The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 03, 1879, Image 2

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    '£!*<* Ceatre Reporter.
Ckwtrw H ml, IV, Apr. -n ISf'A
The delectable Lewisfown Oti't" >*
haunted l>v rebel* since the democrat*
have captured the two house* of con
jr,s. Oil Mosebv
Nearly nil t(>t> radical orpana arc ii
ipn.mi ilwnt the re be aiticw the -*t h o
March. The people arc nut so mud
frightened about the rehs u* they were (
over the ittle under the rada.
The stationery steal which tha lirro*
vkk referred to several weeks ag'
among a d<>ren other steal* h ut oiu
Hate capital, is to l>e investigated It i
is fairly investigated we predict titer. ■
trill be a big stink. Bit the .net r st. .
ih.mid also he looked up we pointed
out a r.ore of the.u itt the Icvraurii
week hef re last. Let every st* . ii
the stable he examined.
The audnor gvueml'a report show
that the i\ist of stationery for tee t■
hou*e* of the Vjjis at lire i n IS, . amoun
ed to $13.220 55; in ISTt? it was $2. •.. t
ot>; in 1377 it reached hi, aw I
IvS it rati up to $-k>,Pit' .I. Mali* wen.*
hers declare that it was uupos* hie t
tha two houses to have used the t*
tionerv thus |>atd for by the state, at
there are lut.matioas tliat the report
the committee will he start :c.g to the
fleeced tai-juiyers of the state.
We reiwat what we said three week,
ago—fswVX) will pay for ati estat! >ar\
for the two hcuisea.
At last the agony over the Berlin m*
sion has ended On '-ht Mr. Haves *ei '
;..r ton natiou of Andrew D WhiU,Ol 11
New Y. rk, to the senate, as ai nister t
Berlin. This is a dark horse nomina
tion; there wss su, h an earnest con .
test am ng the different aspirants, tha'
they were all thrown aside and a new
man taken.
The Detroit river is to he tunneled ,
the contract price is IL' s'.tk* It will t
extend from Stony island to Anderson .
out a distance of 3,700 feet, with double \
arches for a doub e track e gh'ecn feel (
high and fifteen feet wide.
And now they claim to have Charley
Row* iri Suvder county, iu the person of
a stray bnv who came in powesaion of '
Mr. John I'ish, sr.
Whenever Yocnn don't v. :e with t'u .
greenhackers, and lis not ofteu he .locs
he tumbles over to the republicans ti
g .e theru a lift—always ready when ,
tbey need him. Those democrats who : i
voted for hitu can now balance theii 1
sheets and see what they have. With
Cunin there, and that will be seon, we
will Uaveu member who will be of some ■
a c -jut b. th to the country and the '
democracy, Gov. Curtin's case is *
strong: and clear one. and if congress
does not adjourn too MOD it w II n<-
d.itbt !>e decided ia his favor at the
preseut extra session.
Tha republicans say it is revolution t<>
tac the re.Ktsl of the radical election
law* on .in appropriation bill. As that
is the way the radi<-a! managed to pas*
these law*, we sav it is just as fair to re ! '
peal theiu in the manner in which the*
were enacted in 1872. If that is revolu
tion, we favor it.
The late Teller (Blame) committee
has been reformed by the democrats <•(
the senate ami will hereafter to* known
as tha Wallace committee, from Senaini
\\ ailace being the chairman. Mr. Wal
la * will now le placed in a position to '
unearth some thing* regarding the preai
dential steal which the Teller committer
would rather have covered up or white
washed. If there is any balm in Gillead
Mr Wallace will know how to get at it
he was oa the minority iu the l*r!let ;
committee abich did not allow him
mtlcb SCop<, anil his present position
will enable him to catch up anil do those
things which were left undone.
The action of the joint democratic
cancns. at Washington, on 26 ult., *v 11 i
meet a hearty response from every
democrat and can not be found fault '
with hv any fairm.nded republican. The ■
proposition of the juiat committee to re- '
peal the jurors' test oath, the authoriza- .
tion of troops at the polls and to modify
the supervisors' act so as to abolish the
deputy marshal* and to retain two au- '
pervisors at each poll, with the recom
mendation that repealing clauses be in
serted in the several appropriation bills,
was adopted. A substitute was offered
by Emory .Speer, of Georgia, which pro
posed that the repealing bills recom
mended by the joint committee should
be passed as separate and independent
measures. There was a lengthy discus
aion of tha whole subject, Senator Bayard
advocating the adoption of Mr. bpeer'e
substitute, while Senators Voorhee? and
Lamar and others supported the pro
position of the joint committee. The
speeches were of a conservative charac
ter ami all favored a careful protection
of the ballot while earnes ly insisting
upon the repeal of laws under which the
constitutional rights of voters have been
openly and repeatedly violated.
[77ur Tribunt.]
"If the Union soldiers while fighting
to |nit down the rebellion could have
foreseen that in 1879 there would lie
nineteen ex-Confederate officers in the
Senate of the Unitwd .Stales ami Onl\
four men who risked their lives for the
old flag, they would have been almost
excusable if thrv had grounded arms
ami refused to fight for a country des
lined so Boon to honor its betrayers
more than its defenders. Yet this is
what it has come to."
To which the World makes the fol
lowing response:
N ery good. Now ltt the Tribune tell
ns whet iter the reason why the loyal
States have sent but four Union soldiers
to the Senate is—
I. That very few leading Republicans
"went out ami risked their lives for the
old flagor.
II That the Republicans don't care
to waste Seiiatorsbips on the men who
"went out and risked their lives lor the
old Aug"?
It is quite immaterial to us which ex
planation our contemporary oilers;
meanwhile we desire Messrs Piatt,
Hamlin, Blaine, Dawes, Hoar, Chandler, t
C tinkling and all t lie other "war-borses"
w'ho are now saving the Union over
again to understand on the Tribune's
authority that ttiey did not go put and
risk their lives for the old flag, and that
their presence in Congress is an outrage
upon all ★ho did this.
- t , <
A "laughter of Gov. Hubbard of Con- 1
necticut, the other day eloped with her I '
father's coachman and got married. The j 1
governor is much distressed thereat— 1
the daughter was his favorite and j
youngest. The iTuacbtcan bore a good j 1
reputation, 'I
The rads #f the 1' 3 Senate did on]
he 4of March. They enjoyed the fs' t
liiugsof the land uuiitlennptcdl* for I s
cents. Like the hardened *inn. r, who
enjoyed all the ple.e-urcs .>1 the world,
without the ofthe judgement I efote j
aim. when the hour to clio cornea Ins
•\ es ha* e a longing look for to M.iv and
e does not wish to depart like Lot*
wile these fvl! ws prefer brimstone am!
When the democrats of the senate
made a nsova to put democrats into the
i-nato ofliccs, )a*t week, nstcn I ft ri
publi. nils, a wnil of agony and dis'its*
vent up from tNuik'ug. L.iuiua I *,
ml Ihe 11 st .si d t he) t" gged to have the
mlf do.-en republican senate • tL s "
wined Slid that no change be made
vY a I lace and Br k and the ether dctn •-
latic leaders said tin * couht not *ee It
.nd intended to make the old fellows
calk and out the r own ft set I* into tin
,la> es. Where did f e r.. 1* .'*"* a
letuocrat w hen tl.ev . > put ■ -no
flu* now hold o e hundred th i*:uut
ij'* cc* throughout tbt* rv, vt*i * i
t}t 111 \ \*V *•'.. • I'M kTV 1 4 • *' ■
t* kit HIM* fwltf in t !'* p l ** * ul
rmhi m i■< ' hut Ijav© ;<on t livr©
•!V lor Vru T*
ll Uirrr i* •!▼ tUing 11^ta i* *
•♦n uU l '|jh! *itt* -vuu* \ r . • •
lead :.>r it i* that tt.e fellows put out b
pr- llled and p Hit.' tl '• P rl % -
larv f. r plunder; ug
llk > die hard but thvv mut g
tea, they ifi.l g and are out l *ei, i
1*vl Vt • * AI ? rtdlt* II ' * r. * *
Ounl s*v there sin I le a cha i > .=' ,
i new set of repnl. nan* be put . i H
sleatl f keeping one set .ittt-v c:.'
sto 2t year* We never knew ! such
nii..udelHV astln.t displavel by the r.
can senators wbeut < * M.adr t ru
~ wiitig protest sgainst havf g ' ie
,-ta put .nil of lbe sanate otS es an
leiuiH-rats nut in.
Such aaaclfah gp r t sai ke that .
Co. aiiua. I iwoilids and II- *r, *
k h t give cent to in the senate 1..
hem wait until the 4'h o' J v, ie
get upon the top- moat rail of the femt
tud whistle \ ankee I'.h s >.
I>ETI TY M I />//-< / I E J '- s -
What kind of a machine the one >
which the radicals invented : > *
thetn at the elections, will be p am c
*eeti from the evidence • f Mar*ha.
K.*rn*. beh rk the Wallace conrmnttev
tha other .lav
I Imes \ Karns test e.l he ha ' : ">
t'n ted Mate* marshal of Hie raster
district of Peon** ivania f>r seven our
:he mac .r of Philadelphia. •ho: a-r
pithll. an. appoints the inelillwrrs o! the
.will.e force •>( ihat cite there re fr a.
1,1 e* 1 to p.ilnemeu cm the scl cr
list; tliey arerrp : I. an* there arc *
voting praciin ta or divisions utnr . c.
should u.lge that in about two f ,nr *
'toj-r divis'ona |l e r!e. ion ■'.ft* in
\ cemtoer, !>7* aere rep ; si -
hsv* appotnteil 77 ' .lepaiy iiK,r*lta * i ;
i hat • rctioii; tlie ex. ea* nver - *el
platlird t>V the I*, t ilia", a seo. d dep.PC in some • a* * ap|s>inteil by re,, ie*'
f ell liens; not ia re ' h i n two were a
poiiitrd to any one poll, . . arrests were
made bv In* of!i vr*. s me on r'n-imn
• tav. of winch mo*t were on view.o'ller*
a! i-rw*rda ou warrants of He >ooris.
.1 1 Tee ..f these fiacr t'cen triril and !w
I.nvii ted and i.rhersnre awaiting Iria
fUr total aini'illlf of Uionrv ex eudeU
t-c Wl r e*s*. a*, sai'lo-.f t lii >. I r mi '
general gi'Cerntneli! on a, count ' H.
\..Ven'wr e eeln.fl. was ati • it t"
Depuiie* rei eived t'.o ii.r I w.i dac s M-r
v,, e tin Monday l lire reel veil tns r n
iron* their ct'UimiMMuus, etc., and llie
next day was eleition day.
Ha ' 773 deputies in I'ti. *->'p : a.
elect It'll lav. at 'per day. to Arrc *t c>.
voters, ileai crat.-'. shows up the thltij.
nice v. N w thi- is se nf tlii-infan
bws the dviuot ra'.s intend to repei
What houeal republican desires such ai
infamous s'atutc to remain on the b- ok-'
Tlie Vice President l*'d bw r .ire the
-ma'r J < nitioiui ution from tbe re
j ary of the Pressor* in reply to the res
i .lotion re.| les'tug hlill to furnish a
I -tatritieQl ol the amount* paid to o|>er
I ta->rs <f elct ton* '"f 18, 6a< 1 1 .v - 11 i
eli'e-S of lee* ill Sew \ r k, I'nilaiief
j plus and Ctnciuoati. l'tie auiount
i lam eii ha -.'V* #t re New V r k. S Ttti
i-rn I' -1 ri- t. t! 1 >7* New V r-.La-t
em Di-iru-t, 81-v 9W-vi; New .ler-e\
7 ■ .'4 v>. IS niy 1 aula, L*teru I'. —tr
|*s 5j0.50. Tt.ere Wi* |>l I to cllle" ►
j perns .r* in 1X7") ?'.:i ,;<i, ami in I>7-
V' 1 1 8 a oil to the ol tier -o i-er\ - -r- l -
1876 SlU'.'.'U. and in 1878 sllO/99 I
1 Flie amount expended ill Louisiana In j
fl .-e lea r* * -i- sl3 49f . M • --a ' h•: -•- -
■ i7B; New Juraty, *1"236. New '
8140, |J '7; Cinciima'i, 0 . >1 61"; IVnusy
Vanta. hii-'ern D 'ric t - 2-8 Wesleri
Diatrict, Sd,2SJO; Itlim.i*, ?!", 12".
Read the facts which the Wadset
•oiumittae ha* already proven.and then
av whether the infamous deputy mar
shal business should he cunttnoed.
E-timates of tb* wheat and fruit
j rops trnm nnarlv every county in (l it"
| Indiana and Kentucky indicate that Ihe
: wheat crop will lie bounteuH*. while
i hero is a poor proepe- t lor peaches ami
Senator Wallace has arrived in Waeh
inglon from Philadelphia ami expre-.-e
--much satisfaction at the result of the in
vestigation t ; Philadelphia. He say*!
the committee are only ou the threshold
nf great frauds.
The woman suffrage measure was de
feated tn the Ms-eachusell* House ol
Representative* ny a vote of 8 > to 82
The Tyrone Herald of 27 alt, s.iv
over five hundred emigrant*, fr >m ilif
, tereiit sections of this S'ate. passed
through that place on Tuesday evening,
on their way to Kansas. Among them
are about one hundred ami seventy five
Dunkarde, or German Baptists. 1 h*y
had with tbem a Bishop ami a 101 l or
Hugging sociable* art popular in some 1
rural part* id New. Jersey. I l.e prnes
. barged are given for benevolent pur- '
twises. It cost* ten i-eni* to hug a g'rl
between tilleen ami twenty, lull you
have to pay tweuty-live cents for a
viiutig w iihcw, five cent* for a girl he
tween t weiity and thirty, ami a dollar
for hugging a married lady
The Williumsporl Bulletin which in
1876 was strongly anti-Grant ami unti
third term, has wheeled around and
booms fur Grant and a third term. It
| niav have been taken with a longing for
! the fat flesh pots under Grantism.
At the Chamber of Commerce in
j Piitnburg on 24. Captain John t. Dravo ,
j made a speech bitterly ilaimiincing the
Pliilsdelplila merchant* who signed tl."
reiuonsiranee* against the riot lull, and
urging Pitlsburgers to witdruw their
patronage from all such merchant*.
Major William Frew argued that the
Philadelphia!!* should not he reproach
ed for guarding their nwrn interests.
Postmaster Anderson followed in the
same strain as Dravo.
A Boston firm which has been dealing
. iu hides, has failed with SIOO,OOO lia
! hilitiea. We suppose they are hide
bnuad. '
A question for debating societies
Which is the worst, Siamn or the wi- '
j dow ? i
I A Massachusetts saving's hunk frcaMi-, 1
rer baa embezzled ninety thousand dol- |
lars, doing it all in three years time.
Gen. Sherman think* there is no j
prospect for an Indian war.
The American Biule revision commit- ,
iMt held their regular monthly meeting -
for March in New Y .rk on the 271h, i
28th ami 29tli. The o d testament com- A
aiittee finished tfir- second revision of
the Ads of the Apostle*.
The Oliver Cameron ease, ii tves ;
thought, would get to the jury on Tues-1 *
lay, Ist. - ti
;v/r,4 7' n r /;i i ivp / /,/.,
Althoagh we bin a Meat nauy urti*
•!es from foreigaera, anil *ell great
inanv articles to tliem, there air com*
p.irativciv few ar'o-lesof impel! of very
great * slue nonpareil w 1 h the valoo of
* iiie i t the giiat staples of American
agricultural production Vve export. The
values ofthe pr tic pal articlasof import
• liirii g tha last calendar year were, in
round numbers, n* follow*
t'otlee. f
(Sold and Silver. ".'S.SIHiOOt'
llnlrv* and skia* I<.,fihi.tkHt
lea. I.V.MtI IHHI
Raw silk. ti.lhat.tltat
Itreailstnfla. KumCiHat
Mai.nfat ltues of cotton.
Kih * hh* <HH)
, Ktax, and nianufacture* of. • t<HttHli|
Kriins and nuta.
Iron and steel.
I. i Ti.-r ..ii t cat her g d
, v kg I.hIS. -1 otkM** 1
Sugars. 77 nthHHK'
r* it. ii,(nhi(k*i j
Wind. '• tahl I**l
Wool and wOol Ml*. * vi.oi*i
Ibe totiil c rofl in I rts lor the i er
•as t * V> .-t ir* e-foiirt hin
i able, therefore, ol all "ill lui|sirt* foil- 1
■ sit I the eg icieen artn e* and i'.a-se*
~ , s sniisirinlel No iiltier ri
. s ,o i is* ol *rm c* reached J tHu,
in c.i'ue, and maf'c f them were
. lined below half a million each I'
a I tie ot.srrvi It• l ll.c largest I'eai I*
*iUir, the u,l i*l of wln.h we lin port
r.on I ill's l ir export tr* e Cuba
s i. lull < .'• rallv *• I v kMia'l Next 111 Im
rt tille I-I • ill e. the grc tier part
•a , cc c tlb'sMl fro'll Bis.' WM'
* hi in "c :i!-.. ,ur i XI- it
s mat I.
II .j I 11, ; rI *• CP .r* dun .'V
■ln - n evc tr w. re n roll od ip'iwier*.
A- . ;ifl a• III.! i l*t t% f "
,** ,v* Jt v.i!:;e I t .
■ mined
nitg at i;*l* f ' O
{ Jtiead a tot tircadstul!.*.
i U.w >ottoM 1 *l.7<*mmi
Vlaollla- urcd ,'altton. In.rMlUk'
...Id ami silcer. lb "a*i,imo
j Ir.oi in. l t. e! W.tKMalO
I eat) er and last her goo I*. s ■_> . is si
i M t.ei ,! oils. 4! ""O U*i
i I > hrr "IIS. > HW •""*
I i'rovisious. ll',(ssm**l
I . : *. ,'_i * 11**1
P., 1.*, ... ami manufacture* of 32 ; o.i**'
\V....d, tud maaufacturw ot lAVWO.UQO
Tntal. ft'.*i ),B i'.IUHI
1 lie t' 'al value ■ f d ■ nir*i ic ex potts
*..r the year wa* i7i* r - I s '■7 s Hence
Mil be seen tha' fct at c -evn -eg! lis
ii , ue ' ■ Lirdoinestu cxp >rts i us *
e.l of the thirteen articles mid i lasses
tut i. les en unerate.l It c% I a'so ha
o-en that the great l> k <•( our export*
..n>.-t* of ngricultoral product* and
1,111, r. 1 o. . Hie total of thr-s articles
i ■ x e. ing > . and t hat a uitu
■ra!iceic ins guilP ant pari cons ale of
ifll, lr* tar advall. rd by pris-ess >7 niAii
itu.liire Although our inauufacfures
.re of superior ipiality. and amount in
came lo a: ira*t Hire# tn uaatid u .iiuiis
.■t dollar* annua v, we export a rid cu
iiis' c siiia I | roportioli ol tie grand to
aI. \\ 11 the eli epl nil of cott.iu g -oda
oil ni.inuf.o tJr * ol if' 11 and *'se car
x >r •■■! io> ktod of iiianufact ured ar:i
. * .*: ve .r t-. the Va ue of fi c • ins n
I ~r K.eii I .cottvii goods we did t-xis.rt ** inn h as we did in Ism).
We .on is> agricultural implement*,
•ewiug ta o ii;lie*, c-ottvll, w lolen and
r i mauu a. ture*. snd many other ar
!e* id manufacture, iti compe'ttiou
i ii f re gn | ro-i : tion# if c r u-ann
acturers had the w -Join to remove
*oi;ie ol tiie obsTUctt >ll* tbev have ahl
'poll thvui-e cc* in the u.i-.ue of prcte -
i (ion.
I.*"' year we imported and re exp- rt
■•■l 'ore .'I pro 111. 'a to the Va'.P' ! t.'l
1 2 AI •*', of the re export Itrm*
were "I -llisll va 1 tie 1 lie prmc pal f
iiriii were. In round numbers, * f, J
w I otree, f 2 7i*< i *' gold and silver
In s< I In 100 i~ . H of which
ttiIODOUII Wat foreign .en ii, tea. $700,000
Oca - wool Mud W r
*1 these five item* amount to
• .or ats.lit tw o-tliirds of 'he
all" e. No other Petn rra> fcrd ! alf a
oi an ! tl e ai -st of thetn arre I *•
■ w i. ' •O. Ihe re-rxjsirt tr.ide of
11 rr.C I'll IsHi vastly ex rrds our •* n.
I -is e-pc. -i > true w ti rep* I to
e*. fft-e. sugsr, si; k*. Spices ami gol.l
i J ■ er. Fifty vear* hema it w I
r. I v tie different Alarm* ui*v
hen have the great merchant ta*r tie
.1 the w. r ,4. ai d SI. An rriisti city may !
>e the w .rut * earttig-huUae.
If t| e Union soldiers while fighting to .
| ,• iit d< an the rel-e lion c>'Ulii t.avc furs
-rent' st Hi 187a I here Would he lillie
i-i'ii ex t' iitrd> ra'e tfi. ers ill the sen
le of tbe United States ami ou'v hir
i en w tin their lives f,.r the old I
g. tliev Would lidie been lili--t ex
:-at.le It -, irv liad grounded arms and I
•'u-i-il to light ' r a i.uintry lr-'tn*.l
- i -i. m to honor it- Iw-tr-yer* tiiau
- ilrfeiuieni —N. I ribuna.
The r*a- .ti w >su ha large number
.f tbi - jtiierii repre-entative* in tun
gr- bsppen !.I have been l tifederate
ii . r i- that daring tl.s war of the
relielliou, the brains ami ru tiirs o the
- PU went to I tie- tr-uit to tight II -w 1
ever mistaken their cause, they wu
silling t" show llietr "iavotioti to it l>
ri-kiug the.r lives f.r it. Their soldiers
•epreseuted SIP h * large and, by ail
■ it-.- a a re*[ ri table i -rt nof their
-oiiiUuliillV, tUat in the -election r f rep
resell Ist I es Kie v must need tie <-<>ll ti ■ i
e-1 largely to t-Z I onlederale Soldier* 111
i.e Noiili it is (juite different. Many
if the loudest lUuUltied lovs lets lis I IP"
taste for fighting. I'hey were wmi ever
-line tisve t-ewii vigorous in their Baser- ;
,'tun* of patriotism, but they nnutleil tb<- 1 te from sfai Mr I'oaiue, for in
i -tame, rati er than prove bis faith by
:i- work-, sen" a stlhstitille who got into
ne Pr- vost Mar-hai > ollii e ami fr-iui
ere wa- promoted to the peniteutia v
lie t'nuieroiis shout tha' time were
more uiiercsied in getting army con
"ro-ts for Itiem-elveH in.g the r friends
" ban setting squadrons ill the field. Mr
('•inkling'* beautiful figure waa, we be
lieve, never exjaised as s target for
rebel bullets. Zvch t haudler has told
•is only !l"W Ilia tiack was tiirneil to the
enemy Dawe-and Ib>ur weru hoih in
the prime w It#-it tfie war broke
out, but neither ever buckled on the
-word And so of the rest of thetn. Hud
l.ev l-et-n us brave ami honest for their
.rof. s-.-d conviction* as their B<>utherii )
i -olleagues. the roll tall ol I niwii Gener
i al- would tin.l to answer to it
Lam uster lntelligeucer.
Puge 34S of voitiiue 17 of the Cuited
states Statutes at I.urge exhibits uu act
'hi relation to sumlrv civil xpe><sea
.mi i.'her purpuric*, - ' uml commonly
..tiled uti appiiipriation act, inserted iu are several impor
tant Htiiendmeiita to then exi-titig
statutes " tun ernicg the entplov munt of
• npervisors ami deploy uiurslislsat elec
ttoiiH. 'l'kiat wus in 1872, when the Re
publicans found it convenient to in-ert
hi an appropriation bill a recognition
•sd extension < f urbi'rury arrests on
1 election "lay. When, in 1879. the Demo
. rats seek to re|.eal those ameudnients
i of 1872 and the laws upon which these
were hasnl, ami find it convenient to
user! this repeal 111 another appropria
: inn bill, l he Itemucrats are told by their
j ■ ippoiietits in ( "ingress anil in the press
that this de-igu is revolutionary. But
why revolutionary in 1879 thun in
1872 1 Why more revolutionary in the
repeal than in the enactment?
A bill is now hutore the Illiaois
! i-laiiire. ami will probably tiecome a
i iawr for the protection of tiank dnposi-
I'or*. I provides, among other things,
tha' a bank officer receiving a deposit
and knowing the bank to be insolvent
•>r on I lie verge of suspension at t he t iine
shall he glllllv of fraud, anil fined doilh e j
the am"."Hit ol lhe deposit or imprisoned |
in the penitentiary. It also pro|io-e* to i
forhni the loaning of deposits or trust I
fiimis of a savings hank to its officers
w it hunt the consent of depositor- ami in
a general way'amis ut making it a crime
punishable I tic same a-any other form '
of theft, for halik officers to take what I
"toes not belong to them. Thure is no
douhtofthe necessity of some stn-h re
sirictions a* these in 111 nuis, its well as
in every oilier Slate w here they do not i
at present exist. t
The Belmont oil works in I'hiladel- r
phia were burned on Monday. Loss, '
incbiau leoisluiure sat ita ordiuary . t
tinio no"' aa i notbinc at all dope.
A few nights ago un atieiupt wan made
I to wreck a train on the Fauna railroad,
•is iiilips thin aide of Ilarrialmrg, lie plac
ing rock* o.i the track. "1 ha rock* wci*
hnwovci thrown off hy being struck l>v a
pasnenger train, llitnging i* too good
for the guilty on**.
Deputy t'nitcd Mate* Mnrahall I'oy* <
iogioti who tin* been in the mountain* ,
of eantern Kentucky during tlie p**t two |
week*, talegraptia that be tin* capture t (
fourteen Ninoaihinera and destroyed a I
number of illicit atilla. •
It w a* itaid in well informed quarter* i
that tlieic w.i* not much ira<>a todouht ,
now that the appropl iiition hit , witli (
the political feature* attached, would
t>e .una iw eutier with or w tto iit the
i|!iitnre of .be President; that there:'
Hula atrong iirohahiluy that it lie inldl '
not bring hi in*r If to the point of attn •
IOC lin> !>ignaturv to the hill- ha would!,
i jiermit thrrii to he. nine law* hy allow- ,
nig the conatitutional Itwilt of ten .lai* (
to expire without retnraing them. The-ti
view * are only matter* of opinion hut
they arw received with confidence, ami <
m> Miotic lian the impreseion taken hold I
I the nta'.wait Kapuhlicaim that the
I're-ident i* "ahaky" that they go up t>>
tie White House in troop* rvary day!
to cxp.jßiulate with him ami tiflen him
In Chester, l'a . a man fell dead whiie
taking n dunk of liquor. i (
! lit Congi'*aiotiftl Subcommittee
in Philadelphia. ,
p! adalpti ta. March > This mom- i
tic ■! ' f pa*t a> o'Ck, the ub coniei I •
tok,,; £,.i>ltha Wallace Tel er eenal" t
. i* i.- gating eoWinilttea ann ntd lj '
.<• ten munv in regard to ttie late No-,•
> rtn Ue r *1 ctme in t hl cit V, held itl flft t
.r>jn >l nii'in N C 2. at the Girard hour a I
The committee rueaittt of **<•*#!.>T \\ alt
. i t Pana**tven • Ilea', of M*-
• h.i-al'o liar *t.d ef Arkantat ; M Pea
- Jot tag ntia and Cameron, of Wo
, a- i. * wh. ta arrived late a>t nigh'.
Tte tint ritiirii called *n K C How- i
eI, re* ,:ag >w 'lit Frank lin alreet, Sac- <
end hi* -onof it a Twent lh ward, lie .
tat d that the w.a'fhal .a hit divin.-n i
w.a CharlrV t > tphaal. who wandrunk wn i
the dav ot ILa e'acli- a and iiiaulted dam
•tl voter# A V 11-rkeahurg dc '■
-irrd to vote, wtir# tl n-hanl van! "1 11 j
Ia a a V.IU alithon Ha Vol* hah not .
h-en cha crge.t anh ciliraat tucceeded in
getl ng him - T. dapu.v eiarahai
to- il Ihe r*i-BhlicaD wit d->w booh througfc I
th• dav I'ha div.aior; hat a wayi haen a
peaceful one, aad there war no nerd ot,
anv aiar.hal lhara whatever.
J. ha Tra n er, of the Second difieiee
Fwenty-ninth ward, ai then cal-ed
Chat Herr wa the Cnited Stalee mar- i
• ha! on election day at the dieieioa hit
aractcr wat very bad. arid ab .1 a year
*go ha bah teen arretted for ebtainirif
metiey hv la .ep'e'.eueet a Mr Emery
can e up to v te, when Herr laid !.a had
o right t vote, at.a q -ared off at if to
: ,n , Mr Ktuory h etna lrig:.:end aed
wr: t >!■ w to the corner, and the martha.
-f.-r Ino in lae aftrrneon learaed lha
Em T a ! been arretted #rd then wcr.t
to a", ai d g-'t a writ ef Aalcue •" I .
t k eut of the station heuae. but l.e
< >t hit vote without the w-t. llerr wh
t r g r• | ~t t '.*? he t ad a badge
under hi* c at
Frank U Hutci.inten, ef the K ghth
d * > >■:!. Fiflb ward teal Sad that A'thur
Var.o wat i nc e: tba martha in bit di
i - ;->n , whet be weet to v te ha wat cha
cagrj hit name wat net upon the .tat .
nit v. . her proceeded to teat fy that he
aat a ret laat of tha ward, when Yf a
•' out- i f-c a a tmul rn *tl, ' 1 t! at ':.ti
voti 1 arre.t bim The judge.dee ded
• a*, thaw meat w*a q~a'.fl-il I vote and
- d tote, w nan Taoce a*retled bun. en
iha g-aa n<t tr at ha wat a delinquent p<-
•t p*va - f t'.e Twentieth wre ''o *-
i.- act r.g the l a!) ** we a'ked if be
- a J lull far P#tr ff, he askfd for a
Iraiacrene tu bal. Wtiin bf arrest)
d hat# <1 the marshal tbat a iur a be!
wa* in.!'-:*aa#.l he would have she mar
'a: ar*eled f-r fa'*a im pr.eonmenl wa*
taken i* she United SlaM* district atter
iet • vfTi.-e when Vane# remarked thai he
h: t aes want to give any trouble, aril sbe
wilatu rep'.e.l he kr.ew ho a r;bt a- ri
j aiklrf 0 • fav. n lie eai Shea taken b
• -e the ■•.arehal. who edits tied him in
lit ewn rn >gr.tzanc* to appear the next
lav. Ha appeared, bulbi* < ae w l> <■!
. ed and k has not nuee been CAI ed
-- are Irian Marstsel \ anra met bun ai'.e
: l e had acted t e t a*tl!y. S wa one
:• 4 h m that t . wa* from the Tart
-th w-.r 1, and La had not rean bit tai
M baa M'(t r.n • a re..dnl of A| t •-
Ire- a er the S ith dieieien Sixth w--d.
... called and tast.flvd that John Home.
Trd B"d Arthur M uto were the United
■vale* nia'rha • el that election dtvisi o.
Fh y walked about and d d not do much.
The polic-rmea kept i.ear the poll*, dur
. * tt e IIP enir.K H -merard threatened to J
oil aMr Hide in He a pulled out a
0 k a ek and threatened a democratic
J rivt.d thai the witness bad braugLt to,
-. •te. A deinotrat sawr ato SI Ci mm* and
j an id that a man who wanted te vote bad,
been brought from Rare street wharf, at.d
n. i ailed on the deputy tnerebal to arraat
■■ h ro, but Haasayerd refuted, saying
•y .u'ee got a badge en, er*et bun your
• • If. the policenee etocd within two feet
.f the pell* and eaid they did not cate for
the law
Char e* Miller, detective, employed by
the cite. t#lified to the reputation* borne,
by ome of the deputy marib! in que*,
lioa Philip Maddox. be aaid, wa* con-|
victed of highway robbery and bad nnly
*>-a out of prima about a year I rank
M Namee war a aaparat charaator, who
1 had been convicted of having atolan
iroed* ia bin po*eion. Albarl Lanere
,he knew to be a bad man. Daniel Red
i ding wa* a notorious character who bad
j .een tried ia 18CV. but aot coneieled
account et baling "so many gaod swear-j
or* Rodr.ay S. sprie*fie!d wa* triad,
tor killing a man M ichael Slaveri wa* a
repeater and thief and \S an (tlenn wa*
"pretty rough around election*
Charles 1 Murray, of tba Twenty third
ward, wa* at the pall* on election day and
taw the police blocking the window and |
presenting legal solera freaa voting.
Among a number ol sary de
; .linen* made by tba Supreme Court re
< eatly. was one of sital importance to j
tie*t owner* of real estate. Under exist
ing ruling* and practice holders of pr. p
ertie* purchased and *ald "under aid üb-j
ject" qi a martgaee hse bea bold per
-•Bally liable for the difference balweea
the la. e of tba mortgage and the proceed*
..f the sale ol the properly, in case it bas
depeuiated below the ntsieunt of the mort
gage I)ivested of it* technicalities, an
elaborate opinion dalisared by tba Su
-1 feme Court, oa Monday, raseita* lb#
rulings of the lower eourt* and a loag ex
isting practice and make* the holder of
the mortgage depead"t Wholly upon the
property it*elf for hi* *ati*facliet. unlets
the owner ha* expretsly promised to b"
liable for any deficiency If the property
fill in salifb belaw the auiaunt of the
n, rtgsge there is no claim en the owner
bevond what i* *atified by the sa! ef the
property itself Th n ruling fettle* a prin-: '
ciple ot great iiMoorlanca la all owner* of
rei.l p-tale upon which there Is any n>rt.| 1
guge — Altoona Call.
Doctors differ s t<> what i diaheie*, l-u* I
it la conceded bs those whw ease been!
troubled with kidney disorder aad liver j,
complaint thai Kidney Wurt is the
remedy le constination pile* and pain*!,,
ful stools it both relieves and cures.
• -e- • I d
The Creek Indians ol Manitnbathtented •
a general war u! exloruiiualtuu agaiust the
How Tliomn* lluforil VN'enl (*tinniti}.*
for n Memlicr of tlie Kentucky
Court of Appeal*.
I i ahkfort, Kv , Mbkli _'t'. A disap
pointed litigant angry at a Juilicia
datiaioa want out gunning fat the Judge,
el Ilia I ol Appeal* and aucceeda I in
attattiiialn g one of thetit, Judga John M
I limit, ill tront nf the Capitol IJotel. lit
this city Colonel 1 hetwat KutorJ, l
licliry t aunty, hat for tome time bad >.
rue e! much importance to huu pending
la the Court ol Appaal*. aad tha cate wa
decidad recaatiy hv the Court advertelv
to lluferd, and Judge Elliott da.ivi ra<l tb
opirnea At li>dm k li.e ( -urt adj..em
ad and the Judge* w-nl to the Capltoi
Hole' to dme. Chiet Ju tiia I'ryor ar
rived at tlie helol the tirl of any of hit
i> 'ague# aed tpeke te lluferd. who wa
nning on ihe porch and at that time u> -
armed 1u a v-ry I ille wlitle Judge- I.
I "Oil a> d 111 uea fn! Uw.d the Chtel J ii>
tie In lha mean lime llufuid lad letl
hia a*al and had procured a double bar
re led thit gun. and Willi a game-hag over
hia tkau'der he lookai nt i hough lie wat
ttarliog n aa iniiocerii gunning etprdi-
I".a Judge E holt met him at lha foot ol
the maative atone tte| a of tha hotel are
, r. -marked plaaaaetly to the ditt -rnfiie.i
• uitor
"It is a fine dav for -aifdng '
Ar rep ieu Buf. rd "Wen't rnt lake a driak * '
Ihis inv.tal'.-n Judge K! i >tl p-l.ted i ami bswiag to Judgo llin.-
whe was gang elaewhera. t irtied aiot
star'.e : ,p .g n |ps of tha hotel Iteferr
he 1 a I half re..ehd t' lop nford le
hera'.e y lave' ed ln gua at Judga Elli
ott arid. flrii.g, the load pted through
the a", tide ->f the Juafge and ■ dgrd n
hit heart The gun he ag loaded
burkahot of i- urte ihe Ja lga fell <J#ad
ltiitw'3 p ead hit hat under the head o!
hit vict -il and -aid
Now die like ati an
The atttttin wat imaiediataly taken in
cult, .le and tka dead Ju ige'# l.ady wa>
carried Into the betel, where the other
Judges and Lit nunaeroua trlei U gather
ec. around it Wben t.reuvhi before Ks
qui*e ti ■vl. n Hi ford pita aaately kitted
'he harre sot bit gun which be had tak-in
Iroin '.ha ha"d a! a ayatandar In the
jail he taid " I intended the oil er load for
Judge I'ryor, tut thar.gad mv eiied "
Ihe eicilement here is heyond all pra< e
eat mad wr ara til accu-tenied to it a',
.that. I hreau of'yncbing ha va heen wiade
hut nothing hat hcen d. be up to 11 a e'eck
1 *e suit wat brought aorne yea*a aga in
Henry County to ea'orre a heavy hen en
Mufurd a farm Judga I'ryor, n..w Chie'
Juatice, wat Circuit Judge f that county
t Ike t:me and daciled tha rata against
Bu'erd. The drciaioe meant hit utter iic
l ovar .kiuent
A Nt'jjro Takcu fr. ni Jail, Lynched
and His Body Burned.
Kabtai City. M March lC 1-Ty —Tun
escaiag a fearful aflair took | are a! Fur
Scutt, Kauai Early in the day Out
I! ward the : egru who outraged a :ai v.
vaar o!J chi d on Vlondar. w>t cajg I
and aaougg ed : lejatl. A mob of 1 Ut<
Pert-.Ri surrounded the building, and hv
dark it numbered * (i*l i>b. ri v aftei
arvan *• clock a rush w#a made wuha*
aipr v ted haltering rani at lha jail c or
wa.rh waa imaifttii sy T#a Jailer wa
eva r| -wrred and ii<a-d dr.ggad out hv
tbe btw g m v h with a rove a - ut dhu
n k He was a i werful negro, as i a
the wav to tba eub' aqua'# b. <1 lit r-.|.-
ah i moat of the : t:.r, and fough
a*d atregg a i Cat; eralelv
I Arriving at the market s.jjare. he wai
hau ed to a amppott and pu led up
writhing, twear rig aad preying aad he <
ur,'. .he w#i ti-ad Ati - t'.er banflri
wa* '. ben ed, t'a body bured upati
sail burred until nothieg remairivd. lb*
i tnob haw ing about ar.d putting fagg <:• t,i
| the fire l.kadaso ■ r.a The <eaa *u a. r
ribla. and, occurring after dark, was ter.
ribly real a>d wend.
Nathvii'e. Tern , Manb '.7. Is - .
Knox Mar', o. the rrg'u n urderar
Jwhn W.- terr.oiier sad wife. *ti I in*iti
that he war.ta to be bung, r 1 that h*
prefer* death to anther ,,r of rem,,*,,
jin a priton ce ' ri*- av that ha -e. I tb.
y bleed* v in:,* n hi* .'.ream*
'.hi tr cruhed face* the woman s broken
aeck, her anpea ir.g. bwaeec! ag pite uir
<>ak a* she awoke ! • r u -a her f.bla a- m
!e ward . ff ihe b'ow tbat truck har d<a b
iha flaepit g children, !*f: in tba blwod ul
their parents—v are thing b..jrlv reru'i
*o vividly to hi* m ad that it Is inloiara
hie and be r urta death He embraced
thp Catholic faith t -day. Fa'.ha- Vea
sdmin ttarirg the r >ta of baptiim m tb*
1 presarca of two Sister* af Mercy An at
lawpt to ba ma da by phv*iaian* to ra-u*
c tate Ma'tie aftar Be is cut down la- d
additional intore*'. to the pr. pared *xecu
Washington. March 20 - Mr*. Oliver
wa* early in attendance She gave iga
of baing n>j. h indispoad, the ailmaet
ariiii.g p-incipallv from a coij coalracted
while sittiag in the poorly veatilated
court room It wa* rumored about the
court heme tbat ia the event that Mr*.
.Oliver did not obtain a verdict the would
save the testimony and latter* in the trial
arinted in book ferns, and tbat *he would
aenTß** the ttale of Poaaiylvania for it*
Th* question of Mr Riddle * teilimony
wa* the first qe*tian di*cued, and the
grester portion of the marning was eon.
*umed in citing authorities pro aad cor
regardiag the prapriety of it* going 'oil.
jury. Eveetually when General Ratler,
sfler c*nu'tiCg with hi* associate, m ved
a non *uit th crowd in the court wore la*
' ken by *urpri.a, altbeugh it wa* whisper
.*d yesterday tbat an effort would b* made
.to day to throw the case out of court Tut
;thlmod#of aecnmpli*btng that end wa*
not expocted Mr i'atar* read the twen>
jtielb rule of the court, requiring that th ia
plaa should have h*.<n put in the original
Tbo elsi't for a non-suit on the g.aun.l*
lof tba Riddle receipt* making little iia
' pre*sion on the judga. Geaaral lluller
adopted another Una of argument and
! contended that Mr* Oiivar had no right
:o sue tor breach of promii* c* tuarriaga,
as she wa* at the time a married woman,
accenting to the laws of Kentucky, where
upon the judge said . "If a senator, after
a full knowledge oi kor debauchery, con
sented to marry her there u no con*tt'u
ttanal law agaiast bis doing to ( Laugh
ter.) If the dih ts served to a court of
iuttics it hat to be psrtaken of. There
was no distinction ; filth and everylbiag
• It* had l*> be taken in. I ovxrrule the
motion. lam not afraid lhy ara going to
run away with justice when I have ih
reins. Adjeurn the court (Laughter)
A Disastrous Knrlln]ijake.
London, March 24 —The Timet report*
I tfiet thote ware *buk* of an a-irlbquak*
in Northarn Persia during Saturday and
Sunday lllaach was much damaged and
the adjacent villages of T*rk and Mannnn
totally destroyed. Out of elevaa hundred
inhabitant* only ate* escaped death
Kidney- Wort is H slightly cathartic vag
et.ble r-med? for liver and kidney diaor.
dera. which it cures hy the dis-inaiian and
expulsi. n of marbitlc agencies in the
blood For pilas it is almost beneficaot
discovery. Children can ue it,
- -The jury iu the Oliver rendered tfs
diet ia favor of Cameron.
POUT llt'i-iKD, March Id. IHTIa, I
Kpiti-k ICtroßTgn At the risk of t-a
iiiinterviting v -t.i ce<respondent ha*)
acl'ided to gi# you e hiief deteripti in
uflhiaplrco and turrouudinga, ami par
hap- after all it will pnatrat a little inter
■ ert for aotne of y-i-jr many raadera.
' Well <w Cerntatence our VtlUge s aitlia !
ted oa the Miiacuri river, h. uttw nils.
I fr..m *' tie |i a Yellow Mo e iof emp
t lot lute it, nnd about Us only usa ns lar *
I hs# beep able to .ii.roirr, is a* a dap"'
i of aepplies for the tournt and post* on the
> mor# ten.l.;* fioolier I: is plaetanlly til
i ualeil on high takle Uails and is iiaiforn
> Iv I ea'iliv • ir. feaer aI" I such nr
matin d arates, n in a few inateneas
hei-ig c->in| arallve v unku wr.
Tha surrounding roun'ry within Bfn
s miles tli s p'ace U tahia la' d. daer
* Ce.i wiih h..ri lulls ami f.iufls Tha < is"
■ try general v i* not lert • at-i .in" >•
- p'odui e Ut u ur I'rititsy Ivan ia lands 'lt
chie'" j i-duitiona en |- tat or t and anion
l ul.'etay.'U e x Cept bull hernct, a ama
- a.'id fruit a'i<) g'ea! tavunta with the i
i tives r.f ihlt eou nt ry
t ' gof the I a 11V ea leilliliilt It
-Ilia', i . li.'U Id give yuu aoti ■ ten ib la -l
1j of ilia hos-d I.irtly istsgsa, tut th
S vo l behavior of late foMods il
i I I bare are very few white salt era ha
jihamaiiv indian revervationa up n who
o ei.a is ailawad Ist sssltle lre-ov the . au
. however there lias U--e!l t otiaiderab et.
•' cutting daw a these reservation fr*
i ttirir i re-eiit ilio.e • ... st I irrs tu I
square, in ttie eseat asf winch 1 eapec.
I -at a I n<> d •'ant >IV a 'a'ge lowa Hi it'
r vieiai'yl .iid va ti * 'aw white torn
liera at a cb cflv < -cup e 1 as teni>t- r at)
. St. od-.'t. -ppera for tl. I'r.dar a"
i the stem in It- Pa ihat p'y th • rivar in I
siinie er W.gua rung# It ui $ f j.ta i* |
i per swonlh
Climate. Well, the r mate 1 a'tt a
1 tu aai, ia not eiaevl v like that at Fh.rid
arid wtienthat polar ae struck ua th.
other d.y and sunk tha mercury daawn t
t'J heh.aa r.wra. wa < u'd vary retry hv.
, utiag bed ourselves n ton e p .lar clp
. dilo.p. will .ut anv great srratch cf intag
laaliun a 110-r IHo winter continue
. eg! i and autnmar tha tern-md-r
I o' tha year but do aut thitik it n 10-l h< i
s { here, far I aature you it I# and the cloud
r t.f mo-quil -es that attarru ah ml i-ici
- thing that has Ida would make you think
' ynu Ware a the twaejps id the Carolina'-
instead of li*kola.
V A' d now Ihe .eve I have given ven tbe
a brief dercriptien promised, and wol dr#
ta a Close We have seme nice I'lH.
i, Hens* of gossip ! ere occasionally will
n which 1 will regale y. ur readers at sorer
,f futurr time si. C. S.
Claremont, N II Mar. h '.''—At its
Itc'oik lb s II rr.iig Ihe IT n.ali-t ef the
Tranioel r. ,j-e all t t. wi ware start a
hy an s'arie of tire Terror atrtcken man
|, woman and rh; dr.*n rusba.l fraalit allv
th ugh that in.! eg ami ke. ha'f aa'aap
ar .1 con ; e'a v h> w da . 1 by t) a . -..dd - '
a'ares.r-dthefrightf.i't.ene wI, nh met
th-iti at they rmergsd fr m the r reruns
M* n and w -man .tpped t" the vard ha
ul. tj a ia l er partly drcrscd c. • di
. tion. .
An-a J hr.r a a chamber g •!, w^i-se
* ro. ei Was < n th. third fior tried ta e—
■ at e fr taa ih# hall thrwugh tba stairs. I ut
f-.uad aso 1 . ) w.fl ..f fre . h-'.'u.t r g bar *hs ran ha< k to bar, rais
ed Ibe wind, w and t .kg ut at r ar ar
re-' b!a w ih vst fs ng a- 1 s< rrsiwed
frani - a v ft>r essistaiue Sfe wis soot
* anva -1-ii r a ! uga . -ad o' sin ke
which was Mmu.ji t. lit up by flashes
' at flatcaas fir. Worked Is way upward
t-ate'al ware lu*de !• res un bar
hut fa 'd Tnrrs .lis rsmc'sJ .: lbs
a. fed in. and -i.a,. a e:jrri:
" n asi au a the burait g ruins.
* At- ul .ae . Mr l n,■- M i N A C ■ .
X *UI .1* II Hrl nie a: * 3 A ( • .
a p-atrs ctHik ia tb**as*.at*ii*timat*t Lid
* Mrrrii . B Ilk* ( Bl.d (,'tlar •* M ..B
n a g .■'. at ihv 1 .-c weoi J.-wn w ; h ibr
tumbling wa I*, m ng'ii g tbr r >u ck*
* • lib the horn;. ctin and cratl* whith pi*
,va ad Wi'.bia a' d w lhwul
In a. five pvr* .a* | an.bed lr|ihe ffsmei
' -BO . .ear* a*r* li.jurvd.
,f V%* *•#•• th H ft I'aifiM A Ihlayrr Pm*ldat <
::*• -as'uf t c ! k cat it. • l .ea i& Uk i> J clj >*l Di*
P !f -t- of Ih# * a Itrs • at.lir • lit lon
• iMrtteicl and lb* ItoiioraMa i Irahk. *r*4 tb;
r* Moo Julf i'Ufit* sa*- ig(*d tti < ttlitrt
<•*#--.ty * ng tasusnl I f pitsr.l I tate tbi
r lat d| f A |* A ' • - t * dift !•<" of !:<
• * ufl f t>j*( and lr binai and ttaaaig J*ll IMP
*" *t) afld K>Hu**s tl*a I'M* a • >t; hb . Ofi
a■ | lata .:i l i r ' .i c tMr |
tbo .MUBl) I'f • e t* •!.? to MWMBN lit H
n M dj ct Aj Utnc ito 2MI. i'.b) <1 Apri il** 1
And to iOQllnuc two •arha
a V -t|. ■ ia t hrre ' te he w*l-y ftrpf tc lb* I oraf. Jg*
Ui M of tti* I are Aidrtß.u And • onaU' ias •? tbi
P at 1 . f| of Uontrt. IU! thai ! • I LAI. a d t bar* I
! ILA.r iiM*i-r i .lock In tb* f> <
•Aid 4aJ •It L t-rtl f**crd, Upq tkCUtob* A A At:: in A
0 t*trsA A. ii tL4i en f#!t*;t.! t* do Ibrar Ihln^t
■ bl> L L> Ibaii of&(* gpparut&i I* bp do*. And Ibtpi
_ • L"* mre ?•. übd n r#c.>| nil an< ee to j> rx*e*u I m AfAlue!
U*A iitta.T.*v l La I At * a!-A . 1 lap in th* .1 At* *f ( antrs
otsantf '.-a* tbat. gbd tLprp u> pnteCAt* acaical (Let
gaahail U jttal
d t*tpn .ind#f mf hard. At H**:'.pfi>etp tb# Ul ol
Apr la tb PA* f at U~v, # t ,d , n t bp Uj
yAf of ll<itpD4*iic rf (UP I'ritAd ••*
• OH H M'ANt.t* KSbPrif
< 4n I * Holt till K.
la htfilf ro* 't.|tpgded and ><#•• *• JaAT * f-r
Itbr-BUMIOI Irpptpd I ppt Ac hake 'AIaA Kora
' >it. a • hpptla# spvalo* Pto It • of ia* sre eel
t AIUP I& curi&i 4 n A (••!!. A4 It
1 ac I A qmxchlf r.d vntelj It At oncp teotbo* in.
rrtlct-l IhAilin J-*t <l* tI.P lamp U.U* In* And lb#
A Leg n**rtei Tb* :n*H 9f •ll bo UAtd bpek t ■ aa
.'DP Tt t AAllAftp<l Ottb 11A PffpctA I'fWP ak CPDtA i
tottU I fl'l i i
I'raparad on If '< I P*i Otsorbo 1f Pf. M I*.
F Sol Jbf J t> M.rtgj Urnlrp HAII.
ITIS* I'tiirnli I'sTfornl.
I1A prtoI itolf to i*P ppcaltArlf idaptpd f<* .|d pgr*
' AODA. copAumptivpA acU c b.Mrpn It l-rpabt A • Li
J It Atop* AcottAh It tldi Oip torsi lon 11 j.rpa in
•ÜbLt tPltof it gItPA itrrbgtb It br'n** ipai It
] LA* ttiA'U ttjsxrp c -,tpA thpn Atif nlhot ®od' li.p 1f ou
uudt of th# rtttte *• < fCsstorn rrnAfl-niA 1 •#
s! for fPAm PAAt Atvltpellfa to th# f#l*pf |i<*n
•nd Ufa# #fl#' l#*l I'm #lk c#ntA uf !■ laot t loa fir fl
I'rtMlfd I7 Lorl ObprboltAPf M f
htud bf J.i) Marrsf. ion UP HAU.
or KM 4 s uwKu AMMCW r WMU
Krtpcibick hopit'.' And in id condition It Sld
j illf#atitin And A-Aimilntloti 11 u. ak#a f Ttiu< ire Aid
t*i nk It> UAtng it a nr.# t Id* ni r# •*■ And .vo
, |tie fnrr 01 Ilk sr>d t# to t-yttmr optrtU An cvodtltes
t al#*> h ##!• poultry !#•!'U And inccaaai th* quAti
tlt> f egg* If 1* male t-t Of !-* < t#i Suit g# 1. at
hta iPt'.i- Uck of 111 V Third atropt. I'D 11A '< ISA M
r ( .ttiUal •s Lht.At lir*!iU per (K*uod bf -1 P Vuf
r At ■ n.tro IIAO. sod W J Thore; * n. lMt#r Mill#.
0 msnTlf
•IK F Kttklel'l liiftrr Wine of Ino
Ha never heeri known to tad tn th# cure
• I weaknia* attended wit* symptom*, in
.li.i>w*ito*n to exertion, I*** ol n.eniery,
' difficulty in brvalhikg. *k*-i ho-r*>r
of dtsaa*", wrua. nervou* trembling,
..dreadful liorrur uf death night *eata,
i.-old feet, weaknes*. duiine*- of VI*IUM
a' guor umver-al !a-*ilud of the rnutru
' ar sv*tm, en or no u* api.vtife with ay
1 peptic ayinptawi*. hot hand*, ffu.hiiig of
* lUe a -ils, Jrynea* -f the >kiu. tiaind com
ler.ane* tind eruptiwn* on tie f.ce, purify
lag the hi 'd p 0 be hack,
* in the eyelid*, frequent kla. k spots ff i mi
I Before in* ov e* with .ulTisi"!! an t I' ** •
*igiit. want af stlefitiuii, \a Sold "itt.v ia
'sloo bottles '-r*!* h.itlis f ' J.l (W AL
* ',.r E K . unheT* Bi'lwr Wine .. Ir-m
" and lake no other. Ask >o U r druggist
r and if lie it not, -er.d t • Proprietor K.
I K liunkel. No. SKi'J N 'orth Ninth Street
i'hiladelpbia. I'*. Advlkafreo; enul.ite
ikreccent tHm|i.
K F Kunkel'a Worm Syrup neser fail
■ll d">lr..v I'n Seal arid St.imacl
Worm* Dr Kunkel. tge only succea*.
r fa) phy-ii isn *ho removes Tape Worm in
* Iwo tinur., ail*' with h" 'd and no r a un
. til removed. Common an*e teacbe. it
T-pe Worm* b'- rem .ved all Of bur worm
• atl he r#.dll.v destroyed Advice at of.
' fire end *lor<, frer* !"#•' doctor ce let
a whether or not the patient ha- worm.
l Thou.and* ara dying daily, wub worm*.
and d • not kn>-w It Fit* aM**m craotl*.,
' '-hoking aad ntf -callon. sallow eumplet
1 ion. cirvlcs around tiia eyes, awelling and
> .tain in the aluiacb. *etle* at rugiit
grinding of the teeth, picking at the note,
cough, fever, itching at the seal, hoad
ache, fugl breath, lh" patient grow. pal.
and thin, tickling and irritation tn the art
u,— all the**-vmott ia*. and m-'re. com.
front warm* K V Kunkel'a Worm Syr
up never tails I • remove them Price
I f I (X) per bottle, or ix bottles for $o (*•
For Tape Worm, write and consult th.
! Doctor ) For all • there, buy of
gist the Warm Syrup and if he has it not
•and to l)r K. V Kuhkel. 25'J N Nintl
direct, Philadelphia- ''a Adyioe by
mail. *rea ; suitd tbroe-cuftt tant|>.
M*r 20 It
Camphor M'lk cures hendache and neu- ,
Camphor Milk cures rheumatism and 1
laiue back .
Camphor .Milk cures cuts, bruises and •
Camphor Milk cost- 2*> ct ; f> buttles !jl.
Said by J 1). Murray, Canire Hall.
: i
with n magnificent atocU, far lurpaaaing all that thajr have ever before ahowo.
\\ iili hi-vernl new ilepnritnente aHded, ami all the old departmeota enlaiged and improved, we are BOW
•illy eijnippcd for the hiiaine** nf'the *Mou, and wilh j;rnatly increaaed facilitiea, propoae to acrve our patron*
•vru better then before, " " "
a* been itrciigthenril mud perfected, ami it ia believed that no auch organization ezisfi elaewhere io tkh country
>r ttic prompt and aatisfar tnry as-rvir# of d.aUnt ruatomera.
Hetd fur aampls-a of whatever you may need, wbetber ruentione<i io tbe following partail price liat or BOt.
Ulir- iil| JTrj[inrlmrul
oLoKKII SrlT| K |' , K>f ß ' va H M D i < i L^. L !r TY OOOD QUALITY BLACK SILKS,
UKOKpii ' > AILL,i SI L' K , „ c at M 70.76 aad e.
■|, I 1.11, I 1 K ; ~ ..., v .... _ , £ r I , l r?Ji ,1 *nty A* at penal iedueeaiwat ere a tar eae let
in chLiK< * IKIO. efther.lebr.tedm.keof
IVY KFFfVt'-* Wu " hlr f wi 1N ALL h,LK DAMASRK at |1 00." ' *
. 11 I Yacisw I) " * have one eheice let eeleeted ey eurs- Tbeee sllki em
. L ""-"^^"ISSSLTOs-.
TUKyi 'LOI'I"*lne moirk'a^VNaTlN\'KKlNS.
at*, Wper y.rd. | frem fl 26 uvward*.
exhibit* an itnmenae atock of
*lmu*t every fabric that will.thi* *eaon, be popular io I'aria, Berlin and London.
—ln English and American Dress Goods—
8 ...Che. will* Hssftwoel. silk m ged
4d niche-wide j I-uhie fold. Bilk m>*ad
U. m hes wide. j Colnriags Spier did va aa
86 mane- wide | Extra wi.e. ooel tv
•/7 'B. h- wide. New celoritgk. Kaira weight.
' inch.* wide. Ktlra weight. Half wont
A nrw 'a'.r c. N-w Efle u. Scleedad a
C-rnr-' • huir . flec'.a. A kargei*. Kir- 'rat va'sa
Kkira tbe • 1 Kilra gwd. A job let
A larg ineiice ef
Jul ian-le.l. • Tie i'ri-e rang-<rom I i.
A'ao our own imr. riali-a. of PLAIN AND STRIPhO WtOL SATINS
ti 60, 65. C:. 75 CRN TS AN D UP W A KDS KXC ITC.ITC
Exhikiu Ellen* ve 'ire* .f I CHILDRKNS'
We have au itutaeore *l<H'k the largest ever chown in Philadeloht* of
W* mvite aitanlioa te oar owe make of
A lan.ple vbirt w ill be tent ky mail poai-paid on rteeipt of price la ordaring, give tiw ef collar wora.
i *
Confident that oureyaiem nf doing hueinete, and our great facililiea for ita economical and auceaaaful
tram-action aie >ar. I v (quailed, and cat not pnsiibly be excelled, we mpeclfully invite examination and solicit
-AT THE- ([
ONE price
; exclusive DRY GOODS STORE |!
\ DRY GOODS, in all latest Spring Styles.
| ■ 2O m>r 3W BKLLKFUyTE ,-u-r
Or L. I). \V*\hurn'e \ Itrrntivr Sprup,
A a sad THIRTY FIVR VICARS ini private
practlca. aad uc#r falling to radically car*
Kit KU ma 11-vi.
f>r *p*y. KiyiipflM. SorofoU. Kacondart Nyphllta. Ora
rot a d all dta aaaa in wbfh tbo blood la
tmplL atd I* now offorad to tha public
v>ld by all Katatl Oruggiata ami iwholaaal* only*
h* tha a/bu'n Vftediclna t 0., P, O. Boa SJa. RixhM>
tar. N. T.
1 will mail i Fraai tha rwclpa for a atmpla Yagatabla
ttalm that will ramata l au. Kracklaa. Pltnplaa and
tAlotcUaa. laarlng tlo akin aoft. claar and baautlful.
alao Instructions fur producing a luaurtant growth of
hatr <in a hal t haad or atnootli fea Addraaa. lncUa
tog ic atauip, Bait Vandalf A Co.. fc) Ana Mraet. N. Y.
•T > t (>N-r M P riVES.
The dertlt hin been perraeoentlj cured ■(
. Jt dreed I aouiuptlon. I.j , ilmple rented*
i, eullcue l m.k. Icntieu to hi, fellow (afferent the'
tneen, of cur. To e'l who* It. he will und ,
OPT of the prescription 0* ifree of rh*re) with the
tireciloce for preparing u*io( the uaie, which
1 he> will find * ture cure .1 I 'aaeampiioa. A,turn,
Itronchiti, #c.
Petite, w letting the Prescription. will plegee edd ree,
K A WILSON, mi I'equ t . Willleui.baigh. V
A OVCNTLKM AH who suffered for yaara from War
voua liability. Premature da. ay. and all tha effects of
t-outUfuHndUomtoo. will for tha sake of aaffe'tng
humanity, aaad frwe to all who ared U. tha redpe anil
I tract lon for making tha altnpla remedy by which ha
waa cured Sufferers wishing to profit by tha
nr'a eipartSDCS can do ao by addraaamg in par fact <**
JOHN B. OtlDßN.HCedar Ht . Naw York
mL\Of all ktnda. TI'HCKS. discharge of
J HU>OII or iniiru-. ard all dlaeaa* of the
KK'tTl'M quickly and parfectlycured by a simple sod
aootbingßgptedy For Information addrssa
■ei/eriui l>r,J, KA3K T.
CORTLANDTST.. Nfir Broidvir.
. HOTCHKiSSA POND. Proprietors.
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room
■ attai ned, are unsurpassed for cheapness
" and excellence of service. Rooms 50cts.
> to $2 per day, $3 to $lO per week. Con
venient to all terries and city railroads.
*'w Furniture. New Wanaga
uient. 23jan ly
wrx CURRY:
Bhtrt & Shoa Miikar,
i 1 Would most respectfully inform the cit
■ zen* of this vicinity, that he has started a
| new Hoot and Shoe Shoo, and would be
> thank ful for a share of tne public oatroa
' age Boots and Shoe-made to order and
according to style, and warrants his work,
'to eijual any made elsewhere All kinds
of repairing done, and charge* reasonabli
|die* hin. • call f#MS te
Health and Hopptncaa ara priralaaa Wealth to tholr
imufMon, and yet tbrjr are within tha reach of ororf,
one who will use
The only aure oare for Torpid Liter.
Headaclte. SoorStoraarh, 1 'ooatlpattun. DoMUti. Ns*
attd all BUlloua complaint* and Blood i
None afDuioe ualea* tgn'd. "W® WrUht. rhlU-'V
If jour Ih uaaUi will nut aupplj aeod 2 ceaU for <nmi
to *lv4w3cliftUw4ov. 7U^.4l^bt.rhlU.7 o 9T9^
Get good bread,
By calling at the new aad extern
■ >ive bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. H. Sands.)
Opposite the Iron Front on Allegbeey
street where he furnishes every day
Freab Bread,
Cakes of all kinds,
Pies, etc., etc.,
Bpic -ir.u.
Anything and everything belonging tr
the business. Having had Tears of expo
rience in the business, he flatters hiassel
that he een guarentee satisfaction to ell
1..., - o ji^iEssS^
offers hia services to the eitifteaa •
Centre county in
House, M*■ and Ornaaeaaial
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
| Graining
Plain and Faney Paper bonglng. Orders
i respectfully solicited. Terms ree*eastle v
(1 0 spr tf.