The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 19, 1879, Image 4

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linir Orlt Ihnnl lur <irrl Volcano that
I* Tmiftliii Mrlly Auw.
Etna has a surface of voral thousand
miles, and its hsses supjwrt a don*,
population. At the Mine ratio, tlx State
of New York would afford comfortable
room to 200,000.000 inhabitants. The
absolute height of Etna v aries from time
to time, a* it.- main com is m. by
every eruption. In 1832 the English nat
uralist Smyth reckoned its elevation at
10.210 feet; hut a short linn afterward
Hersohe] it at 10,222 foot
(JiMtrofagc* found that it was only 10,-
175 feet in 1847. and lateiv other measure
ments have given a result of 10,800 t<vt,
though their eom etne— seems *cr>
doubt fill
If tie climbing of Ye>u\ in- is a prom
enade, that of Etna is brief, but painful
Starting trom t atania in summer clothes,
one must don the le tviesl winter ul-ter
la-fotv reaehitu' the summit, on penalty
ol fiAvzing. The thermometer, which
mark-at tin- foot sixty degree* in the
sun, falls many d-'grees below zero dur
ing the night tint' must be at the
fisit of the main cone During the
forty-eight hour- tliat >re generally em
plnvol in -rending and descending tin
volcano. Ac tourist has to endure at
hast twice a variation of temperature
averaging on -ixt d- gives, and a v aria
tion of atmospheric pis -snreof 3.31? kil
ogramme. This enormou- mass pres
ents all the climate- of the ghdve. The
lower .'>me. which attains a height ot
about TS.VUHV feet, i- lvcuutUied by tin mo-t
huwrhut Tfptatioa, rack id the tropi
ca! and tll tnodernt. zones afford. It 1-.
index), tlx richest land ot " olive ami aax
and mai ■ and vine"' to be found upon
the fa.v of Europe. Laughing little
low ns. white, prosvierous. and gl.-efu .
and. dr. ary Norm an nstk* .abound all
over the n gton. uiinge . w itL streak- of
his. k lava, ami interrupted by gardens
tii'.ial w itli orange us •-. ligtr.vs and ole
anders. I'he middle ?om . or " Woody
Region," belts the mountain to a height
of nearly s> \ enthouvutd feet, and though
not so richly shaded a- in former times,
it still dr- rve- the natie of i.
whi hit rived front the an ient-. I'he
eruption ot the s.v-o.v. -d " 11. where.l.
del," in 1700, over a
million oaks of the most Itoautiftii growth
on the southern -idc of the mountain.
A bore this tl.e inert firgf—' the lour
hundred and *ev. ntv - \eu species ot
which the flora ot the Etnean t thin down to a Out eighty,
tliirtx of which urn lichens belonging to
the glacial zone. The upper portion of
the mountain is. in fa. t, a cast wi der
n is where the tire alone .ivntrnd* for
supremacy with the -now that, almost
a tin v ar round clothes the summit
and the -id- of tie main cone. The
iau-r i als>ut live hundred f<-et high;
wrv i: g i tire wou >\ r> aeh it- -um
uii* -o dittit ult >- the aseeot.
H< xv 1. • i- tint s-en the -un ri- from
the top of Ktn ha- a gtvat deal to learn
:hU. as nsity and beauty of na
tu.a . du- - as the -un ri- -. an iinmen-e
shadow m ex .tr-ite purple i
projt' ' !' r.u tli volcano half over the
5- e. w without it- range the light
strik'-- w l li magic suddt anes- upon the
top- ot mountains below The range
of th vi w i- a most h uindie-—iV.a
nia. Srra - and even Malta; tie- I'vr
ennia:.. th 7. "lian ami the 'African
ar v.- . Castro l.iovanni stands
tu> on i:. . ■ ~ c.e spieuou- in the center
of : i-l : whi. the distant Apeti
nir. - oi l hale i and Apulia, ami the
entrain ;'".li Faro ef Me--ina. with the
llralinav tovvr< of R.-ggio and Pin .
appear in tie far east. Seemingly but a
mi e distant rile crater JHVsentS itself
as a real ral • v. profound, un. ren. with
hollow- and promontories formed by
an—-* of v i ihat have rolled in all di
re-lion-. < vWr enctoa- hing upon >ne an
other. Thg wa 1- of the crater are jet
black and sti-el gray in color, inter
sie r-t-1 vita th moot beautiful bluish,
reddish, pruralrti and golden v. in-. A
grave-like -- eiuv usui • prevail-. A
thousand -tii'i'-a k- n.'i- •ly emit
long trails of white raior* that go
slow ly to -rak against the sides of the
While the ascent of the cone takes at
l<-n-t two hours, the descent i- done in
fire minute-. At the Ixt- of the cone
an tie- • Tow ■r of the Philosopher."
and,, further below, the ••English
House." Tic hitter was originally
built by the tiemelhuo family, who for
threi generations have derot<ul their
lives to the study of Etna. This bouse
is the nighP r -ting place of the tou r i-t
who d<-sir -to witiu the -un rise from
the summit. It IK- been -i-vra! times
destroyed and rebuilt: once by an Eng
lishman. hence tit twine by which
it i di-' itigvit-l. d. though it -liould. in
justice, !- • filled alter i - - founder. The
eruption ol 1— 5 having again destroyed
it. it was agnin rebuilt ' the exp ti-e of
Hum! rt, n < r-ovn I'rine . n->w King
of Italy. L'ie Tow rt. the Philosopher
is a -tn 1 Tttinisl edi-. to wiiieh le
g -nd- !:ar attribut <1 •. ii ioii- puris>— -.
flien'tucii-: of th-a'"inu- that it was
tin. dwelling p,aev of Fl..ip'*ilocies. but it
i- pro! at.'y atomb dating from the time
of th Heman Empire. Xearthis tower
open- an e'liptii valley six miii-s long
-eel nearly W" wide, w hieh is, perhaps,
the most -ingnlar feature of the volt-mo.
This dreadfu chasm, over feet
itei-p. and called the " Val di Bove"
i Valley of the I >\). sugge-is the idea of
a terrible eonvul-ion not registered by
tradition, during which thi- side of the
mountain must have -unk into tic
depths of its bosom.
Over two hundred cones of various
heights, th- most of them regular in
form and all having a reversed cone-hke
funnel at their summit, are scattered
over the wo"iy region a- high as tic
"Piano del Ligo," tls • plateau from'
which the main cone arises. These
minor cone- that, iike huge parasites,
cover the mountain siri -. an 1 all of very
ancient origin, with tic < xcoption of the
Monti Ros.-i. which sprang up in 16fi.
and were the outlets of the terrihle
eruption which came tear burying Ca
tani:u It i< a v>Ty rap oreum-nce that
the main crater is not aided bv some of
these auxiliaries in its work of destru --
tion—hence the fmrs that are now en
tertaine 1. espivialiy a- n*g;irds the vil
i:ig> - on the northern -ide. such as l'an
dazzo, C;itiglione and Piedimonte. An
enormous portion of the woods over
hanginz these riliag*s was destroyisl by
i singular ev< nt in the y ar 1755. In tic
eruption of that year, which threatened
tic e.i-; vn sl .;.. of Etna, an immense
torrent of l>iling water i--tcd seemingly
from the great crater, and in an in-tant
poured down it- base or tUe north, over
whelming and de-troying everything in
its course Some traces of this to. rent
are -tiil visible, though the locality lias
recovered vi getation and verdure. It
was prol>ahly iwusisl by the inciting of
-ome g e ier that did not resist the in
t.n-c lent emanating from the main
• • >ne. Tin- :nption of 1869 covered six
- jiiare leagic- with lav a, at some jx>int<
one hunur-d fe. t thick, and destroyed
the dwellings of nearly 27,000 people.
A A'eferan Advertiser.
" I),. Hill, you ar one of tic great :ul
vertisers of the country; will you give
me the benefit of your < xperience? Dues
advertising pay? 5 * "Well," said Hill,
smilingly, "for years past I have ex
pended as high as $30,0J0 per annum,
and I wouldn't and couldn't do it unless
it did pay. I find that when you have
a really meritorious article to present to
the public you never lose a dollar in
making the fact know as widely as pos
-ible. It niu-t be meritorious, though,
or your success will be short-lived anil
evanescent. You must treat the public
honestly, if you would make a permanent
success. Take '.losliua Whitcomb, 1 for
instance. It MM years of tine and
thousands anil thousands of dollars to
bring it before the public. But what
lias been the result? Success so gnu
that unless you saw the liooks you could
hardly believe tic figutes. I took a page
of the Chicago Times on one occasion,
and people thought I was mad. I got
my money back with magnificent in
terest, though, and, of course, that satis
fied me. I took a whole page of the
Boston Herald, one Sunday, paying 850(1
for the same, and every man, woman and
child in Boston and vicinity was set to
talking about Denman Thompson and
Joxhwi Wliilcomh, anil the result was
that the theater in which he performed
could not hold half the people who pre
sented themselves for admission. I
of! red SI,OOO for the first page of the
Yew York Herald, provided the
"ruling "would be omitted. I did not
get it, thouglu'for Bennett was in Eu.
rope, and tlufe was no one in authority
in the office who could take out th
rules. — Citwinnati Enquirer.
" A Ball in the Bowels of the Earth,"
is the title of a newspaper story goine
the rounds. We haven't read it and
can't say whether it proved fatal or not.
A ball in that region is very apt to,
however. — Saturday Night.
Orchard unit llardoi Xln<a.
A'sparngus must be allowed time to
grow its foliage, and nrepare the nourish
ment for next year s crop. From not
understanding tliis. many exhaust their
bixls by cutting too late. The old rule
to stop vv hen green peas come is a gvnul
one. When cutting ceases, let the tons
grow; their shade will kivp down the
small vv I-IHIS. and the few large ones that
may appear are to be pulled by hand.
Tin (iUAPKViNKS. —One-year-old vines,
<et this spring, should not he al
lowed to grow more than one shoot
Remove all others, reserving of course
the strongest. If older vines were set.
these should not L- allowed to hear,
as it is necessary for them to bet-oiui
thoroughlv estabdisliiHl and prepaiv tm
fruiting. Keep all shiHits tied up to
stakes or trellises. On o.d vines, tin
iruit will le greatly improvrel by thin
ning after the elustere are set. leaving
only two bunches to a shoot.
STRAW titttuut'-s If the lavfs are not
already muleliixl, apply it N-fore the L r
ries get heavy enough to fall ovei
and bisaunesoiled. K<x p ni'w -set IHHl
elear of wevals. and pull up large wiaal |
that ivimo up through the mulch on old •
IHXL. The picking and packing for mai
kct requires great care and go,*! iinlg
tnent. tor it is the appeamnee of the Iruit
in the market which sells it. Avoid
putting in overripe henries as one such
will tie crushed and 1 the whole lias
k't. I'se well veil iiattd crates .of a
sii.< to be easily haadlisl, and plainly j
The hoc. rake or other w.eding imple
ment must Iw frixjueiitlv run along tin
r>w >of grow ing v cgctablcs l'he wiaals
must IH* kilLwt. We hop. that the tinu
w ! ll ixune when every fanner will know
the ci>mfrt that a we.l-p oited and well
kept kitchen garden may bring him TIH>
manv are yet ivmti'Ot w iili >ah pork ana
old lawns! when they might have an
ahundam-e of spinach, green peas, rad
ishi-s, lettuce, onions, tomatiws. etc. \-
the early crops come off. they should le
rejilaixxt by othei-s. -o that the ganlen
mav show no fallow or unoccupied
ground. Provide for sueivasion crops ol
ti-as. radishes, swis-t corn. etc.
l l UUVXrA AMitilHlsVUlKKltn s Mulch
these early m t.e season; litter from tin
liarnvarvl. or chips from the w.sslpile
may be useil. This wHI prolong the sea
son. If ilieeggsofthe ••currant worm,"
which are deposited on the underside of
tin* 'ower leaves, were found and <!e
stroved there would I*' an end to lie
trouble at I'UIX'. but this is not iioy to
do. and the tight begins, or should begin,
as 5.H.11 as the roggisl appeamnee of the
ieav • - show that the w onus are at work
White hel!elore is the remedy, and
while it may In- dusted U|H> the bush.*,
it is better to mix it with water, a table
spoonful to a pailful of water, and ap
i with i syringe or pump, in mix
ing the hellebore, place the pow.tcr in a
how 1 or other dish and pour <>n hot
water gradually, stirring until all is
thoroughly moistened, adding a pint or
more of Hot water: pour this into the
pad! and fill up with cold water. The
application should Is' repeated every few
day -so long as worms appear. In our
experience, we find that three applica
tions usually finish.-- them.
LI.MON T'HKKSK. AKI-S.— Airate the rind
of two lemons and squeeie their juice
into a bow 1. add a quarter f a tH>un>l of
powdered sugar, quarter of a JHVUIH! ol
fresh butter boiled. Beat up three egg-,
mix altogether, and they w ill he ready
to make into tartlets or open :.,rts.
Ott vNOE JEU tirat :lie peel of five
China orang*s and two ennuis into a
howl, squeeze' the juice of tlieui into it.
Boil on> pound of -ugnr in a quart ot
water, and when quite iHiiiiug. jn>ur it
over two oun.-es of i-inglas-. Stir until
it is di-solved. Add the juice to it. strain
through coarse muslin, and let it stand
until half cold, then pou* gently into
molds which have lieen wet with cold
water. Before turning out put the
molds into warm water f.-r a few min
utes; loose the edges w-ith a sjusm.
B VKF.I. Tovt AT.'t s Seaid and peel a
sutfieient quantity of smooth, round
tomatoes; put into a deep earthenware
di-li and sprinkle plentifully with salt
and pepper; have a teacupful or more,
ais-onling to the quantity of tomatoes,
of fine cracker cru nhs. and spread over
the top. Bake in a quick o.'cn from
thirty to forty-five minute- Drop a few
lump-of butter onto the tomatoes, and
t'uur.).. —To make this beverage
properly some prnetie •is reuuiri-d. lb>
the entire work yourself, an.t slight n<>
part of the operation. Take the l>c-t
Java coffee; throw out all the inferior
kernels; roast in a pop-corn poppiTov. r
a lied of coals, slowly at first, carefully
and evenly, for alsiut fift.-en minutes,
more or less; when done, the kernel*
should be a ni. c brown, and shine as if
varnished; grind, not too fine; put into
cold or moderately-warm water, in the
proportion of a tablespoonful t.. a cup:
stir in one egg; cover, and bring to a
toil only; let it stand a few minutes,
then pour through a strainer.
Si.ti'F.n CccrMHEK PICKKES.— Medium green cueunibers, parrel and sllerel
as for the table. To four quarts of slices
aild one large spoonful of salt, mixing it
through them. Is't th.-ni stand over
night, and in the morning rinse and
drain through a col binder Boil vinegar
with whole white mustard seed, half a
teacupful of si-rel to two quarts of vine
gar and set it away to cool. Pa< k tin cucumbers in quart i-ans, and
cover them with the preparrel vinegjir.
Place a bit of alum on top of the pickles
in retell can and eal. K'i'p in a dark. '
c:m)1 place. Pickles made after this rule
retain much of the natural flavor of cu
A I trful Tablr for Farnirrt.
In answer to frequent inauiries in ro
gar.l to the quantity of seed for use. and
the weight of grains, root*, bulbs and
tuliers per bushel, the following table i
hlmd Sffd Pound
of ptr acrt. prr buih.
QdVfllA Bto 10 lt 60 !
Clover (white) 4 to 6 ll" 60
Timothy 8 to 10 lis.. 4-5
Krettop 8 to liltw 14
I.i*ii gra*s It toll to 2 bush ... 14
Kentucky Uue grass. 8 to 15 lit* 14
Millet i to 1 bush 50
llangarutn grass .... jto j b.isli 5S
Flax seed j bush 50
Buckwheat .. |to j liusii 52
Turnip seol 1 Ih
Turnips 37 '
Wheat . .14 to If boah . 60
Oats '2 to 3 bush 32
Kye 14 to 1| bush 5-i
Barley 1 j to 2 Imsh 70
Rape see I 10 to 12 lit* .. .56
Corn in oar 50
Corn meal 50
Irish |iotutoi ... 12 to 15 bush GO
Sweet potato.-* 50
Corn, largo j eliow . .8 to 8 quarts 56
Corn, s nail. 4j to Gqunrts 56
Peas (Bcld)-. 2 to 24 Imsh 66
Split )>eas ;.. .60
Beets (field) 4 lbs
Bonn* (white) 16 lbs . . 60
Castor beans.... ..3 quarts 46
Carrots 3 to 4 lbs
Onions 4 to 5 lbs 57
Top onion sets 30 to 80 It* 27
Hemp 44 to 100 lbs 44
Upland cotton seed. 10 to 12 lbs .321
To 4*et Plums.
Almo*l everybody knows that wc get
few plums in onr country, because a
small beetle called the cureulio deposits
an egg in the immature fruit, which then
rots, and falls before it is ripe. It has
been the great problem with fruit-grow
ers how to get plums in spite of this in
sect, and to this day it forms the staple
topic with all poinologieal assemblages.
Some time ago. Dr. Huffman, of lowa
City, gave a plan for smoking them out.
Many of these notions are started by
people who never try wlia 1 they recom
mend. In this ease we happen to knnw
Dr. Huffman, and can say that he is a
thoroughly painstaking gentleman, and
very careful to know what he is to write
about before he takes his pen in hand.
We have great faith in what he may say,
and so give here his plan:
During the summer of 1871 I procured
from the gas-house several gallons of
coal or gas tar. I put about a uuart into
a long-handled stew-pan, ana with a
few shavings and a match soon hail a
dense, black smoke. This I carried un
der my plum tree, so that the dense
smoke pervaded all parts of the tree. My
first efforts were very gratifying in see
ing insects of all sort® hurry out of the
tree. Ants came running down the tm*.
various kinds of worms and spiders let
themselves down by their webs, and all
winged insects flew out, leaving the tree
deserted of all insect life. I spenfabout
half an hour in smoking forty-two trees,
anil this I repeated three or four times
! each week, unless rain had washed off
, the smudge, when I again repeated the
smoking. After my first efforts I tried
tlie shaking process, but invariably
failed to catch or sec a single specimen
of the cureulio. I continued this process
i until near the time of ripening, and got
iny first crop .'I plums .>v.i thirty
bushels. The whole cost l coal tar lor
those forty two tree during tin' nun
in.T was less than two dollar- Ib. an
the smoking a little to*, late, after 1 Ita.l
tried for *oine time the jarring into the
sleet -therefore, som> of the tiuit had
hre'n stung; and had it not l> n lor tin*
mv crop of vine plums vv<>uld hav. I> ( n
still larger During H75 the plum crop
was an entire failure, and 1 had no op
portunity to continue thi- experiment.
!ut the summer of l*7i> brought . I n <
nlnm crop, and I at one. r> *orl>d to toy
favorite rein.sly I oiiimene.a! - inoki
mv tree* a* soon a* tin plums were 11.
sice of a hate! nut. and up to
ilie time ot ripening, and not . -in
eurvulio sting vv.i* to be an on my
fruit, the tiia* of vv hi. h vv etv treated to
the vital tar *n:ok< 1 purpo*< \ left to
of different varietie* unsinoiod, and ai.
the plums < xeepliiu oin w> r< stung and
dropped off h. toie ripening. Hum
tu Indian tintlaw'a late.
A fortune-hunler in the B . k lln
in de*erihing svme of tic epistHl. - t bet<•.
■bu* alludes to th V. eiu . a pint not
d.ath of tin Indian know u as i.
t)ur cawip had a mysterv w L I. tin
'cutest could not Ulir .ve fool*, pro
V i-i.ill*, gv> d dut, v otllill- eookllig
Uteni!* and otliei truck vvcie -to > u
away in theslxcst manner .ami in -pin
of the < loses t vLi tin. \ ravine, hat
ing two or thru l a ot water in it and
-r>> by a bridge, .lis it. - oui am .
and i ! . wa- at length > 'in that lie
thief must eoiue and go by ibis .lark
road. Dm- night guard- weivpo-ltv.
along this rav me, vvllieh then eoie nil
lliirtv inch. - of i> > > o!d wal i. and th
niglit a freezing >n. Soon ift.-r n
night an a.ariu w .is, an.l t.,
gtt.ajxl* tired upon souic man or .anin .
coming .low it tlie ravine into uitp; but
owing to thed.arkiio* the unknown g ;
V lazy. giea.-y old ' 1 ' n kii.un 1
(icnelat Seott. WW driven out of OUT
camp at tlie .1. of winter for -: nil-.
.ami had been frequently ---n qn tin
hill* aluve u- No whit, man Nvoui.l
have dared tin ravin, not it- ru-li of
iia* water for what he e. u >1 *t. . . lull it
wa- L'li.v.d that "ton ia N >tl
would, and that In wi- tin lliiet. l's. -
paration- were therefore mad. tor run
ning him down Twentv one miner-,
all well armed, turned out on ti. hunt.
Half ami < above camp vv I and l
"(.. nerai's " trail, o; th. -pot vvh.T. In
Ita.l'lut.'il a-ei tided tin ravin .
After a -low and • uvt'u liuut, u
which vv e trawled alsiut a mil. and i
half. vv. stold.nlv got n vv-oftln i..n
<-ral." He had diseovei d li-. km w our
mission, anil was Ivundto haveth tir-t
shot. His hu. et a furrow . n
the srerlp of a t'haluier
from l'ittshurgh. kiiiM-king him on : uid
laying him on the -It I !">•; awl.
The Indian was iuhilant at tiiit. Imt :t
was not ten minut. - -tore he had :
-kip. He knew (lint li vv .--urround.
aou yet he was game Win n In-swarm I
out tire vv itli a revolv. r.dri v •.
threem.*n to cover, and m xt vv.- km
lie was crusing a vain v for the -lo lt. r
of the timbcrvil hi.; fN-yond.
The Indian knew the risk he ran, ami
a* he flew a-ro-- the va i In hi* course to .mbarra-- the rifle
men ready to fire- WMI colled uj-oii to
halt he Uttered a detiallt Veil, hut Was
next moment *tru> k and brought .'town
When lie Ml lie rolled into a link-hole
and w is again at bn\ . liav it g . fre*h
load .it revolver in hi- hand The ye -
of tlie miner- were withsh a'*
of defiance, am! it vv a* pain vv e had m-t
won the fight
After abe ■ u'.tation tiv • t
miners mad a t!.in' movement to . i n
s point overlooking the sink-hoe . TI, -
point gain. il. tln v eou'.l | k tlie lino i i
off with their long-rang. ! itV - Tbi
left rtft.fti men in a b- dy, and wh
most of them w■ r. sitting down th
"(Seneral" -u!d.-nU ro-. up and
vanccd upon u-. lio h . ing dr.-a.lfu . ot
his !■ g. lie knew bis fate, an l
lie wa- ready to di- _ till-'. lie Wis
within pistol-sliot la-fon- any on< mov. •
and lie away ;i- lat a> he c.n; i
tire, wounding . young man nam !
t'has Judsoti. of N w .Li--. .. ,nd
ku.wking the hat of another's head. F.v< i
as he went down his tin r p •--■ d :h
trigger one.- more, -ending a htti t
among tin* cloud.-.
How (lame* I ravel.
Traveler*, observing tin ik.'tn-* >•!'
children * game* in Europe and \-ia,
have sometime*expl i : mil it in t hi- w
That the huumn mind L ing alike i-v.-ry
vvlier>>. the *ntu<- games ar.- iiatur i'ov
found in <liflerent kinds, children taking
to hockey, top*, -ti.t-. kite-, and so . i■,
-a<-li at it.* |>roji r s- a*.n. But if ->■.
why i- it that in out iv ing bar) mm*
inuntri.** one liardlv finds a game with
out finding also th .' tliere i* aeivi i/e.l
nation within reach from whom i: tnay
have Is—n learn, d ' Vtnl, w lint i* im>; .
liovv i* it that Euro; an .1. 1 n .
nothing till a few eenturi- - ago ..t -om
of their now ut< -t tmpular sport*
For in-tami*. they had no lia'ti.-dore
aDd-sliuttlc-.ix k an ! never fl. vv kit- -
till these game* came acr< from \- ; ..
when they tn.k root at one.', and L
ciuue naturalized over liur>>i The
origin of kit'- flying -••tu-to lie - mie
where in Southeast Asia, where it i- a
sport even of growii up nv n. who tight
their kites by making them ut on-- an
other's string-, and fly birds and mon
ster* of the most fanta-tie -hai ■ * and
eoloi*. especially in China, wlien old
gentlemen mav I*-' - n taking tlu-ir -v e
ning stroll, kite -tring in hand, as
though they were h adin • pel dogs. The
English Imy's kite app -- thu* an in
stance not of s|H.niai!.-<u- |i!av-in*linet.
but of the migration of an artiti • . g-uu<
from a distant center. Nor i- thi* all it
proves in the history of civilization.
Within a e.-nturv. Eurom-ans ■ .>m
ing acquaint<il with th" South S. a
Islltn.ler*. found them tlovvnto N • w / i
liuid adepts at flying kite-, whi it they
made of ieav.** or hark eimh. and culled
rnann,or bird, flying them in *<i<inn
form with accompaniment <>f traditional
chants. It iH>k- a- though the toy
reached Polynesia through the Ma lay r<
gion, thus Iwlonging to that drift <•!
Asiatic culture vvhi.-h i* ev id. Nt in iunv
other points of South S -a I-lan.l life
Tin- geography of another of our child
ish diversion* may 1" noticed as match
ing with this. Mr. Wa we relate- tint
Ling one wet day in a Dayak lnui-e in
Borneo, bethought to aniu-ethe lad* by
taking a piece of strin - to *hovv them
"cut's cradle," but to hi* *urpri-e lc
found that tliev knew more aLiut it
than he did. going off into figure* that
quite him. Other Polynesian*
an- in thi- nur—r> art. • sp.-.-inllv
the Maoris of New Zealand, who call it
numi, from the name of their national
li''n>. by whom, aciitrding t> lln ir tra
dition. it was invented; it* various pat
tern* represent* canoe*, hou-.-s,,
and even episotb * in M uii's life. *ucli a
hi* fishing up New Zealand from tin-
Littoni of the In f-, j, they hav*
their pictorial history in " eat's-eradle,"
and whatever tie ir traditions may lie
Worth they stand g.Kal to-how that the
game was of the time of their lorvfatliers,
j not lately picked up from the Etiropv an*.
In the Sandwich Islands and New Zea
land, it is on record that I lie native
were found playing r a kind of draught
which was not tlie European game, and
which can hardly he fu-nunted for hut
a* another re-tilt of the drift <>f Asiatic
civilization down into the Pm-illc.— The
Fortnujhtly Berietn.
Fact* Aimnt Flour.
Flour is peculiarly s. n-itive to atmos
pheric influences, hence ii should never
he in a room with sour liquids,
nor where onion* or fish are kept, nor
any article that taint* the air of the room
in which it i* stored. Any snnjl per
ceptible to the sen*.' will Iw nh-orlH .l by
flour. Avoid dump cellars or loft
where a free circulation of air cannot lc
obtained. Keep in a cool, dry, airy
room, and not exposed to a freezing tem
perature nor to intense summer, <>r to
artificial heat for any length of time
above seventy to seventy-five degrees.
It should not conic in contact with grain
or other sub-tanee* which arc liable to
heat. Flour should he sifted and the
particles thoroughly di-integrated. and
then warmed before baking. This treat
ment improve* the color and baking
properties of the dough. The sponge
should he prepared for the oven us soon
as the yeast has performed its mission,
otherwise fermentation sets in and a i.l
ity results. — Amt rican Miller.
A gentleman beingthreatened with -in
infectious fever, said to hi* little wm,
who in an affectionate inooil wished to
embrace hiir, "You musn't hug me;
you'll catch the fever." Willie, standing
hack, looked in amazement upon his
papa, who, by the way, is a pattern of
propriety, and quickly asked, " Why,
papa, who did you hug?"
Il was recciillv " ij.l Unit iui iuw
lienlln'tt 1.-tnpl. s w. n- now UliMliig ill
Nv.rthwisf.-rri Iml in, lull n inisalot.arv
vv lift** liou.t* tlial 11pciiplc nl'it " still
IU nl oil Un it idols, aluioal evt'iy lloUst*
lin* floin, low t.-uipl. - art- voiisfiuith
til ing Imilt iu*r of ilics - Ittolu, nud
I In- religion- I nulling plimn ami nxxi*ni
Id) grounds nit t-rowdixl."
In New York • if\ lliere tire .1. ai. 1
iini.ilildc a It luay s.utntl, who itmki-a
liv ing hv luiv lux- l.rokt ii iin-at, giv .11 a*
alius ov letiih 1 -In arfixl sii* lo 1111
p.u lunat. heggni* These in. itdit-atila,
from out >.f their tlavreceipts, select
-p.. h lumps ol 111. it or half pi. k.-.l 1.n.--
os will prove salable, ami at liightlall
prov.s .1 din.! to t licse stores, w In i. the)
dispose ..I llicir un- tv .u v wais - I'll, ti
tin s. raps from the t.vhti ■* of tlie ri< h am
Y weallhv old gentleman living in
Berlin fell ill love with tin )oll!lg
daughti-r ola poor widow l'<
and won the gltl. and heftire
iliiig-.l iv u iit > tl. to- li.tttli* aw ill lent ing
Iter all hi* pioprrtv, amounting to *• v
er.-vl hutnlivd thousHiul mark- Ihe
nutrrlage was eel. I.rated ill hrllliaiit
style, anil tin wedded pair with their
gifistts -it tlow 11 to breakfast. Scarce!)
liml Ibe frosting In gui, w bt-n the \ • it r*
stbie britb-grtami dropjieii bis W111!-. ami
sank ha. k in lii* > Imir, dead from lp-art
Mr- Jan.- i,r. . Nw i--h. ini, in an op. a
• ft- s I." ill. IvUsh Yt. ili.-.-t Co
stoutly t'< oflirtn- her heli. f that ill ill.
earl) part of this .-eiiturv at ..-rm iii of
Chi-ter .-ounl v. l'a.. 1 .|uin d and k> pt
until hi- tl* nlh in evil. 111.- old ag< t v < rv
w id. spr. a.l reputation for curing hydro
phobia; thai lie guarded Ids secret . Hfe
lll v >lit! a vvav- tai his lin >li> ilic
vv illi liilU, and it was kl.ow 11 lo h< a rtwil
w hieh In- liitikself pits-urei! in lin- Wttods.
lie slcvvtsl a portion of tiii- rtafl iu a pint
of sw.-.i mifk, width In* himself drew
from ihe etw; stewed it -iowly -ami
slirts-il for a litrli Imur: then gnveiito
Id- j> vii*ut fasting, . r . hcforc lirtaik
f.tsl pcrtllitl. d him to take tn illn-r final
nor tit inW, < \ccpt water, for -i\ hour*
after taking the milk, ami re|M-rtletl the
dtvse on thrtv.successive morning- I pon
the old man - death a son sold his rv-cipt
ft.r -I. and it was simply two ottiici - ot
■ ainpaiit'i iwit -tew eti in 14 pint of miik,
and given so that tin- digestive organs
would have nothing to tlo hut appro
priate it.
A rnurkabk . mm .-f ivm hing has oo*
II 1 Htg H.s-d, who had Iss-n guilt)
of a crime parti. ularSv ohnoxious t>. the
tti/.etis. wa- iak< tt out of iai! Then,
x\ itlf titiu-tuil eourtesv. tin- ly Help-r* n!-
IOWIHI Iv- cd to - net til. method ..I d< ith
Iliost ogreeahie to liitii.afld when lo that lie Would prefer to h. hali-gt .1,
they vvent >ttl furtlo r in tli. ir eourUslit
re. ml for hi- f.-eiiiigs. and al-owttl him
to I*- lii* nwll e\.- uiiiiiier. 11.-t.sikthe
rone iii his hand, climbed a ti-iegraidi
po.e, fast.-IP-l one efld around tin- ttip.
and a in*.-.- in tip- oilpr end
through whi h In- pa--. il hi* h.-n.l.
Then lie 111 oh- hi- ast tlsing sjs-eli,
which was short, h.-ing no more than
"(itsHl-hvi-, boys." and. jumping off,
was launched into eternity.
A coroner's jury, once upon a time,
brought in a v erdict of " liivolunt.arv
sttieide." and have la-en pretty well
laughed a! >-v er -in. >• for -ticli an a|>pr
-Inl tontradi tion, but h re i- a w.-;l
Hltilellti. i'ed e.i.~ . will. Il would SA-.'lll t •
Is |H-rf. > liy de-scrihod by that apparently
ahsurtl phrase.
A Big Irishman.
The Euiwald l-i>- ha* lon| is*.-n h#
tip>tis ft.r pr.slu. ing giants, flu- most
et • hratisl of tin->• vvo-s tlu- well-known
O'Brien, whom we first hear of as a
gr.-it raw \outli erving in a pub it- house
lieeatt-.- Ufiat):.- to pay a hill, hav ing
be. it i- ft peimiii--- through a quam-1
w itli hi- ■ xhibitor. A g. nil* man. taking
compos-ion oil him. paid tlietb-ht, and
advi-edtlie voung gi:uit to s.-t upon bis
own account. Acting n this p.s.m
111.tpl O'Brien -tnrte.l a j.nblic
house in Bristol, long known hy tip
sign of llirutt's ( a-tI. Y memorial
tablet in TO to h irii street Roman Oath -
li.- t liape! record- hi* stature a* hov ing
eight let t three itit In -. lb- was v.-rv
aiixioti- that Id- retnains -houltl not fail
into the hand* of the anatomists, and
gave direction- for tiring his grave
against di--i-crfiiton from IHHIV -nateli. rs.
It has. hoW'ev i-r, Ib-.-fl disputed whether
tlie giant's horn - -till nest in hi* grave,
or form om of tip- ettrio-iti. - ol tin-
Hunt-rim Mu- um. though w. Is iev.
that th-v itiilJie undisturbed in adivp
suiik.-u gr.iv ■ . Poor O'Brien bail it
tak* bis iv.ii!itutionals uiul. r eovt-r of
darkm-s. to avoid Is-ilig Jilobln *1 by tie
curious, ami tiki-most bigf- llows provetl
bim-eif a simple ami inoffensive man;
though In- inadvertently ti a
wnt.'luiian aliiio-t to death hv ftglit ng
ki j.ip. at a -;rt-t lamp, the sudden ap
pearance ot which strange np|mrition
threw the watchman into a lit. His
e..',os-ai nrof>irtit>ti on.-enavi*il tip- giant
front I* ing nbbeil. the highwaynian
who stripped his carriage riding awav
in terror a*, tin- *ighf >.f O Brii-n's hug
fae.e thru-t through the window t<> .-■
what w as tin- nu*tter.— < "AN nd<r*' Jourtutl
No Smoking In Here.
•' You can't smoke iii here." said a
John street conductor to a man who
WW* pulling awav vigorously at a liv•
ia*nt cigar in a ear li.-tli full <>f hulie*.
The man didn't s<--m T< hear.
" I -av," eriisl the man of the h.-ll
puneli, in a lotnh-r key, " if you want to
-moke come oul here on tip- platform."
" All right." r.tiinp-il tin- pa-*engi-r.
ami In- -tejipisl out " Didn't think il
would hurt notliin'," In- -aid, a)Hiop-t
--it-al " -.-ein's tliep- ain't any straw in
tip- i-ar to catch lire."
But there are Indie- there."
"Oli. v. - Didn't think notliin' "bout
that. Yliglit get a-h> - on their gowns
and spile "em.
"It isn't mu. h that. ' explained the
condnctor. "hut Indies ohjis-t to smoke."
" Well. I didn't ask any on 'em to
smoke, tlid 1 3 Tlyy ip tin t object he
fore t hey are inviti tl."
" You il..n't understand. Smoking is
disagreeable It> ladies."
"Best reason in the world YVII.V they
shouldn't practice it. 1 at. H UP- snmkin'
if it was di*Hgr.-enbli- tit me" And he
tr.-tn.{Uiily pulVtsi aw nv at hi-live-e.-nti r.
—fin ttiiutli Strfunliiy Xiy/it.
The Niiinrtcst Doff 111 tlie World.
I have a dog called Cuord. a spaniel,
w ho. mv little otp-s say, i* " tin* sniarte-t
dtig in tlie world." Oiicdny la-l month,
a- 1 was ov--r---.-ing tlo- of
some ropes. I had tip-mi-fortune tt> line
my foot ami ankle badly hurt—-<> badly,
intbs-d, tliat 1 sen! for a t-nrriage. ami
't ve at once lo a tlocttir's offlia*. fitlanl
lollovved nie. and st<H>il watcliing the
•ItK-liir witli great inl<-re-t vvhiie lie
dri--i <l mid fiountl up the foot. For a
week after this I w-i*nt everyday t<> tin
doctor and had my foot rebnndnfed,
(iitard always going with me.
S..nie days after my foot was quite
well, t he doetor was stir|>ri--il, one morn
ing. at -1 • ing < iitard walk into the office
alone, bidding tip one of his paws. (In
ooking at tlo- paw. the doctor found a
nail iti it. which In- took out; then In
tied up the paw and the dog limped
..way. But tin- next day lie came again,
and had hi* f.Mit tied upas before, lie
did tin* same thing every dav in thr
week, just us I had done.—-Y 'nr.fry.
"Biggs' Fire-Files,"
\ youth in Michigan call* his girl a
little Mirhi gander.— lintdjonl Era.
\Y ell. but lie's a great goose.
For right i* right.— /,H-/;s.rf En ion.
You an- right, it is; it is write, write,
write, from the gray of morn to the haze
of night.
The New York Star gives notice that
"Every Dollar i- !<• h* raid." Yes;
hut w<- jxiid out our last dollar more
than six month- since.
The grandfather of all the mosquito*
was in town yesterday, and left his i;om
plimetils; hut we feel pretty sure he
hasn't left the town—w<- are alio sure
he'll never Interview us again.
The St. Ih.UIS Tiinix-Jiinnia! IIIIXIOUK-
Iv inquire*, " YY'ho shall kiss tier fairy
lips when lam far away?" In an emer
gency you might delegate—but no, you
ought to have t bought of it yourself; we
are not begging invitations this year.—
Meruit n Reronlrr.
Prussia appropriates $2,612,340 annu
ally for agricultural purposes, anil Aus
tria and Hungary $5,405,125; while
Kranis* appropriates nearly $10,000,000.
; So civilized nation does so little to pro
mote. foster and encourage its agricul
ture as the United States, its appropria
tion for this purpose for Ih,o being
' $204,000. — Boston Cultivator.
Eastern and Middle States
teigtilniUK klltrat l* I* INllJf !4t NLXPLIT'II
IXIWII, N \ MUT U ilhuiit FULIKTTIN. *•!
4111 \l'l UI M* IIIIIIU BN illti. 111 IKT! MIND NTTTIX
!*•( Iltttirt, U LIK \ (MLLLWULF, mill X 1411 H| IT I>l (5
l-4'i. %b 4*ul li li|c itniitftiHT •! NN illiiiiu
I hilt H, 111 I .XL tti 114111, I'M , lui 11|* J'TUPRAR IL
•ti litiif; oxrlAin uxhU >4 liu ! Uxy Iwt uraUwul
lur Ihich ! |HUt cltfmriliK lb* |<ixiitr lUlfb'tl
BIX| 1 *iiti!T£l . tlx* B!XII UITTKLUAK M>>
Ht-tiiitl 111 the* nUhuumi I liiult tiißlinill)
inn! ti ti 11 itjk> !x* 4 **tti, mul the |*%4thti I'UHMHj}
lu* lii 4 I bltcli Uiwn j'lucc-41 m I'MiUd tt! hi*
44X11 lit it.l it.til hut ji' ! It hlllxvxll
I'lxi ATITFI !• lilt MllM'tiiii. MI tlir IkiWOf) N-X
NIILK lux U>VU TLTKL|T> M! BY nil-, ttixl tt !(•
NN tti its! I>L YIU.UUO UUT* U! lit* hitiimit I-UII
it*rri*!> tMKiX!IL URNIUNUIIII, nuilmi R<lu*
IMLI-J J-ip. TTTTI luriiutl 11111 l I • |*4M K
liy the ndikc* 41! (hi* jiUthllnn Ilk thr INII
lull 1 X UJ |\HIK|.UI K H l*tt , UNIT Vk'iuily, |O,IKKI
lUrll Kt IV tillx (MIL 4HI! Ol ttt'lk
liiittcxTii huitttlr-il tttiil (hit!) **!!
li<ui lu-itl MI i'lttlimtit. JIMX T*h It >tuilh Hno
tiit.xi'. 111 *iu t iitit 451! |nr tuV4*ui I In
r r*l"llll MltlrilXHl ||| )rilUH|l|<M •! I Ix* I'ltttlm iu
• ! lilt* M till' t ltill tilltilll! tl ttfiuatuhxl
mtMaure* li llit r -lorutioii t! AuttXH au *luj'-
U4L, N I.BIC "NN * 4*J'|*4TTX' (ill BULOU'LU 5* 1
moiliMHtlnw , wefavoliew 111..1 Simple and (host- rigorously eubitvwsl; anil W,
tin. liy dotounra .-otmuunistii in aii ll* loriit.v
iin.L puasea.''
I!. Duk ot Argyll, lather of Ihe Muivjul*
-•I I . T,.( el MIL-I .EIII lal til < SlU4*la, at
1 V,sl IN N. w YOIK OIVSIIUPNUICD by a #Oll and
1 wo daughters, aiidattei a sliort res! pivs*,ssie.l
SI\UVYI Itivs.kly ti nlderineu luiv e Iss-.I fin* 1
♦, I -T T-.0-h tin oulenipt .! ©ourt iu tailing T
ill 1, s|s*-ial ebxtitm Ui fill the ul.brtnaYiic
s* .it .dmuieit by 1 ougi. sniuati Daniel 12 li.'ltl) -
At a " hiMtse-waruiiug <-f 111" N y Yolk
l'l • 1 it>. * ttuifswtsl .4 gentlemen . nncx tcl
wilb tlie tie as| -upef * of tile eit>, spe* lies
wile ili li v el, 1 by I'hurloW \4 col. llenry VI aid
ItesH-lirr, l'ietrr|sinl Kilnxrh and other*
Muvol • ..|v-r, .| New York. has been fined
leu .l.illaivi lor sl.ititkliug tl.e sidewalk 111 livmt
oi Ins lewldeiw. w.iti 1 iv.ton wnler w iliioul u
JaitiMt • >rt<m \V .xslrall, prvyev-ior ol the
" YYisalrufl -v .. ntiile Fxpeviltioo Around tin
\\ 1.1 .in .I id lunly in N. w York ol brum
li ver, bloogbt oil by eEirwsiVr BEnrttoUs to
mukc thai eutrtptisr a sui ess. If will lie l
meiu's-rtsl Uiat n sh.'rt time ago lheexts-.b
-*lOll w il, m rtvuliliivw lo proceed, hul ul the
; .i mouisul many who hint annouuoeil Uien
iiitcii'.,. 111,. Ui, keti.e Ui t|i. !.
ivii.k theentrij.tise Was lemjs.rßrily abandollisl
It wa* wi de making new airangemenl* lor .1
fresh start llutf Mi. \Voudrul! was Lake'i a-k
and died iu his lotUelh ) cal
At a IIK-ellug of T.ieciibackeis 111 lbskui,
Wen.led l'liiltt|vs I*>ko and an icldtess 1.)
I'elet t .A.|S-T was rend
At Jerome L*ark. New Y OIK tlie grwal one
Utile and a IUEIL lace for the Hrlwonl Makes,
bn three ytmr-Aiivis, WAS won by James li
K.VIIT coll S(K-udthrUt, iu 2 I.'J
Peter Hw iglet, a .'H.ituevi mall, wa# haiigevt
st t IwiutieislMirg. Ik-, lor tlu* uiurvl.-r at
an.-tie 1 ovilurnt mall last December lie ap
i . nuvl unrotu-ei lost on the s* lUfoid, saving
Ml i got to say is W b.,'. brung tut- here is
whisky an ! twd com;anv 1 advise all youttg
men to let w Inskv'aJone
Ity the . vphvs.oi. ft a boiler ia ahrickjsid
st Freedom, Pa, J.dtli Hrvan and Prntik
Mathetiy inn maloullv kiUcd and foiir other
inc-u badly hurt
i.rewl was ca s-.-l iu Hheimn
.kinh, IV, by file sudden sinking of many
i.tuidlngs 111 the town and tile ap|s*.iia-e .2
enveks in flic gtvaimt fhree or fo.u inches wide
ami otie-.jviaitcr ola mile long Jin ufMMiutgs
are ..v.i a none and ate itelieve! to itave been
cutis, d I > '-i.e c.Hil , oi tA. i.e.l the sur
At Kochtvster, N Y Peter Peter-, a Pruv age-i filly -atx.akot Ins wife, lalaliv aoun l
ii.g her, an I tlien blew In own biwius .wit
1 lie tru„eiy was r.uiMvl by family Irvaiblos,
the man V -.iiiplarping that HI w .le th.stght
nittre Tf tlo-11 Ibtew boys titan of bnuseif
Pall a M. A ana, ttgcl IHty-four, wn# . . iug 1
at Norwich, Nt . for tlie murder .4 J.v s
M HatrU ti. -viicitsune tin Daeeinlwr 7 is. •
DtC iiuil.elwle prviVia-atiHU was tlxat Hatch
bu.l shot a ciuckeii of Met arm s Utl there had
I cell taut biota) lelsten the iw.. lam.lies, groa -
tug utit 51 (H aim's SCVHM nutrn-
I-iahlrxillg Slrvirk lb-v t.rau-ge 4 ark S rtH.
lttgv at Asf.nry Park. N. Y aud tnslaully
k;ile.l James K-ily and II Fen ton, to paint
ers who had Isv.i working 011 the bunding,
bat luul taken ref.ige in file put-h.
VIFVH-RN and Southern SUtev
M .|t>r-(it-nrral James Shields Isle t 11 do!
Mnt.-s Senator Iron. >ll \
and oneEpectAslly at dllums*, In . wlo.-c he
luul t let. WtUMiig. (.ent-ral Shit Ui- wvv
tn Ireian l 111 1510 and 1 viiir t Ibis coimtrv ,n
IK.'* He wss elected to the IUIISHS luyal,.-
lure ill I s 1), Isvame Mate in 14 <
w >-A; jsvsuti-I a judge cftli* Suprvine CourT
ol the stale m t">4 1. Olid n 154 > wa* imub
i,<-!ietai Ijvivl ( UU miss loner lie came onl
I the M. \. n war n Isv vrt-tna ■.r g.-ncial n
IM* was u|'J s.m*.-l I.o* el nor ol I iregviu 1.:-
rttory and tlie next year v.a# eUctc.l to the
I nit■-1 Mat.-* -. .nle ftvHit libra. Movn . (•■
Mn.lies..(a be w; - sent to tie I'n.tiwt -"tal.-s
M (.ate Irv.iu tlial Mate in W". During tie
war lie - rve.l as a general in the I iih.ll army,
and ofti-rwiirvl taking up his rcsid ncc in Yti
c- it.iu he was pres, lent ol Ihe Democrat.<
--. del •. id ....I .11 IS'.*. Moving to M •
.- *. | UMMIi)
Imticc dvintvg the ...St Congtess as a caruli-lat'
l.r the jsHufiun ol d.s.rkiWjsrr ot the 11 i->- <-i
Keprv e iiialivr- ate! lor a |cniou Yx'h.-n
l'nilc.l Mate# >eitalir Ibvgy did tjeneral
Sliiebts was ebctd to serve .sit the snnvli re
maining part .4 his term. s<* that hi- taul thi*
distinction of having rrprv—. ntcd three Mat. .
in Ihe Senate.
Seventeen Chinese leper* were *hip|cd to
China from HAN lTwvciws.. bv itnler ol IHE
Ibsvrvtof sn|s>rv i*or.
The bill.. 1 H-iiiocrat.. at their Stole Con
vi-ntion M Colun.BUS. taunimif'sl linn. Ibomas
! wing !• : tiovemor ami I.enenil ATUI-licus
V. lis-e lor Ijeulcn.-UIL-tiovcrnor. Previous
to .he convention i.eneral LTN* W prom.-
nenl raiwli.latc lor the first pliu-E 011 the TC ket.
and on thi- first ImJlot he reccivd 2<i'2 voti-W T..
204 fur (iovernor Hiahop and IFIO lur (ienenU
Kwing; TOX-ESOARY to a choice, 317. On the
second KUI.4 i.eneral Kwiug wa nommatisl.
flic plnlform indorwew the nrtjou <4 the DI-mo
cintic tncmls-rs of i ..ugress on the A. proj.N v
ti..ll and other HDLS. demmnce* tin- Pres lent •
v •(.*—, the dctuoneUEatavn .4 silv er, tin* in-
EI.A-* ill the bonded >lc!4 and the national
Isinkitig ayatcm. and demamU a rcpd O! the
mitionnl clction and jnry laws.
The Ohio T.rvcnkick I,al*r Jvarty held it>
Hlatc Colli cnticn in Columbus on tin- satin
•lay that tin- 1 lomocrats held theirs. and nomi
nated Cieneral A. Saundei* L'iaft tor Ciovernor
011,1 HUGH Drevet lor L.ieiiteiiniit lioverno.-
IHE platn.nii IH.S-nte* no lavorifism ON •'-
caint of birth, color, creed IIR finotu-ial con
dition. liivoi* 101 ample vobiun- of lull legid
tender currency, say# fin* haul times are tin*
rW.ilt of legislation in favor of th.* moneyed
ritocnu*y and corrupt oor|s>ralious. TLE
nminre* tlu* fumling ol tin- nuiioiuit -1.44 into
long-tiuu- bond", nn.L tin- national banking ov ■
fem. an 1 demand* tlu* payment ol bond# in
greeidwi-k* and eqaalixalion >4 Ismntie-.
While workmen wore tearing down ilu*
ruins ol N fiw.*-*torv building 111 Cincinnati tlinl
LUT.L been destroy '*l by fire, one ol tin* interior
wall* suddenly fell, carrying with it portimi
ol tli* second, third, fourth ami FLLIH and
twelve of ILU* fifteen men, lour of whom were
killed and Ihe rest injured.
Nine colored uien and women were arresttd
in Portsmouth, Y'a.. Ir disorderly conduct,
and ll|.|| the mayor's oriler the whole jmrtv
w ere w ln| pe l. rereiving thirty -MM* ln-LIE- each
lit the whipping -POST •
The planter* ol YVaahington eonnty, M.s- .
have .-sued 11 memorial, iiddnvvmsl to "the
lmsin.- " men mul benevi. cut ts*iet)lS% of tlie
North," aiiying that il a single Ismt should
make it" appearance, offering lice PAASAGC to
Kan - IA to the ixilorcd [Ks.ple, il wntibl create
such a ttumpede that every plantation aecel
-BLE 10 tin* Mi*i"ippi would Is* <H*|Miimlati*d
and tin- R owners fiimnrinliy niinrsl. Th"
memnrial nays further that the colored UIINI
has no real cans.* lor disatiliM*tion, nn-L Ihe
I p|e of the Nor h nr.* invoked to " interjs.~E
their condemnation and |Swerto prevent FIN*
deatruetion S.L tin* industrial interest* of the
white mill black alike "4 the Mississippi valley
The Workingnii-n's Suite Convention, held
111 Shu Fiancisco, nominated f YVhite, a
Im iner, for I •overnor. Denti.i* KIM. wna
ie-i-bs-te.l |>eniuneiit president ol the party.
AIYI r n aeaaion lasting several dav* the Na
tional Convention ol HH-WIT* adjourned at
SI IHMIIS to meet in Huflaln, N. Y , the first
YYisliiesilay in June, INHO.
J. J. Avrcs, islitor of the TSVS Angeles Er
prr.lL, WII" Lotiiiliate.L tot I 'ongrras for the
I on nil district of California by tin* Working
men's Convention.
Two monuments creeled to the memory <4
Confederal.' dead were unveiled at Monewall
('etnelerv, Winchester Y'a. (icneral Joseph
F. Johnaon was the chief marshal ol the pro
cession, and Unite. l State* Hcimtor Morgan, of
Alnlmmii, tin* orator of the occasion, (iov
ernor Holliduy al".' SISIKE.
John Blan, hanged AL St. Charles, Mo., for
murdering Kli|ah YY.-irren, his brother-in-law.
aft EI 11 ipiarrel, 'ninle A diis|.raliv attempt t"
I'-I-apc just liefore tlie execution, but wu
eaugnt iu the ante-mom of the jail ami secured
tin TIN* some day Monroe fvuy, colored, was
hanged at Hillaboro, Mo., for killing Aaron
MEL etc last Chiistmas.
From Washington.
The last public debt statement issue I sliuvva
tin* increase of debt ii.r May to IM FJOJ 27>0 2d.
Ihe following is the Treasury Matcuu-NL T ASH
in the Treasury, FF430,591.2!T. ,2; debt b-.,-
ETTSLI in the L'reaaiir.v, >2.027.152. B'S. I'D; gold
certificates, ?F 15,413.700; silver . .Ttifle lies,
FF2,.'ifi(i IMiO; certificates ol ileposif outstanding,
$.20,703,000; refunding IEI tillcati-". $.2K.72 >.-
000; legal tcudcis outstanding, {••.IFL.T.HI.OJO
fraatioiud currency outstanding, >15,H74,-
777 12; i iiiltxl HitttNi imtia hrki (or rdt>fin>
turn ol Ipim i4tiuil ruritfiMsy* |^H, 106;
IMHHU I4 t ihulumml, |ir whfeh hmr |*r oent 1
INMIIIi lift A •' IMVCHI iMiinl, |y 1611.771
lliti I'lptidrnl Im# l Ii* iui!
iif I • itt•I ( ittniH Judge John I*'
l luwn, who Into ttMMMitflMl A |4|iHmwmUmll| ill
( tlllllltl'ttl i o|lsgr It in •Jill 11111 l JAWlVlttt >
MP( mty will Im Jutlgw lllllwti'fl •uwwiwir, wnl
that li will lilt' < in Sr|iUrtUw
I. lat n I IIgrtril, ril{)iriwMiUi(ivi! in
( ONGTTMI | nun I lliti* (T**, MUL N BW(lif <L * *L
UMIL M lioili '* LITGTFM4.IL, JIH1 al |HT> IWUIIIWL •!
wy, .1-4 4J |4H) -ciglil \twio J lir 4ily
4''it'iiM*uy wlucli l4Mik I>iit4 l" at Ihf luuwul ww*
U IMlltogV Utter CM I DM I iIU IffHtllPl •> ;
t ullNMfl
Hut tug May tUorw wt rr MM iilrvl ut thf
varimiß I mtml >iatw 11411• A® IHlphOO g4l!
t igif4t tti■ <I l*it!• * V'tglr** Wtrfili |f- •
hJh .VMI, aifl 'J # 3 R),UOO *il\ r t*l It*l
Anuitig it* fiit ri4iiiituttM'iad lv lh l*r*Aitlt*it
i that 4| (oHiKgw IV Nh t run Kwpotin) •'
Wat 1451 M juilgw 4o| thr l ighth Jiiluuiv]t t4 uU
MI 11tat mI JMliii 1 tuMgiMfd.
At a III 'aiM-i l lliw flwiMiPmtie #••
Irtb il t if wa agir*h,| u|4ao an Army
hill, Willi a rUilMi Iilrliliiilig ai> u*|4*rii.|i!iii!
lur I.-4'|ting fttilihm at Ur jml !•, a
lull, wnliout aii> jaJitii al t auut a tlui I
hill i4i\ iftiiig lor judicial rei|ieallig
tlir I<-t •< f4tll law lot hulililig thr |yillM}l
ui UiMrvUMra' atail il|ait> iiariai' Ics4*
Mir I*l **4lrit ha *Jj l l iiitl
MmI( Si-imlil I 4iuA r |tit*iial H 4WDUP ID!-
ia tot fof Morula
.\l a > Iuuml4 t I*1i I-I to i fHigrtwwma
l\ w llig IMiiim mhr iHNUiniMt luf inifrWuf <|
i'tiuriuali, IViullfloii. N ** i * no* *?, au-t b)
tuugrtwaiiiuit f-wing, I io*l Ilia* klxii u # at
tiwr, KUu ami King
Mia .Stuia(V I IIUUKTI t utiituitliw, l) a aiH*-
ui Imir t' • tiim, iifia e!inlenit4Dii
•>I tlir VStOliPl nil 4 rf tail J fAra 4 ft ly JMI-Nthtxl h>
tin* 11u4 , until ]#vi ffmlri I IHw \'tiiig ho
• • writ* stunt t - Ktmmii Ila van!
\ i!i>iin ami IVrry ; aganibti •t,
st naloiw lltt k, \ Doriiw • ttid Joiitw, *I N
vaiLi. MittUti .Morrill, wlio wihaU luup vih
to |>t|4oiiw ( ami si hiiiir W itiUuwf, wln won lit
liuau \ otrl N|kilt It, wrrrt jntoo l
Foreign News.
|TNU Nihiiit jfAoMtni lutve Iwm'U luuigtii at
K. 4 V , IklUhMUl
I lift liilmti H*Mt luifc lairuwi th* UVA <4
Mr)llloti*i tl* IVru iml tlrstruytnl aii Hip
lauiu lira Un'iP.
Uanai ieiorl Natliaii -t KrthehUl, iimJ (l
thr* hii|il)h llf.icii 111 ilif MDflil • ItUMht id lC'f.O
(•aiikiiijc inmr. ! ! in laoiuhoti a Iciw da> •
ago, agol pt \ rut y una >ntiw.
ialf ailvi*rw fn*iu J* itli Auit-rioi btt tiiai
I*l • |Al**l( 1*114(1 *4 i*i ru. itHf! itrJl islllUl Id
takr rotuoittJiit 14 tlx- IVruimu aruty,
Muvj a'i ht*lnmi 1 tijoitgiK Jf-:*fial < uut#
ol thi trough! j m Hal tat! > NV !*;•
Mriih l*i! i jwr IW |*4Hllui, tni!ly wbi<r*
.onlimit* uta> U? luu£ht at a liktreiy uouuuai
I'll! 4 l.j uiplUß iikIhCMUMMB aiv I' i4ll.
I1i taiuiuw iu 1 aalittxsfe i twry wrWMa
tirmt tlui.rm | r*'4KiU tiif.iughout thr CHWIUt! v.
and ittniHy low ua nmt i luivr borli dr
"1 J t4* tton At o , wikoltwai# dry good*
Itii-ivlmtila 14 Moulliiil, lx:4\r fa-ltsi lof JfOuK'.
I m tiioiMkiiil wof kUi a ritgagoii Hi tix- liiu
Uar tiTnic hie ou a alriko >u Snwlm
s cM'tul liiDUo:ii. I j>rit'l4 Uair bo-U UIW-IP
hutiicii w iu Italy by lauiuta!!<•! ol thi- Ixivwr
1%. Mait> urira ol \ tura, ryr and vWt Ihup
Urli mi;if*l, atixl thr |WUliitty W gtwi!
4Afttl.**!o* !!.•! >1 AHI -
female •
Mi. ir„i-r lulii' iurwl a luii U auiborute tlx
>cv rrt*r> ol th- 1 mtuoiry ti* IHALP amahi : 4*t! *
lor tlx* rvMt*r\ ummitj jruj warty a tut tlx*
iiriKWwU I awl 4 jr- jwity btdongirtg to tli**
l iiilflvl sta!*a, br otixr |mr)~M*r<a Im
IrrriMl to llir t omiiiitlrc u t i \ il Stiri iu; 1
K*f IrUcblucUt lT.r l|fHs*r t ill to WtafltUkh
jKt luiitra enltiP UJ , tout. tkl>r tlx* ttliiwui'
itifiiU) IUIKIP in iDiuiuilUt l ! !.** W h**ir arir
to. it wa* J'apmnl A ijourtxmi altff u..
rXocutiA f MMaaiOu.
liilla wrrr iiitahittr**l ard nrfrrrral a* b*J
low* H> Mr lngsU* Id kii|Whl xlhm 1
i*l thr* Ki-v tMxi Mitutra, which nlU'% * wfi .
in th** firui> . ran y au<! mantx* xrp to I** dr
ti !r lJ: ;u th tili-.c !*~i -m i !v J'!SA rtl-r !•
a iiDiuraitwl. Kgcrrad t liw t ouitnitlir on
| % ulu laikU H* a)mi ;atnklui-wi a bill au
thur-.tiiij; o rtiuut iifiukw r\mU> iiiUtut
oid prumvutpcuiu In iitrr CnitM Msitraciwrt#
lor i. 1 claim* ttudwr rt*rtun tmcittrw U>
Mr. W lk-r—1 •• auicuil tlx- a* ! r*uWi!ijU4j{
tlw Southern t ibitiio r ommtotori a* t< c\.
tctul tin* flni!io ID Iti liitn tfil*, ulai
lor a IM ttlcnr till the Ni*rth i ar*lm*
l * tti rr rtiii! lu iltPtr isthb in North
1 aioiiua. Ail *! which v4'4 r If! ri Ito thi
i -HiiiiuUir ou luii iii Allaurv Hy Mr lliii
i\> kiut'htl (hp vi-t t' jtfwv jdf tor th* aalx •!
(Irn'it Uu<l% iti certain Mutra ami i Arnlwrira
Krirrrwl to tix* i t iittuiUif oti
Mr, | k m(!lH<w
mi Foreign ]k<-iati4ij* Ui I! im! Kt rwsndw
tioa No. hi, to aolhoruf xuv evj^nditore l
|'2U,OUO lor tlir rnrcHM*tita;k , i **l i ntlid Mat
j.nxlid! ( at thfl .s%ti a v and MMUwime ti
ti twl • \hbitxtt* xi IS7l' aiii! IshMt iNvmant
Mr Ha>ari citUail uj- • mile boi No.
lu rvixwil nlion Sill. VjO mid SJI wtl a j*rt
•l W ol llif K*\ ! S'latiitiH, l* ti
fit rot V t*M <aith. 'Mm* Scnat** da-nixi ID
• thr bill—y*, two. H* Ml a< •
Jl iitijt"it thru •j *k•* in lavr ol tix* bill, fiiak
:tg h; mus'lrn j-wli Hr !r|rnded tiir csm
• ! t of lhr while |M-4 } lo ! thr Sotitli, and
KMM-rtrl that thry wrrr | wit not k* ati.i watiir*!
t* iiuuutiur thr l nt4n in pfrjwhiiJy. iMiring
hi* h|Mvrv h Mr ) I.n m I Moo aaid Uiat hr w oul i
ai tfi.\ io ut 4 • t lo 4 sj , tix* urcrMw;;
aj j'f-4ij(fiull4 4 • to tix army ami tlx*
il"|afttnrtitl ol thr go. rrumrnt. Nrvwul
atuendmrnta t thr tall, phi* MA) by Mi Kl
muraU. r# Adj|MtrttfMl.
Mr. Imtnar, lr**t ibr coiiiin.ttrc on
the iinproveaiaut ! th- river and
ila tnUiiarma, rrjortal wtlli nitirtsiittimt 1.1 ir
if .Hisc 1..31 ... |.|,iv ide It.r the utln.-lil td IA
Mi-vi.. >j . K.ver l >mrii.s-iin. Place *. on th,
calendar. 5|R. Lan U sai,l he W.HIT.I ask lave
fo cail I! tip for MI. i.lernliran -it an rwriy dav
Mt Hooth iutrvsi.icol a bill preveut •>'<-
stKH-tion to pie-cn.ption atidhoitiA -i-a.l *••!!..••
inent on public land. llrl. nn) In tlie CAUII
miI toe on Public Istl.d* \fler further <ts
cussiuu the bill lur the rv-pcai of tlie let <*iih
was pa—.d by a vote of 2H ytra* to 16 nap
II ou**.
Among new lull* intrndnood 4 ere the follow -
ing To regulate the value of money .-sued by
flic autlioritj of the .'luted states and to pro
vide further internal revenue lor the govern
ment ; it provide# for the taxing of promissory
note*. (Hinds and Tuncg .giw, and m*ke it un
law lul to charge more lisan five five cent, inter
est prviliNuiing th. funding ol t'nilwd States, laivuble in Tnw> iry noloa, into gold
tauuls. lo sulwtilille bgal tender greenlaiek
currt-ncy for tmtintuil Isink |M|HT Ke|wnuug
the test <mth. lCeluciiig the salary ol Ihe
President to yTj lk)0. For the im|Hvrtation of
(|tuninr Irw- of duty To regulate tltr -tatmns
of solders during electu<; n provi.lea that
on any day ap|mit*l lor any general or *|<e,-ial
elrsrtion id a lit Congress, ia>
•oldier within two miles oi an> city, Uiwn 01
place where such ,le 'iuli shall 1H- held s! mi
I*. allow .si to go out ' f th* barra.-ks at which
lie is rlattoiHsl, <- . <* lor the purpose <>|
ilMMinting or teliev.i.g guaid. or ol g.vittgli.s
vote, alter which be shall return iiivni'sluuclv
. Bill* w ere noaaed Pniv idii.g for a com
mission lor the improvement 'i tiH" Mississippi
river. Appropriating Jt2o.l>oo lor tlie interua
lional ekhlbilion to lie held at Syducy and
Mnltaaime. Australia, in 1 >7*4 and lxsil. Mr.
Kentxa luoveil ti *tl*)NNt4 the rules nil 1 pass
the bill aulhoriring producers to sell yltki
worth of tohacco on the l.irm where produced
live of lax, tuid without lvspiiring a license
there lor. Defeated y .-as, 112; nays.H'*. N.c
the itrreMNtry two-thirds in ilu* iifttrmative.
Mr. Acklen trom the Committed tw Coin
meter. rc|Hirtsl the following lulls, whiili
were onlered to !*• prinlfsl ami recomtnitteit
l-'or the prote<dion and prv>|negation ot sail
water fish; (> inoorjH.ratc 1 nited Ht rt t,.s
Hoard of liude, Agivcullnn aud A oiiunetee.
.... llills were intnsluocd and mferml as lol
lows ||y Mr. Amlerson—A luii lor th< re.ln-l
>f settler* on the public lamia. U Mr. 1 h utip
son—To reg ula I e the number of sii|M-r( isors o|
eln-lkm and deputy-marshals Hy Mi Hock
ner—Helaling to the pulilic deht; also iiu|sm
ing a tax on sab*, ol shs-ks and; also ing the i>avtuent ol interest on thnmaits
I.y mitioiuil bankln fasvsH .afiotw. Mr Hitek
ner, the rhivinimn of the Committee on H-uik
mg and ( urrency, re|vorted a resolulioti dirdcl
ing thai eommittee to inv estignte the affairs ol
tbe < kuvin National Hank, ot New York, and
the (iermhil National Hoik, of Chicago, and to
impure eaimriitlly into the mnnageuieut of tlu
assets ot the lunik* |.y tin* reajsv-livc reeeivers,
and the conduct <U any oftk-er oftlic govern
ment touching mid receivership or the disii.
sit ion ol aasi-ts. Ailo|Hed tiy UK In 04 ..The
S,naic amendment* to the P*el lioii.- hill
were ontiriirred in. A.ljoiirne,l.
The House discussed I lie lull in regard to the
removal of CA*oa from I ivb-ral to Stale .HMirts,
and tlial to prevent theex|iortation it diseas,*!
cattle... The la-gislativ e bill
was re|Hirl€sl and rvssuumilte.l to tut printed.
The rn|.o(l of the !*ard of in.|uiry in Fit*
John Porter's r.-isi* was submitted to the House
as it hud Is-en to the Senate. Adjourned
Mr. t ly trmii the Appropriation Com
mit tee. n-p. lied the Army Appropriation bill,
which w as ordered priot**l and recommitted
I Ml IS identi.-al n (tit the inv bill pfw lo.islv
passed lit this session with the exception ol
an appropriation for a storehouse at Omaha,
Neb . and the sulistitntion of flie following us
section 0, in lieu ol that section iu the previous
bills. '-Section f>. That no money appropriated
ill tbis act is appropriated or shall Is- paid for
tlie subsistence, equipment, or
compensation ol any portion ot the aruty of
the l.'nilcd State* to la- USH! tut a |silioe lorco
to k<-|. pein e at the polls at any ebvtion held
within any State."] ■•. ■ 1 lie Postal bill was de
bated without notion. Adjourned.
A medical magazine gives the details
of a ease where a lady in Baltimore slept
in damp shifts and took a sudden cold
a I .out a year sitiee, which has left her
void of taste or sun'll. that is, with par
alyzed palate and nasal organs.
A Terrible Turnltoroiu I'ltnl.
Mo*t of u are familiar with the
inarali plnnt culled sun dew, rHrtnmon In
upland IH.KI.IHHI very poor noil, with it*
small round li i.v> H fringisl with criiuiuii
hair*. earl. headed with a tiny drop of
( •Mil sparkling dw through nil the burn
ing hint* of nuinmcr, wlmm It* poeti
cal name of nun dew. The minute drop*
•it harmless ili w which adorn every
Imir. or Icalo in, iu> Mr. i)*rwintmlklhe
crimson liUim-nt*. from tin- use to
which tliev <trr applied,la InrxmlitFadrop
of very vto ld no ration •umiundinK iui
©xtr.nit-ly sensitive g.and. Attract*-!
either by tlm glitter, or ponaihiy by
Muiic hmieyed mior, or whatever*-
tiou* liialiiict it in that draw* the child
to till- Uliwholi Hl ilue iWivt, insect* alight
oil the || :tf If till* delicate leet of the
Miialleat gnat do hut touch one of the
drop* of dew at the end of a single fila
ment, it* doom i* no*lcd. Caught hy the
teiiaclou*secretion, with the sensation*
•me would imagine in thla strange world
ofjiiH. i t peril of a child stuck up budlly
to a gigantii hull'* eye to WIIOM* attrac
tion it ha* incautiously yielded,
in rain it endeavor* to em-ape. Kiowly
the liiameiit begin* to liend at it* I nun-,
• HiHinitting at the *anie time a motor
impulse to tlir filaments ntxl it. thal-tn
their turn Is-gnn to wnviw with pitl-
P • pt. . i*ion on the lm klroa victim,
vl. hi carried to the nest inner row
. 1 tentacle, and MI on to the next, with
a curiou* *ort ol rullitig movement, till
it r. a. In h the center of tha dik, the
gland* at tin aaiue time pouring out an
a. id •-. i> lion Hy degreea, the . etil#al
gland* ai-ting eeutrifugally on the ret,
all the tentacle# liei-oiue cloaely inflected
on the prey, w liieli U bathed on aii nidi-*
in tie secreted acid, wliile tlie disk of the
leaf often lienine * strongly incurved,
forming a sort of impromptu -Utttiat b,
th>-w hole movement taking place in a
period \an ing from four ft. t-n Imur*
\Vhen tin iii M* i alight* on tlie i**nt<T of
tin leaf, tin-short central liiameiit* are
not reflected, hut the gland* tram-mil
not!only motor power u the externa,
filament* hut aim. Millie influent w hi. h,
liefori' I hey are lirouglit into contact
witli the prey, chUBCB tJulli to accrete
■uore actively, and the accretion to ia--
KHlie arid. A • orilitig to Dr. Nitrn hke.
in*i*i t* are generally killed in alMiut a
quarter id an liour, suffocated in the ••-
■ ret ion. The number of insects which
thu* meet their denth mui IM prodigi
.ll*. On one leaf alone Mr. I tar win
found the remain* of thirteen flies. ami
a* a single plant ha. some six or *evrn
leaves, ami the mailt is itself very abun
dant, the tale of the slain UiUt le euor
iiniu* Tin* commonest victim* are
small flie*. hut tin Rev. II M. Wilkin
son, on one iHcasion, observed a Large
dragon fly, with hi* lanly firmly held by
two leaves. — Eontftapomry Hrvirvf.
Probably the oldest tinilier in tlie
world which has l** ti subjected to tlie
u-e of man is that which is found in ll temple* of Egypt. It i* found
a* dowel-pin* iu connection with tn<-
w >rk w 11il li is known to lie at least l,tNH<
y.-ar* old. These dowels apiaur to he
of tani.-u'itk, or cbittim-wowt. of whkh
the ark i said to have leen constructed,
a tr.c in Egypt, and now very
rar< .y found in the u ley of the Nile.
■ seal .cully .oil. Ike Slomsck
II il |.roves rr4raelr> , rnilJ discipline is the
ttang to set il right N<* all the nauaeou*
draughts aud MUMS ever invented can <to hall
n* tuii. li U< remedy it* l.f-rilers a* • tew wioe
say . three a day—uJ ll sidle i
Mo-ictch ililler*. whirli will aflord il spec!)
relief, aud eveultialljr taxnisii e.ery tl)sjejKic
a.,.: liiiyairapkM*. >i.-k hw I*. i.e. nervous-
L ■ *>. saiI.. MUCH- <4 lite eoli.j.le xs.u. lur u|s.n
the tongue, vertigo uul those many indaurrih
*bte anil il.sogltssiiiie cause*! by
iieitg.-iloti, arena, olteii | t-rpt luatad by injn
!*. khu dosing A'i luimrdtale aiauadonuirni
.4 - irh random and til -ad. lsc*l e *|.crimcnt
shcndit te the Aral slei- iu the dim-liua of a
(aire; the next *te|. tlie use if this standard
Uut • alterative wbrii liaa rereivwl the lugbe-t
luc.l.txd Sal Ml 101 l and >.m unpieccdcntcd |>pii
The I ..r*clfn lor .. of I*, epic .
I tie • Sal. r<i podeaaor ho. to avotd the win.!
when taking snuff, turn si around, lorgot
to turn tack, and walked ME MILES into Uit
roaalrv , was no luotviotgellu] thantbissr win.
.oil .is. the huge drustir. calhartir |uUa, lor
giUIJUg that 111 Puiree's I'leaaaut I'nrgaUve
I'll lets a Inch are sugar <* led, atnl httii
larger ituvn luusta'd aneda, are a jawitive and
0 iia'ih- en".lurtic. readily corterung all irreP'-
iarilo*. <>l the sioinarh, liver and buwei*. hold
W !iat Usrturea are inflicted b> a diaorvlenai
lint' I'sins in tlie light aide and under the
right shoulder l lade, headache, tuiusea. itali
gestion, calMivetMwa, llti|>ir*,saut taste in the
'iKiut . nlui loa sj.inU ate among it, im/trta.
Iter* J. lea, the sa.lron tinge it .luparU to the skit,
is the reverse ol brs-omoig. ilut ISr Molt s
Vegetable Ijvei I Ml* speediiy the symp
toms l.y rviuedv nig the disorder which pro.
diwe- tlieru. hoi.l hv all druggists.
Far throat .lis.*v*es and affections of the
rhc-" llruwti's lttonrhial Troche*' are of
value For roughs, irritation ol the thrvac..
e . ised lu ruld or uuusitai cxorUoti of the vocwi
otgaus. in s|Kvaking in putihr, or singing, lbe>
|.rvalues lieuelh'ial results.
The liason A llaiu.ill ( t'vi. liave taken
1 lie high. >I lumorsat all world's cxhiistkm* In
n re tlian twelve year* —vis at I*ari*. ISfiT;
\ retina, isri; .-wniu.-n, J*7A; Itiibwtalphis.
I>7t-; luut l'aria, IS7S, and liiey are the only
Attn-rt.-an maker* who have lakcu such at any
Tlie tVlehratod
" METV-111 v.** "
Wcwat l ag Plug
N'rw York, Boaton, and Chicago.
jo, . ior uarseii.
iir M-iduvg UiiT ,-hwceste. *uh aga.bight
-o'Jr • f eves and Lcr, jva tnll .reoeiv* by re
iwrn tn EI" . correct photograph of .our fntci.
hnsliand or wif*. witn nsmt and dt of nn
nag-.., X.'dr.,, W Fox, P. fi. lirxwei VI,
Pnitonvillc. V Y
The Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 tTas
I.'ith -Street. N. Y . sell Piano* at Factory
pncca. W nle tor a caud<igue.
• if p.arue's Sitting ltull Durham Tobacco
ll ew .liu-ke-u . ti—t SW.m Navy T.davcco-
P Xi'l.U Ml 1.1. I'flß *U.K.
For s> . at IsaruM. X .ll.a trst-cSsw. U. '-now la
r peiati -n. Ths p'.si.t ten acres of load with
(.! : yow-r of river w .Ui tvt.*'l head rwowt.ny frau..
M - > • ith u. os ' rn st.eeh.MiM-. shots wales.
*r Th. * ..nuiiis Tl-Usb slnjle, gi.v.
Hart-n X Fa.c* r-hiur. -mj.>ts. tour sv-jsMind
iH-stlnc* tw.. tot- blaactieg cotter*, raiaoderv.
r. , . ~r h.-rse-p-wer ts-i sr. aist al! the a|X'ta.e
for runauva tlie atlll.
Straw pie lit* st s.\ W.—l l $: Rv.elletit f-elsht
caotts 1v JO With tlir *t wh-chu now onwrapfdnc.
Ownr-v hs e other l.u*ltie.
TV. pr..petty, whkh ' ealaahla, will he *;.t at a fair
prk-e |> ) St a twnaln. All IIKIUIIIM hv man praapt >
uoaerrd. Addrev*
HK.VKY O. KKXT. Treanurer,
|jr> iim. S 11 . It*-
El* TO**.
Beef Cattle Med. Native*, live wt (C 4 W',
-lair orvw
Sheep \ *
lo.ri.t- . W- <*
Hints—t re <4 <H
tires', t 0, <4 Ot,
I ;..UI t*. HUlr, goorl to fancy 410 .4 *T
\\ r-ierv. Bood lo fancy.. . I 4 •
Wileal —N I llel II • lIT
While (hate I Id .at t
Rve—fttate •* >4 '-"H
Ksrlev Two Howrd Ptsts H .4 ' *
Com t ngrvted Western Mixed 41 .4 44
Hoethern Vrllow.. 45 .4 44
tVafa-w ane stile 40 .4 41S
Mixed UriWcn ..... 5 .4 S,
Hajr—ll -tall grades ,4 *0
sir .w Isvnit ltyr, 1-r .-wt 40 .4 4S
lloto -tftale. new crop <M <4 12
P. rk-Mes. <*' .4*40
lard t'uy Mtsam .04.11.4 04 20
IVirolsnri Crude ..... WStWIX Hefliiesl 0T ,
Wool Miate and Penn, XX 14 .4 SI
Butler slate ("c-amery 14 (4 1
Wary • U <4 14
Western Cisamerj, 11 ,4 IT
Factory Of .4 OT
Kgga—Btste and IVi.o IS <4 IS
Vnnr—Pern, ct otoe and .. 1 Ik) .4 1 .VI
Wheat Penn. Ked It <4 I >*S
Amber,. 11* <• I I*
live—Htale 4' <4 *0
(Vie. '-'isle Vl'ow.. 40 <4 40-
tlal* VI ie.l S4'.i4 *1
Puller -Creamery Is .4 10
.th e- Nee Vork Factory 071%.4 OH
1-vtrolruu. Crude ttikMißy Htfiutvl, tsy
I ~ir • Cttv OrOUMI, Xo. I K|.rin 175 i 4 ITS
Wheal lt.vt Winter 110 .4 111
Corn —X* w M eatrru 40 .4 41
.la.* 54 .4 54
tlsr.ev t'*v rviwrvt Hta1e...... 55 (4 TS
tie fCaltl I.lve weiKht .. .. IHV* IS V
Stieej. . "• .4 04 ,
II, C <4 "
|-|..ut WlalODsln sn I Mluu.tai . 640 <4 050
Corn—Mae.l aud Yellow 40 .4 40
• tata -Kaira White 4t <A 4S
Uy. Hints,.,,. 02 >4 60
Woo) Washed Combing k Llelalile.. 5V .4 S
PI> washed, " " '* ♦ 2T H
aaiuHTON (Mass ) cavt ui uai.s.
Ileef Cat. 'V live weight
4 l 4 m
i.vnde. 05 <4 06
Hoga "4W'A "4<x
■ nt< nth. Kvrnr graduate Buaran.eed a paytnaalto A
I. i:. A ldreaa H. Valentin*. Manager. Janeavllle. Wla
■WWMBK v. e v[,.Mu,
iXWW 1 X '"I 1 : ,I . v.
♦IP a a Out (It f-ee Snau-a Co . AruPvTi. Muss,
\ VK AK sr. IrxiH t.-. - t.iageuta. Outflt Free
4 4 Andrew V 1. Ylt * KKY Augusta. Msi"*-
AMK your Drug-'lat er St 'e'Vr.|er fer 4>JiVtl N'M
DIAIt Itlf I. A HK.VH.IIY. II la ihc treat.
s33ooii:*&ft"ea!!aw , -ii''
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.'a
newspaper Advertising Bureau
10 Spruce St., New York.
Mto f ROW KM. A <* cimtm ®n ®fenry foe the
t** *f ®l wtUrßurnt• t"t ABk'IBUi k-
Tl>r i uU|i4v!c r|i'itfttililftil uf tle fclM I# U>*
*>>' tifVlMprri rr kefrt regular if tpe U Ik#
ttiWJW iKfli <1 f l#t"llif .
K%r *4>rtu*eu* • *• l®krt •! the kvlll# tl* f l*M
Bin * t|ij<ul •#!> • itiitunißlchars* C r i.-otma—WHu
Alt <J< U*rt, lb -Ir® lu * Hi. th* Arwi>, I* n®V®4
irouKir ®b4 n®Am| eta* aßtf®tl lift—n
iti ® dur|.. ® littMtrJ Of •It UMU l
a !-*fc of l> r*M r * K.dUluttii tint* of htm pmpmn,
U'g*titrui®tit*. N bfb'U®, ®®rk bifur®!, t
a*JJI •i. l ( Uttfrj •b*t ®?I pttbtkwfluun BliLb ®#e
ra®, * *• 11*1- r U> a ikeHimrf* With ***** ibfufßgnngl
-it |*rke®. 1® ®rft to ®H) wU#4 *• f®ewlf4 *4 Ub
< rtiU .
r, tvtM .1 diatom. -abing I" bU. nßlrtrti fat
adtrtfttft*, Ma am Iwbb. cil>, <.Hulf, Mat. Tarrltorr
t.f Ui I talked atalr. VI am puitl * of IMb lavwinlon <f
I .1,. I. In.} HIM a I nflv UU Rvtat laf Wfcel the)
• all 1..u.rl • Ilia • I.W .4 to. iUVtmI.SEMRNT
Uv) .train ti*a*rtod. aut WBt ravwtea toffaatoWß by
irtuit, al."ti at . rtMt'B Itiißla tfathu wb*Uaf
lr lactraM *>r '.•ran' lb# M
f..i au.fc tal..iu.ali. thrfr la it" <hr
tii in. air Uln. tuf aah* r |*a| 1 •• • at for a
I vat f,*f a at*, r a., la' aa *ra-i: ! aa f i a laifaf w
Ida. I* K. 4 * a... a.aup#! Ifcb Ifc* At'vt.fal. k.Wa
fn|a I lt t n tprsir •>. di.:lara an tut' •In Itat **f a
A oarffcan It < a|*a|fc it at* 4 a i.aff lUa. vf Uv lata, la
• fakh tkrp if* Wttnl
Improir, BeantlF), Krlir ami EleilU. I
OKlft ITKR fIV It. li. T. IfOOMF.,
K*4® amd }* #w pni' Ittiit ff Jm## 1 * j
l d'W' tr.l to U *- )Ja Itruitn of tin®# *k" Aeilft.t 1
I ;t ru.U Mirth®, iafi i*c*fm ®B4 VcfaUbv I
<rtiryui A. Ac !wi*r• 1* !jr * Mgiao* for *J oet®.l |
h 5 I. • l.r •. ■ Of 1 • :
l> ui kUt-l till 11. < tl®®#. Vlil® of .tl Fltri
JtitK J.b®brf \ .W Kr* \
M< i.ti..r Icui fu< l-®ig Qunrti. Oui> i
91 IWI k •* > 1.4. r • | Ift < VtiU tkoid Id ®U j
Nr!o cf* AgrbU B*bU>4 rwrrjmbtfr tuf S|MSi- j
Mavra'a Mural IJfr. Park Haw, It. I.
• r Bflli ® 11 1— Wbi ®'l r!tl*p®rm U®r Wwfc !ft ® j
4*l of JH *wii) twwv*tk®|irr ur fNt itort t® ® \
I .i*t of 33? yaf*'ft <• Ub lib*-* two ®rr*§ lb • bob r of j
I ntbrf of fvßf *r|j*f®ir *bl flirfih t tlrt* mg j
to iv' {taiir* * <*ti t ? fwb? iliw* oMi - • I lb a ; ifau* '
j <4 Utr Ml®. Iu "f nir lib* OCW ®orAU. ®. ■ A'. A u- 1
{ tannl, bojJ* il.tb 1 W- fr ®i*o k®r IMA* )
1 tf |i®jar • I f >utn lit' . 'U* L'*Ul tbr t (l W SUUi AH >
I < *b* • V-|>-1 f-if t.' '-* w*gr pftßtAkl A4dtrt
<&< f lUIK Kl I | Co || SprtJM* Mrrl Kr* ) Oik
A man af niMrit hrallh waa .Mnl t,ota tt aa.
!w af< o rfl I • ta a aa). a. - I au tat mntltla' Ifc
tut tiara.. I vat at.a l l if. alii a tvif. n | farl tutor*
Ifcr wraUtr* I Iraott >• B
Tarrant'# Vllwr Aprrirat,
1 wlhit I kerf* tfi Ckf I'Mtiw." Wiatc MAD, ®n4
t* K.mmAir*: ® II tat o.d U Vkoirut tars lo
ft* rrllrf Mr llirt XltUir Uif tlnj* bf
tin® ®gwr>bt
/ V l / S V\
/ A-/ Asl 0L \
\ \ r* X J
To tha Yrnm tafvH la If I r.Mfclltr aflUt Uta taaal
ntfltta awl or Uta bra. Irrtna. • lf lAa Hf.
Uieuaapßlii A Ul&lW. U>. lata til rani A l acatv
3,000,000 ACRES
Maiali t# U>* Paißma
Oe kae Una low pavna aaA aaa* larawta
Puattbiai with fall taforaaauaa Ballad traa. Ipfif la
D. A. McKIMLAY, Land Com'r,
SL P. M. * a. K-t. Ml. Paal. Mini,
TYt® rp®l !rir*®*t IB tV feMUff f ~
Bar* thm U*p t®Ata-*d. ;bc nook rwr
r cr% rr ilhH 30 t>PT cwlt. tt I* tN CP -I CMfMI H
Inn fUw t A rtrt pblii#k<l. Sr®4 N OUylft
Agebt* ®la Imy wrki I®r vr#J f®4 A'MJyw
\AtY..**X. fl KUMRM r®
Wr Mlt*:k*h j Plgfct • n®rw p®prr- "TB* Nitli*'
r*ic .IfTotr l l the of tVu*i.iorw JA'.f-
®td S®iit<r bh! Ut+tt hf'.n. a!®> focUlM iß%rfß®Unt
f®sr. * rr<iirig
p'r*. rrif "rnu a rrar—aprrta! Ut fnoawttb U data
• n-.ipr* hank !-• mllwl at*llt doa unlrt brw Aa
aaaaa o rxnt... Rm rurrtaltrd to rtwttia-
na'f. i'"t tttrlt r Aint fiid ft PtttttnaO®..
• Hfcftnt > barer Jat.tuir? i nn!.' a a|w Hurt. iopj Inr
vn f tt. ukuiniß k i rn..S t <_
n aat taatfib It < lfi iwi *r4.
\yl yJjWt " rviiiM KKPOPiri(iK. a
\ X w u:\fh r.nos.. in Croat#*?, S. 1
llnnl'a Krnral> f t >■
■ fa P
i till
• ■■ llnnl'a K. iiirdr cat
U1 LUUI) 1 "TRR- " U>
Try llnnl'a Rfitird) .
9ri<l for j>an>j i..rt _
II K. Cl.AKKE.Pntrtdrttcr. * I
Exrur*ion# I© Lincoln, XrhruiU,
l.raar Vn lark and V I ..aland tir
Thlrtl Tttfwln) lu rrr Mouth until lr
--rrmbrt. I'.aruralon 10. At Itrarra \. .
Tnracla> . Junr IT. "TO. Cafr atwul half n*a
•,t.. fa.t la I*. alt . !••! a aw a.-.. ann.lalJn antr*
1-. t i|dir Uu.ictt.-a • Inf.rmafvm i, m
t PI.I I
NOORIUSII Braadira) . Ira korh.
*nd JtAb4 r t. Hi
■ < rtr.a - JVaf 'a tJHrp 4 f®.. Ef i
BB n '*
I firtwtA'i Ctrl. OrlH. B<J Skirt*.
TKT A v,i, 4n
T-if tfit twal r r|. (ftrrct f-v II *aipi>rtr II B I
Ibr aaail cent Hat* fan r\rr ' -Itrrrl to C!nl< Aert.t
an! iaraa Harm. Al.l. AIfKKSS t'HAR.iK* PAU>.
S. * Irlttta FRKK .
The fircnl American Ten (ompani.
at and aa Vaaa Wrarl. Haw tork.
r .t B V MM.
HABHI inck tun W
W klxi. titigpf Il#*t#f t®!*4 Ailhrn W
W Amp 1 A 4 fT.x ltd, V
1 Vo Iv.•# VA ,** )*t.4t . I , *4-
U uwhl frtm Halo to S® Fr®cACd. Yirtnctnt with It
i nuun lui'thcr*. Wimi.KU'll k (HV on ever>
tafNl. Tkr nw-th. r
51650 SIOO
frofirttonal raltitti. nw a.rk n St.*k < tptlona of
tail, MO. IIIHI, MOO.
i >dl tat Krprvta an.l CtrculaiA frar. A.ldrrw
I POTrKH VI It.HT A CO . Hankara. 3A *"*118t-. N. I
wTunll p®jr .\gpnu ® !#al®rj 'f flu iht n In ®i 1
iiipiopw, or allow larp> cotinn.iin. to ®* or nr *
and wonji rful Invcntion®. WV mso* *4-.f urn ht®. Pju p
I p|Akw. A4dl • -11: Mi -lAII. Mlci .
her ri.fl rn Y. tun: Hlrii In Irnrn Trlrrrnphy.
aliuatlona Kuarantrr.) For full itartu ulara aldrraa
wtfa aum" SHKKI l> AXA HI lift. Ctwrhu, Ohio.
TTT. vliiv, atr,l In Wail St St.H-ka maaa
sJI II tfl SI OOD'ortnnra rvrry month l'.Hik arn
VW s , n- M -VP fr . (>JlJ(l(lln| m ( rvrrvtlilnA.
AAdrraaBAXTRB A CO.. lUtUrra. fT Wall St.. N T.
A MOVril AitrnlaWaiilad : l.ra
©Ofafla.- articlra In thr wrhlt onr frrr
OfJdU A ,i,trra JAY HKtI.N'SOX. OrtTOtt. MWI
rtM'HI T MCTIOH t KY. IKI.OOU Wortla and
|r. I'oolc'a llralth Slotitlily, onr yrar, stk
MrKHit nut. ft-a Co . I'itl K. 'AHtli M . Saw Ynvk
BP*|H TO F. U. ItICII .v CO.. I
V®ra SI Malnr, for tvt A... my llnalneß in thr
tfblYW World. Kxpr natvr Ootllt Frrr.
nnillil *. skin IPlarnara. Tbou
l||pl| 188 ...tot. , nrr.t. tv'W.-st Prtcra. Itom.tfall
Uliunit • . D t- K M-.rh. yumoJOih
—w u v Frroarrd for tuiui'.a in liir
YniHlO' Mpn Korhratrr HnaßraOpl-
A vUXig lUvll * 6 -('inu!arfrrr.
n|AA PAY.-with Sirti.-I! thitflta. What ooau 4
KI!<<. twill rapldlv for ."Ml it,. Cataiucnc frra
Dlw s M Sraacafc. H'A Waah'n St., Boston, kiua.
For Two
Th* good and staaneh old
ifnnd-by, MEXICAN lUB
- LINIMENT, has done
more to amnage pain, reUTO
NntTMfing, and aave the Htea m
men and bwwt than all other
liniment* pnt together. Whf t
Hoeaunc Oie MoaUng pene
(rattre throngh akin and flmii
to the very bone, driving out
all pain and norenew and
•norMd Mpcretioitt, and reator
lug the afflicted part to aonnd
and tiupple health.
New Method of Harmony,
til l Jmm. (SU*> imr. HnkdiMßd.
Tbla WW two# ta au aiaml* d d>*d* at ll *'P#"d
Haw, that air BffcAK ia. Wr of muloy e*a l Id
ci.ctirtU Mm of Ikf BCWBM, If miflT WdilM *
Ulfufccb. At Utr WW ttwa • <# IboHWAll WW* p
•narkod ot tar Ow who wfc* to to .iwww. mrt*d
lfcf work (of mi fctonlbo, w lfcowt. or attU Iwttot Wl*
Atmrhrf nbinwnfr am nawtowA tif too, ma bdkndi
tow -Od> ta4rm
The O-ospel of Joy
la wttM wttk Uta (faotoad ffcrw #T *ll "*<> ton
rIIMUM . ami M. 11. ttartf fclfrfcAy * mil 1,1 TAB
ton M 11 tar H w CmnlMA ,lk,di ir*
ftotbr* A|, and i'.<tfcß," Camp. Pruw and Pi#fm
BolittH (• 'to.
baod Brwa. Br J # *. laoofc (MM.)
kklfclfcf Rlru. B? 8 *. dW. O fain <■
Rlirr f lift. Hi rmtMlkmu IM rto)
UrluA Waltra. Br t tkawt .* HA)
t'laorol, Br -' H W.mwd (rto)
rr tobdapwUHWl to( toon tot It n bard to toad
atr* abfch ;>U <■ a yual droi uf fifcc fcwov to to fooad
BOVhefr cjas.
Amy fiwr# BMUhNt, putA-tf**, tut nrteli pntm, I It DIIMXeC®, Mmmtmm..
C. H. IIT*SI *
MA* SrwdtßT, Wow Twrh.
a. K. mTKO.I dk I©.,
Ml t hMtato *lrod. PIUIM,
la I tow Old Mo Ito tola en* ntrntodl Lr*
' fttnrrtuiba iotoHy rwb ma tor on* tag Bard
torft and 1-t rt towf. aakkly.
it ta rcu. wmwut amp > r*jcwwr*
Thr Ma'lrt # towdod ni tfcO-nfted) I a Bid
Lra. wlvk m itu fcMWI wttb awi and ntt. aad nw
tart mottr. Amd art raa
PpiHujlußii Salt NibiTi C*.,
f. irtrrft Mrrtal at tha tttiladrlfthta
Mlvrr MUI a thr l*arU Eipailllia.
Thr BMW * A'cat.'r f.Bl: ti atody know# tor too
IrrAtwrct off nt-la. W-t* arw rwto.ak.ut duaana
rttruWAtwß. rfciltdsMw .wlarrtL bmvl rliuidi rto. Avr
fot ivfclii nolda. aorr tbrtnl .7. f> and ,'a,*lbrn*. Rtf
I ard a l apprrrrrO hr thr t-ra-ttof pi 'wrlana of Kuropa
f and A v.
Thr t.'t.rt AftVlra faa-1r f*vH purr Vaar'iro—aorha
Pftll. tiElf lUttalik CAM ICS aia TutUBT
ViAr#—afr nprno u. ut natar ona. Tar man.
( (11.1. ATI: A CO., tola Anrnt., How lark.
and to font ton ol all oer (noda. _ _ .
Md by all pfiwaMß
Ftnt )at J. bllalard I Mm* Hacraaaffcl I
TBKIR tXSTKCMKKTS bar* a Sue lard to an
Leading Market®
Of the World!
OVER 80,000
Kafir and In war. h'rw Dtatcm oucotaaUj. Boa
W ark ami Loarrat Fnora.
tf Brad tor a Gala j-for
Tremsnt St, opp. Wallham St. Bsstia. Mm
I For IVaoty of Fntltot. Faring Lahor. OulUtM,
PtnhlltlA and < llraf araa. f argltolrd. _
IduUlak, Hiiow-. Fronrtwora. Oantfvt. kao
Olll.T.ihifM OS rto a aaaotti ***Uayaai
#1 AHiY.kMJM. Bt.OOarrar.
AVCKKI.Y, # parr. *1 a ymr.
TIIK Ml H haa thr larri rtrratoOoa and la fh,
rhaaprat and tooat tntrroaUn* paprr to tba I'altad
THR IVF.FKLY Bin to ratpbatlrallr thr yao
p r'alA:.. pil - _ _
t. W E.VtiLAN'P. Fablfctorr. H.T.OHy.
la jwf"ctlj- purr FroopUßord Uarbead h.r thr h gb
rot tar-tirAl anttmrturv m thr wnrid. Ult'i hlbtol
twar>l at I'A Wor'iJ'a F.xiaMttona. an I at I'ar a. I.d
Bold l<y Itrugywta W .ll.lNrhifgf lin A i a..VV
"Hit h from thr MOITH af HF.I.C."
1. y uor who haa hern Uvtr!
| "Kinc wnrf fntt aft he WOl ST A CHE.'
Hy the HtirUngUMi Haw key e hutuortaL
" mi a f*. A. nhA P. I."
Bv J.wah Allan a wife,
j The three twig hte>t ®n,l beet eel m booksovL A: rot®
' v.tu can mxt theee tti wvnwlMNL Best teflg
i ctrs. A Idle a® for Au. oey, AMKKICAS PITtLBHING •
j CO.. Hart!***!. CL; Ckktf® 111.
HOME? -•
A rb *!•'# fntu over I.IW urn lowa Lbiml®, 4#
we* fr.'tn ChiGßfo. at ffam t * •. 1D
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No wilil"rwM iw
stickcti from Titd-*gn, frw to t-uyers. Tor *p®. rem
pli.etii ®nl fill! inf>!ituithio ®PP ! > to
0el .r Haieda, lowa, or I2| Kanii|h Street CXi****
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f|H ".A frrr lfoltlr of toy
¥IHP rro .wtud apretflc and a valuab.a
I I X Trf- 'tlM " i't < dIT dttltora
■ 0 aradtix a hU F. 0. and i
■ • m ** prm* addrcß.
Da. H. O. BOt'T IH.*t FVarl Strrrt New York.
aPVYtnml p.- it . t .tf fur " kind*of PILXS
T't'UlUl.'M l wt , to i,.or ItoUlr* lit thr won©
|AfWy; M or 1 KCKtiSY. SCKUFI't.A.
CATAHKH. ,lid all diww-a of the
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--1 aWCT® table. Inte.-wd and rxtrrnal tua.
dftter rrturnrfl In all caare of fall
where. Send for pamphlet. 11 a Bottle.
11. I>. FOWLF, Boat—♦
Mii-n a Hamlin Cabinet Onr***
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xt panii*. 1N97: Yuufi, 1H73; Haatiauo. 14JS;
ewiA, PAW*- WDL sikl S® una Gown MBB®'*
Only Aiutrkau Organ® ever aw®r<te<l hlyhe®* h#. *
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tkatk ul't* t >tp*. uvi Chvulare with new fttylM sad
Sfito, era free. HASOS A HAMLIN ORG AX 00,
HuetoD. New York or Chtcagf.