The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 01, 1879, Image 4

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rirlnrmqnr 4'oafmine* "rein
In fci A < my . Mllh n Wat Pfrfnic of *
\m-H I n IWmtty.
V correspondent of tin- New York
rmng Fbst writ** Ann Ven i m/,
Mi xi*o, as follow s I'ln i o-niopoHtmi
chant* t* 1' ot Vera t 1117. and tin iHUlsid
•ruble resident population of foreigners.
tend in sonn Mcn-niv n> crowd into the
background many of tin' distinctively
national costumes CM mvluiv .'tioouii
tcred in the inb rior. \ni vet tin ni\
is. in mam tv-pivt-. an opftonn' of nil
Mi xii o. Tin iut ion- Mini ttniu i tMoiucd
i \n tnoi ts constantly with typos not be
fore sis n. or s, cn porhaps only in pi
ton s. Phii. fact was forcibly improsscl
upon nio tin other moruin_ when.stand
ing in tin ltiarki t In sidi the nulc um
brella under w hieh a young and rather
pretty Indian girl had arranged In r stock
in trade ot gaudy flow* rs. I caught sight
of a lon i loud. ,or farmer, ridtnghi iskly
up, • nl. w iUi Ui hors>, in the full rig
oi tin t\pna! country gentleman \
short halt w hieh he made near l*\ afford
•si nn an e\e< "cut opportunity of study
ing the costume in detail
\ rather slenderly-bunt, tawny
skinned man. mounted on a small and
spirited hors.e. h. i-iv-iiit*-) \ showy ami
expensive, if not ell .ant. figure It was
a pieturi' that could he seen now hen
otttsidi of Mi\ieo. and on* that in point
of pietun's-in. 11l s> IS not easily OXve ed
anywliere. Lite lower dress consistnt
id embroidered bretfi lawn-tvsui e
n ither, op u at the kims and ornaiuent
d with two rows ot round silver hut
tons and hioad stripes of silver lac* a
worked shirt witli high collar, and a
short ia. ki i of printed caliixv, on whieh
was i;ra, i fu":\ thrown an e,' cant maii.-i
or circular eloak ot \ iolet -colons! n m
profits. \ ornamented with gold l.uv.
ihi Ids feet in wore soft toixiovall leather
hoiits of hull color, over whieh w. re
draw n eheriv a >v 01 eggitis, of a kmd
(M tiiiar to the i. nuts. Plies, ls>ggtns
are op, n fiwni tin knee down, ami arc
inadt genera", \ of cinnaiuon-coioresl
leather, s. euna\ hy an ,>rnameatal gaiv
tor. Pin \ form a very expensive arii 1-
ofdri ss. as the leather is out in relh \o
in a great v ariety of elegant patterns a
work done hy tin Indians of the interne
provin sin a manner that would 1" \
naaiiugly ditPieult to imitate Phey
rang* in > ost from i ight to fifty dollar* a
pair, and yield eveu at that prio*. lam
told, as amy reiuttneraiion tv tho
makers. lln v form, however, an iinli**
pvn-ab i artie in tin outfit ot the or
dinary Mi \iean. who. in the arrange
m '.if of his toilet. • •m- to pay pa: tieu
tr atten: on to hi- • g-. Hie head ot
this ni. turos.jn ucnwm was eov ervd with
a hiwad-brinuued. !ovv-cn*wwd hat >!
grayi-h-w hite t- t. eouipatoly shading
Hie slumV.ers, i neir. it d h\ a broad rod
or band afdhw di e. with fringe of the
>mn upon its outer edges. Hi* feet w re
armed with the enormous spur* of the
mit.d ages, with row. - ftp v tvviiv.
inches in i ireuinferein-e and having a
:m tolled to the sic. S ~f H J,.
vv In s, nu-'.e. ioimd t,v that of the a,*, u
twuH'iite of his horse. seems to denote
the wealth and. • on-* ,uente ,d the eava-
The divoration- of the horse vv• re
i ven morv dashing and infinitely mom
eo-t .v than thus, cf hi- rider A-mad
bridle, heavily ornamented with -i.ver.
with a very large and powerful hit. hy
inei'i- of whieh the nn—t -tuhhoni an
imal uin U jn-tantaneou-ly stopped
when at ful - "I'd: stirrup- of solid or
plii.d s' v.r. and an hunt -addle
with large -aitdlisfiaps of -kin. drawd
with the hair on. hanging down in front
to tin horse's knee-, white a heavy p a
ri ,-at- .ike • i v iTing of stiff, elaborate ly -
s' ltn.-o. 1■ • iivvti 1 tth-r. . i .• d a I'ort •
-1 . . - tl ■ w lisle hind nan
w . down t > ta- haunch**-. At thi*
point i; t- tviuafed iu ad ,p, heavy
•tg • f r-m chain work, whose jing
— - cm- to constitute the ehi
hatipi". • f tin* Mexican rider. Ajl
;. - utiaptmnt;—tin bridle, saddle,
• t.-.—v r,- r>4dily embroidered and dv
orated 'ltc grW. stiver and color.d
- ks wlii the eompiete ,S)Uip
•iii ut ami hwntess pf u yj \i.-nn a\ -
- • exiwnsirf. tip icggiiis. spurs,
"alleys d 'veiings of tin stirrups
r- a ,-pd i liiici' d: :iu of tin- formei
ar so el i imtelv ornamented a* to cos:
#l9O a pair, while tin* whole dr>s. if
1: his any pr* ti -■ to fashion, cannot
b : ureiias, 1 tor less th:U #solt. The
-ad,-.cs are parti-ul fiy expetisivc. and
■a -• ,v- ' v - i,l,iter*- shop may t
- nha fa dogea of them. Ringing in
priee from OdßOfu #r>oo, arid even a- liigli
a- #|.nm. Iri- sii ': that tin- atddlers o'
n-- other i■•unity cm tuak<* a Me.viean
1-. : • Hi i-> be hop 1
!• ■ • :;t worßmnn will attempt it. Large
. 1 i: vy.Mr.ev am very -af** and ea--,
for tin rtii.c: Hut it i- a rare tiling to
- e a hors murn from a journey vvith
out a -on ha* k. '
kttir- d in thi- -'■mi-Harharie gnrh and
a-tr'nie t r*-.y '• -oaparisinai and |>nne
ing -t.s-ii. fbe no-mrrvtiuin prv*s*nted a
I ietisri s,.|!. s and gallant tigur*-. not a
iittl- !.- i. Wemst Hy tin* flowing fold
of hi- violet-colored manga: for of all
tin -oft-flowing and ornamental drap- rv
of M* \ieaa costume, tin* manga inor>-
n trly ap;ifnaeh*s the idea of perftat
gia • than htiy otln-r. Worn sonn vvhat
in the fashion of the si-rape, the manga
difi* rs ntiallv from it. It i- made
••f HROAIIED.TLI OF different hut uniform
• si'.ors. ofthn of tin* g:ty<s.t—bright blue,
- arh t or puqii-. of velvet or <>f tine
figured eotton of native manufaiture.
in -li.i..*- a ein . , it i- heavily *iu
hroid'T-sl with -ilk braid, gold fa-e or
lonl or velvet around tin- <-lit i:: tl*
enter through which tlx head is pa-sisi.
"1 hi- > inhroiiLerv often forms m\ inn* r
circle of itself, extending usually to the
turn of tin* shoulder*, j n hi
pietur-s, l ue garb, th** Mexican rider
innki-s a costume - pictun not <—* si 1 x
matched i -js ially o when. rnis, d oil
one -linulder to give free play t<> the
anu, tin- manga falls low on tlie oppo
site id*. No toga of old lionn* could
hare draped more graeefullv. The na
tive women not infrequcntfy aff*vt the
inanga. and with no loss of H*-aut'>
iioir bla-k hair and eyes and suii
ki-.- d complexions, outlined aimve th*'
flowing fo d- ut that gnu-* ftii garment.
:ir*- enough t* -often the -oul **f ait
The ilr— of the country 1 idies. a-ex
bibtted infr*s,u*-n'.A upoa the ralloi ••
\"<*r:i < nix. i-showy, hut not elegant; a
w 1-rke.l < h*mi- . a ith light, open ja< ket,
and a richly <*mlroider* d or suang]*-d pel
tieoat of some -oft. iiglit-coioml i >t 1 .
often blue or scarlet, -K-CIII* to !• th TM
vary ing eotnine. \Vh<*n riding, th- are
generally seated on a ( lunisv. | M ,x iik*-
side-saddle, with th* ir fn'ton the light
-id*' of th<- honw. exactly the rever-c of
'h*' attitmle to which vv.- ar- accustomed,
and whieh pn -cm* anything Hut a grm e
ful .ippearan-i i, In thi* country th* v ar
- iid often to ride with a foot on each -id*-;
though that rfreshing sjiectacle ha- n**t
yet crossed niyjaingeof vision. It is not
uncommon. lumever. to s-e a pnymtwt
mounted on tin; *an>e horse before her
<-;tv;liiT<>. who, seated behind his fair one.
supports her bv an arm thrown round In r
waist a fa-iiion which. if introduced
with Us. would tend greatly to increase
the healthful habit of equestrian exercise.
\s tjie women here wear neither hat nor
iMinnet, the eavaiiero. as a mark of re
sj.eet and attention, places his hat upon
her head, ami { . supplies its place on his
own with a iiaudkeivhief a practic
which, if introduced with us, would
speedily insure a return to piaiestrianism.
Returning ffyim the market, my eye
fell upon another and more pleasant type
of the niotly Mexican population. Ad
vancing towaiVl the tand I was just quit
ting came the swaying figure of a young
girl, her rebo/s open.and her long, wavy
iiair escaping in plaits from beneath it:
her complexion of a slight umber tint;
her hare browu. shoulders rising above a
chemise of snows white lawn, elaborately
embroidered, with short sleeves fringed
with lace: afftuud the slender waist,
which had ID \TT been defoniied by etav
or corset, a cincture of erimson-silk
. rape, from whfch tliree short petticoats
fell in graceful folds; a skirt, lace bor
dered. and tiiHdaintiest of satin slip|er
poised upon Iter toe. Above, a pair of
let-black eves, glancing under a profusion
of purple-blank hair, adorned with the
fresh flowers of the orange and suehli.
If you go intoa Vera < ruz church in the
early morn, and it awhile in the silence
of some somber corner, you will turn in
stinctively and look about, feeling that a
pair of eves have magnetized you into
seeking them. You will know "them at
once, for they are such as glanced up at
me from under that shining crown ofnair
—black, limpid, grave perhaps, with an
innocent artfulness, a repressed merri
ment behind them, which harmonizes
well with the forced demureneas of the
mouth. Thev look out complacently at
you from under the folds of the rebozo
that covers them; not furtivelv.hut meet
ing your glance firmly if interrogatively.
They might be the eyes of a chanting
angel in heaven, or of a young child
dreaming at a threshold upon earth, were
not for the suggestions of passion and
daring. *h fiance and amhilion vvhi. li
■lumber in them sh* isv.ry proud, tbiti
pohlaim. daugJii'T of th* p* oph . and vet
'-only a sumptuous woman. *lio loves
lier po*>r i< v* is. het lo\er, her -■ i • nrule
uiHinthe mandolin, ami dread*. lik* any
,*th< r vv oiuan, lit* cold. *iai k, ni**ni earth.
The History of the Heard.
\.it many year- ago it wa- hardly
respectable to wear a heajrvl; hilt tin
heard niov *'un*nt. t •-t-t.'d ami rhli**u d
t first, lias coiii|U<-rial, ami it grow
nion and inoia the fashion l*> jpow on
the face a- full a covering ot hair a
can He coaxial out "Tin hiard. tin
natural clothing of th*' chin, say* a very
old English writer, "was in ancient
times loohisl upon not a- a iron ■ i-s.-m*
burden, hut a- a dignified ornament ot
ripe manhood alnl old agi Hut
]>rt-s.*fit generwti*vn, howeva-r, earvs noth
ing for "dignified oinaunnt in dr*—.
hut vers much for com < tiiein • and
lUiiitariatvlsin It set-- in tho hcaixt.
and. ah>vas ail. in th, utU-lAchi . -* nat
ural d* '■ I',* for tin thr- t and fa -
again-t the cold, ami x|Uallv. in warm
ePimat* s, :l piote.liou v't tho-i parts
against exi'-sivo In it. !'< I'sons who
w i.u uiDetach*'- aix said, on go.-.; all
ihiunly*. to !•< h ld* toothneh*
than others, ami it i- a!—* --dd that
the teeth aix- h*s- apt to da .*> lln
he.-u d aial nntsta, he i-jiiali.'* the f. ut
jvcratutx- t*> till' parts they colli with
their pi otA tiou. I'he-apjH'isau.i lilimi*
of ilu French army, ho-cn i' .rt lor
the sue and beauty i tluir ' .uxl-. *•
ov an e-pt* ;al ilinn ll 'v a.a a—t tnx-n.
cliitl- ana .similar i , - I: - r- *'• -I
that IValt. r Sav age 1 ltdol * .- .* great
-ufli'i'ir from t o"*t * many
vear* ot his .iti. hut was curve. y tin
siirgotWl oi the tilWud Ibllo of I llsi anV.
vv ho advised hint to his heard grow
y , shad not round :!*■ niram 4 i-'iu
heads; neither -ha t thou mar the cor
ner* of thv *S. oat. s |V the a "till' -
in L vitietts lu an. it nt time* a in. u
and ,I*l# wore binni- the gory ami
luautv *it .lilpiteFs IM.UXI aia .'.vv. !
U;HI| hv Homer, when til* lather of
_ods and men is fir-t brought into tin vli x 'littler tl til It tlist iutl.
dttiaal -liavin.. saying that in I* is A-i
--,iti. war* tin beard- of ht w arrn-r
--"might atlofvi a handle to the em my
It In eajlie th* - mark of a tine gent < man
• wear no beard in tlre.xv, aud dan
dii-. even rviuoval them hy "-harp
jiiteli-phusJ.-rs," a- vv t a.- ra/or- Konn
l-i'gmi to sliuv, abvuit om humlred and
fiftv year- hcfoix tl • t tin-' Ul *
Scipio Atrieanus. tin v.-ungir. it i--aid
wl* ill- fir-t K. . 1 ' ' ; ill t
v\ho -hlVisi IV. iv .!,> In t 1 -a! .
time, yotmg gentlemen of fashion w, :
a -light gv-atce. hut th full Iward vv
only worn in mourning ot in day- ot
gr- it puldi calamity t -.r Vtlgu-tt;-
and Nero were clotted -havt-d. Hut the
l*':r*l rvvivisl again under lat* CIUJH -
or*, riu- atieii nt Uritoiis cut oil' tin ir
bfUvtt upon the chin, hut wore long.
-lia_.y hair ami enormous tangini
tuu-'. . -hi- \ young -a- ut in - t;-
(i.rtnan trfhe-n*vet "rtmpid hi- chin"
till be had-lain an cm-tnv. The Saxons
w ore tin mttstai he. tin- Norm an* shav i
l'eter the tireat. d*--iroUs of disKu-.-i.-ui
i/ing his subject-, imposed a gradual...
tax on h* ml*. M'n >*f th* -upper * ..t-s* -
paid one hundred roubles (*.*> yearly
t.r the privii. ge of not -having tlxii
in .irds. and poor people a kopec (about
oil** cent) njiitiX'. I lose -haven fini-s
eantc hack among our ance-t. r- v, ith
t liarie- It.. !**'ing another of tin tin
for which (Englaud bad no mno to
thank tin r, -t ration. Uuritig the t ;gn
of th** four tb-orgis , ropjved chin* wen
universal, and though our gramlfatli* r
-till sneer at " 1- ar*E. 'sslmvs '. - a figltr*
of spvsx'h. they dai y lain a 1 ai -
I*-*- th*'nis>'!vsi. Afloat and ashore,
vv hat* vcr tin- itiflii u;t a— ot liie *• < i ' i.>n.
wfliecr-. soldiers and -■ mien shaved
every day. iluring the past fifty year*
beards hive Ism tir-t to ■ rated a- *
centric, then ac-. pt* d a* optional, and
at last have he*-n r-*!or>*i t.* fashii:i
:n*l honor. W • now h i, with one , *
th* *dd barvls who * itft>rata! Ihnrv
Villi. 1> ird. that
A Wfll-ttiiiii-ii,-! taci* i* it i .'iuci) e.u:i'
\a,l * shelti-r front li •
—I: iltiiHort .Em* n \m.
Ptinishnieut of ••the Leather blote.*
The foliowing i- front a work eat * d
"Journey in Moro l'he governor
ot Halia. tin* larg. -t atui nio-t inits*rt:ut
p*rov ims' in th>- entpir -. which ;*.ng
maintain* *i it- ind'j*nd uee *f the -ul
taa. bad h* rcditarv .-laimsto the govern
ment of tin* twelve Slielbih trils- wku
make up th*- population. A though
mi-, rah y fallen away ftvtu it- am i- r:
prosperity—in th- time of l<* o Afrietmu
(iu the sixttviith century) there vv, i*
-i\ or -even j*puioii- town* w ln-r- th* -
i- now nothing l***ttcr than a vi ig>
tlie proviri-1 -til. ftirnish*--mtt. hagri. t: -
tural produce nud live t.- k. and s* nii
hide*, grain, oi! and *th< r merehandi-i
for exportation t* tin |>rt of Mogai'.o.
Tin* governor, at tin time of our vt-i:,
h:u! .ong held hi* oft"). . by lilw-ra -.-n
--trihutious to th*- imperial treasury he
had kept hints- if in th* favor of 11.■
-ulnm while mn***ing va-t w lith.
Powerful nrn! fear**!, might bav.
niiintain'sl hi- autliority unhrok-m.
but that, hv a continuous i-ours* of op
press ion and enn-.ty. h at ength -tin • u
up tin* spirit of li-i-tani r among lii
own people. \ . ng. ance, luivv >vi r atro
cious. for acts of revolt i- -o fully th
admitted right of men in nnthoritx in
Murmv'ii, that it *fi,l not • • in toi mint b-t
much in the indictment again-t him that
on iutl' occasion In intii* ti*l on -•■•.'* - a
hundr.-ii —some -aid a thoti-atul -pri-"-
ers tin t,rriHttf punishment it tin
" bather glove." A .umpofquicklime i
pb"ed in the vi tim'-open tmlin. tin- hand
l_s closed ov,r it. atui hound fa-t with a
pica- of rawhide. Tlie other hand i-t
fastened with a chain behind tlie h-u k,
vv hi'., th, itoimd ti-t i- in water
Win ; .on th* ninth i'iv. the w■*
man he-th*-remaining hand -* t fro . it
is to find hitn-i ;f i muti at' d obi. • f- ;
life, unless iu(rf;fic:ition has - *t in. and
*i**allt r lit v •*- him fr**m furth*r -ufler
ing. lint, in ad*li;ii*ti t*> such act
th*--**. th*- K tid o: Hub:, w i- a->'ti-i d of
capricious" <i- *-*!- >l ferocity that r*'Volta|
tit*- coii- i' iices of his pe-.plc. Among
other tori* of tin* kin*i. vv** w ere toid
that on >nie nai"t. vvh*n he
having a wall made round hi- garden.
In hai*pene*l to -*• a youth iump'W't
the low, unfinished fen r'c ing in
soiiii' way annoyexi nt this, h* hati tin
unfortunate IHIVV right foot -truck *'ffas
a lesson not t<* repeat tin • xperitm tit.
Avrtn:uid IVrr .iua jp< r read !*•
the I>union Physical 5... i* tv. havcali**!
attention to the wi .i-km\vn fa* t that
emotion i- -xcit*sl bv moving bodi*-,
and liave pre*li*'t*-*l tin -ri'iition up**n
thi- basis of a new emotional art . apahn
of high ih-v * lopnu'iit. Among La-t* rn
nations, for example, entertainment
consisting of motions and dumb -how
art* coinmon. vvUiili, although inct*iu
nreh'-nsihle and even ludicrons to tin
European, powerfully ath'. teil tin* fni
ings of a native audience. In .lajsan th**
authors ha*l s*s*n vv hole op ra- of " jm l**-
dious motion" fierforuu *1 in th*: thea
ters. th** emotion-' b*itig *xpr*'ssc*l t.\
movements of the luniy afl'<*ctiiig t<> tin*
audi* nee. but ijiiit* .-trang* t<> th*m. To
carry out thi- nha the author- have *!••-
vi-ed an instrument for effecting • -hang*-
in tit" |H-riod, amplitude and phase >1
the harmonic motions given to a moving
bodv, which th*'\ eiaint i the lir-t iiiti
sienl iii.-trunnnt of tin visual art In
question By it- neons number!*'—
combination* of graceful motions, pr*.-
tlueing eniotionat efTe<-ts on the I.* -
holder, can l- given t<* a visible body,
the influ**n*-e h"ing h<*ighten***l hy tin
use of color* properly hlemietl tog'Hher.
—Harper * M'vjnxinr .
Rarely law the press lieen called upon
to record a more cowardly and brutal
act than the murder of the actor, B.
Porter, hy Jaim-s Currie, and the -hoot
ing of his companion. Mr. Barryniorc, at
Marshall, T*xas. While tlnve g*-iit]e
men were in th*- restaurant adjoining th*
waiting-room of the railroad station,
with Miss Josephine Baker, an actress,
and all waiting tor the train, this ruffian
Currie used improper language to them,
and when told by the party that he must
not insult a lanv and that they did not
want to have any trouble with him. he
drew his revolver and shot them. It
appears the fellow had two revolvers —
was, in fact, a sort of walking arsenal, as
if murder was his profession. He was a
railroad detective, too. A pretty sort of
fellow this, to he employed riy a railroad
company. When a drunken ruffian car
ries a loaded revolver, there is no telling
when he may use it. or make the occa
sion himself for using it ; hut when lie
goes doubly armed, as this man Currie
was, he is as dangerous as a train of
M.Dufaure, the French statesman, has a
withered sprig in a frame, beneath which
are the words; 4 ' Plucked from Washing
ton's grave."
M.rx at I lie X*Ul|% Of he llomlni "tin
Hrllr 1 el f< ll>* r *l- III* !•• .
It i* generally Mlppo** d. -n* a V *v
York paper, that -in-• th* It of I s ?"
i when Mush*** andl'ot! t--. tie stiptm-i *1
! sbilil! tors of * d- K.'ss, Will kti.idat
Hay Kiiig* . Long Island, all -• ai. h f.n
the iil*htetot"s *s i-i d. a in! that the • tlol t s
> ~( Mr t hi t*i tan h lio— win then
" dmxfted to Hie finding if Ids * Idld aUve,
'' to thi dieovii v of lii- ixqiiain-, or to
s - satisfying him-i .t that In- hoy w.i- dead
11 i 1 i*vv s rsotts kin*vv that t* vontli ireunt
,s - -taut it, i v iih tte* and lln six in;• iln u a
" ; lion oi Ik-tii t-s tint, vv a - it: ■ pt.-of
* ' that he and Mo-ln i -toi. tin . litid, vv In.,
i! i it vv.,- ivnhnt that tlnti well d li .-I
" i 'otll' p* tsoii* engatisl ill tb* aliiluitioii
'' i and i oltei aitiK iil ot tin I• 'X Sine* 1
iii tub* i. IST1 S T t, *vi ty * tlol t ha- U. n*
'*! to confirm the -uspi.'ioii ag itn-t M- hi*
I mill JkU; I S, sils.nvi! their eonbaler
: ' vti . I'tlld Oil! th*' p vvllet* t linli*
was CoUei.t'ail at ul vv ho wen - Ut u-to
; | illan*. in id to a- • rtJitti whet hi rhe i now
had oi a.IV. Ad lltr- detssiiv. vv oi
11 I ha- he. tidm* -<■* t etly, ami. it i*b. \<<\
1 wll 1.. -lit t -It : Mi t 'hi lan K lb -
" ! hitU-eif. lev- bull e.jltai'to a host ol si*
list iv i. 11 I is t ai a;d*il t . t (.t
I di'iios all*! I 'ai tai it 11 ems ot l*llill*ili*t)iftilt,
I Superintendent \S'ailing Mil many Net*
i Y,r!. tb ti. tiv e- ivtird M*- a lot
5 | -I tt* merchant, who ha- slev -till tints
tnd tin-Jii y t*> hi- 'id. and bv a I'hilnd. .
* I pliia IriMhaUuati who has fsvn I'qtla'.lv
1 geinixm- bo tin- may b. a.hl.dth-
I Hintl-Stub of mpat.'tn ii !*\ tiva - that I
. i.-w!*tpei ti uling prv'.luc* hi Mm '
' Walker er, .lit-In '- fvvit h liaviti. lit j
' vv a- ti. *o' stolen 1- well known
In thi -cvreli lot the bov the w ifidw * i i
I \\ ll* I'oils, ass, v* I- -hot mill killed 111 j
' ' IHVl'iulht, I**T I, w lii!* ait* m ; ing a but }
, g ..u i in ths* 1 USDs- ol .1 tnitf* 1 an Brunt at i
fhlv'RiiL* . h H- 11 colts! 111! V -ought I
ifter. and In r time and path iii - werv 1
t ixci bv vi-it-from p-t-on-w ho w i-lieii |
|to gratUv tin if curiosity tint -In ha- j
•to mt v • liait r 1-: ti - tl i s*!n
' tow live- in tti t vf. iituilh v* ant with
l her tittle-ii h* two Lx Is tug aw ,*
I- . v ,i„ Kl
' in, matron, isi ow w t tched v p.- t)f j
" lll*' of till- .amateur d* tn tiv. - -he spoke j
unpatient!v. I mler the pret'i*<* of .-.\ i
n, her a it MiUtf* uiC'tt, he s-itCv L> k j
j tier *..! tin Fifth Yvi'tuti' Tin at '• To si
a } " I'tqlte." I'XJH ting that *tl*' vvoti.d i- }
j "r.nv a guilts knowledge, hut -lie vv i
j not moved !>y the play, the plot of which j
I hinge- oi* the abduction of .* child from 1
i strongs-d parent-, ami their r*- oiieilin -
* I told him -is. was oil* nded at the ru-* j
lie askni hit to l oufi— hex htpiba'ni - (
guiit on tin- promise that it would help
~ I
j where he vva- nt for all, g*l eoiupii**ity
ill the ahdUi'tiiltl. He had brought he; a |
; | iiarotliu*' imprint of her dead husband -
') ; hand, purporting to have Uetn molded |
.. i bv tin- spirit*, and -aid. it -he had eouragi
j 'itCMlgh W would hi ing Iter a cast of hi
d fan", but -lie tied liiiu tlmt if her iletui j
1 tiu-bain! vvalkcii int> the room in which
j tin y vs. dragging hi- - ..lliii after him. ;
'lit would has. no meaning to In i. tali* |
H ; !ia*l nothing t<* eonb —. and thought that i
• v i ifti-r all the trouble that her hu-haml j
.. [ had brought on In r -he should l*e allow •
' j csl to live in (Hlaee, mid 111 itlg Up her '
d biidt. n, V* hotu -In- love.! a- ib ai .y a-
I Mr. li- -s- >v i.l hi- b, -v.
IP Mr. l!o- Mr-. M.-lnr* ok. v
" | kin*!', v. Fr him sh*--aid she b **l a*h *; j
j -hose to cad on her for information, an*'.
power to.tell, and luui ctqj* • a si nothing !
i from him.
| In r. .ar.l ' mi-sing IN.V, Mr-. '
M -h* r - si . ,i;.,!ii't he 1
Live? I-a t Ih*>* was alive and
in was ix wsa*ks after th- aluitls'tti ; j
j with all th-'Lin and cry rft.T htm. th
', j. r-<Mi who had hint th- n . otihl ju*t a
vvvii k*i■;* liiiu *tit of sight for *i\ years "
burglar -ai.! "Ivv a- quit*' a young girl
when I m* t M*—her. 1 w -onlv lift, n
j uid wore hort dr*'---s. lam a yoltn-.'
w oman vet. Ms fath' t" vvas a guii-iuith
* lie lives and W nwpc. tel. I dhl But ;
. ktnjvv of niy htt-lwuid's re-ti ovupation
far a long time, but thi- I will any, that
! if I Iviii to -I ' a hu-band over a.'air
1 Ws.tlei do as I did. for he was a goo
hush and to in*. a.- g*>*l a one us I eou.d
vvi-h for. f!* 1 vvasaivvay* w hat i- * a., si
in tf'-u! . ami in i*T:t broke rail it
Pr* 'ho'.i. Ylonm. uth . .-unty. N .
' kept out ot the wiv of th' autfioriti -
\V tt .vi ; ;.* I'lii ul* ipliia. an*l d
lnu-. in M*nre- -tr- William * :
va-sisl for a pi- tur dp a f, and VV - -
weli lik'il by him that It could has
gone in bu-ita s with hint. I km w n stir- ,
ing of tie- abrluetion. 1 utlhi- I do know ,
that * tt th* Ith of .1 it.v. I-TI. tlie tin
that 'lt* I- •• iv.i- sto.-a. I md H i,.i;*u
-a' at tin window *-f our h ti-- in M*ni
r***' street ami -iw our 11* i• ■ lt--n i.-ttin
off fit ra k- r- 1 was vv ; t! \Vi .tnlu
constant!v at tiii- time, ;uid i vv* li r -
mnb**r that while I *!<*hl at his si*!*- he !
: with .; -.r* ntiv * tuu* h int-r.
| t- l did a placard *>n a fen a* in I'hilad- l- i
• i'hia r* ilin_ to the abduction \V
! tno\e,| to New Y-e k in Vugnsf, ami
" tliot: h 1 kn- w t ,* Wii iam vv a. w rntui
' hy the (Mi iee. I did not know that it wa-
I -in suspicion that he vv a- - omenx-d in th*
i tlNhl 'tion. Iwa- vv Ith hiiii a tl tine
I lie was iii hiding, hut I did not think j
'' i that his oriiue w is -o -erious, for we
: j luei oft. il vva ked ill tie -tn t-. and le :
1 j aid nm app* *r t- li* tifian; Oh. win' |
' uee -s f< oW- tliose i|i f*-etiv'i s an ' I
j hy line a!i nigilt vvliiie h*' said tlu*t
1 , ft** vvotiid giv<- a thotL-aml iloiLu- f* j
knovv where my hitslcuid vvats; :uid iu
1 • Phi'tulrlphia tie > * le d tie tiou- s
i without avail in whieh my husband vv a- j
" j biding. I was with him tip to tin nigh'.
j ! before he wa- killed. We Htnppra at nn '
i east -i*le hoti'l near police in ailqil!rt*-rs.
5 ! That VTV night hi'taiked a(*ut tie- Ro--
. ' c.'tsc. an*l -aid thai if any one -hoilid
; steal Jlis eliild-he WoUal have tile -- oun
-lr*'i - life. Hi- ifenth found in*- iii n sail i
i-.vndithni. i had not a dollar, hut 1 man-I
ig'si t<> bury him. A month after I ;
') ' ! niri*ii my IKIIIV —flu*sixtfioftheehiidren
" I !i*.r<- Mother.
"I ran never be impatient <*r nnkiml
* t*> Mr R*but I vvi-h le and Mr \Y *|. '
J' ling w uild help ine to accomplish fit
I aitn of in v lif- to fr*t my brother Th-y
II It.av*' it id that he i-innrteent, .and they!
I do not know how f yearn to get him aw ay
L ' and tie ti go somen h*ai- and be at p* a■•••.
1 would, it I obtnite d inqiortant infor
mation for Mr. Uo--. take th n* x! train
for I'hila'b iphia. and I have lever <i*
ejviil him. lie lias tri*si to entrap m- .
hut at ' i-t 1m admitted that it vva-in
v ain, and that h- h*'lie\eil me. The i -t ;
;itne I -aw him lie wanted, as usual, to
! know if I e. uid remember - *m*'thing
whieh would help to .ead liiiu to lii
-I'hiid. or if I had tn-arii anything new ! ,
"Ho I L'lieve that the iliild lives!'
IVhy. inv faith in hi existenei! i- as linn
i- Mr. Ross'. Y- s sir. lie two Is alive, i
•ind ynti'd--- that Mr. KOU vvil! one day j
get him."
'• Eeccntrh'ltics."
Young ladies are fotel of hirds— so arc
| cats.
The man vv ho won t waik for a wager
w ill run for a ferryboat,
i The girl who |K>--e-sei. a valuable pair 1
of bracelets ticv • r Wear* wristlets.
It is dangerous to a-k a woman idle I
questions when site is adding up agro- '
e* ry bill.
A liorsc-ear conductor always pulls |
the strap with the htuul which is ileco- j
ratnl with tut iwm tltyst ring.
Although lard, butter, bread and al- j
mo-t everything else has depreciated in)
value, postage stamps are just as expen-
II -iv. a- they vv• re during tin- war.
A ton of coal lying calmly on a side- j
walk for a couple of hours will attract |
, more marked attention in an ordinary
neighborhood than will the *l* hut of n
, stxangc dog.
'llie allows, happy, lilithc ami gay.
Are (lying nMiml in (locks,
t he merry-h<*nrt-*t Wni. gouts
Am liutking on tlie nicks;
' Tin- reph v r over ('.'iitral I'nrk
Are sl'-igiug front U*<- we*t,
And eacli young fellow norm wii! don
c His festive white duck v*jM
t And snowy necktie.
- ' —.Yew York Star.
S I |
a Bofly
Bofly snatching, not for medical, but
" for poiiti.-al purpose-, is sometimes prae
" tised in Russia under the authority of the
If government. Recently a Nihilist, who
" had recently been released from prison.
p <lied in his own house, and his relatives
made preparations for the burial, which
14 was to take place next morning. In th<-
night, however, the body mysteriously
disappeared from the house; and it was
a ascertained that it had been surreptitious
-1) ly seized hy order of the authorities, who
- apprehended a Nihilist demonstration at
th*' funeral.
the Two llfjhb
\t hen I'm 11 man," the -tripling eriea,
\ltil - Hi e Iheeniithig vi*r* ti wen
\li, ihvti i -Uiill I*. Mfvtig and wt*.,
\t lien I 111 a mail !
When 1 sin. young, the old u.ttn-iglia
•* Brands' Bit 1 i.i 1* mitt hum t thing
t lust .nti'l tinder *lllllls -kitv,
\\ hen t tin* v.nliig
When i ui 11 men 1 Iteii Is, In*.
*l.. guild the 1 ni, the truth uphold '
• t\ p. 11 1 ., I l ent no kIM ll
In I*.wt-1 01 gold
lli n Kit til f mv KIII!
Willi vurftltM pti< kklifii IHi ti Until
|tkl AtMA* I itiUihl ii*Tv am 11 lh
Ilk 11 itu Ik I tan "
W lu- I m u mtui tht xc nllt ItkVT,
\vhlt' turn el fthnll l flikiiit
• Ihi tk tv 14* l4k ilk llv ifl *
W h-T I vt nw VkHj'
|I4 • I ilrr .ni |i ull tu*l ir
Ihf is iub it iir- hid b* ikiit.t
ii \ kki fhrt TT*M'ill a 1 lit* iilUit .
f^x't* , M uitkiiul
ill t, \&*u* ill the m^hr.
si,.i%td ;tiM i ihit ml Aiiiiilt*
k 1 in liii? w t
I Hi: i I VIC ls7!.
KttUvr |*||| f iiiiu It) *|. |. i.. 1 |„||
lie li'jitiw in,; 1- ail alwUmt of thr
lit.ili. tiiißili"M op. d ill thi i . iirw ol tui
int. r 'n * <ii\. ; - .in 11 icpoi tiM in the
N k "I'k '• 1/ . tin prophet Is ing,
n I" v.. Mi l> (, tt,l i\. whu .1-
Hi.v ih. evil tor oft In Journal
I Ih. Situ Ky n ill. on the n hoi. , In
t jiruajwiou* on. fur tin I nit.xl State*
I 1" 1 s> 1 1 !'. :i y'i'lierai n tiv:i! ol itniu*
iiy.eaiMii will In- empluvixt, and runtl
• i 11. ■ iii the luuii. utiiscr-.iils !■ t H.-- tlißcio-. of the ).-at then' will be
1 TV 11l int.T, el in p.reeioU-.tlleta.
tuitiiiu" V ilnngirutt- -p. tjlative fivl
11.- 111 it In : itulll-tl n Vs io suuil aliois
b- "ll
I her.- ssill a Partial failure uf
op* (hi* year. Our has crop on thr
V". Oil it - ope WD. he -holt.
■' Vt Bast tsvu uupoitaut faiiurxM of
M 1 attYf: nugiiju.> wyili t ;t ke piasie thi*
11,11 lln t will h. oi perv>n* with
wli"- nun. . 11-1 y oih 1* laminar.
I \u uir-u-p.tei weak ii.-,* in our
'* k! 1 a *ss. wa i.; tikin j m "Uiii Ritiji !mili %elk|k*
.ii iliti tlic the ixuuiiig year.
■ UP ii*pruportion hetwiwti uttr •\-
: urt- .ml iiii|*irt*. such a, |,nve wu 6>c the past twu vtvirs. will com
' ■ tII * n.i 1* f.*!e |-.*| lloiue pri c* wi*
g" .ml foreign _■.*!* h. -.... i
elteap. i*. Wt itball .vpoit 1.--ami int
"D > Eii.i -I la ■ urn
tn- til Will in a ihttiii of tpi'iil
ihroad. lint til.HI n-UUnptlutJ, as !il pre.
si'tll x-itahM-he.l, tntl-t 1 1. iegi*utlix| 111 mil
atiew .J it YS til frai 1.
" K suttiptiou hi-nut M ttiixi all our
''.tun iaiiiith.-iiitie- Uucstiuiisaffixliug
Li- ''U-iiu s.s iup-ri -t,s uf the ixiuntrs win
* the suiijeet ot many warm (M..iticai
vxitit. Hut the iitia. rivtllt svili be the
iti-hti!*tit ot a national Ix-iuk -imihtr
-utlial < t tit".at Britain us France, hut
prohahly cad led by us b* a dlffetvot
naup \\ In'ti that occur* th. -.cietaiv
uf tin-m L-urs will hd -tript*xi tf much
of the puw r lit- n.isc js.**.
A fon-ign war !>. fore ni inv jear
art' >v. r i- mt improhahlu, due to the
w eaktp -sot our I KIT T ami the unprote, 1-
eti eoiuliti ii ufutir rich atapurt ■ itie*.
- V IK* p. -ti,. 1... .4 th. ;. TiT A. of an
o..'t on. , YVIU< hwi LAFL t th. IN
hahitilig tin tenih. rate /urn , i- attlong
the prulwhiiitie* Of the m ar future.
'' Vin w tn >:. r wili-cauiheilbcoYer.
eil wliieb wt.. make air nas-igntUm
The IVlfiiil*.
A A W k ofk ; ip : * IT - 1 lie 1
of f ri< mis. are *.-i>i tu h.ii >• h*ti .iiuiitt
i*blnjrUiTv, > thuugh steadily during tin
l-t tsv.nt) Year-, in . olise jUi-tux- of the
Si that i.sit it >n ot mariY ul the Young, r
jM-opie horn in the -<S!!t Tln-ir faith
and ii 1 e at', -itiiplc, ami their wat * *.*
genie arid hune-t. 1- t.> I- in -harp
out; .-I to much ot tli. omp.i, atni ami
-trtifi 1 w mt- and rn uim t*of the iatt> r
h- f of tin tiim t., nth ceyitui > Main
m> mhers uf tin--o. iety ta Phifauh iphia.
wlnre tin Tat i'.* uiurt'nutneruu- than
in 11-v other :. in the Union, are gi\
"ti- ' ot ! tin ifemt-itijf tj'iidincy 1 !
the I v. ami ar> / *louiy engaged in a
; T. ne m fot form itiun of *< tUi
Jin nr - in tin W e-t. The Friends have
ti -11 - attend and i-olahxl in tluit
-• ti.-n a- to gi id 1 uxlly loM infer>**t In
nil- habit* ami principle*. The inten
lion t- tu orgatii/n an iks-ik Ution which
-ha t pun lia-- tra.-ts of land, and si'li
farm.- ami [oi- . :i easy term-, eitlier to
Irietul- or tho-e in Bympathy with
1 hem, tUld to act -t: h |-r-on* a-base
limited tin an* with money to er* t
dw-. ing iini dev..op tin ir -canty r*
-oiu*. •-. Hie association prop,.-o* t®
lay out road*, put up -. lusii and tnisi
ng-h.iu* s, and pti-11 ! urvvard all ni*xi
lu. and Worths etitcrpri" - l'he W.-t
• hav- no In tier or more u-eful ur nnre
.le-irah .■ eiti/.tts. fur the name ol
(Juak'-r ha* lax'ume everywhere a s\n
.■nymofpuritT. ord. r thrift, and hen. vo
lenee rite wlloc titllllh. rof FfieJldx is
estiitia'-d at present t I'AUMMi. of whom
'JO.IkMI hi ong to t!n I tlited State*
I lie < red it System in Japan.
VN, TV York paper say* "Them hit
Americans who Ik-IT.- si-itid Japan
w itliin af tt year- Japan i* only ju ro—
the (water) wa\, r.-iiiiy next door to Hie
big -hop of the repaid),-—htife la*n
sini- k h\ the a!n)o*f uni\>Tsal preva
lent*! oi'lie i'dit -vstem there. Iu
I "kin, ) okolmnia. N Kulta
gavT a. Hiiki*l:i>!i ill a'! i iti• * am! tow n*
TT !.. iln r v" little, nt hot. r*, rtrtaii
rant. -hop-, h irrooni-—crdit i- cu*.
ton.ary, h. tirtii,', tiv.-l that it. 1* hard
foptiT . i-h. WIII ti you buy anything,
tin , •rk or liestmin pr>—-nt* yuti with
•1 eh it very iiimti like a pail —on svhh-li
you write tin- artiei.-, it* prie. . and Your
name, ami the thing i- repeapxl if YOU
go to tlie same pl.n >■ a dozen time* a ilav .
In fa. t. voii ini-il no money for anv or
dinal'T purpose until the end of the
luoutli. TT 11 en >'iu ii.juidate your <A(/*
ami In gin .or again. It i- eoiinted
verv ili-liotiornhlo not to pa> your rfuis.
It you do not, your name i- hung up on
the wall uf the establishment when- you
ar> in debt, ami yoti can g> t nothing
mope th'-n*. Still, in Japan, a- in •v> t v
,(tiart* rof tl. g obc, there a i'v person-,
ami not a few, w ho don't pay ; and w ho.
Tvlo ii shut out from one place, go to
another, and inak>- fr.-h lujls. The
-\-t. in i .1- luul a- had 13111 be. tT<siit
widely extended I* tm evil in any esini
muuitv. It liurts tin-man whu gets it
as wi! :w tin* man who gives it. Ft
tituieney always i- to relax prineipln, to
en oiirage . xti IT a game, (o dull insensi
bility, io weaken "haraet.r. Hundr*l-s
yea t l.ous.'uids of persons in Japan to-dav
ICIT. 10-t tln ir ■ of integrity, and uf 1
idea of tiimnelai jo otnptne**. who would
not have done .hi hut lor this pi-mteiou*
order of mailt. Tin" etlstoni arose some
Years ago. from the srareitv of small
ehajige, which rendered it really neces
sary. But now. although change is
nlntn 'u.t. the custom continues, with
no -iof disrupt ion or decay. Tnules
-111 n an,l • very body else suffer gr.atlv l.y
it, having, at the end of eaeli year, a
nutfib'T of deht.s not only uneol'leetixl.
hut un.-ollectihje. Hu-in. -s never will
tie. and never can he, on any sound or
de*irah!e hn-j- )n Japan until a thor
ough reformation shall have hen in
Terrible Explosion in a Mine.
Not long ago a terrible explosion of
fire damp oeetirr.xl at the Kaitangata
coal mine, Dunixlin, New /•■aland.
Thirty-live men and one hoy were in tin
mine, .-ill of whom were killed, the boy
being blown a di-tjui.c of ti ft y yards.
Over one hundred rhildren weiv render
ed fatherless iv the HTeideOl. At t tie
mine's mouth tin* air was tilled with the
lamentation* of women and ehlldren.
It was a sail sjjjht to see the dead men
brought out one by one, and laid on
stretchers. All the laces excepting two
appeared n* i( in sleep, hut the two
voUtlis who had charge of the horses
were icittefed about the heail, having
Iwen blown some distance. A thick
green smoke hung like a pall over the
tunnel for about ten minutes. The mine
is entered hy a main drive or tunnel.
The workings rise as they penetrate the
hill, ami the fall whi< h assists the drain
age causes foul air to accumulate 111 the
Upper end of the mine. The workings
extend about five hundred yards from
the enlnim Most of the men appeared
to have escaped the first effect of the
lire damp, and were making for the
mouth of the mine when they Acre
overpowered hy the " after damp."
Some <>f them must have pushed along
froiu one to t\yo hundred yards before
they fell. At one place thirteen bodies
were found in a lieap.^
I aitorn and Middle Stale*
i .KiiDiai Ktchatd lay lor, mII of I'rwKtont
fay lot iiiel hiothi i in law t Jetlenam Mnvui,
iltisl ola caie in in tho '4uiiiit h w hdo visiting
• HHIIK ft 44-114 bft 111 Now 1 Dlk (M'UUt'wi lay 10l
Hiu.h'ift nri4t tj4H|i*v ille, Ivy ~ ui lt*lil, wad
f ;iH.toutst It • i|i| Yah l < "111 r ; lie IftH ftllHl
Dltlt* ih amp to hi* hit hot lUliieWHi With Molt
s, mid was a 4>tato t* iwl>l of Uiiiwftiitft tliMn
i I.H >(•, fi \t the 9uthi'uk *l Ut' wto he
i ui4 i>|,|i .l the 4 -4iloiioli y ul n bißiiautnii legilftiKtit,
jiiel the iUi 4J th< uMirtii t 4iw lain a IwuUai
ant genetu! in the t otifi deintK > i v o■ lt
j % tniOst f ill wliel* ho Mux h- Jltd*
t ii | 4dmVj""ll !• ! himfttrlf in <h u*tv on u <miit 4|
Ikt* eiillti*© mil hi lit,nit i on) u oat onaJ j#ow
31 ft 111 i I N W \ i k p" si ! fth H 4 li|o
vt%tl) t" tp3 I V oi the | iMu nUoIi of Wilk *|
I 3 |hiihl 13 intitfc-a *I4 4-ft 4.1 ih. e*) 3 ntithst
11. h! no tion Hint tuxHlftdOß tklli 1 tie fun
Km! HF v li'fS ttHtls I !( t At tin* " lutti9 fhlllxh
Viuu*t 11 •4- t v.llit i thi pU i.t iiig
I H N1 lint? i nntor H<*iioStii
I nt. t luii livft 111 ft*tt)i", AugUftt Utdmont, l> l
SN >tl. S\ ill .in CiHifttwhie, May i t *'j 4 i
' \ on > 11. win, i Imih ! IVrk|n Bts.ig3
Ink nt Coiiii, ttilthitit K hi) or* In
lii |y t It.okpt Rial f>i \ ujt*n f hot J* Tin
v I taken to New <frlewn* t-o
Ihe IV)v oh nee Savniga lfalik ami 1 mat
t j rtiiv ti I*l'ly idelixe, |*a-, has * Uft I-r tided
• wt: . t.i trial"! v ti inti't its oblignl tons 11
:i<* 4 ditit * air sr*,tK*U.
I orty male eonifkfttanfa utaite*! on aiiothet
a 'l.iu wtxlk ug nialch at tiiltio fes 1d "den
Sew \4* 1 k
I 11.loi Vfarkct, one ol the 4Ule-nl ami Iwwt
kn>wit markets in New York city, has besm
j i miliy dealroy t*l by fire,
Ytft ufHciai call, aigui-.l t > the tiov ornor o
!' tiaylvaioa ami othei oflk -mis, has Usui, inviting ptojHMwi tor a .>tale hmu of
I 1,4 ! sty til lienjamui >itigei i> , Mate I*l iti! 2
.! l*i-iiu.-\ Irtuna, w iio lint m lt)7b. litil )'< U i
litftl in{, ,x ni x--* l y i-Ilow ,-U'iir weighing \'J
rhete afr IlKt I i *rl| aggrKgjatitig hid -•
j Uma# it> the Chnii't ftftluug, tket Ihe th
..tease the jswt \inl Was tweiity-sj* vessels
Ihe h*-ft tint mg the past thna itionlii* was
' ttfllty ) txfrs-el* 4.f 1 ,v t 1•* tx.if
Atuhevx '1 iwuti, agtxl -1 \t> , ti litgnuoid
fall* N li was 'ltUu hy hu . H pil* *lv*g lokl
August ami lis eutv was taken mck wth a
h*4x*c vi 1m ii h ft th* U>l HU<I w ,u> hviiopii
;l a Jlr l**gan to -jat niiti fixiffu and died iu
j X'w4ft-.'T
j Xt Ui Aa.■ JI ul Mu-.II', IU Nr. t. fk. a
tiovei ettteftainiin lit IUVA taken phu-e a gutne
vl 4 iivw- With hv Uig p.A •• lhe kings WKIT>
stoiwart Hi" a wilts Itowuvg weaJifig
. tow and h'Ug r.• It cknek* iha |iioKa>
w olt> IttifftUiilnn FOlhk , tla- wrt
jviinxU . ufld tl." I Wolc imlei aud lull
pf icsliv attfte I lie |ftWHs v*er go bi Hi tile
Utile ol |ge. All the piftarw wtrt* panwH)-
jtnl • v nu'iiit* ift ol nt iiiss t'iuh and thcii lad)
4 hrisUiH Ih--.a* i i N niftlown N .1 *hnl
Mint vbiilgrClUF v w hi* Kilo ftu'i tlieli
s t himself w lib tin vtiui wtsipoii. Kica-
Htve 4*'' inking h t 1< th* Uagedy .
Ifcstekiah s ill , i w Uangofti al 4 biaiulsrra*
; burg, Ik loi uiufvteruig hi w tlo by j. <oii m
I * ;iu! \ 1877 **-haf?Vt Mac t"*o V) i iik
stand, from ail aliempt a" *ui ole -u ha t to
Im** earrioi! to Uc caih -h!
\?i iiftftvs lati-- iot mm u• tt tsxiik-r and vaiis
Ulg fliUi* in N w \ Dl'fc. USi-i ikslDll iui* sti
.1 tu luiuiOo tniO uf tiie fo .r jo> ml
tsui !ft an ! 1 UvliUg xerilfo aloft
w ha-h cltwr* the U-4< bond*
i -v 1 Oik H . : i.uft agi H-rui lev KH
©i lia i v*itit--x*k tn the fti.ajH- 1 np. it*
fi t| 'I ■{ •> udents mi vef the "Hitsln \ ■
r nliiv to theft* rej*uts t tiftiii* ismfiilsinT
lias ti lunitftl au>! J najemuitiilft 1 * are assttrthd
M v.ul t >♦ *| 4 J ft . halgt ft *! iluxtlt *ilii t.
• -v. ixgnin*! fliryt >! tL Nt w H ! k Cob
< .'Uilllt*.- 'HMV hYK rc-tjlnd tfl the rf!u<)
• Cai^iu-• - net N.-K •** w.rh the hon .rV
tpjaiv n.
'flir forty ineti %*!,. started n a -i \ dnyi
woikiisg and nutted) in tiilfiiore's 4ar-
Irn, Now >ork. r till* baiupiotadiif ol
America and mom j nze f bad N UolNxi d<w ti
t M'U-ii v eat tn! ( Diiteslitiitft otl the tftith ilav
.•I the ra< i l\ot hot. of Uuflaio, > auso out
I 180 ... • M-nil! • ■ li. La
putt* 1 out) , was sis-olid, with iTu tuilf* l* h;ft
• -fash! hrxdijw the ibrrd tuan, ma/ie ixu miles,
ami | linen w fourth with 4X5 tiuics
Aeslern and Smitherrt Stales.
Hieit is .i great rti*h frutn nearly ail jmit*
*.J the Vie*! in the in w tiau i g <mmp at lead*
\tl Muu . uie ftrcK'.ag to Uust region
nt the .lie 1 *"0 H d*> , and it is tfeniglil th
minc-ft ihct '• w . y.l .4 jsv*t.,Ut*. ! ,OOo *** Uu pit
i ions melttlft p-r > i-t
1 Vsi'ux-<• x, Ihi , itoc* Nen y aitul by a Iwol
dorsn ) ihuig uukis>*w n tkers Irifii HaU ac
.ii;r v h*a egg*
1 he tn* b *t t nsxtllr. about eleven mtio*
I nun Ht 1- -ii* itiv* la n viKite! by tt tejiihii*
torHh, w hi- h ton- turxxigh UIK jdare. detted
ihmg let) tHiihhngs, rmtung about thirty <ti.rn
ixinl .kt mag mg mote or Ir - x *i-v #-ity-fiv t* re-i -
in .ft iU 1 bust in hiHiw - A nine llr) t)*i i~*
was . 4 I K!I several pemm* wit
two *7 > -u; ir*l. Ihe storn; bstel only tva ur
t . lu.nul* • Ut wrius fnghUtn.v *t*% re
11.i nivntKri<n* tminler of Jatish liactm.
tfr i- iM-r flf thi* 4 •**•• I\ -r I h utaS Vtihwniite
c oiiij-rxiiv. of B*dnt. m HahlwtiiV Hotel. Sin
I'mtu t*co, has been cleared tip t*y tlie stir*
t-n it: 4 Ur Clmilatil, a "lentj*! who run.
ftftkMsl tlait he killed Ifasvin ut t% fit of atigwr
the •) luvl - ismght suit against lialfanl lor n*
inngemefit Ha patent, and it Waa during an
'.mervtew ts iwift 'i the tw men. it) liacoti
Tt•• m, tliat the tunvder t**k phwH*
Hie M 1-ov.i* timiii! Jury ha* indicted mil
4w • % 4-ndii sftSid attin hi - of tiie Miwaamti
Mali 1 J*U* rv, aoina si sty in iwuiibrr.
.tiie tiuu ag 55 illiain Jmin * ailed at tin
HahiUfta buftUii -ft hu*M in wh 4 h his fortnor
hum : Ihnw.ftftllt IlueU. was eniph vasl, and
t t •at 3.31 h"t ng.xg u* a ten. .• suoi. e.a h
empty nig iu rrvohi Jat tiir otiier H<4h wen
-' V era'v wvaushal. bit rwuvitf" i Jaua *
4 charge.! Hind* v. )U> ivRT .•)£ lu-iniT * I Li* sua,!.
! uiul liu- Jautftj; Lblt - .t.xvili ,tii-M,|U.-iillv Bii,
Wt li.-r rr-Utn., t.i (u.Tt- Uvu 'la n
•ult ■>• lutt U-IrvTiv! F.v.-r -iiK-o hi, .iuujihtrt ,
l-r iMii>r. ti wipiu-W in lira IhtiD
mort- :.i,<( (i(u>> rjiirufti, iut.) ■ i. iu iui UI-Hbl
nun!..: , . .ulit-.a, nlui llnnimi to kill Hu, !
• •ii A LA* .to) * HSJU UII- tnu iii'i .
I ul Mr J tli.,-, ui otM-E L*Y(UM flruijf oil Himl,.
fttlo rfturt>*i UM> "iliot, I iwi oiJ Hum ►
n,iuiul>' I lour liui<>*. uii >!i.,l iu. lit' mu-iie>l u
I ilo(st,ij' F>M>-. to wl>.. !t liu IIM! IHTU tuki-i.
kiliui, IS T.oun>l<-l 111 tiir urn.
■ i i.,. trail .1 1* " tp. known * liu-ki>
10l Ul. i-attle liten It* louj .•••lintT, Nri> . (rtai
unr of in, herrli-r,. on Ule rhiirgr l UikiiiK iwo
inn.,-rnt iiri-otirr, from -in-rtfl , x.nuxi li!
i I .v>iii ' r. ll > TO lo * Ins- ami then
j Inn!.linn a tlri- tin.irr I (ir ,wrinjiinj{ iwwhru, rr. ill a vrnlrt of iinirslrr in Ihe WMO.I
i.,trv, IUI ! * iir." rn- to iui|>rion.
lrt.-nt 1..r lilo I'll, I*" \iotiin, wm- Aim
krl.hum nn. I h;s fill he: in-law. an 01.l nan
; UiUJii-xl Mil.-!i.-H. I>lh >1 ftiioin oii| lionit
sf.-'.J, in " ii-l.a count t ll* -lirrift tu wliu-.-
. wrio. willi wunil olhrr lirr>lrr.
tt;. ni„i in Ihr muni. ?
The (rilitun. of viuuloit.-, Imvr
isn.ioil an nj'ju-a! Sir (wn-umarr lirlj. on Iwlinll !
.Irnlltlllr • .il.ixnl JW-rnoll-. M-V.U, .fll liuiairr.!
."I wltuiu lii.vr Mn. in Uwl jihvrr
from Urioii. jH.inln 111 I iir --.utli T)i lnaT"Or
. ..I K m- i- < it> . XI" , * lii.'li >•• el."* I" XX t ~n-•lott.-,
•lott.-, al-u ) j> to tin- So rrtar. of \\ai
ij.r all oniri lr Ihr i„uan. .-of raiioun from
Fort I-ouT < un oitli, ami Nr. Win XM 'nry r.-
j Ib'.il hr wm without anllioril v lo i-m>
HO.-h nulrr. ami that i.| pliration ,houid tx
uuulr to 4'oiijt'tw
■ 1.r.-sU ilctnirliun : lilr and (oio-ity ha
>-.n.ult<-l Irom a hrnvy ntoriil wlnrli ,w.-pl
tin.MiK'h tin- lower |>rtjoti of N.mlh ( alxilimi
ami a rn lion .4 lomrjcia in thr Tiilaj;.- l
Wnlrrlrni S . nior- than onr
.IviriiiiiKn and 11!! thr rhiitvbmn were wr|.l
away . and t Ihr lnhahiuuilr w-.-rr
iTliftrMnl llom.-l-n- |r*..!n w.-rr
killml am! iimny woimdrd. At tkiLlrv, a
nintion Oil thr Northm-trm railr>>H,l. all the
lioitnm .nx-iipiinl by iMTRiu,-- TT rrr leveled, and
onr nrjjro wan ami many were Jiurt
1 Hnmlar iximmllir. are rr|Trle| lium varimi,
jMjiula in the inn Uof lh lormulo. Al Matrr
iairo Ihr rwai.lrncn- oi Dr. ii. N K.-rv.n, Wan
I blown ||.IW7I, and thr doctor', wife, daughter,
and Mi . Pliilrtnon Nandrra w.-rr
During thr raera t N'-w Drlrana Ihrfavor-
In.rm- m one rare -.IIIIIk-.' Hanroek—lil,
t.rrakuiK lu, nrrk and leully iii|writij{ hi* rider.
The thip Ureal llrpuhlie went aehorr nt
Aatorin, 1 >reun. and lan-am" a tot.U wreek.
Ten <d tiir klll(>'k erew w.-rr drowned.
A tire at Eureka, Nev ~ .Uwtroyfal half of tho
t.iwti, ln.dmtinj; the hnnx i.wt hu-ine,* lion,or.
thr hotel,, newnimpor otllee,. t.-Iry -!i >mre.
the Ma">e huildinil. ami a jennit mini 1 ..!
dwrilint- 1 lire.- hiindrvnl tninilir, wore .ic,fi
nite wild two UKHIMIIII! |an.|,lr err without
■ hclter iho low 1, at J> 1
From Washington.
Ihf I tonne of Kepr<nentatrx., inter a lonj;
detwto upon an •Jn.-nihm>"t to the i,e£inlntivo
\ntty 1,111. itmrewwitiK thr aj>proj>nation for
rrmhealiDif contajßOii* ill*#**.-* amonx dome,
tir iiniuuvl, to -truck the w hoi.i ,ul>-
j.,-t from thr bill, and retrrrrd it to tlw ( 0111-
inittrr .m Ajjripulture with in,trurti.m* t<>
report promptly.
(.en. T;II Kranei* A Walker ha, takrn the
oath ol office a, Stijirriiitendrnt of thr C rnwi*,
ami will enter at upon the preliminary
work of the oftU-e. No appoinUnenl* will be
made in the eeneua ottlee during the prmint
flwal y.nir exrept two, which have already
Iwen determinml upon, tteneral Walker will
nnah tnrw ard the work of organiaation a* rap
idly a* |.o,ihle.
The l(.-|>iihliran Senator* in raueu, deter,
mined to contest that rectum of the Army bill
which forbid, the u of troojw at the |M>IIH.
A ciniular Ju,t inmu-,1 by tin* IV.-arury De
partment -u.v, " The Secretary of the Treae
ury oll.'iH, at oiio-half ot one |>er cent. IUK)T
jHU, nml ueorued in ten-at to .late of auliacrip
tion, D1d0,000,000 of the four j.ei cent, funded
loan ol the l r nile<l Staler, ill denominations,
v 17. . 1 onpon lamd* of ->O. .S'lOO, and
91,000, and registered InniU ol SM), §IOO,
TfdOO, 91,000, 9.'j,(KK). and 910,000. tiir [.r.K-erd
to ia> applied to the redemption of United States
iUuwU iiKttfrt niitldr J* iu t .4 Mrtti-h 3. IHiU,
Wlltl V MU*AA'ill> kIMAK UWWIU 40 UlMtlw 111 wl*
illiloo l I hi* ftHßMillt, t? \ 4,s*ifi,*u*o *< tilOPft
. Iwui'tw, thf f th<r* iiii tiiwwlrwi t4
rtwlmtit) 11 mi 10 40 ImiimU, will ln rumrvwl (or
Uir MlilVtifWiot! if lilt $lO f -ftll%<l)tOflift'WUw,
lin UiinU nhhl wi** I**IIIM-mui.U' Jui\ i, 11107,
(tiiii Imkhi iiilrrwit |Miywlil< tiuurlrHy <m llw* 1
il\ HI vltUMtwry, April, July nul tlHnl*** ul
t*4X4 )t )TUI, tiinl uit* I'lfiiijd lii'tn (ii 4 (HiyitH-iit
of tWKCW tn Jut It* iJift ( llilttal Ijtltm, lx *Akll
ll* li*mt litiiwti*ti it mi)' Jorin, hf or iifitlur
itktiinv'|'til or li*wl mUlintily °
Iho Hociwint\ of llK ir<MMir> wltiMfoiMWNl
t litil 111 IH*0"KS|llKII0K lif \Uv |*t4'|MMtx! 11l 14 |K Ntm
\viik #> liilti wfl- 1I lko 111*
tUf |ui| ;mxl Uiii<U wilt! ol ti fuinl
o<r(ilU*tU, flu* (•irouwif oftKrtnjj; ti IhmhU
10l wi( Will l* Mf mil ft FfM- ihttml 1 III' tub
rH itpUonw ikiwlf> hy irtliKt gwfioitM |iii-vion li
Hit itvtftLl of (ho i\ folii ti<o * 3-rtr-r Miumiitt*!
t* > {*!,<JU(l,r|(M> ltK Ittvlftvtr) IK)4XtftO*ri<
!i(u> lilmi ti nil for fit** rb'tu|.nori oi tit**
Ik 1#144 OOU.iKHf of !( 10 IJOIHIm 3titr**ii!tii|^
• i| x 1 wtttf ut t'f ut*vt jltlrfrwit (o lr mi uinl
oiii'i Jul> h,
Foreign Newt
It u thtii tlirrb wik i**4 tiiiMm i
MiitHtu tl |Jir ' 4r>|rf> | lite* IftlUtiutn t*li|irr
in 'xMilli AinniKK t*lm jdw lii C (xntntmitbtti
ilrsUiiytlti; toilt mlif4|* iK itUt4IMN"
\ tw*d> of fJiiDviHirtli J'lili4 al JtrUKNihi
haU lh tiUrltijtlwl In *n}>B fruiH (Vmltiib-
On 111 tot Knjf, 111' tooiMnlillJ* Oh4kT Ifir Wo.lit* f
llirii priOo hor tHnywl hf OIIK of llinr
Oilllllwr, ulul |u llirMr MlMMgwi IhMii IliK ftn-ttlh
ttf Iliti looitrl Uiry %**tr whH down llitwr
who iunnii terk trrf# iiikl another Iwty td
iuiMhmm rtJtvl Uilhlowbly I Hit* hwwl f^tw
brlWKKti lw flrw. fho firiMiiim writ
all killnl
M'iai*K! of tin MJikihf* HOI.' I* a! IhiilaiOi
Kti|lntti| f hw% itHrriuiiiid to !-***
hoi or** |wriniuiitn(l) i*d wUlt in llif I loiwd
Sitiit'j) ui llrtt4*h Atoru*a
If ixtt'tOM tiir lU jho Mggvcrf jMiln to n UMUIi
I hid till wit Kill Of UJIOII lilt! hit* 4if Kilo* llit'tliiwi
il fin fftAauoUtil Illi|4Kliiil fiUOti> Ww ID Lr .
1 ht* i ihtx nth li wJotir t*M*k |rtM dtfti'U
nh wlfiK k
\f f lik Nt w luul k< X ITwo* liw* " Now Uitukef
H.titdi up 'Wk *l llur tinj4*olwiif kk ml* <4 tlw
Hu Ft wn* won hv Mr I'luic l>f.i*wtd
AHMiloili Intftn IViv4** Mr. Uiiriiiiwl W
t*tk*-ll ft IKillslirr of lu* hiifTMK to jttllJ ftli<l
till* WW* tllK Hint lU< ill M hi k hi olioMi-I ui*> lllKiti
'i IIK 1*412110 tiir lioai who fchof w'. ,thu f mi
•if ItUKltt 111 Mlkft it U, Willi lie I* (A IH: !iO'Ul*w**
If! il* did twit U) Id jNinwrti luHlnil, u*
at f1rl rojO'iUw! hut ww* MVettlr lujuitnJ b)
IIIK itlf\it lutrwf i i'ifttl.
I Jltf U'}HJtl liulll lilt l iM rut; of lliv Mil Iff
All. a lht dm! 4 tfiNlKl V\ OH oj
Kilig I ltilmhto * WlJii 4 .iJ'UilKd W
*i lantilA uf .iiUU . Sul*H>4ut utl> 2,0U Zal j
rotOok th*- CftiUt* itoei utUu knl t ihurl *
t'Minp. iiw Zulu* wrir oxlUr lout
hiUtr*' bill ill** ivw wu* ittth) \
s <Vfji OftkwNh* wild lldlt) IIIKtI fttif k i iKR i, 111 -
chldlWyi t wptalAW * .Uo| JCU Wil l i'Jtt I >. Ihr
l'l filK iUUu bUMMII Ol UIMWIIU*HI lkh'O
*ti ha* im*\ t rwi liititm U*ti toKKiUutatol iu 4ft"
MU'hm for twrr* <* A fiidA*il
|4if\*K ! b OUO fr•{ -, UO.IKI 1 hKii4-|imi,
had <tVttlitt to thr wliff *f i dluui I i'mTHR)
• b' w *hu( u|* in KlkoWK w ili* 1 (100
llirii lbviiuiuUi <4 Zulu* i>tU|£ in wtiif loi
I iit'l tilthrfvi ft lltth WW*
i hK t onlf*irrwiuui i.aft cwtid (in
t'il>*! tun of \ ilia i b itlHtffti U>
ii mjoHtliftiM' with tin twftjxi i*f the I'mßtirfil
of liC 1 Odf%l Mttlt^t
"•isv ttiKii—all UliutTtn win! tmiMKttwii—tin?
dr niirti I i tiiK *4 i a eftii'MT tu Utf
I /i* nnw nmr Qurl***
i htt of /krrrtx! in Hunpin ft**.* Iwwti
tic*>lrw)wl l*j u flood Al S/fgr*lin th* wwlkt
ilitv* nwMi rtfc,ht illHlK* thv
|€**jd© l tjUit thr It lnftnM'3
\ tfa tlu*driiry m t|i? uf
r.ii*ih>a rtnullol ill thr dowth <4 tiuio\ }r-(*M*!i.
i xiUllrfft UliilfO wrfr ktilwl ftiwi wtwMlt its
IUIU> lftt*t *UlHftwl) Oijutr-d l) i*U KX|*foWl<
111 a 4 iti ttiilir at fle;mftuir Uwv, Vu
ih* J .ltl|K-fHir ! Ixdßttui hit* 4t rftir i* ai
law in t& gn*! * of* n of je*| lialwo itwliid-
Uk£ Ikf Clt;n of M<r w , kittll, WIU'MWW, M,
!Virift!*if|r < .'aakviff wtid i*ili-*ww- i Jo* iig<>r-
Hl* |T|ftWMt c is*m*urt liit* NikuilU 1*
r*v-xrvlc*t by |/itftii<ii pKiruwi* a* w r* Iwjmm? uiin
\ 'Ftwiicui bar • ca i*ll. nil mi w*iuojMofi thwl tm
itiymffy m dt*rj no 1 *nityiiattd
Kuwtoiift l iir ( tAr' o!tk mi iboret | |*4oU
hvMml(itiiitiho(• iVt-rttDrdtrfteivl ol IV
( !*(mit4 (•tfttcml I vtoi.r u (fin t nmr (iifirnil
4 Mi ! ( .-!ul Mdikaff (*o% •
• iwtktilfti i 4 * ImrkofT
II r K -in of H nurxh hww dtHiiiawl u n.-Kii
hiisbiti to iiiwtt Hnu. o
4 OA4.HIHSIO \ %|, %l MMAItV.
Mr lllniti* *}4kr iu faioi o! hi* <*mcni hnriit
ht'.'sr Ami) \j| t t***h u bio j"b" wtu i.i;
mm! ift t mid thr h;lnw w-ord* u! tl * rnl
• *!' thr f. \id ir !mi " Au-1 wiiy Suktwr),
!h il r iu** a] oflk * r *r cui) oihrr woo
-hnil, i-vixrpf ltir thr J lij-ow! brriU
njjntf WTtoral with ft tWH.V ww|ii 4 any
ir- rip!son rilliFf t'ih* *>]-! o| tk{ ki)*l
w J hiii a unh 4 |h plane* whi-r*-
mill tt ft|.f*ruftl rUnr' am fvr |h | rtw4itali\ <1
' i* Ih-)J*|V brUt, ftlu!l t oti cotivw twm,
j- ] tira%hol With a fio f **! irw* limn SpJ(IO
i !!!•? Uiali tmo, or with ui|
f*r w jKrj**! not ]<.• than %i\ lO>h*Ua nortnor*
t lia if ft* yemr*. or with both fine wtwi rniprw
onoiriit nt ti chto'rrtiftn < the KMIFI,
U itiirr* mtil \Vttltaor !< Mr ISmmr.
f\rr whirl) tiir S linfr H'lidHnir!
A IM#I li"io tint- VifwlAwfi lrut wrjift jrtwd,
•twtiiiu; !fi! ba had Iwhti *i|liimofW*l 021
ui v viiut 4v| t illtiniw, and >!r Thnrnmu
wa* i i*i j-muilr Mr Plwmb intro
duce*! a b.ll jK'v idinu f? Ih* l fnrrmf **f tli*
nrrria in an A|r ||oiaj* jk
(|inwf h* wa* rriwA*-! Imm #n itM a* a tn'tt)*
Iwr **S tiir < DHHiiitlN* cm Ajjricttllmtp tud Mr
Hril wu>- *int* ,, in kw *tN4l lauui u
M,'is it|>[MHh(rxl to a omwim'V ri flir ( <!Hliii!l*<K
on l.<ltftriUcm mivi Mr ftjwiki
sn tu tk# Ami? Ajifm*j*riitioi) WW,
and Mr. ik-ck m it* .i*-h n** A.iiuriM*l.
Mr M rp*u introdtiond nb. to !'
rt|'|oittlluiltif of t*TuU*i Mix tnwrahai* llift
dtanftwam wIIK h t**ok placwi oti the Army -\j*
j *"j>?t'.ttwn litil ww* {:urta Mwa
Mojftpui, \UorhtHH*. Irin-r mud Jomta alh-j
which wiit*- mi * vrrutnc wmwaofi kihl tbau iwl
Imiwwxltntph ait* i thwi-mdinn *at th rrnrimJ.
11 jr* kjamkrr pre* co.ll to liter iwUl of Mute* for
hiila for rrfrnwe. lwginninjj; with thr fiftt* l ol
Maine IV 6nt icwjsmM' mm iu*oi* t . Mi
ladef, who intrtßluml w lull |4 nut Uhoiiiift#'
of gold Rtftl on the touiiit' Umrtuiit A
I *4iiut 4*| order dim tlifftupm IHM1 Ij> I<4 j-
FT*o*iUi!iv t ihiU the tt)tl*KiiactlMil Ol
bill* rtMftiirc*! iifir <lay * tioticw. iukl tW i)<
auch iiotw k had Ih *ri pvi'li. ill* 2*}W*kur
ovcrTp fd th* |iit ! onicr. w hvu Mr C'onprr
; ij jH-ni'sd fnttii th*- tlrcbi'iu ( Uik cbait. od
: i "H. 4*l Nrw VJirk, ln< \ 4* i to in) til* 1
! ap|H*l *n the t!*l AHrr brief ut th*
' nppAail w a* hud on the table by n vwtr 1 1311 to
i 75 Mi Monro*! moved to t4c rule*
• and*hpt flw* following r*'-olttU*m " ff'wlrm ti.
• I'hnt m tin of tliU 1i m*r thr bumixw**
' intrmii iff tin' country frquiir that no
tlrni the law in regard to thi- currency
or tand ahoobl at the prwuHpnt hhwuii
o! < I pon of Mr M t
--riwoti the word " pEir*l, ' in the resolution,
wuto cluuiffnl t* " mivlcrtakctt." fmt t!* rcwoltf*
lion wsi* rt-iucti' I Yw. njiy*. 117 Ad
| jcKimel.
\ ionu "hdmtc t*wV j lai K in i'ommittec *f
the \\ hob* ( Mr HlifHttwirn in the chair) n the
I i* A j "preprintion bill, the jHUidinu
jfiKfttion I*kiW4: Mr motinti to inwr-rt u
t-lnuifto rrpKuhng the lnw cmiting the Hotifhcm
' riaima coinmisfiloa and n Hh*titutt therefor
• (ofh red by Air 5 diiuk') the nm
mintoion, hut tnuiMcrruiff all claim* now jhuul
itig leforft it ti the court *t idaitn* Aft
Young'* •übatitftitn wu* by ye-v. .
may*, 107 Mr. linagg w aaiHMuluiKVit vraa then
l> \ • b*s. iu4% . U'2. Mi ringer
i otfewl sin aii-n*!iiiKnt alw*li*hing tlf Snthc*n
! claim* couitti)HWM.u, siul proviiiing that hut
jKir*4)i who umy have a claim agninwt the I'ni
t< d Mate* in w bi h the court o| claim* would
not now luive jtiruMiirtiDii. Iwit foutidwd m
oyuity and ju*tic*\ aiiil iu>t Imrnat hy Jimita
ti*iv. umy file hu* pbm m the *oart *f Uirn*
It further provide* that tire court wIIHII ri*j*rt
i it* I)tiding to < and t ongm** shall not
! allow or uitlori/e th** payment ol any private
! claim not payable under cxtwtitig law until the
clannw liav- !cen inve-tigated hy tht* court tl
| cbiim* Witliont dittpottig of tli | vending
i luiienilmanta tins li*>u*e a<lturnKi.
Mr. Young, chairman of the Jotnmnti* 1 on
Kpitlemic I Hamae*. rejHrt*ln lull for which the
"seiiHfc joint r*'HolutTn t* the nam* eflWt wfi*
ftuh*tittit**l rclaling to the 4rgwmention of the
National lhmrd l Hwalth...Mr. MKpbfiw
ihnirman of the Committor on tHunage.
| NN'eiglit* and Measure*, reported a hill pn\ ii
nig for the interchange of *uh*idiary cuina lor
I h^fabtender money under enrtauu ctrcnm*taii
oqh, ami making aueli hIII higal tender in all
! sum* not exceeding fJ2O ..I he Ilouwe Went
I into Commit te<j o! the Whole, with Mr. lllack
| burn in the chair, on the legislative \ppn>-
pintiou bill, tho pending |uewUon lieitig on Mr i
S|irmger *amemltnent loitwfrt what i* known
i an the 1 "otter hill, which authorize-* any person
liav mg a claim againM tho I iiit*l Stair*, not ,
| Inured by any *tatutc f limitntaui. t file a
bill in (Ihi Court of Claim*, to which aiiicviul
metit Mr 5 outig had offered a a tuiieinlmcnt ti
strike out the wtird* "not barmi by any statute ,
of limitation. ** Mr. Atkin* oflfenwi * aulwti
tnte for Mr. Spruigfir'a amendment. I lie *uh- \
*titute repeal* the aid* oMuhlishiug tin* South
ern Claim* Cgmtni**ion—-tiie repeal tv take i
effect on the 10th ui Matvh, 1880—and direct* 1
the tratiaferof all cam 1 * then pending to thg j
C'aurt I Claim*. It then enact* tlw Potior
bill. Both Mr. Atkin.*' *ul>*tiUite and Mr.
Young'* amendment were rejected, ami the
committee proceeded with the wticceeduig
clauHe* of the bill. The commit to© then di*-
powed of all the hill excepting the part* e*pe-
cially rew , rv©d for general duruuftioii. Mr.
lx*w-i* ojiOned the dobafe on the provision ,
which rept'al* the tc.*t oath an.l the >
mauiier of drawing juror*, lie wa* followed .
by Mr. Staiuionl, alter which the limine ad-
l'he regular order ofboHinoa* was annonnoe.l
by the S|>onkrr to be the conriiiei-alioti of tlie
bill rejHutcl on thr previous day lor the inter
change of rubsidinry ruin, lor legal-tender
money in nnma of 910 and multiple# thereef.
I hiii! making aofih ruin n legal tender in sum,
i in.l eirardmg ff/li A mutnm to refer the Nil
111 Uin t (minutiae on Hanking and Olfreney
war ildwlii! li> HA to U~ AfU>r further due
I IIHII'II the bill went over willwait action. The
(•rgudativc A|i|.rojinMnm MB ww then die
| HI*WMI bi Miwra hellcv, ijarfteld and others
niiUl ftd(>mi nuirlil
ill I HlWOlahll Xlirl|H l Kill (111 lllift*
aIHH Kulrr.
Aimtlur Httnlit Upon the life of the
l.m|nror Alexander <if Kn*ia ha* iuat
In n made. 'rim following particular*
niv j|v ml in ii St. I'Mnriiiurx itin|b;li:
W liiii ill l t /tu it in Inking hiii usual
mi l) ntiiruhiK walk near tlie palace, a
tiiuii who tout made Ids w_v into tin- gar
•ton !tv means of a kf to private door,
and who hint tiiifi ill tin ground, for
*olH' lime, || pp.*! flolii Inliilnl mniir
rliruKs thiil had i uin rnli-il him, vt illi hi
n-volt it already drawn, and itndantly
Im tiring Ilit ithHiutoin wa* r>epe.*i
atj.v di>--d. nlnt won* n military eap
ii itli *>.ka<lo, Hi lirexlal tlie emperor
within twu paii*. AIW llir Hrwt hut
tlu ini).. no approached Uia>;t-in, who
liivd again and thin run An officer of
tin- gendarmerie, with drawn iwurd,
pursued tin- man 'lima- more men tlim
ioin>,i in tiir pursuit.
Ito a*-<uui.u lir.-d at 1 licit). shaft. ring
tin- |nw of a del*, tiir Finally a ft-jillr
iiiaii knot ki-it tht- mail itowii an<l In-hi
tiiiii until hi* wa* *>• ur-d by thr officer.
It i *li|ipiMM-tl that In- took poiMtt! In forr
llii attempt* a* lit luliiltni imillnlillli'ly
alter to* artxwl It i* raid tiiat poi*>>n
wu> found under hi* tin/'/ nail Anti
iiot were administered. The emperor
araniiant gnve tin* name of skHof 1 (• j,
a ri-timl lutn-tlottary of tin* Ministry of
iiUitlio', Hint in ulmilt thirty years oi*i.
Thi- pi* at LhroUp •! Jii-lipn whi. hhml
HAM III! )ril (-uthuftiaMirally liio nil am!
congratulated tin- emperor, who thankial
thi in for their proof* of fidelity on aui-h a
painful iw.-MJ.ioll. ll* said ll- klu-WT lie
Itail tin- uppoi tof ai! rmjww Labti people,
lie bojwii that (jod W(oU..t pram that h#
might complete hi* tajik, w hi. h -oti
in promoting tin- xvelfare of Rut*ia.
'llll- i-iti|wmr. aftor tho foregoing *ue<-h.
drove t® ilia palace without es
cort . lb- tint tiot ufir r tlie ill • fleet
fmiii tin aiu uipt upon hi* Jif*-. Aftr
waril In- drovi-, *ti!l w itlmut escort, U> the Cathedra), to return thank* for
thr preservation of hi' lift Wheti re
ceiving Uu" ootutratu.alioiit of tlteott*
i mi- of tin i-uipirc, at noon, thr t /ar w a*
mi iiiu. h ovrti-ouii- hy liiti'tiUiu-iarticrr*
i i-ption a- to lw* uualdt- to rjw-ak for *oitir
minutm. tin n-i-orrritof frmn hi-rmo
tioti |i witd: " 'J'hia la the tliini tinii
t jod Itan *at d IUU."
S.-i ri iary Jo art* irnini-dial< l) l*k*-
ttmphi-d from Waidiitu'ton to tin- I'iiitod
"-(ai.-. Minister to Ku--ia, Mr Stoiigh
ton. dirri-tinc him tu mn tothr ('nr
tin I'rriiknt'i oonpratuiatioua upon hu
IlliU VI-ioU* tiM.Jlf.w-. 'ivir(nau of I-Oll
gratuL-ition- w.r* a!o received hy tie.-
Oar from all tin- Eurojiean *ovi-reign
and tin- Sultan of Turkey.
I'hi* attempt to kill tlie < car i* the
third to W hit ll lie lia- tw*-n • \portal -inca
l*ii, w hen he rUiaaaaliai to tIM- throne,
l'he lir*l 1.. . urn-ii April IS, 1*66. w hen
In* wa firi-il at on euhriluj hia tar
riage at St l'i*t®rhunf. t>n this oeeasfon
tiir pi-Uil wa* turnt-i hy a workman,
w how a* jfetiero u!y rewarded for the
a. t The miinil attnmpt was inntle at
I'aris, June fi, InfiT, hy Butta'Wtlu, a
I'.ij. , who tireil into the carriage in
w hi. h the < " wfl* Aititiii with hi- two
-..ii* and tin* Kuiporor Nt>alaao. The
inn* riai jtartv i-atafU-d uuhurt, )*ut tie
lioiw of one of the mtuft waa w'outuh d.
Tin* a—.-o-ain wa* alwuit to tire another
when tie pistol ham ! tur*t, de
-trovinsr the u*e of hi- right hand
"A- Mt ' —ti.-liern. t jrant uniet ly
:trui*i tin King ofSiaiu if in- w<>uiu re-ign
and Jti .'t'pt a poritionitt hi* Utkl tahiuri.
The kiiiijrolli-il hi* eye* round toward th.
j. in-ml in an in.-ri*iu!oti> manner, and,
ehaiighie hi- "Jarkaon*a Beat n to the
• tliier *nle of hi* ntotttli, tid, "I jue* |
am w 1 enough a Si am."—hvwlun
'hirstt*. ________
W run hril wild KM* krd
lik Ibr aif fT)ruti4Ali%n4, ibo ftiii nfh
.ili> Uarsaitif iuivJ mm***-
tliiiw toantilttd* Mtt
i< • I'lrvtjuJ ni<*ii ituitk by a 4iu|4 *l*4 agrwi
lllr llKktiltn Jl <YjtAJtliy tiir |MUI uf UHittUt A
t-4i Mrs** y t rfiMinuifir nihiH*!it* nm> wt)< -
f I Hwiiiiiy MBlhllU*|| Ik.tll lltMfftrr'i NamtArb
liitlm. • iUi li> t4 m kwig
HIIR! **! riTiflmtu tthlobwaigui f!
ItIAJ untAA " * likt'ii }*aiA<tan thn
< Tit AMI <4 jlif-atlMiUtnA, fUAii thA til4> |/Ullil<*k lilt*
lift? fttirfT-nl. Imi! HR it. Vl^*R
hy JtirtiKiSftii rtm mottrp* th urtun)
t>! tln lain cb ASK! ihr mat rHhdi f tlit* tn
I > it, iut<i 41 sttJi*4 ll*r kiilnry* TU'4 i£mi-
U*t to n rtiftAluT ityt! Klive }K*rttrtiiKZM-r <4
Ihtd Itlitftiofil It i* {>tTRi!(W A
rlW4# miirtth lor, uui nniib of
1 r\*fb
% %%<•! In thr t nrfmltMl.
lttnls . i 4 ttbnl) a- tin
rtiittiitmii, tiuui) luivr rmm*wi*ly cw*n-
a iv i%u •% t ioiKc <tf b4kitb. mini ari}
Kgrnl thmJ mfufT* hit i* tlw rrtorr a! trior nan
jww ta. 1 ttl U inu m .itjou* U* nxu* m
frtwai If if lnUf |*>*aUn flail, fat in art *\ nirnt <
<4 hmlth, it iw !ir%? trirjriin£ tlmt !h*> t-boml i
rvry natural]). tali ikI thti rmr 4
tlmt AIT fi IKKII—MI'IM pr**jwrUni 4
f*4firi£ cmtpulrtK?)- wtrtiU ]i|tivf i&jvriam t<
th lirtthh IfthajMrmhgj latwenrr frtttii tl
rati*iail lautiw. that mrt nuflur •!f*jtittii (%i It!
u^atity t • ih4 h iimltliy lait a i .juilr r luUura! Ir u.
luKT-.if wt the o[<|i*ite <-n c. u-i.m. mhwh t
-u-iMiunt Ijt i'*|waaei-e rnel .aM-ranltoe. t r .
Uuvl the ol Inl ,10 .-# ul <-T|HUerw-v
i* invarilj\ t.Uui-i hy i 1 uiii.r.-uient <4
■liwigth. -piriu nii.t ph> k .J omu.irlji Alum'-
\lltl Fat will o-lu.-i- * tut ier*m from two to
life pound* Wi-ek. !>oldl'.V dniggwt*
It i a*toiii*!ung with wUai mpuiuy UUhtihi
.** end ersmtire nmliotie* are c-ared h\
Iteur*** Outnir SnH-e. an evi. mni unteinti
-10 uabuallliy oondiUon* o( the ulun, whw-h M
, |.riSerri*l I > uui to i im other prejiam
, i-mlmti—g the rwrl-ilic element. It i
undoutWediy the tin ret :tfit<Mi-|*o ami |wieiftei
rxinnt ll 1* I- Mot a i-hurui on {-unileul orup
-1 tioij*. mid lei- nl*o Im-n -uei-ewnftith u**l ltir
rtw-'imatnqn ami ~>o- thmtO. All druja;i*!-
aeii It
To I .rinrn.iid > ruif Uronrn.
We ari- ri*|ue*tei] to iy that the Amertcan
J later i '<• t liamtierwtmtv, IV, wit) eeti t a esta.
1.4; m ..I the new pnie.-** of Anit 1
tn* Nearly tftO Ar-t j ivmhima awarded it in
laJH. Prwe*. mnrket* ami twrjer* of evaixe
, ml.*! fruit, ete.. ete
t.mgh- turd an- .flm omrkukel A
f-nntitiiuoi.T lot any length ol time eaiiaf* irri
tation ot the lung* or NOUM- . hnnur thmnt ilia,
•we. "Brown"* Broiw-hial Tmrho* " are an
eff.etuKl rough wtnedy. Twenty Jive cent*
Jutltrr for 1010 mr 11.
Hvaeuding tliirtv rtve.-eiit*. w itb age. height,
untiir of i >.-- and hair, you will receive by re
turn inat't a correct photograph d your future
iinlauid or with, with name And .late of mar
riage Addre— W I'yj, P. O. Drawer Si.
Fuitonvilie. N. Y.
Hie t .-ie)mitr-l
•• M*tx iu.r>a "
Wi-kI lag I'lug
TRC hufltu TUB* taxi (V.frniT,
New York, Boaton, and Chicago,
Smug.- I'ogne'- -iiting Bnii Durhnin 1 ohac--o.''
(w toaa.
llert t'attie— Met Xatlvaa. Irv* wt. .
ikalt*. M'alr Milk o*4 a tW
-hr*-p ..... .. HIS J d'S
hamta S4t|K t®
How* - ! v Ot 4 I
lire."*! <W\i4 tV
Flour Kt Wtatr. g.*wt torlwlee X . .a R Vi
VVealeril, (fOOJ |o fancy ... 3 W .4 * TS
Wl.eai Nu. 1 liixl 1 135..4 1 H
White HUlr t tS tg 1 13
H\. -late tU .4 Kl
llr'.e} r<" HI.WI-1 Htata ...... <*• 14 A3
t\r. t'ligradeil Wielrru Mited. .. II 4 II
Soaih-ni Velio*,.. . 14 14 44
(lata— While Male . ....... .... .. 33 <4 3.,
Miie.l tf.r*rn 31 .4 31 ,
Hay 11. l*H era-le* AT .4 T..
Straw long* Itya, per rat :B mi 4
Hrif* State, new cr0p........... .. uft 14 04
Port Mm 940 <* 9 ft-i
Lord-Ot'jr 8tio . '. . .OS iS., .14 3-
I'rlnrlrum Cuid* 07\ #on 14 It-fln.-.t 9 .
Wool- -late an.l Ivan. XX .. 33 .4 37 \
Butter -tare t'rraniert It .4 ?i
Hairy II .4 17
Wefieru I'rramerj ......... IS .4 33
Factory 13 14 II
Cheem- State Factory 04 <4 n*^
Sk.m* A3 US
Weatarn Factory OJ .* <*\
K.W - Stair mid l'ciinnylvanta 13 .4 13
Flour tvnn. chotci- and fancy' .. 47S .4 5 IX)
Wheal -PMW. M . .. 1 !3Si 4 t 13
Amber 1 141,(4 1 I4S,
Rjc Slate 7 i 4 IWif |
■MI Stair Sailuar. . 43 <4 44 i
Oata Mixed...... 30 (4 31
Butter --rreatnery Kxlr* 3S (4 37
ObM*r Hew York Factory. Ot (4 nsy,
lvtrolrum —Crude 0* \j(d'TH h iteflned, 09V,
Flour -City Oround. No. 1 Spring. ~S 35 flk 5 75
Wliral . Bed W iuler 1 07 <4 1 OS
Oorn™New Weateru 40 (4 4 1
Data—Stale 30 (4 33
Barley—Two-ttoweit State BO (4 63
Beef OaltJe—Ur e weight 04 b * 04 V
Shd-p 05 V l4 oSV
Hog. 04.V14 04V
Floor- - Wlaconalo and Miuu. Pat,.,, 8 50 .4 * 35
Corn—Mixed and Yellow 47 (4 43
■ lata Extra White.... 37 (4 40
Rye State AS .4 i
Wool- Waebed, l iuilnug A Liflaiue.. 35 <4 36
Uuwaahed. " " 35 .4 35V
. eef CatUe—Life weight 04>tf<A 05
h-rp 05 <4 0J 05 14 06
Bog* 04VI 04 V 1
PrVmn n( 'he *f>rt amMn Prgnna r*
•nnmi but nf than Ittwi of TH* (wmjuiOl *•
GNIM, but Ihoy M* W* IM**, white
tl,.- utialify in ra-Uy n.i,.urlr>r p" •£
mm i (firm Highly pnvl Hy
world'* |mnlima fur ntamjr yara ••>*' it t no
loiigor i ijtuwtiim At Urn pn*i Hip)* M* " ,|1
IMjJKtll" llffl-raal
t buw JrUa. Ittwl jjgIIJijSiSL
h> L. II Kaaaaon. t b*. 'if HI V" "•
lnU4mir4 and '.t*.-at • "O •" •* J m
Kfiwrit. i hijiiu* ninvAwb *
I* ft!... It Pair!.. tSOlmtm. 1 At a In Anttw-m
l „•, '•'•ww audi* X'tfU of Aoiw-nw.
I T • I I*TI I*, " I
a liMwrii i-pitw "(■•••< - l<i 1" 9.TW fbA*
UK Mb If I I'.' I it Blir Alill> aa-mlafa
il .w ..I II . ..1 IMlWit.1*••:> <b'W.
Easier Basic. Enter Carols. Easter Anthems.
HOiW fw U.u
A * TATA* I UK *< HOOI.n AMbM.Ml
\tMlt . i" ■•. i- *-'•-
ITM ■ Yt-1,.1. it . lain, H.I.U ItaiaWW l
I 1111 11 \ . Aoiftj. "
• til* I omiiiiiktiti iwri%ji, I ill l II T*f i
I I Hit lllllUl. ' 1
Tl.i m*m t.t t in. > rm Uuatl M weal Ita- •*► I*
It. <1 Bt-f Kit M< .!• .u.j il* I ill
till inhi'Wix i. mm rninii cite YHK PlAh'rt
PuKIK ... Il 111. wot Jm-" •< • >*• wj'J.o
l* i..t i ! tii.ititi f thuu-
Mll. ll W *<••.• 11.
Am* IL 4 NM,lnl /Wok /**
01.19 AM Uif MM 4- # .. JhMMwM.
t. il. HUM* A <
HI Hniwlw>, bm tub
J. 11. IHIMH At 0.,
Il't'i Oraloul Mr>r|. Pklb.
.. R . V .RT'J3
T> r fljn • IJfib* Juenttw Ual <4 fWftS >VU MtamMir
- ■ v.* ar ttrttf liVcmi l*r|M '6 rt* *,
*# fi'* I* Mir r.el <4 .*!* *#•*#•., iA
IW*I Munllit. % Iffoi • if lUffllHrM f
% i . lain l| lit par *••*!, Htftttl) n4 ftlftr mi
I rttit, \ttlm fur Mai L tin*
Tl|• %% I Itlrt M<r Übl Mat ai;dw! |*j tblfl * Mir I *
|!# ft li. Y lit- ,■.<* S w &l !U B<ttlU|| U, 111
• I i - |
UC ftrr
Hi I . If mH ft M t<~ t . 1 .
- ' I frc ' I*MF K MM. ft*M. llmh.
f< *4." *£o#*m ft 4. fettaaiwrft, L*.< *****
rnnn REWA
hbF HW •!... if a . ... .•*... - ■. t* <'*
Vftu Km A-lit*** tfc o*^4
on in
lilil il
t J Li u
WW— V(
IKS ••'ft '• 1 *'i ' ' *<;<! iwntt fli
■ <>. ■ If I. MllryA <,■
I firooiOM'i C|>*. m*4 MKirt*. |
Jul Owt MM ' iuui
For Male Voices.
H. :. 11. MAII.I.t .. I C. A. MUtW. Vur
.!• *. i r :w • awAtytit
ts.a l>. tvaii cut Aim n i*i> al* iti worft. in
lw '•! '* Mil I*l Ki.U*. •-*
'l' j- ?.mi. bwiwiMlb* tA.f
•i . >li;; ... .bin 'oI i, ht - v.-
4* HI llntl! HI MIKK Kt 1 IM. A
i> I*• IN I Mf■ i (.• .1 sta*t 1
■•niaii.A. Km.
bin I'lauiii. tub, kUb > '■ bm
|||lS tub I tl Mi. H I *. u It* .1 -<
IMSIT*I; . >,...rT ttrwnr* of tintfalnrv. A ; *tt.
II Ibli.L r. Ml ITT! . HmAIimHW, .%. J.
IX i - lrwt> •• nil * nwf i •■
lb* kltn*)!. tlUMdrr i I rtoarj Or 1
pun. UuW' U'a>rdjr..|W.j|cb*iW|
! fiprrnh T VnT £ .rawa. J! I*. I
W|r.,: U. • J ■■ r.ri.l 111 ill 1 MoJ lu * ■
E Ca.l I'm i. • uwrurd MorphbiA ■
ifuu; - 11-T- Mntw ny*a
p'l. I X I BI.K 111 t tIH*"FT
t IW UoMMMt .. * .til Tt <wS |l •*
f 811
1j | , r-'-tr E * ► I
WAMAEE CBOV. S&l Er*s**. !*.!.
Vriaox 4 iinntltm <*9 hi art tirffnum
iwsn w. ' WKiifitFr mi>oiiK AT AH
w*hUS 1 run rWKI VK M
At J 4 * " Tlt b'i |*Tl SArt*A- ' l*o l\iui>
mt*. i> j'*Ub i'>, at* l <•***. >.tssai r i. Mftftr
IfQs- (Hi,' A tkai n* Jb Or CUM Rp*r* ft-a".|e4 hitfbe*! !•-•-
•*• t * b , > '4 l'-r <ti *■ iflwnlAlUtoTftt* lu-fft*
Tftafto *r-! trail is ! . new !.* r.k.
Vft - \ A !f A M s UUIS OO
•• M Hln-rV llrrlt ITlftr r Wommi'i ft*-
Ikf •• . I ' V I a: i b '.'vat ftetra fft*v tv .Ct * .
• >1 itftina il hUlwiivAM. .*•
* I '*<N **vr 31 a-t If ft I frir-ftuS# StTil4 Ulf biclft?*->-
t>*Tttaf t'tmlrtw*m S.v*r- *1 Wtmcb*** fttftl i!xt
** ft a ftliii tag ta tbr mpv I*#. k*rs f Ufti ■
'' A t|t;a*l • twflit - - It*' %b*b4rr •>" U< K.J J.At Ai i
W*tn, tftM Fnr ft a Kiltf'T fmri>*r+ ft
tRMMMMft ierr I.f ■ . Wi- tsMtt. ."OIWI fftfmt
v.*b ntyn tit; <4 Khw Son
mux m a*, titf ! 1* lUl>4 Ftfl* |AT-i !t
aft M hk, A
ft f it 'IiMUH ftilft 5 * lt:f r IfVftft
* 31 i.AI AN. LU.K.
JftV • bi \ a- \ *\
Nr*t nf Kin.Hrlr. at 1.AH.1.-rlcr*.A<'.
(liitiuanli bbl**t l. t> !*• > f btonrp :*l
. i r mlw ■ iwnm.-fiti i t ->1.1,4 y,*
" 41 - tfilnpt.. : A-!' -m
It. . I'lTI It*. Himkb r*ll>. b. T.
I .•>!!.11*11 < t it! r... fndtjrrstlnu. Vt>*
4 *i.m*h. A. . r.i*lK*t
i'. t f ■ atn. • •
H*rl|>rl in. ItwrK'H • > Uvw Till-.
l .-U- fur Ul Hb V luntr.t. JBH ;< -mA.*: •*■
mtiwatl. t. i. Iti. tj> r<utß|iatr 1 w 'Ob ti.*h it •
Una. fut wtmnafarMrint *-. A. -Wmpf. >f. ml w*
lb AlHintia PrmwrMl l.i WilAtrr
Iml l.i tr.!H- * t'HAr • .• V.-w l*w " PirKt .••
*1 : A!i wi i* d- t t. rv I*m ,miw ti> *WI
* 1 ••> 1 • u *r<>l>l>\l<T A. I <>..
Wis I *l.. 1. IV.. bt nitiluirlnn. It. r.
\|>rntiiit, arthf ntttl r tlalilr | tillsci .
ft" t- m* bviatit* JE. ftff 111- IftNkt at M> fli* -bK *t f*itT*-s
HUM It' \ ; .m. CAV! 'V JM *SiKH 4XI
- • . < \ >
Our IftolLnr I r.v Hii f tpl* )< *ft ott
< ftlftitir. ft Iraiitlitg, ft'Ahr line, I>r> Mm*
l-itiit. Iltdr llthiatl. Mtrfrlft*. Ar.. Ar.
t* • % •' *.• . U Never krtr*Tt to f&!
4\t P \ I.HVHri K r*jj lUn .
nK. f* %!.-% Hio\i:v IT lit;, r * .
N I \.*♦ ft •-.* v |? !. .1 fa
<- - ' ' ■ N - * i.:..* A It ft. -
Pwit I St Tttfr.-* Ai' ftTi:.*, • ft Smltk U*>
T\ \r m* t a, !U|4ir.4iftL V. '** tv n* Y
Steam* ik u4 I* iftwl inran Ktr 4 IX* .'a
.'•* b >n tb' vui ) .ju.'itj it) mi th. Kh>,i
r *t- ■ • . ... i ruK il i i *
K ( A.IIV *1 • M \l )• O II,) *|
rI| TTL 111 .lid. ul W M.WQMII, t; 1iU U|4 1.-W4.UI I ix.ln
iK.ti *pb r 1; it, .jTtwnt • ,W.
l! -:'!*<* .tiMHftl'.li CIV.I *l-Itl b A blK:l-KIN
l-n-i.-.riM M Hrb> m M ■immttm. ..
■ APMYI3 "■• "' t *r rati
DnPni IX'toOnKiH. Ju.l >..-. >U
Hftjlttwltj- rite.. 1: , .btbe. -.
I- n. m aval- s> >lm-H. - tt an ... tt tn* r-. Hatti
r* —-tit t-< ■ f.Tjri*;. It ..**!, tub. i.diu.i. .t i-ad. -i
* Villi Plt 1 . I Mia. Nru t
T"b K"tit ti.i.t • ■ . r
'At. . I >. '
b - '-1 *
• >1 ... tl* 11 *t \| M Y....
RX?f?JL* C *spjiiix.
- -
- -N 2St
.> a I.aid Orn.iiirut.l t mTil.* jiiiTonFl
—♦ I'- ' I'll > 1H-1 nll.t VIM*. ,JM.T.;
>1 . jltja ' lilt lloirli tt ■ I. .1". .tl - -A.b ttl. , I
>st. Si lIKI 1 KKKv. Snt ttl. UuKttnr. N* V
CI rt I. C rt rt rt l ">- l it i >t .<t, t urn*. >
Mu IU OiUUU . !■ > ui.'ia. liwViiiil
TTrr . \ti *! mc rtrMhlti..
\ MMBAXTBSA 00.8 ikfl 17 *-)! >| .X. T.
b imßnaamMHß n..>!
■ i.i-iitli. IF.T >radtmt.. narativt'.| a jattiti: Mtaa
taw. b ! :rr 11. t ilit .i.-. ManaKf. ftp*.
Alllilll HntiH >V Slain lllmiwi. Tl t.
{IHIIIM "■ •-••uf'-t i -.>tPr > b.Mi.-
wl IUITI •. „ t 11. b K Mai-li.y.i . M
(bfIKMKK WlUlti WiS tor Mi, I Kt.t.s (run
J I. t .an, !>t ttt-ibtl per .ti-i.-n.
1> HKAi MO.VT WAT.Wi-m C!teter Pa
"(tI.FMHI.K," K..r tliat.-i r thl. ureal Straw
K'l.r H. '.UI■..• Inf..! ,r f • ..ra.lo btim-*. IteaUh K*
urta. f ill . llata-Bf. A. Tt urtWn an.| (btniiumpllTi-aran
>. it.,.in> t'la Ji .A.-I A I>. nvet.c
A-w il'it t- t .t>, ... . .: lor Uu- Ftre.tde
a* / Vi.itui . i..>andoutat K'rw b tilr...
"ft" r vil KKKKY Au.mts. .Msin.
rt!fb>'bb. V omnia. What .nata I
HI 111 1 r "' a v ..a o ,u Cauliw fra*
VIM > M SrCM-aa. I I'J Wi-h oSt .Buttt .u blat.
I lr. t iiotr'a llrnltll Ylmilhly. >ue vital .btc
Mm. at 111 a a Pi* Co I-Abb K. S!Ji St.. Xew Yirk
S ODA orSTAKHS *.v. lab ! (88. a
> IPP<- I • J l- I " ttw K - 1-at 1 '--ui*. Aa .. a Jk
< BnpiU lit*. I t.,M I > -it. lit i Till \ XHOtUi
liiiTT ' M '"•! - b|.-i - - . turatilee.t to As* n
• * Ontfll fre, Suaw A ('•. toainara. Mataa
Stt.tMMl KSarin f, - S:|, | t MI; ~r . tiard.whr ,1 itarn->t.*
rk'u -till tlrtfr M Uaian. Alvmer, Out., fatwa.
t Mllllltexluu <\ I'll. >li)iit . .a. ntttrAy new!
S.-Ddb- titatainp forTf tt -.r 1'..,x7. H*alter K'aiia.N .Y
[M'I ItIATI bt; Wish! Sernra." sfi IS
A Si-11l sealed. Addt. >. Ha.ta A Co , XlvrnsHe, X.Y
If yon are
In the inquiry—Which IN the
best Liniment for Man and
Ifteaat f thl* in the answer,at
tested by two generation*: the
IK NT. The reaaon la sim
ple. It penetrates erery nore*
wound, or lameneas, to the
very bone, aud drive* out all
inflammatory anl morbid mat
ter. It 44 goes to the root M of
the trouble, and never fails to
cure In double quick time.
I* IM* Old lt* ( •awialralid *
D f*. tnwa m .ui|ia i*b fXX W bin* ttaM
Autl at. IT. .f*p nl*lalr.
TY'ddafkii is - "1 - t;
L|. w&k .1 adu t.rau-l with aait and rrttn. awi w.l
n.t rt no.Yjrr xxa xcr tmk
ppnaajlbsnis Halt Mannfif
I trat IjUldUhnl I Swiaaw.^l
TUAIJt Df*r*}**KVTß tab* * "* m **
Leading Markets
Of the World I
Kvwrwtr* rii I(*1H1 *> * m taw * *u*a
OVER 80,000
Wait* atari !■ waa. hf Daawtwr.a-.bMl <
Wart tad U 1I Psv.*
Cjr SrWl ft# a o*ta-ta*
Tremial St..opp.WalUiaia St.B'^a_jbss.
To* iwwatf af tarikf Laftaav CtautUwrw.
As inf. * and wa.-m-d Stawul* frw
liu.l pti' i*) r ewkwawa
•<•*->• at* ' i *1- -1 •"
ri R* IbiiVT-b • .
*|MN " t ftn k"'r * f
PWr"'"t :";.w
1 ft V **"
* Ikin fciXi-f |*Y Haarb MM. Kw tar*.
•war Sat 1 4 i rkT 2*
hold \ff Druggwtft. W
M| | ft ftMXfl\-'a
*£ Chairs and Rockers
\ : 44
'if a*#- 1 Tb Wft VnrWaa bi> If. w
' I 1 JtftM Km- *# •irrop fur faw
v^"v '
It b 11.1 . 4 I—- l .Vr . !u;.t*: mumxr—*-
aIIDbT.V •
Wl Kh 1,1 . * |* *<
nt>: ari ... •• <• *■■•
lytd tab * Mr-dJ:..- papd S Una CrfD*
Til K WRERLV art a rtaptaSSaW
S fftftl'-.T tMlfar T
' " r\*i;i (\it PR-'takra. W. T.4lK*
IM W7tl Jft'll TlJi - - ■ • r— r—
■Hmmqwawa .-——.af*. **r.
rf ,ii . I, >fl _ | 111 fll 4ai - .wyaqd
at-M—A-U ■ --'-a..,.
.>i.tT*ili--<:.i i.BriTTvWTlkm
ft} :-<3r • liri
a 1 f-r Jt i w I fca -< ftkaS ■••••■•■*
Itls wkbt t! •- >*. wftuur-n CM ft *—>• ono" ftr
'(U.V i.w.aaw > a oa* ft-aaa a. Bin, ■ in* **-
na iT* w bbTKii I uu
"o K K /> at th* mart /
Kv .fw wtu b laro tS**v '
"Ki* war A h-tt mfth* SOI *T.I HE."
H* i in. .iist.di Bawlrt* bntti. •.t
- *n inn n/Jiri r*r C, .f. rrwrl P. I."
H- Jkwti: AtWurtt*.
Tk* tkm- t.rmhti .1 wl Ueat-wVUtu i-j"b tat Aetata.
..n o:i I*ll t!iM itMbi IB . -*UMb-- !kd yt*
tlran. Ail tr. tu.- Af. >. l KriKlf A\ I* AOASUIXU
OU.SaMf."' "! ... : _
I I I s ' *****
I ft* n V a AI.L Till; TIMK!
Tft* vrTb t* >1 r.**t, .Itib* t ft.TO th* liapirv-i-a at Ha
th*-.trna! ont >k—t fdatt ***• • -*1 to t'nb A (tat
x. t<tin. raxk.
The Grt-at .ImpripaH Toe Co*i)ianj,
El and XI 1 t-arj- Mrrrl. Sfw York.
P 0. Hon d*3.Y.
Th# sruat nlci, it Hi th* thrU'lnc bbtofr of utir ftaut
tf uwbr. th Ui# f tal*t-. St i*i rfrt puNndll.
Prtr, a mtm • I :>t m-r, ■ - It * th# tn.Mit runu! - .#!# H)-
t ir) i.fth# I S *#r pn!d ~;i#d S#tt,l for ralra trnaato
AcniU. >ti! •* vlit i. -no vi-ry fart Addrraa
bin •>-. I*' Mi>aiMi l'n, PliUad'tpkVa. P*
We jmthh ati rtht-|vii-e paper —"Tm* Sattoxal
IXimtncfl **—4#YtHfld to tl>e nta rr*ts. f Pen*Mnrr*. Sol
dtens ftiiti SHi!t>rf au i thcL heir*; al*v cviLtftiii# liitre#tlag
IAUII'V riMidtttg.
Price. Krtv - nts a year—special tintuceißcnt* to dnbi.
A proper HUNK T. COLLECT niit nint TV nnder new Afl
Mftiboßtlbrrn only, atei aach cLiJm* & • ■! tn PensiOß ftjßcw
w Ulibuit chamc. JnmiArr tuu!i*r •<* *7e*iMUiea copy free.
ScTftl ftr LL ftitoKiaK K 1 Kil*\ A (XL, ugtou. D. C. Labck Box t'Jo.
of the liQiruiu l • Tv tv* io 4 *w' f'reifk irncy
*ii I croft*>ia . S|* ! v Mip - ,#r tle relief
ilttbt t Qri -t li*-r I 1 tt* |ili I ' 'b Ul 4i..Ub-t.tSLWh
m— i*r iron n'l. iiAi!-f'aad *m••
ia alwaja rt mv w I ir diaiak* .taw# i""*
l t r utK .-I p..-.' >. fc '. t*!t. Cm.-tar*
m-iil ~|t bpp'k bli.*!. Kl.KtTltir DISK '* H HKI.T
t'tiMPAXV At Htni:t tt Pim |t..>i. u. ,*|.->W toailßft
m#t to Aarfilr. _________
Mother, an ! Kum! Send l a iirtujli-ct , u JMgr'r
Pur.,l, (IrIDK i otir # iilr. in full. I# * t >,I.KU FT A CO.
5.,:.- M.uiitf.i. I rt. fn* but*',
*f sl**) inotifh ABQ
rin-urr, Of aili a larga coißnuaaiio. to rail oilr oaw
and wuuaorful ui*o!:"". H' man nb il tarn, e- tsu
j.l* ft it*. Adifrem BHKKMAh A '*o, Marnhal), Mlih.
a PiflNOSr.^-^"yr,rr
'A v . uniicba M-.l# for - i.rti-Jil i ; I"
1 in Atn#r.r,i-li"< In ujw-nn-a
->. loot on trial—'ntlu* In*. MBSDKiA-
f „u.\ Piano Co.. 21 E ISU. Streav. >. V.
an- A All(fH-ARentaf'n..t*d :Mbaa*
5350 •cllinss artu * in tu* w..r d; one Bftmpje free.
AliliTem JAY BKti.VSON. Detroit M •
$3300* M Yoxl£ " hXi^mZ