THK I KM'rtK Itft'OHVEIL (Ifiitre Haiti P# rwi. Mir. -0, i P#-T*kms s2/-rr year, trhrn paid in /drawee; S2.SO when wof tioi.f tn advance. Adrertiseseients'JOcts per tine for three m sr-tions. and beentsper line {or ererv ** sequent insertion drfrerfisetncwf* the year nt a liberal discount. Subscribers out side the caunty should re t u>t am to ieta, awweit of ana \rtr * post* ace. instead ofXkts its formerly when paid ty themselves. Subscribe-.* eat alwajflfeu how their M• cotn is stand at the Ret rter office *V J* sultino'he tables on tSe.r papers r the labis reads' Koe I i*n W *< that John isindebtfi for subserxption from the l.'f of January. IS'fi and that <t fine he was paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODOK MBITIHOB rrvrnttlui laioo*. ?tc atat o to } ; "*• • a*err Salaries srenlaatw tb*<4<J *•***?„*.! A. Foatau*. Hec'r. J. V. At * Ott> Font I .aowe So tv v an . "* w on et b*fr* e.-b full ca 1 th MlMttii l Hfell _ . aUVVY W M C f HtlUratt.lKl. J .f. AKNKt.W ■ l„>„-„ll,o„l V* r.f H maata a. I lhatr Rail, Contra Hall tha Saturdu • ■•-uattiv M ati.l .* tan **£* after. Jam. a Kn* Mml*t l.rowmr Chat. Royar ard (.mil*, af George* ▼alley. lft for Kanaa- thi* "e.k Dingea ia atiH telliag gracariet and Si);!an ary !•*. Ga'l at onea Thank* to Rat sto*er for aa early copy of K* COB'are act appeintwtant*. M r R u h\ of finnwthon, will occur* the TVtter t Mtlla h->tal after April 1. Geo. C R*eon * ta'e. Spring MiH. Mar. "JS. M L. I.aittal!'*. tale. Potter'i bank. Mar. •*. Ktamiaa D\age ttock at tobaccw and cigara. the moet coaipleie attortment In Centre Hall. Mr. Heialar kat cam me need puttiag up tkedt for kia new marble yard, on | Durtt'i let, oppoaita the bote! —■ Ah, the* ha*e coma on. juat what tec want and need '.hoe aaw nice. fYeh and pure groca'let of Sech ar ACe Go, and ke p youraelrot in time, and dan t let# a charce to gat aoaaathing gi^. The time ta hare when you mutt hacg up your alaight ta dry, and get a new apring wagon, or bug** ar carriage. Whatever yen want in the line of vehicle*, tJno. T, Laa, at his Centra Hall fhopi, will , put up aay ttyl# and warrant the tua'.aria! and work, and low at the .owatt. , Sucker fithirg it all the ga aleng'i Put tt'aama. Thota who do not tuocaad | in ga'.tiag uckera out of the eraak, aaa.t always manage to get tucker* out of a hot- , tie. i Subacriber* to tha Riroaru who change thair poet ofice addratt, ahould , notify u*. to thai thair paper can be mai.- ed accordingly. | t "A paiti*a baneft to young cbi.- j a ran and irfaau' ia the popular verdict ' for Dr. Bull a Baby Syrup. Sold every-J where at 2irente a bottle. Our people woke up last Monday morning to Cad ebeut 2 iachet of tcow on J tha ground, whieb cau*ed aa abundam a r af tlutk by noon- By addrctting or calling at the v Howe Sewing Machine office. Milethurg. Pa., you can buva your Howe machine i put in good running order, fra of charge. ( The Y. M C. A., of Centra Hall. : 1 will ha'd a public maa'.inr ia tba M. K- j Church, oa Sabbatb, March 23, at 8 i e'clock. Subject " Doe* it pay to ha at Christian." A genera! invitation ia girer. to everybody Ut c< me and take part in the 1 1 axaraisat. ta constat in praying. air.g;ig, tpaakiagand hear rg. We a*# informed by Mr. Cyru* Sto- ' ver. that the *niith-hap of Jno C. Stover, j in Hainat, wa* destroyed by fire on Fri day mereiag abaut 3 o'alock. with all its contents, incluning cornplanter, harrow*, i and all tool* The fir# i* tuppotad t ka*a j been eau*ed by a niaca of hot itan which t found it* way inta *oma rubhih, whila at t wark tha avaniag praviou*. j Tbere ia mora sugar, coffee, tan, I ] dried and caanad truits, and othar grocer- | ia, said hy Sashlar & Co , that by any j ather establishment withia 100 milaa. Tbe.< reason i plain—you gat r.or,e but reliable ] geod—fraeh, pure, whobreorae. and at • living prices. t LITXRAE.Y KEVOLI riox —The era I of cheap and g--d book* b certainly i com*. Tea Ac*l< editian of CAamVer . Cyclopedia i/ English Literature, eight handy and beautiful volume#, nearly 3MO page*, elagantl v bound in cla'.h, for ' J2 60. 'a what the AMIKICA* B.<OK EX CWAXG* 65 Beakw.aa Street, N. Y., offer ' to subtcrikar* who buy thia rnoath. Spec imen volame, complt* in itsalf. postpaid, for 43 cent*. Nearly 60.0UU volume* sold in tbe past tbrae months. Speiimen pa ges and terms to clab* sent free. —Tha rumor seam* wall feuaded that a number af prominent citizen* of Balti more have reaaivvd la erect a monument to tee memory ef tbe lata Dr. J. W. Bull, disefcvarar of that woundarful ramady. ' Dr. Ball'# Cough Syrup. Mr. Em. Leilzel, writag u fram Dadge county, Nebraska. that they I ad • baautiful wiawr. no enow, dry ground sinca last harvaet, aad no itorm thi* wia ter. Farmer# ara buey sawing wheat, (Mar. 9) Wheat W, corn 20, oate 20, bar ley 40. potatoes 35. good horeea SIOO, cows $25 to $3-5, hogs, live, 3* per 100, good pin* hoard* $lB par 1000. Mr. Laitxel pronounce* Dodge tbe banner county in that state. Just naw tha graat sensation at Beila.Wa i* tha new Beehiva dry-good# store of Mr. Bauland, which baejuet boa a apened, and promisee to be the iter* of tbe eounty. Tb* stock of dry goade ex cel* any thiDg ever known in Bellafontw— Comprising lb* best g#d* and none but tb* latest etylae. There ie already a rush for the Baehive, the bargain* affered ar* said to be the beat in Ballafenta. Pop in and seethe Beehive itore. We would call it the asylum atyla. What could poaeee* any women to camb her hair straight dawn over her forehead and cut it square off above bar eyebrevrs, has been a mystery to avery man of geod seise who dislike* to look upan a lunatic Yet tbere ara many girls just impl dnaugh—downright foole—to wear their bair in this w*y and than think it's a b g thing to bava their hair "banged." —-Tbe tbrae funniest long* now pub lished ar* entitled : "I'll tell your moth er," price 30c#aU. "Tha Ilouteksapar'i Complaint." price 30 cant*. "The Won derful Musician," priee 30 cent*. The three to any addraee for 50 cent*. W. L Thompson & Co., East Liverpool, O Tbe dog poisoner seams to have reached Beilafante, and the canina* phil osophically kick tba bucket aftar partak ing of tbe tidbit* which be drop* for their •special benefit- This will be good new* for sheep, rams and lamb*. l'izener. spare tbe dog, Spare him ta annoy tha bog - So cozy >a bis muddy wallow ; Much belter with on* bold swallow. Gulp the poitan down yourself. Get your dried and canned fruit* at Bach tare, band quarters for all kind* of gro ceries. Good* warranted fresh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and H.-ney, a ure cure for toughs, cold*, croup and early stages af coasumptian. Try it. lfyou want the best fitting and cheapest shirt in tbe State, or any other clothing, go to tbe Eagle Clothing hall, there'* the place where you get it. Clothing mad* to order at New man'* by on* of the best tailors from Phil adelphia. -—All tba standard patent medicine*, pure and fraah at Frank Graen'i, alio all drags, fancy and toilet articles. In tha Bush house block—most complete drug house in the central part of the itat*. Best and cheapest CleUiiff. blwbj %\ JkfFj Clvthhr f tvaH'f. —— What would tin quint people of Aa raasburg say, ta wiik one morning and Cad thermelve* gobbled lip V? the hair* of Aaron Levy * We arc informed that heir* of Levy ate now searching the rac o'il to find what would giva tbam a claim, in Levy will, we haiiete, to the land o which the town of AarPltaburg now *taad* La** mi a Hebrew and tha founder of tn* placa, and at oaa time tha owner af a large body ofand ia that vioiaity Search wa* lately niada aanan g tha records at Holla- i fanta, but Le ** had hit da* bafora A antra < count* was barn, and tha partial ba* ! | new gone barb to the reeora* a! North umberland county, el'which tVntra wa* a part and will wake taarch at Sunbnry for their benanra It ia our opinion that the , halra af Aaron Le*y ara purauing aa .fnitfatvus, • they will Cad after getting | through with their anarch, that tha prat eat hauler* aftka land upan which Aa ! rontburg ia built, ha'd it by good titla. with tha exception of some half dotea '.ota apaa which no titla it hald. but ara hald b* a po#iaaion right of at let 10 ar (50 yaar*, — nnditpuled patteni-in and lata* paid, Taera ia taroe naad of alarm an tha part of our goad aaighbor* of Aaron* burg, en thia account—whar.ater tha Lay i coma, they will find it cut, I Spring ia hare and ton will aeed tpring Clothing Newman at tha Kag a Clalbing Hal!, hat ja*t got on a tuppiy which he offer* at attoaibingly low pri cat. Go to tha King C uthiar bafora you buy elsewhere. er you will be turn to mitt it Newraan'a it headquarter* far the bat and cbaat>aat and largeit aMorttaaat. Alfred M ar a for tha lait u yeart clerk in Wolfe ttora, thit p'aee, on Mon day lent took a aimilar paaitioa ia Bau land t aaw ttora, at Ballafoat* Cap at way* w* obliging, and Mr Bauland e fartanata in securing hit iar*:act. A aoa af Denial Waidantaul will take Mr Min gle t p ace at Wolf a. —Tha —Tha new Howe Sewing Machine—a perfect novelty, call at thia office and aee it. Workt like a charm. A. C. Moore, Aft. office M.lesbuJg I'a. Stan right in to Secular a, aa all ; ;hey got, buy a bill of the'r tiptop gre eerie*,—you will sever rogret it; if you , wait a good, fraib, wka'womi article, at , Secfclers a lh place above a'.l others to gat it. Try it oaee at laaat Vary nice tugar aad ayrupa, for aa'r at tba follewing prieea Sugar, at 8, and 10 eta ; ayrupa, at 00 aad 80 eta. par ' gal., at C. Din get' atora, ("antra Hall. Tba Buah house ia by all admitted to ba one af tba beat bataia ia tbia part of tba aiata. C C. Conaar, tailor, leaves our I town aad mora* to Kaaove nail week. —•Subscribers ■ jeer* aal over ia af fairs will favor u greatly by paying up. Read tba Beehive atora adv Wao bad tba laat aleigh rida 1 STRING MILLS. Duaean A SOB have got on 1W tana of plaster. Now fartaara, if yau want to pat ronise booie iaduatry, pitch ia. Mr. George Woodt, living up Siakiag croak, about one mile frern thia place, kad seven bantu and caa ahoulder atoian freai fa is tmoke house laat weak Tba tb'.eves sprung tba boarda off at the back of lha house. Wheat ia quoted at OSc in your papar and it has been selling for from to $l tor lha laat ta weeks. Mr J. D. Laag, ' far eve- a week has it an his paioler at j the bridge, " $l '.lO for wieat " Krumrine * Co., are doing quite a buti- ■ nasi in graie aad coal ; alto I. J. Grsno- j bla, in grain, coai and cook stoves- For tka Reporter. Our elucidate friend, J Tf , rather sur prised us laat weak by Baring an article ia tba Watchman aboatthe upper erusU o f Patn Hall, as be calls tbeia. His aigna lure to tha article tell* at anca what ba ia, and wbieh a a vary appropriata nataa in- j dead. And wa must ackaowleJge tbat D. j L>. aad J C are lip tap chaps and also 1 bava rig* of thair awa. J. W's. rig be langato him as far aj tha uie of it ia COB cernad, but tha true ownar ia Uncle I>. I Ha ia d.spienaad bacause ha was net askad toga along witb the party. We advis* the young gaat to conduct himself :n suca away, that deceat people oaad aot ba aabaaiad af his coaapaay. Urrsm CarsT. i Chat Harback, residing ten miles wait af Lincoln, lUinait, wha has bean separa ted from his wife for tha past taa days owiag to a domestic quarrel, called where hit wife was engaged ia iroaiag and shot her through the body. Whan the neigh bors attempted to arrest him ba placed his pistol to bit owa head and fired, falling dead. Tha wife ia lying ia a critical can* dition. LIST OF JURORS Grand Jurors—4 Monday April. Biggs—J S Praudfoot. Taj: or—J T Fawlar Spring—Ju Eckearotb. Snowshoa— J A Wolf. Ferguson—D tf Young. Union—H Haruock, W G Irvin. PotUr—J B Lea. J A Keller Milaa—N Keren*#. Joal Morrii, J C Borkat, M J Hail. Gritf—P Fboek, Col.tea —Geo Muutr, J Bettorf, Win Everbart. G Shall. Liberty— J W Tanar. Pann-W 8 Smith Worth--G K William*. Philipeburg—M E A Devi*. Ballafonta—ll Walkay. Traverse—4 Monday April. Ballafonta—l M'Clure. W P Hume*. J W Cook. K M Farlaca, J M'Clallan. I Miller, J Mu'hollan B*gg*--W E Fular, J T Luaa*. W H Campbell. J Zimmerman, W Butler. Penn—F Bowersox, A A Freak, S G Gutaliu*. II il Weiser, J Saakay, J C Smith- Kueh—C Lonf. J Gile. Graff—J A M Cltntic, Wm Hackman. Union—Jarob Hoover, jr. Mileeburg—W C Wilky. Milaa—Ja* Corman, J P Frank, L Grim Spring—J Barnhart, A J Bell. —M H Stewart, J K Tbetnpson J F William*. Philipsburg—A Jonas, E C Beader Petto*—J H Hradle. Liberty—W Sisingar. Baaner—Jno Swartx Potter—J Ding**, L W Kimport. Harris—B Bady Walker—W P Harris, C Rodger*, S Godh*rt. Ferguson— J B Gnbaen. Marion—C F Y eerie* College—Jas Baker, Wm Grove Howard twp—J B Leathers. Jurors —Mr 5. Wortb-J Wood ring, II Dennings. Union—Wm Idd ng, G P Hall Ballefanta—T Gordon, D Z Kline, J Sonenierville, J H Lingle, W TTwitmira. W ID Deri-tine. Haines— F Dutweiler. R B IJastarman. Howard bor—W H Naff. A I Gardner. B>ggs—M Evan*. G Flack, J K Hollar Miles—John Wolf, Ilcnry Corman, J R Burd. Rusb-J Collins. I) Holt. Ferguson—W K M Williams, J John son. R Gardner. Helfmoon—J F Dawning, S Klleaber I". Pea a—And Harter. Orrgg— U Krumrina. W B Bitnar. Pa ter—D F x,ue, M J Decdar, A Mc Coy Walker—Jac Gobble. Snowshoa—Je* Gate*. NOTICE IF HEREBY GIVEN that an application will bo made under tke Art of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled. ' An ad ta pro vide for lb* lacorporatian and Regulation of certain oorporatione," approved April '29, 1674, and tba eupploraonts thereto, for tba charter of an intended corporation to be called tha Millbaim Turnpike-road Company, tbe obiaet of which ie to con struct a turapika road from Milibaim to tha L C 4 1 C. railroad, aad for thi* purpose to have, pones* and enjoy, all the rigbu, benefit* and privilege* of tba said act of Assembly aad it* supplement* ISmrSt J. B. LINN, Solicitor. "VfOTICE. —Netice is haraby given tbat iN application will ba made for a charter, for Turnpike road leading tram Mil baim, to UAO L. C. &. 3. U, railrogd. w mut -1 A FRIGHTFri, DISASTER. J I ( Tho Town pfS/ 'jrrtiin, 11uti.;nry. In , | umlnlcd. 1 Load on, March 12 The . | tpttndenl at Perth, t*v "For wall eigh > % weak S-egedin, the tcrond t aiiin<aroial i tawn ia Hungary, ha* bean in imminent > ; dangor of inundation from tha riser I'lie | taw, wlneh flow* through the town. Set i cral large avkat protect,ug tha b*. k of • tha towu have h*n hunt and l'>e tcty ' o' tlia town now depend* on the cmbauk i meat of the Alford railwet, to *:re' gt an which all afforti are concentrated i London, Merch 1? A Iltpatali to the /toii'v -Vci 'tram S.*ogcd,n thi NVrdnot -1 d*y an rn ng, al S o'clock, test "After a fearful night ot mi ft* all at! 'r; ara utelati The water broke through with imineaie fore# at S v I'.cck, i trrving ** part of tka railwav ttatian embankment and rolling ttock Within three houra tha i town was maiv feat deep in water Ter rib'e ac.flaring it couimcaciog Sluiakt 1 anil trie* from ttiMU'tada arc heard ' Hourtt are > railiing by the *i are. and in aaanv catet carrying tfictr inaiataa w.tb | them. (Jod know* what wa all aa 1 1 do to aiabt. There ia no ga* the work* b*;ag j flttaan fart iu water I fear we 'ia tun ikortoffoad Oaa boat watjuil going to ! ava • large lioarful 'f peoala a large craah carried with it the wti e -| j ing freight The n ana i* ainap'y heart, 'reading Over sOIhIO people a*e ■ul of I ho.uc aad home. Hundra>l* are drowning aad tha water ia at 11 > nt:ng rap h!y Staga*i.n, March 12 —I he synagogue ha* fatlaa in, burying a number of poop a who had sought raiaga m it TUOI'SANDS OK PKOI'LK STARV ING. A curra*poadanl at S.-egad.n trlcgraph* ca Thursday that thauaand* of pat pla were atatvtng. The c. rrcp. ndant pat.eU ia one relief boat 4ihl person* who iad Ukea refuge in a church l'ho boat w* uaab eto atlord them an* help i her* were hardly any serviceable b •#*.* avail*., bin. In a school hau.a l,f<oo paapla had ( .taken refaga. and were wilk-iul f-fd Larga n..libers of tuiat*, which ware pr J caading ta aid the *ubmcrged city, bean itoppcd by the *lorm which had cut off cominuß'.calby river. Peth, March 14.-The Government Commiaaioaar atSragadia report* ha w*> rawed thraugh tha *ubmargad iiraci* a -d fauad thraa-qumrtaraof tha town in tuta* 11a think* :t the water remain* a taw aay* longer caree!y !)W koaa* will t •landtag Tha Burgem*t*r a*tiait that several thousand pertaa* weradrown i TIIE HUNGARIAN DISASTER I'etth, March 13.—Tha rai*ary ia Sr.egc din is incraating lie*cuing b ate contin ually strike ruini to that, in many rte. the raacna of sufferer* it imposnble. One ; bent capti-ed, by which *#ran wouian ( were A v.alaa*. storm i raging , Tha fload it continually rising and it now two fee above the level of the Thais*. The untuhmargad area ha bean ra iuead to e 6t,V tguara raatrca which continual'* da- , craatet. At tha first irruption of the w*- | tar thirty live soldiers were drowned. 1 h Slate Railway carr eJ. gratuitous y. K\ 4 OW fugitive* yaaterday. London, March It—Tha Monii'jc! < cor'aspondant Sr.cgadm ray* that the c Govarnnient authorities rapart that oik percat ba*a been drowned. Of the 0.700 hautat compoting '.ha Han ( gar an city of Jiiegadin. which hat jus' bean inundated t>* tn River Thaos only '.til ri-'tam. It i* baliave.i !B: 2 i" 1 peo ple, 16,(W hnrte* and tAVAA" *n-*p ** parithed. The tlood is B"W slow y >ubid tog, hut the cold it enuring mien** u'!~*r ina among tha thousand* caaipad about tha site of the town. ILOWN TO PIECES WITH VITRO ULYCKRINE Bad Rock, Pa . March 10. -At aheuts o'clock this affernoen an unknown mar atidant'y ialoiicatad, 'taggered threugh tha (treats, carrying on hi* *hoa!dar a hag coauioing eight quart cans of niiro glycariaa. Fifteen m nutet atar tuet- wa wa* shaken and the inhahiiants terribly frightened by a moil tarnf. • cxp' >ion. Investigation raraa'ad tba fact that tha man bad Hipped down, caunag tha cx pla*ion. acaltarad fragraanu ot hi* A.J. :. ...aa *1 i ran' -MR AH t' at rslll I body in every direction. A cou o _ ba feend of him wow * not fill a collar box. ■ St. Loui*. March 12. Information bet reached bar* that a violent wind alarm, j( amounting almoit t<> a '.ornado passed over , the southern part of Macoupin county. I - '• ltnoia, teslarday, destroying home* ar.d , barm and ether property Fdward M< Doeald. living aear the southura lino of the county, aad hi* little grandchild were killed and severnl ether mamban of hi , family severely wounded. One or two < other death* are reported. The revelutienary party ia lley'.i ti' threaten* the ove-throw of tha present ad- ' rainiitration of Caval. The *b >l* north era portion of the republic may b said to ba already inarms. The president thinks, j \ however, that with tha force* at hi* com mand in the outh, he will ba able to tave hi* government. It i* itatad that while the racial mann er*# in Burmeh, at lb* instance of the king only amounted t# forty, tbe killing wae attended by avery passible atrocity Ti# victim* were baaten aad kicked. The women wire ihamefully abused. Tha royal prince* war* reserved to tha le*t. and mad* to witness the torture and death of their familiat Tha bodies of all the victim* ware thrown into old well* St Petersburg, March C—A te'agram frani Taihkind itataa that aftir the death af Sbere Ali at Mazarisherf a bloady con flict brok* out among tbe follower* of the variou* pretender* t* the Afghan throne, and the partieane of Y&koob Khan ware vietonou*. It wa* reportad that Yakoob Khan and two othar pre'.endar* had taken refuge at Ilerol. Capetown, Feb. 18—Col. Pearson was attacked at Ekow* by a large farce af Zu-j lee. The latter were defeated with enor mous lass and purtued to Ealamodi, one of lb* Zulu military kraal*. Col. Wood reparU ibal b* has captured a larg* num ber of cattle. Tbe hoodlum* of California have deter mined to ruin tbe China** laundries by , continuing their prac'.ica ef not wearing •lean ihiris and by inducing other paopla la do tha *am*. Tb* Portuguese explorer, Pinto, has ar rived at Pretoria, South Africa, with eight 1 fallowari, all that remained of the four hundred with whom b* yt out on his ax pad ition. Tbe cit zen* of Maine will'eacn have en opportunity to vota on a constitutional amendment providing for biennial sessions of tha Legislature. Tbe February account* of Auburn pris an shew a surplus of f 1.183 G2 over ex penditures The average number ef con victa was 1,130. i - • • MECHANICS LIENS Mechanic's licn- Ifive rise to & good deal of litigation and the fact that a large number of nulla reach the Bupieme Court is pret ty good evidence that the law is lia ble to be misunderstood even by the Judges of the lower Courts. Many | of tbe cases taken up on appeal turn on the question whether or not the 1 lien was filed in time—within lix ; months from the time the work was 1 done —and in building operations it is sometimes a difficult thing to deter mine this. The work having been nc t cepted as completed under the con i tract, some extra work was done and 1 the lien filed witbiu nix mouths there after, but a year or uwo auvr tUo iolt wan done. The Sujuoni Court docitlrl that in this cane, it a tjiicni' ii >'f fact to lie dctci mincil bj liio jury whether nr lint the rxln work was ilutio niuln the contract '' ami a* a substitute lor other woil 1 provided tort herein A jreat diwil o 1 litigation ami I pvliudi always k< " together could he saved if meehaniei " who have liens to file would ur promptly, and keep clearly in mine '.the taet that there is % prescribed am unite iieeessßi \ limit I ■ the time ten ' ( tiling them. Heated milk, net boiled, diauk rv cry four hour- ic liberal >pianlity, n pruiidunced hy eiiiiueni authority, m ' lrei]ueii(lv an exeelcnt remedy loi ' the most violent diarrlnea, sloinacl ache, iucipicut cholery, ami dysentery 1 Sulphur for diphtheria Mr Jidii S. Wiles, r surgeon of Thorncomb. ' llorset, writes to tbo le'lfdot) linns that after two cases of rnaligtinn 1 diphtheria out of some nine or ten In 1 hail t> • n called to attend had proved fatal, the mother oi a sick child show* •ed him an extract from an Americai pa(wr concerning a practitioner wh 'used sulphur to i are the rlicnse. A< eordinglv he u*< I milk ul sulphur f< 1 lUtants and ti iwoTs of sulphur lor old r der children and wdu t. brought to crennv consistenrw with glycerine; d ue - a tcHspooti'nl or more, accor 11jjj- in age, three or f-.ur tunes a da\, -wallowed slowU , and application o' ihe same to the nostri s with aspong* Ivosults he did not hso a case Itier. or elsewhere, and lie succeeded insav iitig life when the affection bad almoa (docked the throat. MAltltlt.U. A'. th# Reformed p*r.u age '■ Aaron* • urr tif Uv I I v ni eke: Mr Sa'i • , uei bt 1. r'• M .< K *n K >r:u -, b li of Spring U:l! .. ltiKD. i Near TiiM*V*i on the lVth in*'., Mr* Barbara K M .n, g- !TO *ear, 1 meall • n<t IS Ja.T*. (I:i I".' Ii in*? . al Car II .' , M *• Jan# Lingle. aged near 70 venr* I i I'. Mr* H'i.a. * !r i>f(i*J. t'. Bre mn, of Logans*tlla, auJ a daughter of Keaot. <:#> <1 , or Spring Mi: , hur ng* M a* 55 vn >r* ii n. imki ami t> day* A*. IVnn Hall, Mar I*. Mr* Catherir a inarr, ays !"0 rn-* month* act S< ' J ay * At Spr; Ijf M "a. Ma" .Mr* Margare* ;C. (irenob . wif# of I J Grea -b'e. aged , sear*. 7 month* and S day* MARKETS. Pi ilaJs'i l '' a. March 17 -Whaat, l'ann * Iani re Isi *1 I.'. l'ennty !*eaia ara b- rat 51 111 No - *M*rn re<j a's**'.o at $1 IV K)i'!. > a; >7< - i I r al a-n Ptanayleania Corn a'. 4V v4.'*e. CHICAGO Cbieaf Mar.- 1 :!" U'rrit No'JChl r,| i t|ir regular, "'i<~ 'or < ath am*' -0* !'.<r Apr.: , ''is i 94; • for Ma* S'oSJi sic; r eoted O'.J ■ Corn regu tnr 'lc rr ca*h OaU—'2l fc for ca*b and At -t; JU for Uy. lira ttrmar. 4 s*a' 4'.;C. Bar'rv •'. * ar.j üß.Saneed CATTLE M ARRET p '.ails'i 1 * Msnch 17 Cattia r ng ,|, v |, r,i* k 'ik> t | goed rna dium 5 ■ -4c. rotnmfß 4fi i sc. Aheap raeaipu - i • • . „• y,.%|c medium t* Otojr. ennnjori 4c. Uif- duii. r|ir C til ag >, • ; C, 'a r U.U.OL C Spring Milt* Murkui. \V boat Hye. 45e Corn, ears, per bu. new, .4'< c OaU. Wc Buckwheat, 75e. CliifrnoHl, $ 1 IS' to f 7o Chop, per ion, iJU Ul), Pla*ir. ground eer f U'.OO Klour, par bbi sA.ot' Butter, I Ve. Tsllowr, Cc. Ham. !ke Sliau dar*. 4 Clean "Sid ■, 4j<\ Hag*. Vc. Egg* per do* , 10c Tub w asho l XV, Park.-.! 'nrlter nori-s ! o*s-, 10,*. Coal H-tsll. it* Car. tjron. Egg, *4 .' ' §4*l §.* i O §4 V CHa*t.nut. §1 V. r > § Pra. $V tO §.' T?XB< l rOBS NOTM X. - LrU- tMtimMi'ir.T upon ths visit nf Mar* Ktnri* * tlerraaa.l. tttini P-a greeted 1.1 the uadarsig nod. by the fegia lr of tWitr-c-unty be raquHti el! per •ons know ug ibemselv-* indebted to dt cedent. to -ma snd civke tl!e aint, and that* Paving c'atiat to p.-.n; ibvtu du'v authenticated far • vtilement. JOHN KM Kick 20ei*r6l Executor J NtjUEST SOTICB*-'" Id '-ho matter ..f lb# • •'.ate of Jogb Front a 0.-cd iti of Totter township, Centre count t a To William Front. r Jolir. Frero, sr., R*bCCa Hair S ioiml 11a■.r, Mary Front.: Elizabeth Salt, Wm. From,' jr .lat.a* From. John From, jr., Wilscn From, Jacob From Sarah From, Adetn From. E lan Frvn minor!, and to Jobs Sham, a guardian t i htrm of Ellaa From Thhair* and legal rspreients iia of Jona* From, doaaatad Take amice that by virtue of a writ jf I'artt'ia'i issued out "f tbe Orphan's Court ..f Centre rouaty, and to uia directed. an leque.t will be hold at the lata residence I of J "na Font. deceased. ia the township of Totter, and count* ofCnntre, onThurt day. tiia llnh daT of Ai>ril. A D . Wi'.i at 1(1 o'el-ck a in . of aaid da*, far the pur pore of nuking partition of the Real E late of rai l, to and amoag hi* ' teirs und legal representatives, iftheraute •an be done without |>rjudica to or ipoil mg of it e whole, other*ie to value aad aaprilire the • a-no according te law. al which time and place you may ba present j if ou I hmk arnper. Sheriffs Office. ) JotiK SrANOLZR Beilnfente. Tean'e. Sheriff. 1 Mar 14. 187'.' J2omtr4t BLACKSMITH WANTED. A g >ol black*mitb can learn of a ft rat cla>* >i ualion ay addressing the under {signed, at Centre Hall, nmurtf. JNO.T. LKE. 0 M 1T U SHOT FOR K K N rp The undersigned ba* a dwelling houae aad urn till shop for rent. A good Black : smith with a small family can learn of a goad locati in for Uusinee, hv calling on WM. COL) KB, 27 fab 1m Totter t w p. RC EI TTSAN DEX PEN DITU RK* , of Centre count* from January 1 at, j I*7*. ta January let, I*7'.' D. A. MI'SSER Traa.". of Centre Co IJaafi, 1879 I)R 1 To Htnt outitanding taxes Jaa 1 187* $ 61,70001 !' To taxes n-,e-ed for I*7B 42.(176 87] ITo cash received f County Commissioner* 17,931 68 |To aail ree'd for ltedao. pt ioa US Lands 4"'< II To nrnt rec'U tor taxes on U S •| Lands 3,636 CI ,To ami ree d tor U H Lands J sold 218 38 To County Order tar bal due Jan 1. I*7B 1.199 (if 1 ' Bu ance 824 27 I , Total $ 117,979 71 Jan C. 187'J CR By hah at seltleuienl Jan 1, 187* $ 1.199 (N By County warrants paid 61 7 SI9I By oulslanding taxes Jaa 1 '79 00.162 27 By exonorations to collectors.. 724 27 By eammissione 1,290 K- By salary 2,0(4) (H By stationery- 10U By ami transferred to Atlor. aeys for collection 8.V2 47 i f Total $ 117.979 71 , JanO. 1879 By balance due Treasurer at settlement $ 824 27 r D A MVSrtKR, Treasurer of Centri county, in account With the Common I wealth of Ttimisylvania. ? Jan 6. 1879 DR ,Tu baiancn due State at settle . tment Jan 1 1878 $ 1.862 4.' To outstanding iaie Jan 1 '7B 4.682 01 #.To taxes nsti-ttad for 1878 2,1380! .To special tax received wf Col _• lectors for 1872 16 2 •L T ol *' S 8,099 4 I I Jan 0 1879 To bal. due State at sattlem't $3418' JanO. 1879 CR wjtHftaiihf tfx Ja i, w? 40-31 $ The Fall Season for the year 1878 is now opening and a New and EXCELLENT STOCK OF •y TALL AND WINTER GOOD* IS COMING IN _ „ r t a AT ta'OOHNIIMIMKU A CO.^'B, CENTRE HALL, and which wilNw sold at LOWEST FJUUfti**. Tby have an immcuM mock and well assorted in every tine. niKl HAVE l , Ifrcss (-otitis. Clothing, lints <sf Cups. Boots iSf SNotions, Groceries, Lowest ; ir wil l. 111! Vol'K INTEREST TO "I'ATUONIZE YOUR HOME MKRCTIANTH," INSTEAD OF OOINO A WAY FROM HOME. GIVE US A CALI IMMKHUTELV. S KEEPS THE IHkSTKOLE LEATHKR-VKRY CHEAP. ISAAC GUGGENHEIMER — J. . R■ ... • .MM.**. - [•I 11 ■ ,|| H Sla<s I'rrarurar rareipt* 5,1)00 (* i B* Treasurer nowmtaiaa ... tjf> 01 ! Uy aioarrnt)on to Collector* 197 U >r ■* camuil*ian . 154 1' | llitlnnca *0 •" Total 5.099 41 '* We tbn u- dsr-igned Audilor* of Caatra l r ■ inl v do hereby • erii'T >•') *> a bare IP amine I I • i-.b *e aCi oiinl* I 1) A Mui ■„r 1' ream re r f Centra county, and find " * h*nt C4r fr t r. W na* our hand* nd ea't tbi* 18th lay >t Jasuar*. A 1' I*7o JAM ES T SITAKT s ' i I libit K WILLI \M sioal , Auditor* I p. JAMISON s.n.l I * K.VKKK I'ITUHKS. Pay. Al drew t.r. gg l-alai - e d 1" ~ on n't • 7S ras as sts m , f1 K ifU'* Hult* l C + 1 *1 St ~. , ;>i, f.W '*>4 1" I N Hall hnl 77. V> 54 *#rr ce ts'.b, ,v.*: (•' C 15.34 it lit i*. Coinm.'* oi: ara' l"'erk tar- I li;* 700—2,546 81' Jury C inimlaaiitner* .! Vliiclir !, *er\ict(> '-'I. :4 , I k>-|!ar rriee* V, .*) , I Clack .i-rr'o* a* rlerk sj H3 54 j I mill* Audilor*. Will M , Karlane rr* * J" 00 \ J liriatl ar*ica* 3"llX) 1... (till Pan J - '*•') C I. Hurting!, n er* e* a* c erg *'-■ 1 00 —l2O Inipr. vemant and ltayairt. Joha I> Lsab, lumbar for jail t ' J Mi-Derm.l, paving and *lep for yail W I) k Da'**, Lgbininj • rvg, C H 26.00 Doak A 1. nbargar, j painting douia Court bouie 84 Ou L A S'.raub, rk a! C kauia Ii eo late arorl at' ti -.00 I W 1* l antuiire, l;*tr..:ic i CO H.TD J H Ka lanbaum. re- # I pairing furnace for jail 'JO 50— 240 66 Court Eipena*. i luror*' pay t bt'lV )-• IV* niae a eall'i < 't- 4 11 ; J tl V >*burg. Court , Hap rtar >*sU.' J 1 H*get man Court Uoportar 10.00 11 (i* brai'.b, Cau:! er.- : er llSfll 1 it (ia brailb r VgMII—A62 00 Pi pat a*l- - pay VI W M J D dati. *nacial de tective ..... 150 00 I. \\ Munion, Court t.roi artialion*. - S s Oti L W M il • tn. iii-Mfci* i i,- liitiira ltk'—ll,32l 601 DHDINAHV K \ PKNCKB., R h! Mik'Mght gab... fer Court h ue and jP V ka*j6i J K A ' T Alaiandar cog 271 72 J ft Dohbtni, M D, •arvii-M 100 00 Aarirtiltur.a v i r;y appr :ri alien - 100 CO Weatarn P. a nt.ary for keeping anna ic'a 46170 In. • # *v ,m I'ar.ti.ia keep I :ng ta*abe "',l'*6X A**e>*<>r* pav - 1,2§8X1 K,„d \ ' 64b 4" Elect' Oil riperne* . . 1. Sthf* 11 !nu'- ere- f , buPJlng* 3717.. Teacher- Inpitu!- 79 HP \a M re. bal. an .a:! contract .... 750 Ha* K-tle paid Sharif! faa* an (,*< -r* pro vrt* 86 b' l v ij. |I!-i uni pi lA' C .nalab'e'* paT ........ 392 11 'lt .ad datnagei t l *.. I Samuel W (ii. ib.rr OOfO I're-ii urn* te I e lector* ... VT> leq iea'n n dead b-tie* 163 71 t' M B>i * er. C-'m mn*nr* Ait -rrev - - .6 0"'g 1• e he ;e>er. !i gg* Uuru#id# -5 Sn. e Shie 180 00 Ua-ri* pi-.bip paid un f;ra t'.imn-. *i -r. - _. JO ;1 1) A Mi*** *- r. Tree*, btl dun la*t vear . .. 1,199 0b Cen in • >n paid Attorney* on c .iI-1 1 -n■ f-4 41 Ir.leraP. I a d • !) :-'*n. 3,7311^ C- I U1I*IUD or. Lunar v Ml fg-1 L U M II, l>har;lT on nc* d-uM 2,f-4b Sb 1) K Fr;ney auditing County effirer*' itc iunu ....... 85 00 II V ...I I'.m. M 1 s'-st nrry bom • loner.' ..fflee ...... 2219 F T M sser. train ribitg I' b land '.ax 4 (h 1 Adams express Co.. paid freight . _ I H The • O, rdoa, returned tax ea I S arc. 4(9 K J D-ak Sur uyori office —— W A kV lliams, bank boekt I'ro th aa'.sry sflrc ltd TO I A W ilnams stationary for l'rwth'y office ...... 16 00 A Williams amt bill fees rend $49 79" L A Sirub, repairing C'om aiissioners vault.... 8 67 .1 M Kerb ine. aster tax C 1! andjail '77 12b (C F 1' BUir, for Comrttias- I i- ner. .>tß' e 3 ® J N Hall, expeasa to If illbeiai )>rulge .... . . 1 96 , J N if all, deilvering dupli || cafes 12 60 J N Hall, expense to Mesban lion bridge .. 6 40 f J N llall, 4 expense to Mo* [ shannon bridge 300 , J N Hall, deliveriag election p pat sr. 300 , J N Hal'., ' to Spring . M ill- 800 l A l regg, expcitse to Tort Me- It'.da bridge 360 A (sregg drl-.*ering asiessm t* - s 1 0I , " daplicate... "'®' . i "4 *x. to Mothannoa j bridge _... 301) i A (sregg. expenses see ng cl --. lectori 600 Untuning tax ... 184 f>* unseated lands 692 09 Redemption" " I7>* t* t Bills and notes paid 13,349 14 Bridges. Bridge views 71 <*J Millbeim Bridge. t K Brurgereagineo* ...... 106 6f U D Y msger i wntracter M urray, D-iugai A ('• 77if OC Mosbaanea Bridge. S Bruggor engiaeer.„ 122 33 J E Sparing contractor 886 Ot | Spring Mills Bridge. " S Bruggor engineer .Murray. Pougal A Co .19 Ik ■ Julio Caldron rentrarter 360(4' i. Unit a*ilia Bridge (J W Forroy contraetar 400 OC J (s Jene planking for Tort s i Matilda bridge 100OC i J K Sparing repairs Howard daitib<idge 12 .X T Newman planks Howard dam bridge. 4 3f jJnu Schnark planks Howard I da"< bridge 10 I. /J.I C 1* Jones repairs at Miles- I burg bridge 39 (* i A W Ri-e-e repairs at l'ert . Matilda bridge 11 1> Y"eager Tuialiag Forks ]| bridge -r . 60( II C lloltar repairs at Howard I dam hriil ge .... 26C J C C>k tilank for Howard ■u darn bridge '2 ("X H A Mingle pay to Tliilipsb'g 10C* ift- '' delivering dupli rates Jo* " U A Mingle expanse to Miltca 3(X . Corwnii-sioners' expense* te Thiliptburg ........................ 19 0C C'wmini-sionars' expense to I'ort Miitilda and Lock Ua* '8 von 10 % '' ilanrv Berk entering 179 rasas in ladirlrnant Docket.... "22 3( •' 11 Reck delivering assetsraeals 12 •>( duplicates- 7 U *' " telegram and hatchet *' Fere for prisoners Ac ... L L Berk copyi'g registralieas 12 Patins R K ~ D Evcrhart retiairing floor In , ' Cotnni>sieTir*' offlre .......... lOf llsve* Col'er A Co, raiting for furnace 16 61 >7 Jos Devlipg revising sale list.. 3 6t " werk on C S. land •e bonk . 10 (* j- Hoffer A Elinr soap ferC H.. I 1' A Hussma.i grass seed for C 11 yard " 2 Ja* Harris A Co. rake for C H 13 yard 18 Ja* Welch & (Jo. Statiwnarr- 7J }9 Rahber type Ca, stamp far Tr.esurer's office ... 10 21 Jno *p*ngler use of hoase far bo ding Appeals 60 J1 DG.rman meals for Jarors... 06 Jno T Johnson postage, saval -36 opes Ac......... .... ............... 29 . Mr Uallar rleaaing Cotnmis t VIVAV tH 1 , - - * - o id. ueal A Teller meal* for 0 J ur.ira SOO I) II J Hauut bo* pan* 200 f, Pat Kelley remeving n*ha* C _l H and Jail 250 1 C M Head Ink and ttand for | Cent ra office 100 , I) A M u#r Treasurer advar* j tis ag I 14 land* eotaold ICOfIO IT J Lee rapairing 1 rk* 41 II 1 50 A t\ ptaa A hi Far-lane nni'a tur C H 4 13 t lrn C Mitchell Attorney* faa* 11 IV K 4 Ituuth repmr* at 0 II V U> JAB Mallorv repairing gain -at 0 ■ r P Mun*' makl'g duplicatea 1C IAI 1) A Mu*aar Treaaurnr 148 tract* 1' S land *elil Count* 587 Lu.-a* A (iarbrirk i. e for C II 2 Sh' Wm hlann deed he.ik* 15 76 1) K t.ena work at dome CI! V 30 jl) tiariuan dalivafing alec i turn paper* 400 M II arlman •erubbing nllica* I 50 IW Mug AppHiwot daekat. 15 l)u . \V 1 Kee.lnr clerk Cotigre*- • ional return* 400 1 C Mitchell clerk Senatorial j return* 4 (gi ' W H Blair Congreiorial re | tura ludge 150 . W F HeeberSeneterial re'.ure 1 ludg" . 150 1A N \N olf Judicial return J'" l *" 15 10 I R*b*r triii KanUin c'arks jren eral election eount 10 00 U A SN illiann glazing a! C II 200 ,J B Parren* tale fee 1 00 ,S A Brew A s on bill fer | a(>er- a rsi, Dan Darr repairing pipea Ac 436 J Z' ar A Son bill medicine •Ijm! V 00 Hnureat A Teller m* for Juror* J-JO J M Ke. Mine water tai C 11 and) ail '7S 12500 f P Mii**er eipi-n-u * ti'.iug ' colla. ter* 45H . i l6 A Puhiaa Wk, for lit* eorder'a office 5 95! Jn# M Dertuolrei*airing rang* • ; . I .. C Id) Nora Mi Alluier waa:!;g f.,. priteaera . a '.a Pen:,a It K I'e fruigiit . a back at jail 11l J K-vno .fa A Ben tiro brick at 'ail o(X) 16 S (ialhrnilb repairing ! £>•> a: j* I 4 ) 16'ilann A McFarlane wall hruak a! jail 05 l*e- Ckaae rapairing furnace • l . •'! 520 Pel In. ij removing aiher at j*" 4 00, J K*i old* A S r. **:• bai k ai iai! 7 80 Jnn I) La b for lumber at jnil 2 ftnj A a (iraen cleaning pipe* 2 (AJ(, J N Shape work on range 1 2i>.'.' Adam* Ft Co C<l D bill bead cuO* Ac at jail.. 2975 J 11 F* enheum repairing :ck* at jail .... 3 60 ; F T>e*cbaer repairingtaacklea *'■ >ll- 1 ou, Jno Malieraieat work at .at* po! eMail 4 00 W S (lalbrai'.h for j umblng at jail 7 00| Jno MiDe rniot repa.rir.g o*en at jail 4 n-, | Jn H-.ffer c'athir.g !.r pria oner* at jail 7 87 II F Ha*noid*lerw Jat ail 27 fO HA 11 lam* &3uj! Jna .M Darmotfor ware 'J.i 50 I l'r.n'.iag B •T (Da* Meek ! i 145 Bf. , H 1 Tu'.ac 214 of> F Hunt 137 fd)l F L llurter 110 12, Bandar* Beck 13 5l)!, 11 a 1.. A Detninger bill ... .... 734 sw, Uew.rd Ba, prinlitg hlar rantile A ppra *i.-* tin 4000:^ Tola Expenditure* 151,760 94 L W Mr.VSDN Sher ff ■ January 1 179 1)H. Te County >rder (.aid you_... i.'.'X G" i To f.r,* arid Coil caJactea . 1 §3.035 SS| Tc balaact due C n'.v $788124 CR. I By ba! a', tail'i ruen'. Jan 1 '7b f 6'22 O By a" .'.eat fei a Ltogi* neta paid ...„ - 5 lu• By b .! und • e 'er . a.I OE 6K ti* n aiding pr *.i! *r* 2"i12 day. at 4). 1.004 80 Bv C u.monwra.ih c>.*: from deckel ...... 147 72 Br Turnke* f#* M lW Itr rwr.vev.ig * prisoners te i, Pgdmusty— 210 ) It * conveying 4 to latane 11 ->- )> 11a 1 160 CO B* e omening 616 Jurors at April, August. Na* aad Jarusry t eurts IS6 M' • By t lifyingTr vrrsa Jurors nat to coma (twice _ ..... 1001) i By advarlistng Court Trocla aiations *8 00 h By advertising Klectioo I'roe la mat tons 174 2f • Ba aace 293 7M Total $3,085 33 *TXTt op TeXN-TI TAM A, 1 j-j. > CrxTitr. O fxtr Wa the undersigned. Auditors of Can ) tre county, do hereby certify that ta pur • tlanct of an Art of Assembly entitled "An .-tt re atmg to Counties and Town ships. and County and TownsbipOfficert. i ) We met at the Commissioners' office.' Beliefento. on the Ist Mor.dsy it Jaua -1 ry. 1879. and did audit, and settle, and ad just the several accounts, set lertb In the ) forgoing statement I n witness where f. wa ha*# hsreaato 9st our hands and sea's, this l*tb diy of January. A. IX, IS!'. 1 JxutsT Stiwapt.'*eall ) bin is Williams, [.s#pli > Auditors. 1 T. It. J sttl-eX, I'.Ck*T* Cot'XTT, 88 i)| Wu tha undersigned. Commissioners of Dj Centre county, do hereby certify tbal the mrgoing is a true and co'rect statement of 0 thu receipts and expradituras said County, from the Ist ' January, I*7B, to )) the Ist of January. 1879 • Avi'Kxw Gpioo, " (igoptsz Swap, b Jacou Dfx*L, 4 Compsissiopprs, Attest: 0 11. Brrg. Clerk. OUTSTANDING TAXES DUE BY 6 COLLECTORS. 0 1871. *' 11 Carton. Bellefonte 207 28 — 207 28 1 1872 3 John Ward. Half Moon.. 266 97 0 1) Robb, Libert* ... 14 52- 271 49 1873 '2 Charles Brown.Bellefent# 360 7® *' Jnsepb Ross, Spring 16207 O-DM slope, Boggs 13 06 L C Rearicb, Marion 1441)7 079 96 ' 1874 Soseph Fox, Beliefoite... 973 11 0 Wit Riddles. Tbilipsb'rg 846 98 •I) Tobn, Bcnner 228 62 0 F Kerchoff. Curtip 123 28 I Was L'r-. Half M00p... 8 fsfi *|H B Wilcox, Rush 668 11 11 1) Yeager, Saow Shop.. 125 "5 2868 S3 16! 1976 ("has Brown, Bellefonte... 1438 (18 *' .1 T Shope, MiUeburg... 23186 |II L Barnhart. Biggs .... 103*8 OlJobn T Lucas. Curtia.... 49 12 II B Wiicex, Rush 76 74 10 Jas Watson, Snow Shoe- 84 00 — 19*4 27 1876 X) J H Merrison. Belief .ate. 1311 82 T M Hall, Milesburg 144 87 *) ' W C M'Culchaon, Thil *' itisburg.. 7 227 69 iC oiehl, Howard 80r0... 73 66 *) J C Walker. Baggs Bfs'. 08 X) William Mann, Curtin... 16807 ! J T Stewart. Harris 124 87 o|*JnA Stover. Liberty.. 148 78 if) llartar, Marion 632 90 I Waa Wsmst, Tetin 58173 !6 tl W Korb, Tatter 771 08 F 11 Da'e. Rush 46 71 16j.lehn Noll, Spring 683 66 •4) John II Beck. Walker... 1670 50*1 91 18 1*77 'A *R L Shirk— Milesburg... 165 22 •8 •.! Gorton—l'hilipsburg.. 261 66 *ll C Holier—Howard B . 201 87 1 I W Aininaratan- Un ! ionvile 6917 X) *U Stover—Banner ...... St 44 *.Ws |*J C Walker—Baggs 777 53 X) 'K Mussar—College 637 92 X>lo Siarer—Curtis 179 47 •W 11 Fry—Ferguson...2oO3 69 JO F D Iloiarmati—Grtgg.. 609 33 16 John M vars—Harris 393 74 George Gensamer—Half 20 Mooa 446 64 *l>W Kline—Huston...- 59 77 ft) f.l M Kline-Howard 422 90 20 dDavid Rabb—Liberty... 670 04 •D W Orr-Marina 461 87 00 Joel Morris—Miles 197 60 •G W F Gray-—Pntion... 610 86 00 * Win Smith—Tena 869 29 60Ue.rv Swab-Potter...lo3B 37 F U Dale-Rush 868 29 79 *H J Tibbins —Spring 1816 94 .Jus Thampsan—S Shoe... 108 70 25 Vfm Miller-Taylor - 281 22 *J T Uaaklv-Yt'albvr.o TO2V4 * ■■■■ in.— - UARIIY K . II ICK S, o' ff (Surceaaor to T. A. Hick* & Bro.) I 1 WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN ! Hardware* Stoves* Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, dec., See. i ftaTAlwo liui ili<> ngriir) of Ihe South liil (hilled Plow Tor this couiil}.*W 1 * I WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS L. i 16 II William* 16 nn! 11" J -18276 5' IH7B , 'Wu .luna* flellefiinte f'lfl 24 K H Carr—M i'eburg 4Vf 4- i K(J Matiere PI pb'g 770'.'7 Sam'l Brickie* II .war.l Bro 805 12 Cha* Suillh, hr I'nien villa •Thoa Perdue- Itennar I-,j 14 i K J Ba'.aa I. to 43 JO Walhar— B.'gg* ... 1157 Vd *Jahn A K upp C tllege ■ IV I*' Henry Tbail—t'un n .... 2* ll W. • John H <ate I ergu*.>n V't • i"C 1* Laurel: 4iregg .... Wl., 65 •D U Kola- llallie* Ibb.' 57 'Jao Carper, J r Harr.* l*e7 16 *Blli* Lyt e Hall Mooa 108906 John C'raig Hual.iii ... 4-'. •J hi Kline—H ward .... Mi." •1) hi Hariaw jr Lihi-rty ">4 44 •16'ui Irwin Marmn l'-!714 *Heuban Orim Mila. 15**7 14 •16' no Trentier— l'atlon...lT.4'l ' Jehn I) F oi'le Pan ti ... 'J t'<V IC . *Ja* C Boal— Puller -352'.' 31 K ii Dale —Hu*b 7'.'b Vt •A J Swnrtr "pnag W6 Hi Jita ft u*>. n—S Shoe . :t4' 5! Bam' 1 Hoa*ar—Taylor... 4.5 24 16' m Bpotta— l"n on 2/ 10 •Clina /lUitti' I Walker Sta* ea- 66 orth Total taxeiuuiaiand .ng. $05114 On Marked * paid part * nca telllement. Marked* paid full ai.'icu eillen.ent FINANCIAL EXHIBIT. * tr 'raCo January 1. I*-..' DK To beta* and beniit oulaiar.d ing - 1571290 T<> oalancn due I) A Mu-"-r, Treasurer 824 r 'To balance due Murray, Dob ! ga! ACo 1284 40 To balance due And Gregg, ' Coiamiationer 12 21 Total - 87833 81 iTo ba.aace a.a by Cuuttv $9715 68 cr. Hy aote* held by Cam r.. '2297 67 Hy amount in hand* of Attor ney* fur collection 2726 79 By late* ouUlanmrig January I 1, 1H7!)..,. 05!14 ©6 bar cugh* arid iowtitbips tar keeping inaaa, ax bflew Pailipaburg B r ugh ... 2'. >• V7 Ber.nar T wn*hip... 125 97 Spring ToWethip i 1' -'99 MUatburg Boreagb - 1N'.!90 Hutl. n T". wr.fh.p 4" lie. eforite Boraagb 1 • •''** Parteraga aUle ... - "O ll Pa ton Tnwnthip . 1" 69 Callag, Towb*hip *VI 28— (Ki6B 81 Amount dne from C .r field Co 1' 4 M Am t dua from Harr:* tarp. Fifeeommi*i..n 730 (11 Va'ae of real e*tate bought an nc lof debt* 461 B.' due from L 16 Muaaon. Sharil* - *2 , .i!'V4 BaltafC - 9715 Ui Taul —87H38 81 SELLEFONTt. MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos' ORGANS! r Sewing Machines! r, H ALSO i SMALL INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS, 11,60 AC'UORDEONS, ) ft Ntop Orgnna, 2 Full Net of Heed*. Price M7O, 4 Only 133. Slop Organ*. 3 Full Set of Iteesl*. l*ricc 0310, Only *75. iTbis Organ has the "Grand Organ Knee Si Swell.") 7 OetiTe Rosewood Plbiio*. Ouly Nl3O. Second-hand Orgnu* foi $23. ■ Seeonsl-hantl Piano* for S3O. GHICKERINO PIANOS. STEIN WAY PIANOS. ARION PIANOS. WATERS PIANOS. O ESTY ORGANS WATERS ORGANS. WOODS ORGANS. MASON A HAMLIN DUCLET ORGANS. —O— New IX) M EST IC Sewing Machine $:U).00 New WHITE Sewing Machine, s'2"> 'New ST. JOHN Sewiug Machine j $'25,00 New Improved SINGER Sewtnj Machine. $22 50. New Itn proved HOWE Sewing Ma chiue, 522.50. Second haud Sewing Machine for sfi No Ageuts employed, The buyer get the Agents profit. Cooie and se for yourself. We are the only party who buy nu own Machines and Orgtna for cash We are prepared to give customer all the advantage. ft 1>27 UVtfNELL &AI KENS. 4 i: PEXsnvALI.KY 1 \NTITITt The .pr.tig action ol . ii* *le< I Hehoo if ill b* opeiisid on lb* 14 h of April imll HI the Public Hchowl building al Cenli- Ua 11 lu pleasant •ilualluO. I'fDlnl (w>l I'|| m l easy ac m lu|rt>r aritla abund *itt acrotuuaodaliotts ami a thorough ilier arv ami Claaaiaal niUlf <>l, .luuy, lliak ihia a de.iiattle whom I <r pa •••tn Iruni a di-Laaca cau a* uail at VOfi '• <*•' ie rataa. J uilloti Irani 4in b u ■art. For fur bar par* • mar, > . H. ¥. H - t. i*. , fthJUSt J\; i, : M Pal BKICX KOK t oa band for aali bric yard*. a urt I uflored ao luw ibat i uf ala : di.iancc in eume uer< Intending lu continue in iba manufsc lure of brick they will t kept tuii-iaiiUi 1 "i band, and fair indueecnenu ofiarcd l< •purehn* Tt. jl7 aui if. H. K. ZEBBI I HENRY BOOZER. 1 fc.% i HE II *l.a., aumrMfoua n j Bad 41m, Harem, Bnslat CaUan, Whip* flyctu. and alau Seep* on baud CoUui Niu, lc I'ritM luk at any where eiae Ah kind* of repaying done. The boa 4 lock alwaya kepi on band All wora war - ran led. A .bare of the public patronag. *' ta kindly solicited. }] apr, 14 y r XECUTOR 8 NOTICE - a.-iier lattanu-nury on ibe mule of .la cob Evert, tale of I'enn loa a.hip. dacaa. 0 ( eil, having bei, |{rnled to '.be nnOnraign ed, all pcraona indebted U .aid nut* ar< - r.qmrad lu make Homed.ale payment mad Ikuae having claim. aKaibal ibe .atio y to prattci theui, uuiy nuluatii u-atod by law for eatllcmed tAM LK\ KKf, 1 1 GKoßiit, , . fab" 6i HiKuUiri. I M A UDlTOii'h NOTICE— j Jtctale of lion. 8. S. Waif, deceased " The undaraiyuad, t>n Audiiar appoiniaa by Ibe Orphan a Court, to diaUikulr- the - ■' <und in tba hand ol the aduiibiatrau-r* oi •am eatala, will ailand to the dutioa oi ki appointment, al bi* office in Haileionla, on 1 iZM day of March, IST*, al 1U a m . whe. atid where a pertao inieraatad ruay at tend J. L sPaNO LKtt, 27 fab td Auditor. Spring Mills O. K.! • NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! " O at I. J. Grenoble's Store ! I i SPRING MILLS, baa the go *U. Largest stock I SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than [ Ever. • 7 , In And now extend* a cordial invitation t< w hi* friend., patrons, and public general- . •j- Also a Cutxiplei® Assortment ol' L Heady Made Clothing tor men ami Out*. Suite as low as to be bad in the ' I city. Imported and Domestic DIIYGOODS ! Fall lines of M BBIH For Ladles, I i . Children. Hiwierv. Glot iu>ei, HATS, CAPb, (. AND OIL CLOTHS, And the ci >tl C'lropii'te assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania. and pri( M tba' willcompel v.>a in aeif defence to buy ' 'hm. AlwFi>k, StlLaic. lSf* A full line of Howe Hewing Machine, tod Needles for nil kinds of machine* Alto dealt in all kinds of Grain. Mar ket price paid for the tame. A specialty |inCOA Lby the car load _______ J as. Harris A* Co _ [ NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IRON, N AILS, P A I N T S, 'ETC., J AS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonte. I •^-BARGAINS. Bargains! Bargains! In MEN'S and BOYS, BOOTS and SHOES also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, a LOUIS DOLL'S Shoe StJre p ,opposite the Bush house, Bellefonte jroom formerly occupied 'V Jobi Powers. aprssy Lewisb'r#, Centre <fe Spruce Creek R! e. W EST WARD. 1 .1 I.EAVK AO. ' I ip Vlontur.d>n . 0 1 t *. Lewitbii ... 7 i G.S (Man. 9.25 il Arr. at 7 • >1 EAT WARD. 5. a I I.EAVK All AM. r.l f* Spring Mills 10 10 fp C.iburn 10 35 Lewitburjj _...,G 36 I*3 45 5.4 Arr at Montandon „0 50 1.00 C( ,r 1 and 2 connect at Montandon wii h. Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia an T8 Erie R. R. Not. 3 aad 4 with Day Express east an Niagara Express west Nos. 6 and 6 with fait List wiL : Candy Manufactory & Bakery. Mr. Albert kauth, BISHOP STREET BAKERY, Ik POW Oil.king trie very •-*! BREAD, CAKES AND PIEB, • n Belief mt. Cam!it* and (Vnlections. H mi manufacture* all kind* of caa !-■ ler, rail iiurchaM < f Mmn ill* City . Caodioa 111 all kihdaal | •>. on hand, together with Oraagai, I mona. Kig, Date. Nuts, Syrup*, Jal • and everything good CENTRE COUNTY OYsTER DEPOT. An Excellent oyster raloun a lao at (ached to the Bakery. Cull and see me. ALBIhKT KAUTH. hO*l | I ran an. u. i•* .! * >rk ' i u. Iti.a at aaf I I Uuaa i.m Lwtui m . BSMIN I )<-• tUKlkjl<w>ulitl <k. UHuUI' vy vu k.t a.-n-ffc 1- ti.a Iflr a.ota4 hh> i aof t lot a. S'-a b iba luw i aai! f**. AddrmTata S • ' A Mala. NEW Grocery and W Confectionery AT CENTRE HALL. The uiKlartigoed ha* opened a new Gro cary and O-nlrc'.toiiery. at d anil always aeep a full line <<f guuda. at l -aeat |Mi*.lblS price., end kindly aaua a share of tna pub lic patronage iii. •.■ k con.tat* of (XJFFKBH, SCGERB. lfcAs, BYBYPB. SOAPS. SALT. \ I! kind, of CHOICE TUB A COOES AND SEOABB, and a!! fruita of it>e pkm grhcrally in fc U"C BESTBWERT POTATOES \ lao a lull line of CON h EC*l ioN EHIES All kind* of coutitry produce taken in sx change. I aali low fir CASH hd PRODUCE. Arpl y C. DINGES. W. A. CURRY, iiSrifl ill jJiCtb bf. 1 KM HE IIALL.P*. Would U. uM mpr-rlluliy Hi lor u. iba cit xenaofthil .t' ltnly. thai be ha. alarlad S iiaw 800 l allo Shoe Shop, ahd aopid ba thankful tor a .hare of the pubii. patron **> 80. •t. ar.d shoe- made to order and according to sty la, and aarratiW hi. work to a-jua! m.j uiade el.eab.rr All kinds of repairing done, and "large* r*a*onabla 'lla him a call 4*4 1* ly New Pianos 8125 Each, and ail uy •. inciudmg OHAND, ><4UARE and UPRIGHT all *tr;itly irtt rfo.a, aold si the lowest net cash wboioa-c fai-tor* price*. dlfc l to the pur -ba-er These ri*r.> made otieof the la eat duplsy. at the Centennial Kxhibuion and were unanimously ret. n m- i.dt-d for thaUlO'tK*T Ho OM—over 12tW in uas Regular >y Maiiolaclurtng C. Factory etabilhed over ilt tear*. Iho .xjuare Grand* c>n am ltaibu*hek'i row patent Dup • x fliei.trulg Sea I at, iho it realeal imptviven>et,i in the hi .lory of Pi .no making. '1 be Uprigb** are the finest in America. Piano* sent on trial Don't laii to a rile for i l u-trnU-d and lUvcrif- UVO Catalogue of 4d pager mat ed Ire#. MBNDELs>OHN PIANO C . s*ettly 21 toi l&th Street. N. T. r\R.S. G. GUTKLIUB. 1 jlb.C. U. \JU i bill vo, Dentist. Mlllheim. ' Ofmti.,.ublM Halt orapaw. „ is tfc deals! era ■ . soa foil., i.rapafaa la •Uriel IrtU iMtlny • ' ' pilt. airS-TS < 'VIBRATOR'/ ■ luiun. THE OfUGIKAL & ONLY GEKUiRE ** Vibrator" Threshers, V 1711 mPlfcJll MOUNTED HORSE POWERS, ' 1 Awl Sirui TUrr*t><-r I^wglnaa, XuC* c -ir by J NICHOLS, SHEPARD A CO., DATTL.I7 ('SEEK. MICH. TUV. Mnlrbleaa (.ralu-aariti, Tiaa. k'lr., ... I . ; •' •: i ©a t M ., ul r- -1.1 1 *1;t '<* ■•> vi, IV. M at l.iii# In, :. Wuuaa aR Al\ ltilwc trill eel "-afcialr ta ika rnm. -■ • saata r 4r •• A < - a ■•■+*>* lay ta*< otUi mf-i... .-a, acts Mi H -al t A niii. eni: ENTinr 'Pirfklrr ExsrsaM " tat LlUaUia ut tt>J , v*s . lank ..IHM. NO RrralrUf Akrifti Itli!e llir Sh -- ... • . \ ..m. sn4 all rts it Wri ts* sat.. . aa-i ac -rtaptt ! t • *•{ K • *4 C 'Ummb l J Ori: fTit or I>. y, Ut; orFia t, it. * Ho _J. ||OT ©tlr Vmrtlf HtFrHtif for Wlittf, { ■ i;a* . . tla* ->aV Mar -2 ™ (aMsllHMharlsF'ri. 1' *rr. i f t.kefw a. ftMrra M-rsicUMii a. * .AMOdlßg " J ia> - —j - (N>a uia.u ta heada _ I iiARVEI .>!'"* for rvmpll-It; . f Part a, 7 in "■ 11.. •!. .JIM ..<MKW.| FOtlt SixMafSrtaraignMadr, rnag •> t w .i.*4,a.. .< t>M l ItfMtfad Ui'-aw row na U> x .*:• I S TRAM Pawrr Timlin, r Specialty. ■ .HrrwaUlqwaU. a-aa+n * SaiMa ftl'K rnrlvalisl 4 rr-si Tkr-r-iprr Ra I II . ■ \ .UartM I OC kHKL IN T!n-oali W<v .mn.'.S, F.lrrsil r>. , . . . r ■ ,i..n M. . . - . ...larvwiiaaatta i poll Part Vol orr. r-'l o-. r-r Crslrr, f- 1 " WATERS* Orchestrion chimes ORG AS , moat braullftl 3, . . m asrle and prrftci fit - . ill tone cirr mada* fite'liv'' I" LM •"* crlrbraia# e.i 91i V fcHijlK. 118 l < oai rrtoatop, wh|a " - eli< u Hne imimilaa #th* iiuwan Vim. ■.aiSSr-f l-b-aflr o> two and a kalr ' -Mr'Z '• Msaa K 'j V'llillH| Ipljj' ut-tl i" perfect hat* I Htl 111 tnoiiv withtAareeda, 'vjjti ii* -ttm !u>r , " tri * *"'* 'JD' V\"\Tt. U IXAftiL 1 AUCONCERTO.VKAPEU, < KNT:N>riA* So CIII.IIKS, t'HAPKIn ami ( OTTAIiKOS. | i; \>s, in I nlqar Krrn.-li i'area arc It* ry reaper! KIK-T C LAHS. * WATERS'PIANOS,S3, Vr-iS AIIKTHERESTitIADGitk Tone, Tonak. Workutdnaliip.A Onrabiiltv I uurpaaaad. 71 \\'iirrnuted for r-IX 1 KAIIS. , PIiICBH i:\TKI MI I Y I.ttW M yiontblv ItiMiilluirnia received. A l-i-.-ral ir Hi.t I • 7f" '*• Ml in an .Chureftt,: -m. ~, rt KiCNTS \V A Vrr.ll. specialiuil e*. nirnia in t lie trnilr.lll :>irnti'il I atalei no* lb Nailed.Sceaad*baail laatromrntaattiroal ntl Baraaioa, HOW ATE \t ATEUS JL Stl>, llanafaetarrra a-d liralera, " 40 EAST I Ith STKEF.T, I'NMN nd SQI'ARE, NEW \OKK, Box, 3507. _j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers