The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 24, 1879, Image 5
the ckntke reporter. Cotr 11*11, P*. Th'r*d. Apr. 24, 79. WWTirm# —s2per year, when paid in ulvance ; tl.fd) when not paid in advance. Advertisement* 2tVf* per fine far three in. tarpon*, and hcents per line far every sub sequent insertion Adrertisrment t by ths year at a liberal discount. Ssibseriher* outside the ceunty should re mit u* cts, amount af ane vtar'* pal* oca, i net end p/2CVf as formerly when paid by themselves. Subscribers can always tell hose their ar ramts stand at the Reporter otffct by cn suiting the tables on fanir papers, (f the table reads "John Koa 1 jan *6'' if manna f tiaf John is indebted far subscription from the I*f af January, \B7fl. and that it i* fimg hs soas paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. —-Clothing mada to older at New- Binn'sby ont of tba bott tailor* from Phi! adalphla. Kq Sbannaa hat ramotad hit of. flea to tha baab building. 2nd floor. ——l\ iatar paapad ia oa u again latt Friday morniag, IA. sprinkling tha aarth whita with tnow, producing the utua' amount af tlusb and mud. to wa ara ltd ta think by tha niaa. warm aunthina an Monday and TutsJny, to walcoma to all A good, hanait wagoa, buggy, or carriaga, cat alwavt ba had af J no. T Lao. Cantra Hall, who patt out tarn# of tha bast work in Cantta county. Talaatincs A Co racaiftd two car loadt of flat Peach.blottam and Karl* Rota Patatoaa from the watt thin week. Ward Rithal had a buggy aoatid nrably dnmagtd an Monday, ia thit towa, by hit hart# running off, Ruckett for a..hilling a piaca at Yalnutiun'i Duncan A Son hern opened their ttora at Spring Mills, at tha aid Duncan ilaad. Mr. Gaorga Millar, formerly land lord at Old Fart, takat cknrgt of tka Spring Mills hotel, Valantir.a't expect to gel tame mora 1 (hilling CoflTea thit weak. Tbatr it •< wara *a largo thay could not tupply a 1 ' tbair cuttomert. ' Come oen and jet good Photo graphs made at T R Nerri*' Paetcgraph Kems. Centre Hall. Ha! woaderftal, that great lot of new Clothing jest uaoackeJ by Newman the King Clothier- Well, he beat* all, geU ahead of all, eelle cheaper than all, and bat the best aid largest assortment of all. The rush at the Beehive has beta to great that Bauiand hat been obliged to go east for another *tock of good*. Lookout for the aew stock. The Beehive has ta kaa all hy turprita by iu exealleat ataort men; aad low prices Mr. WilbwrF. Else aad Miti Ida, daughter ef Rev. M. P Crotlhwaite. were married Tuesday avaaing. April Bth, in the M. E. church, Mentoanville, the bride* father officiating. Rev Cresth waile was formerly ef thU valley ——Any thing in the hardware line, al ways to he had at J. 0. Deiaiager* at the very lowest figure*. Go to Johnny Pewer* A Sea, if you want to *e the grandest assortment of hoot* and shoes in this couaty, and re eeive square dealing, aad get mere for yeur mosey than elsewhere. Their stock 1* the best manufactured. Go and see Power*, hy all meant, before purchaiiag elsewhere. Go te Green's who is the oldest end most reliable druggist ia this county, if you wish fresh and pur* drugs aad medi cines, fancy articles, or choice fitbiag taekl*. The Ceatre Hall Marble Works sre BOW prepared for orders. Mr. Guest bes worked in Philadelphia, and is prepared to d* work equal to any in the city. Ea courege the new etterprize. Mr. George Foast, of the 7 Mts., was taken to Bellefoate a faw days ago, to be placed ia safe keepiag, having lately shew* signs of iaiaaity, and seemingly dangeroas- Gaerg* had been sick, and his preeent deraagement may have result ed tboreferm He will no doubt be taken t* the asylum. The Republican says that the amouat of logs to be aawed by the Loek Havea lumbermen during this season will loot up almost fort* million feet. Thirty four millions we be sawed by feur firms The shipments by rail are ahead of last year at thie time, but ae the canal opened fully two weeks earlier last seasea than this the total shipments by rail aad canal shew a decrease of 1,031,000, John M iller hit resigned his posi tion as clerk in the store of Isaac Guggea heimer A Co.. ia this placo, aad intends going into the lumber business. John was a good clerk, aad w* wish him suc cess ia the future. His old place (ia the store) is now being filled by Bruee Lin gle ; thie is Bruce s first trial atstore keep iag. and we are pleased to say is worthy *f lb* name he bears, (clerk). Give him a call. A Faitxa. Tbonoit world's fair comes off ie 1883, and ia the meantime H. D. Goldaae will hold a fair in ready meds Clothing, to heat aay thiag ia this or any other ceuaty, for best goods, lowost prices, and largest assertment. Opposite the Brock erhofiT boust. Every farmer needs Fitihugh'e American Hay Elevator. It will save ful ly one-half the labor BOW expended in un loading aad stowing or staekiag bay or straw. Every farmer knows what this saving is worth in lb* hurry aad beat of harvest. It costs but little. It will last a life time. It ie fully guaranteed. Any parte that may he brekea by fair treat ment, will be replaced free of cost. Jan. B. Lke, Centre Hill, is agent for this Elevator. • 10*pfe Get yeur dried and canned fruits nt Seeblors,headquarters for all kinds efgt*- eeries. Goods warranted fresh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and Honay, a aura curt for toughs, colds, croup and early stages ef consumption Try it. Phokkix Pictoral has been in general use for fifteen years and nearly all who began to use it then continue its us* iet. Price 25 coats. For sale by J. I). lurray, Centre Hall. 20*p las Godey, for May, it on our table. •ad tuited to tht menth—grtad in all iU department*. ▲ PorPLAR Soxo.—Tbe Minitrel and Concert troupt art all tinging Will L Thompten'i ntw Soag and Caorui, "Gold en Yeari are patting by." There it it* tuch a inania for tbit betutilal piece that dealer* can acarcely cat them fatl taough te tupply the deanaad Evary lever ef a pretty tone will want tbia piece. Send 15 cnt to the publi.heri, W L THOMPSOX & Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. Perbap* the fuaniett object it the mat who tptndi bit firti day in a newtpaper office. He trie* to appear it i* be bad been in a aewtpaper office all hit life, buttoane how he doein'tteem to feel eaty. There teB to be teo many boart in bit tbad. Wonderful, what bargmiat are bad at the Standard Clothing Hall, ia whole tuitt, or tingla garmanu. A tremendout new ilock on band, the finett attortmenl yeu ever taw. No theddy. Dea't fail to call at the Standard Clothing Hall, op potite the Brockerbeff whta yeu go in Bellefoate court-weak, or at any ether time NEW MILLINERY—Miss Flxishkb, having taken room# at Mr. Gin's, at Centre Hall, respectfully an* Bounce* that ah* is prepared to da all kinds of Dress making, familv-sewing. aid making Boys' Suits. Confident tkat the raa render entire satisfaction, she asks a share of public patransg*. Always pre parad with the latest styles. 24 ap 8t Valentines' tell N*. 2 Mackerel for |l9oaibbl. and $1 00 a kit. "Ifthe names, companies, regiments, etc., of soldiers whose remains are interr ed is any private cemetery are forwarded t* the Commissioner of Notional Ceme teries at Washington, headstones will be furnished for them by the Government." Who is agent for the new Howe Sewing Machine? A. C.. Moore, Miles* fcurg, Pa Tka ttora af War J. Thompson, at roUort Hills, *ai anliraly daitroyad by flra on lest Sunday aigkt about midnight. Mr. Thompton was tlaapiag an tha tar ond flour oeer tha ttara room, and wat awakened by tha railing of atticlat la tha roam hnlew ; thinking tbara wtra Ihiavat about ha hatlonad down through tha tida hall, and at one# ditcernred that tha ttora was on flra. Ha raiitd aa alarm, bat it taamt tka flra kad gain o much htad way that It wat impattibla ta tare any thing Soma of bit books that warn not in tka tafa wara baraad. Tba building wat of brink. Thora n fUYX) iaturnnce on tka kauta and aa tha goads, In tha Contra Hall Fira Company. Tha ori gin af tha fira is not koawi Two now l-horte tpring wagoat, ! and ana new opaa buggy-all wall tundu for tale at a bargain, at tha coach thopt of Jaa T. Lne, Cantra Hall, Pa. Monuments, totubtloaas, and all merbla work, mada in first data tlyla, at tha now aardt in thit place, by W. J. Guest A Co, "A Treasury of Bible Readiagt" it the title of a raluakle new wnrk, by Ha*. S G. Shannon, of MMrcy, Pa., and which ka alresd* met with a rapid tala on ac count of its marit Tha Hible reader will Cnd thit work a ealnahle help ; the loach iag of the Bible ara tat apart in toptet witn capiaut refereneas hearing upoa the tslilt, with sn index to the topict It it •old at tha low prion et 40 cents, cloth cat er 2 ■ cent* paper ea*er Tba work ana be had of Mr. Joke Shannon ia thit place. 10 ap dm Tbara ia no place ia thit coaaty where yon can do hotter in buying gro cariet than at Sechlnr't. Now Ik It it a candid faat By yearn af ebnration wa kare not yet hoard a tingle purehater complain. All who barn yat daalt tkera •ay that tkair groceries ara of a titparier quality, aa# that thay keep no trash to decnire. Call ia and try tkaui—you will tha politest attention Phtnnix Pectoral will cure your coagh. Pha'*ix|Pectorat eure* boarene> quickly. PhoeaU Pectoral tastca good aad brings reel Pb.raii Pectoral coats 25 cts ; 6 bottles sl. do.J by J. I) Marray, Centre Hall, Now who can brat this: A new salt for $2 40, a tbirl for 2o cts; and haU at 2S eta, —at Newman's! Uav# you haen at the Beehive, the lew stare in Keyaeld't iroa .'real? Just go aad tee it aad examina goods aad pri ces, even if yeu do not wish to buy. LIST or JURORS. Grand Jurorx—4 Monday April. Boggs—J S Preudfoot. Taylor—J T Fewler Spring—Jas Kckearotb. Snowshoe—J A Wolf. Ferguton—D ti Yoanc. Uaion—H Harueck, W G Irvia. Potter—J B Lea, J A Keller Milae—N kermis, Joel Morri*, J C Burket. M J llall. Gregg— P Sheek. College—Geo Muster, J Bettorf, Wm Everbart, G Shell. Liberty—J W Toner. Per.n —W S Smith Worth--G R William*. Philipsburg—M Gowland, E A Davis. Beilefente —H Walkey. Traverse—4 Monday April. Bellefente— -I M'Cfure, W P Humes. J W Coot, K M Parian*, J MClellaa, 1 Miller. J Mulhollan Beggs -W K Fisler, J T Lu*at, W H Campbell. J Zimmerman, W Butier. Penn—F Bowersoi, A A Fraak, S G Guteiius, H li Weiaer, J Saekey, J C Siaiib. Hash—C Long. J Gilo. Gregg—J A M Chctie, Wm Heckman. Uaien—Jacob Hoover. jr. Mi'.osburg—W C Wilky. Miles—Jai Gorman, J P Frank, L Grim. Spring—J Rarnhart, A J Bell. Hestoa—M U Stewart, J S Thenspson, J F Williams. Philipeburg— A Janes, K C Deader. Paltoa—J H Brad *. Liberty—W Sisinger, Beaner—Jno Swartz Potter—J (tinges, L W Kimport. Harris— S Bail* Walker-W F Harris. C Rodgers, S Good hart. Fergesoa—J B Gobean. Marioa—C P Yeerie* College—Jos Haker, Was Grove. Howard twp—J B Leathers. Jurors—Mar 5. Worth—J Wood ring, H Denning! Union—Wa Idd eg, G P Hall Bellefenle— T Gordon, I) Z Kline. J Soramereille, J U Lingle, W TTwitmir*. W ni Derstine. Uaines— F Dutweiier. R B II esterase. Howard bor—W H Naff, A ■' Gardner. Bogge-M F-eaos. G Fleck, J K Uolter Miles—Joka Wolf, Henry Corraae, J R Burd. Kusb—J Collins. D Holt. Ferguoa—W K M'Williams, J John eon. R Gardaer. Ualfmoon—J F Downing, S Elleeber ger. Peaa—Aid Harter. Gregg—H Krumrtn*. W B Bitner, Petter—D F i-use, M J Deodar, A Mc- Coy Walker—Jac Gobble. Saowthoe—Jas Gates. Proclamation is hereby made by authority to all man and boys, that D. D. Goldman will not be eutdoce in selling Clolbing at astenishing bargain*. He has ons of the largest ead best stocks in the eouatv te select from. Call at lbe Stand ard Clotbiag Hall when attending eeurt, opposite the Breekerhoff. Prune* and Peaches very lew this •eatoa at Taleatiae's. THE CHACVENKTBURNSIDE WEDDING. Tha wsdd ing ef Sam us! H. Chauvenet, esq , with Miss Mary F Burnside, grand daughter ef lion. Simon Cameron, teak place at the old Harris mansion, south Front street Gen. Cameron's city resi dence), at noon oa 16, Rtv. R. J. Kee ling, efSt. Stephen's cburcb, officiating. The wedding was to he a private ane, yet one buadrei or more invitation were is sued. Mr. Chauvenet is the son ef Prof. Cbau venet, of St. Louis, Mo , by profession a civil engineer, and is in the employ of the Pennsylvania Steel company, at Bald win, near Harrisbarg. Mia* Burnside is a handsome, iatolligeat and refined young lady, muck esteemed aad rtipecud la that city. Tha bride's mether, Mrs. Ka cbaal Burnside, was tb* eldest daughter of Gen. Cameron, and her father, the late Judge James Bnrniide, ef Centre county, who represented our district in the slate legislature was the eldest son ot Chief Justice Burnside of the snpreme court of Pennsy Ivanin ANOTHER MINE HORROR. Eleven Men Killed by an Explo iiou of Gen. Sen Frnncisco. Cel., April 19.—A die* p.tcb irons Victoiin, says : "On Tuetdny morning fir* was discovered at N*. 10 lav e! ef the Wellington conl mine nt Depnr lure Bny. It was supposed te have been extinguished en the follewing day, and on Thursday morning, when twenty-five er thirty miners entcrad the level to resume work, nn explosion occurred, blowing the workings of the levsl inte ruins, killing eleven men and variously injuring the othsrs. A TERRIBLE CYCLONE St. Louis, March 14.—Tha QLobe-Demo erai special from Collinsvilla, 111., about a even miles from bare, say a lerribln cy clone from the northwest s ruck the town nt n quarter to three o'clock this after nooe, and taking a zig-zag course with * general direction almost due east, tore through tb* place, demolishing ten bu ild itig* and ruining about thirty othnrs, and damaging more or less some severty five residences aad business houses. On* girl was killed and several parsons injured . SNOW TWO FEET DEEP Readout, N. Y., April 19 —A telegram te the Freeman says tha saew at Stamford Delaware county, is twenty inches en a level, and it is still snowing. The roads are bloeked and travel suspended. On Pine Hill the snew is tw* feet deep. There is mere snow with the present storm than with any during the past winter. Tbft Scraoton Savings Bank bM gone up. J til I Gill, SB <>lpriMt. WIS teßlened'hy Justice N• York, oa Nat* urday, l ana manth in the penitentiary lor furring kit way insula tka attar rail* of St Aadrew ehureh with th* purpete of celebrating Matt. Ha tn drunk at tha lime of the effene, and twere al tha pro I pta in tkachurh with|muck rim Gill !• | aa aid maa, tall and erect, with white hair. lla was once a respected priest, but | was tiltaccd by direelion at Ciireiaal Mc Clethtv an atcoual of druiikenatn. Ha - j ceatiy he wst sentenced ta a month far trying to collact maaay k? representiag hiiaielt at a print!, aad tar?ad out kit lima only to drtlt kack again KIiKKIFF SALKS. Sheriff Spnngler adeartitat tha follow, lag sales at tha court bouta, on Sat. April Sfl at I p m : I Saliefenta Attdtmr proparly. •J. Farm of And Walkar. ia Kargaion 8 I.U and hotal property of I. l> Hoy. r. Anrenthurg 4. House and lat of Pat. keller, Hall# fanta !t Tha t'ndarw,M>d lawmitl and lands in Poltnr and Hnrrii. fl Lot aad brick house of Jaha S Gray, a Ptailiptburg T Lota of Wni. M Cinllnn, at Bel!#. r cnta 8. Uoute and lot of Patid Miller, Mill kaim. 9 Heist and lot of Alf. Scball, iu Can ra! City 10 House and lot of A. R. Patera, Miles burg U Hausa and 2 acrat, of Jane Fry, in Boggt 12 Farm of W. P. Rots, in HsrrW. 18 House sad lot of l>r P S Kither, in W alkar 14 llouta and lot af Monroe Armor HeUefente 16 Property of the BeUefonle Car Man ufacturiag Co 16 House and lot of 11. B. Wilcox, PhiHptburg IT Farm of J. M. M' Kaleay, ia Huston 18 Strom! houses aid lots of Richard Bart, ia Ph lipthurg 19 House aad lot of P S. Y'eager, in Snowihoe. 'Ji House and lot of Mart.a Karia, in Bellefonle. 21 Farm and mountain lands ot J NN Thomas, in Taylor tp. 1) EUISTKK S NOTICE -The foljow- V ing accounts have keen Himiifi !jii passed b* me. arid remain of rec erd tn this office for the inspection of heir, legatee*. ct editor* aad other* in any way interested and will be presented to the Orphans' Court .f Centra County, an Wednesday, the 30ih day of April, A. P., 18TM. fr confirmation aad nllawance. 1. The account of John Rithel, guardi an of Caroline. Luther, Satn'l and Kman uel Wearer, miner children ef Jacob Weaver, decea*el, at filed by John Kith el, administrator. 2 The acccuel of Robert Kendall, guar dian ef Annie K Mekel, ( nww Webb mi nor child of Wtu. Uukei, late ef College township, deceased S The account of M ehael and Jeba Millar, executor* ef Ac., of J<>b* Miller, hr . lata of Walker township, deceased, as filed by John Miller, ana of the axaca tor* 4 The account ef Jacob R. Leathers tad P W. Btraharv, executor* of Ac , of Job* Hughes, late of Howard township, dee-ased. 5 The secead and final account ef John Wilton, executor ef Ac , of Vincent Ste ten*, late of Half Moon towaship, de ceased, 4 t>. The account of John > uttall, admit irtrator of Ac , of Thomas N uttall, late ol Philipshnrg Borough. deceased 7. The aeeountof J. P. Kreider, edmie iitretor ef Ac , ef Nancy Kreider, late of Pen* township, deceased 8. The first end fie*' account of Jese Fry, guardian ef David Hallahsugb, mi nor ehild ef David Hallabaugh, latv of Boggs township, deceased. 9. The first and final account of Jeesa Fry. guardian of Henry Hallabaugh, mi nor child of David Hallabaugh, late ef R.ggs township. de e-sed 10. The account ef James A Sweet wood, guardian of E'ixabeth Stump, mi ner child of Margaret Searfoss. 11. The account of James A. Swoet weod, guardian of Jane Kuka, minor child or Margaret Searfoss 12 The acceunt ofOl John Rishel, ad ministrator of Ac , of David Krtle, da ceased late of Gregg township, as filed hy M L Rishe! and W. F Resrick. admin istrators of said John Rithol. deceased 13. The aecouat of C. M Bower, admin istrator of Ac., of Rachel Irwta, late of Bellnfonte. deceased 14 The acconnt of David S. Rechdel. guardian of Isaac Jaremtah Shcarar. Sa rah Margaret Snearer. William Fraaklin Shearer, minor children of Margaret Shearer, deceased. 15. The fiaal accouat of R. G. Brett, gusrdiaa of George Ward, minor child of Uriah Ward, late of Ferguson township, deceased 16 The account ol David and Henry 1! Sharer, administrators of Jacob Sharer, late of Walker township, deceased. IT. The account of Daaie! Grove, guar dian et George P. H<sv, minor child of William Uey, late ofHarns township, do teased. 18. The acceunt ef Henry Bartholomew and Jesse Swart*, executors of Ac of KU**beth Bartholorusw, late of Walker township, deceased. 19 Tha account of Andrew Guiser, si ecutor of Ac , of John Guiser, late of Miles township, deceased. 20 The second partial account nf James Dack, Michael Duck, and II E. Duck, administrators of Ac . of J. Henry Duck, late ef Gregg township, deceased. 21. Tha first and partial account ef John Musser. Jr executor of Ac . of John C Bricker. late of Harris township, deceas md 22. The final account ef Jm#i Dun'ap, executor of Ac., of Mary Long, late of Ferguson township, deceased. 23 The twelfth annual neceunt ef John Irwin, Jr. aad Dania! Rhondas, surviving trustees under the will o! Wm. A. Them ii. late ef Bellefente, deceased 24. The eccout of John P. Moore, eiee utor of Ac ,"f Sarah A Smith, Inte of Herri* lewßikip, deceased. 25 Tbeacceutof Wm. B. Turner, *<t ministrator ef Ac., of Either Y'etbers, lnte of Centre county, decerned 26. The nccount of Jotinh 11. Brown, guardian of Samuel K Gaalt, minor child ef Samuel Gault, late ofSnow Shoe town ihip, deceased. 27 The third partial account efjoiepb Baker, sole anting trustee and executor of Ac., of Martin Houser, late of liarrie township, decaaed. 28 The account of J. H. Reifsnyder, ex , eculorof Ac., of Jacob Harter, lata ef Penn township, deceased 29 The final account of Jeremiah Haiaei and Jonathan Gramley. executors of Ac., of George Gramley, late of Penn tewn ship, deceased. 30 The teeond and final account of Ma ry Waaaon, administratrix t it bonun now ef Ac., ef George E Wesson, late of College township, deceased. 31. The account of Robert L. Shirk and Kzekie! Bing, administrators of Ac., of Denial Shank, late of Milcsburg bore, deceased. 32 The aeeount of Alex. C. Chaney, guardian ef Francis Bartoe (now dec'd) a miner child of Daniel Bartoe. deceased 33. The second parti*! account of Polly Fisher and Jared B. Fisher, executors of Ac., of Adam Fisher, late of Gregg town ship, deceased. 34 The account of John Shannoa, one of the administrators of Ac., ef Jacob Weaver, late of Gregg township, deceas ed 36 The account ot Peter Kebh, admin istrator of Ac., of John Robb, late of Cur tin township, decaased. 36. The first partial account of Meshick Williams and J W Stewart, executor of Ac., of Scetl Williams, late Cf Huston township, deeeased W. E. BURCLIFIELD, 3 ap to Ragistar. NOTICE is hereby givan that the fol lewiag named person# have filed tbeir petitions lor License in the efllce ol the Clerk of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the coun ty of Centra, and State of Penn'a, and that application will be made at the oexl session of said Court tv grant tha same : Daniel German—Tavern—Bellafonte bore Jacob I Ksrmsn—Saloon—Gregg twp Reuben T Shaffer—Tavern—Howard hurt Perry II Stover—Tayera —Penn twp. Richard Haye—Tavern—Philipsburg hors Henry C Y eager—Saloon—Be!lefoate B. ft* tnuel II Kunat—Tnvern—Liharly twp David J Meyer—Tavern—Potter twp Edward Brown—Tavarn Bellefotue B. Robert Taylor—Tavern—Philipsburg B Jonath. K reamer—Tavern Millbeiin B Robert Loyd—Tavern— Philipsburg B. Fredrick Smith—Saloon— Bellefenin B John G Uzzle —Tavern—Snow Shoe twp J II Odetikirk—Tavern—Potter twp. Henry Rbb—Tavern —Walker twp. 1 Getleib Hang—Tavern—Spring twp John Anderson—Saloon—Bellefonte B. Jeffrey Hayes—Tavern—Rush twp. Joel Kling, Jr.—Tavern- Marion twp. 1 George Hoppes—Tavern—Bellefonte B John Copenhaver—Tavern—Taylor T Augustus Krora—Tavern—Bellefuate B. Alois A Koblbtcker—Tavern Boggi tw William 8 Long—Tavern— Uuiaet twp. 1 Isaac D Boyei—Tavern-Haines twp. Peter Weber—Saleen—Philipsburg B. i Geo I Blackford—Saloon - Bellefonte B. John Ramsdale—Tavern —Philipsburg 1: 1 W 8 Mus##r—Tavern—Mi'lheim B. • James Pas#niore—Tavern—PbilipsbufYj I i Albert Kautb—Saloon—Bellefonte B. David H Ruhl—Tavern—Potter twp. Houseal A Teller—Tavern—Bellefonte i C. A. Faulkner—Tavern—Philipsburg 1 Sbadrack Steffoy -Tavern—Ferguson tw| 3 J. C. lUxrxft, 3 Clvrk. | Tli* Cbineaa tjeaatioa bk* rth*r drop* * yeff *ut ol public attention of lata, but lb* J negro eieffui from lb. South ii beginning f to revive iu ffiic*i#a in a naw form ■ Tha Virkiburg iierelj, oa* of lb* leading paper, in M itantippi, in a rat ant arti*l* ( reviewing th* Northwar.l movement froai iti taction, plainly declarer that if It con tinues it at 111 reopen tlia Chine*. immi gration question with tenfold lorra; t'eh jfernia may not want Ui* Chinese. but "if the Soath la robbed of bar labor th* will, and what it mora, aha will have ihtai " I'ba Vlckaburg paper aven raporla that a movement it already on fool to call a COB rantian of leading man ia tha Mississippi I allay to consider tha question anil da claraa that tha la-gaal cotton producers, marcbanta and buainaaa mta of all art> a r a m farar af starting a Una of alaatnara batwaan Naw Urlaant aad China "tbat: will btiag milliaaa of laborer* bar* If oa- j Canary HAILSTORM IN NEW ORLEANS. Naw Orlaant, April 16.—Thla evening; a bait alarm began. Sealing fifteen miautaa The ground waa lileraly carerad with large bai'aton** Ilea picked up iu front of the .trii'iiafnf /h raa office measured ii inch** in ctrvauiteraac*. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION or THE EMPEROR or RI'SSLA Waabingtea, April 14 of state to-day reee veda leegram freu the I'aited State* aherge d'affairea at St Petersburg, aatiauacmg that an aliauspi wa* made an tb* Rustiea emperor's lif'< tbta uiaraing while hn majesty was walk ing aaar the imperial tiaiaee Tbe weuld be as>e*sin discharged five *bot* at the cxar, fertunately without effect, bis meg jetty being untouched The aa*ia was arretted A disgusting spectacle, aecerdmg to tb# Birmingham /W, it ttata* te have tekea place at Willentiall A bricklayer ■ la aorer ia the neighborhood underload te kill three rat* with hit mouth wtlbia a quarter of aa heur. himtelf being blind (elded. Tb# rait ware-.cured with string* to tbe table, surrounded wilb p#clat#r>, in the yard of a public heuv*. aad the man killed iheta in tie manner and lime tpec ifled A lady who w* patting by bok#d ever the wall and taw the rata, who wn drank, engaged in tbe "sport. New York, April 14—Madame Heribe Merger, convicted of having earned the death by malpractice of Cora Santas i February last, watte day teateaced to Li year t impritonuiaat in ike t at* priten Galls on the shoulder* of draught horses mar be cured by dissolving sn drachms of iodine iu half a pint of al cohol and applying twice a day. MAKIUED. Oa th# 19th ult .br Ha* W II Grab. Vtr Puerson Irin and Miss Raebel Fuc*. belb of Oak Hall Oa April 10, at the heme af the brie#, by Ker J. A. Rose- Mr. Jobn Fartae*. of Baalsburg. to Mm L J. Daalay, of Pia# Gro*e Mills. Oa tba 16th ins'.., at Oak Hail, br Kt I)r Haniil, Mr Abran F. M.irkla la Mis- Kinase M MeK.roy, all of Caii#ge i township. At lh rasidsaca of tha brisla's uacla. B F. Klanfar. Ballaaille. Mifflin cauntr, Pa April 16. SB7S. b* Ka. Oaaiii *7. Faulk.i Mr U J Buyer mad Miss Ja . daughter' ot HOT J ToailiDton. both of Aerons burg, Centre county, l'a. lb I ED. On March 2it, naar State Collaga, Mr Oama! Sowars, aged 4<° yaars, 5 m?aibt and 16 days. In Miles towashiD. on tba 2nd of April. Win Harrison Weight, san of William Weight, aged 4 tnoaibs aid 16 days. On lha 12 lb last, Mrs Anaa Kayar, ralicof Samuel Kayar. deed la Miiaa tosrnsbip, aged Co yaars, 4 laentbs and 28 days. On tbe 12th last, in Hamas tawnsbip, Susan K . wife of Robert Vouada, aged 27 years, 6 aioatbs and 28 days. E. F Kuntel's Bitter Win# of Iron. Andean for l>yapap*ia or ladifMtioa Woak St- aiAva, uoaaral I'aLt.ny thsessae af tn# RMtwjs Syt rm. C*Hptlton. Ac idltl af Ibd 81->aMb, sad for afi coaaa raajaUrtnf a T tc litirt bottia paantatood or ba moaar rafuadad PrVc# |1 (sot tba flaaalna. Ait for k. F Kunkdi'i Hi'lor W of Iroa aaJ Uk* ao ot-har Prtca tl. aIA t*ttioa for •> If roar drum* tat dooa aot Vara It aood to Kroortotar, M$ H NiuUt M . rblladaipbUk. l'a Ad'lca firaa . aoc.ooa S ooat itavp WoKMS. WORMS. WORMS K F Kaakol'a Worm Sirup aovar fail# to dootrof rtß.iMt. aad Warm# IH fcaakoGlba oa If auccaaafal pfcjrairtan ahu rtmcn Tap# W oral la low kottta aJifk altb b**d, and ao fo# uattl romovad t oaaoa aanaa tMchaa if T apa Worma bo romovod ail atfaar aorai caa to rtadilt drslrvyrtl V.l * lea at of flea mad atoro, froa Tba doct or caa tall ohathar or aol tba pattant baa worma. Tboaaaods ra dria dak If altb aorvaa. and do at kaaa It. Flla •: *•:# rrampa cbaalna and auffocaltoa, sallow wmaofail.ta. etrcisM armnd tba afaa •♦.il* aa4 i-i'a la Ua atom ar b. rattiaaa at atfbt, grtadia* of tba tooth. pukiag at tha aoaa. ooagb. favor, tuhiac at lb# aaat Load ac ha foal braatb. tba patiaat a rows pal# aad tbta. ttckttaf aad trrttaUua la tho aama-all ibaaa nat u>ma. aad mora. coma from worms K F Kaaaara Worm Strap oavar faila lo ramowa lb am Prtra,, fl * parholtla or ti bonles far 4 (For Tapa -na writ* aad coasult tba Doctor j For alt c4bor. bar of tour draawlat Ikto Worm krmp. aod If bo baa It aot, •an 1 to Or K. F Kuakal. Ktf Jtorvb .Matb M . Phila daipbla. Pa Advk-o br mail, fro#, aaad tbroo coat atom p. _ Jtopkt MABKXTS. Philadelphia. April 21 -Fiotsr at $4 26 fr Bssdiua, up ta 14 T5 f.r fancy. I'enn tyirania do. do., at $4 76(4,0 S heal— red. l $1 12i'*l 13,- Tenn i_lTni and ••atbarn anker el $1 14i($ 116 Corn et liijiille; cieemer el 41 42i Oet end while, el Me Chieete. April 21 —Wheel eelie, firm end higher; No 2 Chicego tprier. f7i for ceh, gie for Her. Corn ei BSi#<*3a| for ce.h UeU el 24c fer cetb. Ke el 4'KstfH- Berle? et tOo. CATTLKMARKET Philedelphie, April 21 —Cellle dell; receiple, 2 TIX) heed, good 6|(3,(k-, &i(g,6|c, cetnmoa 4fj,i>ic .Sheep i'w; receipt# C.(B0 heed, geod 6ic. medium &ifit6c, cenemee 4'*6. ling* in feir demend; receipM, 4,000 heed, good 6ic, medium oi .ec, cetnuee 61c. Spring Mills Market. Wheel $1 UO Kye, 4&c. Corn, eer, per bu. new, ,4oc OeU, 22c. Buckwheet, 75c. Clorereeed, $3 00 to $3.75 Chop, per ton, f 'JJ 00. l",aier, ground per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $4.60 Butter, Pic. Tellow. 6c. Lerd, 6c. Hem. Bc. Sheulder#. Go. Cleen Side*, Gc, , Kegc, 2c. Eui per doa , 10c. Tub weched wool 86c, Pecked boiler worked ocrer, 10c. Coal, Retail. fljr Cer, (irat#., $4 65 $4 20 Stove, $6 00 $4 65 Cheilnut, $4 25 $ ! 80 Pee, $2 'JO $2 76 N r OTI('K —Netice I# hereby given that Ike following article# were pur jcliaicd at caeitehle'# tale, oe April 14. 11879, ei property of Was A Curry, endi iltai the cniae will he left in the poee#ia of M r. Elizabeth Curry, el my pleasure,' end ell pereon# ere ceutiened ageintl meddlieg with the ieni in any meaner; One ceok itove, 1 career enpboe'd. 1 let rerpet, 6 chain, 1 table end tiek. 1 parlor tlova, lounge, carpet. 0 eheir#, lot meat, lard, loenge end fundriet. bed ead bedding, let earpet, abeut 200 brick, irer, ' kettle, 2 barrel*. 2 buthel# apple#, meat beech end aundrie#, tbrei- iren no- a tab#, *nep, etc , hand cert end tied, 2 #lVe#, 1 wuoil eed 1 coal. 17hp3i DANIEL FAUBKR. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE - etler# ef adminiitretion en the e#late i of Calvin Ceuleraieo, late of Oregg tp , dee'd. haviag been granted t<> the under , •igned, all iiertoni kneeiag lheni#e!ve> t he iedehted to -id decedent ere requeated le make ieiwediete payment, end perton# having claim* ageiiitt the e#tate will pre lent them authenticated for •ettlement. JONATII WEAVER, 17 an fit A drnr. jpXKCUTORS' NOTICE.— Letter* te#tementery upon the eitete of Mary Kmrick, deccaaad. having been granted to the undersigned, by the tegi#- ter of Centre county, he requaat# ell per •on* knowing lhetn*el vet indebted to de cedent, to come forward end ninke tettle me tit, end tkeae having claim# to present them duly authenticated for eetilemeet JOHN KMRICK. 20 mar fit Ex#<>uu>r A Flllis CJIFI 1 Of a cop# of Medical Common H*n*e Book to am p*r*oe uoerlnc wltb I ontmuption, Aiilima, Ca terrb, Broncbltw, l.o*a of Voice, or Mure Throat BeoC 1 inn, and post office sddrrsa, with two# cant poatagi t atampa sod atatapour tlcknsaa. Tba book la slefant ' li tlluatraud. (144 pp li mo IHT* J Tba Inlormatloi ' It eooUtna, In ths prorldance of Uod, baa sarad man] 1. llaea. Tha author haa lieen troat ln dlaaaaaa of tbi Now. Throat, and Luna*, a* a special practlca In Ctu Iclunatl alnca tMt Addraaa UK N B WOl.lg Cln clnnatl Ohio. #t ap to T\rTJ. W. RHONE, Deotitt, can bi • I / found at bie oflloe end reeidenc< |on Nerth aide of High Street, three door l£u wf Allegbosr, Rellefbatd, Fa. 1 27 ftb tf TWELVE HOUSES BURNED TO DEATH. Wbita Hall, N. Y . April 20.-Tb* large llaary subles of T. K lierkey, at Ticaadarroga, Saw Yarh, war* totally destroyed by li* at twao'clock tbiamora iag Twalaa kartca and a number of car riage*, tlaigba. Ac , war* burned Tbe let* la aboal f lU.OOO. latttratica, f00. ♦ -O- ♦ T•tuvHie, April I'.' About midaigip laat nigbt. Pater Kabl and PaliP k Mo* day ware instantly billed by a fall of coal [alike M puller colliery, Ler-usl (ian Han dav was a single inaa, but Keh! Svavaa a wife and tbrae children. Meereiown, Aprtl 1* About 7 o'clock Ibtt lueraing t'hriatlan Leslie, a raaldaat 1 •if tbi* place, abut hi* wife, dangerously ! woe nd I tig liar, and than abol bliutalf daatf ' Excaaair* drinking lad la tba tragedy ' A ™ W wr i Don't be ftfruitl of * little fun *1 home, good people. Don't shut up yonr houara left the auu ahould f'mle your cirpets, and hearts lest u laugh shakedown *ome of the muaty cobs webs there. If you want lo ruiu your •una, let them think thatall mirth and social enjoyment must be left on the threshold wheu they come home at oight. When once a hotpe is regard ed at only a place to eat aud drink, and slenp in, the work is begun that ends in gambling house* ami degrada tion. \ oung people must have fun and relaxation somewhere. If they ■lo not find it at their own heart stones, it will be sought iu other aud perhap* lets* profitable place#. I here fore let the fire burn brightly at night and make the borne ever delightful with all those little arts that parents so perfectly understand. Don't re press the buoyant spirits of your chil Jreu; half au hour of merriment round the lamp anil firelight of home blots out the retuenibcrauce of many a care and annoyance during the day, and the best safeguard they can take with them iAto the world is the un seen iufluence of a bright little do mestic sanctum. BELLEFONTE. MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! A S L> MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. RKVARINU AND TUNING DONE IN TUK BEST MANNER I I A \ fi CHICK ERING, STEIN WAY, ARION, i WATERS. ; O ORG AX!). ESTY, WATERS. WOODS, . ' MASON & IIAMLIN. \ BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS' 7 Ocltttr Howewo! I'Iioh. 1 Onl> (tl.s4. ft Stop Organ*. 2 Full Net of ICeeoN. I'rlee 44270, Only R.VV < 13 Ntop OrgniiM. 3 Full Net or ltrd, I'rlee 4*3 10, Only 975. Tbi# Organ he# the "Grand Organ Knee ' Swell.") ; Neeoiid-liaiul ttrunii** foi 123. i Neeoiid-liaiid I*i###ot# for 130. VIOLINS, AND ACCORD EONS, ! 82.00 and upwirde. J Piano and Orgnn Inwtruetor##. Cover* and Ntool*. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC 830 00. New WHITE 825.00. New ST. JOHN 12500. New Improved SINGER 822 50. New Improved HOWE $22.50. •Second hand Machines a.* low as $5. O AGENTS FORK. BITTKRICK A COS PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. Order* by mail eelicited utid prompt ly filled. No Agent* employed, The buveree ' get the Agt-uts profit. We buy our Pigno*, organs end Machine* for J Cash, and will give customer* the ad , vantage. BUNNELL A AIKENS. Allegheny Street, Hellefoute, Pa, ' feb27 1 THE GREAT C AI SF. OF II I! n A > RINKIIY. 1 Juat publiahad, in a nualetl envelop*. Price nix centa. I A lsfturioi ihft Niturt, Tr#tmnt, And Rftdlol cur* of •minel We*kne*i or Htt*rmAti#rrho, la ] ducad bf Naif abut#. Involuntary Kmteetone. Itnpo ; ianojr. Nirvoui l>abtllly, autl lir padiiueuta to Mat rtag ganrrail* , Con*uui|>ti*>n. KpUeiwy, autl File. . MatsUlarid *1 lacapaclt* Ac Hy KORFK C J. OI'LVMkWKLL, M. I) . author of tba "Uiaan Book Ao. Tha world ranowuad author. lo this admtrabU lac • iurft, claarly provaa from bit own atpaiiaaoa that tba ►o awful conaatjuancaß of Half abuea maj ha aflfactually )• removod without ir.adlclna. and without dan|erou* turf leal oparatlona, bouflflaa. Inatrumanla, ring*, or ,B coraiala . pointing out a moda of cura at ooca certain >y and afTactual, by wbtcb avary euffarar. no matter what bit coudltlon may La, may cura blutalf cbnapljr, pd a vatnly and radically 0 Tbi* Loctura will prova a boon to thousands and 1 tbouftanda ~ Bant, under awal. In a plain ani-elopa. to any addroaa p * on receipt of two poataga aUtap*. E$ Addraaa tba I'ubllabara, n THE CU LVKKVV tLL MEDICAL CO, 41 Ana St., New York; P, O. Box, 4686. 10ty > TERRIBLE MINK DISASTER Ilruttala. April IT -Bf at aiploalaa of a fir* damp In the A a rati* coal pit, near! t Meat, Italgiuni, tb* wood-work of the' • baft caught Era and fell la. Tbara are' TtO maa ia tha aiin*. and it ia faarad ma " ay vt them baa* perished , Candia. N. H . April || |',,aa tha rapreaaalallona of a coiiiaallte* wbicb wat appointed to laaeatigate the effeir* ef E. t K. lngalU, late Tuna Treasurer, who , claimed to have been robbed of >3,7i* en |tbe4<b of March leal, the grand jury feulul an indlctmeat aga.aal biui for em baxßlamant. Ingall* waa erreated this meming. Whatever lead* te dimiaisb strength abeuld be raraoaed frotu lb* system Per thna* weakening diaeeta* of babyhood . folic, Dlarrbos, Ac., uea Dr. Bull a iiaby * Syrup which always cure* 'duel* NEWMAN, Kins Clothier I.AIKIKST STUCK. IIKST STOCK, CUIiAPEST STOCK. Spring Suit*, $2.40. Underwear, 20r. Boot*, 81.75. HHIKTH 25 CTB, HATH 23 CTH, AND EVERY THING ELSE LOW IN PROPORTION. The Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead NEVER BUY CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEn NEWMAN. / Challengellie County lolleal my I'lllCES and AND SHOW AS LA ROK A STOCK OF CLOTHING AS I HAVE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER BY FIRST CLANS TAILORS AT VERY LOW PRICES .ffraft tnrbrrrrr 3?titl rcn fieri farie*. leva ri Inn-stint venditioni exponas rrUfim rcn trr ©curt rcn Pcmmcn Tl'J* rcn PrnJrt t'cunis uut an tn.d flndlrl. wirt c'mtlid |um 'Prrfanf aufart.lm wrrtru an tnn Prtfrtbautf in 2*tllr fentr auf iSamftaa trn "Jditrn flfnl, l!*7y um 1 llbt 9iadmittaa*. ta* fciqrnt Wdrtrbmr il amlbnm trt 2 ! rttbriti*n--namlid ?l. 1. fIU ]rr arwiOrPctlr ctrr P*runt*ltiff lit* arnt in trr ?fatt PrUMcntr, Prntrr PcunJr, i ! rnn a, brarrn|t unb bt'dnrbrn :r 'ela! flu* trr fflcrtfcilf ifcbrnt an ta* t*nbm 'Jlrimiarn. auf Cum on rmr SUrr. futiid R tal 4nrnt I ffiidrn ©i jrntbnm. trrfll d an tal Of. (air. rntballmt r!na |wri Rffrr. mrt; .trt wrnu art,—tarau* rrn'dlr! nn iwrmcffiarl ?trmcbns jfiaul |R-nlcffiarl *dul ("cbiutr, slaD, nnt an> trrv fluwnarbantr Pmartcam. in 'Mrtbafl arr.cmmrn unt wrt rrr. fau*t all tf'.jmibum rcn trr <*rUr'cnti flratrmu. ffirnrr ?]. 2. RU jtnr jjriri'r Pelt ctrr (*runtft{iff. hramt in ilrraHten Jwn*dif. Pmltt Peantn, iWnn a, arrnient ncitiid an Pant trr ifudtT Br. brn, filiid an Pant rcn !famrl 5PatJ, futiid an Pantrr rcn Tcbn Slcll unt wrtJiid an Pantrr rcn Samnri IM ©ill ami, rntbaitrnt tin buntrr! unt ♦tin* unt tritM4 flffrt, mcbr ctrr nruiarr. tarcn rlwa fin tuntrrt fl.frt flat unt tarau* midir! rm |Wft.cJ arl diambaul. tfMrff-cdrurr, un antrrr 'htbrßarkautr- Omar,cam tn 'ilftfiafl arr.i-mmrß, unt Wirt rrrfau't all rcn flr.tirw SlU.frr. FFLTLIC ?If. 3. fill jrr.r grwiffr Pcffr ctr: (Vmntftutf i rarnt in trr slatt fd'T, Prasrr Ccunfs, Trnn'a, unt b<|ridnr! auf trm aUarmt-nrn than br'aalrr Slat! wit *rht! brfasß! ail Pc!!r '.'lc 595 fictmt an Nadrl I Pfap tiliid flatcn'l Sauarr 'utiid. Prllr t'ic. 3.6 wel. d nnt Slranbrrrs ULrs ncrtlid, rn!> badrnt in trr P*tT-!r rniiaag trm Harm's Sauart 60 -us unt in trr I r'r rwtiana trr •ba.bri I ??a —tarau* rrridlr! n jwr- hcffiar# -Pielrl P>rbautr nnt Stcbrbaul. nn ,wri-icff jrf SELbn. Xaul unt antrrr flurr.arKiutr l> brn*el II R.. irnrr Jbnl rtrr Tcrtirn ri r.rr arR-dm !.!!r (*runt. burnt n trr Siatf Sarcnlbura Pmfrt P.anlr. TUN J. rrrabnli ! t!r nnmr- rt mi aharmnnrn i-laa trt br*aa!rn Siat! A.I S'.bJ, brarrni! uut br'di rbrn wcfeiil flnfjß .fnt am lut-irrd Ifffr r.n p;!!r 35*5 tann rndana ■arm'* Scuart wrfthd 21 H* u. tann rttianj trm Uib; :tn trr*ribrn Pcttr j?L S96| Rctthd W fui. tann wtl! d 6 *ufi. tann d 120 tann r*li d 5 <u*. tann nrrt* i d 2VI l-.-.v an t r Sltanbrrra HUr- tanr. rrdiana brfaalrt Slirv Hthd 22 Uj iu trr Pcttr 7.'c. 396. tann rnt.ana br'a.itrr Prllr Intlid 300 luk iu trm fln*jn ,a|r i aiau* rrt dtrt r r.r qrrw i'anf 'drurr. PinariMfß. tn ?Prtba*t arnemmrn unt wat mfar't all 0-arr.!tum rm ,L X. ifcurt. Dtstr ?.'r 4 A3 |rnt arwidt P.-ttr rtrr ptruntniff lir arnt in tri <crcuab rcn if*ibr*mtr. Prulrr Br<t> r. pnr'a, bratri|t r.t br'dnrbrr. r *clat t'.'rrtlid an Pantrr trs ."tctn 1' .Pvarrtl. Hit id an PanNr rcR H t* Ourtin, fsti d an wwt Hiirp, unt writ.i t an tri Tamr* flairs ♦r.-r.tlntr au* br'aaiet flllrr rtwa 20 turuff lan*rnt rt. ea SCO Pu an Pantrr rcn .Tcbn V- Xa ran* rrndtrt r't twn.ttcff arl tepprit *ramhau*. clali unt aßtrrr t'.rbrr.arbautr. P'Raoisjcß, :n 2Pnba*t arncmmrß unt witt rrrf*n*i a.I piarnttum rcn C-etriff ffrhrr Gilt: dir. 5. HQ' jtnrr atwifir trd unbr<i|trn Pintrl '■ .ijiainl Icwr.idip, Prnttr druntr. rr:> mrSf- in trm warrantit 'hamrn rcn Tcbn .Ttwin rntba.trnt 4UO flffrt. mtb: rtrr wrmact. Pbrr*ali* —flti |rurt anr dr tnd unbr. filtrn Partf*. brant in Tcttrr acn-nid'f. Prn. trr Ocunte. Vmn'a, -rr*i**rn in trm warrant** •'iamrn rcn ?bn Pirrri* (Clbailrnt 400 flffrr. mrtr ctrr wrt-att. Xaian* rrndtrt rmr tcmr*. saamutir, 'tarn Pibr.ibaui, 3:aii unt antrtf ?," Krurbautr. ©inar|ar. m 'Trtbaft arnrmmrn. unt wirt rrrfau*! all Qiacßlbum rrn .tlaac Untrrwcct unt su'an Untrrwcct. Pnrutctrn cn utrrt itdr Un trrwcct, cuian Untrrwcct !sulwr ,T*aai Un. trrwect, .Tafcn Untrrwcct, Cwrn Ur.Bcrwcct, Warrrn Untrrwcct. i'.arji fl. War unt term Ptraattr 2t C. St*ttr, unt ;b Untrrwcet unt fDili am Untrrwcct, Prbrn unt ar*r)ma<oa' Nt Stifrntantrn rcn rrrTtctKnrn .Tr**c llßtrrwcrt, m t ?iad:idt an 'Uarißl .TcnrS. rtrphrn rrr unt .Tcbn leu, Jrrrt J mart*. fl rt arr flc 6 flli' tal N'dt, I itlr unt .talr.rdr rcn .Tcba £ P*tao. narr trr 'Hrrthrittart taunt ju arwifirn Pcttr ccrr P*runtuuff iirarat IR trr 2*crcuab rcn Vbilirt*Tj|, Orntrr Omntr, iitan'a bcarrn,t unt bt*drifbrn w-r fciat rnt nctthd an Pautri Sirakr, cttiid an £rutb Ornttr Stravr. futl-d an i : irlanrrilit £ttakr, unt wtftiidan Pcltt rcu* iVunlcn unt Untctrr. TTfit fltcsMritr rcn rtwa 45 Xvi, auf i*rtSasr ,Tsit Stiakr. unt jutuff lau*mt 200 Auk an rrwatßtrr Pauitl £trar X ataut rrridtrt rm atrir*. jwrw unt-baib-ftcffiar*. baffimn ©cbnbaul unt £trbr £tubr, rm fwn ftcffijt*. Pram Prtnlbanl unt an trtr ?ifbrnarbaute. tiinarirarn. in T-rrba't am.-mjnrn. unt wilt trrfault all Oijrntbum rcn .Tctn £. (brar. flrrmrr fie. 7. HQ" jrr.r rrrfd-rtrnr P'eHrn ctrr (biußtftuffrn hramt in trt tf'ctcuab s*tlirfcr.:r- Iwri tarcn au' ttr rutfrttr trr Purlin £t:akr 100 flub cfihd au* Xrratur PlUrr tann 'utlid 13 Crat cnnd Sbk* flufi an Phurd flllrr. tann rnllana br'aatrt flllns nctthd 78 (*rat cftt i d 100 flui att firm Tfciirn. tann nctti-.d 12 (brat wrtthd 200 flub jtim flnfanal la(r .irtr trr rrwabntrn Pcttrn bat 5o Tub flrcnt auf rtfaa trr Strapr unt ftrrff! 'Td 200 flub juruff an rtfaa tr flllrr. Pbcnfall# ,lrri attVrrr Varcn l:r.tml au? trt 9!crtkit* trr Bartitt stra#r, anfanqrnt an t*m .tittcrkfticnfninft 3trar nnt t*ra. tur ItUfft, rrtr.ihntrr ett#M ncrV 78 (Brat rft 100 Su* an r:ntn llfeitrn, tann fattiifc 12 C#rat tcrftiut 900 Run an nr WHrr. t4n trt ®Urt> rntlanA luCitrf 78 o*rat wviil th lt>o aj an Itratur Sllrr. tar.n Vtr SUre rut; ma iatli4 12 (Vral cfthih 2iA) 3u* tain flnfana#i'lj4r. jrfr mil 50 Bub Br#nt -af rriaatrr -rtrakr nnt uch 300 Ab* juracf flrrtfrnt tu trr rrttMhntrn tlUre. ob* fffill *; — 3w ai'trrr Varcn #n<aft,;riiV an norm V'unft an trr TJertkitt t*r Onrtin 3tra br 200 Ink fillKt ran Trratnr Slirv, tann <nflanai brfaatrr 3trat* ncrtiiit 7S(Vrat cftlut) 124 ituk an nnrn i ; frtfrn, tann nortiitb 12 ivritii<V 200 ftuji an cm* SU*9. lann rntlan.i SUrti kit Itch 7* o*tat tprftlttb 124 4ni an nnrn T-feftrn tann futhth 12 o*tat rftlith 200 Bnn |a trrn Hn. fanqtrlabr. tarrn hat ft* am ©ntriirn trritni 00 Stik nnt tir antrrr 74 Sak Srrnt auf 3tra4r, unt jrtc rrftrrdt turirf 200 Itiji an ft# Gate niiro. otr nfall# ; oinc antrr* taren a fanamt an trr Citkitf nnrr rerarfilaarnrn Ornyittruna trr 1 Tcratur fllini an nntm iiunft 220 nßrtliA trr Onrtin trak* tann nrrtiiA 78 (Wrat etihct rr.tlana rmrr ®U*y 102 4u* an nnrn i'fott*B, tann ncrtlut 12 (Mrat aftihA 1224 Sufi an nnrn iW#. ftrn. tann futifth 78 o*rat nritlut 10-' la* tu *r. matntrr rerarfitlaarnrr Unrnttruna trr trratur ®liro, tann rntlana tirkr flllry fiitluh 12 o#rat cftliiV l'i24 'lnk jv.m ®nfana#fU|t Qbrn fa 11 #: - otnr antrrr Vutlr anfanarnt an fittfin flnnft 3.'4 Bai cftlKh rcn trr umatntrn vrrarfihiaamrn Brimtrmna trr rrratur?|l!m unt 4l*u Bnfi nrrtlich trr Onrtin Straw kirnt ta# nrrt'cfl o(fr nnt# Rrrfm Vantftruhrl anarfanf! turib rrfaatrn ©illiam "IVrtSlfUan tint rinrm ar if(tn itrbn 91. SfttchtU cm Vinn unt llrOry, tann fiitlt<b 12 Wrat rfliut 147f Atifi an nnrn kfrftrn. tann (nttiA 78 (Mrat rrrMiirt# 182 ftuk an nnrn Ufcftrn, tann nrrtltd) 12 o*rat tt-rftlicb 1224 ilufian nnrn ffrftnt, tann ncrtlidi (3* Crat cjl* lut rtwa 100 iiuit twin Anfana#vla(r. oina*|rarn, in 'Brrbaft arnrmmrn nnt trirt rrrfauft alt Oiarnthum ran ©lUiam WrOlrUan. A*rntr: IHo. 8. ®U' imt# atttifk |Wfiftstfia*# ofrbja t* rnthaltmt auf trr Rrnt rirr unt jieanm unt 2*lo itnk unt in trr Jiff* pari unt fMntiq ant tir Vottr ctrr ta# Wruntitiid anf wrKtrm taffrlbr ftriditrt it), mil t*m BartiUtg* tatu arbormt, lit* arnt in SBMlbfint, auf trr ©rftfeitt trr ?!ort Straf*. oina*ioarn, in Skrhaft arttomiaea nnt irt mfauft at# ot|pnttutn von tasit ®hU*r. ftrrn*r: 9Jo 9. Hfl' jrnt arteiffc Vottr Ofrant Mitt Trn rmmt Rflrara in Orntral Otto, Crntrr Oounto, i>mn'a. brarmit nnt brfcbrirbm trie foljt, nam. ltd): fluf trm vlortrn an ttn Tunqjifr. auf trm Often mit Votte ton ©m ©altraith, attf tern 3u ten turib tie iHalt oaalr llrerf, auf tent ©rften son tcr Votte 9io. 110, frimt Vottr Die. 109 in trm aUaemrincn 4-tlane ron Orntral Oitt), tint ift tieklbe Votte Wrttnt tori the 0. 0. .ginmt# unt Ht i am sn, Rtminiftratorm rcn rrrftrrb'n !tame# X. I f cfr, litrtt) ; II All U Y K. HICKS, i (Kuoceseor to T. A. Hicka A Bro.) I WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c„ drc. IqTAlmi lihh I lie* Of llip boulh Iti-uil C'billfd Flow for IliU rotiulj .-fedi I WILL NOT BK UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT HELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS an Rifrantrr Tuft Taraaf mifilr! ria pre fiediorl frim S3ohßhau nnt antrrr tc t*tnuriMfn, ia "Jlfrhaft urarmmrn tint w it rrr* fauh ait rrn Rliirt sibctl. it r r n r r fie- Id. KIT parr nrwdtr ?tn4 etn thrust I r.'rst an trr Strak* t trr iMrrcn d Wilrthiirfl, (trntre Wpnnfp, Vrnn a, ent Mibrirbrn n-ir fetitf, na!Kb Arcnl twanpj Sw> ani V fr Sttakr. not trdritm iMrt tt h ntwrd Uutrr.t un tit ®fiU straw, ftcfernt an Pcllr per #. <*. !bman'4 4?'ntnullntidwH aui eicftur, unt Vcftt t-cn Slfrtt (burn mettlKb, inrnt dh,t| ten teftf ('.'l#. \M>) in trm l ! lic Ma,tttt (tec. enqh. Nt trrtiibt ctnA iikcrttajrn a Hifrct <*mn nt Uhcuaitm tnidi Tnt ta irt Titrnui lhTd an t<n Muutrn flPum .Si Trtrrl Xa, rani <rru£!rt r n ppti-ftcdijicl ftiint (Wrkuntr f-stchr. unt ©ctnbunl mit emanttrj, i s fitittr film slatl *nt ar.trrt t* m,tficarn. In fnbaH arr.ctnmra nnt wirt m fsnft all tfijrnibtim rcnS- N T-rtnf. Rfftffl fte 11. SU' jrnr grwibf Vcttr ctn (Wmntfitid grirfrn in I cwu'dur Umrrr Ornnfr, ht (trrnp unt brftfencbr* • fcfgl. namint Rniana rnt an nnnn b drrp ftaumr marf rt ail r-n l<f ( tann an Pantcr rcn R CL ncrt 3V tiat trr'l iS Itfuitmi an nnnt Strmhanfrn, tann ar Pinter rra T-tn IWaris unt Pin trr tea Pormt I- 2rrptmlap nert &P #rat c* lidt (fnthrn en n nrn ctrnbantrn. tana rni.amt fantrr tel Maatrn Itn?nalu lit 4f o*tat cit 13 diutbrn an Slrmr. tann crtlana Vantcr vrn tcbn SPadn fit 5w (*rat wrfi S.'f ifutbrn mm Br.f*aaria|*. Ce! badrat ttrri Sdrr utt adtt a rHutPrn, fci rf nub; rtrrwcniarr Tarauf mtfiifrt til jatr- Actfi.tct o itramira!! *sr.t antrrr tngihtr. ia T-rrhaft arr.fmwm unt irtrtrcr fanU al# em Trdt Str pat su'annat Urn. * r rar r: ■V 12. B!i' trnr arwffc P;-r ctrr (Siruatnhif arirarn in 2ra-nf<bii-, tirntrrecunpi. Tim. a'a, hratrmt ncttiid turd- trn ".'iiiann PVrg unt tir 2tairßlinr'l Orbrn, cfti-tb tnrd Pantrr ern ftctn c. S'oal. futdd turd pantrr res 3chn S(c4#. tint wwßJut tnrd Pantrr rcn .tamrl 2V. Jfeat. Mnthailrnt .'.'runpa Kdrr. tnehr iter ar. Riarr Tateuf m'dirt n grcir# Stadnrtßif■ ?Dih-.haul, 2*aaf Sdrsrt est cstrrr flsfrnat hautf. Otxttjt rt. m T-rrhuH amrwaictt *t R it r. fan<l a.f i. a fP. T. 'n *t Grin ?Jr. IS fill' tmrl am-'6r Ctrhautc unt Prttr Crur.t iiramt m ißta.frr Icwßtdu Prntrr Prun Jr. t : mna r*mt nerPittb an trn cwrntlidrn fstrg ti-hrmt ftrd- -fun- ftallm, fttiid) turd Pantrr in J. 2S (KsiKitf unt iamrt Prth. unt tut unt wrui'd an Pantrr rrn Xan ri t'rth- (I* irt rm iwrofi*rt turn Sidshauf. grbau! au t'f Brt_trl 2'vdvi.lrn .I.*, Arcnfr an trr t-ffon, iidm StiaG SJ 'uk W- 34 Tup 6 tcU r!'d tru gmt. tir STrntktr tr ( t iKfrnt k rnt !.' 3ui,, unt trs Rid ??ri)rn Gtirrntr Jtbrl W-rnt '.yi utt t r rr'rrftirr Panuc 'R trm artuEtrnm SX-IB tri trf (Vifhastii tr>rr.t 21 Tpi g B l futrn teuJmt unt 14 T*afi etl Pi'rilrn trufrnt Oinar;.itrn. in I'rthaß .irncmjßrit, nnt *irt rrrfau I ''. alt CiarntPum rcu Tr f>. £. Tittrr. rtntr ' v ,r 54. SU' jrrrl *nt p.-tir tyrant, namitd Tat rrwaPntr ( , *rKsßtt arlr ant in trr 3**tca-tb jMrlirfcnitaa' trr citifilrtrr PIRR £trar in br'aatir 2*rtcuak ar, r-nt PrJlr ftcirnt an (>runt ten damn Srmrr auf Cirn unt futiid an pamb rUa-r rn< trrivtg 44 i v an< au* 2£lr-:rn unt P nn Strafr u* Vrt'rn unt '*t n twn.wriarl fram. *>JB jar-unt tmiia Sut -Ten! anf pin* rfra'r cut iwar.m Jtui in I-r*r unt nnt i*c ftnfiat .tt dr. r:n bmtrrrl (Wrhaute 16 hri 15 1 B (Vrarp-.tru, in IWrNa*! .-m.-mmts ur.t *-rt rrr L-u'J ait t* amthum r.-n '-V.-nrcf Srarr, C* -rr. tpumrt ctrr bmdiiatrt t'lgrnthumn unt Pan trafJrr. 3 t n rr fTr. 15. R'lr rrrpcrirtrn Brand*!*. Nrdtr. *rr bnlra unt Unritcgirn trr mpabnJrn ?tr fWI irfmtr Car 'lfanniartarma Ucmranr-. rrn trridcr Si! unt i't'drr hunq t r*r trnr trn ntnrrn Unt frtntr, ali <,rt# 4cwifi mtuair Irnrmmt unt Pet! ctrr <*mntn<f arirarn in trr iMerfuat 1 <*r; Ir'cnlr. IfrnJrt Mcuntp unt ciaat iVnr.*r4 anirr,. hrarrnp unt hr*d: rhrn n-it *ciat. namitd Sn •anarnt an r nrm T*crn in trm Jrwnidd P?rra futrrat rrn ?*rllr*cn!r nad Ncci-fliuri, tann *ut iid 26* ' 45* cnlid *S2 'u* an nnrn T'i*int, rnliana Pant Mdr rhrn anarfau*t rrn fi'it. S dfr-nclt# unt antrrir Pantrr trl ??m. X. SfrmclM, tann iutiid 61* 3<* * writlid *3 *sfi an nnrn Sftin am rrdttn U*tr trr Sprina, Otrtf, tann trm rrdlrn ll*rr .trr Srrma.Orrrl binauf lnthd h* rdiid 224 Tub an mm fifpffrt tann fitod 14" 30* * imtiid 240 Sub m trm 'ut.nrfl t'dt tr# Kin trl trt <*rlir*on!f T-rr* Ucmraantt. tann übrt trn Xaui ncrt 52* l.'i*' wt'T 336 lu* an tal Odr trr (ytjr!rr,*rntr rcn © W. T-aimtmr. tann rnllana Maatrr Srnl ncrl 19* 30* * writ 245 Tuk an tinrn ffctirn au* Pan! ten X- (* >Bub. jrtl im ski| rcn 2. J. Strati u. Pc , *cmit ml.ana tr*aalrm ncrt 67' SO* * ciilid 100 Suji an tmrn V-fclrß, fern-! rnt' Una Pant trffr.hrn rcrtnd 25 P*tat wrnlid 3: . Run an tinrn au* trr rrtdr*aatm tcwnfd t straw, 'emit rrmafcntrr Strairhmalf ncrt 27 C*r 3o* * cfthd >*"o Xtjt jnrn Bnfana#rU|r. rnthab trnt Sdt B<frr. fri r mbr ctrr wrwarr, unt if tir'elbr Petit ctrr (*runttu>f n-ridr X- 0* 2*n!l unt (*attin tnrd Xrrt tatirl trn |strn 2aa tri flu a tint PI T- l s 7:*. nnarstaam ia Omtrr Prunti im Xrrt-tMudt .1. '.h'c 2, enfr 215 aa rrwsibnti 2b< s'rUr*cn!r Par 'TJannUrtunna Pcmj-anr vrr, wtUialrn nnt übrrtruacn, unt til nn Ibr 1 trrVh trn Pcttr P*ru-.t wndr Ptmunt tPlandart URI OGilm ©ran 5S SMandvjrt art o*attia, ©ran W. 3Ulratf unt OGttm ant S Saton t?*rrt ant <*a:t n turi I at tat rt ten 24 ten a a: fl S T. cinartraarn ta Pent:* ©canto, in trm rcft<*Pa<6f ?ic 2, Sett* 218, rrrtriUtat ant iitertraarn an ttr rrtwNlt ,?tr gkllrfrnte Oar KanafatturiaaOomranr*. Tartie funk trrfß aft. arttifcit mitfammt trr ©afktfraft imt tkrvilratm m trm Tammt an ter wili.whan! liCucm ttr*. tnk an rbtn Mdtnthmr Volte Okaßt. trie rrUftan tt<t anaefuhit uat he'dtntben in ttn ob*B rrn-aha. icn.ltttl, ant trie bi llntir'a-buna teiklbea It rcUfommenet* Hu#fun<t er.anat fann tmtrn. Tarauf crridt>trt cm ni.krdiae' badmin Okbantc Smut ant orfui'irtai# (UffOk.tmi ant tt ©rrfitattr. Pbmfali#, fit antrrrl **n - bod item Okbantr, ant rmtptti a:# i nr 9Sa!.t!Wß'®crftattf trnfTatlfni- "-.haf ©hen* tali*, c n antrrrf |>tt • fit :e# bad-nem CWaute bemit! alf cine .tvbrl-'lViib.f. ObenfaU#. cm an. trr*# tin fttkfigrf bad-item ant orrurirt turd< tic .sßranfcn ,*n it na OTaCtmr PrmiMßß*. ObmfaU#, en antrrc# pre .ilod .',e# barf item Okbaute aehrautt ant krii|t al# cine Welniuttc ant C nee. ©beriall#, em antcnl jtrrfftceLae# fram Okbautr brfannt all tcr tin tti*t<bff.S.eav— mitfammt allcm rjafdsmennefrii cnthalten in rotbeGgten ©kbattra arb.tmt m tcr rrnabnten lb* tSfUcUmte Oat '2','anuiaemnna tfemiant)* frtrie HGuboli, S<|cj>r , Ir.rfmtau. kt ftt staUr. ©bt nfail#: sll ta# getrifk 2sil?B4af.lenf' mcnt ant Vctte ("runt learnt in tee 2L;.nab 2kUrfcnte, ©entrr ©mute. ant -taat i'mnfelra men, bratrnjt ant Kld-nebm nr frlgi, nlmlid) tlnijnarnt an tmcm Vfeftra amUfrt tcr erring Orref cm fltmrmt# ©rft rcn Vantcr rcn ©tUam SI. Itvmat ant ?i'm. <, Ikmtioit#, fcrait mUanq trr rcaatiß ©reef nortlid) 6dt l v rot cwlnb iu an cmcn kronen, kniit cntlant Vantcr pen ©m. SI, 1 tenia# lutitib 3d (Meat prtiifb i;.ft -ui an cmcn tcttcn iiincbaain auf linfrr ccitc tcr Vc aan.vj'ianji, (emil tci Vim* rntlanj tcr Imfcn Scitc tcr VcstanC.'Jlcan* fatlut .) aiilidi 70| Aaji an c.nrn i ! icftta, knitit rntlana antctcr Vantcr rcn ©m. *■ :kcftiirlt# kltluV :1 ivcMticb '.TS ilnfi n men atif Vet Vtmt twiUttctt Vantcr rrn ©m. SI. Wrunolt# ant "J. iiufb, (jebt Jbc ©cUet ntc i<ar dVatia'artarma Ikuinanni. fnnit cntianit Vickr Vinir nrrtlut itti v w rat nfitinti ;i7O lab |u tern maian^fvUt#,—tnl' , baltctib Ilia Meter ant 104 Aatbrn, fti el mtbr . iter render, unb ijt tickihr Vatic Wrunt mrltbr J ®m. K. :Hrvniit_l turcb Cctt tat rt ten 12 laa j .luni, S. T., 1573, in IScntrr llrunin , . m Tret ti*uvt>c * j*. -}l. t cMc 216, vrnnUiat t | unb übcrtri,trn an tic norbefaate *2 be iHfllckntc ISar •IV'anuiaciurinn (Svmvanu* tcr (arrtl c icn lactic—milfammt alien term incprvarirtcr Aramtifcn, :kcd>itn, Arnbcitcn, $. ©ebaiitcn, OSifWrcirn , i4}">itbit>crfi:a*icn, .RarrcntccrTiuiicn, >Baubt'i|, i ccbevtcn, irpcfcnbilttcn. italic, a'.'aftbmtnn'c j kn, UiknbabnwcMfn, ccitcnbabnc, ©aflcrrccbti „ unt I'tirilMicii, ©anflf, .tcictita t mcnt# unt Krvurttnanjen tcclcbc ta,n itcK-rcn ate: n auf it,tent ©nk anbcianqcn, unt tic 3ie?ifienn n unt Ufbcrblirbc, !Ncntr, I'latWcmmcn ant iSront tcrfclbcn, ant allc 0"u b, :Ic*t, 2'tic, 3ntcrcffc ~ ISiflmthnm, Mnu-rml) nnt 9k>rtc una ;>cn iritrnl ®rt ron tcr crirabntcn *2b* >UtUcfcntc (Jar 2Kan ■ ufarturmj Qoovpang* im ©ckblniicn, Cauitp ptr frofttvtiit ttn, in unt n tttfclbra tm ftutjen etc ==H A RD W A i( I:I - i WILSON, M'FARLANEitCO. I ' t ■ "" ■ NEW GOOfiS—FANIC FRICBS. t N II Ii T K A O A IT hTOVEff IILATI.KN RAXGFA TEG E K t: H h H i We would otpeciai!/ call alUntion to tb* t Ilighlantl Hticen Cook Stove, r -AND THE WZLCOSDZ mwi H2A73MG Tf bY£. r i —— — tir Out Stock being entirely New. W* offer Bargains ssflr HARD WAKE, OILS and PAINTS .-•* WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILMIY, XTAKLA.YEA (0., HUMES BLOCK. BELLEFONTE. PENN'A. Ihr iwrifr grbc rat. j P nartcarß. m Bllba*: arnemmrn est witt m- w f uft all Oiarntbnm rcn Tbt 2*rsir*atf Par 2*iaß., jßfarturißa Pcmtwar. 'i flrrner: Nr. 16. flU' ttr arwtf pcttr ctrr Pmjitkff *! grirarn in trt iPcrmab iibihr'buia. Ornttt Orun< ' t5. i-rßß'nirar.ia, arrnjett ncrtltd an rmr •. : im, chd tnrd Sxt>3*ciu StraAr, fit- unt ' wr*ti d tuid Pautri rrn P ffiunftm. m-t flrcn: auf Maatr £t Awntr £ttabr rm rtwa 54 flnf a uat rtwa 1.0 Aw* |ururf iae*rat. Xaiaaf rrrtd- , trt rm r a-flcrfiari fram fl-rdarblntr. S P n jrtcarn, m T-rrba*t arncmmrß nnt w rt rrr. *- ' fan'! ctr P arßtbum rcn fxr.rr 41. tf-iircr. . fl c r n i r; .7 *U tal flirdt. littr nt !Pnifrr"t rm .flebn 2S. OTrErirc m unt iu jrarm ormirn I * Wrflnogr ctrr £tnd Pantr4. atUacu t 4?ullcn J Xcwnfd r. Orntrr Pcnntc fran'a, an'anamt t rmrm £trm in trm ®a"rrdra, femit an Pantrr f rm 3c# fl. fptlham! futhd 411 Crat weftiidj 55 Nnt brn an £lr>nr, fem-t tnrd Pantrr trl'rii . : bm inti d W *]4 J *rftrn, 'cm t tntd Pantrr rcn flamr# flrtrrncrt M (*rt cfthd 56 4 10 fluthm an nnrn ©nerirj ' drn. femt! rnt'.am Pantrr trftclbm futiid 26 : (*ratc|id 9o fltuthru an rr.rn ®inr'>aum. (■:! r rnllana Pantrr em ttmMbtn fntlid 33 o*rat eff ■ lid 49 ib'tibrn ar. nnrn T-frffrn, fewt mtianj 0 ' fantrt rcn 3cbn ©aanrr nrrthd 60 (brat cbthd <• -. tinltrn an nnrn f*cftm. 'rmit rutltni Pantrr rcn £rctt ©iliiaml ncttiid 36 o*rat ckhd 32 | Autbrn an nnrn fawanirn ptden. ta l rnliana Pantrr rm Wibrrn r.crt;-d 51 P'rat enhd 18 Nn tbrn an Stnnr -m ©aflrrdrn. (emit trm ©a**rrr dm bmauf 54 Sutbrn an mmKfrrtrn, 'emit << '• Una rrwabntrn Pantrr rcn ©rcwa a. ' futiid 51 P*rat wrfchd 8 Nutbcn cn rum T'cn r 1 rn, *cm J rnriana Pantrr trl'ribm tfrthd 51 o*r f cfthd 6 Snthm an * ©aflrrdrn, (cm t trm ®a( ' *mdrn b nan' 6.' fltutbm an Stnnr trm flnfana*- * blafr. rntbaltmt .01 flrfrr nil, fri r* mrtr rtrr '• wmiarr. Xarau* rrndtrt rm twr -flcrftarl tram £ ' ©cbnbaul nnt antrrr p'irbmarhantr. .* !f © nartcarn, in •iWrbaH amemmm nnt wirt m * faa*t all piarnibntn rcn 3cbu iVr.ffriro. hi fltrnrr, n j ®ic IS. flu' jrnr orwtbr Pcttr ctrr (bnintftnrf ° '■ arirarn in trr 4*wmat Tbihirtura. Pmtrt ©mm- fa. 4-ran a, t*arm(t nrrthd turd Pcttr rm Jic-.k * brrt Vicnt at' trat Ctr* turd ctra-./ ft, futiid turd Pcllrrcn TOrxrl, unt wrff.; : hd turd flrcnt £trabt. Mit Ah-mt anf ?icrt ■ n flrcnt 3tra*r rtwa 96 Snb unt jnrnrf lan*rnt rt * ra '.'4o flub |u rm-abntrr 9!crt-3mriW €rre<J taranf rmdtrt rm twn bcrliarl fria ©cbnhanl, . ' Stall unt autm 'Airtmarbattr. flrrnrr: { All' jrnr fltwiffr Pcttr ctrr <*runtfltff (trlrarn ' '} in trr ©crmabT-bihplbnra, PrnPrt ©cuntr dim. n'a. atruimt ncrtlid an Pcttr rcn 4Vtl 2u-l*c a * cfthd an antrrr Pcttr rca Nidart .{vim*, fithd - an Pettr rcn 3c*rrb Psi itrl nnt wrnhd an ?!crt. t flrcnt etrabr mil' br'aatrr ?Jert.flrcnt r - £trair rcn rtwa .6 An* nnt (nrurf lauftnt rtwa '* 100 flny—tarau* mtdlrt rm twri.lcrfiarf fTam *; (brbautr im (bfbtaud all rm nnt ©cbnbaul. r ' flrrnrr: flli' j.nt arwiflc Pettr ctrr CruaPiPurf jrlrarn " in trt 4'crcnab Ttilu-lbura. Pmtrt Pcuutr. Vet [' n'a, armtrnt nrrthd att T-'nr £trbr, cfthd an '* Pcttr rrn iVrl ffmitb, 'iithd n Pcttr ucn 3d- rrb Jgiamef vint wdtli* an Vcttt rem SBt. "flclfrn 1 imt antcrcr. mi! Irrnf auf hcfaatrr fmc rtra< I rcn etira 4'"' 4i ant rnmcf laufrnt rtw* (8 *n*. J taraul crticbtrt cm |!w;ile<fi4c4 fram Ofcbantc, icbcaud>t cut bcnu|talf cmc billiart Stabc, 38rb imns, . f. w. B(tiit: 9U" jcnc acwiffc Vrttc ctcc ornntiii! flclcacn t n tcr B'crruab VMiflbnta Centre Pcunln. n'a, arrnfcut nrrtKt an Vine*Sttafr, cfttiib # i telle rcn OTrl. Sternal. Intuit an Vctte rem 3c irrb tvamci unt rrcfti'ib an Vctlt ran 'l'hrf -rm'lk ml 'rem anf •fmr-errafec rrnVS ifub unt jurirf iaufrnt 06 nun. feme Cibaute. OmCKlcarn. in *>crbafl arncmmru nnt Kilt retfauh aU tfiatnttum rcn 3ii4witl gctict: J 19 *!I" jcnc am 8c Vrftc rttr •nmtnnrt aclc-icn in Snctrkl#e 1 cmnktiii?, Ocnlre Pcuntr. Venn a. bc4mut unt Mcfcriebrn rrtr fcUt: Slct ml ncitlicb an! Scent Straw cfltiib auf Onennwrt, Straw, futlicb anf ?ottc rcn St- 3- V OHcnn unt n>cftli<k anf Vantcr tet Sncwf,be Vant c alien, rntballrnt cm 4>atbrr 9cfer mrbi ctct ire m.irr. Taraaf tcnAlrl rut crrci>BMtiae# fram ?Brtwbaul nnt tin l.ftfrft.icr fram sdhnM4<i;\ Stall nnt antcrc Su'eunbaute. Pinacjistcn, m iKcrbaft acncmmrn nnt nrirt r*r fau't all tfiarntbum rcn V. S. J>ra.|rc. Scrncr: ?!p. 'JO SO' ifnc flfwific Volte ctct Wraut'mctj arlf itn inter Potc*ak Centre Vcmntr, fjrttn'a. ftrfent uortliifc anf tint SUip, cnlnfcauf' Vantct rcn Oticart Slrcnn, fitlnfe anf telle ecuj Van itf fWrtSaftttv unt wct'tli* auf SUcatcns Straw 50 *u* uat iuritf laufent VuO Sufi. £4, ran' trriWtt cm iicci'ftccfigcl fram 23rbtaut unt antcrc 9uwacbantc. t*in ; !f|iMcn, m S'erbaft acncmmrn unt teitfc *cr. fauft ail Ifiarnttamren Ivartin Jfrrin. 8 crncr: fie. 21. 9Q' tai :Krct>i, J iticunt 3ntrrffc rcn 3- "t'- Sterna* in unt jntcm Metriebf nm licarntrn tyiatnttum, namliit 911' Sttict ctct rarunt'iMif cmbalirnt 186 Scfrr, inctt ctct nrniarr, aclracn in Sanlcr Jcmfdini,-Centre fie-, Vt a, itc'cnt an tauter rcn Vrnr.' iVillri, 4i,MCiinc Slcncbtafcr, Sfm. iV. Vwn n. tso-, i ®iti. 3ctn Huffman unt antcrcr Vantcr rcn 3 ->9. Jbcmal, unt taranf rrncbtct cine fltpft fTam Siboice. |rcn ricint <llcrftariffr nnt anbtre nclb. iac flutcn.|cboiuCf. itwa 100 Scfrtrcn ticjcrn Slri. iVc ftnt Har unt tn autcui Stanju ante. Scmct: pint antcrc S>?CIMC Vanici auj tcr ©cflfcilc td SllCiibrns rate (av in larlor Sennfebiv, Ofntrc Ocuntn. i'enn a, cntbalicnt 166 Scfcr mcbr ctcr rrrniflcr. froimt an Vantcr rcn riF-m. Vi)cn u. Co , Rmimcrman, ©can u. Oc nut antcrcr Vantcrjren 3- W. Stomal. ©tnarwMcn, in Slcrbaft qcncnimcn unt wirt rcr fauft al? tsmrntbuiu rcn 3.88. Sbomai. Bfrtinann|tn Walb. .ffnnfret rnirt an. , crfanni bil allcl .f?auf.|clt in roll bcjabll tit. John spanolei!, • sifcUcfonff,Jlpril 10, 1870. Sicll jf. JOHN F. POTTER, Attnrneyat " Law. Collection# promptly mid# and spacla I attention alsen to haviof land# ot property for #aln. will draw up and have acknowledged Deed# Mortgage*, do. Office in the diamond, north aide of tba oguilhauM,B(lcfoDi. IKUSWU. i Spring Mills 0.K.! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble'a Store ! SPRING MILLS, .u the goods Lf|tHi flock t SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now extendi a cordial invitation te bis friends, patrons, and public general ly- Also a Complete Assortment of Ready Made Clothing for men nnd Ooy?. Suita a low aa to be bad in iba fity. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODSi Full Itrmsof MERINO UN DEE WEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Miaaea and Children. Hosterr. Gloves, Boots and Sboea, HATS "CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the most complete assortment of NOTION S D Centra! Pennsylvania, and price* the witlcompel you in self defence to buy o bm . Also Pish S*ii. etc. lie* A full line Howe St aring MnchiMC and Needle* fur ail kiuda of machines. Aiao dealt in all kinds 4 of Grain. Mar* ket price paid for the same. A specialty in CO AI. by the car load. Jas. Harris <§r Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. I U o x, N AILS, P A 1 N T S, OILSj ETC., J AS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonta. NICHOLS. SHEPARD A CO., ttatlle Creek, Mlrh. ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE VI 13RATOR THRESHING MACHINERY. TIIK Hatchl*** Oral *£'?! ft?. Timr-KarfigS! aa t M.tiv.r Sassinf Tbrp*i. ' tbia v\? and gvannra* iiem. Revvul aJlrivalr f l!a % a., IHrfrct t .vuUAg, ' CTIJUf Power Thresher* a specialty. H|Mlal r M aiaiM of Separators mad* nprt tlv fur ateaan roarar. t ratß l nr'ni.U St<-aei Tbrsakar Eaflasa, r O m r"Sw? ...J Tr*-u™. wia. rmfti. , M>. t WjMil M. a*tT "Ska 1 **■■ THE ENTIRE Thiwhinjr Kxpmam fawl *tUm Ibrce to Ave tins* ibni amoaal) caa ** * bj ta , cm Urmia ft* VBD Bjr Www lmprvl Msealsu. GtUIJI Raines* will aot aekrtlt lathe *•*£ .ou f Ur.Ui mm 1 ti. Isfcow war* If " uUH-r lamcliim-:"*. .hern aim .* I .'!* o*t ' expOT OslT Vart's Saperior for Wh- .t.Oata, • av Bwlcv. *r. tstuktir>ll. !*(.• l>m* s.iuM* |fut Tbrvsber la Fta*. IkaoUtT, Mllltrt. CWeer, *a4 iBHr jSaeda. fcoqulros &> ' nitavtmwut." or * rvLaU4f •* ebaugv fsas Grain to Ssnl. 4 *S Thoriioch Workmanship, Eleeaat Kislsh, r A r-rWrti-'S of rru. Cmß| 1- t -Lea "f I qatpswa • •*- I r •• (SUM" Thrabtr UatSu Ma XucawiarCak'. MABVEliOl's r WwplisHf f frt>s wia* !.. iSasaac-limir tc aml -*<•■ ""J Oasr M,> S I cms Wort, wtU so Unestse* " r mil K Sites ef Separators *sde, KaaoiaC • A Was. at* u Taaer.Hw -ad taa JtosoU if J Borw Power. a m—eh |Tloß Pmrtkoim, C%ll om eer lesim W | JSi u% uIM M Mi*, ss .afeblATj yfcteli wo RiAl