The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 17, 1879, Image 5

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Centre Hall, P. ThVed. Apr. 17. '79.
$2 per year, if hen pnt.f l"
,dvanre V2.H O , rhen not paid in adranre.
Adrerti*n**ntx lAH* per line/or three im
lertionn, ami Arrnfsr"" lin ' ' r ' r t w *T*
„irnf iWrfion. Adrrtufnrnt* h Ih*
year at a liberal dieronnt.
SM>*mhere outid* the eaunty *AeuM re
mit * 10 rm, amount of one year t
eye, 1 netrad o/cta at formerly irhen r'<
by thrmaelret.
Suhirriber* ran trll how their ar*
-oimt* ttand at th* Riforttr o/hre hv/on
luittno th* labie* pn thnr popart If th*
labl* read* "John Hoe 1 jan "7&" it niean*
that John it indebted for tubtrrnptionjrom
th* Ist <if January, 1875, and that it it
timt h* trot paying the printer.
—Claiblng made to otdor at Now
man'iby ona of tha boat tailor* from Phil]
ado! phi a.
if y, u wib ta tea io* aof tha finest
ayrupt manufactured, go to Hi at • Store.
Halfneen re*t-olce hat bean
charged to Btormitown.
——Tha waathar i* fino and milder than
a faw day* ago.
Xow who can beat thii A new
talt for $12.40. a ikirt for 55 ctt; and hat*
at 2S eta.—at Newman'*'
Jadge Ortto ill* "Waiingtan in tba
intaraat of Mr Omnia
p r . on Tuesday iu taUiag
dawn tar* at Mr*. Miller*. brok* a rib
and wai*ad olbar ligbl injuria*.
O. W. Ke**e and Jabn Sto*ar af
Paan, laft far Kama* on tba Stb init
Greolay* advi<*7 Go wet.
Goto Cheap Joba now at Contto
Hall, who will mail off a big let of all kind*
of Clothing *t catt. R*m*mber. attest.
Tbi* it a *hnr.ce for barruin* invar bafora
offered in Centre Hall, and *a.y attar
again ba bad. Now it tha time to gat a
goad suit ebaap. Tba stock matt go. M-.
Guggachoimar it d*t*r*in*d to tall it off,
if ba mutt sacrifice it. Ramambar. cheap
John will tall you a.athiag ET COST.
Jacob Fillmaa'i inw*Ul in Hartly
tp., Utiar cainty, wai dattrayad by fire a
short time ago.
We bear it reported that Mr. Aaron
Luckeabach ha* Vmd ! in Nebraska,
wtiri be to locate.
Jso T. Lh'i i*rt bead got iato a
litt'.e unpleasantness with a circular u*.
the other day. Tbe taw rima offbest, and
John Barries tba bar.d ia a aliac-
Nkw HiiiuTiiP.-W. J. Guctt
A Ca.. have opened a marbla yard at Can*
tr* Hall, where they are prepared to da
all kindt af work ia thair lina.
Cbarlat Mau, af Lewisburg, agad
$5, smoked a piya ia bad. a spark sat tka
bad clotbaa an Ira. and Mr. Mens waa *
bad * burnad tbatba diad twa day* thara
aftar. Ha was a soldier af tba war of 1912.
Do you ased A buggy or aay kiad
of wagoa, go and ?• Jno. T. Loo. at his
coach ihop. is Centra Hall, **d inapect
hia work ; he cfferi bargains in vehicle#.
Ne use ranniag against Newman in
selling Clothing—he it King and keeps
ahead But it ii a great dial of ue to rue
against Newtnsa if you wiih to buy Cleth
ieg, for ke selis ehaape r a ß * better goods
than all tke reft, and consequently ell a
Murk, if net aaore, tkan all etheri ia the
Washington Iron Works lost a large
atakle ky £r en Tuesday night, one aula
ist leaf other property.
A kig tiek of poplar timber was
rafted in Curry's rua this Spring by Dan
iel Fray or, which squared thirty-four ia
eaeeaad was tkirty-foar feet iu leagth.
Ei. Hess don't believe ia Kaa*si
either, and is said to have written,
"Youig man, don't go west."
The most exteasiv# assortment of
aew boots and shoes, has Just been receiv
ed by Powers & Soi, in Bush a arcade
larger aad better then all othera put to*
gather. Their goods ia better made aad
of better material than you mostly Had
and tbey pride themselves apoa their su
periority for quality, assortment and low
—J. R. Norris, formerly Wier sad
Norris, of Lewis-own, is in town with his
Portable Photograph Reom. Call and
get work doae soon as hii stay is limited.
On Monday evening money sold nt
3C| per cent, premiam, at tke meet ng of
the MiUbeim Building and Loan associa
The Beehive 1 the Beehive ! the Bee
hive ! This it all the talk sow throughout
the county amoag men, woman aad chil
dren—that Bnnland's new exclusive dry |
goods store, kaewn as the Beehive, sells
the beet styles of goods, keeps the best
assertsnent, and sells naueh lower than av
other dare undertake. The run is aston
ishing at the Beehive.
Remember iarors, witnesses, and all
ethers that the Bush hoc se gives you the
best accommodation at tae most reasona
ble rates. Trv the Bush house.
Mr. C. Ezra Finkel, of Greenbrier,
Pean township, left on the 7th inst. for
Bioomshurg, to attend the Slate Nermal
School, where he expects to graduate.
Ezra is a bright young naan and will un
deubtedly inset with tuocesi.
A few days age a blind horse which
Mrs. John Licgle wss driviag at Potter a
Mills, toek fright and raa off. The wag
en was upset and Mrs. Line:# was thrown
oat, breaking oae ef her legs abeve the
The total eeal carried ever the Tyrone
and Clearfield rail read tail year, to March
22, was 257,463 tons, ac increase ef 38,223
tons over the same ppriod last year.
W, J. Guest & Co., the new marble
▼ard firm at Centra Hall, respectful ly so
icit tho public patrooago.
—Orders keep coining in for rigs, at
the shops of Jao. T. Lee. Hia werk seems
to meet with great favor by all judges. If
yeu want a cheap, goei, aad wall finished
vehicle, Mr. Lee will put it up for you on
short notice.
Tke people of East Sugar Valley,
about fear miles east ef Logaasville, are
contemplating the erection of a church ed
ifice in the sammer of 168 U. Quite a ren
sonahla amount has already beea sub
scribed, and subscriptions are still solici
H. D. Goldman ef the Standard
Cletbing atore, inritea all to come to bis
■cw location, opposite the Brockerhoff,
and see his astonishing lot of new aad
cheap clothing. He has determined to
put out clothing at rates that will surprise
the purchaser on account ot lew prices.
Pitch in and save money at the Standard
Clothing Hall.
Every farmer need* Fitzhugb's
American Hay Elevator. It will save ful
lv one-half tbo labor now expended in un
loading and stewing er staeking hay or
straw. Every farmer knows what this
saving is worth in the hurry and heat of
harvest. It costs but little. It will last a
life time. It is tally guaranteed. Any
parU that may be broken by fair treat
ment, will be replaced free of cost.
JAH. B. LEE, Centre Hill, is agent for
this Elevator. 10ap8
Gone up! The Standard Clothing
store, has gen# up from th# coraar of Al
leghany street, to tho room formerly oc
cupied by Mr. Cooke, opposite the Brock
erhoff, where you can sea mountains of
ceats, pants, and vest* which Mr. Gold
man says ha will effcr less than the lowest
elsewhere. This is the biggisl offer out
fer new Clothing. 10 ap tf
Get your dried and canned fruiU at
Sechlers,headquarters for all kinds ef gro
ceries- Goods warranted fresh and pure.
Green's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Honey, a sure cure for ceugbs, colds,
croup and early stages of consumption.
Try it.
CAMPHOR M ILK—Dr. Oherholtzer
Liniment has been tested by thousands,
and has proved to be of the highest yalue
to the eemnounity. It has effected many
cures ii Rheumatism, Sores, Swollings,
Sprains and Frosted Foot, and aaany per
sons recomaond it for Cata, Galls & Swell
ing* im beraea. It cost* 26 eeata. J. H.
ilurray, Ceotro flail. 27 mar im
Smtxa II ii.i.* Our Sabbath school
we* opened on I**l Sabbath, by eleetig
t'otir Wilsoa, Bun. Cap Hawenplug hat
reeved to Mifllinbu g , hi* health not
much improved. .1 V Loan t finger
board Hill says one da, for wheat. W
A kerlin still coatiau* > rusk* good
(lour. J. J. Cende aaiug bit leva! beat
to get bit naw home up. Patar Phillips
bat moved and it going to itart up bit
plating mill at aaon at poteible. X.
How muck the people af Contra
county awa to Sechler's grocery far he*p
>ng wholesome gracariat and nene but
fratb gaodi all lha time, can not ba atli
tnatad. Muah af tha gaaaral haaitb it
owing ta tbii fact. It ii the trath and
ttala and unfit food that wo gilp down,
imposed upan tha community by dibon
ctt dealers, that b-ecu one half the Hit
aata you find in tha family. You e*v.r
Gad any goadt afthia laltar claw .sfTernd
at Sechler* ; that firm tot anly hat an art
to tha haaitb cf their cmtamari. hut they
tall at pricet to auit lha timet.
Still thny tinal. On lha night af tha
7th int., tama thiaf ar thieves, gained tn
trance into Mr. Ertle t milt in Paan town
ihip, and atala tbarafraaa torna flour be
longing to Daniel Geary. Taay actarad
an tha tacond stary.
On Wadnatdey night of !*'. weak
Mr*. S:aer, li?iag along the turnpike
watt of Millheim, anlartamad a ttraager
by giving him a night's lodging, nad at a
compliment for her kindness ha attempt
ad to rob bar af tome Taluablas, but found
—Do you want fiahiag tackle of tba
mast inperier kind, go ta Croon's drug
store, where you get tba bett in market,
has.das faacy aid toilet articles and pare
aid froth drugs aad raadiciae*.
Maiumeata, tombstoaae, and all
marble work, made in first c att style, at
the naw yardi in tbit place, by W, J.
(Juast A Co.
Valentine t aleras on a Saturday can
ba compared only to Waaaniakor t Grand
l>ev>at an a imai! tea'.a.
"A Traatury of Bible Keadiagt i* tha
title of a saluable rew wa*k, by Res S.
G. Shannon, of Milroy, l'a., and whieh
has already mat with a rapid sale on ac
count of iu morit- Tha Bib'e readar will
Cnd this work a valuable kelp ; tha teach
tag* af tba Bibla are set apart in topiea
with capiau* reference* bearing upon the
• ante, with an iadax to tha topics It it
to.d at tha low price et 40 cent*, cloth cav
er ; 2*> certs paper caver The work tan
be had of Mr. Joha Shaaaen in thii place.
10 ap 3m
You can dress wall at long as you
huy your Clothing of Goldman, opposite
the Brockerhos, because there you can
gat suite ao low that you can afford to
wear good clothes all th# tima. Tha bast
and biggest itoak in tha county. Roll up,
tumble up, and dresa wall while you can.
lOep tf.
"Ifthe aaaaet, compenit*. regiment*,
ate . of teldiert whota remaias are interr
ed ia any private cemetery ar# forwarded
ta the Cepemiuieaer of National Ceme
teries at "Washington, beadsteses wi.l ba
furnihd for them by tha Government.
Gat you monument* and tombs'.aaes
a-aae at tba Caatra Hal', yards, by . J
Guest Jfc Co.
Pbirnix Pectoral will sure your
Ptnvnii|Pectoral euros hoarseness quick y. i
Pho>a J Pectoral tastes gocd and
Phoenix Pectoral costs els ;I" bottles sl. i
Sold by J. D. Mnrray. Centre Hall.
Get your fish at techier* if you want
the freshest and best article in market, at j {
prices that the poorest table ears afford to
hav# the best £sh.
Tery cheap—Education.
Leadon, April 18, IS'i. —1 ae K.eff ear
respondeat of the St. Pete-iburger Jour*
naf given the folio wine account •!' the out-
Break among the political prisoners last .
month, which *a< briefly naeationed by
telegraph at the time —"The personsun
der arrest in the K;t*J Pr-.soa reaolTed ,
some time ag te tunnel under the walls
and escapa. The schema was betrayed by
oae of the cerspiraters. Tae authorities
alls' l wed the prisoners to continue the ex
cavation. When tkatuana! was camplet
#J and th# prisoners aad entered it, oae
after the other, intending to eone up j
through the opening btvond the priioc
precincts, soldiers, previously pos ed a:
tke openings, skot the escaping prisoners
astbevcarueup. When the bulk of the
prisoners, terrified by the noise of tbefir
' EC. stopped and rorrained in the tunnel,
se diors were sent in frem behind ace the
unfortunate wretehes, caught between two
flrea, were all shot down The proceed
ing seemed to give the officials much
amassment, and the Director of the Kief!
Prison has been praised and decorated for
haviDg acted with sueh cleverness and de
cision.' The correspondent adds "Quits
ic keeping with this it a statement pub
lished bv the Kassiaa chaplain in the tea- t
tral Prison at Charkoff in the official
Kparckia'u Wedomosti Diver sun Jntei'i- .
genet). Ha declares tkat ef GX) persons
j detained at that prisen A*) died within
' four months. One of the heaviest eharg
! e.*. it will be remembered, made bv tho
N .hilisu agaiast tk Huss aa official ad
j mi filtration was brutal treatment of pris
•riers. in consequence of which tho health
of most of them has quite Broken down.
Many of thorn are dyiag and some have
been driven mad. '
An Indian Storr of the Death of
Chicago. April 10.-A letter to the TV;'-
4UHC from Wood Meuaiains. North-west
Territory, March 2Stk, sayssittiag Bull ie
en the American side of the liae. op Tun
ermen s Creek His camp is greatly sp,.t.
up aad he has oow enly a few lodges with
him. The groat scarcity of fuel in this
region aecesitatiog his removal—as tke
timber hre, which ia very scarce ;• about
eoasumed—be muit either be oh the Amer
ican side or coma iato the mountains and
' starve as tka buffalo are all on the Amer
ican aide Black Moon, with aeout two
hundred lodges, is oamped near the WiKid
Mountains' toot.
The norreapondeat gives na Indian ac
i count of the death ef Cutter. The Indians
r say that after the general stampede Custer
tried to rally his men arouad him. Hi
1 waved his p stol in the air aad sbet it on
twice to attract his men. Two or three
jfttbdrtd around him, but a§ tb# Indite#
still conliaued to ad vance one of the sol
' diers tried to run away. Custor bred at
• him and killed him, and tbea, sea ag the
■ case quite bopaless, the Indians gathered
areand from all parts, turned his revolver
ua himself, preferring to die by Bis own
' hand. The Indices say that they think
■ this person was Cutter, si he was a Chief,
but tAav are aetcertaia of the fact. "Rnin
, in-tbe-Mce ' took a soldier prisoner, but
be was not allowed to live long, as ke was
1 killed at a dance that followed the fight.
, The Indiana here ail agraa on one thing—
I that tae aimar ef Indians killed ia the
fight was thirty-six. Ttey give the r
' names.
London, April 11.—The Times' corre
spondent at Vienna lays careful iaquiry
shows that a total of 60 vietiroi of the Sze
gvdin disaster have bear, buried down to
tbe4th inst. Other cerpses found arid we,l
ascertained cases of drowning make the
total loss ef life 77. The water ia the low
er parts of the town is still (torn six to
twelve feet deep, so that the ruim ir. most
cases caanot yet be reached. Tho loai of
lite is likely to show an increase when the
wQeia ef the mini have hsen searched,
hut it will it'll fall tar of the hun
dreds whem eye witness**! re doubt sin
cerely believed tbey bad saen perish in a
ingle day. It is doubtful whether the
water can be pnmpad cut ia fifty er even
a huadred daya.
A special dispatch to the Times from
Alexandria says "On the day after the
battle between th# Egyptians and Arabs,
uader th# lead of Suleiman, 6,000 deserters
cume ever to the Egyptian camp. Th#
Egvptians followed tbe retiring enemy,
killed lea chiefs and 2,000 mere men and
ware etill in pursuit at last advices. The
capture of all the slave depots is consider
ed certain'''
A letter frem a Federal officer ia Idaho
gives tbe particulars of the last Indian out
rage. On the evening ef February 10, th*
town of Loon Creek was atlaaked by la
dims. Thay killed five Chinamen and
scalped two aad rautilatad tba bodies. No
white aaen were present, all being at work
ia the gulch. The Indiaas teak all ths
provisions, consisting of about 600 pounds
of sugar. 4000 pounds of flour and consid
erable tea ceffae and various other articles.
Tbey did mot leave a house standing in tha
whole town. It ia said tha Indians were
wkt are known m tho Sbocp-Satw.
Tr*a'.on. April 2.-The celebrated trot*
tar. Goldsmith Mid, was delivtrad af a
fiaa bay horse at Fashion Rted farm last
avaaing. Tlio tire itlleerge Waihingion (
Mr Smith to day refuted an offer af fIX),- ,
thh) far it.
Tba fashion af coloring butter it eo ami-
vatallv approved, thai dairyn en natural- >
ly prefer a colar which It raliabla, uai- l '
ferai in aotien, harmles* in all ratpoo s r
and froc (rem odar or flavor. Such is the *
Perfected Baiter t'e'er of Yfellt. Rich- t
ard.ian ACo which iathe most detirable.l
article of the h ad kaown. '
Sheriff Spangler advertue* tha follow
ing tale* at the court boute, on Sat A pril l
•M at 1 pm: r
! Hallafeata Aadamv propartr.
•J. Farm or Ami Walher. la Ferguson.
;; l„ t* and hotel preparty of I. i>. Bey
er. Aarentburg
4 House anil lot of Fat. Kelley.
. ... J
The l'r..Urwood tawuii.l and leads
io Potter and Harris. i
C. l*t and bneb bouta of Jeha S t.ray,
in Phlhptburg
7 Lot* of Wn. M'Clailoii. at Belie
fs iicu* and lot of David Millar. Mdl
9 lloatr and lot of Alf. S.ha'l, in l en-,
trai City.
10 House and lot of A. R. Tetcrs, M i #*• th
burg. Io
11 Uausa and 'J arret, of Jette fry. in
Bcgg*. _ ih
li Farm of W. I>. R in Harris. w
11 Hcuta and lot of Dr P S. Fnher.ia fL
Wa'.kar n
It House at)J lot of Monroe Armor, f
Bellefonle. , ; 1j
15. Property of the l>e..cfoale t ar Man*
utacturiag Co.
It'. Hcuta and lot of H. B. t.coa,
l'biliptburg. .. \
17. Far* of J. M. M Kelvey.ia Huston
IS Several heuset aad lota of Richard
Hav*. la Phillptburg.
10 House and lot of P. S. eagvr, in
Snowikoe. .... ot
House and lot of Mart.a Her.a, in
21 Farm and aicuata a land* of J '" • i |(
Thomas, in Taylor in. m
1> KGISTKK * NOTICE—The follow- [[
k ing account* have been exatniaed w
i an i pasted bv me, and reiaain filed of rec
art! W this office for the inspection of heirs, _j
| legatees, c tad iters and otbars ia any way |#
interested and will be presented to tba
Orphant Court <*f Centra County, an a
i Wednesday the 30th day of April, A. I> .
1879. far eanfirmatioa aad allowance.
1. The account of Jebn !t thai, gusrdi* )(jj '
an ot Caroliaa, Luther. Sam 1 and swan* tJ
uel Wearer, miner children ef Jacob
Wearer, deceased, as filed by Joba Kith- w
al. administrator. _ c|
2 The account of Robert Kendal., guar
disc of Annie K Meltel. now Webb; mi
nor ehild of Wm. Moke , lata of College
township, deceased
5 The account of Michael and Jeha '
Jliilar executors ef <fcc., of John Millar ,
Sr . late of Walker township, deceased ' .
as filed by John Millar, ana of tba execu .j,
4 The account ef Jacob K Leathers •'
aad 1" W Berahart, execators of Ac., ofj"
Joba Hughes, late ot Heward towntbip, £
dee eased. , . , ...
5. The tecead and fina. account af Jeha
Wilson, executor ot Ac., of 1 :acent Sto-
Yens, late of Half Moon towaship. de- *•
l account of John Nuttall, aim n- <' J
istrator of Ac , of Thomas Nut tall, lata o: ,••
Pbiitpsburg Borough, deceetad
i 7. The account of J. P. Krcidar, adrn a-1
1 istrator a! Ac . of Nancy Kreider, late of L<
Pane tow nth ip, deceased. w<
S. The flrtt and final account of Jeste fa
F>v, guardian ®f Darid Hallabntigh. tni- w
soreh'ld of Unltneangb, .ale of c
Boggs township. deceased. fe
n The first and final account of Jse
Fry guardian of Honrr Hnl'.nbaugh. mi-!,,
ier child c! David Heltabaugb, late of (lJ
Sore* township, deceased. ( 9
10 The necoun*. of Jarres A. Hwre!. 0<
eeod. guardian of Elizabeth Slump, m>
ier child of Mergaret Searfjsa.
11 The account of Jamw A Snt> ••
eeod, guardian of Jaae Kubn, cj nor
•biUi of Margaret S#arfo.
12 Th accau-t of Co! Job". Riahel, ad- ■
nin st-ator of Ac . ef David Krtle dr. ™
•eaed. lai® of Gregg townsoip. as filed by
W ii. Kishel and W. K. Karick, admin
slrators of said John Ris'n®i. deceased w
13. The account of U M Hoerar. ndtis fi'
atrator of Ac.. of Rachel lrw.a, late of
Bellefoate, deceased. LJI , I*.
14 Tae nocosint of Darid S Bechael, ti
tuardian of Ia*c Jaraoiiah fchearer, !-a- a
■ah Margarat Shear®-, WHliatn k
>herer, in cor children of Margsrot as
Shearer, deceased. , „ „ _ •
lj Tha fiaal account of It U. Bret.,
tuard aa ofGee-ge Ward, taiaor child of w
I'rinh Ward, late of Ferguson townahip, ~
lrc*a<*d „ ... „ h
16. The account cf David and Harry II
rbarer. administrators of Jacob Sharer, „
lata of Walker township. deceased ,
17 Taa a- count of Daai® Gror®. guar- w"
Sinn at George P. Her, minor ch id of.
Wi liam Hay, late of Harris township. do
]S. Tha aeeouat of Henry Bartholomew I 7
lad Jesse Swart.-. executors of Ac . of
Ki t*tieth Bartholomew. lata of Walker i
lawnahip. deceaaad
19. The account of Andrew Gu.ier, nx-1-
aeutor of Ac., nf John Guianr, Inle of
Miles township, deceased.
3d. Tbo ancond partinl account nf Jamn
I'ack, Michael Puc, and 21. K. Puck, d
admiriatratora ot Ac., of J. Henry Puck, I
late of Gregg township. dacaaaed. ja !
21- Tka first nr.d paitial account of John< j
M usaer. Jr. axecutor of Ac., of John C.
Bricker, lot® of Harria townahip, deceas. i
' V
22. The final account efJama Dualap. |
executor of Ac., of Mary I-ong, late of J
Perguson townahip. dectaaod. I
13 To® tare fth aaaual account ®f John
Irwin, Jr. aa Deni®l Jihoadta, surviving
truatees under tha will o: Wno. A. Thom
as, late ®f Bellefente. doc®aa®d
■_4. Tb® aceout of John P. Moor®, exee-j*
utor of Ac .of Sarah A. Smith, late of; >
Harria townahip, deceased. 1
2o Tb acrout of Wni *. Turner, id • |
miniatrator ®f Ac., of Ember Y®thers, lata 5
of Centre county, deceased.
26. The account nf Joiiah 11. Browa.
guardian of Samuel it. Gaelt, minor chi.d
ef Samuel Gault, latn of Snow Shoe town- r
abip, deceaaed, c
27. Tha third partial account nfjoanph <
Baker, tola anting truaten and executor of
Ae.. of Martin Houser, late of Harria
lewnahip, derated.
2S The eecount of J H. Reifaaydnr, ex
ecu'.ar of Ac., of Jacob Hartnr, late of ;
Penn township, deceased
'if The final account of J aremiah Ilaiaes
and Jonathan Qramlny, ®xecu'.or of Ac.,
ofGnorge Gramley. late of l'ean t®wn
abip, dceaaed.
.30 The second and final account of Ma
ry Waaeon, admipiat-atrix de boiv* rto-i ef
Ac.. ofGnorge E. Waaaon, latn of Co! age
townahip. deceaaed.
31. The account of Robert L. Shirk B3U t
Ezeki al Bmg. administretora of Ac., of
Daniel Shank, latn of Milonburg born.;
32 The aeeount of Alox. C. Chaney.
gue-dian of Francis Bartoe (now dee'd child of Pen al Bartoe. decee-ed
33. The second partial aeeount of Polly
F aher and Ja'd B. Fiaber, eieeutors ol
Ac., of Adam Fisher, latn of Gregg town
ship, deceased.
34. Tbo account of John Shannoa, one
of the administrators of Ac., nf Jacob
Weaver, late of Gregg township, dectas
ed. . .
Sf>. The account o! Peter Rnbn, admin*
iatrator of Ac., of John Kobb, latn of Cur
tin township, decerned.
30 Ten firat pxriial account of Meahick
Williams and J W. Stewart, executor nf
Ac.., of Scott Williams, late cf Huston
townahip, deceased
3 ap tc Register.
"VTOTICE ii hereby gieen that the fol
lewiog named persons here filed
their petitions lor License in the office ol
the Clerk of the Court of General <duarts
Sessions of the Peace in and for the coun
ty of Cesitre, and Slate of Penn a, and
tnat application will be made at tbo next
session of said Court to grant the same
Daniel (iarnai-Torero— Bellefoßte boro
Jacob I Herman—Saloon—Gregg twp.
Reuben T Shaffer—Tarern—Howard boro
Perrv H Stover—Tarare—Penn twp.
Richard Hays—Tarern—Pkilipahurg bore
Henry C d eaget —Saloon--Bellefuato B.
Samuel 11 Kunea—Tareru Liberty twp.
Darid J Meyer—Tarem—Potter twp.
Edward Brown—Tarern— Hellefonte B.
Robert Taylor—Tarern—Phiiipsburg 15.
Jonath. Kreamer—Tarern—Millbeirn B.
Robert Loyd —Tarern—Philipshurg 11.
Fredrick Smith—Saloon— Be!lef®nie n
Jolie G Uzzle—Tavern—Snow Shoe twp.
J II (Jdenkirk—Tarern—Potter twp.
Hanrjr Rebb—Tarern—Walker twp.
Getleib Hang—Tarern—Spring twp.
Jekn Anderson —Saloon —Bellefoaie B.
Jeffrey Heyee—Tarera—Rush twp.
Joel Kllng, Jr.—Tavern—Marina twp,
George lloppea—Tarern —Bellefonte 11.
John Copenharer—Tarera—Taylor T.
Augustus Krona—Tarern-Bell®fi>at B.
Alois A Koblbeoker—Tarern—Boggs tw|
Williatn S Leag—Tavern- Haines twp.
Isaac D Boyer— I Tavern- Hamas twp.
Peter Waber—Saloon—Philipshurg B.
Gee I Blackford—Saloon - Bellefonte B.
John Ramadnle—Tavern—Philipshurg II
W 6 Musaer —Tavern—Millbeirn B.
J urn as Pasamore —Tayern—Philipshurg B
I Albert Kauth—Saloon— Bellefonte B.
David H Huhl—Tavera—PotUr twp.
liouseal A Teller—Tvern—Bellefoate B
C. A. Fanlkner—Tarern—Philipaburg B
SbndrtCk Stefley-Tarem-Fergusen twp
J. 0. Haapxr,
Ihf W'*'
Eetlou, April 11 Siace the eraatio
sftbe Lebigu Valley railroad bridge art
he Delaware at ikit place, threa
ige. it ha* been aicarlaiaad that th
seigbt of the twa I'cn tpana which reit
>n the pier near the Jeleer there bai
anted the iron shoes ia who h Ilia span
est to sink about an inch, throwing th
tructura out at the grade, with the car
aiotr of a etill greater depression, awinj
0 tba fact that tba inside masonry of lb.
liar is not as solid as the vuUide. *j ob
iat* thil tl# bndtf® Nupirifttfidwtoflpt
oad had Mi iron plate call, the edges a
ihich were to ratt tbe solid stone c,
ha pier The casting wit twelve feet
ng th-ee feet three In hat wide, with
Ibt tft -s inches deep and a general
hichaatt af thrts Inrbst. the whet
reirblag saran ihoutand pounds I it#
at taken to the bri !ge at .1 lowered into
•till a. Ilia task heieg tccampllshad tbli
ftarnao* '1 c Iron spaa* weigh 180 tont
nb, and ia order to elexata them hy
-1 eotio jack s • ore uted After t.r span*
are aleratcd eutfteieatly the masonry wat
. dreared ai d leralcsl. the hag# p'a'.a
laced in position, and the spans wura
ian I. wered without the slope ng of a
ng a train This is conndarad a great
• i In angireering.
Prow an artiala on the dacgart down ia
a Peaa'a coal sunn, wa mesa tba !•>•-
wing thrill ag attract
Tba trouble is that at fur e clock whan
a minora slap wrk. and at tla o clock
hen ths day atu nap wark. there IS
,th for the aagoas. and aemetimaa r
xt as twenty or'.wontjr fit* persoat era
,-w Jed into oil a ssag.-n which endanga t
a r lit an account of the ttraia upaa
• rop. whiab it hah • to break
The rules at ruetl of tha coltUrial art
at not ruaro thaa sit aaah she get into
car at *• - .ira ,
11 a * morning last wieter whao tna wer
oaiatar was sistaaa dagraet bt aw tare
K at won crowded themselves into asa"
oath ferb ddaa by tba outside bote. Ihe
,r was puihea oter into t e incline
spa and it had not gona mare then fit*'
e; before tba chain, an iroh ti.iak hng
ih wire, braas and the car, with eigat
aa ran down twatre bundrad taet at a
r-ifia rate of ipesd At tba bottom a*
a i.epe there wat an aog a and aa ut
trd atcaat, ana inataaJ o. the wag. n
trig tha aad being deebed ia
•c- ii raft ftbftftt oa# fcutdrftd ••d art?
•tupihii kiin's ftd lh# Wft*kwara
s.a and kept sway eg to and fro unt
rested in tha centra at the a. ay the
>llom, and aal ibii waalajurad Whan
er jumped out of th# wagon aa Irish
an exclaimasi, "Be jabart that s lie fait
ne mrwir ' Oo that same morniag at
other colli art, an accidaat happaasd
Sicb it it doobtau lae like af ll tor at
pet can barslly aa a-)ualied. Sn par
n ju jpud into a car aaj it was pushed
ar the t'.opa and tuarted down at aag.#
saeontr aagreat It had taarca.y star
J down wban tha ahain, serea-eightht
au inch thick, broke and the seen weat
iwn eight hundred and thirty :et
nan tba car atruek agouti too reck at
a bottom af that cpa it wattkire-ed ia
a thousand pi*c*s Of cwursa tba ar
parted in ge>ng down that tbar weu.d
i killed tst there wat not a single man
;ur#e out >-f tha sil.
Port Jarris. April 10. —At & p ■ yea
rdar Geo llio, about d. years o! ag*.
tiding a ear rsbehota, l*ik# couaty. re
; bis wife t throat in a terrible wanner
d 'than drowned biuttalf in Sbehola
Tha Lower House of the Masaehui§!tt
Ignla'.ura has reacted tha hill t sasura
men the right to rota on maricipa! af
n in cities and townt Tee hi', g ring
>xan the right to rote for members o!
howl comws ttae* esma from the f-ena'.a
r itt third reading aad was passed,
►•ereeteen theasend partons n Sragesi n
d th# uc.gUborboWst i>f that city are still
bsitting om charity. It hat h*s* raiaiag
r tea day*. The supply of bread is ta
ming exhausted
It s 'Majored a Cabu'. that tha naget a-
P , be'ween akoah Khas and lb# Br.t*
i hare feiiad bewausa tae latter kneiitad
tba annaxeliaa of l ebul irucb a da
sod aauld be ia direct contradiction af
e tlatemaaU af the Gorarawiaat ia Par
An 'Kproßptu m.vt suctien fa # of
i wen was it using a'd prohtat eii
*t in a Raeiae i Wit church fair. Ths
mag ru'-a bid liberally for the attracti#*
r.s. and it was a! 1 **ry funny indeed us
an ug'y but infiuential sinter was put
i The auctianaar was remeelied ta
lock har down at coats, sod she was
aagry tkai she pat on asr things sod
rnt bua.a
Andrew Jonas of C'heeter. Ps . argued
ith Litaia Walsh, from 6 P M uati
idnigbt. ir. ins endssror to coarmc#
c that it would ha wet te mrrr
Sen be committed su eide. and the girl
rs that If it a hsd kr. wn he wis so ieep
in saraest she would hata aecepted
(i-aaeGilbsrt. u a letter to tba Ladiet
ioral Cabinet of New York says "If I
• ..set *by 1 considered l.tsmos i
rat sc.perior t* any other. I should sir
pry are eh#a;ar. mora durable easi y
sd mora |uic<> y useJ ; giee luore baau'.i*
il c 'lors and sbaaes thaa any atbare. In
,ct they are inditpeasnb.e. lour drug
is ta keep it.'
l.aadon April 14.-A d tpatch ia to
n ■ r - I tr< :ia A'.asand a -ays a
rest fire is "aging in Cario, and has da
re red blotks •: buildings hurdrads af
arils lasg
Troy. April 14 —Stona A C'raudall's
am, "at Grata Island, withe es-en oortat
a aurnad at lOj o'clock last night Lass
7.UXV iniuraaea Si.OttO. A reward ef
500 is offered for tha arrest and ceneis
on of tba iaceadiary.
Philadelphia, April 10 Wheat is quiet
tu -'.oady. Kolas af buthals- polud
>g Panntyleania red, at $1 iUi *1 U,
'eanty'.Taaia aad southaro amber 1.14C4
IP., and No. 2 western red eleeetor, at
1 IS.
C'.icago, April H—VV baal No. • kki*
age -pring. fresh, fOia. regular, 97c far
ath. Cera frash, 34e; regular SUe far
ah. Oata 22c for cash. dull, at 4?'4<
Spring Miila Market.
Wheat $1 10
Rye, 0&.
Corn, ears, por bu, near, ff
Oata. 22c.
Buckwheat, "6c.
CloYersced, $.1.00 to s■! "6
Chop, per ton. $20.00.
Plaster, ground per ton, SIO.IW
Klour, per bbl
Butter, 12c.
Tallow. Oe.
Ham. ao.
Shauldart, (ki.
Clean Bide, Oc.
Rags, 2c.
Kggs per dor. , KV.
Tub wisahed wool IWic,
Packed butter worked O*or, 10c.
Coal, Retail. By Oar. Grow.
Kgg. $ 1 14 'M
fjtose, $6 00 $4 66
Cba.tnut, $4 26 $ l K)
l'ea. 20 $2 76
TATOTICE -Notice is i.ereby given tk*'.
tba following articles were pur
chascd at (••avtabla's sa e. oa April 14.'
1879, a* property of Wm A. Curry, and
that tha tame ail! t> laft in the poetessio
;of Mrs. E ir.abath Curry, at my plsaturo.
and all parsons are cautioned again*;
| ir.addliag with tbe saaia in any inaaner:
tin ceok stoso, 1 caraer cupboa'd. 1
1 lot carpet, 0 chairs, 1 table and sink. 1
parlor itora, lounge, carpet, 6 chairs, lot
matt, lard, loange and suudrits, bid anil
bedding, let carpet, abaut 200 brick, iron
kettla, 2 barrel*. 2 bushels applet, inaal-
Ixtach and suridrias, sheet-Iron stose.tubs,
soar , etc.. hand nsrl and tied. 2 storei,
1 wood and 1 coal.
l.atteri af aduinitlrallon an Ilia ettata
ef ('alein Cauterman, late of Gregg tp .
dae'd. basing been granted l'< tha under
i signed, all iiertoni knowing tkemseleni t
bo iidabteil to s*id decadent are raquettad
le make immediate payment, and persoai
baring claims against the estate will pre
sent them authenticated for inttlamant.
. 17 ap lt Admr.
UXKCUTORS' notice—
Letters tastamantary upon tha atlata of
Mary Rtnrick, deceased, having been
granted to the uudertignod, by the itgis
tur of jCantre county, he request* all par
sons knowing ttaetn*elvet indobted to de
cedent, to couie forward and make settle
ment, and these having claims to present
them ihaly authenticated fur lettiement.
20 mar 6t Executor
Ol a et|>i of Mxllcal (Jotnmoo Some Bout to aav
unrtoo •uflorlna *itb Oontomftloa. Atkhma, l.a
tarrb. BroncOllla. I ow of Volet, or Soro Throat. HonO
u*mo and i>ot nfioc tlilriu. with two S cont (mU(0
i mmpi tnJ mu inm ilckMK Thol.--.ik It oltganl
|y ttluitratod. i lis pp. 11 too. ITC ) Tho luformttloa
II ounlalpt, |o tho provldoaoo of s.od, hat tt'td mtji
1. tlt ot. Tht tuloor uat been IrotUni dl *s* "'ths
Note, Throat, and l.aiiat. tt t tl-t.ilt l l-ft'tlf t jo CIU
clanttl. tlnco ISIT. Aildrost OK. m, a. WOI.KK.CIji
clsaatl Ohio. 4>apH
J T*\Ri~J. W. RHONE, Dantiat. can bs
11 I I foaml at bis office and reaidenet
P ion North side of High Street, three daori
|4aat el Al'efhfiy, iJullafoßla, Fa.
I 17 ftk
Chili aad Bolivia have net vat c<>nie to
blawt. I ta President of Bolivia has how
ever called tha coaatry to irms, and of an;
otlor made by wealthy citiaens ef 60 por
•ant of thatr inacniee far war purposm
baa accepted K> par rant la tba mean
time Peru i mskiag preparations to assist
Bolivia aa.l has sent tu region-all ta tha
i frontiers Her iron clad navy is aleo wall
prepared for war. Tho Peruvian C.ineuM'
ate in \ alparaieo. Chill, was usobbed re
cently and the Peravian - oetof a m. toro |
(rein the door. Tha Mia later af Foraigni
A 'ans B.>logi*ad the aaxt day. Later
advice* diraat from Valparaieo say thai
I Prasidaat af l'eru has declared far neu
trality Bolivia will act on the defensive ,
tad await attach ia tha interior
• ♦ e - j,
Warren Johaaoa. eged eightaon, be L
came aatangl-d In Ihc geariijt at tho fly-f,
wheel at tha antraaco af Mattel § shaft in
W ilkesbarre, Pa, nal before the •Haiti,
res Id be flopped ha wat crushed ta death I
NEWMAN King Clothier
W Spring Suits, 8;2.40. Underwear, 20 c. Boots, 81.75.
The Best Bargains ever Offered in Clothing. Is ahead and bound to keep ahead
/ Challenge the County to Heal my CHICKS and QUALITY,
0* tba l£:h inat, by Kit. 8. M Raadar,
Mr. IVaial hither, nt Centre Hat), te
Mm U>rt A Shirk, ef Patter a Mill*.
1* Mifflinburg. IV. Saturday leaning,
April IV. Sarah H.. i' l Kee W . I.
U alar aged 68 year., 3 mentba. and 11
daei Kae Craily of Lawiiburg. offlala. j
ted to fcaglnh, and Kae t. Aaipach !■
OathefMh int at the rniideace of
Henry Bollinger ia hlilihaita, So eea
Lang agad 77 ye*r, 1 month and V dajft
On th 11th in it, at the raaidaaea of bit j
lie, ia Penn twp., Jacob Imat!. ge4 77 |
yaara, 4 month*. and 1 day
Oa tka 7th inat., at Farmor M ilia, Mr
Caleia Col bar man, agad 28 years. 11
anoatki and 9 day*
For tha Reporter.
l.ewa kurtt diad oa tha IKb af March,
ISTV, ol baart Juaara ha ate hia diaaar at
aaaa and wai ia gaod baa th, and at
O'clock ha fall ofar daad . a rot nek at
a hat a few inemen!* tafa a k. daa'.k ; !
sa told hia folk* that ha wan ready to die.
Decerned *>< barn in iien: nne, In Mai*
dlahurg. on Jan. 4 lt'6 Cama to th!
country ia IIV7, with b . father. raatbar,
brathart and liitari, and landad in Foliar
kowuibip, Centra ceun'.e, Fa., wfcara ha
ramaiaad till lHii. I) an ha entne waat,
making Rockgreee towaihip, htaphoasaß
county, US , l heme 11a wa a g >od
eitixan and a contiilaat aiarnhar af '.ha
Luth church for 44 eenr* 11a lenea. tee
children Ha wax a kind fathar and high*
j beloted neighbor Funeral inrmoti I
■ai p ranch ad by Kae 1 ail, 116
Plains, 15 yaraa J K T. t
Oraaga.lla, 1 I
Pianos! Pianos!
A S I)
O H ii A A H .
7 Octave Roncwoo! I'in*.
Only $l5O.
© Slop Or|tai. 2 Full Set of
Rood*. Price sll7O,
On IJ $5.1.
i:t Stop Orpin*. 5 Full Set of
Krrdm Price s.ll©,
Only $75.
iTbil Ocean h the "(Jrarul Organ Knaa
fircoiid'linutl Organ* for >25.
Sccoud-linud Piano* for (50.
$2.00 and upwards.
Piano and Orgnn Instructor*.
Coter* and Stool*.
Sewing Machines!
New DOMESTIC $30.00.
Now ST. JOHN tSft.oo.
New Improved SINGEII $22 50.
New Improve! HOWE $22.50.
Second hand Machines as low as $5.
Order* by mail solicited and prompt
' ly filled.
No Agents employed, The buvores
• eft the Agents profit. We bttjf our
1 Pianos, organs and Machine* for
' Cash, and will give customers ihe ad
Allegheny Street, Bclleftmte, P.
II I' M A A" .11 I N E It T ,
lust publitthed, in a nettled envelope.
I'riie nix rents.
A l#ct<tro<-a th* Nalur*. Troatiuant, And Radical
corf of Nominal WmkiiaM, or HpartiiatorrhoOA. In
lurd til Noll abuaa Involuntary KinUaloßa, lino#
taacr, Narrona liability, and Imi r.!lm#tU to Mar
rla* gstnara 1!# . ( unipmiiti n. K|ill|>r9, aad HU,
Mantal and I'hvfth a! In. Ac. 11 J KtiHKBT
J. GULVftKWKLL, M l> , author of tha Oiaaa
Book. Ac.
Tha world ranowuad author, In thto adtalnbli lao
tura, claarly provaa from Ma own aaparianca thai tha
awful cona*juanca of Half abuaa may !>• aflaclually
rwmovad without medlcina. and without daagaroua
•urgloal oparatlaua. bouglat. instrumauta. rlnga. or
oordlala. pointing out a mod# of < ura at ooao cartaln
and a (Tactual, bj which a vary auffarar. no mattar what
hi* aoudltlon may ha. may curt hltuaalf cbaaply. prl
T Wril ir mil proto boon to thousands sad
Sunt. undirml. In a plain antalupa, to aajr addraaa
ob rocßlpt of two paauga ilaoipa.
Addraaa tha I'uUliahara.
tf* 3t.i >'cw Vork ; Y. 0. Bex, tO#t.
! Thii favorable ro-.ta, east aad wast, It
How bfiug bruugiit before Ilia proper!v|
'j'owaara, Iroir. Mid Hall tre Hallafoaia, atid
from Held Kagla and Tyrone railway tot
White Dear Mills, via ffiger Valley, hr
soliciting lewmbip reprataatativae to meet
at Tylertyilia, Saturday, April 12, at 10
a ia.
•* *
-1 GAN.
I KaUmar.oo, 12 yaatorday after*"
1 a.-ou Joshua Walker, of Flowarflatd, Bt.|
:Joseph County, burned hie barn, two!
! veart' wheat crap and his house, and triad!
to burn biru>elf and his wife alive. They
ware saved by a neighbor. Walker stab
bed on# mail who cam# ta Mrt Walker's 1
raacttn Ha Is subject ta 0| .lepsv, Um
was made ugly by a small provocation in
Ins family.
jbiaft mtStftTr ©ml tea fa< .a. !atra
, ri !>nit uat Tndill n aitum*. nam* ten
1 bet Orur! tpb Ortampn i : ital rm Orntff Gauntr
uut an mi4> grti(b!c! tnrb 4#ra!lfc um J'rrf.:u<
an'iliMrn nwttm as t*m licurtbanfr 'a 2kllf
(patr auf .JamOaa ten "JOttm Rptil. l*7w un 1
lifcr tal frigrnt Wtbwbcnf
i Jtaruibuiti t i>frtbfiM|fr —nimliib
'}. J. S3 jm artffc t'i'.tf b*t PiuatGitf. It**
ami i* tir Stat! ilfilrfati'.r, Gfa!r Oruatr.
tmr.'a. Sf.irrn,! .t bt'ibfifbrt ri t *otf Rat
tft RerbVitr fiebmt an ta# *btn 2'tr®f|fn,
juf Cftrn on rnt Alio. fubl<4 an tai Stmt •
©iacnlbam an tat (fi.
!a!f, talHaltrab ft tea |twi Aia. nrbt rtit twai.
net,—tatau* ftrstfi *m jtrrftr itgrt Slfiawrbn.
•Gaul jtw ttriidfl fibs! iVhautr i'iU sr.t ca<
trtt Aubrajrbautf.
(Jingtirarn, tn bkthat! amrown vat snrt m
tank ail (ftgfalbua ven tft IHfLifiiatf Sfotftav
• Tig. 2. HQ jftf ifaj Rf i'ctt* atft t*rvatOui.
I carat ia Rngufrn Iraatit r Gcr.m Oruatr,
tknn a atrr.ifnt r.rrW'tb an tint t*r Q'aArt (It.
bf, an taat ten .lamtl 3?aft, iuti'4 aa
taatn ma .lain nbiU act *ftnt aa tint*! tan
ramufl WiPiLuwl, crlbaitfat rta tantrtl vat
fLnt ant ttf'iaa Air:. mibr tlft amwrt, tarrn
ciaa t ■ bantft! Airt flat ant taravj miit'.r!
cm |f-uiifutt R: tahaui <*!..f•-iftrarr, vat
in imhi't .icsaffiwm. cat Bitt
Krla-j't all Giafnlbt* srn A:\trc* ti -Ifrt.
H a(ait
•'la 3. Ai.' iraf atiP'Sc Vctlf cltt Okar.tflvi
1 fatal ta let €tatt Antral! utg nrl litre,
life;y. Gcntic Grunfv, Ttnr.'a est 'ijrißft as'
tt aliartttftnrn t'.aa hf ( a;tn €ratl *"f Mat
brfanni all t'rtlf "lr 'MB Kr*rr.t an Rtatbfi I
K>av biN<*. Aartni raaatc fitlip. Cauc He.
3:6 wf'Aii snt rtratpbfrm AUru aerHtb. fat*
fcaltrat a ttt iPri !c ra!laa4 tent Sat m l Sivarc
At' Sy* at ia tft -Xifif ta!.ana tft
.On Saf tatavf fin js* Vtf..
("ftiatf ant Sirttlaui eta tttt ®rl—..
Mai. vat entftf RavnarKjutf
dbtc'alli S!.' |fßft Ibt-.l .let Vsrf'fß c
aft fjrn fl ca i'attf orant. Itcacnt ia tft -rtat!
Rat. ftat* Grattc !<bb a. rtaitalf
tft!f r.amftir! tat V<*a tn'bf(atc*
itaflailSKl. bfatrn|! act be lit it tea a t f.-jt
Rn'j*ifat am lit.rr't Gift Pen Vcttc ''la. 30f>,
t-ana ratlatui flarpß Jen art
K.ib! tftn tii' 4ft!r t?Jr.
3V6| afttl'ii ®0 Sf, tenp. sfntliji f> tai, t>aßß
14 Ji> Sb an tK !taVftrs SUrr taan rat.a-a
tf'a-itrt Rllra rftlii> XI 'at is tft r::r ?Jf. (
t - n rni.ana bf '. :!r 'itl J- :•' 'vt- tu trta; ,a(t taran* m ile! cat tPaaf.
•♦ten. !
Oinetfeivtn. ta arnpntrntn. cnt tr rt
ftfas'! iit o<jfs:t'. ria J. I. 2?rvtt.
?: f 4 Sll 'tat ,ts f( " ;!!e ,!rt (* ntfti if c ;
a rat ia N: l '.-rrsab tpr. J'f'-flraU. Gir.!tf Opan- J
t;. If-.* a tfatrajl sat bf'.tt iN* tr f *rl'!
"iptti it aa aatft nca .trtn t pit It a*
CiatfT tea R <* Catttn, faHxt aa cntt Rita,
ant fi '$ aa'iatn tc .V-tui $•••(* ftpatfnlt
:a ( bf(aa:ct S-rv ritpa to s*, itirii laaHat t!-
mo *>o Ssf a* tantfi rra .trtn ti. .Satnl ta.
real frtnttrl ri* itti :c;itl'. '•ambacf,
itaU a*t an.tftt ricbf-.afbactf.
Bmi|tic>afn. tn f<itt4<t artwnHßff. sat trirt '
rrrfis'! all G tnlbant rra fa!: if Tt.r-.
?Jp. S3' irnrt r*:Sf 9tn4 snKnfirn '
lantt!. tn -^art l r. Ofßtrc Graft' >*:
rafSfn a tfin tpartanlrf ?.'amr* ncn ."trta itrtrtn. '.
rn!So.tff.t *OORfct rntbt rtft arn aft.
Gtrntalll —RU' jrarr r- <*l rl:-ik sab.. '
•it* laatrl I'ftrat a * tiff J.-n-ettbT. Grt* ,
In Grvß's, ff.n a, firtnfffrn 'R frm sutnanift , J
'lamca rra ??tn ?trrrl ra:ba trr.t 4 !| o Sfrr
irttr rtff trf* ;tt Tatan" rrt .t:r! i r.f Tatr.r'
£f.4taitlf. ttir. 'ct-.llvivl r!a- sat artctc 't.
kiwbiati. I at
t "frrta'! grit, m-nca vat tt j ,
-rrfat;'! e'J Ciarn'.tunt rpn Taar llatfrlrrrt tint
fa'an tlntmrpft Grrralnff. r- rri! "r*t tin. ; r u(an ?' Untrra .. t?.HI ;: ''jatllf.
(fttrcrt. 3a 1 .-* Uabrnrppt Cttta llnarrmprt. | .
fi'errtn Untina.-.t, d\am S if: at ant trua
SbtaaHc si D. ©an, cnt 3- Hntmpcrt vnt .
fv Uiam ÜBtmrr. t, Otbrn vat .tf'ftv.. •at ?(f .
, ri'rr.Ußtfa Trn Tfrfl.rV rm !<Gf llrfrtiprrt.
a-! en RUrtal J.atl Sirp'-rn .ftsm;h.
*5 est 3rba Res. Jntf Icaaall.
it e r n r t
flli tal 9i'4i !'!!( sat .latfnSr ,
aJtta S Ht43 ftift let !HftTbfit!4ft ta ant
is irarr nftt m 4?!tf ftr (*rsnt'!sif ltfrat it
ift ftprpacb pen fttltrftar,t, Gcattf Grants, *
Fraa'a. bf4tn|! mat tf<A::rb<:i n < (rl.'t - =ti+. ( .
tab nirtl'4 sa fostfl Sttoif rttliib oa Spatt.
Jrntri Stiobf, fvtl'4 on UrflMo3l.f s'to!*, *
tat *fft; 4aa ?(tr rrn •J'Junfrn vat Satrm J
I'M Rtpalktlt fja rttro 43 Sb 4 o irtiv'uf. li e -
gttiff vat latuif laaknt "00 Rv* an rripatntft
faarrl sttabf Xjraal crrtittrt (ia gtrbri. ja*t. ;
tat.balb.tlptfigfl. 4*<Wf■* ©ebrbaaf aat ntctr ;i
tlabf, fin |filM |tt, ftain VttnlSral ar.t aa
tftf ?ifbfn4ttiatf.
amgri.tcn. tn iPrrb;'! irermmra snt nntt i
fftfaak all 9 jfalbsm rra 3bn £• (*rav.
A ft air: r
?3p. 7. S3' jrttf rtrlit tWnr "pt!fn rtrt ''
lifatnt m tft Gptraab StrLtfpuK- *
.(tw. tarpa aafanaiat aat tct istlriJr tfr Gartin *
slrab* 100 Ruji i'ftliit atif Tfratvr RQm. taan s
lutlii 12 Stat iftui 800 Rv| .in Gbvr4 S'.lr- "
renn fntlaaa bf(a.::tr Rl.rj n. ttl .b 7a
4 100 4b* an nntn I'lpitrn taan nprtisib 13 ! *
Prat trcfil ib 800 ihi* jam S'faagi. la|r 'ctf
;ir rttrabnlrn l.ttfn bit ' V.:i 4:rnJ aal ft(a:- v
:tt €tta*f snt ftrrd! fl4 200 Rub juTvrf an ftla - .
It SUfS. . , a
9bt afa 111 3tPti aatm barer lif jintt a f 5
Cr ?}prtkit( ttt Ovtoit s|ra'f a iangrct an 3
tfm 3alttkfttcn#rnft bHa.iir: Sltan sat Tfta- "
ur lUrv, tana nmabntct ctta*f n-rt 7* I --
JPrab pft 100 Rub an tmtn 'Vp'tcn. tann ft!<4 | ''
18 i M rat •rtliub W Ru* aa fir.r RUfV. taau ta ,r
SUcsmtlanii (itli4 7* O'ut tprfi ub 100 tu* an •'
Ircatßt Rlira, tann tft RUir tathna (vtlt4 12
Rifat rOlub Bi<o Ru* jam Rriar.jail.tbf. lftc mit 11
O Stub Rtant a( rria.ittr itraif u-.t 'l4> 800 Rnb
luruif rtrrtftnl ta trr fnrabnSra RUtr
Gbtafalll --.lft' antrrr tarrn an'anitfnt
■n rmrm i'unf! an trr ?!rrt'ft!( bet Gtirlir. s!ta. ■
jir 300 4a* 01t<t> ra rrfatur RUrr, tann rntlaaa
klaatrr suaK abftlicb 7Hi*tab ett.iib 134 4.:* an -
nata tanr. tiprtiicfc 12 o*tat tpfftli.b 200 ,' 1
Rub a ttnt RUa. tann cnilang brl.i jlct Rllr? 1
lutiub 7r (Utat Mpb| 134 4u* an ftara T-1.-itm
bann futl'A 13 Crat r>tli4 IM' 4rb lit tent Rn.
•ana'plabt. barrn hot Mr am It trn tn trftrn tV'
4abanttif antrrr 74 iu* -urnt cnl frtaata a
Sltabf, ant |ttf rrfbrdl ttttuif 200 <tt* an tr.
taiitr SUru. ' £
Gbcnlalll. Gir.r anttrc tarrn anfanatnt an
trr Cftfcttf tinrr rpr.'.rli.a.itnt* GtR-ctrruna ttr
Xcratut Rllru an flncm 'Funft 22> 4* nrrfl'tb
tft Gattin Stnbf tann apitloH Crab cllitb ,
rntUaa tma flUro 103 Rub an tinea 'Ppftm, tann
nettliib 18 i M rat mrftliib 1224 4u<. an nnrn
ticn, tann 4uti4 7 (Stat nrftlitb 102 Ru>i <u ft "
trabnlrt rptadtblaatna Gnrfitfttin.t tft Tttalut "
Rlltr. tann fntlana tir'a RUnt (utliib 12 ( M rat
rft.nb 12*24 Rub (tint R:.(a*aflaf. *
(Jbtnfalli Gtnt atttnr Vi'llr anfaaatnlaa u
cintm 15nnft 324 Rub rttliib rrn ttt r:ii>a!'ntfn ■'
vetarlib ajfntn OttMilrruna trr T rra tar RUtr unf .
4(*o Rub "rrtlub tft Outtin Strabc fritnt tal '
nptt'Pft Git ctntl arrbfti Vantßnibfl an icfauM *
tut* triaglrn ©tUiam WrGltllan unb fintut tie J
trtffrn *>'. rrn tinn ttnb 2VrGrr. J
bann Hiblti) 12 (Stab <Ht<B 1474 Rs| an (tntn ;
Hlfpftrn. tann lutlii; 7H ( w rat trrOltib 102 Rub an '
rinin (UfaSra. tann upttlnfc 12 tStab trrftli.b 122 i *
Rub an nntn •I'fpfttn, tann nrtflid) 00 S r ab pfl. R
Itch flira 1M Rab jam Rn(an<|4i'labr. |j
GiagtjPijfn, in ikrbaft atnntttmrn tint nrt *;
prtfauft allßt.ifnt(vum ron QBilliant OTrOlcllan.
Rcrttf t:
bVe. H. flir itnrl acwiffr |trtt.Rii'gfl (Rrbau. ®
tf tnlballtnt auf ta Rroni via unt jwanjig unb £
2> 10 Rub unt in trr ittff ovtt unt tint *,
tit Vellr ctft tal (Srunbttvi auf trrldtrm taOrlbc -
rrnibtrt ill. tuit trtn GuttiUoflf tain aibrrrut. lit. 11
ijfnb ia UNI II bfiut, auf tft ©rflfriit tfr 21ort J|
Ginafjeafti, in SPabaft .jntontntfn unt teitfc J
vcrfanft all Gigtnlbunt von rant I'liUtt.
?}p. 0. AQ' jfnt granfff t'otlr Gltuntunb 3fU' *
tmrnt gtlcgra in Central Git, Ofnlvt Opunla. f *
srnn'a. bfgrtnii nnb bff4tttbtn toir felgl, nam.
lid): Ruf tern')icrttn an trn lurtipiff, auf tfm v
Cfitn mil t'ptlt ren ©m. auf tfm 3u
ten turtfi tif 'llalb Gaalc Gil, auf tern ©(ftcn
ten ta UoiK bJlo. 110, fcimt fpit* 91s. 100 in j
tfm aUafmcintn l>laur pen Qtnttal Gits, unt ifl .
tiefilbt totlf (Stunt wtlcbf 0. G. R>umd unb Rt ,
am .6es, Bbminifhatprm rcn vtrilprb'a 3amrl J
|!r, SWRi iW3. bfV|Tn|( 1 1
(Successor to T. A. Hicks & Bro.)
• •
Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c„ &c.
MT ILo liuh the Hgcuoj of tin- Koulii Inl (/killed Plow for lhl count
■n Rlerir.tcr T*?r Taraui rui4trt fin in*
Htdijtcl fiira Cobnbanl unt interr .'.fbenacbau.
(fiijr|, in Jlrthah aenwimna unt tent wr
fauh ale Cipmtbum tb Sitrct siferQ.
(111 ne f:
fir 10. Rli' jrner r,ei*e :tn4 etre totte
fl*nnt In rat an tei fife -Steifce in bee tpprenab
SRilelbuu Centre 0;-untr. Urna'i. beareri;! unr
hc' : 4i: ft ft i namlt4 Rtant uran|ia .int.'
ant liife {mil, 'nit terielben itke ti bmtur4
lenient an tic SRiU Straw, flpfrnt an trite Ml
0 i* V.'imiTi jj>iuiciUffni4h ant Side Ir.
unb fpt!e rn Hlhet Oheen nprtlub If cut itbetl
wm Vptte (?1P- lits• in tnn plane betaater 4<e:
ruib. unt trthlbe 3tr 4 utrrti4*fn au Sl'ret
Oheen nnt Bfcf-iaMm tnrit leit tar: .übrnar
26 I*7:an ben Ma. teit Sll-ram petrtt I<s
cant cni4!ct en |et ; <teifi|el hime Ohbaute
ltrhc mil rinaaterj, en antrt
team rtall nnt entcrc #
Otruiriraru in iPerbah aenrmmm nnt ir tt m:
feud all I* . rnttnm mJ- *t p-eier?
f'.r 11. Sl.'jetr
fflifrn -n 3 ; a;l .IfnT.litr Centre Counts, be
freT.)t im trlirtben me 4 Sntana
rat an ctr.etn Mart 2Uumf mar! rt nil en C4r.
tann an tinbet mi ?. I*. Jttiagl nrrt H'J (Prat
iMI IS ftuttrn a . f 're r tr-nban'rn, tanr. an
Viator pro filer Hearln rut barter rn Vorina,
I. Wf|trains nert M Chat HI t.'< fatten an r .'
ran cir<nba*trn tnnm enfant Vanter tef be'aaten .
Jrroi'nino lit 111 #tiat ri IS father. an Siemr '
tann Miami fir ter sen trbn f?"-Iter fit Su !
<*rat netl Sit fatten mm !lr'ann#i-iay Oi •
taitent |e*-. R.frr nnt a4tr fatbint <ei r# mrtri
rtrt n-er.i a. laranf rrri4tet nn ir-.fl. .fttrf
(trim-ttibn bat*, e;n trauma;. *nt antrrc fie*
Ctnarf.-arn, -n Thrbaft aer.rmmcn unt tnrcrer.
fantt ill C'. rr.!M.m pin lit! cu .
fit 12. H-' jtni an:*e ' rile t:e:
af.eaf". in t Jrn-nl4 r. Centre tf.nsts.
n a. tfarrnt! nrrtl'4 tmit ten ttann Stern nnt
11 a-a,er!'Bf l Crten rftl:4 tnr4 tinter -.rn
, s ftal. Intli4 tcr4 tinter *c .letn 1
■VrM, nnt menl tt tarit tir.trr rm Itamri 2s.
SrH. ynthaltent fleun|in *tfer metr cfer rrr
n-Oict litaa* eimtiei em re4e# PrMr-nO.
t?ptnSul, unt ar.terr ?! liter. 3f
<? B.ieir.en. tn "nbrv arcrnmen nnt art rer
faa 4 t i.i I'larr.ibum :it' t Sett
|e r net
f!. IS S!l' jerrl f e (VKsute nnt Vrtte
Otrsrt 1-eaent in ft'alfrr Inrntt-j, Cenirr omn<
tr. Venn a rrbent rrrtt t an frr. ien!.i6er.
tauter rpii ? H unt tan el felt nnt
!t unt wrftl'& in taetee v.t tan el t'rlh. <?#
ti r* rmei 'iifl je# ham ©rbtibaur, arKiul a*i
t- ?lel tel iPul-itatrn ,L*. irrrte an tee r*rn:
-ten r'.ejtf t s | !r A *•■.( '• .51 4 j
aent, tic '• t lanhnt hient lr. *ni,
neit tee r.a.t- Ji'eiten lutifite ttf 'etrrj , tni
unt t e rehefl re fer.-e a tern arhr.tenrn !ff-n.
tr! ': ' a-. tr -r r-: > a. r. tf tfi::e
nnt II Anb an* Wcirn trntrnt
C in Prebrft aeremirfn, unt -irt
rerlanh all Vigratbngi rer tt %!. ۥ Silbei
fie. 14 SS' lenfl aea-'fe (VfKiute nrt frhe
(•rent, rair.,-4 Tar ematnre OVtante aeir
•m -n ter i'ci.nat ihUr 4 . rlr an' tee Siith !e tee
imn S:eaW in br'aaht t'eemut an e re Vrhi
(•CM--J ar. v n-t ran S. WrT £B e ~ ilrr
ent lit iij an t'amb r!t.*< ene tre - a
faOe j E i u-.t | r.r. S leave ?lertrn nnt
il i'-. jer ' jer' av Am met unt Iwijij
Auv Krenl ant t'ma &*'**< ut.f jitjr.i a .Van in
JiHe unt iii lax 'lll f <t. 4* e-a h-nterel
i*il;nte lfi bet IS ; u-
Ci-.tejeaen. in t'erba'' pf-.netner. :t rn
lanh air C -rT.itnm vrv. RaWM flrir.rt, IJiarn
i.'umrt ;tn her-.41• • r;r P ire u:.t C;-n
Set nee
fie. IS. Sue fetTerrnrn Re:ti4re. fSnbte,
brlir. unt rrn Kt fr*at:en t>r ?hl
lilpnte Car fKanuliMnnni Ctmranj, ten trelhei
Bel unt **H(trn>nna tide Muter m. -en. lint
Ifinei. .. iceul arr. Of irnnnen! unt
i att ctee Char.Mud .telepen tn ter fhre-aat 2hl
u'.-nle Cenlre t'eueilj nnt laa! ♦er.nh4ran-.en,
tcaeenf? unt Mfbr eben erte M;t, r.amhd Sn
lanarnt an cnem it tern trn-n'&if fT-e* te
ribreat ren i ! <lul.-r.le nc4 tann (it.
410** IS* cr;i4 an e-rer. i-'r irrr,
-ntlana Vint b'c:a4 WrtneMsanfrfanh m
Bit, K. "BrsnHN unt antirer tintn tel Cm.
i fjernrlM, tan <it!-4 0!* ?i* * nrr'tl 4 *S
tuv an e-nrn Stem cm rr4:rn Uhe ter rr~nj.
Jreef. tann trm re4ur. Ihrr ,ter Srnna.Creef
: nau(_'it.i4 *** Hel'4 ( *ut ar. cinrr. I'efiet,
:anniit.i4 14' 1-0"* ereiliii ;'4u AnS ju tem
mt.w>r: C.ff tel tee v'hLHenie T-rei
Jfemramu, tann ihe ten Tarn nert 5.* lr,' 4
red SOU Ruv an til P<fe ter (Vrtrntenie rrn Q
!X. I'vaiinline. tann cr.llani belaaire mr r.ret
l 9* 3-i* " ren ;4'> "uiv ar fir ft t-h"un ant Vant
■sr. T- C 'i'u't. jrtt im iPehf w a. ft. 3tu t
i. Fr, (fn l cntlara Ma itfm '.ante nrrt 67*
to** pft.:4 !i>o H' an < nrr. f-frtrrr.. irmit ent
an; far.t MhlKer r.eell-4 25 Ohat me'ii:4 a' 2
in* an einrn T'ritfn ani tei rttMaalrn tripn(4:u
r I rave, (emit fenvitntrr clr.tii bnat nnt 7
10* * riHi4 SO Ini inir S*Mn;#>la|e. rnttil.
fnt R4! Sdie, U< (I mikr -See irin are, unt til
tuh.Le folk etc: O'runtitud nx!4f I. C 3'nrii
int Calt-n tsr4 Teet tatirt ten iStrn 2aa tel
Sutnhl R I- I*l rinuttaj r Centre P.untr
m reft'2'j4e ?.''f 'J. ill 215 an nnitnle
Ibe 3WUr<rnte Car 'Vm.'.:. ti.r n Ociv.j-ar.-.- ier.
riUi-trr. nnt ihertrraer nnt -t em Ztt I terhi.
>en trite i*rnnt irtlfbe Ctmunt CUn4a:t unt
hatfin. C-an SR. 2 , iar4art nrt Cran
K. 'ltaler.tine nnt OWt! n unt r t.nftm ftrrr*
int *.'.! l n tnr4 i fit tat rt ten 'Jaien 2a| iVai
1 T- * r.arteatenjn Centre Cenrtr. tn teen
Lrct'iln4f ii. t'>'r t'h -H unt
Mtranfn an t c eeieatnit ,Dr S'ellelente Car
f.'anuiactunna C.ouan',T-ittu juem turin an.
;e*vb: V m t'an irt tu Bi|llftfflnA itnr 'leaier.
n tem Tanrne an tee ir ban! 3-.neret c.
■t an t-Vti behbncber.e lettt Crunt.n-te rellilan.
a an.;e*ntrt nnt N'4: fber. in ten ctrn friratr.
en B reetl. nnt rie M Untrrluduna tcirlhrn
e r.Ulpirmentrf Stilfun't rrlatutl fur.n
["araul rtn.Mel nr. rr.-it.-.! - - rt Vatfilim CkSinte
<nii(t unt eemrrta t ein<t v Mbr.-- nnt tt
SrrfAitte- Chenlalll. cn interel en ftrdij-r
ad.ilein Cflviutfj hennl nrt rfrrpiet a!| mi
??a'4i*en '2Prrfnatte nnt Pattern. 34a|-. C'-en
alll. en antcul |Wei'if li-Ifl huf.hcn
'ennbt a I cr.r {Vfbel.'V.'nbii. CNrlaUf, rn ar.
■nel e n.BM-ael bad-flfin Pkta-atcaebta-.utt unt
wirirt turd tie .Pranlett .<■. II r.; ilartin.
Spmranu*. CbenfaLl, cm anted mreiaftpdiari
aef itein Cftautf aftrau.l'l unt MRft all eim
IPrbmVitie unt J -rr- Cur.'.-i.#. c n aiiteti;
irti-haef ael feam PhKhttc befarrt all tre Ba
mtAet'Srbatv—miHammt iOer.t 2Vahbm(nr.-ehi
•ntbalten in rorMaatcn C*{boutrn art.unt jute
•rmabntm "fb' wUdcnte Car ''lana'adunn
Sritpans* fatru H'-iutr!;, Strvroi, ar. tent an
ier unt Jt.ille-
9 beufall*: JTH tal Wr*nf If"'
itrnt unt Vette tyrant I in In i'
BrUrffiitf. Centre Ocunfc\ vr.t Stoat i-enn'rv-a
urn. beat unt hUrirttl rt • ait ub
Infanarnt an emem i :< e'lrn amU*rr tcr rirma
*rcrf i i iirtneinrt Ocfr rrn banter rcn WiU'am
!i Ihomatunb f-.'m. i Neurit', feiuti cntiana
'cr ftl,.;lrn t*rrrf r.rit.iii tu'-f v i 't Mli<b -00
Inn on l>fv>tn. ,! " ml cntlana banter r-n
Rim. Si. ibema' fut.ut 3-i OMat riilicb
m cmrn trttcn 'l'inrbaum anf 1 nfrr Scitc trr Vr'i'un>ti, fcimt be: tine rntiana tcr liufit:
arte trt f.itliA L9J ('rat cftlifl
rl Auji an eincn i'lvifrn, fvnut rntiana atciei
..titter yen Win. ■ Krur.cit' f{itO<b ■ <'i * w, at
vriiiicb -7 s •*'• an tincn i>fin':cn auf tcr binn
imiiJfn banter roti Wm. >V iNcwc't' unt T- W
i'utb, (icl Ibe t' Car flVauufarturin.
Semvanu), front rut.ana ticirr Vine nrrtlnb 20,
;virat rremid) -70 Auh (u Km '.Hntan.;i'rl.itc. —cut'
salient t?m Hefrr ur.t 104 9iutbrn. let c mtb
strr trcniarr, unt tit ttcic;tc Vette olrunt wv!tk
Win A. fleunrlt# ti4> I*rt tat in ten 1 la,
Juni, ?l. 1.. 1873. rinacutlfUU ot Centre Ceunb
im t>fft S'ute ",1". $. •, 3tile 210, vcrwillifi
unt iibcrtraacn an tt vp:bca,:tc *1 be ttcUrfrnt
Car TOauufacturma Uomvant)* tcr jurrjt anarfubt
ten itartic—niiifumnit alien term incurved ttt
iUandnlen, :Nrcbtrn, ftei!jeilen,|i!ririleaien. iter
befferuitflen, lie ban ten, sobclmublru, (itcWreict
Sebnutbtrerftta'tm, .ttarrenn-crfnattf* iHaubcli
®4t>ven, Irrcfenbiitten, StoUc, SVatymcutN
fen, Ciicnbabnwceap, .seilcubabnc, Waffervecb
unt eanar, Waffctflinae, .\Vutiu
liienia unt <Upuitena)cr. tvclcbe tajn a'bJrtn oti
auf iracnt i&)ei*e anbeUnjt*. unt tie fttriiirm
unt Urbtrblicbr, Diente, tUacbfemmcii unt iirori
ttrfelten, unt alle Cu:h, 9ic4)t, i'tlc, Oaten*
Ciflrntbuin, Slnffru4> unt t'ertnuna von irare
an von tcr erojtyitcu *lb iflcUcfontc Car SKai
ufaetunnj Qonnauo* im tiMellityn, fiquitp ft
tf. ii u; m im el
"fSS T i' -1 i ♦ 5
=H A It l> W A It El=
* n k
A \
k r i:
We would e>|eciaSly call attention to tie
Highland CJueen Cook Stove.
mism* mm Msjmnci rr&rz.
t#-Our Stock Lein/t entirely New. We offer jpaeial Bargain* in'A*
Xir erbc'rnt.
Onarnara, T- Vrrbe': \rr.: r.mrn ant ir:rt M
v c..i 0 -rr!bßtTt Ibe Siclldcstr Par 2t}aa
dartariua Pcn-cnr
'.Nc. 16. S!T ttr amvßf frtif rtr: <* rasters <f
irlcjr-n rn trr ifcTcseb Vtiltpfhsra Prstr* dree
■?, iren'nlsanta, airmieet mfrth* e re* El
rr Hi:* tmr* Strait, fir- ret
nrftt-* tar* taster res 0 XtJrmlan, mrl Brrt!
mi bdaatc 3at*:lrrtf Strafe rce f!te M *at 1
mt rtni 130 iai rurirf lamirst. fares' nr.*. I
rt em eis.ftccfter# him .Vtr*erbaut>r.
P-m.-eiMca. t IVfhei! aeacmau* eel *irt tet< 1
a*ft eii ptjrnibtua sen £rnrr 39:lrrr.
Ic rs r.
\r 1: EH tar Se*t. Lite eel 3nirtd<.
rm [>bn TJ. XScJtrlmj a est is jcaem gnctfre 1
I'Jd'BMf cter Strt* faster. pclt#rm m
EeamfAtr, Pcntrt freirtr. irms'e, eiansral em Jlrm 1* term ©iSer*™ iroet em tauter
•rn 3e. E. ©iliianrf fatli* 4H <*ret tneiUi*
>3 Hstbrn em ?;t nr, trnvt tar* Vaster tedf'..
nr. fitti* HJ <*rat ■**!* SO *Ke at e sen
. • '"tea. 'rm 1 tar* V -trr •. r. amrl Ertrsajef
I ("rat pftit* in 4 10 EatSm em rimer. H&tttv
ten. <mrt rr.t.ana Vimtrt teeieibea titli* i*
"ret Mli* WO Amtben as r ere D nr v ee*. 'root
mt.ene Vaster rem trta t cltrr. <itli* 3S Pfrat M
t* 40 Eat ben en rsrm ite.-ftrs, (emit rntiaaa 1
■:• • - .' ; fXaamrr a. :tl *OO <tat HMi*i,
. Vc'bcr. em c arm TMrm 't l emliasv tantet
ea 3 reft ©iß'amf sorto* 99 Qtab HK4 SS|
Hat bra am rrrm fa Has re C"*rr.. frm-t reileei!
iter rrs W.brm r.crt!'* 51 <*rat efth* llEm
hm an Str-mr m ?3e fl n*rr.. <ror-t trm ©a*rr
!*m ! nam' •'. Emtbrr. er. cntn Trdtrn. Iwl ml*
a ma mnebrstea Vastrt res *rcrra a. sT!!err
iitli* Si C*ret aeitSxt R Esther. en dara fee '
e. 'rot t mtlema ranter tedribm nrrMi*Sl o*r.
rr*rr. Vrea' Emfhre en Strmr term Em'ema#'
• .elf • nMM EM Ertr: net. tn f# wrbr rterj
crmaei. Xarea* rrn*'.rl cm |r l.rE - rr t
fjtrtnbeml mat er.tcit i
tm tj'rrbeh arncmre met wirt let'
all (ticrnttum era f>rhn Stritriro-
f,c. IS. fiii' jrac rwu cter (*rißtft{.ff 1
[fleam te ter S.-rro.-b i t Itrebar# Pratrr Perns J
r. ienm'a. tearnut mrrtl>d> tm:* Vrttr rem Stc 1
ert Vlcat eat tent Cirm tmr* fleet.3*etU tetre. t
e. 'it. * tmr* tcttr rem Wt XtErarr#. ant Bet'
• * tur* fleet. *Tcnt Strain, rrt *rrnt am' flcrt
iremt Strain rtrce 3 mnt fmriirf lar.irnt et
na 340 Ram |a eraibatrr flcrt 3*t'.r tfratj
Mram' rm<*irt cm jaet.ftirfiacl fraat ©cbnheal. .
rtall met entrrc flrbcsarbemtr.
Imtt; 1
H'J' irer arrriSt Vcttc ctcr frar.timi (tdcarr
a ter &crrmgt Pemtrc Prontt. iVn
t a armirr.t acrtli* an Vattr rem Wrl f.riicr (
•ft! * am imfcrr ?rttr rem M'*ert f>am, Htlt*
in ITtK rem "tc'rrt tvatnrt met rreftli* an Kprt.
trrnt Strafe mt Hrrnt amf teieetrt flert -*rcr.:
rltai* rrr. r!a 34 8m met jmrmrf lam'rmt fta
OP Sm* -teram' cn*trt r.n iwn.Vreftar* frim
Rftast' tm ("rtram* a.l cm fadnmS*** ant
SB' irre .jrtriSc Vetu rtrr &rn*aacf
n'j. -reaier.* a.ttl"* an f stsitih, W'i
V piir n-n I\r 8m lb, 'itli* as Vrttr ncs Jet
fVh WW u"t wrtl'* ■ ?:fl,rE 1
sat antem. ant Swat an' heater f tnt Strafc
rca cttri 4f. art tsrief ian4rat rnra f<6 tofe J
trrjs'err *tet rn i~. i • <:r*tim <*<bji.ff.
•rcbtrs*! ar.t tenant a,# rac Ml at* SicV, S?rN
nan#, a.•
9U" jer.c flttrfc Vrtte eta t>rn attend tlratlij
■n t*r tK-vabnra 4'entrt scnnf.\ Uta-',
n'a. arcr-ient nrrtii* an Vae.Street, Hili* ani
Vrtir -ca 2JW. Ifcauf. lath* ca Vette rrn >-■
lepb Wnei asb wSiiA an tottr rrn 2Vri. Strut
mit Xrcal on? *tar> Strait rra -3 ant jurat!
lanfent Ctf Aai. feint fl*ttsiatc.
CiayiMfr, ib tHcrbafi flcnrstuca aat trb |
rrtfaan aif fjtfltutbani rcR i>!i*ort Wf**
Struct: I
t; P . IP, SB' jcr.c -irirific trite cttr ®ra:itiVicf
rclcacu tn Srrn-'irc i-trntAij, Nellie (Jenarv
IWr.n'a bearcmt ant M*r:tlicn ant Mat: Sc*>
rr.t nritii* an' Sreal-Straw i'ClKt 4n?tfrcamcrc
= t!.tc, ?utti<i? aa? tcttc rrn X*. $ Writm
• r: .t an? tutu tn SarrM* Uat *t?e> ;•
c atirn. crtbalieat (ia Wbtt Srfci met* ottr are'
n 4er. latani emiMet ein tTt-ttc*fi4t# 'rim
fetckataal ant c a frant S*afc?*ay.[
St.iU ant antere SaKn^etsJatt
v'i*.:et.Men, m 4'ertvaH aenrn-.mta ant tvirt mi
i fuft ale e rrn 1-. S. Eraser.
•Vi'. 10. KV itnt ansifff Veltr ctn ©wtbfturf
itu.ifn ut let ©erenao ', <<cittrr O.uute,
IV i" a. ftcler.t l'it'.i<fc anf r HCrr. Ui<fc atd',
;v.a:ct •. i'n I'treait s'lvita. fuMi* at trttc vcn|
IVirif! Sfofaffutt nnt rtflii auj SCcjbcnp.
|m|i BQ in* tuntrt irafrmt MB "uik. .Taj'
i.'v' (Ui.Mft tin itM • itccf■ .-cs ©
kit; ar.ttu Bnbenarbautf. I
Vnnmnvcn. inii'tiNifi atner.tmrn unt *trt rrT
!ait: al? dtgmJbnm rcn ®art in Jtrri*.
".'lr 21. SU tai :Kr<fcS. tirtr unb 3ntrrrffr rcn
.1. It'. Jhcnn* in >t |* fetm fclatfc bckbricbr*
rn tfiacnlbitin, tum.ii Sill' atvifir
1,t4 ctft taimntttuif ctitbaitttit IN". Scfrt, incbr
ottv ircitiacr, . cl af n t* iarlcr 3rrrnktu\ batrt
9c., iVnn'a, ftontit an V.inter van a>cnm i'.'iUrt,
ilialcnlmc 3te*fbraffr, ®t. SI. • (.,
NJrl. 3N .gunman nut antcm Vantrr vrn 3
"3. Ibcmal. unl toani mietrtciM .trow fram
rirurr, jtvri linm 91fb3frr unt ant err netb.
Ml jlbOW<baiitf. ft*" 100 flrftrron tirVm Stri.
>♦( Itnt liar nnt in nmtrin "^auitiitantr.
tfinr antrri 3Rrnflf ?anr enf trr SSefbfrttc trl
Stllcubcnri nabr ©ap is iarlcr
InrnUfeti'. Centre Ccvbip. iVnn'a, mtbaltrnb 160
fltfrr mcbr cttr wruigcr, fcoftnfc an banter pen
©m. i'i- Vppß u. 9p , ituniuernuu, ©ran u. Co.
uut anttr UntcCceu 3. ©. rbema*.
t'ununNcn, in "i>trbaft oeaommra nut mrb prr
fault alt VSievtbum ret 3. ©. I bcmai.
t)c t tnannat n Pal>. Attn Tret tvirt an*
crfanni bit alltl Auufaclt in ecU beiabll ift.
iohn spang)w,
siVUtfcnK. Upril 10, 1879. <S dfr t r i p-
JOHN F. POTTEKT Attorney-at
f * Lav. Collection* promptly made and p#cU
attention given to thoae havlug land* o? property fov
•ale. Will draw ap and have acknowledged Donda
Mortgagee, Ac. <>tte in the diamond, uortb aide of
Ibt wnrt Uvuae.llt lief c ate. oct22ftl.
R -
Spring Mills O. K !
at I. J. Grenoble's Store!
ill lL gtrnds. Largr t dock I
Prices Lower than
End cow extend? * cordial invitation to
tit friends, patron*, and public general*
Also a Complete Assortment of
Icadv Made Clothing for men and
►oy*. Suiu as low as to be bad in tba
mported and Domestic
Full lino* of
Tor Ladica, Gents, Boys, Misses and
Hosiery, Glove#. Boots and Shoe*,
in J the mil complete assortment of
Central Pennsylrtnia. and prices that
rillcompel vou in self defence to buy of
m . Also Fish, Salt. etc. IBoc
I full line of Howe Sewing Machine#
nd Needles for all kinds of machinea.
Also dealt in all kinds of Oram. Mar*
et price paid for tbe same. A specialty
i COAL by the car load.
las. Harris § Co.
P A I N T S,
V taiuruit
••Vibrator" Thresher#,
WIT* rmmovxD
And Sirim Thmhsr KngtnM,
Hade only by
TIIK Machlcia~iraSSylait, ' Time.
Nwritig. at4 M uey-Savtia iwwlim TlMt w
mwatfcra. Mwroad all fclTalxrtor Rapt J W**, Per
fret, lot Saving Grata mm Weauaf a.
6 RAIN Itnlarna will not fcobwlt • tho
imirwmi weMaceufQnUa k tea fmwrtor workjUwie to
IU#OUM: eacepostedee Use Olflwwa.
THE ENTIKK Tbroahin* Expratn
tba bun Um.a b-IYED tj liaaa
MO Revolving Shafts loaido bo Scpa
i.'.or. built. . lr.a lium Baauta., 1 . -
sadallturti uae-wtMUK and tratt wsetiut . MNt
cation*. iMftsd to all Kladasnd <Vmj#asU
titalu, W.I ar Ury, Leaf SU>f<. UuuJau ur Saab L
NOT only Vanlly Superior for Wheer.
Out.. H. Itr, Sj. b4 Übu, I ... . <r
„ m tu. T.iabb.r lb rial. Thaoltn. O'llai. C —r. . !
Uka Bemta. But)"'™* o " atuctuuau. . " tu.—aU.
to ruan,- from Oral* to kftda
MARVKUOt'B for Simplicity of Tart-.
ueiaf lee# thaa ma-Malt tua uaual Rill aa I
lUtd no LUlertiif aw be* iter 11
Fora Slaeo of Separator* Undo. ~a-
In* I rem MI U Twrlsw H.wwa at#*, aau >•••.•""•
U uuted Bom Pvweta to matcJ
STRAM Power Tlirfhm a Specialty.
A atwoai aUe bapatator male •** waaly * r* wm.
OL'a Corlvaled Steam Threbher TM-
Kiaaa, wllb VuiaaUa Imwanii mat U-.uu.ti.a
rwuiM, Ur WrouJ auj Utbar luaua ur kin
IN Thorough Woikmanahip. Kicgao*
"ribtut, rnattleb af I'urta, Ottiaft* l 't ,f
ate., ear ••VtMUTeb" TUraabar ObUUa ar. lata. 11l
POR Partleolaro, call on oer
gaj arn% W '** iUuai r.t, jv ; t.uai t wiIKS * r w*o