THE CESi iiV: HEPORTER• Centre Hall, PA, Th'rstl. May 1> '7O. c:#-TkuVS. —S'd per yror. " krn poi.f ■> tilranft; JA6O trhm nnt pid o.imwtr AJprrtinemtni* tSVf* prr hnr for ihrrf tcrtinnn, and Acew/spcr lint for trtrv s< ■ srqnrnf insertion. Adrrrt.rfmtnif ev tnt ytnr af 4 likfral dirronnf. .SVCsorifirr* oufsidr thf ewMwfy sficv ' <"■ mit us 10 ets, rniH*< of one veirr - ? nqe, inrfrad of'Xkt* a* formerly rrhen pnm Ay thfrntrlre*. , . Su! v f f su/fino the lahlt* on their paper*. I' t•' ...hie read* "John Koo 1 jnn "To' .t nean* t hat John i* indehtoi for suAserip' •' the Isf wn C.sre'.'.c is tec iasinuaty and sba". net druui on any of our t'n kettlc if ever ho comes crer here. RUT your goodsat anexc.usivo .-toro —The Bee Hire Store. Golds an, at the Standard i -.nif Ua'l keeps putting out men's nnd boy> suits by the desert. The r s h is great so cause the prices are so lew and the assort- l men! se extensite. Orposite tha Brock.r-. heff Mouse. We beg to remind . ur neighbs-. liepublicaa, that the Reporter did not cope its College Investigation local. Our paper and local were out before wo saw Tutun's flipper. We allwxy- give cred.t "never, harvlly ever" get it though. Lewis lless formerly of Potter twp , is one of the new Justices at rhuips burg The raiiroai case, of l>AT;d Ke. er of Harris, against Penn a RR-, mentioned bv us last week, as being on trial, was de cided bv Judge Major unfavorably to Mr. Keller. A fellow across the country com plains to us that he get* no bites when h# goes fishing. Let him borrow the hat of the Lcwistown Gazette man, and biting w ill be brisk. Centre Co. Sabbath School Conven tion at Madisonburg '2l and 22 ;n-t Rack school is invited to send two delegates, one of whom should be the Superintend ent, if possible. Send names of delegates to David Bartge? Esq., Aladisenburg, Ta.. or.e week before the time ef meeting to se cure entertainment. A good new buggy and a new spring wagon, well made ef best can be had cheap at Jno. T. Lees coach shop, Ceslre Hall. Call aad examine seme ot his new rigs. The greatest benefactor just now is admitted by alltobe Mr. J. Newman, jr., who has done the people o." Centre ceuntj more real good by reducing the price e: C - thing, than aay other man in any ether business. The Eagle Clething Ha., in these tight times has been a blessing to every man in the county. Goods better and cheaper to bo had there than else where. Rev. A. A. Kcrlin, has started on a feur week's trip to Nebraska. May he . have a safe journey. The mountains in many parts of this j valley are en fire, lighting up the heavens grandly at night. Many acres of valua ble timber are being destroyed. lieed Sample, one of tho a?<'Ciate judges of Hifllin county, died lost week. Judge Sample was highly respected in Mil Sin county. Heat ono time lived in this vicinity, and was well known to many of oar people. His age was o*>. DECORATION. —At a meeting held , Tncrday eTening, in Centre Hal', it wa decidod to decorate the soldier"? grav : ! in Centre Hall, Friday, May I), at C P. il The Committee on Arrangements will hive the Programme published in next is sue of P.tronTEß. DRESSMAKING.—3Ias. SMITH, drass[ maker. Centre Hull, des.res to call atten tion to her sample s of trimmings of all kinds ; also, sample* of nw styles dry goods. Cutting nad fitting done to order, and old dresses cleaned and done over by her. Gentiemen-'s shirts. cu?T and collars made to order, and warranted te fit. lla also jut received a new stock ef Spring sty'as. fashion plates, patterns, etc. Cil nad see, lo ma tf A new double thread shuttle 'ewing machine, works by hand or treadle, for s-ie or trade at this office. "Warrant cd- ... For bargains in bußgits, spring wagons, etc., go to Jne. T. Lee, coach maker at Centre Hall. His vehicles are made of the best material, and by good mechanics. Prices to suit the times. 11 its. Agnes STOVER. DRESSMAKER, Aarensburg, respe-tiully announce; that she is prepared to do all kinds of Dre— making, family-sewing, and making Boys' .Suits. Confident that she can render en tire satisfaction, she asks a share ef public patronage. Always prepared with tha la test stylos, and all kinds ot Trimming* for sale, 8 ma 3t Get your dried and canned fruits at Sechlers,headquarters for all kinds of gro ceries. Goods warranted fresh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, colds, croup and early stages of consumption. Try it. AVe call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of a new beok, "A Treatise on the Herse and his Disease*,'' published by B. J. Kendall, M. D., Enos burgh Falls, Vt. The book is full of val uable information, and as the price is only 25 cents, no horse owner can afford to go without it. The book can be had ef the author as above or at this office. (Jo to Green's who is tho oldest and most reliable druggist in this county, if you wish fresh and pure drugs and medi cines, fancy articles, or choice Cthing tackle. Every farmer needs FiUbugh'e American Hay Elevator. It will savelul ly one half tho labor now expended in un loading and stowing or stacking bay or straw Every farmer knows what this saving is worth in the hurry and heat of harvest It costs but little. It will la-t a life time. It is fully guaranteed. Any parts that may bo broken by lair treat ment, will be replaced lree of cost. JAB B LEE, Centre Hill, is agent for tbis Elevator. 10 *P 8 A mountain of Clotbingcan be seen at Goldman's, in the Standard Clothing Hall, opposite the Brocfcerhoff. Just go there if you wish to see a big stock. Men and boys clothing are new offered at re duced prices—the biggest knock down in prices has been made, and he defies com ' petition. GERMAN HORSE AND COW POWDER. It should be the aiiu ef every owner ot horses and cows to make ibctn a.- handsome and useful as possible. The German Horse and C'nw Powder makes fat, muacle and milk. Priee, 15 cents per lb. For sale by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. 15 ma lm Give Dinges a call with a basket of jnarketing, and you will be delighted with (lit prices he girts. | I In Chest township, OvrfieM coun ! ty, two families lihvo bcn ely allTctrd, by the death of children, from d.i>btheri April", Ida Jane, age 1 H years, April 7. K'.mira, aged 5 years, Apia. Jun at-* Bell, aged J year*. April 10* Anlhenv, aged U years, all children of Thorns* \\ Kitchen, did (Vent lhi dread UI CHS.- On April 11. l.icinn, aged 7 year*. April 'i">, at 1 ttO a. m.. Jam. *, aged tyears, sauo morning at 0 "0, Phrunelln. aged 11 yrs . saute day at 12.10 p. ni., \ irginia, aged !•' year*, all children of John J. Smcntl, d rd of the same di-ea-e Oranges, lemons, candie*,nil kimt* , ice ereaui, soda water, raisins, figs, date-, and all the gondii s can be found at C. D.nges' store throughout the summer, af ter the beginning of next week. Ice Cream and S.-da \\ a'.er a p<. The firm of J. Dunlap V Oo , at I'iee Grove M .!*, ha- dissolved, bee cntd. ~ Alw .\*iio te Headquarters frt' . lowest prices—The Bee 11 ive -tore. Prics at the Lock Haven market ran a* follows: Butter Inc. egg* HV, peute tsk- pel hn., ehickens 00 to TtV per pair, lard So per lb , cabbage ■' to be per head, ani'les To to SsVj per hu„ turnips 4TV per bu , cel ery ;0c per bench, npplebuttcr f*V per gallon. Monday and Tuesday were >cry warm. Mercury flood at NO at : p na. Hr Ze'.'er* valuable nieu., re* are fur ?a> by J. D. Murray. Read the ad vxrtiseroent. e : bae* > for le*s moaev than vou mi S e: any w 1 ere else, call at D.nge-' store, >i tre Ha fx .i -—A gun*! supply of drugs of all kinds arc kept eon-tar,:'y on hand at the Centre Hall Drug Store, and sold as j low a- any other place in the county. Mr. Murray i i- t a -luy te get a.; articici * generally kept in a well regulated drug store, ani respectfully aks persons in want ot drugs to call on h in before going to ether and larger towns. S may 2t Fresh drugs, medicine*, fancy aa i toilet articles, stationery, :".-hig tac-'e. all in greatest variety, at the old reliable drug store •: F. I*. Green, in th# Bush Housn blnck. What hou*ekc| r l.a* not yet bteu in tosee techier s grocery aid examined j ;ae good* there ' If anv. money has been est tn him thereby, for thnr* you get the ' t>e*t to be had, and anything you want, it prices that will satisfy you. inv put out In Philadelphia, come to thn 1 .hatre llall marble yard. Mr. Guet ha- ; ' ht experience of several yoars in tho city 1 The run that the Beohive has oh- • ained is astonishing and beyond prece- j imt :a the history v. B. let, nte tor*-. tlr. Bauland sms to uador-tand the casine*- of an exclusive ono-prioa dry- . ;o is store, and the secret ot hi* -JC. e*f is i large and choice as-ortmesxt of geods, t vtreuie'y low price*, and g tlcnnniy at i ention to customers. j e Fish, all kinds, meats cured and • 'resh, the b -t coffees, teas and svrup*. a iried and canned fruits, always a fresh 1 .apply *all kinds of groceries, coastant yat headquarter?--which, of course, all P lousekeepers urcerstasd t • be Scch'erA : ,'e.. is the B.ish house block. Two barn burner- were lyncbsd in M;s- , t sissippi, the ether day. Right. |r GclJuian, at the Standard Clothing n Hail, oppesite the Brockerhoff, i* selling ' Clothing at price- that a*t, r.i*h the na- | ires. Just call in and see his immense 1 'teck, all new goods for men nnd boy*, ' nj at j,rices that defy competition No • lumhug about the S'.andt'd Clothing ilall nor shoddy in clothing. : < I'h.ynix Pectoral will cure your congh. j ' l'l mixJPectoral cures hoarsenn-s quickly. I'hu-nix Pectoral taste* good and brings rest. _ j ' Phcenix Pectoral cost- 25 ct*; • bottle* sl. j . sold by J. D. Murray, Centre llall. Relative to C. C. Huston's ■ movement in Kansas, the (.'oueordia,! Ks.. Empire, of May 1\ says; Early in April a young man arriv-:' :d in Concordia, stopj>ed at the Com- 1 atercial.and registered as C. C. Sny- : jer. He remained a week or ten days j his object in comitig here remaining a I •eeret of his own. Certain develop-; ment?, however' soon shewed the ;. 'manner of the man," and may result in a meting out to hint of uell-deserv rd punishment. One day said handed j Mr. Randall of the Commercial, a , check for $900.75 requesting him to < procure for hint the money. Tha check purported to have been drawn by Smith it Co. of Lewiaburg, Pa., en the Lewisburg National Hank, in favor of said "Snyder." Meeting at j the hotel Mr. McDonald, Cashier of the Cloud Co. Bauk, Mr. Randall ; handed him the check. It was receiv- . ed, receipted for an 1 forwarded to the . bank above named with the request : that if O. K. the amount to be sent by draft on New York. < In due time a draft for the amount i ' arrived, which indicated that all was right. I'ravious to this, however, the "lad" had "given himself away" by J self-introcuction as "Mr. Huston," t and bv this name he permitting him- t self to*be generally introduced about town. This fact created suspic on 1 largely additional to the suspicion pre- , viously aroused by tbe fact that ' from the first the man's conduct was ofan unusual character; Mid while, . ordinarily, tbe draft would have cnli ed for and warranted immediate pay ment, it was thought best by the bank ofiicers here before payment to send the draft to their New York corres pondent > the First National ) and have it placed to their credit. Huston, alias "Snyder," had ere i this departed, an i directly there came 1 a request from Topeka for payment, and soon after others, both by letter . and telegraph, from Atchinson, with a threat of legal proceedings should ( payment be longer deferred. And meanwhile there was a difficulty in tbe way of communicating by tele graph with Smith it Co., in the fact , that young Huston i 3 a telegraph operator, and was supposed to be watching the lines for the purpose of , "capturing" dispatches personal to ' himself. On Friday or Saturday last the bank authorities here received two dispatches from Smith & Co., of Lew - isburg, the tirst announcing that tbe check was a forgery, and requesting tbe arrest of tbe forger, and the m ond indicating hia probable wherea bouts. This settled tho matter and on Monday sheriff Wilson was sent down to Atchinson to secure tho ar- ; rest of the offender. Marshal Ben ning's services were enlisted by the sheriff, and the precocious criminal was speedily "run down" and caged. It seems, from the Atchinson papers, that lie cut aw ide swath in that city, the Champion stating that the day be arrived at the "Great Railroad Cen tie. "A sleek looking chap deposited his grip at the Otis House, and calling for the best room in tbe bouse, regis teicd himself us C. C. Huston, and af ter telling several parties that be was a newly made millionaire, just in confidence, sailed out on our avenues, under the above appelationa seeking whom he might devour." Smith & Co., were at once notified of tbe arrest, yesterday tbe following dispatch was received from the firm : "Officers on tbe way with tbe requisi tion frem the Governor of Pennsyl-, yauia." . THE LATEST INVENTION IN >'SK- Ft'L lIorsKHOI.P AUTICLKS. Within 0 E IMSI few year* there hat been expended a great deal of inventive ' thought and geniu* upon what may pro * perlv hf cU to household articles, the , IIIOM aoted ri*ult of which arc the j>ro dm ti.'n of the sewing machine, the ring er. tl.o \va>hing machine, Ilia carpet sweeper, Ac, Almost rvpry weak we ' chronicle the adveal ol seme naw inven > tioa by which tho cares nml labors < ! Ucu-.'keeping are U -ened, and woman ! work mado easier. Tha nowe>t thiag to challengeouralteii* lien and gladden the heart at ll a house keeper, N, what i- railed tho \O\KI I\ It HI -II ltol O K It, CAHIKT SraKTt HEKaad Sw ten vu. a \ar\ simple centrivanoe de signed to hold in position any kind of a btu-h , duster; having na extension handle that pnab'as one ta wa-h or dust w niiiow walls or ceilings without the aid of a step ladder. That Is one of its con veniences, and it l- nlso one ot the best carpet sweeper- 111 the market, balding tha brash firmly at an angle. It cleans tha - arpel thoroughly, raise* no dust, and docs net w ear the carpet ike the ordinary br uta or bra ', and will outwear a hull llbrtWll As a handle tor tha - t !• ho < brush it is lfi.< best devn o i tor iiiueo no more kneeling on the tloor, no more back itch*- er -ore ugaf- As a carpel stretcher alone it i worth its .-!, a- a carpel of any siaa can he laid evenly w ilhout any of the labor and vxa ton usually attending -uoh work. It t-' *trong. simple, thoroughly made, cannet qetoulet order, ha- na screws, lever or i.ipgen, is compact, cheap and durable It is inaaufactured bv Hrssn .V 00-* I t" nc nnat., the well known manufacturer* >f usetul household articles, and is >! I i only bv their agents to housekeepers. 1 i -cai Utility of this artic e w ill at s>nce be bv tl -e u -t inletss'.ou and w pre dict for i! a urge - sic Kvery housekeep er in the land w ill w ant one. A - v re. able or gentleman wishing eliiUEcrat ve otpp , > • tit, would d# we to -i-cura the agency for this county, w! ich l ' can bo done b-. enclo.tng a -'.atnp for de- M-ripti* *■ circular atul terms to 11 KG AN N A CO . I Grand 11- Balding. Ciacinaati. O . ! Ja' •• Su'. ran, a Ma-s.v bu-ett.- mas lEil n harse-th f, so ' et and k lied I near 11 .raks. Nov , r forcibly entering * ivary stable sad-tea nf two horses A j coinpa on was woua led and captured. I Va honest indifference to many pre vailing camplaiats is the result of using Hr K ill's ifsltiinoro Pills. For sale by , all druggist*. Pruo - > cent*. tiaires'.on. Texas, May 5 - A special!' d • itch to tho New troiu uyerton -ays 'J I'. Yeaagtiid Jshn Ki'ey, who bad)' ! been cot ned In .il for drunkenneM, at* 1 tempted to sua; o by setting fire to the building Ths fiaiue- -pread rapidly, ana j ng :ial ata. Xt •gu h them, t uiet wt't bo.'i bur. shot with a gun and in- , slant v ki '. • - wife aged farty-tly#. t He then cut h own throat with a knife, evpir g aim immediately. Cogswell w as an habituai drunkard snd was erased with rum at the ime the d.ed was cetu- I mi tied. Stratford, On:., May 5. —A mors arc ful exatuinal. n shows the damage Jaae I by the dynamite explasioa at the Grand Trunk depot to be much greater than was expected. TLs houses around the freight b shed were star's nil wooden buildings and seeeral were blv*B into minute frag meats, tfans-filty cars were islopn into splinters nad as many mere damaged. l . The debris it naw lying thi sir scattered ' on and around the traeirt. A iragiaent of j iron weighing ever a ponnd was driyen ' through a window of the Crown hotel, J halt a mile frsin the scene of the explo sui.. The shock was felt in all the sur rounding towns, and it was supposed to be . an earth.;naks. V"" NNI'AL MKK.riNi. , f Putsr Die- * trict > h'l Board.—The Potte; ■' Ilistrict School Bar.l wi I aiet a'. Old . Fort. Monday. June 'Jd. at H I o'clock, . A. M , to sxaaiinear.d settle Treasurer's 1 aecouat. All persons baring claims te present a*e requested to attend. The au- !j. ditort are inrited to meat at I o'clock, P. Ifto sea if there be anv "crookedness . :n ibe wJ'airi f the Board. Directors elect * will meet at i o J vi. P. M . to organize . NEW Beard. B. V. A It 7," EY, !'rt IV. A Ktnu. SNE'y. I 4 M i.'t 'OTICE — TKIN CN-artner*hip hereta i'are axv.inij between JNMA* Dan- | iaji aid Jnnnthan 11*-*. IT.* this 8:1 day | u! Mav, l-T'J, BE<-n d;.-.-iv*J by mutual | C* n*:R.. TIM b .*ir.e ke-eafter will be ] conttr.UlJ by JONATHAN lie-*. l'tjr*l*n ; having un-.'itlnd * uuaU the late ; firm ot'Ja*. Dunlap A G • . w ill com* and mska fettleiEen: witaaut —- Sarah Grove, \\n, o valua- ! tion or to shew cause why the Real Estate 1 ef said decon-od should not bo sold. Same notice to bo given as in inquisition. In te-timony whereof 1 have hereunto , set my hand and affixed t l e se lof tbe, said Court -it BolUfonle, the 2Mb day ol April. A. 1> 1870. Atle*t: ] VA'M. E. BI'R'TtFIELD, f Jou v S,"ANOLK.r, V C. O. 0L i Sheriff. JJsma 4t i | )KNNSYLVXNIA. " X CENTRE COUXTT, SS i I, I, AVm. E. Burrbiield, clerk of ibo Or phan*' Court of tbe said coun- ' [SEAL] ty, do hereby certify that at nn Orphans' Court held at Rallefonto the 2-th day ef April, A. I)., IhT'A. before the Honorable thuJudKCtof , said Court: <'n motion a rule was granted * upon, AA'm. I t. m. Sr., John From, Sr., Rebecca Bair.Marv From, Elizabeth Solt, ( Jacob salt, Wm. From, Jr.. Jonas From, John From. Jr., AA'ilson From, Jacib From, Sarah From, Adam From, Eilea From, ar.d >a John Shunr.ori gnaniian . adletlcm "f the said Ellen Frouij. The heirs and legal representative* of Jonas From, deceased, to como iatoCourton the 4th Monday of August next, to accept or refuse to accept at the valuation, or to , show cause why tha Real Estate of said ' deceased should not be sold. Same notice to be {iron as in inquisition. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of the said Court at Bellcfonte the Vf.'ih day of April, A. I) , 187 ft. Attest. | WM. E. BIRCH FIELD, JOUNSFANGLKB, r C. O. C. Sherifi. jls ins It rINNSYLA'AMA, ( KM KK Cot' NTT, SS : I AVm. E Burchfield, clerk ef the Or phnrs Court of the said coun [SEAL } ty, do hereby certify that at an Orphan*' Court held at Beile fonle the 28lh day of April- A. I>., lsT'.i before the Honorable tho Judges of tln ail Court: (In motion a rule was granted upon, l'ollic I'ebnr, (lonrco Ruber, Eve Ruber, Annie Kerns, J F Krras. Mar garet AVeiland. Geo. \V. Wetland, Eydni Zehner, Geo. 11. Zehner nnd Michael lte br-r. the heir* and legal representatives of Abraham Keber, deceased, to come in to Court on the lib Monday of Aiifjusl next, to accept or refuse to accept at the valuation, or to show cause why tbo Real E-tsie of the said deceased should not be so.ii. Same notice to be given as in in qui-ilin. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at Belief into tho2'Jth day of April, A. D„ 187' J. Attest: ) AVM. K. BURCUFIXI.D, JOIIN SI'ANGLKR, C. O. C. Sheriff, jlsma 4t I BONNETS; V"MILLINEKY.-HM 31 KS. IK Y HEN.YY'S, CENTRE HALL, who has Just received from Philadelphia, tho LATEST FASHIONS, and a com plete stock of new Bonnets, new Hats, elegant Trimmings, &c., which will be sold or made up, at reasonable prices. The new style* are very nretty. Ladies call and see them early, First come, first served. 1 mar fit MERCANTILE APPUAISEM N I rpilK YKNDKRS offereigu and dsmoi " JL tic merchandise, distillers and brew * sn, brokers, \<* . ia Centre founty, w - take notice thai they are appraised n. •' classed bv the undersigned appraiser ■ mercantile and other licentn tav for th ' year 1 a# follews, to wit aakosmh' a 1 ; I Braebbill, Jn Furniture sti-r* M . 1 Bunnell A A.ken. tere II . , Bv. rr F Whiskey distiller .1> Ceader. Joseph I ••nleclieaerv H : ' Furey A Daw-on Con'ect ry Ac H . *o ' Goldman. It D Clothier.. UJ > ■ i• raliam A Son l> .hees H . . 1. ,g • liuggeahc nier. I Merchant ,I" * ' tireea, F P Hrug.-i.t j," ' Ha.*, I. Brewer y' Hotter, 11 O Billiards ' kV lletfer, ll'i Toba. c.-aist - H •y; Hicks, II K Hardware • llt!r, Joka MarckaM * Harris,' Jas A Co Hardware...... 11 h' liaupt, l.aav'- Steves, tinwara.Ac 14 ~6 Harper Bres Merchants " .'k,' l.srph Bro. Merchants. 11 U' y> U autb. A Oonfeolionvry H 7 ; o i Kirk. El Druggot } l , I l.Voa A 0 Merchant* } ' . C A robacconisl '• ' l.oab, 5 A A Marchaltl* " ' ' Mresc, J A Co Grocer- U T7o Montgomery -V Co Merchant "el. ;. H • Miller, J C A Co Books A .ta- Uoivry 14 10 & Newman, J Clothier 1 1 B'*o Powers, John A Son Boot and a shee store 1# > Rote. J 1. Grocer 14 Kichard, F C Jew. r 14 ■ *. •iliu r, 11 Y 8... # A Stationery. 14 . . Sechler A Co tirecers 11 '' k •-irickland, t'irus (ire.vr 11 . •" fw lmyer. \V I SUve# aadlin ar J . 14 • • S'alenttae* A C>* C*#n'l aid.e ■■ •'* Wagner, D M Merchant 11 ' ' ' Weaver, H C Tebacconistl4 77 ' \N l.son. U f arlauo A ( o Hard ware Id -d ,J Wilkinson W 11 Sauipie busi ness - b k' i Yeager, II C 14 ■ . /.ellers, J A S"U Druggist 18 10 7- /.eigler J NY l)ruggit 14 ■ < ■ Ist AXOI AKI>- KUBC*, J I Merchant U IB To linger, Wm A ("o Merchants... IS IB '.lt IKSAI -Ul Kli., J N Hardware. . 14 7 7.* Jack, Geo P> Merchant - 14 77 Stewart, J NY -Druggist 14 77- j Stover, Sll Merchant 11 77" I'XSTKB UCLL 'Dinge* C Ceafeciionery, Ac... 14 77 Demi'iger JO Harilaare 14 77- Guggenheiiner At o McuUaiits it . < Barrel. J D Druggist 34 7 Wolf, NYil lair Merchant 1 10 7 * itVTHI MILL- Strohni, Michael Merchant 14 . Strong. Sausue' Merchant 14 77" font KN. GreningcrA S n I Smith ACo Graini dealer A c *1 1- 1 ; - ■ St. .cr Geo \Y Whisky distiller 1-- ."7" J-ASyS" IU!I L. I.achau A Co MurchaaU 3 3 ' ' U. LIIOKK. M-lntire. L B— Merchant il 77* row i lk r. o. Fowler, J T Merchant 1.: 10 7 * It At.) MOON. Gray, WS A ;Son Merchants. . 1 > to 75 HOWARD. Cook, Robert Merchant M 77* Kline bl' Mvrchnnl. ..14 7 . Luc*# A Bros Morvhtak*........ 1J 7" l.auth, lternerd Merchant.. 11 1 It'.j Moore. H A l4 l4 77 > K"bb. Williatsi Morchntil 11 7" Weber A Co —Merchants 13 IB 76 HOVeRHi ILL C. Houter, LMA Co Merchants .14 ■ > BCULERSBI'KO. Brown, Henry Merchant lo 10 Qt) it;rt, S 1! Merchant 15 10 7 • ) LI AV. Hoorer, 11 NY Merchant.... .31 " Irvin, Daniel- Membent 11 775 LEW# NT. Christ A Thompson Merchants 15 10 76 Taylor, I) F—Mril.ant...™ 14 776 LINDKK HALL. Me*-. Daniel A Son Men haul*. '*> 10 76 1 .l it Lt. Love, James A Son Merchants.. 14 776 ■ADuent iu. Qcl - Andrew M rchar.t 15 10 75 lI„.LtU . B tg'. A J t r* -. cr i< , Ki-r, C 11 A Br.>-Druggist* 14 7 7.6 llmler. John- Merchant....... . 1 4 776 lddiagf. A C—Grocar 14 77 * McClain A t\>. - Marchants l i 10 "6 McCoy A Lino- MerchaeL# 15 10 75 XItLLUKIM. Cmapball, K C Merchant ........ 11 7 7.6 Kisenhulh, Jacob Druggist 14 7 7,6 Poet John D -Merchant ... 1( 775 Ucphart A Denser—C al, salt A plastar i | 77 . Lam v. Michael— Whiskey mer chant 13 25 75 Musser A Smith—Hardware M 10 7.5 ."-a.ek, J \V Merchant A liquor 11 25 7.6 Slamm, JNY Merchant _l4 776 Tomlinun, 11 H A Co—Grecere. 14 77 > MTTA.ST HALL. Holmes, M E— Merchant 14 77 > OLIVIA, 11 LA in CO. Copcr.haver, Jao— YYhiskey dis tiller la 25 , OSCKOLA VIIMJ Iseot A Stokes—Merehanls... _ 14 7 7.5 PKKN IIALL. Fisbor, J B—Merchant 12 10 75 )'l.r.*ANI o At*. Barer*, Robert P—Ccnfoctioaery Ac 14 7 75 Kckenreth, Henry—Merchant 14 7 75 llaag, G—YY'bi-key distiller 18 25 75 pitjLir#m no. Ayers, Dr— Merchant 14 7 7.5 Adams, G—Merchant It 775 Fleck, S K -Merchant 11 ID 76 Fiagle, < S Hardware 14 (irar, M G—Merchant I t 776 Gray, M G A J Y*— Merchaats... 11 16 76 (ianoe, J A —Coefec'.ioaery 14 7 7.5 llirlinger, C <#—Clothier IS Ift 7.5 Hoop, G F Triistve Druggist... II 7 7.5 Hale, J Yl A Co—Hardware .... 11 15 76 1 fencer, Harris ACo Merchants JO 'Jft . Have*, Richard—Billiards, j la# blcs 40 76 Kessler * Uutfiagtoa—Merchants 11 15 76 Jones, Mull a Ce— Furniture store - .. II 77:, Mi Kiinty, RI) Druggist ]| 77;, Mjr, T J—Confwclioaartr........ 14 775 Nutall, John A Co—Merchants... 12 13 25 Pierce, J II -Merchant 12 132.'. Kvrame, K A—Grocer- ]| 7 7", SwiUor, L A R— Books a station ery 11 775 Strause, Lehman A C -Mercb'als 10 207 it Schoonover, J N—Boota A nhoes 11 77,".! PINE GLENN. Bosk, Geo R- Merchant 14 7 75, USE GROVE MILLS. Dun!np, Jas A Co— llnrdware 14 7 75; Sample, J C a Co—Merchant 11 775 PORT MATILDA. Barber, Themaa P— Auctioneer.. (Tax) 75 Gray, J V—Merchant 13 10 76 Hoover, J _C- Merchant 14 77.'. Reese, A W—Grocer 11 775 i POTTER'S MILLS. Thompson, W J—Merchant 11 "75 REHEKSIIL-KG. Franck, Snmuel— Merchant It 775 Miliar, Mrs J H Millinery and uetieai 1} 775 Speigelinyer, Jerome—Merchant 14 775 ROCK SI-KING Kwisg, A OJA Ce-Merchants... 14 775 KOI. AN D. Curtin a Co—Merchants -... 11 15 76 SANIiT RIDGE. Jackson, W J —Merchant 13 10 75 Miller, Wm K—Merchant 13 10 75 SNOW SHOE. Bonk, G R A C—Merchants 13 10 76 Harm, John—Confectionery II 77,6 Williams, Herbert—Grocer II 775 Wolf, Potter A Co— Merchants... 11 15 75 HP It INo MILLS. Grenoble, I J —Merchant 13 10 76 K rerun no A Son—Coal and grain 13 10 75 Long, J D—Coal and grain 14 776 STATE COl LEGE Ilamill a Thompson—Merchant* 13 10 76 Stewart, J W—-Grocer 14 775 TL'SS EY V 1 LI.E. Swart/, S M—Merchant 11 775 IMONVILLE. Grci-t. A J A T K—Merchants... 12 18 26 Leathers, A T A Co —Merchant*.. 13 10 76 WALKER. Verick A Son—Merchants II 775 WOODWARD. Speigelnaver, G R— Merchant 13 10 75 Snook A Pees—Merchants and li •juor 13 25 76 woi.r'e sTOKK. Fen rick, John—Merchant 14 775 7. ION. Solt, David—MoCchant 14 776 Take notice, all who tire concerned in thi< appraisement, that an appeal will he held in the Commissioners' Office, in Bollefoiite. on FRIDAY, the 30th of May, A. D. 187'.*, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. 51., when and where you may attend if you think proper. JACOB EISENUUTJI, Millheiiu, April 18, 1870 Appraiser. 1 nia Iw Mercantile Appraisement. APPLICANTS FOR TAVERN LICENSE. MiMIl rOIT OFFICE CI.ASH AM'l Brown, Edward—Bellelontc 6 $bU 70 Boy or, Isaac D—Aiironsburg 5 60 75 Blair Co 6 60 75 Tilt strike ti the Canada Pacific rail way >ltll continue". Abeut l.ftftft men are gitiv nn**"*' '" 'l' 1 lie flu*# of the I ttriko it the reduction of wage# from $2 par day. Hl* nlo owing to had board ' and a domain! for a decrease in the price ( ol hoard from ft 4<> to ; I par week. AN I.MUI M' In r r The rt of sickness is n annoying ant*it fer ilia in valid who ha# -uffered for yrni- with kid nnv trouble, lumbago and rln ama tic pa a. i Kulney-Werl mun'ally rare* these, and |i> alse a wonderful remedy tvi nil 'oruu of pile. Sold by druggist*. t". Diagvi I* t ■ tar receiving an an , lirely new stock of teban >• at greatly re dui at pi iri - - N E WIM A N. King Clothiw MItOKKT STOCK, BUST STOCK, CHKAPEST STOCK. . £ Spring Suits, 82.40. Underwear, 20c. Boots, $ 1.75# SHIRTS 25 CTrt, AND EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION. # The Best Bargains over Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead SEVER BUY CLOTHING O.XTIL YOU HAVE SEEn NEWMAN. V ~ f / l inttmge Ike Oomilf to Km,/m,j PRICES mad qfJJLJTr, f * AND SHOW As LARGE A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS I HAVE. CLOTHING MADETOOKDIRBY FIRST CLASS TAILORS AT VERY LOW PRICES J Faalkt vr, C A l*b-l'pburg ,„, ft 60 7;. itaruian. Daaie! Betlefoaie 5 f.) 7 llaya#, Richard Ph. ipthurg . sft 7" itnsu. G tle'.b l'i.ataal Gap • .5n7" llalai, Jet Trey Philip* burg.. .. 6 6ft 76 11 ••11* >•. George Ballafonte f# 6ft "•< iiou.rai a Teller I'ellefonta .ft 60 7" !v .in**, Samuel 11 H!aitrhard..._ fi 6ft 7" iv reamer, Jonathan Millhr m... It 6ft 7" King, Joe), Jr Walker 6ft 7" : Kroin, Aguitu. Bullet-nto 6 ,10 7 K ihlbectier, A1 ia V Miiaiburg 5 6ft 7'* l.oyd, II- brrt—Phillpsburg ... ft 7ft 7" I. i-g. W Aar n.burg ■ ,'ft 7, Av s M. heim '• .'ft 7" Mayer. David J Centre llall .. -< '- I - tie, John G Snow She, ft) 7ft Ai'i LMM- I a " .:•> > Li. r.v-e. Anderaon. J hn...Hellefoate ft "Ji7fi It acaiard, lie" 1 If* aloC.o • il) 7 h rmaa. Jac.ib 1 '■•prio.' Nr •. 'i k*o Kauih. Albert H* . yu7n Smith, Kr uerick... Kailelonta ft JU 76 Weber, Paler... Phiiie.hur* .... 6 ktl 7*' Yarger, Henry C . Hellcfoate.... 6 kV 76 1 d<> * artify the above i a correct lltl of all appiicatii. for layer.", and .ale n ll ci :te, ai d apprai-ad by '.be i.i be jn !, .n Centra county, up to dale JACOB KIsENUUTU. Nillkeiii), April I s . I*7.' Apprauer. GETI'KK i'ltOM IOWA. iliK.tiiiLio* v, lowa. Xlk HI. .on A ,u u.a-|*cc a your paper, t'g vo .juie ef '.ae reader* af the Rtr k.ii a detrr > of lb>> beautiful ceuatry, i loua. wh . h 1 tb.nk h now ia it b! oui, the tree* are all covered mlh biottaio. ai the u dt with gr&>t, aid have kW i t T... h .* that they eonld paiture t v.r cattle. The far* men are at >jl tbreugh plantrg corn. Ihe ii>ring wheat i* up and growing T.ry fart, aaJ 1 pre.uiea it . larger than tha w! eat in a,J Ceatro. Jdanhall county i *• jet ia iu intincy, to far at ycari arc but by ill murya! us proprt> .: be.ia i ceatuiaad ing yla among the tic .lata. The lurfaca of the t untrr sail '.bat the fa'mer c> J d detire. It i jest antly undulating t> af rd aai| la dr. aage, but it net billy. In carta.a'. i r the l<*wa ritcr, th. ai- at mi : ato a wh*. b might bo !**• . d b by j 'air.e farmers thit it, eft. ure a pra 'T rouis trjr, but it i laal .. i< ■• itful of sane liet which may ba „<• m naiad d;ver k* rd prairie. Along :.iir<*ni* there are hot'.llß lar.dt of ccr.ndera! • width ad inexhaustible ferti ty but the ma or ir t.e.-i of :i a - st wut. ; )..cta:f from the r.var br- n a grand pa;., rama of richly cultivated farm, inter-pares-.J with beiu o. a.ti.e f-.ctl t.a.bc. Thii county at well a-iai tad to the growiag a:' f i a> • J '.*• •ore : n alto rich in building stone, the quarrying o! winch forma a valuable induatrr The p:;de of Marahall county centres is its county aaat and bun* > metraj lis. The prceail ng taalim at i luat a! preg.e.;. M.n of energy control the inlcrettt of ti.a city, and band ail tttalr fa ultid ta the purpo a ol i: ; ravir.g the inilituti a al* ready f.-undod In appeatance tha city el Marihalltewn reiemh'et many an . inert locality. It it difficult for those who are accustomed to regard a town af the di rnentiona of thit as aged, to accept it as a growth af aet many rs' It . a a * teste to praise i,r.a pla * at tiia atp. "f othera. wa ka-iw ; hut • i* h * genuine ten timanl of aalitfarlion with the town bat tailed upon ma. that 1 am farced to ac cord to M art hall town the palm at a le hghtful place of res dance, as wJll as a point of undoubted busings pr >ip'ity :a the future. A. N. K i>n:i>. ()■ April .".0, . Ildrnside tap . Chris teph Kiher, gfJ 91 10 i"nlh.. On lit. Ml llub'.i r-burg, Jobn C. Sny der, agad ytar*. On I. in Ilalfu. r.n, Jacob Ki!enbrgc, ' aged *7 years. On in Forgu-an, Sulem n On the 25th of April, near Salona, thi countT, Mr. Orilbti Kola, aged 00 year*, 2 month- and 0 day*. In Halfmonn, on 11 th inl., .las. Cham ben, aged near 70 years, Fprmg Mills Market. Wheal SI.OO Kyo, 46c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .46c Oata, Vic. Buckwheat, 7.V. Cloveraeed, s•'. (• to 75 Chop, per ion, $20.00. Piaster, ground per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $1.50 Hutlor, Tic. Tallow. oc. Lard, t'tc. 1 Ham, 10c. I Shoulders, f>.\ | Clenn Side.*, Co. j Hag*, '2c. j Kggs per do*., Sc. 1 Tub wa.-hed Wool 80c, • Packed biitler worked over, Sc. Coal, ltctail. By Car. Graff. I Keg, $ I <;" $I vi Stove, j.| i,.'. Chestnut, $4 25 $! so : Pes. $2 90 $ J 7ft i'o I''. Kunkel's Bitter Winu ot Iron. A him. utt for li>I" |oU r IndlrritSn, Work Motit.cb, Honor.l Helillltf. lli.c.c. ~f in, NVtr oia Nr.torn, IhKuUpatlna, Acldili M..mxh. ml i..r t allow. roqalrtnc aTnnlr Kiot bottlw au.r.fltwwd . or be refunded i'dcfl t.n tho .- .nulm A.k for K. I', Klink*!'. 111-(,■ ■ II in* nf Irmi mi I ink* Boothwr. I'rlcw *l. or ,1, I. .< 11„. (~, IC j .ur clow !l i nut .tamp. WORMS, WORMS, WOBMS. I I K tinker. Worm St tup never filU t. iAmlm| I In, Swat, and Hlutuael. Worn,, |i, K unkel. the on l>.uc, o„ful Un bo remove. I ,„■ Worm in two boars, .live will, mot no lee until removed Common eenee lex lie. It |.,,e Worm, lie remove I nil Other worm, con bo rnn tilv Advice al ttce a witti w.irmo. .ml it. not know it lit*, cramp., clinklnr an.l .utTocnllim, ..llnw . ..mi.leii .n, clvrl.a around 1 ha nyea, .writing .nil rntn In the at.on ch. reetle., .1 tun hi. grinding f the t.eili. picking nt the none, (louoh, fever, itchtna ■< the neat, head ftclle. foul hreath, Ihn |,ltmit Itttiw. pnle and thin, tlckllno and irritation in the .nn. .11 tlie.e ->iri|' torn.. and tnoro, tome frtttn worm. 1 I Kttukel'a Worm Nrrrup never folia to remove them. I'm . , *1 tl per bottle, or oit bottle, fnr fine (for Tape Worm . wrlle and conault the 110. lor I lor all other.. liujr of four druggUt the Worm Syrup, and if lie h. tt not, •end to Dr. It. I Kunkel,tux Notth Ninth St . I'lilla detphta, I'a. Atlrlco by mall, free, aetul throe cent I .tamp, klaptt 1 DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE.- Letters of administration en the estato of Calvin Cautermnn, lata of Uregg tp , dec-'d, having baan granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said decedent are requested , to make immediate payment, and persons r having claims against the estate will pre -3 sent them authenticated for settlnniMnt. j JONATH. WEAVER, j 17 p (it Adrnr. M. Petersburg U In the deepest gieotr. e People are being arrusted I y the huadred e day nn;i mght No person is allowed oal 2 the streets after rune o'clock in the even- J Ing without a certi < ate from the nuthari ill, Light* must be out at V* -0. Thia ia all rather hard an the poor Mutilans, butl the < tar i determined t" cruali out Nihil-! ' urn by tiro free uo of bia despotic pew-' I I —A young m attat lutfl innt J I real. Hut how i this to ba accomplished ' when the it ret!es and cnat coa ,>tatitly ' Simply ly utlng Dr. Bull'* tlby Syrup. • Buy preterit, of (' Dtrtgci, wlior# rougil them fresh aid cheap. Cannae I igoeda in great variety MHRQP n u r i o t. tiuttfln* Phiretlbft fc! swill* l"lUol>4 ***tiUim<] tf) k httrkM a Üble i ' ! ♦< • it Uf* * ileelbiii of V Is: ROnif ' '< ' "• f ll.m *ot> . D UU F\ rwh fefti *nl A Urge aiisouut **l ilLr * luf-riftftiion lt Mm M*l a** e I 1 l-whe (h*l | t *l.l f6 hb>]|lu (tH'L 1 4*' IB( ilhr ma > eellu I t!" 4(1 Aetti! fo< htllfulel tlnLlaetble.l H J Kan ilall II 11 luabufgh YalU \l \my\y J. A. Cottle Bro., - M I! It < II % VC T 4 11.41 its. C F.NTKE HALL, 15 mid respectfully a;, to the citi x#s "f thl- vicinity that thry ara pre par.-U l<> do all kinds o! work belonging to that line, for men and boys, and ac cording lo latest style*. Goods sold by sample. Having had many years ex- * pcrtence they guarantee all work te ren der porfeet saimfadion, and aolic-it a share of tudftpublic patroeage. t3y Harness. Saddles. &c n Th aodmlfftM), Aclefßilhed to memi ih popvlftr driuAJitl It • iop#eUailj ftftUft Ukiftllfti littU of list l atilU LO Lie Bio# ft uf HADDLIIHY B;> cflffftil ft! !! •' lit iund DeIfBs1 Mperillf for ll.e l-. j ic bud Ike tiihfi, U.e ieigct! gud lb#J*l * *rld * tid *vuift.i>lloft** of il ActA, Mftitooft*. uiUrt Hlidi# bl wrj 4m ftud quftlttf , Wljo> let fftil 'etjtL; l luj-Ul® * tu( clftm mi*' ,iL L Due .Pt!4 , rbfte: uhll!li!l tbellmM J A' Ob t>!5U.*N 4 vtUolUil. BELLEFONTt MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSThUMENTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. KE PARING \ND TUNING LuN b tK IU), ng.-T manner w 14 I \ \ o "4, CHICK Kill N, STEIN WAY. ARION, WATERS. O II iilj 441 SO. 1) Slop Orgtitiw. 2 l ull Set oT Itrrtl#, I'rli'c H274), Only 443.1. 131 Stop 44rgiiu. II Full Sol of Itos'sl*#. lrlro S.'l 10, Only 473. This Organ has the "Grand Organ Knee Bwell.") Srcond-liHiid 44rB:uiw foi {2.1. S(m'IIII-II:i ml Pianos for {.lO. VIOLINS, AND ACUORDEONS, $'2.00 am! upwards. Plntioand <4rg:m lu#truclorw. Co*cr# uutl siool**. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC $30,00. New WHITE $25.00. New ST. JOHN $26.00. New Improved SINGER $22 50. New Improved HOWE $22.60. Second hand Machines as low as $5. lOSIfSVOtI BUTTSRIOK *oo*B PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. Order# by mail solicited and prompt ly filled. No Agent* employed, The buyere# get the AgenU profit. Wo buy our l'ianoj, organs and Machines for Cash, and will give customers the ad vantage. BUNNELL A AI KENS. Allegheny Street, Bollefuute, I'a. feb27 TBBOKIAT ( iIISK Of II 1! >1 A \ >1 I S F. It Y. Just published, in a scaled envelope. Price six cents. A Ivrturvnn llir Treatment, and Ka Ileal rare of Nrmlnal UrtknM*. •* hprrtuatorrbo>i, In du #d !. Involuntaiy Knitaatnos. hnpo twncy, Nvrvnu* PoMlltjr. •>.! Iti>prdluicuU to Mar. rltas ffitrrall) . Conutptlo. KpUvpay. an.l I la. M< nUlan.l rtt)i l tu- apACtty A HyKOHhUr .1 <|II.VKR\VKI.I,. M I> . author of the "tiir.a II >"k A. Tim world ronoatird author. In thia admirable tve (or*, cleat ljr protti from hia own viper I* now that thv awful conao.iuwnt oa of Hvlf abtire may b* rfTwctually retnovod without medicine. and without dangoroua surgical operations. Ihtuiliu, Instruments. ring*, or cordial* . point lug out a iilhlo of euro at unci* c ertain antl effectual, by which every avifterer, do matter what hi* condition may be,may curt hltuavlf cheaply, prl. ratwiy and radically Thia I.*cturn will prove a boon to thousands anil thousands Hvnt. under seal. In a plain envelope, to any addroaa on rwcvlpt of two mintage alaiupa. Addroaa Uw Publishers, TilE CULVKRWKLL MEPICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York; I'. O. Box, 4686. lOoct y PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL, PA. KKCKIVK DEPOSITS, and allowtnter: eat; Discount Notes ; Buy and Sell GovernmentSecuritiea, Gold and Coupons. Wm. WOLF, WB, JJ. MIMOL*. Pres't, Cashier - *" " JIALLLLY K. HICKS, (Sucoweor to T. A. Hicki A Bro,) WUOLISALI Si KETAIL DEALER IN Hardware* Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &Ce, &o B*xfAlio hits tlic ngetit') of I lit* South Ita-aial Chilled IMovr for I Ills r props.iiy conducting thit branch of my buainew. 1 hate a patent C.-rpse Preaerver, in which bodice can be r preaerved for acontiJcrable length oftime, juimr W.R.CAMP. CENTRE*!! ALL~ i COACH SHOP, LEU nrRKAY, at hit establishment at Centra Hal!, keep I on hand, and for tale, at the most reason* j ble rate*. Carriages, n Buggies, & Spring WagonS, PLAIX AND FANCY, and vehicle* of every deacription made to j order, and warranted to be mad* of the best toaaoned materia], and by th* most skilled and competent workmen, liodier ' for buggiea and spring-wagons Jic., of the most improved patterns made to order, also (tearing of all kinds made to cjuer. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible ral*s. Persons wanting anything in 1. is line are requested to call and examine hi# work, th will find it not to be excelled for dur , I ilitv and wear. may 8 if. j lIKNKV BROCK IWUOFK. J.D. SHCOKRT. President. Cashier ; QfiNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO. I' (Late Millikcn, Hoover V Co.) Receive l)epoeit, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, * Rtty and Sell Government Securities, Gold & aplOMtf Coupons.' Forks House! PERRY STOYKU. PROP'R. The Forks House, at Cohurn station, is new and commodious, and is kept in best { manner. Red and board second to none in tha county. Stabling for ;*) horse#. Asa summer resort it will bo found ali that could he desired, right in the heart of 1 good fishing an*) hunting grounds, and , surrounded by the most romantic scenery. ( lnov y New Pianos 8125 : Bach, nr.aired, and under tho managemont of tlie New Proprietor, Mr. GEORGE HOPPKS. formerly of W'msport, is llrst clavs in all Its anpointmont# SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance at court and other# remaining in town for a few Java at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Bush house. Baug GEO. HOPPKS. Propr. ! 0. T AI.KXAMIKR. C. M. BOWKR ALEXANDER & BOWER, At torn*v-t LaW,Bll>fonte. Si cclaUttcntlom phen to Collocttouft, mtd Orchftiii 1 Court urftodeft. May b® conuulted in iioratßDßod KnglUb. Oflßc© in URrußu'a building, ipy2*7ttf. HARD W A R E . WILSON, M'FARL AXE A CO. * ft N£W ? :™W UK. U. IL IUKK. tonah Ham, *U, aaya. -to LIPM \ TtalßUi It charts. !• hat daNM to-lorttoa nry nrf| I U i 11 rr ttai. I hue r ] r* .--ritoat It far t*it-l-h attbrt4 ifnt ha * laj tart J v. rsl trr * had i a ■at." aad a frar law r ho *. a "II to KHt MM,* who hut* toon c.n-4 shea all rito m i an tot e fh I >o-d. 1., lift w to trawl tlh fat t hit f* at r. anil k>bltt\iUt SPRING"MEDICINE ) A!.I I -E IT. Ii **+' arftol-. tot aaratoa aa tha lit rr aatl to < I '• matrlaf hU aaar-hW aaaato | llrata, aad hj IthaMM Tanhr panera ratrhi tha ' lttU>| at Kr.ftt.k tlj >h r aUth 1 aaiaral )• I at cry hralt h J piraaa. TWwhaaaatbii a tot seed* ]a-t rarh a MM# leheawa) with thr natarul ltr|ar af tto ajiltto alt or |aialaa ltrot* tto a la tor. Oar parhacc ntlftth gaartt of Itllrlw. to* , UU. t tM • .: i.t.isrs. ' h * Or wr "M 4H MMill * W tssiosauoi* J " 2 * NICHOLS, SHEPARD 4 CO., nattlc C'rtMsk, Mich. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VIBRATOR 99 THRESHING MACHINERY. Tur Malca'.MH t.rlt-sHar. Tirh-toria*. rnme Uttn • ■ ■frM T • ' *** i'—em SM TTttX INtarrThcrthictß tr.ecaltj. tpaHhl aattf It |itl ft aa*r nrrt.Jj Ofigt BMhM Mt Thrrator bdm,. to<> r- • r V aato liwir I mtVU w* :M* tfUfci* u. •* I'M. THK KVntE Thrchlac ! u •! uaat ■■■ < .aa Oat aa. t- "•>* *T *• Jtlwrn Urtln V *.2 frf Ummw Ib*- -<*4 MMfctaM*. GEU* Katora *lll hoi *ul>i!l te tto aaaacraf Ma tto th. u •■■;;• • toha to *■: \a> to, rtrf for WhrtUjOrtJJ ... ' .' " wtT Ut , " ntdMUS' t. | •Sa* fcxX* OA. S#lfa ItoHl Tto raa rh Iniatßtklp. Etaraal Eialth, m- • !•.. c ~j-! -a.-., ti lv>-ittai. at,' pa"Taura nrahct, -itiw. tWT IBVKIXM •> rr Simpiw-ltj of Earta, soiac iU 1.. ru oaai K. t. aad Uaar*. Malta Claaa Wort. ..h a. Uuenafa -^auvnast. roi n Nlm* of Vparatora SaJc. Uaacla* fh>n SU\ u> Tw*i* r M-l\ VFABS. I' It It K* K\TH KM EI. r l-OW for cnalt. nioullilv Inatnllmciita irerlvcd. A l.ibrral lllacoiint M lAlchera. Mm jltrt,Cktvch,t,School*. '■ ItiESTSW.INTtIh ftpeclnlindue■ . uenta lo I he irn.le.l niairnted I atnloeuea niailc.l.terniul-hunil tnatruuicutaaM.rca* Itnninina. lIrtKACK VATKIW k SON'S llanufnrtnrera flnrf Ot'_'ler, " l tO KANT 14 th taTUEET. I N'.ON . >l.w VOKK, BaX, 3307.