The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 15, 1879, Image 1

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    J nsrnrtha.
* T tntxar * iflxomuxiw.
How cold are thy both*. Apollo •
I no# tho A (Heart monarch, tho uplendiA,
A down to hid death in tho hollow
dungeon* of Rome ho descended
Uncrowned, unthroned. unattended;
How cold aro thy Iwth*. Apolio '
How cold -ire thy Iwth*. Apollo '
t>iod Iho Poet. unknown, unts-ti icndisl,
Ad tno vor*ion. tlmt lnrvd him to tollow,
II "h tho mist and tho dutknoa* hlendivi
And tho droam of hid life *m ended.
How cold are thy hatha. Apollo '
lntrrintionol Kfrnv.
44 In the 1-ong Run."
The crld-iaahioned saying.
So 1 ghtly exprt—ii.
Ami so ,-atvlcsslt uttered,
'i* ose ol the tie*t.
tli. pontler, young t niter.
With young lite begun,
lite deep, earnest meaning
t*J "in the kutg run."
For " in the long run." horn,
• "lite ei*l will spring up
That a* n in the garden
(tr liropjxst hi the cup.
And, mm-uibar • o ro*e
Will spring trian the weed.
And no heantiml tnnt
From unworthy seeil.
How many a stripling
In t rial We to-,IT,
Ry riotous lit mg
VV ith comrade* too gay.
With character shipwrwkest
And duties undone.
Will he sv-rrv-u* harvesting
4 * In the long run."
And " in the long run." will
The Utiler tare host
Who performs hone*l lahot
Anil takes honest rest.
Who, contented and happy.
Haste* SHU, in a day,
tV a year. to heap riches
That wtU |-as-* aa ay '
The good and the evil
l'hat hale on the earth.
The joy and the sorrow.
The (sen and the mirth.
The hattlra undeeitevl.
The victories won.
Will yield what was sown, lads,
•• In the long run."
I'mIYTI Slatfir.f:.
"Oh. dear, dearstid Aunt Hillary,
in a tone of de*pair: "oh. dear, dear,
whatever shall I do with him?'
She was looking ll WlWltllHl wMrh
the ex pre**man hail jus: dcji-*i ted on the
floor of the lutck purvh —a stout wooden
cage, within which appeared a hright
eyeil, pink-faced monkey.
"Why. he'll murder u*. 1 shouldn't
wonder. % ' continued Aunt Hillary, draw -
ing hack as the monkey stretched forth
his little black paw. "or *et the hou*c -m
fire, or something el** dreadful. W hat
an Ito do with him' he concluded, in
a tone of distr*-*.
"Give him away, aunt, or sell him." 1
suggi-sted. poking my school-timbrelia
between the bar- of the cage.
"No, no; I cou'.ln't think of that.
He was such a favorite with poor Janet.
And she left him to me because she was
sure, she said, that 1 would tn-at hint
kind'iv: but how to manage him 1 am,
aure 1 don't know. What do monkeys
eat. Rose?"
" Oh. cocoanuts, and bananas, and
orang*--. ami cake, and sugar, and such
things," I renins!, confidently.
" Pretty dear boarding." said old
Kphraini. limping up from the garden,
hoe in hand. "S'po*e now. Miss Hil
lary, you try him with a piece o' bread.
It's plain, but !;• a.!hv.
The monkey eager y grabbed the light
roll which Aunt Hi ! iarv presented on
the end <a fork. ;u devoured it with
gusto. He also a -opted some milk
which Ephrnim '•>- ag-ou-.y put U--
tw.-en the bars; arc then he crouched
down in a corner a d looked so quiet
and wistful that Aunt Hillary quite
pitied him.
"He do. - look in: >eon! and lonesome,
poor 'lit! .' thins." said. " I dart' say
lie mi-- h<>meand liiskind nii--
tr<--: hut h-—ii.'.il have at • tt pientv to
eat and drink here. "Only." she added,
hesitatingly. " I <!■' rather wish that
Jan t Wat', rs liad chosen anything but a
monkey for a pet."
When, two <>r three days after this. I
stopped on my way from school to see
Aunt Hillary. I found her in great dis
tress. .lackey (that was the monkey's
name) had turned <>u* a little
demon, and wa> giving no end of trouble.
lie wouldn't stay in hi" narrow cage—
in fact. he wasn't used to a cage, except
in traveling; and when she. with Knhra
im's assistance. l"t him out and tier! him
to the bedpost, he J tad ripped open the
pillows and inv*stignt<*d their contents,
which he afterward strewed liberally
about the floor. He had then been con
fined in the luuk porvh. where In
wrapped himself in a roller-towel and
pni:eu Tabby - tail, and up-et a can of
kerosene oil on Puff, Aunt 1 Hilary 's little
white poodle. Thereupon Ephraim had
tied him in the ganf'-n. while he prune.)
the currant bush' -.and after a while re
titni-ii to find all the young radishes
pulled up and Ja. key industriously
searching out the canlen peas which had
been sown on the previous day.
Finally a tall pole was erected in the
mid-t of the cra"-plot. and to this
Jackey was secured with a rope long
enough to admit of bis running up and
down and around in a limited cirrle;
hut. alas! even thi- expedient failed, for
in two hours he had pulled up half tin
era-" and scratched innumerable dust-
W hat was to be done with the monkey ?
" I don't know which is the worst."
•aid Aunt Hillary, with tears dimming
her usual bright brown eye—" the boy s
or Jar key."
Tlv ■re was an old schoolhouse on the
big lot adjoining Aunt Hillary's pretty
cottage at the end of the village street.
The t acher was a tall, thin, grave-look
ing man of middle age —"very neat and
threadbare, and with the manners of a
perfect gentleman.a Aunt Ilillary ad
miringly observed.
But the Iviys! t lis* whooping, yelling
crew, who made twelve o'clock liideous
witli unearthly noise-; and who climbed
Aunt Hillary's garden-palings, and -now
bailed l'uff and Tabby in winter and stole
her choice plums and cherries in summer,
and at all seasons enriched her garden
with old shoes, tin cans and discarded
An. what pathos there was in that
simple remark of Aunt Hillary's: " I tjon't
know which is the worst —the bovs or
She was the most patient and good
humored person in the world, and the
last whom anv but a schoolboy would
have taken pie: en* in worrying. A
neat, trim little woman about thirty-five,
witli bright, kind! eyes, a fresh complex
ion, and a face stil o comely andjexnres
sive of gentle and womanly feeling that 1
often wondered why she should lie an old
Once, when I expressed to her this won
der. she colored like a girl, smiled, and
answered frankly that no one had ever
asked her to marry except Sam Lane, and
lie, poor fellow, though good enough in
other respects, had been too dissipated
for any sensible woman to think of.
For tiie rest, she might have married,
maybe, if she had liecn more forward and
pushing; hut men don't generally fancy
bashfui girls, so she and poor Janet Wal
ters had been left in the lurch, while all
their voting friends got married; and see
ing how badly some of them had turned
out why maybe it was all for t lie liest
that she had remained single. She had
her own house, and money enough to live
comfortably; and, if shedid feel lonesome
at times—mostly in the winter evenings
why, there were the neighbors, and Tab
by and Puff, and, in short, she complain
ed of nothing, except the hoys and
Ephraim—who lived across the road,
and came over every day to do the out
door work —had undertaken t he manage
ment of Jackey, but the experiment
proved a failure. .
Tin- monkey had taken a special dis
like to him ; and when, at length, tlieold
man declami that judicious chastisement
was a" necessary to monkeys as to boys,
FRED. KURTZ, Ktlitor and Hropriotor.
and attempted to carry tlint theory into
practice, .lackey fairly turned lite tahli >
upon hint, forwd hint to .an ignominious
rvtiv.nt. .and RniiiUtiol victor ot the ticlil i>, of the grass-plot, to w ho*o central
pole he was *:tl! att.a. tnsl
" I'll go right over,"said Aunt Hillary,
desperately "right ovei to Souirc San
der*. .and a*k hint what 1 had IH-*I do
with that monkey If I only knew how
to manage hint. I wouldn't part with
him for gold, on account of .lane* hut
he's worrying the life out of u* a and
something inu*t he done."
When, on her return fret Squire
Sander* , .lie MM in sight of her own
house, she knew that the climax of het
w<<e* w a.* reached VI! the h.y* |U*t
di*ttti**"*l front school were collected in
a crowd in front of the cottage. whoop
ing and yelling, while on the roof in lull
view *ai .lackey, attired iti Vnnt Hii
-1 trv'* very liest Sunday home! M
ancient Leghorn, of rather obsolete pat
tern, whieit *he had that ntornittg care
fully trimmed for it* third sunttuer *
tertn of service.
Jack> v. it appeared, had watehed her
proceeding* a* she stood try ing on tier
iionnet at the open window, and on her
departure had gnawed asunder his fit
ter*. apprvtpriated the b->nnet, and
mountiM with it to the roof, where he
could examine his prixe it .. tr
Poor Aunt Hillary 1 It vt. tot so
much the injury to her Unmet w ltieh
now troubled her, as the greater mi*
chief which the hoys were doing, tin
pretence of capturing or driving down
the ntonkcy. they were climbing her
nice white Front paling*, trampling her
c.ioice rtovver-Uv.s, and throwing mis
siles, which had already smashed more
than one pane in the upper-room win
In vain she implored them to de*i*t.
In vain *he rtpre*i ntial totlieiu that *h
did not care nir the bonnet, and that it
Jackey were only left alone he would
comedown of himself. They w- re too
niuwh delighted with the fun to li*ten to
her. as she stood, with rtuhe*l face and
tears in her ey< s. on her rose-iao eri*i
porch, while her tormentors how d ami
screeched, and threw wet clay and ntud
lvt! * again*t the hitherto immaculate
whib- w aii* of her cottage.
Soddeuly a hu*h fi ii.iumn the crowd.
The little front-gate opened, and the
IH>J fell hack, a* along the walk cam
the tall form of Mr. the school
master. The pale, thin man spoke to
them quietly, hut with an air of eoiu
mand.'and they silently trooped out of
the gate into the street, w here they stood
awaiting further pn* eeding*. Then In
advanced to Aunt Hillary, and lifted hi#
" I perceive, madam, that you are in
some trouble, t'an I assist you in any
•' Ah. sir." >;ud Aunt Hillary, her • -
brimmingover with tears, " it vou could
only -end away the boys, and—and get
the monkey down'"
" The bovs will not trouble you again,
madam, and"—lie looked douhtfu. y u;>
at the roof-—"" 1 think 1 may possibly se
cure your pet. I will try."
Kphraini came limping up with the
garden-ladder. and on this Sir. Mel-ean
mounted, advancing cautiously to the
edge of the roof, near which Jackey w as
now seated, deep!* absorbs! in picking
to pieces the yellow rose which hau
adorned his mistress' bonnet.
lie took no notice of the schoolmaster
until tin- latter quietly stretched forth
his hand, artfully displaying a spec-ta< i.•-
case, when he started up, seemingly in
doubt whether to retreat or to seize the
tempting iure.
" You can ketch him now. sir. easy' "
bawled Ephrnim. from the f.H>t of tin
ladder. "Grab bold of him at once, or
he'll la* right off like greased lightning.
It's a trick o" his'n."
Alas, in his eagerness. Hphraim forgot
that his duty was to hold the ladder
steady. He let go his hold of it and step
ped liack to s-e the resti t* of hi* advice.
The schoolmaster, with a quick mo
tion. seized the monkey by his long arm.
as it was outstretched to snatch at the
spectaele-casc. The iinjs-tus threw him
ofl'his balance—the ladderlipped slow ly
along the edge of the roof —and liefor*-
Aunt Hillarv's Iwrror-stricfa-n shriek had
fairly ceased. Mr. M -im lav, very *ti"
ami white, on tho Ix-d of violets h>*ncath
the parlor window.
He was not dead—though we n\
thought so at first. Aunt Hillary ran
for water and blackberry wine, and km It
down and twllied his face and rubbed hi*
hands, while her own face wa* as color
less a* that of the injured man.
Meanwhile the boys had ru*hed off
some for the doctor and the rest to
spread the news that the schoolmaster
had broken his neck, back and *kuli, in
consequence of which the yard and*?ns-t
wen* soon filled with an eager crowd.
The doctor and Squire Sanders con
veyed the unconscious man into Aunt
Hillary's parlor, and laid him upon her
broad chintz sofa, where, with proper
restoratives, he was soon revived. And
then, after an examination, it was offici
ally announced hv Kphraini to the anxi
ous public without that there was
nothing more serious the matter than a
broken leg.
" Hoorav!" cried Bill Davis. tossing up
his cap —""hooray, boys! there won't Is
any school to-morrow!"
f'pon which Aunt Hillary hastened to
the front gate, with more indignation in
lier eves than I had ever before seen
" Bovs, ain't you ashamed ot your
selves. said she, severely. "If you
have no more feeling for yotfr good
teacher, at least go away from here and
don't disturb him with your unchristian
noise. It is a wonder to mc," she
added, a* she went back to the hotls*—
"a wonder to mc that, considering the
badness of Imys. then' should ever Is
any good men in this world."
After a while, I saw her in earnest
consultation with the doctor, who had
just set the broken limb.
"He is uneasy lest lie should be a
trouble to you," 1 heard the doctor say.
"and is anxious to lie taken to hi* lodg
ings. but to move him is simply impossi
ble as yet."
"Ot course," said Aunt Hillary,
promptly, " I don't dnrim of bis l-ing a
trouble,"poor man; and am *ure lie is
welcome to whatever I can do for him.
It is fortunate that he is in my h itise, as
1 have no family to take up my time
and so shall Ih* able to pay liirii proper
attention. Just tell ine what I can do
for him, doctor."
"At present," said the doctor, inn low,
grave voice, " lie needs only quiet and—
nourishing food."
Aunt llillarv did not take in the full
significant; of these words until a few
liours later, when Ephraiin returned
from Mr. McLean's lodgings, whither he
had voluntarily gone for certain articles
! of clothing, ami to see the schoolmaster's
effects properly secured during his
absence. And then he told Aunt Hillary
a pathetic story of hare walls and a straw
bod, chair and table; the latter with the
schoolmaster's dinner set out upon it.
" Pea-soup and corn-bread, as I live,"'
said Ephraim, "with brown sugar and
coffee in a cupboard, and no butter.
And the shoemaker's wife, who lets him
the room, says he cooks his own victuals
and don't eat enough to physic a snipe,
and mends his own clothes occasional."
Aunt Hillary burst into tears. She
knew, as did everybody in the place, that
the schoolmaster was very poor; but
she had not dreamed of poverty such as
this. And then he was a stranger, with
no friends near to do him a kindness, or
to look after him in his illness. What
wonder that her tender heart was
touched ?
Thereafter, despite his helpless condi
tion, 1 considered Mr. McLean a fortunate
man. 1 never entered the house without
finding in Aunt Hillary's kitchen (a per
fect model of a kitchen, hy-the-bye), vari
ous dainty dishes, the very sight of
which caused my schoolgirl mouth to
Such tragrant tea and delicate waffles,
served on the French china that had
been a wedding-present to her mother.
Such savory beef-tea, and fresh straw
berries and tranalui ent jellii * ' Such
omelet.* *ueh hroile.l ** u> li
white, leathery roll* and all *o tempt
iitgly arranged on the large japanned
tra\. ready to he carried to 11it- invalid'*
U*l*ide, w here *!! a round table al
way * adorned wit li the \ •> choicest ol
\Ultt Hillary* (lower* not lit a hlg
U>lh|Uet, hilt simply a hlo**olU ol two,
ft< *h and *w e> I. in .t 1111* lln *ilelt - It ilia
v .)*)• that had Us'lt ioitgei in the family
than \unt Hillary In r*i I.
Vliti then, how In at and coo. ami
pli-a.*ant w,t* the room in whieh the in
\a id lav Kind In ichlnM* supplied him
with pa|er* and lunik*. and Vnnt lit'
try sometime* road to him . ami I more
than oncer heard her singing in the twi
light ina low voire, imtcli .* a mother
might ing to her tin*' thy
V* he grew U-tterai ould *it up in
Usi. Mr M I•an I- g.m • make himrif
of U.*e to hi* h))*t< ** lie retouched a
fadtal crayon portrait of her father; he
repaired and tvnovated a iuu> h-prixod
w-rkbox; he Instructed her how to >-lean
gilt picture-frame*; how to tix rolor* in
carpets ami dre* goods by cliemical
cninbiuatioii, and, l~ *t of all, he took
charge of.lackey the cause of this un-
I'xiuvti*! hange in Mi** lliiiary'sht>us
hi-d and, suojivting him to a n-uise
of careful trainiiii:. transformeil him into
a tractable, intelligent ami well-behaved
mouther of tire Hi-it*, hold
It was wonderful. Kidiraim thvlarcd,
how chaltgi d Uu' Isast had Itevouie, and
how implicit.', he obeyed the iea*i word
or sign from tin *- lioo-ma-ti r, who wa*
theonly person for wltoin he ever inaiti
festeil the 1- i*t I* *;- it.
Vnnt Hillary din her !>< *t. hv mean*
of fis-ding and petting, to w in hi* regard,
but he appeared to look upon ln-r with a
certain contempt una* indifference, some
times e\prn*i*l in hi* conduct, except
wh-'it sti-niiv rehuked bv Mr Mcl.- Nt
And *> the sweet flow ery June passed ;
and otti day, Mr. Mt Lean, with the
a**i*tan.-e of a crutch and Squire
Sanders' arm, limpi d out of Aunt llii
lnr\ * rose-w reath'-♦ porch to a carriage
which was waiting before the IIIHT. I
*tw hint tuni to Aunt Hi tri and take
ln-r hand, and *ay *--uiething in a .-w
voice about her goodtti *.* and hi* grati
tude; and 1 thought hi* e\i-i were moist
and his voic- .-oiuctvliat fa ti-iitig.
And when he was gone (not to his old
lodging, but to Squire Sanders' hospi
table home). Aunt Hillary w. Nt l>n k into
the house and wandered atiout in a osi
kind of way. and llni * -at down in Mr
Mcln*an's armch iir, aiul then, without
a word, Ix'gan to cry
When I .asked what ailed her, she
wiped her eves and laughed. Wind said
that she felt at a 10-s. as if her occupa
tion was gone —and she must g-t an
other patient to attend to or go into a
hospital as nurse.
After this I Us.d to nccasiottaHv see
Mr. Mcl.c:m seated in Aunt Hillary's
front potvli. or leaning on her gate, as
she gathered a rosebud for him. On e
! heard him talking about his little girl,
l.illie—he was ,i widower—at school
viniiivliirc away in the South, ami of
his longing to '*• her; and then 1 knew
that it was for this child—to dress her
nicely and give her a good education—
that the schoolmaster had -avid his little
earnings, t, the sacrifice of his own com
He did not go back to his little school.
Through "sjuirc Sanders' infiuence h<-
obtained the p..*iti,ai of prim ipa! of
G Academy, with a g*d salary;
and now lie I* g.ui todn -s well and look
so handsome lliat the *iglc ladi< sof
G began to take quite an interest in
Itim. They inv itsl hint to -ociety meet
ings and quilting suppers; but it was
very seldom that he accepted an invita
tion, and it came to !• under-stood that
lie was not a marrying man. as they t \-
pressed it.
One day. on my return home from
school, tuy mother desired me to dress
myself vei ' nicely. :i- she wished to take
nie out with her. We w- nt lirt to Aunt
Hillary's, whom we found attired in a
very n* <t gray tire-- anil a brand
new bonnet, with white trimmings, in
place of the one which Jav-key had de
stroyed. she ■ ~>k--l strangely n- rvous.
wlieth'T from tr< übieor happiness I eould
not decide, as she waalternately smiling
ami wiping the tears from her eyes. Then
Sjuire Sanders can in and gave her
his arm, and we a went together to
I conjectured tlir*t tlier* was to be a
servi . though it was a week day : but.
on uitering. ! * i*v Mr-, banders and
her sister and daughter*, with Mr.
Mel.ean—the latter n so dr- -s. .i in m w
clothes and wearing a rosebud in his
The clergyman advanced to meet us,
and Mr. M<l,i-an, ofl'ering hi- arm to
Aunt Hillary, the two stood before him,
and there, to my litter astonishment, the
pair were niarri<*l—Squire Sanders giv
ing away the bride.
Tlii* was two vears ago; and I think
that in all my eir. of friends, I don't
know a more quietly happy and eon
tcnted eoupie than Mr. M- and hi*
wife. Lillie,of eourse.came to live with
them—a sweet, lovely* girl of nliout mv
own age. of wh<— place in Aunt Hil
lary's affections 1 might be jealous, but
the fad that she is my own particular
b worn-friend.
A Son's Ingratitude.
In the Essex Market police court, in
New York. William Flannelly, *1 years
of age, bent and intirni. accused his son
of defrauding liitn out of his home and
then turning liitu out in the middle of
the night, at the end of a pistol, to die in
the streets,
'"What is the trouble lx-tween you
and vour son," said Justice Murray.
" Your honor, pardon me if I have at
last been obliged to come before you.
Hut, your honor, in IHSti. after many
years' hard work, I managed to buy the
land on which mv house at 303 East
Tenth stns-t is built. There, your honor.
I raised my family. Hut my wife and
my children, with tin- exception of this
boy, are all dead. God help me, your
honor, for ever having to come before
you in my old age and to ask your pro
tection. Since my wife died, your honor,
and my hist son was buried, 1 have had
no one to care for but this one. I
didn't care how much he drank, and !
was willing to bear tip with much. No
matter what hour lie came home, and
sometimes it would be way in the early
hours of the morning. I was always up
to open the door. But lately, your
; honor, he has be n brutal to me. He
has told me that 1 ought to be dead long
ago, that I was no good to anybody, and
lias frequently kicked Isle out of tile
' house in the dead of the night. I never
drank a drop in my life, your honor, but
lie told me that lie would never forgive
me if I didn't drink on his last birthday.
Then h* was forty years old, I drank
that dav and the liquor went to my
head. fie made me drink more and kept
ine drunk until I eould stand it no
longer, and lie said lie would force me to
drink until I signed a paper. I did sign
t it, your honor, and wlo-n 1 got sober I
found that lie made mc assign to liitn all
tliat I own." •
"Does any one in court know you?"
asked Justice Murray.
The old man turned round, hut before
he could reply Court Roundsman Reilly
said: " I have known him for many
years. The old man has always lieen re
garded as a kind, sober man.'
William Klannelly admitted that lie
held full possession of his father's
property, and that the old man had on
several occasions left the Infuse after
midnight anil remained out until morn
" And you did not go to see what be
came of him?"'asked Justice Murray.
" No," answered the son. with nsmile.
" What did you do on those nights?"
asked Justice Murray of the old man.
"The policeman on jiost will tell you,
your hofior. 1 didn't want to bring dis
grace on my own house, so I walked,
and walked the streets the whole night
Young Klannelly was required to give
$1 ,000 bail for good behavior, or go to
the penitentiary for six months.
I Mlnl lllr Hr 11,,• I nUllir ,i| (It, | out
niUaloitrr* Iu I'ui n.
The rejMvrt ui>on agriculture by .1 J
Woodman, ol Nfiehig ut. \si*t.uit ( .-in
Ults*ioltei to the I'ari* K V position, eon
tain* AII inlet e-tlng account ot the . \ hi hit
of gt lilt* It -ay * tilt ftuc*t exhibit of
Agricultural product* from the I nited
M il.-- wa- that ot the Oregon Stat.
Commission (It the other great u.l I
cultural ami cereal producing Stale* f
tin 1 niott, some w. re not represented ut
all and some only partially.
lln r.-jioit contains a comparative
statement <>t' the present condition of
agricultural interests in the principal
.outline* of Kurope, noting e*pe< ialiy
the point* in which they diff.'r from tin
same industt i.w in our own ■ ountrv. In
Frame the average *i/e of farm* i* *i\
tis-n and a half a. re* arable or thirty
three and a half acres of product iv c land,
making3.UTT.?*! farm*. Ofth.-*.*, '.'.s-.ti,
ItoN. or seventy-one per cent., arc culti
vated hv th. ow iters; KSl.tdS, or only
twenty one js-r O nt., are rent.*! at a
fixed price and eight J. t cent, are
worked on shore- Tin- free u-e of
fertilizer* t> mentioned a- the reason for
the he.*, v crop* realized front small
area- The advantage of rotation hu
es ■ b. n t'uliy deimmsti in France
In the Fnglish exhibit-luuple-ol Molds'
new varieties of wheat were shown in
the straw and at trie t.-d much attention,
it w a* claim.-d that thi- wheat could h
sown tine month • u-licr and would re
quire only one half the quantity of tin
old varieties, ami would produce |o. r >
grain* from a single sta.k, and 11-
hii*lieSs front a -ingie acre. The report
-how- that the a#'fagt pr<Miucti..u of
Knglnml p. r a.-rc i- greater than in any
other country in Kurope, if not in the
world. In Austi ia and ilungarv. tr,'A
per cent, of the w hole territory It prte
ductive. and the soil i* highly favorable
for agriculture, lite formers generally,
own the soil they eultiv at The av. l
age yield of wheat I* filter!! husliel* to
the acre
Vn elalM.ratc and < oiupr. h.-nsive table
giving the av crage amount of the ia-r.-al
production of the K.uroj • an countries
which furtti-li A surplus for ruiuitii-n <,
and also those which are obliged to ini
|M>rt breul*tuff*. show * tliat thenv.-nige
annual prmiuction of *r.*als in F.urope
aiiioUUt*to.*>. 1 4?.T'.M'CIXX>LILT* Iie - . F whi- II
Ku**ia pr.uiue. - l.lioA.Ogt.Um bushel*,
or marly one-tiiird: tlic whole of t.*r
inany. 7fi6.ft*i.O(Kl bushel* Kt aiice. 71d,-
13d.WXt huslt.-i*. and Hungary . 3<io.33tt.
i*i(i. On the la*t id an av • rage of
15 7s-h**t bushel- of c.-rc# - for •-•(■ It
iMTson for home eon-umpti>n. Houmania,
It.nnmrk. Hu--ia. l'ru—i A. Fram .. Ilun
garv. Havana and Nwol.n alone rai-e
sufficient for home eoii*ump(i<tti A
comparison of the production of i. real
is-r capita for the who..- isq.u. uion .f
KurojM- wit It that for the 1 nited *: at--
giv< - tin-former almut *ev.-nh**n hu*h> 1*
and the latter nlwtui forty huslt<
The report -ay- that itianv of th.
countritvs of Kurope, .-p.'ctally Ur.-at
Hritain and Fran- are largely h-ti. ient
itt meat jir.Miuct*. and that they are now
turning their attention to the I'
State-f,.r supj'li.-- The rej . .rt -ays that
F.tigiish -t.M-k rai-<-r, who have 1* *>m.
alarniiai at the suc< ■ -- which ha* at
t'ttdi'd the importation of American
beef, have recently disiov.-red tliat
Allieri' all cattle call he iltt; and
f*l Up.'lt AlU'Ttcan grain At je . Nt
price- with considerable profit to the
Kiigiish intporh-r.
Fresh Air ami Moderate Fating.
A capital te rmon on ftxwh air and
m.Mlerate eating i* preached by "t.atm*-
k.s-iK-cat Home," in the fAWf Va.i '.i: rtte:
"It s indoors, sir. as kills half the j.eo
pie; Iwing indiHir* thr.-e parts of the day.
and rt. Xt to liiut. taking t.m uiti. h drink
and vitta!- Kating'sas had as drinking:
and tlu re ain't nothing like ft. -han and
the smell of tile Wood*. YoU shotlid
eonte out iter.* in the Mpring. when the
oak timber i* throwed (beeau*.' yott *<*•
tlte saj. IM> rising, ami the bark strips
then!, and ju*l sit down on > *ti> k ft.*h
jvc ied—l tn.-an* a trunk, you know and
sniff up the scent of that there oak hark.
It g>M- right down your throat and pr.*-
*. rv. your lung*, as the tan do leal In r
And I've heard say a* folk who work in
tan-yard* never have no ilim--. 'There's
always a smell front trees, d.-ad or living
I could t- you what wood a log was in
the dark by my nose, and the air i* IM-ipt
where the w.*<i* be. 'The lodic* up in
the great liou*e* -..metinn-* gm- out into
the fir plantations—the turtx-ntine s.-cnt
•trong, you see—and they say it's go<Ml
for the ehe*t; but ltle*e you. vou mu*t
.ive in it. I'eo'de go abroad, Vnt told,
to live at the pine fore-ts to rure 'em; 1
say tln-e here oak* have got every hit a*
much g< MM! in that way. I never ent hut
two* a day—breakfast and supper;
what you would call dinner—and utnylte
in the middle of the day a haunch of dry
bread and an ajqdo; I take a ileal of
hpxikfast, and I am rather le.-tr (hungrv)
at supper: but you may lay your oath
that v* If. I am w hat I am in tin- way ot
health. I'coplestuff* thentselv*. ami. by
mnacjUence, it break* 'iltt. you see. It -
the same with cattle; they're ovcrfd,
tn*i ttji in stalls and stuffi-d. and nevern<>
exercise, and mostly only f<Ml, too. It
stand* to reason they mut get bad,
and that's the real cause of the*''here
rimlerjiest* and plettra-pnumoni. nnd
what-not*. At least that's my notion.
I'm in the woods all day. and never
conies home* till stipjM'r —'cent, of course,
in breeding time, to fetch tlic meal and
stuff for the bird;—so 1 gets the fresh air.
vou see; and tin- fre*h air i* tin life. *ir.
There's the smell of the earth, too—'*j.e
cially as the plow turns it uj>—which i*
a fine thing; and the beige* and the grass
are a* swet a* sugar aft-r a shower.
Anything with a great leaf is the tiling,
dejiend ti|iii it. if you want to live
AVhnt I'tttne of Planting Trees.
A)x>ut twdrr year- ago a gentleman
engaged in busim-si in S'cw York city
pttreha-ed a fnrm in the interior of
State, ami net about improving it in iu -
cordanoe with hi- own tastes and no
tion-. I'lie farmer- al-nit him at tir-t
laughed in their sleeve- at hislattempts
at "hook farming," and predicted eer
tain failure an the result of hi- experi
ment-. Heing an admirer of the beauti
ful, hi- first move was to -urround his
place with shade tree-, and to (rive order
tor their eareful attention and eiilture.
He next employed the columns of a local
paper to prove to lii- ni ightmrs the ad
vantages of trees, not only for-hade and
shelter but also a-a means of protis-tion
against storms. A eireular wa- printed
and di-ti ihuted,setting forth the matter
more fully, and giving direction-a- to
what varieties to plant, and how toeare
for them after being set. Meeting- were
railed and the matter diseu—is), until at
length the neighborhood eaught the
spirit of progress, and a tree planting
mania -et in. The highways were
adorned for miles, anil, yards heretofore
hare of shade were now adorned with a
bountiful supply. The good influence of
that man's example spread until the
leading roads in the whole town were
rovertrd into avenue-of shade, and the
unattractive village transformed at
length intoone of the most lovely town
in Central New York. A short time
sinee the plaee was visited a gentleman
from the city—a son of the party who
first led the way in tree planting and it
was with diflleulty that lie recognized
the spot. The old farm and the neigh
bors'farms anil the village streets were
adorned with graceful elm- and maples
front twenty to thirty feet in height.
Strangers had heard of the nlace, and,
attracted by its beauty, had chosen it
for their home, and tine residences now
graced the shady avenues. The old
farm, which his father had purchased
for i? 11,000, has been since resold for
$20,000, and a like advance in property
has taken plaee throughout the town.
The gent leman "liuildcd better than he
knew." We not whether, with
all his far-sightedness, he ever ex
pected such results as have followed
from his efforts.— -ft. l'nul IHonrtr-l'rut.
I'lnltlllilf at lllr ICIw *'' Tlmr,
The ex act date r lime of >■ ii ttl wliii li
certain kind* <'l Iri . s >|iniilt| ) •'it ntiK
planted or ' tops nut in i> very difficult in i iiiiiic. f\<cpt front ni'itml
local i-\|M-iifiti-f Not only mu-i tlt<
time lh varied tv till ft cry degree of lati-
LUTLT*. I'IIT ILL' 1 A!>O vitry. m-< • *L
utliujt it i'orn>|itin(lii)|; variation from
ycitt to yinr in 111<- sane locality. SoiU
.tUti ilill". i in < oin| o-ilion mill texture,
itiui some l • untcry luut vv ttrin in *|iring
much sooner itfii i the fioM h.ta lift tlit'iu
tlian other*. which circumstance must
IM- taken into mt'uunt in fixing A time to
nat* ilirtu lor Aiiy |;*rt ii iiltu kind of crop.
(If course every farmer ami gardener
ought to I** tin IK at judge in regard to
the right time for jiiaiitihg on hUottn
land hut there are. ne vertTieleaa, eertain
general rule- ;i|>|iiii able to nil cliinatctt,
which the novice ia very likely to disre
gard, owing to vvnnt of cxj>< riein e; ami
tllU* lie often fail- v\ hen lie would other
wiae have Ueee< ded It no take two ol
our moat common rnnl tt idrly -cultivated
garden vegetable*. pea* ami bean*, vve
will find A gnat dilli rence in tin ir *en
sitivcm to eold The pea will with
ataint a eotiaidemhle amount of freering,
ami i ven tin grow th of the v ine in spring
i a. doiu injured hv light fiviatit; wliile
tiie he All la ao aeiiallive lilAt it aooli de
cnv* if plaival in eontact with wet. eold
Mill, ami the leaves will not witliatolld
the least hill, or even , old w ittd*. IVa,
therefore, may he put into tin ground n*
•ooa M theglost ia Ollt. hut the |>i.'tnllllg
of le-ana should he delayed until w arm,
growing weather has actually com
Among the wed* which it ia safe to put
in early and before tin earth lias lieeome
warm, we may name | o, radi-ln-*.
tieela, cahhagea, lettuce, oil ion* tlaith
*ll ai a and sets), a> Wen t,- ami g II
lie- Tomato SEED may he NOWN early,
hut tin- plant* will not grow until warm
weather Among tin- more tender SORTS
which ear 1 v planting v\ ill not hasten,
the variou* kinda of squashc*. melon* ami
rorn ate FLIC best known. 1h <* OF
all tin -E SUM d-cav if PLACED in cold,
inoiai or wet -oil. Potatoes may GO in
early, IM* ntt*e tin* TULATA ARE generally
placed -o deep that a - iglit fri e/ing of
the aUl'lai e Wi 1 Hot reaeh tin 111, and it
tin' young grow th ahollld he cut off. new
ihoati aoaa iprin| up from tin- main -n M
or the tut-r* In-low \\ ITLI ah the dif
ferent kinda of meadow , na-ture and law n
JTRA-AI a, I arlt Ml* nig IA far prvlerahle to
'.ate, he. nuac tin \ are naturally hardy
■mi grow in ' W ATLN I . and tin young
p xut* w ill 1.1 making ri'l- even wln-n
there I hut a alight growth OF Jeavi-A.
Hut with the annual gra— • A. millet-, -MG
huilic and till- ilke. the ■ aae ia quitt'dtf-
FI rent, a* tin v are all tender plant-, lia
tire* of hot eiituah . ami tln-irwol toon
rot in eold. WIT soil; the -lightest frosts
will kill the voting plant-. -•• that wltat
w ould In' termed late Ml* ittg -hotlld NL
way- he prn. lieed with tln-ae t< MH-r an
nua.- that 1-. aftes ail danger of frost i*
jwvst mid tin* ground ha- IX-I-otne warm
and comparatively dry. Tin NEW (WAR)
or Kat India millet i- • v n MORE *cn*i
tivi to FOLD than tin- sorghum* or ci<itt
nn>n *}.■■ J.-* and varb ti< of millet. The
pearl millet i- hv tar the nuwt proitin live
forage plant we JMSS**. hut dm-- Hot
tiiriv e in a ci*L -oil OR grow rapidly ■ x
cent dtiriug tin' hotli-T weather.
Karlv planting of all lunly tr-E* and
• Itrub* i- always pp f- -ruble to late, no
matter whether tin v !• d<*eiduou* or
EVERGREEN kinds, FOR the simple P-A-ON
that tin- earth in -pring i- G-M rally
WARMER and of a MOP ■ n n nnuperature
than the air. and thi- <-x. IT-* th root
into growth, W hii h may PNA-OVL for SONIC
considerable time |M-|OP- the wcatln r i
warm enougli to rallse tin- hud- to * 11
ami new -limit- to puLL out ; I O|L*<-qUcnt
iv when tin leave* call Ujwin tin* pmta for
a *upp!Y of - ip. tin y OC iii a condition
to respond. and TH' !if'- of tin- plant i*
thcpdiy inupsl. Having TI-ATNL Imth
early and late planting of evirgps-n- and
DECIDTTOU- tree-, w C AN* fuliv I-TTrim-od
that tin- former i- TO I-- PP-HTML in ail
•oi WILL H 1 '.NE* ILL y I notlgh TO !••
handhal N-adilv -KOII aft r tin- fpi-F It UV • >
it in apring; and if it remain* wet and
lumpy for anv coiuaderahie tinn aft<-I
*nt. it i- Hot kuitahie for ti'--. and
SHOULD l* put in giMxl I Oiniitioti Is fop
u-<si for thi- TIURJMIAI
It i *• 11 to NMKI LIA-ti in G- tting tin
cpip* in early, hut there i -M-LI a tiling
as overdoing tin matter hv putting in
*eed IM-FOP the land i* in prnja-r < ondi
tion for tin ir r cution. or the w eatln-r I*
warm enough to in-nre grow th; and it
would often he hotter • ( .W and hat -
row the land twice 1.. FOP sowing small
seed or planting it W till com. EVEN if a
little time Is' loat. than to -OW on land
full of lump* or soaked with wot IT. —
.VNC )'ori Sun.
Ilouur hold 1•I•• I ••
To Hr.vtovi <>IT SIAI-PI NMW MVT-
TtM.s. T'ORNRITSI*VM tie. \V-t w ith
alcohol. rul> with hard soap, tln n wash
w it It cold water.
WAIT Pirn.- In SOLI* ting J>aper for
lnui-e U-T. avoid a!! gp- ns a- far a- P -
-ihle. fur thi- eolor invariably contain*
more or H - jstisonou- matter, and will
inevitably poison to sonic extent all who
Use it.
A IHSUR \ttTK Ir. TN mnki father
hru-lies to u-E in gn-a-ing pan*, or
hru-hing CSG over tarts or pastry, hoil
the w ing FEATHER* of a turkey or chicken*
for about ton n inutc-. tlnn rinse them
in tepid water, drv and tie Tl| in hunt In-*.
AI oTlts l\ t' A ItPKTS A gomi way to
kill tlirni i- to take a course towel, and
wring it out in clean water. Spread it
out smoothly on tlm earjwt. then iron it
dry with a good lmt iron, rcjionting the
o|>e ration on all sr-pectcd nlaci *, and
those len.-t used. It i* not NECESSARY to
pre-* hard, heat and steam BEING the
agent-, nnd tin v do THE work cffivtually
on the wormsnnd tin iregg*.
M<u.ti\r,. 1- (M-ENSIOIUSL hv the
gniwth of minute vegiiation. Ink. paste,
K'ATLNT and seeds MOST fnajtientlv suffer
by it. \ clovi will pre- rvn ink: anv
essential oil answer* eoually well.
I .eat Iter may he kept fi e. from mold by
'.lie same *uh*tanee. 1 hit*. KU-sian
leathiT. whi.-LI i- perftinted with tin tar
of hin LL. never heeollie* moldy. A few
drop* of any c--enti 1 oil w ill keep IxMik
entiP'ly free front it. For liarne**, oil
of turpentine i* rei oinnn-tnled.
('KMt vrtM; MT rvt. T 'IT v-*.—Take
two part* of finely powd.Trd litharge,
and one part of tine white lead. tni\ im
luedifitely, and work up with BOILED 1 N
--*.**| oil and lac-copal to a still dough:
oln- part of COptl alld three of oiI, AND
< notlgh litharge AND white lend added to
give it tile I-on-i-tency of putty. I lie
-id.' to HE CEMENTED is w ith the
putty ami pn N*l again*! the gla.*. the
I \ci-S* of cement i- -erapeil oil w ith a
knife or other suitable in-lriinicnt. The
aliove will he found reliable, as it dries
Ilrntlh Hint*.
rut FA I Take a large- -i/.ed watch
key. place tlip stent din* tly over THE
hla.-k *|>ot. and pre-* firmly on it.
INSOMNIA. —'To procure sleep, take
bromide OF potassium. Fttrnisiu*! by
To CT UK COKNS. — Apply, morning
and evening, one drop of solution of pcr
chioride of iron.
ou NK.UVOI *Nl>*. 1 *IIT a tahlesponful
of hi-carhonate of soda—ordinary cook
ing soda- -in otic quart of water. Itathc
the entire person.
STINCK ANI> ItITES. —("arhonateofsoda
wet ami applied externally to the bite
of a spider, or any venom >US creature,
will neutralize the poisonous efl'eet al
most instantly. It nets like A charm in
the ease of snake bite.
TOOTHACHE.—For toothache, take equal
parts of camphor, sulphuric ether, am
monia, laudanum, tiuctipv of cayenne
anil one-eighth part of oil ol cloves. Mix
well together. Saturate with the liquid
A small piece of cotton, and apply to the
cavity of the decayed tooth.
while* ol tWoeggN, well iM-aten; thell
mix with pure water, add one !.-
-pooiilul of orniige-fiour water ntid a
little sugar; a iahl<--|M>oiilul every Imur.
it will cure the wor-t .• of cholera
infantum, tin* egg- coating the iiowt-i-
I lr uil hog*,
A correspondent of the Fbrrg and
Sirmtn gi.-* a new remedy for killing
ilea* on dogs. If you try it, give >ui
render- the iM'to-tii of your experience.
1 In- follow ing i* hi- ii-tter " Some ycoi -
i from druggist in N'.-w
A ork thai th>- manager* of an orphan
a-yium freed the head- of the unfortu
nate waif* from para-iU* by applying
tincture of ti-lilHTrien to th<- scalp. I
tri.*t the same thing on my Better pup
for tie As, W lib the Allie -Ueeess Since
th.-n I s.vured another *<-tt<-r which wa*
a.-o trouble.l with lleits. and one apoli ■
tioit cured loin. I did not uoe in either
ease more than a few drops, rubbing
ih.-m in on tii<- nape of llir n* k and nt
th<* end ot the baek where the dog Would
be in no ■ iaJiger of licking lite place to
which the tincture had te-eli applied.
My ear. in this regard may have been ex
ees-ivc, but a* liie stuff is poiaolloux, 1
preferred to run no rika. Thi* is a sure
cure, and > an IM- obtained from druggists
any wiiere for a f-w cent*."
New Vnrk's Messenger Hoy*.
Many .uriou- U*cm have I teen found in
the I-nurse of year* for the ttl<-selig.T
boy - of the N w York IMtriei Telegraph
( oiiipany . They are used iim a specuw o
two-egg**! express. On <>r atMiut
Ttiank-givingev e hundr*ls of m.-sseiiger
Is.y- are ms-ii carrying a turkey or tur
key-. On t'liri-tmas eve tii<-y carry
I*.v.-- 'and gifts—young and pro-air
e.blieiis of Santa ( 'lau- On N> w Year's
day they are deputed to)pay tln-ir patron-'
.-all- liy proxy, and leave their eards at
houses w here tlley do not ch.Mjse to call
in person.
M< -seng'-r Imiv - an al-o in demand
now ta .-• ort young < hi!dren. esjK* ially
vol;!-.. cir!. t> -< IIM1, and to .-seort them
I torn, again. They an- even employed
to wat h babie- and tln-ir nura*>, ami U
notify a policeman if any Strang, r ap
proa. lies them.
I'atroltucu in llie employ of tin- l>ia
tri. t J. . graph CVmiponv an- of late
year* put to ape. uliar Use. The more
g. ntlemanly of tin- fon->- are often sent
for to es.-ort tnaid.-n ladies and elderly
la.lie- to the iiprx or theat.f. in the-e
i as.-s tin- men are furnished with white
glove* and even iir.- .nit., if dwiwi
and paid for. t tin evening re.-ently
iher*- w.-n- eight ladio at six different
theater*, including Iksith's during the OIM i"a s. :i*in, whine e*<airt
v. •re ftirnlsln-d "to order." Men. as
w.-ll as women, einplov eacorta for vari
ous purpo-- - Many, in fact uiosl of the
tin n. t*, vv ho require the s.-rvii-**s of the
nn-sMti.-.-rs an- -tranger*. win. wish for
guides to show them the "night*."
t a-e- ate n.l unknown w h.-n- a mes
senger lia* IM* n summoned and sent in
search of a missing husband, who was
-up|M.s. d to IM- at one of hi- favorite
haunt-. It i* related that in one instance
a til.---, ngor -tart.*l out with a complete
list of the place- in which the truant w a
likely t*> l- found, and at lt discoven-d
him. Itut lie wa* unable to persuad*-
him t ■ I 'in.- IMMM, and so r.*|Mirtel. It
is not an uncommon thing for a tnc—.-n
--ger to IM- s.-nt home with an
|*tmW. In one instam*' of thi* kind,
recently, a man w is ilM'i.*l and scut
home, and when the messenger gave
him up IM? obtained a receipt for "one
drunken man " Th< important applica
tion of tin district Tel. graph Company
to tin- i.revrntion of burgiari.-* and fin
can on.v IM- hint.*! at in th- com pass of
this article. Tlieee (h-partnn-nts emhrwee
a wid.---jir.-A.ling system of night and
day patro.- intru*t.*l to coni|>rtent men
who watch and are in their turn wat. h
• *i. arui wlie movement* are rM*>r.l>Ai
and gtiar.i.*i ly electric communication.
Itasriy Ileeelved.
llii AintMdhara live*at kjM.rt wh.-n
home, hut if lie doesn't ajijM-ar then- thi*
summ. r his friend* may rwt as-ur.*t
that wliat i* hi* loss i their gain, and
the biggest kind ©' gain, lie wandered
thi* way because lie beard that day
alMircr* in IMr>>it w.-r.- jcvi.l six dollars
j*T day ami had fr<*- !i> kets to the opera
iiou— .-very night. He tlmuglit he would
< onie here and .am a few thousand dol
lars this summer ami return to l,ock|Mirt
in the tail and buy him a residence with
walnut tr**s in the fr.ait vnrd. lie
nrrivc.l here on the truck* of .N fn-iglit
car. and after shaping one night in a
eoni.shod he wa* open to engagement*.
He didn't find any jolvs at six dollars
jmt day. and when lie went around to
the ojmta houc the man at the door
sli.vok a club nt him and erici out:
" Y.s, I'll give you a kingdom for a
horse—oh. yes'"
The j.oiic. finally gathered the k
port'T in. Tin y have away of linking
arms with stranger who donsn t seem
loaded down itll go.*! clothes and cosh.
The prisoner's fa.*- wore a blank look a*
lie slimm! h.-for.' the bar. lie M*'m.*l to
f.s l that he wa* lMM.k*l for a watering
" You sec. it il<e*n't l.Mik exactly right
for a full-grown man to he fn*"-htnching
around and sl>* ning in dry-good*
lw.\c-." observed the court, a* he w ip.*l
off hi* pen.
"I want to light right out t>Lthi*
town." rcplti*! the prisoner.
" You would only light down on some
other. This is the headquarters here,
and \"U can he cnt up far cheaiN-r titan
from the interior I permitted a pris
oner to start for the interior a few days
ago. and yesterday he came to the House
of Correction front one of tin* western
counties at a cost of s,ltt. 1 shall IhhL
you foi sixty days "
"Can 1 send my poor mother a check
•>n the Imnk before I go up?" asked the
" Yott can, sir. Hyah will furnish you
all kinds of blank i hock* nnd pen and
ink. Write your name plainly."
'I'll" pri-ottcr finally concluded not to
forward a check at all. lb-sent a boy
out to find hint four good lawyers who
would tarry hi* case to the Supremo
Court, but the box* wa* gone so long that
the police wagon hacked up nnd removed
the tourist to another and more Useful
sphere.— Ih'troit Free Press.
Dee* on the Wing.
\V|t<>n n swarm leav< - for the woods
they are off Iteforv you fnirlv know it.
They drift nwav front the hive in a wide
spread and apparently aimh—* concourse,
then suddenly gather up tlieir skirts,
draw together their forced, and away
they go. a humming, dying vortex of
Iters, the queen apparently in the renter
and the mass revolving about her as a
pivot, over orchards and meadows,
across creeks and swamps, or woods and
deep valleys, straight for the appointed
tree, slow at first, so that you ran keep
up with them, hut presently with a
speed that would tire a fox-hound. In
this llighl the individual lces do not
move in right lines, or straight forward
iike a dock of birds, hut round and round
like chaff in a whirlwind; unitc(|fc they
form a whirling, revolving, nenuloua
mass fifteen or twenty feet across, that
goes as straight as a projectile to its
mark. They are not partial as to the
kind of ins—pine, hemlock, elm. birch,
maple, hickory—any tree with a good
cavity high up or low down. A swarm
of mine ran away from the new patent
hive 1 gave them, and took Up their
quarters in the hollow trunk of an old
apple tree across an adjoining Held. The
entrance was a mouse hole near the
ground. Another swarm in the neigh
borhood deserted their keeper and went
into the cornice of an out-house that
stood amid evergreens in the rear of a
large mansion, ltut there is no account
ing for the taste of bees, as Samson
found when he discovered the swarm in
the carcass (or more probably the skele
ton) of the lion he had lain.— John Bur
rough*. in Scribntr.
TERMS: ©'2.00 a Yoar, in Arlvanoo.
Tiviar Torn*.
New Yrk city has nearly 500 churches
Mild chape is, landing ftO.OUO.tIOO to build,
and s6,utxi,ooo more per annuiu to kn-p
tli< in going. It haa lift \ bid lumpitala
and asylum* for the ai*k. aged, liiind,
deaf and duinb. lunatics, inebriate*,
orphan* and soldiers, whieh have cost
f Jti.oou.nuO to build, and require U- UIKI.-
tsst a year to sustain. The public school
etliflt • * have • list ♦', and fIt.UUU.-
OOti a yi-ai to operate.
A French chemist la*t year exjKs*l a
-ju.iiiiity of flour to a hydraulic pn-asure
of 300 lolls, which reduced It to a fourth
of its original bulk, without impairing
the -quality. ID pai kul a (Mirtion of it
in tin lanes and iwl<*<l theui uu, doing
the same with the UOprensed flour.
When opened in three months, tbs
former was in Wtter pri-vw-rvalion than
the latter. When lutkisi into breasl, the
pri-s-x'd article was decidedly sU|a-rior.
A ftcr the lapse of a year other cans
win- Opened, and the unprenard flour
liad laivmie *|Miiled, while the pressed
remained sweet, and was excellent when
A tin** woven from the webs of the
large spiders common in South America
has been presented to Uueeji Victoria by
the Hmpr**** of It exi-eeslsin tine-*
in-*i- any manufai-lured silk known, and
is very handsome. Spaniards, nearly
two buitiired year* ago, endeavored to
make gloves, stin king* end other articles
of spiders' wrba, but tliey vielded SO
little profit, and necessitated so much
trouble, that the maiiuLo lur- was aban
doned. In 17J0 the calculation was
unwii that the welts of 7t*i,t*io spiders
would !• reiiuiml for almut forty yard#
of silk Suili dress.-* art taaasionally
i > n in South America.
There is man with a cake doine a
thriving husiiitwt in Michigan. The
papers throughout the State are expos
ing hint, and in a short time, no doubt,
he will .be compelled to seek pasture#
new. He eontcs in town to start a bak
ery. and bring* a sample of hi# work
along in the shape of a Large and ele
gantTy-frostevl cake. Sonte hitch take#
place a'oout the lease of the bake shop,
and he concludes to raffle tiff the cake.
The ralflc tak<** place; the splendid cake
i* won and perhaps kept on exhibition
for a day or two. Then it i cut up. or
a party i arranged to assist in it# con
sumption. When they attempt to cut
up tlie cak'-, tlicit conic# thi- fun. They
find it i* made of wood, tastefully
Sonic thieve*, who manifested remark
able ingenuity, hare lately lM**n < aught
in tin ( rinn-a. They ojverated tliu : A
thief was locked in an <-mpty trunk by
lii* mates; tiie trunk was sent to the
railroad d'-|Mt a* the baggage if a pass
enger. an<l jiut in the baggage car; one
of hi* mates, who claimed the baggage,
t<M>k pas-age in tin* same train to the
next station : as soon a* every thing was
quiet in the luggage car. the thief opened
it and crawled out; lie ransacked the
r*-t of tin- liagg-ig- and put in hi own
trunk sttcli valuable ortiile* oa were
available; then lie crawled hack to the
trunk and 1M ke.l himself in. and on
re.*, hing the next station, hi* mate took
off the trunk a* hi* luggage, and they
proceeded t MOW tlteir plunder. Tlte
gang of l;u--i:n tliicve* who concocted
tlii- *. h'-ttie managed to carry it on suc
cessfully for s.itnc time; hut at lost, on
the occasion of one odvtituiv. the thief
in lite trunk t'Mik in with him such an
amount of stolen g'ssls that the trunk
hurst o| n at on unfortunate moment.
Tlte method of operation was dutcovered
and the thievi - were brought to the Ivor.
Mop- than twenty x car* ago two young
num. sitting on an kin the gold fields
of California, shook hand* and agreed to
IM- jiartiti r in business. No articles of
co-;>artnrr*hip wen- The con
tra- t wa* IM tw* n Ikiiiunick and Martin
ti Mallev. hndher*. Next day Martin
startcl f. r Australia. Ikintini- k remain
ing in ( l ifornia. Serera! year* passe-t.
Martin *--ttl*l at AA'cstport. Wis. A
viwr later he wax joined by Ihmtinick
Vln h had kejit a finn account and Itad
'iraxvn tlic wages agrct*! ujvon. paying
himself fp'ttt the finu's fund* in his own
fHM-ket. Tlie fintt's -•artiing* were in
w*te*i in eiglit hundred oi rvs of land.
Martin married. The firm ww -nntin
u<*l. Duadakk lost an arm. Hr Tat
sent to i'ari* at the firm'* expense for a
wiMvd-n one. IKitniniok niarri'si A
hou*4 fill of hildren were horn to both.
lHtminii k went to the legislature. The
children gr< w up. Recently the broth
er* save tliat complications might ari
ttnb s* the property should be divided
iM-fiire tln-ir death, and the partnership
wo* dissolved. The vast estate was di
v ided in a f- w hours, without a word of
Young ladie* in Moscow think noth
ing of shoot ittg a man in polite society.
SOUK weeks ago a young nobleman
named Itaiiaschewski was seated at
home in iii* salon. ent< rtdining n few in
timate friends. In the midst of a lively
conversation the dn<u- suddenly opened,
and thep* entennl a young lady named
Praskowia Kats-hka. about nineteen
vearsof age. handsome and prejKvssess
tng. a member, moreover, of woll
know n and nble tamilly in the Wilna
1 >i*triot. Perfectly ealnt and self-pvis
*.-VM*|, she gracefully saluted the visitors
jires-'itt in the chainiMT. Then, drawing
a revolver front her poek<*t. she delilx'r
atcly shot Hairashewski through tlte
Iteaii. so that he fell to the ground, dead
instantaneously. So rapidlv and coolly
vv-i* the d**i iwmniith'd that all wa
over Ix'fore any one in the salon at
tempted to interpose, l'raskowia made
no attempt to wcajM'. and |>erniitt<Nl her
self to In* arrest*l without the slightest
p'ristani-e. It is said that two days he
fop- hi* assassination Jlairaschewski
rei*eivi*l a thp'atening letter front the
exivutive committee of the Revolution
ary Society, wliiclt he handed to the
A Poor Relation"* Revenge.
A furious will contest is going on in
Ilerlin. The following, with the elimin
ation of some uninteresting figures, isthe
document upon which the difficulty is
haseff. It i* daled Julv 15th. IfCR, and
i duly *ignei ami i-ecordt d. It.* maker
"I'ntil ten years ago 1 was a poor
man. and conmNiuently no favorite with
my relative*, though I never incom
moded litem in the least. Ittti*' only,
when I was in great n**i. I njipliisl to
them for aid. Tltev shrugged tlteir
shoulder* and showed nte j>ili*s of un
receipted hills. A'et 1 knew they were
drinking champagne at the time like
water. Strangers helped me. and many
most disinterestedly, for they Itad to
wait many years in patience till I could
pqiav them.
"Then fortune threw a little property
into my lap. 1 hold it yet intact and
will until I die. It amounts to 88.000
"That money I desire and think
should go to my creditors, tlte people
who helped me when thing* were had
enough witii nte indeed. My relatives
may. if they choose, share among them
selves my heartfelt contempt and the
bushel* of letters tlicy sent nte, postage
unpaid, after they found I Itad no need
to turn thrif pt— in*ideout. I hope
this bequest will do them a* much good
as their friendship did nte."
Nepotism, or favoritism, or familyism,
in the public office* of Russia is often
manifested to a strange degree and in
peculiar ways. A whole province or
district is often in the hands of a few
families. Thus, it lux* just been shown
that in the Usnttui district all the offices
are in the hands of four persons, belong
j ing to two families, viz.: 11. Blank has
seven offices; H. Blank, seven offices;
J. Andruff. ix office*; N. Andruff, eight
a Pi of. •ilonal Testa** 1 * r.iprliM lu
Ilk* Art *t .!*•* KdwMl**.
A New York rej>ort*7- wa* admitted
•' behind the svui* "of Itanium's dr u
in New York, and saw Carl Antony, the
i-eletiratcd lioreie trainer, put several
horse* through the " mill." Signor Se
ba*tian, trick equestrian, was attired in
costume, but it w a* simply u rive him
freedom of motion while riding the
spirited steeds Antony brought for
ward a U-autiful charger that lie had re
c'lfitly purchased It wa* handsomely
marked. It carried its bead like a prince,
ami di-played a little apprehend *em
authe large banners ami ijaiion*, under
whi< bit liad to run. In going around
the arena the course in usually toward
the left. Few rider* can keep their fret
in thebare IMU k style in the opposite di
re-lion. Riding tradition more than
physical law* make the course toward
the left, although a few skilled rjdT,
like Sebastian, for instance, have
learned to ride in both directions.
When a horse new U> tbe ring ft to le*
broken in, lie must be taught to put iii*
left foot first every time In that only
can lie preserve tliat nice equilibrium
m i-cMtarv for the rider. Tlie horse's
liack in well rewined, so that Uie eques
trian'* feet w ill not slip from the moist
skin of the animal, for a steady foothold
is required for those extraordi
nary actn of horsemanship. Antony
wnfkd around the ring, nevar taking
hi* ever-watchful eye from the horse* an
in-tant. and snapping his long whin that
carried obedience with every crack, but
the task seemed too much and it wa*
During an interval. Antony indulged
in biu <>f talk in nyard to hi* profession.
Ili- ha* a uobii- looking oountcnaiK*-.
with a dainty dark red mustache, which
h<- • fond of'twirling.
" You see. Kir. 1 ' he twgan. " horse* are
lik<* mm. some an- more intelligea t than
oth r. And then- are many grade* of
intelligi-nee, too. I have a little Ken
tucky thoroughbred that tuubrstiuid*
everything. A* it i*. be ha* picked up
all 1 have wished W> injure** upon hut
little wi< ked aouL Oh. oc'l a wild <ne.
1 can a-kure you." and he laughed with
a peculiar chuckle. " American horse*
learn Quicker than any otlwr stock, but
they also forget easier. To-day 1 may
have no difficulty in getting an idea into
their heads and to-m orrow they will
forget it. Thi* is true, ltowcver. only in
the first <lay of the training. After a
while they lweome a<-- ii-toned to their
newly a< juirtdskill and form a valuable
portion of your stud. Russian and Hun
garian horses. on the contrary, are nuwe
difficult to teach, but when they do learn
anything the* hold on to it like grim
death. The Trakene stallion* tliat I in
troduce day and night came from Em
peror William's stable in Prussia. I
"broke" theju myself, and. as they had
m-vcr known halter or stable, of course
they were pretty lively specimens. Tliev
were ' broke' in l(Cf and have performed
in the principal cities in Europe. 1
could tell you inb-resting tilings in re
gard to training trick horses, but it is
with u the tame as physician*—what we
know is our fortune Kindness. I find,
accomplishes more than the whip, al
though a horse must have aw bob some
dread of the latter. Some people arc
under the impression it it a difficult
matter to make horse* stand on their hind
legs and sulk around the ring. 1 think
it is one of the easiest. I can make any
good horse do it in two days. It requires
assuageness. My father, who it in the
city at present, was considered to he one
of the biggest home • breakers " in Europe
and froffihiui 1 learned the art ot break
ing horses. Since I was seven years of
age 1 have been, in some way connected
with horse business. At that early age
mv work was confiued to riding homes
at oreakneck speed. At ti fawn I entered
the Itu)M-rial sj-hool in Berlin, where I
I learned a great deal about horses and
passed examination successfully. Tiicn
1 went to the stable* of the Emptor of
Russia, and had the privilege of ' break
ing ' for him a magnificent stud. I Uwe
my work and hope to adhere to the pr<*-
feiwion. if you ever go into the art." said
! the horse trainer in conclusion. " let me
tell you that stallions make liefter trick
hors-than gelding*. They arc aremore
I intelligent. You can l*"gw to teach a
iiere when he is two VISITS old, and if
you take can' of him lie will last for a
quarter of a century. "
An Elopement frustrated.
An infallible indication of the warm
season is the number of eiopeomli
which are chronicled in the local
columns of lite domestic exchange*. One
of the moat touching idyls of the SWCB
is told in limpid pone by the Dayton
(Ohio) /Vmocotf. He was poor; she
wasyoong: her pariuls wen' sensible.
He was forbidden to enter the house and
she to leave it. Her chamber was in the
second story and underneath the win
dow was a grane-arbor or rack. At the
hour appointed for love's adventure he
made the preconcerted signal from a shady
corner of the stmt and she answered it.
She had a change of clothing stored
away in a valise which abe had borrowed
front her brother without hi- knowledge.
She opened the window and lowered Uie
valise to the ground. Then crawling
out of the window and straddling one
of the rafters of the grape-rack, site crept
down to the put and thence, as it were,
shinned it to the ground. Everything
looked auspicious, and they were in great
glee, when to her horror she happened
to observe that she had on a pair of old
rubber* instead of her shoes, which abe
ltad taken off in Iter room, and had for
gotten to throw out upon the grass.
This was a sad state of affairs, as it would
not look well for a young lady to go
traveling among strangers witii a pair of
ruhher*. and nothing else In the form of
shoe leather; and besides, as it was
damp and cold, her health would be en
dangered. Just what to do greatly dis
tn-ssed their ardent young hearts. A
proposition that he should clinth up to
the room and get the shoes was not
favorably entertained by the dashing
young man ; but while thev were dis
cussing it their pretty little scheme sud
denly collapsed The big brother turned
UP unexpectedly at the front gate! The
girl sat down on the door-ster> and burst
into tears, and Iter lover disappeared
over the fenee with uncommon agility.
There was a domestic tableau in the
parlor and the young lady was sent to
Russia's Plight.
A New York paper says: No country
in all civilization seems to be in so
pitiable a plight at present as Russia.
In addition to her immense foreign debt
and her general lituuirial derangi-ment,
herpolitieal afflictions continually crop
ping out in defiance of law, anil mys
terious assassination, and her losses of
every kind from the late war, she is
threatened with famine. Last year she
suffered exceedingly from drought;
nearly one-third of her crops were de
stroyed bv beetles am' marmots so that
the seed lias been deficient, and field
labor is inadequate in consequence of the
excess of holiday*—about 100 a vear—
and tin 1 widespread drunkenness of*many
of the people, involving great waste
fulness. drain, which is the chief arti
cle of export, which furnishes the means
of paying taxes and of getting all sup
lies. now seems insufficient to home con
sumption. Her domestic debt is very
oppressive. Most of the land of the
empire is mortgaged to bankers, and its
owners arc scarcely able to pay their
interest, much less the principal, their
arrears being from twenty-five to thirty
per cent. Russia is a vast country of vast
resources: luit she has drawn on them
very heavily of late, and all indications
are that she is approaching a crisis in
her fortuni-s which will require the full
est wisdom of her statesmen to meet.
She appears to be socially, politically,
financially and morally disorganized, or
very near it, and she cannot go on much
longer in her present condition.
Tk Model (lirl
•• Pmtet,
Among nil girt*;
Mom prsetoa* than pvari*
" Indaatr'owi,
Nat Mustroua,
Bat nxvleot and kind;
Sh'* sparatnl,
Shs's nuiAl,
And alt right in mind.
" She taint* not
■She |*uU not.
Ijke aoma foolish girl*,
She pout* not,
Kb* spoilt* not,
fterauas her hair mtria.
Mm ehihlmh,
Not artldjah.
Not running ham, thorn;
Not fretlisli,
like mm* y tmug girl* am
•• Not wealthy,
I tut hoalthy,
And alarmingly smart;
A dandy
With nandy
Cannot win bar heart
—i'aiumim* (0 ) Dtmaer*
Never look a gift apple in the worm
Are shopping Indies liable to be railed
priee fighter*?
•• tier small bill*," tut the mother bird
said whew exhibiting her brood.
(htf on a fly! The pesky insect ban
Lurmenlod us for nearly a half hour.
There are forty-eight lighthouses and
light beacons on tlte roast of Maine.
A small lake is a mere. Any referent*,
then, to a lakelet is " mere mention."
Evergreen trees on a lawn afford great
protection as barriers against the wind.
There wereaitt.oo7.flrM gallons of petro
leum produced in lite U mted .States last
Jn ordinary respiration ahout two
third* ufa pint of air is inhaled at each
They say a strong grasp of tlte hand
denotes a strong heart. It also denotes a
good grip.
Only one person out of every ten es
cape* ' premature death, according to
It has never been ascertained how
much old ocean measures around her
gray and melancholy waste.
Nineteen families of Belgian*, with
sixty car-loads of stock and goods, have
settled near Sherburne, Minn.
It is easier to bear the troubles of
others than to sit risrht down and do
your own suffering patiently.
The loss by fire in Europe is only about
one-fourth what it is in the United Stales
on property of equal valuation.
What is most gene-aily wanted in the
way of navigation is a life-boat that wi' 1
ride safely on the sew of troubles.
When the lady fainted at the matinee,
the usher brought iter a single glass of
water.sixi soon afterward brought bet to.
The microphone ha* been actually in
troduced into an English church, for th
accommodation of a " bearer" a mile
It is safcto say that Normtown enjoys
more late springs than early spring*.
We allude to springing out of bed in the
morning.—.Vor. Herald.
In I>r. Johnson'* famous dictionary be
is guilty of a queer blunder He defines
garret a* " a room on the highest floor of
the house," and a cock-loft as " the room
over the garret."
"• The Turkish Finance Minister pro
poses," says a < ierman newspaper. "to
divide the creditors of the Stale into
three categoric*: First, get nothing; -ere
•nd, get nothing; third, get nothing."
"I suppose the bells are sounding an
alarm of fire,*' sm-cringly said an old man
as the chureh bells were calling the wor
shippers one &un<Uy morning; to which
a clergyman W!K was passing replied:
"Yes. my friend; hut the fire is not in
this world."
* Sf i- lift" by your* eaMhted is,"
He Kwpen-Im her oar;
•• I only brmlbr hen you re shoot.
Lire only with you, dear."
Says she. with archness on ber brow,
" Pretaith in whst you my,"
Thwu gisitcieg at h r*eu locks,
" You dje when l'rasway .''
— Boston Trammel.
An uniqnr celebnitbwi i to take place
: in Pompeii. Italy, in Nov<*mbtT n*xt.
Eighteen hundn-d year* ago. on the -4tli
ofNovetuber. the city wa* buried from
sight by an eruption of Vesuvius. On
the 94th of November, t<9, there will be
a banquet and illuminations on the his
toric spot. Several bouse* will be un
covered in honor of the anniversary of
the event of A. I). 79.
In August, 1569, >re*t<v N. Clark, a
highly-releetned citiren of Davis county,
lowa, died and *m buried near'FWia, on
hi* oa a farm, at hi* requent. He wa a
strictly trims-rat* m*n, weighed about 300
jiound*. and not much rotated bv hi* fatal
sickness. A abort time ago the fsmtly de
cided to remove the remain* to a public
cemetery, and, on opening the grave, the
coffin was found perfectly sound, but filled
with water. Seven men were required to
raiae it from the ground. The water was re
moved, and the body of Mr Clark wa* as
perfect, nearly, a* when arpuhured, and
turned to stone. The ckulio on it were
slao onrhanp-1. The weight of the body
wa# ahout 500 potimV Several simitar
cure have been known in the same vicinity
The tJrnwth of Temperance.
The following is from a letter written
by VBIm E Hodge, one of the lend
ing men in tin u-niperanoe muse in New
York dtv: But tin>-<• of us who OJUI EO
Imck to Ute very commencement of tne
temperance reformation know that in
all part- of the country outside our large
cities there- lias a most remarkable
change in the habits and custom* of tin*
K-nt mass of the jn-opK as the result of *
1 temperance efforts. Tin n there was
liardlv a family of any standing that sat
down to dine without some kind of in
toxicating drink on the table. Men
were hardlv expected to work on the
farm or in tlte sliop without their regular
allowance. It was kept in every coun
try store: was used at all public gather
ings. ami, in my remembrance, was
passed among the attendants at funer
als. As you sat down at the hotel tables
every second man luid his bottle or glass
of some kind of intoxicating drink.
Xow we know that to a great extent
this is changed. (Jo where you will
throughout the country, sit down to the
tables of the great m:\jority of our fami
lies, and you will find no intoxicating
drinks. Kit down in our hotels on the
great lines of travel and you will not see
one person using strong drink, where,
fifty years ago, you would have seen ten.
Those of us who have watched the tem
perance movement feel that its progress
has been niost encouraging. I have just
returned from an absence of two months,
in which I have traveled through ten
States and over 8,000 miles, and I have
seen less drinking and fewer drunkards
than ever before in the same time and
|lokes from Paris Papers.
Frederick William IT., of Prussia,
once u (Km a time stopped at a little rail
road station where a deputation headed
by the mayor of the adjacent village
awaited him with address.
Just as the mayor braced himself up
to deliver his oration " a neighboring
ass did sing both loud and clear."
A frightful silence ensued, but tlic
king did not long delay in hreaking it
with the paternal and graceful remark:
"One at a time, gentlemen; one at a
Man who is endeavoring to strike the
other man for ?10 bill Saturday at one
o'clock: "Now, old fel', let's have the
X. You know what the Bible says:
• Help one another.'"
His friend, with a sad, sweet smile:
"Oh, yes, 1 know : but, I say, you know,
you're always the * another,' you are."
A lawyer charged with the defence ol
a ruffian of unprepossessing appearance
depicts his client as the image and em
bodiment of all the peaceful virtues
when, lo! the prisoner, seated just be
side him, begins to stretch himself un
easily and gives signs of impatience.
" Yes, gentlemen of the jury, as gentle
as a lamb, and as implacable of inspiring
terror as—hi. therf*. policeman, hold bini