The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 08, 1879, Image 2
The Centre Eeporter. FRKD. KDSTZ ... KDITOB. Cbktrk Hall, P., Mty 8,1879. The excellent management of the Penn'a I\K. is shown in the following item Out of 072,00 ft pieces of baggsge carried on the Pennsylvania linAs dur ing 1878, oaly one was lost. Two cities and one town have been levied upon by our state authorities llere is a chaace for a bargain. Who want's to buy a whole city or a town * Attorney General Palmer has issusd executions against the cities of l.oek Haven and Altoona, and the borough of ftunbury, for unpaid state taxes. The claims against the above named cities and borough, it is alleged, have been in the hands of the attorney general for nearly a year, and the erocnliona ha>e been repeatedly delayed on the promise of the authorities to have them settled. The condition of the state treasury is such at present that it has been decid ed to press the payment of these claims at once. The United Slates Supreme Court a few davs ago decided the juror a test oath unconstitutional, "lhis test oath law is one of the republican measures enacted during the war, and ous of the acts which the democrats in the present extra session of congress are endeavor ing to have repealed. The hunt for a king for Bulgaria is at an end, as one haabeen found and elect ed—but he does not hail from among the many who were recommended from Uncle Sam's Jominious. Ou I>J ult., the Bulgarian Assembly of Notalues uuaai monsly elected Prince Alixander o' Battenburg to the throne of Bulgaria, with the title of Alexander I. Hayes has vetoed the army appropri ation bill upca grounds which make him guilty of glaring inconsistency with his own record in congress. But we looked for nothing better from one who is the greatest fraud since Adam was bom. To veto a bill because it has a rider upon it would do well enough for a president who never voted for bills with riders. This the fraudulent president himself did frequently and upon important bills when he was a member of congress, and that one of his main reasons now for vetoing the army bill is because it has a rider, is simply ridiculous. Wholesale arrests in Russia seem to be the order of the day. and a military despotiam ia fast being established. e judge the excuse for it all is that the Nihilists are plotting trouble as well as assassination of the rulers. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Unirers ears: "The police are openly arresting people at ail hours of. the day, whereas arrests were hitlfcrto made at night. On the slightest suspi cion against any person, his whole family are arrested and domiciliarv vis its are paid to all their acquaintancea. these leading to further apprehensions on the most frivolous grounds. Eighty three furnished lodging-keepers are in prison for not reporting, within twenty four hours, the latest arrivals. M. Jakovleff, a Government officer, living in the Winter Palace, and his son, an officer in the Guards, areamongthe per sons in custody. Baron Bistrom, Depu ty Commandant of the St. Petersburg Garrison, and Gen. Gildenstube, Com mandant of the Moscow Garrison, have been superseded for insufficient enthusi asm toward the new order of things. There are few pedestrians or carriages in the streets, but an endless line of porters are seated on stools at every door with stout sticks. Covered prison vans frequently pass, with a police offi cer mounted k aside the driver, and Gen. Gourko drivea around in an open drosky escorted by Cossacks cracking their whips. The iehabitaets are not accom plices of the Nihilists, but pathetic spectators." The long and short of Haves veto is that his party can not get along without having bayonets at the polls. Let the democrats in congress stand firm and not yield until this feature of military despotism is stricken from our laws. . Hayes owes his fraudulent position to bayonet rule, in the tare of 300,000 ma jority of the popular vote against him. Read the Declaration of Independ ence and there you fiad one of the charges against George the Third, that he quartered soldiers among us in times of peace. The democrats carried on this govern ment 40 years without ever having a soldier at the polls, and we say no more appropriation for the army until there is a guarantee that the bayonet shall not be stationed at the polls te intimi date democrats and carry the elections for the republicans. The democrats rely upon the ballot — the Hayes' veto means that the republi cans are depend upon the bayonet. Gov. Geary ia one of his messages, mad# a strong protest against the soldier being ordered to the polls. It will be found in the Reporter ef 17 April lant. No more bayonet elections is the democratic watchward. As to what foal means were attempt ed to pasa the riot bill, and fasten 4 million of taxes on this tax ridden state, read one days proceedings of the inves tigating committee, in this issue of the Reporter, Since the veto of the army bill, Yocum votes with the radicals. Washington, May I.—The house to day voted on the veto of the army ap propriation bill and the motion to pass the bill notwithstanding the Teto was lost by a vote of 120 yeas to 110 nays, a two thirds majority being necessary. Four greenbackers Messrs. De La Maty r, Ladd Stevenson and Wright voted with the democrats in the affirmative. The others, including Mr. Yocurn, of Penn sylvania, voted in the negative. Tha Kemblc mentioned in the bribery investigatiea at Harrishurg is the Kernble who wrele the famous "addition, division and silence" letter to uiy "dear Titian, in tha Evans embezzlement affair. Why shouldn't k amble have bis hand in tha matter af bribing the Peana legislator* to pass tha riot damages kill ? Keasbi* is a republican machine manager. Yocum now votes with the bayonet men, and to sustain Hayes. How next ? Let the democrats in congress stand firm and not yield an iucfa upon the re peal of the bayonet election laws. No man who loves freedom and a free ballot, favors the bayonet at the polls. The watch ward for freemen : No more bayonet elections! Thrae times already fats the Csatrj>f Russia been *hot ai uufi >V tio a be afraid to be Csar? DOIXCS AT HARRISRVRO. Passed finally : I {CUM bill to encourage the planting of trees along the roadsides of the stat*. An act authorising certain classes of oor|H>rationa to hold lain! not exceeding 60,0(10 acres. The governor's veto of the concurrent reflation appropriating soooto pay the expenses of the Pennsylvania agricul tnral investigating commit tee was sus tained unanimously. Should the local option law now be fore the Legislature pass it would shut off the manufacture as well as sale of liquor. Joint resolution to amend section 1., article 2, of the constitution by provid tug that the a kola number of represen tatives in the legislature shall be 101 in stead of 201, the present number. Pass ed senate. This we think is Senator Al • xander's resolution. hayks vetoes rin: army m PROI'RJA TIOS nil I On 2\> inst., Mr. Hayes returned the army bill to the house accompanying it it with a lengthy statement of bis rea sons for refusing i sign the bill. No action was taken on the veto in the souse on account of the announcement of the death of Representative Kuah Clark, of lowa. Mr. Hayes takes the ground that under existing laws there can be no military interference in elec tions and that therefore there is no ne cessity for the political legislation on the artnv bill. But the question naturally -uggests itself, if the proposed political legislation is mere surplusage and ac complishes nothing beyond what is al ready fixed in the law, why should the executive veto be interposed 7 Mr. Hayes also objects to the bill that its ef fect would be to prohibit all the civil 'dicers of the United States from em ploying any adequate civil force to keep the peace and preserve order at federal elections. He insists that interference ti congressional elections by the civil authority of the federal government is necessary to insure free and honest elec tions. It is but the customary plea of those who favor a centralized govern ment and distrust the ability of the peo ple to hold their elections and govern themselves. This point iti the veto is a clear and unmistakable intimation that Hayes will veto the legislative appro priation bill on the ground that federal supervisors and deputy marshals are ne cessarv to a pure and peaceful ballot. He is evidently enamored of the work performed by Marshal Kerns' pet lambs. Redding, Slav in and Brown, the "Twenty-timer." Mr. Hayes also thinks that the attempt to repeal a law by in serting the repeal in an appropriation bill is calculated to deprive the execu tive of bis "qualified negative'' and would establish a "radical, dangerous and unconstitutional change in the char acter of our institutions " He did not think so when as a member of congress he voted for political riders on appro priation bills. He then concludes his message by answering that congress means to coerce him into siguing the bill by withholding the appropriations necessary to carry on the government. He must know, if he watched the de bates in congress, that those who spoke for the majority specifically disclaimed aay intention to coerce the executive It d ies mot seem to occur to him that he is undertaking to coerce congress by saying. "You shall not repeal certain laws in the manner in which yon have chosen to do it, nor indeed shall you re peal those certain laws at all in any manner." But since he will have coer cion probably he may get it The petroleum war is still ablaze, and has led to the indictment of the more prominent members of the Standard Oil Company. A telegram from Pittsburg, of 29 nit., says the fight of the oil pro ducers against the Standard Otl Compa- ! ny has taken a new shape to-day. Civil suits against the corporations forming the company are now pending before a master appointed by the Supreme Court and on last Saturday an information was made before a magistrate of the town of Clarion, Clarion county charged the fol lowing named defendants with criminal conspiracy, via.: —John P. Rockafeller, William Rockafeller, Jabez A.ltostwick, Daniel O'Day, W. G. Warden, Charles Lockbart, Henry M. Flagler, Jacob J. Vandergrift, Charles Pratt and George W.Girty. The information charges the defendants with fraudulently conspiring to cheat and defraud the public and the oil producers by creating a monopoly of of tbo oil trade, to prevent lawful and legitimate competition in the purchase of crude petroleum. It also charges conspiracy and concerted action to squeeze out of a lawful business all who are not interested with themselves ; and it also charges that by usiog railroads foreign to the State—the New York Cen tral and New York Erie—as tools they have compelled the Pennsylvania and Allegheny Valley railroads to carry their oil at ruinous rates, under a threat of taking away all trade that otherwise would naturally flow to these lines. Of course this is a mere outline of the • barges of the information, the points being elaborated with illustrations and facts and backed up by such evidence that has already been obtained in the bill in equity and suits before the Su preme Court. !XDICTMESTB FOCND. Warrants were issued,and the consta bles have returned the defendants as not to be found in the country, the informa tion was sent at once to the Grand Jury. A number of witnesses were subpoenaed and were examined before the jury this morning. Messrs. Wilson and Jenks and ex Senator Corbett appeared for the Commonwealth. This a'ternoon true bills were found against the defendants and bench warrants will at once be is sued for their arrest. The information was made bv Mr. It. B. Campbell, Presi dent of the Oil Producers' Union. AO MORE PA I'. There was considerable squealing iu the House on account of the refusal of the State Treasurer to pay the balance of the members' salaries They have, all of them, received $7.50 on account, and the Treasurer thiuka that the schools have been behind for over a year and the other Suite institutions re fused, that the jolly Jaw maker should take a little of that medicine, too, in or der to bring them to a realizing sense of the presewt condition of the State finan ces. The outside clamor bus forced this state of affairs. Complaints have gone in from all quarters about paying mem bers in advance, and leaving the schools behind. There has been paid out s2llO, 000 on accouut of the salaries and ex penses of the present Legislature, and its expenses will run up close to ti aI fa million dollars if they set out the 150 days. Nothing has happened this ses sion which has served half so well to waken them up to the situation as this I stoppage of their own pay. Some want [ a little money to pay their tuxes; some to use at home on other matters; others 1 guess to buy poker-chips—as the wants of a member of the Legislature are very multifarous. Well they cannot draw more money till the end of the ses aio'n, and not then unless they riir some law by which a little money will find its way in there. The members generally agree that the gctfo? of the Treasurer is right, tyit mighty inconysaient. PKMOCRATI* Cirri s The house caucus at Washington on Saturday was harmonious. Mr. Chalmers, of the joint caucus com mittee, submitted three drafts of hills to prevent the interference of the military with elections, one drawn by the coin aiittee, one by Senator Ttiuramn and mi other by Senator Katon. The object of the hills seemed to be to meet the qm s tion of military interference with elec tions fairly and sqtiatrly to leave out all that could be construed into any In terference with civil otlicersor the pro cesses of federal courts, and to make a square issue in regard to tbo use of troops to control elections. After some debate the Thurman bill was adopted as the best. To it was added the pream ble of the liou-e committee's bill, which is in words and terms similar to the preamble of the 1 uglisb statute < ti 'his subject and this was adopted Mr 1 add. of Maine, was authorized to present the bill on Monday The caucus then up pointed a committee on pairs, consisting of one member from each state and then adjottraed. This new bill to be presented in the place of the sixth section, which ha caused so much trouble, will provide that sections ",ts j and ",o< of the mis ed statutes shall not be construed to authorize the presence of troop- at the (Hills except under orders of the Presi dent to rejiel ariued enemies of the United States, or iti pursuance of the constitutional requirements, upon ap plication of the legi-laturo or governor, to repress domestic violence. Nothing else will be done upon the other (>•>• lilical questions at issue until this one i* settled. SHARP PO!.\T\ The - makes some very sharp (Hiints, which the white house fraud should have had in his veto message. It says that between July *> IS'>-, and March t. 1.-71, the Republicans, win had complete control of tiie benate anil the House of Representatives,engrafted no less than three hundred and eighty seven acta of general legislation on ap propriatiou bills, <>r nearly thirty every year for thirteen consecutive years. Among the most notable example of this species of legislation was one in is ifi, when the appropriation for three millions to carry on the war with Mexi Co was pending, l'avid Wiluiol moved his celebrated proviso, that no p.irt of that money should be used for the ac quisition of territory where slavery should exist. The House . - IVnio cratic, with John W Havisof Indiana as !-|>eaker. Mr. I' hl:u of N r'.h Car. - lira, afterward .-ccrelary of the Navy, made a (>oint of order on the amend ment, which was overruled by tho( Lair man, and upon an appeal from 1 is deci sion the Chair was sustained by a voti of nearly three to one. The Hou-e as serted the principle that upon a money bill an amendment, though not ostensi bly germane, could be attached, lit-ati-i it prescribed a condition for u-ing the money. According to the po-itiun of Haves, the Wilmot proviso was "rvvo lutionarv. In lsioti John Sherman, then a mem ber of the House, moved no a amend ment to the Army Appropriation bill to the effect "that no part of the military force of the United Slates herein pro vided for shall be employed in aid oftbt enforcement of the enactments of the alleged Legislative Assembly oftbeTer ritory of Kansas, recently assembled at Mission, until Congress si.a. have erlt> ted either that it was or w..- cot a valid Legislative Assembly." A Republican member, Mr. 1 e;ter of Ohio was in the chair, and ruled against the amendmeut when the point of order was raised, but the House sustained ar appeal against his decision. This case precisely parallel with that of the bill which Hayes has now vetoed by Slier man's advice. In 1867, when the Republicans were striving to break down the j<ower of the Executive, they tacked on an amend ment to an appropriation bill, designed to deprive President Johnson of this constitutional authority as ('> nmander in-Chief, by requiring him to send his orders to the army in a method dictated by his political and personal enemies. Hayes was then an obscure member of the House, and he Toted for this amendment, like the rest of his par tv. In 1573 a Republican Congress at tached the salary gsah and back-pay steal to the Legislative Appropriation bill, by which the salary of Grant, who had been re elected the previous fail, and who signed the bill, was doubled, and I heir own salary was largely in creased, with a retroactive clause that put thousands in their pockets. These are all familiar instances, and they show that when the Fraudulent President says in bis mes-nge "the en actment of this bill into a law will es tablish a precedent which will tend to destroy the independence of the several branches of the Government," he writes what is not so. [Journal ofCommerce (Dcm. , April 30.J The President condemns the measure because "it is now proposed to deny to the United Mates even the necessary civil authority to protect the national elections." Pray who proposes to deny tins to the United States? Is the Presi dent of the United States ? The Con stitution confers upou Congress the right to make certain regulations con cerning the election of its members The two houses have pHssed a bill de signed, as they believe, to prevent any undue interference of the military at such elections. This action is most cer tainly within their province. It is not a deuiul to the United Mates of the rights conferred by the Constitution, but on the contrary it is the "exercise" by the Congress oi the United Staitf with whom the power is lodged ol the very rights in question. The two houses of Congress certainly represent "the United Mates" as much at least as the President, and w hen they deny to the army the right to Interfere at the polls they deny nothing to the United States. It is the people of the United Mates by thsir representatives in Congress assem bled who insist that "the right of cili zensofthe United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged" by the dis play of un armed force at the polls for partisan purposes. If there is no ground lor their apprehension, no harm is done by rendering such a menace illegal, and thus securing to all a lull and free exer cise of Ihe elective franchise. But the pretense that because the President is ol one political parly and the majority in Congress are of another he is the United Mates, and they by the exercise of their legitimate powers are denying something to the United Slates, isainost offensive arid unwarrantable assump tion that ought not to pass without se vere rebuke. l'eiu is enthusiastic abuut her war with Chili, and her people are giving all po-tiblv support to the government iu men money and material. It is probable, therefore, that we shall see tlif-so .South American republics involved in a pro longed rind fratricidal war, out of which they will come wi-er and poorer fcr tlio experience. Sac. (Herman, aged 101 years, died in Chicago He was na ot Napoleon's sol diers in tlio Russian and Spanish cam paigns, and afterward- dratted as n war prisoner into tho Prussian army. His son a prominent Chicago detective, has veri fied his father's age thorough ly- i 77/r SICKO FXOhIS I ITS/ S ol 1 nu \i ft I'M i\ i is (.71/ .v /;i , I loilsi.\N.i i '> s V.4JV. , Washington, \| nil , 1 s;i Mr. [ KIIIU, rt-prc ontatiw* in t'nngrcw* limn UillllilllH, litis tcrctvt-d II letter Irulil i< in ( 'nmvrdin fuirinlt in that Mate, ' well k now it Iti i tin North, ii ml w bu ow tie •several I'lutitiiiii'im in l.ouiMmin, Hint 1 who wrriten trout t oiicordlu, under date ■ nf April "I, lis follow s I We iiii< nil very iinciin ti limit tl.i Kmisns emigration of llir negroes-, lino being ilrlvvn Mm) bulldozed awav In t lift I leader*, i von ill. or wtio ilo iiul lu itn, mill tliry mo t. 1.l (In government ii lii fin' llicin Hi hmi . l.iiitls and uitil" c tliitl thr govern tin nt will not ttllow tli!• HI to ii'itoiiii ii. this |>ml ol tlir country ; that tho In diatm wtll I t-brought in to kill nil win remain ut the ctt.l of cigli ecu months All tige nt |.<■ K.I lhi • null here la*t wi . k telling this Story, ami miothcr told then tltrtl the tjticeti ot bputn h> bought ah of tllchO I, itllll that It Ull tin 11. , dear out -lie will I nt. tln-tii aluughlt-i ed. F.vrry lew .lays cmno ol lht>. agents culuc along Willi there lies. Ih negroes are far I roin hi.ling this. tin. .-oine to un lor protection ami tell n aboal it, uiiil the) are woiru.l to ile.itl nut the got ei nine lit, tbet ruv, tells I hen that thet must go. aim that they Hie Ii uu.rtal ilniiger. Never weie Ihlugs mm. pr. -prions than now . but I very mini. 1 lear that we have gtral trouble aheuit ' nuil the more puhlte you Wake the truth I that the liegre-e are really prosperous i hero utiil ilo not wish to leave, hut MM being driven awav by the*f- set ret em i s Ifolll the Not ill the l etter it will he for llieiu It is tohl here that 1 uioueV is heuig r.ilse.l to help them leat i - hut tt ho is ilou.g all tills no one ean teil I It in evidently to injure the planter*. 1 . suppose the taptaili lias written you ol the man Wfhti Jell hpokan, selling hi.* tive mules lor Jl", mal numerous bog tor titty cents each, anil leaving a aplen-I' ilul crop of cotton und nun, tin , * hardest work of the aeaaott already!l done. j t In addition to these cheerful plot latuu lions, gorgeously illuminated chimin, liltiographs of Kansas scenes have been 1 distributed the blackn. A geu-i who has seen soiue of ttiesi v ihrouios writes thut the most ravishing preseiittniain of rural life m Kmi-n is - Urpicteil. The negroes look on the filal. t, as a second j>..taiti-e, cotiipared wilt, which oltl ( aliaati Is a Florida swain) One of these pictures, entitled ' A 1 u-eil i man's Home," represent# a tine land 1 scape with fields of ripening gran I stretching away to the si tting sun. In the foreground, illuunnaied by a . marvell oia sunset, stood the Irreduian's home. It was a picturesque cottage with i' gables, dormer window a auu wnl. verandas, trench windows reackeo n dow ii to the f!.-. r. and through the t-pen casements appealed u sviiuctive s n.. m the family silting iuuUl. Ihe col reii father, who had jual returned from hi harvest field.*, sat in an easy eliair i. ad tug a newspaper, w kite the • htldren and * halms rollicked on the floor of tt>. ' piazza, through the open door of tin kill hell Ike Colored w.c Could he seel, f directing the servanis and cooks win . were preparing the evening meal, tti llir parlor, however, was the most em hunt ing feature, lor ut a grain) piano was poised the bed* of the household, and 1 hi tlie piano w tiet<- she was t laying stood her colored lover, ilev uriag her with liis ivtj, while he abstractedly , turned the leaves of her uiussc. Just to , one side ot the dwelling appeared i. cotnniodtous barn ami carriage house and workmen busily engaged in putting ui order their reapers and mowers 1 t r the follow Itig da)'. a In one of these pictures the "Old p Auntie site mi the vi-runda knitting stockings Willi* she guZes i n herds ol buffalo and utiteiope, w bit h are feeding , on the prairies beyond the wheat held*. ' Approaching the gate a on young colored man is seen earning in from a hunt, with u dead buck ami I string of wild turkeys slung over his y shoulders. These agricultural cartoons, in vtvnl coloring, the writer rep its ur, J doing uitli h to ihtluetne the of the more ignorant negn-i s. BRIBERY TO PASSTH F. HloT IULI. I. The Inv. stigat; n— A Fight. From the M . i /' ' • : fi ! i- , h ws et>y the ho. .a lug prucaeJug* before the conoiiUee of in*e-tif si >n ; Representative Knitlle, ot Co'.uml . unty. testified that he w* appro*, ued a tha Ciri V slag. Sof till' | rag'. ~f tt;r f, riot kill hy Representative (•■■•rg. "*ti. ;i-, t t of Philadelphia, who called ai:s fr -in ' • ,j 'But ar, I told b tn that 5 '• "J w a* bs t.g paid for votes f r t > r;.". bill, nvd afterward r Sir -,h ssi.l that SI,WtO w a> bsing pa: i, a'.d ■ li st Witneli C-'U I est that am ant |>'a ; eided he voted f>r ths bnl pa -,t varise- t: rsading'. Smith erjoinril secrecy an !mn £ r.d aid hi> wuKl take hi'it to 1 •i sn. Raprcssntative K. \V I>*vi, who , would teil him ail about it A\ ilai • v>. f to bavp wet D*v bv apt .nt ent, bit I never determined te art in accsrdar.r t with ike prop -<-, l arraagea e-it. II ■v ot was aot for sale, lie del not think iher. t wsv any ink# ;e the Witness t said : "1 ikought it meant kuitte* There an coa-iJerab'e commstiun is j the hall nt till* lime, and ' 'hairaann (iaicl. ■ s ell isid that unless order was preserved ( the atec'.iiigs wo i.d not ke h"ld ih f lb whether the wiln.-se- de-i-e i it or r.t i Rcpres.-ntative lirrv IV toa. of Mer- t cer, v>. aext esileti. He testified ttist s gentleaisa :net him nt the Ixx-hiel hotel - few ei-k sgo and Hkid him to vote for', the bill. AViine"' informs 1 hiui that h< t wst not favorably disposed ti it. but that . be would listen carefully to tha discussion , en it. The man told him that there *■ t inoaey in tb>- bill nad that he aiifht • - well timv -oniclhing eui f it. \Y !tnai i told him that he vveuld have to "count t oitn out " The tu in replied that be hop- j ed be wouid thin, belter of it that nu-in hers were poorly paid \Vitna.s w-.v not r iiffv-red any money, but infrr>-ii that the , proposition wu-1 in dceji earnest. Mr , Wulfo asked wiia< ss if the p.-rson di-1 i at j ark hitn whether be would like te kn a roaster, to which Mr Watson replied in 7 the nffirniative. The runn who approach i ed liitu was Reprertiilative l'etrs fT. wli.- „ on Wednesday afternoon and night had . cemo to hiui and pleadvd that witness would aot eipo-c hiui, he was already under a cloud lie spoke of the disgrace: it would entail on his family, and request- ' ed wiinen to answer no to all tha intvr t rogatories. Witness told him thin h. ( would not stultify himself. Pelroff said t tfisst ho would not have had the converse 1 lion with him. but fur the fart that ho was J a Masen. Petrol! wa very humble—up- t pearcd to fvel very badly, almost shed- > ding tears. Witness uniformly voted with ( the opponents of the bill. Heprc'antative Carciil, efSusquehannn. testitli d that he had hern approached by a man whs said that those who supported the bill w >ul>l he remembered with mon , ey. Hi- urged hint to suppur: tli" bill, and said that ih or c who voted for it on second | and Ihitd reading wouid gut nieney. The man referred to WHS Ji'"o K. (.'raw-lard, ot Blair county, assistant superintendent 1 1 nf public grounds Witness said thai , Crawford (iret named fihUF raised it to t >ooo, and finally said Jl.OtO would hejt pa>d—not lor votes hut as a free gill. Tin j funds for the purpo-e wou 1 be raised hy|, those who lost properly by reason ®f the'. riots. Crawl, rd told witness that h. would take hill) to Kernbel, if bo wu. fa vorakly disposed to the hi I. Crawfordi, had talk, d w.tb him at least three liau -'i about tha bill, mentioning an amount each time. Another man had approached j' hiin for the purpose of ascertainiag how u the green backers stood on this question, n This man first said thai if witness support ed the ineHSure he would get SSOO and at . terward would raiso tho amount ioSI.OMJ. ( Witness was strongly urged to support the I bill, mid one of the arguments u-vd h.v Salter was llml an omnidinent would h> q ollered exempt ing rial estitlo Ironi taxa-iii lion for the purpose of paying tho ' claims dumuges. Two men vvouid bo responsihlo for the' payment of sl,ooo—Quay and Kcinble. |C Salter told witness that tho conversation j was confidential, and witness would nol| huve made it public but for the fact thatl (' he was obliged to do so. Salter saw him S |>H W -. 1n i * lay and HICK (111 I'll to him tha propilet vafn t lesiifv leg to what had ac curred between tlieni Salter also asked hiui w hthai he had any talk with Wolfe, 1., which wit tie-s am wr red .nt he negat i ve. W itn.m saw neither kambla not (juay, had no id. aof accepting any inoaev. He w a iilwav against it and voted with the ea/mies of the hill until It was "laid it for good. Within triad to avoid i'rawford and Salter "bet they were hound to talk to me." Mr Kirk, of Schuylkill county, trslj d that he Was oft-red loaliey to publish 1 . liter in! aI v. eating lh riot 101 lin Ins paper the Schuylkill county /' ttcp esenlalive Kvaus iuibo to witness etui -Ule.l it,at K 'llri Magee was willing to .*v i" it) I * aili an i ditarial Witness vaiiaraied Mr. F.vuas from any i ofrupt Hiteationa. Mr lVlr. !t was lulled kwt was absriit. Mr Lewi, Flinery, of -M'Keati leiinty, aept toek the stand II" tr-lided in suh tatii e that Mr Shiras, of I'lltsburg, sU vas the attorney for the riot bill aii.l also •r the oil men in the suits uga nst the "eniisy I vania railroad over Ireiglit dis rimlnation, had taa.lea proposi iontotbe -I aicli if tbi'V Would i ippert the rlast a. I matter* HieulU be arrange.l is that tin pipe and alili-dorriii.inalion bills sli- o u tie pushed through the house and the bill placing a tax on oil deieati d Scutei.tne ct-iore the lb'.h of Apr.l witness fri-riva I • telegram from Mr. Shiras asking hoo to havo the rate . n tha riot bill post, one t for a day or two i! p.i->ib!e, a* tne l'eiin •y.vania railr ad company would cartain lv ntake an arrargauienl in r,gard to the oil tax bill. On the I lit h lie reined a note frain Quay arkng an intcr/iew at nee, lint .-o ltd n-.t grant it a! that time | ecauie tho yote was pending la ibe house • rt the in.ti tln.te |>u>tponeiaent of the hill lie receive J iw o mare note- from Quay I ho atterwarji. called on him at Ike l,uch iw|, whin the Ii 111 '..-id bi-i-n indefinitely j po-tpo-ej. Q my askad wlicthar if the n I t tills should ho revived, be would not vote for it. Witness answered ne qjsi j iben re , ietid him to -lata Bh.ras prapo i-ition ta tha oil dalegattou This he did, hat l .. Je egatiun r. uej to -upport till till i, even Ih om . i- I lie y shou J he put. it had By the pn--age til lbs oil tax bill, line o! j t/iiiv • listus •! the lull stated that Mr. t'urviahce, ol Pitts! urg, w. old it-e bun in regard to the defeat of tha oil tax hdl Q -ay i t.ota atkrd witness ta have tua vale on final pasiponauieat deferred aflersia. :i lie lad n . Inaw , ggeot m->r ay lung u-id t.i ga il votes for the hill. Inei auoii'.e# then adjourned .te meet aaxt Tuei.Uy evening At; r Air. y had left the t*nd he *a> npp oachv 1 by Senator Klltotl, ot "piladeiptjia, who la j "you have n. drains, ynu bava ta b<- prompted Mr Kiuary n. ,do a sharp rajdy. K.liolt >si< 111 put a hea lon you, and the dispu tants grappled. intense excitement at once spread '. r ugh the crawd Men sprang on dasks i i aira hum hr -ke a >s n n.tsf nf them ■ e I'e aj* pin* de •gallon rUsbad ti . rest ..e o! F. ot and U.-prasentaliVe l)w. dey sprang promptly to tbe assi-t s' .a.f F.ins ry F.very thing looked prune for a fulfil' row, when friends intorler red and after mu<.h c afu on, loud talk and no little profaa.ty, tae wou d-ba com t a'.ax:- wra separated and peace ancs mere perched Herself. PROCLAMATION OF NIHI I-lsrs KKL \ I lXti i ll Kilt GKIKVA.NCKB. COMI'LAINTSOF lUE NIHILISTS Fr< ian.uti n of the Kit , utive C'uit.- tuitl.e Addressed to the Clar. Thr V itaua Tagb.att publishes the fob loss irg pro, area', n addre--sit la the Cznr .>f Kusiia 1-y the Rev ulicnary Commit tre a 1 p. sted n the street ef Si. Peters burg. ,ust bet.ire the recent attack on his life - n Mr. Alexander Xuolaitritek ; Tna warning ai i ttira ir.g letters, as well as tbo sentence- wßich wa the invisi hie d- .egat -so} the rsiurd • -jsly o\ press- , • I lu-- an pep! l.av e sent to tas- var tus <1 jnitaries if tha pro-, at d. ipot.c govern • i tit .a 1. ,ii a I . g, as a rule, to the preparative wark, an 1 for that reason nether y urirlf n r any n.amber af your lati. v appears iti the gi.'.csl d- grae mctva id by •ur ax'-ral.v e organ-. In the first instance, • wish to clean out in its lowest ai.d ti.ihiest coraera ta# Aegean ■abe- .7 despoti-as to tree the peapla from adn))l>)straliv o per erulion winch throws thcai guillb-ts into prison, and there, without . inpa-. an, chastisM tbeoi and ali"W* ih. in to . ".r frembungeraad tkirst, aad then lead- ibrni as insurgents to Ike gallows #r sends them to tho polar regions to work in tho mines We sit in judgment, and shall be compassioalass .a the exercise of our ufilce. and shall recoil from the uio of no means win. a may lead us to our abject, which is the eradication of tho hellish brutality of despotism through fire and sword The victims cry out to their t-xecut'oneri, "man tun te -alulant, ar.d i: y ). Alexander Nicol nievilcb. refuse to hear our warair.g voice, lo put an end to this tyranny, we hereby declare lo you that tyranny will be beaten in the .nd Your system in Hus-ia is rot ten lo the core. Oir almost boundless re sources are ruin.-d. Your army of fuoc lianaries is a gang of cruel and uasatia b!e tbievi s. Your judges are a sham lo uslice. Your enroners, palice masters ,i#d generals are so manv satrips worthy ofXarxe-ar Harious. Wherever we lure our eves we see (ought hut stupidity, 'mingled with cruelty, wanton waste com bined with the most merciless spoliation of tho people. For the army alone you re-erve yur fatherly care. You arc gel ; tii.g into dangarausly deep waters. A!ex atiilar Jiiaolaievilch. Therefore we warn veu, hut spare your life Tin. EXKCVTIYE CUMMITTEK. K. F. Kmikers Hitter Wine of Iron (iives tone to the stomach. It improva thß appetite and as-ista digestion; rxciti'- the bowels to he 11Ity action, expelling all the foul humors that contaminate tbe blood, corrupt tha sec'etmns and offend tho breath It excite* the liver ta a heal Uiv action ansl strengthens the nerves imparting that glow tu life that proceeds alone Iron) per lea l health Thousand* in all walks of life, testify to tha virtues o| this excellent nicdlcmn in . orrociing the derangements of the digi-s •ive organs iel the gliiline. Scslsl it) j-1 00 bottles, or six bottles f..r $o.0(l Ask 'or F! F. .vunkel'.- Bi'lar Wine at Iron, and lake r.o other. Ak your druggot Mild if bo till* it not, -end t > proprietor. K K. Kunkel. N". 'J.'/.i North Ninth Street ! Philadelphia, Pa. Advica free ; enclose ihree-cent stamp WORMS WoP-MS WORMS F'. F' Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fails |(o dstroy I'm. Seal, and Slwtnarh ; Worms. Dr. Kuukel, the only success ful physician who remavo* Tape Worm in two hours, alive with h"d. and no fea un | til removed. Common sense leaches if Tape Worms be rem ved all other worms l. Ati he readily destroyed. Advice at of fice and store, free The doctor can tel> whether or not tho patient has worms Thousands are dying daily, with worms, and d • not know ii. Kits, spasms, cramps, - , linking and -iifTocatlon, sallow eomplex ;: in, circles around tho oyes, swelling and 'i aiii in the stomach, restless nt night, i grinding of the teeth, pickiug at tho nose, cough, fever, itching at the seal, head ache, foul breath, tho patient grows pale! and thin, tickling and irritation In the an- HI, all these symptoms, and more, come! ironi worms Fi. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr j up never fails t > remove them. Price, jl 0) per bottle, ur ix bottles for rFor Tape Worm, writo and consult the Doctor ) For all otkiurs, buy of your drug-j gi-t the Warm Syrup and if he has it not. | send to Dr. K K Kunkel, 'AVJ N. Ninth j Street, Philadelphia, Pa Advico by j mail, free ; send three-rent stamp. 17 up * _ t0 ( , Camphor M ! lk cures headache and ncu-' ralgia. . I Camphor Mi k curei rlieumalism and! lainc buck. Camphor Milk euros cuts, bruises nnd burns. Camphor Milk costs 2u et.; 5 bottles sl. I bold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. i 'l'llK UCRNINO OF ORRNHCRU. i Htlf ihr Poptilttinn Destitute—Ter iiblo as. St Petersburg, April 30 A tarnbla cenflagralian has destroyed the pna. ipat part of lbs rily of Oratibutg. t <.n tlie I iill Tha liotitts et tha lawn wris flamcs, fatuiad by a raging wind, swap on 1 with lntcn*a valoclly 'J h I.*** Is am.r . nd mora than ball tbe population .••Pleated atabsut thirty-llvo thousattdi are tu w destitute of I.Mid and *brller. A - lelt-gialii fioiu the Ooverimr of Oral,burg ito ti.e I.u> ian Minister of the lateriur, dated tell IlilnUU-s to I'.' a'cletb, on the cvt aillg ol tbe "fib of April, says : "Tbe lire has been isguig since tea o'clock this i litarning, and a violent stora* is alt* pre , vailing ll.a distress is tarnbla. 1 tie tire i -pii-ad.i.g rapidly, and it sr II be im * pi.ssiiiie lu env• any part ef the city at* ! larked by it." 1 lie Sweep of flic Flaiura. A dispat. h dated twenty nsiautes ta nine • . 1.. i kwt lße Illuming (It the tf.ilß rays I lie r a fiagr at lon lagi-a Yesterday al.d , 1 ' ..glioul tSe Bight. Several house* are , l)H bumliif Ihe storm has ceased The be, l quartern l the town ara in ashas. A lvu.-Biati \"i!ln}.' Tutnlly Burned St Petersburg, A|>nl 3d -The village d <iraU-beaku, on the \ elga, has been to tally burned, LAKUK F'IHKS St Pelersburg, A greet l. re curred in tho city of Orenburg, on the I'rul river, last Monday na.t 1 uetday, de -'roving tha principal part of the town. 1 1,.- 1.0 is vß.irrn us. More tbau halt ol tho are now drslilu e e( laud and startler. A number of persons were injured l. o.don. May 1 Tke .-standard'* Iterlir. I.rresp indent altilbute, the (iranbu-g fire to political discontent, and t.uirits out .tint etb-aders are Irrquently banished to <>rnburg M P.torshurg, April >0 —Tha village • ! * i rate hen ko, on the Yulga, has be.-a lo ta iy burned. I'srrly Dwellings Deatruyt'd iu u Cnu admit Village. Montreal, April 30—Fire is now raging n v t. J.-M Uaptiste in the riorth*asira i.iarter of this place, which tbreaieas te S.-str ty Hie ivhoie Village, there being no aralrr. F'.-rlv dwellings have an far l-r.-a destroyed The city tire brigade )s in at endance but its service* without wnlcr is • ! little avail. TliltKK SAVKI) OUT OF A CREW ()F TWKNI Y-THUKE. Lai,Jon. April Sit A d.spatch bulle tined at Loyds dated ol Corutifta Spain. 1 -y that ttae lirilt*li steamer Nile. !rm I va lor Newport wlib a cargo uf ore. has bean lost on the Liauela rock-. Three .-nly were saved eul of a eraw of tweaty three. NEARLY A THOUSAND PKOPiaK KILLED London. A'cril '-"k.—At. official repart to ; ih- Persian Ooverninenl ..f ihe earth |uak>- at Mlatieb, on tbe 'JJd af Marah, -a)'s that Ist. titv-. an village* vera tutnlly !• -strayed and 95C/ prr*ofs, lf.Ml)ibsrp. I.j I. > . ven. 111 horses and -j camels were | killed. TKURIBLK WINDSTORM. Dgden, Utah. May 3, IST'.) —There Wat . U-rnble w ind sit-rm alot.g tbe Utah and j Northern Railway yesterday A freight tram near Round VnDey, l-Jahn, ccasiat ng of sixteen cars, some loaded with si!-' ver bullion, wa* blown (rem the track, and , me of the cars were carried a dis tance ol seventy-five feet. The Si l.auis Republican reports tbat a resident at lv -ckford. lit , "wko fell aver an embattkuii-at and lost his sensa ol -me, . ha* sued tbe cite f. rs■ 10,(HSU dau. - ag< - W ho wouldn I late a tuiell for '.fiat A Be.gbbor informs us that his vstlv never knew a quiet night until the doctor prescribed I)r. Bull e Ruby Nyrup for her little one. He. Pa. April id The Mount t'armel rul ing mill, two miles south ofj P.-ltsvi e. was entirely destroyed bv fire ibis evening. It was earned by New Tork ' >ad P- tlsville parto s. and, including the machinery, cost S'JjO Ut". and was a.*t ia surad The aaill has been idle of past years. Tbe fire ca' ght teota a passing lo comotive An engine was overturned while running te the fire and the driver. Charles Fisher, was probably fatally te :ured. UM.'IHSITT I'lEMtrglh-Br using the Perfected Butter C<-ler ot \\ eiia, Richardson A 0.. Burltoglon, Vt, a complete uniformity ia the appearance of the butter is prt-seVt-j and a desirabla tl do. easily rnaialai. ed. D is the best prepar.-.t. n knows, for colortng butter f At nnin(clibmi*i oftbv I.SKKk anniversary of the destruction of Pempaii r battle <>f *im taken Horn the ruini, where il litd Ifttn tince A. D. it to be o|>r Tal'll. A tr ftt Newburg, Oat, destroyed Rob-> <ri Arnikl n| s dwelling Hi latber.l -g- d K*i ycart. was burned to death. The nther inmate* e*cap" a with ditfirul jr. Csl 1b > FkLi.ews Men i f endur ance have healthy kidftcyt and liver. No n< he in the b*ck. no pik-t or tpinnl rsint ' The remedy for the distresses it un doubtedly ICdsey Wort, vegetable i.repnrat ft. which harmonises all the in terna! farce* of the baay. "A Treasury of Bible Read i a ft" it vht till* "f a valuable new werk, by Krr. S (. .shannon, of Milroy, I't., and w-bicb, hat already met with a rapid tale on ac-j i count of itt tr.arii The Bible reader will find thit work a valuable balp ; the teach ings af the Bible are set apart in topics •nth i epieut references bearing upon tha • atne. with n ide* t< the topica It it -old at tha low price at 4< cents Cloth oar er ;25 Cents paper carer Tha work • he hud of Mr Jeha Hhatinen in thu place. 10 ap 3'ft A fire ftt C*rbn Hill, ner PittMon. Pe.,: destroyed • h<*u*e occupied by John L. Ke gh and his five children A tan aged "leren and * daughter thirteen year* ware burned ta death. COME .I.VI) SEE Tllli BIG SHOW! lilK LARGEST AND 11 EST SE LECTED STOCK EVER OF FERED IN CENTRE HALL, AT Wolf's S' <an (1. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is stocked with full lines of DOM KSTICB, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES'! READY-MADE SUITS, PARA. SOLR, UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS | AND SHOES, ETC., ETC. (i u O 0 ER V DI.PA RTME\T With full lines of Choioetl Teas, Syrups, Dried j Fruit, Ciinncd Goods, Sugars, Cof- I fee#,* Pure Spices, Salt, Pork Provi sions. Wooden. Willow, Queens and Glassware, Fuh, Salt and everything i usually found in a first class Grocery. HARDWARE, CARPETS ANI) OIL CLOTHS always on hand. You need not go from home to buy 'goods low. At Wolf's stand in the Bank building, you fiud bargains good M elsewhere, and an assortment crjua 1 , to any in the county. CI A l'l it'N —ll itv i nk purchased the ) articles below, at countable'* Sale. , as tho property of Havid Little. 1 will , leave them in his possession at my pleas uro, and all persons are hereby cautioned against meddling with them in any man uer whatever : One horse, truck-wagon, set of harness, cook stove, ckk and hay- Udder. KATE DURST. 1 1 nuir 3t STRAWBRIDGE 4: CLOTHIER • NOW OFFER J LI LI 2 T) 3 2L J M 2 3 —or— S l It I N Ci V O O II S ! Which 1011111 bo in-pactnl by every buyer within turli of Philadelphia. Those who do not i(H tha < ity can >i-ur every mlvantage oflered by our unri vall.g tnrk ti<> v.ry low price* through (ho Mail 4>rder Department. I'lratr .We Wo employ no agent* Bend direct to the h>u lor samples. SPRING HI I.EM Black Hilk> of all reliable make,, ('•lured Kilk* in all the >laple and iathietiable coloring, The l*tet •*! feci* 111 Htripe, t.heckl, Jaapor*, LnuitltiM, Ac All Hilk Neveliiv, hi lmni>i) assortment. Natia*. Ve|. vel, hnulard*. I'eklD Nltipe*. Da uiar*. Brocades, Ac. SPUING GOODS. A viit ot inspection will verify ,ur •Uleuiont that we have the target and be-t a,rted rtock of Spring and hummer llrro (ioudi I'arit Tab in , novel in ti slure and de ign, at a email advance over nat o 1 in.pulia tion, and immense lines of PLAIN FA BRICK, in araortmant ot lailuro and i-eloririg, quite bewildering SPUING HKRNANIES A <KEN A DINKh Thi >t'.i-k i* simply wonderful in variety of rtylr, and i-*ture. It in rlode* AH-Hilk All- Wool. Silk and Wool, Hilk. Wool and Cetten, etc At the tame counter, will t.e found the largest line BUNTING!! ever i tlei i d at retail any w here, in Black* and ( wlurt of every conceivable qual ity ana price SPRING FOREIGN OtTToNS. '1 be de,gn in faroigu Cutt-m, for the present Cipring an J hummer are particularly pleasing. The v-r:ety that we are bnu inc from which to make Be lectio It, and the richne*, and elegance ot our ciclu,lvo*t) I*,. mu,l convinco hnyar,, after a are!j! •*• aminall'tn, that ourttock cannot po*- he rl< elled SPKINGOOhTI MKS FOB LADIKF. i hI, Iit We pterent te buyer, a new teature in die,,making In,lead e! high-priced in.ported uit> out oi the reach of every enr, we utter c*- luair, made of good, >lyli,h and at tractive in app-ranee in sty!*# ta ken froui the lalett I'ari, pattern,, Imparted by our*lv#s, and marked at the tiiott mode ale price, SI'Hl NO HUll'H FOR CHILDREN. Our dock of thvee good,, a, i, uni rei,ally a kifi>wledged. in not *wii approached e!*whert Our C-m --inenccoient, I'aiiy and SeLao' Dre,,- e> ar< IB neat, e.yiiah and apprepri ate de*ign. which •an scarcely be llti|>roved upon. We have a large liae of Suit, made esptoly for wear at the ken*bore, country and tnoun -1 lain*, in ,tyl:>h efleet, and at tur prikingiv low pruM. | Si* HI NO WRAPS hi ANTLER, Etc. We are howitig all the ■ sweet t> Ic, in Silk, Camel , Hair. nal*, i'rap d Etc, etc ; alao, a full line of Spring and Summer Sac jue, in C -rduri y, Camel Hair, Mottled, Plaid and Plain t'lotb* Circular*, Ulster* and MaMlrs in every con ceivable kiad af light We.gut goods. SPKI.NO SHAWLS Heal India Shaw l, far k v Ter mer price, ; Pauley Shawl,, with open centre*. filled centre*, rich bor der,, and *utiu<d rotor*; 'lbiPel, | fShet'and and Erphyer Shawl, in ait color*, weave, and deaiga-, t' price tnal defy compel nion. '.SPRING CLOTHING FOR BOYS- We have prepared for tbi. Spring S Mock ot the mud carefully made and ty ii*h good, it I* poaathle to pre cure and have marked every gar ment on the ba- - af our uniformly lap price,, (fur l >ck t- all new, and every garmeai ai the laM nyie, af material and workmanship. SPRING STAPLE GOODS. Our stock of iho,e good,, including Calicaaa, Percale*, (,. Mus lin*. Sheeting,. Fennel,, etc , we ar* diatribulin g : - customer* at can *mali uniform profit above firt cost ' a, leaned by prompt ca,h pure bare* ta large lot* SPRING MI'S LIN UNDERWEAR. Webeurieour MAOMFICKT>TOck ibu e.*on c.ouat fail to B fc '. * y SrfcAw ~,,m,,t0#4 ■*™h,O.* ,n t.pend.iur*. CLOIHIKK, 801, 803. bOj, 807 A ew MAHKKIM , PHI LA. Centre A* spruce Crick RR r WESTWARD. BBICK FOE BALE. —Kirn claw brick I 3 5 OD band for tale al Zerbe'e Centre liali , T _ A M PM || brie* yard*. The* brick arc M'.niaran.. TU> 1 (. 'JO 'f rrtld *° iow lh ** il w j" peraone ala Leiaburg_ 7 I.'. 2At f, fiance to com* here for then. , b * - Intending to continue in the manufac- Arr at SprVn* M lure of brick they will be kepi conrtanUjl ... on hand, and fair inducement* offered l<- EASTWARD. purcbaa.Ta. II I A 7au*lf. U.K. ZKKBF. übavk m. r.u fcpring M.lli 1010 |- f KURTNKY Attorney at La* Cobura - 10 35 II Reliefonle, Pa. Officeorer Rer Lewuburg CSi 12 4'. A® eld* bank 14may'r Arr. at Montaadot: I ■ 0.(8 No* 1 and 2connect at Montand n with TT"T I TVJ"D "V "ROOi^TIH |;;; ~ '*• ' s&J "1 "" " 4 wile. itii" c.u. wup DH. J. W. RHONK. Ir.tit, can be All kind* of repairing )one. The boat found al hi* office and raaidance .lock alw*y* epton band. A .l work *ar on Nertb niir of ll fh Mreel, three door* ranted. A hare o. the pubilt patronage Ka*t of Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa. j kindly o lie Red. llapr, 14 y 27 fab if ■- —— —GRAND SPRING OPENING — —AT THE— BEE-HIVE ONE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE I I () I have jut returned from New York after having purchased an IM- M ENSE STOCK of Goods for cash, at lower prices thau ever, of which I will give my patrons the benefit, and wish to call your attention to the Special Inducements I am offering in the following lines . DRESS GOODS—latest novelties. SlLKS—black & colored. WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOW EI .S, CARPETS AND SHAWLS. DO M KSTIC GOODS OP KN I>ESt RIPTION, , raiMWiKO* aoTioae, IiN*i. TIES, <X>UARS. UOMKET. I-LOTE*, VNDERWKAR, MILLINERY GOODS, ACh AC. •♦•Mr (i.x Hi* are all marked in plus fisuret. ad the Prtcee 1 wili lb * lowe.t in ibe county. An early call at the Be it soi.c.trd youw. JT. H. BAtf£<AJ{, Motto it One Price, and the vory lewett, the bett ofgoodtand no roitrepre- Matatioa. VHHMNMi i Special Notices THE WORLD'S BALM Dr. L 1) \V> burn's Alterative Syrup, i A remedy earn! TiIIKTV KtVK VKARs In* private pruUM, and o#er lailioc to radically tin KrifcUMA lisM, 1 Dronre. Ki7%UU*. Kcroful*. Ixa4>rr Uyphllla. * irm " vat Uutwlw a'.d alidiaaac. in uae-II UH blood la Itmpltoatwd ta ■ ogetwd to the public • tj all KMatl, and 1 Wholalalo on!, hn Ih* Wubllrll StiklM Ua,r.U 1 i.. I.A , Kocbn* iw.w. r. __ PIMPLES. ® 1 will m*ll i Tree) tbo recipe lor a almple Veet*ble i Halm lbat will reiuere Tae. freckle,. I'lmplre and I Blotch*.. leavlaa ue able ►<>. clear nd beautiful. ateo learucl."oa (or produc ln* a luaurtaat rolh "I hair an a bald head or aaiuotn face. Addreaa. ini Uw- I 3c itAiup, lln. Vandal! k to., 3i' Ann Mrwl, N. ■ • I K) ( ONSUMPTIVES. Tho alv#rtlor IUTIDI boon |ormanrntlj cnrod of • that droatl WM>*®*.t:u®uu|tiott. ljr a wimpl® rctunly, | u autioua to iuko known t > hi* tallow u!t>r*r* tho , i n pam tkf euro To all who itoalro Ho bo will n#ad a ; copi of Uir proacrtptlon nao 1.1 Iron of char*®' with tho | l I root ton for |ro pari n* and u*in the •tnr, which t ttioj will And a uro euro for ( ouauxuplloo. Athuu. Bronchitis. Ac. I'arttoa wt*htn< tho Prescription. will ploaac ad.lroM> 1;. A WI Ut>N. Ist Tono hi-. W illlamalmigh, aV. ( ERRORS PF YOUTH. A ORNTI.KMAN who anßred for year* from ffer *ou licbtlitr. rmvilur* d*. ay, and nil Ui* effect* of youthful loaiacrottuu.will for the uki of antle-taii . humanity aelld free to all who need It. the recipe and j direction lor making the nimide reniedj lijr which lie wnn cured BuOerern wiahtng to prnAt by the advcrti rr'n experience c*n do no by nddretnlny in pwrfnet con i nd ones, JOHN B. fXIDKN.OCednr Si . New York. | i nil l*VOf *ll klndn, Tt'MLKS, dlachargee of I . , I I TIT.', ItI.OOII or taueae. nnd nil diner. - of Ibej I HKrTCM quickly nnd perfm tljcured-b| n almple nnd I atwtthlnc Koinody Tor information, addror* ' | 3 Ujn>.iii Dr. J. f AHKK AU . S4 Ann St . N V ._ l" G. GUTKLIUS, Dentist, Mlllheim. Oiler* bli profeaetonal eervfeeato tha public. 11l In ( prepared to perform nil operation! In In* dental pro tension. . .. . , . . lie l now fuliypraparsd to extract lesth *boiuily j without rain. mit'TS^ Although till, department ha* been itit reared to more than four time* It* former i*e. it I* now scarcely large chough to accommodate it* maav pa tron, No such stark can be found elsewhere The department i* situa ted in our retired ,ecoad ,t*ry par lor, ensile aeca**ihte bv elevator SPRING HOSIERY AND UNDER- W l-Alt The product, of all the hatt maker* of h ranee. England, Germany and our own country n ie on ethihition at eur counter* All the n<tvelne* in Mk. fine ('..(ten nnd Li,l* ||o* far ladle*, ehiidren and men. Our stock m all grade* i,f Underwear i* the text Cemtrlete In thi* CUX SPRING GLOVES. The "Trefuu*" and ether brand* of Kid Clove,, in *hade, to match the ! new shade* In Hilk* and Ifre., Geod*. Men* Kid Glove,, handsomely eta • hroidered Li, e Thread Gloeea in , assortment greater ili.a Wa* ever be fore shewn If, Philadelphia. Fabric GloVe, of all kind' SPUING NECK WEAR FoR GEN • ba** alt the n, west shape#, ma teriaU, effect* ai d < o'oring* in Neck wear. t pticc* at least one third let* than I* usual Cor three brand* of Shirt,. "The Standard." • The Favor ite, " "The Cu-torn Made." havepruv *d l ba the mot popular Shirt* ever o d .'i thi- cit r. SPRING HOUSEKEEPING LIN ENS The very )arg hu> ne„ done in thi, department. rqjire a* to be n*i*jr ifithrr ifihikri, ho our cufttoanfn lire iHurfl of feuing the fr+*kr*t g<.'d. inevary <)eM r,piioa •( Linen* lor table or bouse ue, at the lowest pcib e prices We have ai*o a very large Mock of Cretan ae,. Haw Silk*. 1 Jute* etc. SPRING <4(JILTS A BLANKETS. W have in tck all grade* of .lac <piard Honeycomb and Marseille* Spread. in !ge for cradle*, crib*, khipl .nb* single and double beds. i, ".•Ir.vS* u, '* U MII EH oi* A > KtlsS t |4 Ul per ptir *hieh • itiihii su#*to ic*iitit quftlitjrvt ' evn Bold. NpltlXO CLOAKINGS. Gur atoortment u comtilete in all ii the nvwet style, and c< luimg. The 1 newct taitig for i.adie* and Cnit- I drel. . CeaU t, , # ! t Cgj.g o, r d u r -f. 1 We haVa it in all tfaa popular thades. NPKIM. PARASOL-- A UMBREL LAS. The newest *ty!e* of PareaeU are an ' etjtif* y4*|irt(4fe frum in \ogat lust j,f We were confident teal (bey woeid meat with popular favor, and laid in a larg- ,ie k*f t ha thoic e,l shape* style, a handle, Though the price, have been advanced because ot scarcity, we uuri or . igmelly intended, at a small increase o# lit* nuiiufdiiurpri' -PRING VLAJTIt* A CASSIMERES. rur Msi •f liv.ys weir t n<w iLtt tmrgf* i RTid best of these goad, ever tbuwa by *u. Scotch Suiting*. Fine Suiting*, neat riatd*. Hinpea. Check*, Diagoaal*. in great as-orttuent and at very low ptic* In Blue Fmnaaif w have the fvtandard indigo Gcsods -PHI N(, VUiIT-GOuDS. While i to he very popular thi* e,*oa tor warm weather co*iemo*- Our assortment of Pique*. Swut.Nain- Book, 1 ndia Musiiii, o.c , t* unsurpass ed The price, era a* low a* can be markc, l on good, „f *imiiar qua hue*. >PKI\G DHESN TRIM MINUS. Every*fateg new or eovel ia these good, that ha, appeared tbi* Mason * tii be found at our counter* A tery great variety „f t .yry style of Button, aau a we i iacied stuck ef Notion*. NATIONAL 'HOTEL."' CORTLAN IIT ST.. Near Broadway, HEW YORK. UOTCHKISS A POND, Proprietors. OA THE EURUI'EAS I'LAN. The rexluurant. cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50cta. to $2 per day, s:i to $lO per week. Con venient Jo all ferries aiul city railroads. New Furniture. New Hanace luenl. 23 jau ly HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Health and llnppfncan are rrlrelenn Wealth to their pimrwn, and yet thwy are uitliln tho reach of every one who will UH WHHHH'I ".* I.IVEB Thv onW car® for Torpid Uv*r, DopmUtj llradache, HourStotnaek, <Vn!lpation. l>hili(>. N'au ( t*a. and all liilltou* pomplaiut* *** d |i|o.d ihm'®r. N'oiwitoninrunirw ai;ned, "Vitu Wrbrbi. Phtla."; If your l>iui;mt will not wupply st-nd Si tvuu lor on® b i to Bar rick. Holler d Co. til W . 4lb Bt. I'LIU-'uiivSitu J. ZELLEIi & SCH, DUKltilhTS, No. 6 Brockerhoff How, BtllefonU Ponn'a. Dealer* in DruK*FheiuiealK. I'crIIimcry, FHIIIJGUJKU Ae,. Ac. Pure "Wines and Liquors for medic purposes always kept. maySl 7^ I - JOHN BLAIR LINN, Atternoy-at-L&w, Office on Allcghony St., Bellefonte, P. 27 feb tf A T c. DINNJES' NEW STORE TOU C. , na^V~l. k^ 4# of *!•• nnd Fruit* ehaapar than any krn el*#. He Also ha* on hand and ia coniiant ly receiving Notion*, in greet variety, and TnUoooc of the beat gradee TRY HIS YORK CIGARS He deals In FLOUR. BRAN ETONV and EARTHEN CROCKS, Ac At and take* alt AW* ef Country Produce in eicbange. CALL AND Gl"fi7lll( A TRIAL C HINGKS Centre flail. DR. OBKRHULTZKH S LINIMENT" tni'HOK RII.K. I, a" htgbl* iwsaaut't us* fWolnl, K m 4 lav Frawed >aot. Art,.,. C.i M . gesuT *ia*s a.Hins Kyrslas Mr If is . ta# araatM* rMr " l * '"*"*• "erua* *a* .,l?tag, | a It wisi)ltlf s,*wn|| flat sm tsnl*s, rrll.T.s |„ stig jastnU, Iks lu amiss sr.ii ta. et*iuna. tba aosoer witi P* g.i* h.,g p, av fi-pH "'r bv lev, lOwraotfMr.X. P Hail bj J H. Nsnsi . Oat/, Mali. Tli** Phffiili Pceioral. Mas psovo* HaaM o. I— Meaharfir adapwd la aid Pw- < übnaai|Rii hJ eiiildrwi it lreki g coi*f If hlOJje Cdfldil It btdd MtHTiortUM ft glfaa 1.. JUM Edffi*/ ~risS TtlSfJi CT % !*"*" c *"** th *B ,r "ikar asadiciaa. Tbaa saads ■ Mm eiltusM at KoJmrm u7, '*** ' tot ta ara paax and (s*#ofr la ia# ralfaf ***"j Prsc# Ift cats or S br-tliaa tat ft frrrrH '•/, i*#twua, no. * bof* •> J b M arrag. t'sslrs Bait. oxkm *k rtoipig Airp cow rowpg*. ,e ,, e 2tos?!£Zsa Rft4UhfiRa tSTVfS: \ ttt e|g* II It feesje (a |> f j ObrfLtdller .• ***• i*cli *ti Iti ST TwUd htiNNH , Pbdfli "l kaaid iKginatajvrcsst f '• '"I'ANGLER, Attorney- at-Lew. *' • ConultetHo* in Eng>iii and German. (Jffice in Furat'* new building JEKRVMIIXEE Bakbm avp Uaiapkcmk—in the base ment or the tmnk building. All work done is fashionable *tyle. 1 July Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert Kauih, At the BISHOP STREET BAKERY, 'ia now making the very beat BREAD, CAKES AND PIES in Bellefonie, ' Cendiee and Con feci i one. lie also manufacture* ell kind* of cee die*, and dealer* can purchase of falte a* low as tn the City. Candies of all kind*al ways on hand, logeths-r with Ormegee, Wmon,, Fig*, Date*, N uu, Syrupa, Jel ite* and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT. An Excellent oygter saloon eieo tt lached U> the Bakery. Call and see tue. ALBEET KA'JTH. j ______________ awvl I P*" I llxHuainc* ur C awh Prlcee ol liootw and Sltoea. —We are rolling ; >ut the goods lively, beeemw are chargl l*s for thrm than wa* evsr known- We keep up tha quality awd keep down the ' price*. We are bouad to sell off thi* tre mendous ttock, aad trust ia the low price* | to do the tus.nes*. W* will offer you .1 Men's fine calf boot* at .... fy 50 Men a kip boou at- 200 (\ omen's kip shoe* at. 1 Oft Children's school shoe* at 75 ( Men's wool hncd gum boou at 2fa Boy,* woel-lined gutn boot* at-... . 1 , 1 Men'* wool-lit)d buckla overshoe*... 1 40 ' Ms-n's wool-lined Alaska ov*r*hoe*._ *.* Men, p'ain gutn overshoe* OC ! Lumbermen's gum*, solid heel I'£ iWomen's wool-lined Alaska ever- Women's plain gum over, Pees S& -j A uses' plate gum overshoes 90 Children's plain rum overhoes.—_. 2> t The above rubber goods are all IrM - class and ar* warranU-d. and will tw sold s for rati af>. E.GRAHAM ASON. ; Dec & Beiiefoate, Pa. A PRICELESS JEWEL : health, and If you are without it yon ran neither (. borrow, buy nor ileal IVbut you ens uliuln it by hwllwrn' Liver Pilln The, lone up the Stomach j and beep the bowel* In (ood order by rellevta* conn t ■ nation They produce a healthy act ion la the liter. .1 "Uaote dicfaiioti and impart rtur to the whole aye. ! t m. Price Si cent, I 1 . K. SKI.Lr.Ks A CO.. Proprictora. ritteburgh. I'a. A Crave Robber Caught. The muel ancceeaful crave robber of the day i* Dr. t i-dey. by muiuof In. Blood c earcbev he baa rob i -d the crave of acorea who were dyiof of Scrofula, I "UDitaplion. Kheumatlsa. Mercurial dleeaao. l.a . roua YortuaUoaa. Tumor*. KryaipoUa, Jauadloe, fever and Ague and (iene-al Debility. The blood la tbo life, andlW. I lndaey'v Hleod he reher la tee creat life preserver, fi li Hubbard. Hampden. Ohio, lays Cleveland phynictaaa declared tay wuedylaa of con vuutptiun By theuae of lr. Luidaey'a Blood Search r er ahe wa. reatorod to health. J h Brooka. eatnae , villo.Ohio. aayt "Wyaoa waa atftlctod with aerofula of tho wont form, ami paoaooncod iacurabio fay ver a! Ilia life waa aavod by tho oae of Dr. Llndaey-a Blood Soarebor " A tumor Krowlp* on r , head waa completely cured hy the uae oJ l>r Lmd.ey e " Blood Searcher .N Sarvor. rttt.hora. BuiL*. Ptiupl®w ou tb®fo®. Salt Rn®am. Old Sor®. 1 and *ll t'utanouua orupMona 'k# maatc , when tho Blood searcher to naed. boo that oor name , to on tho bottom of the wrapper. tor aalo by all druc i: * K Sollora * Co., Prop'i* Plttabnrch, p* lmy y Kor aalo by J D Murray. Centre HaU. CN ET GOOD BR BAD, J Hy culling ut the new and exten sive bukerv esiabi tab ment of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Sar.ds.) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny street where he iurnishes every day Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds, Pies, etc., I Cnr-iite*, ipice v Nuu, Fruits. , Anything and everything belonging tr the business. Having had years ef sips rience in the business, he flatters hitnsel that he can guarantee satislaction to all who may favor tim with their ratroaage 30 aug tf JOSEPH CEi)A*3.