A Sail Scene In Ciirt. " 1' 'M i. -ir, to lot mamma pi homo with us. If you wml her away there'll li no one to take care of littie Ali-ood that she won't want any more whisky, 'cause its that. sir. whiohtfr Jtiak> s'hi r had onee in a while." " W lint hare vou to say. madam ? You havi '>oen lei off ao many times on pod ptvmi-es thai I am losing faith in you." "Y. iiv honor. 1 know 1 don't deserve :.n\ mercy at your h.-uids, htit for the saC. ofth.se darling children let me try > nitteli hotter off without me that I said I would drown myself, and 1 was angvv when a policeman pulled me ottt ot the lake and saved my miserable life. 1 don't do anything to fetal and clothe tin m; why do they love and pity me so? I onh spend their hanl-eartnd money ♦or dntik. Uovftnu.h better for them f i could Th dead! I have a helpless sit e ■ ti>. ajf Itgntf who was almost starved, I none of them ever colli pitttlied: Afy thai, wlutl a thin. I am! Yon don't know how 1 dest myself. Is there any hope for me. you think, sir? I wish 1 could 0 >■ rve their kindness and ;ove and your mi rev. if vou can let tue go again my '• ok p. promises shall be renewed, oi. . -u.uby help of pi\ Maker .ok i> them mill, future." '"l.ei the tine be $ 100;- but I vvi'li susJ nd it and try her again." A >-cue in the North Side Police t'.iurt is onlv half reproduced ia the r.'>o\ oollijquy between Justice K tufiuann and two others —one a Woman years of age, but with • . :i| aren't kind stamp-si >n her features, and the her a child not yet nine years old. tore \v : oil. r parties present who • 'el little but smother the soi*s liieh - r anv aiu mj t to speak Then iv> r > ,!ur eliikhvti of the dissipated in r a daughter twenty-one years of ; e. very n'at'.y but pfr.iniv tin ->ed. : t.l with an intelligent anti cultivated s'Ui .nance; a son two years younger. - ot!:.-. lvy a! mt seven, This .a-t • ltd ami the I'.tl gl;' w>> pleadid lor '. r mother were standingnm either side o! th. >\ man and. clinging to her dresss aid hands. The woman was Mrs. VlaiV , andi she was befctv Ju-lice IwnHnaun for being drunk and disordcr- The term "llwMy" is well o\v:. toe ver a multitude of sin> aad ■ sdi manors, and iu litis case appli.d ■>r ! > an to ivmniit suicide than anything . !se. On the day previous ; i of .rhai. s 'wn her wandering along lake sboiv and kept -o close a watch on!, r Hue. nit tffes that bo was tumbled te b ■ hand mid pullher from tlie lake soon after she had plunged hetuifore .ii • cn> ith its wav.s from one of th piers.—tUintsx. Turn-. Through Japan. Our men spid on with their ceaseless 1 hant. *:> ring can foil* among the ruts tie sandy Ytaek, alio when a plunge " was r„ uU\ looking round with a merry suti -'. We crossed wooden bridges. I Shinto MM with MM s' > house U si.le them like :i man>e; c,imbed low hills, where tlie mosses id ferns were as vivid as at home; we . bank of a rapid river, then t jy< 4 iiir.enr narrow paths ■u-BttF Hess tield*. ivound in oaMttboag the wails and' hour's ol \ 1 age as if we jhroposed to vjj.itevery ily in turitTdid- without warning. rg>d on 'A WttnTrr road as wide as oi of ou^n "Ttwre were t"w binis iii.d fev Bowers,; jji! of the latter little • .;v thMscnui patches of chrv-anthe m. :IC |pruT of the egg-plant,, e foßtos I! at sH* 'I siv fist high. 1 \\. le J-oractiioes tffoad in propor i \vVwf 'fhratiilnilators pai^keil w th*'ir way to market, '.it- Wt a 1 NtUtW shoukior-pole eartied si\ta-n bar s. *?tf CmytY. eight on faeh : iMwraanerrosr. lrt'in a well with k" .gs of water; if one ; ■ V;is rut. a baby, an umbrella or j S-HVIJ ;Th" other. Mes - !IW, a pert I-jmst swift its try. fe.i ho o&tter cloihed; and .Wwv i tHfir i-rnts; and farmers iv JSPJi lt:£ prr-s' .1 f. rward on m v uie at wrest town: I -ami - of •-■ te Way it seemed as if every on ■ m is Iji-nt on doing the opposite of what we do at home. The cows hail b. - .it of their Disks: ' arse- :<.rwA)fhel ftl WintiT. the men r. Ik- Ittlie hmiptk* w.ur straw ahoCB, e trry an extra 'pmr. amTleave the worn • - untidily alwutthi streets: theliorse - in Jftfs with his head front h and when ho is brought out the : i h*r i...unts him front the right; when itiain; lie" t eaciiltcnderly shakes !: s nv. n i and; .people write down the ge, ;in.i th w knee! at dinner: the ' i "';iih'' :i !e''carpentrr pianos ■ him: t!te'Met>i of the saw and the 1 of tflMfcew run in the opposite • re i in to iKiin. and tlnir locks turn to lii :t ithatck-niithpuilsthehellows with hi- fa; the cooper holds the tub itl.- I house contrm-tor* begin • on:roof: gtirden- are . i'Upat! with a woiwh-n - • " •*. itsik-ua' the nightingaio. but the e.v. -tni f+rit k their bird of lov ; the t:n "an Sni+ih'm of stupidity: sui .Meis a p.egstiri vvhi'.h has to Ik- pre ' 1 >yve.hiqMfy wvr tin? left shoulder. N*i'vy*? tli-it otrtiie first waking th" og the lydit of it wii'doa^irtts*.. l>o ro.f tei -- Hi# c-y-*lght by light so scant fTWTj* ri'ijUh*" ag-'effort to dis enmnjjgjw , , ioo-atu-'i: Itgltl •-!-*&£ 4 ghii'e. and; gain- find cpjifusys tlie sight. Th<- mo ui< nt aKjtre/'TiyAife 6Tail effort to dls t""'QtiTfT'p hV—teff ticasc, and take a walk iM ladia .' ■ As :#u ky js-hlfli; and the earth green, | it r tin! I'pijing should be a hhi'sßui*age. hiul tke eiu - pet green, and hgwttMlitssf airtoe mdlhiw tint. 'T!"'{iromptisl to rub 1 the cyjSriwvi.-;iM ded UP puiTMse his liberty at that The Desert and Its Illusions. i As long as you are journeying in the j interior of tlie desert, snvs Alexander ! Kinglake. vou have no particular point to make for as your resting-place. The endless sands yield nothing hut small stuntisl shrubs -even these fail after the lirst two or throe days, and (Votu that time vou paw over broad plains yon pass over newly-tvatvii bills- you pass through valleys that the storm of the last week has dug. and the hills and the vailevsnre sand, sand. sand, still sand, and only sand, and s:uid. and sand again The earth is so sainely. that your eyes turn toward heaven—toward heaven. I mean, in the sense of sky You look to the sun, for he is your taskmaster, and by him you know the measure of the work that you have done, and the men sun' of tin work that remains for you to do; lie comes when you -Hike your tent in the early morning, and then, for the fust hour of the day. as you move for ward on your camel, lie stands at your near side, and makes you know that the whole day's 101 l is before you; then for awhile, and a long while, you see him no more, for you are veiled and shroud ed, and dare not knik upon the greatness of his glory, hut you know where he -trides overhead by the touch of his thmiing sword. No wonts are spoken, but your Aratvs moan, your camels sigh, your skiu glows, your shoulder* ache, and for sight- you siv the pattern and the well of llu- -ilk that v ■ i - 10V • ?< -. and the glare ol the outer light, lime labors on—your -kin glows and your -houlders ache, your Aral's moan, your camels sigh, and you -ee the same pat tel'tl ill the -ilk ntld the same glare ot light Wyond; but tain|Uering time marches on. ami by-and-by the d< s>~eud ilig sun hits ixunpasMsi tlie heaven, and now softly toueln* your right ami, and throws vour auk -ltadow our the saml, right along on the way for Persia; then again vou liH'k upon hi- face, for bis jH-w'er i- all veiled in his beauty, and the ivdiic.x.- of tiaille- has become the t<\l less of r.vs,s; the lair, wav y cloud that fltxi in the morning now conies p. his -iglit onia' Uiore —i-ontes blushing. v< t still comes i'ii —oomt - burning with blushc-. >il hastens, and clings to hi -kl. Alout this part of tn> journev 1 saw the liki ne-- of a fresh-water lake. I saw. as it - unueo in by lulling pro montories, mid shelving siunoth oil to il .ird the shallow side; on its bosom the reflected fire of the -un lay playing and sei'ininc to float upon the waters deep and still. Though I knew of the cheat, it was not till the s)s>niv foot of niy camel had almost tridden in Ute stealing w iters that 1 could undec-eive my eyes, for the shorts-line was quite tru< and natural. 1 soon saw the cause >•! the ■kHtMB. A slns t of water bouvit] itupregnalid with sa.i- lta<( til ad this great hollow, and when dried up by evaporation had left a white -aline do posit uiat had exactly marked the -pace which the waters had coven d, and thu skeU'lud a p-ue shore line. The minute crystals of the -alt sparkled in Ute sun. and so looked like the face of a lake that is calm ami smooth. On the tilth dav of my journey the :ur alaiie lav de.el. and all the whole earth that 1 could reach with my utmost -ijht and kix-nest listening was sti',l and dfeles- a- some dispiX'pitxl and forgotten world, that rol - round and round in the luat n through wast sent forth their lutt-ie beyond tin Blaygon hill-! My first idea, naturally, was" that I still remained fast under the power of a dream. 1 rouseil myself, and drew aside the silk that eoV'Ted mv pyi-s, ami plunged my bare face into tlf light. Then at leas! I was well enough wakened, but -til! thos<' old Marien Iwtls rung on—not ringing joy, but properly, prosilv, steadily, merrily ringing " for churvlt." After awhile tin* sound died away slowly: it happened that neither 1 nor any of my partv bad a watch by which to measure the exact time of its lasting, but it stvnwil to Im* tliat aimut ten minute had pas-.xl ln*fore the liells ci-g-.xl. 1 attributed Ute effect to tl?e grent beat of the sun. the perfx-t dry ne-s of the clear'air llirougb which 1 moved, and thedicp sti!lne-s of ati ;u-ound inc. It Minted to mi that these cause-, by (Hs-a-ioning a great ten-ion, and conse quent su4-cptihili'y of the liearing or g-.uis. had rendemi them liable to tingle under the pa-sing touch of some mere memory, that must have swept across my brain in a moment of sleep. Since my return to England, it lias le n told me that like sounds hav Urn h'-ard at sex and that the sailor, x-altneil under a vertical sun in tlie midst of the wide ocean, has listened in t*vmtiling wonder to the chime of his own village lielLs. Booty in a Flower Bed. A theft of $'20,000 Ih'iu the mint in San Francis, o has Us-n tniexl, and the plunder has Isx'n diseovereg:tn to investi gate th*' soil of the yard. They first dis covered in several places unmistakable traces of smelting work. This clieered then? on. and they continued turning over all the soil until in a corner of the yard near the fence they struck iron, and their spad. - turned up ,a battens! and rusty iron furnace, hammered flat and rusted away. F.xaniiningit and the fragmentt of tire-brick which were . buried around it, they found in the glassy crust which had gathered on them while in use fragments of gold. The pieces, which were globular in form, varied in -irq from a pea to a pinhead. Carrying this to the city prison, they confronted Smith with it. in !i '—iv-d no surpriw. but professed ignorance of •t, saying that it had probably been thrown over the fence and covend with soil by a natural pr w-ess. Nothing daun'ed, tie: industrious -hove!'rs went luck and attaek'd a flower-Is d. which they Iteforr hail neg lected. Tltcre. alsmt two feet under tlie -urt:wc, an earthen pot sNippid the pn>- gressof fhetpwle. Dragging it out they found it to be of large .ii/.e and covert*! at the top with m'dttsl wax. Knot king this away, a saucer revealed itself, and n iimving this tl*re wef - revealeil seven solid erufible-shapt'd cones of yellow gold, representing sfi.ooo in value. This also they carried to Smith, and his con fession followed immediately. He said that soon after his appointment as night watchman, on the Bui of June, 1*75, he began to seek a means of increasing his -alary. In roaming through the rooms wherein the separating tanks are kept he found the means by which he was enabled—stealing small quantities at a time—totnk' SSJO,On by bending a thin strip of zine at the end, he picked up a few spoonfuls (worth, perhaps, S~O each) every night, and carried it home in his pocket the next morning. He proceeded to buy a furnace and cru cibles and began smelting operations, turning the black powder into yellow gold by melting it and selling tin- lump to various bullion dealers of the city. Lukens' 44 Pith and Point." "A man's a man for awl that," sings the contented shoemaker. The woman who kissed and never tolled wasn't the wile of a bell-ringer. " Bov wanted," is a placard in a Broad way store window. The proprietor will be lucky to find that boy when he is wanted. Scandal-mongers as a rule suffer severely from hoarseness. They cannot siteak above a whisper. A man with a long memory should not have a short temper. He is too apt to brood over every little spat. " How poor they are that have not patience." nuoth I:tgo, but he didn't mean the medical fraternity. "Blue Flannel Suits." Of eourse it does—for making up many articles of wearing apparel. He who would trifle with a female's affections wouldn't stand on such a trifle as cleaning out the amply-stored tobacco box of his best friend. FOB TIIK YOl NO PFOPi.K. The Hlub ol ll| . lie siun very pcctiy, He wasn't very -•'. I And he stood, when n.kod n question, In pntidysod surprise A tVivklod Ind, a *|xvV list lad | Who uwl'i turn in tus lm, , And Uioiq;!' not atwulutoly bad— Had such a (tinny UOSP' lip hadn't any nMutnara, UP didn't know his Iss'ks. ' And I must own, his principle- I lid not Ih'UP Ills lis'k—. | tic was cluiu.i at work, and awkward at pi"' , • And pi pry luiii givw a diflnront ' Then why did tliPi utakp htm lung ol May " ) > 1 \ pa, hlttliply. tn a PU\*lP. ' ( Tlipy ivliirtid around thru king, , ; Au>l tluK lip stood, luitl cry u>g . Halt pleased to Uar tlipin -lug, i . Till In U's heart, a mighty i-nt 1 Wus giipn him to do; ' | Kmotion thnlhsl hie htlir Imskst 4 And gave luiii Ik-rvor n * 1 ' •• I'll do it! that I will'" he thought •*Jt isu'l niuph. I kuow 1 ouglitt—" "Oh, do' Oh, do' Oh. do'" -iii'g Itipy, i "And wr will pri'wu uflt long ol May ' | "I'll do it! Yas. I'll do it!" i' His haart snug Imok. ttguni, r Itntil a rut ol loveliness 1 Camp to liis ta.s* so plain f His P\ etlda quivered, he allmwl slurls>l, llis young hurui -t*st cits i . Wlipu tiariiU tli-Higtu- tr isi\ isli -,'ul l \t hat vpv am yon I|— t * 1 And sJ! they fckl'„ then itauidrlat, tdiP I'lix'ling girl* SO s\> pet ai' 1 gu>, 1 \bout their king tlipir King ol May' ■' llark' The king i* sjajeking The cugvi girt- press nmi. | lie says aloud "111 do it' lit ringing voice, *o plenr. [i And t'roiu In- ]sskri. as Irotu it ~-s k< t, s sK's !y )IP dtew t.irth lie lookeil to *ot, tie hs.ki-1 to .wt. \ He hsikrst to MMitli and north - The skitw then West assurance gwk o, I 'Twa.- not'te to I-* kind and hrwve. { He drew it tuith; liegaie it over, - though he were each maiden's Uoor, As Uiougli it were his lite. 'j ldip thing they'd lor hours and hours To out the May-pole vmes and llowprw— Tiiat little rawwi s knUe' Ah. see them' see them' wpllai-,Uy' 7 How gtr-autly they skip away, [ law ing alone tlierr King -4 May, e His Uriel rvigu etulod. \N ... -a-,lay y — St. .\VAi4a<. V TUP t'atrriklltars A k'ahtc. "Sv, my tan." *nil a farmer otic - moruing, " the catcrpi'lar- have begun , to buihi a not uia'ti a branch of our I:. vorite apple tree." t " I'll put a -top to their work to-uior v row," s.iil lite laiy. A week w< nt by. i "M\ Mm," -aftl the farnnT again, " I t noticc that our friend-, the caterpillar*, c have buiit an extension to their house. t " I'll hum them do iv n this very after - noon," was the lioy's reply. c Anoth. r week went by. and the farmer c calUxl his son and -bowed him how the n caterpillar* had not only inclosed tlteen ,t tire timb but even begun work on y another iMitigh. 1 " There'll be no fruit on that branch v this year, my -on," -aid the farmer caim i Iv ; " your indu-triou.- iittie frieniU have i eaten every leaf." And olwrving that his -oil's fav wxs r red with shame, the father thus con e tinU'x!: " I -hall not regret the lons of the Iwau e tiful apples, my -km. it vou will on;y I hcnivforth bear in mind the h-son you v have learned, flach day has its dutii*. c and it is always a dangerous tiling to put t off attending to even tie* smallest "f them c unlit the next.—-Dm rutin Hurt! //owe. .. ra>t(ns ss i'is>tntmn>. 1 Not long ago. in Sweden, two girls ' Used to watch for an old boatman who. 1 in the sea-on, would bring up the fiord - or ervs k a whole Iwatloaii of olv-UT- at t a time. Then the girl- wouid l* g lin ir • nur>e Johanna to let them piny with tlie e qUi-er tilings. Generaliy leave would be s given, and lite sisters would fetch in • uoors with gtvat g. -' as m.-uty of the '• lototers as they wanti-l. and stand them > up all around their nlay-room, stroking - Inch on the liead a- tliey did so, and thu '* putting it to sleep. ♦' They had to keep a -harp eye on the p en UP'-, though, and, as -ii a* one s t) .itenml to wake or waved its t< rrihle '" i iws. they had to run and tickle it on I the head —when it would go off to sleep ! at once! r Lizzie says it vva.- funny to see these e play-soldiers —" marino," she calls them r —standing up stiff and straight, as though they wen- on their best l* har ior at parade drill! Before you try this game I* 1 sure that you have the right kind of lobsters t< II deal with, for it would !*• awkvvard if tliey should turn on you and give you T tit for lathy "stroking " and "tickling" you in their fashion with their claws.— • i>(. .YieAo/ has a e.Juf>-f<>ot, g don't i't him know you saw it. If there ~ Is a poor boy with ragg. d eh'thes, don't i. talk alvout rag- in hi- ln aring. If there ij is a lame boy, assign him some part of) ,t the game whit h do.*- not require run e ning. If tliere i- a dull one help him to get his les-ons. If there j- a bright one, 0 bo not envious of him; for if one boy i i) proud of his talents, and anotlu ris cn c vious of them, these are two great i. wrongs, and no more tn baits than liefore. Ifa larger or sttong'-r hoy has injur. -I v you. :unl i- sorry for it, forgive him and q re.jU.-st the teacher n>t t<> punish him. ,f Ah the -eliooi will -how by their eoun n tenanees how much better it is to haven ii real soul than a great fist .—Horace Mann. 8 "" I—l Word* f Wi-dom. e By bestowing blessings Uj>on others, i- we obtain theilt ourselves, v N> r I—(I qtWtlo— in genrntl '' company that havelieen put toothers. '[ I'atienei' i.s a virtue which some people think every one needs hut themselves. | * ! Wh. n w<* dread punishment we suffer s ' it; and whosoever deserves punishment dreads it, 1 Man regrets in after life the follies of t early youth; and drinks at leisure the i* cup of bitterness filled in haste when - young. Generosity during life i.s a very differ -1 .nt thing from generosity in the liour light is around, l'arly d with newspaper, after trying long and usnueeessfully to read in the other's |. shad.*, finally given his sorrow words; I) but lie dot* it in such a cioss-graincd , 8 manner that he gets "sassed " hack, be- . sides being laughed at by all present. Which is not jiletiaant. Now, mark the | man of tiu-t. Sweetly smiling, he says, I with an obsequious bending of the Icod: I "My dear sir, I beg your pardon formen | I lotting it; hut your silhouette a* it falls athwart my paper, though eminently pleasing to contemplate, nevertheless in- 1 terferes just a trifle with my nemsal of; the contents of the sheet." Say some tiling like this, or refer politely to the alis.-nee of windows in his in ad, and not J only will lie not Is' offended, but lie will J love you with a love surpassing that of i woman.— Boston Transcript. The heart beats one hundred thousand j times in twenty-four hours. TIMEI.Y TOPICS. Three years ago an KngTiiltman named j i Helmut war convict-l of murder., and j narrowly escaped thescatlold Ihe man , Place, whow as hung tec. ally, confessed j , tliat he had committed tlie niUl'vi.'i for ' I wliich Hebron waa uud. igoiug punish- ~ mcnt, and now tin* Hritisii gov. rnni. Nt ' is taking steps lo compensate llcbrou for the wrung .lone to lnm bv the law. When the I nion force* w ere enptui> d 1 jat Plymouth, Nu . during the u IT, 11 1 i colors of tlie Nixt, clitli ('otilic. li, tu |. r . 1 j iment vveiv torn up and distributed among ihe officer* and men to -:. v e t liein from tlie Confi derates Many win. lia.i , th.se relies were taken n> Southern prisons, hut th> v k, pt their trust.- ear, hlllv It is now pnqs.s, Ito ather a many of tliese piec, * x* |H>-lsihi. , an^■••nig. them in suitable form and pee • tin 111 among the other colors at the Stat, House. The death of Mine. Ilotiaparte and the ' storv of IUT marring, that It naturally revive* brings to iiiin.l tin Krvuch nuu i ring, law*. It will I>< reminds 1> ,1 tliat the nearest -h, xUld , mile to g. H her son legitiuiized was the official dra lara tioll tliat he was "a hgitiinat, soli of j Praiietx" I hi* wit* rather niotc vagu, than satisfactory . and llie ,*i.,n i- a fit one to eali l>> iniiel tin p. 1 ii- l llial rying a Frenchman N f icm hiiraii ' can mans without th> consent • I his j parents, or. if they are .h ad, of his j grandparent* If h, i* o\ er t w,uty live, j and thy ivf'u-e, he may send theni, through a puhlic notary, tin •■*■ n-spvet fully - w rilbn requests two w>. k-apart, ami ih.fl th. mayor can authorize him to iuvmNk-i! It, how, Ml. he is .1 person t,f political proiuincn-,, flu- pul-iicity <>i family (lilfcr.'nc.s i* tnci'lv forbidden l>\ custom, and th< amlal of such pub lieity must be avoid.-d by tin abandon- 1 ment ol the pio)H,s. <1 murri.ig. 11,al I-, tin* greater man the sou is, the gt'< aUr i* th. hold of Id- parent- upon him. In a memorial to Cong 1 ess relative to ! 1 tin' coming , > it-us of tln I tilted Stat,-*, , the -up 1 intend,-nt of tin >■ nsus of t*'*!, Mi K< nil.*ly, -'iv> - th. f -ilow in.- >l..li lies a- an lousirutinu of the stU|s itdou.s , result-. liviiu a single hiv, of Ik*-, trans j porte.l to tin- Pacititi .aLa-t 1,-s than thirty y-.o- .to, Fixmi tin--iu r '< county of Slor iti.'go, t'alifortlia. ill i*7t> lliere • was *hipp'xt the astouishiug tigure (,f t ■ I.'-'.'*).HOD p(4mds lu I*7? titer, were in that t .autly K3,ofttt colonic* ~t Iks-s, and iu one day, Scpictulier ti, IriTn, then wr> 1 shi(,j>ed frvitn that (K'rt 7t* iiarr. 1.D.73 i i:w * and i* ton- . ami that from and iu- 1 , .riding duly 17 to Nov- ink i lit. I*7*. ie*- than four months, that one county exported over l.ttttft IMIITHs, ll.>ll en-,- and nearly 'JO lous. He win. would ; strike out (fta,nt the census report) tin item of honey, .5.u1.l not have known, so great ha* the interest ill thi* product become, that many people in California I lmve from SUO u> l.tW hiv.-*, and that over 100 people in one county hav. c.n li morettiau HlO colonies of Imn-- Aeeorffs j ing t> tin- la.tidoii .V, >. of January 11-,I 1 -, ( .herearrivrai in Novetidwr t l.iv< ri>aoi Nl tolls ot hou. y, ill, product of the Ins s of one individual, mnlthnt a Mr. Hodge, in the first vvra-k of Jariuai , . .-t, landed b*> t.-ns at a Ism,loll wharf, the prraiu t of California. 'Hie uunuai prmluet .1 honey h.-ts l'iuv 11 to 3- r >.ixx.,ixxi pounds annually. Storle* of Hrule lufelllgenee. A writer in Solur, -ay- "In in; family we luul a tabby cat who. when turned out. would let !n rs> if in another d.sir l>\ eiiinhing up some list mtiie-1 ■ round !t. then pr.vising up the , i. k latch, pushing the .I.KII, with liersed hanging on it, away from tin- po*t, -., as to prevent the latch falling la> k into its place, aiwi then dropping dowu and walking hack to the tin - . 1 knew a Sky,- terrier who, being told lo carry a ti-liiti_- riHl. carefully i xperiin.iitc.l along i > length, to find its ranter of gravity. In carrying it liecaiuc to a narrow pa'it through a VMXKI. Tle-rv dropping ilu rvnl he ttMik it hy tile end. :uut dragged it under him lengthwise till t'i<- o(,en r.ia.l Was gained, when he t.Kk tht? r>l hy the ranter of gravity again and w-.it on. Thi* could not I*- a (s.(>v of human 1 .'u-tioii-, l>ut the r> suit of original n Ss>ir j ing " Au.ither writergiv,--th<- ft,.low ing qn tiie authority of the late Mr. Daw,--, the astronomer R< ing huv in hi- garden and hav ing a larg, hunch <*f keys in hi- hand, lie guv, it to a r - tri> v. r to hold for him ti.. h wa* at lilK-rty. tbdnginto th- h.,u- af ter In forgot to r>* .um the key*. Th, remeiniiran.s of what he had .iot, with them only returned 10 hill! win 11 lie r quinsi them in the evening. Ho then recalled that he haii given them to the dog. and forgotten to take tin in again. Calling th< anima . an I,s,king im pre-sively in lii* fiu-.'. -aid. "My key a! fetch tuc my key " Tiie dog looked wistful and pi .'.Ural for a moment and tlran bound ! <>fT to tlu ganlen. his master follow in :. H<- vv. Nt straight to the apple In.-, -> ratchrai up the keys and brouglrj thrall. May w. not fairly put into word* tie train of reasoning thus "My master ha.- given tlie the-.- keys to hold; he ha forgotten them: I cannot carry tielll a., day; but I must put them in - .f-ty win r<- 1 ram tin.l tie m :tgain?" At< rreT-lik l dog natural CgivmUg had a p.Kxiic for a companion. tVhenever I'glymug -aw signs of a famiiv meal, he invcuticd Uie p.sslle into a i diyrintiiinc sliuhbery un der piet. nce <>f flecking for raf*. and wleti tie latter was fairiy intrait hi it game, I'glvtuuc would sn.tik back to enjoy hy him- lf what he couul get front the f:uuily table. A Gold .Mine Swindle. k 80-ton capitalifltA hav rcently IK* ii sw indlral out of alvont K4W.000 in con- Section with th* purchase of a Hrazilian gold mine, known ;cs the San t yria.-o. The capitali-t-s iMiuglit th* mile >,n the -trraigth of samp Ira of "w:udiings" furnishrai hy an oid railored man whose anpfin'nt inn.K'encc and ignorance would diflarm su-pirioti. It vv.-cs not until the money was paid over to the Hrazilian owners of the mine that the di-eoverv vvix* made that if was ie>t a veritaiiie bonanza. Tlie expert who had lieeii sent to inv< -tignte, am) win, had prvvi ! oualy rejM.rted .lint the mine wax* very valuahle. closely ol rvedtlie operation* :of the color- d " washer." 11. saw tliat ; the " washings." insicad of Isqug ri-li in <*4. It successive yield, taper.*! oil. until there was iiardly any return what ever. Then it was seen that tin re was fraud somevvherc. If appears that file washer had been in the habit of tilling hi* mouth with gold-dust. 11' w.o an incessant .'hewerof tohaceo, and lie e\- pectoralral gold-dust with the tohaceo juice. The water carried away the latter, and left the part Joins of gold dust. thus indicating a large yield. When the washer was not elrtsely watched, he could replenish the st,n k ot ' gold-dust with which he " watered " the j earth, hut when watched, hi* supply soon ran out, and his game was ex posed. when he confessed the fraud. '"Salting" mines i* not a new thing: but the shrewd Hoston capitalists did not expect that this product <>f civiliza tion was highly ,!• veloped in Hrazil. They have leariHwi. however, a I an ex pense of .KtloO-ixxi. not to put their frusf , in Hmzilhtn mines, "washings" from whicli are exhibited hy ex|K*'tornting in I dividuals, and that l.*R per cent. profit | in a short time from mining operations cannot always lie absolutely depended upon in advance. "Stop My I'll per." If tlie "cnr.'urral subscriber," who 1 ' rush.** into a iicwspa|>er office to tell the editor to "stop hi- paper." only knew how outrageously siiiv lie appears in the eyes of the publisher, lie Wotlid send tile i message by a hoy, and instruct the hoy | to keep very quiet alsiut il bio. Just ' imagine a man who habitually buys five ! cents' worth of tobacco weekly, rushing 1 into the griM'er's, red as a lobster, froth ing at the mouth, etc., and saying to him with great, concern, " I won't buy my five cents' worth of tobacco in your darn old store any mor.— I won't—l won't Iss'siuse I found a nail in the last and it hurt me in a tender place!" The grocer ; doesn't sit down on a soap box and cry ' his aye* out for the loss of such a custoiu | er; and the publisher treats the offended ! subscriber with the same indifference,so i that all the rage and venom which sonic j men carry with them when they cull to "fltop tlieir paper" only Is'tray a don ' key's nature. If a person does not wish j to read a newspaper long T. he should have it stopp'sl with as little ceremony ; as possible, oeeause no publisher finder tJie sun would exchange the profit. <>f five i cents a week for the charming exhibition ' of cranky human nature which thenngry 1 subscriber displays iu n news office, when i his spine is vtii \icA.—Turntrs Fulls Im porter. People who live in glass houses should not make light of hail-stones. FARM, (i \RIH.N AMI IIOrSEHUEI). frllAM llfll) Krt STRAWtiFKitt .IFII.T.- N.mk ho* of gelatine in eol.l water, any one pint. When thoroughly softciiixl, mhl live ouiie.-a of while sugar, two ijuiuls of iilrnwiierry syrup, and |iut over (he lire until Uie gi lntftm la p. ili . Il> dissolved. I'.iur from Uie kel ii l into molds or siuall jars, iuul you luiv. n most heatitiful and pleasiuiily llavoival jelly. Tills r.adpe I* tttCtUll for . iall weaUier; if Used ill sUllillier, I'e dllee til. 1 (ItUllits ol syrup lV ORO-lialf. MIIAWIII.KHI StitiT'. Make a syrup in ilu pioporiioii of thr.s' pounds of SUL'.II to half a pint of water Roil and skim until clear. Have ready the strained min of liel.t siritwla rri.s Allow lwo ami a hall pints of stiuvvl>< i ryjui> < to ih.-half pint of waler. After you add this, let il ls.il hard for not more limn ik\• minutes Take it from the lire l lot' it looses its line color, and pour hot into sell sealing gians jam. I his •yrup pr< servo#even Uie.xlorof liiefr.wh sii iwlieri v when 0(1.11,si mouths after vv m il, ami flavors lee ereiUU delightful .y. Willi lh< additiiin of a liitie hit of poke li. 11 > j.-lly, the d< luajttit ia perfect; you fancy thai you are eigosing (Yesii straw- IM II V eleuin. No HWiWlening is lie.vied for the cream hut what is sU(>pliut a iiuarter of an inch. Hake in a moderately liot oven until it l.a.ksclear. Hal.s,ld. vvith.T, am or custard. If not sweet enough, add Uior* -Ugar at tahle, and in Imkiiig. if it s,s ins to dry, more water is medal. A siinilardish mav lie made, u-png peaelnvt, par.si iuul slieetl, instead of straw iwrries. i*ln< applra. oari d and grated, are also exc llent with tapioca. smvwiu iiuv sinurrcAKF.—Tillsmakefl a very nice addition lo the tea table, or call lw tis.vl as a dessert Take one quart of sifted flour, stir very thoroughly int.. it half a tcaspoonful of cutiionnle ot soda; limn one uixspiiful of cream of taitariuust be well mixed into it, a lahiesptK.ufui of butter, one D as|KMinftll of sail, alaiul a roll, e-eU|iftll of water It is la st mixed with a knife, cutting il through and through, and if poseihl. do not put your hands into it exivpl iu nilling it out. Tlie inaxs should lie ;xs moist as you can well manage. Hoi, it - in. wit lily out, making two round oak, - * of :XIM,U! half an in> li in thickness. Hake in a .(lli> k ovell. AVheudonC, split tie cake open: put tlie slices in a large dish; butter lliem; eoV er each slice Willi iwrrii-s and -uear; linally making the )v'trios the top layer, i'uur ercaiu over nil. I'nalUir* l.lrrU, The prtctitv is last gaining ground all over llie country of seeding down for periuorient pastures a variety of grasses instead of heavily sowing one or two favoriu sorts only, (Iras- > are s, le. t in tit-Ids to i>r mown, tlint the *t> k may lx- suppii.nl throughout the >, xv with such grass.*, as will lie young, tcii.li 1 and sueeui.iit. TliU lUTaagcinent is .juite (i a. ti.-ald.. inasmuch as tliere is no mouth of spring or summer in which -Mine of the gr.ia>,s. flu not attain p rf. tion tl month of March ex (s jitcd. Again, ear." is olsWTVed tliat do vari.-ti, s nr.- suitable to tiie land for w hicti they are designed. Vs in nu-fldowi, so in postuns., clover slmuld Is- a constituent. It will, it is true, disapiK-nr in two or three years, ,011 ing other grass.-- in |v,.session of tlie ground, hut not until it has accomplished Iti..deuhthh* heneflt. Hue gra>*, isjas 1- aiiy on light, dry soils, is highly recom ineu.ind for (utsture; m.-adow foxtail, ,-nrly and rapid in growth, i* otherwise <1 irahi. (trriiarvl grass is one of tlie most valuable of ail grasses, coming earlier in spring and remaining later in iuitumn than any other. Rial-top i,tr-s i an exia ilcnt pernuuient graas, a> is crest,al dog's tail. The grass.-* ris cmmen.hsl for lawn* add further d®- -iralil. varieties for pastun*. A mixture for jut mam nt pasture nd vis . four tH-un.L*; white Hover, liv. |K'Un.is; Italian rye grass, six, and perennial rve grass. -iglit pounds, t .imtnissioniT Kiileim-w*. in irs I M *k on "The Grasses of Tennwwee," furnisii.-s the following list of iong-tricl pasture grass,-s as Ixll aid to inexiK-ri , n>-,al farmers: Kantuekv blue grass, wire grixss. sja-ar graas, rough-stalkM Hie ,d,,w*. orchard grass, meadow fes. ue, nie.iilow foxtail, -w.-et-scented vernal grass and white Hover. Tlie importanre of lutving tiie ground w> ii till.sl and thoroughly prejiar.sl by lils-ral manuring before *.*ut in some good kinds at once, a* in three |or four years they will begin to lvear again. Tlie proprt* time for grafting is just a* the buds begin to -vv, l, which w ill k 1 at difTerent periods for different kinds of fruit. TliUflthe cherry, which begins growth early, must be grafi'sl early in the season. The stock should l' a little in advance of the scion in growth. Scions are better if cut a few weeks In-fore using, although the apple and pear mav la- grafted, with Sucre—. with scions taken off at the time tlie work is done. Sura-ess in grafting aside from a little mechanical skill, de pends prnHpally upon the vigorous eon dition of the st oc k. — Hrrord ami Fh rrnrr. Alaska's Largest Town. Sitka is the largest tow n in the vast territory for which the United States government paid fpT.OOO.ftOft. It is situated on the west coast of Hanuioff Island,and, although lying nearly sixteen degnss north of Hoston and only two decrees south of Greenland, the climate is so modified ly the .lapan current that the thermometer rarely falls la-low zero. The summers are short and cool, not differing more than sixty degree* from the water temperature of winter. The population consists of aixnit 300 white people, exclusive of the garrison, and 1,-JOtt Indians. When Alaska k-longed to Russia. Sitka was in a more flourish ing condition: it was a garrisoned town commanded hv l'rince Moaontoff. At tlie time of tin* transfrr. the Russian in haliitnnts were oft'eix-d their passage to iCussia. or tlie passage money if they re nminrai. Ail tlie best people went home to the mother country. 'I he Indians Isi long to tin' Asiatic type, and differ in lialiits from the plain Indians. They build go.n! log houses, and as titey live almost entirely Ity fishing, their village facs the bay. Each family owns a boat, and in the summer men. women and children go out <>n long fishing excur sions, coming hack with their winter's supply of oil and dried fish. Most of the valuable furs they obtain in barter with the plain Indians, and in turn ex change them tor provisions and clothing at the Indian trailers. NKWS SUMMARY. Emtiorn and Middla Stalat. 17,qhmgtrialhjr tha Hrmiklyn I'rrat.vlcr y ..I the Rev T l>.Witt Taluiaga, on the cimri{*i>t dnwil anil llcli<*l. lut* ra*ultad in an m-put tol -Iweiity-tlvn Mi.uulsira v.Sing iwt b uo- , taiu tlto chnrgna, alEtcnn D> mwlain thotn lolly ■Mid lour to aiiatnio then, in |surt. A insohlUon j ollcrtal hy Dr ll>wk*U **. mh'pUal. nmlxxly • lug the r.wnll id the r.aal4 upptxtl to Ih*. hyuiel ul le.ng lelai.'l, eign.al by eight inntjilaua of Ills taioorily. Air. lain eg*' then at. |-|hml 1,11 aurd aiel ivldr. "W-l Ihe I'roe hyUu y tor halt an hour in S hit. u mat i .iliaract.watsi #|m*hoe lie wuaciouaoioua <4 Ilia own hilcgritv, ho *ai'l, but he fwlt a a oran .4 KiMtiUi.lv that nil Wit* oWI ilv Iclt > cry J well I. *w in .1 lua ..p|.iivute, it ltd WlMlltl lib 416 avl 11, them. Aa to III* \ All Dyke, (r. why and shot w teal and B|i l.rtKUir, Im hnfUSt! It. uiiwl thou, in bawvtui, lait not dm lug tlm first two or thitwdnya lUughus J 11. lupurwd the Mtnincati.sia t*. •< uiaiiy wah* w hicti crawling apidora luul woven anna,a him na he lay asleep, and now h< had risen and shaken Ummii ell lie tiuuikial hi* conuar I, the "'("W lan and tin. pic*, mid all who hail acted fairly toward bun. AH .tb.ua lu> lorgave He did not intend tocltaugs lua maimer ot nrra. hing, lie (HHil.l ualoh aoula that way, ami lin was go ing U do it. 17ir I'wnnaylvanla Stnai*-, by a atnoi |a.rty vote, ha* adopted lira rosoiuUuo to up|aAlil a eon out Una u. iw.vr. ca-lTvwuleui tlratH al San Francisco u|>m lua r. Into I null his lor sign lout. After ladng marnv.l onw ymr Mrs. Maggie McCoy, Ot Plltetaugb, Fa , agtal (wcutjeJ,>ur, hung herself in (lie gariet ul her lioiuwt Jlos iiu.de the seventh susiska In tluit city Withm I sixty hours. Kdaard I* Idvtugstonc, .rf Yaie( nllvga. Wus leinat.Hl by \Varivn N. lioliarl, ul ifsrvarvl ('ullage, in a I a sit raca on lake tfumsigariuaid, \t oil ester, Maaa . lo decide the allj-ervi•*!ly ul | I he cbaiuj'iou acullers .d the two oollagus. j Ala n.eetiiig ot the National 'letupcrnnee I scoisty ill New York. W neit'inaetiligof The asaaa isttua will bo held in New 7 oik, ou Juiw I, IflSO The tiu.iitigei ■ id the \S "olrull Si teuliflc I-1• i jmiilioii Around tiic VVotf.l, wiu. b iu to mi . tram New Turk a lew dayaag",anuoiurce tlmt | the antarprtse u aioitdousil for lisi pic.out, ! owing to the tsihira cd tlie (auwoua wh" ex ! pleased llitar luteulimr* td undertaking the j voyage to |) the ucoosKiiry depoeit iletaila ul the expedition htive all lasui nrrnJiged, I ait only loily jait aotis hat. ooUiplicd | with (tie cotidituHi*. It I, auid Tluxl tyStI.UUO ! Imir siiewly Ijck-II rxpKii'lsl by the mauugeie iu piepartng lor the voyuga. Wevtarn and Southern States. 17ie jcple ,uuo. liy iia pn.visKMi* h will lie nniswfli! for any on ja. ration orramrol under th* law a I~f I IM. Mais to employ at Mrtnruun iu any | uatwiily, directly ot indirectly, and imlawfai , aha* lor * Chinaman to be emjdoye.l ii|.xu any ' piibl,, work, whether of the or >d way J county OF oily, except a* a convict. Ail COII- I trvw ls f.vr.vs.lie btlstr. fornie.l after Jniiunr y I, I IVXJ. W ill bo void, an.l all .ontracts lor the im- I ja.rtatlou r an. maxle unlawful. Vhe will pnweeit to lcteprte to the I ciin*. and lown all the no-exvary authority for | the removal ot tlie ( turn*. Irin the tti>imri|Nxl limits, or to i oiiflne tbem within rcitaia .(uar- I tors cd the cilirw and town*. The IcyctsisTure I I* also dtrectol to prohrhtl the luUtxluctxon of iTuueae into the Mate I A coixjiuateo appro i pt uxte {Ci-I Wfl' t.l enable ihe ( omnnssiuner d llxat |xr( , •' with such suggestion* ami mstruetioaa as will ennhle them to he tKawM*futly ftevx." Foreign Newt. ' (Hi tha day alter hi* drdsal lor the < lw*d ! Trailiw I np I'ai.de tuibrvi Um lal'loe on The i winner d tliat isr.—-lindor—tiy .Wlratmg him iuul all otiier t> uiipctitcxs ui the nae lor tlie I Grand Cheshire Ilicndxcap Makiw. Ilu* made the l.winli grand v n torj in fc-ugland in the ns douUalde American Uoiws. and it *e all the more crv.bndde ina>:ixuxh as la was heavily halidrrapl'Od. corryitig 151 laxuixd*, while none (id hia coiil.wtsnts oiurxvvl more than IX3 :*>und>. and 1 teeter only 118 i*ai lMU- A whh ixcouut i 4 the race asys ; " IVrole was hurt in 1 The rtrt turn round, then luiuseU ran thrvnigh ,tlje coin|v>Tuig horse* lk< a flash .d ligiitning 77i .dhsr jwkeys hik.d at the (>crformni.ee in jeilo I ktUjetacUun, aluiuet A* j they had a |dxantexn horse in thejr rank*. ! Hie applauee for tlie Aiucrvan horse vie iui ' -ncne as lie came in on a canter |sut the win j mag rlxair." | Two New York pri*e-flghter. Kliidt and Dwyer, Mcouijaiin.i by nl.iut MMJ arlherritG, hava jmt (uugtil s " battle" at lxngmout, i ( MISU. for win,l Uxiy were plnaao! to call (he " hravv-weight cluunfxonship " 17ie two ! men p.ainde.l .wh oUmr for tsreJrc minutoa, ■ when the light was awordtsi to Dwycr. No urmrts . The prospects .d a sprxslv end to the war led ween KngUiu l and Algbam-Un ore giSHI. us tiie Afghan Ameer, 7 aktuh, hs arrive.l in the llnlxeh camp at Gnadamsk and avprvwisw. ; t d-iie for the nduni >flV iai luiv e been arrvwlevl. fOktiHI3WIO!IAL li aXAKT. B.SKf*. t.n motion of Mr Ingallsit vrs rewil. e>l rtvat The lVwidcnl ot the United Statcv U- ryvjacetad to communicnte f. the Semite ifil vriiVwlirvn about the invTvi"ii tvl the Indian Teifit.vry by white men. Mr. Raton moved that tiw Hi sua' hill to prevent ini!iury interlerkrAce in • netioliK be tnWeit up lite n *nrotvd rvoding. it ' itaring ben rea.l a And time on Hie pravtisi* 1 day. M: bblmnmls' notion lo lelev ihe bill to | tin. Oominitlce rted li.rm the t awmill** *ar I'nrikfW and Klrelion-, aching lor authority to take Wwli >n<>ny m the ,vxe..l Mr S|H.lrsvt. s-boeoiUswa* ihe cut f Senator Kclhio;. Tlie It.lt-1* mi. ixraendm.xit hv Mr. Jhs.r was we.-pled "And Ihe said ac lurther in*tnicted to inquire and re(Kir wh.xher tnalwry or .Abet i ,-orni|d or unlaw fill uin. were ux-i to secure ihe tdeetina Ueing held, the Senate adjourned. Mi Saunders introduoud a bill to amend Hie Uw iuul to |*inuli agvx.tc tor vmbt ! turns thercd. and Mi Toller a tail to provide I lor the piitiliention and dislrilaitiou agnin-1 Uie Army bill were mwlc by 7t,-rw Kdiuii ule. Blaine nnd Chaurller. Ketcrrmg t<> UH< Kellogg case the tut I. a raicisl j a storm iu the Senate by iiKing the following 1 language •• l'hrre are twelve Senator* on that \ cut. 1 <>t the le.use tliat every man on thi* aide txdicv>v have |H.IVI 'ill.* to tlieir wvU llian I the honorable Senator lr.au Igvuieiana has to his. ll.v fraud and violence you occupy your seatu; now show us thense! how to imide Heats 111 this body, it you .hire." Mr. tTrnnd ler was called to ottler ly Mr. Ik* k, hut the IhTßident jo" fr- uvorrul.l the point >d or der. (Jurat havinglamu restored Mr Chandler resume.! hi* |ww*-h, nfter which the bill was ! |sed a* it came Iroin the House by 33 to 23 ! u trict (tarty vote. Adjourned. House. Mr. Knott, chairmen id the Ounlnittee on the Judiciary, reported bills, which were passed, removing HlO iK.liljcal dianlalities ol .101 l 11 R. W'uddy and J. it. North, ot Virgtuia; also a tiill removing the political dialiiliUc" ot .1. U. I'emlwrton, .d Himalelpliia, I'enn. Mr. ! Cv, ot New 7'ork, *aid tliat tlie Judiciary Onninittee should rvqairt eoincthing else U cklev Individual disability bill*, tliat a general amnesty bill, including every man who luul taken part in the tuMlion. ahould '* pa**eim( year*. "Come wit ii nie," said Couture, after the muni compliments hat) horn eit-handed; " eotne with me and I will allow you something liraiutiful—anmethlng I have I teen painting for the f oriu wiili two young gentlemen, each of whom aspired to the honor of her hand. he- of tlieiu M* ured it, hut as lit. wedding wit* entirely private, the other did not hear of it. The evening after the wedding, tin* laat named weut to < all on lh< lady, whom he supposed to la- still single. There |u- found his rival, tlir groom, with his iiride. iM aside his overcoat, lie <-figag(*i lier in lively conversation, <B"luted to "sit out" Ids rival. About twelve o'clock n remark wadkusd.-tliat informed liiin of lite .hanged relations of the par ties, and he ixitu !udre*i productions now command , live hundred dollars each, and in excep j tional cases several limes that amount. In numbering tlu-ir instrument* they have rca< hn a principle with tiicin to make in each detail the liest instrument possible and to mll them as low as pos sible. The skillful (tarrying out of this policy ha* resulted iu liiis great success. — HosUin . MlnsUlf tar MiimUh UMsrf*. J In sl lilMi to tu usuc and oaiiuipic prop ram. llialrUrr'n Moiiua h Miliars uurriatr it Immtlcul juflnriier ii)ioa lite k.tiirvs and ' liia>iiW, alien they are inactive, liy sdmulal j ing them to renewed exertion, tiitu impelling. las II were. a sluice fnr UM> escape ul impurities wtnise regular ckaiM.ni if slit is lite organ* t4 ariuslnm. Among these are certain slmoruud 1 ami inflammatory element*, proturtive <4 ir -1 eeparuldc in|ury to the ryvlem if not entirely rl|eiM. Ill# indar) -ami luvux t lltmuwo r are slmu la-ueflle.l by tin* stimulus, a* their nauliv itv i* upuali)' a preliminary hi their die moe atel •lis>t>m.li , (.rand Invalid*' Ifntel. linlUo. N Y. If eui- I fermy; I rum tlioae jamltil weakneeaew incnlent t.i liic (rinale organ mm Mr I>r I'ienc Fa vorite Freacriptein—a never-failing mnalr lor i liiewe complaint*. I arcliilly avoid the nae <>: ra*pingcathartic* I They wntkrn Ux- Inaslvand l.wvethetn worse ■ >fl than Iwiore. I'M*. miSaad. llial aalulcwy, i nomimtating ujencnt ami anti-bilioo* ma.li rwie, l>r. MlSt * Yflgetalile Ijver ITII*. which I will not only wihieve tie drsirod oliyert. relax uta.n id' the bowal*, withinit canning jeun or waak.-uing litem, but pmimSc digtwtioii and aasimiiauoa ami depurate the Uocal. The pill* are nold hy all druggurta. ■ For cauigh*. cohl* and throat disorder* u*e j " Itmwn * Hronchml Trorbon." having proved their efllracy by a ten* S many year*. Twenty i Ave cant* a box. Macon A liau.iiu (SI'UMt Oi(,viu are cer tainly the Imml of (hi* rlaa* tS inntrnluiug* in ! the world, nisi al the pnee* at which Uiey are ' sold, which arc nlv a little higher than thure j of very poor orgiuw, they are uieo . h.mpoat. CHKW The ( detiralcd *• MxiX HUtSS n Wood lag Plug TOUAOOQ. TUB Hionm Tonxcco CusrinT, Now York. IkwUMi, and Cha-ago. JoHtre far Xaitraelt. Hv Sending tiurty-rtveeeni*. wghagw. Ixaghd, odor id eye* am! hair, yam will rwoeivs by re turn mail a correct idiot'igrntdi ot your future hualianil or wifa. w flh name and date of nuu- I iiagn. Aildrev* \V. Fox, 1". O. Lira*in il, I- nltonvilie, N Y. Ihe Mendelnaohn lhano fa, >io. 21 Kat l.'sh Street. N. d.. aril Piano* at Factory l'rirea. Write lot nontmivtir. Chew Jackson'* lloat Sweet Nary TVihaoro. -m<>ke I'ogiie'* "Sitting Hnll DurhamWSmceo." THE MARKET*. asw roas. n*ef 0til Mat. V.livm, live at... 09Vi 4 ** Caive. state Milk o*4 ibe, .'' .. OS, 4 "US , tamtw. w, 4 1 llo*s~l.iv (US,4 M'l I'trmd ot.*i4 01X Flour-Kv. Stale, good (e choice . .1 -.* li 4 Of, West- rti, tfooi! lo fancy 3 Wl ,4 It Wheat N" I Tied 1 |V4 ' '*V While Stale 1 111,4 1 tlx Hre—Stale,** .4 All, liariey—Two-liowed Stale. &. i 4 61 Corn —PngTeded Weetern Mix,-l ~. d> .4 4.1 '* bmitbern Yellow 49 <4 Mi ( Outs—White stale Sty* *' M,led Weatern SI V 4 31 Hay -Heiaiitirade* .............. 6 ,4 TO Straw--lavug Itye. perewt 36 <4 40 Hop,—State, new cr0p....... on o u IMrlt M. 900 ,4 * * , lard—City Weam *. . .06.30. 4 Jvtotemit Crude. 07OBt|>til. l>r (& .•••m*- Alir** JOHN F.HENHY.CDRRAN & CO. It • Utl- ur I'tarr, hru lark. •• trrtw lh I tiiffti ta Tiultl M o em M, t&at •A,rutU*- >tU •• Ulfti ttwi'c Ct£ l * Uitt .lA! 1 an '>f** *uf IHrtT t* w I.*- *r* VlMMßgti mck y*A-f *to fttfcai k t great t Ml. tuiWtr! fiwa it—onaatßa utifuol vii it i,i AIJ. imi ^itsr . \l : I. AKHANjJKO A j(j| , hill- * MO KaIIaK ■^n 4tl 818 > |^P " * IWr. br-lfl f ' IMUlii' 1 • t £1 fcbottir 11. I. IOVTLK, THE NEW YORK SUN. I 1.l If. I s*. .* U'lii B.*e MJMI a oar hi Miil.s io, 1 Al. */ >1 hIA , hpa-i* 01 A mti Tin: M M fAUIt:.! [Mt l I. W. IM.UKD. raMld.n N V ( it. HOMES i WEST. A liiMt trot* m una law a laalt, a J Waal f-aw (Itncaav. at frw* OA to •• par a**.. ia Vara I taw. and ou au) lanaa. Loir firtaLU Iti rwtj war : lata No atia-raaaa-raa am*-a* ladlaaa. law j aiplanua utrf. Iraw UStaao, Era* to Payor*. t ! Mil* Pasipti.ta and fall ikforaurasa ajHilf to lOto A It All.ltd AO I.AMI I'aAlf ASfi at (ton K.md* 1,.a,- Hi Mar,a ph Kim. <% tar, g\> I,'lWk flllil BITS tIUATi } . Lfejfmrtiwd ttw itlf ItwaK Ma-Nl t tUe r r—l VI iL. kw PABit VxrotiiTiov F* * iirroki*rr 4 S jwf ] rai* 1T. T*aaia i*T*. as t i.aaan S* r*ta (.. Knai I PCs tVIT tn,m,alltiiiU iv a*ar hw® thrrw ? "RISE and FALL of tfie MOUSTACHE.'" Rt tbr fturitnrt, r, Ilawlu pr > uauxtoL Samantha as a P. A. and P. I. it i J,tah AtlrKa wtfr. 1 TV Ultra bnrhv-.t and krat—•he bwiroah Acaata. I voa can pot Utcar t.aAa la rtrtyabrrr. Ttrat tn j rt..,, Awttera Ita tMo, AMKKBIA-V Pli l lAlilM. j Ctl ilartfont. on H tt. . ! h Kat.ula. tut, Ity TOtILUCR 1 (V. Paltoar, MAAA. i litMtH ill ill :: tf" . V l.nrrlrnn ITatrh \K N " Mt-'-t ,'i I'wr AM.tto f.rtt. Silvtr, I is.mi T\ i, tai, prtra. B • 1 ' ii I>. HI ■.i t- < kaiiinc VXi IV. J. WATMIS, •*< • X I riUli NV I lUNiCS i KKK rwo Otttwcnhm to Ibf CiiMHTtil a wktli* hi. ran ati l h.um iwjv'T wUf.fß(*< ao..| ofrit|l*rL4t|ffllt>w\Lvwl!'A >' iVrAjv Wl r'a. or rnctßil Wnrlca. in v Wam bdrttiiK. fwfl AI4 maVta i<*ialr*t a&.l 10l ' ofl -! pit* malr For fui! jja-Ucniait iddrittfi |). cijibrfl | Jlrjtrt. Mana rs TrUuno rnh. i a. C'amhrkij:* TKI TH lb WICHTYt FLORIDA. TVta IT.OKI It * tt.Hlt I I.TI KINT.AB rtiiiit , pak** |M|r* rlvrt m < '?fr nnit'nn r--aMiiut IhU suir I tnd t '> w Uwui a* ii.jv • | . laUd. i i'olKl.\t.To\ A>n\ M F 1 nrw ami P.,.|.rittnv Uf nUE l\. V a. j rT37TKfSfii7Tiißnrnci fr Will |W .\KAiU ; Mlwy fIW |ori A CO.. Clitcanc A Sniilh. la*l. I I|i mi W. M . Hlplu .. !to; K dirj lira Moinoa. f Sli*arn. IV-Trotl Tftr i el )>,pn'.ar mnh.-tnr >■( thr ,laj on> II U I •'> " " I.'HM.I KV. ti anta. ita. Krl) I IU (VI *' ' , !.' 1 rfrrrnco to _ . m ._ I fttwl || ;•••.',* ,11.1 allrakiana HABIT s-n-l . mi , m Tbr Habit an*t ClilK. I it.i' ira r YOUIVSC . ■ luotilli Krrry tta*tuat* hi) .ml, I a iit inn vtua- Uon Aihtrma R \ alrtitlm-. Maiiaitrr. JaticaviUr. Wia ißnaOHßDnMßSnr*reik i tornwi KIDDER'S PASTILLES.':SSS; ■■■■■■■niSMlV 'iiWrk- !• K'U, Mam. nnimi HAtfU v skill i>ieaeft. TIl-U- I iMII 1 fwl r. i L Xi sJ..Q#Uk> . Alali BABY'S FOOD Br.iijit.Bl JOIIN Ml \ UO, llutliurat Vllatir, Coiailr. HI A ■' W- 1 Icllwrt. .. ',K t*t".,Uy in' ."Ml lie Cili:,or f'rr Ul U ,S. .M Sraaci K I I'J it ieliii M.. It, -tilt!, Maaa Pnt KKT lllt rinx VUV.:MI.tMNIVt„t,,. awl Itr. Fcinlr'. Ilr.iltli Xoiitbly.oneyrar.BOc Mskkav littk I'm Co.. tat. K. Jvth St.. Krw York S.tlt* FOrBTAITMSi K imuiltW. J Slitppril rra*ly Pfttar. For eatakatue, A..aiiltrAa ft t'liapinan At l"o.,M.ut>, lUn.l a'|!| VJ.ll< w bapa A MUNTII ViarntaWnntril :Ml Iwat S.*H|la lltl'i tttiu * 111 ti r- 111; *>|i . nuplr Pra "A.Wr.ewJAi l: IMS SON, li,; ,ni. Muh. VSK ~;ir llrtnialat Si -p„r for tt.sXl ,\'S niABHHFA It Mi:i)l . It t tha brat. axXilrAtli ami r*| .K#ita. tj? I 4 OuUll ftar. Sn A Co.. Aiuisra, M.isk The Gospel of Joy. The Gospel of Joy la a nw Aint In* Itoo* of a mama I banatr tm Oa*I MaatltoPk (Vanp Narunn. IVrtN.nAl Nortntoa an* Diuriaff-arboot* P Bra Baarat A.a.a and fc H Irm. tt mutolAa A ■ a-. ' natntwr of naw and iry acurna* Hrtnna and Tu Bra Th aßral atria la *ert rbaarfn! an.l MX lit at krflla A collaalkia that haa an in*.* to aay al aa M*nt " Olad TUup of Uraal Ky." Itolb word* AB*l Biadr ara of an *l***l*4 thararti-r. MHainriklißr thrßWTim to paraon* of rrAnrd toatr, and Uir " danona wrarara " #<• p(a**l*al ta laaar rtwrat cwrpoai tkra Waatow*rr*fn!! Arabiat . Prir* M Ik, Pur *kkh tpriiawn taplw willba anCad toaay a ldtooa lr DMnaIUA o*y M.natr la tha Mi auaa Imw. • rto GOOD NEWS! (M rta I Uia . utol B*nda> wtr, ftorw |t*4 baa Own art. -i. uf fnrßda. !• • M fall In raaiwnr and try N. tbrrr ara 1T bußd*. I* O ,topnntoti or arlrrUnA of wl.uli float laatr and *M..t/ laa twaw *lst„a*rd t.a aniiw alau -Sbiniiu Btrar ami fba -Bi**f of Uf." two aUioard l*. • < *rat Manly. OLIVER UITHON k CO., BmUB. r. H. lIITIMIN A €•., Ml llraadwa|i, Sana fork. J. E. ItlTMl* A '.. tm t bMfnat Mrrrt, IXtUa. — M T -„ If yon are Interested la thfl Inqnlry—Which ii the best Liuiuiciit fur Han And Mea-it ? tui* H (he answer, al imifj hv two eiMirraliooM: the MH.VIC'AN MLSi ANli UNI MKVi'. l'iie reawou is sim ple. 11 pucfrAtei eery *ore, wound, ' laant'tietw, to the very bone, aatl drives oat all in(L;nui.itory and morbid mat ter. it ** ffoes to the root" of the trouble, aud never failK to care " doable quick time. Mi QAPONIFIEP la Oa* Old lt< ii .1.1. tumruiratrd l.# FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. INrwdtr.il. amapanrtar -a<* raw fur ta* * Soft and Toirtßuippy fTv. ton, l far It OKOHtiK K. "!>* * °f - ..... Waahinrb'n. U. t. laK lto\ Ui. TfafTfllT 1 1. rmbittrrrd U Dn jwy. KUln. , ul IlT*nT WflMI R. i-nticn -I t'rinr. I>ul*l -.ram T TIITI IB Uir Sklr. Hark and l- uw. K\ns- EL L I n and lutrmiw-anr*. arr n;rrl Ijr fill ll Jluat'a Itr Bint y. AU H'v- a JU |at tb* KMarya. B I'miary Or:,ii. me mrrd b.v lluaf'a Hamr.ly. Im v Pbyalriaiu ua Hani'a Kaaanly. totol fur paK|Pi rl to IT K. CI. AUK It Prov;, • n r. K. I to#a.Y IV ,IW juißbtoualy luvratr Iu Wi St-.-, t . e* tto Inundation fur ut,.taiiUal t- tm, . -very M wefk. axid virul* an imuieni* |*-r cetitfe n IT i*te \ y ■ thr N. W Car . aaliyu siS^, f alTaSto'Vm a-'t't Fnil exi>luui(l'*n on pr.tc*tl"dU ADA*n RKi'H ft M CO.. Han.,'in. My uw llr.akl Str.*rl. N. I City. V U_l_ m Irr j— "* 1 ■"** K V fop.lv WfHwlu ixdyr*)"' J _ . _ i t1..- rtl In IK A X Urxrat Company in Ati. y -—Si )dr i J-lxlD. tkir- Plraara tven'ta.lT- t' rdr all* likTtaii*-Asruta Wautol rrrrywhrr*— l>,m ÜBcevirot#- I> -u t waile tiui - S* iii for Cercalac ROUT It K I.IA -HI Vrary St., N. Y Py) Jtr.jfl ... . .