Til E t'K> iitrl \\ r,iMIHTER. Centre Hall, Pa, Tlt'rsd. May * *79. KM*. —$'2 per yrnr. " Am pttui t ulranrf ; S2.W vhrn not txii.f in o.froner Aiir'rtinrmmi* 20c t* per /lnefor thrre in section*, on.i 5 cent* per fine for rrrry *wft nrq'irnt insertion. /t ' 1 " f wit is* 10 ft*, amount of one vco' j *t> ops, instead of 20ct* aa/ormrWy wAe* paio . w tAemaWre*. MM dtttyt M* wWP Mflf #C o/nf* WitiJ of iht Rnorttr ofiif *¥/""? suiting thr lahlr* <>n thrir p*)>rr*. /' •"• MA• '' w f ! ' : (Jiof ./oA n i. inJiht'cii for sub*rriptum 'eon (Ac lxf of January, I>7.V n> I t'at ■'■ t Zime Ac w-.v.t paying (Ac jiri'n(cr. "LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEETINGS Prx an- Ua. l-n., X, -VI O f, ™"" ~ ,Nn u Uvc.cnlnc In thc V'-" \ \, I',.UKIV So,'! .1 I. UIVU,. font UMi, We. t. ' *■ M V..n.Uv crntn on o helot* wth •' no " D *" ,n IUII . , UVI > „ V < I tunc*. HV. Sect. •' *">>>> V . "f T> r < ."n I**)'el*' UH.(-a.lro>Ull.inil.. " Vol ro (> I igygjjg jg QMkitl to v. * capital place for good novoir, modal ' • Mr. Kuhl is every inch a gentleman. p,> yo* do ire a monument or tomb stone of £r*t c'a. workmanship, then n ■ •n Guest A Co'* Centre Hall marblo yards, and you will ho s ure of a Job cqu* to any in the city and at a great savirg ol money. The following have been elected of ficer > of the Agricultural Society John K>hel, Kq . of Benner, Preident. and Wilbur F Uecder, of Bfllcfonte. See reUry. The blast bouse at Curtin's iron works was destroyed by fireono nigh' last week. Geo. Foust, whose .r?an,iy we men* tinned ia a recent issue, has teen taken to the Danville asylum. Cbarly Lluster. late station agent at Coburn, has got himself into serious troub le by dishonest practices. The Standard Clothing 11*11 takes the rag off ike bush for karga'ns, and this takes the rags off of raca and beys and guts them in good clothes GolJmnn's low prices fbr a::s do a ! th> Werk has been commenced on the new read front Aaronsburg to intersect the Penn twp. road to Cobert station. A correspondent at Pleasaat Gap sent us an article requesting its ia>ertion in iast week's papar, complaining of the bad pike, but it was received too late, i We think there will be no cause ef c n:- p'.aint after a short time, as Mr. Irwin ha a lot of bands en the road putting it in or der. Pile in fer Wolf * new ar.d magr. : - cent stock of goods. If you wast to select from a good a-sortrnent, the latest styles and at fair prices, ca.l ia a: Wolfs. Wo fergot to mention last week that Judge Frank's store at Kebersburg was robbed on Wednesday night of the previous week. The thieves entered through the transom. Some sls in mon ey and about $U in goods were carried ° 9 ' Ben's new boots and shoes. The a.-;- rt tnent beats any tbiag in fro counties, and nil genuine goods that will w ear longer on your fee - , and cost you far less money than you can purchase elsewhere. Power's never keep trmh in the be t and shoe liae to deceive people. Mind that. We congratulate our young friends, ile -rs. 11. A. M Kee aad Frank Chum berlain upon their admi-sion te the ba. - of this county. Their examination was high ly cr. diiabte. and xe wish them abundant succe-s in their.profession 51ns. Ao\K- ST4vkk. DRESSMAKER, Aaransburg, respc tiully announce- that she is prepared to do all kind* of Prev ia;,.. ug, fiuii'.y-spwing. and making liey,' Suits. Confident that she can render en tire satisfaction, tho asks a si arc et public patronage. Always prepared with the la U-t styles, aad ah kinds ot Trimming- for sale. b ma 31 J no. T. Lee, coach-maker, Centre Hal', is prepared to do all kinds of werk in that line ia first class style, and at reasonable prices. If you want good bug gies and spring wagons, call at his shops before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tbe Bellefonte Republican ef last wcok, contained a leagthy article abdut Valen tine f the borough of Bellefonte to purchare or acquire laid*, tenements, water power, rights of way or privileges to mch addi tional water works for said borough. Passed finally. Mr. Peter Yearick, of Miles Iwp., % few weeks ago, while in the woods felling trees, met with an aceident which will cost him a leg. Pj" some means or other, in trying to escape a falling tree hs frac tured bis knee c p very seriously, and the physicians are of the opinion that his leg w'ril have to be amputated, and that even then his life is cot out of danger, Get your dried asd canned fruits at Sechlers, headquarters for all kinds of gro ceries. Goods warranted fresh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and Honey, a sure cure for coughs, colds, croup and early stages of consumption Try it. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of a new book, "A Treatise on the Harse and his Disease*,' published by B. J. Kendall, M. I)., Enos burgh Falls, Vt. The book is full of val uable information, and as the price is only 25 cents, no horse owner can afford to go without it. The book can be hud ef the author us above or at this office. Go to Green's who is the oldest and most reliable druggist in this county, if you wish fresh and pure drugs and medi cines, fancy articles, or choice fishing tackle. Every farmer needs Fitzliugh's American Hay Elevator. It will save fat ly one-half the labor now expended in un loading und stowing or stacking hay or straw. Every farmer knows what this saving is worth in the hurry and heat of harvest. It costs but little. It will last a life time. It is guaranteed. Any parts that may be broken by fair treat ment, will be replaced free of cost. JAS. B. LKE, Centre Hill, is agent for this Elevator. 10ap8 PHOENIX PECTOKAL has been in general use for fifteen years and nearly all whob.-gan to use it then continue its use yet. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. 1). Murray, Centre Hall. 20ap lm NEW MILLINERY.—Miss F.11.A FLKISIIKR, having taken rooms at Mr. Gilt's, at Centre Hall, respectfully an nounces tliat she is prepared to do ail kinds of Dress-making, family-sewing, and making Boys' Suits. Confident that she can render entire satisfaction, the asks a share of public patronage. Always pre pared with the latest styles. 24 ap 3t A mountain of Clothingcan be seen at Goldman's, in the Standard Clothing Hall, opposite the Brockerboff. Just go there if you wish to see a big stock. Men aad boys clothing are new offered at re- duced prices—the biggest knock down in prices has been made, and ho defies com pttitioa. left this section about *.'•*> years ago, and i a brother of Judge Love, deed, i in on a viiil to hi* ol.i friends, and called to see a us. Mr. Love says the crop prospect* in Ohio ro good and belter than with u and that tunes are improving in the west. r For bargains in buggies, spring wagons, oto , go to .1 n. V. Loo, coach , maker at Centre Hall. His * chicles arc i made of tho bo-t material, and by good mecknait -. Prices to suit the times. -Tito great race ha again been won r by Newmir , at the Kagle Cioth ng Ha " for the best, cheapest, niivst stylish coats, , pants, vests, underwear, hats, caps. Ac , we repeat he has won the race ter the cheapest clothiag sold in this part o< Pennsylvania. And Newman still i- Kir.g Clothier. • - A very sad arc.dent occurred in lh n ghborhood of lloopshurg on s-t Von i day evening, by which Mr. Miuanue Shuev, of C.dlege, aged about .*O, and Jno. Werts, ef lbni.er, had their legs I broken. Theso men had left ReUctonte in a buggy for home, and tho front \'r breaking the abaft, and -ing o tree strop ' ped upon the feet ot the horse and started him to kicking. Mr. Shurv had the I ne. at d ws- bracing hi- fs's't agaiut the dash | which wis- kicked through b\ tho horse and Mr R - IO * - egs got tbr-ugh it, w n another kic - freni the horse broke bia leg | I below the kneo Mr W(ft) had OM *f| his leg- broken above '.as „nee. whether by a kick cr from tumbling out of the j baggy he do.', n : knew, Vstnnishing to relate these men, thus i; urad, vet managed to prevent the iore front run ning ,bv turning him rt a corner. Mr Tyien's butcher wags>n. at Ueilefente, s s wrecked by h.s hore run !n g off, is Ms- ; !:.v, :. o carriage by the horse running into it. Will Keller and .1 C. Dale, left th - place for the w. *t v:. Toe-day. 'Jibs, Boasted Kt© coffee for J", cents at Diegos, store Centre llell. The astonishment wt the people is sti;'. great, at the d;-p ay at the exclusive dry-goods stare, the Beehive, in Belle foulo Hundred* go in just to sea, *nd return t.> s-c again, ami scarce any eil ts> 3uy, so ttmplmg are the bargains. Bau aad has one price for n't, and that is a 1 lew price. The Bifbive has preduced a revolution in dry good- in this county. Mrs tjivels, widow ot Sum 1 Sivel*, formerly of Miliheim* died at Milr.-y, . n | Sunday evening last, tho was buried at] : Spructtewn. on Tuesday. At the famous Beehive there is n w '.lie handsomest assortment of dressgeods j I, this ceunty. Go for them lad:.-, -—Maj 11. 11. Farster and lamiiy have left llarr.sburg. and will now make Belle fonto their home. The Clothing at the Standard Cloth ing Hall keeps going like hat cakes, but Goldman keeps hi* stock up with the de j mand a 1 the time ; his low prices insure ' him his present anormou- u o Go to the [Standard C'lalhing Hs.l for a real bar | gam. i FoKuSKV.- The Lewisburg Nation- j ai Bank, about t*n days since, received a , cheek for $ o ) of the firm o! Smith ,V Co . doing businci-at Cohurc Tke officer- of ' , the bank some day- after dis. vered that the firm s account was overdrawn \\ ea a comparisan cf accounts was made it i --;'..und that three checks in the fiibrg up aad endorsement w*ra fergel, although lha signatures to them were gcauine j Smith A Co. at once instituted an investi- I gatian. Their business at Cebnrn is under the management of Mr James D all. Ha has j charga of the check bo--k, and Smith A i Co. have been in the habit ot signing i check* in blank -o that Mr, Wall cauid .;*? tucm as he ntede i in the purchase ol | grain. A young mar. named Charles Hus ton, who was recently removed from the ticket agency at Coburn on account of Jiscrepanek-s. had been about the firm's ' warehouse ar.d got the run ■: the business. A few W'. cks since he started !->r th" wtt; but no wrong was then thought of bim. 1 After the di.-c .very that forgery Imd been cemmittad an examinut an of the check i boek showed that some oi.e l ad adroitly cut from it a page ef ths> -ignej checks, and that Huston was the one who lid it. ; Throe checks were filled out—one for j $ en* *. r Stk'. and another for The latter wu- passed at Atchi-'n, -van n'. Immediately on the discovery of the torgery the firm set to work tocaplure the rascal, and tbi- has beea accomplished Hustoa is HOW under arre-l at Atchi-on. and he will be brought hera as soon at tbe necessary requisition papers can be made ©it. —Lev:slury 7< (. DKI'OS —A gued supply of drug* of all kinds are kept constantly on band at the Centre Hall Drug St-re, and !d a low as any other pi* e in the couniy. Mr. Murray makes it a study te get all articles generally kept ia a well regulated drug store, and respectfully asks pertons in want of drug* to call on him before going to other and larger town*. 8 may lit TheSberiff sales last week were dis posed of in the fallowing manner: The Ballefante Academy was bid off by Adam Hoy. Eq . far $7 050 Tho property ot An.lrew Walker, in Ferguson town-hip, was purchased by Mrs. Maltha Stalker, for S.IOO. The tract of unseated lands in Potter township, belonging to tbe estate •X Jesse Underwood, was beught by H A. McKee, Esq , for SIOO. Five town .ol i ofWm. McClellan, in Bellefonta, were •old to Constance Curtin, K-q , for $+ 10 Tlia house and lot of David Millar, i* Miiesburg, was !"ld to I-aac C-nfcr for §lO The properties of A. it Peters, in i Milatburg. and Alfred Scbell, in Central I City, ar.d Jesse and Susaa Fry, in Bogg. ' town-kip, was purcha*ed by the Miles burg Buildir R and Luau Association ; the t Schell properly at $l5O, tbe Fry propertj . nt s3l, The p,o-s (arm, in Harris town sbip, was sold tu James 1 A. John R. r Leecb, for $5.1i0. The Bellefonte Car Works were knocked d >wn to Ex-Gov Curtin at $13,500. Wilcox's housa ana lot ia Philipsburg. were bought by the A M. K. church for $33 .">O. Tbe heu-es and * lots of Itichard Hayes, in Philipsburg, 1 were told t© Wm. Tun, for $1,216. Harry Kiine bought the Martin Kenn house*nd lot in Bellefirite, f..r $150; and John G Love, E-q. t got the two tracts of laad in ' Taylor township, belonging to J. W ' Thomas, lor SIOO. None of the other properties advertised were sold, seme were paid off and sowo were stayed until 1 the next term of court.— H'atcJunm. Fisb, all kinds, meats cured and fresh, the best* coffees, teas and syrups, dried and canned fruits, always a fresh supply of all kinds of groceries, constant ly at headquarters—which, of course, all housekeepers understand to be SccblerA Cm, in the Bush bouse block. For drugs and medicines it is al- WR) s safe to go to nn old and rxperieor ed druggist. Frank V. Green is the oldest druggist in this county, nad his stock of drugs is one of the most complete, as well as always fresh. A new double thread shuttle sowing machine, works by hand er treadle, for sale or tftide at this office. Warrant Fresh lime for ealo at the kilns of Dr. Alexander, Centre Ilall. Pbcrnix Pectoral will cure your cough. I'liCßßix'.PePtoral cures hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes gocd and brings rest. Phosnix Pectoral costs 2o cts ; 0 bottles $1 Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. Buuland just now has a specialty in hosiery goods. Go fur itat the Beehive. Buy groceries at Dinges' where you always get bottom prices. in Wisconsin a sheriff's daughter ran off with an imprisoned burglar. Weil now, sure the end of the world must be nigh, SPIKING Ml M S ITF.MS. 1. -i Pr. .1 11 l.eiUVl lost his best horse the other day. Jacob Frederick has the enrpnotar* al i work on his now house, Mr. F. has al ready established for himself a good trade .1 N l.eiuel ha* raited lite addition lo lit house. and intend* to remodel ihe old, who it t> an improvement in lite right di reel ion, Jim. Mr. Pamel Ivipga has |iurehaad a let of g-ound (' to tirenolile, who intendt to nut up building* wiio i> next. Ihe Plaining Mill at tin* plnve it now ready to mnnutni lure tiding, flooring moulding*, -oroll work, su*h and allitylet cd'werk generally made in a ttret clatt Plaining Mill, and nle, manufacture j hiigg-es, earn gi*. an.l wag >n of every desctipt n. Mr I* P Phillip* being a oraet.eal mtchanio, he will warrant all aetk togive tali* action, r< pairing prompt ly attended to at lowest ralet. Shop on l eliu. e ati rain hcu*e let lieo Mi Her. who Used to keep > d l'eit Motel during the a ar, occupies the J*pnrg Mill* lie hope ho will receive hi* lull ' share of patronage Kuiaor hat it. that we w ill have another ! eiet lilt fail at thi* p *<*' hope it it correct at the travelling needs accommodation. Me would suggest to all 1 ersons thai wi*h te -tart in btiiiiuvi to com# here and those who w sh to retire and live at a talihy place and have all Hie no'van convt .. ier.ee* a' tt them t> b" sure and make this place their home tingOU -The Y M t' A t this place, wii not be d their p.ib ie meeting en next Sabbath, a* announced, on account ofoth er service* ; but will have their regular meeting oa Mid day at -1 oc. A. Min be >i with t mii in order to lake part in ihe "Ke*poh-'V Heading* Court th * week. Judge Mayer pre tiding. Caere .* an mr iriant -Uit oa tri al. Pa* tKr re Usrri*. * 1' KM ' Mr Keller war. awarded some T or right e!-*av datnngc* an.l attached the Ha riitw i ml'ti ription, which company .. .ge however. were t-nnsterred t • Mop Thompson and Yankiko, for the grading j in Harris twp. Kriv w'euv C uusel ihe id o laik e! uns. enli: o peep •< who know nothing et ; it.- invisih e allien ot tiiedioin.s, -hou d , ao! be he# led by tho-e who have kidney or liver trouble* t)no ps-age ot Ividnty j Wort is then the rea- 'aablo thing to have. • \ ear Druggist hn* it. Alt'. Purst an 1 Wui. Keff lolt lor 1 Kansas on Tuesday. Next wetk John Foreman a d 11 cd Alexander also think ; ofg ikgona trip to the promised land. ( D.*a t look -babhy, when by using Leamoa's Dyes, prepared bv Well* j Richardson -k Co , Burlington, Vt, yoarl eatir<- war-lrol s can b made r.s band some a* ihough Just oat of the tore. j Hie-e dyes are more satisfactory B acli-'a than any of the crude color eg-i.ts hereto fore -oid. ISold by druggists. THK LATEST INVENTION IN DBR- Fl'L UOt*SEHtLD ARTICLES. Within the last frw vearsthere has been expended a g-eat deal of lcveetiv. Ifc.-ught and geniu- ap >n what may pro perly bo clf-rd n b.-u-ehold articles, the I no -t ao'.t-d results of which are the pro- , duct: nof the -c Jing machine, the wring .r. the wa-hing machine, the carp-t ( •weeper, Ac Almoel every week St. chronicle tho *dv*nt of some new in\en ti a by which the < ares and labors ■•! housekeeping are lessened, and woman's • o'k made ea-ier Th# R.-w#t thing to challenge ouralten t i and gladden the heart of the ho .-e --heeper fa, w f at W railed Ik* Soviltl | Bat SH CAKITT STR;r TIEA.ad S\v gsl'Kß. vary siiiiple coolrivance dc- j -lanrd to i j hold in p -ition may kiti.i of a bru-h or du-'er ; having an extension handle that enables one te wash or dust- . Windows. Wails or ceilings without the aid of a step ladder. That is one of its con venience-, aad :1 is also otic o! toe test •*rp. sweeper- in the market, balding t brasii firmly at an aagie. It c eaus the Carpel thoroughly, r* -a- no dust, at>4 does ret wear llie carpet like tbe ordinary broom or brush, and will outwear a ball dozen broom*. As a handle for the scrub bing brush it 1* the best iicvn ever insii , no more kneeling on t e iloor, no more back acb'S or -ore l.nger-. As a carpet stretchar alone it is worth it-cost. • acmrpet ot any site can be iaid even - w.t jt aiiv I'the ab.-ran© vx in>n u.:i v attending such w .rk ll is -trong, simple, th.-roaglKy made, caun©: get out of order, ha- ne screws, Isver or binge-, i- compact, cheap and durable. 1. is manufactured by Brown A Co , C nefnnati, the we anew© maiiufacturers t u-etul household articles, and is seld oa v bv tbeir aget to housekeepers. The r. a utility of this artic e will at oiica be seen bv th -c most interested, and wu pre dict f. Rita large rale Every bousekeep • r in the land will want one. Any reliable lady or gsntleman wishing remunerative employment, would de well t. secure lb# agency tor tbi* < uaty, winch can bo done by enclosing a stamp lor des - a: d terms to BROWN iV CO.. Grand Hotel Building, t iacisaati, O. S.x n.er. w.l hang In Lckaton for killing one. The Czar of Kuitia no longer goes out without© military e-cert, and many high Jignitariecs who here been threatened al- ; so have c.-corts. \ N INS A N E FaTh Eli'S FREA K. OtTerirg up his Vounf; ami Beautiful Daughter an a Sacrifice Under* Religious Excitement. Boston, May 2. —Some time yester day Charles F. Freeman, of I'ocosset, Mi,, in a freak of religious frenzy killed his five-year-old daughter, Edith. Tho man ia a Second Adveo tist and has become greatly excited dur ngtiie iat few days while attend ing a series of revival meetings. About a week ago he claimed to have received a "wonderful revelation." and has not eaten or slept since. He say* that the Lord directed him to sicntiee hie little daughter, aud de clares thai she will ri-c again iu three days. The little nne was transfixed with a knife by her insane father and het blood was ponre "MILLINERY,-fed MKH. I-IICI IIESXY'S, CENTRE HALL, who has Just received fror. Philadelphia, thl Lil'UT FASHIONS, and a cam-! pite stock of new Bonnets, new llats,| elegant Trimmings. &e., which will be sold or made up, at reasonable prices. The new styles are very pretty. Ladies call aad tee them early, First come, first serred. 1 mar It MKRCANTILK APPHAISKM'XT 'pilK V KNI'KHS .f foreign and demc. £. tic niMrhandi**, di.tUler* and Brow rr, broker*, Yc , in Centre eotmly, will tnk>• notice that they are appraised aar the year 1870, a follow., to wit * ARoxant RL, NAHM MIDIMI . i • IM 1 Fuller A Kllll k1 e Merchant. M Harper. Thus Merchant tailor... It < M uior, M M Merchant I ' ■ I'hlllip. ltr<' MerchanU I' l Yea rich, The Groceries, An ... II .76 NULLIROSRI A loxander, .1 It A ' 1 Coal, Ac I : I'7 llaulaml, J II Merchant It' '■*> 7 It Mir. Fl* Jeweler.... It 77 Itro* . > A A Son I insert ' - llrowu, I. I. foal. Ac I ' l 7 Hraehhill, Jn Furniture .tore It 77 Itnmiell A Aiken- Mu?ic ?lore II ltd <-r, F WhUkev distiller.... I ' -A 7-'. fwaiter, Jueph t cnlectU'Rwrv It • c> Furey A lww..n Con .clry Ac It 7 7J (.-■lillilail, II |l C Oll.ier It lit;.' Graham A Son It. ■!> and B L <* s I • • o' (itiggt-ahiimvr, I\ f > Mcreh nl It* .6 liuceeahciiiar. 1 Merchant I l ' Grst-a. F 1* Diugaist lit '".o. H*s. 1. Hrewer •" ll..iter, II t> ItilllariU " 7ft Heller, II Hlrk. II K Hardware " Holler, Joha Merchant II Harris, J A Co- Hardware. It CL ifaupt. Isaac Steve, tinware.Ac It . . tiara Bros Mi reliant. " J'; loaeph Itrus Merchants...... 1' lj* o Ivaiub. A Confectionery - It 7 Kirk. K 1 l>ruggi?t [ ' Lyon A 0" Merchants V, i Lmdsev. C A Tobacconist N . << Lieb, SA A Men hauls •' ; Mewse, J A Co Grocers 11 7 .. Montgomery A Co Merchant tailor. ■ * • " Miller, J C A Co Booh. A .la tuner. * "r NiiwniHii, J l % Uthu?r * ' '' t'owvrs, John A Son- Boot and .hee .tore - -1* J'' Bote, J i. Grocer I* • * It . hai J, I t .1 • •er . '' ' -iiiier. II \ Hooks A -tatiouory 11 sechler A Uo—Grocer? H 'j; Mrichlani, C> rut - Grocer II • •• r.ituiitu \\ I Moves an J till- _ _ ware ' •' Valentine. A Co tien'l niJ.e. 3 Manner, I' M Merchant - U I';' Weaver, 11 C TobaCColil.l .. ..... It . . Wilson. M' Farlaue ACo Hard ware 1" • Wilkinson W II Samp bust ■est - - 36 s Yoager. II C 'J 1 * Rollers, JAS >n Druggist 13 B ; 1 Zcifler, J W Druggist It BLANCHARD. hune-J I—Merchant 1> B> • Mujjer. Wm A Co Merchant.... 1 IB 7 no A LRU i KU. J Dingo*, J N Hardware 11 775 Jack, (too B—Merchant. It 77 Stewart. J W l>ruiKit J 7 Stover, S H—Merchant —H CUT HI HALL. Ding. C-Cenfecuonery, Ac... II 77 [ Doitiinger. J O Hardware It 77 iti ucite*itieiiu.r A to—Merchant. II . Murrav , J 1' l>rust - It 77 , Wolf, 'William- Merchant - CENTRE It ILL. Strobtu, Michael Merchant It 77 Mierjf. Sauiue' Merchant II . . com KS Greninecr A S n—Mwrchant. It 77 Smith A Ce tirum dealer A coa'. 1 - 1- - s. ear,Uto Ml Wt.i-hy dotilier IS -• ■ rAKMEK a xilLLa. Uaci.au A Co Merchant? 1J 10 ,o riLLXIORR. Mclotire, L It—Merchant II . . rovs'LKK t*. o. Fowler, J T—Merchant......... . Id 10 76 It ALE MooN. (jrA V, WSA Sou Merchant.... 1 1076 HOWARD. Cook, liobnrt— Merchant 11 77 ixline. S F -M.rchnnt lt 77 Luc A Bris- Merchants It 77 l.aulh. Borner.l —Merchant II 16 . Moure. 11 A —ltruggist .. II 776 It lib. Wlllhl- Merchant It 7To Weber A Co —Mer.-hants 1 10 76j UOl'aKHv ILL E. llou.er, L M A Co—Merchant. .. It Hl' HLER-IH RU Brewn. Henry— >lerchant 16 IP 7 Goodhart, S H Merchant- 13 10 7 J V LI AX. Hoover, H \\ -Merchant—,.... 11 trvin, Uaniei—Merehact It 7 7,'> LKMoNT. Chritt A Thompson Merchants i in 7 Taylor, L> F— Merchant....—lt 77 ■ LIN PEN HALL. Hat?, I)tnie'. s\. Sor MerchanU. 1 10 7 LOVETILLE. Love, Jame. A son—MerchanU It 776 Xi AMloMll. nu. Oi krr, Andre* Merchant 13 10 76 MILEMHt ail. Bogps, A J—tiricer II 77. K -e. C 11 A Br • DruEgi.t. It 77 ILnler, Jehn Merchant— It 7 7". Iddihß-, A C—tsroter it 77 Mt'Cln . A Cook—MerchanU 1 '• 10 7 M.f vA Linn Mer. bants IS 1076 XIII LUEIU. Campbell. £ C Mwrcbant - II 775 Eisenliulh, Jacob—Drwygist 11 776 Foot, John D Merchant II 776 Gepliarl A M as-cr—C >al, .ail A pla-ler 11 776 Larny, Michael -Whi.kcy mer chant 13 26 75 Mutrer sV smith -Hardware 16 10 76 sa.-ek. J ** Merchant A injuor Li 2s 76 stamm. J W —Merchant - It 776 Temlin.on, 11 11 A Co—Grwcera. It 776 NITTANT IIALL. Hoinier. M K—Merchant II 775 OLIVIA. ULAIH CO. Copenhavcr, Jno—Whiskey di tiller —l3 26 75 o.i Kill.A XIILI-S- Iseel sV Stoke? Merrhanu .117 76 rNx HALL. Fisher, J U—Merchant - 12 10 75 ruAUin 11 Ap. Harner, Robert I'—Confectionery Ac lt 7 To Kckenrotb, llenry—Merchant— It 7 7-> lla:ij(, G Whiskey distiller 1'•26 76 ruiLir.Bi HO. A yen, I)r—Merciiabt - It 775 Adams, t)—Murvhant it 775 Fleck, S K—Merchant i.v 10 75 Flattie, G S—Hardware. It 775 G'ay, M G—Merchant II 776 Gray. M G A J V— Merchants... 11 1> 75 Ganoe, J A—Confectionery It 775 Hirhnger, C G Clothier 13 10 75 Heep.ts F Trustee >- D> ujful. it 77 6 Hale, J M A Co—Hard* re .... 11 15 76 Hoover, Harris ACo MerchanU 10 20 75 Haves, Richard —Billiards, 2 la? ble. - - - 40 75 Ket.ier a HufliaKton Merchant. 11 15 75 June., Mail A C— Furaiture .tore _ ....... ll 7 75 McKinner, RI) Druß|{i-t - II 775 Myern, TJ— Confectionery I t 775 Nutall, John A Co—MerchanU... 12 13 26 I'ierce, J ll Merchant 12 1326 Kyrame, K A—Grocer. _ It 775 ~?wilEer, I. A U Books A station ery 11 776 Strau.e, Lehmari ,x Co Merch'nU 10 20 76 Schoonover, J N iloou .* .hoe* It 775 PINE Qt.ENH. Boak, Geo R- .Merchant It 775 TINE OR l ' V E xi ILLS. Dunlap, Ja. A CO—Hardware It 775 Sample, J CA CO —Merchant II 775 PORT MATILDA. Barber, Them** P- Auctioaeer.. (Tax) 75 Gray, J V Merchant 13 10 7"> Heaver, .1 C Merciiabt ..—. .. II T7B Reese, A W Grocer II 776 POTTER s MILLS. Tbotnp.on, W J—Merchant It 775 REUERRHIRO. Franck, Sumuel—Merchant 14 775 Miller, Mr* J ll—Millinery and notion. It 776 Speigelmyer, Jeroo—Merchant 14 775 ROCK M'RINO F.wiop, AG 'A Ce— Merchant*... 14 776 ROLAND Curtin A Co—Merchant* 11 15 7o HANDY RTDUE. Jnckton, W J—Merchant 13 10 75 Miller, Wm R—Merchant 13 10 75 .XllW Hit.H. liuak, G R A C MerchanU 13 10 75 llurui, John—Confectionery...... It 778 William., Herbert —Grocer It 775 Wolf, i'otter A Co—MerchanU... 11 15 75 MP RING MILL*. Grenoble, I J Merchant 13 10 75 Kreiurine A Son—Coal anil grain 13 10 75 Long, J D—Coal and grain It 775 HTATE COL.LEOE Ham ill A Themp.on Merchant* 13 10 76 Stewart, J W—Grorar It 775 TP?* a Y v 11.1.E. SwarU, S M Merchant 11 775 I'NtoXVILLK GreUt. A J A T K—Merchant*... 12 13 25 Leathers, A TA Co—MerchanU.. LI 10 75 walker Yerlek * Sin —Merchant* II "75 WOODWARD Speigelmver, G R—Merchant 13 10 75 Snook A Fee*- Merchant, and 11- <1 13 25 75 WOL.R'H .TURK. Kmrick, John—Merchant It 776 r.ton. Solt, David- Merchant 14 775 Take notice, ul! who are concerned in thi* appraisement, that an appoa! will be held in the Comiwis.ienor.' Office, in llellofonte. on FRIDAY, tho :10th of May. A. D. IST'.I. betweun the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, I*. M., when and where you may attend if vu think proper. JACOB RISEN HIITII, Millheitn, April 18,187'J Appraiser. 1 ma 4w i 1 Mercantile Appraisement. APPLICANTS KOK TAVLRN LICENSE. HAM*. POST OFFICE CL.SS AM'I Brown, Edward—Bellolonte 6 SBO 76 JBoyer, IsaacD—Aaronsburg 6 50 75 |Cwpenhaycn, J—Olivia, Blair Co 5 W75 Mr. Glbef t!>• Oibtoi Uouto, Cincinnati, waord Mitt Uunra but hi* | !trrnl ulljtctid li> the match, Itnf! he, although I' ,vari old. i-oßt'ornred ( tlirir winlm". M it Itllu 11 bald him to hu rtigngraienl, however, until lie had Untight bar relea*e for suo 011 lln natea ol Jild.ttll each. Altriwnrd he renewed bti • ourlahip, and tha gave bini bark tha in tra, whereupon hti rut her acquaint* ace. Thin •• the tory at luld by Mitt Hum e ill hrr tint lor damage* Chatter, Pa-, April 'J • Ibo bain ol \\ S Hay burn, at Ceai ord, wa butard lait uight, together with ti tan Cow*, onehor*a and I'ariniag implamatitt. 1. >*, J?,!**', parti * inturad. It it tappotrd it aai tba warh af all hum diary. Pram ill > and Indiana llieri air favor ablo nop rapoiit. $ Faulkner. C A Pbilipsburg 6 .miV.i • am.>n, llshiel Bellvluule _ 6tl" l\c*. Ktcbart! Chap-burg • 'mi 7 • 1 i^, (, .tint Peasant *in|t. - .'MI . • laves, Jeffrey Pbiilpsburg a .Ml 7 ' i .j.pi 5. ti( K g, .1 .< !, .) i Bilkw . • ©74 (vr< in, AgUslui Be! lei -it,. a .*'7 ■ jv .blbrcner, Al-us A Mile.burg . a" Loy 4, K bi'it —PbdipsLurg a 60 7" Long, \V ux S '. ar-nsburg • Ml 7" Mus-.r, W J" iliSiheiui • 60 76 Beyer, David J Centre 11*11 .. 60 7" lilealiirk, J H Cenire tin.) .7 60 7 • I'j.imurM. James l*hilip-biirg .. a Ml 76 Buhl, David 11 Poller Mills... a MI 77 Kafcb, Henry Nituny Hall 6 Mi 77 Kamtde'*, John Pbilipsburg.. a 60 76 Sailor. i.-'iiben V 11 ward 6 i*', it rtf, l'erry 1! Oobh. r \:i une>. trc Pro,dent be- uo r gists an elected Can- | gre* i toui.d trespsi: Tke n.dtpea :- cm at d integrity of the Executive w j bo a hissing and a byword so leng as the j Executive is a fraud The ooiy i rv. , ae can do to the dignity of bis office is to j get out of it, heug bin; elf like Judas, or | at least not call alien', an te tbe efSc# and himself by name at tke sane lime. Ibe beg Being ' re: ru: mcii. d- ol .egis.e noe is roaJe criminal, when that b gin ning is suggested v * th'ef of 1 e ! resi dency. His own patty psssed these bill* as riders. Fct asie o t.-.e:n he voted when he representcil V*cum in C grs His advice new l" a . elected Congress s as impudent as advice from the inmates of penal institutions, to I e pep'.* t to nba'.e abuses in pard r,w Peuusylva aia de do at 51 - • ' " •beat nsvr kf' t J*i tiff •' >**! f* , 1 eluding uagradod at ?1 06'*I 07: Feeu e ard • uthen red at j 1 l'-f 11 do an ber .t fl II tl llf Hye is steady at 6>>i,w67 f,'t wc.ieru and l'cut. t uage, May 6 Wheat irregular, un tat: ed But 8' e' .•> h.gae- N"'- l': *- fo spring '.'7ic fur cas'i and May. C".n 3>i for cash -1 •. u. liuta •: U', roMQlun 4|^ P K. . d<'fnAV)d. rf * i>l# 1 ©*., good weolsiljc. wied.uia c.'tntunn 4t '. good elipi • * . medium do li ilJc eoramon do Spxivc. llogs dull; receipts 3.500 baud, *• tus'dtum 6ic, (suniss * • p|" is ; Sjirmg Mills Market. | Wheat $1 M) Kve, 46c. Corn. oars, per bu. new. ,4 -c Hats. 'Ale Buckwheat, 76c. Clovrerseed, S•"P to > .6 Chop, perton, I'laster, ground per ton, f 10.00 Flour, per bbl ?1.60 ituller, 12c. ! Tallow. Gc. I ) Lard, Go. Ham. 10c. Sheulders, IV Clean Sides, 6c. Bags. Tic. Eggs per dor. , th . I Tub wnsbed wool 66c. Packed hotter worked over, PV. Coal, Ketall By Car. (irs. Egg, ft 66 $4 20 Stove, s6llO $4 Go Chestnut, $ 1726 $ t Ki ' Pen. $2 7k) $2 76 ■ARKIED. ' On SO ult, in Philadelphia, Mr. Henry Ywnrick. (formerly of Aarensburg end ' Mis Jennie, daughter of Col. 11. S. (ire,# ' formerly of Aarensburg (In April 24. Mr Edward M. Allen, te Mi-s Mrv J. Armstr.iag, beth oi Boiling S|)nags, Pa. On April 27. Mr John Swart* and Mi-s Elln Svhroyer, e! Central City. t iti A prii 11, John M. \\ Pliant*, of Nit tnav Hall and Mi-s Mary L. Blackford, of Central City. ' tin Katr Sunday, Mr Sherwood lei - er and Miss Amanda llagar, both of ' j Bogg* twp. HIED. j At bis residence in I.eniont. on fhe 261h 6: int ,of coiisutaptioti, Mr. H Pbil 'sj ips. ' Oa the 16lh inst., in Ssorsn-fewn. Nt thu ' residence of W S Oray. Mis* Klixvksth Blakely, aged abeul $0 years. _____ • E. I'* Kunkcl - Bit tor NVIIIO "f Iron. ■' A mrffun for l>rpmli or liplliwUnn. V*pk flioniAob, Utßivtl Dulli|. Dliimm of l*o ! s.airm. Cs*i>ffitlpffiUoi* X . I ttty tsf t.isv st.imAch, uo.l l.sr ' All € >•!'■ •" 4 Jf Itisi .* I I ") If i*Afle*oal 6tor U monoy rfand#<) I'ricr, fl (iit tbt graulM Ak< tl Konkrl'. |ii I. Wr.foflion Mjl Uk* boollmi moo * I oi Mi '••• I i Pi '' • if vi 'i i •es. i ' ' i r t I v Ninth hi . I'hlU l' Y'tl*. I' Ad**i ' frrp . nt. •>•*- tonl mi• .... . WORMS. WORMS. WOKM.s. 1 i t Kmkil'i Worm Prnip ntvur fjfl© to tfooti > I'h . fAs** mi lit • i VV.irmn lf Kooks.vJ.tlio n .. |jr MOMNIOI pit\t *muti bo rtsovM Top# wor IB •* fn linira •llfs* With !*•••!, ADd 110 f*' UOt tl t-tuotosl i omtnnn wnu* tuti hoi ll I IM Worme ho root*ril 11 jt olKor ioii offio bo roo ll| dHUoyvn Aaoloo t ' to-offiOil alorv. fron lls * on toll whctlior or not Um piUnt liuvnnMi i mbmbli ro f|tß| dot ly with woriitu. an t 1 - not know l 1 '•- tpMitil, ( rampß.oho Inc Ami aoifottlofi, #*llo* i omolAtlon, iMmayd Mm •)*. uwrihuffi MM polo •" ,l "' 'ft ooha roolloM oi oißMe prtodtne of UM loota* ptootM nt ttir noM, couch, frvrr. ttchinf At tho Mil, d*m gt'lip, foul lirnblh, th* p*tl*nt ffiwi |aIo un t thin, 'o ti kUnf Atul irrltAtlon to Hi" *><• aII •rtni , totnti, ondmoro, ©onto fr >m wonti* I I Ktink-i • Worm Hrrup noror foil* t wmoto thorn. I rl of I tHI te ;s. r Issstt to. or nig lott|s>* for ifiaoo .or I •!* Worm wrtto and conr K. I Kurrk. l, i-V* North Ninth St.. IMtIU 0 delphio. I'o. Adrloo \fj ruoll, fron. end throw mrnt ■Urnp. fl'Pft 1 s NOTIOI. Letter* cf administration on the estate of Calvin Cauterman, lata of Orcgg tp , dee'd, having baon granted to the under signed, all persons knosring thcmsolves le he indebted to siij decedent are requested . to make immediate payment, and person* r having claims against the estate will pre i sent them authenticated for seltlemunt. JONATII. WEAVER, ' 17 ap <>t AJ " n At thraa cailJrea of Ollyer Stoat ware' "t doing la bad in I'enobicot, Pa., Monday night, a coal oil tamp exploded, ratting ~ fire to tlieir clothing. They ran toward a d arighhur'a lu u a. but tba oldatt girl fa'lJ '' in tba road and w to badly burned that 9 tbo diad aarly tliia umriiiitg Tba olbarl i diad yrttnrday and tba third rbild, a bey " it not expected to reaoeer. Panama lima n revolution an hand Tl a | i other day there wa a revolt of tba Na*;" ' tional troapa and their colonel wt mur " dared The light wat betwcea tlie ttala furrot and tbo Nalionalt. There wat H " haart I ghlieg in tha ttreetr, and dU killed and many wounded. The ttale for ret warn tubjertnd. Martial law bat been dr- I clarad. NEWMAN, Kins Clo tliier LAIHiEST STOCK, BEST STOCK, CHEAPEST STOCK. Spring Suit*, $2.40. Underwear , 20c. Boots, St.7s* Bill UTS •!> CTS, AND EVERY THING ELBE LOW IN PROPORTION. The Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead NEVER BUY CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEn NEWMAN. / Challenge the County fa Ileal my PRICES and Ql JILITY. AND SHOW AS I.AROK A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS 1 HAVE. CLOTHING M ADKTOOBDERBY FIRST CLASS TAILOBB AT VERY LOW P&IOSrf unocr nUnOL,r I lie I k ll |1U *ll hat Nt fine rtt| a! I>* pwatlloua uuat] by llk bi'iM-t kUbltvf du*rt, Ui %al- UiMiU *M# W< l, rut f"i foiling ti ag* .f * DlJUV\f;l VAn. It ALL AA • I LIAFA bought I b>tka tit •! I paid 0i And fl> fur which I tool l>ke AA ! *•11 a 1 -Ut • *%-t.A iat Ac lfiUiAl AArUt* • ante! It J kruUli M !• kli ■ul§ tit All , I Ikttjl# J. A. Cottle do ell kiadt of work be!oneir-g to that lino, for turn und t y, and ac cording to lat't rtyirt Good* told by sample Having bad many year* ex prriance they guarantee all work I* ren der prrlect ratiafaction, and aolicit a ihare of the public patronage. l3 y Harness, Saddles. &c n defortnlnwd (a AMI tba popular ACt!iiU| (Alia (biAIUB UuA wf UIA pUbtlC tw felU>< k uf ftADDLSBY Bo* ofrrol l tbA d at*nl 1 ►*•!# Br 1• j-wr l.ly for IhA pOOpU Alid lh tlmoA !l •lAljtral and lt"l lATlod A til OotttpletW AAA ftMaOt-.t of liAlftM* • -vlUt* K i lil lea, of aa atik!) •lUattll (b(iut J At OH lUVCiiUI Cutr UAil BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL THK POPULAR *HEET MUSIC. RKPAKING AND TUNING DONE 1N TUE BEST MAN NK R | I I 4 SOS. CHICK EIUSG, STEIN WAY, AH ION. WATERS. O It 11 t Mi . ESTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON .V IIAMLIN. BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS' 7 Oclutr RaanrMtl Piano*. Only MI.TO. 1) Slop Organ*. - l ull Sol or Kord. Price M 27. Only #55. CI Stop Organ*. .1 Full Sri of Reed*. Prior M.IIO, Only M 75. Thij Organ hat the "Grand Organ l\iea Swell.") Srronl-litin7 11 IK G itKA f('A usKITF II II M A \ Ml S E It Y . Just publisliad, in a sealed envelope. Pri'T six eents. A lecture on the Nature, Trwatmwot. and Radical rum f '•minsl \V#kni*a. or Spotmatorrhooa. la ducod by Self abum. Involuntary ICmlaalona. Impo fancy, Nirrotu Ifollllty. at.d lii'i e.UiuriiU to Mar. rUgp generally . i!onum|lhm. f ptirpay, and Kilt NlmlwTami Pittal al Inraiuclly Ac Hy IPMD KI .1. rI'LVkKWKLI., M I* . author uf tha "biwn Honk. do. Tho world rcnowuad agthor. in thl* admirable fea ture. rlea'ly prtiM from li own importance that tha iwfal eoKMasMM*of Mf-ibnM may b effectoalljr l reiuorrd without tiiedlnns. tvi without dan|roui aura tea I opera! loua, bougie*. Instrument*. ring*, or it* pointing out m nnd* of . urn at oMt certain ami effectual. by which every aufUw, no matter what a hi* condition may ha,may euro hlmaalf cheaply, prl. it rata y and radically * This l.iH iure will prove a boon to thouaanda and t thouaanda H#nt, under teal. In a plain anrelope, to any addraaa on ralpt of two twaUfa atainpa. t Addroaa tbo I'ubllahani, t TIIK CULVKItWfeLL MEPICAL CO., 41 Ann St., Now York; P. O. Box, 4686. lOoct y '! PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO. CK.NTKK HALL. PA. • RECEIVK DEPOSITS, and Hllowlatei? est; Discount Notes; Buy snd Sell OovernnieiitSecurities, Gold and Coupons. WM WOLF, Wu. b. MINOL*. Pres't. Cashier IIAHRY K. HICKS, (Succwor to T. A. llick A Bro.) WHOLKHALK A RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c., &Cn fctT 4l*o hum the *<><•} of lh* Month Ilrnd hlllrtl Plow for IhK fount).-** [ WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT BELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS 11l KK til ! lItICKAII II U It It A II ! —ro— CHEAP JOHN, CENTER HAUL. The Bj>ring season of 1879 is no* opet.ipg. We have just received uu excellent stock of Spring and Summer Goods. which will bj aold at ihn Lowest Prices. We have an iiutnenae stock and wall' k&eoited m every Jiue. We have DRESS GOODS CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ETC., ETC., wt lowest prices. Ilesl Sole Leather always on band. Give us a call im mediately. I. GUGGEN HEIMER d- CO. W It. CAMP'S I POPULAR. Furniture Rooms! CENTRK HALL, PA. 1 manufaeture all Lindi of Furniture for Chambers. Dining Rooms, Libraries and Halls. If you want Furniture ofanjr kind, den t buy until you see nay stock. UNDERTAKING In all Its brarches. I keep in it*ckalll thelstct mad moat improved Co.Hns 1 and C keu, and have every facil- j it.V lor properly conducting ibis branch of my business. 1 have a patent Corpao Preserver, in which bodies can be preserved for aconiiderable It ngth oftime. jull9tf W.R.CAMP. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI Hilt KAY. at hise'tabitsliment at Centre Hall, keep on hand, and for sale, at the most reason* ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, A Spring WagonS, PLAIN AND FANCY, and vehicle* of every description made to order, and warranted to be niade o( the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring- wagons l:c„ of tbe most improved patterns made to order, also Gearing of all kinds made to order. All kinds of repairing dot to promptly and at the lowest possible rat. •*. Persons wanting anvibi ng in his line art requested to call and ex amine his work, th will find it not to b excelled for dur 1 ilitv and wear. may 8 If. lIKMRT It ROCK Kltlt OF S". J D. SHCIiKRT. President. Cashier QfiNTRE COUNTY BANKING CO., (Late Milliken, Hoover St Co.) Receive Deposits, And Allow lutereat, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell , Government Securities, Gold A aplOOStf Coupons Forks House! PERKY STOVER. PROP'R. The Forks douse*. at ( ohurn station, is new and conunodii >us, and is kept in best manner. Bed and hoard second to nom in the county. Stahling for 30 horse*. Asa summer resort it will be found all that Qnuld be desired, right in the heart ol good fishing and hunting grounds, and surrounded by the most romantic scenery. Inov y , New Pianos $125 Kaeh, and all style*. Including GRAND, SQUARE and'UPRIGHT all strips first-class, sold at- tho lowest net flash wholesale factory prices, direct to tho pur chaser These Pianos inn le one of tbe fl est displays at tho Centennial Exhibition and were unanimously reeomtn-nded for tho HIQ'IKIST Ho-oaa—>er 12,000 in usel Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co. Factors* established over :W years. Iho Square Grands contain MalhusheU's new patent Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the history of Pi ano making. Tho Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don't fail to write for Illustrated atid Descrip tive fatal guo of 4S page- mailed free M K N D K LSSO H N PI A NO CO.. fisept 1 >• -I Kvt 15th Street. N. y. IMPORT AN lO IRA YKI.KIwT -TH K BUSH HOUSE! HKI.I.KFONTK, PA. Has been recently thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under tho management of the New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE; lIOPPKS, formerly of W'msport, is f.M-, class in ail its appointment* I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offend to those in attendance a*.court and other* remaining in town for a few davs at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Bush house. Haug GEO. HOPPER. Propr. C. T ALKXSNPKK. C M BOWKK , ALEXANDER A BOWER. A . torners-sT Law,Rsllsfnnt*. Si eoal attention j iltsu to Collections, and < Indians' < curt nrartu-s. 1: I Mj bs con-ulted la t-oriouu sud Logljh. UCice lop i Qanaao's building, writ 7! tf. t —HAUI) WARE!— WILSON J'FARLANE&CO. NEW GOODS---PANIC PRICES. N II It T K A OAK KTOVEN II EAT tilth HASHES , V E U E It K M * Wc would oapacially call attention to the t Highland Queen Cook Stove, -AND THE- I WELCOME HOME HSAfIMQ rfOVE, . Stock being entirely New, We offer ipecial Bargain* ir,-%3 JST-HARD WAKE. OILS and PAINTS.*** WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILSOK, JTFAKLAMI JL i 0., HI KES' BLOCK. BELLEFONTE, I'KNN'A. Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble't Store! SPRING MILLS, !.the good*. Largest Mock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now eitenda a cordial inviUtion U hi friend*, patron*, and public g*neral- Alo a Complete Assortment ol \ Ready Made Clothing for men and; bov?. Suite as low aa to be had in th 'i city. Imported and Domestic j DRYGOODS! Full line* of MERINO UNDER WEARS, For Ladiea, Genu, Bop, Miaaea and'. Children. Hoeierv, Gloves, BooU and Shoes, HATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the moil complete assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania, and price* tha willcompcl rou in elf defence to buy o hm . Also Pi*h. Salt. etc. 18°* A full lino of Howe Sewing Machine* and Needles for all kinds of machines Alto dealt in all Grain: Mar ket price paid for the tame. A tpeciallj ; in CO AI, by the car load. J as. Harris § Co NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IIROOAILS. P A I N_ T s, OILS, o ETC., JAS. HARRIS & CO. Bcllefonle. ;'OENTR K HALL Furniture Rooms! EZfU KKriBIXf. repectfully inform* the citir.en* of Centre county, that he ha* bought out the old tlatid ol J. O. Deininger, and hat reduced the price*, lie ha* constantly on hand , an d make* to order I BJ iDSTBADS. BU KEATS, SINKS. WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUP BOARDS, TABLES, Ac., 4e. Histlock of ready-made l'urniture ' h trge and warranted of good workman * nip, and is all made under bis immediate 1 * ipervUion, and it offered at r . *tes cheaper j It hnn elsewhere. 'I Call and see hi* slock before purchasing -ehewbere. feb 2G CENTRE HAt-L Hardware Store. \ J. O. DEINING ER. ; A new, complete llardwaro Store lias I been opened by the umli rt-igneJ in Con- J ire Hall, whore he is prepared to sell all f ! kinds ol Building and House Furnishing t Hardware, Nails, Ac. ! Circular ami Hand Saws, Tctinon Saws, 1 j tft'ebb Saws, Clothes Racks, a ,'ull assort- • I? tnent ol" Glass and '.tlirror Plate Picture, t| Frames, Spoke*, Felloes, and Hub?, tablej . Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks 1 Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs. 1 Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rod , Oils, t Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn r ishas. Pictures framed in the finest style. / 1 I Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice, i Remember, all goods offered c heap than elsewhere. J OHN F. POTTER, Attorne f-et t' Law. OoU< iclSon* promptly mad* and * jaola attantlon (ITCD to , ho hsvin, land, or propsr. t •alo. Wul draw up ntl liar* acknowledged ) i Mortffaaa, Ac. • Jtfico in the diamond, north s< deol ,ttiocourtbouM. jolletout*. outfit *tf. KIDNEY COMPLAINT Piles, Constipation, PrrHMnt Dtiy ctre4 I >T IH I'U. K. H. ( LUC *o*lb Brf* Vt, MK, "to nm to U< -iSat *-r I *rrr mrd- I haw • wriirfil <"w BflX*ltt|4 •&- kWrt 1 arira *rrj tot ra.w.-4a mr tok-r Sx '.*• "It toi nr falW." T"l* m> vSfl> i fcc --a eire4 vkm •!! nr-oa.k-->. C. !,wLMt|wr ikl. (*! rrau J? hsaiaacuawaltifftlii ■ ■ ■to'mmrnf I aU< t Um. • i. rTiraB lEsiciwE) ni Jm •• t I r. • aiW'T. tot T^, altetttcr n' tot rb, wtttofll marhlii Mto r- ' Isl *at t.lt nu.ll x i>toa to J -JpL.si!!; trrniaa £ =, W > 'rvjri -ers W fIICHOLS, SMfcPftK!) £ CO., Itallle CrccV, Mich. I CRISISU. A3 C!.LY CE.MWKE jw \ IBK ATOR M j THRESHING BACH AERY. r inn: t T- -zz J ttfttar • wr *-*% g51 tVt■.. rl'■ ■ c- T M( U 1 irialol >l'ia '. , * 1 mnrirru. rurWt- SB ntll biwi trfll W* J.lllttr " ■tol'it'f _ J^T.t* Op'.t Vtilli Superior for , 1 5SM5 ■ z "" IV?- V •~t , . . ■ wbMto* M VIS AaJi. feftttm .. F h ji . stftfto f SetMfatun Made. iMKiaf ■ " .',... r. 1,, .., uoi it.agin at tow. (MB f ' i p£KSi;i3S^i..^^f!sr- WiTEItS-Orrbßlrionrl.mMOß(jt* Jfe&V tr. nttlr aJ perlac* * .*v_>a , XV- llhaala rrlcbra4 ?j i |A •■' t'r ; ( ontfrlanop. "M" ;t | . t -hnJ One imiintiaa ■ tot- ' Sjtenl: S!' pfthe Human Triw. fiS assfaiP*& "**' ,wo B,ul "l^" • ill fbdMßltil " Pf'rfrrt har mlb 111 —By trUhitowT .MAIr :! Ttp, T.nrlj, SK2SBag^g£--to Vnmm. **•*? \ TK rslKl.Y I.W for ntoto K1( 1 S . ...llmr".VrrrrivrJ. A liSS loilthW li Vi , _ _ -hu-.-hrf.StUM li.i ouul. ' w tvi'CO. 1 Induce. %*.K> F- Tn( |,..|||utratrl PataWt irutato Ihr 1 . nn|) | g ,tramrnli''