The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 29, 1879, Image 4

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Sing a song of snow-fluke.-,
Icicles ntiil frost;
Four Hint twenty snow-bints
In the worsts were lost.
When the storm was cinU-l,
Happy liinis were tliey,
By some crumbs licitriinirtol,
Tliey liveil to fl.v awuy.
Sing n song ot nun^iro)w,
( i.Mui- and April wisither;
Four and twenty nst-tiix*vts
Onnght out together.
When the shower w as endrsl.
What song was hoard
About the rftinisin splendid,
Ktoui K'li drip)mig limit
Sing a song ot sunshine,
thres admttiming praises;
Fottr and twenty hours
1 sv-t ainptjjj the daisies.
Hunt the wtte world over,
From sivt Iftcontinent.
You never wilt ibeeover
\Vl\e:s the hours went'
.Wsry,\. IVmeettte BtMdWR
The t'hlmnf) .Swrr|i>' t'rrllisl.
Even those poor little sitoty imps that
V-isl to sprnd tln'ir days in sweep
the .lark, winding eliimneys of -tuoky
1 oitdon. one gi.ntd holiilay, atul
that was tin fir-t dav of May.
How tliey must It.i M torwarvl torwarvl
ti tins one day of tip ji-nr when they
o>ti:d il >■' - up aufi eapi f. and dance :uta
shout in the open air, with the "<rd
aval inly" of their own choosing, and
tlie ever.:ixvn moving gnrhtad of their
cwn making.
1 never saw hut one of these May-rlay
ttii rry-ntakitu.s o"'thesw is-ps. hut i! \v:t>
f i txfltiii .1 that I thought ami talked ol
L for many day - aftii'. :uj<l I think tin it
walking "emu mnn,":ts 1 called Uteir
p irianit, i- the funniest of all,
it is a great cone -i\ or seven feet in
Itiiglit, of holly and ivv fnoned uv-m
himns. It grv - uji smaller ami smaller
ti tin to|i. where it is tied with -r=*y
colond rthlmns. :utd docurattxl with
bunch. - of tlow i rs
At the ry top tin r-' w ill he a crown
a uh of tlow i r-, or a little ting dying.
Ail down tin side- of tlii- exorgnen
li 11 o k an knots of ribbon and bunches
tx: tlxxva
Round it a- it gos fnxm -tnvt to
s. nH t.tlie HitL -xvivps i-ajwr ami d tnee
Their bats and jack I- tux- triiunVal ali
oxer xx ith c.-ni and gilt paper, and
Rower- stuck in xv hf ever tin y can t'ttt
one, xx; i.i tlsir b'.ci, a . g-t for they like
to leave them sooty for thi- day - fun)
a i or<si in liguns xx ith Dutch pink,
white chalk, a; '. - nr of thetu tve
tln'ir fares black that they may
0 n iut r.t thetu in tin s-titie way.
We little folks xv n purr ed to know
hoxx their laxx .T >f grxeii ntovtal aimg
ot it- f, but when xx ioi'kexl down elo
to the ground—why, titer*' we somts
tin - -axv txxofee! p.vpingout!
Then XX e ktti XX alt about it—it was
** Jul hi llttl flWl ** Y"s. then' Ha
prxf x big man inside, and this \x:e
si'tn* thing as he looked txi my young
c, < ■-
My ** i*inl ami ',a! v." however, an" in
t'u'i x -s of the swxvp- the grandest xff
ali things in tin ir May•<lay shoxv.
The " iiint" i- gx tierail.v ehosi-u from
f itne other ptofe--lon th:ui that of
thimnx'v sweepers, and i- splendidly
irand in isH'ki'il hat. trimmed wits
ril and >' .low ft-itln-rs; 11 ex! iviat: em
h'vixler*sl waistxautf; silk stockings:
large kmv buckles, and cane with a
s initt: kttub.
The * adv " is usmiUy a hoy in girl's
dn -x. which is gaudy ami helixnuvi a
tuy iorvl's. but instead tn'a can- she car
ri' - in ler tight hand a brass Imile.
When " rarl,- ; n t'.'*-green ' stoj*;,
th< x dance elegantly round him.
Tx hi"i all tjieWiV s.iotikius make sweet
1 nisie by - •win; tbeir bnishes :unl
siiox.'- togx tin ri
Tie nmy ril ami Ituly, Isixving and
four.isying to eaeh ot't*"-. with xsiekisl
bat and Imv— ill fund, and all the
s*. - xx ith ttneir Sraiiy shovels, go
round to the ■ cbstors —•" Smallest do
nations .han'Ai'l-- reeeivixl!" and the
silver and - r tKs as thev drop into the
h d'i ;.ii s'n v 4's make a pleasant jingle
in . a- ■ '• of tiw lWtte sweepers.
Eu. 1 ant sftrry to s;ty. ttii ir gnssly
t:-kiea-. r-gafcilie lion's sharx* of tin—
Niay ay • rtpv-*, and to-morrow bis
por itt ••. .-•ot'khi wilt IM'
t limbing th t iadwi k. erookivt ehimnevs,
K :t| "g an IMHN-ping. and half stitbsi
v ith <! :indmw
Sti'l tin fellow will toil
to. th-oi'gl: a I"*winding ways umii,
a-in - -"s ilay'\ht at last, you h*ar a
faint shout. run out to see the
sooty litth upon the top of
1 lietiill ehimi>a(t . waving his brush, ami
if lie Ita-hri-aliLyivUgli 'eft, shouting.
• SwiviO:*' XST
Did vou ever hear the true story of a
little chimney JBiAT, Who was swxeping
the i liimney- aa Arundel Castle, and
"Was 10-t ?
It was a hot dux ki summer when his
l :aster -enttditeE up into those tali
• himm ys. MM, ami
ha*l not appemvl si the top, an*i they
Jgldeailed a'l'LpuiuxLdd. hut eould find
i mhing of him, .tie y were all terribly
i igh' -nod. :unl "e\ ' | 111- niaster began to
thinl that he had I>iYn suffoi*atal in
fume of those winding tlui^s.
Then tln-y wvnt front one draw ing
t >nt to another.through all those
tk*ndid chamlters, shouting up the
• hirnney -. until tliey i-ante to one of the
handsomest of the " -t.-Ce eh.nnliers."
There witliin tlie curtains of rieit -rint
tun silk that -unjbunded the bsl. and
i nder .lie whitest ami finest of sheets,
a ith th'- silken wtver'et over him, lay
fist asltvp ihe lost little " Sweep O!* 1
It -i- ins thai the poor little fellow hail
put completely lost in those grrat ehim-
Jey- :e:uiing une into another, and had
come down. frigL'Jsned, an*l hot and
tired, into tiiis very comfortable IM-Cl
roont. and th* n the bed lookial so tempt
ing, and it was a"! fcinuie. that he laid
his little black Int'dttiion .uesoft pillow,
ami xv:is -non -nund as'eep.
They wen- all sn glad to find him that
1 fee] sure the kiftd dnk' tlmt lived in
that immd old tI C would not allow
1 i- mastci to punish his tittle swi-ep ft-r
taking a nap in a doeat bed.— Youth's
Couraircou<( Captain Luce.
A tall, gray-lnrtiwrt man with clear
blue eves. gray mustache anil spur—
pray whiskers muter his ehin, was the
1 rat witarra will case in New
York. It was Captain Jmnc C. Luce of
t In' sleninslrp Anjir, which was run
i ito and sunk oa ttUi 21th of Septeinl* r,
1 -■* l. The Arctic had £Ki passenger*,
and tlnrc were 15U in %lie crew. Only
ninety-sever, persiuui were saved anil not
cne woman. A part of the crew behaved
Very bad; V. Tln-YF filled the IHHIH im.',
when they were tfbbut f o abandon the
Binkine .ship a plane in one of the boats
Was offived to Captain T.Uce. who 5.1.1H!
with his little !ny by hi* aide where he
h id been usin;r hi* utmost exertions to
rule 'tis i tew. lie spurned tlieoffer, and
when those in the boat offered o take
his son, iie rejected thai oife. a' o wi h
indi -.tat'on. lie weni down wb*t h's
ship hand anil hand witn h's son The *
W Tl* drawn downttboui thi A*"t into
the vortex. Then they rose 10 .ue 80
finf. A moment a., .wa d tt pa \o r a
paddle lox flout. *tF up 10 . iinr. • i trie
nien'.iini was so gtwt .beli* kl' <-u be
Lov. Tin* lather aiiuibisl upon tvb t
riiie others. lie ard C.eorrc Alt-*, :l
( rnien v. ero on ii'V on IV < ..i-dey ("i.
deyoi the accident, Usui Se o* - , . r.
n>ou. Only four of the .< , o.V : v d the
fi-sl night a/a-; tjf sce'dcn. On 'he
morning iff I be
wassavei ;be."c wna henry 'og. Svd
d' uly : t [i.e. d :>>ff ftr-meti a feat a eh,
h nuadi which waft, <•>,-, v en. l'>i',cr
th's a'ch v/as .'.e'Cum')' ia of Queltec.
She pieced iip C:i|>*#'n i.ucennil Irs two
fellow sufferers. .
Words f Wisdom.
How immense .appear to us the sins
We have not con l ..edited.
A good conscience is able to bear
much and is eliecfcd in adversities.
Tin' tongue litis no liones, but the
tongue breaks !sinus.
Despair has mined some, but pre
sumption niul budes.
The greatest difficulties tire always
found where we are not looking for
Man believes that to he a lie which
contradicts the testimony of his own
In tlie depth of the 3ea thewatpris
still; flic heaviest grief is borne
in silence; the deenest love llows
through the eye arid touch; the purest
jov is unspeakable; the most impressive
preacher at the funeral is the silent one
whose lips are cold.
Oiwnirc*. linnkuk* mn* * m iviiiiil. *iis>-
Inc Al-ounri Ihr K'rnnl lou \o tt m k
but hrrplnii
The life of a genuine country family in
1 the warm districts of Mi xieo. writes a
' eorn spomlent. i* akuit as happx an
I illustration of quiet n -ignatlon and
|s'.n i fill eontcntinint, ami blissfttl igmr
atuv as this woldil ■an atlb-il. I bad the
pleasure of visiting stti ha happy house
hold. about titty utiles inland mrttt Vera
I Crux, nearly on the line of the railroad,
I and this family shall -t.-unl up for a
j UIIHICI. The train was to make a stop
| lor nearly an hour, ami we had time to
) wander around. ThepUuvtit which we
| stopped was a watering station for the
! engine, and the entire settlement eon-i-t
I iil <ftiiree structures that wn, not ex-
I actly right shape to Is i ailed huts, hut
! could not ls> ilignitiisl with tie name ot
! houses. The weather was about tigltt
| for silling in an leo-house and fanning
yourself, alt hough it was tin middle ot
January. The\ i gelation wa>\ •rv much
i such as we itsc.l t,i -is' picture d in the
i gvsvgmnltics, -o thick that it w.i- bud to
walk through the huslns, and tin hig
I loaves growing fa l ' upwatxi and thee
i curving graceftilk down again. It wv
in the midst of litis w or.d ot given Ic:,\ i >
ami bright tlowi is that tln-st thtvc liahi
taltotl- suxsl. They wet, olio - ilttptc
of liumlrtsls more Wi'saw lii-t '.ik, thent,
and tliey had the most dc ghtttt llobin
son IVU-I'l air altout thetu 1!e y were
built of twir> or sm i sti, akni;
fivl long and ftont half an inch to ait im It
in diameter. These w• i, knim! t>- im t
and fas cited to a framew uk ot tour pe-t
--drivi it into th, groum with cross
pi.S'o, The rtKVls w Ot tie -ante, ami
sometitmscovered with big U m - that
!<voki"d ,'ke tokma o u i'l:t 'oiiiv
' Sotttciiitics the intentlvte belween the
twigs wre till. lin with a | i-' i
hut g.'tn rally th. y w,o not. and the air
w.a> left toe'reuiate. Tin tx w tto tl.H.r
in anv of tie holts > except thelttuxl earth, and this was generally
pretty Itllly and urn v en. and hartl to walk
i on. A Uttie taistsl i',ace teude otlt ot
jH.lts., and covered with such old cloth
ing as tliey could raise, was tin bed.
which must havi - r\.al the who e fami
ly, tor there was only one in i aclt house.
An iron kctt e, and (wo forked -tick- to
hang it over tin tire with, eoniplet.afthi'
! furniture. IVn w >• |WtM m > a rough
Ihnuch Mtrau (he froM ol tin- hottM,
shaded bv a twig awning, wlu-n tin'
family sat in the It at •! the day. 1 here
were no window-, tin ,gov opening into
the holt-,' being the doorway, with no
ihvor. The interior was always very
dark, but cool.
This is not to !*• regarded a- the dw -
ling mace ot some outcast, awav on the
mountains, it i- •. sample of tueotxlin
ary resi.lence of the rural Mexican of tin
low lands. On the low ami- it i> hot a
the year round, and protection a. tiit-i
the sun is itiviinl more th:ut anv thing
else. It i- not ina. -siry to work for a
living. N\ illi m et- and ont".. - and
bananas, ami all sorti ot tropi. al truit
gn.wittg around you til! ih> leave- of
their trts-s but the rtKtls of the hut-, tin"
fruit to tvo hid for th.' pi. king, p > nty of
game to be hast for the killing, the u-ss
clothing the more comfort, ami wage- at
twenty-tire cents a day. what an awful
guv any man Won d make ot bittt-e t w ho
went to work. Half an bout 's e\, rtion
wou'.l pn> vide the family with d> acinus
provision- enough for awo k Nothing
is lacking but tire-wati r. l*u |U> i- rot
I utsl in the low land- Hut tlie native i
patient als>ut it. Wh*h in. throws a
e>p|* r in his wax he go, - to tit.- tt- are-t
tow nan.! drinks it up. Wh-nsh. d - -n't
he stay - SOIHT. When hv any -.rok ot
fortune a little money does fall into his
hands, he has only to put his n.}<c-hridi>
on thy" first horse or donkey he im , t
(and lie wjll not hn\ • to tar for one),
and riyle away.
Tlie jsstple who lite in th ltolt- 's are
just alty.ut suitable matelcs for their
dwellings. If it is j ihle fir liftman
Ixim-s not to know anythin - at a . tin■-*•
peopie ar." in that happ\ eondition. Tliey
mil away nns-t of their time in the most
convenient shade, and shade f - nty.
There arc generaiiy one or twooul peo
ple in the house. :ind the heail of th,-
family and hi- wife, and a gn-at tnsip of
ehild*en. Children -ivm '• grow ontle
ims. they ar, so p nty. I'p to -even or
eight years *>l.l tin* run around entirely
nakial, and the elotliing they wear niter
thst ag. do - not huril. n them much to
carry. Of ct>ur-e, they have nothing to
do. and they have nonet f that careworn
and prematuee'y • >UI l.aik that the . itil
tlrett of the tabii-'ant's have. Some of
the ehihtrcp, both 'toys and girLs, are ex
ceedingly handsome. They narlv nil
have sparkling Ida -k ev< - and teeth a
wliite as jx'.'ie -, which -how off well be
hind thef dark -kins. Their beauty,
however, i- -hort-lived. Some of the
i>oys are gixsl-'ustking unii tli- y ivaeh
eighttsn or twenty.hut the lieautyof the
women ra-e'v Iteyond tourt.s-n tir
fifteen. At this age they com -)Knd with
an American wtitnan of thirty, CMS ; t
that they are tuut-h -ne.'ler. lloth mtat
.ind xvwmen art? ridiculously small, and
the half-grown ehildr. n are not much
larger than hig tiolLs. Theseptx>ple can
not nad or. w rite, and have no idea of
| anything in the world Iteyond the hut
they live in and the neighboring town
they sometimes visit. Their whole
earthly po--'---to>is would not -ell for a
dollar, and they lead as simple lives a-
Adam :utd Eve in Eden. Nonewspaiier
OTereontes to them wi;h the ois
patchcs from the other t nd of i nation.
Oceasionallv a few -oldin*s -w. op down
on them and capture a man for the army,
i hut they* generally manage to hear of
their coming, and keep out of the way.
Maritime; Ilisasters.
A supplement to tin- American Ship
furnishes the puhiio with an ciaUirate
table of maritime iliaastiT- eompihsl by-
Mr. (I. li Wins low front r coord- in the
arviiivi-s of the Atianti. Mutmil Inur
anee Company. It will tie invaluable
for future n-fi n*nee. It allows the num
ls-r >f vis--,-;- lost in transatlantic steam
navigation from l K 3s, wln n the Sirius
first ero-s, -1 tin- ocean. The whole num
j iter *if ves-e's, tiy the different casualties
B|ecitil.* i- 115; of which never wer
hoard of after leaving port, --ti; wns ki-l
on coasts, fiO; foundered at -ia, ■ -uiik
at >*•.% <i: alxuidontd. H; ;#y collision
with italiergs, 3; colli-ion with other
v—i'l-. I; enpsi/ed, I-. hurnixl. It. The
loss of lift hy several kind-ol disaster,
as far as ascertained, was as follows:
Ily mi-sing VI-SM-IS. WO; by VESSELS -unk
at s*"a (including loss hy Arctic, sffct),77B;
by v: -sels burned, 533; by ves-la
wrrek**' 1,011; by collision-. 350; by
ves-ei- foundered 10; by other ea-uaf
tio-. 70: total, 1.-ir.'. li i- ninarkahle
that tlie 'us- of life aptsvirs to have Ix-'it of <iiM-n ns or*t in the ease of oniy
three nut of tin-twenty-si x mi-sing ves
se's in the li-i given. TIK-SC were tlie
President, which lei New Y'ork for
l-jverposii in l> M, and of which tin- ]o
is vagui ly given as gon, wbeif it has
always hen suppos<sl t< IM- much
higher: tin t'uyu. fllasgow, <d tie lt:-
man Line, which l"l (,ia-gow for New
York in 1H53; and the l'ai-ine.of tlietkd
'ins I due. which left Liverpool 'or New
York in Is.Vi. Th • tinitisl 10-s by thea>
veaaela was KSO. Tlie total io--, :L- iriven
above, does not inelude that ot the
tweniy-tliree vi s-i'ls ngainst which tin
refcori! is, *Mi.--ing, all lost." As fat
as can be judged .'rom the < har:n t*T ot
these, and i"r*)in tlieir points of departure,
tliey w* n: mostly transient .-hips, carry
ing few or no passenger*. With an aver
age of 100 person to each, including
crew, t'tc total hiss of lift" on the list
would !H: increased to ii,s(Kt human
Novel I'se of a Locomotive.
Every day proves the truth of the old
adaj": " Neee-sity is "in mother of in
; vealiori." Our at.enlion has just !MS-II
called to a new way of uJltring tin
power of :• locomotive. years ago
I'ort*T. liell *k Co., of l'i.t-hurg. sent
one of their small locomotives to tlM
famous Dutch Flat in California. It
was used for hauling logs f-oitt a timln-r
tract to the saw nt'li. Hit' :ts much o
I the tinilier was in .- *!eep canyon and the
, mi 11 we-on lie Iti'l o<p, (lie ingenious
■owner th-sirxl to make it do another
kind of duty as well as its own. They an incline tra k placing a < !tr
on it. to which they laslt the timber,
; and by a wire rope draw it to tlie top.
The rope passes over a drum al the top
of the Dill and the power is supplied by
j the littl" locomotive. The nuxlus ojH-r-
I awli is totim the engine on to a side
track alongside the drum on io friction
wheels, through which the power is
ommun'eabsl, and liere lik* a dog in a
! churn wheel or a horse in a tread mi'l,
the engine revolves its drivers without
tlie engine advan* ing and lifts its lo:ul
(>OO feet in height in L-00 feet of track,
the engine thus Iss-onting practically a
stationary engine.— lron Aye.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports a
shower of several thousand herrings near
a cemetery in that city. They were not
nick led, and there is not salt enough in
tire story to save it.
Il 1 mil Sign llrArrllla Torn TiHr.
4'lll tnlla 4'naia ill H*'|lft •'IIXrM* .
\V honevur hiulwml) mutilates a na
tional hank >r 1 li< nil" r .*I" n
mT IIIHIHHK com*■- into po-a'ssion *l a
wurn iml note, or whenever I>y :• i• i• 111
anybody's mom') ot thi* charaeti r I"
ismui'.i a,, i:ir ill -iivs-sl that il xsiii nut
pass. ho M inis it to the Treasurer of the
United Stales. Tin 1 nintil iti'il i u.ivim
ims to tin' redemption division of tin 1
uvasurvrV tdfice, mill there judgment
i> made on it. I his division is in charge
ot Mr. I' II Ihcyidge. It the note is a
legal tender and tin' numl* rand 1 iioni
, {nation of it are sti'l di-.lnguishahlc,
'iml satisfactory eyideitec is furnished
that tin'oihrr |Hiriions of it wilineycr
Is- pr< si tiled lor i, ili'inption. a tteyv mile
is jssinsl to tin OH in rot til, lr:t ;im Ills
It :t li:itioli;il Imuk noli*, till' li:i:ili< ot
tin- lirink must still i . ng to nil I lust is
li'lt of tin on, ■ 11 isn mill in n piece of
pttjter, mill tin" *atue I'vlili'tu'i' tu* fur
nished tint no other fin Clients ot it In'
sent in In-fijiv :i in is oiii' is i--tici|. Evi
dence that is i oimiili 'i <1 sat ialni tors i'l
tin s, i'jiM-s consists of alliilas its |>ro|M-i ty
!%tli*stisl as lii lioss t * 10 tliiini y Is , ami so
dilapidated, mill tin' imtoisi'iiii n.s |i\
r's|Hsnsilli' |M i"smis an tn tin* g*sat thai
m-ti-r mnl lioni'st intent- of iln person
asking n iittbtir-. tin ni at I nclo Sam's
Ttii ssl us .
t>t course. is.ti |iri i tut ion is liml
against Irani t^ui.> otti n a tym-tn
gone |iiistof a notn will In- si-tit in. mnl
after tin > in-itti li st w t.4 turn out to
Ik* tin rxiicot i I'ottnti'i -felt l>i i. Some
times tin' affidavits accompany in : a
fragment of ss lint ,s otus' a giveuhack
an' " manufactured." In such i use- tin*
is pin > that the sender gets to lais request
for redi tuition nil' linns' |kiintisl iliaii
polite. Vert ofllat tbr simplicity of tin
mVnlavil mnl tilt' tncompany in: state
ment of tin- I nts would !>;• alone sutfi
i it at to totivims'miv om of tlnirgctiu
iin in ss vv it)tout tin uilililioital -:ilcguard
of a " charaeti r " from soiiu' responsible
citizen. The jieees of noti's tliai pass
muster atv put into .> machine for tin'
nurjHis,' ana ground to a |>u• I >. chemicals
In ittg Usui ill tin piSK >ss \\ In li taken
out tin' ptLp i- of tin-1 otisisti'in y ol mor
tal. It is aoiil. win It ilrini. to papi r
makers. Tin' redemption of uiutilati-il
noti s amounts to alioii! a million mnl a
Ita : a month. N itut i v t!•■ ri his sunn'
rntliori ttrioiis ejx-<- founil in this million
ami a halt. I'lasful clogs, hungry cuws.
lliisi hii soUs chlldo a, liv,', w ali r. nt>,
miti'. pics, hors, s, lunatics, pute acci
dents, ami all. plus tln'ir part* in pro
work for tin* sonw tills men mnl
wi'iin a in Mr. Day idgi t fi\ tsiott.
rtn I*sHUJ om ssosiss UK IIIUSNII
Amor.tin- curious ia-. - was that of
tin jHHir ohl woman in l'hi'aili lphia.
Sin ssa.s >av inc up hi-r ntotuv in orrlcr
to accumulate enough to so ms Itcrad
ini ss ion to smut' iha-itahli' Institution.
*>!n hll rnk ! togc il.-r Distrust -
ful of -wing- luuiks, silo put hiT utoin y
on ash. If, will i'oiii i ai> il. It s % hiii ilis
apju ar, ii. Sh. \v as . . rtaill U S* i> stoVn.
"s. ti. ~f I, rin ichU>i> i, 'inu.nli In rto
ti ar Up tin' tlm-r. Sh, iliil so, ami, alt, r
a ,\os - aivh, tin Ira un lit- of li, r " >
ss'iTo fouml in a rat's tn st, tin - proprie
tor- of which hint Us n i xcrvisiiijt tin ir
nihh',ins; propciisitii -on tlw niom v Sh,'
:athi-nil up the traenn nt- mnl nt tln iii
to tin l'r> .Lsltrs . Most oft In un,in* was
in national hank noti*. which wire
tnutib'. il l'Viun! the jmssihility of
rccoitnition. For them she could r cain
in,thine. Of til i, ; -ti i.ih r not, > hut
could !' rinlei ineit, the oiii Imly
.~ 1 st 1y mt.
rui; i v! oi nil n.UNuis I AUSIKU.
Anothi'' mis,• in which tin vsas •
distrust of hanks svas that of n farnn r
lisitis in ll'inois. He always kept his
money i.i tin- house orak.ut his jwrson.
A shon tini - h.ul ?I l.rtm in ready
i ish :IIII! ian in, il in his eoat |sa ket.
lie went to Ins!, lea vim; his ,vwt on a
chair. His wife eomp ainctl o*" the cold
ness of the loom, and In* ;>t u)i to stir
up the lire. He had INS n back in Uil
hut a short titUC Whcil the IIHIUI (Hied
with -moke ami tie si ll l.nown ik'or of
"somethitv; burnin.." He jumiN-d up
to find his pocket burnt out and h ; s
Sll.rtl' a eharml netss. Fortunately
tin >• vv:is enoii;li distiiitulsliaMe about
the notes to secure him, uim n sworn ami
attest.-d atlldas'iiS of the lads, a new s-t
• ouiphte. lie may jmtroni/e banks
In rcifti*r.
Till |] vrst Ot Till I.loni.ts I SSSVk.Ii.
Then is a (Jcori:i:i lasv ver wlio is not
vet satishisl ssitii the action of the
rteastny toward one of his clients.
This cheat bad !>umt uu. and ia-
Ihvve vvitne-s.-si t t> prtise its total lo
struction. He wiotc to tie lieparuin nt
ahi n it, hut was inforntul that nothing
ci d !H> niltxined in nothing only de
.e the :'lnowln!.•si faci that there
!,. i once In en siim ihiu; out of which
the qui-siioii RTCW. The lawyer was
then npplisl to. and for the jiast four
months ita. Ins n try in? to convince the
I'na.stm r Mr. 1 inviilip' that the
fpiTerntneni is the unlawful pun*r by
the de-trtn tion of tin- money, anil that
not to replace it is hut the most lian
lai 'tl ot sw'ind s. He uuotes law, IMUII
statutory and mora . and spiis out his
arguments at leiiitlt. lie has not nuule
any j.eri ejitihie hi-adway in lieliaifof his
I>A< I. Wool IS>| \
Perhaps one of the most n inarkahlc
I'.'iss that h is ever come he lore the re
demption div isi'on was one last week. It
was a btnska hnekwoodsnura, a canp
tire and i-m immln-d dol'ars. The
liackwoodsniati lropjisl the tkwket
lHK.keon; ,in'. the s> IINI into tic camp
lire. Ik-fore !■ coital tr t it out. the
heat had -o acleil oti it that tin- lunik
had shrivelisl tip into a hard burnt kill.
He did not attempt to open it. hut sent
ii on with a statement of the facts.
Ihe hall was cracked j u.-t as a hickory
nut wouhl Ik-in order to u.-t at its con
tents. Inside was found, jk-rfecllv in
tact and uniia.u.'itp'd the iwentvano ten
dollar hills that to make up the
backwoodsman's one hundred.
It wa. rather curious a'so akitit tlie
money presen.<-d !iy the bmil> of Chi
c:c;o for redemtiioii after the treat tire.
Ilaiik- keeji h it''V in pa -| a;, - un
folded. The hanks wit' It were burnt
out in that tie lost most of the not"*
they had on hand. In some instances,
however, their replacin; was |H,-silile.
Someiim< - tl" noti-s in tin vaults had not
ks'ti whollydestiove<|. the iiii tn'i'c sub
s.anei - wlii'h in rr inUi their eom|M>si
liott beiiti; left. Tln-c were found in
, block form as the notes had been
p:u ka;i d. Tin y were forwatdml to the
rtsleuiptii ti div ision. The thin layers of
tiotis., tit division In iwci-n wlticit was
almost im)tereeitihle. weie ','paratetl.
It was neat work. Then the denomina
tions and t.••• nuti'hi—s though with
tnui'h diflii'tthy. were picked out in the
almost airv ami b'ai-K f>antework of
what Was oree a tto.e. One hundred
ami sixty-live thousand dollars in this
way c.'Uiyr font > •• Clifearo lire. ()f
this atiioti:>t\v:is iili ntit'-. d and
new notes issued t hei-cor.
XoTI S I'M IW I I. I stint.
An tf'iiii farmer lost Jttio while plow
in-. li s tie'tls a year a-.e. Tics yiw in
p'owiey ,In- Mime field he turmsl the
JIOC' I ,IMIO CM, lininr tluit
I .ton*,it ii was aimost ijeccitr powd lie
i y< i d t ec ly.ti-ion it was upon H'lp.ic.'ition
land pn sen n ion foiiml reuecmable.
( ases like tli's are v> -y fn i,U,TIt. Also
insi.'titees v, tete do;s, lio."ses, cows ami
'othernnima's have th i i mure i.ntl pn v i'v
ami Miinc,i.iirs wholly swallowcsl I'nel'e
Sum's promises ,o pay.
One man. in a do; ease, suites that he
forwards portions of a ten-dollar note;
that he has watched the the; vigilantly
for the remainder of it. hut his watch
has not liecti ri'wanhsl with stiecess.
He n new note. The old I toot liyurcs
iiui,!' freijui itiv. A Teniiessc.'man put
?135 in an o'tt hoot, and secreted his
I tool in his sumkeliouse. When he went
h:u-k for ii. lie lost his hearings and
could not litnl it. Six months afterwan!
he stuntitled across the old kiot exactly
win re lie had left it. The money inside
hud fttrnisheil notirisliiiient for eoek
roaelies and wotsl-lice. A handfttl of
sniail pieces was all that was left to tell
the tale. Sending litem on to the Treas
ury they were examined, (ixetl totp'tlier,
and etiouyh resetted to trive Ihe man who
hid his money in a Imot £SO. Another
Ti rtnessccan put Sft'a in an outhouse tunl
lost the pla'.'C. It remained there for six
years. List week the decomposed notes
arrived at the Treasury wit h proper affi
davits. They wore redeem* il in full.
never reihs-med. This is not generally
understood, and it froijucntly occurs lliat
solid sticks of gold or silver will lie sent
I in. The coin had been placed in piles,
i illiti, by tlip set inn ttf Ii tf. litclti'il ID
grtiicr. Tin "V chunks tuv itJw .tss rv
I tii'iiisl \ll 1 lie owner* ran tin 1* L< > sell
I licir goitl or silver ivs so iftllrli bullion.
ll \t.Jttit>jloo Sue.
Slate* ami Kates ttf Intetevi.
States wliii'll licriilit "pre in I
RATES O! inti rest by A'IFT iurnt* in writ
i.'fili I tilt HufMrtl
I*/ ttnl. ialt
N'ttriiintwlrttt Mutts,
t'hiti It s
IllillSltll .. ti 111
tllttlnta tl 10
Mtehtgttu 7 10
\\ iatsittain 0 til
l>>* it . ti It)
Mtnttt -"DU 7 12
Welt in ststce
MMMMID ti 10
K;lll"U" 7 13
Nebraska Iti py
t 'tatgt.ti 10 12
Southern Stnltii-
N.uiti t itioiiiiu ti H
T iHiiaiann.. | H
M a sa ppi Ii to
Kentucky .. ~ ... (I 111
Texas S 12
Atknnaita 0 10
Slultu. wltt, It |eoiiil Uf
limi'tsl ttitwiiti t.ittw.if
i iti'ir". t. ogreenients
in * nun;;
New I n.'.'itrd htatw }
M .... ti i
Mu"a'hu*cii i. I
lUkh!(- IftUi'id ( j AIM lult* (i| in
i KitiKN Uv n( . (* )l( itM luuy Ut
i - (i | to i aiiij;
7 j
N, uulii . 10 ]
! !*' I 111
>(U(RI TO iiu H |K-I mil (tii!)
(KIT* ITK. TI T>( i'IT(I(I
N V( I UKI ILTOL tolnc-*
NEW ltiit|l|iiirc TI j
\ t*i tudil 6 i
Mttl.Uo to(!(*
Nfto Vd-l 7|
Now jrn \ . . 7 j
|VIIIU*> 1 vti'iia ti j n*e ruto
Matyiaii<! ( J Uct tiol bo
lU*latoa*v ti j t'wlal.
N ,a. .. . t j
to* MI H I V oiitUft 7 !
VlaUuim .. H j
\N (oil \II iln 6 |
iWuttowc 6 '
(fiout Ice.
Tlic I'liilitticlphia I * JWt tlttumul
ha* an article i>n " Peculiarities of I'timl
li . vv bit It b;vs the foliotviuy observa
tion* of interest isuli ,AI uto tratle ami
tin general public:
There i> more air, it" in fail other
foreign ina etliefit" ta 5.41 jtoiiti" titan ill
l t'tini'ig "1' tnits, am! untler a sharp .and
more of it wid !• held in .sutqt-ii.sittii. it
u'so foi lows that iu severe w cat Iter, when
the freegittd is luore.antil, the >ueeeaive
planes w til he nio.'e ilt-illiet than w lien
it i" slow; ami thai, it uhy intaiii eoit
tlitio is, its whett the w ater i" very still
t-ti tile "U fare ami the w > 'tin r I a-iahle,
the s.reai." will run into each other,
inak :, i'* i. ditfivult to ti "tiiiL-ui"li theui.
It is weil ittowii to ice nnutufrclurcnt,
:'ntl tin ir e\jM- p i. ma* is aiutily Itorne out
..y tleaie's in uatu-ai iee. that iee uttuh
at a nutilr l ' "'t' It'tup miU'i . -ay fitlevn
det-Asw lo twBty-flvr degrts'" F.dirt't
lu it, is eleari'r titan .hen ttie thertuotU'*-
it R is at /R'TT NF lit'luw it.
TIT. luaetinie Hit"', ait rt to litis fa t
Usually r. gulute tne it nipt a tiun-. \v iiit h
t 'T'V eau -tatii'y do, W Itiisl tile dealt-"*
in the nalUial produc*, of COURSE, -ie
eoUlpelietl lo L-'lLe lilt* M eat lit t' ll* it
tout,". The ttiitipelniott IN'TWEEN n te
ral aittl artiiteial n • l*:ts not yet rendu tl
a|M.t;it i\ hit It 2tVt-s this "tilt,is , "Ullieic'tt
IUQ o aitee. !>ut s'toulti i tveptors reaii/A
even iuv'f their lto|*s, the tin ENI iee
lit .It r- ii LIT ttnd it Ut tite r i.ttervt to
111- el it ll . more e.t I> i i tile M'Wlion of
tii. irite fie t's tluvn tlu y are now wont to
give it. I-tter tn. We let t|r, the T--
SF.iion, tilt'ita* dt-.tie ' will Is' -S eltoiee
in .liis "Vs ( >e,'i a> (be fa-lite is ill •
-oi - Ib->A to h.s v.o ous erttps;
and tile flu >nis ty iee vv ih Item. |H<pu
la antl itiqhi '.ant .1 riUitV as that of af
I it'll ,tl r e ItoW L* a not'g the tnon- en
'igh.t ned .ti ers t>. .'it
Ami H< re it tuai is p-oper to nmark
titat ita' of a Ve V tits'ti B ut' roltt', so
milt ti atimitisi liy eoosutue * and t'w
titule, surpax-t s i.i harthiess, We'glil ami
ft in'p.' ' tf'l the v a 'tis grades of
gny anil tqnu-ue iee; am' from what we
have - lid he'e anti ltere i. will Is
infetred that .his qua ty i> tine to .he
i xpo'-io.i of '"..ta-i'.s) air , mm .he wat< r
l>\ motion a ui gradual steady .".re/ing.
Hoitiiu ; no foSi',n atlmix.ure in sus
jwosio •, tin' air tutjU'ri* .lio btwuti t'l
luu.x, color of air atto water comi>insl,
a ,tl • xi'ept i. lien e\[Ms<s! to Up tiireei
heal and my- ..f .he Min will tr
qnirt a it >T' -er time for lusion by rat' ant
heal. __________
F.verv man is provideal W .tit aldiity of
SOME kidtl anil to a certain degree, L'LU
Important matter to lit TIN itiisl in life is.
what IS tliis ability? Very few men ar>
wise enough to ts*. until it is too late,
what oeeupation in life is Um suited TO
them, in nearly every man there is a
G-'IN which, with proper euitiation.
will develop tiii- . ft eerta'n tiegn*'.
Voung men LEARNING any husineto sliould
study ami learn it in ail ILS liearings.
ami aflortl it :UI oiqs,rtunity of ENwtli.
Many tin n have tie L ur ,lul notion that
tliey can do niuiost anything within the
range of human capat it v, tutd an tiien*-
hy deceivtsl AI! through their LIFE, and
U-C tormented hy it* consequent uncer
tainties ami its disappointment*. Very
few hare CIE JSIW. r or talent of doing
MORE than one tiling well. Nature, in
Iter is ononiicnl distriiiutiun of gifts. IE
--stows them, A* a rule, sparsely. ONE
may IS- aide to plan, ami another to
execute: Inn neither are aide TO do both.
One man IS JMO-' --e,| of jjreat inventive
ami nifuining ability, white his M ighlMir
IS g'ftetl with tlte ability to execute.
The many financial revc-SC* ARE IM'.N --
sive illustratiop" of n'an's single ability .
The liusitie-- plans are well designed,
hut tile enterprise falls -IP.rt of -ueia-ss
lltrougli the im flieienejf of the uputnge
menl. From tint, to tune we fiml nota
ble examples of litis rule.
lie Saw (lie Point.
F./eki'l Hayes, the great-grandfather
e.f tlte IV' -iifent. Wfks a successful me
chanic in I'onneet ieut , ami kept a num
-I*T of nppreiitiees. It is said that some
time*, like apprentices in ail age*, they
felt that they had long work and short
ration*. At one time A new cheese was
put on the table whole. It -tood uncut
for a dav or two. Hayes saying at each
meal, "That is a nice-looking eliissM'. It
is a pity to cut it!" The boys thought
tiii- vvtrs growing rather nmimtonous,
ami pl.inned to slmw their sentimenUi.
'l'lie Itlai ksmith had one tlav got a liar
of iron nicely lieateil. ami laid it across
the iron anvil to lie cut the proper
lengths. The tioys. with ehisei ami
sletlges. were to cut it off. lint nnliaml
wa* rai-' d. IIBV>S< nsktsl vvliy they did
not "strike." <TNR of (Item replied:
"That i* -tteii a nice bar of iron; it
would lien pity to cut it." Hayes quickly
saw tiie point, ami slioul ti. willt a
laugh.*" Strike! Imys. strike! tlte cheese
shall Im' cut !"
Repartee in Khynie.
Tlte following .'ineeilote oil three noted
Nortli Carolinians - iliilnian. Dews and
Swain— T lie two former lirilliant lawyers
and tiie latter a learnetl lawyer ami a
scholar, and from IKW to IH3& go\ V ernor
of tin- State, mid tifterw.'inl president of
('lmpel Hill I'tiiversity- is nearly "tit of
date. At n term of tl"' Supreme Court
t lie gent lei II.AN Ll.'iiideil MR. James Dotage,
tlieneierk of the court, the following
epitaph :
" ifnrt' tirst .tatties lltslge, * it'olt-lgtsl aligtSNl
Ais! invur ibstgorl let evil.
Act! f.V tkslging all ito ctrnM,
lie t'ttttl.l tiol tititlge iltti tlei 1!"
To litis Mr. Dodgereturpod the follow
ing sharp impioniptu reply:
" lien' lies n *tt<l a Nwain,
'niter lot le. no limn cbtHSte;
Tliey L.tsl in "in and <t <sl in jsiin,
And the devil tgtt l.'s due*! (Hews)"
ll't'minglon (.V. C.) Sun
A ( ant ions (Voraitn.
A little woman, WITH cotishlenih'e
anxie.v in iter ,aee. was sea-eliing the
Cenint' Marl. EL YFS.EEDEY 'or flowe *A NI
SEEDS, ami one oi' TLII'H'S'IL ne'lers explain
ed to her:
" Here tire some of the nicest elHtls-ra
you ever saw. If you take tliem they
will cover your house tutd make it look
a!imst like Paradise."
"Tliey will, eh?" absently replied
the woman.
" A'es, they will. You don't know
how tliey will improve the looks of your
" Hut I won'T TOKE :iny. Just as soon
SA they mode the old house look any bet
ter the lardlord would come around anil
ra>se the renton us. I guess I won't buy
aiD'thing but sunflower seeds and A stalk
or two of catnip." — Detroit Free Press.
Emttern and Middle Statei.
IjxtU Il,ii inoii, a tiiitoJiitii*! l Whlcrtitwil, N.
Y . went home frutii to oik Mirk, (toU luiiiltiiK Mi
hU Vtotll. did! tikcluiliMHl lo 111* to lie, M I mil
• t.vliiK " Mr lint ton WIUI lrijcht(*n%l h
nil e\letil (Iml ihe the*! ho|lly ujleitouivl
linrtoti itvtAcH'l
l it. toraathei Mi Notlhcin New on
the (hit(ectilh ton* tin|i%'(**leiile(lly h( f• ihe
nmMiit, (he (herttloinelei Iti tttatiV |h**rto M Nt*to
I lain|while Mt<h< utiiitf 1 tH* th tit (he haJe
Ai lhe one h unit tod and olt%(illitoi*iMvriiary
ol (he inKuniitnliono! (he Nuw Yoi k ( 'liainloet ol
( oininetvc a iaf|(to nnniln t ol bnaiutMia and I "*
ItvtuMoiuU melt toetto ik(wk*ll, and |K*% hWI toeie
i nude ly ituniNih lUaiae, Andreto I* \\ liil*-,
ihe neto MinUlrr lo (tuiituiliy, mid ollkt*
I he nllth (UMOial ttolttV( lllll| o! the NidioiiaJ
Miller*' As-* itiHoH met l llo ••rand l*n< *te
11•(cI, in < im u. ti, uHt .( the tJUO tin ndel U
ihk |trtni|il Mt Aon hoR , |>lt ntdcnl ol ihe
i lioeMvl (1 I ifptu, and lltu Hi*\or, I .#-
lei II Jl<t i IT "v. •(i Ituide to elooilitlYK *idi * -f> "
ihe | t Rblclit, Ml low K r Ibili, litojHMtdt t
and tftillieitod Ihe nititiial (hMikw
W dhnin Mnhtoon, u Neto \ ork jßi< wiiuill,
dihsiltwl 111 ltd void Ihttier, huiii|ihit I rt IM h
wtv -ilt i, in n toiiwlhnj; nmUli l
i (allien, New \ lk
II i mud (hat litem uiv more than 6,U(K)
v* hilt-* in (he Indian itrnlory, dcwpile li*
I'ttwhlcnl'i recti tl |HYrlu:iuiiiim lorbltldiiiK
l rwj m,mm.
Northern New Ivtijghllfeii h.u eiidWtto!
• reeetilly IIYIIII Itirml Itlton l'he i(teltti4
Uon o| litnlwi u th* |uie loit .•(eai I
'*OK. Me . lite* Utll iiattieiete. hienl lift ■
hake mlimo Ihwtu in (lie >niitil> t*f 1 all*
tony, \ 11., mid I Unlet t, V 11
Henry ,1 ( (•>, rl!\ IriiurtttVi ol Ntl' in,
Mi y 4 twin titled u|eide i> h.otK Ul i biiilxdl
lo oiliet* rndntK*
llurslou litut n- Itu-tol her drlit d irmi; (he JHI*I
>iuU *.' UN JtK j| ll now aitenilit** lo
iV' 11 ti, mid the MtkMi£ ltllel lo MI J,7'Jl,Mjbi.
Western and Southern SUtev
A nktl! coiilauiiitK men rt from a
html n| ■* ( in the Mi%9ti*nijf|i rt%t r. at hi. l>ui
and lour (4 the huiileiti tottje dixoto iu%t.
A I otifc lelnle IlKXlUtlieiit Piultol by lite
l*adit > Mouillin ulal .\jmhr ulkmi, in 1 oluuJda,
i wan utivetle*l. Mtliiat>
and old \ct(-itoii Irotti aii the |*rtm i|ki jo*>itil
ill ihe Male and troll! i'luiriiMtc, -N. C , jnirtit'l'
ihUh| ill (lie triruHHtuw.
AII !iAU*ntoliiij; and iiujTortaiit do i*iult al)i% l
ikK Uiu iij;ht ol to lute ami cnlorc%i |er*iui l>
iulctoituu r> hu** jut linen £iwu in llm i niitil
toiaUw ( itvtul Court al Kiehuiond, Va- In Utr
aunt *4 'he ttodorwti mm, Kdiuviad Kuiu >. and
(lie while too!nun, Mary iluli, * otiliiit*! iu Ihe
jH'tult'iiliur) lor u Ylolatiott (.4 ihe toUile atat
ute |>ti4id i(m*k (he mlnrtiiai i ctK* 1 *4
liujghtv* r4uod (■ a toil! ol
htdmai tNi|.i* im the llial tJie I !t!!%i
SUttito oHtrts liave ihi jariMlriioti mm# jur
lioitn (4 ihe (ojutiKm hhU liiat Ihe
law *(4 are al the wir ij;u rutilrul
an I to ill i 4 each tmuil% Uwl i> ati> jrvn
vision oi any arte u i tiie i .iti-sUiuiAon 4 the
I tillod Mai*- ; timt tiiiM<lulr mid ruttin |uvotf
over th(x*c la to (• HtvfNkrtiiy Us|l ait over lito
to(9rl4| and m l)u* I inva ol >lulu l* liic j;tv
emllinn( (4 h**<iJ u*(i , llial ihe i.w IIIHWI
wltu-h Ihe |wltx4g toeie couk lelo.! toa% to tiii ihe
unrttolnu n%( j•*< ! <! \ (•'
*iuit l ii, and thai it (- ii<>i j ndulult 1 hy any
nioii (4 (In- iiulioita! ("ottMilulkm A lo
uiakitiK (HMdrarlw (lit oj>Uii*m hohi thai set'-
liun 1,1f77 4 the Imhihnl S|iitiUi%, hah w
curtto U *li |K*>*i!i'* w tlhiii the* 1 iillml toiiiUw
llie iKh( m every 'v'.atr lo make and rnloive
K*hlrtt U, mil utily ivft*r to contract* iatolul
uuder tho Uto *4 tiie Midi"* wIH rwu it L
|mhm%l loeliloiee litem, A*tu)lttlfiK llial I oar •
i% uoitilntf t, lite oj liihin liflih tlial the
j>itviie|;o oi ultHviiiji xi eviemU only t* UHai
HUM i ait I (hat ll a * tlixen ol V
went !• the l Mi 1(4 ioluiid*ia '*r to tin
letr.ltorv t4 ( tail iiitd una there iiuutiid in
nn-ortairr to tin the local iato lie could not rt
turn ti itii hi* r e>tttioHji to \ it^iiun
and * X|im I to nuhordiitufehtrnr law-* 4 itnttriaKr
to tin xato ol the 4hct |lwti* lKti l ll'Ja-1
will f'OthnhJy be U\kvn to Un Sujrruit* turt
ul the l ittUnl tolaUw.
A touielertul "d i.inb ha* jitd Uni
|d,i>e*l til ('lm v. tkrif >- iiKclcr tie*
itvite* 1 1 •* in a thrt% -tdl jjtiiiip,
1 ,MM> UttlllA tl|, lor the t'lktlti} Hilrtiujt. N Imwlt
ran the out iu lltrtc making
5. (90 and .ft'i joint* * a vtlu.i .toior
ftoi) ituaie 11, y and *1 |uut*.
hHiioviiit K > . !i:c to a v wital ll)' a to aler
bdlotoitiK an t \tra**rvhnatii> h<it%y :.on.
l*arl <4 the cit V toa ißttlvhtak U) the evletxl .4
thru* leet, and dcrahit to no i**ne.
At Icrre llatile, Intl., t ..tit |wniJi** hMir
ctlon*l men and lour white tooiut-u—lia\e
lireii ctuaj((*l with intermarrying ;i
ii. fiatww* ol the Stale law Idle rund iur y ulmi
indicini (too cxdoml iuuuUm lur (NMtMiiiiiijt
(ho martia^tow.
The tHitii(VM |tort t4 the Utwu t4 l**.-trtner%-
1 illr, la, lun hen dewtroyed hy fliv, aii>l ail
ttotjmalod !"• *4 |!UU,t9 tncurrud.
Wh'lo Mt and Mr* I'rjff ware rehiiK iHtir
Hrunklyn. Mrli . (Jj* Imoj-m'' Ucatur tiwl
md threw (lie • iit . c\t r aii tiulutiklurul. ,
I'm e ttv uivn! in in from which ahe
tiil the Tievl and her htndaami'a t*kuil
wa* fracture*l.
Ahth I>sii- ate! Ili-nry AnJu *!iiti .
an.) Ifxiai si lli,ii. •-<l.>n-l, *,' i ii lisiigi-t lur
Uirglsry *m llir lusn c.iiitiKn ul 11iii.-T.
N t' .iu prewiit ,• ,-i i iwo .jwlniui- Al!
ihnv tut-u |.n*-iaim,"l Ihi-ir SHIM" .1—- ,m lh-
M*slt.4il. YY'lulr (Ur i-in-ulxm HAS giiutg mt s
temttc tiiuiuli'telurm ragwl, tusking the rvin'
,IJ sa l teinlili' (>n the ■utuc il)' John J.
\Vi-t ax* ul 8.U.H1 ille, Mu . Im limr
<ler,ng n fnunp I*t f*-Iol'r. a! I'Lu, u'liuiu-.
IAX. liiils*it I'briM)', luluml, "ofli-n-l it iiki*
pum-liiiii-nt 1r ssunlt,ug u wmtuiu in Juiu-
Lt"l, an !al I'IUTH 4.'ily, t Uih. YY ivllm eY\ .iti-r
--tthn "hm a limn usiutxl lluxter. two irxu-
urt* hitti-cil -fu* to iliwlh ti, fin* iml ynnl,
llir Is* i>! tin* Trrntnri giving n-. inlirrf,
it/Yi-r is,,ii l lion, llir rhmre i* tsiing lumgi-1 or
"hot. YYilkiirwHi'" rxmtli,*MTn* *i-rr thrre
cxiiwoiili-l iiiarluuitrn, *l, urn* UIHSII thirty
M .listmil Imm Ihr rluur tii wlirii be uul.
From Washington.
Tbr I'mv-uiy iK-jmrtno-nl i—tirxi n rir.
ctilnr " tluil ihr rouh lor thn fnt-*lo. .r
rrtuauluig n rtiflealt-i In, l*x*n so grtvl Ihnl
thr supply bus in* Iweo ojual to tbr Ji-umnJ.
m*wilh"lnii<liiig rvrty rflort ot ihr llurrau of
tVilliiug IUK) Kngruiiug. Ihr hop- siiH.utit
o(crfiinrali* kiill*'runl i* ahoul iftKl.lsxl,
an.l of ihi" sfl-I.OiW.UUH ham born uol.l Hp lo
•Inte of imusiicr til rirvular.
Thr su nuir Conuniltrr mi Klnriimt" At* i li-l
Ul Uikr lilt thr chargm t4 briber) agninl Srtis-
U,r Ingall". in rminwtiou with his rlrrlion to
llir Vniixls from Kansas.
Ttie (in-rnlswUrr* ami workingnun ol
YY'sstuiq(4on n li brutixl thrs<*oplim> of flu* n* "
ronatitulimi it, I'ulilornii, liy urn-iuiiliiig
(inx'iitsu k inriiif* r of Congn-w. H *pr> -nlilu.
tivra Miin-h. YY'right. Foot. YY'ravrj ami (il
lettr rvpomlixl in brief |-xx'htxi.
Foreign Ncars.
In thr Hntisli llousr ot Common- I/wil
li.-.rgi' F. Hamilton, vmr-prrsi.tmi t* It.,'
routn il. -ai.t llinl "ii""' .luimiiry six I'lirg*-'* •!
Aiurrumi ealtlit were f.mmlto U> inlrx ti-l w ill,
plriiro pneumonia.
Me*rs. Ibqikins. (iilkr-A Co.. i* Mnl.llisi
l-iroiigli, ICnglmi t. w ifli a capital ol jf2.(. .i.ifisi,
ami Mi—r. IJi.yit R Co., ol lhi same | I. .
tsifh in tho iron Invle and formerly doing a
large In lain oss, have tailed.
'Hie town ol I lata*, on lake llulnsU,, si'irn
ly-five miles sniilh'Smithisuit ifi l'nslh, Hun
gar)". '**•" inundatesl in consr-inrni i •!
continiimis num. Flail, have >b*"troyi-l 'WO
hou*"" in Kottori. 'Hie hnnest pr,w|M ts in
tiskt ilisfriel nrr roinnl.
A I/>mlim itispatcli say* Umt IJP.OOO ix.llier
met in cmilcrt-nre at llarnley. the ocntei nl
tfii* Yorkshire mining district. 1 hey <!< x .1. -1
loilemnml an ipens,*,' ot ten |H-r emit on iLimi
tiay, anil it refused to stiq* work throikghoui
the country. Auofher oonferrnoo w .11 IM- hold
in Hiniiingliam in lit •' wwitUi fix tht'dul< l*r
giving notieo ola -irike. Iho inter, al wrill Ih*
devoted lo agitation
A great firo ut Povnah, Imlia, destroyed
al,ut sixty house*.
(juenn Y ietoria i- now a grtnt-gnuiilim filter.
IVint-i—" Charlotte ol Piu--i.i, tin- wrili* ot
IVinee Hrrnhanl ol Ntiii'-Ylemingen, •iaughtei
ill the ( rowrn Prince ol fternuuiy ami gmnd
■ laughter ol Knglaml's niusm, baling given
liirfh lo n ilangliler.
In J'liroiitii liubnnl f mi')', agisl ttie iiur-,
John Casey,agol three) •' ir, ami .b,hn Kinanl.
agisl ttie years, wewbiinnsltodmith in a -lusl
which they Or.-1 while playing will, imiti ties.
The same playthings -Inrttsl a flre in Monti,-a]
recently that swept off forty buildings.
Five persomi wern killml outright and |
eral others wen- injurnil liy a Isnler explosion
in YVallsall, Kiiglatid.
Ixitc adviees tronrtJie war in South America
state that U,o Bolivians have retnkeii tlm city
of Atiu'amu, ami tlial LY.UfMI Bolivian tnstps
wore mnrebiiig to iittaek the t biluxns.
■lnroh Sta, nip'li. n well-known Sw . |s>lili
eiall, three limes president of the Swiss f 'mi
ti"leni,ion. anil sn(w*s|iiei,ll.y a memtier ,>| ()„.
f ieneva Court ot Yrtntnitim, on the Alabama
eiaiuis, is dead in his sixtieth year.
Nevenil large flies have occurred in I'jial
Kussian towns, causing gnsit distrn*- The)
lire eharged to the Ndiihsl.-. and in Orentiurg
alone seventy arrest* f.r ioceutUarisiii huvo
Is'en miide.
The Internalimuil Conginsa to diseuaa pro
(is-ts lor a ship ea.ud acixwa the Isthimis of
IVuiama met at the (imml Ibfiel. Pans. M
Feidiuaml de Ts'sseps. eugiliiwr ol the Seer
ram,l, was elected president. Ki*ar-Adinimi
I limit J Aiuinmi, ol ihe 1 nitisl Stntos navy,
was chosen one ol the , ire-president*. All ol
the powers nppliisl to sent delegates, iiudnding
Fnglnml. Ilnly mid Kus*ia. ll 9M IVM
to rlii iile tile iiieinhers into live committees to
discuss t iie niidertnking.
Two Hottei'dam trading eom|s,niiw with im
pr.moiini'oahlr mime* have tailed, with tolnl
liiiliilitii* pliu'ed ut nearly #1,000,000.
'l'lie grioter part ol l.iihlin, n eity ot 20,000 j
inlialntaiit* in Ku-sian Polnnd, has IHHIII do- ;
stroyed hy tire.
Mr. HorHoril intriMlucptl it bill to niiHioruefv
the I'uyiiicut ol ciiHloin.M iluticn in lcKnl-Umder
ditto* Mt •!i IIIHH n iiM iniiul
till* < UUMillitliUUil (o||VtttUOtt, link
ititt lor M < >MtMi of IIM H* mi tin*
MiiMni|t|i{ nvnr l**low taMo., Mr. Ilnvard,
IVoin (he I kMiilliKtM* <Mi liiuouc, m*jhil%( (he
IlittlftC 11111, With iMlK'lldllMMlt*, In }<tiV |ili* lui
tin- ol uliihitry agin ill the |fiiul
State* lot litwlul money. Ho mud tlir iltiiiaii*l
fiu I In* ol Ilia till) MMJI KtMintml, nit*l
aonjti n-!ifl HIHHIM IH< JGTT OJI JIOIII (IK* (4
Milwldlitry coin ul (In* column vial gaiilcf*.
Mill I'lll would not nllox I ihr Volume of oiir
ii*m \ '1 In* lull wa* lui*l ovrr .. ( -lor*
tii Ml of (In* I*r^Klult\' A||n|i lulioii lull wu
I IUUIIIUHI, IIIH ijiiM>liMi UutiK oil tf ikinji uul
the I liiUMt 11% • Mil it K*l%< !("*! liy (lift (iMIIItiiUMI IM
A|i|ito|iimtjoii, <liti% ttHK ihe Secretary of llm
I iKimiiy t* I'iiv uiii'unigri ol |ti*ii*iuiw with
(In* kcfit u* it n|*n lid In tut lt tin*
ti*l<'in|tMM! t liin'inMiftl mrrttiiry. It mm tin*
cidto I til llttt ittyntive vnw, 'i<J, ftay,lJ7 niul
lili'lcfoiv tint I'lttUM) I I'Mlitiun Hi tlil-> lull. Ad
| n 11 KM I.
Mil* lull rnnmiitK the |m>)i 1 dial*iltlic 4
Joliti to 'tdUmlMl, •*1 Hull Illtote, tn IUUMMM!
Milt IIOIKM inMtlliiiMl (• uinitloiutu Ml o| (lii
lull to amend llin Uw* Vtdallftg to coituggti itiid
to coin AIM! bullion I uUfk*l%, MITT it tiumlm
oi amendment* wm j'tuKiiilwl Ail)ouni(l
A joint rt**dtiUoti *.* inl<t>lut 1 l#y Mt
( ik I, fell MMtIIOIKtUK Ufld I lit* I -
dn( to ijmn A <.irnwjn llAUMA m with 1 mtwc on
ilu< itul>|ii'i ol h iHMiiiurit'ui treaty. KHKImI
to (hit t oittinktt*** (Mi 1 I'lnuu lt< Intion*...,
\|t lb* k *&}iluitte*t (IK- |>ro\ ianms of llr
iLati\i- A|flof M UtfiiMi lull no it ltnl INIXI
itllu*il. Mi Miututaii jmiinixlnl lo Jkm-UKU
(in* lull, and in a loiiq k|KN'li in ft Vol
of Iho n|Hid ol Ihe lt*l outh and the law*
i| |Miutinj; tuju i\iooi n o| Kiwlorwl rl Won*
MI !I>- ul intitwliii OTL N rewdiiUoit, W Inch
Witt to, UNWILIK THE hiervtill)' OF the
RTIWWIIIY to rttjwirf TIT the toetiale i'IO HHMHIHI
ol tin LI T: II N IOLT IIOTI'M UF tin t mlvd total***
llial HAVE IMH'II red<*-titcd it coin UIMM- January
1, llt 711, UIUL TTL%O to IWTL tlloMiilt 4 J;OH1 WHII lit*
(!WMlilrii%l hilar* 11 uulhot uxl lo k(M*j in (JIM
j Tmmiiry to munition |x n iuuui|t4oit under
!h|ctot I'i nmt) 14, I>7> Utdwlr uiitlio
oi hy Mtwr Ijitun, CotikliUfb Vuurlux* tutd
j Ivel lu*it AdjOUfUtod
Mr. Knott caikvl u| the Military Intorfer-
HikD lull ami tiiov<%l tin* |re% iou* i|ue*l4oli,
to huh to aw nM)iidat. Mm (jueation twunj*
" wlmll lliu hill Jxum, the I'iiWi lt-ul objection*
to (hv contrary not wiUtstiucbujglht* \ofi
1 toni taken ami rt-aullal )(*u. l'J* ; mv, l#7.
1 s < then- not the constitutional majority
.1 (ViMhildt tit the ultirmaUvc, Uie bill toiu* ft%
in ttol. All the Ihtunvmli VUtnl *• yea," and
ii) the K<fj>tihitrans " ui)f, w Jlio ten ti reuse
Iwki'iv to ho miul, lutol with the Di iiKwrot*.
The veto was tiieu, on motion <4 Mr.
i .iim rw irfortni to tin* Jnh tary t i'li inKlir.
. Alter itiM UMiwii ol tin lull iiilalnij{ to tiiti
{ la to a and lo null ami LmiliiiU cetlifl
, raliw, the i i'HIM? u ijoui iie-1
MM* t (wuiuUoii lutial kod h> Mr. \ eil rail*
illf* to k '.toto mhi thet Ute O ltliiultl iiiulwo
: t|ml iaiuin hy jun.hose umier the tn-stj of
lvk in tlie Imluiii Terriiory, ami whether it Is
the intention to loruto ihetixMi imiiaii* or
Imwiinett, to aa .A lull wo* |iwsJ t*-
iiiovitiK the |Mhiieai thahiliii> of John h.
San mil-I>. ol ihiltunon Ait umtsuitiurut Ui
the Ajjioj'rinliMi hill was
(o, jti>4 hiiiiK thai u |njeriurtiun of the m**U
autiiort/i'l to tan |*un hoaeil by Uh Aii' mul*
tnroi M | mjl iu ut >tiali, if roiumtel, lie >UU.
I .tint lo viuil.m, l(.'|'wiibilivn mi l Jok>-
iu 4'oiij;H>M lot JiMrilmlioii mtHMij; Uictr
iKjnsuiucitrio*. All Uw j n* of ilir Ul) *m*
!>•! u].>ii wi<h 11..' t\i.-|>(ion ol lite |-.liti. ui
.Uu- ..Mt Kerttmi thru r-nrt in
ola if Ihr tret telli mul tuiy flee
if Ihr artuy at I lo- |ull Mr. lU* k miMnt an
ttttirtrhio-ul in ortirr Ui pa"iff lur the
|vtti< .1 of the of |m taniia.
fur nrfary of tjo- litwuf) 1* luUviriial
■ lU-l itiarlal lo one iuitiloliftlrlt lit |,.ymailt
Ilirmf [ltnt ol lh- tjt lO ItOU.OW in ltyfal
tnnirt,>') now in ii,r 1 itwaury U
mJeita|*l.on .4 fru. ln.nai curtvtM y.rtr
lo nil. r 'hu. uwftHt. Afpturttal
Mr i to lay the Warner
"liver lull .MI the IntJv tu ' l>) |(H
omii U. l'.f> nay* Ihr tall urn* then V.Krai UJ>-
•m hy " ; ion* Ihr flrut anrtiua nn.vuie* tlmt
the col.l twin* "l.nll I*- a "ttefulLtr |fteo (.4
unit) <>l I went) -five nti I • :lil t. ti'.ft" a
<|ttMli (or a tUror-ilolinr (ittm*.
to :<( The Mtromt wstiua |>r>>> ><tr tlrat the
"titer roiu lia)l l>- a .loilnr (or utul), a lull
-foliar, a tjtwrtrr-kiiUr an<! a .fitne; that th.
>4 lire .h.tlar aliall l 11 - J| c™'"* "**y i
the Wright if the twll- ioilar Iwtite ali i otw>.
!t"ll "trl llir w.
utul ii,.* .lime one-ltai! atul one-tfftfi., of tliat of Ihr hall-foliar Aleo. that
"ilv.r ilui.riv in th.- fnaeiry , w fieri nilurof
n f.y lutfuTai al.nwuoit ruotv- Itian one
| r cut . "hall be rxvuiicl.
Aft.-r a■; intel frlwte | ni<i waa nuule
for a .xHiiiiiitle.' .4 nine wha-fi ahaU eonaaian
tiie ntitio-MKia |elitioii. try£urhtt£ th.- Iraftv ui
ikiuor Mr Cannon. >4 llluh*. from tit.-
t .axonill."' .iu Ai-pei rut "lu, rej<nrl a hill
■naknij; aihlitioiukl for the "er
\ .re ol ll.e I*. ot..ftfr' I fe]>arttuent lot the Aa*l
vear June 30, HC9. aiuf .lute .10. Ithfl.
tt|iUa.t |-ri!it-1 utm 1 r.""Hiutiitlnt. Tta htU
.aIM n'iil ; *.a*t |.r lire jaty nieut of let.
tet-wrnei" for tJie ftanal y.r etahtiji June Ml.
1 "Stt, atul Jf.' MMi for the tftfiUe'inJ aalaly of
leltet - irrien. for ihr Ana] year June
*l. l"s" ll pmvitlm tlial in eitir* .4 lea* than
75 <** itiltafatnnla lire "iilaiy .4 Irttireamm
"tin.l he J.NM, aral in ritte. >4 more tfuua 74.000
itth:.!tifaiili> h'tt.-r—-urri. i> "bail la- ilituhal into
twocfaaa.". —..tie to m-ift. 4"*" 1 atul the other
.v*i per annum. It al-o auth.wnrri" Ure etn
jiloyuirut <4 lett.*r—mrn. r in rttrea <4 n4 lea*
tftan :4l,ot*t inhalutan!". |iruvi>l<"l the fere tie
|ir.-ry in .itir" where it i ta.w —.tiU!i*hoif
"hall ti>it !e all*" t."f th'trhy Alfrt Ittrthaf
ilirtu"m .4 the Warner altrr fall the llnun>
Ihr lloiTom of Kamino.
Tin- foiiowin.' nn-rxtnift* front n lrtt<*r
from tlf lt< v. if. f i in*bur 4. tnbwion
*r> lo lh' l|rlV* tU Mofrrulttre,
Mot •, \ ,i"-. .i i "i wilt of
nil."" .liflli uili. ", iui. ry, i'k-
Itrsa .Hill lri:tl < VfT fill''' I retunn-'l to
my Mnlion. Ilumlmlf. I may **'< 1!
t li""l. pirvMil to the nte* for n*litT;
"hrletotif—■ mm iat<xl by liunstT. nlntoft
niilnl. I*iirin| tnu-'f of w'ty ptMiblr
.linraar* nn'l "tiff''ring— who. for a loaf of
br ul, would lu' fpHldrn down by the
rn*li, bniiwl anll not unfrt-4U< - ntly
4f*ritu"l> injttmi: fomrtfnit* a lejr or
nrtn broken in their eajnTnewt b lw the
lir."l to i'i '■ir <• n li' f. \Vlien oiitf town
•>n iiv tlailj walk", 1 "hardly ever re
tunnal witiiout I'iekiiiff up a dying man.
woman or ehilt!, foiuetinies two or
three at a time; brought bark to town,
a plat' of foup and a otver wt ie Mifll
rietit lo brimr life to the tiyinc. Mon
limit tan Ita'e I met a voting man <>r
woman eotninp fnnn the tvuntry witli
no Mp-t'-rlh to ltni"h the last uuiulif (if
a mile; with brtiif <1 head and hroken
t'f'th from fall" in the effort to get up '
from the round. The Mar ration was
not lontinial to men; ewttJe. 'runels,
hoia..-. ". "heep and potiltrr have all, j
or nearly all. perihhetf; but the tiop t
bare survived, and in their insatiable
lttinpr, timling no fiuwl in town* :unl
aliaitdoiH"! bv their maaterf. who either
died or left iln ir \i!la;e> in search of
foiul. fed on flesh. llfKuniiu over
tJieeountry in hand* of twenty, tlitrty or
titty, tin \ sometime* even at'a. k*l any
human iu ing tliey met and devoured
him. Some trventv wotnen anil men
were rat en up within one mile of the
town, (tin tlav 1 was busy by the river
side, with the help of liiy servant, giving
assistance to a dying young woman, i
wle n our attention was drawn to an
Arab who wa being eaten by dgs. He
wa" th ad lu'ton- W* rea< lied him, and r
we b:til only the painful iluty of hurving
the renmiti* di* ently in the sand. 1
iim*t apologise for writing aimut sueh
hideoti" misery to you. Ifut. dreadful
to reatl. wiiat i it to witness? Tliere \
are i';t>es w hit It have laune liefore me j
that I r.-aliy esintmt put on paper. More
titan ilf.iMMi have in this town perifhtsi >
from hunger. Then- were dead or dying
lying i:t every Mreet in and out of town,
'fhe dead wen- buried not more tluui
one * pan th-ep. and the tlog* soon un*
eovepsl the earth. There i* hardly a
lioipr where there i* not one siek person.
In the Mul'idi. or Jew ish .juarter. every
house has Isa n turms! into an hospital.'
I,likens' "IMtli and Point."
A man who sells alum may not be an
alumnu* of JUI) college.
Winking at others' faults si*>n makes
us imiitferent to our own.
Prudence ami ts'ononiy come in small
paekagos. like compressed herbs.
Merit is a claim ignoretl by our ene
mies and snts-red at by our friends.
Poverty i* one of those ineonvcnienrcs
for hiefi there appears to be no help.
More time is wasted in eoi\jortun* than
is ever willingly spent in eonsunimation.
The rapid growth of friendship is too
frei|tiently prtvursor of its hasty over
There i* more anxiety when a vessel
is over-due than when its owner's note
is iu the same prediranirnt.
When we have wit enough to humble
ourselves in our own opinion, wc cense
worrying about the world's.
Fuming and fretting over probabilities
has deterred many men f'om attempting
that which might be a possible success.
—New York News.
A late Invention is a lwot made ol
paper. It will last a* long :LS the leather
article, and is said to be equally efficient
in raising a crop of corns and bunions.—
SI. Louis S/ririt.
The length of a lady's train should I
never be under a foot.— Boston Jbst. j
An Knlerprl*lng liny.
The 1 brigade of Itootblaek* wa*
increased by ope yesterday. A pnsn n
gvr train (Vom the i-last carried one more
onssengrr than the conductor knew of.
fieeauss the said paaaengi"' waaconeea'iHi
oil the ItUek tuitl looktsl more like a
hunk of mud than a live Is.y u" fourpsai
year* old. He eauifl aerrnui the river
with the others, and a brief look
tunic tl the th'|Mt he walki-d up Ui a!
hael.iiian ami saitl;
"Old l*iy. I'm right front Jersey City,
wllti nothing lo eat for two hull day* !
ami not arts! In my |iockt. I'm game, ,
I ant lend me a quarter and i'i! make ,
it a dollar Ix-furr noon."
" 1 ibm't know you,'* replied the hack- !
"Nor I you, l.ut that's all right. A I
mail who won't lead a livr U.y a quailer
to get a start in life in no man at all." i
Come, w lull il'ye nay?"
lie got the imfbey, ami walking up to
a laioi'ilack who * oud shivering in Ute
cool air, he mi it I:
"Hoy. sou'll never make a shiner in
the world. Your lone is ■aiidscape paint
ing or counting hank m.e*. lit gin ye j
a quarter for yT Lit, and if ye ever want
money to" a pint of ..enuu.s i-all O-J me," (
It wa> a t-nde. Tilt'.* was a new Is .
of blacking ami a pi c.ty loir brush, ami
the m w Is.y no sooner had ttie is<x cu
tler his ai <u tlnta lie cried out in a won
dt ifu'ly shrt'l vulco:
"t'otm ami sis- me! Cone enl !•
slioue by a ebao who kin nale yer
t hutos liM.k n'.s r in iwn miuii* than a
) s'oU'li eotlld ill tt.Ur tin's. Hoi, 1 t.Ut
>ou- r evt tiu* gin ute a fliaoc* io lav the
tunic- stttiit ufa fo .uue—ami don't you
<tri< it!"
lit setiwl fltre " hlarkii" as fast as he
could vvo L. ami in twenty in'ntn. t he
lie.l peid ha k the qua- er. 1 t half tut)
ItoUi' he wa> tilMs-ii reft.* aheml, and
then he IUI.ImsI hi* ashing anus and ,
S.'t'i* -
*• I've got to tlrop I.unlhln' down for
my ft.ouiaeli to lay liold on and then I'll '
noire out and make the fur fly. It'll
take Ute two liouis yet u> grt limhertsl
up and feel 'ike n imjue-saw run by chain
]igh.u'"if. bet when I do gT ,o work i'i
eeiUtsl shall uc Cji a b'Usli every
nine miiiu cs all day long.''
Att t he liatl proceed a cheap briak- 1
:ast at a .es.auteju he foui'd liimw 1 '
ttm, oni,si by fuU' or live IsMitbiack*
who it*. Led as tiiofgh tliey bail planned
Ut givehim the bounce.
" Morning, gents," saitl the new i*tv,
as he trout one ut the oh r. " No
ii-< tiv ing tin- tut' aapperas. my •teauie>.
1 fo- I've'k thin low u to stay. I'm I
dgllt on the lilaeL. lil ra lit-r biaek
; !UIF>, but I can black eyes if I'UJ Itmil
: to. I'm a Kts-lry tmtior —only toon* so. i
: 1 strike, kick bite ami pull fia ! " ah at
! olie motiiMt. and it takes >hm| olieemen
' 1., pull ill" away .Vt.iu (be uiiuig t-d re- i
urn<n* of my vietims."
The Imys tsmsn'ual .o*rUisr unl <oo- 1
eluded not to tackle liint, ami iu tirr i
minute- more they were pving litm
their ftirmlsbip. lie itsl theiu hack Uf
the ilepOt, sit** 1 tin uin line, ami sa d:
" Now, slouehe* you stiek by me aud
1 I'll stie, by you. This town hain't nevt r
i h!a hah'w.wkcl, ami 1 lutow it. Ib.wn
Knst we all thought you ti"cd di-liwau-r
1 s.ovt- !,l:tt'bing iusu-rd of slioc
pol'sli. Repiina y.-r emotion ami see me
U'ter mysctf ail to fli tilers."
The nei. .*y movtsi around like a ton,
Wt i-t cd iike a jHi'ty eugine. ..tikis! like
a onndhhi •, and made tweaty ocuts 1 1
about ten ini tu.'-s. Puoin.T the " eblok"
down i ito Ui* old v*t pocket. he swung
his Inc. over his -boulder, ami reutarkisf:
j " Sixty is'til* ii'im ten o'e'oCK of the
I tirst day is gi**l "ouff. Now. 1 want to
go up uiwn, ms- the s.risls, study anhi
teeture. sti-al mt- a dog, and this alter
noon I'll fis-1 as if I was Imrn lien- and
had Iss't) in jail halfadoren a titn.-s.
Ta-ta. ehiidreti. don't s|*-nd your money
. fo- uiffy while I'm gone!"— hetrvU AVer
is-wdvillc, Colorado, is lO.KWfisrt above
tin sea.
Trsx "lit,* l> l'il/-Hauu4o,
tl lbs liHiruit u utiqisoxlal wiUt snr noli
rinal iwuuri*. bluutps i 4 lntt|iifiu*, (ul i
I utul wilts 14 an utumualinwd or uuwituis
xtMm- ijiality. and a niutr tlial htw iu the
tnqnos or other regvons where uiaiaria exists,
ore twh anil ail fmughl with tlanger Ut tme
who has lawn iiiiprtui tei.l rnotigb Ist tHglerl
j a mimtisl *niegitsr>l. The concurrent U*4t
in. my nf ntsny mytfrari by land and m n>-
laldtshtw the tarl that llts4<4ler' bumtsrh '
lltUeis mutiilm Uitise who use it to encounter j
ttnxarils ,4 lito nature rrfrrmtl In with un|*i- |
tuiy; and thai, as a mtstieine u lspiot to sud
j tloa and unevpurtad exigencies, it t |wtcu
iuu-1) va'.uatilc 1 Jjsordrrs of the liver, the '
• ts.weis and the sUmtarh, lever sad ague.
tlu-.tiiiaHni ami nerttxis ailments, I fought
ou by ex|*<sure. are among the mxklits to
wliH'li euugrants. traveler* and new set tier*
ore most aubjort 1 t.nsr aud others yveid to
. the selKio (4 Uie Hitlers promptly aud corn
j pletely.
'llnstgh they may irfwtinstery msixt ihr
netiiMi .4 Kkrr cvlenial hsnstit*. ulcer* con
i tairangprouti flesh, swribuns,*. leptoti*
! grstutialavn* and sendattnu soeos s|*wtily haul
ntxier the pttrif) ing aud soothing influence <4
| Henry's ( arhnltr Halve, the protii;4est and
I most efllrietit Unocal iq.|iltcati.m ever diacov-
I nts! or uatsl. It is brbrvetl Uval U.ere is mt
| .-brume sore or eru|4ioii tiuvi mat not
| .steal by tltis incom|<ars)de purifier. hold by
: all druggists.
l'trriT ICn.iit* AT Arerttvs —Ttie regular
lSotithly atu tvon sair of Patent Kvgtitsorcurml
Mt.n.Lay last at ttie New York Psi. ut Kxcitangv.
i,' Ij!s rl\ St., NY. Among the most t>t4uble
were Combinalion Table Itedslond, ptiOll.
ISitgv ttI.IUO; Wood tutting ami Splitting
Mi* tu tie, fi.i. 1(10; .Spring itodsWmds, (#. 000;
Hay lander*. (i1..V10; fat W'ttitiows,
Insect Ile "trover, $,140; Potato Jhwp|>or.
sfl .000; Saddle Trrcs, (600.
I sushi at lout.
The tiotoriisis ilt-pn-iator bale-Arrh, who
lur- l"i so many years i-ludtvl the nmsl sccoin
pltshetl and sWilltul defecUvcs. tuts Usui caught
at last in liuflivlo, N V. Ptw further )rt* u
ktrs. nsk your druggist lor a Urttjet4 I ft. Sage's
fntarrfa Itemedy. udtiniitsl to l*> the tinst rvm
nly for catarrh vet compounded.
J uilxr for V nnrtr 11.
Hy sending thirtt -ft* e cents. w iUtsge. height,
color tri eyes and linir. ytav will receive by re
turn tttx'l a correct phofttgraph cf" yvmr future
hustnnd or wife, with name and ttalr <4 mar
riage. Address W. Pox, P. O. lfruwer 31.
1 uitonviUe, N. Y.
liver) tme who thinks t4 Isiy mg an organ
•litntld rciwl a circular handed • I aeful ItU.w
mat von for Purchasers t4 IVrlor ami fhlupel
t Irgaiui." A postal card tvldreaswsl to the MJVSHI
A IPtmlin trgan to. will tiring one. few*.
A ntglct-ltsl cough, cold, or sore throat,
which might bo clicc-kisl by a tunqde rem,sly.
like '• ltrown'a Bronchial Tmetics," it allowet!
to pn>grw*> may terminate seriously. 24 eta.
Ilia f eletiratnd
" M vtvttt.Kss "
Wotsl Tag Plug
Tiik PtowKaa I'otiAtxxi Cowrxwr,
New York. Boston and Chicago.
The Mendelssohn Piano Co., No. 21 Kast
14th St r—t. N. Y., sell Putts is at factory
Prices. Write for s catalogue.
Chew .larkson's Best Sweet Navy Toistrco
Smoke Pogne'* "Sitting Hull I furhiun Tohaorn.
It-ef Cattle M-vt. Ksttves. live art.. 0*1,4 (I*l,
Cxlrrs Htl' Milk Ms* •*
his-l> 06 q• ISO,
Units US M Id
Itng*—litre l w*
Itrtwsl M ,4 4*l
Flour—Ft. state, goo-l to futcy J w sixi
Western, good to Ixnrjr 3 pi 14 T&
Wheal-No. 1 ll~t I 17y.4 I 17 %
White State. I 1 14 1 311
Hy* fttitv . (it t f-.'t
lUrhy Tso-tlnwisl Htxfe (It <4 fil
ttora-t'ligrmtlrd Wiwtarn Mlxett. .. uya M
HouUiern Vrllow. <4 fi
tfxls—Wlittr Stale St t 4 43
v "S Western M ,4 3*l,
Hay It- tall grades .. AO t4 so
Straw- tailtg Rye. per cwt 40 <4 45
tfojis Slate, new crop 14 |4 12 ,
Pork Meea. 9 11V . 91- V*
tanl -City Steam.. on 5i4 US 39
petrol' Ulll —Cntile 07yt407\ ]('Aued S*t,
\V,*.I State and IVnn. XX 35 i 4 35
Uutter -State Creamery 14 -4 19
Dairy 13 ia IS
Western Creamery 13 t4 19
Factory 05 t4 It
Cbee*e~Btatc Factory 04 ta u >,
Hktnia 02 <4 03
Western Factory 03 w4 07
Eggs—State and Pennsylvania...... tlv.m lit*
Flour - Penn. eltoti-e to fancy 5 UO t4 5 25
Wluwl -l'eun. Bed 1 If |4 1 15
Amber.............. . t 15V"4 I 14
Rye-Slate 5* i 4 srt
Cont—State Ye110w.... 43 i 4 4.1
Oal—Mixed 32 * 33
Uutter -Crianit rv Fxtra II t4 1*
Olteese-New York Factory 09 ,4 I9tf
Petroleum Crude... ... otkt4ot\ lie fined, Uto,
Flonr—City Ground, No. 1 Spring.. 525 t4 5 751,
Wheat Hod W tuter 1 l (4 1 to
Corn—New Western 40 ,4 40
Data—State St ,4 33
Barley -Two-Bowed State, 62 (4 62
Beef—Cattle, ttvs weight WV ""h
Sheep <Wh"4 Vt
■ lag* <W\<* H\
Flmn-—W'tuconsin and Minn. Pat.... 6 So i 4 H 25
Coru —Mlxett and Ye110w............ 47 v 4 4*
Date-K.xtr* White 37 (4 40
Rye—Slate <*• 64
Wool—Washed Combing ft Delaine. 35 k* 37
I'n washed, " * SI t4 26 i
Beef—Cattle, live weiglit Ofht*
Sheep 04 ,4 04
Unl* 05 (4 t7
Bog. <MNO4 06
Po.'HI'T DICTIOWAHT, :l,OOOW. ntaand
|r. Footc's llrsltli toftnthly .ou, year.fMkc.
IftnutAY HILL Pus. Co., £29 lib 95tli St.. New York.
dm (i-t ftvpT !:*©SiLrtsßshHjl^EnEl
>■ A"' rcii^h^fi ■ m T ■
la Ihi Uld llnliaUa 1 aurmliaM l.ya
Ilirrx u<dM c ■ wh C4UD for ftillOf IM
IL.ft sii'l Totiet h p quit kl> .
The Mefkrl Is Vtth idi t:ttflilfik4
l.yr t i* a u e iu.t'leu**! ma nml and tui,usi mmfl
*->*+* *■*s
FcHithjltßuid Half Mmaurg Cm,,
.. .. ba u. r<1l IWI ar** U fsaM. Milan
•ba*.' aim a 4. LUsan, Las* t aaa r, tan* a
W. iminM an rwkl - |ai paMS-'Tn Kanosa*
Tkiat ai" .1* * .di d l. U '.utrrida sf FmaWnam, *ui
dJ.l. and Bal.'.t.and Uxsi nnd utMUiu inlrttsUag
l.ui ) eaatiiui
frb* Km. , ,-el# a yrar—aaeilal ludsorannta In rteka
A K"!*'! !'.*ld 1-' ivi.ari an> dsr kSlrr yrw Aa
aiau ur fa*.tua hiu. furnished yiatmHutw r W rrrmitl
Misnini i*iy, and *urh ..una Bind u. Finn, * Mhua
sltlvaul .harft Juut) wiaiv aa An Inrii mm tm
j Mmd to! !L l.lMiKi.t A IkliiS a OO^
WaahWdtiw. ft C lit* Red 333.
Ml..' .an.-l I*.
, Skarrs Send for |*w|dib"V |1 a ML.
11. I*. roWIJC, Bodaa.
t ll.Y,4|wi: m 33 lb . hi< Klh Hi.3*l a >eai
*>l *l>tl.*),i. B I .All a a aa)
* I I hi \ , •> |u <m 31 a )var
Till, ml k haa <• nnsiaHun and t> Uu
'l.Kl and aunt blrMha |a*ti ■> lla I attad
( nut*.
Till: ni.tkU Ml .1 u amtdAUiatiy tba fw
* P' ' fan.. ) |ab!
! " *1 KhKIIAMD. fmnUrtar. M T CM).
L*(r |'fl9WiHVil
LOG TlilW'f-lNfil
I of H. ■
a) rdftm 3"
mad. i .J7, (T M r uilr. 3I m, Gdsadaa, I
'* Arltd far KVfss I Ami m
MHilary ana Firenisk Oooda. Baenais 3 pads I
As tsfa! Ida and livtr.' rd Hmedy hd
I lla,l.|.tlrna> Ul t a I lluirMlt k ll aa
warranlrrf {.. rrtnt a .n*- y and
Twin Frr* temtlir " of my
Blllkl, iOi and a vs uahi.
I 1 II artrlmr aur hit T II and Ba
jr.aa al.l'.sa
Pa II Bbbfr. I*l fear Mr art In Talk.
U lurfarCr puis l-moounwd Uu-Uar l.yUu hat.
an tumlrtd amii.rtUaa in Uu surld Ultra h vturt
asar.lJ-A n.rijy Fit.uiu au aal al l-av ib.H
koU by ftruwia. W.B.hcklrMrlli A ( 1.11
AnliST* WA3TK3 FllH
"BACH /mm fkr Mot Tit mf IIF-Li.."
I'-l an who ba* hrrt llirfr t
"ittme and Fall mf the MtHHTAt UK.'
k) U.r Barlmctt* Has .c: r btununal.
** Hamautha am a P. A. nod P. 1."
Mr Jiaial. Allm'i ante.
Th Jhrra !■■■.•* wat and bralmrHoc Uaka oel Arret*
;<*. Bat, |t u.tsr lawk* m .>. -\-mhrTr Rnl trrnn
Idvaa. Addrraa l.r Ara<y AMKIUt Ah n i.I.IAIUMr
(Xk. Hanfidd.ix, Ckbsrt* C
The rrrat tbl.'m is Uu- thnltlny hwtnry <4 our amm
try win 0.1. Ih. IniiUv !*.•* ml {wUlubnd.
frbvs rsduraa Si I" * oral It m lha muM lump rto Hm
buy of it.. I B.av m psh nkml. Brad far rtlra i<m to
A*.st*. ami aw shy ti *r .. *. am ta.t Aadm% KrauMßMi Cm. Khna-lr)|.m. Fa
I. Ihr last daily dm* tut rklldrra. Tsv 1, a.|i. i.fu *
lt. ttu.Ar• half a plal r ttiu* awl salf. maknir a
astslastia! sir* lor a rrtiarmc <333-
XitMip A. Hurulin Ciliinrl Orwan*
rvm.rn.iwtr! lust by nKiHBST HONOBB AT AI.I
WiHUJih ahdllftiNMoK TWBI.VB TtlkVrh
ttPim. UC V;|>., aXT AU.I I'M l!'ll
mi a. I*7*. f*w U9A !• *rfu*e Swtotra •#*:• Mim..
UO Oblf Aawrtith ihvato rrrr • I1 Kktml br>-
or t Atij aitK h. SLM far cewt- ar rw4*j:nirtT3 lurw
tuTjt i iiAWM*ru he-) Orv,er% vttb t*rw wtike wd
nrke* hrtfil MaAOX A lUNUN ONUAX
HOBKe. \>W Ywt>
uttATimntLkAiuif**cm WIIUL W
W UoM uaom rmheeuoi } •*• W
f Umam IV fM fern eAeoom om4 lnl, W
f T* •• -
TRrm ie mcwTT!
% &
Patents, Pensions, Collections,
And tirmisl lan and rhiarrry frailbr.
Al.ll It 1U "ITS I iWin: al I AS.
PlalnMr Id. M.J. Srad forC-slar.
ar ail. U a laiya cotam... o, .ou ..c. "T
aad s.*drrfal israaiKw... M> a*s sd-r sv ai, fan*
Idafrrs. Addram MlkhMAh A it>. Maialmll. Mbh.
$1650' u 'sloo
Fr.-portioTia' rr: ■. rx.-n s. v aa 81.. 1 ilrta, cl
131. *3* l. *VI
iXlhl*' Hi 1 rl* atrl llrts ar, frr> A-l U>s
T IhtTTKK U liHIT * f-n li.t br . 33 Wall St.. N T.
3 B).-nil. Bvrrv tmlnalr rears),lrr.l a pa; lnj altaa
tba Addma X. tab-nllm . Matvairr? Janril!lr. M'la
■MMMHHWa AO'S reltrt iryra.
KIPPER S PASTILLES. I>y nail. M-m-oO A l>*
nin PAY. I
Wllm rl. V t Wind,l lor 3*l cia I'alalisroa free
k Vf,,\ r" aslad Ml hru
\ 111 MMIKSOK D II I Mid
- l- . .|„l .- t. llutfll F-r. .
I*4 4 4 i ■ u
/bus. Mi-., an *|- - • .-ursol d t.> \ciab
JOf | oiitfli Naa i
COONN* TEA*, 11-u I- **ahr H. la Ay*
CtakakUy aada lA)* At lUNUN, M. I ata ■
Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Pimples, or Blotches on
the Face, and Render the Complexion
Clear and Fair.
Price, 50 cts. Sent by Mail, postpaid, for 75cts.
JOHN F. HENRY, CURRAN & CO., 9 College Place, N. Y.
If yon are
In the Inquiry— Which in the
best Liniment for Han and
Beast I —tills is the answer, at*
teste*! by two generation : the
EKXT. The reason Is dir
pie. It penetrates every sot.,
wonnf% or lameness, to the
very bane, and drifes t nt all
Inflammatory and inorbi 3 met*
tor. It "goes to tho root"o:
the trouble, and never foils to
cure in doable quick time.
The Gospel of Joy
b * arm !<wmx I— t <4 umuaml Witt for
•....- tamp Mrtine*„ pin utkMMi oat
fcsisU.' -mbo-da.
111 lira twain Aia.sabd B II Urn ilnaaMlW*
la*,' lttUI uf fttrMT Mil VaTf II MUM OSd
lu>n Tb* g r, ■*; MMU twry cbaarfal aa* betkbl. aa
brtiu **. tut ua *> anab to tar aa* MM M*l
• Ulad Tbliat* 4 <.ial "
Hulli a-M. and am ar* of an Tirvat—t ib<lii
"dMSaSdUu r* in |M <4 h-l„r.| MM* a*
Uur ->iau tv luraaui*" ■ j**r*Jaat t lastly !*•
uaaMNliiiia ba. larli lairfiitfy M4ul
Frv• 33. (a. fur alw I i— .aeeaßplae wtil ba wliad
waio al'Uu.
Sac Dumatwu tt> Mtwu mUm Mmrn tana* •• b
S5 b I lb* mrtaihsnday-s-ho-., Baf lb***. tm Una
at fnwb tw but law In • U) L
TW' srr yjw H-my*. lb lb* <■ atynMaa artrrtam <4
•lai CMI IMb and >M ,I > kaa law* <)*,**)-*a **-
atuinr aba- Bm " and Un> "Hart 1 4 Uli,"
lav DaabM ball of lIMI bull) KM itITMOK 4b to.,
C. 11. UITMII it .,
*ll Hraadtnr. Sm l*.
J. K. HITMi* 4k CO.,
•M Ikrdaal *lrr<l. Phlta.
Itnl laUblbhrd I Ha 4 MmmmM I
riun* IXMTIU MUmi ** * Standard Vahn m m
Leading Markets
Of the World!-
3ieij alms faooßbk" Ida U* FINEST IX RMIt
OVER 80,000
Mad. and In war. Kern aM(na oaAMlr ha
Walk and U/weal hi baa.
WMhi aOataiqpn.
TransatSt. m Vtiftia St. Bcsta, Kiss
Brand Medal mi the Philadelphia
SUver Medal a* lb. Parks KipaaMlaa.
Tb# anal slash t tmti'f wand; km* for Ms
trradnriii at sound*. Mam aoroa rata. * dm -am.
"bramaiiaw, cbiMaiaa, raurrh. bmsrrrvmi*. Ok- Alan
l <*<arb., i>. ka'* tbisl rTuspand -Uphtbvm. rtt.
! <l an' *|<fir> v!•! uv uadin, f*>*Ka*na vl Kan*
k-ifS AtWfICA.
Thr i- .a artlrbs audi fhaa aats TaadMn—Md> a
iMi i cuu< KtiM. <• mmcK Kkm r.-itjrr
lOlfhdn vufnu> to an; aaillar saws. Tbt man.
I'UU.iTK* C.,*ab Uvan, Srw lark.
J and M COM Mae, viai: * |adt
; Tot Noam? at Poiuh. Savins lobar fl—Tl' ii i
OwatMltii and iTwanere. I soqmakd.
■WW It Utuinn^kw(,CHka,)lMk
TIT mur
IW lilt
MM ™" d#ra"l I naJ- > Bi|.A at.
- __ II >•!' Krmril*
■ll ■■ fIT Wl tna Ird.-aiM •>..
yu u 111 L
ft n iI 11 If Fa-, Hi U • Mark. > ar
if UV mama
kkturv* lld!i awl fnnarr Oraana fkvnrlin.
MTib. Hunt'* K.mrd). Sm; for |nat|du.l In
u M K. ClJkkkK. rj .dM. .fc L
TCACf *™
lk rory heal fwdi dtrerl from Ih* tmpoM.-, it Half
the nana! owl km nan rvor drid I- Cab *t*ub
and .arc. Itevrra iu KirtKSS ill vhi.KS I AID.
Ne u-rou FkjrK
Thf tirwrt Anfrinin Tr (•■pwwy,
31 and 33 Vraar krr.l. Sow York.
I*o Mo* 4333.
mm ir cowi
|Hr ti i n <>
S TXkW™" MtALTrf ,0 " n
§ i // ! J&. art aor a-ilid. oawnu aa
fin SI Mn* r sdtli.a
\ • J)T R.a .HUlMdirm
DM. * k tin * kiuiKi rißic,r> su
MV IHS3ASBS A MM • '■> U.\ut, UU
knona Vtj.l lr K,rs llrw' A Oiltrt.
faa). taint. St.wthwx A IVv. Cko >. A Smith, 1.-u
dun. *" M*d-!<"*. R<i3t. "*"■ * Oanr. lbs (MaMM V
Slaam*. thdnut The a> t p'latlar Baedlrinr of l!i. day
*' w lu vivrvrw
Addram 11A rr* A 1>- (Unlrrv Hli Si.S T.
SODA FOUNTA I MS—**i *•*. W ** s .
e* r).d run a*.. r* uulna *.. adilwi if
Ikwaw * -. Wiu., M-JiaVUOM
Anillli Hnlill A. Shin lll*. Tti.
[ 1 to|!| mrt laii'i.,iiir>. I.nrrrtF ... Mum-tfail
UriUlHkivl' Hr.K.X. Man*. h.
Cvaal llMool M 1.,, lot Is > V d>n|l'T. 11.
rreetr hrkhm M<- u,dn- r