The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 27, 1879, Image 1
Washington. Following i* oopv of Hon. Ooorgo bunt'* sonnet. whn-b WM r*i *t HIP prorPUUtion of Ihp Utne of Wellington to the City of Nsw bnrrport, Ms— " Tbronghont the woriil. among ,lhe *oll* of ispn. Wh*t fame like ttiino, beyond the ronoh of time? Herooo anil king*. by history'* supple i-ou Emblwonod ft*ml. too oftoiwt for onnifl; But thy pore record, gonoron* and sub lime. Hevcaii- noatain nor blot, th light to mar That shine* through all those living tine* that ohow How honest lintf we thy guiding .tar; * In the hard present, patient. and afar Seeing the glorion* future * radiant bow . Great in the Held, and "in the chair of *Ut<N Won for thy country * honor, simply great ; Thy country saw thae eluefeet WIMI, The world prwlainnal —' lVhold the chief of men Which Way I Children, atop your play. And tell me which way shall take to reach the city on the htlL First the girl. With a smile •■This way; Through the wood*, across the stile. By a brook where wild flower* grow. Where the bird* sing sweet and low , Then you forget it 1# so far. And how tired yon are. For the calm rests you. make* you still. If yon take this way to Uio city on the hill." Then the boy. With a frown: t " This way; By the mill and through the iowu Von wtll see the soldiers there. Hear the drums and pas* to fair . Then you forget the way us long W hie yon walk m the throng. For the ncis*> waii - you, niaku* you thrill, When yon go this vnay to the citv cn the hill- * The Tile-Room at Deadwood. For twenty years the old mansion at IVadwood, with its gabies, mnllioncd doorways and embayed windows, had stexvi unoccupied. C dossal elms swept orer it, rank' shrubbery hiil us lower windows, and lush grasses and w-x\ls swamped the garden, yet still the place was beautiful* It is said to have been bmit after s magnificent estate iu Wales; bnt no one remember**! its origin. It stood on a great hillside overlooking the sen, and sailors and boatmen going by always looked up at it as something picturesque aud grand. The mansion stood solitary, yer was bnt half a mile from the village by the river crossing the plain beneath, and when, after this great trial of iu uiae strnctiblcness, human life appeared there, it was immediately ehacovwred by the surprised villagers. Half a score of men had mowe-d their way up the front door, had set every chimney smoking from the great fires built be low, hod hacked and hewed mercilessly at the overgrowth of intrusive shrub bery, and finally a carriage bad come bringing a fair young girl with a mulat to attendant. " I think it's—it'a fearsome like, don'l yon, Miss Queenie?" "Nonsense; it's delightfully antique and romantic. Only I'm not going to live in the dark. Tell the men to cut down those locusts, Patty; they shut out the sua and are wonu-taU u beside. Oh, its going to be lovely here. Patty ' I'll have those walka leading down to the gate just biasing with tulips in a month." " What will you do for company, Miss Queenie?" "Oh, Gtfy is coming the first of May." It was early in April then. The brave voung heiress of Deadwood took bravely hold of the work in hand. She called the sunlight in through curtains of white lace. She hung the chamber wads with rose-colored paper. She spread bright rags over the biackwahiut floors and filled the rooms with graceful bamboo and softly cushioned furniture. And when her" little dot was quite exj-euded upon further details of china, books and statu**, the girl sat down to enjoy the home ate had made. It was the first she hail ever had; and already her homeless life rested in it with a feeling of satisfaction which had been found in no other source. " I am glad Guy is poor, because now I can give him a home with myself," she mnrmnred over her wedding clothes, which she was embroidering. "He shall have a buggy, aud pick np a nice prac tiee at the village; and so we have out good prospects alter aiL" For the matrimonial prospects of these yonng people of eighteen and twenty two had looked doleful, very doleful, until the woman suddenly rose equal to the emergency. "Deadwood is mine, you aay, Mr. Quills f" she said to the lawver. " Tee." " Aii.i it ttuui sen and won't let. Aud I have ouly five hundred dollars of iu terest money in bank stock V " Just so." " Then I will live at Deadwood." " Alone?" "Well, yes, for the present; Patty and I," with a smile, swe* t, yet quizzi cal, at the old lawyer's dismayed face. So far all had succeeded bettor than she bad dreamed possible. She had made the old mansion habitable and pleasant; and now if the fallow land were brought under a man's hand, the hitherto unprofitable piecOf property might even yield an income for Miss Elinor St. Edgar and tier husband, Mr. Quill declared. Hut the thing* everybody e*pect sel dom do happen sifter all, and the things nobody expected to transpire are aiwuys confronting us. After a blithe letter of invitation from his lady-love, Guy Blon del arrived at D-adwood one fine May day, and found Queenie, as everybody called her, so pale, so grave, so almost speechless, that he was dumbfounded. " Not a single smile yet, Queenie ? Why, what has come over you f Have you seen a ghost ?" The girl winced as if he had struck her. "You do not believe in ghosts, Gov?" " Certainly not; no sensible person does. But what has changed you so, Queenie? You chill and astonish me, yon have altered so in a few weeks! And I expected to find you perfectly trium phant over your success, and ready to obey your directions and tarn farmer doctor at once." " Guy, we can never be married." "Queanie I" " Something has happened to change all my pleasant hopes, Guy—something straDge and unexpected, yet none the less conclusive." Then Queenie told her story. " One of the rooms, Guy, I have not touched or altered—an apartment on the ground-floor, facing the north, finished with tile, and so cold, dark and gloomy that I found it quite a hopeless matter to make it healthy and pleasant. Yet it is a handsome room, with inlaid floor and tiles of such great worth that I wonder the old mansion hss not been broken into and pillaged of them. Probably no one about here knows their worth. But, as I say, I left the tile parlor unchanged, even from the cob webs and yows growing against the win dows. But it is the only unpleasant place in tb*e house, and its neighbor hood to the bright little sitting-room I have made has never troubled me. " One chilly, rainy night less than a week ago, and after I wrote you to come, I sat reading by the bright hearth-fire of mv sitting-room until nearly twelve o'clock. Patty was asleep in a little room leading from it which is directly beneath my chamber, and the other two servants, housemaid and man, were asleep in their rooms in another part of the house. I had told Patty not to sit up ; yet when it grew midnight the sol itude of the great bouse weighed on me a Httle, and T felt loth to go up to my chamber. Finally I wrapped myself in mv dressing-gown and lay down on a couch before the hearth, knowing that the great wood fire would keep the room warm till morning. I had lain there but a moment, I think, when I heard a voioe in the room say, ' Look FKED. KURTZ, Kditor and Proprietor. VOLUME XII. I under the health of the parlor.' It was so distinct ii voice that the room sexuneJ ■to echo with it. 1 don't know why 1 did us I did do ; 1 should thought 1 would haws beau afraid ; bnt 1 sprang np. cattghtii light from the table, cross ed the hall and opatiixl the door of the parlor." "Poor little Queenie! You had over exerted yourself, aud your brain had grown excited aud nnsettl\l." " But, Guy, 1 knelt down it* tha' dark ! room by the hearth and paused my hand j over the smooth tiles. Alinuat instantly 1 fouud that one was loose. It was small, and I priest it up with a hairpin. Here beneath lav small, yellow, foiled paper. I stares! at it a moment, thou t.vk it out, aud seeing, as 1 expected, that it was covered writing. 1 only stopped to lock once more around the •;!eu! black parlor, thou hurried back to my sitt iug-nx>in. "lib. Guv. it was no coincidence, my ; finding a paper iu thai place I The patx ris el the ntn a-t urq rtauee. V. u t tuav sec that for yourself. Here it is, ami r:\ing, Queenie took it front ore of tuo comer cabinets -ecured to the wall, aud placed it iu Guy's hand. A bit of j coarse, yellow parchment, the ehirog raphy quaint, the ink fiuhxl; but it was the written eoufcswou of one Gilbert Sr. Edgar that the estate of Deadwood had been wrongfully obtained, aud that he had wrongfully defrauded the right ful line of inheritance; and he further more besought arid instructed the find era of the paper, which he declared hidden under the hearth of the tile jatrior for safe preservation a few days before his death, to restore the iil gottru estate of Deadwood to its rightful inheritors. Guy Blondel's scholarly face grew grave aud a trifle paler a.- he read. Anticipating what it boded for hiui, he made a strong effort for self preservation. " Queeuie, dear Qneeuie, you surely don't mean that yon are goiug to give up Deadwood and" all our hopes for this j old scrap of paper! " " Deadwood ts not mine, Gay." I "Oh, Queenie, don't plunge yourself into after-poverty and separate us for ! this unsubstantial idea ! " " I will not, if it is unsubstantial, ! Guy. I hope it may prove so. Let us j both hope so, and be happy, at least un til we find out," saul the girl, mskiug an effort to stave off her own discourage ment. She was full of pitv, too, for the pain of the young heart all hers iu its freshness and strength Yet nothing overcame the power of that honest blood which had come with the strong bine eyes. She held firm day after day, , only replying to Guy's pleadings: " Dead wo* ii must be mine, Guy. If it is not mine, I do not want it. It would never be home else." At last Mr. Quill, who had been sent for, came. , Qneeme withheld the story of her ' dream, as Guy called it, bnt inquired, as quietly as possible, as to the exist ence of Gilbert St. Edgar. " Oh. yes, my dear; your great-great-- uncle. I never saw him, of course, but my father remembers him." " I have a reason for wanting to see his penmanship, Mr.Qaiii," said Queen ie. "Do you ttiink there is any iu ex ,' istence t" , • " Oh, yes; I know there is. My un cle, who was a friend of his, left a quantity of old paper- and letters, among which are written bills of this same Gilbert St. Edgar. I'll look when I go home, and send yon a specimen of the old man's chirography. Very inte - es-ting, these old relics, Miss St. Ed gw-' And Mr. Qaill partook of a delicious tea and rode back to town, never dream ing of the strained and anxious young hearts he hail left behind him. Two days later, inclosed in a facetious note inquiring when the wedding was to be, arrived from Mr. Qtill a bit of yel i low paper signed by Gilbert St. Eig .r. With the oolor ebbing from cheek and ! lips, Queeuie and Guy compared it to i the parchment taken from the hearth of the tile parlor; for it was identical, and the ame peLmambip. There could be ' no doubt. " And now, Queenie ?" (* " Now all hope is at an end; at least for iuog years, Guy. But wo may get rich bv-and-bye, and then " Tried beyond endurance he flung the slender hand from his own. The next moment he turned with cry of remorse, an 1 snatched the girl from the : floor. She had fainted. Ho never gave way after that. No more anger or reproaches. Ho realized [ that Queenie, too, suffered, and tried to I comfort and suata'a her. [ The sad days went by. Queenie bid ■ the dainty wedding garments even from ■ her own eye*. i At length one evening—the last even ing—a carriage whirled np the. drive. The occupant, drenched with rain, sprang into the house and the room. " Lxcnse my wet coot —ram right in jmy face all the way. Oh, hang prelim inaries! Here are you young folk - making yourselves miserable; both look as if you'd hail a fit of sioknets; and— and—why, by Ooorge, Miss St. Edgar, old Gilbert St. Edgar was as mad ss a March hare, and finally killed I himself in-that tile parlor!" shouted ■ Mr. Quill. "I didn't tell yon liefore— sort of hated to dash a brave young thing like you; but they said the house was haunted, and a room where a sui cide ha* been committed is an ngly - neighbor to a lady's boudoir ! But bless my aoul! this old parchment ain't worth shucks—not worth shucks, my dear Miss Ht. Edgar. He never de frauded anybody of Deadwood. Ho in herited it from his brother, as honest a man as ever lived. I've looked up the pfOofa— been throe days about it—and ' then came back as quick an I could to ; let you know the truth. Hang that old j tile parlor I Heat it up! Tear it down ! But, any way, get married aud be happy, ; young folks. Don't be frightened ont i of the wedding." I Thev took his advice—Queenie and Guy. T1 le walls and floors of the old tile parlor were dismantled of their tiles, the whole north side turned into glass doors which opened into the gar den, the walls hung with a paper of | i golden arabesques and roeebn Is, and i tilled with a piano and harp, rose piuk conchc-S, books of poetry, pictures and marble Cupids and angels. The ghost of Gilbert St. Edgar never walked there again.— American Monthly. II Married in a Wagon. As our worthy Dcra pnstranster, who is not only postmaster, but is clothed with justice' authority to solemnize marriages, was meandering bis way on horseback, west of his own premises on the highway, he met Esquire Elliott and , ( Mrs. Nealis sitting on a spring seat in ,i a two-liorse wagon. Our worthy es , 1 qnire and postmaster was halted and in ! formed that his services were in demand ( at once to perform a marriage ceremony, , the license being promptly presented in I due form. "Whereupon the accornmo . dating esquire rode up to the wagon, ' j requested the parties who were seated , |ou the spring-seat to join hands, and , , then and there solemnized, on the pub lic highway, without a witness, the marriage of the twain. — oucf/o {Kan.) \ Indeixndent. > i | Twenty-six thousand persons are em ! 1 ploved in the Austrian tobaoco factories, ;' 22,000 being women. THE CENTRE I JEPORTER. FA KM, WAKBFN AMD HOIM'HOI.D A.'-PARuirs Bake oil the htter from the bids aud carefully f>-rk in the fine , manure. Lettuce from the frames is set foot apart, in rows, botaei■. theeabbagea and oauhClow era. Shrubs tuav be transplanted and pruned, taking care to preserve their uaturnl habit. Turfing is best for small plots, and should be laid on large lawns along the edgt s of roads and insls. linrnißti Make now bed* by divid , iug the old rings so that each portion ha* a bud. Set three or four feet apart each way, manuring tha lulls very heavily. U.iiuiv YriitrrvtiT.Ks The principal are Boot cabbage, carrot, cross, euuli flower, celery, endive, lettuce, parsley, parati'.p, onions, pea*, radish, turnip ami spinach. MtseuiXANKora. lie pair tviada and path*. Uncover tieds of bulbs. Lift ' and divide large elump* of pereunim* Hpw Mtslsof hardy flowers. Ar/irrii itu Affrieulturitt. Tender vegetables, not to I-e sown until the soil is Well warmed, or at corn planting tune, are. Beans—snap and j jHilr; cucumber, corn, melons, okra, pumpkin, sqtiasti, tomato, watermelon. New lawns should be mode a- early a* the ground is in good condition t > # havo the gra.*.* well established before hot weather. For light soils, red top, for stony ones, blue-gra**, with perhaps a little white clover, is in our experience preferable lo uiixtxl *oe\U. Four to six ouabain to the a* - re are needed to make a gi>od velvety turf. I'mtw.—Dwarf trees may le gmwu in the ganleu, and afford a fair amount of choice fruit, while their cultivation will afford much pleasure; but for fruit in quantities, plant standards iu the or chard. Set dwarfs eight or ten feet apart. The variety is bewildering. For one dwarf tree, the " Duchessc d'Augou lemo." EAUI.Y CABBAI.ES AMI CAin.IBLO WEILS —The earliest crop is from the plants thus treated. The ground should te heavily manured *oveuty-five tons of stable manure to the acre is not unusual, or part manure, and enough guano to make tie whole equal to tin atwve heavy manuring. The ground is marked out in row* twenty-four t • thirty luehe* apart, and the plants set every *ixt>eu inches. flvtiaf hold lllot*. To OI.EAN BRASS. —lmmerse or wash it several time* in sour milk or whey, this will brighten it without scouring, it mavghen be * con red with a woolen cloth iLipped in ashes. To PKKMEKVE E<-OS,—A pound of lime and one pint of salt to three gallon* of water. Put all eggs not wanted for daily use into this brine, and they will keep all the year round, and the whites froth almost a* well a* fresh egg*. ORNAMENTAL TKEES. Plant when the soil is iu condition; evergreens may wait a month or more. Where <hi tre*— in terfere, 1 ranches may te removed, tint tliey never should te pruned in such a manner as torhauge their natural shape. Old lawns will need a top dressing and a sjeriiikUng of seed in place* where the grass i* ptx>r. If manure is applied, let it te ao thoroughly decomposed that no weed sends remain alive. A*ht, guano, nitrate of so la snd fine bone are all good manures for lawns, and bring in no weeds. Early sowing in drills twelve to fiftexm inches apart shoal I te made of beet, carrot, le-e-k, onion, parsnip, spinach. Radish and turnip-radish *>•- Is may be fiivn with lxx-ta, a* they will mature and come off before they are in the way. Early p->t;tt<xes should te planted ami early |>cas sown. To MENU CHINA. —Mix a little lime with the white of an egg, to nse it take a sufficient quantity of the egg to mend ont- article at a time ; shave off a quan tity of the lime, ami mix thoroughly ; apply quickly to the edge* and place firmly together, when it soon sets ami Ix-comes strong. Calcineel plaster of pari* will an*wer in the rlat-e of lime. To REMOVE STAINS ruovt STOCKINGS. — Place them to soak in tepid water over night ; in the im-ming put a pailful of water in your boiler over the fire and cut np a" ounce of soap iti it, stirring until it melts and forms a lather ; when it comes to the boiling point put into it a tablespoonfnl of the magical mixture ; stir it around, and having previously soapexl the stains on the stockings, put them into the teller and stir them around for ten minutes ; take them out. and nn 1-ss vCYy badly staine-J, they will ne-ed but very" little rubbing ; rinse and blue, ami when dried yon will find them free from all stain. To REMOVE GREASE BRORA—To ex tract grease spots from books or paper, gently warm the greased or sjxitted part of the book or pape-r, and then press upon it pieces of blottiug paper, one after another, so as to absorb as much of tlie grease as possible. Have ready some fine, clear essential oil of turpen tine, heated almoat to a boiling state ; warm the greased leaf a little, and tuen with a soft, clean brush wet with tho heated turpentine both sides of the spott-xl part. By repeating this appli cation tho grease- will ibe extracted Lastlv, with another brush -lipped Jin rectified spirits of wine, go over the place, and the grease will no longer ap pear, nor will the paper bo discolored. Caallflowrr* This very common vegetable is one of the market gardener's most profitable crops. It is oloselv to the cab Imgc plant, and, like that, tlie eatable part forms a head; but while the head of the cabbage is formed of the leaves, the head of the cauliflower is formed of the flower-stalks, winch grow up in one compact, conical mass that, in well grown specimens, measures nine inches to a foot across. There arc many vari eties in cultivation. A kind known as Leunrmand's short-stemmed requires a good garden soil, richly manured; it is useless to attempt to grow it on a pixir, gravelly or bindiqg clay soil. Cauliflower is mostly grown as a erop for spring or early summer; as a Into crop it is mora upt to fail. For an early crop the seed should bo sown in the first half of September, and later the | plants should be set ateut threo inches apart each way, in a cold frame. During the winter they should be covered with saaties, aud in oold weather have an ad ditional covering of straw mats. On every mild or sunny day air should be giveu, by raising tiie snsli a few inches, aud as early in tlie spring as the weather will permit, the sashes should te re raoveel entirely -loring tho -lay. In tho latter part of March, or as soon as safe from hard frost—a little will do no ! harm—tho plants shonld te set out on well-prepared and richly-manured lands in rows two by three feet. The seed may also be sown on the hot bed iu February, and by proper care the Klanta may te ready to set out in tho eginning of April; but in this ca.xo they must be thoroughly hardened be fore thev arc planted in the garden, or u little frost will kill tliera. By giving proper attention to this point, spring plants are but little inferior to those wintered over in the oold-frame, and may produce as good a crop. Lenor- CENTRE HALL, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1871). matt.l'a Early I'aris, Erfurt Early Dwarf, Large Algiers, ami Autumn Giant are aotiie of the beat varieties. A'l.ruf .Trie liifhr, R hat to Do In t'ac of Diphtheria. The following is from the circular of the Massachusetts State l> mrd <>( health. Iu the first pla.te, as diphtheria i* a oyu tagious diM-nnc, and tinder certain or cuniHtuuoe*- not entirely km uu, very high!) so, it is important that all prac tical means should le takrii to sc|>arate the tick from the well. As it is also iufcctioua, w.iolcn clothes, carpets, cur tains, hangings, etc , should be avoided in the sick rtxuu, and only such ma terial used us can lx< readily washed. All clothes, when removed from the patient, should bo at ouiwt placed iu hot water. Pocket handkerchiefs should be laid aside, an I 111 their #te I soft piece* of lint u or cotton cloth should bo used and at once burned. Dtaiufectauta should always be placed in the ver-el containing the expectora te a, and may lc ued somewhat freely iu the sick nv'm; those being especially useful winch destroy bad - dura without causing others initratc of lea 1, chloride of zinc, etc). In achis'l* there should be especial m|*mioo, as the disease is often so mild in lta early stages as not to attract comnum attention; and no child should be allowed to attend M*hi*'l from an infected houae until allow.d to do so by a CelujH-lent pbvsieiali. In the case of young children, all reasonable car • should be taken to prevent undue exjxxmre to the cold. Pure wat< r for drinking should b" u*xi, avoiding contaminated sources of supply; vcutilatiou should be mi*tcd on, and local drainage must l>e carefully attended U>. Privn* and ceesjKiul*, where llit v exist, should l>e frequently emptied and disinfected; the wat<-r t-hould not Ik" allowxl to * '.ik mt< the surface of tlie grotiud near dwelling houses, and the c-llara aliould IM< kept dry and sweet. In cities, especially in tidal districts, baMU*, buth*, etc., a* now connected with drains, aliould never communicate directly with aiiej>- mg rvxtms. Ju all cases of diphtl.i-ria, fully a* great care should be taken iu dioinfcct tug the si k-rix.>iu, afU-r use, a* iu scar let fever. After a death from diphtheria, the clothing dlSUsed should l>e burned or ex[x>stxl to nearly or quite a lnart of boiling water; the body should be t laced as early as practicable in the Coffin, with ih.sinf'Vtnuts, and the ffiu should IH ttghtly clo*e.i. Children, at least, and tetter adults also iu most eases, should cot atteud a fur ml fram a house in which a death from diphtheria ha* oc curred. But with suitable precautions, it is not necessary that the fum ral should be private, provided the corpse be not in any way exposed. Although it i* not at j roscut possible to remove at ■ aw all sources of epi demie disease, yet the frequent visita tion of such d.-ease, and especially its contiuued prevuleiice, may be taken a* sufficient evidence of i: tary sur roundings, and of sources of sickness to a certain extent preventable. It should te ihstiuctly nnderatexxl that no amount of artificial "disinfec tion" can ever take the place- of pure air, goexi water and proper drainage, which canned be gained without prompt and efficient removal f all filth, whether from slaughter-bouses, e-tc., public buildings, crowded tenements or pri vates residence*. We*t liMimn Super-tition*. As regards animals, Gmn--a rigs may te mentioned as *ix-<-ially uniucky, at le-ast in Ht. t'rou. Ther- are families there-, among those fram whom one would not expect such, whose children would on no aor-mut te allow-vf to keep theft-- pretty little j-et- What prre-i <-ly is the harm they Jo j H uot i-tatesi. All von can get out >-f one " Ob, they tlway* bring trouble to a bouse; they're very unlucky." And y-1, if the writer of tbs- wa* an adept at <>ne thing more than another m hi* small boy -lava—which were apont iu Barbaelo* —it was at ke-e-ping Gnme-a pip*. They were kept by him on a scale so large that lie eonld set up some of hi* school fellows as Guinea-pig k-vpera. lie- even ran the risk ot keeping them some-time* in his de-sk at school, tering holes Btid cutting Blits in the lid, to give- the little bright-eyed creatures air. And it w.-s a great risk to run, f'-r those were the g-xxl old "licking tunes"—now, hap pily, almost over for schoolboys. The master of the school wa* one of those men who are now, it is to lie hoped, nearly us extinct ax the dcxlo—men who believed thut you eould teach a b->y through In* back, or throngh the j-alms of his hands or the sent of his panta loons. But yet the Guiuea-pig* never bronght a thrashing upon tlirjr owner or his fritmels. Some of the boys at this very selnxvl wero possessed a sovereign plan for making you perfect in your lessons, which may havo kept off the trouble the Guinea-pigs would otherwise havo brought ou the acluxil. When you ha-1 learmxl any lev-son tlu-r oughly (and iximo fellows kept the talis man iti their hands all the time of learn ing the lessoni rub the page up and down or across with a large- seed, called a " go-xl luck seexl." Then return it to The pocket, where it ought to te kept. This -lone, you need not fear. much for superstitions.— Contemporary Jit view. (an Oyster* Whistle I This little oyster story ia from Thorn burg's " New and Old London:" The ahop was first established by n Mr. Pearkos in 1825. "It appears," Ray* a writer in the Daily Telegraph, "that about the year 1840 the proprietor of the house iu question, which had then, as it has now, a great name for the su (xirior excellence of its delicate little 'natives,' heard a strange aud uuustuil sound proceeding tram one of the tubs in which the shellfish lay piled in lay ers one over the other, placidly fatten ing upon oatmeal and awaiting the in evitable advent of the remorseless knife. Mr. Pearkes, the landlord, listened, hardly at first believing his ears. There was, however, no -loulit alxiut the mat ter; one of the oysters was distinctly whistling, or. at any rate, pr-xiueiug a sort of nijflftnrnt with its shell. It was not difficult to detect this phenomenal bivalve, nn-1 in a very few minutes lie was triumphantly picked out from amongst his fellows mid put by himself iu a spacious tub, with a plentiful sup ply of brine and water. Tho newa spread through the town and for some days the fortunate Mr. Penrkes found his house besiege -1 by curious crowds. • * * Douglas Jerrold's suggestion was that the said oyster had teen crossed iu love and now whistled to keep np ap pearances, with an i-lt-a of showing that it elid not care." Thackeray used to de clare that he wits ouoe actually in the shop when HU American cumit in to see the phenomenon, as everybody else was doing, and, after hearing the talented mollusk go through Ins usual perform ance, strolled contemptuously ont, de claring " it was nothing to an oyster he knew of in Massachusetts,which whistled ' Yankee Doodle' right through and fol lowed its master about the house like a dog." It is estimated that at least fifty per sons are killed anuuallj by lightning in the United States, sixty-nine iu France, and twenty-two in England. t IIAItDFD 111 TIIK /1 1 1 s "I'll# Unpfiulr ItriUlMkrr of I lablt I n|||*lt HU||rr# lira** Iu ** uul It Itrlfft. A London letter, describing the anni hilation of a British column under Chelmsford by 2,000 Zulus, at Itorke'* Drift, in Hi HI tli Africa, *aS: Home dozen miles tram the eainp at ltorke's Drift proper a amall commis sariat p* t had IwH-n stntione.l, near the Tiigelu river, and not far frotn the fron tier towns of i!< aud Grey town, ibre, without auy intrenched system of defense, utterly nupreparetl to resist anything like a serious attack, lunl iie\-r t!reaming f danger, there were a handful of volunteers, some men of the Twenty-fourth, and some civil ians, about eighty, a!! told. They were under the command of a couple of voting licuti aiiU Rromheatl, of the Twenty-fourth, ainl Cl.ard, of the Royal uugineera. i'bey knew nothing of the bitter business that had been going on at the camp. Tl e:r first intimatiou of trouble arose from *<s>iug fugitives making for the river, aud, iu the dis tance, natives in pursuit. Seeing dan gi-r, the VoUtlg lu-utenaiite called ti.etr men to arms and commenced to turn their commissariat store* t account. Tin v had a vast quantity of meal 111 b:ig* and a large atote of biscuit iu tin*. Theae, under the young engineer s di rection, they hastily formed into a lar ricadc, with loop hole* for the rifles. Meanwhile the outlook esw several of the fugitives fall under the Zulu fire, more particularly Lieutenant t'oghtll, wh le crow:ng the river, the officer's intention Ixuug to worn Greytowu ami Helpmakaar i f the danger they were iu from u Zulu advance. Ooghill and some half dozen or more had got away from the ramp, charged with the duty of carrying news of the Zulu attack to the rear. The little poat at L uke's Drift appears to have Ixeti altogether forgotten, ex cept by the Zulu army, for the natives who had pursued Cog hill turtnxl out to be the vanguard of another portiou of the v. Morions fort e winch hal captureil the Cltolmsford convoy. It wa* at sun set that between 3,00(1 and 4.000 of the enemy aiqatared before Chard and Bxombead's breastwork of me*l-bag> am! biscuit tins. Waiting calmly for their advwDoe, the little garnaoli jnutretl int> them a volley that staggered them. The fire wa* rejtealed, and the Zulus, swarn.uig over their dead, cliargtvl for the m -t vulnerable j art of the barri cade, entered it, and were hurled t>*ck at thu point of the ISITOUI t. Again aud again they returned to the breach, which was rkiwed up witL their dead. The garrison fought like devils. 'lticy clnbba! tlieir rfles, they umxl their bayonets, the young lieutenants fought their swords. After esch repulse the men returned t. their rifle practice, keeping up a deadly tire. At the rear of the barricade was a small Wmden lu jutal. There were five patients in it and a servant tf 001. Harness. The Zulu* fired tlie hospital snd the iumatew were I'Urnel to death, t xoept ILaniu**' servant, who crept out and e*cap>-d in the bush. The light of the flames helped the garrison to see the foe and enabled them to avenge over and ever again the poor fellows in the hospital. All through the night the unequal o uto-t wfeut on; the Zulus mors than once c uumg up to the breastwork and seizing the rifle barrels which flung among them a constant and deadly hail of bullets. H 'Uie of tin !n got in*i tethe impromptn rtr-ws six differi ut time*, but they *< re slaughtered to a man. AesisUuit-Ckimtauviary Byrne was c.m spieuous for Ins bravery. He waa lulled. But few of the other- fell, sheltered by the bag* an t tins so admirably engi neered by Lunt. Chard. Toward dawn Lord Chelmsfonl continued hi* retreat, aiul reeche>l R >rki-'* Drift shortly after the attacking hosts had witii Irawn. The Zulus evidently bad g<>od informaUouof Lord Chelmsford's movement*, for a* he came up they retired; and at first tlie men at the belcagnemd post thought the fresh force appearing against the gray sky-lino was n new Lsvly of the enemy. The British color*, however, wen mode themselves manifrwt tti the outlook, and the garrison sent np a ring ing cliocr. Which Wis answered by their comrade*, who, as they ailvanced, found grim evidence of the contrrt tlist had ouly jn*t been finish".!. Tiie neighlvor hcxsi of the Drift was strewn with Z.uln deed, 351 bf*lies lying thick !>out the barricade, more particularly at the point where they aad been repulse-1 with the bayonet. The Unite* further awav were eatimatcd at l>etweea teM) and 7(>G. so that liromhcad ana Chard's oompany ha.l uveragivi t< u Zolns killtnl |>'r man. Thev hail not only lone something to ward wiping ont tVo di feat at the camp, but they had saved Gravtown and Help makaar, and, possibly. Natal itself; for they hd elearlv oheeked the advance of the enemy, who would otherwise have i swarmed over the frontier, which he has nevertheless crossed here aud there in small parties. It in thought at tlicCapc that every man at Rorke's Drift should have the Victoria croi-s, and nobtxly in London gainsays their title to the dis tinction. They have covered themselves with glory, and added another imperish able lanre! to the fatnons but unfortun ate Twenty-fourth. ('renin Instead of Hotter. A honsewife writiug for the New York Tribune propose* virtually to abolish bntter. She Fays: "it would be well to train a family fram the onbet to regard bntter a* au incidental or luxury, rather tbau a uecoenfy. The manufac ture of it is one of the hardest aud most time-consuming tasks that a farmer has to perform. Moreover, with all the work it involves, bntter aelds less to tlie health andsnsteniuice of the family than would tho eating of the cream that goes into the making of it. Where one physician advises the oxliug of butter, a thousand recommend tho consumption of cream. 1 tbiuk not one will dispute the statement tliut of cream and butter enters the former enjoy the bent di gestion, tho best health and have tho finest Complexion. Then, why work oneself to death for worse than naught? Why not eat milk and cream instead of turning it into butter ? G-xxl bread is gx> 1 euougit without the addition of a condiment to make it palatable; and, tuteu with Hweet cream, what is more delicious " A Nation's Boarding-School. Hero nre some of tho scholars, thoir virtues, traits, etc.: Dela Ware—A tih' damsel, general ly talkative, but wiio loot yesr wits pcacblues. Mary Land Notional. Always with au ocean bt-foro her. Minnie Hot* -The flonr of the school, Flori Day—Displays great taste in her arrangements. Carrie Lina—To memory dear, yet ever foreotton, Louisa Anna —A sorrowful maiden. Iler 'launch are found iu tieree. Mrs. Ippi It is her namesake, uot herself, which has tho big mouth. Miss Ouri LikeH oompany. Misery always likes company. Ida no —A uear relative of " Whoa, Emma." Miss Ohigan—The " (tweet singer," Allio Bums—A tom-boy—she belongs to the souuy climb. — Yonktrs State#- man. TIMFI.Y TOl'H H. There are iu l'ru ue Hi.MTH luuatioa, of whom U'/.hH? are at the charge of their families, aud 42,986 supported by the Htste. The proportion is about two per 1,000 of the population. In the course of n suit recently brought m Loudon by a drugged of Bogota, United HlateS of Colombia, rc-traiu Mr. liolioway, of pill and oint ment tame, from charging iu his adver tisements that the aforesaid druggist dealt HI aptiriotia liolioway ptlla and ointment*, it u ntotcd that Mr. Uol loaay apciit S2DO,OUO a year in adver tising, while the yearly profits of his business were about $250,00. As left haudedueas in children is not generally considered desirable, it ta wed to prevent it, if |x*unhle. It is a well known fact that no ml children in arms are carried on the left arm of the mother or nurse, as the case may be. the consequence is that the right arm n> fast against the nurse's shoulder, while tli" left hand is free to grasp at a nj' mi tig that eooierWi the way. Let the nurse use the right arm at least half the time, and the mischief ta ob viated. A gnui story of life in a lighthouse comes from the Burundi coast, aud is printrxl iti the ltangoou TSmrt. A tele gram having announced that the light ou thu AlguaJa reef was not visible, a steamer w as dispatched to ascertain the cause. The captain, on landing, discov ered two of the men in the Lighthouse Uead. while a third was lying in a pre eoriojia state. The keejwr stated that signals of distrtwis such as " I want im mediate help " aud " Mali dyi c ß " hod been exhibited by him for atxiut twent) days. A* a last resort, all hia signal having faile-1 to attra-t attention, he darkentxl the light* on the llaaseiu aide, feeling certain that this step Would not fail to attract atteutiou to the light house. And ao, with the dead and the dying, he watched for relief, which came at last. The famous marble quarries of Car rara, although they have teen worked smee the rcigu of Augustus, unJ have furmshtxl a steady and enormous sup ply to the whole civilised globe, seem to te inexhaustible. They oomjxx-e au entire mountain range, aud cnibrac* every variety and quality of marbls, fram the coarse c >mmon kind to the statuary marble, Monte Crestola and Monte Hagro yielding the largest aud finest bhx-ks. The quarries number some 500, ouly alxwit twenty of them furuiaLing the marble used by sculptors, aud some 6,000 person* are employed in them. The marble taken out yar before la-t wa- in the vicinity of 120,00J tons, valued rt $2,400,(k)0. of which 40,000 ton* oame to the Unite 1 Htab The ix}K>rt t>f marble to this country lncreasi d immensely within twelve Ui fiDcen years, the third largest mar ble firm now at Carrara temg American. Hint- About Accident*. A child rolls dtwu the stairs, or falls from a height, and tn cither ease strikes it* bead with force. What shall be elonc till the doctor come* ? We would give the f>ll"wing directions, as nearly as possible in the ordew in which they should te aJoptoei: liaise the child gi-ntly in the arms, and carrying it to the neariwi *e>fa or Iwd, place- him on it —unless crying loudly, when he can te siwetheel quickest in his mother's arm*. AU tlie clothing should te looaeneel, e-*t <v 4 ally alxiut the neck, to afford the freest circuioiieui of the blood to anil from tlie hea l. To equalize the rijcu lattou and prevent inflammation, the heal should te kept crxil and the ex tremitie* warm. Cooling lotieui* of arnica < r w-.t h hazel and water, or sim ply water, MI- aid te applied to the lu"ml on th:a cloths, well wrung out so a* uot to wet the pi!k>w and bed-clothe**. No more than two or four thicknesses .f linen should te used, because thick cloth* prevent evaporation, and what vie inte n !N1 to 000 l the b<* 1 acts a* a j-oUitice- and makes the hea.l liotte'r. Ice aud ioe-cold water should not be use-1 utiii-e* toe-bead is very a* it is telievrXtbat children have been killeel bv the sppbcatiou of ponndt*d ice to the head. Bottle* of hot wate-r or hot mm* are all that is necessary, Ixwide* the bed clothing, to heat the" extremities. All applications of mustard and other irri- UuUi i*m*< a* no a-lvautage over these, and have the- disadvantage of disturbing the sufferer. Should the patient's face be very pale, and sigtiß of fainting ap pear, ramplut or ammonia should te applied to the nostrils, and a little brandy or wine te given. Then the room should te made a* quiet as possi ble- aud every means used to invite "na ture's sweet restorer,'' sleep. We know the popular idea is that patients suffer ing from any injury to the bead should te kept awnke by all means ; anil it is mainly to combat this erroneous notion that we Are prompted to write ont these directions. No injury—or degree of in jiirv—of tlie lie-ad contra-indicates tbi' sufferer's sle-eping. In fact, pc*oYive harm mav te done iu trying to prevent sleep. Rest is what the brain andblocxi ; vessels waut more than auy one other thing; aud. if not allowed, what would i have pMseei off tn a few hours or elays may In- prolonged into inflammation, with all its dangerous eonw-qnenccs. Of course- the air of the rexim should te ' kept pure—windows and eloora open, if the wi-ather j>erniit—and the presence of persona not absolutely necessary for bidden.— H'. //- Eat/, -V. D., in the Christian Union. Lingual Difficulric*. On one occasion an estimable atla< he. to the- lato Mr. Bennett, and who, from the fatigue* of the job prexs of the New York If', aimed to study me-lioiue and become a city coroner of Gotham, illustrated the powe-r and Ihe pence of language at cue and the same time. The verv first ease-of the doctor's eoronerahtp was that concerning the death by mur der of au Italian. The only or chief witness was the terrifl-xl son of the murdered man. He was brought before the learned eloctor, who said, in ail im p-nal tyle, worthv of a Got Intra coroner: " Well, my lad, whnt langnage do yon speak ? " No response. " Do yon speak German ? " No response. " I)o yon speak French ? " No response. " Do yon speak Spanish ? " No response. " Do you speak Italian ? " No reaponna. " Well, do you speak Irish ? " No response. Turning to the jury, the classical doc tor sui-1: "Gentleman, in the whole courso of my professional experience I have never boa such au astonishing wit ness brought before me. As you see, I have addressed him in five different lan guages, and he has responded iu neither. —llarper t Bazar. Hpaiu has ninety-two dukes, 866 mar ejnisea, 632 counts, ninety-two viscounts, and uiuety eight borons, besides forty four ennobled foreigners. Two dukes, fifty-eight marquises, thirty counts, six viscount* and two barons have been cre ated by the present king. The univer sity students this year number 16,889, of whom 6,823 are studying medicine and 6,409 law. TKKMB: &2.00 a Year, in Advance. TDK MOKY OF '• TAI F.K " t.MUEK. 111. Mkr l.alnrd kl> ijsrrr Itsr IIU muni ml Ikr M aadri ful Traiilaa Oa Tfcal Ural all lk( lU'M* •* BlsallS 00- nslrl* t.sai m Mars. A correspomleut, writing from Zsnes Vllie, Ohio, says ; l'erhajta one of the most remarkable trips ou record, iu point of variety ami novelty of inci dents, has been recalled to mind by the removal of It. H. Greeu.of l'erry oounty, to this ctty. Knowing that this story has never bertl laid liefore the reading public, jour correspondent visited Mr. Green and obtaiued the following ac count of his journey. The story is vouched for by a dozen witnesses in tins vicinity : In March, 18&9, Green and five com raden left their home* iu Northern Ohio iu the vicinity of Find Lay, Uanoock eountr, with the avowed purpose of making their fortunes at Bike's iVsk or Oherry Creek diggings. At St. Louis they procured an outfit, aud, several , , parties joining them and banding to gether, took boat on the Missouri river. It was in the afternoon when, all being embarked, the Ixmt left the wharf, her decked packed with anxious gold-miner*, who, reckless of all restraint, made the day hideous with their nou*e. Warmed 1 by whisky and excitement, tne din was kept far into the night, until the threata of the captain, which had been taken good-naturedly and uuhepdixl, liegau to provoke anger. Green, with a number of others, wished to sleep, but could not Jo so on account of the turmoil around him. At last he lot on a happy txpedi cut. liaising Ins voice, he gsincd the attention of the crowd, and said : " Boys, I've a motion to make, if anybody will : second it." " I'll second it," answered another malcontent from the far side of the cabin. " Well, I move,"said Green, , J "that somebody sings a eong, and then wc all keep at ill." The motion was put, seconded aud carried unanimously with a whoop and a hurrah, aud the company insisted on Green's being the chorister of the occasion, lie,.nothing loth, ac cepted the situation, and announced that he would sing "Tatera." NOIKKIV was acquainted with this practical tnne, bnt everybody aoquieaeed in it and under ; topk'to help as chorus. Accordingly, he , gave out the first verae, " Tatera, later*, toj> and all " Omitting the second and third verses, he went on with the fourth, "Tatera, tatera, top* and all." Bv this time tne audience gixst-hutnor ; tvilv aaw the point aud sang the * ith, eighth and tenth verses with great vim. All the private cabin-door* were open, and an. amused gud interested audience was looking on. " Now, 1OT, we'll , finish np with the chortia," said Green, and the enphouius bnt rather irrelevant verae, "Tatera, tatera, tops and all," rang out upon the stillness of the night with the force of fifty voices. When the song died awsy, the captain <mme forward and announced that in execution of tin ir own motion anybody who made ■ any more noiae would be "thrown out, neck and crop. This checked all farther uptoar, and silenoe reigned supreme, much to the satisfaction of everybody. In the morning there w a great jam to look at " Tatera," and the name thus I felicitously gained clung to Green i throughout th- whole Western country. At (Bathe, Kan., the last settlement, the party which wo* now argument**! j 'by several new additions into forty wagon*, halted to wait for graa*. While j stopping here Greeu earned a yoke of j oxen by breaking the prairie for a reai dent squatter. It may be well to remark ; here that one of this ox team will take a I promiuect place in this narrative. On the 22d of April the party set out on their trip across the plains on the ' Hanta Fe trail. At this time there were thousands on their way to the golden Occident, aud on everv wagon wa* tne inscription : " Pike's Peak or Bust I" j "Kansas or Blood 1" " Gold or Deathl' and others similar. Everything went all right with the party until they eroas <*l the Arkansas, when a feeling of home siektics* began to make itself felt among the emigrants. Men would become sick for a sight of civilization and break off with the party, causing a general divide. In this way they would aonietimes out wagons in two, and even. Green says, he onee saw an ox cut in twv. Green's partner was one of the disaffected, andf di ling to pull up stakes, a division o the property wa* made, he one ox am! the front wheels of the wagon. Green taking the other ox and the limd ' wheel*. Out of this he made a sulky in which he drove his ox. At Denver, dis i heartening reports began to meet him. Disgusted miners pushing for home met them every day. The tide turned, and threats of burning Ht. Louis were made. Indeed, a party wa* organized for that pnrp<se, but never consummated it. Checked by the new* that no gold was to be found in the Cherry Creek dig ging*, " Tster* " squatted on a 160-aere tract, upon which, by the way, Golden Citv now stand*. Denver in the days of 1859 was prob ably as fast a place as any city on the continent. It was the point where civil izatiou met the wilderness. The for tune* made in bonanza mining were spent here with an open hand. One I day, as Green was driving his ox from his homestead to Denver, some fellows U>n horseback attempted to pass him. The ox. moved by the spirit which in fesbxl the place, probably, quickened its steps until it went off in a swinging trot, leaving the liorsos behind. This was the first intimation Green bad that Ins Itob tailed ox (it was bob-tailed) could trot. The idea then presented it self to lnm that if he could only accu* torn the bovine to trotting a certain distance on a certain piece of ground he ; could out-trot any horse in the neigh borhood. There was a gambler bv the name of Rxndnle, fnm Illinois, in Den j ver at this period, who owned a horse | that could do hi* mile in 2.40 Raudale ; was quite chum of Green, and would , ixvasionally drop into his quarters aud I blow his horse's trumpet. A day or two | after Green's discovery of his ox's j powers Raudale dropped in on him, and, as usual, liegan "talking borne." Watcliiug hi* chance. Green remarked that he ha>l au ox that could best Ran dale's bone for .'IOO yardß. Raudale laughed at first, then got mad, and at last offered to lad ten to one that it could not be done. The l>et was prompt : ly taken, snd tliev adjourned to the prepared place. The ox was backed up I to a little hand-cart, half a yoke put around liis ueok, a couple of saplings served as shafts, and the whole rig was completed by a pair of ox-hide iraces. Randale was*to do the scoring, and con trol his horse subject to the action of hia bovine adversary, as Green knew very well it would never do to trifle with hia steed. When everything wa* ready, away they went, Green, with his long black-snake, making things lively for the ox. aud Randale yelling at his 2:40 i nag. Sure enough, at the end of 300 yards, the ox came in ahead. Ou the spot Raudale lxiught half the ox for SSOO. The next day he was pitted agaiugt two horses, and the whole city i turned out to see the remarkable plie j nomeuon, a trotting ox. Again was he victorious, and amid the wildest excite ment he passed the line six lengths , j ahead. • j Every day thereafter he defeated a , horse or two, and there soon became a t | popular demand for a share in the ox. Accordingly a stock company was form . Ed with a joint stock of $6,400, being , sixty-four shares of SIOO eticli. The !> stock went like hot cakes, and soon sold away above par. In a week, during NUMBER 13. which he had won several more raoea, the a tuck waa quoted on the gambling table* and pttatil fo. 91,1*10 a ahare. At last a horse sired in Ban Kranciaoo came 1 along, and a trial of apeed waa made ap between bim and the ox. If the crowd of apectatora hail been large before, it waa gigaidic on thia day. It aeewx! aa if the while oonntry turned ont, and it waa catenated that there were 10,000 people present. Everything being in reatliueaa, away they went, heralded by a thousand voice*. The ox took the lead from the atart; at the 100-yard pole he waa a length and a half ah<-ad; at the 160 it had become three lengths ; at the 260 the distance had widened into five leugtha, and the ox atiil gaining. Isnt the old saying, " there's many a ahp 'twist the cup and the lip," waa never truer than in the present case, and when within a doxen yards of the winning post his oxahip became tired and made up Ins iniud to atop. Accordingly, ha planted his front feet and refuaod to budge. Moral soamoe, profane abuse, phvfc.oal ill wage, all separate or cum Lined, failed to move him, and the borae qu 4ly trotted past, and took the race, the ox never reaching the winning-post at all. That minute the stock sank from (1,000 a ahare done to one-aixty-fourth of the value of the ox intrinsically aa meat MaLj efforts were afterwsrd made to corc the refractory bovitM into a trot, but at! enticement and puinasiiai, gen - tie and otherwise, failed, and be never trotted again. htiortlv after, " 'latere," baring a tart ed for California, *a called bome to ' Ohio on boeimais. He made tbe re markable drive from the sink of the Humboldt river to (Jamba in a handcart drawn by a pour. Green claims that be WHO the fir-t and tut man who haa ever made that trip all alone. He traveled altogether at tiighl in order to esoape the Indiana. One afternoon be alerted earlier then be waa accustomed, about fonr o'clock. About five be noticed an Indian far out on bia extreme right, riding in a parallel course to bia. His suspicion* aroused by thia, be looked around him, end discovered one on bis extreme left and one far in the rear, Thia satisfied him that they were after htm. In thia by no means pleasant po wt'on, while in a mental stew aa how to avert bis fate, an antelope sprang up out of tbe high grass and ran directly across Green's path. "Taters," without draw ing rein, took up bis gun and shot the animal, leaving hi* oorpae behind bio. When he bad driven about five miles farther be stopped, and, looking baek, saw tbe three gather around the fallen antelope. By this time it was dusk, and night was rapidly setting in, and Green, having male a fire wiLU buffalo chips, resumed his seat in bis improvised pony phaeton, andtiegan driving in an eccentric circle around the fire, widening the dis tance between it and him at every round. At last, having the fire in between tbe Indian* and himself, be suddenly went off at a tangent. Another night he passed within a mile of a village of itOO b-nta, but, fortunately, was not disoov ere!. Dnring tbe whole time i about ten days i between tbe Humboldt river and Denver be did not aoe a white man. He arrived at home in the middle of August, 1859, after a series of as re ' markable events aa ever falls to the share of any man. fiFenderfut Facts. Sir Aatley Cooper relates tlie case of a saiior who was received m Bt. Thomas' hospital in a state of stupor from an in jury in the beed, which continued some months. After Sin operation be sudden -Ily recovered so far as to speak, but no one in tbe hospital understood his lan guage. But a Welsh milk-woman hap pening to come into the ward, answer ed bun. f >r he spoke Welab. which was his native language. He bad, however, been absent from Wales m<>re than thirty years, and previous to the acci dent had entirely forgotten Welsh, al though he now spoke it fluently, and recollected not a word of any other tongue. On bis perfect recovery be again completely forgot bis Welsh, and recovered his English. I An Italian gentleman, mentioned by Dr. Bush, in tbe of an illness, spoke English; in the middle of it, French; but on tbe day of bia death spoke only Italian. A Lutheran clergyman, of Philadel ■ phis, informed Dr. Bush that Germans and Swedes, of whom be had a large uumlier in his congregation, when near death always prayed in tlieir native languages, though some of them, he was confident, had not spoken them for fifty or sixty years. An ignorant servant girl, mentioned by Coleridge, during the delirium of a fever repeated with perfect correctness passage* from a number of theological 1 works in Latin, Greek and B shinies] Hebrew. It was at length discovered that she had been servant to a learned clergyman, who waa in the liabit of walking backward end forward along a puhage by the kitchen, and there read ing aloud his favorite authors. Dr. At ererombie relates tbe rase of a • child, four years old, who underwent the operation of trepanning while ia a state of profound stupor from fracture of the skull. After his recovery, he re tained no recollection either of the opera tion or the accident; yet, at the age of fifteen, during tbe delirium of fever, he i gave his mother an exact description of the operation, of the persons present, their dress and many other minute par ' ticnlar*. (•randfather Bathing Suit. One of the children asked how Captain Taul Boytou got along in the water this tern hi? "cold weather. ••What! that feller I" exclaimed ' Grandfather Lickahingle, starting np twin) a reverie. " That feller swim min' from Pittsburgh to New Orleans bv ovorlan I route in an ulster overcoat ami three-ply mittens. Every mornin' the j'sper has au account of how he l"Ctnred in some towu the night afore. Then he cuts across lota, in the direction of New Orleans, and deli vara another lecture. He'll arrive at his destination by-and by, providin' the walkin' keeps good. Anybody can swim to New Orleans that way. Now, when your grandfather ao eoiiiplished his great aquatic feat, as the newspapers called it, of awimmiu' from New Orleans to Pittsbnigh, I never left the water once. Every public hall along the route was decorated with flags an' Cbinoae lauters, an' committees waited on me forty miles below the towns and pleaded with me all the way up, offerin' me anywhere from twenty-five oents to S7OO a* night if I would round into port i aud lectuio. I wouldn't have it. As for little cold .snaps like this one, I rather enjoyed thorn. It took a little more fuel" — "Fuel, grandfather?" '•Yes, fuel. I had a very perfect ba&hin' suit. It had a furnace in the basement, with registers opeuin' into every room in the house, so to speak. When the mercury got down about aero, an' the water began to feel a little chilly like, I'd holler down the telephone to the stoker to heave in a few packages of coal ile, resin, bacon, alcohol, aquafortis, or whatever come handiest among the freight"— * "Sorely, you don't mean freight, grandfather?" .'f ' "I iloiTt moan notbiu' CIPBJ but if yon children think yon know more 'bout your grandfather's bathin' suit than he does himself, wbv, dog-gone it, you'd better tell it I" Oil City De/riok. ITEMS OF INTEREST. (talking objects—Clock*. Newt of the week—HoapiUl report*. " Gome to the scratch," m the oat said to the lapdog. Responded animation ooeart tn plants m in animals. Mnriler, like the kneee of t boy* pent*, will ont, flow to provide for • rainy day—Bor row an umbrella. la aneiaat timet diphtheria wa* ooo sidarad incurable. Hrigbam Young's ton John hat mar ried hit llfth wife. Homa training ahonld aid the teach ing children receive at tohool. A great depoait of mineral wai ha bean discovered in Bouthara Utah. Domestic rabbit* are frequently bred to anpply fur* for various purposes, There are 21,000 tenement* in New York, in whioh 600,000 perrons live. What thia oonntry hat never teen, tnd □ever will, it a ben that can lay a wager. For two centuries there hat been a depreaaion in bntineae every ten yeart. A deaf mnfa who wa* arrested in New York had eleven pairs of stolen pants - loons. New Turk is charged with spending ten tunea as much for tobacoo aa for bread. Gladstone's admirers will build a hospital in hi. honor that will coat SI 10,000. " Come listen to my tail," mid the dog aa he thumped hia appendage on the floor. The Boa ton Journal believe* that • when a girl tares ont a deceiver it aerrea him right The Union Pacific railroad runs in one unbroken line 1,900 miles, and cost ' 6100,000,000. (Hnniaon wants to know it " time ia money," wby "can't he take time to I pay bis debts t" A poem baa been written on " The iluad to Blnmber Land." It moat tell , of the road-bed. It i said that " performing birds " ' are taught their tricka through a cruel : course of lesson*. In Great Britain and Ireland there are over 100,000 bicycles in nse, and over 400 'ncyele club*. Last winter was the oddest remem bered in Ireland. Birds were discovered | eating each other. A Herman physician declares that all food should be eaten raw, and the wear ' ing clothes ia a mistake. * The who waa toaaad over the back of an irate bail was reported aa not dead, i bat only gone beef o'er. The wrong boy who waa interviewed I by the hemlock twig, feelingly spoke of it aa the misplaced switch. ■ Ha lives above hi* income." Waa the dart rsprosaL ba horn. Till at last it wa* retta-tuWod I hat he lived above hi* Mora. "Ob, look, Louise I Fred jnst sent me this sweet little pappy. Wasn't he !kud?" "Yea, dear; but it's just like him." It aeema absurd In say that sick men are often handsome, when, aa everybody knows, Uiey are always ill-looking fel lowa. Instead of paring *' too thin," B chard Grant White translate* it into the ex priwaion "of the utmost tenuity of • fabric." I The Journal cj Chemistry saya that no European nation is so advanced aa Italy in its methods of teaching agri culture. Quails are becoming scarcer in Oregon every year, aa sportsmen and trapper* slaughter them indiscriminately at all I seasons. Near the site of Jacob's well, in the city id Samaria, Palestine, there is a Baptist church with a congregation ' numbering 100. The Nevada city authorities have forced the Chinamen there to build their joss-house (temple of worship) outside of the town limit*. The king of Stain has a bodyguard iof female warriors. They are said to : lie very beautiful—the most killing young ladies of his realm. There are time* when even the timid s and mciffetiSivs hare may prove a dan gerous foe—for instance, when you have eaten too much of him. f'Sam," said one little urchin to ynnihar _•• Sam, doe* your school master ever give you any rewards of merit?" "I s'poee" he does," was the reply; "be gives me a lickin' reg'lar every day, andaejw I merit two." "Did von ever," asked a brother humorist 'of Josh Killings, " stand at the ball door alter your lecture and listen to what the people said about it as they went out V Replied Josh—*' I did—once (a pause and a sigh), bnt 111 never do it again." No one ever succeeded in extracting i honey from a spelling bee. Didn't eh ? A voting man who attended a spelling bee in this town three years ago took therefrom a young lady whom he recent i It Duriicd, isd L# owls her 4 4 ! for short, and thinks she is ten times sweeter than that saccharine product of the bee. What he wiil call her a few vears hener is a question we hand over to our puzale solvers.— Sorrittoum ; Bcrald. _ Step a Haute. Don't hurry so. Move slower;.it msy be that you will go surer. Grind, grind, . grind—one everlasting grind from five i o'clock in the morning till ten at night, the bubble of human riches. JWhat Is the need, pray tell me ? Yon 1 already have enough, and even more 1 than vou cn use. You are heaping up t wealth for others to waste or quarrel j over when yon are dead; and half your heirs, instead of remembering yon grate fully, will contemplate your departure from this hurrving scene with infinite ! satisfaction. Do rest a while. Yon are 1 wearing out the vital forces faster than , there is need, and in this way snbtiact ing . vcstb from the total sum of your life. This rash and worry day after day, this restless anxiety after some thing you have got, is like pebble - stones in machinery they grate and grind the life out of you. lon have useless burdens; throw them off- You have a great deal of needless care; drop it. Pull in the strings;.compact your business. 'Take time for thought of better things. Go out into the air and enjoy the sunshine. Stop thinking of business and profit. Stop grnmbliug at adverse fortune. Ton will probably never see much better times than these in this doomed world. Yonr most op i pnrtmie season is now; your happy day is to-dav. Calmly do your duty, and let God take care of His own world. He is still alive, and is the King. Do not imagine that things will go to overlaid ing emash when you disappear from this mortal stage. Dou't fancy that the curse of heaven, in the shape of the vain task of righting up a disjointed earth, is im posed on von. Cease to fret and fume; cease to jump and worry early and late. The good time is coming, but you can never bring it; God can and will. Take breath, sir; sit down and take a long breath; then go calmly to the tasks of life and do your work well. Dr. Murray. Simplicity of President tirevy. I The new president of the French re ■ public dresscs.very modestly, nevey hav • ing worn even the uniform of the na i tional guard. He is a man of repub lican simplicity in all his ways. In his every-day attire, even in Pariß, he has donned a wideawake instead of a silk hat; and in summer time he may gener ally be seen sauntering about the boulevards clad all in gray, and crown ed with a panama. Though a man of considerable lauded property, as estates go in France, ho never set up a brougham till he became president of the chamber, and he has always kept ♦his modest one-horse vehicle, with a coachman out of livery, at Versailles. In Paris he uses cabs and omnibnse* ; but it mmt be a very muddy day which I compels bim to ride at all. ; > I I we dive to the bottom of pleasure, we re sure to bring up dirt 1