The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 20, 1879, Image 1

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If only we had loved them more.
Our lost, whom never love Mm rush,
Who thrill not at onr tenderwt *peeeb.
Nor answer, though onr heart. Implore.
If only for one little day,
One day of day., they oonld return.
How would onr spirit* yearn
To lavish treasure# on their way!
Our feet to eerre them, ah. how swift '
Onr hands how gentle ' and onr eye.
How olear to see, shonld shadow rise ;
Or griefs their perfect gladness rift.
Too late ! Come hack no vanished hours .
but, living and beloved, there still
Remain sweet friends Be ours the will
To strew their paths with thorn ten* ftowwrs
~ JkirqpiM K Sinister.
The hhaa'a DsvlL
111* ktrail came from Bokhara town
To H antra, saatou of renown.
*' My head is sick, my hands are weak
Thy hei,\ oh holy man, 1 seek
In whence marking for a space
The khan's red eyes and purpl# face
Thick voice, and loo*#, uncertain tread.
" Ihon hast a devil' Hamas said.
"Allah forbid exclaime.l the khau.
" Rid me of turn at once, oh man
" Nay," Hamza said, " no n*U of nnue
Can slay that cursed thing of thine.
" 1-save feast and wuie. go forth and Jnnk
Water of healing on the bnak,
'• Where clear and cold from luonutaiu snows
The Sahr 1 .'eben downward flows.
" Six moons remain, theu i\w to me,
My allah'e pily go with t!.<v
Awestruck front fear! ami wine, the khan
IV**rt tenth where N-hr el 7.< ben ran.
K t>ts were his fxxl the Jcm-xi dtlst
His bed. the'water quenched his thus:.
And when the sixth moon's cimeter
Carved .harp tbove the evening tai
He sought again the santon's door
Not weak and trembling as before.
But strong of limb ai.d clear of brain
" BehoW." he *aal. " the deud is slain."
"Nay,'' Hamxa an.wared, ' starred and
dt owned.
The curst one lies in death-like swennd
" Bnt evil breaks the sirongest gyve..
And djini like h-.m hare char me-1 lives.
" Ooe beaker of the Jusey grape
May rail him up in living shape.
" When the red wine of Badakahan
Spark'es for thee, teware oh khan
" With water quench the Are within.
And drown each day thy dsrJkin
Thenceforth the great khan shunned the cup
As Saltan's own. though offered np
With aught:-g eyes and jeweled hands,
Br \ arkand * roa.-ds and Ssrruacand
Aud in the lofty vestibule
Of the Btrdrvse of Kaash Rod I. ,
The students of tiie holy law
A gciiiea-leutred tablet saw.
With three words, by a cunning hsn-i
(iraved ou it at ihe khan's e. mmatid
•• In a'.'ah's uime, to h.m aho hath
A devil. Khan el flamed aiti:
*■ Wisely ccr prophet cor>t the vine;
The head that love* the breath of wine
" No prayer can stay, nc marabout
Nor Mecean derva can drive ont.
"I . Khan el Hamrd know the charm
That robe him of hi* power to harm.
" Prowa t ai, oh Islam * ihili ! the pcll
To sara tliee ha.< in tark and will."
Tou&Y* ftiuf-wufn.
Or. A Leap for Lile.
" And where does this fair lily of the
Black Hills reside, Dick?"
" Aboi.t an hour's gallop from our
camp here, leftinint. She is with her
father—a queer old stick by the came of
Clswring. Ee keeps by himself, and I
am afeered be will yet come to harm.
The cursed Sioux are about, and Rose
would be a fine prize for some daring
brave. It is said that the old man has
dug piles of gold. He may have made
his pile, or may not, but his darter—
she's purtier than a prairie flower bend
ing afore the mornin' breeze when
sparklin' with dew."
"Bravo, my old scout! Yon have
poetry and the love of the beautiful in
your soul if you have never seen the in
side of a schoolhouse."
" It's lee tie book larnin' I have picked
up, leitinint. But the w rks of nature
and the handiwork of Goo I love," and
the old man removed his slouch hat lor
a moment, exposing his gray locks, aa
be allowed the light breeze to tan his
broad brow.
" Dick, what do yon say if we gallop
down to the camping-spot of your friend.
You have excited my curiosity regarding
this mysterious beauty. I will tell the
sergeant to look out dnring my absence,
and he is fully competent to manage
fifty men. We have been stationed here
in 'be hills for over six weeks. I am
tired, and must have a little recrea
" Yon may git more than you bargain
for. There's Injun signs about, and
there's no tellin' what moment yon may
run into a Sionx camp among these in
fernal hills."
"Well, we'll take our chances. We
are both well armed."
A sharp gallop of an hour brought
the army officer and his companion to
the banks cf a small stream, and riding
to a group of stately trees, the soout
reined up with a sharp cry of astonish
ment and alarm.
The tent of the solitary miner bad dis
appeared. Naught remained but smok
iDg ruins, end the unmistakable evi
dences of a desperate struggle having
taken place.
Dismounting, the scout carefully went
over the ground, while the officer watch
ed him with a face expressive of stern-
Dess and a desire for vengeance.
"There's only nine of 'em. Rut
bark, there was a groan. If it should
be Rose ?" and rushing toward a clump
of grass, the soout beheld the tall, gaunt
form of a miner, from whose gaping
wounds the life blood was rapinly ooz
ing. " ClaveriDg, poor fellow ! has it
come to this? I was afeered of it, and
my words have come true."
"My time is short. I would speak of
my daughter. The Sionx have captured
her. The yonng chief of a war party
tore her from my anna and dealt me my
death blow. But who is that with yon?
—my eyes are growing dim ?"
" It is Lieutenant Paul Welch, of the
'• Your hand, sir. Men of your pro
fession are gentlemen. I once occupied
the poeition of one mvrelf. I have a
package iu my breast pocket that will
expls'n all. If you recover mv daughter
give .1 > Lev, rf.ijo burn it as it i>.
Ifrcan interest no third party."
He was rapidly growing weaker, the
eye was fixed, and the hoarse voice
" Chase the Bioux, recover poor Rose.
She is a lady," he muttered, then with
an effort he roused himself. " I have
gold for her—look—great rock, cross,
full moon, shadow—dig "—and with a
rattle, a terrible gasp, and the stout
heart ceased to beat.
Possessing himself of the package, the
officer briefly penciled the vague and
unsatisfactory words of the dying man
on the back. It might have been the
wanderings of a mind unsettled by the
near approach of death, but he was de
termined to investigate tin. matter when
ever an opportunity should occur.
" Now for work, Dick. We'll bury
poor Claveiing, then follow on the trail
of these red fiends, and Rose shall either
be rescued or avenged."
Mounting their horses the two sadly
tnrned away, sallying forth upon the
dark and silent prairie.
FRED. KURTZ, KJitor and Proprietor.
Suddenly the scout halted, .ml hi.
hand premed the *rtu of hi* superior
with * nervous clutch.
"Look there, lieutenant. L>o you
know what tliat mean, f"
Just under the horison a faint glow of
light was perceptible, K>ve which hung
. black threatemug cloud, which rapid-
IT spread over the heaven,. Oradnallv
tbo .tar, disappeared, while herds of
wild mntiuig, buffaloes and tleer .wept
furiously by.
Then it *:> the lieutenant realised
Ihe danger he was iu. The Sioux ha I
tired the dry grit** from three different
points, and with gigantic leap, the bil
lowy flames wt>n> rolling, biasing and
rosrirg toward them.
But old Dick hod not been idle, lie
wax toe old and experienced an lmhau
flghter to be outdone m the peculiar
warfare of the frontier.
Ix-aping from his horse, he struck a
light and set Are to the prairie in his
turn, ltapidly the t*.ames spread, dart
mg onward, sweeping everything in it,
j>*th. l^a*lingtheir horse* forward the
two men followed close upon the traek
.if the counter fire, while every moment
the number of half-frantic animals in
Stretching far away in front and be
hind them, tlic terrible crescent rapidly
closed in npou the men. The glowing
billows of writhing flame roared and
thundered in their ears, smothering the
cries of the poor animals, who perished
by hundreds.
The air became very hot, and the
eddying volumes of smoke made it ail
lut imjxvisible for the two to breathe.
Their horses became almost unman
ageable; they were obliged to cover
their own beads, as well as their boasts',
with blankets. It was an awfnl moment
of agouiziug darkness, with the terrible
heat blistering the exjx>#ed portions of
their skins.
The earth shook beneath the mighty
tramp of an immense herd of buffalo, as
tbey burst suddenly forth from the sur
rounding smoke. A muffled, indistinct
cry of warning fiom Dick echoed for a
moment in the ears of Paul Welch, and
then he felt himself burue furiously
along, his horse bemmtx! in on all sides
by the frantic animals.
Hour* elapsed before he succeeded iu
ixtricat'.ng his gallant animal from the
ranks of the buffaloes, anil as he stood,
half suffocated, his eyes all but power
less, the officer realized that he was
done in the smoking waste, hopelessly
lost, surrounded by gloom and stifling
odors, which rose incessantly from the
•llaokened earth.
It we i agony to remain stationary,
and in hopes to gain a position where
the smoke woulJ be less blinding he
slowly urged his horee over the prairie,
waiting and hoping for daylight to ap
Gradually the atmosphere became
•lear, the stars peeped timidly forth
ibove his head, while a long gray streak
dong the distant horizon gave token
that daylight would soon dawn.
Aa objects became more uud more dis
tinct, the v.mng effi-er w is finally en
abled to make out the rngced ont lines,
deep gullies, thick underbrush, snd pe
culiar formation of the Bleck hills, into
the lower porron of which bis horse had
wandered. Carefully he looked about
him on all sides, but failed to recognize
i r .ngle object. Everything was strange;
ir.t the fact occasioned uo disquietude
o the officer. He had every faith in
'he judgment of his scout, and it would
lot be many hours before the old vete
ran would be on his trail, followed by
his faithful companions-in-snrx.
He had allowed his horse to browse
>n the fresh green verdure which had
-si-ape the track of the lire, while he
plunged iiiki a profound reverie over
the events of the iast few hours, ami was
oblivions to wt at was passing around
The rntnbie of horses' feet, a ferocious
veil, aroused the army officer to a full
-ense of the peril into which his absence
if mind had partially betrayed him.
Pressing his regimentai hat well
iowu rvpon his forehead, loosening the
*word in its scabbard, and feeling for
ui- trusty revolver*, bedashed the spurs
into his horse's sides, while in his rear
followed half a dozen half-naked war
riors, yel'tug like so many fiends.
It would have been madness to have
turned back and ralloped on to the
burnt piairie, where no cover was to be
found, but by pecctia'ing deej>er into
the hills a chance was barely possible
of escaping the painted fiends.
The RBinsal which Fan! Welch be
strode bad the reputation of both speed
in 1 endurance, qualities that were now
likely to at&Dd Lnm m good need. The
tnrf was soft and springy, the ascent
gentle, and, having every faith in the
well-tried animal, Paul allowed the
howling rascals to gain upon him. He
had emerged on to a small but level
plateau that enabled him to tske a sur
vey of the surrounding country, inter
spersed here and there wifh scattering
shrubs and trees.
Cantering leisurely toward him, from
opposite directions, were two bodies of
Sioux, and with the bnnd clattering in
his rear, but one pathway remained
open to the officer, who began to feel
decidedly uncomfortable as he found his
chances rapidly narrowing down.
Da-hing the spurs into Ins steed, he
for the first time nrgod him to his speed.
Bounding over a broad and level space
of ground, winch led to a small valley
lined on either side by rough, jagged
rocks, the gallant animal struck sparks
of tre as his hoofs spurned the light
gravelly bottom of the gulcli.
A shout of triumph, a fe oc ons cry
of joy burst from the throats of the war
riors as they somewhat leisurely fal
lowed the broad trail.
Pan! Welch did not understand the
meaning of that hoars<- indication of
satisfaction which was wafted to his ears
by the light, cool breath of the morning.
He thought it strange that no at
tempt was made to pick him off with
heir rifles, wifh wnich the Indians were
all armed, and turning the matter over
in hia mind as be plunged deeper and
deeper into a country to which he was
an utter stranger, he asked himself the
question how it was ail to end.
The path grew steeper with every
bound of his panting steed; the aspect
of the country hd undergone a de
cided change, and in place of verdure
and shrubbery, rocks, gravel and over
hanging bowlders had taken their
The rush and sullen muttering of a
deep mountain stream fell pnddenly
upon hißear, miDgling with the yells of
triumph which now burst incessantly
from the warriors as they urged their
ponies forward, rapidly narrowing the
Halting for a moment on a smooth,
level ledge of limestone, Paul took a
rapid survey of the dangers which sur
rounded him on all sides. His stout
heart all but failed him as he realized
the trap into Which ho had run.
Ou three sides of him the painted
Sioux were rapidly advancing, while be
fore him yawned a precipice fully sixty
feet in height, at the bottom of which
flowed the dark waters of the stream
whose mntterings he hail heard.
Now he understood the meaning of
those yells of triumph, realized why
they had forebore from using tbeir
rifles. They anticipated an easy cap
ture, and a victim was wanted to tor
tnre, whose ashes might be offered np
as a sacrifice to the spirits who were
supposed to reside amid the hills.
lliis was to die a thousand deaths, in
jirefereucc to which ho determined to
ruu the risk of being dashed to piece*.
Ou ctme the warriors, eager to pluck
the fruit, of their triumph, while the
officer, with. Imsty prayer, plungi-d la,
spurs iuto the smoking flunk* of hi,
charger, guttling huu to the edge of the
The warrior, paused in wonder and
amazement a. they raw the net. They
had calculated ou the precipice proving
an iii.urmoiintable ibstacleto the
of thgir intended victim, and they could
not lielieve it to be the intention of the
white man to attempt the awful leap,
which to all appearance was certain
With his long hair streaming over hi,
shoulders, feet flrmly pressed m the
stirrujw, his left hand waviug deflauee
to his fi*e, Paul urged the noble animal
forward, encouraging hitu by his voice,
until they reached the edge of the bank,
when again applying the spur, they
made the fearful leap.
Down, down they went with terrible
veWity, without resistance or impedi
ment. A plunge, a shiver, and meeting
the full force of the torrent, the steed
was swept away, while l'aul de.-plte his
effort, wa, carried down the stream as if
he had lx>eu a feaiher.
His horse had disajqieared amid the
foaming rapids, the steeji precipitous
side* of the rocky cliff debarred him
from all hopes of effecting a landing,
and floating ou his back Paul held his
strength iu reserve.
The Indians hail disappeared; the
rough sides of the rookv gorge and a
strip of the blue heaveu* stnive were all
that he tvuld discern as the current bore
him he kuew not whither. He thought
of his distant home, his parents, the
many friends of his youth, las brother
officers, the soldiers under his command,
the old scout, and the murdered miner's
daughter iu the power of the savages.
Loug forgotten facts and reminiscences
of the past crowded through his brain,
and he could not believe thut he was to
j>erili in the unknown depth* of the
Black hill*, his fate enveloped in mys
A sudden sharp shock recalled him
to himself, A whirling eddy had thrown
him roughly agairst the sharji j>rojeot
ing side of the cliff, and catching at a
crevice, he succeeded iu guiuing a foot
hold. Slowly and cautiously ho drew
himself up from point to p out, scaling
the smooth sides of the gorge, until
his head was on a level with the edge
of the lunik.
Cautiously he reconnoiterej before
drawing himself over the brink, but
ha saw nothing that gave evidence of
an enemy, and once more he found him
self in an unknown region of the Black
hills, minus his horse, with only his
suber and one revolver upon which to
The high ground where Paul found
himself gmhially sloped toward the
broad and rolling prairie, forming a
sueoeasion of ridges skirting the stevji
sides of a bill. A confused bum, a low
hoarse cry reached his ears, and with
ficulbts sharpened by the dauger
through which he had pas-cd, the army
officer reconnoitered tue depth* below
of which he had an nnobstrncted view.
An Indian encampment with a num
ber of warriors departing uj>on some
t-xjiedition wax revealed to his i-nf
gaze, ami ns they disappeared, brand
ishing their long lances iu the air, Paul
determined to Lave a nearer look at
the lodges.
Bringing iuto requisition his some
what limited knowledge of woodcraft,
Paul cautiously wormed his way through
the tall grass uutil he reached as; ring
on the outskirts of the camp. It was
surrounded by a thick growth of bushes,
from the midst of winch he could ob
serve everything that transpired before
A number of warriors left to guard the
cinip lounged carelessly about, and
Paul was on the point of withdrawing
to the heights aliove.when he perceived
a figure, evidently that of a woman, ap
proaching in his direction.
She carried a calabash in her hand,
walking HIOWIV and deliberately, the
heart of the army officer beating with
increased rapidity and excitement as he
perceived that her costume was not that
of a Sionx squaw.
Looking over her shoulder, the woman
quickened her movements as she per
ceived that a number of warriors were
watching her. A shout, a yell of rage,
and the braves started iu pursuit.
The fugitive, for such she uudoubted
]v was, immediately dropped the cala
bash, and sprang away with the swift
ness of nu antelope.
Paul noted the pale golden hair, beau
tiful features ami rounded form of the
fugitive, who he made tip his mind
could be no less than Rose, the far
funied daughter of the slaughtered
There was little time to think, as the
fair fugitive sped rapidly along, herlotig
hair streaming in the wind, and the war
riors in close pursuit
Swift though she was, the foremost
warrior had ail but overtaken her as she
reached the opposite side of the spring,
and he was in the act. of hnrliug his
! ince as Paul leveled his revolver and
The brave passed to the happy hnnt
ing-gronnds of his people without s cry;
but the shot had alarmed the camp, aud
for a few moments all was confusion.
Rose had uttered a faint cry as she
caught a glimpse of Paul, but never re
laxed her speed, while the army officer,
as he beheld the Indians mounting and
preparing for a fight, rapidly retreated
iu hopes to find a more advantageous
position where a stand could be made.
He had but little hopes of saving his
life; the odds were far too great; but if
he could cover the retreat of the girl,
who evidently kDew the country lietter
tiian ho did, and enable ber to reach a
place of safety, he would die satisfied.
His saber flashed in his right hand,
securely fastened to his wrist by a
leather strap, upon which he should de
pend after exhausting the contents of
the revolver.
He ha<l reached one of the ridges
along which ran a fringe of hushes,
when a low familiar voice reached his
" Keep on, leftinint; don't turn your
head. We are here, sergeant and all.
The gal is safe. 80—hero they come."
On swooped the Hionx in all the glory
of their war paint and feathers. With
lances in rest, uttering shrill cries, they
rapidly closed in on Psul, when a sharp
word of command, the flash of rifles,
followed by the riderless horses gallop
ing wildly to and fro, and all was over.
Charging upon tbo lodges, the sol
diers encountered the body of braves
who had tnrned back alarmed by the
noise that they had heard. A short, bat
sharp engagement followed; the band
was completely broken np, lodges
burned, after which the troo|>s prepared
to bivonsc themselves and rest awhile
on their laurels.
Dick assumed full charge of Rose,
who mourned the low of her father, and
to whose care Paul delivered the sealed
packet oontaiuing the secret of the old
By the fitful blaze of the camp Are,
amid the solitude of the frowning Black
hills, Roger Clavering's true history
was at last revealed.
He had once been a wealthy aud re
spected merchant of Chicago, bat a
vounger brother forged large amounts
in his name and fled, leaving him to
face the storm alone. The younger
brother ha-l Ikwu lua mother a pet, and
jou her death-tied Roger hal promised to
protect and shield htui. Nobly he re
deemed the word he had given. The
j brother outne out of the tr ul broken in
fortune ami reputation, his wife dead,
with naught left him but the little waif
of s daughter.
Willi her tie lixd remov.d to the far
West, hevoud the jiule of civilization,
pursuing the occupation of a hunter ami
Indian tra.h-r, jw-ai-efully gliding down
the stream of Ute, watching hu ilaugb
tcr blooming into handsome, ami by
uo moans uucultivaUxi woman. Then
the excitement of the lilai'k lull* ajread
far and wide, he followed iu the track*
of other*, ami the sad finale bus already
Ixx-n tohl.
Dick then related how he had leeii
sejmrattvl from the lieutenant, and
knowing the danger he incurred by
s-xuitiiig over the priune alone, he re
joiiuxi the soldiers, starting oil the trail
of lii* sujierior.
Everything was plain uj> to the very
verge of the precipice, when it wan evi
dent Paul had made the deaperate leap.
Theu Dick was tu doubt whether his
aujierior waa alive or not. But follow
ing the course of the river as a forlorn
hope, they had fortunately n ached the
ambush iu time to save both Roae and
l'aul'* life.
Nothing now remained but to find the
trea-uire w inch flavoring had obtained
at such a sacrifice, and many an hour of
auxioii* thought hail Paul exjicnded ou
the bdbietft. There was but little to
guide hitu- . vague hmt that xuight
mean nothing -still, for the sake of the
orjdian, he jieraevered. " lireat rock—
cross—full moon—shadow —Jig."
R>e was consulted, but she knew
nothing of the haunts of her f.ither, and
absolutely nothing of a grout rock ir
Accompanied by the entire force of
cavalrymen, under Ute directioaof Dick,
a thorough search na instituted iu the
ricmity of the old miner's last resting
In a small gully running iuto the side
ifa jirecipitouH h. !, a huge rock was
finally found surmounted by a huge
representation of a cross.
At the full of the moou Paul and I)ick
secretly rej>airxl to the j- -t prq>ared
to nv.-arth the buried gold; and noting
the extremity of the shadow t -a-.t by the
r uii;h cross, the two men commenced
thcr labor*.
T lev w.-re crowned with snovs*, and
four laro< canvas bags of gold dust aud
tiucget w<-re dragged forth.
It wux the fortune of R se Clavering;
and Paul, with Ins < acort, oou\-\ed her
t-> the nearest military j> t, whsr<> she
was to remuu until he conl 1 obtain
leave of abaci ce, and tnvcl with her to
the East in hopes of finding some of her
Mouths elapsed before he was en
abled t<> cnrrT out hi* plan* ; but heu
he readied Chicago no trace of the nacre
of Clavering remaine*!. The machinery
of tiie jHilice a::d law war- put iu motion,
but with no satisfactory result.
Every moment of his leave was ex
jien led in the s-arch, ami when he
-ought liox'. at ht r hotel, his heart
I eavy and s*i at tiie propvt of j>art
iug with her, she iistentwl in silence to
Paul's regrets at his failure to flud her
friends, but started impetuously to her
feet when he added that, with the dawn
of another day, ue must return to his
post and duty.
li -r lace flushed and paled aa she
strrve m vain to speck, tier lxxtom mse
ami fell convnlsiveiy, and but for the
strong arm of the officer 11 se would
have fallen to the floor.
liis visit was prolonged. What pass
e 1 between them :s known only to them
selviw ; bnt s-sjn after the war depart
ment received First Lien tenant Pan!
Welch's resignation, ami in place of re
t iming t<> his post amid the sarace
Sioux, he engugt.d double passage for
the more congenial climate of Europe
with Hose ae his young, blushing bride
Long and Short Sleepers.
Seamen and soldiers, from habit, can
sleep when they will and wake when
they will. Captain Barclay, when per
forming his wonderful feat of walking
1,000 miles HI as many consecutive
hours, obtained such a mastery over
him*clf that he fell asleep the minute
lie lay down. The faculty of remaining
a-lei p for a great length of time is pos
si-sstd by some individuals. Hnch was
tie case with Quin, the celebrated
player, who wonld slumber for twenty
four hours au<ves*ively; with Elizabeth
Orvin, who h-pt three-fourths of her
life; with Elizalieth Perkins, who slept
for a week or a fortnight at a time; with
Mary Lyell, who did the same for sue
cessive weeks; anil with many others,
more or less remarkable.
A phenomenon of an opposite char
actor is sometimes obaenred, for there
are other individuals who can subsist on
a surprisingly small portion of sleep.
The celebrated General Elliott was an
instance of this kind; he never slept
more than four honrs out < f the twenty
four. In all other respects he was
strikingly abstinent, his food consisting
wholly of bread, water aud vegetables.
In a letter communicated to Hir John
Sinclair by John Gordon, Esq., of Hwine,
mention is made of a person named John
Mackay, of Hkorry, who died in Si rath
nave, in the year 1797, aged uiuety one;
he only slept on an average of four hours
in the twenty four, and was a rematka
bly robnst ami healthy man. Frederick
the Great, of Prussia, anil the illustrious
surgeon, John Hunter, only slept five
honrs dnriug the same period. The
celebrated French general, Piohegro,
informed Hir Gilbert Blaiue that during
a whole year's campaign he had not
allowed himself nliove one hour's aleep
in the twenty-four.
Onirkcncil Conscience in a Bog.
A correspondent of the London Njtre
fator tells the following story: "A
young fox-terrier, about eight months
old, took a great fancy to a small brush,
of ludiau workmanship, lying ou the
drawing-room table. It hail binm pun
ished more than ones for jumping on
the table and biking it. On one occa
sion the little dog was left alone in the
room accidently. On my return it
jumped to greet me as usu il, and I said,
' Have you been a good little <l<>g while
you have been left alone? ' Immedi
ately it put its tail between its legs and
slunk off to an adjoining room and
brought back the little brush in its
month from where it hail hidden it. I
was much struck with what appeared to
me a remarkable instance of n dog pos
, sessing a oonscieneo, and a few raontha
\ afterward, finding it again alone in the
room, I asked the same question while
patting it. At onoe I saw it had been
up to some mischief, for with the same
look of shame it walked slowly to one of
' the windows, with its nose pointing to a
letter bitten and torn into shreds. On
a third occasion it snowed me where it
had strewn a number of little tickets
I about the floor, for drtiug which it had
been reproved previously. I cannot
account for these facts, except by sup •
posing the dog must have a conscience
The sleeping honrs of a plant were
changod recently by a French chemist,
by exposing it to a bright light at night
and placing it in a dark room daring
the daytime. At first the leaves opened
and closed irregularly, but at leugth
submitted to the change, unfolding at
night am. closing in the morning.
The sudden auu itiuue lliruuf ti Uii i*ue
Aad both ihclr feoei
A fTrttlor light juit sfler rain
Nl> vt ftlil 111 I'lcOlOllt I'laOM.
lt £klU. One he til I viae of gin.,
And one, ■ till uu.tghUy
liiggeit and lolled And till!, the lim
Upon Uio iie laid lightly.
•' Whit lovely flower. we'll hive "' ui l they,
j After It .tort* • growing."
The iuu delighted lUpped iwiv.
And down the weit went glowing
Urine Util, IN . .Vn'AoUlJ
I Hrr>
There in e well-known story of a mur
derer beiug discovered by a dog flying
t hie throat mid txwtriug him to the
ground, when he confessed that he had
murdered the animal's master. The
story in matched by one told iu I.and
and ll'dh r of Nelaou, a black spaniel.
t)ue night the dog win missing from
hut favorite corner, and nothing for sev
eral weeks could be heard of him, not
withstanding the moat searching in
quiries. After the family had retired to
rent, one miaeruble winter night, the
well known bark of old Nelaou waa
heard at the door.
He waa aoon admitted to hia euv
quarters, supplied with final, which he
ate with many a grateful wag of hia
tail, and h>oked a mere t>ag of bones in
Comparison with hut former self, beaidea
being very lame.
A neighbor came in ami inquired if
Nelson had arrived, aa he met him on
the previous dav at Macclesfield, eigh
teen miles from Manchester. The driver
of the mail-cart had also seen him at
lierby, and gave him a feed of milk and
oat-cake, but could not induce Nelson to
remain witti him or with the hostler of
the inn where he baited.
Borne time after the dog came home,
the ow ;er of Nelson called at a public
house in the neighl>orhood, having with
h.m his four f<*>ted anil faithful friend
and companion.
A sturdy, surly-looking man stood at
the bar, and to the surprise and alarm
of everytxxly, Nelson sprang at the
throat of the stranger, striking his teeth
through the wai*t<Mat, and holding on
with tiie utmost tenacity.
With a strong effort. Nelson's owner
released the man, who eunfeaaed
there and then that the cruse of
the dog's auger arise from the
fact that *' he wax the man who stole
him, U*>k him to London by the canal
tx>at, where he sold him and left him."
['ho diig must, therefore, have traveled
fr< m London to Manchester.
>•11111 D*.
Kit had taken a slight cold, and so
she did not have to go to school. Al
though glad enough to stay at home,
*he could thmk of nothing in particu
lar to do, and after br* akfast ahe wan
dered around the house aimlessly for
awhile. She filially strayed into her
fath r'a study. No one was there. On
the table was the unfinished sermou,
just where her father had left it. Kit
gisucixl over the neatly-written pages
but did not sttempt to read them. Then
he went into the sitting-room; but her
mother wax not there, for she had gone
out also. Kit rttnrned to the aindy,
feeling a trifle lonesome, and for lack
of better enjoyment she built a large
lire on tin hearth. She placed the
buck-log end fore-log in their places;
and this done she sat down in a big
clur to enjoy the blaze. Hlie had not
sst long there, when she heard a qneer
rustle, and turning toward the door,
she saw enter a half-dozen crash towels.
Tncy were sighing st a tremendous rate*;
and finally one of them said quite
plainly :
"She promised she'd hem us the first
■lay she coald; and she hasn't thought
of nsouor."
Kit's conscience reproached her. Khe
wis jnst going to eictise herself, when
a pair of thick-soled walking boots
shuffled in.
" Seven buttons off !" they groaned
dismally. " auJ she declared she would
sew them ou the first day ahe had
Ktt felt much ashamed; but ahe
ccnld think of nothing to say, so she
sat very still, blushing, however, a
good deal, for the crash towels and
waiking-ltoot* wore staring Bt her most
The ailence waa growing oppreaaive.
Tlie towels and shoe* stared and stared,
nntil poor Kit feJt very much like cry*
iog; nnd ahe would hare done ao had
not her attention been attraetisl by a
funny acniping noiae in the hall. 'The
towel* tx-nt their heads forward to look,
and the shoes turned themaelrea
squarely arouud to look, aa there entered
Kit'a upper bureau drawer. Hueh a
looking thiDg aa it rw 1 It waa
crammed fnll with ribbons, pina, bita of
jewelry, collars, enffa, raoraela of very
sticky taffy candy, fancy work, cheat
nut sheila, handkerchiefs, gloves, some
apples, notes from the schoolgirls—a
little of everything, in fact; and it
seemed aa though Kit had stirred them
all together like a pudding. The crash
towels laughed disagreeably, and the
boots squeaked in disdain.
" Hhe was going to pnt me in order as
soon aa ahe had time," said the knob of
the drawer, meaningly. Bang! From
off the top aliolf dropped a fat history
of the United States, and aa it landed
on the floor, it lea\<n opened at the ac
count of the settlement of New York by
the Dutch in lfilO.
Kit's cheeks grew redder yet. Hhe
had promised her fatht r to read that
sometime when she hail nothing else to
do; and here she had dawdled away
nearly a whole morning in trying to
amnae herself. Hhe looked sodly at the
unhemmed towels, the grinning shoes,
the disordered bnreau drawer, and the
history; and they looked nt her in such
a disagreeable way that Kit put her
linnds up before her face and Ix'gan to
sob. Straightway the shoes hopped up
and lx>gnn to kick her, the crash towel
slapped her face, the bnrean drawer
flung anples at her, and the fat history
climbed npou top of her head and began
to push her in the tire. With a great
effort Kit tried to get away; aud at last
she succeeded in rolling off her chair to
the floor. Then she woke np. She
moved her eyes and stared around the
quiet room; and altera second she re
alized that ahe had been dreaming.
Straightway she rose and went to her
own room, tixik the six crash towels out
of the basket, and hemmed tliera till
dinner-time.— lndependent
liiikens' " I'ltli anil I'olnb"
An Indiana woman of eighty-eight is
cutting her third set of teeth with as
little gnaws as possible.
If yon can't be generous withont
being garrulous, keep both you pockets
and your mouth closed.
Au active mind is excellent medicine
to a seared heart.
" The bubble reputation " iH nsnally
bolstered up by empty compliments.
Waifs of humanity, that have no pa
route living, orphan and orphan feel the
need of them.
Clear thrice refused a crown, because
lie thonght the Romans owed him a deal
more than five shillings.— New York
The Fuel Supply.
There i. one point iu hoiiaehohl econ
omy Ujxtu which the landlord aud the
gucnl will uevrr agree. It 1* ou the
quantity of wihml required to heat a
room. Now the landlord i* ttrtnly oon
vineed, and lie ground* hi* oonvictiona
upon a long aeries of actual leslx aud
practical exjjerinieiitx, extending over a
term of year* which date hack to the
yea! he beg Mil tu "keep tavern," that
two sticks of Wixxi, atMiut two inches IU
diameter aud somewhat longer than a
mutch, will, if properly used, keep a
bright tire, snapping and roaring, in a
large stove all day, aud then, if you
cover them up carefully when vou re
tire, tiny will smolder all nightlong,
aud yoti will only have to opeu the
damper to have a uice warm room to
drean in the next morning. He kutnra
this, lieflaune, lie tells the guest, he has
tried it, and doea try it, very successful
ly tu his owrn room every night, I
never heard the guest dispute the laud
lord, hut 1 can't remember ever having
seen him look convinced. When I order
a lire in ruy room I usually have about
this kind of a circus. 1 say to the t>oy,
in commanding tones:
" Bring up aonie wo xl."
The boy look* amazed, goes away
slowly and just In-fore the Are goes dead
out returns with two armful* of wood,
one stick m each arm.
The sticks urn short, but thin.
I seize them gladly and thrust them
both luto the stove.
" Now then." 1 cry cheerfully, " bring
up some wood I"
The bov disappi are, and I catch a
passing ginniMw- of his white, terror
stricken fac -as he slides down the balus
ters. In due time, comes to the room,
not the frightened boy, but with heavy,
solemn tread, the landlord. There is
trouble in his face.
"What do you want?" he asks, sus
" Wood," I say, " vnvxl ! wo xl! My
cry is still for woo!! Fuel! Oombus
tiblee! Inflammable snlistances ! Vege
txble growth and development! Wood ["*
" Why," he asks, with a puzzled ex
pression on his face, " didn't the boy
bring you up some wood just now f"
"Yes," 1 reply, truthfully. And it
sounds kind i f oddly to me, but after
all, I am glad 1 told it under the circum
The landlord looks wondering!.? around
the room, glances behind the stove,
*!*")• down aud peers under the bed.
"Well, why," he sars at laat, in a
perplexed tone of couutcuanee, " where
is n r
" In the stove," I say.
An expression of incredulous liewd
derment sprca.i* over his questioning
face. He asks, feebly and falti nugly :
" Y< s, but the rest of It ?"
" In the stove, t<x," I say.
"What!!!" the good man shouts,
"all of it?"
And there aren't enough capitals and
exclamation jaunt* in the news room to
onvi v l<i%enijdi*is anil expressions to
the tyjwrs. 1 rcganl his indescribable
amat merit with {Htilesa composure.
" All of it," 1 say.
He doesn't ludieve me. He ahxijis
down tx-fore the stove, opens the dixit
and looks in. His worst fears are real
ized. Wi'ii a hollow groan he elrwi-s
the door and shuts the damper with such
*n easy, quick, lirg j'racticeil turn of
the vml that an inexperienocd man can
never deUet it, aud rising to lus fiwt
goes feebly down stairs, holding one
hand to his In wildered head, and th
other to his throbbing heart. Ry-aud
by he ronu n back into the room, with
the wan. silent face of a specter. He
1 rears two sticks of wood, somewhat
thinner than the one* the Ixre brought,
but, on the other hami, considerably
shelter. He ahudders a* be walka |>a*t
me, andlarathemilowu in the bottom of r
tUe wood-box, and covers them np with J"
a jncce of an old t*nveloj>e to hide them
from my extravagant evca. But I seize
them from under his hands even while
he is lndmg them, and not heeding the
tremulous hand he reaches forth to atoji
me, I thrust the sticks iuto the atove,
ami say. calmly and sternly :
" H*nd the boy up with some chunks."
The landlord presses his hands over
his eves and g'es reeling out into the
hall. " He *ays, in a ghastly whisper
" Well, ef yon can't crowd wore wood
into that stove than any man I ever
And na he goes down ataira I can hear fobbing, and t< lling the hall-boys
they'll have to keep an eye on the crazy
roan in No. 72 or he'll act the honae on
fire. Jlurdrttc in Burlington Jlaxrk
A Woman's Wonderful Nerve.
Sirs. Isadore Mid die ton, a leader in
Mobile (Ala.) society, has. given a re
rnarkable exhibition of courage. Her
husband was absent from the city, and
Mrs. Middlet ui was in hi r chamber,
putting away her jewelry, when sudden
Ir she noticed that a lamp in the beck
part of the room had thrown the shadow
of a man who was crouching under the
center-table, ou the floor at her feet.
Instead of fainting with fear or shrieking
for help, the brave seated her
self at the very table, underneath which
the miscreant was concealed, and rang
for the servant. "Hand me writing
materials, Bridget," said ahe. with per
feet calmness "1 want you to take a
note tins instant to Mr. Forfar, the
jeweler, and have him scud you back
with niv diamond necklace and car drops,
which "I left there for repairs several
days ago. Bring them with yon. no
matter if fully repaired or not. They
arc by tweutyfold the most valuable
articles of jewelry that I possess, and 1
do not wish to pasn another night with
out having them in my bnreau drawi r."
The note was at once written and dis
patched, but, instead of being in the
tenor tlint she bad signified, it was a
hasty note to the jeweler, an intimate
friend, in which she stated her terrible
position, and urged him to hasten to her
relief, with the requisite police assist
ance, immediately on receipt of the tnu
sive. The agonies which that woman
underwent when left alone iu the house
with that desperate robber crouched
nnder the very tabic upon winch she
leaned can only lie left' to the reader's
imagination ; bnt hef iron nerve sua
tamed her throngh the ordeal. Hhe
yawned, hnmtned an operatic air, turned
over the leaves of a novel, and in other
waya lulled the lnrker into a anise of
perfect security and expectancy, and
waited, her eyes fastened upon the iianda
of her little ormolu clock with a feverish
gaze. At last came the ring at the
d°or bell, and ahe atrolled carelessly
into the hall and down stairs and open
ed it. The rnso hail lieen a success.
Hhe not only admitted Bridget, but also
Mr. Forfar aud three stalwart police
men. The latter passed atoalthily up
stairs and into the chamber, where they
suddenly pounced upon the concealed
burglar so unexpectedly us to secure
him with hardly n struggle. The prisoner
proved to lie a colored criminal named
Olapman, bnt mostly known as "Two
Fingered Jeff." He was in great re
quest about that time for several rob
beriea, and is now serving a twenty-years'
sentence in the Alabama State prison.
There are published in Sweden 300
papers and periodicals, of which eighty
four appear in Stockholm. There are
only ten daily papers, of which five are
published in Stockholm; while in Nor
way there are fifteen, in Denmark
seventy-six, and in Finland six.
TKKMH: #2.00 a Y>ar, in Advance.
Natohez, Mi**.. U threatened with
the fate of VtckshuHt, namely, dreer
tiou lor the river. The rem ut rise of
the Miaaiaaijqd river lias thrown the
towhead near the Louisiana shore, and
there u now a current running on the
Louisiana aide which threatens to rut
sway the bar there, and throw it upon
the Mississijijn side directly in front of
The inhabitants of Finland ( Russia i
bury the dead ouiy on Huudaya. To
preserve the bodies for the day of funer
al they are put in the ci-llara where
milk, butter, eheeae, eggs aud other
articles are kept. The doctors have
taken ground against this custom, ami
have given alarm by declaring it to Ire
one of the surest ways of jiropagaiing
such contagious diseases aa cholera and
typhoid fever.
Francois Grilbon, a rich French'fann
er, quarreled with lua aou in law, and
set his mill on Are. He then went home
and burned hie own house, and aa the
tlamea devoured it kept the neighbors
ut hay with a double laureled shotgun.
He theu pruceidt*l to throw a large sum
of mouey in guld aud notes iuto the
blazing ruins, aud finally blew his
brains out iu the presence of On- horn
tied crowd.
The Russian newspapers complain
that the fluctuation in the graiu trade
of Russia and the rapid change in
prices, are ounsed by competition from
the United Htate*. A* soon as Ameri
can supplies are brought to market, sale
of the Russian grain decreases, an J
hence many Russian farmers sre im
poveriahed and cannot pay taxe. A
the prosperity of Russia depends large
ly ujxjn the gram trade, it la important
that full information concerning the
crop of American cereals should be ob
tained; and it is suggested in Ht.
Peterabnrg journal* that Russian con
suls in the United Htates be required to
ascertain the state and prospect* of
the American crops, and to assist in
promoting the gram trade of Russia.
The oft-repeatei story that the
Quakers area decaying body doea not
stx-m to be true, for an English journal
a-scrta positively that not ouiy ha* the
falling off iu the number of member* of
the society been checked for many
r ears, but a comparatively rapid growth
baa also "ocuried during the last fw
year*. Tm* is marked by the increase
ef some of the older " meetings " of the
Ixxly 1* th in England and America, and
by the spread of the denomination into
either eountrie*, if even on a small scale.
Notwithstanding emigration, there i* an
addition to the- small number of Qutkers
in Norway and IVnmark, and a
"monthly ri*eeting " h s lieeti estab
liabed in Htna. Home time ago a
Friends' misniou wan begun at Mount
Lebauou, and there are a score of mem
ber* there.
The trial of a Chinsman for assault
snd ba'tery in the jvdire court of San
Francisco ba* brought out s strauge
sbiry of a Cliinree girl's nnliapjiy ex
pericLces. She said that her jiarrnta in
China had sold her to " a gray-haired
lady ' for twenty dollars when she was
Urn year* of age. Bhe was resold to a
Chinese doctor in Man Francisco namgd
L'a Po Tsi. This doctor has several
wives, or a of whom sold her to a China
man for 848. Her market price gradu
ally increased to f]6o, and by the
tirae she waa twenty yearn old "he had
changed bands a dozen times. Recently
she heard that she was to be sold to a
Chinaman living in the interior of the
State, and it was in consequence of her
refusal to go that the assault was com
milted and the disturbance created that
brought the case before the public.
A Terrible and Deadly Affrar
Iu the annals of deadly affrays in this
State, says the Yieksburg <>! is*.)
'.'crafd, we know of uo occurrence so
fatal in its results as that which occur
rod on Ixiard the steamer Sunflower,
while lying st Johnsonville, the oounty
seat of Hnnflower oonntv.
CoL D. A. Holman, while in Johnson
ville, on entering Dr. W. L. Lowrr'i
i-tore, WHS accosted by Dr. Dowry, who
ordered H >lman out, remarking, it is
said. that Holman was no gentleman,
aud did not keep his word, or something
to that effort. Hol man'departed, earing
in MI balance Lc wonld s* Lowry again.
On the morning of the affair 001, Hoi -
man engaged passage r-n the steamer
Hnnflower for Ticks burg, accompanied
by hia father-in-law. Dr. G. C 5. Walker.
The boat arrivtyl at Jolmaonrille aome
what earlier than nanal, and OoL Hoi
man and Dr. Walker together went on
ahore. bnt in a abort time returned.
Perhaps a half hour later Dr. Lowry,
as was usual with him, came on the boat
to transact his business, and while en
teriag the cabin was caught, it is said,
by the left arm or back, bv Col. Hol
man, whotnrned Lowry half way around
snd patting liis pistol to his breast fired.
Lowry started down the cabin, bnt in
stautly turned, and seeing bis clerk,
John C. Arnold, start from his chair
ibeing shaved at the time), said: " Kill
him, John; kill him, he has shot me."
Arnold ran out of the cabin to attack
Holman, and Lowry, walking to the
cabin door, oockisl his pistol and flred
at Holman. At tb<s<me instant of
time, perceiving Dr. Walker with a pis
tol in his hand, he pointed his pistol At
Walker with deadly effect; Walker fall
ing and expiring almost withont a strag
gle. Lowry then walked in the cabin
staggering, and fell, and in about two
minntes expired also.
In the meantime Arnold and Hoi man
were lighting outside the ctbin. Arnold
received u wound in the cheat, and died
shortly after being removed from the
I vat, Col. Ho] man being wounded in
the left arm and aide.
All the parties engaged are very high
ly respected. Dr. Lowrv was n brother
of Gen. Robert Lowry, and leaves a
widow and six children. Arnold was a
brother of Judge Arnold, cf Columbus,
Miss., 001. Holman !x<ing a prominent
and talent* 1 lawyer, and respected in
Ui community in which he lives.
Dr. Walker was one of the oldeet reei- i
detita of the county, and we believe had
no ctiemiea. Col. Holmnn, the only
aurvivor. win immediately arrested.
Filthy Habit* f Afghan*.
Tlie Afghan* are not a cleanly people; -
in this they present a striking contrast
to the Hindoo*, who are, perhaps, the
moat cleanly race on the earth. The
climate of Afghanistan it cold in wiuter,
and perhapa tlio wild life which is so
mnoli the fate of all may have some
thing to do with it. Tbov have such an
abhorrence of water that they never
bring it in coutact with their bodies,
lining Mohammedans they are bound to
do certain ablntiona by their faith, bnt
they find subatitntea which are allowed
instead of the water. There ia one
tribe who are said to get three new
garments only in their lifetime, the
garment being in each case a blanket.
The first is given at birth, the second
when they are married and the third
when they die. Each blanket is under
stood to have been ceaselessly worn till
events entitle the wearer to a new one.
Clean clothes and the washing of them
are not entirely unknown in Afghanistan,
for they have a term by which they im
ply a gentleman, and it is characteristic.
They call him a "Snffaid Posh," which
toca&a white, or in this case clean drees
Hanging and It hlpplug Afghani.
A London St and vd letter from the
•eat of war in Afghanistan describes (be
pnuiabmant inflicted upon aorn- uative
priaonera, aa follow: lietweeu the aol
- diera hum)rods of natives ouuld be aeon
squatting patiently for the proceedlnga
to commence, and it waa curiona to no
lice here and there Afgbaua with their
long black hair, aitliog quietly among
the crowd of Hindoo#. A party of k>w
caate Hiudooa were buay digging a large,
wjuare bole close to the gallows. Every
body understood its use. To Ibe right
the "inen of the liuaaara were quiatlv *i
t-reiMug their horses, ami the nalda
above tbem were dotted with aoldiera
belonging to the Nineiv-aeoond High
landers, who were quite eontent to see
the elocution from a distance. At
eleven o'clock a company of the Twen
ty-flrst marched down to the gallowa
with aix priaonera in their midst.
Two were to lie lashed and four to be
hanged. The four condemned men
were atugled out and led to the front.
Their dree# consisted only of a long,
blue ootton shirt and looae pygmmaa
tied in at the ankles. In two of the in
stanoe- the abirta were a maaa of rags
frayed into ribbons at the edges, and
habling wunderfnily together. None of
tbem wore sandals or head drwaes.
There tbey stood cunoualy
around them with their jet hair bang
ing over their face# and their hands
strapped behind their backs, and all
looking thoroughly desperate ruffians.
The proToat marshal, a stout built ser
geant of the Tenth Hoaaars, showed
each man hia plank and made him walk |
serosa it. Tbia all the men did without
much oompulaion. Tbey did not appear
to realize what waa about to happen to
them, and kept looking over their
shoulders to see what was going on.
Their leg* were strapped together.
What appeared to he their old blue pug
garees or turbans were tied over tneir
iacea, and the nooses were fixed round
their necks. Then they appeared to
realize what was coming, and all com
menced crying out prayers to Allah.
While tbey were doing this one of the
prisoners wbo was standing behind wait
ing for bis flogging shouted out to tbem
that tbej were never to mind; lie would
be left ahve and be would avenge their ,
deaths. All eye# were turned toward ,
him, bnt only for a second, as the scent
being enacted in front waa of more ab
sorbing interest. Four European sail- '
or* caught up ropes attached to the '
plsrking, a signal was given, and tbey 1
pulled at the same moment, sweeping
away the scaffold and launching the 1
prisoners iuto the air. But it waa only 1
for a second that the condemned men I
hung. The cross beam creaked and
broke with a startling crash, and the i
four meu fell to the ground banging, i
half resting their feet upon the earth. |
Scarcely had any person time to feel
horrified at this unfortunate accident, ,
before the provost-marshal drew his re- ,
volver snd sent a bullet through each ,
man's brain. One of the Afghans was
then stripped naked and tied up to one
of the poles of the gallows. A stalwart
hussar gave bun a d< zen and a half
lashes as warmly as his arm could
<>n, then another hn**r completed the
three dozen. The fellow grinned oon- 1
sulerably, but bore the (logging marvel
ous! v. He never uttered a groan the 1
whole time he was receiving his punish
ment. One of the hussar* threw his '
clothes at him and toll him roughly to i
Miasm. This the man did not under- i
Mu d. It was a grim joke at the beat.
He quietly put on his clothes—they ;
wire but rag— and coolly asked if be ,
might go. He was told that the next
time be was caught with a loaded rifle
n< ar a British camp he would not get
off so easily, and then he war marched
across the river by two armed Sikba,
wbo gave him a parting push with right
rood will. The other man who was to
have been flogged was marched back to
camp in custody.
Margaret Fader's Tragic Ileal b
Of this gifted American author, wife
of the Count D'Oi-aoli, the Cincinnati
(\,mmrrrial, ears : In the spring ol
1850, Margaret w.v* irresistibly drawn
to her native laud. She wished to pub
lish her book, that waa to do justice to
great principles and great men. It
would eem that Margaret Fuller bad
I teen strangely prepare.!, by life and by
temperament, to chronicle the Italian
struggle. "Each order of things has
is augel." Every great event hss it#
historian. Every great need, whether
individual or national, is always met.
It was with many miagirings that the
Count and Connies* P Ossoli embarked
on board the ship E'ixahetb, on a voy
age that was indeed, the voyage of
eternity. " Beware of the sea," had
lnen a prophecy given to Osaoli in hia
boyhood, and strange, subtle apprehen
sion* of risk hovered around Margaret.
She wrote thns :
" 1 haTO a vague expectation of some
crisis—l know not what. It hss long
seemed to me that in the year 185(1
I should stand on a plateau iu the
ascent of life, when I should be allowed
to pause for a while and take more clear
and commanding views than ever before.
Yet my lite proceeds as regularly ss the
fates of a Greek tragedy."
On this voysge Margaret gists the
last touches to her book on Italy. On
the 18th of July the vessel was off the
coast of New Jersey, and they retired
for what they believed to be the last
night on shipboard—alas ! the Isst on
earth. In the night a teriible hurri
cane arose, am! the vessel wa* driven
headlong toward the sandbar off Long
Island. About 4 o'clock in the morning
she struck on Fire island be ieb. Her
doom was sealed. No human power
could save her. She lay at the mercy
of wind and waves Fr twelve hours
they citing to the wreck. It is possible
tlist Margaret might have been saved,
bnt she refused to leave her husband
and child. It had long before been her
prayer that " Ossoli, Angelo and I might
go together, and the anguish le brief."
Tne prayer was strangelv grautel
The only one of Margaret's treasures
that ever reached her native land was
the dead body of her child, which the
sea gave np to tender ministries. Nino's
body was taken to her home, and is
buried iu Mt. Auburn cemetery, Boston.
A monument is placed there to Marga
ret, with her face sculptured on it in
medallion, iu the Fuller family lot.
And this was the home coming. Ah,
truly, it was going home !
A remarkable circumstance has been
noted in connection with the prevalence
of scarlet fever in New York. When
over the disease Persists with sny de
cree of viruleflco beyond the middle r f
January, it is certain to reappear in
epidemic form early in tho summer.
In ordinary seasons the fever rapidly
subsides after the first week in January,
and remains in abeyance until the ap
proach of the wnfm weather. But each
great scarlet fever epidemic has been
marked by a oontinued virulence of thiß
disease along with diphtheria through
the winter and spring months. As this
is what is happening now. New York is
considerably alarmed at the outlook for
next summer.
An exchange grimly asserts r An im
possible feat, for a female pedestrian is
to walk a thousand miles in a thousand
hours, past on n thousand millinery
stores displaying the latest styles of
spring bonnets.
Bar ! timae—The iron age.
A matter of ooree—Apple aeoce.
Thar* an 107,000 Babrawa in St*
A abacfeaiad oaraar—A convicts.
A man of pluck —The fowl-stripper.
To aaorrtatn tlia age of a tree—Axe 1L
The advance guard— A betrothal ring.
Flaga are employed for signaling at
Every baker'a abop baa tba stomach
William Tall waa an arrow-minded
A abut tower ia nanally about 180 ft* I
There are abont 600 newspapers in
I Russia,
I iTbe only thing which ia oonatant—
' Change.
A man of pnab—The wheelbarrow
Tba lataat thing ont—Gats on tba
back abed.
A capital letter—One containing a
The Bank of England baa a capital of
There ia a amall oommunit v of Mor
mons in Pahs.
The Sclent Ulc UahPdy say# anoring
is an acquired habit.
lee ia a cowardly thing. If the euu
merely looks at it, it rnna.
A sitting heo ia a nuisance when yon
would prefer her to lay daily.
Steamships for Europe usually can*
about 30,000 letters each tup.
Winch ia the best of the four seasons
for arithmetic ? The summer.
Uood soag for a singing bee—" Hum,
hum, there's no place like comb."
Long sentences don't tire s reader
half as much as they do s criminal.
A pair of ears that go on a bead of
civilization—Pioneer# and frontiers.
In the year IH2B there were bnt three
mi lea of railroad in the whole United
What ia the need of being told to rise
with the lark? The lark riaea ahou
3,000 feet.
It is aaie enough to tickle a warp un
der bis wing, if you do it with a very
long straw.
The river Token, in Alaska, never has
bee® surveyed, but has been navigated
for 3,000 miles.
Nothing does so much for people's
looka as a little interchange of the
small coin of benevolence.
•• That's the long and short of it," as
the street Arab remarked on passing a
tall wife and a little husband.
" Pa," said Pet, "may I det np and
twot on your knee t" " Certainly," waa
the ready reply, " tat the little gallop.
A somnambulist in Fountain City,
Win, cut off hia finger with an axe
while asleep, a felon being the incite
Electricity ia found to be a delicate
ttat for purity of oils, which are jdged
of by the resistance they offer to the
It ia a most mortifying reflection of
an? man to consider what tie Las dene
compared with what he might Lave
The French are acquiring a mere
stable government every yar. Paris
alone consumed 11,219 horses Joe food
last year.
" Ton ought to husband your coal
more," raid tba chanty woman. "I
always does. I make him adt aaliw and
pick the cinders."
Even the moat religious man, wbo
would acorn to worship an idol, takes
a peculiar delight in being worshiped
as an idol himself.
One hundred and three 'nova between
the agra of fourteen and nineteen are
now confined in the California State
prison, at San Q nee tin.
Beware of prejudices, they an ULe
rata, and men's minds are like M>i*-
Prejudice# creep in casuy, but 't i*
doubtful if they ever get out.
A muldv pool, rippled by a breeze,
will sparkle quite brilliantly wbtb- m
motion ; but when quiet it is seen the
more plainly to be only a shallow pool.
Stopping to deny denial* i* as profit
less as stopping to deny truth*. It ia
oiusenting to leave an affirmative for a
negative position, which ia a removal
from the strong aide to the weal.
To know a man, observe how be wine
his object, rather than bow he loses it;
for when we fall our pride supports ua
when we succeed it betray* oa
Piletier, the French chemist, discov
ered quinine, the active pnw.ple of
Penman hark, abont sixty years ago,
and wan awarded a prite of #2,000.
A Ban Franciscan, who waa sued for
the value of half-a-doara shirts made to
bis order, pleaded a misfit, and appesred
nf on the witness-stand wearing on* °*
the garments, He won the eaee.
The Jackson tMiss.) fornef remarks
that there cannot be too mneh gratitude
to the North and West for aid given the
yellow fever sufferers, bnt there osn be
lar too much poetry on the subject.
Too many are in the habit of looking
mwav from "the blessings they have, to
think of those they have not. They
engrave their deprivations and sorrow#
and trials on the rock, but write their
blessings on the sand or on the waves.
Hood, in an article of singular bnmor,
states that the phrase 14 republic of let
ters was hit upon to insinuate that,
taking the whole lot of authors together,
they had not got a sovereign amongst
A wsg brought s horse driven by a
young man to a stop in the street by
the word "Whoa." and said to the
driver, " That's a fine horse you have
there." "Tea," auswered the young
man; " bnt he has one fault; he was
formerly owned by a butcher, and al
ways stops when be hears a calf bieat."
Elias Black, a farmer near Doylestou.
Pa., hss sixteen harvests of bay and
grvin rotting in stacks on his farm.
When farm produce began to ri6# wtth
the breaking out of the war,he held his
crop for still bigheraprioes. When prices
fell, embittered by disappointment, he
kept on stacking until he has #30,000
worih hay and grain on his hands.
It is said that the natives of Australia
and New Zealand aro familiar with the
d*ad !y properties of putrid animal mat
ter, and that many of their poisoned ar
rows and spears are simply smeared with
the liquids from a putrefying corpse.
According to Tallin the Narringeris,
who inhabit the lower Murray district
of Australia, frequently procure the
death of an enemy by this poison. The
instrument employee! isealied smW/sri.
In 1876 the entire quantity of meat
imported into Great Britain is stated at
16,166.632 pounds. In 1878 the amount
had increased to 63,661,216 pounds.
These statements are made with regard
to the American trade alone. Tbo Fall
Mall Gax*ttf, in speaking of the in
creasing dimensions of this trade, re
marks that "every year Europe cau
spare fearer cattle, and it is to America
we must look to make up tho deficiency
in the home supply."
How Many States Hang Murderers!
Four States of this Union have un
conditionally abolished capital punish
ment, vis.: Michigan (in 1846), Rhode
Island (in 1851). Wisconsin (in 1853)
snd Maine (in 1876). The following
States have tue " option " jury law; In
diana, 1862; New York. 1862; Illinois,
1867; Minnesota, 1868; lowa, 1878, and
Louisiana many >ears ago. In these
States there is no capital punishment
unless the jury unanimously recommend
that penalty; hence there are but few
executions in these States. Of the
above States fowa totally abolished that
penalty in 1872, but modified that law
in 1878 as mentioned. The following
States have the "governor's option"
law, viz : New Hampshire, Vermont
and Kansas. In these States the crimi
nal is sent to the State prison for one
year (Vermont two years) prior to exe
cution, when he may be executed on the
warrant of the governor, it being op
tional with the governor whether he
shall, or shall not, issue the warrant.