The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 29, 1879, Image 2

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    The Centre leperter.
CKNTR* HALL, Pa., May 20, 1370.
The Patriot of 21 says: Tbe defeat of
the two hundred thousand dollar appro
priation for tbe new penitentiary at
Huntingdon in the house yesterday was
due chietly to tho prevailing impression
that the measure bail its origin in a
partisan job.
Judge Asa Packer'a will makes the
following bequests: For the permanent
endowment of the Lehigh University e
Bethlehem, 11,500,000; tor a library for
the same, |0,000; to SL Luke's hospi
tal, Bethlehem, 1300,000 ; to St. Mark's
Episcopal church, Mauch Chunk, $30,•
000. There are a number of other be
quest*, which are kept private Air tbe
John Bull Is likely to have bis beef
supply from Uncle Sam's yard, ton
tracts have been made in Chicago for
the transportation of meats from that
city to Liverpool for 31 cents a hundred
pounds. This is tbe lowest rate for that
kind of freight ever made, and it will
place American meat on the Lngiiah
market at a smaller coat than ever.
Meat sold in Chicago at RSO a hundred
can be delivered in Liverpool at £\<X> a
hundred. Onr British cousins will have
abundance of other meat to feed on be
side* tbe raro roaat beef of Old Lng
Speaker Randall baa the right grit.
The Speaker's friends say that he en
courages a prolonged session, and holds
that the Army Appropriation bill ought
not to be passed and that the strugg;e
with the President ought to be made as
pronounced and bitter as possible. The
Speaker has a good deal of influence in
the House, which give* bis opintonsand
wishes importance.
The Centre Dnwixraf compUins that
some one has been circulating a report
that it would have only a aix months
existence, and announces that it had
come to stay. The Drmomif is a useful
sheet to the party aud any false rum ore
of the kind will fail to crush it out.
The Indiana temperance people met
in convention at Indianapolis to nomi
nate a state ticket and hud a split. Quite
a number were opposed to such a nomi
nation and failing to control the organi
zation of the convention, withdrew to
the rear of the hall, indulging in such a
noisy demonstration as to call for the
presence of the police, when tbey retir
ed to an ante-room and there agreed to
meet in|separate convention in the after
noon at Temperance hall. The regal are
then proceeded to select a nomination
committee, it being found that eighteen
counties were represented. The time
thence ontil rev-ess was occupied in
speech making.
We think it ia quite as intemperate to
hare a row sober as to have a row
At last week Judge Bucher
refused to print license to any hotel in
Mifliinbnrg, because, it is said, the ap
plicants conld not bring twelve reputa
ble citizens to recommend the licensing
of their hotels. And he only granted
license to hrea hotels in
and refused tho only saloon that made
There was a wholesale roast of wild
beasts near Detroit, on 22, when
French's animal barn, erected for the
safe keeping of wild beasts, was destroy
ed by fire. Five lions, a zebra, a leop?
ard, deer, the elephant Saltan and many
other valuable beasts were roasted alive.
Tbe loss is heavy and there is little in
su ranee.
Fourteen years after the cloee of the
war the radicals wish to use a war
measure to carry the elections—the
bayonet in place of the ballot. In
times of war the ballet is used to settle
questions, and in times of peace we need
only the ballot. Let us accept nothing
short of the free ballot —else let there be
ballets all around. Whatever it be, let
there be fair play.
St. Louis Poet names them in the follow
ing order:
"We have a President who never was
"We have a supreme court, three
memtere of which violated law, oath
and justice to count in the unelected
"We have a Congress, representing
the majority of the people, but not
permitted to act by a fraudulent execu
tive and fanatical minority.
"We have the monstrous theory that
the Legislative is to obey the wishes
of the executive, not the executive to
execute the laws of the Legislative.
"We have the assumption that there
is but one man to "save tbe country,
and he Grant; but one party to rule —
that is, the Republican party ; but one
great duty of the day, that to defy the
will of a clear majority of the people.
"Is this a real Republic? Is this pop
ular self-government very fast ?
"Which is worse —dividing or de
stroying a Republic? Which is more
terrible—breaking up tbe form or the
character of a government ?
"Had the rebels of 1861 succeeded,
they would bare only divided the Re
public. But If the stalwart crew of the
Indefinite Term and Robeeon order suc
ceed they will destroy it"
A mulatto is not a negre, according to
a decision recently rendered by Judge
Woerner of St. Louia, and the statute of
Missouri forbidding intermarriage of
whites aad negroee does not apply to
mulattoes. The question arose on the
Etition of Ella Molair, a qoadroon, to
allowed a widow's allowance out of
the estate of Frank Molair, a former
City Marshal of St. Louis. It was ad j
mitted that there had been a marriage
ceremony in presence of a Isrge coa
coorse of invited guests, and also that
Mr. Molair had lived with the petitioner
as his wife, but the claim for an allow
ance was contested on tbe ground that
the statute declared absolutely void all
marriages between Jwbite persons
and negroes. Judge VVoerner thinks
that a person whose blood is one-fourtb
of the negro and three-fourths of the
Caucasian race cannot be classed as a
negro, and he quotes In support of bis
view a statute in force before the aboli
tion of slavery making a distinction be
tween negroes and mulattoes, and defin
ing a mulatto to be any person other
than a negro, any one of whose grand
fathers was a negro, and every person of
one-fourth or more negro blood.
A re.l bit a colt in Mifflin county and
the colt died. If that rat bad bitten tbe
editor of the Lewistown Gazette, the rat
wonld have died.
Grant had better get back before Au
gust, which is the time the tramp law is
to go ia fore* He is the boss tramp
Mr. Miller of Snyder county, said be
was offered $2,000 to rote for the Riot
bill by Mr. Kemble. 1 boarded at tbe j
Brady House. He said if I would vote
for it bo would give mo $2,000, and
wanted mo to consider it. It was offer
ed to me in tbe adjoining room to my
own. He did not show me the money,
but he offered me that amount.
(J. by Dr. Catchall ~Wi that the lirrt
offer? A.—Yea,thetir.-t and the last <"
This Ketuble is the fellow who w rote
the "addition, division and silence"
letter that helped Kvana to tleece tbe
state out of $.300,000, and is one of the
managers of tbe republican party
Representative Prum, of 1 userne,
implicated Smith of Philadelphia. He
said Smith informed hitn that be w is
authorised to offer f 1,000 for a vote for
tbe Riot bill. This is tbe second time
Smith has been involved in corrupt ne
gotiations by a nicuiler, Knittle, of Col*
untbia. having testified a few weeks ago
that he offered to procure from JJ'M to
11,tMO for Knittle if he voted for tbe
Tbe testimony thus far shows that
nineteen members were approached
with direct and indirect offers of money
tbe sums varying from S3OO to J\ixs>
and that five members made corrupt ap
p roach os.
Representative Bamberger, of Arm
strong. who according to the testimony
of Representative Silverthorne, offered
the latter $750 for his vote, and subse
quently took him into the presence of
W. H. Kemhle, who said he would satis
fy the contract, asked that several wit
nesses in his behalf might be heard next
Thursday, and the request was granted.
Ktimberger originally opposed thelKiot
bill, but during its progress suddenly
changed to an active supporter, he
claims that his conversion is due to the
belief that the tjussage of sl,ooo,l**' ap
propriation would be beneficial to the
republican partv and not to any pecuni
ary inducement by the wituesses. lie
intends to prove that his change of base
was due to party considerations. Rum
berger is one of the three members who
have a good chance of being expelled.
811K.V E lIKSI K.\ lILE.
The enemies of the Riot bill are doing
all in their power to provcut the testi
mony taken during the investigation
from being published, their main object
being to keep from the public the evi
dence of Keinble, which was taken at a
secret meeting. Several attempts have
been made to have a resolution relative
to tbe matter considered out of order,
but all proved unavailing.
The state treasurer reported to the
legislature last week that we commence
the tiseal year Ist Dec., 1579 with a
deficit of $2,219,036.34. This is an ugly
state of affaire and all under radical rule.
The taxpayer must rote for a change if
he wants a change for the better in this
state. In Congress the democrats saved
millions already, and when the Camen n
gang is driven from the legislature in
our state, and the ma, Line placed in
democratic hands, they will cut d. i
expenses at Harrishurg as they havi
done at Washington. Treasurer Xoye
conc'udea his report as follows:
I the ugly fact stares him in the face that
there is a deficit of over s2,'>.i\tv)o, and
that the appropriations are likely to ab
sorb all the revenuea that can be receiv
ed under the existing laws for the next
two years without reducing the amount
of the present deficit To him this is
not a pleasant picture but he deems that
his duty is done in stating the facts. He
does not presume to suggest remedies
As long, however, as this lack of funds
in the treasury continues he w ill feel it
to be his dirty to use what shall come in
to his hands as far as possible to pay the
oldest appropriations."
Xingo Park, who was arrested in Clear
field connty two or thee years ago for
participation in labor riots, and defend
ed by General Butler and Hon. Malt
Carpenter, has suddenly disappeared
from Elizabeth, where he has been liv
ing aboat a year. It is feared that he
has been foully dealt with by miners
who accuse him of having incited then,
to strike, and then deserted them.
The Lewisburg Chronicle should copy
the little dig of the Selinsgrove Times
•n the "whisky democracy." The Times'
poke is well put. We remember that
the Chronica was much given to the term
"whisky democracy." in spite of the fact
that republican Union and Snyder vot
ed for whisky, while Centre and other
democratic counties voted ferniuxt.
From an Interview in Chicago Times.
The advocates of military interference
are the most violent partisans and those
who seek to keep up sectional hate.
They are the men of whom it lias been
well said that they are full of fight now
because they did not fight when they
had a chance. The Senator who tiret
called for blood-letting in 18)11 was the
first to run away from the field when
blood was flowing. He now grows fierce
again. Ido not think it is true, as has
been charged, that he broke the lines of
our troops by his retreat, but it is cer
tain that his anxiety to save his own
blood did not encourage our soldiers in
the fight. Ido not think the country
will follow the lead cf those who stir up
strife which others are to tight out, may
be, at the cost of their lives. The
Democrats will feel as one man on the
new issue. Tbey *ee that it means
that fraud is to be upheld at the polls.
The governor of Georgia is coming
north. Radical stalwarts, please take
notice, and keep hid lest the monster
chaw you up.
A Carnival of Joy. Miserable men
and women, prostrated with disorders
of the liver and kidneys, can have a
carnival of joy by using Kidney-Worl,
and so restoring lost energy to their
vital functions. For lame backs, costive
nesa and poor digestion, it cures by
constitutional effects. For sale by all
Tbe bribery committee has developed
that twenty-two members of the house
were directly or indirectly offered
money for their votes on the riot bill.
And these were of the republican fold.
Peaches were last week shipped from
Georgia to New York.
A party in Massachusetts have started
a paper called the "holid North." If
some one in the Bouth were to start a
paper called the "solid Sfuth" the
whoL republican party would go into
spasms about it.
The General (fwßibui Company of
Parii ba for seme time pa* made ue of
electricity for eubduiag vicious bone*.
Uy the proceii adopted, iatractable ani-|
aiall given te biting, fearing, and kicking
are rendered inoffensive, f""d mbiuil
peaceably te be groomed and harne. lC( *
To obtain this result a weak current of
electricity i pained into the mouth of the
bone each time it becomes restive. The
will of the animal teems alruoet annihila
ted. The current ii predated by a small
induction machine of the Clarke system,
the wires of which communicate, with the
bit of the bridle. The employment of
electricity is said to produce a sort of un
easiness or torpor rather than pain, and is
DMU?h less barbarous than many taming
methods hitherto adopted.
Gorernorand Ex-General Colquitt, of
Georgia, eat oa ib-e platform of Mr,
Beectaer's church on 22. Jho bloody
chasm is filled up, levelled off and really
Hon Cameron hn at lad done aonio
, thing in the senate, and he will yet he
I a great man. the republican party has
. i had a dumb man in the M .-itn in tin
' person of |)on But Hon did stii him
j self ami ahowt'd when he de< move
I that aometbing will be tllY. ;<d
Donald can't do lor his parly he . m dr
for a horse race any how, and the onli
pitv is that Grant was n >t liciue . In
. won Id hive it lied Hon m.istci siioki
in the senate on'd, and oiin d his parti
j for the Baltimore horse race, t'hi
(i Tillies' special piv> ■ the put lai ■ i
.. I I Kin's great effoi t thn.
Senator Hon Cameron bowed grc.i
activity in the -etui to to ,lv. He lot
usually t>een rather retiring, and ba
not taken much p.-rt in the proceeding*
To-dav. how ever, he buckled ih'wn t<
hard work, and tin re MI It shows thu
when he sets hiiurclfto mo t.k he I
,r .• ~
prcttv sure of Mic> i—. lie was partlcu
ie | 1
larlv pleased with his success. He lun
j_ made up his mind that the Senate wa
working I n hard and that the member
J i ought to have a little recreation. A
far as tin- business of the government
that could wait till another day. -
Hon went to work t gel tho Senate ti
j adjourn over until Ttiursdav, lit t ide
to let the Senators go AS the horse r.i
at Baltimore to-morrow, lie went L
nearly every Senator in the body, am
when the vote on a Ijournment wa
taken thirtv-nine voted with Hon to gi
Y to Baltimore and sixteen voted rtgaius
d turn. He has his special car here, am
*' will take a select partv to Baltiuion
' with hiur to-ruorrow. The curious imc
t . rest assured that the fixings of boll
it thuds and solids will not be wanting,
i. * ♦ *
p Mii- Uito\, V. . uiu i- . lit its. .\si
Washington, May lt>. The di-cur.-. i
lt? in the Senate on the political utiu-iul
1 luciits in tbe 1 xeeutivo and Legislativi
'* Appropriation bill is kept up wuh mucl
'* animation. Mc--i-. Blaine and I nk
a " liug are hearing the bruut of the siglil
10 on the Republican side. Mr c . nklnu
was cfpe> islly active on the h wir to dai
and Mr. Blaiue, who held tnmi-clf in re
ig serve, managed, with his u.-ual tA.t, t
i secure an opportunity to make tin
n opening sj-eeih on Monday next. It :
ct doubttul whether u tmai vote will b<
i- reached even by l'uesday. Ihe exp -
a ure o! the jury pa. king ami frauds am
e the radical election laws bv ttie Demo
■p erotic Senator- has been so damaging
r, that the Repulicun leaders appeu
afraid to let the discussion close wiihou
making another effort to ituprore then
ic p ottion.
.j, Mr. Uiiton led tf Pr-dnv in a speed
of considerable length, i'art of it wsi
8 devoted to vindicating b - views oi
y Mate right*. i'iiat part directed r;><
e> ally to the bill was forcible, and u m.uli
a marked impression. He read at rnnct
length a recital of ttie character of pet
sons employed as -tipervi- rs and tit
d putv marshals in New York city, show
0 ing that many of them were thipve-
OUtIaWS, Convicts, and keeper- of til-re
n put.ible places. A 1 ghat of bad name
n wa- read, the only t . -pti..n to its Irut
n being taken tv Mr. t oikiing, whwniiid
Iv urged that la .\..<-n w.,s t,. . ngei
j a B< putili. an but a ' r enba. ker.
' s Mr. Katon w .- vi-rv lutter in his re
11 ferences t • the late vetoes. He declar
it ed that the issue wa- now made up n
t ( Mr. Hayes as to the use of the .. my .c
the|K)ll-. HP Mr. Laton wom.t m.i
vote a dollar f. r the use <f the arnij lot
such a purpose. The whole speech w -
;t manlv. aggressive, and delimit. It car
t ried with it the sympathies i>f the gal
leries bv its honesty and humor, and
* the point of the keen and wmy r<-pou
lt ses to the many interruptions by which
e he was annoyed.
Mr. Conkling inje '< 1 a l r.- -pi ed
into that part of Mr Laton s remarks rei
* itive to the pa. king of juries, Mr
it Conkling" contended that section s d
!_ of the Bet i--d Statutes. pi ruutting I'm
ted States Judges to apply the test .-!!•
1 to jurors, was practically a dead letter,
and at any rate was m t applicable t
persons in the South who were under
forty year- of age.
r Senator Butler of Sooth Carolina
trrietly replied by ri ating his own ri
cent observations in Charleston, N C,
where the juru- were pa. k d by a I e.l
1 era! Judge, Democrats excludetl, ami
- where' in one ease, a jtir. r was struck
e out who wa a mere boy during tin
s After Mr. Laton had finished. Mr.
a Conkling made a formal reply to him
and Mr. Thurman, again enlarg-.i gfupon
the necessity of the Flection law fur
r honest elections in New York City.
s Mr. Yoorhces retorted sharply upon
, Mr. Conkling by asking why it was. it
the elections of New \"i rk were, as he
t said, a disgrace to the ciwill*•-! world,
j the Hepuhlican Legislature of New Y'ork
, had not passed laws to correct it. Mr
Voorhees's language was very free, and
* he went so far as to say that Mr. t'onk
r ling had caluuiinated his own .State.
Mr. Conkling appeared to be greatly
exasperated at Mr. Voorhees's obm-rva
; tion, and replied with much of pa-sion
and excitement. Uc made no per-onal
ret'ectioli upon Mr. Yoorhees, but In
castigated the Hemocracy of New York
> in a very violent and savage manner
. The most extraordinary part of the
sjieech WAS his vindication of the test
! oath, the right to administer which hc
. contended should he vested in the Led -
. cral Judge The speech, though long
t arid animated, was not directly insult
. ing to benat rs, but something in tbe
manner of his rebuke apj cared to excite
, Mr. Yoorhees, who rose to reply, hut
i gave way to Mr. Kernan t>> make a vin
r dication of the New Y'ork Heniocra<y.
Up to this time the Republicans have
avoided a discu-si- u of tho partisan
working of the election laws.
The following affidavit, published in
the Columbus, Ohio, Democrat, and re
published in the Young-town, Ohio,
j Vindicator, will, we think, be found a
i nut which John A. Logan cannot cr.u k.
j even with his well-known chin-power:
i I, John <•. Wheatly, a resident of tic
city and county aforesaid, do solemnly
swear that on the 28lh day of Ma v. I -■ i,
i went from Williamson county, Illinois
to join B 11. Cuuiiingtiam, Company (>
of the Fifteenth Regiment, Tennesse.
Volunteers ; that Major General John A
Logan, who then represented the dis
trict in Congress, was the chief person
who raised said army and persuaded me
to join the same ; that said Logan ac
companied us (about seventy in num
ber; in the night part of the way from
Williamson county to Paducah, the
"place designated for us to cross the river.
We crossed at Paducah, according to
John A. Logan's instructions, to evade
Union troops, which, ho stated, were
stationed at Cairo. When Logan left,
lie agreed to meet tia ns soon as possi
ble, and assigned as his reason for not
accompanying us then that he wanted
to settle up his affairs at home and raise
more troops. Logan, when he left,
promised faith fully to join us soon and
command our regiment in (lie Confed
j crate service, hut the next time we met
hiip was at Belmont, in Uio federal ser
vice, ami iu the tight Captain Cunning
nam ami 1 ctianad htm so closely thut he ,
was compelled to dismount. We sin - ,
ceeded in capturing his horse and de
livered it to General Gideon Pillow, of
the Confederate army. I served in the
Confederate army from the above dale
unlit July "0,1HG2, in Captain Cunning
hams's company, and was honorably
discharged at Tupelo, Mississippi. My <
son, K. L. Whe:iily, Thompson Coder,
ijarry Hays, William 'linker, Jackson ,
Brown, J-' kson Love, Flering Ghent. |
Martin Williams, others, all except
the first, now residing, or Wo."' l ' l' 1' "1
heard front them, in Marrion, Wiiliah' l "
son county, Illinois, were inembera of
said company and will attest the truth ,
of the statement. John G. WIIIATI.y
Subscribed and sworn to before me 1
the 30th day of (September, IKON. 1
JollN Q. II ARMOR, 1
' Clerk of Circuit Court, Alexander I
county, Illinois.
Since the year 1528, when a coiijilo of !
Flemish engineers were sent by Philip i
11. of Spain to find a route for a canal
across the Isthmus of Panama, and were <
then threatened with death if they
* sin ull ttttilcrlako tlu project, tunny titci
(< and guvi rumcnta have nt various titit*
revived tlio itic.t. Hut it una not unii
M I erdituind 1 *■ I < ■ j tho on *lllOl
I of the ureal Sin /fuiiiil, hr, itmo a. tivel
i ittleioated in it, thai there emtio u t.
t , •..tuahlo hope (hut tho two oeeana wotil
iho lnilod together. I'tulei hiaditn tio
i itivilaliona were n eenlly sent out to th
° varum* countries tonem! representative
v •> an International Congreaa, and o
,o rimiMla v laat an organi .tlion.n IN cited
cd at Paris, all the great pcwim Iteiu
represented. The l ulled States dele i
* lion ot tune included Mtc i men a* Item
ie Admiral I'ano I Anitaen and Nutha
,f I Applet.m, of lluaton. U, liimps wi
I made President ot the t'ongre.aa, and
! anch a tiling a* an Isthmus (trial i
prueticeahlo, the o scientific gctltleuic
i* | ought to he uti , t<i hit upon the < rI < .
,IM Phitl.
I I hero are at least seven dilferet
routes propoM d. I tie uus cliri'i tlv act -
the Isthmus as its narrowest point, th
ut Lav of miii lilaa, Involves g gitalin
tunnel large enough to admit o . a
Vessels Ihe l>uttrti, \trato lliver hi.
Onlfuf San Miguel route wilt eost ft
id (K'tl i-iHI. ami necessitates two sv stein- i
it* water s'lpi lv. A canal along the Pain
~ ma Kailroad mvolvi - tunneling, and it
tor fetes with tlie transportation Irat
' t*li ist* of that cvimpani There ui< ul
it, tWo long sui vcv - .iie through the Mai
i,i oft'auca, in tho t lilted States of t'oliitl
1,, hia, alld the Other, the longest, throllu
Nicaragua and ( osia Ktra, t ciilr.
II Atneitea, a--.ending the river Salt Jim
> into the I ike of Nicaragua, and them
|o by a series of locksaud the river tir.uitl
into tho Pacific at Unto Although th
total distance is mi let*, involving !'
milts of canal and an outlay ot slo6issi
!• (HHi, fcud ten ycars of lat*or, to say until
st lug of the disadvantage ot lock*, the in
j presston prevails that this will he th
route decided upon.
\t any rate, tho Congress will giv
■ * tho many ongineers who have It, uitim
h to time examine I the ground a chain
to send in their views, and there is eve
rv reason to believe that the wliol
project, in which America ts e > uiuch it
terested, is in good bands.
.• • *
The rjf •' of th legislative wrappc* which v*. c pv fr tu the ( ;
l" Rtj fee, is correct ami is a clear stci
Irani the stale of rtrfl' .W Tom td*
I, the Legislative A'-." . * a whole lit t
I- pa .er* and foiden arc employed at bi
it wage-, Hi.a ttieir w a kls d >ue to ■ bunj
e ling away that often these papers h>. ,
* it they had gene through a c >ri -hc'lsr ■
U T i J.
Famine :itn! Choltra in Ca-btntrc.
d Simla, May lA—The newsj.from Cast
more is very bad. the iacreato of urget
r <i •:>, -ai d, am d I ii.retnpt-f. t
;{ cy, corruption, ana w ant of organ sat
r >n the part at* th SEc:* - - is pr !.
the nu >t serious state of atTairs. Chok?
h tn Pc-hnwur U threatening t mi-, a ot
slacie til the prompt withdrawal of th
tro s - t'r -ut Afghanistan The di-c*-t-ha
l( . appeared in moat of the ntu ot t:. Put
h i*ub.
r- Dscoity, or r hbery bv armed ga: g.
- assuming alarmiu. proportions in th
1 D, tito ■it the l' na I*.-;
For'cue titite past band* o! si... :■ ,*
. to-rr Maturing titer. .ctrv, Bum;!
tacks. : houses and village- They seer
I- to f-rm a | art o! a regu:r ,"gat ..ratio
r under tho c .inma* .1 of en- VV ,•> iv j
It dwund, lately a clerk in tbo Finatteia
Dopartmenl They ara luspecled ofba*
[l me:,'. 1, tl.a it n.iuar l'alare, th
* t law c urts. the i'ost ttfflce. the police o!
r tee, sr. 1 . fifty house- in P ah c:. th
fght ot th. 1 .h Inst.
In their remarkable uiinlfn t j to th
, Itotnhay Government, in which the
threaten to rai-e a' other mutiny atsd pu
ha price ~n the head . f diets, v, rmrunles
their ii-lre* i relieved, th- y ic: rr,. th
' Governtne: t that great dt> r. saprevai *i
the country, and uniess .iter v. pubii
j worka aro at ocee opened,
pr.ivid, d f..r the people, the naive trad,
i.j" uragej. taxes reduced, *r.d th. -da
r,< of highly pc J European* cut down
! 'l. v w. In si rea-e to ; .n.i'-r, ' .1
! I' Xtend to the Kir'opean* w hat they iiae
litherto eon til. i t > the native. , thev *
. kill the Governor of 11 rnbay, bang th
. .1 u ige of the Court of Se--u*n of Po .nah
errv murder and rapine througl >ut t
1 • -antry, and stir up another mutiny am
* um-acrd of European*.
The manifesto ends by warning t! <
Govern.-r that unie-- .> *t c ni, .
j wc.h the r. iuisition*, the price of 1.0(0 ru
i tees wili be put on bi* head. F- ..r per
r sons, including Waasadco Bulwund, ap
pendth- ir signature- a*id seals !•> the man
j ifesto.
The Government, wh : k at first was in
clined to leave the matter in the hands u
. th- l. cal (> dice, i now taking rn- re en'-r
getic tneasur. *. A coßsiderabie nunibei
1 of troops have be* a told off t • patrol th
country, and a reward of I,(A* l rupeee hai
been offered for the capture of Wasiadei
Iho Pictorial History of the Wer.d.
embracing !a . and autheatie aec u* t> < t
~v • ry uattoa of ancient and modern linn >.
and in, lading a Ht-iorv of the ri*e ana
fai; af the Ureels and Kemaa Kaig u- ti.r
growth of the nalians of Modera Europe,
the Middle Age-, the (>a*ades, the Feu
dal Mystam, tt> Kelormation the
ery and •ettlement of tho New Wor d,
etc. ate , by Jnmt* l> M-f'
There an* .oag been a great and tir iver
• ally fait weal of a Historv of the Worid
• ui'.ah e :or generai use Thi* w,nt is aew
being - 1 b|' ;e !by The N itiana. f'ti'- ib
mg T ,j , of I'aiiHiia phia. Pa . wh ■ have
■ -ued a riin.i- ine voiunie entitled ' i'iie
IV !, riui His rv •! the World, by -la
1> Mct'.the. a well-known lntori, *! wr -
ier This work w, I. undoubtedly, tak"
raak a* a Stisndard Hi '.erv it ia the tn. t
va ua! e b. k that hue bee a published i*
thi* country lr many vaai* It eontaiat
a separate and admirably written li. orv
si f e very n 11 ■ * of anci •■! nr.! m- : -rn
t mi-, anc (k full of v* tiab'a mforma'iio
oncrrning them, and ia a mam er th t
wi i eaabiw the ri ader to refer instant!y t
any sahje t upon which information i- d.-
ured . and there i* net a que-liea that < an ,
he asked concerning any Imterval sub
■ c . hut an an-wcr to it can b< tousid in
tu-work. The author doe* not t snt nt>
iini-elf with a mere dry lnt .rnent of lact,
hut ske'.chc* the lite HI d 'natianr* u| the
varioti- nation* of which h>- trat, in IT--
like color-, IN I prcsei t* l*> ti'a render th.
• ause- who li led to t!i„ prosperity nnd da
.ay of the great pwur* of the world U
-lion u* the vnrii u* great men the wat
rior*, tate*meh ioet sage*, nad orator-.
at ancieut a*,l modern time*, nad make
them tamilier lathe render ; he explaia
tbe secret bi itive* ot their allien*, and)
points out the les-on* which their live.!
itai h. A valuable feature <•! the book i*
a full History of tha lata War between
Kus m nnd Turkey
" hi* is the only camplct# History ef tho
World in print, nid it abeuid be rend b.i
every intelligeril pern
The mecl nmcal execution of the bnuk!
de-erve the higho-t prai- It < •ntaih
-1 '_•>* i Inrge doubie-iolainn p*ge, printed
in the. M'tresl and ino-t beautiful atylees
paper ot the sai.v hcl quality. The heel
i- einbellisliod wilb over iTd) tin, cngrnv
ing*. TICM eiigraving- nre gunuini
work* < f hii. nml were made nt nee*( o:
• .Tor Jji.i'ti W + cannot toe higblv
prai-e the iiun.ei nnd beautiful por
trait* ot bi-lorical pcr-onage* with which
it abounds
The price i* so low that cvory one car
nff.ird to |iurcha*o a repv It i* sold bv
suh*criptien only, and Mr. .las B Lee,!
ot I entro Hill, who is the authorized ngent ]
for this scc;i ir, i* now i *va*ing for it
10ap 41
(ialfrburg. 111 , May ll' Mill ie at.d
liuvvkin'* livery stnble, with 17 her-o* nnd
several carriages, K rail's dyo works,
Morse's burn and Billing's carpenter shop
adjoining, uprc burned this morning. The
cnuse is believed te havo been incendia
ry. Tlio loss was 5l"i,00>; insurance not
slated i
p.uiTi' ictil Ju-t iication.- The almost unt
vci-hl I'tHi t'pn (imong dairy mun, of color
ing all wintcr-nindo butlPr Intended fr ,
market, sntHclenlly ju-tiflcs the farmer in
using the color he enn get. The Per- |
fected Butter Color of Wells. Kichatdson |
A Co., Burlington, Vt. is tho purest nnd i
best ; nt the World's Dairy Fair it roceiv- I
ed the International Diploma. Druggist* i
keep it.
Win. Lloyd .OarritOQ died at Now Yora
on Sunday evening.
it live lYrwiu K, tt .l Killed it.
' Southern Jmlimtg.
, 'l©rre Haute, May Jfl, 11,711 A lorrifl,
,1 thunderstorm, ?„|,,g much damag©
" urtion t© IKV Htfl property, passed
"v, 1 \\ n lingtc , county I*.-, night. Near
n Krederitkshurg .ev, ral farm houses ami
>*arn were blown 10 the ground and two
ii farm li.tnil . nam* 1 John l>urnt>ll and Si
I II Meiaii, (Mil I!v k.lir.l I u rt., 1| and
*'< re working in a Held, and al the
approach of the >t©rin la- 1, shelter under
t f n >arge >,m,ir.t tree landing near by.
l„ Ihe tree an .truck by lightning and M>>-
II 'an wa* thrown by the shook into Blue
,! Itn rr and Durhell was found tilling up
j right, dead. at tim root of tha tree, th>>
morning Xa other fatal ram at Fredcr
u. n-k _ >iira ara reported.
It | Al Ltlon.ide the atartu passed aver thai
'tjviliaga at tan o i la, k, indicting m 14.•1 it
lamagc to prop. ri> , in iuim rani IN..
t rlug reported to have been la.l. 'lhree
A I'arai hou.t. mar tha town a. r .truth by
1, tghtniag and completely demolished.
11 three par .• being killed. Tha itorni
a,l. of.hurt duralioa hut extend d er
u guile a largo aria. resulting in treat dam
h .r to perse**
* * *
It X LlblllMNl)
l Chicago, May *JJ A di-pat.h to tha
I'ribune says tb© Oriantal powder com
panj . uiagaaine, nrar Brighton, 111., COB
' taiamg ja ma kegs ef powder, a. .truck
1 hy lightning y©. lord ay afterac n and an
lt . tirely contuaid.
" An official tl,.patch ha- bt an raceifrdst
V'.t ' i a by the Greek Minuter ut War in
|p 1 i.ownt ing tbat all engagement ha. taken
j. n ace lot wean tha Torkuh troop, ami
1 -urgent* at I'erinxia, Thraaaly. Tha
turk. . >t trillion ta killed and wound '
|ad, and the in.urgent. 70 man, including
tbur leader..
- !>r<.tt I xcileiucut at Murljcc.-boro',
- li'uu., Over the Capture of Four
teen Desperadoes.
Nn.hvill©, T'tin , May 20.—During
Saturday arid yaatarday It Uien, four
.((.it • and tan bl. k,|era arrested i.i:
Murfrecboro', „a the 1 barge of kav rag
t<-< a guilty > t l urg ary. rebbery a:.©n and
! -'der. ti <~t excitement has since pre
nt *d and thing, have loeked ralkai
•:a my : rpa ©r eiur-, tha indlghalien
I the pub hav. been i!,mutated by the
g confr-ti tn of Jokn 11a 1 and Burr el But lib '
l! '• y w'en : gat: .r a: tha killing el
ti. daj -r I'ugh abett; a we, k Tbiag.
r a\a taken tucb a i< .*iuu. turn that in i
-©•war to di.patch©, tretu tho authoritie
i- tiurart or Marat Waul t©
'.hi. aft art. 000 and 1 night daltvered a
tt .tri ttg tpereh urging the people to jam
with Id in in an !.,it©l and tmnei ctfor. ,
t. to uphold and cniurce the law The re-,
, ®o*wl 01 ixiwMMn :• an adjotmagi
{. cunty tor lute kr> ; ng bad been tugg, t '
• d Ma wanted to confer with and rely (
n .ipon the I op a lo guard their own pri
ionera. H. iaUudcd to give ihetn etery
ii *' '**&*'<s ta L- | net palarci*, uphoui
t. *' d vindicate ibe law. The tuccei* of hi
-- in -.i. n 1. a qu(tioa tipwa whith Ikcre ti<
~ d.t ar.,ty of opin.oa.
A Mail PropaiU r >uik nuJ anil th ,
l'a-scu -era Drown.
y . ... . ! 1
1. - < * ikf'.rb. 1.1 , Miy '.j—At l, f
tit ' c • I.♦ \ '.r-rj.t) lAtr&ußri, iu C a chkfu j J
ritcr, h b low 1 D*rlt dortieg
; under in, m biriwtud ftruck lb*
c tiiiftil mud prttpeKrKdsm, captiJtitif n 1
• **hl ii i ffik unUuiiy in |bliauil
( thirty leet *1 wai.-r. There ware ca board ,
be, art e captain an 1 engineer, in j *- •
.engi r, num-a l.ueieu, ot tial- 1
U mtiitij J, C Bird, of Cameron pari.b, "
I ■ Uttk -fir-. /. ra and Mrd.-ra. |
.j Bill on, ng- a ten and twelve year*, ot t
t> t'icn-eu , arnh, and a cored woman,
r ri.< : Ju-e| • r Haw ni -, and her child, (
aged two yeari Nog© ©i the pai.enger.''
• -i The ca| •... n ai d , ngii.©rr :
■aatu aibere, but ail the pattengerf were j
p Jrowked. i heir bod.©• were all r©c©v#r- *
, a ei apt Juie; Inae, and buried here lo- .t
day. The cai tain B- ijataiii Mci, a '
y. ung man, caught lh" I'itbon g rla. garei
i% tl , m ah.'id an a piece of dri.'lw. Ed and ■
tried to !i v© the driftweod aihorw, but c
the little gi'i, could not retain their hold |
The captain threw a lite pretrver to a
f Mr. Dcnaine, but it failed to reach c
, "
• ♦ •
C. • it! . May ' lie 1! ;i - h India I
' ileum nav ci'"'"' mpany • tttamor Ava
wo in coliinoß Willi another ve.oi, and'
the Ava iunk Sixty *ix #f the crew and .
lour pa--©ngrri were drowned. The Aval*
• i*. in iron .crew iteani©r of 2,<XM lant. ;
. bmltat Dumbarton in 11*73,
Tb result of the riot-bill inveilightion ■ i
; the Tin,©!*' correspondent thinks will
thai there will be n recoiamen atien that 'j
,j Bamberger, of Arin-ir©ng. and Petrolfjj
and t*co F. Smith, l I'hilndolpbin, tbnllji
tie - xprlled, and that Wi iiam li Kenible
C I*. Salter and J, e 11 Crawford .hall
!•© p rote* utrd in 11 • < , urt oi Dauplan j
ihi county) under the au.picea of tnana- *
ger. *t'•*".< 1 t ;• " :u among j a i
own nnm!or. If a re|W>rt leading to this !
,'i nclunon is not presented resolutions to ,
the .atr.e ctfecl wi.l le offered and pr©*©*l '
•oi the "! "iT. A p..,-ible incideaUj result
may be the rxj,ul-iun of Silverthorn and a i
motion of cen.uro, at least, agioott Wolfs i
for their share ID the Bamberg, r busine.- ,
a a threat l' thai effect is tuado by the
long parly in the li,<u© which is not i
:riel!d!y l*> the itivciigution, and which
w.ii liaTe its victim it \\ oife in
ictiiandicg the pound >l !le-h. In any
• vnt lliere will bo warm work at Hurri.-
burg before this session is over, for ihe
House i i" thej ug ,e of tempers and j
' get* no better f#l l'atriot.
Wasliingten, May 25 - Tl.© legislative
bill which lack* the signature el tho pre
.iding officer of the sennle, will probably
be received by Mr. ilnye- oiiber on -Mon
■lay or Tuesday and it veto i expected on
Wednesday or Tho message
will not be delayed longer than Thursday
and a- Friday i* decoration day a debat*
on the veto, it li'© mejarity decide t<
d, bale, will probably take place on vt
Frank Leslie's I'oj.ular .Monthly far
J unecontains, as u-ual, an abundnnc" "I
g, d tloiig*. lileuiry and arti-lic. Tin
article, are beautifully and liberally illus
trated. and I bey are timely and highly ir -
lore-ting and instructive The opening
article "The British Empire in .South
Africa " is especially e, for the Cupennd
Natal colonies aio attracting universal at
trillion at this time There are eighteen
admirable illustration!, "Tho City of the!
Doge," "Some Indian Hill Tribes,")
"Naval Architecture of the Present"
< with eighteen illustration*); "Tito Khine
Delta," by Lady lilatieho Murphy, will
well repay p#ru*al. The department* of
fiction and poetry nre of a vory attractive
character, the contribution* boing by
route of our tuost popular writers. There
i* a mere than usually copious miscellany,
embracing an iiirtnense variety of subject*
replfjo with interest, instruction and en
tertainment. fho ntl'liher contains 12H
pages quarto, and nearly 100 engraving*,
and inasmuch a* a single copy can be had
for 26 cents, and the subscription prico is
only fit a year, postpaid, the publication
may certainly claim to be orio of, if not
the cheapest of tho kind in existence. Ad
dress, Frank Leslie's Publishing House,
68, 66, nnd 67 Park Place, New York.
A work.ihat every lover of good litera
ture unnl. at constant raitiuiaad, brause
while it i a tip.-r lat 1 Vely attractive and in-1
tere.ting in it.elf, it Is also a koy nn>l in
del to nil ether gi.wil English literature,
• habling MHO to see and judge Icr hint.nlf
lint authors and >noks are moat desira
ble for him to lead such it ibnnow A< til
ed ition ol I'll *\| HI Ken ('Y< Loi Klit A Off
En <>i imi LiTKßATt'aa lii its nearly
:.<*) pages it give* hiogrii|ihies ol all no
tt .I Itriti-h ami American nutbors from
earlii-st liim to the present, with choice
mid characteristic selections Irom their
writing., ilius being n concentration of the
best productions v f modern intellect. It
i- published in eight handy and beautiful
Initio v,. iniea, at pfh to low as to .eatii
'•ully a.tonishing to tttosl hook buyers,
vix in paper, complete, $2 00 <lath
>* 00 half morocco, $4 Yft, halt luororco,
'he ft ur volume edilie'n, •:! 7ft. Frew
those low talea a diarouel of 10 per cent.
. i wed to those eidt-rbefore June i
iand a further discount of 10 per cent,
wi nn ordered In clubs ot live or morn. It
is net .old hv dealt r* or agt r.U, but only
to buyers direct, by the publishers, the
AMI Hit as Bo a Excuaaux 6i lleek
nan street, Nt-w Turk, who will send
.paciiiien pages, Ac , free, on I etjueal.
I* ~ *
1 ww >■ utig men. resideuta of NurriJgt
wock, met one morning ant) ens said :
"Charles, I dreamed la-t eight that you
were n judgo of the Supreme Court of
M nine, that I w as i> minister, and that you
called on rue to open your court with
prayer ' Jul thirty years after this Kev
J)r Charles F. Allen, late President el
the State College, happened to step into
the Supreme Cuirl reom in Augusta.
Judge Charles Dai.forth bet honed le him
and asked him to open his court with
prayer, and, behold, the drearn of thirty
i ears was verified. Dev. Dr. Allen is
nw |urs!t r of the Methodist Church at
lieuihop ism in France —lt was said of
the Bourbons that they never learned or
| forgot anything They are like chrenic
► ufferera from kuiney or lt*er distress w ho
v - 1 not by riparian a learn that Kidney-
Wort wii! i ure them It is the best reui
•ev known t>r piles.
K ;eff, May 2ft —Of the fourteen Nihilists
who were cjurt martialcd here on the 12th
irut . two, including ilrrr Krantner, a
Prussian subject, have been sentenced to
he -hot, and let, others have b<-rn senten
ced te various terms of penal servitude,
ktucfig the latter three WOOICB w ere sen
tenced for fifteen yearn each. Two -
1 n.ce were acquitted
St. Petersburg. May 2ft One Hunereff
a' d rig tv-sii houses, tn a village in the
<i vertimeet of I'far have keen burr ed
Tba suspected incendiaries have been ar
More fires are reported from Russia.
T:. Gorsrisr sf I'reltk, in the govern
meat of Orenburg, telegraphs, under dale
f thu Mlh last .as follows :- "A fire here
r.\- d.-vtr reg lit:-; jt-rahle port en of '.be
i tevr:;, aid it i still raging."
Camphor M<lk ceres headache and neu
Cati.pbwr cures rheutca'.i in and
lame back
Camphor Milk cures cuts, bruUes and
nmpher Mi.a costs kft ct.; o Wellies sl.
"•old by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall.
E. I". Kuukcl'a Hitter Wine of Iron '
The great sucrc-s and delight of the pssw
!• intact nothing of the k ted has ever j
be-n ofieri-d to tb American people which
has so quickly found its way into their;
£H>d lev r and herty atiproval as E F.
K utthei's Hitter Winooflroa It does wl I
: proposes and thus girea universal aatis-j
:a .ton It it guarantwed to cure the wont
ca-e of dyspepsia or indigestion, kidney
r hvi r lit.ease, woakbo s. nervou-ne,
■rstipat; n, acidity of the stomach, Ac.
tet the genuine. Sold in
$1 tS) b '.ties, st *ia battle, for sft.t*l Ask
•or K K Aunkel's Bi'lsr Wine 1 Iron
ai d take r.o other. Ask jour druggist
.! I .1 he has it t.-.t, send t Proprietor, K.
Katikci, No 2V. North Ninth Street,
Philadelphia. Pa. Adriee frev> ; enclose
ihrce-cer.t stamp
K. F Kunkei's Worm Syrup never fails
to destroy Pm, Seal, and Stomach
Worms, I>r. Kunkel, the only success
ful physician whe removes Tape Worm it
two hour-, alive with bead, and no fee an
li removed. ' Common sense teaches if,
Tope Worms be removed all other warms
can be readily dealrored. Advice wl of
fice end store, free. The doctor can tell
whether or not tho patient has worms.:
Thousands ere dy ing doily, with worms, 1
and do not know it. Fits, spasms, cramps,
choking and suffocation, sallow complex
ion, dries around the eye*, swelling and
pain in the stomach, restless at night,
grinding of tho teeth, picking at the nose,
osl. fever ilchinir at (!.•• -eat head-
C'>uffn, i<vrr, turning t the i, tinaii
■the. f >ul hri-nth, the patient |frow pal*
:i4 tliin. tu-kling and irritation In the m>
u,—all lliem iTini toiui. and mora, coma
from worm* fc F kunkel't Worot Nyr-
U|> n'TiT fail* I > remote them Price,
fl (11 per bottle, or tix bottle* for so(l'..
For Tape Worm, write and rentuli thu J
Doctor ! For all other*. bur of your drug- :
ei-t the Warm Sjrrup and if h*"li it not.j
•end to Dr. K F Kunkrl. 1J59 N. Ninth
> ! ro*t, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by<
mail, tree ; send throe-cent stamp.
15ma 4t
l* and If y.u ara without it you cia n#ltb*r
U|. U>rro. I'ttJ nor itul tl, but you c u obUis It by
uitnc HalUw' IJrtf ftlto Thrf wr up tb Kb4MCbj
nd ItrHtp )>• Ixweli In food oedor l?j rwtfema* con*
llpatlnn Tbrj produce a health? ay ion in the- l|or.
; r - dlfMtl and impart tl|>r To the wbd*
!• I'ruc Jlcwti
H K hKLLKKSIIU. Prvpl#Uw, tttUfeurfb. ri
A Grave Robber Caught.
Tl • newt •ucremful wra*a robberof tha day !• lr.
Unlwy. Hy tnaanaofhia Snrcbrr b nil reS- j
fl ' * a • -r dyina of Scrofula.
(Vr.*umi'tl'n. Hhrumatlani. Mercurial dlaaaae < an
• rout > ormationa. Tumor* Jaundice.
and IMliit> Tha >.|al (a
! ha life, andlr 1 And**) • Hlod ha*rbar la to# grai j
llfo pr 'ettar. li. It MuLhard. ll*rot*d*ti, Ohio.aaya
"C'cvataod rhftkUaidacUfad mf wtia djlu of cn
auuiption n> Vbwut# of tr. Lindacy'a ltlood Srirch-;
er bc *• rct"iwl bcilth . .1 I- Hr ka. ralnct
xllia,Ohio, aaya "M *.> waa affilettd w!tb armful*
• f tha wort* form, and pannounced ■ uraMr by aarar '
■t . :r • |i:. i,'r *• 0,r. bf Ihe r . f 1:
i mdw ► R •dda *r. hrr " A tumor fnmlrjf on my
head "• completely cured by tha uaa of Jr Llndurj'a '
ftlond Searcher S Nurar, HUabar*.
11 . i iplaa on Um faun. Hull Hnnum, Old Ifltw,
• ; all i .. •■* cr ,ptl< a disappear like toa*
• Urn the |il d Nramber ia uaad. hea that our name
la on tha lltom of the xrrappur tor aala bj all drug j
flat# 1
i y Waller* A • 0., rrop'r*. riiul 'irah, pa lrajr jr
Kor m) by J P Murray.<' tra Hall. Bf I
IV I f*s 8 < a ii (1.
Is stocked with full lines of
(iR 0C Kit Y
Willi full lines of
Choicest Tons, Syrups, Dried
Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof*
fees,"Pure Spices, Salt, Pork Provi
sions. Wooden. Willow, and
Glassware, Fish, Salt and everything
usually found in a first class Grocery.
OIL CLOTHS always on hand.
You need not go from home to buy
goods low. At Wolf's stand in the
Bank building, you find bargains good
as elsewhere, and an assortment equal
to any in the county.
J M A'iJ tJ)Z 't LIS)* j
S | |{ I N G G G O I) S !
[ Which should be inspected hv every buyer within reach of Philadelphia.
bos.. Who do pot Visit the citv can secure every advantage offered by our unri
valUW stock and cry low prims through the Mail Order Department.
/ * cixf A. re . \V c employ bo agenU. Rend direct to the hous.. for sample*
i Black Milks ef all reliable makes,
# <'elore.l hilks In alt the stapln and
tnshieriahle Colorings. The latest ef.
fists 111 Strip.,, Clicks, Jas|.ers,
", Ac All Silk Nevellles
t in immense assortment. Halms, Yel-
I vela, foulards, pekia StriptS, Da
mes,es. Brocades, Ac.
A visit ot inspection will verify ettr
ii statemeiit that wn have the largest
and best asserted stork of Spring M ad
auminer Dress Oowda l"u; Fab-
II rtcs, novel in l. nurc and dcFgn. at a
: smell advance over - ost of imuorta
• tlon, mid immense lines of PLAIN
FA Blllt'S. in assortment of textures
and celerities quite bewildering
i RI'KI.Nts lilbitN AMKB At. It EN A
v' DIN Eft
9 Ibis slck is sieiply wondcrfel in
I variety of style* and > x lures It in
clude* All-Bilk. All-Wtml, olid
d W iwd, Hilk, Wool and t 'elten. etc
At the saton counters will be found
the largest line of BI N I INt.h ever
offeree at retail anywhere, in Blacks
- end Color* of every conceivable qual
ity ana price
" 'i he design* in foreign Cottons for
' Ibe present Hpring at.J Hummer are
ui particularly pleatiog. The v.riely
i that we ere showing from which to
make eelrrlton, end the richness and ..four exclusive style*, must
t buyers, after a careful ex
,, araiuel.'.n, that our.fovk cannot poe-
Slbiy he axeellrd
1 This season We pieaekt U> buyer* a
ij new feature u. dressmaking Instead
y j of bigb-nrtced imported auil* oat of
the reach of every one, we offer esse
" inaffe of good* stylish end at
tractive in appearance in styles ta
ken from the latest Parts pattern*,
imparted by ourselves, and marked
• at the most modi-rale prices
r Our slock of the**, goods, as l* usi
c vetsally a. kn. wis aged, is not even
n approached elsewhvrt Our C m
mencetaenl, Patty slid School Dress
es ere in neat, stylish a:.J apprepri
ale design, wbicli .an scarcely be
improved upon. We have a iarge
line ol Hutu made expressly for wear
at the seashore. . owatry and moan
tains, in stylish eflecU ar.d at tur
t prUlngly low price*.
. We arc- showing ati the > owest
styles in Hilk. Camel'* Heir, Diego
nala, l)rap d'Ete, etc ; also, a full
lma of Spring and Summer Hacques
in Csrdurciy. Camel - Hair, Mottird
Plaid and Plain Clotb* Circalar*,
Ulster* and Mentis** tn every eon
i ct'lVKble kind of light weight good*.
, SPRING hilAWii.
Real India H' -wis, far below far
. mrr prices; Paisley Shawls, with
l open cs-ntres, fi.o-g centre., rich bor
ders, and lubdued color* ; Thibet,
Shetland and Zepbyer Shawl- in ali
colors, weave* and desige-, . prices
(bat defy competition.
r We have prepared tor this bpnng
■ a stock ot the most carefully made
and stvosh good- it is po-sibt# t .pro
cere and have marked every gar
ment on the bans af our uniformly
law price*- Our stock is ali new. and
every garment o: the latest styles of
II mater,at and w-
1, Oar stock of . sse g.wtds, inc'.u iiag
Ca.tcoes, Perra .s, (ringhams. Mus
lins Sheeting*. FiaeneD, etc., we
are distributing to customer* at owe
small uniform profit ntov.- first cost
i at lessened by j rotuplrash purchases
I in large lots
I tte believe <Mir MAGNIFICENT lbu fCMO . c#nfl , f>i , u , c , mumn4
the etttn aa oicvety .eoy who wishes u. ia economy
in exierditurs. bTRA * BRIDGE A CLOTHIER.
I ®°l, 803. 800, 807 A W UY MARKET ST., PHI LA.
Spruce ('reck IK ""
1 3 3
:t. v x AM I'M r*.
M.mts' d -n„ <*' I ft'. fS)
isewishurg „.".15 220 C 3ft
i C-oburn 9.2 ft
Ajr at Hj.rir.g Mtlis V6O
Spring MilD 10 10
Lew .sburg ">ft 12 45 ft. 4ft
Arr. at Monlandon. _fi ia) l.ft) COD
No* 1 and 2connect at Mv>ntAt.d n
Eric Mail, west on the Philadelphia and'
Erie B. R.
No*. 3 and 4 with Day Exprexx ea*t and
Niagara Kxpreaa west.
No*, ft and 0 with Fa*l Line west.
DR. J W RIIONK, Dentin, can be
found at hi# and reaidenee
on Nartk side ot High Street, three doora
Eat.-! Allegheny. Bellefonte. Pa.
I 27 fab tf
~): I —FOB THE
—AT THg-
BARGAINS I wish t call the public attention to my I)KENS GOODS and
SIL.v DEPARTMENTS, which I can oafely mt are ih largest,
cheap eat, and in of. complete -took* in the county. Look at
ibei<) pricet ua<l JUDGE FOR YOKSELF.
10 cent* per yard ALPACA, Black and Colored. 12io per yard. CASHMERE,
Black and Colored, 20c per yard. CASHMEKE. it.ark and Colered, 1 yard
w ide, 3&c per yard. And a full tine of bovelliee in DRESS GOODS.
BLACK DRESS SILKS IN ALL Oil A LIT IKS. |Aa elegant ateorUaent of
It atedt no argument to conv.r.ccthe public that an exclusive store bat a great
many advantage* over a genara! mercbadiae store. Your# rrapeetfully,
J. 11. BAILIMk.
■ Motto is Oao Price, and the very.lowett, tbe Lett of goods and no mitrepre-
I aenlalion.
'...Special Notices
I)r. L l> Wnburn * Alt<rtiTO trru{\
A r.Bio l, e.t THIKTT FtVR VK AKS In* prt.el*
pncllct, k&d um (ailing to ritlloallj curt
Ktihl/MA I'lMfl,
Dnrntf, Kryip*laa. Hcrufnla. Secondary Syphilis. tira
eel Diabetes and all ttl-ase* in wbieh Ui* blood U
iliiblkMUnl !• now offered to lb# public.
Sold br %U Retail Druggists, and twholeaale only (
by th Vvevburn Medicine Co., P, O Hot
lir.M Y
1 will mall iFrn) tb# recipe for a iltupl* Vegetable
Halm thai will remote Tan. Freckles. Pl|>lw ami
HloUhes. leaving Up akin Mft. clear ami leautlful
a tan iostrutl ton* for |>rodaclßg a luiurlanl growth ot
hair an a bald head >t §rooot} faw> Address. loclos*
tog 3c etamp. Ban Vandelf A U0., Ann Hire#l, W. V.
TO Tonsumptivks.
The advertiser having boon permanently cured of
(hat dread dlaaaaa.i ten sumption, Ijr a simple remedy,
la aniloua to make known l hU fallow u(Torata the
meanaofcure To all who desire It. he will send a
copy of the prescription naad, i free of charge i with t he
direction* for preparing and using the same. which
the* will And a aura euro for t'onsutnpiion, Asthma
Bronchitis. Ac.
Parties wishing tha Proscription, will pleaaaaddress
K A WILSON, lb! l'*nn M„ *lHlni*lmr*h. VY.
A URNTLRMAN who auflorad for years from Nar
voua liability. Premature devwy. aud all the effects of
\mtthful indtaeretton.will for the aake of suffering
humanity, tend free to all who need it. the recipe and
direction for making the simple remedy hjr which he
was cured Kufferem wishing to profit by the advertis
er's experience can Jo so by addressing in perfect con
,iJrnC JUHS U , ;I)HN <at . wltr st ,x> York.
|> I I L\( if all kinds, TI'MPKH. discharges of
■ HIAIOD or mticua. and all diseases of the
RKOTPM tjnickly and porfectlyctirod by a simple and j
sH>thtngßemedy For Information, address
Wjawttru Dr. J. FABKK Ann Ht.. If. Y. |
ni.8.9. GUTKLIUS.
Dentist, Milllielm.
(>ffnr*hl,profnatonal.*r'lcMto tb* poblle. ll* It 1
yroptrsd to parform *ll operations In tb* dental pro
lie !• now fallfprp,rd to extract teeth abaolntb 1
without pln. b/8-73'
Although this department he* been
increa-ad to more thin four time* it*
former *lr.e, R it nnw trarcely larxa
enough to accommodate its rnaev pa
trons No *uh stock can be found
cDewher* The department it eitua
ted in our rettr. d second stary par
lors. ea-iiy acce-sible br elevator
I he product* of all the be*t maker*
of i" ranee, England, Germany and
j our own country ate on exhibition at
I or counters All the lioveltle* .a j
Hilk, fine <\,tlan and LUIa Ifote tor
ladies, c hildren and ms* Our stock
in all grades of Underwear I* Ihemott
c-mpUl. in Ibis city
sTsfa^ "J. rtfmu P" lh#r brand* |
of Kid Glove*, in hedes to match Ike
'** "hades in Hilk* and Dress fiacul*. '
liPn' Kd Olov t WHOro'Dcly t-io
brn.dc-red Lis a Tkread Glove* in 1
assortment greater than wat ever be- '
j fore shewn in Philadelphia. Fabric
j Gloves of all kinds
1 L K M r. N.
Wa bay* ait the newest shapes ma- i
t.-rial, eflc-cta and colorings in Neek- .
wear, at pi tcea at least ona-tbird iasa
that, it u*ual Our three brands of '
Shirts. "The Standard." "The Favor
ite.' '1 he Custom Made," have prov
ed l" b ibe most popular Shirt* e¥er
I enld if. this city. ;l
'I trt> very large buciaest done in |
th.s departrm-et. requires u> to he )
daily in the oiatket. *s> our customer* '
ate assured of getting ibe freshest w
good*. 11l every description ef Lineas j
for table ot house use, at Use lowest
p.-ssiti e pt ices tt e have ais > a very '
large Slock ofCrcUraee*, Raw H.lkl, '(
! Jute*, etc
tt e have in (lock all grades of Jae
qciard Honey comb and Marsotllaa t
Spreads, in etwe* for cradle*, crib*,
ship f.erths single and double beds.
y*.Tf'•'• '* Si; MMKR (
Jll-A NKEI Hat PI <JO per pair which
is lower than such excellent quality ot
gi.ojs t.a> ever tvefare been so d
Our assortment is complete in all j:
the newel styles and c< l..rlogs The
newest thing for Ladies aad Cbii- j,
dret. * Ceu is soft fiaisb Corduroy. .
tt e it it. ail the popular tirades
i K
'I be newest style* of Para**!* are en
entire de parture from those in vogue
last year. We were confident that !
I they w.-ald meet with popular fatar,
and laid in a iarg sleek ef the choic
est shape* style* a handle* Though *
ib price* have been advanced because
of scarcity, we shall offer our* at or-
I iglnaily inter.,led at a small increase
oa the manufacturer* price* ;l
For Men * and Roy*' wear we how
have the largest and host assortment
of these goad* ever shown by u.
Heou h Suiting*. Fine Hailing*, neat
Plaids, Stripes, Check*. D.agonal*, ta
great assortment and at very low
pri. c* Ir. Blue F attncl* we have the
Mat u-ii Indigo Good*
White i* to be very popular this
setawn fur warm weather
Our as-orimsnt of Piquet. Swiss,Naitv
nook, India Muslin, unsurpas*
cd. The price* are at low a* can he
marked oa goods of similar qualities
■ Everythiag new or novel ia these
goods that ha* appeared thi* season
will h found at our counter* A very
great vatioty of every wyle of Ruttoae
aad a well teiecied stock ef Notion*.
BSIC2 FOS SALE -Fir*; daae brick
on haad for sale at Zerbe * Centre Hall
bricis yards. TLese brick are
, offered so low that it will pay persona at a
■ Its Lance to come here for them.
Intending to continue in the manufac
ture .if brick they will Le kept conttar-llj
on band, and fair inducement* offered to
17 aug if. O.K. ZKKBK
i j
DP FORTNEY Attorney at Ix*w
Bellefonte, Pa. tHßceorer Rev
nold* hank 14may'4Q|
t'EWTRE II A 1.1.,
| waxtcrsi-rraxui or
Sadilex. Hare***, Bridle* Collar*. Whipa.
Flynela and iso keep* on hand Cotton:
Nits, etc Price* low as ar.y where elae
• All kind* of re|<air|i.g done. The best
■lock always kept on hand All work war
i ranted A share of the public (talronage
kind! v soli, ill d. llapr, H ye
CORTLAXI >T ST.. Near Broadway,
UOTCII K ISS iV I'ONI), Proprietors.
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room
attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness
and excellence of service. Rooms 50cts.
to $2 per day, f3 to $lO per week. Con
venient to all ferries and city railroads
Jfew Furniture. \ctv MaiKige
nent. 23jati lv
ttsalth n.l H>pi>tnnu n> prl<-*le> W-allh to thotr
poMKUors. sad }i-t Itirjrsr- srlibin ths roach of ermri
oar who will UN
Tht* tniltr utiro i ur* for Tori Ui l.lvar. DttproifaL
HmuUcli*. Naur StmuMch. \*o?ti*u!kii Nu
m+*. mt all HUllou* complaint* and Bk*>J dtMr.'m
Nonr gemitoe utile** atem-d, "Ww Wrlffht.
If jour DiutftfUt will tint wupplj aond S* rent* for una
b i to lUrrlci. Rllrr A Co. 7U.1. 4th Si. I'htla 7tu>r9au
No. G BroekerhofT Row, Bellefonte
Dealer* in liruipt.t'heiiiicaU,
Perfumery, Fumy Good- 4c„
Pure Wines and Liquors for medic
purposes always kept. may3l 1.
Office on Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa.
27 feb tf
** eisa.
lie also ha. on hand and j, constant
ly receiving Notions, Can dies in
great variety, and
of the best grade*
He deal* ia FLOUR BRAN KTiimd
end take* nU kind* of (WtrV
I raff woe ia exchange
Centre Hell,
aaxlliae*. -|/ li at iba fttwuTt
* * " Cats. (Jails, Mfrslaa ts* sasllwljsio
! sad sural* l • aaaa wsothaa *4
icUatM 1a..11l wu, tea la*a* ataaslat ts* is.
ulutf isms. Jh* osMte* will haaia bak .1,
"* *** cu !
lv.p.~d ol* b, OWWba. M. D.
Tli* l*hun!x I'M lnral.
lias fu! I ua.ll la ha ascallasl* adaploff la uM
mm, .tSMmsJIw sad shtMrea II l.raaxs a cakt.
It sloes • .„ugb || aids sat^-,lotslloa ti (isss la
>iaa* aaUar It rm tlmiik Ii l.Haas "M It
)"*jwef• ®a*ea thaa any <mJmw ataAsrloa Tata.
•"Art NIIWU of east
usad l> lot r—ar* aa-1 *• Msa rail.* (1,,
aad rants affaotod Prtr. ** raalt nr I botlj., far SI
Hr,r4 |>> (HMsrhaluerja ti.
OoM If J II M arras, tlaale* Hall.
UFFKMAH uexsg AVD cow rowux*.
Ka.|a stock t.*JU.ji aad la gaod aoshUta It aid*
aad *-tiala<i.h II atla Ui ■aarlsaaad
*'• "Ilk aad a* ta twtta, M i,iu aal raodlUae.
5 kaaiw ooaitr* baallht aad Isrmsw tk aaaa
•11. af ansa li ia at*. >.s Is, Latl (IWb tiaar al
hi. a.ll7rWh dun Tl.ird aJC,. PkUa •" aali
bfartaal al II oomuuwt aoaiad. h* J D Mar
•saarfftT"* *** * | I Mllia.
I L SPANGLKR, AUcrntty-ai-Lew.
*9 a Conta sations In Engl,.l and
German. Office in Feral t saw building
"f the hffifik buiidtag. All work 4oii
n fasbioneble style. 1 July
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert Kautb,
;is now makiog the very beet
'lb Bellefonte.
Candies and Confections.
He at*o manufactures ell kinds of can
die*, end dealers can purchase of htm a*
low aa Ui the city. Candies of all kinds al
way* en har.d, together with Oranges,
Lemoas, Figs, Date*. Nuta, Syrups, Jel
in* and everything good.
An Exec-Lent oyster saloon also at
tached to the Bakery. Call and see
• f, ,
- -- - -nc: _ *
l xiimino our < nb Prim ol
lioota and fchoea*—We sue rolling
• utlbegnod* lively, becauae we cAerge
less for them than u ever kaown. Wa
keep up the quality and keep dowa the
prices. We are bouad lo sell off this ire
mt-cdou* slock, aad tru*l ia tbe lew price*
to do tbe business. We will offer you
Men's fine calf boots at_________ f2 fiC
M.'n's kip boot* *t 2ta|
tt omea'* kip shoe* at. ______ 100
Cbildren * school theca at___ _ 73
Men * wool lined gum boots at 2 ftO
Boy*' wool-band gum boots at__._ 1 90
M.-n'a wool-lined buckle overshoe*... 1 40
i Men'* wool-1 mod Alaska overshoe*... 91
i Men'* plain rum ovr*boes___ fit
Lunihermec'* gum*, solid feel. 1 2f
I Women's w.sol-lined Alaska over-
Women's (4ain gum ev < rvhe* 33
•I iasea' plain gum oversbac* 30
j Children'* plain gum over*ko*_..._ Sft
The above rubber good* are alt lr*t
clau and are warranted, and will be *a!d
for re* A only. E. GRAHAM A SON,
Dec k Bellefoau, Pa..
I Just published, in a sealed envelope.
Price six cents.
t % tartar*m lbs Watara. Trsatmsat, and Radical
(f n t -smtnml W.okoaaa. or Spermatorrhoea, la
id oed hj Self .bow. tevoluutarjr Kmisalons, lpe-
I. ao*. Narroua Itebtlltj. and to Mar.
i si.Tufr.yjSissttsSsia'
IJ cMLVtKWKLL, U. !>., author of the "Gieea
' rii. W.'.rld renowned aatbor. la thin admirable lee
tar.. clearly prore. from hie own experieace that tba
aula] eonxeuuencea of Self abaae may be e#ectealty
remored without medicine, and without dangerous
> irrical operaUon.. boasto*. ln.trumrau. riajrs or
. otdiaW. pointing oat a mode of core at once .certain
I and effectual, by which erery saffsr*'. no natt.r what
i til* condition may l>e,may cure himeelf cheaply, prl
vateiy and radically .... aw
ThU Lecture will prove a boon to thonaanda and
Seat, under xeal. in a plain envelope, to hay addreaa
I un receipt of two i>otge .blips.
Addrew. the Publlabera, _
41 Aon St., New York; P. O. Box, 438 C.
lOoct y
By calling st the new sod exten
jsive bakery establishment of
(Successorto J. H. Sands,)
Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny
street where he furnishes every day
Fresh Bread,
Cakes of all kinds.
Pies, etc., etc.,
Anything and everything belonging tc
the business. Having had vears of expe
rience in the business, be Gutters faimsel
that be can guarantee satisfaction to all
who may favor him with their patronage.
30 aug tf JOSEPH CEDAKS.