ALEXANDER A BOWER, ai lomara *f L*w,B#tlSfaat. IjWdlUH—lk to (kiliMlloM, and OrphiM* CflttH irat!c< Ms> !>• consult#.! IB t.artnau BBtl Knftlah. OfUcß I Oar-roan's hutl1ln. tur'J* 74 tf I UnDCC s n<! tlcontii In Hsmi'iur nirrer.y for nUnObni** borM I took It tr#ata all dl*a# r hAl&flo* #n*ravlnta ikfltlf potiUoy aum#d t alck hor*# . • Übl# of doaaa. • Ur*# collection of a QfTAi/ uMp recipe#. rulea for telling lb# age <f DUUfthorae. with an engraving showing teeth < - yrnr , Bod • large amount of other valuable hon I laforaattoß l>r. W, Hell •*. I hare bonfl ■ books th *t I pftld f & end SlO for which Ido not Ilk# t wail aw Ido yoarw Send for a circular , agent* want* II H.j Kendall. M l> , Kooeburgb Falls. Vt. ltuy HENRY BOOZER CENTRE IIA 1,1., I W**Cr< Tl-RKB Or Saddles, Harness, Bridles. Collars, Whip Flynets. pnd also keep, on hand Cotto Nets, etc Prices low as any where els All kinds of repairing done. The be C stock always kepton hand. All work wa i ranted. A .bare of the public patrona* h kindly solicited llapr. 1| v n Harness, Saddles'&c f. Tbs undersigned, determined te meet th* popul demand forleerer prices, respectfully oelle thestM * ttoa of the public to faU.tock of SADDLERY now offered at theold etend IiUrned eapeelllj I the peupln end th* lime*. Ibelarcest end moet r.rt end complete eeeorimenttd Neddie*. Herneee, Oolle Bridle*.of everjr deecrtpoon end yuelilv; Whip*. * infect every thine to complete * Sr*t of.** eetahiti ataut. 4 avw pUm*. Viii-bkk M —HAIU)WARE!= WILSON MFARLANE <fc CO. nsw aeoDs—panic pbxcib. N ■ B T* £ A OAS STOVES UEATERS BAGGED V E CJ EKE S N H We would especially call attention lo tiie Highland Queen Cook Stove, —ANDTHE- WiELtiOtil KO'iAt MBAYNMJ €?®Yt. r*"Our Suck being entirely New. We offer special Bargain* in"BK OILS end PAINTB.-A* WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILMS, B'FARLASE A C 0., il f ME.S' BLOCK. BELLE FOX TR, PENN'A. * Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble'* Store! SPRING MILLS, lit* the good*. Largest clock ! SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever. An J now extend* a cordial invitation to bit friend*, patron*, and public general ly. Alao a Complete Assortment ol Ready Made Clothing for men and boy*. Suit* as low as to be bad in tbt city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full line* of MERINO UNDER WEARS, For Ladies, Genu, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes, II ATS,"CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the rood complete assortment of NOTIONB n Central Pennsylvania, and price* th* willcompel you in self defence to buy o bm . Also ri*h, Salt, etc. lßoc A full line of Howe Sewing Machine* and Needles for all kinds of machines Alto deal* in all kindtdof Grain. Mar ket price paid for the tame. A specially in COAL by the car load. J as. Harris Co NO. 5, BROCKERHOFFROW. JIRONTNAILSJ ~P A; I N T S, || OILS, > fTC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefbnte. Furniture Rooms! EZRA KRI MHIXE. 'respectfully inform* the cititen* of Centre: i county, that be hat bought out the old; i ltnd ol J. O. Deininger, and hat reduced, 1 the price*. He has constantly on hand . and make* to order BEDSTKADS, BUREAUS, t SINKS. WASBBTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS, lj TABLES, Ac.. Ac. His stock of ready made Furniture is p large and warranted of good workman- 1 ship, and is all made under his immediate' supervision, and is offered at rates cbeapcr ( than elsewhere, i Call and see his stock before purchasing J elsewhere. feb 510. [j CENTRE HALL . Hardware Store. J.O. DEINIRGER. * A new, complete Hardware Store has , been opened by the undersigned in Cen < ire Hall, where be is prepared to sell all £ kinds ol Building and House Furnishing * Hardware, Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort- mont of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frame*, Spokes, Felloes, and Uub=, table Cutlery, Shovel*, Spades and Forks Looks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. n Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, >■ Tea Bells, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the finest style. 8 Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. Remember, all goods offered cheap er tban,elsewhere. AT a- TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at ' t' Law. Collections pnw)7 sell and sperlu sttontion (rlrsn to. bosa lis fine lands or property for* ® 'sal*, will draw up and bsrs acknowledged Poods I Mortcaces. Ac. Ot- in tba diamond. noi-th aids ot| iUutaourtkuua*,UU>iuut*. (aiUodVlt. • PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CKXTBE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS. and aUovlntwg est; Discount Kos; Buy and bell < \ ERR.MCM Secnritfai, Gold and Coupon.. WM. WOLF, WM. B. MIIOLI, Pret't. Caahtar DU. J. W. KHO.NK, Dentist, can U found at hi. office and reaidaoM •n North tide of Iliyh Street, three dean K.t of Arcgfaeny, Bellcfonle, Pa. 27 feb tf | ißprnyv ii - The Only Known Remedy Tit IT UTS AT THE Silt TIME OM THE LIVER, 1 THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. 77>ii o. In tied oetum pk> re H womlmflti I'irrr to curt oU dimeuten. Why are we Sick T linen# yv oZW thn* great organ* to L loss* etoggeei or torpid, and ptmoonom* Law !. tnr fhrrtfore forerd into the Uoti that iAmM 15.' crpdltd SioJwru.Ty. aaumuDK, rins. roxsnrsrwi. KiP>rr coiPEiinx, i EIIAKT &. Kisrs, fciau: WUKEOW, A> SEBTOP* msOKOUtk, h amdng free aetion of them organ* ami motoring tleir etrength and power to tkrot ■ f . mm Why Safer BlUlea* ptlMUlutal ■■ Why hr tonte4 .Ith tllaut CwHUpaMaal Why rrlykhnM m ttMiWnl IMmji t Why arrioti hiaSarhe. ut ilMfiai alfhtst CM KtnMY-WORT4 roMl W Ma /: u u Org, teerth ■ I am* Ome ftnhtri Wtll Mk< *i yiiih at MMa omaafyrw trtll or**r a for pom. wKis. sauna . ee, rnpbun. Sotwcwa h NICHOLS. SHEPIRO tCH. Italti. < rcch, Mirh. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE {" VIHRATOR M THRESHING MACHINERY. i Till liltblM TlatAwha ut a i *• vin, nmtm •* <m* ut in>m On - l ~ -| ad tar ?ats* Qr%*m irmm VaM|A STKAM I' Threw hem . sperUlty. jyiihl |lMcf Seynrmterc ■!.. npnalt ar lim. dj/V I arlli Mr." Thmhw Aft—a. d vf wt tv i y~rui. wtovowM. laee* , mrmU. ftr br. ..d aur otber wake w Uai L rn HI EXT IKK Threhl. Etpeatee sa4 rftoa A fc-w U. ito~ <ha> CM • y On I Etl ilttin STW> by IC<rt la|>.ir4 latUM Gu t IX Kalwn wilt t nMI t. the NW nxw, w..IXV ot enll cb4 tko t.krtor wt taM tr '•UMh't ■•..:><• wte. otr. ywledc. Ih .. tayoT Otiy Vaetly Sooertor fhr WhMCOWII lUrls.. 10, .ill ftk. k*t Ik. Om Sill fat Tbtr.h r Is" n. Tir%~>., HIltM. O'r SM tea SrM). Rr;i rrti no ■.illllSKS" or "UteMlk." • if hrei hrsls toSssto. ; T> Thnretch WorVmetthlp, Heyaat Ftatah, -1A p. 'f-vtkq of fm. r.mpi matm ml lenlfi. am.,' ' rut " Vismros " Tturskiif omat. etc Isc—twsMs. ""l . >-• aflten— MtKTKLOI s for SiapHrlty .f Parte, *if V.. Ihumrkll Ihr u.u.l MU uJ Omn. Kit. .. j Clms Wort. IU to UUMltg. r SMUrrtafh II *lOl K Sleet of Srptrtlort Medr. Bmafiaw 11 Ji frtno HU o Twetie-HoTw? atie, Affid twtyi— mi Mm—i g r4 Horaw iVwera to match. POK Ptrticulere, Cell oa ear Deateea er writ, w tc for lUu.usM* Ctrewler. wtfak w. Htt^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers