TIIK centkk reporter. Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rad.Mny 1 79, — flyer year, when paid t* , Iranee . fti.SO srbess wot r aid i adrnnre. t,lrertiemrnl> lAV-fs per hnt f>>r thre* ln ,rrl,on>. and beenttper hne for erery nb tegnent ineertion. Adrertieementi W '*< yrnr ai a liberal discount. Subeeribert outside the eewisfy sboidui *'■ m.t ws 10 rt*. amount of one year * j>n.*r ooe, in>l rod o/'AVfs a* formerly irben yoi.i bv themselves. . Subsrrihers can Ift* v rounts stand o1 the Reporter office bll-cow* xultinq the lables tm their papert. V the lahlt rendu" John Roe 1 jnn 6 '• that John is indebted for subsrmp tion fiym the lsf of January. 187.V nw.f that it ts ftwe he sen* paying the printer. LOCA.L ITEMS. lodge meetings cr-i twt tt-1 t.oon*. W<v .I. ?-•• V*A j V AWVs-'-sa. 31 It om vo.T MonOa* r.snlni si os boforl .act. fall Mxonte Halt , , . r mcV W SS C K Haauacaaa. Sees •' ai-** l Caooavs. ta..a, #. H Vo H. meet, a tho , R.lt.Oontfo Mall oath. *'>•**• Vn,, jl-V Clothing made to otder at Now man'iby one of the belt tailor, from Phil adelpbia. Madiionburg is to have the next county Sabbath school eenveatioa Sberifi Spangler finds he must "see as many follows aftir as he did before the election. Last week's Rellefonte Republic:* seamed te have a touch of the yallar fa ▼ fr. They are digging for coal down in Sayder. When they reach the black stu we will enncunce. j. W culd co-t about s"aXi ta connect cur town with Bellefeete by talcphana, which would be batter than by telegraph. Raise your staadard high, aad buy your clothing low atUeldmen's Standard Clotbiag HaU, Bellafonta. The sbarifT s and the prothonatary s office, at Bellefonta are BOW co an acted by telephone. Hoffcr's store, in tha Brockerboff black, keeps up with tka times ia goods of every description and low prices. It is the best placa for farntar, and housekeep er,. Buggio* and wagons repainted in finest style at Jno. T. Lac, coach shop,. Centre HaU, who has engaged oae ot the bet paiater,. Charges reasonable aad satisfaction guaranteed. Joel Chafer ofFreeberg, was sufle ra'.ed in a lima kiln r.ear the; place on tbe 16th last. He hd *•*" nl ° lb# kiln to work and was ovarcome by the K** Get vour dried aid canned fruits a. Sechlers.headquarters for all kinds 0: gro ceries. Goods warranted frosh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of lar and llonev. a sure cure for ceughs, colds, croup and early stages of consumption. Trr it- The best stock and greatest bargains In boots and shoes. is at Powers A Son's, in Bush's arcade. Thoir goods are war ranted of the very best material and make, and they will make good any thing iet foand so. for fair and square dialing in boo 1 and shoes Powers' take the front rank, and carry it all in the face as well as on their shelves. Were you at the Beehive? If not, go at oace and see the magaificeat spring stock jus! arrivsd. Bvuland has taken a. by surprise for lew prices ; people say they did not think that such bargains could bo had. His assortment is far ahead ofany thing ia this county. Go to the Bee's ivo, at once. With the breaking in of warm weather tramps have blossomed quite freely through those parts. Mr. Wm. Wolf, merchant, started for Philadelphia, last Moadny, te p'.r --cfca-e bis spriag stock of goods, apart o: which may be looked for by end ot this week. Mr. Welf has a habit of purchas ing the best goods in market a fact well known by ail who visit bis store, and we predict that his new assortment wit aot be excellent for variety and stylo by any store in this county. Call at "Wolfs old stand without fail and see bis new gwodi. Business me* interested is the mer cantile appraisement will find tbe list of Appraiser Eisenhulh i* tbe Keperter. The Captain bar attended faithfully to his duty and paid personal visitation t* all assessed, a* the law requires. We tall the attention of our readers to tbe adrertisemfnt of a new book, "A Treatise oa tbe Ilerse and his Diseases.' published by B. J. Kendall, M. D , Enoe burgb Fall*, Vt. The beek it full of val uable information, and as tbe price it only 25 cent*, no horse owner can atferd to go without iL Tbe book can be had of the author as above er at this office. W# endorse tb* aanouncemen t of Sechler A Co., who ay : W* hare given vary close and careful attention to the selectio* of good* for tbe Spring Trade, and feel juitified ia laying that our present Stock cannot be excelled either ia regard to Variety, Quality or Price, aad we doubt if it i* equaled in either of those respect* by any house ia Centre county. There are too many leading article* ia our stock to make special mention of tbeoi all, bat call attention diioctly to a few item* that are now being sought after ev ery day. Mackerel are of good quality thi* tea son and are selling rather faster Iban u*a nl at thi* teaeoa of tbe year. W* hare been selling nothing but full weight*—so lbs. offish in each qaarter barrel anfl 100 lb*, ia each half barrel. They hi.ve better value fer the money than short v,-eights. Lake Herring and White Fisb are T*ry fine thi* teason and selling freely. Our Sugar-Cured Hams, Dried Beef, Breakfast Bacon and Cheese are all wor thy of special mention. Capt. Jno A. Iluater, of Halftneoa, is not yet disceuraged with tebacco rais ing. after tv.o or three year* trial. He has been m easuroably successful, aad done better, at '.east, thai with other crop*. Jne. W. Krumrine, cf Ferguson. dee* not feel comfortable in an editor s hat—neither do we feel exaetly at borne ia Mr. Krumriae's chapeau. Go to Green'* who is the oldest and most reliable druggist in thi* couaty, if you wi>h fresh and pure drugs and medi cines, fancy articles, or choice fishing tackle. The Centre Hall Marble Works are now prepared for orders. Mr. Guest has worked in Philadelphia, and is prepared to do work equal to any in the city. En courage the new enterprize. . Every farmer needs Fitzhugh's American Hay Elevator. It will save ful ly one-half tho labor now expended in un loading and stowing or itaeking hay or straw. Every farmer knows what this saving is worth in the hurry aad heat of harvest. It costs but littlf. It will la*i a life time. It is flly guaranteed. Any parts that may he broken by fair treat ment, will be replaced free of cest. JAS. B. LKK, Centre Hill, is ageat for thi* Elevator. lOapd PHOENIX PECTORAL has been in general use for fifteen years and nearly all who began to use it then continue its use vet. Price 25 cents. For sale by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. 20ap 1m NEW MILLINERY.—Miss ELLA FLXISHER, having taken rooms at Mr. Gilt's, at Centre Hall, respectfully an neunces that she is prepared to do all kinds of Dress-makiag, family-sewing, and makiag Boys' Suits. Confident that she can render entire satisfaction, she asks a share of public patronage. Always pre pared with the latest styles. 24 ap ot Who is agent for the new Howe Sewing Machine? A. C. Moore, Miles burg, P- C. C. Keller, late of this place, has moved from Virginia to Kansas. Loek out! and wait for Wolfs grand steckjof new goods! I A C. Shaffer. writes us from Kane viile, 111., April .4 Tli# folks are >ll done lowing spring grail aad ar# ready to plant corn; owiag to the dryness of lb# atmosphere wo wcro obliged to stop p. aw* ing. tha weather ia very warm, but expect ran before long, as Mr. C H. Shallar has made bi appearance again in this section of tho country, ha is a resident ot .Madi* sen burg. Sa wo think we will hare rain w l en lhea hind of people com# hare, al though Mr. C. H. Shaffer hat been in this part of tha country bctere, he has bean Out to lowa and says aid Rata Co. is still boss, hut intends ta leave hare far Minn , we do not know what ha is after bnt tbere surely must be something tbat ha intends j to fallow. A few days ago Mias Mollie Camp bell, af Ferguson, mat with an ac cident which caiaa nigh prosing fatal Sha was hualmg for egg- in the barn, and fell through a hatch hole, and a plank fallowing struck her on the sida of the head, cutting an ugly gash, and rendering her inseasible for time. Km' lieoos -Mas. J. B. Fimikr, of Tana lie!!. Fa., will raturn from Phil adelphia, this waek with a large and wall selected stock of geods, consisting af l>ry Ho.ds, Nations, Hardware, tjueeeswere. Boats aad Shoes. HaU and Caps, Randy mnda Clothing, and ia short every thing usually kept in a first class ceantry store. Ho proposes loitt* at bellotu prices, (sivc him a call before purchases elsewhere. Tou will find hisstoek complete and tha prices to suit the times- It- Tha display at the lieeh ve is greed, aad the bargeiai astonishing. Tha Bee hive is taking tha lead. and has a coastant rush, the best evidence that Mr. Baa land has a first clas- drygeoda store aad is se'..- irg lew Heods all ana price to rich aad paor. Ail given geod bargains alike. Kd. Hess it abeut to return from the west to bask in the sequestered shades ' of Liadca llall, wanting ne mora of the premised land of Kansas than the pleasant recollections of hit experience#, although he fo .ad none of the milk and hoaey just there. Who next. Mrs. Lucy Henny has just receieod her new millinery goods. Ladies will find an ellegant assortment. Call and see the styles. Read her card' The attendance at court was largo this woek. Most of tbe licenses applied for bare been granted. Some petty crim inal cases were tried 0:1 Tuesday, Youag Sprow, for firing the mountain, jot St l days and costs. Ettiagtr, the aotorteus Snyder couaty man. get 2 years ia the penitentiary ter stealing Breon's gun. The Millhcim 'and Coburn statien tarnp.ke company has been incorporated. The township of Penn, we believe, passes the road over to the company free of cost. The shares are $oO. Some seven or eight harus and some wheat wero stolen lrom the granary e. Mr. Joseph Jordan, of Aaroasburg, a short time ago. The Feansvalley Institute under Prof. Bitner, we are pleased to mectiee, is flourishing Mr. Bitner is a thorough scholar and will add to tho reputation of the Institute at Centre Hall. A new double thread shuttle sewing machine, works by hard ertreadie, for sale or trad# at thi office. Warrant ed. Had a fine rain on Monday, follow ed by warm and clear weather on Taes day. There is considerable work being done on tho road to Bollofoile. Thank Judge Irwin fer it. Fresh lime for sale at tke kilai e: Dr. Alexander, Centre Hall. Mr. Kennedy, watchmaker, has re moved to the old bank buildiag. It is one of those rare, good remedies whieh used once will be always kept ia tbe house. Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pills we refer to. Price 2o cents. Two new 1-horse spring wagoas, and one new open buggy—all well made for sale at a bargain, at the coach shops of Jno. T. Loe, Centre Hall, Pa Monuments, tombstoaes, and all marble work, made in first class style, at the now vards in this place, by AN . J. Guest A Co. Newman dell** *ll C*ntre county and the rest ef n*aakiaJ for cheep cloth ing—clothing that will fit aid wt*r. He i* King Clothier, this *ll admit, aid no •n* will b* allowed to get ahead of him, b*caa*e he it determined t* sell cheaper than ay on* else- Pb.enii Pectoral will cure your coagb. Pha-eixlPectoral oures hoaren*s* quickly. Pbu-aix Pectoral tatto* gocd and bring* TMt Phenix Pectoral cost* 25 clt; <> bottles $1 Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. A fellow who bed an eld $0 geld piece as a relic, parted with it at New man * fer a suit *f new clelbe*. Stern berg. tbe clerk, told the suit. A GREAT HISTORICAL WORK. The Picterial History of the World, embracing fall aad autheatie aeeounts of • very nation of ancient aad medern timet, and including a Ilistorv of tbe rite aad fall *f tbe Greet and Kernaa Empires, tbe growth of tbe netieni of Modera Europe, tbe Middle Ages, tbe Crated**, th* Feu dal System. th* Kefermatien. the discov ery end settlement of the New World, etc.. etc., by Jnmet />. MrCabc. There bat loag b*eu a great and uniyer •ally-felt want of a llittorv of the World suitable for general use Tan want it aew being supplied by The Natienal Publish ing Co., of Pkiledclpbia, Pa., who have issued a handsome volume, entitled "The Pictorial History *f the World, Ja*. D. MeCabe. a well-known historical wri ter. This work will, undoubtedly, take rank as a Standard History. It it trie most valuable book that bat btea published ia this country for many years. It contain* a separate and admirably written history of every natioa of ancieat and modern times, aad i* full of valuable iafermalior concerning them, and ia a manner tbit will eeable the reader to refer iastaatly to any subje< t upon which informatioa I* de sired ; and there is net a quesliea that can be asked concerning any bislerical sub ject, but an answer to it can b* found in this work. The author doe* not rodent himself with a mere dry etatameat f facte, but sketch** the life at d taanacn of tbe various nation* of which be treats, in life j like color*, aad presents ta the reader tbe ! causes which led to the prosperity and de cay of tb* great power* of th* world. H •hows u tbe various great men—the war rior*, statesmen poet* sages, mad orator* —of ancient aad medern times, aad make* them familiar t* lb* reader ; be explain tbe secret motives of their actios*, and poiat* out the lessen* which their lives teach. A valuable feature of the book i* a fell History of the late War between Kus-iu aad Turkey This i* the only eemplete History of the World in print, aad it should he read hy every intelligent person The mechanical executive of the book deserves the highest praise. It contains 1200 large double-column pages, printed in the clearest and rneal beautiful style en paper ot the very best quality. The book is embellished with over 650 Ln engrav ings. These engravings are genuine works of art, and were mad* at a cel of over $20,0U0. We canaot toe highly praise the numerous and beautiful por traits ef historical personage! with which it abounds. The priee is so low that every one can afford to purchase a copy. It is sold hy subscription only, and Mr. .las B. Lee, of Centre Hill, who is the authorized agent for this section, is new caevatsing for it. lOap 4t LIST oVjUROKB. Jurors —May 5. Worth—J Wondring, II Denning*. Union—Wna Idding, G P Hall v Bellefonte—T Gordon, D Z Kline, J Roiamerville, J U Lingle, W TTwitmira. Wm Ilerstine. Haines—F Dutweiler. R B Ilesterman. Howard bor—W II Neff, A J Gardner. Boggs—M Evan*. G Fleck, J K Holler. Miles—John Wolf, Henry Corraan, J R Burd. Rush—J Collins, D Holt. Ferguson—W K M'Williams, J John sen, R Gardner. Halfmoon—J F Downing, S Ellenber ger. Pean—And Barter. Gregg—ll Krumrine, W B Bitner Petter—D P Tuse, M J Decder, A Mc- Coy. Walker—Jac Gobble. Snewshoe— Jas Gates. | —Mr. Was From, of Churchaille, in | forms us that there is n sulphur spring ep ion the farm of the Fram estate, at let years occupied bv him, and tbat the wa ler possesses medicinal properties, linvin| bean used by iavalids for years. Thi fact has act baaa generally known. Tbi spring has i easidarabla voluiaa and doe aol fail. Juror-, witaesses, and aay otheri gaiag to Hallefoata. should step at thi Kusb house, if tin* w.sb to feel at botue Mr. Hoppes and his genlleatanly cltrk Mr. Bigony, always do the utmost tc asaka their guests comfortable We bear a report of the burning el aa almost a#w barn, of Mr Richline, in Ferguson, on Monday night Trust ths rumor it false If the proposed railroad through Sugar and Nittaay rallies should he con structed, much credit will be due the en ergetic efforts of **•! eriff ShaUr Oranges and l.rmens are very fine and the price low enough to bring them inte • very day use. At Soehler's grocery. PETRIFICATION. Most of aur city readers will remember Benjamin Singarly, ••>! , formerly pra-j printer of the 7Vii t S:te Awaiil and state printer for a term of years, wbodie-i suddenly after Itavvlmg trem Philade--: phia t-• Pittsburg oae yery hot day ab->ut twe vars ago. Mr Siagarly was a varv heavy man, weighing Iroai SoO te -Its pounds, lie was laterred at I iltel u.g A few weeks age, the relatives •! Mr. S uiade preparations to have him resurrect ed and taken to Philadelphia, where bit parerts and other relatives are buried \N beu tha hands, to w hem the work ot raising tha body was entrusted, dug dewa to the tap of tho casket, they were sur prised to find tbat no ©ffcttlivo oder pre vailed a circumstance that makes it un pleasant at any to take up dead poo pit i a order to carry them lr> ■ u point te another. Tbe rough box was opeaed, but the attempt to remev e the easket from it was ineffectual, OP PCCPUBI of iU extra ordinary weight This created coasidora bit surprise, aid it wa at last suggested to open tbp casket. An undertaker was • ■trusted with the job and when lb# lid was removed tb# face and body wore fcad te bate undergoa# petrification - bad assumed the color of yellow marble, and the entire face and form seemed as one mass of marble chiseled from a block—net one ot all tbe features or lino a a enti wero out of placo or unnatural in tbe (lightest decree The body was raised from the grave by means of a b'.eck and fall and was tound to weigh when weigh ed tor transportation te Philadelphia nine hundred and eighty pounds'— Jf-i'- EAST RIVER ON FIRE The Flames a Mile Long —Cause o! the Singular Spectacle. Now York, April 21 —A large pipe at 1 the bottom of East rivor. which carries petroleum from the Hudson lliver rail read depot to Hunters Peiat, burst yes terday ad tbe surface ef the river was' covered with oil. c-onie little beys threw a lighted match iato the stream, and the whole river front for about a mile was soon ab.auo. Durinr the hours ofsui-i pens a the scene from Leag Is'aad she:#' was truly gorgeous, from a point in the channel between Ravenswoud and Black-, well's Island, extending southerly lor about a milo, the turfaee of tbe water was a livid sheet of flame. It was a scout that held thousands of people spellbound. It appeared as if sub terranean fires had burst through the wa ter and conquered the eppotiig element.' Glowiag flames jesnpod and roared along the liquid surface and soajstimes tbe cen ter of lbs flames would be extinguished, leaving darkened space surrounded by an aureole of fire. Tbea like a flssh of light ning is entire area would Oe again light ed up, leaving an uabroken sheet ef flame resting on the surface of tho water Fortunately the flames were distant freni tbe shipping cr anything te feed upon, be ing opposite Eightieth street. lae flames were fought by engines and propellers, but did not cease until tbe eil ia tbe pipe was exkaasted. THE KABEK MURDER TRIAL A Verdict of Guilty of Murder iu the Firat Degree. Lebanon, Pa., April 24.—Tbe trial of Charles Drew, Frank Stichler, lira* Brandt, Isaiah Hummel, Heary F. Weiesj aad Geo. Zecbman, for the murder of Jot Kaber in December lest, wt* concluded to day. Tbe jury retired at 4 clock thit afternoon, and at 9 o'clock to-niaght ren dered a sordid of guilty of murder in tbe first degree. Time wtt granted counsel fer the d*fra<* to file reasont for a BOW trial. TAKES ALL TOE PRIZES.- Well*. Richardson A Co'* Perfected Batter Col or, takes all tbe prizes et Agricultural and Dairy Fair*. It it censcieatioutly free from everything of a harmful nature, and render* inviting and palatable, hay fed butter that woald otherwise have a lard-like look. A MAGNIFICENT FAMILY BIBLE. The National Publishing Company of Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and Day ton are doing a g*d work ia Ibiscommu nity by circulating among our people tbeir magnificent l'ietorial Fnnily Iliblt*. This i* ene of the most superb editions w* have ever seea Th* binding is elegant, taste ful and substantial. Tbe press work is done in tbe beit style, and the paper is of th* finest quality. Being determined that their Bible* shall not be surpassed by any otber edition in print, the publisher* have added to it an abridgment of Dr. William Smith's great Dietionary oftbe Bible. This i* a com plete book is itself, and would make an octavo veluma of over tix buadred pages Its reputation as the best Bible Dictionary is world-wide, and ea< b subscriber t# thu Bible thus obtain* it frtr. Another prominent feature is a History ef All tbe Keliginut Denomination' of the World. These aeeounts are clear and comprehensive, and are full of valuable information. A ■ accurate and detailed deicrip'.ien of l'a Hely Lead i* rlvw, followed by an interesting de-cription of Jerusalem and iU sacred places The Life of the Sevx>ur and tbe Live* of the Apostle* are alto giv en at considerable length, and in such a inanaer a- to be of great service to every reader of tbe Uibl*;. The Wandering, et the Israelite* in the Wilderae are rela ted, and the Tabarnaele nod Temple are described witb great minuteness. A neth er feature to which we would call particu lar attention ie a aerie* of Scripture illus tration, remarkable fer it* coiaplntena*-. It embraces a aerie* of comprehensive de scriptions ef the Manners and Cu*tetn< ol tbe Nation* of the Aacivat World, el Bib lical Antiquities, Scenery. Natural Hislo ry, etc., etc Then fellow a large number of chronological and athar valuable ta ble* designed to promote and facilitate tbe study ef tbe Sacred Scripture* '1 he nioit careful student of (sod's word, the ruest exacting seeker altar truth will find all hi* want* tuppliad in Ibis singla volume. The he<ik U magnificently illustrated It contains over 2,000 fine engravisg-, ma ny of which are by ibe great artist, Gus tavo llore. These engravings are genuina works of art, and were made at a cost of ovir $30,000 . Belweeu the Apocrypha and the New Testament is a beautifully lithographed marriage certificate, which makes this Bible un especially appropriate wedding present. This is followed by a handsome Family Kecord, consisting of four quarto pages, finely lithographed. Atthe ead of lha volume is a photograph album, with space* for tixteea portrait*. The National Publishing Company's Bible* weigh from one te throe pound* more than any other Family Bible* pub lished ia the United .Slates, This it proof positive that they are more solid and sub stantial than any other liiblts It preves lliat they are printed en heavier paper, and bound with heavier and more durable material. They are published ia German also. We cordially commend this Bible te our readers. No home should be without it. The price is astonishingly low, aed within the reach of all. It is sold by sub seriptioa only, and Mr. Jas. B Lee, of Centre Hill, who is the authorized agent for this section, is now canvassing for it. 10 ap 4t • MERCANTILE APPHAINEM'NT " '|4|lK TENDERS ..ffereign and d*n.o. e 1 tie moffliiiiiii#, Jullllir* ind I'M* i-l*ra, brok.r., Ac , ta (Vilri eeunty, wil , | take notice that they r. appraised sac I classed hv tli. undersigned ippriini' >' '* | mercantile and alitor Itr.mi tak for thi * year lHT'.i, •* follew*, t. wit ' [ A AROKMII Kit. Mi,,. in !-(■ II "I w'i Fidlet A Itunkl. Morch.nl. .... IS > Harper. Tho. M tr. hat tailor... 14 . tf Mvit.r, M M M.rck.nl M 10 ■■ Phillip* Hra M.rcbnt. 1* "J; 1 1 1 Yearlck, The! Greevu#*, Ac 14 ~u tiglLftroNTE 9 A Inlander. J BA C T Co.I. Ac 1. 10 ... 1i.u1.8.1, J H Merc h.iit 10 A .ft . tllmir, ¥ r Jow.lor 4 • llrow , 8 A A Son G r. ; J*-" 1 tirewa. 1. 1, I'en'. Ac 1 \ ;' • Rraehbill. Jno Furniture alcr# 14 ■ ltunncllAAtk.nl Mu.ieitar* 4 . ... Hearer. Y Whiskey J.iUlUr - J- ; .,l.r, J..|'h i .ulh.lo B.rr 14 . . . I uror A U.w.oit Can eil ry Ac 14 . Goldman. II 1' Clothier..... u 10 ... Graham A Son 11001. and •>'••• J* • C,' Guggr.hr.mer. Ufa Match nl 10 -V Guggeaheimar, 1 Merchant ?? n Jj' , lira", ¥ V l>.ucsl.t 10 11..., L Brewer - 2, Holler, 11 l Billiard' ■ .IV Metier, H " I'ah.. Coßl.t 14 . " Hi*K>. 11 K U.r4w.ro 9 11.11.r, Joh. Morch.nl - Jo.-' . H.rt i, J** A Co Hardware .. 1 10 Ueupl. 1...C Staves, ltnw.iß.Ac 4 , ,0 Harper lire. Merchaul*.. 11 'a o Jesrph Bro. Merchant* j' iK.ulh, A I"onfeotioß.ry 4 t | Kirk, K I Druggist 4 . .. ' LJOB A C klet vh.nl.. ' o l.iadaer, C A Th.ccoul.l t.o.b S A A M.tvh.nu H 1J I Mecie, J A Co Grocers 14 ... 'Montgomery A Co Mor. li.Bt ___ taller* 14 • ' u i Milter, J C A Co Baek. A •- Nowmutt, J Clolht.r la I l ' •' i Power., John A S.-u Moot n-i ♦ bee .lor. - |* Hole. J L Grocer |4 •_ K.ch.ru F C J.wv .r >4 • Suuar. 11 Y-Hooh. x .l.ltort.ry 14 . - k.chl.r A Co -Grocer. '• ';•? Sin.kl.B4, C*ru. Grocer. '4 • ■ l'w tliny.r \V 1 Sio*. BJ l ti.ro • 14 • V.l.ntlte. A Co G.n i BtJ.i .- J*'; \V.({tier, 1> M M.r h.ut - 11 Lj : ; Wntir H C—TohßCConi.t .. 14 . WiUon. M F.rl.u. A Co H.r4- Wilkin.on W 11 —S.OBI • hu.l - - '* i ' Veager, ii f 14 • /.ellen, J A Sob Drufnnt 14 1 >< Ztfl.r, Jff l>ruf*nt 14 .i" BLAMCH.kb KBBOI. J 1— k18rch.nt...... W UJ 7ft Singer, Win A C. Merh.nt... 13 K> o ■ diUlll' u Dii e, J N llßrJw.ro. . - 14 7 J.ck, Gee It- Morch.nl - 14 7 * Stow.rt, J W lru(C g ut 14 > Stotßr, Sll M.rchßit 14 • .o . KJITRI Hill.. I>in rw. C C.Bfoclionery, Ac... 14 7 7*'. UiiniiKir. J O H.r4war. 14 77 Umt<nheiaor ACo Morch.BU 14 . Mu-rr. J1 Uniffirt - 14 Wolf. "Wtlllßßi Uercbßi.l - l ly .o . KBTkS :t I. Btnka, J4,cb.i J 4 T7i S.auol M.reh.Bl 14 . tvin RM. (ir.niofer Af s n- M.ri h.nu 14 "."''l Smith ACo Grain via. or A r . 1- 1j —■ Storer, tie. W -Whi.ky Jt.lill.r 13 U> 7i TAKMEK MILL.. U.chau A Co M.rvB.BU 17 10 "o jriLLMOBK. Mclatire, L H-Mervh.Bt 14 7 . rcwiii r o. Fowler, J T Merchant 13 JO 7~ HALr Moo*. Gr.r, W S 3 l3i' Merck.Bt... 13 10 76 MOW ABU. Iceok, Robert—Merthßßt 14 776 Kline, S F-Mrrch.et .- 14 7 7'- Lues A ltro.--Merch.nti l4 77 • l.autb. Beraerd —Merchant 11 ' j 76 Moore, H A—UraffUt l4 77 lUobb. W :ll;a M .rchant —l4 7 . Weber A Co— Merrh.uU 13 10 llot.EKl I LLC. llouier, L M A Co— MerehaaU . 11 776 Bill K K' B V KO Ur.wn lienry Mar haal IS 10*6) Goo4hart, S H—Merchant Li 10 7v>i J i'HAS. Hoover. II W—Merchant—.... 14 77, I rem, l>a tel— Mer.b.nt 14 7 7,' LKMoST. 'clhrut A Thomp'oti Merchant* 1 L 7. Taylor, D F- March.at.. 14 77 LIS'PES II ALL. M.S'. Uaniel A .Son—M.r-hnu. 13 10 7 LOVKV IU.E. Love, Jinei A Son- MercbanU.. 1 1 7l M APIOOSSCEO. ilckcr, Andraw —Merchant li 10 76' Mii.tvai ao. liogßß, A J— Gr car 11 Kise, CllA Bro—L)ruf g .U 14 77 Utai.r, John —3lcrcb.nl 14 77 ldvlißfi, A C—Grocer 14 77 MeClaia .l C •> M.rch.nL. McCoy A Lian— Merchant* -13 JO 74, UILLUBIM. Catapbell, K . K.iaaiiuth. Jacob I>ruKKit U 77 F"#t, Job. I>—Merch.Bt 14 7 76 tiopbart A Maner—C a), salt A placer 11 776 ' L.my Michael—Whiikey mer chant IS li 6 76 Ma**er A Smith—Hardware 13 10 76 Saoek, J W 31-rch.at A liquor 13 716,6 M.aiu'.J W Merchant _l4 776 Tomi.Bson, 11 11 A Co—Grocara- 14 776 SITTAST II ALU Hoiu.ei. M K— Merchant ft.... 14 7 ? > OLIVIA, HLAIR CO. Copenh.ver, Jao—Whitkay dio tiiier - 13 26 76 OBCKOLA MILL* Iscat A Stokas—k4ereti.au...ft _ 14 776 i rass HALL. Fither, J I>— Merchant 12 10 76: riKASAXT OA I*, illarace, Robert r--Cnfmrti.B.ry Ac l4 7 76 Kckenr.th, Henry— Merrbaat.... 14 776 | Hang, G—Wbiafcey dutiller 1 i '.'6 '% riiiLtrawtt aa Ayer, Dr—Merch.at - 14 7/6 Aearas, O—klarebant 14 774 Flack, A K— Merchant 13 10 76! Flagle, G S- Hardware 1 4 7 77. Gray, M G Mcrcha.t 14 776 Gray, MGA .1 V— Merehaat*... 11 16 74 'G.aoe, J A— Confectionery 14 77' Htrliofer C (4-Clothier 13 10 77, Haep.G r Truvteei UrugKiit .. '.l 77V Hale, J M 3t Co— Hardware .... 11 16 7'. llaviver, HarriACo M<-re ban la JO 20 76; Haver. Richard -Bill,ardr, S ta hlei 40 76 K ertler .% HußiiK'. a M.reh.Bl* 11 16 76' Jonei, Mall a CO— Furaitur* itor* If 776 UrKtinir, Rl> Hruggiit It 7 7.4 Mjiri. T J—Co a facti on try 14 776 Nutall, John v Co— M*rcbanu... 12 18 25 l'terce, J ll—Merchant 12 13 26, Ryrarae, E A -Grocer- 14 77 ■ Swiu*r, L a R—Hoakr A itatian erv 14 776 Strauie,loahn.i> AC# March at* 10 2U76 ' .Schoanov*r, J N —Hoot* A ebon* II 776 I*l N K O LBN a. Boak, Geo R- Merchant 14 776 rise OEoV K M ILIA, Dualap. Jar A Co—ll.rd war* 14 776 ' Sample, J C A Co- Merchant II 776 rnKT If ATI LB A. Rarber, TheniM P — Auelioa**r_ (Tai) 7.4 ' Gray. J V— Merchant 13 10 75 Haavar, J C Merchant 14 775 I R**ic, A W—Grocer 14 776 roTTr.R'a MILL*. Thompson. W .1 Merchant 14 776 Rr.HKKlll H<i. Franck, Samuel—M. rob. at 14 776 Millar, Mr J 11—Millinery and u.ti.Di ... 14 775 ' Speigalmyer, Jerone—Mercbaat 14 7 75 ROCK sriuifu Kwtag, AG |i Co—Merchant*... 14 776 *i ROLASD. Curtin A CO— Merchant* 11 15 75 .AS UT 111 DUE. J.ckioa, W •I— Merchant 13 1075 Millar, Wrn K Merch.at 13 10 75 mow SHOE. , Hn.k, O It* Co Mercbaat* 13 10 7i Harm, .John -Confectionery...... 14 775 \V tlli.m*, Herbert—(frocer 14 776 ' Wolf. Potter A Co—MercbanU... 11 Ift 75 .rHINU MILL. " r (irenoble, 1 J —Merchant 13 10 75 * K rniarin# A Son—C.i.l d grain 13 10 75 . Long, J l>~Conl and grain.... . 14 775 HT at a coi.i.tni " 11 ii m ill A Thompsoo —Mercbaat* 13 1075 . Stewart, J W—Grocer 14 77£ Tt'.REYTILI.K. !* Swarlz, .S M Morchaat 14 77t t SIOSVILI.It '? Oreiit. A .1 .% T K—M*rcbanU... 12 132." ' Leather*, AT A Co—Merchant*.. 13 10 71 WALKER. ■ Yeriek A Son—Merehnnl* 14 7 7-' vnoltwi lilt Speigolra v*r. G K Merchant 13 10 71 K Snook A roe* Merchant* and II : lr 13 25 7. WOl.rl STORK. Emrick, John- Merchant 14 77 7. ION. Solt. David—Merchant 14 77 . Taka italic*, all who ar* concerned ii , this appraisement, that an appeal will b \ held ia tha Comaaimtanor*' OlH<*o, i Ikllefunle. on FRI DA Y, the 30th of May A. D. 1879, between Ilia hour* of 1 ® e'cloek, A. M. ami 4 o'clock, P. M., who i' and where you aiay attend if you thia ,n proper. JACOB KLSKN U I'TH , II Millbaiu), April 18, 1879 Appraiser. 1 uia 4w Mercantile Appraisement. APPLICANTS FOR TAVERN LICENSE, XAM Ea i'Oal OFFICE < L Aha A M'T Brown, Ed wnrd—Bullefonte 6 S6O 76 Boyer, Isaac J)—AHronsburj 6 6< 76 CopenhßTcn, J—Oliria, Blair Co 0 60 76 ' Kltehemtn, t 'at , A j>ril 18 A caiea, " eoalaiaing elftlit men belonging to thi. I- place, while returning frem (Juehee tin* ■ afternoon w* upot ■>! •>! •! tko iu*a 11 were drowned I f Pi HIMI Al'VftNTiatNQ Ton F*n " " Itlesa my soul I aanl ttol Crewford, laat ( Sunday morning, " I hi* Utoo bad t Her*'* Hull'* Cough Syrup la the lliblal" The 1 i t',iln*l leek .iff hi. •pro, rubbed them a ' carefullr ami looked again "Vol her# , ' in th Vfid chapter of l.aiah, 16th v#re, 1 Over <'a i.um beille. 'f l)r Bull'. Uougb' • Syrup. Ac Well, 1 Iheught thai Hull; ' got everywhere ela except in the Bible „ Now I'll give It up; it mutt he a good , thing" Mr* t* came in aad explained , thai >ka had cut the .l-p out of a new.pa per and put it in her Bible fei .af* kaep- ir ng and It had ilufk to the leaf So the II t'olenal "a> .eluflod -K.'<ll.-I! ~ I i j ) iiafirafiirj I'" NEW MAN, Kins Clothier LJlp I.AIUIKST STOCK, BUST STOCK, CH&U'EST STOCK. W Spring Suit*, $!2.40. i nderwear, 20r. Hoof#, $1.75. SHIRTS 20 (TS, AND EVERY THING ELBE LOW IN PROPORTION, The Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead ||m NEVER BUY CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEii NEWMAN. / Challenge the County In llral my PRICES and QUALITY* ANUSHoW AS LA KGE A STOCK OF CLOTH INO AS 1 HAVK CLOTHING MADE ToOKDKItBV FlttST CLASS TAI LOBS AT VERY LOW PRICES Faalknar. C A Philipsburg .... 6 7' l iia*utan D.aiel Bella!, alt* ... '<* 7 • Have*. Kteharvl Philipiburg • 6* 7 > llaaf, Gctlaib Plaasant Gap. .i 7 • Hayes. Jvtfrey l'hi'ipibarg ... 5 ,'ai 7.6 Hv>ppe*. liaurga llailafaala ... 6 tal 75 Houaeat A Totlar Ballrleaia .. . 5 fai7s Kuan*, Samuel 11 B aachard 5 60 7ft | IK reamer, Jurvaihan MiUheiui i 60 7ft j Khag, Joel, Jr—Walker 6 6075 Krom, Aguilut Belle!, nta 6 60 7' l Ki-hlbechar, A via A M.lesbu.-g • 60 76 Toyd, Robert—Phiilptburg 6 ;a> "U j Long, Wm S—Aaroitibarg t f0 75 Musser. W S Mc be at 6 .'4)76 Mayer. David J Cel.lre Hail .. 5 fJTft >ideakirk,J 11 Centre Hall . ... 5 60 76 PaMmera, Janes Philips!,urg . 7ft Rahl, DavtJ ii —Poller • Mill# .6 60 76 Kv.,b b, Henry—N tttan v Mali • 60 75 Ram>dale. John Pbiltptburg 6 60 76 Safler, liaubea \ Howard. „ fa) 75 Stover, Perry 11 I'obura ... . 5 60 76 vStiadrack Ptae Grove .. < '"0 7ft lav .ar. R her*. I'L p-h .rg t . a J.'bn G St.ow Shoe 5 fa) 76 Airi.LAKtat i flu,,,* Luikii Anderttwa. J hn . Bellefoale 6 20 78 'I Blackford. Gee 1 .Beliefeete. .. 6 9076 Koroma. Jacob I Spring M '.* .175 , Kaulh, Abort .Bollefeete 5 9076 Smith, Fr- ler.ck Beilefonte 5 13' 74 eber, Pa'.er . Philipiburg 6 20 75 Yargar. Henry l . Bcllefoate . 6 2.(75 . Ido certify Ike abav* sa , orre, t liat of (all ap,. .rt,i* f, r lavern and ia!e, a li- . eer *e, a' j appsaised L y tha uador: gne l, .a L euire cauntv. up la 3am JACOB KISENHt'TH, Millbe.m, Apr.l l". l-< 79 Apj.ra.er. Tark, Pa . April 27 Ge, rgc Eiat g. ,-cavilled a F: lav !t of mariar in Iba Int decree, for killug hi* wife, coeiait tad m r.Ja ta hi* , ell thi* maratng hv eul , lingbuikr at % lb i rat r aid ihea hang ibk hii..iel! vde ptac* of rop* and a , lawa! RO MAN TIC Cll A R ACTEKS -There are romantic cbarac.er* who p*efer the precfiptian oi a charlatan t • a well intvi rtm▼ !ik< K :da• vN irt If Ih• tawr * are tub vet ta d tres- :f p e* tar 'meat . ftbe back it full "f pain, try one package aad be curad Scid by Dr-g .1 fut* . _ „ lay-lit (\ N 1 I>. I tilklMiNTiS.-wi ! garMII-LIN KKY.-toR IfllS. l.t'C'V II K\N Y'k, CENTRE HALL. who ha* Cut rO. e >d '*#■* -I* 'adelphia. tha LATEST FASHION'S., aad a cam plate Meek of new B ".nets, t- w liat*. - iagant Trimming*. Ac . wiiteh wiil be , .01* ar U)*da Bp. at raa.caable prica*. The new *ijri*r *" re->* pretty Ldie cell aad tee tbem oarijr r rl a. at# jral inrved. ' ,n * r C~XtIIoN —ilaving purtb**ed tnel artt .ai ha al coa.lab a*a e, a. the property of David Little. 1 will ImvbU e ; t, • ; ee a: my t'iea*- i g:a aad a pa .olia ar. t.araby , aut. na.t ' agatebi medd'.i.g Wita ll.ew > aay man , iirr wtm'.es #r or,# uvi a.a .wagon, et of haraco < v . and f.y --> ladder KAIL Dl RsT. 1 mar 3t MARKETS. i Pht'.ada pa a. Aj * . W it :i n belter deatar.d aad l arr S e. ;f 3 fcM bu*bel Deluding aag-aded a*. JHelO,. Pent.*yvvan.a r,d • ,',h*-a ati-ker. $1 i'- 1 . / l'ena.ylvar :a and . uthi -n an;bar, at 91 16 .Corn at 5' CHICAGO. , Chicago. April 2* -Wheat active firm ' aed higher, No 2 Chicago *prtng A>i for ', talk >l|c for Mav, Corn J e for cash; , |OaU 24it* for eah Rye fira-.er, at 4'ic Barley Lrruer, at '6c. CATTLE MA HIST Philadelphia. April 28 Cattle dull . ta *' ':Wih(l, f'tvil'tc. mMtumaiivaiv* ' common, 4pi6 Stmep- Mark.t fair, *a!*' 7"M head, good w.k>l, ai V x '"•* mum 6: 1.6*,*, cornmcn 6c; gae.t alipt-eJ. 41 Ovale medtam de. 4j v4c. Hag* dull, *!* 3.210 head, good, tic. mtdtara. K; : ceuimaa, 6c. B|>rui|{ lliils Market. 6 Wheat *IOO r Kyf, 46c. Corn, per bu. new, ,4a>c 5 OaU. '22 c. Ruck wheat. 76c. CloYOr§*€il, $ ' I*' t $ "J o . Chop, perVon, 1.W.1X1. j I*!|*l*r. ur4urtl ier lon, SIO.OO 5 Flour, por bbl flat) f> Butler, l'io. Tallow, dc. Lard, tic. 5j Ham, Bc. Shoulder*. 'V 5 Clean Side-, Go. •>, Kg, 20. Egg' l H ' r dor., 10c.: _ Tub washed wool 36c, 5 Packed butter worked over, lIV, 5; Coal, Retail By Car. tires*. 5 Egg, $4126 *4 lA' Stove, folk) D <k' j Che-tnut, St 25 Pea. *2 90 *2 ji 5 . —— 6 K. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wino of Iron. \ nr. car* lor I'j.p.p.is or In.lin'ion. W.K .Skimai-h. !..nral I'.lTlltj, |t|.ons of to. S.rrou. - 1 Hntaoi, ConatlpeUoa, Aridity of Ih. Stomach. n.l for ail can. ro iulrloa a tool K'.rs b-vltl. oaraiiln.l '5 IH 11. 1U ~.1 ia?vin4-l Hrla., fl 1..1 Ih. a.nulnr Aah for r Konk.l'a Ml'tar wlaaoftraa ativl taka ' nooth.r I'rtr. *l. or ail l-oUlaa lor ll.f*' ■ tniaatst Ivvaa out liar. It io,t to I'pourt.tor. IV. ,*,; Moth st . Itillad.lpbla, fa Adlc Ir. vac lon 3 cent ■La bid ___ __ _ _ WORMS. WORMS. WORMS •' K K. Kunkiei * Worm Hrrup nr [till U d#trof ! Pin. fid*Rt m,l VCurm* Ir KtokdUfc# OB I| aucc#Mful phytlclftn bo r*roftr# TR| worm In t<e n hour*, iltr# with head, tnd n-* fee unlll rdroortd J I 'oiumofi R4*n (•RTIiM f TRIR Worm* U# utUr • rtiJE CRO t rwA Hit dplro|#tl h*lltlow R> ft. •• *n4 RUIPR. Th 4o<tor rn Ull wb#thwr at B not (>• ISRTIWNT HRR WORMR. TBTIIMIIDI d|lf |y with worms. AO<l do not know 11. Ht*. IBMIRI. : orßmi'R. ohofc >NF nnd Rff'W*f lon. AAIIOW roinPiAil>n. D I cln-litß Ar >unl In* f*A. RWRlllng And t*An In lb# Rlro I Ah, rwAildMM At nlh. trindin* of UIR tr-wlh. plckinf a , tt lilt n<>* iHtufli ftrer llrhlng At th A#AI. ' v Arhr. fonl brwAtb. Uk PAURID IRMWR IA!A Ad Inln. R5 ! tickling Rtid IrritAtton In th# Anui AII •L M >' t.-ujE. Ri>d more, cw*" from worm* K r A""*' • Worm h*r| nRT*r f*Ua |o rtnor ih*m Pritß, fI GU (.I l*r Ibottlß. or Rts Iw.tf J*n for *S tAi [for Tip wrllw And tsmull tt# |kx tor j For nil <dh#rß. buy tf , r nur drufglA* thw Wibfiw N>ru|. And If b bAA Ml .end to Dr K. I Kunk#l.3M North Ninth HI. PhlU *5 dalphu. PA. Ad*lc by mail, frw#. Mod •IMP, Y D MINI ST it ATO KS NollCE- Letler* ef administration on tb# e.leto ef Cetvin Cauteraian, late of Gregg tp . de<-'d. baviag been granted to lb# undor •igned, all parson* knoaiag thcm*lvr ta be indebted to avid derederit are requested t* rnakn immediate paviwent, and per*oa having claim, against the e.tate will pre lent them authenticated for •etllrnt. JONATH. WEAVER, 17 ap f, t Admr. A PRICELESS JEWEL U ft#*lU>, *n<) If fou Br** wt hunt It jr >u c*u nwllh*r . lHrriw. lull nr bU*l It. Hut fou < %• ill*tl It ''9 uatii ft#]l#r*' liver PllU Tft*f ln# up tli* Nl*it b *ui! k**i* lit* IMlW*|b in rl#r lf r*H*rln* con*. ttp*Uon Tli*f |'r*4tir*v * liv*l(hf *ctln In th# Iltwr, iirotnot# <ll*#*(iMi #ti(l lrs>*rt vt*<>r t> th* wbol* *f t#m. PrlriS&rMli H. K.hKI.LKHh ft CO.. ProprUtort, rltUburgh. r* A Grave Robber Caught. Th mutt itiocffMful mvf roMwrof tha dr la !>'• I.tnda*?. My ruoana of lila lU<od Searcher be nu rob M LB* frift of MIONI who w#r dying nf Scrofula. j Cooanmptlon. Kheuinatlem. Mercurial dleeaae, t'au j . itiiu* I oriuattona. Tutnora KryalMlM. .lauudlrw. I Fovrr and Ague auu (acnnral 1 . The blood u \Ur life, and lir Undarya Illeod Searcher la tee great lilo prfwnir. <l.ll llttlitianl, Hißipd*B.Ohlo.M|l "(Jlevelaud ohyatctanadr*tared uiy wife d tog of coo sumption My the IIM of |r. Llnaaey'e Blood Hearch rr aba wo rviUirtil lo . *1 K Brook a, Palnee tills*.tlhto, *ya "My aou was afflicted with aerofula of tho woret form, and pan..uno<d Incurable by never al phyatcUna lilt liftaan aat<<l by the M of I>r l.ludaey'a Blood Searcher " A tumor growing on my head m -<>in|lotnly cured by lbo uae of l>r Llndaoy'a |U<HKI Searcher . H Server, rlttahurg. Holla, I'tmplm on tho face, Hall Rueum, llld Boroa. and all <'utaueoiin eruptions dtaappear Ilka magic when tbo Hlood Hwarrher la uaod Ht that oar name Is <n tbe bottom of tbe wrapper. For sale by ail drug a lata K K Be I lor a & Co., Frop*ra, ritf shore h, r. lruy J JtW Sflv 1.7 J . L'> Munw, OtUttO liftll ,j Baltiasora, April 27.-lUv. Dr. D. Gan.,l late paater of the Third German Reform ed church ef thi* city, tegalhftr with hi* ■ wifa aad twa >*a* and daughter, werft thla I mnrniag formally admitted to tha Ualho*l [lift faith at St. Ignatu* church. At tha ■aiiia time K L H. George and Wifa.i laembrr* of hi* lat* oagr*f ation, warft' also rar*ived into tha Catholic church, ai d all mailt their fir.t communion. I. ** * J ROSES AND LILLIKS —Th* eharm ng eflecl ef re.*, aad other beautiful flow-j >r* I* givaa to rihbant, feather*, kid (leva* ted slocking, hy utirtg Leaiaoa'a Dye* uade by Wall*, itii hard.oa A Co., Bur ingten, Yi. Of iba twelfa principal ral- | ir. aay tints cart be ebtaiued UnRQC *••*! Ik c*!tU lu Himi'i r eurrthti lim • nun JL I| rW bufM tHwh il UEll *ll dIMAME. Dt ch|'ttlli|* AL WltiC SMaAtil I f •I* k UcrM Übit ut do**)* ft UlgE tollMUMt of yWJ - pnni/ '•*v ## ruk# * fur ti*# **• of a DUUIVb IM Alii. n MfffttiLf ftlioAlßf l#*lD iff •** ft I**r **] A Urjlft lu.auhl wf oUttr **l*bi# UOIM lull fiuft(i lr w lt*it I Ut* !-*ugl*i I' - k ILAI I l Alt! li ftbd $lO lot Licit I du UiM UA* M #•11 mI do four* Avail ft A circular uiaU *a*t#d If J Ik• *.l*i* M D . kuil'Ei|L lallt,Vl l*/lf J. A. Cottle 6c, Bro.* - M*:K< II AST I % 11.4* UN, — CIN TK B H ALL, Would re*p*ctfully anaounr* to tb* iti t*r; of thi* vicinity that tliay are pre pared to de ell kied, ef work belonging to that line, for men aad boyi, and ac cording to late*', tlvlei Good* told by . •arnpl* Having had rnaay year* ex perience they guarantee ail work le rea der perfect satisfaction, and solicit a • hare uf tb* public patronage. ap3 y Harness. Saddles. &c. n ThB(}ftMlfß*l, dfttrmißd i m*l b* |wfAl*r ft#i***(f fur ivßftf irU*. r**; #< Iful.f V*HA *U** UuA ! U* yuUIU Ut liUAIA>4 k af BADDLKHT B* ftfffttwd •( Ihft 1 ftUfid NfWlllf f*t tb* **d , 1L UrgdNtl ftud ftftKt**( trt*d *bd < tu; i*t* AMu'rlAfcrtit cf **v)ll*. lltfABM, t *.i*T* uf ***rf 4**ri|rU<*tt **d f uttlllf Vt LIJ*. • 1*)*4.l •••rfthib* t* 4 ti!)*•<•* ftr*l lUM **i*Lluft Ut*Kl ft* Ad iteft *t lrw c* wk tc h *lllalt tt*ll*ft J Al uk litwtiftft t WAIIWHA,. BELLEFONTE. MUSIC STOKE. , Pianos! Pianos! 1 ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEET , MUSIC. KKPAUING \N I) TUNING UoNK IN TUK B KST MANN KB PI .4 SOI. (TUCKERING. STEIN WAY. A HI ON, WATERS. O It U ANN. EBTY, WATERS, WOODS, MASON A HAMLIN. BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS' 7 Orlntt* Koto wood IMuuow, Only MISO. t) Slop Orcttnw, '£ Full Npi of IttMMlw. Price ft7o. Only 1.1 Slop Organw. 3 Full fiol of lived*. Prior 8310, Only *75. (This Organ hat the "Grand Organ Knee Swell.") Kfcond-bnnd Organ* foi $23. I Hrrontl-linnil IMimioh for }SO. VIOLINS ANI) ACCORD EONS, 82.00 and upward*. lMmio iii*al Organ I n-l rnclor*. ( otorc mul Sloolw. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC 130.00. New WIII I E 12.V00. New ST. JOHN 825.00. New Improved SINGER 922 50. New Improved HOWE 822.50. Second hftoii Machine* a* low a* $5. O AGENTS FOR K BCTTERICK A CD'S PftftT SOT-FITTING PATTBB ft S Order* by m.vil solicitetl and prompt ly filled. No Agent* employed, The buyere* fet tbe Agents profit. W* buy our 'ianos, organs and Machine* for Cach.und will give custoiner* the ad vantage. BUNNELL A AIKENS. Allegheny Street, Bellcfoutd, Pa. feb27 THKti KKVTC HIS! OF II (MAY MIS E II V . Just published, in a *aaled euvalope. Price six cent*. A l.ctur. >• tb. Xalara. Tra.lmaol, an.l Kadlea) rara f K.mln.l W.aK <••. or Si>.rm.lorrhoaa. In durail l>y S.lf abuiw. InrolunUrj Kinll"D.. Im* (ancjr X.rrou. I'.bllll*. 0.l ln.i-~lliu.ul. l Mi , ri.f• .....r.ll, C on.umpOon. K|.U*|>u. ae.l Mb M.ateland I'bnb-al Im-apaeit* ta Kr KOHKR r .1 OItI.VKKWKLt.. M U . aulbar of Iba "Uteaa ' Ilnnk.dc. . . Tba world ranowuvd aullinr. In Ihl. admlrabla l.<- tura, rlaarl, ~ror. r-.m bU own riprrunr. tbal iba .wful ooaaaeu.aeea of Nwlf-abeaa max b# attxtaallj rwtnnvod rrltlioat mi-dtiln., and wllbunt dana.ruu. aura leal nporaOona, bon(l*a liutruiaanta, ring., or oiiralalt. pointing oat a mid. of rura al onra rarlala and rfl.i-tual, l>j wblcb .r.r, aufl.rar, no matlar what hlacnndlllon mar bo. mar can blm.elf cbaaplr. grl. ralalr and radloallr Thla l .- l.r. will prove a boon to tboeaanda and - thnuaanda h.ut, undar aoal. In a plain onvalope, to aar aildrvat on reralpt >* two i..iaga alainpa. * Addroaa tb I'ul.ll.brr. 1 THE OULVKKWfeLL MEDICAL CO.. i 41 Ann 81., New Y'ork; P. O. Box, 4680. 1 lOoct y PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL, I*A. RECEIVE DEPOSITS. snd ullowlnted est: Discount Notes; Buy and Sell OovernmentSecurltiei, Gold and Coupons. WN. Wotr, WM B MISOII, rrce't. Cashier HARRY K. IIICKS, (Successor to T. A. Hick* A Bro.) WIIOLKHALK 8t RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, <fcc„ 6cc. tor Alu linn the Bicury of Hie Noulk Ik'iitl I'liillrd Plow for Hilw county I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT HELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS 111 Hit All ! 111 It K All H U 11 R A H ! roa— CHEAP JOHN, CENTRE HALL Tbe Hpriog aetaoti of 1879 i* BOW opening. We have jut receired au excelleut atock of Spring and Summer Goods. which will hv* ao!J al tbe Lowest Prices. We have au immense stock and wall aseuiled in every line. We have DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, ETC., ETC.,: al lowetl price*. Best Sole Leather \ alwava on baud. Give ut a call its. mediately. I. GUGGKNH EIMER A CO. W R. CAMP'S ' i POPULAR. 1 Furniture Rooms! OBMTHE HALL. PA. I manufaelura all kind* of Furniturefor Chamber*. Dining Rcnim*. Libraries* aodj Hall*. If y. u wn.l Puraltwr. ofaay kind, don I buy until you tew toy *U>ck. UNDERTAKING In all it* brarche* I keep In Hock all'j the lalMl and moil imprt.Ted i Vlai and Ca'keu, and Lava .very fadK ly ku ppoperly conducting thi* branch of my butmiw* 1 have a patent Corpea I'rmerver, in which bodie* ran b preaerved for acontiderabla length eftiws*. jull9lf W, K CAMP. CENTRE HALL COACH SHOP, 1.F.T1 HURRAY, at hit etUbliihmeni at Centra HHII, keep on hand, and for tale, al tbe rootl reatona bl* rale*. Carriages, Buggies, A Spring WagonS, PLAIN AND FANCY*, and vehit le* of every docription made tc order, and warranted to be made <tt th* be*t *e**oned m*lerial. and by the mott • killed and competent workmen. Hedtet for buggie* and tpring-wagon* Ac., of th* moil improved pattern* made to order, alto Gearing of all kind* made to order. All kind* of repairing done promptly and at tha lowetl po*ibl. rate*. Per*on* wanting anything in hi* lina are reijue'led to call and namine hi* work, th will find it not to be eicelled for dur lilityand wear. may 8 if. UKNKT linoi k KKiiorr. J. D. auroKET. Preaideot. Caihier , QriNT RK COUNTY BANKING CO. 1 Milliken. Hoover Jk Co.) Receive Depofite, And Allow Interest, Discount Notea, Buy End Sell Government Securitiea, Gold A aploGßtf Coupon*. Forks House! PERRY srOVER. PROP R. The Fork* llou*e, at tohurn atalion, i new and commodious, and i* kept in be*t manner. Bod and board *econd !o nun. in the county. Stabling for 3ti bore*. A* a ummer reort it will be found all that could be Jcircd. right in the heart of good fuhing and hunting ground*, and Mirrounded by the mod romantic reentry, lnov j New Pianos $125 Each, and all *tvlc. including GRAND, SQUARE and I' I'RIGHT all itrictljr Ar%t-cta, aold at the lowott net ca*k wholesale factory price.*, direct totbe pur chaer. Those Piano* made one of the la a*t display* at the Centennial Kihihilien and were unanimously recommended far theillO!!K*T llokok* over I2,i*(U in u#4 Regularly incorporated Manufacturing Co. Factory eslabliahed over 3d year*. Ih* Square Grand* contain Malhu*hek'* n*w pali lit Duplet t)ver*trung Scale, tke grcatont improvement in the history of Pi anomaklng. The Upright* are the fln**t in America. Piano* font on trial. Don t fail to write for lllurtralwd and ie*crip tive Catalogue of 48 page*—mailed free M KN DKLSSOH N lM A NO CO., 5 tent ly 21 K-t 15th Street, N. T. , "IMPORTAN TO TKA VELERS. BUSH HOUSE! RRLLKVORTR, ra. Has been recently thoroughly renuraieJ ' and repaired, anil under the managemani J of the New Proprietor, Mr. GKOIIGK • HOP PES, formerly of W'nuport, i* first a class in ali It* at'pointment* SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ' Are offered to those in attendance atcour and other* remaining in town for a f> „ davs at a time. j. The largest and most superbly Designs. Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern convenience*. Go try th ) Hush house. ' Baug ORO. HOPPES, Propr. C. T ALEXANDER. C M. ROWER ALEXANDER A BOWER, AT torneraat Law, Ballefonte. Bt ec'alattention given to t'ollertlom. and Orphana' t'onit practice. (May be consulted lu Gcrmnoam) KngHib. Offlce In Garaga'a biulatog, uyll7*tf. - 11 a i: uw a ii i: !~— WILSON, M'PARLANEiCO. NEW FRICES. H H K TEA O A ft NTOYEH lIFATEUN 11AN4.IH V K ti E K E HUM Wc would especially call atUntion to tbe Highland <Jueen Cook Slove 5 -AND THE wzibOtt2 nom zvoiz. .**~Our Stock.being entirely New. Wa offer ipecla! Bargain* ir.tks, SOrUAIIDWAItE, OILB and PAINTS.-** W E CANNOT BE UNDE R8 O LqP . . WILSGX, M*FA KLA\i: A CO., HUMES BLOCK. BELLEFONTE, PENN A. Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! | at I. J. Grenoble's Store! SPRING MILLS, ha* the good* Largest Mock t SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, 7 And now extend* a cordial imitation to , hit friends, patron*, and public general ' Ij- Alto i Complete Assortment ol Readj Made Clothing for men and boys. Suits as low as to be bad in the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Pull lino* of MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Roys, Misses and Children. Hosiery. Gloves, Boots and Shoes, HATS/CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CL<>THB, And the most complete assortment of N 0 TIONS n Central Pennsylvania, and price* tha willcompel you in elf defence to buy o hm . Alio Fish, Salt, etc. 180 A full line of Howe Sewing Machine and Needles forall kinds of machines Alto deal* ia all kinds';of Grain. Mar kct price paid for the tame. A B in COAL by the car load. : Jas. Harris Co * | NO. 5, BROCK ERHOFF ROW. 'IRON, N AILS. P A T"N~ T S, j ETC., JAS. HARRIS A CO. Uellefonle. ; HALL ~ 'Furniture Rooms! EZRA KKFMBIXE, ■ respectfully inform* the citizens of vWtM • county, that he ha* bought out the old stand otJ.O. Deininger, and has reduced the price* He ha* constantly on hand ' and makes to order i BEDSTEADS, f BUREAUS, SINES, ; WASHSTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. Ac., Ac lti* slock of ready made Furniture ia ! large and warranted of good workman* r ship, and i* all made under hi* immediate and ii offered at rate* cheaper j than elsewhere. , Call and see hi* stock bafore purchasing , elsewhere. feb -0 CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGER. A now, complete Hardware Store ha* " , been opened by the undersigned in Cen- I tro Hall, where he is prepared to sell all | kind* ot Building and House Furnishing i Hardware. Nail*. Ac. J Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort nli ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture; U Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table I. Cutlery, Shovels, Spades and Forks I Locks, Hinges. Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, ... Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn £ ishes. Pictures framed in the finest style. e j Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. k e p*- Ruineinbcr, all goods offered cheap er than elsewhere. TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at- KK ft Law Collection*promptly nisdn nod spncl* A attention given tot boe* having lunds or property for il tale. will draw up and have acknowledged I>eeLa ioa Mortgagee, Ac. Office In the diamond, north eidw of ice. thecjurt house.bcllefonto octS26i*tf. J vmxm* A Purely Vegetable Remedy Tho and ItaMt ever dlw>overl for KIDNEY COMPLAINTS,' PILES, CRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, i LUMBACO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. Ift WONDERFUL DISCOVERY] AjwrrirtpfOliNKoiiipoSßd.wllortmlwl* being dry-# pmtlr cathartic u4 cjcrtlve tonic—#w% to effectually corcenmeoftbe rc :>t common and painful <Ukim that baffle mad led a.IS. Tboee who hare he* cured when al , Abe* mean* faded, )h*l7 any: "Itis the greaSoi bleln £ of the age " "1 bdk-ee 1 aboutd not worn be allre but for IL" Fhrtidaa* la regular pradtaa aay: "It workf tike a charm and effrcUraty.". FOR SALE Hi ALL DRUGGISTS.' < itri; ta KrowaTwoar ■■ ma a wia;ea4 wm nm i M!J • bftr. i • jn,* i> "■* m l***. mft *ya km, nctnanAjjfa ou, r> ,wm, Wf. NICHOLS, SHEPARO & CO., lleltlr Creek, Mlrh. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE J" V 1 lilt ATOIt " THRESHING MACHINERY. THE ffateklem Grmia-fca'ia*. T'we-Sartaff. mlll.ftft. Tl- . ■•. ■ a "i-e k )*<mi Bepw* s etwUry fcr •*!• v STUM Peace Threaten ffbfedaltr Special liM ' Ntttk Ctfftal foe *■ INtew. Orit r*r**i*d Mm Tkr**ler tari*n *. r.xrtaMe th | Trstrt. • •"* A !•*&* j ■m , i* ftr Uiwbi any mmk* M4. Tilt. I VTIKt Thrrblrr K\fa Bad aftea Uie-, i ttftt nmm - • B "•** " OIUl> |L*iere will not nabmlt lo the eaar f. ~f ,.■■ Mf U •ftMW ytaw *r i ftll .Hot •*<■ ■. |-m4 a a. itfmvmm. Nor l)al t aatli bayerler fbr * heal. Oata. ft.- K.t ,4 nftft ftrftlt WW OftftT ,HM ft •■ • i... ru w ■ CI.-- i a. ft. . -i! ~'lU| • ■MP feMt (iota w f W. Ik Thornach * Ataaatklp. Fleaaat Ftalah,' r* . . " r ft *), ft —ft -< ng ■ ■■. [yy •• V:na. a brT I . tftls *TW tBCC*K|rM. MtKYI I 01 > far of Part*. ola* W. th*a ehf kmlf tl a IWlt* Mj Gorm. Rao >| OlM* Work, lik no Ump or Sort*rrtac*. rOI K SiMHt of srparmtori *ado. Eam/rtac SU t- Twli e Hutat tUc. oaA xwo >•*• |*l HOT b< !*. • era mo'.L. i TN>'l; Part lea lara, Call oa oar beaten ar j JL vittfiD us M ClivtJor. wktcfc v sutll fr* 1 YlATEßS'OrcheslrionchiinesOßGAlf j* I'Che mufti brftMtlfkl * fc®V * " ilile an I perfaaa in leaf ever made, tji' It batVrt-lebralad | K t'onrertaalaa, whW L*iq eh u ii tine Imliailaa 1 and two aad a half Slfi mom Jtu! Unrfiia U ill l*jwl & Ikeir eHeet w aaf Mf VRHP Wl leal Ar rlertrtfylaf. :a*FB %VATKKSH-L.ABT> M ' OS V, OKI IIIMTBft : AI.ftfOMt'KKTOftTKHFEUft C"KNTESfWIAI ' < Hl,rfK.fs CHAfKU and COTTAUBOO tJANH, In I nlgue Kreorli Caars are weTß ry rti>ecl YIWT CLANh. WATERS'PIANOS, AHCTIIK HKSTMADA'sIAr Toaa, Taaat. >\ orUiiiuiiohlpaA Uurnbtllty I Rurpnil \Vnrrnnted for hIX V KAB*. FUICES KATKKMKI.Y I.OW tar eaah. ktouihlv Inftlnllmrßla peeelred. A l iberal IH.eonnl The Krt. *inuler,CAi<rek,iAMa. 'elc.Ar.BT? AV ANTED, apeelallwdoom. mrnli lo the irmle.lllunirated t nlnloeoea Mailed.".eronil-hanil lonirameulaal t.rwai llama I an. lIOKATE WATKHH AbO>S .UanufarlMrern and I'cnlrrft. M 41) KASIT I 4tb STHKFT. CSHi* (HILAIti:, > LVV \ OliKi lloa, 3307.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers