TIIK CKNTitK kKi*ORTKR. Centre Hall, Pa.Th'rad.Mar. 6, 'TiL —%12 per year. trhen paid i ~lrnnee : s±Miehe-i not paid in adranet Adrentifemmt* JtVis per line 6 r ihrrt 11 aerii ■**. nnd ■trentaper H-.e *--wen/ in*er/iPn Adrer/t#eumf* "V '* yrrrr if* " liberal dieeount. Shcri!rr*cnit> de tie re ■ m it j 10 rf*. amount of one twf * * inelrad of2ort* a* formerly u-hen pan by themielre*. ~ ■ Suhterihem .-on an.-ay* teU boiei hei me rounf* eland at the Keoorter of.ee H • ' ,<,lhrtahie* ,-n t**irrJ*r* ' l-'derea "John Roe 1 """ _ /U/ .M* .* iWsff/or*M*wnpf-'.r.. /Ac U 0/ January. It-TV ■•* that it .1 /.mr be n a* paying the printer. local items. LODK HKKTINOS i'tv rt H u i *V*V.\ lui ~r , . s,wrU.mlo theOy' ' " v r> N y PitBKICAN. NM*; *' r. OtT FORT IPW". *• *-**• v , \ , M • Mond* <•< <■-'> ■" H, 1,1 ,h ' Hall 1 1 Aft NIC Y W. II C K UftlrtAC*. #' ' a- <1 M Pof II m* 1* •* tn*>t 1 r '>".. p. Finisher's sal*. Poller t*p. Mar 90. - Murrey, Mi nmtt Li r don HeU, Mereh M Ron'shure. March 12. three cows will be - Ui ia addition to other stock advertised. Eugene Miller of thi town. was 1 kicked in the face by a iWIM mule, at the mountain w mill, a few davs age Wm. Leng. et Wce.lward. will oe cupt the Fpriag Mills hotel, next Apri. Mr. (,org e ftreoti, present landlord, re tire* to hit itrm. First lord't titter*, bit eeutiat and bit auntt, buy their groceries at Feebler t * Kindness, if*.'thing -trer.ger, shou.d induce anyone touseDr. Bull t Baby Syr up for the relief of the diseases of Baby hood. Price 95 cents. Mr. Jonathan Kresmer, of Miles township, has gone t.- Kansas with his far-- y. Sucec*.* to him. The earning holiday —April foel * day. The new Howe Sewing Machine —a perfect novelty, call at this office ar.d see it. Workslike a charm. A. 0. Moore. Agt, office Miles', uJg Pa. TheSpring M.'.'s -ir.gisg class in tend giving a grand concert on Satur day evoning, March 1879. All are in vited to attend. Admitsiec, 10 ct. Ticket* for the lectern on "China. by Pr Ca uer, of Stale Cellege. to be de livered at Centre llall, Mar. 11, for sale at Murray's drug ttoie. J. Henry Ke I re iufl about j 2 rues cast of tt. s place, to Henry liin| gerick, at sliX)per acre. By aJdr, ->ing or callicg at the j Howe Sewing Machine offi \ Milesburg. j Pa., you can have vour ilowe machine, put in jp-cu running order, fre<> of charge. I We are informed that a boy by came of Horner was jailed on Saturday for breaking epea the trunk of a hired ' girl and appropriating s!j contained in it. When will people learn to know that all appropriations that have nut legisla tive sanction lead to trouble" 1 Several arrests were made in this locality about a wee-, ago, on the charge tf n.iunight stca ings. The cases wil come before court when we w.il Cad out w..e.her the guilty parties are in the clutches of the law. There has been too j much of this petty robbing, and all good ; c . -en- WvUld rcjeiee to ee it slopped. Duncan Jc Son, Spring Mills, have purchased an entire cargo of Nova Scotia plaster. We are informed that tome of the citiuecs of Bellefonte favor ukiag the water worts out of the hands of borough management and disposing of the same to aprirate cen pany, thinking they could; be rue cueaper by it cue—at the white house, oae day last ( week, with a table pretty well set, and a goodly number of the foreign ministers j had an idea that the dishes and incstof the god things to eat on the table were J purchased at Sechier's grocery, which is known to be enc of the most famous ia America. One of the best p'.aces in this coun ty to get a well made wagon or tip-top buggy tin., Led to stylo, and very cheap, it at the coach shops of Jao. T. Lee, a*. Centre iia'tl. Ail work warranted, and I none but the best hands employed. Oa Monday evening about fifteen ef the young folks of town 7isited Pleasant Gap. They were met at the residence of Mr. Kckinroth by tne young people of the latter place, and a ' good time" was had. The party was serenaded by the Pleasant I Gap Band, which discoursed good music. The band will please accept thanks. * "Golden Year' are nassing by." A new song and chorus by WillJ. Thomp son. author of the famous song, "Gather ing Shells." Dearly half a million copies have been sold of this author's beautiful composition*. If you want his latest and prettiest song, order "Golden Years are passinr by." Any music dealer will send it fo-35 cent*. Published by W. L. Thompson & Co., East Liverpool, O. Marion township elected the follow ing local officers: Jndge—Joel Klicg. Inspectors—J- S. Martin. Jerry Smeltzer Constable—Sam 1 Garbriek. Assessor—J. J. Hoy. School Directors—S. H. Beani son, O P. Orr, Perry Cendo. Poer Over sears—Sam! Aley. Wm. Irvin, Jr. Su pervisors—Jacob Yearick, Daaiel Harter. Auditor—J. S. Frain. Town Clerk—D K. Miller. Treasurer—John Hoy, Jr. Give tho Eagle Clothing hall a call when you go to Uellefonte, during court, and see the immense stock of new cloth ing, hats, boots, shoes, skirts, and other underwear. It is by far the cheapest clothing bouse In the county. Mr. New man is one of the mest genial fellow you can find, and he seems to have been born to make men and boys happy by soiling . them goed und cheap clothing. During court weak jurors, witnesses and others will find the Bush house the hest place to stop. All connected with it, proprietor Hoppes, clerk Uartzel, and the rest, do their best to make guests leel at heme, and they succeed too most charm ingly. Get your dried and canned fruits at Sechlers.beadquarters for all kinds of gro ceries. Goods warranted fresh and pure. Green's Compound Syrup of Tar and Honey, a sure cure for eougbs, colds, croup and early stages of consumption. Try it. We hear a number of Indies say. the Howe Sewing Machine is the best. They are the most competent judges. Clothing made to order at New roan's by one of the best tailors from Phil adelphia Have you ever—say, have you ever, —been at the famou* Sechler grocery ? If not, you have lost by it. Just pop In lor oace then and see them and their goods and their manner ef doing business. It is a reliable grocery —what you gel is good, and sold to you at a trifle aboye cost. \V & never yet kaev/ of any that did not say Sechlers always keep the boot of every thing in market. Whatever you may de sire to supply your table with, can be had at Sechlers, in the Bush bouse block. Geo. C- Bright of Sunbury, was com pletely cut in two en Sunday a week on the Danville and Hazelten railroad, by the engine jumping the track arid going (down a 3o feet enhankment. .—All the standard patent medicines, pure and fresh at Frank Green's, .also all drugs, fancy and toilet articles. In thi Bush house block—most complete drug house ia the central part of the state; I FROM MIAMI COUNTY, OHIO. t'>T4RX, Feb 16, I s TJ. '• 1 En- K*rOKTKK -The grain le> I proniK'ng so far. although the a! !e* days or weeks thov were expose ! much t i hard freezing The morning of the Hit mercury stood at ero. a s'the 1 <th, ts* he 1 tenlav morning thin morning 'JO above in the month ol January we had extrem £ cold; on the 2d, murcurv was 26' boles 1,/ zero 1 According to reports we can not evpsc penvh crop . most tress are killed ; rssp \ f berry and xrape vines are mol y tie,! 1 had 40 collouies of bees, —lost 6 stands "• Many bees are already dead through ou parts Ire n and starved It seems that the low markets and ban times *t pretty reagh on some of 1 ur oil i.-ens, there are lots of them going uaJer termers as well a merchants. Oar mar kets run thus Whiat from S> tu VKV corn from 2o to '.'So ; oata IS to 22c, clover , -eed $1.20; polataes 40 to 60o; apples li ! '-0 c; butter 12Jc; eg<s 12Jc; lard t to 00 • ! hogs have been some belter, for the la, few weeks 24 to ;>4 ; beef cattle run trom . to ,V-; and. and property ofall deacriptiea is low ; farm- sell as low a* JStl ta sSs' | which sold from to $l4O savara! yeari ago. • I Iw 11 state to you lbs death ef old moth er K irabeth Driver, tho wife ef Danie r Driver, formerly a resident of t'er.tre Hill, 1 Centre county, P* She died on the 12th ! of Feb., aged 74 years, 4 months and 4 * day- Father Driver is very feeble, wsi ■ not able te attend the funeral, and is n<t t expected to reman upon earth many ■ mora days, lie is residing at Ceviagton. thi-county, at present. Kev. Lewis \V - ShatTer was to preach or assist the funeral services, but was net able to attend, net j being we ' ; he is also making e-epara : ess to leave th.s place, intend.ng te , move to Illinois th.s spring Father Luck enbach's w :'e ha- not been so wall lb.a winter, and wa- not ab'e to attend tl-.a fu ' ' neral. J. M. B. ' ANOTHER ILLINOIS WHISKEY RING, Fitly Arrests Made. Chicago, I"., Fabruart 2S.—Deputy I'ttited S.ates Marshal 1100 yesterday term-en und evening arrested at l'ek.n and Peoria some fifty persons who are un ier indictment at SpnagSeld for compli city in whiskey frauds, some of them the mest pr- as.nent and wealthy cit ieas. Ameng the names are John D Mclntyre, Chris. W. Ackerman, K Jacob Lueas, John and George Herbert, John L. Smith Carl Hinsken, William James, Thomas J Edds, George C. Glaasford, George T Risiuger, Daniel Uisinger, John Sto'.tz, H. I*. Westerman, John L. Westerman, Herman Kiekler, J. A. McGrew and It. ; R Ccbleagh, all e! Pekin. From Peoria, iT. J. Mctlrew, John Warner, James , Speers ar.d Jan:,- White, a'.-o J. P. Stearns sad B. L. Mi'!<, of Beat- a, and , many others. The a-rested men represent eve-y branch of business. Startling develop ments are prom.<ed. The entire company left fer Springfield tt>--lay. t>ne of the chief itr."es is said to be a disinherited s r.cfj ha D Mclntyre, the l.eav.e-t diet: 1* r a that section. v BOYTON* ON TUE OHIO. Wheeling, W. V . Feb. 2S, ISJJ.—Cap tain Paul Beyt. :i left Stnubenville, Ohio, at twenty minutes to tan o'clock this I morning, and arr.vad here at twenty ann ate- past three this afternoon His de parture was made amid much enthusiasm, and he wa, in g od condition. The voyage was without iucideat until he reached Wellsburg, where B>yton encountered * neavy gorge of ice. which filled the river ! from bank to bank. Here the inhabitants were treated to the sigh: of a man walking for two miles en the ice which was float ing down the Ohio River, borne by a swift current. On getting clear of the gorge the Captain continued down until he had reached a point about sevea miles above Wheeling, where hi* faithful old paddle, which ha- served him amid tb* waters ol so many European rivers, snapped in two and the brave voyager foucd himself I without help in the middle of an i# crowded river. Ha arrived at "Wheeling , by working with his arms, anu with great difficulty mado a landing. His arrival was i witnessed by at least ten thousand people. He can only go a short distance to-mor row . a- he will be delayed until a paddle is made. Next week he will begin hi* long runs, as he is in splendid cendition, and there is a prospect ef the river becom ing clear of ice. FORTY-THREE HORSES PERISH IN THE FLAMES. New York, February 27.—A fire ec curred at two o'clock this naoraing in the feur story brick building Nos. 2 aad 4 a: Fifty-third street, oecupied by S. A. Frey as a livery and hoarding t*bie. On the second floor were stabled forty eight horses, gome very valuable. Of the-e oa'y five were rescued, twe of whieb were badly burned. A large number of carriages, sleighs, robes, etc.. were also destroyed. Tee losses it is expected, will foot uo SIOO,OOO. A VERDICT FOR $10,(O0. Baltimore, Fab. 21.—1n the court of common pleas in a suit against the North ern Central railread to recover $20,000 damages fer the killing of Mrs. Burns, who was rua over by a train of car* on the traek ef that road in June last and, the ju ry this morning brought in a vordict for the plaintiff for SIO,OOO. SILVER MINE ROMANCES. TFrtni the Virginia City iNot.) Enter prise. Fab 16.] About tan o'clock vesterday morning a I crowbar was drepped down the main ver tical Shaft of the Savage from the eurface, I and went directly through a cage at the bottom, piercing the bonnet and floor No one was on the cage at the time and no one was hurt, yet it is unpleasant to eae making a trip into a mine to reflect that suab things sometimes eecur. A the bar fell something over five huadred yards it - vaa travelling with the rapidity aad vim < fa cannon ball when it slrack the cage. A bit of grave! no larger than a filhert a: ng* like a bullet toward the latter pail of such a journev. A dog oace fall into a sh aft at Gold Hill, and though the rhafl wm but 'WO feat in depth, two men upon wtiorti the animal landed were killed, si , also was .'he clumsy cur that had tailed ti hop across the top of the shaft. A rat ones fell down the Censolida'.ed Virginia abaft in attarnptin g to spring ac ross a compart ment. frem Wall |>late te wall plate, and I,1(X) feet belew landed on the bald head ' ot a miner anif exploded like a bomb, - eauaing the miliar to think a rock had cut epentaetopof his skull and let eut hii brains. A grain of birdshot dropped iatc the top o: a shaft 1,500 feet in depth woulh , probably bury itself in a plank er any piece of wood it might happen to strike al the bottom. This being the case, wa re peat that it is not pleasant to think of suab s things as crowbars going down shafts. The veto of the Chinese bill was right. Yellow fever of a sever* c haracter bai broken eut at Rio Janeiro. Another planet, af the twelfth magni tude, has been discovered. , The greater part of the town olKono, in , Nevada, was destroyed by fire Five livei were lost. Loss about 1 million dollars. & The Potter committee has made ure r port. AVe will furnish the gist of it ii r next week a Reporter. A revolution has broken out in tin Mexican state of tjonora, und hundred of refugees are arriviag in Arizona. Captain Boyton has resumed his tri| " down the Ohio and is making about fou ' miles an hour notwithstanding the river ii * full of ice. Milferd, Pa., Feb, 23 —Peter J. Pint !, ler, aaid to be 108 years eld. died at Wbili II Lake, Sullivan county, N. Y-, a few day e ago. He wus one of the first settlers of the g county. His oldest brother, t< be 110 ye* old, is still liying. 1 ea l-in H' "Marriage hns prohi hly ili-all the death Mow to quite a* man w hvMiest friendships as debt. The tnoi , w 1 Bill able of women are naturally unchari . 0 table to their own *ex, and when wive* nr I, ! profe?e-l rivals 1 i:ve hostilities are to! vv i erabiy sure to ho generated between th . ! husbands. Personally the two men en ItertMisi mutaal sentiments ot liking am respect ; but the feeling, as such Itelmg are terlba mot part, i probably liega live, and Painon is too much the 0 real pr of kabil, toe readily aud irresistibly sue 1 umbs to the social* intlueni r- immediate '* Iveiorc soil so hint, al Ins hearth ule, by 1 Ntr* Damen, to insist en retaining Pythla , a* his tr end at all hazards. ir Pituton, l'a.. February 27. About I' ve acres ef valuable lead over the l'enn-yl d full Coal Company * No. 7 shaft hen caved in to day It i -a a the ceal un r, dcrneath can never bo got cut, owing t< ■- the treachereus condition of the roe!. A large I" k schiH<!-bou* * lulled near tin , scene is totally wrecked No loss of lit' ,o i reported / f Tele •"!•• -"Ahroad, laiie ►t never th r.k ot d-c -rating then elve* w ill gems whea walking on tb<- king s bigh S was But Amnrl no women, a-.d aspe 1. oially Now York *--meti, apptar to have '• d am.-:.as, pearls, rubies, sapphires and eme'a.ds in the.r bio 1 1 hase break oui i with them upen all occasions, and th 1 w.-rdcr it that 'Lev de n--t rtftener ]sv lbs I. pena'.tv of being rut-I-ed Aa-stl.er iau,., h not sc g'ar.ng as a matter ol .U-tate, bui equal!v indeteusit- e, that which -• ••'. wrtiaeti have of carry -g their j ortemon t raies in their lan I*. ' Current rates from Chicago on east bcai-.d grain are how said to be 2ft cei-t --per hundred pounds, and a 'urtber r#,iu<* ; lion is expected betora navigation open* la r*&nsvlvii!it* in act ! relifv ir.jj oth<*r Stat9 i companies - f the tax on premiums collect j| ed eut-ide the State after July I, 1879, - condi'.ion that all a - er -.;e> be t aid to the State Nathaniel Schell of Lewi-l-urg was in f staally killed n Monday a week while walking on the track of the N I RK near t'lark s ferry. He was walking to wards tha Ira n at the time, giving room p for supposing suicide. Twenty tbrse Spanish sailers, on their 1 i way front Ferrel w 'P'tid the rarnivnl in * their native tillages have been drowned. Tfe%.r bout wjs* by a §<jUAn. 1 Montreal, Quebec, February 2ft—Five bod as were ste'.en from the dead heuse o'- ■ Saint Eus'.ache, Quebec. Gall, Ont , February 27.-In Gilbelm A 1 Hegg's saw-mill to day James Twoasly. a workman, fall on a circuiar saw, wbicb severed bis bead I-em his body. F r the murder of Miss Catherine Rich ' ard- at Plainiiald N. Y., on June 25. 187 S. Myron Ituall has bean sentenced to be [ hanged on April l l *. Jav Gould sold 100.000 shares of Union Pacific stock, in New York, oa Monday : for S7,IX<O,tXW. j The Lord Provost ef Glasgow reported . thrae weeks ago that 2->.tA<* persons .n that city were destitute. --EVEN PERSONS BURNED TO DEATH. Nelson villa. Ohio, Feb 28.—The house of J. M. Lunsfo-d was burned to the ground at about 12 o c.oek this m--rning. 1 Mr. Luasford and six of bis chi.dren who we- aleep, were smothered or burned to death. Only the wife nad one child es caped. A conscience stricken Dutclinian nnme<i Fritz Sttihltncllner, trom Rockfonl, has put in an appearance at the ll!inoi-e Penitentiary, register ing for one year. He was sentences! for soaping beer barrels belonging to his employers, the Rockfonl Brewery Company. Many of Kockfortl s prominent citizens exhibited signs of hydrophobia, frothing at the mouth and spitting ?o3ri suds. The disease i baffled treatment, uutill Fritz confess ed having placed large quantities of soap in the bairels. He was tried and convicted of malicious uischeif. MARRIED. On 20u!t.. Mr. J. J. Stine, ofZion, and - Mis* S. S. Bridge, of Marion. 1 Ob 27 Feb.. at Barrion Spring*. Mich . Mr. F. 1). Nichols and Ilm Mary E . . daughter of Wra F. Raibar, formerly ot ( Pine Grove M ills. 1 Oa the Mth tilt .at Tu*eyville. by Rv. W U. Stover, Mr. Char'#* E. Hoy and Mts Lizzie M. Fangree, both of Tuuev " villa. Pa. On the 23rd ult . near Centre Usl', hy the tame. Mr F. M.Graralv af Logaa ville, t'lintrtn counlv. Pa., and M.s Liz tie Hennigh of l'otters Mills, Centre cowaty. Pa DIED. ' At Rockville, M iles township, Feb 2-'-. Mr Henry Smul', aged 79 yean, 9months and 13 days. On March Ist, in Gregg township, Mr. f Dan a! Minick, aged To years, j months 1 and 2ft days. f On 24 Feb.. Joseph, son of LB. and L. > Stover, aged 1 year. 1 Little Jo-ie s gone and left us, 11-- was the roe bud of oar home : Hut 'twas Jesus that bereft us, His will, not our*, be dona. f Spring Mills Market. Wheat 92. J Rye, 4*>c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, ,45c Oats, 22c ® Buckwheat, 75c. Cloverseed, $•! (*• t-> $.1.75 r Chop, per ton, $20.00. Plaster, ground per ton, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl $5.00 Butter, 15c. Tallow, tic. Ham, 8c Hhrtuldar*. 4c. Clean Fides, 4Jc. a Rags, 2c. Eggs per dos., 12c. 1, Tub washed wool 35c, e Packed butter worked over, 10c. 0 Coal, Retail. By Car. Gross. 0 Egg. $4 (15 $4 2ft e Stove, $5 00 $4 65 t Chestnut, $4 25 $ t Bft r Pea, $2 90 $2 55 n Nervous Debility! Nervous Debility! '• Debility, a depres-a<l, irritable -tate ol mind, a weak, nervous, exhausted feeling, 1 no energy or animation, confuted head, * weak memory, the consequence# of exces !•*, mental overwork This nervous de n bility find- a -overeign cure in K F Kun -1 kel s Bitter Wine of Iron. It tones the " system, dispels the mental gloom and de ® spoadency, and rejuvenates the entire ys -1 tem Get the genuine. Take only E. F. 7 Kurikol's, it has a yellow wrapper around I it, his tihotograph on outside Price, fI.IJI per bottle, or six for $5 (Jft. Atk yem '■ druggist for it, and if he ha* it not, get of the Proprietor, 25'.' N. Ninth .St., Phila " delphia. Pa Advice free, by enclosing " thrae-cent *tutnp, d WORMS WORMS WORMS. y K F Kunkel's W'-rm Syruti never failt lt to destroy Pin, Seat, and Stomach Worms. Dr. Kunkel, tho only success ful physician wbe removes Tape Worm in two bourn, alive with head, and no feo un til removed. Common sense teaches il Tape Worms be rm->ved all other worim <an be readily deslroved. Advice at of fice and store, free The doctor can te'l " . whether or not the patient has worms. Thousands are dying daily, with worms, and d • not know it. File, spasms, cramps, '* choking and rufl'ocatlon, sallow complex ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and n pain in the stomach, restless at night, grinding of the teeth, picking at tho nose ?s cough, fever, itching at the seat, head ache, foul hreatb, tho patient grows pal< tj . and thin, tickling and irritation In the an us,—all these symptoms, and more, com " from worms E. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr up never fails to remove them. Price $1 Oft per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00 ic (For Tape Worm, write and consult th< is Doctor.) For all others, buy of your drug gist the Warm Syrup and if he has it not send to Dr. E F. Kunkel, 259 N. Ninth p Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Advice by , r mail, free ; send three-cent stamp, : t 20 feb 4t t gAIITU SHOP FOR ItEN| le The undersigned ha* a dwelling housi 78 and smith shop for rent. A good Black smith with a small family, can learn of 1 good location for business, by calling 01 Lo WM. COLYEK, 27 feb lib fetter twp, 111- North Andover, Mali , FEBRUARY it Thi forenoon George Kextraw, in i >( di union Ire- i, *|ru-k liii -laughter, Mr*. ri Small, with H P-KCR knocking hor to OU re floor She liu- mice untuned InnntiM* >| Immediately after Uex(tw .track the he blow he f*II to the 'toer n corpte It b n J thong b: Ih# Jlttflltit wilt J' BLACKSMITH WANTED. re| A go,<d HUCKMIIITB .on Irani of ff't 0 , U>, >I uotion o nddreiag lh# under '• mooed, e'. I'mtrn 11*11. T jti mr if. JHO. T. LKB I' > Ki KIPTS AM' EX PEN DITCHKB k ol Centre county from January It. In.S, !• JATILIAR* lt. !**.'• '• D. V Ml'SsKlt, t'rcn". of Centre Co. .la* 1979 UK I'o onit outstanding l\r> Jan t it,;s * 61,7t 50 A To lute* aie..ed for 187 s 42,075 86 in To cath ri't'elVert et County t'onuuinioner* IT,IK'I oh i'o H mt rri d for liwliui*tion I' S Lend* . 41911; , To Hint re< d lor '.*• on I S V Luud* J. 555 64 To una rrc it for I S l.*nd< >■ Mid '-*l3 30 l- I\> C- untV ('rder tor bnl. lue . JMI.ISTS Us£ " 1W ...CO - ■ a] Toul ........ $117,97971 r j !*n •*', l s 7" I'll e llf hii. settlement Jan I. . j "ji,;-. $ 1,191' I'O 'lie County warrant* pent 51, 50 94 By ouUlandTKg Uii< .1 ITV 00,162-5 a I n eioeomtioni i ■ collectors . .'l 27 . ' ttv cernmi-.tot * 1,284) 88 rtv ,v. 2,00000 1 lv stationer* 10 Of By unit tram! rrel Alia, uey for oileclion - 852 I'. T ■!• $ IIT.9TOTI 4n 0, IST ' , By balance ...o Treasurer at lOttleuuat $ 9.4 2, •j 1> A MVS#Kit, Treasurer td Ventre a county, in m. count with the Common . wealth ot Peuntylt ataa. 1.1 au 0, ISTDR I lo Lh iitice Jus Stale at selt.e* inent Jan 1 1979 .... $ 1,86-' 1 ITooititudißf UIM J*n 1 TO 4,082001 To tales a-i ed for 18> 2,13869 ■ To • C. V '.SI ''H-e TeilofCi'l •j lector, for Ist: lh --'I B j Total.. _. $ 8,(59".' 41 ' Ji.n 1s Tj r To ha! due Stale at -ett'em t $341 ->'• r. Jan h, ]" i (.'lt Hy outstaid { tat Jan 1. 1- 'f 4,961 84 |By State Ti . rer receipt* o.UAHA' By Treasur • .-ouimiiiB ... f- 1 If * By exoneration to Collector, '■ IST com'iiueien. - 1-4 1' Mnw 84184| t Total 8 n.w 41 11 (Ve '.ha U( aeri(jrreil Amla.'r, of Ceatre I county lo hereby certify that we haee ex amined the abore accounts et I'. A \!u •>;,er Treaturer of Centra c ".mtT, and Crd them eorreel Witams our hand, and >al, thi* lSlh ' DAV (JANUARY. \ I' >TS .1 A M r vri'AßT .V,l) . GEO. K. WILLIAM - Seal • AuJitore. i It. JAMISON .Sea. I K \PEN I'ITCHES. lj - Cowmlaalnnara* Par. t Andrew Otcua balance ! fS ISTT, ,er ice* 'Ta s>.o *.Vi $ *33 -4 ' II A Minnie balance TT ,Ty • T-. 001 ! J N 11 a ha! TT. • I sereire, lsT s , 5.0t VI > II Beck, C-'inm.s*i n ers C>lerk or vice* 1 ** 1n............ . iXf— IX ofid 31 Jury Coiunasijoafr,. N J Mitchell. eri ca?s l 4 I! K 1 :cr sereicc, 87.88 1 11 Beck scry'e* a, cleri '•>— SC- I 1 County Auditors. ' WM MoKar'.ar - -rt - f of . A J (>r eri ■ , | Jo, (,il!ilar.d C L llurt initt u wr, as ' a, clerk dv UJ—PJ) 1 n: ;r> \ i rner.t a' <i Hepaire. I JOIN 1' Lieb. lumber r for jail $-.22 t J McUi-ruot, laying ar.d sii'i'i for jail 31.00 ' I) II (/•!•. lightning rodaC H...._ 'AOO - I'oai At. nbarker, l-ainl.ng dome Cuft house A4 Oil L A Straub, *ur. at C bause - IT lo (te i 1 ate w rk at C 11 2.UI' VV T I'wrtmire, lianrng C 11 3T.TI ' ,! 1! Pellenbaurn, re pairing fraa. e for ja : a.'W-2400c Court Expenaas. ' Juror,' par $ •> P'2 d'J Commonwealth CoU.- 4 V.v.41 J II Vosburg, Court ! K#P<'RTCR O"">O W) J 1 IVgermaa C art i Reporter lU.OU B la kraitb, Court eri r er 112 l ' B lielbraith, jaailor Ssi> tO-462 (W ' ■ Tipstayes pay 'JSI (V p M J I) >lan, special dc lecttye 150.00 1. W Munton, Court j proclamation* s* 1 00 L W Mut.'on, lutnn.on , ing jurors 1h5.80—11,323 CO, UHI'INAUY EXPKNCK3.' ,; R >bt Mi Enight gs bill, for i Court house and jail $ 5(100' J H A C T Alexander c0a1... 271 72 ■ J II l'obhins, 11 I), medical i utrvice, 100 Of' 1 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY APPROPRI ALIEN - 100 Co . Wctcri. l'eaitentiary for keeping convict* 4dl TO Insane Asylum, Dnnville keep ing insane 2,100 3-" I Asaessor# pay 1.2&H53 ' iluad yievr* t>4i 40 j Election expen*e, 1,806 11 j I nsurance on public building, 371 76 jTeacher, Institute TV N> A gnaw Moore, bal. cn jail cantract 7 60 ( Real Estate paid Bhcrifl's fees |on Swiers' property (Scalp |ireeiiums paid 992 00 ; Constable'* pay 39211 ' Road IntiiHges paid to Samuel \V Osrdnwr 8800 I Premium* to Cellorter* 26 IM 1 MJUEITS on dead bod.es 16-1 71 .(.' M Bower, Commissoners' j Attorney 75 00 Running turnpike line be tween Boggs, Burn-ode and Snow SHOE 18S 00 Harris township paid on Fir* Commission ... 20 00 DA Musser, Trees, bal. due last year 1,199 00 : 1 Cenunission peid Attorneys on ! collection. 61 M if Interust paid on loans 3,20.1(13 r, Conunission* on Lunacy F3 • I, L W Munsou, .Sheriff on ac* count 2,f4S se D K Fertney auditing County i- ofHi-ers' accounts 35 CO eill Y Stit/.or, stationery Com i. m -oioners' oflico 2219 i- F 1' M usser, transcribing IJ B \ land tax 400 d Adama express Co., paid Hi freight.... ... 311 ir Then Gordon, returned tax an if V S lands 400 i- R J I)ak, painting caso Sur* g eevors office .. 50 A Williams, blank books Pro tbonnlary effiop 108 70 It A Williams, stationery for b Proth'y office 15 00 i A William* ami bill fees rend 219 5 s n L A Str-iuh, repairing Com i- mi-sinner-, yault 8 87 il J M Keehline, water tax C II i, and jail '77 125 00 f- F 1' Blair, clock for Commiss-- II ioners'office 200 s. J N Hall, expense to ,M illheiui , bridge 3 97> s, J N Hall, delieering dupli [. catas 12 50 d J N Hall, nxpon-eto Moshan t, non bridg# 540 B, J N Hall, 4 expense to Slo, |. shannon bridge 300 lo d N Hall, delireriag election i- paper* 3 00 ie J N Hall, cxpeuso lo .Spring r M ill* 3 00 r>, A Gregg, expense to Port Ma [). Tilda bridge 350 ic A Gregg, delivering asses,m't, 200 ?- " " " 1 (Hi t- " <luplicate... 5 00 h i ex. to Moshannon y bridge ;; ) A Gregg, expense* seeing col* lecters 5()0 _ Refunding tnx...„ 134 58 iy, " " unsealed lands 692 09 .Redemption" " " 358 08 J- e * Bills and notes paid 13,349 14 k-J Bridges. t a| Bridge views 71(50 ,N , MILLHEIM BRIDGO. jti Jbruggr9giuer lyotfc , The Fall Season for the year 1878 is now opening and ew and EXCELLENT STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODs IS COMING I V p AT fiI'tiOLNHKIMKR A CO.'P, CKNTKK IIALL, aud which will be told at LOWEST FKiUJiKs. They hnveau iinmen pf. i every lice. THEY HAVE l) r , ss (ioarfs. Clothing, Hate *y Boote iV Shoe*. Notions, 6 .at Lotoaat /'rices. I I II I IIK TO VLIRUINTEKISTTO'T-ATUONI/.K VOOK HOME MERCHANT*," I\-TI:AD OE (101NG A WAV UIVE I A CAI.L IMMEDIATELY. KEEPH THE BEST BOLE LEATHER VERY CHEAP .-iMIEIMER ' II I' YE-P R *T TRN- '.OF 3"0 •" | MURRAY, 1' IGAL A <'• IV'P •* MOSBAANEA BRIDGE. S BRUGTP>R ENGIBPPP'R 122 31 11 J K ,N,.,.RH G CONTRACTOR NVI (HI FPI ■ G MILLS BRIDGE. . IS ITRAGGI - < NGINEER TRTFI'J I MURRAV, I' UGALACO.. *L''F J DIN CALDRON CONTRACTOR AVMKI I HI- U*ILL* LITIDGTI. ~I \\ KIIRRI-V I ONTRAAIER ... 400110 M (I J HILT - PLAIIKTNG FOR PORT I MATILDA BRIDGE IU'OO ' .1 I SPE'ING R.-PAII. HOWARD DA'IITOLDEE 12 50 ' P NEWMAN PL*NK HOWARD DATE BRIDGE 4 38 INO SI-HEACK P AIIK* 11 -WIN 1 DA"* BRIDGE.... 10 4O I F 1* JONES REPAIR* AT MILES BURG BRIDGE 89 00 \ \\ K-E-E REPAIR* AT PERT MATILDA BRIDGO 17 00 III' I EAGER PMNTMG FORKS BUDGE 6 TIN II C IT--.'.*' RE|I*IR*AT HOWARD DAM BRIDGE 2 50 1 I C T'OO'* P AUK FOR HOWARD DAM BRIDGE 12 (*>| 11 A MINGLE PAV TO PLULIPSB G LOU'I DRLITERITIG JUPLL . am 988 1 11 \ M MG.EEXPENSE TO MFIT N ;; I*l 1 CEINII*N>N*R EXPENSE* TO L'HILTPTBURG 19(1' CACAMIAA ONERS EXPANSE TO PORT MATILDA AFID LOCK LIS SEN LO HENRY BECK .- LERII G 1. ' CAT*, IN LADICTMENT DOCK EL 22 361 II BUK DELIEERING N*AE,MENU 125'. DUPLICATES.. 7 LA TE'EGRAIN AND HATCHET 1 2'< FARE FOR PRIEONER* STC I 6 S LL B- K IPVI'G R'-GTTRATIEA* L(5(K' PEN NA IT K * 1 T* 1> EV.-RHART REPAIRING FLOOR IN COMMISSIONER* OFFICE 1 NO HAVES COI'.ER A CO, CASTING FOR FURNACE 1818 I , I'EVHAG RRVIS "IF IS •-*. WORK OU I . S. LAND I BMK H-'FFER A KHAR P.-AP 'ER I 11 1 16, I A T-..*MIIJ GRA-S SED FOR I 11 YARD 20; MA- HARRIS AT.- RAKE FOR I II I YA-D - .LI WELCH A C MAIIEAERY- 20 RUBBER TVI-• ('•■ STAMP FOR ! TREASURERS OFFICE 100 INO . S J-*NG>R UM, OF H -USE FOR HOLDING APPEALS J D GARMAN MEALS FOR JURORS • 6*' JN •T J INSON POSTAGE, AN?EL OPES A - - '-** • MRS ll* 'ER I-LAANING C AIMTS SIONERS' EFFIE* 1 24 U LUTEAL A TEL'ER M-*! FOR JURORE II J HA >UT BOX PANS —... 2CK' PAT K- R-Y REMEVTNG ASHES C 11 ANIIAIL 950 V M HEAD K ARID STAND FI-R T CIK'.T' RS OFFICE 1 CK> ! DAM . • S -ES IRRR * 'RER TI. *IR I* S !-.IAJ* NOT S '.J... . ;TJ I,E RS-PXIR'LG LOFKS C N. 1 I*' \ TEN A KL I RLA. " F V S FOR J O B - 411 IRAC M I ' KITE —IS FEET 11 12 K A HIM IT H REPAIR AT Cll 25' JA S MA!LORY RPAI- G GATE AT C H ' K P M ,SRR MAK G DUPLICATES 10 ((LP H A M.SUR 'IREAIURCR 1! S I TRACT* I S LAND S!D COUNTV IWST 7U L.U A* A GARB* . <S (-R I 11 23^ WUI MANN D#ID B -K* 1• . • 1) K GEI# WCRK AT DOME I H 2 8L ! |) (lA*-NAN DELIVERING E.EC- T A T*T E*S - 400 M LLSR.N.IFI SCRUL-B : G EFLIS*. 1 !*> W MA- APPP'ARAR-CE DOCKET— 1.-00 W f L. EDER I ERK OC NTH S. . E-. ,RR - 4 00 I I II :,L. . ETERK B:.*TONA ' RETURR.P ■- 4 *-*• W II B'A R C GRESSLONAL RE TURN JUDGE 1 50 W F LLI-EHC >E I'.OR'.AL RETURN • LLDGE 1 *l' W S W. F JUD.I A! RETURN JUDGE.. —™ 1510 UVBER AND KA ■ ARKS G.-A --| E'AI EIECUNU COUNT 10 001 U A Wl' IARNT GLAS NG AT T A ;.1 B PARC-R. IT'S FE.-,...„ 1 TVLJ S A BREW A SOB BILL FER PAPER ING JIL - DSN 4*'R REPA 'ING PIR-#*ITC 4 ALL J 7.E '#R A S N B MEDICIAE AT .* ' 8881 ILEUS.*! A T- #R MEA'S FOR JUROR* 5 20 J M K* FLI/.E WATER UI C H AND IAI'I 78 ... **' F P M ISSER EXPENSE VISITING RELLECTORS 4 58 \V A TOBIAS H UKS F-R R#> CORDER'S OFFICE 5 96 JN* M DERUXOLREPAIRING RANGE AT JAIL 6 DO NOR* MCAL STAR WAIBII.G FOR |IRISOA*RT B'.•> PENNA R R CE TR< IGHT ON HRE BACK AT JAIL- ... 1 11 J REYNOLDS A SON £RO BRICK AT !A:I 200 \V S (IAIB'AITH RRJ-AIRSR.G PIPES AT JAIL 4 00 W ILI -II A MCFARLAN* WALL BR ITL AT J*l! 6- G- C( **E RE; AIRING FUREACA AT JAIL &* PAL KEL'EV R*M.-YING ASHES AT JAIL 4 o', J J REYNOLDS A .SI :I WATER BACK AT AIL- - 7 60 JN- 1> I.EIB ! -R LUMBER AT JAIL- 2 JALAXGRAEN CLEANING TAPES • (*' 1.1 N SH#I O WORK -M RAT G- ' ADAM* K.X CO. C O D. BILL _.! I BAND CUFFS AT AT .AIL JST-.-^ .1 II KP'I SNKPUM REIIAIRIR.G II LOCKS AT JAIL ... 35' F DWSCHNER REPAIRIR.G SHACKLES ,1 AT JAIL 10.' JN I MA HERAT NT WORK AT CESS I POOL AT JAIL 400 W S (IALBRAITH F-R T UMBING I AT JAIL 7IV JNE MI DERRAOT REPAIRING OVEN : .TI A, I V 4 26> L JN-- H-(FOR C'.OLBING FOR PRTL* I ONER- NT JAIL VB7 W F REYNOLDS FAR WOOD AT JAIL 27 60 111 A W ILLIAMS GLAXING " 530 I JNO M DERMOL FOR WERK " 20 30 PRINTIAG BILLS. 1 P (TRAY MOK BILL 147 85 , K T TUTEN • 214 05 F K URTR. " 187 (>& ' F L HURTER " 110 12 BANDAR A BERK " 13 W WALTER A DEININGER BILL 134 60 HEWARD BARNES TAINTING MER CANTILE APPRAISER'S LIST 40 00 TRITAL EXPENDITURE,. $51,750 01 L W MCNSON, SHERIFF: JANUARY 1. 1879 DR. TE COUNTY ORDERS PAID YOU 2,922 (58 TO FINES AND COAT CELLECT'SI 112'| $8,085 33 TO BALANCE DUO COUNTV $'293 21 T IT. BY BAL AT SETTLEMENT .IAN 1 '7B $ 022 08 BY PROTEST FEE ON LIN GIN NOTE PAID 5 19 BY HILL SUNDRIES FUR JAIL 88 TS'I BV BOARDING PRISONERS 2512 DAY- UT ILK- 1,004 SO BV COMMONWEALTH COSTS FROM ' DOCKET 147 72 BV TURNKEY FEES K"I 00 ' BY CONVEYING 8 PRISONERS TO PEA ITENIIARY 210 00 BY CONVEYING I TO INSANE HOSPITAL 100 00 ' BY SUMMONING 610 JURORS AT APRIL, AUGUST, NOV. AND ' JANUARY COURTS 185 80 BY NOTIFYING TRAVERSE JURORS ' NET TO COME (TWICO)^.. M- .„_ 1000 BY ADVERTISING COURT PROCLA ' UIATIONF 88 00 ' BY ADVERTISING ELECTION I'ROC LANIATIONS 174 25 BALAAEE 298 24 ' TOTAL.... $3,035 33 ' STATE OR PE>XSYI.VANI A, I S A CENT HE CI'ITBTT. F • WO THE UNDERSIGNED. AUDITORS OF CEN TRE COUNTY, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IN PUR • NUANCE OF UTI ACT OF ASSEMBLY ENTITLED "AN ACT RELATING TO COUNTIES AND TOWN -1 SHIPS, AND COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS." WO MET AT THE COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. 1 BALLEFENTE, ON THE IST MONDAY IN JANUA RY, 1879. AND DID AUDIT, AND SETTLE, AND AD -1 JUST THO SEVERAL ACCOUNTS, SOT FORTH IN THE FORGOING STATEMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WO HAVE HEREUNTO -ELFOUR HANDS AND SEALS, THIS 18TH D*Y OF 1 JANUARY, A. I>., 1879. ' JAME* T. STEWART, (SEALLL GEO. K. WII.I.IAM , (SEAL) 'AUDITORS. > T. B. JAMISON, [SEAL]) CENTRE COUNTY. SS ' WO THE UNDERSIGNED. COMMISSIONERS OF CEIITRE COUNTY, DO HOREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ' MRGOING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT STATEMENT OF • THE RECEIPT* AND EXPENDITURE* OF SAID COUNTY, FROM THE IST OF JANUARY, 1878, TO 8 THE IST OF JANUARY, 1879. 4 ANDREW GRKQO, GEORUC SWAB, J, JACOU DUNKLI, COMMISS LONERS, Attest; IL. IIXVII CLERK, H H I TAN DING TA XKM DUE HY M COLLECTORS. 1871A ~ I! CARTON, LIE!!*! INTO 207 28— 207 2 1872 |JHB WARD, HALF MOM. VI I D R"HB, LIBERTY 14 V.'— 27H 2 1873 A CHARLES BROWN,HELUFENTE A7" 0 JO-EPH ROSS, SPRING I<-2C7 DMALOAE, LIOGGS I I DF> LL' KNARICB, MARION 114 U7— 079 9 °J 1871 SO-EPH FOX, BELLE'OATE. . ''TILL 1 WM RIDDLE*. I'HLLIPTB'RG 84 >93 •D TOKN, BENUER 223 52 ' F KRRCB-IFL, CURTLA 123 2 S WWI CRAAA,BALL MOON .. 933 II IT WILCOI, RUTH 668 11 11 D Y>-*GER, SNOW SHOE . 125 7 '— 28J8U • 1676 ( CHA* BROWN, BE!L#FONTE...L4 --08 J P SHOP., MILAIBURG... ZU 8.5 11 L BARNHART, HOGGS .... 1W 6 S JOHN T LUCAS. CURTIA I ' 12 , II B WILTEI, RURH 7'- 7 I JA> WAUON, SNOW SH.-C.. R-J'<U L'"-4 2! . 167'1 J H MERRNON, BELLEFONTR.! II 62 .T M HALL. M I.ERBURG .111 . , • W C M T'UTCHVWN, PHIL IPRBURG 227 5- , (' LI*H!HOWARD LLORO... 7"> FDL J (' WALKER, BEG*- I-.I'IH [WIPTAUI MAI.N. CURTIN. . 15". U7 J T STEWART. HARRIS 124 37 'JNO A STOVER, LIBERTY.. 148 78 D LLARTER, MARION 5"2 90 ' WM M RIPER, I'ENN FB| 73 G \\ KIKU, L'ETTER........ 771 08 J K 11 11>, HURL. I -71 [ JOHN NOLL, SFRING 6K'. 55 IJOHN 11 REEK, WALKER... I'l 70— 5081 91 I 1877 ' *R L SHIRK— MIIETBURG... 1 *>s 22 *J GORTON I'HILIPSBURG.. 281 (HI *ll (' HOLLER—HOWARD IT 201 87 R W ANMERMII I'N ( LONVILE 6. 17 *1" STVRR LTENUER KT4 *J (' WALKER BEGG: 777 53 , *E MUIIRR COLLEGE (-37 92 JC SINGER—CURTIA I7' l 47 J'E LL FT* PMMLJMII FD HO-TENNAI. -GREGG "" • •JOHU LLIPN UARRI- '3 74 . (LEERGU GEN-AIUER LLAIF MOON 44'. 54 , • D \S H NE HUATM M 77 • J M K IFIE 11 WARD ... 42290 •I'AV ! LTEBB LIBERTY... 70(M *D W *'RR— HS'IRS 4OL 87 .L>EL M RRIS-MIIES 197 60 , *G W F GRAY RATION... 610 HO , *\N TU SMITH L'*R.A ••>'• 2' •HENRY SWAB POTTER. .10 "37 1 11 DALE RUSH 353 29 •LID TIBBINS SPRIRG 1 H l '. 91 JOS THEM P*EN S SI,O .. LO-70 WM M HER- TAYLOR '."l 22 *J T DUT.KLE WALKER . 7(. "4 Wll WILLIAMR WORTH 110' .(—13275 57 18"78 WIN JORES BE'.'EFONL# S 1024 K H CARR M AUBURG ... 4V- 4 S K( MAT'.ERA PBILIPEB'G 77097 SM'L BNCK'EY—HOWARD LIORO .... £OS 12 CK .: ST: LB, SR—''R.IEO VILLE ... 1(> 8 S *T' PW4M BNMT.MII 14 EJ BATE, -UURNNDE..... L.H.)41 .IT. \N A **R BEGG* H'7 2. •JEHN A RUT-P CO'.EGE 2* 12 I.' H .-- RV 1 F.AL CURTIN 2'TO • L.-H R RI.AL'P FERGUSON 2*-L ■ 7. •C I* I.EITXELL GRRCG .... 321 55 'D 11 ROTE HAIR R. LH2 57 •JAO CARI-ER. J' LLTRRII I* I" IT •B * LYTLA HALF MOON. 10(9 $5 JOHN P'RA.G ILUSU-C 4-- , - SS -J M K R E H WARD„... M •D M BE- *W„ R L.T :*.Y K4 41 •WM LRW R- -MIRISN 1 14 •REUBEN GRIM MILES... 1597 14 •WM 1 RES!#R RATION. .12*'1 • JEHN D FOOT* PENT ... 'JX>2O7 JAS C BOAL—POTTER 3-V/I Fll LAI> KU>N. .. .. *'Al A J SWARU SP- EG ... 'J -• AL JOS TB INPEON- S KSIOE .. 349 51 •PIT 111 OTER TAYLOR. . 4.*'> 24 WM S(- T'.S -I'MON "-.'.WILD •1 IN.* ZIMUSERMAA— WALKER SM,V\ S *M S'.ETI-AI WORTH.. 'JNJM —40755 21 T '*l 'AXES.U'.-'.AR.DIR.G STSII4LK- I MARKED ' PAID PART SMCE TETTUMANT. MARKED! | AID FULI TTTJCU P*TLI*E*CT. FINANCIAL EXHIBIT, OF CENTRE CO. I JANUARY 1. 1-"' I>K TO NOTI-I AND BEND* OUTSLAND- J ING 8571290 I T-> HALAR- E DUE D A MUTTER, 1 TREASURER 824 27 I" B* •*■ E DUE M URRAY, DOU* (I! 4 GO - ........ 12E4 4U TO BALANCE DUE AND GREGG, C :UM:-IICN*R. ISM TITAL 97833 81 TO BALANCE DUE IV COUNT* $9715 58 CK. BY AO'.RT HEL L BY COM RS 2257 6 !'* AMOUTJ IN BAND* OF ATTOR NEYS FOR CELLO LION 2723 79 LV '.**• OUT*LAND R.G JANUARY J 1,1-7'.' COLLI OF BY AMOUNT DUE FR -M BOR ; OUGHT AND TOWNSHIPS TER KRVPIAG IRSAEE AS BELOW PHILIPS! .RG II •: UGH .... VT••" 22 BONNER TOWNSHIP 126 97 SPRING TOWATBIP. l' MI'.ESBURG BORI EGH.. 2" 2 .0 .' HUSTON TOWNSHIP ("F- 40 ( LIELIEFONTE BOROEGB LLC- .'lB , PORTERAGE ESTATE 70 00 PA*.TON TOWNSHIP .......... 10 52 ■ COLLEGE TNERNSHIP L'Jl'23 0059 91 AMOUNT DAE FR :U CLER.R FIELD L'-> 114-*' Bo , AM T DUE FROM HARRIS TWP FIR* COMMISSION... !#'oo , VALUE OF REAL !IST*TE B UGHT EN AC'T OF DEBTS 461 FJ HALAIICE DUE FROM L W MANS •. SL.'T.ff 2" 24 ( OALANTC ~_'715 59 TETAU —87833 81 | "UN BLAIR LINN. . ft AURAEY-AT-LAW, I-OFFIRE ON ALLEGBONY ST , UELLEFONTE, PN ■ J.7 FOB IF DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOIL KCXT. THE WOIL KNOWN STORE STAND AT FARMER 1 - MILLS, WITH DWELLING HOUSE, BARN, AND OUT- V BUILDINGS, AND NHOUT TWENTY (20) ARRET <- ■ FARMING LAND IS OFFERED FOR REST. THII IS 1 CAPITAL CHANCE TO OPEN UP BUSINESS. F-N ■ ' PARTICULARS CALL ON OR ADDRET J. LI FISHER. ||L(JAN TF. PONN HALL. PA. 1 N T>C KST NOTICE.— IN THE MATTER O 7ITBE ESTATE OF ABRAHAM KEBER, LECEA*-L • LATE OF MU<TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNT V, PA TO POLL!* RUBER, GEORGE KEBER, MICHA EL RUBER, LVDIN ZEHNER. (100. 11. ZEHNER MARGARET WIELAND, <EO WASHINGTOR T WN-LAND, KVO REBER, ANNIE KERNS AND .1 F KERNS, THE HEIRS AND LEGAL REPROSENTA TIRES OF ABRAHAM KEBER. DECEASED. ! TAKE NOTICE THAT BY VIRTU* OF A WRIT O: ' PURTITIEN ISSUED OUT OF THE ORPHAN * COURT • OF CONTRE COUATY AND TO ME DIRECTED NR LAQUEAT WILL BE HELD AT THE LATA RASIDENCI ' OF ABRNHATU KOBER, DECEASED, IN THE TOWN SHIP OF MILES, AND COUNTY OF CENTRE, OR TUESDAY THE 11TH DAY OF MARCH, A. D 9; 1879. AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M., OF SAID DAY, FOI J THE PURPOSE OF MAKING PARTITION OT TH( 1 F AL E-LALU OF SAID DECEASED, TE AND IMENF HIS HEIR* AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, IF TLX* ' SAMU CAN BO DONE W ILHOUT PREJUDICE TO 01 SPOILING OF THE WHOLE, OTHERWISE TO VALU* - AND APPRAISE THE SAME ACCORDING TO LAW ' AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE YOU MAY BE PROS ONT IF YOU THINK PREPCIR. ) SHERIFF'S OFFICE, 1 JONII SPANGLER, BEILEFONTE. PA. > SHERIFF J FCBRUAAY 7,'79. ) 13 FEB 4L VUDITOR S NOTICE.— . ESTATE OF HON. S. S. WELF, DECEASED THO UNDERSIGNED, NRI AUDITOR APPOINTOR BY THE ORPHAN.'* COURT, TO DISLNEULC TIN . FUND IN THE HAADS OF THE ADMINISTRATORS O , .-AID ESTATE, WILL ATTEND TO THE DUTIES OF HI: J APPOINTMENT, AT HIS OFFICE IN BEILEFONTE. OT . 221 L DAY OF MARCH, 1879, NT 111 A. M., WHRI ' AND WHERE NIL PERSONS INTERESTED MAY NT (END. J. L SPANULEK, I 27 FEB ID AUDITOR. E IN THE ORPHANS COURT OI CENTRE COUNTY, F THE NUDITOR APPOINTED BY SAID COURT T< PASS UPON THO EXCEPTION FILED TO THE AC COUNT OF DANIEL F'LCISHCR, EXECUTOR EF AI OFJOSIAH BOVCR DECEASED, AND DIITRIBULI THE FUND TO THOSO ENTITLED TO ROCEIVE TB SAME, WILL MOAT ALL PARTIES INTERESTED, TE >F SAID PURPOSE, AT HIS OFFICE, IN UELLEFONTE O ON TUESDAY, THE 19TH DAY OF MARCH, A. 1> >F 1879, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A M. D W. T. REBER, 0 27 FEB 3T AUDITOR. DR. J. W. RHONE, DENTIST, CAN B FOUND AT HIS OFLLO# AND RE*ID#NC ON NORTH HIDE OF HIGH STROET, THREE DOOI EAST OF ALLEGHENY, ITOLLUFONTE, L'A. I 27 FOB TT 11 Alllt Y K . lIICKS, 281 7 491 , (BUCC -. R TO T. A. UICKA &. BRO.) WDOLE ALE K RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Pay- cs Glass, Putty, &Oe, dee. L&r %!- I'ti lli( iig iM > f he *vt- tills li I piit'tl Plow fij"HK rOBnI7.*SI * I WILLNOr UK I NDi.i. JLD UY ; V JA. , i I IXL Till;: AME QUALITY OF GOOD# I |PI:XKNV4I.LI:I F'> lITI T* -'7 THE SPRING S- • WILL BAOPENED OA THI | IN THE PUBLIC SET •■' ' A- ( :R< MALI. IT* PLEASANT Sl'.!. ETI'.RAL | HON AND EAEY A< - • • S* ANT AOEOMUIODATIOR.S 51.,1 N OGH LI-.NR ARY AND CLASSIC*! • U'.l, 11 KI THIS A DESIRABLE - IH- I I - - 'R M A DTTLAEI *. B -NRDLT,; I AT ,ER\ REASONAB!'- R*:-- I . I :N - <( LARS. FOR FURTHER PAR'.ICULI. ,LDR-- JL. F. LIL TM L 4 IL. PRIN. FEB'JO 8T 1* •. IIW.LL. PA. 1 INGUELT LOVIT 1 LIT MATTER OF TA* ESTATE OF CHRISTIAN MSESE, DAOAAAWD. ALE EF L'ENN (OWNTHI . 1 .-AV. PA TO JACOB N ROSE 1\ HAL , K- A BE'.B SECSE. CALHER 11 I !;IR, WM NEESE (OF MILLBT IR. , I N<• KINAAUAL NEEE, I ALI-IANDTR HARRIET N< • TE. JIESB NT MILL* , JUHIP NFF", SR., GR IT !\ • (PROVE, KEBSPCCA M--V<R, HENRY MS.E, WILLARD NECSE, L.NUR N R J J HARUAUGH, GUNR LIA ' '. 1 W NEESE AND ELMER N. JSAMAEL NEASE, WILHAN N-- U F PER • HALL' JAMES NEE-., ■ T T 'JAMES D GEN'.-EL, T' IT J. N'E E, ALEXANDER \V NECIE . - RE S • E. |SILAS SAUTB, WIN K-.-A , M .R --TIOOIL, LEAH \N H -.■ ' 1 ' V> REBECCA REUEY, JO I I -■'.: • S A LY, DA* UL A LY, A. A I. I. RU 11 NEARLU.. I, J (- M.-.RY LTEAVER, SAM U-! 11<-. ( N 31 ><-- ANDREW MOYT-R NW L 1 V (JEARV, LI E HELLS AND LEGAL R-|.R ■- TIAN NEESE DECEASED I TAKE NOTICE THAT BY \ . ■ U V. :OF PARTIUON ITSUA EUL -A '. ( ■ R.R. • T ..RT ; OL CENTRE I J INQUEST WILL TE .E.U AT T RE*N: -.C OF CHRISTIAN NEE*#. D< N-1... R '.BET WN 'SHI|> OF L'ENN. AND • IUB'.V ■■' <*- - TR, <--R I WEDNESDAY, THE 12. -L-.Y - MARIH, A. D. 1879. AT TEN O'L •> U A I . D DAI FOR THE PURPOSE OF M-IKII * I IRTTNOFTB# REAL ERTA'.E OF SA.D I!.-I. *.: R. I. G BR BEIRS AND LEGAL I ,-> ■ V.S, IF TI C ISIM-CII L.S 4 -I ".H PR •. .LLI-T • OR SPOILING OF IKE WHO E, O". W -- T ' VALUE AND APPRA SI THE SAN.I C TO LAW. AT WHICH TIN EHI I | -,N RTY BE J - ENT IF VOU TR INK PRUT SHERIFF* OFFIEE, ) JOHN I . NGLKR. BELLEFI-A'.E PA. SI R.FF. FEBRUARY 7, '79 ' 1 IN THE ORPHAN'S COURT OF CENTRE I ('UN 1Y LA TBA MATTER OF TL P- OF SAN.;;#' J. HERRING, EL A!, F ■ T AND LEGAL REPRESAOTATII > ' P. : • 1 -.T, DEE D, T-I *HCW CANSW * * % T R TNACE OF CONTRACT TBOL . I ; U R, I SLE UIIUCRS'GR.I-D, ATE- A : IR.T --RD TO TAKE TWST.U.O: > FL IE ['( <-R> AN-1 AIL OTHER T'KTIM-: .: ! . . .R I G \C> BOTIEE TBAI BE WIN IN ET T.E . (ER- E*TOD. AT BIS .-FFICE, IN BEL • NTA, PN . .'!• TUESDAY, THE L S '.B DAY M RX: ICS O'CLOCK, A. M, I AT", I . T- TI • C '. OF Bl* APPOINTMENT I $ A. MORRISON, • FEB 3T CON, TR.INONCR. BELLEFOHTE MUSIC STORE )J O T' '' X'. ■ " ,L t ■ Pianos! (bancs': ORGANS! Yi. rhiiuvs! F ALSO I. SMALL INSTRUMENTS. VIOLINS.SI. 'A< OKDKONS,?. H 9 SLOP ORGTTIPT. - FULL NET OL ,R HTMMLS. LRST'C 81'ITO, 44ULY 855. ILL SFOP :T FULL SE! OF ,F ITTM'ILW. PRICE 8.110, '• T'PLI V -7. IV THIS ORGAN LAS TI C 'G* ! ORGAN KNO R T 1 BWCLL, ) P 7 ODIUC LLOSFIMIOD PITIUOK, OULYMLLTO. SCCONTLLIMIIH OR N<*R>R F25. N NOCOUD-HAIITL I*IUUOH FR 50. IE CHICKKRING IIANOS. >R! BTEINWAY PIANOS, GJ AKION PIANOS. W ATE IIS PIANOS. 14* F, O |. ESTY OLIGANS * ' WATERS ORGANS. WOODS ORGANS. MASON A HAMLIN DUCLKT ORGANS. IE U NEW DOMESTIC'S IN - MNCLIII.O N $"0.00, N T- NOW WHITE SCV.III:; MTTCHINC. C ; - '- NOW ST. JOHN S- - 1N.7 M..HI ;E $25,00 F" NFXV IMPROVCVI SIN SER SEWIN MXIIINI $22.50. C- NOW IMPROVED HOW SEWII :C CHINE, 822.01). ■ SECOND HAND SOWING MACHINE FOR SO * R NO EMPLOYED, THE BUYERS B GET THE AGENTS PROLIT. COME AND SOT FOR YOURSELF. W O ARE THE ONLY PARTY WHO BUY OUI OWN MACHINES AND ORGANS FOR CASH "" WC AM PREPARED TO GIVE CU TONIER BE ALL THE ADVANTAGE. ,RS BUNNELL A AIKEN,S. p BitlCE FOR SALL. .it. .'.aw brick . -.fi iian.l f.-rialeal Ztrbt'lOmM Hall bruk jipfds. Th - brick an ■ n 1 > i wLB lit .t will p..- pen.. • at a L-'.v - tor. mi 1 .re for l! <m. IR.TI-R, (IIIGTU CONTINUV IN THE MANUFAC TURE ■ * HRII THEY WILL 1 I PT EOI T* , -TLJ ' - - ' THERE ITU ' PURR HA*.-RS., i' H _ ' E. ZEKPE. QKNTRKIIAL . 'Fiirniluie Looms! EMMA KHI HBIXB, ri etfully inform* ibecil ■m uf Cc.trr fji-oui.ty, that he l.iu bought out the ole . Gland "!. O Deininger, ar ! has redi.cec [the price He ha- const nt!jr on hand ■ j and >uake* to or '.'(R . OLD - i HAD . J BURKAIf, M-'KS, ti WASH ST A!-* CORNER CU P BOA RI S, TABLLS, See.. M.C. ' H.frtcck of rendy i• ade F'urßltur.- i> I largennd ivaitawlad of p.-. -J wurkman • J : '-P. •'"! LI ALL MADE UNDER Bl* IMMEDIATE 1 j PER*. ar.d ie c, ER 1 ' RATE- chcxpe ■ Call and ec Lis r. k t e {.urchaGnt . • i HENRY BOOZER, 4 I N a CC ft: lIAI.L, SADDLE HARMXA, LND.'EI, COTTAR J, W7..P* •IPlynts and keep* i band OUM Net-, i<: Price* low h> *- y where elte Ail kiads of repmricg doe*. The beat' ■ 'te*-j- alwayt kei'li • hand. All * rk wat rant'i. A-bare of the i u -LIE tiatror ag i ikiad 11 apr. Hy E L'.-'.tm L-iL.ii. •: t e Hate! JA .RC'IB KVERT, LATE OF PENN TEWARBIP. D< M* ;;ED, HAVING BEEN GR:ITI . I- uj.ua*. GU ED. A 1 PERTOFI IL-.- BLED T TAIU IR'.ATEARE r ,a::wd t i u<. : .1 . its |a>u,eM • 11-d lb -* t xvitig < -:nii.fc iftg. suxl tUe talu to PRE E*V THEM, duly r.u"! ERITICAU-D I - law for Mtt'ement. SAM ' t\ j; • • ... N;\V !• >. , >l. t au ti-'i.-o*ae. 4 at®' iU e.Ui! I 4 ra i :t: 1 { *!< a ! UibtrsO.fU Is .ALU, ii .Wi __ _ _ ' ■ i ivn. I'. C. t Spring Mills O. K !j SKWIIOOM! KKL. GOOL •! ! at I. J. Grent i Se' Store! j SELECTION J UNSURPASSED! Prices Rower than El er. And cow extend* a cw.-tiial inx.Ution U i ; .. ca ral- I LY. Al*Q a Complete Assort meet ol Ready Made Clothing for turn and joys. Suits as low af to be Lad in the icily. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full lines cf I MERINO UNDERWEARS, FOI Ladies, Gents, DO . Mi---es aci Children. HUSIERR, GLOVES, 11 TOI- AND SHIES, HATS,'CAPS. CARPETS AND OIL CLgTHS, i Ar.i the moil con.p' a ortme&t of N OTIONS ' I V- -• ■ -. - • : r:< , thi ' VRILLCOMPOL VOU IN EI-'F DI R.CC TOB. V OL! .A- -r . il;. .; 19OT J A full lino ef ii. ;i : f ; Mat liner i Nt- I # •. . iuc- i , • ... A *j • U) IR. CPA L BY THE CAR UMD Jas. Harris uS* Co HO. S,BROCILOFF BOW. IEOOAIL&I PA 01LL . ? I JAS. 11 All Ills A CO. Bellefbate. BARGAINS. Uargains! bargains! In MEN'S and ROYS, ROOTS and SHOES! r also a LARGE VARIETY of CHILDREN'S SHOES, a' LOUIS DOLL'S Chcc S^re. opposite the 15t; !i h. use, Beilefonte. , • r.• :M f innerly ... : ied by John j Powers. " apr2sy Lewi b';- .{'entroie iueeCit kRR WEST We 11D, R - O I 3 3V3 _ A.t: I-.M P.M. Montnndon.... 7GI 1.65 t .'A' l LOWIABURG 7.15 220 0.35 Coburn .25 Arr at Spring alill- .... V ' EASTWARD. 6 1 (i -e I.KAVK \.M A.M. P.II Spring Mills 10.10 Unburn 10 85 ir Lowisburg„ c.35 12 45 5.45 j. Arr. Nt Montundon 050 LOu 0.00 rs ,N'c-s 1 anil 2 oniiect at Montand in with l'.rio Mail, wiet on the Philadelphia und Erie 11. 11. Nos. 3 and t wll'.i I). Ex; : ..ul and Niagara Exprt .-s wit." I Nos. -iaudO with Fa Line we.-' CANDY MANUFACTORY & BAKERY. MR. ALBERT KAUTH, I. AT THE J. >P STREET BAKERY, ' IS. ROW N IKING THE VERY BEAT 1 HKAI), CAKES AND PJM, IN UOLLEFINTE. ( U* AND CONFECTIOO*. • UL. LURE* ALL KIND* OF CAA AN I-URCHACE EF HIM AS W N A THE CITY. CANDIES OF AL! KINDSAL* *Y- I AND TOGETHER WITH ORAAEAT, LEA.- -IN. FIG* D*T.-, NUTA, SYRUPS, JSL IES AND < V-RYTHING GOOD. • CENTRE COUNTY OYSTER DEPOT AN EXCELLENT OYSTER AALOOA ALSO IT* TA : 1 • T!;T BAKERY. CALL AND TOO ALBERT KAUTH. NEVL • i I*.! rr *T • -RK lot u* THAE *X *AF T < .1 RWIATIW* *• WTU AU** ' <•-> •! LULU >•*• UF TA* LIEWHT* *-' - LI,I AADGIRT. E-ANUML **E^- '■. A— I. TA* IMB* OAA*W I DIA R,.LI LY. XUI. SI A*,, F NEW GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY, AT CENTRE HALL. • ET.MI HA* OPENED A NEW GRO " A I : •■-CTIONER*. AND WILL ALWAYA -•-PA F GOOD*, AT LOWEATPOMIBLO RIC( > ! KINDL* ATK A *BARE OF Tl# PUB •IC PAT- ..-. •**. 111 ETWK ROAIIAI OF COFFEES, BUGI.IL . TEAS, BYRTPB, J APS, SALT. \LL K NU "F T'LIOUV. I OB A COOKS AND SEGAES, • • * ■ OF VBE *EA*ON GENERALLY IN MOCK. 1 WKKT POTATOES F CON F KCTION E P.I E8 "I> • C AN TRY PRTTDUCE TAKEN IN *X- I - I I FOR CASH UND PRODUCE. C. DINGES. V\'. A. CURRY, BTL'L &>!(• ( EM BT IIALL,PA. \ ... \ IHURN. THEEIT E T • . ITALY, THAT BE HAT * GIRTED A - * - ISL.-VSHON, AND WOULD BA JIHATIK! . R A HARE OF THE PUBLIC PATRON I : . ; SHO'-F MADE TO ORDER AND .. . A?>D WARRANT* Bl* WORK . SI MIT MADE EUEWHERA. ALL KINDS •D AND CHARGE 4 REASONABLE . V I FABLT IF New Pianos $125 ■:.# -. INCLUDING GRAND, AND* UPRIGHT ALL ATRICTBR ID AL THE H-WEAT NET CAAB ■ URV PRICES, DIRECT TO THE PUR • P;ANO MADE ONE OF THE CN AT THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, IU.U*IY RECOMMENDED FAR . 2 I<4o IN UAA R „ T PORAU-D MARIUFACTURINGCE, IR 36 YOARA. '1 BE (• - . • CONTAIN MATBUHEK'S NEW P.: X OVERSTRUNG SCALE, THE , R VOMENT IN THE HISTORY OF Fl* THE UPRIGHT* ARE THE CNASD TI -, R. I. I'TAR.O* *ENT OB TRIAL. DOA'9 :TIL T V, FOR IL!UTRALED AND DEACRTP* LI. T- < -I- OF 48 PAGE*—MAILED FREE. MENDKLBSOHK PIANO CO., 21 HAT 15LB MRECT. N Y. _ GUI ELIUS, DENTIST. MLLLHELM. OFH ASIASKLAARRIOOUTM ITMIT. WLte I# RMSLLC; <RTUOU IN TB DSUJ PRT* LO ' ' ; PTHPATTD tO HSTRHCL IMTH • KJT-71- TIBRATOH*X^ K ' 4 V U*.JUREKSL THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GESUINC •• VIBRATOR" THREAHERT, VRRRS<RECN MOUNTED HORSE AWL NUUA TKMWR EMGGAEA, SUA* ONLY TE NICHOLS, SHEFARD A CO., R VTTLE ( REEK, MICUm ' I J ' N, THR2SRAS%L AJRS| " RW . * HEYUSM ALL UTRALRY LOR BASA4 L%> ! M (V* AC, AAD HV NARLAC URATE, FROAS W—LAFA. NIL \!\ KNLARR* WILL >•( <M| TM DC H - V ■ ~*l* DIIRWS A LEV LAWRTEC VERL IF . ,( (TE )■"< >. OKI •• TFTNMB TUC TNTIKX TKMTLM KIE.EE— -.4 N : . A . R-EEW ••WAMT T INTRA U64 HAVU> T Y DFRISIAA LAA|*RO*AC ES IISM NO KPTOI.IBC HBAN* IBSI4J> (BE N* 1 A I • ' F TTTM RRXANA s■*( ■(*. PVUR*. BI I TL—^ , IALLN- M-UT S AHHWHM ; • A.KARR4 U WL KLSWBAAM (BACOTEID ■ .A V V IKY, lES*| AC HAORL, UAA AL T LA—4. NOV ENT- VE*TLV 8"*RR1I- FER WKRI, DM TE . A>4 U' TITAIAA L*l LBS EAIR •- ( LA RAT.TREIBVLLILS4, (VEAR.AAI !IKES-KK W<K "SM ' S'IATIIAWAU" AR M RMMH| ** I TE C-LAAIW RRSME. A* RAL A TE NAT'4A AS \KTKI.ORS FOR (MIAELLRLIY EF PART*. * * D •> ' ' AO--FCA.U KI*A —RIAL MALTA AAD USATA • W L.TT( ."TU#AA TEAAUARU F-IAEE EF SEEERATER* MABE. MAR- F X T. TOR, LAV 11.OAR K**A, AJFEL KVEAKJHMOL I* 1 -*lA* I*-RAS IVWX.T TAAAAUAI QTP VM I'UWCR TBREEBEE* A NEEELALTY. AT K (INTNM PTEAAI THRMBEV TE- I V > - >*-•-* IAN'-'VEAWKI AAD Itm KTETTLW J I.E. I*, LEAR UJUAD AAI X TLAAR MATS OR KINS IS TTINRONEH XVEI KMANAKLE, KL-CAAS ( | • •' -*'NI|IAII . *• - .A*, - \ .S*ATA% ITTFEATOAR OAMUARA FNCIIATPAIWTTE. FOR RNNLRNLURM. RAIL EN EAR DEALER* R ' ' * T -■ RT ~-T LAATJ "IGQ. 11ATURS* ORCHESTRION CHIMES ORGAN ■ <TKR AM (VRAUTIFAL X . IN AT-RLE and PERFEET I . <R. TUNE EVER AINDA. IMS R IT H, UFFI,*R*I*4 ' VSTIL IIC" L OURERIO ATEP, WHB Rl' IN - CHIIO *AE LAILIATTEA I vflhc LLUATAA VEIEE, H AMI LW * **4 • HALF .;■(4CLU, EA of BELLE LA ►V, \ IFIL I' LL LI SI ■■< I'A PERFECT BAR- ATEAIWITHITAREES*, RTJ' s'. I & tKrir ,'FLEET U U.AE 'J'-'ILILF TFLS MRL'ML A- ELEETRLFYLAA. 1 -'-YLEJ IVATKHI'L UHL ' 7l\ UNA, OKC'HKSTTIU M..1 OM KHTO.VESPEU.< FNTENMAI. ( LLL.HMS CHAPEL, ANIL COTTATJE OIU (L.TNS IN 1 NLQAE EREACB ( AAT*A ARE IA E N REIPECT FIWT CLASS. WATERS'PIANOS PINIL I'PRTAM* AUK'I'IIK LLEST.NAUKILB TONE, TOUCB, \VORUI.IIIN-HLP,A DURABLLUY I'NAARPAAAED. WARRAATRD (OR SIX YEARS. I'UK ES EXTREMELY LOW /OR CMK. NIONLTILY LII-IULLMRNLE REEETVED. A LIBERAL DI-.-OIIN! F< Trarhtri, H lN utert,Cl>urcka.Sek l^ I E ALEHTSWAXTED. SPECIAL LADAEA* MI-NL-.TO THE TRADE.ILLUNTRATRD ( ATALOAEE 'TIIILI-IL.SCCOAD-BAAD 1 BARYALNS. IIORARE WATERS JK SUMS, I ;I!LUIUI'ACT IIRERA AND DEALERA, I -IO EAST 14TH STREET, EXlO| I I ST;L .2RE, NCIY YVRFT, RVXJ W.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers