TMTELY TOPH s. On' wnuM liariUy dram those strin gent times when, .ipoti scrutinizing the report of the comniiwioixT of internal www be lean* that .luring the past fiscal year no less than 1.905,063.000 cigars wore smoked, which at ton cents each amounted in value to f 190.500.300. In ailiiition to this t here w a,s also consumed S.V.lli!,t3)i iMUnih of tohaeeo of the ag gregate value of $15,000,000. The l inton (Iowa) Urnxiti says the following is the wav tin \ hurt the fil ings of tin' street "loafer- in that city: Copies of tin' city ordinance forbidding loating or congregating on the sins-is, printisl in large type on curds, have l><s'ti hting in some of the corner w in dole. with salutary elVivt. Onee in a while a fe'iow braces himself for a square " loaf" before Uie window . and n- his eye lueehanie.-iily wanders over the conspicuous warning card in- u>U dcnly grows uneasy and soon has busj. in ss down the strc*'t. The hravorv of a Roman stoic was dis clayed hy l'oiiee Judge I'ild en,ofClove iaid,.Ohio, when he tried his sou for stealing a coat from a juryman and found him guilty. It was" a trying ordeal for the jii.lce, and when lie re ferred to the sad spectacle of a father prosecuting his own son lie hurst into tears, w bile his pow. t ful frame shook with the \ iolence of his grief. It was niourntul no, ami rail. d for s\ni)inih\ for the judge in his atllk'tion. not less than admiration of his courage in thus showing that ovc tor hi- otV-pring could not stand in the w i\ of his dut\ to the State. , Mr. Horace \\ hite, English consul at 1 angiers. sav> "In the contemporane ous account civ en hy Jaek-on of the PH|W which depopulated Western Bm WJ in 1798 and 1888, he alowa thtta Mogador, at his nvommendation. many MRHMM had. IWOOWTMtO a reme.LV xrhh ii had provisi nte-! etll.aeieus in V'.gvpt— namely, anointing the hotly with olive oil. and he km w of no instance of its fail ing when pro) rl\ a pliisl and sufficiently pers. \ ered in." 1 hiring the .witbrrak of the p igu. aimmg the E;vwtian ir.s-ps at H-y rout :n lSofi. the inhabitant of a . cr tain village attrihutisi tlieir es. i;>o from ili—as. to tin fact that their cloth- and. person- wen generally well saturated with oil. There has h > n an - xtrnordinary nat ural phenomenon at Kaptsdsdorf. a vi! lage near Erfurt, a fortress in l'rus-ian Saxony. A lake mar the haml.-t sii.l ileniy r-v-c with a violent boiling more tnent and overflowed it- h.mks. A vi.- lager saw a column of laming water rise to a cen-iderahie height from the middle of the lake, win n it hn>k>- and was x-at t< nsi in - very direction. Oneumiestion ahl- fin I i- that during the sii.hi. n and unexpeur.'-d ri-e of the water many lwr kmmheard MbtaTumm Mbna. iw-> lis-ure-ojn iiisl a!! numd tic lake, from which a -on of -t mi asci tided The ground e\. r w hieh th w atcr -pr- id w i cvvered with suiaii sin 1.- and drad fish. Who w uld.n't take ov.-ters on the halfilwllfrom tin- ATOM river, s c P A man in H -aut'ort was regaiing him self in this way :n front of a counter in an oyster -a *-n. when the .u-. ious hi x- h :ntT- di - ■ harshly und- r hi- teeth that he wa- indue.-d to find out the cau- . He a- i rtaim d that the a mas-of pear!-, vx hieh upon Ining count-d turned out to la- thirty four in nurdsr. and ofthx -i/eot i .-rape sctal. he-id- - the one he unwittingly swa. >w-d riiirty-four genuine peari thc " of a grain- -ied." are a prize not to lie-; 1-ed. Hut tlli- i- a World Ot d-oeit. ai-d then- are as many supposi titious p- rl.s in it a- genuine olios. A singular instance of human credulity :- report.xl from Munich. The actrv —. Allele Spitzcier. who was sen ten eed then about -ix months ago to a term of imprisonment for having swin dled tin public out of mativ millions by her hanking institutions (the l>aehau- r Hank n), .onduei.ti, as ahe ass. rted. for the furtherance of the interests of the Roman I itholie religion, tri.xl again, after her 1 its-ration from prison, to tarn a living on th- stag- Finding that this could II >t 1 done, she ha- returned to Munich aftll again opened a bank. !><-- posits. on win. h -he |xay - eiglit per cent, mont.y inters-st. arc* brought to her in abundance, and. of course, another catas trophe will occur. The editor of Ixvndon Truth believes that land fn F.ngland i- diminishing in value for agricultural purp-—. and give hi- ra- -n thus: The n-a-m why land in England must hecotue les- and lc-s valua ble fur agricultural purposes j s that rapid conimuniflntion is a--troying di-tam-s, and tlii-ctist of the transit of corn from California and other places where it .-an be produced on jdains tliat pay no rent ami that r ,uire no " liigli tanning." i ev.-ry y 4 dfnilnL-hing. and 1 vi-ry year will still furth r diminish. The rcfdy for long was, " Is, hut land will ila q - he valr. ih f--r grazing purjs>-- s." " 1 doubt 111 ?*. Tlie importations both of live -toek and of dead meat are x-suming enormous proportions. \ corrc-jK>ndent of the Burlington Hl'rkrv a rather sen-atiuna! story of an alleg.xi di-sivi-rv of the artitieinl nianufa ture <if silver hy 1 r. T. Karris-. Jr.. of the lowa Wesl-yan univ- r.-ity. which earn- - one hack to the days ot tin- old aiJieinist- Dr. Karri.--, it ses-LIT-. whet) takiug his ela-- through a our--- of "instruct'. >n in the primsr;. eh- mi -al Sonipounds, was in the habit of setting a-ivi-- the refuse waters, and one -lay was -tnrtl.-d hy tin- unusual silvery reaction which had taken pla in tins., siftufion*. This hsl him t-> in vestigate. He-ult—the artificial uianu fa- ture of Miv< r. a busine-s on which the doctor is -aid t-> Imve ent--rsi nowr .*1 a large scalr. ()f eour-e. details of the new proci-- are kept rigidly --cret from the scientific world, though credulou capitaiist-may he attracted br the glit tering pro- "*cL. ;Usi ris tlww (javi Ik-wi in the past by other impossibilities. The lat- anion -if Afghanistan wa- uni versally cailnd the " mailman " through out his dot: till ions, and s-> great was th-- awe in whiffl he wv held by his sub jects. the 11 tius of Inilin says, that no one dared t!\ him of tl.e defeat of liii troofis on Hewar Khotal hy the Eng iish inv.ukTa. Sh.-rc Afi -xtin hisisun eil-rofim waiting for news, tiut rio one ventured to tell Tiiiu the result. At last, the mother, of Ahdulla Jan -nt le i lit tle girl to t- M lur farin r. Jfe was talk ing eagerly as the child entered, and -In triisl hard to blurt out her message, " My mother says 1 am to tell your highn-•- —" but the am-si r kept putting hi* hand on her her mouth, a* tlie discussion was important. At last he turned to her. "Well, what is it. little one *" The child came sidling up. ail eyes upon her, " My mother I am to tell your higlni'-sn the Sahibs have crossed the Khotal." An iristant stampede from the neighbor hood of the ainis-r closi-d the council. ♦ Yuma, Cab, ban a famous rooster, and this is the way it came about: It is em phatically a self-made bird. The firm of Sisson & Wallace, amongst otlu-r things, sell eggs. ft so happened tliat all tlie <"ggs were -old out of a particular can save one. Meantime the sun went on getting hotter and hotter, and present ly the ceg lu gan to warm up to the situ ation. The progress of the novel solar gestation was watched with an absorb ing curiosity by.the store people. About the time the mercury reached lilt h --grees in the tlie chicken began ti peek its way: out ot the shell, and it emerged aj defiant an infant rooster as ever wore spurs. It grew apace, and to day its habits arc as eccentric as its man ner of birth; It is exceedingly fierce, and will attack a man, a dog. or any thing that cutucs in it- way. All a visit or has to do to insure a delivery of hat tie hy this pugnacious rooster is to hold up liis foot, tnd straightway the bird will fly at him viciously. We have heard of many ways of hatching chick ens. hut a rooster hatched by natural heat in a tin can is a little ahead of out previous experiences. " I)o you allow your salesmen to lie?' asks an infuriated customer of a pious Boston merchant. "Certainly not, sir. If you can prove to me that one of my young men willfully misrepresents any article of merchandise to you, he forfeits his place a! onee." The customer ex plains his dissatisfaction, and points out the salesman. " Did vou tell this gen- ■ tleman those paper collars would wash- Mr. Quinu?" said th-' merchant, in a severe tone, to the anxious salesman. "Yi s, sir," readily answered the of fender: " ltut I did not tell him how they would look after washing." He wa* hired ovepMain at an increased salary- 808 *lloll' ** Tlir Vol yolk Mi HI xloiv* . , Ncarlv I.TVNL dug- were on exhibition at the third annual bench Show -it the \\l>t I minuter Kennel t LULV, in t.iluioivV Garden, New York. CTOVDL thronged the garden , in the altertio- n and evening, and own itn-IX , inten— T .w manifested in the exhibition ) than a ahown last year I'ho Iroxi - IXM taining tlie dog- were arrangtxl in an ellip tieal form ab-ut the garden, ami each U-re ANUTUU-I. I'here wrrx> three row- of ken neU extending around the garden, two fac ing the track UX-L in the walking match ami one looking dirxx UY into the large open space in the ivnler ot the hiiilding. i'he ntintU-rw on the kennels WI RE arrangxxl in Citnarx-utive orxier, atnl it was very earn to titiil any animal from the catalogue The nights about the garden during the aftentoiin were curion- Manx club men nx-'Uipiuiiexi by ladies wiie )>u~iiil uul a* th v pa-seil from kennel tit kennel the ln liewt exptxasions of admirati-m wen- he aid for the Smooth, -ilky fur an-1 the *|vrfivtly Ux-ety " evx-- i*t the )>et.-. Among the \i-tl ors in the afternoon wa- llenry IWrgh, who made a xxunplete circuit of tlie building, examining a)>|>arer.tly with a jirofe-siottal eye the aix- innioilations (or the dog-, lie was aixxuupameil by one of the ei-unuitin and i x pre-wed hiin-i It as well it i- • i with the care that had IKVII taken to make the animals cointortahlc He thought tlw - \ hibitioti wa* a very crxxitiabie one. During the day and evening the i-lgos. tnansKx-r- an-1 i-oouuitti- wen- t u-oy en gagi-1 in attend nig to their imua rou- -iu tics. It- tlw aftviui-'ii the judges l-x;n fl aw ard the prites. and later in the da* the K-xes ixintaimng the dog- whu h had U tile OtT thi- t-r-t honors were !n talis! Willi Hue rnl.-.rd yellow rihl- ns, indicating j-riics i: the first, second and thud clas-t* tr|s-: ively Vnaivttstcuueii to the -trai ,c si .1 unti-ual surr-'Uiidings, tlie dog* kept tip a continual barking and yelping that, as night drew near, anil as they grew Imngrv. lws'atue aluu>l daafrning Ixspitr this, however, hundrvxlsof person- -)-i.t hour* in watching the laa 1 luaatitls, tlie l-10. t- vixl )v>rting dog* and the froln k- itie issslh--, wlule tne aumeix u- litter* of ) uppics sen a source of endleas rnji-y nnmt to the chil ., droit. Armed wjtlicatalogue-, visitor* went the rounds of the garden, patting the harm les-liH'kitig animals,whiwwsleek .-oat- wi.-v a- sntis'th a- velvet, and kix-ping a ri-j- t : ii iii-lance front the loxi- marked " D : . touch," or " Hand* oil. Ihe men a|-fs-ai< ii to tw nuxst inlercsiexl in the Urge colic- ti, 11 of sjsirting dog-, while the ladies wtil in: ia>tacirs over the bit', pug-, toy terrier* and JSSHIIi-S, S.-11U- of which were very tuinutive, and all -f which win , -uiUd and brushed *|>ei iallv K-r the-s ca-i.-n. I'he majority if the animals win- in hose* of ordinary site, in which w,rv Ixxls of -trawr. Manx ot the kennels, howbvrr, were lurnishexl with-> ft rag-and mat- ai j-rv-entixl a very prx-tty apt* arann The nwwlles and pug- were telnnrly , arx-d : hv their ma-ler* and mistrxami in spite of the din many slej-t as -oundlv tl. ugh at h-itue. The not-e sxenied u- have n - ertivt U|K>n many of the dog-, ami they curled themselves Ul> in c- nil rs. utterly oblivious to the bark ing of their cx-ninuies anu tin whistling of tin js-VSM rs-hv tlcca sionallv an owner or kee js r w-mld take liis dog from it- kennel, ami the animal w- -ltd go bounding over the ths-r, leajung up to lick the hand of *■ file lady witli tin gtvateet glee. The prohibition w.rt, L wcv. r, and he soon returned in obedience t--: u familinr whistle atnl wa- tirvl up again. A huge hound wa- taken out of lit- ketine in the aitentiswi. aud -prang away, dragging hi- master down the garden at a fearful paix-, to the great auiu-x-uu-nt - : the -)-• ..1- lors. • 1 >wing soniew-hat to the situation 1! the kennels, the interest of tit ritieal -j* - tat- r* centered around the boxes of the terriers and pug*, which werx- arranged in the mid dle of the floor from • a-t t-- w,-t. Many ladies and gentlemen well kti- wu in -icial circles had sent their js'ts t - the exhibition, and itaiitrally the little animals, most of them with silver • -liar- and daintily decked out in bright-i >li>ml ribbons, attracted much notice ami favorable couunent. ' inly few ot these di-g* were f-r -ale. \n int oned pug. o wins I hv Mi-- Henrietta Browne!!, of Pro* idenee, K 1., atnl f.i-s - tiously calleil H-'thnia. attracted much at tentiiwi. The little felh w- wore a crimson bow and is valued at )) underfill Mirages. A KT*ttt ileal h:-.s h-s-it vi rittcii upon the subject of tniraoc-. K-<r a iottg tame Swedish saQon wreof in search fi-r :t inagio island that -vmcd to rise ho tu.on Aland and I'plau-!. At last th- > discovi-roii that the -Uppi.xl isle ** a an optical illusion. In 1-lT M. (Jrcl i--is iva- traveling with a friend one hot day in southern Knuiee. Tiny suddenly lialtexl at a turn of the rotnl hy the nppcaranee. ujnti what the* knew to be a sandy plain, of a vast and beautiful city, adorned with IU-WU nn nts, doiii. - and -to -1-- Tito illu sion wa.- -o complete that for a time rea.son tvfusisl to beiiev ■ that the scene *xa- not n-al. The most wonderful (-art of the tihcnomenon was that the eity res-Tubled none in that whole region. A beautiful **.-- -• 11 in Paris in win 11 the whole - itx was ln-held iuverted iu the ainiosphei. above. Seoresby rei"-s that in ONE of his Arctic expixlitiuu-s lie beln-td the TN;r age of a v. -si-L, whieli WAS helovc th-- horizon, and, of oour-e. was not it >-lt visihlo. Through a glass HE DI-•..*- ri-L that tltis VESSEL U-loi-G.-1 to his fath-R. and it was afterward a-ei-rtain'-d th it they *V.-re th- TI thirty -f<>tir tiiilcs apart. TIN lnirnge often L'-wenis objects vast distanci - away, distant a- to render th- storii- told a'nio.-t incredible. )Yhil- in the mountains .f Thitrimdit, lleim L'helil th< (wtik-, tisuallv hidden hy intervening eniinenca. -u-iJ- tily ri-- into view, and ••verything WAS so dear ly defined that he **as enabled to ili*- tinttui-h. with a gin**, tufts >f GRI-- vrltich w ere over eiglitcen ENGLISH miles away. I' railz. while in (irwn land, saw th<- -hor'-s of the Kokerm-n Islands, while it i- clainusl that the \Ueghenv mountains liave LE*en made visible in this way from th<- peak of THE T>-nc riffe. Thi- latt-T story, h--. - is not g-'nernllv cr-'dit'SL. IVhih* ON th shore* of tfie Orino- o, Hunibolilt IN- H-'ld the mirage of a mountain chain situat-si tlm*- or four L-agu-- away, and MI-o the beautiful siwvtaele of a HERD of cattle appar- ntly feeding iu the air. The Knglish Innguage. Mr. John ALBIE Lvtur -1 in NEW York oil tin-Knglish language. THE transla tion of the Bible hv Jiunws'trans lators and the writings of the Kliz-AL* t lutn dramatists were the inu-t powerful in- FLUEIKS-*, Mr. AHE*E thought, in mould ing and fixing the language I; *1 N- for tunate that the Hibie had BEEN trans lilted when the LE-st styie of iungiiage— that of the great dramatist* — was in vogue. The trnuslatoi . too. hail la-en inspired, and inspiration found voice, Iteautv atnl vigor in tlie simplest E\- pre-dons. The Bible, th- it. lia-1 met the nece— ities of thos.- who object SL to J-art* ofthe drama. "Note tin* differenis-," said the lecturer, in conclusion, "be tween the unafbs-tcd -iiuplicity and power of the W citings oft HOSE TIME* with the obscure, afiisteil style of to-day Now we do not a*K but inquire; A wo man inn female ; a fat Iter a put-ernal rela tive: we do not give but donate ; wo never go. IN gin, eat, get, but proceed, commence, partake, receive; vvbeii younger we had nsiins. but now apart ment*; then there were singer*, now vocalists : and it i* pleasant to believe that no one now get* drunk, hut intoxi cated. See tie- contrast. In the Bible, the most thrilling and BE*t written of all hook*, ninety -six per cent, of the words ARE Anglo-Saxon: HI Shakt Kpetu*< .eighty si x (>er cent.: and in Tennyson's • Ar thur.' 3.1NK1 of the 3.500 words are mono syllables. And sotlu-rank of all writers of fame unquestioned is graded hy the nrojier use of more or less of the Saxon language. The union of powerful thought and perfect words i like the clearest water in tlie dearest gia**: the water and the gla** seem butnnesuh stanee. At Munich an ancient custom still oh tainsof the hurgoniastcrs anti town cottn cillors going annually to the Salvator- Keller in order to test the quality of the beer. The tes't is a very primjt'ive one. The officials attend in tneir leathern breeches, and. beer having ls-en jioured over tlie wooden iKinclies, the civic digni taries plump down upon them. While their sealed, they sing an ancient song, the same that their predecessors have sung for ages; and, in order to subject the lieer to a fair test, they sit long enough to sing the. song through three times. Then they essay to rise up. If now they find their breeches sticking to the benches, the beer is voted good. Having stood litis test, the beer goes through tlie formality of being tasted, and then its sale to the public is duly sanctioned. EAHM. taUIH N IND 1101''SKIIOI.O. HT II MTTL VL'ttrrr L HMI %*IRA t (1M agricultural i.iit->i of MM KM York It - rhl ;%*- W od a*h--, among 1, the BO*t of saline manure* and a!*o among 1 the most - - onoiiii. al. arc - cluing to be ntor* and met . appta . latiat T'Vtvji Jftxtr n Kartuot* now. * * nil- . hißbamt every . pound made ott the farm and buy them , 1 wliom-tct tlie,* can bo procured at a tea son able rate The tinu ha* gone tx for exchanging ashes trotu good Ituixl wood j toi ,v |i w iHiUtnls ot .-a), i, 1.-a h.i! ash-*, while l-'*s * ahtahlo, lt ccntaui all tin' ienicnts of tin unhitched, r having laxit deprived oitlv ot a parlol t heir potash tltul- nl * \-lies I>. nelit all soils not nhvodv I'it It in the ptiuoiplin tin* contain, and may l-i drilled in with r*h>t* ami grain, sown broadcast on ' nit a.lovv *or pasture*. 01 mix*d vv ith the utu* k heap, rile quantity of asli * mil. apjilietl to the a- re depends, a* do*w that ot all l-'t tlfizxl *. on thi chat a. tor ol the -.dl ali-l 1 erop iulttvat-'<l t tops which -vliausl the salts, :u potati* *, tin tiqis ami ai 1 oots, ' clover, hn'ern, p-a*. beans aiul the • gia.vses, ate Iwlielited by ashe* Ihe ' i rop tinie-l llin* ■ wtoll uiuler an appli '' ration of ash. - with bone dust, and their < tV- i ts art a SO strengthened ** lien till X- 11 1 Willi gypaUIII I -111 sol -* ad tot .'.gilt ■* dressings. av tixJli ten to fotlrttsli • busho's of tin -ai h-\l and twiix that quuititv of 1 ncbed ashes per acre ltieh lands or clays ln-.-u Inavier dressing* - lieprat*d *lte*sin, *of a*b's Ike n t-'aled dressing* of :;tis m gvpsuiu, aitb.qtt a etxiToapomiing adilith'ti ot vegx table or i- barn*aid manures are not admissable, e t.n the* w . o-'ii'llitl * exhatlst aints xvhall ajq-.ttsl a 10 Iple the entire ! surftlCe of tlie oil is eovitvxl with *• g' table grow th • ither ol the till ui.vlet la -s I mentioned ae'.* with gr.-at efl'-ot l-.r thi* lia-ott a*lu - ma* l>o app.i' d Uti mixed with other fi rt'i'* t-- tm-adow lands for a longer time titan to any other crop. In rep'* to question* a*ki d at the 1 mira(N V.) Farmers' club inrrjcard t" tin value of I.'hi d. itsln - and the I* st mamtoruf apply ing tin lit to -■ an ra • axq-s, a* eorti, wheat Hid o.its. tin .owing information was, utusl ls*aelud aslns vary *-• much in tlnir character that M prxi i" i-stiltiat# i'f their *a!tte can bo mad. Hoax* *. ** is :übie to 1* itl juriotis * i-onn b* iiln 1.1. dressings ->f ashes. 1. ached or uulei'h'd, Ulili-s* tin iinl is *.HI. itt Whiell C.VW ash- * *pn ad ott the -ttrl'aiv tend to im tx-nsethe ITi - ! gra-- lln * ltest and I* *t tle ot leachixl :x*he* *>tl lliost kinds of soil i- spreading tlieiu on old meadow ' or -'id pasture. Working them into i.iml on which potato** are to be 1 phuttexl iu the -HtUi sejlsiilt i* !ll*o a giHsi • W .I* tA lt*e till 111. C.-od :t*hi - make a va uable dr* fin *vh at .ami ami for eorn. but th* lea-led a she* OIX* too un certain in their churn*r to rtvouiuiend r ti>r *Uch 11*0. t - ai iL*ln - are inferior in qualit* to 1 those from Wi' -ii ami * eg* tahli *. lul are > nevirtheies* of value ami are to lie ap piied ti> the suit in a similar maimer, as tin* ti-mt with their abundaltox'of ein • del - to tin ni-a-hani- al divi-ion of soils - t oa. aslie* are bcnetieial ti> In -IVY rather • than light s.-il* 1 Karni- r*. in eonsideratiou of the ats-Vi' , fact*, ivuuiot IK* TOO strong'.* • tie.-uragia! ; to follow the practice of Culle. ting and risluving to a-!n - a., the rul bi*h *-f the farm not other vv iw available, such 10* brush. *! d wood. s*>*l. rag* iu fact , everything whieh eumbei* th* ( t-• , u- -*s matter. Hurnt earth i not onlv a manure in itse.t, hut i* most u*i-tui to mix with artificial fertilizer* which iva unt be east,* iiistrihllt* *1 .uom- r l*i strong to - ** among >o*-d unmix-*1 with ( other material. lUtitat k-thlr lira) of >r l il'lfa. Tin' * tr I*l* it -t| , us. lies 1m - n rentb-nsl tiu-uiora!- t-* xim ri* in potn<i | logist* by mvSi'll of tin- large nutiib- l'ot now native fruit* which V*-TO originatal lor intnxlueisi during that tiin- I'he list j of )M-at;lns ♦ sjms iail) ha* tns ii gr--ativ iti . e reused. In a paper fi.-li! h-t-ov tin WcetctrnNew 1- rtt t lortkvtltural Society by William t . Beurry dMcriptiotu M thirty peach * ssiiitig* ttev- r belorv *lo scrilMsl wereenunn*rat**l a* having eonie U the notice>fthi* well-known nursery man, while many more were fruitisl whieh are not yet ntad.- known to the public. \ ding to Mr Harry tlie State of N. w Y- i'k - (T-i s *• * • ral - ati-'.i --dat--s for jiopular &vor. Front th* gr-nt mctrop,dt* even * • -nie Iwo 11 ** vari- tiis 1 which aei ii* u: *' )-■ **. *s man* v.t'u.i bio qualities In W.*.tirn N-w 1- ik there are *. *- n* ---dii-.g* ** hi- h wii ttndiiubtexiiv pro*-- d-sirabi- . t 'nr of thetll i* I>• i* * ixi to la* the nrg-st and ar'i-st of all the verv early JKVIOIIO. Si viral exo- -tit-nr. v and xt* varieties have originat'xl in Ohio l'assing oViT a vast extent of country -irt* found a 1 number of new kind- in Mi** -uri. Kan sasiuit! Ni't<k t. Ki -m Kan-a* comc th- inforri ition that tin- vvh- • -! of ■ early Jmii b-* kn -wn t-- th- public, b*i fir a. fruitixl in Kansas in I*.*. i- *ur tiuss-x! both in eailine-- atnl size by at • .east fift* n* w -isillingsof K.tiiso* origin, I many of which Iht- their first fruit tliat v--ir. A" th-- **• -utli. t* . many ri-m -- ■ Ing new sorts are im nti<nal. fhu*. aa 1 if hv magic, during tin* same yrar and in variou* s. ctions --t countrv n- vx jMvi-lo> liuv e sprung up in uch numl>*rx a* to asti>iii*h and aiim-si perplex the fruit 1 cuiturist Tou* liing upon th<* f- w ncvy apples hrought to notii *!i ; a-t y-ar. Nfr. Harr had a** rd t -i> :it tie Utls sian app!-> vvhi h have eatw! more or les* disi'tlssi- 't. Ii the vai li-s UlldtV trial for .vitu ti:..-- >,'*rriii have given oxiihn-'e of value, and while they can hardly b lomi-are.i in qtia-i:* to our host at-p'os, still they are fair ami will doubt :O>m prove d* aide in thos. Imatii ti' ~ where only bird* varicti-*i sttia*cel. W hat ja-tion of tin* urge number of m w straw borri••* intr>Hltieisl arc worthy of eultivation Mr. Harrv tliotight it difti eult u* yet tr* say. Another season's -t --porn nee w ill IM- rrx|ulr- -l b for-' definh and reliable inforniation can be given concerning many of them. <'f a number which have b-- nw- 11 t -1• *1 tin Sharp !•*** is given a prominent pla • . u* are the Cnmberland. Triuut|di ami I'rcsoent -Ms-dling. Among m w raspherries the Gregg was pronouii-'*-i a decided im provement on the older varietira of block caps.—A l tr York W uri<l. tjirly Corn A com**pond- rit of ri>t '< Sfwjo.nn gives the following direetions for bring ing corn t-> lunturit'- early in the season, adding that he pi- ked corn lost year in side of sixty day* from the time of plant ing- "lat th- conditions of the soil and manure he the brat you can command, nn•! a-iiU from tie- frequent vv- -ding and h-M in stirring th- ground thorougluv, thin tie- staik* to three or four—three is best if you would have the largest oars and iu-*t of them I'hmk out most nn mexi ifully every stiek- r and non-IM-aring stalk—that pro"----* alone will hasten your corn a \*e*k or tin day-, as I have eoute I-- believe frotn -X) - l ini- tit. I have added tbi* yt ar a top-dressing at the hill, when tie corn was well up a compost of out* part plaster, two parts ashes, and two part* line nianure, vv liiili, I think, bus been ;l gr-ut advantage. Those who wish early corn lmuld uot only have for *c.-d *v!mt i- eallexl "an early kind." but they should obtain it from a* for north as po-sible. *>!■ ,1 com rai*od in < amola find taken south will collie to perfee!ion on-. two or thr*s* weeks earlier than that ri]>enrsl on th* s|>ot. Tin* reason i* that 111 •• s-<sl raisial in",the m-rtli le<* adapti*! itself to a short season. 'l'hi* i* true, in a measure, of ill) Seeds. Russia's Awful Condition. A famine in Uus*ia is |>rislietHl hy Russian journals. 1.0-t yaralMiiit one third of the erop wa* d- - troy i d by beet les and marmots, so tliat tin- sisal has been defiei.-nt: and the cattle plague took off nearly ninety per cent, of the cattle in many piices. To the*.* things mut he added tin* extraordinary drought of the pa*t half ynr. Then in Russia there are too many holiday* (about one hundred in the year): tlrunkenpess i* al*o a wide spread viei . whose wasteful!!!*-* is gnuit ly felt. Most of th-- land in jltissiti is under mortgage t<> hankers, the proprie tor* are hardly able to pay their int<-rest, and the arrears are everywhere about twenty per cent. Th'- grain, which is the chief article of export, and which furnishes t ,*-•* ami all supplies, is de vour-si hy parasites while growing, after being gathered, and on railroads.—/Vi// Mull (jazrttr. * l>uring I7H the American and English societies distributed 3,H50,37ft Bibles,viz.: in Russia, 710.H23 in fib languages; in Turkey, (J4.50H in 0 languages: India. 313,- filfi;,< 'liin-'i, 150,103; Jajiftn, fi1,398: Italy, 52,828; France, 133,100; Servia and Kou mania. 128,IT0; Spain. 08.393; Austria, 271,302: Germany, W6,18H; ,*<,uth Ameri ca, 35,348; Mexico. 30JHNI, It i* better not to expect or calculate consequences. l/-t us try to do right actions without thinking of the feelings they are to call out in others. SL'MMAUY or M:\YS f.iMoin and Middle Stalft. ritmbro 4 y <li* w- • jilt |#tt XX VIS vtl till! il 1(114 Ml iUtt tiillxl BHIUIB) ' \xik. htul prBM Kit VIA l IGU4I \ vM|U nl HtWl !'ii v wnt MUi N lilt' IVlliypN IvmiUk Httltltltl lift* I'HHrittl IV I'til 'I t U iMWitxl 4 llxqfcllil, ,\i i irtk * l uii. 1 HUM ttxn hoya, i ' ttlnml liUtf vv ir* riiti, thw Ntvw't litttvlft*i<t IVttiu. wrrYilhtwilhl ii n null l • % lU'll '• | W tllt.viit llllf tt®l liiiutit •! Nw \*|U |ki)t ulrix'kiu *, t* ilritti * .lultii I*. I*lmr, lortitnrh <I intu IIII1.* ft. iCul Uutvi, Witai'liYUtvtl til tilt \ rtiiituil '.t-vl* < tn isulmf i'i llA llluinU-i •! N| t•• Villi I it-' I* .M 010 'V Hi Jttlit I', IN. I I LIFT 4KNI* II VIT UILTITI UUUA li4UtiV*4.LV -i Ul* HIUI* T LTW U* F LLIP ITTM itiidnrtti LLI TIT xnhl tli.IL I■ L>II Utv 1•• VAB*i AU mli< wuiv MA iu ttfttmU . u 4ir , vUvitli tnii Iritibx uitfv txl tbt! Aiftii-itt* i nt. wtnil.l Y-FLL U- H.IUW> |LI WOLL T llr Ititili 1 trtiti • X| VIL LI I'll flu it* N T*L UTFT LITU. ictr !.. RILU til |ixF!HT a* *1 LA VX X.T I. LIT HIF. (att lilt TIT J -tfHi IJU* l!iii'* ii'tt lie kfi I 'Alt 1I" \| * | tn|jhiv t.o i, tl> n.iikit t tvuWh '* xxiixi klu'V* t l i*e wuiU tj nil heart*, do t 1 : RUM Ultra! *uit IAII tl) t*J J'fai 111 llil* llx llU! 'l I ill\ Iltvtitil) . o I tA*. lilt an ! U .1 ttiln.M 1.. ** ' (|tm (tilth llitil I *nt iiiiun xul t*l lliri . iiino.-l 1 v* lr> h I laiivi x x .IN ix u-xi mitl ** lam ituitnt ut 1 tir UltV 8* llu> Hvi dr il l' ti: 11*N - iuiti t ! lav V.f Utli Clxttulx fit!. . 'I'll! I mu t*ll lhv t *! l*lt;il( s. lliMtm Uftv *u ! ! guih Wtiri tllMdnt 1 |H>n the fruU I *tt*U'|i |BA%* llhlxtkt I* illltl Hltltu xif I lit tl uvv-sutUi i | I. ifu 11 citt 1 I'll** ! a*s tin* Hum i%h< hati st*!| ihutti t he* IllUtxl* tt'i w Jl'.mii X }ll'|*tt* ( uitt ihi I fh riv Att IhtJ Hi'ttkiS Hi AWdiv 1 Hull A |*fl>m u** ho |t*iU lxl ' I 1* • ' Ul i ll %i hvft-U 1 Wiltl Ihf |* . t u kf! v* *ft M-.l !-■ ' it siiuilr t.l Uwit IMAHN* Wliil nvhltt mil > it-u h> i'lu*. iu Jul ai iln I' tt -i *: tiio i r twfUtf I*)mil' ** V* t'lintlflnuf 1 1.1 tm Vj iiii' IN. . # hut • i n *v*v **vt * I'titixxii fi lUmtttfi luwiiufu'tur* 1 u.ititt lKiwit r lU|J h.| .I > 4 ts. .*s 4 Ihmli.U jajal vx. ii ! C'lllUUU* 'I t'htul "> 1(1*1 rxtwlt lllt It! It! tills "fatriii.rtit I'tltAii r, *! *' wn WftHWillt *•! hi* m lu-r*a! • hil > \ trv hnin U wnvi .(tit iiu; tin* imhh liti"tiix'?t ij |li*< ril'tivt . aibt xif hultti. w ix'itirDui cnF* xx htlt' Ml* hu ha) U lklvll l>w* t||ltj( Vviuriltilfttxi liuVtUf, lutvl *t u 4* • * Uvt'l •-* ill till tht* (-.nt Ult Iht xlwit Mm uluiittvl ti; i'iiiUt i alati'iltrut, uiitl at wiutt lwk wtfj 4 Im 'HUP Ihv i 9\ivil('!l JVt •"( j 'l,l xt li ' r l .j iitx' lilt -kOil^iiA tiiu lit *1 tin vviv jHtttjHjiuvi t Ma> 4th lht- - <•( I4UC Ult'l m ;iul :t fit ! I'-ttii lltltll tlif jll> tir. tiil'lT! !'. atnl TL.*' l4nMn|TT|V jvwvxx! tx "j t itu AH It! -t ti ttih t • i Ills t IM 1.1 bt tUi lh' |Hurt* a r vai Iliur'* "ltr) hh* f* ft*!•*• rult tb) Dial { > jijM-m iii 1-IMV..I* u t mlm t "Ut!< 1t! it tliry *aM kiui iu that t !t\ *ti thi* tliii i*f the liiiinh t. ltut A* \ ti) tn "ftMire w nem tri i! I i Iml l)i |Uif h'l th xl ti lit x ,*l.t in t* minx * f lixl fviUvftjttt IH'f >vhi i the fin* il "tdli-t •• xt lht* j ,ih it* 1 * rf'tM-t" nn* tukfti in *mi !t-rut. ii ll* ♦ UTfiirii ri hvvt it)difi|''l tl f**H iltx v 1 al U*ou - CMiJil tltirtr tx#NVc* hit!i llr Hniki' l IIJ { Xl v •*" "tx "n* . 1• nilA t• 4 * tTh, tllri m n* ilwwh >\rr " ! .ft* .• i,t he *,11.1, it* a n*!tti lul tlixlim't x nrr " Ijutvl. r tiivuihet tut* ill tllri jjn-rtf (hy ti! lllri wi end tlw II ItHwht I the J*fiu- titid l*hwjr ' f*?!l m Vph left Ixftukh'-.; Id* ft *V. win! ihcvl vv .'.liOul * litij*);(i' 1 hri U*l> hhx t!,eri tnkt ■ ikiwit wli'l |>Ui'ni in w IHUI fmkrt ami **itivrvritt r utt tht tnuti u* Ihr Itiiitir il llnir • Uifithrr in \ • ijjNiittw llf lidxit -t- *l tli hu-vtlt* L*v * i-witurx' hti* ff ivlr*i ti c Ih'.l U •* re . Ui . Uie t U futfim luunit i; i! iu t"Vx* ;v. tt'vfi" !"!:r I :v.; N*n Ii t!e r r h* t* v vUri fur **: Ih**)l ftriitinH'i ■ ratiif !rtni the Sriwti- ivr it* rtiir.i rm-luij; nuJ At 11ilV^ti•**Kit\, t%uu M Jul-* \ a. ■. i el' v f, . | s • UirMtiifUtmt tlir tuuutiv lur til* l tt jewti 1 *.ii - Xt t s.* : \ ! ..X N 'XX " x.. ; . xx i . . tiu*> rriitirx| tx jiv Uxnuo tlif. ft . Si> -1 \ utri t wii* liaUHtNi to AI uo* I • I'alkfi I \t w 1 iwiufrnxjiirt* He Han a nrkltHer l* t* 4*m\! b> |iru!t "- *ll al iul the putile i ß f u* t ' h'.. it j —eight> "i\ v**U " !u - nut. , " Uu !• Uikc j •hn'r ill Nfix \olk*l v, in hVV- .c i lly ,i x . vdiltll Uu tne* wittmi) iliVitcxl tiir .iii I iu* • • r* 'Ut lilt- * '..iitix t " .nl !flrkHti 'T fUiUtiiwh'HrHi tu a tiatmiu*! Jui *• 11 lu 11. A MalfU t -i v-ul Ueir iuhit- \,.i in i i 1■ *i tit- *x i t , minim ft the iintitt<rr t*l ttultirtxfi ui Uift I uttwi during tlie tlimt of IN?X* ti have tier a '•!, ** itii Ihliuithi* ul >4a. llj.btxi. I' tiir Miiur tiiup ui INTH liir t..ts*i Uihoe* wr*- .. Willi u7> u( iisibiiitjf-*. Mresifm and Southern States. *1 m (Vreiueii iiu! wiixriht'i man wu kill*l ami j rt?t n> uhutl a! uwr m.u* u - *tt\x>rxl l> a flru iu St. lAWii* Ah xa vi*• ii .ijct ii|'tmu i'nul lluyUni mrh*l ?hr n.-'iiiu nl litti uli, fdi-r it i aim, lh on ha *• im it* iia ruMn muil Iroiii I*iTt*i irgh, I'm .h \t'*\ O: ituia. iw. ilir miuoJitiur >4 hi* mi-i ttK* imirury ui I**- tu.eie iSvd II the M iK*x%"ij j A item ril luu 1 *fn iu? h.%lt*l fr the nation a. rrtmiou >4 the lllur nnd flax t*ra% (I'ntofi a tn! 1 t*nl"tlrmtr Mih!i*n*> in (tun h: ix!o< i Hno, Ati|TU*t ih, J?, "J-1 ami 29 Tlii' * j rim*km* r* "th. I in the of tin* State ti- krt x\* tJ 1 IViih niaXa tiid hw(ili> k "*ilitft*n tick* ' *t Mh*h t>ut of l%* fity-rv n town* )ti<duo thr* H* ii;hh iit t trn 1 rv mt* w. th** ! Irithv r*i!% M-ifli a:i-I the lmlcjfßjt'htfc !hm tn ( stirm imU tin- KejubJmu (nfhli'Uir for tnuv*r wa* ami in lul*h the (ilfttihuk tnket wbx •:u v cri*f i i!. Til# i;Tm! r | ■ rtiou | the ' >;; ii vt jut of i *:.!*• Mo., bm been deoUo>J b$ A to e:iUilii4j ah**" <t a-x-it 5. • do" 1 lie h< iitut k> Ivt j ult in* lu** • tiounitiAlri"! W aitrr Lv*i. f .- 1 x* m J li 1 inihrrlaae. torrtran, kilirtl nt* t four otlnf i*n me t* Im \ hv * Uwlc.r eftphmi'xii iu a huklalioru (Nt .) huiielr) . t 'tit'll the rt* omtiienfa*titl of lht* 4, thi- f vxjn- r IgOMla xtt. ;..,s pMmtl a j roehiviuitton "M!a! 4|imDint nr frvoi :mu! nilar Ila\ i li .lm Si ;'h American *lll ft nlrwl Anuiitmu j-ort*. From Washington. Au m 'it oonflr ml :t hv tlie s Ar au lilt* mmiiimtmri* t*t t'lan net km*; •*( New York, im* director she eir\ v. nnd llr. John II Hamilton, * Ihittt i**, a- *tijerN i*- - **! the I iittf! marine hirf-i --t*] MTI KW. iir !t<>ar I Ol Ih .nVb rwenTly hei \ their flifi regular rowtilljj, Hint # Ifertetl 11 J • T UUUifRS fr r n./.ition hy tin: t,*ct •n 'l tile h'iiom olflrer* l)r Jiunea I. l*al*rll. <•! president; Sirptiti JohnS I . >. A . \ set j•rtmiden! and Melifii Din tor *1 hoi mu* J I urnor, I N . *<• r tr\ An rra'utiic cuiiimittrv ma* elected ru* fullnwv Ds Jiune* 1. ( k ui ' ii. S Rillinpi, M !s --eiil Diret'for T\irner. I >r. M j -hen Smith, ot New Y*rk und Stirg**in f*. 11. Ihilliarhc, Of tin iii.'iiine lioaj iTal *enrtce. Hri four jr * 1 tit. hoi ha> I wen cl*t*i i)i lht* but day the oulacriiftMiiit Miiiouiited to s*.Vj,f>irj.7.s0 f t whit ll I" .OUU.Otm me- * -i arrUn-1 hy the New York flunk ot f'* Ihe tot** it in ry o| th*- Ina-iuy Im.* looted calls I for Um h.ilaiice ti the J -IV *4 FM7 J i ! '1 the whole .f the ot IWS Ttuw eh-tx* the whole *t the weriea of A-20 1nd*. The two wiU amount to th *mtu el The mil*. **e. "iiioi Jnnuury 1 umtHiiit to , # tniiking nn annua! aitYiuc ol iTitectt 1 to' ' N . ? .rtlu.r auljwrijitton* will hi* rreeivod l*r the four |**r cent. bond*. fur the eertinnate*, until furfltrir iri4? T. In 187-1 < |i.vsr.| u law jn. lir the eree*'oii utMuml'lc haultUili'B ever the i;m% en of-otdmn* fll the t and Milunteer I<iftw of the t nited Sletv** wh*rae rwlUilillt lire nit en #*d in the niti'iml tniiitmv tiiueS'iie i ha* law ha.** ljreen carried out. \t theiie-tunee ol the U ill' lh JHUllliellt t *!£• ** lia.* >• • entl uulhor /' l th< erecthi ol wriu: .1 lw'-idf>toii(* o% at the univri* of tlie I'niutj ftuldiiTH w)in an buried in urivMe ami village eein*!ci uo llda will le done a 10011 a* the in* # "wty iiient* can he imid* V!! j ha* any ol 1 lie hillial jdiM* 1 ol rio!-her- iu private t'fiiiHrri' - wfiot*<*gjnivettitre it uiaiked are retjue*-ied tr comliiunicat'- the fa t to Uu Qiliiitemilliter t• • ti- : :il and i fluent, conumny irtid dale of death, it known. (>| t ourxi* it i* not intrii- ! ! to fitri.. h !• a !"ton. - tiirjtnivf* o\ er nfhicli monument lift* 1 already I M'4'ii #iii t ed. ill 6 S*cietary ol the Intermr ha* di* Tied tliat ill lenet one >• o - • e-idenee •n ho!U**-ie.<d lain! it* lure'-nri t obtain 11 patent. During th lei ate in the Honda on the ref lation for a change ol rule*, muvie one iti the gentlemen pillery hujij-imhl to !*• the wime who had iU'limiiiwiil the violfitum oi tin* toalm hnth at the * l-e of tin* ii*t M Mum aiiddetily fpkM' vent to hi* teeJinjf* hy declain 11114; 111 a lottd find Hole to 11 tone, " Woe, woe, unc to tlii* den ol thieve*.' lb-tore he eoilhl tfftl any luither in hi" denunciation lie ww* tv Hie diriirkceper H llMU* Unite and liuri ied out ol the pillery At the rH*ent nuiriw ut Democratic Kepre **ntHtiii'N b resolution wiri puMril not tr iul jrHirn o\ er the following Monday, hut haven Mi*ion *o a* to allow the introduction of trill* •in the UMIIAI nmiiner. Mr Ntephrn*, of (ieor tri. olTerel 11 leaohition, with the reijuewt Hint ii i rmd nnd tihiod IMP h* Miim oi. tuinn§ raucu*. It net* forth that tin* miih of the Dn i moenwy e* tllri restoration ot ronnYitiilioiifil lilierty, liitriiiofi.v and p-pi rity; that they Accept ail the results of tlie wur; that they me uUerly op|io-el to any revival of ala very ; Unit they are lr Iho I uion and (Yin gitutiou, inclmluift the war AiiiundinentN; iurnm**l re\olntionary inothodii; for law and order; for H free ballot IxjX and a fair count; or a aufQciontly laige army, hut lay onete at the |K>IIH; lor the jmhlio credit, hut njcsitiit unneeeHaary ta\ation and nn iirijiitt fjiritl , furgulil and nilver on tlie name footing, and lor an increnae of the currency on 11 wound tiiuri*. 1 [ TheTitdujuryDej'attnieiil lw*i*flaed itanioa* tV-tievriiiUi call for Hie rudrniption of U>nds, t J (]IIM<1I \h i , I'I |(iIO f IKHV(HK)of llu lll'4oUni'U a I 1 Htii !*.i lKM000 4 I**>II|XMI uu-l i cat**"! <*J IhmkU I Itu * liw flul mil foi 10 ill IKIIKU Foreign Ne*. *nn lllitMkll lUM'J Ml Stall)> \llira IttlV* *• Utitn"| uit.Mlior IrliMii in lh'ir witi a Itli t!• Zulu* \tiiviv til liutii 1 >-11>> !• I nii*taiiy Hi mm hhliiiinlMHPl t ' lha l\tiK"i* roi" i * I 104 HitMi til lit N|lfll , a • *rt-|M HM*i Hi tll\ lifitlk ll i ili' txinkv *i iKu litO'ialni nvtt 1 \ 4 (H* i iiHilci I uilirlinl lhi llrituh *rv vr* I alu linivl l> |li. ♦ hii nilmly iM|ctui if I lit I ll# flit la| lM ill Murliiltt (tlil lMt\ I lieu ttt*rt" klilf.l l.n iiu iiiiiil ilritnl, Willi TURII CIM'T • ♦ IH| 111 I T 'TI L.IINC' I IIP bmwlral Mini Ulii niciiol lit** t< iU frixjtH utK Jiltn'f-mli i tl> ll *• m **i 111*' It* IV It I H ijftMlllll) ' I * Vf lft (lllfl MtilllMllli ii>Hl, and tmricil th* ilawl i*riity *<4j*'tii i •Mitiiiiuiif' it|>pli at * liml Itn Zuhm l*l ' HI avllv. IHII A 11It RILIINIR LTNM I lite |i| UIMM iitMililm umi I lHiilmin 1 eiftUttilt |Mlu wiiu it at ie mjuit l nut i. tiiiiiMi aiMi wiwki l lhtiil , lu it tuniia. > ftl*lur l*un • '•! ! thru l'im]iM*. I "mil, itn* l**a*ti i \ a t littmll nm|UII Iftn N u ulu ii limitlutit't jurwiw in nil I artui t s r jjitiin flit 4 on i imril)'. t >iu tn ft tin fli4 Uir immilii d 11 vn (in . a ll' '.li Inltuif* ill I Ml la Willi (clitl tint*tilde* ttiuouuUlitf i tfl I.tftfe,<'.* llitmc a hua . off btUll Itt *tillet m |K: i u i■ nu i.• int at tit *f itaiiikUe i>itirU(l; wir V tt ne- l i lite wtltic tune. <oN<lU:s>lo\U. M MMiKV. CriiHlr. Mr.,W|thn, Irwn the • •numtiiw on A|iprt>- j t Ukiititui, it ku'k ilte Army Apfntiprm lit Mit '! Wilht'ltt MllliHliitttMlt, Mini lim* il \** j f l.ltif Mint )>ia4H*tt tilt (lit* mieit'Uu M' Jil.itin f nil. t- tlutl lie anulii uf!W the fol • a nfiiviutfiit lit to jj al ll.e i tut • l twlicii tt. "Aihl nv I 'iiilmi, immi ih fail <fhiwt ti any iKi i I'timai atm u*ii i irej i kr ifo I ur)i*Me Uert n. I ilttt i, HJ J-I .II ailiitxi a ilji a ' divutU wrokitciii of mu\ rij=ti\ti, eitjn i noit * t.lot ill (Utj mini within u unit i 4 *u\ fulK thi; l i o a iiCt* <4 ji i.i ..i oi Ijettcl clo. lea* !•! K*f KKClllntii i■> !• I •tut 11 tii oont v tiou, le witli n fine of not h* dull. tuif iiuMu tliMu | <*MV or 1 a tdi i|ii|ifi*uuuiul lot it | 4-t n>l ta4 iw* tlitii an m.mtito nut in- m t) ut : rite w u or v jdi bollt due hi i n( the itiaer4i*!i <4 tiie t -.uii .... Mr tin) an) mlii*iut't*i a liUi to tv; -eui Mtliuio N-UJ mt >.' l of tiir lie iuk l llltittiiliitHUl l UlKrlit to | ♦*.t the bill on it witho.t rafrfrttif; il to any eutntttilltxi. H it proltal tiir net ; tMnliti tirtfti It "•( uttUn ii 4 <UiH4tlaiilU**t!iiui tif |ttritt hi courts of the I mtr*l Mutta lb* ' t ;Jvt ii thw ant to r\eUnl- jeiaita ut rhaiH. u. tiid < 11x>ni )ur> (r ticH, in tire "vitiditfi n "*uvlia jtnlte U: 1) . fhn S tutle hivt It tetul) I'taarx! sit. h nt .11 uj* the tlllf he IwW tlitl i. el He hI h i tiearH U* .loiote tl v '■ ill, h(|t uilon 'I ! !• lis Ml 4' •! judiue aHit Ili- j o Mut'livii • ! aUtung nil isyi ootintn men HHermJ to f .he Cmnmhtoe oti tnc Juii.<'wr* . . Aflt rI. rtiiei e-nid. rtvUoii tl da 'lUrniom • I -,.(* ul 111 hvii to a mH da m ijtairurti! tjn -I ' NI \ IMP .-T NMER '. ■ip a*• *imt*l dira tini; ih> i'c!ininur-i*ucnl Ui i.ititiiii Im Uiv >pimU- ha toiMfUf' f..i th<ruui l jieliUr I U it* (U lruiinii((i<" "I U( a, ft or* \\ . thenui'U \rtrr hirthea .1. * . aof ■ t • tu .<! >! lleU to* t*i li.v s r dv a4.ii| ailti t uUie (UMbwii MUvl liiftti uti • Ut lie-.! Mu* fbrthcr hMr liefl aah a*l A*MMI fen Om il up IfuiU Saw 11..;j , i ~ir. \ • M! til U- t) .' s I lie fvj... w 1 iltniuftml *eiiatom Vutotl for the nJmU -uu kh liai a i inil " . tr>*tiie Jotiei, ' |lort-*n Melh.naht. ICaiiilo.'j h V uorhtetw. 1 Walker. Wh\d Wiiiuum s >utor* i mk ■ ,; 'i ■ •'••=" r " tl.i it ti - u t0k.114.; tp te A'tii) . A,iv,: ki • mty ini*a aiii* W I' 1 txt i 1 *• l . .. I| .. . t(. of./ .| !• .r> . i!l lha |i*i*!4 I oi l !..|n .il.m !..r rtiv i urriiaw .m.i .1! .-. .!•> ih. 1 ..iiiiui.. m r i \gr uiliit*.. .i\l< r.i lii.ii he- .in <•11 with l tor lilt-it ililunit 1- the . .m . ! lh tklxkl. Mr Alk.ll MKI ( -' iw f b.> Irni. lu.'i . . 01. i.-irnfjoii. mil aff ni|i ii* ti.iilr-n. t>r rlamr- In HI. Imt won! 1 1101 voir IhiHiMii.h for ] ruilur t.ori 11. WH. . lo t.uifc. Oil . Iw.k ■Jii . I B.r. ..h*r-*l l.r ihr kwir. .V.:i.Kitiir.l lluttir. Mi \;liint (1 irtl la ( i inlo I . .niiium •{ Ih* \\ fiolr on Ihr I I ill IlriUlnl ftwl Uitrud xni Ur liui nil lii* !..• .4 U.. . .infi-r*-i.'r r*VH>rt i ! tiir !&i I i. tu| m- . 1 lt< rnUrc 1110111 > |-otAi..ll ot Ihv I ... hu 1 H. t Uwii lo f>% lim cm- Irion 1 ovwiutlir, liul irrt i.iwii .i .4 a 'nu ' In tlllk. M irm Uj 011 whi. h llic 10111- sflitlo.- • r- v lin.l no* ihv r*p rut la. . ■ no ilo Ihr UU u it hi.,! ;■,! I Ih* ilimac nl t1,.. U.l I Hr .houU not tt.-nij>l to )-: h thr k*( So thr Hoi.r in llwimMi rii . 1| u; ur wo. u lhal tfwiiHii ■ > jwiti.-i ul" t>M>btU h..n' I U . ,n: > rroJm. .riiu. n. 1 mole ruir. nt. i ih.i o £rtt 1 . .1. u- ..d l>e tee. r nd In Ui|'i. • .f if ■ tnll. Hue •uyteeti..-. wn> w£T.i.i: aii.l U,< thr i linker nwitinto' HU uuilrr .4 1 . \\ 1, Mr ISieckUiru. ul K. turk. ' ... on '.he Lrgulabva Af j: " }itu.tio:, Vftrr ftiiieliinn tKr r.liuHiiatmt 11 .4 - vt\ r bill Uir It.nuM. arljuimio'. I '..- II • • a dav ttie report uf Ui t .ui 1. . || Ortivni eotret emv-ut l*w> of ih. ot I' ML* vrcre itj>|aitntM ui.l 0. i. r pertaintanJinKcommit'..-• wiuaua-r. .-I V pnawMiti.ei try t 1 ti. o. t irpr-foonlia vote aer.a r> lo Hajml Ihr rulre nnd )■ a hill w n * n nvlr.l lor aw.' -lit ir which rilradal Ihr | <4 like A-; lo • itione I di 01l er 10 <!| w1 .1 unv time, to the I'miiinetin Way> ant Ma lUlok:!,.. - ...1 . 011.1., tl€. tl ll'iWUl] ti.olU ! . t! ■ loirft. !. >iw .iinßj| Ihi* Milowlu**- ti- -ik of mi. |>rm 1. ■ 11 cliftflging Pvieflitg Inw m ui> appro; mill. n !-! oW 01 oldrr maetoet !•> h vol,, oi \mo. l)t- f Jtei . fat' A lionnir.l Mr M Ainlwiii evletnlto! on itniriwlinriit to lir \|.j>r<>|>ruitiou f'.lf. rr|w^iloig tiir -.x tioio o( thr etatntra l*it.flng for thr hirtiim. . • nin' . -ti uf |*i.-umi i.-. Ui he., iiig witli thr pniiiinwifinin. flip |siKif to or*lrr . cmiuiatioio wln n ii.. t-.:.n, aii.l to t igftl an ! int , • 1 111 no jw-iomn hail b rr ittici.l w ithotil not 1. r l. the pvio-HiiH i Ilir itnti'n.ltiiriii. .nPui.liw it follow -'ln onlir fo |.r.rt ..I.- |nr tin* ju no lit of amiv uf |.rti mone ti.. --oii-tjii\ f ihrTroaaurt o .lir,4-tl IP ivilr imniohutrlr 111 |> inrut titrm.4. :o thrr ii.n. Ir ii'iju.trl, llir jtif.WO.itifl in lrg .1 ('■• <1 r • .rr> arj a-'V m ibp I mini >i a. 'lVuMir. a* n Kjmnl fnnif forthrrv-. drni|iU<>n <4 frnrtagpel carrrncy.'' Mt i,nr -1 M ntheef thr MUM -4 orMrr that fhi aihrnif. ■L.tPtlr I U rhar . . into ; -w ii* .< ..I lu't n-ta-ii' ll r KiH'tnUliiiKW. i . , ' ■ r.f wti ip] orfiM V. -or* tt. ... I'ort, W.irfior rmif M '."trllri'l . orthw KnK OAHtvk.! l>y ll.r . heirn .o Jti.ul.huru Mr. < IUIK>U fulr null.-1 ihr !. 'ov ly timrn.ltnrnl tn thr niton f turn! .ii.i f -r ..iw! rurrriv f [ mfnuj'tioii uhnli la* n-htenrvf in int nuinrva in Ihr | roar of) ul tiir luiir thr is lirr ertifr l \.|..|.t. ! . m. 1*1; m> v Hi. Ihr in-,, ri.ln.i tit. iv. mil. wiv. tfu n t.i without 1 ArtHuinw! Mr .Ii 111 .j I r:ijl<u| nji Ihr n-ainillnui o| Mr 110 .r do-ierinir in rtliPnelih(tfniil nnl rrrrJa. t onnri tip. lUii'k'v,i j ty c .iii|u;l thn l"rru.|i nf f<> -h 11 appmpHmntf leff the fm lnrr< of w 111. I 1 lir itnl not |HVOV|.. ulnl epokr Ihrrrnn. Mi l>uwr i tiriri rrply I l.r >1 i.u'n- jiiim. hit h'tin conn liaiiUuji o| IJll* triii. Aj i roj inatinti f -TTf Mi l\ itfirri. r\| lnini l Ihr pnhrtwaßie <( tie bill. *vli l 111 griirtiii IrriiiM muiiililiw in nil its I Til M'l Imi Im. tiirr* tiir lull |l*"l hy tlm n luitp hil jmr ifiip In 1 n|.|ro| .i mti-i. k'Jfi. 1 hi,1(00, or hi..Vti .'itilt Ii , t.'um Ihu U". •'•liinatye. mi wJIM.OiN* iiinfif Man tIW lertnrr ii| prof.rmtih* (nil |o; thr 011 port "! thr nrniy for tiir pmrnt 1t-;.l . Itr Ih* f'lll :i" I'onii.lurtul hy j am irmpi - No iinn iiilmrn'" wrri- inivlr to 1111. n) tin- iii JIIK ill nppn.printion, nor to HUT Klirt purl nl llir lull, tin' < miiiitt. •• 011 Apptnprin 110,ic lu.vlng igrt'iil to riKict uti itmriiiiiiirtite, ami (hi-luiiinnt) oi theSwmtir wrmlnig ihrtm. llir 11 1 .mi, ~.; 111 !to Ml. \VtllnT" I'm on ha 1 iMir-r 11 Unit niiiriiilinmt* wronhi ili-lny tin' jiHump 1- 14 tin' hill. Win 11 ihr rlrrk njncliril till' "i\lll . til ill, which prohililla tin- Her 111 fr*ui| i -1 . iii-t.on plum. Ml I'iuHook .u.i --liolu-r 111 rtTivl prnintlitig tin. Hfini 1* uix-tl n ;ur >'uieihifiK in Ncliie-i. i, 1 oUuii 10, I'lT- .on, Kamvie. Nualu, mill thr lililiiin 'I • rrilor) In rnliirrr ri. it pro . 1 iwi 1 Atiioyrniel. Tin- ('uiiiniitlw* Houne. llir following ,1 n Ivl of thr prinnpnl etnml inc of thr llotiir n* inmMnM<sl hy "•jwnkrr IOLIHIHI! EltrliuH —Mr. hprintirr i 4 Jllinni*, rlmir -1 nnft Mi .mi Mnnmngol Mi*ii**ippi. of Arknii-in. Sprrr <l to-orgm. < olrrick of livhum \nnlli hi Ol North t lumlilui. Il"lt/.. homn of IVtinnlvimia. '-wyeriit Mi**ouri. Phfetrrol Kmfnrky, of Ohio, Camp ai Nr.. \ oik. I ilkin* of Inilmrva, Kirltl of MKK-k --i lviirtt- Ovrrtonof IVtin*} lviiiiui. Wnivrr of !own. H'ayian l Mmnf Mr. I' W 00l of New York, rlmiminii; Mr*r I tickrr ol Yiryinin. 1 *itmin of I/lalahnhn. l"hH|ie ul" ' oaiirrlirnl. \|. o| lliinom, Mill* <>l Ircu*. Ciiriwlr qf Kentucky. I'rllon olliimrgin linrflrhl of Ohio, K rllr. lif I'm nay lnn in. < onp-r of Mirhignn, Krvo of Mlll in*. I Miunrll of MiMtif-ntn. fppriiprtnf/nrr?. Mr. Afkiiw ol |Vnitr.rr, rhniriiuui. Mi>*m. Ul'Hiut of ••rorgm, Single tun of Mi-*i*"i|ij>i, f 'ljntrr of IVnnevl\TMiin, lllnrklnirn of Krnftiri... Wills ol Mimoitri, f'ohh of liuiinna, Koniryiif Alnlvmui. Mr Milium of Ohio, linker of Ilnlllll.ll. Monroe of Ohio, I In..ley of fikiimioiieiil, tlnbliell ol Michigan, Canean of HJtnoit, WKMIOJ NC. i ork. Hnitking an! Carrritf!!-— Mr. Huckncr Miesouri, Mnera. K wing of Ohio, On. i* of North 1 nrolinn. onng of Trtnirweer, In wiiof Al.ilnuiin, lumniln ry of New lurk, Kntlil of Mninr, hittrnlrn ol New I ork, Kort of lliinoie, I'licf ol lowu, Orupo of Mio.acliu- , erf! 1. f7"fpi.-eMr. Jinglit "I IVnnpfwre, rhnir tnnn; Mriere. ffickny ol Ohio, DnviiUon of, 1 Florida, C'ovrri of New York, O'Connor oi j • -otifh < moune, I a. t* Wf Mieemiri, Mauiforti il >i \IHIMIIIM. LWUIKI. ol Maine, UHIIM t 111 Uinoe, it , Iktiw nun. .4 M,.**pi linertte, t rowiry of New I Yiak Ct>thmfrrr Mr Kenyan | I'evaa, chair t ntna; Maeere. Itine .4 New tork, live* of Nan Jemrt, hi a tut ol W net Virginia, Mrlnmn ' 1 of Mary html, lit oiiiaa I'ntini i| K('Htiiik), 11 | Vckltfti •( I. i 11win■*it of \ iryiiiut, |MI - *ir l W u.i oiihiu, t'liinly Mimouii, o Nodi ' I #l k\uu() 1% •itu(, \\ Hit it( ( ciiiiuM'tli lit, Jlriulcr 'Vll ol I tilt** ><• loMiUM'iiiJ ul (Mliu, lCn*rU uf " | MllftXalt )|llft*tt J . CulU.lj/r, II rii/Ala *t%H .Wniiutf -Mr hl- J lit lin ii| • tlilll UitUl, Mumk \ uiuH ul NrtJ i HlVlmju, I lji"l IfiMiiaioiiH, HJttuit ul v MinwiuH, W t)U of Kfiitm ky. W nfiu'r f < ll Is I a Mt \r4 lit.liMUit, 1 litnin o| M i(Mm IJM "<t, W. A. Wcgil ol New \urk* J iJftbri ul ' I I'tUilikJihiliiUi 1( iV. /ii / # (i#it/ M roinrrM( of "lii, til I inn M Kl* Wrf.;lit %U I'ltiiiat IftunN >i rir ot Ninth 1 troti"*, Ration ul Km lui ky, W UiuuKft f Al('iiiti, lluil of 1 lofvl*, • Rtlohniii "I N m A oik I (vim of Kntia. •I I'oan. W 4*djbur ti #! M nntMciio ft of I akot* Z'tal H(h* r fin i l\+t H il> Mt Mot*y • 4 M txhiJj'|l. I I.lUlli.tlll, Ml"U( i Intk 111 n Nrw Jwh j , l'A ill iuxtigm, kmx ul SoiUia Milium, v !i|jh-toii oi im.Md., Mu Uy of \l*. I Uiina, ii'iiM ol I •■*, Krl< Imiii el Naw, Jo\.t* uf \ rrtikouA, Hluur ui Mm lull" of I'viiilftf imtuu Juilti iur\ k|i K nod iW H tit uek t, dint! 1 tiMiiij Mcwis il'ti'ifttif V ii|tiii i.uibriMi *4 It III# llnl'l ol i'lfiO, Ill'liM Uf luilil Kfi, 1 llinil o| IVlittt) if Uii, 11 rIJ ri I l Ainlmiiiu, N ** ti| liiiltnun, lUiuinuiwl ul tooljgtti l^j#- * lifoti tf \i * V**ik, lv 'uum nl U>-% tva, lirx I ol Mm 1 if, M kiiilct itf tdiiu, Williniii* of Wi I'llMti W ilittc o| II lit^ud M if CViNMI • Mi. mi W tat'ounti. | vht iiiiittl Alrir ICoi*riftoii of Hn ttuiik* 1 W.AUiei ol <Mm U< <lii*r il of 1 |iotii|c i ftOlt krli|l4 k V Mlh iilt'il uf 'l KiililsKtH i u j-tutu ul lot*ii, I mtliui ol Nu 4 '*rli i>krt <4 1 \< f lll*'tit liu> u ol I Vlillf) 1 ViililH li iMIJIi uf \oth t UiUilM*. . i s/i leaaZA* t • Si r CU%MI d Now \ *tk iiiluan Mtmjh iikti* "i *nit4i nmiituk, North i nroliii. l>ibt iiof 11 uih m*o, 111-111% l Mtki )hui(f 1* I *%•♦! * Mim■ Km I. If • luf V lt> kltla, iVt-MK m ul tinuigia JiiOi ll •ul M NftcdhiwUi i 4 \\ itlmt *4 \b 1v( k, \ mJviiUIAU ol Nt I '(rift*, ttik'ilfliiik of IV|illh\l4ilM, ul KIUIMMI ) Ut Split oi f!!ttie."<• j / ♦* . Iff -•Mr. kVdiri ( Noitii t n>> 1 iuuUr ul AIHHIIMII. M ckliii ol M iMouri, IWhlm %M NftiitkCM* \m Uinlmkri %! 1 'lngtjii, W riith.iu oi io&iK, i il* 4l o| rrbuuyliHJilH, 4 ill Kiuhit(, AilU(' ul I .^Jmi Afj/j/ . /, i Mi S(ftrkri nj ilim*■ .!*, , dJ.nllUi.Ui 1 Ifbrr Uol i nti!irvMMvv Kro^K t I <ll W JMIJIKII) JkUha-RI 1 \ 'JUI!h ui 1 tfoorgu*. id i olv ui < VI tiitc; id l'qlilMvie VuriA, l Nov* \ iMk, MuU ol liii- Aula. liti-Hiifl ui jU'inij.t. p *\.lr .. misfit D4. - Ml- ul Ino I iiot i twiitiiaji, Mi 'M U uit uj \'if|puin. , MorM 1 oj * 11. .Miu, l.ii*ii< >4 1 -•lUv, i- llaVkUoii of ) 1 *IURI of MUM Ul*<!, I H lii 14*1 ti \yw Yori. firT! f W *nnr4i(i -*IUI, ilnifiU ! of I'kA wyiftoiki iHNpg* oj .Nnw ; fltinij Jii.'i lift Mrt *4 , , ■ -f/htifi Nil < >i New 4 cl*tk*r titrtii W iioii ol W i-l Vif^iuin, 111. lariiol li. '.if* . Aklg*Mld*± Rr*\n hoiU I ' 4 ♦ <■ ilr *l* . 4*e ■' A 4|J*i)oh li-ii oi I IjiiO, j >f uf Nfn*jM'hu. H'liu, Nf.'rtnn .f N't* \ 014 liulnoon ttf Ni • ! Jd^r) im *4u /'toii ii Mi. 9 u'\i*4u ul IN iii tr> ilHiii.,iiMi4Uciu a M*'(**%. I Aiik'mio*, j i ,Ntll ui Rtiaiucky oi lutimn, JViioiK of 11 irj;u llnlcii *4 M mmhiti -( l lti.'irttMHi 5> 11: lit oi I'vtiUa) llHlUii llaurit - i U'u ul \% (M. am, I*uv. of lUcitUM. l'|Mifr fe Ttif . .4 !•• f V km Mr 4 1 o Nkh \ ofi c! Mrmr* kt r I Mimh*m|>| i. 1 Unt <4 ! f*l*4. I Ai.-r* f ' 4 crj k d litiiiAiiH, 1 f* tllj f Krfll'K k) I*. 'IJiW t'i! IJ \1 Hlf:. i li't (if >u, "J Nc* York , I ).t r .lifofNt v:v la Si.triiß gf llliikn* i !.d rh.-i.rmm of lh utiitrf *Mfun*hl4>#• *r J'i, .. ItHildnih Mflnnr of Mftnhn I lii -1 |r{r: oi < -ai %. Huuifl'f 4|^ flfUMo: fMrstf 1 tlh (v *u!ilrri4 VrkiiiiMUl Mt lufnrlunn*— \\ .**- oi Mhitin, i rmlorjcMv—-Mu. .r>* * ! Miw.M.j j Hr%'o!uU>|UMT| IVlin-'ti" WhiU ttkri ! h ; YUiUtv* uti 1 < ttnli | 4 nifllo! \ Miiiftt Hitil Miuit^ r t<ti i f L4rt(#Ui<u nuU laUav—<nolf | 0! V , lij-i M-ii >4 linrrw o \ .4 lWdb-A lim ul (.unu iiH, i ellu du:i ' wad* 1 ml a| (i r . A Kj'sT-e H*-rir\ *i Mnr> l*nt. 4 of iti'ftnni Y ijwfi-litnu* ift Suir , I s-.kittto-tt! 4 !ypcr ti PfMiHvh jgmn- bt jn-ii jtvuvx in I miMin I Hurruß* 4 HatHunj u Wat ]> inrUiu nl Hum kl lim 4 K iitur ky, I.ifKJtJit4M in | N%a> iN-jniriiisi 111 of tlhuuß. K1 j TIKIUU; m iu IV|Jluiriil 4 ell of M*!nf Kiycndttarw In intrrtorlß * imrtn.tul->! ilk r *! Nnn York K*pomii lam iti INd or ltwtilcr of W toi •>in HuxC't ui ; M vCv.*hi|ioi lnvm • 1tol rtnon d I-rniStßTttt Knit inll. iirf*iu it* die C*i i] S. r%> u—li •• Idlrr r4 I. vltntu. <*n 12m SlnXe 4 Ur U lirhiitia t Xhf y frytorn? t namt -ftfcknelt of li W tUiftlif " Ui* JImII <ll f ft KiiiasMtU *4 Mtn mwiU, Uu lb* i>r t-i lithor- W if l*enny;r*r.iii I . . . uc CtUiiiiHa^ ,u * IKmatif— al 1* 1 *•■.' 1 : UflU - hfttnm ot w Aft \ I mkk* oi IMMW KKVSI It'le Nig 111*. S.ifuc |><jrw IW " I.w. nii.i tumble " half ih. night and grt up in the n > nry. Uitrufn slital an.i ii'uJ)iiritrri. vv Inn v ttnrtf. rifftrr in Ihkljt niind, fr>r the • futica uf tiic ilnv . they are not only in < .■ipm itnti-.i for htieinrix. bttt arc often ri ini.*ni p.* tiitgr . IOU* in their manners. - * irritalil. ami frvtftii. a t.i spt..ul:i g..>nt ntni a <-i-iitl over the whole li.iusc lit 1 iti. To Iw ah Ir to gr> to l4Ni and he in a hound. t)< iirioua (la p, u nnmtitnw d. .i.-ifmenepv. jp flrenifnutea. hut ' ru'>y<'d in it* n tntAiihranta . }< a great It.a)!pirn-**, an inralt ulaliie l>hx*ing. and one for which tin m.-t itP'<re ami affect ion at ' thank* -should liahittiallv go up to tiiat ■ IH!l'*i'u.< n! J'rtiviihijt* I rich vouchsafe* ill'* raitte Uti'ouglr iltc irytUruavtnt&nihM of a wis. nnd *< if-<ivit_\iug utt-mivti to , tin liiw sof our la'tng. , U.*tiess nigltte as lo pcreolYt in ap pari nt hrnith. r*ri' cim-lly front, lirel. mt oi .-rloailevi Htoin.u li: tuNxind. from TvorltUj tar- . third, from w.ui! oi muscular trctivlri'* pTo|ortfoned to t!ie rncis of tin- p>s:,ij| J. w will hate ristis.i nicltts w ho take dinner at mid day . ami nothing aft ct thai t* cpl a piece of • oei l.tcit.l HI 111 hulti r <uvi a cup or t TVO of sotti' hot drink : any tiling heyond 1 that, as cake. pie. chip|H-d Uaf. dough nut* and Uic hk*. only tnopt nature t<> > at w ln n tln re i* r. aiiy in' cai! for it. iht-.s cngi'inicring tiTsp. j.sja ami a!! it* train of evils. Worldly rare. For those who cannot ►pi p from tin- unsatisfactory cufiditiouof th' ir affair*: or tliat tiny are alatul to encounter gr. at tosai s, wiwither from their own remissness, the |>erHdy>ffriend*.or UTravoidalile we have n tlis p and sineet'c sympathy. i'o*u<itwe KV>. live hop. fullv for Iwtterilays ditaii,, ami meanwhile strive diligently, pi r-i stat •ni ly. and with a hniT In art to JJiat i , el>4. Nut the more common cause of risO'i.*-* nights i. that exercise has not Isa-n taken to make til- body tired enough to d-srami shs-p, Fctv will fail to sleep soundly if tlii whole of daylight, or as much th.Tcof as w ill produce moderate fatigue, is spent in steads Work in the otieti air. or on horseback, or on foot. Many spoil all their sleep by attempting (1 fbruomorem nature than *hc requires. Few persons will fail to sb-ep soundly, while they do *!•• p. if tln v avoid sU**p ittg in tlte daytime, w ill go to Iwsl at a regular ftotir. and heroi.*allv nxolre to Up tin' molrn lit they wake, whether it is at two. fovr. or sj\ o'clock in the morning. In l-ssthnn a week each one w ill find how much phvii his sy*tem rf •jtiints: tln reafi' r give it that, and no more.— JlalT.< Ji/urivil </ JJnUUi. The Mlfky Way. Tin- milky way forms lite grandest feature of the firmament. U completely fjwirch* the whole fulaic of the skies,, and semis its light down upon us. accord ing to tin- best tinnervations, from no !e* than IW.OWM**) 'if suns. Tlnx' arc plant'-d ' :il various disltuii'e.s. t K remote to la' nton than little undenthsal; hut their light, tin' imaliiim of qtiirasK for it> transit U> our earth |a riods ranging front km to UJlliO years. Su< h is the sunt of the groat truths revonliai to tis • lis Uic two lierseltels. who. with a zeni : wllielt m> <dist*eie could daunt, have''*- ; pI.HT .l ev'ry part of Ihe prodigious circle, i Sir AVilliam 1 h rsehel. after Hoeoßiplish- > ing his famous section, hclicvctl that he> hail gaugisi tlte milky way to its lowest depths, affirming that he tvuld follow a cluster of stars TT iUt hi* con- ( *truetsl expressly for thr investigation* a* far hack as would require 330.00U years i for tlte transit of light. Hut. prc*unip tuous it* it may seem, we tmiat l>c jwr mltt'sl to dotlht this assertion, ne the t same telescope in the same mnatcrhnnd tvns uot sufficiently powerful I<> resolve even the nchttln in t)ri<m. Nor inu*t we forget tliat light, our only clew to those unseatvhahlc regions, expand* and de composes in its progress, and. coining I from a point so remote, its radiant waves could he dispersed in space. Thus the reflection is forced upon us that new clusters and systems, whose beaming light will never reach our earth, still throng beyond, and that, rhongh it is permitted to man to behold the immens- i , ty he slut 11 never see the bounds of erea- J i The leert Ifrutc*. tlii Ui" I-tlh <if .March. IATH. Air. (imitait (imrt i<*lt lioinhay fur iJki J'er •iiut giilf. with thr intt'htioM (if tr**er*- i ing tin sultan ■ dot it itiioiis, ami ionriting ' for himself the actual (*>nditioii tf ni t .it* resulting front the i urki*h ajr*U't of government, iwophented lijr thewith i drawn! of 'Furkfth Kwrkißi frotn Attin Minor untl the defi-at of the 'lNigkhth 1 . armies in Europe. TYnvellng hlm i-If. Hurt oyer route* seldom traversed 1 except by large pintles will protected. J Ite hitw and eoitT t-rseti with people of Various rail** and ranks. 'Jim chief vlntig. ra ti whi<*h he wan erpoaed were , the jdutnli rtnj{ Arsis and Kurds, WIHUII tlte afwenee of the regular troot*enihold -1 eiied to ro|> at id terrorise nlj the country outsidi the principal towns. At MUSIKI, TIW of (liuan. in Ainltia. lo found a ellv with street* o narryos that U" iugr-fnuMd animaal ' largi-r than i at* or <!ogS txiulil pna* through th< ui. liul w tllisLatuillig llial the t>ta> < Tin* io.tMsi iiihnbitauU ami a i*<u ' Mih r ivi'le tradu. Ihe l>axnrs ai v COS - I 1 Hf-i-tl over, ami are thronged with lle i tl<iuins fr h frtrin Uo' desert Ah were 1 ai no il to the ti . tli \ favorite weapon i*w \ straight, two-handed sword, tie- sweep < uf wflieh would take off a man'* i 11' Hie swordsman 'ari idl ovhi tlieir I shoulders -malL round shields of rhi ! niMs-rw* hide Half a ecnturT agri a small I j nam (MT of the " Ih-ni Ikiu Ali were t- j sa. k'ti bv an English offl'-er and 3.'* troops, w )o n tjo Iteilouiua lusliwl jijgta J tL'lr assaiiaitta, ntol v u'. down 'JdO of; them in tlte twinkle of an eye. Tilts led ' to a iafge ' An- iIU"U nU| frntti Ikiiiibay, whfeii stii'< ecited in d thv KSISTHMRU. 110 Kiiiili uaiikatsi ' i Mus* at has a finger very often in ioou j iusurievnuns, and Miuiimuis a warship; UoW and then to the aid of the ISIIIWM, . tr governor. -Sol tunny y ars ufgi fie i gunboat Teaser fired oor lite town at a ! crow <1 of liedotjins wI to hail taktai a ' j oi(ioii ob tlte hill* near the oity, with ' '' iIH- intention of MH king it. Tlo Araiw i *nid tlie slo lis had (yea, ntol could *.*• where to fall, since they were out of tii'W <-f the atrip behind the hit!*. A NII<II fr-il in a field ami did not explode, whereupon il was surrounded by Ute , j Itcduuin*. one of witotu struck it* jter eussfon cap with a sj"'r, l>eiug de- U'lmiio dto put out its eye," tin- eye hy which it hat! Mr-nil* way hi their , | faisiUitii Klcvttii uf their tt ila paid the [ pr ttailT fur this *ih(Uia> piece of \ imlie t tiveness Two forts, eatii-d Jalali <w the t.lirrious. ami klriaui, lit* name of a lillu. hee got oritur, prolsvt llw I . uwUti ad I At tniHw UitsM- fort* are on I sad term*, ant! lilac* awav at each other aerrew th harbor and in front of the town, to Ura ' ( gr-at detriment of husinea*. Fort -laiah 11 not long ago fired on tie town prorata , * ttotisH until lrottght Tijt rpmon by an KnfMsl. runhbat (*iirm mean* gevurity or M-ttusl |e ao*. Mr Gusrv'i mlv< ntuos and ohaerrm • tioin haTc Inen hw-ut'rl in Iwok-fornt un tler th< Ul'.u "Through Asiatic Turk<-y.' Mot ing Hay. " Motiag day, with aii it* att ndant horror*. i at hat Ml. mnt ,liun<-*. visiter day et< uing, " ami I dun t is liow I tun I'ITI rto ret through with it It brings nothing nut work. w ork, work." ' " Why, ye*." rcplb-d firnmifitth'-r • Urkshingir "iti* a u-crihly tiay for tt* pear men folk*, ami no mistake See-in' as how this dre'ful d.\v luv* rollnd Around an liailsrtsl tm wt >-r lite hwld an' hra ling p.iU upward irf a ItlgirirrTl giurt, 1 otia'd know a lilllv, s> lu> liliti al-rUI tL. li urkl W 1 Hhuulii say so. (at up in th< luorniii' m-forv i>ri*kia*l, *1: nroiui-1 til' t s rtauty, tkea gat a#' oil tt*. wn town after a wagub And right here 1 w ant to -u*y that tin slmiulm (Ae , initun of a million ih .tars in g-iid ott<-re.i ii) the l'nit<*i Ntai.w goverauient to tin rtiAß that timls aw ap.n when lie wwnta it !ia* never ho-n elaiinevl No newta) r man err-r tind* a wngon with.nit lnditr 'nunti aw itoje soiisre, an' j-*t thi* kinrl of w..rk i* knocking year* and y ars J u*-fuln' -* otrt of *,.nii! of ourhtt ytfling men Weil, after the d-nypined wagun u htujtd. you must gitv tin driver Tour , I <oi as well as your new address, as the [ paj-ers nay. iti nl that"* < ucugh to lircak . any ordinary utnn's ba< k. Its this lium jtiu'r* pretty wail faggrsd out, an' you send tlw- wagon to the le Usr, while Vuti go off viow ti tow n alaiut your bnsinews. - I an* yoar wife fnuslw-s up nhsicor tittle • oi.ils an w.d tlenv max !<• to tin wlwiai tlte movin' <* dreVtil, <lre'ftil.' an" it rai*<- the h )!ti r Tm my hand* to think afit " And graadfatliiT l*-wi-d hi* ag*l llitui nil hit cant' and groiunai.—fmrtie r h.Ua Enghiref. Thr t*h)lr-sl t'snutni. It lias ) sntd liiat " tlw I >I is tisr wuhi' uf lit- it ts sa tral. lie- auane .4 .111, w uti 1 Orate 1 No htc, that is to say .uo umiUiy ti ' aue .an iw grurnt'ed firnti tntpur* likwi. no ioigaa <* thr una normally purfurti. ti* fnuiiiwh- *ln ti au|ifiUad with uujsue ttiuud llw dut.l tliat BIHHIHI carry life atal 1..5.1 th to •vary |*uT .arus .ihi) <aahi.e auU ilieaas- Hl<s.i i. t !*■ e'srvv ut life uuiy ahu it uspurt- I If it law i**-. *s.i titserLsud, it u.issT Ih, i lwiwl - i byr |.ruj.r nus!.a,,'-n • ' t try J*lhsrlslil if tfic tiviuinn hnart M'tuis a av* .4 through tlw system. lu cltwu—• <ha hk*l .4 altiinj irilm. ii>r l)r I'wrci a r-"bleu Mnls-ai ! Diwovi.y au I l'inuhtil l'uiyptitv c 1 VIP-r*. tii'i ' iiscwt ritiTSiial alirratiw bouic aial ratkartsc renwdi w-t Jim*< ITS!. Tlmy am cs)<ociaily 1 .'(Uriciit in "-.Tufidt-us .h-asvss Kooililus two W iusy In tlia tssliiy iiio tuiiusiu wben the livqr get* i' rwitol uoler. t oitstquitioit. Jysjtia. cunthtni- j nation of llic hlrss!. iin|*-rt*-l as-nMilsrlon are eertam to Mvsite, Jtut it i* .*>v to pr,*iit • these rs.nsrspieiH-e*,are! mjnuvr ftn-lroauw, hy llWetter'K SlAtiitdi llitterX. which stinvulat'w the In!wry tirgrvlt and rrstpiLvto* it* action Tie ilirert renh U a iliaaptcwrtuice uf the puns bet truth the rita and through the ' ahoiiliTrf'Mlfcb- the tm.iMin hewhw he*, yellow. ne* ot the shin, ftjrrtxl look 'rf" the tongue, art, 1 , sunrtslor ./the breath. whicfirfianvSenrhlnt-r 1 (swup)ninl -sound iligeuthm an.l a regular 1 lml*t of Is sty arc hUwenga also -er-nrad hy tiw | u-e "f thi# "*-!etuTtsl r\s<*ti*e uf hmtth. wiisdi „up*ri a degree of Tigor to the body ■ ' sdtii-h ts its !! gu irsntee i 4 lt*y trr-m nta !.*na! e; nlen.n s Nerre verikTse* ah f OTur tewlMt art reltero! hy it. anj it fnq-rxwoa huth apjs-tfte and h<ep. W twit neglcrtiul tif tiir duty as-igner! to it by s nature that nf swretttiti the hde. the lber shoiihi !* dier'i i?rw*l with ftr. Mntft Vegeta l.le IJver Tills, wfiich will specifly it* uiaetiov and t.tuujate t to v tpTjsst* ja-rfucm an<-e of its Mvrrthy fliuctioc. Oonstipathut, ' wlurh is nn inTariable aceomjsuitment 4 fiver ialways i>\mmie In- this pxsit ant!- ' iuhort* cathartic, ntid indigeetion, chrvmie aud ' acute, i itmij 1.-tclv rurvsl by it. All druggists | a, ti it- CIIEV T!in I'debraUal * M*rv iili *a " W.S.I Tiq; I'mg ixHIVVH. Tux PtosaK* Tv'it*eeJ Court*!, Ni "i ork. Ihototv. and Chicago. ' i'raiir |jrt o among the inuat <li*tingguabeii , •of inueeuan* in tin- world lie nsue and unrew a Masou .X liautim i v vlrgao. ana j r>>- , iHiuiH in it " tuatcUhwvs. " nuriv nlrsi.' styling tl "this tuagnifViciit ami to ui so prvviou* in- . struturril. 1 Uvire euuhi h.vnii v !*■ iughur pntts*-, or fmui oiutnetU laitiamly \ FAT OKKIII K Nmotm II - - I'ha gvaai repu tation of " Rrrtwn'- Bronchial IVoehi-a " fur the relief of t'ougiis. t. ..Id* iud Tltroat PL- Wa-c- has given them a favornlile notoriety Pweiitv five . ents a laix. Till! MlKkFl. saw Ton, j Heel fNttie— We*. StaMvea, llva t 'a- y 1 t'.leew Milk 0 <t * IB pMBp .... M M asS ■ l.Uile tW- . 0 He#- l.tvc ot • id Pbaal m # in . Yiotlr rv Mlate. goM to fancy. *tm c# S FC* W sat. VII, jfoc tla I sa<T. • ... * HP at i ' Wheat— Ka. 1 U- 1 I i* < 1 IS , ' TVltitr Sigite. .1 It i-s 1 UN Kre Slte CO . #J Harley ro ltownt MKte *0 a Wt tvtrn-Ui.*r<tw.i Westi-ra Mlteil.. . ** .a " tS'iUkeru Yali. *** Osta- - Wlove Ki>t„- .. !ti te to Mid Western. . . siy* ; llvy ltcl*ll rtrs#c- . IW .4 T ' Hiri* -h'Hit Kv*. t*e est .4 h# 4A t llo( state, tww erop i* rt 1* borV—Me# 9 4 *l4 l.vr ! City slostl! .... f.,4T t* v 4 f-T , l'l-trolensi -Crti'lc . .. "i**Vi itcfloe.! - 9N Wool jrtatc n<l Pcna. XX SB * -W Illllter—Rtsta Cresalcsy I'i .4 1# i' r l? ** l ; Western Creamery...... is i- 1' FoMoty hT . IS Olifose State Ftrtory "i ta -*N Kktm* ... 08 4* oi Wosiers F*ctory 'J l* flH>y , Euk* SUtasud isnuwytvania 14 l.iy, I'lttl.AlllU.l'HtA. , 1 Flour—lVnn. nhkw sad fancy.. ft 00 i( JOO . Wheat Ivun. He.!. ..... 1 lly* I IS Amter 1 14N"< ' fijre State. *0 * MS t.Vrn State Ytl.>w 44 ( 44 Oat. 3 t* s l Tt utter Creamery Kites. Jft is 'it ' Cheese Nl * yt'lk Factory.. o*y* O*N I'rtrolrutu Crnde Irt-Ji*##', R, ntud—OXN trrnut. Flour rittr tkroun*. No. 1 btiriu*. 4 14 4 74 VVti.-aK mil Winter...... 1 09 rt 1 10 Corn S'rw Western SONt*' 8!) O.t. State "... 8J W 33 j. Ilarlev -Two Reweil State X IW (a| A# t • BOSTON. I , Ueef -Cattle. II * wet <ht Itikt* 07 N i Sheep hike* ; U.ifc-S WS, Flour—Wlaoomrtu an<l Minn, hat .. o o (IfJl Corn- TLac.l and Yellow. 47 64 4* ' (Mt*— White -sr.. .17 (M 4 | Rve —State Oft .41 M TVool - Washed. C.iuihttig k Dcialne. 25 h* 3* t'pwaahed " " '4l ig 3*\ , ' tutiotrroN (ijusi.) o*l*l.* w*wkkt. Jteef- Cattle, live w#i|rt,t • o*'*rt 1 5V J ' Rbeep * rt ll* La mil# Oft * 0* i l t4,N<* if 1 ' jmaa* Mr tmnvmMi* It* SCudlUg UIUIJ-llMOll'U, *itli t|M|hV it..r r>f and oatr, Jon WW r<*ia Uy r turn tiiol oerrftrt ptMrtrmfftptj * yt*f ftrtiu* ' 4 Imlftid <* *it, with iian.a ftnd <W* °* ■Jf 11 rW Addra— W. roft. *. • !*•* . FdTtAn*ttlf, NY __ A (liam M* >*rt Siaty ftdykPWL Ha rink 4 Bull fTnrtmmTidwwo KANSAS All a'.*nf lift KM, r HU kMftnrtM. PiraWMa U* i Ml n* •* a mam ifc U t aiwr, i • lw|*r ... r. In IU MUI ~rt ruatpal-l 1 aw*.. Wr 4 Idnq KI'IMOX 4 ,* i\U, Tt.jk IIMM ■la* <pi!. k'i taken a hjrti T* 1 *" •**>'> mnVllMtra I t *#— *V 4* faaa*Mr*ll4 *ii*o 1 D> i<**l "f 'MI! ■. t.nut'r* ami ■rfl.f 7r *4*ri.t*nl i tt.r *M r-.uti-mi fmamr. Pint*, Imu ltia I T'lrudi i'.J I" , niui I u .■k J IU-11/1> 'lmaui uw I lIMIWI -malt ..f lH4r "Hal- -** u IHwd ****1 Mill* . /.#- .)! aft r u.a*rtul.( ,'*m II a Uli L*UU ' •< aft. rxsi C iaei if ua- Wiftl*fii rt.o)i*!i • i. I „ . Cook's European Tours. I M**fa Ill*r>.44<<ft A ft"ft Ibr war# . tala.aipM 4*l*l abj Tti'.V.rUfal** MtUUI<l Idol a*.r amu.ftA • *rw* M ' hjri rlul ondm I'trlte* I T.I tMuM a4 Uir Lmiwi.i Itftta if Kaaaft rlrf >ll (iirillWft, | ft! -W H>. ijiiii -Wit B'f fHtirW pdajltW ftwllitaa* Lrarta* >'. Vi all una. ft * ftM! auat* I o.,*>lu. tvw a' 4 4t iWM.i.4 411. COOK S TOURIST TICKETS. i >•'!'. ~ *(,• (ill ftrtll aaJ Uoft "T ; ti. .a* r ■ <>f *nut a laamwr la auft I *• f- .a I. . • *. • IV I * 4 * j Üb< Mul. 1 I!., ft ur.d rb 'l' loeuel lb u-ali. .liar. *1 ' *:rtlf atwa a*, audi* ■a* a-' "PMrHi*" Il* |im. i . an* r* air *1 .i.i rtaj* win <i M' ■ lljr | u.. iM4r to tfa.r I ..Flba .* mlkftiaM fOU IN I ,i al.ift>*li K-iHb ■ -l. • "■ 4" • Tlmina. I'iM.h A u, 4ftl Rtuatfnay, f.Y DEMOREBTS Illustrated Monthly Magazine. ! Wbhan-llHia lai ITW . im ftlli. U In imviUnhnliMiHl ... !1- ua u * trwwu. me. iimoitKsrs H hal la H rat, amlalMal. I'i.rUalla ul I aWilua, wail.aaaft.l. Jimlual, i|iiulrrl). j ft! tf.r ,•• i . .... Ch.. t" nr llu]lar.. fta. ftf.r , t. .14. W Jl V MM.. |.| M|.RK>T IT ftaal Iftu. fr*C *W Tftrtb ftln l bam. *JV*! Tue |Sii .wi.amt !Ah| I uDNUIftIXIh sjpf Chairs and Rackers r S I Ipp. l(ft**'V **l- ftfti* ,r (11 laU Ml. > 1 t'-vu J* ! •''?"*r* % ""Svt(T rMr t — a V aI *4 ■.. HiV.b r.hi-I ". i alan.p f..r C.u* "r-o* '***• 1 1 .ar** I' ft v |\i,!.ft 1 h M miuft X V ; RtKt 1 Hl< iiund lumKi'oHiK aiT.r i. uKm sn rrh ttsr hina ... •4 'H >i#l|tA4* •-t* MJi ft**, (f 4 LM.4sm,' ..< 4 r-* *.v tt.*- vt el!* ' t lit M 4 t.U>^q I i.ft- |hTi. li > UriSa u.l tAa* • 0el ■ > u **•.- ?' li j do al IJ. M !.* I a) I *! r ' ' tl>ftTK* AT ftWU i3ws 1 I IIMM .V Han. 1 .ti P.a*.iknftt Ji—aaunaia :; ?*'•' 14 . —... a. Jn*t Out. >• ;! HDARTETTE and GLEE BOOK FOR MALE VOICES. ■m K. It. II % I 1.1 4 auft . ft. WniTK. Tbi Bftftlt. l!.a a . all. ' 1 .1. r< Wftß.'f | Vtt !ai. li. 11. aul ffa a', a... |, b. Iht •* 1. i. fft.. a ' a. ft . 1 tlr .ti l , v t|4( Alttl ft! P'.aaT lorft a! I 1* 1 V7..1M. ftalii r. 1 aa-fr<-r 7ft rl. ft t I. I liaUftfaa I H <1(1. < M.lkt t:. Hogint' Imp. Ironino and 6endral Utility • TABI7E, l . * TS>. TrUTI Wl tll.l I. fta. .. .(• ft aula .4 r' I: nlflil Tlw ftwftl Mb l. 1 fc- I*. —Mia. *' I%UV. (*lt> it i ftftrr to vn ' . ra!. - iat.l. lift. Ttftl.l ft,ft aaa aft *...• atu aaal [ I ftaxi—' J *ft it !'J..r—tl.'B *< f nwftjt la trf. .<r* laiti!M :iMui.a a.Uttl ilua ft U -.!** I > Ift. 14.411— W, K y Uir HOMES A ' ' ft vr iM laws !AH(t > at r at • *i at f .it M K St ♦ lH'tt i *.•<* un tt'iirn Um * rift M**. I' 4 ju*f*rlo N * Mif M !>• m£\n IriJlatm uifT iu Jr*r* 1 !%-•>: lu,- Kl- !'* • -muts .ft- at*:.,/ 1* tOW 4 Ulll lIwULIAU<OHIMAVft fit U 4 'rnr a Si K*r Rp l ■ Ant Jknir,^S? . ft .j* * Um 4jm ap. W*a i/f M*.or HI rv. I-nrre au*. af.K*. I u.. aL.Tim.JI4r. CURED FREE. I | 4n lr npiftftr int nnrir. 7.a.aft. fa J I I Ha.l |.il. —7 u I ialUlMrft4rktr*i M tiai unlrtf ■ . * .. 1 I'kKii I YIPA " fir* lata! IJI •• T Bi! I I IIIM* r. Maftni I— a Tftlutii. I I ,\ ■ x Ll ' - I f liia r 0 aft.J Ki - ■ V'lM fcl l-4. • Pa I! .. R.MIT |%ft|-...- il-a.l Nrw Y.wft PASXLUIS MfAMTtO TOR THE TPTfITU A T HISTORY wm WORLD 51 CO—lan. T4 tit* lift— *1 raftirl*. mm-. IM ML-f# . U' r-i rtttrf. ► i! I* U iu>a. ioß.nlrt' } H4 o . f U . H . '*l nr? vU U M VI dfelt J*r >. fur *pvnr pn*-* n4 U•% tirMi THE NEW YORK SUN. I 4TT.4 . I I*. . M • a M .Vli uu *1 Mlftt.kju... >l.l|.tf I I la 1.4 .ft IM. -a 71 •im Till ftl N • (II uaKt , atrl ft Ift. au l tii-ftl Itili r.-al 'ft pal** la tb. l"t. Irs! s y 4 '* _ Till 44 r.T.KI.V ftl\ la H..p!.a-. .a.a I!* |av 1 (.. 'a *•! ' ; u r\<,tft.M' r. s 1 t t< MQLLER S m CQD-UVER Oil la Jftrfrstjy pijr* llan, >uiir3 Lhr haft try Ui' hift ftulixint— mlbftwrvta it mm li>*U— TfJ* | I Ka t A> I THK TtMK "H.r VT!Y t- at dLtft fPQI ttA at lU'.f .If 4 * iwtia 4 ml Hratpw '**• nrfrl to (**ub r>4 Mil IMPKJCM a HAW.U i'kW. firm I. -v - r*tx Tkr rTt Amrrican Tr CnmpanT, II ami XI 4'm> MlftH. Yaw Vark. r ti. it** 4iu. t Soldiei^-Pensioners. * *• pul uu • pat** -'Tut NariJAnA Till! si )• * \o \ Y' U:r untr*i*t f *L .*fSrrl *4n4imS; i flHf brff>' I4ftj; 4 1 . F>. "Yt t tpTa"*.*! , r 4 -rißrrt tr> A pOSf 4 W Af4ircf a dp u*W< U mU MUu • n? • hk h ntm* fl>i to IN Iimi 4 * With -t 4#uu*m tuitntyr* v yw imrtj tvn) VH l I IJCtIOX S W. AA ~v t -> i IU v . rTTTni^nina V >lV' m Vur*. . ; Si - ] f • ali t I K-4 hftat "r#Rf A -• f*t. til WRViIJRITN t - Mr- lup' .tPuTi- m - IRI TH lb MISnT) . .I-rr.t::— / r iinna.r M.44. TWI '■ ft4i' KATKI- I I*hlh4 *TT4 lllftTamn 41. 44*itlKft. 1 T'hf Uft iu. S4\U%u S1 S4 —f ( rv*nU <<sW .Ml.'.ft*', jt? fTrtif B4f 44 f It'W* rltlSrs 4r • • f 1. TYr |i ft *|*l 4 . f s 4t*n Hint.**4 ct th* iw** i* * u Thr kmltLlSh. ftrni two. |ki f*f tx- k of rtrruln"* t* Kra*i y Uur flu hit*>l*l. In 1 /■ Plfl|flQ*' 40(A •WO-f*iPr T It InnUW wht* - i.u tif*t homm r ,f44a In AT"Trtri..l!,in in mr> Pt.nn 0 M*"t in tfjmfta-trvf. Mt*(t>VL - V>—- >■* I*iA#Ch. K IMhstrwrnt .\. I*H.4 It I V VI Hi:. Ii:*UIUU # ▼ P!>f \ wj-F R. :ii !t nntarr* tiYi* ' kin w u *p4 ti I tvr 4 1 u.3U. A- >> 11.-fti* . A Cnikr' St. r.-u.- T■>'* •St .cthur* A r.-4. t*t,V.v:* A SnPth. l ->n. Kl 14- M*> UAf Aw t iiv. !<• M tpm K. * ftlMni* 1-L'">t Thr itHWt l*pulsr uf (h ilrjt. __ .p, r 1 —( *• iir ■• i in 1. -1, * I KAN. k-V allVlßJftbi 111 kuo c Mali* *- llilaan r ' r - ■ > . ! a . u..b •.• aki -1.1. bftl-l 1 a.f!a*liftt*-jv4 lll | 4i* . .rpla't ft S.t,-1 uir srii . nlar. Ki>n* * ;i •** - *J\ Y. P r. * iifftT. I a X*. 1 4 (.aaial 1 car ft., Ir. V„* wii.iir ,• ft IT I ™ in l "a , !ln,..!uiirl ri.i.*iai ftnftlv. * 1 n .-Ift-r ca. -ufairf. tliaw* Mi, • air .!.■• lir Ti -anariVl altb.r P■ p. 11. Ik4iiln rH W4' *T T.'fta iimfftrilft *||| l > i*! M a I 1.1 M, V 37 a . .1 All , tl< I'll!- ll.jit. Pa ftitu kM nl'BllV PI.IYT4. A al Ihrr* kliuli \"i M .ft * U • ft*. 4i. !('•. Chrtkflr. at f.l. ta .t >l* i ..S vtft a lor n*> Free l>> mail at w . intr-.l * rt •- !• ha E tuira. \Y. V 3UNC R' :N ■ tmmrtt; Nvm erm cßaraWtr*fl a utMjtr jctua t .up. A"J4'' •* H, Vai'ila|v. Matisy Wl4. n——t * -Tk .r • ,'titw i KIDDER'S PABTIUF3.•, n.:j. :'"r; w jnt k*arir*v rn. Ma*.' T®S?r , Alllllkl Ilia till V ft 4a If* lllarßtra. Th ft OPIUM Saai* 4 ran XT a *"•• *>v fn "nit ! ■ si ..f-Ml rr*il* a..'ft. • P, .all'' nl->, aA.lrraft ft# ( haapannaa A. €'..U<i.ltati In l-iflu YlllflU 4 ,4I4.>TU ki:eiiM44fti>tra 34la.*t lliaif*lV -I" ill" "Willi anr )inpl< frrr. ftlviaftw Man— JAY |<KP\SON. lit! .UL Jlnh. ft. -y 4 11*1 if 1.4,11- ,f, rlh.. KtrraMa *K / Y tailor. 1. .. - li IIIUUVI I"; " A'Ltp aa y # nifl r** 1 Kill '■ ■ (Ml Mitir (I*4, wllll M *4isr 1 IT M'aifi'n St.. 70a. Mam (IIIBKTKk WMII'K PUIS for >. .W> *ia*S fri.ia LiftHlaiwinvk Brahma*. iT.lMlivrdi.t4lb 1> BK.4C MrtVt CIAY M>at f!l'lt4f. Pa. ftj I 1 IT I * ft, S.-aal J. r ait Snft raw us U4. WiuJfta -a 'n ! rxp.-na-. fim-iuilaad !•. Airman ♦J? i # OutfllpM. Miaa iCuAu., 'ti Malftt $3300t A & tftmwSf" MUSTANG i Survival of the Fittßsi. k i 4 riniii nnicim tit ait rutn f . aiUIOII* W*IM M TK4MI ■; lEHCifmiOIHIT. : '• 4 ha irM rom itwywowd or MAX ASP BE4AT! S| THE OLDEST A BEST UMMEVT : SALES LARGER THAJt E7BL Thft MptV— MM—MCUaIMimH wn Aftaaarti Owii lldrty . >• APiri us fb* tHPt m Ji i ntwYMWm, *f Maa anal He—t. Mm mtmrn UaaUy w i lanur iaan ryrr i ur nTM * mSftni nalTand p4arti*W *la, tma4m and luum-lr, Ul Ufa UTJT liuat, Boi( j arvcO* laoTv " i I I THE BEST MUSIC BOOKS. TP PM3G?ojmS: i. ! Elllmoiml fli extra rtrfMHwl • AraftMs, • f l • riW44 Jk aappciMh U*. A* FaHSM iMiaHri a 4*rat- Wiflf oTniSlWlilsWß®* I*** |fh%{ftMW. KafSrS-* SiMl Klk^ I e.K ST'.'.* r'-^-^STKCi | j 11 ift ul II r Iftai liiii.riatrwfta/.* al! CWftr*. tnmtrr Mmmtr.' t.ttmtrr t arnlm J / fjufrr tHthrmm ftt iaalWrUHt (aalalaa l> ft fcolnd*rmlarlM. <MI I tuabj pa <mr> —j la Bu-btuftrsl Ma—la IrTWm * ( ><*>U Uaatn IB 4**rMjr ,l tfaMT * . l.oai.llan Attfil ! a—aftl. I—MiM .Mari'ft, lalftA Km K aialt*lrBrUJ i tl-. a*—*>l ouwl-f ut a* mil Imru Kara— Is I fftt • Ha<l fa*. iM—*aaftlwat. _ Hlrharil.M'a 4rft Mrlhwl fr <W Wifl 8 i ibSft ;• r crLzvtLzzznLZ ft 1 aatada ut I -fju-a taaft .ur u fta) 5.4 UMtflnf/af Wat /"raof OUI 44 iIT*OM 4r <.. . , (. 11. IllTftO* *... . _ , ft 43 Hioad—a , ■—* 4 ark. j.k. iiitMii* 14. _ . . IIJI ' hraljirll ftlrrrl. - |Mm ■ H t I Ti m 01GAI CO. Flr*a IknaMMud I >a* t——al I ft i TIIKIK IXSTKI MEVTS haa a Stand— TaJW te 01 w j I<w . -. * Leading Markets Of the World! 1 * • I ImnPnwwpiml a* WBT tf rm* OVER 80.000 in ' Mailt and In nar. Xfh M|s> nuawtaatfy IM. * R <jr\ 4Ud lx<r*i Pyvwm s** s £ - , **T sOt^uCMFa ] Trtioit St f mm St. BdstM. Kiss. I QAPONIFIEP " I la 14a 010 KrllaU* laßaaalralad U* ; FOB FAMILY SOAP MAKING. i liiBBMBM aam narf am tat Mia* Uaf* * ■ 1 Sufi aad Yfiatatnoat- qnlr kit. , rr /.* frti WK/HT A*F> .-nuavra L; Ti.. Haiti 1* rw-i.iaf nfc ft-n'M 'aiu at— ai ft j 1 '• eiut la adel WaW# a a*4 and nraui aaw —al ■ SAPONIFIER 1; , H *l* Mr Tt ij I'fuaailiuii Nail l>M#t tr M |4|a|jMMH|an^^|dß4B— 4mMuJ| * T' WILBOmt CJQMPOUMD Gf PITRE COD UTERI , LOIL AND limeJ I To thr l anaoaaplln,. - WNNar'a Paw* •> la* i aifta W ; fta ial*aUaa;; ;*.**■ a>.in( ai* tali* ,1T ib 4 amrfr a* bprftuPift* a—4. la K * ma—l 1- 14* PS • at Urn a Wa * aaaft— - inirli a wrtra njirra tha iSI .liab!, rtfrmfvt M— i ftlaaa. Maun*, na* af hilNfWta V*d by * i Fur Hr-aafF P4>!Mb sarin* LftN r. a wn.ara. rthUA, MM* urai' nana 4ft. lUaaia L*a4 AbtYTa 44.4STKU lt)H "BACK FROM the MOUTH OF HELL." la* una who ha* tweu thcia : ; "RISE and FALL of the MOUSTACHE." Ha 111! PuPniwauii llaarkpir Immortal. Samantha as a P. A. and P. I. Br J,—la! 4 '■•' ifr. Tlir ahrra tmchlrai and tvM-wrllln* b.wka out Afpna*. <ou Ift* ral Wrra '-ml* In . vrrraliri*. Baal Una* slam. Aoakrn*.Tgr Aaroi'i'. IKKRIC AN" fIULISHtXO I"<| Hilfv.M iM : aXV-a*... 11l 1 WARREV IIFV CfWiTA • V li JUMP nor!r>4 !*•■——. I*l*l B l* !*-*• I'AKIF KXKa.-lTlO>. I our .11 amrrlv.a r...,.!,,■" T-alr FI.EXIBLN HIPPfK-ftlT linbuaaai la a aaaaaraa —*l 4. or* aw Ihrllpb Prlratb**. TbrU .YWT ( i i/sJßts ~ . \M§ISJ)r ForaakakvaHlaaniacaiarrtiaal*. ;, TAa*KR *KO*~ Sil Crva<Tty, X. T. Mhsiiu .V II tl 111 I ill (tifiinpl Orjran* Ift nn—tralaa* !n*4 I* KIUIIKST -<>M>K.* ST ALL ! WotU-UT t M'uaU'.lbW KUH TWLkVK \ LA Uir. !*.; . *| PaaiviaaT. Vaaraa. Saataaiii. ITS. PMa|ftti ran l-H* Paicia IT. aali.aui. ftnr,'* ilnr. Uraii i-T* ij ilj jLardaiiiiuaia ry ** mid HaKrai hnn ui ardiir aaiPh S.vil ft* ..-aah <>r It't."inriiTa lut a -I.IUU. i'*i.ifti i. -vni tliKuiaif ink "r* a*".*. in frT. .\Tl<!ii*i A lILMI.TX OKCXn CO.. atuaton. .\w AaTl ..rl'l airu. k. of p. irflSrfiiifil Lao of E. SnpHH made n ..rdar I , *.C. till*.* * Co.. CMamtm, ■ UAm. 'H.I /or friar lAmta SqjkaTya-a Tlrtmeni* Oooda.Baanera & n*fa | 5^ * 1 F lal Pr Brtjilil - !.' •■ K!du4V Bla 11.11 1.11 ■ ill ,irf and I'r aara' Uiman a Dia- I 1.,14 ft. lirnviu al. • £f'dP>-.| __ niS d l" Until a Krim alj-. in Paladin III*- Bark ftkte < f Loan*. ■ V Lialujbad 4 er|* Lea I, A|qe- N|% f!tr, llcn-ra' fkbUUji arl all AM - liftMP-a rf 14* RlrtliPVU. ft.Adapt and l -ttiaa liriime an iU/rdli.Hin**'*Kainr.clj. Plir!<-i*n pr. aMhr Illliil'k It'-iliPdy. ,id for pimpblplL) WM E. i;l A KKF-. Pi'l valence, k. I. i Faslsry of IlUj • zrenaua, of allr • alarara eoflßiaia*w*o to ealY —* aaw and erunder ul invenlioiia. *_ on a. u( ( aaju o- I!- free. Addre* KHSI.MAS A!*., -.eftalt, Mlek. mmimsssm ' A ddrpaa BAXTER A CO., BanLera, IT al! gl X. r. mctloYAAY.iNi.iNiovi' ' m 1 ltr. FooU'a HrnJth Wotilhly,. Ny- .MB Miami Bill Pva. Co lffiE. atKh BL, Xr*\-itk.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers