Tha Cautro Eeportop. .SUPPLEMENT. KIIED KURTZ EUIIOC. CK■'TKK TT4i.i-. Ph., Apr. J 7, 1879. A despatch front Sun Anton io aayiTom Lemon, n notorious ii >r-e thief, *&# shot dead while .* nr rest. Ic*nnn fired firjt hut ini-tcd the officer. who then shot through ihrtnart with n rifle. , Paint which is put on in the ]-* n |l w II Inst nearly or fpiite n lon.' i.'iin us the snnii' grade which is appjied in the Spring or Summer. The extreme hot weather of Summer months not favorable either fur the pre<-r.uti n or the Cue nppfiirnurc of paint. 1 illSSiya VI S S>A 11 AT A torsi'. linlifex, Mar h .".1 Mr. MacM"naM rt>rWf ioui! v disanjieared from Mart mouth on ths e.i- ' *.d • 1 ! ix hi rh.r about !'■ i vein* ago, nri ! it <■ ~, Mip|*r-.j it the tiniH that to- In | I fi<n ir ir.'e-.-.i for his n onev. Vesti rd.iv '• - akele* n in foim i in. ler •i i' house here he had ' ar.h- !ts i n iiutn-d Thorpe, who was irrisrtc-l . o eusp c.on at the lii o> of 10. 'i . disappearance, but as i . <v s ... procurable UP WHS . - >R K - •] IS mill a':ve in I'. ! u r tit s .ad tie rearrested. TIfEWATKi: TOKTPKK IN .TV- I'AN. The originator" of tliii cruc! dev • relied upon the torments nft. n> 1 more powerful than tner c-r|" < nl auffering.* Tlie pri- r r is confined for several tl irs to an •■liiemify salt diet, without rice or water. When two or-thr o days luxe passed, tli craving f r w ater become* incessant, and tip stiff, rugs of the tortured msn nppr .ach the bounds of insanity. J.'f forta me then made to obtain eolifes •tot) by suhjerting the •ufTVrrr to the agony endured by Tantains when in t'.ie infernal lake, whos" water he cmid not touch. On all sides the llmvt alutracted prisoner beholds w iter — water for which he would e ev erything—but which he cannot ton f excapt upon the eoudilious oi a con fession. CENTRE HALL LHACII SHOP. I.KI I Mt ItRAY, st hi* establish meat st Centre lied, k'ep on hsr.'J, and for safe, st the must reasons ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, A Spring WagonS, Pi, AIN ANM FAKCY, and vehicles of every description made !e order, and warranted to he made of the best seasoned material, end by the mast sallied and competent workmen. Iledies for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the most improved patterns mad* to ordsr, also Gearing of all kind* made to order. All kinds of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and eiamine ht work, th'. will find It not to b# fof duf elilltrand wear tna.v <1 tf ill icit iii i 111 it rt % i< : ii i; it it A II i for. - CHEAP JOHN. < KNTI'.E It A I.L | Th" >{iiiny n-nvui of J7 ' i" no* opening;. W liavo jui - ! 111! I'SOtllebl block of Spring and Summer Gcods, \v!ii> h will it • nM .it ;! .• Lowest Friers. Wt! hnvi* nn innii'-i i> m will ni-f tied ini'itrv Inn-. W\ loire i>i:ks< ci/u niNci, IIATS ANIMAP>, BOOTS A >no::-, NOTIONS. o.uo i Hli>, i re , i r*■. ti! 1 v -i prir. . Host Sole Leather •on I uli I fiivn or a r:. I 1 • tiiwiiutr T. I. oroi.KNHntMl P. /. (C W It. CAMP'S !'(I"I UK. Furniture Rooms! I'KM KI. I! \ 1.!.. 1' \ Ime !ufiii' •■ !# i u ,Vri t I.'batiibi-ra, I t.:•( !. ~i.n, Li* • >■ I Hal • TfT'u aM F i'- ■ lm 1, d - r t buy until jnu arr my n* . UNDERTAKING 1r- all Ifa bra* rile. T Ir e.<f) m ♦*< # k a') lh< *vi anil n ■ lni>r if 1 ( fTfti afi'l aid litrr -> rv (*• ))• il) l>r< v.-r'it cnrdurllli/j thi* liretd !| fifmv hiMiriM* I * r * intritt ( ••r|ia I'r("r' \ rr. it, w ,< a liftiiif. ran FM pr ft <il for a ■ ,<r,jlb nfiirr • ! luii®tf \v. i: CAMr. J. A. Cottle &c Bro.. m icc ll* vr rufous. 1 UKN TK K II AIL, JN tulti *r>i #f Iful.y announrr l Ik* r t - rafia of thia nniiily tHai lFy ar prw. > parrd o, do all kiatla ( wn'k l that lihr. for o en and •>".*•, nr.d •• ,'lffiilip lt, elflr*. (tufnlt tf >1 Fy aatnplo Haaii g l,ad frany Jmfa ■ t prriani " |hy j'..<ranlrr all work r -\- 4r |,rt frcl •alitfat turn, *d at'lUi'. k tharr <>( lb,' |uhlii |.l r~n r : < y Harness. Saddles. &c. TkanaMaaai <IM-nlnd u> tka dftiftand fnr l, orl raaprrtlui.) aaUa Itiaaitfta llaa e,I lit# pftMtft la Nb.lfttl n# KtDDLKKT • •#<•! at tbarl.l .,M r>-.lnd . o*rl!1a f.. . tha i<ani<> and Ihft ilatfta. Ih. ft,™, I a<l camel*'# u.Hn>,i ~f na I Hue... i ' Rr<dl*>. "f a*ry d'ftntlpttnn an I i,<ia|tl| W'hlra and : la fart ft*ftrrihln i omrtni# , a™, .t.a!lah Maal.baaua sffara at pre *a Mrh willaalt Oixirnra ni'ONI)I.H,m Caalt* Malt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers