•♦THE HI,U K TRACKERS." ("annitml* I*wrMi'l and cd • llir tlloo.UhlrHJ "*•♦ r ■*"" " Unrrmltml. The colonv of Queensland, though one of the most recently established. ) ossesscs one of the largos! trrriwrifl in Au stralia, over the unsettled part of which roam tlio aborigine*. I hoy an l among the lowest of mankind in mental capac ity and in physical formation. \ cry little effort has been made to civilize thorn, because e\perienoe has shown that they an almost incapable of living a civilized life. They wander in small tribes, subsisting on roots. Their weapons are the spear, the boomerang and the nullah-nullah. The wealthy squatter (the term squatter in Australia it a title of honor and distinction), mov ing into the interior of the country, pa* lure* his sheep and cattle upon the land, and now and then some wandering blacks take what they want. In the northern parts of the colony the blacks capture, kill and cat human beings. tJold mining is carried on there exten sively, ami tlnn* are thousands of Chinese engaged in tlu work. Tlx-*e go out in small panics to work or travel to and from the aliux ial diggings, and an* often speanal and eaten by the natives, \\ ho prefer a Chinaman to a white man. White* occasionally pcr(x-tratv -< rious offences, and, to escape punishment, fly to the vast unexplored tracts that lie beyond the settlevi districts. To cap ture offending blacks or escaping whites the Qumis.and government estal li-luxl the native police force, or Hiaek Track ers. a- they arv more generally trrtucl. They are seUvtvai from tribe* a- far aw ay H possible from the region in which they arc designed for work, tak -u to a police station in some small town, and i.vught to ride and to handle a revolver. When there is any need lor their services they are drafted to the place at om-e. They are employed to track xvliite men who have 10-t their way. or xvlio are attempting te> escape from justivx-. Mary a horse thief and murderer ha been brought to the bar of ju-lioo hy their efforts, and hundred* of lives have ht-en saved hv their persevering search; for " lost in the lvush ' is an Australian phrase, ahuosi synonymous vvith hor rible death by thirst and starvation There is another work perforimsi hv the Black Tracker, and one in which he is eon-t-uitly e-ngagisl. Australian journals frequently vxntain item* to the efftvt that some officer weiit out vv ith a party of native poUca MM! DKMMMD > mob' of blacks. I'o one who d-* not Understand th* peculiarities of the Queensland jH>live, this it- ni i- uninte ligible; it simply means that tin- black butchers murdered every man. woman and child they could tind "To dis perse " means to massacre. It is not verv Uvng since some cat*.ie wera stolen from a station about -Vn miles from Bowen. and about sixty aboriginal*, tuen. women and children, wore all b_n hensl by tin-*,- k fiends, because thex wen- in Bu ll igbborhood. I'liree t'lnntx-. on their way from t'ooktovvn to the I'aimer River "digging*, were }*-arevl and eaten bv tlie Macks, and several days after ward about twenty natives were s.aught ■ rial by the hlav k triH;x'rs. )\ hen a little girt was killed and eaten n< ar Townsvi ie, the natives !1. iik- p 1 envoi in autumn. It may tie asked if these people do not Rsort ti> firearm*. Strange to say. :hey do not. N-t do thev MHO t un derstand tlie use of them Until it i* provevl bv the death tf many of their men. When first brought in contact vvith the tracker* they had no f-ar of tlie revolvers and carbines, hut rushed wildy to certain death. On one occasion, after a number of tlieiu liad l>een kiiosi. -*.-:r.e of remainder txk refuge in the trvs>. uus.ining that they were as safe aniengYhe hraneiit-s a* the t>inl from their own nftomer.ang. They have never adoptevi the weapons, however, though thev could easily do so. for the same class who have furnished tlie Indians with fin-arms couad supply them. There are many small town* into which they an not allowed to enter, partly because they dri *- a* nature dres.-ssl them, hut prin . ipally on aebount of their treachery. "Th h';a K trexipt-r detests his less for tunate Ir-ijn r* of the wilderno*. and show* no lasvx-y. lie pursue* them day after (• av fpr hundreds of miles, and *i., H >t* t!i ai down, one and all. The-r aim i* to punish the perpetrators of ■ rttu-. !>u: Aoey eombin-' tlie powers of iu-y*nd ex le.-ui th-m ar>- frequently n* hlixxi;. .1 ir*ty as thentselve*. and often - 1 th.-n. in acts of wanton cruelty, a* vx ill be seer; from the following ac-'ount el th- de-tkßs-Uoii of natives, which np p-tm-d in vf-ite number of the Oti'ttts ':si "tin- :v#ve police offi---r, no longer in th-. .• rv*N\ had a moh of blacks driven into :i hole. Hi* trixiper* had til* xvatcr u- esmded. ami thT- was noe*-; < for tint miserable Marks. One by • tie de-pairing wretrie-* were shot a* they ruse to the surfacet- breathe. The. *•<> ii. by. and at *t fl it that he v ould a perianal *liare in th- work. sfrij[>inc to his *hirt. and xv tb v. tondßiawk in his licit, lie entered th- wat- r. and with demonstration* of ri -. •• iridui-ed one of the vvretelies to ap pro* h. When the block vva* near en >ugh the whiu- savage buried his tomahawk in hi* victim's brain." The water holes here spoken of an pin l *-- to which tin- natives n-sort to quen h their thirr. Thev an often ian *'ructel by the owner# of large estate*, hit" in- :iwr- frequently the work of na ture. Th Black Trackers know these p!a os well, an l tliey also know that the n-divi-s must inn* to Uiem for water Tliey fnvjuently wait ah- at these water ■ for day*, slaughtering th-- tin- U*;>>'. ting native* They very rarely if cv • take pri*om r*. White ii.-n an* found who lxiost of ♦h- nnmh r of tlie nativ * they have kil'e-! and on- man i:var Somerset, Cape York, his a fen-*- n!'ut hi* pr<-m -- -. every po-t of whieh is surmount* d by a human skull, which li<- -ays repre sents a native whom lie has shot. These disgr.-u - ful proeeiaiing# have at tracted considerable attention during tlx past year, and petitions liave been pre sented to the Qu**n s land Parliament, praying for the di*!iandm-*nt of the na tive police.—Snn Fmnrxro Chroniclt. The .Man Who Ought to Have Been an Editor. The man who knows how to run a newspaper came into the Ih-rrirl oflh-e yesterday. He sat down in the l-*t chair, nulled all tlx- exchanges into hi* lap and •*egan his criticism. " I ought to have been an editor," - aid he, "just to show you fellows how easy it is to run a newspaper. Why don't you pitch into the city council? People want some kind of excitement, (live the police thunder for not attending to business, it will wake the people up. I t'.-esar! wouldn't I make it hot for 'em if I had anything to do with a paper!" " S'pose you run this office for two j hours to suit yourself." " All right. ju*t let m-- do it. I'll show you the hottest arii<-'es you ever saw. (live m- tlie pencil." We left him sitting in tlx- editorial chair working awav for dear life. On the stairs we met Jim Jones, a driller from A lamagpoz"ium. " Where's the editor?" -aid lie. "Up stain at his desk," wo* the re plv. Jones had blood in hi* eves, and he bounded up two steps ai a time, while we waited "at the foot of the stairs for developments. In about two minutes, we saw tlx* dictionary fly out of the up jx-r window, then there was a sound as of a chair being smashed, followed by loud yells, and in two seconds tlie door flew open, and the would-lie editor came rolling down the stairs. "What'syour iiurrv?" we asked, as he flew by vis. "Sit ilown and tell us liow to runs newspaper." we continued, a- lie struck tlie sidewalk. But lie never stopped, lie just flew across the side walk and fell on his hack in tlie gutter. And such a sight. His nose was knocked rrosswiv. .one eye wa* black as a tliunder-cieud. his hair stood on end, his coat was rrpped down the back and one sleeve tor* out. Jones was coming down the stairs and the woujd-be editor jumped and ran up the railroad with Jones close at his tieels, yelling " I ain't the editor," at every jump he took. He J -isn't returned. We fear his youth ful <1: earn of running a newspaper has been nipped in tlie bud by the frost of adv< se circumstances. Oil City Der rick. i Two BUtimorean brothers named Thomas ran a era!) cannery at Oxford, at the mouth of tlie Chop tank, last sum mer, and found tlie venture profitable. They pay twenty-five cent* per hundred for the crabs and employ - hands to " pick " them, but the process of canning is a secret which they monopolize. Wit does not always follow that a man's bare assertion is tjie naked truth. FARM, HARDEN AND HOI'SKHOI.D. RMIIIN. PICKI F,D CNKRHIRS —'To every pound I of cherries allow half a pound ot loaf sugar, half a pint of eider vinegar, half ■ an ounce each of powdorol cinnamon, mixed whole cloves and allspice, and a few blades of mace. Put the clierries in a jar, Doll the other ingredients live minutes in the vinegar, and when ladl ing pour the liquor over the fruit. Cover closely for n week before eating. CIir.KKV I'v MMVrt. One quart of flour, tliree cupful* of dried cherries ru blast in the tl>ur. four eggs, two cup tlils of sugar beaten very light after being added t<> the cg. a cupful ol sweet milk, one teaa|don(\il >f bicar bonate of soda, ami two teaspoonfltls ol cream of tartar sifted into the flour Wet the flour and fruit with the egg* and milk, and add a teaspoonlul <• salt I Scald your pudding cwtk or MUM, al lowing. uup < is>om f'V *\v-ling. and boil for two or thtvi hour.- Clll ItUV OK IHxiA*- VM Hoi I Stew the cherries, or whatever fruit \on de tign Using, with a little sugar; roll out the pastry into a thin sheet the thinner the better; spread over a thick layer of she fruit, and then, commencing at one side, troll carefully until all the fruit is inclosed within the pa*te; pinch to gether at the ends, and tie up in a strong cotton cloth; then drop into a pot -t boiling water. The Motvllo or sour red cluster cherry is tlie I* .: for this pur pose. or some other fruit possessing I'VHKOT Sotr—Tl > day before th:- roup is ixsjuiiast. boi thn-.' |vounds ol giH>d soup heel" in a gallon ot water until reduced one half. Stain When coal, skim off all fat The next day add a tablw-ooonful of salt, and replace on the fire. S. rafH- voung carrots, and eut them into small dice, ihit these in th> soup with cayenne pepper, a tatucsp.'on ful each of burnevl sugar, sharp vinegai and grat'vi eam>t Boil till the carrots are tender, and serve. OMM Sot I" -T# eacli quart of young corn, cut from tlie col. allow three pints of water. Boil until the grain* are ten der, lake two ounce* ot -weet '"UtT'-r. mixevl smooth with one tahh-sjHHvnlul ol flour; stir tlie butter into the soup, and let it boil ten or m'.een minute* longer. Just .etore taking >ut of the pot. heat up ■vn egg and stir into it. with salt and l*'p por to your taste. KKIKO lhT\Tv>rs. — Bare raw pot*!.*-- cut them into very thin slie.-s the short vv.nv across, keeping the slices in re • water; then lav them on a .loth to drain. Have enough butter in a drip ping-pan to more than cover them ; let it Is- very hot; it takes a great ilea!, a they absorb it. Fry quickly brown: trtni. ami brow n tin- otic r -id ■ -ait and pepper thrill. 8)ml koMbkhoC >.*-, pvitatoes are managval the same way I used* t Orellr.U. Insects will demand attention th-- month and every other month until v. g e tat ion O-HSS. Mu.'h f tl e sui-va-s- in truit growing depends UJHIII the clo watching and iroj-er combatting o! these rnrmiis. thily the .cading p<-*t* ,-sui lw mentioned. Borer*are not hatched vv itliin tin tree The eggs are laid on the hark, and the eaterp 1 arsthen eat their vvay in. W hen within, their presence i* shown hy saw dust, i'V gutu. oy a depression in the Ivark. all near the rH>t. hen dis covered. eut out with a knife or probe, or kill with a wire probe. TIIE TEST CAIMKU tl —We kV< in time ndvised the destruction ot the egg*. The eatt-rpilla:"*. when hatched, keep together and form a web or " tent.' As soon a- one of these i - 'n. destroy it in the morning or evn. ag. when the insects are within. A hand, with or without] a glove, to remove the t- nt. and a foot to crush the whole, are ail the appliances needed. BARK LlC.—' Theee, especially the Oyster-shell Bark-louse, ha* mucli in creastxl i telv. Ifatrve fnmi the nurs ery is infested, don't plant it. hut charg> it to the nursery.. an. If IUI inffsust tree has lie-*n planted, pull it up and hum it and plant another. If an established tree shows this twst. paint it over, be fore the growth begin*, with larvl oil. or other cheap, not drying oiL ft W* have used crude petroleum with success. (* XNKTK WORMS. — Barriers of tar <>r printer's t.ik m*n liands of strong paper, put around the trunk, will k-s-p th< wingless female from ascending. When the in*-*-ts have reached the top. laid egg*, and the "worms" are already at w .-rk on the foliage, prevention i- u*e les-. Birds wi'd destroy some. Some Western orriiardists have found Ix-netit from the u*e of Paris gn*n —a teasjvoon ful to a pail of water, syringed upon the foliage. Cureulio. especially d-*tructive to th-1 plum. anl often so to the p aeh and other fruit*, ran only be treated i>y sliak irtgoff with a sudden jar. rate'in gon a -li'S't or some sulvstitute. and kil ng If anv one offers a eurvulio pr 1 ntive. try liefore buying. Plant lice, often in crow-' - on the end of cherry and other twig-, ar- - i*i!y killetl by tobacco water. —.li/ori-vm Ay rirulturxst. Xfaitßurmmt of X'ouuv Emit Tree*. Comparatively ffvv farmer* giv.- tin attention to their young tro.-s that is eessary to secure the h- -t result*. On ot the Wftrst and most common error- i* to s-ed the youngorehanl to gniss. With su- li treatment nineteen-twentieth- ot . the trees w ill die liefore they reach n hearing *ize, ami the remainder w ii! Ix -ickly and unpn-litahle dwarfs, ( can cultivation for five to eight years will l amply rewarded by th- more vigorous growth if the tre-s, and the .superior qixiiit v of the fruit. Some useful crop should 1M- grown, which will perhaps repay tlie labor Ix-stowed upon th* tre--* Indian corn, althougli not as g-Kxl n potat- -. vvili he gi*>d to secure the re quisiteculture, and i: may IK- alternatexl with vvln-at. rye and oat*. It will then - be neee-sary to mulch the trees. Any coarse material may IK- used for this purpose—forest leaves, fodder. 1 straw, ete., wili do. nnd should he ap plied to the tree* a* far around as the j roots extend, and six to eight inches deep; this will keep down weeds, anil prevent the ground from getting dry around the root*, and wln-n decomposed will enrich the soil. Peach tn*-* should j be examined every spring in order to destroy the peach worm, which may lx found by the gum which exmh-s from his abode near the roots of the tree. Strong ashes or lime will destroy them and is at the same time tie* lx-st fertil izer that ran lx- applied.— J. C. Ihivu, in Cou ruT'Jou nvi 1 . The Color of Clothe*. 'Die eolor of clothes is not a matter of indifference. White and light-colored clothes refl* -t the heat, while black and dark-colored materials absorb the hit; hence it is that in summer we wear light colored dresses. But. after all. light colors are really best at all seasons; i**r, though black and dark substances ab sorb beat b*-*t, tliey al*> radiat*' or give it off soonest. There is no doubt tfiat white clothing retains the heat of the body longer than dark clothing. The i-oacliman will tell you that his white duffel coat i* warmer in winter and cooler in summer than any other kind of coat, and the brewer's dravman will wear hi* white stocking* all the year round. The true reason for our prefer ence of dark-colored clothing in winter anil during hail weather i* economy. It is a question of soap and washing, not of comfort, which de*-ide* us t<* CIKX*C those color* in materials whicli do not hhar constant washing, such as wool and silk, which show the dirt least and retain their color longest. In the summer, when ladies wear linen and | cotton fabrics, which do not suffer in the , washtuh, tliey can indulge in th'-ir love for white an> the lowest roots replace th* earth ami muh-h with a little hav, or grass, or tatihark. or something to prevent rapid evaporation. Seldom will any more water t>e needed Kxchanyf. Klow r r-llril* , The (timn/a fhrmcr says A few alrn ple rule* in the .arrangement ol flown Ixsls will materially enhance the effect produced. Among these are First A void p icing rose colored next lo scarlet, orange or \ lolct Saniut IV> not place orange next to yellow, nor blue next to violet. Third— White relieves any color, hut do not place it next to yellow Fourth -Orange goes well with blue, and v cllovv with v io'.et Fifth Rose color ami purple always go weiltogethei In dress lug Little Ned, "Where is ' Whisk v Hill,' who u*-*l to ilrive that oht white horse in front ol atwentv tire cent express wagon* " re peat •at the matt in tones of surprise "Yes "Well, now, it's a curious case, lie slowly contiliueil. " We all tliouglit he'd gone to the dogs. fr sure, for he was drinking a pint of whisky a day. Iut a few months he braced light up. -topped drinking, and now 1 hear lie's in giHsl business and saving money. It (•cats all, for the last time 1 saw him lie seemed half under ground." Win n vou go lioine at nithl aiut tind that all is well with your own flesh and hlocd. do vou go to sleep reasoning that tlie rest of the world must care for it st ,f* l>o vou ever sliut your - y< * and . .all ii|> the hundreds of lac- s vou have met during the day. and womh-r it the paleness of h .tli w iii covi r any of them in-fore the morrow? When vou hav. once been at IT acted to a face, even it it I In- a stranger's, do you let it drop from memory with your dreams, or do you all it up again and again a> night conn - down, ami hope it luav lose linUt of its brightm ss in the w liirling mists of time So "Whisky Hill" was hunteddowii An inquirv her and then* finally trac<-d him to a little brown cottage on a by street. He sat on the step in the twi ight. a burly, broad-shouldered man of fifty, and in the house thrvs- or four chil dren gathered around the lamp t >ok over a picture l>ook. "Yes, they used to call me ' Whisk v Bill,' down town." he replied, as In moved along ami made room, " hut it is weeks since I heard the nam- No wonder they think me dead, for I've not s}-t eves on tin->,tl i row.l for months, uid I don't want lot r months to nn " Thcv tell uie you have quit drinking. One could see that by your fai-e, " l hope Mi; I haven't touched a droj since February. Before that Iw is 1., • • irunk day in and dav out. and more of a brute than a man. 1 don't mind saving that my wife's death set iue to thinking, hut I didn't stop my liquor, Cod for give me, hut i was diunk when six died. half drunk at the grave, ami I meant to go on a r< gular spree that iiiglit. It vv as low .low n. sir. hut I was no better than a brute those days " " And S.I you left VOUI mot lx rirsschiU ■ dren at home and went out ami got -irunk ? " So. I s:iid I meant tv> but 1 didn't. Hie poor things w.-re crying all day.and ! :iAer coming a--me from the burial 1 thought to g : 'ciu tie ke.i away in Ust i before I went out Drunk or sober I never struck one of 'cm a blow, and they never ran from me when I *t.iggr-d home. There's four of Ytu in tln-re and tiie youngest isn't quite four years yet I got the older on*> in 1H- i all right and i then came little Ned. lie had crust him self to sleep, and he culled for mother a* soon as 1 woke Mm. I'ntil that night 1 never hail that boy upon my knot-. t> say nothing of putting him to isl. and ■ you can guess tin #• big fingers made siow ! work with the hi*'k and buttons Kvery minute he kept saying his mother 1 didn't do that w ay, and the big eliildren wen- hiding th- ir h. atis under the quilts )to drown tlieir sobs Wh-n I hast hi chit lies off and his nightgown on 1 xva* ' ashamed and put him down, ami when I the oldest saw t'-ars in my eyes ant j jutll|ieti out of led to put luT aitn iround iu\ m k I dropped tlj• name of ■ Whisky Rill' right then and forever." " And little Ned " " Mehlte I'd have w- akood-night. pa —good-night, every body in tie- world—good-night ma up in heaven —and don't put out the .iglit 'till We gcttosleep!"— Ihtfi'it ?> l*r>v. A Horrible Death. Mr. txhia. ..f M-nshurg. Iz- Sueur county, Minn., got on a spre. on a r--.ent Monday, at Montgomery, and oIV.-r- d to wager that he could swallow the gia-s , contained in a whisky flask. The wager I was taken up by one of the party pr sent. when upon the drunk'-n man proceeded I to swallow the pulverized glass and also a tallow candle. Strange to relate, that night In- felt no ill effect* caused by the rash deed, hut next day the glass began j to cut ami grind lit* Uiwcls. compelling the man to writhe and scream in agony. This continued until Thursday morning, when the }MM>r wretch was brought to New Prague in the delusive hope that a phvsician could save him from his inev itable and fa-t approaching death. Of course no physi< inn's skill could now save or even prolong thWiiff which had lieeti so deliberately though unknowing ly taken. It was pitiful and heartrend ing to hear the poor mortal moan and scream in agony as the death-dealing glass slowly hut constantly eut its way into the vitals. This <■• uld not long continue, however, and death kitidly relieved the suffering man Thursday afternoon. A poxt mortem examination was held, and the man's stomaeli and intestines were found to he literally ground to pbx-es. A wife ami nine children are left de pendent by the fooihardim - of a man crazy by drink. This may prove a time ly warning to those addicted to the use of a substance iwdeadlv in it- final efforts as that swallowed hv the man who came ' to so untimely an en i 1 letter cultivated in the country than ir - the town. _ _ r A Hindoo lias reduced laziness to a fire r art. He says: "It is better to walk thar - to run, better to stand than to walk, bet e ter to sit than to stand, and better to lit i dowa than to sit." A ROM I NCR OK Til K FRONTIER. A Cavalry l*i IAir rio|>iim Willi * S3 a I"It > Wrrihuil'i liinglilri. A corrrepuntli'iil of tli* Now York Ho rl,i wine.* from Fort Alirnlmin I .ill coin, Dakota, a* follow* \Yldle 11* ohlrrciviliznt ion of tin* Fnsl i* ■ wlteil HOT tlio nvinirlr UmtiN of wpll-linil voung women who prefer for hiialmnil* enr-ilrlver* mill ertneiuuen to the nit-n ol more polite position, the IHTO r ami eruiler society of the fiontler litis heen enjoying on it* own Hoeoiuil n little ro mnntie sensation the eml of which him not yet eollle 111 tin Sevelitli cavalry there i-> no cnlistixl man, Charles Me: tier, win me good look* hitve not only tnnile nnuiv of thi' litundr*'*. *• heart* llut ter, hilt ten e e\> ili d tin influence ill all of the towns near \\hl.h hi* troop low lieen statloneil. Iteeentlv tllei e einne to Itisninrek Mr Frank (' Melville, prominent anil wealthy nn r> haul ol St. Paul. Minn., nml Willi hitn mine hi* daughter. n girl of eighteen, who i spoken of ii* quite he.iutiful in l>r*oo Hllil till' |H**f.s*or ol limn* x^litccfll 1 He . oinpiislniieut* Mi Mi i ii.* < nine to HisttinreL to start i flour mill, -m, %. a hall w .s gi •II ,t Car rolton Hall at which, in the clmrae teristlc Western way. people of many social . r.ult snn l and mingled on the lloor, Ihe IT* Miss Mt, ville met tin ItattdsollU Me .ier, whol is eiVisl so 111 U> h encouragement that In- met her secretly ifterwsrd, and the a Tiuaintanee ripened into an laigagemenl w hieh the other day culminated 111 all elojiiiuenl to JntUf* town, where the eotip.i'w ere married hy the li. i. Mr Jackson I'lie announce ment of the marriage i reat d more colli' motion in the garrison than many an Indian as-mlt lias done Mi :.ier and his wife ret urinal here after the cere mony nml the bridegroom wa properly sent to tile guard-house fur isitig " ab sent without leave and for conduct pre judicial to gi h nl order and military'di*- ip.iin Mr. Meivilla has taken hi* daughter to St. I'.TUI, hut liefore going lie had an interview with Mellier and, w In.e forgiving him, proiui* ry inter* sting letter on (."hint*" tag . ar* i'ertiinly *ome of the account* of these mendicant* are horrible in tin- \- liviiie, and would hardly be i naiind if the authority wa* not *<• g.*..!, lie *(}* that In - ha* actually *n his lew k a! pit' so mu. h nl fivtol hy the disease that his ear* and hand* and fiat w . re apparently *;.>Ugh nig off. With this loath.*..ue burden. Mr. tlt'egg say*, the Ix-ggar threatened to c liter cuell shop he passed. Ullii"** tin sliopki'i'jter at on.a- administered to hi* wants Ams were promptly thrown into the street, and quickly pieked up. Other*. a -.rditig t>> this a.eonnt. go alx.ut carrying sliarp Chinese r.-vrot*. with which tin y < Ut tin ntseii i * to show their misery, and to rxort aim*. Mr. <>r-gg ha* *.* n mendieant* with the uj jH-r nart of their bodies covered with (■ittod At the tow n oi I'itkong. in tin province of Canton, he saw a Ix-ggar lit erally bathed m lit* own blood, which al*<> sprinklitl over the floor of the shoo in which he w a* trying to melt tin- ap parently otxlur ite heart of the *hop k>s |HT. lie also relate* horrible stories of In-ggar* who vary tin- almve fashion hy knocking their load* against the walls of shop*, ami of others who licat lln ir Irodies witli large stone* for the •li heat 101 lof pa**er-by. Not eontentetl with thc*e pleasant and entertaining . x hihition*. some ol tin- more emaeiateii have an agiv• ih 'habit of ipp.irently appearing in a dying condition on the thr< sliold of n shop or dwelling hoti.se. and announcing, in dismal tones, their nurpose of remaining tin re to die. Here i~ Nlr tin .'g sa . ount of one instmt ■ " In May. l*Tl. I saw one. upparentiy jw rishing from hunger, throw hitns if down nt the doorway of a dwelling liotis . -aying that he would die of star iat ion if he w ere not immediately r lieveti I'lie liou*<'lloi.i. r. who was ill a great state of trepidation, nt nnce ol ternl tin* star* ing man a small sum of money, which was indignant )* refused. \ friend who was with nn* e\pr>-**-d hi* readim-s- to tvlirve the wants of the sufferer, lie held out a half-dollar, nni tin- p. nurioii* hotme|)oid ruslnal tow aril him. and eng.*rly gra*|s) the coin, which he at once gave to the suffi ret'." Thi* i< tt> r go- * to show that tin men dicants of tin- Kuro|>.-an countries and tin' I ll i'.. ii State* have not tegun to master the fine art of 1* gging. and that they are as yet hut in their infancy when compared with the almond-eyed chil dren of tin l Flowery Land. Hon Much Can a lVr*on Read I The longest sjng'e poem. I Ix-liev •. extant, is an Italian tem. "The Adorn*" of M.irini. who lived in tin time f>( Jam - I of Kngland. It eon tain* la.iNKt line-. As for **pain. one -ingh* author of tin seventeenth century, IAIJM-7. ile A'i'gi, ivniii l.atWplays. Hi* work* aitog. tin r tili forty-sewn .juarto volume*. A lon/, i Tostmlo, a "sjianish bishop of tin- lift, .nth is-ntury. wrote nearly forty folios, covering with print three times a* many leaves a* he hail lived days. To come to Kngland. William I'rytine wrote two hundred different work*, t'lialtners' rolleetd edition of the Kngli*li JMHU* only eonn * down to CowjH-f. who died in |t*oo. and tills twenty-one volumes royal octavo, double columns, small tyjw. The voi uun s average "(*• pages. This gives a total of It.TIM page*, or 'go. 100 column* Now.it takes (I have nxuie the cxp'ri nn-iit) four minutes to r> :d a column, with fair attention. llere i* n good y.-ar's work in reading over oniy once a selection from tlie Knglish |< ing at tin oth*r. Still, just to get something to ge upon, make a calculation in this way Suppose a man to he able to read eight hours a day. No one can really sustain receptive or critical attention to written matter for eight hours. Hut tnk< hour* as the outside possibility. Tliirtv pages octavo is an average hour's read ing. taking one liook with another. This would make vMn pages per day I,RHO j>> r week, and H7,;UtO pages in n year. Taking the average thickness o an octavo volume ns test png*s only, tin quantity of rending which a diligent student can get over in a year i* no mort than an amount equal to about '-M vol ume* octavo. . i A (Jticer Character. " Jimniy-the-Huek." of Virginia City Nev.. is (lead. He made a living hy t i queer invention, lie used to put a duel in a box, with its head sticking out of : hole, and allow the > rowd to throw clubs at it for twenty-five cents n throw the bird Is longing to whoever shonh liit it. The ducks would of coursi ••duck" their heads just before thestieki whizzed along, and it was not oftenei than once in six months that Jiinmt would lose. The following i* hi* ept t?ipii: "OM Jimmy's weary hones ar now resting peacefully under the sage brush. I/*t us hope that when tin trump of the resurrection shalleehoovei tin' rugged peak of Mount Davidson In will be able to pop his head up like tint famous duck, anil should the devil ap pear and make a grab for the old man may he dodge hack successfully." A bald Cincinnati woman does no • cover the hare top of her head with falsi hair, or hy combing her own linir ove it. but appears to lie proud of theihs tinction that it gives her in public as semblages. for she always removes he bonnet. The effect i* strikiug. The total municipal debts ofTtr I'nited States range between sl,ooo,ooth 000 and $1,500,000,000. SUMMARY Of NKWN (Attorn and Middlo StAtot. At thd Utby ihov in New York 100 Inlintl, , Ol YWftOtMl | l'40lt> hih! iiiv ol lotigv, I (Ht||||ottN| iO| Cllffll }'!*• 11l n (MHlllllllliMAth'll I oiiiiiiittrr,' tli§ RiiMiNU cnHtltil ill New liiii lcri tbtiwtiiiii , l 1% ikn it] .'(ki, i'l W llte'tl § IHJ wete (vnitt 1 lie ttl luaumiier ninouiiliMl to I tiKHf ImmlrtnllUMl inner > wmii fl the Wrie liueltttUhiy. At I uIU, N Y , II I* I'eem, n t 'mm-la*n, |tui|e*| Iroin the center id the Ham |reunion info rhof, ilmtaiien *t lirj fetH 11* wi UUMI n* lour frt*c*>inU, nit.t IVnm Wan jt k*l tip hy n Inmt tin hit rt A rnwl witiu *•*•*) the tUrhif fuil Homtt wrrkt Henry who lmt Ikwvii for innnv Yenm u| *4 pulUn * hotin ut New \uk eitV, on >|Ul itunlmiii. w Inch t An***l gf rail OOHIIUWII, ffthl a rtwoltltioil wn* llilltNluiwl At tha lieil meeting ot tiir thtnnt of Ktiurattion, mjuanUUi. ' hi in to hut it ituiotl ti ohtaui iiuiioi tt> •4 intra Mr kiddle, howrbar, hn aati fll j to of hi* own and tha Ihmitl tM I .tm nl jtU linn A4*ea|Uat Inn Iri£nation, {mum tit§* laaoiutioltn cui| hineii'.at > U hit efth inwy j w lull* IB ofttea , M; Mary liiilatt mul hrr tinal) rluhl wara I 111 Yir an t kiliatt hy a tiWiii tiowi llart thuri; t I'M n AtwurilA ainl luraetn, lgathai with inutility to cmiloct HiterraC t It ml in, liu> i itthat rwftoat tlie I nu I nit >ut liaiik, t4 > Mtxnn uit lit han bftfti U)niual In lu ! ihtii£ liunurai iln-te ara 111 QUO ilojawltl } with 9l.5tKJ.tHiO to their erraltt Ihr will t*l Ju'l e I'.u kit wan mOO tMJO, >t Mtkik -** Kptol't'jwi i hut eh, .Maui h 1 hunk IV 910 000 At the tenth nun ml eoiniiieueeJueut of th- U miu-n Mflk'al ( .ll-gje of the New \ ik Inrtnturry ten > women, all 4 New Yotk fit), rtvetkrri ili|4uUUM lu | inctioe luwliiiua. ilia two New \tk elevated railrouJ e*Ui |!ura )mvs Jiiiuwl furt ra. aint will he tj.rralwl . Hthlrr one inauuKrtiieul tit itulU 1 1 ia New \ ink han uii(Miriwl. j Ihe lu wl 1 iiij •• •I'Uint (iikaut inl lull |wowl duf t|||£ the §raU4t w ,n tJie Olir l tnlut the rule nl lltUiral in the Mate ftoiu nenari to i! J-CI i Cill lire flltieth antiu < rwary of tha IlrMkl)u >UUtU)SS'ItH>i I tktoftt wan trVhlllal b> rt l*ata itrtn ate! at h4atn of 110 Nub* (•ath-nrhtmin, (**nnj*i alaait il' WO iihln iti oait Iha t'tti wan gt*titfaLy' utiwiuxl un a huitiia) the city. the trtal id I.rt*oifrt New O'lult uu.cxt tt lie on July ll Itai tilta nit in u tines I Inn wife Maty Aun Krinliardt (f< Ur. tii). ni> ! hurovl iht rvituuun rrt a barrel at sdvar Malm Inland He neeli i newuh iunb ui 1 had ct\ * ke.ry tit the (>ti rrl r ithru ho Uu t liwt he aan nhmt buiy • a dog IttunUanfi. at tho time of tiir di* n| )*eni*tt < t4 hin wdc, wan luuiuci to l'anlina Ui'tmal, ol Newark, N J . who wan |rewenl tha trial A Ore in Brooklyn J. iruyat tha l'k c |lU * nor*.! oil Wtck of I owlet, I ittt| '.oil A u , ri- a low *4 uotrl) tflOO UttO A New ufk }tA|cr |>tthitnhm latter* and the jU !h* 1 rolls about 100 Ilax r luoie than 1 UUO |- mt aJid rr} rtWPtlhm or!;. >tal , n (hr t u'u euroa|it the IWifl* Mntra, lu fa* Ifwrd to the otup jmniiatk tothan rrjKiftt, while lhatein too nueh omw rnai |*rt*tn iw ui ot nflow tuj* htn ral* an W ere mWltot a > oar yet there are naUnla* tory indrcataii** id an \ r?w|*a } fui id u ttood|hortt Ntatew will nit!**osn that of Lant Vraf, altould tin* iaU ' M-dk 'i tifUTv fnfutublff lt*e rutidilHtn *4 the Innt itt Nrw l aud tho Ms-Idi* Male* n otie of uuueuil | rxuum* . hut sis !iuui) MetiUttl t | the Nffllk Afttl XV Nt the IT*"*-** !AU taern tliimwl hy the dilil winter or late liinU 1 h<* fru|> ul iwi*. rye and larivjf will ti4 h*- i? %e lair? rJteaol in • une iitnite-1 urua I hetoutXcmcrwf will i** iaTjirr than unual, udtwi hntatuhnj* the unlavirahie w miliar, owui£ tu tha rilivt id tha irerht in- ftaM* in Jtoa* ill aatauditkk tha arte -1,1 tto*wt d the >• mt hern Stnlc* Knnttcato rvory w tierr liavr | '.anted mora than u*ual. and mraeim will le tukan to protod thein from thr mmjfra *4 tha C***irad< in otic*, which han alrra*)> sjjarnl in thnoaton* uumhatw in IVnnny U ataa.Ncw Jemry Kan tu k> . 1 Hiiu an I k*ua uthn Mnlra lu there in w iira d'hliir, h ;t not ucnnv* in the Muth, and it i briiA mora largely t die %at* i \ \ tlir lartirrra ol Mew an t otrt ti ut In Mm * motUaind New Hamj •hire the <% odn*tr> in cwu nidarwtrle nttent.oti Nti>l mh; imtu 1m > na uiU 1 lour ill many •** Hum ul tha MMith an IXX mt XX il'iiim Urn \ hiirr.i ji. tha antr-Alavary J agitator, in dm I H* momenta wrre ifirtit til New til city, to which joe h had I •ia fhiui XI t- u InmHta. hofun|* to oMatti -}*ort. \! so ia B 4 I. Mr. tt:m% n ♦ tko ,riiitar'a trade, and at *satrn brjfcn t I w si!** h*t the He ei.tr 1 and t-U hi tailed a nundwrr *4 a-di-nUvery |m|*ara w mimpn-o .Hwd and fined in lUlnnmrf lr wl*iiyprt oA|*t.un. who t**l . *4 alar a* from ililtinaa to ' and wa m 1 and natiowly r* .j-M U :•<; ' killed at flnatoti m lii.lS, llff \*£\n ihto pului- ration <4 the Ilsodon Lib'fatar in Ihul and 1 aolvral it in BU. i& which our he visited South t. Hfolitia tm i §jHko at C liarlraluu The fury in the t uu- of Mm smith ami Cor art l B-niuHt. on trial al Jamcy t'ltj, \ J , for the murder <4 file former • liuahtotod. l*olic*jimii Smith, found ib two guilty of inur l'-r in the flmt drgre. Sit anditral>*js And thirty-aeven tu*h jra aa •rated Caniiiul \i.t u,i-y to ailMlia CWtoMM DM Nc 5 "ik Vu tmuicnac liir*ng we pewaeut. aiwl . vet) Urge Ciijr m the l'nito.l .v. rcj rrnitt.sl in the gathering <4 ( UJtoiu clargvmcn ihc servtei* lu.*tr*l (rum ten in the morning until thro- in lh utt'-rnunn. C*r lnuJ MiT ."shf v himch wo* the chief ■>•!- , brunt, suil anllg lite miss I'he il€*ln.tory I Bcrmon *iu pr*ichl h> HKIIOJI Ryan 4 *I Ixxii*. mul in the < veiling Rwhop Kccute, <4 Richmond, prt-wjbr-1. I'hu lhtUM*irnl i i 4 ' mnrttlc. an.l when completed will havo coat ' ; about 3J.40ti.00t1, Western and Southern States. 1.. I/mgbchm. a t.rnnan living tin a vrgw - table mix Iw. alstut live uulcw (rom Anttoch, t t*l . took hia little la>> and girl, agnd i|*v lively aix and lour vear*. into the fielda, baat . (belli ■> tnsilJi with a club, eiq thou throat* and then went lau k to the homm and blew bit j own brain* out with a shotgun, the latutly | laid alwava livoil happily together, and it is P I *.IJ j*M*i that lanigbolita wiui aufftaring from j nit nttuek ol insanity. I RejHirta Iroin the Northwest lnt. that tho prospects lor Urge crt>| m tlutl region are very fiat ten tig William Morgan. chier 04 the b; Nicholas HoUl, 1 llltlla—f ul l>>* Waher. Joint Mor gan. while rowing n skiff on l.tcking river were iq..et ami deowqwl in eudoavonng to avoid n " pK**'iig steamer. ' ' William Nel*on. a colored man. HIM fined " 3,1.000 nt lerm ICimte. Iml . an.l sentciwi*! to the penitentiary for one yoar lor marrying a white w.mum. II Oilandti C'aasler, who. is July la*l. mur " ! dert*l ami p.I-Ihml tieorgv- I. Monroe, waa ' 1 hanged nt Seward. Neh. About hull an hiair )' la-tore the execution, which took place at Ido - i u a mob auildetily tore down the inchvniire '. around the aeaffotd. nml quietly wit new-1 the r , proceeding* to the end. (Wsler n*erti*l on It the *.vi(Told llutt he aim innts ent. and Hint his ,f tile had lawn swore nwny Ile wna ctail nnd ~ reaigned Htroughont. t At the low* |>einoemtie Mute ( .invention e I held iiit ouii. il llliiffs. n ticket headed hy li j. II rriinhle, for Governor, wnu. nomiiuited. Resolution* were adopted railing ujam I .In gres* to stand firm lor the dee.lorn o| the Isil (ot. declaring that l">th the government nnd Hie State* should be sternly restricted to their t rrapective npheren in Hie exerriac ol j. . •r; n i favoring the sulwiituiion ol treasury noten lor j luilionnl Istnk nottvi. etc. .1 Alsi.it 20.000 jiersons in Hicliniond visited V Hnllywotsl Cemetery <>n Memorial day.liaten f *" Itonnn. Id runs, and strewe.l the graven ol ,j : Conl.lernte soldiers with flowers, a At Severn. Md . John Stinehcomb quarreled „ with lea brother about aouie pronerty, liecume ; r exnaperated, drew a revolver and fired, alui.s.l instantly killing him leaving his brother ' dead in tho rond, John returned home and kilie'.< 47, <4 whl< li amount 3416,600 2* la l biased as die.Mini tine day *ex sou lions Al Jake Charles la , Atwaloin U I' out wna haiigtal (ul the mm.let ol Dr J.*ae|,h Itar.e in June, lM7tl Die crime was committed .mi a.*M*uiit ul lia see's tlftentbnia to fronts ouuau lleien, a IMMIUIiI.iI giII .4 t weut v I lie i uialetuiinl luan was •up|Miit. .l on Die gallows, aa he waa nut It-ring In.in a broken irg leeeivnd while nl letiq.tiiigUiiw.-ape At lilaksheat, lia., a tuan ituinwl bkelly was luuiged t.u killing his wde, and al Miaata, I al , an imtluu called Ja*. k was executed lot Hie tuurdei <4 a Chinaman last Kei.leiulier. A small j.rojMller on the t alias..". river, |/niisiaiui, was iw|wisa.t during a st.-rni ami Sank Oil bant were the iwptani, euginmu ami ail juxassngeta i lie twu Itial meuliomal Mini tJiemaelvea h} awuuuniig. but all the [Miaaeiigela weie dlowuei A ft.-. .Mui.g m session several days ami trans acting a growl deal .4 tmjmrtniit bualunaa tlie Intel iiat.ollni X on l elil ion ol Tilling Mens • httst.au Aaa.iriati.ins ut R-.i ' uuruad from Mtgihington. 'Die lull wbu ll Uio House t omiuiltee on MauufmtuKw agree.! to rejeirt to ttxe House lor prtuuug and iMHHi.iu.Uai wix* piefwued b) Rc| .. si uute c Use, .4 I Vims > nama, and providiw (or Ibe wrilaietd Die JM*I( U- in jirv i ruling tlie mlulleratmit <4 artiolea ul loud ami dliuk 11 itu|*uao a fine and impf'tsoiimenl ujsiu |mi sons iiuxii.ila.tur aeliiug or taxi tar tl.„ any altn le .4 loud t>r .li ink rsmliumug ativ u.gtcdietil or mat. rial mjiirusis u. Uie hoalili • 4 jM-iaons Jsxitakiug ibrleuf, slid atttborusw j- .sin* s.tsp.vwiig •uch wlulteiaUou to luxv r asuij.lrw ol Hie attlcle ol l.aei or dnuk an al) ted, an I 4 Uie fix. t i* exlilbll.-l, tlie o.uj.ot ..1i..1. or imhitjilixl shall |xy all exjieuaea at- Ir.idtng atxrli pr.a-eo.hng, and ill case .4 a tel..ail t.y aJM iwoll to luriosh Miuplrw of sua |wKtr>! a hiltr rated aria lea, he ia made liable tu ptiuishiuelll. * tiriieial oiiWuy, *4 New Jeisey, ami tlir Rev Mi 1 ulnar, ulhl loua.luiic Iwl xii iu lem.-a with the I'irwi.lent in i-gaid tu xrt/l ing a sttcUiUsxl tiiu Miuiaaqq*! Ul Uvkt at*oat-t iiegroea who wnul to tingiate. 'Hie lVewid.-itl sUitcl he would jituttxl the boat Foreign hews Switreriand lias pial had au election on the quentioa ol rea'ofllig l apital puntahnient, the vole la-it.g 1'.'1,T.'7 lor to 177.27-1 against I Tic Ameer .4 Afghanistan has agreed to all • 4 fr.ngbxiid'* I rojewititin* Among the pun i-i|*xl jKitiila ol the tqjreeuient are the Bnlrsh . otiiliiabd .4 the [hisees with sufficient tertv (<•■) to out is li lute a aclcnltfic troutier. tlie ap [- >iulunlit .4 a lltiliali resident al ( abut and tlie . outrol .4 Uie foreign iclations of Algtian tat alt t he at* ward uflhe Jtrtiley tcgatta auiKHiurea tti.it lb. *liowaraemetlr taxrattxeii .4 Munroe, Mm h w h*i u.wtl) provwd va-tora at this 1-ng* lisb regatta last year will he Iwrled Iroui eu lentig Uie lortticouiuig rax'c barwuae Ibsy ate luex liaiiro* or aitxswns II hile 11.-nry lioriop, aged sixty-five years, Was oiling machinery In his grist mill, at Klotw. ( hit.,!. 'its t luUung . aught on a sliaJt making I.*o tv i .outrun* a minute, and Ut uixlxiriunalc irnxli Was literally to!u to piece*. Au v -IglxgeuxMil lias taken j lace l4 a era the 1 ulk.it. trx-JW and the mstltgeuta at IVr (asla. 1 Uewaoly lira lurks ioaa 4uo men in k ilrsi aii-i woundval and UiemaurgeriLa arveuty turn, (IU 1 . i.ng their intnlcrs llie 1/in i.m Tuaci aevervly crttrruw-a Call lotnia s new mmatitution, saying "it is tlie in cast astounding luatrmueiit eier Irarnevi lor the goverunmul .4 a oomiiiutuii, ami imah lAutv of the aattie sort ldu rhirtwv nth regiment ol Brooklyn. N Y, neeiie l an viati.ni on it* arnv-al in t mimla to jwria IJaxte in the (eativitivw .4 Queen V e tuna I iritida) . At Montreal the May or ptewentsd the vraiting regiment with a tdxairlitul ai'ik fiag ~n.t read an d.bes .4 srkutae Che fyw|Mxnae s,x nt ie by Ue- rwgiment s . hapiaiu. liv-v llv-ury \\ arvl lb-e her, who said "Sir laaie 11.4 o tuc heir, Mr Mavof.as an idle |deasiue. nor liair we evmie Hero ia Onr own nines W.- rc-[ resent .air I'lUsews >4 Ut.s4.iyii one 14 the ... l.wt, and ecituiuly one of the larg.wt Citiew .11 the I'll tc*l *ta!e—thr only rdt) on wli.wr banner is written Uie old Dutch ttiuflo, s bi. li • ..Mild t*e wntlru iqain Ue- banner <4 every cit Vol tlie world • Kigl.t make* might Me wiiue bruiuvg the tvstua.wiy of Uie gvoaf wxli, u-4 only ul our own, but the good will ut tlie i-nliie great Mate New York We ar I-CJ4 Una flag as a token .4 aunt * an-i *v nqaxlhy, ai 1 an expression of your narneat deairw tluxl Wuwe rv-Utiona may tie en '.utiug aud as Die *!ar* an ! .*tnj*rw and your Bag mingle then csikira may they never be sevm against each .>tb. •<1 the fiei-1 uf CVUU t. I/ ' yoitl DM -i- I - .r-s expena* the hleratuip >4 liberty ami tte n i.g..4i of humanity, ll they ahould ever - i s I into conflict na. Ih>-y go together ami never go into throngs gatb .-ri-t in the street* through which the (':.- r lecfxtll inartbeil. and Mr Ue<- her, rmainte.l. V *, irite.l eliargv t, i* diwcnbed as liaving been tlie cenliwi atlnv-tion. t'aptailx i\44> was the w-iuuer in a six days xwitnm G lrmtcb in I/H>.IOO 11a swam aev rnty four miloa in the sit .lays. Queen Yic4orta * sixtieth lerthitay *> eeic l.rated t Montreal by a military review and •ham laxllle, in U-th .4 wiuxhthe Thirteenth Brooklyn regiment oei-iq-iel Hie j-osition of lionol lu tlie evening a laiquf was tco derol the visiting reguiietit lliehfxxlth ol the IW.4 lor ue ami Lhq-lsui llonrv WarJ Ilex-hI made thi ivjiu*e. ITlN'fi KKSSIOK.IL SI'MM ART. fifaalti I ha I'limi ictit pro tAtn. l*i) baluiolhn Sen*lr i cotnui'-Mifratiuu Irvrrr lha Saci !arj* ul tha Treasury in rejdy (n a leaohiti.m villi tig jvtr itilormati'Mi with regard to the dims* till iru l-wed on the States and l emtoriea iu IMil Mr lte!ii-xj-huiie.l briefly hia r.*6,141 t-m xirogon. and §S6.tfS"2 lor t Dllettmg ar eiaitii* have lawn preaonted, but not jet adjusted, from the stale* .4 Wfaeottain au.l Kalian* The anionnta rvjeirtoil as still due Irotn the eleven Stnte* are alavut as fol- I lows V irginia, §JV. tHK). North Carolina. 3llfr.r.o(W; s.ratlt Carolina. §15.1.000; 10-opjia. 3602,000; Alabama, §129.000; Mt*si*ulppl. 3343.000; Louisiana. §71.000: Tennesaee, 3'."i5,000; Arkansas. - 1 >S.OOO; Florwla, >71.- OtW; leva*. 3174,000. Secretary Sherman on transmitting this re|M> any# " There .-an lie no Uoulit tl.nt the Secretary .4 thr Troaaury is rtuxrgel with tli* duty ol coliuctmg tins dirwet tax under the priwi-i.m* ot existing Uws It r.-iiutin* fat Congrewx to deride whether the collect ion sluxU ).IXKWII umirr the tnetlw>d provided by existing sUtiitea. or whether ad iiUmial legislation ia n.s-r-saary." V lurther cxnnmunicntioa from the S.-crotnry ol Uie I'l-xi-ury 111 to the rwdenqitioii i 4 legal tenders and tlie amount ot gold in the Treasury. atatisl thnt " there ha* la-en n-lr-ein.".l 111 rum since January 1. IM7. of 1.-gHI-tomler note# au amount ol fr1.133,51.(. and Urnt "tu issue cer tiiui lam ia "I the 1 ruled States tho 00111 re serve ol the Treasury baa tieen incr.-a.*l to 3138,000,000, that being about forty per cent. ,4'the nn'.ea mitalanding to lie reileeiiM*!. and lielievo.l tola- the amulltwl reserve u|a.n whtrb rwmiiplion could bopru.leulli eannssoeland • auex-i—fuliv maintnined —aa fully set f-irth in mi Inst annual report I'hia reserve arose Irom the sale ot §VS,.'4K(.(K¥) lauid*. and Irom surplus revenues a* authorized hy I**. and it must under existing law la- niaiutnined iinim isxirwl for tho purp*e lor which it wasereiited." M.-ssr* lthxine. fr/xton. llnxnrJ. Vance and I/igan delsvtexi the I/Cgislalive bill. Kxecntive session and then adj-mnimont. Alter delsxte on the liagislativo Ap|>n>pria tion lull. Hie motion ol Mr Kdninud* to sink.- ...it Hie clauses rejuxxling Hie atatutoa relating tfi the (est .axth wa* lost— yoas, 36; nays. J" Mr. Kdmunda then moved to strike out the clause establishing a mode of drawing Fluted States jurors, l/wt—yon*. 27; ny. 37. He then muxi*l to strike out 'he cl uiae* repenhng the statute relating to United Slates deputy lunrshnl* and u|M-rvi*or* ul e.lwtiona. l*t— yens. 27. nays, 37. lie then niovol to strike ■mt the clause repealiug sectiou 5,622 o( tho Ro\ I*o.l Statutes, winch muiialn-a interierenco with or obstruction ol ilejuity marshal* and supervisor* of eloetixma in the periormanoe ol their duties. I/wt bv yens, 27; nay*. 37. The bill was then rend a third time and panned; yen*, 37; nays, 27—n strut parly vote. The hill then went to the Frmulenl fut his *ign*ture or disapi t oval. Adiourood. Mr McDonald s lall regulating tho ue <4 the army waa received aud laid on tho labia. .... l'ho Semite hill relative to the trankporia tain of animal* wna rejxu tod and placed on the . ulen.bir, along with a few others ol le.** in portaiice. ..Mr- Slater introduced u bill to . egnlnte intereourwe with citizen* <4 the (,'bi ne.se Umpire visiting or residing in Uie Knited State*, and for other purpoaea. Ordered to lie on the tnble and lie priiit*l . • .The bill to prc i out the introduction and spread of contugioua .IUMKUMM wits diaruiMhd aud anutultcr ol aintuid menu pfti|gMfl- faHoumfid. ■ On motion ot Mr llaj-nnt the Senate took up House hill No. 4, r(H>rll with atnendmenta Irom the Committee on Finance, to provide for the exchange of subsidiary coin for lawtul money of the United States, niul to make auch .-..in* a legal tender iu all *um* not excee Ung §2O, and lor other purpose*. I'be committee'* iiiiu'ii.luient to strike out §2O and iuaert §lO, •o m to make antwlitiary eotn a legal tender in ■iinia lit §lO, waa diaetwaetl without action ... The I oiiiagiwua liiaeaeaa Quarantine btii waa paaawt wilh au aiaanitmanl I hat It ahould not renuun in loice mora than four yeara alter ita [naaaaqfe 'Die bill waa | aaanl by a vote of M > eae U> 12 u> Aiiii'uiiiadaJUo an aaactlbva aeaaioit. Hawaa. I lia hill iiitroiliUMsl in the llooaehy Mr. Co*. <4 New York, to pro,Ma lor liuiibng an utter national raioliilem <4 alia, uiauuiacUuee and pirsliK'U of tlie anil and luinna, in the city l Now Yoik, juovitlrw iluit a eonimiaatoii. to eon - •tat <4 one delogule iroiu mrii Slate atul Tarn lory ol ilm Ctilled htelea, altall lie euoatituled, to be known aa the "t'liiUnl Slalea Interna UmiaJ t ommiaaion," wiioae duty It aiiall lie to aupariutend the riecuUon <4 a plan lor bold lug tlie ealubiUoa It further iiropoaee Uiat whenever the Irani <4 finance •hall Itave eol larted aulaau ipuona to tta cajitUti alock of IMit inaa I ban §1,500,000 tiicaah, and ahall liava a*- |rt-trtel the aum lor the purjxiae cited, lire Iserretwiy >4 the Tieaaury •hall |tdr>), alter l*vuieot, kuwavrr, <4 ail other itaiaidiea ut aaid oorjM>rmUou At the cliara ut the etiolation, the board <>( finance aie required to aulitnit, in n , i port to Ibe Pieanienl ol the failed tMatea, !le linanaial reauila ol tha ethtbiteni. The tail 4o twpaai and amend the law* relat ing lu Hie trwusler .4 esses 111.11. Sl-.te U> Kwi eial e.nirts rame up hut Hia ItapuUloaii* IS lostng mvuta. a flail <4 the llouaa waa pro camtrat with, duruut which the morning hour exp.nvt. and the lull went over without action Discussion td tha Warner silver tall waa iesuine.l. sad amatutmeiits wna ad.q4ad luak lug §JO tha m.milium UeitotninaUun <4 ulvei . eitin. ales and sinking .ml the provision lor issuing t Wei.tr per cent more rwlifii atm than - thete ia bullion and coin in Ilia ltoaaury Aiiieiidiueiita sinking t-ixl ilia pro. ialou pet Itiittnig Hie payilieiil ol Hie public debt in cor lificatlwi and sinking out the wbole section was rrjeetad Ad|(eirrtad The House au tost iqam U*s tatuaiuuig aar lion* uf Uir Wai iw-r silver bill, and an iiitmui t.onal i-ouferem Mi tfi artier deuianded tlie previoita question oti the toil iiw ItapuUi. .alia tUsuni Ui liave Ha- tall r*wul ami U> "fit'l amendments, whteh waa rriuam), when they .lerUnta! to v otc. leaving the In ma# rq*wlaK> w Kb. sit a quorum Ibe aargouut-ab-arma was orxleml to bnug Ul abavat Biriiihris i Mill • •me absentees were brought in. ami the ma p Hit) <4 l hem egi-uaed themaelvea on lli# plos uf --jiuiga ot kaqp i ' Tin dnadiurk win. li followed iitaled all ligbt Altet all almost rontitumus aeaaicm ul tweu tV-fo.tr hour* the Kouac [Mowed, by a vote 4 114 to W7, and niter many da>a .4 detmta ami fibbustetiag nisi miKti atueniiueol, the tail presented by Ml Warner, of Ohio, uiaku-g the standard dollar <4 4121 g'wio a legal laudarlur all .let its, public and prtvale I'udei the bill llm at I>nr itoifaxr will be reeoivwd lot eaatwms dun*, and w usml in |rt at haul in |4> - ing Uileieat on the Ism-led del it fiulwidiary man may alao tie exchanged lor legal tender, whan presented In auaw n<4 liwa than ffM) t ertxfb-atrw to |ili<* .lrpoaitxng bullam lor (Siltiage ami cntiflcaltw trj rr-etiling co>u in the 1 rena.iry w ill be lasued. hut-h claaavw Id be ranvxlils lor duties tai inq/wia Tituv—Twelve o'cjiek Site—" (iiorge, ar- \<>u In cxliibi! ill lire "log >" Hi —"No; why?" Slie—"tih, nothing, only )< are such art m*rknl)l<-fine ' twd tcr Kxit )ung nran. * Dr K. B- K'ailc, in hi* JJntUh MunWy, *ay* the tcaniii nt-huus>* rcfortu inaugur al. J in New York i a good iuovqrutit, liul that while " wcH-Co-do pcv.jih" gener ally an- Iwx-oming wild over the plans for delivering the poor from Urt-ir ill vetttilniod apartuii-nts, their own hoUaus. . hur> hi *. lci lun -rxM.uu. bin. reofaiuius"- ment. t. , ar<- choked w ith f>ul air. In mokt of our large tharxhe*. in cold w.wther, more attention is gi*'® warmiii than to the purity uf lire air. Va a rub-, the ici lure-room* of ■emltlciita. and a* a preventive .4 the various I lot ui* >4 malarial disease In three j> (ioii .4 the M'at and South where complaint* <4 ! this luxluro prevail, and in lite U-i-xca, it tx t |wrtt>*ulariy ealeemed lor the pi-utective il.fiu- cace which it excrte; ami it lias heen very w ideir adoptnl a* a sutatitutr for tlie .langrr ! MI aud rxi-iifiarativrly UM-tterlive alktthnd. ' sl;>hatc ul quinine. iffiyairaui* have not uccu among the last to rutimlr its menta, ! .imt I lie emphatic pl'llla Si tuWel iiwlorseinents . which it ha* nvriiel have ailded te the tv-pu ; tatiun U lias obUune.l at Imuu- and abroad A Mfrstrr) i-X|xialurl. Parlor acetic Mi's Be wn, who has *jnt the sutmnrr i.mong the \t htte mounta-i-s in •awxixh ol health. % aud who seeitxs to Have searched the whole mountain si-le wuliout be ihg aide to find a Jaiir .4 blooming checks or ati inch <4 healthful skin; Mrs. White, who lias rem xine I i t home because her hualsxtid j coui-i not afloril to go. Uit wl/ae Iresh cxwn ' | dex(on and bright t-> es seetti to have caught their bloom and fWwn mountain '.iri'iatee. Mra.lt.—Dual me, Mrs. Mhile, hu wel ivwt are haxkiug' If you will tuff think Uie tuqiertlnent. let me s-k how run can kwq. so healthy in this drsaxdlul city ? I liave been tu the \\ bits mountains, gu tliure every summer. : in fatct. and 1 can't keep off the durtor'i list at Hwt. Mrs W. (smiling)—Fll tall whole set-ret, Mrs. Brown. YXMI remember bow 1 pxaxrl) 1 aas last spring, some days even !*•- | uig confined hi toy bl Dr told Mr to aevnl me to the mountains, hut I knew ' he ooukln't afford it, and 1 tried jDr. Pieix-e'a I Favorite Prescription. Its . Act* war.- wo j marvelous tinxt I also tri.- better than six week* at the White mountain# b>r a sick woman I have j only heen ont ol Hie city aw eek during the : whole summer; (iiext my husband and I went to It Ulslii txtul *topp.l at Dr. Pierce's Inva lids' and 1u i*t*' ll.del. The laxth* aud me cberaiea) ajiparatn# tor treating patienta w.-re al.Mie worth gwiqtßeaeh-s. our ae-om iii.ala'iuiit ware hettur than we had at I/mg Branch I a-1 year, and the drive# and scenery are suj>erti. T/-t me ndvi*c yrni to use Dr. Piere • F.ivonte l"reaeripti nd luxinchiixl complaint*. Hall's Balsam for tlie Lung*, which runs couaumiHiou. I iron chiti*. pueutuutua. |deutisy. labored breatlung and other disorxiers of the respiratory organs A In 11 a rough tnanileata itself, the early use 4 H is beneficent ineilicine ia earnestly recom mended, a# the difficulty i tuure easily over coin, in its incipient stage Hum later on. Sold by all druggists Brown's Bronchial Ttxx-hea.yor pulmonary and asthmatic ,disorders, have proved their aflV-ary hy a lest nt tntray yaara. and have rcsw-ived teatimonieU Irom eminent men who hav* naed them. Twenlv-flve cents a box. Chew Jackson's ltt Sweet Nxn .'.viraxn. -moke IMgw'a"Sitting Bull Dnrhani l'.bacc- THE MARKET. saw to tu. Hsef rtattte M*.t. Nsllx.#. ttxe wt 'q 4 !<>H I L'sivs# Htste M.lk C V 4 ®1 < x < tamtia ' URIx # 09 , Uugs—Live ®"V4 OS, llrewed ®4V4 0 y Flour—Kx State, good to fancy.... (OS .4 6 75 Western, go"' to f4ncy S S >4 7 0 Whrat "40. I tle-1 117 all* White stale. 11* <• 1 1* lire -Mute ft.lV-* ' lUrley-Two Ruxre.l sivte • i 4 *1 I . orl: — rncrs.l.' ! Western Mixed.... S 1* 4 Southern Yellow. *7 I* 47 .>als -Wtltle State... SV* 40 Mix#' West, rn Wtt .* S4\ Hxy—lUU4 Qrs te* k .4 "XI sirsw--l/in* llye, per •• 4 .4 4* i lls-state, new crop n& i* H , Purk-Meoa •• * 9 U4 ' Lxr.l—Otty Mlesiu .' .* Prtr.4.*Um—riru.le Hi l , *o* (t-'flned—4W, Wool-Mtsle an.l I'enn. XX SI >4 31 Butter - MUt.- Hreauiery 14 .4 lit i>*try 10 .4 IX Western t'reamery........ IS <* 13 F.rtory 01 .4 14 1 Cheese—Ml Factor* '4 (4 -ft Nktme ....... ....... OS .4 01 Western Fsctory 3 i 4 0 j Em#- xute and I'ennavlrani* II >4 11 *4 riIUMLMU. Flour—Penn. choice and fancy.. ft ' 0 ft 31 Wheal—Fenu. (I'd 1 14 <4 1 !• ! Hys—State ft" <4 Bit Corn— Mate YeUow 4l .4 09*4 Petrolauui—("rude ......O T RrAn.xi—Ottki mnrraLo. Flour —City tlronnd, So. 18; rtxit ft 3' 375 1 Wtu at—Had Winter 10. alffl C irti ft- # Ween-rn 41 (4 41 ! Oits—Mute S3 <4 33 Bsriey—Two Howed BUte 61 .4 82 , nogroM. Beef—Cattle, Uve weight. 04V(i tTVg "ftJttf ,B 4 Roga 04 V i fr'ainr—Wtecooatn and Minn. Pat... ft ftO .4 ft 3# Caru—Mixed *""d Yellow. 47 <4 4 Oxta-Bxtra White 37 (4 4"> Rie— SUte 8* <4 "ft Wool—Wsxned, Combing A Delaine. 35 (4 3 Unwashed : " 36 tg X&M BKIUBTOM (MXS4.) CATTL.X MAXKgT. Beef —Cattle, lure weight 064(4 Oftlf (Uiaep ft 4 Hqta <>*S CHKW * I "ha Calnbti*ii " Mitt lII.M* " Wood Tftg '*1" Touooo. I'M ft i'tOMBBIt ToBAOCO GOMPAIIT, Now York, Hoaton. ami Chk ago. A CJJjIo diainlrh to ll'a AwW®! I*rB any# I lint Maaon A llainlin bava law aw ardor) tba l.ighrai goM mnUI at the liana KapuaiUon fur j tliair UWMnot Organ. Thirty boot makara uf . I be n orlii wait coiu|MUUra. IV Maiaiwiaaubw l*iaito Co., No. 21 Kaat ; IMb fltnwt, N Y., all I'UUMW at Factory Cru ra. W rtUi lot a oil>iiur. rtri.it h 11,1. run uu. F,t u.r al Mwaatrr N, H.a ftral-rtaaa dm. aw la operation Tha put rnmpr lara ton art*# of load wilt ! fun p# of n*, una iMwt Bean T.notary fn#w Ml: alia lilt Mill, which M aoa oa aipptn# Owner# ha* • troaineaa Tb pioperty, wkwb It taluabla. will ba toll ala fal i pru* and ala batalb All Itojiunea by mail promptly ' tuaartt'l Add, eat MR* BY O KKMt. Trtaaar ,|,U S II i: | Upham's Freckle, Tan and Pimple BANISHER. A few applications of this prepwration will remove freckles, tan, sunburn, pim ples or blotches on the face, and render the complexion clear and fair. For softening and beautifying the skin it has no equal Price 60 cts. Sent by mail, postpaid, for 75 cts. Address JOHN F. HENRY. CURRAI & CO, y t allrrr Flaw. I. T. ,^b Tht XX la* 1, al Ibr laad, U.r DnrW, U> Ph><:an, lb* Jslp Bar dai.r, lb Uarit own botuaa. and iwcuaKtaend lu a'i IBta'i ia aM wiflrfrr, from t *|*i*Ja Sal II ado. far brut Mm a b t-abi mat. HealUirn ] |MM ' l' - ki:,a* AtUeka Utvr CVaaplunt* I i.uul and fcbraaal** ilrtbun. kaiart aawa finalaM . aond Htftr.U Ttrrml '* Hfn ft Siltirr Apfrtfit, ' u U>. beat an; to ol r* labia ew.iirlar *# ufirrtd to > Uir it i p. fit? Ibc sl'*e ( *NS f •0141 HV AIX l>Ei M.IUTi EXODUS Ta IBr M taadi. la Uw Baal rllataM aM IB# Baal rvta* #M *a IB* boat imaa. * "ci 18. hi I * Mlaaaapeha A Maalteta B y.'lata Bl FuaJ A Pbotftr. 3,000,000 ACRES Mainly la IBa fuwa RED RIVER VALLEY OFTHE NORTH. Oa iaaft una. In puna ant tan Biaiiß PampbU, VUB fall lat omauaa Baa Had fna Apply H D. A. McKINLAY. Land Com'f, ai. r. m. a■. my. m. r*ni. Minn. | GEO.pgOWEL4(O.; 1U NiPMI I K ST.. M W YORK. (KlfcUkf liuOSr liqtfcYc, eplMSltr the TnbtW lluUdl&f j Newspaper Advertising Bureau, j Xew Y* Aceuta f.*r a" KeWltf 1,1 IB Ihe I BlteC . hial • . an. ( anarla 1.11 itlanßieola InfWatded da. )• a* tar* tad) to rve-v nvl'M. 1 tu JteartcaaclaM it Win .lit Iron. F.or.Ja U* Bninb Co.un.bia. Aiao be j * bra I :a .* ab>l UrrtllcU tWMTVataM bpt rarawoti am ft # t'f aapntui. lij i ui< tiorta, in* u iota a.l tbr frii Aallr* fr.aa IVn'.w 1 Arc fruKMn l*na Maatrral I bi upln lor Ib-auty of foiwti. hanbg 1 I < an: tu OaratKii: J and 1 ViH riil t <*7rl* d AWMraB, iUitP&u J.,.;.tKUr. I ab.ou. _• TEAS!—-' Thr rrry bral KU 4'frcl ftoai tbr Ticnortrta at Half Ihr uraai taw Hna p.*B rvar ..flrrrd \r, Cluh Aara!* it. I larsr Hit vara. ALL KXPABSS CllA luift* PAIP s rat un PUT A The rra! imeHraa Tea (aaipaa;. Al unit U Vatay Mntt. Sru Vnrk. P O. H i ASMS. PAGEKTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY of m U.S. Thr frral aitrrrtl In Ihr thnllltn BBtarr al oat tnua- My a;x*r thia Uir faalrai arHlaa Pobl rrrr publunr-l Prl<*a tr-lotx-i R prr tral II la tbr T*K*4 auipil ll* I r nf tbr v. P #TrT |nl.inbrl Urn; f,* rati* P'Bt B l.rßlb ail.) arr all* II x IlH'< M A'l..!*n SaTK'bai Prau'Utia (V PkOaddfWft. Pa sum s*o*s Clio ~*L .€iJHr Ibt Ifl4f - Mf SBMUI at br ' I rNI Vm al .Mm FAKIF UFOhITIOJi, HrkxViu.K illr( : ok-^lfif KRKW QSS IHM UatRUMfS ?<*l m Ha Mfa. |l OA. Tb / -A. rat S.alblr art nratrlar n ff ' I f I |il Pto* n*il. tt •* \ /" | fir rrab K I'llnll at nrfrbrrn. MM Aft. I?" Ewftf:t. >.t lIiEATb *tl 11 i OH •BACK FHO* ihe MOUTH OF HELL BT 00a who Hat km '.!>"! •RISE and FALL of the MOUSTACHE.* By thr Horjutrt. n Hialevi husrarlaL Samantha a a P. A. and P. I. Bj A: lrr.:*ai i"*bt not Aire to raft ran pul thrar hooka la rvrraarbrfr Hral trnnt fvrn AMnr 1 Aero.,, aMKHh'AN PIhIJSMIKt. tXI Bartf.ad, CI ITiW**.., I" HOMES SS Jl cbokf frr-m ewr UW lows IAIHIS tu* w>st fn tw Alio, st tT>>n< f-1 Ia prr ®t-rs. in farn •U n fSi* tonus Iks fruitiUsDil (h4) lsrtrti \a :.)rrn*s rni s*rr no In-l.sns l-n l-r*|*itlus Lrtf fr i . frw t' tmuri Ff MA|* PAUI pVrta svl ftr. inFrmstHn anVv t^ 10iv 1 Kiii.RiiiiiLiiD roßrnv, (Vllf KSJM 1. IFJ lun ' j*h SfnL AA- Maon A Hamlin Cahinrt Onrmna PrTwaiAntrA hrl l>* nt>.IIK*T HOVOM AT AU W,,KI l''h KXPOSITUI.Nh KilK TWHIVR VKAUS.ru. at Pan* I*: Snniw. rt| \%7€. Pssi% I'TS SA rk. nnillSJ Hruii a. iikai INnaaM. Ikoa* I II EW ABB.lamwd. InarrutPrtcra. iiußutfal w■ 11# law to writ** lr. FK. Mirth,Qniary. MI, h a a r "(IXTII-Ai{tiillV*ntl llAbral I Sjallf ""'S irliolc* in thr wt*rld; one Minplr fr-e. uroow A |., lrwJA | HKONSoN. Hrtr. t Mul; <3177 " M.-nth an., rxjia v* guirautrcd io Apenta •Pa a Outnt frr, Suiw I Co,. Aocr.ri. Mnna A*H,' 0r ii-ii ;I *t or Slorrkrrprr for OfSH'Xi 1 b * UIAKBHKA KRMKBT. If 777 A Y K.Ah Aii i • \ju aes ii agent* tHitflt Frte J l4 4 S i.I irt-ssH O VICKKHY.'AnifUNts.MaI'iR s33oo4i"ib"r.siai-~iL;=: If yon are Interested In the Inqnlrj—Which Is the best Liniui Mit far Man and * —this i 4 nnsirrr.at tested !)•. tsroffencfslloßstthe MEXICAN McSi A.NU 1.1. M : XKNT. Tat* rcoboii is sim ple. 11 peui'trstcs eierj* sore, wound, or liimenoss, to ihe tery bone, nnd drives out all liluimatoryafld morbid mat ter. It 44 goes to the root" of the trouble, and never falls to cure ,n double quick timer K Y N tVSoSI 1 The Gospel of Joy. The Gospel of Joy la a arm i.,ua H*B of c*aal bratuy fa* U nap 11 Camp MnUßftl. fkrwrtiuaal M*Uafta aad ftVßday-arhooii By Baa Saarfti Ataaa iMLH ftrara !l oUJM ft laryr numljrr of B. Wkl rry (Uprriof llyama Md TUMI ft. rrarra. .lyla tr %a*y rtoafli aM Might. a brftto a u>.irtiu!' thai baa ar mart lo aay and aUaft abo - U lad Tuliaca of Orral Jay ■" Both a4t aa.w- *. fttißC HoaA, bat Miau aanor of fiw-ooa l I fall Is .unw aM try It. Tbr.r a'r f> to 4,** in U.r at arlactun of arhbk , 'r.i laai# aM ahMMy bar l-. iiapya4 Sft ■tour a-w- - W.mlßf B r- " au4 tha *RH*r a* Ufa." IMe Matoif boukauf ft'ral Inaatf - OLIVER IIITSO* Jk IXI., BMUML C. H. lIITXI* A C 0., KM ftrai'lirar, Saw Tarb. J. K. HITbO.X * C 0.. warn € htdnaC Mcraaf. WUM. ) /' ' f-| * -j m J —J Jki PETROLEUM JELLY VASELINE. CrVanaf JVa*ftf nf tkr ll,Um*riphim Milar Mrdal al Iht PirU llipaaidaft. Thr ml tt.ulW !** > teaardy kLAOi. far Ma '.toataunt C tiMi bo-br m raa. >U mm nil ft. brttmattoao. chsll .n. eatarrk. I ror-rrtrrtti rat, Aan tor coacbh. (onto. tr". limaL < aw— Vrrr'iß* aarb aa i-oMAIULLXIhOI Bft k* I Alf Pit l ' it li baM lOILST r*lAPg—anr aisprrro 1.-ib) i!..;rr ta*. 7K, rnam. c Ol.li ATI A ( 0., tonka Agrata. Saw Tarb. ft and Id cent alar, ef a., war *•! tohlbra. I> arftttta. QAPONIFIEP la lb* Old ll* liable I saerairatod Lya FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. htrKtmi bnagMlHf raa far tot Soft aM TuUrt hay t|nkk!>. rr u rru. wkickt AJTC> #p*®fts Tbr Barbel to 6,...rf a.;, ...-**l>d. irat'lMß j !,*, Mt.nb IB ado t.rau : arah aall aM nafa. ant naf jure MOXKT.M BV, TBM Saponifieß ■AHC BV THY Prnn-t IIABU Silt Msasrf C*. pbtiiti*! Pirta TD Sim OKU CO FX rat luubiuhrd I Sinai Maaeraacftol I Til Sift UtSfBCKSOTS ba** ft Kaodard Vain# lb. Leading Markets Of the World tve-rrwtw-r* rci ad a. the FINEST IN TCUff. OVER 30,000 Mad* and In are. Xew !BaK s ueww A oa, *'al! ayt.. U C. UURI MS. t.i. rl •- * } ■ la aM-II.IS^ MMFHRBin I r\VRT\!M ! KittoKVsnv>prPSMj-N< nh. WiJIMMI DKMip KnUre * Vrtr- I invnill,l . Interna ai l rxt'riia; nae. W.-aee Terror rin an raarr of falh ir: cone for ft' rear*. S-'M eeery- I h.ra. Send for patns.l.'. t Fl a tnttle. w. n. ro*Yt,r. wwmn. MASONIC for la*)res 'hapiers, *£.W : w and Cornmaikderie% mar.afact &***■ r urva bv ii. C. t illrn .r fa.. < ufan 'piyhu, ft Srud for frirm Lifts. -Krirbts Trrsp!;' !n fomija SpacWty. Military. Seeiet* and Fire"-an' Gooda. MOLLER S T.V CQD-IIVER OIL ! !• perfKUr insre. Uto boat by tbc h'B I ral mn li -aJ authiwtlier in the meld. Gl,eu tgboj . aaar lat 14 Bi*ldNi ShtßoaMaaaJlrd al I*mnr. J7|. Hold by Drufpfto W.ll.lscbleßellft AI * * v mi*vreim diud'" ii-ni-*. ■D Hvfl linnfa tlrmrdl I ll ll\ I Carer !•,,, K ii.ev.fi a 1 tor Ull|) i a!.K ll!u;.r, I Biiba-Bto. Brwtilla E__ _ jft ii *il a K:rardy core. Pin rn A in ihe SWe. ha.-. r MHto anil ail 111 Ureaaw of the Kfcloey., ItlaiUar ail 1 I' Ban Oman* Hunt a & V Il mnlr em iiraitea M ere ,tr an appellle. bra,-,* "P the afUawl ami aawd health i la Ihe -erull of urfiia II mil , Itemed) . Sfnu for lumidilet to WW K CLARKS Provhleme. R I CURED FREE. An Infallible an.l nnea--.'.*'' Rner'ty far Ylta.blpllepay or Y allllefcM warranted 4 l-KHWASKYT care. mhmm *• \ frrr tvottle * f of ™7 imp reli. *ll. IP ill. ami a va'nabla || \ Treaiiue u-m to "by • u ®-rer HQ - adl'i- :u^ b '* '• U ' IH. U. a. ROOT. IMII Fear. Slreet-X ear Yo-k THE NEW YORK SUN. PAII.T, 4 pweft -VI ;t. , m';i.t)i; W.SU a year Nl'.YllAY* f ll.**' )•"■ XV KKKIiy. Bptoea. tl B rear. *1" 11al'X ha* the laraeat ctrcn.aUOß and la tba heapert and inert mler, th. k pair n tha VnJlad S 'xiTK WKULY Bl lX to emphatically tha po ple-a family ex<;IjISD Puniiaher. V T CHy. I, carefully bat up in tm tana. to-!J al Ab .1A,., ti.lS •1 hi Take no i'thr. In uae for*) yea'S. WIXILRICH a CO. on even iabal. aiCCn pri.flta no Ift daya' luveatni* ■ t t o. | Oflbaai Keporta ami Circulara fiee. AMran t. POTTBR WIGHT A GO., banker#. It Wall ft, M. Y.