The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 26, 1879, Image 3

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Centre Hall,Pa, Th'red. .Tunc 96, H.
rff-TKRMR. — s'2per year,rhen paid in
idranee; 52.60 schtn not paid in advance.
* Adrerti*emenf * 'JOef* prr line for three in
sertion.*. and liernisper line for every sub
sequent insertion. Advertisements by tht
year at a liberal discount.
Subscriber* out side the county should re
mit u* 10 et*. amount of one year'. post
lor, instead o/'JiVfx as formerly irben pa to
Subscriber* ens alieays tell how their <e
munts sttmd at thr Reporter office bv
suiting the table* on their paper*. It the
lahle read* "John Roe t jan '"6" it men's
that John is indebted for subscription /rows
the Ist of January. 1875, and that it is
time he was paying the printer.
Satoniaireveetaur l tbeOjdl v
v. a Ft—**, s—t },F.aims<ssa*
Hp Foav tiOTWIK. N.t. ST. r A. M..
Mnn Iw cT<.nln* on OS letors cB lull io->o in IBs
Monl." Hall. , v i'V W VI
!• I iHnr. aenra. Sect. J. J. AkN BY. w.
>• „v>*. *o* No. <* Pet M. lUII >nlh Salnntar on or Bafera I i
•0.-.M ! V w an.t OUT twe <••>* aftrr, a
K cl .or ..tor. I.KQUKP Knoav. Br-'
—Clething made to otder at New
man's by one of the best tailors from 1 h
Thanks to the Lewisburg ( >r
for an earlv copy of report L. t <k S
the annua! report of the L. C\ &St Klv.
Read it.
Give the Standard Clothing Hall a
call if you want cheap clothing. Gold
man has an immense stock on hand, and
has again put prices down to suit any one
Headquarters, opposite the Brockerheff
Go toon, else you may miss a tip-top bar
Seme fbllow s, a few nights age-, went
fer the good thiags in the cellar of George
Shafer, at Madisonburg.
A good bridge has been put up near
Mr. John Wolfs, in Brush valley, by su
pervisor Jno. R. Shafer.
Col. J F. Coburn rtturned from
Fhi'adelphis, Ist*, week, t# find that Far.- ,
sic, one of his splendid matches, was ,
gone. The disease is not known. ,
Samuel t-hoop had the end of one of ,
his fingers cut off by a reaper knife, -ast
Mr. Levi Lerg. of Penn Hall, re
ports that his boys killed a rattlesnake 1
measuring 3 feet > inches. #if of which he l
got two ounces of fat. f
Being too throng am compelled to re- (
main this week, come in. T. R. Noams. {
being recaived in great variety at C. Dm- t
get store, this week. f
The finest and best specimens of r
Workmanship in marble, are turned out i
how at Centre Hall, by Guest Jc Co.. whe e
have a long city experience in tombstones,
monuments, die. Their prices too are the f
lowest in this county. 11
The Lesnsburg Cvroau-.V says : We
regret to sUtethat Judge Walls's ampu
tated arm is not healing as satisfactorily
as was expected, sad it U again becoming
From the H urcAman we learn that
our eld friend Ben. Benver has become
proprietor ef the BeHefonte and Slate Col
lege stage line. Glad to see Ben make a
—Get your drug* and medicines at
Frank Green's and you have them fresh
and pure, and -rem the oldest and most
reliable druggist in the county—and there
is a great deal in that. Fancy and toilet
articles of every kind always on hand.
Gen-Jas. A. Beaver is to deliver
the oration at the dedication of Col. J as.
Cameron's monument, on the Fourth.
Col. C. resided near Milton, was killed at
Bull BUR, Y , buried at L-wisburg, and
the msnument i- to be erected at Sun
Some two weeks ago, Mr. George
L ng, living at the head of PenßS Creek,
r-.c-ived a kick from a horse, on tho ieg
abere the knee, one of the shoe-corks go
ing through to the bene causing a serioa?
w -ind, which became painful and sore.
Mr. Long a few days age injudiciously
ventured into one of his fields with his
irjured limb, and while turning in his
walk there was a report from the injured
spot which was caused by the bone ot the
leg splitting or breaking from the strain
upon the leg The physician, Dr. Neff,
fears serious results to father Lcr-g from
the circumstance.
Try ever so much, and do their level
be-t, no establishment in the county can
come near to Newman, for cheap Cloth
ing. It's wonderful bow he can keep
ahead all the time. Well, it is a good thing
in these hard times that we have Newman
among us, to supply us with clothing and
enable all who wish to save money. Not
a larger or letter assortment in the coun
ty than at the Eagle Clothing Hall.
place, ihe Y. M. C. A. will hold its next
pub ic meeting, Sunday, June 29, at 7.80
p. m. Tfte "Comes"' of the four Gospels
will be the theme for the occasion.
M*j- J B- Fisher of Penn Hall, has
torn nw*y h s old barn on his farm, and is
building a new one near the old land
mark-, where the eld one stood. The
carpenter werk is under the control of
that master carpenter, Mr. Michael Nols
ker, who is an accomplished workman,
and we may therefore expect to see a
handsome structure when it is finished.
The new bain was raised on last Ihurs
day, and the frame work proved a perfect
fit in every respect.
All goods of the season, belonging
to the grocery line, will be foud fresh
and in great abundance, in that lamous
establishment in the Bush house block,
known tia Secfcler's grocery, which is just
the best place in this county—and we
mean what we say—fer any family to get
its groceries at. Try it, try it, and you
will say se too.
For dried and canned fruits, cured
meats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens
ware, stoneware, and hundreds of other
things, the beet in market, go toSechlers,
in the Bush bouse block.
A noted Western musician onco said
very wisely " When some one conies to
me and says that another person has slan
dered roe I always ask him if he is willing
to go with me immediately to that person
and tell tbo same thing "
The Flow# 3ewi ng Machine. Th
world renowned sewing machine. Over
100,000 sold in 1877. The most perfect
machine in the werld at the lowest possi
ble price. If you are in favor of any par
ticular machine, at least examine the
Howe before you purchase. Highest Med
al at Centennial Exhibition. "\V hat we
claim in substance, is that this is an hon
est machine, and if put in your family
will do any and all work perfectly. —Will
last a lifetime. Terms of sale the most
liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, who is
the only authorized agent in Centre coun
ty. For terms, Ac., enquire of A. C.
Moore, Milesburg, Pa.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call atten
tion to her samples of trimmings of all
kinds : also, samples of new styles dr>
goods. Cutting and fitting done to order,
and old dresses cleaned and done 0V( " r by
her. Gentlemen's shirts, cuffs and collars
made to order, and warranted to lit. Has
also just received a new slock of spring
stvies, fashion plates, patterns, etc. Cai
and see. mtt "
Green's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, colds,
croup and early stages of consumption.
Try it.
VIOLENT COUGHING racks the system
, and brings on hemorrhage, l'hoenix Pec
toral cures cougb, brings rest und
strength. It tastes so pleasant that chil
dren cry lor it. For sale by J. D. Mur
ray, Centre 12 jun 4t
Crook, the main stream of this valley, has
boon fished more this summer, wo think,
from nil account*, th*n over before. Far
ly in the spring wo ho*ril reports of the
success of fishermen, nieslly in catching
suckers, which are the most numerous in
it—though there aro many eels, trout,
some cat-fish which aro net largo, ami
that pest of anglers, the wicked chub.
Our fondness for piscatorial sport, led
us to join a party consisting of Messrs.
■v Gregg and llarpstcr of this place, and the
'' boys of enr families, we started on Thurs
' day tor Panns Creek, for a three days eel
•i fishing. Arrived below the first tunnel,
* we camped on a beautiful green sp*t en
the banks of the stream, under a large
and shady elm, fixed eur holies so they
could cat the niee grass around us, gath
ered plenty of wood fer our camp fire, un-
loaded traps and boxes of good things,
. and get things ready generally for house
s keeping—in the open air. •
' About five o'clock p. m., of the first
day, from our camp we discovered an ob
i ject in the water 1 mil# above us. Think
ing there still might bo injuns about, we
wended eur way in that direction, when
" who did we meet splashing through the
" water, but his Honor Judge Orvis, with
rod, line and basket. The Judge had
some very finetrv ul, one in particular was j
w lia'. in fishing parlance is called a "slap
pen fellow. The Judge naturally was
nearly exhausted with the work of tramps
I ing oter 2 miles ol the slippery rocks in
' I'etins creek, and hauling out such large
trout, so we -ent him to our camp, and I
bad him do himself justice to our eatables.
\\ e seen saw aiu". her sail above us, which
proved to be our lively friend, cx-sheriffl
Musser, who was following judge Orvis,
and kindly feeding the trout w :h grass
hoppers. The sheriff had by hi* side the
r.iiest string of trout we saw this season,
an ev donee that he knows how le hook
the speckled beauties. IN e also look him
home and supplied his engine with fuel
for his homeward tramp.
Having consoled ourselves wo were oc-1
copying the stream all alone and with a ,
consequent big haul, that calculation was j
cut down one per cent, by the arrival a
[ shert distance above us of General Punkl
of Owltown and two friends, who were on j
the same business as wo. Soon our cal- 1 <
culation was cut down by information that i
another party was ahead of us a distance i
down stream. There was a further reduc- <
lion in eur calculations, while at break- i
fast next morning, by the arrival in our i
camp of General Noah Stover of Penn i
township, and -ocue friends, also on the i
same kind of business. Rut our expccta- '
lions were soon built up when we learned '
from Noah that it wasthe"arst Freitag iin 1
neuo Lieht'' fist Friday in new moon) .
when eels always bite. This was damp- i
ened a little after dinner by the arrival in 1
our camp of General John B- Shafer and j
friends, from Madisonburg, who with his j
team came thundering right through the j:
tunnel for a near cut; had the cars come J (
along about that lime, we suppose John
would have ran right over them, for not ,
staying out. We gave John a good sup- '
ply of eel bait as he had arrived a little 4
late, and he went to camp a shert distance j,
below us. Two hours after and we have j i
Genera! John Bowersox and party, from ; '
Haines, passing through our camp also on j
the business we had set out for. By this
time we bad nigh made up our uiinds that j
it was doubtful whether there were eeU <
enough in the stream to go round. Nov- | >
ertheless we went in good faith—faith and J
works ge together—and set eur heoks lor (
the snaky eel, when we suddenly struck i
upen General Henry Kramer and party,
of M.uiheim, who were putting down ,
heoks right above us- We now thought
that much as we like eels we would not
like to be an eel, aad if we were one. we d
cutely get up a tree where men do not set
h- oks for that kind o' game. Getting back
into camp and en our blankets for the j
night's snoeze to dream of a big haul of
the slippery critters, our ears caught the
yells o! a new party who were fishing with
rets. We did not get to see these, hut if
their hauls were as great as their yell*, i
then it must have been rough on the poor
We did not got the elect.on returns from
all the parties—but the result was such as
to shake eur faith in the "arst Freitag ' in
the New-mooa. We scored twenty, the
Funk party about tho same, tha Madison*
i burgers 2.—the other districts lot heard
; from. With some fine trout and suckers j
added to our pile, we packed traps on Sat
urday morning, and struck for a laad of
rest and where women do the coekii g
: On our home road we struck another fish
j ing party on the banks of the creek above
Grenoble* store, at Spring Mills. This
party consisted of a rod and line, at one
I end a little l>oy and at the other end a
chub—tho one in ecsuicies ot delight, the
i other in agony, because it had swam a lit
tle too far from mama, who didn't know it
was out.
i There were ether fishing parties farther
down the stream, and no doubt all the
j way through to Union county.
| Eel fishing is fun —that is, if you like
slopping through mud and water, falling
I over rocks, into the raging canal, blister
ing your feet, and that sorto' fancies.
On Monday evening a half-dozen
. couple from this place attended a eocia
- ble about a mile from town. It is said
the party was a delightful affair; bat to
some ttie pleasant recollections of it were
sadly marred bv the strange behavior of
' some of the young ladies. The gentle
. I men naturally felt themselves specially
deputized to act as guard and escort, but
. at the close of the party, for some unac
countable reason, they were left behind,
while their fair convoy went sailing
r away with main-royal and fore-topsails
j spread to the breeze, leaving their din
coro fitted escort in utter bewilderment.
1 And the orchestra immediately struck
1 up, "Tlu toy* they Uft behind thi in." *
' Friday evening, June 30th, the clos
_ | ing exercises of the Penn Hall Academy
' ; were signalized by one of the best enter-
I tainments <-ver given at that famous school.
The crowd which assembled to see and
i bear, was immense—in the literal sense of
- that word As early as one hour and a
r half before the exercises began the Hall
, was crowded to overflowing, from which
time scores, and we might say, without
violence to veracity, hundreds were una
ble even to obtain standing room. The
' programme was a long and select one.
The performances were creditable
' throughout ; and the order, despite the
II long programme and crowded house, was
Mr. Frank Wetzel, of BeHefonte,
Fa., now a student at the Kefernied Theo
logical Seminary, at Lancaster, IV,
preached in the Aaronsburg and Salem
Uef. churches, Sunday morning and after
noon, last. His sermons are spoken of in
tho highest terms. Rev. Shoemaker, the
pastor, is now absent on a visit to the
—Plant tansy at the roots of your
plum trees, or hang branches of the
plant on the trees and you will not be
ununyed with curcluio. An old and
successful fruit grower furnishes the
above, and savs it is the most success
ful curculio preventative he has ever
That fellow went home rejoicing the
other day. lie was from Bald Eagle val
ley. and went to the Standard Clothing
IIHI), where he bought a whole Euit ofnew
clothes, so cheap that he baa been in ec
stasies of delicht ever since, and hu be
come a reformed man.
NEWSPAPER LAW.— Newspaper law
says if a person orders bit paper discon*
liaued be must pay up all arrearages or
the publisher may continue to send it on
and finally collect fhe whole amount,
whether the paper is taken from the post
office or not. Also action for fraud can
be instituted against any person, whether
be is responsible in a financial way or not,
who pay subscription due for a
I publication.
s lluy a Fan of C. Dinges, where yov
s can get them for Je up.
. The cut-worm is doing harm to corn
'• in some fields In this county.
p Another large stock of fofotroea Just
k received at Dinges' store, in Centre Hall ;
1 more of an assortmeaf than ever.
j Business at Murray's Coach Shops
at Centre Hall is very good ; more orders
j new fer new buggies than ever before.
—Aecotding to n general custom
, among new-paper publishers, we will not
issue a paper during 4th of July woek
" Will thank the readers of the HarouTaK
I for their kind mdulgence.
- Michael Swartr, of Oraugoville,
1 writes us that the weather is favorable for
' growlag crops. Corn and wheat and oats
aro promising Free port market is,
wheat ."k> to St* cts., ry 47c, corn IV, eats
Mr. Gober, the Madisonburg laad
lor-l, while driving to Coburn station on
Thursday of la>t week with his wne and
little son, bis horse rut seme frightful
panks. The mother threw the hoy from
the wagon and made a hasty jump from it
her,ell, asalso did Mr. Ockor The shafts
were broken by the capers of the horse
The timely arrival of aid, ourselves
among others, prevented what might have
been a fearful run-off.
The Ponn's Volley Inst.lute, under
Prof. Hitnor, closed a highly suceo-sful
I spring term last Friday. The fall term
wll commence July fis All the aoadeni
| ic branches are taught and young tnen
can thoroughly prepare themselves tor
I colli go, uudcr an instructor who gradila-
I fort with the highest honors at Franklin
' ar.J Marshal college. Term- of tuition are
reasonable, bearding low, aad the health
!of the locality unsurpassed -advantages
that so few localities possess, and which
parents should not overlook.
——The meeting of the Y. M. C. A.,
held em last Tuesday evening, at this
place, was an exceedingly interesting and
profitable one ; and, indeed, it could not
have been otherwise, considering the res
olution that was discussed, vis AVs ,'e
<-7, That theaters are not the proper plac
es f or Christians to frequent The whole
subject of theatre-going was well ventila
ted ; the object, character, and influence
of theatres was clearly shown in the neg- |
ative as detrimental to the cause and fur
therance of the Gospel ; cases were cited |
of nations whose downfall was attributed [t
to theaters and their evil influence. Olh- ,
or points were brought out, such as a t
Christian's duty in r#fr#neo to tho godly ,
example he should set before the world; he ,
should cherish the means of grace and in- ,
stitutions that belong to him, aad not ;
meddle or participate in things that the t
world claims as their own productions, of ,
which the theatre is one of their formost 1 ,
in the line of amusement. Some arga- |
menu in the aflirtunUve were advanced of
the moral charncler uf theatrical porfor- i
mances, but *i> ar <a happy to state that,,
the minds of such were change J before the ,
exervi-e* closed that evening. Wo were |
highly benefited by the remarks of B F. 1
Stewart, Agent ot the American Tract
Society, who is a student of the Solins- (
grove Seminary, and during hi* vacation
is selling books in order to raise fund* to 1
see h:tu through with his stulie* ; he is 1
going as a missionary to Africa. Judging
from the remarks he made against theatre ,
geing, he is weil read in history, a ready
and pleasant speaker, which will be an
accomplishment to him as a minister. The <
debate will he continued or. neat Tuesday |
evening, adding other amasement* which
are spoken against by some. X
SFRIJCQ MILL#, June 24, *79. '
MR. EDITOR:— The democratic voters I
of Gregg township have not the number i
•f delegate* t* the Co Convention they ,
are entitled to. and ask of the Count? j
Chairman an equal apportionment of da
egates This township voted at last etec- |
tion 27G dem votes, and therefor# eatilles l,
us to 6 deb-gates, which the voters expect
to have tb privilege to send to our Co.
Convention* the neat three years.
The following are the deings of the J
democratic Co Convention, which re-as
sembled at Bellefente on lajt Saturday :
Nominations for Delegatus to the neat
State Convention :
Joseph K >s of Spring township.
J. A McClam ef B-nrgs township.
Cyrus Brumgard ot Miles township.
P. F Bottorf of Ferguson townbip.
Result of the ballot was a,follows :
Joseph Uo-s received 9 vote*.
J. A. McClain " 34
Cyrus Bmmgard '
P. F. Bottorf " 12
T. J. Dnnklo (withdrawn) 2 "
Messrs. MClain and Brumgard having
received the highest number of votes, are
elected as representative delegates
Nominations for Senatorial Conferees.
F. P MUMOT of Penn township.
A J. Gretst of Unionville borough.
J 11. Dobbin* of BeHefonte borough.
Frank Kennedy of Harri* township.
E. C Woods of Spring lowqship.
John O. Sankey of Potter township.
The result of the ballot was as follow* :
F. P. Muwer received 85 vote*.
A J Oreisl '' 83 "
J. 11. Dobbins 37 "
Frank Kennedy " 8 "
E. C. Wood* " 10
Jno.G. Sankey " 18 "
Messrs. Dobbins, Greist and Musser,
having received the highest number of
votes were declared elected as senatorial j
• ♦ •
BeHefonte. North ward—l). Z. Kline.
Bellefente, West ward—William Harper
BeHefonte South ward—Author Brewn. |
Milesburg—Austin McClain.
Unienville —A T. Leathers.
Howard Boro--Howard Brickley.
Philipsburg—L. G Linglo. —Richard Conly.
Boggs—Joseph L. Neff.
Burnside—Oscar Belt.
College— M ichael Grove.
Curtin —William Mann.
Ferguson, old precinct—Albert Hoy.
Fergu*on. new precinct—O. M. Sheets.
Gregg—William A. kerlin.
Haines—John C. Stever.
Halfmoon—Ellis Lvtle.
Harris—Fergu* Potter.
Howard—William Yeariek.
Huston—Daniel Irwin
Liberty—William 11. Gardner.
Marion—l S- Fraine.
Miles—Cyrus Brumgard.
Patton— A anew Sellers.
Penn—F P Muser.
l'otter, North precinct—-Inn. Shannon.
Potter. South precinct—Win, From.
Rush —T. J. Dunkle.
Snow Shoe-J. 11 Holt.
Spring—Perry Gentzel.
Taylor—Samuel Hoover.
Union—John 11. Stover.
Worth—George R Williams.
Walker—Samuel Decker.
D. F. FOUTNIT, Chairman.
The following is the now apportionment
> of delegates te the different boro's and
• Districts. No. votes. No. del.
, 1 BeHefonte. N, W 84 2
, 2 BeHefonte, S W.. ... 114 2
3 BeHefonte, W. W A3
4 Howard Borough 49
A M ilc*burg Borough... 30
ft Philipsburg Borough. 144 3
7 Unionville Borough... 32
8 Benner Township 100 3
i Bogg* Township - 168 3
10 Burnside Township... 22
11 Curtin Township A2 1
' 12 College Township 74 2
e 13 Ferguson—bid - 10'-'
15 OreggTownship 270 A
10 Half Moon Township. 39
r 17 Haines Township 207 4
e 18 Harris Township 121 2
]9 Howard Township — 86 2
® 20 Huston Township 61
i 21 LibertyTownship-.... A7 1
e 22 Marion Township. 02 2
23 Miles Township 240 A
24 Patton Township 41 1
r 25 Penn Township 288 0
20 Potter, North Twp... 173
27 Potter. South Twp — 191 4
p 28 Hush Township 100 2
I' 29 Snow Shoo Township. 75 2
g 30 Spring Township 191 4
81 Taylor Township 48
32 Union Township 09 1
33 Walker Township 202 4
>* i>4 Worth Township 70 1
5J827 77
w D. F. FORTNKV, Obqirmap.
,r Phoenix Pectoral will cure yeur cough,
n Phu;nix|l'ectoral cures hoarseness quicklj
L Phornia Pectoral tastes gocd and bring
.1 rest. . ,
Phoenix Pectoral cost 925 ct*; 6 bottles f 1
n Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
ir —,~A new double thread shuttle sewin
L machine, works by hand r treadle, ft
a sale or trade at this offlco. Warran
. j Ldwiabunr, Centre A Spruce (.'reek
Railroad Company.
"[ Oihoe of the Lewt.butg, Centra A ]
'! Spraoe Creek Hit. Co,. Phila, :
June 10, IS7O. I
~ To the Stockholdees el the l.owisburg
t Centre ft Spruce Creek Railroad Com
" Your Direct#' t submit the following r< .
port of the aitairs of your Company for
■ 'the fiscal year ending December lt, lh?S
r All the operations el the road have hreti
* under the management of your Le-ee
• We believe the work lo have been Intelli
* gently and ei onemieally performed, yet
the financial rc-u!t hae not mot our evpec
j The earnings u! the year were S- ~1.
1 the expenditures ? 1 of *•'•, leaving a net
i balance of only fl.OTfi.Al. This disap
' poinlment is somewhat relieved by \m
fact, thai tho causes Ot the untoward re
i suit are temporary ones. Our l.e-ee te.'k
1 charge of '.be work when in an unfinished
condition Tho cost ot putting it in order
' tor safe u-e was under-estimated, and
I consequently maintenance of war ha
' heea charged with much that properly
■ belonged c ustructi >n Hut soothe
and more formidable cause of failure w>
the ceinploto poverty of trade s.n the hai
•of the road Tho increase •>:' earnings tc
lar as reported for this year are -ufilciett
1 ly tn advance of the same period last year
to odord ground for hope that, with a re
turn of hu-iness pri -perity, our enterpr
will shsw itiorti encouraging results
The indebtedness reported last year a
due contractors for work done on our late
extensioa has keen paid by transferring
to them local subscriptions at their facs
value, without recourse to the Company ;
so that all claims for construction on the
finished part of the road are n >w liqui
Questions pertaining to adjustments for
right of way were, by resolution of your !
Hoard of Directors, placed In the hands of J
the Company's solicitor, Hon. Geo. V. \
! Miller. His report, whoa made, will be i
filed. The payment ot the large sum of j
151U2,t'34 IN for the privilege of locating a
I road through a region originally clamor
joua tor iu construction, does not ecin to
inspire forbearance en the part of claim- I
ants still uapaid. It is a matter for regrat
that lack of funds has prevented our so!;C- ,
itor from liquidstiag adjustments agreed (
upon. Economy to the read, aad good It
feeling in tho community would both be 1
subserved bv amicable settlements.
The new Depot buildings are unfinished,
and lack convenience* esseht *1 to public
accommodation. Additional water ta
uon* and more sdiags are required for
the proper working of the road; all oi
which, though involving no very great
outlay. heuld ho charged to constriction
account, rather than to maintenance <*!
The entire road, from Menlandoti to
Spring MiLie, it now in good condilien.
It it conceded that the parties west of
©ur present termiaus at Spring Mill* havi
hy their early compliance the con
dition* upen which a finished read a
promised, entitled themselves to most fa
vorable centidera'.ion. In our last annual
report, we urged that the content of our
bondholder* be obtained to setting apart
the net earnings ot the road for it* exten
sion. T. bring Ihi* question more inteili
gently befere the parlies directly affected,
a thorough examination of our grade*
road-bed from Spring Mill* to Centre
I Hall, a diilance of o 10, wa* made, it wa>
ascertained that the cott of repairing
graduation, completing ballasting, laying
track, putting down sniidgs, and erecting
orpot. would be a fraction over forty-two
thousand dollars.
Unfortunately, during most of the year,
current expenses exceeded receipt*, ai d
consequently all negotiations for exten
sion was postponed. As tho prospect for
! net earning* is now more hopeful, the
suggestion of their u*e lor the purpoee
; heretofore indicated i* renewed. We b.
'lievesuch a coaceasion by our b- ndhold
! <-r* would appreciate their investment, a'd
| would do justice to stockholder* west of
Spring Mill*. If not earnings were set
apart for extension, higher rates oo trans
portation and travel might justly be
charged. No people were more generous
and prompt in liberality, or contributed
more to the enthusiasm that carried our
road to it* present termiout tban those f
Potter and Herri* towaships ; and the in
terest* that have been so materially served
by the completed part of tho road would
net hesitate to contribute toward securing
common advantage* to all who have made
common sacrifice*.
Including a large item of profit and lon.
, we have a grow investment of $2,5.11,
,'8, and hut torty-threc mile* of completed
, road.
From our present terminus to a
distance of 14 9-10 miles, 10 1-10 of which
were graded and partly ballasted in 187 I :
the remaining 4 8-10 mile* are now fully
two-third* graded with sufficient local
subscription pledged ta prepare them for
■ superstructure. About the time of our
suspension of work. Chief Engiaeor Leuf
j fer reported that outside of local übcrip
lions pledged, $'.8,1V.0.00 would be requir-
I ed to complete our road to Lemont. Thus,
a comparatively small additional outlay
would add over one-fourth to our length
of track ; and by reaching tho heart of the
valley, greatly increase our freights and
travel, and would undoubtedly result in a
western connection at that point—an ar
complishment essential to tho profit of our
investment. Every consideration of jus
tice to the people who have, at their own
cost, prepared a roadway fer superstruc
ture, and of interest t* the holders ef our
; bends would be subserved by such a con
I Lack of local interest on our proposed
line ef improvement between Lemont and
Pennsylvania Furnace does not give hope
for present effort to build a road between
these point* ; and most probably that por
j lion of our line will remain untouched un
til future railroad rivalries seek an airlinr
ito connect New York with our rapidly
growing wet.
Ia the meantine, we owe it to the poo
pie who have been no liberal in their sup
port of our enterprise between Pennsyl
vania Furnace and Tyrono that our work
there should be utilized. An expenditure
of nearly three hundred thousand dollars,
with which sixteen miles of road have
been graded and bridged ready for the
track, is an investment too valuable for
abandeament. If tee cannot command
means to completo that part of our work, a
liberal and just policy would dictate that
! we, by and with thoconsent ofeur Lessee,
offer it to local or other interests for cum
! plntion and use, we reserving the right to
resume possession on such conditions as
may be agreed upon in the transfer, when*
ever it shall become necessary to form
part of our through route. Such arrange
ment would servo important local inter
ests, and preserve to ourselves a prospec
tive value in a work, without early care,
must fall into complete decay.
Our improvement bas not, thus far, met
the expectation of its friends ; but, having
so tncch of our investment in untlnished
work, and our finished portion depending
for success upon the development of trade
and business in u period of general col
lapse and unprecedented shrinkage of val
ues, fully accounts for temporary faijure.
A small expenditure to make available in
vestments now dormant, and 'greatly en
larging our access to popalation that is
rich in agricultural and mineral resources,
'must, under favorable conditions of bus
• iness, realize success.
For the financial condition of the Coni
ipany, you are referred to the report of its
Treasurer. By order of the Board.
EliSlivkb, Pret.
I Tboy aro quarraling oyer Krigham
Young's usUle o- l Baka City
on to, Emilia A. V oung mad* application
jtor the appointment of a receiver nnd for
,an Injunction lo restrain tlio executors of
the estate of the lata llrigham Young Irem
tho farihor performancn of duty, claiming
thai they have Improperly made away
j with about fl.tltW.UdO of tli estate, The
executors are George Q Cannon, Albrt (
Carringlon and Rrlgbniii Young, Jr. The
Third District Court ha* appointed Uni
ted States Marshal Shatiglincssy and Mr.
MeCormack, a hanker, as recti vers. The
estate is claimed lo he worth S'J,"aW,UUO |
About f l.tkH.Hhd i said to hate been re- n
turned to Jehu lay lor, trustee of the Mors 1
tnon Church, by tne executor*.
dßfc NEWMAN, Kins Clothier
vt%*9 LA Rkst st<h k. best stock, c!ieapest stock.
Spring Suits, #2.40. Underwear, 20c. Boots, $1.75, •
Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead
1 CMlenze the County to Beat my PRICES and QUALITY,
Tlx tVi!..* tig report it submitted by thi
Auditor* of lVtter township, for the year
•n>. ut Apri . !- 1
lIoMKKr LKK, I) r ,
Fo Amount Duplicate $73196
To Bal. due Over#oer 261 'SI
'J6ff 18
By Balance. - ~ STUM
By Voucher*- - ...... <h". 47
By h leueralien# 2 87
By Percentage HiiiO
By Service* —......+7 ul
By M. S. att. township HI
By Attorney # Tee* 10 OU
9K5 IS
Wu, Hutu, k, Dr.
I'o Atu't Duplicate .... $ U>s 92
By Voucher* J;"ij 29
By Service* 45 U>
By Percentage .... 32 77
By Exoneration* 42
By Balance ——... 6144
Gjs tyl
Joiin EMU. a, " Dr.
Fo.Aiu t Duplicate- f'i4'. 44
By Order Peter Sii-ilicr ISO SO I
By Urd'-r Peter Shi tiler..— . 127 IS
By Am i o! work 6l<". 1*
By Exoneration* 7 38
By Service* - ..a 88 76
By Damage* for fences— • 5U
By Percentage - 21 7s
By Balance— .- 49 42
940 44
Rkx;. Bitnkr. Dr.
To Am t of Duplit ate and Order*. $ •. Oil
To Balance-—. - 3 11
909 17
By Order John Sweeney.— lu 70
Bv Order B ibt, 3s 22
By Work • '4
By Service* —— 87
By Exoneration* ... —_ 2 ,,H
By Percentage .....- - 7 21 \
By l'it paid *uil oflih'.er A Bit
By Cash 1>
By Po*ta and Boarding - 1 W
•JO? 17
We, the auditor* of Piter t wnthip,
certify that the above account# ar. correct
to the bel of our know ledge and belief.
]ua 5 Auditor*, j
Fourteen peri >* *at d i*n to dinner at
K- bert McNc-lev'* table, ,r. At an ic
City, nnd before the menl.wa* ver seven
of them were violently ill. T-*v bad eat
en bread ft m n . >af that contained aren
ic enough to kill a hundred men, and on.
'y the gre• lIM [.reverted fa
tal retull*
Children cry for it, but they *iop crying
at once, after they have taken a tingle
d oe, a* Dr. Bull * Baby Svrup cure* all
the pain* our ilt'e ore* are'subject to.
Price cent* a 1 tile.
fl IRRllill.
At the re dence of the bridegr >om.
aear Jacksonville. Jure H, IS?'.!, by Rev.
K Young, Mr. David B. Merer to Mm
Fyet'.a M Bierly, of Robersburg, Centre
Near Tuucyville on the 10th inst-. Mr*.
Mary Ann Kesigle, aged -2 year*, 7
month* and 1 day. t
On the 3th int.. in Mite# tnwnnhip, Mr.
t,evi Snook, aged 71 year*, a month* and
26 day*. In the death of Mr. Sneok we
iuoae a good ct'.ren, regular and ronis
| tent member <>f tho church aad Sunday
•caool. a kind and affcctiaaale hurband
| and father.
Sprint* Mills Market.
Wheat ?1.U5
Rye, 46c.
Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,40c
()at, 22c.
Buckwheat, 76c.
ClovoraeeJ, 5-1.00 to $'..75
Chop, por ton, J'JO.OO.
| Plaster, ground ner ton, SIO.OO
Flour, per bbl $1.60
Butter, lio.
Tallow, Oc.
Lard, 6c.
11a rn. 10c.
Shoulder*, fic.
Clean Sides, tic.
Rags, 2c.
Egg* per dox., Bc.
Tub washed wool 30c,
Coal, Retail. By Car. Ore**.
Egg, $4 63 $4 20
Stove, s6l al $ I 65
Chestnut, $4 25 J'l 80
Pea, $2 90 $2 75
'l'he under*igned, an auditor appointed
te hoar and pass upon the exception* filed
te the account of Je**o Swart*, and Henry
Bartholoinww, executor* of Elir.abcth Bar
tholomew, 4#oßM#d, and r—t!t> si 1 n
count and make distribution among those
legally entitled thereto, will meet tho par
lie* interested at the office of Alexander
,fc Bower, in Bellefonto, on Tuesday, tho
22nd day of July, 187 H. at 10 o'clock, A.
M. 11. A. M'KKK.
i2jun 4t Auditor.
Tho Commonwealth ol Penn'a
[Seal.] To Aaron I.ukcnbarh, you
i are hereby cited and com-
I mantled to be and appear at an Orphan;-'
Court to bo held at Rnllefunte in and
' tor the County of Contro on the fourth
Monday uf Juno next, then and thoro| to
> show causo why tho letter- Tetumentary
. granted unlo you on tho E-talo of K K.
McM inn, should not bo reveked. Notice
of tin* citation to be given by publication
' in two newspaper* publi-lied in Cerftro
. county for four succeasivo weeks.
Witnos* the Hon. C. A. Mayer, Presi
dent of the aid court nt Bellt'fento, tho
' 20th day of Mav. A D. 1879.
, WM. E. ItuncuriKi.P.
C. O. C.
.■lldkdh TO snniio A YKAK.or
k ■ I villi s'i to S2O h d.v in year
m I 1111 nwn locality. N<> risk.
Wlf |l 111 Woman il >• well as
1 I. II II I men Many niakn more
II III! II I than the amount stated
1 ™ w Vr above. No one can fail
to make money fait Any one can do the
work. You can mako from CO cl*. to $2
an hour by devoting your evenings and
apare time to the business. It costs noth
ing to try the business. Nothing liko it
for money making ever offered before.
Business pleasant and strictly honorable.
Header, if you want to know nil about the
best paying business before the public,
send us your address uud we will send you
full particulars and private terms free.
Samples worth s•> also froo. You can
then make up your mind for yourself.
Portland, Maine,
I The lllineii Railroad Comtuluioaors
hare obtained returns from twonty-six
railway companies, which show that the
("life" of a locomotlyo onglno Tntied on
the e railways from eight years to twonty
lour, nnJ that the general average dura
tioa was fifteen anil n quarter years. I'as
'setiger rnrs endure from eight to twenty
'years—tho average life of stock cars being
.ten years, and that of freight cars eleven
jad a half years; and railway bridges, oi
wood, endure from five to twenty years I
As tn the life of rails, the statistics seem to
I indicate that those o( iron last from threi
ile twelve years—the menu bring seven ;
j while steel rails are credited with from
'nine to twenty years' service and an av
erage of fourteen years is obtained from
tho retarns.
IC. F. Kuukc i'e Hitter Wine of Iron
lt* •*C| <ti Itpittn t<> l*ll lutlmcar* of v*e*knt*x*
HUilril *tl!l OJIU. t ii;4l*l*.*lU<*b lo PAelUutt,
I*M of iUtfttturp, ..Hy 111 l*r*thlßtf. ueakhr** bor
rvtf Of tlleeao, Hoik, Hiluui 1 "tu 1, il f Lg. <t r r Attf O i hot"
- i eel, eeOhr,* • 1.- ~
liOM ot ttolofl, laiipte r, obiter#*! !*#ilu4v of (be
k IflllMu!*! HiiUttt, Mt liD ■ . a, tauter Ullh
•Jtiij t.- a • 1 tt la HtiehU.f of tltr clr>uca tf
(!*• aklt. i*4kilwi ismßttittßW &Uil eruptloti* OH t (*f (am
&drtfftU4| tiM t>Ut4, l*ltt lb He I-a< k IteetlitMa Iti
©•fV.lvJ# fre*{Uftt t aAt c k fifth* l*#f >*f • |h# >fr*
WtU luffuWttU Aliil loee lit Xlfltt VAOt of AttAMKlofi At
Sui4 oull In |t Mllr uf ell bolUoi ft* Uli Atk
fur K. r. keat>r Wiumf ln*ti, Ati.-.l take* no
other. \k > djfi*4il #tl If cUa M but rul to
! ProMtoU*# K.I kanWrl Si s.m *Vrth Hiuxh
I'lilleilbijiUll, l'l, lie rttiitfw IHfco it^l
K Kiitikrl e Worm h>rt| tX#er faii to Am*.t\)
htt.hMl.Aß4 hlatuarf. W tin# !! h..tok rl. tbe t.O
i) •ttxoeelul |>b)uu t *ku reiuutee lepr Wortu fa •*!. with lictt'l a: 4 !. for* uutlS rotiauacvl
Ootttß ic (it* tctt U If I tttT Vt rtu# te i etu i *4 1.1!
oihmt BufiuA ten U dMtfDyw] Atttire *t i f
flv 1l m fret 1 * <1 • r i*tt 1*1) w'.c!l**t i*
iiut lh )itt#i)t lit* vitraii, Tbr*a#AUbd# # <UI
If WMA VurtttM M lIK etmlAtte.
crfc!BA,clh.tnivg eMI #u!f CAUOW,
er. ire f -uud tar eyre, wc-.. l la'U In
.H. rvtluM At ra< itAf t Ibc tootl:, |*u kit *•
' ' r ■ it
e.'te.l ul U* | *tie l grow# |-*lr tbf Ibtb,
Ui-kllitf Ahit irrllAtiuii lu lh mu -*U Htew •>ne|*
l- t-, a■ 1 *• -,!. K | Kuntefi
Wurta byrttft uevei fiU U> nttture thia IMcr #I &*
|e* t> >tt ;e, tif tie tx'tlir*# fc* (Kof Ttt|* Voriß
• ' ; ' J • f ill ' .r ' J ,
jrtmr dru*gtt the Worm Sfruo If bo it oot
•or. t t.i fir ft, I kutibi.l * Kuftii Nlttlii M„ Flab
4ol;>bkA. I'i. Adrlc* l-y lurU, !••. kuJ (:,r## M *t
c i:\nti: n ii.i m
Hakcvacrcmea <-r
Saddle* Uarnet*. Brtdlea, Collar*, Whip*,
Fiyael*. ami elm keep* on hand Cotton
NrU.etc. Price* low a* any where e!e.
All kind* of rejiairii.g done. The be*t
UH-k alwnyi kept u!i band. .\ll wurk war
ranted. A ■ hare vf the public patronage
kindly tolicited. Unpr, 1| y
Harness. Saddles, &c. n
Til# ttttierelgiod, d#U4i&ls#d Id !ttt tb j
dm*fed prtuM iwi fcctJuilj cttiU UtttUt
Una uC U. i uUk •*j LuaUml uf
&<M# effrrfc! Bt Ih# *4 ft A ad. lic*eigr#uj -;•< f c *t
ISiepfc , .1 Abf the liape, <hUrfr*t ttttd ttutt SaHwl
Aißvl * .mi let* •MorUarat t-f ■ *
Itrtdl** i t r*rt| d#i'fiitiMitth4^viiU(|, and
tt Aral - au oeUhlltth
aval ct bu dftri ai iui wUirb aUitAUI th#tla#
. ■ -
*a it A WKKK in vourown t wn.
if Jljl and no capital nked You
\ I I
■ I klk m
villi portMHty ever <>ffered lor
" " " iboeld try nothing nlae until
you eof r your; li what you can do at
the hun co w* f, r. Nor >m to explain
here. Vca car. dev< te all your tune or
only your tpare time to the baucu, and
make great pay* fe.' every hour that you
work Women make at much at inen.
Send fr pecim! private term* and partic
ulart. which we mail free s>•" Outfit free
Don't complain ot bard time* while you
!. a• tuck a chance Add re., ||. liAL
LKTT A CO . Portland. Maine.
Philadelphia and Kr.c Railroad Diviaion.
Oaa4a*ir HI'VtUV, *■ ' 9" ■*. Ik** -a
I > . t*ai|aU*lt>ni* a hum ill.Mls'U 11l Ist a
W P*TW Hl*
ERIK llAtLl*ar*Pi.iU*ii'tiia ItUfn
llacj -.'-sir* t 51 . tt
- Mmu* ■ V 7.1,
" ~ tat* a
- 1... * ilata lata
~ ■ 11,k.* 1' s.
- arr *1 *-"• :a**>n
KtatiAß* KX.i - •* Ptiti* - an.
- " H."t*i>rc I*** a a
- - M BtaaOoa I ul * a
" anal * uli*-*>* JCpa
- J \x> . li.MM IX*a
PAST LIKE )•## rhltntixil ;lg Uiixtfc
M ** N*rv ' ii
M . U#l n ; ss P m
" trr*l Wuuit.,|Kirt ' Ji ;■
Uk II i-u
KvM* htD*
PACIFIC KI.IMH* lU*r f4aim
IttMnr* Ug
•' • tfiilUlttbiWtt * ka A m
•• •• Mt r .Akti.l. O v t • ra
Art hi Hhrrikbarg lights
I*hli4bdcli*blh > •* p ai
PAY KX.. ltaa*Ra** * a
" l/Kk Htr#tt I!>• am
•• •• M iiiumi*u'fl IJ#l>
*• " l.;Bi4i}'lgt|
•• iff hi Il*#flhl ui* 4 !• |
I'f n >lihU
KRIF lULlfitw Henuttt m
- H* t IfhTrti •* 4& t> st
WiliU' llsApm
•• Ini.U!-/ t 12 !*h m
RT-r ht n
M IMiaitrlj.l i ? ('• h t
FA LlXiU***** w lu*-r.h|H>fi SUi B
nrr #t lUtta
i*nl V vl m 74? n m
Pat rin *tll rsn Ik'.wa U' lliditlphla hod W||-
lUmtpori *. N i*.atn * f * W*M # ftri# Ki Will, Phtlx
.llj.h'i Uimml eail I>* I t Katl aad HuaOa* .
K, *-.. i :■. *ll nitilrla
w*| A. lIAI.tIWIM. i.aflhup*rntaott*at •
Lewib'rg,CutrefrSpruceCr©ek RR j
1 .1
Montandon- 7 Oil I K i2O
I,e'wiburg 7.1 V 2'JO fi.35
Coburn '•
Arr. at Spring Mill*—9.Bo
2 t n
Spring Mill* 10.10
(' >burn - 10.36
LowULurg— -....1tt 1246 5.46
Arr. at Montandon „0 Vl 1.00
Not 1 and 2i -nncct nt Montnndon with
Eric Mail, wet on the Philadelphia and
Erie R. R.
No*. 8 and 4 with Day Exprea* c.i't and
Niagara Kxpreat wot
No*. 6 and I with Kaat Line went.
N r OTICE i* hereby given thnt the fol
lowing named pert in hat filed pe
tition fur Licente in the office of the Clerk
of the Court of (toneral Quarter Seti >ni
ol the Peace in and for the county ol Cen
tre, and State of Penn'a. and that appli
cation will bo tnado at the June icttmn of
taid Court on the 4th Monday of Juno
next, to grant tho tamo :
George Miller, Tavern, Uregg.
l 29 uiav Clerk.
The Commonwealth of Penn'a,
[Seal.] To Aaron l.ukonbach, you
are hereby cited and Com
! mandfld to he and appear at an Orphan*'
Court to bo held nt Itollofanle in and for
the County of Centre on the fourth Mon
day ol Juno next, then and there toahew
CHUiO why the letter* of Admini-tration
granted you on the estate o! William
McMinn. decoaaed,ahould not lo revoked.
Notice ol thi* citation to bo given by pub
lication in two new*paper* published in
Centre county for four *u< coive week*.
Witne** the lln. C. A. Mayor I'resi
, dent of the -aid court at Bellclontc, tlio
f 26th day of Mav A. D. 1579.
WM. K. Hi RcnriKLD.
C. 0. 0.
n ATI-IKS' Orchestrion chImcHOIUI A*
*fhe mnl hrrMllfal
. J4k . in aisle unJ perfect
(f,in insn-vrr mode.
i '(fifft&f '• k *" llt> flAralrd
I ( nnrrrlaM|>. w hl
iit g ii'ii i dS r '* " " ur
'' iJim >' v/thr lluieitn Voire,
fiiw 1 °'" i l no end n half
j"r . yfl|V!|l I ni-d in perfect lnir
jn I I mnits wlik lAs reel*,
jii'lflj ] I V Ihnr ettrrl < biiik
fj<s J i IWjf ipjfc. ileal A rlrcirllvlior.
\ ().\A, ilHrllKS-TK
niViUKli, < IIAI'KI.. nod ( OTTAUKOK.
liAN!*, in I niuue French I'oaca are • eve
ry respect fIkST ( I.ASH.
VYorknmnsblp.A liumbllliy I naurpnaacd.
u, rrontrd for SIX YKAKH.
Monthly Installments received. A l.lbrriil
lilnronnl /■' T'lV-lurt. Ministen,Churek*t.Sehni-u,
IKAVEXTN WAXTED, hperlnl Induce
ments to Ike trnde.lllnstrnU-d I'olnloaaeo
Molled.t)coodbnol InslrororotS'Utirrot
lliiraniiifc HORAt'B WATERM Jk HUNS,
Miuinfnrtnrcrn and lirulrrn,
bttUASIS, NJjW UilM,
1 >
(Baccouor to T. A. Ilicks & Bro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Olass, Putty, fe©„ Sec,
WANo linn llie itßt'OC) of (lie South Ils'inl Chilled Plow for tliln eottuf j .-fe*
The Spring reason of 1*79 i now
ojseninp. We have just received
an excellent stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which will be sold at the
Lowest Prices.
We have au immense stock and well
assorted in every line. We have
at lowest price*.
Best Sole Leather !
always on hand. Give us a call im
LEVI Mt It 1t.41',
at hi* establishment at Centre 11*11, keep
on han<l, and for fate, al the tuotl reaona
Me rale*.
& Spring WagonS,
and vehicle* of every description made to
order, at.d w irranti-d to he made of the
bel seasoned material, arid hy the mo*t
► killed and competent workmen. Bodies
for buggies and sprir.g-wagon* dee., of the
moil improved pattern* made to order, i
alto Ocarina of all kind* made to order.
All Mi d f repairing dor.e promptly and I
at tha loweti postibie raloa.
Person* wanting anything in hi* line are
requetled to call and < lainine hi* work,
th will ftid it not to be excelled for dur
1 titty and wear. may 3 tf.
H EN H V llUOi'K s.hllv *. j. D. (UCUT,
President. Cathier
(Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) ,
Receive Deposits,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Notes,
Buy and Sell j
Government Securities, Gold A
aplOtfrtf Coupon*.
Forks House!
The Fork* House, at toburn *talion, i
new and comtnodiou*, and it kepi ia b**ii
manner, lied and board second to none,
in tha county. Slahling for 30 hore*.
A* a cummer rei>rt it will be found all
that could be desired. right in the heart oil
good fishing and hunting ground*, andn
mrrounded ny the mo*l romantic rcenery.
lnov y
New Pianos $125
Each, and all style*. including GRAND,
SQUARE and UPRIGHT, all Urictlj
Itrtf-cla.", *old at the lowest net cah
wholesale factorv price*, direct to the pur
chaser. The*e Piano* made one of the Cr
et dicplay* at the Centennial Rxhihilion
and were unanimously recommended for
the UlontsT HONOR*—over 12,000 in u*el
Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co. ■
1 actor v established over 86 years. The ,
Square Granfc contain Malhu*hek°* new '
patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
greatest improvement in the hiitory of Pi
ano making. Tbo Upright* are the finest
in America. Piano* ent on trial. Dn't
fail to write for Illustrated and Descrip
tivc Catalogue of 4* page*—maile<l free.
5 sept 1 y 21 Ka*t 15th Street, N. T._
Ha* been recently thoroughly rcnovawd
and repaired, and under the management
of the N. w Proprietor. Mr. GKOKGK i
IIOPPES, formerly of Wmsport, i* first- '
claw in all tt appointment*. I
Are offori d to tho*e in attendance at court 1
and others remaining in town for a few
dav* at a time.
The largest and most superbly Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern convenience*. Go try the
Rush house.
Btug GEO. HOP PES, Propr.
C. T At.txANtiKß. 0. M. BOWK* I
J A tornaraat Law. Hal laf oat# Nportaiattwnttoo 1
bitrn to ColWtloow, an* 1 Orphan#* I <>urt prMtlca.
I May h*conwultad to Oarmao and Kugllah. Oftra in
Oarttian'* Hulßhuc. mjr*>74tf
J. A. Cottle & Bro.,
-!H FK II 4\T T 411.0 Its,
Would respectfully announce to the citi-l
I ron* of thi* vicinity that they are pre
i pared to do all kinds of work belonging to
that line, for men and boy*, and ac
; cording to latest style*. Good* sold by .
, satn|>le. Having had many years ex
, perionce they guarantee all work to ren
' dor perlect satisfaction, and solicit a
| share of the public patronage.
; apl y
• ft year. Send Hi cents in 1
" cent Slitmps tor a tine Silvor
• Plated Thitpble. retail price 25 cents, and
I learn how to make s2uoo a year, ne hum
bugs. Only those who mean businas*
; need apply. A. T. BUCK A Co..
22 ma 4t Milton, Pa.
H fl RQF'^ eanta in atampß or currency for a
• nUIWL„w Lorao book It traata all dlkMM*.
has .16 pnirMtofi tbowinf iKaiUuni aaaumad by
• aick lw>n, a labia of doae* , a largo collection of val*
pnfllf rociires,rule* for talllutf tha ago of a
DU Vi IVhturao, with au ongraviug allowing loath of
t aoh year, aud a large amount of other raluable home
> information Dr. Win ltaii aaya. I iiave bought
books that 1 paid $5 and fL> for which I do uot like aa
K I doyoura. Send for a circular , aganU wanted t
• U.J. hLvudaU. MD . Lnoaburgh F alii!\t. liuyly j
ft H B
T i: A
A *
V E a
ft ft H
We would e*p#cial)y call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
mitmi Bl&YiNfi S7DY2.
Stock being entirely New. We offer rpecial Bargain! In*XSS
Spring Mills O. K 1
at I. J. Grtaoble's Store !
bat the good*. Largest clock I
Prices Lower than |
Ever, !
An i r r.i'.f a cordial invitation t< 1
hie friends, patrons, and public general-J
Also a Complete Assortment oij
Ready Made Clothing for men and
boys. Suits as low as to be had in the
Imported and Domestic
Pull linos of I
For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and'
Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoes,
And the most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and price* tlia ,
willcompe! too in self defence to buy o !
bm . Also Fish. Salt, etc. 18oc
A full line of Howe Sewing Machines
and Needles forall kinds of machines.'
' Also dee!: iu ail kindslof Grain. Msr
kct price paid for the fame. A specialty
; in CPA L by the car load
Jas. Harris Co.
pP A.I N_T S, j
Furniture Rooms!
; respectfully inform* tbo citmens of Centre'
. county, that he has bought out the old'
stand ol J. O. Doiningcr, and has reduced!
the prices, lie has constantly on hand
t and makes t<> order
TABLES, Ac.. Ac.
Hi* slock of ready-made Furniture it:
- large and warranted of good workman-'
i ship, and it all made under his immediate l
. supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper
„ than elsewhere.
Call and see his stock before purchasing
" elsewhere. feb 'JO,
Hardware Store.
1 A new, complete Hardware Store has
been opened by the undersigned in Cen-;
lire Hall, where be is prepared to sell all
kinds ol Building and House Furnishing
Hardware, Nails. Ac,
Circular and Hand Saws, Tonnon Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks
! Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs,
| Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn
Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notion.
,*s-Hemeinber, all goods offered cheap
er than elsewhere.
TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-
M Ijiw tV>!lvtion promptly mada and speda
ittentlu given to: Hose having land* or property ti
tale. will ilruw ur* utii have acknowledged Deedi
Mortgages, Ac Otfic t tuo diamond, north aideo:
IxeooartbouM.tiflUnloDtß. ocUZWti.
tit; Discount Nut*; Buy and
Sell Goverßmtr.vSecurii.iee,
Gold and Coupon*.
W*. WOLF, Wm. B. Mikol*.
f re.'t. Cjukltr
DR. J. W. RHONE. Dentin, can be
found et hi* office and reaideom
on North tide of Eiyh Street, three deen
Ea*t et Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa.
27 feb tf ___
I That Acts at tie Same Time ta I
1 and the KIDNEYS. M
Q Thr*. cml nw are the Katsnt cleatte Q
■enof t > rritCTß If thr, wort wU haalrt ■
Fl will he perfect, If the, heroine 1 ■
I J dreadful et*eaar*anaantefoUew with VI
□ BOtlaoaaraa, Headache. ?>i prprta. Jam- ■
■ <lo, Ceaettpattaa ul Wot arKM- fig
fl * he, fmplaliU. tiran 1. UUhetaa, P
U ViMwiat la flu- Mm* PUijar
* Bey, rria* t er Vhiwwle
,§ Palaswd Bfhea,
fl issfrsS ■
II cspeUc-d aaMoaU,. 11
■ wr: r • wire eaMNi *ril.-n aad allim* ■
N rule Wta he haalAd-*egle B
If then hrt to eager. ■
IB —* ' TnrtMljee ■
II ti| aM oeenonto theawtabrt- xakattaad fl
K ii
Q rt;MhT liaeerwfc— thr "l.ierf mm ■
U erm-a— n
3 Kirm Torr WIS rsKra. Tr, a pach- B
■ am) he yart m--> ami
J Owe park are anhaaaUoaartaofH edtchaa. M
| roatalaiar u Kplrtt. beta# fiifuil VI
I ia fan rater.
1 fw DrmfftM wfit past/Or pun. AuM ■
V wa h i-tr.jit
linttto Creak, Mich.
THE Hatrhlto* Praia-Sari a*. Tlwe-Norta*.
•it Mae-? tarla* TVabv af kt 4*7 ■■< *■■■
Ooa lent .'1 Hvatrr IS-r lUfit Wart, hlhi —tT,
a*4 far Bavin, Ur.v IMB Ur
STF4H Tower Thrrelter* a Spec-tatt,. special
,M ' ,> t n H' ** *"*•■ mw-
OITB larliaird Mean Threehar Eaetan,
Mil hruidf &.l T-*ctu.. witfc Telßßkh Imprv**-
| Mb, Pur brrnetU may other wile r UM.
THK KSTIBK Thrertlae vpeeve* aad aftea
Her • *>. aav tb*t maU a Br mB *7 the
t,w* OnOo 81V CD *7 IB— lmpiwrad Machine*.
GRAIN Kataer* will not *btt to the aaor
n r W r! i.rla ut u>a lebrtar ww* Baaa k*
J all allaar nackUr . 'Baa ran pert-4 ca the diSairei*.
iNT Oat, Ya*tlr Saprrhir Ibr Wheat, Oata^
Rartr, Ur. ...IlltaOwia i-a? the Om.r Banc >•
faj Thn-h-r la Fbu. TiW'fl. MUM. Omr, eW Bka
Sard., *cst~r • w " r*t>aUdl* M
BhAßff Grata to Saxl*.
I T> Thorrarh Werkm*nvhlp. Ktaraat >'aWi.
* Parfcede* -f ret. •' |>; inner af E**l*oeA . *
ear - Viauraa" Thmhar OatDta an UaaaqianMa.
MABTKLOI :s fnr Simpilrlt, af Part*, aOa*
I.*, thau eae-hvlf Ik- a,aal Bvlta and Oaara. Xahae
j Cteaa Wart, will, ea Liiwrtaaa * SoaU- f.rn
rot H Siiea af Separator. Hade, Kaaetaf
lew Hix toTwatir-Uaraaaiar, aad vwaavtar rt haaai.
1 *4 Ilonw Pcwt-iT u> match.
POK Part lea lara. Call on oar Dealer* er
| wruv to we tur liitutrmtod dioUr. vbkh • auui fh o