The Centre Reporter. FEED. KURTZ EDITOR Ckntkk Hall, IV. May 1.1873. On the morning of the 'Jo ult.,a tramp did some devils work •' miles from 1 ftnenster. by firing a large barn, tobac co sheds and other buildings, owned by John Sener. Seventeen head of valua Me cattle and five horses perished, in the flames. The bias is } 12,(W; partly in* sured. A tramp hail slept in the barn at night and. being refused food, fired the barn while the fa wily were at break fast. He is now in jail. The .Volion is one of the ablest republi can papers in the country, but it does not join In the howl lor Grant. It says: Thens Is no Republican whisky thief or eorruptioniat of any description. d frauder of the reveuue. bribe taker or bribe giver, worthless or la.v t uatow House or other officer, rascally black mail editor, knavish contractor or ring master, no jobber in offices or perquis ites. no drunken loafer or gambler, no enemy of improvement in any branch of the Government, who is not a hearty and vociferous Grwat man, and who is not now rttbbiag his hands over me chance of seeing "the old man lack in the White House. 9 The house passed thebi.l for the re demption of subsidiary silver coins. This is a very important measure to merchants and dealers who are obliged to receive subsidiary coin in payment of goods and wares and wilt also, if it be comes a law. enhance the purchasing power of the laboring men's currency. Hie bill as it passed the house provides that silver coin of smaller denomination than one dollar shall he exchangeable into lawful money when presented a: the treasury or sub-treasury in suui> o. fJO or any multiple thereof: that coins received at the treasury under the pro visions of this act may be exchanged for law ful money in sums of ft or the mul tiplies thereof: that subsidiary coins shall be a legal tender in all sums not ex ceding $ JO; and that the minor coins copper and nickel) shall be receivable for postage and postage stamps to the amount off 3. The coinage committee i- considering several other important propositions in regard to silver, one ot which relates to the retirement of the trade dollar and its re-comage into legal tender dollars. Ike Philadelphia Press had better or ,-aniie a debating club or sham legisla ture before which to try articles of im peachment against Judge Orvii. lu* Press might get a halt doxen Yocum democrats ia this county to act as jurors and get a favorable verdict. We do not know that the Press or Yocum-ues can succeed ia having Mr. Orris fried before any other tribunal for letting out a lit tle of his sound judgment on the l ur. a contest. Edison has bean heard from again. Recently the London Times published a letter from New York, setting forth, at some length.that his electric light is a failure; that it is impracticable to di vide the light and it would be too costly. Edison, interviewed on this, denies the Times'article geierally and in de'ad- He unhesitatingly makes the statement that his electric light is a complete sue- 1 cess. In the course of a few weeks he expects to have all the houses ia Menlo Fark. where he lives, lit up by this pro cess. Tlie inventor explains that the delay in bringiag tiie light before the public has been on account of the want of a perfect generation of electricity. The lamps which it is designed to use are not the expensive affairs which it was at first supposed they would be. F-lison is making them himself, as they simply consist ofa small coil of platinum wire placed inside a glass bulb, and will cost altogether not more than a dollar and a half apiece. It is proposed to make each equal to one gas jet, although it will be possible to increase the power to that of three gas jets. The feature of this thing, in which the public natural.y leels the most interest, is that the light is to be furnished at a cost on# third less than is paid for any sort of gas which the companies will see fit to im pose upon people. To .show hia faith in his own work, and to satisfy people that be is not fooling, Edison prc;>ses to keep five hundred lights going at Memo Fark night and day, and ai.'ow those who may be interested too see bow they work. The tints of the electric ligh. have been tested by a gentleman of science and fotfnd to be the same as tho tints of sunlight, whereas gas gives no tints. The Pittsburg Post, expresses our sen timeats and those of every tax-payer in the ttate, in the following : The Pennsylvania Legislature has ex ceeded its legitimate life at a cost of five hundred thousand dollars and is now going on the ten dollar a day schedule. The House refuses to consider theques* Rons of revenue and appropriation.-, which must be provided for two years. There ia no use of trying tofdodge the question; the people were in earnest when they voted so overwhelmingly for biennial sessions, without adjourned ses sions after 1879. That must be observ ed aDd the Democrat who votes to pre vent the double appropriation, so as to force an extra session, will not only fail to affect that purpose, but will have no longer any public life in him. The Gov ernor has resolved to obey the Constitu tion and will not recognize this a a sufficient reason for calling the Legisla ture together. Y'et we have heart, members declare they w anted the salary and were willing to 6nap their fingers at the Constitution to secure it. The re-etablishiuent of capital pun ishment in Switzerland will be a severe blow to those who advocate its abolition all over the world. The new Swiss con stitution of 1848 began by abolishing the death penalty for political crimes. 1 ben the cantons of Freiburg, Xwf'bdtei and Zurich did away with it for ail crimes in 18G4, the canton of 'lV*e"ja following their lead three years later In 1874 the canton of Freiburg reimpos ed capital punishment, both infanticide and assassination having enormously in creased ; but it only remained on the statute-book for live months, for before the close of the same year the new Fed eral I'enal Code had abolished capital punishment altogether in all the can tons. And so perpetual imprisonment has been tried just five years all over Kwitzerland as the punishment for mur der, and found wanting; that is, it has been found insufficient to deter ibe criminal classes from perpetrating the most heinous of crimes. The truth of the matter is that perpetual imprisou .ut did not mean imprisonment for [iff in Switwrland any utoro than any- . where else. Administered after this fashion, it way easily be imagined that It soon ceased to have much deterrent | effect, no that in sheer solf-<lfffuse the , law-abiding portion of the Swiss com uniaitv have been forced to rectir to the old-fashioned penalty. POlXtiS AT nARKISBVRiI. The tramp Hill pMNii the senate final ly on 'Jo. Supplement to an act relating to luna tics and drunkards, giving power to cour.a and to committees, with the cow sent and approbation of the court, to confine tHem for treatment and cine in inebriate asylums, and at any time re lease them: giving power to managers of such asylums to discharge them un der the rules . making their estate liable for all neoeaaary expenses, and defining the meaning of the term ' habitus* drunkard." rawed. The report of the conference commit tee on the act to grant pensions to the surviving veterans of the Mexican w*i and to the widows of deceased soldiers and sailors of said war was adopted veas33, navs 1, [The bill allows au an nual |HMlsioU of $ • o i An act to encourage the training and improvement of her-i-, by (i tiding that so much of the act prohibiting horse racing, as relates and app < s to agricultural societies and driving park associations, shall 1 e and is repea.e !, was pas-ed finally. The Patriot say- I'hc facility with which some of the country member* of this assembly can fall into a peace fa 1 dors during the discussion of an impor tant measure speaks well for the iniir ests of their constituents, • • We print the new tramp law iu this issue of the Reporter. We do wot think it a very .so act, great as tie tramp uu.nance is, because it is liable to abuses aud its enforcement may often fa upon innocent pers- is. putting them to inconvenience, and expense, au 1 im prisonment. So far t* it hits the re.- tramp it may be all right enough, but far belter to have a dozen tramps tramp, than to have one innocent and legiti mate wanderer subjected to .its provi sions. Substantially the whole defense made t.v the Republicans, and e-pecia.'.y by Mr. ltlaine, against the charge of using bayonets in the Southern elections is that the army is like the baby in t..r storv—such little one. They do not se tii to rt cognize the quest, uof {- ntt cai right r wrong at ail. Rut even on their own ground they do not fair > state the case. It is barely tw > rears since a corporal of the guard took p ?-i - si aofthe >,<uth C.iroi.B.i 5-tate-Mot:-c and de ided wrhat members of the 1 eg leiatnre should aiul shoeid not be ad mitteii. A Republican President subse quentlv refused to recognize I hamber lain and a Republu-an >enate refused to admit Corbin, which is pretty gooil proof of the character of this usurpation. If, a* Mr. Maine contends, the influence of Pederai troo{>s i< in proportion oa.r to therr numbers, how w a* it that w iiei: such an iniquitous place of business was consummated the people of i. u.uaibm did not wipe out Nlr. tirant's tr. pa, as thev were abundant'y able to do lue truth is that the presence of one bayo net anywhere means, is intended to mean and is accepted as meauing tha' the whole power of the tieueral Gov ernment ia there, and no one knows this better than Mr. lSiuine. It ii annocnced thai Edison has s ceeded in a subdivision of the tic t lig'm. This is one of the grande.-t scientific triumphj of the limes, and wiT knock down gas su>ck X - over '.he world. He has obtained a patent iu England a- well as m this country. IL sub-division of light will render it cheap er than any other light used. On Saturday the house fin.iiy passed the legislative bill, with the political amendments ou it. substantially as it came from the committee. Garfield* amendment to strike out ai. the ;x>..ti cal amendments was rejected by a v te of 124 yeas to IJ 'nays, and finally the bill was passed by a second vote of 140 yeas to 119 navs. All the republicans voted in the negative; alt the green backers, except Rarlow, of N ermoot. and Kelley. of Pennsylvania, voted with the democrats for the hill. The committe appointed by the l*g:s lature to investigate the State College, arrived at Rellefonte on luesdsy ano proceeded to the College accompanied by Senator Alexander. If there is any thing rotten about the institution tLd committee eught to smell it un.ess i! suffers from a bad, sneezing cold. Did J elm Smith go to Kansas too The President issued a proclamation warning intruders against remaining in the Indian territory. Read the speech of Senator Davis, of Illinois, in this issue of the Reporter. A special dispatch from Terre Haute, Ind., states that about 1.2"" coal miner are on a strike in that neighborhood. The negroes are still on the go. A despatch from Vidalia,Coacordia parish report* 15,00<) negroes on the river bank, awaiting transportation to Kansas. The latest rumors from Washington are that Hayes will veto the army bill. the mes.-age was looked for on I tie-day. Fred Douglass said in his Staunton, Va., lecture the other night : "It is a mistake for the negro to move North : one of the most unfortunate predica ments that can le imagined is a negro in a snow bank ; it don't look right, the colors don't blend bajmoaiously. Revised anil Improved. After using a half package of Kidney-Wort, a gen tleman who has been miserable with kidney or liver disease, said : "I ant re vised and improved. I' has cured me of constipation, and piles trouble me no more." For sale by all Druggists. Suppose General Grant declines What then?— Chicago Journal. Not a mipposablecase. General*< rant never was known to decline anything except a kull-pup, and that was because the charges on the animal had not been prepaid. A clever rascal iaji an exchange, - been playing a m-w dodge on the farraerx ia iome of the western counties of thia tate He pays each farmer a dollar for chickens, writing them a raoaipt with a lead pencil, tee poißt el which wouid in variably bn ak offjust before reaching the signature. Then L* weuld produce fi fountain pen from his pocket and have the farmer siga ia ink. Soi-n after he erased all tho pencil writing, and wrote promio ry notes for SIOO and J-bH and soid ftfXt of such notes to a bank. It should not be lost sight of that two I heroic ped" are wheeling burrow t across the continnpt from Francisco to Now York. F rubor Meyer, with it 110- pound barrow, lias reached Kansas City, and Potter, the other thing of legs, is 110 miles behind. Whoever shall reach No* York drat will get $1,500. They started together four month* ago. Feabermcy eFs best time was 4! roiUz in one day and his poorest 5 miles. Once he tell .off the Kansas Pacific Railroad bridge, at itucsoi, and the wheelbarrow, but, un luckily, net himself, all to pieces. Lookout that yoffcr nurses do not drug your little ones with laudanum, paregoric or other soothing remedies. them Dr. JSull's Baby Svrup, which innoceui remedy L warranted not to contain opi ates. STS t 7'<>/i />.! 1 iy Sl'KKi 11. sat M> ts; tso\iNu, Judge Pavi ,the independent senator l"iout Illinois. deßvered one of the loundest arguments on the army bill, on 'J'J. Mr. Davis I'em., 111. said that al though usually preferring to given silent vote he eoitld not sutler this measure to be passed without saying something on the subject. The heat wliiih bad been rnatutested on the occasion of this debate had surprised Mini, \ stranger unaccustomed to American modes ot de bate would suppose that the I moil was in danger, that the old questions, pass -ionsand prejudices were revived lout teen veara alter the lebellion had end ed, when there was no complaint from any quarter that the 1 eomp.t.l pre—e* too hard upon one section al Ihv expense Ol another and w lien thi> I i ! eral Government :- -'beved iht uigli it the eutire South Mr Ihivi-eontiuued "1 should he ulna ed were it m that the record of all nartiea ptves that ma ntles invariahli commit legi-lattie wrongs and minorities invariable pro teat against them If it be true, as eliarg e I, that the arrives* of one of the great • irtu aof the rountrv mi m- rei ut; n and ruin to constitutional liberty, of what \ alue would l-e the ' the Government, >t indeed any oilier species of property In the nature i ! Itiil gs fa levolut n iu- impend, ng > there was any danger apprehended to free g ieminent or p pular .herty, tin- Gel t riuuciit would not be ale to sll !• .utls a! t per cent interest nor the st. k market in New V imaint.'. u Is present high rate, 'lhis charge. Mr l'le-ident. t mi-re fiction and has no foundation, hut it produce* infinite tni . tm ! and tends to demoralise the c ''en try andeveri material interest in it. It ni.ii succeed iu winning elections, but it can not restore pr—penty. That great otqt. I can never to accomplished through a continuance of sectional strife an 1 the violence that aicompanies it, not do 1 he leve the pe. pie are in the in od for this kind of polities, lhe> have had more than five years of harsh experience aiul they want to find - one m de of relief fr m their present s der lugaudimp. verished > Hldttion. •lliey wi.l honor t!e-tatt mw.ui who eontrihu testothe stock of Ln-wledge on this sub eot rather than the political leader w tio will not let the past alone. 1 am ioep'.i solicitous that heart be g.ven to tl e .pie North and s uth t>w ik out of their present pinharrassmt nU. I m !v of teeling is es-eiitiai to lift ua out of the mire and to tieo us on the road to prosperity. It is, Mr. l'rvs.Jent, in my udgement, the imperative duty of the hour, mate* I of turning the attention of the people back into history with its an imosities, to direct it to the troubled bu-ine.-- interests of tlie i :utry and the wav to rel.eve them. With the past t-iiiii'd and with disi us- 'us on iv.iig „-tiles the j ciq le would s n regain con fidence. It uiay 1 e that such a course would alfeet the fortune* of parties, but it would have the most beneficial ef fect upon the fortune- of the country. "The bill before us is for the supp rt fthe army i r the ensuing lis al year. It is attacked because the sixth se -t: >n alters two provisions of the revi-cd Statutes. the fir-: denounced ttie u-e of troojia at elections except iu two specified cases, and the tccoiul section provides the penalties for disobedience. Ihe two excepted case, are where the troops were nece-sarv t- rejwqil the armed enemies of the I nited -lates or t > keep peace at the p 'ls. Ine r.xtb section of the Appropriation hiil pro poses to strike from both xectioas the words 'or to keep the peace at tin* p >.ls and aothing more,so that the army can not l>e used hereafter at elections for any ptirp eg. \s an abstract proposition could there beany national objection to tins? flight the army to be used at the poll* when there has been ; rofound peace for more than a decade? I'h* la-v was nassed when a formidable civil war was in ; rogre— taxing to the ut in. st the resources of the country. Rut 1 venture t# sav no uiiu of the eminent men wiio voted f ■ it intended or expected that it would remain a jmrt of the permanent law of the land. It ia no new thing in time of peace to repeal a law passed in time of war. Indeed, no wise state-- man w ill hc.-ita'e to do it if the law he unsuitable to the changed conditi n of things. It i-a : art of the very nature of every usan of our face to rebel uga.nst anything which interferes with the freedom of election, and the days of the republic are numbered if the people ever consent to place the ballot-box un der the protection of the bayonet. Rut. Mr. President, this convent will niier l.e obtained uniil they have forgotten the principles of constitutional liberty in 1 the precedent- set by the C inii u of Knglaud in 17 •. Can it be p ssit ie that a principle of common law. the right of the people to have an election free fioßi the pre-ence of troops, so dear to I ng'ushmcn too years ag >. is not equally diar to their de- endants at tiie present day 7 Mr. I'r*--ident, it will re quire soma one now living to write a. • curafrrly the history of these times, for the future historian will t< flow to be lieve that there was any bany on which to rest such an inquiry in the Congress of the United States during the latter part of the nineteenth century. "\V lie iiiuU -hotjld not the law of !-•.. be altered in tho mantui proposed by this hill? It is Raul that t re-oieut lin coin signed it, and the inference is that it would reflect on his memory to change it. No man loved Mr. Lincoln better or taonors his memory moro than J do : nor had any one greater op|ortunitiea ti learn the constitution of his anmi and ch;;i aeter and his habits of thought. Re lieving, as 1 do, that he was raised up by Providence f r the great crisis of tin war of the rebellion, 1 have equal belief that had he lived we would have been spared much of the strife of these latter dais and that wo wouid be on the high road to prosperity, fiuch a man would never have willingly intrusted power b any one, unless war was flagrant, to send troof* to oversee an election. There is now no rebellion, nor any threatened nor is there domestic uproar anywhere The Union is cemented by tho blood that was shed in defense of its integrity the laws are obeyed North and kouth, East and West; and our only real dif ferences relate to the administration of the internal affairs of the tiovernment. Hut surely these differences afford no justifiiatjon for a departure from any of the principles thai underlie republican government, lhe charge tb-t tins :w revolutionary legislation lias no force, it might bo called a partisan device. Con gress has p tver under the Constitution to raise and equip armies and the House of Representatives holds the purse strings. Iu the ]>ending Army bill noth ing is proposed hut to strike out a singi* emu** fo,"bidding the presence of troops at the jxdla. In no respect is the au thority of the lTeeiiioiti to answer a call to repel invasion or to suppr*-** insurrec tion in any way abridged. The amend ment is not in any proper sense general legislation, and if it was the statute hooks are full of precedents. Personally I should have preferred to vote on the proposition a* sn independent bill. It lias been alleged that thero! an attempt to coerce the Executive in this obi. Cer tainly none appears on the surface. To assume that he will approve or will veto it or to introduce him in any way into this dbai2 is a departure from wise usage." Jcsso I'omeroy, the boy murderer made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the State ( Massachusetts) prison by sawing through the bar of his cell. KICHARSMI, THE MURDKRKK OF NINE PEOPLE HANGED ON SATURDAY. Lowell.i Neb , April 'Jo Richards, the bloody butcher < f nine peeple, met hi well <JerT4 fate ut Minden, Kearney county, Nebraska, at (evaateen minutea after one o'clock to-day. A crowd ofl!f,• (JGO people assembled to witness the exe cutien, although the law provides it shell b private. A pen, sixteen fvet square, f.u i Ween erf '.ed on the public quHie. It was huiU of r'ght lumber, and the crowd at noon to-day lorn toi; dojyn and thus exposed tho sesffold to view. —The beautiful new song "Some body's Coming when the Dewdrops Fall" by f ' tunes C. Macy is now all the rage, ten thousand co;,ttt having denn sold the month of its publication. ft is a song and chorus of much sweetness arnl freshness— Price 40 cents, with elegant illustrated title. S. 14 is AIV M I'S'SH-INS, Clevelad 1, (t. froyton has reached Jiew Orleans. Ho lost 20 pounjis on his river trip- m i 1.-1)07ISO SOUTH. suxfE Ol i in. PI xai ui-XII STN nx nil; xxxi i x< s. 11 111 it i t'UMirti i.. | Special to Übicago Time® j Soii:ifi>r XX'itllace'a cointnitfcis ia Begin nibg to tiiiii gpotl nutlcriitl in its* invva iigittton xiftlio northciu election®, ihi advance ahect® of tli* evidciicts taken regarding the election® iu Mnnanchti' setta ails! Ycriiiont csuitniiih :■• inc intci i—ling htntcuicut®. tin' Ma -1111111*111 Repnldifan iiumiiittee. previ i* t>' tin i!#. Ito it fsir gs i vcr Us'f ili I !*.' *, i—tied t• . iri'lllrt r*. nil# ut wliicb xx :i* to uiiililifu. Hirer® and employer®, nnd is in t!iv®c xx onl® "Di xi; Si Youi c.'-ispcratloli witli the Xt i**;ti liii-ctt® 18-publicsin Btatccen tfd! ci'Uiiwittre I* meet curiir*tlv rex|Urat cd. It is In xsitir poxx r, I x tbeaiitliori tx x, u can cxcii i*e over th>> c euiplnv c,| Bv vou to luuiiitatii tin' honor of Mansacluiisclt® ntlsl keep It "Ut ol I 111 of the Bpoilers siiiH pssLticul knave* who h:i\c *clc ted lien. Butler a® their candidate. Hi® election would disgrace our B'ute and ruin our aland lug at home and abroad. A thorough canva** of tlu-e you eißplov and itn early nqmrl to the BexTetary of the Re publican Mate centra! . intuitu e will lu thdllkflllll rcscived. rite -csoud is to clcigymeu us fB fowa "Di AK Si 1 n order to enable us to distribute docuiuenl® etlectively, will x on k.iixltv fiirirsh u* immediately with :i list of the malt) member® of \oiir s'hurcb am! i ;ui*h, m .1 with sinh s-tlier uanic-tt* volt may deem c*|wsdtt*ul * Ry so slollio vou w ill aid ll* in having the honor of sur x iiunonxxcalth. XX .th c® teui your®, etc." A Urge number of aw.-rn alhduvila ill xx, provnig, among other thing*, that tho an it or of tlie p,*totlne build ing ut Boston threatened to discharge the porter thereof if be v -ted for (icnur al Butler for (iovcrnor. .I.din T. 11 of > - kin®, u colcrcd waiter, xxa* discharged froui an hotel in 1 'ston f->r xoling for I'.'.itler. Greene, a colored voter, voted for Butler and wu at once di®. harged Bv rtiosnpson, hi® employer, Krßlref, em ployt-sl *n the new United Mate® |Kl*i otlice btitidtng, xx a® discharged for the same cause by tlie superintendent Michael Da!x, it s ...tier, cn|doyrd on tlie postoflice building, iiinl Itvo oikers xx-rc iiSsiiarges! B>r viiting for Butler Jiiiiirt l'uley xxss diaciiargr l l r tbt -asms cau-e Irotn the -aine work. A!:en Cameron prove- a threat by it custom house empl've to make hiin rue voting for Butler. Patrick Lyons vxa* deprived of labor bv U. ('••rrrith for spuing B r ISut'rr. XX illiatn • i >ggrn's liallsit was re •.-ted because he votrd fs>r Duller I iiowa® (irime* wasarre®tes! for voliriy for Butler, an.l tiireatened before ht x as discharged !>v the United Biates uutnis-i ncr. A _ nab fled \ ter. Mnb ae! Hurley, votrd '. r Butler after being threatened. He was arrested but ills > hnrgvd S. B. S.ato and Joseph I*. Trtus employed by n sewing machine tx'tnj'.: iiy at Drang®, were diacharged on Octo .iter Iff bectttiM) they were member® I die Butler club. Tlie discharge wa® in tended a® a* warning to the two Bun Irt-sl arid seventy-live employe® "f tha . tupauy. Dunn, (io#® nn.l (X ellingt r -wear that Holmes A. l'.ie, manufactnr er, ea.d he xxotißl di-charge any man it .'usrnip y xxi.o voted for Butler. A. I' ' tnl.i- of Besii. ng". m, X crm lit, swear , that fully *'• *• was used toe •rrupt vot | er® ,n aw.ilh Bennington iu N vcutbt r : IS7S. THF. TRAMP ACT. \ I.axx That NN iil Make it Daugci oti® to Wander About in lVttu -ylvani®. S lui'iowiag l the full text of the a T • de: • is- d | ani*b tramp* a* pn--<l i fir niyin b. k J-e* of the Leg at are Met ri B T: at ary v rson gu tig at. . n. |da c :# i a # begg Rg. asking -übs.-t !.g upon charity, and ! r the i ur iso*# fa. ,i r p n oner •- a !v g . w! -tl a Uav<- r a fixed ; af# ol r#> **f. •r la* fa • -h s,pat. >n in '.Ye e.'untv • r cty nwh khe h il' be arrs'...d, *ha h ta x*n m i desmosi :# .• a trauip a'.d if u;.!v |of a n oonvietiou -: a ;># kenteeccd tu undergo an nupr.s aaien by aeparate aad Bolitary cwwlsein®®! a aSs-r r in tlia county ;il or " rah a < for Cut more than mon. ir. tin i -cr*• P • ' the Court , provide : that . ir.v ie'saii o arretted CJ*b piove By ■;.• ■'a.: •> evideni# tht he d"** uet rmak D'- :ce : going at at ktggir.g r -ist.r.g upon *!m for trie purps.® **fi.• -. said, iu the mat.ner above s*t forth, hi • hall nut be dearned guilty of tbo offcmi licrc ahefore de*. rik-eJ. acd ut • n - te pr.. >: -hi! be d -charge 1 fr. -n r tn • r t-y !' •• Mae .'.rate before wham ! e niniittad . r by th- Court uj in hearn., of the ca-e upon writ of h.*h#a* ce-pus Sec 2 Ay trarup w! <• *!ia . ost. r a 1 dwelling house agair -l the wiii er w out the pernn*ii>o • f the owner or .*c> • pant I lie reef or shall kindle any fire it the highway or • n tii® Ut.d of anothe without th" owner's tonxsnl er thai! h andiarryißg any tr-' arm* or elbor dan Ktrr(u4 wpip w with mien: u&tMWfuiljr t ilo nary l r in'.iniu'.mt# *r,y •ibcr j#r -b. wl.ah intent may be inferred by tin : jury try ;ng the i *e from the fact* Iba W-n.laht >9 a tramp and se armed. < sbali do er threaten to do any injury n at* 'unting tea felony to at j perMtu or t the- real wew®t®wwal *-'.*'. c : indwr, ha. upon convictiuß he deemed gi.oty u! i m.-d' tnean r and *! a B" sentenced t .aderg" an imprisentneat by *) .irate e -oiitnry confiaanienl a', later for a per.oi net excaodir.g three years. Set..'. At y act f beggary or vagran ry by any perxou net a reiidial of th; Mate shall ha evidence that the per-#: committing the .awe i* a tramp within th meaning of thU act, subject te the (*rv. i .aUia-d ,n -e. ti r. <-ae of thi* act. , 9-ec. t. Any p>-r-on upon view o! nn offense de*crit>ej in ihi- ae'. mv spprc hend the effender ar.d lake hnn hetore Justice of the Peace er Alderman, who* duty il shall Bs. altar hearing the evi donee, to eischarge or commit the pri*..a nr ter trial n in tne cao of ether mnde meaner®. Sic 'i. Thi* act hali not apply tour female or pii.nor ..ndsr the nge et sixtn' year* i.o: to tiy B..nJ, deaf er dumb j er son, n r tha 1 it ho applicable I- 1 an maimed or crippled proii who is unb to perform mnu! Inter. 8i .ll Thi* as t shall take effect ea bb after August 1 >, nnd all act® < r part of act* rr.c r.tisti at herewith arc hcrefc . repealed. TIIK KN'ToMBKD MINKRS. Contiuuod Effort.® of their ('ompnn ions to Rescue Them —li. pis of !""t)cce.*i. [By Telegriiph t lh# Hrrui'i . XVike-harre, I'a. April 21. IbTff - I the attempt t" rescue the ar.fortunnto me *hat up in the colliery known a* Numbi Ten, by ft fall of rovf r. rk, th prac'ical miner* early last evening retell ed againit strict adherence to the figure ua.l stick*, stake* and tap"* of the Boss# an-j civil engineers in the encb-aver b digging from tiisi srfait_ ranch th gangway runnieg aero.-.* the slope, nnd i is well they did, for the independent corp accomplished in six hours what the mei under the instruction* <*f the surveyor had tailed in, after twenty-two hour*' In bo,-. Thi was affected at three o'clo. 1 this morning. twenty four hour of uaremitteal labor had weil nigh r. hausted the confidence of the hundred who wcrj engaged in tku huinanitsriai work of attempting lo relievo their com panion* imprisoned in tlie mine beloiv hut when the stroke that rem lied th oughl-for passage way was given a ibou of exultation was sent up trom hundred of voices that surrounded tho opening aid tl# joyou-echo . am a back in swn music from the hill* aero** tho valleys The workmen, fearing an immediate .>ut gu*h <if ga*, made a hasty retreat for th moment; but an immediate exporlnien established the fct HiOt thcqi fears of th lif destructive gases were groundles* and volunteers with safety lamp* ooi disappeared from igbt and descended in to the dark and forbidding pit. The Mine Oil Fire. The two Brothers Green, brothers ef tin two men of that name shut up in thi mine, taitii li jpi.ncr named Clark, when onlrance to tko old working® vu' b'!"' graphed last night, had pravioujly return e.t nit only W®jecls:d with unrequited hope? of finding a pux-nge way lo the im prisoned mutt, But with tiie additional lrighlful information that iu their inves iiguf.ons tliey Bad Hccidentully set fir" lo the gn?. nnd that the mine wa*. on lire wi-t of the "fall." If this firing of tho ga ha* extended to tlie place in which the men arc confined there is no hope lor them, bill tlx undaunted nr- (if tlx hardy miners w uIJ ut • opt no theory of despair Working their wax ia through tlx new O|m iti titC lixilo from lb® surface, they found thai tbii "full ' extends both way , east towurd the pin. e where tlx men i. hou .1 be, end vxc*l in greet tirrlcidN 1( , I • max li the gangway in which tlx anon wo; • shut U|> the rem tier* have bi en work - l lilt H dy, i 'earing awuv tlx "tall ' and i- propping up the roof. Ob-tncle After Obistncip, At noon to day, when tlx hope of roeri u:. ravel leg the In x te i I at ei. v < , pes tlx 19J late of the lien itemed near roahxnlien, wor.l lame tip from below that further li pri urre a line w stopped hi a bar ' net et (olid coal ,S, rei ol willing luted* ■ 1 - n kI * re*potided ! • the i .it I t at -nr r* i atlj laborer* Their Woii. was rapidly Bi - ll . onipii-hi d, l ut iih' tlx rt.iMt g wa* I ill ado it Was di . o*ere.i It at tlx IX It gang ■ war aa ! breasts .a the i in Iy ate tilled ! ( with reri. and slat®. jcncbiag tar out to wnrd tlx I a : at win )• | .a tlx men I, | ware at work when tlx disaster occurred i: lo gain admlttaace to the mai gangwaj * tl.ey Inuat eut through n pillar #! i oal '.united to le thirty feet in lhlcknei j aad at Ihit la>k tlx men .o now engag i '• ed. Kcusoub For llojx. !i. Lite W ilkeabarro 1 ire Depailm at has h bee a at ork all day to extinguish the tire 1 1 n the mine So far there tenuis no rea >n te detibt that the !'r-h ai forced the pit hat at leatt a partial rirculalloa , j and it it hoped that this current reach#*, [the impritened inert The water c! the * not . an be safely dranl , aad fortunato *• r the niirxr- may avoid arvatici be us -g the leth of the .. tut e which 1* it t . | tlx gangway where they ked M> it t- 1 potsihle the utifor'.utia'.e men may main d tain li'r area it: ugh 11 .tr companion* " should ret bo üb!e le reach litem for lutuii '' fdaja to ceme , r IIK sI.TFN lit Ili IS< I'X Kl> HI N K ttS REM t Kl> A 1.11 K AND m WILL 5 \S i sei.a *re, t'a , April The ea-- ti '.embed m neri a'. v u<:ir N•: h w ere res t> cued at o gb: o dock lb s n ornieg ! \ e*terdav the re-, uixg party succeed, d ti a a* h ix e th*. .c !• the lower li part of t'.e tiixe. lt.:i- th wing that it wa* (g'only at . x*ry to drive a lew feel lerther •at I c'Je.lan opening .t.l Ike gangway ' Work was then nece-*arily performed ''': i!owly aad carefu: \ a- there were .aa.-j r _ i vat > t. et fire daaij w cb n< . :lated i ( the drivtng and culling ef lie c. al will M '.he pick aloiie. *- The opening was attecle lat ght o'c!< • a ig and Mmo Superintendent Mu.'.b was the v first te enter lie found a | jrt;uT: of thi to en co. k i g a b: eak last of ruuie 'teak *, ; as the niu'.v w> i. the bey w B .{ wa 'li:'.* w nra th. m ' the o.penu.tif it- disaster bad fortunately taken w.ih aim, 'I- 'Xii whi 'l Was a. . . ol d d.".V of 1 iheir c tiLaeuin l l'l.e haV I'. ! tt.e | s wa- e geii cits' g I g '.lie a r.-i :: . I r. a.r I uTsc j. \ erv was said, and :ao entire party ta U*ed ail pon.hle c.-patch .n g.-'.ti: g out et t-' the ir.r.f, reach : g '.t.e turtacc shortly af r, j „' c t tH k. The met; were then r.t te their homes 1 ' <-r state that Saturday and SwS' day they c< u.J hti.r tlx rs-. wxg part* fir. eg I a-'.*, and w tien tt l> *! ag iee-ej ti *> bs evoa thai the V k bad beta ' i aa I that '.her were .that xned to their fate They also Say the* lou'd have •„'jilcd at least two sno ioagcr, haJ it ■ a be. '. nr. t< ary, n tne.r i uppiy of jerk* cd tjiu e ti.i at, 1 ' • uien what, rao-axd bil con* . aed tiie an.l a ha'f dr Til E WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA - Kieveu Thottiand /.j!us IlifeatcJ at Kltowu bv the ilrilish. at Adv *i f m Cap* I vii, dalad Apr. *' a, via St Vincent, say • "Lsrd Chelnis ,, f .rd's i amp at finiglidova on the road to .' Kkew.-, was alia ked at ds> break on April >by It (iv Zu whe >• , !.• '■. ~•• ; a■,d , do-perale attacks a ah .twerare i-. pa > I an! pursul w.-.n gre.%: losa. Four "' hundred aid seventy n* /... us were *f. jad dead ar ind the !,o The fi ns utla k was led by Dnba'mana, wbo is < ruuiaa led at Isaaduhi v During the ■a investment twenty eigbt rt sr. J. J and ICS v were pot s. lb * t !it K <a . bis b. . n teta'ly evacuated Lot d a. April "J A d.ipa'.ch. da'.ea Cape Town, Apr.l S. i . K- .pr * telegram company says : la the L ght bet wor a Cel. t,. We ■ J'a c immand an 1 : e /.j . on the •.b f\l ar.ii, the retreat et the /.u na wa .j; and a xn !'. > i.nd figl '. en* tie * at surd >.r Coii nei Weatherlv, bis son. Captains 1 Itarten. Baron Van S'.edkre .a and sev- f 4 ' eaty men we*# killed ; and ea the IV:h a I.xu'.enan'.s Nieliolsoa aad Hr ght were te killed, Major llackctt was severely wouad *, el, anj L.eulenanl Sni ;!i a: J Captains (iandiner, C®\ an 1 r*v-* wero wounded, n- The total < f the British losses .a both on gagcineat* i* estimated at -A' killed and Wounded. The Zulus lost 'J WO men. The British leas was >e\.n 'Jii'ars aad "7 to) nun. The troep* f ught gallantly, but appear to have been taken by sur .t* prise." r.- ewe ■- KECOHD tF CRIME, le- v Three Murders Followed hv Titree Buicidcg—Oilier Crimes. T : Whitehall, A". Y . April I—Charles siV t*west, a deaf and dumb mute, separated I froua hi* w,!e two weeks ag >, this evcaicg 6 '' nit'. her in a house of ill-fame when he t ' v drew a pistol and 'hot her '.hr .ugh the head three times killing her iastaat y. tie then fired and killed himself instant* ' 'z- Buffalo, April ill Monro La.ear - il* posed lo Lucy Uyman la -1 evea.tig :a Cfißaseaga anJ was rejected, lie thca ta lally shot her ia the lxad and shortly Drrvod himself!® the same It >', w York. 2t-Aiherl C. Daf* en large, a druggist at "Jo7 West Twenty 'r sisth street, this nxrning fatal'y poisened he 1 his sea. aged four year-, ar.d lilmself. A "• younger child wiil raiover. Jealousy ef his wife is attribu,t.l as the CHUM. " ' Terra Haute, Ind , April 2f4.—Kli Mar* by tin, a rich bachelor farmer, was found he ( n his jilaca near Camden with his Ibr.-at i< cut in several lie had begn roa ps fed and murdered |g . ♦ . A tire near Howolis, on tlx Erie rail-j wrsy. destroyed eight car loads ol ed and nx car loads of wheat. "I *"i For the Reporter- THE I'ALL-BEABKHS. ""j As Jesus entered the city of Nain, a "" ded man was carried out, the only ton of w,' in. mother, Ht.J six i a widow: and, he| when He saw her, he had companion onj hnr, and aald unte her. weep aot. Aad u |lx came and touched the bier: and they ''' that bare him stood still. Aad lie -aid. p,(young man. arise.- Koo l.nke 7 11*10. j Ity tlx carriers at a funeral, may bo un ' j dcrstood tho desires, passions, or lusts of tbii human heart. It is proper to inquire ID who the pall-b. arers aro which earty ma ke y a youth.young man,—young woman: ,U v —io bis orslxr giHve j p The fitst palUbeurer i. Inlempor* ''•'ance II any a man has gone to tlx grnve *s, t.y gratifying his pie nun foi iatosicaling jn : ;j',.ii„rs As corUinly as water will uuencb! tire, a the Oferflowing tlo'.d will dustrey n " tlie growing crops, as great rivers will gulp down ships aad destroy them, so I certainly will Alcoholic liquors, destroy human life. Si* hundred thousand Hre l.orne to tlx grave, annually, in llxse se United Slates, by this vice. Young man, , M . if you want to live long, avoid iatemper . HBce. '"j U 'j he seoond carrier is adullory and ■ 1 I lewdness. AiuitAer' .'• ui <i yeli/- | d ,vi But as Ibtc is tleliealo subject and ..! no ..s.. likes I . huu-ell freely on ,! it. tlx writer proposes that tlx uut ean • am LjulUh ab til speak on this aubjuct. Auw no one hif done fo more effectually • o than the young female who is tlx author i ol .1 poern called "BKAurinu.SNow." !To show tho dreadful effects ol the vice t "I referred to, this w hole poem is, hereby, J " Riven te tho rmtiera of tho REPORTER: r , i Ob I tlx mow, tlx beautiful snow, filling tlx sky and tlx earth Ixlnw ! j * >ver tlx huu*a taps, over tlx *tre<-l, (iver tlx Ixnds at the po.ipla yen meet, I 'nnciag, Flirting, Bkimming ali>ng ; ! Ileaatilul saaw t it can de no wrong, Flyxg to Li* a tnir lady's Ixek, Clinging to lips in a frolicsanx frauk Beautilul *nnw fro at ttx It. avtn above. : Pure a* an aagel, gentle aa low < )b tha sixw, tlx beautiful *xw ' How the flake* gather and iaugli u*tbay ge I Whirling about in their maddening fun. ll piny* in it glee w.lh eyery ene, ('basing. Laughing, Hurrying by ! tl light* tun face and it tparkle* tlx ay a. A(i.l lb# d"g*. with a bark aa 1 a bound, Snap at the • rytlal* tlx! eddy around The tow n is a ire arid its txait in a gL.w Te welcum® the coming of beautiful tDour I How wild the crowd .>#• sway iag along llai ag each other with humor and song I, Hew tlx gey *!sJget, like meteors flesh ; by, Blight for a me®istt, then K>*t te the eye I Kinging, Swinging, i Dancing, they go, Oxer theciuetel the t.eautiful SBow , Snow so pure, when it falls from the sky, To he trampled in mud by the crowd , rushing by Te !e trampled ard tracked hy the lllOlltlßill of frrl. Till it b'.eiids With the flitb in the horri ble street. Oar e I was pure as tlxati .w but 1 fell! Fell l.kc the *now flakes from HeaTeD to Hell . Fell t be trarap'ed a* tUlb in the street 1 ell to be *. utteJ, to be *pil . n u d beat; i'leadiag. (,'ur'ing. Drvadir.g to die, .s, in g rav s ul te whoever would buy Dreiil.g i'i >b MUX for a morse! of bread, llal iig ibe living and (earing the dead : , Merciful (iod ! have 1 'alien o low , AnJ vet 1 was cnce like the beautiful snow Once 1 was fair a* the beautiful Mow, With an eye like lis crystal, a heart like it* gl'.W, I lettered and teughl for the charms o! my face. Father, Mother, Bister ail, (i d ind my self I'a lost by my faV. ; The verietl wretch that goes shivering by. W ill make aw.dc swxAp, ietl 1 wander 100 high ; I • all that nen i r about me, 1 knew There is netbing a* pure as the beautiful snow. H w strange it sheuld be tbat the beau tiful snow bhould fa 1 cii a iiuaer w/.h no where t> go I ... II w strange it w aid be, * her: ibr a gb: aga n. It the snow and the .c® strike my de* i crate brax, Fatating, Freezing. Dying—alog Too wicked for prayer, to weak lor my moan To be heard m'.t e streets of the' era v lowa. boss uiad alb.- jey of the snow < om-j ag duwa. Te c and to il.e in my terrible woe, With a ltd and a shroud of the bcauli !•'. snow. X aung \V , if you waat to live .o(.g p* t; by the aipericnce ef tne cuiap!' before you Third pall bearer i* Ar ger. The fi rry tve, the pa • cheek, the slammeririg and '.).e pufiing heart, are al! t gns u! death, l! you wt*h to livelong avoid an i The four'.h earner is disobed care to t arer.'.* He that hoaoreth aot bis father ard hi* mother, tha ! d e the death. Hea l tee fourth • oirppxridment If you would live I vg c.hev your parent* 6. T:.e fifth earner D bad company Evil eorwmun aliens corrupt g.x,.d man. aers. -v* St Paul. I Cor. li d lfyou fasten a nun to a dead one. the lit :.(■ ! '.he dead or* will kii! th# l.vxg oar -th# living will never restore Ike deed to iife. So had < eropany geni-ra ly those whe ge ic'.o it. It is net often I bat had people are improved bv gei t people assccating snth tbcai If you weuld live ioag ave .1 bad cortipanv i. The s xlh pail-hearer is uller.e** N thing i *a he more disgraceful than la t:i li li'.eraliv hones a mar: aixe If a mar. will aet vu rk, why sheu d be live (. d w ill cut birn down as a cumberer of the err .r I. If vou w u'J live long, tnen, tuv frier.d. axed idleness. New in con e u- x i, reader. XV ho are yoar pall-bear er* Are they Intemperance. Adultery and Lewdness Anger aad Dieub#d:eace i paren'.s. Bad Company and Idleness, • * Temperance C arity. Love. Obedi* ea.-e t > t-arerts. (s >od Company tnl In dustry One aet or the other, are carry ing you out to Ike grave AT d Tour fel low men ian tell by your pall-hearer*, what kind of a tuan, or peroa. you were Sr. lo lh< n. that you have suitable ur ns:: te eclcd tu i arry you le ihe ..." r a. use J. T., Aaronhurg. E. F. Ktinkei's Hitter Wine of Iron (>:es tone to the stomach. ll improves the appetite a®d a**ist diges'.ien; excites Ihe how#;* to healthy action, expelling all the foul humors that contaminate the a od. corrupt the -ec-eti ns and offend the breath. It excites th. lijer tu a heal thy action and strengthen- the nerve*, imparling tbat glow te l.fe tbat prdce : • ion# trom perfect hea.tb. Tnournndt in all walks of iife. testify to '.be virtues#! this excellent medicine in correciifig the deraagemenu ef the dig* live organ* let ttx genuine. Sold in f 1 (<0 L tiles, er nx bottled for s.'>.(*• Ak f.-r K. F (xuakcl's B.'tcr XX me o! Iron, and take no other. Ask your druggist and if be ha* it not, ser.J to l'ropnetor. h F Kunkel. No St North Ninth Stre. l'hiladeiphia, i'a. Advise free ; enclose three-rent stamp WORMS. XYORMS WORMS. K F Kunkel'e XVorm Syrup never fails to de*trov I'm, Seat, and Stomach iXX'orm*. Dr. Kunkel. the only success ful phyn. ian ho remove* Tape XX orm in j two tour*, alive w.lh head, and no fe# un til removed. Common sense teaches if Tape XVormsbe remeved all other worms an ho readily dsitrcrsd. Advice at of- j tee and stor*', free. The S 'llor can tv whetber or nut the patient ha* wormr i Thousand? arc dying daily, with worms,] I and do not kaox* it. FiU, ipan>s, cramps. <hokxg and sullocatlon, sallow complex- 1 on, cir le* around the eyes, swelling and pain In the stomach, restlcs* at night,, grinding f tho teeth, picking at the n. se I cough, fever, itching at the seat, head ache. foul breath, tho patient grows pale and thin, tickling and irritation In the an j , )(i —all these symptoms, and more, conn from worms K F. Kunkel *XX orm Svr up never tail* to remove them. *1 i'i per bottld, or six bottles for s."> HO. For Tape Worm, write and cunsult the Doctor . For all others, buy of ywur drug gist the XVurni Syrup aad if bs lixl it bat, j -end to Lr. L I lxu„kel. "uVJ N. Ninth] Street, l'hiladeiphia, I'a Advice by mail, tree ; send tbrdO-cunt stamp, IT ap 4t [Camphor Milk cures headache and neu-' ralgia. Camphor Milk cures rheumatism and lame back Camphor Milk cures cuts, bruises ami burns. Camphor Milk costs 2-j et. ; 5 bsjttlc* hi. Sojd hv J P. Murray, UeaUjQjalh /joUHT PROCLAMATION. XX i(rM, the llisa. Chrle* A Mrr. Pixoldrnt [itir , url <>f < i>nnn in th# 2ath J edict*! Dis trict con*l*Unf 'f tb# eoonttw of t'wtr®. * "llnton yid f ! u*rh#hl. |T th# llouoralil# N*n'l Fi*nk, *nd tti# -Is'hn Ittron®, Aw.H'l*to*t .1 ud# In #ntrr j oonntf. h**tn* l®uo,| th#ir |*r4H-#it. I#*rtn® d*t# th#| l®t s!> a*f A|f. A l . |ET*. u mr for h>Mtn*- . sort ofO>#ran(J IVrtnioor ondt#aral J*|l Il#]ix . #rr *n! gu*rt#f .H#**k>o*of tbt I'tAf# On>U*n| t florl. aad court sift sttmtxiD TJ#*a lu lUll#!ont# r . for th# * nnty • f Cent r #, Ali !• rxmm#nc# on th# 4th , MtsndAF of Ap. bring th# d*y of Aprl lIFTV. an.l toc.snttnu# t wo o#rk® Nvti #l® thwt#fsr# gtT#r. toth# t'oron#r. Jut tl. o® *.f Ut# '••< #. Aldr.x*n and t'uniuMn of thr|, ®a'l ruuntj of t'cnlr#. that ih#| l# th#n arid thrr# In , thrtr inp#r at 10 o'clock lu th# fovooaoo *t j • Ai! !*). vth r#v(tla. In(|utaittsna. asamtna , t tut)® ano tunil wu r#m#m!'ranc#a. la d th### thin*'® , whls h to thrlf "flic# #||#rUli#lo l# don#, and th#r whoaro bound In to prv#K'ut acatnat the prlaonrr# t lat ar# s.r ahail U# tn th# .fall f t #ntr# . .tin?* l#th#n and ih#ro to pro##cnt# acalnal th#m a® ahail Is# juat. Glten tiinlnr my hand, at llalirfont#. thi Dt day of I Apr In tii# xrar *sf *ur Lml, l""V, and In th# lid i yssar uf In l#p#ndnn# "t th# l'ntt#d Ntat## ! .1(111.N hPA Nl. 1-K K. Hl.arld I DR OBRKUtfLTZKIUB LINIMENT. ( IMl'llOlt M I Hi. i. now liif < Is'< > aici.o.(4 U'.lexixL ue<t ] Khramallm, A n#. t aina, Nor#. Nttntf*. N#lllnd. Nprilna. ft* ll Uof th# #r#at#at raid# In cut ing ut|, tlflU. Spnltti #od •w#IIla in J I' ax. fa qnirklF and ®ur#l/ flat one# #oo(h# and r#ll#f#i Ind at iff lolni*. th# Ufa# wowi## jMd In# a iiti>M n#r##a. Th# ioon#|i will bn paid bark to auj on# not aatlhllod with It# rltccta. Prlc# M c#nt. 6 t>ulti#B for $1 . . . we rw Prrparr.l only F l.#ri M.#rhoHr#r. M I>. Hold ljr %I l>. llurrajr.Ccntr# llaii. Tlie lli(i>iil\ IVolornl. Il. 11-.lf 1., li. pMcull.rlj adapted to ul,l per- (, asm*, conautuplirra and chlldran. It Dreaka a told, j It .top. a couch It alii, elp'otoratloa. It (lire. In- „ Maul relief ll Hire- slretiKlh I' l>'l** Njl- ll r !,.•• mult# more mre. thsipaus xiloar useiti-iIBS. I'beu ( .■oil. nf ill* ctlt.-en* t( K.rtern P*nniijtnl have a-eil %i f.srjear. past audleellfr to !*• relief clren *IX.I cure, effeetr d I'llih 36 ceul* or 6 hsitll. for *1 I Prrfsarrd by l#rl M I. I h. hi P) .| II Steiitr. I(at|. UCRXIAK IIOKFK AXII COW POVyUII- 5 keep, aim* l.e.lih. .n<l la ood eoudlUoa. ll aids . tlire.llon.n.laertmU.tlon It make* ft, mule..nd nilk Bs u.lnc II a hor-o will do more worx and cow j (Is., more milk and he In hotter .ptrlta and cundlllnn. I .tan keeps pislUtry healths nd lurrnaao. tha i|uan Ity of ug.H ltl.madnl.i l>r Levi Oberbollzer. at il* mill*. )>.< kofl BN. Third atreet. Phlla. !l I* .old p sy actual woiaht, at 16 cant# ir pound, tar. D- Mur* #, ■ay. (lonttx- it,ill, rp.vt XV. si, Tbv'DlJ> , .'.rwtlX' r Wilis. | nar^Tlv BTRAIVBRI I)6E 4 CLOTHIER ' Now invito esjipci®! attention to the imKSS GOODS STOCK, Aa repreacrtiog au aasortmcnt of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics, Never before ahown in l'hi]<iel|ihi. w n*va OYb I wa usn ovib fun prising ~ MIIHAIHS, IMAGDNAW (AMI! , ( . v .., T xu y KKK S N*(iKl II k s hi if.Ls li r ' ' KLI I r.M MuMIK CLOTHH, * BEIUILM ETC. CAMEL'M jfAIIU MONO CLOTUH, wa tiavb ova® I'LAIDS BTKIPKB. ETC. (.)! 1 wa HAVE Ota® tJUII riKCKSBUITINUH ATsetft ~.. Cempriiing 0(.M)leg. F**c Ta*TU*itaal 50c AItM U K KS. ItK 1(1 KB. MOHAIKB, Uomnri.ine BOUHITI'Ih, BTKII'ES, PLAIDS. Ku g „ R jx ED. PEKI^fS, CHECKS we uAX a u\ aa SA'iJ.tß, ( AM EL'S U Alii, EOULEB.I IfWHI .) ". Single and douhla width. JInMIpiKCESSUITIIIUSAi ~*)c Al *;, 75.H7j, (hoi.; rulug lIoMIKCLOTUs f'ASH MKli KS BILK and upwards. We have MIXED St'lTtN'.S, ALL-WOOL CIIK'K- I'l'KL MoHAIKH SoKT ftP IMFf'Rfl WOOL BED*KS, CAMEL S lIIUL„ANUb Ut i ILL Lc, 11A lit, NTKll'K* PLAIDS, ETC., ETC. | Lompruiag we ui.i o\ at BEIGES 182. 'M aad 44 Inches wide), KItKNCIt CABHMEKKB. I'AKIB onn NOVKTTIEh. CASH MERE DEB OOUpci An Wi '.i. Beioia at *•♦'< IN DEB SHooDAS FANCY BUNTINOS. PL A IDS, IJOTII TWILLED AND PLAIN. CHEVRONS, £TC. WE ALSO HAVE ONE THOUSANO PIECES JiLACK HKKNANIES AND GRENADINES At I'ricee from 20 Cents to 12.50 | tr y*rd, ami in aasortruenl of atrlta quite extrauniinary PLEASE NOTE: We employ no'.gents. Send directly to the house for samples tl whatever you may neej, and secure the advantages of our low prices. STIUH liUWGE 0; CLOTHIER. N. NV. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia acd hr.e R..ilrod Divtsivn SCMKE& TIME TABLE Uaotssfan*' Vci % I*®S. ta* in lb* ea tie PLiiadaipLU A CiM iUUne Uisiotua ultlroa a (alktu* wyxTWRD RKIE MAlLl#*'M HailaOatpLl* V. U # te 4 it* a. • •* Most'.*<!& •6?*ttt •* - Wtili*mibort f U * aa - - !*••• - - !U#* 11 y • H *rr ftl Krt# * MAI. AHA I X ,ms PMU •• " M uUbdol I 01 p Mi •• gyt • M ....aiuitpcrt I® P •• loci * li*rn >si j it PAST LINKUae I'aiiaOaleb l * 'IS* "i llartlal'ttig lh*f •• M M s<r.l*txl> B - art *1 Wlili*Mp#rt * 24 rfc - " lit** i H ft I 4# I* lit WAKIi rACIKICEX I## *v Id® k Mbttß •40#m! •* jpth#! Wlior# ll • n - •• VI iuuMb|wrt * * M tlAbtloa grr tot Hs'ftol'Brf 1IU a >*!.:itod#JpfaU I f * OAT fcg IHIH Kvo*a tO4 pallns* ll# • ->o>t 1140 P •• M Moound" ■ 1 4* P M •* irr bl kltorriat t.rf • 4 It r Pbii4fl;'bU * P KRIK MAIL!••##• lUw*-tto i/*xk ilbtrc • 4i |* ito wuL##i*oft l!u6r> •* MoniAodua 11 IF# it gn it Hrf.Btir| 146 ton. I'ht:t*lc!pfai* ?••# TA LlJlKl##### W 16• tt •r t A*. HkrrrtM'ttrg IIA• t •rf • Tbi.#il#i| Lt 144 # m pgr rin t'.ij ran l#t#•♦ n FMUdkiphU ltd lUw®[*orl r Ni ig|brg Ki Hi. A rl# li V% • '•. Pkil* 6*lphx* dJ !*> Ili H tod *&*•) Y i |Lg( hi##t ng <n • •*. cifßi t• ing vr M A Hil ('WIN '4#t fi hf>t*#to#tod#r .4 FRIT GIFT ! Ul to erf of UodicAi i tmmcsn Nphh li 4 lo Att per#, rt •uOrrlnc #> it b • ofiinni H'-r. Artitttk, < • Urit. |fv(AlUk, lom of VolM o V -r# Tfermtol N#od , Miatsr l i-*#t *!Ri# toltfe lol •• pc*fttto# J ®Ui— •to'l Ul* ycr #l< k t>— Tb l*H'k U rigk tli ly tUu#4ratwl < 144 pp I! (• !*> Tib# Itoll MtoUoto . It c -LAin® ito th# } r®Ad#ftc# of <* d htoto M#(l mtonf liH Th#ftOttir htoto !•## Ir#btiti| dttrbw-i t f tie Bio*#. Throtot, tottd l unp # to •#< itol prrli< e to Flu xtßtototl. #ttoc# It** Addrvoto I>K N li WOUI Cl cltobtoU >bo. 4t tot-!• R. J. W RIIoNK, Dar.'.nt. can be foaad at hi* ffi e and re*idencc on North *;di- s ! H gh Street, three doors Ka*t et Alleghcay, Re!lcfonUi, I'a •r fob if —GRAND SPRING OPENING— —AT THB- B E E-HI VE EXCLUSIVE PRKOODS STORE %i J '"> v l just returned from New York after having purchased an IM- I-.i ENSE STOCK of Goods for ca*h, at lower prices than ever, of which I will give my patrons the benefit, and wish to call your atleulion to the Special Inducements I am offering in the following lines : DRESS GOODS—latest novelties. SlLKS—black & colored. tflllTE GOODS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS. OAK TKTS ANIt 5H AAV LS. DO MESTICGOODS OF EYIRY DESCRIPTION, VRIUMINU*. KOTIOS*, RIBBONS. Tits, CORSETS, HOMKRT, ULOVKS, lIDIISIiI, MILLINERY GOOD§, At ~ AC . SO* My Good* are si! marked ia plain figures, aad lbs price* I will gaaraatea the lowet in the county. An early call at tbe B*e Hire is solicited. Kesp. yours, J. fit. KB, -V- M y Motte if One Trice, and tbe very lewest, the best of good* sad no taisrepre srnutioa. Special Notices TIIE WORM)*S HALM. Dr. L D XYexburi. Alterative Syrup, A rama.l? uw.l TtIIKTY t IV'K VK ARN (aa prl(*u >rattle#, and u#tr fatlu.a !.• cut# KUEI'MAITmM. Ksjalpolaa. Nsr-fnla. S#e..ndary Syj.htlU. Ore #l UUbrtM god toll dU"AMk In whlrh til# blood t mplftoAtod It nw fl#r#d I lh# puhil, Sold bt toll li#ttol Druf|liti. and .wbol#tol# . it lh# #yburu Mrtllt in# tx* . !*, O Hot Alp, Kofhrk* #r. N Y TIMFLES. I will mtoll I r#r th# r#clpto for to kim;>l# \>*#t*M Itolui thai Will rwtntor# Ttott. I'rocklr*. Plmpl#® and I lot*hi®#. l#tolnß tA# akin iMift. cl#ar and l*#utiful. |o liairu Mo— I w produ< lag • iniurum fratrili -•! •lron • Laid h#*xl >r •motli fac# Addr<>#to. lot loi* tgtc a Lamp. Hen. \ aoxlolt A Co . 3u Ann Mrrrt. N. Y It) l t)N81 MFTIYES. Tie i4l#(Uar Living [d-tntinmilr cured of tat .lina\ x\i**##. t'on^umptlon, l-j a almpl# r nu**l>, i aniixmt to lUtok# ku'iwn In hi* follov? isu(l#ror# th# icaukoffuro T all who d*air# it. ho will aend a "py of lh# i r##crlptiu oaod.tfrowof olinrg#)wHh th# If—lion# fur preparing an.l u®iig th* togai which i.y will And a ur euro fir Consumption, Asthma, ronchltlto. Ac. Parti#* wishing th# Proscription, will p)#a#addreta . A WIUIUM.IiM . Wiliiaiutobnigh. N Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (iKXTLKMAN who uflt<r#d fx.r yoam frotu N#r •tin t>rhihtF. Promatur# tlccajr. and all tho #l!ct of •uthfnl Indltocrotion. will fur th# auk# of toufT#rinic timanlt/. #nd fr#o lo all who need it. the recipo and ir#a'tion for making th# aitupl# remedv hr which lo a cured Kutjwf#!# >*i-hin*i u prohl by th# nUv# 4 ti > a LAI'UI (V-Uv C v ai do ck> bj addic&aiiA; all \ I. desu'u, sftlliN U. UUDKXi.UCiIar Kt . New York II I II l#T R| t n i!'i .M ijuu kb aud pcriviliyt urod Ivy * aiusplc and •ollHUg Us htrtvLk F**r mfoimsliun. .tddreas Ur J L ABltK A CO. al Ann 81. N Y G. GCTEI.IUB, Dentist, Millheim. Ofiertbl*profe**lonaUrTtrr*tnth4 puhltc. H* I* reparc-U lo psirfuiui atlupcratiuu* lu tba dental pro 'Mlon. i I* now fallyprtpsrei] to extract teeth shsoiotty without pstu. r#-7S- I Lewub'rg,Centre <t SpruceCrtek RR WESTWARD. I 3 3 I.KATK A M r M P.M. • Moniiiion_.... „_7 00 166 C.'J> I.** i*burg 7.16 230 CSo |Cbern -....'J .'Jl> | Arr. a*. Spring Milia V Ml EASTWARD. S 1 6 ! HAT I AM A. M. P.M ''Spring Mi11i...10 10 JC.kura 10 85 Lew i*b0rg....... .........0 36 1246 6.46 Arr a*. Montandon......_6 60 1.00 6 0l No* 1 and'iconnect at Monundoa with Erie MAI!. weal on the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. No*. 8 aad 4 with Daj Expreu ea*t and Niagara Exprea* wect. No* 6 and 6 with Fait Lira waat. BRICK FOB SALZ -Firat claaa brick "0 hand for tale at Zerbe'i Centre Hall brick yard*. Tfce*e brick are | offered to low that it will pay peraoni at a i distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufac ■ ture of brick they will be kept constantly ; on band, and fair inducement* offered to I purchaaer*. ;t7augif H E. ZERBK N r OTICE. —Notice I* hereby firen that tba following article* were par '.chatcd at cnUblti sale, oa April 14,j 11C*.' a* property of Wm A Curry, and •.Pat the eaaae will be left in the p<.>**eaeioai <>fMr E irabeih Curry, at my pleaaare. 1 and all peraon* art > afa.Rrt i meddlteg with tbe *aaie in any maaaar: One store, 1 corner cupboard. 1 , lot carpet, 0 chair*. 1 table and iak. 1 parlor to*a. lounge, carpet. C chaira, iot meal, lard, loanga aad *uadrie*. bed aad bed.ling. let carpel, abeut "J# l brick, irea kettle, 2 barrel*. 2 buabel* apple*, ' beach and uridrie, >keet-iran clove, tab*, •ear. etc . hand cart and *l*d, 2 tlove*. 1 wood and 1 coal. i7 ap 3i DANIELFAUBER 1 NATIONAL HOTEL. 1 CORTLANDTST.. Near Broadway, NEW YOKE HOTCiIKISS A POND, Proprietors. OS THE EVROI'EAS PLAN. I The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness , and excellence of service. Rooms oOcts. t>> J:' per day. ft! to £lO per week. Con venient to all ferries and city railroads. Xe* Furnlfiire. Xew Manage- J MWrt, 23 jan ty , nfiEJUSnOTNiniAPPINKSS. j litfalt'i ir,4 in pis. rk*M Wraith to thoir anJ }•( th<\v *r<* within rwach of etvrj one who will ue r WRIGHT'S I.IVFIt PIMA. 1 , The *nlv Ml cure ft Tm|44 Uftr* ] i llcadat U*. Stuir SUnuavh. < *uit iputi -n. IHhilitjr, S'au c k !M*a, ami all BlUt>>u complaints and HUmkl .liworVr* J i None trn'Unr unices tltned. "Wi, Wright. Phil*.*' - i If your Uiuggtst will not supplj aeml 2S c*a'a fur owe , b * U> Bar tick. Holler A <>v .0 S . 4th St. Phlla Tn-rVm DRUGGISTS, No. G llrocfctrhori' Row, Bellefonte Penn'a. Dealers ill DruKN.CliemieuU, I'erftiiiiery. Faii< y(.oHls Ao„ | Pur* Wines and Liquors for medic ( • purposes always kept. may3l L D B ' TOHN BLAIR LINN, I •j el Attrney-at-LaT7, r .Office on Allegheny St., Bollefonto, Pa. 1 '3 27 fob tl ' A T C. DINGES' NKW STORE Too CM findl tj kind, nf Orocariea nnd C*aaad fruit. cha#r (ban any wbar# IHe slao bat ou hand and is conatast ly receiving Notion*. Caodie*, in great varisfy, and Tobsccoa of tba baat gradaa. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. ll* dent, in FLOUR. BRAN. STONE and EAKTHK.N CROCK*, dkc-. Ac. and Ukaa all ktndt of Coantry l'r*duc* ia sichanga. , CALL AND QIYIHIM ATRIAL. c. DINUEN. Centra Hail. WrHAR C. AINB~ Bargains! In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES alao a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, opposite the Buafc house, Beliefonta, room formerly occupied by John Powers. apr'j-Oy HENRT BOOZER, Cl:*tbi: HALL, Saddlat, Harasae, India*. Collars, VklN IFlynat. and alto keep. on band Cotton Prices low a. any where alt* All kind, of repairing dona Tba baat .lock a! way. kept on band. All work war rantad. A .bar* of tba public patron**# kindly aolicited. llapr, H y JERKY MILLER" Ha turn a Kb Hainontaat- in tba ttw. ment of tba bank building. All work dsaa n faihionabit .tyla. 1 July Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albeit Kauth, At tba BISHOP STREET BAKERY, 'ia now making tbe very beat , BREAD, CAKES AMD PIM, in Beliefonta. Candies and Confections. lie alto manufacture, nil kind, of can die., and dealer* can purchaaa of bins a. low a# in tba city. way. on hand, together with Oraaaaa, Uffloni, Fig*. Date*. N uta, Hyrupa, Jal lie. and everything good. CENTRE COUNTY OYSTIR DEPOT. An Excellent oyater aaloon alao at tacbed to tbe Bakery. Call and aaa me. ALBERT KAUTH. nav! Examine our Cunfa Prices ol Hoots and Mlioes.—We are rolling 1 out tba good, livaly, because wa chare* . lea. for them than was ever known. Wa keep up the quality and kaep down tba price*. Wa ara bound to .ell off this trw mendou. .lock, nnd trut in tba low pricaa to do lb* business. We will offer you Men', fin* calf boot, at f2 CO t Man . kip boots at 206 . Women, kip .boa* at. ICO ,jChildren', acbool sbaet at "5 1 Man', wool lined gum boot. at.. 2 SO i-Boy.' wool-lined gum boot. at 1 VO .'Men', wool-lined buck'.* overthoea... 1 40 t Men * wool-lined Alalia ovarsboaa... VA Men . plain gum overshoe. <C Lumberman', rum*, aolid haal 1 At I Women', wool-lined Alaska avar l ihoei % Tf > Women', plain gum ovenheai M ; 4im' plain gum overhoe._ SO • Children', plain gum overshoe. ....... 25 The abova rubber goods are all first , class and ara warranted, and will be sold for ra.Aoa/y. K. G K A H A M * SON. Dec 5 Beliefonta, Pa. vT By calling at the new and exten sive bakery establishment of JOSEPH CEDARS. (Successor to J. 11. Sands,) Opposite the Iron Fronton Allegheny >treet where he furnishes every day Kresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds. Pies, etc., etc., Candies, Spices. KuU, Fruits. Anything and everything belonging tc the business. Having bad years of txp* rience in the business, he flatters himself that he can guarantee satislaetion to al\ who may favor him with their patroatf •* 30 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS. FTkORTN'EY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rev nulds hank. >4may Jt. SPA Nkl I.KK, Attorney-el-Law. Coasultatiuas ia aid German. Office in Furst's new building Made in a single da.l, Jen. 30th, by aa agent. Send 1 cent slacat* fer particular, Rev. S. T. Buck. Milton, Pennsylvania. Ittap I** PESSI\* All Seldiers, woqaded •* injured, en* now obtain pensions ; under the new law to date trow discarge. Address at oaeo with stamp for blanks and new Soldier's, (circulars W. C. BERINGEK A CO U 116 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, P. Oldest Claim Agency i/i the Stai£- 10 ftp 4t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers