The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 24, 1879, Image 2
Th Ceutrt Reporter. FAKD KURTZ EDITOR CksTRK HALL, Pa., Apr. 24. IST? Senator Wallace's speech, in the ate, the other day, on the araiv hill and in replv to Blaine. was one of the most logical and forciibl* delivered upon that question. The independent press throughout ths country join in taking this view of it, sn>l in connec tion with the democratic press refer to it as a conclusion refutation of the ar garments advanced from the republican side. Sesstor Wallace already ranks a one of the ablest member* of the senate and his party looks to him as one of n* ablest and safest leaders at the nations' capital. The state may well feel proud of him. Here is a story about a keg of .Ml rtaela' ld, agiven hv a writer in i Columbus. Ga , paper ■ A keg of gob am ranting to 112.000 was lately reaver cd froai a mill pond, where it had beei hidden for fourteen vears. A guid. that was with Jeff Pavia when he wa making his flight through Georgia de serted the party upon arrivii g in h tike countv, stoie the keg of money ami roll frd it into Ike pond. 0 his death heJ at tlie penitentiary, wherw he w* soon afterward sent, hw dike Uvsed the loca'iiy of thw treasure. M •> a ponJ h * s t,e * ,n searched in c-onaecjnen.-w. J ist now an Indian turns up wh says that G#n. Cusier killed himself. A corresfwoideiil of tbe t hie-ago I ribune <av s the India at Bay that, after the gen eral slam peel*, Custer tried lo rally hi men around him. He waved his pistoi iu the air and shot ii off twice, to attract his men. Two or three gathered around him, hut. aa tha Indians stiil rontinue.i to ad van.*, one of the scjldiers tried rin awav. Custer tireef al hitw sad kill ed him. and then, seeing ihe case qtlilc hopeless, the Indians gathering around frotn all parts, turned his revolver on himself, preferring to die by his own hand The Indians say that they think this person was Custer, as he was a chief but Kiev are not certain of the fact. Rain in-the-Facw took a s-ddier prisoner h it he was not allowed to live long, aa he was killed at a dance that fallowed the tight. The Indians he-e all agree on one thing—that the number of In dian* killed in the fight was thirty-six ; they give their names. Paul Geddes, republican, of Lewi*, burg, who has held a position in the Sen ate at Washington, for the last fen years hxs received his walking papers, and a democrat takes his place. England's labor troubles are far from being settled. The cable announce* that thousands of men, women and children at the North Durham collieries are quite destitute. More than one-thin! of the 9,000 ssea employed there would wiliing'y accept the masters' terms but are afraid of violence. The Times' cor respoaeient at Darlington telegraphs:— "From the temper shown throughout Durham, and from the Executive Com mittee of the men not being prepared at the conference on Saturday to uiak* equal concessions to those which ha* been entertained of an early teruiina tion of the strike has disappeared, and the probability is that the battle will be fought to the bitter end. In the Mid land counties the master glassmaker have accepted the compromise offered by the men." Mr. Y'-wtim voted with the Democrat* 1 on the nders to the appropriation bill T .is, we apprehend, will make the Dein ocracy leas anxious to secure ths **! f-.r the "war governor."— Lfiritburg Chronic! c. rad. Not bit of it, Mr. Chronicle—no mat ter how often Yocnm votes with fh democrat*; Curtin has done better, ha voted over six years with the Ueai'wrat* and besides he was elected to do their voting in congrass for theni, and Y'octiui wasn't. SUFFER fXG A XI) UFA 77/ .4 MOSG COLORED REFUGEES. S irh is tte new* that begins to come from St Louis and Kansas of the fate ol the negroes who are pfluring oat of the south and fl siding Kansas. Little else was to >NI expected—it is a fate that has met winy of the white emigrants from Centre county, as well as from other parts. A Kansas City dispatch of 17, says a Urge nntnher of colored southern rcfigees having Ween landed by steam boats at Wyandotte in au entirely desti tute condition during the past few days they are occupying the churches and public halls of that place. Many are Sick from exposure and dying. Mj >r Shelley, of Kansas City, to-day telegraphed to ttie secretary of war for an order for the issue of rations from Fort Leavenworth to feed them, asd Secretary M'Creary replied that he hail no authority to do so; that congress was in session and applications should be made to that body. A committee has been appointed at Wyandotte to look aftar the sufferers. It issued the following vesterduv. "To the Genermtt Citizent of the United St'it ft: The undersigned, the executive committee of citizens' relief coum ttee of Wyandotte, Kansas, make an earnest aptteal for immediate financial aid to as sist the sick and destitute colored refu gees that destiny has suddenly thrown on the citizens of Wyandotte; 1,700, who are entirely destitute, are already here and thousands more in the same desti tute condition are on their way In the midst of this general sutferiug and great need for immediate aid we send this Macedonian cry for immediate assis tance. Send all contributions to Northrup & Sous, bankers, treasurers. (Signed) "GEORC.B H. MILLER, "G. W. BISHOP, "V. J. LANE, '"Executive Committee." Hon. A. H. Coffroth, I'*., made a very effective speech in the bouse on the sub jectof the political clauses in the ap propriatiou billa. In toe course of his remarks he alluded to the fact that at the elections in 1864 a squad of United States troops was stationed at every pole in Bedford county, and that in one in stance they deliberately murdered an inoffensive and respectable citizen of that county. The Times, 15, says: The I'ress de nounces ttie action of Judge Orvis, of Bellefonte, as "most flagrant," and as Warranting a legislative inquiry,because be has taken some interest, as a citizen, in developing the frauds by which Gov ernor Curtin was deprived of his return to Congress. It in true, as the fretful piping of the organ eavs, that "if there liave been election frauds in Centre County, those who committed them should be tried in the court over whi li J idge Orvis presides," but, organ like, it torgets to say that the preparation ot a ea>e to lie presented for the considera tion of Congress, has just as much rela tion to the judicial duties of Judge Or-' vis as they have to the judicial du'ies of the l,ord Chancellor of England. But ita Something f,,r a modern organ to pet even a glimpse of the truth into a polit i cai paragraph, and the Press is to be cvujUiCuUed for having mixed a little of th* mmmridiiy with its potty malignity Atfttinpi iiofornor Curtin. ♦ ♦ ♦ DO I SOS AT liAHMsBIKO. j The Pittsburg riot hill was finally kill ed in the house on lf>. Yeas nave 10!. Messrs. Gephart and Murray among the wnvs. Speaker Ixmg announced the follow - ing committee to investigate the illegal use of improper iiitlneiu e in the interest of the riot hill : Messrs Gatchell, lllioad*, Wolfe, Povle and 1.11 i• <tt. A joint resolution was reported audi ormiig tlie appointment ot a committee to receive Gen. Grant upon Ins arrival in this country. Thiaas usnal will '• followed hv a big lull of expense for aegars. whisky, carfare, gloves, dinner* and so on, which the tax payers wili have to pay. We do not ee any signs of cutting down salaries. The legislature has anthemed the ap point men t ola ineasengri tor the hbt.i riun at t*HH> per year There I* ait f -[slant librarian why* can't 1" ! - v messenger, he tms nothing to do. N.v an assistant messenger will he to ol der. The tmaip hill lias passed flna '■> in |„. ll.ui.e to a v. to 't l"i to W 1 rovhtwa that any person going riwm pue L> p!ae tugging st-.iH be dreie< 0 he a tramp au-T guilty OF A IIH V|I ' aa-iiior and on .Mitvn iton shall be eueed to sotilar. ootint lacnl at l.t - ' ■r in the .-.otirt ail or work *•• < 1 mil less than s v months nor over eigk 1, provide.t, tt't if tie i*lt pr o. hat tie dos s not make a practice ot g • ingwhotlt begging he shall be .lis hatg flie hi ! pi -tnhiislhe kit <thi . ' .r lire* on itie t.igiiw> or in ' < and tba Carrying ot dangerous weapon* KWKI 01 AIMS. After all the i .dtca! cry *ag >tt t t!* psvrnent of - -nthrrn claims we do ml think it is half skin deep with tin bloody shirt u.cii, in t < w f their a,; •• in the house on Id, when an amend meat to ttie legislative appropriation ' hill, offered hv Mr. Atkins demo : Tennessee, to abolish the south.ri r Uiis commission was voted down. A 1 majority of the detm era's voted to *t-ot i sh ike commission and the republt. an?- • vote.l solidly ill fav r of retaining it rtie country may now sec which of ih. Ito grea* pJils. al parties* to ' ,av southrrn claims, liiu few re| ■' i ' an congressmen from the soutw wet* 1 quite furious in their deuutn tation o . i(ie attempt to alKilisb the commissi DiYOSFT nn.iT r GOY.OFAMY SAID. i That the democrats Hi congress ar. i right in {heir efforts !• put a to t> having hay nets at the ; '•, 'o cotitro - elections, is not only proven by ti.eii ■ arguments mst now ttpi.u the am y ! i hut by a favorite republican governot of this state, the lamented Jno. U " tjearv. who in one of bis manual mes sages. made a strong pratest against tin* s . nine against free re. lions. Me here ' quote from Gov. Geary'* iue*sagc. lie said; •The employment of the 4 mted >:a tes troop* at elections without the n aM(aftka local and Mate (iwaiMOl* 1 i has rvceaily re> eived eontdrabl at • tiou and appreiieiisi-.n. 1' is rt-garde.i i 'as an iutartervuee with Itio a.>,*.'e:gi> i rights of the itate-, which was uol i-nr i rinplaied bv the founders of Ike t.en ! i eral Goverumaut, and. it persisted m, • | lUllSt lead to res'li'S Ul-a- rous to |Wa>v land baruionv. Thw practi.w is une , j serious in its character and so injurious tu its tendencies as to merit prompt consideration and decisive a.tlon, no! ' only bv the General Assembly but by . Congress One of the complaints of the colonists against the British King was the oppression growing out vt the u •uaiptmu of power. Ttiey *.u I, He i has kept among us in times of pen. t . ataudiug armies without the consent of our legislatures and, whal .. espe. in ly pruurul to toe case iu point, lis " liaa affec ted to render trie military inde I pendent of and superior to ttie ctvtt ! piwrr." The a 1 lege,| authority !. r the , use of troop- at our Male tv u >n i- Ur t j rt ved from the ten I n -e. t ntu of an a. t ol ! Congress approved MaV .•!, . s ,o, etitl lied An d'% to enforce the rights of. ttt leiig ol tlie United n ales tu vote in the several Slates ol tt.e I niou, ana lor other purpises, which aulhoriars I'm tad S'a'c- Marshals to call to their as ststaii.e Sucfi p-rtnui of the laud and naval forces of the Uuited states, or oil Ike militia, as maV (• necessary to the performance of lha dmy sttli wnno i liey are charged, and to tnsurw a faith fill observance ol tfie lifteeutfi ameiid inent to tlie Constitution of the I utied StAtrai * "But il musf he forced construction of this InW Dial ttiil justify the presence of aruird national lorcra at our plai es ot election w hen no necessity *£!' there for, aml where their preseme is ca:cil lated to provoke collision. ith a good ; President the exer ise of the power re ferred to Wig tit have no injurious re sults, but ui the hands of a bad tucn, I governed by personal ambition, it imgi.t j prove exceedingly caiainltous. I ucoii- ■ cimisty a good President might tie in ■ lucrd to employ it wrongfully; a bad one would ha almost certain to use it for his own advancement. Under any cirvu instances, in my opinion, it is tin sate ami antagonistic to the principles that should govern oar republn au insti tutions. At ttie last October eieillon l otted Stales troops were stationed in Philadelphia for the avowed purpose ol enforcing the election laws. This was dunn Without the consent or even the knowledge of the civil authorities of either the city or ttie State and without a iy expressed de-ire on the part of Un* . n ;irns and, as tar as can be ascertain ed, without existing necessity. From a conscientious cornelian of its import ance 1 have called your attention to this subject. A neglect to have done so might have been construed as an en dorseuient of a measure that meets my unqualified disapproval. The civil authoring s of I'eniisjrlvunia have a! way been and are still competent to protect its citizens in the exercise ot their elec live franchise, and the proper and only lime for the I lilted flutes military forces to intervene will he when the power of llie Gammonwealth is ex hausted and their aid is lawfully requir ed," Seventeen Republican candidates for sheriff in Blair county, and '"still there's more to follow," Of all these early birds which will get the worm? At the election held in Michigan last week, the republican majority dwindled down to4'00 That's a big couie down, where there used to be 60,000 majority for the same party. We print a full synopsis of Senator Wallace's able speech oil the army hill, and in reply to Blaine. Read it —it is a complete answer to the argument of the opposition. Florida is ahead —she bad a hailstorm on 14, a thing unknown there. Hail fell us large as a bell's egg. Tkurmnn was elected president pro tein.of the U.S. Senate. Another revo lution. Another crowned head shot at ami missed. They must be game hard to hit. A twpnty-flve cent bottle of Wells, Richardson k C*s Perfected Butler Color, sisdeat Burlington, Vt , w ill color 300 pounds of hotter, and add live or MX cuts to ttie market value ol each pound Intelligent dairymen kuow this, and they all use it. It is now beiieved that Haves wilJnot veto the appropriation bills and that lie will allow them to become laws without his signature. fare beautiful English gi'ts who in happier days practiced blaekstnithing, have in their poverty flatted a black -oiiiba' shop in Lou-oville,, K.y , and they j hays plenty to do. srXATK PFPATK. si rt % ov MI;, W CI I M I TO IU CIW. The* discussion on IHO arinv hill was ; opened in the Seriate on 14 BY Mr, Hlatne. Mr. Blaine, in the beginning, pro nounced the issue raised by 'HE I'cin.l . lalaas lalse and atisuil'. A PROPOSITION I tai , h he T.reansed to demonstrate cleat IY. HE read a |iper allow tug that AI present only 2,~T*0 soldier* of the ieg ULAR a rui v are east of DM alia, and ol these only 1,1 • > are stationed in the Southern -tales HIS entire reasoning was based up.NL III* theory thai TINS number ol TROOPS w as entirely too small to .a. rawe or intimidate the millions of population ' Ihe temlori li'. I occupy I'Rla was sufficient, BE held, to ( love ihe ABSURDITY ol ISE U.-uioi ftdie howl lu his usually re. k less manlier lie dc lare.d thai no senator on the floor bad , vol seen troops at a polling place SENATOR Here ford at >O and slated that HE ha. l M-. N llieui stationed around (...lis UI WEt \ iiftaM IN ISI O Senaloi \\ ill TU* I>AD weu them slack thru aim* ar Hint voting in Kentucky in )S , "C IJI Iliat'S 100 fal FIT., i. sal.L Mr. halite who, when reminded ol ins .-LINE dec laralion, sal.l he otilv meant tplc-ry AND NOT TO make an assertion. It, - .11,1 IR.t TO the . ! War at d t" the . turn 'I ihe - UTH to power, but not in is , .d-tiure btttrf tdallliwr. He seem . ,t LO tie > Jed WITH a rwmal kable MIT.t Itiroughoul lie *id tl at VERY I-ee, h TIL fiec.rata, had SAID thai lb, - niih. though in a minority , had, hv T< Uibtual 'n Wll TI a | -ft toil ot the YORT I ruled lite .OULILLV 11. tore THW rt..r. AMI • \ ...topling I E MM.' poll- Y, it eoulo title again. He Klallie did WOT tbei ,1 , r.-> lale tlie proplirtu- port era of tfi. \ vice L-rrsldeul of Ihe L ontedera.V te did not twllcve llial he would ECEI .• TO see thai prophet y reaiiril. Mr Plain* eon. '.ULE.t rt.lhl sli ug UJ | • a .. \| r H.-cVrs to Veto the bid. Mr W '.tiers' |o ef sja-rch w .-lti* Very So* mtnv ofargumenl. He said he though I rt .sonlv netessary fur FIII side IN t>r. -E.,t LLIR Teal Lsue, ai d that be did in II si tittli g tern - He D:j oswd Ot Mr 0 . in s 'has is" TOR his spec, tl 111 a Irs , , r.IS "IT LLIAILE V. Iy II I!w .11T!. rn. v, ie said, "as tu where the troops U.I, .I ,V , Ibe porter LO order T tie to L* JA - ling Sac. s*as on TT.e statin t.,,,k5, NII.J T R,e 1 xtcu'ove W ante J to IL-e tl.eui in hal rt AV 11 won d ri quire Irut a Ie RT day B me tor Itiui to I nceiitrale A* Uiani , ...I. tiers as S- thought necessary it) con ;I>,L t• e election at any |H.rint No MICT WR I Ollgtll to lie left TM LL.C lialnls 111 ANY man IN Kits I ■ I vwrnrnent . II WAS THE , .rter lo do tturio IN itils Wat thai the t'EN IU. rats rtante I to grl RTD ot Mr Walla.*, HI reply T" Mr Blaine -aid that ttria bill cam* FRONT couimit ee I*. did not come Iron) a SE. rel con -oilal T. .I ol I'. !' rals He SPOKE IBLL IT ar V T'cc.uipe lie A one il the turn era of (TIE omniiitee. He would tn> ~W mcupv llie f! I r I! lie tiad not H.-ei barged by ITIE .cliimttte to give tin ■ E-isons for the insertion of thu Secli.u I the hl)I dlsj iled by tlie >euator troll The BDL .aim* HC-r* fr.'Ql Iht tl -LI-E. Was TAKE-II L I tie . dels -ilesk a 1,. hem'* Wa* sent to the Co in IN tile* O. Appropriations it had L>ERU report*. ' -a. 1. IJ-oUI L!..d . DlUlUtrt-. This WA the very l id, alI >. in word and letter , was reported NY the Committee 1 INFERENCE during the last Session, an. I aoul.l have been agreed lo he the la. " house* and tiasse.L but for ibetr ilita - greemenis <>N the aiuriniments. R THE want or THE BILU I> TLIP bill WA* NOW brr* on us paaaaga It contained a single oispulrd sec tion L rt'htcU he Would uow address bimsrll TI.E war caused UIAI Y departures Irou rim: .S wt h Were • ssenltai TOON itiertles. Necessity made Ike peop . Iwsr soil , clloa OT lb# civil to military 1 J. rt.-r, L!.e suspeus -11 of '• • and the prespii.e.-I armed trcsjps AT in. - po( * I'hrs* paS art ay Willi TBE lie ..-ssity 11 a! PRODUCE thrill. Ih* sing . SS.I* in TULL *,<. afial tf.E f x. u live ionger possess the Jairti-r to p'ac. | tr.H.j .at tti* poils ' L tieir pres. nc* A. a menace U(HIII L lie rigtil of Irec- ELE. llona | 1 his r;g' ':s hint sud certain. IT miii j to US frotli I nglalld, atl.i is a part of OUI -ystetii T I la*S lis proleclloti mil TR f rii* >*a!ES. I R.E Federal <O,v*riimeic ■ j HAS nothing lo DO w ITLI it. 1 his is, san: ! AIR. Wallace, the only issue IN ihe cuu test. W* will not be diverted from it ON this LINE we stand ;by it we fall. IT .s whether the I.derai Government shall place tr >ops at the |h.lls or hetl. < r the X.ales, free- It m L-e.lerai ihterler ell. e, aliali preserve pea. * and se cure free tie. Ileu s I repeat, Ihe placing . roups al .he p> is is a u>vua< E, a threat AND no free PEOPLE ca>> bear it. IH tin L> I of li ghts N| I.EAR v ev.rv Mat. tree elections are guaranteed, whit. ! NO si: iv J.ORTER IS given to It • Federal Government in the t .institution, in. STATUTES of many MATE* assert and pro- I 'eel this right. In I*' !. T'enusylrania flserted it hv j statute N. w Y >rk, Mry laud and many ! 'U.ers have iAs pr>.vision* Noattemj' was made l.y the T.-.teral (ivvernaieni until it Was exercised tli the border Slates tltld.-r the War nower. Ihe exer . is* ot this power wa* hr. e alone 1 I.e. oppres-ion, and in l.V.p -ena lor l'owelt o! K.-rtlu, kv, Intr ducvd lb. act of 1- i. ,\s llitr-"1u.e.1, it gave u power lo interfere with elections, btr was rvsirictive of evil. 'Tbr Judniai. t'. uiiiilUee reported acailist the b:D in p..-age, isenai' r I'miietoy of Kaii ■cas, (hv w. rl 'giving troops I power to keep the peace ai the polls' Every REPUBLICAN voted lor thin ami every IVwjo. rat ngaiust TL Troop* M< tlie J-O IS AHD fr>-e elet ifons are iticom oallhle 1' rti rhv ART to the 1 XecutlVi ! ■ a etatu or Republic to place troops l,<>t the pulls is .t negation of the sis : tern. We propose, Mr. Wallace said, to maintain the American system ol lrc i slecttun*; to restore civil poster epntrui overall the machinery of the Govern meat. A free system "of laws cannot tolerate even, the possible ue of fori e at the fountain of power. Why shah we not restore this right? N . Senatui wib deny the right of its value. Nom a-i-vr that troop- under pari ,h coiitr I • outline to free elections. The legisla lion of IV'4 w- the lir-t install, eot the mall clad liand of the federal Govern ment at the hallot.tMiX. Mr. Blaine (Interrupting . does the Senator present the nlea that the amend ments put on by Republican Snatno were to control elections in Kentucky w here Henna rats had ttie right, to vote". Or will he accept the suggestion that It was to keep rehel Kent tick tans from coming hack to control elections? Or were they ltettioi rallc voters who fought attaint the la ion under Jeff I'avis and i'ame hack to defeat Union voters. Mr Wallace, resuming, said, the Ren tor froin Maine lias injected into mv remarks the assertion that Federal pow er Was tt War power. Mr W ullai-e said the people want free elections, wittioiit a shadow* orsuhntsnce ol iniii'ary power, whether Stateor Fed eral. He wanted provisions of the Con s'ttution to he the law of the land in the name of the people |e in part repre seated He asked that lliia menace be removed, and that the State have con trol in the preservation of. pea re at tin polls, UN they should. Even in poor down trodden Mexico, when our troops were there to l"il7, a request was made that they should not nppenr at the polls as It might hi- supposed they were there to control the election in progress Our military commander obeyed the laws of Mexico. 1 ree election wits irpossible if we put It Hi the jaiwer ol the President to send armed men to the pulls. He did not care whether lhere was only one soldier to two or twenty thnusHiid square miles. I t at one soldier m led under the authori ty of nnliiurv power, am) the man in a tilue coat, WII h U gun in his hand, WHS the representative of forty million* ol people. We propose to lake the kayo net wy from the ballot. We propose to restore to ill it power its absolute control over milirsry power. We pro pose In restore hi the Atoprican people t heir ow ti sy stem. Wt neither set-k to i oerce the executive nor submit to be < oereed liy it. It is the right of legisla tive power "to raise and support armies, to make rules ami to enaet laws." ami we follow our plain duty Tills bill votes the pay of troops. Cannot the law-mak ing power say how they should be em ployed? We violate no provision ofthe Constitution, No one pretends we do. We act w ilhtii the scope of our power as we judge our duly rails lis. Four piopoattions can be affirmed : Firet -The right to place legi-lstiw for the protection ef ttie rights of the peo ple upon money bills lu-long- to the hgis-1 lutive branch, and cannot be denied by 1 any other branch of the Govorament. \Vi are the judge* of our powers tad du ii in this regard (ur judgment esnnnt be impugned by the Executive or Judi- , clary. They any criticise tbe subject , matter but not lb* farm. , SfronJ This right in sanctioned by tbe ( practice of Congress for many years The Rsvued Statutes anderthe h,l of g* n > i ami and permanent statwtos effecting tha • army contain '.'7B •cclloar, Of thare l<2 1 canto diractly !r.-ia npprepnatinn acta. I'/uit! It II sustained by a preceded! a ' old as ih time of Chatlaa tho First, and no power drrauit ol denying in poiaaiaioa h tha t'.'Miiiioiti. I ' 'l'tia legislation proposed i* ten-j I s itulioaal and necessary, aad violate* ru right of any branch ot Ibo Federal Gev "•mutant. \\ e have no right to a*tuut# thai any feature of tho bill will meat die ) approval anywhere No Threats To Deny Supplies. The bill makes no threat to deny sup t.lir-, u leek at this Subject of Coer „ '• a Ihe I'randent, Senate and llstiir or independent, each ta tti sphere Keel in pastes-iv>n a negative upee the o'.het, I i o Senate and House rat It hm an abto ute veto i n tba other, while that of lh Kiecu ttn limited If tha Senate refase > P*- a II use bill be> auta ot objections •le matter, and aiahes in removal a cee tUirsii fur Its passage, it reen o lha Ueua. 1 • that eiieut It has this right It it nm av, utior-ary It en-rcise# its CoailitM* t-'ltal t Igtu to judge of lha measure Thi" r gtu • vital, the check invaluable. The a-tie la true of the KlrcullVn negativs Ip-sn legislative power. It the El.cutiv. t ssertis end --a recontideratlon there ars : tw.i thirds, the Leg slative braaeh mas , l> ne to act. It hat thie right or it hat ne independence of action. It atone for - elt iwust judge ef the fitness, nerestiti >nd coastttu'ioltalily • f the measure pre no'- d It cannot coerce the cierutive, wiircaa the executive cocrco it Each is r. spons-ble to the people far us sonde •"> aad actions and mutt act in full view . f that tribunal. If the legislative brand •u d be coerced to ail in tbii mode. the ' *i: u! the isi.j rily would ha (tiatrolled * fcy the minority The patrol age of >s [( ißscrupulout 1* as last and tnia-ruy , c-n dJt tale legislation. No such pUI , i use i intended by a constitut.sual aega ive Ine drfrati va power of nun actien is '• I e protectiB <>f the liberty of tha peaple. i dr. t"ay in 1817 expressly eiiartad tha t tghtof nan action by Ugislativa powar It has limits to its use. It it an at paal to . .he people Its { -wer for tha destruction t <( unconstitutional or hasty legislation it aval ,:il■>, but it was aevar inteadtd nor >st d tii aeap a yeka an the people or pre ( >.-at the repeal of a statute. It was never , iter tie I and never used to deprive the , pa ; eof free r radons >r to strtke d- vi he rights af a !:aa people. When It ia i fur su a a purpose, the people will r rre, t the wrong This legislatien pieces l ( .cb ak on military power. That duty is p. Ed upon us In the ieterest of the i. oe >p ewe must restore the erigina! princi r. i-!es frem which four years of war have : liserted tha G-ivarnmaat. bring the mili ary to strict subordination to |'.he aivi! i> iwer, permit a free system of laws to be '•a-ed up->n a free ballot, aad egpunga he standing menace upon free inttltu u Mr. Wallace, in the course ef his re t sro asked whether the Senator frem Vl*. tie, pr my other Seaaler would deny I'f r-gbl to re-tore to lha pa- t>'.• their -we system of free election. Would lha deny it belonged to he people If not, why not restore it' The Senator rent Ma ae ?nd there are so many troeps and yi-J hre nut been eatrrfered with but there is a law which g ras the I'rau lent powar ta interfere at aleettoaa. No* ' Jy i ntands that partisan control is right. Tbo Senator from Maine said that this bp! was tha dict*le of tha Democratic • ecus, but ha Wallace assarted that aa i sue us ever saw tb s bill. It was tba pro ducts a of tha Haute CemrusUee i n Ap propriation i. Mr. Blaine tinterrupting said the ad >n -s n caine fr->sn tba Sena'or from Ken • .cky(Bei> that a committee of the Deue -relic caucus was preparing ibeti tii*su'e. It was an i-tue of fact between •n Senator from I'eantylvania aad the *"0: r frea Kentucky. Mr. itla aervad f at tin (' ia Rf ri n support o ins assertion. Mr Wal are. resuming, repeated that o Democratic caucus ever saw the pead ii gbill. and, in conciu-iaa. repeated that s -alv o;.rct was to restore to the people he rights ef which they bed b*en depriv •-d. MODKRN mh 1 a Li>M. It it n>t generally known that the 1* John Slunrt Mill, p*rb*i>i the ablest i it-wl*rn writer* en political ■■ I social aca commenced 'a tli year 14"".',#I 4 "".',# a b"o •n ? malum, which if it had baart cui I lilat'd. *"l!il prubahlf hat a btes rwCo| ■ trwd at tha greatest of hit work* Mai i-i Mf.t chewier* of the incomplete wor ■•* recently bran brou|(bl to light. an fa found * nearly cimplatt in their •rlvaa. and to ably t<> ducuaa quettior -oa m- ul prom aent in tha public ihongki •'•t a 1.00 i .n Review. and alto 7Vir /. -ii-y V' orinr of Naw York ara publitf uir them Ttiay ara aan -uaoad to apnea tib ok tarui on April 26th pntilithed h hr A nirrican U >ok Kx change. Ji aw York ■ hr piicr. jHUI-paid, in cloth, will ba fi flu, or in paper 'iit ra It it a wti ahicb all aludralt o! political aad aocit ,opn a, nad all enlightened cilizant, will b glad ta read. mi: nTOEf OF TBI ATLANTK TKLKGKAPH - FRANK LES 1.1f.S rul'l'LAK MONTHLY FOR MAY I{h lor its 'eaditig article an elaborat • rid highly interesting hiitiry of tba At antic Ta egr-ph from iha incaption af lb -ntarprita, t>y AHrwd 11 Guer-iaey It i orofuaaly 11lutt ratad. Tba caatanl* o nit number r> mora than usually at ract l * a ; thrra aro brilliant and imtruc i-v# article*. serial and abort toric, at .ayt, akaioba-, poeina. etc., ate ; and i • ni.rrilan* embracing a large variety o • uhjrcte. The rontribulora are among tbi mo*l talented writart. and brace tba biff inlellartual axdard of tba lileratara A ... w -rrial novel i cemmaaced, aatilled A Gilded Pill —A Tale of a Little Mya •ery.' by (ieorfe Manville Fena, whisk oroantaa to be of tlirrtng iatereat Tbart a-e short ttoriea ef Jane ti Austin. Mrt Amelia E Harr uad other celebrated au hort. 'The Fair,' I'ortira,' "Funeral Ki'.ra and Ceremonial.' 'Tirana and iti ".treat Life, ara partiriilarly aateworlby daacntuive article* The perm* are by lobn Franci* Waller, Park Benjamin etc Tha .VI iorllany it abundant and • uglily aatartamiag, and replete wilb Tab uable informaltan Each number of thu lentrvedly petialar magazine eontaia* lt> ■jiiarte pages, nad over 100 admirably ax -I'Ulvd eagra*lMg. Tha price ef a Slag la copy i* "ait 25 ceutt. nd tba annual tub •cripttoe $3. pot paid , the public-alien therefore, may be regarded a* a marvel ul • li.apn<- AdiLetf. Freak Latlie't Pub i-hiag limine, 63, 66 and 67 Park Place, New York. CYCLOPEDIA OF LITERATURE A litl of the celebrated auibnrt whota iivaa and writinel are rpreaanted in vol uin ri .1 of the naw A CXI K edition af CttAM IIKB a CtCLopr-DIA C* K*ousu Litxka i L'klt, ju*t received, it certainly very at* tractive ta aiiv perton ul fle literary telle. Fox Pm*. ILilar ilufiyali. Locke, New ton Browne Ba >, W.lion ILydon. Ttm |.le, Kvejyn, Pap Vt. Butler, Add iON, -.wift, Pope. Km*ay, Cibbpr, dteala. Berk'lay, D-foif. anil legbroke. arn a law of tha HAM which brighten ih- 416 page* -'lt will bring glada*** u iii-iov m acholar'a haart, *ay* tha 7'itnt9 ot Philadelphia, "to Sod tha' thii truly m.luiiiable work ha* been brought within 1., o r..nge * pockrtt " Kighl tuch voliiriit beautifully printed aodaleaant lv bound in c'olh. f" p only $2 50, or b\ ihe .ingle volume for 43 cent*, po.t-paid it certainly M mrval of cheapnaaa nail -hould ••stabli.h an enviable reputation lor the puMiihetS if it can not make their fo'luae Already they report a tale of nearly 00 (**> volume* It eugbt to bo in evary library and home in the land. Spec imen page* and full particular! a* to van stylet >.f binding, larm* to club*, etc , will be rent frae n r#i|uajt by tbo pub lishers. the American Book Exchange, 55 Bei-kflit*u street, Naw York The werk ir *t|i| only to subscriber* direct, ami tba pt event wond.-riully low rales are offered only ta curly puri hasert. There it n man in the MateschutetU LeKirla'iira who Ita* such h big im-uIN timt tlio lop of hi* head would come off but for bis buck collar button. COIIMTNISTN' TAIUDK. f'bli-age, April 2l)-About 1,100 earn munlsts paraded the streets bare to day and displayed tafiammatory banners u ebotit dttit of tbem were armed No dies'v lurbaerea occurred. 's fica Dig U reported to be dying. v According to the Mitllinburg Telegraph I Mrs. Ir Beebold, of Liartleton, died very f suddenly on tbo night of the Ist lest She ' retired apparently in good health, and her ' husband fuand bar in the morning by bis ' side cold in death. je I'eslh, April IH The rivers Moras and ' j.Htaroa have again hroltau their dams in Several placet. The village of Zerend has " been destruyed and tba town of Arad i* endangered, the water haying already ' reached tba cellare ef the boatra k'l.Atu) zr Ll's sriutoNrND COL • I'KAKhoN f Col. l'eareoa signalled <m the 27th of * March that ate bund ad aad fifty ef his > garrison were ill, end fifty wounded, eed ' that only five hunared of his mei would * he able to assist the relieving edema for ' whtth 8A Id*) Zulus are lying in wait \ ltallle iu Which the Hritish Ixme Heavily. Celenel Wood attacked I'lsihelinit strwngb.'ld on the Uith of March aud cap urwd a quantity of rattle. BuLeequently • '*•) Zulus retoek the cattle end on the -*' th (net., attacked Colonel Wood scamp ' /.<ilus were repulsed after four hours 1 fighting, but the British lose was heavy ' tieven otficers and seventy men were kill ' d, including Ceptaia Camp hall ana Pietays, leader of a detachment ef mount- ' -d Boers, who has several times been mentioned in dispatches far distinguished •erviree, The-e was fighting in Basuteland on the '.'let and 3Hd ef March A eon and two grandsons of Moirosi and eighty Basutns were killed and a number of cattle end horses captured. The British loss was in significaat. ♦ i#l DAIUNO BI'RGLA RY. Pittsburg, April 16. A special to the Cbruaicle fr<>m Balger, I'a , says "F" ur masked burglars broke into the stem of A J. Russell A: Co., at ibis plaee, about three o clock this morning aad eapltsded the safe dour, securing e small sum of money. Mr. Laird, the te'-egrapb opera 'iter at the station, heard tha aoise of tba eiploeion and en goiag eut to learn the Osnte was seined by the rubbers, who Uujt bis money end bound end gagged ' hini in the store. They then ret fire tw the ' hutldmg end escaped, lea sag Mr Laird hound to • pott in tba store room The ' latter, however, succeeded in treeing him f | self of the gag before the flames reached ' htm, and b>s cries speedily reusiag the ' neighbors, he was rescued from the build ' ing. No elne to the thieves has been ' fe-.nd " P BORNE IN A BLANKET TO THE G ALLOW 8. t Chembersburg, Pe , April 17 —Heae . kith Shaffer of Franklin euunty. wbo mur dered bi* wife on the 'Jlst ot February, >• IK7A, was banged in the jail yard at tkin s i place to-day lit was carried to the tcaf .'fold in e blanket, the lost cf blood cease jguent upwn kit attempt at suicide on Monday last, by opening the veins ia his! i arms end legs with a piece of wire taken r from a br. era a artdie, rendaririg h.m so - weak that be ssas unable to walk On the , scaffold, he was seated ia an armchair .during the process of pinioning bis arms . and legs He made no reeponse to en in , qa ry by the Sheriff whether he had any thing to say. lie was then placed on a • e l, and the rope was adjasted about his . oeck. lie was again asked whether he , had aaytbiag to say, but he only shook , his head. Tbe Sheriff thee oesceadod , f'i ta tbe scaffold, the trap was sprang. , aad tba body drop; ed within six inches ot , j the ground. After hanging about twenty .|minuteaba was pronounced dead An 1 hour before he died be asserted that he was inn<>cant The murder of M rs. Shaffer was of the ,jmoat brutal character, and the trial was watched with great interest. The hus band regarded her as an obstacle to his , improper reletioai with another women. , and sought to remove the obilru< tion by ; sdmioiiteriag po sen to her Fearirg p at she would not die, he struck be: with , tbe handle ef ta axe and with a bentjncf, . lafiieliag several wounds en her head and face. Then he informed hia WHO'S rete ntive# that ebe had fallen down stairs and . had received serious injuries. She was found dead. Four buedred mule* will tail thitwai a 'lrom New York to reinforce the H'llitb ,f Zululaad. aad if tha right and of tbeaa I i poiatad at the enemy tiay will du tarnb k eiecutiea. Whanarer ex-Treaturer Spinaer. tl maa w ho e*ed to put the corku-rew tigm Sure* oa tur graeabaekt. writw* a note P. 1 friend in Klonda it it lakee to lb# near* ' drsggitt te ba put up at a pretcriptioi Florida it rapidly becoming a health ' Stß'.a. PxpsioXfß* o* Pat* -Some paopl !tuffar for yeart with kidney or liver ditei r'dart, net knowing that Kidaty-VYort ca . reliaee and cur# them It ttreaglhea* IH bo well, punfiei tba blood, drive* out lb ib pain ahfl ranawt tha tufferar'i life. Sol . by DruggitU. . ThtfffoA' learnt frais Ruttia tba: 15 Ural C.o-ack* hve baaa placed is priam at Ortk far refs*iag to tubmit to aatliiari , conicription For the tame caa* C" '' taakt aad their (amilie*, anouatiag in lh< lagr'agat# to ladividualt. have b*.#i exiled te th Kvxala diitricl ia Turkestan Tb prison at Orek coataint alto fifty ('<> ': mckt who wer# transported la Fori Pal ' rovtk for iasubardinatioa three vo.rt ago ■ a-1 who have since fled tbeir place af in ' laramaat and returned to tba former Til- lagea oe the l ral. Old er.d youag, rich and poor, all uniti in testifying to tba true merit ef Dr Bull'i Tough Syrup Fer aver a quarter of t i oeatury it hat graved tualf a true, tried and trusted friend. Price 25 elt. Jamat Kaator. a Norfolk couaty (Va. farmer, while plowiag tha ether day un earthed an iron case centainiag several thousand doller*. The treasure was ic Americae silver coia aad was buried der iag the war. FxithWtLL StcKP***. With a paakagf •f Kidney Wert, the victim ef kidaey >r liver disease, may exclaim : Farewell, tirkeett I It curat ehslieate casts by com pletely pur'fi iag the hload end expelling noxinue elements. Ia had catet ef piles the cure is speedy. Tm* Linßxar Maoazikk for Mareh, just itsuad, will delight all who appreciate highest casts of literature. Thiak of it 128 elegantly printed pages, all ter 10 tents, or $1 00 a year I The laadiag erti c|e, '-Chapters oe Socialism." from un (iuhli a hed aiaauscript ef the laie J..ha Stuart Mill, it certainly the ablest writieg which hat rereally appeared oa tbia lop* i* R A Prector'i artielo oa "Artificial Siimnaiabulism" will attract hath tb.>*e who are curioaa aad those who are inte** ested in teianca Tbomat Hughet givt aa antartainiag -katch of the onea farnaut but nearly forgotten VYm Cwbhatt B .r --amv Price. Profaaaors Blackie J ebb aad Ward tupplv able article* of special Inter- i ait to scholar! and ttudeats of the daisies' and hi'tary Fraser Tytler e.inirihutce] . hi tin poam, "Contentment," that it tu-a tx g .ihe r -eadt of tha pr... . alt- wi'l Aigernoa Black't "Five New Aaecdetea 1 ofCbarlet Lamb." Americ*a Book Kxv ■hango, Puhlithart, New York ; iolderi-1 ly by them direct. Notei. Literart Kptertrire —Kt-; ary nerto" who hat n library of cvea a dor.en vo'u'Bos is ureto havetme b-..k-, valuable perhapt which have tervd tha.r u*a with him. and whieh he would heglad toaxchango for other* To meat •. b wants it one "hlact of the Amarica Book Kxnhanga. 56 Beakman it , New \ork. Thev gather together tuch iiftingt from tbwiisaad* sif libraries, aed au.-h cwatrib tor then drewi what bo wants, or cath if ho does not want bsiek* Catalogue No. 70, of an txtea.ive colleetloa of book, ia every dP rtment of llteratura, aM affered to the highlit huliler. for mh or for books on a cash batis, will be ready April 15th. and will he test on application for three cent stamp The May number of HARPER'S MAOA 71 p E it very rivhly illustrated, cuntaieiag over one hundred engruviagt that may coafideatly challenge comparitort- Rruttel*, April 18.—Of the 240 miner! imperilled by the flru dump uxplosioa iu tha Agrnppe eoal pit, nsar Muni, 80 bTB tbua fur been recuetl. FROM ILLINOIS. ROCK GHOVK. April 12, lbTlt. i ( I KPITOK HironTCß Upon our dapart-j, ure about n year ago, from eld Centre, we, * were requested by meey of our friends te ! write, givleg snch westere news at we would dvem interesting Knowing that h tbeltsronTin ie reed by nearly every y family in Centre county, and bellevieg In , the old toying, ' Belter Into than never,"! >r we solicit a small spare in yeur relumn* | a in order to give our friends a brief bletory of what hat transpired in ibis sectioe of! the greet wast dnring the pest year, etc. n Thn inhabitants of thie county (Staph-1 t entun) partake largely of tbe i'enesylve |( nia Dutch element, meey of whom ere from Centre, hence n hospitable, indue-; trioue, happy, well te do people. The chief or paremoaet industrial per suit it farmu g. and ie quite lucrative, from the faet that the soil it nqua! in pro | tf dnctiveness to any in the great west,— he j. leg a dark, deep mould, end just tufflcient d ly rolling te carry off aay eseeas ef mois d ture Tbe crops, last year, of all kinds,! , r were escellei.t The chineh bugs lied been playing havoc unlit la-t year they l# became minus Freeport, the county teat. i> beautifully ailuated en the south or f <i|bt bank of tbo I'm atoatea river, end ( •entains a pepulatiee ef nearly fifteen iheusand Tbe 111. Central A Western Union rail reads pats it It is else tbe western terminus of tbe North-wetfern P( R R , and will be the southern terminus r ef a N arrow Gauge K K that it being i built from Freeperl to Madison, Wis. t Taking all in ell, e more flourishing t tlj nftbe same site cental be found in the ■ W * l Daring tbe election cempeign lest fall, imtilies reached a very high ebb Tha lg Republican party predominated, but this Kl spring tba l>emocrals are gaiaiag ascen dvacy. "Reform" and * F.atrern brnent ' j are the sabjswtts that are now engaging the n _ attanlioo of the people. All parlies unite, i..wtver. in endorsing the appoint meal of Hon Iloratta Horchard at director of the l". S mint. Mr. U. i* e reeideat <>f Free be n* rt - ""d " esteemed by eyery person who ur a. ws hirn. ( ,f The coinmoa sekoe'.s will compare fa uljSorab! with thnae of Fa The standard, ,4 wa think, it higher than that at Centre. „f Teachers are very nemerout Wget, a for leeching, range from sls 10 |46 per be month ie the summer, and from $*A) to ha i-fc) in the wiater. bo P ° * '* TERRIFTC TORNADO. be Over Otic Hundred Buildings De *'• etrovtd, and Fiflsnrn IVraous Killed. , Charleston, S. C . April 17 —Last evea -7 ing a viol. nl rata storm occurred here d which coniin .ee throughout the night, or, Accounts from ike interior shew teal the storm a. can with a terrific tornado wbicp swept through tar lower porlteas of the ... state, causing great deetructiea af Ufa and property In the village ef Weltarsbow more thee lUU dweilmgi aad all the te. churches were swept awav Three-fourths jr , of the inhabitants ere heme ess Fifteen persons were killed and many more 'f ■ wounded. At Oakley, a station en the lit Northeastern ratireaJ, all tha heusev oc ,r auptek by tba aegraat ware leveled aad una avg-a was killed and maoy hurt. Similar casualties era reported from van nn eus points in the track of tba ternado. lie) - ♦ •n THF. MARRIAGE OF TIIE MIDGETS It has been finally arranged after many be discussions between their families that the sir Midgets are to be married Lucie Zarale, B| the prospective bride, is Bftean year# eld, end weighs a trifle lets than five pounds. n * Her faaa is bright, but aol prepossessing y- Tbe bracelet* she wears rennet be buck i led around lha third finger of a man of or dinary s-xa. Ho shoes t made to order ! are * '.'l inters ieag. and her gloves measure he about one tach from the lip of tbe k-agrsl ok finger to tba bult-m at the wrist, tier Cat Was tuada orif isaily fur a doll in a iiresdwsv shew window, and is a good fit. f- la lha tastier of jewviry she ie {-refuse, of On each band she wears a diamand nag, .. her brooch is a d snmnd, and she bet a * fendaofi for dangiiag ernameat* a her ears, such, for instance, as a small dia he mond tupplenseeted by a Ca iforaia go d quarter of a dollar, j Geo Mite, whose real name is Francie J. Flynn. weight V pounds aud is It years " old. His face is brigbt and intei igeot, is end bis conversation does aol belie it. lit * • * r Anm**L TINTS— The rich gw den brown, dark red. maroon and orang* roiar t '- T of Loamon's D> , made by Weils Kich ng ardson A Co.. Burlington, Tt.. enable a lb lady at small exoendiiure to mutiags for her autumnal dress. Get them at your ' druggist s. 3io • - a- K. F. Kunkfl'e liiller Wine of Iron id Gives iwne to the atoraecb. It improvas t*>a appetite and assist* digetlien; ex. lie* " the bowels to healthy action, expelling ail the foul Feasors that contaminate tha e'oad. eorrapt tha rec-etions and offead tha bmath It* ihe 1 >*er tea heal thy action and strengihea* the nerves. " imparting that glow to life that proceed* alone fr.-m perfeet health. * Th-usands in all walks of life, teitify toj the virtues f this excellent medicine ini e rurreciing the vlerangeinent* ef the digvs i. live organs Get the genuine Sold in' a SI.OO hollies, er six holds# for SS.(XI As. It 'or E K a qphei's B 'ter Wine IM Iron. 1 and take no other. Ask y- ur druggist: y ■nd if be has it not. send t Proprietor K. F- Kunkel. No Zi'i North Ninth .Street Philadelphia. Pa. Advise free; enclose * three.r-enl stamp " WORMS WORMS WORMS n E F Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fails "to destroy Pin, Seat, and Stemack J Worms Dr. Kunkel. tbe only sueces*. fu! physician w he remeves Tape Worm in two hears, alive with h-ad and no fee un I) til removed. Common sense leaches if ■ T*pe Wnrmi be rem ved all ether worms t ran he raadily destroyed Adeice at of . fice and store, free The doctor caa tell s whether or not tha patient hat worms i Thousand# are dying daily, with worms, I and d - not know it Fits, spasms, rramps, j choking and -uff'Ostlon, sallow complex-. . i ion, circlet around the eyes, swelling and , ipain ia the stemacb. restless at night, ■ grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, - cough, fever, itching at the teat, huad acbe. foul breath, the patient grow# pale aud thin, lickiiag and irritation in the an us.—all these svmntoms, and nv-re, come ,! from warms R F Kunkel's Worm Syr | up never fails to rsmovs them Priro, fl 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00. (F'or Tape Worm, write and censult the - Doctor ) Fir all others, buy of veur drug gist tha Warm Syrup aad if ha "has it not. •aad to Dr. K F Kunkel. 259 N. Ninth S'reet, Philadelphia. Pa Advice by mail, free ; send three-cent stamp. 17 ap 4t Camphor M-ik cure* headache and neu ralgia. Camphor Milk cures rheumatism and lame hack Camphor Milk caret cute, bruises and burnt. Camphor M ilk costs 25 et ; 6 bottles sl. Sola by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. ■ ' 0OU KT PROCLAMATION. WanrM. (hi Hoi (bane* A Mayer. President of U> court ul l aiamon I'lm*. in the 14 th JndioUl l>i trtct MiDilalinfl of lb* counties of Centre. I Union *rd rlMkrdfld. and the Honorable Sam'l Frank, and fh* Honorable Jutjn Associated Judges In t entre fomill, b**tu Ihuwl lhlr precept. bearing <l*l* th* Ul <l*7 of Apr A 41., to m* directed tor holding * court of t|*r and terminer and General Jail Doll* I ery aud Quarter StMiooi of th* Fear* irphana' Court. •ad court of f'i*** In Beiletunl* l' . for tb* county of Centre. and to common*-* on th* 4th Monday of Apr bring tb* S*tb daj of April l*'y and'o coatittu* two week* Notlcela tb*r*for* hereby given to th* Coroner. Ju ll.'** of th* Peace, Alderman and t onetahlea of the add count/ of Centre, that tb*/ b* then and ther* In their proper person*, at 10 o'clock In th* forenoon of arid da/, with their reoorda, inquisition*. tumtna tlona. and tb*lt own r*m*mbranc*a. to do the** thlaga which to their office appertain* to be d<n*. and those oho ar* bound In recognisance* to prosecute against th* prison*** that ar* or ahali b* In tb* Jail of Centre count/, b* lh*n and tbere to prosecute agataat tb*m a* •nail l>* juat Given under m; hand, at Hellefont*. tb* Ist da/<i Api loth# ear of our l,©rd, IfTf. and In tb* 1. /•*r of Independence of tb* Cntted ,iut* oUH.M hP tNtU Mt. Sheriff _ I'll, i>HKKHwI,T/.Kli s M M M K.N 1 i nn-iiou nil i*. I* now blgbl/ reco omer d*d and eatenaiv* / uaed for Kheumatlam, Kre**d Feet Ache*. I'aloa. bore* Ming* Swelling*. Sprain*. etc It I* of tb* greatest value iu curing iu a, Ga.i*. Sprain* and availing* in ho*** I' ecia quickly nd surely It at one* soothe* and rrliav.-a tb*Mtlff joint*, th* lain* muscle* and itu ac a eg uervv*. The money w II b* paid bark to ani on* not *atl*fl*d * lib It* effect* rrlc* il cent* l> botU* for 91. Prepared only by l.*v| Ob*rh*lta*r, 11. I), holu by J I> Murray. Ccntr* Hall. Tlie I'htrnl* IVelornl. Ilea proved it**lf to he peculiarly adapted to old per aona. oonauuiptlvea and children It break* a cold It atop* a cough It eld* rip duration It give* in •tent relief It give# strength It bring* reat It ha* made more cure* than any other rnedlcln*. Tbnu 1 aanda of the ilt la* <a of Kaalern Pennsylvania have uaed 1 for year* paat and teatlfv to the relief given and car** effected Frio* il cent* or I botUea for $1 I'll-pared by Lett Oberholtrer. M D I Hold by J. b Murray. Centre Hall. i OKRMAK tIORSK AJTD COW PoWPER Keep* stock healthy and In good condition. It aide digestion and aatmiUlion. It makes fat. iuu*cl*and idllk By uatng U a nor-* wt'l do wor* work and cow give tnoro milk and t># In hatter spirit* an t condition t also keep* poultry healthv and increases th* quan tityofngga It la made by Or Uvl Oberholtzcr. at hia mills, back of 183 N. Third street. Phil*. !t laeold i by actual errUhi, at IS centa per pound, by J. D. Mar- i ray. Centre tt*U< SBd W. J. Tbottpv s J\>tttr Allli* mitrij { i ..J I" STRAWBRIDGE t CLOTHIER'S- It now fully uuder way, and the iaducenenta offered are of a character i hat cannot fail to be highly attractive to every buyer within reach of Phil adelphia. We have an iinmenee stock in everyorw of our THIRTY DE PART MKNTH, teaching iu (he 2 department# ofHilka and Dreaa Hood* to KKYKKAL HUNDRED TIIOL'NAND DOLLARS. The latest bargains in tba SILK DEPARTMENT ARE 100 PIECES TSFI PIECES SOLID COLOR LYONS SILK, BLACK NILKH, yd tn<-ht>* wide. 24 inches wide ATONE DOLLAR AT ON'K DOLLAR, la all tbe new colorings Made by _.. . . .. HAVOIK KTCI* LYONS. * This ie the widest end beet Lyons Silk ever offered at the price, end tba Identical Tbts it undoubtedly tbe bast One Del* goods ran he f- ui.d oe the counter* nf l r Black Milk ever placed ea any eouater most of tba leading raud houses at $1 25. In America. All the finer grades of both Black and Color* are diiolaved ie anaur* paaaed aaaortment at euoalljr low price* in proportion to quality In FAN CV and HI. M.MKK HILKH we alao uffcr tbe greatest possible attraction*. I) H ESS U O O1) S . A few of the latest bargain* in this department are : ALL WOOL BEIGES MEDIUM PRICE TEXTURES. FOUR yUALITIES. OSBORNE SUITINGS. Ia 0 end 24 iaebee atß7*e PRICES; ANGLESIA SUITINGS, 26 SI, 85 and S7| el* at 25e THREE QUALITIES SAXON Y SUITINGS. lo 3d to M ineha*. ' at 60e f PRICES: " STEVENS'CHECKS, 60, 00 aad 05 eta at 20a ' FIVE QUALITIES, SILK FA NTAISIK STIPES iMimiru U c " h,B * r * **•'• , at tie. j PRICES: FRENCH PLAIDS. GO 05, 75, *7Je and SI.OO . at 37|e Our aescirtment of Dreee Good* it bewildering and includaa all tbe beet productions of French, English and American Loom*. II LAC k' GOODS. \ Some of the laleat bargain* in tbi* department are : IN BLACK CASHMERES , IN HENRIETTA CLOTHS. Tkst# goods made te our own express • Tbe prices begin nt&TlcU. aad advance or 4mr r bvlitvd lo K# in recularly 12| ru . tit: r. aod fIOO. fl.lSt f i 2&. 11 BT4 1160 lolly reliability ie wear ft 6||. f{ 75 $1 87* and $2.00. " • , , . p We imported tbee goods largely, bav * Keeping ae inferior goods, prices range inc h#d them made to our own direct er- M! * '• w * f - *• uu *'. Sot never before have they * 40, 45. 60, 6A. 60 C 5, 75, 871 aad $1 00 ceweteueao nearly perfect iu quality col or aad general appearance, a* to it season ; Wa also abuw the larj it and moat attractive atock of e BLACK HERXAXIES AND GRENADINES e * Ever ebovn in Philadelphia, either at wholesale or retail, are at the moat ' moderate price*. i We invite e*jiecial attention to the department for MENS' FURNISHING GOODS, . And particularly to our three grade* of carefully made MENS' SHIRTS, H hicb are believed to be the be*t good* ever offered at the price*; ' "THE CUSTOM MADE," $1 00. "THE STAXARD," 8S CENTS. "THE FAVORITE,"7S CENTS. NIGHT SHIRTS, i BOYS SHIRTS IN GREAT YAR!£TY, AC., AC. A In ordering, gwe site ef collar wora. PLEASE NOTE: We employ no regent*. Send directly to the hou*e for sample* cf whatever you may neej, and secure the advantage* of our r low price*. STRAWBRIDGE $ CLOTHIER. || N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS, PHILADELPHIA. ! —GRAND SPRING OPENING— -AT THE- B E E • HI V E ONE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE NEXT WEEK. .l^U u iL r * luro * d from New York hiving pare hiaed in IM* MENSE STOCK of Goodi for cieb, it lower prices ibiu ever, of which I will give my pitrom the benefit. iod wish to call your attention to the Special inducemenu I am offering in the following*lioee : DRESS GOODS—latest novelties. SlLKS—black & colored WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS, CARPETS AND SHAWLS, DOMEBTICUOODSOF EVERY DESCRIPTION, TIIMMIKM, KOTIOKa. BIPPOXE, TIER, CORgT. BOitXIT, OLOVKS, C*llWlAll MILLINERY GOODS, dk©., dk€. My Good* are all marked ia plain figures, pad the price. I will guereatee the lowest in the ceucty. An early call at the B-e Hive ia tolicited. Keep, your* i, S. BAUXAKB, '• Price, and the very leweat, the hett of goods aad no a.irepre* Special Notices THE WORLD'S BALM. Dr L D We)burn' Alterative Nvrop, A raa>*4]r •••*! TNIKTT FIVK VK AKM lab privaU pullai, aad #• fmhnf to radicaU; cora KtiLL JiAi inAl, lr.u>*7. Kryvlpelta, Rvrefola. Necoadan Sypklllt. (irm .,l inabele* .,4aiidu m* la wni-U IA, blood It tiapivoated t* BOW ogvrad to ihv publl. Sold b, all Kviail lira|i,u (wßolaaala oalv) a, Ihv Wvirbura JUvdlcui* Co.. P, O. Bo* S3*. Kochvv tar.W Y. P4 M PLES. I wrtU RUhll lUim thl tU raiaa* Tu. am<l Wnttng tiii bkln nofl. t lenr and laoauliful. • Imi lunlrta* t *•• fur tiruducißgi • luaurtant growth of bolr on n hold hood or omootn fwco Addroos. iocko iQ||c •tnni|>. Hon. Yoodoif A t'o . %i Am Ntrort. N. Y. TO LON.sU.MPFIVES. TU* ad.vrtla*' hat'a* bevn psmianvntlv cared af (hvtilree.l >livev*.iioo,ami.ll>M,. by v simple remedy, tv vmIKU, l-> iu.Se knoea to his (0i1.. w sufferer* the liivsa, of. ure To ell who devlre It. he will send e easy of the pretcripUon nve 1.1 free uf nharge-with the direction* for |.retrlng and u.ln* th aama. which they Will find a *ur* cur* for ' on*uai|>tlon. A*lhm*. ''Cartle* 'a t*h l a< the Preecriptlon. will plea**addrae* K A Wll fann l . WlllUmiburgh, ~. V, ERHORS PFYOUTH. A OKItTLKMAN who otifforod for jrooro fmni !for ? 0000 lAohtiltp. Promoturo decojr, ood U tbo offocu of. youthful iodlocrotlon.wtU for tbo taka of homonliF oond frw to all who hood it. tbo rocipo and lirtcllon for making tbo olmplo rawed; bv which iio #a§ enrod. huffororo withiug to profit by tho odTortio wr'o oiportonco cwn do oo bf addrwoottif in perfect ooa rt ~n° j' B. QtiDK JM Hadarßt . New Tork oil ktodo. TUMCM6. diocbo.raoo of KtCOTUN quickly ond torfoctlycurod bf o oimplo ond wYotbtnc Rotnodjr. For Informotion, oddroo* tujowdm Dr.J. FABKk * C0..1S AnnHt.W V 1 QR.S. G. GUTELIUS, Dentist, Mlllhelm. Offer* hi* profneflfoti* 1 service*to fhe public. H* it prepared to perform allwperntlonv la the daatal pro HeUnow fallvprtffbrvd to extract tettbAbsolntfc wtiheat Mia. mivrt- NATIONAL HOTEL. CORTLAN DTST., Near Broadway, NEW YORK. HOTCHKiSSA POND. Proprietor!. OA THE EUROPEAN PLAN. The resiaurant, cafe and lunch room i" atuchetl.are uuHurpaaaetl for cheapness " and excellence of service. Rooms 50cts. ' to $2 per day, $3 to $lO per week. Con venient to all ferries and city railroads. ' New Furniture. New Manage, ment. 23jaulv ; HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Health Bad Happlneat ara prloelea* Wealth to their . |H,aaa*or*. aad yel they are within tba reach of every on* who will oa* f VtItKJIIT'M I.IYER PI 1,1.8, . The onlr *ure car* for Torpid l.leer. O.sponfa, 1 Headache, Poor Stomach, ' 'onlipatloa. Dobt.tty, Paa > cea, and all Btlllow* conipUlnU a"d Hhvl dlaor'art • None gan.ila* nnlrt* Xgned. "Wia Wriaht. Chlla." I If your lliaggltt will not mpoly tend l> v*a>a for oao . b ,to n*rrtc\. Roller AOo .0 A. 4th St. PhltalaoTVa J. ZELLER&SON, DRUGGISTS, 7 \ No. 6 Brockrrhoff Row, Bellefoot, Peun'a. lleNlern in lruß.rheniieal, Perftimery, Faut jGootiu Ac,, Ac. Pure Wines and Liquori for medic purposes always kept. maySl .. I tTOHN BLAIR LINN, • U Alteraey-at-Law, . Office on Alleghony St., Bellefonte, Pa, I; 27 fob tf ••-BARGAINS. Bargains! ' < In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, at LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store, nppoait* the Bush bona*, Ballafonta, room formerly occupied by John Power*. apr2sy iWMfil 1 A Purely Vegetable Remedy 'The MafMt, XSMtwwt end Hmrnt ever dlaooreied for KIDNEY COMPLAINT®, PILES, GRAVEL, CONSTIPATION, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, DIABETES. ft WOWOEKFUL OtSOOVBT] IMlmol ■ ejacilrt toelo-ee*e to .*rtm*T wwtorn* ofQ leelafcU. Thoee wtw hnee bo*n cwed wben el atiM* MOM fcuMJe**? Of: "!!• ft* Pl *t bkvttt ' ~ "IMmltMdMlww h* afire but ior it" fhyidane to meterpeeOlce Mr: "It worfce ilk* • charm and dt*cH*#r .* FOR SALE BT ALL DICG4!IBT& I tWK . tmirtt WOW w>■■ .fc>■ l■!>| Ol >i < "ViiuT JERKY MILLER Bennca ** HAiaokMea— ie the Vu*> meM of the bank building. All work dene n fashionable *tyl*. 1 July Candy Manufactory It Bakery. J Mr. Albert Ksatb, % At the 4 BISHOP STREET BAKERY, 1 ta now making the eery beat BREAD, CALEB AND PIM. in BeHefoma. Candies and Confections. He aleo manufacture* nil kind* of cti die*, end denier* can purchase of kirn n 100 n* in the city. Candies of allkiadsal • onye on bend, together with Oreeree. Lemon*. Fig*, Dstee, Nuts, Syrup*. Jel ,.ltoM end overything good. CENTRE COUNTT OTSTEE DEPOT. An Exoelleol oyatar naloon alas at tached to the Bakery. Call and see me. ALBERT KALTH. BOTI Eiamtae enrCael Prices el Booln and kkeea.-Wt are rolling out the gocd* lively, becnaeo we charge ,'ee* for them then one eror known- we A keep up the quality end keep down the pricM. We ere bound to tell off tht tr*> mendou* *tock, end trutt is the low price* to do the buemew. Wo will offer you . Men's Inn onif hoou el 2 M Men'* kip boot* at-. 2OO Women * kip *kon* nt....... 1 00 Children* school *hee nt 71 Men • wool lined gum hoou et 2 60 f Roy*' wool-linod gum boot* nt 1 90 r Men * wooMiond buckle overshoe*... 1 |Q Men'* wooUlined Alaska overshoe*... ht Men• plein gum over*hoos ft Lumbermen * gunu. solid heel 1 M Women'* wool-lined Almke over •hoe* - . ...... ft Women'* pinin gum ortrtk**, S6 1 Ri*e*' plein gum overshoe* lt> ■ Children * plein gum overshoe* H wfl The nboee rubber good* ere ell lr*t clew end ere werrented. end will be eeld (for eat A only. K. GRAB AM A SON. Dec 6 Beliefonte, Pe. ' vJ By calling at th* nsw and utu stve bakery aatabliihtnent of * JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. H. Beads,) 0 Opposite the Iron From on Allegksay street where he furnishes every day • Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds. Pies, etc., etc., Candies, ,plc *W. Fruits. Anything and everything belonging tc ' the business. Having had years of nape rience in the business, be flatters hiassel that he can guarantee satisfaction to all A . who may favor biro with their patreaags. W 1 30 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS. . Fv F. FORTNET Attorney at Law ■ V) Bellefoate, Pa. Oflee over Rev rwM hank Hmay'Sr ' T L. SPANGLER, Attorney, at-Lew. l • Consultation* in English and German. Offlce In Farst's aew building r . Hade in a single day, Jan. 80th, 4 \J hy aa agent. Send 1 eeat stamp far particular, Rev S. T. Buck. Milton, ' Pennsylvania. lOaplm PENSIONS I - j ' 'All Soldiers, wounded or injured, caa now obtain pensions ; undor tha naw law M to date from discarge. Address at once with stamp for blanks and new Seldiers circulars W. C. BRBINGEB * CO. 116 Smithiield St., Pittsburg, Pa. gWOldest Claim Agency in the State. . Wap 4t