I'll K Or!* I rtr# t. rteMUtTKII. ! ?' utre Ha'.!, IV TL'rad. Apr. 17. '7 J. The quickest wnv t<> cupel foul air front a well is to heat a liar of iron red* ' hot, ami lower it down into the water . the sudden formation of steam i • !!••• , dial. Hit; FIIIK AT MIUAt.M VN K 1 Five Thousand Persona Homeless— lajih #1,000,030. Now \ ork April I Mi'sgmiir * .is- i stroyed by t.rs >m lb I'.tbol March. Tt •• lUytiHß ruvi rnintni i. tondior rsbst ] l*ot or ,ii thousand persons have bean. ret.der.id homeless. The | rsperlv de- ' stroyed included iKHsSJ Sua* • codecs. ' s<*) 010 pound* of lsgn I o| wl.trh * SI.Ktl pounds sirrs to have bean shippsd o ' t-'rafice and the remainder to N York |i I •> lie. is about I .U*lU*l. * HAD TWINS AT SIXTY. A unl Phillis, an old woman, living at liiggua Powell's, six miles tielow \ ur.cyville. on the \aucvville ami Milton road, lias jnat given biilh lo twiii!". Phillis is sixty ycnra of 14c. The funniest i" the old woman, 1 stout I v persiia that they had no lath- i • r There i■> hii eicellent mineral spring oil Mi l'unrl's laud, nud llir , "•ill S lOIIMII llll*tn lilHt it CUIIIC t! on drinking Mr Powell's luiiietsl water. Heiilsvitle N. C. ) Times. Til • ;#r ,<■ ot leveling the ground I>r >i cenlril milwsy terminus at 1 -i r.i-.pirg ha* led in tls a discovery of \ iv ninny *t ne collins, s\identic ■I ; 1111 It ■ II the IvoiMHll per'osl, u dlv . .VI v wiiieli conliriio the beii.'l limn . lilert lined Unit I 111* puce was the ite of i Ijotn. i ton mi grunt. I. t anon >'rti!i, i • |ii"si.|• iii ot ||i"! local lii* to" Oil • K'ely, who iskis ;i glral 111 i n -tin " h intttt' is, lias oblum >! lioin ihe u.lilt.i. v authorities the usit itc< '"I several |ii dicers. and i* i• i■.ing in ' Ii ;e r .nations in ill in o >■. ti.U station tn the )io|ve •< . u :i|o bare the wii .e |osli <"l the Kieoau ci uieiery and id tl> ov.my eoiiie objects < ! |h i n,i inter* si to alili jiUtrii*. . ... . . mm ups" ewv CEKt hi: HALL Haiti ware Moiv. J.o. DKININGEH. V Hew. colllp'eio llsldware More hs been i-ix ti'sl i'V the u<>d. rsiftned in IVs r.- ll*. I, hcre h is prepared lo sell all sine! ot it niding nd llouw furnishing i! ardwsfe. Naii>. Ac. Circular sod Hand Ssw, Teiifo.n Ha. Webb Cisw". t ."the. Itark*. a (utl assort* loeut ot t. a and Mirror l'lala I'lvture Frsmet, Jipoki ", hello , and Hubs, latile Cutlery, Nliovvls, l*pade alol Forks Jsockt. Hinges, ticrrsi. Hash ftprings, itorse-fslio. *, Nails, Norway Rods, tills. Tea UdU. tosrpCßleC loots, I'a.nl, \ fm ishet. Pictures. framed in the fine*tlyle AnytliiSil not us hand, c.r.ivie.l mvm. shortest notice. ffV Remember. ail gooda offered cbenp" er than oiscwbure. BBICK FOB BALK -Flrwt clms on hand for sale at Zorhe't t'.-ntre ilall brie* yard*. Theso brick src odVred so low that it will pay persons at a di-tarxs* to rows hwc for them. Intending U" eoniinus In the manufac ture of brick they will be kept C"fi<lantl} on lipid, and fair inducerncnts offered t< P irrhas -rs. II K ZKKBK HENRY BOOZER, < i.> rut; II ti.i.. sasriutcsis or SaddlM Hsrasss. Bridles. Collars. Whips Fljrnets. and alo. keeps on hand (joil..n Nets, etc. I'ricea low at any wherw else All kinds of repairing done. Ths t>*t ►lock always kepton band. All worh war rantsrl. A "bars of the public |mlro*au; s kindly solicited. llsnr.lt ■New Goods LOOKOUT! A v • * " f N• <•• i. h arrivati •; war. wolf's IX Till I'drt I: liiiHflin Prices A ro Down. , | The itook rnriti.ti of * lmcf Mrrrb>n<li>, j> nraf'il ijr fin | Tracing all kind# #f I IJKRHS GOODS, OAKPKTH. I OILCLOTHS. GKIM'KUIKS. ; (;las<s\\ aiik, ijT M V-.WA UK, KTC .t. 11 . Muslin &. Calico >r, nl boll'-in |r KUKN ISH 1 NO G< MJLS ul ft.l kind.. .{ CLOTHI * CASSIKL3TB II tis itii<l l 11-S. I'ltolH < K T' i • \ ! a alalia: gii ' r g M:W (iooiis' ■ * WILLIAM WOLF, CENTItK HALL, PA. NEW (■rocerv and Conltctiom*.rv, AT CKNTKK HALL. TliO utidrfr i-d ha* oprncd * r.w (>m r-ry ahd C'olilfi Uotiary. Mid will aia* a full Situ- • if |ood*. at ln**l !>■••• it-!• l>t i **. and hiii.: <h* a har* of llit pub -111 palrubaga. Ill* iUh r..n.il <( COKKKKh. sI'OLKS. TKAh. SYR Y PF, COAW, (SALT All Wind. of I < llolt K TOBACCO E.S A NL BLGA KB. nT.ll all fruit* of the hi'.i. jjfbrrally lb hloc* UKHT C\Y RET POTATOES Aim a lull In.* -I I UN KKLTION KKIKs Ail kino* of country pr<*di • lhu in •i - Chang*. • I **H low f..r CAhii at J IMCODOCR. • JGrpt j I'. UIMJEit. D. F. LUSE. "I'AINTER, k u(Tfra hm scrvicna to the citizto* •' l Ontre county in • llouur. Men nnil Oruauicaial raiullui, Striping, ornamenting and gilding, • (training > OAK. WALNVT. CHESTNUT, Eta. Plain and Kanry Papar hanging. Orkaia irca(tactfully aoiieitad Tarn.* raatoaabla. ,'JU apr if. ' ' PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. i ' CK.M KK HALL. PA. n KBCKIYK OKPOMIS and allowlnter: i *t: llivrount Nhlfi | Buy ltd hail Oovarnmant Scriiriiiei, Oold and Coupon* a Wm. Wolp, *. 11. Nimii, Prua't. Ciikiia WILLIAM WOLF. CKNTIIK HALL. lA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers