r.*wju ~J||jWr fid Cautre Reporter. Frt&). &ORTA SWIIOK I'kvtrk Hall, Ph., Mar. 27, IS7O. We see that th* hott** at Harmtmrg hn* vn'ed the nee of their hall to Mr. Barnes. of Cameron county, to del iter a vdure on "Hell." If the gentleman embraces the opportunity and give* the member!" "hell" it might do eome good too. The widow Oliver promisee to be a troublesome injin ou the old TTinne haroee hand" The scrape Simon ha gotten himself into bv fooling with a ivMow comes near being a Reecher- Tilton atr*ir. The widow ia 4d, Simon „i Now if she wants biet marry her. why doee he not comply with bar wiah out of pitv's take he can stand it, for the short time be haa to lire, anil it ia about time be realiies that to be good unto the widow* ia scriptural. \n exchange saya Joe Furey, of Le e f >n'e. intends to start a new democratic •noer *t Snwlvnrv. Joe is a good edit >r :tnd we wish hiai sncoese. • ♦ • That b dance of im*r that the green b.n kers were wanting to hold in con C r--s to upset the old parties, counts baker's dozen. and did not upset en* thing or any body. T ie detu vrmtic member from Orefe, W i.i -tarttsi in a special train to rea. b Washington, in order to be p-eseat at •he opening and by his rote keep up the small democratic majority at the organi zation, deserves credit for h:a magnifi ,-t IT rnn a roeathe continent. Kery Democratic rote was consider ed necesssrr in organtiing the House. .. • whea the extra session was cm rd Mr. Wtiileakers'arteu from Oregon. At :< v.ir >is dvlsrs he reached ban Fran . .. I. it the train he require !to react Washington on time had leea gone twen y-four hours. He hired a apevia train,started at noon en Wednesday . i pursuit of the one b* had mi seed, inn made the run of 1,92$ u' to Omaha Mi'r-four hours, the uaual time be ing 101 h >ura. At Chicago the schedule t'ain wa* overtaken, aud on I>, at t-- aero 'ed into Washington, having nia e h " mrner aero** the continent in thre. b .nrs less than five days, which is sai. t. be •h>- quickest time on record. Ii 1838 Mr WhiMeker an—it ti.e p'-am* )n ,i' -aai, and was tire months in doing it. At Sr. I/vnis the other day a lot o c luterfeitere —a round dozen—drew ft r diplomas in the I S Court, being c >• ted antl sentemwd. The fines vary fr.i-u f 1 to SI,OOO, and the terms of im •>' - iiueent from ten days to ten year*. Among the convicts are the Orabtrer family. Old man Absalom Crab tree goes to Juliet Prison for tee year*, yeuug A'nalom for three year* and Mrs. Crabtree for one year. She swears that Simon would save the at his dinner table and bring theoi to her. And she might have add ed that now he rlings her aside like a sucked oraage. Thia is too bad. and be c.i :*• he stopped that delicious fruit on her sue wants f4'XiO and even $-30,000. if -tir gets ber damages she can at least <> • up an oraage stand, and send f.tuou an oc.a-s.onal one to keep up old ac ; .aintance. Oranges most always come .a in love affairs —so sweet and juicy, hiw could they be discarded. Whan Simon was among the Wiauebagoes h* played sharp on the injuns by means of .Middletown shiaplaster* when he got in with the widow Oliver. zrangra were trump, and her evidence shows that he paved a good hand for an S" genanan. It's no more a "Roland for an Oliver, but it got to be an orange for an Oliver, and new its an Oliver going for a Came ron. How things will mix—but this love is a queer thing. T : c Hotie subcommittee on Triday Completed a comprehensive measure I ivil mainly upon Mr. Springer'# sug geslion*, the principal feature* of which are as followa: It proposes to repeal sectioes 2 to 2,027 inclusive and also section 2,031 of the revised statutes, at d to modify section 2.028 by providing tba .10 p?iwoa ihall be appoints! a super visor who is not a resident ®f the pre cinct in which he is to serve Ttie *ectiens to be repealed are those whi h authorize the appointment of a Chief • •inervisor and of drputv marshals f'.r epei*l service at ele- tions. Tlie ap pointment of two supervisors of differ ent politics to serve in a mere'v testi nvmal capacity i* not interfered with by this bill. It is provided that *ui>ervis ors of elections who mav he prevented from performing their duties shall re port the fecta to the jndge of the neares* United States court, to be by fcira laid before the pro|er grand jury. Regula tions are prescribed to prevent any im pairment of the secrecy of the ballot, re q linng them to be of uniform size and to be printed on plain white paper, etc. Toe hill proposes to repeal the sections wuii h now permit 'he presence of troops at the polls under certain circumstances and tu substitute for them sub-tantialh tie British law on the subject, whh b pro ibi's soldiers being stationed at any point nearer tbau two sailea from the polls or to go to them except for the purpose of voting in which rate they must immediately afterward* return to their station. The bill will also embodv a repeal of the jurors test oatb provisions of the existing law. It is believed by Mr. Springer that Mr. Hayes will ap prove a separate bill of this character, and that the threatened dead-lock on the appropriation billa may thus be wholly averted. • Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, has ren dered a decision of importance to under takers asd physicians, to the ellect thai their services cannot be paid for out of the proceeds of the sale of ttie deceased person's real estate if the latter be en cumbered by mortgage* or judgement sufficient to cover it* full value. How stillv the talk of a "solid South,' in eu offensive sense, when Randall in caucus got nearly one half the Southern Democratic vote, as against Plsekhurii, a Southern man, while Adams, a I nion Soldier, was nominated for Cltrk, by S—• iero votes, over Caldwell, au ea- Confederate. The Auiericus Club of Allentown en dorse lititen and Hendricks as their preference for the presidential race in 1880. They claim that the way to re dresn the injury done by "the steal ' is to uohere firmly to the candidates under whom that battle was fought." The committee of the Legislature have reported that it is not proper to remove the Columbia da*. committee visited Columbia, thecitiaens gave ihe >i a big dinner and plenty of vri ne end—water, which accounts for the report they made. Si non pure can now step up and pi MO insHut'. I DOINGS AT lIARKISIU lit.. In the House of Representatives at llarrishurg. on 17. s resolution ** adopted for the appointment of a row mittee of tive to invest gate the present ojstetu of furmehi g stat tierv aid other suppli-Hi In the Auditor Gener al's report of laid year the Home i* charged with over f 23,000 worth of eta* lionery. The nieuihers ate of opinion that they did not consume one fifth of the amount with which they|nte. redited. fhe contractor was A. C. S. l'ttre, ot Philadelphia, and W.C. Shnrlock, * hicf Clerk of the House, certified to the cor rectness of the bill. These two will be among the most important witnesar* F.ither the quantity of stationery indi cated was not furnished, or imaiensr lots were stolen. It i- pre! able taat '>• Senate will also originate n cotntnittes of investigation, as that body with on'" 'iftv member"* is credited with having used over fM.ooo worth of stationei* last year. This is one ofthe big leaks which we pointed out in la*t week s Reporter • eiotig a score of others. N rl ther* >e a genuine sifting and not a whit* washing, and cover over and smoothing 1 ..er of the steal. .It is high time the-e lungs stop-—the people demand it. an.l 'he presa should be sustained in its r' forte to correct the abusee which cause ■ur heavv taxation. We would take a .OOO I*-" than it now costs, and run it better. In the house in' 7. An a etmirg , oid pun.-lung tramp* wli !t pr tin; mi j*erson rre-'e.i stid couvn .r --f Oeinc a trains -hall be ittii-ris.'iied * ditarv confinement and bsrj labor for ipeJ the bu ; "oilld wot be passed. It etur.ittage.i " i -:me aud wa* legi-lat! ti against t! ! r man. It should therefore be k 1- -d. Mr. M'Coweell thought the bill 01,1 tb-cteii professional tramps, and shou'o tie r efore pass, t; Mr Brwk-said that St. Peter said the , irvil was wa king atnuit arektng whom i ie might devour. h-> he the de:: wa* a tramp There were three kinds ot | poor— G.>d'* |K>or. the natiou'e t> or am! . ! the poor devls He thought ?: * b . -tiould tie acaewde.l i> as to take iare oi .11 the above clas-es of jn>or. Mr. Sehriwrk oped thw couairv w m ' te speedily relieved from the .tac y im-e of tr.'eswtool twggars and tram; - , t his bill would go along wav lowar. reaching this object. He would supper t, therefore Mr. Wolf beard oa every hand detiun tali una of the tramp nuisance, hut he ad failed to find the support to this bill ie had hoped to see If U e laws fortnu ramping iu other states, ■ ur state witb : >ut aey prohibitory 'aw. w u'-i - on bo < iverrun withstraeios and legg.in. The personal *e untv c utr peon • and th nght* of property demawded ttie paaaagr • f this act. The professional trauip was r * curs# to the country. He hoped the r bill would pase. Tht bill was then passed by 120 yea* to 50 nays and goes to the senate for ' 1 concurrence. The hous *d. pied thefol'ewing ree , • !uti->n to investigate '.he Agr. Ce ege , ' And H'.'tereef. By set of cosgrei* ap proved July 2. IWJ. !aaJ cr p amounting !® TtJO.iAXt acres *" donated to the ; ;"r the benefit ef agriculture and tnvcl.sn isal art*, wh:ch land >crip w.ubequer,t --' 1 iv sold for the utn ef $439,1!>i 90, and by ' net ef l-t".7one-tenth < f the p- ceed* of taid -a a a- appropr a'.ed to -a J go ege, ' together with the intsreat and inc me 0' • he ent ; ra rw.;due, dni H'trrraj, T ; # itaie ha* at othar , , times a ads ether lerga aperopr.etios* 1 1 bv ecu ef IW7. lfcil ed 1*7 S . t. ta d col t iege to a.d in carry ag out the purpose. < for whirh the leslitution was iccerp. ra t j ted ; therefere he it r j RftoirfJ, if.the .enata cer.eur , That a , j comwUee of 3 fr -m the house ard 3 frow. •he scr.ata d appw ntvd to eisia.ne '.he , *vre! acta of the leg" aiure re stieg t •a d college, end a*ce r ta n wne'- eu'.hori'y ' r ciwitrei, if any. the r.a'.e nity have ov the .'ame and also whether the -aire, a ' a 'w carried on s d condje - .a-i be uoh ae intituti'>r. a* was coe'.empla'ed by acts incorporation and aa i required hy the nrevisiuaa ef the *ev"ra acts epp* ;* a , ing money for it auri ert. and alse t: • adventagas reaulting to the agricu'tura mtereata wf tb# alste have been eotarnaw • urate with ao large an !Bvelment. Th • committee ahall have pewer to send for ' persons and pepera and exam,ne witnease. under oelh, end rep-irt the result ef thai invea'.igalion to the legislature not later than !*• days after their appointment. The bill appropriating f 1 uOO.OOO for tlie payment of the lueses hv tlie rmls of H77 has been under discussion in the House of Representatives Nearly all the |ieeches were in opposition to the measure. Au amendment was subtii!'- ted providing that the Governer shall not appoint a comeiiesion to aecer'ain the losses, as provided in the bill, until the Supremr Court shall have decided the ecu of 1841 and IM9, making Phila delphia and Allegheny ref>otisihle for damage* bv tnolw, to be unconstitution al. There is a convincing lobhv .in the interest of the bill, and its certain pae -1 sage is claimed by the leaders. iiome of the memlters who do not ex pei t to be re-ele* teti4nay be "convinced' and vote for the bill. The t'ameron-Oliver breach-of prom *e ca*e which is now leiug tried in A'"hingtou. is an affair of lewdness all j through -evera! years of Simon's court ship with the widow. This Mrs. Oliver ia ber evidence upon the stand la-t week telle without reserve, aud the let ters produced in evidence corroborate it. She played the part of a mistress for him, while be in return showed her many attentions, gave ber money and oranges and promised to make her his wife and under this promive she swea's the submitted to all his demands. The scandal is a nasty one, and puts Cameron on a very low level, and is no credit to Pennsylvania whose senator he was. Senator Jonas presented the memo rial of Henry M. Spoflord claiming the seat in the Senate now occupied by W. P. Kellogg This is the beginning of a determined movement to oust the last ot the carpet baggers from his neat in the henate. It has been a question whether this movement should tie made or the Senate should lake the initiative itself and expel Kellogg. Judge Spoflord and others, it is said, have atnuidaut evi dence that Kellogg benight his neat froui the bogus legislatora who elected Inia, paying at the rate of about %2'd> a head for their suffrage*. We return thanks for several public documents of interest and importance from Hob. L. A. Mackey. The annua! report of the Chief of the Bureau of BtUi*!ics says that 53 per cent.of our foreigu commerce is with Great Britain and ber cotool and other lie pendencies. Of the provisions ptnd breadabutfs exported during the yew over 8b per cent was produced in the Western and Koytb western State*. Kearny got a pumiaedog in California by one of the people whom lie yilified in a aptweit. _ POOL ISO TUB SSO ROES; Some one ha* been fooling the negroes 1 ofthe south bv making them believe that if they only manage to get to Ht. I. mis tltey will then be taken fiee 0 K*n**s and be provided with borne*, in., nseqiience >f which Ibiv an* tb'fk" !i ig into si I.vitii* in alarming ntnuoers, These l!u. h* were once badly fooled by ( the rapet baggers who tnaiie thetn be- | ( lievethst ifthev voted the r*.l ticket tbev would s* l 4i acres and a mule, and then again by the Freedwven's Saving* Bank f which failed after having ehtained all the hard earned pennies of the poor . blacks. But of the latest imposition upon these poor black* and its etle '*, we copy the following from the St. 1 oui* . Globe. It save "The exodu* of negro plantation hand* frv>ui the South has got to be a •:h cot serious not on " r t.ie 4> ate* from w!.i> !i the* inmir utid to Kansa* for which they all start, but to tit. 1 outb i wfio manage Ito find their wav out thers ' -a ••>>* manner-at:d thev are ad "t'at -1 broke. "Kvery dav there are tmw nrnva tot ■tie steamboat*. The other day l vlevl. ()f tbi* ntimber a! lit fi'l* t0 lenooghto pny tie : \S. !-e:| fare t*. - k*i -_* t :'.y. When thev reaib there iar.ilv i.eofthem w. 1 have ado ar. I ticre are . here vet. The aggregate ~ , a-n WCS th if tbem ah comb: nee - e uld tivl n. st k' y figure u| J 11 ev " camp out on the levee, where there are 1 families . the -ingle y ting uieu ang . ' around tows." * * * * "livery day letter* aud telegram* are " being receive J by commissi n u en and •teamb at and railroad cotnpan.es a re ' gard to the matter. At one landing in ' Ic-ui- ana the other day tliere sen k>o neoj e wait.ug for the b t ■ brini •Ueui to Bt. Louis. All along the banks !of the river the f.egr >e sit with their household trap* around tl \ The extra session convened on Tues , .la* It*. The Clerk pro - eeded to call the r 11, *. d when Mr ttlackbnru tote.i for Mr RaliHa'd tliere a round of applause on the HeUiocratic side and 111 tkr aaileries. 1 tie vole nulte.! as follow* Whole number of votes < ast, 2*3. For Mr. Randall. 144. For Mr Garfield, 12">. For Mr Wright, 13. For Mr. W I. Kellev (P*}, 1. Those voting lor Mr. Wright were Me—r-. He La Mstyr of Indians. Ford if Mieaouri, Foray the of Illinois, <11 - lette of lowa, Jotir-e of Texas, Kelly of PeniiSylvania, I.add of Maine, l.owe ot Alahaina, Murclt of Maine, Russell ot Mas-a. hii-t!*, Kterensen of Illinois. Weaver of lowa, aud Yoktim of I'enn •ylvaaia. 1 tie member v..ting for Mr. Kellev was Mr Harlow of \ rrmont. Wtien the teller* announced the re sult there were but 143 votes for Mr. Randall, and Mr Conger (Kp, Mich ), fiadjllnt raised the question mat that was less tbau iv majority of the whole numherof meuibers elected, wlieu Mr O'Reilly arrivevl in the Chamber and 1 'a* 1 hi* vote for Mr. Randall, thus giv ing that gentleman a majority of the whole number of members-elect. Messrs. Garfield aud Blackburn con ducted the Hueaker to the chair. On tnk :ug it he said : Repßesentativ £* By your vote In* elevated for th" third time to the exal ted office of Speaker of this House. For tli is evidence of your approval and con fidence 1 offer you my heartfelt thank*. The responsibilities and duties impos ed upon me are heavy and difficult. With the blessing of God I shall dis charge tbem without personal bias or ignoble partisanship. Observing strict impartiality u* to men and measure*, putties utul sect ions, it will be to me un speakable joy if I can help to bring about that substantia! fralernal union which cornea alone through "wisdom, moderation and justice." This new Congress meets in it* first seuaion under the call of the President. < 'wingto irre i concilable difference* upon vital lasue* important and neie**ary appropriation bills failed to pass at tho previous ses sion. Then the political sentiment of the two Houses was antagonistic. It is j now in complete accord. This House. f fresh from tlie people, brings with it , their latest w ill. We are here for such , legislation a* their ne<-es„itjira. welfare , and honor demand. That will, us eii- , pressed by the majority in calm and de t corona form, let u hope will meet with t universal acceptance; moreover, the country experts of this Congress that it will wisely utul deliberately legislate to ' remove the burdens that have too long | weighed upon the patriotism and pros- | perity of the people, and with the (ires- , rnt hope that the spirit as well as the „ letter ofthe Constitution shall he the d influence in directing such legislatten, 1 aw now prepared to take the oath of office. Cheap John at (.uirgenbeirner'a talis '' Jowr than any jiellofoute store. I •"> I*^. uf Allegheny, i* tL<* i m inripnl i Immpion m the House of the 1 bill to J'lv the ii..; • ebilrtiaKm n na* hav tn>; a pood time e ith the widow Oliver, he war carryii c the republican (tarty of lYituayltaula In I. * pocket. la lie 81- ' tnon pnreT The (ireeuhack "Ultn.t of p to," that ea* to do aurh wi-iulerftil thing* to I otigt***. ta aadlv llattriiad out. h haa a.it scored a point At the Democratic House caucus on Thuradry *#vral of i ilia greenbackera put in an aupaarance. There ttte fourteen of them in the Home nndthet will divide about equal j|y hetweea the two parties Th a will inerrate the Pemocra' c et-aupth to ! 'C', and i f the M aiaint-ei* toelert we will can* fout.thir giving is 1 •( of the 2V ■ members or a majority of !.*. In li e |'ait House thetc weie Peinucratic | Uapreaeutali v— . IIA Y K"i 1.1 ITI.K UE■*> At • K UW'.MK* II ! 1 IIO.IM <>* .All' V.l A* i \r a A imtot. W -1. agio a. Ma hl9 lee following > the l'r- a*B'. • uietaAfa fV.V -a- i Vf. 'fui ftkr S< i.ifr a , i Hontt it lirprr rif tfirej The f lure ef the '; Conxrnt to ntak • e : • e; retHltieai ?-r l* Va! i* an iodic la' puH>'(*( ; far e t pen ci of the ••• ere eir-oulnre dapartai*'!* of the gov*-' aient and for It eiu apart of the a-ui * . ha hi,ae u ..f!>ri P-cal 1 a (pv-ial .vt-t •• >•! the Fort tn'.h fan*ret• The eti •!.tt ef t||i' pria'.iot.t needed, whieh acr- tent !# t' -rgr#-- t>v '.he Sr rotary of e I' fliuri t t! * 0! • 'eg af the t. >n> tv a* e renewed, act ere trow O tr. mtt'e l to hoih the Senate and the lleu>e u' Kepretei :*! ve U#gr*'.ttig ihe •-1 l-'.e.e if Ihe eme r pen cv w! -h re.|iore e tperiel teirioiet Cot i{'e, t a 'line tio t >•!*•£ neralju.f •a te'thei xntrv that lb* ; i;t c we! fere (' t.e bail prom le.l he leriiiaaenry ' eu r lei; - at. end be pc * end rert, I .••liiaieej them few eecntterf riieetjre-, v jr ront.Je-e'e attent a i rioHi Ut Ttivar an B lino It i t/jreA 1 it, ISTy AciMßipanv nv tha I'rei len. t Mo-xr e-e cat mat*. hra tha Seeretary . f tb* Tr-tjM.v of atone* t-*d*.| f#r the arm* n i " eacu;ie nd JuJoi* t.fein ! . • ef the li itr.it tal THKI.AI'IKS vIALA DAY ! ho Spring Opening at M wl. .h of ire '• e .rieared I i t"is* ' e ' i eere i „ '.•!* at a ' to tie • t i ilei! t.v the • i t'T ai d d tig - er.h weett • wttiwhe e are f;t: grte'et • en' v 'a*'. : , 1 • wa a I'.jri"at ar d r apt.* ceirii teare h". f. i* r opening Mrt' 1 <-r fge ,V (.'lute er rh a' J h u: n the •-* d*_* that h'oufht at Ike grtt ree i■ • g •••afher of the tea*oa A e'.>r.ou Me* ,!e • Moi 'e* March H 1 u'U d ' e'dl* :ie Leer- hoped ' - mi o r jbl on tlie heelt o' e teere a .l.ter, the iri" > n te the bi d ten pereture a'd • k ■ 'nh tumrcer wat rj e> ' re '-e-bing The vpai 'j oi ij -e u' the iw 'i gee t•'\ t| rke'artr" T'e mn; eat **• eeiont of f • g'eat er'a 1 . thiue'l were th-engi d w ;l. r.titort '- e a rf * hear vi' t 0-1 ee'a i oed The ua' "l| "•' t eJ m "a", a a'.il delight lit tr ... !■ I' ißtt! edit* tert'eck e I *• d *a" O • a *-: • It; evej iy a tt.e <(#( a-tn er t a I -a IrO.ig. i ■ the • "ef'.i epe*. etior ah '• utr. ha niegai ' lr*>t ditpla* of gaedt MDM Mkmntll' ! ed r ■ er.:: i Kp • * we e'e ei ted hr the Ee' p*3 e *r :etin i a* a d Cae a'*t • til• wh e' w. -e -a e :ei! by a a.imber t : 'Le fl-ai a the great jianj'ec'.jr eg .e it ret aorota t h e At.ae'.ic, wtbt' e tpe* ' rial *"wo' tat tfiag the ru ti*atad and , at..at . !■:' the patroni e' tat r at ( teb tbu e'.t Men* of t' ani <1 ul. .;ue ; tt_*'e. we ae-e n'orcved. are in lbie coan . ;• .eafued en laeieely te t' e It oi k foi".' ert i • aUra lad ikt et'.e-t. aif a Ma"* an of i e new ' ' Areertcaa rro ceated a 'fit oi i ' emo-g the a e, whe rnu- neti ',lrm 1 ! e'e we-r th are reiterde* rone nw *, e- c te rab aety aeol !'*e •• - pat -e et d tetia t'.ripet, damateet, kroeate at, II jaepre quad*! a. 'out.nee. ata. Tha ait ' Bert ' l fek- ;aiprettee ..t at |.tntit< ■ n| : aw: da', degree a ',ci a;pea'- ,;a*re at ! *e-y etteat a 'er dara* '. of wat- rembined w th moderat en in ' re A an intlance ef oar own ceaatry t ' - g -et a a • aiai hctora era aiaattaa I es Amerirar-aiade tiik— the Ceehemire it det'.rurt'k a its both colon arid f ark. wtsick rie ed the moil fanvout Lyoat ! aiatet r eppea-ance aa.l which ! ir erd to e per'eel talit'ec'.ioa in tfe wear A re** arge ine e' peat end r*et * t'.r per! and cbereed (ilka *a ate • tiown 'lmfrr j-eu g v>dt we nol.e*d d far i'iurh from tkote in *ogue ett ran Ibe p-e*ai eg leitoret are pa n end t.MI in tp| ea'ai.te. and d a retaarkak r < or".rait the (> r i Iat re e'e end •'. at ■ t a noe ' iet ef !et tee- w! e no ett baut Met* •' th# fabrict e-e inter wee; v* ;h . k I vary neat at.a eiqj -te etv et The ritet of tame of tiete ! uperh toe iiet wn . P were regreal * ad i -ed were Drap aatte. drep tn u ten. e-, -..•-a. dra| # ekavw aa 'er* ■a\e f*eet a:. than 100 aIN *'e..< •i ettioi. Iti rr-.J -admired raw fab r.ct wera i hr.t'.e'ed i'a'.ewia aad Ye Id i olh.l AN e were ia("raie-l that erer* • earner of tk# A me- ran I ne 1 brieg wit 4 a ana to iti.i megu beent t'.eck u! for eira no*elliea ie ine draee g -odt In papular prue fabrirt, Men-t Straw bridge A C other teem to ha*a mate a tpecial effor*. Ih t eaaoa The dup a* wee w ader'ul in iia anety aad lowaeti f pricee The ruoti itoe ted pure ccald l ire be tailed wlthbet fell. S'o 'bfarior gi.edi were diap'ayad. and e*ee the L>w ei priret o ai tfr* wjp lg e en I re teltafai i:on ill the wear Tie tpring weather a.ede the beautiful dp at of tore gn . oltor.t eepeer |iartscu rl* inaitm.f Sa'in". o-gand e. jr..n e t zephyr* rhbviwta. 'tier te rlotht. e'e were e •tiewii in men* new and plea* r,g det'gne. 1 it hont'T coua'.ert were ell day tur ,le ce'e T-nmt'-e Jeril articla that e*pe i-ia ly p lee ted their fancy The manufacture of h*ier ha* keen t g'eatl* imor-jed in qualities, doiignt and ronsparati** roil, that only th"ie th" here leken the pain* to inform tbe!iitel*e* upen tbit aubje t ran bare any ju*t idea .-f li e artialic perfrrtien aae elegatre et a.ned in thie branch tsf foreign nsenufac tu-e All the mw*t calekrit*d of hoeier* makert were repre*ente4papoa tbe ceur - tert There were evera! Dei artmeaU eew t ■ U. nd Tihu-k we ti-a r #.il had kean e*'.ah ■>h-a hut ath i't tuae Tliey were drett rirnin ag*. tneii * fur' lafong good* ane r.ephyrt and wureteUi NN e nt ee.l at the alter department an elaborately enibreid-: -red obair. the work of the operative* of he hoist*, end wbmh we rounder tee t *l -pa/ aeen of ant aeedl wwrk we have e*r -eea. In ltie ealet parlera on tbe terond flier everything oa d'(play wa* new aad bright | >1 it>llii undi-rweß'So rti- ap aa to atlettiahl • .ne. corewta of all tnakea and kinda, la lie ai d ml*"'* *uit* end white dreeat : itl'e boy* ch tkiag infai.lt outfit*, eir | were all tbown ie atylet new to meat of the vitltora The ba*ement wat, a it alwaye it, thr nged with buyert Tk# Linen Da-1 oe-tmeat made a grand ditplay of newly* imported gendt, an*i e-ry ana mare!ld at the eitremely low pribee In curtain ard uphel-tery maftrial wore abowi man* naw ijeaifna in rrtteanai end raw tilk*. We notu ed alineofjuteithat were exact imitation* of raw tilk. at about .■• fourth tbe prire. New detignt ia Marteille* quilta were thown, and tkeru wtn anair e* *red border* that ware ery elegant. ! We were impraeeed all tnrouga tbe haute with the extreme lownet* of prieet I'ne firm a lvertiae that the low cotl of raw materiel, tbe unpreved appliance* for; manufacture, and the relnrn to a tpeci* haaia have all combinad to ruak* price* lawer than aver bafore. ond oerlainl* no hna*e anywhere it u-.ore favorably tiim- | ted to receive all the advaritagai than Met*ra Slrawlaridfe & Clothier We ran but regard tbe brilliant turce** 1 which attended their openiag at an augu I r of the bueineaa o' tbe teaton - J'htlv- i ( itrf]>hia fcirnini) Trltgrnph. I The wilde*t eetimate* of the dtniega , done to the Hungarian City ef Sgeg.-die , h* the nvatflow of the Theita cenlmue ti he received. A Vienna paper tare tka'. 8 2tlo hi-uea hnve fallen and 1 000 people , have been drowned A Peeth dopatch to a London paper *aya that 120,000 prreoatj were driven froai their home* in ih* dit* 1 11 triet tubaiorjct}. Tho river la (till alowly t telling. i There gre but few perplexiliee in man ic ageiiient by ae economical woman who i* t prev ided with a full line of Leant oft I Dyee, n.atle by Wella. Richardaon At Co ,| Burlington \ t With them anything in ' the hou> ran bn handsomely colored aad II made to retemhle tnw article*. Sold by , druggieta. Nearly 2.0(X) (100 rattle, neatly young, will bt driven from Texea north before the hot wealber of Augtial begin*. Tha mm* ' her of cattle in a ' driva' it generally B,oooj it i warh larger. But ihe Heportar. ( HAI'TIMM FfiK THK DKAI). i ll If"r I the fallowing pettago it found, v.- Hl.a what .hall the* do tl whirl, ar. baplil ad fe- tha ,|a,(, |f t b. dead rite rat at all " Whvarathc* then baptig.ii 'ar tha dead Thia it aaknow'adg- '' rd to tie an eh*. Ira pa*t*g. one of tho S d m.-tilt tbingi to t.o found m the taltara 'f "I I'aul If •p' i * to. "tha dead," tha prapotlt • a ■. at* all of untaria n mean- " tng. Iheta hat beau graat parplaxlty ,vi em .tig on.in. ntal..r* ie regard of (hit e taxt Mr. I,l'knpayt W bat tbit baptlX- I i ln f for tba ileatl wat 1 know n -t. Tin da a tramlatoa it er tbe daad Chrye * " - toui utideritaud* it *.f a rn*'.ota that pro- " vailed at funera't of gl* ag an addrett at |i the grava ad if aav haliaved in le*u and j tba t eturro. lion, they wet • than and tharn * baptised Upon thair faltk and in hope af 0 tb" r#*urrertlun But it wil! oat da tar inatition naitse* in thii Communication i I hera tna-l he a tuusaaag up ot viewt en . terlaine,! by difiorent aullinrt N one en dcrata-d by llaplitta f >r tba ilbad • ' Se'f.Baptixn, V-ffc.f Tnufr. 'alf ia- n r'.ed t'jfferit.gt and t..rloret Tb#ra It ,| hewevar, na auch hap'.iam in a'l tbe word It It a fiction it ,■ Ineanity. 1 NN Bat riif.i .Ul h baj l >m avail for tba ■ daad, t 2 Soma again und.r*ta a d by baptlam , r the dead f'unaral llaptnta tae*a*' mg of a deed rorpte ia h. pe et tbe e * rectian, • ttd at preparatory ta it a ft. ttthar* tbi"k it ft vicarioue baptiem . at it li.taadad that l'aut refer* to the 1 attoixi ut ha*. ag *oaia tartont bantixe. ? " 'bo place if are wh i had died wuh.nii r naptit'a (iroiiut, Michaalir, Tertullian g and Anihra*# are >f tbu awiaiaa. Hut i prat t ra did not obiatn in tbe itgea of * "• Apittle* If tl bad he would have* 1 '•b" "*rd it at it tav-irt of tuae*titi.>rs ■t Othara again think an "era* ana' tut* ' V r , haptifio It metal the death •ad mart*idam of a" eiwo ent tain' ore •kafi 'tbe la rereiea ht *m a'-.f make c |ir- .It (if religion In ttl it *ani.a the I 1 a.'d ifa holy aiartyr bapi tad wh*l p cilia* But|theia find got vat bean muck par* * ecu All at Carih'll not man* rate* •' a 'nartvrdoiu vet S.i that there rou'd not nave bee u.any i itivana to rb'itt.a" t* t •* ti I'n*taacv and £■ 00Det* of she mar i •• t Baalda* uffk n Otaak udiln la '•artisan irvrr fene'et agaet e un a* I *> Some tkiak a c#rensanial baptitm i neaet Sum IV IK Thit baptt*m b .w* 1 erar. had no reference to tlie teturre.li ' ef tbe dead It wa* i a died a'* r * le Hi '' , mala Hag 2 14 Ii w* a Jewith cu* , '. '**> and navtr admit ititred tu aew ten • rart* Mpegglly from the fleelbrn I b A 111 re p'a.i' ti ee #w tfian aav Tt •fa ad. It tba *"alaphorirel and a'.!egoru-a'. j., view Arrerding ta thii ew a bet-tieti. p >f iftli i. ti i etc.if •* and rna" >r 1 m. t It traded, uht IvtrAJaif Ttse 1 t garnet ti IU fav r at Hit view ate th* fo w• g t Tbit view arrart !•#•! wi'.h the ap"t !'* oh act, * _ t>. p-ova th* ra*urrerli*a '' Fau' mean* lota* If Clitrta't do ltd I I f< a • I' e g'.ate.' J>> (•' ard fifTer.ag J a-d mt-r bapli-m tfiav nut ! ■** ff.irii te. a.d again ufa 1 tha - .u! far eg wii be tur nothing and tbey a I • far* loo'i.t ly 1 2 Tha Si St and 32 \erte. rnaa fa*; y s'pr va th • view t<> be tha correct na It the pattage refa'rvd ta I'aul sin And - all* •'.•no wa in j*. pa*d evary hour? 1 protatt t * lent •• o c • tl which I **•• ia r Ctrot Jav .t our Lord 1 dia dai'y tl af- t#r it a ro a '.ar of list' I bare fought w ',• e-v, _v *ha' d-mk inaavd of BIT r .p, and be bapt :d • '.h the has''. wi i tb*. I ens hapf rei wita I hut a bap l.-rn to ha hapt red with aa i bow on 1 r *'. *a I teti .a till tl he act ntnp ■ el Pau '• • dee • tbit. accord eg '. >t' i* View If r the dead 's# n<' . the-# it na u* tn tu'* [ fe'iag tn t'-e ruotri and rstiead uf tha mar - tyred aea-f, alt ail 'ncad dat ger and f i Jaa'.b ih the hapa of lk raturre-tioo 'lbi* view It, kcatvir, ob ec'.iersat la Tkit ' ear ing of hap; tn; :a e-t ueual, nor eat • ural, n.>r nacataary. Tha litaral taaar.lng t uf tk* word hare will a* we 1 meet tbe de* l gn af tba A pott a a* tha me'.apkorical 1 i Ihe w- 'er , thare' oa prapa'-d ta -ta'.a. ■ tba! tba • •* aorrect *ew •eerrs* t • be— < ? Ihe "• 'emeola! *ew Thit It 3'F*t t t tip e aid e aa'.t 'tie dat gn af tha ' e at"t!e t a-g.which It a- fc .ow* laa raturract. n it ao ettent •! a-ti e< f tba faith at a cbriat ar. it • am braced by • etary ci.riattan . tl rantti'.u'.at a par', ot • hit y*ry pr •'*** l", at I far any one to 1 f :.ne : * t •• v that wf, ch • nte't into ••#*•*'*.■•■ fiba ckrialtaa ikitt I It It to tt'.ke a blow at the s a-v aalure of s chrsatiaaity at.d daah a I tba hope* ilf t itbad at d aip-ataad by baptitm II- w Pa • T ** la tkriMiukl a: an ..*'. • I e • ia tb# ertie a of Ih* a.a a no, et a', bat I tas a-* TB a and wr! a paruk J T * *■ * i • AN INPAMOCSMI RDKR S rttc Deiaila of the (' .arardly A -*#- t aiuatiuu of B.C. I'orlar in Teia*. Da 'a* Bpe a 'a N#w \ rk Ilera'd i <• aaf the it.otl brutal end r a-I •od* < .d e a'de-t eear reported 'f tbi " " With an oath Carria threw the revolver piown agaiaat I'ortrr'a b d* and fir*d • gam tbe b#ll in thsa inilanca gel. g 'through Po-to-'t abdomen aad coming eut 1 !at tha back. A byetaader then tl'pp-d | forward and Curri* all* fired at hi®, bu' i miaed. Perter aank to tha floor in an un 1 canacieu* condition. He lived only fifty |* nisnutet efterward. Barrymore't wauedij ia pam'ul, but it ia net contidarad danger- [ •. oua. After th* ahooliag Curri* draw a * terond revolver, and with one at fall cock \in each hand defied arretl There had beea i no witnett to the affair except tbe bar ill keeper and Miat Baker. - A policeman —an aid man. without arena , f -antaresl Muti after, when Carrie put ap V hit revolver* and quietly aubmiltad ta ar f< reat. Kicilamant avar the affair grew it, J' intenaity until the lynching of Curri- b- y tha enraga-l p-'pulace toetnad probtblr n Kvon in Dalla* tbe feeling run* high. It i# regarded at the moat detlardly murder * that ti wa lakra place, even in Taiaa, lor a , uiany yaara, and it it will hart c| tbe Stat* very tnuca The Comb>nation 1,1 Company it atill at Mnrtkall. Porter'# remain* will be placed in a ratkel and tent Cl North ■' Curria ha* lived in Text for tevera! *' yeart. Ha wa* formally a acout with , r General fuller. Ha hat lived in Kantat.>ui ■•lie, where he killed twe men. He a firil engaged by the Ivxat Pacific (.ua>- || jiany at a detective in wetkuig up th# 4i caie of the San) Kaxa g of tram mb- •• bera. Lately he hai acted #t a private de- *' tactiva on the road. ll* ia large, power fully built and a regular rough troaliara-i man. Whm in liquor be ia quarralaorac aa! She Undergoes Another play's Or tlpftl at tho HamU of (xen. Butler. J.'* Washington, Marob 20.—1u tho Olivar- Cameron cat# to dav th* creat eianiin' ,iaa of Mr* Oliver, wat cealinaed. Ai nuraher af letter* were Introduced, which [he wilnatt a-'kaaw tag- d at hating haen ; written bv hat Mia nlto nam Mail tigO tig a i-it pt for a thoutand dollar* from' eon Cameron in 'ul! for all claim* who b tii* uia 1# on bun, Nb* b*J pat>*d ander tbe namra of ( rapar, Kaefaner, Stuert Maker and Oliver Mite intraduc • d b- lf bi Mr*. Gaarral kihertt an ia the |rltsr o| tba C-itigi atiiwtial Hotel. Hha went there ta tea Cumert a, ami whan the waiter atked who cklled eh* tbuughtleti ly raid Mr* (laiierat Sherman. It happen* ti but tier The tarvatil at th* hotel did sot rafuaa bar admltiian to Camaroa a raoiu until the 'eld him the! the wat Mr*, General Cbarinan NN hen th* took muney (rem Cameron, tb* iatl initalmeai and llgaed the paper, the intended ta uae the money while the wat tick, but ao much deception had bren ptaeiteed upon ber thai *> a u#r deJ t • keep bat • tottieiineg t* promt ute her tail Her counael, wt -10 t1 #i• a >n# lti• rai t ! the amount that might l>e recovered fib# i o tjfi*d that •be went to f atnerot. t room at bit rrqu*t nasr'y • very time Sic to >k medicine at ktti*|ua*l and th# purpote was ÜBtlai-s t em) tF*!w*en them, and it wat for ga tieg r d .f her tro ih a Tha money that he tav# her was for takoig car# of her wMIs iha was sii-k, and kail nothing to do with ke breack of prooiita ault, Adjaurnad. • • I V.M'PPORTA aLK ANGt'ISI! KiJawy and liver trFiuble- loading to trv tHoumat >s, [FiFas, and conatipa I" * a d i# tha talveiit a l reaovatiag power of K -iney-NN'. rt The Uiedirme • -■'■• harn.iaglf on B dahititalad tvateiu and By i; u- s~a . a-at of piles are lured. I ti* prematura -• X p atiol F| m hlatt le Lae P--lUvi i* theft t> *f y # l P-'tUVIHe, Pa . ki ad two asr-ti al l seriously lejurrd w.. others Hut drink* tk u'd be avoided ia day t ill (luting ( #IJ weather, at they have a l-ndaeey lu w-*k'a the lusrt and effeci hetbrrFßt Itkt Dr Buli'aC'oagh >y r ta tar all ca>at ef cwegba clda aad kuaracaatt. Pnca 25 tenu a bolll*. Pep -rt of tk# Stationing Cen.ntiUee r' the Cunt-al I'enti'a Canfureaca, of the K*e- gelo-al A'tFic-ati-Fa. convanad at Lew -bu-g. I'a , March 10 1K79: Yo a a DIM M J C.rta-rt. p E Bals ta- re M r -n— H llangat Circuit— T M Morris and Ed t 'ruvnbtir.g S' rcw-brrv P v Orwig, ,1 • vrett• vlite—l. D ee G 'a Ko< k— P NV (jr„ a p a lc-gar vile 11 N tvreningar * Yo'k Circuit—S Vrktiei and C NV FIB a nit'der, Utider P E Y -'k Mni-'ii S Aurand Pr.-tpecl—H A >'o a- d J Sttmbatb Low I • berry K D*:t D-llahurg—G U *>eh'#a Hendrfilia— P J Jarrett. C Bi'-a-laa !Ed wta Setagla and C F G'whart. utidar P E ('a-' • * A II lrvjne. P NV Raidahaogh, airmbat of L-gan- V 'la tjr Conf Jt'stkTt Dtr -E R-skr, P K. Kg °+t>r-ng -W I Shoriitt. L'-#' a-g II NV Groav Hwgant-'Wii It F Anthwny. Mr. • !e G'O'ge J#tefkh Nw P-.rt A Pattareae- G E Zekner. Pa-'V —.l Ni Lo'-.k'-dorf hittrtv*. SNV Sei>ert. M C or* N '"h V<'ueg and E P L* n a-d under P K M a* eburg --- S tii aed E Jamrt ur de- P . CniFsn I hi P *i M bu-g P C NVeidaaaeyer. P--F- Tru*er-..a —J (4 M Sw#r>gl Cease# — V F l>e nirig#r and W H Hart ma" ue.der P K [truth Va tev— VV H Stover Jtima-a H F Keller. KC B wertoi. member ef Midd'eburg Cn' P-a'. J W Uea'.r. member ol Union Or. Caef B F Hail, mi-a.her f Marvavill* or. Cuaf J-'bn Kreamer, n ember of Centra Or. C-nf I.wt*nt F DtT —W E De'.wiier I* F. L*w .F,u-r VV M tromin, B 'L Hurnhergar. NVr.it* De ti NV Currin ard D NV B i *r. und*' (• K. Danvil'a—( Hu"',er. B arm-burg L K Ha" t. t'o'umbi" NV VV K''*ada. lterwick— J M E'tsnger. Lurerae J M P--c# C*lawia—-I H Herlt VV -mtr.g—<4 L Hu'Mtn. Lenexville—J All -lienba- h anna H H Douty, an Jar P K Duiif-'*— Mf N NV a I lace nugbkVilla J F* Shu'tr New Columbus—NV li Lilly. Milton—'S P tt a titer Kit-g.- ~,_T na • jifPiad. * T Buck, member tit MPlnn Conf L M#'bia. mtFiiktr of Hilar Or. C->af P. NV Runyon, member of White Deer U- Conf N> ttt.ttMtr ut D:T A L Keeaer, I* E. Lack Ifavat—J J Lai - J arte* ShFVa— H W Buck ar.d F S V . ught, U" -<#r I' K N--.inv V.i #v Reuben Yaucg and II M Eva" unde- I" K Sugar Valley -D P Klin*. Lvct'taing- N Kraut* NN illie.(p#rl Circuit ia Young S tion —I) NV Millar, M iknen—J A Irvine. M I'etbjrg J M Kmg Ktl Liberty- A Sl#|F!etoe. L bartv—M Sl.kal Cantan—J M Hreder Centra Hall Jacob Heal Newberry—J C Reaaer. Da* villa—. 1 H Patol. t • a U F Sweng't DR OBRRIIULTZEK'S'LIS 1 MKNT~ in i'HOH mi h. fcifhly no ••'.|i kll nt Spie., •If It to •* tfe* fai tn < aria* U . tefellfe, d tn bo ••• I •riiqiidlr *t>4Nrly It •• nnothn* nnd ra* JMaU, t )*!• tnnorlo* r>4 U aOf nv-rtea* i f toof •U ho no iA ho< fe Va oay .>n* if I Miltf d oiil tu ofloct• rtl.o rontf I Not; :#• fo* $ IVcMDo'. on If bt D. Hold hy J 1) WatTAy l ftttr# HAI Tha Phcritlx ••colornl. lU* provod ttoolf t4 •# io< felt*rlf nd*i>to<) to old p#n •wna. rofMnflim a.l childcan It tmafef * cnld 11 ii|feroiik It fetdfe feip etorfetton It if fetbrk he#, thf end ie f<*od oondittee It il|*il.'n er.kl imilfeitetN It mefeaf fet. mux Iff end n*.t'k Hf n rf It e -off# •! I d rre Wart end tvw (i?r Fellk e- Inr to hetfo* eflrtte en randltioe tale - h anil j eltrf hfeeltA end InawMt lb que* iiti 'r r( . Vlfmelah* tr Isert Oh*rfeoltr. et blf llU,>erk .f IX' * Third ft reat. PHU *ttteoll I fe* 'nl • Uiht. el I* cent# rar pound bf -f V Mor ref. oetro llfell. efed W J. Thornj(ea, Hollore MiUr merflf K. F KiinkclV U'tter \Vte of Iron lit- never been kn-iwn to tail ia tba eur* o( weaknatk atler.ded with aytnploma, tn tiai ati-.tati to exertion, lon ot n-*mary, d'ffcuHy in braathiig. weaka#*i. horror ..f -titaaie, weak, nargom trembliag, treadtul horror of death right iw#*U. ...Id fret, weak na*#, dtmaetk of viaian. anguor uaiyer*l la'tiluda of 'be mutcu arkV'tm, anormout appetite witk *.**- (.aptir ayint-tawi*. hot handl. fluahiag of ike b.>dy, dryneti af tha tkm. pallid coin* tananc* and arapttani on the face, parily-, tag tb# b|.ad, paia in tb* back, beaviaeat m th# ayelidi, fraquant black apolt flying' hater* t'k* avea. witk auffution aad u>aa a' ■ igfct. want af attention, Ae Soldnlvin| f . 00 bnttlaa. ar ai X bolllet for s.'> 00 Atk -or E F .vuekel'a Butar Win# of Iron, nd tak* no olbar. Aik y.iur druggikl nd if be haa it not, aend t" l'ropriatur, K.f F Kunkal. No 'JuV North Ntttlk hire pi.' I'hiladalpbia. P*. Advise Ire*, encloea .kr*-cent rtemi ; WOK MS WORMS WORMS. K F Kunkel'a W'-rm Syrup never fpilaj 0 destroy P-n. Seal and Stumacki NN'orms Dr Kunkel. th# only succsws-J 'ul pkyikitß svko r#uiV" Tape NVortu tn| wo hours. ■ ii *•• with and no fa# un | i| removed. Common s*n(* tea.-bet it r.I e NVorina be rem -ved all other wrm an K r#dily d#'.r lain in the stomach, redleas at night, [rinditig of th* taat-h. picking at the n<>ti, ough. fever. Itching at the teal, hoad- 1 ch*. foul breath, the patient grow* pale 1 nd (bin, tickling ami irritation In the *n J i*.—all the## tyintitoma, and rn .ra, mine * roni viirmi E F Kunkel't Worm Syr l> never lailt t-• remove them Price. 1 Ul tier h'dtle, or tix bottles for $q lg) s For Tape Worm, write nd conull th* a toctor ) For *ll others, buv ofyaur drug !.- |>t the Werui Syruii end if he haa it not •' •nd to I)r. E F Kunkel. 2u9 N Ninth i irect, Philadelphia. Pa Advice by tail, 'fee ; seud threr-ccnt itarup, lar 2U41 r amtibor M'lk curat headache and neu- {J ra'gi*. d ampler Milk cure* rheutnatitm and * lame back g tmphnr Milk cure* cut*, bruise* and burn* | ■ mphor Milk coat# 25 cl ; 6 bottle# sl. K •Id by J. D. Murray, Centre ilall. I HAVE OPENED the SPRING SEASON FOR 1879, I i,r i * n '"K D ' l,ceut *'ock, far *ur|.a#ai. g all tbit Ibiy hgge eTir before abowD. r ti , ne , w '| t 'l ,artn "' nu a"■ ••sfar^nKSfs?ws/ciS' u , fr * upward*. THE DItESSGOODS exhibit* an i m aenae atoek of OUR OWN DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, i IT INCLUDES, IN FRENCH NOVELTIES. • almoat every fabric (hat arill.ibi# aeaeon, be popular in Parig, Berlin and London. j —ln English and American Dress Goods— WE NOW SHOW SPRING CASHMERES. foc TWILL BEIGES. 25c NOVELTIES * ia. 36 Fk-cha. wide j Bfi woal Sill, • I# *' SAXONY 40c. MOHA(R BEIOES ' 25c. FANCY SUITING? 18c. 4o urhfe- fe'Oe | fold ttilk -.-wi BRADFORD M<'HAIRS. STJc .-ABLE SUITINGS, 25c ENGLISH NOVELTIES li- HRADFF>ED si NINGS. ?IE ARMURS. .JOE coHDID FOPLINI" *' 13|E. SILK STRIPE MOHAIRS, 31c j PLAIN BEIGES,**' 50E MANCHESTER CAVI/mEIES, 12K 2ic j CLOUDED MOHAIR.'^ 1 20C MATKLAASENGS. 12* ARABIAN SUITINGS. 25c I MATE LASS E BEIGES* 20c WASH , t F laa. ( afT* fe half efftcU. I kargiip y Hal SPRING CASH* EKES. 25c. I CASHM ERES BEIGES. 18C FANCY SUrTINQs! fcitra Bl | god A job 10l IN BLACK GOOIIB WE INVITE ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO A large invoice af SILK WARP HENRIETTA CLOTHS, j BLACK GRENADINES a.d BLACK HIEVANIES Jutl landad. price, mega from . lmo ■ 1 FT| TO $2 00 PER YARD >LAIN AND LACE BUNTINGS . A'( oar ow. •' asnwrpw, 1 AND STJtI PKD WrtOL SATINS. U. SO. W. 75 CISTS THE SHIT ESPASTHSNT Exhibit# Exter.aiv# lin## of i CHILDRENS' LADIES' AND SUITS AND BACQUES. Si lilSGbl ITS ANDCI STUMES i INFANTS' OUTFITS (' SPRING ULSYERS ANDsA'qUES. * Byilcm of doing huaincta, and our great facililiee for ila economical and eooceaaful j tranaaction are rar. Jy equalled, and cat not ptibly be excelled, we respectfully invite examination and solicit comparison. STRAW BRIDGE $ CLOTHIER. N W CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET BTS, PHILADELPHIA. A m 9 m 4 v V w i GRAND DISPLAY j | -AT THE- * j! BEE-HIVE ONE PRICE j j EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE jj j! IN ROOM LATELY OCCUPIED BY BUNNELL A AIKINB,I HAVE JUST !' OPENED A NEW AND COMPLETE LINN Or j[ ' < DRY GOODS, in all Utf*t Spring Sty lew KLA< K GOODS AND SILKS. SHAWLS, THE LATEST NOYELTIEB- '! r i '( j CARPETS-BEST GOODS, ALL CHOICE PATTERNS. UURTIN J LACE AND CLOTH. TABLE LINEN. NAPKINS, TOWELS, |! HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, ' • ) TIES, CORSETS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS. AC., AC. > j WHICH WILL BF. OFFERED AT PRICKS XEYER BEFORK EQUALLED. \ i. H. SAirikANO# > 2li mar 3m BELLIFONTK. ,ji j i - .1 "c- '"" V . i ' jr—' _ — — . 1 . 7-. W-V (IAMK Special Notice* THE WORLD'S BALI. Hr L. I). Wavhu#i'fe A'tapntiva Svrup, A remedy wwad THIHTT FIVE YF ARS to a prlnlfe rrocUcw, o.J ufTU falll't# l4 ro4l. oily our* KH KU VIA rhM, Sopfefulfe. Hfeooodorv SyphilU Cirfe. tfel nugta# fetid fell (itfe Abwa to whir fe (few Liaod !• I iiinilrwifed tfe no uftrwl lo (hfe pfeblic fCkM l>v fell Kfetfetl l*ru(fifetA and tafeolaafelfe oult hy th* waybupfe Mfedlolßa Co . P. O Hot Iff. Kocbfe~ lot. W. Y 1 PIMPLES. ! I will mfeil Kr#fe > tb roclp# for fe feimpl* YtcataMe Hfelm ifefet wall rwruwvw Tfe*. frock Ire. PimpUfe and Ultdrhaa. laavlng (be akin iKift. clear fend bofeotlful.' alio InalructMma for prawtucins fe luaarUot gmwih of lifelr oo fe LfeM hfMxtl or amoolii Ng AddrfeM, loi U>- |ti| ie a tfe tup. lUn VfemUlf Al'o.H Aon Mrwet NY T) CONSUMPTIVES. j Tfefe fe*lwfeHta#r har ng ham pwrmfenent ly eorod fef lh*b drofed difefefeaw, •'oosumpllork, by fe aimplfe rwtofedy. ia aniktua IA uiaka km>n to fela fa!lo auflarara tho ruafeOfe of mra To fell arfeo dfeairfe It. hfe will send fe j <-y of Iha prescription n*t 1. (frw# of rhfergw srilh tb* kliroctions for propferloff fefed uain tha Muxife. which the> will And •* •(<• ourw for Atlhtofe, Itronchllbfe. Mv. Pfelblfet Nfebiac 'Hfe Prwiicripllon. will (>!#•• feddrwa# r K WILHON. bM Pfettu M . VYiUlfemfebuTgh, v V. ERRORS YOUTH. i A GRYTLRMAN wfeo aulferfed for yawn from War VTHM Orblllly, Prraat ur# dfec-fey. feod fell tb* effecU of < wool h full ad ifeoiwt lon. will for tb* fefek# of fetiffferln . hutufenlty. fefend frwfe to fell who fec*fed It. thfe rfeolpfe ond d tract 100 for m*klog Ibfe slmplfe romwdy br wbioh hfe I wi curfed Soffrrfer* wlfehln# G profit by Ihfe fedrwrtife- 1 •r'a feipferifeocfe c*o do to by feddrfeaainf in pferfoct coo f "'"'JOHN . (KiDXN.tltladk. St ,W*u Yerk. j ' Oil iMiOf-Vti-ktada. TI'IICHH. dtwharaav yt , I 1 l-r-N HI,OOI> •rinuru., and all dlaaam of th# HK'tTUM uulcklx and t>rfH tiji-urad by a timpl* aad H'othtug Kfeutfedy For liifpriualioo. feddrofefe I i Cjada Ut. J. IfAlk'lh.aiAttUY. |n J. D. MURRAY iSucce**or lo J K. Millar A Son ] Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Fan cy Article*. Dye Ntuffa, an Druggist'* feundrioa. Fill atook of Confec tioneries. PURE WINK AND LIQUORS For Medicinal Purpo#e*. Till BKST HRXND# CIGARS ANDTOBAC ALWAYS IN STOCK. PRESCRIPTIONS CA RK FULLY COMPOUNDED Have aecured th* ur\n-ea ef Dr. J. F Alexander, who will attend lo tb* Cow. pounding of Prexcription*. 28 mar. ly. NATION AL~HOTEL CORTLANDTST.. Near Broadway, NEW YORK. HOTCHKiSN & POND. Proprietors. O.V THE E V ROPE A X PL AX. The restaurant, cafe and lunch room attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms 50cU. to fi2 per day, 83 to $lO per week. Con venient to all ferries and city railroads New Furniture. Ifeew Manage ment. 23 jqe ly DP FORTNKY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Ofieeover Raw Quids bank. Hut my'fit ' ET GOOD BREAD, \JT By celling at the saw aid exten ■iee bakerj establishment of 1 JOSEPH CKDAKS, (Successor to J. H. Sends.) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegbeiy street where ha furniahaa every day Freeh Bread, Cakaa of all kiada, Piea, ate., ate., Candies. Bp nu. Fruita. Anything and everything belengiag tc the business. Having had vears of expe rience in the business, ha flatters hiatal p (that he can guarantee eatiafaetion to all j .y f..or D. F. LUSE, PAINTER, hall t PA, ( offers bia services to til* citiiens at ! Centre county in, Hease, Men and OrnaaaaUl Paiuting, Striping, ornamenting and gilding. Graining OAK, WALK ITT, 'I OHIiTIfUT. Its. i Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders respectfully solicited. Tama reasonable. ! 30 apr tf.