Th# Centre Beporter. FRED. KDRTZ EDITOR. Okntrk Hai.l, Fa.. May l- r >, Is"^. The rhiladelphia North American now mumbles that the republicans didn t make much by electing Yocum. ail * little and he'll vote on your side, and then you can dry up your tears. Judge Jnnkin, at the Perry county court, recently, gave a caution to hote. keepers about the practice of selling h* qnors by the bottle. He said the land lord was bound to know who were to use the liquor, and that no landlord had the right to sell a bottleful of liquor to a sober man who transferred it to those who were in the habit of becoming in toxicated, or to minors. It was alwav* suspicious when a sober man bong... a quart of whisky; he generally was em ployed to buy it for those to whom inn keepers would not,or dared not sc. Foofofita transfer and use ts drunk ards or minors was sufficient cause for revoking the innkeeper's license. - ♦ * Any of the subscribers of the Kkpok tkr Who may not have stamps enough to bny either the city of Altoona or Lock Haven, perhaps can make the change to buy the boro' of Sunbury. If not enough for that send in thejast few years arrears on the Rkcwktkr and we'll invest it good. Peter Herdic lias popped up again, and this time in a letter, euggesting a new financial scheme to reiieve th> country. If the shrewd Peter could get up a financial scheme to relieve his cred itors, before undertaking the big job of relieving the whole country, he migh. become a lion again. Senator Wallace has made a proper move in the senate by the introduction of a bill providing that widows and minor heirs of deceased I'nion soldiers, who have beeu defrauded of the bounty and arrears of pay due them by law. b> means of forgeries perpetrated by their attorneys or other perom. shall, when such forgeries have been the resuit of no fault or negligence on the part of the claimants, be paid the amounts equita bly due them. It ie believed that wid ows and heirs of dead I nion soldiers have been defrauded out of hundreds of thousands of dollars of bounty and back pa* by claim agents in Washington. The original power of attorney to prose cute a claim was the only thing necessa ry to be obtained by the rascally agents. All other papers and power to collect the money were forged. The victims of the swindle, residing iu most cases at long distances from the capital, were put offi on one pretext or another nntil the time fixed by law for the payment of the claim expired. Then the agent would put an end to the game by ceasing all correspondence with the victim. The arrest of three men in New Aork last Friday for collecting beunty moaey on forged papers is an evidence that the gang is not yet extinct. The Legislative investigating com mittee, live in number, to look into ap propriations made to the State College, arrived at Bellefonte on 1, and next morning proceeded to the college. President Calder and Professor McKee were put upon the stand and asked as to whether the Commonwealth or college corporation were owners of the real es tate. They replied that the latter were and said the deeds were in the hands of the corporation. The present manage ment, the committee says, are not liable for financial discrepancies, but the par ties who manipulated moneys arising from land scrip. They left next day, expecting to make further investigation later. The fellow who delivered the princi pal Grant enlogy in the legislature of this state, the other day, was Lish Davis —the same whose name is mentioned in the riot-bill-corruption investigation. Of course such fellows go for Grant as do all the whisky and revenue thieves pardoned aid unpardoned. The demand upon the Treasury for the ten-dollar certificates is so great that the entire force in the Bureau of En graving and Printing was required to work one day printing the certificates. Eighty thousand impressions were made, representing $3,2u0,(*j0 of the popnlar loan. The following expressive epistle, a copy of which an enterprising reporter of the Columbus (Ohio) Democrat ob tained at Kenton, the home of ttfe Radi cal party manager, to whom itisedrees ed, may be considered to throw some light oa the peculiar relations existing between Radical leadera in the North and the moch-<iuotedsheet referred to: KKLTON, 0., May 3.— People who won der why the Okolona Soulturn Sl'iUt has so much circulation in the North, and why it is so extensively copied from by the Republican papers will probably be enlightened by a perusal of the follow ing letter, which explains itself: OFFICE or THE SOUTHERN* STATES, \ OKOLONA, Mise, April 30, 1870. I Gen. J. S. Robinton: The papers have been sent agreeable to instructions. The points are made red-hot this week, and all of them will hit bard. It is advisable to have them aa extensive ly copied as possible. We will mark them for our Northern exchanges. Congressman Frye regards it as a great success. We will give them hell according to the extent of the circulation. The larger the subscription list the louder tne thunder. Yours with respect, W ILI. H. KERN AN . The "Gen. J. S. Robinson" mentioned above,and who has evidently been in vesting heavily in the States for cam paign purposes, is the Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee of Ohio. Congressman Frye needs no special introduction. TheJ following"'additional testimony we clip from the riot-damages investiga tion on 8: C. H. Foster, of Lehigb, then stepped upon the witnesß stand and testified as follows: One evening sometime ago I). C. Clark, of Philadelphia, came to wit ness and asked bins to see if be could yote for bill 103. Witness said he would consider it. Later Clark told him there were S3OO in tbe bill and took him to Salter and left him. Salter told witness there were f-'iOO in the bill, but witness refused to vote for it, because he said there were too many "snakes ' in it. Three weeks later Salter told him that at a meeting just held in Philadel phia the price bad been raised to SSOO, and both Salter and Clark advised liim to take the money. In March Salter called witness out of the bouse and took him to see Kemble at tbe Brady bouse. When alone with the latter be looked at Kemble and Kemble eyed him "from the brow of his head to the sole af his toe " , ., Kemble said, "How are you on biui 103?" Witness—"l can't vote for it on ac count of article 7 of the constitution. Kemble—"Tben 1 don't want anything to do with you." , Witness—"ob, I guess you are one of them roosters like Sam Josephs. Ex- member* tell me ho promise* lots of mnnv but never pays.' Kemhle then said, "Oh, if you don't believe it here's the money"—fl,ooo. I don't want to pay yon for your rote. I want to pay you for your work." Witness however refused all otler* and left Mr Kemhleto hi* meditation*. Foster stated in concluding his tosli monv that these men had followed him like blood hound* following a deer, l ot he had always refused them. Mr. t'lark then questioned the witness, but the re sult was only a tlal contradiction by each of the other's testimony. The socialist leaders of Chicago pre tend to he organising a general strike in connection with the trades union men, to hegtn .Inly and spread through the country. They will demand the uni versal adoption of the eight hour sys tem and will settle the matter of wages after their demands on that point are acceded to. This strike has heen decid ed on in their prtvv councils but it is no secret that their purpose is political in its nature and that the purpose of work itigmen is to secure better w ages. We think there are precious few of the leaders w ho would work 1 hour in a day, much less H, if eflered ihe chance They generally strike to dupe others in to trouble. and themselves live oil of the assessments upon the honest labor- BEKC'SEH's WRAWER STEM. One of the cleanest -teals shout the -tate capital - among the thousand steal* —is Bergner's little wrapper steal. Ol page SO of the State Treasurer's Uep*>rt. for we find that C. H. Pi rguer wa* paid for printing Senate wrappers and for printing wrappers for House JlS4A—total f'-'oHl for wrappers for the two houses for one session. Py the wrappers is meant the cheap, tlinisy paper in which the useless 1 egis lative Record is done up and sent 1 > members to their constituents. The law intends that the Record be sent out every day during the session: but it is sent eut in bunches containing •I or 5 numbers one# a week, and each member gets 13 copies, hence it would require 15 wrappers per week, and upon this wrapper is printed the name and post office address of the constituent nothing more. The legislature sits say IS weeks, which would require 170 of these wrappers per member. Then there are kNk) members of the llou-e. wliiih would make tt.tXO wrappers for the House. These wrappers can We pnatcd for f l,7sper 1000, ors77 for the whole lot for the House and leave a decent profit —yet Bergner draws SIS4S for it, or a clean steal of fl7t'e- above what would be good pay for this kind of work, and anv printer in the state wi.l giadiy take the contract for SIOO. The senate is composed of about one third as many members as the bouse, and Bergner draws $ IM- for the senate wrappers, more than double what will pav for the two houses. Further, wo have an idea that the state pay* for the paper besides in its enormous stationery bills. AVt do not favor stinginess in paying for any kind of work, we believe in al lowing a man a fair profit, but wo do op pose stealing. Economy does not em brace mean stinginess which is on a par almost with stealin-*. Can't some mem ber or senator catch this little mouse :u the wrapper business ? The next democratic state convention has been fixed to meet at llarri*burg, July lt. Altoona is out of her trouble with the State fer the present. The city lias been given two months in which to settle, and the ten per cent, charge.- for collec tion will be throw n off. Ohio republicans just now have a lit tle three cornered war in their kitchen on the matter of the governorship, be tween Sherman, Tilariield, and some other radical snorter whose nama lias dropped us. The Prince of Wales presented in the House of Lords on Tuesday evening a petition favoring the bill legalizing mar riage with a deceased wife's sister, say ing that he would support the measure on the ground of advantage to the com munity at large. The Government op posed the bill and it failed to pass a sec ond reading bv a voteoflOl to si. The Prince of Wai'ea, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Bishop of Bipon voted for it and fourteen bishops voted against it.— Thw stories of the wretched state of af fa'rs in St. Petersburg are denied by the Journal deljt. Petersburg. Fred pouglaa the colored statesman is strongly opposed to the negro exodus, and thinks they should remain upon the soil where they were born, snd n~i wander off to strange parts, to be a bur den and a charge. Some of the Southern planters have requested the Six Companies of Cali fornia to send them 1,000 Chinese labor ers to supply the places of the immigrat ing black*. The Six Companies reler them to Hong Kong, stating that there are not coolie* enough to supply the des maud. This does not look like an inun dation of Chinese cheap labor. Altoona is levying heavy taxes so as to he able to pony up. Brightest and best. Superintendent Carter of the Pennsylvania Experi mental farm, endorses heartily, the Per fected Butter Color of Wells, Richard son & Co., Burlington, VL It gives the brightest and best color to Flitter of any preparation in the world. Druggists keep it. Philadelphia Bulletin '" When Fred Douglass advises the colored people no! to leave the South they might at-k him why he did not stay there. His con dition was not much worse than theirs." The 8 hour law was defeated In the bouse of rep's at Ifarrisburg. The ruling prices at Harrisburg for a vote on the riot bill seems to have been ssoo for an ordinary vote, $750 for an extraordinary vote, and SI,OOO for a vote with a speech attachment. California has adopted its new Consti tution by 6000 majority. The new Con stitution is unfriendly to Chinese emi gration. Theodore V. Ilardin'e barn near Unionville, Orange County, was struck by lightning on Monday night and burned down. Seventeen cows perish ed in the building. Only two houses were saved. The loss is over $",000. Tbe new bill prohibiting the use of soldiers at tbe polls was passed in both houses of congress laot week. The following is tbe bill us passed: Whereas, Tbe presence of troops at tbe polls is contrary to the spirit of our in stitutions and t tie traditions of our peo ple, and tends to destroy the freedom of elections, therefore, Be it enacted, etc., That it shall not l.e Iji-ful to bring or to employ at any placf where a general or special election is being held in a Stale any part of the army or navy of the United States, un less such force be necessary to repel the armed enemies of tbe United States or to enforce section 4. article i, of tbe Constitution of the United htates, and tbe laws made in pursuance thereof ou application of the Legislature or tbe Executive of tbe State where such force is to he used, and so much of all laws as is inconsistent herewith is hereby re pealed. The border raid bill has gone to s-od (tin riot bill. It failed for the w ant of a constitutional majority. The vote stood 84tofci. it authorized tbe redemption of $2,000/300 certificates issued to suffer ers from raids in JUb.3 .border counties during the war. The republican stalwarts hav suc ceeded, it Mem.-, in bulldozing the President, to veto tlu new bill that pro hibit* bayonet election- I lie republi cans think that if the bayonet law n unrepealed tliev can again elect the next pre-ident. The democratic wulchwsid must ho "Free elections and no money for the bayonet at the polls." Russia has gone into the win .-alo banishment business. 1 bet •>!•>* states that the tirst party of three hundiod < t of two thousand person* arre-ted in Moscow during the winter, have started for Siberia. Nine thousand p> - w- ai* rested in other town* will ps-s through Moscow during the minmwi Prof. Bible has our thank- for a - py Catalogue of Prima College The or, hards of Dlaware and N< Jersey promise an abundance . t all kind- of fruit. We receive accr unts trom all parts i the country of extensive foie-; fire - If a i nv.vte r-| rt who h ha- i< iTel I ettdon re-pecling th.- famine in upp> ' l'gypt lie correct, the niorUlitv ha-1 ten trul* appalling. It i* stated that u few t-r t ßan t''.o t persons have sttoi hi ed to the famine hi * illi- eh hen., ami F.-ua alone. According i Mr. luird, who wa- sent to reoeve ll e -lining myriads and to report upon the tamiue to the Egyptian Government Depopu lation were \er\ p >r and i \Tri-me!\ overtaxed. The-ires-of the famine over, hut if there -lion 1 he an- :kct i . Nile, and overtaxing is continued, a worse outbreak than ever i- antioipat ed. The colored convention at Nashv.'. e| has } a--ed a serious of res mtioiis the tenor of which i- that active measures should immediately be taken to impi -ve the general condition of the negro, i hut the education of the blacks in aepatatv schools from the w bites ought t - be continued, is strongly urged the claim being made that it cherishes a - >eial di-tiinti a detrimental to the mte:. of the colored wan. Another lea ling proposition is, that a request be made to congress for an appropriation off • i,i to aid iu the removal of the colored race from the south, transferring it to the states and territories nth-ring the be.-t advantages to negro labor. 1 'he conven tion also memorializes congress to place into the bauds of a board of regents f ',lXl,l*lO, the unclaimed bounty of >r ed soldiers and -ailor- of the federal army during the late war, iu order t establish a technical and colon- ! -,-hc >1 for colored youth at llarpci s Ferry -r any other convenient place. • ♦ • George M. l'utcher famous througbout IN nnsv Ivat.ia, IVlaware, and Maryland as a temperance revival ist. During fourteen years he devoted himself to the cause, hut it w as not until 1-77 that his popularity rv.u-he 1 its height. He worked with Murphy in Philadelphia aw hile, but was remark.a bly successful on his own account. The people of Wilmington liked him -o well that, toaequre bun as a resident, the> gave him a h--iise. In Philadelphia, iast fall, he led a temperance move ment in the Wharton htreet Presbyte rian Church, and had several distin guished clergymenaaeo-lakorers. While presiding at a meeting of tiie 1 oiing Men's Christian A-- niation, he to t an a-tom*hing story about a Mr- Judge Watson, who had, he .-aid, l*-en con verted from secret tippling habits by | trim. Tbis woman professedly wealthy, subsequently joined him in temperance w.>rk. A few day s ago ii,oy were a H r tised to exhort and sing in I'anbury, Conn. Dutcher's wife created excite ment in the assembly by and say ing that he and Mrs. Watson were frauds and that she had come fr- m Wihniugtou to cap -c them. Putrher at once retired, got drunk, and Las been sent to a reformatory. Mrs. Watson turns out to he a wanderer f: tn Cali fornia. .1 tn i.Uii.UED I'll! WIDEST. run i'REE mriT- s tun to iu: vktoi:i> in SI'ITE or roRMKII I)C< I AKATIO.NI. Washington, May 11. -The in- lent has decided to veto the act to prevent military interference with elections, and may send the incsago to the House to morrow. It will be a briefer document than the yeto of the Army b.ll a:, I take the broad ground, it is understood, that :f tha nrw act should become a law it would prevent the President from en forcing any law of the I n ted t-late.- where the civil authorities called for as sistance unless the Executive was called upon by the authorities of a State t> suppress iusnrrection or other domestic violence. He will a-sunie, therefore, that it goes further than tire prohibi tion of trie use of the troops at the polls and thus really avoid the issue which the bill plainly puts bef re the t uutry The President is supported in this view by a united Cabinet, though it is known that autin five day* past two members of the (.übinot, Jlr. Kvarts. being one of them, advised several Republican rnt-ni bers of the House to vote for the mca sure as it had been introduced and as it subsequently j-assed. Nor is there any doubt that the President was inclined to approve the bill in the shape in which it pctsed the House. Hischange of mind is only explained by him as having resulted from the more thor ough examination which the measure lias received since it passed the >enatc on Friday. Attorney-General I'even had a conference with the President to night regarding the preparation of the j ve'o. lie opp >ses the bill, as does Sec retary Kvarts. on the ground maintain ed bv Mr. Kdrnnnd* in bis speech in The bill of course cannot be passed over the veto. The donate, it is now thought, will pass the Legisla tive bill abolishing the odious features of the supervisors law and await the President's action on ti.ct. If he vetn that the appropriations of 11.0 present fiscal year will probably bo continued by Congress for their next fiscal u .ir. The Democrats will then go to the mis try on ttie i-suc which lias thus been sharply defined as to the ue of troop at tho polls and of Federal contr >1 of the eii-Uiont) through the workings of the fcuperviuors law. CYCLOP,KDIA OF LITEKATFRH. It will be welcnra" lawi to *ll lover* of rood literature that the n-w. beautiful and initrvvl louly cheap Acme edition of CHAMBER'S CYCLOP KDIA OK KSOMSII LITERATURE i t" bt completed ON June 1. VL.Se IV. is just issued, and tho re tnaieing four noJuniej are to bo jued and delivered at ene time on if" date slated The Cfork richly de-orve. th,. *]* ha obtained of nvarly lOO.WkI volume, al ready. and ought to attain, as it probably will, to a round million. The price, which has varied at discreet times, in er.u-iug as tho publicatl n h:n progro* • >d. has now k*oa permanently tiled at for the paper £ vols. roniplop\ near ly 5t,600 page*), fbiw for tleth, $1.76 tor half morocco, gilt top, and sd. it, for the 4 vol. edition in half morocco, gilt top binding. A discount of 10 per cent, from there prices i allowed to those whoae or ders are received Ix-forc June 1. and a further discount of 10 per cent, to those ordering in clybi of live or more -e! ot i one time. P"ilaa, if hv mail, IH cent> extra. Order- will hit bllcd in the order til receipt. Specimen ptt(c and mil par ticulars will bit sent 'reo "n requetl. Arner'u nr Hook L*oh ngo, •trewt. New t'ork, I'uL i-hcr* Sold only dir. I to purchase , rr.d net through t! a>r o. sgentx. ■■ ♦ ♦——— Demoralizing Iisea-r. V-':•h kidney Irouble a roan is utterly demoraiiml. l.cptoration to perfect health ran ho at tained by the use of Kidney-Wort. It cures the dull distress in the hack and side, and removes gravelly deposits. It m rnthartie hut does not debilitate. The loss on property und freight in transit by the explosion at Htratford, Ont., is placed at Oii'l. Three men were killed, three seriously and three slightly injured. A liiv in Berks county is destroying hundreds of c.'Tes of timber. The Humes are rapidly extending eastward, doing great damage. The low is heavy. "I feel very proud." A married lady says: "I feel quite proud since coloring piy old dress and shawl with the beauti ful! fjyes of Leatnon's made by Wells, Hichardacn A Co., Burlington, Vt. They were almost no trouble at all to color and they look like new," Pater Ilerdic has at last relurnuii to Williumsport te find llio Herdic House rebaptised as the Park liouse. A COUPI I; N TUNAS I>IK*I;I:A --POI > Klll UAUII unit U. Sliciman. Texan, May I" A RNIIMF reached lie re tin- afternoon of a duel i" tin l ilraili lielwreu two men, named Wiley ami Jacob-*, ne.n Itoillnpioti, Montague county, <>n linl river. Tim two mpn one members .>f u Hnml of cattle lluevei, ami fell out a! tit a dm aion of spoils. t hey met on I lie iii< r lianli, eucb urmril|with taotcvolvn stepped off fen paces, uul began tiring at tbu wot.l. Wile* fell in italic aounded at the third fit•. but. r.-ing liim-elf on his arm, went u ball rtaahiitg (tiioitfli Jmoha* brain, killing.* bun in* Matilh Wile* <!it-it a few nu'inent- at tei au'rd, Hint both men wore burn* I In the fatal belli. Wiley rent the <b il lenge lo Jacobs, who ltv< 1 'i the Vi tion. Headache, whether uiiMiij; fi in In digestion or Ni tvouMie-->, ihorotighli uutlta any one for attention to lu-iii--f> ot tin other active effort. I'r. lot u Rttltiaioro I'll! .ilnin cure tin-iltti tug disorder, giving prompt relief aftei tlie first ili'ir. si 11 i: fKAi n:* is i I'l'i >: Kit I I T. 1 urthet udii'ck ft >'H I j'per I represent that theoontiot* between tin t .opium ti ops ami tlie -lave drain - on the Kb b anil Nth of January, results r.| in tlie i.unplete of tlie lattet Withlhr 10-* I'l l ' killed, Wollt It*' ami pri- ner. Lite 10-i of tin* Kgyp* tion it 'ops wu- i ANo I'll 1 U I* 1 l M CHOI'S IN • KANNAS St. Louis, May 3. A diet*tell from Atchison, Kansas, sa*s: "ihrr tbtee hundred colored refuge*- fr ui tho v >utl landed here tool.iv, in a geneially desti tute condition. I here being m> vac.r t building ill tin* city, great difficulty wu experienced ill reluug ikem underi-hri ter, but they were iinallv housed in col ored churches. It: qucstioiiable wbetb cr in .in) of them can be furnished with employ un til, us the demand for ttn-kill ied mbor is very limited in tins Stair I'heir ui rival was entirely unexpected, as the* were orig.nally destined for I e.iveiiw >nh. but the authentic filial city panl their fare to tfiu point uml sent tb-in on. tur citizen have pro vided for their temporary wants, bat great suffering must result if this influx of totally destitute people il c* md uun ... up ' A Kansas t sty dispatch sa* - VL-r --chants of Chicago have subscribed is si, winch on deposit here fur the tad of Southern refugee neg;< , .. instead ot r ■>, as stated Ky a New tirleaus jour nal. • *♦ ♦ Ki ,ak Ls-Ite's SUNDAY MAG A /.INI. TOR JUNE Ki!■ dx* T hai * i IL-r:#- 1> 11., LI. |i i lU l.i- . t'ub -iiing-U i-e An l'r I' . New York The nrweeat i i..* .mi |i!el*s lh F.ih Vj .tii. ui'lhoita r m <i i\ pope sr pel. U. *i :t ha- !'S"II . illfl'. V growing ta public favei. aud each nt. liur ha- trenail imj.r -retneiil on .■> | >J eer-uir It •* uulil he Introduced to v< y family, for tin* pure ami haallhlu! '.(*• ture eann. t fad t" ai- rei'S a k ;! > l. m Jipial influence. The Juno number i ro mar.ah emr lb ~as:il,ty. .aiilt intra riait rhsrai ter i s the . • nt#'.• * * that r* .•rv chi- •! rsadert, < a and v nog. nn . all tastes, will derive from tbe |>crual u! LIS pages in-t-uction, ediileatmn a* t en tertainment, 1 sere > -mb a w.ailh ! literature it o a thru : to designate ar ticle- of espe ai Value nearly evrty j :igr • bril.iantl* altrnetive 'l'here *ri .-.r; c!r< ti>* the I'ditcr, nhd o:L.*rs of ..iera'J emu r.i ■ .ur .ghlt .! -e: :i. arid -b rt • - r:.- 1 iirtcki* .*t P n. by •• • '.rat. . writer* ; a and Popular Kxegert* >y tlie . i.tor. a* 1< u :.* • - ..pen \ > *w -übiects .! ifiteriot I i ber tt.e hi.b <■{ •At 11-ne and Abroad n a full .•*•.•.* of the in oft imi">rtaal iti m cf r# eu* mtn! t:.ce iro.,i .. . partf l the w rsj ana ttie niifcellatieoui dag-irtmeat over flow- with Rood Wiitsß*. K. b B iml i-r cental * r."" . larte pg ur r: * graving*. AMU the >ub nptiea p ce i en y. • cost* a number, it > 1 ay r, ; paid. A*p .n en number w b .: •: u the receipt of aA cent*. Camphor Milk cure* lie . Ist *• nt J cru ra g::l Camphor M ',k .ar rl c .mat -m an. lame back Camphor Milk ur< cat*, br-i • • f ..! burnt. Camphor Milk coat- lii ct ; j bottle* ;i. *-014 by J. In Murra*. Centre flail. K. I l '. Kunkel's litltir inc of'lr :i. The great uc< e-s and delialit . f the peo ple. In fact nothing of tbe kiad ha * cr : , :c,l le Ili•* Amr: .. an | , ha* ta (fuicklv found it* *iv lot > the r good favor ami h.-srty approval * I* f k .as.' • ilsiter Wine ill* a ltd # a . it prop *E*. asd tbu* g.vt' umveraal fa tin. It i guaranteed te cure '.he w r-t ca* of dy*| eptia or indsge*'.: >n. kidney or liver di-*o, weak act, ner\ u*nr .. t nitip.vts it. acidity of the ! ah, Ac. Utt the genuine. S.dJ il JI.OO b It 1 *. er - . b 'ttlef for - i (*l A k lor K K. iNtiake!'- Uoter \\ in© oi Iron, and take r.o .'.her. Ak y ur drug,* *; and if hatha* it nt, lend t l'r .pr , t ir. K K Kunke!. No SOU North Ninth Stvwt f'hllndeiphia. I'm. Aiv -a fr,- cncl,- e ibree-eent tnm) WiiliM WuKMS WORMS K. F Kunkei's Worm Syrup n-ver fan to deitroy 1' n. Seat, assd Stvinach Worm*. 1r. Kunke!. tic nly jcce-* ful pby-n ..n who reinov- Tap" W i rtii in ta*o hour,, aiire with hed. and no f- e un t'l removed. Coram n wtie teach'** il Tape Worm* bo removed all other worm ran be reaaily deitn v. 1. Advice at of, !':cu and store, freo l'h-' dorter can tell whether or not the patient ha* w->rm. Thousand* are dying daily, with worm*, and d • not know it. Fjl*, fpami. cramp*, choking and -ufforatlon, sallow romplei nin, cir lcs arouud the eye*, awclling u l pain in the stomach, resllcft at irght, griniling "f the teeth, pickiug at the , igh. nrir, Nckiig at tIM *ent, hwb ache, f >ui breath, the j itient grow * ; ale and thin, ticklibg m.d irritation In the an u*. — all theo .*yiß|itoni*. and mora, ("tii*, from worm* K. F Kunkel'.* Worm Syr up never fail : > remove them. Price, il 00 per bottle, or aix bottlej for S For Tape Worm, write and cen*ult the li.x-t"r 1 For all other*, buy of vour drug gut the Warm Syrup and ifhahai it not send t > Ur. K F Kunke!. k'V.i N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advice by mail, freo ; send thrcc-cent ftainp. tCrnr. Il DESTIM'CTI\ V. FOREST FIRES Thoufunds of Acrri> Ablnao Among the Mountain* of IVuusylvania. AA ilkesbarre. May 10. Ihe tires upon the motir.tttin* wilhsu h radius f tliirty miles of this city have been growing in .re and mere threatening for the past three day;. Jh: ii pa rticularly true of tbe Pe nob-c<'t and Cum'ocrlatia naountaini. which are enveloped with n inaaile ol • moke :i- far a* the ryr-flso can d caver The blue ltidge and Allegheny motin tain* are al-. being ravaged Bear here te un unprecedented extent. Tho cinder* frwrn the t - - are fulling to-d#.v in thi* city „ white *:. ! but as the find f.-*kc- of | a mow storm. THE FATE OF A IIKKUOF HI" IF A LOKS. An army cfTiier w ho recently arrive ! at Chi ago from the Yellowstone Valley toil* a ato.y of ?hl happened to a hcid ot 1 uf foloc* at they we*v i.i.grating southward The herd numbered two thou and uvri hundred head, nad had boon driven out of tho Milk River country ky the Indian hunter bci -nging to Sitting Hull's band V/h-nlhey . i he i the r ver they venlar " 1 upo.. ;ko i- •v. ,'.'i their cu-tamarv <on lldence, coming upon it with a ;l, i fr< .it, and beginning the cr*,*ing with c!a*'.i mnk*. The stream at thi paint \va* very deep. When tho front tile, which v • tre'.i 1 d ut a "jiiarter of a mile in length, bud nr-urlv ginned the opposite shore,, the ice sudden, gi-ro way under llieiii Some trappers w: , vera eyc-wi' fie-.-. of tl," t cue said it seemed as if u trrnch hau been opened in the ice the whole length , f tlie column Some lour OP five bund red animal* tumbled into the opening all In a hand. Other* fell in on top of thrm aad -unk cut of sight in a twinkling. H.v liii* time the rotten ice was breaking un der the still advancing herd. Tho trap pers say that in loss thnri n minute tin whole body of bufTnlees had been pre, ipi tated into the river. They were wedged in .0 thickly that they could do nothing but struggle mr _ scond and then disap-j pear beneath tho cket of the Ice of the swift current. Not n beast in all that mighty herd tried to escape, but in a solid : phalanx they marched to their fatal bath' in tho "Big Muddy." In a niinutv from! the lime the first ieo broke not a buffalo'-' head or tail was to be seen. . SPEECH tF Hi) N ('. T ALKXAN DKK. DKLIVERFD IN THE I'A TI- SINAII UN THE ' VfiTlt DA Y OF A Pit I L, 1M; . I I'lio Sunxln having under considers'ion bill N" I l ', s-nt ill* l An ait to *i" iltu to ■i operatives nnd labor, r* < ngaged in aad d about coal mine* and luanufarfotios pf 1 iron and tec!, tlm payiiiont •■ f their wages ' at regular inlet val* mid in lawful inon-'y ' of the i i ited State* V Mr. \LE \ ANDEIt. Mr President, g the two .real moving fer-.* that hue. g made this country all that it is are Capital 1 and lal> r. L'i .Ki ur bcnclicciit ferm of free g ncriuiisnl 110 se two force* have j ki on w t king tegi'lber ler the gea< ral iin provemont and dr t e.epuient el tlie won detful ituluial f' our, t with which na il. lias i b uutifully endowed ibis great uitry. i -ir many year* they wprked Vat uioMuiily together, side by side, • boulder to tbeuld. r, act..aiplishing re *ull that bave astonished tlie world m ~ '.tiade v* pui, nt of the t apsbl!.ties ..( eur people t>ne portion uf cur people have by (n< I of good management, accumula ted properly, which wo are taught to call api'.al Ai. ther prl.. it of our people, *' le.* f teriute. have struggled, not ate ' still struggling, to earn their bread by thai • weal a. their brow, w , U we are tnegbl to > a.. S • |. ,u a 1c \ cry man e> g ,1 "haiiy, is nippots-d to bave started in life, with -ttUie endowment of nature, in wit, the right to earn lus bread by labor, which wn his original capital. • " * 1 claim t • understand somewhat ef the condition of the luboring man. and car.! 1 *yuipatbi/.e with him in hi* strugg c ot' .le, and 1 M.l do f-ir hie* ail 1 can te help him on in his jeurney If there is any t oad upen hi* shoulder- that lie ought not - to bear, I wiil lift it off, if I can. I'en I Jo it by \ . ting for Ui.s bill us it stands, without luy amendment'' Unpiulandia* h. r are not ia conti .-t with each other, as l is so frequently alleged by tl.v politician and t >• demagogue capital U euea'.ial tc I, j !.lor, r.t.d lrtl- r is l-> capital i 1 inj ti o c.,nno*. got along W '.heut the oth ;er \\ by, bcca uc labor is capital and ig.'-ul is lac fr.iit of l.tber. l.aber is the , tree. > apiilal is the ripened fruit. Thi c ruit caiiinil ovist without In* slaL, an.t ~ tho stnik, in tbe nature of things, must produce lh# fru i (unloit it bo a barren stalk of it is said, it shall be cut 1 down au 1 < a-t , tho fir# . * # , i U e bear front all sides that Capital ia . vested ut ii.duftnal pursuit* doe- not bring to its owners a sufficient recom pense. M ny *1 <*,: iron furnaces are to ir toua ft .. a i.4 eur machine shops s a! 'J I m. is are standing ttiii ; our .. |wrnt ■'! letup lam t* at they ar. Os-en . | ..'.s , 1,. .ring men who w,.rk iu t fir-*- -c vera I branches of ii, dust ry 'ti.p . i th > are .null, .eul.y j a.d '.h ere te.iing the Uut:. neither ap ... or iah r ar. tho returns they* 4.1 dufiig what we .ail "flush limes A hat rhu.l we do If lab r de utaa.. s..r# of capita .ai d > apital graiiU ; L khen capital will suffer. If capital de-! il niai.d* that tho pr ico of labor shall be los* tbe'i labor w;.. suflcr, 1; labor .ialuia'.ds •:. .. u ef capita! ti nt il o*anwl s;.,ad it, ~ t.. :i . ~p.tu. will shut Hicdf up &ad retuse lo wn;.i#y labor then what? Capital T '• be. n-i Ile employ !*b r, and d' •" r •en Em tiling to do without cap-' - it,.. i;.u vvc that .no i- dependent " uf n the other, and b .'.is uu.f lire wtol thrive t ig-lbcf, c r b th ntu-f suffer, li is . >i iby ume that. api'.al opj'.-s cs labor, and Sab- r mu.-l be protected by law. O O * 1 at it* cpila *t oftoti take advantage : its< r.korcr * ii übt!. - tru tfeal the - .abor - met:u,rslake advantage ef tiieir Oi..p ovi i* c ! u'ly tru , I* it psi*:btc by logo St r. t ' prevent cither one from * irs.j ::g a; n tho other T i* not prete: od, but ,t is u'lege i n the part o! Ib .- it,at in • 'me localities and in • uue noustriai j'Uf-u.t* a -y Sir in f paying the w .ge, f Übor in vrder- .-n a -tor* er #! .-<• has been introduced, aad that the mcrclianis are ia the habit of charging '• exorbitant p-ice- for their go Js. aedtlialj * in this way tho laboring is deprived i f n p rtioi. of Ei- hard car:, d wage- , r. . ae dcubt tr .it in many CJ.i - and ;i an sr.:. It s* cd confined to cotuiany' it *c. erjitort* wn.- Sby tbe employers of lahi r but rr. -t all st -•, ut'*n whoai or- ! v dor are drawn, charge itu-re lor good ■ -o.i up a . rJ#r> than they do for cs-h. Way b- can . erJ ris riot ,it b i* a .otter c f credit and the ta -chant vrbo . receives il parts with bis goods, which " ii in: m >!>*>', ftr.d is . umpeHod lo wait month, for hit pay. c iurt# farmer*. . ag r.oral ru!o ■ avo an i:w :ioy from Fj *.sg t • Full , tbgy , employ labor at lower i.guro- than any a ther branch of inJu-try, nr.J mro coia - i oiled to pay their hir. .1 men w th art or der > n a country storo, at i-'. to furnish hai h;* noces-arie* in this way. T:.e - iner, bant waits upon tho farmer fo rcint ' erio him until h i crops arc harvested and put t" market. J l.e merchant must charge ,.ro for his good* sold in this way . than if • >!d for cash, or he wonld fail in " husin . If the farmer was by law c m polled a', all limes fe pay each fer his !a --■. bor, he cud not do it, and would bo com* % i | eilrd to leuvo all work he c*. uld net >l*> himself undone. Tbe farm lab rer* would „ havo no work nnd w uld have lo starrtor -He -Uj* rud by Jititli.* cliari'y. '''h* pre j* dip '..on of the necc-sarics ef lifo would be e diminished and l!io cos*, to tha con urnor - necca-urily increased, which would ep t nto t erclv upon laborer- engaged in wth s' er pursuit*. But it is said tha'. the pro po-ed law* of tho Senator from Fayette doe- not apply to ar.y industry except the manufacturers of "iron nnd steel nnd the mining of coal. This is true, but why .houlJ il bo so 1 Why tingle out tlic-s " three industrial pur-uit* from among the. hundred* of otbor* Why not include n the farmer, the founder, tho machine-shop ' man, tho miller, the lumberman, th* axn , 0 maker, the factory man, tho grocer, tho f baker, the lime burner*, tlie merchant* themselyes who pay their store boy* and ' cleri s with store jjoods. • • • • • Iti* h*p rted by parties in n.y distri, t, an- j gsged ia the inanufac ture of charcoal irun., whom I know to bo honorable and truth*. ? ful men, that if it wore not for their stores j ' icnd the order system, u- adopted and in ! use by them, that they would bo compell ed to stop their works and tliu* throw out . ofemph ymenf allofthe men employ*J. ' Valentino A Go., engaged .a iho manu " fai lure of charcoal iron, n -ar Uellefonte, for uiore than twenty years prior to 18',C '• had no store, but paid their men in cash at j k the end of every week. At the end of that i your the footing of their accounts showed ] an actual h ■ They were not di-p ed to f run their v erbs n'. u !os ; , and there was fi but one of three things to do. hirst, to j '' stop their works and leave nil their mee to hi ft f.r themselves; or, second, to rc * dm c their wages and thu- bring tho cost' of tho production within tho market vul-j * ue. This they did not like to d,> as the ** wag. i were circsiiy ■ low t' ut the men 1 rou'd do no more tli.nn liv, so they hit upon a third plan. Th#y found that lliey were paying out j 0 in money !•> their employes about sns ( " hundred thousand dollar* per year. Their 1 ' men sp. Nt all thin money with the incr-; ' chant* in tlm purchase of goods, and that! ' those merchants wcro making a profit of, from twenty to fifty per cent upon their ' j money, which, if they could retain, they ' could nil :<> to run their works. Theyj tlu-reforo called is meeting of cur princi-, ' pul m u n and made the propositien, which j w* ugieiif to by them, that tliey would.: start n store und ngroo to furni-h them ( " goods at the seme price* charged by other j ' merchants for th same kind and quality 1 ' ef goods. They only require thair cm ' | ployes to take orders on their store for tho '.merchandize they needed, and that nil L i their savings v. uld be paid in money , j Their store hu-iiiev* lis* been very sue 1 cessful, tbey having a large and growing 1 custom outside of their employes. They also my that some of their employes, who for twenty yr undr ihn ca*H system ne< umuluted nothing, now have growing, balance* t<> their rrodlt 1 have heard no r mplaint* FROM any of these men, but 1, have heard complaint# L>Y euliide parlie* by other titer, limit* who have, of course, ! I lost tbe outturn of those men, and N few laboring men W he have re. eivod THESE or ders second ban 1 ; 1 have not beard com nlaint* from any of the employ* * of any of : the other iron manufactures. I presented j I petition SEVERAL WEEKS ago ngned BJR about sixty citli '.en* of two towashlps re- 1 I mote lrom tb' E lr,n WORK*, where the principal indutlry IS |,.m bet,r,g. wbocem nlniit of the order system as prai tic<lL ia tht-.r neighliorlieod, NND pray ter tbe pas -AGE of A law, general In its term*, appli cat,l# TO all partie* I have also heard complaints from a tow of the employees in *omo of our coal mine*, WHO say they are compelled to take orders nil the Com PSBY SI -re* where they are compelled to pay mere for good* than they can buy them for at other store*. 1 hate no Uouht but that soma of these complaint* are lnundcd upon fact*, and if legislatioa would reach these . O*ES. without doing an i- ury to both capital and labor la otbrr , localities, where there is no complaint or abuse, 1 would gladly support It. This aw would reach the inaecetit a* well as :he guilty- lint thi* legislation, a* pro ;CD in the bill at il reads without say arno DMI nt, is special in its character, BE , ing only applicable to thrco branches of ,ti lu-trv, earing all ethers untouched, a J N- 1 believe, I ontrary to the spirit U! I'.he Constitution. ***#* Hut whether il be unconstitutional or not, IS not the policy of such a law bad 1 Ail icen are oijuai before tbe law, AND each N, an should be left free TO make fits own centracts in hi* own way SO long as he doe* net interfere with the rights of i others. The amendment I have propc-td docs jtiot Interfere with the right of capital and , labor to contract with each other, and il iakc.- the order that mint be issued ia payment <>f labor, buy as much as would itbat uiueh meaey. It i* right and proper to go this far -a the interest of labor. To go id:. her weuld prove, ia the end, an in* . urv an I a wreng to the inhering man in tend of bciag a BENEFIT to him Tbis uj,- I to sati-fy labor, 'and at the same time, it I* just te capital. * # # * * Now, SO far as 1 ASA C accrued myself, I am us nasi- us a* any Senator A this fl -or to icliev O the laburing man of the loirdees under which be suffers frem day today, and if there is anything that caa l>e done within the limits uf the T'enstitu tion WITH a due regard to the rights of re capital a* well as labor, 1 will joia Is .I.i ia hand with SI T Senator upi,N this! ! ! O, r and go A* far as be. Hut this will noli u. - mp!.-h that PURPOSE IT will not! • ach the l TD teughl, and if it is patted 1 verily heliete that ualest those engaged' M the manufacturing < 1 charcoal iron aroj permitted t MAKE thi* profit out of their G <d instead of allowing the profit to go: into the bands of Winers, who give labor to no man. who are itilrrtnejiate men IN -ec.ely, who create no wealth, who only II uuiulats trom the (irofits of labor, and> F that IN •* ,*y is allowed to g > int other -LAND* AND manufacturing industries are: ..sii i■ cTi< .In pv ■ **k f*i ta V< k t w,i , .: A ... en*, he tw.> ir. ntns until every ono. "I'tUem w ill be STOPPED N-i the labor,ag : .A will H ' out of employment and BET •I 11 have to go elsewhere, he will have to ' become a tramp and search for werk IN some OTHER place, and it seems to me that I hill could be so AMENDED as te N I 4E* t uriel cli cable or nearly S. aad IF 1 tied been pre-cit when this bill was ON third reading, 1 should bare made this atuei Uiseat- 1 will indicate the amend ment, at., l then I shall aik le reconsider the vote by which ibis hill passed tbird: readog. in , rder to introducethi* amend* IN cut. It Fuiiators will pay atteatien So 1 ut '.i.ey wiil uadrrslaad exactly what II prep*. e to accomplish, 1 think they will AGREE T" the propweitien. 1 propose te m vet strike out all of the act alter the: T ag I .U-e, and to :A>erl at fellow* ••That every cerporatioa, CD-partner- I p, irm or iadividua! tie r.G any basi nets WI'.AI:. this T'ercinuiiweaHh ia which laborer* are employed shall pay their la ! rc:> r emp'.eyee- at stated PERIODS ia money or mcrebandisc or other cemmodi ty. a* ussy be agreed upen between the parties at the tune of the contraclof biriag UI.U ITI accordance with the terms thereof, and IT -hall be unlawful for any corpora (tea, co-partaership, firm er individaal, doing business a* aforesaid, to knowingly an.: will .1 y charge their employee! mure ,or A greater price fer any article uf M*-R chan lise !ura:*hed than that at which the >:II art ,1 A* I ,]ualitv of merchandise it - Dat for cash ia THE mtr.e town ur neigh- L rhnod by other merchsnt* or others trading a such article-. That it shall be unlawful fur asy retail merchant doiag business in this I'ommen wealth to receive any order that may be drawn upon HI: fer the payment "! labor at let* than its :*c value, er to discount the same, ar to :artoh store goods or merchandise there fur. I hargii.g a greater er higher price for the sumo than H would tell thesame qua! ily OF gee ft at cash, or than tbe tame qual- J iiy A: go -ds r MERCHANDISE can be |,ar-' clias- D at for CASH ia the same town or r.eigl hers IOD. That any person violating; any ot the provisi ins of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon COR.*! vil li U thereof shall pay a fine ef not le* than ten dollar* or more lhaa fifteen do. sr* for each etfeote. aad shall refund to tbep.vrtv whom ucb goods or mer, di*O THALI have been sold the difference between the price charged AND lhe*cash ' price thereof " Tha first section 1 pn peso te Introduce prrvun companies and cempany sfero* iroai selling goods at a greater price thaa they can bo purcba-ed at fer cash al ether I -'.ore* in the neighborhood. THO second M-clion of the bill reachc, another class in the community, people vrhe are simply merchant*, who are not engaged in manufacturing, and upon whom orders arc drawn by farmers, LUTll bcrati-A, as:, -hep U.EA. a*;l. . n. n. nnd man .factoring enterprises of all kind- TLIE-E order- are drawn upon then, and L in- second SECTION is intended to reach that das- of our people, and le prevent th> in from selling upon order* drawn lpon them at a greater price than thev WR uld have received for their goods IFJ they bad bei n paid for them in cash, nnd it reaches that class of our community j and put* everybody EN a par. everybody the -IIME footing, on the -suit plane, j It re [*l • - the principle L! *1 uedcriie our ir.lT. Tl.lions, to w.t: the freedom ol will ur people tu make such canlraCls as they p!EA-e. •# ing a* TLISV do net interfere with any positive law or the right* o: , ithsr- Hut no law should be passed, ua lie-* upon the s-un,le*t policy, restricting their right to so contract. COMK.I.VI) SEH Tllli lilli SHOW! THE LARGEST AND SE LECTED STOCK EYEB OF FERED IN(I:NTI;I: II ALL, AT \V oil's SS lan il. DRY GOODS DKPAUT.M FNT Is stockcii with full lines of DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDEBIBB, WHITE I GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE sens. PARA. 1 SOLE. I MlilU LLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SIIOE9, ETC., ETC. <; is oc KU v DEPiIITM EXT With full lines of Clioiccst Teas, Syrups, Drietl Fruil, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof ; fees,Jl'ure Spice?, Salt, I'ork Trovi -ions. Wooden. Willow, (Queens aud IGins waie, Fish, Salt and everything usually found in a first class Grocery. HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS always on hand. You need not go from home to buy goods low. At Wolf's stand iu the Bunk building,youfind bargains good as elsewhere, and au assortment equa I (o any in tho county. STRAWHRIIifiE ,t CLOTHIER N( W OF F B R J fi) hi £N 31 L lid 2 3 , | —or— S I* It I N (i (. (I < I) s ! Will lib should b inspected by every buyer within reach of Philadelphia, ; Those who do not * isit the city can secure every advantage offered by our unri, I vailed stock end very low prices through the Mail Order ItepartDient. I'/nitr ■ We employ no pgehlt. Kcnd direct lo tbe bouse for sample*. FLJ'KINO HILKH Itlack Hilksef ell reliable make*. I'elorcd Nilks in all the staple and lasbienebln coloring*. Tbe latest ef feels in Htripes, Chech*, Jaspers, ' Ll'Uismes, Ac. All Hilk Nuvellies in immense assortment. Satins, Vel vets, Foulards, I'ohin Stripes, IE --itmsies. Ilracades, Ac 81' ft INli JHtKN.s <iO(U8 • | A visit OF IBTPECIINA will verify our r statement that we have the largetl uad best assorted stock ef Spring and bummer Ilrcss (food* L'aris Fab rics, novel in tenure and design, at a 11 tiuall advance over nut of importa tion, NND immense lines of PLAIN FAHItICS. in assorlmeet of texture* and coloring! quite bewildering SI'LU NTI liKIINANIKS A OKKNA- I LINKs. , This SLOCK i* simply wonderful in variety ol style* and t-sturcs. It in* clade* ALL-SILK. ALL-WI.OL, HLLH and • Woof, Niik, Wool and I'etten. etc . At the SAME Counters WILL T,E found lii largest line of ITIJ NTI NTSH e* or offeree at retail anywhere, in Hla< K* ' atid Colors of ev< r> conceivable qual ity am] price { 81'KINU Ft IU EL ON C*TTF)N The desigtii in foreign Ctlon* for tbe present Npiing EUJ Sumumr ere f particularly plsuumg. The vsnety that we art- showing from which te , make selection, and the richness and elegance of our eaciuiive styles, must < convince buyers, after a LARRFUL ei- I nmmetion, that our stock cannot pus* I SIBI v L-E ETCELLS d SPKI NtiCtlSTl MB-SFtiKLADIKF. This season we present LE buyers A R.ew feature in dressmaking Instead ef high-priced imported suits cut of the rca< B of every one, we offer cos tumes made of GOODS stylish and at tractive hi appearance, in stylet ta -1 ken from the latest l'aris patterns, , -reported by ourcciv**, and marked J ■ at the most moderate price* 1 SPRING SUITS FOR CHILDREN R Our stock uf these g*sods, as is utu > yersaliy acknowledged, IT not even approached ebewhert Our C<lM mvocement, I'mty nd SCHOOL Dress es ar in neat, stylish and apprepri ' ale design, which RAN scarcely be improved upen. We have A large } , tine of Suits made expressly for wear at the iraabore, country and inoue*, in stylish effects and al tur • T>ri*inglv low price*. , SI'RL NOW RAMANTLES, Eu*. ! We are showing all the newect > styles M Silk, Came. llair, Dingo* ' A a Is, Drap d'Ete, etc ; alse. a full linn of Spring AR.d Summer Sacques ' F in Corduroy, Camel * Hair, Mottled, ' L'la-d and Plan. Ciuths Circulars, L'ister* and Mantles in every co ceivableAied of gt.l W HI C, ]-. 1 SPRING SHA WI-S. Real Indie Shawls, far BE luw far mer price* ; Paisley Shawls, with j I open centre*, f. , D centres, ri< h br- . ders, nad subdued colors; Thibet, ~ Shetland and Zephyer Shawl* in all C dor*, weave* and des ge . - ' iric< - tbat defy coeipetition. SRUING CLOTHING FoU BOYS. We have prej-ared tin* Spring a slock of the meet carefully inndo and styiish good- it I* p<>.T IBLE U> pre j euro, and Lave marked every gar ment on the ba is EF our uniformly , low prices- Our stock it all new, and every garment ei the latest styles ef material and workmanship. SPRING STAPLE GOODS. Our stoc k of those G,-odi, including Calicoe*, Percales, Ginghams, Mus lin, Sheetings, Flannels, etc., we J ere distribulin gto customer* at ONE ' small uniform profit pbove first cost at lessened by plumpt cash purchase* in large lots (SPRING ML'SLIN UNDERWEAR. • lCT# °" r jjjj, teafol rin not fail to cammaad • tie all.a oa of ex cry lady who w.aha. to „. toa4 UM( ., B ~l rctiaß wilh ib eipeaditure. STRAW h RIDGE A CLOTHIER, j • >n ' 4> y MAKKEf Sf, PHII.A. Centre A SpruceCr.ek UK iiooti* und Shoe*.—We are rolling WESTWARD. SALE claaa brick (>tJ . l j )# lively, becauae we charge 1 3 3 on band for ale at Zerbe Centre •'lew for them then was ever known. We anvt a v tm rm. b L lclt . f* .w . C * rc keep up the quality and keep una a the tt ontand in 7 i 1 57. fi 30 *" lew that it wi.l pay peraona at a p r i ce . We are bouad to aell cJTltm tre- I/ewi'bure 7 I,'. 233 ( JiaUnce to come here for them. mendou* ftock, and trun in Ike km prices * - M : . ■ turStfMcl d ° Y* *"" EASTWARD. ourth^" 4 Uiri * c * mwU offend t- ""J boI^Tj^ZZZZZZZ^ 3 I O tTeuctf. ' 11. E. ZKKBE * ?£•"'? klp h U ,°**. * l ' l i* " " " kk Children a school thoea at i 75 ( . Wjr " , !.!U Bellefonle. Pa. Office over Her Mv y, WoO l.hnedbuckle verata<*e... 140 Lewuburg > - '•'f' nold# hank j Mrn'a wool-lined Alaaka overthoea... S< Arr a. Montancon ' - r nn nirnu nlain rum overmhoea- - ®C HENRY BOOZERi ■ oidbeei..—ix Erie R • " • M F?.* R IIII ' Womcn'l wool-lined Alaaka over* Erie R. R. CElv l Kfc HAl<l< t f t,oe* No. 3 and 4 with Day Kiprcw eat end Harneea Bridler Cellar*, Wkipe Wo men'a plain gum ©vertbeea *U Niagara kspreaa weal. F u " k <., p > on hand Cottor. Rietee' plain gum overeboee 30 No* j and c wuh t at Line weat. <ic Price* low nr any where elee Cbildra*eplain rum overaboea 25 •pvUT j. WTIUfON FricntiT. tan be All kr da of repairing done The beat . 1 "til* v- U i and a-, h. ..ffloe and u k al*aye kept _n hand. All and are n. - SOS cmNerth of II -h Mtceu three dcora ram-!- A -bare of the public tron * # g' °"' v ' A ,**„,, P- Eat of Allefheay. Bellefonlo, Pa. kindly aoheited. llapr, 11 y Uec o Beliefonte, Fm. T. fch .f —— m jj OjtvKAIHU AHTKHS | SJC I -FOR THE i & HWSST ?#ICSS !BEE;HIVE EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE . vn V-IHl\K('A\ niM'UTE THE VACT THAT IT IS THE PLACE FOR RASOATVt i *i. t" call >he public attention to my DRESS GOODS tod Ml T DEPARTMENTS. *h'cb 1 can .afoly *y are ho lorjet, cho.po.Cond moat .lock. ..the cwjty Uk at then* prict* and Jl l*(jt crtm VV <rITINGS frcm 6 ceota per yard MATAI.ASAE SI'ITINGS from VocoL; iif yard ALVACA, 81-ck ans Colored. 12k per yard. CASHMERE, ll'aek aid CV .rid 3* per yard CASH M ERE. Bad and Colored. 1 var„ i pei rmd Ard . lull lino of novcltie* in DRESS UGUIIS. ui vi a DRESS SILKS IN ALL OUALITIES. j Ar. elK*ot aNsorltnont of COLORED DRESS SILKS 1N ALL Ml VDKS. | LAWNS. It ncoi* so atHuoual p conyinre V c public that an exclusive atore fcai a *reat !mi.v adyai.tar over • Rtr.vr. ntitkidln Ro-e. Youra respectfully, 1. H. BAI LAND. tguM v Motto One Price, and the \eryHowMt. the VeR of Roodi and no j€ testation. — rdf-VN EARLY CALL 13 SOLICITED, A Nil I WILL BE ABLIj ITO rROYR THE ABOVE. J - U - RALLAND. ' .7?JSpccIarT?ot!CC9TTTT7T?T^^ THK WOKI BH MALI Dr. I, 1) Way burn's A llcralivo Syrup, A REMPI> THIHTT I IVK VKAHS In A prtv*T ptficl|ct. aotl ntpr lulling U ri1lcll| euro KHEI'.MAIISM, DrdPlf, StmfuU. Sorndr StpUUip, <ir*. **i tHfiMfii a iitl al4 d••••• in which tho blood U irttpll* TOI tn now .sffcrwd I * thw pahlic. L ALL RFIUU HRUAWFISMIL IWHNL*ALC or.LJ > TI) IUE Wojburn MCDLCLNO 1 ' . R," I*OI *-•, HI lUf.W. Y. IMML'LKS. I will mall *>••• tho ROCLPC Fr a TDTTVPLO VIUM i lU|tu ihi will rem or# Ton. Frock lon. I*tnllr d ITLOUBH, I*tlq| Ik* kt;l - -it. ilmi .ITNI btmullfvi. | 0100 toatturf!•'• for |nHturuB A luiurUnt C\*w|U t;l hair on A halADrad r i" dh IACC AtlUr*-u. InciM* ma 3* ni*mt' lien \ AodtU I 1' . fti Aon Mrcct. N. V . TO I ONSUMPTIVI 8. Tb# odrortiAor hitlni boou PRRMANFFNTLJ T-urod of lit A L .IRCAD DIIKUHM,(3MTTMT>TTOA, BY A lllU|>lo rcm<LY. in antimi* to make known to hi® fellow *UFFrcr* Iho ITIOAAA uf cure To all who dffxlrff If. ha will mend A ropy f the i>rMscriitton nao I.ficn of chArrv> with tha •Hrwoti INA for preparing AND ulng tha amc. which thay will find A ut euro for * ouaumplton, Asthtua. I'srotu hit ta. Ac. rattle* w lal.itig tho Troacript lon. will pleate add rep* I* A W ILFSULN. Ll*4 Ponn M . WIUIAWWHARGU, .N V. "ERRORS OF YOUTH. A tiFNTI.KM AN who auffcrod for yoAra from Ncr voat DobilitF, OroiUAturo dooAy, aad all tha oflWts tf \out hf u 1 indiAcrotion.will for tha *ak* of AufTorlntc MBHtfl mh'l free te* all w lu* motl It, tho roctpo an.l diroctltsii for making ti> atmplo romody br which ho cured, butlorcra wiahing l<* prthl by Aha advertU or'a oipoilance can do ao l> addroaaing ku |K>rfoct con Udonee, JOHN H. OODRN.4Boednr St.. Now York. alTklnd*, Tb'MCItH, d lac bar go* of iriC9 (tIA)OU or utucu®. and all dlffoao* a of the RKOTUM quickly and bra tmple and I atmfhlng Ut'inmli For infonnatlon. adarcua go jAAtitii Dr. J. T A WKH A CO., S8 Ann Hi.. N Y. T\B.S 6TJTBLIUB, Dentist, Mlllheim. Offers hit profsnli-nslsaral.-rsto th* nubile. He Is rre|*rt'd to perform * II operation* in the dental pro raslan. ll* '•* n*r falljrpr*p*red lo extract teeth i'olnilj i without pato. ni9*73- Although this drpartmet ha* been inrr, J to than four time* it* former *iae, it i* now trarcely large enough to accommodate iU inaey pe- Iron* No Mich stork can bo found eltlitre The department it situa ted in mr retired second slery par lor*. ,-aiily accessible by elevator SIMUNG lIO6IERY AND UNDER- The product* of all the best makers of France, England, Germany end our own country ete on exhibition at our counter* All the novel tie* in Milk, fine ('..lion and Lisle !!•• for ladtrt, children and men. Our stock in ail grade* of Underwear it the most campleie in thi* city Sl'RI NG GLOVES The "Trrfuuste" and ether brand* uf Kid Glove*, in shade* to match tbe new shades m Silks arid Dre Goods. Men# Kid Gloves, handsomely em bruit!, r 1 Lisie 'J bread Glove* in •.ssortinent greater than was evr be fore ibuNs in Philadelphia. Fabric r < iuves of a!i k indt SPRING NECKWEAR FOB GEN -ILKMKN We have a!) the newest tbepc*. ma tenais. elt"*ui ane catering* in Neck wear, at prices at least one-third !?** than II utuel Our three brands of Shirt*. "Tii# Standard." "The Favor ite. The Cesium Made," have prov ed in be the most popular Shirts ever ( sold in Ibl* cltv SPRING HOUSEKEEPING LIN -1 ENS. The very large buneoss done in this drpnumeai. require* ut to be daily in Hie market * our customer* ere stmrcd of getting the freshest g... 4>, IU every dv-enption of Ltneoi for table oi bouse u*e, at the lovnt jxoeibie praer Wc have also a very *rge stock of Crete nee*. Raw Silks, Jute*, etc- SPRING QUILTS A BLANKETS. \\ have to slock all grades of J ac .juard, Honeycomb and Marseille* Spreads, ia *igc* for cradle*, crib*, ship bsrth*. amgie eLd double bed*. We are offering large i*e SUMMER Hi,A N K EdTS al f4 00 per pair, w inch is loari-r then such excellent quality ot g Kids ha- cfer before been (old SPRING CLOAKINGS. Our aisortuient i* complete in ell the newest *ty!es and Coloringt The newest tamg for Ladies and Chil dren* Cent* i* ilt finish Corduroy. We have il in ell the popular shades SPRING PAKAhCLh A I MHI;EL LA -. The newest style* of Paratels are an mitre departure from thu* ia vogue last year. Wo were confident mat they W"'d meet with popular faver, and laid in a iarg, sleek of the choic est shape- style* a bandies. Teugh the prices have been advanced because of scar-ily, wo shall offer our* a* or iginally intended, at a small increase or> ibe manufacturer# price* SPRING CLOTHS a CASSIMERES. For Mr as end Roys' wear we now have tbe largest and best assortment of lh(te goeds ever shown by tt*. Scotch Suiting!. Fine Suiting*, nal Plaids, Siripca, Checks, Diagunals, in great assortment and al very low price* In Blue Flannels we have tbe Mandard Indigo Good*. SPRING WHITa GOUDS. White is to be very popular this sctsue for warm weather <u*temes- Uur aisurimem of Pique*. Swiss, Nain at' A, India Muslin,ex . is ansurpass ed. The prices ar* as low a* can be marked on goods of similar qualities F PR ING DRESS TRIMMINGS. Lvornb.Bg new or novel in these goods ttial taar appeared tbil reason will be foued at our counters. A very great variety of every style of Buttons aad a weii selected stock ef Notions. NATIONAL HOTEL." \[ CORTLANDTST .. Near Broadway, i NKW YORK. HOTCIIKiSS A rOND, Proprietors. t OX THE EI no I >EA XPLA X. } The restaurant, cafe and lunch room ! attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50cts. tof2l>erday,so to $lO per week. Con- , veniont to all ferries and city railroads. > \en Furniture. Xew Ulannfte* J nu'iit. 113jan ly i Fikalth and ii vitinkss. 11 call h and lU|ii>inru are prkflaw WoiMh to their £ ami yet they are wlihlw th* reach of evtrf J RKIRIirS LIVER VIMS. ; The OR If sure curt* for Ttr|>W Liver, IRrpoMU, ] Headache. So SG.m %h. Wti; lino IVcMlily, Nau- 1 •ea, and all lilllion* compUiuta n*d l! d dtunn'or*. None genuine uoleaa "Wtt. Wu'R. HtlUi." K your liitiKKirt *tl!n t iqm>l| wwl 3A cent® tor one ' t ito BurLk.KolitrlUo. lu,<. fthSt. i'tiila.Tnortttu J7zeller & scn. ; DRUGGISTS, I No. (i Brockerhoff Row, Bellefoiite Penn'a. Healers* ill l)rut;i.( liemicaN, ] Per ftim cry, Fancy Good* d„ Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medic purposes always kept. inaySl J OnN BLAIR LINN* t Atterney-at-Law, r "I t r Office on Allegheny St.. Bellefonte, Pa. 1 27 feb tf 3 ■ c. DINGES 1 SKW BTORK "Va* aHu *ir i. k 't*? * f a^| anaed r ruit* rb**pr than any. where *| M . " ~Ha h.Mt hnon hand and is constant j ly receiving Notions. Candies, in great variety, and Tobaccos of the best grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. He desli in FLOL T B. BRAN RTDNK and EARTHEN CROCK* AC.*? * sad •tjkae •// Unit ( Coat, try I reduce ia eichange. CALL ANI) GIVKIIIM A TRIAL. (' DINGES. Centre Hell. gs&SSgSS&SS curl.. CMS Oalta, IKU m muJ „.|f£S, ,* |i Ml* eS erl|. Km en-. • ... Id..lid , iha u alH( | "f b Mm*. fb. mm,, b iSI ZS&Ctf" ,u <.! ••'"fjn-J Mlrbf J*ri Ol*rt>Hc*f, M D. IM4bsJ .li MiT,Crau Hll. The Plicrnlx Pectoral. *£?£££? tUTbtt .I?SLr- JKT J^ , cSSfc a |f oki wan ifGEux in> cow rowzitm* LtegKL* u4 Is inad flottdllkim ft .. j. srn&^rJbr '."i ~r gg^/wTr .TP.riL~ terisr w55" till f *fa II ft* enaeto few Iftr ilbetlulliar .i M.MUM uo s ftiri ebul :." .t T L M'ANGLER, Attorney -at-Lew. l . CewlUtien. in Knglbh and German. Office la hum's new building J Ell H Y M jTXER Biasea AVKUAIRKKUSE— In tbe base* meat of tbe bank All work done n fashionable style. I July Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert kautb, At tbe BISHOP STREET BAKERY, {ia now making tbe vriy best BREAD. CAttfES AND PIES Ma Bcllcfonte. Candies and Confections. lie also manufactures all kinds of can ilea, and daelcr* can purchase of bin a< low e* ia tbe city. Candida of ell kiodr al ways oa hand, together with Oranges Lemons, Pigs. D.tas, NoU, ByropsTj.)- lies and everything good. CENTRE BOUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster saloon also at tached to the Bakery. Call and see me. ALBERT KA'JTH. net I i f "'V II t ' - v '^* Examine our (ash Prlcea of A l'klCKLßss'jKWElT^ U health, and if you are without tt 9cm c*n naHh*? be*, borrow, bu nor steal U. but you can übUUk it hi uwtig Nellera* Urtr Pllto They tone up the Stomach and keep the bowel* in guod order by relicTln* tu*ation The) produce a healthy action in the Il\er, p <"tmxe digestion and impart \ i*or to the whola *)- i a. Price % cent* Y K SKU.FKM CU., Prepriotort. ritUturgh. ra. A Grave Robber Caught. rite uaost successful arm re robber of the day i* Vr. 1 -daey. By means of hi Blood Bearcbcr he has rob 1m d tlw grave of scoria who were dying of Scrofula, t -a* u motion. Kheuuiattsm. Mercurial disease, Can* .ious formation*. Tumors. Krytlpcl**, Jdundice, Uri t and Ague aud General llebility. The blood is the life, and Or. Mndaej** Bleod hearcher 1* tea mreat 1 fe proserrer. G. 11 Hubbard. Hampden, Ohio,aays •'Cleveland phyvtcUn* declared wax wile dying of con uniption. t'.y UteuM- of I>r. Lindsey a Blood hearck cr she was restored to health. J K Brooks, rtlBM v ilUt.Ohio, aays "My son was afflicted with serofula of the worst form, and paunouoeed Incurable t>> sever i Hultfv... by U# M of l>r Blood So.rchrr " A tumor *"><">? on mj head ... completely cutrd by tb, w, of br, i-inucj , Wood Searcher. S R*rrt.rtUbiir. 8011., fimplr. oo the faaa.SaH Old Sow,, and all t'utauooun eruptions disappear like manic when the Blood Searcher is used. See that our nanio is on the bottom of the wrapper. kor sale by all dray. k" K Seller* * Co.. rtoi-'n, rttubarab, 1-a lmy y Sot tale by J D Murray. Centre H*U. GET GOOD BREAD, By calling at the new and exten sive bakery establishment of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sands,) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny street where he furnishes every day Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds, Pies, etc., etc., Candies, Spices. * Nut,. Fruits. Anything and everything belonging tc the business. Having had vears of expe rience in the business, ne flatten himse) that he can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor bim with their patronage. 3Q Rug tf J OSEFH CEDABS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers