The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 10, 1879, Image 2

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    Tha Centre Reporter.
Oiitii Hall, Pa Apr. 10,1879
The Mifllinburg Telegraph think* \ o
mm all right yet. Kut the Telegraph
ao often think* wrong, and fool* itself.
i'ite democrat* the other can: ed
Chicago by majorities ranging front
v">ttO to 4ftVt—electing their whole city
ticket. Thie i* another "revolution"
which will not tuil the stalwart repuh!
There is no peace for the a i kcd. Mrs,
OliTer ha* applied for a new trial. M r
suppose it will net the huasv a- much .is
the out just ended.
!ti the V. S. senate Mr. Hoar s rosolu-
Uoi condemning us revo' itionary the
the democratic programme o. logis'a
tion, was laid on the table by >
nays 20.
Right, and the country will thauk the
senate for promptly snuffing v.t lloar'a
Since the suit has gone in favor of b
mon who will get the orange* i!>>*
The Times nave the Republican organs
of this State will nevar tire n .iuirg at
tention to the fact that there are only
fonr I'nicn generals in the 1 nited Mates
Senate while there are twenty or more
ex-Confederate*. The Republicans of
Pennsylvania had a chance to add one to
the number of I nicn genera when
they chose a Senator a couple of months
age, bat thev hadn't go', waked up
The Louisville Courier-Journa thinks
the republicans pretead to be very
much afraid lest the democrats shcu'd
"block the wheels of government. Ihe
only blocking of that kind will be done
by the President, if he carries out the
foolish intention attributed to him by j
his friends and vetoes the a; propria! . n
bills, which provide grease for the
wheels of government.
How long does our state legislature
intend to sit yet ? This ia what the peo
ple wish to knew. The time of a regu
lar session has expired and yet there are
no signs of adjonrnment. Are our ser
vanta at Harrisburg sot ashamed of
themselves'' Are they not ashamed of
the davs spent with noth ng to show
but a hug# bill of expense * In all thi
time -or.<e fonr or five bills have been
passed and net one of them ofanv espe-'
rial importance to the people and yet
there they ait, like a hen with a
monomania for hatching, and ;• : can't
drive them from their nest.-. T.e eggs
that they a-e on a-e even rattan and
there thv are a! MO r r d ; em. I' - -
oity that the people li* . ncin'
days, not meet in a i-" n;.-nr. >n
iid with voices of thund*r bid • 1 m de
part, or that thera is no Cromwell U |
-tep in and dissolve the chamber".
What are they doing 1
What have they done
What do they propose >et to do,|
ths-e hatching hens with rso ecu- under!
them 1
There is not one in all their number
that can give a uatisfactery answer to
thee questions.
♦ ♦ ♦ ■ ■ -
The New York Herald shows up a bad
memory for Garfield. who made a "revo
lutionary" speech in the house the
other day, and almost busted bis biierj
over the contemplated repeal of the su- j
pervieor business. The Herald says
that it is T#ry well remembered that on
the last night of the last session, ies.-.
than a month ago, Genera! Garfield de
clared himself content to give up the
very matter he ia new so vigoronsly
fighting for. and that which he now de
clares revolutionary, the appending po- |
litical legislation on appropriation bills
has been done and defended by Kepub- 1
licans when they had the ma.ority. In
one of those ins tan CM they deliberately J
seat an appropriation bill thus burden
ed with political lagislation te the Presi
dent with the threat that if he vetoed it
they would let the bill fail, and the.
President signed it under compulsion, j
"lest by withholding his signature the
necessary appropriation be defeated
that is to say, that which they now im
pute without ground to the Democrats,
and which is undoubtedly revolution
ary, they did in President Johnson s
The N. Y. World in speaking of the
ramored iatention of the President to
veto the bills which the democrats in
congress propose to paas, nays
If such be the real decision of the
President, if he ha resolved to reject
all efforts to bring ahout a harmony of
opinion and conduct between the legis
lative and executive department-, and
if he is so party-mad aa to uphold a
power to arrest oa election day without
a warrant and on the mere allegation of
a supervisor or deputy marshal, then it
ia aseless to discuss whether the propos
ed repeals should be presented separ
ately or attached to appropriation bills.
In either case the final struggle must
pome to restore the laws which prevail
ed fer eighty years after the Constitu
tion waa adopted. The majority of< oa
gress which demands the repeal does
not object to the existence of marshals
of the United States courts and of depu
ty marshals appointed, a* they have
been appointed since the Federal Gov
ernment began, for the purpose of exe
cuting the mandates of Federal magis
trates. The majority of Congress does
aetnowooject to the sections of the so
lidified laws which denounce as crimes
certain specified acts done in connection
with elections. Nor does that majority
ask for the repeal of any laws which
provide for an orderly complaint before
a magistrate against any one charged,
on probable cauee, with committing one
of these crimes, and for the trial and sen*
tence of whoever isfoundguilty. Daven
port will remain a committing magis*
trate of Judge Blatchford's court, ap-;
plications for warrants of arrest can still
be made before him and the Marshal
still have at hand deputies enough U
execute the process. Agaiast none of
those things do Democrats protest. J bey
de protest against and do not mean |
longer to endure.the appointment of,
countless deputy marshals on each elee- j
tion day who are unscrupulous udher-1
ents of one party to the election, and
who have power to decide on sight that
an act which may he in itself innocent
is so tainted with an intent U fraud as
to make it a crime, aud to imprison for
doing or attempting that act. No ex
cative officer on elaction day can go in
to and decide questions of fraud, much 1
less of iatention. By the laws of most
•f the States voters are privileged from
arrest excepting for treason, felony -qr i
breach of the peace during their attend
ance upon the election and in returning
home after the polls are closed ' but the
1 Davenport authori.i- aire.-'* on
sight l\ a deputy uini-iuil for the
law calls and the parti-m deputy lhiuk*
is voting or attempting or offering to
, rote with a fraudulent and iTuninal i
tention. Wlint would the I nion Lea
gue Clubsa\ to a Slate iw which em
powered persona selected 1\ lauur..m
Hall to arrest every one attempting to
vote improperly a - ording to the opu
ion of impropriety held by the Tamu any
deputy sheriff The select >n of the
deputy marshal- is ab-.-lute'y u .' e
•i i retion of the Federal M.i -ha nth ■
1 City. He may -elect the vilest wrct •
I from the vilest fOtn-ahops Hies# do*
j I putjr marshals hurriedly gathered to
igpther for elect ou day. .ue 1 . > to be
ignorant and -lire to be undo. ;>! :
partisans, llicy* ie not to be takvu
from both pat tie- as supervisor* are
We demand in this . ty that ur P. I.i
j t Vmtnissioners shall be nono-part -an
■_ J because they have to .1 > with .. '• 1 - r*.t iq
p j tbc-c who manage . vev et elivt •
- cut upon the depu \ marshals, w!>
I have larger power*, there ,s no such
jstraint. If it be deemed tiece—an b*
" the repreeentatirw of the peoj
* I Washington that CoogrM* ah nit take
exclusive barge of the eel n .1
own members, at least '<•! the teg;. .
tions be reasonable and arreats he ma <•
' accord nc to due and de ent i c-- c
' j law.
On Saturday the lower 1> ■-<" > I
gre.- pa-> d the aruy appropriation
b. . I'he ametulmeiit i roi. Jir.q that
nothing in the bill *h • d j re\i M '' •
| Pre-, 'ent from sending troops into a
| Mate under the c >u-titut. >na" r. ;uire
-1 uient-wa.-adopted by- ' to 1, the Re
put '.cans net voting. V t.o Kepu
can amendment* were re rite • and In.
was passed bv IP- to Of the Na
tionals ten voted with '.he I'cu ocra -
and two with the Repub.-CiWis.
The who'e flock of greenbackers in Con
g-en. n -e, vjteJ wth • dee-i > i
I the gas* age it e arm? appro;.- at a b
I T -cum *1 -ttg with the rt it Hi di
ocra'.ie vote alor.e would have pas*td t
The M 'ton M comes t > us en
larged and " wof the * eof the i eti
tre Reporter. We aregla.i to notice the
j ev.Jenco of its pranparity. The II
lisa lire, spirited sheet, and a g.-od
helper in the democratic cans-
Read Blackburn's -pee h nth - -sue
of the Reporter, it has the right nig.
The Pittsburg riot bill g >t a black eye
in the house the other day. See an
other column of the Reporter.
. ♦ .
The Pittsburg riot bill met * fh a dr
feat in the House on Friday '•
Mr. 1 ng having the th rat tin b :r
of ad. onraaient yesterday . atinued h:-
remarka this laormiig in-upo rt of hi
amendment. He .ten -ut: e.i the altac.--
Iby muendo, a* made by members
cowardly as unmanly.
Mr. Law aroec and ac and Mr. V. oi:V
cai.ed the speaker V r.icr ; dcti .ne
ed hi- language us tin pat ainciitary.
wh*i!e Mr. Long aainta r.e 1 ht was
1 properly in order not having name ! any
person, u.:t ins -ted that w*- true.
Mr. Wm. Hill of Allegheny, nes't k
the floor and aajd, after listening toelo
p.ient argument- : - '. pa-t - *
e-. ho fell thoro w. m - i..r:g left f ■
j him to say oa the onbject, hut ne w.sii- j
] ed to reply to .- •tue <t the assertions that
the fr.en is of bill ha I been trading
votes, lie was free to aav that he s - '.
here to-day. free and untraumieiie i a
far as he was concerned.
The opponents of the b.h charged a
general way improper motives he
ibouaht nujust and unwarrantable. 1;
legard to tne aw of.-41-4 • win, a some
of the citirens of Pituor.rgh petito ned
for, he said tkere wa- no ra rca lat :: at
time. This riot was caused by the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company which nev
, er pays a cent for her rigat in tne coun
•y. The people of Allegheny county ars
j .ioking to you to-Jay for relief ft >m a:.
I .naurreclioa ovsr wnich tuey had no
! coairoh He was spposed to diacrimina
i lion ou or hy corporations. It would oe 1
' a lax on aL property in the county t not
a elate tax, but a county tax. it was no j
argument taat improper parties were
' here in the intere.-t of the bill. :f true,
ainl he hopes that members would be,
actuated by proper motive- in casting
their votes.
Air. Long ths announced that at I
twelve o'clock he would oil for a vote
ion the question. He stated that be was
. opposeu to gag law. but too much time
: had Uses taken up with the bill already.
Messrs. CoiLern, Kid red. Murray, M<
ke and several ouhers asaed permi-sion
Ito have their remaras prtc'.ed in the
1 rh. rti, which was granted.
Mr. Wolfe than took the lioor, and
j said in his 4 uuguieut Long - amen Iment
was equally unconstitutional, for better
, would it he, though hard to bear, that
Allegheny county should suffer than
' have tho -late establish such a preca
. dent and putting premium on riot. Ids-'
titution should ho paid, if by anybody,!
oy the National Government. Ohio is
! huaented by ths l'ennsylvan:- railroad,
as aivpch as Pennsylvania, and could be
: called upon as reasonably as this Mate
Ito pay these damages. The gentiemaii
from Allegheny admitted that the law '
lofimumale the county liable. Lour-,,
( tifths ef the iosses goes to the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, and the bal-j
I ance to other states. Tue railroad com- j |
pany was unwilling to accept the pro- j
visions of the new Constitution,
lie would therefore favor an amend- :
1 ,'jjent that ao corporation should receive ,
the benefit of tb;i act hut WHO shall tirsi
accept Lbe provision of the Con-litution. ,
The bounty of the State should not be ! ,
given to corporations who do not come J
under her laws. It is worth two millions
annually to the people to get a.'! corpo- j
rations oa an equality.
Mr. Long asked whether the Constitu
tion gave tioem police power to guaran
tee protection to their property.
Tne speaker admitted this, but claim-
ed it has no bearing en the jos/tion.
Mr. i'avis i'hiladelpnia) then took !
the Jleor and said the I'eriß-ylvania: '
Railroad Company paid >l,b"Jo,iid<' to the | j
Mate fur carrying goods ol her citizens j
through their owu Stale. The new Con
stitution provides itiudf that a corpora- '
Hoc rhall or shall not accept certain pro-, !
visions of the Constitution, and w.-u- ;
therefore rwdt ulous to a.-stin,e that the (
people of Ohio aro s any way connect-)
ed with it.
Mr. IVolfe asked if the protihi hy dis- 1
crinnnalioa against her citizens were
not made w ithiu the Mate.
Air. Ixing here gave notice that the
time was up for the vote to be taken.
Mr. Hewit desired to know whiithei ,
or not the gentleman was a dictator.
Air. Long in lus magnanimity said he j
would not insist and allow the gentle
man from Blair to go on alter the lime
had expired.
Mr. Tiewitlhen -aid it was not fair to J
consider that corporations because their (
hacks were broad could overload them. ,
He wa-i opposed to that kind ol discrim
ination ; Urn bill baa been reduced one j
million in threa weeks, and ll we con- r
tinue on the bill won't be worth the pa-1 (
per it's printed on. He considered Judge
dgnew au able lawyer, out i* this case!
Wat rnv" 6 '}' - 1 paid advocate. He did I j
not see -be necessity ol killing Galusha ,
A.Grow or tfestitbergentlemen mention-! ,
cd in their poiity-zf aspirations, and 1 t
doubted tbe propriety of ;;iatuig the At- -
tojjj*/ General on the Comtnws/
The yeas a.*d wtre talle( '
by Air. Wolfe, -7 Mr. Don..hue
o.i Long's amendment,. ?'bicb yesulted
in yeas, 92; nays, JO3. .
Mr, Hnwit of Blair, then submitted an
amendment providing lii*t when the
Supreme Court M>*ii giecaib* fbA kjveciaJ
law of 1849 illegal and void in opnfkffO"
and unconatitutional, and that the ithLz:
is liable, the Governor sliall appoint a
commission to asceruin the damages,
aiid report to the next legislature the
duuta/ft, o that an appropriation tan be
In the vote in last week's
Reporter, on the reduction cftxlaries,
Mr. Murray's vote is not recorded, hi;.
Murray informs us he was absent on
committee at the time, and upon
MM——" wiv..v
; ilppe.uiug hi In -eat i aiicr, i i -k
• cd lcav® !< rr Mnl hi- \ •• • lav r 1 1
-i was rcftnod ihc pii\ •'
Tin- i rnrix < v/vo".
l ast i'r.i- i n w.* tl ill Il > i tak
ing evidence in t 1 i rtiti-V im
: ■' • 1
, thorough'* sim'M i'i! I>\ I h !e* l'i r
i egnl .til !..n \ V n
.. ; JV|J ti our l . una 1 :' I'l ' l'i H®
ft' iak thr summing rip ■ i all i if I cat
monr .will show a m ■ ■■
, c'urtiu of front i{> ! 1 over \. urn
. oi' tkc local Ti-* .. : I •• ! '■ ' c
' '
cat in it! \ ti . ! • .
We c\po. ; ! > M'C Mr. < nr. < t th.
u-at ! ' h u h I'M. n< -• ' • ml f 1 >
n ivtci! bet re tie ml :n. cut . f tl,.
n present extra s -- ion.
( . The contested ra-c* iu o'iijh "ill
n; be taken tip m it , abet \i! w
W I . \> . t 1
- .
, . ■ ,
h :
1 marks I \ :tv :i ■ " 1 > • u •< L
i! a ilo.'en dusky fan, - t : the t ' "
0 gre—, where were th c .!
Mr 1! Af. .lent : M ton
' tbe gentleman ft nMa :.e had e\ r
c,l lie regret that the t >.< r
i.lit in w hlt.d ■ : '
wiie not heic ti a Mi '•
gentleman mini ' tV fact ' At tit the
Mate- of V.i ■ ..■ ,i M..- . kv- -tst
. bai been reau'il ait.l alt • "•• of
the moat iuteliL'ont c 'lore ! 1 ■ti •• thi
> ountry,and how iliil t aapp* i tb.r in
! all tbe h*' n ■ f the un'.n t!.- p >•
pie of those Mates ha! never t ign!
. | .nough of t;.e hood t ant ' t biiJi
; to Congress "
Mr. 1 rve l'e. p'.e s tit■ i ;ie:• :i ■
elect •outelvily else. 1 nnghtcr n .!:e
Ji Biocratjc side
HI .t< Kill US'. s si'lll .1.
IHE I'K.VIOi RAft Hil l It
Mr. Llackburn is \ h e-.t ■ : t . •u
that .t Has n the • 'n ft be II t
control t c etc; . ya:et t tar : i: >
the h tbh 'ld. g ••• • . : t:.e
Vr'> •at 'e ".gs : • Ir. - t<
peai could not be ret nt marc. M •,
than one-third of ui 1 the periuauent
| legi-lat en attect. ng ■. • tot .r v
erumeut it a 1 been • u a :We te
boOk as rideis up n ■ c ; • .a'
, bill. If.vol'.ltion W at h.i- there ' at
tbe party the gentleman - \ el t i
Hot done ;it t at t.i a :e ■
In hi- spec, bof S.itnrii ty the gi ■. ■ ei ut
': ut ...n a 1 ..ii i ..•<• I a uti t 1
!. ha •.Utr.e '.-tat. eut ! t* t: -* rt • t
tl -• couatrv H'.heiu the c- neejii i : the
h cutive fad ever I eon c arced. He
h. s burn a. opt. I : .o .
battle tbe fan', cman ha-l " • •
dk wn. He h .ulii read f: uu tht tU r :
, and s!i it* him an n-tan e. •n the m
ond of Mar ti, ! s , At. ire .' - -in
had - gtt. !anam y ..- ; • i .. :. ...
M| K>U. . tee :.- h w..
strained u return t. e U... .
signature, but accvun; any:ng .'. h .tii h. •
protests Was there i. r :i ti re "
Why, the Heconi Has til c; i: ,ji.
Ine e; : ■i a -• : •• . '. i . • •
! i-; •ite . -t
a- ; •• .-ti
t e r;': *: i • . h " > •
was on the reiordever- t me c.s r
in their fat r. And he :.i 1 been T|
rte I - . . ig
by n.u.. votmc e • h . ui. n :
:u)pc a the I'n .exit ! r '.tie ev<" -
jof the veto ; ser, c: e turn -• obscure, and wh . ! f. an
, of .i .liet. '.s. v. i ;-
uiained to ta. day and uuti i. d). tg
1 day fit that obwurity for which nature
ana h. Cre.v r seemed is- i.avc ie- rn
jeJ L;m >.de by * ie with ti.e gent.e
wan f: m Ui. be. iat J an-.i t : :
Mr. llayes. of the same - .r>. t
piauae u tb i'• u. -ratic * an i n
the galicnea. An i n wpy wt,.t: a ;'. .-
:tv had tlie (centlfi: an front''i..
jto threaten the 1! w a r l .
land piwlbl. actio, of the Executive
What ;• v -.'.'ii f tl.c i ieral (
tut too underto k to eli.the any I d>.
either the President liim elf or ono of
ills l'rivy Council, even inch: ling .■ -
' Premier, the Secretary of -v. .to, : > - •
•1 as he had done, on the r of the
i House iast Satur .ay and by h - • r <
and approval seem to intiin la'e. .t r
awe and hmwhest the \inur. :tt. < rs
gre-s. [l'erislve lauehter .n the Ke
ed the gentleman f. uj hi > t • it 11 the
! Hou-e that it ba I better he i ~rcf :i. be
! cause the issue wa in.i le and the Preri
lent would not 1 a < r ed in! > a inr
•-age of approra ibd tlie gentleman
j front nfaio or any other gentleman )> it
such a low estimate on the If-rt s;
) the integrity, ti.e r ur ge and the mart
j hood of the I! .use. without regard t
' party, to helieve that such a threat *
i tiauntcd w.ts intim: late the law-mak ng
j branch of tha government and shape
' its action on measures of legislation
Mr. Ularkburu .pioted front iartield'x
i speech, and in reply said that ti.e t n
i grtsi that hail ju" expired here uj >n its
tiles petition alter petition in contested
election cases, protesting against the
i use of trooi'S at the pol . Kegarding
'theoriginal bi'l of Senator Powell We
I challenged gentlemen to find within its
I limits a line, sentence, word or syllable
; h Wick the |. cscr.t b. i.'ght to rcj eid.
'!n IS'k'the gentleman frciin >hio had
i mado a Fpeerli on the l! >r, in wliii k he
and declared that the minority to whi it
I the gentlemen theu belonged, but to
I which, under tiod'* providence, they no
i longer belonged was guilty of revolu
tion because it insisted that extraneous
matter should not be placed upon ap
propriation bi.i*. He iiad said that that
was revolution, and v. here did he '.and
to-day T It was revolution then for the
ininotiiy iu resist tho majority , it was
[ revolution now for the majority to ri
sist 'he minority. Continuing, lie aid
Let •. e take the darkened pages of his
'conn, y's history for the last i-cvtn!en
Jong years and read it carefully and tell
me then tfiuu/.er it lies m the mouth of
this leadei of a onto groat, but nuw wan
ing party to read lectures to anvhody,
either on the s 'ore of revolutionary leg
islation or extraneous introduction of
legislation on appropriation bills. Let
ter far, in the face of the record which
they have made, better to listen patient
ly t i tlie connrn.:'d inebriateas he dilates
on the virtues of, or better
let the ijueen of the demimonde elabor
ate the duties of female virtue, or let the
devil prate of the scheme of universal
redemption luaU for homilies on good
morals and lectures on revolutionary
legislation he delivered from such a
sntirci', fApplause on the ln-n. rati,
side, j
Mr. Blackburn said hn sb uld p; m
any limitation of thia discussion. Let it
go to the''ountry that one purty in thi
< longrev, i-hscrts that the manacles hull
fall from the limbs of freemen, and that
thu army shall not hold i'a mailed hand
at the throat of the sovereign, and that
the other party declares that rather than
release its grasp it will biing the gov
ernment to starve. I and those with
whom 1 stand identified are willing to
accept the isMie. Aye, more we gi (
further uoi 1 thsl we are tha on<-
who mal.e the
you to ttccest it. I'laiiling ourtalvet, on
this broad ground wo welcome roatrover
—v. lor the tirrt time in eighteen vear<
the Usmocracy is back m power in koth
hranchet of CongrcM. Weprop kC toCeb
miff ata ,';nr return to p > .ver by wiping from
the statute i >i'l. ihoe degrading retlrii -
lii,n< on frvwtiien and by striking the
• huckle- which perliaan Itgiijilioi ka
imposed. Wh do not intend to t >p until
w • have Stricken the lust ventage o( your
war in.-kUrcs freiu the nutul, b.,el;s like
those which wor* born f the pa?ri<nj in
cidolit to evil at; lie. u;>4 whicii looked
elono to the nbriJgmnent of tbo litieriies
gf citizen until we have i.;. untrun.
ieiu4 uroi en t.esuperviscd ba... i
end un kusututn ~*i right far tho
to deposit his bull"! u* lot ..timjitioni i ruc
edent which weolferto you lor tno pti
mg't f tki* bill. I( the gtritlemun from
Ohio U tu ho excuied (lor certainly he
cannetko Justified) for paruding before Ibis
Hosm tb( ofywMnfvM In tern •em M£ a
veto tbut i 6 cut and dried to be put upffli a
bill which has not yet been passed, and if
i. is to be pardonsd for warning the House
that the tcsiecu'.ivc branen of the govern
ment will never yield its tuien* to this
Ui>' > .tie in . |ik ill .f11. I uk whnth*
I rr I mm not b wa-'anted mid justified in
employing |i il indor and ie aurlng
that gentleman end i i *. ntin that 11
demtnnet p 'W s r in lli i * 'unin'ii, the *u 1
iitlT elf meal in tin® l'*.lv, i* at* • fijualU
determinn! that until il* ut demand#,
iiir i' e4 In ullimi j in a* I iirine
!. • !H ,1 ill ■ • .'••!! I! v pre> •
, 'on!' llmtl • IHI bo'. .|i"" mi !r.l Fr til*
I'runiilf?il of I i land without regard to
f eft* clamored or. sol I i lli' Soulu
. !.">■■. but In Philadelphia m wall •• In
N I'iv t 1 i*l Ii in kinJ H* -
(ID at wall in l'b*r!*toa and
I il, .•, I 111 u J \\ ill, til i •! til*
, I ; IT 1 :i i • ' I'll po IT
, • I fie■ " . I! > I I .1 HI urri lor lit
II I' r, h'i i< .1 ril by v ir! 10
/ , u i on I
I I Ml .' I \ p! .11l ■ '• .'inß 't I'll
i'; I' ' If ■ i' i .! ered,
• ■i'i v bo .1 ' <• bt' its n li 'fl'n
< i i; f ' to !-'* .ir'l !'! tin V are
• bTi i ard town - Is iin.l laei. tlm f.iur
i ( f n M i< .'ii \\ .1 i m l
<• T mil' ii i \|l *o
I ot inr • ro mo frier ilt
lb* i 'lt' i h '.im! tli ' t* tie restora
• -To •: il |i iri i il in t • < o
IT ! I " n ' i 'lit ■ ■ ! Tior s
-I .it ! • •■! true*!
it; " • ii .nil n a*d di 'oiiililnr of
~ : u , (institutional limitation*
• ' I the lM**Rt
. M 1; is this i' guntcatiua tlißt li H s
i '.ri 'i:o• la ..! an 4
Ii ii' i'v ' i Ins i i|f rs .id
I'i'i i' hall'.* i dr! vorOil
\ T i * * are •
r t l"*r'll srii it to
M (Be i*rtiti< man ft in i'l. <> s i hauj
. i n ..!< tie American people
> \\ r I'oo.l ;• .lot-.y
\ - '• h j dent ft: ■ ri'i ill i : a right
• I cms I •: 1 lia pw. : s
u la ■ ■ aan t • ten tbia contest or
i - r a - , t l.• t- who lap*
six■* i iii 1 : o th#
• , !■ l>s Iniinuiering thai
l o i r. K.i p nnng t >
up. ." f 5 l i the oust if the ""i tftk. *
' r • hair tha Brt President f lha Repob*
•' w tn in r tha | mcr
* tot* at II! '.rep'.. • *ar.l IST-
Mll I- 't ti-rria.i ut " t-.iu as their Crt
i i|ne strata Mew. .'hare red It
it . e erdor wi. Teh ntrai him in
a i ii 1 fertt*r i!BT* . : this Rr**'.
t - h M e w a HOT er i or.-
aent to yield maanttitutional j>jwar* ar l*
bwti of the e|i >cn> any an an a
w.i . a rai-eive It is
'• <• " • ■' i Jt • r th* 'a'.or Kia u.
tioai f•. i< (ararnmant la yraapnn<i lanaa
• a i .a prr<ijt*M*>*.
I• 1 ' '• h*oe ,t 1 e IUUA is ir.ail*.
■ ii" P tii T, ati 4
t ai 1 o -urr*r !o-t ! >:*aiiit:R *!i
' • " Rfo.i'.iii, i Ihad irt sach a
p ' >. r. si t:g i-as* •• th* I roailatl
mio : s. . .ii'd-ui ntant In np*
>• ■ to* p.* tii . : .*.; t'hrr* it
ui> t -'lit* It' e* 1 . i ar# not raa lo
's '• is* • • ■.: a- 1 *e ar#
a / - .s -i 1! i * hi> "u os the ..os a
;,"i' i !. - o tir'.wisai. ut s..a
s i :■ ; > r t ho u t mssu to itu
• gnnllaman (ran Okie. I 4in*
- n any authority to stf., a .'.at atbart
> i*. 11 ili .. Un ti -ay that it is
v„i *ti , bi -it at lliare is rut
9r ' o It ir i h th * is- o!
H '■' w w, s. I 'S is' 1 t
■ : > t ■: .o f tu th*'.
lio ' 11'.* ..rrau Irr it il
'I • is - '. is ■ • 1 tie j? t! * I..a*
• iu ■ b* •tr r *: ti >i throats "f
n 1 r ;t , i -'. y .*1 <r - TV *
ii i • t T 1 r*
jiso is • all w si;% ."s.s a slat*
tarj, i rbts dttl.firsl. 1. ui
"] .HI
" r M a'. •i. in a !ej i •
*as s.! r.' j: s- i Us is i >l
- v r otuiatiny upon t.
e N.' - r.A sC. u.pftrT o'
. 'S *1! "JIIIIU'
s • • : e :•
s k " M T t *
•' T T • #.: las t
■>'- ' - * mi t a . lie. e. ; u
t • .! '.i rs >\ * a<. !*ti t. it a
Roi-.t : lr. . am Stn.tb i errat
Diet narj Bthle Fkii Is t con
a :i no ; mas*
. T ih. a:•rg , c .
• - ■ - .: it 1' ; a. t
j is . - • v. . . . • • e ;
1' eat' ■o' ! a
0.. * •- .OS- li-r.turo . t, Us'.ory
\ i 1 • t '.0... • it.oas the
. Wer J rheoa ar inti clear a - .!
I contpr*bentiyn, and ar* full of valuable
, "a' o u... .1 us r.|s'. on "f
li® T 1..-1 1 I R If". ' isi'.l t'T a
lerett *R a* riptii a I' Jrru arm ind
"1 ; i l iar L . f th* SaT ..r
el'ic * \ < af* a SORT*
mi arable leoflh, and a a
■ annar at t of great service lo every
! roador < : the U bit. The WandvriDgt *.'
a* . . bo it .. -*•• are :•'*■
J * • la' err.a ? • .e i Teu: pa are
b - d i*.: u frentminuUnoM. Anoth
er feature to which we would call particu*
*r tti: i :i t 'if ' f Sir.; turn ill .#•
a -isti a !r . lap s'te:.*ss
O. " . i s' f i; "is* fl.s.Tf sill
'. of ;' Ma. r . >i : I'ustaiat s.|
tbn Nn f \ a. rat W< rid. •• Bib
At a or.e-y Nat'jra ll.'to
•v, ■ - T ii. v low a arga • jtnber
chr s rical nr. '. ether ralunhie tn
b■ d* r: od t> ji'> lea - ! facilitate the
s. . si aci S i N< r.ptssro 1 l.e most
.• r' . s - .'...ji t ' iiis wore, e luos",
•IH t • r after truth * : la e *
*■ t ■ i ; -d in tb s sinrio vulntae.
i f asia ma*: m - . - . v u:r*'.ed.
I • • r• R"*v ng mas
iT' • wh bhy the yrent ertiet,Out*
:*T - 1j ire I*heeeengrnvmgs ar* gmoin*
work* of art, .nd a-: I It a coat of
T# - ( % ' a
I'.tiw. ■■ \pOi-yr ann i the Nam
a eesut u It lilhograj ii*.!
i age art Scale, wh moke* this'
H : *:i ("jiic all.T priate v.e idiog
; '#•• • i I .at y't is handsome
Family Kecortl. c<'nitticc of four quarto
: ' • . ,'.h#gr*i had At the end ef
tb* .;n< i t<n ■.ogrisph albuan, with
spi. sis ' r h .iffi ; irtrailt.
"lr.o Sal. ual I'ub ithieg Ciimpaey'r
II i> • - .s c:> from n# to turn* P 'Undf
in th.r. at T other 1 >■ v B ilea pub*
lilhed ;n the United .State*. This it prwof;
pistitire t' at th*y are tn re solid and tub-'
stan'.i*! than any other Bibles. It pre?*!'
that luey ar# printed n henTifr paper,
aed b - id T U hearier nnd morn carabl*
tn sicr il. Tin y aro published ie Gormen
Wo ei i ■ f inmor.J this llil.le te
our -"*dnrj. >.. ho should be without
Th i.'i niahiagly I -w. eed
w'i a the reach of ail. it is sold by fub
seriptiin only, and Mr. .las. ft Lee, of
<"■ Btru Hill, ah" is the aulhoriaed agent
■ t this '>l : ; , is>w cnnra<ting lor it.
10 ap It
• ♦
Fra:.'., \ April 1. A dispatch
.rem .l#-e ; rr§ u brief acemtat of a
triißi'.y whit h occurred iu F'oot llills,
near that city. 1 ur tn' inbtrj of a family
residing there iT*r horribly aautilfltrd
w. han axu rr a s.tis lar wea|" n. Ihe
mother "f the family is misting and it n
net isi. itb wlother ii* was hilled or rs*
. upeii The family liv din seclusion ie a
r i.gli i übl'.ati'in. Nothing is known < t
t~iir h is - , r.v prceieue t< - luir arrival hero
a few month* ago. There it ne clue to
th. - perpetrators > f the •uV age. The aao
!:rc f waicli Is uaknewß. The family
i'Hil no pieperty : u te cu] idity.
Nl'.iltlN Fit KN (111 iI.DI HUM
I'i.r , April 1. A battalion of r.ouaT*s
and ~:;i !i - rs en their any frern Aumale
t" I'm ; .• . Algeria, t > relicTu the act
i. gan ison, were caught between bnaki
and Saekoltletii on tkel>th of-March in a
anw st rm u! such vielencc that only
witli ditli ulty tha battalion rraciied shel
ter after nineteen men had perished with
cold and fatigue. Fourteen others are in
the he* Inl at liurhar futlnring frem the
* treats "f the journey.
♦ T
J.Y . Mo.
•St. i, mis, March HO. A dispatch from
Meberlv, Mo, says Joseph Darby shot
n! k. I'd hi." wife today, while she wis
i.-lecp The shooting ho claims was an
a 'iilen'. lio thouglit the pistol was
empty and i ..peeled to pake up his wife
by snapping cap. The pa,"lies ytera
hiarried only three weeks. Darby bus
been arrested and placed in jail.
]No v.vll jvjiiiatpil closet,in a dwel
ling where frugality ia c ( ;eeme.l,
shouhl he without au assortment of
Leatnon's Dyes, prepared by Wells,
Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.
Fltey beautifully color wood, leather,
muslin, silk, kill gloves, velvets, rib
bons, grasses, shawls, neck ties anil nil
articUs of dress.
n.KrUoKMK ll I HI).
H" abl* and statesmanlike >|", li
1 hr i l.■ ii Frank Kurd el'l >h uit the kou
• n I'll*-.!** mi in tr.'ng contrast wi:
'• '• estraVkgant Imrm .>1 bit *ll*agu
j 'liaitUtd, whirK tli stalwarts kt
- made th# •bifcl of * • nturli absurd m
K* Mr. Kurd thoroughly eapoted t
, weakness of thy rl,mg* that Ik* m*asur
, ptonesed I y t.i* nit •rity i.f tlat> heu
- were "revolutionary ' in character k
• ' *r ! that I liar I *a settled in the h
„ tory ufci-cgress lor the latt quarter - I
•aturv ! a', general lafit'atiaii c. ul I I
attached to appropriation kill*. .No i
r >u.l diiput* lbnt iiitiiurii In r*(ar I
• V '• 1 branny on tba rvrti in a
• , ■ rod to ba orlgiaital m tba ktM
■ll * BHiarta k.. b tba n-a.ority prun
ed ta i<*pal vara ll HI I* tbi
n'erlered wr.k tb* fir* riarriaa <>f t<
, ufliag* aad wab the law* of th, , t ,t
M- MarJftillydiacoaaad tba qaaatloii
sultrag# and showed that tba ngat it p
t tattad ua tar tha law* af Ik* stales, at
( Kiat there is r o such thing a* suffrage f
aciti'enof tb* 1 Ui'.ed States In tr li
'k. y, ha asked, did th*gevtri.nteni t*r
i troop* ta tba poll* at atata olootiooe *
I'll-* theory only that Ik* suffrage was
gkl guarafit**d 1 y tb* . nttitution
, t:ie I a,;*d Stat at, sad that it was the do;
' congress t p - *;t t tkat r ght 11
- towed y Ik* .aging* of the rantlit
'"* aid by the decision* of tha - mr
that no tmh r.ght axial* under tha c.-art
tu on, and kern • tba *a elusion it irr*n
ib.* that all legislation on tha subject
inc. r titulioaal.
Mr. Kurd eloquently described tkadar
Rr ' o! military iatrf*r*iu • .tb tba <r
•of tl I *opl, and diet! fr< :u hist r
in| o urratiotit of the m.sebiefs the
a*' hen wrought by ruck tuaaturoa t
• repubii, ant arc tent • ■ niainta am
• rough tb* (igrriit • f tl e ye'.o pew*
• ' r t * representatives *1 tka pe pis
t r,.*| at the poll* luaan .nlimidittion <
*'. iri of th.i country Tbay mean th
Isubatktttioa of th* hayonal for th* kallot
k'.J ll.r Caa; • r u#; :: f II ||
artia- by military pouer.
Ia rnply toGoo Gartold Mr. llurdiai.
tai if mar* be "ravalut an it .> th* tug
get.ien of th* dut.aguisbed i*aderi of th
r*pahli*an party .a ceagresa. An iati
■ a:* r* .„j ma fraud*.' had . iraat
• '4 Vbu Loot* in a yet* if they dtrrd t
• •••*-.: li* did *•: baliara that ;!.
tious* wuuld t* drirea from iu duty l>
Ik* threat of a yato, rune
• by the tkraat *f a l'ratident wba-e I;
•j* to ode* if i* d*dblful. Navvr couh
pow*r *f th* r*pre*antati*a. ba ri*rciix
lrior* w irly. Mr Kurd*d. thai
a propaaad t* aiartiiaa it, "to pr
► •ry* the treedotn of e'ectioni, to luboru
'•at* u '. me *f | ere military power t
aivil autborily, *J to praaar *a pur* aro
iacaaumiaatad t* •< area* of fr* gawt
! o tbr fo at y | re>*ntrd I
Mr Ilurd th* stalwart! bare r i*a :!
k vof reye utioa and hay* agi ,
•oug' : ;* n'.'.am* 11.• reaaatmrati, |*i
•hi>* : su-| on : thr c y ra* S
• * p'utai.d tnat ta* :*pta; af grnra
'• 'kti "tin e appropriation k.l! it ui.
• tali a aa i yet th*y kar* rr| cat
v • r. j grricra. .awi up*n th* appropr.
• ey put a general aw upu l!
army apf'opriat n tdl a tbr adn.
'*• . A -.drew .1 *♦*• ,i,
• ' it*' •- t ,i. •.
'• *•.■p - er ,i •..*
- •• *,■ -r. !•. at *i, b.|. I : t. tl i
appropriation k... tu* bauaa prop ia<
SUa a:•!..... taat lfO*p pa C out o! th
Pr ' al.*n n> . mt be I :*\*l: at !•
■ a • aa la that i*mlulia*iaiy Thi
'•'H' * urtbar prapaaa that aaai ;*i
moryy ri| .ded in civil apjiropr.a
; r i *ba .*• u>d t* p*y tba swam i o
d*put.* unarr Murrha Kerm ar.d bu
l *r*.i# Kayt: port I* oyeraw* ,-en a
el<K".;*a and corrupt the ba.l*t. Ta pro
v d* anoit etfeit.y* y aga.ait wrong* m
sbuiy* I '.#rd by thei* * juitou* law:
the in orily art u**J to r*( ea
tbeai I• .; ar.v ra ore "revolutionary " U
the iitai rati t* repeal la.i a a
tba appraprialtaa biila tkaa U vaa tba
■'•publican* to enact the*# law* in the *jv
prepriati*a bil'i*
of l.Kl't TV IIAHMIAL- I.N
l'H i LAKE LPU I A .
NVar l K \\4ic and Rummer! l Club*
biu,; Holiest Voters.
Warkiegti a I**at *t Tueidsy r Willi •*e expos* 1
nror* ca! *!*ctioa fraud* in l*hi hd* -
phia in thro* day* tkun Tel *r and hi- ai
■ iiUiti onld dic*y*r in th* u.a dur
ing a search of thr** weak* The ia juiry
l'a adelpin* wat cor fined t<>th*op*ra
'.ion of Rcputy Msribal* at lb* poll* lait
N*ye:tib>", the character of Ike men e:u
--; I. yea aad how thay ured their authority.
hlar<ki'. harm ku farnisbad a'lit of th*
T7o deputiei employed ky bin, logcthar
with tb* pr*inrt or diviii** wkarc each
one rr*d Fif\y>two wilnaair* w*re ex
amined, at.d had the *ah-comm:ttee not
been Irmitad in l ue, li * extiotui* of Kad
ical fraud*, oatrage* and latimidation
could have b*en continwad f*r day* laag
er It wai pr*yn that a Deputy wai ap
pointed f*r every aleeiion diviiiea. whi-b,
by law. aoniial* of'dot' y#t*ri There wr*.
batide* the**, I,'JX* policttnan *a duty, all
Uepublicsn*. The p*liccmn were di
tribatad at tk* poll*, and especially at di
viiioat kaowa t# ba Democratic, where a*
many a* £v* uaif#riu*d < (Eccr* wer* plac
ed. Fully tw*-third* of tk* electro* di
vni 'ti* were andar the entire control of
th* K*pub!icnns. The tcitimonv etab
litbed tkat the deputies wer* aalectad
mainly becauie of tb air ability to work for
th* Republics* ticket, sad all* that, a* s
general thiag, thay war# the worit cbar
act*r I'hiladolpbis could boast. Briefly
summarir*d, th* proof *i ss follow* !
Charla* Oliphaat, Marsha! .Second divi
sion Twentieth ward —Drunk on election
day aud insulting voters ; seined Mr.
Kai kanberj; without cause.
Charles llerr, Marsha! Second division,
Twoaty-niath ward—Character and repu
tatica bad ; had been arrested for eriui* ;
oa election day he arreited a voter wh*
was released by sludge Mar* aud voted.
Kerr *• r* a badge and "elicited votes a* a
Arthur Vance, marshal Eighth division,
Fifth ward Arretted Hutchinson, ava
tar, withaut caua. Vane* was a aatori
„u- jicpublicuß worker.
Jehu (lemayard, mar.'ual Hixth dii-|
*ioa, Sixth ward—Drunk and arrested vo-;
ters without oause ; drew a elub on a Dem
ocrat for challauging a uegro repeater ;'
th.j po'ir# blocked up th* poll, acted iu
concarl with ilameyard aad braught o
tcrs to polls ; Homeyard vouched for lte
publicaa veter. and distributed Republi
can tickets ; Sbrier, a United States rev
enue officer, kept Republican window
1 R. Delano, marshal First division,
Fifth ward—Drunk all day ; too drunk to
aric.t any one. Thar* war* live police
men at tbeie polls ; Desano never voted in
that division before thgt day.
Jamas Rrewn, marshal Fourteenth di
vi.ioa, Feurlh ward —Record o! his con
victiou inIST'J, for voting illegally, pro
duced ; proof was uiade that he voted
twice oa the same day.
William Augustus, Fourth division,
piglilh ward-Acted as Marshal,
in-; authority 5 SB*h, but was not on the
; list; a Jiepuhlicap work#,
Joseph Kilferty, marshal Tweutj-fcrst
division, Second ward—lleld the Repub
lican window-book ull day aad election
eared , tlireutcncd to arrest the Democrat
ic I'nitod States supervisor for procuring
bail for a "gu. voter )i|4 been *r
William Mutiowua, marshal Twenty- '
third division, Second ward—A police- i
man blocked up the voting window, and* (
' Democratic Unitad States supervisor or- '
dra I liirn awnv when MHjntiin niul the
u( policeman tuiiad linn nod lock" I It - u
lie in tli* >tattn I uuil, nri a eha-go "I it t*r.
illi fer.ritf wlk officer'. Tk*cu" w* n. vnri
I*, trir l , M<liu*lu It .■iiij i.Ji a i.i the gat
vn tttli- >1 ntnl paid bv tbi t, :y
N Miliar, uatnrlif '•! '■ "i
h* that in S. real :,th d u>n, • ' N n#
r *•. tnrntli ward n gang ' repeat*!' wcra
nr h'i) igb' lu tlii' full ' * a lftei ai ' r "
Mr k" i u'l . ■in- ! tk<* gang er *t"
'• * I'k 'if Mat, 1' a tart V. I .r' w rd
I u On* i | ilia ir,oat dangerous man in ta<-
l' i I t It in brt iri | ■ in'n twn a, <■ < alar
tsa U g *iv r 'a* v ati.l tl i > I t • f>r
t .1. tit g"i • 'ir IL. •
II * Ft arm* Mi Nwura, Mu aim Eighth
>* war.l 11 n i k*' err*-t*d l>r I* <* . "'er
em 'okbn nt
•' An •* l.rt r, lltii!:, It-'. Wat.
A waiiant lint been ■ -m J lor I i I •
uf< an r
w'j I'tlirl Martial 1 ir-'. ward
\ baa >■ I iitgart . in a a bad I -*
nd i tnad '■ r at ardor
lit j 11, ,rr I'itt*, Mirilo! v -veri'.b v rl A
>*t i ired lu* W' kerp. u g mb! ii.g lie
lid ati'l baott rri !r ilw re dulrikutr i Ke
•n publican ti ke'.t ai d \ .rhrd fot T 'ate
i: 8 String:. el,l, Martha! Fifie, ath
o" wat.i 11*J kra i t ad for i . iatlng a mat
tv . karat tar Vi ry ba t.
la M ickaal Slaatn, Martha! I iff wi'ii
a- \la ef and nut iU J' rtf tiar l.,.tkan
rtt arret:, d 'or -u a: pr \ kat
ti- natar iriaJ.
it- \\ atn (i Iran, Mala '• ,<:tenth
.! ward Superintendent u! N.>rr.* t .are,
and | aid t*y ike • ,ty fur bit dul.a,
Krs ill, Martha! Second ill*,! a
e- rhir I ward Arretted Jaho Carroll, a Ie-
gal volar, wiln.tut cause an locked ilia
at ip Carrol! tttt d .tcharged altar a I ear
a- ">Jf
j I \\ a have a i ua.ii rwcro of fa • a*
rt tka at uvr, but in itl -'.ap bare for w.\M of
a rot-in. Tim deputy trunkal butinen i*
<•! tke democrat* in tougrei!'wiili to
ie aboiuii
I;'a greai historic/ l work.
I 'lka I'iCtorial History of tka Warld,
Mkntiag(illigdlatkodt ftMmsftti
--very Lat; a of am-iaa: aaj modern tin *,
*' and UK lading a Htattry ot tka riM ana
i* 'm ia! tko ft rook a; d |mp aa, :u
i- grawta of Ibe natian* of Modera hurot.e,
(, "W . a Agat. '.tie < -atada, ikl I .
a* Im (Ufanul ®r c , d nar*
• rry and aeUlainani of tba New World,
ie etc ate ,by I. . J> \j
T Ikora kat loag ktru a great a.J univr
f'Wt wool of a Uiatorr of tka World
" tyiuble for ganaral uar ian wat.t it kw
i- kaing -upf.ia! b Tb* Natiaua. Pub *h
id ngCo., of I'ai.adalfkia, Pa., wbo bavti
.tikiad a baridt me a.une, aatilled " 1 r.t
Pblorial lliatory af tha World, tv Ja
D MeCabe, a Wa iatof a. wr.-
e- :#r Ia . work will, undaubiadiy, Vaka
raak a- a Standard iCt'.arv. It iittietuoft
valuable a aa that bat tara j üblUhaJ ia
Ibu country lar aiaoy yea'* It coala nt
d aMparateatdado - t v writtaa ■ try
. lot retry rati a of anc.tnl | #ra
:iaie, aad it fo of va.uabla aafartnalioa
on-errnr.g taaai. and .a a manner ibal
• T! w.ll aaable UM reader to refer lattanfy to
• any tu. e : upon wf u-t. iuferaiat.. n , at
s and there - acta .a .ea tka: nr.
ueataed conitrnmg ty fnt'.ar a -üb
e* but a- ai - wer ; . it an a* :o . a
'• till- Wi k. 1 aataer dot* not r<ir.;,.jji
a' c.: w.: . taare dry atabetneat •' facta.
|, but fke., a* UM . :a a d -t
var, -u* r aliont of wbuh he treat i in dfe
* e o.u-t. aaa prater :■ ;e tn rradr- r
eauie- antch .ad to the prMptnty and da
, ay ot tea great p e-, u! t ■ fle
• links ut the variout great :ae/. rp, ,
't •t't'l"' ' , • . ; V
: an rr: mi i i a ■ pv . et r.- • t
-'.o ' 't -1 ~ . i jp * a
tba turret ■etlvii 01 tae.r uetiUM, and
• tt the uaeuuf tkair l:rti
a i' t:
a 11 tirv i! : t : War ;f
, Ku-'.a tad Turkay
ia t - '.a- n.y omf rta ITiterv r .a
r \V tr.b* ;ii print, and i*. ►p i
* averi nta gent permn
e 1: e meikai. t oieculiwn if ta- beet
d< -erve* the I.;gbe,t p-:i •. 1 ; rta s
• I9HO large double-column page. printed
l t. c . earctt a 4 tuo-t beaulifu' fy e r
'* ; ape < : tk* very t etl quality. It e ! ee„
it i eutSt ..i it *.:a ovarCi" t: r aiyraT
mg I'beee engraving* tire
o-n- I ! art an : mere made at a ait of
ufer fuSt.WO We nwot ta highly
praite tue autnerou* ana beautiful pur
i trait* ai historical partOMftUl w t . u
n it abound*.
ILa prico :> to i k that • vary cae t
* atf >rd I pur. ka*c a eapy. It :• • d by
a iu*> r-j tier; anl.v, and Air. .la* It. Lee.
-1 I atia li .i, al.i '.he autbur. ageat
,f rtb'iirti r., i new caar*** rig for it.
lOap it
the It r> ("hftrlft* A Prr*. 'rr. !
A if tufit *n I'lth* tu f.f.r JudiObl Di ,
a ifnldHlll n| I lift rftifttlx nf t*|f 4 itbt.-n apd
* !ftrn*id, ft 4 lb* Hi bt ifeltle Km * fr riusft bttd Th#
llotbors •. • John A* < ft toil Judget n Urr.lir
• at|,hfttlll| UMbdl!*ir l try pj-l, l>**r.b£ vlftift tLr
lei d*y ol kf't A 1 . !•> I ta# dir*. I*l lew ! l*Lng
A lOdrt of 4;rr And Trnttli of tnt] itrurid !*!! Wll*
♦ft jil , - t ;*r >OOO. t a *,f I I'.-a. e fj : 1 ■
kbi cottfl f ' 188 a l*ira tn BdllflntiU l* , f r
II 9 t ..nly f < crtUo |M t*> r<*mmlc oft lit#
M n ljh| t ! Ajr Uthf b dty *.f *trt ll*
Mftlfti • ,
Nt . r t '.<-•*■ ' • r "• <• \ g %t r t t• * • rrf
llrra of tho I'rftg*. fttad • • f 1: 1*
Mid camfity of 4'fttilrep, Itaftt thry !*• thmfttid tbrr in
irj#r )*rftc*ftft. *1 Id o'cioc k n • forttaun i t
bdhid Ufa Vbfttr rftcordt. injuialtt ritteiat
1. a btul U.bII own rnmlirbt>(** u> d<* ihr tLtt.f*
■* hit ti U> ihflr lift, • gj>i*etrtftlßi In br don#, ftt.d Ibm
• ht ftt# Iwujid in rrcitf r.lUBt • to DfonctiU Afkin.
lii# prtftofttfi that r# .• Uli la# tn lit# Jti f 1 rttirr
onunl; th#n ftud tbrr# tu jr *•#* ut* *4Ait*t Ibatti
k* ahft !; t*# i it
t.ltn tißtUr my hand, ftt ti#!]#fafit# !h# lt day
\.r It hi|fw e(or Lord. 10k tftd in th Wi
year uf lnd#;>#LJ#n # f th# I'nMeft
< AMl'llOlt MII.K.
i* b.*w .Mftilj r<x rnir>#nl*xl ftftd ritfttl*i| uft* J for
Khrtia Aliiß' f rftftlftd I ##t. At h#ft. Tfttna, N*iri
MUf SvbUlQt* >j'tfttt> #*c It t of tk* or#fttrt
.a ita Mrta| 1u a •• .a Bpn in I mpHmp ka
It arlt qtlrklMtid nrrl; it ftt one# •< !&#• n •
rftJt#vo Uiofttlff )#iatft. Ih# Urn# ir. .•*:'• ft-, i tv*
• chlftft n#rßa Th# mno#f ft tli tft pft Ad bftt k tu ftuy
on* notulMfd fttth tf r^rft Prkt tl #nlr J
bttl# fer fl.
I'r#pftr# 1 on'.y 1 y I^*l4 itM-rh^ltier. H I>
hiiid !y J l M rray . Ccntr# IIaU
The* I'herntx I**cloral.
Hft# |nT#d tto'.f t- h# •# u.lftrlj ftdft(>tol to old i *•
ft-'Oft. roaiumi'lhre and cblldrrn It troftk* ft <*4*l
ll ftteaj-ft ft cuoot. It ftidft ripftftiTftUon It *J*# tn
•t-ftt t roltof It §!•• • tr#n#tli It l*rlnc r#t It
hftft tnftdft mor# nifM thftn any f mftdk 100 it
aftodft I'f u.ft ctttf#ft# of V. ftftt#m l'#nn|lracta ki
u#*l ll tor year* r#*t and t#ttfy to tb# r*it#f fl*ti
and . *ir# #flex t#! rri.c 5k c#ntft or l*o?t;#ftt t yl
|l*r#i*ftr#d t•/ I*t| 4)l>#rbolti#r M f
lb* *(J ty J (>. Murray. 4 ontr# It a 11.
K##|e#ftWxk h#ft'tlh? and in ccnad condition It aid#
di|MUon and aftftlmiUtton it ti.*k*o fat. tuuairar.J
mttk. Hy uiini tt ft h r# ftiil do mor# work and "o
air# n* r# nttik and t>* tr ? #lt#r aptrlla and tOiidltiun.
it ala*> k##(a taoftltry h#althyaa<! in* r#aaoa th# *<uan
tit) o(r k i It i mad# t*y lr I*#\t 4t#ibi it 4 #t. at
hlialUfDMl f Wlt 1 rd fttr*at. rtiU uhMM
\* a* *ua al tb flntl ln p "b#d. tf J ll M..r
raj . * Vntrr llal', an J .! Tiiumfbco.'Pwttrrh Milla
K. K. Kunkel's Bitter Wiuc of Iron
Tl h t never been known to tail in the cure
of wriknai* attended witk tyinplonit, in
ditpbiiliea to exertion, Tote of mamary.
(iifflcully in breethiag, weakaaie, horrer
of diteare, weak, r.crveu* trambliag,
dreadful horror of death, night >we*U,
cold feet, weakr.en, dinißeti of vinon.
languor, uaiver**! !ailude of the niucu *
lar *yt#m, enormou* appetite, with dy*-
)>eplic lyaptimr, hot handt, lluihing of
tke kody, dry lien ef the akin, pallid coari
lenance and *r|>tian* on the face, purify-
I iug tke blood, pain in the back, heaviness
.li the eyelid*, frequent black pott Hying
before th* eye*, with eulfution aad lon oh
sigat. want ef attention, A*. Sold only in
f 1 <U b"tllc, er n* b'jltle* for y'l.Wi. As*
| tor E. V. K uakel'a liuter Wine ot Iron,' __
land Uti* no other. Ask yo*tr drugg:*t,
| and if lie bin it not. tend to Proprietor, K.J
j K. Sunk* I. No. a-Va North Ninth Sireei
j Philadelphia, l'a. Advice frao , enuloit j
■ tkreo-cont> Dl
E F. Kunkel'* Worm Svruji never fail-T' r *
lo destroy Pin, Seal, and Stomack
, Wortnt. Dr. Kunkel. the only suocoae-j
!oil pbysiciaa who removes Tape Worm in mn
Two hour.*, alive with head, and no fee uti ( ™
til removed. Common sense teacho* il ,'i t
Tape Worm* be removed all other worms
jean he readily des'.roved. Advice at of
fice and t >re. free, 'l'he doctor caa tell
whether r not the patient ha* worms, ni..
Thousands are dying daily, with worms, ejJJ
and do not know it. KiU, *pH*in*, cramp*, i n(
ebokiag uad sutjocatlon. all w Complex
ion. cir.le* around the eye*, swelling nod
pain 'in the stomach, resiles* al night. , lla
grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, i
cough, fever, itching ut the seat, head
ache, foul breath, the patient grow* pale ,n r
and thin, tickling and irritation In the au- j'""
ut, —all tbeaa symptoms, and more, couie p,
; from warm* K. F. Kunkel'* Worm Syr '
u(> never fails to remove them. Prjce,
$1 00 per bottle, or i t bottles for fo 00.
i For Tapo writo und oonsult the to * (
Doctor.} For all othor*. buy ofvaur drug uui
gist the Werui Syrup and if be has it not
s*ud to l)r. E l . Kunkel, -i'J N. Ninth
Sfroot, rhiladoloHia, Pa. Advice by '•
mail, tree ; send throe-cent stamp.
Mar 20 41 p|
*< Kit
Caiuphcr ktdk turai headache and iteu*
ralgia. ri
Camphor Milk cure* rheumatism and JJ
lame back.
Camphor Milk cure* cut*, bruises and () t
burn*. P"t
Camphor Milk costs 2o ct.; 5 bottles }l, 'j,"
Said by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. wttt
c? > CbrT ■>
; iyfCLt! §mmm
li tiov. , tilt ufider way nml the iiiduofmenta otf'wred urc of n charactf-r
that rantjot fail to !• highly to ovary buyer Hilhiii reach of Phil*
a <i l|<hi Wo have nn iinincna** atock in cveryoie of our THIRTY DE
BAR I MINIS, iru hing in the If department* ofHilka and Drca* (Jooda lo
Tn* *tr: karga.ns in tic
< 1(1 PIECES ma ptvpvu
24 nrhe. wide. 21 m- he. wide
Jn a., tbe new ing* Ma<l< kv
In i* . w and . "st Lyon* >.ik
i*vsr uf.r. dal the pri e, and thaidenlira iait u undoubtedly the kett On# Del*
| •' " eorp':.r,4 an. ay couater
19# lUitlf fill I ft". |* I . -I A rj: r . t.
I All the fiuer ic ol ith BU-k an ! Colors are .iianlaycd ia umsur*
,I ; n.nt i inly j.rieea u |.ro|iurtion to <|Ualky In FAN*
V\ and SCMMKH SILKS wc a!#o offer the pmtaible attraction!.
II U Iv S S <; O (IDS.
A few of the fat* *; bmyaiii* in Utia d |iarliaeut are :
In IK and 24 incbe*
- 1), j and "ieU i **>
In . t to A incha*. . t -ui-
J). '1 aad W tt# at 2St
I ( ftL m§- J> M t 3J-.
'■*, id, f*TJc aad f l ll , at 3Tit
Our ** ruin nt o: Di, tCio- *i> tsariisctiug and include* ail ibe bet
produ* i j( I-rtu i, i.ngliah au I Ameii -an i.ooui*
ll L .1 (' /.' 0 bS. i
So tut of lhe later t bargain# in this department are;
Taeteg .* made : .u* .n *•*! <-, The pr e* k*gle atPTJcii. andadvaac*
r#*r are belirv* be p< : i : in <my regularly 12} ctr , vir.
e.- alia! p jb: -c. r." .. .* arurtp*--. a:jr SIOO, $1 121. fl 25 ft! oTf fl jQ
'ally r* iab Kly .:. w. fl *..'}. fI.W. $J r-:t kn <l f'J.Ull,
W • impor'.ed tbafe goc-d* largely, hav
li **; :.g n .'ii *: go piet raaga in* had them mac 1 # ie eur own direct or
al fo *w- der, at usual, but never before have ibey
•' ( ■ f aid f 1 cuwi taut to nearly (>*rfect in qaalily eof*
of and g*aeral (pft*aranc*, a* ibn *eaon.
We a.-o >li iw the in t an ! moat attractive a'ock of
Kvt-f -howu i i Pit a<s Ijdtia, i ither at wli *le#ale or retail, are at tliu uiot
tnoderati* prio*
We invite esj iciai attention lo the department for
Am. , artict. grly t* ur three e *rnie* , t earefal.'e mtde
W ich art . eve ! : the be-t goods ever offered at the prices :
la ordering, give >.it u f collar wore.
I'LEA-L N<l E We employ no agents. Send directly to the house .
tor samples cf whatever you may need, and secure the advantages of our
low prices.
f <
& & £
Hl| 4||
| -AT THE- !'
; 101 i ooODS, in all latest Spring Styles. i
f. a. BAtTCAND,
Special Notices
'r. L. U. Wevburn'i Alterative Srrup,
settee, and never falling | . radically curr
r 'par. KrrMlwlM, Scrofula. Secondary Sypbllia. tira
-1 l la bete* and all dl*se* in whlah the blood la
ipllraled ta now nflerad t> Iht public.
mM In all Rati 1 1 IRioMaiiad [vhaWi Mls>
th Wsjliurn U< Uiint- to . l'.P Hot 3>. tiochc
r.N Y
I will aU i KrM th r*olp for* ainii'li. VaUM
aim (bit alll ran • I an. Iro.klra. I'lniplM in!
ut. hra. I*<ln( lb* akin Daft, ,!* ao.t tluUfu>;
M laalrurltona lur lirmtui nil , u n.rlaut |roth ul
Ir uo liAld ! ivr
I C aUn.l . Ilali. Vn.!alt .1 I .V Aim stri—t. V.
I'ta© advarUMf having boon i*rriuanently cured of
at lroa.i dl*©**©. t:auinpt lon. by a simple remedy,
auinnia to make known U> hi* fellow sufferers the
•ana of cure I\ all who de*ire It. he will send a
py -f th© (iretcrlpiloD n*<> l.tfro© of charge) with the
r©ctlona for preparing and uaing the aaiue. which
iy will And a aura cur© for l\mauraptlon, Asthma,
one hill. Ac
'at Ilea ©tailing th© rreacription, will pl©aae addreaa
WIISt 'N INh 18 v\ ill aml rgl > Y
i OKNII.KM \N who suffered for year* from Ner
i* liability. I'rcuiature dt*c.a> . and all the ©fleet* of
ithful ludlacretloti. w ill for tha aake of suffering
inanity aend free to all who need it. tha recipe ana
action for making the aluiple remedy b* which tie
a curat! .Sufferer* wlahing to preht by the advert Is
a atpe: leuce can do ao by addrensiug in perfect con-■
JOI! N 11. Oi;DKN, 4a l>dar St , Xe* York
II all kinds, Tl?Ml KH, diachargea ofi
* . HUKID *| tuuoua. *ud all diaeaaea of th© 1 <
T 'aud perfectly cured bv a simple and
thing For information, l ,
aiy Dr J. YAUJCK Ala. N. Y. J
Dentist, Mlllhelm.
>tt>ra hla prof*Mlonal a**ato the public. Ha l (
tliarnd tu i>*rfuriu *lloji*ralion lu th, denial pro
* ton.
ela uoar fulljp r i>red to eitract tf*tb
•llttUt WX TJ- 1
Ct> RTLAN I>T ST.. Ner LI road w> v,
lIOTCHKISSA l\)Nl>, Proprietors.
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room
attached, arc unsurpassed for cheapness
and excellence of service. Rooms 50cU.
to f- per day. to $lO per week. Con
venicnl to all ferries and city railroads.
New Furniture. New Man aga
inout. JSjanly
Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to their
pOM>'*ot,ani])rt they are within the reach of every
one who will use
The only sure cur© for Torpid Urer. l>iapep*ia.
Headache. Sour-Stomach. F-onntipatl n. IbMlUy. Xau*
sea. and all lllllioua complaint* and lib* *4
None gonuine uule** signed. "Wpr Wright. l*nila."
If your lt uggfat will not fcwjud* send 3N ceate for oae
b a to Uanlcl, IVd'e. Ov* .U .V. 4th St. Phtla.?nor9m
No. 6 llrockcrhofl' Row, Bellefonte
Dealer* in Drug*,('hemicals.
PerfliuierjFitmjGooil* gc„
l*ur Wines and for medic /
purpoies always kept. may3l 7i
! Office on Allegheny St., Bellefonte, Pa.
\ 27 ftb tf
A Purely Vegetable Remedy I
Hiil'oxt, Knahwl mid 11 at I
ever ill€'ovorr<l for
, A purcljrTrj'-tabtecwnpiaad.aotdcKtofrd with
j> :• moo. liqooea, (win | &rj~t g -t.tlc ratharttc aad
J .tire touk—eere tufffeduailr nuaoine of lh<
m ■•( oramon anil painful dW'aeaa that '*r ru i
iril akUL ThiMfWlw ta>ikw cared when ma
i thrr m an. fmilrd, Jwdj mmjr: "It ia the prmltd
bl> aia£ ol Ike t|r " "1 bdktf I afaoold Ml M
b* mlie but !<>r it." MiTtlelaamlo rfuUr
mjt "It work* Uk • charm and -
r I#r;< UW nwrl *t*l
1•. it a.a t • mm I*<, * a—>'* * Oajwfrm, —w iMm.
f WILLI*. MMAKWiUM A Cu, twj+Am, Mum, *l,
Grocery and
The u>Jerngr.ed ha* opened a new Ore.
eery and Confectionery, and will alway*
ke<-p a full line of good*, at lowestpoaaibla
price*, and kindle atk* a ahare of the pub
lic patronage Ilia aback conaiata of
I All kind* of
and all fruita of tba aaaaon generally ia
Alto a full line of CONFECTION EBIES
All kind* of country product taken in ex
* change.
1 -e'.l low fr CASH and PRODUCE.
A.c,.t y C. DINGEB.
Candy Manufactory & Bakery.
Mr. Albert kautb,
At tba
ia now making the eery beat
lin Bellefonte.
Candies and Confections.
Ha alao manufactures all kinda of caa
die*, and dealer* can purcbaaa of tin a*
low a* ia tba city. Cendiaa of all kiadaal
* ay* on band, U gel her with Oraagaa.
Lemon*, Fig*. Date*, N uta, Syrup#, J al
lies and everything good.
An Excellent oyster aaloon also at
tached to the Bakery. Call and see
„ tail
Examine ourl anli Prit ea al
Hoot* and Sboea.-We IN rolling
out the good; lively, because wa charge
lee* for them than wa* ever knows. We
keep up the quality and keep down tbe
price*. We are bound to cell efftkia tre
mendous stock, and truat In the low price*
to do the buaine**. We will offer you
Men * Una eair boot* at ft'SO
Men a kip boot* at 2DO
Women'* kip aboe* at 100
Children a achool thoei at_„...„ ...... 75
Man t wooi lintd gum boot* at 250
Boy* wool-lined gum boot* at 1 00
Men * wool-lined buckle overihoce... 1 40
Men t wool-lined Alaska overaboaa... '.*>
Men * plain gum overtboea fio
Lumbermen'* gum*, solid heel 1 25
Women'* wool-lined Alatka aver
*bo* _ 76
Women'* plain gum orerbo*.._ 25
Miaaaa' plain gum over*n oe „ So"
Children'* plain gum over* hoe#.. 25
Tbe above rubber rood* are all firat
claa* and are warranted, and will be aoid
for ca,K en/y. K. GRAHAM ASON.
Ott'i Bellefonte, Pa
"JT By calling at the n*w and nui
ive bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. H. Sand*,)
Opposite ike Iron front on Allegheny
•treat where he furniahe* every day
Fresh Bread,
Cakes of all kind*.
Pie*, etc., etc.,
Anything and everything belengiag U
tho business, Having had vear of expe
rienco in the business, ha flatter* hiai**l
that he can guarantee satisfaction to all
who niav favor him with their patronage.
offers his services to the citizens el
Centre countv in
House, Sign end Orueueetel
Striping, ornamenting and gilding.
Graining ..
Pla'a and Fancy Paper hanging. Order*
irespectfully solicited. Term* reasonable.
20 apr tf.
DP. PORTNET Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. OScaovarßev
noltfa bank. 14may'<V
JL. SPANGLIR, Attorney-at-Lnw.
a Consultation* in English and
German. Office in Punt's era buildisg