The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 03, 1879, Image 4

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    The Joys >r the Polar Expedition.
The Swedish polar exploring expedi
tion, in pnrnnit of that long-eought-for
northwestern passage from the Atlantic
to the Pieiflc. via the north rape* of
Europe, \*ia and Rrhring "trait*. is in
serious troniie. It i* fn*t in the ice of
Behrug Strait*, "t n considerable dis
tance fr.131 any settlement,'' as a la>u
dou dispatch luforms ua. Didn't they
have k suspicion there was ice up that
way when they started? And did they
expect to find a tavern every few miles
or ao on the route where they could
"top an i warm ? At regular interval* an
Aretie expedition is project* d ty m uic
body, to go ami diacover the North
pole, and no difficulty whatever la u
--coiintered m aeetiring men. On the
other hand a great many more present
themselves thau they have any pvwsihle
use for. Old men, -witli cue loot in the
grave, who think they can't lie 111 peace
until thny have seen the North poll,
and perhaps climbed it if they are feel
ing right well when they get there,
want to join the expedition; and young
men, who m ver stay out when the tin r
monii tor is at aero, and who cau't aleep
in a hod that hasn't been visit is! by a
warming-pan, are ready to tempt tlie
rigors of an Arctic winter. The expe
dition starts at length, ami we hear of
it on it* winding way, until it reaches
the ice field*. Then there is an interval
of silence, attended by aginnriug sus
pense on the part of those who have
relative* or friends on board, and li en
at length come* intelligence of the <i
peditiou being beret with ice, iu lati
tude something, longitude—something
else, aud fifty miles northeast of Cape
Nowhere. The sympathies of the world
are excited by the intelligence, and i x
peditions are gotten up to go to their
relief. Sometimes iv'.ief arrives in sea
son, and then again it does not. In the
latter case strenuous effort* are mu.le
to secure suae relies of the adventun us
but unfortunate explorers, and it a
rnsty knife or a spoon engraved with
the name of one of the lost ships is dis
covered, the news is sent to every part
of Christeudiwn. We should like to ask
what good these {.Hilar expeditions have
ever accomplished. True, employment
is afforded to a number of Esquimaux,
with their di>gs and sledges, in search
ing for ships and ships' crews lost in
the vast fields of ice, but that hardly
justifies the expedition. The scientific
world, in whose interest these pursuits
of the pole are chiefly couducted, will
have to wait, we think, until balloon
navigation is perfected before their in
formation regarding the N. F. can bo
greatly expanded.—Cicinn<i.'i Aafur
day Sight,
Restoring Browned Person* liy Heat.
First—Know that a person recently
drowned is not dead, and will not be
for s Song time. If not lively he is yet
Ufeful. Be not, then, alarmed nor un
duly excited, bnt let "faith, hope and
chanty" inspire confidence and a
cool jnlgmenl to aid with deliberate
haste in taking the drowned ont of the
water and iu restoring him.
Secondly—When he is taken ont of
the water turn his face down for a mo
ment only, to allow any wafer in his
nose or throat to run ont; then place
him. ont at currents off sir, upon his
back, with his head very slightly raised.
Do not roll him upon a barrel, nor do
anything else to '• get the water oat of
his lungs," since there is none in toem;
nor out of his stomach, since wb-'t he
has swallowed will not do anv harm.
Thirohr—Quickly determine whether
he mast be curried to where heat is, or if
it can better be brought to or produced
near him. If the former, take him
gently, quickly and aa near us possible
in the above said posture.
Fourthly—lf there must be delay in
applying heat, and dry prospective* ean
be had, take off his wet clothes and
wrap the dry articles about him to pre
vent loss of beat, covering the head
particularly. The warm underclothing
of bystanders can be contributed. Sev
eral thicknesses of almost anything at
tainable is better than one.
Fifthly—As soon as heat is at hand
apply it as ingenuity and circumstances
suggest to tie most likely to quickly and
thoroughly warm the body. When that
is accomplished theory and fact agree
m assuring us that, if life yet persists,
the heart will begin to beat, happilv
soon followed by breathing, both feebly
an* nnfrequeuily at first, but more
strongly and faster until they become
natural, when consciousness will re
turn. If the heart gives one beat, or
the lungs one gasp, no more need to be
done: keep the p-r*on warm and he will
soon be "* all right."
8 xthly— Suffocation in UDV other
manner should be treated in the same
way, except that in choking and in
Strang' tag the substances causing these
conditions should be first removed, and
in case of breathing poisonous gas, or
smoke, artificial respiration should first
be tried until the gas or smoke has been
changed for good air in the lungs.— l>r.
T. S. JAimbrrt,
The laute o! a Mine Explosion.
Some peculiar features of mining
casualties were developed at a coroner's
inquest on the bodies of William Crone
ami Thomas Tiernay. who died from in
juries received by an explosion of fire
damp, at the Lower Rausch Creek col
liery, near Pottsville, Pa. These men
were working with safety-lamps on the
bottom level of the mine, 1,900 feet
below the surface. The vein in which
they worked made no ga, but another
beneath it. with about nine feet of slate
between, gave forth gas in quantities so
great as to force up the solid slate-cov
ering in the centre of the breast, the
pressure of the strata above, of course,
helping. The movement caused a
rumbling and crackiDg, which the men
thought came from the roof, and they,
together with the fire boss, James
O'Neill, aijd a miner named Jacob
Imschweller, were watching that part,
when the noise became so violent that
they ran into the heading, fearing that
the roof would fall. The roof, however,
remained undisturbed. The meD had
scarcely left the breast when the floor
heaved up. opened, and a volume of
gas poured forth, which at once filled
the whole place. O'Neill and Imsch -
weller, fortunately for them, darted
into the pawage leading inward from
the breast; but Crone and Tiernay en
tered the "intake" passage. Crone,
knowing that a strong current of aii
would force the flime through the
meshes of his lamp and set fire to the
gas, shielded his lamp as he ran, but
Tiernay neglected this precaution. The
gas iguited from bis lamp, and a terrible
explosion followed. Crone and Tiernay
were so badly burned that they died in
a few hours, while the others, being
behind the explosion, which alwajH
takes an witward course, were onlv
slightly injnred by being dashed aga ust
the coal The wood work of the mine
was shattered for a distance of 100
yards, and a lioy named Grady received
fatal injuries from a door which fell on
him. The mine was then being in
spected for the third time that day (the
explosion occurred at noon), and 1k,576
cubic feet of air per minute waa then
passing through that portion of it. The
jury returned a verdict that "the de
ceased came to their deaths from the
effects of an explosion caused by run
ning through the giswith their sa f ety
lamps against, instead of with, the air
Totted Like a Ball.
" He will surely violently turn and
toss thee like a ball into a large coun
try." (Isaiah, xxii., 18.) Many have
no doubt marvelled much as to what
could be the physical fact intended by
this simile. A correspondent of the
London Note* and Querie* used to
wonder till he was a witness to the
sight. He was in the island of Mitylene
during a great storm of wind in winter-
There is a plant, not unlike wormwood,
which grows into a compact globular
form, with very stiff ttalks and branch's.
In winter it dies down to the ground,
and in its dry and light condition iB torn
from its roots by the wind, and set
bounding over the wide and unenclosed
country. He has seen five or six of
these coursing along at onoe— a vivid
emblem of a man at the mercy of a
higher helpless to choose his
own course, or even find rest.
The Atlantic ('able
The New York Fwning Pott says, in
au article referring to the grand reoep
tion given at the honee of Cyrus W.
Field, t.i commemorate the twenty fifth
anniversary of the formation of the first
eonij auv to lay a telegraphic cable
across the Atlantic ocean :
As early as 1 Sod a copper wire, cover
ed witls gn'.ta pereha, was lain acro>s
the English channel between Dover and
Calais, but communication was kept tip
by it tor a sbort time only. It was re
placed next year by a cable of four
wires, which is stall working. Btill
earlier a wire had been laid across the
Koine, a distance of only halt a mile,
and within a few years several other
submarine cables were laid, but they
were all short and in shallow water.
The longest was tlie Holland cable,
which was stretched for but one him
dred and thirty miles aud in water
but a few fathoms in depth. No at
tempt was made to establish telegraphic
communication across the Atlantic until
ISM, wueii the " New York, Newfound
land and Loudon Telegraph company "
was formed iu Mr. Field house the
same which he now inhabits iu Oromer
cy park. The agreement to organise
tins company was signed in Mr. Field's
diuing-roomon the 10th of March, ISM,
by Mr Field, Peter (.'-ooper, Mose* Tay
lor. Marshall O. Hubert* and Chandler
While. David Dudley Field we pres
ent on the occasion as counsel, aud went
with his brother Cyrus Hi St. John* to
obtaiu the charter, which declared the
object of the company to be " to estab-
lish a line of telegraphic communica
tion between America and Europe by
wv of Newfoundland."
Mr. White dud soon after, and was
succeeded by Wihau I). Hunt. Wheu
the hue to Newfoundland was com
pie tod Cyrus W. Field went to Loudon,
where he organized the Atlantic Tele
graph compauy in 18V>. In the follow
ing year an attempt was mail l to lay
the first transatlantic cablff, but it broke
when the ships were about three huu
dred miles from tlie <va*t of Ireland,
and tlie enterprise was snapeoded. Iu
1858 a second attempt wa maile. The
American man-of war Niagara and the
English man-of war Agamemnon sailed
for the middle of the Atlantic, where it
was intended that they should join
cables and then sail back, east and west,
ti> carry the two ends to their respect
ive countries. A violent storm arose
before the vessels met, in which the
Agamemnon narrowly escaped founder
ing, and after the cable wo* joined it
parted several times, so that the expe
ditioti was abaudoutvl. In the summer
of the some year another effort was
made with success, and the result was
hailed with public rejoicings; but al
though messages were exchanged be
tweeu England and the United States,
and the practicability of the project Was
demonstrated, communication was main
tained for only three weeks. It was re
established in 18<56, after two new cables
had been manufactured. One of the
latter was partly laid in 1865, hat broke
in mid-ocean. It was fishtd up in the
following year aud carried to the coast
of Newfoundland.
The cable of 1858 was the pioneer of
deep-sea telegraphy throughout the
world. In consequence of its suoon*,
temporary as it was, cables were laid in
the Mediterranean, the Bed sea, the
Persian gulf, the Arabian sea and the
bay of Bengal, down the Malayan pe
ninsnla to lVnang and Singapore, along
the coast of Asia to China, and across
to Japan. Lines wt-re also carried to
Java and aero** to Australia and New
Zealand, while in the western world
cables were laid to Cuba, the West
India islands, and aloDg the coast of
South America.
Of the person* who composed the
original Atlantic cable company, ail ex
cept Mr. White are now living!
•smoking Out a Tiger
The outer cave was quite op>cn in
front, and seven feet high at the outside.
From the cave the hill sloped sharply
down, covered with trees and bushes.
Some of tlie Bheels advanced to the
month of the inner cave, and, looking
in, saw one eye of the creature, like a
ball of tire, at the far end of the den.
We endeavored to get a shot, but
owing, I suppose, to some projecting
piece o( rock, we never conld see both
eves at once, and two shots which I
fired were without effect
Meanwhile the itheels had collected a
large bundle of grass and sticks, which
we rolled up to the entrance of the inner
cave; and having set fire to it, we all
withdrew to the month of the outer to
watch the result There was a moat
thorough draught into the cave, but the
beast made no sign, and at length the
fire died down.
We then had another large bundle of
dry grass male up; but this time we
mixed with it green leaves. On this
being fired, a dense, black smoke arose,
and was carried into the cave. It was
snch tbM we thought no beast could live
in it. But again the fire died out; and,
though tbo inner cave was filled with
smoke, its tenant made no attempt to
come out.
We had just made np our minds that
he hail died in the hole, when from the
inner cave came a sudden rush of smoke,
as if driven out by something advancing
rapidly. We stood ready, and the next
instant, through the embers of the tire,
came -not a hyena—but a large titrer,
charging blindly with savnge growls.
Hayward carried a short rifle, with a
ball of some three ounces in weight, and
I had a double rifle of fourteen bore.
In the instant that elapsed between
the tiger's emerging from the smoke
and his reaching the entrance of the
onter cave, he was struck by the three
balls. Two had taken him throngh the
shoulder, and one through his loins,
disabling bis hind quarters.
As he fell we could have placed our
guns, on his head—too near, in fact, to
be Our followers behave]
with ffreat steadiness, end at once
handed ns our second guns.
The tiger, though disabled, was very
savage, and had plenty of life in him,
and crunched the underwood savagely.
After some time we gave him his
quietus, ami carried him home to the
camp.— Sport in India.
French Hooters.
The fees which French physicians re
ceive, says the London A etc*, would
seem to their English brethren very
low. I gather from a recent ooutroversy
in the papers that some leading London
practitioners lately raised their fee for a
first consultation to two guineas. In
Tans the bc*t physicians expect four
dollnis for a consultation at home, and
eight dollara if they go out; but a rather
exaggerated sentiment of professional
delicacy prevents them, as a rule, from
demanding more than a patieut chooses
to give. The table of a bnsy ddctor is
littered over with gold-pieces so group
ed as to convey the bint that fees of
one, two or three napoleons have been
received; but if a patient lays down two
dollars, or even one, he receives his bow
and thanks without a protest, the doctor
assuming (ofteu wrongly) that the man
has given all he can afford. In country
towns one dollar is the usnal fee, but
forty cents are often given by men who
ought to know better, and forty cents is
j the invariable fee which village doctors
put down per visit when sending in
their bills at the end of the year. One
is ashamed to say thai these doctors'
bills often give rise to the sorriest hag
gling, for there exists a crooked opiuioD
| that a physician should regard himself
as a philanthropist, and pay his butcher's
! kills with the mere thanks of his pa
tients. A country doctor attends a
; prosperous peasant proprietor, day after
day for weeks, supplies medicines,
effects a cure, and at the end of the
j year is treated as an extortioner because
he has charged a sum which will barely
pay for the wear and tear of the horse
and gig. Some doctors draw a regular
salary from a medical club; but these
are the worst nsed of all, for every mem
! ber of the club feels bound to take out
five or six times the value of his sub
| soription in doctor's visits, even if he
have nothing the matter with him.
The man who dreamt he dwelt in
marble halls woke up to find that the
bedclothes had tumbled off.
Tkf *"
There 1* a aaucy rogue, well known
To youth *iM gray-beard, man! an.l eron
A (hit. wllh eye* that mirth l>e|>ak,
With curly lock* ami dimpled clunk .
Hut, uiaiden fair.
Take care, take care'
The darl may wound you, uuawarr
\\ ith bow aud arrow* 111 hi* hand
tie waudsr* lip aud down the land
Tl* jolly sport to aim a dart
At tome poor uiaideu'* fluttering heart
Slie wonder* what ha hurt Iw r lh< re
Ah, maiden fair,
l ake care, take care '
Hi* dart may wouud you, unaware
Iter tumble hand* the dl*la(T ply,
A gallant itoldlvr lad rule* by,
tie give* hn *ucti a loving glam-e
tier heart (taint* still, a* Ui a train*
Aud death (vale aluks the maiden fait
Quick, mother there,
litre hoed, lake caie,
Kl*e roil iu*v loe her, unaware
IV ho aland* Itiere laughing at the d.<or
The rogue, who triumph* Ihu* onos uiore '
both lad and maiden he ha* hit.
And laugh* a* though hi* (idea would pht
And *o he turn everywhere
Now here, lioW there
He mock* your core.
toil fall hi* victim, tmawaie
Now who ao ma*lerful aud bray*
To catch aud bold ttu* aaucy knave
Whoever hind* him troug and fa*t
Ills uarue aud deed aiiall always last,
but. if thia dangerou* task you dare
b. waii take core ill you fare '
The rogue may catch y uuawarr
liar jvr'a JliUar.
How brightly ou Ihe mom it he*
Purp.e monarch in di*gut*e
Hail him, crown him , if you wait.
TwiU forever be too late.
\outh by May * enchantment led
Dream* of rosier daye ahead
but ouly he who froula the hour
Carve* the pual |lh to power.
Maiden with the pretty face'
All the world adtuirea your grace,
Korui. and w-*tuea bright blue-eys*
Put no truat iu ' ■ by-aiid-by.
Wheu the ailvex aummou* coll*.
Stoutly (peak tl* fats befall* ,
One moment tarn* each golden door,
Aud then It *hut forevermorc '
Awl Aicw-'ow, iu S.' i'-'trr.
wprlwa kuhlau.
The soft chip bonnet i* the style far
Strcef fence of the season, a very differ
cut thing from the straw of former
times, and it is crowned with masses of
flowers, small field blossoms and gar
den flowers, nothing larger than the
fashionable small n*cs or the brilliant
little peering* that look like drops of
red blood ou the green terraced sides
of the rowd a* one travels toward Houcu,
in Normandy. Smaller blossoms and
more delicate ones, however, have the
preference, daisies, buttercups, branch
es of pale heather, blue bells, the starry
clematis and w.hxl violet. The form
which the florwl ornaments take is that
of wreaths, not fall or stiff, but imper
fect, sud arranged with a mass ou the
top which fills the front of the bonnet
like an Alsacion bow, and terminates at
the sides in drooping sprays, which may
bo Carried to the back or disposed in
conjunction with shells of plaitrvl Bre
ton lace. Breton loos finely plaited and
used in proportion is a charming aoces
sory of the spring bonnet*, and lends it
self most happily to the soft blending of
color in the silk trimming fabrics and
the natural bu*i of flowers and foliage.
Shapes, without being very much al
tered, are improved. There is, per
haps, less diversity than last year, the
square crown and open brim having ob
tained a decided onoendancy. But for
this reason they seem to possess more
character, and when tastefully trimnual
are foand to be very becoming. Every
thing that is stiff or starchy in fabric or
design is avoided. The silks are soft
and crapey, and blend the most delicate
colors in little flowerets or iuCheue pat
terns. The ribbons are striped and very
rich, with solid center, in a light or
mastic tint, and clustered or brocaded
border. There are also moire ribbons
in all the mastic shades, bnt the most
elegant styles, and those which lend
themselves to the greatest variety of or
namentation, are the narrow brocaded
ribbons inwrought with g Id or silver
Ribbons are quite a feature of modern
fashions, so largely are they used for
trimming dresses, lingerie and other
articles for house decoration as well as
A great many black dresses of short
walking length have been prepared for
the intermediate season, ami for these
cashmere or fine camel's-hair is this year
preferred to silk. The most fashionable
are trimmed with hand embroidery,
execated in small fioral designs, such aa
forget-me-nots, daisies and the like.
There is nothing striking or pronounced,
however, in the effect winch is thus
produod. The shades of blue are so
blended, with shades of olive, with tints
of white, so lost in tones of brown, that
it is difficult to tell where one ends and
the other begins; besides thp embroid
erv is not carried as a border around
the overskirt or polonaise as formerly,
but forms a plastron around the front
of tbe basque, cuffs upon the sleeves,
aud perhaps a piece which is used as n
strap in some irregular fashion upon
the draoery of the skirt. A little fichu
ormantalet, or a jacket, upon the pockets,
collar and cuffs of which the embroidery
is repeated, accompanies these dresses,
which are always made with trimmed
skirt and deep, close-fitting basque, and
the costnmo is completed bv a bonnet
of black straw or chin with ilower trim
ming matching the flowers in the em
broidery on the dress.
Dark dress* swill, however, soon be
displaced by the mastic shades, which
have reappeared in great variety, and
the beautiful qnalities of camei's-hair
silk and satin ; bv the spring silks in
Chene patterns and small broken checks,
ami by the summer cottons, which are
now so fine iu quality anil so exquisite
in design that silk for summer wear is
not needed.
The "soft" or foulard-finished cam
brics have beeu a feature of the sum
mer styles for several years past; very
highly appreciated by jsdies of reflueil
tastes. But these are now quite cast
into the shade by the new sateens, which
have not only the lovely finish of tinted
satin in the ground work, but reproduce
the effect of the richest fabrics in the
delicate, long-stemmed floweret aud leaf
patterns, which seem to lie thrown upon
the surface. The designs are very small,
aud the fibrons steins, more like fila
men's than stalks, and the shades of
color are such delicate miitnren of olive
green and china-blues, of old-fashioned
pink and woody-brown, that they can be
worn by persons of the most refined aud
delicate taste. Doubtless they awu and
will be vulgarized by association with
solid masses of striking color, but if
these pretty fabrics are need in their
purity and trimmed with laoe or white
embroidery, and perhaps ribbon bows in
two or three of the shades of the design,
they will be charming—the prettiest
toilets in the world for garden parties
and morning wear at onr fashionable
watering-places.— Jamie June, in A>t/>
York (/rap/tic.
Fashions In (.lavrs, niorUtna nnd shsrs.
The gloves peculiar to this season are
in almost extiaustless variety, and more
or less fan iful. Cloth, neutral and
wood tints, will obtain for standard
wear, with the fasLionable delicate fancy
colors for evening, and dainty toilettes.
Milk stockinet and Lisle thread gloves,
of French, English and German manu
facture are ou the market; and these, to
a great extent, will take the place of
kid when warm weather comes on. They
are kid finished, and fastened with from
two to eight button holes and buttons,
or in lace work, to slip over the arm,
and In depths, from the wrist to the
elbow, and pearled with from two to six
elastic bauds. Kid gloves have the
wrists finished with welted bands of
kid of a different tone of oolor, or of a
contrasting oolor. Tnere are laoe-tnnj
tufvl kill gU t>. for I'loguiit ilnyth. Hilk
iind thritw! uotteal ittnl IIUHI glovia urn
full half tlngisml wtnt lmlf
Itutiilrvl. Thar arc whita, tilack, ami nil
llto neutral mill funliiotial'lo colore; in
depth., frutu thn wriet t.i lh cltwiw, and
j rango in prtit* aivording to ijnullty.froiu
! Hurtv oiglit oolite to twenty dollare per
: patr.
Fklli't etiwkingw are itiseiJediy </<
ii/uriir. l*reeKi-i) n>lk and Kreneli l.iele
tbreud atoekmgw are flnieheil tn eelf-
Oolored, rtx'oiii atll iartltnirre eru
hroidery, and paiutad in epriga, or a
spivial ileeign ivivariliK 'he lUUip and
ankle, or up the antoa of the f t, de
Ht-rihing Oie hue of the ankle. More
elegant faoeiee tl et'ktnga hav>' put
letua ef tllieheee aul other line lae* a,
iti it pattern w hii'li eoverN the m.tep and
, ankle, ordeaorilwsa the hue of the ankle,
! maertod with oha'ktug; ami oarre|mu4-
; lug m idea with theae there are laot
| wrought and eloekisl liuae, in very at
! Irm-tive patterna. The iiatile rsl,
hluivt, priwtta, hrowna, tientral ami WIMKI
Oolora, riw>, p<iiUn, ami all the faahiou
alde ahmlowy litil* oldaiu HI hoaterv
I'heT will he .elected t*i match the color
of the gown. Fancy eha-king. auggewt
low <|uattere*l allOew. For hotlwe wear
alipi*er ar' preferred to .trapped or
autidele*! alioee, and loW ijuartereil tiea
[ will l>e worn on the ntrcet. Hhppera for
j full ilti'M are usually tuikle of the tua
! ti rial of the ooatuuie, or of white
or Mack atiu. They are acunetituea
tntntuiHl around the fiiot with a row of
j narrow fringe, and u ctriug of pearl or
ory.ta! I>ea*la, ami ornamented with a
roaette of lace, net with a Muall el Hater
of artiticial liloaaoiua. For general aer
vioo Toliah hut toll vl iHiota are atnl in
highest favor.— Ilantr Journal.
Tbrrr Vuterlrwu II muru lu Kurup*.
l'he leitidou yiirrtt thua dtwa-ribea
three American wotm u " doing" Knrojw
1 " Theyare like uottuug so much a thrtw*
several rtttehea of Itghtuiiig, trot HO much
from the ijuickmvm of their movement*
a. from th rapidity of their mitnta and
| awifttiefsa of llieir cuuoluaioua. They
understand you with half a word, and
Mom you have spoken the other half
have taken the argument out of you
mouth—have tured it and you inside
out—and have left you without an inch
of ground that you can call your own,
or a uioiuphoricai leg to ataud on. They
ilaxale you by thrir brightness and be
wilder you by the swiftness and hihldi-u
--neaa ami completeness of their attacks.
You feei aa if the three n re uiultipluwl
into thirty, and that you w ere assailis.l
at all jV'iuta at once. Hut they are
w.tha! the sweeteat-temjsered and moat
amuaing companions that you can find
in a long Hummer's day, and they carry
their dag with s>s much amiability,
aw wel 1 as honesty, that you can do
nothing more thau to rub your eyea
good-h uusortH Ny when they have da{>(wd
t rather hard against the lids."
That I hecker-Hoard.
l*p to three evenings ago such a thing
as a check r-Uarit was never known in
Mr. Grattan'a Louse. He and his aged
partner have managed to pass the loug
evenings very pleasantly, and he sttp
jH>ed they were happvkemmgh until a
friend from the Fast paid them a flying
viait and asserted ovr and over again
that the game of checkers was not unly
all the rage there, but that it served to
iiuickeu the perceptive faculties, enlarge
the mind and render the brain mom
active. After giving tlie subject dtte
thought, Mr. (Irattan walke.l ilown town
and purchased a checker-board, and
when evening came he snrpr:iwx! Lis
good wife bv bringing it in from the
WiiodsLed and saying
" Well, Martha, we'll have a game or
two before we go over to the social, I
expect to beat yon all to fhudem, but
you won't care."
"Of course not; and if I beat jou,
whv, you won't care," she replied.
'fhey sat down, and he claimed the
first move. She at once objected, but
wheu he began to grew red in the face
she yielded, and he led off. At the
fonrth move she tx>k a man, chuckling
as she raked him in.
" I don't pr*' anything to gnu at," he
sneered, as he moved a man backward.
"Here! rou can't move that way!"
she cried ont.
"1 can't, eh? Perhaps I never
played checkers before you were bom."
She saw a chance to jump two more
men. and gave IU the point; but its she
movisl he cried out:
"Put them taeu right Imck there!
I've concluded not to move backward,
even if Uoyle doe jwrmit it!"
She gave in again; but when he
jumped a iuati her face grew red, and
she cried out:
" I didn't nieau to move there, I was
thinking of the Borial !'
•"Can't hclji the social, Martha—we
mast go by Hoyle."
In about two mintttiw she jumped two
men, and went iub* the king row, shout
[ ■§: ,
" Crown him ! or JWU him ! I've got a
king !"
" One would think by your childish
actions that you never played a game
bef<* I" lie growled ont.
" 1 know enough to beat yon 1"
" You do, eh I Some folks are awftil
i smart.''
" And some folks ain't !"she snapped,
aa her king captnred another man.
" What in thunder are you jumping
that wav for ?"
" A king can jump any way."
" No, bo can't!"
" Yi-s, he can."
"Don't talk Iwmk to me, Martha
Grattan ! I was plnyfng checkers when
yun were in jonr crall.s!"
" I don't care! I can jump two men
whichever way you move 1"
He looked down on the laiard. Haw
that snoli wan the case, and roared ont:
" Yoti've moved twice to my once I"
" I haven't I"
" I'll take my oath yon hare ! I can't
play against any such blackleg prac
tices !"
" Who'* a blackleg ? Yon not only
cheated, tint yon triiwl to lie out of it 1"
Board and checker* fell between tbem.
He conld wet on hi* hat qmcker than
she eonid find her bonnet, and that was
the only reason why ho got out of the
houso first. A Woodward-aveune
grocer fonnd him sitting on a basket of
crautwrries at the tk>or a* ho waa clos
ing up for the night, and asked him if
he was waiting for hi* wife to come
" Well, not exactly; I *tojn>od here to
feel in my pocket for the key of the
bnrn. I •hall sleep on the hay to-night
and see if it won't cure this oold in my
head I'"—AVer /Vra.
A Female t'rasoe.
The Han Francisco journal* contain
an account of what they call a California!)
Crusoe, an Indian woman who had for
eighteen years lived alone on a dreary
Jce*rt island, and was finally discovered
and taken off by the crew of a vessel in
aoarch of her. Many Tears ago a small
schooner was sent to the island of Han
Nicholas, in the I'acifle, some seventy
five miles southeast of Hautn Barbara,
to bring away a nnml>er of IndiuDH liv
ing there and settle them on the main
land. Nineteen men, women and children
had been got on board, when one of
them, a mother, found that two of her
offspring had been left behind. Hhe
immediately jumped overboard and
swam to the island, where she sought
in vain for her children. Having re
turned to the shore, sho saw the
schooner sailing awav, and tried in vaiu
to attract attention. ; rhe island waa not
visiter! again for sixteen years. Then
George Nidever, an otter-hnnter, com
manding a small vessel, lander! there,
and detected evidences of human habi
tation, but could not stay long enough
to prosecute his quest, •• o yesrs after
he sailed there again ami, roaming over
the island, came upon the woman, who
was not at all wild, and made no effort
to escape. Mho was clad in n garment
fashioned of the skin of a sea-fowl, and
was occupied in skinning seal blubber,
which had formed the greater part of
her diet. Hhe was quite good-looking,
aeemed about fifty years old, and spoke
a language nobody conld understand.
She died a few weeks after reaching
Santa Barbara, while living in the house
of Nidever, from the effect* of a fall se
riously injuring her spine.
I*tern anrl Mldrtln States.
An uiuu*l| event lu Now Fnglaiid wa* th*
recent viaouuoii of three murderer* In <1 If
(orent "rcti-iiu-during ill. -lay. At Kul
Cambridge, M*-. W 11. Devlin W** hung for
killing 111* wife kiitl infkiil In DoorUibor, 1 *77
lir > Ilii • a flit-wan In una of Ui Ic-wnll
' mill., .ml claimed lio *u "i<ru)r drunk " when
lit. allocked hi* wife m the |p|priii* nf tlmlr
children. Il I-oat .lul .tampe-l liar to -loath,
and afterward atlOn-l Iho lufklll. In oloii ||.
walling tin lint, tint Wo* M|i|Uml .1 llrfluw*
Fall*. \t . lelaken to 1-owelt, trlnl, found
glllltl ollil .olllrlnx .1 Willi kill (111 Uio muru
lug of tha execution I>okltti *• ooliu *nj evl
tci-cod no ** to hi- fate -dividing to.
• lino IIPI.POI ■umkiiig unit ll.teuliitj to llio ta
lk toil, o—unael if aeveral Call---11c p*te*t *.
IS lull on the galU-w* lia iii.ito * .hurt .|ien h,
-a-it-g "I thai k .11 in v frioinlii for tlieir klmt
lll**, to IIN I In* illllualut .11 Illy flloi lit* to fr• mi rum, .nil 1 t--omuiuoi-l iny *. til to
G—l 1h..11l fcll-iwod clearly U|HHI Hit. fall of
lilt. drop. Iho an'iuul hanging took place kt
I'-ncrd. N 11., Ilir victim liaiug Jutiu kj I'mk
likin. * faiui laborer employed to Mourn Bel
rjr, . widow. In January, 1*77, l'lukbaru lint
. ooolruvo*wy with Mr* lierrv al-otil rl—pi-lng
aotiia wood klnt rii-l- 1 liy aliuotliig her -leal
Willi k gun Initio I toooiwa of lirl itkUgllli I klul
* h <. t'lnkliktu flut, klul u fouiiil lying lu
Il.t *uaw ntkj lira tiouao, having attempted to
out tiiothrikt Aftai hi* ouiivioUon llukfikui
oi r -*o-1 gt-al contrition fur m* itanl, .nil
wrote * h ttor to hi* inutbcr indicating hi* ra
girt that lu her utii ago .ho khoulil ha to
Mifft r *ui li Sorrow on hi* account 1 ha u.Ukl
rrllgh ii* elori'lM** preceded the elocution.
After finishing k rigor I'liikhkin taut " Thl*
I* mjr I.*'. tuoke, kii.t in eondnctr-l to the
gall-ova. Ill* fooe lu tightly ml ill una ex-
IWVMIOU. kinl hi* aye* rtitJ in k vacant *lkra.
lie Ulkite no reUlklk* klul hltl kU kppkreutly
pain Ire ■> iloklh Iho thud nikii bung wa*
llaury lirkvollu, . wealthy French I aua-ltan
fkiuior. who auffrrsd the extreme jwni* ly of
the low kt VSmiloor, VL, f-* umrdertiig Hetheil
I' SS 101 l kg kin *t whotu ho lu in i L.htkl faohug*
lof enmity SS hite * uikuglril rtiukin* wero
itlMoveml in a wrll bear Graveliu'* bouoe, aiul
tin. Latin , trial resulted In oohrtetluu upon
strong circumstantial rvtdeiioo. Ma uikiutain
i t hi* turn* oil, *, to the la*t, aayitig U|H u the
gallow* ' All Uikt 1 have to **y 1* I kin go
ing nut of tin* world forgiven, and I hope the
Loril will forgive my tro*pa**o*, a* 1 forgive
thorn Who Ire*pa*, again*! Bio. ' lli* Ui-.h wa*
broken by thr feII of the drop, ahd at the end
<-f thirteen inluuta* hi* body wa* delivered to
hi. fneud*.
The Sew Jcrmy legislature, which ha* ju#l
Cioaed It. ecaaioh*. | •**.*—l .hoUt UUO hill*.
Ilovunior ltobitieuu ha* removed County
t etk Oiinil lelou, of New \ ork city, ou the
gtoUnd that he fallr-A to keep (ifuper 1-ouko,
refused lawyer* ao-et* tohl* account*, charged
aic—eivr fee* and omitted to make the return
required by law.
Although rwtny and dl.agreeable weather pre
' oiled there wa* the UM'.kl largo \ ruoanioli Ui
Sew York on Ht. I'atrick * day Mora than
IS Ho Iriahuieu Were lu Hue. and in the even
ing the 1 riendly Bun* of Ml. Patrick celebrated
the a.nely ClfUi liiuirony of their foundation
by at an pioL
The marriOe eof • oiouel M-Clure, editor of
the I't.iltdelphik Tn ■ • to Mia. Cora (irate,
h k place lu Philadelphia.
h'Uita a e*aue nviured ui the office of Mavur
Hooper, tn New York, the other day Throe of
the four pohra commluiotieri. again.t wham
charge, of official hUKXiudnct had l-eeti made
by the mayor. apj>oarod before him for a hear
Ittg. but rrfumd to anwr .jnetliun. put to
thorn by Sir. I oo(w>r riteid through couuael.
A lawyer who per.iatctitly at lea pled to read a
paper in dafenaeof hi. client wa* pretnpUirlJy
ftwaikodr l w> atop by the mayor, end rafu.
uig. k ji .ioeuiau wa. ordered to remove him
from the room, whcreu|<i>h another lawyer
Urnk the ( aper and finuhod the raailiug.
lu the matter of Commodore Vahderbitt'.
o- ideated wili the sttrrogate of New York ha*
rendered * doctitou mufirmlng in all thing*
the tobate of the wili olid oodlc.:. The lU!
rogate hud* li.c lata commodore U> have been
uf fcjund mind, and that William U. VandewtiUl
did not nert an undue influence upon hi.
Itv the |<remature ei|>lo*:on of a bloat in a
Pi'tUville (Pa • colherv, two men were killed
and two other. MCHiunly hurt.
lloeell, the lmgil*hman who won the chain
pi tuhip belt lu the recent pedeetrian match
at (lllu. r<'. garden, New York, and John Ln
nta, the neit twet man 1U that coute*t. have
o'gued artk-iee of agreemeut to walk fur the
trophy in lurndon, l-egmniwg on June lfi.
Albert Folk. coufldnuLai clerk and manager
for SS ihiani Ri !e. a large importer of raw •ilka
m N- w York, ha* te:; or reeled for mi*p;*ri>-
prmung gi od. valued at tlW' "
The Rhode (aland Republican and Ihrno
cratic Stale oonvenUou* bare teen held. The
Republican* renominated thr pre*eiit incum
betd* i ? Mite office* T.'ir Immocrat* uomi
natr.'. a ticket headed by Thorn** W Segar for
William IFi:>i*nja mayor of G!oacptr.
Mo- , I,* ttaue-1 (he foJowmg appoai "Tbe
io.-o;.i t|-|ieiiiug calamity, invuiring Uie k of
146 abie-ixHlieai men. with U-irtoMi vasarl* iff
oar ' hiug firwt. iKvuti tuna fifty-eeven indi
gent wkh-w* oi.-J lfiO or; ban*, ho* n l-lenly
fallen np<>ii utir already -Jepr< **ed city. An
avalanche of grv-f and de*titullun ha* ca-me
u(<on many of -ur fomilir* with cruahuig vio
lence. We therefore feel compelled, though
rrluctantly, to t; ,-ea! to a generon* public for
a -I by ths ounlrtbouon of aappiie*. o-uthing,
gr-Nwrii. mor.rv or whatever each may have
At haul, for tbe re-ief of Uie vuffertng |*>or."
Htnidav trmtvwance meeting* held in two
New York oty theatrr* are eruw-lA On# of
the princ.pal ■ xborler* i "Boh" Hart, until
recently a j romiii" :<t minrtrel.
Wstrn ana Jouinmn States.
11-l'uite-l Stat'* 8o!.a!->r George <k)ld
thwaile die.] etlddcnly, a few day* ago. at
Montgomery. Ala., ag-l r.xty ytara. (It* term
in the Ctiiled State* Henate ran from D7l to
The town of I'inerille. the county-*rat of
YlcD -nol-1 couutv. Ma . ho* t-eeu olmo*t en
lirrly d>*tro|Nl by fire. Onlv the cuurthuaec.
one hotel and two bctlnta* bonnea ca ape-l
Captain IV. H. Andrew*, the prceideot of th#
Vlckabiirg Howard* dart: >i the yellow fever
♦l-i-lrmu- lot ummer, an-1 \V. L. Greene, one
of In* ciesk*. were alio! dead in Yick*l-urg by
Captain W K. FiUgera'd during a -lupnte
aU-nt an Hibernian election in which Andrew*
hod t-ren cboM-n preei-ient. Kitrgerald wa*
Se4oa*lv wounded.
To to|i a growing panic foll-iwiug tlie n
prtuuon of foot bank*, in New Orlean*, all the
other hank* in that city, thirteen in number,
virtually Miapcodcd p*i tneut. They adopted a
rceulutmu to par out T'JOO only in caah tu any
one d |*'<itor. the re*t of the baunea* to be
done ou certified chock*.
Monticrllo, tbe home of Tboma* Jeffereon
near Charlotte*ville. V*.. ha* been *old at auc
tion for ♦ lO.OSO, to Jefforaon M. Levy, of New
York, who wfll pttt the noted liomeatood In re
pair a* hi* summer residence.
Arrhb-*bop I'arceU. of Cincinnati, ha* i**ned
an appeal "to *ll Catholic* and other* wbc
feel for other* woe*." to help him out of hi*
final-rial eml>arr*a*niei;t*. He-we* over three
million dollar*, of which all bnt one mUiiuii I*
fur intercut, and a*y* one dollar from
every Catholic would wipe out the debt.
Tlie Kentnokv Grcetil-ackera, tn convention
*aM-mble<l at Frankfort, nominated a Stat*
ticket with Jam* Stewart for governor at the
A nx>t brutal murder has taken piece el
Marshall. Texas. B. F. Porter, Maurice Hurry
more and a iody, all member* of a theatrical
eouipaiiv from Sew York, which bad performed
111 the lowa that •VwifcML were wailing in the
refreshment saloon at the railroad depot for
their train, when an Arkansaa desperado
named ('orris entered, and at once began an
unprovoked quarrel. lie applied offensive
epithets to the lady and her escort*, ami whan
remonstrated wtth drew a pistol, shot Porter
dead and severely wounded llarrymore. Onr
j rie. who is Ooeoribed as a railroad detective,
in arrested.
A letter from Omaha gives details of a pro
posed monster excursion to San Francisco, to
meet lienors! (Irani on his return from his
foreign trip. The letter savs persons from all
part.< <>f the country have indorsed the achenie,
ss will as the loading lU-imbheans of the Doi
led Stab s Senate anl House of Representa
tives, and thai (10,000 excursionist* arc expected
to take part.
The Tonnaeeen senate has passed a bill to
settle the State deld at forty rents on a dollar,
at four |x-r cent, interest.
During a severe storm at Memphis. Tenn
' lightning strut k the Memphis cotton ami
woolen mills, and they were burned to the
ground. Loss. S9O/(01); on which the tnsur
! an re is s*o,ooo.
From Wsmimton.
Dr. J M. Woodworth. supervising surgeon
' general of the rnarino hospital at Washington,
sad responsible he*d of the yellow fever com
mission appointed by ('ongress. ta dead in his
forty-third year.
In the Democratic caucus to nominate a
speaker of the House. Kaudall received seven
ty-five votes to fifty-seven for Blsckhurn snd
nine scattering. Tfie nomination of Mr. Ran
dall was made unanimous upon motion of Mr.
Itlacklmrn. In the llspnblican caucus (leneral
Oar field was nominated for speaker, and the
Greenback candidate,for the offloe was Han
, drick B. Wright.
With the opening of the extra session of
the Forty-sixth Congress the Democrats have
I a majority tn both branches for the first
time in eighteen years. In the Heuato they
have nine majority over the 8.-pahhoaus ;
in the ilouse twenty majority.
The prtneipal committees of the Senate have
been r< arranged by the Democratic majority
a* follows Finance Messrs. Bayard, chair
man ; Wallace. Kernan. Voorhees, Beck. Ap
propriations Messrs. Davis, of West Virginia,
chairman; Withers, Bock. Wallace, Eaton.
Foreign relations Messrs. Eaton, chairman ;
Johnson; Morgan. Ilill, Pendleton Commerce
' - Messrs. Gordon, chairman; Hansom, Ilau
dolph, Hereford, Coke. Judiciary Messrs.
Ttiiirman. chairman; McDonald, Bayard. Oar
| laud, Lamar, Davis, of Illinois. The other
chairmanships aie distributed as follows:
Privileges and elections - Mr. Hanlsbury. Mili
tary affairs—Mr. Randolph. Naval affairs —
Mr. Mcpherson. Postofflcaa and postroadc—
Mr. Maxev. Public lands—Mr. McDonald.
Indian affairs Mr. Coke. Pensions —Mr
j Withers Claims Mr. Oockretl. Mauufac
, tures -Mr. Orover. Agrioulture - Mr. John
son. District of Columbia—Mr. Hsrris. Pat
| cuts Mr. Kernan. Public buildings and
grounds- Mr. Jones, of Florida. Terrttoriew
| Mr. Garland. Railroads—Mr. Ransom. Mines
and mining Mr llwrvfortl. lUvlsion of th*
!aws Mr SS allocs, t tucaUoii and labor
Mr. Rsilsjr tllvll sarvlnn gfid retrfindiiuwiit
Mr Itutlwr. CriiitlnK Mr Wbjrts Llbrarv
Mr. ViHiilie*** < loot ingtiiit <*i|x*iias* Mr
llill. Hula* Mr. Morgan. Kurolled bI *
1 Mr. Vaucw The *sU't istmtulllo* "to in.pins
Into alleged fraud* 111 the lata elections," colli
| Uionl) known ben-tofoie aa tbe " Teller c in
luiltaw," la reorgauueil with Mr Wallace aa
! chairman.
Ileneral Kran.-la A W'alkrr ha* I-weu nomi
nated to be ii|>wrlntendent wf the uatlouaJ
I oonaua.
The national ■ ic utivc committee of Ue Na
' Uoual Uioetihaik |<artv haa la*iiml an aitdrs**
' to the people of the Pnltol lilate* 111 wblub
(he coiutniltee ataler that no dependence I* to
l*> pletwd on (be profea*lon* uf avowed friend*
to the canae that ho|ie for nuauotkJ relief
within old partv line* haa been eitliignlaheit,
and that the National* hav* l>eeii In *ever*i
111*1*1,.-.* inlsleil by the in miner* of the |>*rtjr
and other* who ohtallie.l its *upport. Tti
aditrea* *ay* I hat It Is uulv |>aalUe through •
new organisation to found a party which shall
aooonipllah the deatied end To *uaanod, a
uniform effort must le made, and a position
hold, aggressivo, Independent and uuuuaipro
tiiislug must he taken
forslgn Mown.
The rural mail steamer Severn ran down a
plh tUet lu the Rngluh channel, and ten of
the pilots and five of thec/sw wcie ilrwwrued.
A scene of great uproar took place In the
< lertnaii parhsuient, the other day, during the
I disc usston uf a ie|iurt eaplai.atory uf the gov
ernment • action Ui lusbluUng Uie petty slate
of siege in Rerliu. The measure was strongly
.-ensured Ly llerr Llehkneclit, socialist, who
defended tiie course of the eocialtst metnher*
for not rising in their seats whan cheers were
given for the elu|ieror, and continuing, sa'd
"If a lepuhm- Is setahluhed in (iertuany
The *e.itcncw wa* unfinished on occ.unl of the
uproar It provoked and the president threat
me.l UJ deprive the In.ld of hi* right
of speech Count Son llulenhurg defended
(he measure, saving lterllii was in great danger
t>ec*a*e it was tiie tiuiw uf socialist agitation.
A dispatch from Kingston Joinai -a say*
the ltritish staamoi liollvar, Captain imherty,
plying UI ween lj*efp,ol and I*l Thomas
c*nic Ui collision with the HayUoli sleomer
Michel The lsttrr nsnk, and slaty perwon* oU
hoard were drowi e.l
At lileiberg. in the Austrian Tyrol, ten house*
were ciuahed by an avalanche, and forty per
son* were killed and eighteen seriouCy ui
Thr I rrtirh floating Lattery Arrogat.te foun
der. d off it yen*, i ran Or, and forty seven turn
ware drowuod out of a crew uf 1 £l.
The rebellion of Caffre tribes in South Af
rica against the ltnl.rL U spreaiiliig, the suc
cess of the Zulus having inspired other tribes
to join ui revuU.
rusuggaaMNkl. a| <t <141(1.
The F.-rty-siith Congress, aittiDg la eitra
session, was called to order in the ivauale at
i noon by the Vtoe-President. The ('resident •
proclamation oouvenli.g wa* read.
The in. ichors-elect were then aw urn tn The
iron clad oath wa* administered to thuee who
were hot, and the modified oath to Ihtoe who
were, engaged In the dn! war. svhell the cre
dential* of Char la* (1. (tali, a pp. art tod by the
governor of New Hampshire to fill the vacancy
caused by the sxplraUou of Mr. Wadieigh •
' term, were read, Mr. SS'aliac. moved they be
laid on the table. The uuliuu was adopted.
M.ears tlsvard sod Anthony were ap]<uiuted
acoonultiee to loin the committee of the Hotiws
to wait on the i'rewident and inform him that
Congress was prrpare.l to receive any comma
nuatiou he taay be (ilrased to make. Ad
j Joariied.
fUils wens introduce.] Hv Mr. liamaide TY.
reorganise tha army of the I mted stale*. By
Mr Hook—Pot th* removal uf ail poiiUaal dis
abilities under the fourteenth amendment of
the constitution of the Coited Htatee. and to
repeal tiie act uf Jniv. (iwid, imp gag what is
generally known aa the "trun-c'ad oath
The V ice 1-resident laid before the Henate a
mem rial signed by a number uf member* of
the legislature of Kansas asserting that the
election of Senator lug all* was **cnred by
britwry and ourroptiou. and asking the Senate
to give theci an opportunity to offer proof of
(hear a**rrtion*. iteferred to the committee
on privileges and elections A list of the
standing aumm.ttaee, submitted by Mr Wal
lace, wa* agreed to The I'resident * message
was received and road Adjourned
Mr. McMillan introduced a Jotnb reeolnUon
prt>(iu*ing an amendment to the cumUlulk>&,
giving the ('resident power to veto . ne or more
items in appropriation bills and approve the
rest Mr. McTberwon introduced a tall ao
, tboriaing the equipment of an ei;dition tc
the Arctic tee* Mr. Kdmnuds coned up ths
res. iulii n offered by him. proposing to ooufiue
the business of the ss*iou to the objact for
which it wa* called, laid on the table by SY to
li-i strict party vote Mr. Hoar offered
the following re* lutioti " Resolvvd, That the
refusal by one house of ( ongres* to make inv*-
sarv truvision fur the auppurt of the executive,
legislative and judicial departments, and for
tbe defenae of the ooantry, except upon s.ndi
tio-.i that the other house and the President
shall give their toeenl to iegis.atiou which the'
disajiprove, and tbe refusal by Congress to
| make such provision except npeu Condition
, that the Treaid'Ot shall give such a**. :,;. are
unconstitutional, revolutionary, and, if (-cr
usted in. Bins! load to tbe overthrow of A.nsti
' tnuonai government and the destruction of
the national life " Mr. Wallace objected, say
ing "I>et It be printed which was ordered
Mr W Oilace • resolution calling fur tha ao
ouunt* of the treasnry with tbe alsction snper
vteorw in certain Stale# wa* discussed and
adopted, aflat an amendment by Mr. Cueh-
Ung. thai tlie aatue information called for in
| the resolution be likewise sent to the Senate in
respect to other States, was accepted An
am-udment of Mr Kdmnnda, that the treasurer
re|>ort fallr all Information tn hi* possession
touching the question, and the necessity of
such eitwn.lilurea and the o(raLon of the
laws under which they were made, was reject
ed. Adjourned, after an eiarubve session.
T heo|tnng of the first session of the Forty
' sixth Congress was wilneaaed tn the House of
lU-preoentattvas by an imm.nsr concourse of
s|cta*urs. Ah tlie mecibars-elect were early
in attendance, and for nearly an hour before
i noon pleasant greetings were interchange.).
At noon the House was called to order b* Mr
Adams, the clerk, who read the proclamation
of tbe Freaident and then called tbe roll.
The clerk gave Mr Hull (Hem.), of Florida, a
I seat, and allowed the Jowa delegation to <x>me
'in Hi* ground in both cases wa* that a gov
ernor's certificate and tha seal of Vtelr gave
holders a prttsa far i. right to seats At the
.ioar of the roll-call Mr. Wood moved that the
House prooeed to the election of a speaker.
This was carried. Mr Clymer (Hem ) nomi
nated Mr. (UndaJl, Mr. Frye (Rep.i nominated
Mr. Oarfleld. and Mr. De La Matyr (Qreen-
I a.-ker i nominated Head rick li. Wright The
first ballot resulted in Randall's election by
the following vote Randall, 144; Garfield. I'ifi.
Wright. 13. W D. Kelley, 1. Speaker Randall
read his speech of thank*, after which the new
members were sworn in.
The I'resident's message was read, after
which consideration of the Florida contested
. election caee of Risbee -vrsoi dull was pre
! carded vnth. Speeches In favor of the claim*
of Mr. Hull were mode by Messrs. Oobb. (>avid-
Kon, llnckuer. Mills. Horns and others, and in
favor of Mr. Risbee by Messrs. Krre and Gar
field Tlie resolution that Mr. Hull be sworn
in was adopted by 140 to 186 oil the Oreen -
backers but one voting with th* Repuhlioana.
The PrcsWeiit's Mos*agf.
Kellovr-oiUren* of the S*nate and House of
The fatlnre of the !a*t Oongress to make the
requisite appropriations for legislative and
Judicial pnrposes. for tbe expense* of the
iwreral executive department# of the govern
' ment. and for the supi>ort of the army, has
made it necessary to oall a special session of
1 the Forty-sixth f'ongress The estimates of
the appropriations needed, which were eent to
t'ongTess by the secretary of (he treasury at
the opening of the last session, are renewed
and are herewith transmitted to hoth the Sen
ate and House of Representatives
Regretting the existence of the emergency
which reqnir.w a special session of t'ongrvss at
a time when it is ths general Indgment of the
country that the pnhlic welfare will he host
promoted by permanence in onr legislation
and by peace and rest, I comm. nd these few
necessary measures to your considerate atten
(SignedT RrTncnroan H IIATGN
Woohtagton, March 19, 1H79
The American Flag.
The flag of the United Htatcs was
originally adopted liy act of Congress
June 14, 1777. It was then composed
of thirtsim stripes and ornaments*) with
thirteen stArs, beeanse there were thir
teeif separate States represented in the
Union. In 1794 Senator Rradley, of
Vermont, moved that tbe flag consist of
fifteen ttripes and fifteen stars, Ken
tucky and Vermont having been added
to the nnrober of Htatoa, and this was
adopted. In 1818 Congress went latok
|to the thirteen stripes, with a new star
for each new State, and thia is the pres
ent regulation for the regular flag. In
1799, when the revenue flag was adopt
ed, Tennessee had been admitted, and
there were then sixteen Htatoa, so the
flag had sixteen stripes. This haa never
In-en changed. Thus the revenue flag
has aixeeen perpendicular stripes, tbe
uuion being white with the national
arrna in dark bine and the regular flag
baa thirteen horizontal stripes, the
union being blue, with a whito star for
every State.
There are twenty-five Mennonite vil
lages in Manitoba, with 480 dwellings
and 2,481 resident*. The emigrant*
from Russia have 10,470 acre* under
cultivation, 862 horse* and some 2,600
oows and oxen, and have already large
stores of grain and other produce. They
are'growing rich rapidly, and prove the
very best of oitizens, settling all their
disputes among themselves, and having
in their oolony neither a constable nor a
lookup. * *
• Dresden has a singular educational
institution which ia nailed the " Dree
deu Academy for the Teaching of Tail
oring and Dressmaking." It was at
tended last vesr by 364 pupils, mslesnd
• female. Of these 187 followed the clase
for the cutting of women's dresses,
, twenty that for thn cutting of men'a
linen, and ninety five that for arithmetic
and IsMikkoopiug. Among the foreign
J pupils there are ustives of Belgiom,
Denmark, Holland, Russia, Hweden and
Norway, Bwiteerland, Austria and North
" i America.
• A lll**a*r t**i Si*.*a as# Snlaa.
■ Kvwry ta.action i* .larai-ad, avnry narv* nn
. *trun*, evary uiusols and fihsr woaki*d by
I fever and ofue It i*. lu foot, a -tin*** which,
y if nochockml, rvmittiallv wreck* the yU-m
" lu all It* atylsaa lu svary phaas. It Is doagwrun*,
• dtwlrucUve rttapur. Uclirluui, oouvulsioua,
il often attend It, and caa*a awlft dlawuluUun.
a Hut whau oamliatted with (I.Mtsltar ■ Htumoch
II Millet. It* foothold Ui Uie y*>uni I* dlslod|(*d,
- and every ve*lta* of ll uradinaUd. That bs
nl|Pi anti febrile p*fle and preventive of the
-treaded *c-.urife la rneugnlsed not only within
I -air own tauiiiidorta* but in tropto land* far
k I keyuii.l I bun, where u.niuituml* and reent
f teut* ore fearfully pievalenl, to be a .are
| antidote to the malarial (MSeoo and a rwlla le
ui-an* of utcrcumm* dieurdsreuf the lUiUiek,
liver ale] t*j*t-:*, 'if which a vitiated lor lli
atmoaptiere and bracki*li tuia*ina-taitiled water
are extremely provocative. All MulffranUaed
r traveler* aUouu] be **ptliad with II
N taw Usable*.
• For many year* farm or* have fad. tha &ss4
" of aoaie improvemeut on the uld and iobsnons
two handled crua* cut av, for op
B - hodis* of tfeo* into any length daairrd fur aow
lugt, *tavea, mis, • love-wood, etc This long
1 usedsd improvement has at last been invented
j by W. W. Uiiea, of CiitninuaU, o , who, by
the way, u one of the great-eel of American in
vetitur*. We eee frm cor exchange* that the
■ editor uf the O/uo tanner, aleo th* editor of
, ( Ui* 4 C. Meeiaer t of i>Uk*lU**U. **i I*4 M H( OU**
pwiußh'ty to *— U w>lm **• —-ntflTT TUy
IsHJI p"oM*d II * luMlibfi *4 fml MTH Tie*
r curiuwiiy ut It;*** 9**ti*Bia *** M **U*A*4 |m*
**>** uUe*r* **l*A* ilk* kMhiH. b*| lif buih tn*4
II UiMMtirM M * Uf|*i*C t **4 UMf rw**u*t u**t u*
■*** tiwriii v th ****.*4 •*• tvufrlt mot* r*u a >
IL** Itro I*l* *-MII<S Willi Hi* im* fi*l ■■*
flk* Baa* uf (QlAlill 11 1 MMBftkila* ** MMklif |* *
|4*k**d bv 111* that LL* ||U of Ida* Uo*ri4f 4**
fttliyobekAjfof itcibUir. It )• mmuij ahov*d*r**t
riawl |L ( Uf Wit *b** *tk4 Ik** ail LL* |Mlblf *||y
bUily (Ukd pr**4A*l uUi.iy ChAUd k* *** L **
mc*l A tfi l*tf* dMBUd lur IL*** * *.
i r**4y **i*l>i*fc*d.flhC'4 *H wbo **• itk**s *r* 6llßi*4
•fill. ( tx*tr a.f iGc*r *i4flJKih|iM. M**| p*
!• bia PiMitlhi)y **liio* *ci Mr Giict I* **• U* lb*
; ibiMMUliwt It* *b*r.u fur ifcr fnwndv i* lb* muum
trt Out Kuptw* vm Mi*4 lo 4 **bi* 11*1 mt iv
•Lo wrt* i* lU** ttiii < W|. *T * 'leetaeen teed, b* me
I ear. " U Ike o.aet Cl*l.**<, J',*J atel ■■ LL ill OB U, 1.
*k -n* blei level, eed ae* Mr Cole* *ad kaa *ee **-
tbia*. *ed er-ie *tu n* tl.oe*Ll of O. Ml. tier*
IKwrli veel U. **e tn* nitaki*#. oed praeMeaed I a
(-eel see*L.e*. *od e*a*lttOed t* e*r lea at tham
li ■>>*•.' Mr <as >** aid n> ne *er Mttiai, Deu*
ialenuo*ia"(uie -• < ■ Sdynv*
ii>*ar**i i el iiii**suoa i* akeee fresi ik* as
lOel ll* q 041 ** I*** *vi n>*. en*4q*t**w
i re* usiv Wav.
t | The only w*y to our* catarrh i* by the nee
t of a clean*iiq; and healing louoe. applied to
the inflamed and dueoeed tnamhrau*. stniff*
- and famlgotor*. while affording temporary re
lief, irritate the affected part* and excite *
in ore exteudod inflammation. Rcoide*. ne
- outward application* alone can cure catarrh,
i. The dice as* originate* in a vitiated *Ute of
r tbe blood, and a thorough alterative course of
• 1 troatmeut t* neceedary to remove it from g.r
t y*tn Dr. Kege CataiTb Remedy ha* lohg
been Imuwn ae an afltdeat ataadard remedy far
! thl* diMtaae, but, to inrure radical and per
s tnoi.wil ctuv. It ahuuid he u*ed in conjunction
t j w.lh In . J'irrce • Golden Medical (hecuvsry.
■ the Ut vegetahle alterative yet dtaoevered.
t Uww* oleonem um vitiated blood.
, ehUt the Catarrh Remedy ailay* the tuflaiania
> ti- -u and heal* the diocseed tnwoea.
' Koch maker of cabinet or (jarkr organ* ad
- | v*rtt*aa la* uwn a* bash But the eiominatiou*
f at the great world * exhibition* have but owe
I , reu!t. At rvery one far a duaen year* *■
• *ud Hamiiu Organ* have been found baL
They were awarded ths gold medal* at the
i Can* exhibition !a*t year.
Kx per truce t.a* cuncluatvwly akoini that for
' | cutaneoa* eruption*, open *orea, Uprou* ex
foliaUon* and rheamauc oumpiajnta. Henry
" Carbolic Halve D more efficaciow* than any
[ i ointment, lotion or embroaatlon that ha* erar
' ' bueu deviaed I'fcj rtcian* admit thia, and the
popular verdict confirm* and radflei the pro
fc**.nal dictum, and a*'.gr.• thl* nlve the
fare UK wt plane among rrmcdie* of it* clou.
. bold by all druggtau.
The Geiebratad
Wood Tag (lug
, Tas FtosEEa Toaaoao Oowtast.
New York. Button, and Chicago.
JeSsr rer Veerwelf.
By eending Lhirtv-flve oente. with oge.betghl.
• oukur of eye* end hair, you will receive by re
t urn mail a c-rrect photograph of your fntnr*
huvbond ur wife, with name and date of mar
riage Ad.lres* W. Fox. P 0. Drawee 31,
; KultonvUle. N. Y.
Viuiitx *sn (lEuaw-x.—" Brown'* Rron
chlal Troche* " arw lovalnal-le to thorn exposed
, i tc midden change* affording prompt relief tn
i Cough*. Cold*, etc. Twenty-five cent* a box.
• j Chew Jaokaon Itwfbw-wt New Tobaeco
Tltt ■■rtstx.
■aw tea*.
Keet Ctlll* Batlv*.. ■ . -VS 0S
Tilu and Ckeraka* rt/ A Cffl
Ullcb 0w ****** *6 00 Alt K
lit**: h1v,... 0* Ma
I .** k
ne*i.*NA M*
Oeiter. : Middling.. ott# Mb
Floor l Waetani : Oead <o Clotee. 40 •In
Stat*: Fair IS Okelea. .. IM • •10
Wk**ti Bel Se 1 11l llt
Vkibltab, M , 1 :<V 1 lk
r Kye: to 4 a
Gerlay: Stet* TO 41 Tt
I-arley Molt IM • 100
DoU: Miti l*r*... M tt 0 U
Cera : Mixed Waeterc Pi-graded... U | tf
Hay, par cwl -, r -TT Ufa
Straw, per cwl tl g I)
' Hop*: *w Crop, Stat* OS • 14
. Pc-k . Family Mm*.... lltvg IS
lard: Otty nt*a .MS# .Of FT
n*b : Maekvrat 1 OS #llOO
Be. IFrlnc* Kdv'dlO 00 #E *0
Dry Cod, per rwt 4 gi*
Berries, boated, per box. IT # )•
FMrolooiß : frmdv <*H B*taed . Mk
Vet' Uoilforrle rioecv ta S
Tou n*eo* 11 a N
Ar.vra'.len Fleer*. M # V
"it* xx. *t • ti
settrt Hiate Or*n cry............ If # M
Dairy .. II # IS
> Orea-nary................. 14 # *T
FaCvcn. ••**** • ........ 0T • 7*
Cb**t< Stat* F0cirry............. OX 0 (Ik
•Mat* Skimmed ...M... ~ (■ # N
w*i*n;...... n g m
Egg* *tat* nl r*ni:*ylvan;a. .. I* • 1*
Ftewr— Par.n*-Iv*". n-t. t7* # 4tt
Wkral -rw r*ntjy".vaiiia 11] 0 tIX
ay* - IT A XT*
Oorn—T* * . . ;**<
Hall Mil -4 ti 0 I*
fat* Mixed I( # 3*
rioi —*io a T
' Wnaai ro. 1 Mf.wat**. ... M A IM
i Oeru-V'xed I'YI 17*
' not* .... **• H
-1y*.... • ••
i Sar'ey..... TX 0 SS
Dt'lay Ma1t................ lIC 0 t K
I eotTOB
B*f can;*.... it | HI
Hhaep ?... rl # 04
8c1... PS i
Floor—Wlecoeeln and Mlonstcta. t to #I 70
Oorn—Mixed...... . lo 0 M
Oil*— XI A FT
Woe!— Ohio and P*rnoy!v*nl* XX. M A *8
Oaarornt* Spring.... ..... HAW
Fetrolaum—Oru-t*. ~ *l* .*-<•> iadoM (♦*
, Wocl—Colovade > 0 *
lax** .. H # ■
Oallfornia. *ii # M
aaiewroß, M**O.
B*rf 0a1Xi*............ oS\# M*
; fen*'t OS*# OS
, Lru.. St # 14*
Bra* 'SI* A 'SW
i ————————————
Sr Itceetr ef FelUk Wavleg Leber, t •
tinraa, tin' ahllli y A Ckcaeerae. I eoeeelcA.
MOIISK HK(l*v. Free'ra. 4'selss. Ftt*a
lltpri TUH K*. it—pmoined.)
TN* rat*M of ekildbaod
Mie* et am to* air
tn .weal tl'vory oeeeDta.
Thai knee o*a*n or aara;
Tbair glad bappf *eie*,*- Na -kalk Mia
O- - T Ui* fill • and U> vale*
I * Tke |!*t *t*-r tall*
. #Of ifc* i.HIItI tie UK e> Ik* hTAK PARI OB
' SKIItN I 11., -I W*hnwi .!*• .!—*• Wo.*
| Wtb*m I —*l Pr-M **e yet offrd
Is pfrffiflflj jnirc l>ttiit>nnfwl Ilir hewt br Ibf b'irb
IH nIU AI tn llif world Uivin hrlMWl
i wr i m I' 2 WoHd'fi BiuHwtlkMM. ind ml IfTR.
rri - \Nn.Nkkrflftlß4(..\Y
Nil MONET KKljl' IKKIi t-U *ala* or* mode I will
taad an nnlfll with pamphl-U lo tdwrti**, by mail.
po*lpaul Thl* I* a eo--i -ippovtaaMy lor aoenl* to add
' *oßi*ihi-fla lhir uio-ca* without rwkieg oo* Mat.
Wm# tor particuior* to
Mnrrlatewe, M. Uwrrim t'e.. New Verb.
A*d all other di**a** of th* l.snsa esit Threat. Ir** on moeipt ol |1 * k MAKIIN.Pnmo
cor* MinTi Uo., *ola depot tor th* U. 8.. (HI K**t
I Fth HI., eor. Broadway. N*w York.
CI HOI t K bAK.II ie I'lrrt.aeai, Vs., far Mole,
/ with HtAick. 2c.. fwr 4 5.% marm. iobwooo
j jkod ur*** lurid, in food order . w#ll w#i#red. two dwwil
| 1 tngN, IwAAuttfnUjr , oo hkndtoms briek. Uo
I rouiti. tin# food fr*tn*. f'Mir ronni; f>ar oburoh##,
rt r# sobools, and radf ck#l strntiun wit bin mil*, ti## tby
, , iooMiion 4 \drtrw# l>r H N Hudson. 1-oqibaU. H..VS.
, I inritk t I'mK FOR LRATBL* R*empt, o.
I n or Mwiioin* 81 .AO kddr.o.
t K. P. SHERWOOD. I'op*ph*g*p. N. Y.
/WaeeVagllakU A Mill* U-MOH*. Thou*
nPTTT IVr n <l c i" d Lewe*t Prioe.. Doeottall
V iXU till write. IJr.F N. Marah. Qainor, Ml oh
AOS NTS - Head for UeteiagM—reJaeed prloee— new
■lock. OonuoentalOhromoOo.,FN Warren bUjJT.Y.
08 \sl Vrkl'S ffioMiS'-'SSK.Y-?"
B j *^tßEjgir
■ i
If aaeeal I MaiMM o. >§••*•• P4
1 t-l-mar Meed f.r taW. rtah toeMTDmtram
■rigu.aJ i.tuHxjgreptia. >lll lw •( PBBB. W Bli who
apply I'mMKI Of U*l MUM MMI Dot >rtu ruf it,
1 .'Cm uae at U> IUIMI aoltesdeoa ' moo
ear Mtrt 'ml t.y an, aaed li'm" in iaM, a large
uurtiao of >•>■ mere aroma '.o Ml an eeod
Rcmml !• A# /r 4* M 4 rr*# *• *•■#, M 11,
k IttAl H pfiit# iittiarviM. / l'l r*IM Ai oogm
r graft* Tto Klfiud rn'MtiMHtf Ifc* HuM*r4 ttffM,
i rhuay* Mi Mi, V m/i>Jhw4 G.Lt*wgt.ltf l*u OftftW,
„ m.| mm-rmm of <*bmr I .srit.h. i
, { f <*/r uAo .*• !• Mm l*#l
* | A* w*...#rr Am*, rw, yi / /A* Um Htnf
, *t:V% I M.fcTAMI l.* A *fW UI.TI.
JAK> J M i;hH(i(>KY, 4,
1 Title MAW MAt HIAK U M mttodrrfal to-
I **>U"li Tlir I|f tha ww> IHI U
? u>lk| do*, luUf of Ik, *ark, II Inf,
. 'if any !•; an.l will Mia off a J '■••< I"
( Mlnui. H-t ular, free I'Mrti., H in.
] GILA*, autt W. 9t>< 4 U'liaaaU, OH
NHvl I yr
E. P. ROE'S S5 M
tm family ■. "In tll I T. tuyMrn. Black.
, nrAirViKr^- 1 ■"—* u
If *! Im Daaijua 'talalngma Addrmm.
MP. 808. Oaramad m Badraa. B. T.
j Krsf^^SSrsrSffiS
, htoak'maii ifaaaraaftowmßrmm
Cl# Pivuos BxtaU rmrwefcei / ■>* —% AR
—% mil
: NaHMM**"
■ tiM O ■ &
=s%ra*n rr jthST&M Nrww
i Lm nucß
'; The Great American Tea Company
31 amd 33 Y*oy MWI, Raw Varh.
1 | > 0 *" Mt*.
How Money is Made in Wall St.
. I
K u tLau ta 111' by Mr ■ of aar> M
' -vi. ~n > ullaa duublto or trablee is a di| Omib
i übMMf'M, MakniaaiiliMukaipL lyiial
, iLlaunal to tbaae opes .tig as Mxrau *' Tfcr
I I Tatto.*' .a wet.taty MT'. ran I ayiaiw IBk
t Ml! mattx-da ol lag. ax." oooL. nl .m mlorm*
i. mM ..OHM lira WILE dUoi ai.
rap eta ax,' tm-grai>! it- odi. illaa OMALLKV A
t. AIK. Ark t'"kwL 6it r O. Box
dtlMi.Nkto tOIUL
S WARMS IM S ciuns
rwta •+4 '• Ml* ••• HC' ti It i fBBNI
MM *ll BSBWWdt* fa tblWlUi'l lt-Hl
ri IXIBU ini'(i#tT
.t *i" LabitiioUHMii
mo. ..!• I- r -i, t' T>u
M.I f.tlU, "• a.
h.i.nrf im
Hr . •i1.a.1.f rrrta
I IMS.. Ml RpmbOwmj, S. I
V 11. V,l pa UtaiaaUlSAUtrai
Ml MV •!>.• gI.WIMU
KKkh I. V ■ • PMM II iiwi
I I TM K Ml'S ku to. W|M oittiUMk w< i k*
aitfil ad aMimtwwLM l*d>~ ta Ik. OatMC
I iutM
THE WRIKI.t W3iiwptaUMUra|Mlk
W MSBLABB. P.blkrta., B ICB
SCROFTTLA.— Psrswu tfflictec
with Scrofula. Hip-disease. Ulcer
o ua Soros. Abacetsea. WhitcSweU
ll Wl9, Psoriasis. Goitre. Necrosis
> • Eczema. Diseased Bones, wilt pleaee
| send their address
Dr. JONES, C BM*m. Sr Lrto, S. T
AN rvrrrrci: nmrn; ~ <oT.nrT;
The " kk tu Idtraurr." mm 4 " TrlM>h." •!
' This Rtil f eJSfW*r aad Rr > eh— f rßtltaak I
.l.Mrr Ikw ,U Mkf (mm. n 4M"K. bJM
lillMu,ri oft •" M..WH ihr Ml,. 1 ' At;EVJ>
kk INTI 11. t 'ls.ljjuhmUniiJ irrm i
lie .lAIU> biun liklU.i-ul'Mi>mi.l J li.l>MfAi^*N.
Mason ft Hamlin Cabinet Organs
I Muomud u- UIOHKkt '•*' >H. a AI ALL
woiiLD-x KXiManroß* roa. rwn vi TKAR>.
, ,I,'*i P.AIB, lat \ iu*.. tun. hnuw. iwx
' l-BiuMauwu. IMr P.atm. IM *! L>i>(r>*Mßa
, tkiu.' Nuu. l- Ob If iaraa (Jrtua fw
inM htckual hanon at ■> ef. Mt far uafc a
4%ri >1 dm aria* prioaa. M9t fraa NABOB S
HAMLIN OKMAN X). ttoMae. NM Yort*r Ohtaaan
, LARGEST Assortment m the WdSED
, Ot r ... Dimnu.. •'on>MlM>.ParDaa.BUiM>a<M Dnau
rtr for l*dua oalf. PUd frrlMTthaM quit. Wi,
Hani., kdmMlm, fin n.anUM. Barak OarA-
Ju-U) . *i wb. T.l>lmb rtiriia. fuuaiaa
ItnidM to thSu' n<l fotAau.,r.NUDi BooA.
Mak> p ROIM, NM Playa. MA M'l. I BENCH A BON .
3h km I 4th M I'IKB NM York
( ni.l>(DM a,at >'KKI!!I
. Baharad and mrxt. vtlboat tba tajorr lla.aa iaSir,
b Pt.J.i BUKIUtAN'MaaWM. OftskifSl laa
way. NM Ynrk ft Snak. tt> phM<iartH>taf iika
'r, I ial of bad cua uadora aod attar rara. aitllad for
h j 14 oanta Haaara ot fraadaiant imilatait
Hu 'eaad Ma *4 iak< hb |Nra (ha arald ore, aad
MaCi".: Jiaroala and * I baa aaaaara.
W(k>l.Rl('ll A CXk.oe .or> !ha!
1 A A Aniprlcan iltlgliit'
lUU Solid Silver Watches,
tla.rmnlaad par'a. 1 !>•. b—kt al A lainSaa. Sail
'tic tor BMI MTJI Nam aTarprbarkßaad Paßal Ordar
.1 II j' N .lMa- IjO K'MTacy *. Yark
Western Securities
If Ma >..h ta bo, ar a.ll BVakartt ttanetf. Ta acktp
tbi t Nrbool Itialnal or Rulmad Boada. aaad kI'LL
Dfak - KipruN 10
Nltll II k.tak 1 UK 11. Ml. I on la. N
O'ltKllk ATI M'H.NINT! Jl MT Ifl'T!
| Will I'.a; aj aim on aar (Lena, Mato-'aoa aac
' Ihrnlu K| Wd inatrt-maaikA la May Key. by
.unp t tun 'nc a crank Ha mdDarnMßta to Acaata
1 Soad AO Ma lac rhWncmpt at aorfcinc latokiD# aad
win uwitl Roiomcca Buan. VIM. (a. ItauL
low. Artdraaa. K f. Q'KRIU. INict
). it-i u a Hal.-. ' flit) ftr month *at
ati.n.. >. CI kiik a lain txaMti ~ to Mil oat actr
ami daif 'l lanal t,. N'r am *r ar aaa. f aaa
pi, tier. Aidicaa MILI.MA.I i Kith.
AH.nkrupi Stock of Maaoakc Boak.
and Ki*C !i Hu icr.t al aaaXMa, u4 UI
baaold at auctioa pre A rwa cbaam for
t,.ai> hand for IttnMratad Cualacaa
Rrnniit A Oo AiaaooM Pita.lSlßnM
way. Nib York BeRMe of sponoto KjUmnlß
~7c PIANOS*' ;.*-•• SKSH
£\\r' vi' .. ..>• . • (uiirc>—ltiMl ay
N^kJFT riclikd to Arncrim—ll.BP In •- Ptano.
to- 1 •!. —• atii'MDc trca. Mcankia
. \V v.mti I'uw Co .Jl I iv.'i Ktrort. N. V.
gK ( Kllil'H KIONkY ClTtK.for an BIT
NKY DINKABFb. A >nra Kcmady fkilarm as
m ktoad for circular Nnyaa Broc. a Oal'ar, Si.
,1 Jial. btooi bora A Co., tihtoaao. A Kmiui. Loo
itoo WAl.drtm. Hp ay Ohio. K i"rr PaoMoinaa .K
Mara. Ortwua. Ta. pat pppalarmadlMnaof (ho day
1 u IVJJ XUXIO. conßt>mfkr. I
e(> v cb 10 tbe connU) quality and (eras tU INNI. On—
try S- iwAMWI nre etiou w oai' ar writ** THE H P.LLS Til I
OOMPAKT. )hl Ktiftoo St . N V. P O. BoiMt, 1
3 fgstJTw *J± D^±Z±?
LXSjC, ■try
■ month. Every graduate euaranlmed a paying git
oatian. K V >lßnliftOl>w>p>rJa—ptUKWU
(loßMOiainina, I!kcoalho aajd Draakpa.
J nyaa I >ill aan>l .implo, plalo od Mil triad K
I ocipta kc rarlnc all. by mail for SI, or aibcla Kaoahit* 1
'■ . glaiapa takao J V. 8. kdriiaoa ftof ahi.N T
A LARGE ' i.( Übaokar Mao.
Lt'toL graat Si w Prua Paralo andaamplc pm>k i
•C f anoy-Oolorad Writing Ink AM.for two 3 o.nt
I iumpi ... fit f"i llaltimn. Md
S)IM KKT tlli'TlftN AKY.lSfl.UOU'Woraa.and I
lr. I 'MlfN Hmitk Houthlt,oaaroar, AOo
carnal Htu. PCB 00.. 1 tf K Sth St , N> York
escn woatoa—sb
5350 rd^^ w b^,TO A *'
liilf Eft"WHlTK>lds'for
V ' l'teht and IHrk Bnhau. 99,50 par dosn
I>. BKAUBOMTOAT. WaatCtiaator Pa:
Ato A UA Y to Agon., auvaaamg tor tea llraatl
3h/ Vtoltar, Toraa aad OoLfit Proo. Aodraac
I 33 P O VfCKPKT Aocaato. M.-na
TTfN FA*,—Wbb IkaaoU Ontßia. Waaioaaaa.4 1
®7 T Month And aiponaaa caaramaad to Agaola. j
1 1 fiintm frwa Rftiw k Cws,. Anifmi. Minrv
iilQllA A VRAM. How to MaAoH. f toto ;
iT.hkl 11 f good,. OOE A YOKGk Sk laokaTmo
Survival of the Fittest
NiuioNi eruve u rsnsi
KOATA AK TUN IXAT Of *JI l.tnimttnf*, for
Va. a ltd Itcaat If *"•• FRRDAY kit
larger Ul.O aror II aaraa IMB SU
rtnor. (>ll. snd itaoatrafaa AKTA. UaVM
and atwaaba. It* Uta WIY BOBS. SOU
T>ry>rlira. •
flaao Amngaaaaat of H. M S. PINAFORE,
By FL MarL.ra.Bl OU.
'' IOT>I a, B t ■ M lata fcoaa t>a toraatn. laipn
uaa Thaaa aha yulat Mto Vaaai Santo, ma baa UGT
kba tatatoa.
THE SORCERER. Wor*aa*ll**>. BL-OTT
r—Bnao—MUhrlbogaato nun 11 ' a hula.
Fkaa> Arraugaaaaal BY
Oaatata , hat aad a arrmugad aiUtmtu df
lUcaac aad SactrLAS aaad* tar Taatyaraaaa taaa' irg.
JJSTtt zr m 2r~
AN aaaaoaliy gaad aillmna af All aaa
aboaid haaaiA
C. M. UITM3 dk CO..
*ll A s 3 Broadway. Now York.
Of* fhaadogg tkSgail. PMM.
Abdominal Supporter
/ . ABDGTAMA) Seaeert*
/ I H *Lhoal oroatotoo dm aat
l \STI "" y-IRST 4 . If "IMB #T WIFRPI
k "" '
H W \ara touoMad on a aawtlgar
IW HII If "LI AA. ui T*. .1 11 OKA 11
LI // I 'agiima otJt alao dartao anah
V. J / looadi facta kAotr aaa. Fhyg.
V 7 / aa* aad all oha B.A* aara
1| WL I tale Saeaamr eweak E< NE
VI I tha TIIAHAW LAMA af prmaa.
II 111 Tha Haas Soyycrtor AN Da
* V Jv sji"P~'^ p srv
Lai ponaa, BO at A . aakt lit
PRK A"-!-..- .... Sapyortw TO tao
TSRWM otdihgof faaak. Prtoaafßa*.
alarafidi*. |F SO; Bgkra
- T7,„ Wida. B3 08. aaStola arnw
r\ aoabad Ba.. U. IKB to M. N.. 1. . llll'tojatoaa
ttoamha Atmaaßo 4: oa OU dtoSalhaa. toardw
altraaathw yaauaaiir. I, WTUN M.(IA
U. A anag ma.AT.ra U*>D aadar at drtiag a.aoad L*a
all pan af ahttoaiaa <todA. aI by AUI. *HUF)
pcapaad. •> aay yon of tao IRBTOD mmn. at ,/•— P of
AAA Lhaal dtaooncl La M a Ttodo COD I *OIOOI
baod for Otrcalara. A4.1 RET.
<a£o. PRINT A CO.,
SOT Dc coma hI rr Afreet . Saatog. Moaa.
UGM—A MR— PtM 9MM Milw MfcMl IM4
IT a mi wMian ABB aißirsPß.
ohtoh m adaiknatod QUA aaß wal 1 ißmoadmggß
hftitjlniis lolt I aanff OTW
m wri ill to.
FT rat EataUlabod I Moot Sacemoofa:!
ealur ta all (ha *
K\R-vwherc rocagnUoi a* tba PINESI
OVER 80,000
Mod# mod fa moo. Near Untpt rODMaaU*.
Boat taork oad kaoow pnreo
SO* SCAD for 0 Catalogue.
ymsp vVu!?lr.Sf
akaoA.* aitna A A Uaaa LA>4 Law ~ aa.
I mod Board of Trade A rmlaahlc odrUUoa
As tafmlUhla ac-T aoaaoaUad ramcdy tor
Pita, t rlirpar or Fmllfaa Mphaoao
trarrtklrd TO rfaol a mil; aad
■TO A ,R * hot tic" OD my
■ ma. raonamad ATCIFL aad A
■ R ralaahla Tmmuga aaet to
I I <it aoy aafiarar anodtng ma ha
I I IT- PAK amd Kipraa addtato
Pa. H. O BOOT. I NBJtoaH Btomak Now YackL_
TFWM. etc.. MN4 UJ M. F. L illrf A(A.
Columbus, OHII>. Sfnd/vr fnm L*st*.
Eirtwiw'i C>p, Btlti, md Shirts. |
Bw ••• mho ha* LE (AER /
" RISE and FALL ol the MOUSTACHE."
By tk* Burlington Batekoyt A ntnnriri
Samantha as a P. A. and P. I.
By JwvaA AIJvV *(/.
Th# thru* brightest SAD bset RSLLIU# books ML AF— Aft.
£Zcy a %?B fflff
ING OO . lUrtiofd.lx . aiei#\ PL
The Latest Triumph in Cutlery.
A Pocket Ktaacr.Nnlt Catcrr mod Plalahrr
(omhiacd. Made ot 180 Heat of FTTOEL mad
llmndaotaclr Nlcklo Plmlrd. PateaOD Jaao
I-. IN7N. Itooaapadtform.andgtaa, MKlOASTOJGlH
Ita uaataloaac. and IU .opertarity ORR tba koifa mil I at
oaea be eon. IL LG a Mia* mf t olacd T.o'd far
tgraia, adapted to arariLrrdj. and aalle at A GOY AD
droaa fttr Urnia aad olrnofiara to Agent a MD tha Tcada.
and aand Go. for -ampin t:. \K.ANIBH-U.N.
PootoflldO Ho* >?4S7. NOW VOFT CWY.
Sand tor pamphlet to Wat. B. O'Laau, froaidanaa.B I.
It ooaUiimetT So# atom I LOG angrerntga aad IMO
ITU IM PhUito!K£p
TTtOK'WAlaK.—Stock of Oaaaral Marabaa-tito in lira
JT town. J.kX' tnbab Unta. cooat yaaat oo O IWAQ.&.R.
Oood Oaah trade, (iood oountn. Will raster toll extra.
nooaa and raaldeooa Addrnaa I- Ktriac. Oesso!a,loma.
Atkdraag IUTU A 00.. WMS. LRWITSK.. B. T