The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 12, 1879, Image 3

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i r* t!, 7)
asrTxr.MS.- s2prr yrar, ■■ ■hev /viul i
i./mso" ; $2.50 when wof r oof * oacorti"
.id •rrtirrmr nis 2(Vf.s prr fine for ihree t:
scrfiojt*, nni urenf.iprr lin* for frcry *<■
trqitrnf. iiurrtifm. Jllwrfiai* *'s ey V
yrnr at o liberal dliemnU
Snitcribert nni side ths ,>wwfy ehoutd r
it rs 10 e1 *, avnoMnf of one yrar .s ;
hie, inviraA or'AVf* as formerly c, pa i
by thrmselrr*.
fiitbsr -ibrrst 'n ahra .s lei! i. -1 tbei 'at
,'tiaf< stand r.t the Reporter eft ~e by
stilling the la Hen o-t their papers, it I
table ~ rn>!s "John Hoe 1 jan 75 it tnr i
. ',af .fnb't 's indebted f r suhfsriptv -i iv -
If.e lr< of January, 1575, "ii that tl ■
fiwr Itf sens paying the printer.
—\, II v : 1.-'wr, v S.I Onf Or •
, s*i >r .i n* In lh •* LI L llnw lik.i.
. *. PV> VAN. N.-*>. 0. •' AIVN.kmb.N. *
i - 1-Vv.T t*ov>r. N > •. I AM. ie< ;
fvAn rg. on or
M • *Dn o llsl\ t nvw \t
t V Nib.
ri,.v-..;v . i.a\N. i .Ma. < r. ( H. T"
Hi. .I". HHi-nih. N' r.'.T <* evrej*J 1 '
mi*.- i.' . P. M *n.i "O'T i ' ,
KnlLr Xlar. I.tpxk*" Hl -'*', " '
Cirthdig made to or* r at New
man's by one e; tho bc>l tailor; n;u t hi.
On Thursday evening of la-: week
there was a heavy hail ter a in the a-,
crn end of Brush and Penni vallies. wb., 1
did damage to windows and crops.
Bcv. J. Boas will preach at 7 o;
church. June 15, at 10 a. m., at Egg Hill
Juno 1\ at 230 m., at Centre llai
June 22. at 10 a -n., and at Keck 11:"
June 22, at 2.30 p, m.
—A good lasting buggy or wagon, o
sav k : nd, ean always bo had at lee !
shops. Centre Hall. Work warranted.
Os la -t Saturday evening an K.i >on
V .onogtaph, or speech recording ma
chine, was on exhibition in oao ot* the
school room* in this place. The machine
belongs to Mr Wilson Barber, who mad
the phonograph laugh, cry, ta. and in
short, repeat every thing that was talked
or whistled to it, with distinctness to Lo
heard all over the roam. The ph *■ 'graph
is one of tha modern wander*. The voice
is recorded, and any sound can be repeat
ed .'.em it a number of years hence, and
i\ any language. No nosheul i
o•. cor;:mite to bear and examine the
Who has been your friend uo
has eanhlad yeu to suve money ' Who has
made it easy for the peer even to dre<*
well 1 was Newman, the King Cloth
•:r, by putting denn the price ot t Icth
ing lower than ever known t bo sold in
this county. He only deserve 1 credit,
a: d yec. owe him your most liberal pat
ronaga for it.
—Thieves made a raid on Mr. John
Grove on Wednesday night of last waek,
stole a brass kettle and bread and butter
from the collar, a watch belonging t> h s
son, a pair af new bc**:s, a pair c; o.d
boots, atd some towel* from the summer
house. The same night provisions y,-,re
stolen from the preui.seb of Alex. Kerr,
and J hn liinebach. Look out for the
The students ot Penn'a College.
from Central Penn'a, have organized an
Alumni Association, for this part of the
state. The first re-union will be held at
Lewistown, in July. Adam lloy, ,
among others, has consented ;• be one ef
the speakers. J. Winner Wolf i- on
committee lo draft a c aslituiion.
The Standard Clothing Hall is still
the great resort for men ar.d boys who are
on the hunt for cheap They
find excellent bargains there always, aad
Mr. (Goldman is a gentleman in every
sense of the word. OpposTto the Brock-j
#: T house is w. ere the Standard C.oth
r • Hall is found.
—Housekeeper . just make a noto i r
th s fact, that Sechler & Co., k'lep a full
line of queensware of the best quality,
sold in sets or a single piece, yc ow and
Kockirgham ware of ail sir":- aad shapes,
stanewarw In all sixes,(shapes t ' -1 *ty!es,
c.rned goods, pickles, sauces,, or
aages, Bmea?. spices that are strictly
The best and most experienced j
w -k:::en. the b-. *. material ar.d the low- ;
e-t prices fouad at Jno. T. Lee'* coach
shops. Centre Hall. Call i a him if you !
w:mt a good rig.
Frof. Dean, . State College, wiii j
preach i the M. E. church, at this place,
next Sunday, at 2.30 p. m.
The students of the Peans Valley
Institate intend having a basket picnic on
the top of Nittnnv mountain next Satur
day, 14. The Centre Hall band will be
present. All are invited.
The frosts on the night of the Gth
were heavy in partsof Michigan, Wiscon
sin snd Ohio, and did much damage to
For dried and canned fruits, cured
meats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens
wart, stoneware, and hundreds of other
things, the best in market, go toSechleFs,
in the Bush house block.
——Mr- Levi Snook, an old citizen of
the eastern part of Miles tewnship, died
suddenly of heart disease, on last Sunday.
Mr. Snook bad been to church and Sun
day school that day, and en his return
home died suddenly.
For monuments, tombstones, or oth
er work in marble, gc to the marble works
of Guest w Co., Centre Ha l, where orders
are promptly filled, work guaranteed the
finest, and at prices less than eNewher •
The side-walks in our town, that
were in a bad condition fer .-ome time,
have been mostly torn up and replaced by
new ones. Thai's right.
Do you want a bat. cap, necktie, i
collars, cont, pants, vest, dirter, any qual
ity or style, just go to Goldman s Stand
ard Clothing Hall opposite Breckerheff
house, Bellefonte, and you wii get the
best bargains in tho county.
The Howe Sewing Machine. Tb
world renowned sewing machine. Over
100.C30 eold in 1877. The most perfect
macbiae in the werld at tbe lewe-t possi
ble priee. If you are in favor of any par- !
ticular machine, at least examine the
Howe before you purchase. Highest Med - j
al at Centeneial Exhibition. What we
clainj in substance, is that tbi* is an hon
est machine, and if put in your family
will do any and all work perfectly.—"Will
last a lifetime. Terms ef sale tbe me*l
liberal. For sale by A. C. Moore, wbo is
t'ee only authorized ngent ia Centre eoun
ty. For terms, Ac., enquire of A. C.
Moure, Milesburg, Pa.
fcit~s,ooo Extra No. 1 24-inch SHIN
GLE"- for *ale. Will average 5 inches in
width, clear of knots and sap. Can be
bought very cheap. 11. J. BOTKR.
5 jun 3t ~ Aaronsburg, Pa.
maker, Centre Hall, desires to call atten
tion to her sample* of trimnr : ng* of all
kinds; also, sample* of new styles dry
goods. Cutting and tilting done to order,
and old dresses cleaned and done over by
iier. Gentlemen's shirts, cutis and collars
made to order, and warrant'l to fit. Has
also just received a new stock ef S-pring
styles, fashion plates, patterns, etc Call
and see. 1® ma
A new double thread shuttle sewing
machine, works by hand or treadle, for
sale or trade at .his office. Warrant
Get your dried and canned fruits at
Sechlers,headquarters for all kinds of gro
ceries. Goods warranted fresh and pure.
Green's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, colds,
croup and early stages of consumption.
Try it.
VIOLKKT CotJGHISO racks the system
and brings on hemorrhage. Phoenix Pec
toral cures cough, brines rest and g'*'; 8
strength. It tastes so pleasant that chil
dren cry for it. For sale by J. D. Mur
ray, Centre Hall. 12 jun 4t
Mr. John Shafer, the supervisor,
has greatly improved the public road
which leads through Madisonburg.
Smeketewn, which is about 4 miles east
of Madisonburg, had quite an uproar
among the woman, who left their evil pas
sions reign which resulted in a fight.
X. T.Z,
Gen.Gtonu* BIIMANAN liieu tit
his home in Gregg tow> -hip, •> H- : Men
•. day. Hi* health had Veen frail HII>I K s
mind feeble for over two years. Gen.
I Buchanan was well known all through
'• this ecmr.ty, and wa* A g OJ AND uscfhl
* ,It iron in his time He hold -umo imper
r tant positions in our county ; wa* Hogis
tor aad Recorder nearly half a century
' ago; Wi,- brigade general F. \ , aad
j twenty years pre- dent of the Farmer *
Mut. Fire In*. Co., o. which he was one
' of the principal projector*, lie had *ev
* eral son • who J:d service to their country
, in the late war, none of whom survive
i him. He was a brother of Commander
Buchanan ef the confederate iron clad
Merrimac, aad related to tbe family ot
Gov. M Uean, of thi- -late. His age was
S2 year*. Peace to his a-he*.
-Wo eb-orve that the annual -chool
statement for Potter district for 187S : .) is
posted up in slip* printed away off In
! Allegheny, 'overal hundred iui!a from
here ;;;apiag t otßeo, a;.d tbe e lc>
* at Bellefonte, all of eiti.'cn* and taxpay
ers, and friends nail advocate* of the
-chool > ause in this county, a d the mon
ey spent uaon an office (hat pays a.> tav or
does any thing for the support of Centre
county schools or Otatre county interests
whatever. The report for 1577-7S was al
so sect to Allegheny to ho printed. None
of tho oflleos in this ceu :y wore a-ked te
prial those slips, and iifwo ha 1 been ask
ed, would have charged from $3.iM to
$3.74) for printing the statement in that
manner. What pn <t m Allegheny th<
report dees not-ay, *; .! should, and a
ti e law re .ui; e- 1 we ire in the dark.
Will some friend of the RM-ORTL* on the
school beard Inform us what tho charge ,n
Alicgl'.cr.y is ' so we can ee how much is
saved hv going against the.offices of our
own cour-ty, Soppe-'e :i d>llar era do'iar
and a half—perhaps nothing saved yet
wo have property taxed to amouat of $2 ■
to r'"'for. eol purpose.-, and a$ ■ 1 job
b sot.: awa.v o:V to, Allegheny ' Wby this
ignoring our ewn hetn■ office* To ad
verli-.I this report . :I the KKI-OSTXU W. uKI
cast :n art-, but * u!d be the means of plac
:.g it in almost every family, but in slips
a> printed the last two year- in Alle
gheny, we would charge as said above,--
our charge* for that kind of work being
among the low > ,u;ho But, -ap
pose, even, that there is- a aving of a
dollar or so, which we doubt, by going
away o;V to Allegheny, .s l'otter township
-• poor and low that its own home tax-
I ay or* and industries must bo discrimina
ted against for the sum of SI.OO ' Is there
no office thi* side ot Allegheny that can
do tho work just as cheap* We think a
■ itlle consideration will convince tho par
ty that it is an unsound ;iep. What's the
excuse ?
—— Ilev. Tomiiason ot Aaronsburg and
Mr. Wtn. Wolf, ef this place, are in at
tendance this week as delegates to the
Luth. Gen'l Synod, at Woostcr, Ohio ;
also Rev. J. K. Miller.
All the popular paten: medicines
can be got at the Centre Hall drug st're,
also tho very bc.-t retiaed Lubricating Oil '
for all kinds of machinery. j.
ojun 2: J. D. MTRRAT. ji
For fresh and wholesome groceries j;
of all kinds, no placo can compete with , I
sechler -, in the Bush house block. They ;
keep the largest a-*orlment and best the •
market affords. llou;ckeepers will always :
find it to their interest to make tbeir pur
cha- sof thi-- _'-m. They arc th" eldest
establishment in that line in the county,
and haTe tho mo-t extensive us well as ■
bo-t arranged store in this part of Penn
sylvania. They do not deal in trash—ev
ery article you purchase of them is genu
ine and fully worth the meneyyou pay.
NEWSPAPER LAW.— Newspaper law
says if a person order* hi* paper dßeon* ]
fr.ue.. he must pay up ail arrearage- or
the publisher may c ntinuo to rend it on ,
and finally collect the whole amount,
whether the paper is Liken from the pest
office or not. Also action r fraud can
be instituted against any person, whether
he is responrib'.o in a financial way or not, i
who refuses to pay subscription due for a <
Fresh drugs, medicines, fancy ami <
toilet articles, stationery, fishing tackle, ( (
all in greatest variety, at tho old reliable j
drug store of F. F. Green, in the ilu-h i
House block. 11
The grain crep this twp., will be short |
ot half what it was last year, same with j
clover hay, timothy ha- A favorable (
chance to be good.- all kinds cf fruit are
very promising—and so are the summer
crop*. This place is still improving. John
A. Grenoble is building a new house yet ,
this summer, judging by the movement, 1 |
it will be a step ia the right direction to |
get the cage before the bird. L
Mr. Clarence Gunsolus is looking at it ,
in the same light, has purchased a lot'
of ground from 31r. Grenoble with tho in
tention to erect a building and cage one,
who will be next.
Geo. C. Breon has moved to Cambria T
Co. to take c'oargo of A Hotel, isaceess to I
him is tho wish of the people in thi- corn- T
inunity. '
Gen'l Geo. Buchanan, died yesterday t
at the age ef 82 years, 10 months nnd 2 -
days, will be buried at this place on V\ od- 1
nesday forenoon. I
Tbe railroad officials propose to make 1
a change in the time tabic. Coma here I
in tbe evening ar.d leave in the morning i
for L"wi*burg, if they con accommodate (
this Valley better by making said change
we would like to see it, if not let well
enough alone.
Pic-nic at the Cave, head of L'enrs 1
Creek on Saturday, lively lime anticipa
ted- CKEOU. J
The lollowing report is submitted by the |
Auditors of Potter township, for the year (
ending April. 137"'; ,
To Amount Duplicate- $731 96
Tubal, due Overseer 253 22
065 18 !
j By Bilance.. ............... 37(1 81 '
j liy Voucher*- 4*s 47 '
I By Exoneration* 2 8'
By Percentage 36 (*>
By Services 45 00
By Med. att
By Attorney's Fees 10 00 ,
085 18
To Ain't Duplicate $655 02
Cr. I
By Voucher* 526 20
B f >■ rvkm 45 00
By I'orcentage 32 77
Bv Exuin ration* 4J
By Balance 51 44
655 '.EL
S U P E It V IS O L'.S.
To Arn't Duplicate- $Ol6 I I
By Order Peter Shifflar 150 :'<o
By Order Peter .Shilller 127 13
By Arn't of work 516 18
By hxonerations 7 18
By Services 58 75
By Damages for fences 5 50
By Percentage - 21 78
By balance 40 42
940 44
To Arn't of Duplicate and Orders. S'JO)i()FI
To Balance..- - 3 11
909 17
liy Order John Sweeney 105 76
By Order Robt. Leo 89 22
By Work ..! 645 94
L by Services 87 50
by Exonerations...- 298
i by Percentage 721
by Cost paid suit of Ishler & Bil
neij 9 56
By Cash....— 10 00
By Posts and Boarding 100
1 909 17
We, the auditors of Potter township,
t certify that the above accounts are correct
to the best of our knowledge and belief.
jun 5 Auditors,
it I t)KMO< RATI' OoiNlY Cos VKM ||V,
• Th > d.-b .at >n the 14th of Sep
< la*!,- to th Democratic t'ountj
Convent > ii, are rcqur to t to moot nl thi
it Conrt Houo, In Rellcfont#, on Saturday
I Jutta'JDl, IS*', *! 1 o'clock, P. M , for tin
• purpose •( electing two repr* -dilative .lei
• ej-ate* (• the Democratic State C.>nvon<
r Hen, to lm held at Harrisl'tirg, and throe
t Senatorial conferees to ekooe a Sonatori
- at delegate to the uar, and to act upon
• rueh other matter at may ha brought be-
tore the convention, A full nttondanco i*
r roqueted. Mm. HAMILTON,
■ Jam** Mi-Ci vin, Chairman Co. Can
Mvi its or ritx DKVOCRATIO Coi-NTT
1 Co MM ITT i.' Pursuant to tho call of the
Chairman, I>. F Fortney, Esq., therein*
a meeting of the Democratic Couatv C on
mitten at the office of Mr. Fortney, In
Bellefonte. on Saturday, the 7th instant.
The fallowing member* at" the commit
tao were preaent:
Bel efoate. South wie l Author Brawn.
Relloronle, We>t ward \\ illiam Harper.
Belt ai . North ward—J. W. (i phart
for P Kline
I'nienvilie A 1 Leathers.
Philipsburg L. ii. Lingle
Bet ret I'riah Stover for It. C n'y.
Br g- J -ej 1 Noff.
I'oilege Michael tlroye,
I'urtin William Mann.
Fergus in, old (ire. ret It. G Brett !er
Albert Hoy.
lUrri- Fergus l'ottar.
Huston— Paniel Irwin
Liberty—William 11. Gardner.
Marion I. S Fraine.
tliles i'yr> : - Brumgard
l'otter, North precinct Jno (UutWOI
Cotter, South precinct W IU. From.
Itush T J. Punkie.
Snow Shoe ,1 11. Holt,
spring Carry Oent.r!.
Worth tjuil • -. Williams for G rg
it. W.lliam*.
Walker—Satnuel Docker.
After due c deration it was doeiuoc
advisable : reconvene the county can
tea'.i.a . the purpose of electing dele
gut •• to the State Convention, on Satur
day, the'.St instant, aud a resolution re*
[uniting tho Cre* ti, at to fix hi* call upe*
that day wa* pasted. The next bu-ine*-.
before the committee was the apportion-)
mer.; of delegate* from the various d:s-j
triets of tho ceantv, to the county eor.v en-)
tian, bused upon the vote for Governor.
last I*l', a re juircd by the rule* of the
>arty. The aoiuber of delegate* allotted
by the c >mmittce t > each election d.strict
uatil th next election for Governor of
the State i- a* follow* :
Districts. N vele*. No. del.
1 Bollefente, N. W M -
2 Bellefonte, 8 \Y .. ... 11l
:: Bellefonte, W W .... 52
4 Howard Borough I '
5 Mile* burg Borough... -5
| 6 I'hilipsburg Borough. HI
[ 7 I'nionville Borough... S2
8 Benner Township 166
(t B 'ggs Township - 16®
10 Burnside Township... 2b'
II Curtin Township 52
CJ College Tow-hip 74
13 Ferguson—eld - Id!'
11 Ferguson—new >*."
15 GreggTownsbip 276 5 o
Hi Halt Moon Township.
17 Hainc* Township 31
IS Harris Township 1— 1
It* Howard Township...- srt
2l Liu-tun Township 51
til Liberty Township—.. 57
22 Marion Township '.li
23 Miles Township—— 21' 5
'-'I Patton Township 41 1 I
".j Conn Township 2SB
2f. C tter, N rt Twp... 171 3 <
27 Cotter. South Twp. .„ I'M
t> Hush Township lf*>
29 Snow Shoe Township. 75 2 '
50 Spring Tewnship l'.'l 1
31 Taylor Tewnship 4 s 1 t
32 I nioa Township fit*
■ ! Walker Towaship— 202 4 J
;i Worth Township —. 70
3,827 77
D. F. FORTNEY, Chairman.
Tic Sen tenet of Death I'aaed l*j>ou .
When he Takea a Dose of Strych- 1
nine. i
Philadelphia, June 3.—Quite an excite
ment was caused this afternoon in the
cou of oyer and terminer, whon E iward ,
Parr, convicted of the murder of his
daughter, WI ; brought inte court la re
ceive p.s n'.'T. o of death. While the
judg was pronouncing the lenience, it
wi< noticed that Parr placed a bottle to 1
his lips and drank the content*, and in a 1
moment fell over. The court room was '
at once cleared, and tha ippnrently life
lc-- - for:., of Pi.r eenveyed to *n adj n
ir.g room. It was stated that he took a '
dose el strychnine. Ke*tarati*es were at
once appli" 1 and medical aid summon
ed. |
At or.e o'clock Parr appear* to bo lotne*; j
what improvi 1, but it is not thought th*t
he can recover. Barney and Edward;'
Parr, hi t r.were arrested to night on 1
suspicion of having furnished their father '
with the poison. l'
Chicago, June N— At half-past one ,
o'clock the cashier of the Illinois Central j ]
railroad company made up a package of .
slo,iMt). all in hills, and alter wrapping it
up in a couple of newspapers intrusted it ,
to two young men, nam>-d Harry A. Han- ■,
son and Carl Wilson, to convey it to the ,
Merchants' loan and trust company's .
bank. Hanson carried tho money under |
his arm and had just reached the alley be
tween Wabash nab Michigan avenues,;
when they saw two men coming toward
them. i!
They had come to the alley when the
men separated, going one on each side of
the messengers. L
Suddenly and without a word of warn
ing the men hurled a couple of handful!*)
of red pepper in the eyes cf tho boys, then {
by mean*of a heavy sand bag about a
foot h>ng knocked their helpless victims
down, and snatching the money package (
from Hanson, started south through the
alley toward Madi son street on a dead run, j |
Wilson recovered first, and gaining hi*,
feet started after the bold highwaymen,)
shouting "-Stop thief! They did not stop, (
however; and being partially blinded by| (
tho pepper, Wilson quickly lost sight of
them in tho alley, llanion was so badly'
used up he could hardly speak. His eyesj
were red and swollen arid hi* clalhe* cov
ered with red p<-|iper. Wilson was not
•julto •<> badly off and told his story nuiet- 1
ly and distinctly.
The three Chicago robbers who tool,
SIO,OOO from a bank mesenger, have boea |
Six Killed und Several \\ oumled. ,
Savannah, .June 8 - A terrible riot took !
place thia afternoon atM'lntosh, Liberty
county, a station on the Atlantic and Gull;
railroad, between a party of negro excur 1
sior.i-ts from Bryan county and negroe
bel nging in M'lntosh. The trouble be-:
gar) in a light between two negroes, when :
John ltandale, captain of a negro militia!
company from Bryan county, which com
pany formed part of tho excursion party,
were ordered to charge. Tho company •
obeyed the order, bayoneting everybody;
within reach. Tho captain himself kill
ing one man by running nis sword through
him. There v.a- intense excitement at
this outrage and the M'lntosh negroes
rallied and drave the military company
Into the cars, opened fire on them and
killed lour and wounded n large number
of others, and only stopped shooting
when the train was drawn out of range.
They tried to prevent the train from leav
ing by tearing up the truck, but failed.
All the parties engaged were negroes.
Bt. Petersburg, June 9.—-The sentence■
against Alexaader Seloviefl, who attempt-]
ed the assassination of the Emperor of,
ltussia, on the 14th of last April, and was
convicted on the Otb inst. before the su
preme tribunal ofbelonging to an associa
tion for the overthrow of the state, was
carried out to-day. He was hanged at 10
o'clock this morning in the Smolenski
, held.
'* W ilmington, Prl , Juno K A Mr,
• v llonoro I.sey wa during front hero t
'e her home o> Chi tor c-'untv, P'-nnsyl
p-'vanin, "n-t ev.uit s: tho content* the
carriage, eelt.n nnd draw, were ignited
'*> by a match, and i no intant the who!<
interior of th. vehicle ** In a Ma*., 'he
'c' horse heeeniiag frightened run aw.v. .at!
before it was •lopped Mm Lacy we* liter
" ally r.u-toit alive, hci 'eh I ing horn
K led to a crisp. She die 1 early thi* tnurn*
, TWO Ml' KIM. K I KS I V Mil I.D I N
NEW At K \ KM.
| Santa IV. June > On \\ edne. .a,
, 'night, m 1,0, \ p<a>, an lla an, who U
fall murdered a FRENCHMAN *DI * MO
.'•an woman and woo > entcuect| to to
hanged, ha! was - ib-.quenllv allowed n
, new trial, and a Mexican wheel W i
netday murdered n man, were taken mil
the jail and hanged on the public -quart
'bv citixens, The I odic, were all I hat
ing yesterday aa.rning
Naihville. Tena , dune I A letter dat
ed Snulkville, Juu, T, a> received here
bv the I aited State* revenue collector an
aouncing that l'ni'.t-d Stale* l)epaty t'o -
r loel.r Jam- -M. IVavi* and • x liifn were
killed on the Ist iuat . by moonshiner,,
in aiiibu*! , nine m e> - uth of that
t'ataa *, May A x - have In
received here •tatiiu' th it - uia - •
tlt-ure* have opened en Mt Ulna I't e
deed oilava is now very n: a-.v. arui |
dreaming towards t ie ILv r Aicantaria
devastating the village Albia A long
continuance of the erupt :i - pre a 1 a
Rome, May 1 rilirty I•*' , rat Is bar,
epeaed in Ona 'I ■*\ vor - v-al .
mile*, *rid all pour forth lava. The orup-l
lion of \ fsuviu* is a - incr^a*iag.
j A Man Fstslly Shot at a Pio-Nic,
! W', \V. \'a.,Juiia r -WL.c at
tending tho pic-nie of the Leisure Boat
:Club on Saturday everting, Jaui.- >mit.
'got into a fight wit! an rug '
mith, his lather, wen! to hu nnitUa.e
i when the rough, .rnt-d e.i him. "l'aud.v 1
I Ni ichoh, drew a revolver, when it wa |
I snatched eat of hi- hands by Wi.lia'U' 1
Clator. who shot Dan , 1 Smith fatally, the 1
ball penetrating tho bowel,. After the] I
'-hooting, Smith wa, terribly pounded l#> ,i
NichoL and William n:.J J . r t't.d r 1
Smith i* lingering, but physicians say he'j
cannot possibly survive, N.cholt- gavejt
[himself up to-day. Warrant* are out tor ,
ithe two C'iate , tilth I \ .• ! •>•. -
heea apprehended.
diaries Sumner was no m .jitian. A :
; lady friend once toll bun that it he was to .
. buy a ma c-box icl te <V J H-jtidrt-d, -h<
did not b ' eve that .. d make it . a)
,"m re than sex euty-flv.
Wilmington, Del , June - As Mrt j'
Honor.* Lacy wa* driving ' PI iadki-j'
t'hia to bor hem-. in Cho-ter County, i'a *
last evening, the e stents ft 1 , - ,
cotton ar.d straw were ignite Iby a mate!
and in an ipstant th wi.e jr.: -r ff ,
veh ole was in a bit a. Th ■!e- ■ b- w ,■
ig frightened raa away n*d Veter.- it was 1
•topped A!r>. Lacy wis literally reaU ii
alive, her 9e*h be rig bu n#l to acr ; "
She died early this morning.
TxßitipLk TaaoKPT VT I.IIUSON.-
On Monday we >k, I'et. - 11. uer, tax
r. and (biutikl, L latogw, went 1.1
the residence of William I hr L?ba- 1
non, fer the purpose of tolling contain *'
goods which thoy .* it 1 f. r tax- "
Upon enter.og the premise* Uhrich ap
peared and. with an oath, d-'lared he 1
w- .Id -ho ! !'••>: r - w!. - n'.te:
to remove an article belonging 10 him. h
Leiainger writ toward v'l.ri . whe- the
latter tlre.l, the *hol takir g effect ir>. I.- n-i
■ ager's abdomen Uhrk h ir.-t.mtly turn
ed arid Lred at Houer, the . ; gra ' g
shoulder and tear g h - it, :,*d tin
powder burnisg hi. face. 1 : rich t en d the pistol to his >wn he i and -1
charged it, tie ball pa- rg t' • .:h I *' w
killing him instantly. I'brs. h *er
. Ed ia the Twelfth ]'enn*ylvat ■ 1 Chivalry
during the Ute war. Leininger died on ■
Wednesday. -
S.-.ce the great bail storm of Th irsday
last, which alTected adj- ining couatir,.
Mr. D. W Eeiltnaaof I.imest.-ae Tap.
paid a v oit to lit- htiriJ, Juniata Co I 1
where tho storm caused great damage. I '
Jle say in La* Creek and PfouU' valley
hail as large as ben * egg* fell in great;
abunJarice, causing utter detruetien to
crops ef all kinds—that en tbe day after
the storm n er. drove through bail '.ea--
*0 thick as to touch tho horses' kaoee. ;
During the <t*rm a ! arn b' >ngiag t"> Mr,
-lehn l'i'e one mile ea-t of It l.Eeld, was
-'.ruck by i.ghtniagnnd entirely consum*
el, together with .'KII bushels cf corn in
tbe ear, 1-tn busbel* of wheat, k i) bushels of
oats and all hi.* meat. llis live stock wa>
saved. No iasura nco, und no rod* on the
barn, • ays tho Miffliaburg Telegraph.
The largest cultivated wheat farm on
the globe is said to be the (irondia farm,
not (ar from tho twn of Furge, Dakota.
It embraces mass 40,•) acres, both Itov--
1 erament and railway land, aa-1 ii. - close
to the KeJ River. Divided into lour
part-, it ha* dwelling*, granaries, machine'"
• hops, elevators, •table* for2oohorn . nnii
room for storing 1,000,000 busbel* of grain.
Reside* the wheal farm, there is a stock I
farm f'JO,OOO acre*. In seeding time. 70
to h<l men are employed, and during t
j harvest UX) to 300 man. .Seeding begin* t:
about April 0, and continue* through the
j uioath, and is done very systematically,
|the machine* following one anelhar •
around tho field some four r.ul* apart
Cutting begins about Aug 8, and ends the '
I fere part of SopUtnbar, succeeded by tbe
thrashing, with eight steam thrasher-. Af
-t'-r thrashing the stubldo ground is
j ploughed with great plough*, drawn by''
| throe hore* and cutting two furrows, and I [
I this goss on until tho wealhur i* cold M
enough to freeze, usually about Nov. l.j
I There are many ether large farms ia the
|Territory. Tho average yield of Ihe
I Dakota wheat farm is from 20 to 25 bush
| els per acre.
! The eruption of .Mount ~Ktna lia< nl- .
ine>t cea-ed. The flow of lavn ha* coin*
j plctoly stopped.
A dispatch f'rem Calcutta reports thai
1 riot* occurred in (lodsavery district of 1
Madras Presidency The local pupcrs
[dignify them by the name of rebellion, 1
j —We call tho attention of our readers j
|to the advertisement of a new book, "A .
I Treatise on the llorso and his Diseases," ,
published by It. J. Kendall, M, I)., Kno*- ]
hurgh Fulls, Vt. The book i* full of vul- [
- uiible information, and us tbe price is only
■ 26 cents, no horse ownercan afford to go
1; without it. The book ean be iiad of the
L author as above er at this oflicp.
Forty ihousnnd cnmels belonging to the
British transport service have died dur
ing the war in Afghanistan.
Cholera of a severe type has made its
appearance in the lower Bolan Pass.
Pbcenix Pectoral will cure your cough-
Ph<vaix|PiM*tornl cuyes hoarseness quickly.
PhcL-nix Pectoral tates good and bring
Ph<eaix Pectoral costs 25 cts ; Ii bottles sl.
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
Alt avalanche has fallen on the vil
lage ofFontana, in the Canton ofTes'-
|win. Switzerland, and destroyed a
[church and several houses. Six of
inhabitants were killed.
I LONDON, June 0. —Baron Lionel
•I ml go I'lirUtiau, of liiiluuoiil, \ a.,
j answered lli" ]iclilit>n "I colored citi
ou* wlio asked that jiiiurn ha *um%
jmoiitil without distinction im to col- 1
r, nidi nil there enn'bo no <|iic*tion
jthnl the State has tlo to'
prescribe tl* mauuor in whichi
juror* nre to l>o arlccted. He
will summon rollorcd jtirooifj
when he (lot-in-' it licit fur the tufurco*.
im-nt of the law and in t till than. j
tic in it foul. We iiieitn the until,
[who lets hi* baby cry nil nijjht in the
nrmijof iis mother,and doe* not *leeei>
:i iviuk, when Dr. Bull'* Baby Syrup
will ijtiit<i the habv by roliovt inj#itn
piiin; it bottlo coiitiii.; only •/ cent*.
48m NEWMAN - Kins Clothier
L& W Spring Suits, 52.40. I 'ndcnceai # ? 20r. Hoots, $1.75.
J^ ai '£ a i*is ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead
' I'Mli-asi- II"- I'm,,:,J 1,, 1!,,,il 11,1/ I'll ICES mill qL.tLITY,
Nathan DcßothsehilJ, cbtii* partner
im the banking iirui of Kolliscliibl A
! (\v, i dead'
\ Positive Pit.n-ire.— Ihe facility
! with which Leatnun'? Dyes are uei
!uaki* it a positive pleasure to reuo>
] vute old, faded an ! disc dorcd
ucuts. They are prepared by Wells,
Richard* aV Co, Buriiugton, Vt.,
and p'ive effects t "all kinds
of goods.
The Adan.- Uxprcii Company ha<
adopted ,u new rale ciiargi- which
will nrohnlv largely increase il- huti
iiiess. According ii the new rate-,
book-, {- riodicaie, puintililet*, neivtfia
pers. etc., uot exceediug two pound?,
will be carried for 1' cent.*; over two j
or uot more than three 20 cents; over t
i three and not more than four pounds
iu weight will be gharged 8 cents |er |
pound, in addition to the rate for four ,
jxoutnl package*. Moucv jiackage#
under S'i'i will be carried a distance
not over TOO miles for 15 ceuU; from i
s'd*> to SSO, the same distance, 20 els. !
The "jwcial rail- and conditi uis for
regular shippers arc exceedingly lib*
eral. I uder the new laritl" sluppi r*
of money and tnall.pai kage- will take
advanta."' cf the xnre - comp*.njr r. •
biiug the safe?', and must exp-ditious,
being in some iwprfi* ptcierable to
ju-stal money or ler# and registered
letter*, as th- Exjrrx - Company is
tr-poUßil/c i t l"s or uou-deliverr
while thefp' tii ca department is not.
An English c rrespoodent at Darin*
stadt wriu - —"A > tit th 10th of De
cember last a young man, ,-uu of a pro
fe--or iu the gymnasium walked with
his betrothed, a young and pretty ,
girl, t > a j-viidJ.-utue twu miles ofl" iu
the Aeljoiuing wood*. They there tied 1
themselves t gether and jumped 1
in, Intending t > end tLeir trouble* in j
suicide. However, ti.<* ice c Id water
brought tho gentleman t hi-- n-t*. j'
aud be conlrivt 1 t > free hittw If and j
to scramble out. Iraviug toe p ir girl j |
iu spite of her cries lo drown which
she did. He wa- tried aL w weeks
ago and sentence i to three year* aud
nine mouths' irupr -juuieut r the of* '
P!r.laJel|.:.i.x j - V ; S : c; ver- 1
iioml i- ilea l at t. -. Ti-i.ol . v aiu! flx-
are urn-hangi'd. |
Grain wbc-t.Perit.-ylvatn.iaaJ auVh- ,
. r-: -- '. at Sill 1 'l* : : : at I
SI ,1 17. llyo at oil 0 . Csra at j
C .•ago. J -'i* 5V i at *>o2C:.i ago;
-pring SI lii| for eah. C 'rn AilH Mte
i Oats :r rt-b. Rye •
53c. Rarlov --k".
Plii'iu'.alpli .In • ' —Cattle active i
| pul 60 g.'.-1 at : ' I- -
um ■ c. cunmoa 4 1 - v 4 f
Si.rc* active, roc.'.i-t- -i.isxi ar-aJ, prime
4jc, good 4)c, nieJiuus .i • , n-inme.
.. , i f.
Hog* dull, receipt* i.uObhoaJ, * m>4 .'lc,
medium 6Je. comnwa sc.
Spring Mills Market.
Wheat $t x"0
Rye, 45c.
Corn cars, per bu. new, ,4-<
Oat.*. 22c.
Buckwheat, 7 '
CL'verseeil, S t" "6
Chop, per ton, $'J • '
Plaster, Er-utid per ton. fIJ.W
flour, pmrbhl 54.50 #
Butter, 10c.
Tallow. Gc.
Lard, V.
Ham, 10c.
Clean Side-. Cc,
Ha(j*. 2c.
RkA per dox., He.
Tub washed wool tOc.
Coal, Retail. Uv Car, (iros*. ft <A SI 2"
Stove, $5 00 $4 0-6
Chestnut, Ft 2">
Pea. ?2 fO 75
auditors NOTICE."
The undersigned, an auditor appointed
10 hear and pa-* upon the exceptions tiled
le the acrount of Jaie Sw nrtr. and Henry
BaithM—eu. exm uton uf Iliubdh Rr
--lho|no-w. dr i-a<vl. and re tate sanl ac
count anil makn di-trihulion auiotii; ihe-e
egally entitled thereto, will m i>t the par
tic* interested at Mm •tUce •! Alexander
A Rawer, in Pellefoate, m Tue-lav, the
22nd day of July, IHT '. at 10 "'clock, A.
PJjun It Auditor.
. ♦ .
i)n tlm lit ie*t , at th- r -*idence of the
bride's parent-, by Rev. W. H. Stover,
Mr. John .1 Taylor. "! Farmer'- Mills,
to Miss Amanda J. Urian, of Madin
On th* Ist in*f., by Rev. \\ . M. I.andls,
Mr. Jlarvov 'A. Bierly t M is A ll ** It
Krown, both-of Sugar Valley, Clinton
county I'a
Clintin fo. papers please copy
Nervous Debility ! Ncrvou- 1 )• In!if v
DeblUW. * 'lrerowe I. IrtiUhl* Male of Hi* ntln-V a
Wi'kk, ndrvuttk, *tlunl*tn<] Inpllttf. !• Ptli'lgf at ADlltlft
(toll. dßthkMdl h*Adl. wpk nieruu7, tls . oniKNitifini'r*
•>f rir*A*4. TuntAl Thtu n*nuu* <l*l'tllt)
tkntla A N rvr* In K l Konk"! * Itilifr Wins*
of Iron It toncA tio trt. <li|ss|d th* W"UI
Klipstn ami l-|ssoits- .< > rejtoett*lp> t's* (ptttlr*
eyatvm. <*t !•• ifs-miin,- lah*onlt I" K. Kttkr
11 hti I fellow wrai pcr aruund It, i <* >utu|rtpl> ot*
out-* Id**
K I*' Kunkcl'd W ifn nerc' fil ile*'my
Fl,ll—ftird rtlonuftii Woffia i Kvaktl.lkiM
Ijr m i oAtful phy* .. uii-i is* not< I ajo* Vumih !•
two kourt. ftl'iTP lth lie ill nn<l if f.M- until riui"'d
('•inttnutl Mltkd Inlfbtu If TimM : renin o| all
I'Ulftr VuriOft VftA '• ,e ..ll!y U'tr< ),1 *.!.* r%t ..f
lliii itiul f're . if**. Tft® q*m .sir can t<*ll *..• !sr -r
im'. tho iiAtiosit hat VArna Thuuan<U *<■ tlflUl tlftl
I) wit'i w srtiiA. AQI do toil knsttf it I !• iiiaiuu,
(tfAlllpx. illt.lkiutc Atld AlffiH' tIQO, willow ( sslltDio • ton .
clfclcA ®ro.iud tli* aurHing Atid pain in UiftftLiiD'
•0)1, fMlleM At lit flit, grinding ui • U ■> plolUu
At t • I(WP. a-oiiglt. fnvsir. !thlr.r At tlx* h*Af
r!i*. (iMii hroath, th* pAltont gitxtk pile nnd lliln,
tickllug And irriiAtiot) in lUs* AUUI - II Ln*i myiiih
totFA. And morn, eon'* from worm* I I K>ink-!'
Worm hffUl* tpnnr f iU !' rs tuov.* i 11 l*r s •*. I Ml
por IrnttU. or |t is.iltl.sE fr f.VUt i *r Tgpn Worm
writ** tn<l (Hifimlt thn Do. ur 1 I o all ut'.eia, iu> f
your druvglfH thn Wurm Strtns. Atoi tf )AA it not.
■Oh'lt 'iw. K.I Kunkol.2.( North Mnth sc.. IIiIA
dolphin, I l ®. Adv oe I*> IIIAII, . t4 Ihtm* mini
J The Commonwealth of Ponn'a
[Seal.] To Aaron Lukenbarh, you
are hereby cited nnd com
manded to be ami appear at an Orphans'
, Court to bo hold at Bullefontn in nnd
lor the County of Centre on the fourth
Monday of June next, thou nnd there to
show cause why tho letter- Testamentary
granted unto you on tho K-tnto of K. E.
.McM inn, should not bu revoked. Notice
of this citation to bo given by publication
| in two newspapers published ill Centre
■ county for four successive weeks.
I Witness tho Hon-C. A.. Mayer, Presi
i- dent of tho -aid court nt iiellefenle, the
' 2hlh day of MHV, A D, 187'J
, a o. c.
Never promise mere than enn he'
•tlonc. Dr. B ill'* Baltimore Fills have
boon succt*-fully run on tliiw princ-i
-■ pit. For rale by nil druggist*, Frice
i Jo cU.
Dnuiol Rohrcr, 11 j., of McKei*
, 1 nil* xuld hi* tobacco rui*od ou llircr
acres for s•>.!#, Merwr*. Fort/line
tuid Swart/ nloo aold their crop rained ■
-ii tliree acre* for 8- r i0(. They put U> '
'•da. per lb.
The t earner China -ailed foi lloup
Kong from Kn Frauci-t o wiib t, ven
teen Chinese leper* who have be- n
•hipped to China by order of the
County Bupervii-or*.
The following properties are advertised
ue.ow in (ierißaß, nl MterifT- tale, at the
t mtt bout Saturday, J niu 21, lf-7',' at 1
P. tit. :
A tract o' jtf acre* in t'urtin tewnsinp,
with iuute, t. , pr -perty el Harm in
i wo I.iU in Rellefonte, with house, etc.,
property of Ehi and tiuo. Jiarseit.
r\; ERKAUr.
.tttijfr finr# 21-ritl ven levari facia*,
tuit vandil: ni eipoat* rri-ififß t#rd> tirtb
tt Krert M-n Prninnn rcn Knitrr t*easJ>
tint si mi 4 n-irt pum ifinfisi
ita'-ib.-tra nrrtra an tvm P.-vrthsufr m ®k:ir
J-ntrjui -sarnie tir. atftra .em. Uis tin 1
lit; 'isd-inttiij* ta* frlamt Mihruhrar iifi'rrt
C'uratham trr i'rrtKitt§n -Sam!id
1 fte I. till' trart amnitf strt(J rtn i rru.t
; iiad iirjrat ia Kartia frtrn>:r. t atrr (V
ts, 'braa a. uat tvtibrirbre -, r feiui
flaf trr 'i.-rt'r tf tai.t Vsabrr vca iCm tnia*
."tßtrtUwnlAsit, CMntr tuid> taatr, : t
t'artm unt <"ir. tv.ra#. a< Slt'ftf tnul> .un
let tea t urtia. rathiitrat V) <f.r mrfr rtvr
wraiun.- taraa* en iwri-MfftarA
IviaS, -egtail sat aateu tltt: rr. irtiute.
t-S4r|c4rß, m "NrThutt urai iitrnrn aab :;t r
tuau u. -ca .fvarirua Tnarr.
f| r rttr r
9L-. 2- 3k' jrr.r TwiSf Vrtfrn iter
•tudi lie-trat <a t <h-rcß4t rra tfrCli'.-atr, (*va
frr <*vaa!r>. Tea : u. Kurrap tiat hfkbnehea t
♦etqi i a* tvruflvr ht eai! unl ter lutb ft
teT (hemj fltlr*.. stii C'ricdr
trftrrca -sitt-f iMsßf3. aa tvt '.•{rtvtir burib
riat uatm l'.-ilf rea PitiuVte nt exi tvt
-erfttetfr but A fitiEtrftrafs. rathaltrnt rtnsj e.n
1 Sirr, ig t r'tibe t ctfe C*tnt icviAr I t*.
k'U*i net (Vuttia verm-.tlel'i tett t i ret tatirt
tea lStra 9 I l>.', eg k'. fulvtb itt.
let tihrstrtigra.
Okraislls lliar astv-.r t-.etft V.-tira, ,-nv.
pat iretHiS ua tfit -dtrair. a?itlid> a fcttr rra
y-ct: II, fittfitk tßri feffe tea Jctej-t
riar.. Nat iiitiuk cSvn hrfJtrirbntr fcftr
.4# 4>ut;l aat fctte lueßt
r. u:-n:,- ■ t j en rn.-. it t P. 'uhest iteWrtt er.
triSva luuf u abrtt. : ureal *m<|!rt rn per
i:. .f it 4umhJtl aat satvii fl.iea.:thia(f[
tSnirit-iea, ia 'Jhuhuu unruußm tint nut t<r<
fusU ei* v-iurattuut tei iSj"rt! sat
ilttujisjtt l<iih Ana Xttt mt u<
rifur.n! bu elh (test lit . • i hriet.i n:.
Juhu Spjtiyltr,
st'ri'itißii, .iur. 5, It.'.'. (-ssktrt"
Ci:.\ 1 ItK HAM.,
ao r i r i :.)*'■
Saddle* Harness, Brtdies, Collars. Whips,
Flycou. ar.d al- • keeps on hand CoU
Nets, etc. Prices low as any where else
Al! kind* • f repairing done. The b< >t
stock alw ays kept on hand. Ai! work w ar
rant'-d. A -hare oft lie public patronage
kindly solicited. llapr. H|
Harness. Saddles. &c ,
Tlm l® mrel ;!. t
(Icaißil, (Atl| lUU*
Uaa of Pit publU lo hu'. ** A at
ao* oltftd of IHo o)4 tUftd RMlfdtJ r(> .
. < . ' • ' • * • •
1., into Si" • -f ' ' • II- i :;-• I ,
Its t'lJo* vf eift) 4* rflpu a t4 tkiil) V% .' ,?•*. '<*.
'■ . ti rr-f 1 ' R| toi tmsj , c r ■ I*4l
u*at. It ku tsL'i.-* *1 t'ticmrii t, hifh aiiUott U>eUm*t
JA< UH DINuV.S i •atro liol).
Ph.iad-Iphia wad Erie Railroad Division.
OasnUiittr KfMMV N < . J*T. Uta imu sa
U- I'.uaJdi ti* I iIU. i . U I'll ...u*iruna
rniV M AlL4*e. I'.-UJl| . ltBr.
Ilnrfri tf 4 Jr. fc a.
•• • W UiDhttjiprt
** Lai llkttti fieith
** M liehftlft II 'Jtftßi
r ail IttfM
MAi. AKA h \ Icatti Pbllft ' • '
Hfctiir-'t! ,g 10fn4B
" M • I
•• trr *1 W2 i* p a*
I ABT PhlU4*ir! 4 !!*>
nf r Xi p n.
" M i- in
•• air t WUUmporl TJkjitn
•• •* |g.ik H %-rt 4<i n,
K A Stiff W AK
Vk< 11 II UTti llk*(Mi t' • ts.
letrej W • 14 ftK
W ii - 4 im
•• ** M cm l oft 4* v *• a to
*• ftrr ft! lUrrlil Ul< J ! iw a m
rbtUAlclpiiU id pin
I I \Y l \ !Mri Bmn a 1
I y>( k llftroo IlMktn
" •* WUlUiutjsofl 12 40 pm
•• MunUud-n I p W
•• irr At lltrrthbd-'E 4 !• | in
" f V itu
ICKtK MAIL lotto# Kofittra pm
l/p k lirrtn 9 4* | m
-• M VfiiliAmwpu. t 11 -p m
•• Wottlkftd i Hi* AD.
irr ft! lUrrWbttrff 2 4* A m
" l*nU4k!pt>U H-flkW
b'A l,lXKl**e WtllitmAtHrrt ST^Atti
Air At lUrrrWrnif HUAM
Aft *t lliiLilflpbift T4oa n
|*r rrrmll ran holArtren I'MlA.lrlp[•' n1 Vi|
lUntfr rt n .N'tigftr* Rt V >•!, I rto Wf. Phils
dr.'.hjA Ki; r ► 'A* An 4 |J*y It. I'M! ta<l baiidi)
It K*i bV"i'lhy -;.*•• o* ml nULt trAr
U M A. HAI IHVIN, tieatrtlNurr tctrcdrrl
Ijcvvi-b'rg,CentredrSpruceCreek RR
1 a 5
i.r.avk a.xi I'.vi. r vt.
Montandon 7 ts' I ti ki)
Lewisburg „.7.1"' 220 0.35
Co burn ''.2 •
Arr. at Spring Mills •
a r
LEAVE AH A.M. f.\l
! spring Mills - 10.11 l
I Cokura 10.36
l.ewisburg .....'■ 35 12 15 5.45
j Arr. at Montnndon ...0 -V) l.ft' ti.oo
No* 1 and 2c>>nnect af Monttiiid-tn with
Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and
Erie K. It
No*. 3 and I with Day Express east and
Niagara Kxpre- west. and with Fn't l.ino west.
N r (TICK is herehv giren tlint the fol
lowitig Name 1 person lin- U'e.! pe
tition f"r I.icea-" in the .• ill c of the Clerk
uftbet'ourt of (Si-neral Uuarier Sc-ion
of the Peace in and fur the county el Cen
tre, and Sfufo of Penn'a. nnd that appli
cation will he made n the Juno re-sion of
said Court on the Ith Monday of Juno
next, to grant the *amo :
George M illar, Tavern, Gregg.
2tl uiay Clerk
RECEIVE DEIM'SITS. rud allow Inter?
est; Discount N>tr; llov and
Nel I OiiTcrnmrrn -iocnrLlee,
Gold and Coupons.
WM Wot.r. WM. R. MIXOI.K.
Pres't. Cashier
j The Common wealth of I'ann's,
(Seal.j To Aaron Lul.enkaeh, you
are hereby cited and com
manded l be ami appear at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Rollefanto in and for
the County of Centre on the fourth Mon
day of June next, then und there to show
cause why tbe letters of Administration
granted you on the estate of William
McM inn. deceased, should not he revoked.
Notice ot this citation to be given by pub
lication in two* newspaper* published in
Centre county for four .-uoces.-ivo week*.
Wituoss the 11 on. C. A. Mayor Presi
dent of tbe said court nt Bclletouto, the
2<itli day of Mnv A. I). 1870
WM. E. liuKcnpiKi.D.
C. O. C.
Dlt. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can bo
found at hig office and residence
■•n North side ot High Street, three doors
EhH ot Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa.
27 fob tf
(Successor to T. A. Ilicks & llro.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils* Paints Glass, Putty,
C-jiKo |in* the iifrncy of the Mouth Ilend Chilled flow for thin ouiti>.-fe>
111 Kit in: mieitiii
II U It It A II !
Tue Sjiritig ecaaon of J H7t# is uoas
o[>Ci.injr. We have ju*t receive!
uu excellent stock of
Spring and Summer Goods.;
which will he aoIJ at the
Lowot Prices.
We have an imuieu?e stock and well
as-jrtcd in every line. We have
at 1 iwcst jirice.*.
Icsl Sole Leather
ahvay* on hand. Give us a call in.-
Mil I Ml ltlttV, 1
at his e-ul'ltshment at Centre Half, ko*p j
on hand, and for sale, at the moil rcisvns j
blc rates.
&. Spring WagonS,
at. i vein ea of every descnptSon made to
order, and warrant' .1 lo l><- made of tin
best te.kosied, and by the most
skilled and competent workmen, itodies
for buggi<- and spring- wagon Ac., of th*
mo t improved patterns made lo order,
al m (searing of all kinds made to order !
All kinds of repairing done promptly and
al the !owi-.-t possible rates.
I'erson- wanting anything in hi* line are
requested to a.i and examine his work,
th w: .l £"id il Dot to be eXci lied for dur
1 illty and wear. may 3 tf.
HINHT niuKKi.miurr. j P. MICORRT.
President. Cnrhicr
(Late, Hoover A Co.)
Receive Deposit?,
And Allow Intcrc?!,
Discount Notes,
Euy and Sell
Government Securities, Gold &
aplOGhif Coupons. I
Forks House!
' The Forks House, at Cobtirn station, is
new and commodious, and is kept in best
1 manner. Hi-d and board reeond to none
in tbe county. Ntabling for Ifcl horse*.
A* a summer retort it will be found all
that could be de-ired, right in the heart of
good fishing and hunting grounds, and
-urrounded by the most romantic fccncry. j
lnov y
New Pianos $125
Raoh. arid a'! style*, l.utudinr CRAND.
htjl ARL and 1 I' 1 lit 11T all strictly
ri -f-c/.i.i. fcwld at tbe lowe t net cash
w factory price?, diftn-t to tbe pur
chaser. These P.ano* m: fe one of the fin
est di play* at tli< Centennial Exhibiiion
and were unanimously reiounnenJed for
tbeHiiittEM HONOK.—E er 12,iAA> in ue!|
Regularly inc-i'poraled Manufacturing Co.]
Factory establi*bed over 56 year*. Thei
Square lirand* contain Maihtishek's new
patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the
greatest improvement in the history of Pi- i
anomaking. The I'prighis are tho finest'
in America. Pianos sent on trial Don't'
fail to write for Illustrated and Deacrip-i
tivo Catalogue of fx page- mailed free.
.'i-eptlv ■_'! Kn-t 1 .Mil Street. N. V.
MKI i rrovrx. p*.
lias been recently thoroughly renovalo-1 [
and repaired, and under tho management.'
ef the New Proprietor, Mr. tiEOUOKI
lIOPPKS. formerly of W'msport, is f.rst-1
<-la in ail Its aDpoinlments.
Areoor.f r . r. dto those in attendance at court
and other* remaining in town for a few
dav at a time.
The largest and most uneridy Designed,
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern conveniences. (so try the
Hu-h house.
*nug C.EO HOPPKS. Propr.
c. T Aimnn. c. M. ROWKHI
i 1 *1 Isßw.H'llwfont*. HtMltlAUiwUanj
gi>n to l*iloc!loti. ami , prMlk*.
M.> U* ca -ult*Ml iti i.ot m® „ tau.l Knglihfc. Oflet lu|
Aswjnoit'a Dutldibfl. I
J. A. Cottle <fc Bro.,
HI 111 II 1 \'T TIIMIKS,-
Would re-peetfiillv announce to the citi;
eti* of lhi vicinity that they are pre
pared to do all kinds of work belonging t-'
that line, for men and boys, ana ac
cording to latest style*, (tootle sold by
sample. Having had many years ox
periei ca lliey guarantee nil work to reti i
der perfect satisfaction, and solicit u
share of tho public patronage.
i'J y
a year Send 10 cent* in 1
cant Slumps for a fine Silver
Plated Thimble, retail price 115 cent*, and
loarn bow to make $2500 a year, no hum*
bug*. <Oi!y those who mean business
need apply. A. T. Book & Co..
22 ma It ililton, Pa.
U nRQP S| nJ 000(4 I** stAtupß or currency for a
nUllwburw horse book. It troata all disease*,
haaS&tine engravings khuwini IKISIUOIII by
•li k hoi .* . a laid ' .f doM- . n large follw tlon of val-
Rfinu recinA.n* * for telling th. ago "I a
DUU l\horse . with au engraving ahowiug tueth of
each year, and a large amount of other valuable horse
information l>r. Wm Hall aa>§; 1 have bought
iHMtka that I paid s.' and #lo for which I do not like as
well a Ido your* Send for a circular . agents wanted
b J . Kendall. M . JL>., Knoaburgh i alia, Vt. linylj
——H A It D W A R E 1—
% E ii
We would especially call attention la the
Highland (Jueen Cook Stove,
WZLQOtiIJ-JO.D2 2;Vrii')G 870 YE.
Y-(ur Flock.being entirely New. We offer special Bargains
R'ILM.\, TFAKI.AM: A C 0.,
Spring Mills O. K !j;
ui 1. J. Greuoble'a Store !
ba the g kkl. Largest slock I
Prices Lower than j
E> er.
An<l now extends a cordis] invitation loj
ins friends, patrons, and public genera.!-1
Alto a Complete Assortment of J
Ready Made Clothing for men and
boys. Suits as low aa to be bad in tbe i
city. 1
Imported and Domestic '
Pull lines of
For Ladies, Gents, lioys, Miasee and
Hosierr, Gloves, Boots and Shoes,
And the most complete assortment of
n Central Pennsylvania, and prices lbs
willcomnel vou in self defence to buy o j
hm . Also Fish, Salt, etc. 18oc i
A full line of Howe Sewing Machines i
and Needles forall kinds of machines. '
Also deals in all Grain. Mar
ket price paid for the same. A speedily!
in COA L by the car load. j
Jas. Harris Co.
IRQ Quails,
"P A I N T S, I:
Furnifure Rooms!
i /.h t rki nniMi,
I respectfully informs the citizen* of Centre:
county, that be has bought out the old!
stand ol J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
the price*. He has constantly on hund
iiiol mate* t" order
Hi* et*x-L of ready-made Kurnituro is
large and warranted of good workman
ship, and is all made under his immediate*
supervision, and is offered at rates choaper
jthan elsewhere.
Call and see his stock before purchasing
'elsewhere. feb '26
Hardware Store.
A new, complete Hardware Store has
been opened by the undersigned in Cen
tre Hall. where ho is prepared to sell all.
kind* ol Building and House Furnishing
i Hardware, Nails. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plato Picture'
Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, tablo;
Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks •
1 Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs,
J Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
1 Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn
- ishes.
* Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice.
Remember, all goods offered cheap
' er than elsewhere.
T OHN F. POTTER, Attomey-at
'*!*" l*aw. Collection*promptly made end specie
• 1 attention Riven to: boee lumn Uude or propettj
tteale. Will drew in> uud here acknowledged Decile
* IWortaasos. to. Office in the diatucsii, aotth tUk of
<J j (toe ouuit honee. Belieioute. cetSMMI.
Piles, Constipation, ,
SR. K M. CUBS, talk San. TV, aft, ■%
•Mr VIRM'V TMTBLK* B kaaMtai
tarn lltatatMhrltaavnarfrlkta
ft, i klaian4a<ral •? kal—V* Ml
rear "li ta ott MWV*^
a tartf* Mi *b i ■■■>* |M< paaaa
r, adj baa 1a in1l nadaa Utaaaaad —>
ILL tall l*E IT. II MM adMl*. tat aatafcb
tw But —4 ki ala. 11 ■■■tatll taartadaaa^S
IBM. mmi V, lu (ml Thl> H"" IMUlßlta
An Has f m mik ul <!( akM U aafaral ta
lirr;lnllk} pm aa.
Itmtn tatalnbhb—*—■Np
•da •••! with tW MUral lint af Ita J lioai
iftar Mta Html Ita atolw
Ow pirliwawtlniMfbtf luMita, —a
aials* ao.fdril, briar prepared ta para water.
f H>E Ktn k 7 vLlTkrticbk T
JKb. ixaasnx si^
n ita m
Tija|ija. _ * _
Uaitlr Creak, Mlrh.
rHL lilrklta linltJinlat. Tl Mill.
Ml IwntutM TVrr.w rfTkl, V eat in*
in • • -TV. rw*o cwat,
ad ta t*>ta< or*u r-ea imv
8T 41 Pea' Tbrr*bsci a specialty. Syria!
iivaiauMm to, I rtpr—lj ta ta P.aa.
01 R CariesM Mmm Tbr-*bar Kattaaa.
wth 1 amae ta T, .ita. *a aatatti ißfaaß
l*Ht IMIKI Th I vpeaara •* aaa
A |M" u~ <M uaaaau aaa ta ataa ta ta
I iv* Ofta MVUi *j ita. ltai*t
nRi(T Balaam will aot aataalt to tka aa
tT tatawia HiaAaaa* tk lptata * ana ta
- ataa <m* paata "ta Mtaam.
NOT Oah Tartly Kapartar Ita TktajOtal
Sard. At, at lit. Crala. ta ta Oaat ami
a. Ttata. . I ,V n„ V lit. ("tore ta dta
Ita, tatata ** mii,l imi" ar -rtadta~
IB Tbareatrh Rsriaaathlp. Dacaat Ftaish,
rvtM ■ r*|MnM f ttapamv ata.
Ihmta vetaasietaaata'ata.
MAR A LLOCS fhr Slaipllrily af Part*, aday
hat Utaft aNft-lltll tiM wall Mtt Mid UttfL Mil-
Maw* Wtai, it* Lt Mlf or Hull irlM*.
POt R Sim oT Stuttan litv Kaaptay
aa au u TW I T Htirv MM, ta lav Mjba r aaaab
4 Hum Nnri to to.V> 1
rOK Putinlan, Call oa oar Paalan r
■ arta t ta lUuHnitod Clnmta, ataa . Mil Ota
NITERS' OrcheiitrtoocMmesOßfiAM
ioar errr aaads.
'MslPlrag It luu tie crlrkraui
IB Caorcrtoatap, wO
rh J^ a jj Il—lotahwa 1 l—lotahwa
mKftfjaflffjffn Oct* Tea qf bslla tta
'li pMMMHH YSSki 1 'aSto
IHI.HKs, ClurKL a>d COTTAtJE Oft.
U4NM, in I'ltlqur Frrark Cases araiatra.
rr reaper* FIRST (T.ASK. <
WATERS'PIANOS, aaft I pri4M*
AA arkaiaaahlprA. I>ur*MUty Laaarpaaaaft
AVnrmlilrd far SIX YIAIUV
Aloulblv laaiallmrnla rrrrtred. A liberal
tkiaeaaal to fhvVra, Jfiutta,fbarr*.Sr*aal^
* AI.LXTN AV ABTLD. Specialindase
nirni.talhe trade.lllaalrated Cala'• tato
ALiilrd.Hr . ..n.l-hnud laatraatenta" Urral
lluraalaa. HORACE WATERS A " ®Mb
Maaafbetarrra awl lAeaieaa,
40 EAST 1 4tb STREET. IIM|
M)CARK, >KW VURK, Uaa, 3WH -
/fee# Tr* ip m iflt r