The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 05, 1879, Image 3

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Centre Hall, Pft, Th'rsd. June 5, 70.
jr®~Tkrms.— s'2/>er year, when paid in
idranee ; when not vnui i adranee.
Advertisements tXWa per tin* far three in
sertions. aiui bcrnteprr line for every sub
sequent insertion. A<l Mr tisementt by the
year at a liberal discount.
Subscribere outside the county >h<ul . -e
mit v* 10 et>, amount o 'one years j> st
age, instead n/SKVfs as formerly * tn paut
by themselves.
S ibxeribers <v* always te.l how t-.e.r ae
. unt* stand at the. Reporter office by <" >'
' suiting the tables on their paper*, "the
table reads "John Koc 1 Jrh ' *"/•'*
that John is indebted /.<•• subscript.. *." " '
the Ist of January, IS"s .and that it i*
fimr he was paying the pointer.
otwTM am umMljt S i.™ 1
...... siir.l*vi*lott ihovt.l) <•I •< '■
k k. s* r 4-' A.\*k'*. *♦
>!.n V.T MT. 1 * , M •
...nlm on or twfwaeach roll en >® ' a *
ItaSt. . *tv 1, v NV
t \ lIKWIJUHFR. N#Ct. J.J '
l'i:,vnri;.vnT,yi' * Pf' ■ m "''*
n!I.O(mr* Hall oath* Vnlr Us s
......n at 3 r M .1.1 *
Jv.iVr Ms-'.er l.aoa* IUP. *•'
—OMkteg ! * x No,v "
man'* by one of the best tailor* from Phil
i A good iaating hugcy or wagon, of
M%v kin<4. can alwsy* he hd *' !-•'*
A new road from W odward t->
I Fowler** statioi i* in contemplation Dis
tance 5 mile*. and comparatively level
ground alone the mount*.n side.
Judge Bueher hate* violator* of the
fish law*— namely net fisher*,—and en
joins it especially up*'" constable* te look
out fer them. If would do well te have
the Sh laws * little more closely observed
in our county. *
'ook better than in Ontre, yet not a* fine
as Union county is used te- In Centre
wo never knew the wheat fields to look so
unpromising The drought fall ;* the
We are certain that no new enter
prise has met with such decided success
in to short a time, as the Beehive exe'u
sive dry goods stere. The run there is
tiutplv astonishing and it constantly pre
sent* a busy scene. This is all owing to '
the excellent assortment of good*, ex
tremely low prices, polite attention by the
clerk*, and the general arrangement of
every thing connected with Xlr. Banland's 1
store, who himself is every inch a gangs
man and knows how to please people.
Remember when you buy tobacco :
of C. Dinge* you get the benefit of the tax
Hon Jno. B. Linn ar.d Mr. Frank
Chamberlain, esq., honored cur sanctum
w th a visit on decoration day.
At A mooting of tha Centre County
Agricultural Society, held o Tuesday,
May 20, 1879, S S. Lyon of Beilefonte. !
was unanimously elected President, and (
Clement Dale Chairman of the Executive I
Committee. ;
The days fixed for holding the Fair this •'
coming season are the Ist, 2i and 3d of 1
October, 1i79. Ther* is great interest '
manifested by the new officer* and we may
expect a succeaa'ul exhibition this coming
fall. J'
The officers for the ensuing year are :
President—S. S. Lyon, Beilefonte.
Vice President*—Jno. Wolf, Miles.
K<l ert Brett. Ferguson, Sam'i Benni- n. 1
Marlon, 11 Underwood. Union.
Sec'y and Treat.—Wilbur F. Reeder,
Executive Com.—Cl* men*. Dale, chair
man 1 , Beilefonte. Jaa. P. Wear. Miles
burg. John Riekel, Benner, J. aes Mc
Ciiatick, Gregg, Matthew Elder, Halt
Moon, Prof. John Hamilton. College
WI LUC ft F. Rsxi> i:u,
Sec y and Treas.
Decoration Day was more generally
observed in our county thl- year than any
previous year.
, The ceremonies t Centre Hall were
quite imposing. V j estimated the crowd
a'G o'clock, p. tn., at 1200. Procession
was formed at Witmer's grove by Col. A. i
Gregg, chef marshal. The Lament band .
was placed at the head, followed by vet
erans of the war ; next citizens, then the
Centre Hall band, followed by the differ
ent Sabbath schools and ladies, altogether
making a procession covering nearly three
squares. The committee of ladies had
prepared an abuadance of bouquet* which
were dealt out to children and ail other*,
at a given point. Arrived at the feme- i
tery the Glee Club performed some very j
excellent and app-opriate music. Miss
Cora Murray at the organ. The orator
for the occasion, lion. J. B. Linn, *<
then Introduced, and delivered his ad
dress, which was prepared and delivered
in a distinct tone, ar.d full of patriotic sen
timent. The deeds of valor of the Union
soldier, who forsook home and all that
wa* dear to him, for his country's sake,
were eloquently alluded too. Mr. Linn
also told -ome interesting incidents of the
davs of '7O, in which the early settler* f
our valley were participator*. II is ad
dress throughout was listened 100 with
breathless silence. After the address the
ceremony cf decorating the graves of
soldiers was gone through with. The oc
casion was a pleasant one, and the pro
grain admirably carried out.
At Potter's Mills, similar cerernonie
were bad. Win. Thompson acted a chief
marshal. The Centre Hall band was
there; the procession was also large and
marched to Spruce Town, where the
grs.ves of !diers were decorated. An
address was delivered in the church by
Rev. Robinson Bat we were sorry to
learn, that while a portion of his address
was able and appropriate, he devoted
■some of it to politics, and in har-h allu
sions te the southern people, which the oc
cssiondidnot call for, and adverted te
tbe questions note before congress in a
manner dinunciatory of the democrats
and the southern people. The effect was
to mar the temper of every democrat pres
ent, who had come to pay a tribute of re
speet to the fallen braves, and not to hear
what was not called for by the occasion.
This we give as reported to us. We are
sorry that it should be thus.
Rev J. K. Miller also made an address
full of patriot! J sentiment.
Our informant from Mi'lheitn gars:
The Aaronsburg end of the new road to
Coburn is open. Work on the Millheim
& Coburn pike has cetnnv Ced. The
Journal has M > atent outside in contem
.W-6 000 Extra J7o. 1 24-inch SHIN
GLES for sale. Will average 6 inches in
width, clear of kncts and sap Can be
bought very cheap. 11. J. BOYRK,
6jun 3t Aaronsburg. Pa.
maker, Centre Ha ', desires to call atten
tion to her samp •; of trimmings of all
kinds ; also, sample* of new styles dry
goods. Cutting and fitting done to order,
and o'd dresses cleaned and done over by
lier. Gentlemen's shirts, cuff* and collars
made to order, and warranted to fit. lias
aire just received a new stock of SpGng
stylos, fashion plates, patterns, etc C* I •
aud see. lp ma tf
A new double thread shuttle sewing
machine, works by hand or treadle, for
sule or trade at this office. Warrant
Get your dried and canned fcuits at
Sechlers, headquarters for all kinds of gro
ceries. Goods warranted fresh and pure.
Green's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, colds,
croup and early stages of consumption.
Try it.
should be the aim uf every owner of horses
aud cows to make them as haßds"ine and
useful as possible. The German Horse
and Cow Powder makes fat, muscle and
milk Price, 15 cents per lb. For sale by
J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. 16 ma 1m
Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beau
ty. When it fades she fades as well
While it is kept bright, her pergonal at
tractions are still maintained By pre
serving the hair fresh and vigorous a
youthful appearance is continued through
many years Those who grieve over their
fading hair turning gray too early, should
I know that Ayer's Hair Vigor prevent* it,
i and restores gray or failed hair to its nat
! Ural color It i a clear and Healthful
j preparation, containing neither oil, dye.
' tor anything doieierions, and imparts to
the scalp what is moat needed a sense of
pleasant and delightful freedom from
sourf or dandruff - AVu- Bent* (If, <
Mr 11. F. Meyer, of the Kethany,
Mo., finWsojr, is home on a visit, after
an absence of live years. Kraak is a grad
uate of the iUrouTK* office, and new puts
ou: an interesting weekly tn Missouri. We
are gratified to learn that he is getting
along as well as be look*.
-T! .is section wa* favored with copi
ous showers of the much needed rain, on
Monday and Tuesday ; the effect en suf
feting vegetation has already been very
—— Ki \ F.-, lie- an iMr. \\ itmer \\ *ll,
are delegates from this place to the State
Subbslh-school Convention at Alloona
th.s week
Twenty-sight different kinds and
grades of the best tosnoco is alw ays to bt
round at C. Dirges' storo in Ventre Hall,
All tka popular patent medicines
can he got at the Ventre Hall drug store,
also the very best retiaed Lubricating Oil
for all kinds of machinery.
,'jun £t J. D M i
, For fre*h and wholesome groceries
|of all kinds, no p'aoe fun compete
, Stvh'or >, in the Huh house b'oek. Thev
keep the largest assortment and bo.t
market affords llousokseper* will always
t'nd it U> their Interns! to make their pur
chases of thiv firm 'P:-y are the eldest
establishment in that line in the county,
and have the most extensive as well as
be-t arranged store in this j'*rt of Penn
sylvania They do not deal in trash—ev
ert article you purchase of them s genu
me ani fully worth the money you pay.
For dried and canned fruits, cured
meats, coffee, tea, syrup, sugar, queens
ware, -teneware. and hundreds of other
thine, the be<t in market, go toSechler'a,
in the Ruh house block.
Madisonburg is hating new water
pipe laid through the town.
Mr Hiram Lucas, at Howard,
at* visited on Sunday evening, the'doth
ult., by r biers who opened the back win
dow of his store and went in and examin
ed his goods. As far as is known at pres
ent, nothing has hoe a missed.
Mr. Lucas, the toll-gate keeper, near
Howard, had also been visited and rebb
ed of his toll money, SI 50. X. Y. Z.
Stop at Dingea' store with your mar
keting and get fresh groceries in exchange
a: the lowest prices.
j —-The glass works at Belletonle are te
!be started up again by a company from
New Jersey.
serve- a vote f thanks era monument for
being a public benefactor, that man is J.
Newman, jr., who made clothing cheap
for our people by establishing the Kagle
Clothing Hall, and bringing down the
price of Clothing lower than ever before,
snd thus forcing others te sell cheap,
• though none can come up to Newman for
icheap clothing. For this reason every
one who needs a -uil, should patronize the
King Clothier.
Bewitching Work. —There is a fascine
ation in renewing all the ribbens, stock
ings, shawls and dresses in the bouse by
the use of Learr.on's Dyes made by Wells, j
Richardson & Co, Burlington, Vt. The i
to'ors are superb and of every shade.
Druggists have them.
Try a glass of ice cold sparkling
Seda Water, at C. Dinges' new store.
The Independent Wetkly, published !
at Milton, says that en last Tuesday a gen- !
tleroan named Samuel Widemier, from
Clearfield Co , came to that p'nee, and in
the evening, while in a side show of a cir
cus performing there, fell dead He and
another gentleman had been swiadled out
of SI.OOO by a 'harper connected with tha j
circus the day before at Lock Haven, and
Mr. Widemie' had goaefo thecircus with ,
a detective to identify the man, and just j
as he pointed him out fell against the of
ficer, and when p.eked up *' found to be
dead from heart disease. Information
was telegraphed to the relatives of the de
ceased, and in accordance with directions,
the bodv was sent to Tyrone, w here it was
met by friends. The swindler, in the ex
citcmcnt, made his escape.
C. Dinges is constantly receiving
new t"baccos.
NEWSPAPER LAW. Newspaper !i
says if* person orders bis paper discon
tinued he must pay up all arrearage* or
the publisher my continue to tend it on
and finally collect the whole amount,
whether the paper is taken from the pest
office or not. Also action for fraud can
be instituted against any person, whether
he is responsible in a financial way or not,
who refuses to pay subscription due for a
Fresh drugs, medicines, fancy and
toilet articles, stationery, fishing tackle,
all in greatest variety, at the old reliable
drug store of F. P. Green, in the Bush
House block.
Phmnii Pectoral will cure your cough.
Phceen Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly.
Pbo-nix Pectoral tastes good and brings
Phfcnix Pectoral costs 25 cts ; 0 bottles sl.
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
We call tbe attention of our readers
to the advertisement of R*w book, "A
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases."
published by B J. Kendall, M. D., Enos
burgh Fails, Vt. The book is full of val
i ':nble information, and as tbe price is only
25 cen's no horse owner can afford to go
without it. Tbe book can be had of the
author HS above er at this office.
Ren ember that the place te buy to*
bhccos . at C Dingc*' store, Centre Hail.
The following report is submitted by tbe
Auditors of Potter township, for the year
ending April. 187 r J:
T Amount Duplicate....... $731 %
To Bal. due Overseer 254 22
By Balance.. .'17084
By Vouchers 480 47
By F.xeneratiens 2 87
By Percentage „.. 30 00
By Services 4500
j By Med alt township 85 <<i
By Attorney's Fees... 10 00
985 18
To Ain't Duplicate. $055 92
By Voucher# . ..... 626 29
By Services 40 00
By Percentage 32 77
By Exoneration* _ 4J
By Balance.. .... 5144
665 92
To Am't Duplicate.. $946 44
By Order Peter Hhifiler 130 30
By Order Peter Shifller 127 18
By Am i of work 616 18
By exonerations ..... 7 88
By Service* 68 75
By Damages for fences 5 60
By Percentage 21 78
By Balance 49 42
946 44
T< Am't ol Duplicate and Orders. $906 06
To Balance. 3 11
909 17
By Order John Sweeney... 106 76
By Order Robt. Lee 39 22
By Work 645 94
By Services 87 60
By Exonerations 2 98
By Percentage 7 21
By Cost paid suit of Isbler & Bit
ner|_ _ 9 66
By Cash 19 00
By Posts and Boarding 100
909 17
We, the auditors of Potter township,
certify that the above accounts are correct
to the best of our knowledge and belief.
juu 5 Auditors.
-—For monuments, tombstones, or oth
or work in marble, g> to the marble work*
of Guest A Co , Centre Hall, where orderi
arc promptly filled, work guaranteed the
finest, and at prion loss than elsrwhsre
" Kindred KviU ll i well known that *
relationship exist* between piles, constU
pation, kidney diiMMi nnd liter trouble*
r ln Kidney- Wort wo have * remedy Hint
„ net* on the general ytem and retore
t health by gently aiding neture't internnl
p processes. IVuggiste keep it.
Nim red Spatteahuher i to be bung far
murder t Lebenen, Fa , on Thurtdey.
% June ft.
• ♦ •
k'utting Powh the Appropriation*.
; Special Oinpatoh to The
. ilnrritburg, May 2ik—The Haute to
, nifut extended it* session until after II
i ock to di*po*e ef the appropriation
i bill* on second rending. met ef whiob
y were debated with a view to curtailing the
amount* or wiptug them eut altogether.
, The bill appropriating SI?O,tMU te the
N err blown Mate Lunatic Hospital **
i discussed at length on a motion to post
pone indefinitely, made by Mr. I'rorin*.
of Favelle, last week. M., Nelll, of l'hil
adelphia, maintained that the proposed
appropriation was demanded by the exi
gency of the situation, but was willing to
accept an amendment redaciag the;
amount to SHVi.IXM .Mr Fenlon said the
Board ef Charities had given its opinion
that, with a proper application of the
amount remaining of the SOU.t.U.M appro
priated by the State, the buildings begun
could be completed. He was in favor oti
voting only three thousand deilar* for the 1
payment of the insurance on the building,
lie charged that the lloiptU'. Commission
were violating the law, which appropria-j
ted $400,000, in demanding more money,
and intimated that it had been guilty of
fraud. Neill denominated this as a "had, j
bold and untrue aspersion on the cemmis-i
sion." Nicholson, ef Jefferson; Sher-1
wood, of Northumberland ; llewit, ofj
Blair, Meyers, ef Venango, opposed any,
appropriation, and Law, of Philadelphia. j
favored an amendment reducing the'
amount to SOO,OOO, the money to be devo- j
ted te the creation of an additional ward.
The motion to postpone indefinitely was
carried—73 yeas, 00 nays.
Among the absentees were fifteen Phil
adelphia members. The bill appropria
ting $200,000 to the normal school* of the
State for IhSO and IbSl provoked consider
able discussion. Fulten, of Indiana,
j ehampioaed the measure. Ilewit, of
Blair, and Graham, of Butler, and others,
opposed the appropriations. A a amend
ment of Fenlen, of Cambria, to reduce the
amount to SIOO,OOO was adopted. The
amount of $90,000, appropriated to pfy
the qmirterlv expenses of the soldiers' or
phan schools, was cut down to $80,(Ml),
thus making a saving in Ibis item ef SJ*J,-
000 in two years. The geological survey
appropriation of SIOO,OOO fer lfiiM and Ihbl
was amended, reducing the amount to
sot).Uoo, to he applied to IMM, and the bill
passed secei.d reading, after considerable
discussion, as amended. In the aggregate
the appropriations were reduced over
$300,U00 for two years. The oil mea par
ticularly fought against the appropriations
with a view to diminish the necessity for
a tax on petroleum.
New York, Mar 25.—The lew St.
Patrick's Cathedral, corner of Fifth are- ,
nue and Fiftieth 'treet, waa dedicated to
public worship to day under the iuvora
tion >f St Patrick, with grand, solenia
and imposing services la tha history of
the Roman Catholic Church of America,
bo event has been celebrated with such,
magnificence or splendor There were be
tween four and five thousand people with
in the building when the services com
menced. The high altar was lit up with a
countless number ofcand'es, and present
ed a beautiful appearance
♦ ♦ - -
Boston, May 2).~ An Island Pond, Yt.,
dispatch slates that there have been nine
deaths so far of children who drank from
a poisoned brook.
Potato top* poisoned by Paris green
were also thrown into the brook, causing
the belief that the latter is the prime cause
more than the carcasses of dead animals i
There Is terrible distress here Work is i
suspended, and there is great excitement i
Another dispatch stale* that twenty
seven children were poisened by drinking
frem the brook, and that the farmer whe
allowed the carcasses to be threwn into it
will he arrested. The bodies of the dead
children soon decomposed, and had lobe
buried forthwith.
Island Peint, Vt , May 30—Two more
children of John Aldrich did from drink
ing water from the poisoned brook, mak
ing s—his entire family. Mr. Aldrich is,
Great Slaughter Reported.
Maritaburg, May 14.—There is exciting
news from the Tugela. frontier, near
Helpmakvar. On the 11th of May a great
battle teak place at a point between
Tbringpost and Sanbwaila. A powerful
Zulu chief named .Malcane, with all of his
people, numbering several thousand have
resolved to surrender to the British. ll** |
was joined by Debahnanxi, Cetewaya'sj
brother, who commanded the Zulas at
(singeilovo, and the remnant of that army ,
its chiefs having kept away fromOtewaya
since their defeat through fear, when?
nearing Thringpost they were intercepted
by a powerful force, supposed to be com
manded by Cetewagos, coming from the
northward. A fearful conflict ensued ro
sulting in a great slaughter of the Zulus. ;
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Division .
On sad sfter RI'JSDAY, Nov X Ira, tbs Irslas ■
lbs Phlls.l Ipnlt A Kris lUllrosd Dtslsluo will run a
KRIK MAILImvm Phlladslphla USSpra
Harriet urg 4 16 a ro
" " Montandon w
•• ** WtUtamaport I 14
M IdHtlt lU*n ♦ 40 a m
** Knoufa # 1100 ain
arr at K.rlo 'Up n
MAUAHA EX l*a*t Phtla T2Ua ro
Harr iaburg ]U66am
•• MonUndon I Wp j
" arr at Williamaport I (JO pro'
•• " Lock llaron SS&pro.
FAST LINK laar** Phlladalpbla 11 46 a m
'* llarrlabttrg 1 *6 p m
M •• M'inUnduß " 36 pro
" arr at Wllllamaport 7 56 p m
Isock II • a 40 pro |
PACIFIC KX. loaraa l-orll Haran • 40 a ro
'• inrMj hbora 14 a ro
•• \% Illlarna|Msrt T 66 a ro
M •• Montttidoa 0 0# •
arr at Marrlabtirff ft 65 a ro
" ** P til lad o #bia S4o p m
DAY KX lfaM R*no* l>©6an
" l.'M'g Havan 1130a ra
** WillUraaport 13 40 pro
" " Montandon I 4" p in
*' arr at llarrieburg 4 10 pro
" " Philadelphia 7 2" pro
KKIP MAlLUtre* Knora 36 pro
" I< k llaraa 9 46 pro
•e •• WtHiamaport II 06 pro
M Montandon 13 la a ro
arr at Marrtabirg 3 46 a ro
Philadelphia 7 00 a m
FA LlJflClaaro* WlHlamaport 336a ro
arr at Harrrlabarg 166 a m
arr at Philadelphia 740a ro
Par care will ran b*twri Philadelphia and W|l
lkamaport on .Niagara Ki. Waat, Kria Ki Waal, Phlla
dalphla Kiproaa Kaat,and Iav Ki Kaat and huodai
Ki. Kaat Hl**ptng car* on all ntgbt train*
Wl|. A. BALnWix. Can era 1 Hdpartßtaadaat.
Lewisb'rg, Centre <t Spruce Creek RR
1 .1 .1
Montandon 700 16.5 6.20
Lewisburg 7.15 220 685
Coburn 9.26
Arr. at Spring Mills 960
2 10
Spring Mills 10.10
Coburn 10.35
Lewisburg .....0 36 12 46 6.45
Arr. at Montandon _6 60 1.00 6 00.
Nos 1 Hnd 2connect at Montandon with
Erie Mail, weston the Philadelphia and
Erie R, K.
Nos. 3 and 4 with Day Express aast and
Niagara Express west.
Nos. b and 0 with Fast Line west.
The Nitii>*! l'uklithlriK foaspany •!
rbiladslpkia, Si Count *nl l)j>
ton *re doing n od work in thin, omiitu
(lily bv circulating among our peeple their
mugutCreat Pittn- in! h'ntnilt, Uiblf. Thi
in ana of tli inonl tunerb editiout *r tiavn
ever tret Tht binding it elegant,
ful ami sukttantia!. Tbo i>ro#t work it
lono in tbo boit ttylo, unit the j*|r it of
tbo flnett ijunlilv
B*tr>g dotoriuinod thot thoir Billet tiinii
not bo by any >tler edition in
print, tho publi-hen htvs iid-lrtl to it an
abridgment of I'r. William Smith't groat
Dictionary of tbo Hillo ThW it a com
pivte book it il.elf, and wotld make an
octavo volutin of <>v*r tit lualrttl ttagot
Itt reputation at tbo bait Riblo Dictionary
ii world-wide, and on. b tubttribor to '.kit
liible thui at taint it roe.
Another prominent feature it a History
of All tho Ke'igiout Danorainaliaas ef the
World. Thoto aocouiitt are ulnar and
contprehentive, and are full of valuable
in for tattien
At accurate and detailed dttrriplien of
the Hely l.aad it given, followed by an
inleretling de.cnptioa of Jerusalem and
lU tarred place* Th<t Life of the Saviour
and tiio Live, of the Ap--alien are alto giv
en at considerable leaglb, and in tu> b u
nttnttr at to b of great service to every
reader of tiio liible. The Wandering, ei
tht l.raoliteu in the Wilderae are rtla*
ted, and tbo Tabernacle and letup!# are
doucrthed with great miautvnett vnetb
or feature to which we would call particu
lar attention it a .eric* of Scripture tllua
(ratloai, remarkable term completeness.
It eta bracer a teriet of comprehensive d.
tcriptiont ef the Mannert aud I'u-leitit ul
the Nation* of the Atcivtt World, et Bib-
Ileal Aatiqudies, Scenery, Natural lliato
ry, etc , etc Then follow a large number
ef chronological and other vt'uahle ta
blet designed to promote and facilitate the
ttudy ef the Sacred Scripture*. Ihe moil
caretul ttudent of God'. word, the meat
exacting .eeker t!Ur truth will End all bit
wanlt tupplied it Ibti tingle volume.
The beob it matnifieeaily illustrated |
It contain! over tt.UUUfioa engraving., ma
ny ot which ere by the great artiet, Gu-j
lave fore These engrav ingt are genuine
worktofart, arid were made at a cott •!
over $30,000 .
Bet arena tbe Apocrypha and the New
Tettaiuent it a beautifully lllhegraplied
marriage cerliicate, which make, thit
Bible an especially appropriate wedding
present. Thit it followed by a bandiome
Family Hecord, eoniieting of four quarto 1
! aget, finely lithographed At the end o'
th volume is a photograph album, with!
tpacet for tixteea portrait!
| The National Fulfilling Company'*
Billet weigh from one !e three pound
more than anv other Fam.!y Bibles pub
litecd ia the I'aited tStuipi Thit t. proofi
! positive that they are Bioro .olid and tub -
tuttia! than any other Billet It preve
that they are printed en heavier ptpcr
aad bound with heavier and more derate,
material. They are pabhthed ia Germ*:
We cordially commend thit Bible !#
our readers. No hoaie thould be without
jit The price it attonl.biegly lew, aJ
within the reach ef all. It is told by sub
tcriptioa enly. and -Mr. Jas. M Lee, of !
Centre llill. who it the authorised agent
for thit section, is now canvassing fur it.
10 ap 4t
Tbe committee for encouraging the
ttae of horseflesh as an article of food
have issued a return showing that the
number of horses, asses and mule*
slaughtered in i'aris for consumption*
in 1678 WAS 11,31t', or 700 more than
in the previous year. The continued
increase in the use of horseflesh is.
they say, a proof that the prejudice
ngaiust it is being gradually overcome
A priie of 1,200f, was awarded bv
M. Decroix to the founder of the first
shop for the sale of horseflesh in Loo*
dou, opened in May last. That ven
ture, during the four months it *•
carried on, did not, however, meet
with all the desired success, the chief
reason for which was (the committee
jay) that the director was (jtiiic ignor
ant of the English language. The
committee now offer a medal of honor
to any English butcher whoshall take
up the trade and coutiuue it fur three
mouths at least.
The Scientific American says:—
"Lighting gas with the finger is a feat
anydody may perform. a person
in his slippers, walk briskly over a
woolen carpet, scuffing hi* feet there
on, or stand upon a chair, with its
legs upon or in four tumblers to insu
late it, and be there rubbed up and
down on the body a few times with a
muff, bv a secoud individual, and he
will light his gas by simply placing'
bis finger to the tube. It is only ne
cessary to take the precaution not to
touch anything, or be touched by any*
body, during the trial of the experi
merit. The stock of electricity ac
quired by tbe process we have de
scribed is discharged by contact with
another object On# person must
turn on the gas while the other fires
It frequently happens that a cup or
bowl of hot water is set down on var
nished furniture, and leaves an un*
sightly spot on the polished surface.
This can be easily removed by wetting
a bit of soft flannel in alcohol, and
rubbing over the place briskly. When
the marks are all effaced take another
cloth, with a drop or two of boiled
linseed oil, and rub over it lightly,
and the sharpest eyes can never see a
vestige of the stain. Incase a black
stain gets U|K>u furniture, a few drop*
of spirits of ammonia rubbed on will
take it all off; then rub with oil.
Galls on the shoulders of drntight
i horses may be cured by dissolving six
[drachma of iodine in half a pint of al
cohol and applying twice a <'av.
Ceuynt for Fastening Knives and'
Forks into thicr Handles. —Take one
(round rosin and half pound of pow
dered sulphur ;"raelt together, and
| mix in about twelve ounces of fine
i powdered brick. Fill the cavity
of the handle with this mixture, inci
ted. Make the shank of the knifu or
fork quite warm and insert in place
land l-t it remain untill cold, when it
[will be found to be firmly fixed.
I The handles of knives and forks
Should not be put in hot wa'er.
Vy The Commonwealth O' Penn'a
[Seal.] To Aaron Lukenbach, .vou,
are hereby cited and com-j
mnndedtobe and appear Bt an Orphan-
Court to he held Mt Bellefont- in and
for the County of Centre on the fourth I
Monday of J tine next, then and thereto I
-how cause why the letters Testarwen'an
granted unto JOV on the H-tale ! I K.
Mr.M inn, should not he revoked. Notice
of this citation to be given by publication
in two newspapers published in Centre
county for four successive weeks.
Witness the Hon. C. A. Mayer, Presi
dent of the -aid court at Bellefenle, the
'Jth day of May. A i. ISTM
WM, K. Bcacitri m.n.
c. o c.
! The CvmmoaweaSth of Penn'a, |
[Seal.] To Aaron Lukenbach, you
are hereby cited and com
manded to be and appear at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Bellefenle in and for
the County of Centre on the fourth Mon
day of .lime next, then and there to show
cause why the letters of Administration
granted you on the estate of William
McMinn. deceased, should not be revoked.
! Notice oi this citation to be given by pub
lication in two newspaper* published in
Centre county for four successive weeks.
Witness the Hon. C. A Mayer Presi
dent of the said court at Itellelonte, the
IftSth dry of May A. I). 1*79
\VM. K. HußcnriKt-t).
C. O. C.
"VTOTICKia hereby given that the fol-
X v lowing named person has filed pe
tition for Licease in the office of the Clerk
of the Court of General Quarter Sessions
est the Peace in and for the county of Cen
tre, and Slate of Penn'a, and that appli
cation will be made a the June session ol
said Court on the 4th Monday ef Junt
next, te grant the same :
George Miller, Tavern, Gregg.
J. 0. Hahj'KH,
29 may Clerk.
RECEIVE DEPOSITS and allowlnter!
est; Discount Notes; Buy and
Sell Government Securities,
I Gold and Coupons.
rrei't. Cashier
California!.. last week lynched Governor Biab*p. ol Ohio, whan riding
MiiiuMß. wytottM SUU-Bout ti Otlaafcoa i :
Parsons ofs doiJary pursuit* are pro- week hunr.i a wmun fry out that her
dupod to Constipation ; *u. It should al pocket-book had been ct>>l<*n mi 1 jumping
ways use Dr. Hull's Baltimore Pilli which out pursued rtn>l overhaul, d th thief andl
Insure afsty agint Constipation mul nil gave him into ru "ody, du.auci; g ail u,, !
of iU disastrous coa.)u#tH c. other# tint Joined in the cha.e,
InNunbury, h..t *eek, a man , V Char!... . . ,
*5,55 for profanity Jtjght, noiamated f.r governor b :> -l„ oh;,.
A POIIA NIBTA N. publican# or Ist ballet |j
... _ e t> * . Iland I'onJ. Vt , May 28 Nino ebi!-'
"* ■ " 'lre" 'in*# do J from drinking poisoned
London, M*v Lord t'tnnkrook, water in a br. oi. at Newark, Vt,, aad „
[Secretary of State tor India announced number of etlo -are net eapected to lit.
in the !loue of Lord# thi# afternoon that
ho had received a telegram Iroia Major * ' ' '"juiuoe t .f lu••
Cnvngnari slating that ho had tinned * 1 "* ' " '' ie ' anania- I
.treaty with the Ameer of A """" 9 ' 1 1 Ule without lot
/Ma NEWMAN Kins Clothier
Spring Suits, 5:.40. Hootus, $1.75.
. Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is : lie ad and bound to keep ahead
mMff ' //„• i-mti, /,. I'lllCES ami {(I.II.ITY,
Spring Mills Mnrkct.
Wheat 11 00
' ltye, 45e.
i Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,45c
[ Oat#, '22 C.
Buckwheat, 75c.
CloTeraeed, $: 00 to $ t 75
Chop, per ton, $20.00.
Planter, ground per ton, SIO.OO
Flour, per bbl $4.50
Butter, Lie.
Tallow. oc.
Lard, fie.
Ham, like.
Shoulder#, fie.
Clean .Sides, tk'.
Hag#, tie.
Egg# per do#., a#
Tub washed wool ,*oe,
Packed butter worked otrer,
Coal, HeUll. By Car, tires#.
Eg*. $i OS $1 2u
Stove, #sl#)
Chestnut, #4 "J5
Pea, $2 ',<o 75
On the "7 ult-, Mr. Luther Wert of Aa
rontburg, with Mm Etna, a Houian, of
Haine# township.
! On $ teflt . hy Ue\. J. (i. Shoemaker,
Mr. W H. Phi! ; • to mil# Clara F. My -
ri, all of Aaroetburg
Near Tyler* >■, May 2 .nd, Mi#*
Mrt K , daughter . ! Jacob Ocker, ag J
17 yeari, 1 month und Gdvr.
Ncrvoti# Dehilit# ' Ni rfotM Dtbtlitf !
mbllilj, A do; ?cafd tit t(A>4* Ulc *t# lk otiati, * '
•e*k,MOvtw fN>ai a a. es.W|. ci mtiilUH
' turn. .ottfuMn! heatl. wck tuR.*r>. it* -—rrTtriirri
of MihMKIM, OMtltl •lprutfk I til* titer* ...i dtabiiu#
n4ikdfvl|er i I t Kuts.e • v% i of ,
o( licrfl It C<*e til tjtlem, -ll.jaeie 1 Ssc WJ5J*{
i* uhm|l |L m*>iirw
aj.l.a; #•! I' •i< u!c t *kc I I Kuua#
It hu tk fmlisw tat 4it tu j & i ol
W tK M S. WOK M S. Willi MS
K I Kalike, aWc rt# fiit-up k*tef fall* l dMtio;
Fta, nwNkt. anil b\ m**h \t tm L>* Ka: ki,U.
if HWHIiIM | 'J > t.c t. Imi t W jtti it.
!o hour# kiie *ltli b*.J ktti] n . fee u.Ut fetp >cd
i oaaoa mmum ieatbe* it f.t-e be rn#.*4 ail !
oth#r can re. Ui de!r.'jed .t f
lr 4 kUtw. f>* The di*. ! can tH mhr't.wr or
• A the tmtkent hu •< Tf ..# 4# ere djihtf tlei |
Ly •Jth end 4 ■•:* kacm !t Fife etse>'
cnucpt. chatn< etml iHoa. eatkH* tn;.ci -x,
fwid the #|* •••Itinj era A |.*ia la tL ew tt# i
eU,. rui-ee at etdftl. dtfuAia# t ttc leeP). ykelticg '
at the huM, (• it- r| a) lit aeat, I.oat!
acLe. Imi breati.. the a* e. L.jr as A j
Ikklinc kAd 1 wtalien ta tLe aeu* ..1 1 'tew *rua|
k>B, aa#l ta-t*. M*e (s u •*-■. t I Ktbt*. • !
W ~r W/Ttip ttef f#!l# I- :ct te l' r , tV.ce. ft 4s
per Wttte, or eta Sot*lee f j t* , ? 1 Tape \t . rat
vnte aa4 Mmetill the Ibwtof J tor a'l otAen, tf t*jr of
}tmt druegiet the Wcrtn H. # an *. Le ?.. it . •
#cti! U> f> K. K Kuhtei . N • 1 Sleuth "* I'hUa
ielpbu, I*. A4Ue t'l a,All, free w 1 Mitee rent
flftdp, 34ih:
I><)NSEr*. TRIMMI NHS.-toe
bins. 1.1(1 IIIVM'S,
wha har j :! • ' i ' *i. 1"' adel;d,:a,
the LATKST FASHIONS, *'J a < tn
plete *.>• k of new B ,# Hat,
elegant Tritnm n;- A h w .be
#o'd or made up. at reM>ns'.''c price#.
The new :yle are rery pretty Ldie<
call and'ce t .em early. P.rnl ci tne lirt
#er*ed. 1 mar 4'
. • a Th *
Aanua' Meeting of th • sj (ho.##r> ol
the Lewi.burg, Centre r.J Spru # Creek j
Kadruad Company, * . )■•• <■ d at the of
flee of the tkimp.ny, N 3U. South
Fourth Street, Phi adrkp 1 ~ I', , onTue*. j
da*. June ItK'i, 187'.' *t 10| " clock A M
Election for Pmidant ana Director, ~uje j
day and p'.ace. JAS. K. McCLCKE, ]
Td'ma 3t Secreury,
I. Wm. F.. Burchfield.c'.erk f the Or
pbn#' Court of and county,
[Sial J do hereby certify that at an
Orphan#' Court held at B<Uo
fonte the 2Stb day <>f April, A I). 187'.',
before the Honorable the Judge# of #a'd
Court: t):i motion a rule #> g-*nt. d up
on, Jacob Neete l'enn Hall Kiirah-th
Hmm, CatkiriM fildlir, W. Nee#o
(M illbeim t. Samuel Nee#e, Emanuel
N ee#e. Elitbeth Alexander. Harriet
Neeae, Jacob Nce#e Spring Mill#'. John
i Neee. Sarah Orove, Win. <#ro*e, Hebec
ca Mover, Henry Mover, Wiiliard Neeae
K mer Nee#c and J J Hart#augh, guar
dian of the raid Wiiliard and K mer
Nee#e, Peter Neere, Samui I Nee-e, Wm.
Neeae tPenn Hall), .lame# Nee#e, Cathe
nne Oentael. Jame* D <ent*el, Thotna#
J. Neee, Alexander W. Maty
Jane Smith, Sila* Sm th. Wm. Krape,
Michael Nearhooj, Le.h Wiutehtit.Tho#.
jWnitehill, Kebt >ca 1! > #<• v, John ltoay,
Catherine Aly. David Aiv. A. K Near
hood, La/.aru# H. Nearbood, John <> arv,
Mary Beaver. Samuel Beaver. Chri-itn.
Moyer, Andrew Mover nd David tieary
IThe heir an! b-gal repre#entative of
'Chri#tina Aeeae, Jerened. to"
Court on the 4th Ml" day of Augil't next,
't nr> apt or feftm lo Itflipl at ttie valua-'
.lion or to#how cau# why the Heal K-tate
>f aid decerned #hwild net he. •' d. Same
I notice to h given in lequi#ltion.
In testimony whereof I h*e hereunto
ietmv hand Hiid atßxed t'e #e 1 of the
Laid Ceurt it Bellefonte, the k'.'th d*y ot
' April, A. I) 187'.'.
jAtte.t: ) WM. K. Bi ncnriKt,©
Jons SPASULKR, > C. O C.
Sheriff. )1 "l 111 . 1 •
| I, Wm. K Hurrhfleld, e'erk of the Or
phan, Court of the aid coun
[Skxl] ty, d>> hereby certify that at
an Orphan#' Court held a'
Bellefont. the 2Sih day of April. A I).
187'). before the Honorable the Judge#ut
-aid Court: On motion n rule wa# gratiieil
upon, Wm. From, Sr., John From, Sr.,
Rebecca Bair.Marv From, i /abeth Suit
Jacob Soli, Win. piom, Jr.. Jon.a From
John From, Jr. Wilton From. Jacot>
ii From, Sarah From, Adam From, Eden
From, nnd on John Shannon guardm l
d lei tern of the .Hid Ellen From). Tlo
heir# and lega! repre'etila'.iv i - ol Join-
From, deccao d, to come iniol'"urt on th
j Uli Monday of \ugurt tiexi, t< accept o
i rwfue to accept at 'he valuation, or to
rhowr ca 11 -o why l)i. Heal Estate of Mld
devested should not be #.>ld, Siynie notice
to he giv. n . mi it.qui#ition,
In te-timoi, y uht'Moi I have hereunto
set my hand and afllse I the teal of the
said < 'ourt at Bellefonte the k"'lh day ol
'April, A D , 187')
Atto#t ) WM. K. Bi HCKVIKI.u,
JonsSl'AKUl KB, • c. O. C.
stierill. jlsma it
1 CftSIRK CnrsTV, SS;
I, Wm. K BurchHeld, clerk of tho Or
phftn' Court of the ai<4 coun
[SkAt. ] ty. do hereby certify that at an
Orphan#' Court heid at Belle,
fonts the'iSth day of April A 1) , 187'),
before the Honorable tho Judges ef the
aaid tlourt: On motion a rule w# granted
■ Upon, Pol lie Keher, O.mrge Keber, Eve
Keber, Annie Kern#, J F Kern# Mar
garot WeiUnd, Oo. VV. Wroand, Lydia
I Zehnnr, Geo. H./ehnerand Michael Ke
ber,—the heir# and legal representatives
of Abraham Keber, deceased, lo come in
to Court on the 4th Monday of August
nsxt, to acceptor refuse to accept at i\>e
valuation, or to show cause why tho Heal
K-tate of the said docea.ed should not be
•o.d. Same notice to be given a# in in
> quisition.
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto
. sot my hand arid affixed the -eai of sa d
Court, at Bellefonte the 29th day of April,
A.D..1879. V
Attest: 1 Wm, E. Burchkikld,
Jou> SpA*m.KR, c. 0. C,
r Sheriff. Jlsma It
The following nroperliit* hre advertised
| below iu German. at Sheriff* wl, atihe
C"un home, Saturday, June 21, a! I
p. in :
i A trai tof odacru* in t'urtin low nab p,
| with haute, etc, property of Herman
: Prince.
Two lot# in BeUefonte, with lioutr, etc.,
property of E!ix and Geo iiindt
jgiCHERmS A X>JvAUi\
Arah t at! S?rtt# ran t-*•! facia*.
>-n titioni .-i,. a * rrhv ft tr,}i anf rvn
Ut tti (L-otmrn -Jiiu? *• (*•• trr Pet nm
' net en mt<s fMtt n-irt r.fßtiiib mm T>r-fe*ii
j irrrtru er. tern t'etirtheeur in ißfUr
' 'mtc a tit cinww ten gift™ hun, ItCll um 1
J tlrit(hmiita.<*, tat triijcmt K'dmrhrar lit
I _?!. I. FlO |ran (tftriftr -strut rtrr t%nat-
I licit j!f4rat in Pet till Iclra'A r, 0 ;! PfUl!
: Is, Than j, hf-priut siut M-bnrivs tr-r
f.ut tn ihertfntf fur it t'jntrr r.n !. : arel'
Jvairridirnhtw't, Cfttritc tn;4- iintrr ran d
Cartia uat Tb#. Vera#, an' faHrtr tiu.r ;aa'
I t rcn 8 Curl a. rntixutcat V' U trr milr rtrt
I Ttnwsrr. Uratii rnidtrt on pit m. J.w U'leJ.
haul, sit'., tint a t*rr 9om ..b.-tf
I Oikj<,iMi-a. in 'SfiNiil MMMM nnt a:: \c
?as! etc (itgtatbeni --a 'vat man 'pnarr.
I 9f. 2- SIU jrnr .'.tßsf# triua ctir 58; nut
liidf ; < irnt in r ftovnjb ten fiUi'.alf, Prr.
) !:f deunb\ fear,'a, bt -mp! st Mfrubra a- i
1 fekp I 4 n< trrhihn bcpintjl aui ter cifcfrtt
tniih Vm < tfr Cl*m> fjhr.r ami C tirtr ta:,i-
Vctlir run 'trtrvb £ *!!, fn h'.ettrHr
: i nr antrrr Kill' rm P.iiahft!- Sb-tr, sat an! trt
fi'lftfulr t*Mh 'H dm on
: ibfrr, tft tifhitr t ;*llr iWruat -Mid* I -
Sal# tint Obitt n r<: tma i rrt tatirt
1 fta_!3!r* 'Wirj, 9 t l k . >, as P. lahclb JUi.
irt ilmfragia.
Oi'iHiH 0 aatrtf . i nuttis, <p,r.
' (tat ttfiiit- an 3bt,i mat*. u.jti'.d' as t#U vra
teSrr a Aiinr, tr.rd> '..sir rea .ie'rpfc
mat fit 8
"al net taltr h cat : te:!:aars lu4 rs
tatalr Pet.a tPanp an faplc f. iaSylt PjM: aa
'llhoi la.-.r r t atrr Tarasl emihlrt • jirr
'l:& rrt •••..• uat ealt-i 9 '.nprtjiitt
I'm;tlepra, ta i'rrKitt rn; umrnnut a-nt rrr
fanlj ett 0 i I'.i'atrlt spafirti aat
o*rrr,|f Pattrl.
S'll inn au 11 a ('a it. ,<ti Lit ait ■
iifanat Kl a! <*. u' Hit iit triat.i m.
.lohii jfpaiigiet,
sfVlirfralr 5, I"<V. Sqi'ri *.**
N r ('Tl* L■ 1 tie cetditM(i>ly Uciet >
| fore ran;: r.p b iwten Jeuie l)un
!•}> end Joitnliiau H rr. ha ihs* S.h dej
t Mij, 18T). teen di- •- iby uusl
C' tinl. The t ,-.i.e • h ■■ f'.er wt i he
conlitiued by J ''.el .*h li •• l'er* '0
t.nei; C untellled meet ant* w .ih the let,
firm of J I'unlep & w-1 c>uc sni
make *eu!ement wuhwu' d:y
J X s - DUN LAP 45 CO.
Tine Grove Mill#.
Mey t. 1 *-7 • i 1"' mx
Sj.) \( Ifl
* '* ' .
i'.et'd Thim'' nt* 1 -ic p• c -at* end
'earn h w 1 o meee a year, n hum
bj|t Dnly lhf#e w ■ meen bu;a<
need apply. A T. 15 hACo .
I>*J ni* f. Mtlwn. l*a.
i/runAi I 'C "
ICHU efe "f ear *eUe#i*-!i \M will. MIUi'Vl
Tun IU II WltHOl : I I•11 Ulli ■"
Or Mill" ' '■ aril IB
pine Ih# Uleeneeß ere I'>• l-BBil in., r
f I need (oe rlfr bier el* ie ffinlPltl rltfHJI
uunc. I'J re II nn> ellrr- !j IS
Iftteauir 8.1. K ende;tk 1' . .' fi. Onueh fell*. Vc
ci;>IHI: Hals,
eini'fiiTriu on
Saddle#. Harne##. Bndie#. Collar#, Whip#,
Flyneti. end e!o keep# on hand Coll in
Net#, etc. l'race# low a any w here ie
All kind# of repairing J >m\ The he#t
• lock alwavt kept • \i' w rk war.
ran led. A "haro of the |uh K tiatrorage
kindly #>lieited I■ nr. tj v
J. A. Cottle <fc Bro..
- tvr tuloih,
Would reepeoifully announce to the ci'.i
xen# of lbi> viciri ty that they are pr*
pare# to do i ! kicd# of wori, i-elonaing t >
the. Lae 'or men .id t> r#, and ar
cjrdinjr t> iat#t #tyle* Gooh .-old by
•tmple. lliinj{ had many year# ex
perloace they guarantee i wor' t" ren
der prrteci Htif.i tion, ami # 'licit a
#hare of the public patronage.
* y
Harness. Saddles. &c n
At*r?r.!n#d "* urii iho
dmts.U<#r lw*r prtc, iKi't cil lb# •tl*o-
Hon of llto public l bintA k of
now •! *hold lUnd I ejw.:!lf ivt
|h t 1
*n-1 romi'lflf 1 '*Ur
Bridle.of T.i-uti •od auAiaj . w hip*.
in lati eteni- "'! In i.'mj'lel# Brf rU* oati,hli*h
-""• h *" :,Tmh ri si 1 .
CheiTy Pectoral
iFor Dieeaae# of the
Throat and Lunge,
■uch aa Cough#,
Cold*. Whooping
Cough, Bronchitii,
Aithma, and Con-
The rcpntntlon it hna atUlned, in
ronseqiir-nre of the marvellous cures it
has prmtuced during the lust half cen
tury. is a —ft"*—* uraraace to tfce
public that it Will continue to n alixn
the happiest results that can be dcslfcd.
In almost every section f country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have been restored lYt'tn alarming and
even desperate diseases ol the lungs,
liy its use. All who have tried It cc
knowlrdge its superiority; and where
Its virtues are known, no one hesitates
as to what ineillcine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering jiceuliar
to pulmonary afflictions. Ciikhby Tkc-
TORal always affortls instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder va
rieties of bronchial disorder, us well as
the more formidable diseases of the
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat and Chest of Childhood, It
is Invaluable i for, by its tlmeiy use,
multitudes are rescued and restored to
This ntedlciuc gains friends at
every trial, as the cures It Is constantly
producing are too remarkable to be
forgotten. No family should be with
out it, and those who have once used
It never will.
Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, and Clergymen
often recommend it from their knowl
edge of Its effects.
rncrAicu nr
Dr. J. C.AYER & CO., Lowell, Matt.,
MKRIcM and Analytical ChcmUti.
i, a* all taeauifij# BYmumuiM.
(Bucccsior to T. A. Hi k# <fe Bra.)
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paintn Glass, Putty, dfce., <fco
LUM ilit> NGCAC) of the Sonlii HCIMI ('billed Plow for Itiln count J .-■&
11l It it\ii 1 111 it It %II
II U K It A II !
—rc t-
The Sjwiog •<: if liO - i ■*
opetdn™. Wt h*V*jfltt rw.vive<l
weifi'lriu clock ot
Sprint, and Summe; Goods
which will be at the
Lowest Prices.
We have au iuim i. and till
as>ortfd iu every iiut*. We have
OROT KRII3, KiC. K'R*..,
at '--west priii -.
I test Sole Leather
always oa ban i. Give us a ca . im
W 11. ( AMI'S
Furnituro Rooms! |
I manufacture all kind* cf Furniture for]
t ban hers, I).rung i*. >ro>, Librat * s,*.d
If you want Furniture of any kind,don tl
buy until you ice my (lock.
In all iu branches. I keep tn stock alb
the lat* >t and moat unproved Collins
and Cutteli, and hare every faciK
ily (r properly conducting
lLi branch ofmy busiuess
I bate a patent Corpse
Pre.'-rver, in which
bodies can be
prefer*ed for a c nii lerabte length <ft re
JnlWtf W. R. CARP.
LEVI 911 Kit IV.
t hit establishment at l>- tre Hull, keep
on hand, and for tale, at the mot' rew ..
ble rate#.
& Spriug , V tgonS,
Pi UN AMI l" X V,
and veb. e# ot every den. ript'on tm (le to
order, and warrant' u to be made of Urn
beat seasoned m-.terial, and by tin* root!
.killed and competent *•rki ,-n. Rod if
for buggies and rpring-. apons Aw. of lh>
most improved pattern* made to order,
also Gearing f uil ,o- n.ade t order.
All kind' of r.palrii g .;••• • j r p:ly !,
at the lowett poi-lhle rat .
Paraoaa wanting any thing in hit tine ar. I
requested to call (, I e\*t: ine hi# work
th will find it net to ie ex< Bedford.-
I iiitv and wear. mayStf,
HKNWV IlttOrS, t lUlot ■- J P.Mtt'oi HT
President. t'aihi'r
(Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.)
Receive Deposit*,
Anil Allow Interest,
Discount Note?,
Buy ami Soli
Government Securities, Gold A
uplOfibtf Coupon#
Forks House!
| The Forkt House, at t oburn station, i|
new and coiinnttdiou#, aiid i# kept in bot
manner. Rod and board second to none,
in the county. Slab inu (< r hot i".
A# a summer re rt it ill be found a!
that could be desired, right in the heart of |
good f.'hing a: d hunting ground#, -ttidj
surrounded by the n, t romantic scenery,
lnov y
New Pianos $125
Each, and all style-. .:u idl-.g GHAN P. j
SQUARE and UPJUGIIV *ll ■ • •
tir'-d i., sold at th-' lowest hot o--
wholtwale faeto'o prh-i direct tot! ;
chaer. These Piano, m i i> ,■?>••< tin
act displays at the Centennial Kvhib i
ami were unanimouL . eotm-i-'■ d r
thelltaiE*T ilit.voß- ver l'.M*# u ii"
Regularly i tcorpomt dM ufm I'lngt'i.
—Factory establish'- ! osr .U> \ ■ ,r.
Square Gran !' OODlaln Mathvafcak - I l >
patent Duplex Over.;rung S '
greatest intprovenie-it in the hit -y • t I' -
alio making. Th ■ Uprigh's are < e ' ■ t
in America, l'i* M -en' on tr ■* 1* nt
fail to write for li'u#tr#ted ami lb" rij
live Catalogue of I' fig m< 1•• •
M KN !> I" N PI A NO i' •
Inally 21 Ka't Iftth Si reel. N. Y ;
—TH K—
Has been recently thoroughly rem.rated
and repaired, and under the management
of the New Proprietor Mr. GEORGE
IIOPPKS, formerly of WDisport, i tirst-;
clnss in all tU aupoiniments
Are offered to those in attendance at court
and others remaining in town for a few
davs at a time.
The largest and most superbly Designed
lintel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern conveniences. * Gotrytho
Bush house.
Baue GEO. HOPPKS, Propr.
C. T Al.kxakpkr. C M. Howkr
x\. tornny*.at L*w,Hslt#roatS. HpncUlatlrntion
l*n to Colferl'nn., and Orph.n.' ( , onrl iri.rt|o.
I.jr tie con.'.iltiwl tn Ocrrrsnand Pnftish. Otßco to
Oirmsii't kulldiug, my^Uit.
"II All D WARE !=:
Ni.w goods .„jANrc
t; A
J>Vi:s HEITEItS ltiXtiEE
v E ti
* h H
We would t-fpstiallj" call attecti .-n to the
ifijfislitiid took Stove,
Y>£lgoj£ % huuiE m>mm
• ir ?■ hi. bting t'Oti:- ly Near, We offer tal Bargain# in"**
OlL< and PAINT.-.-**.
\v 1: f ANN Of 812 UNDERSOLD.
%t . LSO.V. M'FAE LAN i. d € O^,
Spring Mills O. K :
•>l I. J. GrtOuUk'# !
•>s> tb 4 • it. Ltr|rt I
jl'riccs iowrr than
And r.ow extends a cordis! invitation t
li t frie nd*, patron*, and } .'. lie general
Also & Complete A#- >rtaietit ot
Ready Made Clothing f?r mm and
boys. Suit* as low as to be had in the
imported and Domestic
Fut! lines of
For Lad ire. Gents, ILJJS, Misses and
Hosiery, Glove?, and Shes,
Ard the wast eompVte assortment of
NOTI 0 N S <
a Centra 1 Pennsylvania. *rd price. i
willcoinpel wa in self defence to b - iv
?na . A iao Fish, Sail. etc. lSo<
A full line of IloweScwiiag Machines
and Needles for all kind l - of machine®
j Also t*l< Ini hi- • of tira'r. Msr-
U price p- !' >r the same. A rp.-c!*Lj
: 00 All he t,.e car ' tsd i
Jas. Harris <s Co.
P A I N T S,
BrUefonle. ;
Furniture Rooms!
i respectfully Inform* te ir. t f Ventre j'
county, that h<j tin- hough; out the old' 1
stand • 1(i, Reiningrr, and ha reduced)
the !ri c He ha? constantly on hand
' end mat- < l<> order
TABLES, A.0., Ac.
i!i- .toeSt reJy made Furetlu.-o it
rw cd . ! i d v.oiktuan
hip. •<! i i ■ tide under hi* immediate 1
■:•••• . n . of• ;i - " c i,ior
then Si#, here.
Call li! - hit t k h-f re purchasing '
eUew 1 re. fob 20
llanhvarc Store,
A n< Hard wars ro ba% i
been ' : id i>> t . undersigned in Ce;i- •
tr. Hell, * her pared to sell all '
kind? of Building and House Furui*bitg J
: itardw ere, Nai;-. V
Circular at Hai I Saera, Tennon Saw?, i
W'EIE' Saw*. Clothe. Barks, H full n-sort- '•
inetit of Gla.-s and M irror l'lstn Picture
Era'i.i ■. S;> ■> . -cid litih-. tahh '
Cutlery, Shovel?. Spade? arul Forks
locks, Hinge-, Screw*, Sash Spring?,t
Ilors. -Shoes, Nail*. Nor way ilod ?, Oil?,
Tea llell*. Carponter Tools, Paint, Yf.ra
j ishes
Pictures framed in the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notiee.
j pii- Remember, all goods offered cheap
er than elsewhere.
TOIIN P. POTTER, Attornev-at
* ' Law. CollMtlon? prompt.!? mad* and pcla
i attention (ivan to: hoao having land, or property for
•ale Will draw I> anl have acknowledged Ocedl
Moncuri-do. OMce in me diamond, north aldaol,
|th*courthnne,llellefcnte octJ!t>9tl
rwrw * w i HIP >
Piles, Constipation,
!'■■rwaarctlr wH >T
ml U. n. (UEK. booth Hero, 11, an, "he
n~.<f KJPAK* TtlBUllkMMIIk*
attro, u Ktm iaw brtlrr Ihu mmy I—<7 Ihaw*
e, or o4. I kac ixwrtW II <W I*ll-1 • ortchpa*4
5! kt<U( rmr*4 R trrj Wwa'all
!;* he *r "It hoe wete IbtlaA."
Tac ■ vie !><< kt*o nM *ln oil Whoa
■MOW kn r fell,*. wotMy U llw i pooao
tlktn jtrraMl; haaUeimonohnl>ate* —ay
JXI >kuU t IT li . bWT, Wl NK(h
ntWIK nawlWaila, rmwrta>ll warhH mmm
llw*. ow* fc> tta 1 i*W fhrr* muila A*
IMte • .•-pik xx* %l~mr o ttch te uiml to
rrrry heath by pa -aoo.
J here k a* s bo: hat we* }t aoeh a m*
lak alik Ik nural I. rjer •(* IjaMa
ofice fw.'rj threaah Ike vtelr.
line tasrhar-r m-Va- >hqrt>(if W*4lHoo. Wk
ttictay re, ,rlt. bciat |.n-)iatrn>isSkSC
tcu Hun iii, t!uii.i.M, "
r - •?*'<!. iaiwyan>|rh%
""tS trsiKns*a.
i'rvfirlc !r*e f
Unit eciwr t, Allot*.
cm3!W.*,L AXO CSfLY COttllKE
£ A F I> I* iTOK"
TH°tSKiHy mmmi.
T£<l t ,M* Frol*- •-. rnw%l
. —--,
Si' > ffl J i,fitred*r*ahfertaltT. speriU
earn* ■ • •-• <-t •:irr*' .•I* to ttwa haw*.
Or; l>f 'a"M Thrwher Eotteat.
-a s ..oaka I lapieaa
1 1 a: i aaialk**
™ *a ka *a the
* v ,tra t>. a. aV ' ay teaa -aa* laa^laee.
GUil* La we re will Kl M.t.uil talk #*>■
a C.-m.* -4 1* MH-rlervert•■• l|r
I l; :v sbUm. xtm w i .'4 * tea tiki mm
NOT Oslr Tat!j Mil trier Jbr Oala,
oie. • eatlte #n . • te. iee kini
t. Cat*, eel He
■ e
j aeuafa f*e t.rek ■ -"**
X> Th .tb i* ortoiamklt. Ktarant Flitt,
I < >• rf etc,
I aar t t . L-. ;i .:ev>
' MAlT!.lOl>i tf hrti! MUf
&T&> tilt Umkm
>*'**& w i - Uta l atuwor Wtntwriapi!
tnolE ,f *Ji4r, lUaflif
i ■ r*. I'.ofM .*u,ee4tvUjkM r Moee
UdHaraa !•. k
nOB r -tlralars, < all e our Oralera w
J. w i ..**■- i.—'v!**?. w a*ii Crw
ATLKS* Orchestrion chimosOßGAlf
ulbr niaal keutlfal
A /^ S " tie A I* atrle ael prrfm
-*4al I aee rvrr uilit.
-• v J<-v" 11 kaartfrelefcrm-teJ
'■f •rti'-il. li, CoamWMli *
j S;<t #-p*. + ohua One iwuilai
''M>' ' " Ilewen I ilea,
.*! ,wo kaUf
4 ' ! le*l tV* flMirtOlifc
* WATERjiriaABl
. ..SUr ; • ON A, (IRCH BTB.
I.ANS, i;i I'nlque l-*micb ('aariare aaeew
rj rrtpi'rl KIU*T I'MbS. M -
A Ui: rIIBBKST JHAIIB * Tow, Touch,
WorhmnuehliH* lrbiliirj uaorpoaoe*
\\ nrm*iic*<l for sl\ YEARIJ.
"■ I'UU IN I:\trkmki.Y I.ow /<■ r*
- Moiillilr liieiitllmeDle A l.ibcrol
I Oltmnnl U Tm, ktrt. JfmM.'m,CAr*cr,.'*rfceol^
r: ll.i:\'lN W ANTI'.U.
- mrntelo Ibc irn<lc.llliiiro*eU Colnkeow
'1 .lit ,'..~tt n.I-hna Ineiraimi-nUKUI •t
. Hnr ;ieN HOItAT E AVATKIW A: >■ •■■•
. Mniiulncinra-re o"J ''t-elcrts
40 FAST I lib STREET. ' *-M*l