The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 17, 1879, Image 2

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    Tko Centre Beporter.
Ci:ntss Ham,, Pa., Apr. 17, 1870.
V number of representative colored
10# .a Boston held mooting * few
day* ago to consider plan?* furthering
" "jjro exodus from the South. A oom
tv too was appointed to cnll a mass
mooting in Eaneuil Hail at an early day
n ' arrange for means to transport us
many as may be desirous of leaving for
now home® in the West.
As too many ara going wi-t already
had they not better invite some of the
colored elimsnt np to Massachusetts.
nr. Appel of Madison, lnd., began
On Tnedav the job of drinking I,o**o
glasses of beer in 1 AH* con scroti \ e
We have undertaken a bigger >1 that —we have concluded to tale
big. hearty meals, in one third the
number of consecutive days.
According to the K . there is a
"Pole-eat Pity" in Centre county. l*id
it give tNirtin a big majority I
i (ttv,:U, rad.
From the big stink that attaches to
Y. cam's "majority' we judge all the
skunks joined the Garette man and
voted for Feth.
Vir. Hell, a Republican w..s adm.tteJ
nt. the Senate last week, after a ques
tion which was at least plausible had
i ecu raised against b s admission, and
h • was admitted ky the kelp of Demo
cratic votes, We rej eat our! beral offer
, a small reward for the discovery of a
Republican precedent fcr th.s most
revolutionary" proceeding.
Ssanator Matt Carpenter made a speech
against the claim of Bell of New liarnp
- • re to a seat in the osuate. Blaine
twitted him abrut going over to the
V;n -rats, when Carpenter turned to
the Record of ibe last session, showing
ut whea the bill authorising the ex
>:.i,g Legislature of New Hampshire t
elect a >er.atr was under discussion
Slain# and other Republican beaa
maiataiaed that iu ase of no elec
tion by the Legislature the Governor < •'
•.he >': ate would hare no authority toap
t pending the of the r.sw
i _ i.ture. That settled the plumed
knight for the day.
N"k.# ofthe Democrats voted with tke
.hi;cans iu favor of Mr. Ball, and
tv, of the Republicans and Senator
..v ;u cavis voting with the Democrats
against him.
'hev are having a big dog show in
N'ew York, mst now. Nearly one thou
. canines areon exhibit, u:
l.i'e ' ,-ed dogs, little dogs, good dogs
,iu digs black, white, and spotted
d gs. c with long and dogs with short
tails, dogs. dogs. dogs, dogged dogs and
every :her kind of dogs.
i'rof. Wise, the aeronaut, believes the
N rih pole to be an archepelago and a
Jeltghtfui region, and has confidence
that it ran be reached in a balloon, and
that for one he would be ready for the
ina negro exodus to Kansas sti.l cou
l::,* es." Une town in Kansas. Wyan
dotte, with a population of 50X) has TOO
f the negro emigrants camped within
its limits and who are dependent upon
that small population for their subsis
tence. In other portions of the state
the situation is similar.
The negroes befa&ve thsm-elves well,
at are mostly destitute, and tfcey are
w ling to work as farm hands.
A correspondent writes from Wyan
dotte that the resident colored people
regarded the newcomers with a great
deal of jealousy at first and plied them
wit., all manner of discouraging stories,
tat as soon as it was learned that they
did. not intend to remain in the towns,
bat desired employment as farm hands
there was a marked change in the con
duct of the colored residents. They ar#
ready to welcome any number of immi
grants of any color for agricultural pur
pose#, but, as "a gentleman of color"
stated yesterday, tney "don't want no
crowd of jgoract plantation negroes
coming in here to split up the white
washing business.''
The southern planters are getting un
easy over this departure of their field
hands, who some how or other have go t
it into their heads that Kansas is tbe'r
promised land where 40 acres and a
harnessed mule awaits them, with a
free railroad rid# from fit. Louis.
A writer from N'ew Orleans says, after
a careful inquiry into the cause of the
negro exodus from Louisiana I am per
fectly satisfied that low wages had noth
ing to do with the move. In the dis
tricts where it has occurred the field
i.ands conid always command from flO
to £ I" a month, with quarters and steady
work all the year round, and with Tery
few exceptions indeed these wages
hare been received by the negroes.
la the parish of Tensas, where the
late political disturbances were mmX
rife, not one hundred negroes in the en
tire population have left. Besides, those
who did go were all from the upper
part ofthe parish, where no disturban
ces had occurred. In the lower part of
the parish, where they Lad been very
roughly handled, not a single negro
took his departure. The largest emi
gration has taken place from the parish
of Madison. Thi3 has always had a
large negro population, which carried
the last election oy a republican majori
ty of 1,800 votes. On one plantation iu
this parish, owned by a lady who has
always bestowed upon her hands the
kindest treatment —indeed, has ever al
lowed them unusual privileges—every
single negro left.
One of our exchanges gsk, What is the
matter with General Garfield? Is he
opp- edtotlie renomination of Genera!
Grant? If not, why did he explode
yesterday into an indictment of Gener
al Grant, Brether-in-law Corbin, Mr.
Jay Gould and other truly loyal persons
and thunder anathemas at the "gold
"gambling which had locked up floo,-
"000,000 Irom tho business capital of tU
"country for fifteen years and converted
"Wall street into a faro hell"? Does
General Garfield desire to see !ke tale
of the Black Friday reprinted as a cam
paign document?
A number of leading New York dttm
oerats held a conference a few days ago
with a view of bringing out Horatio
Seymour for Governor of that state.
Mr. Seymour however positively de
clines to be a candidate for any office.
The legislature has now eat it's regu- j
lar time, and we predict that it w ill sit
SO days over time —at $lO per day for
each member. Nothing has been done
so far. j
Queen Victoria is out on a bender
through France and Italy.
Th Now York Time* makes a lengthy
review of political stlairs iu exetv State
ofthe I nioa. and reaches this coin du;
, Briefly stated, the result of our inqui
ries is that i.ratit is the candidate favor
ed by an overwhelming majority of the
Republican party, and that lilden if
the deliberate choice of a majority of
tho Democratic party ■Othcieattosecuie
his nomination, while ke would be more
or 1-- reluctantly accepted by tke to#
minder of that party.
,- • -
; Ihe Louisville Fourier .Journal thtns
* the republicans pretend. t> be *'•
s much afraid lest the deinoctafs should
block the Wheel-of g vcnimew The
j onlv bhH'k.tig of that kino win be • ; e
f by tho Preside nt# if he carries out the
* foolish intention attributed to h.m 1 \
r his friends and v.-toi - the .ip| ropr *ti u
luils. which provide grv&se . r i t
' i w heela of government,
p j . ♦ .
, The 1 ,11 introduced iu tue I'. S.Senate
n s, by fienator K.rkwood "to organ: e
*'!ihe National Railway tVmpau) ofthe
I uited States, and for other purposes,'
proposes to appoint a "National R ar.:
1 of Fomuussioners o Inier-Sta.e tiat.s
--" puriation, to cons t |of >v. '• 1 . M.
Barlow, of New Y.rk tleorge 1 Hue.
t -if Massachusetts, Johu A. Boner, i f
] I'ennsyivauia: Isaac R. Ilvmer and J.
- M. Burdgc. cf Indiana J. I*. 1 eltk ■ < u
and Josiah M. fiuiill. of Illinois 11 .a-e
1 Everett, of lovva, CY t". Ra.nwater, of
f Missouri, and several other
' person-, with pon *r to purchase, le- sc,
consolidate, construct and operate a line
j of ra.iway w ta tw oor mere tra.n.- fi >m
Boston, via New Y rk. tht ugh New
Jersey. Fenusylvan u. We-t \ irginia.
J Ohio. Indiana, Illinois and lowa to
Council Bluffs and branch lints through
out the cvuatrv in almost every due.
t:oa. It is provided that the rate- lor
transportation shall be fixed by a g >v
eminent commission, an 1 the b. ■ con
tains elaborate piehibitions f ex.eesive
charges,\iiscriminations, "pooling, and
combinations with other roads.
e PRETTY J ID' ?■>'.
0 Tho Hurrieborg I'airiot say* that on
the first trial two of the judges of t<an.
Fitx John Porter were Generals King
aud Ricket-. who were themselveschief
v reap Misible for the Bull Run disaster.
Ys the evident shows, these two oth
cera were rdered with their ommaud
to ; revent I.ongstreet from pushing
* through Thoroughfare tiap. But they
T ibaudoncd their posts without orders
' and Gen. Longstreet so cot'iied in get
ting in front of Gin. Porter, who hi J
p aim during a long Summer s day -o mat
■' ne could not go to the assistance of
r S: mew ail Jacks'n, Who was ghting
5 with the main body of P ; e'a army.
Cpon this state of facts the advisory
'loar l was justified in declaring
. j i ien. P rter saved the Fn >n . rmv from
t | usaster ou the 21 tk of Aug'ist, 1- .It
. i -t-euis m nstrou- at th.s day th.v such
1 j an outrage could have been perpetrated
. j r permitted ss the detail ' r a c art
t martial of two officers of tke meanest
' capacity, wuo were themselves guilty of
I cress disobedience and neglect, n order
e hat they might put the 1.-urden of their
a ' iffenso upon an innocent s idier who
r | ■ faithfully and ablv discharging his
•1 duty. With Pope r.nd M'Dowell as the
r principal witnesses a rains: P<>r:er, a- i
with and Rickvtts f r Li- ;n 1- .-,
the trial was us foul a conspiracy a.- is
recorded in military annals- The only
defense of t-e retary Stanton - that hi
was deceived by those wh ha 1 the
deepest interest in misrepresenting and
traducing Porter that they might es -apt
the consequences of their military iu
e capacity. But the a Ivisery I ar 1, con
sisting of Generals Schofield, Terry and
Getty, has patiently unraveled the web
8 of falsek cod that was woven for the de
traction of Gea. Porter. Had officer*
j like these been on the court martial the
' great wrong w iu! i never have been
| committed. Justice will not Redone to
' >en. Porter until he is restore 1 to rank
las well as to full pay for all the time
that he was put a unmerited disgrace
' Even that will be far from compen-a
--' ting for a'l that he has suffered. If be
had not been torn from bis command
" there is no doubt that he would have
reached the highest p >i:ion* in the
. army and have j>erformed the most val
uable services to bis country.
>. .
s Herald special. April s.— Last Friday
- Mr. Garfield, iu the debate on the Army
bill, said, in the relation to tho political
rider on it"Y'ou have a right, howev
er nawise and indecent it may be as a
- a,xiter of i>ar!ian;enlury practice, you
. nave a perfect rigiit to put this ruler on
I tbis bin and pass it. W hen you send it
to the Senate that body has a perfect
1 > right to pass it. It is your constitution
- al right and theirs to pass it, for the tree
consent of each body is the basis of t tie
, lawmaking power." In spite of thi
i pjain admission it is still confident
f , ly asserted in administration circles thai j
- , the President means to veto the Army
-bill if it cornea to bun with the ride.,
and that be will base his veto not on ob
jections to the nature of the rider but on
' the fact that it is placed there. It is as
1 serted bv persons whociaim to be well
r informed that the Presioent would sign
repeal of the test oaths and tke
' troops at the polls if they cam# to hiui
' in independent bills, but that coming on
appropriation bills he will veto them.
T ..ere seema something so unreasonable
even from the republican standpoint, in
' this that the report would deserve little
' credit did it not come from sources usu
* ally well informed.
,; Meantime Senator Bayard to-day took
a step of a good deal of significance. It
i is well known that he was from the first
"I opposed to placing theie measures on
' ttie Appropriation bills, and resisted
■ that policy vigorously in caucus. To day
ho introduced a separate biil repeating
' the two sections concerning test oathr,
" and in doing sotttid he did it iu the lr,-
i terast of harmony and good feeling in
i the country and to avok# a like sunil- j
, ment between parties in tho tw- Routes
and prevent a useless and prolonged
' strife over unimportant details, which
i would be injuriously the country ; and
, be honed his olf-ir would be accepted in
that sense by the republican fteuators,
1 and that, as the whole question of the
' test oaths repeal had been fully iliscu-s
--' ed in the heaate and agreed to by the |
republicans at the last session, he uske.i \
for immediate action upon his bill. To
tke general surpn Senator Edmunds
5 objected and demanded that the hill be
aeiit to the Judiciary Committee ; that is
! to aay, he aud the republican .Senators
. rejected this overture for a good under
standing. This course, if persisted in,
' will place the responsibility of a pro
* longed and angry session clearly upon
i( them. It recalls the factthaiin the first
i day# of the session they anuouueed thftt
they wi*u!d oppose the introduction l
' these meaKurxit in separate hills, and vi t
1 j when they were plgced on the appro-
I pnation bills they revolii* j
, tion."
Lewisburg Natioua! Bank stock, par
j value SOO, recently sold at public sale at
! JlO4 per share. Them National banks,
j do pay.
The House adopted an amendment
directing Secretary Bheruian to issue
the teu millions held in tho Treasury
for the redeujptiuu of the fractional cur
rency, to meet the arrears. i
The .Savannah in 1819 was the
1 steamship to cross the Atlantic ocean, j |
i If its big-ktmy for a man to have two ] j
I wives, then U oust be little-amy to -,
I have only one. j 1
It is now reported that Gen. Grant is j f
opposed to a third term. :
It i* reperlc.l hi ihc fiiends of the
fraudulent Fre-dent he will \t
tha appropriation tub- iimi would
throw the blame on him fci any incon
venience thai ui fit Be caused then \
11„ ( . nn n, t \pt.i the appmpriation tulle
without bring cut- y ofthe most shmre
ful inconsisten. v let hnn \et.<
The Mormou tV>ufeiem-e tm- c!> ed
, lis -t-ssi ui in "-alt 1 -ke i i'v. JiTut
I'avlcrwas te eh' led I'ri hut f the
' twelve \pestle- and Trustee ofthe
' t'kitrch. Moses I. 1 an w..# elected
one ofthe I'welve Ap. Ie t.> till -i >a
ciincv. No President of the t 'hurch, to
• ucci cd lit igliam \ .'lit . . w . elrcii I
l'here are all ktni" < : n.i :•-• at at
fir tho eut'-grnt -tt of- nthern ne r. es
itoKausae. Tlitilli<t among these is
' the or.e tha! - ne give that lh> v are
•>e ft. !■ the ~ pt • ion of • uthern
white-, i'iie fa there is a uitick f
a Kan-i* fevei am>ag tho uorthi rn
whites s there - ••• -eg the - mthern
Senator Bruce ha- • ; d that the c> iti
unttce of which tie - t hairii an .)-
poiated t.t ill*. St gate ll I ...'lairs i f thu
Fret dturn's B near would begin their
lab ra as on as < gr • s ad;,urned
■ in ! push the itvi .at • • • *•••*.
lie save, auipk..:.. a'-'y. the people tuu*t
km w wh.,' has be mc f the missing
i'i,e Centre 1 < :m .rat is rut willing to
pve Y m'v uiu. et. ah - v ting
; with the demt ra!* >n tt army bills
and thinks he was m : uki 1 to do it.
A party of Indians attacked Srrgaalit
! Kennedy, lute Signal (tbserver at Dead
■ wood, D. R., and a private soldier MO
r .i Bader oi tfi. S. uid t'avalry. lfie
two men eto eating lunch a. Mnpah,
fortv-tive unle- from 1 oft Keogli, their
. destination. wLru tired upon. Bader
was .nstau'.A k. < d and Kennedy badly
w, mded. The latter crawled into the
hnish and kert the Ittilist - ot! with a
six-shooter until i.w-sta -o airived.
Bader was seal;wd. Kennedy wi;. pro
. tahly recover.
The be-t policy I r England to adopt
with regard to the ■ ' w . 1 be it#
• get awayo policy.
!f th.e rept rt should prove .vrrect that
■ Grant will not consent to ruu for a third
■ term, whet a damper it ** ild j r.i u; in
' the ?''.•* excursion that I i# pets, wh<
fared so well ur. ler !. at, were trying t
; ge: up.
hiuce i'aris opened her first hi r-e
i i butchery, Ri2, R>2 horse-. 4 - i a-st— and
go t mules have been eaten there.
Resumption and reviving i f trade A
. farmer up tke valley subscribe 1 f r the
Rep.orter and paid for if three months
in advance.
Bellefonte rept:!'.. atts den t cat# now
*v' i Yi key ge'.s t..a seat e he
. I v. ted with democrats a the army hill.
In their c'a-.-. • language, ' they don't
. | care ad .. ' Nuthcr '. we. us its
I • uo dam-per fir us.
And now we tha! a p a.u< i t
•! suspender company ha-sn-; E Tht*
,! sounds funny but its no ->ke, attd
sounds like the 1 wh started
busin*- by hang h.uise'..'. t. b:- wn
, j hook.
| ; The I.en .-town Ga.ette, rad., is much
.a aches over the e.torts that were made
to prove fra id-. As the t iaret'e !:
fan y over the left f r Y- u ' * te
i ou tho army bill, sup;, -e it p* ve# that
its greenback pet ' und u tke
r goose,
.: Gen. Dick Taylor, nt of tie■, r.uu.-
. ! nent -outhera genera's, died on f-!tir
liav in New Y He'tva- the muV
only son of President /a hnry Taylor.
Mrs. Hayes has ordered fr rn I ::m>fes,
| j France, a new set of china ftr the M'hite
The bill, of course w be -at t In
cle Sua;.
There is a man in WA-hington with a
acaeuie t e.ect a He .. ■ au i'resident
iu l s ?- ; by iiaportmg from the > mth
er. gii neyroe- to carry the three Mate
of New Y'ork Oh o and Indiana. His
■ .*aie is "Col." lit.' ier f New York,
and be i- . bretker in law of the late
JarCvS F.-k. He intends t > lay his pan
ef re the leading Re; :bl in (' •:■
gre- .a:d k- pest have it a - pted lie
- ivs a million dollars can ha raised in
Nt*w York ia a siugie day for this pur
; se. He would go into the South aud
boldly advertise hi* # h.eme and get a*
many recruits - p >-< l e, and thensb:;
, them North, t l>e distributed l>y agents
ara. ng tho farmers in tke States in
which they are needed -* to New
' Y'ork, "-*,< I to Ohio and 7*>. to In
diana, w ill be - ifficient. Colore! Hooker
thinks, to turn the scale and give the#
, three -tates ever to the Republican ; ar
'. ty
Washington, At ril 1".- The post;-nns
rueat of thu debute in the >ea'v upon
the political sections of the army biil
until to-morrow wi.l make that an iD-
I terestiug day at both ends of the C'a; liol.
'Senator Withers will make the first
!j speech, and he will be f>ll wcJ < n the
Democratic side by Senator Wallace.
; who w.iiin reality lead the debate and
| practically mark out the Democratic
position. It ae*ms to be generally ad
mitted that the di#ou#-ion on tfer !} vise
side was rather uninteresting and by no
, means exhaustive of argument upon the
Democratic side f tl.o question. A
there ha- l een ample time fur prepara
' tion a goodly number of speeches have
been blocked out by the Senators, and
some of them, in expectation that the
bill would come up earlier, were ready
to lake the llour several days ago. Those
to whom Senator Wallace ha# outline I
portions of his argument say that it
promises to be the ablest prvsentatioa
ofthe subject yet made, and that em
bodies, along a large amount of
I suggestive precedent, much that is fresh
aud origiaul in its points of view.
Not only h#ld# it* on, and fully main
taining its •xceUancs, kut i* constantly
■ pre>. rating caw fatur**of attraction, nraj
grow : g i* popular favor. To tho attrac
tiveaa- of beauty. It add ill* s- .id wurtk
I* practical aad 11-1• ■'. and dk*rv.-i
to b* rvrryb>xly' i Sraßdav Mag:i7.ia The
opamtig artuT* ha highly intsreitiag do
tcriplivo can of 'The Aiao*,' a peculiar
race ol people who inhabit the northern
part of Japan. The department of fiction
it ur.uiuai.y rich in ci ntinuod and *hor;
•tora-, of the former 'David Fleming*
Furgiveeet-' it bc mieg isteately inter
eting a- tk* itory draw,, rearer the con
lunimatisn. There are numerou* tin rt
itor.'t by pspular writer* ; 'For*catl*
Jack,' by Freu. 11 t'onvurae, j o-s**t
genuine merit. Mr. Kiizabeth L. hrookt
contribute* a paper on 'Culture,' which !
will well repay peruial, at wil alto '(iatk
er the Fragments,* by itov. Mr. Adam*
The lover* of poetry wi.l not fail to appre
ciate the variety and excellence of tee po
em*. In 'Hour* wri'.h Kngiith Sacred I'o
iet*.' there are the coa.j oitier.* of Jama*
Shirly, William Habington a rid Richard
i Craahaw. Among tho contributor* are I
11* an Merr, Marie E. Evo(apriza poem).
S. (aihton Fot*r, Jatoe- c L.nib, Jnrue*
Grab am*, D. Bradley, etc., etc.
The Lic.'i 8. S. Cox bat an admirable
*ketcU ofthe late Proteor Joseph E
lli-riry "A Mother'• 1 r.ftuencn' i* t>y tha
lata senator I'ratt. '1 cle John Va-ar'
by 11. A. Seyguern ; 'Washington end hi*
Mother'; 'My Dream,' by K*v ft. N
S edd. D. D . ar* paper* of great interest
The 'Home Pulpa' contain* a lermou bv i
ika editor on the tubjsct, '.lesu*. our .Mar
>yr,' and tap re ie aleo a highly edifyiag |
Excga-i* The hi nee!lnay i velumißou*. i
embracing n largo variety oi tubjeeti in
'.ereetttig, crdertaining ar.d rvp.ete with
mluabio in fur ma on Tho number cera
lain* l'-8 quarto Pga, and about 100
ond*.ae i-iotir lohuienl* Tbo price i
only ~'J cent* lr a noglo copy ; the *ub
rt'iipti ii s■; per annum , *}M for n. and
$1 for four tnonrfi.. A'tdrc - Frank J,e
I lie'# Publishing House, M, and 07 Piirk
j j'Jju e. N#w York.
Thirty tbouDod Durham miners are on
a strike. mailer# hsl . in snv
instant #*, provided extia clock# of fuol,
It in baliavcd tiiw Ci. velahd dirtnet Can
run a tertuiglil lenger without a frvsh mp-
Loral, AMI Tttfg.- Kidney-Wort H
loyt. true to n iture'a principle# in it*
proccs* ofcur-V I'idneyaad iiverdiseine.
or acute rlieutiiati*).-. disorder*
( *me from viliatcd blood And v 5....
ic movement. The medicine ronew* Vi-j
tality. It i* excellent lor the piles, ror i 1
*a!e by all Druggists. I
Latest sensations - Dollar schools. 1
it/'rim.h I VN/.W < 7V) rian r
rut: \i:u\ /.•//,/,
i Witakuigion, April ill. At H well ai
. trailed i-itiiins ut Uepuhhruu ben#tor#
\?Nt<-iila\ nfternooe, tuete won an inter'
chuegeol view* cuurerning tbe eour#e
'ito k | ursiinl I>v the uiinoritv of the
- Srnnto in it-gnu! to the Army Appropri
ation lull. No forrual action w Unt-n
I L>U! it WH* Burred that every {KMwible rf
( f. it ahoulit l c to tle!rat the pan
noge ol'the hill in iu prenvnt nhnpe, lor
' ther#*aon mainly tlmt tlie enitrtftteut
i t tiio • \th liri'tion would present the
imwot ,i poMe oomitatua on •lection date
fit the execution ofcifil procesn of mo
und all deM'riptioßS i*sued hv I nise I
• :uic-( authority.
. ♦ .
„; ( f:s. ioiukks \ i\in< inoy.
i 1 .ic is aul of < Hl'u-ei a which uirt la.'
, year by order ot the I'reMdent t
amine the . use of lictirrni hit/ John
Port#r have malt their report. With
1 entire unanimity the* bay •com* to the
i cunt Itixiutt that he w#i uajunliy convict
'nt hv the court nrnrtial that tried him.
t in * think the .iinj arugin,: tapicifloha
lie it*el reaper ling General rope, am .•uminti.Ter, neie iuilincreetj
* aiiit iudeleneitde, mi I that "to that
■ tiiiliiiletion wat due 111 a Very great;
in. .mure the tnmirptc-rntaueil In th o!|
Um niotivca and hi* i tulUt t and bin ten*
m- ,u**iit cotnlrui nation." The iioaid
'■ i 1 me the r rr| ><rt bv etalitig that in then I
opinion " uMit't* re>|Oirea a! the i'reat
dciit'a baud* auch mtum A* may he nee
. -arr t > annulati I wet a* de ttie finding*
t eeiitem c of the court aiartral in the
i . e of Ma >r General l it. Jotrn Porter,l
ui. it rcA'.ore k;ui to ttrut po*itton ol
win h the *enteut e deprived iiira, au. h ,
: im oati nto take effect from the date
of hie dinu**al from the btivice."
\rin inn\i>Lt:K is 11' -i\> is ,
it ts nisen os.
I : in the Washington Post.
t , •
, If the stalwart rural Republican# whe
u.ake up their of Zach t'hand
t-r tr ui his ferocious speeches could|
i-e L ,n occnsiotially ut Wot in ley V as he
inheuda in a social glass, with tieneral
'• Johnston and assursa that t'onfed
, erate brigadier, between his hiccoughs
th.t* he thinks he is a d - d clever fellow
1 and ,i 'per|*r-peff#ck gen'lm'n," thev
w 1 .rt \er the idea that lie eats bis
t b<*e( raw and tides to the i apito! uu a
. . dumhia !.
1 A M A tiMKR' EN T F A Mil. Y
' 1 • Na'.icaal Publishing Company o'
Ph or pbta, i n ago. St 1. mssadOay
ton are doing a g' ea work a ta is com in u
* #■.* iv < -culatu g among eur peetds their
' magnilcMt fietoeih fit fas Tins
is one ol rli" most superb editions we have
V ever - s I s landing is e.egast, taste
•ul tr I siibsiantisi the press work it
r 4 no 1 the best style, and the paper 1* ill
s i!.# finest quality.
Pe ■ g e'.eriii -esi 1 at their Bibles s a.
: ut be irpassed I v any ether edition in
* r\ ■l ib ishers have added to it ar.
ih-idgwect et Dr W ilinui Mrnlb > great
liienonary : lb# Bihie. This :• a r.w
p to hock ia itself, and would mass an
1 . .itm so uuii' o! ssr six butdrsh paces
- 1- reputati nas !he bsst Bible Diclioaary
. w ir :i- wide, and wa h tub ten bar ;e lb is
t>ils a thus abtams it f t<
! A •. j: bar promisee, feature it a ll.sior*
.s \ the Ke,ig;ous a Deneiuinatieas af the
VS ar j i h-r ae ' unts are clear ar d
urrri't't • aaa are ful. of it uable
.1 informstien.
As a. ' rat* a a osts. eJ Uticrlptien of
'.n lie r l.aed K *en, followed by ai.
■.<;-s ng si-us i a . f Jerusalem and
,u 'i i ite Te Life at the Saviour
, i : I. t- of {ire A( Silas ar# also g:
■ at oo" s.uerab.e length, and in iu.a a
* iar ae- a> :'I •• f grest service to every
, --sc. - the Bible. Trie Wanderings •!
no l.ra-1 ICS irs '.be Wilderaass are rs a
ted a- ! the 'i'ahvrnaele and Temple are
c .*-<-• n. J w *,b gr a'. j. i.ulaners .sssll
feature to wb . h we would call particu-
I ar i : r t a sere of 8< "inture iilui
* ' rs uiirka's e fsr i!s completeness.
!'. . sp.o a of c-m pre her. sire So
f the Mtnan IM CWIMM tf
' te v ntion* of the Aacieat World, et liib
. u Au'.i Scenery. Natural ll.sio.
v. e: .. :c Tr en fo lew a large number
no goal and ether valuable la
, ye. dt-a.gaad to promotea:,4 fac.'itate t:e
i > .i s •! tbi- Sacrr.i ""crlj ture. The moel
.. - siu ;nt • { God t word, the mesi
u t rig sees*- ai'.er truth wi i Snd all bis
sb' . sup; .<! .u tb.s sing e volume,
i• e aw it is marniSeentljr illastratad.
. Iti atair.s ver . 'SG fine s* graviaga, ma*
In v b,.-h are by the great artist,Gus
tavo Dora. T.'iesa engraving* ara genuine
w ■ ro o: an. aid were raaie at a colt of
" ver c i.IW .
* j iietw-eu the A pee ry si a and the New
c i i ertan-ent is a eeaulifu v lilhograpbe I
I marriage cartilcata, arbtch makes tbit
!. * <•; . a v ip; n priata waJdsng
preser.t. This is followed by a har.d*otns
i nailr Hti ord, consisting of four quarto
„ | pmge, i.e v ttiegraphed At the sad of
:Ph s lume is a photograph album, with
•ps.. ei for s ileca portraits.
The Nati nai Pub uhiag Corrpaay's
Bibles wegb f-om mi to three pound*
* ra tbit. are other Keatily Bibles pub
l■J ;a the Vnited States This is pro f
■ : o t at they a-e m re solid and ub
- stsnt sl tisii any other Bibles It prevvs
r v! at they are prmted sn heavier paper,
t and b- ui i witn heavier and more durable
material. They - pablnhed ia German
We cordia y ct mmend this Bible te
t >ui readers. N bom* should be without
.1 The price <1 atpjruibing;y Is, aad
w.tbia tie rs'ach of s i It i* w!d by tub
.' scription enly. and Mr. Jes B Lee, of
< atro il .11, who is the auißoriied agontj
for this section, is now canra*ing fer it.
' lOapl*.
♦ -
A writer ia Louis.ana ipsakit-g of the
, | exodus isyt :
One day .a this district, 1 am told by a'
gsat.eir.aa who u personally cogaizant efj
the fait, when discontent was loudest, a
i ediar of tinware made hi* ap|>earaDca.
, { l bs man was tbe bearer of good tidings in
a nuuiaer of handbill*, malting tks .arg
est prenti*** to the dissatisfied ef land* up
on the Kar.taa ar.d Topaka Railroad, all ef
which were bandsomeiy illustrated. A
geatleman wbo saw these bills toid rae
thev showed bow the fsrnu would look
tfte first year a:.a how the secoad and how
' the third" Un the fourth year so cultiva- 1
- tton would be sec. e,ary ; no labor weuld
bo re uirid, except to gather the crops,)
which we-* aiwayj abundaat. The lands,
were to be Sail for nethihg. free tsams aid
p ought were to ba thrown ia aa a further
inducement, and the general fovernrnaal
would give a geaereus bonu* of sbtU be
t des One man, it was slated, had teund
a si.ver mine oa bis laid, all of which hrj
got for nothing Tbi*. I am creditably J
nformed. was the can.# of the great negre
move on Kansas.
\Vhen quest.oned where they were go-,
mg titry nee answered readily te Kan-j
*as. Whattbsy wars going to do there
ner.o seemed to know. One would suppose
tu#y bad a secret they were afraid te di-'
* vulge. AN' hen maay arm ed at St Lotus
■ they wero perfectly destitute, and work,
was offered them by teaae of the road con-j
truoiurs there 'l ais was persistently re-;
fur ; 'i'hr.y were bound to Kaasai, aad
te Kansstathoy would go. They had no
lima to slop for anything.
Kailroatl Lauds.
It is reported here that one of tha rail
roan. ia Kansas has received land* from
tha govern meat wi.ieh must revert hack
to the donater sherlly if tha land* are not
settled upon If tbu is true it may *arva
to explain some theory of tbi; curious
mystery. One thing is certain 1 learn
that Kansas was the only destination of ail 1
tha aagroea tlut have left Louisiaan, and'
the bait that enticed them was assuredly
located there.
The exodus of n.greas from Louisiana ,
and .Mississippi to Kansas shows no sign'
of cessation The At. Louis Republican ,
stale* that hundreds of colored emigrants ,
bad arrived in that city on the previous ,
day on their te the Northwest, and on the
amo day the steamboat Dufrce started up
the Missouri River with seven hundred
inigrants. It was reported that thousands
! mora were on the banks o| the Missjss i pi
' awaiting aa opportunity te go North. The
; land owners in the parishes ef Louisiana!
| most affected by the drain ere taking
mcasaree to iaditca the negroes to stay at)'
home, but so tar all efforts to stop the !
'.light o! the biai k< have proved ineffectu
• ♦ •
Curio, ill , April h —Captain I'aul Boy- J
ton arrived uere this afternoon, lie left
I'aducab, Ky., titty mile* above bare here, i
ut half-past two this morning and had a I
goud light to reach this petal. At four (
o'clock the rocket was fired wkicli was the t
signal that the plucky voyagor hud eater- (
ed the Mississippi, (
.SiMr* i HKTM: TiiEaTHEkT.—Jn kidney j
und |ivr ditlicullies there i improper ac J
tion of the viul forces. Kidney-Wort, by J
its mild but sure t!'eel an the stomach and | J
Loweiw, Carrie# oil'the di-ease aad and gat* '.
rid of all bad humors It will check djr- }
rkeaa- Tor sale by all Druggists.
One hundred English farmers go into f
bankruptcy every wek on account of the j 1
itnporiation into England of Americau]
bail, says a high English authority.
courro tube yoar annual trip to the.
country.—bat uoa t forget Dr. Bull's Ba-i
by Syrup, that indispertsipla he.p ia ii
emergency. Costs only 2& eanls a bottle, d
noi\as at ba ßKisiinta.
On We.lieaday Wtk Ilia juJii ial aalary
hill wan .Irfrilled la the *enat*. ID tha
hours tha riot dansagca bill was in.led
nitrly postpoaad by a vote of 103 yaaa
to y. aaya. Manure. < iaphart and Mur
ray voted with the ynv Wolf oflJaiaa
boldly i barged that two hirtnbera had
I'eerx ottered a hriba to vote for tha bill,
whareupon aa lavaatigating cownitlaa
whs appelated.
( Ike ore en ilter to invaatigate our
btafe ('ellaga racaivr* I'KiO te pay ai
lu a previous vote on this bill, Mr Mur
rey, one of our aseunbers was absent, heart
n • name did net appear upon the yaai
and nays. The votas below, however,
show his reeord apoa this question, which
we imkiish in jusllca to k itu
Mr. Faunae, on March tfl, proposed to
amend as follows- Provided that the pro
visicns of this art shall apply aad take ef
jfaal upon the present Legislature.
' Tha yeas aad aayt were required by Mr.
J. D. W'a.karaad Mr 1). L. Hherwaod,
[and were as fellows, ti/
Ackarly MrFarlan
Iteene Mr Ave
ttowmaa Msssenger
Bradford Miner
It aat Miner
Butler Murray
[Canpbeli, Wta Newbaker
t'asiidy Nichols
Dew.'Ssdey Barter
! Dorrann* Previa*
Dunham Kaodar
Early Rhoads
Kuiery, Lewis Kiegel
Kabcl Roberts
Faunae Scanlan
Fenian Hcbelt
Fhon Schreck
K-'Slcr Heateu
Kultoa, A !J Aherwoad, D L
Fulton, \V T Hboener
Gamraall Hhort
1 >us Buutb, (' A
• iaanag .-ntub Jr.e B
| Graft Hmilh, J E
Orahaas, Uee 11 f"milh, HJ
illarkati >lapbeai, A W
Hall Htapheas, Jce W
Bass Thickstun
Uolmaß \ anderslica
Humpbreyi, Voegtly
j J ones Wa ker, Alex
Kiacad W a'ker, Jas D
jKiitlle Warden
Laadis, JaoH Watsoß
Law Want
; Leigbty Welsh
l.ereh Wheeler
White. J B
. Maddl White, WK
' Bagill Wolfe
McC'achram WoodtufT
McUaadleas Werthiagtori
UcCvaaett Zern
Baldwin IDyer
Banks liuhu
Ueiuialt Jarecki
Biat Inner Kabl
, Btirduer Kirk
Brooks Kochersperg ar
Burgess LariJis, Jce 11
Burton Leigh ,
CamphaU, A B Law s
Cargtll Lowing
Caughay Mac ay
' Clark# Maaaely
Coibern Mapet
1 Coary Marker
Crawford. Matlack
Datinehuwar Moenay
Davis, A C Meora
| Ireniu'.h Morris
Donahue Myers
Doyle N* as el
| Drum N'MU.AU
, Eberly Nallt, Jamas
Kiiward# Nicholsea
Eidred G Lenihati
"Kiliett O'Neill
Emery. David Palsgrave
Kiter Pat'.ersea, W 1!
Even Pattersoa, W H
Earr PetretT
, Fouet Phillip*
F-a/er Pelloca
Ful.ertoe Kedfera
Feimer Reynolds. Jao A
' ''tain Key Bold#, T J
'Gatoheii Achaeffer
; Kssti.rr >ilvartbora
• Gephart Smith. Geo F
' Giliatid Snaveiy
GiltMpla Header
Graham, William Str en
Hallowa'l Hwaney
Uarknets Taylor
1 Holier Thompson
He wit Truby
Hill, John I'ndarwaod
l}.H Jo. kl Waller, Wrn Wdsoa'
Holga'.a Yarger
Hover tar Lesg, Sfraier
Tvat.HC. Nays, 1<0. Tha queitiee was
' determined ia tbe aegstive.
I).'. March 'J6, oa rse .ns deration tad
I.aal passage ef the bil , Mr. Kirk saidt
Mr. Kirk. Mr. Hpsaker, inasmuch as
savera! members af the lieaia seem to
tbiak they were uajost y deprived ef the
privilege ef recording their vote* upea the
•aiary bill, 1 move that tha vole by which
that bill was defeated yes'.erday ha recea
The yen aad nays were required by
Mr 1). L Hherweed, and were as fellows,
vi* ;
Aadt.-saa MUay
lie ti net Mudili
Beone Marker
Bordner Matlack
Sovmii McCaahraa
Bradford MaConaall
1 Brant McFarlaa
Brooks Messoager
{Butler Miller
Campbell, Wrn Miner
Certiil Moore
j Cessidy M orrie
; Caughey Murray
Danaebower Nawbakgr
Dewoodey KicheU
Dorrance Nicholson
Doyle Noble
Druca Pattarsua, Findley
Eberiy Phillips
Kid red Porter
I Kmery, Lewis Provins
Fabei Header
| houst Reynolds, Jao A
Faitoa, A 11 Kbeads
Kuitaa, W T R.ega!
Gephart Heailaa
Graff Schaeffer
(iraham, Gee H Schell
Hack alt He broth
HaU Saaton
| Hallowell Hellers
{llarimet* Shear
Heller Hherwaad, D L
llill, Jahn Short
H iees Smith, Jao B
ililsui Smith, J E
• Reverter Smith, 6 J
lloyer Elephant, A W
jttunaphrey* Etepheas, Jae W
! Jones Thickstun
Kahl Warden
Kineeid WaUoa
Knittle Weleh
Landie, Jae H White, J B
Land is, Jos H White, W R
Leighty Wolfe
Lerch Woodruff
Liggett Worth inglea
Ackarly i ,uh V-
Bailey i ,r * c^1
Baldwin Kirk i
Barrett Kocker#prg#r
Uiaekmer Law
Burgas* Leigh <
Burton L*w.. ,
Campbell, A B Lowiay ,
Clarke MeeeeTy J
Col born Me pee
Coary Magill ■
Crawford McCandlass ,
Deeiuta McCloskay t
Donahue MeKee J
Dunham Mitchell t
Edwards Myart
Elder N .all, A C
Elliott Neill, Jamas
Rt'.er l)' Leather,
Evans O'Neill >
F"arr Palsgrova
F Patterson, W H
Fanlen Petroff
Fiinn Pollock |
Frnzer, ,Vj,eoA'cc pro Red fern e
im t j,
Fußarloa Bumh#r|#r
Fulmar §hoener
Garrett Hi|vertharn „
Gaicaell Sniilt, GaaF t
Gaus Snavaly
(Je#nng Souqar
fjentner tr|fa
Gilland Tay'or I
Gillespie Thempsen I
Grebam, AYm Vanderslica
ureenawalt Voegtly
llaglet Walker, Jas D
Hill, Jes M Whaeiae
Hill. W Wilson
Holgala Ynrgar v
Yeas, 99 Nays. 86. Tnaquaation was
delermiaad in tha aagativa
At tha lima the vote was taken an tha £
indefinite postpoaamant of tha riot bill, *
Apr- s, Mr. Murray was home on laavf gj( „
Ik . . I
abseaon , oa the bill prcpar an Thursday
r S, Mr Murray east hi* vote agaiast the
„ bill The abave wll! serve to make Mr.
. Marray'# recard clear upan twe imper
( taat moasuree.
J Cape Towe, March k'fi A ceivoy of
luppl es, proceeding from Derby te l, ,ne
' burg escorted by IB# man ol the Eightieth
* Kegirueet was attacked et daybreak en
March Hflh, en the beuks of the
river by 4,800 Zulus, under t'natelini.
Owing te previous alarm tbe British were
- ueder arms but wore overwhe med b> the
etiormouslv superior force of the enemy.
Cealain Noriarty aad 40 aeen wera killed
end 'AI missing Tbe late of tbe wagon
. driver* is unknown Lieutenant ifar
t waod with do man suet eadad ,n reaching
Laeeburg. Oua ! undrad end Btty men et
* the Eightieth Regiment eubeequently pro
cpededlo the scene of tbe fight and re< ov
i, ered a quantity of rockets and ammunition
and buried tbe deai. Twent\ wagons
containing supi'lia* were lost The relief
0 column fur Ekewe will star! on March
- 2Mb,
'i 1. Aden, April 2.—David Mtlver, ene
> of the proprietor* of the Cunard Line and
uisuibcr of l'ar iiatnaiit, write* thai ha do#s
not know of any natien whose trade pras
nacit are so gloomy as Great Britain *.
British experts to the l olled Mate* are
ceiopsralively aotbu.g ia v> luma or val
ue The balaace of trade is so over
whelming agaiett Greet Britain that k*
laaa* aatbTaa aseapl ruin Am IIMM inaut
tries, whether maaufaaturmg ar agricul
tural, i! the present slate < f things is al
lowed te continue The export trade from
Liverpool to tbe United Mates is so small
that waea the restrictions on the importa
tion of United Nta'.ei title ere removed,
it is intended to make outward voyages
with water ballast ott.y, the ship ewrier*
b, ieg uuw.lii! g to serainbl* for the lit'. *
eutwnrd freight recently carried as ballast
at nominal rate*.
Augusta, Ca , April f —The extreme
cold weather for the past forty-eight heurt
has kiilad fruit and early swgstables ia
.Ueergia aad Houtb Carolina.
Ti hat is horna without a baby Many
ehiidrta have eeugbi and cold* just new,
and should have the greatest ear*, an# a
buttle ef Dr, Built Cough Hyrup. i'nc*
•fily cant*
A German dealer recently -*c* v*d 82.-
1 **i dead hamming birds, daad
aquatic birds and KD.tkS) pair* of wings of
turds ef all kiads for ladies banaaU.
E. F. Kuukel'# Hitter Wine of Iron
Gives tanc to the stomach. It improves
the appetite aed assist* dig**tier,; excites
the bewals to heellbv action, expelling all
the foul humor* that COB laminate the
bioed, cor rep', the sec-etions and offend
tbe breath. It ascites tbe liver tea heal
thy action and strengthan* the nerves, j
imparting that glow te life that proceeds
alone fries perfect he* th
Thousands in all walks of life, testify to
;tha virtues e! this excellent medicine la
cerrecimg the derangement* ef the diges
tive o-gans Get f * genuine. Hold v bottle*, or six bottle* for' Atk
jfor E F h unke'i's Bdter M ine ol Iron.
*i d take no other. Ask your druggist
and if he has it not, send to Proprietor. K.
. F Kurkel, Nc 259 North Ninth Htreet.
Phitndelphin. Pe. Advise free ; enclose
three-cent stamp
K F Kunkel'e Worm Syrup never failsi
'.o_ destri v Pin, San'., and Stemnch
Worms. Dr. Kunke',, the only *neces
fni physician who remove* Tape Worm m
two heurs, alive with head, and no fe# sc
t-1 removed. C-tosmon tense teacbe* if
Tape Worm* be remeved all olhar worms
ican be readily destroyed. Advice at of
tiea aad ttora, free. The doctor c*a '.a'.!
i whether or nM tbe pat ent hat VOTM
Thousands are dying daily, with wr rm
aad J- not licw it Kite, spasms, tramps,
rhokieg aad suffocation, sallow complex
• oa, cir-lea arouad the eyes, swelling aad
pain ia the steisacb, restless at r. ght,
•grinding of the teeth, picking at the note
cough, fever, itching at th* seet, huad
jßcha, foul breath, th* pat las t f l*'a
and thin, tiekltag and irriiatian in tha an
u\—all these symptoms, aad mora, cam#
ifrom warms k F! tW. rin M r
uji never fail* to remove them Price.
jSllklperb tile, or six bottles for
For Tape Worm, write and reusult the
Doctor. Fi-r nil others, buy of yeur drug
gist the We-n, and if he ' as it not,
I scad to 1>• E P'. SM N. Ninth
Street, Philadelphia. Pa Advice by
mnil, fraa ; tend Ibree-cent stamp.
C amphor M <ik curat headache ar.d r.t..-
Campbor Milk cures rheumatism and
lame hack
j Camphor Milk cures ruts, bruises and
j burns.
Camphor M'k eoeta t" et & bottles fl
Seld by J I). Murray, Centre Hall,
' Tfie Pictor al History of the World,
embracing fail and autheatia act. uet* of
j every nation of ancient aad moddrn Lines
and including a History of the rise aad
fall of th* hntt a-.d Remit Empires, lue
■ grew-.n nfit.e naiiaas of Modera Europe.
.the Middle Age* Ihe Crusades, tie Keu
|jd*. Hysteui. the Rafarmatien. the ditcov
ery ar.d srltiement of the New World.
' etc . #;e ,by JseM* /> MrCabt.
1 There hat loag been a great and uniyer
. Sally-fail want of a History of the World
suitable for genera use This want .* tew.
being supplied by The Nalienal Put.uh
' agio, of Philadelphia, Fa, who have
. usuad a handeome valume, eatitiad 'The
| Fiotarial Hu'.ory ot the World, by Jas
ID MeCaba. a wall-known histarical wriv
j iar. Thi* work will, undoubtedly, take
rank a* a Standard Histery. It ,s the most
vaiuabla hoek that hat beea published ia
this country ler many year* h conta ns
1 a separate and admirably written b story
ef every nati<>* of ancient and modern
umes, aad is full of va.uable lafermalion
|< oncerniag than, and a a manner that
will enable tbe reeder to refer sastaaily to
any suhjai t upon which information is de
sired . and there is not a questiea that can
be ashed concerning nay histeraal suh
jeai, but as answer to it can he found ia
this work. Tbe anther does not content
| himself with a mere dry statement ef fact#. ;
but skalcha* the life and manners of the
| various nation* ef which he treats, in life
like celort. aad presents te tbe reeder the
cause* which I*4 to the prosperity end do
j ray of the great powers of the world. He
; shews as the various great men the war
riors, statesmen, poet*, sag**, aad orators
I —ef ancient aad me jern times, and makes
them tamiliar te the reader ; be expiaia*
the secret molives ol their actions, and
poiau out tbe lessens which their lire*
lee< h A valuable feature of the hook i* {
a full History of the late War between
Russia aad Turkey.
Tb.s is the only complete History ef the
World in print, aad it sheuid he read by
every intelligent person
The niechanica. execution of the boak.
d. serve* the highest praise. It contains
12GB large double-column pages, printed
in tbo clearest arid rue*! beautiful style or :
paper ol the very best quality. The beek
is embellished with over COO fine enjrav
sags The#* engraving* ere genuine
works of art. and were made at a cast oil
over S2&,UW. We cannot to* highly
praise tbe numerous and beaatiful por
traits ol historical parsonage* with which
it abounds.
The price is so low that every one caa
afford to purchase a copy. It is sold by
subscription only, and Mr. Jas B. Lee.;
of Centra Hill, wtie is the authorized agent;
for this section, is now caavassing for it. j
lOap 4t
tiouuT j
">U. th Hon Charles A Mstsr. President rf'
tb court of I'commnn !*!•• In tbe JuUiclnl llta *
Uicl oooiliUnf df th* counUti qf Unulf*. tTuun
m a ihn lluu rat ie San#"! V rik. m l th*]
H'jrvJfV.'lf .John Ulv*n#. A**gci*l*<l In fnntr*!
kfcUDU, bf tit## ifctue-J their luecet't. t**rta# del* th*
Ul ilei uf Apr A I) . to raw 4ir*ct*d tor holdtnc .
• court of •'"d T*rmn*r end <#ani*rl Jeii I>*h j
•rj guerter Seeeiuo* of th* l**eo* ttrphen*' Court t
mil paurl of • (sßimun rtre# In IlalUfuula !'• . for j
tb* iHbontf of Ontr*. end tx> conmoc* *n the th'
Mender uf Apr I win* th* 3*fh dej uf Aprl 1 1*7?, |
end u> coutlnu* tu **k j I
N<tiv*la th*r*fur* brrebf W*n to th* C n n*r. Ju r
lie** of th* l'*ec*. A Id* t men end (kmileblM of th* ii
eeld count j ot i *ntr*. thel tbwjr b* tb*e end th*r* In
tb*lr irp*r p*rAiu, etIO o'clock In th* for*i®oo of h
•eld def. with their record*, Inqutatiton*. *Ketn|ne t
tun. end tb*ii own r*n*mhrenqe, to dc |tr tLkti.c*
vhlvh U* ftoh*. And (mm
r. i. Ui.uud It. lo nroeecute t|elnt
lu prluti*r tbel er* or ehell b* In th* Jell of t.ontr*
count} t>* then eud tb*r* to pro**cut* eelnt ih*oi [,
ea aiiell b* juat
t#t**n under my bend, et flellefonte. h* lit dey of •
Apr t& th* i*er of our lsnrd. I"?*, end In th* "
7ear uf lDd*p*nd*no* of th* l ! nlt#d Ktet
aIOHW sSPAXt.LKK, hhrrlff
rAMI'HOIt M I l-K.
It IW* hljLls r. sail iiosirly us*U (or
Rbsumtiitni, ('rwe#d Sssl, Ache*. I'stas. aarct. "
Klinvt. Hwllin*. Sprslnt, olc. U U of lk iroMsnl?
'•Ill# la curlnp Rflt#. Bi>rty# snj lyslUcgs In J
'p*ciV uolotu toj tvirols tt l one* soollias ml B
rSlltrtt thtslla wlats. Uu> muscles sua tks ~
Afiklac nsrsss TUs mooej will bs pt<l back lo ssr
Ofls wUb Its 8ts. Prluv Si cants #
katilM for at-
Propsrs<t ouly bx leal lllwtballssr, il. D.
Scl'l bx J U Muusj .Ccai ll|l „
I'ht) l*li4ssitlx l*crtorul. f
llss pr'SS-Tltsalf to bs paculUrlj sdsptad lo old par- d
sons, aoaaumptlras soncbUdraa. It breaks s cold w
II stops scough It skis Siportorstlon. It (Iras In
slant rallef It glsas straugth. It brlags real. It fl,
has made mora cures llran suj cthar uiadlcioa. Tbuu
solids of the cltUoss of Ksstern l'snnsrlssnis hssa _
used It for raarspsst sod lastlff to Ike relief glraii (
end cures eflsclad Price Si cants or iltwtlles for #1- ,
Kssps slock hesltby and la good condition. It aids 1
digestion sod asslmllstion. It mskne fsl, musclessnd I
lullk. Hy using II s horse will do mora work and wis J
glte more milk and be In belter spirits and oondittoa.
it also kaapa poultry bsallhrand increases tba yuan
titj of ages. It Is made be Dr 1-arl Oberkulttsr. at
his mlUa.back of US S. Third street. Pblla. It Is sold pi
bf sotnal wetghl. at IS cents per pound, bf .1. D. Mur- Is
raj. riontrti 11x11, aad \V. J. TUcmpsuß JPcUcis Mills, I
mAfirir *
, *
| S|rit| H&mmi
It now fully under wjr, and tha intlucameuU ofFered are of a character
| that cannot fail lo he highly attractive to every buyer wilhiu reach of Phil
.jadclnhia. We have nu imixieuao atock iu evaryocg of our TIIIIiTV DE
| PA HTM KNTB, reaching in the 2 dejiartmenu of Hilk# aud Drcmi Good# to
' Tbe Ibtell harggios in lb#
AT l iv'l iVu i' s .r 24 Wide.
I. .11 „ A1 " SK
Thi. IMS. ..... ~d Lr-S, Kilk " AVWI
' e*r otrrr-d at It.* price, and the identical This is uf,doubted Jg .gg b . fy b i.
garni, can i„„d , . 0,, counter, of l, r Black Silk *var pfac.d an .a.
most of tb. landing retail fcou.oe aifl2&.ia Amtrica. 7 euler
, All tha finer gradea of both Black and Colore are diaplayad io uosur.
immtd "rl.iient at r iunlly law price, in proportion to quality, I„ FAX
and hi MMLK HLkh we alto olFer the grcalcat poneible attraction#.
A few of the latebt bargain# in thi# department are :
"I"'" Ani,a.emi
TURSE gt-atirißt '"* "* SAXONY SUITINUS "**
PBmrc la Big# mi JU
Co, 65, ,u, *7|e aad JI.OO j
Our awortment of J) n- Good# is bewildering and include# all tbe beat
production# of Prench, Knglibb and Auieric-nn Loom#.
•SOIL, ol ll.e !;.[ bargtin. In tbia ilepanoiaut afe.-
V ou! ' #w " Tbe rriees begin at FT! ct*. and advance
ord*r n * biievd to b* p*rf*ci it ev#rv rrgulnrly I2J cu viz
(illy reliability in wear }1 ~-q ji 75, gl 7| and $2.00.
. . . , YVa imparled ibas* goods largely, bav-
K** a* icf*rior goods, pr 4 cex range ing bad tbein n.ada to aur owe direct or
w r , y, ... . . <l * r ' M uiual. but never before bava tbay
K , *O, jO. 06. 00 Ui, lu, 871 aad $1 (JO. cemsUutsu oaariy perfect iuqaolity col
or and g*n*ral *ppearane, as Ibis sensor.
\N • aiso #how the and most attractive stock of
Ever shown iu Philadelphia, either at wholesale or retail, are at the moat
moderate prices.
We invite especial attention to the department for
And particularly to our three grade# of carefully tnade
Which are believed to be the bet good# ever offered at tbe pricea:
In ordering, giv* sm* f collar worn.
I LEASE NO IE: We employ no agent#. Sand directly to the kouae
. lor Naiujlth c! w hater er rou mav need, and secure ihe advantages of our
low price#.
' wmm—mmmm—mmmmmammmmm
-AT THE- !'
! I)R\ GOODS, in all latest Spring Styles. i 1
j 30 mar Sin BELLEFONTE. i
Special Notice#
Dr. L. I) Wavburn's Alterative .Syrup,
A as*.l Till 111 V (JVC VKARS lux prlvxta
pracUot, *at) ucTwr failing to radically cur*
Itraam, Krr*l|>lu. Kcrwfulx. Sccondxrj SjphllW. firx.
•■1 Ihgbam and all dis-xx*. In wblali ifla Lloud la
impllnatwd. la now oflarwd So tha public.
lioldb. all KaUll Druggist!, Ahd wholaaala onl>
J W v bqru JSaqiuma CC. P. O Has XW. Rocbrn-
I will mxll. (>*#> tb* ISK-Um for a atmpi* VagaUbla
Halm thai will nam Tan. Kr*. k!*a. Plmpfa. an.l
Rkrtrbaa. I*, aklu aofi, claar ana lwautlful:
alas instruct ion, fnr producing a luiurUnt groash of
hair on a bald baad or amooth facw. Addraaa. Inclos
ing Sc stamp. Baa. Vaadalf A Co.. *u ABB hUaat. K. V.
TbaadcarUacr h.r ing haan parmaaaatlg otirad ef
that droad dtsaaaa, ikon.umplbu), b/ a simple r.melj.
la anikma u> makt known lu hit tallow wig*rare th*
mcaa* of cur* IV all wbo dealr* It. h* will aead a
i-npr uf Ui* praacrlpUua uwvf. (fra* of charge > with I b*
Uractiunt for preparing and using th* earn*, which
ihcj will find a aura cur* fur I'unaumptton, Aalhma.
llmo-hltlt. Ac.
Paritcs wialuu* U.c Prescription, will plaas* address
K A WILSON. XM I'ann SL. WUHamsburgh. A Y.
A OKNTLKM AN who sußarad for year* from Nar
runs OabUltf. Premature dacajr. anil all tbe alert* ot
ruutbfuliodiu'raUoii.wlll for Ih* aak* of suffering
tiomantlj. tend fraa to all who aaad It th* rsclps and
llrsotton for making tha almpl* ramsdr br which he
-a. curad Hufferera wishing to protlt bj tba adeertia
r'a saporianco can do so by addressing tn perfect con
-1 dance, v T
JOHN B. 00DKN,42 Cailar St., New Tork.
Plf IHJOf all kind*. TimCRH. dlachxrgas of
J _UI'OOIk or mucus, and all dLease, of th*'
HKuTI M quickly and perfaoUycurad b a eimpl* and !
uiothlngHamad*, for information, addraaa
MjaWSm lIrJ.PABKK AUO..H An*ht..NY 1
Dentist, Millheim.
Offers hit profaaelonal terelrae to the publl*. Ho Is
iroparod to perform aUeparallona la th* daatal *r*-
Hatanow fnllyprepxrad to *xtrxct ifetbeb**
CORTLANDTST. Near Broadway,
• HOTCHKiSS A POND, Proprietors.
The restaurant, cafe and lnnch room
- attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness
1 and excellence of service. Rooms 50cta.
> to |L> per day. $3 to $lO per week. Con
venient to all ferries and city railroads.
!Kes Furniture. XewHaaifs*
meat, 23 jan ly
llralth *nd Hspplnen ar* prlctloa W*ltb to Ihalr
puiMwon. and yt thejr ar* wllhla lha rtioh of
on* oho will IIM
. Th* nolr ■ raro for Torptd Ltnr. DxpopoU,
tlaadacba, Sour .Stomach, Conxlpatloc. Ooblltif. Van '
aoa. ami all BUllooa oofaplalata and Klood ilMordan. I
Nona (annlnr noiaaa atnad. "Win. WrUht, I*hna." j
tf jtHir Dt ucaut will not aupulj aand la ooau ft* no*
l> Ito Harriett, Hollar ACo T# A. 4th St. Phlla.lnorthn
No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte
lhealern In Urn{,(lieuitcals,
Perfumery, FamyGoodH <lr,.
Ac. _ y
I Purs Wines and Liquors for medic /
purposes alwaye kept. may3l 7.
t U Auerasyat-Law,
. .Office on A.Ueghony St., Bellefonte, Pa.
j 27 feb tf .1
r LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe Store,
* oppoaitc the Uuab house, Bellefonte,
_ room formerly occupied by John
Powers. spray
■rM 11 lkLSfffTTol
A Purely Vegetable Remedy,
The Itoaliwt and Heat
vor dlnoovuwKt for
I A pnrt.j vegnUbiaoom pound, not doctored with
puiai>twra*M<ieen, Mag dry-# ge&Uw eettusrtfc tad
: gc<tire took, nil to iflaxwlty tm —an el U
swl raauaotk and paieftti dieteswe lbs* beOe med
ical akUL That* who have bm eatwd when aH
Hfcer meant ftibrd, J asti;- aajr: "II ta the grwaleat
MeaAag of the agt .* "I txtkrra I afeiawld aot now
0* attva bwt for a." Pi. yalcSana ta regular praetue
mj: "U work.* tttta a charm aad effaflty
■niai i -| •
1 "Hi audi • kirihaei fmidlw mmrt4 Mmm**. mm ——.
ilua, latauMidutf * bo, fri lifting
Baaata avd Uaibpiksw*— in Uto **•-
vent of the bank building. All work dose
3 fashionable stple. ljulp
Candy Manufactory 4 Bakery.
1 Mr. Albeit Ksnth,
At the
lis now msktDg the eery best
jin Bellefoate.
Caodiee asd Confections.
He alto manufactures all klads of eaa
die*, and dealer* can purchase of bits a*
low a* in the city. Candiaa of all kindsal
, ways en hand, together with Oraagea,
Lemon*, Fig*. Dates, N uU, Hprvpa, Jet
lie* and everptbi&g good. .
An Eseelient oyater saloon alas at
tached to the Bakery. Call sod aaa
Examine our (auk Price* el
Itoola and Shoe*. —We are rolling
out tbe goods lirelp, because we cbatge
lew for them than wai ever known- We
keep up tbe quality and keep dowa tbe
price*. We are bouad to aell off thia Ire
mendou* (took, and trust ia tbe low price*
to do the business We will offer you
Men • £ne ealf boot* ■' , , PlO
Men * kip boots at....... 2 00
Women skip aboe* at..— .. 10ft
Children's school shoes at—..... ... 75
Men t wool lined gum boots at. 2 60
Boys woel-lmed gum boot* at.... 1 SO
. Mm i wool-lined buckle oeertboee... 1 40
Men • wool-lined Alaska oeerabeet... 01
Men s plain gum overshoe* _ 4C
Lumberman's gums, solid heel 1 tt
Women's woo.-lined Alaska ever-
Women's plain gum overshoes— ti
1 Esses plain gum oeereboet.—... 30
Children's plain gum 0rer5h0ee......... 2b
Tbe above rubber roods are ail irat
elass and are warranted, aad will be sold
for reek ms/p. E. GRAB AM A SON,
jDee~6 Bellefonte, Pa.
k"r gMB SfilAfi,
vT By calling at the new and extern
tive bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. H. Sands,)
Opposite tbe Iron Front on Allegheny
street where be furnishes every day
Fresh Bread,
Cakes of all kinds,
Pies, etc., etc.,
Anything and everything belonging
the business. Having had vears of expo *
rience in the busineaa, he Batters hiassel
that he can guarantee satisfaction to all
i who mav favor him with their natroaags.
F. FORTNEY Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Oflee over Bey
| nulds bank. Hmay'dc
f L. SPANGLER, Attorney-al-Law.
tJ • Consultations in English and
German. Office in First s aaw building
| .
<2?OH in a single day, Jan. 80th,
by aa agent. Send* 1 cent stamp
far particular, Rev. 8. T. Buck, Milton,
Pennsylvania. x 10 spin
All Seldiers, wounded ar iajared. ee
now obuia pensions ; under the now law
to data trem disearga. Address at once
with stamp for bleaks and BOW Soldier'*
circulars- W. C. BEBINGIR & (XL.
>l6 Smithfiald St.. Pittsburg. Pa.
grip-Oldest Claim Agency in the State.