FOR THE YOI NG rEOPI.E. The rnmlml Crow. "Caw' caw'" sang a crow on the otg* ol wood, " The corn llmt \ en give n i* wonderful g>*-*t; Rut whr don't you lay it there all in a heap' Von eeatterit round and you plant il *k> deep, liood fanner, it' tiresome to find it, you know." Said thia comical mm. "Caw" eaw ' Von have stretched, in a lig zaggy way, A string round your notes 1 see it to-day . * They'll think it a Mian*,' said you. chuckling out right. tour eon! i no use, sir. *> I'm not a kite. Sweet fnrmer. I'd have you i ontinuo to sow, Said this comical row '• law ' caw ' i HI have set huh* !. Rut hie u* away to Uie next rteld aiwl sup. Bad tarmer. sad tanner, > our cnJ w ill he woe,'" said tin* comical etvw t.'fv ,st 'wo The Was f lower.. On a sunny hillsitle grevt a little colony of May flowers. They had sicpt quietly through the long winter, tucked up, snug ami wann. in tiieir covering of snow: ami now tin bright sun ks>ki*i down on them, and the wind stirred tlietn. ami the buxls called to them, and they i-ai-eil th. ir strong, h.vrily leaves, and lifted up their stem* of small buds, and rv "i sst tliat spring \va> near. A little pli MM **ut among tliein. She mid to herself: *1 am going away to morrow. 1 can't stay to see the "dear May flowers opu. so l'wi.l takes.iuieof them with tin . and k.-cptiietn in water, and they will remind me of tliis beauii tul pia. >*, a.'td p'rltaps they will blossom.' *Oh." said the May flowers, "please don't tak* 1 Us"' But the wind blew so that Mary, the littk" girl, did not hear them, and she pulled stem after stem, till she had o> many a- she could hold in her small hands. Then she looked around her at the blue sky, and the branches of the tre s against it, and the soft, dead leaves flying in the w iml, and the patches of >\ hit. su. iv in the bo ows; and away in the distance the lighthotb-o and the blue water. She -aid goad hjstp it ait. for-he VM afraid sh, might not s.*- it again >n; and the little May flow, r- said good-bye to it, too. The n. \t day Mary tied the May fl.*w eia together, and wound a piece of w t pap- r around their s[,. m >. a „d they starttxl on their journey". The ears were crowdeil and hot. and Mary held the flowers \er\ tight for fear of losing them, and the tall p.-op.e rested their- .!> >w s .in them; and the stout on"s pushed against th. ui, and they thought they would die. But s.ntn the paper was taken oft", and the string was untied, and they were put into a of water. I'll*' iittie May flowers drooped for a time, and could not hold up their heads. Mary set tin m in the open window , and a bird in a cage sang to tltem; but they mounted for their pleasant home, and thev r. and tin y -aid : ' 1-et Us give up in *l. -pair.' Then the bird sang, "t beer up! cheer up' chirrup! chirrup!' They did not list* n to turn at first, but by-and-bve they said to liitu: " Why do you -ay that to us? IVt you know that we have been tak a from our home anl our friends ..u the hillside, where the sun sbwie. and the birds -ang all ar.Hind us? Hon .-:ui we live and be happy hep*, and with our feet in the water. t.M>?' But the bin! said: "Cheer up! The sitn is shining •> y.>u. and I am singing to you as well a> I can. and how much V 1 ••-r it will K'foryoU to blossom and b- l**autifui. ami make some one happy, than to do nothing but wither and be 'i:r>wn .;w ay. Ho you think I like to i*e here, shut up in this cage, when I have wings to fly? No! If this cage d *or >hould be l ft open, you would ss* uie fly up to that cliimnev in a second." * tftiuld you ' said the little flowers. ' Ves. indtsai." said the bird. •Would you 5 ' said the flower-. * Ves,' -aid the bird, "and then into that tree, and then away to the wood somewhere. But while I am here, I think 1 may a- well sing and be gay.' ' Perhaps lie i- right." thought the flowers; so they lifted their loads and looked up. Mary ga \ • them fr.-sh water every day. and loved tlieni d.-irlv. ami talked to them of tie U*ntitiful hillside; and the •Tiecrftil bint -anj; to them, and at iast the little buds l*attn t<* grow and make the K si of ii. One bright tnoniing.iu-t two weeks after they wen- gnMiercd. the largest bud .ted ii- petals, and blossomed into a fuli-grown Mayflower! It was white, with a lovely ting*'of pink, and oh. -•> fragrant! Mary almost i ried with delight, and she ki-sed tin* dear flower, and^'carried it totoTy one in the house to be admired. Tin'* bir*l stood ou tip-t<- on his highest pereli an*l flapj>el liis wings, and sang his i***t song. "Was I right?" said he. 'Hid I give you good advice?' ' A *'s, 1 said the flowers. * you were rigiit. To blossom and IK* i*-autiful. and make Mtmeone hapjiy. i< lietter than to give up in despair ami d< nothing."— Annie Moore, in St. }fiehol to whether the moon is inhabite*! bv organic K*ings—if not like those that live on our own globe, at least of a kind specially adapted by their structure an*l natur*- for existing under tiic very different physical condi tions that obtain on our satellite —is on** that lias attracted attention for ages, and one. too, that lias IHS-II argued pro and eon with great ahilitx by many learned :ind eminent men. The opinion of near ly all scientist* of the present day. Iiw --ever, is that the moon is a " dead planet and that, inasmuch as she has hut a slight and very rare atmosphere, anil that, a* a conseouence. no water exists on her surface, she is entirely unfitted to be the dwelling place of any organic be ings whatever—at l* ast of any kinds that our mind* can form any conception of. (>n the other hand, those who take the opposite view argue (to use the words of Hick) that " matter appears to have been created chiefly in subserviency to mind; and it i> highly improbable that the Greator would leave a globe con taining a surface of 15,000,liten'ss to tin fair sc\ of w hatcvcr age or condition,. s,*on a* 1 comprehended tb*' cause >f her perplexity I t's*k niv "Pathfinder, ami leaning aero** the oi-!*' said to lier "It is at South Iks'rfleUl tliat you ish to stop, is it, tuadam?" Site at omv arose from In i piaee. OMM over to tile st at immediately in trout of me (wliielt then hap|n. I havs telegraphed m> sim, y\ ho live v some live or six miles away, to tmvt tne at South Dmisld, I left Nevy ihi< ans several days ago, and am on nix way to visit my son. who met a eharmiog young 1.-uly at the Northampton water ture. where we wore staying some time ago. and married her. am! In now !ivt-*a! Aver 1 am Mrs. General Gaines, w tth wlto-e history you may, * -rhap*. lie m anew hat at iiiainitsl, as I liave IM*H bmuglit into rattier undue promim m e K fore the pub lic for some yearn past." She talked' Vn in easy, rapid, self-pe*- se>s,.,| manner, giving tin* a hurritsi sketch of her eontt st w itli her opponents in the mi lawsuit for tin Ntw Orleans itv|vrty. gradually warming up (as she toumi tne aw illing listener) ami pouring forth t steady strcatuof t* it. sentiment, and eltsjuemv. rich, racy and rare, tlutt quite overpowered me. "Yes." she saitl, with the frankness ami un reserve of a woman of the world, w ho has mingled vv ith men and be*x>ine familiar vv ith all phases of society, " 1 shovvtd tin in w hat a little woman iH you really expect to get }HVSS, S- i,.n of the property and ae tuallv n*eover the full amount 5 " "The Tinted Slate* Marshal." ibtre plied. "' stands ready to put me in [o- s —ion. But when these poor people rotue t> me, and. with twrs iti their eves. p|ealingly ask. 'Mrs. Gaines, what shall we ih>?" I tell them justice has tri umphed. You persecuted me for thirty yt-afs. but I have gaimxi lnv ,:is. Now mercy comes to the front. Gv> home to vour prv*jH*rty. 1 will appeal to the legislature to adopt some system of re lief. 1 atu willing to compromise for S"J.4tX,OOO in ten-year installments. I have pledged my**lf. a* a thank-off* ring to my Maker, wlio has given nn sueees-. to spend the r< -t of my tinvs in doing all the g*vod 1 can. I have shown them w hat a little woman can an un usual and uncongenial sphere. I-it not always so? A- Christian civilization progress*** woman come* to the front." Anu slie re from her s<-at with the in spiration of her theme. "And now." said site. " I tell thein 1 am going to show tln-ui how a little woman tan re form the politicians." I laughed heartilv at the idea ami did not hesitate to intimate, very plainly, that site would find that a much harder job than conquering in th*'"Gaincs suit. " I'll tell you how I'll it." said *he. ** I have not moved in Washington so ciety for nothing. I know its weaknesses ami its -trength. its in and out-, its dis ease ami its remedy I'il build a mam moth hotel in Washington and I'll make the term- <> low that no memhcrof'.'on gre-s shall have an excuse for not bring ing lii- wife with him. tliat thev may tim- fulfill the legitimate dc-tiny which God designed for them; and thus the f*-st* ring evil which gnaw- at the very vitals of society at the capital of the nation will l* cured." Thus -he went on, not in a blase man ner. for though she talked rapidly, ami gesticulated, and t*xid up ami moved al*ut. it was all -n properly anil grace fully done tliat the other pa-sengers had no suspicion win* the speaker was. or what was the suhjft of our conversa tion.—Henry I.ivinestonc, in Boston Cou rier. Drinking V**ai in Para. In Scnbner, Mr. Herbert H. Smith gives the first of his paper* on Brsril, announced some time ago l.y that magazine. He thus describes a char;* 'eristic srene in the Para market: Observe these baskets of black berries, like crape* in color and * : ze; they are the fruit of the T-wai palm, the -lender, graceful Huteifi* that we * on the Hver-hank. One sometimes hear* an alliterative pro verb: • ■ Quern vein para I'ars pnrou ■•Quern bebeu Asxii itn*i;" which we may translate as Mrs. Aca-siz ha done: " Who came t" Para was giart t<* stay: " Who Hranl, as-ni went never uwuv." It i* well, then, for u* to learn how thi* famous rniAo iuei 'he stand are of the lower classes, who drink their two cents' worth of assai with only a little mandioca meal byway of seasoning. In th* foret. where sugar was scarce and the fruit plenty, I learned to like it quite as well so myself; its bri-k, nutty flavor is rather spoiled by the sweetening. However, our new comers mav prefer the civilised Mile; so the -ugnr is added, and vie take a taste of the rich liquid. Even the squeamish one empty their bowls, and l*egiti to sugge-t to themselves the possibility of entertaining another half-pint. Talk, no more of sher !>et and ginger beer and soda water ; here after we abjure them all, if we may but have our purple nai. And observi—as Mr. AYeller has it—that " it's werr fillin'." One can make a n--j>cctal>le lunch of it and nothing else. How a Farm Wa* Earned. A young man, say- tlie Cincinnati Timet, was very anxious to -retire a piece of property which was for sale on very advantageous term*, lie went to con ft r with a friend who was a hanker, and to inquire whether it would be prudent to borrow the requisite sum and pay it in regular installments, thinking tliat he should lie able to manage all but tlie tir-t installment, lie was advised to borrow from the bank a sum large enough to cover the first payment. lay it strict!v a-ide, and then go ahead. "But.* l said his friend, "you mut spend literally nothing. A'ou nin-t live off your place. A'ou must make a box and drop in it all the money receive.' 1 The young man and his wife went bravely to work to follow his advice. If it was necessary to dine on a head of boiled cabbage and -alt they did *o and never grumbled. Every payment was promptly met. The egg money, and the nutter money, and the corn and wheat money—all went into the payment-box, and at a specified time the place was theirs. There was an invisible wealth ulviut sueli hard-earned possessions that common observers knew nothing of. On the day of the -last payment the young man presented himself before his friend with a smiling face and with the money in liis hand. There were no rags to lie seen, but his clothing was well covered with darns from head to foot. " A'ou see I have followed your advice," he said, 1 casting a glance over himself, "and my wife looks worse than I do. But i have earned the farm, and now I know how to earn another." In every walk of life the present mania and its attendant ills have taking a deep —a dangerously dr*>|> —root. Some ladies on the south side have undertaken to make two thousand calls in two thousand quarter hours. A boy on the west side was rescued from the pantry where he was trying to eat threethousand quarter pies in three thousand quarter hours. His mother showed him no quarter, and he got no sympathy from his sisten and his cotisins and his aunts. \ I'itrht Hllh a Hour. \Vt makethe following extract from a hunting *tor\ tititlNl " I In* Big Bear ofWABDHOIAI priMtd in 9 Niaholtu The incident took place in tin* Ki< k tountrv of Arkansas. in tln* year l*tM, MnJthi' hunters were Harvey Ith hard •*nand tin* narrator, l>r. J. I*. Nagle. RIII'I VNVKFTW a big (war, WHOH dep •t .lotioti- liail tUttil*' 11itil the chief topic nf conversation; ami tliev started out i\ itli tin ii dog* early one Nov* min i morning: ,lut at daybreak, \\<* ranit' to a * in*"* ing of tin* IwvyoU where w• felt sure t In- In'iir mut |ia on tin- way to hi* den Htuvev plat ed nie, the dog* and himself A falf*n lira* \va- in my ftyint. ami through It- interim *l root* I eoulil ■*<•<• in qvin dinvtion Hardly liail we completed our ambush when a quhk movement of one of tin* dogs *Uot led me. Hut, in a moment, noticing that hi* look* were dirtvted tow aril thecros-- tig, I. too, lookiil thither ami heard the sound of a heavy animal sauntering slowly over the-oddi ii ground ami ni preaching my lair In an instant a pair of yellow i yes glared at me, ami with as W ile a h>ok of surprise as there w is in Htiiiiy losoyeriin; myself I fired at the monster, which ap|x'ar*'il like a huge, anitnateil black eloinl as lie rose up l*o fore me. l*he brut* disappeared with the amok*-of my gun, but in a moment I w a. startled by the re|a*rt ami ahoek of a second discharge. The other loail of my srun hail been accidentally * vploded IxHikitiK in the ilirectioii the In-ar hail taken, I saw he hail run along the other side of the fallen tree ami met at the further end the two dogs, when he turned alh*ut and eaiue ton aid me at his most rapid speed and in savage humor. Then tin re wo* a fearful crash and rush. The black mass mute on. yyith eyes gleaming, and Iww ildering me yyith the reflection of lln-ir glare in tin sunlight. I yvas conscious that mv gun yy as use less. ami s,i instinctively gi\*-i>cd mv ids tol, hut found it hopelessly entangled ill my belt. For a svoml, despair eame llpol* Hie, hut a sUlldt ll IS llllsioll moused every -fuse and prompted me to deli lice for life. Quick.v drawing my was presented at a thrust as lire dark mass sprang at me At this moment, one of the huge dogs leaped at him so fiercely as to divert the monster's attention from myself ami make hint miss hi- Kite. He reaml, and a-he again eame down on hi- tore teet anil was in the net of going over the Kink. I plunged my knife to the hill into hi- body, in the region of his heart. He turned and made a terrible -imp at tin legs, hut at that moment 1 fell hackw aril over a hush, and so we all went into the bayou together, floundering in the water and mud. 1 scrambled to the edge of the sh-ngh, and watched with intense anxiety the result of the battle. In another moment, and when the bear had nearly r< ached the further side of the |HHI, ih'sjwratelv fighting w it Ii the dogs every inch of tin* wav, 1 heard a rushing souinl and the whining flight of more of the pack as they sprang over nte. In the same in stant a flash shot out frotu the brown barrel of Harvey's rifle, and the U-ar rolled over, though lie -till ft-chh fought the park, and kept on lighting to the lost moment of his existence. f, my .nortitication. an >*\ami nation of the • llge carcass-how ed that mv shot had not made any visible mark on the ani mal. and that my knife had not quite reached hi- heart. Harvey's shot had killed hi 111. The i igltt of tile savage animal was ov.r Uve hundred pounds. A boyernor's Arrest as a Horse Thief It is related that while Thomas Mann Handolph was Governor of Virginia, lie was once arrested within a few hundred yarls of his home, in this county, ami carrii-d a prisoner to liis own house. The story is to the following effect: The governor was on a v i-it to his own home, and finding that the fencing on his plantation was pulled down and hunted by wagoners passing along frotn the Valley to Richmond, he determined to detect and punish them. One evening he observed a party go into camp on tin* roadside, and after dark lie strolled down to a point wln re he could conveniently wateli them, lie staid out a!! night, but the wagoners made no depredations on his fences. In the early morning, how ever, when they were altoUt to kindle the tires to prepare breakhv-t, they started out to gather up what fuel they might find for that purpose, when they -pied a man -ittingon tic fence a short distance ahead. Now, it ap}**'ars that a short time be. fore. Governor Handolph bad i-sued his proclamation, offering a reward for the capture of an (-eaped horse thief, and the wagoners, who had ee the des cription of the convict, thought they discovered a close resemblance lsgween the man on the and the escaixsl fe'.ci. So thoroughly satisfied were they hat they would receive the reward for his arrest that they approached and an nouunced that he was their prisoner. One of'hem ptro|-ol. as he crack's) his wagon whip, to giveliim a thrashing and then let liini go. hut hi*companion pro testrd tliat it was proper to ascertain whether he was the trttilt v party lieforr inflicting the punishment, and propo-ed to take him to th*- residence nf t ioy. rnor Randolph, which was near by. and get hi* advice. Aeeortlingly. they marched tlieir prisoner up to the house, and knocking at tin* front door, a servant made hi- appennux*. of whom they in quired " 1- your master at home? " The servant opi n> *1 hi- eya - in aston ishment at tin* inquiry, and replied, pointing to the gov • rnor " That's master!'' It i- said that the governor then promptly confirmed the statement of the servant, and JoinM heartily in the laugh that followed, lie tit* n told the man who had proposed t*> whip him without th*' opportunity of ilcleiisc to remain outside and lie would -end him refresh ments. at th*' same time unbuttoning bis mat. exposing a pair of pi-tol-. and re marking that he -initial certainly have used them had an attempt In* n made to carrv the threat of cost ignt ion into ex ecution. The other wagoner he invited in to join liiru in allot breakfast.—Char lotUxviile (la.) Chronicle. Provision for Ihe Insane. Placing the insane population at fortv fivc thousand. it i- safe to estimate that eighty per cent, are supported at the public charge, and ninety-five tier cent, in building* maintained by public charge or endowment. These building* cost in round numbers $35.0nn,0U0, a sunt equal to SI,OOO for each inmate. Of this ex penditure. $1.1.000,000 ha* been made in the last ten years. In the Eastern Statisi. nine asylums may be named that cost, in the aggregate, $11,000,000. equal to the sunt of $!l,ooo for each insane inmate. Those who regard the luxuries and ap pointments of a first-class hotel as fur nishing all that can lie desired in the way of bodily comfort, may he able to form an id'-a of the luxury of surround ings this places, or ought to place, at the command of each inmate, when they are told that ten of the most expensive and luxurious hotels are built and equipped at a cost of $|..100 for each guest, i otn mon sense tells us tliat tliis vast expen diture is not necessary. I,uxurvcannot replace human skill. Now in England, with a hard-working governmental -u --p'Tvi-ion, wliieh controls the erection or building* as well a- the personal care ot the imitat*--, we linil modern asylum* constructed at one-tenth the maximum and one-half the minimum cost of recent American hospitals.—-Wee York <>b tri > r. " Greening*." A youth living on llagg street rolled an apple barrel to the curbstone Mo uther afternoon, filled it with cobble stone*. headed it up and marked the bar rel "Greenings—handleeareftilly." The youth retired to await further develop ment*. and they soon eame. A sawdust wagon came along, and I IK-driver jumped down and took a long look at the barrel. He probably reasoned that it had been delivered by a grocer, and lie doubt less wondered why it had not IMS-II rolled into the cellar, llusk was coining on. and the man drove off. In a quarter of an hour lie returned. "Greening*" were there yet, and lie drovearound the square, took the tail-board out of his wagon, and at length drove up close to the barrel. No one was in sight, and he made a dash for the prize. He probably expected a rath-r heavy lift, nut when he felt the weight of those cobblestones his surprise must have been great.. Jh* gave one awful lurch, lifted the barrel about an inch, and as his fingers raked over the I loops he groaned in agony and leaped into his wagon as if :* uog had been reaching for his coat-tails. At various times during the night vehicles were heard halting and driving suddenly away, but when day bioke the "green ings" were still there, though only two hoops were left on the barrel.— Free Preex. TilK UKIMT XIIMNU t'AAir. Tlc I t " I think 1 am lulls ju*tilied in saying that in w 'strike*'art In nig made daily , I'l.c-pct I hoi. oil tile lllolinlaill vide* fo| mile* around arc a* thick a* i lioeiie* upoii a tree in full fruit Ibiilv tln-r. eollle* to toss U entile happy ilnlls idlial whose pi. k ha* *tl'liek into the pr< e|oU* stuff. hie street* aie Alll of men sslio art' ready to litis claim* and pro*peel*, yet then-i* so gn at i i*k in litis ing that alt are caution* and wary Hourly, aye, constantly, the ripple oi talk go. * fl'olil eeliter to cilVUHlfereliee and hack again talk of mine*, claim*. ntop.vl, *1 t iki"*, price* paid and r.s 'iv ed I'.s d riliUm is in hi* thoughts inen*uriiig the distanee from the *urfaee to the dejaii-il on his claim. That man reeling in drunkenne** along the street* ha* ju*t coiue in I rum his claim So it goes. Kverylmdy i* interested, and hence every ISHK is excited over the lies** Id IK- gather.d. Nor i* the milling < \. Uc nient confined to this .ii*tii.! t u- Imnates ille or Tell mill , Kokomo, t .lanitc, Hag le His cr. the t iunne*oii and many other place* ssithin a radiu* ol forty mil. * of l.cads ill. cm. in for their share of the excitement lto(*>rt* are c re daily. Ith to the pre** and individuals, and each writer strive* to tell those behind ss hat it i* and w hat it IS like. Set CS.TS IM'SV (Sillier i* *ur priscd, and in no instance that ha* come under ins ohservalioii ha* tin .amp tailed to tar exceed CXIM* lation*. •' l ake out the ringing of tiie chureh bells and tin small percentage of the population which attend church, and there is no Sabbath in l/adriUr. The saw-mills turn out ,iu*t a* much lutnlaf. the blacksmith tir- * :ire ju*t a* hot. a.* much and more money i* won and l..*t at gaming, a* many good* ate sold on tht Sabbath a* on a week day, [n truth, in pa.**ing through the tosvn on th> vtb hnth. if the *tis* i leading by the churches is not taken no imagination could tor ture it into n Nabhath day. Tlivi i*th< same svhirr and bit** a* on other days; or. if there Is- a difference, it i* <>n the in er.-a*.. for Sundas i tin day that many miners come in from the mountain* to do their trading. In justice to the car penter*. I should mention that I h.v< noticed that not a great mans of them thus desecrate the T-ord'* day: but it d.H * really look n* if n. arU a.. * ho have niiur here have neg!s't•. how long? Shrewd iin-u hold th.-ir bn*- in.-ss ss ell in hand, *>> that if the cra*h *hould come their lamp* w ill I*- burning thie tiling is le-vond doubt, and that i* that tlie mountain* ar-- full of earlioiiate*. and I iioss do not doubt that the richest discoveries arc yet to lie made, and that the half ha* not yet 1* n dreamed of. 11l addition to tie iiv-r discoveries, gold ha* lavn found in it* very riclun -* tip to the t .. ifomia gulch (the memorable gulch of the l-m . x. itc ment). t'apitalist* have tak<-n hold of it. and the indications now are that dur ing coming summer mans gold leads w ill Is- found. A* long i* tin-■ discoveries ar> made will thrive: Is-votid tlii*l w ill not attempt to prophesy, for the long, r I tay here the more less iidercd and pun/a-d am 1. The enterprise here is a*toni*hing. New house* are going up. a* ss it it a magician's wand, in all parts of the camp. A str*. t that ss a* familiar yesterday (.resents a w holly different sppanunv to-day, and vet tln-rc i* a cry for more IIOUM-S. more room. etc.. etc. 1 succeeded in getting an office on I 'hestnut *tr>*t. after ss ail ing and watching two week*. It s( a* rented befon* the hull*.- w is built, but the party failed to take it, and I hap pened to apply at the * ni. k of lime,* much to the diseoinliture of two or three applicant*, who came a hour later than I My room is liixl'.', and lam ein*id emi extn-mely fortunate in having to pay only forty dollar- per month for it. lam still in ns*cipt of !• 11- r asking ad vice about coining lien . I< an only say what I have -aid . flier- i* an abundance ..f mineral, and *trik(-* are constantly le-ing made. (ine coming here may Isvunii' ri. li in a w<* k. :uid h may fail. It depend* upon hi* fortune in striking mineral. Then- i- absolutely no room for clerks, lmokkeeper*. • tc. Men of energy and will, who are willing to work in the earth, can find work to do in hunting for mineral, though it i* proper to say that the *tout< -t men have tol-.ome intiiasl to the clima.'e before they can do much labor. <>n a. -ount of the ran tied air. a walk of one hundred vards exhau*ts the bp-nth. o a 'tender foot'(a name for in w--oiu.-r*) i* ills prepared for lalair until In* is ac. li ninti'd. " Mortality is not so gr--at here a- I ' \- jua-t'il to find. As isit to one <>f the sa loon* at midnigli! would ju-tifv a con clusion of a fearful m< itality. Hundreds sleep on the wet, cohl floor.*, ssithout cover or comfort. It ha* be n ins der that they do not di<' by the score I believe that such would bethc ca*e in a damper ntmosphep "lam a. quainted ss ith ' ( liii k- n Hill.' a most remarkable character. He has found innrv paying dejai*its than any other one man, but lie alsvay* -ell* out for a fesv hundred dollar*. Live* and drink* it out and prospect* again. He ' salted ' a claim at Silver Cliff and sold it. The parties went to work and really struck a rich deposit, and hav. now a vcrv valuable mine, milch to (,'hickcn Bill's surj>ri*e. " Exctvlse. "A great deal dejiend* upon 'lie time chosen for nei'llftll exep'i*e. When it is projH-rly coniluetisl, the cfhs't on tin* di gestive system i* vers marked. The ap petite is increased, and more food i- taken in order to supply force lusaassary for tli ■ maintenance of the nni'lianieal force. This increasi of Mp|i'tite i* e.p.*in!lv Holed svllen the exe|-eie i- taken in the open air. When e\crei*e i* undertaken, however, without (ille pr> paratioii, or tile IMHIHS power* an • \hatl*ted lis fa tigue, the power of ling able to take food is diniinishisl. 'l'liis eotulitioii. if tile e\en i*e i* eontintHli and the power of taking food n-mains impaired, j, one of considerable danger, and the health i* often greatly iifh-cbxl, the force of the heart rs-ing liiueh psiueisl. It i* of great importanee. ntonxivrr, ss lien gn it faligu< ha* IMS-H undergone, to *•*• that the lioiliiy powers are thoroughly recruited hv n-*t before an attempt 1- made to take food, othersvisc there ssill t>e mi inclination to take it. and if forced down it ssill not digest. An hour's n-*t. with a cup of warm tea. ss ill do much toward restor ing apjietite in these ease*. Indml. it *liotild Is- a rule in all rases that a peril Ml of p-*t should intervene Is tsveen work and food. After l*iinnc of the wounded nt this now fninous battle in Siiilh Africa write* to the London Standard: Never 'id I think I should li the witiu-M of siu-li a terrible scene and slaughter. It *a truly horrible. I myself was lying in a pool of blood, and a ghastly corpse wa just beside me. What an awful sus|K'nse every one shanal---enough to turn one's hair gray; and how we prayed for daylight! I was lip all the night In-fore, as well as this; hut the danger we svere in kept me from sleep, as well as the anxiety about is>or liOiiis. Morning at length came to our weary bodies, and we aaw the scene of the battle. All the white men, with their entrails, noses, ear*, and other parts of their liodv cut of] iiinl thrust in their poor dead mouths; sides split up mid arms thrust in ; horses and oxen all lying about, stabbed and rip|>ed up. We saw the Kritish sol diers all lying formed up a square, where they had held their ground till all wen slain where they atood. The gunners wen stabbed to a man where they stood by their two guns, the captain himself la-ing shot while in the act of spiking the last one. SUMMARY OF NEWS. Eastern and Middle States. six tutiiiti AHl ni'ii' mi iliiliitioit nl (hi? fMtrnititt ol tlin allow ol the? I'liilmk ! l|lua K*>OIII i "Intl. lilt alow II Iroil < • 1111|-0 II X , ol MlilMltl Hit*. I'M . IUM NtwiN'Utiftil, n IUI iiidiiuiiiNiiUiKHiul* m- to > 1 lO.tHHI N| t Alll lit sIh.MII ,ol tlif |Hl (•nrrimitt mot mlilrwt* xxnti ouolf t>> Iliiiriow U trtl, ilt- ftC< x II II t*m - tiH notl uthriw. V lit f.l loikuj;*. u I i i ll* tit tMll fllitlxl Mlli'ittt* 111 NfXX \ oik li> luklUjj hli'i iHiuMtiitxl ho hoi children, •• **l XX lltlUl xllfsl larttfiw lfll li) lilt* Mfil'UiUldfTl 1 otoixol Ilia xx ilo o| mn.h hl> . At Whitehall N \ , 1 larlixn Nwa tltal luotf, tllfl lur* XX ilf, llxilll wholo he* lux*l N'jui fttlrtl, in n htriiixf of ill-1 t'i'tilA*, Bht tin lhrxHi|*ti Ilif !-%• t titixM iiin.'w, luiitlly ht*r, tool lion j'iiXt f I llir |nnt4! ( hl lrut|'lc mol llt>vt, iHt*(U tliii (ol by lltxiiri)) I'xAlrr. \ ttixpnti'h Ihilll -Mi>Ml'l*xxn. I#rl , rtrtht iu- tin* |wyu ti . tx|, -k la will not morv liutu cover thf I'ftxvrtlf flitiloatf. II) the dt xirtu ih ti lj> iltf ol ih' on ihf | rvttiifttw ol \if kiuulfr i borjjfh, l*a.. tfif vnlonhlf tuim* and u writ huriu tl l > dfuth. moook thr loruifr U • thf xvell-kioxwii ttofUsr* Nfttio Kllia. NotU no, 1 muk >iu-|ilfi, tiniiyv Zohtuaii Hftu > \N is. Jrixudt I lint' tiifl mot ixmrl 11 iniolx who Wffr itoio ift lor fiit- tirow *l Jof|*h ICsb trr. in In UttOtow ii ii tp, I'n lt Drrrmttrr, rudty •! umrxtrr in tht* dr>i cirgtw. Ihr b --jfx-i ol thi < rttiif w.vw 100 l iiuo n !*%% > UMMir to r oil Ihf ill* ol thf Vo lito, XX)m W ohi uiui jtuor. fiitfi* >i tlif hu-tHiui Nntiotmi liik ol huitllU N tl , hi*- W ojiflt tilf x null tool t iWfiod HWuv nixbil in ratii iiltil 4HXI 111 not* • Western and Southern States. Hforv I! 1' Tu Wand l>uili Ayistr, wlov J.rxJ*o*f to rtdf ioowxdw. k to Hi • rx*t a! 1 tiM'utitkui. ALA , Ihf other* Ui\ 1 Ibduiix IC iiaikrr rairrw! Mi-"* A Nl Siii + ry -totf to Nmdivthr, If tin . nod trotftlfd m*o rul |m tw>u to lirer, lot w Itu'ii hr trl 1 tt* jax Mi? "*ini;iotoii ti Ulfnirut w hi* It Ikxkrt rditMxi (* inakf. w hei *Hi|w*o htt hftfkrd tlif ikMitw un*i trtM*k liakfi ox r tlif hfud with n tnilrt ol xxwl lift l*rx*Utfr, A M li i .( Ikkrr, inflo .* wotiioi in hi* IJ it lUkrr irlurtini tlif ftft* with w luix y rtv volxff, mid kriling httn tmHaiitiy. 1 fir M.rxnfr' jury m vrtvlrt of jowliditMf bmikidb. V t it -h;xd lux* t** ii (imtmyed l> flnr 4xxfrtof j wo, tf StuUi iftirxdtiui. lu* |urxloi.*fd *%' i rvuturvi' i urdora nsd ri-Cuta* (Utlloxilmut), who liad Ittwti 1 xf trwi-if triii. at Atom. 11l , lutxr Uw-o dfatniyid hy tint flortnw, a lM xd &o0,00(> W hih- i.dwin Ikoth MApxing (h<- xUli*juy in thf LAW! net .l IU hanl 11 . at MfYwkcr 1 Itmirr in 4 a *h*t nrnl nt Hun hy :% man nllittg tu thr lrH-iinn t u|*|*fr pdirry. )Jm *• *(lt Ml nttd. lUit'i mi iiitfixal tl hlmhil \ i:tf -Mxidi ! another *'i**t xxo flitxi Mr lUaoth thx'-n tM dii-i *lrtfgl toward thf Iflt (i>a*<*iii, wi w aj nt otftff xruixi and. Imil for thf intrr%fi!ioa ol oftk-frw, xxonM Itnxf ti*rn )uin tnin t kill Mr. Ittxoth. Iff rrluawl tft jfixf tin* iniiM- hi* nt t** x tl Ml lk*tii. cvftrjil tlint lk**th oil* f wnmgeii it Iriftul ol in*, and hr had lirni rf*wlxr*l t jniru*h the arUir ever witare. A Irtlrr x a* hmtiil in In* |* k t addmwf| to a 4irl in mi rlno town, and ftn df (frtuitut!;oti (*> kill Mr. lkftotli. Alirr u jxmtnrtal illnrxx lli*) ) *iward IC Ante*. 1> It.. d tin* Mfih*h*t ( hurxh, dir*t at hit rmidrniT in Unlutniftrc in lu* *fvrnty-fourth ymr. 4 liarlft* Itiiftli (rnlnotl) wan at Tun < otid uft, Ala*, lot hm wdo ixxoyuncn From Washington. lhr I ttilfd Sltilfi Hu}>rrtne t'ourt han al rtrnfl thf lfci*o •! ihf I tntfd 1 ir -inl *xirt in Nf!*r:udit. rx x i raiiuj thf s*rr t*ir> < if the lntffir ii(!ci*iun Urn! laud* £rnntrd to ilir IVtli' nnlnnfl i v ***njatm**. mhaiti in*ld thnf >rwr* ivJtfr tin* :td Were i tHU|>)ftr*il. t%rr xulijwt t j rrrinptnm and nr*t tlf tin* nt. likf f|nxrt!nrnt l rimilturf *lnw that thf of winter xxixtit i* dUmt fine nit'i one-naif j*fr r thuii lad yxar. 'lin* inrrmxt* i* !•• tiift'x*t % to tin* troi**ler •! *| , rnijj axrin|jx to lull iti th* \\ <-*t miml NortiiWfwl. Foreiqn Heiirs. )l( n \ *!* ol gg.fscl I" JJI lii# int'ief* ..I lliirlmm, ioglmut voted to nuittiiue their strike. l{ii*e> . ihc relebrnted t'nglish iirlr****. wh • u* inl.e>t the loveliest ol women," i (lend. r*raMUMaiaations I>> Ku**inn Nihilists nre re|*"rte! *iinultntie'ul v with SoloviefT ut'ein|it on the t IAT'S lile three (tolieeuirn wen- shot iri KJIC-ii. the s**nssiiis were tin > lim-mIcI girl. g~l seventeen rewm, nnd n md-leriinn. I (ii/jiel, " Itlowrer " Brcs n. I'orkey nnd XV(nton, who trtel on n*t \ ilnr w >uk in IdNiihm, under the auspieen of >ir John Atley, nmde in the llr*t twenty-six hour* 137 miles, I'.'7 1 mile*. U'7i miles Mild 111 mile* ms|xw tlvely. 'llie Ih-rlin /'■•/ declares tlmt u w ide-sprend cutis jiil uc j exists Itefw-ren the lCu*,uiti. Freneh and t.ctttmn revoiutinnists, mid Ug- cottitttun (letciisiie M-iion. Mi Pierre I. rtllnet * XmeriennhorselXtmle lei* scored nnolliet victory ut Knglmnt. win nittg lite race lor the t"it> sttd Stilsirlsin lltiixli - *|t ut the I s'M.n spring meeting. The Is-tting was four t<> one ugiiiiist l*nnile. mid un itn mene sum nl liHUH-y i* sui-1 t" huxe ehimged hand* on the ri—nlt. Alter the slaughter •>! llritUh tmojis by the Zulu* at IsmiditlH. South Atricn. last Jnniutrx . an l.ngii-h l.iri'i- il I.IbO men, under Coionel I'ikom-ii, was licmmi*! in anil la—ii-gi*! at Ukow e. n small iiii*-i-in slatiott about thirty (lvn mile* from the 'lugela river, t'oloncl I'mrsiii threw ii|- lortilleation* and intrenched liimsell ns strongly a* |e*ilile, but as he was surrounded h> M.(HN) Zulu*, imadianxiety wa* full lor In* safety, and a relieving column ol fi.ISS) tr*i|-*, itudei I 'licltitNtord, wiiMsimt lo hi* a**ilaticc The progress of ilii* eohimu of rchrl was stuHsimly eonti-sted by the Zulus, who have shown themselves warriors of the mo*t ds*|H-nile eounige. lehl < 'hclinstord'H rmnp al n Steitkroku and seventy men were killed; and on the next day the tight was renewed witli further loss of British otltcers. The total of the Itritisli biases in Isith engagements is es timated at 220 killed and wounded. The Zulus lost 2,£00 men. Parole run his third race and won his thiol victory in Knglmid on the day alter he cap tured the City and ."-inliurlsin Handicap at the Kpsoiu spring meeting this thiol triumph lorthe American horse also occurred at Kpaotn, and the ruce which lie won was known ns the great Melropolitaii Handicap Stakes. Parole carried 124 |mhuulh, and his only competitor in the nice, the liair-year-old eolt Casllereagh, carried 110 pounds. Aii etphanon 4 fire dump in 11 *• AgiipjM | t'lNll IMMII M i| it )(itwl crowd o! % hilum. lht* c >ai entirely litsoigMlilfod lu (lit* in < i.tiuli I*l thr I uijetof 4 Austria i UHfllt Mllvfl in ttll tttUhl'Hj to two bundled and i w civ t- j*er*ou uiidrt g<*ii*j j pUliKhmtlil %i. t tintin, If !• lilt* billowing bdU were intrudm-ed mul {• ptxipitatrl) irlurird ll> Mt I lamlm It l*i\u iitt* lor (lit* rn tton ol u monument ui (lit tii%\ nl ffit.f If t \ ti( Vniut|*oli hi rdtuliirtiiitm tioti *l the oftV t> Mini other* who |ttiii>lint bj tlu- Mia L t* iliti I ititMl Mtiitw Utiittf Jiutuii llv Mr < tacklrll~ io uuthoii/< m pit iliuiiutJ j e Ulllitll.ilioii Mini mil 11-) ttll (itf tilt tun m atri **l tir MiMun Mini lb. i oiuinl ia mrif li> Mi VutifhotMk—A I 1 | for lb** it-ltfl 11 1 lu-ultftii 11 I uiUt; ttl*o a lu! (O AM*t*i talli nut) tlrU'ltllUir ihf title t*. lb. i tract •! land kuowtt a tin Ua mho I'aiiM in tmot> 1- < •mi'lrn.tii'ii ui „.e Army All n> p nation bill w li Hiliinl, llir |it*< o I (ht* tiliN tUMMioti Jn-mg M< amo liaymd, Hhum nmt Mhu-. \*l| 'ur . i nJtt-i mu excciiliv* : MIS-aHI < Mi iiigaiU rend h fouiinuiiumtitin fruu \\ > toiiiott* Kin* ,in - nuiniiUti ol colored |Aij lr 11f if * a great i**.slt> i ho ntii4, br mi tin* tint*- and rfHriiil action up 4 >ti lilt* tiubp**'l, tun! Uretvlorc ho iiilruilita-fil < tili lor (hr if lu l ol ihf destitute rtgoied ji*r 9*Hit now lioiu thf s**ut!icrn i Iht hill wui* it It riful to litf i uiitiiiKUw u Ap pitpru%tiiif lUfunitHi *4 thf Army Ap pit*|*i iatiolt bill *ni ifAUtiiol by l>n\u ol liliutiiM Mint (otrbilitl lir tbf I IfliitM iTtttM, mil Momnw. U*mi miil AhistMi for the llepulth o*li. \f^iiMiutt-Mkitu;lot m Nuliotut lioMit! t4 IjiUtr. lb Ifrnotl to thr( ttiuutitlft ti 1 )iuatiiu ntitl Uh IMmlf tin \rn> A j*pi *] f iullon UI! wm ryo.iufd b> \\ iiiuiiiit* Mi*d Joiifit (or tin I it-tutu in(, mid Mr iib*ittf lor tbr ICfptihhctoo \wfj Mikt lir lit ld in bit* UhJ n |fti tMMi from Mn. Canilim* \1 f!Ui r lor mi in* . muf l ir!t<*n Mir i th- w j low t4 c obnt*l I ifuher \S ihttif,mmiof Ihuth-1 Wthrtur Mt. I f* rrlf rinl U tiif puUlc * r\ n*-* 14" (Im* \\ fUtrr lMtiitly, mid i>iMtfl tlmt Mr> Whmrr luui lowt inmrly nrrytliuiu by lh flrr ut • Mur>hnfM Imi jwr p*hf now M |triiM>n ttf to & month, tunl ••lir n*kn! MJ> in dmsi to s*jo M mtnth Mi Ihrli mlrodt M lull (* in**mw (hr j*rniof. Aotxtrth > Krl* ri*-1 l < omiiiitt' tfl IVumoii-* Mr Johmloii intrtft>ltfft! a toll (hr ixintfiit of thf t nllrtl Mtilf* (< liif | M>rfUtiofi ol thr uit t4 I* \S.I urtf forthn rwtnm ol llir r*!#tF. on rrtliiiu itmlltioOi> Mr 1 uiikhiii; ituuSr M lonn mt in"* on tb* Army Appmpt. ttnn I J, uftrr wbo l: m rrrwl imirnduiriitA. oflmM bv Mrmft* Itieuiif Mtwl Win k>fti vrrv rr)u tri by a Hnrl jnui\ vote. Ad}ounwd. Ail tin* Miiircitltiifiita In Ihf rtWM>italioi nig ihf Nerrfttiry an i 's'lywutoil'.!ittf ! U*f s*ii alf |iOrr (o iii.-ikf t liiOigo* su tliroftfcm Ulnlrt th<*cii without ihf I'lfHiloil of the vnatr, writ- rvjwtwl by M Mtrirt pwrtv YaHc. j and (hr rrwoluUoti wm All uk*jml* , rtirnt* li ll.f Aruiy Appf**} rut uftii hill *nr rf)r(ftl bv |Ktrt> v>tM, Mini thr bill WM* finally u- tl r-Mti*f lrv.*n tbf Koum by M t4f 4 (1 yen* to 30 nu\i Mr l>avi ol nil itg with Umi briiioi mt Ihf only |aur M rHHiitrtvl wfTf ihf |oUoMsti£ Mr. Ihiirt* (\\ YM. ) with Mr. Mtudotn. Mud Mr. Hour with Mi Mrl*lfhi Mi Miiti tin- only .iWtikir. AdH^orntnl. Hoiiaft In thr alariMN* *4 thf rha|tU*n tm>rr wa# oftctfi by thr U> v. (iillatit 1b- 1a Matvf, ll< i roM'titntHF Irvitn IniiuinM It In oig thf Ull tlay *-rr tiortiptfHi in in trtmlucsiij* a fltawl *4 UiU. Ilw numltrr *4 wfm* mle mm*utt (trmtitcvl mid M-nt to tin* win* Uliltcr* Aim* 1.-YYi-H tiittuWt UltUi W. irr Wort into t oii;tf* in iif ( •hv. A uurgr timiortty <4 Ihf lnll w frr of a privntf iiAturo, to £iAtit )tfttMStm aim! |a\ • Uiitu, and mm- trntb# 4 thftn Unlrv| in thr Imji t ongir* I l.t pf wt-rr mtiong ihf tium* l*rf all iMirt* l rurnwj* arxi UnlT Mrbfm* uiid billft Iti thf ifjjiMMlnAi tiuii gm rr* until* 30oVbak.thf rvi-juiig M-wnm to la* t|fVt4**il to debate nu thf le*,*lUir toll llif ulf idmrv loiver bill *iwicvl. It piw v ilm*Hiiituilioti lliAi (fl may iwrnvp llfiv4ml Marfhm the I nAnurrr t f %rJuui£r r*oii (rwmvl iindrr th j rot i*joii • 4 On* net) iti Mim* 4 yiO, or multiple** there nf, l>r IawSUI tiitney. Tbf tbiml Mvlion tunkr* Mil *udutr> aalvfr A lepai t fix Iff in an ma n*4 rtcwolinf lor all tbd4a, pubhc or |rivAtr. ! 'l"hf fourth *frtion m:ik** thf tiiitxir coitia Vcopjwr and nirkrl) rrcriVAltle for patmri' Mn.l palngr !nn|w to the ittnoutkf of Jlif flltli Morlimi niftul hII a**ti in conflict with the bill. Mr Atkina, rhmmtcvii tf tl.e €\tsimittef on Appn*j io*t.-na. A dettrirnry Inll (tor alaxit $"£>.000) Ilwwvt Mr Knott, Irvtin thf Jtu'liriary t ntntuittie, ftlTrjwl a nwo bition (Wkrinn thnt no ofTVer r fmploj iw f tin* ll*uae haa a vobintary or in 4fb rrxf to a -tibj-rnn. to prvwlure any •knimmt, iKt|fr t*r Uwk lelonjiiig l thf file* 4 thf IbaiMf IWonr any r**irt or oflVer. or to |f-mtt any til If tnnl<-, withotit tlw oma nt <4 thf H*u*e Abptf*l t. ouvkbnUioii of ihf 1 e-|jiihiive Appmprittoi lull wn rf*nmf*l. Alturnrl Mi \ anef intmv.luteal a Uill abolishing Ihf tnv m >*ti%le lauiks. Ildi rrwl Mr Mtmfr, frvtin ile ( tvinmitlff n i W i-iglit* and Mmmtrrw, re|airt*l m lull nvnendinc rfrtain *v* liMUft til thf Ibvinrd relaimg to roin* l*rlnl*tl Aixi mvr*iniitt**i Mr. Wright, einomuftn 4 the Ulnt < omtioltee re|*fifil a rivmiliilHHi that cxiunuittef lenvr (• sit tluring thf row •**. and At*pm|muting s'i.tkni to tiifft its V|enwa Adopti nrtor hrift lf- Kit• Mi. 1 >rnrni to *W wat ogored a Ifsolti turn "Thnl tin? fYt-vidfiil hf miinwirv] to •■onaidrr the r\|tc*lif rx y *l rti tori tig itittia oon- Tfntioa w itti the g| im Ii coiintry.niui werve U %f --maitrknor relatione tl amity, trade and merrr \doj4ul t o\. *4 New \ ork. intluiltMni ee\ eral bUia, nuxHig them tthlg tir to retire Natioiml lnk ih*l* and wmaher lor the efibiree.m*nt t4 the t Krvf apohe on the aujwrv iaora* lawr ni.d it upplicaUoti to the state o| ttiTair* in New York fity, and Mt KoU •m nuidi' sjwuwdi on na tioiuil M.verfigtftt \ Adpiumftl. C ontinuing tin* delaitc* on the K-gidntivc hill. .Mtw*r. (tiiliMlr. t lowa, •tii'l le la M.ityr, t| Induina (t .rt*rti!*% kern), took part in the di<*e usskih, both iw.s'iiing that while theyroubl not m**' any piw*iimtMeewily (or pUcing the pn|sM*tl legislutitm to re|Ktl the elfvetion Ihwn in appropriation bills, and while they would vote to strike **uel titn out, yet it it was retained they would vote fr the jis-*;vj£e <4 the lull. A nutuUr t*l oilier sjwfikers were heard, and the was f\t ndf I inlo the e\ filing. Adpmrmsl. Mojor-tiriirnil John K. IMx. Alter an illnefm ol fvernl nxmtbs tifneral John A. lliv diet I i • New Y*rk ug* i eight y oitfymrw. Itfiierni thv wasKrnat Iloaoowen. N 11., in 17bH. gnuiimttsl at the liu'ter noail* eniy ami ttsik |art in the war of 1412 as a cadet. In I S'2f he ret ire* I limit the army, mar ried and sett lis lin < o)>er>t>w n. N Y . w here he began to practice law In IH3O lie wu* ap point*'*! Ailjutant-to*nerwl of the State, ami in 1833 was ehx tisl Sivcretary <4 Mate In ISII j he was elect***! to the Assembly, and the next 1 \ear took a trip t Kuropf. In IMt Silas , Wright Wiu ehs'ted IhivertMir. and the s*ut which he vacated as I 'tiited States Senator was filled by tiencrwl Div. who then Udongetl (* 1 what wan known as the llamhiimer wing of j the Pet norm tic party. Puring Huchanan'a atlministration Pix was a||avintcd postmaster ] o| New York, ami on the c\ e *4 the civil war hfittocome Secretary of the l remuiry. It was J at this |M'iiod that he is sand t*i have issisl the o|len-4pi*4tsl order to a treasury agent at New t irhxin* 4 * It any man at temple to haul down • the American flag shs4 hut) on the s|m(. m When Lincoln Uvume President Pix waa sue -.-f.l d bv t bnt. nnd s.w.n WM ! POhti ■m t i*>i in nl m tin i 4dm i bcvqi DwriM tbi lnUtri<4* inNew Yotkeity he tHmmandf*l ] the Pe|mrttneiit ol tite Last. tcneral Pil Ux'iiine one *4 Andrew Johnson * supptiiiets. | and by him waa ap|M>ints! Naval (Wttoer ol ( New 1 ork in 18(Wi. and stsm alter receiv*slthe higher uppointnifiil >J AuiKixsiuior t> I mnce. j the French mission in 1868 he re- turned to New York and avowed himaell in !a\ oi o| t,nmt - u liiii:t."t nit mmi. In IBTB GMn Mil KNI nm on 11n- Kcp iMm an ticket ior lo\- ernor of New loik. and ilofuital 1 nutria Kernan by about 5(1,(KK1 majority, hut waa le- < hxitiHl in turn in 187! h>* Samuel J. lilden by 1 aUmt the siiiiio inujority lie Inui rwceivtsi over Seiuitor Kernan. Since then he lias not held ] any public iniaitiim, hut is underatooil to have ! beta gelltreq MMppl "i MMMMdag tin- nr- j porntion 4* Trinity Church, in New York, ol J which his son, Kev. Morgan Pix, ia rivtor. { An angry woman threw rod pepper into the eye* of a Cincinnati man a few (laYft ago, and it is alleged that instead J oflblinoing Uim, as fcami, it lias relieved . ] him of near-tightedneM. | i I Words of Wisdom. ( hrerfulness i the daughter of ettqiloy men I. Wisdom preparm (or thr worst, hut lolly Iravrs the worst (or the day when it isuwes. Iliirtuoiiy and gissl will toward men must Is- thr basis id every |*c>liti-al estab lishment. In order (o dispois- our hearts in devo tion, the active lite is lo lie pn-h rted to the isintriuplativr. Tin happiness o( the tender heart ia in i-rraMsl by what it can take away (mm the wretchedness o( others. tireat vices art- thr proper objects ol on dcUstatiott amaller (anils of our pity; hut i allectioii n|i|s.-ars to he thr only true aouree ; ol the ridiculous. No mail has rouki lo true gres!ties* who has not (rlt in some degree that his ii(e be long* to Ins race, and that what < #od gives Ihim Mr gives liitn (or mankind. The vrry heart and root ol ain ia an in dc pendent and is Ili-li spirit. We erect tb idol srlt, and not only wish others to wor ship it, hut we worship it ourselves. I iiivrrfal love is a glove without lingers which tits all hands alike, and none (losely; hut ItUe add lioli is like a glove with lin gers. which bis one hand only, and fits close I to that one. it is wlon our budding hopes are nipped he) ond recovery hy some rough w nut that we are the luost di*jaM-d to picture to tiuraelve* what flow era thev luigiit have lairnc if :hey had flouriahcu. ke**e tiger's kuiiiliallMe*. Lockport's new mayor is a feather weight —otte Pound. A lover of a certain cut of ls*e(atrak ia like a plucky priae-bghter, always ready fur another round. Th- nto*l econouitcai man is reported as filing in thr secotui ward. He took a hiing-hotr to (he cooper to have a barrel made around it. An exchange asks: " Why do the horns of a cow grow up and the tail down T" We su|i|s it is iiecatuw the horns do not grow down and the (ait does not grow up. If this is not the answer we give it up. A ICotu an savs he has figured out the rausc of the failure* that overtake hu*in*wr men. When lie went lo school he was taught that the world was tlie sba|ie of an orange—round, but a little fliittened at the I sdr*. He savs that is where lite trouble ies. If the World bad nut been flattened at (be tades every tiling would have gone on all right. A painter, who had alrrady put arrcti ixnu >.f paint tut lilt* wallt, r-umnittatwl With l fir I ail v of the house because sha wm in i fiiui Lu put on another coal, juat to change the tint a little. " Why not put on more *hr said. " W fiat will lit the harm " Well, iua Mill painting-— Horn* .SraftiaW. Tlie royal plate at Windsor U r**portcd< to I*- worth JL'l.Nto.Odt). It include* n gold service ordered ly ficurge IV., which will dim- 140 pen-m*. and the ~am<- nioiiarch addd to th** collection one of tlie fin<-*t wine cooler* in the world, a chichi fortin*! of *lmll boxes, worth iIU.OHO. .*uial lowed Iniin tlie water of *urh a rryxm Medi cinal safeguard i* absolutely nretwary to nul lify tlii* danger. A* a mean* of fortifying and htiating the ay*teoi K> a to he able to a- MM the malar-al |**u. Ihwtettrr'* stomach flit ten* i inNMti|dMmbly the twwg ami the inoM (Mi|>ular. 1 rrcgulaiitie* of the stomach, liver an*l taiwel* cnnainig* malaiai, Iwit thoae are *|w*e*!ily rectified by the Hitter*. Tlie function* ot digestion sod scrrrtnin are a**i*led by it* um-, and a vigorous a well a* regular condi tion if the Antral jiromoted hy it Consti lutein and physique are lhu defended againM the inroaiU of malaria by tht* tiialchlom pre veutive, whirh t* aUo a certain and thorough remedy in the worst oa*e* of mtennittent and reuiitlent fever* l.tXMl*. Not t'oi "irintomr' of the air," I*tt rral human ghost* ■ host* that wereeeee Inwltliy men ami women, bat are now Minply the - of whal they ihkt were." Aa we meet them, and inquire the cwusr id" all till* idiallge. they repeat the obi, old mtory, **a cold," "ncglrvUst cough," ••cwtarrh." "overwork," or •'dM>j-j<*i." " liter ooni|*1*1111," and "consti pUiiNi, with iiiwucrnsafnl |>hi wuua and irmntiiw In offering hi* te>lr IWi* ikw* not wwwitnmud them a* a "*ure cure" tn all Mag**. Kor it the lung* be hall wasted awav, or tlie re t* a cancervau. nwnphcalioo. no phy ciriali *r medicine can cure. The Iriwovery i, however, an unnjualel perioral and laimal purifier. It *jwwcdil) cure* toe rooM aggravaleif rough or cold, and, in it* early or middle Mages, i-oiiciiuiptmn By corroding all irregularities of the stomach and liver, tt nastily cures bhSrhe*. pimple*, scrofulous ulcers, --lainche*." or rumor* Hundreds tiMify (hat it ha* le ctured their firwltb. after eminent phy-iriana bail taiieii. For conMipation. u*c the IVlhd*. \ a local remedy tor catarrh, u*e fir. J"*ge'* Catarrh Remedy- The dehewte niembnute whieh envelop* tlie lung* and lines the air |**£>•* i* exceedingly sencitivr. and a *light irritation of it incteaee* and |>ieail very rapidly, fiemi-rotwritig thi*. iim*. it vim are attai-keil by a cough or cobi. tlit inconi|Mrwnir pulmonic and preventive of c alck. roiawhe* fond, shelter and .inUir* te the .loliwir work It* U r unemployed ait-1 ft*** *IC, h*mii f**f iitwiwhi tiw. It I* no-**ct*rtao and 1* nwatrf mailt y to viiitui tary inotrlt-utloo* Wr anal v act run te help aa ma' N* wot t II K. Tompkins. Treasurer. T O llev 4511, \ T_er WAS. lakh. Pm! Irol i .Vacotu Strrrl. p>,ki* *cn*l r.*ur tamdlr* el r)**thlnii and aap]*'ics le ttn Mlaawo.** X* ttewro. \ V. * A. K. HATCH. Pre*. Rr a WllUKff tllpt. THE MARKKTB. Xl* TOK. Hccf c'xttte—Mail. Native*. wt ol .4 10\ I'alre* Mate Willi '!,* IK'i Sheep -. * ll* , Unite < ** < Hon* live ®SX Of t)reace*i t* <* Flour K. Slvtc, good le fancy . A H t *a S Ml Western, good te faucy t <* id 78 Wheat No 1 H*d 1 lfV t lf' White Hlal* 1 111, 4 I le f*l Peril Pngraiteit Weleru Mixe-I H id 4.1 , Houlhern Yellow ft '* M Oata White Stat* S8 a St Mte>l Western 3lVid *1 Hay—HetvU *raite*. 8' id 7*i Straw temg Hye. pel cwt 4 is fS Hop* state, nrw crop .. oil id li lVrk M*ea •> *d 811 Urd—City steaio..., .. .*110.i .<*l 10 JVtreleuui—Crude of V or*Kehlie.1—7 *d 13 Clieeae- -State Factory !M id lev. Ski ni* i >d Of Western Fsclory 01 Id on Si Kgg* Slale all.l Peniovlvaioa 13 (d 13 rHii.tDKi.riita. Flour tvnn. chotce atul fancy f*l id f i Wheat I'emi. Ho! t 13 M 1 13 Aints-r 1 If Vd f Rye—State 57 id M ' Corn -Slate Yellow ff Oats -Mixed HI id 31S, tuitter—Creamery Kxtra 35 (d 2s Ctoeece —New York Factory OS> td OSi tvtroleuin Crude Utflnei, U9\ ■ttrriLo. Flour—City (Iround. No. 1 Spring... 5 38 i* 5 78 Wheat lied W inter 1 07 ( d f 08 Corn—N'ew Western 40 id to date —State 30 y Dmlia 05 id 06 Hog* 04 Vd 04V indr t-r """•• , , H> MteUtiE tilirt*.Aveinula, witlia**. heiEhl. dolitr ,•) < • nii.l Intir, >b<"<*> CViHPAHf, Now York, ISoatun, and Cliioaitn. Clinv JVLMIII', llts! Hcwl Navy Tutaooo. SiiinA,. "Suiim Hull llnrliaiii Tidaatxwi DFMOREST'S Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Hulim illhi* far JNTM Will 1> |>rfrtiUi vrllh tj • tu ,urnitm -isi' Ut t |Hi!.ri,nim.i M j-fcttiJutt MIK. DEMOKBNT'N Hk.l In VI ear. ,r,alon,un#l. I'i.rifolia of I <>*l,lon, aemi-aMltiaal, III•••< 1 Hi#.! Journal, qaartrrly. All lb* four mil .<>!•*. lib# Year, lot Thtte Hollar,, too ud !..• IT JEhXIVUS UFtoiIUKST, IT Kaai I lib M/wt. Stn Tort. Eriol nam# >• F'#u. f. ful: partbvlaia. r - viißanooKfociso "9 PUKE COD LITEK I OIL AHD LIME. J Tu Hi* I uttaninpiive. %%llbnr*n !• pws bi tf t'fiji hvtft tNt nan 1 jt sttt'iil ( tle I.JUmr.t Uj: (UIH U CLr Bltinr M lir'r l/.ftrfn Mtf A. to •OdiAtoed try U*r hi sjrf stc *f fOJbe to tlh a henitlig t to tiklk !*U'b n li< <• fitJtoiriy Wt* Itr •nnrksltie * t4 *>< *> n Ah U ui ( tfUilvt tiistm Mill '. tiii^ftoU IVritoON 4 HllMlffN 1 tihtfrt UruUHM lifiito.tihfn.*i (atm 1-v )ii iuo Au,. ' -di,iFi,iiurw( ntonr-tawl Lob **.• ! ai. Mi L n M f>*r i net. of iiiiUiiineiiU lua i .mvu* rjiuTii tibi Ciiin.fu Ui br n<4 pra.e% *u\ ftr* NANUS a JUMLtM OUUkS 0O lv m \> - l . . ... rv" ,l w WAiau mo t eoMtti ." I H I- i M'O-itiox "* t I VIHI.I 111 e OMSKt ifig I #, < , leHM" >""* • ' ■ nma. aa V#/lilltl BEAM.. SSI Bread (it. B. I. At. Ill* WAATI.B IDE "( Ja /ram tkr WO I TU •/ HULL." It; ou* wli. Laa Inae Ibrr*' "Ht.r H<# Faff /fbr WOfHTAt HK." b> LW llM.lnct.jt. Ma)i bumoflal. " HauMMthn nan /*. .4. and f. 1." H' J.aaab A!iea', wif# rtw tttiw# |JT!tiUr.l an : M. U.| !. ,Aaotil Aarnla, r>m ran |wt Uirar U-A. IS **#fywij#r# R**l Irrttoa Awirnlw lioaj aMtototo A.S Pt hidatolbu O.J Hanfotd it Clu a#.j 1.. TP AC f A hi: Ai* " W a .%|,|, THK TIME I Tli* vrry brat raul, dnwrt from til# Import*J* al Hal Ul# ttaaai owt- Ural Idas *,*• ttrlrd U> Clot, A|rM aud laif* hurra ALL Alftto CHAItoakA PAID. X** trrtua f toEE The Great Amrrir*n Tea (onpasj, XI end S3 I May Mmt, Maw l'tarto. P O Boa Idt.Y AGtNTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY of THE U.S. The grrn! in !•- IhrtfllH hwt-c? of t *•- tr? mu -*• th tL' !urt to JUhg bwik ever pmithfln-i. fn.- rvlttftod U |irr < etit It in Ute m tow Icfl' f' AddtfW j SaW '* th Wjss.'Vi t . PhtUi klfiU Fa homes ~ as: A •k* f-.i en* t • I'-m lows labHs, iw* < ! fh*UkkE#u i fni SH i •% per *err : ?*ri, *H ntkS C r*y lerttto l#o nud rvndy an r krt Ni' WahinM-iMt tog We—l*<* It'ltoto lni)-ript < f# 101 l % Kill.K4iKLiMli (OMFANT, OHar Mphk I vrt .f WJ lUiti 'Jpf> Htfcrt v hWa£< LEADVILLE HOLD.SILVEI tud IHhtr < olorada f.lltlrrlaap I nrladltoa, ml la lai-mrtaof laralydir >ua***ut apMinaru, aadi if 11..V1 l to ai. Hauled Mai* 1.1. rlrn of t id,iradu Aiwaai; and !l ■ ■ ■ In . . ! ■ I A*' lit, Vtblad. brad •awinj. ftf ,:ir< uiarr. AAdrno AIJiEMOX A (XtoWE. Cull ■ • t K i lajm, Iwmsii. • Cain. CALIFORNIA COLONY. VIOIAIYY . CFryiwrtcUM! in BI FFHJO tor riUPOKVI 1.1. C ...UI Ib'a antumrr |..wtt> aa i rmuasniti. Informatioa vtii b* arot by mail cat apt. i. al;. mr.aalnc Iwo tliri, i#,l riitofa A l.lrrat < luronxu rouwi i * e-t m ax utekkt. 11l I lb. V 1 •to . ha,!. fl M )tuw*o HUNT'S j ™• DUMUTIV KfcMblll SS33^S Kemrdi tHc tts*ci. ntxl to., alt****** of ttir hMw to. liito lAef i rtawrv Orgasm &rts d for puEti ptaitu> MU E. < l.Aiikk. rtbH'iewt, K L Soldiers—Pensioners. Wr pu' litoh nn eigi t-fMire pp - Ikl K.fwau Tiuwto*"-dSet|irt it- Uh- RtereaU of F nnKwwrto. Koi 4ic*> >!id Stotlorto sod their Letr, tolno otvntwatto tatrrewizag ftouu ) rewtitag. FW v Flft* 'tt a cetor—toprcinl telttcftaetih to r!hs. A prxipef tvitonk ! frfmlif Ktottorrther <3f, nn Of&rv wtUvotol fiusrgv Jntituiry MMBtof ne fvp} five. *ci.RxiK K I.KMoN A CO. W.;b!i i.,IUtL D r Lock Ik'l IJIV. ELE.TEHTTI e*b( t KtTIVF. I'owi.K tmmm iw c.AEEATT an ykr an iuae a pto'3 of t*rft to Vr\£ ocv'v with the tnotot •*f ll>< l.uruna l4*. hn> no fw rtlk ietcy •n4 Specially sdi)A<*t f*r the rvlM end mrt *f tr*rvx i hrfjk as nw nu.nt h a Nmrmigta. K!.> umiiuw. *v*S H%ni vrotok tieto ' t ,r< ta.torv •rt! . v,tvir. Ki WTKir IWLSK %M HKLF (MMFWt liiatcb FA*, lktoiati Spr* ito. tttilut*- netiU to Armtn. M lher totxl Nwwv! Srtvi for a ianmbirt *ti BMa*-, Food, ctvmc vuu a i, rnlL to ITCCIJUtXI A CO. ] Eo!* Mauula. tu"*r for Atarrva. Lawn Mowers at Half Price. "Till: JOHMNOMP % Inrhra let .HI Inrhr*. i'ivr IhilUr* to Thirty Ytotlar*. SAti'pie * vi ea>. Kerry %nl mrm i wAni we my. i*m |.le ftoe. A44rvw eHFIMAI A hor*haJl. hor*haJl. Mk-IL f Mtot tntoTtoiwto *f l nan aH allk ■ ¥ fmam K. *v .irvuiw ' i ~ ir'id ti ■ IUWTT: YFI A nnccv ■ toll V lj l t" :.tpa&> in Amenta—Map)* I Lnwl .n't i i f eterrtwdy Trade oc*t>- tttofeflUy* ltKff—Htan- Agentn WMHnfl ttij>tore— W*m I it i.ifvmjf Tttn IKt't waa4r tu.i' -Send f rru P On we* N > . • IMiniiogrniihy Ilk >1 ill, ami twru.-Jw* >fiwif,wa nil. HVII.N HIIiMVtI HI, Tor a. kllL NfllV DISKASKS. A iuit Hemetjv. fai'nrew ott> it wi S*' I fr l v .rrn'.ar, Novrw llrito' At'nttcr.Sl, Putt 1 . I#nr i. Si*\itl trg A IV. Chuago: A Smilh. ldOO d l. w Ma in \ ti l- v. Ohio K Oarv. |v Mt.inca; F Stranva, The n wt pitpnlar filiiiaf the dajr •> *1 t.tilil .Iniatuentnl 4 a*r.t. Jtud Out S ■ > at a*ltNklldMMA|HlL • i pn|" *. Twe VlUf %, I v*-*r , n't Mr ; 'tlh f S ft. SC*Hlbl.l HKOS Sn. tVi Utnlins, N. Y. :'UMMMBcasdWi KH)Dar ■nNBOHRMYA*v n ';r t usrlenfow n. Jf*" SlO to SIOOO - AddreatoHAXTKRA TO i , uWs M N Y YOUNG MEN , ■ mntith. Kvi " ra iu tr a I*o tug aitua |Wn. Addrma K, Vn!rnt ue. Manager. Jane-vlue. Wiv fk| A PAY. Wilh M U ihtUltiL Vi'hat cawtn 4 Mlßart* - !n rap llv fur Vl rU. Czlv -iu fre*. I/I Us M Srnrw. IH Waah'n St. ltoacn. Hut. IPII H i:r ll riliv \HV.:MKMW ~r,U.n.| I 111 . F lint <'a ll*i,i I*l Monthly, ."if vrar SIA Ml K,ia\ liai I'i a C. IdU F".. 'Jbth M . Xrw York eOCft ' "OYTII VariililYaiitrd 1# hr,l ooDU "ra afii. .mt' - world;,ii# vaniplc frr*. Iddrna JAY lIItuXSOX fletmit. Mvh. Caarrct'aPhi 'inr'i|. . In.* :ub n.v. .i>. X.Y., Irarli# l-hiiitiurntDlty IIY U AtrnvAc* .tt* 'lumt CQQnn*Y(AR. Hvw fvMafc* M *■ df—it OOuUU 'Ma Will d IU.YUA. nidaak, M, ijlu*i ajl.mth aud aspptura tuarauU-.-d to Aa# D •*y 4 4 omfl! fr**. ACo Araoara. Maiai The Constitution of the United States. * c py of The < o...tltUon of the Inlted Stole., with Amendment. coP ete. nmt!y printed .04, t, S4 ,•>. -Pocket K lit-II" will be .eat free to my .ppMctot 00 receipt ol .S-reiit 1 o.te S stamp. Addrww HEO. p. mOWBI.t. k 00.. Kcw.p.pei|A4vtrtlilog Bore* a. lO Spruce Street. Kew he New Music Books The Gospel of Joy, 1 I#ar A too* V jf*at bmmtT. •" Ml rtfcrl "TM ; i In Anna." foil of wort Ink. villi lb# h*M of #• l.i mm aud ■MlotlM wV fat Item. J, nf ■*•■ ■W*. M *ii r.x il i i rnu i The Shining River ZZ, Z?:ZZ aaf of A|||| irill Jtete i r#tai. Ktamln# 11' Gems of English Song of it.# nobl# Ibma If! li#t Umum. mhMi rovtahv DMlii ail til# (tool Mml Mm*- *♦ V*IMFI Full Of Uia U Aon*>- J ymt" S So IkvoU cSntk. TV r oiimn In ***•! iDam*-). l nnaiore nhl I Mml IwmafW f TUElii IJiSTEI MtXTS bare a itamterd Taloa In ail tte Leading Markets Of the World! Brttrywben, rn.yvf at tb PTE EST t>' COXE OVER 80,000 Kult tad la H. Kev PiMfiu iminltf. hart Vixl and Uwn Pime tesd for • CataMgvt. Tremoit Si, gpp.fltlam Si. Boston Mass. gAPONiFiER I* the OM K#UMt t omrwatrate* l*f FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKIN6. PWrtnw ai..vhvii.'HV #acM eta for mam* Hard Soft and MM fc*i qakklf. IT IS rCLI WBOBT AXt> STJUPtUTH Tb# Martrt Booted villi #d.*tnt*4 14-#. vtiwß a MkimM *tUi • t tad iam. and ami "** *"* aniojnr am> *cr rat SAPONIFIER MADE KV THE IVnnilianiE Salt 9aaafg PHII.AIIEI.PHU a,*ad." aim a A. fcll,r, Utl t mat. Wliaa. Iwm For Roaorr of FYiiitfe. teniae Labor, Chvatinrta Uarabmu and Tapuraa^Jl'monalrd. Molihb u-rv Caotco. liai P CURED FREE. Aa talanttu* and nn#x.-#U#4 lia d* fro ria.Eptl#Hr oretlllacMrluMn vtmaltd to rfcrt ttpredy and ri HH IYETrTur,. f ntfl " V fr" MUt '• of w 111V Oteova-d Wide ,0-1 a rawabi# I A *•** "M <0 W '.n#rrr a A l 5 ndin< Jua P- O. and El- , Da. H O. MOOT I*S Prari MiwL X#w Tort- M =SSfcg™ ,L la trf#rtlT port l>uamuKmJ lb# bod by tb* hih *t moilu-aJ aiUi .nur- in lb* world. On, a hut teat award at 1-J Aorta"* Kipwutn-a*. and al fan*. DC*. Hold by Dnwrvta. VY.U.!*cfctrrUa A, l't..KX /tea CO.II Mll.t'tb \ 8i fC\ Chairs and Rockers v\ 1 a fff* " >'■ <* with oat Ermine Tahl#. \ Sjffg ' So HE#. LlUrarr. jii la on FTV- V al#. S!!ln,e-R>>m or Plim MIOU.I! h * "Hboiil wair of ni> ii> I IbliEloMteW (W! M*l dnr- CF Sri ahlr' Cn mv Po-.un Ko,k#f. *r 3i> ' Jt.ri - Point Comfort, and 70a vfll Raar. Srad ttamp tor IHaa • *BSC" i Pnr# IJ.I 10 K t MV. I AIR Mnnriua X Y THE NEW YORK SUN. 1>A11.V,4 nacm. .VI I* a m>nlh *...Wi'! MED iv.ui •1 .* < y*ar. WKKKI.Y, H iwirt. 91 a yar. Til K M S has h# laraost . .r. ulatlon and la th . hoapr.t and most uilrrrattns P*P rr In tha I nll*d St., THK W EI:KI.Y Nf .T la Mnphatka.'ly the peo pl#*, family pap. - 1. W. A.VD. PnblWwr. X T. City. W^WmmTl ari.l ("omman.bM n u: t-U by V. V. till 1 ' •••• U liu, O. .wj.rf /or Pri. I •APKnijfhti TenpUr I! ' r:i.ia >''.*■ jj Military. So.inly, aid Fimn' > C J Still % FOl\T\nx _ P "5 >'"jj . shiiw.l nadv l< w. For calaU;n*,ai. oldr. IChspaian .V < n..M . ITUVXIIOIS nnninn iiaMt a *ki im-O . ■ni. i, llPllllvl- , rarnt. l#>w#at Pr ■ Donotfai Ul lUlfl I • orit# l>r F. K Mar-h. If.nnoy Mich